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Nonsense and Chill - Terrifier 1

Nonsensical Network
18 Plays3 months ago

Tonight, Blaze and Jeff review and provide commentary on Terrifier 1.  Enjoy and thanks for listening.


Introduction and Initial Thoughts on Horror Movies

something that
She's a foul and takes real talk
Dude, hit the button. I hit the button. I like that one better. Feels good when it's a little bit more personalized. I fixed it. Yay. Oh, look, guys, it's Art the Clown. guess what Art the Clown is joining us tonight. Yes. Because we're watching his movie. And and I got to say, I have issues with this movie.
Well, put it out there. I have issues. Is it issues that that that that needs tissues or just like? No, it's more of a. OK, so I'm not I'm not the horror movie guy. I've never been a like I don't watch horror movies for fun. I watch it for this show. but They're like, I've never seen this movie until you mentioned it. And I was like, well, fuck, I should watch it. So I watched it. And, you know, of course, I went on to IMDb.
and um looked it up, you know the the writer and director, Damien Leon, ah they yeah the main issue that I had, there's a lot of brunettes and they all look alike.
I thought that was not the issue I was expecting. There's brunettes. There's brunettes everywhere. They're hiding in the bushes, hiding in the corners. There's brunettes everywhere. I couldn't tell who was who at one point. OK. All right. I know there's at least one blonde. There's one blonde. But Vicki, you can tell who Vicki is because half her face is ripped apart. No, no, no, no.
You know, when you, first like,

Origins of Art the Clown and Movie Comparisons

this movie's streaming on Prime, um and when you go through Prime, you can pop up and it tells you who's in the scene. Well, at one point, two Burnett's and Art the Clown are in the scene, and I was like, shit, I forgot whose name is who.
So who's that? They look so much alike. So we watch, I'll remind you, and ladies and gentlemen, we are also waiting on Brian to come back. you I'm hearing today ah he write here. And while he is here, I'm going to go ahead and press play on the movie. Everybody okay with that? While you are in the audience, we are watching Terrifier. It is streaming on Prime. Actually, let's wait a minute before we hit the play button.
give people a little time to maybe gear it up if they want to. Yeah. Hey, Brian, how are you doing? um um Thank you for joining us tonight. oh Thank you for having me. Have you seen Terrifier yet? Are you stuffing your to delicious barbecue? No, no, no, no, no. I no i finished eating. I finished eating the grill. I just grilled it. I didn't smoke it. um i I kind of do it like whenever I do chicken or pork chops like that, I kind of kind of do a half smoke, half grill. Okay.
Yeah. So I had it on the top rack for about like, I had it at three 50 for 30 minutes on one side and then turn it over. I said for another 30 minutes and then I let it, then I let it smoke for about five, for like five, 10 minutes. Wow. That ends the scene. And the pictures I showed you, that was like, that was the end result. It looked good. It looked mighty, mighty good. So have you seen Terrifier yet, Brian?
No, I haven't. I do have it added on my Prime 1 and 2 and the the and the and that other one that's like All Hallows' Eve. I have all that added to my playlist. So what I did find out, speaking of All Hallows' Eve... Hi, Chaka. All Hallows' Eve was the first movie where you meet... Yes. But you you you corrected me on that before we started, right, Blaze?
What's that? Yeah, so I'll say so Terrifier gets his start from the very first movie was ninth Ninth Circle of Hell by Damien Leon and it was part of a three movie anthology called All Hollows Eve and ah there's three there's three stories within that but in In the span of those three movies, the backdrop is another story going on of a babysitter who's babysitting two of these kids to get back from trick-or-treating and they find a VHS tape in one of the kid's trick-or-treat bags and that's where they pop it in and there's those three different movies and each one has something to do with Terrify or Art the Clown.
And during that, during that time, he's manifesting into their world from the VHS tape to, to, to attack the babysitter. Okay. So, so Glick makes fun of me all the time because I like Harry Potter and I like Game of Thrones and stuff like that. And it, you know, there's magic and there's, you know, other realms. You're telling me that this doesn't fall into that factor of other realms.
uh do

Plot and Character Dynamics in 'Terrifier'

we need other worlds well like for instance like the spiritual aspect of certain horror horror characters Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I know trouble. Yeah, there's definitely, you know, because I like Harry Potter and I like Game of Thrones. So I just want to give a little fuck you to Chris. But what does I forgot? you know you You know what? You know what, though? You know what, the Jeff? We should not let Chris get under our skin because we're the cool kids. He feels left out. So he's kind of like that Mark Wahlberg character and the other guys. Yeah. I make fun of the other guys. yeah He does well i let him flu does what we do.
I'm not mad at that, Brian. Here we go. This is a dreadful. Is it weird I want one of these little TVs? Huh? I want one of these little TVs. What is VHS, if you don't mind me asking?
think yeah You know what, everybody, y'all are going to have to bear with us. We're experiencing some really shitty internet connections tonight.
So the timeline. So this all right. So this actress right here playing playing the reporter. She's also the same actress that plays in all hollows as the babysitter. Okay. Benji, what's up, dude? What's up, Benji? Hey, if you want to come on up, you want to come on up, buddy? do I'll send you the link. um I have an issue. Sorry, Art, you might have to move.
Yeah, we might have to move on. So this is Vicky, of course. So she was the victim from All Hallows Eve. So if you watch all All Hallows Eve, you'll understand why her... fit Well, I know I take that back. It does. This is this is this movie. See, I get confused.
Yeah, so the... So the movie was that everybody should know we will probably end up doing spoilers here But we don't realize this interview happens like a year later after the movie What's up yes, so they start so they open up with the with the interview with Vicki But the whole movie is the story of how Vicki turned into what happened to Vicki Fuckers keep talking shit. You're real brave when I'm not here. I'll burn this whole mother of the grave ah fucking dirt oh so god give you the mad what yeah This is just as nerdy and out there as Everything the difference between horror fans and Harry Potter and dragons slayer Wizards and all that crap is We're not virgins
either i three kids then we don't live in our mom's basement no yeah based i own my home You're probably most likely going to get laid at a Freddie movie than you are at Lord of the Rings. You're going to get left alone at a Harry Potter movie. She's going to be like, really? This is where you brought me. Thanks loser.
So, so, Blake, if you want, I can send you the link to the watch the movie with you. Oh, no, I was like, you guys are good. you I would just wanted to jump in for a minute because I heard you and Brian getting real brave when I'm not on the show talking about um all likeking right now race.

Analysis of Key Scenes and Technical Issues

It's just as out there as any fucking movie I watch. I can I can agree with you on that. You know, the horror realm, not not not the entire horror realm because a lot of the movies.
Well, you know, other world when, when they first introduced, yeah, when, when, when they did the terrifier thing, it was almost like a, like a serial killer. But then all of a sudden it was like, wait, he's a demon. Now you can't kill him. yeah That's where, where, you know, and it doesn't happen in this first one. So Glick, you have to watch all hollows, Eve, like the whole supernatural thing is, is right there from the very, Oh yeah. Well, I'll talk about in the movie, if you're, if you're coming into terrifier.
without seeing all Hallows' Eve. yeah it's But there are the horror films that are in the horror genre that are the slasher flip, the serial, yeah, the serial killers and, yeah you know, but yeah, there are. problems i had when i've watched this that's what That's what we're talking about, Chaka.
i mean i have problems with this and we'll get to that when we get to the park. The first three movies are is are the three movies in the anthology of All Hall of Z. There's the Night the ninth Circle of Hell and then the other two that I can't remember the exact titles.
I think I'd actually seen the other ones before I seen the Terrifier movies. And then they, I seen the first one. I was like, Oh wait, they gave this guy a whole, whole ass movie. So then I went and watched Terrifier. And the first time I watched Terrifier was right before the second one came out.
frozen i guess i can watch a go back to bed So after, after the interview right now, it's like behind it's in the the she's in the green area, the green, state the green mag her dressing stage. And this is when Vicki's going to come out.
and kill her rip her face. Why does Vicki go fucking nuts? I get it. Vicki went through hell. So because Ricky, rick Ricky, Vicki is well, she's went to a very traumatic episode by getting ripped apart by art and it's drove her fucking crazy to kill. I basically. Is your name dixie or ri's vi or nick fake Vicki or or Vicki?
oh that depends on or the good run is like oh damn like her i'm making she's moved to ohio now and she's ah she's wearing a say I wish that fucking clown would try to step around here i beat his Well, and that's the thing. Okay, this is the one problem I have with this whole movie. You know this movie did not take place in Ohio. It cuts to the past, I guess, from like before. Yeah, this is a year prior to the interview. Yes. Which they don't explain until the end and technically doesn't get it explained at all. But what's crazy is like this. You know this wouldn't happen in Ohio because Ohio is a stand-your-ground state and I'd have shot the dude as soon as I saw it.
but up Well, it could happen in some of the it could happen in some of the big cities, but it was like a rural town, like where we're from with the whole dude would have made it past the fucking door. But that's a certain that's the same thing that I said about like the Halloween movies. It was supposed to be in small town, Illinois or whatever. It's like That was a dude running around slashing people up in one of our small towns like we were were all banded together and having stung up on jason alde on this motherfu yeah ah the I Want to talk about arts costume, okay. Yeah go um He's obviously got prosthetics to
Because you see him with the two girls that are his first main victim, you know, because he's got the nose and his cheeks are bulged. Yeah. um And I'm sorry, these chicks are not that drunk. Not even remotely. You like are sexist, Jeff.
know definitely i there They're definitely sober enough to get the fuck out of there. Yeah, I agree. The blonde completely fucking wasted. The brunette, stone cold sober. I'm sorry. the i I will say this about arts costume. I think the cool thing about it is that for the most part, very simple, very simple, very run of the mill.
not anything extravagant i think i actually the muzzfucker and toothbrush so that de carefactor when yeah daian leone like made this character he understood it was definitely one of the most uh penny-wise the most profound horror clown so he wanted to make sure he

Character Decisions and Horror Tropes

wanted to make sure his his clown was complete opposite so he doesn't talk he wears just black white he wears he wear he uses weapons instead of magic and yeah well here's
My thought behind it is, okay you can obviously tell this. This scene right here, sorry, to catch this scene right here, the guy behind the counter, or the pizza guy, first he's talking to is is is his mistress, saying, yeah, we'll meet up after work. And then later, his second phone call, he's with his wife getting bitched at. It's funny. Nice. Well, no, but I think it comes down to, you know obviously, Terrifier, the first one, the one we're watching here, is a lower budget film.
And I'm sure the other movies were even lower budget because he wasn't, you know, Damien Leon, the yeah the writer and director were not well known. They're not Tarantino. They don't get millions of dollars to run out of make a movie. So do you think the simplicity comes down to. um Oh, Brian, I need to add this. Do you think comes down to um lack of budget?
Well, I mean, most most most the cult classics are under budget. And that's my thing. I think that's that's i think it helps the movie. It does. And him sitting in this booth. So we're in the pizza joint. I think it's freezing. We're in this pizza joint. I love the little hat. I want one of these little hats. I would, you know. And all honestly, I could see Glick and I doing this Halloween.
prior to this happening. you know Like if this movie hadn't come out, this is some shit we would have done. The budget for this movie was $35,000. There you go. Not a huge budget. What's that, Jeff? I think you not ah not not a huge budget. so No, not at all. which Which it kind of goes into, it explains the- This was in 2016 when this was made.
Yeah, and 35 grand. I mean, 90% of that went into the film equipment and editing, I guarantee it. so And probably paying people to to borrow their spots. Exactly. I'm sorry, but that blonde is quite attractive. She's gorgeous. She's very attractive. Too bad she gets she gets ah fucked up later. Wow, she does.
Yes. That is one. So this movie is definitely for the, for for the paraphilia is out there. You guys don't know what a paraphilia is and you're probably not one. Is the, is the, is the blonde one, the one that gets strung up? Yes. Yeah. Yes. That was, that was when we were talking the other day, that was one of those.
yeah unnecessary unnecessary. I have a few few unnecessary parts in this movie. um I like that they start out here in the diner. they They're the pizza joint. They're trying to quote unquote sober up, even though, as I already said, that brunette stone cold sober. You can't tell me otherwise.

Art the Clown's Methods and Horror Tropes

She was only sober. But Brunette's outfit Her costume's kind of banging. If my wife walked in wearing that, I'm like, yeah, we're not going to Halloween, drink your tea. Halloween has always been an excuse for some women to get a little slutty. yeah and Get a little out of character. Yeah. Yeah, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that at all. Which is why yeah it's is why i want to go to I want to go to Vegas for Halloween. Oh, no.
oh And did you notice that his his ass is all fucking dirty and shit like he shit himself? Is it really? I didn't notice that. Yeah. Yeah. I love how he he he steals change to to buy her this little ring. A bubblegum ring. Marking her as like i'm I'm going to throw this is a shit out. It's like hiss teeth late he just ate something the bloody or he just busted his guns on purpose.
Yeah, and that's what I said somebody needs to buy this like save that quarter go buy a fucking toothbrush, dude you yeah Okay, I take that back I was wrong it was just shadow now, you know, what are you doing? Now, you know what he's doing in the bathroom. Oh, you know, I totally downloaded something and I I was gonna share it and I forgot to share it. So so here's my thing Right up into the point where he goes into the bathroom, can be construed as mis mischievous flirting with the brunette. Yes, yes. Because he's all like, hey you know, he's doing the faces, he buys it a little ring and, and, you know, I get it. Yeah. But once you see the bathroom, oh, my God, what did this dude eat?
I was like, did you go to Taco Bell again? This was definitely a Taco Bell episode. Yeah. Like this is Taco Bell.
I love it. I love the pizza guy. He's like all night with you. It's been 10 minutes, dude. We don't know. We don't know if he's been there earlier, though. Oh, you think he came in earlier? yes I doubt it. I doubt it. I love how he's supposedly got all these weapons in the bag.
But they toss it around in the back of water. I'm surprised they didn't lock the door. Well, you can't lock your clients in there. And and most people would, like, if if somebody, so he mentioned we don't know what he's done in the bathroom yet. But if you if you're just, if the guy's just being a douche, you just take him out. You don't think about it.
Well, we all know what he did in the bathroom. Yeah. 2016. We don't see what he's got in the bathroom yet. And that's what the girls are talking about as they're walking back to their car. You know, the blonde said maybe he jizzed all over the bathroom or, you know, and she's still got the ring on. at I know no sure, right? But, you know, it like I said, could have been chalked up to flirting. Granted, he's not good at it.
But once again, you could have been like, oh, he was just trying to be sweet and flirt with you. I'm freezing, or you guys are freezing. I think I am. So I apologize. Oh, she does. She does. I just read your private message.
ah Did you get it? Yeah, no. I talked about your private message. Wait, where did I send it? Chris, did you check your check your text? I'm not sure which one of us are frozen. I don't either. Yeah, I've seen that. So this is when he finds out that there's shit all over the bathroom. Yeah, it's if you literally. He smeared it everywhere. It literally looks like blood shit.
I think I have to reset my stream. Maybe it was Blade. Yeah, I'm having. um Was it you? Okay. these Yeah, it was me. Sorry about that, guys. No, it's no problem. shes So this is this is where I started getting confused. The two brunettes, granted, seeing it a second time, they don't look terribly alike, but if you put them next to each other, they look... So the one the one right here, the Halloween, the one in the costume, her name is Tara. Yeah, her name's Tara. No, that's... Yeah, that's Tara.
And then Vicki is the one on the phone. Yes. Correct. That is correct. She's the one that ends up going crazy. She's the one that that ends up getting the worst of it, technically, because she has to live with it. And the thing is, you can't tell that they're the same person. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, you can. It's like they used it so much. They used a different actress almost. Yeah.
And her roommate just comes in with this rando duty metadata party, and they just literally sit next to her and start going at it. You never lived in a dorm? No, not. I mean, when I was in the Navy, but it was all dudes. You know? There's just a bunch of dudes going at it. I know, right? I was just about to say. I knew you were going to say it, too. I forgot, Glick was still here. What's up, dude?
Oh, well, you know, I was I was I was sharing your guys to show out. Oh, my bad. No, my my phone battery died. Papa Glick's got you guys speaking of Sharon, not to like.
knock you guys too far off subject. Please. Did you say anything about tomorrow night? Speaking of dressing up in slutty Halloween costumes. We will not. Yeah. I tell you what, let's, let's go in and take a break and and we'll we'll do that. Cause I got some other announcements. So yeah. First let's do tomorrow night. Uh, tomorrow night is nonsensical nonsense flagship show. Um, and it's going to, Glick and I is going to be live from, um,
there in New York, Ohio. So, please tune in. There will be a live DJ going on there. So, if you're in the area, come on by. No. Live musician. Yeah. Live musician. Oh, okay. Live musician. Even better. Yeah. So, that that'll be kicking off. For this channel specifically on Friday nights,
Tonight's Terrifier 1. Next Friday is going to be Terrifier 2. And then that Sunday, Jeff and I are doing a combo show, Nonsense and Chill in Jeff's garage. We're going to start that Sunday off. Jeff's airtime with Jeff's garage. We're going to talk about cars and horror movies. And then we're going to roll into Nonsense and Chill with Terrifier 3. Yeah. Yeah. What are you guys doing that Sunday?
Uh, we'll probably start around six. Yeah. i think six times just I just want to make sure I'm, I'm done and out of your way. so Oh yeah. mean Oh no. its got new Later in the evening. Yeah. You're fine. Well, I didn't know if you guys were going to go earlier because I'm doing a double show. No, because you want to watch the scary movies later at night. So we're okay. So that's why we're pushing it back with that being said, we're going to roll right back into the movie. So the ladies are,
So they're in the car waiting. Tara in the blonde. I can't think of the blondes name there. Yeah, they're waiting for Tara. The blondes name is Dawn. OK. They could have called her BNBO wouldn't give you. Well, let's be honest. She's kind of. She's definitely got that strip of her surroundings. Not mad at it, though. I'm not mad at it. And, you know, it took me a good like five minutes of seeing her in costume to realize she was dressed as a scarecrow. Because if at a glance you're like, that's not a scarecrow, that's a chick in a slutty dress. Honestly, i i was I thought she was dressed as a bar wench from my october fest and like Exactly. That's what I thought at first, yeah. Until you see the hat, which she's not wearing, you never see her wear the hat. So the dude walks, so the employee of the hat gets stuck with
swim to The bathroom oxen is hard like a jack-o'-lantern the boss's head is cut off with flames coming out the nose and the eyes and he's dressed like a He made you look like a Jack-o'-lantern how'd you like? How do you get locked in where you're fucking working? How do you get locked? I was just he left the front door. and He left the front door unlocked Yeah, but No, no, but why can't he now he goes in the back door? Yeah. And he's he's locked in like. Yeah, that's not how a lot. That's not how it works. Yeah, know ah but he left the door unlocked by Glick. Good night. Bye, buddy. Bye, buddy.
Oh, he said he's got a dip. He's got to go pick up the kids. No talk. No Taco Bell tomorrow night. That's right. that New rule when Glit goes live from anywhere, no Taco Bell. Aren't the clowns just cut off the the employee that cleaned up his shit? Cut off his hand as he tried to call the police. Mad diarrhea. And I'm not mad at him cutting off his hand because he literally just cleaned up shit.
I wouldn't want that hand either. Yeah, no, I'd say that. like you yeah Yeah, so yeah, that that yeah, that's like a like a heart like a heart in mask like kind of Yeah around the cheekbone around the cheekbone in the eyes But then like and then the mouth is like kind of free open free Because how he was able to smile and make all his little facial gestures. Yeah, that's what i'm saying. It's not It's almost like he glued prosthetics to his face to disguise who he was and you never see him without the mask So it's you know, I get it His teeth though, dude get it too
Yeah, I know. and I mean, I think that's prosthetic as well. But I mean, you know, like it was all bloody and stuff. It's like, what is he like a cannibal? It's not even bloody. It's like black. I know. But when he was smiling at it, it was all red. Yeah, gentlemen, I had some serious internet issues over here tonight. not all No, No.
The The fact that art never says a word. Art the clown never says a word throughout the entire movie. aim Even when he gets like. He gets he takes his own lumps. Yeah, never seen you get to see his facial expression like. a Yeah. It's it's seriously impressive that unless he's actually cut out his tongue or something because you never really see his tongue, do you?
No, no, no, you see it. You see it. Now there is speculat there's speculation because there's a, there's a, there's a couple of different parts of the, the, the franchise where you have this feel like he has this animosity toward women.
So there's like, there's this, yeah, there's this, it's just a theory going around that like when he was a child, he was like beaten by his mom or something, his vocal, busy he was cut or something and made him speechless. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. So, okay. I see where you're going. Like oh says a damaged trace its no matter what. Yeah. like he has a damage to straight Or vocal box or whatever. Guys, I'm trying to restart this movie, but I am having such,
I mean, that's what the website is not the greatest for it. No. Well, my Internet, I don't know. It's it's been weird lately. I get it. You know, I've been freezing all night. You you actually might win or you might have to bring it up.
You might have to bring it up on your end, Jeff. I don't know. I might have to. Let me go ahead and zoom in. I don't know if you can, because you're running Zoom, too. Sorry about this, everybody. No, that's all right. Let me go ahead and zoom in. Well, it's more for the audience, not you and Brian. Yeah, well, it's mainly so we know what we're talking about. Yeah. Hey, Jeff, check out my sigil. You're where? I saw that. My sigil. Oh, that reminds me. I got to send you something. See you, Jeff. Oh, you got it working?
It's slowly coming up. It's just stuck in like that circle of death. You know, you just keep getting the circle of death. There it goes. There it goes. There it goes. Good. Because my I don't think my. Oh, really? He just stares at aren't the clown. Why aren't you just standing right? Right. fuck It's just like above the cheekbone. And it's not right. it's Right. And it it flops a little bit.
Oh, it's so fake. Oh, dude. It's so, it's so fake. It's a floppy knife. Knives don't flop like that in your face. I'm assuming. exactly I've never stabbed anybody in the face. Art, what do you say?
i to the qua The blonde Dawn is telling her while they're sitting in the car while art is over here stabbing the other employee He's harmless. He's harmless. He was just flirting with a wanted to see your tits. I Get it Nobody's ever used that excuse. I'm just saying I just want to see your tits but And the thing is, why are they still in the car? Why are they not walking? okay so yeah so Because you're waiting for... Yeah, they called her sister for a ride because they're AKA too drunk. Yeah, Art had slashed their tire so they couldn't drive away. Yeah, but still, they could have just said, fucking, let's get out of here, you know, as far as we can.
Well, I'm sorry, but if somebody me slash my tire, I would not wait. I would not be waiting. I wouldn't know in that no i would not be waiting to be like, nope, I'm out. No, you no, no. Yes. Clown walking around. ah Yeah. then Yeah. That's see see, that's why I don't go nowhere without my pocket knife or my brass nugs. I don't have, I don't have a CHL yet. So if I had a CHL, Oh, it's on. Right. But let's like, but if, if
The brunette is the sober one. Why is the blonde in the driver's seat? I guess she probably don't have a driver's seat. That's a good, oh my God. Damn. Fucking turned in his face into a pink cushion. Yeah. I swear there's like 50 stab wounds on that guy's face. Yeah, he doesn't. Wow. The gore factor of this movie is like. Oh yeah, it's up there. Like they went more gore than more scared.
I mean, there are some jump scares in the movie. Yeah. I mean, and the cool thing about it, though, when I went to when I went to Horicon last year, um like, man, like I talked to the guy that does the special effects of the makeup. I was like, yeah, he goes, yeah, they had to really look and, you know, they said they had to do a really deep dive and to make it the realism. OK, so they went as real as possible. Yeah. Thirty five thousand dollars. They did pretty good. Oh, we haven't gotten there yet.
Yeah, as I have to say- I want to explain that scene when you're watching that scene. The flick in the movie, the exterminator here. It's just outside smoking a cigarette. This brunette's like, hey, I got a pee.
Excuse me? My bladder's full. I got to go make it glatter. She's like, I got to- How do you say no to that? You don't. All right. This is like how porno start. What am I talking about? Exactly. I've seen this. or war in and Horror movies, or horror horror Horror movies and- I'm ready for this blonde to die. Horror movies are very similar. Oh, trust me. When she goes, you're going to be impressed.
good Oh Brian, that's right. Brian's never seen this. So Brian doesn't know how the blonde dies. Yeah. Oh Brian, you're going to fucking pull your hair out. You're going to lose your mind. So far, like the greatest kill that I actually like, people look at me. Like the way the blonde dies is probably the most brutal kill in this whole movie. Well, I mean, like, no, I mean, I mean that when I went to go see House of Wax and when, uh, Paris Hilton got killed, I was the only dude in the theater going, yeah, kill him. Oh no. I cheered like you read about this.
OK, this is where the start of my problem. See, I don't know if I'm freezing or you guys are freezing. The start of my problems happens in this garage. And it's not hasn't shown up yet. It showed up a little bit there, but. I can't tell if I'm froze or who's froze.
He checked the bathroom for her like he was like, sorry, I'll check it out. Yeah. And then leaves her. He doesn't, he could have been like, well, I'll wait for you outside so I can see you out. That way I can make sure you leave the building. He didn't do that, which he was all up in arms about her coming to the, in the building where it's not allowed. Then he doesn't wait for her. Like a, as a gentleman, you're like, okay, I'll wait outside when you're done. I'll walk you to the exit. That way I can a, know you're left.
in an environment like that. Look at that. Oh, man. Women. Women have this thing where they hover. They like they hover. They put it in hover mode situations like this. Yeah, I feel sorry for them, dude. That's some strong ass thigh muscles. Okay. Fucking my first problem with the movie right here. Why the fuck is she listening to AM radio? Who put a psychopath on Halloween night listens to AM radio?
you know maybe it's the local news in case in case there's a uh she deserves to die for this she's listening to am radio a cop trap the thing is they're announcing they're announcing the murder the murders just happened they're down the road they're announcing the murders and these cops go flying by walking distance obviously and they're announcing on the radio and she's like
That's funny, we were just there. She doesn't call the cops like, hey, I'm closed. Can you guys come check on me? 710's a stoner reference. Is it really? Yeah, it's oil, spelled backwards, and oil as in like dabs and shit. Oh, okay. It concentrates. Now, was that an ambulance or a police car that just passed? Ambulance. I thought it was an ambulance. It was an ambulance, but that's all you ever use in an ambulance.
But you would think because you're so close to be here in the sirens and all that shit in the background. And there's art in her car. He just pops in. What's up, yo, bitch?
This guy's sitting outside the whole time having a cigarette. but No, he's back down like doing his job somewhere. the Why did he go up outside to smoke in the first place? If he could smoke in the building, why did he go outside to smoke? Fresh air, man. Fresh air is outside. ah You're a smoker. You get it.
No, I'm a smoker. I'll smoke wherever I fucking want. Fair. OK, here comes the beginning of my problem with this movie. I'm sorry. If I hear, if I hear cat scroggin' in the background, I'm not going to go investigate. Yeah. Why are you investigating? Get the fuck out of the building. You don't belong there. You don't. Nobody cares. I know, right? Get the fuck out of there. And it's a cat. Your friends. And he just told her the place is filled with rats.
She don't care. And she's like, I better go check it out. She don't care. She ain't scared. She never leaves this building again.
Let's say with the blonde, why the hell you not locked the door knowing that like, okay, it's late at night and shit. There was a just you just heard about a murder walking distance from the car. Why didn't you lock the doors? Yeah. You know, even though this franchise has a sizable body count, like the body count isn't the focus.
Like, no, it's not. I mean, like, I mean, there's really not a huge body count. There's a decent one, but it what ah like okay. So this lady right here, we pay attention to what her baby's name is. It's Emily. Emily. What was the little girl's name in number two? What's her name? I don't know. In the.
in the news article, in the news article, Emily Jane. Is it really? Wow. Which is the same little girl that plays. I didn't look at movies. I see. Yeah. Spoiler alert, motherfuckers. His imaginary friend, because don't get me started. It's a whambulance. Yeah, whambulance. All right. OK.
She, she literally looks like an older version of the victim of the, of the Burnett here. She, she looks like she's like 25 years old. ah ah ah But she's much taller. Her name is Tara. Yes.
first monthss right is too
You know, she, she did something nice there. She was like, I'll play along, but I gotta get the fuck out of here. The rents do, I gotta to go. So it's it's um it's just a film theory or theorize. OK, there it is. There's my first problem. You see that the hood of that man who the fuck works on a vehicle and doesn't put the hood all the way up. It's either up or closed, motherfucker. I don't know. I'm scared of the fucking psychopath mechanic.
Art, I blame art. Art is the mechanic. the mechanic during the day. the pose this is art he's like there He's like, he's got fucking shit all over his gloves. Yeah, this is literally the picture you see on screen with us. you yeah Why are women always fall in horror movies? Because she's wearing heels. Women always fall in horror movies no matter where they are. Oh yeah, it's a trope.
but see that lookss up I'm okay with it. I know I focus on the wrong thing but oh man How does he not fall with those big-ass shoes on cuz he's actually taking his time I guess Yeah, he takes his good old sweet time everywhere he goes it's fucked up and that's the thing like to a hort good good horror movie you stalk and Oh, he's talking to the mind games. He he does this weird thing. He just pops up out of nowhere sometimes. So he's walking around these cars. There's got to be I would say maybe 10 cars in this garage, maybe 15. But they only focus on like three or four. Um, and she's hiding behind looks like a fucking centra. And
Peekaboo. She's looking through the window. She knows he's behind him. Go out the way you fucking came, you dumb bitch. Well, remember, in horror movies, people don't make the right decisions to escape. Ever. No, Shaggy and Scooby did. They were just always outvoted.
Now she's looking underneath the car to see where she can see her feet. She can see he is a good 10 feet from her in the opposite direction of the door. Now he's on the other side of the car. She had plenty of time to get the fuck out of there.
You know, yeah once again, this is how, you know, it didn't happen in a small town like mine or, you know, because open carry I'd have shot him already.
He had a scalpel officer. What did you expect? I was fearful of my life. Yes, I loaded an entire clip in it. That's when one thing about art is that he will he will use a gun when he needs to. Yeah, he does. for For a slasher horror flick, he pulls out a gun. That is something not typically a thing. It's yeah unexpected um for a horror movie for him to have a gun. But he's practical.
He's practical about it. He's like, I may need this. So he keeps attached to his ankle. I get it. Yeah. Cause I can like, as you watch these movies, I think his biggest weakness, like if you were, if you're going to capture him or get rid of him, like he can't, he can't escape from ah a locked cell, but he can resurrect. Ah, interesting. Yeah. Watch this thing go right behind her.
No, no, he's not. i um I kind of want to sneak up behind it. You know what? I'm not mad at you for either tap her on her shoulder. Like, man, you dropped this.
You know, as, as the comedy guy, I constantly, as my kids and I were watching this, cause I watch a rat just jumps out of nowhere. She gives her, gives her away. I constantly kept scaring the kids and kept saying things like, Hey, you dropped your phone or, Oh, Oh.
Careful. Oh. Now. This is where she gets stabbed in the ankle and shit. Well, he cuts her Achilles tendon. So she can't run. No, he doesn't do that. Because she does still, like, that doesn't happen. But it looks like. He kind of stabs her in the calf, almost. Yeah. But in a minute. But he likes to see her. She slaps it in and out of her. Yeah, he saw an attitude.
He's brutal, dude. He's got a scalpel. Yeah, which which kind of bothered me because the scalpel would cut a lot easier than that unless it's dull, I guess. But but here's the thing. After she gets away from him, she hides with a pipe like nothing ever happened. Bullshit, because I would be sitting there going, fuck my goddamn cat. This is horrible. I don't know, man, it all all depends on how much you want to survive, I guess.
Yeah, but like I've been stabbed, dude. It hurts. I've cut myself. It hurts. Yeah, a paper cut. I'm going to do it in like one minute. I cut myself pretty bad where I got like I had four internal stitches and then six. Yeah, it was a clean cut because I nicked my artery and they stitched that up and then I saw like my muscle tendon and everything and then I got like six external stitches.
well I actually put a drill bit almost through my finger once where the drill slipped and I almost fucking passed out from that After seeing the tendon and shit. I was like, whoa So imagine getting stabbed in the cap where blood is pouring out. Yeah, you might have to restart it I'm working on that or jump it back 10 seconds.
Well, sometimes that doesn't work on the website we use. Oh, right. yeah We don't name the website because do do we don't. do do We don't. We don't name the website. Hi, Lily. Yeah, um it's one of those things like he stabs her.
And she limps for like 30 seconds. And then she almost never limps again. that's and the thing about this team it is you feel it And you see you back in your other leg. all Go on. Coach's advice. Walk it off. Rub some dirty walk it off you walk some dirt on it.
Yeah. Rub some dirt on it. Oh my. i That's the problem I have with some of these movies, because you were just stabbed in the gut. Yet two minutes later, you're beating somebody with a fat. No, you're not. No, you're covered in the corner fucking bleeding to death. Yeah. Yeah. And it's um it's unaffecting you. The bar. Yeah, that's the pizza shop.
I always check the time before I reset. Do you remember what the time was? No, I couldn't see it because it's too small on my screen. But but that's what I do when I'm watching a movie and it's not working on the website. Before I reset, I check exact minutes and seconds so I can go right back to where it was. um go I'm going to I'm going to do some research to find better ways to to to share because this is. Well, there is other ways that we I used to use it. You might be able to do it. We'll talk about it offline about where you might be able to download it.
temporarily. um And also, I'm gonna actually while I'm thinking about it. So my internet is so bad tonight, unfortunately, like I can't even I'm sorry. um I want to restart it. But I'm also hooked up to zoom. I'm gonna send you a link blaze. Um,
I'm really certain where you might this and you won't be able to do it for this movie because it takes a while start It keeps starting back over at the very fucking beginning For the for when we watched the second one you might be able to do this because you have a VPN Okay, I'm familiar with that site. That's an old yeah-school site. I didn't know it was still a thing It is but only works with a VPN There she goes. She's falling again. So you got about another. Kick in the
at all Kick him in face.
I would like to go to, I mean I want to go to Vegas for Halloween and then I also want to go to Cancun for Halloween. So we're back were writing right before, never actually gone to the club right before she gets stabbed. I mean like at the resort. I wonder how that goes. What's that again? Oh he's talking about here at the resorts in Cancun.
Like during Halloween, it can get nuts. Oh, okay. I've never stayed at the resorts because, you know, I live here. So I've only stayed in the resorts occasionally. And it's usually some random low season.
Because I get a really good deal. And then I'm like, I'm gonna go eat my face off the whole time. Because all the resorts here are all inclusive. All you can eat, all you can drink. Really? Oh, yeah.
Ryan, what did you spend the last time you were here? All you can eat, all you can drink? Like less than a thousand bucks? Yeah. For a week? Mm-hmm.
OK, I have another problem. Her socks never rip. She's on her knees on concrete, not a run, nothing until Ark stabs her in the cat.
ah I don't know. I mean, two days left, two days left to download this? I don't know. I told you. and Well, right now you're doing a lot. Now it's down to like 19 minutes. Well, I'm going to let it go. I might have to use that as a backup. But I think I might have to. I think I might do that from now on. think exactly kids but yeah Because if I had download a downloaded copy that I wouldn't have to worry about all this buffering. And that's that's the thing. The buffering is what's killing us.
Because we should be we should be over halfway through the movie by now. Well, because I'm in shit kicker Ville on the internet slow as fuck. Yeah, I get it. Yep. So bring in the way ambulance because I'm whining. So this is So so she hasn't been stabbed yet. No, no, because me restarting it, it backed up a bit. OK. Yeah. Now he's about to step up. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is about to stab her now. but And she but so she's looking over the trunk of the car. She can't see him. Then why the fuck are you still standing there? Run. There's nobody around. Go run. She had plenty of time before he grabs her and stabbed her.
ouch if she would have ran when i told her she'd have been halfway up upstairs by now but no she doesn't listen excuse me the nope oh But you can yeah, that's definitely her cap because it's frozen right there. Yeah. yeah Oh, and he's digging at it. Dude, she fucking fucking just swells on him. Kick him in the face. Yeah, but she hits him. She hits him open hand. Why? Like punch that motherfucker in the nose, man. Kick him in the face. He doesn't want to knock his prosthetic nose off or ruin the movie. Yeah, he does have like the witch and witch of the east, you know, nose. It's like a bunch of different old prosthetics that he's put on his face. And another thing, like why why is he wearing like open fingertip gloves? Yeah, I don't get that either. Some clowns do. It's just a clown thing, really. i think Yeah, he went to clown college, man. Yeah. So the yeah so the guy who plays art, the clown in the movie, he's he's not an actor. He's never been an actor, never a trained actor.
He's actually trained clown in mind, though. That is right. Yeah. Yeah. Talk about that while this is buffering, because that's that is an actual that is an actual thing, because like one of the popular wrestlers, Becky Lynch, she says that she learned how to be a clown when he finds one that fits him nicely. Now, he's just choking her. Why doesn't she need him? Maybe she's a sadist.
maybe she doesn like it like harder she's dressed she's dressed for the part she yeah she does yeah yeah there is a skeleton on her dress and it looks like somebody airbrushed it onto just a black dress yeah i've seen costumes like that before though oh my god the airbrushing is so good yeah yeah there was a girl yeah there was a girl there was a girl one time that just kind of uh walked around like topless but airbrushed a very tight t-shirt yeah yeah
like we're a skintight t-shirt. I'm like, Oh, Hey, how you doing? Brian went up and was like, what kind of fabric that is. Holy shit. That's your booth. um throw
So she's struggling. She grabs, she finds the scalp. Oh, that's right. She stabs in the stabs. I'm like right here. She got him in the lung, dude. She had. Yeah. Just like right here. He, he,
He could have killed him right there. Just stab, stab, stab. While we were watching it, Kevin kept saying saying the same thing. Double tap that motherfucker.
Stabbed and twist. I'm not mad at it. Did you not learn anything from watching zombie movies? I know, right? Stab and twist. Stab and twist. Keep going. I don't stop until that head comes off the shoulders. And she drops the scalpel. Very smart.
Well, no, I think she left it in his side. Did she leave it in his side? I mean, you don't really see that scalpel again, because he's got a bag of toys. He's not like that. No,
no it's it's literally, in the beginning of the movie, Brian, you saw him loading the the bag. yeah He had a table laid out. He's got everything laid out. um He doesn't use everything, but he uses a lot. He's got a gun in there somewhere. Well, no, gets's that's on his ankle. Because he pulls it out. Oh, that's right. He does keep one on his ankle. That's like as a good solution to get out of here.
Who is that? There we go. There we go.
See, look, no paint. It's just a piece of pipe, like a piece of angle iron. Oh, okay. Oh, hey, this is where she finds a piece of metal on the floor and throws it back to the staff. Like she's not writing. Like cartoon style, yeah. She's not worried about her cap at all. She ran to that door like it was nothing. Her cap has been stabbed. Like her cap muscles almost cut off her bone. Filet-o-leg. Yeah, it was filleted.
I love how he he he does the art the clown constantly when nobody's around will make these silly faces to himself. Like he's like, this is funny. And it's like, you know, right? He's like, Oh, I smell blood that knows I painting.
Why is she not swinging already? Because she's because she's She's trying to find something to distract them. So she can run. That's right. Yeah. So she can get in position, so to speak. Because she finds like a it's like a small washer or something where she can toss. Very, very old. um Like a piece of just a bracket. Yeah. I want to grab the rat and turn the rat at him. My gosh. Whoever whoever works in that that garage does. It's a psychopath. I'm not afraid. It's a fucking mechanic that works there. and
I mean, it's just horrible. It's a shade tree mechanic. It's more like a chop shop. It is now. It is now. Yeah, art turns it into a chop, chop, chop. There she goes. She's about to throw it now. Yeah.
So for the people watching, yeah while we're sitting here watching and reviewing this movie, I'm having internet issues. And it's like, it stops every couple of seconds. buffers and so okay It doesn't begin, but I am working on that. I am working on that. I think, uh, I think Jeff found a good solution. So we might have to work on that. And that's, that's some, unfortunately, I can't use that website I sent you because I don't have a VPN. Uh, but supposedly I didn't, I didn't even.
Use my VPN and it's letting me download something. Really? Well, it's a zip file. Thank God I have antivirus. How many times am I going to change the picture? As many as I'd like. It's a free country. It's a freedom of choice that makes me American.
no Mark America. Is this going to be great? All her nose is red. Her nose is so red. Yeah. And she looks like she's drunk.
Yeah, this is true. Well, I mean, if I stab you in the cap, let's see how in the red your nose gets.
Because like he also tried to gouge her eyes out and she was choked. So when you're choked like that, your your sinuses kick in. Yeah. So I'm assuming her nose was running at one point. But her lipstick has not run once.
Or her mascara. Usually that one's first. She's not even sweating. You'd think she'd be sweating profusely by now. Right. Well, it is October, so it's cold in there. And like you now you see her ankle. It doesn't look as bad as it did when he was stabbing. It almost looks like Freddy Krueger grabbed her leg once.
She's wearing heels boots. Boots with heels.
the one And I'm not mad at her sister's whip. For a college girl, she's got a really nice car. She's one for a mommy-daddy mother. Yeah.
And she's listening at least she's listening to FM. But once again, here's the problem. Why are you listening to the radio? Who drives around listening to the radio in this day and age? I do because of the snowball season. Oh, well, OK. Yeah, okay yeah but you're weird because you drive a Ford and it doesn't have anything but the roof.
But he but she's got like satellite. Why aren't you listening to music if I'm driving around, especially if I'm tired? I'm going to listen to music because it keeps me awake.
You know, you know, in 2016, yeah, I was listening to my Spotify account. I never listened to Spotify or CDs or something. Yeah. I still got my CD case in my truck. Yeah. So even though I streamed through Apple music, it's exposition. I get it. I mean, the clown is on the loose and all that stuff. So in order to listen to local news, you kind of have to listen to the radio, unfortunately.
I mean, you can find local news being streamed, but it's easier just to listen to the radio. But it's not like she's... it Once again, she it's not like she knows the clown is there until she hears it on the radio. So why was she listening to the radio? It just bothers me. No, you're right, because i'm I miss a I listen to fucking music.
Yeah, I always listen. why Oh, she's running even though she got stabbed. Yeah, see. Yep. She shouldn't be standing like that. No, she's she's standing straight up and down like it's nothing. I mean, granted her Achilles heel wasn't cut, but she should still be living. She just like ran. Yeah. Granted, it was only a couple of steps. And why did that dude relock the door?
It's like three lock or two locks on that. Yeah. Who uses like three locks? Now she's looking. Yeah. Now she's looking. Yeah. As she goes upstairs. But I'm assuming Art put that chain on the door because she remembered at that point that her legs were supposed to have been stabbed. So she's like, Oh, I better live. Somebody behind the camera is like, you're supposed to let me. It's not even, it's like, it's such a bad fake. It's almost like she twisted her ankle. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
that my like dad I stepped my toe really bad. And what? Phone doesn't work. The phone doesn't work. You just by looking at that office, there's no computers, there's nothing in there but that one bandit. It's like an abandoned building. It's an abandoned building. Why would you think the phone would work? I get it. You got to try, but. Well, I mean, you would think that it was occupied, at least during the day, because there is an exterminator there doing jobs, though.
Yeah, but it does look like it's also an abandoned building at the same time. Oh It's the clown No, no, that's the that's actually the janitor He's just listening to tunes like a normal person. He's not listening to fucking news Like what kind of? always bring the massive fucking home
He jumps up, Bob. And gone. But his face, as he jumps up, he's like, ha ha, yeah. You'll see shadows. Yeah, no, the shadow, I thought that too, Brian. And when you look, when the camera turns around, you can't see it because it's buffering. But the shadows don't move. So there's no shadow making him think there's something over there. See, nothing. And the reason, you'll see why. Art's just sitting there holding him.
but Once again, she's just holding onto his arm, throw some elbows in there, pop him in and the nuts, you know? And they're go then he... was needled He likes to drug his victims. Yeah. That's just someone's blood porn, though, from that. Yeah, he... That's way too much blood. Like, he shows the hypodermic... And then he he does this whole ta-da thing. Ta-da! Look, I have a magic trick that can make you fall asleep.
yeah but
Three car parking lot for sale. I was just right yeah. car that was what say the The sign on there doesn't say it's like police or anything it's just three car parking lot. And so Tara is strapped to a chair. She's strapped to a chair. There's a sheet in front of her that's good, what, 10 feet away? Yeah, so we're about to get to the point where the blonde is killed. Yeah, we're about to do the blonde again. But first he's going to to fuck with Tara and think that he's gonna kill her right away. In the weirdest way. Yeah, he fucked her. He's got her duct taped to the chair. Her feet are duct taped together.
Yeah. And then there's duct tape on her mouth and you can't hear her. And reveal of the blonde is like I saw it coming but I didn't see it coming. You know what I mean? off No. Like I saw it coming as in like I knew the blonde was behind the sheet but i'm not in that position. Yeah.
and art is in their play with it on the art signature weapon is this chain with knives and other sharp sharp object no he no because he he actually it almost looks like twine no no it's yeah but no there's like knives and shit twine to a chain okay like it's just this chain with yeah just a bunch of freaking shanks on it's a shame you see it you see it in the second one really well yeah he just whips it around dude it's a brutal fucking weapon Yeah. Kootakinte style. Just wakwakwakwakwak. Kootakinte. Sorry. Like Glory. Denzel Washington. Oh, man. No. Oh, excuse me. folks Sorry. I just watched Glory the other day. Fair. You know, I think when I was buffery, I'm going to go ahead and pause it.
Yeah, let's go ahead and do a sort of break. Yeah, let's go ahead and do it. I do want to go ahead and run through the weekly lineup. You know, Monday nights, we got men caring for men. Tuesday, we got Glick's house music. Wednesdays, we have what the fuck news, which this coming Wednesday, I'm going to pop up. Thursday is Cash's Corner. Every other Thursday, when the schedule allows. Fridays is right here with us, Jeff and special guests, Brian tonight. Nonsense and cheap.
um And then Saturday nights is nonsense a nonsensical network or nonsensical nonsense. Oi, flags. There's a lot of nonsense going on around Saturday nights flagship show. We will be live tomorrow. Glick and I from ah Buckeye axe throwing. Yeah, I have. We will still have open door challenge. Jeff will be the bouncer and.
Whoever else is there is going to join us. Sunday nights, we have Jeff's garage this Sunday. And we also have a bonus episode of Nonsense and Chill. And we also have unnecessary roughness early in the day with the Glick. And Monday we repeat. After you get done with the lineup here, let's go ahead and I want to play the one I did just because I think Brian will be able to kick out of it too. OK.
After we play this, I want to see how many you remember. I'm going to play our our commercial. And don't forget that we have merch. Yes. Spread us on to you. Spread us on to you. All on the... BioLink. BioLink, which is a BioLink slash nonsense gold network.
And you'll find all our social medias there. And of course, the link to our um merch, which is, you know... and went and now When in doubt, this is what you should do. Smoke weed every day. ah So, light we're gonna play... This this is a three minutes and 20 seconds little break here.
Haver? Boy, I'm sure glad you switched from that un-cola. Sprite's everything that stuff is. Clear? Clean? Caffeine-free? But Sprite tastes better, because only Sprite has Lyman. Know what I mean?
Pop me another one of them bad boys. How about it? party um but but ah hey and Burn burn! Burn him up! ah
Hot, ain't it, Vern? Look what your old buddy Ernest has brought you, Vern. An icy cold Sprite, instead of that 7-up you used to drink. Because only Sprite's got the great taste of Lyman. Sprite, Vern, just the thing when you're working up a sweat over one of these old off-brand air conditioners. Know what I mean? Well, there's your problem right there, Vern. You see that little wire right there? Looks like it's got a little... Come on. More than it. My daddy used to work on them.
Hey, Vern. It sure is hot up here, Vern. I bet you'd like a cold, smooth, mellow yellow right there, wouldn't you? Yeah, I just bet you would. You know, Vern, there's nothing like a good old cold, mellow yellow when y'all hot and sweaty. I think it sure beats that Mountain Dew. You know what that sound means in Russia, Vern? Empty. Vern, I...
Hey, Vern, look at my brother-in-law just got down at Tyson's Toyota, Vern. A brand new Toyota Supra. A dream machine. Sexy too, ain't it? Hey, listen, Vern, why don't you go in the house and get you on some long pants and some of that musk oil, and me and you will go out and find us some action. What do you say?
Good morning, Vern. Your buddy Ernest is fixing to use some of his world famous recipe for buttermilk pancakes made with delicious, nutritious, challenged buttermilk. See, it's the one with the little elk on the label. Only it ain't elk milk, it's cow's milk. I mean, who's gonna milk a elk? But anyway, all us great cooks use challenged buttermilk. Okay, now get ready, Vern. You ready? Here it comes. You ready?
Pancakes on parade. You better believe it.
Boy, Vernon sure is a dull game. I know it takes strategy and all. And speaking of strategy, your old buddy, Ernest, noted entrepreneur, has moved his entire financial kingdom to the Vernon savings and loan. Know what am I mean? Yes, the vast financial empire of Ernest P. Worrell is now earning a whole big bunch of that filthy lucre on a daily basis. My move?
Crown me.
minutes of those. I just need to cut it up in a three minute segment. Oh, okay. So we're back and she's, she's still tied up. She's wiggling. She's wiggling. She's wiggling. Yeah, she is. So he's got an ax. It's almost like a, it's almost, it's a carpenters. It's a car. It's a, it's a drywall hammer. Okay. Yep.
That's an old drywall handful. And and he he's taunting her with it. Like, he's going to hit her with it and then stops inches from her. Like, what a dick.
And then he never uses it. He never uses it. So he he he likes to fuck with his victims. Yeah. yeah play you like Play with your food. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah.
hence why actually's Terrifying play it's terrifying them. Yeah Tender as me here come oh, no, okay, so nice back into his bag of toys and once again, you know, he pulls out a castle this trash bag of Tools that he has was tossed at him in like it was nothing. He's got a drill in there.
And nothing but rusty old tools. Yeah. It's not, they're not new tools, not even remotely. They, that's like once you find it a abandoned house garage sale. Or garage sale, yes. Yeah.
Like what? An estate sale. It's an estate sale assessment or arrangement of tools. You know, I mean, I want i mean, I need to go ahead and just sign up and just be like a movie extra or being a like being part of a stunt crew on a horror movie. I would love to be a stunt crew. Yeah, I want to be a stunt guy. Oh, so he holds the axle up to her neck. He's got it to throw like he's got to cut her throat. Once again, just fuck the weather.
terrifying I would ruin his day, but like do it motherfucker. He's a sadistic motherfucker. Out of all the slasher movies, he's he's one he's one of the most sadistic ones. He's more sadistic than Freddy. It's like sadistic, methodical, this like strategic. But it's real cat and mouse. Oh, here it comes. So he's walking over the sheet that's hanging and she's like, why is there a sheet there?
And he's going to pull it away here in a second. And I automatically knew what was going to be behind it. Yeah. Right. Because by this point, you're like, where is that blonde? What happened to him? Where'd she go? Where's the blonde? He saw her in the car. And then that was the last time we saw it. You assume she's laying in the car dead. You assume, yes. Yes. Because earlier in the movie, his kills wasn't that gory yet. Yeah.
Tada. There she is. Nice rack. I mean, nice. ah she is our ra Nice, nice film set up. Nice. Nice. They're key to the point. They're key to the script. Yes. Very good. So this movie is rated R with a little bit of X in it, I think. Okay. Now here's the problem I have with what he's about to do.
He leaves her underwear on while she's hanging upside down. Topless. But he moves it.

Graphic Scenes and Brutal Imagery

He moves it to the side. No, he pulls it. He rips it off. Does he? OK. Because he jerks at it like you read it. So the blonde is being upside down from her ankles, and she's spread eagle with her yeah hands behind her back, upside down.
completely naked. but angel Well, she's topless. She's topless. Well, the only thing she's got on is is her pants. Duct tape on her mouth. From this perspective, she's bottomless, but yes. Yes. Yeah, because I saw him. Watch him. He rips him off. Excuse me, guys. Yeah. Oh, that's right. He does. Yeah. See, he rips him off. Why would you leave him on just to rip him off later? For theatrics? I guess.
Wait, you mean. Oh, yes. Oh, man. Yes. Like, let's let's do a good Lord Splitter. Yeah. Stem to sternum stem. Yeah. Technically. Yeah. Oh, and they show some horrible. Yeah. It's a horrible. Probably one of those brutal scene scenes. in Like as soon as he raised the hacksaw, I told the kids, hey, why don't you guys go get some popcorn?
You don't need to see this part. And I will say this, that's the first time I've ever seen a death scene like that. Yeah, it is the first. After all the horror movies I've seen. Okay, I i give it i give a ah creative point. It's brutal. It is brutal, dude. I give a creative point. Oh, look at that.
And she's feeling every second. Like the pain. All the nerves. Rusty, I guarantee you that blade is dull as fuck. It's basically... And it's got other people's blood on it. It's pure soul, man. He just doesn't stop. He's tearing. He stops once to laugh and look back at her. Damn, he's coming. Oh, there goes the intestine. The intestines are out. She's still screaming.
He is past that thing. I mean, that's a lot of flesh to cut through. I mean, he's going through the sternum, the ribs, the chest cavity, and everything. He went through the pelvis. Well, I mean, right in the chest, it's all cartilage. He's just laughing all the time. Now he's going through her head. Now here's the problem I have. He's supposedly split her spine down the middle because her neck is still attached on both sides of the two pieces of head.
That is impressive. That's out of generally kicking in. Kind of makes you wonder, maybe that saw is pretty sharp. yeah I mean, that's a lot of... It might be a brand new blade. There's a lot of bone and cartilage to go through. So she hit him. She broke the handle of the... Double tap! See, she doesn't double taps. She grabs him in the back with the...
that. Wow. That's disgusting. Disgusting. Horrible. I give it creative points. It's creative. You got it. But what sick fuck thinks of this? Damien Leon needs to go to therapy. like This is his therapy. This is his therapy. I guess. It's like the the guy who did the human centipede movies.
Jesus. Oh, man. That movie was not watching that movie. I can't watch it again. Man. Human Centipede was twisted. Jeez. Creative. So give it that. All right. So we won't do human. So there it is again. Look at the hood of this van. Who the fuck leaves the halfway up? I'm not scared of the clown. I'm scared of the psychopathic mechanic. I did. I did notice that it did have the prop up. So that's that's how high it goes. No, that that hood goes all the way up. I know those fans.
fair. Man, the bullet splatter like like in contrast to his white face paint. Yeah, costume. It stands out pretty dope. And he's like staring out in the dark. Oh, she's buying a band right now. She hits him with a two by four hacksaw. Back at her like it was nothing. So she and she jabs him with it.
He's he's like going down a little bit showing mercy. Why is she not? Why is she not swinging? Why he's bent over? Like I don't know for effect. No, she's. Chicks and horror flicks are retarded. I'm sorry. Dudes do it too. No, just sit there and then pause and they hold back for a moment. If if I'm wailing on a series somebody that I literally just watch cut Brian and half from stem to stern.
I'm gonna beat the dog. shit Oh, believe oh go I will go for I will go full like nah, I mean like your brain your head is becoming mashed potatoes I just saw you kill my best friend in front of my oh your brain No, your head is mashed potatoes, buddy Like best so i'm talking about like if I see you kill somebody yeah, yeah Whaling on you. I'm not stopping until I can't lift my arms anymore No ah Dawn is the one that got them into this with her fucking mouth and being too drunk. So I mean, and maybe she deserved it. I'm joking. I'm joking. I get it.
devil's advocate and all.

Character Critiques and Horror Tropes

I get it. Because she's giving yourself time to heal. Yeah, she's giving him time to get up. He's thinking about how to dodge. She's like, get up. Get up. No, don't get up. No, don't get up. He hit him while he's down. Kick him while he's down. He gave no mercy to you. Fuck your principles. Here it comes. Or your friend. And yet, you're going to get up. This is another creative thing that you don't see in horror movies very often. And it's going to happen here in a few seconds. Oh, yes. This is what happened.
and it It looks like a 1911 cold Pulls it from his ankle and shoots her Doesn't kill her kneecap. Yeah. Yeah that way think was a murder no right above the kneecap Yeah, it looks like it shattered her her femur. Yeah. Yeah, but yet she walks again and
I guess her legs are just built like Connors, or not like Connors, I'm sorry. yeah The blue tooth, the white. We've lost signal.
that it This is his dressing area. No, no, no, no. That's where the but cat lady lives. That's a familiar name, the cat lady. It is.
it's weird it should be named the baby lady but or the doll lady yeah the dog man like here's the crazy thing with everything that just happened you forget he existed until you see her face it gets even crazier what he does to her oh good god yes like once again This is why I support open carry laws, because I would never be caught in a situation like that that cloud would have been shot until, like, I would have been still pulling the trigger when I'm running out of bullets. See, that's the thing like, like, okay, and every more every horror movie that we were seeing.
When have you ever seen a girl go straight ruthless aggression on a killer? There's been a couple. There's been a couple. Which one? Scream. Scream was one. The remake of Evil Dead, I believe. I did not see the remake. It's actually really good.
he just shot her again and i'm assuming it's like in the i think it was in the shoulder like he doesn't aim for vital or yeah sha her yeah you're right like he He kills them slowly, painfully, and torturing. Yeah, that's terrifying. Yeah, yeah, exactly. He lives up to the name Terrifier. That's more scary than, like, dying. I'd rather, you know, he shoots her in the face, So but in the cheek. Multiple times. he Multiple times later on, just shot her too. again. And And she still fucking survives. I'm assuming it's like in the, I think it was in the shoulder. Like he doesn't aim for vital organs. Yeah, he shot her. And then... Almost. He runs out of bullets. He has to go back through his bag and find a new clip. He goes back through his bag and finds another clip.
Dude, he has this cartoonish thing about him, I think, is what I really love about him. He's like the Bugs Bunny of killers. yeah Yes, yes, yes, perfect. He's got that Bugs Bunny aspect yeah where he's he's doing stuff for the camera. like why people are just disturbed but like Why is she not dead?
Well, he didn't aim for the brain. He just shot her in the cheek. yeah I know it's still like her yeah you only have two more text. It's right there. Like, you know, the chi bones with with the cerebellum. I think there was only like two bullets in that whole fucking guy. But look at it like he walks back like like in a in a goofy manner. He's frustrated, but like funny. Frustrated. God dang it. This is such an inconvenience. Yeah, he's yes. Yes. Joker.
Like he almost tapped the gun like what the fuck when he ran out of bullets.
That's how you know he's a psychopath. He just squatted down in his feet or flat footed.
There's only two types of people who do that. Psychopaths and Asians. Skinny people. No, Asians do

Humor and Cultural References

it. No, no, no, no, no. And that's not... No, I'm saying... I don't see Brian's squad. I can prove it. I have bad knees. Because there's a channel I watch on TikTok, on YouTube. I'm familiar with rice pie meals. These Thai girls rebuild motors and stuff. And that's how they stand. They look like frogs. Yeah, I've seen them. I make fun of them the whole time. But that's how he squats.
I used to be able to squat, I used to be able to squat like that when I was younger, my knees weren't so bad. Yeah. Yeah. I have had, I had, yeah, I had operation on my left knee and my right, my right knee's on the fucked up too. But I worked, when I worked U-Haul and I would fucking throw tires back up on the 26 foot trucks, I would squat down in that position with the fucking wheel cradled in my arms just to give me that little push. That is a 1911 Colt. Yeah.
Yeah, the only time I would, the only time I would, thought like, I would squat, uh, the only time I would really would squat is if I got to really, like, pick up something really heavy. I just found a major inconsistency. He's holding a 1911 Colt. He shot her in a phase that looks like she was shot with a .22. Mm-hmm. And then there's also a Metro credit card there, whatever that is. Well, that's, that's, that's a bus card the blonde stuff. and That's the blonde shit.
she's oh this is uh so this is Vicky texting her sister Tara yeah or texting Dawn texting Dawn because um Tara's phone is dead Tara's phone's dead so you know Art knows how to use cell phone yes but Art's Art's Art knows how to use a cell phone yeah and he knows how to drive too if you remember right
Well, you don't see him drive in this movie. You see him driving the second one in the second one. And that's right. He does drive in this movie. I forgot. And also in all Hall of Z. I think he drives great. Yeah. He just texted. He just text. He texted as long saying after break, come to the back bathroom break. I'm going. OK, well, we'll take a break. Well, I'll pause. I'll pause for you, Brian.
Jeff and I will sit here and chit chat for a moment or because it's too early to go on. He texted Vicki that Tara is sick as in like, vomiting. And sent it from Dawn's phone, the blonde that literally just got cut in half. Brutal, such a brutal scene. and
If I was Vicki, I'd be like, okay, I'll be upfront. Let me know when you guys done. I want to go on it. All right. Let's go. You guys done. I'll be upfront. I'll change the tire. Yeah. You know, you are we are about three, five minutes through here.
Yeah. Yeah. There's a- And the only reason it's taken us this long because we've had to deal with buffering, but that's a- Buffering and talking. No, it's fine. Hopefully, we will eventually- While Brian's- Go ahead and play one of those other real. Go ahead and play another break? Yeah, why not? Why not? While Brian's in the bathroom. Okay. You know what? I do need to- I need to get- Because I got to go to the bathroom, too.
together for three years now. Of course. Of Charlotte, will you be mike yeah why my... Oh my! It's a gorgeous car, what is it? It's a new Charged Dodger. A Dodge Charger 500. Dynamite! Yeah.
That's the optional Hertz shifter. Elliot? Yeah. Hey, where are the headlights? They're hidden where the bumper loops around the grille. Hey, these are new high-back seats. Yeah, see how nice they fit? My name's Sheila. What's yours? Elliot? That's a cute name. Bet it really rides smooth, huh, Al? Why don't we find out? Elliot!
1970 Charger 500. If you can cope with a whole new image, you could be Dodge material.
the big twin, two charbroiled patties, lettuce cheese special sauce, and our famous cheeseburger, now playing exclusively at your neighborhood,
Ready? Set. Here's Prop Shot from Marx. Aim for the sky. The harder you pull, the farther you are six different models, each sold separately with or without the launcher. From Marx.
Over high mountains, on tropic islands, Tip Top's Moggy Man searches for fabulous flavors. Arriving at his secret laboratory, Moggy Man stokes up the magic Moggy Box. Here they come, Moggy Man's newest flavors, Passion Fruit Zero X and Free Flavor Astro Flash. Yay, Moggy Man! Shelly acts like I'm a loser, but this should impress her. $150. Impressive.
Now try close-up. Oh, that's just toothpaste. Maybe a dash of color. Bob, put your money where your mouth is. White or teeth and fresh breath will win points with Shelly. Looks like mouthwash. There's mouthwash in close-up. For your breath. Does it wind your teeth? White as it can be. How was your date with Shelly? Hey, this loser's a lover now. Put your money where your mouth is. Buy close-up.
love You can always crush the slash. I knew that a mustache is burnt. Dude, I see those retro commercials when I'm going through them like, oh my gosh, that is commercial. The hardest commercial. I barely remember that, but then I do remember like.
like because how they advertise that they're charbroil and then that's when Burger King became out with the whole we're the flame broiled. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But but that was the only thing that separated it with those those hardies girls kind of lift up their skirts. i was Yeah. into bun Wow. But yeah, that would not fly today. No, you can do that.
and then I like uh I like playing retro commercials for the uh entertainment value. Some of them have aged very poorly. Oh, dude. Oh, man. Like, there there's still some. There's still some. We still bitch about the guy that wants coffee served with his steak. I got that.
I mean, Alright, so uh there's some there's some commercials. I'm all like I still remember the jingle in my head. Yes. Yeah. So he just gets her and she's now walking to the back. He didn't cut Dawn completely into. There's like this, this much left over. Yeah, it's literally like this much left. He gets a selfie. Which is kind of a throwback to what she did. She took a selfie with him. Kind of the unwanted selfie thing. I get it. Aha. Mm hmm.
shoots her again in the forehead. In the face. Like you think she'd be dead by then. God damn. Or more.
And she's still alive. Right? No, he that the crazy cat lady just saw him do it. And she's like, ah, I didn't see nothing. I'm blind. She starts peeling the wall.
She's at least smart. she She ran away. Like, literally ran away. And she could have gotten away if she wouldn't have gone back to that stupid fucking doll. Now, this is Vicki. She's in the back. She's not calling out.
Yet, but I'm like, hey, I'm back here. Where are you guys? That kind of thing. This dude hasn't left that room.
Oh, this. He said, what the fuck? Now, what the hell is going on? Making this argument.
He completely ignores what she's saying. And he's more of he's more upset about how close she is to it. She's like, this personal space bitch, kind of thing. He's got going on. Yeah. Nice. I think I look at his eyes like, that was me and me and Michael Myers.

Warnings Ignored and Character Decisions

yeah So crazy cat ladies, like there's a crazy person in the bed. There's a dead woman in your basement right there. He ignores what she just said. He's like, yeah, you need to get the fuck out of here.
I'm sorry. If somebody comes up says there's a dead woman in my basement, we need to get the fuck out of here. Not you. We. Come on, let's get the fuck out of here. Let me grab my gun. I know when 2016 cell phones were like a common thing. huh Why isn't like cell phones being used more in this movie? You know what I mean? Well,
like like at the beginning when the guy at the restaurant goes from the fucking the the office phone light as opposed to a cell phone in your pocket he's like whoa whoa whoa back off lady i don't want to get me too yeah he's really worried about the me too thing he's like if this goes woke this film's gonna go broke but he did and actuallyly telling she's not acting crazy like like she would think a crazy person. is She's more of a, she's killing him in a panic. There is a fucking killer down there. She's in a panic. Yeah. And he's, and he's like, his name this crazy bitch, crazy. You're not supposed to be here. I mean, it's not like she's dirty and feel like she doesn't look home. I think she would be because she is a homeless lady living in an alley. Yeah. She's wearing a weird poncho thing, but she's not,
overly homeless looking.
And he's just treating her like she's the most crazy person on the planet. she You would think she would look more homeless, though. Agree. She does. Definitely looks homely. should I mean, she looks homeless, but yeah, it's like she's not sleeping outside in the abandoned buildings and you know least know like i mean shelter.
I mean, she might have been homeless for like a year or so, but she might have just had a fresh shower like days ago at the homeless shelter. I, you know, when I first saw this, I thought when he pushes her here, I thought she was going to accidentally kill her or something. Yes. Yes. And then he would. Those are down on the ground instead. Yeah. Kind of a dick right now. Yeah. Because she wasn't, she's not talking so crazy.
Then it's like, she's not saying, she didn't even mention the fact that the dude's dressed as a clown. Like if, if you would have come up to me and said, there's a dead person in your basement, it was killed by a clown. Then I'm like, okay. Yeah. Good job. He's probably like, he's probably like, man, I don't get paid for this type of shit. I don't want to do it. Agree. rap yeah Agree. And he calls his boss.
No, he calls. No, he calls a fellow coworker. I think go work I assumed it was his boss. I know he does call somebody that works even though even though she's attractive. Even though she's attractive for a homeless lady. Yeah, yeah she is, you know, and that's another thing like you're alone in a building. Oh, yes, I know you're go like at like and you come down to Texas. I'm bored. This is fucked up.
Oh yeah, sneaks up he's so so he goes halfway down the stairs not even all the way down the stairs halfway down the stairs He got a landing and he's calling his buddy From a cell art taps him on the shoulder and then taps him on the forehead with the fucking hammer on All right, so that edit scene was pretty bad because if you watch it, the hammer never touches his head. No, it doesn't. It never makes contact you with his head. That was shitty editing on. yeah like yeah and Yeah. Like, it's not like it froze when we saw it. It cut. And then it, I mean, it sure, it shows the hammer like,
An inch away from the head. It never shows a touch in the head. But he, and Shaw's a guy falling down, yeah. It's really bad at it. And the thing is, it's like, he got stabbed in the back to where his lung is. It's like, how the hell is it? He got stabbed in the ribs, too, which is right where you're at. I know, yeah. So it's like, because he don't die. And he's still swinging that hammer. The wicked clowns will never die. But I'd never seen the other movies. So the whole, I just thought he was just a psychopathic killer dude.
I was making an Insane Clown Posse reference. The wicked clowns will never die. Yeah. For any Juggalo fans out there. Once again, this movie would have been hell better if it would it had like Insane Clown Posse playing in the background. I'm just saying. are on so could have made I could have made that happen. Is it Juggalo?
What is a juggalo? Oh my gosh. green i like if the jet if du of the the um stormator This is like the third, this is the third clown missing from the set. Yes. So homeless ladies looking for a baby doll. Don't be wrong, it's a nice doll. It's clean.
It's a like porcelain based, you know, it's like, it's not a cheap doll. It looks like a cheap doll. I think so. No, it doesn't look like, like a cheap doll to me is like, the body is, is like stuffed with like stuffing, like, like it's just like a stuffed toy. Even porcelain dolls had stuff, even even porcelain dolls had stuffed bodies. No, but I mean, like the base is, is No, I know. I know what you mean. It does. Yeah. All right. It looks like it's supposed to be a porcelain doll, but if you look at it, it looks like a cheap doll from Walmart. Knock off. Yeah. Now, this is what's... It's a Teemu. It's a Teemu Chinese doll. Yeah. Or China doll, a Chinese doll. that Is that a porcelain doll? It keeps going back and forth between Vicki and Cat Lady here. Vicki's... I can never tell if Vicki's in the building or out of the building.
She's outside the building right now. She's like in the back. Yeah. It's like the cargo area, the drop off. And she sees Art sitting on the ground, cuddling the doll.
It's a doll, bitch. I'll buy you 14 of them and just get the fuck out of there. He's just sitting there rocking. And he's playing with this doll like he's a little kid. He's rocking it. He's telling her to be quiet because she's sleepy.
that's the only time he's ever made a noise it's like she's like it's like she's middle east she's got like middle eastern descent he did make the same that's the first time you've ever heard him make a sound he said shh no no no it came with the music did it i don't know i might have to go i don't know it
I was like, it it was it was the pipes. It was the steam pipes. Okay. That was the way they timed that time. That was pretty well timed though. That makes up for the the hammer not touching the head. I'll write him that. Yeah.
He's he's doing like he's like teasing the doll like you're trying to make a little kid laugh like you. <unk> I love it. That's where he's got the funny aspect. I got his little penny. He's telling he pleasures Joker with the goopiness. Yeah. And she does try to. For a little bit, you literally think she's going to live because yeah, because you're thinking, well, maybe he's just a psychopath and he's never loved. So she she plays into that. She's not dumb.
No, she's... She's like, I'll be your mommy. But not in the milf. This is definitely not the milf kind of way, mommy. This isn't the Rihanna Beach kind of movie. No. Kevin made something... Made a very good point when we were watching this the other day. He said, maybe

Speculation and Suspense in Plot

she's not really crazy. She just had like a miscarriage and she's kind of broken inside, but she's still got her humanity.
Yeah. Well, like she's in this everlasting postpartum depression. yeah That's like that. The whole Emily thing that I had brought up early, like Is Emily a victim of hers from years ago? Because from the time All Hallows Eve takes place, this like years have passed. Oh, really? So does he come back every Halloween? Like what's his his pattern? So... Yeah. Well, the next one's in Christmas. Where's Christmas? Because in the second movie, it it it shows that article... It's a year later.
Yeah. So like, there's like, there's a history of him, of him doing this because he doesn't hide himself. Like he's on the news. He's on the radio. Like, well, he just took a cell. of Yeah. Well, yeah. They know what he looks like.
Yeah. And like, oh yeah for example, he has no shame, no shame in him. They give the description down to the dot on his note. Yeah. Like he doesn't he doesn't hide at all. Yeah. He does it all in the opening. I mean, granted, it's at night. Not a lot of people around, but he doesn't hide it. Right. Stabs her. No, he doesn't. That's the problem.
no Well, a knife is used. It's more of a carving than a stabbing. Get a ramp in the heart and just like jerk up. Nope. Nope. You'll see. He does a whole Wild Bill fucking Silence of the Lambs kind of. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I forgot about that. That's the kind of the way I said the same thing. The way I know how to explain it.
It does have that feel to it. fuck me? I'd fuck me. Okay, here's the problem. This is the problem I have with this truck. Only half the hood is open. ah but this key out so That this movie was made after The Walking Dead. It was made. So when I see shit like that, I think I know dead. Yeah.
It's in that same spray paint font. Yeah. I love this guy. This poor bastard. I worry. Keep outcome. I mean, it wasn't there earlier. it Was it? I don't know. It's in the first episode. Okay. Oh, you talk about on this. So the so the exterminator dude's coworker shows up to the back door. He's calling him on the cell phone. Hey, dude, I'm here. Where are you? It doesn't work now because our beat the shit out of it with a hammer. He had a he had a hammer.
not touch his head. He got knocked out. Yeah. But he's still alive. So Vicky is inside the warehouse. She's looking for terror. She's calling. She's getting calling out phone or calling Dawn, calling Dawn's phone. Yeah, she's calling Dawn's cell phone and she hears it.
Dawn? What? Wasn't this, didn't he leave the cell phone with her stuff or did you take it? Did Art take it with it? Mm hmm. Because when she goes down here, she never finds the cell phone. She hears that he might have it on him then. But she doesn't see the blonde. i know Like how big is this building? I'm sorry, Vicki.
You're such an amazing person, but your life's about to change for the worse. You're a real sweetheart for waiting that long for them. Dude, if you would have called me and you take this long to fucking show up, fuck you. Get your own ass home. I'm going home. It's her sister though, you know? I'm going to fuck that bitch.
down I know, right? I hate to be just fucking family member. Ashley found the blonde. Yup. She found Dawn. So Vicki standing there in the doorway, she found freakin' Dawn hanging there like, oh, we'll split all the way down. This building is old as fuck. Yeah. You know, Kevin said something when we were watching this. He thought that Dawn might still be alive. And I was like, I doubt it. She's lost a lot of blood. She's lost a lot of blood, dude. There's no way. He's like, well, he didn't cut into her brain. I said, yeah, she doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Her fucking spines and fucking like important organs have been fucking exploded. It's not. She's lost way too much blood to be still alive. So when people run in this movie, like they jaunt, it's not a run. They jaunt and they hobble. Yes, it's not a run. But doesn't she have heels on too?
What is it with chicks in the horror movies and wearing heels? I don't, but Vicky was at home like in her dorm studying. I really doubt she was. Maybe she's got tennis shoes on. She probably got flats on or tennis shoes or some Tom Toms or some babies. Yeah, she's just, she's just off the line to go get her. Cause she's just. Yeah. I mean, she probably got Crocs. Well, I don't think she's wearing Crocs, but she's got, she's got like leggings on and a t-shirt and a sweatshirt.
Yeah, sweats and all that shit. She's all fucking stormed out for fucking study time.
oh um that's ah She's almost like she's got a pee. She does. She's like, I don't know if I'm scared or my bladder's empty.

Costume Inconsistencies and Character Choices

I don't know.
She is wearing tennis. Oh, she's wearing tennis shoes. Okay. The show close up of her tennis. No, I was actually, I was actually confused because I just watched the second one because that girl gets cut on her leg that takes her shoes off. Gotcha. I haven't seen the second one in a while. I'm going to watch it probably sometime. I probably won't be able to watch it till like Monday, Tuesday. I have. I am. I am so looking forward to watching the third one.
I have not already. I have never watched just came out don't like horror movies. i I find way too much shit wrong with them. Oh, we du let's say I'm the same way with fucking military movies. Yeah. Oh, yeah well I mean, we saw that last week.
I do like the fact that it was practical for her to use herself as a flashlight because I mean, it's i mean that and what we all do. Yeah.
This is so this is the homeless lady. So this homeless lady. No, it it's not. It's our sister. No, that's all you're right. It is art. You're right. This is after he did what he did with. the Yeah, he did stuff to the cat lady. There she is. She scalped and her tits are cut off so he can wear her as a wig.
and her boobs on his chest. yeah is so And he's naked when he does it. It's so weird. So fucking. Well, it doesn't really do it, but did he cut anything below her breasts?
No, just just her breasts. And that's and that's why I brought up the whole silence of the lamb sort of like and i wearing the stairs. So neurotic.
Yes. Because it looks like he's got something like it's almost it looks like he's got the that lady around her waist, too. It looks like he's talking. Well, yeah, but he's also, it looks like you could see like. No, he's not talking. You see his huge ass. Okay. I'm going to pause real quick. I'm going to pause. I'm going to pause. Okay. For the actor playing art, the clown, dude, that penis is huge. Yeah. It's not mad. I'm yeah. No, not at all.
Okay. I don't want to go. I don't want to go too deep on this penis. I love how he's flicking his hair. It's not even his hair. Like man, I feel like a woman. so yeah So, okay. So here's the thing. When they show her scalp, it's just the middle. Yeah. But when he's wearing her head, it's like,
full hair. It's a football full fuck off. Yeah, but she wasn't scalped that much. So there's a little a little bit of an inconsistency. It doesn't look like the cat lady's hair either. but can does it It looks like a straight up wig. And and it's it's kind of curly. The cat lady's hair was short. Well, like shoulder length where but that is a little bit longer than shoulder length, but it's also got more bounce to it. So like he perked plus her hair too. So this where I have it paused right now.
yeah like would you fuck me i' fuck i fuck me or your robby because we full on wearing those dids boys Oh, yeah, he is.
she think what have made every bowl in yeah He's but it would have been better if he just started playing with his boots. Yeah. It would have made it hilarious. All right, guys, if you guys want to clip this show and really get us a zinger, go for it.
Yeah, he sees her. He knows that she's there. Well, oh, yeah, she she can. I can't tell if if he knows she's there. But if you look at the bottom of the cabinet that she's hiding in, it doesn't have a like like you could probably see her shoe or he knows he's he knows she's there. He senses it. I seriously thought he was going to stab her in the eye here. He can smell her perspiration. That is such a dope fucking That's like that scene right there. I love that shot. Just like right there to the people. now whole She's looking through. He's just And then he just disappears.
Why the fuck is she still in there? Oh, that's why he left because because the coworker was beating the horn. OK, yeah. Art was not quiet when he left. Why is she still in the fucking cabin?
She's scared. I love this. The guy's like, he puts all his stuff back in there. He's like, oh, wait. Oh. He gets in the truck. Maybe we should go look for a key under the rug. The key's under the mat. Because that's what businesses do. Another fucking psychopath move. Who the fuck leaves a key under a mat in 2016?
He. He, he. He's all like, ah, I found the key. He doesn't last long either. No. I forget what happens to him. I'm gonna go find out. So you can't see her shoes, but there is definitely like a three inch gap at the bottom of that cabinet she's in. And why the fuck is she still in the cabin? She's scared and she doesn't know where to run to. Fuck you, I'd have been gone. Actually, I'd be out there looking for the nearest weapon. Not her sister, she's not a fighter. When you're in situations like this, one of your main priorities is find a weapon. Oh, 100%. Oh yeah, 100%. And that place is full of them.
Yeah, two by fours, knives on chains. Okay, I just found a problem. Why was there like 30 ladders laying up against the wall behind that duke? There's like four or five ladders there. So the only thing I can think of this building is like in the middle of a renovation. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It's almost like it's in the middle of remodel. Yeah. You know, they're getting rid of all the the the junk and then they're going to start to make it better. Yeah. Yeah. That's why they called the exterminator. We can't work with all these **** rats. You know, they hire or they fired all the old mechanics or hiring new ones because the hood because they were all psycho. Psycho. Dirty work. If I ever own a shop where I have mechanics and somebody does that, you're fired. Get the **** out of my building. I got so scared over a mob room. You know,
That mop handle was broke. There's the baby doll.
Why did he bend down to pick it up? Like, Oh, look, it's cute. I would have kicked it out of my way. Yeah. I'd have been like, i okay. So you're right. It does look okay. It does look like a more. Okay. thought It does look, it doesn't look as cheap as I thought it did. Okay. Right.
right in the fucking head, dude. Dude, knife right, right down. Just right. Just, you know what? If I want to go like this, man slits his throat. But if I'm going to go, I want to go like this guy because he's going to be head on. He's like carving a turkey. He's six to four. cuts um Yeah. But what if you had a choice, head like gone or that guy, what do you want to pick? I'll go like that, dude. Please be heading. You're not going to cut me like Don.
hell no. had it work True. True. True. Well, if he would have cut you like Don, would your pet to be laying to the left? Is the right? Would it cut it all off? Or would it go down a minute late? how How would you think, you know, the weird things you have to think about when you watch a horror movie? Hamlet. Really short neck. Very short.
I mean, he did cut an app, I guess.
He steps on the head to pull the knife out. I love it. I would have just flung the head. I left it on there to start a swing. Then kicks it. And it's good. You know what? And I said the same thing. He missed out. The way he smiles.
He's like, oh shit, that's right. She's behind. Dude, he's dressed all back. He's back in his like, i dressed again yes. Like in the middle of, back in the middle of stalking her while he was naked and going back out to get the other coworker, he changed. Yeah. He put his clothes back on weird. What happened to her coat? Why did she take it off?
No, no, no. When she was running away, he was grabbing at her and he grabbed her jacket. Oh, okay. That's right. Yeah. While she was getting, while she was fleeing. Look out, bitch. He got a knife.
So she's like walking by a mutilated. I'm telling you. right she There's the scalp. There's the scalp. Okay. and This is where he, this is where he changed. I love this. I love this. Did you wear it like a sock? This reminds me of Saul. This reminds me of Saul. If Kevin said the same thing, he was like, what is he, Saul now? However, it's not a tricycle. That is an actual bicycle. Yeah. It's an actual bicycle. No, that's a bicycle. No, that's a bicycle. They used to sell them at Sears. They were collapsible.
You can start one those on Amazon. Look up ah midget bicycles on Amazon. Actually, it's called a mini. It's called a, it's a, hold on. Sorry, small people. Yeah. Micro.
micro Yes. It isn't one of those micro. Hell, they even make them smaller than that. Like the size of a quarter. So crazy. um And people will ride those things. Oh, dude. I was totally riding them.
whisy pen So I actually have a picture for those you buy dollarsers of the bicycle he's using.
It's a little bit, there it is. Yeah, it's like that. Well, I think that's smaller, really i think that's smaller but but it's very similar. You know, it'd be yeah really funny, like he tries to grab her and all of a sudden she just bust out m MMA on him.
Right? Like, she's like, I know white hot dough. She beats the dog shit out of it. She doesn't, but it would be fun. Now. There's all those rats. She's the gasoline. And the rats. Why the rats all over the gasoline? That just just isn't something. No, I think that's, I, like. God dang it, where's Willard? There's rats on her feet. Willard? Who the fuck's Willard? Remember that movie? That he's like, that he talks to rats. Oh.
Are you talking about Charlotte's web? No, no, no, no. Willard, the guy that played McFly on a... He played McFly senior. Oh. Yeah, he did a movie called Willard. Like George McFly, in fact. Yeah, George McFly, yeah. He did a movie called Willard. He played a guy called Willard, and pretty much he's like... Rat, Rat King. I'm not familiar with that movie. It's not a good movie.
It's not a good movie. It's not great. But he does. He does. It's the rat king from Teenage Mutant Ninja. I was going to say that. I was like, yeah, right. So this is so funny. So he fucking sneaks up behind her. Throws a bag over her fucking head. Takes her a while. And then she's like, oh, I can tear the bag. And he rips. He goes back. He holds the bag like, oh, I didn't think that. He's like, oh, I didn't think that. But I'm sorry. The first thing I do, somebody puts a bag on my head. I don't know. I'm grabbing them. I'm popping them.
yeah yeah or you just go or you or you just go with the momentum like you just roll back and then you like roll it back and milk kick his ass or something. Yeah that too. But she figures it out and rips the bag and he's all confused like oh damn. I get it. i it' that Like is it his expression just ah I just think it's hilarious. His expressions are hilarious.
And that's like one of the best things about art. Like, you know how Freddy fucking humor art has this can't be sense of facial expression. Well, like I said, he kind of, he kind of embodies. Like when you watch a dark night with Keith Ledger as the Joker, that whole, when he's blown up the hospital, he's walking all funny and then taps the thing. Cause it does work. Art does a lot of that in the best way possible. Yeah.
that literally looks like not even a full bag. It's like, it's not just a piece of plastic. But it takes a way too long to pop the mouth. Well, it's also the buffering of the video. But it's also like, ah first thing you do is yeah. Yeah. And he looks at like, what the fuck? I didn't think that. What the fuck, bitch. Made in China.
He's like, I'm going to give you an American bag. Should have gone with that. He's like, oh, it didn't work. He's like, what? They don't make them like they used to. And she finds this nail and drives it right through his fucking foot. He nails him right in the foot. Nails him right in the foot. Spiked it. But once again, I i love it. OK.
I mean, we need to clip that. We need to clip that. and Yeah, right back. Oh, the the flip off? i Not now. i'll I'll get it later. I'm just like the big middle finger. Like, fuck you, motherfucker.
All right, so here's the janitor that didn't but got hit in the head by a hammer. He's crawling. Never start with a head because you won't feel the next thing. And is and i feel I feel sort of disappointed in that because Art is typically more, I'm going to make sure they're dead before I walk away type kind of guy. Yeah. Like he's barely even bleeding. Like it's. Where'd he get the circus sign? It's, it's flashing is, I think it's flashed in all halls Eve. So it's like in this bag. Yeah. There you go.
So this is where Vicky finds her sister Tara in a chair dead, mutilated by bullets, bullet wounds all through the fucking head. And he's got Christmas lights around her wearing a sign that says circus. Yeah. Because she's a circus freak now. I guess. So though I think the whole reason why. You can see art coming.
Oh, there it is. There's there's this chain and shank chain. See his chain. It's got scissors on it and it's got yelp on it. It's like a sharp way to train, shank, train, chain, train, train. examine that Oh, God, damn, that looks like her. I think the reason why he's no not her sister. Where do you think his name comes from? art
I have no idea. He creates art. That's just yeahs yeah honestly, that's kind of what I think. It's like a demented sort of art. Yeah. And finally, double tap him. He crawled all the way down those stairs. Lady, you need to leave. I can't have nobody in the building.
Right? Your bathroom break is over, bitch. It's like, yeah, I told you to go to the bathroom and get the fuck out. Oh, wait. No, she's dead in the chair. Oh, she's fucking dead, dude. It is a chain. It almost looks new it looks like it looks like paracord. Well, I think it's like paracord off each link or something. Yeah.
rated paragraph yeah
No, I'm not all right. He just asked her, are you all right? No, I'm bleeding like a motherfucker. He's like, I'm good because I had a hammer almost touch my head and then spit a bullet on me. Dude, he's got a headache. Damn. He's got cut in the head. That's it. For now.
Nobody gets out of this alive. I'm sorry. You might want to take a selfie now, Vicki, because you're about to lose your face. Yeah. Yeah. Bad too.
What's wrong? I want to record a murder. Yeah. So this has got to be somewhere like New York area. It is somewhere in the. Trash cameras. I actually this actually might take place in Ohio.
No, I can't because I just shot. Ohio or PA? I'd have to look it up. It's probably EA. Because in Ohio, it's an open carry standard ground state. I just shot. Well, you can't really use that as a, I mean, but I doubt, I doubt, I doubt. amy Nobody's carrying when they need to carry in these are movies. Let's be honest. Yeah, exactly. yeah
Can you imagine if they had the touch of chainsaw moving right now? No, it's not gonna happen. I'm almost trying to get the fuck out of this building. Could you imagine if they made a Texas St. Charles massacre in today's society where everybody's packing? There's there's literally a scene where he's sitting there with his chainsaw just getting like riddled by bullets. A bunch of guys with MAGA hats on are just blowing his head off.
ah Let's be honest, because that's what's going to happen. If I ever get caught shooting somebody in self-defense, I'm wearing a MAGA hat during it. Oh, shit.
Oh, what is he doing? What is Art using? Oh, it's his it's his sprayer. He's using the dude's own tools against it. So Art the Clown wears these clown shoes, like the big fat clown shoes. Yeah. And he's just setting it to the role.
yeah Yeah, he's dedicated. get Oh, dude, he just never lose. hey There you go. See, like I said, like mashed potatoes. See, I did. Oh, man. He's just said that's what I would have done.
he's just i love he's like i can't i can't it's the body i' the body ah love it I'm sorry major inaccuracy if you've ever tried to open a master lock with a piece of pipe You're not opening Master locks won't break that as easy and then you're not gonna break the chain either Dude, you're not gonna break the fucking art the clown gives less fucks than Freddy Krueger does I Know like pretty crew like Ed commentary Yeah, but that's this is what our art gives less fuck. That's why art art's more scary than Freddie because I think doesn't talk. Yeah. She stabbed him in the eye. You don't have to worry about no one to Freddie's coming. Yeah, that's for sure.
And now she's outside. Uh huh. Why is she going back in the building?

Common Horror Tropes and Reactions

Right? It says keep out. Why are you going to the door that says keep out? You just why we're fold back in the building run the other way. har the car Your sister on is yeah dead. Where the fuck are you going?
And he can't get through the door. And he's skinnier than she is. And he can't get through there. So this is what I mean by, ah this is why i this is what I mean by you can trap him by just locking him up in the cell.
um The horn. I love the horn, and the cloud, horny, pulls up. I'm just laughing at it. And that shock absorber ain't going to do shit. I'm sorry. ah lo They weighed next to nothing. They still will hurt when coming down on your skull, I'm sure. Because there's not like that still. You're going to go right to the door. Smart move, chick.
Why the fuck is she going towards the door? I swear, man. Why the fuck is she going there anyway? Isn't that her truck? Yes. Right, right, right. She gets, she gets no points for smarts because she's dumb. Like she is not. She's the college student. Yeah. Well, college is, there's a reason why people drop out of college. She should have.
not smart college is not for her. She's failed. That's why she was studying because she's failing. She's obviously stupid.
Every victim is stupid horror movies. Yeah.
Why is she hitting? She hears the sirens. Yup. You hear the cops. He stops walking the door. Uh-oh. So, but here's, see, here's another thing with art. Like, like you said earlier, he's practical. Yeah. He's like, oh, I can't get it. Yup. He jumped in a truck and he freaking slammed through the barn door. He's spinning the truck dancing an after hitting her.
But I'm sorry if I'd have seen the lights coming on the truck, I'd have moved a fuckload faster than she did. Why was she trying to run forward? That's it. That's the, uh, extermination company's truck. That was the coworker that he killed that he cut his head off. That's his truck. Yeah. Well, once again,
when When you're running from a vehicle, you don't run in the same direction the vehicle is coming. You go, you zig. She didn't zig. She zagged in a bad way. he and so Right, so he is eating her face. He's cutting and eating her face. The cops are cutting. And she lives after this.
He didn't have that long to eat. How's her face so fucked up? So I pause it real quick. Think about this. And this is why I bring up the whole fact that in order to capture him, you have to lock him up because he has two options. Let them capture him or, or get shot. but if get shot he resurrects Well, here's the thing.
If I see a person over a body and he's having whatever, doing whatever, having his way with the body. manwi I'm shoot having a man. which yes Forget the, forget the whole protocol. or Like stop, put your hands up or whatever. no oh yeah yeah i done oh yeah yeah I'm like, like at that, at that point, at that point, I'm like one off the feed. I, um, I'm sorry i for police brutality, but I would that that fund ah yeah definitely excuse it for this reason. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure the DA a would be he'd be like, Oh, wait, I think he reached for a gun.
He's all smiling. I'm going to get shot. like hey here are you fuckers Oh, he's got that gun in his ankle still. Yeah. Suicide by cop. He's about to and shoots himself.
Well, yes, he shoots himself. Not expecting that, were you, Brian? And he gets even weirder, too, because. Oh, man, that's just so gory.
So Vicky is still alive and the cops are noticing that. And, um, well, are the clown shot himself dead? Well, we'll find out in this, in the second one, of course, but, uh, Well, that's what, Oh yeah. So they're rolling his body and and into the corner. I was like, he didn't the dude just shoot himself on the fucking head?
yeah This guy looks familiar. This actor right here, I've seen him somewhere. The The And does his ju is his office look like it's in a basement? Yeah, well, it's technically the morgue. The morgue, thank you. read by corey duva um I don't see anything. He just looks familiar. Maybe i may maybe I'm just mistaken for someone else. yeah But the my medicine's kicked in, guys. Yeah. Yeah. ah But we are almost done with this one.
sorry <unk> see as now I'm going to be here for another 24 hours thanks to you. Why are you going to be there for another 24 hours? What, are the bodies going to go somewhere? I don't, I don't understand that. Yeah. Like they'll hold overnight, dude. They're dead. Yeah. but well
Supposedly. Supposedly. Well, maybe not art. Yeah, not art. that Definitely not art.
He just said once you've seen a baby microwave to death, wait a minute, what? that You know what, that actually might be a little bit ah for i'm go alnegala like like like when my medical like when I was in the medical, when I was in my medical career or for sure. I saw a deep gas or something like that. I want to say deep gas. So like I get hungry for a steak. Damn, I do. Teeth is up in his eye socket.
and That was the... but That was the exterminator. Exterminator. Exterminator. Yeah, fucking face is bashed in. His fucking top teeth teeth look like they're up in his freaking eye socket. Here's Art. This is Art. Yeah, he's he's unstrapping Art right now. Zip. Unzipped. And dead.
yeah look on his face that Okay, this is where the supernatural actually starts in this movie because in in this movie in this movie even know the movies Yeah, and I get it but like It's it's It kind of pulled me out of the movie with the supernatural shit. Really? A little bit. Because i cause the whole time, not knowing what happened in the second one or third one, I was like... His brains are hanging out the back of his skull. Well, and and I'll explain it once we get finished, but... Yeah.
ah this the My first thought was, this dude is just a, he likes to kill people, kind of thing. And now we're going. The emergency room where Vicki's at. Now this is, this is one year later, which is technically the start of the next movie, yeah because it's also a year later.
I love how they're laughing and joking with her like nothing happened and you think she's fine. Right. But you already know what her face looks like because you saw why are they hiding it? Because they don't want us to know that that's who it is right right away. Well, it's kind of the fact they called her by name in the beginning of the movie. Well, true. You know, yeah, but we don't remember it right away. That is fucked up. I know, dude. Superimposing.
o creepy creepy All right, Brian since this was the first time you've ever seen this movie I want to know your opinion first I mean like It's per usual, you know, like you got stupid people horror movies doing become decisions like that Geico commercial like oh my god ah Like wait, wait, we should go. Uh, we should go hide in the garage. Are you kidding? There's a running car Well, how about we go hide over here? Smart, smart. i'm like but and The blonde was like, there's a running car, a blonde. The blonde was the smart one. The blonde was what? And then and then also, too, it's like a person is going, is trying to kill you, and you're going to do one hit, but one hit.
Right. One hit. Fuck that. I'm not lifting my arm. I'm not stopping until I can't. Fuck that. No, man. Like I said, like, I'm like, if I got a knife on me, man, I'm stabbing and twisting, stabbing a twist and twisting. And then after that, I'm going to like go fucking curb stomp, like have a curb stomp marathon till my legs go rubber. Agreed. Agreed. What? One out of ten. And then, and then, and then Jeff will like that. Then Jeff will like this. You took my friend.
You killed her in our red crusher. Boom, go all full mountain on him. Yeah. I'll do full mountain right with my man hand like, come on. You killed her. You raped her. You killed one out of 10 joints. What do you give it? One out of 10 joints, I give it a seven. Give it a seven? Give it a seven. I give it a seven. I mean, OK. I like the creativity, but then also two.
it It's just the characters. I'm like, Oh my God. like The stupidity, the stupidity, stupidity of all everybody in it. Once again, I have a problem with the the exterminator because I get it. The crazy cat lady was a crazy cat lady, homeless woman, but she wasn't talking crazy when he talked to her and he completely ignored everything she said. Yeah. I have a problem with that.
Um, I have a problem with Vicki who lived because she waited way too long for her sister and her friend going after about 10 minutes. Like, you know what? You guys aren't fucking funny. I'm leaving. Fuck you guys. And then, and then through that she had access to her car when she got out of the building. She was out of the building and she went back in. What the fuck are you retarded?
Yeah. And then on top of that, like the cat lady, the cat lady just tries to console him, even though he's covered in blood. Well, she saw him kill. Devil's advocate, devil's advocate for the cat lady.
She was, um what's it called? she she was try she She's broken, obviously. So she's from because she thinks that baby is broken. Yes, right there. Fuck you.
a ah she's She's broken. So she's trying to get her doll back. That's her center. That's that's that's all she's about. yeah So I get it. She's consoling him thinking he was never loved.
I just want my fucking doll back because I think it's a real kid. So I get why she did it. Granted, she was wrong. She should have got the fuck out. As soon as he saw dude shoot. Uh, Tara, Terry, whatever it was. Tara. Yeah. I remember that because that's my ex wife's name is Tara spelled the exact same way. So I'm like, yay. And you're like, where's it?
thank you art taking out my first thank you so before blazin i get into our numbers uh rotten tomatoes and gave it a rating of 5.6 It makes me feel like I'm watching like a late, like the 90s style horror movie. Yes. Yes. It makes the cinematography. Yes. just ten photography been like i that up to It's The cinematography is great for the budget. You're talking 35 grand. Like the three of us could make a movie for 35 grand.
Yes. Can Tarantino probably, but would he know? And if you throw more money at this movie, if you throw more money at this movie, it loses that. And another thing though, I guess because it's like a cult classic, cause obviously there's a third one out there. So apparently, you know, you'll, you'll build a following because there are diehard horror fans. I worked with a few.
And I and what I saw in horror con, there are people that are fanatics like meet like me, like me. OK, OK, like, like I love horror movies, but give me a good story.
Why do you me to talk? I have to go excuse myself for a moment. No, that's fine. yeah But let's see that. That's what I'm saying. Like, like the story wasn't there. The story went there because it's it's like, what's the backstory on this guy?
Right, and for, tech quote unquote, the first movie. It's not, but technically it's the second movie or third, depending on how you look at it. It's technically the third movie in this series, but it's the first one called Terrify, where Art is the main character, the main bad guy. um I have not seen the other neither of all previous ones. I did see the second one.
Um, but yeah, I'm like, Oh, I want like a good story. And yeah, the like I get it. These girls have just left either. Like you don't see them leave whether they were leaving a party or leaving a bar or what you just see them walking. Yeah. Uh, I had a problem with that because I was, and I get it budget. You got to pay people or you got to throw the actual party or whatever. I get that.
Um, then they go let's go sober up bitch. You're sober I can you're not stumbling you're not slurring. Yeah, you're fine getting the fucking car dry um I had a problem with that. Uh back to ratings. Uh, like said I said imdb out of 10 gave this 5.6. Uh, the popcorn meter Is out of five. It's 4.5 out of five, which is from rotten tomatoes It is 6.3 on the tomato meter out of 10 and an 88% popcorn movie, according to Rotten Tomatoes. um And Brian, you said you were giving it a 7. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Myself. Now, I'm not the horror guy.
Um number one. I have a problem with the stupidity. I'm not scared of the clown I'm scared of the fucking psychopathic mechanic. I can't fucking open or close a hood um the Fair I guess yes and and i know yeah I can't find my 10 millimeter socket. That is the worst for her. That's the As a car guy, I'm like, who the fuck is doing this? what that's like why loses the ten millimeter sock that yeah guy you don't That's the guy That's the guy that walks up to you, but hey, man, can I borrow a ratchet? No, go away. Get the fuck out of here and never ask me again. Agreed.
and so and and the stupidity, and when I say stupidity, the biggest stupid thing, she's outside. And she goes in back in. So for that stupidity alone, it loses one. I was going to give it a seven. I'm giving you the six. and Okay. Well, I am a horror guy and I have a nostalgia loving for like slash reflect, slash reflects. And, uh, this,
after years of trying to like find a new one, Terrifier comes on board and it's like, yes. So if you ever wanted to see some originality, it does. It does. So if you ever wanted to see Bugs Bunny go fucking full bore, fucking horror flick, watch this movie. It's not Bugs Bunny, have you but there is a comedic, there's a comedic acts aspect of great art the clown. Sorry guys. I've been drinking whiskey tonight. So no, sorry. Um, I love drinking and watching horror flicks. Anyway, um, I'm, I'm just going to cut to the chase. I'm going to give it a eight. Um, I'm giving it an eight. I do because I love horror flicks. I love art, the clown. I think for a modern slash reflect, like he really brings back a lot of the old style, uh, slash afflicts, like, uh, Brian had mentioned.
um When I watch these flicks, I scene i get this feeling of like Michael Myers at the same time. like my If Michael Myers was a clown at the same time, the silence, the sneakiness, but there is the the clown aspect or the cartoon aspect to it. so Right. Well, I do like the cartoon aspect of this. so That being said,
e This is our lowest rated movie across the board. Well, it seems like a fourth movie you've done. Correct. But yeah it is your second. It is actually your second highest rated movie for you. But my lowest rated, like I've given sevens and eights and nines.

Dark Comedy and Horror Themes

I got a ministry of a gentlemanly warfare. I gave it a nine. I'm giving this a six. I get. Yeah, yeah I think I gave us eight.
Yeah. Um, I'm a sucker for horror flicks. Like I am like, unless we were watching this, doing the show, I would have never seen Terrifier. I mean, I mean, like Terrifier is a dark comedy to me. It is. it is it is And funny or that is like my sort of comedy is dark comedy. Oh, I have no doubt. Oh, so you let you looked at that Scottish comedian.
was in Josh Josh slosh or slosh slosh I have no idea. Yeah, he doesn't have any gesture make is based from British from Scotland. Okay. um Yeah, Scotland, but he does dark comedy, start dark, dark stand up comedy. But ah but no, I mean, I mean, like, like, I want, I want something that would really would grab my attention. I mean, like, my, my ah my ex-girlfriend, well, then girlfriend at the time, when we went to go see Ouija in the theater, and she's like, oh man, she's getting all like like all freaked out. him and like Right in the beginning of the movie, I'm like, oh, she's going to hang herself. and Then next to her, after the whole the Ouija board thing, and ah next to her, five minutes later, you see her, boom, hanging herself. and She goes, how did they she goes how'd you know? I'm going,
it was yeah And that's the thing about this. The jump scares in this movie don't scare anybody. like No. There really wasn't very many. jump so but I mean, there like was, behind the car but but you are but you are right. there They weren't really scary at all. They did. The movie's not scary. I mean, it's, it's a terror. oh and i no So it's, uh, he knows that she, he knew that. movie like ah go Go ahead. I was going to say like, he knew she was in that cabinet. He's shaking it, shaking it. He could pry the door open.
But then he walks away, but then she gets out. I was like, because he opened the door, he wants to scare her. He knows he'll be back for her later. Yeah. You know, you know i mean like art is art, the clown is he's, he's not a slasher. Like he's just randomly killing people. He likes to torture. He likes, yeah he wants torture. He's playing with the mouse.
Yeah, ill give him I gave him kudos on that. But yeah, but but the stupidity though, I mean, like, and like the blonde, oh, he's totally harmless. Really? The way he grinned and you don't see it fucked up his teeth are like the window. Once again, it's Halloween night. A lot of people go out to a nine. i know The reason I don't fault the blonde Don in the pizza shop for saying he was just flirting. He's just shit at it.
because it's Halloween night, she thinks he's playing a part. Yeah, they're all in costume. Yeah, they're all in costume. He hadn't killed anybody at that point. Everybody's in costume. It's Halloween night. Maybe he's just a little weirdo that never leaves his house, but Halloween night is where he can show his weirdness. So he does this whole mime thing. And it's to Dawn, she's like, he's just flirting with you. He's just not very good at it.
Yeah. So do you guys know? Okay, so this this movie was made in 2016. The first one All Halls Eve, I believe was 2011. That's like a five year gap. But between that gap, there was something that happened in our society that brought the fear of clowns to the surface. Do you guys remember what that was? When i was around when ah what all the motherfuckers were running around, terrifying people dressed up as clowns?
Yes, it was about the same time this this movie came out in 2016. Yeah, yeah those was so that mean whole that was like a whole phenomenon. Like people recording and all the social media, like people, like you got guys like acting all crazy in front of everybody's ring camera, it like ring camera and shit.
And that um and to me, that to me is what makes a good horror movie is is when that horror movie comes out, it reflects something in society, contemporarily, that's going on, that it it's it's ah it's it's it's mocking or it's bringing to focus or or it's it's just, it's a- It's life imitates art.
Thank you. Yes, yes. yeah And that's when and like in like you just said, it's life

Art the Clown's Representation and Filmmaking

imitates art. And I think that's why Art the Clown has this name because I think these Terrifier movies is a homage.
is an homage, but it's Damien saying, hey, this is my art, and I'm going to name it art. And it's dark, and it's gritty, and it's it'ss sadistic. and it so um you know i mean I just found out something think weird. Go ahead, Brian.
I'm just saying this. It's like, see, there's no stories about that, like at Texas because like we're all open carry. So hear me out. You guys got a leather face. I don't want to hear it. So here we are. Like, like if I'm driving.
I mean, like if I'm driving and a motherfucker coming at me, I'm like, well, my good choice why I got a truck. Fair enough. Fair enough. Yeah. Or, or, or, or, or if I'm like walking and I'm like going into a, like, like a a fast food place and I'm walking inside and the dude's going to jump out of the deal, I carry my pocket knife. Oh, I'm using it as brass nuts first. And then after flipping it, and then I'm like, guess what? I'm stabbing your guts in alphabetical order.
But what are you going to do when there's like, aren't the clown in front of you that takes all those? It comes after you anyway. Oh, no. Oh, oh no. the first time i got swing my family through No, I follow through. If a moment is coming at me and I see a weapon in his hand automatically, I'm like, boom, rules of engagement activated. yeah But aren't the clown was just like a resurrect. So, so David, his brain will be mashed potatoes. Yeah.
yeah i will i will like i will stop his fucking head like i'm making wine agreed David Howard Thornton who plays Art the Clown. This is the first movie where he played Art the Clown. He did not play Art the Clown in the previous movie. No, he did. He did. He does play Art the Clown in two and three, but he did not play Art the Clown in the other movies. No, he didn't. And you were talking about the All Hall of Z Yeah, all Hallows' Eve he did play. So all like all Hallows' Eve, there was three different, actually I think maybe four, but there was definitely three different directors that did those and anthology movies. So each each one had like their own representation of Art the Clown.
Right. right good They all have their own actors. Yeah. Yeah. but i'm I'm sorry. you're Like if a dude's coming at me, dress up like a clown and I see a weapon in his hand. Oh no. I know you messed with the wrong dude on the wrong day. Cause it's like, Hey, no, but it's a clown who says the weapon's real.
don't matter. But hey, that's on him. That's on him. See, see, see, you forget. Wait, wait, you forget. I'm from Texas. We have standard ground works like this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm from Texas. We have a saying fuck around and find out or you play stupid games, win stupid. Fuck around and find out. It's not just exclusive to Texas. And if I wear my stiltow boots, my stiltow work boots for the day, oh, you're definitely fucked. I'm like, I am stomping the fucking mud hole and walking you dry. I have no fucks given. They'll be like, wow, did you have to be the excessive? He came at me with a weapon, sir. If you leave it to Brian, we're going to have fucking smoked barbecue art the clown at the end of the day. I can tell you what, I'll tell you this.
I'll tell you this. I'll tell you this. Like if we ever have a purge or there's a zombie apocalypse, like y'all both would be like, Hey, Brian's with

Humor, Suspension of Disbelief, and Future Plans

us. We are safe. Cause Brian was like, go to town on the mother. No, I don't know. Double that double cap. No, I'm going to be a clown us. Can I say constantly, does this taste funny?
Sorry, I didn't put any more. Wait, wait, hang on. Let me put a little salt in some MSG. We'll be alright. Does this taste funny? um Like I said, so anybody watching, if you want to watch this movie, it is playing on Prime as of now. um One and two in All Hallows' Eve. Yeah, correct. um If you guys watch Terrifier,
Please watch all of All Hall of Z, but I'm not saying you have to watch it before or after, but take a dip into it. Have an understanding of it. Yeah. yeah I mean, i think it was sorry I have a soft spot for like horror movies, especially indie horror movies. so Yeah. I mean, yeah, like like I said, like, like, um, like trick or treat, that was good.
I like that. I haven't seen like jeepers creepers jeepers jeepers creepers jeepers creepers I want my money back agreed That was sinister. Oh, which one? The first one or the all of them? The first one was Justin Long. The first one was good. The first one was good. The rest of them that sucked. Really? You're really did that. Did that did that old fashioned cab over engine have like a B-16 engine to catch up 15 miles away? Way too quick. And I was like, it's a horror movie. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Doesn't matter.
In horror movies, just like with Lord of the Rings, you have to suspend some sort of- I don't watch Lord of the Rings, so you can't use that argument on me. Realistic belief in order to enjoy the story. That thing had like a jet engine to catch up with them 15 miles away. Yeah. And then on top of that, they ran them over multiple times and this mother got up like,
Okay. I'm back. Good. I don't think I've finished it. You have to, so you have to like, well yeah i get it no, no, like like no, no, no. Like, like, like, sit like sinister sinister. I enjoyed that was something new. That was something different. I enjoyed that. All right. Um, uh, uh, uh, strange land. That was really good. Have you heard of that? Jeepers creepers did not fulfill.
It didn't, it didn't fulfill. it It didn't feel the.
What's that word? And you want to write and you want to know why I said your joy ride was better than that's why I wanted my refund back on watching Jeepers Coopers in theater with my with like when my sister Hobert boyfriend and a girl I was seeing and I fell asleep in the movie. That's how sorry it was. So Jeepers Creepers was a disappointment when it comes to the horror franchise because it didn't leave live up to expectations. I agree.
I think the first one is good, but after that, it just totally went to shit.
Um, but like I said, but like I said, sinister, try you try sinister was good because it actually had a nice story. It was an interesting, intriguing story. And I was invested because I was like, Ooh, a boogie man got it and abducts. Okay. I liked that because of the opening scene when he was doing the credit, I was like, Ooh, okay. Okay. And it was like a mystery. I liked that. I was invested. Strange land. Strange land. Have you heard of that one?
I've heard of it. I haven't watched it. It is really, really good. It's it's about a guy who had a horror flick. Yeah. It's a horror and suspenseful because it's this guy who who has like this fetish where you know you got where you stick like pins and hooks in your body and all that. Mm-hmm. Yeah. what look Look up the trailer for Strangeland, and then you'd be like, oh, OK. Satanists.
Strangers strange land it starts D Schneider the the lead singer of a twist of sister Okay Yeah, strange land that one was good because it was a good story. It was something new and I'm like, oh Okay, it's like a subculture of people that actually do that shit. So without like wow, okay ah serp Serpent serpent in the rainbow very very good. It's about voodoo Very, very good. Children of the Corn. Great shit, you know? I mean, it's like, um, like Scream 1, I liked Saw 1 and 2. I'm like, okay, cool. But then when they did the continuation of Saw, I'm like, okay, now you lost me.
I actually like the second one better than the only thing the only thing I give saw credit for is like the the Twisted creative ways to kill people. I'm like, all right cool. I'm i'm good that it was like That's kind of all it was really about yeah, it ah yeah, it's like watching saw watching people dies first one was what though first the same reason why first one pass appears because they want real but uh
Well, and and on that same note of, of creative ways to kill, um, hostile was the same way. Oh yeah. Hostile was, it was just weird ways to kill people. Hostile was good. The ones after that hostile two, three, and, um, I'm trying to fuck. I can't see, this is what I like terrifier for because hostile jeepers creepers and, and, and a couple of other ones that we said, like,
It's like you're trying to rehash the old nineties, eighties slash or horror flicks that a lot of people want, but they didn't fulfill that, but terrified. Wait. Um, yeah, the one, the way the one thing that was really disturbing about hostile was I didn't realize how much America was hated. Like, Oh man, you got an American. Damn. You got the highest payout. Oh yeah.
dude oh like um he um been ah America is one of the most hated countries in the world. America is one of money what like whoa yeah because you paid for what you're killing yeah you hospital so depending on where they are from it costs you more money so yeah more movies to add to the I've been adding. I actually. I haven't looked at it and it in a couple days. I just I just added. ah So. ah We can please we can. Hey, if any if anybody in the audience has movie suggestions, please feel free to put them in the comments because yeah, because there's movies out there that I'm sure I haven't heard of. Since you haven't seen it, check out Strangeland. What I'm doing is I'm actually going through right now.
um And I'm crossing out the ones we've seen. Where the hell is range 15? And then there's I'm trying to remember. I'm trying to remember this one French movie. Ah, there it is. High tension. High tension. Yeah. okay So that is a movie that we're probably not going to watch on this ah program um for a few reasons. But if if if you are a horror fan out there um i would highly suggest you watch high attention
it's a great it's a great movie oh so like lot it's not just it is it is it's not just a ah a horror movie is actually a movie about, um, sex, uh, in sex, in sexual sex too. It's weird as fuck. Yes. But I mean, no, no, I mean like, yeah, the it's a psychological, it's a psychological psychological drillers. It's a, it's a French movie. It's a, it's a French movie. So and that like in is so if you do watch it, you're probably going to find it in French.
if you find it with ah but they you didn't have it they do have to English there is an English version there is an English English dub yeah yeah you know it's it's harder to find there nowadays unfortunately uh i i gotta see if we can find it with subtitles but we need to watch Kung Fu Hustle So when it comes to the the movie, Brian was talking about high tension, the opening scene, yeah the opening yeah openings yeah there's this trucker getting head like from a decapitated job, from a decapitated head, like he's getting head and he throws the head out the window and he's done.
Like it's sadistic as well. It's crazy. But um but like another like another going, like a good sci-fi scary thriller movie, um Event Horizon. Yeah. I love, that's like one of my favorite scary sci-fi movies, Event Horizon. open when i got to to So don't get me wrong, like alien was good and predator, all that, but not event horizon because you're just trying to figure out what's going on. I'm like, yeah, I feel like I was like one of the characters like on the ship going, what the hell? And all of a sudden you see all this crazy ass chaos and then you find out what happened. You're like, nope, get me out of there. Get me out of here. Well, it's like smoke weed every day. So I play that because I want to let everybody know when you start wrapping this down.
yeah Yeah, go ahead, Jeff. No, I was just um so Sunday, we're gonna watch Terrifier 2, correct? No. No, what are we watching Sunday? Are we doing that this Sunday or next Sunday? Okay, that's what I thought. yeah twice The 25th week from today, we're doing Terrifier 2. This Sunday after that, we're doing Terrifier 3.
It is a bonus show because then Friday after that lands on November 1st. So we're out of the, right we'll be out of that area and we can get back into the fun. I won't be this month is war movies. good yeah fuck I won't be back home until November 8th because I hit the road on the 20th. I hit the road next Tuesday. but Ryan, you let us know when you're back. and When you're back and we'll always welcome. because we want to have We want to have recurring guests like you. We want to have other guests, you know, come up and listen. ah Like if Glick wouldn't have been out tonight, he would have been up here too. He was up here for a little bit. Because nobody wants to hear Miguel Mueller.
dealer dealer dealer i made i made fun of blaze last night i called him ben stein but yeah i said here i like the ben side of the network um for but no i blame her i blame i blame my medication i blame my medication no but in all seriousness i if if i was forced and i am forced to watch horror movies for this show i'm not mad at this one I'm forcing you. I'm not a gun to your end. So you will watch this. No, well, it's much like the fantasy football. Fucking forced to play that. And I have a ah ah because I know no I have no idea what I'm doing. But but see, this is a movie show. So we're going to watch. We don't like.
Exactly. Like, I put on some movies that are on our list that I love. like popular online I mean, like, I know. I know what you did last summer. I did not mind that one because I will not watch that movie. That movie is so bad. I know. No, no. Like I said, I don't mind it because I was like, OK, that's different. Well, I can look at Jennifer Love, use tips as much as the next guy. but But I don't need to watch that movie to do it. No, I'd rather watch it in Heartbreakers.
And that's a shit movie. I don't even like that. She doesn't look good in the movie. She does. She doesn't look good. I mean like, like, surpl but Serpent in the Rainbow was good because it's above Voodoo. um Actually, before we go,
um after we watched Terrifier 3, I want to announce a thing. Cube is good. ah That movie, those movies fuck me up, dude. They freak me the fuck out. They fucking freak me out. yeah What movie? what The Cube. There's three of them. Dude, ah so the first one's good, the second one's okay, and the third one goes so far off and the left feels like, I give up. Dude, that movie, wow no. but they It does freak you out. it it's like
It's like prior to like, ah it's a psychological mind. Fuck. It is. It is. It is. Before we go. I'm putting up on our screen. You can see the movies we have on our list. I think we should let our audience.
pick the movie we watch after. there's height Those hyperlinks are just so everybody knows are YouTube fan made movies. Oh, okay. So yes, they're all fan made movies. So they're not Hollywood. ah to me And better off dead me one those ones are like maybe like three, five, 10 minutes. So so we would do like two or three of them. Okay. Yes. Yeah.
ah but yeah way waiting way eight yes Waiting is definitely on that list. The ones with Christmas trees we're going to watch during the Christmas season, obviously. They live, the new Beverly Hills Cop, 1984.
the new and old road house 1984 yeah definitely got to watch that one again these are subject to change it all depends on audience and audience participation as well super troopers hot buzz shawn of the dead hitchers hey tigers guy to the galaxy the movie not the original british one that one's terrible I've never watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Once you get past the first opening credits because- But apparently the answer is 42. Yes. The Art of Racing in the Rain. I don't give a fuck who you are if you watch this movie and you don't cry, you don't have a soul.
ah dirty works. You put that on there. I don't know. That's what I did. Yes, it is. Norm McDonald. Dirty job. It is It is dirty jobs. Thank you. Thank you. The National Lampoon's favorite deadly sins. I haven't seen that. I've not seen that one. No, that's a good one.
not forto not much yeah but So there's so so the Nosferatu there is a the original and then there's a new one coming out this month actually, okay, or is it? ands recentlyally ile Unnecessary roughness. Yeah that ah you yeah macula That's a weirdo. Yeah, we we have to have Glick on there for that one Agreed. Better Off Dead, One Crazy Summer, Out Cold, that movie's hilarious. I have not seen that one. Out Cold, trust me, it's got Lee Majors is in it and Zach Daniel Phoenix. Whatever for like the Christmas what about love actually prefer Christmas I thought about that but we already have four we actually have well there will be other Christmases later on yeah i but like a Christmas story and Christmas vacation if I don't watch those and die hard if I don't watch those three during Christmas it's not Christmas I think I think I think we have die hard we got screwed yeah there's too was there just die hard a Christmas story and and Christmas vacation
Yeah, ah those those are going to be more movies for Christmas. That movie's not bad. Happy Texas is one of the funniest movies I've ever done. But we will, however, do some bonus episodes so we get those some extra shit in. I agree. So it's your fire three. Hold up, hold up, hold up. This is from Spellgood. Salt Air Fiery 3 yesterday, in my opinion, number two was better, but looking forward to where they go from there. I do hear rumors that they are doing a fourth.
Thank you, Spell. um Two is better than three. i am I have not watched three yet. And the only reason why I haven't watched it yet is because I want to watch it right before we watch it. Yes, yes. Well, I want to watch it before we watch the show, which is what we've agreed on, because if we watch it while we're doing the show, we literally sit here in silence a lot.
Yes, so that is something we learned from like with the third episode, when we do lives, we will we will pre watch the show or the movie. So we can talk about it and not really ourselves basically. Yeah. how a you good How can you hate love? Actually, there's nothing better than Hugh Grant dancing.
oh do fucking thing of ever i love me the song was stuckck on My head I feel it in my fingers to you for sure you need bill knight top what yes chris i oh over challenge me that news learn message you be Show But that is it for tonight. um Yeah. Once again, check us out all our shows, bio slash non-sensible network, where you'll also find our merch link, where we have our merch. it's
just the preliminary stuff down. We're going to add stuff for individual shows coming up. ah We got to get with Nicky on that. Thanks, Bell. Thanks, Bell. Of course, check out every night of the week, Mondays, Men's Care for Men, Tuesdays, Glick's Housing Music, Wednesdays, What the Fuck News, every other Thursday, Cassius Corner, Fridays, Nonsense and Chill, this show, Saturdays, Nonsense, Gold Nonsense, the original Open Door Challenge,
And Sunday's unnecessary. We're up this and occasionally Jeff's garage mainly because I oh don't always have a co-host and I refuse to do a show by myself because I've seen how those go and it's not.
do a whole and i go live by myself it iss who I feel you Jeff, I can't do a show by myself either. its i don't know how I got used to it like a periscope and Haps. I'm like, yeah, I do i i can entertain myself. I can entertain myself, but I don't want to do it on camera because it's so yeah, usually I do it with porn. Yeah, that's how I entertain myself. I watch porn. i'm like She's got great boobs, you know, but just like done live by myself. I just, I'm waiting for somebody to leave a comment so I can, Ooh, there's a subject. We can go off off for an hour. Yeah, I can't do fair enough. But, uh, starfish. Yes. He fills it in his fingers and his fingers. I feel it in my fingers. I feel it in my toes.
Christmas all around me. Let you feel it. So you got to love it. Hugh Grant. Yeah. In the now it's stuck in your head. You're welcome. You are welcome. You are welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, yeah. But I'm going to hit the end stream right now. Yeah, go ahead. Thanks. It's been three fucking hours. We'll see you at the movies. Yes. Wait, what? Hit the button.
rason well we tried good Job, dickhead. Sweet.