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OPE S2 Episode 59 Top 5 Wrestlers with  @TheYankeeMarshal  image

OPE S2 Episode 59 Top 5 Wrestlers with @TheYankeeMarshal

Ohana: Packers Edition
47 Plays8 months ago

Aloha and welcome to another episode of Ohana: Packers Edition! This week Mike is gone again and filling in is  @TheYankeeMarshal ! We discuss our top 5 favorite pro wrestlers!   Be sure to subscribe and drop us a like! Check out Yankee's website at Join his causes and check out his merch! Also, check out our merch at!


Introduction and Guest Introduction

Hello and welcome to another episode of OAP. We are the Ohana Packers Edition podcast. I am Iowa Joe. And as you can see, Mike is not here again tonight. He is doing tree work with his father-in-law. So, you know, happy wife, happy life. So he's over there taking care of things. But I do have a special guest to join me tonight. I have followed this guy for a long time now, literally, figuratively, however you want to put it. um
So I enjoy a lot of his content. I am big supporter of a lot of his causes. It is the Yankee Marshall. Yank, how's it going on tonight? Pretty good. If I had known Mike wasn't going to be here, I wouldn't have come, but you didn't tell me it was going to be no Mike. Well, he is the, he is my poster child. He is the whole reason why there is a Hawaiian themed everything. You know, I do want to point this out though, because we are going to get some crossover listeners. There are no tubes or wires or anything here. So I must be real. There's no fakeness.
Yeah, when you told me it was a prerecorded, it I was like, because I don't do prerecorded podcasts. I always has to go out live because I don't, I've had bad, bad people re-editing things I've said in the past. Although if we're going to be talking about wrestling, I don't think it's going to matter. No, there there should be no issues with that. As people who listen to my podcast know, I'm as real as can be. I don't edit my episodes unless there's a major flub and we're just cutting it or if there's a time thing or whatever. So no issues there. If you do any trickery to make it sound like I said, John Cena was one of my favorite wrestlers. I will. pun
Well, we might save that for the TikTok, but not not for the actual podcast.

Top Five Professional Wrestlers Discussion

But anyway, like he like the Inc alluded to, we are going to be doing the top five wre pro wrestlers. i i tend I'm not so much a watcher of it at the moment because of work schedules and stuff like that, but I was big into it from you know a wee little lad until my college years and then like i said just work habits and that i haven't been able to get into it but i know that's one thing yank likes to talk about that's one thing i can i can do a lot of talking about
It's kind of a good thing. Maybe Mike's not here because he was kind of balking at the idea of having to do wrestlers because he hasn't watched it in a long time. But I know there is a a good part of our listenership that does pay attention to it all. So I figured why not get somebody on here and do our top five wrestlers? Well, to be honest, I don't watch it all that much anymore either because I find most of it repulsive. But I still do watch a little bit and I keep up on it more through people like Al Snow, Jim Cornette and, ah you know, ah Dirty Dutch. You know, i I listen to what they have to say about the new people in the new wrestling. And it just reconfirms why I don't want to be watching it right now.
And see, a lot of mine does the same thing. I do watch clips from Dutch's podcast with James or whatever that guy's name is. It's, um, yeah. Uh, but I also, I get to stay home on weekends. So I do catch the,

Challenges and Critiques of Wrestling Content

the PLEs or pay-per-views or whatever the hell they're calling them anymore because most of the WWE ones are on the peacock network and I've already got peacocks. um I think tonight on recording is Forbidden Door for AEW and obviously I'm not paying attention to that right now. um I tried watching AEW. I gave it my best go. I wanted to like it and it just got worse and worse every time I watched it. It seemed like they more and more through tradition and storyline and
everything else out the door in favor of gymnastics and choreographed moves that I just couldn't watch it anymore. I do have to admit they have a good chunk of of wrestlers over there that I tend to lean towards like, I'm a big Adam Cole guy just because I think even though he's a smaller guy, he's got a good feel on the mic and he does have the ability to go in the ring and stuff like that. Or, um, Danielson, um, um, Claudio, I do like Claudio, even though he's not big on the mic. Uh, then he started out in Ohio Valley wrestling. Uh,
and before he went to WWE, that AEW? I don't think it was Ohio Valley, but it was the one before NXT. It was like FCW or something like that. Because I think it was him, Tyler Breeze, Austin Creed, Big E and those guys were in the whatever, you know like Roman Reigns and all that were in it before it became NXT. See, I like Claudio and Danielson, but the but the first one you mentioned Adam Cole. if i if If I'm 85% sure I can beat you in a fight, then I'm not gonna take you as a wrestler. Just not gonna fight.
But I see a lot of, and like I said, I did say he's kind of small, but I see a lot of Shawn Michaels in him where he's got the movability and he's got the natural ability to be a heel and be enjoyable to listen to on the mic. But yeah, he is rather small and it is kind of hard to, but you also have to put the idea of actual combat out of your mind when you're watching some of these guys anyway. But anyway, let's go ahead and get into our

Influential Wrestlers and Their Impact

list. Do you have any honorable mentions before we start doing our top fives? Well, I'm totally unprepared, but.
and The thing for me to choose my top five, I'm coming at it from an example of like I'm not building a Rushmore amount Rushmore of the best wrestlers ever. I'm just going to say the ones I personally have gotten more enjoyment from over the years that I've enjoyed watching and I still love to this day. because there's a lot of people that if I was going to have to put the most important people on the list, it would be people like Rick Flair would definitely have to be on there. ah Andre the Giant would have to be on there. ah People like ah ah Jimmy Valiant and stuff like that would be on there. But ah Mr. Wrestling number two, you know, all these kinds of guys, Tommy Rich, but they're not my favorites. So I'm just going to go with my five favorite wrestlers.
right and that's all i expect i'm not because like you said it's kind of a hard thing to really point pin down like a rush more because you're going to have to pick a lot of the same ones like you said rick flare i mean you probably even have to throw hogan on there just because of what he did and for Yeah, and Andre and all that. But but no, these are just your of top five favorite guys, or some reason behind your top five. But if you don't have any um honorable mentions, I do have a couple that they were- All those guys that I just mentioned, plus probably Junkyard Doll. All right, well, the two that I had as my honorable mentions is Jake the Snake and Arne Anderson. Yeah, Jake. um
Yeah. Jake, the snake, even though I'm petrified of snakes and all that, I, you know, that was one thing that I didn't like, but he was a master of the mic. He was the master of the DDT. He was the master. I mean, he was basically a Bray Wyatt type before Bray Wyatt was, you know, in the, in wrestling, because he had that, you know, that, that, um, Oh, what's the word I want to use for it? That, that, uh, Jeanette. something like that. But he where he could be a cult leader type because he had that style of speech to him. And then Arne Anderson, I don't care anything in the world, he throws the best fine buster you ever wanted to see. ah He was him and Ollie were both great. So yeah, so both of them deserve to be on a Mount Rushmore. And ah since since you did say, ah I will do one solid honorable mention here that
I really love this wrestler, have loved him since, you know, when I first became aware of him and, uh, it's stone cold Steve Austin. He's one of my favorites, even though he just gets inched off of my top five list. If this was a top 10 list, he'd be on it. He'd probably be number six, but because it's just the top five, he just got inched off because there's so many guys that I'd already been watching for 30 years. By the time I started watching stone cold. Right and my list obviously is going to have maybe a little bit more recent stuff than what yours is but I do know a lot of the old school stuff just but you know like bruno Bruno didn't quite make my list because I didn't grow up watching him but I know who Bruno is. um New York and I was you know mid-Atlantic so I was watching NWA and World Championship and stuff I wasn't watching New York right Well and see I'm in the boat ah say a little bit too because you know obviously like me and you joke about Iowa you know does it even exist is it you know is it a a no but I live in the middle of nowhere and we didn't get USA when I grew up so a lot of the WWE or at the time WWF stars
I didn't know unless I went somewhere and watched them that actually got USA or you know that's back when a friend would record it on VHS and then it'd make its rounds against the in the group and you would be able to watch a Monday Night Raw, but maybe like four weeks after it actually took place or whatever. For me to watch wrestling back when I was a kid, well, we didn't usually have cable. So I never had cable, but we also did get channel 17 from Atlanta. So that's where I watched most of my wrestling was on channel 17 from Atlanta. And occasionally, like late at night, and I was a night owl even

Reflecting on Wrestling Legends and Personal Favorites

when I was a kid, you know ah at like instead of signing off at midnight, they would play reruns of wrestling shows. so
Right. And see, that's how I was. I grew up with just getting TBS for a ah wrestling, uh, my wrestling stuff. So I grew up a huge WCW guy. I, you know, I never missed a Saturday night or a thunder. We didn't get TNT, so I never got to watch a nitro. But when thunder came about, I got to at least see it two nights a week. I think I might be older than you because I was more of the Georgia championship wrestling, you know, Gordon Sully and Well, we all know you're older than me. You're, you're older than dirt anyways. So, but it just, but not young. That's for sure. ah Well, I'm not getting any younger either, but anyway, we've done our honorable mentions. Do you want to go ahead and go with your number five guy? Uh, let's see. I think I actually wrote them down here. My number five guy is my number five guy is a dusty roads.
see i remember dusty rhodes more as a commentator than i did get to see him as a wrestler ah ri prime dusty road area Yeah, see, I remember him doing commentary on WCW content, so that's where I more got to see him. um Because I think I'm about Cody's age. So, so yeah, so. Yeah, Bionic Elbow, his feuds with Ric Flair, and everybody else he had a feud with. I mean, it never hurt that he was the Booker sometimes when he was writing it at the moment. So he was writing the script and acting it out too.
but he was always entertaining and on the microphone I don't think any anyone's ever had the same charisma as he had. There's some people that might equal him but no one that's ever had the same type of charisma he had on the mic and and it was Often more fun to watch Dusty run his mouth and then get his ass kicked and then run his mouth again, waiting for him to finally win. That was even more fun, I think, than watching him finally win.
I will say that he's probably the only one that you can say that made a list cool. yeah definitely um So my number five is more of a modern guy and I know this is going to be a major controversial one to put on a list but I think If you could subtract everything from backstage stuff and politicking and all that stuff, he would be in a lot of top fives, but I think the sourness of behind the scenes and everything, and that's CM Punk. I think he really brought back a lot of the the mic work stuff along with being a legit wrestler. He's my favorite current wrestler, so that's not controversial to me.
Right. But you know what I'm saying, you know, all the backstage stuff when he left w WWE originally. And I think that's only a problem with like the smart fans who learn more about the personal drama of their favorite actors than they are into the actual wrestling. But when it comes to actual wrestling, CM Punk is definitely one of the best around today. Right. And, you know, I know his body's kind of given out on him a little bit now where he's been kind of constantly injured, but hes he's he's brought me back into the fold. And he did that originally with when he started wrestling for WWE, CW and and stuff like that, because he could be that Mike guy and he could be that wrestler guy. But then the pipe bomb just kind of sinched it for me that, hey, this guy is legit.
And he had to win me over too. I was aware of him from, you know, like his indie days and right from the ECW times and stuff, but he had to win me over once he came to the WWE. w I wasn't certain about him, but then after I saw him work, saw him work, saw him talk, then I was like, yeah, he's one of the better ones today. And am you know not to get into the drama of it all, but i you know I understand some of what he was talking about when he walked away in 2011. And then just to see what was going on behind the scenes with the AEW stuff. And you know I can see a lot of his side to it.
But, you know, they always say this side has their story. That side has a story in the truth in the middle somewhere. So I mean, sometimes people are just worthless dicks like the Young Bucks. And I'm not a big Young Bucks fan anyway. When you said it was going to be controversial and but ah because of the backstage stuff, I'm like, if he says Young Bucks, I have to leave. If you're not going to take this seriously, I'm leaving. but No, I can honestly say I'm not a Young Bucks fan. I'm not even, and I think that's why I, at first I was like, you were AEW, I thought was going to be amazing because it was just going to, it was going to be back to wrestling. It wasn't going to be the sports entertainment crap.
But then I got to watching more of more of it and it just reminds me of another TNA. They're letting the inmates run the asylum and you've got a mark as an owner and he's just throwing money into it because he wants to see these people. The latest rumors I've seen is one, there were talks about bringing Goldberg in for a match and two, they were going to bring Shane McMahon over. He was going to jump ship to AEW. I don't think either of those will happen, but I don't think it's, well, I mean,

The Undertaker's Legacy and Iconic Matches

the Goldberg thing. um like sorry I just think that it was, if any of them's more possible, it's probably going to be the Goldberg one just because of. Well, yeah. youll owe enough Money at Goldberg, he'll do whatever. And Tony's got the money and he's enough of a mark to do it, but continue on the list. What's your number four? At number four, I have.
Jake the Snake Roberts. Okay, so I can go with that. Yeah, he's always been one of my favorites. I've always leaned more towards bad guys than good guys. Because like I've always said, if i was a if I was a Jedi, I wouldn't be a Jedi, I'd be Sith. i can My personality, uh, so I've always leaned towards bad guys. And as far as wrestlers go, he's one of the best bad guys ever. And even though he's, and he's not one of those like cool heels kind of guys like diesel or even Roddy Piper, he's just a bad guy most of the times. And it just seems that sometimes.
people you like less got on his bad side, but he was never a baby face. He was just always Jake the Stake and he was pure evil and he was awesome. And I think the only time and I know I kind of got you into watching Dark Side of the Ring. And the only time that you could really get a face reaction for him was when um earthquake crushed Damien. And that was the only time that I think you could really say that Jake ever went in face. Yeah. Yeah. So
I love Jake snake growing up. I just like, cause he on the mic, he's one of the few people that that were as good on the mic as dusty roads, but he was a different type of guy on the mic. He was like. almost brainwashing people that that listen to him. You know, he was just like playing the psychology game and he was the best at it of anyone I've ever seen. And I just love it and in the ring. He never really did much, but you thought he was doing a lot because he was so good at it at the psychological side and the technical side, but he just did very little, but he did it in a way that made him, like I said, one of my favorite of all time.
And he wasn't one of those bodybuilder types either. He was ah just a regular body, but he knew the inside and outside of the ring. Regular, regular six foot five, 300, 270 pound regular guy, but. Right. But he wasn't, he didn't have six pack abs and, and, you know, the rippling muscles and anything. He was. I met him once a long time ago and I was surprised how large he was when I saw him. Cause he looked small next to some of the other wrestling, but he was a fairly large man. I was.

The Art of Wrestling Promos

Well, and then when I watched the dark side of the ring and they were talking about his dad, his dad's even bigger than him from what I um sounded like. ah So.
But I missed Jake by a night. He was supposed to be in a nearby town doing this was when he was doing his comedy routine. And I had Friday night off, but he was going to be there Saturday night and I had to work Saturday night. So I i missed it by a night. Um, but anyway, my number four and I, this one is not controversial by any means, but I don't think he would make a lot of people's list. And I'm going to call him Ming because that's how I knew him at, but basically haku. Yeah. hau Um, I know him more as main just because like I said, WCW days, that's what he was. It was Ming and barbarian faces of fear. And you know, for being a big guy, he can move.
and then you know move as big guys you know uh uh the wild samoans and yeah uh rakishi and all of them a lot of them are really big dudes but they could still move but this is also a guy when you actually got to hear about outside the ring stuff was a legit, you know, bad ass. Yeah. And I thought for even a minute that I had a single, a single digit chance of winning in a fight against him if I didn't have a shot. So, yeah, he's believable as a bad ass. And a lot of the small guys are legal as bad asses. And one thing I've always heard from everybody that's ever wrestler wrestled them. And I've had I had an ex roommate that's wrestled them.
ah He used to work as a jobber for WCW and in WA and he's wrestled him and he's like They're the gentlest wrestlers ever. They're not stiff at all. When they forearm you, it feels like they're hitting you with a pillow. You know, he's like everything they do because they're so strong that they can just move you around and put you where you want. They want you without hurting you. So, well, and I think his backstory was at like 13 or 14, they sent him to Japan to be a Sumo wrestler. And so he started out as a Sumo.
and you know you think about it some of the other guys that were in that way started out in sumo i mean i was just talking about earthquake john tinto he was a sumo guy um uh yoko was a was a sumo type guy well he looked like a sumo guy even right arrest but Ming i mean And I've seen interviews with him and I've seen him do stuff. And

Sting's Evolution and Wrestling Nostalgia

he's such a quiet and laid back guy. It's hard to believe he would be the type that would, you know, like stories, beat up 10 cops or rip a guy's eye out of a socket or bite his nose off and stuff like that. He never had anything to prove. So he didn't have to be loud. Right. Don't have to bark. so Right.
But he was, I mean, even though as a kid, he was more like a scary type, it was always fun when you got to see him in the ring because he was showy. You know, when, you know, he was that, well, I don't, I mean, he was the savage type, you know, he was like the Kamala type character where, you know, he would come out talking gibberish and and waving his hair about and all that stuff. So it was a nice, it was a good show. it was I like all the Samoan wrestlers pretty much, except for maybe the Rock. Yeah, I mean, I i was obviously when I was right smack dab in the middle of wrestling, it was it was Rock and Stone Cold and all those guys. so
You know, I was always like, Oh, great. The Rock's starting to show. I got 20 minutes to go do something before anything ever happens other than him soliloquing himself for his own benefit. Yeah. So, um, so, all right. Number three. Uh, number three on my list is the undertaker. Okay. je Okay. Even when he was mean Mark Callis, and I've met him too, and he's gigantic. He's looking freaking nature when you stand next to him. I saw him come through a doorway and the doorway just disappeared as he was coming through it. And he's just a huge guy and he is so good in the ring and he played his character to the utmost. And like I said, I first saw him when he was mean Mark Callis.
And then when he became the undertaker, I was like, Oh, I've seen this guy before. And I'm like, I don't know how this was going to work out because, you know, this red headed guy playing this, you know, supernatural. But, uh, that went on to be the most phenomenal run of any wrestler ever, I think, uh, at least in my book. So definitely a huge fan. And what I'm really loving now is now that he is done with wrestling. because he never did interviews, he never did shoots, but now he's doing interviews, he's doing shoots, he's sharing his ah stories, and it's just like those have been, I've been eating them up on online, because I like and watched one where him and Mick Foley watched the Hell in a Cell match together, and I was just like, see, this is awesome now.

Concluding Reflections on Wrestling's Impact

Now I get to see him be Mark Callis again after all that run of The Undertaker, and i is just that was one of the best of me, so he's definitely on my list.
I definitely love The Undertaker. one of my earliest well I won't say earliest, but one of my major memories of ever watching a pay-per-view was I was staying with my brother. My brother's about 10 years older than I am, so you know he was out on his own and everything, and I was staying with my brother, and he got a SummerSlam one year. He paid for the pay-per-view for SummerSlam. and it was a it had to be a first blood match between stone cold and undertaker and i mean it was just going all over the place and finally it was stone cold nailing undertaker with a ah camera that broke him open and so
But yeah, I agree. Taker, I mean, I will say Taker's not currently on my list because, again, it wasn't until later that I got to watch a lot of WWE stuff. So even though I knew who Undertaker was and i and I knew all that stuff, it's hard for them to make my list just because I didn't grow up with them. That wasn't until I hit. I watched Undertaker from day one minus because I saw him you know before he became Undertaker. Right. i But my number three is one that I will o admit I didn't get to watch too much of um while he was still wrestling. But
my The town that I work in is another town that supposedly he got arrested for being too drunk and and got into it with some cops, but that's Andre the Giant. And the other reason why he's on my list is like you said earlier, if you're goingnna have a if you were to make a Mount Rushmore, you'd have to put Andre on there because he was you know he was the undertaker of the time. He was that top dog. He's also one of very few people Meng was afraid of. Right. And what was the shoot that I watched one time? It was um Bad News Brown, where ah Andre went to do his sit down splash and end up shitting all over Bad News Brown's chest.
Yes, some gross stories, but yeah I've always liked Andre. The only thing I, you know, the reason he's not on my top list is simply because I didn't see him wrestle a lot in the day because, you know, I wasn't a big, I wasn't really big because he traveled from circuit, you know, from a yeah to territory a lot. So you saw him rarely. Uh, so I, I knew he was out there and I knew he was like the, the unstoppable force in wrestling, but because you knew he was the unstoppable force, you almost always pretty much knew what was going to happen. Right. He got in the WWE and he was really broken down and you know, they passed the torch to Hogan that I think a lot of people paid more attention to him. And unfortunately that was.
his career was already over at that point. And I didn't get to see as much as I'd like to of his earlier career, but I would have liked to see more of it, but I didn't. And like I said, he was kind of the the unstoppable person. So it was kind of like, we know how this is going to go. Yeah. And you know, again, like ah Ming, he's one of those that he, like you said, he could be legit. but and not unless he had to. Yeah he wasn't a person from what I hear unless he didn't like you. Right and I think they said I think Jake said he that he was one of those that for some reason Andre never liked him.
He didn't. And my great aunt flew on a plane once with Andre and he was in first class and he took the whole row he was in in first class. They took the dividers out between the seats and put a cushion down on top of it so he could sit in first class and took the seats out in front. so he could sit there, even in first class. And you know, there's a picture that I seen recently that I never really, I don't think I've ever seen before, but he was riding an old three-wheeler. It's like, man, that's a lot of weight for that three-wheeler. That must have been supersized. Probably on his arm, because I've seen him riding around on that three-wheeler on his arm before.
But yeah, so he was a big dude and he was, he's Andre. And if there was a Mount Rushmore, he'd definitely be on it. But I just had other wrestlers I've gotten more joy out of in my life. Yeah. I mean, I had to put Andre just because of what he brought to wrestling. Um, kind of like the CM Punk thing where he's the one that was the star of, you know, he's what brought people in and he made a lot of people to, like you said, Hogan and stuff like that with the passing of the torch. And, um, on top of that, there's a lot of stories that you hear about Andre that are just amazing.
like him ah hating Big John Studd because I'm the only child. Yeah, because he stepped over the top rope, he got his ass kicked multiple times because of that over the next few years. And he ran out of the ring, and got in his car and left the media because he was worried what would happen in the locker room. on the ground Don't step over the top rope. I'm the only one that steps over the top rope. He stepped over the top rope. So he took what he had coming to him. Yeah, so and then I remember, um I think it was Marty Gennady. And of course, you got to take anything Marty Gennady says with a grain of salt. Murder, murder. Yeah.
no um But they him and when him and Michaels were the rockers, and they were tagging with Andre. uh he said that he they would have to let andre put his hands on their head just to guide him to and from the ring and then and out of the ring and you know it sucks that he had to continue doing appearances like that because you could tell it was taking this to taking the toll on him but it was great that he was still giving back to younger wrestlers. I think he still wanted to do it. for I think he would rather do that for as long as he could and die earlier than he would have stopped doing it and live a little longer. I think he really preferred it that way. so Right. and I will say, and i I know this is going to sound bad because they build ah Paul White as the son of Andre.
But they have a lot of similarities in their path, not just because they were both giant men and everything, but but when they were younger, they were able to throw drop kicks and they were able to, you know, come off the top rope and everything. And then they got to the point where it was too much for him to handle and they had to go to more of a ground and pound style of wrestling. But. I like him a lot, big show, but he's not on my favorites, but I do like him. I think people gave him too much shit for a long time about being the fake Andre, but I'm like, dude, he's awesome in his own right. If there'd never been an Andre, well, then people would have thought this guy was like the most amazing wrestler at his size doing what he was doing, but because he was a little bit by the Andre legacy, I think he got an unfair shake sometimes.
Right and I remember see that was in prime of me watching WCW was when he was coming about and you know just to see this big guy throwing a drop kick or you know insecurities and off the top rope and all this other stuff that he could do is just amazing and I'm glad he was able to get away from WCW in a sense, because I think WCW was doing more harm to him than any good because they were just lumping him in with like the NWO and stuff like that, not letting him be that dominant force. Where is this? sport sir
Yeah. Whereas as soon as he went into WWE, wwe even though he was an enforcer there, he was still able to do a lot of his own shtick. So came into his own. Yeah. So Yank, number two, uh, number two. Well, of course I'm going to go with, uh, the all-time God of wrestling Mick Foley. Yeah. I can see that. I have always liked Mick Foley. Uh, his, my favorite incarnation of Mick Foley is cactus Jack. Of course, I liked mankind. Him and him an Undertaker, those are the legendary bouts. you know And I know a lot of people, when he did Hell in the Cell, that sealed him with a lot of fans. I was like, oh, he's amazing. But I liked him as Cactus Jack, as Mick Foley. I even liked when they brought the dude love thing in at the end. That was cute too. He's always had that ability to be
an awesome wrestler, an awesome performer, an awesome personality, but still come across as someone who's intelligent and yeah you know a thoughtful person and multi-talented. So I've always enjoyed his performances. He always gave 110%, you know, and I appreciated it because I enjoyed every show and I thought he was the perfect ah foil to The Undertaker, plus when he started mixing it up with Triple H and stuff later in his career. you know And when he started, when he went back to Cactus Jack, that was amazing. And him and his Terry Funk stuff, it was just... Awesome. Although I'm not a big fan of like barbed wire matches and stuff. Right. I appreciate what they did. I wish it didn't come off as and it can only be done by people like Terry Funk and Mick Foley. I think a perfect testimony to how good Mick Foley and Terry Funk are with Terry Funk would have also been on my list if it had just been a little longer.
is how bad the wrestlers today are at it. When they do gimmick matches, it just comes across as a pathetic gimmick. ah ah Funk and Cactus Jack, they could make it look like a life or death event that was real and that was believable. And these new guys just make it look like a clown show. So I think that's a testament to how good those guys actually were. Well, and when Terry Funk and man and Mick were doing their things, it was over in Japan where they actually wanted to see that stuff. yeah Whereas when they were coming over here, they had a harder time doing it because they had network sponsors that they didn't want to offend. And they had all this other stuff that they, so they had to water it down. But I agree. Mick, you know, Mick didn't make my list because there's a couple others that, um, had a big impact on me, but, uh,
Mick is a great one. I mean, he's one of the few that I still watch his matches now that I've seen a hundred times. And I still say, Oh my fucking God, you know, that that's awesome. And even though I've seen it a 10, 15 times, I still have that reaction when I watch it. Or just some of the promos he cut because he was another master on the mic. So yeah, I love Mick. He's a great guy. Um, my number two, I kind of did a change up last minute because you mentioned the name. I was like, man, how did I leave that guy off my list? Because I've always loved the guy and that's rowdy Roddy Piper. And he's all, you know, another one that was a legit guy in the ring legit on the mic. He could go toe to toe with almost anybody on the mic.
He could hit you, as I heard ah someone say one time that Rowdy Roddy Piper, if you really pissed him off in the ring, he could hit you three times, you'd be on your ass before you even saw his hands move. Yeah. And, and, you know, he really, you know, they, he had the, the Irishman kind of shtick going. And even then. Scottsman. Scottsman. Yeah. That's it. Sorry. my um I went elsewhere with it, but um he was still him. He wasn't playing a character. He was just him. And he just, I got to see a lot of him in WCW because of after, and even after he had his hip replacement and still going through and being legit with it. The only thing that I wish they would have changed. And I understand at the time that he was coming through, it was a legit,
Finisher was I wish they would have gave him something other than the sleeper Yeah, because by the time it got down to where he was doing this stuff in the mid 90s in the early 2000s the sleeper was an everyday i would like He could have done the Superman punch if that had been a thing back in the day that you wouldn't have got disqualified for ah close yeah Like that as a finisher, but you know that would have been awesome for him if it'd been okay back then Yeah, or do the the big show, you know, WMD where it was just the one knockout punch. Yeah. um So, but Rowdy, I got to go Rowdy. I miss that man to this day because he was another one that I go back and I'll watch his his ah promos and it just get the chilled out of my spine because you can tell he's putting everything into these promos.
And even his acting, when he would act, he was all on ah always sunny in Philadelphia, some of his last works he did. He's amazing on those. It's just like he's incredible. And I remember my fondest memory of Rowdy Piper, I was standing in the mall looking in the window of a pet store. because I'm like, I don't like pet stores and I didn't like the puppies that were there. And Rowdy Roddy Piper was looking over my, come kind I could see in the window, Rowdy Roddy Piper came up behind me and goes, little furry prisoners. And I was like, but oh, it's Rowdy Roddy Piper. Cause he lived over in ah the Beaverton Hills Barrow area. and yeah And I worked in that area. So I would see him every now and then at the mall.
Yeah, I mean, that was, so I'm one day just walking down the street in front of Ron, I think it was Bob Lamphere's Dodge dealership. Just walking down the street. I'm like, I wonder how many people driving by realize that that's Ronnie Piper just walking down the street. He's probably going back to his car parked on a side street because there's restaurants there and stuff. But I was like, how many people I wonder realize that that's Rowdy Ronnie Piper walking down the street? Now you would know more than I do, but he's the one that went back and revitalized Washington wrestling, didn't he? Yes, he came up here and he started it back up and I got to meet him a few times when he was doing that because my roommate John was a professional wrestler. Also the one I told you worked as a. Yeah. yeah ah um guy And he wrestled in that ah organization as a couple of different wrestlers. He wrestled as a masked tag team. And then, he you know, he would job as a unmasked guy too. Right. We six, three, 320, 330 pounds. So, or six, six and 330 pounds. So he was a ah big guy, but he was also a drag queen.
as well as a professional wrestler. So and we always build him as the largest drag queen in captivity, because by the time he was on, he looked like he was seven feet tall and 400 pounds. Yeah. He'd wrestle on Sundays, Thursdays and Sundays, and on Saturdays, he'd be on stage as a drag queen. Hey, you do what you got to do, man. All right. So we are down to number one. Well, I'm not going to have to add much to my number one, because we just talked about him. It's Rowdy Roddy. proudy
Yeah, he's yeah always been one of my favorites. Uh, you know, I know a lot of people started loving him at, you know, from the coconut to the head, uh, for Jimmy Snooka. Yeah. Uh, I always liked him even when he was, when you were supposed to hate him, cause he's a bad guy. He's just one of those bad guys that I could never hate. It's almost like if rowdy, rowdy Piper started going up against a baby face. Well, then I didn't like that baby face anymore. I wanted rowdy, rowdy Piper to win. Yeah, I was always on his side no matter what side of the argument he was on just because I enjoyed him so much.
I did, um, what was the shoots? It was called K-fabe commentaries or something. I think it was like Sean Oliver or whatever. And that one of the few ones that I've watched ah over and over again are the clips from the rowdy interview, because I mean, talk about a guy that had stories and would sit there and tell them and and yeah and I remember him talking about the coconut to the head of Jimmy Snooka and he always said he thought he killed him. As soon as he hit he just he thought he killed him. going A little too hard and he was like oh my god I think I just came to school but luckily Snooka had a hard head so.
Well, yeah, and had other problems to go with that, so. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He won't be on any of my favorites ever because, you know, he's kind of been wise as far as I'm concerned. Yeah. But, and obviously neither one of those are going to end up on my list either, but my number one, and it's not going to be agreed upon by some, but again, I have to preference this that I grew up a huge WCW fan and he had, and this guy was probably, other than I will say like Rick Flair, this guy was probably the, ah the, and he was called the icon of WCW and that sting. And ah you were supposed to say sting as soon as you started. Yeah, because it just.
I was a stinger. I remember the bleach blonde, you know the the colorful paint, and the surfer sting, and all the way through the crow sting, and all his iterations. and you know I like Blader Sting way better than early sting, like when he was tag teaming with Warrior and all that kind of crap when they first came out. I didn't really care for that gimmick. I didn't like the painted face and the bleached blonde hair, muscle body, builder guys. I just wasn't that big into those. So I never really cared for him in his earlier days. It was not till later, you know, like after his Rick flair feuds and stuff that I really started, you know, enjoying some of his work. But towards the end, I think he suffered from people just, he did way more standing around in the rafters than he did actually wrestling towards the end. and
It got a little old after a while. Well, and I think he even em admits it. He was also battling his drug addiction at the time. So he was not only going through this storyline character, but he was also having his demons. And that's when he found Jesus and all that stuff. And, um, but I, I will admit my earliest memories of wrestling are staying. I remember my brother would go next door and help, uh, Our next door neighbor who was a race car driver and they would go he would help work on his car and all that and I remember watching
one of the Ric Flair Sting matches over at the neighbor's house where it went to draw. And it was one of the few times that you could remember at the time where you would actually have the announcer come over the intercom that five minutes left in this match. There are five minutes until this match is over and it would get down to the last second. And I can't remember who won, but I just remembered those moments of, um, and, and I think Sting would also admit that, The feuds with Ric Flair early on is what built him as Sting because he was a nobody pretty much when he was running in with Warrior and all that stuff. and then it was Back then I kinded kind of saw him as a Lex Luger with face paint.
Yeah. And then it it would be no wonder that he was, he would later become friends with Lex Luger. yeah Not many people did. So that's odd that someone became friends with like twitter most people did not like Lex Luger. They thought he was standoffish and snobbish. I just think he wasn't that personable. He wasn't that outgoing. And a lot of people in the wrestling business are very outgoing. So if you're just normal, they think you're standoffish and snobbish. Well, you hear the same thing about um Sid Vicious too, because Sid was more worried about his softball schedule than his wrestling schedule.
So, well, that's our top fives. Yank, I really appreciate taking it appreciate you taking time out. um I know we throw our jabs back and forth with each other on on your nightly chats, but, you know, hey, I figured I'd throw out a ah hand to say, hey, hop on and get you to talk something other than guns for a while. One of the things I do love as much as guns, So, well, me too. I mean, obviously I don't have near the collection that you have at the moment, but, you know. Guns, cars, and wrestling, you can't go wrong with those things. And when I was telling Mike about this episode, I go, we have three topics we can choose from. Guns, cars, wrestling. And I said, I know nothing about cars. I don't want to make Yank continue to talk about guns because he does it seven nights a week. So let's just do wrestling and get it out of the way. Yep, that's fine, man.
but yank you want to go ahead and tell people where they can find you at uh on youtube just the yankee marshall on youtube that's pretty much it you want to pitch your merch stuff and some of the stuff that you work on you'll you'll you'll see my merch so All right, well, know like the things we work on, we do the TYM triple P, which is the Yankee Marshall pistol project. That's where we provide ah the means for lower income families to obtain what they need to protect themselves and their loved ones. ah That's the way we say it on the Internet without getting people mad at it.
ah And we run pets and vets programs where we help out as many pet charities and vet charities and even help out individuals that have GoFundMe's for pet surgeries, care of pets, things like that. We try to help as many people as possible. If I'm going to be on the internet talking guns all the time, I try to put what little we earn towards doing something good. So that's why we run those projects. If you want to support them, you can go become a Patreon member, subscribe to Star Member, or you can go to my website, T-Y-M-triple-P. T-Y-M-P, pistolproject I always get it wrong. And over there is links to join up or buy merchandise and all that supports our programs. And they're good causes. I can attest that everything that he does is for the causes that he says he does them for. Don't listen to the liars out there. They're just assholes. Well, they don't want to have to do it too, so they try to pretend I don't.
But Yank, like I said, it was great to have you on. um You can find our show on all the socials at ohana underscore packers. i'd Go over to our website and check out our merch store, find our articles, find all the past shows, whether in video or audio form. um That's gonna do it for this week. So as Mike would say, go pack go and aloha.