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Ep 144 - Andy De Codes - Paranormal and UFO Experiences and Investigation image

Ep 144 - Andy De Codes - Paranormal and UFO Experiences and Investigation

E144 · Pursuit of the Paranormal
392 Plays5 months ago

Andy from Alien8UK joins Ash to talk about his lifetime of both UFO and paranormal experiences and how this led him to embark on his own journey of investigation and discovery and the creation of multiple podcasts and chat shows!  

Title music provided by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity


Introduction and Host Welcome

almost interesting money i don't know what to wi i on sauce or what it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your plane it was so awful You are listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your host, Ash Ellis.
Welcome to this week's episode of Pursuit the Paranormal. And it's our first couple of weeks back as the podcast. We hope you're enjoying the return of Pursuit the Paranormal with just me ah from now on going forward. And this week we have a guest. I've been on his podcast. We've been out doing some investigations together. He's originally from around near where I live but now lives a bit further down south.

Meet Andy: A Paranormal Enthusiast

And he is to me one of the hardest working guys in the paranormal.
right now and we'll find out why shortly so welcome to the stream Andy the chords welcome thank you for having me it's a pleasure pleasure is all mine oh it's good it's good it's all good everything's good World Podcast, it's just your background. It's just full of so much random stuff. It's teaming, teaming, being, you know what, teaming, being, and bagging 90% of it. No, it's not just, it's like some of the bits, but I always go for a bag and put it that way. that's the way Yeah. So, um,
So you have basically what seems like a different podcast every night. It feels that way, feel show it just to you as well. yeah So before we get onto to that, does anyone tell us a bit about you, ah kind of your history and where this all started? So at the moment I'm living down south just about Five minutes outside London, um originally from Manchester, a place called Swinton, which is near the traffic centre for anyone who knows it. Barn there, grew up there, up until 16 years ago, that's when I moved down south. I moved to a few, a couple of few different places in and around Manchester.
um lived over in Hyde, lived in Earlham, lived in Radcliffe. So all around but the same part, if you get what I mean. And then, like I said, I moved down south, lived in two different towns, 16 years I've been here. I lived in both towns twice, which is weird. So I lived in one, then I moved to the other. Then I moved back to the first one. Now I'm back in the second one.
so yeah Seems like you don't make it look silent. No, eight well, depends on you. We've done it. That's all I'm going to say. But no, it's good now. Everything's good now.

First Paranormal Encounter: A Childhood Experience

But um yeah, so move that down here. But do I know the reason why I do the paranormal?
yeah Yeah. So the re what got me into it is, well, I got myself into it. I know it sounds weird saying that, but my very first encounter that I can recall, I was about four years old was lying in bed. And my mum used to call me in the human water bottle because I would literally, she put me in bed. No matter what time of year it was.
I won't always sweat, that sounds weird, but I was always dead hot. I'm always hot all the time. It could be minus 20 outside and I'll still be really warm. So she used to put me in bed to warm it up and then my dad would come in a bit and kick me out and stick me in the air. So I was in there bed.
I'm sure it was this and I'm looking at the wall I'm seeing this like thing this light figure dancing on the wall and the only thing that I can relate it to is when you listen to vinyl records and the sun hits it and bounces off you get that like light pattern and it's just constantly still going round and round in the same thing and it's like one of them probably about three four inches tall And I'm just there mesmerizing like a whitey blue color. And there's no light coming in the back because it's just fields at the back of the house. There's no artificial light. We was before they built the second runway at Manchester. um We was on the flight path for the plane circling waiting to land. So we did get that, but this wasn't aircraft light coming in because it it'd be constant and it wasn't.

From Podcasts to Paranormal Investigations

so and i just watched it and then next thing that i'll wake it up next morning in my own bed now i know my mum put me there it wasn't like a transcended from one room to the other or anything like that this was like that's what happened so that that was the only time that i ever remember that happening and that's where it all started and then it was during lockdown um halloween favorite time year and we weren't allowed to go anywhere do anything i'm sat there and i'm like just rocking because i was so so bored and like we just
there's just nothing to do so far right seeing all these oh you listen to podcasts and that and i was watching a lot of people do facebook live all that kind of stuff but i thought right i'm gonna set up a website facebook group well i did a facebook page because i didn't know how facebook work i didn't wasn't into the media side of everything so i set up facebook page um instagram don't think tick tock was that it might just stay i didn't really know what tiktok was
Snapchat was there, I don't know if I did that, but it was mainly Facebook, website, um Instagram, and i add I was looking at what how YouTube worked. So I got all that and I just thought right, that's there ready for when I start doing stuff.
So did a couple of interviews on the podcast. Um, first person that I spoke to, um, for it was Deborah hats while at BBR. And then I went on there a couple of times and it's like, Hmm, I can't kind of like this. I wanted not that part of it, but I want to go out and do more of the invest, like the going out and finding these stuff. yeah So it's like, right. I'll go out and all people.
who are in into it because I've been out with them prior to me doing all this in Manchester and down south so met up with a couple of them and done Facebook live so I did that and then I found out about how YouTube worked so then I transferred it over from Facebook to YouTube and started doing YouTube and going out and doing investigations in like different areas and people would say to me, these places that you're going to, are they, what's the story behind it? I'm like, don't know, just gonna go. Like, well, why are you going somewhere that you don't, why are you going somewhere if there's no stuff going

Paranormal Occurrences Beyond Haunted Locations

on? I'm like, well, you've got to think about it, there's stuff going on all the time, every single day, everywhere around the world, if you're not there to witness it, you're not you're not gonna know it's happening.
so just because somewhere is known for having stuff going on doesn't mean to say there is and just because somewhere isn't known for anything going on doesn't mean to say there isn't and luckily, most of the places I've been to have had stuff going on because I've got live video evidence, I've got playback evidence, I've got actual physical experience while being there, on and off camera, not just me, other people that have been out with me, and it's just
so my belief is it doesn't matter where you go if you're if see something's going to happen it's going to happen regardless of where you are you could be walking down tesco on like bread isle, and so the bound cake at your head is, oh, something such a bound cake at your head. But I used to work at M&S, right, in Milton Keynes, and I heard people, so in the basement, the light, as you, the sensor lights, so as you walk towards the lights, they come on, so they come on and they're moving away from you. I'm still at one end where the lift is, the other end is where the stairs are, and it's got 120 meters,
I won't like to run it if i get in chase um I'm I'm stood then in the freezer and the light started coming on towards me and there's nobody there. You can see clearly if there's anyone there because he's just racking the stop dead either end like up at walls so you can't get you've got to walk down the middle to get into each one.
and the lights are coming on tomorrow and I'm banging on this left button. At the moment I wasn't waiting. I've heard at night, I've heard a woman singing like 1920s style, like virulent style of music. There's one lad, swears blind, and this is what I said about the bag, it's something for a box of wheat exactly.
So that's what I mean, it doesn't matter where you are, if There's something going on. It can go on anywhere. It makes no difference where you are. Yes, definitely. Like there's some places where kind of half of the reputation, you're going to go there because kind of like a preconceived yeah notion. So things may be more likely to happen because you're expecting it. Whereas if you've got someone where there's no history or where there's not much history, you don't know what's going to happen because anything that happens it is more like actually happening rather than
you're expecting all this, a ghost of a girl's been seeing at this place. Oh, that might be a little girl. Whereas you've not got that in your head. It's more like, more like a real one, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I'd rather, I call it going in blind. I'd rather go somewhere and not know anything about the place. If something happens and yeah. And then I'll find out what afterwards, what exactly has gone on. I don't like to go somewhere. And we go, Oh, so you've got Portagans activity eat in this room. There's a little girl that runs round and ties your shoelaces together.
You know what I mean? I don't want to know all that because like you say you got a preconception then straight away. So if you have that preconception, if we drop back into like manifestation, maybe you're creating that and it's not actually happening. If that happens and you don't know, then it's real. For me, it's real.
Do you get what I mean? Yeah, no, definitely. And and that's why, so so going back to doing the livestream, it's like, why not just go somewhere, see what's going on there? Just, it doesn't matter whether there's anything going on. luckily And depending on how you look at it, I've had stuff happen at, I'd say, 90% of places that I've gone to.
There's a lot of places, I've gone to these places where I've had tons of stuff go on and nothing, absolutely nothing whatsoever. But it just proves that you don't get everything every single time you go out. Yeah, definitely. And just talking about supermarkets, I used to work for a high street convenience chain. Yeah. A bit with four letters. And I've got, I've got the CCTV saved on my phone. I'm not supposed to have it in here. I wouldn't post it on here, but I don't want to get back any.
and but it was only me in the video but it's not my property but there's one where so I was doing the bread and behind me is nothing it's just like the chill aisle and I felt someone walk behind me and stand behind me yeah I sort of moved in to move out the way because one of these small islands and I got the bread trolley out so I moved out the way to make room and there's no one there so I'm looking down the aisle I look at the top of the aisle there's no one in the shop like at all that's right that's felt someone walk like literally felt someone stand behind me that was really weird so I don't think anything of it And then the very next day, at a similar time, I was in the back and hear the crash come from one of the aisles. So I went out to see what happened. I wanted the trays of veg from the chill aisle. Yeah. Just was on the floor and all the veg was everywhere. Oh, it's like, but the also went to watch CCTV and exactly where I was stored the day before is this is probably about half an hour so to a day exactly afterwards. No one's in the aisle, no one's there. And you see the tray.
get pulled like a little bit yeah and comes really fast like and then bought on the floor like full movement it's like a proper full he could think oh it could have slid off um it's heavy gravity because it's at a slight angle yeah because with the cctv though when you watch it it kind of moves out and then down rather than downwards, like an angle that comes out straight and then drops. It was really like someone fell. So I was like, that's where I heard, felt someone literally trying to go earlier, felt someone stuck there in that space. So I got both CCTV's on my phone, which is from that. But it's just mad. And that building's like, it's really, really old. It's got like palm shells and stuff on the ground. It's really, really old set of buildings. And we had someone else there where
The back door opened on its own. The firewall went off. Yeah. Now it's far longer off. So obviously they did everything. Check the panel. There's the back door. Sometimes you get kids messing around at the back doing stuff. Yeah, but haven't you got to open them from the inside? Yeah. So what's in your CCTV? The bar. So the door's closed and then you don't see the bar compressed because C3 is not that good because the door, C3 is at the top and it stands upstairs in these back doors, but the door just pushes open.
And those doors are totally secured. They're locked overnight. They've not been opened for, I don't know how many years or months, because it's a fire exit that never gets used. And if it's just open like that, it's just like, that's never been opened. That doesn't make sense. If it happened regular, then you can put it down to um malfunction or an inch broke or something like that but if it's only happened the once then yeah so so of like you know but those of ctv is nothing yeah I've got one CCTV from a a shop in Northampton
there's a new well i know the ex manager of there and they're filming the cctv and you see it's like yo you got trainers stacked up on the wall so this is on a wall that is so you got that shot and you got super dry next door so they're on the wall so the shopping center ah um shuts shuts at r5 for shopping and everyone's got to be out of there around about six o'clock quarter past the latest and security

Personal Encounters and Beliefs

and exterior doors. Yeah. But so you can see so it's the camera pointing from the door as you walk into the shoe shop or trainer shop and then you can see a mirror on the back wall. Now that's a door that goes into where the stock is kept. So you can see this happen in the mirror as well. so But you see a trainer it's like it's a twist and then drops. Doesn't just fall off and it's another shoe.
So they're all lined up. How would it? It could hit an obviously on the way down on the, but it bounces about five, six foot away from the wall. But this, so that's the only time they've got on CCTV. This they've got in. Cause I know a few people that work there now.
They've gone in and there's been trainers just randomly just spread them out. As you know, if anyone works in retail, when you're locking up, you make sure it's ready for when you open the next morning. yeah So it's all set and it's perfect.
Yeah. And it's like, he's been in, why would anyone do that? That's what the managers are thinking. And it's like, and then the black, I know that all this was perfect because I locked up. None of this was on the floor. Nobody else would have come back because he can't get into the center to then get in the shop.
Even if they had keys, they couldn't get they couldn't get in until the centre opens. You know what I mean? It's just weird stuff like that. Like I said, these are places you wouldn't expect. yeah and but But not a classically haunted type of place. But people that work there, they've said that when they've been working there, because my Mrs worked there for a few months, and even she said there's some parts of it you feel like you've been watched.
and he's not when you turn around thinking there's a customer waiting for you. Turn around, there's no one there. Bye bye.
So yeah, I know exactly what you mean with that. but yeah um yeah so So going back to my first encounter was when I was about four and I've had pretty much everything you can think, I know a lot of people probably won't believe this, but I'm not,
Some of it, yeah ah it's not about being believed. It's about, I know what happened. I know what I seen and then no, I probably cannot explain 99% of it, but I know the emotions that I felt, what I went through. I can describe to you what I've seen. I can pretty much recall the time of day and because through doing this, you kind of like, you log everything that's going on, weather conditions. yeah Is there no one else about, um, season, all that kind of stuff.
and you mentally log it and you just, you just remember it. And I've heard from people banging on the door and as they've done the bird bang on the door, we've grabbed all of the, you remember the old door knobs? Cause this was in Salford near Salford's Rugby Grounds. My uncle used to be the groundsman of Salford Dreads.
Yeah, the willows, yeah. I mean, when you go every week, I'm watching you, what are you, what are you, and all that. So my uncle used to get tickets for him, and I'd go, so me and him, me mum's sister. So we'd say over. They were me and my cousin, but this was an afternoon. I'll go up to her downstairs watching ah this is where there's watching poltergeist of army or the exorcist or something it was one of them so we were upstairs we was only like seven eight maybe like playing with action men and that and there's like bang bang he does like it's probably like someone what could you have to walk past the bedroom to get to the toilet it happened a few times and then you could see the door handle just the knob turned you know it makes that little creaking eyes you remember the old fun
slidey locks yeah a fun slide lock in the bottom corner you'd see that moving as well so we're like yeah it's someone messing about so we ignored it anyway the third time it was proper proper rapping on the door like someone beating a drum and on the third one we both grabbed the door opened it nobody there i swear to god i flew from the top step to the bottom step i did not touch any in the middle i didn't go my upstairs ah but young as years
Yeah and fit that was where everything started happening but at that house as well, they used to have a rocking chair in the living room and they had a cellar but it's all filled in and they had like a little mini bar around it, just like calling it off.
and She said that my cousin, she'd hear him talking to someone downstairs, she'd come down and a rocking chair'd be slowing down to a stop. But that area of Salford is waste, is all built on an old cemetery. And yeah all they did was remove the headstones. So it's a bit amateur village. They didn't clear all the bodies.
Gosh. Yeah. So nice. I think that's pretty cool though. I think. Yeah. And the fact that I didn't live there is like family members. Yeah. I don't, I can go home now. Well, yeah, although you have some experiences at your house though. Yeah. So not, so that was real. I had that was the only one really in the house that I grew up in.
I used to feel like when I was in bed that there's things leaning over me like what like not what oh yeah kind of like watching me like dark figures I always think there's like five of them for some reason and I would I'd go under the covers and I'd stay there and I don't think I've ever told anyone this but it got to the point where I was that scared of getting out of the bed I'm only like like said five six seven eight or whatever And then I was that scared of getting out and going to the tile that I'd wet the bed. Cause I didn't want to see what, I knew there was something there, but I didn't want to see who or what they were. And yeah understandable yeah, it wasn't nice. I'm not ashamed to say it, but that's how, that's how frightened I was at the time because I didn't, I didn't know what it was.
but I can't, I was intrigued. and so Even though I didn't want to know, I was too scared to see. You're still in the back of your mind. It's like, well, what actually is it? Do you know what I mean? It was like that. So yeah, so that was there. And then I've had all sorts go on from going out shopping and there's three doors in the house. Um,
and and so the back door on the side door was Joe the big bolts like one at the top one at the bottom and Joe you got the twisty lock which is a dead lock the doors add one of them on both of them and then the back door ah the side door had the key on it as well so the front door had a mortise and a yale so they were locked so we'd go out shopping we'd come back going through the front door all the bolts have been slid open and the deadlocks open and I'm like I know I closed them because it was the last thing I did and now it's open and there's only us two that have got a key to get in and out
the youngest was like f three months old, probably not even that, he's like literally just been born. And he's not away, but we'd be sat in the front room. So the front room, this is in Earlham. So the front room was at the back of the house, the kitchen and the stairs are at the front. We'd be sat on the tap to come on, you'd hear him.
And not just a little trickle, like Niagara Falls, just full, hot and cold, both of them. So it wasn't like it was a dodgy seal, because both taps would come on every single, and we'd turn them off. And it was just randomly, they'd come up and the tap would be turned. It wasn't like the seal was broken, the water was just coming out, you'd physically have to turn the tap. Yeah, yeah.
ah And there's another time one of Scariest things at the house so when you sat in the front room or living room should say You can see that like down the hallway. I saw have a big fish tank under the stairs. and You could see the front door So if anyone knocked on during the day, you could see who it was and I am sat there and used it a Lot and the massive fireball Right, I thought, I honestly thought someone would petro bomb the house. that um i mean My was there as well, my youngest. And we're like, what the hell? And we all got up and ran. The kids were scared. And it was a disposable light, huh? About four steps up on the stairs. So as you walk in, you got the stairs to the right and then like the walkway into where the kitchen living room had. So as I got to it, it went out.
I picked the lighter up, you'd expect it to be hot. No, it's like you just picked it up off the side, checked it, it worked. There was no smell of fire, no smell of smoke, there's no burn on the carpet. We painted white, the banister on that, the rails and the skirting board. No burn marks, nothing. Absolutely nothing. And the fire bar was, what, about four-four, it was massive.
That's mad. In fact, the kids saw it as well. Yeah, we all seen it. So me, me eldest, me ex, even the little one, I don't know if he was asleep, but when me son was, me eldest son was sat on the computer, it was like out the side of his door and he stuck his head round and he got scared and ran towards me. What the? Yeah, he was just, he was weird. That that that was scary, that one.
That's the thing, you start getting dangerous with like that type of stuff as well. But there was never, even though that happened, never felt any negative stuff other than a fire. But I know that sounds so stupid, but didn't didn't ever feel negative. That was it, it was a tap. Once that fire thing did it,
And then I think, I think it was something trying to get our attention for whatever reason. I couldn't tell you what, never seen anything. Never heard any anything other than the taps coming on the bolts and that with the bolts, that wasn't just once. That was like three, four times a week. You want to water me too hard? Yeah. There you go.
do do you have a water meter was that their point yeah no no no that was a thing it was just normal it was pre-water meter so this is going back 2004 so 20 years ago we moved into the house yeah wow what about any UFO experiences where do i start That's my goal, so you know my main interests. Yeah. Yeah. So I know, I know you know about these, but so the first one was back in Swinton in Manchester. And I was about eight years old and I was riding around on my bike. It was, I got a bike as the rally striker, gray one, gray and black is what I got.
And it was right, it was been raining and weren't allowed to go out on me but when it was raining in case it fell off and hurt me so. As we all said, in case you fall off and get run over, is what she said, right? Even though, rather than her statements about six people with cows, because back, obviously back in like 1980,
is 81 obviously there weren't that many so the street I lived in there's only 10 houses is a little tiny cul-de-sac there was one two three people we can't out the 10 houses on three people under car so you can imagine what it was like there was a lot different to now yeah yeah it's like you get how it started out yeah so it's like very very few and it is when like these dogs were just roaming wild they weren't the obviously there's pet dogs but you don't see that anymore they are dogs are not allowed to roam around and it's it was like living in the wilderness it is way if you think back at how it was like i said at the back
So as you come down the estate if you start at the top on the left hand side it was just fields and then there's an old sewer works and you've got Eccles fields then you've got Swinton Golf course and then you're coming up to like Beale Hill and all that area like top of Lancaster Road. Going the other way you've got um you're going out towards worst lane like the garden center and then you've got another goal there's a few houses housing estates and that and then you've got alzmere golf not alzmere echos golf course i think that's oh i can't remember because you've got swinton which is near soulford then you've got the next one which is at the back of chatsworth at broad oak
I count him out. He's a pitching pot because me and my mate used to go on the pitching pot because his uncle was a member of the main one so we could go on there with his membership. I cannot remember the name of it. I think it was mountain and golf course. We'll call it mountain golf course. So you add that at the back, then you add the stream, then you've got the old um rail line, which is a loop line now that goes back from mountain all the way up into Bolton and you can come off at different areas. So then you've got the Bridgewater canal, then you've got worse woods than that. So it is, even though there's quite a lot of housing, that is a very green area.
So anyway, so back to the bike. So I'm riding around, riding through puddles and Um, I get on to the next week down and this is where, where me re-enacting my mom and a bit like Titanic, but just a lot worse. We just stood there looking up and laughing basically. So I was stood. I'm doing the stances on sat on a bike.
a lot more like Tommy Cooper than anything else. So I'm sat like and he's looking up. So now I'm sat on the bike, I'm eight years old. And for some reason, I just look straight up above me and I see, and the other way I can describe it is two-tone metal, an outer circle,
So if you draw a circle the size of a tennis ball and a piece of paper, yeah and then the inner circle is probably about half an inch in, and you draw that, the min the inner circle is darker, then the outer circle is a lot lighter.
but I'm sure it had small black, rik like pepper pot rings around the outside. They weren't that big, but I don't know if that was real or not. It was definitely two-tone, but I'm not, I'm sure it had the pepper pot dots around it, but I'm not 100%. It wasn't making any noise, didn't see anyone, and I'm looking at it from like directly, like the underbelly of this craft. yeah There's no noise, it wasn't dipping, it wasn't moving about, it was just there, just floating. So I'm just staring straight up at it. And I could not tell you if I was there for 10 minutes or 2 hours. It was like... i don't know i was just drawn into it don't see it no none of me me this is this is a weird thing so i wasn't normally allowed out like i said because it'd been raining got on my back but i think it'd been my every my mum that much is just get out and the house just go just go and get run over or do whatever i don't care it was one of them all right so but either
I think some of my mates used to go and see the grandparents for the weekend. So I know they've done that. Or they might have been on all, I don't know, but there's none of my mates were out for whatever reason. So it's like, it's just me. And I don't, like I said to you before, I don't ever recall seeing anyone while I was out and about. Don't recall seeing any cats. Like I said, you've got one bit near the top of the estate where you can get in. And then as you know, you can get out down the bottom. So they're the only two ways in and out. All the other streets are dead ends.
but i don't recall seeing any cars but you'd probably only see like seven or eight cars a day going up and down there anyway and it was just there's no one nothing about so i'm on the next street down on the corner that i'm just looking up and i do not couldn't tell you how long i could have been there 30 seconds and then my neck was aching So quick down, stretched it a bit, look back up, gone, nothing in there. But I do strongly believe I was there for quite a while and I did have someone remote view.
the location, I give them the coordinates, the date, the time, and roughly the time of year and all the information that I could as to the exact point of where it all happened and they remote viewed it and they believed that I have had he some sort of um not abduction, abduction wasn't the word that was used
connection to him. So still take, so abduction is more like you're taken and you're experimented on. This is more I've been, so I was taken, but nothing happened. So whether they give me and any information or just wanted to analyze me or whatever, I don't know. And then that was it. So that's all I've got from that. And it was only to three years ago that I had this remote viewing done, but to come back and tell me what she told me, cause I said, I didn't tell her what had gone on.
I just give it the time, the year, the area and roughly what time of year it was. I didn't even give them the time of day. Literally i didn't give the time of day, just the month, the year and the location. And they came back with all this different information. And they did that on two different places.
and some of the information that they come back with, they wouldn't know unless they was with me in that room. You couldn't guess it, put it that way. yeah
So, I guess kind of jumping a little bit to to that topic of reviewing. and so I've not really got any experience in. I've spoken to people that come say they can remote view and I shall project and these types of things. What's kind of your take on um um that side of the paranormal? See, I believe anyone can do it. It's just having the right mindset to do it. And then you've just got to, it's like anything. Anyone can do anything.
you've You've got some people and it's like musicians, some people just naturally pick a guitar up or go on a piano and just start playing it and like never touch it before. I get that. But then anyone can learn to play it. Well, depending on how good you are, that's another story. But anyone can play an instrument. Anyone can play football.
but it's the quality of what you're doing. So, same sort of thing about view and astral projection. Once you learn how to do it, then anyone can, you can do it. But a lot of people, I've tried it. You kind of like going to a meditative state, like lucid dreaming. So you can't like trying to control what you're doing as well. yeah And I he used to always get to, you feel, it feels like your body's vibrating, but you're not actually moving, in but inside it's like someone's got you properly shaking up. That's what it feels like.
And I was told that that is where you are at the point of leaving your body to do the astral projection. A remote viewing is very, I was, it's very similar to that. You kind of like you come out of yourself to then view these things with your third eye, even though you still stay in the same place, you don't actually go out, you more, you don't go out.
an astral projection do it you know you're doing it from your mind's eye so you're still in your own body while you're doing it but you can see it that's why it's called remote view you rather than astral project yeah yeah makes sense yeah so that that's my take on it anyway and like i said i have tried it and now i've got to the point where in a couple of dreams i've actually been able to feel and touch and feel the temperature of this building smelled the grass feel the breeze on my face and then as i was waking up i felt something it's like someone grabbed me on the back like that and just pulled you're only just pulling straight at you see in the movies that i can't do it felt like that like you're on a massive elastic card and within a second or so it felt like sitting up in bed like wow what just happened that was the first time i did it jeez
Wow. So, but I have no control of, I have no control of what I was doing. So trustee it works. It does work. and it set looking in seir yeah So going back to, um, I mean, I've tried to think which one to go to next, but I'm just going to say,
have a doctoral Yeah, so this is back. So this is a Milton Keynes one. And this is where, this is where everything was happening. And I mean, it was not, not all of it was negative, but I'm taught this was a daily basis from shadow people.
full body apparitions running downstairs. See, I've got my hoodies and that hung up on the door. yeah Imagine if I went up there now, moved it like that, howled it there for two seconds and put it back without actually seeing somebody doing it, but you could not see the person doing it. You'd just see that, yeah, there was stuff like that going on.
There was whispering in your ear. I was outside and the orbs watching me, observing me. Then I went out the next day. So I just had a conversation just before I did this, it was on the phone to someone because I'm doing another one on Wednesday. It was like, it was an orb. It looked like a pin prick. So I've kind of changed how I think it was.
So I thought it was large. It's like it is a metal metallic of silver. And I think it was further away. I thought it was like a couple of miles away. i mean well like And like Hmm.
But thinking about it now, I think it was closer and smaller. So I'm thinking now rather than it being like size of a boss, I'm thinking more size of a football than it was a lot closer because it was a clear sky. Yeah. Excuse me. Other than the trees, there's a tree line at the back of the house.
I had nothing to judge but the perception of size and distance. There's no cloud, there's a cloudless sky. it's ah This time a blue sky. And I got out to feed the rabbits and I seen this ball and I'll get to turn it up for a minute because I was stood in the same spot actually. So I got out, I had a double rabbit, which had two rabbits.
so i've gone out and because it was while we're going make sure they're all right give them fresh water clear all the crap out if i needed to give them some fresh food so i was doing that and i kept looking up so as i'm there i'm looking to like myself like south east and it's like it's still there I looked again. Yeah, it's still there. um right So I went in, didn't think anything about it. far I was seeing all this different stuff at this time. It's just another thing on the list. Anyway, the next morning.
back out again, get the same routine. One of us would go out and check the rabbits. Well, usually me anyway. So I thought, Oh, I wonder if that thing's there messing about locked up. It's that fear of dread. It was there exact same. I'm like, Oh my, cause it was, I could line up to one of the trees. And that at that moment, it was like,
It now knows, I know it's watching me. It was that feeling, it was that knowing of being observed. Of all the thousands of people that you could be watching, I knew it was watching me and nobody else. But I can get to why I know it was that as well. And it was like, didn't even bother with the rabbits. Do you want me to get that horrible sick gut feeling? Yeah, yeah. It's like, I can't do it. I had to go straight back in the house.
It was just, I didn't go back outside for a couple of days. I was off work that week as well. I just refused to like look up towards it. It was just, it was awful. It's just ah that knowing that moment of knowing just felt sick, made me feel sick. It was awful.
But, so this is why I know that this, all this is now connected. So same, yeah. Within, I know I've worked out now that this is ah around about the same time because of the job that I was doing. And just everything about it, it's just things are just like fitting back into place. So I was laying bed one night and I decide near the window. So I was like, oh, you're the,
Calax IKEA units are four, four boxes. I had one of them and I had a glass, I had a tinted glass finger over the top. You'll stop it getting dirty. I used spotlight photos and all that underneath. You're like memorabilia from different things. So I'd have that on there. I forgot about this. I remembered this the other day. And this is how I know.
What time of year it was because I've got I'm actually found a photo on Google phones that I took of all these different like postcards from different parts of the world and all that kind of stuff and a lame bed one night and I woke up and it was about It was early hours. I'd say it was between 1 and 4 in the morning. And I just got the urge to get something out my nose. Is that like Santa? Hold on a minute, I'll get you. It was like, I could feel something in my nose and I'm sure.
I just like, I need to work out so it was late. So if I lay this out, is that right? So it was me right nostril. Yeah. And whatever it was, was round about there.
Just under your bridge. of Yeah. Yeah. He couldn't feel it, but I knew it was in there and I was it. I did it now. My hand was inside my nose. You know, we don't have the light on or anything, but you know, we can smell blood and you can see it and Yang goes out sticking. Yeah. It was like that. I was going and going and I managed to get this thing out my nose and it was like, it was the size of a piece of rice.
It's white because I always sleep with the windows open and the curtain open. So there was some street light coming in because we lived in a craft. So there's four lights one in each car and I fit one in the middle, but only a couple of them worked. So there's enough light coming in for me, being able to see what I was doing, but you couldn't see detail on anything. So I've got this little thing out. I said, well, I'm first piece of rice, but it was hollow.
and I'm like feeling it, it's like, that's plastic. Anyway, I'm that tired of thought, right, I'll put it on there, put it on the side, and I'll leave it, and I'll have a proper look at it in the morning, going back to sleep. I'm like, oh, just wash your bedding tomorrow. um It's gonna be covered in blood anyway. Walk up in the morning, no blood, nothing.
no blood on my hand you know when you normally you get like you get dirt and it gets ground in around the base of your nail and under your nail or even in your knuckle nothing is like i've been cleaned on this thing that was on the unit nowhere to be seen I even lifted, the I was searching literally with fine teeth comb looking for this thing. I moved everything out of the way, gently, just in case, could not find it anywhere. And we had um floorboards, it wasn't carpet, it was like proper floorboards. So it couldn't, on it was closed. There's only a couple of little gaps, but it weren't near where I was. And it couldn't have gone anywhere, nowhere to be seen. But how was I clean? There was no blood on my nose.
but I could feel like an indentation in my nose. I felt it for a couple of months afterwards. And there's just nothing no blood, no s smell. thats What is going on? So how do you, how do you try and explain that, that yourself to yourself? What do you think? Well, at the time it was just like, I thought it's another actual thought was it's another one of them things. It's just all this ghost crap just keeping on at me. And it got to the point where ah all this stuff is happening. I just sit there and go, please, this is out loud. Just stop. Just give me a few days on my own. I really don't need this crap right now. I just want to be left alone. Go and bother someone else because you're really not doing yourselves any favors and I'm getting pretty pissed with you. And it would stop by
maybe a week at the most and then gradually start again but i'm like with the ball than that i know that that was connected because why would they be observing me and then within a week or so i'm pulling this thing out my nose that then i cannot find which i kind of think it's gone back in there because i've but mean said I put my hand back in my nose to feel and I can't get to where I could get to before. so So it might have just the membranes closed over or whatever. I don't know. But I remember ripped through my nose membrane, like the inside fleshy bit. And that's how I know how bad it was bleeding. Wow. Yeah. So how how long ago was that?
that was uh so 14 13 2012 2013 so 11 or 12 years ago right yeah so that that was that but while while that was going on i was having these dreams ah about Star Wars, s what not the movie, but I call it Star Wars in the sky. So I'd be out walking about in places in the dreams, in places that I knew, either where I grew up or where I was living at the time, with different people and see all these lights in the sky. And it was like white lasers shooting across. well First of all, it looked like fireworks, but oh, that's quite nice. And then when you realize it's like some intergalactic war going on above your head, you're like,
Wow. And then the same bloke every single time would come out, an old guy, gray bird, like go at it, gray around the sides, bald on top, short stock it. And he'd go, Oh, what are you doing there? You're not supposed to be able to see any of this. And I'd turn on my eel. I'd be like gone because I knew in the dream, I knew what he meant. I know I knew I had to get away from him.
But in them dreams, everything was real. The cars going past. It's always at nighttime. um Walking across the grass, down but waiting to cross a road in a dream. How mad's that? Because of the traffic. It's just weird stuff like ah waiting to get on a bus. Yeah, it's not something you usually dream about, is it? No, I know. That's what I mean.
Ray care in dream, but it was always in different places. It was never in the same place, but the same guy, this little guy, it was always the same bloke.
um Yep. So this is all going on all kind of at the same time. Um, and this is in just a milking's milking. Yeah. Yeah.
So what did kind of your family think about what was, or your partner think about what was happening? It was happening to them, but they kind of having the same level. No, they was, they was there while it was going on and I was telling them, and they was experiencing some of the stuff.
like with the clothes moving and the voices and something else that i'm gonna get into in a minute and if i was to contact them even though we don't really speak they would verify this they'd be like yeah that did happen 100 i can fully confirm that what he's saying is true right but even with the stuff that i told him it's like there's no reason for me to make up why would you want to make stuff something like that It's like, I know I've got a bit of a creative mind, but it doesn't go like that. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, for sure.
so peridactyl so teridactyl so i'm in the back garden again and this time we've got a shed so i built a shed so you come out it's all patio and the door so the no door from the kitchens kitchen living room at the back of the house so you got to go through the living room so it's like that living room diner so it's a diner the living room so at the end there's two two big glass windows and the door so you go out the door on the right hand side and then the rabbit which was at the fence up against next door so we could see it from the window.
and then I built a shed on the grass behind it and don't don't know why how why but where I built the fence if you stand at a certain point it cuts out every single little bit of that artificial light there's no street light getting in you could stand in the garden you'd be able to see the Milky Way and like all the different constellations and what have you it's amazing it's like I can't do that if you tried anyway so I'd been out in the back garden with the telescope I've been sky watching it's about 11 o'clock at night because he used to watch him, I remember someone that Davey Bowie said years ago on an interview, he goes, if you go out around about two, three o'clock in the morning, just stare on a clear, I don't even have to be clear, but as long as you can see some of the stars, just pinpoint and focus at one particular point in the sky and just stare at it, after a couple of minutes, you'll start seeing all these other stars and they'll just be dancing about, just all these lights.
going through the sky doing like top landing and all that. He didn't say that, but. You know, it's true, not every night, but I'd say nine out of 10, you see that and I still do it now. and Sometimes don't see it as much, but there's a lot more light around there, so it's a bit more difficult. Yeah. ah So I've been doing that and I've been looking at it through the telescope or trying to, but I can't get it to work.
But that's another story. So put the telescope paper in the shed. It's one of the massive celestial ones. Don't like big. It's like a trombone size. It's massive. i've got a Yeah. So it's on the tripod. So I'd always leave it set up right in the shed. Lock it up. So I turn around, walk in the back of the house. I've got my mobile in my right hand. Yeah.
so i think i was using it as a torch because of the snails and that and i think it's better for what i don't really fancy standing on any anything i'm walking back and this is like middle of summer about this time of year for some reason i just looked up at the car room and i didn't say anything but i thought whatever he i just looked up and i just watched this thing fly and it just went just watched it go and it was only going that fast and i just did not take my eyes off it and just watched it fly all the way across so it was completely the outside it was just above the tree um rooftops so the roofs were high at the back and they sloped down so there wasn't the typical roof it was like a lean-to roof
so I could just see it just like like margin above the rooftop and it was tan colour brown
You can see the head, the underbelly, the feet, the wings, they have bat-like wings. um But you know where you've got the first part, then it stops, then you've got the hands, and then the second part, then it batters that third bit. Though these didn't have the third bit, it's just like one, then two. And you can see the hands and claws. Even though it was, like, I said, 11 o'clock at night, it was a clear night.
And because I'd been looking at the sky, my eyes, I had adjusted to that um lack of light. Yeah. So it was like, you know, I mean the old, like saddle color, brown leather, like the old leather jackets. It was like that. How big was it? Well, I initially thought it was probably about It originally said about 12 foot long from head to tail and about 16 foot wingspan. But now I reckon it's nearer 24 foot long with a 16 to 18 foot wingspan. It was massive. It wasn't, it wasn't like
A little bit bigger than a grow or anything like that. Uh, because it was just where I was stored and the length of it. And where, cause he had the comparison of being able to the ratio of the house, like window to ah the bathroom, windows to the back bedroom window.
Even it was a distance from that, from the bathroom. So say it's not at the bathroom window and the end of it still was at the end of the bedroom window. That alone was 14 foot. And that is me just stood in the garden. and So you can easily add another 10 foot onto that because of how far away it was. Yeah. So if that was that length, the wingspan must've been at least 16, 18 foot.
and it didn't fly off course, didn't make a sound, didn't, not it said, didn't refire, didn't do anything like that, just flew in a straight line. Mate, you know, I say, mate, I don't know, said, was it a kite? I'm like, there's the most, I can't even answer that, it's the most ridiculous question I've ever been asked about anything. If it was a kite, from where it flew to where it flew out of sight was at least a mile, mile and a half.
so that that's a long bit of rope or string and at night there's no lights coming ah off it no sound but i was speaking to someone about it when i first um was talking about it and they said that other people that have sighted them they get into a thermal drift So once they get in it and then they just glide. But someone got in touch with me beginning of last year through the YouTube channel and he he lived on the other side of Milton Keynes place called Bletchline. Now he said he
Emily's missus, there's a new Asda, but the side of it is like, you can pack up water, it's like a, not nature reserve, but like a park area with a walkway through the trees and fields. But they'd packed up there because it's on quite a lift and they was watching the sunset.
And he said he's singing the same sort of thing around about the same time of year. This was a, he said it was about coming up to mid to the end of August. So what time on now 10 to nine and the sun was just set. So this was around about half eight and he said they'd been shopping and he got in the can just watching the sunset. So it's all beautiful and a bit of cloud and going get all the reflection and all the colors. They just sat there taking it all in.
you just see this black thing and he thinks oh a crow was somewhere but then he realizes how far away it is and how big it is and it turns and the size of its wings and the way it was beating them now this is a weird thing not like anything else was normal but it flew so as he's looking from the east i'm looking from the west Right? It's, this is flying south to north.
So when he's looking from the West, it's flying South to North. When I'm looking from the East, it's flying South to North. Yeah. And from where he was to where I was, it was roughly in the same line of flight within a few hundred meters. Right. So where he was and where he judged to where it was and where I was to where I judged to where it was. And it's just off the old original. a A4 Watling Street Within quarter of a mile of that at the old Roman Road that goes from London to wherever I don't know where it goes. Sorry But it keeps going yeah forever and it was It was on it was like it was flying in parallel to that but the one I seen the one he seen
that's crazy and that had me falling at my end did not even consider taking photo that's mean that's quite a common thing but the thing is I was like run straight into the house like ah also I also haven't seen a dragon, seen a dragon. Like what do you mean? So I explained it. So we'll start watching TV. Cause I have the computer going through the TV at the time. And I'm on YouTube and everywhere, just looking for dragons and just looking for dragons. It's like, no, it wasn't like that. Didn't look, I didn't even think of like pterodactyl prehistoric anything.
and ah i'm looking and joe when you know when you're going through you're not if you're all the same as that oh what's that and you kind of like you see something else and you start looking at that and you forget what you're doing there originally and i forgot about this so that was say 2013 i
probably 20, 2019. So six years later, I seen a picture on Facebook, CGI, obviously, or animated image. And I like, I actually fell and sat back into the chair. Oh my God. That is what I seen. And I read the description and it was, yeah, Terry, that's a lot. Did it please you saw or something?
The other one, I'm not sure, I'm not that well up on mythical creatures and dinosaurs. But what got me, the main thing that got me was the length of the beak and the head, but then the tail, and you're like, at the end, you see that diamond thing, like where you get, like where the lion's got that bottle of fluff at the end. It was like,
hey It was just complete. If it didn't have that arm, I probably would have thought, oh it's a kite. But because it had this thing on the back, this diamond, but it was massive. It was a lot bigger than I initially thought it was.
that's crazy and then it was the first time we've had i tell that story or even a big bird let's call it big bird yeah it was a giant leather looking creature flying but it didn't that was a thing it didn't flap its wings i'm like no i don't even think of thermal drift i'm just trying to like acknowledge what i'm looking at but so this is other thing now so the more i go into my own research of things that i've encountered it's like Was it a pterodactyl? Was it something putting a mask on to look like a pterodactyl? Could it have been some sort of UFO? Could it have been an Earth-type flying machine? was it Could it have just been a time slip? Could I have been in a time slip? Could I have imagined it? But then I know two of the people that I've seen, and one of them was in the same area,
Yeah. Yeah. So that's confirmation for me. Yeah. No, I mean, yeah, it would be for me as well. That's, uh, that's crazy. Um, bring it up a bit more recent. Yeah. Uh, so this year you've been pretty busy.
talk about It's a couple of months ago, I came to Birmingham to watch you give a talk at the Birmingham UFO group. Totally through how that felt. Cause obviously I think that's your first time. How was that?
awful absolutely awful never doing it like this is easy because you got the camera and i'm talking to you so when i do mine i'm doing it live you've got all the chat so that it's like i'm chatting to whoever on the screen and everyone else i'm having a text message conversation with that's how it feels ah that's why i have it in the end they're not that's being rude or ignorant they're not real people because you can't physically see them it's virtual so it doesn't matter it's easy i'm just looking at a computer screen i can see me and you that's it there's nobody else there and then um not long after this i remember someone saying to me it's like yeah but it's not just you them in there because you've got to remember
you've got to average it out there's at least three people watching on one device at any time so however many views you're getting times it by freight and you'll get an average of roughly how many are watching i'm like shut up don't talk to me again i can't cope but then going to this to do it publicly it was like oh I was excited to do it because it's something ah said I said I'd never do but I want i was like I need to push myself because I pushed myself with doing the YouTube channel never ever in a million years thought I'd ever be doing anything like this never and not talking about the stuff that I talk about then I thought
It can't be that hard. If I can do this, then surely they can do that. And it's like, the first half is like, I was just going, you just want that all to open up. It was awful. I knew I was nervous. I don't know if anyone else picked up. Did you pick up on? No, you both came across really well.
now i was talking it was it was fight well explained what you were showing us it was it was good well what so the reason i go long and deep into what the encounter that I'm telling you is because I relive it. And I think if I relive it, then I'm going to give you every single little bit detail. So I don't miss any because I don't want to miss some out. And someone say, Oh, well, last time you said it did this or there was that there. Yeah. But I think each time that I do it, I remember a little bit more, detail I remember more detail. So i explain it in a little bit better. And I think and getting better at explaining stuff as well. But the first half is absolutely awful. I could have easily just
killed up under a table and started crying I'd have felt better doing that but then the second half I thought I got into it and then we started talking about bench guy it was like right because bench guy he's like the that's like the for me that's the what's it called the holy grail of encounters that I've ever had that's the one and I got to a point, I feel a bit not happy but I was leaning on the table like that and then like jolining forward I didn't even bother I think I got rid of the microphone at that point I was just shouting across the room but I think because I got into it and say oh people are actually listening they want to know what you're talking about
so i think it was that because i was like yeah but people just come to these every month anyway regardless what if it's like i don't know do you get heckled at these places do you know what i mean And it's like, I don't know what, I didn't know what to expect because I've never been to, I've been to conferences, but not like an open mic conference, if you know what I mean. Cause that's what it kind of felt like. It was good. I really did enjoy it. And thanks to Dave for putting it on for us and starting it out. And thank you to you and everyone else that came watching really appreciate it. It was nice to see familiar faces. And I think that made it a lot more easier.
he's gonna spoke to you a few times and we've met and what have you so it was good it was nice no he did he did well it was a very interesting it was very interesting i think the tech issues at the start didn't help probably yeah i think that was like it's just not gonna work it's not i was like already in that mindset of it's just not gonna work so yeah i just want to say thank you to emma and sarah as well emma for putting all the videos and everything together on sarah for um joining them both doing it because we'd been out investigating as well so that kind of like that's why we did we did it together yeah that's emma and sarah from to investigate yes
I mean you mentioned it then and as your holy grail of bench guy. catches So I guess we can't go without briefly yeah explaining what this is. Can I just give you a little teaser on this one? Go on. So well not a teaser. I won't go into complete detail of it but this happened three years ago in April. but Three years April just gone.
and i was out as one of the first investigations that i did on youtube it's live recording and we've been to two different locations this is the second location and i'm sort of over near the commonwealth wild graves which is the best kept part of the cemetery it's like a bowling green compared to the thicket of the rest of it and there's a guy sat on the bench and i thought oh this other guy that i'm out with is dressed like him hat hoodie track is a jeans trainers so i'm shining my torch i'm like so two people that were doing the studio bit would be funny if it's not him i'm like no it won't because it's not him and i've just blinded a complete stranger
yeah I walked over, explained what I was doing, I apologized and said, yeah, that's fine. So I went and found Mark and that guy had said, the person on the bench, pale white skin, about 24 to 27 years old, spoke really good English, but had a really thick Dutch accent, could clearly tell he was Dutch.
No doubt about it. Um, well, to Mark, he goes, the guys, you just walked past. So that's what I found you and there's no one sat on the bench. He'd been recording. He stopped recording, went back on the video as he's walking past the bench. He's no one on that bench. Right. I'm talking to him. I can talk into you. Like imagine we're in the same place at the same time. You watch back on the video on the, I've cut it down like frame by frame on the very first frame. You can clearly see how he's dressed.
how I seen him dress, the colour of his face. After that frame you can clearly see an orb that starts off long and flat and then becomes an off like squashed ball in front of his face. You can see the circle of the torch that stops near his feet or just before his feet, enough light so I could see him. He had his phone in his right hand that was emitting a green light.
he's got an orange orb and when you zoom right in on the frames you can see that this orb you could put your hand between his face and the orb it isn't a reflection of his face it's something stopping you seeing what or who it really is and i had a conversation with this person now one of the odd things is as I'm filming it some people and even like Ryan who was in the studio and Deb Singleton they're like he's Andy talking to himself there's nobody there so I had a GoPro on and a body harness as well and I'm using my phone through streaming I had on YouTube to film it so loads of people that still come in the chat on my channel they will verify all of this some people would see him some people could hear him others couldn't see or hear him
Right? And like you could see, I could see the chat going through, who's he talking to? It's like the guy on the bench, but there's nobody there. And then Ryan's like, there's no one there who's he talking to. Right? And it's not until you watch the footage back, as you know, when you film something, it doesn't show up the time when you watch it back. And then you see, it's like, Oh my God, there was nobody there. And you, I can give you the names of people that were in the chat at the time that were like,
Yeah, it is the weirdest thing ever. But this orange glow in front of his face, just different. So I got so got the footage off the GoPro, but it's an action camera, like cheap version. And because it was dark, it wasn't very stable, so you couldn't really see anything. But you could hear the audio. um When you listen to the audio, it sounds like a frail 80-year-old man, like really,
sort of ice not a 20 mid-20s kid from holloman i should say do you know what i mean still dutch started dutch accent now and this is the other thing at the town i've been back and i've documented this as well so there's two full rows of war graves yeah and there's another full row of war graves at the back So some of them are English. The majority of the names were either Eastern European, like German, Dutch, Hungarian, Czech, because they tell you what army, from what country, and what division that they're in. I've been back. ah did It was only a couple of weeks ago when I did the road trip that I did this. And I walked all the way across the front row to the second row. Every single name was a British name, like Parkins, Edwards,
um clapham davis roberts right just you know i'm all english there's a couple that were like could be irish or you could like different but it was an english word there's only two that was one was a check two that we check and one of them was a pilot but the third row like the one nearest the bushes furthest away from the bench there's two gravestones at that end near where he was sat then there's one and it's 22 steps away from that i measured it in steps
and then it's six steps to the next one and it's always two, one, nine for all these five there but there's not these six so you've got six, one and two so it's like seven or eight steps so you've got the six, seven or eight steps to the one then 20, 22 steps to the other one you can see in the video there is a full row, a full third row and I went back a couple of weeks, I went back later, ah same day or a couple of nights later and you could see all these different foreign names that were on the headstones. You go back now that most of the, the third row isn't there and there are English names other than these two Czech, Czech guys and one of them is definitely a pilot.
and that's one of the latest videos that I put up. I think I've put it on the charts. I'm walking past and I'm pointing the camera and I'm reading the name at every single, like it was doing a school register. So what, how How does that happen? What's, what is that all about? The more I research it, the weirder it gets. If I had just left it, I'd be like, yeah, I spoke to someone that I don't think was a real human. And then we look back in the video, he weren't there. Some people could see him. Some people couldn't see him. Some people couldn't see or hear him. I had a conversation with him.
And then it was like, and now he's got an orange ball materialized in front of his face. It looks like burning fire. And these gravestones have appeared with different names on them. The names have changed and all these other headstones have vanished. But then if you do it frame by frame, it's gone from a normal person to something that's being disguised. And when I initially walked away from him and reality kicked in, I first thing I got into my head was I've just spoke to the devil.
And it was that horrible gut feeling again was what? And I turned around quick and there's no one there. He wasn't on the bench. He'd gone. And I was only about about 40 foot away, about 15 yards.
No, no, thank you. It's mad. I mean, like I got goosebumps when I first say you're talking about it at the, at the, uh, beautiful, um, watching the video and I've watched back.
Cause you've got like a video where you sort of edited. ah Yeah. So I've got the folks, I've got a video. So what I used to do was when I got investigating, I'd do it for, excuse me, from leaving my door, leaving the house at Mark R. Richard, pick me up.
because I was carrying all the equipment. They picked me up and I'd film it. I'd film was driving there. See, just so you know that there's no, nothing set up, no gimmicks, no. Do you know what I mean? It was what you see is what you get. If we get anything great, if we don't, send that out. Do you know what I mean?
exactly and then all the way back to the house and then i'd end it when i was back at the front door so i've cut that right down so i've cut it down from where it was at the first place then i've cut out was traveling from point a to point b and then just after and then the bits the other bits after in the cemetery until it ends so i've cut it right down from like two hours 20 to like one hour 10 so while over an hour of nothing And then I've done it where I've gone back and I filmed it. And I'm like, ah but I've gone back with different people. This is around about quarter past nine with the same camera. I've i've still got that phone that I use then. It's Samsung Note 10 plus. I use it now for filming.
So, same camera, same handheld, same torch, everything the same, even dressing in the same clothes. And we cannot recreate that no matter what.
we've tried it with different equipment you cannot get that glow in front of the face if his face so he had his phone in his hand and his lap in his right hand and he was looking at me like that that side of his face would have lit up but it's like that side ah if you zoom right into his face he's got like a nose comes down like that and his chin comes up to the point and if you look at some of the old images of the devil that's what he looks like like a witchy type thing Wow. And I didn't see that till about 12 months after it happened. And I think I've just spoke to the devil. That was the impression I got from it. But it wasn't negative, but it kind of like, do you want to do the glamour in? It felt like, I felt like it had been drawn in and I'm having this conversation. It's like,
Do you know what I mean? Like when we started talking, we met and we get on and we're having, we're trying to talk about everything all at once. It was like that. And then you come out of it and it's like, oh yeah, it's top guy blah, blah, blah. But with this, it was like, you come out of it, it's like, shit, that wasn't normal.
Yeah, that's mad. And I urge everyone to watch that video because it's absolutely amazing. If you've gone to my challenges typing bench guy, like I said, the first one was three years ago in April. So April 2021.
Um, anyone, any of them named bench guy, it will give you the details. It's me going back numerous times, different days, different equipment. I even go and sit on the bench on my own, where he was sat hoping it triggers something. Not getting nothing, nothing.
crazy nothing at all it's mad crazy so yeah make sure you check out uh that video so what took us through the different podcasts that you have and when uh viewers are watching oh right so i've done the well i've gone for all the different names as you do through youtube and facebook because when you create a channel you have to give it a name and they won't let you do it unless you put a name to it, so it's like, I've got a finger somewhere. I've come up with this name, it's called the paranormal with the original one. They changed a few times and it's called the unknown. Then I stopped choosing my real surname just because I have another Facebook account with that name, my real surname on it. I didn't want to associate what I do with YouTube with all like personal family and friends going out, holidays, Christmas, all that kind of stuff. I thought, all right, create another Facebook account.
But I like the word code. So it's like, Oh, I'll be Andy codes. Then I spoke to my cousin, the one that you met. And he's like, why don't you do like Andy decodes like decoding? Ah, yeah. So that's where that comes from. So then it was decodes for a while. Then.
I was in contact with a guy from Whippishaw and he has this. This is an alien in a jar. I don't know if you can see it. It's something like a sticky pad. He said about it. He sent me some photos. he said If you want it, it's yours. Make me an offer. So I made them offer accepted the amount a few weeks later I went up and got it and since then it's like that's what I need to do we have to give it a name so it was like we got the name Nate was doing an investigation up in Staley Bridge and Nate the name Nate the final kept coming up. So that's they come from so it's like perfect alienate alienate
So instead of the name name, change it to the number 8, if you flip the number 8 on its side, it's the same as, I don't know if you can see it, the infinity sign, which is also the construction for DNA.
And if you go back to what we're kind of being told now about humans and aliens, it's a DNA construction that we've got alien DNA. So that's oops. That's where I got alien eight from. So then about the domains, alienai dot u k alien Nate and eight. And we've got Andy decodes under dash codes as well.
So yeah, I just thought buy them all and then decide what I'm going to do with them. So going back to the question, it was like, right, put everything under it. So all the, because I do all the editing and making the videos and all the production side of it myself. So hours and hours of learning and, um, I enjoy it and I'm not learning as much because I've got to the point where I'm just learning the updates of it all.
Like it's all right, but I like the learning part of it. It's great. It's like when you find someone's oh, oh my God, it does that. It's like when you're doing the video production. Yeah. So, um, so do have a couple of co-hosts and that, but I do all the background stuff, everything, the arranging, the going out, the paranormal road trip and all that kind of stuff.
And so I thought, right. It's all right doing the paranormal, but I kind of wanna cause I was like, as you know, I like to have a laugh and I do take it serious, but I think if you take it too serious, it becomes robotic. Yeah. needs after that Have a laugh about, have a laugh doing it. You can still take it serious and laugh about it at the same time. And I think I'm allowed to do that because of the encounters that I've had that I've just spoke about.
If you don't laugh at it, you're going to let it bother you for the rest of your life. And you're never ever going to move on from it. yeah So you have, you have to look at it, and laugh at it and go, do you know what up yours? This is what I'm doing. Because you're just going to let it take over. I don't know people that that's happened to. And it is a shame because you just need to, turn you do need to turn it around and just go, yeah. I'm.
It happened to me. I'm in charge sort of thing. Yeah. So that's why I do it like that. And then he's just got to a point where I thought, you know what, I need to step not a step away, but mute like sidestep from the paranormal and do other like podcast stuff. So that's where the one where, so I do one with Tommy because we won't talk about goals. So Tommy does a podcast call. Let's get freaky.
top guy absolutely brilliant guy you need to get him on air you are absolutely buzz honestly you're really well and so we come on we just talked about anything and as a mum as his mum point because she watches she goes it's like watching loose women male version of these women or I don't know if that's a compliment or not How offended shall I be? So we we just have a laugh at every like current affairs and everything that's going on and stuff that we've done. that Kind of like taking the mickey out of ourselves. Then on a Wednesday, do eerie encounters, which is, we do more of, we talk about, we get the viewers to give us some subjects to talk about, some topics, and we'll and concentrate on that. And then we're getting people to,
sending their encounters and they can either read them out or they can send a video no more than two minutes long like a video message talking about it or just a vice note and we can play it can change devices do whatever change their names people what stay anonymous then Friday which is just alienate UK which is the main channel the original channel and then do that Monday face that's more because obviously that Monday face can the reason I chose that name is because depending what you're doing like usually that Monday face up got a little to work and it's a like can't be bothered type of face oh oh I'm going to the Bahamas for two weeks on holiday
You know what I mean? There's exactly so many different Monday faces. So that's why I chose that. And that's non-paranormal. That's just talking about what hobbyists are, work that people do, and all that kind of stuff. Just talking about what they want to talk about. Two things that I won't talk about on that. Politics and religion. Anything else goes. So if anyone wants to come and chat, just give me a shout. So that that's Monday. So everything's kind of been on hold while I've done this road trip.
And then me and the Mrs. Beckett, we're doing one called that him and her podcast. And it's kind of like an insight into just us being us and the stupid things that she says and does. I mean, as well.

Podcasting Adventures and Social Media Presence

And we've not started that one yet. We're going to start, we're supposed to start last week, but we're going to have to leave it till this week. Just been busy. So there's five different podcasts that we're doing. Wow.
And it's easier than doing a website print that way. Yeah. Well, I guess I'm going to go to talking. Talking's good. Yeah. So, and it's like I was saying as well, it used to be, one used to be two hours, one was 60 minutes.
And it's like, each one was different for, do you know what? Forget scrap all that, but every one 90 minutes, then we know it doesn't matter which one we're doing. It's 90 minutes. Don't matter if we go under or go over by a few minutes, but we know the knockoff time 90 and it's done then. I just love doing it. Just enjoy it. And it's nice to have a laugh and it's like,
like yourself to talk about stuff and even like people that not into paranormal they'll go oh but i did have this one thing that happened to me so it will come on the other show then and it triggers it's like oh all that rubbish that you talk about yeah blah bla but then she says in the next sentence it's i was in that hotel and then that buging on us on it well it's either something or nothing like ah yeah yeah yeah cool and so we've just approached that 90-minute mark yes I was just looking then this one here so cool yes aware you sort of mentioned it but where's the best place to find right so you can get me on link tree all my
platforms are on there. It's dead easy to remember. It's that easy. I can't remember. So it's, it's L I N K T R dot E E forward slash alienate UK. But if you type alienate UK on Instagram, tick tock, Facebook, YouTube, um,
so i'm just looking uh... face book group they're all on that even pop over on podcast now so than the first podcast that's out on spotify and it'll be on apple podcast as of next week so run all the android devices at the moment tune in stitcher uh... uh... all them are these i don't even know these too many but once it goes on to apple it'll go on cast box and all the apple related podcast players so i was gonna backlog some of the other ones but i thought no i'm not wouldn't have been happy for them to go out as a podcast because i don't think that they was at the right place to be podcasts and i thought what happened with youtube and that i thought right new chapter new start right let's start the podcast from now so the there's only one on there and that's from friday
but all the audio podcasts that I'm going to be doing are going to go on now from whichever podcast whether it's a paranormal, me and the missus, me and Tommy, the encounters, whichever one.

Conclusion and Listener Engagement

Nice one. Well, yeah, cheers Andy for coming on. yes like always Always, always fun catching up with you. It is, it's good. It's always entertaining. Thank you for asking me. And it's great to meet up with you. ever If anyone ever gets a chance and Ash says, do you want to come on an investigation with me? Say yes, because you will not regret it.
So I get some absolute crazy shit happening. I've not actually talked about the podcast yet. I'm not up to talking about that properly. Yeah. Well, if you want any of the footage in that, then I can send it to you. So I'm in the middle of doing all that at the moment, so it's all good. Nice one. Well, thank you very much, Andy. Have a great rest of the week and we will speak soon and cheers everyone for listening and I'll see you same place next week.
Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with Ash Ellis, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time, and until then, stay weird.