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Vecna - Session 6

S3 E9 · IDM Roleplay
27 Plays6 months ago

A shorter than usual episode tonight but our adventurers delve deeper into the Dolindar tomb, and make a friend along the way.  We also learn what sort of reading Dangernoodle is into.  Also stay tuned at the end for a special treat.


Introduction and Session Setup

Hello everybody, we are live. um If anyone is actually watching this, which there's not um at the moment, Besides ourselves, uh, we missed last week because, you know, um, we all got off late off work too late and we're starting late tonight. It's what nine o'clock for you guys. yeah Yeah. So we won't play for, you know, super long tonight either. Cause y'all gotta to sleep. But, uh, um, I am your dungeon master Ron Bjork and with me tonight is Tayden. Hey, it's good to, uh, play along. Uh, we have some,
cool things that we're playing on doing. I'm excited to see what happens.

Character Introductions and Previous Game Reflections

Alright, roll a d20 for me. Roll a d20. 17. Alright, up next is Frank. Hi, I'm Frank. um I just lost a game where I lost a lot of in-game money, and I'm very annoyed. But I'm here to play D and&D, so let's hope the day goes better.
Hopefully it will. Let's find out. Roll a d20 for me. Oh god. who Just watch Bill never be introduced. So I can't remember what my password is for roll 20 off top of my head. So I have a d20 here. That's fine. and That's fine. You should already be logged in, by the way. I i can't remember my password and saved and I cleared my hash 10. A 10. Okay, Bill.
but i wonder I wonder what would have not got me picked. Hi everybody. I'm Bill. I'm going to be playing Slurm, your goblin artificer. I was not playing a video game. I am not irritated and I am ready to have some fun. And are you ready to roll a d20? Oh God, what am I rolling for now? um
13 13 all right well that's not high enough too bad Eric is not here tonight okay um i just what would you have done if it was a nat 20 um i would have said awesome success you kicked Eric from the podcast tonight um yes eric will not be joining us tonight because um it's all bill's fault really uh true by his own admission so um he's got work stuff to do uh now me personally i would have said you knew you had to do this eric so you should have done it yesterday but you know that's just me um and if i'm being honest when i got home i heard him talking to my brother so well he was probably talking complaining about work stuff to be fair but um
it was more so It was mostly branding at the beginning.

A Facebook Story and Last Session Recap

So um I have this friend on Facebook named Gabby. um And she and she posted or reposted a thing that says I will use anything to get rid of bugs Windex Febreze air freshener and WD-40 We are live Frank. So if Gabby doesn't want you saying this judge just just I'm pretty sure she actually streams. I'm not entirely certain but anyways And when I was scrolling through I saw it and then of course ah Meta AI decided to pop in it was like here's some suggestions for things to search for
Best air fresheners for bugs. WD-40 uses beyond bug control? question mark Effective but bug control with ah anything. Febreze alternative to killing bugs. So there's my fun little anecdote. To be fair, Febreze could probably kill a bug. Probably could spray it. Yeah. Especially if you smash it afterwards.
Alright, does anybody remember what happened last time? Oh god. it We got so spot a lot of shit the show was like two weeks ago but got sucked into the Shadow version of Neverwinter and we have saved almost everyone except the female elf. um We killed some baddies. We met Eric. Eric's character, who's name is...
or Islander. yeah And then after that, I insulted the NPC. NPC started walking away. We followed after a short conversation of me pulling random people out of my genie hat. um Had a conversation with a vampire, bribed her several times, and we learned where to go to take us back to our original universe.
And then we killed some vampires. Well. Oh, Eric's watching. Sorry, I'm chewing. Eric is watching. I know that's that's why I was um ah saying things about him. I saw the fallen students and hey, boys, I'm always watching. That's that's kind of creepy. And I'm like, oh, this shit, that's it.
Yeah. Why are you talking shit to my direct supervisor, bro? He's my direct supervisor, too. Shut up. He's not my direct supervisor. I don't got none. I'm my own boss. So I hear the the dude that looks like. All right, have fun, Eric. I hear the dude that looks like he listens to dwarf metal isn't very good. What? What? What?
bill yeah We're not talking about jobs right now. Let's play the game. Wait, Bill, were you there whenever I made that joke? What joke? We got have a trainee that I swear to God, it looks like he's either former military or this is a dwarf metal. All right, Frank, remember.
is all live and being

Entering the Tomb and Investigating

recorded. um So ah you guys fought these vampires outside of the the the the tomb, and now there's a door. Iskander is scanar like, I'm going to go, or no, no. He's like, I'm going to go scout the rest of the place. I don't know how I talk. And he runs he runs off. Was that the last time he played? it Take a poop. What?
Is that the lesson we played? Yeah, you guys are outside of a tomb. I'm about to bring the map over to that tomb. um Oh, yeah, that's right. We fought those dudes. Yep, yep. I literally just said that, bro. Yeah, yeah. I hate and literally just word for word said what we did last episode. So now there is an a doorway to the tomb. The doorway is... um Now Frank is grounded.
is to use doors, you must enable restrict movement. Would you like to turn it on? Yes, I want that to be turned on. Restrict that movement. OK. There is a door. And the door is, um I believe, unlocked. So it's fine. ah and i Did I steal one of the dead vampire bodies into it? I think I did steal one of the dead vampire bodies. I don't think it's stealing at that point. I mean, it's not stealing.
Oh, do you like my small son that I gave you? Yeah, I love that. That's great. yeah I wish I could center it, but oh well. Does it follow you around? No, i I wish that that would be a cool feature. He's I just gave him the ability to move it. Um.
ah good that's By the way, Bill, you might be able to see cinnamon over there in the part of the map that the rest of you can't get to. But she cinnamon's not actually there right now. that's just yeah I have the token on standby. I feel you. OK. I was wondering, but I kind of figured as much. I was like, oh good oh, goodness. He's giving off. Oh, no. Danger. given as We are being. um Well, while he is doing that, do you guys want to investigate this door in front of you? Yes.
Okay. What do you, what do you do to it? What, what do you do to the door? I want to roll a perception check on the door. All right. I want to perceive if there's anything, you know, I should probably have the like description to this door up just in case it's, Oh, uh, Pinewood door. The finish is kind of coming off. It's like, it's almost like it's a bit too humid down here. You know what? The edges perception's the wrong one. It would be investigation, right?
Where the Slurm is this store? Okay, here it is. I just find it Slurm is a current store. Yes, Percepting is just noticing things. ah Investigation is like actually looking for things. Okay, I would probably have done investigation, not perception. Sorry.
that's a zero that is a net zero that's a net zero that's nice well one thing you about the door was above the door um The a roof supported by stone pillars extends from above the door into the weedy. Basically, the door is engraved with the term Dalindar on it, which you guys do know that this is the tomb. boy This is the right tomb, right? Yeah.
The tomb that you're supposed to come from. We went to the wrong tomb.

Encounter with Ghost Noomi

Okay, shit, we'll turn around. Well, the first part of this dungeon was a tomb too. That is true. I'm like, I picked the right one, right? Okay, so I first look at the door and then I get up close and personal and I just like it a little bit.
Well, I don't have a tongue, I don't have a tongue, nor can I taste. Ah, well then, you a detect nothing from doing that? ah The door's good. The door, the door good. Door good.
Uh, I don't trust that. So I'm gonna, uh, yeah, have yeah okay actually, that's not exactly. No, no, no, no, no. Hold on. So outside, outside thoughts and inside thoughts, character wise, I'm like, I think the door's fine, but out of character, I'm like, door's good. Cause I rolled a zero. I rolled an 19.
Do you think he doesn't know what he's talking about? There you go. There you go. All right. That's how you warm your way around that loophole of what character knowledge and player knowledge. There you go. investigation what do you say learnn What is your modifier for investigation? ah Let me see what that is. I'm very perceptive. I'm just not very insightful. You said investigation? Yeah. Five.
OK, I have a plus eight. Do you want me to roll and you assist me? i Well, yes, absolutely. Let's do that. So I kind of like stand from. I'm like, can you can you move real quick, boys? I'm i'm going to look at the door. Yeah, I'll give you yeah ah give me a hand. OK. Do we search the bodies? Do we find stuff in the bodies? Yeah, we collect that last time. OK.
And when i when I stand next to Slurm, i you can see like a little bit of self-control of personal space. Okay, I rolled a 28. Die! Hold on, I'm chewing. I was like, this is suspenseful! It was actually a dragon.
The doors of mimic roll for initiative. Yeah. The two. um You find nothing frightening about this store. And in fact, you can even tell that it's unlocked. Also, you notice that the ground outside the door is swept and free of of weeds. um And I imagine like that's abnormal in this area, like we walked by tubes and everything was overgrown. Yeah.
Interesting so this is a commonly used okay, and I go a whole or it's full of a very dangerous poison That's killing reaching into the ground around us That that seems very possible So I'm I'm gonna have my fireball my my daylight follow you if you can open the door All right Actually or and um Do you breathe Open game or not, breathe. Door closes because you haven't decided yet. i do I do not breathe. I don't think I breathe. Do automatons breathe? um No, and I guess your cat is in an extra dimensional space, so... The inside of you is extra dimensional?
He's yeah you made it that way. Yeah, you created a special bag of holding for him. Oh, that's right. i I'm sorry. I completely forgot I completely forgot that I'm the one that did that yeah When you've done so much weird shit that you kind of hard forget what you've done Slurm you know, that's actually quite a few weird things. That's canonical now slurm forgot. Yeah he doesn't Every time a cat pops out, he's like, Oh, fuck, because he already thinks it's free of the cat. Yeah, he is. Yeah. Yeah. So he shits his pants twice. So I go ahead and open the open the door. You told me to go ah out of embarrassment. I opened the door and I walk in a fireball. All right. You all open the door and there's a stairway, a spiral staircase going down.
All right, let's go. All right. you You begin to walk down the spiral staircase. Oh, wait. That's not it. Hayden, i don't let tell me if you can. Do you have sight with this orb? I just stuck it outside the map. i Let me zoom out. I do not believe so. I do not see anything now. OK, good. Slurm, stop moving. Stop. Sorry.
You up here over here. I guess we should anyway mark mark and I will I will make this thing follow you There you go Okay, what's the matter boys? I guess I guess I'm I guess I'm in front cuz I was told I was gonna go up front Yeah, you're you're the squishy boy. So I'll go in front of me. hes He's not well, it's too late now She at all. No one who went in not slurm Danger do Oh. Slurm, you descend the stairs into this um this this room. Upright slabs are set into the walls of this large burial chamber. Each slab is carved with the faded likeness of a different robed human above indecipherable writing. One of these slabs is blank with a piece of paper stuck to it. um
And Do the rest of you start following him? Yes. So I want to be one of the last ones in and I want to sprinkle some red brick dust across the entryway. OK. Oh, OK. I see you next. OK, I will go in and then I think Dennis. Well, Dennis can be wrong. No, the mage guy. OK. Then Dennis, then Amberknot. That's my vote, almost anywhere. All right. Once you guys move a little further in, I will You know, I'll go ahead and I'll go ahead and I just moved another square for y'all. OK, I can't see anything. So oh shoot there I am. um So quick question, this room on the top of the staircase, is it um is there a lot of ah space up there or is it literally just you open the door and there's just staircase down? It's the amount of space that you saw on the map. And I hide all those bodies in a pile in the corner.
Yes, but I'm gonna put you back up here because that'll take you of several rounds. Okay. who was shut here We just hear sliding happening around upstairs. We're like, what the fuck is he doing? Squishy gushy sliding. right Okay, bodies are on the corner. we'll We'll let them do a little bit downstairs while you're doing that. um Is this turn order activity or are we just good to watch?
um <unk> I don't think, just don't think click on don't click on any doors, because I don't know, like sometimes you guys can open them, and I want to be prepared when you do that. um So know what these toe looking okay so there those are the slabs with the likeness of robed figures on them. um They're at their tombs, I guess. um One of the slabs is blank with a piece of paper stuck to it. Which one is that one? which one That is over here. um Why are you not pinging? Over here? Yes. okay All the way over here. yeah um I want to go investigate that one. Is it possible that we recognize any of these other roped figures? or They have names and stuff. You don't recognize any of them, though. The the names engraved all have the Dalindar last name. um The paper, which Slurm is looking at, and after he reads the paper, assuming Abernock would like to, I will move you down.
um If I'm allowed to, can I rub my genie lamp and ask questions and hear someone talking out of it? Or do I have to physically go inside my genie? I would assume you have to go inside. Okay, just want to make sure.
um are you you're So you're looking at the paper, Soram? Yeah, I guess I write down all these names too while I'm here. The paper says new me's room in E W M Y new me new me's room. Written in common. um And as you approach the slab, so let me bump you back a space or both of this gear just. As you approach the slab, I have to switch map layers over to the GM layer to an invisible token. Oh dear. Where how do I? Oh God, OK, there it is.
Hey Ron, quick question. Can you make me another edible editable note? Another one? Yes. No, Frank, no more edibles for you. You've had enough. I don't eat edibles. You're going to start freaking out. I'm a good Christian boy. There you go. You know what can book the book called mysterious notes because and you can just rename it. If you can't rename it, let me know. But Can you put it underneath me? Oh, yeah. Sorry. OK. Thank you. OK. So and at this point, assuming you would go down after moving the bodies, Frank, I'll move you down. But if you think you would still be doing stuff up there, then I'll leave you up there.
what What do you think? Once I get all the bodies moved, I'd come downstairs. OK. you make me one more Frank just use the same note what do you have oh he just has a note yeah it's I'm just making him some handouts okay minimize all you guys I see all your player handouts
qualification I named this one i another random-ass note for Frank. Thank you. I appreciate it. Meanwhile, ah as Abernock is coming down the stores and Slurm is approaching the the the thing and sees the words, Numi's room,

Noomi's History and Tomb Maintenance

um a ah little ah ghost, I say a little, ah a normal human-sized ghost pops out. um Is it bigger than me? i Yeah, it's a human ghost.
yeah um And she she pops out and seems surprised when she sees you and she's like, oh, oh who who are you? What are you doing in here? Scared me too, lady. I'm Slurm. I'm a goblin. You are. Well, yeah, I know you're a goblin. i'm not I'm not blind. But you're you're alive. What are you doing down here? Oh, that's actually a very good question. Well, you see, ah
slom I don't think. Oh, she isn't quite five feet tall. And she was she's the ghost of a moon elf, which in um Forgotten Realms, it's the high elf. No, wait, moon. el Yeah, moon elves are high elves, I think. Oh, OK. They just call them something different in the Forgotten Realms. Do they look like drow sense? No, they're the there's high elf. High elf is moon elf. And then what elf I believe is still what elf? And then there's drow. What is Aladdin?
The lodgering is a whole different thing all to itself. Ah, OK. Yeah.
I will try to give Slurm that look of like not too much information. Well, OK, Slurm is going to look at you and he's going to nod real and a wink very obviously. And it's like, you know, it's like, yeah. Is is something wrong with your eye?
He's he's then going to going to me like it like but Like he's gonna have a rap with the ghost for a second. Yeah, I like big Yeah, listen up. I'm gonna ask you some questions and I need some answers and then he's gonna look back over to danger noodle do another obvious wink and a thumbs up And she's like, okay Where are they? Well well Where who? She she seems rather confused. Where's who? Robby Patty Seeker Formula. Oh, here's her description. Noomi isn't quite five feet tall. So probably four foot 11. She has frizzy blue hair and pale skin shot through with blue veins. And also she's translucent. um She's there. Yeah.
Does she carry any like wounds that like might have mortally wounded her that carries over the past life or anything? You don't see any wounds. Okay. Yeah, you don't see any wounds on her, any obvious wounds. And I know I'm asking like a lot of like minute detail questions. No, it's okay. In D&D, when you die, do you, are you the age that you died in or do you revert to like,
what people consider a christianity where you you're spear i was like say crime you So I've always seen ghosts as kind of like um if you died a horrible death Or if you are a sort of, um what do you call it, a restless spirit or something, you probably look the way you did when you died. If you died happy death you know a natural death or ah a you know ah ah happy death, you would look as kind of like your vision of yourself, so probably your younger self. um ah But when you go into angry mode, you could certainly shift into scary ghost, dead-looking person mode.
you know It's kind of like the ghost's perception of themself. Okay. And and the the the the restless spirits and stuff, they they tend to have a bad perception of themself, so... Unless they're a creepy child, then they just look like a creepy child. You never trust a child's good. And no, never. No, that those... those all ah exercise all of them. She transforms into a child, no. Fuck! Yeah!
and Spirit Lady. I never read her plan, so I don't know. No, she said, who are you looking for? Because that was the last thing you said. This is Umi, by the way. Your name is Umi, right? The name says Umi's

Bargaining for Guidance

room. Numi. Numi. This is Numi, by the way. And all the dust up at the top of this tomb was all kicked away. There's no plants. There's nothing in the way.
So that means people have been coming down here. Where are they even going? new Numinia calendros is my full name, but my friends call me Numi. I've been cleaning the tomb. Thank you very much. i I'm glad you noticed the plants. are swept There's no weeds and stuff. you know that they they these I don't know who's in charge of these other tombs out there, but they do a terrible job.
Um, somebody, uh, might've left some dust on your, uh, porch and some dead bodies. She, like her eyes widen and she's like, Oh God, no, I've got to go clean that up. And she starts to head that way.
I'm not going to stop her. Okay. i'm not like Wait. Oh, wait. I'm going to, I'm going to shout after. Is there ah is is there anything else this place? yeah I i finally record all the names. Oh, OK. You follow her upstairs? Yes. OK. Did they share the same family name as her? or Apparently not. They're Dalandar. She's Kalindros. Let me double check that. She's not a Dalandar, is she? No. Can you copy and paste the names and I'll just copy them somewhere?
ah up
Tomb of Dalindar and Noomi, the ghost. what What the hell did I call it? Numenia? I made that name up, by the way. Nice. It's cute.
um I figured her real name probably isn't Noomi. She's got to have some elvish BS name. um Like in Bulgegate 3, where if you play a half elf or an elf, you
Yeah, you what? like you You have your elf name when you're talking to the the mirror down in the alchemy on the alchemy layer. And he's like, I don't know your name. You're not my master. And then. Spoon, you know, decides to fuck shit up.
I actually never did never found my way down there in my my first playthrough. I know. You were too busy just being a flat-out evil bitch. Yeah, and I haven't played an elf since, so... um Or at least not far enough to that point. Okay, so... Abronok, you follow the ghost up into the other room, and she is struggling to um lift the bodies and clean up the blood and stuff, and she's she's trying to get the bodies back outside.
I'd be like, can I help you? yeah yeah Yes, please, please. These bodies, are they're they're really messing up the place. Just just toss them out out there um beyond the the fence line. And she floats over here. I help her. OK. You're doing that for a while. yeah um While we switch back, you are welcome to chit chat with her.
um You know, so we'll switch. Well, yeah, sure. You can we we can do a brief chat and then we'll switch back over and let them do stuff. Well, let let them do stuff and then brief chat. afterwards All right. So Slurm and Danger Noodle and NPCs who remain silent unless spoken to are still in this this tomb thing. um If you had schizophrenia, that'd be great, because that way you could play all these characters flawlessly at once. Yeah, you know, sadly, I don't.
but Stop picking your pills, Ron. But can I do an investigation on just the whole tomb itself? Because <unk> I'm not fully buying neat freak ghosts. i what was the What was the other name of the family names that were going on? If they don't i have first names. The other tombs. The tombs in here are ah of the Dalindar family.
Rolled a 20 didn't give me a list of all it didn't give me a list of all their names I could certainly chat GPT you some names if you want. No, that's fine. I'll never knew actually I'll just invent them yeah, so um You give me this you you do this investigation um of the this this room in general um Yeah, these appear to be tombs of dead people and the ghost appears to be an empty one um ah that There is literally nothing in there um because she's a ghost and it's difficult to know. You know what? Trinket rule. Why would I say there's nothing in there? Well, the ghost might own some trinkets because so like ghosts, ghosts love trinkets, don't they? I don't know. This ghost does. I guess it depends on the ghost. Let's see what trinkets this ghost gets. ah

Exploring Tomb Trinkets

What at what species were they?
Human elf elf. They're all okay. Um the dalindar's let me double check They I don't believe they are elves actually. Oh shit Why is there why is there enough in their team then? It's a it's a it's a different handout. I've got a I gotta go back a chapter I think yes, um
Oh, yes, yes, every night. Tell me all about every night. There's the vampire lady. um
they Yeah, they were just a human family. OK. um the uh what what was I doing oh some random trinkets yeah you find um a rusted lantern um and a uh a stained glass uh mirror hmm okay
Nice. yeah Can I? You you misspelled Dalindar, Hayden. I gave you the word. No, you did not. It's in the chat right there. Oh, god damn it. Is that the... Try to type?
Okay, so... ah Oh, Storm, your investigation. Yeah, no, this appears to be a tomb. There are two doors you know leading out of this tomb over here.
And over here. Oh, I didn't know there were doors. Yeah, those are doors. um And then, of course, the stairway up and you find those two trinkets in there. Do you do you take the trinkets? No, I'm going to leave I'm going to leave her her trin her trinkets because it just feels it just feels a bit weird to grave rob somebody I know. Yeah, with yeah with his like, you know, I've slurm has has robbed graves before, but it's never been somebody he, you know, met. Yeah.
And I assume there's like no hidden door behind this. Not with that. Nope. He rolled 22 and found nothing of interest. Um, Abernok, you and Numi have moved, um, two of the bodies so far. I like how Amber has moved the bodies into a corner inside.
And now he's helping undo everything that he just did. Do you speak to this ghost at all? Yes. um Why are we in this tomb again? I forgot. You guys are trying to find... I'm trying to get back. Yeah, you're trying to find... supposedly there is a rift back to the material plane here. Gotcha.
um So a Ghost Lady, um I didn't catch your name, I'm sorry. Oh, it's Noomi. Noomi. Sorry about that. um So I heard tell of there being something like a rift in this tomb. Is that a thing? Um, let me double check. I think I know her answer.
ah I just saw it. Oh, yeah. It's called a crevice of dusk, technically. That's the fancy name. ah Crevice of dust. I don't know anything about any, any I mean, oh, not dust, dusk with a K. Whoops. I don't know about any dusky crevices, i you know but I remember there's some like,
These weird puzzle buttons deeper in the tomb, I don't know how they work. They might lead somewhere special, maybe if there was a fancy crevice behind the behind you know the ah the puzzle buttons. I think they opened the door in the room or something. um I don't really leave the the main hallway anymore. The Dallandars buried ah deeper down aren't resting right. And I just, yeah, they so they kind of scare me. Haven't been that way and in in years.
Well, I appreciate you letting us know that. um Could you, by chance, be a guide of sorts for us through the tomb? We promise to protect you. um Persuasion. All right.
ah Hold on. I don't have my character, Shioka. Can't open this page. Refresh. Yeah, it just... I think Windows crashed. Nope, okay. It just did something weird. Alright, cool.
um so So... Persuasion... um Persuasion. That's with a plus eight, so... um I'd really rather not. they they They're scary down there. Last time I was down there, one of them screamed and chased me. Roll 20 crashed again.
He rolled an 11. Imagine a ghost being afraid of another ghost. yeah well But you get the shit out of me. By chance, is there anything that you might need? I mean, i'm I'm helping you clean your tomb as it stands. Is there anything else you might need that we could use to persuade you to help us?
oh um i might might I interest you with... Hold on, I gotta pull my character sheet back up. Um, this, this wrapper, hold on, Frank's random loot, this, this sandwich wrapper from uncle Vitalio's infernal eatery. Well, even better. I have this black lace veil that I think would look just divine on you and or your entombed body. Well, I think the veil would probably just fall through me. Um, do you have any books? It's it's.
I could I could I'd love to read a book. I know. I don't think I've got a book. ah Oh, no, I do have a book. It's ah hold on. And he opens up his chest and rummages around and pulls out a red leather bound book entitled The Rights of the Dread God Bane. Jesus in Christ, Frank. Got to love random loot generator.
She's like, ooh, it's been so long since I've read something. It's it's really boring down here. Can I have it? i'll i'll Yeah, I'll be your guide if I can have it. um I don't know if there's any significance to this. But I mean, if I have this book, others might have more interesting books down below. And Loot Generator. Oh, OK. We should go ask them. OK, you guys, you guys told us the last two bodies out. Yeah, you told us the last two bodies out. OK. Ron, out of curiosity, can a ghost become a lich?
Theoretically, a ghost could... um I mean, there he using shop there's nothing stopping a ghost from getting a character class and then leveling up high enough to gain the power to possibly resurrect itself. Because, I mean, all the phylactery is is the story is the story of its soul and usually some bits of the of what remained of the body, so... I mean, we know where she's buried. Are you trying to make her the Lich now?
Well, you know, I had a random generated book, OK? Yeah, you don't see a. You're rolling insight. Is she actually Benica? It's a Vecna. but Yeah. We'll roll insights. You didn't roll anything. um But but, hey, you need a natural roll a one. Oh, shit. You roll a one that. Sorry, Ben, it shows up and we're all dead.
A six. My God. How the fuck did you do that? I mean, you're used. You don't know. I mean, the thought crosses your mind, but you don't imagine you would encounter Vecna in this random tomb since you saw visions of them in a strange otherworldly plane that doesn't look like the shadow fail performing a ritual. Frank's back. Welcome back, Frank. ah My role 20 keeps crashing. I don't understand what's going on.
Weird. And she's like, OK, well, let's go see what they've got. And then she she faces underground and just like pops through the ceiling here. And then she's like, I hear you guys might have books. Exactly. Those are her exact words. yeah So inside my lamp. I i have a it's basically my house. I would have some books. I want to have like a huge library, but I would have like an assortment of books, I would imagine.
Okay a slurm probably might have some uh, You know some manuals and maybe a cookbook He probably has a cookie have those on him and a lot of blueprints. He probably has You know, yeah, i I probably have I would probably have a manual or two about the armor Probably the gun and maybe some schematics directly on if I didn't keep it all up

Danger Noodle and Book Collection Humor

So I don't know if you want to roll or just give me random loot generator and books just like I don't know like six books I'm doing it Six ten boots. I don't know How many ever her I would keep in a 20 by 20 foot cube my god chat GPT why are you generating so slowly?
Okay, how dare you be so slow I That's that's three. It's giving me descriptions of the books, too, apparently. Oh, my goodness. Are they author? Are they signed by the author collector's edition first prints? Yes. So here we go.
yeah With little little little notes, see that right there. that right there okay let me get rid of these descriptions okay i'll just read them out you've got the coils of ecstasy embracing the serpent's passion oh my god venomous desires the secrets of serpentine sensuality okay this is hayden's character the slither can you chat tv did know you too well hayden can you copy and paste these yeah please and thank you
I'm going to put them in Discord because it's going to look terrible if I drop them into the the little chat. ah There you go. The other book is for everyone. Is Danger Noodle even, you know, ah a a a horny snake? He is. um The Slither of Silk, A Yantee's Guide to Exotic Pleasures, The Serpent's Embrace, Tales of Forbidden Love and Lust, and The Dance of the Cobra, Mastering the Arts of Intimate Combat.
Why am I so limpy? Because why does this? yeah Why does this build like a mu like a mom and no, I'm no better than the average woman in America. Always reading these. Oh, yeah. These are smart. These are s smart books. Wait, then where's. But these the these are making their informationals. Hold on. Hold on. No, no, not my lu people lusty. Lusty. Lusty Aragonian. Yeah. Thank you. The lusty you want to. You're not a lizard person.
I'm a snake person same almost because the lusty you want teammate now, here's your non-smart book Yes, I have one non-smile. Serpents of the Forgotten Realms, a comprehensive guide to Yuan-ti history and culture. It's it's still like about a whole lot of things, though. It's the word vomit title, too? Oh, it's perfect. Oh, my God, there are full fucking synopses of these books. Oh, my God, I've got to read these. I've got to read these before I go to bed. I don't care how tired I am. I mean, you could just have have it write the entire book for you if you wanted, but
wow It would take a few several posts, but it could do it probably. It would it would do it and it would probably be very repetitive um anyway. ah See, you don't have to worry about A.I. because it doesn't know how to have an actual story. It's just very repetitive. um Yeah, she pops in and says, I hear you guys have books. Or might have books.
Well, that's Frank Kent. Frank died. Oh, OK.
What? He's gone. Yeah, let's be back. It's like Marco Polo here. All right. All right. Go Phoebe Poe. So so what do you guys do? He he pop. She pops in.
yeah ah
Well, well, you know, do you get you got books? Oh. I just got a book. You. I think it would be best. do Would you like to come look at them here? Frank, do you need do you need to switch to like your cell phone for the Internet or something? It's not the Internet dropping in and out. It's random things are just crashing. Let me restart my computer. I'll do that. He'll be back. ah Would you like to come look at my books? Where are they?
So I am a genie pact. I have a lamp that I can go into. Well, I'm not going into any lamps. Oh, is it because you think you're getting trapped in there? i I knew a ghost who did once. Yeah, it was. Yeah. Well, I yeah, and I'm not supposed to leave. What do you mean by that? Well, technically, that's that's another plane. I work here.
Oh, so you don't have vacation time? You don't have PTO right now? Well, the problem is they paid up front for like six six lifetimes and I'm on number three. So yeah, i've I've got a little time to go. oh again so i didn't I didn't really think about the fact that I'm an elf and my lifetime's a lot longer than theirs.
OK, well, I guess but I was paid. I was paid when whenever I finally get out of here. You know, I'm going to be a rich ghost.
So when I. I pop in, pop out real quick. And I hand her, I show her this book, I don't hand it to her, but I show her this.
ah You want these guys to exotic pleasures. She um looks at him like, oh, yes, that looks way more interesting than the one that the robot man had. Well, this one is a little bit of a naughty book. So. She said three hours times. Her ghost cheeks cheeks blush and Sue says, I don't mind.
she holds a real She holds it real ah real close to her and like does this weird creepy ah like giggle laugh, where it's like, I'm a fucking pervert.

Guided to Puzzle Room

ah yeah handed order So in order to hold it, she has to make her hands um you know solid, which takes a second, but then she takes it and carries it over to her her little um her hurt her little room here and and puts it in.
Well, thanks. So um the robot man said that, or a woman? is it The robot said that... um It has male programming. He said that I should be that... um Well, I agreed. If you gave me a good book, I'd be your guide to the tomb. So I guess we can go through the scary door. I can take you to the button room if you want. Button room? So yeah, there's... are there What's your question? Are there any like... portals in here? Are you talking about the weird dusty thing? The crevice?
Perhaps. Let's let's check that out last. Well, the robot asked me about that, too, and I don't know anything about that, but I do know there's a weird room with some puzzles, some button but but puzzle buttons um deeper in the tomb, and I assume they lead to somewhere special, but they're kind of hard to press. And for me anyway, and I honestly, I haven't tried. But I can't go through the door like that's understandable.
the the The door blocks me. All right, well, let's go to that room next. yes Oh, OK. Then let's go this way. And she she does pause. She's like, are you sure it's right over there? And she points to the other door.
Insight that. 18. Wait, is that the room? Actually, no, that's not the room. um Why not? Oh, okay. That's not the room. I thought it was because of what the map said. um Ignore that. She never said that. yeah She said, well, either door um um say works. ah this This door over here... God, it's been so long. I haven't left this this room in at least a lifetime. I can't...
she She struggles from it. I don't remember. One door has the angry spirits, and the other door is the vault. But I don't remember which one is which.
That's helpful. So dealer's choice? Sounds like a plan to me. Top or bottom? Which one? Top or bottom? Yep. Which one? Oh, she never said it. OK, she doesn't. She doesn't know. Let's do that. Let's do the top because I'm feeling like the bottom. Of course, you bought the bottom. frame Of course, you bought the bottom. Hayden, you were perfect together. Yes, I chose top tonight and you chose bottom. Well, you're once you read the exotic pleasures of a you want.
ah top Top door, okay. yeah but So the door I do believe is is unlocked. um Yeah, I don't think this, yeah. um The door is unlocked. So um let me read it before.

Battle with a Necromorph-like Creature

ah So you guys open the door.
And two stone coffins in this room have been broken open, littering the floor with rubble and dust. A creature with too many arms and spikes in place of hands taps at the room's walls. though It should actually be against a wall tapping. Like what type of tapping like?
Hold on. And as soon as you open the door and your light streams through, it turns in your direction. Let's out a horrific shriek. I mean, I'm just saying that, but it's a ghost thing. It might actually have a shriek attack. Nope, it doesn't. Okay. Just making sure. You know what? Fuck it. It does, actually. I just noticed. And who opened the door? Slurm. You're going to have to make a... No!
I'm pretty sure it's going to be, where is it, say, a wisdom saving throw. Fuck, why wisdom? Some sort of fancy dancy thing that makes you use strength. No, that was ah Eric's character. Never mind. Yeah, that's not for and that's not for wisdom rolls.
All right. Can I guide myself? Well, you can't use guidance as a reaction, so now... Nine. It was a low difficulty, too. Ah, okay. but You hear a... Hello enough that I made it? So, within that shriek, you hear a discordant melody that only you can hear, racking your brain with terrible pain. um That's a failed save, so you take...
some damage, 3d, wow, live five whole psychic damage and must immediately use your reaction to move as far as your speed allows you away from the creature. Okay, like immediately right now? Yes. So I guess we all roll initiative? And then yes, we all roll initiative.
All right. Looks like I have a son and a ghost in my way, which I don't think that either one of those will stop me. So I'm going to run straight back right to here. And as he as he opens the door, he goes and ter just turns around and runs. We startled. Thankfully, I already had I thankfully I still had temporary HP from.
Did you just go silent? Who me? Okay, no your I think your last word cut off. um Ghost girl. I have so many initiatives to roll. Luckily, it's all on your side. Well, most of it, you know. Was that the ghost? Yeah. All right, she's on the she's on GM Whisper, because it just defaults that. Then we got Dennis. And then we got the mage guy.
but done All right, everyone else rolled? and Yes. Yeah. All right, descending. Oh, ghost girl is first, wow. um She says, oh God, that's what I was talking about. um And then she ah phases into the wall. How did she forget that's where she saw the ghost and she's so terrified of you, dumb. Next up is a creature who screamed at you.
um It ah is going to accidentally close its character sheet. Close its character sheet. That means it's dead. No. The creature now comes how speed is 30 feet, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25. And of course, Slurm, you are directly in front of it. 30. Oh, it can't reach you.
Does it have reach or something weird? Nope. It does not have reach, so you're lucky there.
But you know what? It shrieks at you again. Make a wisdom saving throw. Shit! Ryan! Why are you doing this to me? All this wisdom!
15 this time. So you succeed. It is a different spell this time. um Let me make sure you don't take half damage. You do take half. So the creature physically lashes out. Why don't you take more damage? um Oh, wait, wait, no. Well, you already passed. It was an intelligence save for this one. um on a so So it psychically lashes you. ah And you will take half damage from this.
Nine psychic damage, so half of that would be four. Four psychic damage from that. um No other side effects. as a great Actually really grateful night now that I had temporary HP. As if your wife mind whips you. Oh. That's the name of the spell Tasha's mind whip. Oh, now I get it. It took me a second. um Yeah.
Is Vendetta in here? they gradetta's mine du and he yeah no Vendetta's mind whip is much different. Oh, dear God. Now it is Mage Guy's turn. He says, oh, what the fuck is that? And he's going to cast... Oh, we're calling him Mage Guy. He's technically more of Cleric Guy. He casts Guiding Bolt. Fuck, yeah, he does.
So he will cast it at, he's freaked out. He's casting it at a third level, his max.
ah So that's, oh, it's an attack roll. Well, that's probably not going to hit. What is this thing I see? It doesn't hit. um Does Guiding Bolt deal half damage?
Oh, no, it's an attack roll, so it just misses. Well, he shoots a powerful Guiding Bolt at it because he used a third level spell slot and misses. Missed out on 22 radiant damage, that's fine. Yep.
Just checking. Okay, yeah. And I guess that's his turn. um Let me see.
In the other room, you hear another screech, a non-magical screech, and the sound of a stone, something stone hitting the ground.
And then... That's not the button. I need it. That's not the button. I need it go away all your buttons. I need this button No, where's the button I need that one? Okay Yeah, you heard another screech and um a muffled screech and then the sound of something large and heavy hitting the ground Danger noodle you're up but because me know So is this a ghoul or is this a ghost this is a
ah physical creature um of the undead variety well no it's not of the undead variety interesting um i mean it looks undead to you but uh accidental gm reveal it's not undead um it is a creature with too many arms and spikes in place of hands uh let me see if it give nope it didn't give me a oh god it's a necromorph it's this uh show to everyone oh what the fuck is that That's the damn thing from... Oh, god. Dead Space. That is a Necromorph. Dead Space. Yeah. Oh, god. Are we dealing with a... Are we dealing with a Necromorph? Shit! Dealing with some sort of creature. Um... So I assume I don't know what this is off top of my head. You are not familiar with this being. Okay. Um, no.
Okay, so I do what I do best, and I have 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 away from that thing, and then Elder Blast that hoe three times. Alrighty. Does a 17 hit? Hold on, I i minimized its sheet by accident ah while I was trying to... It does hit, yes. Okay. For...
18 points of damage and it takes four points. Well, 18 damage, four of those are fire. So i don't know where correct I don't know if the fire affects it differently. It doesn't appear to like extra burst into flames. No. Okay. Second Eldritch Blast is a 19. That is a hit. Okay, so it's a 9. What? Oh, okay. That's lame.
Is it nine? yeah Is that if it was a crit? Yeah, ah okay. yeah Minus nine. Well, you got the higher number. And then the other 14. All right. You blast this thing, you triple blast it, um and it's still standing. How much does it look from that?
Medium damaged and guess what? I heard on the drunks and dragons slash geek What the hell do they call their thing now greetings adventures? Um that the new edition of fifth edition, which is not this I haven't heard on any of the youtube things but they got early copies of the player's handbook Is bringing back bloodied? I don't know what rules it'll follow but bloodied from fourth edition was always fun. Uh Amber knock you're up Yeah clear across the room um
I throw a spell at it. Okay. 60 feet. ah It looks kind of dead-ish. It looks kind of dried out, right? Yeah. Okay. um I cast Scorching Ray. Thank God, I thought you were going to cast Firewall. 25, that's a hit.
Sorry. You're good. Nice. Oh, that's right. It's three. It's three, yeah. So 19 fire damage. Yeah, this thing is looking um bloodied.
yeah ah Yeah, it's it's screeching in anger. Slur, well, do you do anything else? ah No, i' I'm just gonna sit where I'm at. Okay, Slurm.
The creature that has screamed at you and psychically lashed at you is standing before you. You are no longer afraid of it. I believe that's a one-turn spell. Did something like this happen to you? Oh yeah, you you got stared at menacingly. Yeah, it's just a one-turn one turn effect. Everything that makes me roll a wisdom save knows that I suck at... Every fucking thing. Well, you know what?
Slurm has about had it with all of these goddamn undead always coming after him. My plane rolls. I've had it with these goddamn zombies on this goddamn plane because. her um Yeah. Took me a second to realize. Anyway, they'll use that same word.
Sir Sir's fucking reach reaching on ah into the back holster where he keeps the shotgun He grabs it by the handle brings it forward that bitch Ten force damage ten force damage to the face it is minus ten All right now that All right shell has been yeah my shell has been marked mm-hmm and then I
Oh wait, he knows him and needs to make a a DC 13 strength saver be knocked off i yeah back 10 feet. That is a 14 actually, so he he withstands his ground. He's looking pretty pretty ragged though.
ah Firing that takes an action. I was really i was kind i was kind of overall on the fall down factor there, but
You good? Dennis is up. Dennis is possibly gonna steal kill again as he tends to do. He misty steps over to the creature. Gonna stab it twice with his spear. First hit hits.
but twenty five for enough to kill it. um Yeah. That is the manifest kill stealing faster. Combat's not over though. Numi pops out of the wall over here and she's like, there's another one in the other room and then she pops back into hiding. ah Damn it.
That one's dead. um so the The thing opens the door and then Slurm's right there, gets another blast in the face. No, no, he somehow has but has is also, I guess, thought zombie and has action surge and then he screams at me. So he stares at me menacingly and screams at me weirdly and fuck. So I'm going to make that character. Mr. Eldon moves over to the side and readies an action to fire a guiding bolt if another monster pops into the room. Oh, fuck, I am right next to the door.
ah Okay, other monsters turn. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Another monster appears and it is within melee range of Mr. Dennis. um So this one stabs at Dennis with its arm spike.
Oh honey, that's a 15. Dennis, what's your AC? Dennis' is AC is 18, so it fails. um It's got multi attacks, so it stabs like again for a 12, so that's another fail for the monster thing. So Dennis is fine. um And that's the monster thing's turn. Danger Noodle, you're back up.
Whee! Okay, so I see that thing and I just do what I do best and I start blasting it. Blast it away. 14 does that hit? 14 does not hit. 16 does that hit. 16 does hit. God damn. 17. Damn. Well, it's 20 damage. It's the first time that I hit it. Oh, okay. That'd be 21, by the way. Sorry.
That 13 does not hit. Does not hit, no. Damn. Not quite as effective as the first round. Is that all you're doing?
Um... Did... for did... did Ambernock not move? No, Ambernock stayed in the stairway and just shot a spell. Okay, then I stay over here and I... chill. I move back five feet. Ambernock!
There is another one of these creatures popped out, and it tried to stab Dennis with its pointy arms, but failed. um Dennis, I want to do acid or duration eight hours. That's interesting. I will tell you all just so you know, because I know it's 10 o'clock for you guys, we can finish this dungeon pretty quickly.
um yeah So yeah, if y'all want to keep going, um it's very small. I'll just do Scorching Ray again. Okay, that hits. If you've been paying attention, you now know the creature's AC.
I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just throwing a... Fire Bolts the Scorching Ray at of Monster. Alright, it screeches in anger, um but does not die. I moved like 10 feet into the room before I did that. ah It's not looking nearly as ragged as the other one was when your turn was up, Slurm. It was almost dead when your turn was up. This one's, you know, not there because Hayden didn't deal massive damage his turn.
Sorry guys. Sperm is going to charge. Oh, I forgot. Elden was going to blast it with a guiding bolt the moment it stepped in the room. So he pops that off real quick. Let's see if it hits. He's just doing a level one. No, it's another miss. Wow. Good job, Elden. Dude, you are about as reliable as Shadowhawk to hit. Holy fuck. Okay, yeah, your turn.
ah yeah Okay, Slurm slicks a shotgun back over his shoulder. reaches Why is Shadowheart so bad at hitting? I don't fucking know. I fucking because they they made. They they programmed it dumbly. matt Here, I'll move this guy for you. We'll just throw him over here.
Thank you. But yeah, Slurm is going to run is going to run at this thing. He's going to reach the blade to the energy sword on his side, which is going to come out in a very, very recognizable sound. OK. No copyright infringement. No. And he's going to take a swing. Don't laugh when that when it comes up.
15 hits you So damage on that one for the thunder damage Does it have an extra effect on a crate it does it does ah no on a on a creature hit by hit by these as Disadvantaged on attack rolls against creatures other than you until the start of my next turn. Okay, good to know and so so but ah You know, I've got multi attacks, so I'm going to make another swing on it again. All right.
20. That is a unnatural 20. That's going to hit. For another six thunder damage. It's looking about exactly as ragged as it did at the start of your last turn when you attacked the other creature. Slurm's going to turn his blade to me. other to a Yeah. yeah So I'm just going to kind of sloppily turn his blade to to a slightly more defensive stance, and he's yeah that's his turn. All right, Dennis. Dennis is going to stab with his spear twice, because that's what he does.
Good job, Dennis. We're proud of you. That's a miss watching you know and hit. Dirty 20. That hit is a dirty 20. Ooh, and the vines burst for once. 15, the creature's not dead. So for the first time, this um campaign, Dennis vines burst on a creature that actually has to make the saving throw. um and rolls of sixteen so It So it's... ah It will work, Dennis. You don't worry about a thing. It'll work. I feel like it should have to do that on its turn, though. It doesn't say in the description. Yeah, he breaks the vines. Noomi the ghost.
You can't see her, but she's going to reach through the wall right behind the creature and try and withering touch it. bo Rolls a nat one. We need our shit back, y'all, because we could have a ghost member of the crew. She rolls a nat one, pops her head out, says, sorry, guys, and ro pops back in. Pops back out, not very good at fighting. Pops back in. Okay, mage guy. It's time. It's your moment to shine. Can you hit this creature with a friggin' guiding bolt at second level?
uh boom please please holy fuck this guy just keeps on failing um is does he have like a bonus action spell here what is this this is he doesn't okay he's a plus five that means that he has not rolled above a 10 he rolls like me Yeah, he's he's not rolling great. um The monsters turn. ah So it's not actually compelled to attack you. No, it just has disadvantage to attack anyone but me. One is you, two is Dennis. Okay, it attacks you.
on tries to stab you with its spike. Does a nine hit? No, I would assume not. No. um It attacks again. A 14 does not hit. um Good thing it didn't have advantage, because that was an event that was would have been a crit. um And yeah, that's its turn. Danger Noodle. This thing is looking like it's barely standing.
I wonder. I wonder. I could kill it. Or we could subdue it.
For what? ah Tying it up and finding an alchemy jar making it eat only mayonnaise for the rest of his existence. Why the fuck? Because it has been naughty and needs to be punished.
Oh my. It is a restless spirit. So it's kind of a entire existence is punished. Oh, well, okay. Well, the DM revealed that I'm just going to murder it attempt to murder it. I think it has to be alive tumor damage that kills it.
that sends it back into its piece. To speed things up, I will go ahead and copy paste their loot. The first one that you killed has some loot. The second one is basically just naked. um Here is the loot of the first one.
Do your thing, Frank.
and Numi pops back into the room. It's like, wow, that that was scary. um She looks over there. Well, there's there's nothing else in here. ah I guess that was the room with the bad guys. So this is the room to the vault.
good Can Slurm take a look at the whispering? Wait. ah
and Danger noodle did found found the stuff, right? I'm the stuff which stuff the it's just what was on the things body. Yeah, know that's just when we searched them. Okay? And I'm just gonna go I'm gonna ask the whispering skull small enough ah small enough to fit in the pot In the palm of his hand. Is that what you said? Yeah, and no in a pocket oh in your pot. It does fit in your pocket Yes, but a slur is gonna ask danger noodle to see that
See the shark. I imagine you are closer to the body and probably found it first, so. Oh, this rings scold is small enough to fit. Oh, OK. Sorry. Yes. I'm going to hold that up to my ear. Can I hear what it's saying? It is unintelligible whispers. It's just that creepy background whispering. Oh, oh, oh.
We can do something with this.
I had this. Thank you, Frank, for giving me that. Who are you asking? No worries. Just the general group of people around. Yeah, I was like, I don't want it. Unless anybody specifically wants it. No. I have no desire. I mean, if you don't want it, I will attempt to sell it. I like the knickknacks.
i yeah I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt y'all. Carry on. Do we go into the vault for the coinage? For the stuff? Real quick, did we look in the at the room that the these guys... No, they kind of just... You can go into the room. Yeah. yeah ah Yeah, actually, i I am curious, because I was already open air anyway. Two stone coffins in the room, both with the lids basically shattered off of them um littering the floor with rubble and dust. um

Discovering Dalindar Siblings' Nameplates

And you are welcome to give me an investigation check of the room. Oh, oh, oh, yeah, no, that's this is on an investigation check. Yeah. OK. Please let through 14.
Five. With your 14 you managed to find, there's not much in here, but within the rubble you find two silver nameplates. One of them says Nolan Dalindar, beloved brother, and the other reads Ivisha Dalindar, beloved sister. You, being a goblin and merchant, estimate that each silver plate is worth 75 gold pieces.
Also, sure, Danger Noodle found the same things. Okay. Yeah, that's the treasure of that room. Wait, Dalindar. Dalindar is the name of this tomb. Right. Oh, okay. Sorry. I was trying to remember the name of the ghost and I was like, Oh, so they do have names. These two do. Yeah. Oh, there's more of them. Okay.
This room that you're the first room you're in has a bunch of names. These two rooms Just had two cut two big coffins in it. Two fancy coffins that apparently turned into crazy monster things All right, oh your orb is putting off some weird rays it's interesting yeah, uh in that case uh having i'll go ahead and actually take the uh Sernal tow ahead and take the name plates. I guess the golden name plates OK. There's silver, but OK. Oh, yeah, sorry. Yeah, sorry. My bad. So two silver name plates were 70. Yeah. These are siblings and they're buried in the same room. Yep. Auspicious.
um Also in this room is a staircase leading down with a door at the end. Oh, shit. Over. Over here. We just call it there because I really got to go to Russia.
Yeah, I mean, that's that's up to you. We started light.
ah OK, all right. Well, that's another game of. Yeah. All right. I guess if we're calling it, yep. Frank, find yourself out. I was Frank. I am no longer that person. um I was playing ah Amber Nock. I had a great time. ah Please visit us on Sundays and other possible days on the Twitch stream ah for some video game fun in the mornings. I don't know what time, just in the mornings. And yeah, ah find me on social media if you look hard enough. All right, bye.
Hi, and I was your Dungeon Master Ron. um we We do stream most Tuesdays. I also have started streaming various Pokemon games on Friday mornings, although it will not be this Friday because I swapped my off day to go to a thing. um And so I will be working Friday instead. um And ah Bill.
Hi, everybody. I was Bill. I was Slurm, our goblin artificer. Got a little confused at a couple of points because I was getting so excited and I wasn't paying attention. I love the i love the little... I love playing, getting play with all of the different options that I'm supposed to be good and not good at. It's so much fun. like To get that sequential fail is so perfect sometimes. it's like It just really lets you show that, yeah,
Anyway, so I was Bill, I was your goblin artificer. I love, I love you. I hope everybody has a great night. And Hayden. Hey, it was a fun game. Got to murder some things. And I didn't get to steal any bodies this game. How, how lame? Lame. I mean, you've got two necromorphs right there. Didn't they just like disappear or just separate?
They just died. I mean, did their their bodies are still there. That's how you got the loot off of them. Oh, well, then I'm stealing your bodies. Of course you are. I need to kick out the living people in my... Yeah, you do have like another, at least one other person trapped in there. I forget how many. um i have the two By the way, I am piling up your bodies on the title screen.
um I don't know if you've noticed that when we're on the title screen, but there is a bunch of just so bodies and then two living people on that screen. All right, the bodies go in your genie thing. Am I getting text messages?

Listener Engagement and Podcast Information

Yeah. hey ah Frank was reminding us to make sure we write down the names and stuff that we got those, and I was like, I already got them. Oh, you wrote them down too? Yeah.
Yeah. And just a reminder to anybody who's listening, um we do have an email. If you ever want to like send us any thoughts or whatever you want, um it's idmroleplay at gmail And we also have This twitch stream is also a podcast idm roleplay on your favorite podcast apps and the twitch stream Will be up probably tomorrow if I get it done if I you know get it uploaded tonight Um, and if not, it'll definitely be up by the next day.

Yuan-ti Books and Outro

Um And also randomly I release our older episodes whenever I have time to get them edited Thanks everybody and have a good night
from personal libraries of Ha-shu Sleatherinyo. Book 1. The Coils of Ecstasy, Embracing the Serpent's Passion. This leather-bound tome is filled with detailed accounts of the Yuan-ti's ancient rituals of seduction and the art of coiling one's partner into a state of bliss. Illustrated with intricate serpentine designs, the book serves as both a guide and a historical record of the most alluring practices passed down through the generations.
Book two, venomous desires, the secrets of serpentine sensuality, a slim, gilded volume that delves in the potent into the potent allure of venom in yuan-ti culture, exploring how it can be used to heighten pleasure or deepen connections between lovers. The text is accompanied by lush, evocative poetry and practical advice on using one's natural abilities to enhance intimate encounters. Book three,
The Slither of Silk, A Yuan Tea's Guide to Exotic Pleasures. Bound in deep green silk, this book is a comprehensive guide to the finer pleasures in life, from the softest fabrics to the most exquisite scents. It includes detailed chapters on creating the perfect atmosphere for seduction, as well as tips on using one's natural grace and charm to captivate and ensnare. Book Four.
The serpents embrace tales of forbidden love and lust. A collection of short stories and myths revolving around the passionate, often taboo love affairs between Yuan, Ti, and other races. Each tale is more scandalous than the last, weaving together themes of power, seduction, and the dangerous allure of the unknown. The book is bound in supple snakeskin, with each page whispering as it turns.
and Book 5, The Dance of the Cobra, mastering the art of intimate combat. This martial arts meets seduction manual is a favorite among Yuan Ti who enjoyed blending combat and intimacy. It describes how to use one's body, particularly the tail, in both battle and in more personal engagements. The text is interspersed with sensual illustrations of Yuan Ti in various poses, highlighting their lethal beauty.
Thanks everyone for listening. The intro and outro songs you heard today was Fox Soul Revolution created by Kevin MacLeod at, licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 license, Creative, licenses by 4.0. The night is over, and have a great day everyone.