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Men Caring for Men: Asking for help

Nonsensical Network
10 Plays1 day ago

Glick and Connor were joined by yet another amazing panel of awesome men to talk about why it is so hard to ask for help or seek help in life 


Is it always me this way? Am I doomed? Is this my fate?
I just wanna feel better
Whoa, happy Monday, everybody. but I got a case of a Monday. law da Bro, I am, I am, I am tapped tonight. Uh, but, uh, I want to, hopefully we can keep this to two hours so but or or less. Uh, but happy Monday, everybody. How y'all doing? it Welcome. Welcome. It is men caring for men. It is a part of the,
nonsensical network. If you're not already good, check us out. We're everywhere on all the socials, Facebook, Instagram X and tick tock. You can also join us live Monday through Sunday. We have a full lineup of shows. Um, on YouTube we go live and you can also listen anytime, any place, which I'm happy to say I am finally, I got a little cut. I got a little behind on posting shows. Uh, Blaze came over yesterday and we kind of hung out and just kind of Had a nice low key Sunday. Well, that was beside the point. I wasn't going to put that on the air, but since you put it out there, you know, we i would say like i know what actually happened behind closed doors with you. Yeah, no, it was, uh, it was a low key Monday or Sunday, uh, police came over and I was, we were working on some stuff and, uh, I got everything caught up. So we're all up, we're all up to date all the way up to yesterday's football show on the Spotify and wherever you listen to us on podcasts at.
ah All at the nonsensical network or simply go to bio slash nonsensical network. All those links are there, including links to our merch as well. The nonsensical ware, the nonsensical swag, whatever you want to call it. ah What's going on? Shatters bucks. Anywho, yes, it was a long way. It was a long way.
It was a long but very exciting weekend. Get into that here in just a few. It is Monday night. It is men's mental health show. It is the open forum. I think Connor has the link ready. We'll drop that as an invitation. Specifically when I come apart and hang out and open this.
Okay, I was about to ask you that, Michael. I don't know if it's Glick, if it's Glick's side or if it was my side. ah Yeah, you're, you're chopping real hard. It could be my side. only like so as we speak I don't think I sent it to Blake.
on here
Yeah, I don't know if that's his microphone or if that's his internet. It's probably his internet because his internet's usually shoddy. I've only had internet problems once on this show. Knock on wood.
He's trying to fix it. Give him a minute to do that. He sounded like he was about to say something you're still coming in a little bit What's up Miguel i yeah government one doesn't and
could be can weekend can't complain we had fun this weekend ah um actually ah Go ahead and roll right into the weekly world road check. How's everything going in your world, Connor? I know you've got. Wow. um and Things happening and whatnot. and Yeah, well, this week has been fairly. I'm still here. I'm just going to try. Yeah, no, you you take care of your Internet issues as needs be. I'm going to go ahead and bring up your yeah boy untrackable. What's up, man?
Miguel, how are you? um I'm going to go ahead. I'm good I'm good. You know what he sounded like to me? Freakazoid robots androids. They don't stop. Don't you know that kind of. He sounded like C3PO if he had a seizure. But. guy but Oh.
Sorry, I had to fix that for him. I'll go ahead and respond to what Blake asked me. that You know, weekly bro check. ah My week's been very uneventful, actually. I feel like we did something this weekend, but hell, I can't remember what it was ah ah during the week. I mean, i didn't I didn't do too much, just doing a lot of taking care of the kids.
Lots of home time. I can tell you this much. I'm ready for the election to be over so that I can stop hearing about it. I'm so tired of it. It is mentally exhausting.
Everybody's decided by now at this point. So I've given up on on every every time I see something come up on a feed, I just swipe straight past it. I'm trying to get the algorithms to walk me away from all of it.
But other than that, I've been, I've actually had a really good week. I've been feeling really good. My back's feeling a little bit better. I actually want to upload the lawn today, so, and and I'm not hurting too bad. I just got out of the shower. My hair's all poofy and silky smooth. Well, thank you for sharing that. That's really good. Yeah. Untrackable. How about you? We're going to start with you because I know Miguel likes to talk, so we'll let him go last.
Well, I mean, it's it's only Monday and um I was lucky enough to have a Monday off. ah So I had a three-day weekend and everything went according to plan. I did not mow the loan, but my back still hurts. But when the loan is ready to be mowed, ah it doesn't matter if my back hurts or not. I have to handle it.
ah play Yeah, I hadn't mowed my lawn for for a little over a month. So it was getting a little a little squirrely to say the least Yeah, I definitely run into those moments where it's like ah My time is free to mow the lawn. However, you know, you're going through a torrential downpour hurricane, whatever And you just it's like my mower just can't handle wet grass Yeah but then
There's times where it's absolutely perfect, but you've got to work on the weekend and it's like, Oh, well, thanks a lot timing. Next thing you know, it's like, Hey, everything aligns. Except for the grass is like a foot tall. It looks like a wheat field. And yeah I'm on less, I'm on less than a quarter of an acre, like a 0.24 of an acre.
and most of it is house so when the grass gets like that it's like everybody starts looking at you like what's wrong with these and so like but there it's it's cutting grass though to me and in the end it's like hey i'll cut it when i cut it mind bi Yeah, kinda. I had that moment over a few days ago. My neighbor was, you usually keep up on your lawn pretty good. Like I usually keep it really nice and manicured. I had a issue going to the hospital a couple of weeks ago and so I haven't touched it in a while and they were like, are you, are you you okay? I was like, I'll get to it. And and I think that connects into like the men's health thing a little bit where it's like, yeah, you, you have these,
Uh, mainly responsibilities, whether it's your relationship or your property that, you know, other people are looking at and judging you by, but at the same time, it's like, go ahead and be strict on me. Uh, if I'm going to work and I'm, you know, owning the working to own a property. and Okay. I didn't mow my grass for a month.
that means the timing wasn't right but this once i do mo my grass it's like it's not like those feral animals coming out of my dag all gutters shit you know so like come on man like you you're gonna spend more of the h o wa money writing me a letter telling me that i need to mow my grass then you will providing any other service in the HOA. It's like, you I'm just paying for paper for you to complain about me. You know what I mean? I'm so glad I don't have an
Miguel, how about you? How have have you been over the last week? I've been promoting the show. I've been talking to. Of course I have. And, um, I have been talking to quite a few people who are qualified to come on the show and told them about what the work that you're doing. And they're very excited. I just did a search on Twitter and Monday is a big mental health day all over the world. I didn't know that. Did you guys know that?
I think good and that, but I had no clue. I don't know. It's almost part of the show. I just, I just run kind of to everything. this point on well glass I've been doing everything. He just kind of like pushed me and said, have fun. And then he hangs around and he doesn't say anything. Doesn't really add any sustenance to the show. He just kind of can exist. So he was good last week. He was, he was great last week. You were great last week. You were.
i'm great every time i'm on a show what are you talking about last week so the the the Well, not that I had to push anybody. I just had to tell the guys, look, we're doing a men's mental health show on Monday. Who wants to be a part of it? So maybe I want to. I'm fucked up. Might as well. was
but Yeah. You don't really think that, though. No, I just i realized that I have flaws and genuinely the reason that I wanted to be a part of the show is because I realized that I have flaws and I have problems and I have issues. And sometimes it would have been good for me to hear some things while while I've been in my low point. So I was like, if I can be a part of this and maybe somebody can hear me or hear us at their low point, maybe I can make a difference for them. Chaka, yo, what's up, buddy? Oh, good.
He sees coming up, aren't you? he We, we gotta get him up. You know, there's, to me, there's been very important times when I was told to, um, suck it up and, and I did, but then at the same time, there's been very important times where, uh, an elder, uh, a mentor,
Somebody that knew what I was going through from my perspective a male Leadership that just grabbed me and was like hey ah We need to talk about what's going on I can only give you my advice type stuff but you know man to man it it was well beyond the Just suck it up be a man type stuff. It was like hey Uh, yes, you do have to suck it up and be a man, but you can also go about solving this situation in your life like this. And it big it got, it got deeper than, um, being hard or something like that. And it was like, yeah, it's going to be hard, but you're going to have to like relent a little bit. You're going to have to give, you're going to have to soften.
Not not in your Existence, but in this situation like you're gonna have to like, you know Kind of take a knee if if this is your goal in the end, you you know, you know what I mean? I Like that that was solid what are you doing that was and selling See he made fun of click and the the demigods took care of him see that there I have smited him. I have smited him. You, you have, do not know what you have f'd with. Do you not know my power and my humility?
yeah ah Holy shit. I think I just died. ah should change I should change my name. You know what my mom used to say all the time when I used to get upset?
Michael shut up. No, suck it up buttercup. I mean, that's pretty much the same thing. Yeah, suck it up buttercup. Yeah, I thought I thought what what untrackable said little of what I was going to say was I thought what you said was really good because as as bluntly as it's put to us sometimes sucking it up it's has has a deeper meaning than just literally suck it up.
um And one of my one of my mentors and I had had this conversation before. Suck it up doesn't mean just shut up and fucking eat it. Suck it up sometimes means soften. Like you said, relax, let it let it happen. It's going to happen. ah Like I said last week, I mean, this this storm is going to pass. Yeah, you need to to suck it up and let this suck for a minute because it's going to and there's nothing wrong about it. You need to breathe.
what I, you know what I like better? Let it breathe. Let the situation, let it breathe. Step away. Cause cooler. What's that saying? Cooler heads prevail. I think a lot of terrible at that. I'm so terrible. You know, really strong mentally adept people who are humble named Glick. What they do is they just step back, ground themselves and go, you know what? I have to be careful because my words are power.
And I'm a powerful being. No, we, we have to be careful because a lot of times, especially the ones we love, those are the ones we tend to, I call it a verbal vomit. We lose, we lose our minds, say all this and then go, Oh no. What was I thinking? Maybe I wasn't thinking.
I'm gonna be paying for this forever. So yeah, soften is nice, but let it breathe. Let situations breathe. And no two, a lot of times whatever, one one of the things they used to help me is if this person is driving me crazy, what are they like to themselves? They must be driving themselves right around the bend. Because very few of themselves. You know what a lot though, that's a facade.
you know that That's a huge facade. Always hugging himself there. There you go. Glick adds something. Besides hugs. I'm adding all kinds of stuff. Sorry, I'm being like backstage producer guy every year. I'm just pushing buttons and and and all that stuff. so You're really going to push your buttons as usual self. I'm very good at pushing buttons. Trust me.
Are you hurting right now? Have you maybe entered into an alcoholic daze yesterday? when Were you dazed and confused for so long? yeah No, no, no.
no um Yesterday was ah no we just it was a long weekend. ah It's been a long last few weeks. And there's no like slow down in sight right now. um But it was ah it was a long weekend. We we actually had a really good weekend. Blaze came up. We did the show live at Buckeye Exeter on Saturday night. We had an absolute blast there Saturday night. Yeah. A little something from Saturday night. There you go. Now is.
so So are you guys like an 80s trio type of thing? Like Kid and Play? Yeah, like i yeah like an hip-hop type thing. When somebody said that we look like a... That was vanilla ice and vanilla ice cream. Yes.
Yeah, no, we we had we had fun. So it was just it was it was a very long day and night, Saturday night. And yesterday, Blaze came over, we worked on some podcast stuff and kind of hung out for a little bit. It was it was cool. It was a little key Sunday. um Kind of shot the ship for a little bit, just hanging out outside of the show.
um It's nice. It's nice, right? yes Yeah. oh yeah it's Is Blaze ever been on the show? Because I used to talk to Blaze all the time. I don't know if you know this. When I was on Haps late at night and he was usually in a Bob Marley state and we would have really deep conversations about life and mental health, believe it or not. peter I don't know if you remember some.
Yeah, Blaze, Blaze comes up on Saturdays every once in a while. He'll pop in every once in a great while. He's on Saturdays more often than not. Cause that's kind of his night to cut loose and have a good time, which is what we're all doing on Saturday night. We're all having a good time. It's hanging out and him and Jeff do a show on Friday. He just kind of pops in and out whenever, you know, whenever he feels, I think he's on his way home tonight. So he's he's definitely got his ears on.
wanted to listen So oh good he's ah he said, we're saying good things. We're saying good things at our time before he moves up. You're breaking up really, you're breaking up really bad buddy. Do you have an agenda tonight? Uh, I think Glick had had a pretty good topic. This topic actually came from Glick, but I think we're going to get into that after, after we run to break, wanted to make sure we got I love that. We can go check out of the way. I was going to hear a little more from Glick and his his previous week, but it's been he's been so. In and out with his his microphone, and his internet. Yeah, no, my weeks, sitting and my weeks been good, just busy, just busy, busy. I'm so I'm doing I'm I'm constantly doing something all the time, so. Did your fiance just run by saying I got a shit, I got a shit, I got a shit. I think she did.
or or but now but she turned on but turned on the bathtub so I don't know if I should be concerned or not so I think all she said was shit shit shit not I have to and maybe she was worried the water but forgot i put that stuff in there' probably eating the fucking bis and we'll have another week Oh, she poured some industrial cleaner down down our drain in our bathtub and she forgot so she was no man Yeah, I don't I don't yeah I don't I don't have any complaints man. It's uh, it's it's just busy now next week We will be in PA um Nikki Sun is coming home from Italy for a few days So she wants to go see him she hasn't seen him in about two years
yeah and half yeah Yeah, I thought you were just in there. Christopher and Ray are going to ride down to the airport with mom and dad.
Good time. He's smart. He's smart. He's got it out. He's clicked up. He's well trained.
he's He's done he's done it a few times before though. So happy I don't know a lot about use of the last time I was here And how did you meet these individuals? I'm just curious oh Just bye like I would say best is like I'm a surfer of the panels but um ah us so ah My first panel was back in in February
and it was a ah big panel, like 10 people every night. And ah it taught me something about how to conduct myself in public on these on these panels. But at the same time, once you learn how to conduct yourself, you can fine tune how, like what's going on with you that brings you to this panel. So like,
The idea of men's health men's health Monday mental health Monday ah However, you want to put it like it means something to me but um ah ah It's I've had the clown ah like flexed out of me like I've i've been what you call exercised of the the internet clownship within me So yeah, I don't, I don't play stupid games and I'm not messing with anybody. Uh, but, uh, come within, you know, you notice age ranges and mentalities and you tend to get in where you fit in. And I always say, if, you if you do the same thing at the same place at the same time, you're bound to make a friend. Uh, so yeah, that's me in a nutshell.
especially g clickck sit say older but the the feeling that i get from it is ah almost like sibling siblingry and know i mean
ah like generational like time framemes of existence so like i'm not going to sit here and guess your age range or guess it's age range or guess anybody's age range but the the the dots that we seem to be talking about the situations you know our wives walking in while we're talking to each other and then all sudden it's like hey do i let her embarrass herself or or do i have to stop what i'm doing so we can actually handle like family business
smart um um i'm forty one years old the the the
i'm not goingnna let what the The superficial shit get in the way of like, hey, we're having a conversation. We're having a conversation in order me. Connor, do you feel that anything that we've said today has value? Go ahead. Nothing, nothing, nothing of sustenance whatsoever. He he likes to to not clown around and ah that's that's all I like to do. I like to throw the serious in between.
uh, untrackable, happy, good old, good old boy. I think it's, I think it's funny though. You you talk about the the age range of, I have zero friends under the age of 30 and primarily my, my closest friends are well not including doc. Doc is the only person that I am like genuine friends with who's younger than me. Uh, but we have shared experiences. ah All of my friends are, are,
between 10 and 20 years older than I am. Uh, and in Glick's cakes, you know, a couple of centuries, but you can't, you can't really do anything about that. I figured I'll fit in at the nursing home in a couple of years.
go I've walked with Kings, danced with gods and drank with fools. He's the one who shot Achilles in the heel.
really good I think you forgot one and farted in the wind. Yeah, always farting in the wind. Fart in the wind. Never against it. Always. All we are is farts in the wind. Yeah, I think we got something. Yes. Connor is having the talk. See, he's managing. You're managing that this is good.
Yeah. No, we, uh, you handled that. i saying andmpressed No, and ah her, her son's in the air force. So he's been stationed in Italy for like the last five years. And he's only been home a couple of times. So it was kind of like a, we were kind of planning it in prompt two ish trip. And I was just like, I'll take the couple of days off to work. It ain't that big a deal. I said, hell, I can take my laptop with me and still do what I need to do.
So she was kind of mapping things out still, because we're going to go pick them up at the airport. She's going to look so nice going to Pittsburgh International in all of her Browns glory, because she lost a bet last year when the Browns beat the Steelers. So she will be decked out that Sunday and and all Browns and her family is all Steelers fans. So she's going to get to some Sunday. Well, they they must have been happy this Sunday. Oh, my God, that was insane.
Whooly smokes. I speak as anybody checked on Tony. Is he good? A good place because I know he came on and said it's gonna be a big night in New York and all hell just kind of it just kind of went to crap with the Mets losing and and I was rooting for the Mets and the Jets losing That's kind of Yeah. You know that, um, all the sports teams have mental health experts that they see weekly to make sure that they're okay. They know how important it is to address the problems. And if you're in the right mindset, you know, like, and I, and I get that happy starting to figure out what makes them happy, ah you know, you kind of know your boundaries and
I think people who really understand their life know when to speak and know when to be silent. And Glick and I have a real rough time with this silent, but we're working on it. We're trying to be better.
We're trying to be better. Who's getting an earful right now? ah I might be in the TV in the living room. I don't know if the kids are talking or Mickey's talking or I don't know. I got one. at I got one in urgent or one at the yeah ER. She has she's having an allergic reaction to something. I adopted my newest adopted daughter. She's she's having an allergic reaction. So my oldest daughter and her at the ER right now one's in the shower. He's probably singing. And the other one is upstairs writing a paper for school because they have a DC trip coming up here very soon. The band is going to DC.
So she has to write a, I don't know what it is, like a scholarship paper or something. I don't know what it is. She's doing exactly, but I asked her that fall i't she was good. Yeah. four his Oh yeah. I always got a full house, man. Except on the weeks. Yeah. Even when they're, even the other two are, I still have a full house. Well,
well two of my kids, but they haven't, they haven't flown the nest yet at the end of the day. Connor's back. oh Sorry, maya my been crying for like 10 minutes straight. I was like, what is going on? but Is she OK? Yeah, she's all right. I think she just didn't nap long enough today. She's she's in a cranky ass mood, I guess. so That is what it is. That's part of parenthood. You're breaking a pretty bad leg. She's two years old, so it happens.
nothing Yeah, I have a six-year-old, a little girl. And that she could be the smartest of her era. But at the same time, it's like every little thing, when when she chooses to throw a fit, there's there is no solution. It's just like attention, attention, attention.
and i'm okay but cause that's my kid i i know how to solve these problems but at the same time it's like like that's no real of because when there's real problems either we all see it and everybody in the the the and there is just no soft in them
it's like oh oh okay but who
the the the the but for a walk and you still
you know what i'm open me I've got, I've got three of them and she's the youngest. She's only two. So I've, I've seen the tantrums and the sleepiness. And so I can tell the difference between like, she's actually upset and she's just like tired and cranky and pissed off at the world. So I think that's all that's going on. So when we go on break, uh, I might be a little late coming back. I think I'm going to try and get her to sleep. She's already had dinner. So we're going to put her down a bit. Yeah. So what do you do? Tell her a story or something? And that just, this is everything.
I usually play one or two songs for her on my guitar, and then she that'll calm her down. And then I lay next to her until she falls asleep. Because if i if I just leave the room, she loses her mind. And we took the front off of her crib because my bat can't take picking her up anymore. She's she's getting too heavy. She's getting up to around 30, 35 pounds. So every time I pick her up, it just hurts a little more every time.
imagine you like I do a similar thing ever ever since she was little and that was like I was the one singing the lullabies.
So, uh, I would, you know, pick the songs that I could remember, like the star spangled banner and, uh, these simple little, these simple little country songs. And I would wind up singing myself to sleep and waking up about two o'clock in the morning and being like, Oh, I had other stuff I was supposed to do. But, you know, if, if I move my arm, I wake this kid up, you know what?
I've got an excuse. The world can kiss my ass. I'm going back to sleep. with my kids You know what I mean? I'm with all all my, all my kids, all three of them have been music babies when they were little, little, like six months old and younger. Um, if they get upset, I would play them music and it like, it would stop them in their tracks and that would calm them. And so I went, I ended up using that as they got older, if they're having troubles going to If they're having troubles going to sleep or something like that, I would i play them a song or something on my guitar. And on top of that, it helps me learn the guitar a little bit more. So kids don't care if you screw up. They're just like, Oh, dad plays the guitar.
yeah yeah so some something left boom Sometimes it was that screw up point where I realized that I messed up because I was falling asleep while I was talking. or And then I look over and it's like the kid's already asleep. So then I can just forgive myself and just be like, all right, and I'm not going to another round. I'm just going to close my eyes and, you know, hang on tight. and That's all you can do, brother. Where are we at, Glick? Are you are you alive? Is your internet working a little better? Are you ready for the the topic?
Click. Hey, there we go. buttons were were um I may have to refresh.
yeah my
I had that today on Twitter Spaces. I had a guy on and I couldn't make out a word he said. It was like every third word. I had to kind of formulate in my head what he might be saying. It was it was crazy. Yeah, I think that I think that Gilex of F-U-C-K-E-D until the end of until break. I think he's probably going to drop out while while we're on break and try and fix it.
but If I'm correct, yeah correct me if I'm wrong with a hand gesture or something, because we can't hear you anyway. But you said, I think we're going to roll into break and then come back and start discussing the topic of the night.
Glick was saying that or I was saying. Roger. Yes, correct. I think that that's what Glick was trying to say, but I don't think we caught any. That was very deja vu, by the way. I think it's what we do most Monday nights. We usually try and fill Monday nights with the first portion before the break. We you do our weekly bro check, have a little chat, yeah get warmed up a little bit, you know. Me, me, me, me. Attractable saying, what's the topic? ah love The topic tonight is going to be seeking help.
ah We will roll into that when we get back from break. Glick's going to try and fix his miserable problem with having over there with his Wi-Fi. I'm going to go put my child down. In the meantime, we're going to listen to a song that Glick has probably already picked out. yeah I have no idea what it is. He's probably just going to roll it here at some point in the next 15 minutes.
Oh, right. And hopefully my mic is better. Hopefully it's working. Welcome back to men care for men. That was miss Katrina Brie with her first really single special. Again, it's a song about healing. Uh, and if you want to hear more of the backstory on that song, go ahead and check out her interview on Glick's house and music like when YouTube or Spotify, like if you have your picture off, you sound great.
Well, it will probably be better now that I've reset everything. Okay. Hopefully. i've had I've had that before where I've had to have no picture. My internet wasn't good enough and I had just enough for voice. I've had to do that before. Yeah. I still had a bunch of stuff open from, so from, from, from yesterday. And then I refreshed everything and got rid of some stuff. So hopefully that'll help.
But welcome back to men cam for men, part of the men are the nonsensical network bio slash nonsensical network. He can find us everywhere. Go ahead and give us follow, give us a like, and give us a share if you'd be so kind. So we were, hopefully Connor won't be too long. I know he's putting the little ones down. We got a. Bathurst in the building again and and untrackables here with us hanging out again as well. Uh, chocolate got beat up by his wife and has a black guy. So he don't want to come on camera tonight.
What? Really? No, I don't know. He said he had a black eye. I i assumed he got a little too lippy with the missus. He can wear shades. He can say the future's so bright. The future's so bright I gotta to wear shades. e like I see bodies moving in the background there with Connor. I was gonna say I see bodies moving.
Yeah, he's doing something. He's going to dance for us. yeah I was going to say, he strategically puts his headphones right over top of the camera.
um he's he's He's learning my ways. I'm strategically taking myself out of the equation of the host and forcing him to host the and carry the show tonight.
Uh, but we'll get into the topic of the evening. Uh, this is just something I just got to pull down in my ass literally right before we, uh, we went live. Um, but seeking help, um, and in today's society in and well, the society in general, not just today's society, uh, part of the biggest problem with men's mental health and the stigma being there, I think is on us for, for being too damn stubborn or thick headed or proud or whatever it is just to ask for help. And this could be in anything.
Uh, from Monday tasks around the house to things that really matter like our, our mental and physical wellbeing. So I kind of wanted to touch on that and, and, and see what everybody's opinions and thoughts were on, on why that is that that men have such a hard time asking for help. Not that there's not options. There's plenty of options out there when it comes to help for our mental health. Um,
So, uh, happy. I just seen that um I've been over here in my own little world today. Um, I was going to, I was going to just kind of start and with, with you on trackable and see what your thoughts and and opinions are on that and kind of work our ways. I'll work our way around and, uh, kind of like a little, uh, round table discussion, uh, as far as why, why there's such a problem with, uh, men asking for help or seeking help.
it's so it It is a tough one. But um the the first thing that comes to mind to me is that um there's levels to it.
yeah um Because like you said, it's like people don't want to give in, especially young brave men, they don't want to give in ah to go ask for help.
But honestly solving problems at the ah the smallest means like, Hey, you might be talking to your neighbor. You might have to go, you know, go to your father sometimes and be like, Hey, I've always respected you as my father, but right now I need you to be like a real dude and and tell me the truth.
don't don't spare me any love I I need to know the truth because I'm trying to get through something that I believe you can help me through ah before it comes to somebody snatching you up by your collar and saying hey I'm gonna take you to help right now you can go with me or you can go with them you know what I'm saying yeah exactly
What's going on, Jeff? Same old shit, different day. You're gonna, you're gonna add your, your, I'm too much of a man, two cents today. No, no, no, no, no. I'm the opposite. Well, and Trachmo was saying, you know, sometimes you have to ask for the fucking truth. You know, tell me like it is. Don't fucking sugarcoat it. But there's also the times where it's like,
I just can't do it. I need, I need help. I, you know, it's not shameful to ask. Yes, it's embarrassing. And, and you pray and hope that nobody finds out that you asked for help because you fear the ridicule you ridicule of you fucking couldn't do that yourself. You fucking an idiot, you know, that kind of thing. But okay no, I a hundred percent agree. Asking for help is not, there's no shame in it. There shouldn't be.
unless it's like you know changing your oil, then you're an idiot.
i i'm not jump panrick I just take it and pay somebody to change my oil. Hence why you're the idiot. Not that I can't do it, I just don't want to. but Go ahead, Michael. I'm going to reframe it if it's okay. There are people in our lives that want to help us.
but also want to be in a position of being respectful of you and what you need. But many times if you ask friends for help, if they're real friends, they'll step up and they'll help you. And if you've been a person who has been there for them in the past, there's a good chance that they'll help. The other thing I've learned too, maybe you have gone this way before too is that do things to help people because you want to do it, not because you expect anything in return. But I really believe that when you do that, the universe it has a tally. And then when you need help,
Something from you know, no logic will come and just please placed upon your lap at the exact time you need it And that's just the universe orchestrating what you need and if you don't have some I'm ready to cash in those those tallies universe right well it's it's ah it's a carma thing You know, I see where you're going with that it's it's it's kind of like that karma, you know ah and And you can ask for it all day, but until you until the universe says you're ready for it, will you get it? you know it's not it's not a It's not a matter of every time you need it, it's going to happen. it's the I have the perfect example this week. I've literally been you know back on the dumps again work-wise and i got you know I've been
doing everything I can to try to get out of it. And today I got the the message that, you know, work's starting back up. And, you know, I've been they asking for help thing. I'm, as Click was kindly enough to point it out, I won't do it. Because I'm a fucking idiot. Where I'm like, fuck it, I'll just starve, I'll be all right. And today, not only did I get the new job, I got a signing bonus.
So I was like, yeah, I'm going to go buy food. So I did. But here's the thing. Sometimes step away from the situation. This might help you, Jeff. Step away from the situation and say, if this was reversed and it was somebody that I care about and they weren't willing to come to me and I have the means to easily help them.
Now, we have Glick here who seems to be helping everybody. He has a host that's ah a communion for the lost and weary, I think. but but diploma but but i don't But I don't think he's the kind of person where he would openly say, look, I'm broken right now. i I'm at wit's end. I just need to breathe. The water is right here. And I have one F in nostril left.
Please, will you get a fucking bucket and just take some water out of this tub? And someone's tied my hands. And I thought this was a good idea at the time, but please get the duct tape off my wrist. You know, you know, that that kind of thing. He would be in that tub while his girlfriend is putting the Drano in there going, oh, there you are.
And that's remembered where you were. That's not healthy. That's not healthy for anybody, especially the people who care about us. I don't know. What do you guys think on that? No, go ahead and go. Uh, no, as, as somebody who, and Jeff seen it, hell, just since we started this podcast, Jeff has seen it. Somebody who's always willing to stick my neck out and and do for others and kind of put myself in the back seat. um I, you know, I 100% agree and in your analogy, Mike. Yeah. I'll have that one nostril but barely hanging out. I'd be like, nope, I got this. I'm good. Don't worry about it. yeah yeah i'll figure I'll figure it out. Yeah. yeah and And unfortunately, I'm the same way. A perfect example, um about what, like a year ago,
but Less than a year ago, I was once again underwater with with a lot of things. And Connor called me. He says, dude, I'm sending you money. And I told him no. And I said, no, don't worry about it. I got it. And he pleaded with me for 45 minutes. And i I never accepted it. But it was one of like the the simple act of him reaching out. I was like, I appreciate it. But I got it. And A couple of days later, I was able to fix the problem. But it was one of those things where it was like, it's nice to know that that people are out there willing. But it's very rare. And it's I will be literally inches from death before I will ask. It's my downfall. I get that. But it's the fact that if I really, really needed it and and
and The availability was there. I know I could reach out to the guys and be like, Hey, I need a hand. Not that I will, but you know like said, that's my downfall. But, but knowing that it's there is, is that little safety cushion that I refuse to use, but knowing it's there kind of gets you through the hard times. Well, if you're part of a community.
or part of a family, you lean on each other, right? You know, you you do. It's like the Bill Withers song. Lean on me when I'm not strong. I'll be your friend. Yeah. So, and you guys have built that here. You have a community. You guys drive each other right around the bend, but there's mutual respect. And I could see Connor doing that, but that must have, you know, warmed the cockles of your heart to do that, that Connor would do that.
um you know it was one of those things where I was like you know what I got it and he's like dude you you haven't eaten for three days and I said yeah but I don't got it don't worry about it you know and you know it's not the first time won't be the last but when I'm at my highs I'm at my highs you know doing everything to the point where and there's not a care in the world but on my lows it goes low And you know knowing that guys are there to help out when that that issue arises is nice. But um I don't like to get that burden. I don't like to put that burden on people. I get it. Oh, my man. I'm sweating. Bowls here. Well, because you're talking about feelings.
He's out of his normal zone. He's out of his element. Yeah. And now he's out of his element. Yeah, I think. Go ahead. yeah I think, I think for me, I've always, you know, now and days, you know, I'll ask for help, but I'm only asking for help so many times. And then I'm going to be like, all right, I'll make a mental note. You know, the help's not there when I asked for it. That's cool. Uh, but for me, I've always been a fixer. I've always been, I've always been, you know, give me the weight of your burdens.
And I'll carry them because my shoulders are stronger than yours type deal. Yeah. Um, there's a cost to that though. You ain't lying. You are not. all there is No, there's there's a cost to that. And we have to know our limitations. What do you think? Happy? You look like you're pondering some deep thoughts there in your beard. Go for it.
Yeah. Um, it pardon me.
It's so it tough to speak on that because so as a principal, you're no good to anybody else unless you're good to yourself. But then you find yourself in ah in a time of question. um It really depends what the question is as to who can help you, who ah deems yourself so uh, self-sufficient and, uh, self-believing and, uh, it's, it's a hard barrier to break from, uh, for me as a man sometimes to be like, Hey, uh,
i've I've done everything I could for myself to make sure that I'm here for you. But, you know, I'm not perfect at everything in life. And to even recognize a break, a breach in my stuff, it it because that that becomes a hard thing to recognize. And again, to go to the right um person that you can extend that arm to.
You know, you don't just reach out to anybody for anything. And, um, and, and that, that becomes another question, especially when you're, you know, trying to be what you were destined to be. Uh, but you're reaching, but you're reaching and there's other people and they're all doing their things too. But when you have a specific problem and you know,
exactly who to reach to for it. um It's still painful to extend and ask, but yeah it is very important that you go to the right person.
The problem that you're having, you know what I mean? Yeah, specifics are are always important.
Untrackable, when you speak, there's great weight in what you say, and you also talk like you're doing parables, like you're some old soul philosopher. it But I mean that, it's the highest compliment. it's You just don't expect that. And then i'm I'm expecting you to maybe levitate in that room there. and you know So it hasn't happened yet, but it's good. No, everything you said there was wonderful. If we had wrote it down in a little poem, I think we would have went, hey,
There were some real golden nuggets in there. Thank you. Well, it and to to continue on what he was saying, it you know you don't go to the the person that hasn't been there. They won't always be as helpful as the person that's been in the situation as you. the point of Good point.
you know it's like um The perfect example of it is, you know you know, there's no secret. I live in Cancun. And it's like the issues I face day to day sound ridiculous. Like the fact that, you know, if I get in an argument with somebody on the street,
There's a chance I have no fucking clue what the argument is about. I just know that they're yelling at me and I'm yelling back because as good as my Spanish is, it's not perfect. so and And somebody like going to, for example, my pops. Well, no, my pops has lived outside the country. But going to somebody that's never lived outside the US and explaining this issue to them, they're like, I don't get it. What's the problem?
you know You know what I mean? it's that it's that It's a weird specific that if you find somebody that's been through that, it's like Connor and me. Connor, as he said, he's come to meet some of his issues because he and I've been to that same situation. you know um Common ground, is that what you're saying? see Yeah, common ground. Common ground, yeah. kind of It really determines on who you go to.
Yeah. So, but so you're saying if I was to go to Glick with my ego problem, we have, we have common ground. there We have common ground. Yeah. You know, it's not an ego. It's competence. Yeah. Yeah. yeah just keep telling yourself that but yeah yeah i'm It's like that thing. I'm not, you know, I'm just a detail orientated. You know, it's, it's, it's the funny thing, you know, and,
I've known Glick for so long, it's ridiculous. Like it hurts my brain. It's coming. We're getting close to 30 years. Yeah. The the thing is, Glick alone and Glick on the show, two totally different fucking people. It sounds silly. He said that before. He has said that before. He's very different.
And a lot of people that watch the show and and see how we react and how we talk, you would never guess he's like that. I've literally seen this man just sit in his truck and sit there and I'm like, what are you doing? He's like, nothing. I'm just thinking. I'm like, let's go for a beer because that'll fix whatever you're thinking about doing.
it's never a good sign of i'm just that it's never a good side of i'm just sitting in the truck thinking i'm about to do some sketchy shit but it's either there i'm like let me drive because i know the way um you know it's You know and and somebody that that just sees click on the show wouldn't see that like, oh, he's fiddling with his phone or something. His phone's not even on, you know, or, or you know, he's he's just mentally preparing. Yeah, he's mentally preparing to go to war. um But it's being that I've known him on and off the show for so long, I can see that where other people won't.
and And the only person, well, they're probably, I don't know, 15 or 20. Jeff, I just want to ask you a question so people understand where the hell you're going. Okay, okay so yeah here's the thing. We want to get in the meat of this so people understand. So you're basically saying, you know him like a brother. He he basically said, on trackable, this is like sibling relationships in here. So you two definitely are like brothers from another mother or something.
Well, funny thing, you're talking about siblings, my younger brother and I refuse to speak to each other. Right. Because my younger brother is kind of a prick and his his wife's a cunt. Oh, lovely like that. He refuses to speak to me.
And I've known him longer than Glick. But if my brother called me tomorrow and said, hey, I need your help, I tell him to go fuck himself. If Glick called me tomorrow after not speaking for 30 years, I'd be like, what who's truck are we going to take? When we go?
there's There's more of a love that I have to lick than I do my own younger brother. My older brother is a different story. I'll kill for him. Yeah. But Jeff, we we were going somewhere and then you squished like a bug. But that's OK. I felt like the bug on the windshield. So is so where where we were going was you have to know the boundaries of the people that you're with and in and how much you're comfortable giving and how much you're comfortable, um great basically letting people see. Like I what yeah think what you're saying is Glick is seeing the good, bad and the ugly. Oh, guaranteed. He knows you and you know him. So there is no air. There's no there's no boundaries. That's not where it's going. No, there's no boundaries. There's there's nothing that I wouldn't call Glick. I'm like, hey, dude, you'll never guess what just happened. and There has to be my something about um
If you're seeking help for an issue, you have to be honest about the issue. you You have to be forthcoming. You have to be honest with whoever it is that you find that it's going to receive ah your problem, even if you choose them or you come upon them. ah If you're not honest about your problem,
the person that you seek help with will not be able to fully ah ah correspond with the with the response, you know what I mean? Yeah.
So Jeff, tonight, did you step up because you felt like Glick needed you? He always needs me, no matter what he thinks or says. Okay, you didn't answer my question. You just debated my question. Actually, tonight, the only reason I popped up was I got nothing to do tonight. Okay, so because I i felt like you came up thinking, okay, he he could use a friend.
No, he's got that bathroom clown in there and he's got the, you know, no, I literally, you know, usually on Monday nights, I got stuff going on. I'm usually working late, but tonight I got up early, uh, because I'm starting a new gig tomorrow. I was Bailey just prepping today and I had nothing better to do. The kids are at grandma's and I was like, I'm bored. What are the boys doing? And then jumped up. Well, I'm glad you're here. Yeah. I'm glad. Yeah.
yeah No, but it's, you know, we we had a great cake here and then we added some icing and it was called Jeff. there you go yeah yeah I am the icing of every cake. Yeah. Yeah. And Connor's the sprinkles. Connor's something. Connor's something. Connor's brilliant. He really is.
yeah you Connor and I've talked back and forth and not to put his business out there, but some of the stuff he's been through and I've been through when he and I talk, most people, if they were added to that conversation would have no idea what we're saying, even though we're not really saying each other. We're just going, I can get it. I get it. I get it. Cause we've both been through similar situations. Well, some sometimes you just need somebody that's going to listen. You don't necessarily reach out to somebody oh for opinion.
Yeah, you sometimes sometimes we just need somebody that's gonna just listen as think yeah you know and actively listen. be Be an ear for us to kind of vent and then you know maybe add in the occasional, hey man, you're not dealing with one or totally see where you're coming from or whatever. oh yeah But we're not always looking for somebody to- yeah Yeah, we have. think and we've We've had four hour long conversations of one of us vend for now i think like six minutes of one speaking and then four hours of the other. Yeah. see you like You listen to respond or you listen to understand.
Yeah. Well, it's, it's, it's, it's sometimes, you know, one of the things that click and I learned very early on what, you know, when we reconnected, um, sometimes for years, but it's one of those things where if, if I'm calling him and it's three o'clock in the morning there, he's like, I'm going to sit and listen. I'm not going to say a thing because Jeff needs to vent or vice versa. Um, and you know,
Not that we've had those three r three in the morning conversations, but there's been a couple. um But it's it's the mutual respect that we have for each other as much as it doesn't come off on the show because we constantly pick on each other. But that's it's one of those things where you know if I were to call Brian,
Brian and I'll talk on the phone, talk about Game of Thrones for 45 minutes, but that's about it. There's no real meat in that conversation. But if Glick and I are on the phone, not on the show, but we're on the phone, one of us is going through it. So you're basically saying that Brian is, is not that the same intensity as Glick. Is that what you're saying? I've known Brian less longer.
Yeah, and see and see like like see like what Mike, you know, I mean, I don't have a contact. zibby Sometimes like I feel gratitude. I mean, so I don't have his number just to email, but Michael don't respond to his email. So like three weeks later. So, so, so, yeah, so I would. So who's next? You know, and I know like Ted and Tony are working, but I was like, hey, Glick is available. I'll just call Glick and I called Glick. How long was I on the road talking to you? I'm on my way back coming into Texas, like a good, what, two hours?
Yeah, we were on the phone for a good two hours. I was just at work. It was a Friday, so it was a low key day for me at work. I'm just like, yeah, I got nothing better to do. I'll talk to Brian while he's on his way home. Yeah, I was like, wow, so beautiful. lesson um I was like, I was like, I was like the sunset coming over the plateaus. It's really nice out here. like what But it's nice having that. yeah That's what you're doing. You're celebrating the relationship you have with Glade. So you you really are the fixer. Like you said, you are the grounding force.
You know, so I can see why you're so humble. Don't give me. I'm very humble. i know it I know it sounds cheesy. I know it sounds kind of cheesy and a little cliche, but Eminem did a song forever and a day ago, like off of his second album called Like Toy Soldiers. And the opening lyrics in there have hit so hard for me. um and And something that has I related to so, so quick and so fast because I have, you know, I've always been like that guy for everybody.
And I don't mind it, you know, in a lot of ways it kind of benefits me. Um, because whether it's just a call because they need somebody to chat to because they got a 12 hour drive home and, you know, the radio can only keep your attention for so long or whatever. But yet, you know, Eminem says in that song, um, the opening opening in lyrics is I'm supposed to be the soldier who never shows his or blows his composure.
Even though I hold the weight of the world on my shoulders, I ain't never supposed to show it as my crew, my crew ain't supposed to know it. It don't matter. I'd never drag them into battles that I can handle, unless I absolutely have to. I'm supposed to set an example. That's something that has hit home to me since that song came out because that's who I've always been for everybody. I've been that rock and I don't mind it. I, I, I, I'm actually very grateful that.
people that I have been able to be that guy that people have has come to for anything and can count on. Uh, that's one thing that I can say, at least I've done, I've done right is I've been there for people and I've made sure people were taken care care of. and like If I do everything else wrong, i'm at least in there for, for everybody. So, um, but yeah, I know it is, it's hard to ask for help at the end of the day. Cause nobody wants to come across as looking a week or.
uh foolish or anything like that. Yeah. So, you know, um you gotta to have those I mean, yeah, I mean, but like since dawn of time, I mean, since I'm like down to our bone marrow, like we're supposed to be the, the foundation and break the foundation. So that's been our role for like an attorney. Yeah. Yeah. I was given these big broad shoulders and the strong back for a reason.
And it wasn't just a little bit. I mean, I mean, I mean, like, like, you know, like we all have special tracks of we we all hope we all have our special trades and then, you know, like, you know, I'm learning Dibbon and Dabbing a lot of things. Glick is to Jeff is to Mike is to say he's a cheeseburger specialist. So any advice on cheeseburgers? as I go to Mike and track michaels back. Hey, buddy.
Mike loves cheeseburgers, y'all. With bacon. With like 40 strips of bacon. art there is There's an inside joke there, Glick. So when I was very young, I started basically reading books about the chemistry and the composition of the brain and what we do chemically. So if we're eating a burger with bacon, it is the equivalent as an orgasm in our mind, like the way that we process it. So when I was 16 to 20 years old, the two things like the two things that I was most in pursuit of were
booty and burgers. it I knew I liked you. I'm a warrior. I'm a warrior. I liked you and I'm off to you. But realized I was really a chemical junkie. I didn't know it. Mm hmm. Oh, a little chemical overload, huh? I mean, Glitz that way with Taco Bell. So, I mean, it's understandable. Yeah, as we've learned.
chocolateco bo they burrito oh
We stopped on the Taco Bell in the States, so is better than Canada. It is. yeah I'm happy that the Mexican pizza is back, but I'm very saddened that they're not bringing back the Cool Ranch Supreme tacos, because you only get the regular nacho ta and tacos. The Cool Ranch Taco Supreme is awesome with the Mexican pizza. Chef's test. Ryan, you sound like you've got some real first world problems there, brother.
I do. I do and i i can sense that the suffering with your band hanging in there. Yeah, I can feel it. Yeah, I'm trying to keep i'm trying to keep all that anger like suppressed. be like ah but And plus I'm having a bad hair day. So can you answer one question about mental health and instead of talking about burritos and cheeseburgers just for a moment? So when you're dealing with stress,
right? Or rejection or you're feeling misunderstood or disrespected. What are some of the things that you do besides call Tony D? Go ahead. ah Take a drive, be out in nature, listen to instrumental music, or play Division II and start capping bad guys in the head.
Okay. And when you're capping people in the head, are you ever screaming a Glick's name or anybody else's name in this room? Yeah. Like yours truly. No, of course not. I know it. Like at when I, when I complete the level and I eliminated all the bad guys, then I show my gratitude. Yeah. I bet you do. I bet you do. Yeah. And you look like this.
Yes, i I am gratitude that I did not get killed in this mission. yes I have gratitude that I did not waste all my ammo. yeah I have gratitude that I eliminated the threat because my shooting has gotten better. yeah So I am very grateful.
and I'm grateful I didn't go to Taco Bell before because I probably wouldn't have made it through the level. I got it. Yeah. Cheese it. Well, I should have got the cheeseburger cruisin' that way. The endorphins and everything gets kickin' and like. See, he does listen. It's a Red Bull better brain. He does. I'm telling you, especially like smoked cheddar cheese, on a man, I'm telling you. Yeah, to Mike's point. Yeah, it is correct. You're just like, ah, Derek, it helps. I feel good.
I want to tell you guys the story that you guys will will appreciate. So the other day I get a pizza from my daughter and it's got bacon on it and meat and a bunch of other stuff and it smells really good. And I just got it around the corner and I have this big ass box with a pizza in it. And there's this woman who's in the elevator and she's looking at me like, you know, I just didnt do about anything for that pizza. should steven And all she kept saying was, man, that sure smells good.
I really like pizza. like and And I finally said to her, like it's for my daughter. I'm so sorry. If it was for me, I would give you a couple of pieces. she goes
and and and and And I'm thinking, I would never ask somebody. No, I wouldn't either. No, but that's how addicted she was to food. Hey, but wait a second.
oh look at the building that you're in and if that person can't get their own pizza but they can live in that same building where the person can get their own pizza does that not does that not come into the equation i was just thinking the same well there's nothing like pizza right now and pizza free yeah that is true yes right as it free free free food and free food booze hits differently it's like brian he's going he's going booty art or or burger Oh, this is a dilemma. You put both hands together on that one, buddy. I'm sorry. yeah ah Yeah. It's like Joey from France. chi Chicks on bread. Right? Or or like Al Bundy. booters chocolate tap foodoters chocolatele cake chaco Hooters,
No, it was like those like one time my my brother and I, we we both had the day off and we decided to go bike riding and then we ended up at the food court at the mall. So I get a Subway sandwich with a Diet Coke and my brother gets like two slices of pizza and a beer. And these girl and my brother and my brother my brother is like tiny.
i mean you know you You sneeze on him and he flies. That's how skinny he is. And he's in there enjoying the pizza after a long bike ride. He's all like, oh, and these girls walk by and this one girl just goes, ugh, I hate him. And I'm sitting there going like, me? Oh, him. Yeah. I'm like, I'm eating a sandwich. I'm being healthy and responsible.
I have this perfect healthy salad called the Big Mac salad. The same. yeah I saw this thing on TikTok. It's called the Big Mac salad. You shredded TikTok. You shred a Big Mac onto lettuce. It's healthy because it has salad in it. Have you ever seen these people who have capped a burger from McDonald's for 20 years and it does and it's still willpower behind that person is impressive because a burger doesn't last a mile. No, but here's here's what I'm saying. It still looks the same. The only thing. oh Yeah. yeah the The other thing that disintegrated was the pickle.
Yeah. and Everything else was intact. It didn't have green on it. What the heck did they put in those? I don't care. It tastes good. I don't want to know. Once you learn how hot dogs are made, do you really want a hot dog? No. It's that kind of concept. I don't want to know. They they put things in um and bottled water as well. Like what? They call it atmosphere.
ah because ah what they do is they coincide with the drainage of the cities. So they subsidize the cities with emergency water and thing clean water facilities and stuff like that. But to turn around and sell it, like they have to they they have to make pure water, but then for it to have the um mark about the the spring capabilities, the the nutrients, the the the metals that just come naturally, that you would boil the water yourself and you know kill organisms and then drink it. ah They do all that, but then they add back in a powdered form and then they pressurize the bottle with what they call atmosphere. And that water has to sit for more than 24 hours.
So when you drink um ah a bottle of water, um it it's had the the ah natural substances that were removed from it, added back to it based off of their recipe. And it's also been pressurized with um you know ah what they consider to be atmosphere.
and it It goes in, everything has to go together and it has to match. And that's why they put it on a time limit before it can be even served because um any of those substances ah without the process, it could kill you. Oh yeah, I like the the camp contaminants and all that fun stuff. That's why I don't drink water.
just say Jeff, did you know that Brian and I were going to get together and come up with a new city called Springwater? And we were going to start boiling water and we're going to call it spring from Springwater. And we we were fine until they figured it out.
that you were just going to put it out of the hose? It was toilet hall water, but it was the holy water of all holies. And then also too also too, like I was thinking about going to Hot Springs, Arkansas, because in certain parts of that city, you have the natural springs coming out and I was just going to put a glass of water and take a sip. Yeah, I don't know. if I don't think that's a compliment for us, Jeff. She said, hello, gentlemen.
Click and jump. Yeah, I think I think we got singled out. there everybody Well, I think she's fine. She's applying. The rest of the panel is not gentlemen. And she is, you know, celebrating the I'm pretty sure it's the opposite there, buddy. I know. I think. like Yeah.
Well, i mean I mean, the only gentleman is Mike because he's clean shaven. The rest of us are scruffy nerf herders with beards and looking all muddy. You can't use that word. Oh, we can use that word.
Yes. First of all, explain it to my audience who will not know what the heck it is. We currently have over 24 people on Twitter watching this. Well, so the Nerf Herder is a reference to Star Wars.
Empire Strikes Back. That's where Leia, Leia calls Han. She's probably nerf her after after she. So we just lost someone. We have 23 after you explained what it was, but that's okay. Yeah. and they they They were offended. I think we have them with cheeseburgers. but but then Everybody's hungry this time of day. But didn't that nerf herder come, that came back to family guy, right?
Yeah, Family Guy did it in Blue Harvest. Blue Harvest, yeah. And that's when he he hits her and he says, you can't use that word, only we can use that word. So can I ask a question to keep it on mental health? Just just for a moment. Can I pop one out here for you? Because Blake is still in yesterday in his kid-in-play pants. yeah I think he did 120 splits and and was listening to James Brown playing I'm a Sex Machine, and and now he's I don't know. I thought it was like breakdancing to say by the bell thing. Same difference. It's all good. It's all good. So if you know of somebody in your inner circle that is suffering and they're proud, would you approach them?
And if you don't approach them, what is me? Oh, I got, I just want to quickly share something for myself. Okay. And this is kind of guilt, but I knew a friend was suffering and I was being a chicken shit because I didn't want it to deal with it. And this person had cancer and it was, it was at work. And I thought I'm going to have to deal with this problem probably for a couple of years before it it gets bad.
And then I came in three weeks later and he was gone. yeah there and and i didn't i did and you what would you If you know that someone's suffering and and it may be even uncomfortably free the hole nine yards yeah and it may be uncomfortable for you to listen to it or see it,
Are you going to, you know, we were, what was that saying, man, up are you going to step forward and be that person who listens to someone for two hours at work while they're driving or, you know? Well, like also, yeah, ah yeah I get what you're saying, but a lot of times too, a lot of people, and and and I understand where you're coming from with this one because there was a person that I really, really cared about, um,
and And like we've known each other for 15 years, and I was really interested and in ah in her. But we never tiptoed, but I always said, yeah, you know, Mo is around. I'm not hard to find. you know We didn't make plans, but then she flaked and all this other stuff. But I didn't know like later till other people that knew her you know that she was going through something. but like I always talk to her like, what's going on with me? Then I'm like, hey, what's up with you? And she goes, oh, you know, just go blah, blah, blah, blah. It's kind of downplaying it. And then we were supposed to meet up back in 21. We were supposed to meet up for like, have Valentine's Day together, but she flaked, never heard SIP tax or hey, everything good or whatever. Then I later, then about, I think it was February 18th,
Then I get a text from mom saying that, hey, that they haven't heard. They haven't heard from her. Have you heard from her? And I'm like, no, we're supposed to meet up for Valentine's Day. and Nothing happened. So she had people, she had like the medics and police go kind of do like a safety check up at her apartment and oh no found out, yeah, she she kind of, they rolled out as accidental. And I was like, you know, so I,
and But later with meeting with the family at the memorial, they were all saying like what else she was going through. It was weird because we know each other for 15 years. I'm always telling her like what's going on in my mind. you know what's you know what keeps me going because she asked me like one time like how like what stuff going on with the family tragedy that I have she's like how do I do it how do I keep going like I just go you know it's like I just try to focus on task at hand and get that done and now I'll what's everything situated then I'll
decompress and all that other stuff. But it's just that, you know, I'm always telling her what's going on with me, but it was just like, you know, at the same time, like, hey, what's up with you? You know, what's going on with you? And she just downplays it. And it just kind of, it took me a while to get over it, but it just messed me for a while. Like, why couldn't she tell me? We spent a lot of time together. Why couldn't she tell me? Yeah.
Some people aren't ready right to to share what's going on. But if you've known somebody for a good amount of time and you're comfortable, you should be able to say, hey, can I tell you something? When it comes to that, it's it's like, i'm that I'm that way. I don't want to put my burden on you. like it It will take me, like, let's say I'm going through it. It will take me weeks before I'll finally break down and call somebody.
Um, you know, it, it, it's one of those things when, when someone's ready to discuss their issue, they'll reach out. Um, but I, I, I tend to do something similar. Like what you were saying is like, Hey, I'm here if you need it. You know, that kind of thing. Yeah.
Yeah, um and that and unfortunately, that's all you can do because you can't force you know, it's that the old adages you take a horse for water, you can't make a drink. But you have to at least put yourself out there and say, hey, I'm here if you need. Yeah, I mean, yeah, it messes me for a while. I'm like, man, you know, I was like, we, you know, all the times that we were together, she stayed that, you know, she stayed the night at my place, we'd watch movies and cuddle and just talk like, like,
you know, let her know like, hey, and I was letting her know like, hey, I'm not hard to find. You know, like, yeah, I'll call them like, yeah. I'm like, cool. I'm not hard to find. That's all that's everybody. I'm like, I'm not hard to find. Yeah. You should read the comment, buddy. I think that was directed towards you. Oh, it's gone now. Oh, hindsight, hindsight is perfect, but you can't play what should have done. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Like I said, it took me a while to get over it. Right. i think some Sometimes I just accepted it. I accepted it that you can only control what you can't control.
right so sometimes Sometimes when when you can tell somebody's going through something, yeah like Jeff said, and you know like Mike was saying, you know ohll I'll get around. Sometimes you know Jeff said you can leave the horse of water, but you can't make him drink. Sometimes you you just got a point in blank, hit him up with with the with the hard questions. Hey, what's going on? What's going on in your head? I know something's wrong. you know Just telling somebody, hey,
you know That's that saying to some people, especially people who are that I'll use myself for an example. That saying for me is like when you run into an old friend, like somebody you haven't seen in a few years and do you exchange phone numbers and you're like, hey, ah let's meet up and do something sometime. Both of you know damn well, you're probably not going to meet up and do something that sometimes that's how that, you know, I'm here for you. Statement comes across and I know people who I've talked to personally that
I've said, Hey, you know, if you need anything, call me anytime a day and night, I got you. And then they'll call me and they're like, dude, we didn't think you were going to answer the phone. I'm like, Oh, I fucking told you. I got you. What do you need? I'm the one that came to you and brought this up. You know, sometimes you have to be direct with people. I used to work with a guy and, uh, and it took me a little while to understand what he meant by it. But every day we'd leave a boozer. I'll see you tomorrow. Lord willing.
And they're like, what? The Greek don't rise. Yes. I said, what are you talking about? He was an older guy that I worked maintenance with. And I was like, what are you talking about? And he always told me, I was in my early twenties at the time. He always told me, so one day you'll understand. And it did take me a few years, but, uh, you know, sometimes things are absolutely 100% out of our control. But yeah, there are things that we can't control and at least.
At least if you make that actual effort to go, Hey, I know something's not right. You know, I'm not going to just in passing tell you I'm here. If you need me, let's sit down. Let's, let's go grab a drink. Let's go grab some dinner like right now. And, and, and if, and we'll talk casually. And if the shit that you're dealing with comes up, I'm not going to force it out of you, but hopefully give you that, that peace of mind and that.
uh, comfortability and like a safety zone or safety net where you feel comfortable and be like, all right, look, this is what's going on. You know, sometimes you just can't wait, you know, because you never know when there is no tomorrow for that person. In the comment there, that's the fear of going to somebody. That's the biggest fear that they're going to, you know, like I know if I, if I tell Glick and I'm like, Hey, in confidence, this is the issue. No one's going to hear about it, but me.
Um, if I bring it up on the show, that's a different story because then it's for you volunteered. it's out there i it's out there It's out there and it'll be brought up 400 times. But if I call and I say between you and me, this is the problem. I know that we'll never hear the light of day, but finding somebody that you can trust to do that is few and far between. True.
That's the biggest fear that a lot of people have, at least in my opinion. um Luckily, in this group, we have that, where like, you know, if somebody calls me and say, hey, this is just for your ears. Well, it's a steel fucking trap, dude. Nobody's gonna hear it. Go ahead. But there is that, regardless, there's still that fear of, yeah, this is gonna come back and bite me in the ass.
Yeah. See, see for me recently, uh, most of my life has been pretty enchanted. I have to admit most of the problems I've caused myself, right? So I have no one to blame about myself, but my mom died and my mom died this year and my mom was suffering and she had cancer. And I was very grateful that she had left the way she left. And it was kind of on her own terms and.
But then when she was gone, i I realized how much of a grounding effect she was in my life, my whole life. And that's when it hit me. And I think that's the first time I'd ever really felt a sense of loss or not feeling completely stable. And all of us go through grief. And if you live long enough, like once you get to my age, 61, people around you start to drop.
especially the next generation. And I remember you were saying about an old guy. I remember an old guy that I knew and he he used to be, yeah he used to say crazy stuff to me. And i and i I didn't get it at the time. And he used to go, you know, 40 wild dogs couldn't bite it off. And now it's betrayed me.
And I was like, why is he talking about? And yeah it all just clicks one day. Yeah, and one day I went, oh, I get it, I get it. And then the other thing he used to say to me all the time was, because I was really young, and he used to say, get a good look, buddy. Look in that mirror. That thing will fucking betray you. I guarantee it. You won't even be able to look in there. So get a good look. The sun only shines for a little time. And I used to go, what the hell is these metaphors? and and but And then as I got older, I was kind of like, okay. light bulb And his favorite his favorite one for me always was, if you get the milk for free, don't buy the cow. Oh yes. I think that was my grandmother's favorite saying. And it was so funny. i was And and this this was a neighbor and I was maybe, I know grade one,
And I asked the janitor and at school and I said, can you help me? What does this mean? And he said, if you get the vote for free, don't buy the county. He goes, let me tell you this. yeah Your friend is very wise. I bought the cow.
and one One line, one line ah haunted me then it still haunts me now and probably in the future.
And I'm pretty sure you guys have heard it too. It's like, don't worry. Your turn's coming. Oh, yes. yeah You're like, Oh, don't worry. Your turn's coming. We were talking about karma and that's kind of what karma is. Yeah. Like what we put out there. We get back, you know, and Glick was talking about, he's there for people when they're in need.
And I really believe if you do that, you know if you believe there is a higher power and there is ah a judgment day, all that will come back and they'll go, oh no, you're good. You've gone through, you've gone through. Go ahead. That's not gonna happen to Blake and I, we're sitting outside. We already got reserved spots and beer waiting.
okay i mean like like hold yeah you're gonna hang out with hendrix yeah jimmy yeah yeah my uh my older brother i made like with his first son but he's like man he's such a bad little kid man he just he just does what he wants and da da da da da thinks he's a womanizer blah blah blah blah and i look at him and i'm going i wonder where he gets it from and i kind of get that look like uh clone karma. So and he goes, and then when I told him that, he just goes, Oh, shit. It's like, it's like that corny saying the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Yeah. So he just goes like this goes, so he's like, he's like, well, I guess I have a debt to pay. And I'm like, yeah, you do. My mother for my kids, she put a curse on me when I was a kid. She said, I hope you have kids and they act just like you. And God damn it, if they're not just like me,
There's days I'm just looking for a bury the bodies, but but that's genetics, isn't it? Really? No, it's because I was an asshole as a kid. genetics you was he was the as Nobody I want your opinion. I'll give it to you You'll are my friends you still are i hate to break the news i see but you know in my younger days and and this is something I've mentioned before when you're younger, you know in your in in your teens and 20s No one can tell you anything. Yeah, I know what I'm doing
And then right around 30, 35, you wake up one day and go, I don't know fucking shit. And you can't tell anybody that yeah until they hit that point. But the thing is, the more you know, the more you realize you know nothing. as As you acquire knowledge, you realize you know very little. And there are insanely bright people. Like if they sent us all back,
in time, right? And I'm like, yeah, we have these things that are like microwaves. Can you build one? Nope. We have these things that are like a toaster. Could you build one? i don't Maybe, I don't know. Right. I can maybe reproduce the wheel. Is that gonna help? I can build a car. i mean i the department yeah yeah i mean I mean, I know like when we all hit a wall,
like when i hit thirty t songs came to mind but one song came on when i hit thirty and that was like that tim mcgraw in my next thirty years a that's a good time and then when i took and then when i turned forty then when i turned forty then that whole ah um I ain't as good as I once was. That song has a way deeper meaning i know if you every day.
but Cause I'm like, I'm like, damn, I feel like talk shit, back it up. Now I can just like talk shit like, Hey man, I'm going to old man. I've got one fight left in for me and I'm waiting for somebody to cut in front of me for a burger king or something. Then I'll then i'll use that.
Yeah. Until then. You took the last cheeseburger, motherfucker. Brian, I hope you have kids, because I think you'll be a great dad. I think you have a really sensitive side, and I think you'd be a good. You've got to get the right woman, though. That's the problem. yeah The problem with Brian having kids, they will be as big as round as they are, Carl, because this motherfucker barbecue is like you fucking read about. If I lived next to Brian, I would be 400 pounds tomorrow. Same with Blake. Of heavenly joy.
Yeah. Oh yeah. I'd be happy as a pig and shit. Don't get me wrong, but I'd be a fat motherfucker. They would find excuses to like say, honey, I got to step out. Brian's grilling. I'll be back. I'll be back tomorrow. bri with the thrill I'll be back whenever I get out of my meat coma.
I have to go walk my dogs, guys. So are you okay with being alone for a while? You're going to wrap this up soon or? Yeah, I'm probably going to wrap this up here in about 15. No, I'm going to wrap myself up in about 15 minutes because I'm still trying to recover from a long weekend. Yeah, not because I drink to it. I'm doing a lot. I hit the road. I hit the road back to New Mexico tomorrow. Yeah, I was going to say you you you drive out tomorrow, right?
Yep. Tomorrow morning. So is Connor on a tour now? Like, is he joined a boy van? I don't know what he's doing. I think he's still trying to put his kids to bed. Oh, as he said, he was pranking. He said he was early. Later on, earlier on, he was saying he was giving her a bottle. Yeah, Connor is our very own version of Joe Biden. He very well could be lost in his house somewhere right now to be 100% honest with you.
the stairs um Yeah, I put one down the stairs again. Happy? Are you happy right now? Are you in a happy place? Yes. Okay.
but You look like you're flying the friendly skies. oh um I'm doing good and and I really appreciate the this evening and speaking.
I like when you speak, your your stuff is potent. it's you I know, we we have a a fun panel here tonight. He's like silent pop. Untrackables kind of becoming a ah mainstay. He pops up on Mondays, he pops up on Saturdays, he comes and hangs out with us. Yeah, we like seeing him popping in and out. How about Brian? Are you okay with Brian popping in and out? are you I love what Brian pops in. He popped in on Friday and we had a blast.
Yeah. I mean, he's all right. I guess no now Brian knows he's got an open door here. Anytime he can cut. Brian is one of the very few people that, that are not a part of this network that can come into any of the show any day of the week without question. I would say, um, if you're going to ask me about me, I would say there was not one bit about me that matters a damn thing. If it wasn't for the people that I listened to as well.
So, uh, when you guys put this together, it it means a whole lot to a whole lot of people. Well, and I think that was the plan when, when Connor and Glick did this Monday night thing, you know, for the longest time when we started the network, we were doing the same thing three nights a week. And Monday nights were just not my night because normally I work until about nine o'clock.
Right. um and And by the time I get done, I'm like, fuck I don't want to get on the fucking show. I literally just been on the phone all day. I just did you. Yeah. And um when they turned it over the mental health thing, I would put it on while while working, put it on in the background.
And, ah you know, the one thing I've noticed, and I hate to give them props like this because I'll hear about it. the room agreed um good it It helps. it it's Yeah, see?
Perfect example. It's my shoe. Yeah. ah This is Connor show. Apparently, I'm just driving the boat tonight. I don't know. Well, it's one of those things. It's like, ah you know, once Connor gets 100 percent settled with everything, this will be his show all the time. Yeah. And in that that handoff is taking a little bit long time. But, you know, shit takes time in general, ah you know, and that's with every show on on the network, everything. It's not instantaneous as much as we would love to say it is.
it It takes time. Jeff, Jeff, what you're saying right there is success, right? Anybody who's had success in anything, it's taken it's taken five to 10 years. yeah you know There's that quotient, if you get something like 10,000 hours, then you can be considered someone who's an expert.
now Glick and I, I know, like I've been doing this for about 15 years. And I i probably peaked it at 10 years and it's the wheels are falling off the wagon, but I do my best.
um the The key... I didn't even get wheels on my wagon, Michael. Well, here's the thing. Here's the thing. I was monetized at the beginning.
Then I got lazy, I got distracted, and then I lost that. And I recently got monetized again. and I'm back being a partner on YouTube. But it you have to have the daily focus. And the reason I brought that up is if you don't have this kind of insane intensity where you do it, even when you don't want to do it, you won't get where you need to get. It's really small, painful, awful increments.
And then you've got Glick, who's balancing multiple things in his life all the time. Right. And then you've got Connor, who is, you know, he built a bridge and he built a house. Hi, Connor. How are you doing, buddy? I'm stressed. I'm stressed. How are you? What are you stressed about, buddy? I just want my children to do the right thing the first time.
Oh, good luck with that. Yeah, good luck with that. my question I tell you to hold your breath. But like you but just like you just like you said, Jeff, though, they're too much like me. Yeah. You just put one foot in front of you. It's that damn curse. Or genetics. Or genetics. Well, luckily, my kids have my wife's smarts. Look, they have my suit. Hey, boys. Hey, boys, brush your teeth and go to bed. OK, dad. Yes, sir.
They go to the bathroom and they screw around in the bathroom for 20 minutes. I'm, I'm laying down where sister's room 10 feet away. Dude, brush your teeth and go to bed. Yes, sir.
and I hear being thrown everywhere. Brush your teeth and go to bed. We did brush our teeth. Yeah. They're like, oh, why'd you yell at us? Because it's the third time I've said it. So they go to their room and they fuck off for another 20 minutes. I'm sitting there going, dude, I'm going to throw something. i I don't have the patience for this. God. Parentless. You know what? like When it comes to parenthood, the the the not having patience
the is a prerequisite because you you just said, I don't have the patience for it. Yet you do because you love your kids as much as, and don't get me wrong. I'm constantly replaced to bury the bodies, but every day I find a reason not to. But there's an exception to where ah you have patience and you give these warnings And then when you start swinging hands, all of a sudden somebody wants to say, Hey, why are you so violent? And it's like, Hey, how many times do I have to say it before I start whooping ass? You know what I'm saying? Right. Well, there's an old saying, and I'm going to screw it up, but if you wanted patience, you don't just get patience. You get a way to show pay this patience.
You lost me, Jeff. So, so if I, if you say, I want, I want happiness and everything goes wrong, are you still happy? No, you have to find your happiness. Just like if you want patience, you are not just given patience. You are given an opportunity to just show patience. So yeah, it's it's like the, it's like the the the body language where my best friend was telling me, yo he's like,
kind of like you you what you put in is what what you put out. So like, if you're saying like, you know, I'm good, money comes easy. And then, you know, like the vibes, the, you know, the heat, the matter and the in the universe, you know. But if you keep saying like, damn man, this sucks. And then you're like negative. So, you know, you're negative. but that thing get will you good Yeah, you attract you attract what you, you are what you attract.
bri i ignight challenge that just for percentage i think that um so i think that this comes back to even seeking help it's like with you went through what you went through when you were coming up and the things that you know brought you into reality oh that looking back seeking help But at the same time, when somebody standing right next to you and it's like, hey, you you cannot let that happen right in front of you and and let that happen. You cannot do that because that person's gonna suffer later on unless you, you know, hold one and then there's two and then there's three and then there's hands-on intervention. It doesn't always have to be.
it doesn't always have to be you know a stereotypical violence but if you don't put a zone the the the and so well very right spoil the child kind of thing i agree yeah yeah Okay, so I want to just get this one point in here. So you if you change the way that you view your world daily, and if you put out there that everything I need will be
orchestrated through something greater than myself. It doesn't have to be God, but there's forces that be that will conspire in my favor. And if you believe that and you look at anybody who's been incredibly successful, it's been either this is the only path And this is the only path I'm going to ride. And I'm going to ride this till I die. Or I truly believe I'm here for a reason. And this right now is just a pothole. This is just a ah disruption. And I am learning valuable life lessons. And you said something about patience. It was actually beautiful where you were going. But patience really is being patient with yourself.
and knowing that this too shall pass, right? And God's delays are not God's denials. I love that one. The greatest honor words ever uttered is, this too shall pass, because it works for yeah every situation. Yes. Yes. Or like to quote Master Yoda, failure is our greatest teacher. Yeah. Yes. This too shall pass, just like gas. When Thomas Edison built the light bulb, they said,
what was it like to, you know, well, I forget the quote. It was somebody asked him, um, how did you deal with all this failure that you went through to get to the light bulb? And he says, I didn't fail. I learned 450 ways not to make a fucking light bulb. yep Yeah. Yeah. Uh, it's the,
and she got wordshe the The believing in something other than yourself is, you know, whether it be religion, whether it be the universe, whatever it may be, it has a lot to do with your... I can't think of the word I'm looking for. Your mental state during that time of those hard times.
Like you were saying, if you believe that you're meant for something greater, and this is just a pothole, you have to keep that mental state through everything. The good and the bad. But Jeff, that's mental toughness. You're you're developing grit within yourself. yeah and within And when we suffer, like Connor is here, there'll be a point in his life when his kids aren't there.
right And he'll go, God, I miss those times. yeah i i give in I didn't fully enjoy them then. And now they have kids, and I only see the grandkids occasionally. And it's like Glick, he's right now saying, not since the beginning of time has there been a man so fine. This is what he's saying. Can you tell us? And then here here's another one. Go ahead. Glick has the humility of Drax from the Marvel movies. Yes.
think of more like shred okay the co I'm incredibly humble. Well, I came across this and I have it like saved on my phone, but it says what to know the difference between a master and a beginner. Why? The master has failed more times than the beginner has ever tried. That's so true. That's so true.
Yeah. Did you guys ever hear the corny story about Kentucky Fried Chicken guy? Did you ever hear that? Yeah, I've actually heard this story. Yeah, it's crazy, right? He tried like 50 different business. No, you know well, yeah, but he he had this recipe of his grandma's chicken and he went to 1,000 something in 64 places. And finally someone said, sure, I'll try it. Let's do it. Let's go into business together. He heard 1,664 times, no. But not only that, he failed in so many businesses
He didn't open up Kentucky Fried Chicken until he was like 60. 65. Was it 65? Yeah. so so How many people thought Ray Kroc was an idiot? Well, look at the guy that made the pet rock. Brilliant. Do we know who Ray Kroc is? No. the found the Well, not the founder the original founder of McDonald's, but he's the one who created the franchise of McDonald's.
Yeah, he he's the one who who said you have to follow this book and we're going to do this in a whole bunch of different places. But they were like, well, we've tried the franchise before and it never works out because nobody can replicate us. You can't replicate you. Stop it. And everyone was like, no, we're not going to franchise this because it's not going to work. No, it's not. No, no, no, no. Over and over and over again. I mean, how many times did Henry Ford file for bankruptcy before he created the Ford Motor Company?
Well, el Elon Musk almost lost everything, right? A couple of times. Yeah. yeah So yeah here here's the the wonderful thing, the truth about success, is successful people don't really know failure. They just keep plowing forward. And they know is just a... They recognize that the pothole is a pothole, not a chasm. yeah Beautiful. I think that should be on Glitch's shirt. like Yeah. A no is a stepping stone on the way. Yes. If we just woke him up.
He was called, it what the hell is he saying should be on my shirt? And also, too, I came out he heards a across here um like to quote Bruce Lee, I'm not afraid of a man who does 10,000 kicks. I'm afraid of a man who does that one kick 10,000 times. Yes. Yeah, there's that magic number we talked about, right? Master. Be water. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I guess I gotta go ahead and call it. I gotta finish packing me and I got. going Yeah, I'm gonna two hours. I feel horrible. I just missed like an hour of this of this typical Monday. Typical Monday. That I shouldn't have said that, but no, but um and at the end of the day that as Michael was saying but in 15 years when your kids are getting they ready to head out the house, you'll be happy that the one time you missed the show to go spend time with them. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. 100%. Don't blink. You know what? I used to i used to look at my kids when they...
when i'm head and Connor, when your kids are sleeping, when your kids are sleeping don't don't you look at them and think they're the most beautiful creations. When they're asleep, yes. When they're asleep, you go, oh my God, they do sleep.
yep yep thep yeah abuse and then you're like i hip no out yeah and we got with a little badass i've had many i've had many a moment especially and jeff jeff's been in the military as well ah you you leave for a certain period of time and you realize how much shit that you just missed and you come home and you're like, oh my God, I've missed you. And for like a week, it's all romantic. It's amazing. It's great. And then you're like, oh my, you're back to being stuck in this. Oh, kids are impossible. Kids are so hard. And I'm sitting here and I'm like, God, this is, this is so stressful. This is, this is a pain in my ass. I love my children to death. But I want like to shake my youngest, my oldest son.
I can't tell you how many times I've finally gotten my kids to sleep and I walk. I come back down to get a little work done on the computer and I get about halfway down the stairs and I just stop sit down the stairs and light a cigarette and just sit there and smoke it going. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, but I wouldn't trade a minute of it.
Yeah, that's like one time older brother, like was going, he was roughing it, man. And then he called me up and you know, so, Hey man, meet me in Galveston. I'm like, all right, cool. So we go there and, uh, and you know, we're, we're having a few beers, but he was just like, let it all out. And I'm just going, Oh, okay. That's all good, man. You know, you're good. You're good. And then next, you know, it's like, um, all right, Mike, take care. Yeah. Well, take care, Mike.
But, uh, but then, you know, he was just like talking about like, man, you know, like that this, you know, cause my brother has like multiple kids. So, um, so then he's like, yeah, man, this is this, this, this. And he goes, and then, uh, he goes, man, I don't know how mom and dad do it. And I just went, Oh, you know how they did it. And then he just like looked at these guys.
Right, because my dad's a veteran, my dad was an Air Force MP, and then my mom being from a third world country that takes like, you know, that my mom lived her around that FAFO. No, no, no, check no, chopsticks and whatever comes out, whatever's in arms reach my mom uses. So, and he just goes, that's when it's like light bulb went off. He just goes, that's it. Sometimes you like kind drop a hammer. And I'm like, what? He goes, that's it.
That's the secret to parenting. You treat your kids like inmates. that Yes, because they are. They're worse than inmates. Inmates are going to hear more. But but here's not you're here no, but no, but no, but no, because ever since we had that talk,
He like lay, I mean, that house was like bootcamp. And then whenever I would go help watch, like I'll help babysit. And the moment they get out around, they're like, hey, calm down. Like, oh, whatever. Oh, whatever Tia, whatever Tia. And I'm like, whatever. And then I was said, I'll just, I'll just do this. I'm like, Oh, whatever, huh? And then all of a sudden I go to his name and I have it like I'm a detonator. I'm like,
I was like, I got your daddy right here. I was like, I'll call it right now. They're like, no, you wouldn't call it that. I'm like, try me. I'll press this button right now. Like, I'm like, yeah, I'm about to press the date in there kid. Come on. oh Sometimes you have to put the hammer down, but I also don't want to be that dad.
when they grow up agree talking about me on their mental health podcast about how they have like and as a child who used to get like every time I did something wrong it's my dad broke a cutting board over my ass when I was a kid I don't want to be that guy but there's times where it's like you know what umve I've asked 400 times and I'm not going to ask from 401 And you know it it comes down to sometimes you just got to drop the hammer. And as much as I don't like to, sometimes it just needs to be done. Indeed, indeed. Well, gentlemen, I think that this show has run its has run its course. We've got gentlemen leading. I'll be honest, when it comes to intros and outros, i am I am not the man with a plan. Jeff, you've done it a time or two more than me. Why don't you run it?
Glick you been having a seizure. Are you sure? you atro song a kuna matada My mic has been muted for a while now and it's been fine ever since you left. Oh Sweet so I was the problem. I like it right now um mike Mike sent a message. He had to go walk his dog. Yeah Glick Glick one favor Till Nicky awesome win last night Oh, Brian said awesome win last night. She gave me a thumbs up. You know, we out real quick. We were playing each other in fantasy football this week and I felt horrible because I told her not to put Russ in. However, I will say this. that They were making fun of her for being a homework because she's got a bunch of Steelers players on her bet are on her team. The three would you have three guys in the three guys she had in?
scored more points than the other six players on her bench. Like she was sitting at like 30 points before that game last night. And then the three Steelers players she had in put over 40 points in or almost 50 points and had she put Russ in last night, she would have damn near caught. She still would have lost in the long run, but she would have caught up to me just based off of four Pittsburgh Steelers players last night. And Brian and I are in the middle of a problem burner right now.
I'm winning. Yeah. So, ah so are there, you're, you're on a bi-week Joe. So are Derek and I, but we'll talk about that Wednesday. We'll talk about that Wednesday night when we do our fantasy. Oh, yeah. You're, you're a head for now. Yeah. I'm, I'm only ahead by like 12 points and you're in the middle of two games. So, uh,
I stopped paying attention. All I have is Lamar Jackson and Derek Henry. So yeah, we're about to come to halftime. Yeah. Yeah, but it's only a 12-point lead. That's not that hard to make up with a quarterback and a running back. It's not that hard. No, not at the end of the day. You want to play a game.
Listen, I've lost two in a row. I don't want to i don't want to lose another. let's let's Let's break this losing streak right now. Yeah. I'm sorry. ah But, uh, no, we'll wrap this up. I got to go. I'm fucking, im i got i his but, thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for hanging out. Uh, everybody on the panel tonight, uh, appreciate y'all being here. Um, unbreakable said right as he was leaving, um, just talking it out means so much. I love that he's coming up here regularly on Mondays. Uh, obviously he adds to the conversation. Um,
Yeah, i'll heat and maybe maybe we're helping him get through some stuff right now, which is the point of the show. If you guys are not already, go ahead and check us out. We are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok shows live Sunday through Monday on YouTube. The chatters box is always open so you guys can get in and partake in the conversation if you don't want to come up on our open panel shows. You can at least chat in the and the in the chatters box.
And you can listen anytime, anyplace, wherever you listen to podcasts at, all at the nonsensical network, or simply go to bio slash nonsensical network. All them links are there, including the links to our merch store. It is getting chilly out, ladies and gentlemen. So by those we got hoodies to keep you warm. and And guys, if you buy one hoodie, get a second hoodie because you know your girl's going to steal it.
I was going to say, yeah, somebody's goingnna we should do a promo code where you get a discount on the second hoodie. Yeah. buy one be great one Yeah. We would have to come up with a.
with, uh, with a promo code, like the girlfriend code or something like that. You'd have to put it in it. You could put it in the promo code and you get a discount on a second hoodie because you know, your girlfriend's going to steal one. But, uh, yeah, we got all that going on probably it was yeah from ah shows Monday through Sunday. We start the week off with this one right here. Men caring for men.
ah It's Connor and myself and it's an open panel So we invite all men who want to come up and take part in the conversation or if you got something on your on your chest you want to get off to come on up and Hang out with us and chitchat with us. That's what we're here for. It's all about men's mental health ah However starting next Monday before this show we have a brand new show joining the network It's yet to be named because we haven't figured out the name yet, but we've got a week to figure it out. So I But it is all about motor sports and and and reptiles. So it's like two things that don't really go together. So yeah, I'm curious on how it's going to go. I'm going to show. Yeah, but I know I know and Chris, like I know, Chris, I know he'll make it work and I know it'll be interesting nonetheless. So we just got to figure out a name. We're going to, we're working on that and a little logo and maybe some intro music or something that makes it in motor motor sports.
yeah or some <unk>ers and foots Tuesday's is Glick's house of music. I'm hanging out with upcoming artists tomorrow night, 8 PM. I'll be hanging out with Adam Jones. Definitely looking forward to that. Uh, he seems like a pretty kick-ass guy. I definitely got some kick-ass music out there. Wednesdays is what the fuck news if it's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck we're talking about it. Uh, Thursday, we'll be back this week with a brand new episode of Cassius corner as far as I know of.
Unless he's got on strike and demands and his list of demands have yet to be met. So I don't know. You talk about me having an ego. That kid wants his own championship belt. He wants his own March line. He wants, ah he wants everything. I don't even have my own March line. You do. It's called the nonsensical network and nonsensical nonsense.
Uh, Fridays is nonsense and chill with blaze and J that's blazing Jeff. They're going to be watching Terrifier two this week. yeah And before them Friday night, DJ bill and myself, DJ bill from another shop podcast and myself will be teaming up again. And we're going to do a Halloween show. So it's going to get like a double dose of Halloween for you. We're going to talk about local legends, haunted locations in our area, our States.
And then you that people I think we're shooting for six. i i give was but Yeah, that that'll give us a ah six or a three hour a six hour a three hour window of cushion. It will not. It will be skeptic free this time. Well, you know what's funny is is this next week is well part of this week and.
No, this week and Monday is all about double dose week because you're doing a Friday show with another shot before we do Terrifier two. Sunday, we're doing Jeff's garage and nonsense and chill because we're going to watch Terrifier three. Yeah. And Sunday. Yeah. So Saturdays. So this Friday will be.
Uh, whatever Bill and I are going to call that, we don't even know yet. And then nonsense and chill. Another shot of another shot of nonsense. I was thinking like a nonsensical shot or something like that. A shot of nonsense says Nikki. Um, but, uh, and like I said, that'll be local hauntings and stuff like that. And then we're going to invite people up that want to share their personal experiences with the paranormal, uh, as well as.
share our own. Saturday is nonsensical nonsense. Every Saturday night, we're cutting loose. We're hanging out. The lunatics take over the asylum. And we do that open door challenge. We drop that link and and challenge y'all to come out and hang out with us if you're brave enough. ah And then Sundays is not unnecessary roughness. It is your kickoff to kickoff. We're hanging out. We're making our picks and predictions when it comes to foosball, the NFL, and All that fun. jack And I can't wait for Sunday because I got a lot I want to say about what happened this past Sunday, especially I ain't mad at Cleveland Browns fans and the rest of the world can be mad at him. I'm not mad at him. Do that piece of shit. Cheer his piece of shit. Ass off our fucking field. We're glad he tore his fucking Achilles. That's what I was calling you. i watch that injury That looks horrible.
No, no, no, like that that's what I called them about like a because they're going to go with the i think the quarterback from the practice squad has been promoted now. I think JMO is starting next week. I think, I don't know. I i will figure it out. I mean, at this point with Jeff and it'll be better than to Sean Watson. And then also miles, miles Garrett's getting scattered for a trade. He ain't going anywhere. He already, he already came out the day and said that.
Speculations of the fire sale. He ain't going anywhere. He's staying right in Cleveland. Okay. Do I have the Sean Watson on my team? and Yeah, you did. You should probably, mom I'm going to get rid of him. So, and then, and then every once in a while, Jeff's garage is on Sundays as well. So check it out. Hey, there's lots of shows, there lots of shows and lots of options. You're bound to find something you like. We do appreciate y'all listening. Appreciate y'all being here tonight.
Here is a little something I like to call an outro song. I just don't know what I was going to play.
See you later, Brian. You dip it up. Yup. See you later, Brian. Be safe on the road tomorrow, brother. Yeah, drive safe. And fuck you up.
Just because I like this. Yeah, I like this song Oh check him out Check him out everywhere Zegrass Lee former guest at Glick's house of music with his song campfire clone and then I wonder if I can I Didn't have this on Watson I Think he did at one point, but you might address I think I did I think I got rid of him Real quick, a minute or less. Jeff, you want to say anything to close? Because I got the answer song in there so all I have to do is hit stream. In stream. Ask for help by everyone's phone won't hurt. Yeah, what about you? Stop trying to fix your house in the middle of the storm. Stop trying to match further down. Call the day stop fighting it insurance. Just let let the storm pass. It'll go by.
Relax, calm down. When it passes, then you fix it. You repair and you move on. 100%. And as I always say, a man who, I don't even remember how it goes, it just built a firm foundation by bricks that are thrown at your face and you'll be successful.
I'm out of gas show. All right. We'll see you guys next Monday. Tune in tomorrow night. Glick's house, some music 8 PM. I'll be hanging out with Adam Jones. We will see you guys next time. Be good or be good at it.
towards me, jumpin'