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7. Anahata's Purpose 2024 image

7. Anahata's Purpose 2024

E7 · Soul Pod: The Podcast
36 Plays4 months ago

Y’all, today’s episode is a JOURNEY.

Tune in with Molly, Christina, and the first ever Soul Pod guest Sierra(!) as we debrief, reminisce, and verbally process the transcendent experience that was Anahata’s Purpose 2024. We laugh, we cry, we fall out of our seats, as we wind our way through the many beautiful, profound, intense moments that we each got to live through this weekend.

Please take note of this HEADPHONE WARNING: there is a WILD range of volumes in this episode due to our travel recording situation. Please do not crank the volume during the quieter parts - you will blow out your eardrums.

Please also take note of the presence of some intense and difficult subject matter that will be raised during this episode, pertaining to emotional processing and healing. Please consistently check in with yourself - if you start to feel uncertain or uncomfortable, you can and should skip ahead a couple minutes or simply join us again next week.

We're grateful you're here! If you like what you’re hearing, you can follow us on Instagram: @soulpodthepodcast. You can also email us directly at

Hosts: Christina Bell & Molly Wilde

Music: The Confrontation, by Jonathan Boyle, licensed from Premium Beats by Shutterstock

Editing: Molly Wilde

Disclaimer: The purpose of this podcast is for entertainment and enjoyment. We are not professionals in any regard. We do not have professional knowledge, training, or education in physical health, mental health, or spiritual matters. Any suggestions or recommendations made during our episodes should be independently researched by the listener before considering implementation, or better yet, listeners should ignore everything we say. We cannot be held responsible or liable for anything we say, or any actions taken by any persons as a result of listening to our podcast episodes. Stay safe, stay informed, stay smart.


Introduction to Anahata's Purpose 2024

okay you guys here we go it's it's so late oh my god okay wow molly wow wow zero wow everyone wow what a weekend wow wow wow that's exactly what I had to. That's why he started with the wows because I was just like, let's wow it up and then go wow. Wow, shimmy everybody. oo Okay, you guys, we're feeling so
Good right now. Oh my god. Tired. We're tired. It is late. It is just after 10 p.m. on Sunday. What is What is time you guys? I don't know. We've been outside of space and time for what to the human world has been four days.

Meet Sierra: A Long-Time Friend

Um, so you will have seen by the title of this episode, uh, that we have just attended on a hottest purpose 2024, uh, in spring city, Pennsylvania.
Uh, the three of us, uh, which is me and Christina and Sierra. Hi everybody. She's our first guest. Longtime listener, first time caller. ah Hell yeah. Uh, we're so excited that you wanted to do this with us. Yeah. To come to the weekend and to also record with us. Yeah. Thank you for, uh,
being willing. Absolutely. yeah not participate Yeah, we had three so different experiences at the same event. So it's every time we talk about it, we all learn something new from each other. So that'd be great.
Um, yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Calming Techniques

Oh my goodness. I just want to say something funny because this is what I was going to say just before we hit record. Okay. I took a deep breath and then you guys all started taking deep breaths and I was like, this is what we just learned. Yeah. We learned we had to stop and calm down and take deep breaths and we just all fell back into that. As soon as I was like, it was like needed a minute to ground.
get some hot shit in the body. around yo Yeah, so that I was like thinking, I was about to talk about that that we all just did that. And then I was like, No, no, start recording because yeah this is same for the on but and to be clear, and to be clear, we've been talking about it ever since we fucking left the grounds.
but Like we talking about the purpose ever since yeah yeah we yeah Because like we're just like there's so much to talk about there's so much to process.

Recording Challenges

Yeah Um, I also I guess I'm gonna get the dirty laundry out of the way. We're all in the same room. We're we're using one microphone You have a very janky setup here, a very, very yeah homemade setup over here, rudimentary. The travel setup. Yeah, that is going to be the reason why volume levels might be a little different.
I hope that nothing gets lost if it's a little too quiet. I have no idea how this is going to turn out audio-wise, but we're genuinely going to crank this recording out so that we can release this episode tomorrow. One take. One take.
absolutely uh first time editing one take first first time guest first time one take no editing uh so yeah you're getting the full raw like absolutely unfiltered us which is honestly after this weekend that's the best way to get us i think that's all i got unfiltered um but yeah so and i'm i'm also gonna say i don't think we're gonna be able to talk about it in any sort of chronological way no um it's not it's uh like i said we were outside space and time um it's been a very very
daughter ah but fuck yeah Sorry, we're not trying to steal any one's shtick, but it just could not resist.

Inside Jokes and Shared Experiences

Listen, it's now a bigger inside joke than anybody can even imagine. um Anyway, and we're not going to explain it. No, no, no. If you know, you know. It's not ours. We're not going to try and explain it. Okay. I'm going to breathe. Everybody want to breathe again. One take. Sorry. We're not editing. I know, but I think it's so funny. Sorry.
okay Serious. Oh no, we don't need it. So we don't need to be serious, but we We'll get to the series. You gotta to get the giggles out.

A Joyful, Spiritual Weekend

Cause I mean, cause that's the thing is like, it was such a beautiful and joyful experience such a loving weekend oh my god for not having done any drugs the whole weekend i know no drugs no alcohol all spirit all spirit all just pure vulnerability happiness e just like being a kid like i had such a wonderful experience with bubbles so you know uh it was just such a lovely weekend just all
and number thing Yeah, yeah. Oh my goodness. Yeah. Exactly. That's exactly it um and and it. And it was heavy. Yeah. And all dark and intense and scary sometimes. Vulnerable. Vulnerable. um But it it was like the full spectrum of human experience, honestly. In four days. In four days, including erotica.
but which we'll get to. you um
um And so, and yes, unfiltered, we may fart, we may cough, we may sneeze, it's like nothing's getting edited out. So just excuse us in our humanness while we come down from planet Anahata.
food from um And it's also, and we're also a little bit like lost in our heads a little bit. Yeah. Cause like we have our moments of just like talking, talking, talking, and then our moments of just staring into space. And just actively like watching each other actively process things as we're speaking yeah about them. Yeah. um And just like, oh, moments just like realizing after the fact too. Yeah. It's ongoing. Yeah.

Integrating Experiences

There's going to be a lot of integration yeah that we have to do.
I intend to take the whole day tomorrow for journaling. um And Sierra, you're planning to tourist a little bit, which is great. Yeah, I can't sit still. I'm a Sagittarius. You give me a new city. I'm gonna go get it done. Well, yeah. And you're gonna fly home. I'm very adventurous that way, though, too. I'm not afraid of going places alone or any of that. So I would, yeah, if I had the time, the extra time,
Yeah, to do that, I would send you all you both off. Yeah. you aircycl well that After this weekend, I would be with you just chilling. If I didn't have to get on an airplane at like nine, 10 o'clock, whatever in the morning. Yeah. yeah yeah so um But yeah, there is any I mean the integration is gonna go beyond obviously it's gonna be Just but honestly continual process.

Molly and Sierra's Backstory

Yeah until next year when I do it all over again Yeah, so First I want to do I mean, I guess I will say like it Sierra and I arrived together. Mm-hmm We arrived. There's like a prequel to that. Yeah. Yeah, I
they is frequency they want to solve yeah um Just like the 30 second backstory, Molly and I met when we were freshmen at BYU. 18 year old babies out in the world. We kept in touch on and off and more on than off lately. And she came to see me in Georgia in February. And before that I was in your wedding. You were in my wedding. Yeah. Yes. And then came to see me play tourist.
See you in Massachusetts. I'd never been and we played tourist there for three insane days. Yes Wonderful it wonderful. Absolutely. Wouldn't trade them for anything But I'm still so tired Oh man, and that was last weekend. Yeah, that was the weekend before. That was the third day weekend. Yep then didn't really chill much even when we worked and then we drove down to Pennsylvania on Wednesday. Yeah, exactly. We drove down here.

Gratitude for Hospitality

We're staying, where we're currently staying is where you and I stayed before we went to Onahatas, which is the parents of one of my best friends, Tom. Soul Pod member. Soul Pod member, Tom.
um uh but he so his parents have graciously allowed us to stay they've been extremely hospitable and wonderful beautiful in this beautiful home which is where i'm honestly like i'm so excited to integrate in this beautiful home in this beautiful space tomorrow But like a warm comforter. It really is. It really is. Yeah. And coincidentally, since you and I only went for two days to Anahabas last year, we spent the night here Saturday night last year. and
I didn't get to meet Tom's parents whose house this is and they are lovely people. And I was so grateful to them for being so gracious to open up their home to somebody they'd never met and weren't going to meet see that weekend. And the air mattress situation she created for me.
then is very similar to what i'm about to sleep in tonight and i'm very grateful for it and it was like like i said last year when i got in it it felt like the warmest most comfortable hug ever because it is the way that they created that yeah the way she put together that they make such great space yeah and great coffee but yeah everything the two most important things oh yes beds and coffees yes oh my goodness but yeah so we arrived here and slept the night here Wednesday night and drove right over to Camp Inaba on Thursday morning, which is when Ojada's started. And we basically moved in.
It felt like, it felt like moving in to college. It did. With our twin beds.

Excitement for New Experiences

It took us back to our BYU beds. Yeah, and we had our, we didn't know who our roommates were, and we had our sheets, and our suitcases, and we were looking at our class schedule, but it was um just that spirit of like a new beginning, definitely permeated. Yeah, and the excitement for meeting new people. yeah and like go into these classes and like who's in our building yeah oh my god yeah exactly exactly and though unfortunately Christina had to miss that day I know
Yeah, i guess i was I was originally scheduled to come in on an airplane Thursday night and that flight ultimately got cancelled and rescheduled for

Travel Delays and Live Podcast

the next morning. So it wasn't terrible because I would have been sleeping anyway during the time that if I had come in on time on Thursday, I would have just been going straight to bed when I got there. thats So really the only thing you missed was Friday morning. Yeah, that was unplanned. Yeah.
yeah i so i think i arrived at like what 145? 145 ish pm on friday just in time to watch our favorite podcasters do their thing live and that was amazing yes oh my goodness i was so grateful because i really didn't think you'd arrive until like just after two at the earliest and then the fact that you arrived just before just in time to settle into our chairs that you know we got set up as you were checking in up the hill it's just like come on i know i was very anxious to get down here i was very anxious just to get down there and they were like oh we can't find you in the computer i'm like what i know how i can do that rachel herself got me a room so you better find me he's getting rachel on the phone she goes oh well that changes everything she's like you're good go
not to name drive but yeah my that i said I don't know if this makes a difference or not, but Rachel herself was like, rearranging things and found me a bed in Bethany and blah, blah, whatever. She was like, Oh, well that changes everything. your and oh i'm so glad i'm Oh, I'm not trying to name drop, but I literally wanted to make sure they understood that it was arranged. So I'm definitely in. Yeah. And I did finally find my receipt to go like, see, I paid. and I'm not just trying to sneak in here. Which, oh god, I'm so glad that worked out. And I'm so glad you made it

Favorite Podcasters Live

just in time. Yeah, it was was a highlight perfect of the weekend was getting to watch that show. arm Honestly, it was lovely. It was so fun. Yeah, and it was like, they're always entertaining. Yeah. And that was when I found out or shortly after,
Rachel of Anahadas herself is one-third of the Two Gemini's Elio podcast. Thank you. The Elio. She said, I, okay, I see that. Yeah, she got that pink hair. Yeah, right. Love her. Shut up. Yeah. That was a fantastic recording. But yeah, so the the show was the combination Two Gemini's Elio and The Witch Witch Amateur Hour. Witch Witch.
The two, yeah, the five ladies were all on stage together, doing their podcast together, which they have done in the past. and want to understand It was so funny, so informative. So whenever that one drops, go listen to

Jeff Goldblum vs. Tim Curry

that. one I hope they recorded it. They did yeah they did a joint show. yes yeah I'm glad I'm gonna, I'm just looking forward to listening to it for the parts that I couldn't actually hear because everybody was laughing too hard.
Why can't we just to study Tim Curry's birth chart? That's the only teaser. I found out he's got two of my big three. No, wait. That's not Jeff Goldblum. Oh, I'm sorry. Tim Curry and Jeff Goldblum. I cannot believe I just got those two. Two kings. What an idiot. I told you. Absolute kings. Told you. I'm an idiot. me No, we're all just like brain dead practically. Yeah. And I've always loved Jeff Goldblum.
Jeff Goldblum, so. And Tim Curry. Tim Curry, yes. For different reasons, I guess. but Oh yeah. but For some reason, I think Jeff Goldblum was always a little bit more of a thing for me. He's got two out of your big three, so he's like practically. I mean, he was in Jurassic Park, which is the best movie ever made in history of the world, and that scene of him walking with his shirt unbuttoned was very formative to me growing up, so Goldblum. Well, if you go and look up the fly.
No, and nothing shall tarnish. You'll see him turning into this oozy, weird creature. It's absolutely not. And then at the very end, because like, I don't know if you guys ever saw the original fly or know anything about the story. I know this, I know it's a metamorphosis, like the the book it's based on, but nothing. Well, so He had invented a machine that like um transported, like tele teleported.
people. Okay. And he got in it and he was going to teleport himself, but a little fly got in with him. So their parts got mixed up in the teleportation. Ew. Stop talking. Yeah. It was a very slow transformation where he starts getting weird things to get out of his arms. He said even more. Yeah. I hate that even more. Okay. At the very end, you see a little teeny fly sitting on something And it has, like, the human head. It's tiny. And it's like, dream at oh. Oh my god. You're doing mean dream nightmares right now. There was an original one that was black and white back in the day, like 1950 something or whatever. He did the remake of it in the 80s, which is worse. Yeah.
Because the 80s is a fever dream of nightmares. Because they were better at special effects in the 80s and makeup. you know They had to be better. yeah Not nearly as good as now, but yeah. yeah Better read nightmarish. Oh my god.

Jeff Goldblum's Movie Roles

But I remember seeing him in that movie, and that was probably one of the first movies I saw him in, but he was very hot in that movie.
i anyway okay so let's move on go look up the fly people um do you want to explain what anahana's purpose is we're just kind of like sleeping yeah okay let's see if i can do you want me to pull up the website um let's anahana's purpose is a portal to another world to a higher plane to a higher plane where um i where you meet
your higher self and you meet everybody you've ever needed to meet.

Anahata's Purpose: A Transformative Event

um And you have some of the most life altering experiences possible without the use of psychedelics. Well, it's an alcohol free event. It is specifically and a lot of people use it as an opportunity to disconnect from that from their phones from technology. But I mean, honestly, I think that it is equally impactful, though, it has been it has been for me, um and for both of you.
I believe in our own separate ways, because we all, you know, kind of did our own things, like going around to our own classes, having our own moments of just like, oh, shit. You know, um and that's where it gets hard to talk about because it's just like, where do we begin? Where did it end? Did it even end? Are we still there? Like, yeah. yeah um And so, like,
ah I guess that's what we're here to talk about now is just like some of the experiences that we had that were the most impactful and like moments that we will cherish forever, um you know, both deep and intense as well as like lighthearted and beautiful and joyful, you know, whatever feels right to share for each of us.

Sharing Impactful Experiences

And we're going to try not to take up too much time than doing that. We could probably talk for hours and hours and hours. We will talk for hours and hours and hours. We'll We've been talking so much that we've already talked about half the things we wanted to talk about on the podcast, I'm sure. Which honestly, I feel like was a little bit of a dress rehearsal. Yeah, to be able to record because now I feel like a little more prepared to coherently speak on some stuff. Yeah, that's true.
you know, have to test out some of this material on Tom's parents. Who, you know, heard everything and were so, like, interested and, like, they were graciously listening and receiving what they were saying. Yeah. And we're grateful to them for doing that, for listening. But yeah, so, let's see.

Class on Self-Expression

I'm trying to think of...
Yeah, ae I guess I'll start with one of the later of the classes that I went to, which was one that I wanted you to go to the second one, Christina, if you could have, but we didn't, we didn't quite make it in time. But the science of self-expression class, which was actually on on Friday morning. Hold on, I do have my notes here because I'm a Virgo. So I was like, I pulled up my schedule so I can remember what I took. We have the science of self-expression.
And I'm going to drink some water. And I'm gonna take a deep breath.
Okay. because self-expression has always been something that's really, really difficult for me. And I know I've talked about it a little bit on the podcast already. Hey, I just thought of this question. Going to that class, do you think that it prepared you for the other class where you were able to express yourself?
in a way that you never had before? I think so. I just think that it certainly played into it. I think it played a factor. That's cool. We'll get there. oh yeah That's a good point. Because there was a little bit of movement in this and the science of self-expression. We did sit down and we did have you know a bit of a talk. It wasn't so much of a lecture or a lesson, but she did talk about
the uh nervous system the autonomic nervous system fight or flight you guys which is what i've spent my life in um and oh let's see i've not even looked at these notes which would have been probably oh we should have done that beneficial view but she um did she go besides fight or flight did she go into the freezer fun as well no actually she didn't but um those are pretty new we did talk about uh well they' okay well one note that i did think was really really helpful was i always get the sympathetic and parasympathetic mixed up and she did specify fight being sympathetic and the relaxation state being parasympathetic so i was like who okay i'm glad that i got those straight and i could write it down on see um gonna okay i'm just gonna get really raw here i'm gonna read something here rawr
am woman hear me roar wow that was really stupid sorryri flash but middle um And I honestly I cannot tell you what prompt it was that she said that how to write stuff down I'm new i'm i sure if everybody wrote something down or if I wrote something down just because I thought of it I Wrote I have so much trauma around being

Overcoming Trauma

taught that my pain and discomfort doesn't matter or is an inconvenience or annoyance to everyone around me. And I was taught to disregard my hunger and thirst and other bodily needs. And in a way that really does like the way that we got into it with regards to two learning to pay attention to the signals and the signs and the messages coming from our body.
that certainly did prepare me in the somatic theme here for the the next class. There's not the next class, but the class the next day that we're going to talk about in a bit. where i The whole theme of this class, the science of self-expression, was about like feeling like really, really getting deep into and getting used to like, you know, and expressing with each other and expressing in the class and expressing through the whole weekend what it feels like to express your needs, express them to yourself, express them to somebody else. And, you know, toward the purpose of having those needs met, which I am so used to not having.
not used to being allowed to meet my own needs. I'm not used to allowing anyone else to help me meet my needs or to ask anybody at all for anything. And oh, it hit me so hard. It hit me really, really hard. Yeah, we did talk about some techniques to help with when you start to feel that shame and anxiety spiral too. Somebody brought up pattern interruption being a really great thing like when you just
and like, you know, jolt yourself out of like, the spiral that you go into. So the noise you heard was Molly clapping her hands together really hard. yeah That's literally what she did in the class. Yeah, and that that would make sense. it's It's just a way to wake yourself up. Yeah, just to like startle yourself out of whatever pattern you're spiraling into. That's usually gonna lead you down a really bad poll yeah to a really bad place. um And so like, that was something I was just like, ooh, that's gonna tuck in that way. I'm gonna use that.
And to create systems for your life to meet your needs, which, you know, everybody's needs are different. Everybody's ability levels are different. And to basically set up your life in a way that you can, A, recognize when you need something, and B, give yourself what you need when you need it.

Recognizing Personal Needs

Or have the ability to ask for help.
when you can't meet your own needs, which made me think of, actually, my, Christina, I talked to you about this. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this to you before, Sierra, but I, and I shared this in the class, but I remembered that I recently named uh something i do when i need to like get into gear to like pay all my bills and do all the adulting that's really scary and difficult to do i call it business mode yeah yeah yeah you're telling me to carry your inbox yeah it's helped you get the executive pardon me the executive functioning yeah part of your brain going yeah and the avoidance the fear of the money shame right you know the the the struggle with money
um you know where i'm just terrified of opening my bank accounts and looking at my account balances and and looking at the bills and oh my god why is the electric bill $200 this month like you know things like that you know where i just can so easily fall into one of those spirals but i just put myself in business mode where i think about these tasks that i have to do these bills that i have to pay as my job like life administration yeah and when I am thinking in terms of my job I'm not thinking in terms of emotion or shame or guilt or anything like that because it's like it's just my job yeah it doesn't matter I just got to do it and it doesn't affect anything except for I just got to do it at which like is a weird way I mean I'm sure it's not actually weird to be listening but to me I'm just like oh it's so weird and I like jolt myself out of
the the emotion of it all.

Transforming Tasks into Rituals

And I shared that in the class, and the teacher actually pointed out, like, hey, that's a ritual. Yeah. And I was like, fuck, you're right. You're right. So what does that mean? That means? You want to turn it into more ritualistic stuff like lighting a candle? Well, no, she said it already is a ritual. OK. And that's the thing. And absolutely, I would like to make a little bit more of an environment out of it. Maybe light a scented candle, make some good sensory things going on, put on good music, or things like that. But to be able to...
look at it like, oh, this is a ritual that I'm doing. And realizing what else in my life that I don't even realize is already a ritual, you know? Because there are a lot of things in my life that I want to and talk about that I've intended to ritualize.
I think people think of ritual as ceremonial. Right. And to me, ritual is just um like a little little bit of a level up from like regular spellwork. Like you're still doing a set of steps to accomplish a goal. um and In this case, you're just like reframing tasks and doing them with a different set of like set of mind. Yeah. Yeah. And the, and it's the mindset that gives the elevation. Yeah. Really.
And so yeah, like when she said that, I wrote it down in the bottom. Ritual. Because my business mode is a ritual. i love that And I was like really excited to to have that realization. and I'm trying to think if there was any other really good notes on here.
She did say, because people hear out the phrase all the time, you should, please don't shoo it on yourself. Oh, yeah. But she did, she was like, yes, don't shoo it on yourself. But we do need to make space for the shoulds. And the context in which she brought this up was having us list out all the things that we do or the top main things that we do um that we spend our time doing. And the top like five things that we spend our time thinking about. And then she wanted a list of all of the things that we want to be on those lists that aren't. And those were being framed as, oh, these are the things that should be on that list. But those are the things that are important to you. Those are the things. So prioritizing. Yeah. but it's It's like looking at it like,
Not that you're like, oh, I gotta i got to do that, and and framing it from a guilt or ashamed or a or just

Prioritizing Wants and Needs

being tough on yourself kind of mentality, but to,
goodness, I'm now reaching a wall where I'm just like, what is it? But from coming coming from a place of, like those are the things that you want in your life.
And the things that are plaguing you, the things that are, that you are giving so much of your mental energy to, or so much of your actual time to, that you don't actually want to be spending, like, you know, just writing it out on the list and putting it in a schedule even, or or a routine, like a written out daily routine, can really A, help you reframe and be honest with yourself about what are you actually doing and what how are you actually spending your time.
but also be like, there's ah there's always more room than you think to put the things in there that you want. And the the ways in which you can be meeting your needs. And your needs also include your wants, honestly. Like wanting time for hobbies is a need, yeah because it's good for you. awesome Oh, and I feel like I'm doing a terrible job of explaining. It was genuinely so much more, it felt more profound than that, but maybe it's... Besides the lists and things like that, then, how did they get into the self-expression part? Well, it was, I mean, like, the the movement part was actually more of a, like,
she didn't just have us free moving around like she she had us do a couple of like exercises we got up on our toes we bent her knees you know and just like did that a few times um and you know she had us like do the like shoulder shimmies and like the things just to like sort of get into our bodies um and honestly that is another thing that i think i'm gonna take with me where, uh, I spend so much time in my head and not in my body.

Being In Tune with the Body

I think we all do. And like, that's like the number one point of like paying attention to your body. You gotta be in your body first. Um, and like that from there, I'm going to be able to find
the sensations that I'm needing to be paying attention to, to be able to meet my needs. And as a person with ADHD, who yeah can get so focused, so mentally like just stuck, that I can't even realize that five hours have passed and I've been sitting at my desk and I need to pee so bad all of a sudden. Like, you know, this feels critical yeah to get into a practice.
on But yeah, it was so impactful. Oh, it was so good. And and she actually, I've been rambling for too long about this one class. I'm so sorry. I haven't heard about this class at all. Yeah, either. Okay, so glad that I'm actually getting, because I wanted you, Christina, to be able to go to the second one. And I'm glad, I guess, now that I'm getting to talk to you about it. But she ended the class with a meditation. And the meditation,
She you know talked to us through you know the way that you usually go in a guided meditation, through some areas, through some doors, until you meet yourself 30 years from now. And you sit down at the table with yourself, and you ask yourself questions.

Meeting the Future Self

i think wrote them now The first question you ask is, what is most important to me? And the second question you ask is, what do I spend my time doing?
And the third question you ask is, what do I need to know now? And you as you're being prompted with these questions, you're thinking to yourself, you know what is it that 60 year old me or whatever is gonna be doing? And what is she spending your time thinking about? And what's most important? And and what do I need to know?
And what I found out from my future self was I need to stop being so afraid. All the time. Terrified. And I need to be myself. Which is the whole point of the self-expression. But it was really powerful and beautiful. And that was that. That's great. That sounds cool. Yeah.
on a way to open it wow day one huh that was your first class that was friday actually that was friday that was friday i only have one page oh god no just kidding you know what i'm gonna stop talking now but not somebody else share it's sharing time and molly's taking up too much time um which is just completely contrary to everything i just said just stop it yeah just stop it you're not taking up too much time we're glad to hear what you're saying i love you guys i love you guys i'm so glad we're here yeah so sierra you also were there on thursday with molly so
um did you How many classes did you each take that day? ah watch Thursday I took two. I took two on Thursday. They they started about noon um and there's a lot of like unpacking and getting used to the land. and how far classes actually were from each other so you could like figure out your schedule. Yeah that was one of the most difficult things was a lot of overlapping and a lot of distances. A lot of hills. Certain ones that made it really hard to get to a lot of the ones that you would want wanted you know would have wanted to go to but um so uh any he classes together the first day? No um actually I don't think we took any classes together except for the ones that I took twice. We took
the three bodies, which will I would love to talk about as much as I can explain.

Yogic Philosophy

yeah I do have notes on that. I did so many notes. That's one that all three of us did. All three of of us took that one. Because I sat in with Molly, and because you wanted to go a second time.
and um So I was there by then and when we went together to that one. Yeah. Cause the three bodies I went, that was um my first class. Hey, three bodies. One, two, three. three one oh That was my first class on Thursday. Um, and I only went there because I was like, I have actually nothing else to do. Cause the one class I wanted to go to had been moved to 4PM. So I was like, I got nothing to do and it's right downstairs. I'm just going to go. And I'm glad I did cause I needed to go twice.
um It was the three bodies and the five sheets taught by Mafie of which picture? Yeah, which I guess we can go ahead and talk about. Yeah, I would love to. This is not going to be linear. yeah know god so that isn't real what are you talking about So that is a yogic philosophy. And it's a very visual philosophy. So the way I understand it is exactly the three bodies, five sheets. So um It's just like a path to bliss and divinity. and And a path like out of the on his mind. Yeah, the chattering mind. Yeah. Somebody in our class, the second one, actually tried to equate it to the hierarchy of needs.
Yeah, and there was she's root theres there was some correspondence, but yeah sure but that it's also constantly, every level is constantly interacting with every other level. And you're constantly moving between them. Yeah, so there's not really any sort of direct path um that i mean I mean, there is a direct path, but it's also not because it's all complicated and everything is everything is crazy. Let me just say something before you guys both start going on your notes. I'm going to actually not. I'm going to shut up. So just listen for a second. Yes.
We're really not here to regurgitate everything that we know. no and to try day It's very true. And reteach the class when we weren't even the facilitators. and know So I think that it's just cool if we just talk about certain points that things that we got out of it. Yeah. What did we get out of it personally? Yeah. No, I'm not here to teach it. I was pulling up my notes to see if there were just like any like and wrong important things I start or underline. So my biggest takeaway from that class really was just understanding more of the why behind what's done in yoga and the breathing practices and just like understanding that philosophy a lot more. I think she did a beautiful job of explaining it in such like a bite-sized way to introduce us so that we could then go have that foundation to go do a little bit more research to apply it like
When we do our yoga practice, if we do our breathing exercises in the bathroom that she taught us, we need to ground ourselves really quickly. That alternate nostril, I think I'm so using that. So it was fascinating to me as a foundation to then go apply it if I do start to learn about that further. I was going to say too, like, because I studied yoga when I was like 17.
and i got took it and col deep into it um But not in like the philosophical way but in practice way Yeah, but I was fortunate enough to be going to it was not a yoga club it was just a regular health club that had yoga classes that Fortunately were very much more based in the like we're doing this for ourselves and not for aesthetics You know it was it was That was what grabbed me.
when i was 17 and every single time i've ever tried to find a yoga class since it's always been about it's always been fucking cardio yoga which drives me insane or hot yoga oh which has its benefits yeah away with you get away from me what the heck is cardio yoga i mean like it's the fast yoga it's the fast yoga it's the like it's like And like Pilates. That's what I was thinking. Exactly. Thank you. It does. And it drives me crazy. And I'm just like, no, I want to be here so that I can like hold this pose where my pelvis is completely open. And then I start crying. Yeah. yeah That's what I want for 10 minutes. I want to squat and cry. Yoga is basically like meditation, but you're holding these poses for specific reasons and not like you're not supposed to rush through stuff. So in our Western world, it is so hard to
It is so hard to find an accessible yoga instructor or instruction, a class that gets to the root of what the whole point is, which is what Macy's class is about. And so she taught it and I was just like, I mean, she got way into the technical details, but the whole purpose behind it. But what was the thing that she said where she was like, the whole purpose of yoga is to prepare the body for meditation.

Yoga and Breathwork

And I was like, oh my God, thank you. There was three steps in that. I wrote those down. And I literally did not, I'm the one who did not bring the notebook to the table.
Oh, but it's okay because we don't need notes because we're not trying to teach it. it no I know, but that was the one thing that I really, that I felt like stood out. I want to remember it. She's such a good teacher.
wait My book's sticking out. I'm not meant to be. In mission, you guys. no There's gonna be so much paper shuffling. i yeah Yeah, like I said, like this is raw, unedited shit.
really it that's wonderful I it I don't think I wrote it down. I remember saying it, but I was so mind blown. Yoga leads to breath work, leads to meditation. that was it yeah That was the thing that I was trying to remember. Yes. And breath work is um can lead to altered states. Yeah. And meditation can also lead to altered states. But breath work itself, they they say if you do it the right way, it's almost like being having psychedelics.
Yeah, so that's very interesting to me. And the alternate nostril breathing is only like one technique. Right, right. shoes Like, that's the one that we got. But there I'm like, i'm I mean, I've wanted to before and I intend to.

Commitment to Breathwork Practice

This is me committing now on recording. I'm going to look deeper into it. I'm going to practice it. Yeah. And this is this is what I think I needed to to hear. um Because meditation has been something I've been trying to get into. As we talked about. Yeah, you talked about. Yes, we had a whole episode about it. Exactly. I actually bought a book on Transcendental Meditation by the way it came. Oh, okay. Just before I left. Yeah. Good. Anyhow. Excuse me. So I didn't realize that breath work would be so poignant in
being able to get into meditative states. So I can't without breath work. I cannot get into a meditation. I never even would have. But like I didn't consciously know I was doing that. Yeah. Um, I guess it is sort of a natural, um, a natural technique that you just sort of like impulse, not impulsively, instinctively view. Um, but if you can purposely try to focus on your breath work,
that can put you into a meditative state. And I just never thought about doing it like that. Yeah. Yeah. And so that's one of the things I mean, like I want to do breath work for actually, for like something I learned at Anahana's 2023.

Vocal Expression and Breath

Throwback. Throwback, the first ever class that I walked into, which was actually about vocal expression, but it started with breath work, breath work. It like we literally did like breath work exercises,
And it was like, Hey, the voice starts with the breath. And so that's where we're starting. We're getting all the way down to the basics. Um, you know, and then light going on into, and then going into like, you know, uh, uh, almost like singer exercises or like cool warmup exercises just to like warm up your voice because that's what you use to express yourself. And so I, you know, even back then,
I had intended to get deeper into an understanding of breathwork and a study and a practice of breathwork. And dear God, did I not. But im I want to commit it. I want to commit to it now. So this is me committing to it. Everybody hold me accountable, please.
um But yeah, so that was was great. That was a class we took together. we took um divine connections and I i was thinking about this I was like how do I even we even talk about talk about my takeaways because there was so much foundational knowledge for that one so um I'm just I don't know do either of you have anything like any takeaways from the divine connection? I have so many but nothing I can really verbalize

Spiritual Connections and Protection

right now. I was gonna say divine connection is one of the other ones that I took twice
Yeah, but mostly lot because i I mean, I wanted to go, you you know, with you guys as well, but I had gone on the first that was one of my Thursday classes was divine connection. I like for divine connection actually took more notes for that class, I think, than any of the other ones. I can see that. But the ah thing that she started with was the protection star of David band. Yeah.
yeah thing So that was very interesting. Do you think you could describe that? I could try. Pan is a word picture. Okay. So you take your hands yeah and you create like a triangle with your hands. So you're your fingers, fingertips can be together or overlapping sort of and your thumbs might overlap so that you're creating a triangle shape.
and then you would put that over your solar plexus from what I can recall, right? So the belly button area. Yeah, directly right over your tummy. Yeah. And you want to do I don't remember how many exactly. She said I think four or five, five or six. I think you feel it. Yeah, you feel it. So when your fingers putting down, you're doing an upside down triangle, you want to flip your hands up and back again, like four or five times. So you have a right side up and then an upside down. Yep.
Same spot. Which would create the Star of David because you've got two triangles that overlap each other, one up and one down to create the Star of David. So you're doing that with your hands. You're creating that star with your hands. Yeah, and that's the thing that you do five or six times or however many times you feel is appropriate. So you charge up that. Right. Yeah. So then you take the hands when you're back pointing downward. I guess so, yeah.
and you separate them and drag them around your body and put them to the back behind and make sure they meet behind the belly button and make sure that they touch and then come back again and do it again. Which there is so much theory, philosophy, spirituality tied to the Star of David. It's such a special symbol that we cannot get into. Siri, go away.
But I definitely encourage, if you're interested interested in the Star of David, to do a lot of research with that. It's got so much history to it. It's such a beautiful symbol. Yeah. And I thought it was kind of cool because like I i've studied a few different um like angles of psychic intuition and development. um And there's been a lot of examples of like protection techniques and I've never seen that one before. Me either. And it felt so simple and so powerful. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, you don't even have to, it's so subtle. You don't have, you can do it in public probably and not look too weird, you know? And you don't have to say anything out loud. Yeah. Yeah. Cause a lot of what I've heard is like, you know, recited like prayer type things. Um,
So I thought that was really, really cool. So where what she said, one thing that she said that I, I'm trying to remember the whole thing, but I know I can remember part of it was the solar plexus is the chakra that psychic knowing or
What is that? Oh yeah. That's the one that your psychic stuff comes in through. Yeah, the solar plexus receives psychic information. And the heart chakra receives spiritual information. I believe that's what... Yeah, solar plexus receives psychic heart chakra receives spirituality. There you go. So that was what I was trying to remember.
Yeah, so that's why we're protecting the solar plexus because it receives the the psychic information. like yeah There's so much in that class. that yeah One of the things that I thought was fucking awesome was the number of clairs that I'd never heard of

Exploring Psychic Abilities

yeah but it makes so much sense when she said it like yeah and they're everything she said i so i guess for context we should probably say for claire's we're talking about clairvoyance yeah the familiar ones people that everyone's heard of clairvoyance claire cognizance claire audience claire sentience those are the four that i knew yeah i know there's a fifth one oh i can't remember what that one is actually there's a claire knowing claire seeing claire hearing Yeah. She's clear. Sensing. Sensing. Yeah. And something else. But the ones we didn't know. Audient hearing. Right. Yeah. got Yeah. The ones we didn't know were clear valiance, which is clear smelling, which I actually have, and I didn't realize.
that it was, but that's so weird. I have a psychic nose, I guess. Smelling scents that aren't there that are tied to spirit memory. lot. it i smoke yeah that's what I told you both about the banana bread.
Yeah! Holy shit! They forgot about that story! I'll have to tell that story on my shirt, so stay tuned you guys. I have to tell you my story about where I had my spiritual awakening and now I'm followed by spirits all the time. Heavily tightest. Oh my god, Sierra, can we have you back on the show? Absolutely. Okay, cool. Heavily tightest. So that's clervalience. Clear gustance is clear tasting.
which I've never experienced. Never experienced, but I have heard of it. It's when you just get that um taste in your mouth. Like when you're thinking about a person, a memory, reading about someone, maybe someone you've never even met, and you get that sensation of like flavor or taste in your mouth. I'd only heard examples of it in my experience. Yeah. And then the last one is clear tangency, which I, when I saw that, I was like, you mean like fucking what's her face in Hill House?

Energy and Objects

Right, I had never heard the Claire name for it. It's when you touch something and get the memories. Oh, right. Like holding an object in your hand. She wore the gloves. Yes. The object wore the gloves in Hill House. Right. And she wore them because everything she touched, she should tell them what happened. And that's where she found out about the child that was being molested.
And like, oh, that seemed really fucking got me. Um, but I just never had been named before. it's tang ji And, you know, the examples that the instructor was giving was talking about like, ever go into like a store and you just put your hand on something and you know, everything that it's ever been through. And I'm like,
Well, now I want to try. There was this lady who, I mentioned it to you right at that time that I said, I had known somebody who would ask you to bring an object, but that's actually common when you think about it. There's psychics that'll say, bring an object about somebody that you want to hear from or whatever, whatever. So sometimes people will bring like an old watch or something that it's essential. A lot of that's a bridge to communicate with, but yeah, absolutely. But they can hold it and they can read.
the energy from it like whatever person owned it like they can tell you about that person or connect to them easier so that lady did that um but i brought her something that i think it wasn't mine originally it was somebody else's originally and i don't know that was probably like the dumbest thing to bring and energy and yeah because it was it wasn't even somebody i knew that well but my my grandmother had given me It was a ring. It was an antique ring. It wasn't even originally hers. and it Yeah, it was somebody else's and then my grandma had gotten it and gave it to me. Oh, that's a lot of energy. so i don't i think I think that was the ring I had brought and I'm like, I don't even know why I would have brought that. Maybe I was trying to find out the history of it, but I don't remember. i' say like It was probably before you realized the way the energy can stay attached to things.
right um yeah so Right. Yeah. So that's interesting. That's that's what the clear tangency is yeah cause tangible. Yeah. And that's why the others I'm like, you know, I can't really force myself to like, taste something that I'm not actually physically eating, you know, but like, I can certainly go and like touch things and see how much I can sense.
yeah you know so like i'm i'm really curious to flex that one and see what happens yeah that would be that would be kind of a neat thing to try and do is go to especially with all the antique shops that are supposed to my house which i didn't even get to do you know there's problems on the antique shit in this house that this house that we're in right now
somebody like hey what's the oldest thing you have in this house and who would it belong to or like no don't tell how let me find out oh yeah if they know If they know the history of it, they can tell you if you're correct, if you have feelings about it. Right, exactly. Well, if I do that, then we will be updating in a future episode. yeah But also, if I try to at any of the antique shops, I want to return a report. Yeah, absolutely. That's your homework. And I feel like I'm going to try and do that too. Do it. Yeah. Oh my god, yay. OK, cool. people know and Anything else about that cost that we wanted to
I'm just going to give her socials. It's divinity experiencing. She said that's on across like all platforms she's on. And her name is Brittany. Brittany Deal. um She's amazing. I don't mean to be vague about it. It's just such an intense course, but it's so fascinating about spirit guides, spirit connections.
um a little bit about guardian angels things like that so that sounds interesting and she can teach it better than i ever could summarize and i also found it was very interesting that she learned all of this from an old woman who was looking for a specific person to pass things down to you and how hair did teaching how that night turned out to be how she got her answer like the night that Britney went to get it. Britney went to attend a class. Let's like not give away her story. Yeah, that's her story to tell. It was a really beautiful story. It was, but I think I want to keep it. And she's a beautiful person. And I was going to say, if you are interested, she does teach classes and she'll probably tell that story in her classes. Definitely check her out.
yeah right to her if you want to know about the story yeah yeah absolutely because it was really cool it was even i mean like i listened to it twice and even the second time i was just like i will be taking her course um just because it's so much information like clearly neither of us none of us have processed it enough to even talk about it um yeah but and i think that's a great example for what we did like all weekends like we were in some pretty heavy class as topic wise that you know we're sitting here flipping through notebooks and I'm remembering I'm reading my own words remembering things I've forgotten from two days ago because my brain is still parsing through the memories yeah and it's just like every day felt like a hundred years I had one point I texted my husband I was like what day is it today um I genuinely don't know yeah again we were outside season at all yeah
I know one class I took that um you two ladies were unable to fit into

Sierra's Purpose for Attending

your schedules. Yeah, you took so many classes. I didn i took so many. Honestly, let's hear more from you. um Let's when yeah both of us shut up. let's talk let's Let's see your talk. I feel like my focus and where my soul wise was an information-seeking mission. I was like a heat-seeking missile finding these classes. um When Molly came in 2023, she told me about it, just like, ah oh, hey, I'm going to be here this weekend. I'll be a little out of touch. like You should look at it and see um how cool it is. And I stalked the Instagram, stalked the website, had like serious FOMO while I'm like, she's there this weekend. And I want to be like immediately I knew I wanted to go in 2024.
And I told her the entire time, I was like, there's something I need to hear. There's someone I need to meet and I need to learn this. So I have to go. And I can constantly say like, I haven't figured out which one it is or if it's all of them. But one of the classes I took was my entire purpose for going there. um So I saw that a lot of like lecture based, deeper meaning conversations.
a little bit of like philosophy and history and just like your more traditional class-based words. I feel like a lot of your classes that you went to were experience-based, a lot of openness and body movement. So I did have a couple of those. One of them was a sigil class. Oh, you haven't told me anything about that. I just wanted to savor them. I wanted to go to the sigil class because I vaguely...
I know what a sigil is. I'm not exactly sure how to make them. I'm going to start with i gonna a definition. Not necessarily that we're going to get into the how to's and everything. No. And also it's so visual. I couldn't even. Yeah. Can't even paint you a word picture.
but So let me tell you what I think I know and you tell me right yeah Molly do you know much about sigils and how

Class on Sigils

to make them or what? they know what they knew or Not well enough that I could try to put it into words So I know What I think I remember is that a certain word whatever the word is that you pick to make a sigil out of you remove the vowels and I think and then you take the consonants of the word that are life but but left over and you create sort of a picture out of them by like drawing them over each other or like connecting them in some way and then I'm not sure what
after that. Am I right at all? ah Yes. So there's very there's two different but correct schools of like sigil. So what you described absolutely, it's like you draw a line from letter to letter in your message and then you're left with like a very angular linear design.
um what I learned was sigils that I had never even seen before. I find them like very beautiful, a lot of um like ancient cave paintings, indigenous paintings, like trace back like 10,000 years. They have a lot of very similar images, even miles and miles and cultures a apart, a lot of similarities in what they're drawing.
um and how they're communicating in that way. And we've been able to trace it back now and we use a lot of the similar things because images ah surpass language. so i um In the class I took, which I'm going to say her name because she's absolutely amazing, she has a website, she has art, she has blogs, she she is absolutely phenomena phenomenal. Her name is Laura Tempest, and then her last name is Zacharoff, but you can also look up by Laura Tempest.
She has books, teachings, again, beautiful art. ah She defined a sigil and just a very basic definition of a mark made by humans that are believed to have magical properties. So when you see a pentagram that is a sigil that has meaning, it is metaphor, it has deep personal roots and connections. Yes, you're pointing to yours, which I love your necklace. But it can be something as simple as a star and you see a star and it has meaning beyond a crude depiction of a star in the sky. Like it has extra meaning and it's something like a man-made image
that just we either give properties to or we find magical properties in the meaning of. So we talked about a lot of different examples of that and We talked about like how to make them and like what the different elements are. like um when you know We did the Star of David band. So like when you see a triangle, what do you guys think of? like What does that mean um to you? A pyramid. okay So what does a pyramid mean to you?
Oh God. I mean, you think of the Egyptian pyramids and they were tombs for pharaohs or that they maybe directed energy through... Okay, so arrow, direction, okay. then they had like Openings that would allow light to come through at certain angles to like create an energetic angles are big angles are Yeah, I love that with the light that is he's like, you know, it has like symbology of like the three which is a very important number to wi my New necklace I just got is a four-sided pyramid um that pyramid it's a Story. Yeah, it's a
Amethyst? Yes, thank you. I'm gonna say violet. No, violet. Violet flowers. That's a color. Purple. Yeah, amethyst. you know, pyramid, that the base would be touching my skin and the point is going outward from me. um And that pyramids or obelisks or towers, like crystals in those shapes are meant to conduct energy in a certain direction. So out of the point. And so they were telling like, the people who made that pendant, I'm sorry for going off, I don't know.

Pyramid Symbolism

They just said that
it's a directing energy out or or something or other. And I was like, well, I said, where it's going to be placed on my body is going to be near my heart. And I feel like it's going to take my love and my energy from my heart and beam it out to the people around me. And that's what I was like feeling like, Oh yeah, that's, that's nice. I really liked that idea. So anyhow, so that's, that's what I think about pyramid stuff. What do you think, Molly?
i'm holding up triangles to be honest the first thing that came to mind was the four elements triangle symbols oh my god i love depictions of elements and i can never remember which ones are big that's okay that's a upside down one with the line the earth don't ask me okay sorry um yes molly that's correct yeah i actually i think you are correct i might be because i'm a Virgo anyway that's what that's the first thing that I think of okay yeah I love that I love the pyramid to me like the pyramid leads to like the meaning of knowledge of like a pillar not a pillar but that's a different symbol but here or like the triangle we also talked about like the directions that you mentioned up down increasing decreasing you can have like it
um going to the sides you know there's um so many things that you could look at one image and get so many like meanings from it and they can all be correct simultaneously and and that's it's i love the sigils because it's a way of like boiling down language to it's like simplest purest easiest to communicate form and something she said that i wrote down um was reducing reality to symbols and then imbuing that symbols with like magical elements, properties, beliefs, and and your intention and like getting that and like you can make it a physical item you could just draw it on yourself like you could
Stir your coffee in the symbol of a heart. You could do so many different things to incorporate sigils into your life. And a lot of it is just intuitive. It's your intentions meeting your reality, meeting your like past history and your

Magic and Personal Intention

knowledge. And like we could all look at the same image. and get so many different things that are all true at the same time.
ah definitely want to go about suit jus now Well, I'm gonna say good news. She teaches in so many Like, which she retreats, conferences. um You know, she again has a website. It's Laura Tempest. Did you say she wrote a book? She wrote several books. oh Please go look them up. One of them is a workbook for Sigil. I'll take the workbook. ah And it was just such a transformative um class, like, sit it and think about, like, how magic is just intention.
an application. And one thing she said, it doesn't really have to do with sigils, but we were talking about making the sigil and like the process of that. um And she said, we don't need stuff to do witchcraft.
you You just need you. um So you know you don't have to make every central into a piece of art. Sometimes it's just something you like close your eyes and you visualize a central you've already made and that gives you power. you Or you just draw it in the do on your car to like protect you on your way to your work. like You don't need the stuff to do this type of protection power and it could still have so much power that you give it with your intention. And then I was actually, I like had breakfast with her and her partner. I i think it's responsible. And he said, um he was taught that like his hands are his most important magical tool. And I was like, okay, I need to go leave this breakfast and go process that sentence for like an hour.
um You know what, when I first became a witch and I wanted to go buy all the cool tools, i wanted to buy everything Molly was like, you know, you don't need any of that stuff, right? But I'm a crow. Your wand is your finger. Like, you know, all of the energy, all of the tools you need to do any kind of energy work in witchcraft is in your hand. And I just, I want to make something um want to make something so super clear.
because like ah you know when you said that and I was just like, yes, thank you. Let's keep perpetuating this like this concept of like you do not need anything but yourself. yourself You do not need it.
and And I feel that way so strongly. And I felt that way when, you know, you wanted, you had the impulse to go out and buy everything. And I so didn't want to like shit on your parade, you know? By being like, oh no, i like I i get, it's so fun to like go and like see all the pretty things and especially the crystals. Oh my God. Pterodex. Pterodex and the Orbeez. And the incense. There's so much that goes into the sensory experience that is being a witch and practicing witchcraft.
And I think that those things do help. They are tools for a reason. If you're trying to do divination, trying to do div divination, there's probably things you can do to make homemade stuff. You can do divination with water, with lice, with anything. Go pick out really cool stones. There's like a tiny stone place to divide. yeah But like I want to just say, like never feel shame.
for wanting to seek out those tools. I'm saying that to you guys and I'm saying it to the world. Yes. I never feel shame for wanting to go seek out those tools, but do so, do so, you know, with your own discernment, seek out, you know, properly sourced materials, like ethically sourced materials. If you can, absolutely. But please understand that The only tool you need is yourself. Yeah, and build off that, like don't feel shame if you can't get those tools. yeah um Like someone also once told me that like your time can be an offering in exchange for a spell. So it's like taking 10 seconds to stop and put your intentions out, put your manifestations out, put your hopes and dreams and wishes and protection out, that is an offering. So don't feel shame if you don't have the ability
to go to or if you need to do something so fast you can't go stop and look through your crystal guide and find a crystal that fits you need and so it's too full like yeah yeah and I mean to be honest it was like the the concept of like the only tool that you need is your own like so deeply appealed to my anti-consumerist ass but at the same time you know I
I can't deny that like there are some things out there that are so like, you know, you just, you're drawn to them. You're drawn to them and you like, you see them in a store or you see them online and you're just like, that's the thing I need. And I can understand that. And you can be called to those. Yeah. but That calling is a real thing and it is important.
It's important. Yeah, you have to keep your crow brain moving. But it's not the whole yeah thing. So just like that that's the message here. I always like to tell myself, I am the witch. You are the witch. That is my tool. it has This piece of rosemary has power because I am using it for this purpose. If I was not, that rosemary would be rosemary. It would just be something delicious. Exactly.
Those stones are pretty, but they are not runes until I cast them. Because I have that power that I imbue in view and others to do my whatever purpose I need them to do. Fuck yeah. Preach girl. Yeah, please go follow her. Laura Tempest, she's amazing. Would you like to talk about an experience, Christina?
Oh, God. It doesn't have to be a class. It doesn't have to be in order. And we're not going in, yeah, we're not going literally, linearly. So like any moment that stands out to you, I want to hear. Well, like my first night there, because like I did show up on Thursday. I can't remember. It's not real. Friday. Friday night. And you are standing, so. Yeah, I'm just stretching my legs. No, I know. I'm just saying for the microphone purposes. If you're a little further away from my, like again, just weird. I'm directing my face downward. Directing my face downward at the microphone. I'm creaking around on this bed. Sorry. The bonfire.
that um yeah the toular bombfire that mean fire the ba came in That was really cool we got to chit chat and hang out with some people and um After that, there was a little bit of a cool fire gazing ceremony.

Bonfire Meditation Experience

And we had last we had the the rave in the background. It was was off in the distance. So we were staring into this bonfire and there was just all the way off in the distance. It was power. yeah It really, it added to the experience, honestly. Like, sure, I couldn't really hear Charlie speaking.
But like yeah at the same time, I was just like, I'm vibing. It's cool. We're good. So I'm just such a powerful tool for you know meditation and ah work and casting. It reminded me of my my days going to dance at techno clubs in the late 90s, early 2000s. What a time. Yeah, that was fun. Yeah, that was a good night. But it made me like it made me want to go down there and start dancing. I was like, oh, I want to dance. And then we got tacos.
Can we Cause a shout out to Kitchen 519 out of New Jersey. They're amazing, nourishing, delicious, vegan, vegetarian, non-food. It's so good. I had choices for everybody. Oh, and I ate every, I ate a little of everything. Yeah. Oh, that with the food allergies. Yes. You can still eat whatever you want. Everything but the risotto that had corn in it. I'll never forgive you for that. talk about the fire? But anyway, so yes. So we all did go to the fire gazing that
Charlie from the which bitch amateur hour taught she facilitated and we call ourselves Beans in that pod like podcast listeners. So that's what we're making into that Again, if you know, you know, we can't even get into know that the lore is too deep Go listen to their podcast and to you know, take the literal year of time that it's going to take to listen to everything. Which I did it in a year, so I can say that. Yeah, you did. It's true. um So I came to that class as a fairly experienced, I use smoke as my primary divination tool. So I feel like we're going to have three pretty different experiences, like literally looking at the same fire. um So let's start with you, k Christina. What was that like for you? How did you feel?
um because i didn't i couldn't hear charlie too much again the music exactly sure not even that though there there was quite a large crowd yeah there was an inner circle and a slightly outer ish circle ish thing yeah we were on the outer ring of that yeah we were a little further away yeah we didn't quite have a direct line of sight and we definitely couldn't hear and because of the fact that it was a circle and she was in the middle of it she kept turning in different directions to speak
And so every time she was facing away from us, I couldn't hear a thing. Yeah. And that's, that's fully like no fault for her. No, not at all. that was outside That was just the way it was set up. She was doing a stellar job. yeah um But yeah, it was just like, and also, you know, we could have been closer, but you know, there was just nowhere to sit that was closer. We were, and we needed to sit down. um mar walking There was a lot of walking involved. But yeah, but it was honestly,
oh The vibes were just immaculate. Yeah. So you're just vibing? And the fact that I couldn't hear her, just it took away from what I could learn, but it didn't take away from the experience of being there. I can help you later. Exactly. And yeah. Excuse me. So I sat and I was like, definitely looking at the fire because it was beautiful. And I'm like, we, we, we tech, we sussed out a bit of that later on.
kind of natural for people to be drawn to looking at flames. Fire meditation is powerful. I suppose we should also state that Christina, you and I went to her second teaching of that class, yeah which took place during the day and did not use bonfires or a bonfire. We used individual candles. yeah and so she and you know I would imagine that like ah there was a good amount of what she said in the first class that also got stated in the second class, yeah but it was slightly different in that everybody had their own candle and we were talking about you know all the variations of things like all the all the things that you can look at in candle and camel magic but also like in pyromancy using a candle such as you know the color of the candle, the dripping of the wax, the smoke and the way that it moves, if there is any smoke
You know, even like the color of the flame and the shapes of the flame and is it super bouncy

Candle Magic Exploration

and dancy? Or is it standing super still like tall straight up or is it little tiny flame? You know, like all the wick is doing Curve over It pointed straight at me for a while until it decided to just like turn into a claw. It turned into two like weird little claws. But it did. It pointed straight at me for a while. It was just like, hey.
It was very cute. And then I didn't think about this either. It's like the light patterns that are cast on a wall. If you're indoors. Yeah. Or... It's a bigger flame. Yeah, absolutely. Not a birthday candle. That was really cool. Yeah. She did such a great job.
she did so I think the biggest difference you guys ah please talk about the candle magic because I do that every day but uh bonfire divination there's just a little bit like more yeah just for the sheer size you know what she I don't know if you heard this the night of the bonfire but what she she clarified something today that we got to hear. And it was that she doesn't necessarily always look at just the flame. I mean, we just went over the things you can look at, yeah but she, if you're looking at a bonfire situation, she says, it's not necessarily the flames that you're looking at in a bonfire. You can be looking at the empty space between the flames and what shapes create, get created. And yeah and something that she didn't mention, it but I'm sure she would have, or, you know, um but something that
I like mentally thought of at the time but didn't actually say anything and i I don't know the thought didn't fully form because so much was going on but it just fully formed right now and I'm gonna say it okay and that is you ever and and I know we're all gonna say yes to this but you ever sit in front of a bonfire and And you're not actually looking at any of the flames. You're looking at the burning embers all the way at the base. No, she didn't talk about that. She did talk about that? Yeah. She didn't today. But she did. Well, that's why I would see her talk about the bonfire. That's what she said was so hard about bonfires for her. yeah She's like, I don't know. Am I supposed to be looking at the smoke? Am I supposed to be looking at the embers? Well, yeah. So that's why was going explain the bonfire message. Yeah, yeah. And I personally, I find myself much more fascinated by the burning embers all the way down at the bottom.
whenever i'm in front of a bonfire yeah i'm staring so like i was like oh yeah that's what i naturally got because like yes i do like to watch the flames themselves but like i always come back to the embers yeah that's me when you're looking at a bonfire it's it's it can be the whole picture it could be the shadows with the trees it could be the smoke It could be the flames, the space between the flames. It could be the embers. It could be all of them. Like you could just like look at whatever you need to look at or you could just like totally fucking meditate into the flames and then just see what pops into your head. That's true. Yeah. But I, own one yeah, I'd never done a group meditation with a bonfire or a group divination. And um so many people were getting a lot of like similar
subjects so like I was getting a lot of animals so many people were getting a lot of animals like I think it was people missing their pets and we were in the woods so you know we could have been drawing on that energy people um Charlie and another individual saw an old grumpy old man they described. I remember them saying that. I've been here about an angry man. Yes, an angry grumpy old man. And then something said an old man or something. Yeah. So it was so crazy to have everyone kind of bouncing off each other. I kept seeing a tornado, which is terrifying since I'm from Georgia. But later I thought about that and talked to a couple other people and it's more of like
the symbolism between that. So, you know, anytime you're doing divination, it's not always like a straight one for one. It's rarely literal. Very rarely literal. It's a lot of metaphor. And, you know, yeah so it's like, you know, new beginnings, working slate clean, things like that. and And that was a lot of what other people were picking up to just with different images. um So that's what a lot of people do with bonfires is they look at like the whole picture, or they just kind of like meditate into the whole and see what kind of pops out versus like a candle where you're looking at like a flame, a wisp of smoke, a wick. um So it's...
I tend to prefer, honestly, candle or incense. Yeah. Well, it's also a lot more accessible because it's not like you can just yeah i don't just like the throw a bonfire every time you want to do some pyromancy. I mean, like, I mean, if you've got a fire pit in the back yard, like that's fucking sick and non-jealous. Yeah. You do. I know you're so, I'm so jealous of you. I don't know if it's fire, I don't know what you call them. It's like a metal thing with all legs. oh Oh, yeah, yeah. Fire pit. I guess.
Well, I don't know what there's a name for it. I can't think of it right now. Yeah, but I can picture it. And it has like stars and moons. But you have one and I've got it. It's

Spirit Channeling

really pretty. But you guys both took the candle one with her on Sunday. What did you learn? The Sunday, which is today, which is crazy. That was today? Oh my gosh. Today is Sunday. Did you know? It was like 11.10 when it finally started. It's Sunday the 7th because time is real.
So what was your experience with that? Did you want to talk about anything with the candle card? FYI. There was some people were getting some messages. I was very... I don't know. You don't get it every time. I was trying really hard, nothing was coming to me. At one point I think I said pool because
the way the wax was, was um the way the wax was pooling up in the crevice of the candle. And it was like, I just, it kept reminding me of a reflection pool, which you can look at and gaze at yourself. Yeah. And like she said, like if the word just keeps coming up and coming up. Just say it. Yeah. And it was cool. So I just said pool. yeah Yeah. I don't know if it resonated with any anybody. Somebody said my last name.
wild yeah the person to my right said wild yeah yeah they said what it was the first thing like when she was basically oh gosh because she said like you know first she said like let's like look for messages for ourselves and then she said let's look for messages for the group and if you hear if you feel it if you hear it just like call it out and the first thing that someone called out was wild and i was just like um And then what Charlie said about that afterwards was interesting. He said a couple of years ago when they had that spirit boxing, the spirit that was there kept calling out people's last names in the group. So that person picked up on, I fricking got chills on the right side of my body, the whole fucking thing. And I didn't say anything in the moment, but afterwards, she was like, did anybody else, like, did anybody? After you said that, that was my name.
Who said wild? That was my last name. yeah like it' So the thing was that that person may have been channeling the spirit that was saying people's last name. It's true. And that she might've called it out because that's what she was hearing. yeah that's so interesting yeah i thought that was fucking cool yeah but yeah we had a great time and like my little candle i still like i saved it we bought the we had the um these adorable little candle holders um oh my god i'm trying to remember the name of

Flora and Function

the um oh the vendor it should be right on my vent because we all vent mowed her so that we could purchase the holders that we were using and it's so funny because charlie handed them out she just played them on table
And I turned around and looked and mine had candy corn on it. And I actually like candy corn. i have I'm a Halloween weirdo, you know, but I love candy corn. A lot of people hate that. And then I had a little ghost with sparkles. Yeah. I thought that was, I don't know why I felt like that was fitting for you as well.
I think that he is. I don't know. like i I mean, I think any of them I would have been happy with, but I like to make a little ghost. I felt like it gave it some character. It was nice, but also like my candle really took on.
like a personality. Yeah. While it was there. It was really okay. I'm going to talk about. Yeah. I'm going to talk about, I'm not going to talk about everything that's cost me. It was a lot, but the lady who made the Campbell, the or business that she has is called flora and function. Yes. Okay. Instead of flora and fauna. I love it. Flora F L O R a function.
Love it. Sarah Piper. Yes. So that she's the business owner and look up her stuff online. Yes. But yes. So I wanted to talk though about my candle because I really didn't even get to talk about like the little personality that I watched happen while it was burning down and my candle burned down like twice as fast as everybody else's in the whole class, which was ah um yeah a figment or not a figment, like a facet of like major fascination for like the whole class. Everybody's just like, yo. um But I got a little black candle because I'm a goth bitch. And you know I got a purple one because I love purple because you're a grape. So here's what mine looked like.
Paint us a word picture because we're yeah looking at like two, maybe more candy corn there's like three and a little cute little skull and some like femur bones and and that's on the holder. Yeah. And then there's like a little spot for the like candlestick to go into like offset. Yeah.
Yeah, very cute. Yeah, so it's really small. Also, it's not like a large dish. Yeah, like a ring dish, maybe like two or three inches. Yeah, very, very small. Yep. Yeah. And it holds like a chime candle or what they call a spell candle. Yeah. Yeah. on And then I took a picture of mine as well. The ghost is all covered up. yeah But it's this nice, funny little pile of black wax. Looks like lava. It looks like lava flow.

Candle Personalities

cross it over But yeah, it is it was all the way but I didn't get a picture of it before it burned all the way Well, it probably went too. Oh, it did. I did. Go get it. Don't worry. I'll be enough shortly after I took this picture the f flame went out on its own Oh, the wind oh yeah. Yeah, um and but there was three people who's kept going till they were all the way the After yours was done. There was three they were all doing the same thing and it burned all the way all right and son some of them some of them i saw burned off all the wax and left nothing behind yeah yeah wow really cool oh yeah yeah the wax didn't drip it was like really weird yeah it was like a super clean burn and disappeared completely and then i don't even know what that means i know i've never seen that i've never seen that
But the ones that had the little wick that was still left would like tip over and was barely hanging out of the little hole, like the hole that the candle was in. It was just broken out like that. It was still had a little flame going and there was like three of them that were still doing that and they were all on our table. So strange. Yeah. But this little candle that was so, oh God, it took on a life of its own. It had such a beautiful little life for a moment there.
oh Whatever it was, whatever it became, it was so happy to be there. um And I am not, nor like I have said, I'm not one that picks up on spirits. That's another word, validation. And I don't know if it was that I picked up on a spirit, yeah or if it was just that I watched this little personality develop in this candle in front of me, but didn't previously exist. Yeah, on both of them. But it started to burn.
And the wax dripped in such a way that it grew two little feet at the bottom. It's just sitting there. Like little like ah if you picture a little bunny rabbit whose feet kind of stick out into the sides.
Like that's kind of what it looked like. That's a good foundation. you It's a really good foundation. I wish I had gotten a picture because it was so cute. I record mine sometimes. I should start doing that. Christina, are you okay? Are you melting?
Help, I can't get up! You're also on an exercise ball. Why would you? Wow. You're brave. Pay no attention to what's going on behind the curtain. Christina, do we need to get you a life alert? Do you need a chair? Would you like a chair?
Oh my god.

Black Candles and Protection

I'm farting!
the switchpo podcast
Oh my gosh, they're describing your black handle drippings. And I saw them fall over to the side and you guys didn't even notice. We
bull Just so you guys know I'm sitting on an exercise ball because if we're in a small room and yeah whatever and it's fine I'm totally comfortable it's no problem but I just happened to like I rolled back a little bit to stretch my lower back and then I just rolled it a little too far
right like It's mostly on my blowup mattress over here. so I thought you were just taking a little nap. i I wasn't concerned. Sorry, I wasn't trying to interrupt you or something. I like rolled off and laid there for a minute and neither of you noticed. No, just slowly weeble wobbled out of frame.
Oh, I wish. I wish we had got you. We had video. I wish you could have seen your lane. The air mattress is starfished.
and dog but i like only i bottle on the voice right inch down Should I try to pull

Empowerment through Witchcraft

myself up or should I taken everybody to go to the bathroom, you guys continue on.
Okay, so your bunny. yeah My little bunny. My little bunny buddy. Hold on. Okay, breathing. This is already such a long episode. And I feel like we haven't even touched. I think there's one more story after this. Yeah, I mean maybe one big one, a couple little ones. Yeah, for sure. Oh, you guys, this is what we're talking about.
no how multi-layered the whole weekend was giggles cries bravery vulnerability silliness all right okay i'm good this little guy yeah oh this little guy he was so sweet he showed up in my candle he just he manifested he embodied himself. And I was picturing his his little wax feet and his head was the flame. And he was just over here like, you know, I'll bobble head. I'm just like flopping my bun around over here. And he was so sweet. And the funny thing is, black is traditionally the color of protection.
It can be protection or just like general catch-all. Yeah, it can be a catch-all, same as like white can be a catch-all. Yeah, exactly. but um But protection, if you're looking for something specific, protection is what black tends to be used for. It's rewarding. Or banishment, you know, but usually if it's like, me if it's a defensive type of magic, it's protection. yeah so and and charlie mentioned that at the start she is like yeah black is good for protection she sort of like you know went down the rails of like your color is this and you know blah blah um and i was like i knew that i knew black was protection i use black candles all the time because i'm a fucking outfit but i'm also just like like it's usually my go-to unless i'm looking for something else very specific and so um but i picked it because i was like goth bitch charlie's a goth bitch
We both, hey girl, I see you. Yeah. on And also when you think of protection, when you think of black candles, you know it it has a little bit of a serious ah undertone to it. um And hocus pocus. And hocus pocus. But it does, like you know you think black means serious business. Yeah, for sure.
oh but let' lock it around with a black candle this little dude was just the happiest little dude and he literally showed up and just pictured him like a little cartoon character he just showed up and he was like literally i'm just here to tell you that you guys are all so protected and you always have been yeah and you always will be and that was the only message i got like it was literally like it came during the time where i was like you know suppose we were we were focusing on um messages for ourselves yes so yeah but it came through for everyone yeah and i was like hmm i wonder if i think it's not loud oh yeah um well that's like when he became a little melted pile of a little melted pile of ah little lava little lava boy um maybe i'll
In all likelihood, we're gonna post some pictures from this weekend yeah on our Instagram, so go check them out and I'll put them on there too. You almost locked yourself out of the door. Okay. You gotta click it in. But I was talking to, okay, so umm I basically already, oh, sorry. when Oh, may I? Oh, yeah, you may still. Well, whenever you're

Embracing the Dark Feminine

done. I was just gonna say, cause like, I didn't even really, I mean, I told the message eventually to the group.
But like I was saying, the message that I got from this little happy dude was you are all so protected and you always have been and you always will be. yeah And that came through during the time when we were just thinking about or just focusing on messages for ourselves, not the collective. But he was just like, that's all I'm here to say. That's it. That's all. But then do you remember what Charlie said? We're not going to talk about that.
No, no, no, no, no. She she was trying to interpret people's, the color of people's candles. Yeah. Oh, yeah. No. And I did actually talk, I did say, yeah. She was like, that's protection or whatever. Right. Right. And then the girl across from me on the table, she was like, guarded. She did say guarded. Yeah. So it was like, people were picking up on the same thing. A lot of intuition. They thought what you were seeing or yeah feeling. Yeah. Yeah. And actually when she said guarded, I was like,
Okay, I'm going to say what I what i got. because that's like That's what prompted you to say it. That's what prompted me to say it, but I had gotten the message several minutes before. yeah like But I was just like, it came through during the time when we were just talking talking about messages for ourselves and we weren't sharing those. And so that was kind of where I was just like, what do I do with this? you know yeah But you know and then I had the opportunity and it was great, but it was like,
you know, Charlie before when she was talking about the color correspondences and the meanings and how black is commonly protected. And I was saying to Sierra, and sorry to listeners who are hearing this for a second time. I'm saying Sierra, like black handles and protection often has somewhat of a heavy overtone to it. I can't remember what I said. It doesn't matter. But it's got a little bit of a heavy connotation there, you know, a little bit of like a Ooh, like there's weight. There's a weight to it. There's ah there's a so soberness to it. But this little dude was just the happiest little guy. Yeah. And he was just like, you're just so protected. Can I tell you what I see? Do you mind? Oh, please tell me. Okay. So when Molly told me this story back in our little dorm room, the first thing I asked you, I said, your question is a yes, a positive to you because a candle that burns
quicker than it should be is a very strong positive yes So when you said, like, it burns so fast, I was like, the question you asked is it supposed to be like, ah the yes is a positive thing. And it was. Yeah. So I was like, yes, that's that's good. That is the strongest yes you're ever going to get. And we can't lift it burns that fast. Because there's so much wax left here, too. um And you saw it physically. I did. I saw it in person. And I'm looking at it now while it's burning. And especially when you talked about, like, at first you got the feet. And that's such a strong, like,
foundation foundation grounding and planting of this idea that's going to take root and like the traditional sense of grounding and I know he joked about it looking like a lava flow that it kind of cooled off yeah but like looking at it again it looks like a mountain like it looks like such a strong volcano yeah like but that's how mountains are formed the volcanoes that's their continents like something deeply rooted with such a strong foundational base like this looks like this is a heavy base that's the left here because it burns so quick. Pretty very cool. and I love the wind. You have to post this so you can see this because the flame is so strong with like no wick left.
Like that's how strong your yes is for that protection. um And yeah, I love the little, the wickets curled down. Yeah. It's beautiful. Do you see anything? Oh gosh. Oh, you know. Hmm. Yeah. Cause you're looking at it from a different angle now than when you were sitting next to me. Hmm. Yeah.
I can definitely see the mountains, but I see some valleys. So whatever's growing is strong. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah. What a happy little dude. Yeah, like fire is like, it either has its own life or it's like a spirit conduit. So either way, they were looking out for you. You're happy. Yeah. And I felt like, and honestly, I feel like it's a, it's fitting with the theme of the whole weekend.
Excuse me, we're on Witchcraft is so stigmatized. Oh, yeah people get so scared This message from this happy little dude felt like it needed to be shared need to be shared here Because honestly like there is like nothing to be afraid of. No. Like there's nothing to be afraid of. I think the coolest thing that I've learned in witchcraft is that like besides the fact that I needed it to be not afraid to learn about what witchcraft was but then once you're in it it's like you learn that there is nothing to be afraid of anywhere that you have more control than you think
you're in control of yourself more than you think. You can divine things to happen, you know, so you're more in control of other things outside of yourself than, you know. And no matter how new of a witch you might be, you are more powerful than any entity. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And and a non embodied entity. Especially with a community. If you're a witch, typically speaking, you don't believe in a specific God that like one solo god or or jesus or whatever yes yeah there's it's not a mono yeah that there's also no satan and that is the coolest thing that i found and i know that there are christian witches out there i don't really know there are christian witches i don't really know yeah i don't know yeah i mean even even um having formerly been a christian uh like i don't really know what uh
reconciliations are made to consider oneself a Christian witch. Consider what they say in the Bible. I don't know. I don't understand. It'd be interesting to talk to somebody who understands and has practiced that for a long time. But I was, but you are correct. Yes. That like in witchcraft, like when you're not believing in a Christian God or a Jew, you know, um what do they call it? What's the like Judeo? Judeo Christian. Judeo Christian.
Like the, the, um, money yeah, the traditional God that like the main big three religions of the modern world believe in now. And Abrahamic that's, that's the one I was thinking of. Thank you. Um, you know, on the flip side, yeah, if you don't believe in the one God, you don't believe in the devil. No, you can't believe in, I mean,
that i don't know anyhow that's just karma and consequences i i believe that that was more or less created to scare people into conformity and i believe yes i i agree with you yeah and uh you know actually the the thought of like there not being anything to be afraid of segues us into ah very nicely into kind of the big moment You want to tell the story for the fifth time? This is the this is the time that counts. I mean, they all count, but this is the time that is being recorded. like yeah So this was your moment. This was my moment. This was your reaffirming.
the best takeaway from Molly came from this particular class that she's about to talk about. This class changed my life, you guys. And I was there with her. I feel like I was there with you. and Instead, I was just conjuring what you'll be talking about. You were involved. Yes. And now I've told it so many times, you can probably picture it. I feel like. ah but the So the um the note that I took from this class is what made me think of what we were talking about with fear.
Because this note that I took, and there's so much to get into, I guess I'll first say the class in question was called Embracing the Dark Feminine. Pull up her Instagram. You said you followed her. Because I can't, I can never remember her name because I'm terrible at these.
Laveena. Thank you. God, that came from... me and when She said it's about to change. She's gonna change the name of her. But I want to make sure I'm following her so that I can still keep up. It's Laveena something. So I have to look for her. Okay. When you have it, let me know. But, oh my God, this woman is incredible.
on And she wrote a lot of notes. um The main one I want to read, which is what it's related to what I was saying about fear, is that all fear is fear of feeling. Which hit me like a fucking truck. It was just part of the reason I wrote it down. Everything that I wrote down hit me like a fucking truck.
Embracing the dark feminine. For probably unsurprising reasons, we can tell why I was drawn to this class. It was not what I expected. No, it was not at all what I expected. And it was so currently, yes, please. The Instagram is lavina dot embodied. And so it's L A V I N A dot E M B O D I E D. And she is about to change that. So hopefully if you type in that, uh,
Lavina that embodied maybe the new one will come up for you after she changes it Somatic sorceress is her tag. Yeah, so I can't remember what her new name was But I also don't want to say it because she did sort of soft release it to the class. Yeah Yeah, that's her. Yeah, it was the first time she ever said that out loud Yeah, so I was like, I don't want to say that on this on the show but uh, um god please follow her who can like follow her if she takes i know she teaches classes in the new jersey south new jersey area lucky bitches i know i mean what a time to live in new jersey um all right loving new jersey take advantage you live in new jersey you need it um sorry sorry not offending anybody but you know
We have opinions over here. This is from, i listen, I'm just from Massachusetts, sorry, I'm not sorry. um
ah God, okay. I'm coming back down here. Coming back down. Embracing the dark feminine. This is the thing, is that like, I was drawn into it for obvious reasons.
And it was exactly what I needed for completely different reasons. This is the tie back to your first class you talked about, right? Yeah. Yeah. This is the tie back to the science of self-expression process. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, yeah. Because in the science of self-expression, we got into somatics. And somatics was heavily the focus in embracing the dark feminine.
And somatics is also something I've been pursuing, seeking like some sort of somatic bodywork therapist for my own trauma.
What's somatics? Oh, Sierra, I'm so glad you asked. I didn't know until you told me. Oh, God. Well, this is... What was it to you? Somatics to me before this class.
It was really like not even like a definition that I had ever put into words. It was like i I learned about it first through this book that I'm sure a lot of people have heard of that is called The Body Keeps the Score.
um um Yeah, and I had the same book. I have not read it yet, but I've heard about it. I've heard about it. There's so many different sources that have recommended it. I've heard so many different people from different things tell, like talk about that book. I shit you not. Five different people recommended it to me. And by the time my therapist said, you need to read this book, I was like, fine. And I got my phone out and I ordered it immediately. It was a universe telling you to do something to both of you.
and but but that was a year ago i've read it since then um it took me a while but i read it um and it is because it's heavy it's there's a lot of information in this book but it does talk about one of the like prime uh techniques for working through trauma that is stored in the body is somatic body work and what was describing the book felt or sounded to me more like almost a massage type of technique. and that's a very of like yeah And I think it is. I mean, I've seen like videos of people getting somatic like stretches done you know with ah with a therapist and like releasing and then having this big intense um emotional resources release. And I'm like, ooh, that's what I want. like And you know I really connected to that because I was just like, that feels like so exactly what I need.
um Which is why I've been seeking that out, but I've not really been able to find much. There's not a whole lot out there. um At least not something that's, like, affordable. ah And so, you know, I've not really had much luck in finding that. But I found it here. I found how to do it for myself. And it was it was not the same as the stretches and the almost chiropractic type of techniques.
it was like primal processing, basically. In this class, the first half of it, she did not quite lecture, but she had somewhat of a conversation speaking with this very large crowd of people on this beautiful outdoor pavilion in the middle of the woods and turning people away intermittently because it was too full and we had a closed container.
we need to energetically seal off the space. Did she like walk around and do that? No, she didn't, but we sort of all extended, did it to, did it, you know, for the group. I've done it in both ways in like a lot of my classes. Yeah. But she did, you know, she was at the front and people were coming up late. And she did, she had to say- She locked a few of us in. She did, yeah, because you were a little bit- I was like there at 1104. Right. And was supposed to start right at 11. Yeah.
me and the two or three other people walked up and she let us in after us. It was interesting because when I walked up and I was looking for you, I finally heard Christina. And so I like saw you like waving out.
I just walked in and then after that she was just like okay yeah because she wasn't immediately turning you away I was like okay she's gonna let you in yeah but I knew she was like trying she had kind of said like we're we're gonna keep this a closed container and I was nervous that you were gonna be weren't gonna get there but I'm glad you did for sure but yeah she did start to turn people away and have to say like sorry we're closed Like we can't let any more. Yeah. And it was like, there were just people walking up even a half an hour or 45 minutes, oh know way too late. to it that's a little She was like, sorry. yeah yeah Um, and it's like, this is again, to like not like she should have, you know, it's not like she did wrong, but but like it's, it would be beneficial, I think to have in the description, like, please show up on time because we're going to close the container. Like that kind of thing, because I think.
in that case we wouldn't have to turn that would be good to know early because like people the class is backed up against each other hardcore they did so it's sort of like a oh if you know that something's gonna be closed you want to prioritize it um i'm very glad that i showed up as early as i did just for my own like because i was so nervous that you weren't going to get there um but yeah anyway so
She did say, in the description of this class, there were going to be levels. We were going down deep. um And I was like, OK, interesting. That could kind of mean anything. yeah um you know But I'm like, all right, i'm um I'm here for it. And what was cool was watching it actually happen in real time, where she you know got us into like, what does the dark mean to you? When you hear that word, what comes up for you? And people calling out some responses, some answers.
Uh, desire, sensuality, anger, fear, destruction, the cosmos, primal instincts, pain. Don't fall backwards again, please. I was watching, I was just like, I'm kind of rocking myself, but no. Someone later said peace. Someone later said peace. And I resonated most of that one. yeah like yeah
And, you know, that was kind of the first thing I'd written down because I was just like, Oh, I like this. I'm not like this huge, big variety. That was what Oh, release. Yeah. Cause we were telling her this story, um, just a little bit ago, fucking two hours ago, three hours ago.
Gosh, I need to drink water and I'm almost out of water. Okay. But we, yeah, we need to be almost done too. um but i wanted to write down all this like huge wide range of uh responses because it was like oh shit like that's there's a lot there her and i don't think i'm gonna read everything that i've written here but i do i do want to say that um
I guess when it comes to, okay, so we you you asked about somatics. And you know be which i had never heard the term of the original concept of somatics is where i got from what I got from the body keeps the score. And she gave a definition of somatics, which I wrote down verbatim. thank course yeah She said, it's the awareness of the living breathing body, letting our senses support us and meeting our needs.
um and so we had this you know conversational portion of the class that was really quite lovely we were getting deep it was getting intense and she did have intervals where you know she said hey uh if you need to be somewhere else like if you have something you need to get to now's the time to go this is your exit on And she did say like if it's getting too intense for you now, it's the time to go Because it's only getting more intense Good god, did it get more intense? What a safe space god So kind of a
the final um you know interval moment where she had people bow out if it was time for them to leave was about at the halfway point where we were going to get into some motion some some physical activity and you know she was like if you need to leave please leave if you can't you know emotionally handle anything deeper please leave And for everybody that's staying, please commit to staying the whole time, the rest of the time. And, you know, she's like, this is gonna get intense. If you are feeling overwhelmed, if you're feeling like it's too much, please don't just go. Please come talk to me and let's work you through it. And

Somatic Movement Class

I was like,
hearing this and feeling a little like, oh, what am I in for? You know? And everybody's standing up and we were sort of like all spread out in this pavilion. on And I was like, okay. And I could tell like, all right, she put on some music. I was like, all right, it's time to move. And I'm not comfortable moving in front of people. This is not something I'm generally okay with. Yeah, especially on a sober event. Um, and especially in front of strangers. But I, um, at this point, she really had created such a safe space. Um, and she really had like created such an environment of trust and set it up so we understood like we were going to be supported. Excuse me as a burp. We were going to be supported through everything that was coming up. And, you know, there was the instructor and then she had an assistant
who also does you know somatic therapy and is very professionally trained, very trauma-informed. And so they were both there and they were like, if you're seeing, you know if you're having any problems and you need help, if you need support, please raise your hand. We'll come to you. We're gonna be looking. We're gonna be watching for you. And she also said, like this is gonna be, for some people, this is gonna be an arousing exercise. This is gonna be erotic.
you you like we were encouraged to like touch our own bodies and we were encouraged to move in whatever way felt like most um needed for us but she did say like this this can bring up arousal and you are free here to feel that and to lean into it but please only touch yourself do not touch anyone else and she also said and she asked us to commit to that this is one of the wonderful things that i think she did such a great job at was asking us all to commit to everything which was great um but she also said even if you see somebody and you think they're having a hard time and they need help do not touch them
please get our attention and we will go to them. yeahp It was very firm on the do not touch, yeah which was great. And I accidentally bumped a couple of people through this whole process, but it was very much just like, oh, I backed up into you, sorry. um But, you know, it was just, it was so safe and so beautiful for how safe it was. And for that reason, I was like, fuck it.
all in i'm like I'm in yeah exactly like I was like i I I knew that I needed to commit to myself as we had all been committing to all these things I was like I need to commit to myself if I'm not moving the entire time I'm not gonna feel like I got what I needed out of this and it's hard because I do have physical pain like I do but I compensated for that a little bit because I started out moving, just moving my body and like rocking back and forth.
and uh when i started to feel some pain and tension in my back i actually got down on the ground so that i could take the pressure off but i was i kept moving i was you know i was going back like leaning back i was leaning forward i was so almost doing a little bit of like a track stretch a little bit but it was all like she had this music going and it was all very uh to a rhythm to a beat and and i just kept going and Again, there was so much that I wasn't prepared for, but as it happened, I was like, this is what needs to happen. And people started to yell.
yeah And it was, you know, I was like, okay, this is happening. Like, this is a place of expression of some really, really deep shit. People were screaming.
Not a ton. and others intermittently It so often. It wasn't constant. It wasn't anything like that. It wasn't scary. it it It did get scary. For you? It got scary for me. Okay. um But it wasn't scary in like a these people are freaking me out way, but in like a there is so much pain here. Yeah, emotional pain. Like and that was what was scary to me because I am so absorbent of other people's energy.
Do you remember hearing people laugh too? I do remember hearing people laugh. You said you heard somebody have an orgasm. I i interpreted that way. There were three distinct sounds from one person that sounded very orgasmic. Okay. like power yeah and i Interesting. That's how they felt it. No judgment. Yeah, that's how they interpreted it. Not at all. Also, that was what was encompassed in this dark yeah spectrum i think that somebody was getting in touch with themselves enough that they felt comfortable to if they to release that some people can have orgasms without touching themselves so it is possible yeah but also we were told yeah we touch ourselves if we felt socalled so-called so I don't think they would have been but it was no no no you know no what I mean is like the physical contact was still probably present the self physical contact
Um, but it did like I said, it did get very intense and there were waves of it. It was like when one person screamed, then a couple of you, cause it, even, even in this very safe space, there is still a little bit of like trepidation. It was still a little bit of like, uh, like I'm not sure. And, and, but when you hear one person and then you start to like, okay, yes, I'm free to ah express. And you know, so it was a little bit of like a chain reaction and it would, you know,
you know, there'd be the crest of the wave and then it'd slow back down. um And even ice cream I I did too. one way I yelled once or twice. Yeah. i Most of the time, I kind of moaned in my crying. Not wow how loud. Yeah. And most of the time, a lot of the young sounds that I was making were really probably only audible to myself with everything that was going on. But like, it was a lot of just like,
almost groaning because I was leaning deep into some of the like muscle pain that I have and joint pain and like just like really trying to flex and like flow to just sort of relieve some of that. like that was a little That was really what my focus was in just trying to move my body.
i'm And so there was like, and I do struggle vocally expressing that way too, you know? And so- I remember there was a yelling exercise last year.
oh yeah and that we were sitting at i was in the meditation garden i believe final screen it wasn't that one it wasn't it wasn't it was a different one okay they did some kind of music stuff they had like some instruments or something like that i don't remember exactly was it rhythmatrix i don't think they scream oh okay i don't remember what it was vocalize so they don't yell but it was like you know it was just like they kind of walked people through letting out a few yells. And it wasn't like primal screaming at all. She was like, just yell. And you couldn't.
You couldn't do it. are You were sitting next to me. Oh, it was one that we were we attended? Yeah. Oh. Yeah. We were at it. but speak And we were sitting on that bench and looking at the stage, the side of the stage. it's right that's right it was I think that was the meditation garden. Yes. okay yeah Okay. Yeah. But I don't remember the name of the class or whatever it was, but there was just a couple of Like small times where they were just kind of like having everybody just yell like let out some You know, whatever and I was probably just like and I felt a little awkward Yeah, but I did it a little bit and you just yeah, I don't think you just oh you might have just been like Like yeah we're being like an actual yell it was yeah kind of like a you know, yeah and but that's the thing is that like I It wasn't my time, right? Mm-hmm Exactly. That's why I'm saying that. Because that was last year. This year you finally allowed yourself to get into it and do it. Yeah and well that's the thing is that like it really was it was set up so specifically for people to be able to express that way. And I do I guess want to because I mean I want to give like I mean not like
personal details because like that's not for me to do but I do want to put um maybe a little bit of a content warning here for for sexual assault because we phased through on you know several different kinds of emotions in going through, cause this was a very long exercise. This was at least an hour, sorry, cause I just whack you with my bottle.
um This was a very long exercise. We faced through a lot of different emotions and processed a lot of different things. And we got to anger and people started to, cause a lot of the screaming was non words. They were just,
vocalizations. And we got to anger and people started to say, fuck you, you know, just like screaming the kinds of things that they probably have always wanted to be able to scream. I think it started with fuck off and then somebody said fuck flying you. And then somebody said, I want to fuck you. And somebody else said, you can't touch me. Do not touch me.
You know and all these things and oh god and that's where it got really scary for me because of the pain that everybody was was working their way through and I was sitting there because I was on the ground at this point and I was I was looking up at the ceiling of this pavilion and I really truly
I started to get scared, but I was like, I committed to stay here and this is not my pain. And I can't bow out for something that's not my own pain. And I need to, I need to stay here for myself. And I need to stay here and keep holding space for these people, everyone around me. yeah And I don't even know who I called to, but I called out for support and protection to keep my own energy protected while still staying in the space and in the energy of of the the pavilion, in the room. and And I made it through the rest of it you know and and got what I needed physically out of it and and was able to stick through everything. and
one of the most and and this is honestly like this is what made it like a fucking cosmic moment this is this was the pinnacle how long were we tracking the rain for this event um at least a week out and it would go up and down and noon and six pm and none we knew it was probably coming but we had we were just like at this point there could be no rain i don't know there could be no rain there could be wrinkles there could be you know it could happen in the morning it could happen overnight it changed every single hour i feel like it changed but it was beautiful it was gorgeous the whole time yep until we hit the anger phase of our somatic movement and the sky got so
dark so fast i watched it because i could i had a clear view i was like a snack in the middle of this pavilion i had a clear view out though to like all the woods beyond and it got so dark cut to sierra in weather witchery accidentally summoning the storm now we uh it was i that's literally where i was while you were experiencing the ring was in a weapon tree which is why i'm just like insane and i'll just interject yeah yes i was also here i was yes like i said i had witnessed or heard somebody sound like they were casting but i was sitting near the edge at this point like i had went back to the picnic table i was originally on
I was still doing physical movement and working through things there and crying. and And I was crying too. I don't think I mentioned that before. i I cried a couple different times. Yeah. As I was hearing the people start getting more vocal.
with anger and things like that. li things yeah The energy was rising a bit more and I started to hear the wind outside really start getting louder and louder because we're surrounded by trees so you could hear all the leaves.
blowing and being, you know, the wind coming through. you Clearing in the woods. And you being close to the edge of the pavilion, you were able to hear that. I really couldn't hear the wind. I was also closer to the speaker. Right. Um, but I saw it like visually, like the office, it was building darkness for the dark feminine. Yeah. The darkness that like closed in was the thing that was so impactful.
And I was like, Oh, I didn't even notice the darkness at all. When I saw that, I was like, it's happening. It's happening, you guys. But then it, but then the sky just opened up. It started raining. It started to pour. And just like the absolute primal beings that we all were.
People just ran out to the, outside the pavilion. Not everyone, but not every quite a few. Not everyone, but quite a few people. Probably close to half or or more. We ran out barefoot into the forest. Into the woods, into the rain. To just stand there. And I, as soon as I realized, oh my God, it's raining. I ran out and I just stood like my arms stretched all the way up to the sky. And I just stood there.
like mouth open and everything just like like a chicken. Where does chicken come from? What the hell? They will drown and ring. Oh, that's hilarious. Oh, that's so funny. Dumb little chicken. I bet that's, you know, on a very serious note, I know that helps everybody's healing and like, Yeah, that emotional come down from it. It was symbolic in some way. Yeah, absolutely It was so simple and like honestly, I know so many people felt cleansed They felt like they could wash away the pain that they just worked through I know you said you felt like what was it? I felt like I was receiving yes from nature. yeah That's so beautiful out and open facing upward and my palms up and I just let the rain hit, you know, go into my hands and hit my face and hit my shoulders and I just felt like I was receiving. Was that your moment? A little bit. Yeah. Yeah. That was beautiful. I really felt like I was just like, I mean, I felt it was cleansing and it was purifying. It was like the like dousing, the cooling off of this fire that we all just built up inside of us. And like, I,
was just like, thank you to Mother Earth and Mother Nature. I was like, we needed this. What perfect timing? What fucking perfect timing? It was not a coincidence. Yeah, and by the time we were wrapping up and being done, the brain stopped. It died off. It was only for that moment.
on Very powerful and very meaningful. Oh my God. I get chills. i get I can see them. Look at this little children. Who's bumping? You like poking them just made me move.
oh And, you know, in this, this instructor, she did such a great job of bringing everybody down and, you know, grounding us all, like cooling us down, the rain cooled us down, but so did she. And, you know, we all came back together in a circle, we put our Hands on the ground. Grounded ourselves. Really grounded ourselves. That's powerful grounding too. Oh yeah. With your hands. And she checked in with everybody to make sure she said, is is there anybody here that does not feel okay right now in any way? And absolutely nobody raised their hand. Because we all committed. We all stuck through it.
And we all came out the other side and absolutely everybody that was there needed to be there. We all got what we needed out of it.
My, my experience was slightly just more meditative than anything else. And there was somebody who was seated the whole time. yeah yeah yeah but who she's just saying to Yeah. She didn't even get up at the beginning or anything. Like she just.
You know, she had an internal experience of her own and it was great. I was like, yes. Because that was one of the things at the beginning that the instructor said was absolutely nothing is required. Other than don't touch anyone else. Other one don't touch anyone else. But she was like, you and you don't have to. Just do anything. No rules, no expectations. commit and Just Just commit to what you feel like you need to do. And I did many different things. I mean, i I started out with standing with my feet really wide and I touched the i tried to reach, touch to the ground as much as I could. I was trying to stretch myself, just get my body stretched out and moving more.
And I had woke up with a really horrible back So I was like working through a lot of that I was stretching by my body and just different ways to try and open up I did a little bit of Weird movement and and then maybe a tiny bit of dance and whatnot And then I was ready to sit down. So I sat down and I started doing other types of things I was like Dancing in my seat squirming around wiggle and jump and shake and doing all this stuff and I started to cry at one point in
um But then it was just like I was just leaning into like my feelings and allowing the sound and listening to the people. and It was a great playlist. Taking it all in as a sensory experience, but it was also very meditative too. It was like really feeling myself and like also the breathing.
and forcing myself to relax and but just all of that stuff. I was just doing all of that. Oh, something I want you to finish, but something I just remembered, which is, you know, I remembered it when we were all breathing at the beginning of recording, yeah on but something that when we, at the very beginning, and she asked what dark brings up for people and people were giving their answers,
After everybody shared, we she had us all deliberately take a deep breath in and fully let people's shares share some people's responses. After each person said a word, we all went, she did that very deliberately. And then another person would say a word and we all went, thank you. Because there was absolutely nothing that was fast paced.
right about any of it that's great it was wonderful and i was like this is what i need to do way more often um yeah but that intentionality was so meaningful um but yeah anyway i'm so sorry i was i was done i was already done yeah um and then i met someone oh
oh my god she is a beautiful human oh my god so it's like right at the very end she had i think been standing behind me for most of the time um and uh so i haven't really like fully seen her until like turning around to like gather my things and she you know sort of leaned toward me and she was like may i please touch you And i said I looked right back at her, I looked straight into her eyes and I was like, can I please hug you? Because all of a sudden I was just like, look at this beautiful fucking human being. Oh my god. And

Tarot Reading Experience

we just had the tightest embrace and I felt so like warm and connected.
because we just, I mean, honestly, we just went through this incredible experience together. And just, we leaned back out of this hug and we were like holding each other's arms and hands. And we're just staring into each other's eyes and we were like, i I know you. I know you.
um uh you know she asked for my number and uh so we could be able to talk and her name is Corinne by the way hello Corinne I love you hi Corinne hi sweetheart oh my god um And we were... Oh, hi, Lauren, also. Oh, hi, Lauren, too. Oh, I don't hope we hope we had permission to say our name. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry if we didn't. Crap. I forgot there's no editing here. It's okay. It's okay. We're good. No last names. No last names were shared. It's okay. Lauren is wonderful, too. She was very cool. Wonderful, wonderful. Oh, everybody, everybody there was wonderful. Oh, Corinne, you're so special.
Um, you know, it's just one of those things that I'm not even sure if I know how to put into words because I'm not having experience like that before. And obviously like, this is the first time that I've like been to, uh, hot as in like a fully immersive, like staying overnight kind of way.
i And you know like i I didn't really get a chance to meet many people last year But I'd heard about connections like this being made in these kinds of in this event specifically But also like these kinds of events like you know you you hear about these things happening me being So not naturally social. I really didn't expect that would happen I really really didn't and that honestly is what is so impactful about meeting Corinne. And um like, and and getting to see like, no, I, you, Sierra, you said you knew there were people there we needed to meet. Yeah.
ah immediately I felt that there was there was something I needed to hear, something I needed to meet, and something I needed to learn. Yeah, and you felt that for both of us, really. Yeah, we had to be there. And I i launched onto to that because I was like, who in the world could I possibly meet? Because like I get so scared to talk to people. but Again, with the social like feeling feeling weird.
And so I was just so abundantly curious about like who that could possibly be. Whoo, but a boy, I found her. There you go. We found each other. oh And I am so excited to get to know her. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And you know, and it's crazy because it was it was yesterday.
Oh my gosh. Stop it. Stop it. Time is real, but it was yesterday. and No. It was actually four months ago. yeah Yeah. Oh, and one thing, and I'm not going to share details because, you know, things are private, but I do want to say, Corinne, thank you so much for trusting me to have your first tarot reading. Yeah. That was such an incredible experience. I mean, like I,
Over time, I feel like I've gotten more confident with tarot readings. And yet, you know, sometimes I still am just like, Oh, can I really like perform? Did get performance anxiety? You're such a man. Can you keep it up? Can you keep the reading up? Girl, did we tell you?
What? Did we tell you what was said? No. When I was like... You can tell it later. No, we'll tell you right now. Oh yeah, her friend Lauren was there. I'm gonna say this and I'm gonna say it in the right order. I know. This is so fun.
um But I asked, you know, if Karine had ever had a reading before. And she said no. And I was like, Oh, I get to take your virginity. Mm hmm. Poppy Cherry, more like. No, I said virginity. Okay. ah Lauren was the one that said Poppy Cherry.
But, you know, we had this wonderful reading, and it felt really good. And I felt like I felt really good and really confident about it like everything, all the messages that were coming through. Fortunately, so did Corinne, because it was the most important for her. um But it felt really good, and the energy was really, really good. And Lauren was also present, Lauren being a good friend of Corinne's, therefore Corinne was comfortable with her being here. And at the end, I can't remember the exact verbiage, but like
good God it made me laugh so hard and it made me laugh so hard that I missed part of what she said but wouldn't improve what I did here was her saying What a hell of a reading to pop your cherry with. Oh, God. There was foreplay. There was something that I didn't hear because I was laughing too hard. And there was fucking aftercare.
And I was just like, oh, I want to put that on my website. There you go, aftercare. Anyway, here I am over here performing under anxiety.
It was a really fun night. It was a really fun night. Oh my god. Do you want to know what I was doing while you were doing that? Yeah, tell me. I was sitting in a field listening to music covered in bubbles. Like, I'm

Festival Highlights

not even in touch. Someone had a bubble machine going. That's so cool. And these were the strongest fucking bubbles I've ever seen in my life. So I'm sitting there at one point and I look down and I'm covered in bubbles.
So like you're doing this amazing reading and I'm just being like transcended to another plane again by the music we had at the festival and like drinking my warm drink and I have literal bubbles stuck to me. That's so cool. beautiful there Was it a specific class? No that was the entertainment after dinner. Was it Holy River? It was Holy River and oh my god I am so sorry Nick.
Nick Greeley and the Operators, both phenomenal artists. Every single music we heard, group, person, performer, stunning. They were fire dancers. There's a blow-up dinosaur. There were beautiful people dancing to the music. There were beautiful people dancing in a way that you could tell they were really embracing the lyrics, the music, but again, Holy River, Nick Greeley, and the operators, amazing, talented artists, made even better by Bubbles. I think that was my favorite non-class moment was like being in the moment there, because I love live music. Live music is magic. Music is magic. truth And having a hundred bubbles stuck to me while you're giving like an aftercare to your tarot reading, and I was like, la, la, la.
that's so cool Yeah, that was my favorite non-class moment. It was really, really, really, really cool that you did everything you wanted to do.
You were very independent and was you were out doing it all. And I was just like, God bless her, dude. I don't know who you are. Me? Yeah, I don't know who you have ever been. And it's like, she's out. She's been out all day. I fully committed. I woke up at sunrise. I went to the river to watch the sunrise. And yeah I went into like, oh.
10 or 11 every night. and I don't know how I'm alive right now. But I just like, I agreed to like, like the instructor did like, I agreed I was going to fully commit to this. um And it was just such a beautiful like experience. And like they I'm like, talking to my husband and telling him stories. And he's like, wow, really? Like you talk to strangers at dinner? And I'm like, yeah. And they're my new best friend. So it's fine. Because I don't do that. I don't um I don't like share in class and I talk to strangers. i don't I don't even like to touch people a lot because I'm very empathic. and i um So it's like very difficult for me to do that and I'm like hugging people. I'm like embracing them and holding hands and crying with them and it was just such a beautiful
experience like it's so many levels of like spirituality emotion physical and mental well-being and just being around people who are like-minded and so supportive is otherworldly the people everybody there is committed to everyone else is there yeah like that's the thing and you know that was i guess the and it okay to be honest ah it is 12 42 a.m uh now we've got to wrap it yeah we do gotta wrap it this is gonna be our longest episode ever um which is there's so much we could go for eight more hours we really really could literally i guess it kind of said we are kind of segwaying no very naturally into
the closing circle uh so special so glad we got this day yes oh my god and like i actually literally as we were recording earlier got a text from korean asking if i got her sticky which didn't get read because half of them didn't get to be read literally it took an hour to get through half okay so um anahara does a gratitude wall in the cafeteria so anyone can add to it um i will be posting some pictures yes some pictures And they are also going to be posting pictures. So yeah when we say it took them 45 minutes to an hour to go through half of the gratitude, we're not exaggerating. They're like, okay, we sold three more piles of sticky notes that we're going to post. So they will be shared. So you'll get to see your sticky note. But like that's just how much like love and care
and just like seeing each other there was this four day. And yet some

Community Gratitude

of them were silly, yeah but so many of them, like we're literally sitting in a circle, everyone who's still there Thursday night, and just like the community aspect of reading this gratitude was so next level and so fulfilling and so heartwarming. Just hearing everybody's genuine connections that they made.
Yeah, there were like really, really big gratitude moments. Yeah, really, really tiny ones that were just as special. Thank you for giving me hug and also like other people were like, thank you for caring for me when I was going through like some very heavy emotions, like every level of it. Yeah. Thank you for giving me your snacks. Like all these beautiful things. And then, you know, like thank you to the dirt man.
you know i don't even understand it's not meant to be man know can't get we can't get into him oh chris why you're so chronically offline it's i'm almost 50 years old there's a lot of i don't care i'll introduce you to the dirt man don't worry do i want to
Anyway, I loved the ones where they were just like, I felt seen by you. Yeah. Those are so special. And, you know, thank you for helping me feel welcome because I was new here and didn't know anybody and came by myself. Yeah. Yeah. A lot of people who were like, thanks for, you know, my roommates, thanks for making me feel so welcome. Thanks for sitting with me at lunch. Thanks for walking me to classes. It's just such like the community aspect cannot be overlooked. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
And I guess we want to say thank you to Ray, Rachel. Oh my god. Thank you, Rachel. i'm rachel yeah Thank you, Thank you to absolutely everybody that you know made that possible. All the staff, the volunteers, the kitchen workers who made amazing food, put this all safe. When she was talking about you know when she was getting choked up and talking about you know thanking everybody for Oh, that was an awesome story where she threw the rose petals in the river and it was like creating a trail for people to find them and find that place. Because I guess we haven't actually mentioned this is the last year that it's going to be held at those grounds.
right um it'll be in Maryland next year it will be in Maryland next year but what she was thanking people though for like ah coming and making it what it is and stuff yeah i i wanted to say so badly i want to say thank you Rachel yeah and like nobody really did that and i was like a few people definitely like genuinely did and for sure but i know in that moment i know that she knows and i know that she knows uh But yeah, like i mean if i mean Rachel literally said she wanted to listen to our podcast. So if you're listening to this, Rachel. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It's only my second time here or there. you know It was only my second time there. um But it will not be, you know obviously, it will not be the last. It won't be the last for you, Ciara and the German. No, or there's a will, by the way. Life finds a way. We'll make it happen. yeah
We'll figure it out. And I might even be there next year on my birthday. Wouldn't that be something? I don't know what date my birthday is that next year, but whatever. If I'm there celebrating my 50th, then that's exactly where I'm meant to be. That's where you're meant to be, yeah. Yeah. Oh, I feel so good. I feel so good, you guys. Yeah. I'll never forget it. Thanks for listening to us go on and on.
and hopefully you got something out of our experiences. Yeah and I mean I hope that I mean like not like it's um because it is you know not like a completely open event like there is it there is a little ticket limit and so it's like not possible for everybody to all go but like and it's not the kind of thing that's going to grow because of the nature of you know the the premise behind it but um but I want I hope that if you ever can, that you do try. Yeah. Follow your intuition. And if it leads you to anahatas, take the leap. It's going to be the best decision you've ever made. Please. and Hold on. I'm going to do a thing where I read the handle.
the instagram handle onahadas underscore purpose onahadas a-n-a-h-a-t-a-s underscore purpose shall follow them on instagram uh onahadas yes i maybe we should have led with this oh yeah onahadas is the sanskrit name for the heart chakra i learned that this year while i was there up because i was gonna read it in case you guys didn't know That, yeah, I found that out. No, I, yeah, I knew, I knew. You knew that already? Uh-huh. Oh my gosh.
And the heart chakra, it's a vital energy center. That's the name of this event. I know we said it at the top, even if we didn't explain it at the top. That's on the top. Go follow them on Instagram. Get the updates for the events and the concerts. You'll be uploaded throughout the year. So if you put it together with the full name, Anahata's Purpose, it's like saying the heart's purpose. That is just beautiful. And that's just the nature of it. Yeah. But yes. Go.
joe Go, go, go, go, go, go, go. See you next year. Come say hi to us. Come say hi to everybody because everybody wants to be your friend. Yeah, everyone's your friend.

Final Reflections

Well, ah yes, thank you. As k Christina said, thank you for listening to our experiences. Thank you for allowing us to be vulnerable.
yeah with these experiences because goddamn, it still is hard. Yeah, there's things I can't talk about. yet yeah Yeah, there are there are things I can't talk about. But like, it's so life transformative.
It's so for life. Yeah, we're like, it changes everything. Yeah, my path has been changed because of the classes. I'm going to take it to further my education after Anahandas. Yeah. There's two classes I will be taking. Oh my god, we didn't even talk about Joe. I can't, I can't. Joe means too much to me to like summarize. i I'm just going to throw it out there. His name is Joe Montaglione and he has a YouTube channel. And it look up his YouTube channel and be prepared to Have your mind melt into nothing. He's a beautiful instructor and I cannot even do him justice. So just yes, go look him up and he's intelligent beyond words. Beyond. Yeah. We met him last year. So sensitive. He changed my life last year. That was, his class was my transforming, even though it wasn't in like such a deep, like all encompassing way. Like his class changed my,
direction how did we knock last year. Oh my god. Anyway, yeah, duality, we non- duality, non- duality was the class he that we took from him this year. and We are amazing cannot get into it. I'm just gonna say this, go to the website, look up the classes and look up all of the facilitators, because every single one that I had the pleasure of being taught by were Fantastic. I hope the website stays up with all the information. I saw last year's when I was stalking the event. good Yeah. So I think it will be for a while, but yeah. Montelillon. It was an M-O-N-T-E-L-E-O-N. Love it. I love it. you Yeah. But that's like another four hours to talk about those two classes alone. Yeah. Amazing. Anyway. yeah You guys, thanks for coming on this ride with us.
Um, I'm not going to do socials. I can't even bother. You can see in our description, whatever. It's in the notes. It's one in the morning. Whatever you call it. We're tired. We need to go to bed. Yeah. Thanks a lot. We love you. We love you. We're grateful for you. And we're grateful for our mohattas. Thank you, Rachel. Good night. Good night. Love you.

Microphone Playfulness

No, I know we need to each individually speak. Hello, we are testing the microphone. Yo! Oh my goodness. I don't see... I don't see any lines on this thing. It's very faint, but it is where we are kind of far away. if Do you want to take off the fuzzy? Um... Will that help? Yeah, let's try that. Okay, taking this off.
Actually, hold on. Let's each say something from where we're sitting, where we're going to sit. Yep. Cause we can't actually, let's pull it closer too. Okay. Are your feet going to be okay? Yeah, Sierra. Okay. Okay. Cool. So go ahead and speak. Um, what do you want? I guess I just say anything. Yeah. Yeah. yeah Whatever you want. Yeah. yeah yeah who All right. And this is me from the other side.
and how my normal speaking volume levelr level levels. Right? And here I am, and I'm not being super loud, but I definitely can get loud when I'm being silly, so. Cool. What up? I don't even like to say that stupid crap when we were opening the podcast. Like, what up? What's up? All right, now let's try it without the fuzz. It's the fuzz.
all right All right. Here we go. We're doing it. Fuzz. Take away Sierra. So just like a naked microphone. A naked microphone. Why does it look like some evil robot from a movie? I don't know. I think it looks retro. Mine is exactly the same, except this outer black part is silver for me. yeah So you're an evil space robot and you're an evil death robot. Like it looks like a robot from a movie. Like I can't think of a movie right now. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. So that was the test with Nova. Naked. Now we'll listen. Naked. Naked and afraid.