Nonsensical Nonsense - Let's throw the gauntlet down image

Nonsensical Nonsense - Let's throw the gauntlet down

Nonsensical Network
11 Plays8 hours ago

Saturday night shenanigans 

What is going on, everybody? Happy Saturday, you motherfuckers. Hopefully you guys have a good weekend. Maybe watching football, maybe hanging out while the weather's still nice. Whatever it is, hopefully you guys are enjoying yourself.
Welcome to Nonsense going. Nonsense is the flagship. Spare show. He ain't going to show. of the nonsense from that word. If you're not already, go ahead and for now, are live on YouTube, Facebook, and Facebook. And you can listen anytime any time, any place. Call up the nonsense from the network, or you can simply go to
cla nonensical network yeah And you're going to find all those links there, including the links to our merch as well. I don't know if you guys are watching college football, but USC and Penn State just had a wild one at the Coliseum ah that Penn State was able to stay undefeated in overtime. But nonetheless, still undefeated Penn State.
USC's looking better every week. Thankfully Michigan got a hold of it before they were playing very well because Michigan has not been playing very well but uh nonetheless we are here it is Saturday night as always the door is opened it is an open door challenge on Saturday night Link is in the chat. Feel free to click that link if you guys want to come up and hang out and have fun. Shoot the shit with me. Keep me company. As you see, I am I am flying solo. I found out about I don't know about half hour, 45 minutes or something like that before I set up the studio that um unfortunately, I was going to be by myself any other night of the week. Not that big of a deal. Saturday nights. It's kind of a huge fucking deal.
Um, so thanks for that, Jeff. Mucho gracias. As your people say, that's awesome. Ah, but nonetheless, um, real quick, couple few shout outs. Uh, this week has been a fun week. Monday night we had the ladies from the five fours distillery out in Newton falls, Ohio.
They came and joined us. Uh, if you guys remember correctly or remember, we were, was it Memorial Day weekend? I was up there with Southern Outlaws band and, uh, Joshua Lee Nelson for a show benefiting disabled vets.
Um, I got to MC that concert. That was really cool, but they were amazing hosts and they got an amazing little, uh, well set up up there. They're always doing something. And tonight, I believe tonight they're doing their murder mystery thing. Uh, and Arliss will be there. I think he's playing, he's one of the actors. Uh, but the ladies came up on Monday and we got to learn a little bit more about the company and, you know, what they're doing and where they're going and where they're headed and all that fun stuff. So if you guys are.
in Ohio or passing through Ohio and you're up in the Northeast area and and you come across a little town called Newton Falls. Go ahead and take a detour. and sidetrack over to the five fours distillery. You can also give them a follow there on all social media at five fours distillery. it's as Five is spelled out F-I-V-E for the number distillery. ah You can find them. Give them some love. They're they're amazing. They're awesome people. They're doing a lot of things and yeah i deserve to they definitely deserve to succeed. But we got to hang out with them on Mondays or on Monday night.
Tuesday, I had Miss Kaylin Cole on Glick's House of Music. And she was another fun guest. She was ah awesome. Little Midwestern hippie. ah We had a lot of fun chatting. If you guys haven't caught all these episodes, they are all up on YouTube. They're also up on the platforms, Spotify and all that jazz, wherever you listen to the podcast at.
ah So you guys can get the replays there. Uh, Kaylin was awesome. She was a fun guest and that was really cool to get to know her. Um, and then Wednesday we teamed up with, uh, another shop podcast, uh, friends of mine who just recently started doing their own show and we teamed up with them and did like a little, uh,
like a little Halloween type special who talks to local legends and ghost stories and and all that jazz. It's not up yet. on It's on YouTube. You can watch a YouTube replay on YouTube. But for whatever reason, Sin Caster was giving me fits today. So I haven't been able to get it posted, but I'll get it up there as soon as I can.
um Thursday, we did a short and sweet abbreviated edition Um, Cassius corner, so because Thursday was my birthday. Um, and, uh, Nikki was grilling out here on the grill and, uh, we were going to watch a scary movie with the kids. So cash was like, let's just do a short real quick recap. So we did about 30 minutes recap bad blood. Uh, last night, I think the guys did a new movie. Um, the new movie with, uh, Henry Cavall and.
They're not cool ball. What's his name? The Calvary and Howard Richardson. So yeah. Uh, but they did that last night and I ran around a whole fucking bunch and now we're here tonight, but next week, uh, Monday men can't from men should be back to normal Tuesday. I've got a Katrina breed joining me all the way from Vegas. So that'll be fun. Yeah, man.
Yep. I found out about a half hour, 45 minutes before the show. I was going to be by myself. No worries. That's why I'm the champ. You fuckers. You see the belt back there. Um, so it was a fun week of shows this week. You guys, all the replays are up on YouTube. Uh, and pretty much all the shows are up on all the podcasts and platforms. If you haven't got a chance to listen to them and, uh, and you want to give them a listen, uh, check out the replays. Um,
Yeah. Tuesday, uh, got Caitlin Caitlin or Katrina. Sorry. Katrina Brie will be joining me. So I'm definitely excited about that. Um, and I will just be doing what we do, uh, at the end of the day, uh, doing our show and all that stuff. But there are some things I'm going to, so since we started doing this show and this will go into effect on Monday. Um, yeah, I mean, yeah it's Saturday night. Anybody can join.
Yeah, so a lot. Don't worry. Don't worry. and that I going to bother anybody. ah
But um starting Monday, a live show, so if you guys are not already, run over to our YouTube channel. Since we started the show, ah we've multipro we've multicast, which is good. I'm not i'm not discrediting the multicast.
uh, in any way, shape or form. It's, it's awesome that people are able to do that. Um, and it's awesome that people do do it. It's beneficial as all get out, but I i want to
focus on YouTube. So we're going to do the show on YouTube for awhile. I want to grow YouTube, ah especially the YouTube lives. So starting Monday, you guys will find the live shows on YouTube only for a little while. We'll see what happens. We'll see how it goes. Uh, but they'll still be on all the podcasts and platforms. We'll put the links up on our Facebook page and our Instagram story. And, um,
you know, Snapchat and X and everything like that, where you, where, uh, you normally find our other shenanigans. But, um,
it so just a little something, something I'm going to, I'm going to try, I'm going to give a whirl here.
but but You don't have to worry about it, man. For real. I might not even go that long tonight, but I appreciate it.
especially football fan install nikey and just me
That is awesome. And I love it when they become, I love it when the kids become like football fans. I remember with all three of mine, like the girls have kind of grown out of it. They don't really care. They'll, they'll kind of watch.
a little bit here and there. Um, you know, they'll talk shit, whatever. But I loved when they hit that age when they actually started getting, um, excited about it, especially cash. Cause he's like all in, man. He, he likes to watch the college game day. He doesn't watch it like I do, but he pops in and out. And if I'm watching football, he's coming in, who's playing, who's doing what? If he gets a chance to be here for a Michigan game,
He'll watch a good chunk of the game with me. Uh, if he's here for football or for the Browns, he's watching a good chunk of the game there as well. So, um, I like that when I hit that age and they started getting interested, it was kind of the same thing when he started getting into, getting into wrestling, when he started getting into wrestling, I was like, Oh yeah, now. And that's, and that pulled me back into it because I was, I was starting to kind of fade out of it a little bit. Um,
but his his love of wrestling kind of pulled me back in. ah It's cool and when you can share stuff with your kids like that. Oh, and Shraggle, what's going on with you, brother? ah Same thing we do every Saturday night. The only difference is is I'm flying solo. I'm doing the solo thing.
ah But that's why I'm the champ. That's why I'm the greatest there is. The greatest there is, the greatest there was, the greatest there ever will be. No, it wouldn't have been so bad if I'd had a little bit of time to prepare. Um, I tried to, to, to reach out to a couple of people, uh, obviously not people, uh, Blaze, I knew he was busy tonight. Our, our little Blaze, he's on a first date. Shout out to him. I hope he has a good time tonight. Um, I hope he has fun, but, uh,
I knew better than that. So I was reaching out to some friends and stuff like that. Unfortunately, everybody was busy.
but Absolutely. It's still Saturday night, so it's an open door challenge. So anybody and everybody is welcome to join in and hang out with me. Uh, the great thing about that is, uh, making my life easy because What the fuck am I going to talk about for six hours? That's what I said. This could wind up being a short Saturday night. um I got to turn this TV down, though. It's very distracting.
ah Yeah, you heard the man. But there you go. Come on up, man.
ah I was kind of excited for to see Jeff, so I could show him my New Jersey. Hulk High's greatest running back ever. Al Bundy. I think he got it for me for for my birthday this week. Unshrekable. What's going on, brother? What's going on with you tonight, man? Hey, happy Saturday night, I guess. and still He's still getting hurricane down.
What drew up to me? So, yeah.
see that Can you hear me? Yeah, right. It is Saturday night. I don't know if that's mine. It might be mine. Are we doing this again already? Yep, we are. Is it a big delay? There we go. No, I don't think so. My internet was being stupid.
okay there yeah You're good now, I think I was on me and I hear you you hear me Yeah, I can hear you yeah, I got you you sound good you sound good coming through what's going on with you tonight, man You know just in the evening Talking to people and I saw you and I've i've seen your show before um I'm subscribed and all that um look and I know you you guys usually talked about you know the sports stuff. We talked about a little bit of everything here. But I think I think i i came by one time and um you know ah for for me personally, if you want to talk to somebody, you you look for those channels with those little viewers, but they are still talking about the stuff.
and oh It's something I've run into is like, ah well, it's not that time. we're We're not taking people. And it was like, it was cool. I still watch the show oh for a bit, but at the same time, um I do what I do. And, but, you know, to to meet new people at anytime you get to meet them,
because when you see people do a show where it's like, hey, topic specific, we're not having extras and stuff like that. But then when you get to talk to the people that talk about that stuff and you watch them, it's like, yeah, it's pretty cool, man. Yeah, that's kind of what we, I mean, we we have the topic specific shows on the network, but we have a couple of shows where we where we still, you know, Monday nights we tell guys they can come up and Yes. And then on Sundays, we're talking football, we're talking NFL, and we still drop the, we still drop the link for people to join us Saturday nights. There's just got all over the place. We just got to talk about whatever and, and, you know, whatever comes up at the end of the day. And the open door challenge was just purely by accident, you know, putting a link in there and turning it into an open panel. We had a guy one night be like, who will look, he was in the chat and he was like, Oh, let me come up. Let me come up. And we weren't doing it at the time.
And we were like, fuck it. And we, I mean, we had fun. He was, he was an interesting character. And after that, I was like, we're going to start doing that every Saturday night just to see who and, and what we get when people pull up at the end of the day. And, uh, and again, ah I appreciate you having me up here, but, um, something comes along with that, with growth that I've seen from channels is, um,
but just be careful because people are are out there that will do things so if you can learn to do the like the over screen when people come up the rather than just hey oh you know whatever their logo is or even if they show you a face it may not be their face you know yeah we get to Get some words out of them first, you know what I mean? Yeah, we've we've got that before. Usually what we do with people is we'll have them put two fingers up or something like that. Or we'll ask them a specific, because we can see them down in the box before we bring them up on the show. So we'll ask them to do something on, we always ask that their cameras on. ah And then if they, you know, if they could do what we ask them to, because we have gotten burned actually,
people have created like videos of friends of ours and other members of the show. And we thought it was friends who come up all the time and we bring them up. And then as soon as we bring them up, next thing you know, there's a, there's a giant dick on the screen or there's a picture of racist, hateful words on the screen or whatever. And it's like, nope, that's why we got to make sure the camera's up and make sure that that they're actually a real person. And then usually if it's somebody's first time on here, we're always hovering on the remove button, just in case we have to tap it real quick to get rid of just, just to be safe. Yeah. We've, we've gotten burned a couple of times that we won't, we won't get burned. We try not to get burned. Rip dog. What's going on with your brother? I don't know where Jeff is or what Jeff's doing. Uh, supposedly he's working. I don't.
I don't know. I didn't find out until I don't know about 45 minutes just until the show started or until I had to set up the studio, whatever the case may be. So I'm a little ill prepared for tonight. So we'll figure fuck it. We'll wing it. I'll see what happens. We'll see who comes up and who wants to hang out tonight. Uh, I know a couple of people talked about earlier this week about wanting to come up tonight. I say, come on up.
bring that ass but as as tody d would say a friend of ours bring that ass on up you're uh a tribal you're down in uh nc aren't you yes i'm i'm in uh i'm in central north carolina okay did you uh did you get a affected and by the hurricanes or anything like that did they hit your area pretty bad uh the hurricane the Nothing but replace the dryness from the summer not nice But You know fuck insurance companies because I've been fighting with them for so long and they you know They don't understand like okay, you want to blame a claim on one Incident that happened but when you live in a certain type of place and
like, bro, we get blizzards. We get extreme heat. We get hurricanes that come from all directions. All that stuff moves inland. And you know, after 20 years, it's like, you can't blame one storm. Like, yeah, replace my roof. and the insurance company its like oh well ah repair this spot repair this spot and then and the the company that's going to do it's like well that doesn't meet code because they don't make the shit like they don't make those shingles anymore technology advances and all of a sudden it's not going to be up the code because it says when they make you can't king shingles with those yeah
No, I get it. and oh I feel bad for everybody down in Florida. Cause I know a lot of insurance companies, they were talking, I listened to our radio station out of Florida. Had they said that insurance companies were dropping people who lived in flood zones or they wouldn't ensure people who lived in flood zones or, you know, when floods do come through, then they won't pay to fix their stuff. But it's just like, I'm paying you all this money every month.
that being sure to be taken care of. And then you're going to tell me that because I live in a certain area that you knew I lived in when I would when you started taking my damn money. Hey, I thought about I thought about this during this whole thing, not just ah with the hurricane, but also with myself and trying to put them together. It's like oh if the government is going to allow you to own property,
where it is uninsurable should the insurance companies I mean that's what insurance is I pay you until something happens that's what insurance is so if they're not going if they're if the government is going to allow their private insurance companies to deny your claims based off of where the government was going to allow you to um own your property and they're going to allow you to do business with them but they're going to deny you because oh the imminent
ah things that happen you know yeah hurri hurricanes happen on the east coast earthquakes happen along fault lines everybody knows this shit it but some people don't care. And the only other option is force the insurance companies to insure these properties or make the entire fucking affected area, possibly affected area a park. And what that would do, it would it would force people away from the coast it and it and it would force people into the cities
what are you going to do from there? What are you going to do? Yeah, it's going to a lot of money goes away when you do that. I grew up in in hurricane land and you know what you pick your **** up and you keep on going. I don't know what to tell you. That's the way you live.
Yeah. You don't just, oh, there's hurricanes here. Uh, I'm going to go someplace where that doesn't have what I do to survive. You know, I do this out here. Yeah, exactly. What up Chaka or Shaka? Just hang it out. Copper seat. Another open door Saturday night. It's open panel links in the chat. Uh,
Yeah, that's, that's the thing, man. A lot of there's, there's quite a few companies that are involved in lawsuits and stuff like that in Florida right now. And from the sounds of it, the insurance companies for the most part are, are absolutely starting to eat shit from them. They're really getting.
getting the old, uh, the old boot in the ass, if you will. Uh, so it sounds like for the most part, I don't know if it's just Florida government, but what it is, but it sounds like for the most part, the government officials that have any saying or anything like that, they're actually doing the right thing and doing right by people for the time being. Um, but yeah, man, it's, it's, it's crazy. It's like, uh, it's kind of like, um,
different different states, different cities have different insurance rates based off of their ah the amount of accidents and stuff like that on the roadway. um I know when I was down in Charleston, I was paying almost $200 a month for insurance. And when I came back home to Ohio, my insurance almost dropped in half. And I was like, what the hell makes the difference here? Well, my agent was actually really cool about it and explained it to me that the higher rate of accidents in an area, the more your insurance, excuse me, your insurance will run. um like well Yeah. and and And that's not a joke. Like if, um, if this is a high property value and it is also a high target for natural disaster, um, your, if you can ensure it is.
really, it's going to be really, really high. that But chances are, if you can afford oceanfront property, um hopefully you didn't spend your life savings on it because you won't be able to afford the insurance when that deductible comes down. Yeah, exactly. It's almost like a and they'll lead it I mean, it is 100%, in my opinion, an elitist type of thing. Like people are complaining about insurance. They move their retirement, dream but when it comes down to that deductible on a million dollar house and you're barely like on the monthly budget of your retirement, it's like,
take that um The house is gone whole bit but because the attack me last year Yeah, dude Chaga, I'm sure everything is Pricewise is crazy for you out in California yeah But depending upon where you're at man, you guys got to worry about earthquakes you got to worry about wildfires you guys got to worry about uh, the mudslides, you got to worry about, I mean, you know, it doesn't happen very often, but the potential is there because you're on the coast. You got to worry about the hurricanes and at every day, if they else, i'm I'm not, not shocked about insurance places. And I'm sure car insurance ain't any better out there. Cause I mean, I know you guys got the wild freeway out there. What is that? The boy it's not just fucking It's not just about the incidences either. It's about the property value. For instance, uh, drive a brand new Lexus and and you own it, uh, to pay a way higher insurance price than I am on ah a 20 year old, uh, Toyota. Yeah, exactly. Cause it's, it's based off of the property value.
Yeah, no, that's, that's true too, which, which, you know, I, I take, I typically drive, you know, a newer car. I don't mind paying a little bit extra on my insurance because of the value of my car, because if something that happens to it, I want it taken care of. You know what I mean? Like I'm paying all this and that's what, and that's my thing, you know, with the people like down there that are dealing with the hurricane cleanup and everything like, yeah, they pay a pricier insurance rate because of where they live or maybe their house or whatever, but that's where they want to live and they're willing to pay that money and they're going to take the risk. It is your own job as the inch. That is your sole purpose of, of existing as an insurance company is when bad things happen to people, you take care of them because that's what they pay you for. That'd be like me paying a plumber to come redo my bathroom. And he does everything except connecting the pipes after, after he gets my money.
So he's like, yeah, you know, the sink, the you know, the bathtub and the sink and the vanity and everything looks amazing. However, you have no water. You know, you have no water because you know, uh, cam, what's going on, brother? Yeah, man. I'm i'm rocking it solo tonight. Uh, we're, we're doing a full blown open door challenge. Anybody and everybody that wants to come in is welcome to come in. Uh, got, got, got our guy on trackable hanging out with me. Uh, blaze is on a first date.
Uh, Connor doesn't do Saturdays anymore. Uh, and he's watching the Ohio state game and ah I don't know what I thought Jeff was. I don't know where Jeff is or what he's doing or anything like that. Just, just not here.
Uh, Oh, I pay one something for insurance.
I don't know what it is. I'll be 100%. I was with you. I don't know what it is exactly because it's on auto pay. It has been on auto pay for the last six years. I know my insurance just went down this new cycle or this new contract, but, uh, talking about, um, auto insurance. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah rip Rip dog asked in the, in the chat, he asked, uh,
what I pay for car insurance, uh, per month in Ohio, rip dog. Where are you at bro? like You might've told us before and I can't remember. Um, but, uh, I was paying almost 200 and when I lived in Charleston, but I had a brand new car. Um, it wasn't nothing fancy. It was just a little Chevy cruise, but it was brand new. And then I upgraded that for a,
And I've had it for almost two years now. So when I got the car, it was like two years old. So I've got a Chevy Equinox, um, but, uh, okay, Kim. Yeah, man. Come on up. Uh, one hour north of Tampa. Hey, how'd you, uh, how'd you, uh, survive, survive the, uh, hurricanes down there, brother?
I know I had some friends that were affected by it and a couple of radio station. Well, the one radio station I listened to down there, some of their people were affected by it. I ah checked in on a buddy of mine. He said, he said, he got, he sent me a video. He had two little generators and I said, what are those going to fucking run? He said, my refrigerator and my window unit, my window AC unit. I said, Hey man, you keep your beer cold and keep yourself cool. That's all that matters. So, um,
But yeah, man, that's that's a crazy thing. it the I can't believe it. And Ribdog, you might be able to speak a little bit more on the Florida home insurance. Hey, that's all that matters. You're still alive at the end of the day. All that shit, all that material shit can be replaced.
ah But I can see something that that happened around here. um Uh, I mean, like I said, I'm in central North Carolina and, uh, they have planned time, you know, property evaluations that kind of surround elections for the most part. But when they did the pandemic, um,
they did it a year early evaluation. and there apparently was a scrambling. So the market blew up and yes, they inflated the evaluation of my house by like 30%. No, that, that, that can sound like a good thing. Yeah. But that just means my taxes on the house just went up 30%. Exactly.
but And with um it was at the same time with, you know, some of these situations that have been going on that, um,
no, our, our business was treating us good throughout this hard time. i enough the what it but But the government stuck their finger in my peanut butter jar.
ah Yep And now I'm you know, even even though the numbers look good Oh God numbers look so good by But it's all percentages and yeah I'm getting um um I'm getting it man. It's like they they changed the world. Oh, yeah, great and then I and And the government sucked their friggin finger in my peanut butter. jar Yeah, they're, they're, uh,
they're good at that. You know, at the end of the day, that that's one thing that government is really good about is, uh, fucking shit up for everybody else. Oh, I believe it. I've heard some horror stories. Uh, rip dog rip dog said, uh, insurance down there is higher than the balls on a giraffe.
but I believe it, man. I believe it. um You know, y'all are crazy down there anyways. So you have that going against you. But yeah, I when I lived in Charleston, some of my some of my customers when I worked for Oregon, you know, I was there for so long that, you know, basically, even though I was just the working guy, I became a part of the family um with my customers and we get to talking to them.
about different things. and And that was one thing I said, you know, depending upon how close they were to the, you know, the actual water who we all lived on the coast down there, depending upon how close they were, or if they were had coastal property, man, that yeah in sure I don't know how they did it, but you know, they had the money to buy those big fancy houses and, and they, and they had the money to live where they live. But I mean, yeah, they didn't sweat it. They, they weren't hurting for money in any way, shape or form. Um,
But I was like, man, I couldn't, I couldn't imagine paying this much in and homeowners insurance. Like it's, it's wild to think about. Like I already knew what I was paying for in car insurance down there. And I knew that it was crazy ridiculous. Let alone what, because they, like you know, there are a lot of flood, low line areas, you the hurricane risk in Charleston. And even though Hugo still hit,
or Hugo hit in what 89, 90, something like that. People are still not one of the ones that were there. They're still not 100% recovered from it. And that fear of another big hurricane like that um is still very real real down there for for the the Charlestonians, if you will. ah I think insurance companies are still using that fear And they're to their advantage.
Well, they say Campbell. 89. What's 89? Yeah. 89. Yeah. 89.90. I know it was right there. Thanks. But anyway, what's going on Benji? Oh, I appreciate you. chuck We got, it we got a little, we got a little something or Sean. I hope I said your name, right? We got a little something, something for everybody here, man. Uh, we got, we got shows seven days a week. So, and every show's different. Saturday nights are usually our wild and crazy night where we cut back. We have a few beverages. We hang out. We shoot the shit and, uh, let everybody come up and hang out with us.
Yeah, that, yeah, that whole area down there got fucked by Hugo and you were barely alive. but There's technicians still in the building. What's going on with you, brother? I seen you earlier beers and cigars. and that's right I didn't want to get um certainly shouldn't call to to call out, to call out hurricanes like that. Um, I was in Wilmington, North Carolina, uh, growing up.
And we had Fran Bertha and Floyd like back to back to back. And you know what, it it didn't destroy Wilmington, but the the coast, the direct people there, it got hit hard. yeah And I was there and I watched it and ah I was part of a team at that time, but It uh It kind of showed you what weather really is when you go out in there and you're trying to stop things from happening and like It's a hell of an experience mother mother nature is is is a wild, you know, I've always been fascinated by You know
Mother nature, the tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, stuff like that. We get tornadoes up here in Ohio. Uh, and we've had some pretty bad ones that have rolled through. I remember one time when I was younger, I was little. We actually, there, I never knew that tornadoes could like jump. They could touch down and kind of bounce urban area and then touch back down again. And we literally were standing outside and watched the tornado.
We've seen the funnel cloud hit and it was like form and the tornado hit and then it went right over top of our area. And then you can see it hit again. It was wild to see. Um, but yeah, tornado. Yeah. Mother nature is not something that you play with. you are selling and Okay. Benji, I always think you're younger than like a lot younger than us. I always forget that you're right up there around the same age.
Mother Nature is no joke at all. Yeah. Like I said, I've always been fascinated. I don't know what organ is just doing. He's going to take that bitch to the house on a two point conversion. Nope. He's jumbled up. But um yeah, I like watching. I like. ah
but but I like watching shit on and like YouTube and stuff like tsunamis and hurricanes and tornadoes. three mothers you don't fuck with mother nature mother-in-laws and motherfucking Ukraine what about your own mama you gonna fuck with your own mama yeah Chris your baby you and you and uh you and um you and Connor are youngins 32 i just turned 14 i mean 23 i just turned 23 oh they didn't go for a two-point conversion it was uh
Fucked up. Man, you should've just taken the sack, bro. That could've cost you six.
I don't know about you, Ripto, but I never messed with my mama. My mama said, my mama told me, she said, I don't give a damn how big you get, how strong you think you are. If I have to get on a chair to whoop your ass, I will. And I knew, and I believe that woman too. She's trying to stick and get on a chair and whoop my ass.
Yeah. right well see that's That's me. I would, not you know, we, we, you know, we got the heat and we get heat in Ohio. It gets pretty, it gets worse up here. And I lived down in Charleston for a few years. I know you guys get the stupid heat out there. Um,
Yeah, I wouldn't know how to prepare for an earthquake. Well, yeah I mean, earthquakes just kind of happen, don't they? Do you guys again, I'm going to be stupid here because I don't know a lot about about earthquakes. But is there is there any prep for him? Do you know? I mean, do you know that they're coming or do they just kind of fucking happen at the end of the day? Michael Bathurst, what's going on with you, brother? How are you doing tonight? Hey, likewise, right back at you, man. Appreciate you being here.
Um, I, I tell you what, I still don't even know how to prepare for for a tornado. And I've lived in Ohio. I've been in Ohio my whole life. Well, except for when I was down in Charleston. And basically it's just find a ditch, find a, find a basement, find a cellar. If you don't have a basement or a cellar, find the most interior room in your house, preferably a bathroom and, uh, just, uh,
crouch down and hope for the best at the end of the day.
Yeah, dude, that's exactly what we, that's exactly what we did for tornado drills and school growing up. Um, you would go to the hallways, you would crouch down. We basically bend over in case you ask goodbye. He crouched down in the hallway by the lockers. He put your hands over your head.
Um, that way, you know, cause most hallways in schools, they didn't have like windows or anything else and they're all breaking concrete. So the innermost interior built was in the safest place, uh, for, for a tornado. You don't have to worry about debris for the most part. You don't have to worry about debris and all that stuff. what guess how much the sp I don't know what that is. why in time A dollar 25. Nice. I was close.
see but Of course you did um That's what I thought I thought I thought Earthquakes just just happened. I didn't think there was any warning for Him and Mother Nature's is wild at the end of the day I Did he was around
Trust me, even before all those allegations came out, I was nowhere near, I was nowhere in the vicinity of anything that he was doing or said or wanted to do. I was not a fan of his music. I wanted to throw a brick in his head every time I seen him dance. But you're not wrong.
Just like Terry Crews said, like Terry Crews said in White Shigs. Come here, white chocolate.
Yeah, all right, I mean but I mean you guys are so used to of that it's just yeah It's just you know That's kind of how it is with the tornado warnings go off and the sirens and everything. It's like all right Just everybody wouldn't we're gonna watch the news. We're gonna throw on the radar We're just gonna continue to go, you know, don't go outside obviously but you can tell when a tornado gets close and or if you're really in danger because it can be storming like a mother and all of a sudden all that all that rain and all that wind will stop. And your bullfrogs and your crickets and your other creatures, it gets, it gets eerily silent. It's that calm before the storm.
And you know that a tornado is close and that's when it's time to take cover and, and wait and see what happens. You may not get one, you know, you might get one, but it gets, it gets ear, you might get a little action from the sky, a little light show from the lightning, but if it goes deadass silent, yeah, you know, it's time to take cover.
and so Don't forget ladies and gentlemen if you Not care for shy that link is in the chat You are more than welcome to hit that link and come on up in here for those of you watching that I have contact information for If you want to come up and you want me to send you the link just let me know We can make that happen. There's gonna be a full-on This is gonna be a full-on Viewer participation show tonight Cause I am by myself, right? I know. I was like, I was trying to figure it out too.
I tried. It was a good dude. I like he's been up a couple of times. I like him. He's a cool guy, but yeah, it's, it's super eerie when tornadoes hit and I've been fortunate in my lifetime. I've only actually been in like two.
and It wasn't a whole lot of damage, so I'm grateful for that They weren't very big, but there have been areas that you know hit close to home for me We're friends and stuff like that were that that have been completely freakin annihilated by By tornadoes Yes Yes. Yes. ben Um, please. Uh, I appreciate you coming, coming by untrackable. Have a great weekend, brother. And, uh, maybe I'll catch you next time around, man. Um, please. And I don't want to, I don't want to put too much of his business out there. Blaze is on a first date tonight. Our little Blaze is growing up. He's getting so big, so fast.
I'm so happy for the little guy. so So he probably will not be up here tonight. I do hope he has a good night. I hope he enjoys himself. I hope he has fun.
But all right. That is
Yes for streaming logging I Don't know who that was coming into mark speed my mother nature got some rain coming in tomorrow Yeah, we were talking about it earlier because I'd put a message. We have a group chat on WhatsApp because that's what Jeff uses. I fucking hate that app. And Jeff knows I do. I told him I hate this stupid ass. But I had reached out to the guys and asked him about last Saturday. We went a little bit over last Saturday. So they got all their fancy equipment and shit. and I said, hey, can you guys grab the audio and trim it down about five minutes and post it up and Blaze was like, uh,
He said he's going to try and do it tomorrow. but He won't be here tonight. He's got, he's got okay. Okay. Okay. Mr. Maine, but, um,
on to by abbbi for more yeah, no, uh, Oh, okay. just here tonight, man. Uh, I would have been a little bit more prepared. I was ah Jeff messaged me and I just started reaching out to people was like, hoping to get a random, uh, a random. Yeah, I'll be there. but Here we are. It's Saturday night. I'm hanging out by myself. I'm doing my thing. Uh, nonetheless, Jeff, Jeff is quote unquote working.
Whatever that means. Uh, he could be, um, he could be on the street corner. He could be, uh,
selling some, uh, cocaine. Yeah. Down there. So shock. I don't know if you're still here or not. And I'm not sure which part of California you are in.
But is it as bad as everybody makes it out to be? I'm always curious about that because I'm not there. So you only get what you see on the interwebs and and social media about California. Hey. Now, this guy's got like a whole ass looking. There we go. Don't show me your wiener. What's up, man? What's going on? right How are you doing? Chilling, chilling. Just stop by to say what's up, dude. Hey, man, I appreciate that.
I was like, this man's got like a whole college game day set up behind me. now That's my just my studio. nice Kids moved out, so I actually got an office that I can call my own and oh man. How's how' that work out? How do you get your kids to move out?
Oh God, yeah you know, tell them that they can stay as long as they want. And then they're like, no, I'm leaving because they do opposite of everything that I say. I guess i got a 19 year old that I was like, man, she's graduated high school. She's going to move out. No, one of her friends moved in with us. So she's like, how did this happen? See, I got four. My oldest is my daughter. She she went to the military right out right around the bat.
She had a free riding college. So I thought she was going to go to college and then she one day she's like, I'm going to the Navy. like fuck she's gonna She's been in Japan and and Italy. She's in North Carolina right now. That's awesome. Now I got I've got three of my own 1915 and 11 year old. And then I have an adopted one. yeah but Well, we just.
Apparently my house has become Glick's home for wayward children or whatever. It's my daughter's Oh her friend that she graduated with her parents fucking suck and I was like just just Nikki messaged me my fiance and she was like There he hears what's going on as I tell her she can stay here as long as she wants I'd much rather she be here where she's I don't know her that well But I'd much rather she be here and be safe and not have to worry about anything and have to deal with that crap. So I call her my adopt I call her my adopted daughter. Yeah. Yeah, I got my 24 year old. I got my 22 year old who moved out staying with his girlfriend. Got an 18 year old who's still here and my 13 year old. My fiance she's got two boys that are 23 and 25 for oldest ones in the Air Force.
oh nice He's been over in Italy for like the last he's been on vacation in Italy for like the last five years I call it vacation cuz that kid that kid is like What are you doing this week? Oh, I'm going to Amsterdam. What are you doing there? Yeah, whatever we want. Oh, we're going to the Swiss Alps to go skiing Do you do anything for the military? at all That reminds me of my my my daughter. She did so much traveling. She was in Japan. She stayd she was in the Sasebo, Japan. And her and her friends stayed at these Airbnbs. They were legit castles. They were beautiful. One of her rooms had a waterfall going down in the middle of her of her room. It was crazy. that That's awesome. But what were you what were you asking about big or about ah about the California over here?
um Yeah. So, you know, you see on the news and you see all over social media that California is just so bad. The the politics there are horrendous. The well cost of living there is through the roof. Like everybody's quote unquote, like refugees are are fleeing California and going to like Florida and Texas and stuff like that. Is it, is it really, and then the crime rates in certain areas. but I mean, he we have that over here on the on the east east coast as well with with New York. New York is a dumpster fire these days. so And speaking of insurance, New York has like the highest ah like car insurance ever and everywhere, I think. Yeah. Yeah. um Everything is expensive. California is it's it's everybody's fleeing. I mean, I got eight more years to retire and I'm i'm taking off.
I'm leaving so it's just that every every everything super high and even even like my daughter, she's been out. She actually left California to travel. She's like, I'll never go back that I'm never going to go back and then she's telling me I was like lying why I'm here. I gotta to finish my you know, I gotta to retire and then I'm gone. Yeah, right. If the kids aren't there, yeah, right. Get to get to hell out of Dodge. Yeah. Are you are you originally from California born and raised or you? Yeah, born in born and raised California.
oh Rarely left. I mean, there are but don't get me wrong. I mean, I've seen I've never been out that far, but there are some. Some beautiful pictures and videos I've seen of like the north, the north area like in the in the forest and stuff like that. Yeah, that'd be almost nice to visit. i I can stay right here at home because the Appalachian Trail is only a couple hours away from me and it goes right through Ohio.
Yeah, there's, there's some really, really nice spots over here and where, where I'm at, I'm kind of like centralized that everything's within an hour drive. It's not, not too bad. It's just, it's just everything else that comes with it. Yeah. That's, that's the guy that I am here in Ohio. I'm like, I'm right smack in the middle of Ohio. So Cleveland's two hours away. Cincinnati's two hours away.
I'm about an hour out of Columbus, which is, you know, the three biggest quote unquote major metropolises with the most things to do with sports, music, whatever you're into. They all have it.
ah what i do for work i'm I'm in, I'm in law enforcement. Oh, nice. Yeah. That's why this i I'm ready, ready to retire and and then move on, man. I heard that.
new mexico is pretty cheap there you go christ technicians in that new mexico area you um are you former military or anything like that are you just no not not i mean my grandparents were but i'm yeah like my daughter going to the military was a total uh came from, from left field because she had a free ride to college. So we thought she was going to go to college over here. And then when she says she's going to military, we thought she was joking. I was like, whatever. You've been spoiled your whole life and sheltered. You're not going nowhere. And then she left. I was like, holy crap. This is done. Oh, is it? Yeah. oh Wow. and I tried. I tried so hard to convince my oldest wanted to go into the military. I was like, you can do it. You can still go to school for what you want to go to school for.
You're going to get to travel. You're going to get to see the world. I should go into the air force. I'll ask your older brother about it. You know, he's in the air force. You go to the Navy and you don't have to go be a bad-ass Marine or anything like that. You can, you know, she was like, no, I don't want to hang whatever. I mean, I think it would be great for you. But, uh, what does dad know? I wasn't in the military. I, I couldn't go. I wanted to, but I wasn't able to. Um, but, uh,
You know, law enforcement. have you I mean, I don't think we've had many. I better watch my keys and cues tonight. idea yeah We're on YouTube. Whatever. Don't change me. but now but A very, ah very good friend of mine who's a musician. He he was a former deputy here in Northeast Ohio and SWAT commander as well. And he got injured in the line of duty. I have I I have a very military and first responders.
hold a special place in my heart for me, you know, um, for, for everything they do. I mean, I know you guys get a lot of shit, uh, nowadays, you know, but hey, wouldn't be, if if you weren't breaking the wall, you wouldn't have an issue. Yeah. It's a, it's a job. It's fun. it's good do you What's that? Go ahead. Go ahead, man. You're good. Oh, I was going to say, yeah I'm surprised. Like you're saying that you're a charity kid. You don't got to be a badass Marine and all all that. But my daughter's surprising case. She's in the Navy. She's a corpsman, which is the medical part of it. Yeah. And she's worked her way up the ranks and done training now. She is in the middle of, I don't know, the desert somewhere ah with the Marines.
She took classes. Now she's with the Marines and she can call a little bit and let us know how she's doing and everything. And she shows us pictures. Everybody's out there in the desert and they're building these ah shelters, buildings and all that stuff. They're working her butts off. And my daughter, because she's the only medical, is chilling in the AC. They take care of her so much, man. and She's like, I'm bored. But because anybody gets hurt, she's the she's the doctor, you know?
So she's still spoiled and pampered. And still, yeah, she made her way to get spoiled and pampered already. Nice. Well, that's, that's my, my, my bonus son, my oldest one. He's, he's in the, in the airport. And, uh, it was last year, the year before he, he had his first deployment. And of course, i you know, being a mom.
she was she was worried she was scared she you know she you know it's his first deployment he went to guitar this motherfucker was staying in a five-star hotel and and then you know when he wasn't at work he was doing all the tour and i'm like So in the pictures, Qatar is actually a beautiful city, country, whatever it is. I mean, again, I'm stupid. I don't know. Whatever it is. It's beautiful over there. And he was enjoying life. I said, it's not a deployment. That's a vacation. Yeah, for real. It is a vacation. Yeah.
uh and she ro she's real she's real brutal with her money like she don't buy nothing but like girl stuff perfumes makeups and all and she says it's my house and so I got a garage full of makeup and stuff that she's never she just orders it sends it hold this for me dad yeah just holding out I had to get a um a storage unit because I had too much cra i no garage Nice. No, I think that's, that's how her her son is. However, he did, he did come home. He was down in Florida. His, his fiance, she, she's from Florida and, uh, he rented, uh, I think, what did he have a brand new Corvette? Like the, I'm not a car guy. So, uh, I don't take anything I say for like a ZO five or ZR five or whatever that brand new fancy freaking Corvette is.
He rented one of those for a week and I was like, well, I mean, what else does he have to spend his money on? You know, you're banking all that money. If I was home for a week and had the money, I'd get one too. Yeah. I don't even think I fit in that damn car. I probably wouldn't fit in it, but I would, I would sure as hell try. Uh, what's your ducks say? What part of the country you think, uh, we were looking, we were thinking about Oregon. I want to go to Oregon. I got family over there and it's beautiful. I'd like to check out order.
Nice. It's nice up there. I'd like to visit out there. I would love to visit Oregon, Washington. that area I would love to visit out there. Again, I've only seen pictures and videos and it looks beautiful out there. But I just want to I just wanna go rekindle or reunite with my with my family, maybe have a little family reunion where the rest of the Sasquatches are. I mean, there's a good chunk of a Sasquatch population here in Ohio, but I know that's where the majority of them are. Yeah, a little family reunion in the in the PNW. Yeah, it'd just be nice to go somewhere with something where it rains a lot, where it's cooler.
because over here it's just it's hot. It rains a little bit but it's for the most part just hot. Just hot. Are you close to the coast or? I'm about uh about an hour away from the coast. I'm right here. I'm right here but I'm in like right by Los Angeles right here. Oh **** You're like right all in the mix being in law enforcement. Yeah. So, we're we're in the we're yeah damn No, that's crazy. Um, do you, you said in your, in your studio, do you, do you do podcasts and stuff like that as well? Are you like a musician?
No, I have my own channel. um I did. I started off doing like crypto currencies and stuff because that's like my hobby is crypto currencies. So i did I did a YouTube channel on that. But we started doing open panels and just kind of expanding the community and met a lot of cool people. Now, every Friday we're streaming and it's just been kind of hanging out and stuff like, you know, that's why when I when I when I when i see like ah streams like this, I'm like, hell yeah, this is like minded people just hanging out. It's cool you guys do the open panels.
Yeah. We, we, we just, uh, we come up on, uh, you know, it's usually, it well well, we do, we do six hours on Saturday nights and usually right around like our three, four, it starts to get a little crazy. Cause I'm sipping on some, some water over here. And, you know, here our Friday streams, man, that's a, that's, I enjoy it a lot. Yeah. I usually, I usually have my co-hosts with me, but, um, you know, we,
This is our cut loose have fun stream. Yeah, you know we we do Monday night we do a men's mental health show me and another guy and We just recently started playing around with the with the open forum on that too and that's strictly an invite for for men I think come in and take part of the conversation that we're having the topic or you know if there's something that's been like really bothering them or something weighing heavy on their mind or whatever, then they can come in and we can completely disrupt the whole show and be like, Hey, it's about you tonight. Let's let's, you know, we're not experts. We're not, we're not so psychiatrists or therapists or anything like that. We've just been through it. My co-host is, uh, is a veteran. Uh, he was in the air force and, in and, ah and in the army. Um, so, you know, he's got,
His issues from the military, you know, unfortunately, our vets are not taken care of and or treated the way they should be. So, you know, he, uh, okay. I thought it's just me and my daughter's friend here. I thought she walked out with this. Topless. i'm like the fuck what you doing just She a tank top on over top of her.
flannel that that matches. I'm outside so I got a TV set up over here because I'm watching the organ. ah I've got the Oregon Ohio State game on as well and I was like, what the hell is she doing?
But yeah that that that mental health stream sounds really cool, man. This is what I'm doing. OK, I work in the prisons. So I'm i'm i a sergeant in the prisons and I work in the mental health department. That's something I really that's something I really like and appreciate. And I'm also part of a it's like a it's it's like a peer support group for other officers, you know, that they seem like you're doing. That's fantastic. I definitely want to stop by and check that out. That's on Mondays.
Yeah. Monday nights. Uh, we do that seven o'clock our time. so I see you down there, Mike. I'm gonna bring you up here in just a second. Yeah. You know, we got the open forum just like tonight. So, uh, anybody and everybody is welcome. Uh, it's, it's, an ah it's an invitation for men and men only. Uh, we do want to branch out eventually and do a show. Uh, I can get my buttons to work, Mike. I'll bring you up. but Michael Bathurst. How you doing, brother? I'm doing well. i As soon as I heard he was into mental health, I thought he was in the right place because yeah you you could use some help. I could use a lot of help. Me too. Me too. I could use some. That's wonderful you do that. Click, can you do me a small favor? Just turn the radio down. That's going to send me into another loop. OK, I wasn't sure how loud it was. ah That kind of stuff sends me. I don't know why. Oh, shit.
Oh, look at that. You just broke a chair. No, I don't. So is it like shaka like shaka khan ah Chaka, Chaka, Chaka, it's a nick nickname my grandma gave me. You know, um you ever watched Land of the Lost?
Of course. And Chaka that my grandma called me Chaka when I was a baby. So I stuck. Is it is it related to Chakra at all? ah You know, all healing vibrations and things like that. No, but I actually ah I got on our and one of my I guess co-hosts, one of my partners, he's he's a into that. And he's been we've been we've been ah talking about that a lot. I truly believe that things unfold for a reason and I was walking my dog and I heard he was all by himself. And he usually has people who kidnapped his show. So I thought, you know, look, we've got this kind soul who came up. has You know who you remind me of? your I hope you're not offended. But there used to be a group called the Fabulous Thunderbirds.
The fabulous downwards. Yeah. And, uh, his name is Kim Wilson. He's one of the best heart players in the world. And when he was about 30 years old, say 30 to 40, he looked just like you. Oh, really? Well, now he, now he does not look like you now. Okay. but So, so I don't, I think he's 70 now. Oh, wow. So, you know, Stevie Ray Vaughan. Yeah. Okay. So Stevie Ray Vaughan's older brother.
Jimmy Vaughn was in The Fabulous Thunderbirds. And the lead singer was Kim Wilson. And they used to make jokes all the time. We're trying to make a bald guy sex symbol in our band because he used to back in the day just have the sides, you know, nothing on the top just a little bit. And then he finally shaved his head and embraced his his baldness, which is great. See, I actually shave my I have decent hair. I mean, I can grow my hair, but I shave it because it's just a pain to keep getting the haircut and maintain it i and I can just shave it in the morning. It's just easier for me. What what was the draw for you to want to help um in the capacity of mental health? What is that something? Because
It wasn't something I always wanted to do. But I mean, I've been in law enforcement since 2004. So that's been on 20 years. And I suffered from PTSD and other mental health issues. And I couldn't figure out how to get help for the longest time.
And then once I did, I was like, dude, I want to be part of something that can help other people. And so I joined and and been ah doing this peer support and trying to help out where I can. it's this it help It helps me to help other people, too. So that's. Yeah. Are you ever are you ever available Monday? i I think I heard them plug the show. I have Sunday Mondays, though. So yes. Yeah. so And and they they need help and sometimes. ah Sometimes. well yeah Well the the the whole the whole reason I started the show was because again like you just said, you know, I I've dealt with anxieties severe anxiety Depression and whatnot my whole life and I didn't know Where to turn to or where to go or but you know because every time I went to a therapist or a psychiatrist All they wanted to do was shove drugs down my throat and I'm sorry. um That's not me like and I
So finally, and and I've talked about it multiple times on the show, I literally hit rock bottom a few, a couple of years back, a couple of few years back. And, and I, on my, on my bedroom floor, I was, I was single. My kids were, they were at their moms, thank God. And I do, I mentally, I was 100% broken. And yeah I had that come to Jesus conversation with myself that Nobody's going to be able to will going to be able to fix you until you're willing to fix yourself. And I started and you know Mike, Mike, he can, uh, he's seen me when we first started the podcast, to where I am now. I mean, there's a few other guys that have seen me, um, and known me for the last few years. And you know, there's a huge difference in where I am now. But I was like, I want to do something for other guys and let guys know.
that they're not alone because unfortunately there's a huge stigma on men's mental health. And it's like, Hey, we're not alone. There's other guys that are going through the same thing. You think you're going to loan on, but B we have a platform here, not a very big platform yet, but a platform nonetheless that we can do our part to help erase that stigma around, around men's mental health. And then Connor and I got to talking, um,
Connor's my co-host on Monday nights and he was, he was dealing with a lot of things with, um, um, with his mental health and getting out of the, leaving the military because of medical issues and just dealing with a lot. And him and I got to talking and I said, dude, we can, I've been wanting to do this on Monday nights for a while. Oh, excuse me. And, um, it's been going great. I love it because we can talk about things and we just speak on personal experience.
We don't speak on it as being experts or being just personal experience and and life and and how we were able to overcome and and and everything like that. And, uh, I absolutely, uh, the show has been fantastic for me. Um, cause even, even now, I mean, I still have my days. Um, you know, I was feeling a little,
Well, grumpy yesterday for no reason, for no apparent reason. where was my birthday Were you talking to Tony D at all? Or do you know? Yeah, that's probably a message. out now He did message me Friday. He was phenomenal. You know what it is about birthdays? It's a time of reflection.
and you don't necessarily reflect on all the things that are blessings. You put yourself like asking questions that are maybe a little dark, like, how did I end up here? I thought things would be better. I thought I'd be more financially secure. I thought I'd have more daily joy, right? Where you'll meet someone who is at peace with themselves and they can have very little, but they have attained a joy that the richest men don't have because they don't have the ability to quiet their mind. sha Shaka, is that what it is again? Shaka, yeah. you' You're looking at me like, where you're looking at me like, where the hell did this guy come from? Well, the Palladians, that's exactly where they came from. Canada, it's Canadian.
i I think that's great, man. I think it's great what what you guys are doing. and that and I really like to get a lot of my community over here too. You you are more than welcome to share it to your YouTube channel We have that set up on our stream yard where yeah, are you cool with that? Cuz I'll stream it right now and and that will get me over please like I did too if I suddenly go it means you've got the f-bomb people here and i'll but And I'll just go I love you, but I gots to go yeah And the other thing you got to be careful of especially with your brand and is It's forever
Mm hmm. Right. So if you have someone coming in and saying inappropriate, crazy stuff and that is stuck to you and I've noticed you've calmed down a lot. I think you actually have brand recognition now for the first time. And because of that, I don't know if you've noticed, but I've become more supportive because I feel like I feel like we're more on the same path, not exact. And I don't have, go ahead. Yeah, no. And I've actually had that conversation with the guys on the network. I was like, look, you know, what's out there from the past is out there. I was a loose cannon. Um, I was quick, man. If somebody wanted to come in here and fight, I was quick to fight with him. And, and, and then then I'd wake up the next day and feel like a jackass. And it was like, they weren't even worth my time and energy, but
It's like, no, now it's, I've also calmed down a lot. I'm also in a better place mentally. Um, I'm in a better place. I I'm in a, for the first time, I'll say ever. I'm in a healthy relationship, which does volumes for your mental health.
I like the healthy relationship. that The little bit I've seen energetically, that seems like a good fit you two. You can tell between body language between people. You know what I mean? And couples that have been get together for a long time, you know, you know like with my wife, I've been with her for like 33 years. She can give me a look and there's a certain look and I'm like, I got to go.
Yeah. yeah here you and i got I better shut up. No, she's, she she is, she is honestly the first woman I've ever been with that I can 100% of the time always be myself. I don't ever have to like, it doesn't matter who's around or who we're with or, or anything like that. If I, if I wasn't myself, she would be mad at me. She wants the genuine cause I'm a, I'm a big dumb animal. I joke around.
it can be the most serious situation. And, and randomly, I have a smart ass comment. And she's almost anticipating and waiting for it, you know? And like, and that I've never had a woman that's ever bragged about me or and like, I'm like, I'm not even doing anything special. But she, she brags about me. She, she supports everything I do. man Like, damn, like, this is This is what a healthy relationship is like. I'm 43 and I'm finally in a healthy relationship and I've been in some relationships. Like don't get me wrong. I mean, I was married for 17 years or hello. We were together for 17 years and married for 11. Yeah. And something like that. And it was like, Dan, like, Dan, this is a healthy relationship. You know, like this is nice. I like this. I'm not walking on eggshells. You know, if we do get into a little spat or a fight,
The next day or a few hours later, we sit down and we talk and it's done and it's over with. I've been in relationships where you, you do something to piss, up piss your partner off. And then the next thing you know, for the next month and a half, she's mad at you. How long have you been married, sir? I have been, we're going on 20 years and I'm 43 also.
was Okay, so that's what because I heard you throw a number out there eight about eight years left in and law retir Yeah, I'm 43 I mean I technically 750 I gotta get the 50 What what what happens what happens at 50 I I see how much I'm gonna be making in retirement and and then I'm gone I can I can always stay longer if I wanted right, but I think 50 would be good enough for me and then I'm and then we start I start traveling and Have you ever thought of maybe going somewhere where it wasn't as intense? oh, definitely right yet, you know what I mean because that I
can weigh on you. You can be the most stable, balanced human being in the world. But if you're immersed in toxicity all the time, you know this. I know you know this. I can tell by your body language that you know this. and and nothing Nothing new here, brother. But for those who are listening, and I believe that anybody that ends up seeing this in the future especially, you were sent here for a reason.
And there's a reason these three characters are in the room together right now. Right? but Honestly, when I was scrolling through and I heard what made me want to jump on, he's like, because I have you know panels too, and then I have my own channel. He's like, oh, I'm by myself. I was like, let me jump on it. Because I know it sucks to sit there and talk to yourself the whole time. So let me jump on here and see what's up.
Well, saturday Saturday nights are the worst for it because like Mondays, I go in with an agenda. You know what I mean? So I was like, okay, I can talk on Mondays, but it's an open panel, but I'm going in with an agenda.
Tuesday is very rarely am I gonna be by myself because Tuesdays I host a um ah music show where I interview up and coming Local or not local to my area but up and coming musicians and I'm having a blast with that and I never thought that I'll be 100% honest when I started the show I was just playing music and I was just doing like like like rich says I was playing the radio DJ, you know the want to be radio DJ but I was playing music that I love music and And and I was just playing stuff for my head, my favorite music. And I was bringing it down from genre to era and stuff like that. And then I started getting people that wanted that when I was reaching out that were coming on and like, yeah, man, they were would love to be interviewed, would love to hang out with you. And it's not your typical boring interview. It's like a hangout. We asked a couple, you know, obviously I ask a couple of questions, but it's more just hanging out and chatting and getting to know them.
Uh, Wednesday nights, again, I can, it's, it's a crazy news. We just talk about crazy things that are happening in the news. Nothing serious. It's all lighthearted and fun. I could do that by myself. Um, Thursday's my Sunday night, do a show. I don't know how to.
Excuse me. He's doing a pro at his own show. I am. I am. I am. Oh yeah. You see how slick I am. That's why you news that's right. it you know have Thursday, my son. We have a new guest here. We have a new guest here. Let's talk. Thursdays we do, we do wrestling with my son. I'm still going to keep going. And then Saturdays. Did you say, did you say wrestling? Did you say wrestling with your son?
Yeah. My son and I do a WWE podcast together. Oh, okay. I thought you'd met. Okay. So my 18 year old, he's a high, he was a high school wrestler. Now he graduated and he he he did really good. Went to state and all that. Now he graduated and he got into em MMA. He just had his first MMA fight two weeks ago. First one ever knocked the dude out. it Oh my God. That was intense. That was crazy. I'm trying to get wrestlers as wrestlers, m MMA fighters, and boxers to come on my son's 11. He's my baby, but I'm trying to get guests to come on his show. Um, uh, out of that kind of war. And I know wrestling is totally different from boxing and MMA, but
to have fighters come on and and i want to kind of let him interview them about like training and getting in the in the ring and and stuff like that but um that's awesome set he that'd be cool i'm sure my boy he'd he'd love to do that if you ever wanted him to join and then yeah and then we do the football show so like every show that i do i could do by myself saturday nights is the one show that i don't want to do by myself because It's just all over the place and it's craziness. I've done it before, but I don't like it. And I was like, I'm not doing six hours tonight. I'm going to do like an hour. and I'm going to be like, fuck this. I'm out. Uh, but, uh, but like Mike said, you know, a couple of random people do first time viewers and whatnot. Yeah. but yeah click Do you remember joy? She, from hats, she was, she was blind.
Remember her? he Yeah, yes. ah she She just messaged me and and ah basically put a heart here. I think she's thought that it's the end of the world. You and I are now talking. I think a lot of i think i think a lot of people are shocked to hear. ah You were shocked just the other day when Rich said that Em and I were good.
Well, rich Rich is volatile at times. I've i've had... ah problem I am volatile at times as well. i I've had disagreements with him. um And, you know, when you have people like that in your life,
I think sometimes you have to kind of figure out where they're coming from, what they' certain their situation is, you know? Like we have a cool cat in the room here with us, and I'm not talking about you, Blake. Like we we have a very composed person who is who who is good at, and I think you're like me where what you present and what's going on sometimes is very different.
That that's that calm demeanor even in fire Because you know cool has prevailed at least I like to believe so but I've been caught a few times when I'm getting upset I'm doing breathing exercises out It's okay, don't lose your shit don't say stuff Just pretty leave good leave. Yes. Well, that's a great idea and I have these kind of conversations in my head where before I I would, ah when I was on Haps with Glick, I would be like, how dare they? And then you don't even listen anymore. You're just thinking of colorful metaphors in, you know, your own sparring, but it's all verbal. And then I see those later and I'm just, oh, I'm such a weiner.
you know and And I would be like, why did I go to that level? Like, what am I, 10? You know, yeah yeah. No, that was, that that was, that was my thing, man. It was just like, because Lord knows, man, I would go off on people. And it was like, they're not even, they're not even worth it, man. At the end of the day, they're not even worth it. Let them say their piece, tell them to go fuck off. And, you know, yeah, we say the F word around here. We're grown folks at the nonsensical network, you know, we yeah and teach your own. and and And I got, I got yelled at, but I got yelled at by somebody.
about that because somebody who there's broadcasters like Michael, like I'll go on Mike's show. When I go up on Mike's show, I'm not going to go up there and curse a lot, but there's other broadcasters. You hear the hesitation there how he went and Michael's show. A bunch of free will and spiritual media.
Yeah, I actually I, I enjoyed your guest you had on today. She was, she's nuts. She's nuts. I love her. she's not But, um, well, I say that because Mike's always doing his show and I'm at work, I'm out on the forklift or wandering the hall. I, you know, I'm in property management. I'm a quote unquote maintenance guy. Um, so I don't ever have the opportunity to go on, but I've been on a friend of ours, Ted Hicks. I've been on Rich's show before and, and I've even been live with Tony on his you know, on his brand or whatever you want to call it. And I don't curse like we do here, because that's not what we're saying right now. Because you respect the room. And that's, mic yeah yeah I mean, I might drop a couple here. i worry about Law enforcement coming over to your house and going, Hey, listen here, buddy.
Listen here pal. I gotta talk to you with how you sorry I want to ask him a question and I don't want you to interrupt him. Okay, so no go ahead I'm actually I'm actually gonna go I sure you are put a hoodie on real quick I got you guys in my ear, but I'm gonna go throw a hoodie on Okay, so I will let you ask without interruption. Thank you so much guy is Okay, so when you have someone who's elevated and they're, you know, maybe in the midst of being threatening physically. What is some of the training that you have for that? Because I've always wondered. so think It really depends on the situation and it depends on their mental health. If it's somebody that I already know has a mental health, so ah you know, and i'm and I'm going off just my experience.
I got to find the right angle. Sometimes it takes a little bit to de-escalate them, trying to figure out. Sometimes you just got to let them cool down and then come come back and try to talk to them again. Uh, but, uh, I always try different angles. I'll just start small conversations, little, little, little, just try to find that, that in, you know, and I can tell what it's working. I'll talk about sports, talk about this, talk about this. And then finally, when I get the reaction, boom, okay, that's where I'm going to go. That's how I can get through to this person and redirect whatever they're thinking about right now into.
trying to deescalate and having a conversation and and that's what I go to. I'm kind of, and kind of I'm proud to say i'm I'm pretty good at doing that and trying to deescalate the situation. Sometimes it takes an hour or two of me sitting there talking and just listening, yeah but but eventually, usually it it they they calm down, everything ends up being good and there's no more threat to them or anybody else and it just takes a little work.
and you And a lot of ah trying and and and, okay, this ain't working, this ain't working, this ain't, oh, got it. Okay, I'm gonna go through here. And just like, it's a maze. And then- So you're well you're intuitive. That's what you're saying. you're youre beat You can go into a situation, look at the person, probably know if they're under the influence of something, how how out of it they are. And then then I guess you have to assess the situation around you for safety, right? Of the parties around.
Um, I wish more people, not law enforcement, people in general would present the way that you do, because I'm noticing even with me and like your patient. And, and I've noticed that's a trait that is learned. Like you, you kind of, you, you did with Glick, you were like, okay, I'll just let's figure out what he's doing. yeah Where is he going?
You know, like it was like when I said to him, okay, you're promoting your show on your show. You got a guest. And what does he do? yeah it's ah it's all It's all good. I love to meet new people. so Your heart is good though. And I can tell because, you know, I was walking my dog and I was like,
Oh, that sucks, he's by himself. Shit. And I was on air today for three hours in the morning and an hour with this other person who randomly wanted to do a show. And I was exhausted, but I had to tug a pole to come. And then when I saw you, I went, I'm supposed to be here. As soon as I looked at you, I was like, i because you did not, you don't look anything like you sound.
Oh, is that OK? Because I heard you with my dog, right? I was listening and then he went, oh, it's Kim Wilson from Bevos Underbirds here. But that's funny you'll have to look that up. But yeah, I'm going to have to look that up. You you present as a patient person. How do you replenish that well when you're depleted?
Okay, so originally YouTube, it was YouTube. That was my getaway. That was my reset. I would get on here. I would make videos. My hobby was cryptocurrency. That's how I started. This was my, this is my, my, my space. And then I think now that now it's, that's what it is. It's YouTube. That's my go-to. That's the reason. That's the reason I started YouTube. That's the reason I'm here. That's replenishes me. And plus I got to meet new people. So.
Click is like, what the hell are they talking about? to No, I hey look bad first. I got a new person on here. I got to let them know what we're doing around here. Don't worry about me. so but but I can hear you. um be you might I know you could. I know you could. That's why I brought it up.
i Well, it's good. It's good. de it's good They did that cuz I he's streaming on on on my channel also So now people that come to my channel could know and he's also my channel which which I don't know how Open they are to his content and set maybe Monday. There's a method to my madness here There's a method to my madness here. No, I I agree with you Chuck that that was the whole reason we started doing this show It was an outlet for us. yeah I was already streaming beforehand Because it was, you you know, I started streaming on Ustream and then on on Periscope. And I'm sure Michael, you're familiar with Periscope and it's craziness. People can say what they want about Haps. And I understand the Haps and the drama that was there. I'm glad that, you know, I tried to, ah I tried to avoid that mess. I was pulled in a lot, but
Periscope was a wild west, but I started streaming there and it was an outlet for me because I was in an unhappy marriage and I was going through it mentally and that was the only outlet that I had because I went to work and I came home. I never got to do anything else. I never did anything else. I didn't have any friends, you know, my, you know, and that was kind of my, my ex-wife's doing she, she, that's how she kept me. So that was my outlet.
and And then when we started this show, it became an outlet for both Jeff and I, my normal co-host on Saturday nights. um But yeah, man, I totally get it. You got to have that outlet. I think a lot of people who stream and do social media, that that becomes their out their outlet for some kind of sanity or whatever. yeah or Or it's like, for me, it's what a jail its it's a creative muse.
break is like and we We didn't become famous actors. We're not doing commercials, at least not yet. We'll but we'll put that out there. So is is your real name Chuck? Is that what he just called you? Chuck is my my nickname. yeah And what's your real name? and i really I really don't put out there cause because I'm in law enforcement. so But a couple of people that are close to me, they they know my whole real name. I don't know if you know this, but Glick's real name is Felipe.
of almost every Friday, we're hanging out, talking all on, on, on YouTube. the And, you know, cause cause we go to that's awesome. There's a few different people and I look forward to those Fridays and hanging out there, buddy. And we don't even got to leave the house on our own. Yeah. That's the best thing. And you're, you're, you're right there in your own house. You're doing your own thing. You're not out acting a fool or anything else. Uh, no, I feel the same way about our, we got our little community here.
I love our regulars, the ones who come in and hang out with us.
ah you we're We're still growing. it took us It took me about a year and a half to really figure out what I wanted to do with this and where I wanted to go. I know I've always wanted to have my own podcast or be on the radio. like That's a dream and a goal of mine. But to figure out where this is going,
And then to build a quote unquote, I don't even, it's not really even like a network because most of the shows are hosted by me, yeah but it also allows that you get to see different sides ah of me. and and And I'm doing something I love to do at the end of the day. And and I love our community, our little community that we have. um Yeah. My real name's Chris. arms here I care. Click is my name. you i I'm not, I'm not that important. to be like Or worse case scenario, somebody's like, I know where you live. Okay. I think with what our guest does, though, I think he needs to have a certain amount of privacy, right? that Yeah, I mean, yeah. hundred Yeah, but that's just because of my job. But I mean, what what is your goal with this? yeah You said it was an outlet. I get that. What is the long term goal? I know exactly
where you know Glick is going with this. I know where he wants to be. I'm just curious where you want to land in this. Is this a long-term long-term goal for YouTube? Yeah, like eight years from now, do you want to be where you're making good money doing this and have sponsors? and See, i've I've had sponsors. um I've had because cryptocurrency no people will sponsor me to talk about their token and stuff. But for long term, I just want to. um I'm not in it for the money. I'm just in it to just build a nice.
network of like-minded individuals where we can hang out and maybe do something positive in this space, haven't figured out what that could be, but something maybe, you know, we all hang out. and we We all have a voice and the power to do something positive. And the the journey there is going to be fun because we're meeting a lot of people and hanging out and having a blast along the way. And you know what? i love the thing Go ahead.
I was just going to say, I think that's the cool thing about doing what we do and even, you know, Mike and and Chaka and and and anybody who does what we do. I think that's the coolest thing about it is all the people you get to meet. all the random people that, I mean, cause I didn't know, I didn't know you from, from Adam. And then all of a sudden you just randomly pop up here because of a hashtag or an algorithm or whatever. You get to meet so many cool people. I mean, that's like the, the, the people that I interviewed musicians, I'm actually building friendships with these people and we're staying in contact. You know, it's not a one off interview. Like I'm actually building friendships that I never expected. And we chat.
on a regular basis or you know whatever the whatever it is. And I'm like, I didn't expect this. I thought it was just going to, you're going to come on my show and we're going to talk about your music and then go away. you know Not that I want them to go away. I just didn't expect it because they're off doing their own thing. But no, I'm actually building friendships and it's it's amazing. i love the The biggest change I've noticed in you, sir,
is it used to be about you and now it's about the content and I think if you strive to have great content like today I had a guest on and I could barely get a word in but the content was great and it was it she kept bulldozing me which made me howl And she's just that style, but she has insane knowledge in so many different, then she's fought cancer and and got through that, but she has this light. And if you can have guests that come on and they vibrate, say at a ah different frequency, a different energy than the average person, like our friend here, Mr. Law enforcement, we'll call him that, he he has this,
I don't want to say softness, but there's an approachability with you. And I i saw you, and i and I don't know if I heard this in the background. I only hear it's bad things. I i knew knew I had to come into the room.
because I was like, okay, I like this guy. There's something about him. We can make good content. And that's, I think when you end up being in situations and building friendships, not lifetime necessarily, but imagine something you say or something I say, or imagine even something Click says really affects somebody because we're all Vibrationally very different people. Would you agree with that? Yeah, I would love your oh, yeah, we just did it so funny That's why jr. Down here said frequency and vibration shock because we did me and ah another youtuber named shaman shaman says did a whole show on frequency and vibrations and and and That all that all that so this is funny that you brought that up
Well, that's kind of my shtick. I make AI music and I play that on my show, but it's very spiritual. It almost sounds like half my stuff sounds like Christian Rock, even if it's metal.
You're not wrong. I'll listen to it and go, great beat. I feel like I'm a church. What is this? Who wrote this? Oh, I did. Oh yeah. Okay. But I'm trying to get, I'm trying to get a certain message out, but I'm not, I'm not one base related religion. I'm more energy.
frequency. And if I feel like I feel huge changes and shifts from around glaze. So I've been feeling like a tug to help. But when he said tonight, honestly, when he said I'm here by myself, I can't tell you how many times in the morning on Haps at six in the morning, I'd have people from England and Scotland and Ireland and Australia and they would come in and I was a frickin zombie and they would save me. Yeah.
Yeah. And when you heard that, you know, I mean, go ahead. Yeah, no that's y'all save me tonight. And I was like wandering around because it was such short notice that I found out I was going to have a coach and I'm like, this is full on viewer participation tonight. Who who and what is going to come up here and and hang out with me? I did hear what you said, though, Michael. You said you liked him, but you don't like me. What's what's that all about? I know. I know you better.
well give it Well, give it time for me to. You might change your mind, which which which is true, which is true. You might be playing this. I don't know if you're you're good at what you do. Tell me more about the frequency and energy and vibration show you did the other day. Oh, man, we went and and of course, shaman says knows way more. He's the one to kind of introduce this whole thing. We went down that rabbit hole. the But the you know, the the different healing factors that different frequencies have are different.
ah emotions that those frequencies can, yeah I guess, bring bring up bring up, you know, how to make you feel and stuff. But not only that, the frequencies and the vibrations, how that we even went a little bit further into the rabbit hole and how levitation and different Uh, stuff is often the vibrations of frequencies. And then the man so much, there was, there was, ah it was a good solid two hours of just talking about the different frequencies vibrations. And then going back and looking at the history of that and and getting into a little bit of the science of it. And it was very, very interesting. Yeah. o You know, it's, it's funny. There's, you remind me a little bit of Connor.
Do you get that click? There's elements of this. Oh, yeah. A little a little bit. Conner's my co-host on Monday nights. But yeah yeah, a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. You're intelligent. Yeah. You're patient. he's He's a little more flustered than you are, though, or presents us. You might be flustered and under the undercurrent. But he also has kids running around. Oh, I do too. But today today, I guess I'm lucky. You were saying your kids are crying.
Yeah. I still got my 13 year old. Like yeah every now and then you'll hear him screaming because he's in there playing Fortnite. And for whatever reason, you have to scream at the top of your lungs at that game. Yes. Yes. Yes. I have an 11 year old and he plays Fortnite Call of Duty and but then he plays Minecraft by himself and he's yelling at Minecraft. And I'm like, what do you, who are you yelling at? Like, what do you, what do you, what is going on? I'm a gamer myself. You know, I was, I was playing, i just I love playing video games. That is my,
ah You know, I'm gonna come down. I'm gonna relax. I'm gonna you know, I'm gonna reset and and I was playing Call of Duty today and I don't even get mad anymore like I used to years back and now it's like I laugh when I get like a BS when somebody kills me and it's BS and I'm like, seriously. And then like the trolls, usually I wind up becoming friends with the trolls on there because this is like, why are, why are you so agitated at this game? And like, we're just hanging out playing a video game and you're cursing me out. What the hell's wrong with you? yeah i used I used to get cursed out because I did better. Yeah. I see it cursed out when playing, uh, we did, uh, I played Madden football online.
And the they would some of these kids would just whoop my butt and then talk trash. And um here I am talking trash to another kid. Are you a football fan, sir? Because we we both do football shows on Sundays. I've been working so much. i used to be ah I used to be in Miami. That was my team. But I'm still out of the loop now. It's been it's been years. how do you How do you become a Miami fan, being all the way out of the valley?
it was ah it was ah From my dad, I guess. I don't know how we became Miami fans. But I get the same thing all the time. They're like, my same you guys like yeah Miami? Yeah. Because you've got teams to choose from in California. There's like 14 of them in California. yeah and But I'm still out of the loop. I'm still out of the loop. Are you really? is There's only so many hours in the day, right? That's the problem.
um Now my children, my oldest is 40. My middle one is 36 and my youngest is 31. I have a granddaughter who's almost 20. I have a grandson who's 13. And we have a a younger one in England who is two. two No, three. Sorry, she's three now. She's three now.
So yeah, we have the whole gamut. I'm 61 and, uh, soon to be 62 old, like dirt, but in my mind, I'm 30. I'll tell you, you're coming into the sweetest spot of your life. Believe it or not, between 45 and 55 is a real insanely beautiful bonus round. And part of it is you still physically can do stuff still and mentally.
you're probably more equipped than you've ever been when you were younger, even though you thought you were the greatest creation God ever made at 16. I still think that now. I'm only 23 by the way. I i just turned 23 on Thursday. i These people keep spreading all these vicious lies that I'm 43 and I'm only 23. I was gonna say 23 times two, but that's okay. yeah i I'm at the age to where I just wake up and and things just hurt. like i'm like I don't know how I just woke up and now my shoulder hurts because I slept wrong and I'm like,
Oh, there's there's jacke Jackie. with I told a friend of mine who's he's he's about 10 years younger than me the other day. I said, I wait. He said something about feeling old. Oh, he's like, you want to feel old? Just go to a college campus. I said, bro, I wake up every morning and walk across my bedroom to the bathroom. And I sound like a bowl of Rice Krispie treats. Snap, crackle, pot. That'll make you feel but I also you know, I was also not the kindest to my body when I was younger I played sports. I've got a bang that I've got a busted-up knee. I've got a busted-up ankle My back is Jack my shoulders not what it used to be so it's like in the morning I get up and it's just like
Oh, I got to get moving. And when it's cold, that's, that's horrendous because everything hurts. And I was a bit of a fighter in my younger days. So I've broken my fingers and my hands and.
multiple times. So when it gets real cold, I like my hands look like this until they warm up. because like You almost sound like let me get an athlete, right? An athlete back in the day. Well, I was I was I was an athlete. I was an athlete. I played sports when I was younger. But then, you know, and and that's where most of my injuries, my hands are because I was I was a bit of a fighter. I would get into a lot of fights. But You know, it does not work out. And I've always been an anti bully. I hate bullies, even though I got bullied, but it does not work in your favor. When you bully a kid who is six foot two at 12 years old and close to the 200 pound range that discovers
how to fight or learns how to fight back. you know give So it's like, all right, you're going to bully me. I'm going to punch you in the face repeatedly. Or as I get older, some jobs that I had that required me to every once in a while, get a little physical with people. So it was like, Hey, it happens. But, um, yeah, but yeah, no, I just, that that's the only, but yeah, man, this is like,
ah Being in my forties, I dreaded it for a while and then I hit it and I was like, this is actually awesome. Like I'm figuring life out a little bit. I still don't know what the hell is going on, but I'm figuring it out a little bit. I'm having fun. My kids are growing up. Like ah I've ah um spent the last 19 years as a dad and that's been fun. Like holy smokes. yeah I'm not in any hurry to be a grandpa. Don't get me wrong.
ah But ah you know like this is cool, man My kids are growing up and I've got to watch them grow and like I'm in the prime of my life right now now It's like I don't wanna go spin. I don't wanna go spin. Yeah, I don't want to go spend my time off car you're both in your mind Yeah, it doesn't feel like it I understand what you know Yeah, one of the greatest things you can do though and don't don't take this personally. I've been heavier but I lost I Think I lost like 40 pounds from the time I was 40 and your joints and everything else will heal and you'll feel a lot better hearing less of the weight. My wife used to call me cartoon, but my ass was so big. And, and now she looks at me and now she looks at me and goes, you have no ass. What, what the hell happened? You know, so I like the way you think Jr absolutely hit that like button on the way and smash that like button. Y'all.
Hey, so I see you're streaming on on X2. What's your what's your X handle? Which which person me or i like? Yeah, you guys are both on X. Michael Bathurst. Just please follow me because I would love to have you on my show sometime. It's it's not as rough and ready as Glick, but you know I think we can we can get can get through it together. i i think i'm i think i think I think I'm the wild card out of, you know, if you put
Chaka and Bathurst and Rich and Ted and Tony. I think I'm the wild card. I'm the wild child out of most of my broadcasting friends and stuff like that. Tony was mind blowing today. He was mind blowing. When was he live? He was on this space and it's um Oh God, Tim, I can't remember his last name. I'm at a brain fart. and It'll come to me, but it's ah professional speaking and it's every Saturday. oh this So he comes on and and we've been going to the show for over a year. And I swear to you God, Tony stole the room. He absolutely did like a mic drop. he He blew everybody away. So he is insanely bright and he has several gears.
And it was kind of like, okay, you want to do a little speaking contest. I got a few moves and you could, you had to do a subject within two minutes. And he was basically talking about, uh, being precise and conveying your message in the least amount of words. And he brought up Phil Donahue and a whole bunch of other people. I just started out of the air and I was just like, wow. And everybody in the room didn't go ahead.
No, I was gonna say, I've said it a million times and I'll say it a million more times about Tony D. When he is on point and he is engaged and he is there and he's not distracted by other platforms and not distracted by the TV or not distracted by anything, Tony is great. Tony was amazing when he was on the show with us. When you took away the distractions, when you added all the distractions and all the BS, it was like, I want to I want to struggle you, Tony. And I told you that, like, this is no secret. I've told him this on air and privately, like, you know, everybody thinks that I'm talking shit about Tony and I'm not because anything I say, I'll i've I'll probably already said to the man. um It's just like, good Lord, you're so fucking good.
But you let all these damn distractions get in your way, bro. Like, what are you doing, man? Stop it. He's a little OCD because when I used to have him on the show, he'd be Windexing in the background baloney. What's going on with you? So beans. So what what was your, what was your X handle? Glick.
ah The nonsensical network. Everything is the nonsensical network. Actually, we have a little bio link. It's scrolling down there bio dot link slash nonsensical network All of our links are there. They all should be working now But all of our links to all of our so we're on Facebook Instagram X TikTok Yeah, we're on it we're on all the social media All the social media's Jackie if you want to come up you can by the way today's free yeah by the way Yeah, by the way, it is a, ah it is, uh, uh, trust me. this This is the promise. The Saturday night is ever ever in the history of life.
Yes. It is the open door challenge. The link is in the chat there. If you guys can see that anybody and everybody is welcome to come up here and hang out. Uh, we're, we're Saturday night. We're just kind of hanging out and shooting the shit. Uh, you know, we don't want to get super serious, but, uh, you know, we'll, we'll, we'll conversate it. That's the great thing about it. And that's one of the things. And I'll say this, I don't know if it's braggadocious or whatever. I know enough about a little bit of everything.
to be dangerous so I can talk a little bit of it. And if I don't know, I'm not afraid to ask questions. My curiosity gets the best of me sometimes. And I've been told that my curiosity comes. I love your football knowledge. I think of all the shows that I go on with you that I'm most impressed with you is when you do focus yeah i i football. i I feel like you're in your element. There's very few times when I go in a room and I feel like I don't know a 10th what this guy knows of this subject. And I can come in and hold my own with football. um But i you know I think all of us in this room are good at a bunch of things, maybe masters of none. I am a jack of all trades, master of none. That is that is that is my that is that is the death definition of my life. I've been in construction since I was like 12 years old.
And that's what I still do to this day. I am a master. I am a jack of all trades. I can do enough of everything, but I am a master and none. Like I said, my curiosity sometimes gets the best of me. So if there's a topic that I don't know about, then I want to ask questions. I want to learn about it. you know I would love to, especially if it piques my interest. um Wednesday night, I was in my element, and then they kept Because i'm I'm big in the paranormal. I'm big into ghost and legends ah local legends, urban legends. And then they kept tiptoeing into serial killers. True crime, serial killers is another thing that I i love. And at Wednesday night, the guys kind of were were like, look at Glick. He's like a kid on Christmas morning. Because I don't get to talk about that stuff a lot on on here on our shows.
right because it's just not what the other guys are into. So we had the opportunity Wednesday night when we partnered up with our good friends over to another shop podcast. Cause we were doing our Halloween show and I was right in my zone. And, and, and it like, they were like, look at Glick, man. He's like, he's locked in and that's how I am on Sundays, and Michael Bathurst. They're a dumpster fire.
chair a lot of No, you were talking about your own team. You were talking about, uh, Oh, Jesus. It's not, it's not even my team. It's Watson. It's Watson. Oh, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm so ready to look, I've worn orange on Sundays most my entire life.
I know I look good in orange, I will go strangle Watson if it gets him off the team. And I will proudly rock that horn in the county jail for a little while. I love your graphics, sir. check I don't know how to say it. Chaka, chaka, like cheese, but chaka.
I keep wanting to say Shaka, but okay. I'm looking at your graphics here. It says happy hour hanging out with the nonsensical network. That's beautiful. You got to see what he's posted here. Oh, thank you. Gorgeous. I put it on the X. Yeah, I'm reposting it on my network right now. Okay. Oh, I just got the notification.
So JR, I see you down there. JR says he's going to do a show on Saturday night. That's awesome, JR, dude. Let me know. So currently we have 24 people on my network watching this. They're not saying much, but they're probably terrified. That's okay.
They're like, they're like, yo, why? nice bath saying it out This a car wreck. So on my side, I got 19 on X, which shout out to all you 19. Thank you. Appreciate it. I see that. You know, it's so funny. We're both on at the same time and I'm seeing you. I've seen myself in you at the same time in the live on X, but Yeah, you look really young on your feet, like younger than you do in life. Like, how'd you do that? Is that a filter? you lost I look at you here and you look like you're 26, 28. I see you here and you look like you're 40.
What up, Lazy Jedi? Oh, Lazy's here? What up, Lazy? That's ah that's another one of the... He has a ah ah stream on Fridays called the Lazy Shaman Show. It's another chill show. That's a good group of people, man. They're awesome. But yeah, I'm just using my regular pictures. so if you were a here but So if you were to promote some crypto, what would it be right now, sir?
ah If I was to promote crypto, I would say don't buy crypto right now. Oh, okay. Because the market's trash is not a great time for crypto. just Right now is a good time to study up and learn what crypto is instead of buying it. Is it a seller's market or is it a buyer's market right now? people are it's not it's I guess it's ah it's a buyer's market right now. but I would say so too. You buy when no when everybody's terrified. That's that's what that's what the million the billionaires do. I was going to say millionaires. The billionaires do.
Yeah, this so it wouldn't be it wouldn't be ah Smart for me to be like, oh, you know this crypto that if the market is really bad right now is a ah bad time you can pretty much get whatever you would like to Whatever crypto you'd like at a cheap price right now. What what program did you use here? For what for your graphics here? listen something like I use a camba. Okay, I <unk> and then like the happy hour sign and open panel stuff, that's all AI generated. Have you tried Grok? Yeah. Have you fiddled with that? No, I haven't really messed around with Grok at all. There's a lot of the AI platforms though. You should try it. It's pretty amazing. And because you're verified, you get it for free. ah real you also You also get X Pro for free, which is like Tweet Deck back in the day. So you have multiple columns.
um When I go live, I use Restream and I use XPro a lot. and A lot of times we'll talk to all the people who are in the notifications. and i But if if we could, I would love to share what you've shared here. oh yeah whatever you yeah yeah i i just I just retweeted here. i You look very intense here too.
See, literally that picture, I just went like this and took a picture of it. To me, it's like that if if I could just go to the bathroom. Yeah. I've been waiting to use the restroom for hours. These people, they forced me out. When I thought I was out, they dragged me back in.
That can, but ain't no joke. Uh, my fiance just started her own business or she's in the process of starting her own business. She's going to start, she's going to be making shirts and tumblers and cups and stuff like that. Um, and she, she loves campus. She was already using Canva before that for, uh, she's a, she's a bartender.
For the the bar she works at to make their their posts and stuff like that She loves Canva. I I am not a fan of it, but she loves it. So I'm like, yeah I'm gonna stick with the the the app that I use to make our logos and stuff like that because I can incorporate pictures and bring it in and and they dumb it down because as I said, I am a I am a an absolute big dumb animal, so The simpler it is keep it simple stupid but for me. So
Uh, I've never heard of the, the gr, what is it called? Gronk? Yeah. Gronk. Gronk. Yeah. Oh, I was going to say the only Gronk I know is Gronkowski. One of the best tight ends ever play in the league. Well, I don't know if you, if you, if you go to your share. So today my guess was Jackie and Jackie said to me, I love butterflies. And I on the fly while she was talking made this image for her.
in Grock for free. Oh, you know, I never really looked at Grock. I didn't know he can do all this stuff. Oh, it's unbelievable. i I can also take pictures of Glick and Glick looks like a supermodel with his head. And it's just unbelievable. He always look like I always yeah su get out. What are you talking about? Yeah, I got this glorious beard and this long mane that I cover with a hat. I need to make that up. I am glorious.
The Glorious Glick for one hour today. Let's talk about the wonderment of me. Oh, yeah. Yeah, let's talk about me. And yes, my favorite, some people say, how can that be?
so guys they are You can change the a way a picture looks with rock. Yes. Yeah, you can put it. yeah oh It's all kinds of stuff. I I've done um stuff from my here. I'll give you an example. Just one second here. This is actually really cool. I didn't know I could do it. And it's free. yeah It's it's absolutely free. and So let me ask you guys. Let me ask you guys something because you guys both pay for the the X premium. I don't do a whole lot on X outside of just put our put our show link up there and stuff like that. Yeah.
um But is, is, is the premium worth paying for at the end of the day? Oh, I think so. Absolutely. so If you, if you're wanting to expand your brand and stuff like that, I believe X is the premium. How is it? How is it price? How is it price wise? Is it, is it $8 a month? did you buy it for the know what it is Yeah. Everything's on autopay. I don't know how much anything is anymore. ah really Yeah.
I'll have to reach out to to Blaze blaze blaze since he's since he's joined the nonsensical family. he's he's been I got to take a moment to shout out Blaze. He has been a blessing in disguise. He's great when he's on the shows. He's come in and I've been financially supporting this show 100% by myself ah for the last three years. He's come in, he's helped take a little bit of that burden off of me.
Um, we're starting to get live gigs in our area where we go and do the show live. Um, he drives the three hours up, even though I've offered him a place to stay, he he's like, I don't want to, I don't want to inconvenience you and Nikki or anything like that. He, he, he drives the three, three and a half hours up, gets a hotel room, comes and does the show live, uh, comes and, and does, uh, the photography for us and everything like that. Like.
I know Blaze isn't here tonight, but big shout out. Big Rick, is that really you? So in the 20 seconds, in the 20 seconds that I turned the little dial, we made this image right here. Put your TV down in the background, man. It's super loud.
to bang theron the multi At volume seven. oh my god you dude it was super loud i got volume that earlier volume seven of one hundred nothing hear and you got a great mic what is your what is your mic just the fifth
What's going on man, are you are you are you i'm having a panic attack yet? No, no, it's actually turned out to be a really good fucking. This is a great game. man it's Like great game this isn't as good a game as the Penn State USC game was. That game was fucking fire. That was a hell of a game. Bye, Mike. It'll be best. Yeah, we'll actually jump on for a reason. Oh, did you know we have an early game tomorrow? Yes, I feel like that we got those in. I think we got that game. Oh, no, we didn't.
No. Yeah. We have a 9 a.m. game in London tomorrow. I think it is. Oh, crap. Who is playing at 9 a.m.? I just saw something dropped out on my phone about it. hey I heard it. I knew it was happening and I thought I got it. Bears and Jaguars. I don't have my sheep. Yeah, I'm going to just I was going to say, do you want me to just text it to you or to snap it to you?
yeah's Yeah, it's going to be that way. I'll send you my pick and then you can just add it later if you're sober. No, and that's why I snapped you. where I figured I better get on because you're fucking like going to be hammered. I should. I'm not going to be drunk to some of the. I should be getting drunk to take care of the pain of my ribs. What did you do?
So, okay. So hold on one second.
think Cam's coming up. Oh, he's got to walk his dog. over Oh, Hey, Bathurst. Appreciate you coming up, brother. You're welcome to come back, man. You're welcome. You're absolutely welcome to come back if you want.
Yeah, so yeah, we do. I had to get the guy to get the kid to grab me a couple of beers. um All right. So the long and short of well, it's just I'm just going to fill you in. There's no long and short. So waste management has a transfer station in Carter's, which is where I dump at all day long. And the way it is, you pull on their scale and any other scale that I go to through everywhere that I dump trash has a walkway down the side of the scale. That one does not.
you have to pull up like to the one side of the scale so you can walk between the truck and a four inch diameter steel pipe that runs down to prevent drivers from driving off the side, even though a lot still find fucking way to do it. If you ever cross the scale at a dump, you understand what I'm saying. So I pulled up to the scale and the scale is broke up into sections and each section has a solid metal strip that goes along.
And I warned her. I told him when I first started going there, I was like, hold this guy. I was like, dude, you guys don't have a walkway? Like, how's that safe? Because the scale is two and a half feet above the ground. Like it's a it's a fucking hell of a step down. Yeah.
And so I told him, I said, dude, you guys don't have a walkway. Pine Bluffs got a walkway. Marble Mills got a walk. Everybody else has a walk, a walking like metal grading with a railing for OSHA safety because it's waste management and they play by all them rules and they're painted bright fucking yellow. I'm like, how do you guys not have a walkway down the side of your fucking scale? You don't even have a railing. You have nothing to prevent somebody from toppling over this side of the scale. So I kept making, I was making jokes to him that day. I was like, one of these days I'm going to show up, it's going to be raining. I'm going to slip. My legs going to go under the bar. My body's going to go over the bar. I'm going to break a fucking leg and I'm going to sue shit out of waste management.
i told about this I've mentioned this to you, right? So I was busting balls with my boss about it. This was like eight months ago when the EV plant first broke ground. So I'm telling my boss about it and he's like, he's like, I can see it now. One day, Rick's going to get fed up with working and he's just going to be like, today's the fucking day. He's going to slip and fall over his leg, right?
So we had a good laugh about it, whatever, like that. And so Friday, Friday morning, I dumped my first box. It's beautiful. It's sunny. It's like 60 degrees outside. It's gorgeous morning, but we had a really heavy dew. So I go to walk back down the wooden walkway to the scale and make a left turn and go down the side of my truck, which I always grab the side of my truck. Like I grabbed the fender and then I grabbed the tarp arm and that's like my handrail.
So I go to make the left turn onto my truck and I hit the metal, the metal strip that goes across with a slimy boot from being inside of the transfer station, whatever the fuck was dumped on the ground and that, that wetness and my boots slides off the side of the fucking scale. wis My shin down the flat front of this steel pipe, just down it, right? Imagine missing the wrong on a fucking metal ladder and it going up your shin. Like your leg goes between it and then it does so that's what that was like and I fall over and I go to catch myself in the steel pipe and I miss it completely and catch a steel pipe straight to the fucking h god i thought there's gonna be bruise right here and so now you um story short so here i end up i told you there was no So here I am
I'm leg down. I'm laying on this fucking steel pipe. The girl that dressed for Republic is buying me and I know she's laughing her ass off because fat man down, who doesn't, right? fat man down And I'm like, how the fuck am I going to get out of this without breaking a leg?
So I realized that I have to literally throw my lower half of my body up onto the pipe and just kind of fall off the side of it into the grass and then stand back up and act like nothing happened and go to the truck. Meanwhile, my leg is screaming at me. My ribs are absolutely on fucking fire at this moment.
I was like, oh my god, if they've got the fucking camera of this, which I know they have cameras there, if they can pull the footage of this, this shit's going to be epic. Post that on YouTube. So I text my boss, right? The first message, the first time I've talked to him all day and in capital letters I type, today's the fucking day fat man down.
To which he replies, to which youli you're fucking lying. I said, no, I'm not. I wish I was. Do I need to? I need to figure out how to do this without dragging and GD through it because I don't want anything to fall back on my company. I don't want to file a comp claim. There were eight employees. A comp claim destroys small business. So I'm like, how can I do this without going through workman's comp?
And so now I have to reach out to the fucking regional manager of the regional safety manager for waste management on Monday and have a discussion about how much money they want to pay me for the fucking gas on my leg and the bruised ribs that I've got. Wow. So I was like.
This is fucking stupid. I can't believe my fat ass just fell off the side of the fucking scale. in I think the worst part of the whole thing was that the grass was really wet when I landed in it. So it made my pant leg really damp and it was not fun. I had to ride around with wet jeans for a little while. but let My dogs are really quick. Now you're good. up Or, hey, JR, you guys can all come up here on a Saturday night. We can all hang out together on Saturday night. I mean, the last time I checked, this was open, like open door policy on Saturday night. It's the open door challenge. Everybody and anybody is welcome. And I don't let this slide down from the host. I'll be like, I don't host any podcast and I seem to keep popping in. Yeah, you're a co-host, man. I got the coolest fucking panel for my painkiller for the night.
Nice. you know why like I was on that bandwagon of don't support Bud Light. And then it started really affecting people who work there and the American people and everything like that. And so I was like, okay, this is stupid. And then I realized ah the best beers are free beer and I got a free 12 pack. ah da This was from the last weekend. Remember I told you your boss gave me a 12 pack of founders. Yeah.
Football question for you, Glick.
um When did Luke Fickel leave Cincinnati and go back to Ohio State? Wait, what? Didn't Luke Fickel leave the head coaching job at Ohio State and take the coaching job at Cincinnati? Yeah, he's the head coach of Cincinnati. Is he just not there just to be there? No, he's at Ohio State on the sideline in Ohio State guard. That's what I'm saying. Well, that's what I'm saying. Is he not just there just to be there? He's not there. No, i I think he's a coach.
I think it took a position back with Ohio State. not I don't know, not that I'm aware of. Now I got to Google. Where's the cellular device? That's so cool. My neighbors came by and and brought me tacos, man. They got some good ass. How do I get neighbors like that?
What's up, Florida claimers, Ted, Florida claimers, Ted, what's going on? He has a, uh, yeah, those are definitely doggies. I got to agree with beans and baloney. Those are not those were doggies. I refer to them as kicked me dogs. because Yeah. My big ass just walking through the house. I'm going to kick a dog across the room unintentionally. I thought that was. little swallow
Uh, Bathurst, thank you for coming out of again tonight, man. Definitely always appreciate, appreciate seeing you. And, uh, I'll, I'll try to make it up. You gotta to do like a Saturday afternoon or a Friday night show so I can come up and hang out with you. Maybe. I think it was old clip they showed.
Yeah, I was going to say, no, he's that fucked me up. I didn't think he I didn't think he left since he man. I fucking love these Oregon uniforms, bro. These black and silver and dark green. I love them. They're slick. Yeah.
Yeah, man. I do. I got to check out your channel, Chaka. It was, it was you know, I got to check out your channel. I'm going to have to pop up on because Friday night is the only night that I don't do any.
Um, he doesn't do anything all the time. It's just the one that he admits to not doing anything. No, I'm talking about streaming wise. If you don't do anything on Friday nights, then, uh, we got, we got the lazy Shama show. We got going on Fridays at 6 PM. I'll have to, I'll have to pop in and say what's up. it show and It's called the lazy Shama show. Uh, it's not on my channel, but I stream it on my channel too. It's a on their, their channels called the lazy Shama show. And we stream there on Fridays.
And I usually do some days if, if I have time, I'll do the Sunday stream. Let me double back on something real quick. My name is Rick. I'm just here. I have no idea who you are. Just a big dude with a good ball to head. That's all I know. Rick is a, Rick is a part of any show he wants to be a part of. Rick and I met on TikTok.
You've become very good friends. We've never met in real life, but we've become brothers. And I drive literally within 20 minutes of him at least once a year. Yeah, he drives literally right past him. He drives right past him. I drive right past him going to Buffalo, New York, like within 20 minutes of him. I was going to get together with him for coffee one Sunday when I was driving back, but Dickhead didn't wake up.
Well, cause he didn't have his coffee. I was like, I'm here. I'm in the area. I'm here. I'm here. I'm here. Why didn't I be woke up? I was halfway to fucking Cincinnati. I was like, yeah, you miss that one. I might've gotten a little drunk the night before now, but, uh, no, no. And, and, and, and Sunday night or Sunday morning or Sunday afternoon, whatever, whatever Sunday I do a football show and I've got the best panel for the football. That's Rick is on there with me.
You let me in there. Yeah. Rick is up there with me. My, my boy Derek, who was a former guest on my music show, Derek Wayne Douglas. I'll check him out. He's awesome. on all social media No, he dropped a brand new song on Friday. Oh, yeah. I thought he was dropping a new album. and but And I haven't listened to it yet because my my initial plan for last night is I was going to do my review show. I had a guest, a former guest of my music show, talk me into doing reactions and reviews. So it's like a spin off of my music show. And I haven't listened to it on purpose because I was going to do it on a review show. I was also going to review his his album, which I have listened to. I love the album.
um But, uh, I talked about doing a football show and and Derek hit me up. And like I said, I'm building relationships with these people and Derek's like, Hey man, uh, you know, if it's cool with you, I would love to be a part of your football. show So I said, bro, you're in. You're my co-host. It was like, well, I mean, I didn't, I'm like, no, you're, you're my. like flynn baby yeah ah Yeah. So, you know, I have a fantastic panel for the, for the NFL show. Uh, we, we have a lot of fun, it you know, we just, we're not.
Quote-unquote experts, but we have fun doing what we do and it speaks I love the fact that my peers think so highly of me when it comes to my football knowledge because I'm just a just a guy at the end of the day who loves football and you know, Tony speaks highly Bathurst and rich and a few other people speak highly of the Sunday show and I'm like Yeah, but the show wouldn't be shit without the people I'm surrounded by Do you do all this on audio this channel? I Everything is on the non, so I, the non sensible network. Every show is on this YouTube channel. Nice. Keep saying, Oh, I'm not an expert, but you do 10,000 hours makes you an expert. You do hours makes me an expert. Yeah. Yeah. I'm winning at this game for sure. Yeah. And the guys in the guys like
the guy who created it with me, who's not here tonight. Um, and then blaze who just recently joined, uh, the, the family that's who's missing. Um, blazes on the first day tonight. No, where the fucks have Hey, oh, the cartel get them. Yeah, probably. Fuck. Cause we know the hurricane missed him twice.
Well, I found out about a half hour, 45 minutes before the show, he wasn't going to be here. And I was like, I should get Rick out. But I knew you you feel i should have texted me. I got the game on right in front of me. So um so I'm not but I'm not but I'm not mad at it because on trackable came up and then Chaka found us and and and I asked him a question. I was like, oh, he's probably not here. And then all of a sudden. bru And I was like, oh, shit, he he's. though so one of the cool So a couple of the cool things that I like the most about tonight versus his average structured night is we can talk about all sorts of cool shit on here because there's no structure tonight. Usually ends up into a drunken shit show. But can we address the fact that the Sabres just beat last year's Stanley Cup champions five to one tonight? I think five to one, five to one or five to two, they beat the Red Wings. oh yeah
Yeah, so that's fine let's go savers five to two beat the redw wings. Um, and it's lost to somebody the other night too. yeah They beat us. They beat us. ah They beat us in a preseason the other night, like four to one. So, um, another thing, speaking of tick tock, where we met.
How many of you followed the story of that bitch in Columbus with the rug? I know it's close to you. Oh my god, dude, I did like just early one because well What's up, why wait, hold on a second, hold on singing i why wait, wait been Columbus, Ohio what six Oh, yeah, they're working. Oh, yeah. I never i i haven't heard of it. what the So they were digging for a fence, right? They were digging to put in a fence. They just bought this house. No, no, no. They've they've owned the house for over a year. And the people that owned it before them were the only other owners ever. So she bought this house and her and her boyfriend were digging to put in a fence and they went two and a half feet down and they hit carpet.
and then they realized the carpet was too big to get out so she started talking about it on TikTok and everybody had TikToks like oh my god it's a body it's a body it's a body right because the neighbor died the day she moved in so it's like super crazy right so she calls the cops and the cops come out and the cops are like there's not enough evidence here for us to to give the resources and this that and the other and uh So then she's getting people volunteering to bring shows and mini excavators. And she decides she's going to have a big party with a couple of her friends. They're going to drink wine and dig up this hole. Right. So the day she's going to do this big party, she gets a call from the Columbus police homicide department who said, I don't know why nobody called us. This has our attention. We're coming over. So they bring not one, but two dead body sniff and dogs.
yeah they never know they're Different times and both of them sit down on the spot to mark that there's something going on there And I'm gonna stop right there until he comes back on the camera because I'm sorry. I'm so i'm still here. I'm listening Dude, it's like 28 fucking three minute parts on TikTok of this chick. And she is fucking hysterical. Like the way she describes it and talks about it, she's funny as fuck, right? So she's like, oh my God, what if there's a dead body under my house and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so I don't know if you're going to go watch all the clips or not. If you're not, tell me and I'll fill you in on the whole fucking No, be good please, please. film for like I want to know because I'm a side comes out, right? And they go through the whole spiel. They block her off from getting to certain places and she can't get close enough. She can't fucking, she can't film certain things. This, that and the other.
They did. They bring an excavator out. They take her fire pit out like they did this big fucking hole. And then all of a sudden they start filling the hole back in the fucking carpet was just had some rubber in it. And that was it. Oh, no way. But then did you see afterwards, Chaka, the one yesterday, two days, two days after all the shit goes down.
Somebody hacks her fucking tiktok and steals all the money she got from the lives. Oh, I didn't see that. Yes. She was out at dinner with her boyfriend and somebody hacked her tiktok and stole all the fucking money from the live stream. She posted another video that my wife showed. My wife got me all sucked down that rabbit hole. But then she posted another video yesterday. Touchdown bucket. Her kitchen had a hole in it. And it's under a hole in it.
Was it sunroom? Yes, sunroom where with the dog bed. With all the carpet and stuff in there. Yeah, the ti the tile. So they open this piece of tile, right? She's like, i get everybody's telling her now to look under the sunroom floor, and look dig up your sunroom, blah, blah, blah, blah. She's like, I'm not fucking doing it. And then she remembers when she moved in that there was a weird cutout piece of tile that they just taped over and put the dog bed on top of and forgot about. Well, so she removes the tile and there's a little door. You can stick your finger in and pull the wood up. She goes, I'm not going down there.
Y'all are going down there, points at her bone, and she sticks her fucking phone in the bottom and rotates it. And there's more carpet under the fucking house, right? yeah So she does this other video and it was, there ended up being nothing there, but she does another video and it's fucking hilarious. So she goes to do a spoof video.
with this little plastic skeleton hand, right? And she goes, she picks up the carpet and goes, oh, look, a hand and it flicks off and goes way underneath the fucking floor. And she goes, you sure go shit. I can't read set now it's staying there. So there's a jump scare for the next person.
And then quote before, eric before all that too, didn't somebody, her computer just like, and her, that was what started the whole thing was but she, she leaves she works in the sunroom. So her laptop was closed for tonight and it got, the screen got smashed and a bunch of stuff on her desk was moved around and something that she literally says, this is always on this shelf because my phone goes on this shelf. So this is always on this shelf. She goes, it was on the next shelf up where the phone was supposed to be. So she believes her house is haunted.
So then she deals like she just recently met with a psychic medium and like it's been fucking great. The last, the Peyton and I just spent 30 minutes totally invested watching every fucking video. Yeah. It was wild. And it's right in Columbus. The news crews are six do not know. is first I don't, I don't watch the news. Yeah. What's your you pen and paper or something? Are you going to use your phone or what? Um,
katie sand trying to
kitty saying oh look say yeah yeah
these are ay can hold on i'll show you what her ah oh she's li i she lie right now yeah What's cooking what's Katie got cooking let's let's tap and find out shall we Here's Katie. Oh man. I would drop her a message and invite her on here, but I don't think she'll see it. That's what I do. No, she's got, uh, 1.6,000 viewers right now. Yeah. Her, she's, just but she's a bloop overnight. Yeah. Like she went to, she started out and she had like, I think she set her goal six weeks ago and she started tick tock six weeks ago with 10,000 followers by the end of the year. She has 2.2 million followers now.
After my wife showed me that and then I seen how popular she got. We made a video. I was outside digging, looking for. So I was looking for a damn carpet. but Yeah. Posted it on TikTok. Oh, you totally showed me. You should have tagged. You should have fucking like stitched one of her videos or something. Yeah. But yeah, she's here's the video of her fucking losing the hand.
Scary the spider webs out first so Oh shit That was the best part of the whole videos are going oh shit, I can't reach it now It's just cute do That's funny. Oh dude. The whole thing was for the whole, then it was like fucking 30 videos I went through. It was wild.
Like it was crazy to me that she just went through all that bullshit for nothing. Yeah. Literally for nothing. Literally for nothing. I was thinking, man, there's got to be a body of both those cadaver dogs sat down. What? Right? Two dogs at two different times. Yeah.
And then she, her and her boyfriend made a spoof video where she was like, so I got this great idea. We're going to dig a hole in our backyard. We're going to bury some carpet and we're going to cover it up. We're going to come back and we're digging up later and we're going to make videos of it and we're going to let it go viral. And then we're going to put the cadaver dogs out there with a Bluetooth earpiece. So he's going to sit right when they're on the hall and she's because apparently people were calling her out saying she was fake, which we all know. Glick and I both know from tick tock. There's haters every fucking place.
Everywhere you go, somebody's going to hate on something. I think you finally passed me in follower numbers, Glick.
I doubt I did. You know how fucking active I am on. I did. I haven't touched it like two years, but I had like thirty four thousand. Yeah, I'm not even anywhere near that.
That's because I put all you fuck. That's because I put you and everybody else ahead of me. that Everybody. Oh, here we go. oh dude i dude like on this roll No, dude. dude. And it's not like I'm not. And it's not like I'm saying it as a dig. We were putting in the work together, my guy. Every everybody I'm friends with like they are all above me. Like, you know, I don't care. My personal tiktok page. I was just.
doing my own thing. I was doing my lives like I do here. I mean, if you like what you see, follow. I'm not going to. I spent more time getting better than I did staying alive. Fuck. Yeah. Stranger danger. Where's the stranger danger? I replaced Jeff with Chaka. It's been an upgrade so far. I 100% an upgrade.
Chuck is my new Saturday night guy. do it I'll have a hemmed up by the fucking cartel down there in Cancun. ye Yeah, fucking no i wish I wish I could be drinking with you guys, but I actually got to work tonight. I work nights. and I only have Sunday Mondays. Oh, what do you do? I mean, I work in the prisons. Oh, he's a CEO. Yeah, I'm a sergeant, actually. But and so he tells people what to do.
I got afraid who does that in Toledo. She's just the super max. Oh, Nikki's talking shit. Listen, I don't want to listen. No lip from the fucking peanut gallery. Oh, my God. I saw a wrestling clip from when Big Ben was on wrestling squared up with ah Jericho and the big show. You remember that one? Play the. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Lazy Shaman. Chuck has been giving you all kinds of love tonight, man. And yeah, yeah there's there the art lazy shaman show right there.
Yeah. What's going on? Blags all over the field. Sorry. Um, yeah. What's up. If you guys aren't already in, in, in, you come in here through Bathurst or Chaka and you want to give us a follow, we'd greatly appreciate it. I'll definitely follow you guys back. I want to check out everybody's channels, man. Um, it was really cool. So you, you do, you do the, uh, you're, you're a vampire man.
I lately, I mean, I just started this, uh, nights. So I haven't gotten those nights, you know, nights suck, but I mean, it's easy, relatively easy. Yeah. I was just saying for the most part, they're all in there. There's not much there sleep at that point when he goes in.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. That's why I went to nights. And plus, I was missing out on a lot of kids sports and stuff. At least now I can catch it. That's I think that's my friend and that's biggest bit. She's a she's a ah what the fuck? would I guess I don't know what it would be called. She's ahead of one of the cell blocks ahead of one of the cell blocks. Yeah. And the Supermax and Toledo and like she hates. Oh, yeah. Oh, shit.
all the guys she deals with are never getting out like they're guys that are in there forever none of them are ever going to be paroled but she said like this weekend sucks for her because this is her weekend on and because it's the weekend she has to deal with the baby mama drama of visits she's like it smells like a whore bath in my fucking visiting room right now And then a lot of days, like when it's hot, I'll get a Snapchat. It's like it smells like armpits, assholes and sweaty sacks in the prison today. And I'm like, that's fucking disgusting. That's funny, though. Because you laugh because, you know, she's not wrong. But it's probably good. It does smell like men's fucking armpits, assholes and sweaty sacks. Yeah. ah But man, some of the things that some of the stories and shit, they're wild.
so there's there's a lot of a lot of stories. you those number Did Peyton really rage quick because you beat her ass that bad? Yeah. I can only imagine. I just dropped the link Lazy Shaman. I just dropped link to to the to their channel. people oh Yeah. Yeah, we actually we actually have the link for the for the show. is Saturday nights are the what we call the open door challenge. So if you guys are following us on the on The YouTube or or if you go to our YouTube channel, you'll see the link in the chat and everybody and anybody's welcome. I haven't brought that up to like yet
As long as you don't show your pecker or your butthole or say it was the first thing he said when I first jumped up, he's like, Hey, don't show your pecker. I was like, I'm not going to show my bubble. We've been, doing do we've been, we we've been leader bomb like four times and that's the thing that people do. So they create these videos and, or know we think and I, and I have an idea who it is in all honesty. And that's why he said, is that you big Rick to make sure I was real. yeah But, uh,
Because it'll be a video and and it's like oh shit. That's our boy cam That's that's Jeeves or whoever and then we bring them up and the next thing you know It's like somebody's small pecker on the screen. and It's just like first and foremost We're about to make fun of your second of all What did you would you like you're not impressing anybody here like at the end of the day?
Like it happened one time. We had, we have a, one of our good friends, uh, lady, lady, she's out in Scotland and her and I were alive on a Saturday night together and we were just chatting and we thought one of our friends joined and all of a sudden it was some dude fucking with this small little pecker that we spent 15 minutes making fun of him.
because it was so small and I'm like it's one thing when a dude makes fun of your small backer but when a girl or a woman makes fun of your small backer like what did you what did you accomplish there tonight you you just you just got destroyed when it happened to us when it happened to us one time we were on the Lazy Shama show full panel just having a good conversation and then it was uh it was in the in the chat so steve steve you won't get emotionally damaged but you'll get intellectually fucked up in here like you'll leave this be my lot dumber than you came in even canadian is the man You're leave some **** You're going to leave some brain cells behind when you walk out of here. That's the fact.
ah they'll be filleded with melted arts and potentially ban there smokers i'm doing good i sound good yeah so we we we had when you had whole panel Matter of fact, it was on my show now that I think about it. And everybody's up there talking. And then the link was in the chat because I never really did open panels. That was that day. I was like, I'm going to put the link in the chat. And then there was this dude popped up in backstage. It was some old dude just sitting there. And I asked the guys, do you guys know who this guy is? Everybody said no. Fuck it. Let's bring him up. As soon as we brought him up, the full screen of Justin. Oh, it was bad. Yes, he will. No questions asked. He will.
The funny part about it is I screenshot all of our faces, our our reaction. We were just, it was so funny. The timing on that was great. Yeah. I, you know, I, I should go back. I should go back and screenshot reactions. That's a hell of an idea. that one night one The first night I ever did the show with you, you got fucking pecker mom. yeah and and And then and the newest one, just, just about like two weeks ago,
uh we we thought my boy cam who is a part of the and wentney yeah he's a part of the sunday show he's you know i have i have rick derrick and cam and cam's done a lot of behind the scenes to help with the network like that's that's one of my best friends he's he's my little brother and he popped up in the box and i'm like what is cam doing he can he's an admin on stream yard he could just bring himself up but he's also a little special so i was like fuck it i'm gonna bring cam up and i brought him up we were like yo what's going on cam all of a sudden it was just chocolate starfish, baby. And then dingleberries. Somebody should do a BH and everything. Yeah, that was amazing. Oh my God. It's been the funniest part about the BH thing is I tell Wyatt all the time. The lazy shaman.
The Lazy Shaman chocolate starfish will get demolished. We don't want to see your buttholes. We don't want to see your peckers like we don we actually have this blaze. Blaze did this for us in our in our brand over here. um We have this that we'll usually do on Saturday nights. If there's a wiener on that monitor, I swear to God.
It's funny. yeah so tell I tell White all the time anytime he'll tell me every time he's like. there's a girl in the Call of Duty lobby. I'm like, why? If you want to make her your girlfriend online, you have to send her a picture of your of your VH. You have to. That's the only way to make your your girlfriend. Uh, babe, will you shoot a buzz ball with me? I told her, I mean, I already answered her. I told her you would cause you're not a pussy. What he said. Yeah. Oh, please. the The pecker bomb.
yeah yeah mentioned We made a whole uh we made a whole uh chronicles that we called it the Waffle House Chronicles and I made a whole uh AI animated videos of that led to a whole thing. It was funny. Nice. That I uh JR, I promise you there are some out there. My fiance is one of them. You know, I'm blessed with the one. They they they're like a rare species like a but they are out there. I'm blessed with a lot of things, a great physique, a handsome, fantastic beard. You know, uh, you know how you get those racing stripes, right? Is that where it drags to the BH and knocks the fucking color out? Yeah. Either way, your face is down there. Well, uh, you can be on the front side and still, if it's long enough, it can drag.
Oh my goodness. yeah i was i was I was blessed with a lot of things in life. Amazing voice, good personality. good looks, you know, charming and all that. But how do I mad was how do i make your video box bigger so your head will fit in that motherfucker? yeah Yeah. Right. Because at this point, you're pushing the rest of us to the bottom corner. It's about the cartwheel. This whole street is about to great over the That was like, look, like, I mean, you're damn near perfect. The only thing I can do is give you a small pecker. And I'm like, well, look, I mean, I understand, you know, just just.
Just do what you got to do, big fella. You're right, Jay. You're right, Jay. You do stick her with it. She is stuck with it. Everybody needs a pinprick down again. What's going on, MK? Yeah, hey. You know what? I do what I can with what I'm blessed with. OK. Who's winning this game? What game? I think Tennessee is winning now. I'm getting the highlights on the Tennessee Florida game. Yep. It's 1710 Tennessee right now with eight minutes left.
twenty eight twenty two guys with you beans yeah but look who's knocking on the oh wait is no the Buckeyes have the ball nevermind uh there's something wrong with you beans i don't like knocking on the door coming out of our own fucking end yeah yeah bees is one of my people we had a group on x spaces that posted tops at load of kpp poo poo sexy time took us three hours three hoes fifteen minutes to sleep
literallyly a real shit show and if you guys you know if you guys are over in my chat hit that le come over here and ah and ah and subscribe to nonsen school network yeah this thing is six kinds of smash off yeah i was scratching my shoulder and said literally a real shit show and my phone said my watch said what do you want to know about julio the fuck is william let's let's let's drink mama oh god i have some hide thenives are You're gonna have to pick the Steelers to win tomorrow No, no. who and you hide the knives i I was, I was told to tell you guys that I do not pick the Steelers under duress that I, when I picked the Steelers, that I solely picked the Steelers of my own accord and I am 100% sober.
And in my right state of mind, when I pick the Steelers and there's no threat of my life, that's part of that whole rehearsed thing was that you were said, I was told to tell you guys, I don't like it, but that's what people peaked up performance. Jesus. So you found a unicorn too. She likes a small pecker.
jr She might not like it, but she's stuck with it. He said literally stuck.
you she said He said, I hate you both. I'm going to drink a few buzz balls and you'll be back in love with him and you'll tolerate me. Have you guys seen the blue buzz ball yet?
I was in the balloon, but have you seen the huge one? Oh, yeah. The big. Did you watch that lady? Did you watch that lady try to drink the whole fucking thing in her kitchen, the one that one thing? No, no. You tried to drink the whole. There was like a three minute like piece together video. Oh, excuse me. Those those balls are. You got half with. Yes. Well, so the buzz ball itself, the size of this one was equal to 12 regular ones. And her only goal was to get through half of it.
she didn't make it i love i like Baby I love you, but you are so basic that i was the most Basic ass white girl wasted that I can imagine you can get Says it says the guy that every Saturday morning before she goes to work and I go get my Beverages for Saturday night show I pick her up to a two pumpkin spice frappa crappa mocha latte mocha. Who's the what? I don't know what they are. Yeah, that the dams, the them dams Starbucks bottles at the at the gas station. They got them in pumpkin. but And I get a two every weekend. and I came with home today. She's like, oh, my God. with them She was like, you do love me. And I was like, duh, like I'm a good man. Just so you know, he's literally just hoping he's literally just hoping that he won't have to pick the Steelers tomorrow.
and We've been looking for me and the wife and hunt for that blue the blue buzz ball. It's I haven't even heard of me yet. She's seen it on tiktok. I That's the video what's the video I I haven't even heard of the blue one. I like the green one and I think the red one You know, what's you know, what ah you know what else is also dangerous as hell.
Lss sounds like a disorder. I agree with you. Okay. It really does i got and call real quick um Hotline talk to me so girl you could have done that with a one Paper towel did I towels fucking expensive homie you better release one piece the next time are you gonna be wiping your ass?
I'll give you one square toilet paper. You know how to do that, right? You stick your fucking finger through it, you wipe your ass, then you do this when you're all done.
yeah's how poor you to be you broke broke yeah yeah yes meant less's broke broke broke that's like that's like the government forgot me broke The cash app is in the leak if you guys want to donate to the tele Cash App, Cash App, Glick Glick 13. What the fuck? Man. Great job getting robbed too. I'm too broke to get robbed. One thing left to steal from me is my dignity. And apparently with one square toilet paper, that's gone. Oh, so apparently the ultimatum is pick the Steelers or don't go to the wedding doesn't apply to me. But why did you threaten me with the knife? And everybody's seen the knife on the wall in the shadow. I didn't see shit.
Oh, now you're changing your story. You're just trying to steal from me. How am I going to cover for you anymore? Get fucked. I know I said good. Click 13. All donations will go to Rick for his toilet paper fund. and So I had a buddy who's been going back and forth up to North Carolina. And one of the things he told me right now was for people to stop sending fucking water up there. He said that was one of the first things they got fixed or worked in fixing with water. Now they have.
crates and cases and pallets and pallets and pallets of bottled water that they don't need to give out anymore because most people have running water back. Facts on facts, Shaman. Most of us do have a disorder. Hello, chocolate tech support. Wrong phone food.
Wrong phone food? What do they but what do you need?
I like my hotline. Talk to me. Lazy Shaman says that my my wife wipes are so much better than TP. You and your posh booty hole. Oh,
lazy is lazy is bougie as fuck, isn't it? Yeah, you probably got a bidet. I want a bidet. I want to be that level of rich where I can have a bidet.
something squirts your butthole while you're after you're done right something something squirts right up my butthole come on ooh oh it's not it's not lazy it's a shot as shaman says because they shaman la the lazy shaman show that's it's lazy jedi and and shaman says they that's their show so i thought it was lazy but okay shaman is talking nice lazy this ain't lazy god there was no knife there was a knife and they were oh my god think he just sent me this video on Tiktok. Yeah, that's a buzz ball. buzzba Yeah, but it's a pumpkin. Yeah, it's like, is it like white in color or something like that? No. Hold on a second. Look at this. It's a pumpkin. Yeah, that's pumpkin flavored. Oh, that. Yeah. Cause she cuts the cover off that girl gets fucking straight up white girl wasted. Wow. Yeah. But the question is, does she get straight up Mickey wasted?
New Syracuse is beating NC State right now. I know we're not talking football, but that's pretty good for them. on That's that's my new scale. It's not like girl wasted anymore. It's Nikki wasted after her birthday last year. I just want to know how I get Nikki wasted on my birthday or for my birthday. I know, right? If you're Diddy Ritchie.
be ready to get bad day Hey, dude, bro, I about lost my shit when it came out. Uh, last week, was it last week when that chick came out and said that, that did he would like throw what like a drink in your face and it was laced with chemicals to put you like homeboy put corn for him in a drink and he would just throw it in your face. And then you would, and then you would eventually like pass out and get diddied.
The fucking Batman villain, the diddler over here. The diddler. No. and i yeah Yes, seriously, as anti-butthole as I am. ah I think i want I would like to try a bidet at least once. You know what I really want to try? Those those Japanese toilets. Cam, is that really you? Show me the face you used to make when I had you locked in a cage.
but There it is. There he is. What's up, Bubbles?
rich people Donuts only do it. Cam and Chaka.
I'm just mad that he thought I like shopping. I like your people, Chuck. I like your people. I know party. Come hang out on Fridays, man. I'm not on that. What's up, Rick's daughter? Glick said, what's up, Rick's daughter? I don't know what her name is. It's Peyton. yeah Oh, yeah, it's Peyton. Hey, what's up, Peyton Manning?
You know, he said definite banning the fuck she was. Get the fuck out of here. You were named after i and an eight head mentally retarded kid. Said you were named after an eight head mentally retarded kid. That's your fault. You didn't get that one. You know, multiple Super Bowl rings, unlike the Buffalo Bills, who went.
Dude, four, four years ago. Hold on. At least we didn't sell our team to a fucking sexual assault case. OK, you got to be there, Norweid. You got to be there, Norweid. Oh, I'll take that over the scandals you guys got for hundreds of millions of dollars, a quarter of a billion dollars that you have no way to get out of. really Did you see what Graf said about you?
Jesus Christ. Drew Peppers got arrested for domestic, for strangulation, drug possession of domestic. Kraft said if any of that is proven true, there's no questions. He's gone.
next He'll come back to Cleveland. partner grew up with dehar They'll give him like 200 million because we fought for the next. day They did it. They're not I'm not hating on I'm not hating on Kareem Hunt, but they did it to Kareem Hunt. Kareem Hunt straight out punched his wife out. No, yeah. But you're right. The fucking druger out of it. Did he punch her in the elevator and drug her out of the elevator down the hall?
punched her right in the cocksucker. Boom. On camera. It was like, we'll sign you. We'll sign you to a two year deal. Kareem. The Sean Watson's got four hundred hundred of seventy five essay yeah essay ah assault charges on. He just he's he's like more he's beat more essay charges than he has touchdowns for Cleveland. He's beat twenty three essay charges. He's only got 19 touchdowns. Facts on facts. You didn't name your kid after death.
You are absolutely correct. Which is still worse than anything that anybody. So why its name initially when when my ex-wife was pregnant was going to be named Colton. And I threw a fucking fit. I was like, no fucking way am I having a patient and a Colton and everybody thinking that we like the Indianapolis Colts that fucking much in this. You shouldn't name them Eli. Like not happening.
Why? With who, your mom? Oh, yeah, so I was like, du they we can't do that. So then we got Wyatt. And it worked out good.
and one Now I got a Wyatt and a Paige. And they're both very unique in their own way. And they're fantastic kids. So I feel like you had a gun to your head when you said that. No, no, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't on my kids constantly. They're both very, very good kids. Very well behaved. Well, my daughter has a typical 13 year old girl attitude right now that might keep her from making 14 in a month. My, uh, four year old acts like she's 14. My eight year old, she's, she's sweet as can be. Just wait. yeah I know that's what I was thinking. of as just man My oldest way ti she's wait tole boys. My two-year-old, he's just chill. Like you don't really care. Yeah. It's my son. My son's cool like that. He's just going to flow. My eight-year-old actually just had his first MMA fight. That was awesome. Your what? My 18-year-old? Yeah. Who's he fighting for?
He's that's called the pinnacle and he's ah he's just an amateur. He's his first fight he ever did and he knocked the dude out. It was it was awesome. Nice. Where do you go? Where do you go to fight? Uh fought in Bakersfield, California at the Robert Bank Arena.
and I got I got a couple friends that do that. Yeah. So I got a couple. Yes. It's did you go watch him? Dude, I was on the cage. I was talking. I was talking shit to the other guy. It's not. Well, don't do that. You get him. You get him lost some points. why And then me and the other it was so much fun. me and The other coach are yelling at each other. It was just dude. It's such a cool. It's such a cool atmosphere, isn't it? Yeah.
like it's so it's such an intimate setting. yeah So you don't have to worry about losing. He doesn't he he doesn't have to worry about losing points when his son knocks the other dude out. And what is the other guy gone to that? Take yeah the other guy. yeah me He had more fights in my boy and he was like a submission dude. What a grappler, huh? It wasn't a striker. He was a grappler. Hey, Cam.
No. So Gracie, I said, Oh, little girl. jesus No. So can I've known Cam since he was like 14 and I, and I kept him locked in a cage in my garage until he was 18.
But i've I literally, I have literally held his oldest daughter and fed her and, and everything else. And she used to get freaked out when we would be gaming because she's like, who's the man with the scary voice? That's the scary voice man. Because her dad has a, has never reached puberty and has a lady voice. So. but And a pedo stash. Yeah. And an a llama on his head, apparently. Cam, you got to get a haircut, bro. Yeah, I do.
I love you bro, but damn. You're looking like one of these teenage kids nowadays. Dude, you want to talk about feel, you want to talk about feeling old. This motherfucker was up here a few weeks ago and said that he just turned 29. I'm over here thinking he's like 25, 26, something like that. You just turned 20 fucking nine years old. I'm noticing another 15 years.
No, I just was not expecting to hear him tell me that he was almost 30. It's okay. My kids says to me tonight as we're driving home, she says, dad, wouldn't it be cool if I was born in the year 2000? Cause then it would be really easy to track how old I am. I said, no, because I would have only been 14 years old. And she goes, she stopped. Like there was no noise in the back seat. She goes,
whoa Whoa.
that's ah That's all right. My kids, my kids make fun of me for being born in the late 19 hundreds. Yes. yeah I've heard the same thing. Yeah. I've heard the exact same thing. It's worse. when miration at The gas station and they're like, Oh, I saw the 19 you're good.
My kids were always, they always throw in, but my kids always throw in little jabs. Like, what was it like when there wasn't color before there was color? weather color Yeah. Yeah. yeah yeah
Cam is always looking like a teenager. I know. i almost age well My parents have good genetics. um Okay. Nickelback does not have good genetics. Just because he wears bedazzled jeans and afflicting shirts still at 75 does not mean he has good genetics.
ah sure I call Cam's dad Nickelback. If Nickelback was a person, it would be Cam's dad. Jesus.
I don't know how to feel. Kim's parents are great. okay Kim's parents are great. I love his mom and dad, but Jesus Christ, his dad is the epitome of Nickelback. Bro, I think I need to go to Oregon. Why? Some of these girls in the stands there. Oh, my Lanta.
They're all college girls. All college girls look the same. Listen, did he fucking set the standard? I can get away with fucking shitload compared to what he's done. Well, I would not compare yourself to Diddy. I'm not even trying to come close to his level, but look at what he's done. What I would do is child's play. no Easy on your words of choice, which you could get away with.
as you write chuck is in law enforcement but ten Yeah, but he can't arrest me. Nice to tell the people who. Bro, this game is wild back and forth. Well, Glick Killa Cam Big Rick is nice meeting you guys. I gotta to get ready for work because I gotta do work. Yeah, chuck that hey be safe. be Be safe at work, bro. I look forward to see. I look forward to seeing you down the road man and like I said, if you're off on Mondays.
feel free. The link is always in the bio. Come on up and let's let's let's chat it up, bro. Definitely. Definitely. We got an open. We got that open link there for a reason. So yeah, be safe at work, man. It was a pleasure meeting you. I appreciate you coming up here tonight and hanging out with me, keeping me a little company. Alright, fellas, you guys have a good night. Alright, man. Alright, brother.
Yeah, I gotta say I gotta say shout out shout out to the Shout out to the chat tonight and shout out to the newcomers. Man, I didn't know what I was going to do tonight. Dude, I'm not trying to cut you off every game right now. It's tight. They're all tight. 2016, Florida, Tennessee. yeah And Florida just got a field goal.
ah feel more extra lives seven extra point okay yeah I Yeah. I was confused. I was like, wait, what are they? you did you seeies I was hoping South Carolina. I was hoping today against Bama.
I was hoping that was because that was ah they were they were that two point conversion away from overtime and the rate that game was going, Alabama was not going to win that one in overtime, bro. I'll say this. How stupid does Georgia feel right now? Um, they were in a fucking boat race with Mississippi State. I understand that. But you lost to Alabama. Alabama then lost to Vandy. Yeah.
who is still celebrating baby didn't even know they had a game today. yeah ah vandy didn't even know they had a game today They're still celebrating from last week. They cost them $150,000 and you're still beating where they were. And they don't, and they don't give a damn that it costs them $150,000 in the least.
There's so much money at that school, bro. Oregon about to get that dove, and then I can rub it in Rick's face. Shut your mouth. I'm going to play on the podcast a couple of weeks ago, where I was like, hey, Rick, Ohio State's going to lose. No, they're not. No, they're not. Go to hell. OK, well, Ohio State's driving down the field, and it's 29-28. Hey, this is going to come down to whoever's got the ball last. I knew it was going to be a good game. You knew that, too. Oh, I told Glick today. I said, I liked Oregon before they joined the Big 10, so.
oh Yeah, I've always been a I mean, I've always been a fan. This is the first year that I've actually I've actually ever ah Hated against Ohio State and I want to see them. Oh I don't know what that link is. who i'm worried What's the link you put in there? Texas is solid which number one not number one for no reason Like they're gonna be the team to beat this season. No doubt.
but they just mop fucking I the floor with Oklahoma. I knew they were going to win, but I didn't know they were going to win by that much. I did. Oklahoma is just not that good. But then they said that they had five wide receivers out, which kind of made it guaranteed. I don't know if it's nothing but sophomore freshman backup wide receivers. I don't know, man. They didn't get a touchdown. Oh, oh, oh. Oh, that didn't get you anywhere, did it, bud?
in fish special content um quarterback ran right out of his shoe. What are you going to do? Why is that guy have a full pant leg and half a pant leg? You know, I've seen that with quite a few guys this season. It doesn't make any sense to me. I don't know. I've seen that with ah guys and it literally looks like it's ripped off, not cut off or anything. It looks like you literally just grabbed it and tore it off.
I dropped that link in our chat again, guys, if you if if you're if you want to jump out. Yeah. Yeah. If you want to jump over to the nonsensical network YouTube channel, that links in the chat. You guys are in the chat. You guys are all more than welcome. If you're watching to jump on in here and hang out with us. You think you got it in? Yeah. I should just go like every time you get 100 people in here.
yeah then we're going to have to make Rick a mod if he's not already. So he can, I'm not, and I don't care to be now. I'll just watch you guys get inundated with winner pictures yeah umroing great go a blend in and show his and see how long until we catch on du do youbo first five. You get her are all from me, but you got to figure out which one's actually mine. but Yeah. Or just type in nonsensical nonsense in the YouTube search and it'll come up and the links in the chat. So anybody who's watching,
If you guys want to come up in here and hang out with us, you are absolutely more than welcome. You should jump on TikTok and do that. He should be like, if you ever thought that you thought if you ever thought you could handle a podcast, here's your chance to an open door welcome. We're going to get plenty people and the most creepiest, even creepier than Glick. That's fine. make it normal as rick said if you is As Rick said, if you thought that you thought that you thought then. Yeah.
I've been, I've been a lot of pain and I've been awake for a long time. I thought that was just me like, am I misunderstanding this guy? No, I'm stuttering. Rick, do you smell toast? No. Okay. I just want to make sure he's not stroking out on us. He's stroking out on air. I'm stroking but you can't see that.
yeah you can't buy it right and i mean i'd like to see it send it in the private snapshchat how it got you move e listen whatever gets your rock um baby whatever gets your i like maybe tpg for life baby I still haven't figured out why they added a bunch of West Coast teams to the Big Ten.
It blows my mind. Dude, check this out. Check this out. So last night that I was telling Rick about this last night, um, my, my middle daughter, who's in eighth grade, they had the eighth grade night. I got the March with the high school marching band and everything like that. Uh, the high school football game. Well, I shit you not. I want to, I got to find these stats, but I bet that my kids at school had well over 400.
yards on the ground last night. Their fucking linebacker had almost a hundred yards rushing. They beat this school. They beat this school 76 to nothing. And when they came out after halftime, they said that the announcer said, uh, for the next, for the next half, there's been an adjustment made in Instead of 12 minute quarters, we're only doing eight minute quarters.
They're high school, like Johnstown Johnny's shout out to the Johnny's because the last season that I was going to games on a regular basis, they were ass. And this year they are beating the dog shit out of everyone. They are four and one. And every game they've won.
they have absolutely beat the hell out of everybody. And the one game they lost was by like, I think three points. So shout out to the Johnstown Johnny's man. Um,
ah but I was, I was like so bored that I started doing a new thing on social media. And that's like shout out Friday appreciation Friday. And I was just putting in our our Instagram story, um, shit from all the musicians that I've interviewed on my music show and tagging them in it. So people could go follow them and whatnot. Because every time John's not touched the ball, they would run a run play and, and, and fucking, uh, that one run play would be a touchdown.
go to bed. But no, talk she's telling me. So all that conversation we were having about the kids names and everything like that, why it was on the phone to the other room with his fucking mother and never. And she heard everything that I was saying. And it drives me saying that and I'm going to set this new rule in the house when she calls. It needs to be announced. So I fucking know. So I know because I don't need another phone call like last weekend.
How about that? makes exist So it's better if I know so I can just watch what I'm talking about. Oh my gosh. Oh, that was way earlier. What the hell kind of because your father and mother do not have, do not have, I'm interested to hear what he says. this Have a, um, hold on.
Yeah, fuck it. They don't get along with each other. That's 100% incorrect. It's not because her father and mother don't get along with each other. Her father tries in every way imaginable to get along with her mother. Her mother does not get along with her father. See? The kids know it. And I've never said a word. Your mother's heard. Ben, me and you are nothing. said I caught myself.
I caught myself. I caught myself. Yeah. where Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Chaka can't drive. That's why I said if it's if it can't be found funny. Yeah. Fucking cunt. Click. See you next Tuesday. What? That's one of the two words that they're not allowed to say after 10 o'clock when I've been drinking is the C word. She she didn't say it. I said it. I know.
He didn't inform anyone with C word you were talking about. She said, fucking God. ah right I got Peyton Manning, Rick. I got I got Peyton Manning back.
See you next Tuesday or Tennessee might be good. upset rule Yeah. I don't say that. You don't say the N word either. So the F word, the C word in the end. I do not say it. Don't ever say the N word. I'll punch you in the face. Okay. That's a tough one for them for me to pitch to them because my best friend Nick is black and that's literally how we entered his nickname on my Snapchat. Yeah. So I have a little bit of a different scenario with the N word towards him.
Yeah, no, no, no, no, I yeah. Well, or if you're cam and you just drop it freely on the show. Hey, dude, I was fucked up. And come on. Do not and way even on my list. I don't drop that.
When you leave tonight, you're not in the show, by the way. Oh, my God. I'm on my laptop. So it's different set up in the. What did you just said to me? so Yes. Chaka across the board. It is the nonsensical network. If for whatever reason you have a hard time finding, just go to my.com slash nonsensical network. smoking And all those links are there. You got it with the link big ones. I got it with the Nike. Right to that platform. Come on, Oregon. There you go. Shut up, Cam.
yeah Um, all they need is that they'll go shut your mouth cam. Oh, I remember she's yelling about, is it the fourth quarter already? Yeah. Three minutes, three, four minutes left. Kentucky's still losing to Vandy right now. Tennessee and Florida are tied. Whoa. Vandy's beaten on Kentucky 17 to seven. What time are you at on the game? I'm trying to see if I'm behind you or like, ah hold on. I'm watching a replay.
i got three thirty five on the clock okay i'm at three twenty i'm not i got ten seconds yeah im a few of cable yeah yeah i don't i'm streaming yeah down oreggan i ask looks like play ahead on us i'm just I'm at I'm at I'm at 225. Oh, yeah. Suck my head. It sucked my white ass ball. I have a video. Oh my god. I'll play it because I can play it here. Let me pull it up real quick. I didn't tell you. Yeah, man. Much love, Chaka, man. I I hope to do more with you, brother.
of five black and definitely a da I personally, I always suck fat black cock. Listen, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Say it has to be specifically black. I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Rick, you, you missed it earlier, Rick. I had, I had my birthday present on the birthday present on earlier, man. What was your birthday present? The greatest running back to ever come out of poll high. Spill it.
the one and only Al **** Bundy. ah Okay. So, you ready for this? Oh yeah, it definitely was a PI call. That was a legit PI call. I'll even tell you. Glick, are you ready for this? Cam, you're not old enough but Glick, you'll appreciate everything that's about to come through this mic. It says, I've used these phrases most of my life.
um miles take two the to sphiter says why um
change your filsy animals the animals these I know what that's. I have anything on the benefits. coach un true
wendy sweet one to touch mind You ain't got no job and you ain't got shit to do. I ain't got no shit to do. I'm gonna get you back. Cuz I got it.
yeah Was that not like, I saw that and I was like, fuck, I'm old. yeah Cause it's got little clips of everything to go with it. Yeah. Gay. Wherever. I am old as balls, man. Well, you've hit the, you have a four in the front of your age. I don't yet. I do not. I have a two in front of my age. Fuck off Wyatt.
Go to hell, Wyatt, you asshole. Oh, click it. Wyatt just yelled from the other room. Old man. I said fuck off. He goes, no, whoever's got the four.
Yeah. Yeah. I heard you were over here earlier and going, my kids are so great. blobby Blah, blah, blah, blah. I was in the house. I was getting some more water and I was like, why it's an asshole. Oh wait. he here why it isn an assho But the worst part is he'll insult you so intelligently. You won't realize it's like 10 minutes later, if he's gone, you'd be like that little motherfucker.
hey Hey, why? Just so why? No, at least I don't like girls with peepies. No boys with peepies. Why? a boys she doesn't like Boys with
He said, how about you go suck one? Yeah, it sounds like your job. They get a little ballsy every 10 o'clock on a Saturday when dad's been drinking and the gloves come off. What are you talking about? He was getting a little ballsy on Saturday afternoon when we were playing Call of Duty.
But he watches his mouth a little better. What? What do you drink? I don't know. I do. What light? Oh, I thought so. He's strange. I'm the one with the shit beer tonight. Usually I drink Coors. I'm drinking fucking natural light tonight. That's not beer. That's water with bubbles. That's water with bubbles. That's water with bubbles. Dollar General this week. That's what they did. What? They sell beer at Dollar General? Yeah! Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I live in the fucking country, man. Oh, yeah. OK. Oh, yeah. So, Glick, remember when I dated Kira?
in Kentucky. Hold on a second. We got to go back through, go back through Rick's relationships is like going back through my relationships. yeah Remember when I did it Kira and kentu bus up the hands in the toe. Oh, Oh yeah. i did the hot right so Okay. So that would, she lived in such a small town. That's where they did most of their grocery shopping. Yeah. I can get everything but meat here. I can get some out. real i' I'm out real quick, right? Are you single currently? No, but I can still say the hot redhead watching. Okay. Okay. i saying No, I'm a allowed to look at every fucking menu item. There is. I just can't order from it. I'm not saying I'm not saying yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I remember here because hot redhead.
I'm saying, it was a bit of a, she was a bit of a psycho. There was no bit about it. Nicky said, wow. I don't know if she's wild or me or you. no no I was, your I was, I was remembering the psycho. Yeah. I was remembering the psycho with like, she was a full blown dude, the better looking they are, the crazier they are.
It's just the way I never understand. Nikki's hot as hell and she's full. There's a whole fucking like there's a whole fucking like charting for it that they did. Yeah. Nikki Nikki's hot as hell and she's full blown Arkham Asylum. Let me show this one. You Christopher. Why did I get you? Why? No, I didn't know I did not say my red head. Haha, Francis. I know the middle name, but I won't be that guy. Go to hell, Rick. See my fucking name. What's my fucking name? What's my fucking name? You're in the shit with me, actually.
Why am I in the fog with you? Because I fucking snapped you, I think it was 515 in the morning and said, happy birthday Francis. And you never even fucking acknowledged with a thank you or nothing for the whole fucking day. You looked at it and left that bitch on red all day. No. Yes, you fucking did. Because I was thinking about it at eight o'clock that night, I was like, that motherfucker never even so much as said, thanks for the happy birthday.
because I specifically did not hit your Facebook wall with one because I sent you a snap about it. So yeah, that was pretty far. Okay. Okay. Oh, you know, I'm going to tell you, I'm going to tell you what happened. No, here we go. First, first and foremost, I apologize and thank you. They stopped them. But I'll, but I will tell you what happened. log go Man, take the points. No, man. What is it? Fourth and goal.
Yeah. a minute with a minute fifty one one Hey, Hey, but carol you should Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey,
yes what it was like ah stop marha and henceceforth and go on the one you're getting the ball yeah i was like i'm glad you i'm glad you thought that um'm glad you caught that reference thank you rick ah No, so first and foremost, I'll tell you what happened. You sent that at 5 15 I wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning Sometimes I'll roll over and look at my phone to see what time it is And when I do I swipe my phone open and I hit a notification I did not know that you sent that so thank you. I appreciate that. You're getting my acknowledgement now. Thank you um sapington I appreciate that. brother I don't think Cameron said anything to me about my birthday.
Well, he hasn't fucking States in turmoil right now. He said, he said, I did a day later. I know. I wasn't going to call him out for saying it a day later, but he put himself on the block. Oh my God. Cam, if they miss this field goal, you're not going to hear it. here They made it. Yeah. mr said They made it, bitch. I wish I had your kind of white boy money. Wow.
This has been a good game. yeah there up my one now This is exactly what I thought. I wanted to see Oregon prove they belong in a Big 10 and right now they're hanging with one of the top two historical top two teams in the Big 10. I gotta say, man, Oregon and USC,
They're showing their grit in the big 10, man. Bro, USC almost got that fucking game today. I'd have loved it if they did not. I would have loved it, even though they have. I don't think they've beaten a big 10 school yet. I could be wrong. I have to look. They've been in it for every game, though. But but they have looked good. UCLA. Welcome to the bottom of the barrel in the big 10. Yeah. they go fucking north They go hang out with Nebraska in Wisconsin.
Nebraska, Purdue. Did I win today? I will. Dude, you know who the two fucking big skin big 10 schools that are surprising me this year are? Indiana and somebody else. You said Indiana. Illinois and Illinois. And the Fighting Alliance. Come on. Look at their records. They're both. I think Indiana is in the top 10.
they barely for noise one of them undefeated illinois Penn state is Penn state. I hate to break it to you, man. Michigan and Ohio state have been the top dogs for years, but Penn state, the last like four or five years have been proven themselves as being a top. They said it during that USC game, the only teams in the big 10 that have beaten Penn state in the last X amount of years has been Ohio state and Michigan. Yeah.
Hey, Glick, nobody else can 90 viewers. Are you paying people? Don't fucking worry about it. How do you even see? No, actually, because I'm a body. I'm not a body. I can't see. No, dude. No, no, dude. It's it's shout out to Bathurst. And do we really get 90 viewers because nobody wants to step up and come hang out with us. Well, well, that's that's because they're tuning in. So on Streamyard, your guests can share it onto their onto their platforms. Oh, so they needed to enter the YouTube or something to be able to click. the Yeah, they need to come on to put it out, and you know, but yeah, no Chaka and in Bathurst.
They both put it on their ex and YouTube channels. I'm so not so so. So yeah i yeah, I don't I don't ever look at that number up there in the top. but I just I mean, I usually see like forty five and I see 90 and I'm like, Jesus Christ, what the fuck? Yeah.
Any of you guys who are watching, uh, slide on over to the, uh, nonsense school YouTube channel. The link is in the chat and, uh, you guys are all all, all of you guys, as many as we can bring up at once is is welcome to come up and be a part of this. show If you got the balls, come on within. If you have the testicular fortitude,
All right. what Illinois, Illinois is five and one. Oh, my God. Punching for pronouncing the S on the end of that state. Oh, Illinois. I do it on purpose. Just so you know, I do that on purpose. Like, like, like everybody fucking bad shit i know i like, like, like I do, like I do Louisville.
are low because it's pronounced low but you pronounce Louisville. Yeah. It's like a big number word. It's like we to and think about Kentucky. Most of them are drunk. So it's a Louisville in the Indiana is six and oh um and eight teachers. The Hoosier daddy or both ball.
the Hoosier daddies. Oh, yeah. Get his ass down. word Shut up. can Brian. y'll go do bri Show me your meat, Brian. Oh my God. He fell down. What the fuck? What a stupid asshole. orly or What they Oh my God. I hate you. This will be in a minute. That's because he's been working. What's up, man? He don't know. I just got, no, I just got home from dinner.
Yeah. Third bit. Yeah. Been back since like Thursday. Shut up. Get slogan readjusted back to normal life. Do you have money or do you want to come home and grab my card? I'll give you my credit card. I'm currently losing my mind at this Oregon Ohio State game.
you know about thank you That's not important. The major game was on earlier today and how no university University of Texas worked that ass. That wasn't even a challenge. That wasn't even a challenge. This game is currently 32-31 with one minute left. You're stressing yourself out. This is the number two and the number three team. So get ready because you're going to be squared off with one of them. That's fine. you see what texas Did you see what Texas did at the end of that game?
Yeah. Burn Baker Mayfield's Jersey. Did they really? No, no, no. Before they burn the Jersey. before before they before they burned the jersey they took the Longhorns flag out to the 50-yard line with right of Baker's Jersey with Baker's Jersey and they planted the flag through Baker's and I love Baker Mayfield that's my guy that is my guy fuck you Rick like yeah right maybe feel
but I am a Baker Mayfield guy all day long, every day, but I am not mad at Texas for what that money on Oregon. I thought that was cool. Yeah. know I said it. I said it. I said it last year when the schedule came out, I've been saying it for the last four years, Texas is the best team in college football. And I told you guys last year when the schedule came out, Texas was going to beat Michigan's ass. Do you know what the worst part of that? I'm so glad.
that somehow Washington beat Texas and the playoffs last year. Yeah. I don't know how they did it, but I'm glad they did it because i they not of Michigan's ass and and and the NCAA championship game last year. Do you know what I am a Texas fra right now is their backup is just as good. Archie Manning starter. Archie Manning arch man fucking arch. There's not Archie. It's arch. He's just as good as Quinn Ewers. I'm going to go ahead and call. I mean, arch man. march arched manning I mean, his dad is Cooper. Yeah, he's not a Peyton or Eli offspring. He's a Cooper, but Cooper was really good before that illness took over. Oh, let's go.
Yeah. Like, uh, yeah, they did it. They did it. They did a story about the whole Manning, the Manning family and everything. And like with Cooper, he was really, really good. But then he got like some illness. He had some type of real rare illness. And, uh, pretty much that way that would, uh, ended his football career. Did they call that offensive pass interference? Yes. Are you fucking kidding me?
yeah but I looked at I looked it up on the stats for that red click you know that was a bullshit flag I Wasn't looking at it. I do but I'll be honest with you. I wasn't I was not watching. I didn't see it either Sorry, Brian. What were you gonna say, bro?
No, I mean, like I looked it up like how long the Red River rivalry was going on. I knew it was going on like close to a hundred years, but it's a little over. But, uh, but looking at the record, Texas leads Oklahoma and the, in the wind, in the wind column. So like, all right, cool. It's the second longest. that's like a high all That's like Ohio state and Michigan. We have the longest Ohio state.
Michigan leads Ohio State. They still have the longest win streak. They have more Natty championships. The only thing Ohio State has ever Michigan is Heisman trophy winners. And that's my God. Are we really going to try and run a fucking play? Well, man, Alabama barely. Oh, dude, 10 seconds left.
Alabama barely hung on they barely survive. That's that's what I that's what I that's I asked Rick earlier I said how mad is Georgia right now because they got beat by Alabama and Alabama has looked like ass And then clemson all you walk Oh my jackman you're Jack Daniels, yeah, you're the belt because I'm the champ. Yeah the championship belt. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm sir Um, and then like Clemson owning wake forest. ah Yeah. well we go truck glimpsesis i wait for and clem Clemson was irrelevant for like a hundred years and then they got relevant and then they're back to relevancy. I'm not going to lie knowing how the Oregon fans are. If Ohio state wins this game, I don't know if they're going to get out of that stadium alive. yeah Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, the logo. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yeah
Yeah. right Yeah. but Be good or be good at it. My catch phrase in your design because bang, we're the greatest tag team ever. I thought that was true. Or our truth in the miss camp.
I will not, I will fucking bounce out of here with this shit because I'm not getting, I can't do this. I can't have him 15 seconds ahead of me. So, wow. Before I fucking see shit. Wow. you Very over. You match 45 to three. Yeah. Uh, Penn State over USC, but totally andored wow.
Oh, Oregon. Sure. Too many more. 10 seconds left. Oh, wow. 10 seconds left. 12 guys on the field with seven seconds left in the game. Look at the right day. There's 12! There's 12! There's 12!
Look at him. They're huddling. Come on, Hawaiians. We got to pull together. A bunch of fucking Hawaiians. Hey, those guys are tough.
They don't trust their kicker because that's a that's a that's an NFL field goal kick. Here's the game. Here's for the win. Oh, my God. He ran it. Oh, my You know what that's gonna do in the standings? We're gonna flip on spots. Dude, our quarterback needs to be fucking expelled from Ohio State. Why the fuck would you slide? I'm the last player in the game, stupid fuck.
black I gotta tag my girl's uncle now. He's been talking shit to me all day Ohio State fan and he's like, oh, what about Clemson? What rank or day? Do you know how football are you fucking kidding me right now? i mean ohioio estate's not going drop that many maybe last play of The game he's got open field up the fucking middle and he's no No, you're not you're not gonna flops. You're not gonna flops. You're not gonna switch places.
You know, him because you know who's moving. No, you know who's moving up. The state's going to jump to the top three. Yes. Do you really? What I'm saying is like Ohio State might drop. quick I did this. I did this. I did this last week, man. I'm one hundred percent called the top five. And you argued with me. Penn State is jumping, you guys. Texas, Oregon, Penn State, one, two and three. OK, so we'll go to four. So we'll drop two. We'll still be in the top five.
you got You'll get, you'll get a five Alabama. Come on. We're not dropping on fucking three. Alabama's going to be the new number 14. You know what though? I'm happy for Dan Lanning because after seeing him on game day today and hearing his whole fucking story and where he started, bro, that dude earned every fucking bit of this win um and he had to go and celebrate with his wife.
Nicki, I'm going to go ahead and give you a star for the night because she speaks truth. Fuck off. Listen, shut up. When your team has been in the top 10, you can talk shit. Her team is in the top 10. Her team's been state. Well, she's she's technically a knit, knit, knit, knit. I mean, I didn't say that I was I didn't say, oh, she sucks. Notre Dame, but he doesn't really care. but Nikki is not a big college football fan, but she she she rocks her teams in BA. She loves Penn State. Well, I don't know if she loves Penn State and Pitt, but she's she's representing PA. Her team is Pitt. Oh, her team is Pitt.
ah hell of a game no Pitt undefeated. Did they win? were they yeah I think they won today. They played Cal.
but we run wolf pack all of a sudden ah of horns baby look a horn lock down here in the bottom ah na look horn you have a ah u t baby my son's at texas i mean i i can't I'm not even mad. I don't like I would have loved to see Even though I think ten even though I think Texas would have beat Michigan last year, I would have loved to seen that Michigan team that we had last year versus Texas. yeah jackets are winning Your blue jackets are winning five three over the avalanche right now. Oh, shit. End of the second. For real, I think the penguins lost. The penguins suck. No, they don't. Yes, they do.
i not real who when did you decide this year they were going to get a hockey team? and What? Utah has a hockey team. Now I think it's the old Phoenix Coyotes. No, they don't. Syracuse is beating NC State 24 14.
and and in Kentucky 20 to 13 with two minutes left. ago
And yes, Utah has a hackney now. What the fuck are they called? I don't know, I saw Utah HC. Dude, hold on a second.
Do you know that Utah's team is called? Yeah, I'm interested. The hookers and cocaine hookers and cocaine. No, no. It's Utah Hockey Club. Oh, my God. That's as bad as Washington. So it's like the Washington football team.
And I think they used to be to be the Phoenix Coyotes. Oh, I thought you were joking. oh So they're three. Holy shit. really is they are So here's the third here's the crazy thing about hockey. When you when you have a franchise team in hockey,
What they allow you to do is go and, and, and basically all the other teams in the NHL, they allow you to pick one or two players, any player. No, i'm not any, but has they have to be within two years of the end of their contract. Yeah. But each, while each team is allowed to, I can't remember if it's one or two players, they're allowed to put on a.
you, you're not, they're allowed to play. like plan like yeah and plus But outside of that, when that's why the, that's why Las Vegas is so good. thats So good yeah for the first couple of seasons. Yeah. Because they, they basically went to every team in the NHL and and said give it your best year, third and fourth best players. Yup.
Yeah, it's fucking dumb. Utah hockey club. well but We're going to win the Stanley Cup with a team that doesn't even have a name. Hey, let's um let's talk about this because we don't talk about this kind of stuff on Sunday. How about your fucking Guardians, buddy? I'm about your fucking Guardians.
So, so here's the thing. I've been a red span to do in Cincinnati. How are you a Reds fan? I, okay. I'm a Reds fan because Pete Rose, Johnny bench, but you still everything to do in Cincinnati. I know, but, but also my favorite baseball player of all time was Chris Sabo.
Well, but, the guardian what going what fucking but, going for light vision but, i am odd but I am also a big Cleveland Indians fan as well. kind well they're not indians anymore But yeah, they're still the Indians. oh But the great thing about being in Ohio is the Indians are what nationally or Americanly.
the other opposite conferences. So, so I root for both teams. I cheer on both teams. Uh, the only time I don't cheer on the Indians is when they play the reds. So let's go walking guardians, man. They beat the brakes. They beat the brakes off of the time. And they were on the verge of elimination. They, they, uh, they won this series seven to four today or seven to three or something like that.
Yeah. ye Let's go. Graves fucking grant. Graves got in on a hope and a prayer and got swept the first series. Yeah, man. You better run, dude. You better run to get that first. Good job. Grand slam in today's game. Let's go guardians, man. I know. I want to, I want to order my, I want to order my Ricky Vaughn jersey so I can represent. va the on Wow. Wow.
I would want to but Pedro Serrano Jersey fucking Yvonne or the Asian guy. Who's the Asian guy? You had no models. What's your vote? are undefeated, but it is where Jay was going to go. So, OK. All right. That makes sense, baby. I didn't know Jay Jay Jay's our oldest son. Oh, OK. Fucking the Guardians won seven to three today. Sorry.
Yeah. There was a, there was a grand slam in that game yeah and some RBIs. Yeah. Oh no. Trust me. I'm a, I, I love my Ohio baseball teams, man. I am a Reds fan first and foremost, but I do love both teams. Um, you know, first, the first Reds game I ever got to go to was in, in the old Jake. Well, when it was still Jacobs field. Yeah. Pit one 1715. My brother-in-law is a big Reds fan. That was actually what they did for, uh,
yeah i care Their honeymoon, they went to the ah Great Wolf Lodge in Tennessee. And then on their way back, they spent two nights in Cincy so he could go to a Reds game. And his dad for their honeymoon, their dealio, his dad got him um halfway up the first baseline, first row seats for their wedding gift. My-wife, her whole family were Cleveland Indians fans. And the the the Reds were up at Jacobs Field when Griffey Jr. was still playing on the Reds team.
And, uh, they, they bought, uh, they, they bought me, uh, they, they got, they, they were seasoned ticket holders, but they bought me a ticket. Great, great seats, man. I loved it. And Griffey went off on the India on the Indians. He had four home runs. The reds absolutely destroyed the Indians in that game. And I was like, fuck dude. I'm in a bright red Griffey junior Jersey.
And, and I'm surrounded by Indians fans, but they were the cool. That's what I love about Ohio outside of the Buckeyes. When it comes to Ohio sports and in their fans, there's some of the coolest people. Like, like, even though I was there in a bright reds, Indian jurors or reds Jersey surrounded by Indians fans, they were all super cool, man. They were like, you know, and like no problems, no beef, nothing. We were just there to enjoy the game and have a good night.
All right. Good afternoon. And after the game, a whole bunch of more like, come on, let's we're going to the bar around the corner. And I was like, which one are we going to? Because obviously, being a Browns fan and the Cavs fan, I know Cleveland and I was like, let's let's fucking go. I'm going to cut you off real quick. Click. Check Cameron's chat. I already got it. OK.
I didn't see a public on the screen. I know there's a delay from when it pops up in the chat box to the bottom of the screen. What game do you have on? I just put the LSU Ole Miss game on. I just put on K state and Colorado. I put the LSU Ole Miss game on because it's ah it's a four point game with eight minutes left.
um case state in colorado <unk>nsas state and buffalo
hate the i hate What the fuck are you humming in my ear Brian? texas University of Texas theme. So do you want to know why my kid you want to know why my kids a UT fan? Why? is he's an asshole Number one, he loves the color orange.
And number two, the high school they're slated to go to from where they are right now is the Kell Longhorns. Who actually got sued by UT for too much likeness of their school logo. Wow. You mean the college one after a high school team? Yep. Isn't that fucking stupid?
all right what I mean I mean I mean like ah okay so didn so pretty much like how the history history the history of Houston we have always had the Oilers so when the Oilers went to Tennessee so pretty much like to pay to pay homage to the old school Oilers University and Rice University and our rugby team on special select games they'll have the colors of the Oilers yeah Yeah. and But the NFL will be like, Hey, y'all need to cut that shit out. And then pretty much U of A said, go kick rocks. yeah they dotans The Titans color rush jerseys. They did them because old JJ Watt threw a fucking hissy fit.
Dude, who was it? Who was it? I mean, but but the thing about it is like, like, I mean, because I had explained to my friend because he was all like, oh, Tennessee's wearing the oiler stuff. I said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Hold on. I was like, before you. Oh, my God. Before you really throw it. Yeah, I saw that before you really did not be anything but tequila. Nope. You're going to need to teach me how to start the fucking podcast at noon tomorrow. Thank you.
but uh but anyway like I gotta send you an email for an admin seat so you can start everything you're gonna need to so basically so I told him I said basically when when uh when uh Uh, make Bob McNair when he brought up the oil, when he brought up the Texans to to start the new, the new team, but Adams reached out to him and just said, Hey, congratulations on the team. I would like to sell you the rights of the oilers to you. So that way it stays in Houston.
but Bob McNair refused. He said, no, that's your thing. This is my thing. He's like, he's like, this is my new team. This is my thing. He goes, the oilers is your thing. You keep it. You keep it. So that's why I tell people, I'm like, you can't get mad. I was like, but Adams really wanted to keep the oiler tradition in Houston. But Bob McNair said, no. I will say this because I will say this, Rick and I were talking about it last week.
Uh, Charlotte, the Houston and them fucking sick bro. That's what I was just about to ask him. Are you a Dallas fan? Cause they're blackouts. They're blackouts last night or last weekend. We're fucking fire. Uh, okay. I'll take that. He's going to show me his ball hole. Yeah. I can't see it because you're fucking green screen, you dummy.
Yeah, he's got the hat. Yeah. he's took Bro, those jerseys last week were probably the baddest color rush jerseys I've seen yet. Yeah. Rick and I were talking about that last Sunday. He messaged me and he was like, are you watching this game? And I was like, yeah, kind of sort of. He said, you see these unis? I was like, yeah, they're fucking sick, bro. I liked it. Yeah, we, yeah, we were fans. and That's the thing that kills me. Like,
I've been a fan of Houston for years. I love Houston. I love the Texans. ah You know, like I have been their biggest supporter. I have, I have said for years.
They are just one or two puzzle pieces away from being a legitimate Super Bowl contender. They were changing one coming out of retirement away is what they were. They were JJ walk coming out to play his little brother. Oh, well, what they, what, what they did, what they did in this last off season last year. I Houston's a legit Super Bowl contender, man. yeah They put the AFC on notice. Yup.
so I asked my friend Casey, who's a diehard fucking Bills fan, right? I said, so being a Bills fan. but being an Ohio state fan, am I allowed to purchase that black color rush jersey from the Texans in a CJ Stroud? Or because I'm a bills fan, am I not allowed to do it? She was like, you absolutely cannot buy the Houston Jersey because you are a bills fan. Even though that quarterback is from your college team, you'd have to buy his college Jersey. And I was like, that's fucked. That sucks. No, no, you go ahead and break the rules, man.
Cause like I, I get, I give you permission to rock the new logo with, uh, I've been an Ohio state fan for fucking ever. And I've been a bills fan since I was born, but that Jersey was so dope. And the fact that you guys have CJ Stroud my is like, Oh, I could buy that Jersey. I just can't wear it if both blows play in Houston. You know what I'm saying? So last week was a heartbreaker for me being a bills fan.
like that was a tough one for me. Well, I mean, I gave you permission to get the CJ, the CJ Stroud jersey with the Houston logo. The color rush. I give you permission. They just showed me the Ohio State game and it hurts my feelings. And if they have a problem with that, they could come talk to me. You don't want to fight Casey. She's too cool. I don't care. I don't care.
that but but No, no, no, no. I am not going to deny your happiness, man. Bro, that was like my thing. Like, I'm like, those jerseys are so cool. Like, I wish Buffalo had a blackout jersey because I think it would be awesome. But they don't. The best they do is red out or blue out. Yeah. But no, I give you I give you full permission. Yeah. Last weekend was a tough one for me to watch, bro. A real tough one.
Cause I mean, I'm a Stroud fan. You got digs from Buffalo. So I like digs. You got Nico Collins and tank Dell, which are fucking two killer receivers. And then we still have Robert. o right Yeah, we still have a Robert Brooks and you got to meet the lines, coach the starting coaching career of a lifetime.
Yeah. so We have Robert Woods. We have, robert we still have Robert Woods. So we've got two veteran wide receivers. And then on top of that, we got Dalton. Yeah. One of the better tight ends. Yeah. Right. One of the top, probably one of the top 10 tight ends in the league without a doubt. Yup. What? gleck
Oh, he had to mute himself. Yeah. So I give you full permission. If they have a problem with that, then they come talk to me.
like, I hope we don't have to play each other in the playoffs, because my heart will hurt.
Yeah, I was ah like, I was watching like the first quarter of that game until I passed out because I was I was i Like I, my new job, I work out in New Mexico ah and, uh, and I worked night shift. So I was, I was working, I was working night shift. So it's like, I was like in my room, you were trying, I was trying to watch the game. And I think it was like, I'm like, maybe I was like maybe nine minutes in and then I just passed. It wasn't, it wasn't a very exciting game. So it was easy to fall asleep. Well, no, I worked. Picked in. I'll have to log into that and send it back.
Uh, Rick, I will say this. I don't know who the Buffalo bills play. The jets Monday. Jets Monday night. The last two weeks I've picked the bills and the bills. Yeah. But are you going to pick the jets really on Monday night? I know. Right. Are you really going to pick they just fire their coach? Like, are you really going to pick the jets this week on Monday night?
Yeah, eight man, it's pretty fucked up how that happened, though. Yeah, I was I was totally blown away that they fired Robert Salah. Like I didn't see that one coming. Yes. I um said, hold your breath and suck it. We had a shitty season last year, but look who we had for a quarterback. And yeah he's what, two and two this year. Come on. Like literally you literally messaged me earlier and said, don't get drunk to tonight.
devil horn, devil horn, devil horns. She's going to take advantage of you. That's why. So did he party up in your house? She can ditty party me any night, any time she wants that' a ditty party in your house, bro. My body, my body might not work, but my dick always works. She can ditty me all day. She can, she can, she can come out and do the ditty fucking dance if she wants to. Jesus fuck. Damn. I can't think of a fucking, I can't think of a,
I can't, only thing I could think of is R Kelly. I can't think of a Diddy song. I don't remember. you I love you, too. I'm not going to be able to. I love you, too. Yes, you will. Shoot that, you pussy. your nose And drink. Huh? Shoot it, you pussy. No No balls. No balls. I don't want to see it come down until it's empty, pussy.
would God, you'd really you would really be bad at sucking dick. You couldn't hold that motherfucker in your mouth for the whole fucking buzz ball. Come on. Wow. It's a good thing you're straight. I heard it's a good thing you're straight.
I'm just curious to know how you know so much about it there. bag Boy, listen, I've been divorced for nine years and I pay a lot in child support. Times are real fucking tough. Marty, I'm going around.
She had a date tonight. They were going to go to the movies. See new terrifying green flag. Oh, my God. ah I have not seen either one. I have not. There's three. This is the third one. I know. I have seen one or two. add estate marketinging game Oh, my God. She didn't even fucking shoot it all in one drink. Oh, she doesn't even get like you can cheer for anybody tomorrow. You don't have to cheer for Pittsburgh. Wow.
So, wow, I did shoot that whole fucking thing. and I don't even like to kill you. Do you want me to go get the Patron out the freezer? Yes, motherfucker. Do it. You're getting beat up tonight. Do it. Glick's getting donkey bunched tonight. Don't don't don't sing it. Bring it.
b Brian said don't say it bring it click imagine i'm listening ah she listen Glicks about to be the one getting pegged tonight there's new so just support statement yeah this She knows better she knows better than to go anywhere near my butthole I will iint never punched a bitch. I will punch her dead ass between the
niolum he'll be us hell oh Well, was it a well-timed finger makes it all that much better i My butthole is off the limits she first and foremost for you scar say he scared i um scared ah I'm scared
First and foremost, she knows the demons that I exercise from my butthole. I don't think she wants anything to do with my butthole. Second of all, she also knows if she plays around with my butthole, that there's going to be a domestic violence case up in this bitch. She could get into that tequila. If you're going to be on your knees with a ballgame, she's going to be like, call me daddy.
and No, thank you. That's Akilah gives you a set of testicles. You didn't even know you had. yes There's a reason why it's not white girl wasted anymore. And it's Mickey wasted because of her birthday this year. And man I won't go into any other details other than the fact that it was. Thank you. And it was still daylight out. It was still daylight. And all I heard from her um while she knows she's just she's this girl is anything but a lightweight.
yeah as i said earlier tonight as i said earlier tonight wait who called me a lightweight there's such a lag i can't no rick said jesus lightweight he didn't call you a lightweight this girl is anything but a lightweight there's a reason why i said earlier that for the first time in my life i'm in a healthy relationship i can be myself i don't know drinking that much is healthy but fuck we'll go with that well i mean it's not healthy but be myself it might I can be myself. I love the Pittsburgh Steelers.
yeah gooditch He's looking over his shoulder at the knife shadow. sir I can be myself. but yeah all goodkin's a strong know and black woman I can hear He can hear you. Tell me from the third person point of view, please. I lost my nose ring while I threw up in the bathroom. You also lost your bracelet.
She kept her shoes. I know where it is because so Or face McGillicuddy found it and she said is this Nikki's I was like, yes. Oh, she got Nicknamed somebody whore face McGillicuddy. Yeah, it's her friend. That is way too long of a nickname to remember. Oh, trust me. It's just a whole bag. If you met her, if you met her, she's I will say this. She's not my friend anymore.
Oh god, this is like listen to me. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. We're not even friends anymore this week. I believe you can come over here because I didn't even know what the hell was going on. what i working We're not even friends anymore this week. Well, please, I'm going to go get the real tequila first. Oh my god. I am not getting laid tonight. You are so getting beat up. I am so getting beat up in master, baby. You're going to get beat up. while you're as Well, you're going to get your you're going to get your twenty five. I'll give you that.
25 seconds 25 seconds of smashing with a floppy No, no, no, there there is there's there's there's oh But yeah, but you act like you have not had okay, well I And okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Hashtag 25. No, no. He's stumbling. and Okay. Okay. He's trying to bear it. He's trying to value his life to the. No, no, no. He's about to make. No, no, no, no. No, because this this is just this will cut to the fucking court. All right. Hashtag 25 only happened one time. Maybe twice. Hashtag 25 with a weekend thing. Okay. I mean yeah i understand that.
Yeah. Life gets in the way. I got, I have young kids and there's always some fucking, Oh my God. I got, Oh God. Speaking of kids. I was watching the Oregon game earlier. and i show you not I was, I was watching the TV and I glanced over and I thought, and I thought Marty came down topless and I had to go. She had the Mexican. Yeah. She's Mexican. Marty, my adopted house, Mexican.
Yeah, Marty, my adopted child is Mexican, like Brian. And I was like, I was party walking into the house and she doesn't even have like, it's not like she has, she, she's the smallest person in this house. So it's, there's nothing.
Attract me for me. There's nothing that Oh my god 17 ways he's chirping over his own feet just just stop yeah like your girl lives in our lord and you're not going to get later a month Shut up ah to try on you're not gonna get late in the month let' shut off Somebody take that shovel away from him I might have to ditty her tonight, but I'm going to get laid tonight. She's going to ditty herself with a bottle of tequila. She's going to be there to reap the benefits. Fuck you, kid. You're not wrong. You're not wrong. I don't know if it's a ditty party. She's not conscious. Just how do I say? How do I say? And why? And why? And we're advertising this live. I think that was my wedding vows. The buck.
What? Chaka, can I put that in my vowels? Chaka, when we get married, can I use that a lot? but
That's funny. I think that was it. My wedding vows, the buttholes off limits or or just she has got her little bottle. She's just here by problem. Look at it. Look at it. You get it over there. Hold on a second. She's so tiny. That's what she said. Mm hmm. That is what she said. But to go back to Jayar's comment earlier and I rebuddled and I said, hey, I found that one who loves a tiny picture. Listen, it's um ah you. You're being picked by a tick tick at 80 miles an hour.
fuck out of here. There's a reason why they put choking warning labels on kids store objects. Yeah. This is much like Rick saying child's play earlier. I should choose my words wise. Yeah. Yeah. So much for me. I'm not seeing the end of a not called domestic. Shut the fuck up.
I'm still getting laid. Did you guys hear that? You said that now when you find your past out halfway, hanging off the couch in an hour. Tell me then. That's right. That's right. I'll find a hole. Sure. Sure. Supposed to end in an hour and a half. You're not going to have my wedding back as ask him if I find you passed out in the cage. I'll find a hole to put it in. He knows.
jesus pride Damn. Damn, it was so good. He had to put it twice. Damn. No, I just typed it in once. And this is good. Why am I sitting over here? ah Why am I sitting? Oh, oh hold on a second. Hold on a second. We got to get to see on you and you and the whore. You're not friends. I don't have to be nice.
This is the chick. Hold on a second. This is this is this is a chick that Nicki worked with at ah at a hotel who was her husband worked there. He was the maintenance guy. She was the chief of engineering, chief of engineering. And then she was a bartender and she's and and and let's be honest. Let's be honest. She's in Ohio three. On a good day. Oh, Lord. Oh, God. Do the math.
i don't knowio three and ohio ah ah Yeah, she's just a drunk whore that you can get your dick wet off. I color it wednesday afternoon the strip i called her a Tuesday. ah I called her a Tuesday afternoon stripper. That's pretty bad because on Tuesdays we had 30 cent wing night because it was never busy. Oh my God. yeah You know, you know, the last hour of the Tuesday night too. Yeah. And Rick, a bouncer, as a former bouncer, you know what a Tuesday is like at a strip club. That's why we had 30 cent wing night to give people the door.
So I already sent Wade. She left there. She she quit there. She was she was working at a pizza joint, which is actually they got good pizza. I'll give them that. Massey's has. They have he was working there first. when You know, she was working there first. Yeah. And then the second job was the the hotel. Massey's does have good pizza. I mean, you haven't had their pizza. Massey's got some killer pizza. I still want there some people in America. And then she started working at Jugs, which is Mm-hmm biker club me ah byjoborn But Well, she was literally fucking every dude that came through the door and then she was like I'm afraid to work here Why I would be afraid to work here too if I was fucking every dude that walked through the door as well Because her boyfriend is the most hated outlaw in East Columbus And let me let me let me let me let me let me put it like this as far as the outlaw motorcycle
Clubs go in Ohio. The most i I am not fucking worried about anything. The most dangerous outlaw motorcycle club in Ohio is the fucking Avengers. And then the Avengers. There's a UMC called the Avengers. It's like, whoa.
Yeah, I know. They're like, we're not going to talk about it, but um I'm just going to say this. They're like, they're like the Teletubbies. The only one that's lit. We're not going to talk about them with her to tell us.
um smoking on to you kicking your butt So, yeah. So, yeah. So she's she's a whore. Her her legs, her legs are like seven, eleven. They're always open seven three sixty five.
Always open. OK, so why are you guys not friends? Mama's. So she's the whore. It's the same time I had with you before. Facts on facts. Ella, she's about to score. Oh, did you get it? Yeah. But she's a good co-worker. I agree. I think you guys worked really well together. We worked really, really well together. Yeah. But she's terrible. Correct. She's a terrible human being. Can you guys hear Nikki?
Yeah. So so pretty much she's the girl. She's the girl that takes every dude's virginity. So when James and Celeste, we're looking for another bartender. Yeah. Celeste to molest. She wanted to eat jugs because Gorilla doesn't want her working there anymore. Gorilla, her boyfriend. Where the fuck they come with these names? I just want to hit this guy because his name's Gorilla. His name's Gorilla. Like, well,
well we we we we we we we we we probably four foot five wait wait wait wait hang on hey um ah but on sure hang on hang on but maybe they might be wait wait wait gorilla might be your long-lost cousin since you're a fucking saquat you fucking wokie I am built like a silverback gorilla.
So what are you doing now? Now you're just playing the dude, disguises a dude that don't know what dude he is. I'm a. saco i think now a down with silverba I'm just watch this football game because I'm confused as fuck with. all No, no, I feel like I'm built like a silverback gorilla because I'm all for so and no legs. So her boyfriend, who is gorilla, who is five foot four or four foot five? Yeah. And he thinks he's cool because he drives a Harley and he has a small penis.
No drive bikes. You're right. I mean, I don't know. Whatever. but not ride you jump You ride. You don't. Yeah. OK. Well, I would either there because she's fucking everybody. So I gave her information to them yeah to hire her as a bartender. She even so far like came in and met with Celeste. We get select lovely to to molest. Great personality. Super cute.
And she took me at my word because we work great. I mean, graland she is super cute. Oh, but she's a whore. She's super cute with a fucking Snapchat filter. Well, yeah, she she she she. Even I'm cute with a Snapchat filter, but are you though? Oh, I am. You should see me with my little teddy bear ears. Well, she sent me a snap and a little heart for a nose.
I mean, she's beautiful with a snapchat filter, but when you put that picture of her on with a snap filter beside her, like it's yeah fucking different people. Yeah, like she's she's like that fish. I get an Ohio three. Yeah, might be like a Pennsylvania four, but I don't know. I mean, that's still in Ohio three. All right. All right. We're going to. They wanted to bring her on and give her the hours rather than bring Montana back.
i agree's montanatan okay so so i will say somebody who knows celeste to molest that lunchtime hang out with a gorilla this to have theirb brotherillas in mont that likes to that likes to fingers ta parches buttholes I think she would do a better job of like clean in in the prep and stuff like that. Absolutely. Yeah. Yes. Like I think she would do. Yeah. Way better than Monty. Well, OK. Well, OK. She's probably good at cleaning. To me. Got a lot of. A lot of. OK. But he didn't. Correct. OK. Gotcha. I messaged her multiple times. I would see her post on Snapchat. So I would send her Snapchat messages. She'd go. It wouldn't even open them. So.
Shot it. There's probably a cat. well So I told Celeste, I was like, listen, I don't know what's up with her. She's not answering me or acknowledging anything that I've sent her. So after about three days of seeing that my messages weren't even being opened and her still posting on Snapchat. Word vomit. thanks Oh, you hear me. Mm hmm. Oh, I told her that she was a shitty person.
And she could stop ignoring me because it was a moot point. I felt like an asshole because I talked her up so much. And she just fucking ghosted everybody. Oh, right. Four days later, she opened that message. je I got a notification that said Brittany is typing. No, nothing. She forgot to hit send.
So we are no longer friends. I on so i was right. I unfollowed her. I added her or her grammar. back ah um Or her grandma died and they're not like, no, her grammar. oh no she's No, she knows she's she's she's great she's grammar incoherent. I've known I've I've said it since fucking Bama. And when we went to the bar, she's a shitty person, but she's a great fucking coworker.
I would give my left tit to work with somebody that I have cohesiveness with again. an Escalated quickly. Ew. Oh, I hear. Oh, I hear. Why donate a body part? That's nasty. That's gross. That's not. That's not refundable. Yeah, but you don't need them all. i I will validate what Nikki says.
I would say my head bald. That's more, that's more okay. But now like donating your body part, this is disgusting. Well, as a bartender, I get what she's saying. And Rick, I think you would get it too. As a bouncer, we know what our bartenders went through and I can see that. But I told Nikki from the very first time I met this chick,
that she was a bad human being. I'm just I'm bad news. Oh, you got that one down in one shot. Sure did. Oh, well, that's what I have attempted to do the first one. I'm trying to make her drink. And how many practice moves? Perfect, I guess. I know there are the bears. You need to keep your hand seeking track. I'm apparently because you have to be on count. Oh, they're there. They're all in front of me. Two, four, six, eight, nine.
Which is 16 ounce do the math. Yeah, well if you would like to go get me three more of them Not right this second now, but I'm thirsty You have one in your hand. Do I look like fucking Rick?
side exchange she's go numbers yeah you got me up she's got no buzzball for you okay so Yeah, yeah yeah 9 16 ounce beers So that made that accumulates you've had 144 ounces of beer. That's not what's up. What's up? It's a 12 pack. That's a 12 pack. Those are rookie numbers. OK. Well, plus a buzz ball. Well, he does drink light beer. So yeah. That's just because we're watching our gross figure. It doesn't change the alcohol content there, bud. Facts on facts on facts. The only thing that changes the alcohol content is Cam drinking Natty light, which is bubbly water. Yeah, Cam's a bitch. Hold on.
I should call you out right now. I could probably hurt some feelings tonight. I can. I can hurt clicks feelings right now. Tell me. Yeah. I mean, Rick, I don't give a damn. I don't have no feelings to do. Shout out to Angela. Anyways. Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. You know what? I've heard anybody's feelings in a very long time. I need to trip back to Pennsylvania.
Oh, she don't even know me well enough. They're my feelings. I worry about it. And yeah the ones I made. What? The designs I made. Yeah. No, I posted three today. I seen some. of Oh, yeah. You did the I smoke dead people, which plays once on a shirt. I already talked to him about that. Yeah. You talk to the police. Oh, haha. My coffee. Yeah. Good job. house brush All trust me, she is not in any way, shape or form or attracted to blaze. I'm fucking with you, bro. The blade. If.
my mouth doesn't say it. my Oh, dude, I need that, but not so girly. I know. If my mouth doesn't say it, my face does. Yes. I didn't even have to finish that, Rick. No, the girl at work literally said that to me the other day. She goes, yes you had a bad day today, didn't you? I said it wasn't great. and She goes, your face says it all. I was like, thank you. I can't as much as I drink. daily I drink.
I day drink and say, if I didn't have to worry about going to work, I would fucking and be so yeah seven days a week. I've decided I'm going to make this.
The LSU Ole Miss game is tied at twenty three and one with an orange background, one for Gwen, one for me, one for Barb. Oh, yeah. ah K State, Colorado, 14 to seven.
There's 13 seconds left in this LSU fucking Ole Miss game. They just scored a touchdown and tied it up. You did. Um. Yeah, no, that's my biggest problem is I can bite my tongue, but my face tells on you all the time. Have you met me? Yes, I have met you. Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I'm as crazy as the Arkham Asylum. You are. yeah i love We all saw the knife.
we also 20 seconds left in the fourth quarter. Let's go. Oh, no. 13 seconds left in the fourth quarter, bud. no no let me read that was a knife there was not a night twenty three twenty three never a cannight they Don't lie. Nicki threatened me two weeks ago. no and then she threatened the western once real shes so either the rest of us the life of the life the life of the wife and the night you
are mike husband to me she said to threaten the rest of us yes i did threaten the wreck She said anybody who does not pick the Steelers will not be at the wedding Brian And then everybody seen it in the background on the wall, the shadow of shadow of a nine. Yeah. That I had to pick the Steelers look like some shade in a Chucky movie. And then last short and stabby. Yeah. And then last week, last week I had to do, I had to do a not pre-written pick.
And again, I picked the Steelers two weeks in a row, they've lost. I picked the Bills two weeks in a row and they've lost. I said, I'm fucking done with the goddamn Cleveland Browns and they still suck. They're gonna lose. You've got a whole ass fucking container of salt. Because the other container of salt got lost after my birthday. You want to pretend like my wiener's lime and you can suck it. and then I think you only have two beers left.
It's only about the same size. No, there's a line.
ive had a charger No. bri Are you watching the game? Is that what you turned around doing? Yeah. what' time Three seconds left tied at twenty three. I gave you more drinks.
The Hawaii game is on CBS Sports. Should I door dash it? Well, you could door dash it. I give you my money. What are you door dashing? You can put beer. Oh, I got 15 minutes if I need to go get more beer. And the gas station is 3.1 miles away. We got an hour and 15 minutes. Not on the same right here. My credit card's in my mind. For real? Douche. Yeah. And then we'll start till noon on Sunday.
What? Church, I'm in the Bible well, bro. ah Dude, we we stop at one thirty here, right? Yes. Midnight Saturdays, the gas stations, not a bar. it's only So no, no wine sales on Sunday. No wine and liquor sales. It depends. and I live here and I don't know. We can buy everything afternoon. We start reselling again at five or six a.m. Beer. Yeah. and I buy everything afternoon.
And sort of the field goal line. And and I learned that on door dash when that big fat fucking whore that I was engaged to broke up with me. And I learned that my local gas station would deliver me beer. Um, and I ordered beer at like 12 45. And the guy who brought it to me, just he was like, just so you know, cause I ordered a whole new case.
And he's like, just so you know, uh, delivery. Are you door are you and currently, are you currently about the DoorDash beer? pounder I would get whatever you want to drink. Well, I can get pounders. How many? She can get buzz balls from the right gas stations. Oh, she can get, we we can get anything and everything here. and our Our gas stations carry buzz balls.
oh So to watch dude, I'm pissed I turned my fridge up to make my beer cold and it's all fucking frozen of these 22 answers. I said, how many are you gonna drink? Probably not any more than what I have. Oh, hey, well, you said you was in a mood to drink. What are you doing, boy?
i haven't eaten just be so that's fine yeah I don't know, I get like six. Good said your asshole. I'm going to get a 12 pack. OK, whatever you want. to I told you he was like one light if you want to. He's just like a champ. but Step up your game, get Shutterbok.
that sound of like you need to check your draws but those you squish i heard that all the way in my head when a wet man that would grow that one so like you check yeah draw ten yeah go check her stuff's click that's why that's that's why she' like but burn out in his britches That's why she stays away from a ba why it said i i don't i had review need to cover the camera thing and check his draw but i to be like You had Taco Bell earlier, didn't you? had a kid to Cut his cameras to go check his drawers. No, I'm taking the piss. I'm expected better from you. Oh Oh, she's down. She's down. You know what? You know what? Why you like boys you like to
like boys with the Peters. So, nobody's. Oh, Glick has for a comeback as you know, Wyatt, you like boys with Peters.
Stop. I give that a seven. The best part about the fact like so that is he's arguing with a twelve-year-old. I will punch a twelve-year-old right in his face. but dick spra you sidekick dick I don't give a goddamn if he takes karate. I um took my tie. I'll fucking. I took two bar fights, bitch. If it's not built into the floor, I'm going to hit you with it. Yeah, I'll stab you in the fucking face with a beer bottle, you little 12 year old bitch, and you with a quick drop. That's a fuck out of here. No shame. I mean, why I was born in the 1900s, you think I won't fucking hurt your. I hurt your feelings of my words. I can't use cash after pay.
Oh, you've used Apple Day. Oh, wait, you're Android users. No, Android's awesome. It might already be on DoorDash. Probably is as much as you drink. It's not. What? No, it's not as much as I eat. Not as much as I drink. Hold on. You know, you better bite your fucking tongue. Because the last three Saturdays, you've been shit-oused.
last Saturday. Don't know though the last says say i would you go because i love Saturday. last Saturday was last Saturday. We was good. i This Saturday, Cameron, are you working tomorrow, brother? He froze all his beer like a dumbass.
ah Yeah. well know like I went to go over one and I was like, what the fuck? I'm not in the mood for chugging. And then the other one and the third one, I'm like, fuck I'm wasting beer now. Oh my god. Cameron's like, I'm sucking. Cameron's like, I'm sucking Miller. Like, oh, yeah. I'm going to drink my fucking beet box chocolate ice cream. be a box I'm drinking Miller. Like, why don't you take another buddy and crush one of them up in a plastic bag and then sprinkle that in there. Dude. Yo, it's what beat box is what made me drop the inward.
yeah on top of i've already had tonight It's gonna be quiet bro why it's about to get super creative with some ice cream And it's gonna be dope know my kind of gar my walle one on black gun I'll take this one. You take that one and crushn it up ro bit Yes let's say i andt i didn't tell her to go get My black card So why it's why it's eaten why it's eaten moose tracks with cookie dough and he put chocolate syrup in it. And now he's about to crush up a nutty buddy and put that in the ice cream. I had I had this. I like. dick
but but Caramel bourbon almond. I had that earlier. Hey, why are you good? Yeah, it's really good. You get a hint of bourbon in it, but it's like not the full bourbon, which I was like, all right, whatever. I'll take it. Why I'm like Dick Wyatt likes Dick. He takes them in the showers. how they don't want their creep in this Oh, damn. Sydney just scored it again. God dog. I don't think it did. I'm about to find out. I can't tell you 11 percent. No burn. Let's go. yeah Which which which beatbox do you got? Don't chug it. Just drink it. What's for me? Why? I like that one.
I need to go. Nicky, Nicky and Nicky together. You're going to sprinkle out. Oh, just drink it. I got tropical, too. Nicky, Nicky, because of the box. It's eleven point one percent. That doesn't tell me what it is. It's like a. Oh, check in the back. I don't know what meat, what beatbox is. It was a bad night for a cam. Yeah.
I don't know. Oh, I was mixing buzz balls, beat box and Smirnoff Smash. What? What? What? What beat box? You're doing a lot of pussy here, don't you? No, this is what my girl drinks. But since my beer froze, I have to drink it. and I'm not actually be mad at you. You better replace that shit tomorrow. There you go. What beat boxes? No, they're they're they're they're they're gross on the camera. Those beat boxes are delicious. They're really I haven't ever tried one.
they I can't get alcohol delivered in a speedway, which is weird. Nice. But it is do not drink them if you're already drinking because they're going to fucking jump up and kick you right in the asshole. Cam, you got to work tomorrow? No, I got the kids in the morning, but... Oh, shit. Good steal. Good steal.
Campbell start the cable start the unnecessary roughness tomorrow. He's got admin provisions I'm gonna set my we're gonna set my alarm for 11 o'clock I Don't know um't even know how many people are watching us still I mean, uh, like a hundred people are still fucking watching us. There's a hundred people watching us. Apparently. ah yeah I mean, they, yeah I mean, we're idiots. Those of you who are watching this um hope' hearinger in november six talking the last hour come to the nonsensical network YouTube channel.
and hit that link and come up here and and hang out with us. I would love to have a complete stranger pop up for the first time. I doubt their wiener hanging out.
I got the link again. So, if you're watching this on X or YouTube, go to the nonsensical network on YouTube or go to bio dot link slash nonsensical network and follow the YouTube channel and the chuckles and fucking come up here, man. Hit that. I've been on TikTok telling everybody that y'all are racist. Yeah, it's open. It's open forum. Who's racist? are do the four race I cannot even I cannot get on I am permanently banned on the nonsensical I could go on my I could go on my I did go on one I'm not even gonna lie and I know we don't get political but I went on one I was like if you want to talk about how great Harris is come on our podcast you fucking pussy I just sent him the leak I literally just reported another one of those ads for impersonating someone and when they said who are they impersonating I literally put an intelligent person
I can go on my personal page and promote this, but I'm like currently getting ready to on my personal page, start promoting my only fans. So you're about to learn what has been. I will one may be Washington 40 to 16 today. I didn't know that's the most points I always scored all season. and'm I'm watching. I'm watching Australia Football League.
That's rugby, isn't it? Well, it's kind of like rugby mixed in with soccer. It's like rugby mixed with soccer, but like these girls are like beating the shit out of each other. and You're watching girls Australian football league. you buy beer yes can't buy singers Yeah. It's on a mark sport ah Fox sports, Fox sports too. Oh, message Marty. And she'll get you a bike.
Yeah. Like, so it's like the Sydney swans against the middle. You're going to get Brian all wound up again. Maybe a slot will deliver our door dash. when The Texas score just rolled across the bottom of the TV and why it pointed out. That's what I'm talking about right there. yeah are you sorry you Got a good kid. oh He's a good kid, man. Did you hear what they did at the end of the game?
They took Baker Mayfield's jersey out to the 50 yard line on the emblem and drove the fucking flag right there and then they burned it. I just I just I just want to acknowledge I just want to acknowledge Nick years ago. I don't know. I don't know how many you guys can say this and get away with it. I'm not sure you need to stay it and get away with it.
i think i But I'm not sure you need to say it and get away with it. He's going to be passed out. You could wait an hour and she'll be asleep on the couch. But I mean, I did. I just want to shout out my fiance.
we We ordered beer on DoorDash and she said she should have ordered cigarettes. I'm not going to be at asleep on the couch in an hour. Shut the fuck up. Or got cigarettes or something. I said, Marty can buy you, Marty can buy you cigarettes when she comes back on her date. And I said, maybe the DoorDash girl will be a hot slut who wants to have a threesome. And she was like, Oh yeah. Oh boy. Wow.
be so like go This guy is streaming I was like hey carrot top come join our our podcast you pussy it' in si I mean like the Melbourne ke kangaroos is being the dog shadow What Sydney swa you are not but wait there's like some elbows or and hold on and address how um noteboard kangaroos and the sydneyney swans how do yeahfer that chick from ah naked attract
you know fuck but like right now this court the score is like i was have all ah old melbourne i mean it's not that hard to han somebody over good we have to leave our hat long together <unk>s going on I understand a little bit how this game is played because i believe our house as well but party do you don't drink she can't drink she can't drive what's mom coming home I don't know. I just messaged her and she hasn't answered me yet. She's probably getting it in. Oh, she's getting it in. She's a whore. Oh my God, ah dude. I told her when she came out here, she can't say I'm going to the movies tonight. i met it I'm like, Jesus Christ. And I was like, I gotta tell you, I was watching the game. I'm going to see me come bopping down the stairs.
I thought you were topless. could do that bo And she said, Oh my God. dad i had And I was like, I know, but the the tank top that you're wearing matches your skin color. And it was just out of the my peripheral peripheral.
per is I mean, at the end of the day, it was something, it was the beginning of a porn movie. Don't do a doctor, a doctor, a doctor stepped on it like, you know, not that I find her not that I find her attractive. I like more to be right back. I got to go take me a fucking tinkle. So take a piss. No, I don't know. No, I don't. Not even so. No, I love her to death. She's she's. and um
She's awesome. And we are not all about my kids. bad one way so like Well, that's like I was scrolling through Snapchat guys character and Marisa, that was who is Sean's girlfriend and Sean is Chris's best friend. She posted a story. your son Yeah.
She posted a story worldwide, something of poker, and it was Sean and Marissa and Chris and Ray and John. I was like, oh my kids. Yeah.
now the only other No, no. No, my daughter has some close friends. Muffy's my favorite. I miss Muffy.
ah Phoebe, Phoebe, yeah, me, Phoebe, Miss Phoebe. She's by far the prettiest out of all her friends. No, but not Haley. Thank God I was you one. I can hate Ole Miss. wow No, I know I. Phoebe is pretty in the face, but not.
body anyway But I love Phoebe. Yeah, awesome. Haley is awesome, too. Haley Haley's all like swelled up and shit, man. I feel like Haley's gonna want to try to fight me. Oh well.
well I'm gonna need you to calm down, girl. Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you?
good boy oh i so yeah yeah is not e can kill him is the keeper of the gate tonight because jeff is not here um I'm gonna put you in this fucking dog crate. Oh Cam you heard it. He's gonna put you in the cage now, bro
Excuse me, I like the boy with the mustache up there with the curly hair but I Do he's single Yeah, chill before fucking Sam hears this getting married Tonight mean no one will oh no Loses all admin privileges can't say if you hear this you down for a little Minaj is the French say you want me to cook I'm not kicking nobody but on noel how you doing that i told't you I'm going on nevermin i really really want to talk to cam tonight
okay It's cute as shit. OK, OK. Yes. We're going to let go. Talk to Kim. Washing. Washing. She's probably like 15. All right. No, she's not. You're what? No, I'm not. 60. No, up higher. 75. Lower. 21. No.
You're not even old enough to drink. Yes, I am. She's got an X on her hand, but she goes to. No, it's no, I'm just watching the game on prices, right? Yeah, the Yoda Yoda. I'm an old man. So who is that girl is talking?
That would be Elle Hefei's, uh, fiance. The, uh, podcast. Why? Blossman's girl. She's not. No, well, are you old milky? Yes, I am. Are you young enough to call? Are you young enough to call cam? Yes.
oh But he's not holding up the beer, Daddy.
and Daddy Cam. tongue. Oh, this is epic. Give me your hand in the face. This is great.
Oh, we're doing that. shall and This is my guest fucking gold right here, Daddy Cam. Any of you guys on Bathurst or Chocolate, y'all better be following us on ah on YouTube because we're doing an after show after this.
Non-sensical, non-sensical, non-sensical network, bio dot link, non-sensical network. Go follow us right now. We got like an hour left. We're doing it after show.
its just going to be ari Brian's got the guns out. Sam, can you give me your phone number after show, please? She's straight to the point. I'll give you my fiance's phone number, right?
and and oh well that she gonna go with the beyonce be like yo like hook i love stuff bob like he's on a on a cease personal oh that's right she said she will take the fee i i have a fiance No, she said she'll her phone number.
oh shit He says you will take your Beyonce's phone number. We've been together like through at least four of Glitch's girlfriends. Have you actually proposed to her? We've been together seven years off and on. We've been together through four of Glitch's girlfriends, he says. And Glitch knows it's true. He just took a hell of a shot at you, bro.
He's not wrong, though. He's not wrong. We had two kids through at least three of his girlfriends. I had three kids with my whole ex-wife. You think I kept her around just because we had kids together? No. OK. Oh, my God. i Let's call a Spanish face. She left me for another guy. But no one. Where are you from, though? I'm from Ohio. Where are you from? Oh, click.
but bombcam kim's trying to pass her off i about to add on some taco bell i got two minutes
The girls who's talking I don't I don't see her Nobody's out of the camera Why are you being so mean to me Why are you being so rude to me? Because you are. She excused herself. That was polite. I will say excuse. She said, excuse me. Who's the girl? Because you can't see me. I'm off to the side. Yes, she's off to the side. of anyway Who is it? Oh, she's over somewhere. My fiance. Your fiance. oh Yeah, no, I'm not quite her number two. Sure.
it's one eight hundred oh oh boy oh dear lower it's it's one eight hundred g o hello f c k how do you smell that one eight hundred f c k why you are you are lf click that's too many no letters bro i don't give a damn You know what I'm saying? By the way, I assume only buyin tonight i guess too l you won that game against Ole Miss in overtime. Right now, right now, it's the second quarter with seven minutes left. right you lighting night ah Brian is being real quiet. Brian, mean one I'm watching.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
kim like follower we just lost a follower e can Daddy, but himself that better be his fucking gig for tomorrow is daddy cam daddy cam. Oh, a i was taking click when you said watch or kicking her when you said watch this watch this dady i was oh,
We just lost a follower. Cam just lost a TikTok follower.
be E-S-S-C-U-Z-Z. Excuse me. Oh, my god. Hey, Glick, we got a J, bro. She's back again. Oh, shit.
You came back in a different name, huh? No, she came back. I wish I had Cameron's phone number. We have to like do it for both for you to like go on the screen. Well, if I had your phone number, I would so give it to her. I'll give her your phone. Oh, wait a minute. I think I do have your phone number. I have your seven four oh phone number to fuck with me.
I don't get it. You know, me you know, but you know, I'll hurt her fucking feelings. Dude, she was up here a few weeks ago. The last. Oh, she's not even a TikTok follower. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
yeah yeah ah the last one of the last sides that like you was on here with us Um, she was on here and and Jeff and I started rehearsing the hell out of her and like you messaged me. She was like, I'm not going to go sign on this, but you guys are funny as fuck. but but Oh, yeah. That was when she did the excuse me and hang kids like worse than Vicki Guerrero. Excuse me.
I said, excuse me. Hold on. We got a K-State guy face down, head cocked sideways, kicking his foot off the ground. Oh, wow. Lovely view of Hawaii right now. Hey, I like drama. Let's go see what's happening. Do you see like drama? Why do you kick that girl out then? Right now, it's seven minutes left in the second quarter. Boys, he's fucking a liar. Nothing. No, man, I just did an excuse. My kid was even laughing at you. Why?
Daddy cam. Oh, I didn't think she's going to say it. I was like, yo, that was funny. That was fucking classic. Dad, it's like daddy shark. Only that is threatening.
but exactly Click even giggle over there. No, I really thought she was like a ah repercussion of me putting it out on TikTok. She knows she's never on your TikTok.
Yeah, he said she'd been out here or so or been on here before. I don't even know who that chick is. I ain't never seen the name before. I'm going into like random a random lives and I'm just dropping our way to it.
Oh, man. I'm so glad that I have Marco's pizza again. You know, I'm happy. Well, we didn't I didn't have it where I used to live before I moved up here.
And I like the one with the little pepperoni. Yeah, the cup pepperonis. I found out last night that we had a Marcos closing up the DoorDash. I DoorDash Marcos here last night. Can I tell you, when the fuck did pizza get so expensive? Inflation. Dude, I don't fucking know, man. Everything went up. An extra large pizza and an order of cheesy bread was $50. Jesus Christ. Did you get it delivered? Yeah, on DoorDash. Yeah, I had to. Well, you DoorDash. That's why.
It doesn't matter. Big Mac from McDonald's at $47. Bro, it doesn't matter. I used to be able to we used to be able to order pizza when I was younger and drunk in my early 20s. And it was like twenty one dollars. from no Nothing. right no Well, we could get the gas for dollar eighty five four years ago. Yeah, you're right. Well, I paid two thirty nine yesterday. Damn. Two thirty nine. Holy. It's only two forty nine everywhere here right now. I know it's two forty nine here.
Oh, no, that's not good. Which game? Boys, you say in Hawaii, ambulance, ambulances rolled out on the field. Oh, boy. Are there ambulance or ambulance? Yeah, the game was paused. I'm surprised you don't get more people that wanted to pop in on this fucking thing. I don't know who's down. Well, the crazy thing is about it is there's like 100 people watching right now. And and I told and and The link is in the chat. They just got to come to our channel. So what the fuck was going on with my phone number, though, like that? She wasn't going to call you. just Excuse ah i want to talk in a can i want to like what has been i mean she's' totally gonna do you give me. I want to Yeah. I mean, literally, your name on screen is Daddy Camp.
Oh, my God. Oh,
you oh that's funny. i fear diali That's the best thing I've seen all day. yeah ah e dad I think that I think the quarterback for Kansas just blew his appendix out throwing the ball. but He threw the ball and instantly grabbed at his hip.
Yeah, I see that man. he think He just ruptured an appendix or something. Like, don't touch it. Don't touch it. This is a wicked. And it'll be fine. His vagina is blowing shit.
but mouth like a shit No, I won't go live on my personal tiktok page. Rick, why are you laughing? Apparently I'm not. My the the podcast, the podcast page is permanently banned for me doing this exact thing for sexual, sexual, uh, adult not for me doing exactly what I'm doing right here. I mean, I guess, um yeah, I guess if I was a 13 year old, and ra yeah have half, half naked, did you see it? Yeah, I saw it.
see what now that
kim showed his wing on camera It was like, you know, one inch of it, like, you know, like 70, it was, it was a real short story. It was like, it was one inch of it. So you showed your full penis. I said 75%. Okay. I did say that. Yeah.
Calm down little fella. I'm not that guy that has to talk about. my Oh, it's a referee. Oh, referee got hurt. That's cool. No, I changed the name of your. Oh, you weren't Glick. You were not Glick. Why didn't you leave it?
because he was scared. No, I just thought he was scared. He gave his phone number to that girl. No, I'm going to put it what it was. I mean, it was like very okay. It wasn't anything like important. Don't fucking leave it. Don't be a man. Come on, Cam. Man up, bitch. He was scared. You're going to let her back in the fucking podcast. I will do. I was afraid of what the buck he was going to push. Hold on. I was afraid of what she was going to push Nikki to do.
No, I just thought it funny literally two seconds later, Rick went from like chill into like, no, he didn't. That was the only reason why I did it. See who would see it. Oh, I literally was more worried about that girl's life with Nikki than anybody else, especially when she's in Ohio. When she said she was in Ohio, I was like, oh, somebody call the cops now and get them on the way. Yeah, no. Might as well dispatch him out now.
Nick, you don't like her either. so Excuse me now. Oh, my goodness. Excuse me. Brian, what are you doing? This is why we have a very limited group of friends. I am watching the game. I'm watching Hawaii and boys in state. So the referee is in the ambulance on his own free will. Why is the referee in the ambulance? Because he must have got clobbered. Yeah, I don't know. Like, yeah, somewhere makes the action. He just got rattled. I mean, he got knocked out. Cam, I'm telling you, man, you should drop the killer and pick up the daddy.
Oh, snap. It was like one of those 30 minutes or less deals kind of fast. And Mars looks so good. Oh, stop the door. Stop being an asshole. There was more. I don't see the door. Stop being an asshole, don't you? That was like a 30 minutes or less or it's free kind of deal.
That was pretty quick, right? That was really quick. Wise man says forgiveness is divine, but never. you should over i <unk> in here i might be no elest in my life You might need some Noel in your life. Jesus Christ. Maybe you ordered a lot of beer. If I'm not back in 20 minutes, call the police. are You're going to get Noel, aren't thank you? very much and Somebody. Jesus Christ. oh land on my door and the door to my living room and now she slammed our doors cause she's not happy
you jing your girlfriend yeah takes english i i just see bright white hair ah is shows me but i the shower a great vi of doingge concert here that i am i i have all hair with blackers ah at nationwide
My door and my living room and now she slammed our doors cuz she's not happy I really don't do anything. I think 700 pounds. How do you miss Jelly Roll? No, I didn't. I think Glick's currently flirting with the jelly roll. Oh, yeah. I see Bunny from while away. And so we'll see I see bunny. Uh-huh. Okay. Yeah, he's all in there We thought in a block last October. Yeah, and then um, I I heard pit passes down there. Nice. Yeah Oh
yeah Oh girl, you crazy. Slay queen. half not gotcha Gotcha.
<unk> you like biking yeah queen Yeah. You want to come say hi? No, I'll come get in the podcast. do everybody Everybody's telling me to tell her daddy. Daddy Cam said, come on the air. Oh, Daddy Cam said, come on and say hi. Oh, that's funny. Have a good night, honey.
ah ah change the name and everything i r o is she cute she's fucked up hard there's two cases milone you were supposed to get okay pause about that What did you pay for? A 12 pack and 224 ounce can. But is that what you really paid for? It was 20 bucks. to
This chick was 100%. She didn't even scan your ID. Nothing. She didn't check her ID. She did nothing. She was the last door dash delivery ever. Bro, bro. Two 24 ounce cans. She brought two cases of the light. She brought two 24 pack. I should. Hold on a second. Let me see. Let me see. And will you be here by noon now? Because Glick will not.
OK, so so yeah so so so here's so here's what we here's what we want. Yeah, she needs your ID. I see a white screen. Yeah, it's not. OK, there we go. and the One Bud Light 12 pack yeah two Miller light 24 ounce cans. OK. Oh, that's like making once giving cases. She's got it. She's got to get the i idea so she can finish. Yeah, I thought so. Yeah, He's got my ID. I don't know. the um
but Oh my god, this is great. They're still waiting for you to come say hi. You were her first and last door dash of the night of her career. Even Daddy Cam can't save her on this one. Daddy Cam cannot save her. I can't even save myself after there tonight. I feel like Sam's heard everything. Oh, she probably did. Hashtag fuck Sam.
Well, he just had to get up and leave because she was slamming doors that said I'm flying my house. She said it was just because she was, she heard me through both doors, which I do kind of believe. You slam a door in my house and I'm taking that bitch off the hinges. I promise. He pays more. whatever pay orna me so stop Stop being a twat.
oh What did we get? What did we get? Can I? Oh, we are. We showed we showed. You ordered you ordered one twelve back and two deuces. There was one case that was not on the receipt. That was not on the receipt that was showed. That is case number two. That was not on the receipt. How much blood light showed up?
I told you listen to we saw it. We saw the camera. We ordered two 24 ounce cans. I know Miller Lite.
Yeah, there's 24 hours. There's 24 something. Dude, we got, yeah we got so what else have you ordered? Nicky ordered two 24 ounce cans. And they like and it's all about like, we paid $20. We got 48 years to go back up on lights.
yeah I want to get three free. Do you want to know why you don't? tell she and his hippi as I haven't seen her. I have not seen her, but go see if Mr. Bill is home because you want to know why? Do you want to know? why mr taylor she threw ba in That's what fuck up that bad you deserve to eat that one No, you know why you don't tell her you fucked up because your boy just got 48 free fucking because the best beer is a free beer yes so say i won touch him oh go go go go no run bro run scoop well and that's but is mean rick is drinking on ri I Wasn't ready for your Cheers, but here you go Cheers a free beer
And especially when there's 48 of them, you're damn right. I'm good for the next like four, by the way, so that's 44 more beers than you paid for. If you break down ounces.
do the math. Yes. Yeah, I just did. Yes. Yes. That is. That is forty four free beer i paid. I paid for four beers or Nikki made for. Well, maybe I did. I don't know. We paid for four beers and i you got ten times the number. The math is math and bro. You might want to download the price. ba and play that shit with that log fuck Right.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit. OK, so my alarm is set for 11 a.m.. I did not download the app last week. You messaged. Oh, my God. I failed you twice last week, Rick. Yeah, you did. I failed you twice. click So you were messaged here. He dored it. Oh, I could do that. right so I did. I did. He did. Peyton's going to catch this fuck up. like His fiance. She ordered a 12 pack of Bud Light.
and two deuce deuce cans of Miller Lite. The DoorDash girl showed up with two 24 packs of Miller Lite and a 12 pack of Bud Light. And Peyton's over here like this, right?
Peyton used the DoorDash with me, so she knows the level of that fuck up.
And at a gas station, well, that's like a $50 fuck up right there. It's a massive fuck up. That's why I drink pounders. So here in Ohio, 20 bucks for all that 20 bucks. So here in Ohio, I can get a 12 pack of Miller light pounders for $13, the 60 dollars pounders, a 12 pack of rather regular 12 ounce Miller lights is like 18 bucks.
Jesus Christ. This is why I drink Busch Light. No, do the math, dude. 16 ounce Miller lights, 12 bucks. How many other we ounce. Nobody can go out and run some soap and water through it and wash it real fast. Who are you talking to? Probably DoorDash fucking support.
i you Talking to the rest of the fucking money.
He didn't even have his ear, but did you hear me? one and said zo I said, it's probably Dordish support wanting the rest of their money. No, fuck you guys. You're delivery. Method me. Open the door. Third damage. You can't take them back. Yeah. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. I've already opened both. I literally just opened both of them. Yeah. They're damaged. You can't take them back.
I am. I am literally good for like the next four weeks. No, that doesn't work. Take one out. I'm good. Well, Peyton said take one out and blame it on the door dash chick. No. So she like when she walked up, she was like she did. She was cool. That's what they said. He can bro. She was talking about Jelly Roll and Bunny. What the fuck? Dude, she was. He can mention like bright red hair and.
and it wasn't very long and and she had like Daisy Duke shorts on. Huh? Okay. Daisy Duke shorts. Yeah. He was sleeping in the car. I woke him up. He's drunk. He's going back. What's your name? He's sleeping in his car. Put your ass over here and say hi to me. Damn it. He brought that with your dad's chicks. I'll get you in the house.
I'm sorry. He said I probably got tweaked out with the door dash chick pass car. I will walk you home, Mr. Bill. I love my neighbor. The guy behind me, Mr. Bill is awesome. He owns a bar here in town.
so thank you Click me, Kim and Brian. Well, yeah, he so he only took one and crush it up in a Ziploc bag. He gave me the other one. Uh, I see how you are, Mr. Bill. Yeah, because you gotta be able to crush it up. I'll take the other one. I don't think you're about to put one in your off-screen. And I'm gonna have an ice cream. um the door his cars I'm gonna just start talking mad shit to all these people on TikTok. What the fuck?
You just make beer. Oh, yes. Oh, he bought you. Oh, I don't know what happened there. He just puked like I love his beard. He just puked. Thank you. All right. I just took a drink. I just took a drink. I don't know. Can I get a towel or paper towels? No, you can't get a fucking amateur. No, it happens.
ah do bro yeah somebody here in my face just sp there's There's shit on the camera wipe the camera fucking so i yeah apparently i got deb soaked too I Just took a drink As soon as I did I Just know Jesus why is it only on me?
Oh Hold on, let me change the settings here. Okay. I got you, Blake. Hold on. There we go. There we go. Wow. yeah no i maybe so i took drink and i i did help me yeah i don't know what that one mode iss not Did you see what he just did? He's not good.
and off on the window and i about gave him a fucking heart attack because he was sleeping Things have gone awry. Whatever movie they were seeing just got out. She ain't even on her way home yet. Who? What? Glitchy's just swallowed beer and spit it all over the computer screen. What the hell is my camera? I'm not moving.
Yeah, I was like all over the camera, dude. I'm like, oh, he said you're a rookie. Like the table is wet. His vagina is wet. No, that was his butt holes wet. Somebody stuck a finger in his butt. That's why he freaked out. Mr. Bill's stuck right up his butt.
and selectation I mean, it's black, too. So, you know, this that would be more like this. not this It's this. I like it and I want you. We can do this. Date night and you fucked up. Who is now with the hippie? Yeah, Courtney. I think the date must not have gone right. new Job. She ain't been over here. Oh, wow. I love it. Yeah. All right. And we know how Mr. Bill is because when I asked him about her, he was like, yo,
No, he didn't want that brought into his work. He said, I mean, you shut the fuck up. Mr. Bill's got an older black man. He got all them white bitches.
Lord. Oh, my God. Yeah, I don't know where that came from. beer I don't know. Like beer spoons all over me. Yes, I can't believe I wasted beer to say beer spoons. Oh, you'll be fine.
ah but happen if this I got two. I got two. Well, I got two whole ass cases. I literally wasted. looks like I wasted one drink of beer. yeah I got two whole ass cases beside me. Well, now he's up to twenty dollars and fifty-eight cents for what he just spent all over the place. brook said We should play the lotto.
It's now where Rick said Rick said you should play prize bags. Oh, I should play five. Oh, yeah. No, it's not going to happen tomorrow before the new noonclock game. No, I am, dude. Oh, well, I was as expected across the board in London tomorrow across the board. Everybody picked the bears yeah mayors ah bears oh man oh man wow that is like
huh what the fuck are you watching I'm watching Austin city limits. There's like these girls that are playing and the lead singer She's wearing a very nice provocative outfit lions doing get you a nice provocative out outfit He can't even speak He really needed two more games in the mirror tonight, didn't he? He is slurred. He's all Billy Bob now. You called that right?
you could reallyally ah yeah reallyally yeah know what i'm wearing I'm wearing my Billy Bob jersey tomorrow. I'm wearing my Billy Bob jersey. He didn't call this dinosaur. Oh, Brian. Yeah, Brian. I did not send that to you.
No, I don't like that. No, I don't like mustard on my taters. No, I didn't send it to you because you're not on me. And certainly guess what he got me for my birthday. Bless what he got me for my birthday. Hopefully sobriety. No, she's just as much of an alcoholic as I am. So no alcoholics go to meetings. Who's the variety?
Did you hear her? She said, who said sobriety? g Good. Couldn't spell sobriety right now. You couldn't spell sobriety right now either. yeah Is that good? I'm far behind you in the count there, bud.
as of yare or all i e t y i't good give up good job no challenge where where and i joined by idiots ah yes man i just I just want to shout out Daddy Cam. Thank you for taking the heat off of me. For being an idiot. thats um show pe y so bri this this is what all right this is like yeah i don't this is why Yeah, this is like cameras, my little brother, and I love this son of a bitch. And my high school. I will go to war with this motherfucker.
yeah daddy cam i will go to war with dady camp anybody apparently i'll go to home for you too you see what i did the fireman rich and if you're watching fireman i fuck with you but i don't fuck with you at the same time when glick's being quiet and i got it intervene just folks on vice special he did not He did not stand by your side of the war with Noel though. He encouraged her a hundred percent. yeah told yeah she was She called him daddy. I mean, would you write every time? Would you stand beside me if some chick called you daddy? The subject calls you daddy. I'm throwing hands. If you if any bitch calls me daddy, I mean, to you included, I'm throwing hands. That's not you. That's not a true statement. You have never called me. That's creepy as fuck. More than. nico Never mind. You don't need it.
Oh, wait. Zeus just called you daddy. Why we're naked? Who the **** is Zeus? Isn't that your dog's name? um No. No, my dog's name is Zeus. Oh, serious I thought you said Zeus. Bro, the way you're slurring, it all sounded the same. Yeah. It sounds like Zeus. Did you hear it? Did you think his dog's name was Zeus? Thank you. Her name is. So, I'm not an idiot. Her name is Suzanne. She's a stupid **** but You said you got a dog name, Sue. How about you? How about you? Hey, my name is Sue. According to your name, her name is not Susie. It's Rosie. Oh, yeah. My niece. My niece calls her Rosie. What is the Mexican? What is the Mexican called? She calls her Hand Rosie? I don't know. Where is our Mexican daughter at? She calls her dinner. But that's what that's what the Chinese scholar.
You know, that's what the immigrants that are in this country are now cooking. And we're calling them dinner. Oh, I believe my father's daddy more than once. And you like it. You grabbed my ear. Oh, that's funny. I didn't hear that. I didn't need to hear that. I don't know. I'm too busy looking at this girl saying I like her. I don't know if you needed to hear it or not. I like you. I do not need to know that.
I don't like your. I don't call my daddy. I don't call my dad daddy. Yeah, I don't. I like your dad way too much for you to call me daddy. He's awake. I don't know. Tell him to come go up here and hang out with us. Oh, dude, that would be so cool if your dad came up on this show. He wouldn't know how to do it. Yeah. Well, we can walk. I'll be back in a minute. He might be drinking in the garage. Oh, he's definitely drinking in the garage. I don't know. He's got to watch his cholesterol.
I have not had two cases of beer in my refrigerator. Since I lived in Charleston. Hey, Brian.
What? Yeah. Yeah. What? What? Turn the camera on. Hang on. I'm going to look at your beautiful face when I see this. Dad is not awake. I have nothing to say. I just wanted to see you.
Missed me that much, huh? I do. I miss the hell out of you, man. But I'm happy for you, bro. But hey, I called you when I was on the road, though. We had a good talk. Yeah. we Yeah. we We had a good talk. ah Was Friday, wait thursdays right Thursday, Thursday. Mexican brand. The good Brian. OK. No, we love Brian. Yeah. Thursday, when you're on the way home. Yeah, I was on my way.
Yeah, I was just like, like I'm on my way home. Finally.
Yeah. Hello, sir. Go to hell. Alexander Elias. No, man. I'm dude. I'm happy for you, man. Yeah. So I mean, I'm enjoying my time off right now. I go back. I go. I hit the road on the 22nd. So nice. Brian came home on my birthday.
And it was like halfway through our conversation. He was like, Oh shit, it's your birthday. but Yeah. He was like, Hey, no, the guy's so, so Wednesday we were doing the show Wednesday. Cause my birthday was on Thursday and we was going to show Wednesday and I was like, all right, let's get ready to wrap this up. You know, um, thank you guys for listening. and Thank you guys for hanging out. They're like, well, your birthday's in a half hour. Like my boy, we're leaving.
No, well, no, no, we got, we got, we got like 30 minutes. I just literally came back and I hear we're getting ready to wrap this up. No, no, I was talking about.
He doesn't even know what he was talking about. Honestly, there we go. I thought I had another burp. I know Wednesday night when we were doing the show, there was like a half hour and we'd already gone way over.
And I was like, all right, let's go ahead and get ready. we Wrap this up. <unk> And the guys were like, dude, your birthday's in a half hour. And I was like, all right, whatever. So we kept talking and I was like, all right, well, we reached our limit. You know, let's call the show. Oh, for sure. Like, dude, your birthday's in like five minutes. You can drag this out for five more minutes, which turned into which which turned into a whole nother hour on Wednesday night. Um,
But I know DJ Bill and PJ deal and his co-host and Blaze and Jeff were the first ones to wish me happy birthday. take one Go lay down Wyatt. No, I'm talking to the dog. You fuck. No, I thought you were talking to Wyatt. No. Wyatt's probably in his room playing Fortnite or Call of Duty and Peyton sitting here in a living room now playing Fortnite.
Yeah. See, nobody would leave without saying goodbye to you. I feel like we're going to come back up for an after show. I feel like we're coming back up for an after show tonight. We're out bully because I have an open beer here. I got 47 on open beers. have be i have forty I got free beers. Tim's about the Tim's about to drink fucking flat beer because he froze is like a dumb ass canvas. Call it. brown I don't think drinks beer.
yeah want to do But I'm not like I'm not like a die-hard Kim's calling me you judgmental brick. a gli No, no, no, I mean like like I slowly um fuck money Yeah, um' I'm more I'm more like it just tricking bourbon whiskey and rum. I don't see James callinging tonight camp's calling no Excuse me, it's daddy cam bitch.
my I Instead of Sam, it's jokes. Don't take this fucking serious. It's not a day. Well, you're awfully hateful. And Sam is angry tonight just because Sam's family is in bread and she stepped out of the fucking way. She's not even talking. What are you talking about? I know she's watching. Defending you because I know you're going to get in trouble. Don't worry about it. I got it. He didn't get in trouble.
This isn't bad that I'm bad that I'm being loud. And no, we're being loud. Would you say? What are my boots on? Take flashlight? Well, I'm yelling like she can't hear you all, but she hears me. But but my duplex is really small. so Everything's like. Don't punch. Go. Go. Punch you in the ear hole. You don't have to. I can try to go outside and see if I. Don't punch you in the ear hole.
If I don't, i I'll stay outside. Are you still drinking that same buzz box? Beat box. Yeah, because I got a box. They don't be up by seven in the morning. and Fuck them, goddamn kids.
Is there a little I think, aren't they foreign? two Yeah, my eight year old is in South Carolina. Did you say four and 10? Four and two. Oh, but yeah. These are little to me. This is it, right? You got me fucked up with this. Well, no, it's.
Well, I'm not lagging, so I guess I'll stay out here until my neighbor calls the cops on me. I got to pay him back. Tell your neighbor I'll scoff fuck his face. No, he's cool. I don't think he would bother me. He would already knock on the wall.
Are we all are we both dead on? I'm almost. Is that the grab a hoodie? oh it
So, Brian, are you? on Yeah, man. Hi, Brian. Hello. How's it going? you She likes you you. You're the good Brian. When I said for the Brian. There's a couple of different Brian's. Who's the other Brian's? We have two Brian's. We have Brian, which is Mexican Brian. And we have Florida Brian.
which marks a little bit. I will. go and who's he I don't know what happened. She likes you. She likes cool. Yeah, we don't like that, Brian. Which one marks a little bit? Yeah, we don't like marks a little bit. We have another brand. Well, I know that. I know Brian. I'll tell you along over here. Oh, cheapo. But we don't like Rick because he's a Bill fan.
Oh, we love Bert. We love Rick. you I'm an honorary Bill's mafia member. We just don't accept the Shishberg Squealers as our fans. I will throw Rick through a table.
that's how dedicated I am to the Buffalo Bills. I don't know if that's dedication or just you want to throw me through a table. I want it. Yeah, I want to throw you through a table. He just wants to live a wrestling dream and put me through a table. Yeah, I mean, I'm not wrong. I do. You're not wrong. He wants He wants cash to help him 3D me through a table. Yeah. Yeah. I'd be like, let's go. Buffalo.
you that was she real estate off of the
Wow. No, I really do. I mean, it's what the bills do. We throw each other through tables. Yeah. Rick, Rick's an honorary dog pal member. and And no matter how bad we said, I'm not bragging about that right now. And I'll tell you, I'm not bragging about being an honorary bills mafia member right now. either At least our quarterback doesn't go like 27 as a charges against him. What the fuck? Well, granted, but you guys also look like ass. He's a Texas family's mother over there. They got digs.
I know. Yeah, we have gigs, Joe Mixon, Robert Wood, Nico, Nico. No, I knew what you were trying to do. I'm not stupid. No, no. Hey, shut your fucking mouth. You're named after Peyton Manning. Don't fucking speak. My BFF is still awake. Spoking to what? My BFF is still awake. Who's your BFF? Barbara Jean. What's all that horseshoe? Barbara Jean. no Tell the fact that she has a friend named Barbara Jean says some serious Southern shit. There's some. She's she's she's from she's from martin Kentucky. Yeah. Yeah. did not That's country. That's country. That's right. You get into like Western PA, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Northern Tennessee. That's where they use two first names. Barbara Jean, Bobby Sue, West Virginia.
blue san well were rare That was smooth as shit. life is all there older than the tree nobody realized that he just help me on his hand yeah he's me against the fry now about the breed that was that was smooth That was smooth as shit. that's why i'm the chair That was so easy. smoothie good boy That was that was so smooth. I i almost shook over my two, four, three cases of Miller like this. And I just did that. and What's the name of your show tonight? Um, no retards on parade. She said the only one that's pulling up is unnecessary roughness. How about this tomorrow follows our YouTube channel. She's not ever on YouTube.
wow Don't fart in my face. so i look I got paid lunch killer person behind you yeah you could Fucking you could have pickaxed them before they got a gun see I think he's passing the kidney stone Y'all heard that right? He's crawling. He's crawling to the bathroom. Why you look cold? 39 degrees out here. rus It is 58 here
it's seventy three over here i don't know where you're at right now like richmond texas five richmond i don't know what that's close to huge texas and oh okay yeah it's like forty forty minutes out from houston
the the the
I mean, also, I mean, it's kind of kind of hang out for the weekend. One of my one of my friends lives in New Braunfels. Yeah, that's in the hospital.
yeah round rock that's on the north north partta she she works at empty yeah hospital Oh, nice. She's actually taking the hospital. All
You broke the fucking chair. Come down to Austin, man. Hang out. Dude, they're begging me to. My kid and my daughter wants to go to college at UT. See? Smart. And my friend Crystal, the one that lives at New Bruffle said that she can go stay with her through college. So and then I got two other friends who left down. Come down and hang out. Check it out.
So, yeah, I got two other friends that live down by Franklin's. I don't know about Texas. It's Texas barbecue. That's like fucking eating school cafeteria barbecue. Thank you. Thank you. Really, really, really. OK. Yeah. Eastern Carolina barbecue is barbecue. Carolina barbecue, which is the same as Georgia barbecue. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Pump the brakes, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, pump the oh, brakes, pump the oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, brakes. So you can slur this oh, oh, oh, one out. You guys are 100 percent right. Texas cannot do barbecue worth a goddamn. Those motherfuckers have ruined barbecue for everybody and their mother. However, however, the best brisket I ever put in my mouth. However, I if I had looks like I thought I had the best brisket you ever put. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. However,
If I, if I, if I could afford it, I would fly Brian to my port, literally to my ports to have him do barbecue for me because I want Brian's meat in my mouth more than I, more than I've ever wanted any man's meat in my mouth. And I say that. like Is this Texas cattle school brain? Yes. Yes. Oh. She's like, I don't want to do it right now. See. Yeah. So what you will about Texas barbecue.
But Brian is the man when it comes to fucking smoking at me. Dude, I look I hated that Brian started this new job because for the last three weeks I have not gotten my Sunday morning, Sunday afternoon, Sunday evening, Brian meat picks. And I got the first meat pick in three weeks today. And I was like this motherfucker.
I feel like Glick wants Brian to come up there so they can be their poor chonkeys. Hey Glick, I have a question. What? Can you put me in whatever other podcast SnapYaw are in? Because I'm in a very old one, like the one with Tony D. Yes. That's your question. I will. Yes, I will. I can't do it right now, but I will. Yeah. um Yeah. So hard I'm going to get a- Because you're not important, Cam.
I'm gonna get up early in the morning i try and yeah get the pit get the pit ready and everything. And I'm smoking two racks of ribs. We're not friends on Snapchat so you can't be in the good group. I'm not even in the group because I'm not an admin or a mod and I'm good with that. Mickey, I was important before you were even a th thought.
so and someone who you That's because you're a Bills fan. yeah What you hear? I'm waiting. I'm waiting. I'm waiting for it anyway. But anyway, I'm going to get it. I'm going to start. I'm going to start the ribs across seven in the morning and then by halftime, the ribs will be ready. Nice. No, I've been telling Brian since I've known Brian, like, bro, you fucking working for somebody, man.
You got a like, their arms e wish she knew you had gay tendencies to Barb Barb. I told her to get in the chat. Tell Barbara to bring her ass. Tell Barbara to get up on the show. I got I got I got like 20 minutes until I end this and then I might come back up.
yeah more on is za we got thirty seven old not coming back Yeah, we got 30 and be doing at the end of the show. He's going to be like, no, I am over me. I just, I just want to let you guys know that I'm not going to make this show tomorrow umm i'm a hot like ah because apparently Nikki has other plans. So, um, I'll, I'll, I'll send you guys my picks.
You better make the fucking show. Don't worry. What? I'm going to get you up. Don't worry. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you can get on a beer. Is these drinks tonight? You might need some help. Well, I trust me, I never had whiskey, dick, beer, dick, nothing. None of that happened.
I ain't never had beer, Dick. I ain't never. I'm not fumble around and I might fumble around a lot. But trust me, you still get yours. Even if I don't get mine, you still get yours. You have fallen asleep face first in my vagina. Ah, ah, Yeah, but you got charged before I fell asleep. No, it didn' you no would I put his ass on the spot. I mean, it's a warm, comfy place. Don't get me wrong. Like Rick said, listen, I'm probably the only person you'll ever meet that passed out getting a blowy before.
Well, OK, maybe I'm not. Well, OK, I lied. My ex fiance, Rick, you know her. Oh, yeah. I fell asleep a couple of times. And she fell in love. Ain't that some shit? It wasn't it wasn't as good as she cracked it up to be. She fell in love and I fell asleep. Wait, Rick knows your ex fiance? Yeah, he went rescuing her at an airport. Yep.
Yeah, when she when she was trying to get home to her kid because she was stuck in Atlanta. Yeah. Yeah. But Rick's Rick's down in that area. Hmm. She's like an hour north of me. What is that supposed to be? Yeah, I don't know what the fuck um means. It doesn't make a difference if I know her or not. Rick Rick. I know Barb is listening because she just texted me face first.
yeah Is who is war no, I don't think it's ever happened. I think you're right. I swear I'm both my kids. I think you have fallen asleep face first in my vagina, but I will never finish. No, you did not do a guy when you started. Not how okay. Okay. Hold on. I'm sorry. Where you are now. I don't know. This is true. How strong are you that it was just like no fuck it.
I used my knee to get you out the way so I could go to sleep. This is the best conversation tonight could have had next to Daddy Cam. Hashtag twenty five. Hashtag twenty five. One nine hundred. Talk dirty to me. Drink much that weekend.
but then in fact
but One nine hundred cash dash cap confessionals. oh lobby I, you know, I'm a, I'm allowed one flub. I we're going to go. I will. I will say this. You can take them all again on this one. I'll take them all again on this one. She's not wrong. I'm pretty sure she's a hundred percent right. I don't remember it. but And clearly if I was face first in a vagina and passed out, but I will say this, there's never been.
I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to try cautious because I feel like, yeah, I feel like she's going to try to fuck with me. Let's see. I think they are still in this. Yeah. She keeps fucking texting. Yeah. Bar, bring your dumb ass up in here. You goofy bitch. It's I'm going to go and say this. I'm going to go and say this that, yeah, you know, my one time falling asleep and passing out face first and that tasty delicious. Oh my God.
I'm gonna call my cash. Oh, please. Why are you following your kid? What the fuck? That conversation just took a hard left turn. I feel like you've gotten multiples. Every time. Tell me. That conversation took a real hard left turn. Did you just leave the world on a poker? What kid are you talking to? I'm talking to Christopher. You're about to love. What about Christopher?
I don't know how to make it bigger. bernie You can barely talk to anybody. Shut up. Are you on your way home?
Hey, ah you know how we can talk to Christopher? Tell him to get on YouTube and go on here with me. Oh my God. Because Barb's a stupid whore. Because that's what you want him to hear since the conversation we were having about his mom.
You do realize i ordered that I got a DUI and he knows the entire situation why I got a DUI. ah miller like
Now, Chris, who's my homie? She's my Miller Lite. She up. She fucked up.
No, you just got you just got home Chris bring your bitch ass up here, bro. Are you talking to my Chris? No, I'm talking to my technician. I'm talking. No, I'm talking to Wally. Oh, well, you please go on YouTube. Shut up, Peyton and look up and say nothing.
Hey, shut up. and why Shut up. Why? Why it's two rooms away? I don't know. There's whoever's not the background noise. Tell them something. Why? And Peter talking because they're playing Fortnite together and I have the headset. and Yeah, you got that turtle beach. Shut up, Peyton Manning. Why? Who clicks click said shut up Peyton Manning and Wyatt Earp? She said literally she said. you literally Do you think I will put you 13 year old Click on that Click on that I'm boy? I just heard Wyatt do the controller go bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla trying to bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla get Christopher in a stream yard. Yeah, I'm trying to get my bonus son to come up here Go to the YouTube channel and click the link like I did. You know, I mean tonight you notice that I'm finally fucking learning Nikki are you
She just did this to me. I don't know. Meaning shut the fuck up. She's talking to her. I don't know. I don't know if I should punch her in the face or just continue to. Um, you can just put the mic on and move your camera. But. Fair enough. Drunkie mixed dagger step. I'm not drinking. I drink water. I'm not drunken. He does not want to be on the podcast. I told him to just comment, link out the camera. tucker chris We're stopping the beach and good be nice. I'm being nice. I literally just said you're my favorite bonus son. He said he you're his favorite bonus son because your brother's a bitch.
No, I love both. I love both of Nicki's kids. But in the stream yard yet. christopher is awesome you Even though he thinks he's a better Chris than I am. I mean, you're not Chris. You're Francis.
ah fact You know, I got to get up. I got to get up early. There's no there's nothing. No pain just said where the fuck is Francis?
Who's leaving? fuck I am. like got eaten I got I got to get up early in the morning and start the barbecue. Later. But he's got to get up. He's got to get up early and do to walk you through a gar and barbecue. like also I'll see you the photos of the barbecue. Yeah. Yeah. everybody but me You also got to do unnecessary roughness tomorrow. Yeah. Oh, he's into the podcast that you won't be awake for. I will be. guys All right, guys. Oh, yeah.
yeah Oh, there he is. That's my baby. Christopher. All right, Christopher, I'm going to end the phone call, but just be in the chat. My. What is it? What is it to be in the Chinese? i yeah Christopher. I don't answer.
He's like, what do I do? Christopher, unmute your mic and talk. Hello. He's not going to put his face up. Oh.
That's, that's my favorite. That's, that's my second favorite son. How's it going? How'd you, how'd you pan out at poker tonight, brother? Uh, not the greatest I've been better. That's for sure. that's poker oh How much did you lose? Well, I mean, uh, this is like one of the first times playing poker. So we're not using real money yet.
Are you doing this? Are you SOP qualifiers or what are you doing? and No, I think it's that. I think it's just Texan, Texas. Hold on. Well, that's what our SOPs were. I did one of those when I was 19. Fucking Michael Bathurst. You're still awake. He's the oldest fuck, too. do Is Ray breaking up? He's got more gray than you do. how So didn't lose that bad.
No, no. I have one know most times, but not this one. That's for sure. Are you home now? Yeah. um like Did your mom wake you? Did your mom wake you up? No, no, we had just gotten home. Do you want me to beat her up?
yeah She's going through tequila. Glick's getting beat up tonight. So if you get a phone call from jail for bail money, it's Glick, not her. so no its No, no, it's her. Not me. That's a lie. You know, whoop his ass with that little bitty. Oh, what? christmas That's a little too close to home. It is really close to home. I'm still paying for that ah too close to home. Trust me. Trust me. i remote I'm reminded Who went home?
Nobody did. And that's why I'm paying. Bond money is expensive, isn't it? yeah that's That's why I'm paying for it twice a month. Well, if you keep your temper in check. It's not even... No. Do not put that evil on me. but Christopher, can it test? yeah It's so weird to call you Christopher.
I know because I'm Christopher and I wrote all brand know is no and number one Christopher. No, he's not. No, I am Francis. He is. You heard it. He hasn't become more Christopher. It's her kid. just getting some work he's oh g She's drunk. Yes, sir. Kids always come for relationships. Fuck you. And I've known him for 23 years. You know what?
You know what I'll give you. He didn't fall asleep. I'm going to give it. I'm going to give it to him. I love this kid. All of us could do that. criber How much, but how many beers you think Glick strength tonight?
Just based on conversation thus far. How many of you think he's in the hole? Oh, I got to say at least 10, I would say. He's kicking about a 12 pack at all, boys. Yeah. boys. No, I was about right. Yeah. No, I don't know Jay very well, which is Mickey's oldest boy. But I love Chris. I love Chris. He's a good kid. um I always look forward to seeing them.
um You know, obviously it was like way past looking for a step dad for my kids or anything like that. But, um, you know, but, um, and, and, and, uh, you know, being that Jay Christie, Mrs. Older brother is like ah off and away in the military.
ah ah Christopher has always been cool, been cool to me. Christopher, you're going to get such a truthful, bluntly, honest, emotional side of Glick. If we keep this going on, he might cry. Yeah. No, I know. I love the I know. I love the kid. I really do. I just put that out there for you. You might decide it like you didn't know existed. yeah know You'll meet the Francis Francis. Where the fuck is Francis? but Say my name.
No, this is my dude. No, I think if Chris doesn't know my Chris is my ride or die. Chris is my if I need to bury a body, he is the kid I'm going to call. Now, of course, if if Christopher doesn't know already. He's going to know now I love this kid to death.
I've already heard his name at least a couple of times in our snapchats. I knew who he was before he got here. yeah Christopher is the one that I have called.
he He's the one that I have called who showed up behind me with a shotgun. I mean, I mean, the night that everything went south for me, I called him and he was like,
They didn't sugarcoat shit. He didn't sugarcoat shit. He was like, Mom's drunk. And I'm like, well, I'm going to jail tonight for the first time ever. This is the first time you ever went to jail. Yeah, you're a fucking slacker. No, I was 18. Fuck off. No, I'm not a slacker. I was in jail twice before I was 21. No, like he put me to bed. Yeah. And then put you on camp.
but I was after I went to jail and everything like that. know I didn't go to jail, but no, I know. I've never been arrested because I got friends and I places, dude. ah I've done some of the most, uh, despicable things that you can, well, and not, okay. So I have, a I have, I have, I have a very, I have a very violent past.
Um, but I had friends in situations and and I had friends that got me out of it, which, and I have friends that would have got me out of the situation that happened with Nikki and i came how I edit my name to Dr. Phil. But, but I was like, you know what? Fuck it. I'm going to eat. I'm going to, I'm going to eat this one. And, and it was funny because. the world It was funny because uh, my said friend messaged me and he was like, Hey, you want me to take care of this? And I was like, no, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to eat this one. I'm going to eat this one. Thank you. Just so, just, just so people know how much she, you know, how much Nicki means to me. I'm going to go ahead. I'm going to do this one. So how did how did that make you feel? How did that make me feel?
Oh, me or Christopher? Either one of me. It didn't make me feel any sort of way. I just I'm going to eat this one when I could have made that shit disappear at the end of the day. and I mean, I'm sure Christopher was probably like, oh, my mom's at it again. I would love to hear. I would love to hear Christopher's thoughts and opinions on this. I don't think that needs to be done.
No, no, no, no, no. You asked the question, Dr. I just I just how it made you feel. He's good. He's sober. He needs a guy is Christopher. So Christopher is going to be the one that helps me bury a body. Well, speaking of Christopher, shout out to your friends, man. Thank you. One third owner of.
trees fire LLC three spires LLC shout out to them. What are they doing? That bullshit ass tree service company that they work for. What was the name of that company? Chris monster tree service.
but monster tree service. Yeah, drag it. We just got a fucking defamation lawsuit, ain't you? so He's not doing it. and He's not doing what was that the company you worked for? So they just said, oh, fuck, I got to end this. We're doing that. We got to do after show. Now I got to find a fucking link again. I'll send it to you guys. All right, Christopher. I love you. You can go to bed.
OK, nice meeting you. Love you, buddy. Love you, too. Have a good night. i I'll talk to you tomorrow. All right. Wow. Hey, Marissa. Marissa, Marissa, Marissa. She's just not so wild out shit going on here.
but apparently we're going into an overtime show i'm goingnna end this right now um just hit the button i'm boying the camera god um