Introduction and Show Overview
show. Hey, y'all but better look the fuck out today. My crayons are sharp, the box is full, my bottle of glue is topped off, from my helmet's on tight, baby. We about to risen with the tism. Let's get with it.
Suck my dick and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches. What, baby? That's how you know it's Saturday night.
how you know it's set in all very much i think who we we go anyho I got so much shit going on you know I'm doing the same thing. I got like four things I'm doing.
I'm actually not to upload Wednesday's show, so I'm doing it now. because I'm watching wrestling and I'm watching hockey and I'm getting the show ready. Hey, you know, sometimes as we say, life gets in the way. Yeah.
and Totally got all the lights on back there. It's lot.
Go ahead and brush this out real quick. Anywho, what's going on, everybody?
Engagement and Participation
Welcome to Nonsensical Nonsense right here on the Nonsensical Network. If you're not already, go ahead and give us follow. We are everywhere, and I do mean everywhere.
Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok shows live Monday through Sunday on Facebook, YouTube, and Twitch. Chatters box is always open when we're live. You guys are welcome to be there. Wow.
What's up with you? Oh, is he? All right. I haven't heard anything about that. We'll wait and see. Cool. You know he's always a welcome. Or he knows he's always a lot of or welcome. Goddamn words are heard.
It's Saturday. i know. Get used to it, buddy. We got a lot of talking to do. Yeah. Saturdays. You know, it was crazy. I fucking talk for a living. yeah And then I get onto a show and talk for six hours. Yeah, right.
It's a beautiful voice. yeah where else Yeah, you can also listen to us ah wherever you listen to podcasts at. Oh, at the Nonsensical Network. Or simply go to Nonsensical Network. It's scrolling right down there at the bottom of the screen. and You know the deal. Give us a like. Give us share. And if you're watching this, whether it's live or a replay, drop a like on it.
Drop a comment. Help us out in the algorithms. It's a great way to support us. And it's free. Fuckers. Yeah, it doesn't cost anything. anything Except your dignity. well If you're listening to this, you don't have any of that. So whatever. And we've matured. And we've matured.
and we coach her We have matured as a podcast. We have grown as podcasters. so yeah way Getting older and maturing, two different things.
So we are no longer looked at as hooligans of a podcast. Who the fuck are we talking about? Who's been lying to you? Who is lying to you?
Where's my meth pipe at? I've found it. There it is. It's your meth out. Anyways. Anyways, it is Saturday night, ladies and gentlemen. Every Saturday night, we have the Open Door Challenge.
DJ Funky mustsky Musty Jeff, if you drop that like one time. It is in the chat. Anybody wants to come up. See, have my job. I do it well.
yeah Click the button. Click the button, stupid. So, I so ah i have i have a so story for you, and I think you'll get into it.
But go ahead, finish. Yes. So, all we ask is that you... That's a good place for that to be. Not useful. I'll tell you that right now, but I'll get it eventually. My trash can's on the other side of the room.
I just realized it. Because I was emptying it before the show. Shit. that's I just happened to look over there and it's just chilling. like like I found and it all it. Just throw trash at it all night. Until Nicky comes back here there's shit all over the floor. What the fuck are you doing? doing a podcast.
We're like those those guys. What are those guys that that make all the trick shots and everything? the ah Yeah, it's called... I love those guys. I do too.
And i can't think of their names. Goddamn, sorry guys. I was going to shout them out. Give me a minute and I'll think about it. ah But anyways, anywho.
Yeah, man. I know exactly who you're talking about. i would i would like I was mildly disappointed when I found out that they have to do those like 14 times. to our ah do they they do it Some ah some of them they have to do hundreds of times.
yeah I watched the one where they were... No, no no no not the Globetrotters. The guys on YouTube. They they do trick shots. theyre They do like they do like football. Dude Perfect. Thank you. and du Thank you, MK. MK is on the board with a point. Thank you, MK. The one they were doing, they did the Xbox where there was an xbox or something where they tossed the the disc and win it went in. was like, you know what?
I'm sure that disc doesn't work right now because you've done so many times. But I am impressed.
Trivia and Entertainment Discussions
uh before we get too far into the show shout out to blaze and jeff last night they had their monthly trivia night uh was a lot of fun tony d came up si came back and i was up there with them um action movies awesome i i think i made little couple couple little minor cups we're still ironing out details yeah um nothing too major but it was a fun time it was cool to see uh tony pop up tony said uh
He's going to come back every month and be a mainstay on that. I think Cy's going to be a part said he's in for next month. Next month, you it's going be your downfall, buddy. I'm telling you. I think I'm gonna disappoint a lot of you guys that still smoke every day. Well, you know, i guess i you have you had the bla and I'm give him some because that is my genre I'm going to give you some weird Harry Potter facts. Nikki's into like Harry Potters and the girls are into that stuff. come up like My ex-wife was into that crap when we were married. I've been around it.
yeah so Being around it and being hyper-focused like I am? I'm i'm dangerous. i I know enough to be dangerous. and that could potentially be and I know the last two months have not gone as well as you thought they were going to go because I mean, I'm not one to brag or anything. Oh, shut the fuck up.
One, two, you boys two and oh. You know, however, that the Air America one, that one, I will admit, I had to look at the answer sheet because was like, I know that. I know, fuck.
And I had to look at the answer sheet. I love that movie. Not a bad movie, but very forgettable. And I had forgotten all about that. Right.
And until I saw the answer sheet, I was like, ooh, that's a good pull. Because yeah it's RDJ, so he's still got that kid-style voice. he does Was it RDJ or was it Mel Gibson?
Mel Gibson and RDJ. Okay. Mel Gibson plays the guy that's been in country for a long time, and RDJ is probably in country. i heard you know I heard Mel Gibson, and I knew it was a Mel Gibson movie, and I'm sitting here racking my brain. Right. Like, what movie was he in a plane?
ah nothing None of the legal weapons. like but You know, like, none of the optics, not that. And I'm like, what the fuck movie is? It's one of those movies. Like, it I've seen that movie, I don't know, maybe 40, 50 times. I love that movie.
But even the the clip that he played, I was like, fuck. Yeah, it was... ah Because Dave not sound like himself in that movie. No, it was... Because as of late, we're used to hearing him as Iron Man and and his little bit... Tony Stark. And we're not used to hearing the 80s, 90s R.D. Dave before the method hookers.
But it was one of those nice... It was a nice curveball. Yeah, it was a nice curveball. And, you know, the one movie... I was very disappointed with Tony.
The one Robert Clancy... Yeah. Oh, I don't think he... Yeah, no. Dude, as soon as I heard that, I was like... Oh, yeah. It was like... I was like... i And it shocked me that Tony didn't get it.
Because I was like, fuck, dude. You know, I'm not a big... You know, those the weird movies like that. That's not my go-to. But I love that movie.
Yeah, soon as as soon as i Heard the opening line. I was like, i was like oh, somebody. Screw it up, Tony. Screw it up, Tony. I expected Tony to be like, oh, that's they live.
Riley Viper. The fact that he blanked, I was like, what the fuck? Is that movie not as popular as I thought? no i mean it's ah It's one of those quote-unquote classics.
Agreed. Uh, but, uh, no, shout out to blaze. Cause I know blaze puts together all the questions. Um, I know i got I got stumped early on. i didn't really get stumped. i i wasn't paying attention.
I was playing a game on my phone. And I wasn't paying attention to the Robert Clancy one. And i thought you saw something I thought he said something about a video game. That's why he said Rainbow Six. and well Yeah, the thing is is like that question was it even confused me because I love the the whole series of those you know Patriot games. and But I always assumed that it went Harrison Ford, Harrison Ford, then um Baldwin.
But apparently it went it went Harrison Ford, Baldwin, Harrison Ford. I did not know that. yeah I wasn't a big fan of those movies, I'll be honest. I love a Hunt for Red October. I could watch that movie all the time.
Oh, the transporter one, which I got right. I had to... and Because it was worded really weird. I'm like, yeah wait a minute, wait a minute. i What's going on here?
You know, when i when I saw the answers, because I didn't read the question because of the simple fact. I had the answer sheet, but I didn't look at the answer sheet. But the answers, the the don't open the package thing sticks out like a sore thumb.
yeah I love those movies. Yeah, those are great movies. I love Jason Statham movies. So I wanted to make sure that I was understanding what he was looking for before I... Because I'm like, I know the movie. know the rules.
I know the actor, but what am i going what am I doing here? Am I doing just the ruling? But no, he does a good job, man. And I know he puts all those questions together. That's a lot of questions to put together and by yourself. either goes photos Yeah.
And come up with the questions and Although, i did, and and i and and I want to look at it just make sure. Captain America one kind of threw me for a loop. I had to look.
ah The only an hillll reason that I knew that one was because literally just having a conversation in a Marvel group a couple weeks ago, and I threw out the dad from Good Luck Charlie being and Thor back in the 80s or 90s or whatever, and I said that he was better than Chris Hemsworth.
Some guy's like, I agree. Max Salinger was a much better... Captain America, the Chris Evans. I was like, who the fuck is that guy? He was like, look him up. I was like, oh, yeah, he had the Captain America where he just had the stupid motorcycle helmet on. With fluid on wings. When that question popped up, I was like, well, hello, random conversation on Facebook.
Thursday night, I was sitting in there taking a shit. And he had the natural born killers thing. And I sitting there taking a shit before i went to bed Thursday night. And I watched a 15-minute little mini documentary thing that somebody did on YouTube about the movie. And I was just like, well. Yeah, like random movie effects.
Hello, on random them taking a shit watching TV. The kids and I were watching. We subscribed to this page. and it's It's movie quizzes. but it's like name Name the actor and it shows four movie scenes. yeah and The one, I looked at it and I was like... and then it would be like It showed a picture of or four movies and I didn't get three of them. but One them I knew was seven.
And I was like, well, I don't recognize it. It was fucking Gwyneth Paltrow. And I was like, fuck, I forgot she was in that fucking movie. yeah What's in the box? What's in the box?
I was like, fucking throwback. But I found a really cool one. it was It was named the movie by the car. 100 questions. And I only got like five of them wrong because they're movies like... It was like How to Catch a Thief from like 1952. I don't know that fucking movie.
The first one was soda Red Jeep. Wrangler. Coming down the road.
and you hey Sarah fucking Connor. Terminator 1. I don't... In the end of the movie... and i end of assuming really Yeah.
it was ah It was actually a really tough quiz. Although some of were easy. you know They sort of 69 Mustang Fastback. John Wick. Super easy stuff. But some of them were like, fuck.
Yeah. Now, Nikki and I went to lunch today. were sitting there and we were talking about a couple of different questions and whatnot. And she pulled up, because she follows this Jeopardy channel or something on TikTok.
and and one of the videos that came up was like, The category was like movies with a dark twist. he's Like Inception. So it described a movie.
And you had to guess what movie it was. It was like a mom of several children die in a home invasion. yeah it's like it's It's describing the movie badly, but you got to get it. One child survives and the father raises...
And then goes missing and and is presumed to be dead. What's the movie? It's Finding Nemo. Yeah, I saw that. I saw that the other day. It's like, mom has 150 kids and then dies. And I was like, wait, what?
And then it's Finding Nemo. I'm like, goddammit. Yeah, then there was another one. I can't remember what the movie was now. can't remember what the movie was now I saw one. It was like a guy goes to pick his wife up from a Christmas party and eventually does.
was like, doy-hurt? yeah Then there was one and the guy sitting beside behind us at another table was like, wait a minute, what movie is that? Is that a real movie? Because it was like sister kills somebody or strange person shows up in the middle of field kills woman and then and the end kills her sister as well what's the movie and it was the fucking wizard of oz oh because she killed the wicked witch of the east and the west or whatever and she landed she landed on her with dropp a house i was like that is so twisted
and there's a guy There's a guy on TikTok. He comes and he says, do you want to watch a movie? and hes He tells this plot. and then and the The other guy that you can never see him, it's obvious he dubs both voices.
and He's like, wait, what movie is that? and He's like, it's Harry Potter. You're like, get the fuck. Whoa. yeah yeah There was a Home Alone one where like,
Barclars or homicidal maniacs want to kill kid in house. Yeah. Yeah, there's clockwork.
Pop Culture and Celebrity News
No, I do have some. I didn't get that one right. I think he said if I didn't get that one right, she was going to divorce me. Right. there's there's a There's been development. You know, they're making that Harry Potter TV show.
It's going to be seven seasons. Each season is one book. I have no idea what you're talking about, but okay. um take you word on John Lithgow is going to Dumbledore.
It's confirmed. Didn't we talk about that not too long ago? or was It not abrams at that it was no wasn't confirmed they were talking about it. But the guy that plays Shelby you know from from... What's that?
No fighting! What's that? Oh, Peaky Blinders. Peaky Blinders, thank you. ah he joe He's rumored to be... Yeah, something Gilligan.
Gilligan. Gilligan. Come here, little buddy. But he's gonna be he might be playing fucking Voldemort. And I'd be like, dude, I'm fucking in. Yeah,
I'd be down for that. They actually... Kevin and I were watching the thing. It was like... people that might be cast in the Harry Potter series.
You know, they didn't say who the golden trio is, you know, i Ron, Harry, or Marnie. For the simple fact, they're they're they're going to be bringing up... Oh, there he is. They're going to be bringing up unknowns.
But... Because that's what they... You know, they want to... But the guy that played Draco Malfoy, he might be playing his dad. Malfoy's dad. o so yeah it's its like there's ah There's a video.
it It basically goes through to it. It doesn't show every character, but one of the guys that plays that played Doctor Who, I don't know which one, but the guy looks kind of weird and goofy.
He's going to be ba playing the wand maker. and I was like, that's perfect casting. ah Speaking of celebrities and whatnot... Don't you have some news for us?
I do. This story is turning. This is getting this is du it's getting fucking crazy. Yeah. so So as we all know, Gene Hackman did die.
He was. Angel of ah visual death strikes again. Luthor. Lex Luthor. Well, here's the crazy thing.
well here's the crazy thing He didn't die on Wednesday or Thursday when we thought. He died on the 17th is what police are saying.
ah Well, I heard something about his pacemaker. Yeah, his pacemaker, the last time it was running was the 17th. Yeah. They said that the bodies were both his wife and his bodies were basically almost mummified.
yeah and left What was weird to me about the whole thing is it was his wife and him and their dog. Dog was locked in the bathroom dead.
Yeah. It's the dog. Hey, wait a minute. Okay, I can get man and wife dying at the same time. Well, my first thought was when I heard all three, I was like, okay, they were asleep in bed and carbon monoxide shit happened. Yeah, some kind of gas leak or something. yeah But the gas company's been in there and they said there's no leaks.
well she was in another like she She was in a bathroom and Jean was in like a foyer and like over by her there was a bunch of pills flung around and Jean Hackman's daughters were seen smiling at a fucking Denny's or some shit like that yesterday.
Oh wow. I saw that just the other day. Well, i mean people people deal with grief differently. I mean, there's we've had family members die, and then we go to dinner, and and and we still, know, you don't want to sit You don't want to vote them out. But it's it's kind of suspicious, you know, and you know be considering it's not natural causes.
You know, his wife was 30 years younger. He was 95, though. I mean. Yeah. and And of course, but I did do an emergency pick. I have to go ahead and bring out this caveat. I did do an emergency pick of the Pope.
um And you want to talk about a roller coaster. First, he goes in for pneumonia on both lungs. Then he goes in and he's got he's been in the hospital for two weeks now and he had ah kidney failure.
But he's fine, they're saying. Then yesterday he had a he had a He basically vomited and then inhaled it by accident.
Oh, aspiration. Yeah. yeah it just like this weird thing And he's quote unquote good spirits, good spirits, but not out of the woods yet. So I think I'm the only person that going, I hope he dies so I can get the points.
What is it what is it with the with the with the emergency picks? You get two bonus points plus the point for them dying, right? Correct. Is that what it is? I think so. so but gene Gene Hackman, you just got one point for.
Gene Hackman, it was just one point for me, correct. Can you because he just look at us ah give us a score? You know who died that really fucking surprised me? Michelle Trachtenberg.
Dawn. That came down to she had a liver transplant or a while back and and her liver failed.
not Nothing suspicious about that. It just comes down to that's that's what the the cause of death was with with her. Well, it's it was surprising. I was like, really? She fucking died?
Yeah. Yeah. Well, and that's the crazy thing we were talking about. Clockwork, guy I know you don't necessarily follow us for a long time. so we do Every year we do a celebrity death show.
Match. Match. Yeah, yeah. The angel of deathless. We call it the end of death. This is it here. And I've removed Connor, obviously. There's the rules. So, emergency picks. ah You drop one of yours, as a sub for a new. ah Yeah, yeah.
You could get... ah ah You get up to three. So, yeah, you get if you lose, you lose two points, but you get the extra two points if they die, plus the points for them dying. Pope is on my list now because dropped the dating man. Look, Ozzy Osbourne is immortal.
You cannot kill Ozzy Osbourne. so what's the what's the what's the point of the... I know you keep claiming... Points are at the bottom. Points are at the bottom. You have five.
You have five because you did pull an emergency pick, which is what gave you three, plus you got the first, which gave you two. um So you got a total of five points. I have two points because I have Bob Uecker and Jack McDyne.
So I'm kicking everybody's ass. Yeah, but once the Pope dies, I'm going to be beating you. Yeah, but go ahead and keep talking shit because I need you to update Discord. David O'Hanson's dead. Give me my three points. Did he die He died four years ago.
shit. Bitch. Did he actually die? I'm the angel of death. Yeah, he died four hours ago. the news report. That's horrible. Give him my points. He's going to forever. He's going to Jimmy Carter. What
Since I'm a newcomer, can I just like pick three people? Well, we do this every year and it goes throughout the year. Now, however, we do a, this is for people that are actually on the network. So everybody you see on the screen there, Glick, Blaze, Wally, Rick, and myself, we are all part the network.
We are of next year. We're going to be doing where the fans can actually. Look, man, it's March 1st. It is March 1st. Beware the odds of March.
I'm just saying. Yep. So, yeah, Glick, you are up to eight points now. The real angel of death. Yes, but at the end of the day, you didn't have the balls to call your shot, dude. Yay. Once again,
and tell him about the fucking and got beat by a day. I got beat by a day because I was watching it last night. There was a news report that came up. And I was like, oh shit, I'm going to call my shot tomorrow.
and and when That seems to be your go-to. I'm going to call my shot tomorrow and then they die. what Dude, when we were setting up the studio, was typing into WhatsApp.
to my shot on David Johansson. He'll be dead by next Saturday. And right before I hit set, breaking news. New York Dolls lead singer and founding member and only surviving a member of the New York Dolls has died. And I went,
You motherfucker. Listen, just because Jeff sits in front of his computer all day and watches fucking news clips break down to see everybody was going to die. i don't Dude, I do the news. I don't read the news. How did you have fucking what's-his-nuts on there?
The Pope? No. He's not dead yet, is he? no I don't think so. He's about to Jimmy Carter your ass. Doesn't he only have 10 days from the time the emergency pick is called? No, that's if I call my shot.
That's I call my shot. You homo. Gene Hackman was one of his picks at the beginning of the year. Last too. You got dumb lucky that he died. Yeah, considering the way he died.
dumb lucky that he died yeah considering that well we were just talking about that considering the way he died Well, here's here's, they haven't proven anything yet, right? have to watch out that the cops don't show up on my fucking door because, you know, he's on my list and he dies.
They're still under investigation. Here's my thought. Here's my thought. Him and his wife, they're 35 years apart. They've been married for 30 plus. She died.
He couldn't get on without her. He OD'd. The dog was left to fend for itself. I don't think so. They had two other dogs that were found. They had two other dogs that were found just a flying and alive in the yard.
yeah And his pace was actually stopped on the 17th. I haven't heard anything about the other dogs. And I've heard that the bodies were mummified because they were there for so long. yeah i weren they he supposedly i heard I heard the two dogs that were outside were fine.
It's the one that was in the bathroom with the wife that died in the closet. It's weird. yeah It's weird.
Yeah, it's it's kind of... who a barry wil sit and And some reports have actually said that what that his wife died before him.
Like she was dead before him, some of the reports. okay And then he was already dealing with dementia. So they said you know that once she was dead, that he didn't know what was going on or...
You gotta be kidding me. This is such bullshit. This fucking lame ass radio. The Pope's gonna make a recovery. so we're all the pop Well, once again, as I was just saying, it's a roller coaster because he was almost out of the woods. Then he had a ah vomit and spasm where he swallowed some of vomit. So now he's gonna stay for another two weeks in the hospital.
The charging board. Well, I mean, it's all about the publicist and how they fucking spin the shit. and would Yeah. So because I actually my mom's an RN, so I called her and I was like, what what are the odds of the Pope dying? And she's like, don't call your shot yet. That was her first words.
Don't call your shot yet. I told Jeff what's going to happen to him. he He's going to get the Jimmy Carter award the year that the this year because what's going to happen is they're going to put the Pope into a medically induced coma.
And keep him alive so handsome until the beginning of the year when they put a new Pope in and in charge. But they're going to wait until the beginning of the year. And then they'll pull the plug. So like three or four days after, like when we go to make our new picks, they'll pull the plug on the Pope. And I'll thank you right before we do our picks. They'll be like on that Friday before Saturday. They'll pull the plug.
Well, I was thinking of a scene from The Last Witch Hunter, that Vin Diesel movie, clicked in my head where the dude was dead, but he was not. He was just mostly dead.
He wasn't all the way dead. yeah Fucking Billy Crystal comes in with a bill. no Yeah. True way. Somebody I was looking at today, I'm not cold i'm not doing a switch or anything, but William Shaw,
Dude is like, what, 89 years old and he's not doing great, but he's still in good spirits. yeah he was He played Bassini in The Princess Bride. He didn't fall. I don't think I know who that is.
Yeah, you do. A conceivable guy. Yeah. yeah You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Yeah. I have taken I.K. Potter in small days. he was he was the teacher in Clueless.
yeah The ball-headed guy. Yeah, the little short guy. yeah but ton of shit He was in he was in shot i was in big ah Young Sheldon.
He's done a ton shit. But he's actually he's still doing well. So I was like, yeah
yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah, I love the cost-directed. Wallace, Sean. Wallace, Wallace, Sean. Sean? thought it was Sean. Yeah, Wallace, Sean. Oh. Okay, i' know who that is. Yeah, he's old as fuck, but he's doing... spry He's like Dick Van Dyke. That motherfucker's never gonna die, even though he's on my list.
Dick Van Dyke's 100 years old, he's fucking... That motherfucker still outdance me. Well, that's like... That's like Warwick Davis. He was, what, seven when he was in The the Return of the Jedi is as wicked?
Yeah. And he's what now? 900? I don't know. Well... been and everything I was watching Solo. i was watching solo and He's in that, too. Oh, yeah. cause i was I wanted to see Emilia Clarke. Well, if you've ever seen the Leprechaun movies, he's the Leprechaun. My kid was telling me that yesterday. That dude's been there. Even even though I didn't get to...
Even though I didn't get to call my shot on David Johansson as I planned, I knew that you were already feeling yourself with the Gene Hackman. No, not really. Not really. I kind of feel bad because Gene Hackman is a great actor.
i mean Oh, yeah. and So is Christopher Reeve. Look, if they hadn't cast Gene Hackman as Lex Luthor in the original Superman, that movie would have fucking bombed.
Yeah. Yeah. yeah Well, in honor of Gene Hackman, I watched his greatest movie, The Replacements.
Oh, dear. I love that movie. and had to had to watch that the other day just because it kept popping up on my feed. That was on today. that was on today Yeah.
Well, I think that's what's going to happen. You know, when when somebody dies like that, like I'm my my tick tock's full of Michelle Trachtenberg fucking clips and and and Gene Hackman clips.
So I've stopped looking at tick tock for at least a week because I'm like, OK, I would get it.
But. people are People are already getting fucking conspiracy theories about Tractor Burger. like, you know what? She had a liver failure, guys. it's not That's not a mystery. yeah She had well she had a liver transit complications with the liver transplant. yeah we ah Michelle Tractor, who's the what's-a-majigger?
Yeah, and you've got to take anti-rejection drugs. yeah but Harriet the Spy. That's how I know her. Really? I know her from Road Trip or Euro Trip.
Oh, yeah. She was in Euro Trip. Didn't she make out with her brother in Amsterdam on fucking absinthe? Yeah, they were on absinthe. Oh, is it finally out?
Here's an interesting thing. ah No, it's pre-order, bro. I haven't released it yet. Oh, the the new Captain America? That's like um two months away. What's that? Captain America?
What? oh They just dropped the release date for Forza on PlayStation. Oh, yeah? When is it? down April 29th. Damn, that's forever. thunder Yeah, I got a pre-order and it's $70. Ouch.
I think I can play it for free on the Xbox. ah Can you play Forza for free on the Xbox or is it a pay game? Yeah, it's free. Yeah, the Ultimate Game Pass. Dude, the Game Pass is worth it, man. I don't mind paying $20. How much is it?
There's one all two of them. There's $999 $21, yeah.
Gaming and Tech Talk
about Have you ever seen Yeah, i have the I have the Ultimate Game Pass, so there's like, and they partnered up with EA, so you get all the EA games for free. No, haven't. That's cool.
and then there's a fuck ton of free games on there. And and you can download them, or you a lot of the newer games you can play on the cloud, so you don't have to download them. The boys are already in con. On your console.
That's not bad for $252 a year. but no dude du i mean Madden is on there for free every year. UFC, basically within a month or so of the new UFC games dropping, it's free. So the latest UFC 5 is on there.
Madden 25 is on there. ah MLB 24 is on there. So all the sports games through EA are on there. Call of Duty is on Ultimate Game Pass now.
That's like a $100 game. $70. It's free. it's seventy dollars I was just saying, the first game that's going to break $100 is going to be PS6. Oh, there's plenty of games that break $100. Does it really?
Oh, fuck yeah. Oh, what the fuck is it? Or maybe $150. I forget what it is Bloodline Edition new WWE wwe game is $129. Jesus. jesus Depending upon the edition you get in Call of Duty.
Call of Duty is 100 for the Black Cell edition. yeah I think they were talking about GTA 6 is going to be breaking records um with price. It's complicated at first. It's complicated. I don't understand why people are getting so excited for GTA 6 because it's just going to be the same GTA that's already out.
The only difference is it's like an iPhone. When a brand new iPhone comes out, it's still the same old iPhone. It's still five years behind an Android. like And then they're just like, look what... But it sounds good, so we charge you more. No, but here's the kicker. The beauty of GTA doesn't come down to the game itself. The free roam thing is great. However, open world missions the missions and the stories are what make the game.
No, what makes the game is if you play it on PC and you can do all the mods. That's what makes GTA. I think that's a waste. I think that's a waste. i have a sponsor There's modded versions that you can... Like in GTA 5, if you have it on the PC, you can play as a cop and pull people over and stuff. yeah You can't do that a regular console. There's guys on Twitch that go live and they do that. They do... Yeah, they pull people over. they're cops. They act like it. There's a guy over in
they talk and act like it everything there's like you fucking yeah there's and there's a guy there's the guy over in There's a guy in Europe named Elinip. And he is hysterical to watch the dumb shit that he does.
Oh, yeah. It's all modded out computer version of GTA V. The only mods I ever do is when I i i play that that game SnowRunner.
And the mods, you get, like, different trucks. So you can get, like, a 99.70 Silverado and mod it up and all that I love that game. but What up, Untragable? How you doing, brother?
How you been, man? If you're feeling froggy, come on up. You know you're welcome here. Love you, man. ah I like the old school GTA where you could punch in the cheekbones and get all the weapons in the monster truck. And five stars. and Because that's what I would do. I'd punch in the cheekbones. I'm actually waiting on the the new Red Dead.
Yeah, get all the weapons. Yeah. get a monster chuck, then hit the six stars or five stars, and just be like, all right, I'm going to see how long I can survive. The new Red Dead is going to be $110 on PlayStation. Yeah, but it's going to worth it because like what that game, you can play it three different ways.
You can play it super nice, you can play it nice and bad, and then, of course, be a bad guy. And, of course, the storyline changes the way you play it, so I like that. I love Red Dead. Did you bring the food in?
yes We just went and had dinner. On the boss's credit card. Nice. $150 later. and hibachi, baby. Hell yeah. He said put it in the fridge.
said put it in the fridge. yeah on the back porch but he said put it in your fridge He said, should probably go put that in the fridge, right? Yeah, you should probably go put it on the back porch.
Like I said, you should probably go put it on the back porch. Why the cats going to do it out there? old enough Oh, man, it's too cold here. It's 53 here, but there's a hell of a fucking wind here in Georgia.
Jesus, yes. It's been wind here all day. I'm surprised the power hadn't went off again. It wasn't bad sitting outside earlier when the sun was up. It was like 70 earlier when the sun was up.
But man, once that sun went down, that fucking north wind, that shit will cut you right through to the bone. It's almost 80 degrees here. so Well, you live in a fucking cave inside of a cliff in Mexico. I'm not surprised.
There's a reason why i don't outside. It's too fucking hot. Yeah, because your glowing headset would attract every homosexual in the country. Yeah, that's why you're here. I know. You came running. countries You saw that and you said, I gotta to get on that. Ow.
Somebody's gotta claim it before Big Black Bubba in prison decides he wants a piece when he gets out. Kiss me on my hot mouth Your tiny little ass couldn't fucking scamper fast enough He's like this game like Tom and Jerry You sure do got a pretty bow i do That's funny because that shit was filmed right up the street from me Why am I not surprised Well say you know you know the kid that sat on the porch in deliverance That's you No you fucking showed up Fun fact.
I thought you looked for figure. I'm not that skinny, trust me. No, he actually works at the Walmart in Blue Ridge, Georgia. Yeah, that's what he does. He's a fucking greeter at Walmart.
Nice. Does he still play his banjo? They fucked him royally on the money. You know how much he got paid for doing that movie? Probably a dollar. $2,250. That's more than they paid me.
that's more than they bade me $2,250. And he gets zero royalties. In the 70s. Yeah, but he gets zero royalties from that movie. Yeah, he didn't really say anything.
But he was in it. Did he have any other acting roles after that?
I so. don't know what the fuck he did. Like you were talking about Home Alone earlier. oh I found out today Kate kate Hudson... ah was in the choir in the second one.
She's not on camera, but she she actually was... Her first gig, she was actually singing. She was an extra? No, she wasn't on the movie. She did the she would did the singing in the... you know They dubbed it.
Wyatt saw her boobies. Yeah, Titanic. oh yeah Isn't that Kate Hudson that he draws in that movie? Who the fuck's that draw in that movie? Kate Hudson is for Russell and Chloe Hahn's daughter.
and Kate Winslet. Sorry, and I got it wrong. It was two fucking cakes in Hollywood. and there's like movies to them by way whatever But no, I found that out today.
ah and And she still gets royalties from it. She gets like 14 cents every time it plays. Vanilla Ice.
vanilla Trish Stratus is getting up there in age, but she still looks phenomenal. Oh, bro. row Are you watching Elimination Chamber? Yeah.
well I don't know. you and You and the boy got the show tomorrow, don't you? no, no no no he's been this no. We do the show on Saturdays, but he's at his mom's. Paper review's on right now, right?
paper review's on right now. I didn't mean to hit my mic up. I was trying to yell.
He's hollering at the kids. I was hollering down the house to the kid to remind her. do what go What country do you think you should fly for, you dumb fuck? mean, fought for Germany on my Xbox. Why? Praise hell and have fun, boys. Praise hell and praise the hell. If we're going to do this shit, I'm gone. I was in the army, and yeah, I fought for the Constitution.
yeah That's what I fought for. That's all you fought for. You damn sure didn't fight for the government we currently have. Well, no. yeah he said no I went in for a paycheck. and you they can seek healthcare care yeah i mean but um I'm split. I got some shit to do. Later, guys. understood Later, buddy.
Have a good night, Matt.
The healthcare that they give you is trash. That's why Jeff doesn't worry about coming back to the States and get it. I can get it here for free. that was Well, yeah, you go see El Chapo and he takes you to his doctor.
No, I got the doctor here. It costs all of a dollar fifty.
don't know that i would trust Mexican health care. I'm not going to lie. No, you go to the pharmacy. They have doctors. Rick, your audio is garbage. Yeah, your audio is shit, dude. You might have to refresh.
Keep working with fucking Bluetooth earbuds. No, it's not the Bluetooth. It's his... I'm not using Bluetooth earbuds. Jerk. but but Oh, that was a mouth to move and then the audio caught up. Yeah.
It's like watching a very old Jackie Chan movie. It's like watching an old Godzilla movie. Yeah. Godzilla. He's coming for the city. Yeah, refresh. friggin' the camera.
ah What? tutorial You've already done this once, huh? Cheers. so What do you mean? Oh, I was totally excited because Untrackable.
Where you were on my computer screen, you were hanging out next to a young brown-haired Bob Barker. That's not Bob Barker. Who the fuck is that? Oh, is that Bobby Uker?
No. Hey, Bob. Who the fuck is that on the screen? It is Bob. Yeah, don't fucking argue, dude. I wasn't arguing with you. I just forgot who it was. will you so hard your hairline will go farther back.
God damn. You're like, hey, Bob. It's definitely not that fast. um And Bob would probably tell me the price is wrong, bitch. Bitch. Yeah. ah Glick, go ahead and say something. See if your audio is better.
I did. Okay, yeah, you're good. yeah I don't have a Bluetooth mic. My mic is running. Your mic, dummy. Your head your earphones. That's what messes it up. That's what I said. That has nothing to do with it. That's how technology works. I've used Bluetooth earbuds since I started doing the show.
he'd be better hands That's not how how technology works. Yeah. i have I have a wired in mic. Yeah, no, I got everything separated. i as Nothing is actually in use on my laptop as far as like audio. Yeah, I do get an echo coming from somewhere.
It's not for me, I promise. No, it's, well, don't know. Maybe it is for me. I don't think so. Is it from me? That's fucking wild because you can't even hear anything through this. I know, but you speak and then I hear... um i here I hear myself back, which is weird.
Yeah. so two All right, and I'm going to meet myself. Try it now. Well... oh yeah Yeah, now there's nothing now. It's you. Get fucked, Paco.
Yeah, now it's gone. Yeah. Yeah. It might have been your headset when you first plugged in. First, Brevin.
Let's go, CBJ. Let's go.
What? What? What? Did they get it? Did they win? ah They're 3-1 in the second period over Detroit. know they're playing a stadium series. Yeah, they're playing at the Horseshoe.
Kurt Herbstreet and Peter Herbstreet and the rest of the family are down on the glass.
Hockey does this really cool thing, Jeff, they call the Stadium Series. And they play at different college stadiums or different whatnot. there Columbus Blue Jackets are playing the Detroit Red Wings at the Horseshoe where the Buckeyes play.
Oh, okay, cool. I hope the Blue Jackets are playing at their flag there tonight. I didn't know they had a rink there. by game a They put a rink in the building. I was going to say they put the rink. yeah yeah like that That's not that hard because it's like a quarter inch of water.
and then We built one in school. that's right we do i think That's right. I think they started that. the They were calling it like the winter classic well they yeah and years ago when it first started.
I think they still do the winter classic, don't they? That's on New Year's Day. is it yeah okay because i know I know Ann Arbor has hosted it quite a few times. and They packed that stadium out. The first one was in Times Square, wasn't it? think it was. I know they like to go to Colorado for the Winter Classic for the outdoor. i think the first one was in Times Square and I know they've done one at Soldier Field in Chicago.
Yeah, they've done Chicago. They've done the Big House a few times. They've got to go where it's cold. Yeah. because we're with Classic in Florida. That ain't going to work. Yeah. um um'm I'm sorry. I do take issue with that to an extent because at the same time, it's awesome because it's outside hockey, but, um,
when you go to the venues ah to watch hockey, it, you know, it's a lot like basketball. It's much, much smaller than football, whereas football, you know, stadiums get a hundred thousand.
And if you get the cheap seats, you still can't see the game, but almost every seat in the house of a, of a hockey game. um I'm here in North Carolina. I've been to plenty of Canes games and,
There's really no bad seats in the house. But imagine, like, bad seats at a game like that. Bro, you ain't seeing a fucking thing. Well, yeah, but, I mean, when you go to a game, it's more about the experience. So you would want, you know, that's why I think being in the horseshoe for a game would kind of suck because how many people fit in the horseshoe?
I think they could fit, like, in there. um get I don't know what the horseshoe is. I know it's not small.
So this year's Winter Classic was held at Wrigley Field on December Oh, no shit. um know Between the Blackhawks and... Yeah, yeah the Blackhawks host a bit. Blackhawks and black hawkwks in the Blues.
Michigan has... One, two... one two
Yeah, they've done two of them in Ann Arbor.
where the Where the Wolverines play, the Michigan Wolverines, and that stadium can hold like 110,000, something like that. Oh, wow. That's like a lot.
and I can't count that high.
Yeah, because I think when you when you talk about like the the indoor stadiums, like their normal venues, ah shit, I don't think they go over 20,000. 20,000, yeah,
yes yeah and and yeah your it your hockey arenas and stuff yeah Yeah, you might get $20,000, $30,000. I think, would it be harder to see the game at Wrigley Field? Because the stadium is, you know, it's a weird V. You know, you've got a whole side of rink that people aren't at.
Well, they set up that some so some of the like some of them, they might set up some seating on the field or whatever. but um So to answer your question, Jeff, the Big House, where the Wolverines play, has a capacity of 107,601 people. However, the Big House's largest attendance record 115,109.
however they have pat the the big house's largest attendance record was a hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and nine That's way too much.
And every saturday every home Saturday game in Michigan, that stadium is full. and it's never It's never empty. I can't see any reason why I want to hang out with
You're bullshit. You're bullshit. Let's figure out from the other room, Short Stack. i so I struck again in the angel of death. Peyton just said, this is bullshit.
I reigned on Jeff Moray because he had Gene Hackman. you right on pick a David Johansson died a couple hours ago. Gave me an extra three points.
It's over. yet It's over.
Especially after I make my next emergency pick and they die, then it's definitely game over. I'll be way too far ahead of all you guys. You won't be able to catch up. Not necessarily. You won't be able to catch up. Not when all ten of mine die and I get an extra five points and only three of yours die.
My three emergency picks? What, Jeff? Jeff? If all ten of mine die, I get an extra five points. There's no way all ten of yours are going to die. I guess I just use... No, please. I'm a hell of a shot. I'm just saying.
She is. She's always... just landed like She's mad. happening Jeff, just email me the list because I have a certain set of skills. There you go. I got Liam Neeson in my corner.
yeah change colors You would need him to do it because you won't leave your fucking house. amend that You don't leave that fucking room. That's not true. This is the first time I've been in this room all day.
I laid in bed all day. and i went I went outside. I went to the store. had to get cigarettes. I'm going to go wash my shoes. You go out the Elimination Chamber. these What? And then when I got back, had to take a shower because I was all sweaty because it was 400,000 degrees outside.
Danny Masterson's not going to die. He's on your list. I switched Danny Masterson out. Ron Jeremy's not going to die. Ron Jeremy is too.
I had him last year. yeah There's the list. I do have... i do have i do have I do have my final and third emergency pick, unless I get some other news that I am... i am I'm letting you motherfuckers burn your emergency picks up.
No, it's right. I only took the Pope. Don't lie, Rick. you are You literally bitched in the chat. that you were i was just about to call Pope. Yep. That was the only one I used so far, too.
He was, too. i believe He's the only one I used. The Pope was my first one. That's why it's a different color purple. I'm the one. I've got one emergency pick left. Yeah, Glick's, both of his that died were emergency picks.
But I'm sitting there with eight points and Blaze, Wally, and Rick are sitting with the goose eggs and Jeff only has two. And Jeff and I have the same amount of people who who who have died at two.
But only three total of yours are going to die. and then Like, Alan Alda's going to die. Billy Connolly, he's gone. Robbins is going to die. I can't wait until Mel Brooks dies. And I hope when he dies, they put all his fucking boobies in a vault somewhere and never play them anywhere again. Peyton and I are halfway through Blazing Saddles right now.
George Soros is going to die. William Daniels is probably not going to die. Mr. Feeney is probably not going to die. I don't think Dick Van Dyke is going to die. That dude is 100 years old and he's still probably on dance with.
He was having some issues. Who's got Dick Van Dyke? He was having some issues just recently. i know he's I know he's super healthy and he's in pretty good shape for as old as he is, but something did happen where He had a little bit of a medical issue. Can help the ground forces? I don't think Michael J. Fox is going anywhere anytime soon.
Who? Michael J. Fox. I think I think i have a Steve Mongo McMichael should have been dead 10 years ago. That dude is... You know how I told you about David Johansson and I told you to go look him up and you finally did? You're like, oh, shit. but This was just the other day we were having that conversation.
You're like, oh, damn, dude, you're you're right. He is in pretty bad shape. drive on him mogo Steve McMichaels, Mongo McMichaels has been in rough shape for like the last three or four years. It's like any moment that cat could kick it.
he's eighty i don't see i don't see i don't see Buzz Zondren or Jim Lovell going anywhere soon. Trump is definitely dying. Biden's not going to die. He's going to pick a fucking... He's going to do And Charlie Sheen is actually doing really well.
That goes to the ground. don' You suck. Ric Flair's not going anywhere soon. I'm okay with this. Unfortunately. I wish his daughter would die.
Yeah. She got way too much plastic surgery done. She looks stupid now. She looks ridiculous. I think Charlotte's player.
I think we're all going to have to rely on the emergency fix this year. No, I don't. i know
don't. Blazewell, if he wants any points, because his list is is they're all high profile, but they're Chomsky, maybe. Why do you want to dive on him?
it just my city And Wally's got Michael Caine on there blasting. and Crash. You wait too long to pull up, bro.
mean Okay, you've hit the ground twice. Tell me now one more time. ah When did Mongo McMichaels go into the Hall of Fame? Was it last year or was it this year? Do we have any update on the... the The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? When's that final come out?
ahly you did a May? April? of bank but Something like that. Because we still got to do our picks on that. on who I don't think it's more of a competition. It's more of who we want to go in and we don't. so Steve McMichaels made the Hall of Fame last year.
I don't think he'll make it past this year. i think that cat was hanging on until he got his gold jacket. He couldn't even go to the Hall of Fame ceremonies for the NFL. He got a bullet, dude.
Yeah. I think there's only four planes left up. I think Mongo will go this year. is what i can oh yeah, he's looking rough. I just looked him up. He's looking rough.
I'm just saying. He looked really rough. The Pope is going Jimmy Carter here. No, he's not. I've been saying that the whole time.
In the 2045... I was thinking about it the other day. i was like know If I wouldn't have taken it and Rick would have taken it, he would have died. But because I took it, he won't. The 2025 Jimmy Carter Award goes to Jeff and Pope Francis.
That's Sarah McMichaels right there.
See, told you. They were out of planes. What the fuck is that, Jeff? That's McMichaels. That's Steve McMichaels. and you can That's a recent photo of Steve McMichaels who currently is battling ALS.
I can Google. Time to let it go, Steve. Time to let it go, Steve. Your mom must be bored. Time to move on.
And money must be tight. He's not dead yet. Calm down. I know. i need I need a news break to come out being like, oh, Mongo is taking us.
Turn for the worse. I'm calling stay with michael believe And they minutes for then he lives for another two months. Down. It's about to be game over. Yeah, over for him.
he's right there you know down it's after wherever is go to be here yeah he's gonna be gay over for him choose that don't know. and I'm just saying. and We've been surprised before.
Dude, the crazy thing about it is the amount and they are, and and dude, celebrities are dropping like fucking flies. Like at a rate of... But none of them that we have, God forbid. Yeah, like at a rate of like six a day, bro. It's insane. One that we have.
One that we have.
um 2025. Musicians are dropping like flies. Yeah, but musicians from bands that most people don't even know.
there's no limited That's the caveat. If you don't know who they are, then I blame either your music taste or your your your parental units for not sharing good music.
like You uncultured swines. No, but the only thing I know from David Johansson was that he was in Scrooged. I probably know the songs or two, but I wouldn't know he was in the band. You would definitely know the song if you heard if you heard Hot, Hot, Hot, you would know it.
Okay, I know that song. He was also in Car 54, Where Are You, where with but John C. McKinley. Yeah, he's done it he did a couple movies, couple TV shows.
But like I said, founding member, he was a founding member of the New York College, which is a punk band from the from the seventy s And he was the last surviving member up until today.
RIP, David Johansson. Thank you for three. The thing's probably got some hella fucking bullets on it, too.
I appreciate everything you've done um for for for the for the music community and the acting community and my angel death points. Let's be honest. You only care about the angel death points. Yeah, I like New York Dolls. I like their music.
I'd have to actually hear the song. like Okay, now I know. Roberta Flack died earlier this week. Who did? She was an R&B singer.
Roberta Flack. oh
Very popular. I don't know who the hell this guy is. Shabby Lewis. Some fashion designer. He passed away. Now you can at least see the boat. One of my Sarah Jessica Parker. I wouldn't know that guy.
ah No, not that. He was young, too. He was only 38. He was a part of Project Runway. Yeah, I see. I'm already out bullets. I know what it is. I've just never seen it because I don't care.
have Lynn Marie. Obviously, I'm so fashionable. I care.
Wyatt's playing some game called War Thunder. He's currently flying find an A-10 Warthog. Nice. He just lit up a fucking destroyer in the ocean. ah hey All the people that know about Epstein's lit. Yeah, right? Notorious B.I.G., Biggie Smalls, Christopher Wallace, his mama died.
Did she really? I did see that. I saw that. She died on the 21st. A what jet? Another jet. I saw that and I was like, I could have called that. go engage she I didn't know she was even alive. but
ah not a lot of out of that lot of names. I don't follow a lot of celebrity things. you know i mean If something pops up on my feed, TikTok or Facebook or something like that, then I'll pay attention. But
That's the only reason I called the Pope. I saw or put the Pope on my list because I was scrolling through TikTok. yeah Like I told you, you did an emergency pic. You did an emergency pic on. But no, I did do research because I saw it and because I saw when Michelle Trachtenberg died, I was like, nah, that's bullshit. And then looked it up. it was like, a fuck, she did die.
And I did the same thing with Gene Hackman before I started saying anything. i was like wait a minute you need to come around and come back from the front yeah know you you you guys called the pope apparently alec baldwin's died like 15 times if you watch tiktok yeah i i had been watching the pope thing for about two weeks and you called him and i'm like this dumbass literally called him on the day that they're like the pope is doing better he's sitting up do you have anything else she could interact they dont like that's why i hadn't called him yet because i'm like I know he's old. I know he's sick, but he's the Pope. He's got the spaghetti monster in the sky on his side.
So, you know, he's got the big G-man on his side in his corner. It's like, yeah, we're going to give it a little bit of time. We'll give it little bit of time.
Like I said, I just i just can't wait until they put him in a medically induced coma. And then he sits there. And then he sits there for the next eight months, nine months. Is he dead yet? He's still alive.
76% of it's crude. You'll checking the news every day. yeah you'll be i literally i was i was i was on something. It wasn't TikTok. I was on Scoops.
Scoops is a version of TikTok. but I was on it. and They were like, the Pope has made a turn. and I went, for the better of it. Then they mentioned the vomit thing. I was like, well, that can't be good.
Because when I actually heard about it, the whole Pope thing, they were practicing his funeral. a Well, yeah. I mean, because the for a minute, it was he was in a bad way.
and i like I said, I was watching it from the day he went into the hospital. all and And I'm still keeping an eye on it because now you have him picked. so i But there was a reason why I didn't use my last pick on him because I was like, I think he's going to come out of this.
He still might die this year, if something unrelated. Yeah. but and that's what I don't want to take the chance if he doesn't die. And then when they start to say, oh you know, he's feeling better, he's setting up, he's having people come in, he's eating, and that and that. He also fell.
Are you jamming again? Yeah, just the other day. But, I mean, people fall at the time. I fall down regularly. We know. ah David Johansson fell and broke his back on yeah David Johansson fell and broke his back last Thanksgiving.
I'm just saying. who the man well no but i mean once you go that The difference is when you're 88 and you fall, it's different than if you're 28. The guy also lived for the last 10 years with stage 4 cancer and a brain tumor. right if this ah This is true. so That fall was that final straw. i was like He's definitely gone this year.
He's a governor. I don't care what happens at this point. going down with Wyatt's about to kamikaze into this fucking destroyer on the ground. Yep, he just crashed his airplane into a fucking boat. any good And you literally hurt how much of the of it? the Wow, he sucks.
yeah aircraft The destroyer crashed an 810 Warthog into a destroyer and it didn't even hurt it. What kind of bootleg ass game is this?
Yeah. And the A-10 fucking jams religiously when he's shooting it. They get through 500 rounds of the 1100 and all of a sudden it's like small gun ammo jammed and he's got to wait like two minutes before it'll clear up. It's like, what the fuck?
So he got tired of it so he just crashed into the fucking destroyer. He's like, I'm taking it out this way. I don't care if by die. this one doesn yeah stay worth it was just got missiles? and't even know what you're flying ra bitches Dude, they are filling so much time on this wrestling show with rambling, behind-the-scenes stuff, commercials.
That's why I can't watch shit like that. go What the fuck? Dude, it's been almost a half hour since the last match. i like They just literally did this whole thing on The Rock, this whole vignette on The Rock with the movies and the TV shows and his wrestling career and blah, blah, blah.
It doesn't matter. He's still a raging jerk-off. He didn't used to be. He just gets to play heel now. He's always been a jerk off. Overrated, overhyped.
Overrated, overhyped. I was actually watching something about that. There's guy on TikTok. He does celebrities are jerks and versus celebrities that are actually... I haven't seen you kill anything yet.
and There's some celebrities out there are straight up fucking douchebags. Is that your bomb? No. e Some of them are. It comes down to, you know, you're a movie star. Calm down. here You put your pants on just like i did. What is your GBU?
I mean, if I had billions of dollars, too, I wouldn't want to be bothered with the likes of you either. I i wouldn't put pants on if I was had billions of dollars. Yeah. yeah no we want be I want to be bothered with the likes of you poor peasants.
Yeah, exactly. what a If you had billions of dollars, I would acknowledge you as the champ as well. i wasnna and look Look at how act right now, and I'm in um poor. you imagine how going to Yeah. I'm already almost the exact opposite of Keanu Reeves. I still have to unlock it all.
Oh, get the unlock and shit, bro. You see this stack of $100 bills? Get the unlock and shit. I'm going to smack you in the face with me, and there's nothing you can do about it, because then I'm going to hand it to you, and I'm going to write it off as a charitable donation. Exactly.
Slap away, Danny. Slap away. Smart. There you go. Hashtag worth it. I'm going to go buy my new Maserati now.
Oh, really? Minions! That would my thing, too. I'd be like, you know what? I'm just going to hire a bunch of fucking people. That you're playing with or playing against?
playing with People are like, you know what? Oh, no shit. with me All the time. and and Go get them. Minions! I need yes men. I need my yes men. Come here.
This is a good idea. Tell Glick it's a good fucking idea. Go get the plans. See, I told you should do it, buddy. I'm just saying. hey mean Who's the champ? Destroy aircraft. I'm like so enough in Barry Gordy's and and ah The Last Dragon.
Who's the champ? Glick! God damn right. Glick! Right, I am. You there, you there. But let's ah take our first little breaky break of the night here.
ah got brand new Hot Off The Press's music, Jeffrey. Nice. From our boy James Luker featuring Jess Trey with New Age Outlaw. So y'all go check out James Luker at James Luker. He everywhere. all of them social medias, wherever you stream music at James Luker.
Drop a comment down there on this little ah his videos or his his social medias and say, yo, Glicks House of Music, the Nonsense School Network sent me. knowing a twenty eight cheese gas and When he gets big enough, he'll go, who?
He's already going to be. He's probably already there at that point. Who? What? Get out of here. without Leave me, peasant. Go do your music show.
No, yeah man, I'm digging the song. i did I did give it a listen earlier. fucking love it. It's called New Age Outlaw by june James Luker featuring Jess Trey. And we'll be back here in just a few minutes.
I like that. Yeah. not having that all. But a little James Luker featuring just Trey. Brand new song just came out. New Age Outlaw. Check him out.
James Luker everywhere on the socials and where you stream music at. Welcome back to Nonsense. Well, Nonsense, everybody. Speaking of checking people out, check us out. We're everywhere. All the socials. Shows are live Monday through Sunday on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch.
And you can listen daytime, anyplace, wherever you listen to podcasts at. All at the Nonsensical Network or simply go to slash nonsensicalnetwork. That'll give you all the links to them, including link to Beauty and the Beard Creative Corner. That's where we get all of our shirts and cups and whatnot for the shows. And you guys can get your very own as well by following Beauty and the Beard Creative Corner.
Facebook and Instagram. Give Nikki a holler. Let her know you, hey, man, I want that. dope-ass Clicks House of Music t-shirt. Or let me get a nonsensical network set to everybody.
Let me get one of them sweet-ass nonsensical network cups. I like it. I dig it. job you know Or if you want something more personal, you don't have to get nonsensical network so You can get whatever you want.
You just let her know what you Maybe you want a peeps cow for Easter on a shirt. A what? what? A peeps cap. Oh. You know what peeps are? Yeah, I know. I just didn't hear you correctly. I was like, what the fuck? Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you want, man.
yeah but but yeah yeah whatever you want and Put it on Put it on cups. Put it on put it on pants. where someone was supposed to do my shirt tonight but to go Well, maybe if you were to put the fucking toilet seat down, you wouldn't have that problem. All right. back is just as capable of putting down as I am putting it up.
Why do I always have to be inconvenienced by putting the toilet seat up? just to go No argument here.
However, technically it's healthier for everyone if you actually sit down.
because Because splatter and like your toothbrush is filthy. No, my toothbrush is in a completely nother area. I'm not saying your toothbrush. I was saying in general.
well five ki That doesn't apply here.
hey went Under and the normal non-extreme circumstances, um I definitely sit to pee, and I'm not ashamed of it. Hey, I do. That way can play on my phone. I'll be left alone for 20
Why do you take 20 minutes to piss? You should probably see doctor. I end up scrolling my phone. just While you're standing there with your dick in your hand? I do that when pooping.
Yeah, scroll my phone when I to the shit. I just said sit down and scroll on my phone. You sit down to pee is what ultimately I heard. That's all I heard was just sit down to pee. Yeah. I said I'm not dumbfounded.
um' not i don't give a damn if you sit down to pee. i'm more I'm more intrigued by the fact that you sit down for 20 minutes just to pee. being exaggerated. You scroll your phone to pee? I scroll my phone all the time. takes two seconds to take a piss.
Well, it's more like 30 to 40 seconds, but still, how much can you go through in that amount of time? One good reel is 30 seconds long. and That's the length of piss. Oh, I end up taking a shit while I'm sitting there. Might as well.
No, I mean, if I go take a shit, yeah, going to be in there. Yeah, I'm going to be in there a little bit. Yeah. I'll be in there for a minute. i see I get in there, my legs fall asleep, and then I wait for them to yep not be asleep. That way i don't come out looking like a ah newborn horse.
Maybe giraffe, yeah. What's the matter? I was sitting down taking a shit for too long.
And then you walk out of the public bathroom and they look at you like, well, what the fuck were you doing in the bathroom? Showing everybody who's boss. Yeah. Who's number two work for? her Who does number two work for?
You got the spicy moment. Any reason I'm getting left alone probably my kids.
I know, right. 400,000 questions every 30 seconds is like, you know what? So, Kevin and I went to the store the other day. that your wife's name? And he told about movie. And he literally told me so much of the movie. I never have to see the movie. say That movie Get Out. Yeah. Yeah.
He was telling me about that. I haven't either. and I was like, I have no desire to see this movie. Yet he continued telling me every single scene where I was like, it is a 30 minute walk to the store that we're going to.
And he literally told me the entire movie. And I was like, well, I guess I don't have to see it. He could have just said, oh, it's a good movie, Dad. You see it. no it And then he comes out and she's got this stuff in the pee. And I was like, Jesus Christ, dude.
I don't care. How do you make money? It gets tough in those moments because like if if you see something and it really touches you, it's a great movie, and and you're trying to explain it to somebody like, hey, you you really got to watch it because it's like this. ready i was waiting for you to say but you Stop telling.
It's like, oh okay, my bad. Spoiler alert, explain verbatim the movie. i get it. you know he he he wanted He basically wanted me to see the movie. I said, well, I don't have to see it now because you literally just told me everything. so basically what you're saying And the deleted scenes.
yeah He gets that from his dad. It's heredity. It runs in the genes because Jeff will watch a new movie and he'll be like, going to tell you guys about this movie I just watched. It's like, Jeff, do not fucking just say it's good, it's worth a watch, whatever. And then Jeff's like, and in the end, Captain America comes back and he's sitting on the bench and he's old and he gives the Falcon the shield.
Wait a minute. Spoil it, Dick. I haven't seen it yet. Wow. You don't even know what I'm talking about. I haven't seen either. These guys on this ah local radio show that I listen to, this dude's always talking about his wife and like how they decide to watch what they're going to watch.
And she pops up with you know paying attention to the news stuff. And she's like, hey, we really have to watch this. And he always talks about brushing her off. It's like, yeah, it doesn't sound interesting, blah, blah, blah, blah. blah But then ah you know one of the co-hosts is ah is a bit of a younger dude.
And he's like, hey, I watched this. You have to watch this. And then he goes home and is he recommends it to his wife. And she goes, I told you about that a month ago. is you You actually think I listen to what you say? Yeah.
but It happens it happens like sometimes. Or if Jeff will be like, just started watching this new television show. Let me tell you every single episode of this show that I've watched so far.
And then he's like, you should totally watch it. And it's just like, yeah, I'm good. I don't need to now. Speaking of new television shows or new seasons, have you been watching Reacher yet, Jeff? I started the first episode.
I haven't gotten done with it just because. Which show? Reacher. Reacher. Oh, that's pretty cool show. I'm not Have you seen any of the new season yet? I haven't watched any of the new one. It's good. i' um I'm all caught up with the exception of both thats the most recent episode that just came out on Thursday, which I'll probably watch. I'm waiting for it to finish, then I'll watch it all at once.
do watch Do you watch Reacher? Untrackable? Oh, okay. ah No, I've i've seen a ah bit ah ah couple of short clips about it, and when you guys were talking about... um you know, bad people in Hollywood and good people in Hollywood, apparently that dude that ah plays Reacher, he's, he is a solid fucking real life.
Yeah, no, he, I follow him on Instagram and, and, and the dude is, the dude is like, he's a goofball. He loves life. Him and his family are, and his family are super religious, but he's also like,
like not so religious to the point where they don't have fun. fan like Like Louis Black, who was in NCIS New Orleans. He was a little boy in Sling Blade.
Dude, have you watched him on TikTok? He's hilarious. He's always talking about his fucking boat and shit. He's showing you how to go out on his boat. He is awesome. He's awesome. I love watching his Instagram reels because like it'll go from you know they're going to the church to fix a water leak in in the middle like late at night. And then the next reel will be him and his boys out on a boat shark hunting or alligator hunting. Probably the Russians or the Germans.
He's awesome. I love watching him. He's cool, too. I like i like him. i wish you i know he i know he's quote-unquote retired from acting, but... Is he really? i miss Yeah, he... What did he take time off for? For his family and...
stuff like that, which is not a bad thing. Understandable. yeah Allen allen allens Richardson bridges ah definitely does come across like a pretty pretty pretty cool guy, pretty nice guy. There's one line in the new Reacher where he's talking to what's that? What's the chick's name?
McNeely? Yeah, yeah, yeah. His friend. He's what's that what's what's what's a chick's name mcnelys his friends they're not chery yeah yeah yeah his friend it was like This twice my size. and she's like Nobody's twice your size, this reacher. I saw when he shows up, at the you know he saves that kid and he goes to the guy's house and the guy just that guy that's twice his size is just a complete douche.
It's good, man. I'm very happy... ah very happy Because I don't have a lot of shows that I watch on a regular basis by myself. Right. You like Nikki and I just got.
So we finished all the Dexters. Yeah. And i still need to finish Original Sin. I need to finish it. So good. So good. it's like Originally, originally they they weren't planning for a second season, so there was no cliffhanger.
but they left a cliffhanger because there's potentially that they're they think that they're going to get picked back up for a second. Oh, yeah, I think so, too. because i The ratings of the season finale were the highest ratings for any so's Showtime show in, like, the last 25 years.
No shit. How fucking awesome is young Deb? The chick that plays young Deb, she nailed it, dude. but She curses just like the original actress. I hate Leguardo, but I hated Leguardo. You don't like i But i hate I didn't like her on the original series. Oh, no, no, no. Young Deb.
No, I know. I'm saying I don't like the young LaGuerta. I didn't like the original LaGuerta. I meant she was a raging cunt. and And the girl who plays the young LaGuerta is spot on. and Like, yourre God, you're such a cunt.
Like, you've always been a cunt. Yeah. and And, of course, Masuko and and and what Batista, flawless fucking...
i said niki to ask i said I sent Nikki a message the other day on TikTok, a video, and it was when when new Masuka me sold Masuka, and the guy who plays him in the young version did the laugh, and then just from off the side, you heard the the original Masuka laugh, and then Masuka come in, and then they both did it together, and I was just Fucking awesome. but yeah so But now, however, i did I did finally get her on to Supernatural.
We're in the first season of Supernatural. yeah You know how I know you're gay? You watch Supernatural. You know what? I don't give a fuck. I'm a dean girl, and if you don't like it, you can suck my asshole, Rick. um so you growth and I'm a manly man. I race on the dirt tracks, and I grunt when I take a shit and pound my chest and only eat my meat rare.
I'm man. I'll be gay. Supernatural is a great show. It's a terrible show. However, the only problem I have with it, there's a lot to keep. like There's a lot going on.
You know how I know I'm gay? but i know i'm gay I want to have a threesome with Tom Brady and Ryan Reynolds. Right? I would do that simply for bragging rights. yeah Although, from what I understand, Ryan Reynolds is kind of little bit of hot water. Did the voice chat not work? I saw something about it. I don't even know what it about, but like he made a bad joke and everybody was just like... The other day, I think he was like, place to do show make a deal island or something like that.
Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, Joe Magadella hosts it. That is a fine man right there. You're right, that is one sexiest man. She looked at me and said, is wrong with you?
At this point, do you expect any less? What are you, new? There you go, now you don't have to be on the phone.
because i watched it I was actually scrolling through TikTok. ah Momoa was up on stage with Pantera the other day singing. Momoa has his own band. Yeah, he does.
But he actually he was at a Pantera concert and Pantera saw him and it was like, hey come on up. And he's singing along to the song Walk.
I was like, that's pretty cool. I totally forgot that song existed. Yeah. but i had to look it up. i was like, I know that song. Holy shit. that yeah Yeah, I think Supernatural is a pretty... It's a fun show. It's it's entertaining. It's right that my alley. it you know The first few seasons are right up my alley.
With the supernatural stuff and the crystals and the ghosts and Bigfoots Wendagos and stuff like that and different things. Dude, I watch it for Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I wait for him to pop up and he does That would make good as fuck.
I love that dude. He's actually in several episodes. he's given you Oh, yeah. He popped in. We're totally playing this week. um
my father but You know, there's if there's a couple seasons where they kind of lost me, especially when they started getting into all the gods and angels and and and all that stuff. Have a good night, brother.
don't even know what the fuck we're talking about. You know where we'll be at, Untrackable. He had to go take care of some things. He put it a private chat. ah We'll be here, brother.
Come on back in. Love you, man.
Now, that yeah, there was a few seasons where they kind of lost me when they were doing the angels and demons and gods and blah, blah, blah. Anyways. yeah They all can't be winners.
definite You know?
Annie Huey. Bye. Pick them in the fight.
It's one of those things. I'm actually trying to find something new to watch that I have. That I know I can get into. Whoa. i do you are yeah you You are getting tired of watching Tranny Gangbangs? What the fuck was that?
No, I watch those still. That was my pilot. as I know that was your thing for a while. i didn't know if you were just blacking out. else hole in my thing i and i yeah yeah i'm telling you. and I don't know from personal experience, but I heard from a friend that apparently... Why are you going over to that? Go over to the planes, dude. Go fight the planes. And my friend really enjoys it.
Dude, I saw something the other day. You killed. iy Yeah, I told you to go to the planes. I have that app where i can watch any TV show and movie on my phone. And, you know, it shows ads, you know.
And... It showed an ad the other day, and I was like, what the fuck? I didn't even know what they what are the ad was for.
And I clicked on it, and turns out it was a porn page. And I was like, yeah. That's French. Podcast day. I thought it was a podcast day. Yeah, podcast day. It's French.
Bro, Glick, have you ever played this game? This War Thunder game? i don't know. I don't want to sleep with weddings. so right so So Wyatt is ah is flying an old World War II prop fighter plane, right?
okay He cranks a turn so hard on another plane that the G-forces push on the pilot and his screen starts to black out as the pilot's nice consciousness.
Damn. He's in a dogfight right now. How many planes are there?
There's like 10 planes to each side plus ground forces trying to shoot you down. And you literally have to like lead way ahead of them to get the bullets to hit them because you're shooting an old school machine gun.
Right. From these, but he's got biplanes flying. Well, two wing biplanes. Right. But like, bro, it's fucking, this shit is wild.
Is it on the PlayStation? It's on Xbox and PlayStation, and it's free. What's it called? War Thunder. You could even play as a tank and be a ground force trying to shoot down the aircraft.
That's going to go. Don't chase him to the ground. He's crash. Stupid. Why he was he just chasing this dude going down? He's chasing him right to the dirt.
Double tap. I get it. There it is. Dude, this thing is wild. Oh, you collided. He was shooting at one coming straight at him they crashed into each other in the Worst game of chicken ever. Yeah, like Jeff said, worst game of chicken ever.
This game's actually pretty fucking cool. How's that? Make me. You unlock achievements to unlock better planes. Okay. You can fly the... Was it the F-35? Does it? I'm not buying you the A-10. You're gay. That's dumb. Can fly dinosaur F-14 that...
does it i'm not buying you theh hat you're okay gold eagle that's that's jump can you fly the dinosaur at fourteen that that Tom Cruise absolutely annihilates all the brand new top of the line state of the art. was shooting. You said F-14, but I heard dinosaurs were like, what?
They don't even make the F-14. That's an old school fucking zero. In Maverick? Yeah, in Maverick. Bro, those things are nasty.
It was like a 40-year-old fighter jet that he takes on brand new state of the art. fucking a whole Wyatt squad. Wyatt in his biplane is currently trying to take on a German version of the P-51. And this thing is just outmaneuvering the fuck out of him. Like he's trying damnedest, but this thing's like spinning in the air and swerving. Like this is wild watching him do this. Like I'm getting dizzy as fuck.
I'm going to have to check it I potentially have at least one more week off of work. We'll see. I'll find out how much. Have you had any good interviews yet?
I had a really good interview yesterday.
Career and Personal Experiences
that plane's just going outmaneuver you tenfold. You're never going to hit that with a biplane, bro. um Oh, God. You took a shot to the wing. Really?
I thought it already was.
God, this guy's a jackass. I fucking love you. da so Breaking news. Donald Trump signs an executive order making English the official language of the U.S. It was never official.
Has anybody been able to verify the fucking tax-free overtime and shit yet? it's It's still in the house. I don't know. No, so no I had i had a um had a really good phone interview with on Thursday that like about a half hour I got after I got off the phone with the the girl from the HR she sent me an email and asked if I'd be willing to come in and do a person interview
either this week or next week. And I said, i whatever I'm available whenever. So I went in yesterday. We had a really good conversation. We chatted. They do have two more interviews next week. on cant chase and Stop, stop, stop.
um Jesus. So he said, you know, at least by Thursday, we should we should know next step for the second in-person interview where we want to go. But it was a really good interview. he he liked a Obviously, my resume speaks for itself.
We had a good conversation and he said they're looking to find somebody local. Nice. How far away?
Five minutes. Nice. it's I'm sorry. It's seven minutes. from From my house to the building where maintenance shop and stuff is, it's seven minutes.
Oh, wow. thank she Yeah. So I'm like. yeah like yeah um ah I don't get more local than that unless I unless i move into the building. I can see my house from here. e but He was a pretty cool dude. um The company sounds great. The company sounds really cool. They've got a pretty good Benny's package, retirement plan. What are you gonna be doing there?
Maintenance. Same thing that I've always done. Oh my God, you might actually have to do real work. story i to take a napps when you're When you're as good as I am, shut up bro but you don't have to worry about all that.
yeah Because as as we said in the interview, he's like, some days it's really boring around here. And I was like, well, that's because people are doing their job and maintenance is taken care of.
If they don't have anything to do, that's a good sign. That's not a bad thing at the end of the day. That means your buildings are in good shape and there's nothing going on. I'll still
but yeahll i'll still be doing i'll still be doing maintenance commercial maintenance. but Do you Hit the brakes. onite package they Nope, that's not it.
day one you start you get two weeks off sixty four hours of personal time that encourage you to use for instead of Instead of using your vacation time, they encourage you to use your personal time for like your kid's got a doctor's appointment or you got a doctor's appointment or your kid's got to leave school early because they're sick core or you know whatever. That way you don't eat up your vacation time.
That's why they give you the 64 hours. And then there's the paid holidays and stuff like that. They've got 11 or 12 paid holidays, something like that. I just found out yesterday I get paid twice each week.
so You know what I just found out yesterday? That you're gay? This stupid office chick that fucks everything up, speaks Spanish, and doesn't do her job worth the fuck was making more money on salary than I was making per hour driving without my overtime.
No shit. Oh, wow. Why? Because she's got a really nice ass, a nice rack, and she's Hispanic. That'll do it. But she's about to get fired. We fired a driver on Friday.
check this shit out. Picked up a dumpster. Didn't you just get a brand new truck or something like that? Oh, no. Yeah, we had the brand new. It's been sitting there so long that the battery was dead on it when went to drive it on Friday.
But we took it over for pain. So what happened was we bought this new 348, this Peterbilt 348. Now I know that means nothing to you. I know what it is.
It's the like almost like the flat-nosed version of the Peterbilt. Yeah. So we grew around semis my whole life. Well, these are brand new. The 348s are a brand new model. They only started making them a year and a half ago.
But it's like, it's almost like a flat nose, but when you get in and drive it, it's like driving a 40 Kano line van. It's like driving an E350. It's got, it's got the, yeah, it's got that. Yeah, it's got like a mini hood.
It's like driving an Astro minivan. brother the hood is The hood is about a foot and a half. So we bought it and we had, we got, we ordered it in dark blue because we were going to lease it to our sister company on the South side, ADM.
Well, then all of a sudden they backed out of the deal. So, and we're starting to get busier now that we've got two salesmen. So we took it over to get painted for our colors. But so while we're doing that, once I get back to the yard, I get a call. We get a call at the office from a guy who is literally fuming mad.
So he just put his house on the market on Wednesday. The first round of showings was today. Our driver went Friday afternoon to pick up the dumpster.
Didn't check the door, pick the dumpster up. The door opened and went through the fucking garage door of the house. Oh, shit. Who sell in the house is a fucking cop.
wow man So he's already on a power trip. He's super pissed now. I called Theo, the driver. I was like, bro, was that door closed when you picked the dumpster up? And he said, I thought it was.
I said, fuck you. And I hung up the phone. Soon as I heard that, I knew once Greg heard I thought it was, he was fired. Theo got fired so fast, he didn't even get to bring his paperwork into the office.
Greg fired him in the back parking lot and told to get the fuck out of his face. we fired a guy on front Yeah, because that's not going to be a cheap fix, and you guys are going to have to eat that. And we have to rush to get it done. and We have the rush to rush get it done because this guy's house is on the market.
So Greg calls a dude that we already know. Balducci is his name. Calls Balducci, Balducci starts heading over. Not only did it put a hole, a perfect hole in the garage door, hit so hard, it broke the framing for the windows on the top of it and cracked three of the four windows.
The whole door has got to be replaced. It's not one panel. That's not a panel thing. like If it was just the one panel that the hole was in, cool.
But because it broke the window framing in the windows, you're talking all four fucking panels of this door got to be replaced. I guarantee you, based on the neighborhood, this is probably $5,000, $6,000 fix all day long.
ye at insult to injury. We then get a call immediately following that. Some lady screaming that one of our trucks lost a piece of drywall that bounced off her hood and took her windshield out.
Nice. Now, that one that one's an easy one to fight. Yeah. you Yeah. You can't prove. Our driver says, I don't know what happened. It didn't come from my truck.
She doesn't have video proof. We're not going replace shit on her car. Exactly. Yeah. Is it morally right? No. Did it probably happen? Yes. But the first thing you're taught as a driver is you never admit fault.
didn't remember that. No, because I can get behind any truck and I've got a crack in my windshield and say and I can call the guy, you're a driver, and and the truck's been there for six months.
Yep. Oh, absolutely. I can do it right now, and I've had a cracked windshield for two years. yeah All I've got to do is find the right company and call them. They're not going to ask any questions. going send a windshield company out. Well, did you hear that, what is it, Google?
If you send Google bill, they'll just pay it. Yep. Well, have you seen their fucking trucks? Have you seen their vans in the show in Mexico? I don't know. They might deliver by donkey and fucking what?
No, Google. as in Oh, Amazon. Does Amazon deliver in donkey and cart down there? No, they actually use a company called I can't remember camp, but they they use Sprinter vans.
Okay, so they have Sprinter vans up here. Every fucking one of them, the sides and the back doors are wasted on all of them. Because these fucking people don't know how to drive worth a five. here's the kicker.
So when you work for a company in Mexico, if there's a scratch on your vehicle, you pay for it as the driver. So these guys are fucking extra. ah ah Extra. Let's go.
Wally. I might could embarrass you with some my dirt track and talk. I've been to a lot of tracks all over the country, my guy. Wyatt is playing this game currently as a destroyer and he's in the water getting ready to take on other boats.
yeah I don't know where all Wally's been. I don't know how long he's he's been doing it. He must have been doing it for a while. oh he's wow Yeah. I don't play Gable Battle. Or involved with the motorsports scene.
Why, because you can't see through your smoke?
I've never played an battle in the world. Rotate sideways and turn your cursor and shoot. Because your cannons shoot off the side. They don't shoot straight off the front. oh There you go. Now turn and fire.
Let her rip, Tater Chip. Yeah, we, we when i when I was working, they... yeah hit it they don't take that They don't take that shit lightly, man. when like they think They had a lady one day, this fucking woman cut me off, hit her brakes.
We were in a construction zone. I was in the lane I was supposed to be in. The zone? Right. And she was in the lane that was hitting And I gave her room and she...
decided she wanted the last second She wanted to get even further up in front of everybody and wound up behind me. And then she sped up.
After the lane had ended, she sped up and cut me off and then locked her brakes up. and And then she called the office and, like, said that I wouldn't let her in, and then I was shelling at her, and I clipped her off and a whole bunch of crazy shit. you wouldn't flank ahead And they pulled me into the office because they were just going to like, hey, whatever, we'll just make her go away type deal.
you know we'll like We'll give her money so she could see what's up. She's like, look, you're looking there. and doted on and out And I'm like, look, I'll tell you right now, none of that happened. This is exactly what happened. And and there there is no me getting in trouble and you writing her and writing it off. She wants to go to court. I'll go stand up on it.
I'll go get on the stand and under her. yeah She's going to commit my perjury if she says that this happened because it didn't fucking happen. I said, you could see because they monitored everything. Our speed, our hard braking, our fast acceleration.
I said, you can see my rate of speed where I was. I didn't even have to hit my brakes when she tried to slam her brakes on and cause me to rear end her. I said, didn't even have to jam my brakes on.
I was like, that sure as hell oh I sure as hell didn't flip her off or say anything to her.
I was like, but now part of me, because they were they were threatening to write me up, I said, but now part of me wishes I did get her fucking car, drag her out of it, and curb stomp her stupid ass to make it worth my while.
I had that. like yeah Yeah. a but Yeah, man. Some people are, when it comes to companies, man, Well, there's ah there's a whole scam and in and that was a lot in Asia, but people will literally step out in the road while you're stopped and then run backwards so they've hit your car.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Scooter and shit. And I'm like... I see that on the dash cams. Dash cams? I'm like... yeah It makes me want to buy a dash cam. like Rotate your road to the side. You see the guy walk out in front of... You can't drive turn left. He's out of your area now.
that now but those like joy if If you're stupid enough to do that, I will show my NASCAR. Look how hard he's turning.
Yeah. I don't have time for stupid people like that. If you will if you want to try to make a block for that, I hope you do get hit by car. Yeah. You gotta sink it.
And the second part of the dash cam that's going to be great is the footage of me getting out of my car and kicking you in your dick because you just dented my hood jumping on it. Exactly. that That's the thing. I'm like, I wish a motherfucker would, especially when I got a dash cam. You just dented my car?
You don't fucking my car. You're doing fine here, isn't That thing's going underwater. Keep repairing. Get out and you have to turn sideways. Go, Jenkins. Go, Jenkins. get out what What was that? Nigel. The replacements. Yeah.
ni and whatever other replacements yeah youre tur it's just That's because that's just okay.
throtttleling german level things like yeah let's play football beat yeah I love that scene. Let's go, man. This is ken this isnt becoming a good bucket. I got... Look which way your torpedoes are even on the side of the book. I got blue jackets on my phone. This hockey game has turned out to be a good bucket. Now let them go. It's four to three. Jackets are up.
I have zero interest in watching this sport. I don't...
You got it. See? You're thinking torpedoes can't shoot straight because they're the cannons. It's not that I don't understand the game because I do understand the game. But unless I got money on it, I don't care. Yeah, you let four of them rip.
dude Dude got a one-on-one with the goalie. Took the shot. they're like like They got real physical. called a breakaway. Yeah. It's not a breakaway, first and foremost. If he was one-on-one.
Shut the fuck up and let me finish saying what I'm saying. Come on, fuckface. It wasn't a breakaway. It was two-on-one, and the two Red Wings. Oh, my God. This guy, I know everything about everything.
she I'm watching the game. Shut up and go. I'm listening. It was two-on-one, and so Detroit smashed him, like sandwiched him, him and then bounced off of each other, and he took the shot.
Well, when he took the shot, there was no breakaway. It was after the collision. The shot hit the goalie in the chest. Isn't a breakaway when you're actually leaving people in your dust? Yeah, when you yeah. yeah yeah so So the the initial shot hit this hit the goalie in the chest and bounced off.
I did find something interesting about Rocky. And he got the rebound in the goalie because he was already going down to to block the one shot was out of the net, out of the way.
So he was able to smack it right back in when he caught the rebound. It was a physical play on the goal. But, yeah, it was two on one. And he just took a shot when they sandwiched you. I did try to have something interesting hockey that that I'm curious if you guys know.
You know when goalies drop their drop to their knees and stuff to stop that? You know that actually didn't start until the Black Hockey League did it.
There was a black hockey league because they didn't let black players play with white players way back in the day. And the black hockey league, a lot of things you see today in hockey started in the black hockey league.
Rick, who's that? I don't know know anything about that. Who's that who's that black hockey player that's a monster? DK Subban. Oh, yeah. That dude's a fucking... He's been on Mac a few times.
Do you know, genetically, black people don't play hockey for a valid reason? Because it's a white sport? Nope. Genetically, black people have weaker ankles. They have weaker ankles than white people.
You sound racist. I swear to God. Dude, I swear to God. I learned this fact years ago. thinkr That sounds like a racist thing say. I'm sure you're right. and i'm not raise i'm just saying she just snap likeingly Genetically, because they're typically the average black person is typically taller than the white person, they have weaker ankles, so they struggle on skin. Kevin Hart would probably be a dominant fucking defenseman if he was fatter.
Okay. oh who open Open that. by But yeah, I saw this i saw this thing on TikTok. ah It was like, did you know? And it was about hockey. and It was like, there was a black hockey league because they didn't love the black players.
And it was like it was like nine different teams. And a lot of the things you see in hockey today started in a black hockey league because the white guys were just like, we're playing hockey. Yeah.
I thought that was interesting. Wally said, been in dirt track racing since Ace. I know a lot of big names and turn wrenches for the Morans.
Morans. ah This is the fourth straight game the Jackets have scored five plus goals. That's that's a rarity. um so i be like That's the one thing I've noticed about hockey. Not that I watch, but it's like A lot of goals, like, theirre they're a rarity.
And Detroit has taken 46 shots on goal to Columbus' 21, and the score's 5-3. Who the hell is that? You're ranked number one. Rick, Deion Dawkins is at Elimination Chamber rocket oh my god rocking a Buffalo Bills championship belt. He was probably screaming when the Canadians booed the fuck out of the U.S. National Anthem.
Oh, dude. Yeah, he's got he's rocked he's rocking the Buffalo Bills. Deion Dawkins is hysterical. yeah he's are he did he' I looked up and I see they're just showing this guy and I'm like, who the hell is that guy? He's got the Buffalo Bills championship belt he's dancing around and he's waving it up. he's turning I wonder who he went with. They didn't show with anybody, but yeah. yeah so is that there Rumor a presumer has it, before Jeff gets all fluffy, I want to spit this out there.
Rumor has it, and I have not been able to verify yet, Josh Allen could currently set the record in the NFL for a quarterback contract.
Really? How much? Nine years, $848 million. um much guarantee two hundred and seventy million guaranteed Let's go final five to three. Blue Jackets server Detroit. That means the Blue Jackets. 270 million guaranteed.
He would make $70 million a year as a quarterback for the Bills. something yes You know, I mean, but i wouldn't i wouldn't necessarily... i mean well This year was great for him, and he got the and he got the he got the turnovers under control this year. I wouldn't be mad if he got paid, man.
Yeah, but that's ridiculous money. I get it. What he does, not everybody can do. I can't do it. you know you we can't None of us on a here can do it. On his level. On his level.
I can throw football. Speak for yourself. I can throw football. I can throw football. Speak for yourself. And my point is... There's a reason why I'm the champ.
Josh Allen's not the champ. okay Josh Allen hasn't won champ. I'm sure he can pay people now to call him the champ if he wanted to. You can't say the same. I'm just saying.
I mean, people call me in the champ. It's on Gemini. It's on the interwebs. So, yeah. but i saw that You had to prompt Gemini. I didn't have to prompt him. I just asked him. Yes, you did.
So is that is that just a rumor mill or is that potentially a real thing? That's a rumor mill. But could you imagine? I mean, it wouldn't blow my mind because Brandon Bean does that kind of dumb shit.
so well Well, that's my next question. so what is right now, what is the record guaranteed? I think actually I think Deshaun Watson got it I think got What did get 180 million guaranteed? Wasn't that what it was? Wasn't it 40 years 180 guaranteed?
can't remember what the guarantee was I thought the guarantee was touch people inappropriately and not play the game You'd make all that money look I could do that I do that now Did you die already?
yeah ah Yes. ah Deshaun Watson is the number one highest paid NFL player with a contract worth $230 million. But you know what? Prescott got $229 million. Yeah, but how much of Deshaun's was guaranteed?
I don't know. Let's almost see. That's insane. I feel like they guaranteed the whole thing, didn't they? it all mo it was a yeah It was a very... big old thrill Yeah, they they definitely... It was like 80% it or something like that. It was stupid.
How much is Deshaun Watson guaranteed with his deal? Let it rip, bro. it It's assholes like you that actually pay his salary by watching game.
No. I don't pay his salary by watching it. Yeah, you Every ad you see. He's not in any ads. Nobody wants to pick him up. No, no, no, no, no.
It goes to the NFL and the NFL, you know, all that shit. it's Are you ready for this, Rick? And this is what I thought it was. Are you ready for this? Yeah, what is it? fully guaranteed. I thought it.
ah Yeah. I knew there was a big controversy over that. um He got guaranteed. Yeah, that's why that's why the joke was he owned the Cleveland Browns for five years. They can't do a fucking thing.
It's a five-year contract. Guaranteed all of it. Yeah. He owns you for five years. Yeah, Jeff, here's the thing. Deshaun Watson, there's 18 weeks in ah in an NFL season.
Right. Deshaun Watson has played 18 games in three seasons. ah Two or three. yeah I can do that. He's played six games out of each season.
Yeah. maybe two On average. yeah Yeah. Dude. Ask him if he cares. Ask him if he cares. He doesn't give up two shits.
I want his agent. yeah Yeah, that comes down. I watched that show billion Billions or Ballers with The Rock and the dude from that ball guy where where they they're basically sports agents.
Yeah. and And the agents deserve more because fuck, they do so much. It's actually not a terrible show. I think you guys would like Hey, man.
Shout out to Lamar Jackson. It's called Ballers. It's on HBO. Oh, yeah. I've heard about it. It's good.
It's not terrible. I actually enjoyed it. Shout out to Lamar Jackson. His mom is his agent. And but Baltimore finally paid his ass. ah he got He got a nice pay. And his mom's his agent.
That's surprising. None of you fucking sleazebags. Agents get by 10%, don't they? yeah Mama's got me taken care of. I'm at C, but um that's how I would do it. I think agents get way more than 10% at the end of the day.
You know whose agent I truly want?
Kurt 2 Chainz Cousins agent. Right. That motherfucker. Let me put this into perspective for you, Jeff. Kirk Cousins has made as much money as Tom fucking Brady in the NFL, right?
And he has been in one playoff game in his career. um That's it. But one time he played in a playoff game. However, i still I still want to be Deshaun Johnson because I don't have to watch like yeah whatever like show up like three times and I get paid. Kirk Cousins just signed a deal with the Falcons for two years for $180 million.
Sports and Athlete Contracts
$100 guaranteed. And that was coming off of an Achilles tear. yeah know This motherfucker has made Tom Brady money and has been in one playoff game his entire career. That's the way to be. because as As cool as it would be to be Tom Brady, you can't go outside.
His agent, though, Kirk Cunzig's agent is a fucking genius. I never want be famous like that. And the Falcons basically want to fire Kirk Cousins at this point in time. But they're going to hold him for another year. Because they're on the hook for that $100 million. So he's going to sit on the bench and just collect $100 million. He's going to sit there behind fucking Michael Penix Jr. and mentor him.
Dude, and Jeff, Jeff, you would like Kirk Cousins. would laugh all the way the bank. Jeff, you would like Kirk Cousins. would laugh all the way to the bank. He's a cool dude. He's a cool cat, man. like They call him Kirk 2 Chainz because he started when they when he was in Minnesota and they were winning and stuff and they were playing really well.
he took He was starting to wear like the other like some of the other players, their big chains, their big diamond chains and stuff. And he was in the back sitting and shaking beers up and drinking beer and everything else.
So they like they would be on the Vikings playing going to a game, and they would take pictures, it would be Kurt, and you have like he'd have like a drink in his hand and two chains around his neck.
Like the other players Like the dude is fucking awesome He's a cool cat But yeah, you know Yeah, the Falcons Because he kind of had a rough season this year And I don't put the blame fully on Kurt The Falcons are trash Let's be honest But he had a rough year this year And they wound up benching him And they're like, we want to get rid of him But it's the same thing with Cleveland They got two years left on that 230 mils.
so Must be rough. I'm just saying, man. If you could produce one good year. Well, there's that cat in baseball that's still getting paid.
he gets all This is his last year. is this is like how much How long has he been getting paid? 11 years since he left the league. For Red Sox. what was's What's his name? what's his name I can't remember what his name is, but I believe he left the Red Sox. and that was because whatever Whatever his name is, they call it blah, blah, blah day, which is the day he gets paid.
This cat's been retired out of baseball for 11 years and still gets millions of dollars every year. that's I want his fucking agent yeah to negotiate my next work contract. I'm just saying. and this and This is his last year. so twelve so Twelve years after Homeboy retires, he gets X amount of millions lord ab for the contract. They call whatever his name is.
That day is Billy Bob. whatever it is they whatever his name is that that day is
billy ball day, you know, because that's the day we're we can take. I'm not mad at it, dude. On this ridiculous contract that he signed. I'm not mad at it. I'm blaming one bit.
Yeah, that's why it just goes to show. Sometimes you only need, like, one good year, and you're, you know, if you're a professional, like, like Like, you know, well, like Joe Rogan.
yeah Joe Rogan is a jerk-off, but he signed $100 million dollars with Spotify, and it's like $200 million? $200 million, think. $200 million with Spotify, and, you know, from here on out, he could just kind of He can do whatever he wants, man.
you but you gotta you got to hand it to Rogan. He doesn't phone it in. If you got a contract for $200 million, regardless of what we do, we would totally fucking phone it in. No, I wouldn't. wouldn't do a play on my fucking Ferrari. Fuck that. I wouldn't waste my money on something dumb like a Ferrari. wouldn't either.
it i yeah I mean, I didn't win the lottery, but i did buy... I didn't win the lottery, but I did buy two dozen eggs, so there are signs that I've got money. Oh, that's a big sale bed over there. and Look at you. bought a 36-pack of eggs.
Show off. Yeah, but Mexicans got a got chickens everywhere. Yeah, and you know what? Eggs are fucking cheap as shit here. Not here. They're fucking $7 dozen.
I still don't know how much eggs cost. I have no idea why people are upset about the cost of eggs. You want know why? Because I'm loving the fact that since January 16th, every time I go get gas, it's under $3. Mine's not even under $3. Fuck you.
Every time I go get gas, it keeps getting lower and lower under $3. Dude, here, gas is like $2 a liter. I message him back. And there's four liters per gallon.
Yeah, I was going to say, it's $8 gallon for you guys. Our gas right now is $2.60. Actually, I'll tell you exactly what it is. then Just tell them, okay, then don't.
ah Here in town. and I'll answer them.
I thought gas was cheaper in the South. When I lived down in South Carolina, gas was always like 50 or 60 cents cheaper down there than what it was up here in Ohio. i got it. You would think. Okay, so my gas station that I go to to get gas every every time I need gas, actually every every yeah every speedway in is that two sixty three yeah i'm two ninety nine here So you're under $3?
Barely, but... Depending on which you county. upon why you got a dollar of Depending on what county you're in. I'm $2.99. I'm from... I've seen it $2.79 all the way to $3.29. Depending on what county you're in.
Jedi, show me that you're real just in is this realize Is this the real Jedi? That's why i got him hovering just in case. What? It's the real Jedi. What's up, for you sexy bitch?
I got it. hey oh i do Who's buying all the eggs? I want to hitch my cart to that person. You want me to kick these assholes out of here so we can have some alone time? yeah Hey, hey, hey.
I want my turn with Jedi, too. I'm kind of a fan of his. Kind of. yeah you' got a little bit Hold on, Jedi. Do you have some chin tubes going on here? Do you have some little bitty chin pubes?
i yeah I could only afford chin pubes or eggs, and I chose chin pubes. I don't blame you, bro. I Excellent choice. I would have done the same thing.
I'm just hoping something fertilizes my chin pubes. He really is an albino. Look, his hair comes in white. john sure Badass beard care has a vitamin that will help it grow.
actually I swear to God they do. do you have a sponsor? Is that what's going on here? No, i actually don't. But the reason I support them is they're veteran-owned, veteran-operated.
They only hire veterans. Who is it? Badass? Badass Beard Care. Yep. yeah That's who I used to. that's it and they They personalized. They literally, to tell you how much they personalized every order, I put a note on my one order. I said, draw me a race car. right so My order shows up and on the cardboard box, they drew like Are you fucking serious? They drew a Chevelle with giant fucking tires and the little bad face driver on it with this huge blower motor on the front.
They drew it on there with pen. I was like, that that's how you know you're getting personalized service. Do you know what's funny, too? I bet the people working when they saw that, they were excited. They're like, fuck yeah, we'll draw this.
You know what I mean? like like Who's an artist? and Who can fucking draw? Not you. You got a helmet on. You, you, draw this. so So the second order that I ever ordered from them, I got a thing of balm and a thing of oil.
And the oil got shattered in transit because it's a glass bottle with a dropper. I reached out to Charlie, the guy who runs it, on Facebook directly. i was like, hey, Charlie, I don't know where to go for this. My bottle of oil was broke in transit. How do I file for a refund?
He was like, what's your order number? I sent it to him on Facebook Messenger. He sent me five bottles of oil, different smells, all for food. Are you fucking... that That's the kind of service. That's why I go with badass beard care.
I will never change. Badass beard care. Everybody go get them if you got a beard. or I'm not kidding. I will never change beard companies again. Fuck yeah, dude. That the definition of customer service right there. I was with...
I use bad-ass for a beard for for a long time. I guarantee it is. on everything When Nikki and I started dating, I actually switched over. even no Even though they're a little aggravating and a little upsetting, um I switched over to Mad Viking Beard Company because Nikki knows the guys who own they're from They're from her neck of the woods up there in PA.
They got great products. bad Badass Beard, I like their products and I like Mad Viking. But They've had Viking. were trying to get him to become a sponsor. but They'll respond to Nicky, but they won't respond to me. if you that was For good reason.
that right yeah Nicky knows the guys who who who run it and own it. so I got it. When we did the first live show. How did they get Miami? the first live show is the little flas and instruct but how do they get min they sent They sent a huge prize pack in.
like a huge like they donated a huge bundle oh Because they did the beard competition. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. i so So they sent in a huge... And then they sent some extra stuff so I could have some stuff as well. down with But... i said however They're a good company.
you know I like both brands. i i need answers. i don't i don't i mean I've had a couple other ah couple other companies that I use that I just didn't care for their products. Whether it was the Sense or...
Or whatever, but man, Mad Viking's got some fantastic... My big thing is not so much the scents, my biggest thing is the quality of the balm. Like, if the beard balm is, like, chalky... Yeah.
they do not use a lot of ga yeah i don't i don't i don't I don't use a lot of I have I don't use a lot. I'm more into the oil and lotion just to keep it shiny, keep it smooth, keep my the meat. It's not like you're talking about your dog. It's me. Labrador on your face?
Hey, you know what? you what if I say it all the time because there's people out there that think that they... There's people out there that like to talk shit because they have a beard. and It's like, yeah, but you look like a homeless man because you don't take care your... Jeff, for instance, when he grows his beard out, he looks like a fucking homeless man because he doesn't take care of his beard. I don't give if That's when everybody needs to be concerned. Because Jeff's having a bad hard time.
And he's too lazy to shake. Jeff will grow a beard out and he doesn't take care of it. And it drives me crazy. Do you recognize this at all, Glick? That's a badass beard company?
Nope, this isn't badass beard care. and
Oh, the box is fucking suction cup closed.
Rick's LGBTQ gift of the month. What that? That beard straightener. ah is a beard straight yeah I got a one too. ah yep Wow. Yep. Mine's got two different parts. It's got this part right here then it's got this part right here.
What does the top part do? That sounds like the sexy part. pick i guess It's like a pick. yeah Just the tip. Just for a minute. The battery's almost dead on it.
so yeah You already were ran it out of batteries. Yeah. chris I'll tell you what. who's that just table too Does it vibrate? I'll tell you what. I bought i bought i bought mine about six years ago.
I bought it at Walmart. and then i was and I love my beard brush. and My straightener and stuff. I love it. Got it at Walmart. Not very expensive.
Last week, I'm scrolling through TikTok. and Guess what's on the TikTok shop? my My beard straightener brand from Walmart. They're hocking it on the TikTok shop, man.
And I love it. and and and And you don't have to have... And I'll say this. You don't have to have a big name fancy brand beard straightener because they all do the same thing. It heats up, you brush your beard, and it straightens.
I disagree with that. Wait, it heats up and then you... Yeah, that's how... So that comb straightens because it heats up. That makes sense. That makes sense, actually. Okay. You know how like a hot... like Yeah, like like women have ah the straightener that they clamp. out that's what That's what I thought about after I said it out loud. You ready for you ready for a full chick moment And Glick will know what I'm talking about.
Are you going to show your vajayjay on camera? He is. You aren't that lucky. You aren't that lucky. Damn. I got a pay extra for that. Bro, you're not getting it until Applebee's. already warned you. I need fucking milkshake from Applebee's. That's fair. You know, I would respect you less if you gave it up before Applebee's. I wouldn't even respect you.
He's going to take you to Applebee's. He took me to McDonald's. You son a bitch, Chad. You got to set your standards a little higher. You got to tickle the balls. Keep in mind, that's why you've already been out with him and I haven't.
Dude, he sold me on the Coke. That's why you've been out with him and I haven't. He said I can get a supersized Coke. He said I can get a supersized Coke. I have a mini Chi. Do you know what a mini Chi is?
that is ah That is a straightener. That is a clamp straightener. So the Chi is a full-size straightener. The mini Chi is about this long, and it's only got plates are about this big, and it's for shorter hair like your beard.
you know know you know It's not about the size. It's about the motion of the beard. It was gifted to me for Christmas one year. No, but no the girls have done that. They're $120 fucking dollars, dude. Austin has done that to my beer. You can literally just go to the Walmart and pick up with a hairspringer for chicks. No, it's the brand, bro. It's a cheap, which is expensive. the brand Now, Austin's done that before. She's been straight in her hair. And she's like, Dad, come here. I need you for a second.
And I'll walk the bathroom. Bro, your like seven inches longer. Yeah. she's She's like, Dad. And then she's just, next thing I know, it's like, and she's like, dude, dude. Why is it in my belly button? Yeah, dude, it's all the way. You're like, oh, my God, I zipped it up in my jeans.
And she's like, look how look look how good it looks. I'm like, you know I have a brush that does that, right? And she's like, but it doesn't look as good as that. It's funny you said that, Jeff. You know you can buy the same thing at Walmart? Go inside your wife. She can buy the same fucking shampoo at the dollar store something. Oh, you're just looking for fight. You're looking for a fight.
cheap Your wife uses L'Oreal? Yeah. I actually have a conditioner right here because it's put into my hair. Why do you have it right next to your streaming station? Because and before we started, had just gotten out of the shower.
That's what I was thinking, too. So keep doing underneath my desk, Lazy. It's none of business. Because everything is in Jeff's streaming area.
I'm in a bathroom. Everything is in there. His food is in there. His drinks are in there. His bathroom is in there. got a mini fridge. got a microwave. That was Chris, so you could add him. yeah My wife won't let me get mini fridge in here.
She's like, what for? We're moving to Europe. I was like, I don't care. I want a mini fridge. Without hesitation, Rick. Right? We were both like...
makes it soy smooth On that note, I got to go take a piss. hey na about me bring your coffee Bring your conditioner. Bring your conditioner.
No, right before we started clicking, and were talking before we started and I, I'd gotten out of the shower about 40 minutes ago. My hair was dry and my hair, I have baby fine hair. Like it's, uh, it's,
and environment yeah and And I just shaved the sides and stuff. So my hair was just like... bo all fluffed up, so I put conditioner in. I have the complete opposite problem.
My hair is super thick and curly. yeah but if i get on that's why i That's why I put a hat on it. As soon as I get out of the shower I brush it, I throw a hat on, and then now I can take my hat off and I can leave it alone. However, over time, it'll start to... but i If I let it dry naturally right out of the shower, i have like the sweet juke rub. Yeah.
I mean, I look like a lion mane the way I have my haircut i show like like my hair It's like a lion mane if the lion was on crack. My hair is so fine that if the if I sweat just 30 seconds, then it looks like I haven't washed my hair in my face. look like Marv from Home Alone. Right? Right.
I mean, Nicky likes it when I let my hair dry naturally and I don't put my hat on. But I'm like, yeah, it's just, it's a lot of work because I do got to, as it dries, I got to come back and brush it again and to keep it so it's not so crazy. But, um... So what did he say you wanted to put it in? How long has it been since you got I don't know.
I think almost a year now. Uh-huh. Before I started that. Did you start, did you, were you going bald and you're like, fuck this, I'm just gonna... Oh, no, I had, well, yeah, but not like natural male. He's going to say some fucked up shit. Like, I had cancer.
I was like, I got leukemia. No, I I thought it was yeah. My hair my hair started falling out and weird chun and there was talk i like um so you do have alopecia Yeah, and i used I used to have a full beard. And by the way, my hair used to be as dark as yours, Blake. I need a picture to prove it. And beard.
What? And then my it started falling out of my face, too. like just pat I need pictures to prove the beard and hair. I i can probably find some. no i i I can go bitch shit, Chris. ryan I always cut hair really short, even when I had it. But when it started falling out... wellll see I can tell you I had a fucking...
I had like a bleach blonde, natural bleach blonde mullet when I was young. No way. Boyfriend loved it. Oh, I got a picture to prove it. When I started shaving my hair and I shaved everything because my beard was falling out in chunks, my hair was, so I shaved everything. I looked fucking weird as shit. But then I like i let it, like, this little patch of bullshit that I let grow back.
It grew back white. everything Even my hair like my hair, I will grow it back in most places on my head, pure white after I shaved it. It went from as dark as Glick to pure white now.
so you're like I don't know why. I'm probably dying. I don't know. cause i don't have a very short version of Leslie Nielsen. I have long hair currently. ah very short version of leslie meal i have i have long hair that like Oh, you do? I never noticed that you have like long hair.
Oh, it's so safe. Oh, my God. That's a beardless picture. It's not a face, Dad. It's not a face, Dad. No, I actually, usually, I shave i shave the sides and the back all the way down. Wants to do what?
However... probably looks like a lesbian. yeah yeah fuck however However, I am going to... The problem is is, I'm like, I get wild hairs on my ass. They're all in their second accounts. here Years ago.
I know some people will like to say that I copied them when they single white licked me. You're going to go in the four? I had long hair. had all long I started working for Orkin when I lived Charleston.
i had long hair i had all long hair but i started working for or when i lived in charleston And I didn't want to cut my โ so I did that Viking look, kind of that Viking cut where you shaved the sides and the back. and Yeah, like what I did.
Because I could put it up in a ponytail and tuck it in. shit, Jeff. I never really did it here. Yeah, that's how I do my hair. I literally โ I could tuck it up underneath โ It's a weird mohawk.
Underneath my hat at work at Orkin because I wasn't allowed to have long hair and we weren't allowed to have facial. I worked at Orkin for like six years before they realized I had hair. Yeah. You weren't allowed have facial hair?
No, we could only have a mustache because pest control, sometimes to wear like... You have to wear a respirator. yeah respirators and they said that they they say that they don't seal properly. but no They don't do the same thing when you when you do automotive paint work.
Same thing as a firefighter. no That makes sense though actually. Your goatee has to be a certain distance. They're probably strict on that. That makes sense though. That's why firefighters only have mustaches and not fucking folios.
That's because they may not let firefighters when they're actually porn stars. Don't let them fool you. Or strippers. I watched Tacoma FD. That shit cracks me up.
When I tell you guys I had fucking bleach blonde fucking hair, I'm not even playing with you. Oh, I dyed my hair. Glick and I both dyed my hair. Bro, I didn't dye it. This was natural as fuck.
I didn't dye my hair. Stay gold, pony boy. No, you and I both skipped a day of class to go get our hair dyed. Wow. That was pretty blonde. Holy shit.
Yeah. The old Bugle Boy t-shirts right there, kids. Dude, Bugle Boy was my whole wardrobe in the Right? Fuck yeah. That and Hang 10.
i Remember Hang 10? they are Fucking blonde as fuck hair. Jesus.
Oh, you're like Bieber without any of the musical ability. Yeah. he looks like Jelly Roll without it. He looks like Luke Combs.
If I get to fucking Mexico to kick your stupid ass, I would. You only talk shit because you're over a miles away. Let me go ahead and correct you there. yeah and Glick will testify to this.
I will talk shit if we're standing next each other. How many times you think would have punched in the mouth growing He a cloud hugging his head. You wouldn't do any damage. It's just poof, poof, poof. The cloud will protect him. How many times you would have punched you in the mouth growing up? Because I hit a lot of my buddies.
That's some dumb shit they said. Don't worry. I hit back, but I use a brick. Bro, you don't have to stand after for I hit you once.
Here you go, lazy. Beardless and long hair. oh way okay Hold it up there for us. i got that Holy shit. I got that picture. Hold on.
That's about 11 years ago. You look like a serial killer. Bro, I got something like that. Here's Jeff. That's crazy. Jeff, I've been a big dude since I could fucking she says i was a senior in high school.
Here you go. I thought I had that picture. It's still on your Facebook. Yeah, I got that picture somewhere. That's crazy, Greg. You were ugly back then. No, I'm kidding. You're a motherfucker. I've always... No, it's...
Oh, wow. You had short hair, no beard. Jeff, you do have a picture of me without a beard. You were like born bouncer at a club, bro. It's the reason got into the security world. yeah I've always had short hair. never kept long hair since I was little.
yeah had I had long hair even when I was bouncing like Patrick Swayze at Roadhouse. He had that. just that mulller then we wrote all in maine Jeff's got a picture of me without a beard somewhere.
yeah That's one of my favorite ones. He keeps that right next to the lotion on his nightstand. You know what? he barely he not lot Unfortunately, Jeff has access to my Facebook page. Jeff has access to my Facebook page, so I can't really stop him from stealing pictures. So do I, dickhead.
Yeah, but the difference is I can throw him up on the show in about 30 seconds. Do it! Do it! Do it! Loading! Jeff also uses them for the lonely nights. I'm alone a lot. i yeah Here you go. Here you go, Lazy.
You're going kick out of this one. Which one's that? ah aye and There's a hundred things on here. so i Stop taking pictures for my OnlyFans, Jeff. Yeah, you got to pay for that. Oh, that's old. Yeah, that's old. Look at that triple chin. Oh, wow.
i mean you kind of like You look like Jared from Subway in that. Wait, before or after you started touching kids? I don't know. That's your discretion. I don't know when you started either.
here's Here's the one. and I'm going to i'm gonna try to cut out the kids. but this is No, because it's got he's got a picture with him and his daughters. with oh yeah you know that makes That makes sense. yeah you don't want backs that were younger Glick.
This is the one Glick was showing. We just talked about the Jared thing. You're like, i got to cut out the kids. from It makes it even more inappropriate. This is like the picture Glick was showing you with his long hair.
Smells fucking delicious. Is Peyton coming out to play? I don't know. She's going to need a headset if she does. Yeah, right there. What are you going to use?
The bad one. Oh, okay.
I'm trying to find this picture me when I played my baseball picture. who are you What were you pulling up, Jeff? What were you showing? ah there is skip and The picture you just showed with... Oh, yeah, I cropped the girls out of it. I cropped the girls out of it as well. I just popped Damn it, MK.
Damn it. Who was that? Who's who? It was Glick. where Oh, there's Glick. Son of a bitch. friends listen you lazy' We'd only been to Charleston for about a month.
ah Francis, I just came across pictures that I sent to my sister when I was dating Kira. Not going to lie. The look on your face when split that into the... But also outside closed doors, too. yeah not goingnna lie well look i hear whi me everma read That
yeah but also outside of closed doors too that sounds pretty hot actually Yeah, the crazy carried out of the bedroom, though. That's the problem. Oh, no, you want to keep it there. crazy was crazy. if you If you can't contain the crazy, it's not worth it, usually. The crazy was crazy 24-7. Yeah, the crazy was military PTSD, and it carried outside the bedroom.
Oh, no, no, no. No benefit to me, I promise.
Behind closed doors, it was fucking stellar. Right? Right? Public, it was not so pleasant. No, no, no. That's... oh As Joda would say, Crazy is strong with this one.
Crazy was beyond strong. Crazy it was strong. Did I send you the baseball picture, Wyatt? Yeah. Yes, I did.
i was trying to find a picture of where my beard was long. It was a whole lot of crazy wrapped up in a very, not a very big package. New Kara? ah Yeah. didy yeah I mean, she was five seven but still.
Yes, I did, you fuck. ah It's right here. Look, you can see the long hair hanging off the back of the ball cap.
That was my baseball picture from when I was like 12 years old. I've i've been shaving my head so long. this is This picture is almost 20 years What's up with Jedi's background?
Jenna's in the clouds, man. Jenna's just floating in the clouds. That's where i live. Me in the orange shirt. That was back when I had a Jesus Christ, how long have you lived in Mexico, bro? 20 years. and my message You've been there that long?
The blonde sitting next to me, that's my that's my ex.
That was my sugar mama. You see how that worked out, huh? No, well, I left her. but She stayed with Chapo and Jeff got to live in his shack with the goats. I dated her for 10 and never had a date. My camera died.
I saw that. Your camera died. Plug that bitch in. I got it. I'll be right back, guys. flattery He's got set up like Blaze does. Yeah. But yeah, i mean Jesus, that's an old picture.
I forgot about that picture.
I've always had crazy weird hair. Yeah, I've always, ah you know, I've either had a fade if I had short hair or most part I've always had long hair.
Yeah. i But agree like I said, I... Nikki wants me to grow back out. The problem is I just don't have the patience anymore because I reach that phase where my hair is just, you know, i the way it's cut, you know, I get like devil horns and then they turn into wings. And then it's like, yeah, when I finally, you know, then about the time that I reach the point where, yeah ah where, where, where my hair is like calmed down and sitting properly, then I'm like, ah, I'm not going to haircut.
Your fucking box is not going to my laundry. I've gotten past the first couple awkward phases. But I also always wear a ha. I just get in the ways with my hair. and so I do the same thing, but I just shave.
I just shave it off. I'll buzz my haircut because it's a Wednesday and I'm bored. I don't have i a picture of my beard long, but this is the biggest my beard in the picture I have.
And you've seen it bigger. Yeah. And like I said, do you drive me crazy every time you grow it out because you don't manage it. You just let it be. It's usually because I'm depressed and I don't care anymore.
I grow my beard because I'm lazy. yeah for And no other reason no other reason other than that, I'm just lazy. That's what the freedom went with. um'm not I'm not the typical um not the typical beard bro who, like, my beard is my personality. i just yeah I literally just grow mine because I'm too lazy to shave it. Bro, I'm a fan of the butts.
She's going grow up and be trouble.
Like, you're pointing them out? Go for it, bro. this care of eighteen I hope they're 18 years Really? You think so? Is this your jam right there? No shit.
No, we're looking at something. and I told Wyatt this girl is going to grow up and be trouble because she's already got the hips at 16, 17 years old. Wyatt's like, not my style. so I had a point one out to me and I was like, really?
like It baffled me. She looks like an ironing board. yeah can you never have No, no, and no. god no God, no. ill hundred pounds He put out the one in the middle right there.
I'm going to get my finger in there. The one right past my fingertip. Number one. twenty one 21. Is it 21? No, it is number one. You're right. No, it's actually number 14. Our hair's in the way.
Yes, that one. Wyatt pointed that one out to me, and he they need a fourth. Chris just texted me. They need a fourth in COD. Tom, are we on? And, like, five or ten minutes of eating hibachi.
So he pointed that out to me and I was like, no, really? That's your jam, huh? Tell them they can wait for the hibachi. I dated a softball playing chick.
A long time ago. Why? and More softball games. For a person that doesn't like sports... i Yeah, but softball's a lot of fun to watch, man. oh it is.
Like, Glick and I watched it Sunday last weekend on our podcast because Wyatt was at the game and he was trying to get on the camera, but he failed miserably. Yeah, way to let us down, Wyatt. Yeah, way to fucking let us down, Wyatt. One fucking job. i don't even I'm not even going to call you your name properly. Wyatt said, go eat a dick.
Yeah. Tuck-tuck, my little... Tough talk being in Georgia, little man. He said, tough talk all the way from Georgia, little man.
will go up to Ohio and I will pull some Mr. Miyagi shit just like Jeff. Just like I did on Jeff. What the hell did you do to Jeff? Did you Miyagi Jeff? yeah He said I'm about to.
is your door's open i never lock my door oh yeah jeff said jeff said the border's open i never lock my door come on in it's open for us to go down there he can't come back though toy it's freer here i'm just saying it's what did you say it's queer here it's freer and cheaper does look John Cena and CM Punk working together to whoop Seth Rollins' ass.
What is this, a fucking geriatrics club trying to take out Seth Rollins? Yeah. Nothing like bringing the fucking let's bring the nursing home out to fight Seth Rollins.
How old is it? Cena's got to be over 40. Cena's 48? My wife's from here. cni forty eight my wife's from here His wife's from there and she can't get citizenship here because he wasn't cool enough for the marriage to get her citizenship.
Wow. Yeah, that has nothing to do with it. so Shut your whore mouth. I was making up some dumb shit to make Wyatt laugh. You fucking goofy bitch. well the John Cena's 47. Oh, yeah. He's almost 50.
And CM Punk's got to be right there with him. However, at that age, the dude's fucking and healthy. Yeah. not question photo is He's to look a little little more like Ric Flair every day.
John Cena and CM Punk embrace each other in the middle of the ring and then start beating the hell out of each other. John Cena is starting to look a little more like Ric Flair every day with the flabby skin in the old age. John Cena is starting to look like JBL.
Yes, I'll give you that. Jeff, Wyatt said really though, why do you live in Mexico? with my wife. He's on the one from the wall. No, I moved down here with a company and then stayed.
His wife stayed, moved down there with a company, and then stayed. Dude, CM Punk is only 46. When I say only, because CM Punk and John Cena are only three and four years older than me. CM Punk looks way better than John Cena does. Dude, CM Punk, since he came back to WWE, looks great. compared to Oh my God, yes.
Because he looked terrible in the ufc Yeah, he looked rough in MMA. But he he looks great. He's lost a lot of weight, tightened up, got back in shape.
I thought you said Titan. Remember the Titans. Oh, no, no. Titan. And then I had to hear it. I was like, tighten up. The thing that kills me about John Cena is John Cena, his whole career had this like high and tight fade.
And now all sudden he's got like this little mop top. And he's got this giant bald spot in the back of his head. And it kills me. I'm wearing a hat all the time. yeah definite i got the same fucking spot, bro.
I wear a hat all the time. and i Yeah, but if you brushed all your hair forward, I bet you got a thin spot back there. I bet you I don't. No, I i don't think Clint does because he's just that dude is like like like we were just talking about.
If he just gets out of the shower what's and it just becomes a giant fro. I have i have super thick hair. I bet you I go out there. And I wear a hat. what she If I had a false man, I wouldn't care. He doesn't.
He doesn't. No, I'm not going to fucking make him do all that dumb shit. What do you want me to do? Take my hat off? I mean, here's <unk> my hair. Do you know why it would take him to fix his fucking chick hair after he pulls it all out?
Just pull it all forward. and It's not a face, dad. No, he's forever been an emo chick. Oh, my God, the emo look. It's not a phase, Dad.
Easy, Mike. Settle down. It's not a phase, Rick. He laughs really hard because that's exactly what Mike does. He just brushes it to the side. Easy, Mike. Settle down.
going to take my shirt off and put the suspenders on. Don't single white female me now.
he was rock Jeff, Rick and I both were victims of that. We both got single single white female. We're what? It's hard to say white female.
I wish one fucking time Mike would come up here so I could fucking speak my piece to him. He won't.
He won't. He had a lot of shit to say after he decided to part ways of me. You don't know him.
there is it down? Put something on the back of his fucking head for you. Yeah. not ah not a ga white He doesn't have a bald spot. devil Like I do.
Have Nikki take the... Don't you dare... trying to yeah Sorry, I didn't realize that I'm plugging. I have a beard because... i Well, and that's your AMK.
Yeah, that's the other part, too, of why I have a beard. This is on a backup account, so you should get easy lobbies. Because, uh, Nikki... My fiance is going to murder me if I ever shave it off, so... No, you're not my name.
Because Wyatt was playing on the morning. All the reason that everybody hold him down and shave his beard. You do realize that I wouldn't be the one that got murdered that situation. Wyatt, where'd Come back real quick.
It would be the ones who held me down and shaved it Hashtag worth it. Hashtag. let's say Three more. Hashtag. Hashtag. I'm about to add a lot of names to my angel death list. Hashtag winning.
Are you going to eat it cold? For what? For what?
hashtag winning but you need it cold minute fifteen works perfectly fine what
but mine you got a quote you got I have a beard because my face looks super fat if I don't. Plus, I was never taught how to actually shave. and true you know There's YouTube videos on how to do that.
yeah I don't care to learn that much. Nobody ever taught me how to shave. Hence, you have a fucking giant beard, you douchebag. Yeah, but could always have a beard.
It's not that hard. I'm just saying. We've shipped multiple pictures of me without a beard. Jeff has shown them. um i mean like I didn't always have a beard.
I shaved for the longest time. I was always had a goatee for the longest time. Dude, I've had so many different... If I shave my goatee off, my wife gets pissed. Maybe Glick was born with it. Maybe it's Maybelline. It's Maybelline and Just for Men because I got a picture of it with great beard.
It's on my account, so you have to join on. Your head that alone excludes you from Just for Men, Jeff. it's still It's still great. What are you talking about? It's not dyed.
if It's the lighting. See, look. look at i When I sit back, when I sit back, when I come forward, boom. Look at that gray. All that gray that's coming in here. That's Chris.
If I dyed my beard, if I dyed my beard, I'm in it. He looks dignified. Yeah. If I dye my beard, it's going all gray. it's in a light You have a free gift to the store.
I'm going to embrace it. I'm going to go full on Silver Fox. Dye my beard gray, dye my hair gray. That's what you got to just saying jo Jedi gave up on life and shaved his face and head. I'm just going to dye my hair.
It looks pretty gray there. True fucking story. You can still see the gray right there. But on camera here, it literally looks like you died. I see more gray in this picture than anything. It's different. Lighting is different angle. I'm on Glick's side.
Jeff, what's going on here? Tiger got out of the cage on that one, huh? Nobody likes you because you don't agree with me. Get my Jedi's name out of your mouth.
yeah domin come over you but but nobody likes you because you don't agree with me that spirit different jeize name out of your mouth according to
Six months later, I come out with a stand-up comedy routine to shit on you. Your head is constantly getting hugged by a cloud. Fuck off. i would probably I would probably go to jail for a hate crime for smacking the shit out of a midget.
That's right. DEI, baby. but I'm a DEI-er. ah Trump got rid of You've been out of the country a long time, bro. Trump did. Oh, no. I watched, dude. I watched.
nice I watched and laughed the entire time. Did anybody see the did anybody the fucking interview with with where Trump and Zelensky? Holy shit! i I thought fucking Trump was going punch Zelensky in the face. I read something about that earlier.
oh man About why he did what he did. He came in talking shit like he was Billy Badass and Trump was like, calm down there, Chief. I read about why he did that, though.
Because he wants more money. don't give a fuck about them idiots. Why is Chris's clan tag not right?
Nah, I don't know anything about that whole situation. So, you actually look at it, if you actually look at The reason that Trump did what he did and shut Zelensky down is because Zelensky is pushing to join NATO.
And if he joins NATO and Russia attacks Ukraine, anyway we officially have to go to war with Russia. We don't have a choice. Because russia's Russia's line in the sand is, as long as NATO doesn't move any farther closer, we're good.
Well, that's and Putin's whole justification for invading Ukraine to begin with. Because we keep pushing the boundaries closer and closer to Russian territory. Not we. NATO. NATO doesn't. It's not us.
Well... We are kind of the head of NATO. Anyway, but that's... Not anymore. No, like Trump's like, fuck NATO. We don't need to pay money. I don't blame him. I don't blame him i don't ti either.
Don't worry, Jeff. You're safe. Fuck you, motherfucker. yeah I'm not worried.
Of course not. You got a cloud hug in your head. Why would you be worried? That's right. I don't have anything. It will. It will. It will.
It will. It will. It will. It will. But yeah, that interview went from fucking zero to 60. And J.D. Vance was like, you haven't said thank you once to the American people. That's what
Wrestling and Pop Culture
sparked the whole thing. It was all cordial and And did see what Solisky put on? He's like, bro, what? And then... He's like, you can't even wear a fucking suit. And Trump had his VP back. And you showed 30 minutes fucking late.
yeah Why is Chris going to take that right? And then Zelensky got booted out of the White House after that. He went on to Instagram and he's like, thank you to the American people. He's like walking it back and shit real fast. He's like, wait, the U.S. doesn't have my back anymore because they're not pushovers? Oh, no. Maybe I should watch what I say.
So that's why the whole thing went down. Because if we get if he gets into NATO and Russia attacks him, we have to attack Russia. And then China's going to choose a side.
They're going to choose the Russian side. there And then we're in a whole new fucking a battle we don't need to be in. Well, that's one of the... You're flirting with World War III. Yes. Yes, exactly. He's like, the whole world fuck off, dude. This isn't just about your country. It's about what you're going drag the rest of the world. yes Yes, exactly. Just because you're being a cunt for a minute.
Wow. Yeah, because he wants his payday. $400 billion? dollars You can't do anything? Calm down. I mean, the whole Russian-Ukraine war is just a proxy war anyway. We've been sending them for four years under Biden, sending them everything.
They would have been obliterated in months if we hadn't had their back. why is this plan taking it? But that's why when Zelensky comes into the Oval Office and tries to say anything, like, bro, we pull funding and you're gone overnight. Don't play games. Oh, God.
It's a whole fofo moment. Holy shit! That's for you.
Glick just got his period and he's not pregnant. Glick, you're left in the two. Yes, sir. and I knew I liked you. I knew I liked you for more than just just your beard. wow okay John Cena wins the elimination championship. now he's going to WrestleMania.
Going to WrestleMania to take Cody Rhodes on, and Cody Rhodes accepts The Rock's offer and goes a heel turn because you know John Cena's not going heel. No way. He won't in his career as a bad guy.
Nope. I'm just saying. That was a good elimination. as he's had He's had all that time where he's been the good guy. like He's never been a heel. Wally and Cash are going to be so mad because we threw in the whole... non-wrestling fans, The Rock showed up a couple Fridays ago and basically told Cody Rhodes he wants him to be his champion, which means Cody Rhodes has to make a heel turn.
Well, he's going to show up tonight at Elimination and Chamber and he wants the answer. Well, we made our picks on who wins and everything like that. When we got to the Cody Rhodes thing, both Cash and Wally said Cody doesn't go heel.
And I said, you know what? just to throw the monkey wrench into our picks. I say Cody goes heel. Not only that, but I'm going to change my pick from CM Punk winning the Elimination Chamber to John Cena winning, and that'll set up John Cena versus Cody Rhodes, but a heel Cody versus the baby.
And so far, so far, I'm right. So wait, The Rock still does wrestling, even though he's the biggest movie star? He doesn't wrestle, he just makes appearances.
just shows up yeah Okay, I didn't even know he did it rock money that as i would That's pretty fucking cool, though, that he still shows up and does shit. You know?
yeah It's the fan base. You you know you don't you lose your fan base. He doesn't need the fan base. He's the rock. He's fucking one the biggest movie stars. This pay-per-view, I put big mouth cash in his place because I have won the bigs.
He's been running around calling himself the champ for the last couple of pay-per-views. And then finally, the real champ has come back. Okay. Glick, you're getting awfully smug. Okay. You're getting awfully smug.
I got to teach that kid a lesson. Honestly, just no I spend way more time hanging out with you and Blaze than I get to with Glick. So I don't see his smugness all the time. I got to teach this kid a lesson. Just like I did the other night when we were playing Call of Duty. He was like,
I think I better to you you want to 1v1 me because we won. 1v1 me, bro. We did a one b one one time and we tied because his little camping ass kept laying down in rooms and we tied.
So I was like, all right, let's 1v1. And I said, you can pick the map. And he picked the map. We won V1. We played like five games. And four of the five games, I just and just annihilated him.
And in the last game, we he beat me by a point. Because I was trying to throw a grenade at his ass. And since I ran out, that kid come out the liberty and started talking so much shit. I'm like, bro, I just doubled your score in four matches. He's like, no matter, I beat you. And I'm like, oh, you little.
I bet I can even smack cash around on fucking cod. I mean, Cash is pretty good, surprisingly, for just starting to play Call of Duty. i'll give him credit. He usually, but he plays when he plays PvP, he's in the top three. And even when he plays with me, he's usually in the top three with me. But he's also just learning.
He's been a Fortnite guy. he He just started playing Call of Duty in the last few months. Wait, how do you start with Fortnite instead of Call of Duty? Call of Duty's been around since forever. Because he's 11. Because Cash is 11.
Still. And I wouldn't let him play Call of Duty when he was younger. Oh, yeah. yeah i get yep same Fortnite is more is is more for...
kids, I think. yeah it's it's young it's It's definitely Call of Duty for kids. It's more cartoony, yeah. That's the way I'd put it. It's third person.
There's no blood, guts, and gore. They just disappear up into a hover thingy. yeah Like a computer transported them out. So it's definitely, Fortnite is definitely Call of Duty for kids.
And Cash was a menace on Fortnite. like He was pretty good. he He wasn't at first, but he got good. But he's been playing Fortnite years. Yeah, I used to play Fortnite with my son for a bit, and then I gave up because I was like...
I'm so bad at this and he was so good. I'm like, fuck you. Go to your room. You're grounded. okay yeah I'm done with this shit. because like ah like so I started my son on like Super Nintendo Mario like and all that kind of shit. He had an evolution of video games to a degree, but he just got way good at them way more than I was ever good at them. Even back in my 20s when I was playing fucking Call of Duty all the time, I was decent.
My son, once he fucking picked up a start doing it 10 times better than me, okay. That's when I'm like, i need to retire from video games. My son just kicks my ass left. Bronze my controller and hanging on the wall. Yeah. Jordan's on the wall. My brother-in-law was sitting there and he's like, Jeff, I got Mortal Kombat on here. I said, that used to be my game back in the day.
Dude, beat my ass all over the fucking screen. God damn it, MK. New one. He's been playing like 12 hours a day for five like 50 weeks and shit. I'm like, no wonder why you're beating me. i haven't played in 20 plus years.
well fucking driving yeah yeah know Like said, Cash is just coming all cash is just getting into Call of Duty. He does all right for being new.
ah yeah mom he He definitely got a couple classes he likes to set up. He's a little shit talker. Him and his friends. They don't use headsets, so they're they're always on their phone.
oh Oh, really? Why does that shit charge me bananas? That's super fucking weird. That's a kid nowadays. Game chat on their phones instead of on their headsets. That's ridiculous.
No, they're not game chat. They call each other. Yeah, they call each other. It's their version of game chat. They just do it on the phone. yeah yeah nice I hate that idea. we don't like it. Did they all do it on FaceTime with their cameras turned off?
I have no idea what they're doing. I'll walk by and I'll be in the living room and I'll hear Cash talking shit. and then got Then I'll poke my head in his room and he's got his phone. They'll call the Alexa and they to revive you talk to each other over the Alexas while they fuck Alexa. Cash will have his phone sitting on his stool. He'll be sitting on the bed playing.
Whatever friends he's gaming with, yeah my they're all talking to each other. yeah But they said they do that because they don't want to be in the game chat with the other people. was And I'm like, you know, you can turn that off. where you turgoate reach yeah But they like to be on the phone. I'm like, ah you know, whatever floats your boat, I get it. because i knowt i'm not a big fan and this so I'm not necessarily a big fan of the game chat either. Because every time you turn around, some person is playing their music in the background super loud.
Or you got some asshole... Yeah, you got some asshole who is garbage that the whole game, like he's at the bottom of the leaderboard. and no That's me. amy That's me anytime I play.
Yeah, he's yelling and screaming at the top of his lungs. I don't yell and scream, but I am always at the bottom. I'm like, bro, like he's telling everybody they're trash, they suck. You strike me at the bottom, Jedi.
yeah You wish, homo. Rick would know. Oh, you want you want to be the sub top? That's cool. I'll be the power bottom. I mean, he bottoms for me. I'm just saying. He was like, you wish. So you can be the sub top, homie. don't mind.
yeah Yeah, he is. I said, do you know from experience? Jedi said that I was ah i was a ah gentle lover. That's why he didn't mind being a bottom.
That's true. That's true story. So you're saying you weren't trying to make him a part of the mattress? No, I just much and made sweet, sweet love to him. I'm trying to make him. He's the kind of guy that will at least kiss you kiss you on your neck while he he'll whisper sweet nothings. Literally, he won't whisper at all. He just he just sits there and goes, hey I'm the champ.
no it's just gentle. It was just gentle grunts. I'm like, what are you doing? Reassuring yourself? Just so you know, I'm the champ. I don't give a fuck what they're saying. I'm having a good time here with other people because I have good time with them all the fucking time.
It was like something you'd watch out of a while. Very passionate, very romantical. Congratulations to them. thought Matt McConaughey was sitting there next to me. What the fuck?
Some guys drive a Buick and I like to ride a I like to Oh, Jesus Christ.
What are they saying? You get me up on Friday nights, and then on Saturdays, you come in here, and we love not even hair you. We you. We put you up on a pedestal. He left an in-print in the memory phone.
Like a dead body. i i big I think said you're a lazy fuck. yeah what is what is it What is that on your bed?
It's a Jedi imprint. It's the reverse of hot and carbonite. um God damn it, Jim. That is so spot on. You just pour liquid metal into and have your own bowl.
Oh, fuck. that oh yeah last exactly yeah Things have gone off the watching Adam Savage today on YouTube and he's building a Han in Carbonite so I can perfectly picture it in my head. See, you had that one locked and loaded, ready to fuck go.
Who are you muting? fair body oh I was watching Solo for the first time. I only watched because I knew Emilia Clarke was in it. I was like, I love this bit. It wasn't terrible.
Who? solo huh and Emilia Clarke? Emilia Clarke? Yeah, yeah. mother of okay you know do you Do you know the dumb shit that just went through my brain? When I heard that, I thought you meant Amelia Earhart. I was like, the bitch that got lost flying plane? Really? know what You got Amelia Clark? You went to Amelia Earhart?
Yeah, I did. i like It's the only other Amelia that I know about. You're like, what, 40 years late? I thought you were definitely for a minute. I realized my mistake.
Oh my god, speaking of late, so check this out. How many of you fucking You're to be a dad because she's late. Shut up. No, not going to be a dad again, I promise. pregnant. He's pregnant. How many of you fucking retards?
Listen, how many of you fucking retards know the Billy Joel song, We Didn't Start the Fire? Of course not. all have to listen school, right? Yeah. Not in school. no In general. Did you know that Fall Out Boy did a new one that goes from 89 2024? Yeah.
And captures all the events. From like the Oklahoma City bombing. To fucking OJ Simpson. Fall Out Boys, didn't set the fire. Is that what I gotta look up? Is that what's going on?
Fall Out Boy. we didn't set the fire. Bro, it's totally worth playing it. Because I remember when I was in 7th grade, we had to do a thing where we listened to the original Billy Joel version. And we had to do a flash quiz.
Where wrote down everything that we heard from the song that we recognized. Yeah. Right? Fucking all of it. Right. Now... I did not do that in school, so that's why... When you do that in school, I thought it was weird.
but You sound like you have a cool teacher, though. No, she's kind of a cunt, but either way. Okay, I hate her. Yeah, fuck that bitch. And her husband died because a tree fell on his car while he was driving in a snowstorm.
He cut it down and went to where fell. Well, he was driving and he was a firefighter, it was a big deal. He's trying to get away from her. We all know this. and Listen, their son lived, poor bastard. um
like The dream fell on his dad's side of the car and not his. How fucked up is that?
oh cra how much that I'm going to go have some nicotine and listen to that song. It's all new stuff.
Take your word for that. It's kind of cool. He just like dipped in it when dead silent. It's like freaking out at the TV screen right now because dumb shit happened. you Not believed.
Not censored. Cody Rhodes legit just told The Rock to go fuck him himself. Nice. They don't have to censor it on Netflix. so They don't have to censor it on Netflix.
i be i John Cena lost his mind.
I guess you were wrong on Cody Rhodes turning heel, weren't you? I was wrong on that. He's got way too big a fan base as the good guy to turn heel. So they're going to have two babyfaces go face each other at WrestleMania.
Who's John Cena and Cody Rhodes? John Cena won the Elimination Chamber. Not unless Cena makes the heel turn. So how about this? No, how about this? Cena wins the title, retires it, and gives it back to Cody Rhodes.
Yeah. It won't happen. Oh, shit! John Cena heel turn!
He just kicked him in the dick! He just kicked Cody Rhodes in the dick after they embraced him! John Cena just turned heel. Sounds like what I want to do to John Cena and The Rock all the Just kicked Cody Rhodes in the dick.
yeah After Cody Rhodes told The Rock to go fuck himself. and talking Literally said, go fuck yourself. in a heel turn no John Cena just turned heel.
Going to WrestleMania against Cody Rhodes. He just won the Elimination Chamber to be able to go. That's actually smart, because now he's going to be in the news for being that heel.
Actually, what would have been better, what would have been better, what would have been better is if John Cena could also win the money in the bank, or that wouldn't work, never mind.
Well, it would, because John Cena wins the money in the bank, cashes it out, takes the belt from Cody Rhodes, goes to WrestleMania, Cody Rhodes wins it back, and that's how Cena retires.
Yeah. He just took, you know, the Rolex that Triple H gave Cody? Yeah. After he won... John Cena just took it, wrapped it around his fist, and proceeded to beat the hell out of Cody with it. I mean, obviously, that's not the real Rolex. Obviously not in the real Rolex.
Unless you buy one on Walmart, which I learned sells Rolexes yeah for about $8,000. Now he's about to smoke him with the championship belt. Oh, God. This is not what I thought was going to happen.
thought this was going to be way around. Yeah. It would have made more sense to let one of them win the Money in the Bank championship belt, or the Money in the Bank, and then cash it out and lose the belt. Now now CM Punk will win Money in the Bank.
Do you think that... Punk came back to win the championship. Do you think that Cody Rhodes takes the belt, or John Cena takes belt from Cody Rhodes, Punk cashes it in, and takes the belt from Cena?
and and and Cody Rhodes CM Punk. yeah You think that's how it's going to go? I think that would make the most sense because this is John Cena's last year. He's retiring. CM Punk don't got a whole lot longer either though.
yeah but Yeah, but I think he's you know he's got longer left in the tank than John does. I can't believe this man. Well, Cash got you on this one. He did get me on this one. Which is kind of the biggest one of the night.
Let's see. I was 1, 2, 3. I was 3 and 2 on our picks. Cash was 2 and 3.
Actually, you know what? that's
Wally and I actually tied. Wally and I were both 3 and 2 and Cash was 2 and 3 on our picks.
Either way, Cash goes down. I can't believe it. Now Travis Barker's beating up Cody Rose with his hardcore championship belt that he was good.
up Now the Rock's taking off his, took off his belt. Now he's going to beat the brakes off of Cody.
I can't believe John Cena after all these years. I told you, it's great marketing. Why wouldn't you? Cash and I talked about it a few weeks back on his show about John Cena going heel in his last year.
And I said the same thing. It would be great for John Cena. Yeah. call All the news articles. Yeah, because he's making all his money in movies now. So wrestling doesn't make that big of a deal. it also It's a great storyline for WrestleMania, which is next month. But I thought for sure it would be Cody because...
nobody least but remind John's had the opportunity to go heel before. And he's turned it down. you know Because John's been the piece of the company for so long. And he was a baby face.
But it makes a good storyline. yeah the John Cena and The Rock had a heated rivalry together. So now John Cena joining The Rock at the end of the day.
a great spin. you got you know For somebody that doesn't watch wrestling, the the marketing behind it is kind of genius. Listen, those guys have a fucking business model that no matter what they do, they make fucking money on it. yeah And now I saw that they're going to go and do a fucking deal where they're going to host a four-day event at the same time as the UFC in the same place.
Children's Sports and Parenting
that's because WWE has partnered up with Sports Well, you realize that the guy that owns the UFC owns WWE, too, right? Yeah.
Okay. what what one is Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dude, I don't want you, man. I'm losing my fucking mind over here. Bro, we tied. Cash lost, but you and I tied on our picks. Man, I'm losing losing my shit right now. i can't Austin's going to be devastated.
Austin's been a John Cena fan. She grew up watching John Cena. She loves him. She's going be hard-working. just told her you got bullied at a softball. yeah You just told her that? That was wild. We're talking about ball.
yeah Go ahead and explain that. Yeah, I didn't know. Explain yourself. Michael Cole's in the ring checking on Cody. McAfee needs to jump up there and fucking punk kick somebody.
The Rock, John, and Travis Barker are are out of there and they're out of the ring. Michael Cole rushed into the ring and he's checking on Cody.
You know he said he's only got about two years left? Michael Cole? Yep. Oh wow, I didn't know that. In a private interview he said he thinks he's only got about two years left with the business. It's too it's too much stress with all the traveling on him.
Yeah, ah well, he's been around for almost 30 years. Yep. he's the next He's the new Jim Ross. I think he's bigger than Jim Ross ever was. think that's because wrestling got bigger than Jim Ross ever was.
Yeah, well, and Jim Ross, there towards the end before he left WWE, man, Jim Ross was just kind of turned into a cop. Well... Dude, he'd had a stroke. Half his face was paralyzed.
He officially didn't give a fuck. And McMahon kept putting him in positions where he was getting fucked up in the ring physically even after he had a stroke. Yeah.
Can you blame him for not just fighting out to get to the retirement? Did you hear Jim Ross? Yeah. yeah yeah Half his face was... Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Yeah, but even after he left the WWE, because he's in AEW now. He's still just a big man. Who is? Jim Ross. He's still announcing? He was a couple year or so back.
Oh, wow. I thought he officially got out of it. All
right. What the fuck is actually going on with my... Oh, that worked. I don't know at this point anymore. ah That was a good pay-per-view. Holy shit, I can't believe John Cena went heel.
So hold on a second. Hold on a second. susan and Did you say Payton got bullied out of softball? Yeah. She's not playing anymore? She hasn't played in two years now.
What the fuck? I thought she was still playing. Why are burning down the fucking school? she got bullied She got bullied off of her all-star team. Well, coming off the all-star team going into the travel season, the girl that was the pitcher for the travel ball team and the pitcher for her local school team bullied her so hard, Peyton finally lost her shit on the bus one day and ended up having to serve a day of insuspension school.
Because she fucking absolutely went bananas and cussed this bitch out on the bus. And ever since then, ever since then, this chick ran around and got everybody to talk shit about Peyton.
And now it was just awkward. Anytime she went to try to go play ball or anything like that, everybody had already had this preconceived notion of her from what Alyssa had said.
So nobody wanted Peyton around because they all went with the pitcher, Alyssa. Because she comes from she comes from a mom who's got fucking, the family's got money, mom's got a boob job, she's the gossip queen.
it's all like It's all dumb pictures and shit, dude. So what you're saying is this little girl, just like her mom, is a whore. um just saying, mean you know, the ultimate revenge, go bang that chick's mom.
Exactly. That would have been my fucking thing. I'm like, yeah, I'm going to go fuck her with mom. It wouldn't help Peyton at all. She can't do like travel ball or anything? When she was on travel ball.
So here was the problem with the travel ball team she got on. So travel ball is ridiculously expensive. It was almost $4,000 season. Whoa. Oh, yeah. No, That doesn't include all her gear and stuff because she's a pitcher. what? It's cheaper to become an athlete than an athlete, okay? Well, she could, but she doesn't want to oblige herself. But either way, so that doesn't include her catcher's gear and everything like that.
So Travel Ball, for her, the team that she joined, we found out, what, about halfway the season? Is that when you left Freedom or did you finish the season now? About halfway through the season, she left the team because it was daddy ball.
Five coaches with five daughters on the team. That takes five of nine spots. Five of nine spots consumed by daughters of the coaches.
So who do you think is the playtime? Not Peyton. She's not getting the play time. yeah looks end up moving I don't know. maybe Maybe we should start a play team or play league.
Make some serious money at four grand a pop per fucking kid. Jesus Christ. oh Okay, Jeff. Jeff, we're going to talk details after the stream. okay Right? Jesus Christ. I'm sorry.
I was listening to my kid ramble some off. What did you say? I said, we should start a league if it's four grand a pop per kid. I'm just saying. There was another girl who did exactly what you just suggested and got caught, and now she's facing federal charges. What?
We're starting our own league. Jeff, when we start our business, you're going to be the fall guy. That's fine. I live in Mexico. all we to do Right? Exactly. and This is the perfect situation. Adam's Park and um the one by the water treatment facility.
Where you started as bandits? What park is that? Wait, wait. so Do you remember Brooke, the white girl who was married to the black guy and had a black daughter? She stole all that money from the softball teams? Oh, yeah. She got arrested and faced federal charges. Almost $40,000. No, I'm start league.
students dollars building no i'm saying start a league persist Yeah, we're going to do it legitimately. We're not going to break any laws. I want a piece. the one chick I caught stealing money from the fucking park, almost 40 grand. Now she's facing federal charges and she's blacklisted from being involved in any sports program in the state of Georgia.
There's 49 other states, I'm just saying. And then there's always Mexico. See, that's what we need. That is the can-do attitude. We got 49 other states. But all you got Mexico is soccer.
Actually, no. They have American football here that is college level. There is baseball here. Huge baseball. None of them are any good because all the ones that can run jump or swim are in the United States already. I'm not disagreeing, but there's a pretty discant piece of pro basketball.
Accurate. and Called the Pioneers here. How do you have a pro basketball team with a bunch of guys under five five know Just a bunch of mugsie books running around. Just a bunch of Jeff's dribbling trying their best. Jeff dribbles all right. five laura c six yeah ill show my or black guy i didnt so job next It's like it's like when like the Canadian Football League. If you can't make it NFL, you go to the fucking Canadian Football League.
like thing for basketball and baseball here
If you can't cut it, the only thing. Interesting. So either way. So... the That was how Peyton got bullied out of softball. I gambled a bunch of players. eggs you know that is is That's not that bad. Jeff got bullied out of the country.
so know yeah but even don't feel bad much jealous so fault Jeff got bullied out of the country all the way to Mexico. He didn't he didn't get bullied out of the country. I just stuck him in said mc satan said wild yeah You're not winning until you have to leave the country.
yeah you know You're not truly winning until you have to leave the country. yeah oh my god. Yeah, but peed all over it. So that's what happened with Peyton and softball and everything like that. so now she does i run the brother I'd be burning down stadiums.
Oh dude, I was so fucking mad. That girl went to orange parents. Hold on, hold on. say I look good in orange. Peyton flipped out on her. And that girl went right straight to her parents and told her that Peyton threatened to fight her and beat her ass and blah, blah, blah.
And Peyton's fucking mouth. She would have got away with it had she not leaned out the bus window as they're pulling away be like, I'm going to fuck you out the window of the school bus. oh that's nice you' just saying I'm just saying, kids today would not be able to survive when we were kids.
So she ended up serving a day of school suspension for it. back i can just turn my camera off. And then she was told she was not allowed to talk about the situation or anything like that.
to a giant went to which I went, Fourth Amendment, fuck that, talk all about it. yeah Yeah, hell yeah. But so either way, it blew over.
That girl refuses to talk to me and she's scared of her.
John Cena did the other thing tonight and made a heel strong point. However, she may end up because my friend Morgan wants her to kind of mentor her seven-year-old.
She's going to be all overly dramatic. And think that once Peyton starts helping these littler kids play softball, that fire is going to light back up and she's going to want to play again. There's a hole in the crotch there. Now, Wyatt stopped playing football because he's too nice.
Watch, bitch. No, he's afraid that if he hits somebody and hurts him, it's going to emotionally hurt him. Like, he's just too nice of a kid to fuck somebody up playing football.
That's kind nice. Hold on, you have video of you freaking out. Hold on, this is news to me.
That's much better. What did I do? You watched it, think. It's congeniality. No. One? Only one movie? I was just talking about that movie today.
Sorry, took your chompers out.
I'm muted. Oh. yeah No, you're not muted. You're not muted, bro. Tell us all your dirty thoughts in the background.
you Go ahead. sort of Don't fucking call me out. Wally said his youngest plays travel ball and boxing and MMA. Isn't one of your daughters in wrestling?
Wrestling. Mexico has the best boxers in the world. this is a good bo my My former boss is Golden Gloves. They do have pretty primo boxers.
And Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico, too. and Latinos, Puerto Rico, Cuban. and they just They just want to punch things. Especially white things. You put a white dude in front of them, they're going punch the fuck out i ain't worried about no little tiny-ass Mexican that wants to punch That's your first mistake. First and foremost, they come up to my waist.
Yeah, you know where they can hit very clearly? Yeah. You know what else? Uppercut to the nutsack, bro. I can put my palm on their forehead and hold them out up. four feet away from me. and then you realize You realize that most Mexicans are not that short, dude.
and then And then at the end of the day, don't come in too close because I'm a grizzly bear. Don't put don't let me get these bear paws on you. i don't care how I had a buddy of mine, collegiate wrestler.
Now let me tell you something. i I don't like fucking with wrestlers because they're assholes. ah But I told him, I said, you shoot on me and I get my bear paws on you.
I'm going to hurt you. And he shot on me and I fucking wrapped him up with and then I hit him once right in the kidney. but o hurts Oh, man, that just makes me โ I'm going to pee blood just thinking about that. yeah he he shot on me, and I got my stance so he couldn't take me down right away, and I cracked him right in the kidneys.
And he buckled down to his knees, and I was like, I told you, do not let me put these paws on you.
And he was like, let's learn. And he wrestled in college. And he was a good, like, he was a solid wrestler. But there was a few times where he would get me. And I was like, right, I'll tap it out. Because he would hit me up and lock me up.
And I'm like, bro, stop it right now. And then as soon as he'd let me go, I'd kick him or punch him in the chest or something. Well, he wasn't looking or expecting it. I'll rock him in the chest real quick. Yeah, fucking cheap shots. That's exactly what I just said. You know what? one I know how you do. I'm 16, 300 pounds. I'm not meant to be twisted up like a pretzel by some fucking wrestler. So you're goddamn right. I'm going to teach you a lesson. You twist me up like a pretzel.
The moment you're not expected, I'm going rock you in the chest and knock the air out of you. I'm not meant to be twisted up like a pretzel. I'm going to fuck you up before you even try it. I love it.
One time we were fucking around. Him and I grew up together. We grew up together. And one time we were fucking around in the front yard and to shoot on me and I punched him dead ass in the front of his forehead. It stopped him dead in his chair.
And he was like, did you just punch me in the forehead? And i was like, yep. Right between the eyes. Done. I mean, and it makes so much sense, too, with a wrestler, too. You fucking hit them with something. When they're they're in wrestling. They're not ready for it. You hit them. Yeah, it's a glitch in the matrix. It shuts their brain.
they right and They're like, wait, wait, that's not what I was expecting. Yeah.
Rocked you right before you. But he we grew up our dads grew up together. um you know, so he's he's like a brother to me and we would do dumb shit. Like like he would. Now he cheap shot me too because i like I'd be...
had my back turned at the fence or something, talking to somebody. He'd come up behind me and put me in like a full Nelson, half Nelson. Yeah, yeah. but Backwards. Next thing I know, my fucking heel is behind my head, touching my eyeball. And I'm like, how the hell did that even happen? Yeah. and all It all evens out in the end, really. Yeah. but Like you said, we're like brothers. We've known each other our entire lives. We're like brothers.
yeah and I just watched that video of my kid. And all she did was call that girl out on the bus and say, y'all are a bunch of bitches because nobody will bring this shit to my face.
Nobody's got it in them to say it to my face. And that girl literally threw every other motherfucker on the team straight under the bus, but never owned a bit about herself.
I was like, Peyton, if you'd have leaked this out, she'd have been a bad guy because she threw everybody under the bus. She called it straight on the carpet. It was like, all y'all bitches are scared to say something to my face, is exactly what she said to her.
And then she was like, everybody says something, but nobody brings it to me. Yeah, nobody. You know what's crazy? Data webs are for.
Yeah, exactly. like well and You can do that nowadays. Back in the day, you couldn't get away with it. There was no internet bullshit to back in my day. you know and We did video stuff. Yeah, everything wasn't on camera back in the day.
Wally walliess in him and wallie fought in the MMA. He did some MMA fight. Big country. Chris Pierce. Big country. I'll beat the hell out of you, Wally. I'll fucking hit you with a karate kick crane kick.
Hey, that was an illegal move. <unk> what the whole the whole movie's a sham. That was an illegal move. He's the bad guy.
I'm sorry. If Daniel was just minding his own business, that movie could have been over. you know you know ah Hey, look, look, i am I am on the same page of Zach Morris' is trash.
Zach Morris was an asshole and Saved by the Bell. And at the end of the day, Johnny wasn't the bad guy in the Karate Kid. It was fucking Ralph Macchio. It was Ralph Macchio who pulled the ass.
He stole this girl, karate-fighted him, bullied him. Johnny was just trying to live his best life. Johnny was just trying to talk to his girl. They had an argument, and all of a sudden, this motherfucker's like, let me pick up your radio. Fuck you.
Fuck the Ralph Macchio. I'll wrap you up and smack you on your ass like a newborn baby baby boy, Wally. You don't want to tangle with me. Yeah.
I'll scrap with anybody. Swaddle, then throttle. Swaddle, throttle, then paddle. I right, click. i just told i told that' told a friend of mine when I was just explaining what happened to Peyton. I said, yo, these kids might break my kid's spirit, but I'll fight their fucking dad.
I'm trying to come to fight. I don't give a shit. I will whoop the shit on some kid's dad. I don't care. yeah um i older percent on I'm too old to break these fucking fingers any more than they've already been fucked up. I'm going to hit you with a fucking chair and we're going to call it good.
No, but did you even see the video the other day? This dad fucking upgraded to this 12-year-old because she was bullying. I'm not fighting a kid, but I'll fight that kid. I know. I'm not fighting kid's dad, but I'll whoop the shit of Hey, you little fucker, go get your dad and send him my way. We got some piss to deal with.
Rick's like, my dad can beat up your dad. Wait, I am your dad. won't fight kid's dad. that would fight a dad That would be bad as hell you started training again, Wally. That would be awesome.
Give me a reason to break out my shit. Wyatt
Music and Concert Experiences
wants to hit his black belt in karate and go train BJJ. Yeah, he wants to train BJs.
That's what heard. He wants to go Torch Fitness and MMA. He wants to go to Torch Fitness and MMA and learn to fight MMA style.
Because karate is too slow. They don't actually teach him how to hit somebody. Honestly, Leota Machida is the only karate guy that really did good in the UFC. Holy shit!
Glick, you know what I just found? i was looking for a picture of my my buddy who's a... You can't even send that video to me. and i about the fire drop video I found a picture graations party i Where I'm sitting in the field with a fucking glider. I want that video. nice we Look at that!
When I approach Marshall marshall face to face, I'll show him that everything that Alyssa told him was a bunch of bullshit. I've seen him on the road and he's still waiting. Wally said, you need to have Watt learn it all.
Learn it all, man. yeah it all gro so If he goes to Torch m MMA, he'll learn BJJ and Jiu-Jitsu. But what's he going to do with that? you You just said he's too sensitive to play football because he's afraid of hurting somebody.
Which is funny because he loves he loves karate and he wishes there was more contact in karate. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Hold on, hold on. Let's think about this. fuck out Let's think about this.
If the kid is book smart, doesn't like to hurt people, and is too nice, what do you think the biggest problem he's going deal with in school is? He's going to get bullied. So when somebody decides step up and get physical with him, I'd much rather have him capable of defending himself than just catching ass-whipping.
Hey, if you catch an ass-whipping, you just get a nice nap out of it. Calm down. That's the wrong mentality. If I caught an asshole, then believe me, we was going for round two to square up. be Oh, no. I always went for round two. but yeah i love play I love playing football. I smoked i smoked one on one of my best friends because we went to different schools. He went to Johnstown. I went to East Knox. We played against each other every year. and I told him, I said, you know if I ever get a shot, for I'm cracking your ass.
And he's like, oh, i' but to same thing. and Same thing. if He's like, if I ever get a shot, i cracking your ass. And I got him one day. I got to crack his ass. Who was that, Andy? No, God, no. No, I was already done at that point before Andy and I met. Now, this is a buddy of mine from Johnstown that I grew up with.
um I smoked his ass right on the sideline. Right as he was trying to go out, I fucking smoked his ass.
Plus MMA or kickboxing and BJ. Yeah, man. Just. wellla but One day, going to catch his son giving a guy a blowjob and Jeff's going to what are you doing?
it Kevin's going to wrong easy You're doing it all wrong. Let me show you how it's done. You got a great little balls, man. I learned it from you, dad. Are you proud of me, dad? Are you proud of me now? This is it.
I've cradled the balls and tickled the taints just like Glick said, just like Glick taught Tarvis to do. hey
I learned this technique from you, Dad. This is how you said you got married to Glick.
Do you love me now, Dad? am I enough for you? Am I good enough for you now? I love you if you get the hell out of the way and let me get that dick in my mouth. Let me you how it's done, boy. Get out of the way.
Let's have a real father-son moment and share this dick. Yes.
but and Just like dear old dad Hashtag protein shake for two
it So in the video that I just saw my kid was like have a all My kid was like Have them all text me what they got to say Have them all text me No fuck that I told her i said you don't have nobody text you You tell them to come say it to your face So you can smack the words right out of their mouth Exactly Kevin starts working at the glory hole and he's like, just carrying on the family business.
It's a family tradition, son. You've got to attend that glory hole like your life depended on it. is it Just like Dick Williams Jr. sang about, this is family tradition. right Why do you smoke be that cock?
Why don't you cradle them balls? Anyway, we need to put some beats in this. This is going to be a number one hit.
I'm going to interview myself on Glick's House of Music. was just going to say, Glick is doing his own Glick's House Music. We were doing this podcast one day and talking about fucking dick. I got two cameras set up so could be like, so, Glick, tell me, where did the song come from?
I like so i was on a podcast one day. so and so tell me about that podcast. Yeah, we were talking about sucking dick. And and so and who came up with the lyrics?
It was a joint effort. It was a team effort. I just keep taking my hat off and put my hat back on. I'd switch hats. it yeah Yes, you have to have different color hats. Don't tell them to text you. He'd do a Sylvester Stallone and just turn it backwards and forwards. Yes.
Not only does the song go number one and we make millions, but that one interview skyrockets us to podcasting glory. It's like, wait a minute. You will overtake Joe Rogan. You will overtake him.
yeah' so what did Did you overtake Joe Rogan by interviewing yourself? That's it. and know we review themselves But the answer is yes. Glick, the musician. to total Load up.
What gun do you use the most? What gun do you use the most? Go to your lethal. Equip blast trap.
and there you It's a bomb that sticks to the wall and the run bi blows up. miserably who's but of you blaing who yeah My kid asked me a question about COD. She didn't know what the blast trap was.
oh It's a bit of C4 that sticks to the wall and when they run by it blows up. and motion censor But if she dies, it disappears where she stuck it. so she's gotta sit No, it'll only go off with a bad guy.
and i could throw on ah on the main balcon yeahp You can throw it anywhere where you think bad guys are going to run by and it'll blow up and they'll go dead. They'll go dead. They'll be unalived.
We're going to shut their lights off. yeah We're turning the lights out on that asshole. We are shutting that fucking party down. The guys.
um You know what? It's the opposite of Motel 8. We are not going leave the lights on for you. yeah so This is not Motel 8 or 6 or whatever fucking was his name Tom Bodette.
I'm not the picture, but I did stay at a motel. Is this her first time? Why? If they come up and start talking shit, they're going to get their asses handed to them.
Who? The boys from COD. They keep telling me I'm too loud and I need to shut the fuck up. So if they come up to the podcast and start talking shit, they're going to get their asses handed to them. Come on up, boys. This shit talk is real.
good Tell little bitches to bring their asses. Unless everybody starts talking shit about me and then I'm just going to go fucking toe hook the shotgun. Yeah. I don't understand. It'll be every one of your bitches' fault.
I'll list every one of you fuckers in a note so you all get charged with involuntary manslaughter. I'm going down every one of you motherfuckers is too. It's okay, boys. I got plenty of space.
yeah way I'll get you on the way. I'll pick you up on the way down. Thank you. You guys can share the private kit. This is going to a fun road trip. Glick is my hero.
yeah Did you ever know that you're my hero? You are the wind beneath my wings. but to be my we couldn't
What's that song from Put Loose and Shrek? Holding out for a hero. Bonnie Taylor. He's got that blare to the background as I'm sliding in sideways in the driveway.
That is my glitch. So the funniest thing I see on TikTok, there's a song, you know, the hero by the guys from Nickelback, that song Hero. in ring there's a no why Why does it not surprise me that Jeff listens to Nickelback? No, no.
fuck you Easy now. Don't hate on Nickelback. They're awesome. Yeah, why are you hating on Nickelback, bro? There's a trend on TikTok that that song goes with any movie. If you die, that disappears. Oh my god, it's fucking genius, dude.
Your dad is gone now. It goes with every movie, any scene, any TV show. they they They plug it And if ever use it he's like movie it's gonna fuck that suck who man you know goodness and that that you hear on te in a movie,
you seem me to go throw it on the ground by that bedroom door like right just no other side holding down Anytime you hear a guitar riff from ACDC in a movie, you know it's about to go down. how many somebody's but that's That's a true story.
or Or if you're watching Marvel and you hear Zeppelin, you know Thor's about to fuck everything up. Zeppelin does not get played very often. I didn't even think of that. That's fucking accurate.
yeah retir name Next time I watch a Marvel movie, going be like, yeah oh shit. Glick told me about this. Glick told me about this. If Thor is in a Marvel movie and you hear Zeppelin,
Thor's about to fix it. What was it? The first the first movie with Thanos? Thor shows up when he shows up in Wakanda with Rocket. It's Zeppelin.
And Thor Ragnarok at the beginning when he's all shamed up. and When he's all chained up and he's spinning around, right before hell breaks loose, Zeppelin. Blast trap. no In Ragnarok, when Thor comes down on the bridge, a jar after he after he defeats his sister, Zeppelin.
Right before he hits the bridge. Boom! Zeppelin. Right there. Anytime Thor's you it's It's all Zeppelin, baby.
let's go nope that's wrong spot but i i'm here for it i love it too i love it i love it love the ground in front of the that care saw that's actually pretty cool oh yeah you don't need to see through the smoke to throw it down even in uh even in the last one uh loving thor or whatever mean They did Love and Thunder. They did a lot of Guns N' Roses in that, which is dope. and which is still fucking I love Guns N' Roses.
It's one my favorite bands. One of my favorite rock bands growing up was Guns N' Roses. And I've said it on the music show. Check off the bucket list, man. I never thought I would get to see the original lineup, but they played it louder than life, and it was the whole reason I went.
They bought my four-day pass. Slash. That's so cool. Isn't a lot of the life. I'm jelly, bro. I'm super jelly.
Yeah. I'm Louisville. I'm Louisville. Suck it, Kentuckians. What are you going to do about it? Pull your dick out of your sister's mouth and get mad?
Nobody cares. That is so far.
that's the line of that is the line of the whole fucking night so
Blaze being our resident in Kentucky and is not even here to defend himself. Blaze is from Kentucky? That it even funny. Blastrap down where?
Blaze isn't too far from Louisville. Good. right What's your middle button? That was a bucket list for me was seeing seeing the original Guns N' Roses lineup concert and never thought it would happen.
um But the year I came home to Ohio, Guns N' Roses got back together. Like the original band, Slash and all of it. They were headlining Louder Than Life.
I got home like a month later. I bought tickets for the four-day event to go to Louder Than that There was a lot of other bands playing there. and a lot of other artists, but I went for Guns Zoologes, and it was amazing. I thought Axl would be bad.
I thought Axl would be bad because he's older, he's fat. Dude, and his voice is a little weird sometimes. Sometimes, but his voice sounded great. He wasn't singing. He was running all over the stage. He was doing he was being Axl, and you could hear it when he was singing, but it was amazing. It was amazing. I'd see the source of the motherfucker the next day. Bro. Hashtag worth it.
wrong Bro. guess who's i would I would do that in a heartbeat. Guess who's headlining our shaky knees festival down here in Atlanta? If you say Metallica, I'm kicking you off of here.
No, they're already coming to fucking Truist Park. And my boss already bought six tickets at fucking $700 piece. I hate Metallica. is there last It's their last tour. so You hate Metallica? I'm not a huge fan.
My wife loves them and not a huge fan. so and always like no i'm not um They're okay. No, they're amazing. like No, they're not. why are ok Hold on. Why are they sellouts?
I don't think they're a sell-outs. Because they ruined Napster. They ruined Napster. Okay, so I will agree with that. when they did because They wanted a of that pie because they were losing their asses off. Yeah, they were losing two cents a song.
Exactly. fuck How many of us do you think downloaded that song? It doesn't matter. You make millions upon millions of dollars. downloaded hundreds of songs off Napster. Not one of them was a Metallica song.
I'm just saying, though. You think you have a million people to download one Metallica song at two cents a song? It was usually virus. you're definite yeah You're not wrong. You're not wrong. No. across a lot of Mr. here. No. mean, it was the same way, though.
ceo corporate guy over here yeah not actually the same way though i think I think what it was for for me with Metallica was they were like, where do we we're never going to go mainstream. We're rockers. Then they went mainstream. But you know why they did it?
i got post help You help your popularity sometimes. Because they survived for 45 years because they were able to adapt and overcome.
But you know two bands that I happen to think are way better than them and and never went super mainstream? Go ahead. Megadeth. Megadeth and Iron Maid. and how And are they still around making new music in 2025?
I don't know if they're making new music or not, but they're still around selling out stadiums. Okay. No, they're not. Yes, they are. where's me Did you walk out here and shit your motherfucking pants?
<unk> somebody city of takeal Oh, my God. who Did you shit your drawers, dog?
Holy fuck. Hold on. Just your head whip. Did you change your mind? What? what? I did not play this stream so far. best.
Get up. Fuck. How that? Here you go. Here you go. Hold on. Hold on. I'll take both the kids off the game for the rest of
You just got muted. You're muted. You're muted. You're muted yourself. The stent was so potent it turned off your microphone. ah So to answer his question about Megadeth still making new music, basically they have basically put out an album every year fucking 1985. Their latest albums being 2022, 2023, and 2024.
their latest albums be two thousand and twenty two two thousand and twenty three and two thousand and twenty four
still muted. Yep. Still muted, bro. Sounds speechless to me. Iron Maiden albums. Iron Maiden's last album was...
Oh, have an album coming out this year. I called it. Midnight Dynamos coming out in 2025. There you go. So, yes, to answer your question...
That wasn't the greatest hits. To answer your question, metallica are Iron Maiden and Megadeth are still putting out albums. The last ah last Metallica album, I want to make sure, it was in 2023.
ah And it sounded like ass.
It was bad. It was not a good album.
So, I finally found it. I just... So, I want to see something here. Metallica Net Worth.
they They have, well, they it also costs $3,000 for a ticket in the nosebleeds to go see Metallica. They're worth, their quote they're quote unquote Metallica is worth a billion dollars.
Iron Maiden Net Worth. Yeah, that losing two cents a fucking song really fucking hurt, I'm just saying. I did find it. My my buddy, Joseph, i
It's Aguirre. His nickname is Diamond. he Golden Gloves, Mexico. Megadeth.
Joseph Diamante. Megadeth Network.
Nice. Yeah, he's Golden Glove Champion. He's the son of my ah my former boss. Yeah. Fuck it. The dude's six foot.
And good scrap. Sorry. had to listen to the bitches talk some shit from the game. don't know if you saw that. You guys were talking about boxing and stuff. This is my buddy.
Uh, Joseph Diamante. By the way, by buddy, he means the guy that kicked his ass on a bar because he was a mouthy. That's spot on, I bet. His dad is my former one.
oh So his dad kicked his ass outside of a bar. Believe it or not, nicest fucking cat I've ever met. Most of them are, dude. You would never guess that this dude could rock the shit out of your jaw.
um My buddy Warren that's going to come up on the sports podcast one Sunday. i think Did I show you the pictures of him and his MMA deal? don't think so. Hold on. Let me pull this motherfucker up.
So to answer your question, Rick... ah Megadeth had albums that came out 2022, 2023, 2024. Iron heard Maiden has a brand new album coming out this year.
And Iron Maiden is doing the 2025 Run For Your Lives World Tour, which celebrates 50 years since the band's first performance. Okay, now compare their numbers to Metallica numbers. Yeah, because Metallica has sold out. stream And Iron Maiden and Megadeth stayed true to who they were.
They were mainstream in their prime too, bro. They just didn't adapt to stay mainstream. They never went mainstream. You cannot tell me Megadeth was never a mainstream rock band. you're on work They had some hit they had they had some it songs. Becoming mainstream is not always a band choice. like If you get popular enough, you are considered mainstream. though Thank you.
Metallica just started making a whole bunch of songs that sound the exact same. yeah hello um listen said hidden I'm Evan Warren come kick Glick's ass.
Why is his head bigger than the rest of his body? Like a lot bigger. like photohop but like you He looks like a bobblehead. I photoshopped it. That's my buddy. Remember I told you that plays fucking semi-bro football?
Yeah, no, I'm looking forward to talking to him. It's white, fucking MMA style. And that picture, he looked like a bobblehead, bro. Don't tell him I said he had a big head because don't want him to beat the shit out of me. I'll tell him. I don't care. I'll tell him. don't care.
Glick, you're getting reckless. You're getting reckless. I'll be like, how you doing? My name is Steven Jerevici. I'm in Minnesota. and They call me Lizzie and I. This dude is going to kill me. Warren is 43 years old. right And this is vacation in February, beginning of February. yeah He's a big dude. He's a jackson bitch, but I'm still trying to figure out why he looks like a mom. He's 43 years old.
He has 43 abs, one for every
Sports Commentary and Trivia
year. One for every year. It's like a tree. You cut him in half and count the rest. He's a new one every year. It just shows up on his birthday.
Even 43, he's still a semi-professional football player, too. and He doesn't throw hands for belts no more, but he he took his hell he took a dude's helmet off, hit him sore and knocked his helmet off last year in the last game, took it and threw it off the field and got expelled from the rest of the football game.
I mean, he hit a dude. This is the best story. I just read it the other day. So they had their opening game this past weekend, right? He hit a guy so hard that he heard something crunched.
Come to find out the dude had a walkie talkie tucked in his football pants that they were calling plays to. And when Warren hit him, he crushed the walkie talkie in the dude's leg. A whole ass walkie talkie right now. whole fucking walkie talkie.
That's what they were calling plays. And when he hit him, he crushed it and destroyed it. Is that not wild shit, man?
Okay, honestly, him destroying the walkie-talkie is not the crazy part. The fact that he had a walkie-talkie. He was like, what the fuck, bro? I was laughing. That's the wild part. God, how uncomfortable would that be, having a walkie-talkie? don't give a fuck. Go to your room.
Jeff and Glick have the same PFP. This is outrageous. That's because well let's speak up that's because we're we're logged into the StreamYard account rather than him having like an admin rank.
And admin, right? We just logged in to the stream yard. One last thing. That way, because we only have so many admin spots. Everybody everybody everybody on the network is is logged in. Logged in, as opposed to getting out admin spots.
Except for Rick. excuse Oh, speaking of guests, Rick, I got been i got Ben Kraft rescheduled. <unk>ll be a win Don't say tomorrow.
No, no, no, no. no but nothing Because I'm fixing to be good and fucking hungover tomorrow.
No, the night. I'm almost through a 12-pack of Twisteds. share your aspirations, sir. i No, no, no. I aspire to be hungover tomorrow.
No, no, on the 9th. Hopefully Derek will show up tomorrow. ah derek You might need Derek more than me. hey wait So on your guys' Sunday show, what do you talk about? Sports.
um All things sports. like language Which sport? Everything. everything So originally, are we like to talk quick originally it started out we were just we were just talking football.
But ah Rick, Derek, and I, I think we were having so much fun talking football and And Rick and I were talking one day and I said, you know, how would you feel about going full on sports to keep the show going so the show doesn't die until next football season?
And he's like, I'm down. And then Derek and then I hit Derek up and he's like, hell yeah, let's let's do it. So like last week we talked, we talked, we talked football because we were softball. we didn't We didn't do a show after the Super Bowl, so we talked the Super Bowl. We talked about how trash the Philly fans are and the people from Philadelphia are just garbage. Even though they won, yep.
They won't fucking riot whether they win or lose. They don't give a shit. They killed two people. Well, the one guy fell off a fucking bowl and died. Two people died after the Super Bowl, and I think three people died after they won the NFC Championship.
What a bunch of cunts. Somebody shot three traffic lights down, set pop cars on fire. Why they want to celebrate tearing their own shit up? They win.
That's wild, man. Let's be honest. They they' live in Philly. so Yeah, garbage. hum and they sell do They celebrate by tearing their own shit up. we talked ah we We talked NFL. We talked college softball because we were watching the game.
We talked and NBA. We talked hockey. We talked NASCAR. MMA. um We cover everything that we can. Yeah, and and we and we even talked about when the Olympics come around, we're going to cover sports and we have no idea. and We don't know nothing about it. Yeah, no, that's why I asked.
I know you guys do, like, during the football season. I know that's what you're on, but, like, I didn't know when it's not football season, so that's interesting. Well, this is the first not football season, so we're kind of figuring it out.
Yeah, we're just going to talk about sports. That's cool, though. We're going to, yeah, and and and the great thing about it is March McNichon March Madness is right around the corner.
that's that's your That's a huge thing, too. um The NBA Finals. I don't watch any sports ball, usually but that's yeah if you're going do a sports show, that's pretty big. March Madness.
and NBA Finals are right around the corner. Fuck the NBA. The Stanley Cup kicks off in mid-April. um So if baseball's getting ready to fire back up. Actually, we had we talked baseball last week because Rick thought i was I was crazy because I told him that the Reds played two games at the exact same time.
last me they did They have 40 players, so they had to split their team into two groups and play two different games. yeah so one half ah one half of the reds One half of the Reds played the Cleveland Indians and the other half of the Reds played the Milwaukee Brewers.
after the exact same One game started at and the other game started Okay, that sounds ridiculous. Is that true? I thought I was in the multiverse, and Rick was like, I've got to check your โ You literally โ your team is so big you have two teams built into one team?
Basically. I don't know. See, that's why i can't keep track of these sports things. That's just bad. So I had to call my brother-in-law, who's a big Reds fan, and be like, bro.
I've been a Reds fan my whole life. And I've been a baseball fan my whole life. like i love I know a lot of people don't don't really care for baseball. yeah It is tough to watch on TV. It's so tough. I like live games.
Live games are fun. I love live games, but I also... On TV, it's like watching paint dry. During the baseball season. Especially now with technology Thank you smartphones um I'll throw a game on And go sit on my porch on the radio And listen to the radio broadcast Like it's 1953 And I'm listening to baseball on the radio And I will listen to a whole game On my phone ah but The radio broadcast And drink some beer And I will listen to it So here's a meat a neat piece for tomorrow That I'm going to bring up And I'll give you a little precursor
1976, the New York Yankees enacted a zero facial hair must be short hair policy. As of a week and a half ago, they have gone away from that policy. actually saw a fucking article headline. They're allowed to have facial hair and long hair now.
Dude, I actually saw an article for that. 50 years. i didn't I didn't read it because I don't give a shit about sports ball, but I did see that. They changed this rule or whatever. That was a thing. Almost 50 years. It made national news. It made national news.
That's because it's a 50-year rule that they were not allowed to have beards or mustaches. Baseballs in the headlines. That's crazy. Jeff don't care about sports balls, but he does care about balls on his face.
That's his favorite. That's his favorite. That's the fucking look at the headset. It's glowing towards his mouth to show you where to put them.
Plays balls here.
This is the ball deposit zone right here. I still can't get over the glowing headset that just flamboyantly screams, I'm gay. you know he's is He's an e-girl. Yeah, I'm clipping that. He's a gay. gay.
You notice I shut up and like and I allowed that to just come through. Do you like e-girl? Yeah. I'll be right back. Hold on. It's called on Tiki Taki, Rick.
it's called on tickyoky rick yeah
oh yeah yeah Do you like e-girls or i-ladies? have no idea what an i-lady What's an i-lady? i-lady's nuts on your face.
Yeah, you like Imagine Dragons. Imagine them dragging these nuts across your forehead. Why are you dying from the other room? Because he tried to pull that joke out me the other day I didn't fall for it.
He's cracking the fuck up. Tell Wyatt, come here. i don't. i tell Hook, the line, and fucking sinker. You got Jedi, bro. And by sinker, I mean pair of nuts sinking into your mouth.
You got Jedi, hook, line, and sinker. And by sinker, he means pair of nuts in his mouth. Ask him if there's a hundred dicks in a room, how many he'll choke on. Oh, my God. That's like that old one. Do you like tapes and CDs? What? Do you like tapes CDs? Yes.
what um not do you like tapes and do you like tapes and cds yes because I'm going to tape this dick to your forehead so you can see these nuts.
There you go. That's a good one. I've never heard that one. That's an old school one. That's old, bro. That's old. Is it? That's a classic, these nuts, too. These guys that run the... These guys on Call of Duty, they run the Ligma.
Ligma, L-I-G-M-A, Ligma Clan Tag, Ligma Balls, Ligma Tane. Ligma Balls, yeah, Ligma Balls. there's ah There's an old pickup line. and this is This is another one of those old school classic ones. It's like, how about I grab a six pack and we go back to my place and play Army, man.
and then when You can lay down and I'll blow you up. When a chick slaps you, you go, Well, you don't like six packs? I just wanted to go back and lay down and you can blow me.
See, that was always... i actually went into a bar one night drunk as fuck. And I was like, hey, you want to get a pizza and fuck? And she was like, no. And I was like, what, you don't like a pizza?
yeah I had buddies who actually use these things. yeah i I've dropped so many of these stupid ass pickle fights in a bar to see works. I'll tell you right now. I'll tell you right now. no I'll tell you right now. The number one level of success is the icebreaker because they laugh.
and If you get a woman to laugh, bro, you're this much closer to getting your pants off. 100%. I used to walk up all the time and i I would look at a girl and be like, hey, how much does a polar bear weigh?
She'd say, I don't know. i'll be like, enough to break the ice. My name's Rick. ah That's so good. Bro, they wouldn't fall into that shit all the time. Lazy, lazy. 100% success rate with this one.
I come up from behind them. I whisper in their ear, does this ra smell like chloroform? 100% success rate, lazy. hundred percent success rate please
I mean, I want to press charges. As soon as he said goodbye, did you one? What did you say? What did you say? I want to press charges after that.
do. 100% success rate, behind you. there's a g clickck there
that's just just Just let it happen. It'll be over soon. ah Just breathe deep and don't question things. Deep breaths will set you free.
I'm telling you, 100% 100% success rate. Never failed me. 60% of the time, it works every time. 60% of the time, it works every time. and That pickup line has never failed me. I used to use the dumb... like We would go into bars and see what dumbass pickup lines would at least get us into a conversation. yeah You want to know which one got me in the most?
Nice shoes, want to fuck? yeah The blunt, upfront approach made him laugh hysterically. They don't even know how to process it for a second. No, they don't. They're idea. What did you say? was the second part of that? Oh, God. Or I'd walk up. Hi, my name's Amanda.
I would walk up and literally be like, my name's Rick. I haul trash. I got a tiny penis. What else you want to know? And they would just look at you like, fucking what? And then you're talking to six girls at time. If you get a date off of that, that's crazy.
I'm telling you. The honesty, because at least I didn't let them down later. and When they're like, I'm so bad, I'm like, I warned you. They knew what they were getting into. I warned you. like you knew what you sign up was yeah You knew what you signed up for.
I've never been one pick-up lines. When I used to bounce, we used to fuck with the the bartenders all the time. and we would like just As we were walking through the bar, just or you know doing our just doing our normal bouncer thing, we'd stop at the bar and just say, are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only 10-ice. Just away just to see what better it is.
It wasn't like we were trying to hit on or pick him up. We just wanted to get a reaction out of him. expect Or you walk by and be like, do you wash your pants in Windex? Because I can see myself in them. Yeah, especially when they were helping, like, like if they had a bunch of people at the bar you walk by. The eye roll and the laugh just made it easier. you get their attention. You just got to get their attention. Then you drop one of those cheesy ass pickup lines on them just to see and then walk away. It's like dropping a pipe ball. What it was is it was enough to break up the stress that they were under at that moment so they functioned again.
walk up and be like If you were a deck, I'd take out all your nails and screw you.
Just some dumb shit like that, man. Like, it was amazing. did you Yeah, did you fall from heaven? Because you're an angel. Yeah. Just keep on walking. Just some dumb shit.
And just keep on walking. and Because not only do you get the reaction of the bartender, but then the people that, like, all the people that are around the bar that they're helping, they're like, What the fuck just happened here? here like yeah yeah j
Jeff, you're such a fucking douche nugget. but What's that? what's it Sorry, I couldn't hear you. I'm gay.
and this is the bullying. I'm gay.
um but the I'm gay. all I can hear. Just so you know, I'm canceling the whole network because Jeff's a bully.
I'm gay. i'm gay That's all I keep hearing. He's a bully. Stop. Let me pull my YouTube to report your fucking podcast. Because you're bullying people.
Hang on, let me get it. yeah We've already got two strikes. Let me specifically call out Jeff. Jeff is a bully. All I can hear I'm gay. Did did I tell you that I had to give you props, Jeff?
Did I tell you I had to give you props the other day at work? I had to legitimately give you credit the other day at work. I have six-pack abs right now. I took Wyatt to work with me.
I took Wyatt to work with me, and him and my boss at work were talking about computers and gaming and shit like that. And I stood up to go smoke a cigarette, and I looked at him, and was like, you're a fucking nerd. Yeah.
Like, I told Glick about this, too. i was like, I had to give Jeff props the other day at work. Because all I could think of was those two guys. you Every time someone does something nerdy in regular life, I'm like... I was fucking dying! I was like, yeah on my target you' looking up yeah funny dus you know you know how bad... You know how...
I have resisted putting it on on my on my media for Glick's House of Music because I always ask my guests, one of the things that I ask them is, what do you nerd out about?
like What is your one thing that you nerd out about? And when I start talking, in my head, I'm doing it and I want to be like... You're a fucking nerd. I'll do it to them. They don't know. They're guests. They don't understand. that they don't know i had I had to give that one to Jeff the other day at work because I was fucking dying when I... youre And I want to fuck you.
Let me ride that dick. That's not the right one, but i literally say I literally sang it to my boss. And I was like, nerd, you're a fucking nerd. And nobody likes you.
So I had to give you that one, Jeff. As much as you fucking annoy the piss out of me with this new bullshit, I had to give you... Nerd, you're a fucking nerd.
Nerd. You're a fucking nerd. And no one likes you. No one likes you. Poindexter? I fucking died, bro.
i was laughing my ass. I'm still keeping that. Hold on forty It's funny that you just that that video claims Poindexter because I got one saved on my phone. Hold on.
Where the fuck is it? Oh, where did it go? I just had it the other day. Right here.
Oh, yeah. oh yeah When you're white nerds. Yeah. it something about It says, me showing my kids how I got down with peak whiteness back in the day.
Peak whiteness? It's Poindexter. Yeah, it's Poindexter from a Revenge of the Nerds.
Yeah, he throw a house the party around with the... the the it' so ma lada Lambda Lambda Lambda which is yeah later land like bora booker okay what was the what was the move the moves were i can't remember the name of the fraternity the girls fraternity they hang on ah ah who called of the mos i don't remember get my or sluts upon yeah but that would lamb him a lambda lambda is where they stole booker from and created him into a nerd
ah no no to No, that is incorrect. I know this movie is sent out. so In the first movie, all the nerds are put into the gym because the jocks burnt down their fucking joint.
yeah That's when they created the nerd house and Booger was in the gym. ah but i thought he put she Lambda, Lambda, Lambda? lambden Lambda, Lambda, Lambda is the nerds.
Oh, which one was he, though? He was the jocks one, then. No, he wasn't. I thought he was. You're talking about the big guy that belched. Yeah, because then they put him in a fucking weird... the third they put him weird seat with a tie and short pants. Yeah, that that was the weird guy. I can't remember his name. just want to say shout out shout out to 80s movies that promoted rape, bestiality, sexual assault, and all other various forms of Where would we be without them? My name was Ogre.
All the things that have gotten Weinstein and Diddy in trouble were acceptable in 80s movies. They should have stopped after the 80s. That's their fault.
You know what i'm just saying. Look at him. He's pouring you a drink. He's doing something. Has he put some Tapatio in there? Is it Tapatio? Or is it Valentino's? no does it tap of to you president don Ah, Valentino's.
Valentino's is shit, dude. I go through a bottle this every two days. You ever mix up your hot sauce with your with your hair conditioner by mistake when you're jerking it? No. Where did he you?
right It wasn't a mix-up. It wasn't a mix-up, Jedi. When he accidentally does the hot sauce, his headset really likes This shit's awesome. What is that? ah wait No, fuck you, bro.
Dude, this has got some kick to it. it's ah Fuck you, bro. pull them together um did all this together off Don't give me your bullshit franchise wing sauce. You're talking to Buffalo native.
Fuck you and your franchise wing sauce. here don't care. buffalo server Buffalo wings are overrated like fucking The Rock and the rest of them.
Everything a pile of glick is overrated. Whoa, glick. You need a
as as as as As a born and raised native to Ohio, there is nothing in Ohio that is overrated because it all sucks. That's not true. There's a pizza joint Springfield that's pretty fucking fire. Or no, a donut joint in Springfield that's pretty fire.
However, there are some things. Because I'm from the home of pizza and wings, bro. Oh, Jesus Christ. i want them i want both of now. I want things and fucking donuts. No, you're trash.
New York pizza is trash. You take that back to your trash. we We got a piece of cardboard that we threw a whole bunch of fucking grease on it. Enjoy it. New York City pizza is trash. I won't lie to you. New York City pizza is trash.
When the Italians and the fucking Guidos got into making pizza and sandwiches and you go to a place like Colombini's, Belladesa's, DiBella's, Pellegrino's, you're getting good fucking shit.
um' I'm a huge fan of the pie from chi Chicago. Also a Detroit style. That's a g does a deep dish. really good i know I'm not a huge fan of the deep dish. has the pies and the son of a bitch is fucking like eight inches. It's too much.
You love it thick, deep dish homo. You know, Rick, you just make these clips so easy. I know. He loves his dick. He's a deep-dish homo.
Deep-dick. Deep-dick homo. Good call, Jeff. I just keep hearing one thing over and over. I just keep hearing one thing. I'm gay.
i don't know how i feel about the bullying, Glick. I think going to leave the network. I don't know. feel like being bullied right now. I feel like I'm being bullied right now. Well, I mean, you said you like a deep dick homer. You're goddamn right.
Deep dish, baby. Give me give me all that quantity. The problem is I didn't take your shit off. You son of a bitch. Here's a shot. Take your shit. Ha ha ha ha ha.
that's what clip For those listening, that's a clip of Rick and Glick behind the fucking truck stop. im rick glick I was never involved in that clip. What the fuck are you getting? This motherfucker over here eating beans and rice and Valentina sauce. A couple noodles. That was me. Just because you put it in a couple of noodles doesn't mean it ain't beans and rice.
that's That's me, the head of the HLA. Looks like beans and rice to me. Take this shot and take this dick. Welcome to the neighborhood, motherfucker. I don't know. Every time I hear Glick talk, it's just...
Oh, Jeff and his fucking soundboard, man. yeah um more i got rid of my soundboard. You sound just like a bullfrog in mating season. That's a squash mating call.
That's a squash mating call. My nipples got hard, so it's working well. It's a squish. The same squinch. The same squinch.
that is true bob even go What is that? park, boys. The same <unk> like doubles way I can't get into it. it doesn't make well i' get into that show I can't get into that show, but the clips make me laugh.
Yeah, was going to say, most of all I've seen is just the clips, but they're fucking like it. There's with the go-kart in the ditch just revving the fuck out of the engine. No. but No, that is the Squatch meeting call. We like to sing a sweet song of love to our potential mates.
Which is what you hear right before you hear the whisper in your ear of this is smell like chloroform. Or surprise. actually that Or surprise, motherfucker.
Surprise, motherfucker. It's not right if I yelled surprise. Excuse me while I whip this out. Suck my dick and hit asshole, you sons of bitches.
but what baby that is a that Who can name a movie that Quotes from?
What's that? Excuse me while I whip this out.
Everybody knows the quote, but nobody can name the movie. I i know. I know that movie. Excuse me while I whip this out. know that because everybody cringes because it's a black dude. It is a black dude. Was it like Pootie Chang? No, no, no, no.
but it over that what was that what was that What was that movie? The guy the movie from SNL. that The dude that was the radio DJ. said that's a name for Sheriff.
Yeah, that's Blazing South.
Yes, there you go. but he He's getting ready to do his speech. Yeah. He's like, he's like, he's serious.
Off the stage with a gun to his own head. love that fucking movie. da when it what I we started that movie. but are white women beaten i got rid of that baton before we started that movie You will never see a movie like this ever in theaters or on TV. And the first five minutes of the probably threw the N word ten times.
Oh, yeah. We used that clip. where the why where dot live it at We used to use that for Tony D all the time.
Yeah, we had intros for when people certain people came up. Yeah. yeah Where do white women at? No, it was smoke that we did that. It was smoke. It was smoke and so. It is fire. My kid's fired.
He's never allowed on the podcast again.
Wyatt's done. He's fired. He took my empty beer cans. And he didn't bring me any full ones and he walked the fuck away. You know what? It's not too late to put him up for adoption. I i believe i blame i blame management for not properly training.
Dude, no way because they always do it. He just decided you want to say fuck you to the boss and quit. Apparently not, because he didn't do it. They call that quiet quitting when you just... You fucking did not. Nice.
Show me where that fucking bitch is written up. You got a letterer letter of resignation. Right there. This motherfucker just flipped me off. Wait a minute. Hold a second. it is it is we we do have a We do have a letter resignation,
From Wyatt? Hold on a second. i meters of that I think you got to get HR. There's more HR, motherfucker. ah who mode Yeah, there it is.
but My dad is on the spectrum. I didn't remove it. yeah Hey, tell Wyatt to come here. Tell Wyatt to come here. rick Rick. What do you say? oh oh rick Jeff is headhunting.
Wyatt, come here real quick. under a drew by way hey i remember Tell Wyatt, come here. I got your back. i just did just did. Jeff's got your letter of resignation. What? Come here.
Jeff, you got your letter of resignation. Fuck you. Fuck you. You're about to get sack-tap, bitch. no Let me see you resign. I'm gay.
resign from the ground. Do you know what that clip I'm gay. Give Hold on. Your dad came out the closet,
a y why what's up why'm gay fri dad came out the glo on budd and I thought that happened years ago. Keep that shit bitch.
keep this shit in mind bit Years ago, not ago. Okay, here you and oh yeah here you go. Congratulations, Wyatt. You kids made your dad gay.
Congratulations. I'm going to sack tap this kid so hard, i won't have to worry about grandbabies. It was like I had kids.
was ri and but about ri Rick had two kids and then he was like, I'm gay. more bullying. You made your dad gay.
They are in the fucking podcast. Nobody cares. Rick's kids are like, fuck you, bro. Did he just ask you why you're just so fat? No, she said, why am I so fast? She said, nobody cares what you're believing. I heard her say, why am I so fast?
And I like, why aren't you knocking her the fuck out right now? Somebody's not getting their allowance this night. Somebody is not getting their allowance. Like, if she just said some shit like that, don't fucking, you'd heard me go off.
trust rick and dad rick and rick and rick and i have said on Rick and I have said on multiple occasions, thank God she's pretty. because That's not the only thing she's got going You ain't fucking wrong. I heard was Peyton just... Full coffee, fat pig.
i just all i heard was peyton just full coffee okay but dr just said the you focus he say like Did you say that to me?
I heard it. I heard it. I heard it. But I will say that to him. We all heard it. She was trying to sound all sweet innocent. No. No, it wasn't me.
Daddy, no. I said fast, Dad. Daddy, no. heard fast. yeah how you know i heard how no look look Look, Rick and I... rick and i rick and i have ah know rick and i are ah Rick and I have amazing beards.
We have fantastic personalities. We're handsome sons of bitches. We're hung like a field mouse. We're hung like a field mouse. We had all these great things given to us. and I feel like you guys matched up on Tinder.
We had to take a couple of clothes. I'm sorry. I mean i might grind there. Jeff, play the clip. I'm gay. I'm gay.
well Rick, I'm going to open up a Reiner account. just but you figure yeah The best thing about it is you're singing it. You're not just saying it. You're singing it. Do you not know that's from?
Do you not know that's from? that's a jeff dunham That's a Jeff Dunham peanut skit. where Peanut's like oh you draw reprise and I hear when it goes by as that he wrote that yeah based on you he wrote that based on you so it's still you that's like Dr. Jeff Dunham his ex-boyfriend is Rick and ah Dr. Ken from Community remember I seen from the TV show gay we used to have that one too
that i We have 4,000 music songs. Okay. Yeah, same guy, Dr. Kim. yeah I didn't realize that he was actually a real doctor about until about five years after that movie. Yeah, isn't that crazy?
Like the dude is like, legitimately. Could you imagine that motherfucker being your real doctor? Dude, could you imagine walking into that doctor's office and be like, wait, is actually because you're here too? Am I getting fucking drunk? Yeah, exactly. I want any other fucking doctor.
No more than walking into the doctor's office and you're like, you fuck on me, fuck on you. You fuck on me, I fuck on you. You walk into the doctor's office him don't feel good. He's like, you fuck on me, fuck on you. Laughter's the best medicine bullshit.
Right? That was their old Reader's Digest quote. I'm fucking old as shit. That's where I got it from. And humor in uniform. Before there was phones, while you were sitting in the shitter, there was Reader's Digest. My grandmother had a stack of them fucking Reader's Digest. So did but mine. I'd go over to Grandma's house, crack that fucker over, and start reading it. Yep, yep.
Reader's Digest. Where was that when you were booping back in the day? That the TikTok of our day. You ain't lying. um Can I get a Reader's Digest subscription again? I want one now. I want to old school. Let me goggle that and let you know. Yeah, goggle. It's Google-A, by the way. It's Google-A. It's French.
goggle of late america It's In French, it's Google-A. Americano. They have a website, boys. Google-A the Virginian. Reader's Digest has a website. Shut up, Jeffrey.
I don't want a website. I want the actual book in my hands. I want to go nostalgic and read a book while i'm taking a shit. It looks like you can. I want them to cut down a tree and fucking print shit on Are you ready?
yeah the best deal is a two year for fifteen dollars Bargain. Oh, yeah. Good job. I actually just got the pop-up on my page just now. just I was going to say, I say that I want to read Reader's Digest, but there's going to be an article, and I'm going to look at the article, and then going to go on YouTube and type in the title, and I'm just going to listen to some jerk-off tell me about said story for 10 minutes while I take a shit. You know what? It's almost like, what the fuck news? I'm just saying. You can't burn my head.
Treat your family and friends to Reader's Digest for news from a trusted source. Congratulations, everybody. They'll enjoy the best stories, advice, reason bison jokes in every issue. Right now, you can unlimited number of gift subscriptions for only $10 each.
I know what everybody's getting for Christmas this year from me. They need to print it on toilet paper so when you're done reading, you can just wipe with the article that you're getting. I'm sending everybody that's associated with the network. Everybody on the network is getting Reader's Digest subscription for Christmas and everybody associated with it. Bro, I would legitimately drive to Ohio and shake your hand if you did that.
I get up the door and I'm like, who the fuck is knocking on my door? Rick's like, what's up, buddy? I know we've been friends i know we've been friendss for like six years and it's first time we meet, but I appreciate you. Thank you. I just got done shaking. I washed my hands, but I want to shake your hand.
haven't even wiped it. I read the magazine you bought me. Read the fucking caption right at the top. yep Get a print subscription to Read Your Digest.
Print and digital access. Rick shows up at my house and he's like, I just want you to know. thank you mr president i've never forgotten Thank you. This beats AAA for my grandma. but rick Rick shows up at your door and all you hear is, you're and I want to fuck you.
Let me ride that dick. suspicious
I'm gay. It's steamy in here real fast. The annual charge for Reader's Digest is $53.91. For toilet paper with words on it?
outrageous qui steve is nine times a year you get the magazine That's not bad. Hell yeah. all i'm All I'm hearing is hashtag greatest boss. You know what I want to do? don't care about getting new ones.
I don't care about getting new ones. I want to find, like, ah go to a garage sale and find, like, 500 old ones. You know what mean? So here's the funny thing.
that When my dad moved out of New York, we sold... he had... Like, you know the plastic recycling bins you get for your house? Oh, yeah. yeah He had nine of them full of National Geographic's all the way back to the 60s. We sold those things for just under $2,000. And to the same place. That's a lot of African movies, man. I'm in.
and la ah just Just under $2,000 we sold all those. I don't doubt it. Every one of those recycling bins, I bet you weighed 80 fucking pounds. no when my sister yeah You guys is...
Christmas bonus this year is a subscription to the Reader's Digest. Bro, bring it to me. Bring it to me. no So when my great-grandmother died, and this I would still in high school, but but they did a um like an auction, and they were just they literally just throw shit in boxes.
She had 15 cardboard boxes filled with Reader's Digest that went for a buck apiece. yeah box And I'm like, oh, so mad. Think about it. These Nat Geos were every month from 1964 until they stopped making it, which was I think in 2003. We sold them for $2,000. Yeah.
no hey we sold a word
yeah i threw So when I was doing residential trash, I came across the guy's house. he was through He threw away... and think it was like 40... He paid extra. It was like 40 cardboard boxes full of Playboys.
I actually did... i they're In Mansfield, not for about an hour from Glick, but about 45 minutes from Glick, there is a... There's an apartment complex. that I used to do repair plumbing back when I worked for my uncle.
And this guy... Yeah. but This guy, we this in one building, always had issues. And we went to this guy's apartment, and he's got his couch, right?
Behind the couch is four stacks deep. Oh, yeah ten Ten Playboys above the couch. Every fucking episode. Every fucking issue ever.
And I was like, good lord, dude. Way to keep your point out. Porn out in the fucking public. I applaud you, sir. I mean, this in the 90s. Yeah.
I always tell women, you got more issues than Playboy. Yeah. who
Yeah. like Not something I would collect, Playboy, because i have the internet. but Yeah, but it's different. it's different The cultural significance Playboy is different.
There is some um issues that are worth ridiculous. I know the Pam Anderson issue still to this day will sell for almost five grand.
Yeah, and the Marilyn Monroe issue goes for almost a million. Yep. If it's mint. There's some issues that are fucking ridiculous.
I've got a Playboy with Marilyn Monroe in it.
I have somewhere I have the... It's not meant. It's all stuck together. I know. Somewhere I have the... No, it's not, actually. Somewhere i have the college girls.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like the one that Jenny got in trouble for in Forrest Gump. Yeah, yeah. The bunch of them got kicked out of school for it. And it's a fucking dude. These girls are in college. Apparently, it's a super rare fucking issue because there was so much that came from it.
Yeah. So it's worth like fucking retard money. Well, the crazy thing about it is it comes down to some of them chicks weren't even 18 yet. Never with Playboy.
Playboy never got in trouble for that. Penthouse got in trouble for underages. have the 1989 35th anniversary. i have the nineteen eighty nine thirty fifth anniversary
Nice. That's cool as shit. I have... That shit should be in a sleeve, no joke. Yep. I have 1997... Boards in this....issue.
Holiday issue with Guess Who's on the Cover. this where is There you go. I have the 2000 Collectors Edition. No, but I'm talking about original pressing.
Those are worth million. No, these are these are original. yeah These are the original magazines. these are the original I have Miss ah Pamela Anderson. There you go.
That's one that's worth some money. 1994. What you need to do is go get fan, Christy Hammond. Oh, yes, bro. Do you have Trish's? as a wrestling fan
christty he it oh yes bro few oft tritious Tori Wilson. Do you have Trish's?
Rick's getting a chubby. No, no, no. That's important one. There it is Candace Michelle. Do you have Trish's?
Maria. I do not have Trish's. So there's two that you're missing. i'm not I don't have China's and I don't have Trish's. No, not China's. hold on what else What's the next one going show?
ah This is not wrestling. However, this is one of the only ones that had all three of them in the same one together. Hefner's Girlfriends.
oh that Oh, yeah. Holly and what's her name? Yeah. from the yeah from the so you're missing two wrestling ones. Well, three if you don't have China's.
but So you're missing three. You're missing China's, Trish's, and Lita's. I love how that Rick can just round them off of it. Dude, I was a collector of shit like that and sports cards for a long, long time.
1989 35th anniversary. these are This is the nineteen eighty nine thirty fifth year anniversary and it's i mean it's it's it's original it's just all these are original This is original. this was This was from a subscription or whatever. And it's in i mean it's in really good condition at the end of the day.
So the holiday one is from 97. And then, like I said, this collector's the one from 2000. Dude, this sumbitch goes way back with a lot of stuff.
So those are kind of my, those are my babies. Those are my, and I don't even like, they're not even like jerk mags for me. These are just like collector items. No, it's nostalgia.
I get that. Yeah.
No, because if I'm to rub one out, I do. Hey, Glick. Glick. i've also I've also got just because I i had a subscription to him. Lazy. Said he had to dip. He's got to go impress his wife with his new six-pack abs for laughing.
I also have just because I used to have a subscription to him. my My ex-wife got it for me. but and this is I don't know if this is even around anymore, but the Maxim. Maxim? one Oh, my God. Hey, Glick. That 35th anniversary Playboy.
that thirty fifth anniversary playboy It's worth $950 on eBay. to sell it. Right? I was going to Nice. Oh, my God. J-Love. bro jenifer love huge tis Jennifer Love, huge tits. Yes. These are just ones that I have ready and available.
Mila. Yes. God. Yeah. These are just like collector pieces for me that I just... I had i had i had a subscription for Maxim for like three years.
Okay. yeah say i the only The only magazine I've ever had a subscription to, had Super Chevy for like six months because it was free. i know and i and i didn't and i didn't And I didn't get the Maxim subscription.
My ex-wife got it for me when we were dating. And it was a great magazine. Outside of the hot-ass chicks that were in it, it was a great magazine to i'm not a big magazine guy, like I said.
um yeah I used to... Well, I understood. so Yeah, that's what I said, Lazy. It's 90% Glick's DNA at this point.
No, it's not. Actually, it's not. No, because that's what the internet's for. and no i actually know they're Yeah, in... I mean, they're probably not... Like an 8? Like, grade 10?
yeah they're not Yeah, whatever, A-plus grade or 10, but they're definitely an 8 or a 9 at the end of the day. they're They're up there. You got start handling them with gloves pretty soon, man.
I mean, $150 on eBay sounds pretty goddamn good right now. So what what was that Marilyn Monroe one? when That's an original one. It was the holiday issue from 97. that's
but in that and that and thats And that 35th anniversary from 89? Dude, that's that's that is mint. I just looked it up.
Yeah. Once I said that, $150 on eBay sounds pretty good right about now. $350 pre-owned on eBay, $950. Yeah, like...
ah yeah like There's people paying 97 holiday anniversary issue with Marilyn Monroe goes for it looks like it's oh you can actually buy it on eBay ah pre-owned for 15 bucks but they or 30 but I know like mint condition copies go like for the original back in when she was still alive that one goes for that maximum what year
na It was 53. It was the first issue of Playboy. It's right there, so look it up. Max of 100. Okay, so the original 1953 Playboy
a decent condition goes for four grand.
ninety thousands and three playboy original nineteen fifty three playboy in in in a decent condition goes for for grade Well, yeah. you know On eBay. yeah That Maxim 100 was 2006.
Right. I don't even know Maxim is still a thing anymore. know It's not. I don't think so.
You got to remember, that's a hell of a investment. Also, you should see the stack of WWE magazine that Cash has um I don't know if they'd be worth anything or not, but they're i mean they're they're old. They go way back. like Maxim's not worth shit because it doesn't show shit.
$23. When it comes down to anything collectible to the right person is worth whatever they're willing to pay for. $23, though, compared to a fucking magazine that was $2 to buy, $3, $4 to buy. original Playboy goes for And tell her jacka here and they were fifty cents when they came to their moms and to all the return on You weren't in school? yeah and i had I had like a six-year subscription to WWE magazine and I had all of them and I just gave them all the cash ah so you could look back at some of the older stuff and see some like, you know, and it it like he's loving them. He thumbs through them and looks at them. I don't think they're worth mileon why buts like like
Actually, something you might be interested in What year of Bronco did you have? What was it? 79? had 79. I just saw that Barrett Jackson sold a 79. It it looked exactly like yours.
Fully restored? 200 grand. Yeah. without the lift kit Do you know what the 96 white Bronco is worth? I saw it. The one that Simpson fucking ran in?
Like, if you have one that's identical to that... Yeah, it's fucking retard money, dude. Yeah. Fucking retard money. Yeah, Lennon left.
I saw... Because I saw a bunch of Barrett Jackson stuff go up on auction the other day. Dude, fuck Barrett Jackson. They overpriced the fuck on everything. Oh, do. But it's an auction at the other day.
But there was a mistake on one auction house... they were I can't remember what they were auctioning off It was it was a car, obviously But I don't remember what car was But they were saying one thing Like they were like 30,000 Or 30 million And they it was up on the screen at 70 million Because yeah somebody wasn't communicating And but so they thought They broke a record for like two minutes And then we're on So million when I was 15 years old i bought my first car i couldn't even drive yet
I bought a from a little old lady I bought a 1970 Roadrunner with a 446 pack in it her husband bought it brand new from the showroom it had 27,000 miles on it when I bought it I bought the car for a little less than $5,000 her son wanted it but she sold it to me because she knew that I understood the car and I respected what it was and the value and everything like that So she sold it to me instead of giving it to her son.
I sold said car when I turned 18 and made just shy of $20,000. And I traveled the country, whatever, like that, blah, blah, blah.
Cool money, whatever.
In 2006, I was 20. The exact same car almost. like matt Mine was matching numbers and everything. Right, right.
A matching number, orange roadrunner with a flat black shaker hood. rolled across the Barrett-Jackson auction block and sold for over $140,000 with matching numbers with more miles than my fucking car had on it.
The crazy thing is, Dodges, there's a theory when it comes to Dodge. If you got an old Dodge or Plymouth, You can literally run it till wheels fall off, rebuild it, and get every dime plus.
The problem is you have to know the right people to get it in the right circle of people to buy it. Right. Like my Roadrunner, I had it listed for... No, but if you show up from fucking Daytona,
People are going their money. course. no I had my Roadrunner listed for almost two months before somebody gave me close to what I wanted. Because I listed it at $20,500. I did something similar.
I actually, my first car, i and when I was 14, I bought a 69 Chevelle. And I rebuilt the whole thing by the time I was 16. And when I crashed it at the drag strip, I rolled it 12 times.
Some guy came out of the crowd and said, I'll give you 30 grand for it right now. I said, show me the fucking money and give me a ride home. Because the numbers were all original to it. No, it was not. But it had 900 horsepower.
Oh, that's He wanted the fucking motor. Yeah, that's different. My Roadrunner was all original numbers. right no mind like When I got my car, only one door opened We had to replace the bench seat in the back And we had to find somebody who had one So the numbers matched We ended up finding a guy in New Mexico My dad and I drove to New Mexico to get this bench seat Just so the numbers would stay matching on the car It was an OEM factory bench seat
Oh, no. My my car was anything but stock. Yeah, so here's the problem. with I was making tops in 50s, full roll cage. So here's the difference. Here's the difference.
Your Chevelle was and still is a very common muscle car. actually My Roadrunner, how often do you see a Roadrunner? Oh, I agree. i agree agree. Like, if I still had that fucking thing today, I'm probably sitting on a quarter million dollar car.
Depending on the year, yeah. What year was it? A 70 all original?
Yeah. Right now, what's really hot are, of course, the Daytonas and the Roadrunner. um Plymouths. yeah those Those will go for a million plus if they're fully restored. But what I'm saying is like this was all I bought it. It was still in the original tires that came from the factory with.
Oh, okay. i I had a buddy of mine. ah Glick, you actually, one of the guys that was in in our class, his dad had a that that goofy guy that i was only there in the first year. ah real I'm a gangster, but I'm not.
Not Casey, the other one. Real goofy fuck. I can't even remember his name. He might not have been in our class. He might have been in... i know he he was in um he was in my entrepreneurial class, which you didn't take. There was only one guy that was there for the first year that I could think of, and that's Patrick, who I think has probably become a serial killer, and I made sure to be very nice to him.
like I'm pretty sure he's... No, this guy was real mouthy. i think I think he got his ass beat a couple times. Anyways, his dad had an old Buick with vinyl tires.
You could stand on that thing and just melt the tires all day long. They looked like they were brand new. They would not die. Vinyl tires are one of those things that you can't kill them, which is why Firestone stopped making up because they lasted too long.
people had to go walk so I actually have a picture of my Chevelle.
Let's see if I can
find it. If I didn't get the thing, then I don't know what I'm going to do. You have 40 and 16, Peyton?
Weak sauce. Be better. Bro, she got second on the board at 40 and 16 and got the kill cam. That'd be better.
Don't you always get the kill cam? No. ah You shot a teammate right in a back of the head right there, didn't you? i've done Dance. That's called friendly fire.
There you go. Look at that. You're like, come on now.
She went second on our normal squad that's playing a four, which is impressive. right Click over or click X. There you go, Rick.
You need last three minutes. There you Blower, too. Last three minutes. No, it's dual four barrels. Not a blower. There's a blower on the top of that fucking engine. No, it is not. That is an air cleaner.
Oh, my God. Look at it. If it had a blower, it would have a belt. It doesn't have a belt. The belt should be right under it. There is no belt there. That is twin four-barrel carbs with an oversized breather.
And you turned how much?
Cars and Automotive Tales
i bought I actually got the car for free. Technically, the guy told... so when i i would During the summertime, I worked...
and for my uncle. and I went to the guy's house and he had it under a cover. and What year was it? 1969. You going to bed?
and asked the guy, I said, what's going to get the cover there? and He said, oh that my son bought that. I wish I could get rid of it. I said, well what is it? he's said It's a 69 Chevelle.
I lifted up the cover and only one door opened. It only had three rims, no tires. Piece of junk. And I said, I'll take it. He says, I'll give you 20 bucks if you take So i he technically paid me 20 bucks.
I called my dad and I said, hey, bring the truck and trailer and I'll give you 20 bucks. So I technically got the car free and gave my dad the 20 bucks.
This is a beautiful car. And it took me like three years to build it. Every weekend, all summer.
The only problem I had with it was automatic, which was great for what I used it for, which is drag racing. No, you didn't. It still shows. There's another one.
I was going to say, as a guy who doesn't know anything about that stuff. Put it down again. Automatic better. There's a free one somewhere there. So when it comes to drag racing, automatic is is like when you got that much horsepower. It's garbage.
Actually, it's better. Fuck you. Because if you're running 900 horsepower on the rear tires, the last thing you want to worry about is shifting. Because you're right on the steering wheel. Mm-mm.
I don't use the clutch.
You got a power shift. See, my Roadrunner, I slap shift. Okay, Rick, I'm going to show you what a car with a blower looks like. i Jeff, I know what a car with a blower looks like. Well, you're obviously mistaken.
The Roadrunner, my Roadrunner had a slap shift in it Oh, no. Mine came with the Batman-style shifter. Mine came with a factory slap shift. All had do was hit it. Oh, I know. It's a Hertz shifter.
yeah Well, no, mine wasn't in the T-handle. Mine was straight up and down. and a head okay. It still had the handle like this, and had a little pin off of it like this. And you hit it, this pin would go forward, and that was basically your clutch.
Yeah. So I just fucking bang, bang, bang. But I only had a four-speed in it. So when these idiots with Fast and Furious wanted to race traffic light to traffic light, no, you fucktard, I need two traffic lights or I'm not getting out of fucking gear. Just to get into first or second, maybe second. Just to get the tires to hook up, I need fucking two traffic lights. I don't even know what you're talking about. I had a 1995 Ford F-150 with the GT50 in it. So that is a blower. Okay, I see your big old belt on that Camaro. Yeah.
and And I used to cost smoke those stupid Fast and Furious cars. so I watched a dude with a 69 Yanko Camaro get T-boned by a lady in a fucking Corolla one day.
and I was like crying. Because I know what the Yanko, they only made 200 Yankos. Exactly. They're not. They're not. Original Yanko.
I asked him when I saw it because I was doing ResiTrack. I wonder what the insurance costs on the Yanko. So he held a $500,000 policy on that car. Don't doubt it. I do not doubt it. For that exact reason.
And that bitch who lived in the same neighborhood as him blew a stop sign and T-boned him in that Yanko with that Corolla. and After he got done crying, he walked all the way back.
Bro, he was crying sitting on the side of the road. I would have been watching it crying. I was like
just jaw on the ground. I couldn't believe it happened. Rick, have you ever seen black chrome? Yes. I saw a, what is it, a 65 Cadillac the other day. We get them in tractor trailers. Some of the old school, old school truck drivers are running sometimes. But they've got to be old school. 68 Cadillac, you know, the big yacht, right?
All the chrome had been done in black. On black paint. Oh my god, it was so fucking gorgeous. Bro, I'm so pissed. I just saw tonight the lady across the street had a Cadillac CTS.
Probably early two thousand s model. okay so told that bitch She sold that for tonight. id give her double she thinks the head gasket was blown Bro, do you know how cheap it is to replace a head gasket on a GM?
A fucking GM? However, here's the crazy thing about this. is you'll you'll You'll find this interesting, Rick. Because Cadillac is such a pain in the ass get parts for. A huge dick.
No mechanic in Cancun will work on a Cadillac. No kidding. They won't do it. See, we can get them all day long. was going to buy a Cadillac a buddy of mine was selling it.
and And I talked to a friend of mine and I said, hey, I'm looking at this Cadillac CTS. And he's like, don't fucking do it, dude. You'll be sitting six months waiting on parts. And he's like, you'll never get the parts and I won't touch it.
I said, all right, I'm out. Yeah. But it was a great deal. Yeah. But waiting on the parts alone. and Not just that, but knowing how to do it yourself involves the computer stuff.
That's where everything becomes a bitch. Because there's not one fucking thing in that car. If you disconnect the cigarette lighter, it won't start. Oh my god, it's stupid.
But she bought that car. Drove 50 miles and it quit running on her. And it sat in that driveway for two years. They would go out and start occasionally, but they'd have to hold their foot on the throttle to get the run.
It wasn't smoking. She's like, I think it's a head gasket. It wasn't smoking. smoking It wasn't smoking. Head gasket got white smoke. Bro, august i'm saying I'm saying vacuum leak.
Easy. Because the idol was like 700, 1100. That vacuum line? This is probably $40 fix for this guy. Less than that. And he's got a $15,000 car. Less than that. You can go rip vacuum line off of anything else and throw it on there.
Bro, I was like, I literally said her, I was like, I looked at Peyton, and was like, if I'd have known that, I'd have bought that fucking car. yeah I'd have let him repo my truck, and I'd have bought that fucking car.
In a heartbeat. Take my $800 a month truck payment and and give me that Cadillac at $550. Damn, you pay $800 a month on your truck? $780. It's a big fucking truck.
How long have you had your truck? you i I bought it brand new in 18. God damn it. You're still paying on that bitch? What do you get? 300 months on that?
Jesus. the Dude, it's been repoed twice. Sounds like you need to trade up. Can't. It's got too many miles on it. Really? i got 186,000 on that truck.
right But I'll tell you right now... I've never bought in a brand new vehicle. I don't buy cars from dealerships. 145,000 of those 186 are strictly highway miles.
good Still... But you can't sell that to a dealership. You can't be like, oh yeah, they're all highway miles. 80% are... They don't give a fuck. They just see the miles.
yep no like I don't buy cars from dealerships. and Even used car dealerships. I buy... what I like. But I don't have... I didn't have cash money, so i didn't have a choice.
I had an F-150 that was knocking like the police trying to beat the door in. So you were gay, but you went by by buying a body of Dodge. Okay, I get it. Fuck off, Jeff. I didn't buy a Chevy because bow ties are for little boys to go to church.
Yeah, but... So here's the thing. ford Here's the thing. Ford, Dodge, and Chevy. can't argue yeah Every single one, is every single person who supports both is going to go with the one they've had the best luck with.
Agreed. 100% agreed. I'm going for comfort because I'm a big guy. Which is why I would never go Dodge because their feet seats are like sitting on cement.
Not my Ram. My 18 Ram... And Peyton looks like my 18 Ram compared to my 04 F-150, night and fucking day comfort difference. The biggest problem I have with any Ford, and and i've had I've had a couple. i had a Ranger that would nickel and dime me to death because every little fucking Ford. What year was the Ranger? 84. Oh, well, okay. and So 89 to 97 Rangers were the best ones they ever made.
Oh, no, I love mine. But the problem was, is even if you go buy a starter, a starter for a fucking Chevy S10, like $20, $30, $40, right? Yep.
For a fucking same- Starter for a Ranger, $100. $100 without even thinking about I know. know. So Ford breaks you on the price. $95, $96. ninety six Ranger Edge, Flair Side. I love that. that white one jaw i had that was what the real i heard That was when they made the Ranger sporty.
Yeah. but yeah Bro, the ranger edge the Ranger Edge and the Ranger Splash were two fucking badass looking Rangers. they were But they did that to combat the S10 Extreme.
Yes. Which was a lowered the ground with a body kit. I had the extended cab in black. yo It was fucking awesome. It was slammed to the ground and had a ground effect skit on it. The problem is if you drive the sn and you're like, I want to go over to across the yard to pick up whatever is over there. You can't. You're tearing off the side skirts and everything.
yep yep no I replaced my body kit three times. The White Ranger Popses. Shortly after I graduated, or shortly after high school, I bought, can't remember if it was 95 or a 96 Ford Ranger.
It was the Edge, Flair side 4x4, and I loved thing. yeah I put a little lift kit on it, like two or three inches, and I loved it. That thing was amazing, and I drove that bitch until the fucking wheels fell off of it.
I loved them. yeah i' all that I'll be the first to give Ford shit. However, I do like Rangers and I do like Mustangs. Dude, the Rangers and S10s were indestructible trucks.
you could fucking something You couldn't kill those. so even the Dakota. The Dodge Dakota that didn't have the fucking big ass V8 in it.
Oh my God. yeah was the beast That 318 was a monster though. Oh my God. It was such a shit motor though. That 318 was such a garbage motor. But if you if you're not paying attention and you you fucking go from first to second, you're chirping tires all day. Here's one for you.
I had a Chrysler Fifth Avenue that had the 318 motor in it. I actually almost wrecked it by smoke showing an intersection with a brake stand and then rolling through it.
Almost got T-boned by a big truck. If you had a Dakota that had the 4-banger in it, the S10 that had the motor in it, or the 4-ranger with the 2.0 in it,
You had an indestructible. However, the 4.3 liter Chevy V6. The Vortec. No, no, no.
The 4.3 was a Vortec engine. No, the 4.3. There's two. There was a 4.3 and 5.7. Yeah. The 4.3 carbureted, which is not the Vortec. And then the carbureted, the non-carbureted is the.
Okay, you're going a couple years later. Yeah, so there's couple of different. Mine was carbureted. You could not kill it. Yeah, you have the center bolt heads on that 4.3. You will not only destroy your tires, but you will just destroy your rims and rear axles. yeah.
But if you go if you go for economy, the Ranger with the four-cylinder, the S-10 with the four-cylinder, and the Dakota with the four-cylinder, you could drop a nuclear bomb on those bitches, and they would still drive away from it You know what? And people give shit on the Iron Duke.
Dodge's four-cylinder? Yeah, the Dakota four-banger. It was a 2.4 liter. They had it in every K car ever. Oh my god, it was a 2.4 liter. They had it in the fucking Pontiac Fiero and then they upgraded it.
No, the Fiero was a little smaller. The Fiero was a 1.8 liter and they upgraded it for the K car. It was a 2.4 liter. Yep.
ye The Fiero was the one they discontinued because they called it a casket on wheels. Yeah. but So the Fiero had a 1.8 liter. okay i love The Fiero had a 1.8 liter. And then they discontinued that and they moved up in the motor to a 2.4 liter, which they put in the K car and the Dodge Omni.
yep And then they put it the Dakota. and then the Dakota also got the V6 motor. That was the to-do Dakota was a V6.
yeah But if you had a Ranger, an S10, or a Dakota with a four-banger in it, yeah with a five-speed manual... You could run that motherfucker to 800,000 miles.
Never change you all and it wouldn't die. No, especially the Iron Duke. The S10, the Chevy S10 motor, the 22, was the same motor. They put, and you'll all appreciate this, they put in the Chevy Cavalier, which we know that car would run for fucking ever.
everybody They put in the Pontiac Sunfire and the Chevy Cavalier was a 2.2 liter four-cylinder motor. Put a five-speed on that, you're getting 26 miles to the gallon and you're not fucking, you're not, you're not passing anything at breakneck speed. 9 grand. Not a hair in the world.
yeah there in the world You'd be like Zero to 60 For the next month Zero to 60 sometime Eventually don't know yeah i had I had an 07 Sunfire When I met my wife 5 speed 2.2 That was quick bro That Chevy motor was Uncooled Chevy fucked up when they did it with 2.2.
They went with a 2.6 for the Colorados because they made that five-cylinder motor, which was fucking garbage. Now, see, the only problem I have with Dodge is they always have a transmission issue.
no and No, no, no, no, no. Chevy has the same problem when comes to their variable valve, where they shut off four cylinders. Do you know why Chevy got away from the transmission issue? Do you know what they did?
No. They went Allison transmissions from the big trucks. Allison makes great transmission, yeah. So that was how they got away from it. Ram, when Dodge sold the rights to their pickup trucks in 2016 and they stopped making Dodge Rams and they only made Ram. ram If you look at my 18 truck,
Nowhere on that whole truck Will you find the word Dodge It is just a Ram truck you That was when they changed the transmission They changed the transmission So they changed the transmission And they changed the paint code Which meant the paint would never flake anymore And the transmission would last Bro My 18 has an 8 speed automatic in it You will get not one.
I get 26.2 miles to the gallon at 80 miles an hour on the interstate on a full tank of fuel. Here's something you can't buy in the States.
And you'll you'll appreciate this, Rick.
That's like the... It's smaller than the Dakota. Yeah. It is actually a Fiat. You can. It's called a Hyundai Santa Fe. It's actually a Fiat. it's actually's called It's called a Hyundai Santa Fe here.
No, no, no. This is actually Fiat because Stellantis owns Ram and Fiat. Fiat bought the rights to Cummings, too, which is the diesel motors. and But believe or not, this runs the 2.2.
Is it a diesel a little four-bagger? You can get either one. So my buddy, my boss at work, John, he's got a Jeep Grand Cherokee with the 3.2-liter diesel motor in it.
That's what I'm actually looking forward to moving to Europe is getting diesel cars.
His Jeep Cherokee sounds like a Ram 3500 in Idol. That's fucking awesome. I'm like, bro, that's a Jeep Cherokee.
He's got it deleted, got exhaust. Oh, bang. So I saw something on the other was I think it's an Isuzu.
Team up as duos. I got to remember what it's called.
I saw this thing the other day. It's a truck. Wyatt! What are you doing, buddy? I'm checking on my heathens. i You okay? What's the matter? Did you have a bad game?
Were you getting unemployed lobbies? One nothing.
one is nothing That doesn't matter. It's still one master prestige every single day. Where were you finishing on the board? Here's something else, Rick. You can't get in the States.
That's because I can't be in. Actually, no. wait on that take out I'm find it. Dude, you got to keep in mind. Stakeout is so heavily played right now.
You got a big match?
If you go to Big Mac, you'll smoke ass. sweaty... He has no idea what we're talking about, but he just heard me. Every i heard st every other fuck sweaty... grinding on stakeout. And they... and they don They have their gold-ranked skin and their face.
I've seen it. I don't like it. Dude, I have been on stakeout because I am that guy. I'm camel grinding right now, which I've never been to. You started camel grinding because you've been an unemployed. and and and and And I've been on there and these sweaty motherfuckers are on there.
And dude, I have been racking their shit. they be Like I turned my chat back on. But then you get games where you're playing against SEAL Team 6 and they're fucking you up.
No, they're not fucking me up. They're fucking my squad up, dude. ah you See, Wyatt was just getting known. But Wyatt fails to realize. Wyatt's trying to keep up on a PS4.
So if he can make two or three. he can make spot two or three. On a PS4? Bro, he's number one on a five all day.
yeah, yeah, yeah. Because on my team my team, I'm always one or two. On a four? he's sweaty motherfuckers. it can two or three bro yeah got the Xbox X. You're slaying. Yeah, dude. You're killing it, man.
What's his baby?.76, actually. He's not a very good His KD is not that good.
It's not bad. 0.76. Oh, is it? it? yeah. That's not You spend more time playing on my five.
i think i think i think mike d vision out here cause we're signed in you can't play well So because he's signed in on his Activision on his Xbox and my 4, he can't put it on my 5.
Start a brand new account on my 5. Start a brand new account from scratch. Think of how good you're going to own the first fucking three prestigious. Hey, Rick. I want to get your opinion on this, Rick.
Is that Land Cruiser? No, it's a Nissan Patrol. 2.8 liter. Manual transmission. it they're doing that here They're doing that here with the Land Cruisers.
I think it looks so fucking cool. It doesn't look bad, but it's no different than a YJ Jeep here. i agree. God damn it. I need to update.
I was going to... I think... i think
I think my current KD is... I'll start a new account here on my PS5 tomorrow. <unk> He should be dude he he should be able to log in on his Activision. He can't because he's on the Xbox and the 4. You can only have logged two places, not three.
was going to I think my KD right now is like a 1.5 a 1.6 or something like that....linked to that PlayStation 3. that please Oh, it's linked to the PlayStation account in that bedroom, not the one on my five.
Rick? 60 Gs. i know i mean Oh, that's a boss. as with that with that activision to or With that Activision account, you should be able to link into any... because it's the same thing with We don't have access to that email, though.
Oh, was going to say, because I know like my EA... and Well, my Activision is on both Xboxes, but I know my EA... account is on my PlayStation. yeah Xbox One and the new Xbox. The Xbox X. Bro, just start a brand new fucking PlayStation account with it and you'll start from scratch and you can fucking put your focus on what you want to put your focus on.
yeah so so so what what's he trying to do What's he trying to do? He's just tired of getting sweat-ass fucking lobbies all the time. Where's he playing? Is he playing Stakeout or what's he playing on?
He's playing Stakeout but he's on a PS4.
Okay. 27 million. That's not terrible. Is he going with the norm on stakeout and and going left or right?
Because I had to change my gameplay up. Now, dude, i'm a I am a mental yeah fucking... yeah Check out the classic F-250 throwback.
Oh, yeah. We actually talked about the... They did that Silverado. they did that with silverado there They did it with the Bronco, too. Blake, would you buy the red one? i would. I would buy the blue one.
Black. Well, they have a blue one, too. We talked about audit it actually about five or six years ago. They came out with a retro package on the Ford F-150s, and it had the roll bar in the back with the KC lights. so So when I first came back home to Ohio, they had a retro package. This is the newest one in 2025, and i love them.
Red, black, blue, white, whatever. Gray, silver. um i won I love them. That particular 250 was called the Highboy Classic Package. Yeah. What's it known for? No, I love the retro package. Tell Wyatt if he's playing on there and he's dealing with the sweats to change his gameplay up.
I switched mine up on Stakeout. I'm a fucking... mental case. You gotta remember, dude, he's on a PlayStation 4. Yeah, but even even even because Cash Plays on the Xbox One.
The problem is by the time Wyatt loads into a game, there's already at least 10 kills on it. Yeah. Why is it lagging so much? Because Cash Plays on the Xbox. it's always task play but Cash on the Xbox One, did you get in during the countdown?
What do you get in during? Like two, three kills in the game? Yeah, he's done. he's so killed That sounds like an internet issue more than a... If you wire direct, you might be able to go ahead and play.
Which is the equivalent of a PlayStation 4. And he gets in on the countdown.
and Now I play on the X-Series. But no, I had to change game. How many people are online at once? Two. Just two. yeah I had to change my gameplay because on stakeout, everybody goes either left or right when the games.
Now, usually I run to i run to the to the right and because I've got FMJ, so I start shooting through the fucking door so I can get the first blood kill. But I changed my... Dude, I run around like a lunatic on stakeout. I'm going through the middle.
I'm popping up, jumping up. I'm going along the side of the building. It's funny because you can get out of Fortnite and own 15 to 18 people in a match. Yeah, right. Yeah, but i switch your gameplay up a little bit. Change your style. I had to change my style.
and And I'm camo grinding, so it's like I've got guns that are you're welcome bones and and and shit like that. and um' i'm fucking I'm wrecking dudes. Those so those sweaty motherfucking ranks players. Camo grinding.
Those sweaty ass players. Dude, they get so pissed at me. They get so mad. That's cool. againsty Right? black unemployment Because they dissolved his position.
school they three off No. my role They eliminated his role. There's rumors of the El Camino coming back, too. I heard some shit about that. They're going to fuck that up like they did the Maverick.
it's not a rumor. It's 100% happening. actually when You have a will-be production or concept? this forget today they there's so They're supposed to be going into production. One of the show companies that hounds me all the time, they sent me and they send me newsletters.
And I got to be honest with you, the new El Caminos, I like them. I don't know what they look like. They didn't fuck them up. It looks like an El Camino. modern-day Camino.
They didn't fuck them up. It's just matter of when they're coming out. But I'm not mad at him i don't know, man. Whoa. This isn't it, is it? I mean, I'm not going to go buy one, but I'm not mad at it.
I'm not going to go buy anything. Like I said, I wanted to go in the next couple months to trade my Equinox in for my Colorado, but yeah losing my job kind of put a damper on that. Click, confirm or deny. Is this what they say to you?
Because I am not mad. It wasn't in black, but yes. ah That's a funny picture, sure but I'm not mad. That's a Silverado front end. Yeah, it was like a squatted Silverado front end. They should have gone the Camaro front end. Exactly. Dude, it's like anything, man. You put it out, you reintroduce it, you work out the kinks, you work out the bugs, you come back the next year.
And... um Let me do it again. ah You know what I love? This company that we're that I'm bidding on a job, they're building a $10 million dollars um new dealership.
It's called Cartersville Truck. They're selling F-250s deleted on the fucking diesels. Because some states allow it.
So they can buy deleted. They delete the smog so you guys get more power. it's it's Like in Georgia, New York, California, you can't have a deleted truck. You'll get a ticket. It'll never pass emissions.
But in other states like Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, you can delete your diesel so it doesn't require death to run. okay. I don't know what any of that means, but okay. Federally, it's illegal as fuck.
It's iffy. is is this is this is this Is this kind of like like Mike Bronco was grandfathered in on the NFL? Straight or Yeah. yeah yeah so yeah so and like my I didn't need a catalytic converter.
Or as some people say, a Cadillac converter. Because my Bronco was grandfathered in. Correct. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Except these aren't grandfathered. They're deleted so they can only be bought for certain states.
Well, yeah, that's I'm saying. I mean, you can buy them in Georgia. It's in gray area. You can buy them in Georgia, but you've got to live in a county that doesn't require emissions. um that's george of that So if you have ah if you live in a state that requires like an inspection to do emissions, like calli you can't you can't buy that.
Like New York, and California. Do you have inspections for emissions in Ohio? I don't think so. i No. no
here you can pay Here, it's run what you brought. I'm going to take this. I'll be back in a minute. Go ahead. Yeah, no, we don't have any. I know PA has a like inspections everywhere.
Yeah, it's I don't get that. I understand it, but I also don't understand it. It's like, you know, it's my fucking car. I paid for it. Yeah. that's what Dude, I've seen cars here that literally it looks like they built it the day before.
Like, it's three cars put together. that Nice. Actually, I got a picture of my Facebook page and I saw something. This is an older picture.
and It's literally, this guy was just having fun. But, let me see if I can find it. I think my wife sent it to me when she saw it. And I was on the, I actually saw it the next day.
i was taking the bus to work. And I saw this and I was like, ah nice. And I took a picture and let me see if I can find it. Because it's, They have, ah you have your, you instead of bicycles here, they have these tricycle things.
Whereas the two wheels up front, and it's got like a basketball. This guy actually took the front end of a Volkswagen Beetle and bolted it on there. And it just was pedaling his way around town. Let's see if got that picture. Wait, what?
I'll show you. Let me see. I know I got the picture somewhere. It's just the front end of a beetle? Like a ah classic beetle.
Yeah, a Volkswagen bug. Yeah, and he he literally strapped it onto the front of his little tricycle and was pedaling down the street.
I know I got the picture somewhere.
I just got to find it. Hey, two years ago.
It's today the 28th or the 1st. Today is the first. Yesterday, two years ago yesterday, we had Matt on the show. Yeah, here it is. So check this out. like this I saw this on the way home from work back when I was working.
Why? Why? That is literally... because Okay, so they have these tricycles and it's literally like a basket up front and then you got two wheels. Well, he took it one step further in case it rained.
Wow. You can't make this shit up, dude. But they they they sell those tricycles because a lot of people, lot of, you know, poor people buy them and they'll, they'll you know,
ah there's a couple of people that literally, like, we have one, our maintenance guy has one, and he picks up the trash from everybody's house, puts it in it, and then roll wheels it to the front, as opposed to, like, you know, and he'll just, you know, it doesn't have a handlebar like a normal bicycle, because it's a bar that's actually attached to a basket, then there's wheels on the basket, and he'll turn it,
You know, he'll pull up to the house and put trash bags in it. And it can hold about 10 trash bags at a time. And then he'll wheel it to the front gate, unload them, and then wheel it right back. And he just rides around like a really normal bicycle.
See I find your picture. Yeah,
That is not a good picture.
You know, they get guys delivering water in these things. and
I guess it's their own little small business. they'll They'll deliver water to, like, as you know, you know, we can't drink the water. So we have to buy the five-gallon jug things.
a And they they literally buy these little tricycles, and they'll run to the store and buy, like, ten of them. And then they'll take your empty, and then they charge you an extra five pesos or something like that. They look like this.
I've seen stuff like that. yeah I've seen all day long. They're cheap.
That's what that is. that's you know He took that and then you put the Volkswagen front end on it. I saw it on my way home and I was like, but click, click, click. That's awesome.
I was like, hey, you can't afford the real thing. I get it, buddy. I'm i'm all about the modifications. that Hey, do what you got to at the end of the day, i guess. And I don't know if I've showed you this.
I think this is cool. This is actually here in town. this I took this picture as well. How cool is that?
What the fuck? I shit you not. that is That is across the street from my kid's school. They built themselves a fucking semi-truck. That looks like something Rick would it would would would would like. Right? I got a semi-truck.
But how cool is that? You've got a something. This is actually curved. The back window, you can see it's curved because they literally just chopped it right where the motor is and then extended it and just put another wheel on it and then built their little thing on top, put some truck lights on it.
I'm not mad. yeah i keep wondering I keep threatening my wife I'm going over and buy the fucking thing because I think we awesome. Yeah.
They actually, there's a company here called Coppel. And they, you know, they sell furniture and shit, right? And it's ah's it's a national chain. So there's one in every fucking town, right?
And um they have a delivery truck that is a Nissan pickup With no bed and a fifth wheel. And they built a semi-truck trailer.
And they took this Nissan pickup truck. It's like, like one so you know, your old hard bodies that are basically like S10s. And they put dually wheels on it. They made their own dually wheels.
And it's a semi-truck that is actually just a pickup truck with a semi-truck style trailer. I think I have a picture of that, too, because it's the coolest thing ever.
because I don't know why, but I want one. because ah They're just that cool. um see if i can find oh that yeah I'll do some weird shit next to me. It comes down to they're cheap.
That's not it. That's not how you spell Capel.
they are. Yeah, here they are. you' You'll get a kick out of this, buddy. Because I know it sounds dumb, but I fucking want one.
I don't know how. I don't know why. But I fucking want one. Because how cool is that?
That's not one of the ones with the dually. But it's literally just a mini semi-truck. No. and they got Each town has like 10. each on each Each town has like 10.
I want one. It's so stupid. You need to stop.
yeah They have regular semi-trucks too, but like if like if I went and ordered a couch from Coppell, instead of showing up in a full-size semi-truck, they would show up in that. Yeah, you need to stop.
I fucking want one, dude. You need to get off the internet. Not the internet, dude. I can see these fuckers driving down my street.
You need to close your eyes. I need to figure out how where I can buy one of those trucks. I don't necessarily want the actual semi truck. I want the dually set up because they literally they cut a set of rims and they they make their own dually rims.
You can actually see it in this picture. This is one of the ones with the dually. They make their own dually set up. Yeah, no, stop. Just get a fucking box throat, bro.
yeah over You're overcomplicated. you You're overcomplicated. I'm not arguing with you. agree. you know I 100% agree.
You know they have those small yeah U-Haul trucks at the end of the day. It's a box truck. What's crazy they have those too. yeah' like I don't know why they need both.
Just stop it. You're overcomplicated. This is why we're kicking you people out of America. This is why you was i we're kicking Mexicans out of America. Because y'all do dumb shit unnecessarily.
Why are you just drinking fucking hot sauce? Because it tastes good. What are you doing? Eating hot sauce. Are you still eating?
No, and I'm just eating hot sauce. You're just putting hot sauce on your finger. I'm putting it on my finger. And then licking off. Again, I reiterate what I just said. This is why we're kicking Mexicans out of America, because y'all do dumb shit.
I'm not Mexican. I'm sorry. At this point, you're Mexican. You know what? Everybody says that here, that I've lived here long enough, and I might as well consider myself Mexican. Yeah, you're Mexican, bro. I've lived here more.
but I've lived in Mexico more times I've lived in the States. Yeah, you are I understand that. You are literally licking hot sauce off of your finger. I like hot sauce. What's wrong with it?
Don't you? Hot sauce is good for you. I mean, I like a lot of things. But I'm not licking it off my finger 1 o'clock in the morning. It's not quite 1 o'clock. We've still got nine five minutes.
so Oh, my God, Jeff. I will put you here. Fuck you. It's not 1 o'clock in morning. We've got five fucking minutes. Oh, my god i to play the trip to day i want I want to play the trip to Mexico just so I can throw empty beer cans at your stupid face in person. Come on down, buddy. We'll hang out by the pool and get drunk and throw beer cans at the stupid Coppell trucks.
yeah go I'm going to fight a Copal truck. Put the Copal truck on the list, Jeff. It's going on the list. I'm going to fight it for a Copal truck. Every time I see one So the store I go to There's a Copel right across the street And every time I see one those Copel trucks I'm like I want one everybody's like Add it to the list Jeff Texas Kangaroos The Boston Accent And a Copel truck Tell me you don't want this Now show them the bug
No, I wouldn't want that. and see, that's not necessary, Jeff. Nobody wants that. Except you're Mexican ass. a lot And you want it because you're Mexican, bro. You're Mexican. What'd you say?
There you go, Rick. You gotta show him the fuck. I wanna get his reaction.
What the fuck? How fucking cool is that? Jeff. That is literally across the street from my kid's school. Do you want to see something even cooler than that? Tell me you have one.
No. Pull up the 2024 Volkswagen bus. Oh, yeah. I've seen it. no Here, check this out. I took this picture.
This is just in town. That's fucking stupid. That's Mexican as fuck. It's hilarious. See, Jeff? Did you see that shit? see did you see that shit I'm not wrong. That's that's fucking Alabama. That's fucking cool. I can get down on that. That's dope. That's the A-team on steroids, baby.
Yes, sir. I can get down on that. Jeff, pull up the 2024 VW bus. Look, I found Rick's car.
Those things are actually neat as fuck. It's a Suzuki. No, it's not. It's a smart car. No, it's not. It's a Suzuki. that is my yeah I used to work at that company on the best day, and that's one of the managers' cars.
Jeff, I have audio. of i have I have audio Rick driving by in that car. hi I'm gay. i fucking hate you. Look at the fucking but Look at the goddamn bus. I want to see the bus, you filthy Mexican. The 2024 Volkswagen bus. They remade the VW bus. Oh, I have seen them. because my boy I saw one in person.
They're nice. They're fucking cool as shit. Yeah, they're fucking badass. And the of them pushes straight up to make like a camper section. Yeah. My sister posted something like She's a shit as fuck.
Yeah, man. Yeah, man. I like it. I dig it. fresh chap like yes I don't know if I buy them. You Germans, that's the coolest thing you've done since concentration You see that?
Those rails there? That means those seats move all the way back in road. Yes. That's what I'm saying, dude. Those fucking things. Look at how the roof pushes up. Yeah, well, you can get that old one. There go.
there you go That's cool. so Okay, you're gay. That's Blaze's new vehicle. I'm calling it now. Hippie van 2024. Him or Uncharted?
No, Blaze. because yeah like Here's the old style. They just have the pop-ups on those. They have ones that go clear across. I have a buddy mine who used to have one. so How cool is the new one, though?
I'm not mad at it. I like the new one. Dude, I think they're pretty slick looking. Jeff, see what they cost.
I'm intrigued. I bet they're $40,000, $50,000. $90,000. I don't think that much. like three levels.
Yep. So there's the edition, which is going to be this. Why? Where'd you
that's not but okay so seventy one will be your top of the line well there's gonna it looks like three levels yep yeah so there's the first edition which is going to be why where'd you go Oh, you can get it with all-wheel drive.
Bro, that's the big thing. For an $4,500. For an extra $4,500. Do you want to take the dumbass out with a flashlight? You don't have to take him on his lead. You can just let him out. sneak seven just Wait, they fucking electric? And then would you grab me a pack of cigarettes out of my truck?
Some of them are. Doesn't dumbass like to take off on on on adventures? No. No. He will run animals to the edge of the yard, but he doesn't use yard.
Oh, nice, nice. It's not a bad price. don't know. Grab my flannel. I wouldn't buy the electric version. No, me Is it cold down there? You pooch wall? That's also price. It's 39 degrees.
oh yeah it's definitely cold for you guys it's warm It was earlier So you're talking almost degrees change So yeah yesterday yesterday it was in the sixty s and fucking gorgeous it was like sixty eight so yeah having something here gorgeous outside today We were in the high 20s, low 30s, and it was snowing. we were Yesterday, we were 78 and sunny. You don't like the weather. Wait five minutes.
Hold on. We were 78 and sunny during the day. Overnight was 34.
So right now in Cancun, it is 69 degrees, and it is the coldest it has been in the past 12 months.
Fuck you, Jeff. Yeah, it's horrible. I have to wear shorts all the time. You idiot. I have pants I never wear.
i mean, I'm not wearing pants now, whatever. Peyton, it's been a little far away from a baseball bat. I have jeans I never wear. It's too fucking hot. Shut up, Jeff.
No, fucking August. August, you'll fucking die, dude. It's like walking through the ocean. won't. I did trash in Tampa, Florida in August in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.
I'm closer to the equator, buddy. The temperatures are not that much different, I promise. It's 110 here. With what humidity? Like 90.
Okay. It gets to 100 in Tampa with ah with fucking 90 humidity. yeah For all of August. all of i did it I did it in long sleeves and pants.
In jeans. Why? because you can't Because there's ants in Florida that will bite fucking chunks out of your skin. I got a scar on my bicep to prove it. like john You know why he put long sleeves and long pants in that heat?
I'm gay. That's why. Dude, I wish, but I picked up a stack of fucking... Dude, I wish it was that fucking easy.
is. I couldn't have timed that better. I wish. I'm trying to explain this to you. When worked Orkin, I had to wear... trying full interest to you no i when i when i worked it when i worked at when i worked at organ i had to i had to wear long pants, and long-sleeve t-shirt in the summer. I had to do it it's currently cooler back sure it is It is currently degrees and murder In Ohio, it's 22. It feels like 16.
um from twenty two over my next six hours is' going to drop down to seventeen degrees in ohio and twenty two it feels like sixteen Tomorrow can jump down to seventeen degrees tomorrow when we start to show it at 1 p.m., it's going to be 30 degrees.
But it's Ohio, so don't take those numbers for real. Let's be honest. yeah let's However, monday Monday we're going to have a high of 42, partly sunny. ah Tuesday and Wednesday it's going to be in the high fifty s chance of rain on Wednesday.
And then Thursday, we're going to drop back down to the 30s with snow. Are you ready for mine? ah Sure. And then by the end of the week, we're going to be back in the 50s. I've got... that's guys I've got... When you talk about Ohio weather, you cannot shock me. right i was for a high today is 55.
with a low of thirty one tomorrow's highest fifty five With a low of 28. Then they go... like here people buing out those big Check out. ready Check this temperature flux out.
fifty five these are highs okay right fifty five sixty four seventy two sixty three fifty five sixty eight sixty six sixty four seventy seventy six seventy eight
75? What's your high and low tomorrow? 55 for a high and a low of 28. right now it's 89% humidity. But we're coming off of a 70 with a low 58. I wish could feel bad for you, but our tomorrow is a high of 32 with a low of 17. Yeah.
i wish i could feel bad for you but our tomorrow is a a high of thirty two with a low of seventeen There's a reason I don't live up north anymore.
Tomorrow my low is 70. And and that lowest of but that low is 17 tomorrow will be a real feel of around 10 or below.
Hold on. You could be my sister where it's currently 16 with a real feel of One.
That's what your sister gets for being Canadian. That's what your sister gets for being Canadian. It's 16 with a real feel of one. Their low temperature tonight is 13. Her
her temperature's this week. Talk about fucking mood swings. 25 tomorrow, 35 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
thirty three forty forty fifty one fifty forty five forty five look there is my lowest sixty five gay they they have basically the same thing we got going on in ohio just it's just a wee bit colder
83% humidity right now. Take the 600 legs because your mom's a whore. I'll take that because your mom's a whore.
And... Hey, we got to go. It's 5.50 in. We got nine minutes. Yeah, I'm just saying. I'm just saying. ready for bed. I'm going to just ah You know what? I'm going to make when we get out here. Potatoes.
Hey, tell Nikki Ticker TikTok I sent her something for you. They're deviled eggs, but instead of instead of eggs, they're potatoes. yeah What's going on, Brian?
You're late, as usual. No, actually, I'm not going to play here. I'm not going to make taters. Well, because so Nikki went to the grocery store today on her way home. You know, potatoes have become a lot of eggs. I need to make cigarettes out of my truck. Well, she went to the grocery store today because she was like, I'm craving pork chops. She got pork chops and potatoes for baked potatoes and some veggies. And she's like, I'm going to make them for dinner tonight. Well, then we went to like a late lunch today. She's like, I don't know if I'm going to want to make dinner tonight. I was like, that's fine.
You know, whatever. ah
But the second greatest thing on the planet next to potatoes. Make sure you make. And I'm going to have three of them. Bucket spaghetti?
what's that As the French would say, as the French would say, Roseanne. Yes, baritos. It's French Mex.
French Mex. You know, that was the joke we were talking about. We were going to open a Mexican restaurant in France. i was like, what? That's his nose. yeah yeah you know You know how i know Nikki loves me? Because she buys me frozen burritos, and those are a fine delicacy, my friend.
Chuck them fuck into my grave. Rock it out, buddy. yeah and that's ans I'm having burritos. It pisses me off. I cannot get frozen burritos here. No, sir.
No, sir. damn fuckinginson No, here's the crazy thing. Burritos, not necessarily a thing in this part of Mexico. There's a one place here called the Surfing Burrito, but it's a Canadian owned shop.
And they don't serve burritos. Yeah. No, they serve burritos. I serve a burrito. I would so totally open, like Glick's Burrito Shop, and I wouldn't sell burritos. It would all be tacos and enchiladas and quesadillas. Enchiladas are more of a breakfast thing, sorry. whatever care i would need to honor you amazing you know I would have everything but burritos at Glick's Burrito Shop.
It would be a burrito hut. Glick's Burrito Hut would not serve burritos. No, but like they theyre like When I first moved here, i was like, I need a fucking burrito because it's Mexico. Nobody sells fucking burritos, but I can get tacos. This would be the waiter. They'd be like, so what burrito would you recommend here? Well, well actually, we don't serve burritos here. Actually, see yeah I have no burritos. We have no burritos. Would you like a gordita? Yes, I would. And tell her sister to come by, too. I'm just saying.
know that' actually I still, every time I hear gordita, I think of a fat chicken. and I'm like, yeah. Chopped bacon mixed with white gravy and whatever butter. bit Man, I don't know anything about that, but you know what would be really good right now?
And if you're from Ohio, you don't know. know BYB from TJ's. Onyard buster, baby. It don't come on a plate. It comes on a platter. Yes. i know theres Or I can't hear you.
Yeah. It's because he's gay. Do you want to know what i would stab a fucking baby for? ah garbage plate. I tell you what, you stab that baby, I'll eat that baby if I can dip it into Raisin Cane sauce. No. Fuck Raisin Cane, that's trash.
You shut your fucking horn up. exhaust dick Bro, I would stab a baby for a garbage plate right now. What's a garbage machine? If you say fucking Huddle House or Waffle House... No, no, This is unique. This is unique, okay?
Take your Starfoam container and take the dividers. There's no dividers. It's just open. right Yeah, it's just a box. yeah Half of it is french fries. The other half of it macaroni salad.
Then you put two cheeseburgers on top of it. You cover with a handful of diced onions, a spoonful of hot meat sauce, l ketchup, Frank's Red Hot, and mustard to it.
Mix it all together and shovel that shit down. Yeah, you lost me at onions and then you really lost me at Frank's Red Hot sauce. You're a plus-and-a.
You don't like spicy meat. No, it's not that I don't like spicy. I can't eat spicy. I can't either. You're a bitch. No, I have really bad ass in your lungs, actually.
i'm rich Rick, I'm going to tell you right now, I used to make chili, and I'm going to say this with 100% confidence, i minutes talking to a guy who's literally licking hot sauce under his fingers.
I used to make chili that would make Jeff crack. Don't bet on it. love spicy food. I love spicy food. You've literally seen me jalapenos on the show. Do you know what that means, Glick? You know what that means, right? Yeah, I know.
I know what it means. I'm a pussy. no Nope. Nope. You got old. No, you know know i know I got, I got old a long time ago. might have a reflux hit me dude years ago. i get acid reflux like you read about, like I'm going pay for this eating this hot sauce, but I don't care. Cause I like it.
But when I eat those, i get cans of their, their pickled jalapenos. And I'll eat them on the show. The joys of acid reflux is not only do can I not eat spicy food anymore, there's certain brands of ketchup that'll play. no I get it, dude. Trust me. I don't get that. I drank a 12-pack of Bush Light and a 12-pack of Twisted Teas.
I will have heartburn all fucking day tomorrow. like All day tomorrow. She's going to have the beer shit.
Nonetheless, um ball i wish i wish i I wish I could still eat spicy. Fuck off, Jeff. We don't got to go. You leave what we do. We never do the after show, bitch. Well, you do the after show, but we got to end. We usually do for a fucking hour.
i was also never i was also never i was also never that guy that went to a wing joint was like, No, I'm not that guy. I was that guy for the years. not that I was that guy for fucking years. And that's why my ears are fucked.
Yeah, I was just like, give me some hot wings. Give me some hot wings. I like wings. We do get a... Appreciate y'all. Appreciate y'all hanging out. Hopefully you enjoyed our little... No after show, right? Click.
ah not is You want either one of us to be worth a fuck tomorrow. no I mean, I'm still fucking partying, ready to rock and roll. I drink a red blade. I would like to, but last night I was on here until about... You guys did six hours.
did two by the time I left. I was out here until about two or three last night. I don't want to repeat tonight. You got 45 seconds. I'll see you at one o'clock tomorrow.
let See you at 1 o'clock. Everybody give us follow. Give us a like. Give us a share. slash. Doces. Make sure you ring my bell. Turn notifications on. Tune in tomorrow.
1 o'clock p.m. Eastern time. I remember. Jeff's gay. I'm gay.
Later kids. See y'all later. Hit this button.
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