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Arc 1 - Episode 2 - Horrors Beyond Comprehension image

Arc 1 - Episode 2 - Horrors Beyond Comprehension

S1 E2 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
182 Plays1 year ago

The crew decides to split up and race to the end of the dungeon! who will win, Bruce and Sammy? Maybe Hikaru and Walter. Im sure there's nothing strange at the end of the dungeon, right? Right..?

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax


Introduction and Humorous Segue

get like they had a war on like emus or something and the emus ended up winning I have no idea I'm gonna look this up no not right now I have to look this up now yeah let's get to the show emus let's go don't stop talking about Australia
Ah, the Emu War, also known as the Great Emu War, was... He's gone down the road. Wasn't his wildlife management a military operation undertaken in Australia over the later part of 1932.

Show Introduction and Pumpkin Pie Disdain

Hello, everybody, and welcome to Apache Time. I'm Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and sitting to my left is somebody who hates pumpkin pie. Explain yourself. It's me, Evelyn. I... I hate pumpkin pie? Oh, yeah. I hate pumpkin pie. Pumpkins are not meant to be put in pies. And... Yeah, there's no sarcasm there.
Yeah. And sitting across from me is someone who can shred on the violin. Yeah, that's me. Totally Eli. Great violin. Definitely my strings are my thing, you know? And sitting next to me on my left is someone who never has to come up with an intro line.
It's me. It's so great. How you doing? I'm Sean. So you say that he doesn't have to come up with an intro line, which is true, but you know what he does have to do? Give us the recap! Bring it on back!

Episode Recap: Battles and Characters

All right, so last timeline of Path Through Time. We flew in to the city. Is it a city or just a town? The location of Gale Beach. And we went to the school where we met our three young high school age protagonists of Hikaru the Pikachu, Bruce the Cinequil, Sammy the Munchlax, and Walter the Riolu.
He's not one of the three, but also is there. Starting us off, Eli's character, Bruce, did a test. And he was asleep during class. Shame on you. And then he went to lunch, met up with his friends. It's the last day of school. They have, I think, one more class left. And they go to said class.
We do a few battles.

Dungeon Adventure Begins

Caro and Bruce's battle does not go well because neither of them can land a hit on each other. And then Sammy fights Riolu and just kills him, basically. He runs into him so hard he is knocked out into the next dimension. Basically. With like 2 HP?
Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think you have two HP left after it. After all is said and done. And then after the battles, their teacher, Mr. Dr. Sumo, is like, all right, I'm going to send you guys into this dungeon. There's something I need you to get for me.

Character Stats: Sammy's Strengths and Weaknesses

And we divvied up the party. Foolishly, on the first episode, that's where we ended. So that's a good recap. I'm going to give you a B.
Could have been better, a bit rushed, but it was a good recap. Now, uh, one thing I noticed last episode is the entire episode, Sean was trying to give us, uh, Sammy's stats and I kept pushing him under the bus by accident. So if you, if you want to, you can, uh, share to the class, all your stats and all the numbers for all those numbers peoples out there. Okay. Where are my numbers? Oh yes. And the thing.
So Amy's kind of busted, we found out last episode. Got a HP of 35, attack 13, defense of 12, special attack at 9, special defense of 10, and speed of 6. Does not go very fast, but he makes up for it in everything else except the special attack. I think the reason you're so buff is because you have no speed stat. So it's distributed into everything else. Yeah.
So instead of making Sami a statue, instead of making Sami a statue, he can walk a bit. He's just a stone statue. My human stats, he has a cool of two, smart of zero, beauty of zero, and tough of one. All right. So yeah, that's a good summary. Do you guys have anything else?
I will take that as I know. All right. Let's dive on

Dungeon Exploration and Team Split

back in. So Mr. Dr. Sumo was gesturing towards the forest and you guys decide to just split up into two teams. And can you remind me who was going with who again? Yeah. And Hikaru went with what's his name? Walter. So I need you both to roll d20. Whoever rolls highest is going to go first.
I'm going to have Walter roll, so I'm going to, everyone roll a d20, add it up for your team, and I'm going to have Walter roll a d20. I got 16. Okay, got a 13. Walter got an 11, so that's 37. Yeah, 16 plus 11, 37. 27.
Yeah, Sammy and Bruce have a total of 17. Oh jeez, okay. So, Walter and Hikaru are going to enter the forest first.

Encounter and Battle with Weedle

It's time for everyone's favorite game. I need you guys to... Hikaru, you're going first? So, why don't you roll me a D4? D4. I got a 2. Alright, and with a 2, I have to pull up my documents.
because I am unprepared. With a 2, you look around you and you're in a dimly lit forest with trees surrounding you with dirt paths stretching off into the distance.
There's spots of light on the ground. It's very dim, not very lightly. It's not very bright. You can't see too far ahead of you, but with a two view, Walter kind of just meander on, nothing's really happening. All right, either Sammy or Bruce, give me a roll. The D-24 or Eli, whoever you are.
I rolled a two. I rolled a six. Okay. With a two, you guys catch right up to Hikaru and Walter. And once again, you look around. There is nothing really there. You see the exact same things I just described. It's very leafy for us, but there's nothing really to see. Hikaru, your turn. Yeah.
What's the name of this dungeon by any chance? I didn't give this dungeon a name. What do you guys think a leafy forest would be called? You know, actually I got a name. It's called the Leafy Forest. Leafy Forest. Maybe Broadleaf Forest. Broadleaf Forest? That's a bit more creative than where I had. We'll go with that. With that, I rolled a four.
Okay, and with a four, you guys, you guys move for two spaces, and you guys can either continue on straight or you can turn right. I say right. Okay, so you and Walter take two more steps to the right, and on the ground, you guys see, I don't know, what do you guys see? So, you guys, here's some rustling to your left.
There's a bush that's shaking and Walter points at it and is like, hey, Carter, look, what's going on in there? And he like walks over to the bush and a, a needle jumps on his face. And it is time for you guys to get it off of me and you guys are going to roll initiative. All right. Uh, wait, so my speed is nine. Okay. So I'm going to roll a 10.
Two. Okay, so what did you get? Got a two. Okay, uh, Walter got a five and the Weedle, Weedle got a six. So Weedle's,

Unexpected Battle with Eren

Weedle's gonna go first, then Walter, and then Hikaru. Is that correct? Yeah, okay. A quick attack's gonna be useful here.
Okay so the Weedle having the jump on you guys goes ahead and uses a string shot. Now, string shot? First let me see if it hits. With a 5 it will not hit. So it like jumps on Walter and it attempts to use a string shot and it shoots right past and there's a patch of sticky webs on the ground. It's now
is now Walter's turn and Walter is going to go ahead and use metal claw if that's something he can use metal claw is in fact something he can use he's going to roll for that and he rolled a six he actually misses
So, there's a giant caterpillar on his face, and she's like, scrabbling at it, trying to get it off his face. He manages to grab it, and he just puts it back, not exactly puts it back down there, but he throws it on the ground, and it doesn't exactly get a chance to attack it. Chikaru is up. Should I reset my attack from the last battle? Yeah, after you exit battle, all of your temporary stats get reset. Okay. The first stat changes.
done okay so I'm gonna go for quick attack okay and what do I need to roll roll a d20 let's see if it hits or not I got a 9 of that it's a 6 so that'll hit yep that'll hit and damage is 1d8 plus 6 so
Seven plus six is 13. It's a physical attack, so plus my attack is, what is that? 13 plus eight, 21, minus your defense, and it is normal type. Okay, 21. That is going to deal 12 damage. And you smack this thing. Actually, no, flavor me. How exactly do you smack this thing with a quick attack?
Yeah. So, so I kind of just

Observing Battle Strategies

like jump, like charge toward it as fast as possible on all fours. And I, I just like smack it with my face. Just headbutting it. Uh, I believe, uh, quick attack has an effect. Can you tell me what that is? Yeah. So wrapped a text. So next turn I go first.
Oh, actually that's perfect. Because you were the last of the Turner Door, the turn is now reset, which means it is once again your turn. Woohoo! That's cool. Alright, so maybe I'll go for Thunder Shock. Okay. That's special. And that's a 12. That'll hit 2. Yup. Roll an 8. Roll a d8. Or...
Plus 6 is 10. Plus my special attack, that's 19. And how is the electric matchup against Bug? I think it's neutral. I can look it up real quick, but I'm quite certain it's neutral. Alright. Let me confirm that real quick. Yeah, it's neutral.
But even with neutral you do manage to knock it out explain to me how exactly you knock it out Yeah, so so I'm still like I'm still like on top of it almost or like I just I just knocked into it with my face and so now like I'm standing in front of it in front of the wheedle and and like my cheeks charge up and
And like an entire my entire body just like electricity comes out and and a lightning bolt hits the wheedle. Like just arcs through the air and hits it. So the wheedle is absolutely charred. It is not getting up for a while. And you guys are free to move on. But it is now Sammy. Sammy wins his turn. Wait, do we get any experience?
I'm glad you brought that up. You do. Let me calculate that. After all is said and done, Walter is terrified. He doesn't like bugs. He is standing over on the side of the path, like panting, basically, looking away from the bug and you guys are going to get 10 experience each. 10 each. All right. He resists bugs, though. I don't think he ever got attacked. All right.
yeah that wheedle wasn't able to do any damage to us no i'm just saying if he's afraid of bugs but he also resists bugs okay well not very effective against bugs yeah i think fighting a bug is one of those type matchups that are uh mutually resistant to each other yeah mutually resist that's a good word for it oh yeah you're right that's true
So Hikaru, you have 460 XP? Right, okay. Hey, uh, real quick note, did... Oh no, you didn't. The battles from last time weren't...
Consist wouldn't give any XP because you didn't knock anyone out. So I think I know I didn't knock about nevermind No, no, no because Walter actually lived through the experience. No You did not in fact kill Walter Okay, uh, I hear Nobel I
No, Belle. He's a scrappy little dog. Right. It is either Eli or Sean. Give me a d4. You want this one? I rolled a 1. OK. With a 1, I got a roll. Roll a dice. You guys are going to walk forward. And on the ground, you see 140 poke. Nice.
for both of us or split between us? Oh, total. You guys can split that up how you want. I'm assuming you guys are going to split it up equally, but I don't know you guys well enough for that. So if Sammy wants to just take all the money for himself. Oh, we can split it. That's what I figured you guys would do. Real quick, Hikaru has 460 XP right now, right?
Okay. Alright. Uh, alright. Yeah, Walter and Hikash should have the same amount of expo as just confirming that. Alright, Evelyn, can you give me another d4? Another d4, here we go. Um... One. And with a one. You will win. A one train. Take one step forward. Oh my god, are you serious? Okay. And...
or the same way you see something on the ground it's like very it's like a rock but it's really shiny could it be a like a gravel rock is it money are you gonna enter are you gonna try and interact with it
Yeah, yeah, we'll pick it up and find out. Okay, so as you go to pick this shiny rock up, suddenly it gets up and moves and turns around, and you see it's an Eren, who is very angry that you just now disturbed its sleep. Oh. Oh. A wild Eren appeared. Yeah, basically. You guys, um, uh, tried- Okay, so it is time, once again, to roll initiative.
Roll initiative, okay. I rolled a four. A four? Okay, Eren also rolled a four. And Walter rolled a three. So I'm gonna have, so in a tie, the defender wins. So it's gonna go Eren, Chikaru, Walter.
As you guys wake up this Eren, it's going to turn around and...

Eren Defeated Through Teamwork

Which one of you guys was closest to the Eren? I think it was me. Okay, so it's going to turn around and immediately slash at you as a metal clone.
It turns around, but because it just woke up, it's really drowsy and isn't able to see you clearly. It turns around, you jump back, and you are now staring at an angry Eren. It is now Hikaru's turn. Okay. Yeah, so Hikaru is gonna go for... I think Steel resists Normal, so... It does. It does it.
It does, okay. So I'm gonna go for definitely an electric type move. I'll use Thunder Shock. Okay. And I got a 7 that beats a 6. That'll hit. 1d8 plus 6. Or a 6, it's 10. Plus my special attack, 9. 19. Okay.
With a 19 you are going to deal 13 damage We'll find out if I paralyze it too. Oh, yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's right. All right, if you will 19 or 20 it paralyzes I Did not okay? All right, so describe to me how you do almost exactly half of this house Okay, so so so Hikaru uses
charges up electric, um, charges up her cheeks, um, and electricity just shoots out of, shoots out of her body, and it's the Aran. And it's a particularly strong electric, uh, electric bolt, uh, thunderbolt. So it just leaves Aran at half HP.
Walter sees that and he invigorated by the by battle he rushes in and tries to go for a quick attack which going to it is going to hit by a wide margin so with a quick attack he is going to roll damage and it is going to do oh my god it's going to do
25 damage minus its offense divided by yes divided by two correct wait actually it's divided by four wait a minute it's it's steel rock i think electric isn't effective against rock yes it is it's neutral is it okay is it neutral on the ground steel is not being effective on electric electric is neutral to steel
oh yeah okay yep okay uh yeah it's just perfectly neutral so walter's gonna go in for a quick attack and it's going to do one fourth damage so 25 divided by four is what eight uh eight rounded down so it's gonna can someone confirm uh six 25 divided by four is six yeah six sorry okay so it's going to deal six damage
And it knocked Eren back further down the path, like a good 5 or 6 feet. And Walter is now at the top of the initiative order. Which means Walter is going to go... I did. Wait, no I didn't. No I didn't. Okay, let me rephrase this. So, Walter runs up to this Eren, and he smacks it, and it does nothing.
He deals one damage. It does. How much is Eren's defense? Eren's defense is 16. 25. I don't think I'm supposed to tell you that, but since it's like a really minor battle. It's still not one damage. Yeah, so it should have done two damage. Two damage. Right. It's six minus 16, which is negative 10.
Yeah, you reduce the, you subtract the defense before you divide it by four. Oh, interesting. Okay. Uh, that's not how I thought that worked. Thank you for reminding me. So that would be nine. Yeah. Yeah. So two. Okay, cool. So that'll, it still does like next to nothing. You see a little bit of polish chip off of Aaron's nose.
And it does basically next to nothing. But Walter is now up and close in Aaron's face and it is actually his turn again due to Quick Attack. So he is going to see that this did pretty much nothing and he's going to go for... He's gonna go for... He's gonna go for Faint. Faint. What type is that?
are also normal normal that's just what the dice rolls up so it's actually gonna miss so he gets up close in Aaron's face but he loses balance and falls over and that brings it up to I believe Aaron's turn it is Aaron's turn so Aaron is going to go for no
He's going to go for Metal Claw on Walter because he is now prone. So with him, with a stop, stop, cooperate. With a 17, that's definitely going to hit. He's going to do 1d8 plus 8, which is a good 12 damage plus his attack, which is 13.
So that's going to do 25 damage minus Walter's defense. So that's going to deal 15 damage to Walter. So Walter is prone and Eren lashes around and digs his claws into Walter's back and is now standing on Walter. He's now he cut his tongue.
Alright. Umm... okay. I am gonna go for... huh. I'm gonna go for Thunder Shock again. Okay. I rolled a 17. That'll hit. Oh, that'll definitely hit. Umm... d8 plus... 11 plus my attack. No, special attack, 9. So that's a 20.
20 total? Yeah. Okay. Ooh, that's really close. So, how exactly does this Thunder Shock work? Is it any different than the last one? Yeah, so it's 20 minus your Defense. Special Defense. I did 14 damage. 14 damage, okay. So, same as she always does, just...
Um, just like shoots a lightning bolt out of her body, her cheeks charge up, and her entire body just like glows with electricity. And like lightning comes out, arcs through the air, hits the air, and um... And her electric-type move. Yeah, miraculously doesn't hit Bruce, or no. Uh, Walter.
Hold on, wait, it actually doesn't hit Walter because Eren is standing on top of Walter and if I know anything of electricity is that it travels to ground? Which... which is through Walter? Okay, Walter is definitely gonna take damage from this. So how much damage did you roll after everything was said and done? Because he's gonna take half of that. Oh. Uh, I think I rolled a...
I think it was 20. 20, yeah. Okay, so luckily Aaron has... Okay, so 20 to... So yeah, you hit Walter and as well as the Aaron and you see the classic cartoon, all his bones are showing as he zapped him and he's not having a fun time.
Walter is now down to 5 HP. He's not having a fun time. Oh man, what did I do? He zapped by his friends. Okay, so it is now actually Walter's turn. He's going to... He's going to push the air off of him. He's going to jump back. But you can see in his face, he is winded. He is not doing good. And he is going to go for...
He's just going to try and finish this off. He's going to go for a Metal Claw. I've got to remember what the effectiveness is for Steel on Steel. Let's see... Steel on... Well, Steel beats... Rock. Okay, Steel is normally effective against Eren, because Steel beats Rock, but I guess Steel is actually neutral. So Steel against Steel is resisted. But Steel against Rock is double, so it cancels out to neutral.
Okay. Oh, that's a 19. Okay, so enraged by the fact that everything in the forest is out to kill him. He rages towards this heroine and smacks it in his face, dealing a number of damage, which I must see. Oh crap, he does carve apparently.
He rolls max damage with 19 damage. I thought you guys were friends. I'm sorry. So that is definitely going to knock it out, but I want to see how much. That's a physical move. Wait, hold on. Okay, yeah, that still does 13 damage. So that Eren is knocked out cold.
And you guys are going to receive another 10 experiments each. All right. That's 10. That is not enough to level me up. I accidentally added 10 to Walter's level instead. Oops. That's a lot of experience like I just got.
Dude, Walter, it's beefy. Okay. So now that we spent like 40 minutes with Hikaru and Walter, let's have another five seconds with Sammy and Bruce then. Yeah.
Hello, and thank you for listening to this episode of Mr. Dungeon, A Path for Time. If you enjoyed listening to our podcast, please consider joining the Discord, which will be linked below. I am new to podcasting and DMing, so as time goes on, things will get better, but in this beginning phase, things may take time to warm up. With that being said, this will be the part of the midsection where we ask the audience for the question of the episode, where we take questions about the podcast from the Discord and read and answer them here.
However, it is being recorded before the release of the podcast, so until then, leave your questions in the Discord, and the best and most interesting questions will get answered. Thank you to Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon for the song, Serene Village. Thank you to Go Check City for the song, Pokemon Center Theme Lo-Fi Remix. Thank you to The Zame for the songs, Dreamyard Remastered from Pokemon Black and White, and Battle Wild Pokemon Unova Remastered from Black and White.
Thank you to the Daniel Pemberton TV Orchestra for the song, Rise in the Wind. And thank you to Andrew for the world and system using this podcast, for without him, this show would not exist. Now back to the show.

Navigating Dungeon Obstacles

All right, it's a 3-4. You got a 4. Oh, nice. So with a 4, you actually overtake
You overtake Hikaru and Walter. Do you guys say anything as you pass or are you just rushing on by? Don't we get the option of going straight or turning right? I thought you guys said you were turning right. We didn't make it to the turn yet. I guess I just forgot to mention it last time because you guys are sitting on the intersection. You guys can continue straight or turn right. Right.
I kinda wanna go straight. Oh, yeah, we'll go straight then, that's fine. Unless you wanna go right. That's fine. Oh, you guys are turning right? Now we're going straight! Yeah, we're going straight. Okay. So you guys rolled a four, right? Yeah, we did. You guys go forward two spaces and you can only turn right. As you guys turn right, you move forward one more space and it is a dead end. This was a trick. Is there anything on the ground? There is not.
You guys can turn around and head back one more space. Yeah, let's do that. I guess we do. And there's your five seconds of fame. All right. All right. All right. All right. Wow, OK. So our turn? Yeah. Is there, are we at a fork in the dungeon right now?
no what uh sorry i forgot what you guys were mutated as on my map no you guys are not at an intersection
All right. Based on what I heard, overheard over there, it seems like a good idea to continue straight. I'm just saying. Yeah, you can either continue straight or head back to the entrance. Those are your two options. Yeah, I don't know about that. That's an option, I guess. I know, top choice. All right, I rolled a three.
Okay, with the three, you guys move forward three spaces and you see a blue thing on the ground. Walter bends over to pick it up and he has an Oranberry. Nice. He puts it in his pockets, question mark. Do you guys have like bags or anything? I think we just have one held item slot.
Okay. Yeah. You guys have one held item slot and Walter is, I don't know the carrying that I said. I would say he should eat it now. No, it's not. Yeah, actually I was, uh, literally about to say that actually. So Walter picks up this Oran bear in the grass. I got perfect timing and he pops in his mouth to do. I forget what an Oran bear does. I think it's a D eight health. That's just a flat D eight. Let me see.
That's an orange gummy. Orange berry. Yeah, just a D8. So that is going to heal him. Or... It was a really dirty hornberry. It healed him for 2 HP. Oh man. So he's up to 7 health. Alright, it is now back to Sammy and... Not he caught it. Sammy and Bruce. That's 3.
Oh, nice. So with us to read you guys move forward and there is nothing on the ground. Nothing around you. Oh, absolutely nothing but dirt road and silence. Good progress. Yay. I gotta say you guys are not having much happen. Nope.
Nope, we found some cash in the ground to couple of steps ago and that's all we've seen. Oh, I forgot to move Hikaru forward on the map. Oops, that's not bad. Okay, Hikaru is back to you again. All right, okay. Roll again. Four! Oh, nice. So you take two steps forward and you see the end of the dungeon.
okay well so you want to reach the end of the dungeon and I'm actually gonna ask Shawn and you like to leave the call for a minute okay okay I'll message you definitely us huh we can just deafen and then you can tell it or put in chat I mean it's the same thing you have to leave deafening yourselves whatever you want to do
Okay, I'll see you in a bit. Okay. Okay, whatever. Okay, so, as you step out of the clearing, you feel sheer panic run through your entire body. I need you to roll me perception and constitution. Okay, perception is beauty. Two plus four. No, plus my two is four.
And Constitution is... What is Constitution? Let me look that up real quick. I don't see it in here. Just roll me a d20 for Constitution then. Nat 1. Okay. So you roll the 4 for Perception and a Nat 1 for Constitution, correct? Yeah. So before we get to what you see,
We're gonna go to what Walter does. Walter actually rolled high for both of his rolls and you look over to Walter and he absolutely freezes up. But he's looking over to the dead center of the clearing and whatever he is seeing is gonna change him forever.
You see a look of absolute sheer horror on his face. And as if he were being controlled by a puppet, he starts to walk forwards. No emotions on his face except for sheer horror. He steps forward, reaches his arms out, and then collapses on the ground. You have one thought and one thought only. Run. Run. So I just run back into the dungeon?
You can either run back into the dungeon, you can run back anywhere else. Okay, I'm going to run back into the dungeon. As you run back into the dungeon, I'm going to... I'm not going to make you run through the dungeon again. I'm going to have you leave the call, and I'm going to have Sami and Eli join the back. And you guys can roll me another d4. That's three. Alright, with a three, you guys are going to walk forward and
oh shit okay well uh well that's just boring you guys walk forward three spaces and you you wouldn't believe what you're gonna see you see nothing again nothing absolutely nothing rolling in other dice just landing at all your blank spaces yeah you guys have hit like almost every blank space move through everything
rolled another three. Okay and with a three you guys walk for three spaces and you see a collapsed Eren on the side of the path. Then we kick it for some experience. Kickerball is down. Do you really want to kick it? Nah.
It's like they've already been through here. So yeah, you guys see the collapsed body of an Eren on the side of the road and it is pretty clear to you that Hikaru and you assume Hikaru and Walter have been through here. That's another dice roll. I rolled again. Oh, right. I got a two already. Oh, perfect. With a two, you guys can see the entrance of the dungeon, but you do not cross it yet.
As you just reach, just reach for it. As you see the entrance of the dungeon, you start to feel panic rise up in your chest. And you don't know why, both of you. I mean, on the ground you do see 110 poke apparently, so. I don't know if that's what's causing you to panic. We take it. But you guys see 110 poke on the ground. Can we take the money?
I don't think you guys had a single fight this whole dungeon, did you? No, we did not. Yeah, we did win. Okay, I'm not gonna have you guys roll again, because I'm assuming you're not heading back into the dungeon. We get that money. Yeah. Yeah, you guys can split up how you want. You guys split up 55. The only thing we found in that dungeon was money. Yeah, you guys. Some nice trash. Yeah, you guys ran through there and just...
Just got nothing but money. We just came through and took some money. Easy dungeon.

Shocking Discovery: A Tear in Reality

As you guys step out into the clearing, you feel sheer panic run through your entire body. I need both of you to rule me. Perception and constitution. Bruce, we'll start with Bruce. Uh...
Institution is we couldn't find it enough. Just run me a flat 20. I don't think it's in the system for some reason. Yeah, I just had a Evelyn roll a flat 20. OK, let's see. So perception first. Yeah. That said 10 plus 2 is 12. OK.
And Constitution is an 18. Okay, interesting. From the, uh, from the, uh, flat D20. Okay, hold on. Well, we have similar rules. I rolled a 17 for Constitution. A 10 for, uh... Okay, so you guys are actually going to see pretty much the same thing. As you step out into the panic, you feel your heartbeat start to rise.
It is just, for some reason you feel horror as you see Mr. Dr. Sumo kneeling over the body of Walter. He dead? And floating above Walter's body is what you can only describe as a tear in the fabric of time and reality. What? Oh boy. Episode two already, huh?
We run up to Walter. As you get closer to Walter's body, I need you to roll me another constitution saving or a constitution throw with disadvantage. Can I look around for Hikaru instead of running over to Walter? Hikaru's not around. No. Roll me constitution with disadvantage. I was going to not
go over to okay if you're not going to if i can't see the power anyway okay uh what about sammy is sammy doing anything then he's doing nothing i got a one okay with the net one for constitution yeah that was the disadvantage one oh boy all right and if you're not going to get any closer um sammy sammy you sammy has one thought and one thought only
Run And he's gonna get the heck out of here running back through the dungeon or you're gonna run like you can basically run anywhere you want as long as there is a way from this Monstrosity in the center of the clearing. Well, what are we looking at here? Is it like two only two ways only you know one way you can only the dungeon again if you go through the dungeon you guys will just exit basically
I want to get away from that, but not go in the dungeon. OK, you guys do have the option to. You do have the option to run into the forest. This is going to stand there at like the edge of the clearing where like the end of the dungeon was and just like watch and observe. So as you watch and observe. I need you to roll me investigation.
Okay. That is a seven, so seven plus one beat. Okay, so.
You don't see anything new. You still see... Okay, so what you do see is Mr. Dr. Sumo is kneeling over Walter's body, but he also looks over at you with a look of utter confusion. And he sees that you look really panic-stricken. And she sees... Did Sammy run away?
Yeah, Sammy is booking into the forest. OK, so he looks with utter confusion as Bruce is just standing there horror stricken and Sammy just books it straight into the forest. Are you going to be doing anything else, Bruce? No, I think Bruce is just going to be watching this scene play out. See what happens. OK, if it gets dangerous for each instance of time that passes, I will need you to roll Constitution again.
OK. Is running my only option? Can I make it like change my mind and say, hey, I'm going to go see if my friends are OK? With a NAT 1, you have no choice but to run. Your mind is trying to. Your mind has one thought, and it is to get away from whatever that was in the center of the clearing. Yep. So I'm rolling Constitution again, then? Yeah, which it will just be a flat D20.
After I'll send Gunn, I think I'll redo how Constitution is done because I didn't realize there's not a role for a Constitution for some reason. Yeah. I got a 16. Okay. So with a 16, you don't feel any worse. You feel the same. You feel your heartbeat is beating really fast. You feel just horror at what you were seeing. Even though
Mr. Dr. Sumo is over the body of Walter. You don't feel like what you're seeing should give you that much panic. You know that what you are seeing or what is causing your utter horror is that thing in the center of the clearing. And you have the sense that you can get closer to it without getting any worse. OK. I'm going to slowly walk closer then. OK.
This is where it gets fun. How close are you getting to the thing? As close as I can get without feeling more panic. Okay, so you're basically standing right next to it. Next to the body of Walter.
and you look over at Mr. Dr. Sumo, you can see he is trying to call your name or what you assume is your name. You see his mouth moving, but there is no sound coming. All you can hear is silence, dead silence. As you look into this thing, it is this white tear in space-time reality. You look inside and what you see horrifies you.
As you look inside, you try to understand what you are seeing. You see all possibilities of infinity. In their entirety, you see the true meaning of life and death. What you are currently understanding your mind cannot perceive and you immediately start to feel just utter horror and shock and panic as your mind tries to shut itself down.
You can either run away or stay where you are. That is your two options. I'm going to turn away from the thing and try to focus on Dr. Mr. Sumo. As you turn away, you're not running away from it at all? That's what you're saying? Yeah. As you turn to look towards Mr. Dr. Sumo,
your mind is trying one thing is to forget what you have just seen in the last ditch effort of self-preservation your mind completely shuts itself down and you fall unconscious interesting yeah no uh so sammy what are you doing what am i doing good question said i had no choice but to run currently you have no choice but to run how far have you run so far do you think it
A bit. Okay. Uh, I'm not saying you ran for like a good 30 ish seconds. You're probably like 200, 200 ish feet away. I don't know. You're a decent bit away. The panic in your chest starts to fade and you can start to under, uh, you can start to comprehend what happened. Hmm. What does Sam begin to try and do about the situation?
Once he's calmed down, he tries to figure out what's going on. Probably try to approach it more. Follow Bruce, see what he's doing. Overall, what the heck is going on?
So as you try and approach, you're turning around and approaching it because I'm gonna say the clearing is like uh over a hill it's like barely out of reach but if you walked back like a good another 50 feet you'd probably be able to see the edges of the clearing. Okay. As you start to approach you can start to feel your heartbeat rising again slowly. Not as bad as it was when you first initially entered the clearing but you can feel like you can feel it
whatever that is. As you get closer, you can see into clearing. Roll me perception. Got a two. Okay. With a two, you see nothing but blinding whiteness as you start to feel panic rising in your chest again. But for sure, what you can't see is Bruce, Chicaru, or Walter.
I don't know. You sucked into the void? Is Mr. Dr. Sumo still there? No. He's not there either. I will let the void consume me. You're gonna try and approach it? Yeah. Everyone else is gone. I guess I have- The only thing that Sammy can think of is that they went into the void and they need to come- They need help getting back. Okay, so as you approach, I need you to rule me constitution again.
which is a flat detour now. It's a three. Okay, as you approach this thing, the just sheer and utter panic in your brain starts to overwhelm you. And, but you keep approaching it. And it comes to a point where you can no longer move forward. You just feel utter, dark, horror, panic as you start to fall into unconsciousness.
And now I'm gonna call Evelyn back into the call.

Nurse's Office: Piecing Together Memories

As you guys come to consciousness again, you guys wake up and look around. You guys are in the school's nurse office.
all four of you are laying like on improvised stretchers there's only three beds in there like hospital beds almost I'm gonna say this place has like hospital beds but Walter's laying on the counter it seems like he didn't have uh they didn't have another bed for him so they just laid him on the counter he's he hasn't broken up yet and neither has Bruce Bruce is still unconscious but Hikaru and Sammy have broken up
Well, what happened to Hikaru?

Sharing Fragmented Memories with Mr. Dr. Sumo

I just ran. Not to push any hits, but you guys could try and discuss it when you're awake. Okay. Um, so Hikaru and Sammy are awake. Uh, you guys can like try and roll perception. You can do whatever you guys want. Okay. I do want to do a perception before we do anything. Okay. Roll me a perception.
Uh, Hikaru, you can roll perception 2 if you want to. Oh, that's a 19. Okay, well, I mean, with an, uh, okay, well, with a 19, both of you can see basically what I just described, where you guys are and stuff, but you also see Mr. Doctor Studio-mo is sitting in the end of the room, he's reading a newspaper.
and he sees that you guys have woken up and he looks up from his paper and he sees that you guys are awake and he starts to approach you. What happened to you guys back there? You guys just approached the apple and you guys just like, what is this weird trance? What happened to you guys?
I have no idea. I just saw something, you fake, blurry in the distance. I just saw you standing over Walter's body and that's it. I tried to run away, but I couldn't get that far. Yeah, you guys like approached the item I had for you guys was an apple with a stamp on it. But you guys like, specifically Walter, he approached it like he was some sort of zombie and you guys, he just fell over in front of the apple.
I don't know what's going on. He is like clearly panicked. And as he said this, Walter and Bruce wake up. And Mr. Dr. Sumo looks over at you two and sees you guys are waking up. It was horrible. It was everything. It was Walter. Every possibility. What? Huh?
He looks at you like, just really confused. He doesn't know what is going on. There was a rift. It was... I don't know. There was a tear in reality. I looked in and there did just everything. Are you okay, Bruce? What are you talking about? It was an apple. Everything?
I don't know what it was. And from behind him, he pulls out an apple and it has the stamp of the school logo on it. You guys like... Oh. Here, he thrusts the apple towards birth. Hold this for a second. So take the apple? Yes. Nothing weird's happening with you at all. Like, why did you guys react to that so weirdly?
I don't know. I just saw Walter laying down in the clearing with you standing over him and there was just this pair of both of you. As you say Walter's name, he shoots up. He was listening to you. He was conscious for a little bit, but he shoots up and he's like, you saw two. Horror was beyond my
And he lays back down and he starts shivering. What did you see? I can't describe it. Things that shouldn't be. Things that can't be. I can't describe it. I can't remember it. It's like a vague memory. Is that what truth is? And you can see he is traumatized, basically.
Mr. Dr. Sumo, uh, looks over you guys and he's like, I, I think you, you guys, are you guys good to like, do you need me to take you guys home? I don't know. How many more classes do I have left? What time is it? School ended like three hours ago. I'm the only one left in the building besides like the janitor. Yeah. Yeah, hours ago.
Yeah, you guys have been out forever. And you guys look at the clock and it's like 5.30 in the afternoon. What? How is my mom not even worried about me yet? Your mom is probably really worried about me. Did the school not... Oh wait, there are no telephones, right? Yeah, about that. I know this is the last name of class, but...
Did you guys like meet me like tomorrow or something here back at the school? I need to know what is going on here. Yeah, sure. Probably a good idea. Yeah, sure. And Walter sits up again, and he helps down off the counters like, all right, guys, I'm heading home. And he just walks out the door. And Mr. Doctor, yeah, he just walks out the door without saying anything.

Planning the Next Meeting to Solve Mysteries

Mr. Dr. Sumo is like, all right, you guys should probably head home. I don't know what that was about, but I suggest you guys like see an actual doctor. The nurse isn't in today. She left a long time ago. But I figured this was probably the best place to take you. Yeah. He liked gestures towards the door, suggesting that you guys leave if you're able to. Are we able to leave? This is Bruce able to leave.
Ah, for fun. Romy... Romy and medicine roll. What is that? I think that's wisdom. That is a...
Oh yeah, Beauty. I'm going off with D&D. Oops. Wow. Okay. I rolled a 21. Oh, s***. It was up and Adam. Oh, I didn't roll. You were... I got our 14 plus 2 for 16. Got a net one there, Chief. Yikes.
Sammy doesn't look like he'll be able to go home at all. I don't know if you know how heavy a munchlax is, but I don't think you guys are going to be able to carry him. Yeah, let's find out just for funsies. Sure, do you guys want to try and pick munchlax up? A munchlax is 231.5 pounds.
Okay, only if you roll a nat 20 will you be able to pick him up. Can't go on. Somebody carry me home. I don't even know what accent I'm doing anymore. I'm so confused and delirious. Bruce is gonna look to Dr. Sumo and say, uh, doesn't look like Sammy can go home on his own. Do you think you could carry him home?
Yeah, I can do that. Sure. Yeah, I can do that. And he walks over to Sam. He's like, can I? Yeah. He picks you up and puts you in like the palm of his hand because he is gigantic. I meant to look like seven foot tall and I'm like two feet. He could just hold me in his hands. Let's see.
he is yeah seven foot seven whoa he's a big man jeez that is a lot taller than using the anime even though he is a really big buff dude he still has trouble picking up um sammy and he like puts you on his shoulder and starts walking out the door i don't exactly know where you live but sure you can give me directions yeah yeah
pizza joint downtown near there. Okay, so he starts he starts heading for the extra building. What do you what are you two doing? I think it's Bruce and he caught or left. Yep, I'm still here. You guys heading home? You guys doing anything? I think we could stay here and talk about what just happened. I don't know if there's any white chatting about it.
Sure. I was thinking Bruce was just gonna head home, but if Ticaro's gonna try to stop him for a chat, he can. Yeah, some bonding time. Yeah. Yeah, bonding time. Bonding time over shared trauma. Yay! What did you see? You don't wanna know. This actually is odd. Yeah. Yeah.
Hey, Bruce. I know we didn't... I came out to the end of the dungeon earlier than you. Did you get to the end of the dungeon? I prayed and all I saw was...
Mr. Dr. Sumo standing over a seemingly unconscious Walter. And yeah, like I said, that just hair in reality, I still don't really understand what that was. A tear in reality? Like, like a wormhole? Kinda.
I didn't even think about the possibility of ultra balls. That's actually kind of funny. I don't really like a hole though. Just like, like reality was just ripping apart. And then there was just this white void. I just looked into and I just saw like,
every possibility of every, like, universe. I don't know. And... It's super weird. Yeah. Do you see any of that? I could, I could hardly see anything. But apparently, apparently Walter saw something because he just walked towards the center of the clearing and then, like, keeled over. Yeah.
I don't know what he saw, but he saw the same thing as you. Maybe he did. When I got to the edge of the clearing, I just felt this horror. My entire body went tense and my heart was beating so rapidly.
I just, I looked around, couldn't see you and only saw Walter. So I just sort of observed for a while. And when nothing happened, I started walking over with them and that's when I saw it. And then I just kind of blacked out. You just blacked out. Did you see anything right before you blacked out?
That was the last thing I saw. I turned away to go try to focus on Mr. Dr. Sumo because it seemed like he was trying to talk to me but I couldn't hear it and then I just blacked out.
So as you guys are having this conversation, Mr. Dr. Sumo actually pokes his head back in. Hey guys, forgot to mention, I'll be here at the entrance to school 10 in the morning. And he gives you a thumbs up and heads back out. Okay. I guess we should. I already let Walter know. He yells as he's like going down the hallway.
Okay, I guess we should probably head over and get some dinner and get some sleep. Yeah, um, do you maybe want to come to my house? I think I'd rather go home and make sure my mom knows I'm okay. Okay.
Alright. Alright then, Bruce, I'll see you tomorrow. Yes, I'll see you tomorrow. See ya. Later. Okay. And with that, we're gonna end the episode there. Okay. I've been Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM. I've been Evelyn, playing Hikaru. I've been Eli, playing Bruce. I've been Sean, playing a slightly delirious Sammy.