Stranded - Session 6 image

Stranded - Session 6

S2 E9 ยท IDM Roleplay
9 Plays9 days ago

We return with session 6 of Stranded!

Hello everybody I am Your dungeon master today and welcome to our session six. Yeah session six of stranded um I introduced myself first so ah Instead yes
Hello everybody. Hold on. Stop. Okay. I'm going to restart. hello thank you for the top Hello everybody. And welcome to another session of integrated dice management presents stranded. This is session six and I am your dungeon master, Ron Bjork. And with me tonight is Frank. was it ready Hi, I'm Frank. I'll be playing Nigel.
Thorn, no, Light Castle, your mild-mannered explorer by day and P.A.P. member who can speak to people with their minds now at night, while also doing that during the day. Yes. We also have Bill. What's up, everybody? I'm Bill. You know him. You love him. I'm going to be playing as Lucky Carlo tonight. Woo!
And last is Hayden. Hey, I'm going to be playing um almost said Eden. No, I'm going to be playing Riker. Yeah.
yeah And we do not have Jaden here tonight. ah So just to remind everybody what happened last episode, it was a lot of talking, and this episode probably is gonna be a similar, a lot of talking for a bit, but um it was a lot of talking, which ah Nigel learned that the the reason that Francis wanted him to kill or release this thrice cream prisoner they had was because the humans,
that were here before them have a secret cache of weapons and technology somewhere, and Francis, as a member of the PAP, would rather not that not get out. um Nigel revealed a lot of ah tactical information about the camp, but also told a couple of lies. um I did? Yeah, sort of poorly. Bill wanted you to tell better lies.
um But you very poorly told the lies that they'll want to tell basically that you could like explode any aerial attack that came along or something. um ah vaguely remember that All in all, it ended up with um with Lucky choosing a random location, one mile of camp, and you guys told the Thriker Cream to meet three days from now, a mile out of camp at a random location that he pointed to on the map um for for diplomatic talking.
um and And then ah Mathis found out that you let the Thrykryn go and he arrested you and Francis. So that's not exactly where we're opening. ah Instead,
If this were a movie, the screen would be black and you'd see a man floating in a black void. Riker, that man is you. All around you is nothing. The last thing you remember is the escape pod, the crash, terrible pain, and now nothing. Is this what death is? You asked the void, beginning to fear. Are you to be stuck here forever in this nothing? No light, no sound, not even the twinkle of Wait, a purple star? Distant, pulsing, drawing closer. Memories flicker through your mind. A familiarity. A star of purple fire, like nothing you have beheld. And yet, have you? I am Kaifan. I am a guiding star. Yes, you remember this. This already happened. Are you dreaming?
Your ship has lost its way in the endless abyss. You, Riker, like the one before, have ambition, drive, and desire. Riker, at this point, could you give me just a straight wisdom check? Roll wisdom, not a save. A seven. Okay, um I'll keep going.
I fear it would be a shame to let you pass without giving you the chance at upholding the pack borne by your blood. The chance at helping your now lost and helpless people. Roll again.
yeah damn my god
uh i have the power to help to guide i can give you this knowledge power and the second chance to achieve this but your first life must be spent in dedication to me what do you say will you uphold the pack made by your kin roll again thank god okay finally something dawns on you this this is different than what you remember it's so that's not exactly what what was said to you packed bait made by my kid what's he talking about
the darkness and the purple fades and your eyes open was it a dream or a memory how can you be sure But we also won't be finding that out tonight as this buy the camera spins in circles and then refocuses on the makeshift prison that Nigel and Francis are in.
So for those following along at home, and that one person that's very good at animating that's doing this for us because you're awesome. Yes. Like 20 years from now. Make sure it's got that... Yeah, make sure it's got that fucking... You know the Scooby-Doo? No, the Batman... Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. Yes, yes. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo. Yes, yes. Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo Then the- scene changes. The two prisoners, Nigel and Francis, sit, stand, lay, whatever floats their fancy in their prison sail. Francis is sitting cross-legged on the ground watching Nigel. Outside is a guard, a man named Jack Coing. Um, I can just show you his... Do I have a picture of him? Yeah, he looks like this dude.
ah that was That guy looks like the guy from the 100. jack cohen who is part of ah part of security aboard the ship francis shifts and and motions for nigel to pay attention and he starts speaking to you in druidic do you do pay attention or anything Who's talking to me? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, cool. I'm on the same page now.
nigel I am aware that you are likely feeling malcontented with me. It is my fault that you are trapped in this ramshackle prison, but I implore you to listen to me once more. What happened to your voice? This has always been my voice. Are you sure? I think it was different earlier. No, it was this way. It was this way. Yeah. okay It was this way.
You do not need to worry about what happened with the trial. Or what will happen with the trial. You might say that fall asleep yeah you will be safe and your station and camp will not be lowered. The fuck was that? way to That's how the guy I'm modeling off this talks. Who are you modeling off of this? The guy in the penis picture.
his picture. Wow. I can't remember his name at the moment. If any of y'all have seen the Mandalorian, he's the guy that's like, show me the baby. Yes. I always forget that's who that is. i Werner Herzog. Okay.
uh you do not need to worry about what will happen with the trial you will be safe and your station and camp will not be lowered whatever you whatever you have planned do not try to escape it will only turn them against you i swear by the earth we lost i will do everything in my power to ensure you come out of this unscathed And then he motions you closer. um do you Do you come any closer? I mean, you're already very close, but he motions you closer. Yes. accomplished You accomplished what I asked of you. Therefore, I must honor my promise to you. I vowed that I would tell you everything, but there is no time instead. And he holds his hand out to you and curls his fingers and thumb, except for the pinky finger.
Pull my finger if you would.
Come on Nigel, you can't pass the finger. Do you do it? Pick a wisdom saving throw. I had an ugh tool that taught me this joke.
Very well. And Francis takes his hand back and then grabs his pinky finger and pops it off, revealing that it was in fact, revealing that it was in fact a plastinetic implant.
that lying bastard. and I am aware that this makes me makes a hypocrite of me, but I lost my finger before we came to this world, and it has its uses. He reaches into the pinky. bug Never go gambling down his regime.
He reaches into the pinky and withdraws what you recognize to be a small thumb drive, perhaps for a Pip-Boy, or in this case, Pinky Drive, and offers it to you. This belonged to a Dr. Deuce Tanner, one of the humans who were here before us. It is how I know there is a cache of weapons and technology that could send us back into the dark ages of the 20th century.
21st century, whatever, the 23rd century. Now, the PAP refer to the though the where what Earth is right now. Well, what Earth is when you're left as the Dark Ages. Some people would refer to that as progress, but um you know, high technology, but also the world is ruined.
um ah I know there is a cache of weapons and technology that could send us back into the Dark Ages if we allow it to be found, but there is much, much more information on there. I have neither the time nor the ability to extract the information, but perhaps you or one of your comrades can. I wish there was time to tell you more. I wish I could teach you everything I know, but there is no time. Francis stands up. Guard!
Take me to Mathis. I am ready to speak now." The guard outside ah ah kind of kind of jerks. Perhaps he'd been dozing off and then he turns. oh Really? he He asks and Francis nods. Well, all right then. The guard takes Francis away and assuming Nigel remains in captivity. Nigel, okay, he takes Francis away. What do you do now? You've got this thumb drive. and Did he leave the door open?
He did not leave the door. Open the guard. The guard closed the door. Is it locked? Well, I mean, yeah, it's locked. But Francis did request you not to run away, but you are, of course, welcome to run away if that's what you want to do. We will just take these two off the map for now because they're, well, they're not off the map. They're going over to see Mathis.
And just another random guard kind of takes this place. You're not like left alone. Oh, OK. I thought I was just going to wander off, and I was about myself. Yeah, we'll take these two. Is it possible that like one of us is staying around? I guess Mathis is over here. I mean, y'all can be wherever you want.
um i mean i guess i'll just sit there for the time being's told it so i it's warning you know hey ah riicker just woke up from his dream lucky i don't know what you're up to um but here. and Let me just, I don't have a, we'll just copy this dude. And do we, do we wear pit boys in this or are they? There are a handful of pit boys left in the camp. This is not going to be the same guy. Um, he'll be Jimmy John's Jimmy. And I rolled to see if I have a functioning pit boy. Uh, yes. Well, no, no. Um, your group,
Mathis ah has the Pip Boy in your your like party that you went out with. ah ah okay But it's kind of a communal Pip Boy. like okay You technically are on the count council, so you could you could get one of the Pip. Let's see here. There are at least one, but slash roll d4 plus one. There are three pit boys, scott you know, just kind of distributed in camp. um One of them, Mathis has, one of them, um the, what's her name, Ramona, the engineering council member has, and one of them is just kind of kept on the ship, um the ah in the and the storage thing on the ship. Occasionally, engineer type people go in there and try to like, get the ship running and they use the pit boy to help with that.
Pip-Boy. Pip-Boy having nothing to do with a similarly named Pip-Boy from a popular game series. yeah and Paul, jump on. Yes.
um Stand. Stand in. stand in
sorry Um, I would actually be walking over towards, uh, workers towards who, uh, towards Riker's tent or Hayden's. Yeah. And just remember, you know, you guys saw the arrest, you know, everything that went down. So like, none of this is a surprise to you. Um, it's the next morning. The, the trial is supposed to happen shortly, like about mid morning. So, um,
If any of you would have been in sight to see the soldier bringing Francis over to, you know, where Mathis hangs out, which is over at the Armory, you can, you know, I guess, roll for that perception to have noticed to have been paying attention. Well, were any of you specifically paying attention to him? I mean, considering I just woke up and I'm dealing with a mental flashback, probably not. Yeah. yeah Hayden, if you want, i can I'll give you access to that intro just so you can um easily see the differences. Yeah. Is it the differences between my personal back story and the one that you just went out? OK. Yes. ah You now have access to it. It should be down in a folder called GM Notes in session six. I don't know. I think you can see the folders. Yeah. OK. It's very easy to tell the differences. I highlighted that highlighted them in yellow.
Very minor differences. um Okay, so what's going on? I'd be walking over to Riker. Okay. and to discuss I want to discuss something with him before the talk started. Yeah.
You would probably hear some like, like it's like ruffling and whatnot. Um, and then I imagine I open up the, uh, the tent door or, you know, the, the flap and I'm like kind of sweating. I go, Hey, what's up? And like, I actually speak instead of like speaking in your mind. And I saw, I signed while I'm saying this, uh, usually you don't talk to me, uh, usually you don't talk to me like that.
You OK? And I go, and you like see in my eyes and I start speaking to you in your head and go. Wild dream. But that yeah, all night. um Let's go inside. I got to discuss something with you. OK. I think Lucky turned Australian quiet. I don't have any accent. I'm just talking like myself.
it So.
This trial starts to go south today. I'm going to I'm going to confess that I'm actually the one that got the bug loose. Oh, I mean.
why you weren't happy. I mean, I'm not here, but you weren't happy with what he was doing. I wasn't what I wasn't happy about was that was the information he was sharing, which which I was hearing his side of the conversation. I wasn't actually been able to hear the bug.
But i didn't want him to get in trouble and after i heard him say that we've been that ah you he was told to that he was told to release him ah you know camp leader like yeah ah like it but i went with it but i am still technically the one that did it and i didn't want him to get and ah wanted I wanted that leader of the P.A.P. to be the one to get in trouble because he risked all his work. Ignore the large man that just appeared. I'm just creating a token. It's so big and angry. I don't know. I just typed tough guy. He's a very angry man. There. That's the other guard. at I'm also going to go ahead and and if they try anything.
and minute some menu tab maybe it'll and um reconsider and hasty I think the best plan of action, I'm like saying this like rubbing my eyes and say, yeah i I feel like it's going to go poorly. Councils always go poorly, but we just need to focus on
the the trichrine and not necessarily what has happened but what is going to happen we can't fix what's happened um no punishment's gonna fix anything you know if if we wanna banish people sure whatever I mean but really when it gets down to it we need to prepare for what's going to happen instead of
beautifully trying to rectify what is already happening. We're not going to fix anything.
Just didn't want I just didn't want Nigel trouble. Yeah, he pissed. Yeah, pisses me off best. It's got to keep this camp going and next thing then this place. I don't I don't know if he's going to want to get involved do to defend. I say yeah want get ah want to go and back to the plastic factory. And I want to start mass mass producing some stuff we can possibly use. And I say I i completely agree with you. I remember talking to you late last but one late one of the nights um and the notes that I shared with you earlier about.
Yeah, we definitely need to move to the plastic factory. um That's something I'm going to push forward, but. We should probably go talk to. To. a What's his bucket? Nigel, that guy. Bear boy.
There was pretty badass, though. Yeah, let's go. ah Let's go talk to him and see what's going on. So as you guys. um like, go over there, you see a couple of um couple of people, you know, as PAP members just kind of lingering in the area, there's Eden, Blackthorn and, um and Ching, Ching, Ching Zelon. They're, you know,
One of their own is in in prison, well, two. So they're they they're just kind of hanging around. But currently guarding Nigel is ah Jimmy Johnson, one of the military crew. um and And you also will see that, of course, Nigel is now alone.
When walking through the group of the PAP members, um can I, I want to roll a perception to see if like there's any hostile intent or if there's like, role you know, like I shifting at one another insight. It would be insight. Okay. Actually, I want to do the same because I, while I trust Nigel, I absolutely do not trust the members of the PAP. Yeah. I don't trust Nigel. What?
Just kidding. they on a roll bill way i hear yet so You know, Bill, all you see is a couple of members of of Nigel's group, you know, maybe they're here for Nigel, maybe they're here because their leaders was imprisoned, although he seems to be gone now. um yeah You know, I guess it makes sense because there's no way I'd hear anything. What can we make the distinction that I am part of the group, not it's their my group.
I just want to make sure that distinction's in there. You're part of the PAP, yes. Yes, but I'm not like a, you know, head leader material. I'm like crazy. That's what I said. One of their own is in prison and also their leader. Catch, catch, catch. Now, Riker does pick up that it's nothing hostile, more like nervous, impatient,
even a little excitement, um like like they're they're deaf they're antsy. That'd be a good word for it. that And they're waiting.
You know, waiting for something. um You guys, are I want to I want to try to like bring Eden in just because, you know, she's a character. Yeah. But yeah.
all the All the NPCs, actually with the exception of Jack and Jimmy, are actually have character sheets in our level up-able and stuff if we ever have anyone join us. you know They can make their own, of course, or they can take over any of these NPCs that are at least equal level to you.
Most people are not higher level than you guys. Well, level two, there's some level twos and threes and camp, but most, you know, most NPCs won't get higher level than you guys once you level up a couple of times. I'm just putting you over here.
ah Jimmy, you know, just kind of nods to you. he He doesn't move from the door, but he doesn't stop you from from ah talking like talking to the guy. um I guess.
is So going back to the whole Eden thing, is she like trustworthy? Someone like... view that So you guys have probably, she's been out on um excursions with you before. she's She's known for being good, really good at hunting and stuff like that. um I mean, she's a member of the PAP. She isn't known for having been one of the the crazies who blew stuff up and stuff.
um Ching, on the other hand, ah was one of those. um he's He's an early member of the PAP. So he's been around. ah Due to the ah rules of Francis, he there haven't been any PAP incidents. So has he calmed down or is he just following orders? It's hard to say.
So I'm looking through my browsing history on Amazon and I have no idea why why that came up. up Sorry. if um So I'll go ahead and keep a mental note to keep an eye on Shang. And I i tell, God, why am I forgetting all your names?
Lucky and Nigel. Yeah, I tell i tell Lucky that as well. um does Does Chang look any more or less antsy or anything else than the common perception of the others? ah they They look about the same. Like they know something and they're they're they're antsy about it. I mean, I guess if with that, if they seems like they know something and they're like shift trading eyes with each other, that type of thing. Um, I guess I would try to like talk to Eden, be like, Hey, yeah like how, I understand this price stressful situation for all of you. Like, well, how are you guys feeling?
i where where you know We're a little confused. We don't know exactly what's why what's going on, but she she ah glances over at the guard um and says, there's there's going to be some excitement later, but not the kind you think. and I'm going to incite that.
OK, why would you be telling a non PAP person? She didn't tell him anything. Um, you don't i don't know. Yeah, you don't understand. You don't get it. It's only because they have a good relationship with with you. Or she does anyway. You know y'all have worked together before.
Say alright, well hopefully it doesn't get too exciting. Usually when that happens things go wrong. She just nods.
and go all right and so i continue my way over to um nigel nigel jesus uh yeah so the guard he nods at you says um uh lucky mr craft because everybody knows everybody here there's 31 of you you know He does have a weird tendency of referring to as Mr. Craft because you are the last remaining member of the family and ah for the head of the family. And maybe maybe he secretly wanted to be a member of the family or something. That's that's kind of what you suspect. But he'd he'd never really quite quiet you know cut it.
poor guy he's more he's more like a lackey something that all of you would know um i think i only discussed it with hayden but um the family back on earth ah is not necessarily genetic. um It is more of an organization. And because of what came up in um our original, you know, creating this world, they all have black blood. um That is a process that you must undergo to join the family. um People outside the family don't know why they have black blood, but they do. um And they know that you get black blood when you join the family.
and fire you were the mom also like a mob don or something also um people who are children of members of the family necessarily included they're not necessarily included they don't they're not born with black blood but most of them you know get it because of nepotism yeah yeah
Um, so anyway, that just a little lore. So, you know, maybe, maybe Jimmy, uh, wanted what was, was vying for that back on earth and then never got in. And I guess I go in to like, shake his hand and go, how many times trying to tell you, just call me Riker. Oh yeah. Of course. Riker. that Yes. What would you, where you wanted to talk to the prisoner? Yeah.
Um, today's the big day. So and he takes a few steps aside, you know, he's still within like ready range, you know, in case because Nigel the threat that the you know, the scary man that he is try something but uh, yeah Lucky turns to turns to him and he's like Dude, we've got we'll do we'll keep an eye on him. Can you give us a little privacy? I mean mathis would be pissed if I just wandered off let that's at this time like
It's kind of what, look Mathis is my boss. I can light Mathis on fire. Give us a minute. We'll keep an eye on him. If he tries anything we'll stop him. We're not letting him out. We just need to talk and this is a private matter.
You know, right like he says, you know, I kind of got to take a piss and, you know, wanders off to like he's still within sight and definitely does not go pee, but wanders out of your range.
I turned to leave the to lucky and I say, hey, Lucky, keep an eye on that. ah I think I already told you that about the train guy. had I hadn't heard about anything yet.
Okay. yeah um And I say, Hey, lucky. Keep an eye on that chain guy here. If I remember correctly, he was up to some nefarious stuff in the old, old order of the PAP. And apparently there's excitement going to be happening. kind ah When I talked to um Eden, she just said that there has been some excitement was going to happen. I have no idea what she meant.
Give me a second. I'm going to have a new thought that can help us keep an eye on that. And I'm just going to have a few a few extra but extra buttons. By the way, you don't need to roll like and a perception on this. You can clearly see it. ah My watch has barely grown.
and is now overtaking, now it's like half the size of my half the size of my form. It's not a pit bull, but it does have some extra, some extra stuff. And I just press a couple, and I just press a couple of buttons, and I'm like, all right, no worries. I'll keep not believing in him and anyone else. Oh, by the way, um Frank, you of course know the two PAP people, um and ah you know that, um that ah Ching ah is the only other member of the PAP besides yourself and Francis to learn druidic magic. Me, Francis, and who? And and this guy, Ching. Gotcha. Now, you also know Ching's been a member longer, but you're stronger. like his You excelled further in druidic magic than he has.
yeah I mean, granted, you're only level two, which means he's level one, but yeah. um Okay, so you guys approach Nigel. Yeah. And so I guess I go up to Nigel and I say, where'd the other one go?
um ah Nigel is probably sitting in the lowest position, kind of ignoring everything around him. um And when Lucky walked up, he kind of opened one eye and he goes, ah Something about. He's going to protect me and I should not escape. Because he's going to take care of it. um And he's going to talk to Mathis, so yeah. Oh, what what have you done with the thumb drive? um It's in one of my mini mini mini pockets. OK, no chance of them seeing it then.
I mean, if they like search me and take like, no, I just mean from a casual glance, they're not going to notice you having it, and yeah yeah including your friends. Or Pinky. And I go, uh, do you know what he's going to talk to him about how he's going to defend you? I've been. Working on that myself about how to help you not. I mean, he said he just told me not to try to escape.
Um, and you know, I'm just kind of chilling. He did give me a thing and I can't remember exactly what he told me, but I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to fall into roll the hands. Roll <unk> always wisdom. Roll wisdom. Hold on.
I can't even get back to um wisdom. Wisdom. and Not wisdom saved, but like wisdom. Just wisdom to see how good you're. Okay, you remember exactly what he said, which is this. I dropped it in the chat. You can tell them however you want to tell them.
then send back on sorry There's much more information on there. Yeah.
and teach thing ah ah um yeah So, uh, fucking Francis Francis. That was the same. Yeah. Yeah. um So Francis, before he left, he pulled off his finger, um which was kind of weird. And he had a thing. Yeah, it he just kind of pulled it off. And then he had me this thing. So you you are aware of plastinetics, which are, um you know, instead of cybernetics. I mean, but I guess I would be. so but Yeah, it's an m it's an implant, you know, a prosthesis prosthetic finger.
I assumed you remember that part from earlier, but I am i am intentionally being vague because I think it's funny to try to describe it this way. so ah um But yeah, so he pulled off his finger and then he gave me this thing that was inside of his finger. um And then he said that there was this doctor something um with the humans that were here previously. um It's got some wiggly wobbly stuff on there that can possibly destroy the world and um other fun stuff on it, so. I don't know why he gave it to me. How did he get that?
um Do I know that? He didn't say. the man that that Oh, and by the way, um this is like just my mind to your mind. like i Once again, I don't speak out loud. And I'm i'm speaking like out loud. yeah Actually, hold on hold on on on. What is it? A D20 base roll no modifier?
Oh, wait, let me see. it's It was a skill check of some sort. Let me read my text. And i so I still don't have any kind anything for that. So I don't hear. So unless y'all are like projecting it to me as well, kind of only hearing. I think, wait, I'm.
Are you also casual? I want to get to the point where I can broadcast other people's thoughts. Like if they transmit into my mind, I can transmit it to other people's minds as well. OK. So i roll if i roll if I roll below a D10, it's automatically going to sound like I'm a person, i'm I'm Bill, but with worse internet. yeah yeah You remember when you first started using the power, how you were studying stuttering and stuff? Yeah. Yeah.
So it's a wisdom. Just straight wisdom? Currently just straight wisdom. Okay. Well, good job. That's that's a 20. All right, so with a 20, yeah, you can you can speak, um you can project just fine. Yeah, so no so no stuttering, but you still don't have the ability to um Direct to one person in particular. With only having had this power a day, you don't you don't have the ability to try for that yet. So everybody in a X amount of radius from me, can you still hear me? Yes, it within 10 feet. Okay, so I'm both saying with my mouth and speaking out loud all of this. Yeah. it To me, that sounds like a concussive thing. I'm like, whoa, pick one or the other.
I feel like it's more like an echo chamber. Yeah, that's that's what it's like. It's yeah like a concussive echo chamber.
One of them slightly delayed and off to the left. It's like when you, like those old school audio amps, when you put them to concert and they're... I don't quite understand, Stan, Stan, Stan. I'm like... it theop Pick one.
I'm I'm trying to learn and I'm still doing exactly the same way I was before. Just think.
Think that you're talking to me. Say what you're thinking. Say it it's it in your mind. OK, no. Just scream in your mind, just scream.
Oh god, what the fuck is that? Okay, so before y'all start talking, for both of you, I added under the um in the section where your like tool proficiencies are, I added telepathy, so you can roll for that. Frank, I put a minus two to your telepathy because you're not currently proficient with it.
Um, but you have crazy high wisdom. Um, but, uh, you're not currently proficient. So I just, it doesn't let me put not proficient. So I just put minus two to cancel out your proficiency for now. Gotcha. Okay. So like that. Yeah. So let's have done a wisdom check. Just do that from now on. You can, I mean, the wisdom also works for, for Hayden though, it'll add his wisdom and his proficiency bonus. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Which my wisdom is not great.
Yeah, but your proficiency will slowly go up. So yeah. Yeah. Nigel's going to tell that's right. Lucky's going to tell Nigel. Listen. Things go south. I'm going to let that
You hear what sounds like an old school dial up internet connection. sir And all of a sudden, all of a sudden, Lucky is panicking.
Y'all wouldn't even know what that that's like an ancient sound too. Yeah, that that would be something like we wouldn't even be able to really like comprehend. It would be all fucked up. they're like It's all like maxed out, like blowing up my speak, my dentist. Like you've maybe maybe heard that um that noise in like old, you know, old 2D movies. Mm hmm.
Of course, movies are in 4D nowadays. but and Of course. it was fourth dimensional view you can watch You can watch movies that haven't come out yet. yeah Smell-o-vision. Smell-o-vision is definitely a thing in the future. dude It's so stupid, but it's a thing. I want that. You want that? OK. There are some bad smells that smells out there. You're Jesus, we are in stereo.
somebody is echoing although who it's frank we your mic is doing weird stuff frank now he's playing the so he's playing the internet di sound Okay, Frank, you rolled really well on your um your wisdom check, though, so you can talk just fine. I know, but it's more fun this way. Yeah. I don't know what you're talking about. He just rolled a seven for telepathy. Well, we're going with this first wisdom for for now.
Yeah, and so I go, all right, just say it out loud. We'll work on this later. um I got to turn my noise cancellation back on. Otherwise, weird things are going to start happening.
Test one to sound sound good. Cool. All right. I forgot what we're talking about. We're talking about the pinky drive with. Oh, yes. Yes, the pinky drive. Yeah. So I'm not supposed to give this anybody, especially not the.
techno leaders of the compound, um which I guess would include you two. So here, take this and try to get as much information off of it as possible, I guess. hey I, and I look straight at lucky and I'm like, you know that pit boy on the ship? Yeah. Go see what you can do. And I give it to him. i Go ahead and take it and I kind of just
that one guy doing, you said his name was Chang? Hey, real quick. I'm assuming Mathis will come back before y'all are gone. So I'm gonna say I ate it. So y'all need to leave so that he doesn't suspect. um I don't know if he's gonna want it back or not. I don't know why he gave it to me to begin with. But just in case, y'all wouldn't like to walk away. Can I give him back? can i get ah Can I just take the thumb drive and give him back the key?
I didn't get the pinky, I just got the drive. Francis put his pinky back on. Yeah, we just we just have the pinky. I thought he gave you the whole pinky. No, I just got the pinky drive. So that's what I gave you. All right. oh Because I know to a certain extent, the information on here could be useful to help us in the future. um Just make sure this doesn't destroy the world, the process, please.
No worries. No problem. We will try not i'm going to destroy. the If I'm going to destroy the world, I'm going to do it on this. I would rather you not because I am a druid and I live here. I live here. What's Avalon doing? Stuff. Yeah, then in that case, can I hear what he's breaking? Actually, nobody can even see Avalon with that Nat 20, so we'll just make him invisible.
yeah Okay. All right. Um, so I look over at lucky. Yeah. You said that the guy, his name was chain. You said his name was chain. Yeah. Give me also checks. Are y'all still standing right next to the cage? Yes. That's where their tokens are 23 to walk away.
i I am trying to get lucky to scoot over to the... I'm walking over with Ryker. No, before I leave, I was just wanting to make sure that that create that crazy killer is still here. Ryker, you see Mathis, Francis, and the other guard um coming back.
and I make eye contact with right with the other guard. um And I like gesture for him to come over.
Oh, OK, he comes back. And I say, hey, can you keep an eye on Chen, too, while you're just standing here, please? ah Yeah, sure. Awesome. Also, don't tell don't tell the others that they're not coming. so And I like reach my hand through the bars, and I like put my finger on your lips and go, it's OK. We'll talk later. And I like slowly drift my finger down your face.
You're going to want to take your finger off my face because if I have to do it, I'm not going to be friendly about it. I have a spell to make him follow my thing. No, I don't want to do that. Never mind. Just go. Go. So I go and wander. But yeah, I tell a lot of you. I love how you got a higher perception role than I did with a minus one. I haven't. Yeah.
OK. So after you guys walk up, Mathis, um escorting the S with the guard who is um holding Francis' arm in a non-friendly manner, um ah re-returns. you know ah Jimmy kind of gets out of the way. Mathis walks up to the door, opens the door, steps aside.
you're free to go. Me? Yeah, you're free to go. Cool. um Peace, and I walk away. yeah i You're welcome to walk yourself away.
oh ah with Also, Frank, cra make a perception check before you walk away.
Hold on, I got to pull it back up. My Roll20 died and it closed up my character sheet.
Perception. That's the wrong page. Perception. Perception. Actually, I hear, I think... 19. 19. Okay, so as they were walking up, with that 19,
You heard ah Francis very quietly as he was passing Eden say, it's time in Druidic. um Actually, he wasn't super quiet about it. That's how you were able to hear it you know from that distance away. But of course, it's in Druidic, which only three, well, I guess i guess I'll say the anyone in the PAP speaks it but um ah because it's a language they can teach it to other people. um Maybe he said it to Ching.
I don't know if druidic is a magical language. um He says it's time and they kind of move over to where I just put their tokens. um Okay, you go out and um Eden is like motioning you to come over. Come over to her. I don't know which one's eating.
Just the that one, yeah. Oh, like five feet away? Yeah. And um as you're doing that, the guard shoves Francis back into the cell. Francis promptly sits down how he was. um And Eden says, come on, ah follow us back to the HUD. We need to talk. And then they are the PAP HUD.
uh top left corner kit and just come back you're so fast yeah on them little eggs um okay now before we get to you uh lucky and riker what do y'all do as this is happening as you guys i'm already starting to heading back to the ship uh back to the ship i want to back to my app thats for my works in my work. You're going to the ship to look for the Pip boy. Yeah, said that there was a spare one on there.
Yeah, so you enter the ship. um You know where the Pip-Boy is. It's usually plugged into the ship computer. People have been trying to get the computer to communicate with the ship above or you know do something useful, and it's just not. The the damage is just so extensive. um The Pip-Boy is normally there. It is currently not there and on the just on the console where it's normally sitting there plugged in.
Well, is ah is the ship's AI on the here? They have not been able to get ah any sort of AI to work. the the The dropship has basic functions when you power it. um But you know it's currently, nobody's really gotten a solar panel working yet. So um power like they don't turn the ship on all the time.
wouldn't have enough power for a like a little 10 minute thing. Just a- Yeah, you could turn it on. Okay. I'm going to go ahead and turn on the console, off go through a couple of keystrokes, and I'm going to try to bring up you the AI. Yeah, you're trying to bring up the AI. I'm basically trying to bring up a schematic of the AI brain, more or less. Yeah, that's not onboard the ship for sure. Hey, do I go?
Do I get like five minutes I can go run and grab smoke real quick? Yeah, yeah, we can do the billing and Hayden stuff. I got to use the reference too, so I'll leave actually. So Lucky, you know that there's um the ship has like some basic functions on it like it. It was more or less cloud connected to the ah to the main ship, and the cloud is down. um So you can't really pull up stuff like that. You can pull up basic. um ah
Like if you had a brand new, you know, install of a computer with its ah brand new, you know, it's ah what do you call it? It's basic programs that it has on it and no internet.
So you can't download any ah you know updates from ah you know above or anything or anything like that. you've just got like You've got word processors, you've got ship. um ah It can give you a readout on the ship, some you know the drop ship's condition, things like that, calculator, notepad. right Yeah. Jesse asks if she can stab me in the back.
Justine wants to stab you in the back. That's what she just asked. Is she listening? She said, Oh God, I was joking. Nevermind. Okay. Oh, I was texting her. I was like, we're playing and you just invited me into the PAP hut. And then I explained, I explained what the PAP hut was anyways. She was like, ask you if she can stab you in the back. Well, so that's not what she was planning on doing. So, okay. I'll be back.
um Okay, then in that case, is there anywhere, if i since I can't access it, is there anywhere on here where I can hook up the thumb that the sorry the pinky drive that was given to me? ah Yeah, the same port that the um the Pit Boy was plugged into. Okay, then in that case, I am going to real quick. I will let you know that other engineers frequently come in and out of this ship.
Uh, do I see Riker coming up? And also in the basement, you know, that was dug out. That's where all your food are stored in a plastic cellar. Y'all dug underneath the ship back in the, uh, you know, the first year. Yeah. Uh, do I see Riker coming up? Is Riker coming to the ship? I mean, I probably would have walked you up to the front entrance. Yeah. Uh, like the walk, the ramp up. Yeah.
I'm going to get a break. I'm going to motion up close and just kind of really as quietly as I can kind of figure out what quality it is. I'm going to be like, keep an eye out and try to give me a look. I'm going to try to see. Pit Boys. go Where's where's the Pit Boy? It's not here anymore. I hate it when people move it.
yeah sometimes good Yeah, like it's not entirely, you know, it's not unheard of that someone would take, you know, you'd be using the Pip boy somewhere else. Yeah. And I go, Hey.
if If anyone comes up, we're not doing anything nefarious. we're you You found an old piece of junk and you're trying to do something with it. That's what you do anyways. I'm going to go try to go get another pay boy. I'm going to. Information on here, we don't need anyone to see. Just give me a few. Just give me a few minutes. See if you can just learn the brightness all the way down. I want to work on something they know I have a ah should be just when lucky is working on it should yeah
first here yeah i'll let him know i'll go try to find the pit buller pit boy or go get another pit boy all right so bill you plug it in yeah i go ahead and plug it in All right, so you plug it in and there are um two at least visible files um when the little like thumb drive window pops up. ah One of them is a Word doc, like a ah ah Word document, you know, basically um named ah the journal of Dr. Deuce Tanner. um Give me, I don't know, a history check, I guess, to see if you recognize that name.
History history. Oh, no, I'm not with advantage with advantage. Oh, nice.
sure those are good enough Okay, so Dr. Deuce Tanner you are aware of him he is uh, honestly, he's a genius the guy's a genius in science and um He he is was pivotal in designing a lot of the functions of the ship itself um He you've probably met him a few times like that. He's also there been some weird rumors about strange um ah Bio and manipulated, you know, weird stuff that he's made that, you know, maybe the, um what what is the, ah the medicine um approval board thing in America, the FDA wouldn't approve of, you know, things like that. But also the guy's not just a genius with science, he's a genius with like,
but like Not just a buyer genius with biology, but a genius with mechanical stuff. like he's He's just great. you know There are other people who are better um at the mechanical side of things. You probably consider yourself better. um But you know game recognizes game. um Yeah, absolutely. You are aware of this guide. One of the files is labeled ah Actually, I'll say it's the only file is labeled that but go ahead and roll um under your tools, you have computers. shoot I am that guy.
ah There you are. OK, because you ah are you know so easily versed in computers, you're like, oh, this can't be it. You know you like look at the amount of memory that's on the drive. And it's ah these, you know obviously, are in like whatever is above. like what's What's the biggest thing we've got now? It's the next you know couple sizes up from that. um Yeah.
but ah This thing is packed, um but only one file is visible. There's hidden files. You do some tricks. You up you pop up a hidden folder. um Unnamed folder. I got the statue. That's good. The shit that he has under his mattress, y'all. So you've got the journal of Dr. Deuce Tanner and a hidden and a folder that you can click on.
I go ahead and click on the folder. OK, as soon as you click on the folder, ah the screen goes you know like that the the console goes like Matrix, you know like where it shows all the numbers and then and then shuts down. What the hell?
ah Like it just powers down entirely? it Like the computer crashes.
Like, what do you call it? Blue screens? Except, yeah. Yeah. and ah I'm going to run through it. I'm going to run through it. It boots back up just fine. Is there... Okay.
okay um but You sound terrible. That's fine. We're doing lucky stuff right now anyway, so. Yeah, I'm getting. Is there...
OK. Is there what? Is there like any information on the screen that I can see there?
ah this Everything looks as it did before. I mean, the file, the folder is hidden again, but you can easily unhide it. you know um i yeah i do with I go ahead and try to do that again. I bring up i ah unhide the folder.
And i'm i just I'm just testing it to see if I can get it to if i can get it and up again. ah When you click on the folder again, the same thing happens. It crashes the computer. Hmm. Give me um another computer's roll. Jeez, we're really pushing
OK, you got it, Lucky. good so twenty three What you know is that this is going to take time. ah You'd be better off probably. um That's my bad. That's fine. you You'd be better off with the pit boy with a Pip-Boy actually to make this work. um the ah The ship's computer is so damaged that it's hard. But basically, you assume that this folder is encrypted in some way and um has some sort of like you know protection thing on it whenever you try to open the folder. It attacks the computer that's opening it. And the um whatever program is being run, this the ship's damaged computer can't can't handle it.
but the Pit Boys are all fully functional. That's why usually when they're trying to work on the computer, they plug in the Pit Boy as like a ah memory booster slash, um you know, just more functional device to to supplement what they're doing.
Ryker, are you still outside the ship? No, I wandered over to Mathis. Oh, okay. um What you doing with Mathis? like I walk up to him and I get like a playful, irritated um like face.
I go, I hate it when people move the Pit Boy. I swear if someone moved it to go watch porn again, I'm going to cut their nuts off. Mathis looks at the Pit Boy he's wearing. He's like, what are you talking about? the Oh, the Pit Boy on the ship. Sorry.
Oh, um'm I'm sure just one of them engineering types is using it for some project. Probably. um i don't I don't really keep track of that. The only reason I've got this one is because it's we're we're using it to map out the surrounding area. Yeah, and speaking about that and going on what's here, there's things I want to talk about because of things that have happened.
um If you're worried about your friend, he's in the clear. There's still going to be a trial, but not for him. That's good news. um But it. So apparently in this whole. Fuck up thing that happened. The three cream know a lot about our our base or like our our home right now. Like a lot like what do you mean a lot? Apparently. People.
From what I understand, it's, you know, just they may or may not know that we're pretty much defenseless here and the Thriekreen don't have the best of relationships with the other groups of humans. We're supposed to have talks with them or something, aren't we? Yeah, but do you really trust these oversized cockroaches?
I mean, you know, I don't, but I can already tell you now, everyone else on the council, he here almost forgets that you're also on the council. and like Everyone else on the council is leaning towards going to these talks. Obviously I don't want to leave camp undefended, but I hate to agree with them, but I think we don't have a choice if there's a chance. i Peace.
I do, I do want to try to work toward. If you do me a favor, just don't go back to Lucky for a few minutes. I'm just banging on my doors. All right, just give me a minute. Okay.
um And I go, I do want to work. Well, if it's possible for peace, that's the best option. um But with these communications, I think it would be best if we could bring the mushroom people as well. um Not necessarily and like i I look at them and I.
And I'm like speaking out loud, and then I just kind of like cut off, and I start like speaking to him in his head. I go mostly as like a safety net, because a thry cream show up to murder us like they have been doing with the other humans. If they drag in innocent people into this, that's on them.
um So he, of course, you know initially like jumps when you start talking in his mind, but it's happened before. He's used to it enough. He just isn't a fan of it, but he he nods and says, that sounds like a plan. If if anything else if if all else fails, we can use them as as ah as shields, maybe.
i think I think you said ah when you talk to them that they at least have some sort of relation with this these dry cream things. Yeah. And the other advantage of this is it would be a good way for us to like communicate with the other humans and find out exactly where they are and what's going on. Yeah, it'd be pretty useful for us to figure out where the hell they are. We're kind of sitting ducks here.
And going off of that, I think it would be best if we honestly ditched this camp. I know leaving the dropship is like almost heresy to even recommend. But honestly, why haven't we gone to the plastic factory? That place is a lot better. And the Thriekreen have been spying on us for quite some time. Like, it's pretty hard not to imagine. He looks thoughtful. Glances around at camp.
and says, you know, i that's not a bad idea. um I should also point out it's it's dark. It's still dark. It isn't twilight. It's probably like 10 a.m. No, it's it's dark. It's night. oh i thought ah the nights and getting the nights ah Since winter started, the nights have been getting longer and longer.
Oh, it's that's right. It goes to tonight but it never goes fully today. It's just why during daytime. OK, sorry. I had a flip to my mind. But i yeah, like right now, it's 10 a.m. um Right now, daylight doesn't happen. It's about its day from like 11 to maybe two now, like, well, day is in twilight. It's so what you guys have I mean, there's torches and stuff everywhere. But yeah, I just felt like pointing that out because I always forget that it's it's nighttime most of the time right now.
Luckily, I have Devil's Sight. yeah um um He's like, that's that's definitely something we're thinking about. The plastics factory. It doesn't have ah this these walls we've built, but we can make it saw it's big enough to house all of us, that's for sure.
Yeah, we can make more walls. And I know these oversized cockroaches can turn invisible or damn near close to it. I saw that shit. Well, infrared cameras like I've been this has been stressing me out, Mathis. You and me both. Why do you think I'm so jumpy about all these aliens?
Yeah, so I'm going to try to during this council. I'm going to try to push to move because we can't really fix the fuck up, but we can fix more fuck ups. Well, trust the tricrene anyways, they don't trust me. Well, we ah we'll we'll definitely bring it up and I'm I'm all for moving out of this this.
I mean, I guess the Plastics Factory is still in this forest, but yeah, it's a better, it's a more defensible position, that's for sure. Although these fuckers won't deal with any emotions over to Francis, or these fuckers won't like it. And and I go, didn't the PAP seem a little antsy? And now they're all hiding in their hut? He lets out a sigh and says, well,
You see, and now we switch over to Nigel. Frank, are you here? My dramatic switch. Ah, dramatic switch. Frank is muted. I thought he was back. Yeah, I thought he got on his phone. I am. OK. Welcome back.
Um, we switch over to you and back for a little while. Yeah Uh, so you're in the the hut with um eden and ching and ching looks Both excited and a little bit irritated eden just looks excited. Um And well, they both look nervous as well, but they said so so frances kia He sent us one of his little squirrel messengers, squizzard messengers, and said, well, basically said you were your name was going to be cleared and he's stepping down. And guess what? You're you're in charge now. Oh, shit. He told all of us. you He said you're the best one to to lead us. you You know the most about the magic.
you know je you You get along with everyone better than and the rest of us and Ching's like, ah just I just don't understand. I've been with the group and she's like, Ching, you're an asshole. Nobody wants to follow you.
Nigel here, no he... Oh, shit. Shit's about to go down. Nigel here, he's... I think you're a great guy, Ching, honestly. and But I understand. Nigel here, he's he's almost as powerful as Francis, and and he you know he's not crazy like like like you old timers, and you know she's she's referring to anyone from the early PAP, even though it was only a year ago.
which honestly is a long time ago. On this planet, yeah. People die in a year. Yeah. A lot of shit happened. A lot of people die in a year. But he says no matter which way the trial goes, he stepped down. You're in charge of the PAP now, and that also means you're a council member. Oh, crap. Oh.
It's time to pay attention now. Well, I mean, if you don't want it, I guess, Ching. No, no, it's fine. I'll take it. It's fine. That's such a classic thing to do if you don't want it. Senator Nigel Whitecastle. I guess I'll have to oh god to take this. I guess I'll have to take on this burden. And then we switch back to Mathis and Riker.
He just told you that Francis has stepped down and Nigel is now a council member and leader of the PAP. Wait, he told me that? I know that. Yes. Yes. You now know that. Okay. That's, that's the deal we made. Oh, what the shit. And I look over, I look over at a that guy. Lucky's coming back. Um, and I go,
You left the ship lucky. Yeah, I went ahead took my took drive. OK, got to try to go and see if maybe he. Yeah, so you look as Riker has a has a dumbfounded look on his face.
And I hear him walking up and I look at you and like. Well. How do you found that that ship?
No, no, there's no, ah no luck with the ship's computer. I need a, I need a pit boy to look up the information. Oh, and I go, oh, Mathis. Yeah. Before we get onto that piece of shit over there. I got, I hate the PAP. And I go, can we borrow the pit boy? And i and I'm going to like, i i mean I need to go find the other pit boy.
He fucking hate it when people move it. He says, well, I mean, this this one, I'm. I guess I don't need it right now. Just make sure you get it back before before the next mission. And I look at it over, look at Lucky and I'm like, promise. I'll bring it right back. I mean, yeah. OK, I go. Lucky is trying to fix something. I don't know. He's always up to something.
And I go, do you know where all the, maybe where all the engineer people are? You know where the engineer people usually hang out at? I mean, they just, they hang out. I don't, obviously don't have a bunch of tints on here, but people just hang out. Um, but he does point, um, over and says, well, Ramona's right over there. She's like working on the outside of the ship.
She, Bill, you luckily left before that happened because she was I was slowly walking her out. I saw and I was like, Oh, but are you serious? Yeah, I didn't even notice that you left in the k nick of time. And that was that was good. Oh, my God, that was pure luck. Well, lucky. Yeah. Oh, I'm so happy I named you that. Yeah. Yeah. So I I speak in your mind and I say, I don't recommend you going back to the ship.
just yeah download it on the pit boyy now i can tell you um bill that ramona is um you know she she's pretty good at this kind of stuff as well just like you um and you probably would find Your impression of her is she would be very excited to um you know like dig into this this thumb drive. But ah you know that depends on if you want to bring someone else into the knowledge of, hey, there's a cache of weapons.
um You know, and she also does know, uh, worked directly with, um, Dr. Tanner a couple of times, just like you did. So, um,
I mean, the entire engineering crew worked with him occasionally. Yeah, but she's like that. She's like her head. So I imagine she, she spent more time with him. Yeah. Now, to be fair, she wasn't the head before the crash lightning. She was voted in. um Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah she had to have been voted in under some merits. That probably means that she was probably pretty close. Yeah. I had plenty of time to interact. I'm going to be like, I might have a play. ah that Which is what I say to Riker. ah Yeah. Start walking over to her. And Ramona has her own Pip-Boy.
Well, I just got one anyway. So so yeah. ah But now you can work on it together. Can pit boys like sync up? That'd be dope. Yeah, they've got a limited range. But yeah, within the camp, you can definite definitely text each other. um There's no satellite. So it's all just ah like walkie talkie range. um But ah no cell towers, you know, um Nigel, you doing anything now that you're the boss?
ah They do tell you that Francis is still going on trial. That's still happening at you know First Twilight. ah and um and And so like there's still a trial. You'll be expected to ah join you know the council for this trial.
um I was unexpected of becoming the next PAP leader and so I would probably be attempting to collect information on what exactly my duties might be.
ah Generally you just kind of guide the um you You're both I mean yeah Honestly has become more of a spiritual thing like because of the discovery of magic, um but you know you are ah Able to teach people druidic magic magic if they choose to learn it you are able to ah In general the PAP is they're not like Francis was never king, you know, it's not like do this and they must
he was um He was a a leader um who kind of guided the, ah what do you call it? the
guided the PAP in the directions that it was going like. um But each member of the PAP is also their own person. That's why even though you're a PAP person, you never really got involved in some of the crazy stuff. Eden um never did, but Ching did and you know different things like that. like it It was never like a truly hierarchical thing.
um They just have kind of a ah designated leader figurehead type person. Like they all respect the leader because at least they respected Francis. The previous leader was more of a leader because of his radical ideas, whereas Francis was more of a teacher leader.
okay So like what you technically don't have duties as a PAP person. Now as a council member, your duties are basically to see to whenever they have a council meeting, you get to cast your vote on things. ah I would probably call for a meeting of the PAP. Right now, Eden and Ching are the only two member other members, Will and Francis, currently in camp because because much like yourself, the PAP is often out in the wilderness. I call this meeting to order, I guess.
Eden and Ching kind of chuckle and they're like, uh, all hail the new leader. She says, okay.
But she's got like a grin on her face. Like I'm, I make a sardonic overly, uh, not enunciated. What's the word for physically? what you mean Yeah. Yeah. Over the top. Yeah. So, uh, completely over the top, like,
grandiose bow and say, thank you, thank you. um So ah first order of business, I guess. ah What's up, guys? How's it going?
it Ching is just like, you know, kind of he's He's annoyed that he didn't get to be the leader, but at the same time, he respected Francis. um He's like, well, i um I mean, you probably won't like this, but ah I i ah sabotaged the plastics factor. Again, or you're the one that did it the first two times? No, no, no, no, again.
Oh, okay. That's fine. Yeah. Because we all know as PAP members that we dislike the plastics for some reason. Sounds like a lot of sarcasm.
and And, you know, they they both are like, yes, we dislike the plastics. You know, Ching, Ching is all all into it. And honestly, because you you know these two um somewhat, ah you know that you think Ching is just more into the idea of being an eco-terrist than actually caring about being an eco-terrist. And Eden is just, she's just a wilderness girl, you know?
She created a backstory, but um you know her her at least ah what little she did, you know she just like she she likes the wiles. She uses a pistol, so she's not entirely against technology. but i mean Nor am I. I have a battle rifle in my backpack. yeah yeah I would love to know what he means when he said he sabotaged the plastic factory again.
I ask him what he means by sabotaging the plastic factories again. This is not metagaming at all. Oh, yeah. I mean, I just ah that the the manufacturing, um ah ah that the the gears are going to have to be replaced again, you know? Just slow down the the what that that the the gears of progress, as they like to call it.
And wasn't it said that we shouldn't do that again? i mean that was a thing He said we shouldn't kill people anymore. but which Which I mean, we're dead. We are at this point trying to survive as a species and there's only like 31 of us. um So if we if we could just not do that, that'd be great. Like I realize you're really into this. We can find some other thing to destroy or sabotage. Like the trees.
I mean, I guess. Yeah. I appreciate that. I'll keep it under my hat because, you know, if they found out, they might actually try to put you on trial as well. And we don't want that. Oh, nobody. But yeah, we're putting you on trial, buddy. I make I make a mental note to tell Mathis as like my first order of business. Yeah.
Making the PAP into a religion, but not anything else. Okay. ah Well, that's good to hear. um We have that on file now. What else? What else is going on?
um ah Do y'all want to learn some some druidic stuff? I can try to teach you. Well, Ching is already a druid and Eden isn't interested in the magic-y bits. She likes going out and hunting and stuff. um she Oh, Eden, there is this delicious fucking swordfish dolphin thing. um You have to try it. If you ever make your way back out in... Oh, I thought you were going to pull a moldy piece out of your pocket.
it wouldn it wouldn't be It wouldn't be moldy at this point, but it would be getting close to ripe. It's definitely spoiled, though. I also found some delicious stuff. It's these like weird deer antelope thing. Well, no, they're kind of lizardy, but they I don't know. They have hooves and horns. um and Oh, here. and she ah You know, just like among her furs, she's got like one of the horns um that she like hands over to you. I'm going to show you the picture, but you you guys haven't actually seen this yet, but just so you can see the horn. um This is something that you missed on your journey because you chose not to go a certain direction.
Oh, another. Another prey animal. I want it. I want it. yeah It's my no. Yeah, it's another. It's another plant eating animal that could be a food source and or mount what in the. Yeah. Is that I feel like the mouth that I think is going to. Yeah. Well, you'll have to cut the. Then just main your or or or better yet, we could just create a cradle that you hang below it.
there oh you want to be that thing nutsacck i see what you mean she like they're About the size of like I read about these these big deer they were called like like me or something. Oh the Mises, yeah They were extinct they've been extinct for a couple hundred years but but I I remember about hearing about them and wishing I could hunt one back on earth They were they're pretty common in Canada yeah know can in Canada. Yeah, that's the one. Yeah, old old Canada.
Unlike new Canada. Well, we all know Canada is just part of China now. Well, actually, we don't know that. What's can't what's Canada? You mean Canada? Do you mean chinana China? China-da? China-da? Yeah. China-da. Yeah, China-da. Yeah.
Anyway, yeah. This is great. We're making a backstory. Well, as we go, this is awesome. I love it. Cool. I will. China and we all but then we also have Kanye West. Kanye West from thousands of years ago, but Canada and Nice. Fuck that. I think you mean Canada and the. Yeah.
We still remember Kanye West, the greatest of the 60th president of the United States. Kanye West had to have frozen his head in a bid for life after death. He was like the 60th president of the United States and then he froze his head after. Of course, yeah. For a while he probably lived in those jars from Futurama.
Oh, God, he really did Walt Disney. Oh, my God. All right. um So I will take that to the leaders to let them know we have a possible mount and or food source out there other than the pig things. What did we name those? I know we had a name for them. Right now we didn't. I don't think we named them. Yeah, we're just. speduling them Unnamed boar like creatures. Yes.
um They look like a cross between elephants. Well, you brought some of them back. so and I would say it's like a cross between a rhino and an anteater, honestly. In fact, there's a couple of those boar babies running around, you know, a male and a female running around camp. Have any of you all played High On Life? No. No. That its head looks like one of the guns from High On Life. They're sentient guns.
It looks like a... what the shotgun should have looked like.
ah sounds Anyways, yeah look it up. It's pretty decent. um I believe it's on console as well as PC. I actually have it on Steam, I believe, Ron. So if you don't look at it, you can. All right. um So we're going to go to Lucky and Ramona next if you're done, Frank. And then we're going to go to the trial.
Yeah, um and I would probably just try to intercommunicate information about everything up to this point. So um the thry cream interaction, the what we call the mold people. ah People of the spore.
Yeah, so people as the interaction between the people is for the thrite crane um And the adventure is up to this point. Do you tell them about the um, the the Reason that frances had you released the guy scanner? Um Probably not. Okay Um, oh also the the giant dog things uh unknown bear creatures Um So we'll hop over to lucky and ramona um she is working um you know She seems to have acquired some some metal, ah and she has ah some sort of conducive metal. You recognize it as not the wires from in the ship, but she has like stripped them down. like made ah She's basically forged wires, and she's trying to wire them into the ship to repair a section of it.
All right, I walk up like, Hey, Ramona. She, she's fiddling and, and doesn't notice you at first. And then, and then she's like, wait, wait, what? Oh, Hey, Lucky. What's up? Oh, not much. Haven't blown anything up in a while. Oh, it, it'll happen. Don't worry. Oh yeah. I'm sure. Hey, let me ask you something. So.
you You used to, you worked pretty closely with, oh shit, what was his name? Dr. Tanner, I think was his name? ah Yeah, I was an understudy and ah um on his um crew back in the back in the early days when we are were just just building the, um um ah which one were y'all on the polo? Whatever the ship is called.
Yeah, we were on the polo. um That's cool. That's cool. um Hey, let me ask you something. What was your opinion? Hold on. I'm responding to something.
OK. What was your opinion on what? On Dr. Tanner. i Doc, he he was a genius. i mean the guy The guy was smart. He knew his stuff. ah he He worked in a lot of a lot of different fields. Biochemistry, gamma radiation, mathematics. Yeah.
Yeah, um he he used to him and um Antonio stock. ah they They used to work on robotics as well, but but Antonio stayed back on Earth. Yeah. ah So let me let me ask you another question. What do you think of the of some of the members of the local PAP? She she snorts snorts at that I mean.
i get I get where they're coming from. I guess you know they don't want us to like you know do destroy this world, like you know use up all its natural resources, tear down its it's forests and all of that. like I get it, but at the same time, i mean we got it we got to survive, right? you know we got ah like Would you rather live in this weird dark forest or live in a house with an air conditioning and television?
like It's, you know. Yeah, you hung up oh you don't got to convince me at all. um
But at the same time, there the the whole reason you know we keep them around nowadays is because they can they can heal our sick and heal our wounded. And I swear I saw i saw Francis summon berries out of thin air.
Like, and was, you know. seen like I've seen a couple of them do that too. Yeah, I mean, there's weird stuff going on on this planet and and they've they've tapped into it, whatever it is. So so they've got, you know, just just like a good wrench and she holds up her wrench that, you know, they've got they they're a tool to be used. Hate to sound so callous about it, but I mean, you know, is what it is.
And have you heard? I've been hearing this. Like, you know how the ah the other drop ship. That's what that got here, you know, before. Yeah, you heard that they're that that we've been looking for a while for that drop ship and. Some of the tech that they had, what was your. You think we'll get any lucky that but no pun intended. Um.
Honestly, that dropship... That dropship, I wish i wish we would... ah i wish we could you know I wish we had the resources to send an expedition out to the mountains, um but but we just don't. um Who knows what they've got on that ship? I mean, our ship, all we had was people, um but who knows what they brought with them? you know we're We were one of the last ships to leave, so we didn't have time to scavenge for anything. say I don't know what
when they left if they were one of the first ships or if they were you know towards the end like us but uh they might have brought all sorts of stuff with them yeah it's just i get worried sometimes not just the more kind of less level-headed pap members pro and i get worried that uh might try to use some of that tech and ah to how it works back on the pap Not just them. We've got other people. we got well the yeah
i don't think don' worry about people in engineering There's plenty of people in engineering. Look, if the if they've got if the if the other humans have got have got tech that could help us survive, then we should use it. I'm not saying we should burn the forest. Well, maybe this forest.
fuck those trees. But yeah you know I'm not saying we should burn the forest and do what we did with Earth and and and ruin the planet. you know this this is Even if they've got some tech, you know we've got this ship, their ship, and who knows if any other ships made it down, but it's going to take a long time for us to get anywhere. and I mean, we've got the know-how, but you know the next generation, they're not going to have they're going to have the stories from us old timers. They're not going to have computers to work with. you know she She holds up the Pip Boy and like points of years like, these are only going to last for so long. you know We need mines.
we need to you know we've We've got the plastics factory, but but that you know plastic yeah is only one component. You know, she motions to the ship and motions like I found, you know, I i took one of our our metal knives and and I'm trying to rewire this thing I it's it's it's weirdly was not made out of steel, but a conductive material, you know, whatever. um it You know, I, you know, kind of forged this down and just melted this down and and tried to make some wires. They're not going to work well, but, you know, maybe I can get, get things functioning a little better. Like, but this is all we have until we, until we build a society again, you know, and, and when, by the time that happens, you and I are going to be dead, long dead.
assuming the human race survives that long. I'm working on some new things. just I mean and she motions to you know some of your your gear you've got on you and it's like you know all of your stuff is great and all but it's not like you've got the resources to to mass produce any of that you know the the the rest of the the, you know, we, we just don't have anything we've got, we could scavenge this ship and break it down. And, you know, that'll build us a couple of that could build us a couple of fun gadgets, but but then guess what? That's all the materials gone. Yeah, I mean, you're you're right. and Listen, there, I might have something so if could before the trial, ah in like,
Our she glances at her pit boy and she's like well the trials in 15 minutes All right here in 10 minutes If you could just come over to my my tent might for you, but not I'll I'll apologize for wasting your time She is willing to go to your tent for 10 minutes In a scene or about to watch Oh, no, no, I said in into in I was saying in 10 minutes just so we could have five five minutes. Oh, OK. All alls you need is two and then the rest are spent crying. Yeah, you're 100 percent correct. Hey, and we realize that's what your experience is up to this point, but that's not how that's supposed to go. Yeah. So realizing we're at crunch time, I'm running over back over to my tent. Yeah. wait So I can try to just lean any information I can. OK.
um bringing It's okay, Hayden, I'll give you a second a chance. um Give me a computer's role. Or are you trying to go with the um the encrypted folder or the journal?
um i'm going to First thing I'm going to do is I'm actually going to scan the journal and then I'm going to go over the computer. so The journal is years long.
um fuck me uh like several years of daily entries sometimes multiple a day some of it is talking about um that there's so just out of scanning through it i you've give me an investigation rule and depending on if i decide to bring her in on this i may spend like all the rest of the day after the trial and
wait you some investigation Yeah.
So You just don't have time. like The way he writes, is what he's one of those long-winded writers. um and But you can tell this is both a personal journal, but also a technical journal of just like stuff he's been working on. um With an investigation of AIDS, you don't have time to really dig into it and find out anything useful. In that case, I'm going to go ahead and try to load the history file.
Load the what? Oh, yeah. Yeah, the encrypted ones. You said computers? Yes. Give me computers and perception. Oh, my God. Computers. 25 for computers.
Okay. man And that's a standard role for me. All right. So you you get into the file now. There are multiple layers of encryption. um Every document within this file has a different layer, its own encryption type of thing you'd have to get through. But just looking at the... um And this has taken you a while you know to get to get into this. But just looking at the...
like the the names of the files and stuff. You see um you can tell, you glean that a lot of them are probably ah schematics. um ah ah All of his research, all of his um various projects that he's been working on, ah both dated ah before leaving Earth and um From what you can tell, now you don't know the current date, but from what you can tell, dated approximately 700 years after you should have landed on the, I forget the name of the original plan that you are supposed to be landing on, but you know the the place you originally thought you were gonna be going to. ah So dated approximately 700 years and then probably another
10 years after that. um Now, you don't know how long ago this actually was. You just know that this is dated 700 years after the day that you were supposed to wake up, essentially, that you were originally is supposed supposed to wake up.
Um, yeah. Yeah. Real quick because I've only got a little bit of time. Too late. That's what your failed perception was. She shows up early and she's like, Hey, what you're working on? And I quickly put my hand behind my back. What? Uh, nothing. I was looking at that one. That looked interesting. What, what, what'd you want to show me? Um, for right now, let's go ahead and get to the trial.
Oh, oh, okay. So good. Make, make, make another, give me a perception and an insight.
Okay. My rolls are starting to make sense a again. Seven for for perception. Yeah. And 10 for insight. Okay. You go to the trial. Fuck me. All right. We're just going to put the trial over here by the the the ship. I'm going to move everybody for that or at least the council members. We'll be here.
ah Who else do we have? Francis is not a council member, so he goes in the middle of Riker. Is that all the council? we've got
Riker Nigel um Mathis Alexi who we haven't met yet ah Ramona. Yeah, but okay. That's the council Francis is over here and you guys can just ah Array yourself around um by you guys, I guess I just mean bill because Riker and Nigel are now on the council. um So y'all are just having this this trial near the ship. um You know what? Avalon's there too. Blood's on invisible him. Whatever he was doing, he's not invisible anymore.
Everybody's hanging out. Approximately, you know, um everyone wants to see what's going on. um Alexi ah steps forward as the most neutral member because he is the no faction counselor um says, all right, all right, everybody. We call this trial to order or this council meeting to order ah before we get to the the elephant in the room and he motions over to Francis. Are there any ah pressing matters any other members of the council would like to bring forth?
I look up and go, does anyone know who moved the pit boy out of the spaceship?
o Ramona is like, what? The pit boy is gone? Yeah, some fucker moved it again. She ah she like looks out to the crowd and is like, anybody got the pit boy? Nobody answers that. You know, like they're like, oh, no, we don't got it. No. Yeah.
um Well, that's concerning. But yeah, let's um she she starts typing away on her own Pip-Boy.
And Alexa's like, OK, maybe something more important than a missing Pip-Boy. Anybody? Or we just want to get right to it.
i look at a
and Damn, why am I forgetting everyone's names? Nigel? Lucky? yeah No. Eden? Mathis? Mathis. Good lord. I was looking for his name and I couldn't even find it. I look at Mathis and be like, do we bring this up now or later? I mean, I guess now's as good a time as any. I go, you want to volunteer the information?
Sure. And Mathis, he says, all right, I've got something. ah I move that we, look, the thr these these aliens know where we are. And we don't know what what their intentions are toward us. We know they're at war with the other other ah dropship.
which means they're, and they fucking tried to kidnap me. So, you know, they're obviously not friendly. ah he He eyes Nigel. Like, um I think anybody would recognize that, but ah they're obviously not friendly. And I think that we should move our camp to the plastics factory.
and And that does cause a murmur in the crowd. um ah how does How does everyone just react to him proclaiming that? Just i quick reaction. you know I actually had quite a decent conversation with the whatever the fuck the name of the creatures are.
No react. Okay. um Everyone else? Yeah. He's like, well, that be that at as as it may. um The plastics factory is provides more shelter. It's larger than the camp. It makes the fucking plastic that built these walls around us. um It's a much more defensible location. And ah we don't have to worry about the damn trees getting back in them if they ever wake back up. If this damn night ever ends.
Lucky's gonna stand up. I admit I do think we need to move over as expected. Don't get me wrong. But I think we're jumping the gun on something very specific. You're assuming that they have no good that they have and intention. And don't get me wrong, they did try to kidnap you. But we have no idea who attacked first. And historically speaking,
We don't have exactly have a great track record on just landing at a place and not taking it. So before we assume that they're bad, have to I have to suggest that maybe they were just they were just trying to scout information just like that. We ended up capturing them. They tried to capture you. It's even out on that.
I fully agree we need Plastics Factory, but we need to not spin a narrative as if we already have announced them as our enemy. We're going back and you do it put everyone. Mathis, he listens you know to speak and then he says, look, I'm not saying we don't talk to the aliens.
they if If we can resolve this peacefully, obviously that'll be that's for the best. and you know you this is like Your experience with Mathis not having known him well is that he doesn't like aliens and he's quick to to jump to kill, but you know um he keeps going. um All I care about is the safety of this camp. Now, if that means we go to war with the aliens, we go to war with them. but I'm big enough to to to know we're, well, we're probably outnumbered. ah you know You said that they said this is their planet and he looks over at Riker. So obviously we can't win ah an outright war with them even if even if we had the guns. but so So I'm not saying we don't try to talk to him first.
if if we can get out of this without losing any of our people, then then that's the best thing. There's not enough of us to go into a fight blindly.
we We can't pretend, we we can't just assume that that this isn't just a trap. and And he looks at Lucky and he says, so I'm expecting you to do what you do best and make us some goddamn explosives. So if they do decide to turn on turn on us, we can blow them to smithereens.
already so and that's that's when i stand up and i go um and i say and in in corance of that we have made peaceful negotiations with someone with a group called oh damn what's their name The people of the spore. Oh i and so i say the people the score are what appeared to be walking and telepathically communicating mushrooms that also use don't speak telepathically. Yeah, they'd speak with their spores and stuff, but they were able to make you understand them.
yeah Okay, and I sit and I go and they can communicate vast distances. They know of the thyroid green. Obviously they know of the other humans. We didn't gain much information through them, but I feel like we should invite them to these hopefully but um peaceful negotiations, mostly as a um mediator and also as.
ah you know just an extra show of faith with us that we necessarily don't want to murder everything in our path, that we have been making great strides to make friendly negotiations with people or sentience. So I would step up at this point probably. All right.
Go ahead. And I'd be like, um as leader of the PAP, I feel like I need to make a ah couple arguments here. um And by extension, I'm sure all of the PAP p are in agreement that a move to the Plastics Factory does not adhere to our religious beliefs at this point in time. But I personally realize how much more defensible it can be.
I will also agree with Riker in this case. Was it Riker or Lucky? That made the argument made the argument about not approaching the Thrykreen as an enemy. lucky Lucky. um I also agree with Lucky that we should not approach a situation as if we we're already made an enemy of the Thrite Cream, even though certain people and I glare at Mathis have attempted to alienate them in such ways as calling them aliens, even though we're on their planet.
um but much frank But... Well, I also agree that We should try to be friends. We do need to approach the situation cautiously. And then I would probably just sit back down. Ramona says, well, I second move into the plastics factory.
I stand back up. Lucky adds in, as does I believe. You cut out, Bill. Oh, I said, I said, as soon as she says that I'm like, all of engineering in general, probably, probably feels that. So yeah, there's a general murmur murmur of a sense. Alexi says.
But ah what will we do with the ship? or but But what will we do with the ship? And Ramona says, ah she says, yeah I've been thinking about that. I feel like we could ah with these with the badger moles, we could probably make a ah wagon or some sort of transport and and disassemble the ship. That that ah does cause a rrrr in the crowd.
um But I thought, hold on, hold on. Yes, disassemble the ship, but not strip it down to its, you know, bits and pieces. I just mean, yeah, base components. I just mean, break it down a little bit. In a way, we can put it back together and put it on a wagon or something and bring it bring it with us. It shouldn't be that hard. If we if we can attach the battery moles
probably dismantle just one small section of the wall and use that to drag the actual drag ship in a couple of pieces if the badger moles can handle the weight. I stand up and I say um in ancient times they use things like logs to roll large heavy things like stone blocks. And now we use wheels. Yeah, Ramona is like,
I'm like, I'm pretty sure, uh, any one of, uh, any one of us, and you know, she kind of just like motions that are engineering uniform could, uh, could make a, uh, uh, a pretty good wagon as well. Well, you're talking about a multi thousand, probably hundreds of thousand pound. Yep. Across a great distance. You really feel like your wheels are going to be strong enough to make that journey.
just go back to nature and take the base components. And yes, it might take a little more time moving it, but it will be a smoother transition. I stand up realizing what this is delving into and I go, point being,
we from me too look i'm not talking about building a fricking coal so coal engine or something i'm not going to pollute the environment um'm talking about cutting down a couple of trees making some planks building a wagon with wheels that role Hooking them up to the Badger Mall like we did back in the old days with these things called horses. And maybe they did it with Meese too. and And pulling the wagon with the ship on it. I can build a good wagon, OK? And we've got Mathis to reinforce it.
Mathis is like what? Meese's. It's a fucking moose. Meese's.
Hey, listen, I'm not going to I'm not going to tear a hole in the ozone layer just by building a wagon. not Not to go off topic, but I was a forest ranger in a previous life. Yes, I knew I know quite a bit about the forest yeah and animals in general, and it was Mises.
Wouldn't it's like, wouldn't the plural of that be mice?
That is correct. Mice drawn carriages. I feel like you are correct in this sense, yes.
Now, that being said, the mice of the day were quite a bit larger, um but maybe not as adept at pulling things as the vegetables might be.
this one guy in the audience is like, you know, I'll watch this old movie one time about this talking, these talking dogs and the talking cat. And they said Mises were these vicious animals that, that, uh, and, and I'm pretty sure they said moose and they're like, shut up. Nobody cares about your classic movie obsession. So this is Completely off topic, ah but for the longest time, I always ah thought that mooses, mises, mice um had the ah strength and ability to jump over small houses. And it was like a it was like a blurb or something I had read. I don't know where the fuck I read it at, but like I, you know, included that in my general knowledge of just random bullshit um and actually googled it the other day and they cannot actually do that.
So I've been telling people that Mises can jump over small houses for years. Yeah. OK, so Alexei says, shall shall we call a vote then? um but I vote for Mises. Will we begin? I think we're all in agreement on the Mice that ah that ah it's Mise and Mice, OK? I meant, shall we call a vote on whether or not we make preparations to move camp?
I would like to take some time to confer with other members of the PAP first, and I know we have a pretty large following in the encampment. Just make sure it is okay with everyone. We're making preparations, not moving. Yes, all like preparations all in favor all in favor of making preparations, and Ramona, Mathis, both raise their hand. I raise my hand. Alexi does not raise his hand.
I look at Alexei and I'm out. And I look bit every look at Alexei and I go, pussy. Well, he pauses and then and then starts. It will begin preparations for moving camp. All right, now on to this. And he looks at Francis.
Francis Aurelius been quiet the entire time yes Francis has been quiet the entire time Francis Aurelius you are accused of of Conspiring against the camp to release a potentially hostile ah Creature um
blah, blah, blah. you know pet he's i can't i I lost my train of. How do you plead? And Francis says, i I already told you. I plead guilty. What are you going to do about it? And that that the camp murmurs. And alexiss Alexi is taken aback.
ah I pull out ah ah a large brass bell and a cloak made of but potato cloth. okay And I'm like, shame, question mark? We can do a shame one.
At least Hayden gets the reference, it seems. Is there anyone who would speak to the character for or against this man? I stand up. The council recognizes Councillor Nigel Lightcastle. As a former member and now leader of the PAP, I must... ah I lost my train of thought. I am... Fuck.
I must speak to the veracity, the veracity. me That's not the right word.
I'm going to have to back down and give you a minute. Hold on. Congregation. yeah Yes, so I must speak to the it and you know to the general consensus of the congregation that he has been a great leader of the PAP p and much change for good has occurred under his leadership. There's a general murmur. um And by such, we have reduced the ah attacks and destruction of the plastics factory by 30%.
I pull out a little chart I i did on Spark. And I pass it around. i'm like And as you can see, ah with with his leadership, the PAP has also been able to gather quite a bit more resources for us. So overall, he has been a good leader and a good member of the p PAP up until this point.
um Mathis steps up and he says, I don't want to see any other members of our colony die. So I'm not suggesting we do anything like that. Francis has already stepped down. He's not he's no longer directing the PAP. I'm thinking we just put him put him to work doing some manual labor. And and there is a murmur of general surprise from you know the audience at that.
um ramona has nothing to say about it um go what type of manual labor are we thinking i mean and i look at them like i mean he's kind of old but middle-aged people like to be a hundred and fifty these days he's already had both his midlife crisises though that's true he has but I mean, compared to the elderly who were killed off, um he he's a young man. He's like 60 or 70. I go, what type of manual labor are we thinking like?
Like Chinese sweatshop labor? No, i matt Mathis says, um I don't know. Well, you know there's there's always work to be done. and I mean, if anything, just putting them to work in the plastics factory ought to be punishment enough. Any chuckles? Ironic. I like it. I gasp and stand up and slam a fist on the on the on the table. ah we're We're around the table? No. You're standing in a clear and in the middle of camp. Oh, I guess when I stood up earlier, I must have been sitting on the ground then. Yeah.
um ah hey rod chamber bro I gasped in outrage and stand up and or stand up more, stand up straighter. There we go. and and I waved my fist, I'm like, that is unacceptable. Yet to to put somebody into a situation or force them to work in such a way that is against or so against their religious beliefs is outrageous and I will not stand for this.
um math is izoo but you know he doesn't he doesn't
raises voice against you in this um you i like k ah perceptionption role whoever wants to I was say I wouldn't want to make like a ah i can I can make that 17 um Ryker and Lucky both notice Mathis when Nigel makes that outburst, Mathis, his hand um goes up to his chest and and fiddles with something under his shirt before dropping back down real quick. Yeah.
Was that it? That that was it. He hit that just just ah ah something he did in response to you saying that, you know, and then and then he does not speak against you. So they do they wear religious artifacts at all? Whatever the P.A.P. No. No, if you would like to put him into a situation such as trying to take care of the pigoids,
um, and cleaning out their pens or putting them in charge of the Badger Mole contingent leading the Exodus, then that would be acceptable or something along those lines. How about making him go collect fallen logs to push your anti-wheel movement you're doing?
Well, I mean, do we really want to sit him outside of camp if we're trying to punish him and go be out in nature?
I mean, kind of what sucks about being on a desert planet ah with no civilization. But he would like being out there and not being cooped up inside picking up pig shit. Yes, but we're also not 21st century people putting people into mass prisons and making slave labor out of them.
Well, I'm not saying safe labor, but I mean, that was Frank fucking methods that decided the put to work thing. I was just offering. All I'm saying is there's not going to be anything to fix what's happened. We need to fix what's going to happen because of what's happened. And he already ran his mouth by saying, what are you going to do about it like a fucking teenager? And I go walk up to him and I look at what he tried to like, what he was messing with in his shirt.
Mathis? Yeah. Mathis is the one whose hand came went to his shirt. oh Francis did that. Sorry, Mathis and Francis. Yeah. When Frank talked about making someone do something against his religion in response to Mathis, Mathis's hand went to his shirt and then dropped back down real quick and then he did not um oh i yeah argue.
I thought Francis did that. No. Francis does, however, say, may I speak? No. Can you speak? You did a lot of it. It really hurts my throat to speak, but yes. And by that, I mean Ron. No, no. um He says... You're the one that chose the voice. Oh, I know. He says you can. We're just going to experience it.
You can argue about what to do with me, but the simple fact of the matter is you need me just like you need the rest of the PAP. We are the only ones who can heal you when you're sick. We're the ones who can feed you when there is nothing to eat. My suggestion is simply Allow me to do as Nigel suggested, tend to the animals, tend the wounded. I would just simply like to live a simple life in dedication to caring for this new world that we found ourselves. If you want to move to the plastics factory,
I will not do anything to stop you. I will not move there myself, but I will be nearby. You will be able to come to me when you need aid, when you need the sick to be healed, or when you're- I want to stand up. Well, ah we're always standing, but I want to say- I know we're all thinking we're sitting around a table talking about this, but next to you, we're all just guys standing in a loose circle talking.
um But I want to go ahead and be like, this is going to sound extremely ironic coming from me, but it sounds like he's trying to do a power play by saying that his organization is the only thing keeping us together, um which is a slap in the face to all of our organizations because the engineers do many things um to help to help us become more than what we already are.
Mathis, all right, not Mathis, god damn it, Francis. So we understand that your organization does a lot and your organization has done many bad things just as my organization has done many bad things just as a lot of people have done a lot of bad things. um So I want to understand why you did this, what you thought you were doing,
Francis um turns and looks, ah he looks directly at Lucky and then turns back to you and says, what I was doing was trying to prevent, and he also looks at Nigel a little disappointedly, trying to prevent what, trying to prevent what,
happened a thousand years ago. You think these these thry cream are just going to let let us.
Do you think they're going to trust us? You are wrong. they have a Our history with them is to them ancient, even though to us we slept through it all. The human race, as we all know, was here before. And they came, from what I can tell, they came from the same ship we did. We were not the first to land on this planet.
I gave Nigel something hoping he would safeguard it. And perhaps perhaps he made the right decision, perhaps he did not, but... Would he know at this point? You you know he's got animal messengers. He had animals. and so so Some bitch. ah yeah ah I mean, it doesn't really matter, to be honest. It says, I was simply trying to prevent
all of us from making the mistakes that I guess I can't call them our ancestors, but the humans before us made. But I am aware that perhaps my views on things are skewed in a certain direction. That is why I stepped down. That is why I put Nigel in charge. I believe that he believes and what the PAP was meant to be, but will handle it better than myself or even or the ones before me.
That's a lot to digest. Damn. Yeah, I mean, you, your character, you know, you can't tell if he's lying or telling the truth. Actually, can I try to insight him um on when he stares? I mean, yeah he was staring at you because he probably knew you had the chip. Oh yeah, that was unlikely. Good, good. Yeah, I mean, he knew, he knows you've got the thing and he, he, uh,
Well, he doesn't trust you with it because you're an explodey man. But at the same time, you know, he's deciding to trust Nigel.
He put Nigel in charge, and that's what Nigel Nigel decided to do. There have been worse fairity leaders. To be fair, I did that before he put me in charge. That's true. That's true. Had I known to be in charge of the PAP and not fighting against the PAP, I probably would have kept that for myself.
now I have to lead the organization that's completely against plastics and technology versus an anti-member. Well, you can guide the organization however you want. What their core belief is that they're against, you know, doing what we've done. Well, doing what we've done to the earth. It just started with plastics. Well, it started with coal. On this planet, it it started with plastics. Oh, yeah you gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Yeah. All right. Sorry. I was, yeah.
I think it's more of a mentality thing. Like that's kind of what Francis was attempting to do, but also, you know, he made his own mistakes. He allowed people like Ching to go and blow up plastics factories over and over and, at and ordered, you know, asked you to go kill or, or, or set free a potential enemy of the camp, you know? So maybe he'll do something different.
i I feel like knowing the follies of the past will help guide us into a better and brighter future. And while up until this point, the PAP has been adamantly against any sort of technological progression, the sole possible the survival option now seems to be through the development and gathering of our technologies. That being said, I would like to help put restrictions in place so that the same mistakes can not be remade.
um That gives a ah good, General good reaction from the crowd.
Because you've said that well. I had to think about that for a minute. Yeah. And the fact that a member of the PAP is not 100% against technology gives you a plus. Alexi steps forward and he's like, so so what should we do with him?
and you know should Should we put him to work, let him be a hermit like he wants? I would like him to be, I would like him to be a at least somewhat of an advisory, a little advisor rule, adversarial. Fuck my brain.
What's the word? Advisory position. Yeah, advisory.
Sure. Okay. Um, I would like to request him to be put as an advisory position. That just doesn't sound right. Anyways, I would like him to be an advisor to me, at least through the transition, um, of the changeover to me being the new leader. I wouldn't enjoy the help afterwards. I think we should allow him to take care of the animals.
We can build him a hut outside of the borders of the plastics factory so that he can be closer than this encampment. um And clearly he's not one to just run away from a challenge. And if we challenge him in such a way that he remains entertained, I feel there will not be an issue.
So maybe a farmstead type situation outside of the bounds of the factory, but also still protected somewhat.
All these things will be decided when we make preparations and when we have a more solid idea um about how we're going to live at the classic factory, but I do agree that he did not act out of being malicious. He did not intentionally cause any of us harm, but we need to make choices to prevent more bad choices from happening.
I will say though, he does have a point in the fact that the PAP does take on a lot of the hunting, gathering, and healing duties. The the military branch, ah actually everyone who's able goes on those hunting excursions. Oh okay, I just assumed it was the PAP.
ah Obviously the the Ranger types, you know, they they definitely are the best at it. And the military types, you know, frequently do it, but everyone's required. It's it's a um rotating, this is one of the things that Mathis implemented is that there's just a rotating list of duties. So that's why Lucky and Engineer got sent out hunting, you know? Like, it's like, yes, most of the time the engineers are going to be doing engineering stuff, but everybody's got to pitch in in every thing if they're capable.
even leaders affections like the p p or the yeah leader affection people yeah they they all they all do their yeah well i mean some people are more stubborn about it than others but they all do their part And and they put you know they don't put like, they wouldn't put a PAP member with the engineering crew to work on an engineering project, but it's more like the, like, yeah, we need some, some bodies to go out with the people who are good at hunting. So today it's you three, you know.
um to basically just um assist the the person who's good at it. Now, they might put someone who's got no engineering experience with an engineer if the engineer needs help on a project and they just need like manual labor, you know like ah like someone to hold things and stuff. But yeah, it's it's just kind of like everyone has to pitch in, basically.
Do we have a chart of the different factions? Because we had the leader faction, the PAP faction, the military faction. Yes. And there's there's another one. What was the other one? Was there? Oh. so bah Yes, there's the faction map, which um is there, but I've got a. Where's the faction map at? It's on the um we're not on that page right now. Here's the faction descriptions.
the PAP, the founding family, engineers, BAH, military, and then nofaction. So one, two, three, four, five, six. So I mean, of those, engineering, if they repair any of the medical facilities, can be theoretical theoretically assumed to be part of the healing portion. I mean, there's no medical, there's not any medical facilities to repair at this time.
But I mean, the PAP have the ah majority of the like woods people, I'm assuming. yeah I mean, you might have some like Rangers in the military portion, but those are more likely just more like soldiers and yeah things. So, I mean, he still has a point there. Like we do take on the large portion, but we don't take on all of it.
Yeah, I mean, one of the things that you, Francis and Ching do as part of your like daily duties are um somebody gets hurt, you cast secure wounds on them, you know, stuff like that. Cause, you know.
Druids have access to all the spells that they can cast at their level and so you probably when you're not planning on going out into the wilderness you've probably got more of um utility spells prepared versus um combat spells like you probably got your like your cure wounds and your good berries and your you're um I don't know if you can do cure disease yet but you know stuff like that prepared when you're at at camp.
Or at least one of you does. I am also a self herbalist. Yeah. yeah sure two And definitely the herbalist stuff is stuff that other people can assist with. They go out and help you find herbs and stuff. You show them what to pick. and you know and I'm sure I'm not the only one either. so yeah anyways but Regardless, like he does have a point. We we do. I'm not trying to throw a weight around or anything. i I think that's stupid, but we do have a large portion of the responsibility when it comes to healing people. Maybe not so much the gathering the food stuffs. Um, I'm not again, throwing that around as weight. I'm just saying, you know, we have to keep our members happy. And if we mistreat one, others might take that orally.
Francis speaks up again. As I said, if you simply don't force me to stay in the Plastics Factory, I will still perform my duties as a healer and I will take care of the animals. In the practice in the Plastics Factory?
i I mean, I assume the animals will live outside. So like if we make a wall around the plastic factories, you're okay with saying inside of those walls. I'm inside a wall right now. The wall is made of plastic. Yeah. That was a response that was not in the voice. The wall is made of plastic, but my feet are on the ground. The soil is between my toes. I am still connected to the world. Okay. So yeah, there's nothing big of a deal. All right, cool.
Yeah, so we're we're good. um He'll he'll come with us. We'll just have to make sure we have an enclosure area for the animals and he'll do that. So all right. If that's all we have to say in this meeting, is there anything else? Any other points of contention or? Wait, I'm not trying to leave this. so now Cultivate flesh trees.
Are there not flesh trees all around us? Oh, no, that was only on the island, wasn't it? Yeah. We'll have to bring some of those with us. I can definitely get some of my people to work on that. We can get some hoodies. What would it be seen as an abomination to the PAP?
um Technically. As far as most of us know, it grows naturally. and Yeah, I mean, nobody knows what. Well, no, you figure it out. Actually, I think the original, I can't remember if we said they were manufactured or not.
So we said that there is a bunker on the island and in said bunker, there was information about the genetic splicings of the pig-like creatures to trees. yeah And while we might not agree with the genetic manipulation of nature, it has still become part of nature in the past, however long those trees existed.
So it's, you know, a man made part of nature, but it's still become part of the nature. So it should be fine. Yeah. um Does any PAP members have any complaints about that? And I kind of wave at the audience, not wave, just glance. ah Nobody speaks up. Please come and see me afterwards if anything we've discussed so far today is not Um, agreeable and we'll see what we can do about it. Mathis speaks up and says, I think we should also talk about what we're going to do about this. This, uh, diplomatic meeting that may or may not be a trap that you set up. Well, I completely believe that they mean us no harm, um, in, in the meeting at least, though they did approach us. We should come fully armed and ready for a fight.
I feel they will view that as an aggressive stance and as of yet, the only thing that they've shown us is that they're willing to capture but not kill. um So maybe not armed to the teeth, but I wouldn't mind there being a group nearby that we could call if anything goes awry.
We also need to make sure that the camp is as defended as it can be before we go to this meeting. I i would concur just in case. There was always room for deception in East.
he looks at um Mathis looks at Lucky and he's like, um you are you got anything to say on that you you're the one who makes all the bombs and fancy new weapons and he points that don't you have like a weird gun that you made I only only Nigel and and Riker know about it okay well it still says like you know how to make the bombs oh I know how to make bombs I also
get nitroglycerin. Yeah, the flesh trees, if they have fat, we can also harvest that for nitroglycerin. So we can also render it down for tallow or fucking what's the other thing for soap.
Yeah, and then we could we could just start manufacturing instead of butchering animals. We could just start splicing genes so that way we wouldn't have to cultivate animals. just I look at Riker and I'm like, well, I see your understanding we already have the flesh trees that providing substance and that is part of nature. I will not be part of any more genetic manipulation of the environment.
So you rather just murder a bunch of animals? the If for no other reason, because that is the natural progression of life. Yes. So you just make progress the genetic bastardization of and the environment is one thing. The natural selection of, of, of life is something else entirely. I mean, but I never, we i never I never said to cook food then.
We humans do manipulate. That is part of who we are as a people. the I reiterate the genetic manipulation of the environment. We started manipulating in different ways. Fire is manipulating nature. Ramona speaks up. That's not a genetic manipulation of the environment. Ramona speaks up and says, I think we're a long way off from any genetic manipulation anyway. None of us here were geneticists.
Yeah, I was, I was, I was a warden, not warden, ranger, forest poor stranger yeah So but I have no skill in that matter. Francis says, um, I actually, you I feel that perhaps in the longterm, if you can find a way to do this without harming the rest of the environment, it might actually be the better path. But I do agree with Nigel. I would rather us simply do as nature intended. Also, I know I don't have any say anymore, so I'm going to shut up. And he sits back down. He's literally sitting on the ground while everybody else is standing up. I whisper to Lucky in his mind and go, I don't like that he agreed with me.
than a good thing that they agree with. you when you're saying something youre like oh no Yeah, you change your whole stance just because I want it. Yeah. Yeah.
all right so in preparation for the exodus i will have members collect samples of the Lest trees, whether cuttings or seedlings, I'll have to look into it. You mean babies? Do they even have seeds? They have babies. They have to have something. Like if they were able to grow naturally in the environment, there had to be some sort of offshoot type situation. If nothing else, then like root germination. Is it like a platypus egg?
I mean, it could it could be eggs, like for all we know. that like I've now in my head come up with how it works. Oh, yes. So I will i will i will send some PAP members to investigate. Does it involve tentacles? ah It does not. Thank God. Yeah. So yeah, I'll send some PAP members to investigate and see if we can't determine the best way to bring and cultivate some flesh trees near the plastic factory. um I will also send out or have Francis send out some, do I have the ability to do animal communication thing? Okay. I don't know if you've got it yet. Okay. Well, I'll have Francis do some animal communications and and then form the other PAB members of the move.
Um, is there anything from my side that I else would need to chalk up at this point? Don't think so. No. Okay. Well then I'm, I'm, I'm good.
Hang on. I'm just taking a note.
I don't know. I'm just going to tell you all the idea I just came up with because who knows if we'll, you know, get into this deeply into the game. So the, uh, the flesh trees have a coconut like fruit filled with actual milk and a fetus like tree that grows inside the coconut and hatches, then planting its roots into the ground wherever, you know, it hatches. So does it plop out like a, Oh, the coconut falls to the ground.
It falls to the ground. Yes. and and And then that's how it hatches or is you carried off by somebody. It's got that a little fetus tree grows inside. the coast I imagine was it like the coconut cracking like you would crack an egg and this just and it's not milk. It's a ironic fluid. It just looks like um a fluid. I just imagine like this make it make it milk. I don't like the idea of falling down. OK, OK. It's middling itself into the earth.
Like I'm okay with cracking these open and drinking the milk, but if there's amniotic fluid in there, I, I'm not okay with that. oh especially healthiest food with your andmate drink boy and tastes It's straight up tastes like milk, you know, it's it's milk. Yeah. Okay. Amniotic fluid that tastes like milk. I'm okay with that. It's tree milk. It's tree milk. Yeah. So now when fluid and milk are two very different things, but we'll just say it's milk.
So um when the tree hatches, I guess, is it like squishy? Or is it like reconsistency?
it It hardens over a few days, much like a um a ah newly emerged butterfly from its chrysalis, or cocoon, or whatever. Corn soft, die hard. That makes me feel so weird. All right.
And now, so we haven't really discussed the flesh trees all that much. So is it a tree that just produces meat as a fruit? So I think what the the true do is the tree is tree itself is flesh. And I think that the bark is sort of like a um an exoskeleton around the flesh.
like So it has a hard bark but beneath that bark is straight up the meat. Just the squishy mesh. So you just cut down the tree and you got days worth of food or like yeah you ah how much food like how much meat is this tree? Let's say they grow you know they're probably not big trees they grow like I don't know like I don't know how big is a tree a small tree like five to ten feet tall. like I'll look real quick. How thick around?
i'm thinking thinner like tree I'm thinking they're not very big trees. What are they shaped like? Uh, they do have leaves and the leaves all trees tend to be 15 feet in height or less space. I'll say that that's what they are. 15 feet or less. i' Sure. They have leaves. The leaves themselves are are plant like though and. And perform the photosynthesis that a normal leaf forms performs.
So the flesh tree still feeds itself itself through photosynthesis and nutrients from the that it gathers through its roots and whatnot. So it's tree-like as far as the leaves go, but are they like pink in coloration? Sure.
I am more and more disliking these trees. Everything on this planet is horrifying, okay? How how quick how quickly does this tree grow? Like is it like, you know, a cattle crop? What is it like? it takes texta It takes however long trees take to grow. I don't know. It probably takes like five to 10 years to get to full growth. So in actuality, when what you would have tree trees You would have to treat these trees in the same way that lumber companies handle lumber and that they grow you know a big field of trees and have multiple fields of trees or whatever that they grow and they cut them down you know in such a way that while they cut down one field, the other fields are growing. They have a rotation. And they'll replant the trees. yeah
yeah um What about cuttings? Can we do cuttings without complete destruction? like No, you need the you need the the coconut. Yeah, i i so I feel like just like a regular tree, if you start just cutting out the core, it's going to damage the tree. Well, no, but you can go out and prune it and you get branches. You can cut branch. Yes, you can do that. You can munch on a branch.
It's a new growth. Is it kind of like beef jerky? No, it's it's raw meat. Well, yeah, but like, like I'm talking like ah you can drive like jerky. Sure. The jack the jack links like stick jerky. Kind of like that. Sure. But raw meat versus cooked. I mean, it's got it's got it's got a thin layer of bark around it. But yeah, I love this tree and I'm going to make a beef jerky empire. That's just what I've got out of this whole thing.
Also, i'm like I fucking hate this tree. But i will take i will i will we will figure it out. Anyways, on to do another topic, please. This tree makes me cringe. Yep. Well, just wait till you meet the next animal and think i'm I'm going to introduce. I'll give you a hint. It's called the Scorpupine.
I love it already. Can I name it? I want to name him Spike. But anyway. play um
uh i guess we've kind of made all the decisions we're not going to get to the um negotiations tonight uh so it's already what 11 40 for y'all yeah yeah yeah that was just a sample
Yeah, so we'll we'll go ahead and end it here then. Francis will be a hermit outside town. um You are going to make preparations to move to the plastics factory, but that won't be ready to go before the meeting with the Thri Kreen. You still need to make contact with the mush with the people of the spore before the meeting. You've got two more days. This this is, I guess, technically day two.
No, you've got two more days. um so yeah So you can use tomorrow to make contact with the mushroom people, hopefully, and whatever else happens. And then on the third day ah is the meeting.
so Um, if everybody remembers the hundred season, I think it's like five or six. Um, they went to another planet and they like had this big castle thing and outside the castle thing was like little houses is going to want to be like that. The plastics factory. Yeah. Like the plastic factory is like the big castle thing. I mean, like the little houses around the outside would be the it end up with the plastic factory is big enough to hold all 31 of you easily.
I mean, most of the PAP aren't going to want to live inside of it. So we probably build up some sort of community outside of the Plastics Factory. Yeah. I mean, you can do you know whatever you want with it. But yeah, it's more than big enough that everyone could live inside if they would if they wanted to. Gotcha. Well, it's not you know designed to house people. It's designed, well, for sleeping and stuff. But you know you can make it work. There are offices and stuff where the you know managers would be. yeah
And like looks like a locker room room, and which would be like the communal dining and indoor plumbing. Yeah. And apparently like, apparently electricity somehow because it runs the plastic factory does work.
30% of the time. So why was the plastic factory placed so far away from the meat trees that the meat trees are the trees that used to make the plastics? You don't know that because you weren't there a thousand years ago. You don't know why.
Well, no, but we made the um I was just being more rhetorical about anything else yeah on our map is like, yeah, because like the the we have the plastics factory and then the meat trees, which we did we say the meat trees made the plastics or was it the um the man eating trees?
Uh, I don't remember, um, but I'm sure that the plastic factory gets it from something. Yeah. Me tree Island was over here. Plastics factor. I think it's over here where Riker's token is on this map or something. Maybe it's this one. I'm not sure. I know it's supposed to be like off of the forest somewhere. yeah I mean, it's, it's. ones mitri island Meet Island. This is the meet tree Island. Yeah. Yeah.
Plastics Factory is out this way somewhere. It might be this, but I'm not 100% sure. That's got a little boat on it. I think that was like a boat house. There was also, for some reason, in the forest rather than on the shore, a um ah shipyard.
But I very distinctly remember us having a Plastics Factory that we found in the forest area. This might be the Plastics Factory up here. that house is sideways oh yeah that's it that's the that's the symbol for a plastic yeah okay all right well um let's go ahead and call it night before bill falls asleep uh you know the heebie boy yeah well jayden's not here somebody's gotta do it um yeah
ah So that was session six of um Stranded, presented by Integrated Dice Management. ah Next episode, we'll get to this meeting, hopefully. um But until then, I am Ron Bjork. You can find me on Twitter at verlion1. I check it once every six months. um And with me tonight was Hayden. Hey, it was nice to play. um yeah Got some really good things going. Enjoyed it. And Bill. I had a great time. Despite what anyone says, this was a finally good to be back on the back. And Frank. I understood every word of that. Yes. Oh. Hi, I was Frank. I played Nigel Logbottom. I mean, Light Castle.
um its We really didn't get all that much playing in tonight, but I hope you all had a wonderful time listening. You can find me. It was all RP. But I mean, sometimes that's what the meat and potatoes of role-playing is. i We did a lot of dice rolling. Just know we did that. Yeah. um You can find me. It might change.
Yeah, maybe. um You can find me sometimes on social media if you look hard enough. um I do also stream on Twitch occasionally at fklightcastle, I think, is my tag. I don't remember. I haven't streamed in a little while. ah But yeah, thanks for coming out or coming in or sitting at home or whatever you were doing. What do you have to say there are all my cats and kitties? I hope you get out there great life
And on until i said word of that uh, and on that note ah good night. And that's my cue to end the recording, but I'll speak for a few minutes. sla sureda I don't know. I have outro music actually, but how do I turn? I gotta go up here. Like Greg.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Fox Soul Revolution, created by Kevin MacLeod at Encompetech.com, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license, Creative Commons dot com, licenses by 4.0. The night is over, and have a great day everyone.