Nonsensical Nonsense: Live from Buckeye Axe Throwing image

Nonsensical Nonsense: Live from Buckeye Axe Throwing

Nonsensical Network
12 Plays3 days ago

Glick and Blaze were live from Buckeye Axe Throwing for their Halloween party it was a little crazy and had a lot of pop ins but would you expect anything less from Nonsensical Nonsense on a Saturday night

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Hey, y'all better look the fuck out today. My crayons are short, the box is full, my bottle of glue's topped off, and my helmet's on tight. Baby, we bought the rhythm with the tism. Let's get with it.
Suck my dick and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches.
but what may
That's right. but We are live here and I'm waiting on a voice because they're working on our audio. Let me see if I can hear you. here okay ah you're a little quiet you might want to take a like open maybe i'll get i'm cra all the what's going on everybody welcome to nonsense been nonsense yeah last here in nile stone put that you wear the black lights going on blaz and eye yeah stuff of costumes we're ready to come like not already like
You're little quiet. You might want to crank up this is socialism and stuff man we We do have that fourth camera down there you guys can barely see them, but when we go to breaks tonight anything like but this music play in so Hopefully you guys will be able to hear that. with it But now we're hanging out. Like I said, we're going to some good music. Hang out with buddies tonight. Take a couple drinks. Throw some action. Have a good time. If you're not already, don't follow us as well. Nonsense School Network. We'll find us everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, Instagram.
Shows are live, Sunday through Monday, Monday through Sunday, seven days a week. YouTube can't do this anytime in a place where you don't see the podcast at all, but I'll send it to the network for Superhero 2. Bio that link. It's going to be scrolling right down there at the bottom of the screen, all night long. Go check us out. There's a product that's really good, so share the music, and make sure you turn your bells on.
Let's ring your bell baby. oh It is Saturday night. We are still going to do the open door challenge. can i
Anybody and everything is allowed to come in. And I'll just make sure you put your pickers right. We don't want to see your bubble either. But Jeff will be, Jeff will be manning the board tonight, so to say, because we've got a lot of discussions going on here. We've got a lot of things happening. And boy, you should be in and out. There you are.
do a show like we normally do. you know We're going to We're going have fun.
on all the searches. Check out and whatnot. We're happy to shout out this week. Shout out to Katrina Breen for stopping by.
waste there are Monday, shout out to Michael Batlers for popping up on LinkedIn. Wednesday was the normal shenanigans. Thursday, we took the night off.
Well, Thursday, this Thursday, late Saturday, so we did an impromptu just out of nowhere. We got bored. We hung out for an hour.
Friday, last night, we did, uh, we watched, um, Caroline, um, and then the i voice is not something long the open door challenge. If you're up and you want to come up and go ahead and the links are in the chat. if you want to go up and understand um black of bla this are our photographgraph brother videographgraphers yeah like to mistake
um note eventually tuesday' i have some jokes um on the tv chi finger crochets wendy
hopefully then they would help with the sign allison information here uh you're cutting in and out real hardcore get close to your microphone might a hold yourre mike yeah like better out as great as recess as we can hear every note you went off your bluetooth headset but your pipelin was qua
it was fine until uh restarted playing but understandably um creates more noise this is the mild fear i had <unk> bush hows that a little bit better not a whole ton uh play without throughou the crop tonight um But yeah, last night we watched Terrifier. You showed up for a little bit. Sundays, of course, you guys do your unnecessary roughness. And Jeff's garage is sporadic at the moment. And then back to Monday again. Next Sunday, where there is a bonus episode of Nonsense and Chill for the simple fact ah
you know Yeah, it's we're watching Terrifier three next Sunday. So we're going to have all parties you guys are doing that. You guys are doing that next Sunday. Yeah, we're doing that next Sunday. We're going to be well so it's it's one of those things where we're going to be we're going to do a Jeff's garage where we do a horror car challenge.
kind of thing and then we can go we're going to roll right into it all in one recording right at the Terrifier 3 which means I have to actually watch it. but mighty garage you guys sunba to points i might i might pop up and and come up on that on that set sunday that community community that won't be happening on my hand ah tell you that right Well, no what was funny is like we were watching terror fire last night and
bri came up just before we started and he's like, I've never seen it. I wanted to see it. So, I sent him the zoom link. So, he's watching it with us. Awesome. And of course, the the infamous spot of Terrifier three where the girl gets cut in half. He was like, I give him props for originality. learned
Because he totally didn't see it coming. ah That was that the the one thing that I will say about Terrifier is, you know, um you're muted, by the way. I don't know why. um I know. I was talking to Austin. OK. But yeah, the one thing about Terrifier is it is not your typical horror movie.
you books No. i and it's so It's not. It is it is really out there. It's cranked up to 11. Oh,
goodbye oh I agree. like oh And of course, I gave my big, my big worries were I'm not afraid of the clown. I'm afraid of the fucking psychopathic mechanic that can't clean his shop and can't put a hood up or down. He asked for halfway. That's, that's the problem with a lot of the new war. First, like one or two souls.
okay wait on Let's see. and right on the areas often ah But a lot of orbiters are like that. yeah And that's what kind of turned out. I didn't watch you get terrified one or two, because as I said last night, I was introduced to art.
was pretty up this is The Terrifiers are the only time in the Terrifier movies what we learned last night is the guy that actually plays Art the Clown in Terrifier did not play Art the Clown in the other movies. No, but it was the character. Yeah, and the character. But yeah, like I said, ah from what it was, I thought it was a good movie, so to speak. What's your mask on? what you mask on for
you have story part barbigo Nice. There is.
ah He's looking down like he's trying to see something. Nice. Nice. I like that. You can you can take the mask off now.
Cass, you can take the mask off. long the catch point out the house but himself To us, us commoners, us peasants. Yes, the peasants we are.
yeah it
i was three mixed about same why this This year, this year I'm basically like totally different. So this is like my one good ear and it's facing you and I got a near buddy. Nice.
For those of you guys who don't know, Luis is actually here first. He's right beside me. And yes, we have matching costumes. Yes. With his background, and yeah you can't tell he's there. But as he walks by Reese's camera, yeah see and because I know he's going to sneak off and go take pictures. Yeah, he already is. There he is.
got want to
Yeah, I'm not a dad, I'm whatever. And it's just anything about it, it's like not even, not even, not even, you know, one drink in, I want to walk you about something, introduce myself to me, and cough the cord and just get everything done.
Nice. I made a pathway for myself right here. Don't be worse, you could be stuck in the bathroom or go sleeping in the car in the bathroom again. Since it's too late to tell you that I had talked about That's why you're wearing sunglasses because Blaze punched you in the fucking nose. I ran into a door. Yes, you ran into a door and it happened to fall down some stairs and then ran into some psychopathic killer clown and kept messing with me.
we got ah get so can hear to just spend it here they Yeah, that's the only thing is like, you know, this is the the issue I was worried about. As good as recent now, he sounds in every single microphone, except mine, you know. Can I drown you guys out a little bit? in a
it's It's not overpowering, but it's like, it's almost like you're so far away from the mic, I can barely hear you. No, uh, beliefs is actually good. Yeah. No, I, I've gotten muted in. I know. I have no idea. How about you two?
no i muted your mic because i was hoping it might help with the sound because you weren't speaking but it doesn't it doesn't affect it at all um but his wife house lot i see the kids walking around in the background yeah he still he still talks like like get home it is and everything you know where I told him the other day, he's like the Ben Stein of the network. yeah hard to
you taking like He looks like he's taking a nap. The way you're holding the mic, the way you're holding your camera, it looks like you were taking a nap.
the you see me
I did. I saw him there dressed like Billy Bob. really Yeah, I saw that. Way to go last-minute kids and steal everything from dance parties.
So they were going to be football partners. those people are never that's possible And then they wanted to pick up our players who got into a fight, so they needed two separate jerseys. And I was like, well, maybe you guys got to know how much they threw at me over And I got a she turkey while austin straled to so she was going to give that to one of the girls. And then I was like, oh, man, I have a mix of three dollars in my field.
Which, if anybody knows, Miles Garrett is hoping to use his fucking pen for dropping the pen word on it. That's right. And I couldn't find it, hoping to find out they took it to their mom. And I was like, oh, that would be perfect, but you can get a word by Miles Garrett. Right? And it's already been a word that they had to pick up on it. Looks like they got black eyes and stuff like that.
and everything but then I found out they took that home shit and I was like actually I've got a boxing tweeter and they're yeah let's do that so yeah they're dressed up as Billy Bob and tweeter grasp like And then Austin's dressed up as Nicki, or not You here again.
the six name from what's What's her name, the actress? Come here a little bit. Oh, I get it, Robert. I love her. I'm so happy. I do, too. I got to look it up.
this text level
it's Jennifer Tilly. get jetain the employee to the class pet one of mistake Do the Tom Tinney.
was so ah so yeah But yeah, for those of you that are listening and watching, the the boys are at Buckeye Axe Throwing where you can go. They're having their their Let's Glow party. Let's Glow Crazy party. um though You know, it's Blacklight, all that fun stuff. And then, you know, they got Axe Throwing, they got Drinks, the whole nine yards. Come see the boys. Of course, they got Reese Jordan over there. He's rocking on the guitar. um
I got his socials here. I'll throw those back up. You'll have so much room because somebody puts on 400,000 pieces of music. know and i got get know that it doing out that and you sorry up um um rob lu single hand and we big youth guy on the network so Well, the thing is, is like, the ladies and I can't take that stuff off, because we don't know which ones you want to keep, which ones you want to get rid of. You know what I mean? So are lots of problems. Well, and that's the problem. Every time I go on there, you start to think, but it's all I want to keep this. Oh, we like this one. Oh, we don't like this one. Yeah, it's like killing your child. You don't know. It's like it's like choosing your favorite. It's a pain in the ass. There, I fixed that.
There it is. You know what? Something else like I did the other day. ah I gotta remember how to do it.
comes hope be soon it out oh Who clicked on that? ah yeah We only have like 14 of them. You know, in order to do it properly, I'm going to go ahead and build me a real quickie.
This takes me a minute. you still opiniont have one see me
me a bit bit topic machine before you go change i got street
Did you go to the right studio? Go the right studio.
Oh, he's just over here just making his old studio. He's like, fuck this shit, I'm out. but watch that
He's trying to go in on his own. So he can walk around. OK, yeah, yeah, yeah. There goes Austin. There's Billy Bob. How do we, I want to reverse this to where the big box is on the other side. And the three of us, I mean. Yeah.
They appreciate your Wally. Love you, brother. Oh, shit. You know, um Wally, in fierce motor sports, um I might try to put my creative brain to work. But here in a couple of weeks, he's going to be doing his own show here on the network on Monday, early right before men came from there. It's going to be a motorcycle. It's all things a couple of motor sports.
and let folks their degree un a
la la la da but yeah
you we're up go kick community and You're on the show. I'm gonna go listen to Reese. I'll see you at 10. Right?
oh and i'll say Yeah, see when you guys are done. good i got yeah first you got Right. What up? Yeah, man, I just got a nice little turnout so far, right? Right at the gate, right at 7 o'clock, man, it just kind of flooded in. And then there was something going through, it could be flooding in here in about an hour or so.
right but the police experience something on like son oh i can do that like like like i have have been I know I'm setting it up for multiple guests. That's what I'm doing.
da i had it the pocket sp practice and able to develop in front like on i told that told ni told nikki She should have ran it by our bosses. a little and and um uh do a challenge challenge that's that's how i had it but i wanted like hard boxes about the other side you know oh yeah i can fix that grab yeah so that make like your face was completely blacked out but it didn't change it
I won't let me edit it. Apparently we can only have eight layouts. no There's some we'll have to get rid of. There's Billy Bob and Twitter. There they are.
that bettered their
remember they talking shit look I think they're cool. yeah brand that Nobody can hear you, but you can come over here with us. I said, nobody can hear you and you can't hear them. You can come over here with us. There you go. That's perfect. Put that up there.
that's awesome yeah it's just i just did the back removing the background and made even make that slightly smaller but it doesn't take up so much space that's perfect leave it alone all right it's perfect because I was going to say, I don't know if people can actually scan it from their watching. Well, if people want to scan it, I can always... um yeah which chairs I just saw that. I think they just shake their nose yeah i think they just realized that they're on camera.
It's not like they've never been on camera before. Yeah, I told them, I told them you shouldn't tell them, boss. And they should do a challenge to the champion. Right? Right. I told Nick that you should tell the bosses that you should have a right? I'm sorry. If they get a prize, and they get their picture taken, right?
need to i um paper you're too much but that's a day if this this is my joy' be like let's give it all just Right? No, but, you know, at the end of the day, it's little things like that. You don't even have to give them anything. Wait, give them a free drink? honey grory be hours like that you know the check yeah why back could be know Well, you can like like they got snacks or you give them like a bowl of nachos and. No, actually, so so the whole thing about this is they don't. it is you understand not play like i get your yeah so somebody've met kick in it's so not it is a vy rely figure your own order people
but deliver here store that just gett head like yeah right outside like once a break year old makes what It's because
the and financial money for constant because there are places thatt have kids but then they don't allow me but so say one more No, that's actually smart because because if people want to eat there, they can order food and door dash it right to the joint and they don't have to have a kitchen.
yeah And because of the way the liquor license or food license is set up you don't have to add more bathroom space have we learned anything but about tap mar legend thinkability having be what averages take fifteen minutes long oh Yeah, and trick more drinks which equals I
What was that? and from I got things so I can add little caveats. I'm probably adding them as we go. yeah and with one thanks
as you been He's good now. Sounds good. From what I can hear. that but into the while awake are one hundred
so so next please walking like rest but because taking some radio goes smell yeah What's that? She said she's her favorite. Hey, man. I got it. I get free booze. That's part of my deal. like you She literally fills it right up to the brim.
oh yeah both I guess I gotta pay the tab. I wonder if I can sleep with the bartender. Yeah, maybe. but all that boys and I'm gonna try to sleep with the bartender.
You're gonna owe 10 times as much. question
When we when we go to break up here of their play, we usually take a break every hour on the hour. okay So if you're still playing over there, we actually had that camera set up in the back in the sound picture. but Jeff, he said he said he can hear you periodically on our mics because this sounds good over there. I told I was just saying they should have stuck us over there in the corner and I put you up top or something like that or did you guys put us up on the TV there?
Not yet. They got football. Yeah. Get more people in here. Flood every, while they're waiting for it. Blades, flood them over there. Yeah. It sounds good, man. You sound good as hell.
to some Let him know we got his info up, and if our listeners want to contact him as well. Oh, yeah. I'll let him know.
but that put the all yeah they got football I mean, you could ask if you might be able to throw it up. We will get there eventually.
Well, I'll have to get on. But I don't know if they'll let us. I'll tell you in Arkansas, right?
but would cares so twenty years yeah
use is over here making so those but i set the feet i said pleases over here taking ai photos and shit ya
like public Well, tell him what he should be doing is working on the on the the blazing jane ray said not talking believe You guys don't have your ratings done yet? Oh, we have them done. We're just we're we're we're trying to redo them so that they have a like we play an audio that go with them. Uh what we use now actually looks like this.
you have little okay
have no idea what the fuck do as you do what else that just watch look at me like out we we give So what we do is we not only do we watch the movie but we commentate about what's going on during the movie and we discuss like who directed you know this you know the actors so on and so forth ah and make it just a little bit informative as well.
oh on frank I don't have any friends yeah chip ba quiet Bye, bye. Got that Icy on my wrist, bro. Got my wrist. My neck, bro. I'm going to send your kids to the 7-Eleven, get them an Icy and double on your head. then You got an Icy on your head. Also was just standing in front of me. She's terribly embarrassed. She's like, I told you to tell you.
she had to go to the roof that's how embarrassing you can still see you yeah i'm gonna say we can still see you it's like a whole it's like a horror movie maybe it really is where's the killer oh there's the killer yeah there's a killer i see it not that door not that door you but
stop That was the biggest problem we had last year. That bitch gets out of the building and then goes back. What the fuck did she go back in for? She's retarded. She deserves to have her face look like that. Because she's stupid. one but The one that looks like a champagne or face off? Yeah. yeah you you remember remember like You remember Travis?
I think it was Travis the chip. Remember that lady owned that chip and then that chip like ate for a friend's face off? Yeah. Then I was talking about a real life event. There was a lady who owned it, had a friend's chip, I think his name was Travis.
And like, you know, look we just snapped him and And the fucking chip, like, ain't his chip's face on it. That's what Bicky looks like. If you look up a picture of, like, Travis, I think it's Travis the chip on the tag. I think so. but the lady The lady's face looks just like Bicky throughout all the terrifying. It was years ago.
what that travis chair yeah it was travis the chimp oh look so it's a wealth of knowledge i know everything about here challenge Well, not quite like that. This is actually um a picture of her.
the victim. Yeah. No, before all of this, she's a shit ton of work done. that is they facebook This is eight years ago. yeah This is what she looked like eight years ago. just thats After a shit ton of work. but far back and go back up Oh, I just dropped it.
This is what she looks like now. This is eight years ago. That's what you look like. yeah about eight years about what she would but did chip like fucking description all spaces they're like eight eights it was wild but i one second and then to hear like like forty s from the past up absolutely there it really chance to do but got soft tissue <unk> yeah and they and they're like they're like buzzzards or stuff they go after soft fish folks
so the face is like the number one so yeah kind of sort of looks like Well, actually, if you see her face in 2009, it does look like Vicki.
Yeah, when it first happened, when it first happened, that's when I first watched Terrifier, because my very first thought was, was that Travis the Chipotle. Yeah.
Yeah. Apes, don't fuck around, dude. dude But I don't want all this wine too because the lady who owned the chip, she's like calling and she's all freaked out in panic mode and everything else. And then the cops get there and she's still on the phone with 911 and the cops get there. And this fucking chip is still eating her friends' feet. So the cops are just like fucking waiting for them. So all you hear in the background is, don't hurt them!
now now but It's just like, oh my god. It's just like, yeah lady, you have a chip that's eating it. You're eating a cake. You're literally eating my face. You're like, you're crazy man. I want to take his face. I don't, I don't do They're as cool as it would be to have an exotic animal. Yeah, there that's the one that could kill.
Is that you're the chip. No, No, it's an actual place server here working at the back. Yeah.
But it's one of those things, it's like, like whats your problem as cool as it would be to have an exotic animal, that is not the one I want. yeah say it all the hello so oh bit so so mark which the You can't see her makeup. She actually did a really good job on her makeup. and stuff lipstic She did a good job with her. with her <unk> that's They're trying to get cash. skills good a tiffany ballentine yu yeah a what's i think and yeah a yeah yeah So there's a story. business
Jeff believed in everything he reads on the internet and watches on the phone. So I was like, well, I could just fucking write NASA on my goddamn microphone. I don't mean it's NASA. But according to Jeff, I told him it's true. No, my headphones, I had bought headphones that said NASA. gro and I put NASA 3135. Is 3135? Yeah, 3135.
ah was should to have ask everybody okay
a why wanted want i again to see you guys awesome ah the truth yeah was to say if they stand in front of The camera it would be better. Well, stand in front of the Reese Jordan camera. You can actually see it because there's light.
got that ham that's up you done but over there standard ala and theyre like wait times so We've seen you like 14 minutes ago, picking your nose.
What's up? They skip into the room. yeah but say They can't see me. They can't see me with it. Yes, they can. Because it's pulled up just like these. Oh, OK. Oh, you got a laptop there or a camera? No, a laptop. Oh, OK.
for that why are you he muting himself that much That's for reeks we say we waved at you guys the i swearly like see no she's She's coming to live with you look be but self
something could talk with Oh, yeah, they're not right. You're muted, by the way, please.
Yeah, I didn't mean it. He's muted.
joe to I wonder if I can get this thing started.
that's Sweet Carol. ask places.
ke Yeah, it's it's really, really good. the also on
Oh, shit snow there's boss.
so some books um' watching you I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish we could have like a, like speaker in there so every time somebody walks in, we can talk in front of them. Oh, that would be hilarious. Like a Bluetooth player? Yeah, that would be so fucking cool. Stop freaking your knees!
but actually didn shoot but they Good job.
goal one I forgot the words. I didn't do it. I'm not the big fan. I don't know if it's Journey or it just Steve Perry. I was going to ask you, since you're up wandering around, if you could ask Nicky about that.
but tell want
oh da video
also I was to say, again guys like, you're in that little corner. Are you guys moving by the window again, right? Yeah. just walking up little you but what do you for color you you were walking with a purpose This is cool each
something i questions <unk>nna get into a bar by boston street
That's what we need. we'll Get over everything live! as long as
money right to the roof find up on the second floor with my belt. That's why I'm the champion, bitches.
as You broke somebody off the second floor. do You know, i speaking, you know, I was tormenting girls last night, you know, hit them one direction, right? Yeah, he died.
One Direction down. One Direction down. So last night I was fucking with the girls. One Direction guy. That sucks. I hear his biggest hit was the ground. Nice. sir Stop it. I was like, man, I really hope his new song isn't up. Blah.
when there uh well they kind of broke up and some of the guys were doing solar stuff and they were still they were still relatively popular dude the controversy dude jeff right up your fucking alley man conspiracy theories so they're saying that they were connecting what he did and that well not only that Beyonce was at the fucking same place as dude so they're saying the conspiracies are coming up because he was connecting with maybe and all the mike bogeys and freaka leaks and whatever he was called
saying was So he didn't talk. And it's wild. And that's allegedly, those are the conspiracy theories that are going on. So I'm just like, that shit didn't take but a day. It was like a day. The answer was at the hotel that he was in. He took the out the window. Like, it takes me back to Eastern Europe. There's no way the neighbor could hear it because he's bored. He's got the door open.
cool before But yeah, man, the conspiracy theories are running amok with this yeah is One Direction cat dying. Maybe he just had a little too jolted up. Yeah, because mostly Beyonce was at the same hotel, and yeah. I'm like, wait, do you really think Beyonce does her own dirty work? No, that's why she buried that group called JC. He does all of it. Yes.
Yeah, this whole pink ditty thing, man, is fucking wild. Yeah, there's a doctor. Oh, really? It is a doctor. The other thing is... Recently, I think the... They're still trying to find the F-ing
conspiracyies as Well, because apparently they just got ahold of Epstein's calendar. let's get
Really? Well, that's what I heard. I only heard it once though. It might be interesting. No,
who is the other know apparently you yeah he was the he has um i'memprey epstein lo weley's supposed to meet with Barack Obama's lawyers why Well, before he died, but it was on his calendar. I've seen
I mean, yeah. You should be one of those people. You should be one of those people. You should be one of those people. It's You should be one not like anybody. of those people. See, I know we talk. My neighbor, my neighbor used to drink baths when I lived in Charleston. Other than it's so like, it's just like, I don't know, like, you know how many people, like, we walk anywhere and smell? That's what it smelled like, but it didn't really smell like weed.
but yeah we to hang out down else we need to be a like on our back nice garage of dre but you smoke the bad and like this snow bottle came up like smells like and i don't know what it's supposed to start Every once in a while some of them would smell like that, but for the most part it was just like a candle burning.
yeah About how you I'm talking about. So it was always. ah but yeah i said you said no just He was higher than giraffe pussy. Yeah, he was higher than boys when he comes to Ohio. That's pretty high. I didn't know said people could get that high.
sets in is gps iowa dispens And then he just drives into it. He drives into the river. it touch start but or we and and drives of fill suit so yeah When you get to the infantry, take a left. If you get back to the river again, you've gone too far. Yeah, exactly. There we go. oh
That's she runs into him. That's the thing. i love the fact that think That's one of the greatest things about that book is the fact that he does not talk. Well, we had a we had an argument yesterday. We thought he but he said, shh, at one point, but he doesn't. It's a pipe. No, it's a pipe. The pipe still comes out. Oh, yes. And we were like, wait a minute. Did he just say, shh? Wow. A scene through a scene.
I should go. there he hold up with startups that was
on satisfaction load on this like Wait, I told you.
you get its three now it on talk let make sure you do the fact that on haven' been got an idea more you said i going at the sun It looks like mutual. um but that's Right.
freak now hi like the button i <unk> down accept about you oh I didn't know what What are bubbles?
when say
i'll ever here jack ask for our first ah
or like these andholes Right. Sweet. Thank you. I didn't know if we could. get a little ah spell the fucking x in the wall that's what they little quite yeah just throw the x in the wall more late but but make it Austin nice
it just places just over here having fun like he's like oh no that was me i just keep playing with it i keep adding and then just removing the background so everybody but yeah it's
but yet all end of my way i'll add him to the the surrounding Yeah, uh, Austin actually works here. Oh, yeah? Yeah, she does have some things that are in here. When you're going to a fence, stuff like that, i thought people some margin and Austin, yeah, it's a bit of a delay.
nice does does all that explains to them how to play make sure they're set up and ready to go so we actually actually afford you and then uh they want to do trivia on thursday so i'll be going here because i know there's something i don't know and i get a little chata chata chata i gotta afford my ice because they icy without that money
Well, since youre or since Reese is up playing again, let's go ahead and take a break now and crank him up. Let's take a break. We're going to take a few minutes. We're going to let Reese entertain you guys. Hey, do me a favor, Jeff. While we got Reese played in the background, can you drop that? Yeah, actually, what I was going to do is this. And then, if I could drop it, I could actually do this. Jesus.
um un out for sound
We have to leave your mic unmuted so we can actually hear him. So unmute yourself.
but to delete my mic yeah under repeated I can't hear it on the other computer, but I can hear on your mic. so what if i knew that could help have good it consent Not great. i believe little i getting hear it all other you have any You can do that whole thing you did in the last time, right?
community you do the mobile thing you did last time right and ah i know both of us can go over there I was going to say go over there on your phone and just view him for the like two or three minutes so he can sing into the mic.
he's lazed to do it he's the videographer number magnet field you to go on so heregainst the mic not up their guess some light stuff you up on land that variable like just that how minute one'm gonna walk so it's not ah they know when you're ready to come back yeah right the As soon as Blaze gets set up, yeah.
want to
It's such a
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, that's it.
Yeah. Yeah.
this is but
owe like <unk>
and do
I know. that to use
Yeah. Yeah. from
yeah i dont you
equal move
d vehicle
what and it another
a question right
a okay yeah a okay
a one but
We. We.
There it is. That is Reese Jordan. Blaze, you want to go ahead and drop that? I'm going to drop that. We're back from break. um Sound quality is good, but it's not 100% there. And I get it. um
But yeah yeah yeah, we're doing the best we can with what we got kind of thing. I get that. That is just not. It's almost too big. I um made that new. i can I can hear you just barely though.
hear you it's loud And that's the thing. That's that's that's what I had of the worry of this of tonight with the music. And I had this worry the last time where you guys were at the bar. But with the music, it just throws another fly in the ointment, so to speak.
i what go ahead and drop in the comments. Anybody watching, if you want to come up, keep me company so we can mute the guys and shoot the **** while they do their thing. Um it's the link is in the chat. We're going to just kind of keep on going as best we can. Um because it's is it when you guys turn on your mics and stuff um You can hear me? I can't. It's so loud in here. I can't fucking hear shit. And see, that's that's the thing. I because I can barely hear you guys when you talk. about And it's almost like going alive by myself. ah It's kind of annoying.
But it is what it is, I guess. Yes. I'm just over there jabbing. I can hear you guys talking. and I'm like, fuck the show up. Listen to what he said. And that's what I was thinking. I was like, you know we're were we're having a little bit of sound issues. And it's it's it comes down to it's not our. it's There's not a whole lot we can do about it. You know what I mean? And then I'm trying to do other things.
And yeah, you're muted by the way. I think Blaze muted you.
um We're just getting weird sound issues tonight.
And and it's it's nobody's fault. It just comes down to the fact that um some sorryy yeah I can't hear a thing you just said.
ah your huge not I can barely hear you. That's the problem. The music, the music, as good as he is, I can't get it super clear what he's singing, super clear, but I also can't get it out of my head. I can't remove it either. Well, I think what we needed to do, I think what we needed to do when we were just in there, and I didn't think about it until I just sent out was we needed to turn the background and echo off because that's going to cancel him out because he's in the back, quote, unquote, technically in the background. Oh, yeah, I see what you're saying. Yeah, no big deal. I didn't think about it until now.
ah no not Nothing major. you know I'm going to talk. we're gonna I'm going to see if we can get him before he takes off or come over here to sit down with us. ah yeah then i talk over i'm goingnna work on having me on books house of music He's a local guy, man. He's right out. He's right here in my backyard.
and i love um I'm loving all the artists that I'm having on here. yeah We're getting a lot of artists out of Nashville and whatnot, but i also want I also want to try to get some artists right out of my backyard. You know what I mean?
That way when you do shows like this, or when they are doing it, you know, maybe maybe I can get involved and And at the end of the day, if I can look at kids, that'll be the show, except if they break, if they're not there on the break, then I can flip the camera around.
talk and Talk about the show, talk about the the guys. and oops but sorry i see please you something they've got like smart let shoot you one that's what we met and i had one of those so Well, yeah, you can get those. yeah not you're not but a turnout todayma There's a lot of you. Every lane is full. There's an excellent thing. One lane, never mind. It's not open anymore. Every lane is full. I know the noise is a little crazy. lot of
potato on the shoulder that you know a lot of people of starting huge back here but the chapin hill south about the big script the which oh They do have us up.
yeah nice No, I'm just trying to, like I dropped the link in the chat. Anybody wants to come up there? drop it here as well.
so i wanted create i five been her stop just over there play it the a so i'll just have there signal watch do right he makes you but so but to put number I'll be right back. I do have to run to the restroom. I did but I'm not feeling too well. so
Oh my god, did you eat top of elbow? Anyway, what is going on everybody? Welcome back to not so much. We are here, but hopefully you guys can hear me. I'm actually talking louder than I normally do, so hopefully it's going to do all right. We are live in Nerf. Okay, actually downtown here, we're looking at the square.
And they are doing their elk. We got Reece Jordan here playing music. You guys can't believe he's adjusted. But he is back there behind all of us. We got his link in his phone number, his and his physical and ah but He's playing music.
school that i will deliver pick from the union car i got some so but the so yeah just have applause and think wa and i are shooting the philosophy we're gonna because the on you guys the only people Dressed up Well, my kids are all dressed up. He's got a Halloween lady's on and a shirt that an org shirt says, like Austin.
ah Uh, but, um, uh, owner's daughter, she's dressed up, but, uh, I was trying to get Austin in her boyfriend's, uh, she's doing her ass pretty good. But, uh, my daughter's daughter, Chuckie, and Tiffany.
Right. So, he's a good kid. Don't, don't, don't tell him.
I just flipped that.
you well your hard some you already take the home should take kind of are ready to be yeah that's your whole height that's our youtube yeah Hey, do you want to do a favor budget? Can you go up there and try to pull it down a little bit? So we had just a hair. Yeah, I pulled the laptop, like this part of the laptop. So Jeff's got all kinds of shit going on up there. i mean So we could see reefs. So just like that's that's the camera. And then when you can see the reefs.
so That's what I was talking about. Yeah, hey, that's what they're there for. I know a lot of people don't get this.
focus Literally. second come literally more throw book public screen watch us hear it Right. but they're watching Right.
negotiat that
good watch
And the problem is I can barely hear you. You go in and out. And and I can get it. it's my It's mostly because of Reese's music. And I get that. And then there's people and all that stuff, too. So it's understandable, but slightly driving me. I used to go to his car for a minute. Oh, did he? yeah My judgy ass, my little daughter, was like, where's Blake? And I said, oh, he went to his car for a minute, but she was like,
but their act and click my much with the but with all that which you die peter talk i got some for you peter piper This is what you're doing this is what I want you to do any questions I mr liberty but yeah
just be
like Yeah, I get it. yeah see that
I put the link in the chat. Anybody wants to come up and kind of okay shoot the shit. You know, if you're if you're there at the act store, great. If you're not, and you can't make it like myself, come up and hang out with me.
and yeah watch the guys pass pass they phone hu pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass pass
um all my kids say up i ice be like oh i don't it's not It's not my fault, I It's yeah, man, it's, it's,
time to we want take Like I said, that's what I said. I apologize for all the background noise. I would much rather have to deal with background noise. An empty bar. Yeah, right? It's better than an empty bar. I get that.
Hopefully, we'll get to that. Hopefully, we'll get to the delivery half of it. So if we talk about purchasing out of that,
yeah that's that's that's a like follow Yeah, that's such a cool bit. It really is. Like I wish I had.
fuck around like just walk around like so i can do this shit and get paid for that be awesome
and you yeah very welcome makes a four twenty of the building pass pass puff i had to i i been drop there an i up of sweat and i drop for but you did got the wi off decided and like an ohio man It's that time of year where like oh we it was. it was
It was like 30, 40, 40, and then like in during the day, like it was great. And it was like, support this motherfucker, it's going to be 90.
from what? Welcome to Ohio, where if you break, the weather will change. Yeah. And i was ah I was out running around all day. day ah Cash and I had to come in here. And
is home long enough to take shower something
watching getting
the public yes box oh shit mother Mike and I are a real deal. We can do it. Jeff, Google, Google, Illinois versus Michigan, 2024. People of Illinois's uniform today. They were fucking horrendous. But that was kind of funny. And the airbrush that Illinois... US state? Like the Illinois... but Illinois on the pipeline.
I mean, you know, to all the believe you like of he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he,
but three pieces here there's no
Other throwback uniforms? Yeah. They're airbrushing. I haven't found them yet.
what you It's pizza right in front of us. but no But he's just okay, you know, I smell so good at it.
year So much people like bar games. It's got like a little open the ring on it. It's just letting go. And then try to hook it on the hook.
but meeting the camo
south take and what else what else going on your also we ji chat up and i've just kind of ladies so enjoy ai got ai snow as what is this Is this the uniform you're talking of?
s in a page red and white but color are breaking the so why are they orange and blue
but the helmet
Oh, that's cool. one Let me go. I got a close up on that here. definite
this He's good, He's good. I like him. I've reached out to him before this event to get him on the show on Twitch House on YouTube. But I'm stuck there. Those are kind I thought I said I sent you a message. I to reach you out.
um so good really protest Sometimes there's artists that I to do that we had the behind-the-scenes stuff. And we're back. Sorry. I know you're Sorry. Give me a minute. We're doing six shows over here. Everything else.
really to see what he's done by funding wanted login for agreement right know that
I'll actually bring up his page here. i see
When you said everything, working wallet. yeah so He's just over there. No.
been bush okay time like What's up like you saying picture power with but austin purplelife remember picture and thatd be awesome for i won't get everybody dash theses are bringing go as you so done that? you
but um by tv done for
I was just i just pulled up Reese's website there. I had it up. um
Yeah, it is. the chicken
sp water people sydney hill but the dr leli don give it
okay is important every new thousand
People are sitting in one of us.
um jeff that see button are the hey buy so download oh yeah I'm trying to be artist. I mean, Addis. I'm an Addis. You're trying to be artist. be artist.
Yes, I'm artist you to be artistic. Are you artistic or authentic? One of the two. I'll let you do after my therapy session.
definite That's actually better. What's that one below? Let's go to the next one.
ah deep um know school ladies must start putting important over yeah It has a way to get a picture of the picture of all the guys together, and then get a of us. Okay, thank you. Thank you.
brote be and i spell brother type look it out beforeation podcast
Yeah. Yeah. so depending and bla while i see one so i can get to see
to come up like performance okay Working on the tree know my kids they ala and working on the same gang over here working about the chain gang
be like
you sit vick screen mean
We chucked football. We chucked football. And we didn't think we chucked football. I thought that was fun. I don't think people are happy about it, but nonetheless, they chucked football down and they put us on the screen. And then you guys...
app but for that why that since we're not such skin and I'm actually not dying tonight. So shout out for that. I'm not fucking dying tonight like I was last That's time. So that's a plus.
but ah But no, not we're back here filming. What What the hell? Uh, that wants to come on out, we'll be here until midnight tonight. We'll be here at Buckeye. We'll be here next night. Their lights off. We're used to hearing some 10 p.m. playing music. Yeah, they were just having fun. Watching everybody throw accents. You know, there's not a doubt in my body. I'm watching everybody play.
I'm watching everybody play. you there's not a doubt I would stay undefeated all night. It's a good thing they're not jelly. If they show up, it looks like this.
At the end of the day. Gracias.
Yeah, man, i'm I'm watching and I'm like that total So
yeah i think i think doing more things um No, you know, he was talking about they want to do a weather party around Christmas time. It's already been brought up. They want us to come back and get part of that.
that way look before time
Maybe some of the people are like Like I very thankful for stopping chat early.
Kinda. I'm still on chat early. But like, I'm like looking a tree he's here I always wanted to process, do a show, set up a show live.
but the market forto here we have Share the value. conversation march
i got' all said earlier the school on the side screen And it's really great for me. Maybe it's not silly to have to do this podcast, but more of the community. If I can do a events, if I can do a events. All right, I'm back. That's awesome. ah that I feel it myself tonight a little bit. Damn. Why don't you come on up, buddy? I sent you the link.
you karon did that way Yeah. yeah
people Come on up just because uh, I can barely hear them. They can barely hear me howgany are you you just fun yes so god chip and i was back this play back i saw five little Please go ahead go outside listen to back up your YouTube and listen to it. You can hear exactly what I'm hearing
and here for da music hear you if five they Did you see how close I am to my microphone? And I have a volume all the way up.
how did i sell in trouble
place is not a good person but if you like Yeah. now i ahead park do you need anything hi so i the a ah cash is every yeah ah But I dont i know I don't want to use our room, but she don't want to leave this party here. Yeah, I know. I know. Marty, come over here and feel my pocket. Yeah, I just went down.
album Like said. um
But I'll say, before you tell me, let me guess. Guess how much you had. Yes, you you, go ahead and take the job part.
But do you know this off yeah song? know this song? It's from, uh... Shit. It's not that bad, but maybe Like, It's the shower.
It's been pretty good. I barely hear the song.
it's from uh god damn it lady god god lady god god movie uh something that rising star a star is born rising been stars arm with bradley cooper yeah president cooper ladies yeah it's called star is born Yeah, the song Shallow. Oh, I don't know. I think that River, Chris Christofferson did it in the 80s, but it was originally done before that. Oh, it was the same movie too. Yeah, it's the same exact movie, but it's just been re-done. Right. I felt good. I felt pleased to go sing The League of God. How far did you go from that person?
but most i don't blame him cause i don't know it like i've never seen a star is born any version good great movie this is a great song really ohll do and start on purpose but those own hey don't wrong I love. I love Lady Gaga and I don't mind. brad I just haven't seen the movie. So I was speaking to Lady Gaga. I want to say this. Anybody want to see the new Joker movie? No in advance. It's a fucking
Oh, and it's bombing. It's because everybody thought it was going to be like an actual. turn It is a musical and the entire movie is based on what is going on inside. It's when, when, when, when the whole hotel is interviewing him at.
This is what's going on. that The music is what's going on inside. So it's it's i first thought doing shit numbers. i i don't know police steps and Because everybody's going into it. nick its go to be like type of blood Yeah. i just know this you know
Are there, are those bubbles or balloons flying around in there? Yes. They look like somebody blew up a bunch of condoms.
Well, they're clear balloons with like purple and green dots on them. Oh, okay. So that the black light, so that they're affected by the black light. so but welcome first spell out but to protect from the window particularly come up as so was shelled under what you ja so how hit yeah
early not
yeah voice for For you guys to walk in front of the camera. but so we can see' one doing a track time sydney front um um So we can see your PMS and like a little bitch.
um others doing and cpm ah it
What's the story? What's the story morning? What's the matter, bro?
accept like such but i
six What is going on, Michael? ba How you doing, brother? We do have that open door challenge. You are welcome to come and hang out. I know. Apparently, I can barely be heard. But Jeff can be heard loud and clearly. Just like, just like the poor, just like the poor bastard back at the studio because he's not cool enough to come out with the main post. Yeah. Just like,
I'm just here running the board tonight. Nobody likes me. and Nobody's coming up on me but's coming up on the Open Door Challenge, which is a rarity on Saturday night. It's just like, I really am a fucking shit bag.
is what it is
workslo now there it can can here with us ah it out so Dude, we could ahead we can have had a free hand, dressed like this. straight Yeah, he's... Yeah, you met Celeste last night, right? Yeah, that's that's her husband. Yeah.
Yeah, man. We're here. We're chilling. We're hanging out. We're having a good time. I mean, like I said, they got every lane packed right now. But we've got Reese Jordan jamming out. Reese is amazing. He's an amazing musician. I'm going to see him, like, grab him up in a few minutes and get him near by the end of the year. Can you hear me better now that everything's stopped? Yeah, but once he stops, I can hear you better.
Okay, we're gonna see if I can get released. what of grand do a little quicky interview egg other sex of I say talk some other places still doing AI stuff. AI stuff, yeah.
ah weed like came up ah you know like fight don i one that i made but ah but theyre like i like to say thanks for having yes oh but all you had to say was like the original that in I'm now officially the man in the band. Why don't you give yourself a chance? Because if I'm going to have a band it's going to be cool.
Yeah, but if you had it right, it would be the stupid pedal for Katie. Let's be honest. know We all We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better. We all know better.
was like eighteen
i'm the man and the man um back in the studio ah he's gone i can ah i can mean myself We I can't hear shit, but it is still loud here. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't hear shit. I can't I can hear you. hear shit.
difficult to start
hear you it's
Oh, did you get my message yesterday about the movie for the first? I did. I did. I think that'd be nice. There, now it's a Buckeye axe throwing van. I changed the van. Made it the Buckeye axe throwing van.
I'm talented. Yeah, pretty much. wow there so you would man do as everybody leaves i'm gonna be doing some I Like you guys did last week, last time.
and the other side sort
Well, compared to the last time, when you guys were there. um not there the more of but there' be your
i'm a little disciplineappointed cost and made this house pardon us feeling like competition i wouldve brought i thought they did no fashion yeah there was a past first question but was speak answer remember that's aer He's like, he's like, I think he's not got costume costume test in the bag.
possibility Yeah, I'm sure.
right so <unk> and I to get pictures together when I, there's a picture I have back there. It'll take you 20 minutes. Okay.
i can have a little yeah you can want yellow I just saw that. Yeah, that's what I was doing. I was watching Shiki. I was watching Shiki all over each other. I was like, no! Put him in the brain!
but remember
the you It's still early school. I can't remember what time this place goes. I thought it was midnight. I can't remember. I think it is.
he didn take you over the There is a... i
they close at midnight yes is it midnight nine
decision create six confident and i could oh What time its do you know what time the contest is? no i didn't know they right I didn't think it all said on the flyer. I'd have to actually check.
That's a fire somewhere, I just don't know where I put it. maybe
that's where everybody go just the bats and then and oh Is that what that is? I was wondering why Dan kept walking past. why me
spread look
this it um oh i think it' come up the man's gonna come up I said the leg for anybody and everybody.
I don't see it.
next I don't see what time the contest was. I was trying to move it up, but I can't figure out where the fire is.
but look
change you don't like that yellow postlighting the still here this Right. which talk shit yeah five
I'm glad, I'm glad you wore the black costume from and I did. I think it's fucking probably hotter than normal. I was gonna say it's probably warmer. He cut his lining out though in his pants and shorts. Oh did he? Yeah it's got this like mesh lining like a pair of spring trunk studs. Oh yeah I hate those. Yeah and the pants in. I'd have cut that out myself too. you have a He did. It would have drove me nuts.
it's not too that du the costumes are actually pretty fucking calm i
not gonna lie
We're getting to the time real quick since Reese's it up. I'm gonna grab a song Yeah,
yeah it's just about break time so we'll be right back And I'm going to go ahead and put on Black Top Mojo because we haven't listed Black Top Mojo in a while. So since got Black Top Mojo like wild horses.
If looks could kill Yeah,
Yeah, there's a little blacktop mojo for like wild forces. I'm not mad at it. We're back. We're at Buckeye Axe throwing again tonight. It is the Let's Glow party.
um Of course, Reese Jordan. harry He's going to be playing some music. ah loud in your damages any bounce bo Oh, no. I got crazy. It's over there. But, yeah, you can follow us live every night of the week, Monday through Sunday. Like I said, tonight, we're on look up. I'm the one that needs a GoPro attached to my chest, so it's pointing at me. I have a chest. Like a cop? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I need a body paint. Yeah. That'll come up here live so I can just wander, because that's what I do.
I'm like, I wonder, I wonder, I wonder what it's. There you go. Yeah, but it won't be locked. Oh, well, yeah. No wonder. Well, use your phone. Yeah, you could wonder with your phone. Oh, I mean, you literally carry a computer studio in your pocket. Shut up, Sam.
We all do. i gonna help sir I got to get back on the line. I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go get some quick video. Alrighty. Yeah. um You can follow us anywhere at bio dot.link slash nonsensical network and See, everything you do Monday through Friday, of course, the shows run down very simply. It's up on your screen. Monday's Med Care for Men. Tuesday clicks, House of Music. Wednesday's What the Buck News. Every other Thursday cash is corner. Friday's is Nonsense and Chill. Tonight, of course, being Saturday, is Nonsense School Open Door Challenge. We are live at Buckeye Axloring as I said before. Sundays, we do Unnecessary Rupus. And occasionally Jeff's Garage.
ah and then don't forget you can go on or on to our um by link and check out our merchandise which is nonsensical dash nonsense at myspreadshop.com spread us on you what's he doing did he just steal a jug no he's he's got my gopro oh yeah great coffee I see I can stop recording it from my phone. I have a little bit to my phone i can stop recording right now, but but I just. like It's still it's still recorded.
so black And that reminds me, I'm going to drop the link again in the chat.
Maybe it wants to come up. You can have a conversation. I am the man in the van. I'm not at Buckeye Act story. The boys are.
Because, you know, it's in Ohio. That's a hell of a long drive for my van. That's my van. If only.
And I wanted, I was doing something. I don't remember what it was.
Oh, there it is. I see a Chucky in the house. And these boyfriends just like Chucky.
look more
breath please gave them a bill you're muted all um yeah um newke he' i was walking around You're muted Austin one of her friends is here. She's dressed up as a buckle bunny but i keep calling her the hawk two girl because that's what she you guys i just saw ah bun among the running
buckle bunnies or girls just something mo rare federal as a with a ah they're like snow but yeah yeah but she looks just like the hot i wish i did her that decided um she really does she looks just like hey I saw her walk by, she's over with the girls in the other room.
my yeah she got ah she got the apple apple on the vlog there i know everything bring her over cycle man hey are you dressed like a hot dog yeah what i asked me she said yeah i said the same thing she's like yeah well i just think if we bring it up enough she'll just like okay yes that's what i'm dressed as
i Yeah yeah that yeah should i seven it ah yeah i had to go ye at awesome changing take i saw stop being a little up check i saw yeah but change with tampon is not be a all in works don grow the fuck up i'll leave bus be fun andy I did not hit the Taco Bell this time, I promise. All right, where have you read? Do you have some type of address? No, Taco Bell this time. Hopefully they help you. Hopefully, yes, they help you.
There's a hot toilet right there. Let's see her on the other camera. Oh, yeah, there she is. Yeah. Well, he's had to good touch himself. It's just not bad. Hey, boys, are you touching yourself every day? We've seen. Yeah, you're touching yourself inappropriately or appropriately? It's more than weed every day.
yes me i do speaking in tight i ah speak little typo
Oh, man. Oh, I think I can say whenever I want. It's not really. it' not really me talking need to hoin and get the champion You don't have a chat. I'm not paying attention to chat. but What up everybody?
You got your camera on. You, your camera's on. oh
You dropped his camera down when we were about to play the song. I must have accidentally dropped it.
I had to play the ghost. You know what's funny, Glick? You said she looks like a hot door girl. Now I can't unsee it. Dude, I can't unsee it either. What? Wait a second. Are you calling?
We're going to have to, girl. it
the okay
I totally can't unsee it. I told her we're going to have to if we're always here in England. Now she hates me. No, you should pass me. I hate him too. Just a bottle of money.
job for famous like parties but but that's that's that's the where we sludding yes law you from that no also You're the best.
god i hope big that comes up on the other It was mildly clean. I'm sure Blaze has a nap for that. thats as they blame clean up that audio children policies a man know i this one yes's and sat me emma Let's go. all Let's go.
they pick out a bunch of green chest
guaranteed places deadley but this for hoer gets your but as talk Yeah, that's that's everybody on the your boss has told you and his co-host Don't come up like
Yeah. No, that totally, totally is my boss's album. but see what start opportunity She's She's one of the awesomeness ones. Oh. I figured that. Don't think of She's really a bit chill. What's that?
so finger that
seems like jail to be so see much thing of the same You did the first time you came on the show. him time to deal with forever bit
um theev already If you will already take you home, I will take you home. Okay. Exactly. What else we gotta talk? What else we gotta talk? What else? What else? What else? What's going on? What's up with everybody? Shenanigans. I do believe I am too. How are the you? the
That's a little bit better. Yeah. be You could have used it somewhere. You could have used it somewhere. Yeah, Justin.
Yeah. We had those he had those two tables in front of us. I don't think they were fans of us, please. They kept getting steak eye and everything else from all of them. When they first got here, they were like, what's going on over here? And they're like, oh, fuck yeah. Oh, OK. And I would keep their attire. I'm sorry, but I would keep their attire.
to be done all in
I had that big rush early on in the beginning. I wonder if we'll get a rush in later in the night.
Yeah, I called it, man. I think police and I locked in the costume costume. We definitely won the shoot. We got bubbles. Sure remember bubbles, don't you? Yeah. What is it? No, bubbles is over there. Austin's friend, Bubbles. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He sure said it was a fat maverick.
be are ah a slaves i be up similarly immediatelyly you know i odd might name i'm just saying over taking on the few that you study at all
just say it.
public but hundred table butgra's one du and three girls voiceing maybe childhood tech is in from out of town so
We can barely hear.
a Fucking can turn your goddamn volume up. There is no way you can barely hear me. No, I can hear you, but there's a shit ton of background noise, too. That's the problem.
I'm so much background noise that I can't like distinguish between each one. the
that a um good stuff out the yeah yeah um call here many um
So, like, the crazy thing was, if it was literally just every line must fit. They don't even care about us. They don't care about us. This place was slammed.
There's two sides. We have the fiber of the axon and the axon. And that's fiber of the axon. and uh it was it was just like fucking slam back and then everybody left for once. I was just saying I can barely hear any people. I can hear you.
How's this Jeff? That's better.
do I'm hunched over here. I'm right on top of the goddamn microphone. anything No I can hear you now. finally um then you turn your fucking the volume up bill though no i was say like It was it was fucking slammed in here every lane was full and then all of a sudden everybody left at once except from one lane uh and i feel bad i don't even give a damn about us i grew back from reese because he's here like fucking singing his ass off and and he's on that other side right there's one dude over there because everybody was over here throwing axes and now it's just like
and and and and you know We still have another two and a half hours to go. I mean, we're going to be here until the end, at the end of the day. We're going to be here until the end. We're not going in. We're not going in. This is my morning at Mike, because i'm fucking kill these kids are driving me nuts. be sure walk your morning all after mark Let me say david boy have picture Like, yeah, yeah, see.
for letting back with yourself back the mine on a caoo
shouldn but but nicky i'll make the wrong on yeah,
and youll need to
I got the kids arguing and I got to get that figured out. I got a bug bite too. Is everybody muted all of a sudden but me?
Dropping the link again just in case.
ah yeah i my mic's still good um my mic just no yeah you're good they're good now yeah yeah i know my might keep rising that my body and like i thought somehow that control my life Yeah, I'm that good. Yeah, I'm really good my mic died and then the volume you went down low and when you're on the street, it's like, what the fuck is he doing over there? Stop it. No, I didn't do it. I promise you that. I'm not that good. Yeah, you really don't have the studio making things happen, don't you? Like, no, no.
but At the end of the day, how fucking do you do this?
Oh, I got to go yell. Oh, I was going to go take a picture. I'm going to go take a picture with me. I promise I'll be right back. All right.
and again a When you start speaking, Well, since he's doing that, I can just listen to Reece Blake. I can't hear each other. There's Blake in the background. Yeah, he just went by to go past.
Hey, it's right, so slow down. the one have our second I'm trying to hear the song that I'm playing in there. So the entire crowd has died down, in write but. And like Well, like, you know, people are praying like. You know, it's because I'm the reason why.
Is he singing fast cars? Come on up, yo. man I keep dropping the legs. Look at this dummy. Look at this dummy.
Now we know we can hear you. e were
Yeah, rip dog we are the boys are live at Buckeye tax throwing in in ohio i or man individual representation of But yeah the guys are heading iax man in the van over here And indeed i think that the Buckeye Axerung is honey having their Halloween get together. I love how they're slowly walking around.
i you
he's being a addict yaco What's up, dude? Come on up, man. but what where you back and about them because The audio is not the greatest tonight. <unk> Randy Savage. has baby undertaker yeah yeah the
is the I think of this song, a fucking big song.
This is some reason. I think it's a piece of it.
a a la
extraordinary so i you guys you can see these stop and you slowly want me but
No, it was me. My my internet reset there for a second. Check out. Get that link in there for your mail. I already I already put it. Come on up.
i could share Yeah, dude, got I heard you guys talking. Oh, I totally did that. I mean, it's good.
it's gonna be I can't believe it's lit. need from one
an impact the la quite yeah's like hundred feet and it's like ah it's like a that alert Am I back?
know back but My internet's starting to mess up. so went up talking It's pissing down rain here. and I think my internet's messing up cant guy got a hurricane block change modern podcast night she has swap um No, dude, it's been raining Just to get around the fuckinge
weather, or not the weather, but like the the lake of puddles that is... no it's from the make your way
catch would take me
the are a
i So please go to the car. All right, that's rough. You out to the car. Jeff is having a good time.
That computer in there. Did you just throw the shit out there? I don't know. Oh, no, I'm not. I'm doing the show. I'm doing the show, but it's literally, I'm actually, no, I didn't watch it. I was watching Japan, and I didn't have any shoes, and I was watching it. I just realized that for the long haul, that is awesome. That is fucking serious.
gave out and they he went back to the talking here's choice that platform was on why that mean black out a a now right And, yeah.
yeah lost so jump a sauceitter and jumper was pal are laers are this evening him and i use just hundred So, easy I don't know, what we will talk about that.
italianra here she smoke burn virus I'm just hanging hanging out. It's like a flashback to Michigan. And at the end of the day, it's a flashback to last weekend. I have PTSD. I'm left all over my i own device, and I should be left my own device. That's what I think, don't be sure.
but At the end of the day. treble like We are live. here at nirkaha We're going to be here for the next little over two hours. at whatnight ex story downtown i'll swear i'm doing the court party wow We got reached Jordan here for the next 27 minutes. We will be live until midnight.
nation so yeah youre in here don free the pop out in and throw some a involved If you're watching live, you're going to be able to put your phone on, so if you guys can hit that link and get up on in here. Yeah, at the end of the day, man, that's how you get up on the front of the gangster, because I said, you suck.
the pat truck them The link's dropped. It's on the page. It's on the YouTube.
to and so you I'm just going with the middle of why does the The
not to here I'll shut up. I'll shut up. I'll look, it's white. Here we go.
in that meeting
Oh, wow. Oh, wow.
document will consider the about then up here from for a ho the director should go home the ri to way to meet jeff bowers i'll get on your fucking boom bro
ah bla he's gonna go touch himself a excellent what we might do is take a real quick place seen a look ba out Let's do that. Let's take a real quick break. Let's read a real quick break and we have that e are
so we're going to take a break.
She dances naked
hey Sir, can I help you? Do you have any weapons of any kind? Anything to defend yourself? Sir, this is a speedy mark. We have hot dogs too for a dollar. I just put them on the roller yesterday. They're pretty good. No, man. Like something sharp. Something like I can stab to defend myself with. I've got some sharp cheddar combos over there. It's kind of like a rich cracker pregnant with a cheese baby.
All right. Well, let me just take one of these lighters and I'm going to borrow your bug spray and can I borrow your bathroom key as well? Uh, yeah. Bathroom key. All right. I got your bathroom key right there. Make sure you bring that back and that'll be 1362 and I'm going to have to have exact same. So we're in a coin shortage at the moment.
Whatever, man. Okay. Just that. Just that. Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh shit, Chuck! Oh shit, Chuck!
but of me and davy um the sir Welcome back. Welcome back. What's going on, everybody? Welcome back. to that yeah We are live downtown.
We're here their third party. up Have a good time hanging out. If you're not already, go ahead and give us a call.
last mark You can watch us live on YouTube, and listen to us any time, if you'd like to. work for simple mixing bio? Not like you said, please do that work. And don't forget about our merch. Yes, we have merch for you, gentlemen. But each merch acts in war.
But check that out. I'll come to share. Like, support us. natural you wear We'll throw it up on our social media. Thank you. Jeff is no longer here. brand so of answers that I'm joined by Jeff in the background.
He's a good boy and he just wants to play. no ah yeah we're hang out we having time never we are living east nightmark side guys but know that i i in tell think different this background but we are side by side hey cool better that about a little ah more mile in thick bring away and little bit on the he'd like to re tooply that he said hard wire property but
We are back, don't forget the good Saturday night. It is the Open Door Challenge. The link is in the chatters box. You guys want to hit that label? go on up all this you start inspect her away Nobody to
be box extra tight reach jordan ja out It's going to be hopefully a future guest. senator house future ah yeah ah Tune in into tomorrow night or tomorrow afternoon actually We will be live at noon for unnecessary reference. This is your kick off and kick off. We're making big predictions and talking shit against the NFL. I have a good time. That's myself.
Big singing, Rick. um like there like He's got new music out. Derek dropped new music last Friday and he dropped new music yesterday. What's that? Derek Wayne Douglas, my co-host on Unnecessary Illness. He dropped new music last Friday and this Friday.
He's dropping new music. Yeah, I just. and matter guys Yeah, he's my co-host. I don't necessarily. I see that. check to Facebook sucks.
Taking over by the boomer. A bunch of fucking boomers. and We're boomers. We're basically boomers. We're getting close.
I mean, I know we're Gen X all day. But, I mean, we're getting close to that point where the youngins are going to start calling us. Like that generation right there. They're going to start making fun of us. And I'm just saying, what it is, it's right. It's part of the cycle, right? Like the line keeps going.
words should not be mean Damn. How do you really? but How do you really feel right now, bro?
ah What's going on, brother? Hey, what's up, guys? a lazy shaman in the middle ah is an impressive group of otherfu
aha are prince stupid and um i'm gonna I'm gonna get this streaming on my channel, too really gets veryd Yeah jeff had fucking now it jeff's in the middle of a fucking hucan and power died i'm just like bla out higher than international supposed yeah one
i been i sneak out to the comments for little tokytoe tonight is on
what's going on man man? You guys are hard. It's hard to hear you guys. um It is. Can you can you hear me? So, I looked up this dude. I looked at the the singer before I jumped on. It's **** badass, man.
kids I'm going to see it before he leaves. if pop over here i'll get so shot per with it stop i will definitely contact on netflix house of music on a tuesday night
and it and me get chanceor yeah violence but question um I was told earlier I gotta pay my tent and get some sleep with the bartender. That's how I'm gonna bang of the bartender tonight. I'm just saying.
um mean I mean... We all have our sacrifices. Look, we had this discussion. There will be no devil's three ways. I don't want your shalalie to come anywhere nearby shalalie. The last thing I want is a blazing click shalalie interaction.
Why? It hasn't happened before. Did say alien interaction? No. bla by oh um it with either that or an hot
are you guys both there? Are you guys both there or just click? Yeah.
you see let's wonder the guy u no and i bit healthy yeah the entire my i use my my super last is see I'm just I'm **** around
like is like the front of the yeah oh he's the' see So the laptop.
ah okay
sorry i'm getting all the the la but what what up but what up j r what have thing hey i know j r but ah feel free to
guys if you if you are um do i go back
As much as I am very braggadocious, I am not one of the bigs. You know my championship cup?
We've got to be screaming in the chat, JR. What's up? If you guys pop over to our YouTube channel, we have the Lacey Chapp. I'm not smart enough to pivot like that. But Lacey's shopping soon at this. But we have the length of chat. You guys are more than welcome.
lot of sex attention in there i one your sayings on yeah
You gotta you gotta work tonight or you often I actually got I gotta go to work hearing about I gotta start getting ready hearing about 40 minutes. I just thought I stopped by if I can get some people in here. Check it out.
who put the who put the sasquatch with the accident's hand up that's fucking sick bro that's me with an cash
Stay hydrated, folks. Stay hydrated. I know. I asked for a drink on an hour. Definitely. to After feeling to have fun on a list, you need to hydrate the next day. It's very important.
Last weekend. Last apple our saturday night show in the afternoon show everything like that apparently i went on instagram live and i got and on tikok I don't remember that. I woke up the next morning. And then I felt like, yes. All day yesterday. I really did. I felt like, yes. All day yesterday. It was good. Or not yesterday. It was Sunday. That's like, good. I felt it straight. You're really kingpin, Chris Ortiz-y. What's up? Oh, get here and drop your shorts, son. That's my brother. Drop your socks and grab your cocks. quick
shock her son is a fucking animalnial throw Oh, man, he he did so good. That was his first fight, bro. That was his first fight. He's he's got another one coming up in December.
to direct business yeah fuck who with my bills and talk about the rooms <unk>
are but
not i nervous just yes have a little second they try to appreciate this i looked at that and it' in acted was like how we get delete <unk> baby on stage up there since pop Yeah, I know.
murder fire this
be five
dads Oh, I can't do it. It says, comment, confusion, and time out. And Franco beans. Franco beans. Franco beans. Yeah, I know, dude. I watch those videos you put up on YouTube.
of your side and here some excellent coffee bonds oh you like he did really do hesitate but usually i only eighteen and
yeah do do right for the kill
yeah Imagine imagine being the dad right there at the cage, bro. That was fucking intense Yeah, one of my videos, you were like, yeah, I was fucking right. I was like, yeah. That's my fucking son, bro. Fuck with Don't kick your ass. I'm like, yes, I don't got to fight no more. My son will kick your ass. Yeah. I'll release this monster.
$10. Oh, thank you.
rough Oh, thank you, man. $10. If I wasn't in public after all, I don't have $10, but it's still pulling out. If you really want to, I don't think you can do it with the super chat. Thank you, bro. I feel like I should be running a T-stream right now.
and under this costume wearing my free ball You said your next beer is on me. Oh, that's what's up. So that's my, that's my brother. I need a beer.
soesing for it whenever thank you sha like yeah school train gonna fight was like december fifteenth or sixteenth or some shit like that some around the mid-decem burning on all the the friday is over I don't know. I don't know. I don't know who's here. Uh but actually the Venmo and the cash that we have up is for Rhys Jordan. Uh he's absolutely amazing. Um I'm going to
I know he's clear enough. We should throw our cash out. We have a network cash out. Not that I want to pay for money, but I'm just saying.
ah for ah so Oh, yeah. i want to get So his next fight is in December. Yeah, December, I don't know exactly yet, mid December. How long has he been training? He just graduated high school, man. this was That was his first fight. So he he's been ah he was a wrestler all through high school. And then ah got into MMA, and then come to find out he has some hands and and and the heart for it, so started doing it.
ill right yeah but I never, as a wrestler, I was looking, you know, I'd be looking for like the ground and like snatch them up, slam them on the ground, you know, try to, try to wrestle it. They just went in there and just was like, me up when you're asked to sleep, go to bed, bitch. I'm taking your fucking lunch money. I ain't even a mom. I'm doing it all.
that's where your actual that go with because I'm flying with I can't see so My daughter asked why didn't you wear your actual glasses that go with your costume and they look like Elvis class They don't even look like they go with the costume So you guys this is a costume Well
But it was like my kids. I win. ye like Yeah. Please. Please. And I win. She's going to break in. Well,
he's in our costume. All my kids are here. They're in costume. My daughter, and her boyfriend, Tiffany, and checking my middle daughter and my adoptive daughter are.
I'm a And my son is a person from the park, so a psychopath. And then Nikki has Halloween leggings on in an orange t-shirt. This is my Halloween costume.
And then my oldest daughter, a bunch of her friends came up here. And one girl was dressed up as a buckle bunny, but I swear to God, she looked like Hailey, the hot Pula girl. And we actually got her to come on the show. We got her to come on the show and she came over here and dropped the hawk to a line. show looks back and just her saying I'm to try to find her.
i did want but that was awesome because she looked just like because i like the cur she also like the heart and no one for my i just go to have to have ah be like oh so yeah not um but this is yeah costume i just trying to show so we yeah but We had all six lanes were for it was it was kind of so ah I am not, I'm not bad at it. Now, now it's starting to kind of die down. They're changing the black lights out, putting the regular lights in. But we're still opening until midnight. So anybody in the library, you I Are you right? See, I was on the, I was on the something. I'm a weird schlut in my asshole.
real though this shit's actually trying to come from i'm being and it really coach yeah was a little bit big <unk> um i want restrict on and I don't go that che i go to church department but but and don't think so chances are Hey, hot mess triple hot mess express. What's going on? Appreciate you showing up. damn beautiful hot mouthuse or this Let me know whenever you go live on your channel, Karina, get some karaoke, get our karaoke on.
oh dude you do not sink here you Karina can sing. i mean i' I'll get down. I'll jump on there and sing with her. I was singing earlier. I was more mumbling.
and told you that so along with but But I was singing earlier.
oppos thats a little bit better for the time Well, yeah, I should have, I should have, I should have came up here with sweatton shirt like I was playing it. I'm looking like a straight ass mom and then changed into my boss.
a How you doing? How you doing? This, this was, this was my thought as I'm driving out here. This is what was tripping, like on my way here, not so much, but on my way home. If I were to get over the top or something. and I'm dressed like this. How do I explain to the cop? No, like, we're in the next door place. There's a costume party, and this is my costume. Like, looks like a normal Tuesday afternoon racket and nerk. At the end of the day, let's begin. OK. Or you can just act totally confused. Like, what day? What year is it? What year is it? Like, what happened to me? Harry, like, his 1980s.
What do you mean? What year is it? Is one of rates the person?
I almost got me a phone. We you just need to like build a beer tray. Are you stacking and drinking? Oh, yeah. OK. You see, I didn't drink it at all. Austin took that. Shut your mouth. them record You know, it's totally 10 o'clock in the night.
but talking to you all but you but but you you just happen to be looking at me as i'm talking
and never and grab an ankle afternoon
Hey lazy everybody in chat who's over on on my channel if you go over to non-sensical channel, they got the StreamYard link in the chat it's a appearance Yeah, apparently I'm pretty charted.
open door challenge link is in the comments actually I missed you. I'm just, I'm just, you want to, you want to talk to chocolate? Oh, my hand.
It's not what Sam said. He's a little bit right beside me. He's as bad as one of my kids. Who's he talking to? I'm talking to you. What are you asking me? I'm going to touch myself. Oh, go touch yourself. OK. And I think you and I touch myself.
Remember, you should get more than twice you're playing with it. I see JR says, oh, somebody has an echo, but they're, they're at the same spot. So I'm pretty sure that yeah you'll have a little bit of an echo there. That's why I'll temporarily mute myself while he's talking. Yeah. Yes. That's definitely on my end. Thank you. How the hell are you Shaka? I don't think I've really engaged with you.
Yeah, I haven't haven't met you yet. Last time I came on, it was ah it was on a Mental Health Monday, so it was Glick and after Michael, and we were just chilling. I seen you guys did the the Terrifier movie. though Yes, yes. That was last night. Have you guys seen the third one yet? Not yet. So the 25th, we're doing the second, then the 27th, we're doing the
The third one's good. I heard it is man. I am. I'm chomping at the bit to watch it. I'm not. I was kind of thinking about just watching it tonight when I get back to hotel the They stepped. Good. I heard there actually might be a four.
Oh, they're definitely do the the budget for this movie. They keep going up and up and up. we If you watch the if you're watching Art the Clown, you're watching another like Freddy Cougar, or Jason Voorhees type horror movie. Getting it's it's getting up there. It's going to be really popular. And that's that's what excites me about that franchise because I've been waiting for like a new modern slasher flick. I just it's almost buttons with me terrified.
Yeah. Well, GR say, beware, Chaka talks a lot of shit. I could, but I'm not not goes about talking shit. That's all we do is talk shit. Sometimes, sometimes we even literally talk shit. Like what the fuck news? I'll go on there sometimes and I'll have like a scatology before some shit, some shit stories from somewhere. You guys got like a different show every day, huh? and Yeah. Yeah. We try to mix it up. I mean,
a lot of it's just this talking and bullshitting, but there's, there's a theme to it. Uh, Wednesday's, uh, Jeff in Blick does what the fuck news. And it's kind of like, you know, news articles, current headlines. It's kind of like, whoa, what the fuck is that? Like what's going on? Or kind of like jaw dropping news or something crazy.
then uh Glick has his penis stories the same night to end the show. So, yeah. We got Tex guy Tex guy in the chat. What's up? Appreciate you. Appreciate you guys all showing up. I do. Yeah, absolutely. Wow. You guys are awesome. Yeah. So, Glick, there's a lazy Jedi. How's that work? Yeah. So, the lazy, the lazy Shaman show consists of lazy jedi and shaman says and then they came together to do a show. It's the Lazy Shama show and what do they do? Just uh just hang out. You know, different topics every every Friday. Uh they did a thirsty Thursday streaming. You know, it's just ah a chill place to go and hang out and I will have to I'm I'm I'm searching you on the mobile right now so I can follow no and subscribe the way you dress you yeah it's it would seem like you have one of those big cell phones like the big uh the old school
shit Oh, man. Now, but I should've went to the store. I'm sure you can find them. Like the blow up ones or something. Like, little car phone. Yeah, Lazy said, uh, party in BS. That's what they do on their channel. Party, dude. I dig that. That's, that's fucking, that's, that's kind of what we do. Party in BS. Usually, actually, I'm pretty sober to tonight. I'm not stoned enough. I bought a strain from the dispensary here and it just like it's it's it's it's relaxing but it's not it doesn't have that anti to it that I was looking forward the yeah and for. I mean, of course, every time I jump on, I can't do no drinking because I gotta go to work that night but man, Sundays and Mondays. So, I'm like, but Mondays, you guys do your mental health shows. I was like, well, I'm probably gonna be drunk one of those shows. Fair or not. Well, **** I uh I got I I got pretty drunk last night. I want you
You know what? I'm lazy. I think that would be funny. I think Glick popped in there a couple of days ago or yesterday or day before. Oh, okay. I'm actually really in shock. I'm looking them up right now because it takes me forever to do that. My brain's totally like always on stoner way, it seems.
But one of the joys of getting out of the Air Force and getting a freaking check from him like, you know what? All right, Lazy Shawn. right
And what do you do on your ship? Your crypto? I originally started off with crypto, but now it's it's pretty much just hanging out. like you know Almost the same as the the Lazy Shaman show, just building up communities.
like there's a scratch-off community that I recently joined and and been part of. They're they're in the chat now. Tech Sky, Green Man, all them, you'll shout out to them. And they do scratch-off lottery tickets. This is all new new stuff for me. I was just i gonna ask what scratch-off means. Yeah, they do the scratch-off, and that's how I met them. And then ah there's another community just been reaching, just building communities and hanging out and doing, you know putting shows together and hanging out on live streams. That's what I've been doing lately. I've kind of put crypto,
I'm still doing it but really on YouTube it just hasn't been fun because the market's not fun so nobody really wants to watch it. It's not like it was a almost a decade ago. It's it's but like yeah kind of hit its peak popularity or I don't know.
you Think the future of crypto is I mean, I think crypto is the future just right now so right now sucks and then as far as YouTube goes if I'm not having fun I don't want to jump on YouTube and right now crypto's not fun for him so it's just like why jump on and top about crypto when I can hang out with everybody and have a blast not um Yeah no i feelli youated like why why have shows it's just going to bring you down. Yeah. Fair. Fair enough. You wash your hands, Blake. Blake, did you wash your hands? Nope. I get to go play with myself. You're muted, Blake. I know, so I should go ahead. I purposely get myself on mute. Oh, yeah.
i'm following lot that can hear me on your okay my natural well i was and almost sounds like a fool all ah Yeah, yeah um I'm gonna enjoy ah Lazy Jedi said wash them hands you dirty bastard Oh, lazy Jedi. Mind your balls. Mind your business. I watch my balls. Mind your balls and watch your business. Yeah. I'll find your balls and watch your business. You son of a bitch. You should come up here and say it to my face. You real Jedi? You sure, lazy? Week is in the chat. You just want to fake Jedis, aren't you? The laziest of Jedi.
thank so the lazy police shaman show last night out was rolling and they's got fear speed yeah <unk> I was on the panel for a minute, but my son came over. I was like, I gotta go. I still playing the Guardians. Yeah, yeah. The Yankees are up right now.
up You are the second California. I talked to this week. that ats I'm not a son is I was going for the Dodgers. He his random ass came and was like, I don't want the Yankees. I was like the Yankees. All right. But are you a real Jedi? Do you? I'm a real Jedi. Yeah, are you? The force is weak with this one.
Much like my pullout game. Pullout games week. Hey, so is there going to be any more live music? I got no more. Now Reese is done for the night.
like They're literally cleaning up. yeah that thirty they're cleaning up We'll be here to look kick this out. ah
yeah additional research here from seven ten um im I'm gonna try to get him up on the place house move and I might do something that I typically don't do if I get him to come up. I typically don't ask my guests to To and live but I've had a couple for online. So I might see if he would form live and he got this up on the show Oh, that'd be cool. I was going to get a picture of going all together. Yeah. Uh, Blaise wants to get a picture of all of us and I asked you if you could do the individual. Blaise, Blaise, Blaise.
I'm a real boy. Please. Please. Lazy Socks. I ever. Yeah, you know, you got to get on the big picture. i
Lazy's are videographer, are photographer, and co-host. Please wear as many hats. on the nonsense. Are we going to take a break well quick yeah so we take a real quick? Shaka, can you can you hang out for a few more minutes? Yeah, dude, I'm I'm I'm good. Yeah, it's ah um go I'm going to I'm going to just play a little music here. These kids are going to fail out and I don't blaze one of these family pictures for the social for the socials. Oh, almost. no
Uh, we're gonna take a real quick break. Let's do, um, we gotta scroll through mine. I'm coming. I'm setting up a break. Calm down. What? Let's, let's do my boy, um, my boys, H-A-G and Jay Valor with their new song, Knock it on Head and Store. We'll be back here just a few minutes, guys. I gotta go do pictures.
footsteps, a dead, evidently Ask who sent you, they ask who sent me
Fearin' that the little boy knockin' at heaven's door? Did I spend my course searchin' for metaphors Tryin' to
Yes, sir. AJG featuring Jay Allen with knocking on heaven's door. Both former guests of the show of Glitch House of Music. You find AJG at AJG underscore 305. The real Mr. 305. Not people. Not people.
And jay valor and jay valor on all them socials and everywhere you stream music Go show the guys some love. They definitely deserve it. They're out there doing it as As another shop podcast would say they're doing the lower to work. I still don't understand why these guys say this but they say it every fucking time But those are our boys over here going shop, uh, welcome back to nonsense and commences we are still live we are here at but aro riyurtaha It's it's kind of cleared out for the evening. You know it's 1030. I think you can still get in here for the next half hour in the area and put some access. We might wind up throwing some access here just a few to be honest with you, because we'll be here until midnight. Now, is it real access or is it the the plastic ones? Oh no, it's ah it's 100% real access. Just a minute. Let me.
We're leaving buddy here. Take this with you. Yeah, we have. Take that. I know. Let me do. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll see you tonight. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll see you some other day. Yeah. I'm alive. So, you probably won't be. So, they're like actual lanes here. Um I can't zoom in but it's yeah, you know, they've got they've got what they've got what do they got? Um two, four, six, eight,
so twelve different games you can play tic-tac-toe wheel of fortune ah zombies duck hunt regular bullseye there's like candy crush style game on there but I will say this I am the reigning axe throwing champion 9 and 0 nobody can touch me nice nobody wants to accept the lace
I know we're a couple of restaurants are not far from here, please.
Uh there's there's a reason why you boy. <unk> this Is that the extra championship? bill This is the championship belt of all champions. I'm the greatest champion of all time. I have racked up. What the hell am I at on the championships? I'm nine and know here twenty eight do real quick carry the one 47 and 0 and everything I do undefeated everything I do. The Yankees have less championships than I do. Tom Brady, Rick Flair, the Detroit Red Wings, the Pittsburgh people. Nobody can. Nobody can step up to the greatest basketball. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the champion of the world right here. The world. Renaldo bows down to me.
if Unity. Not even the USA Olympic teams can compare to me. That's how free that is at the end of the day. Always in 420. What about that one breakdancer that did the Olympics and just crushed an Australian breakdancer? She kind of worries me a little bit. I was kind of sweating. But I feel like I could take the GIC off in the locking space.
if You can dodge an X. You can dodge a ball. Okay. Two minutes ago. ah and you have two minutes Where were you? yeah But you guys keep muting. Oh, my bad. Because I mute you. I can't see your comment. I can't see. There's order can check.
but what a he's not He's not really Puerto Rican. He's like half white, half black. I think so, but I don't know. Some bits of Puerto Rican tell, something I'm wrong talking. You're more Puerto Rican than me, and I'm Puerto Rican. Yeah, same talk as Puerto Rican. He said you look more Puerto Rican. He's just Puerto Rican. I call him. Zadarius. Yeah, Zadarius, Zavante.
was a smile shef world crypto. What's going on? What up? What up? Hey, y'all. You crypto. again Don't you uh slide into the uh ash app and give us a little donation at like thirteen. podcast I know y'all make a bank on that crypto. Don't be shy. Don't be stingy with it. Get back to the community. Just a couple gangsters trying to make a hand from police boy sort say you We're like, we're saved by the bell. back of d We really are. You remember when saved by the bell created their band? and
you're like reach like here i'm bro sorry you' screen behind hearing face ah please I'm sorry, but you are 100% speech.
many not and in real life. he did and yeah Yeah, he was a. i suspect i promise too Yeah, he had some charges on him. Never mind. I don't want to be screeching anymore. We'll be sad. We'll be sad. I over this sweet i don't want to see i wouldn't be like that.
inna Yeah, that's you. We're having Uncle Max right now. I'm the magician. and
Damn it. Well, fellas, I got to get ready to work. This sucks, man. look at where got i should kill him I feel like you have COVID and you have to call at work. I call that last week. I can't do it again. Trust me, I wouldn't have an eye problem. it doesn't It doesn't take much. It's like, man, there's times that I don't want to go to work and I ask the wife like, yeah, they take um there's dishes. I was like, oh, I need to call into those dishes or something. mean Are you going home or are you? I'm going to Jersey. but One woman's changing her person.
sometimes i talk up Oh, six. I was like, I want five. I love you. Oh, I love you too. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Why are you coming home in the morning? Because he works at, you know, I need to go to urgent care tomorrow. Are you mad? We talked about this on Thursday. But I told you what we said. Yeah, I didn't go Friday. Some family make room to get through the night.
like let guess to fight che and i still mean you know portions leave one lot no three nineteen your spell about if it's called late term abortion no thanks to you easy pun doing that so i never do
All right, fellas, thanks for letting me jump on but I gotta I gotta bounce out of here. Much love to you brother. Have a safe night at work and I'll see you Monday. You gonna try to pop in Monday night? I'll try to make it Monday. Yeah. Okay. Have a safe night at work. We'll see you later brother. All right, later. Chaka. Chaka in the building. Chaka.
done you go i good Jesus, that is right. house and And I can make you do different colors. rest but that's why i was playing with i was like holy shit i can't i got ah i got a black light on my black i usually have i usually have new
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. what's up? I said, maybe we should close down shop a little early on a Saturday night unless you want to keep chatting away, man. I mean, we got we got we got 20 people still watching and uh we should we should. Yeah. What are we going to talk about? What are we going to talk about?
But anyway, I feel like I should like move to another table so we're not on top of each other. We can echo in all over the place. Hey, guys, is is is it echoing? Yeah, it's echoing. Oh, it's echoing. I'm going to send boys upstairs.
Yeah, slide over to the nuts. you what yeah so i said i was gonna go slide behind the bar set up shop there and just drink straight from attack Okay. I mean, you gotta take it up with them but. Speaking of the attack, I could use a refill. I think you're you're.
She's a little busy. Now, if you guys slide over to our YouTube channel, we got the link in the chat. Everybody is welcome to join us and and pop up in here with this. We're going to be here until they keep us out. So, I mean, yeah, I mean, yeah, there it is. We might get kicked out a little. We might get kicked out already. That's the end of the day. Hold on a second, please. Please is on the move. Dude, your background is so tricky. Like you're walking around and wandering around.
but it it just looks like you're like, like you have nervous twitches. Oh, okay. I swear to God. I feel, I feel like hunt Hunter has Thompson on the back.
But hey, there's no more echo. Yeah, no, the echo is gone. I love you too. Be careful, guys. e Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Probably not in the morning. It's good meeting you. Y'all have fun. Be safe. Well, the link is in the chat. You guys are more than welcome to to pop in and out. We're still waiting on Jedi to prove himself as a true Jedi. Because I don't think he is. A fucking Jedi. A bunch of motherfucking internet tough guys. Internet Jedi's.
and see, it's still it's still blurs my background. i don't know Yeah, I know. I that's gotta be that's gotta be your camera. That's gotta be like that. Look, it's great. Oh, you know what? This thing does have other settings down here that I can. You you look like you have a giant dildo behind you on the screen. like it but
the oh it is it is like should took it It's so weird because Blaze and I are together and I'm talking to, I'm talking to him, I'm talking to you guys, but I keep looking over at him lovingly with googly eyes and he won't pay no attention to me. He's like the popular girl when I'm in kid school. He knows I'm perfect for him, but he'd rather still go out with all the guys that have all the red flags and don't treat him right.
i respectingly listen know yeah mean they oh evil oh you got the bur ah mean you're fine
oh but thats larger bang later i head See now see now I can walk around it's too much echo over there
Also, he just went to see what you're what you're saying is he just went to Jedi school. Is there anybody fun on there? I don't know. Chris is waiting for me. You don't bounce. Yeah, I see you've got to be the lead. I'm kidding. Yeah,
yeah no basele yeah it does. yeah and It's so crazy. ah You know, it's hard to believe that earlier. It was it was a packed house earlier. It was really cool seeing and everybody everybody in here all the way. There wasn't enough costumes though. No, yeah there was like, yeah, it was just Austin and her friends that were in costumes.
Dooby Dooby Dooby. We crushed the costume contest, please. We did. We **** one, man. Like half that belt's mine now.
I don't know. Did he even go to his classes? MK? That's what? Smoke weed every day. What up, you losers? I thought losers were for it from Indiana. I don't know. Oh, **** K mag. Yo, hit that link, bro.
Dude. Oh, oh i'm so sorry sometimes you just got yell at me I thought K-bag was part of the uh the um Mark. jerevi she We hate nonsensical nonsense club because I ain't seen him in forever. Last for me. That is that is what I do. I am I am blessed.
K-bag was live last night on Twitch and I had to jump in and say hi to him and then I was live on Twitch. Twitch is **** hard to get viewers on. If you, if you, if you, if you're not erotic and enough to turn on your own lightsaber, maybe you shouldn't have a lightsaber. Oh, that's the problem. But my, but my lightsaber is small.
That's not my problem. I haven't graduated. I haven't graduated to a big lightsaber yet.
You can't even turn this life saver on. At least my life saver goes on. It's small. Because because you're scared of strokes around your mouth. but That's why I have a beard. You can't see the stretch.
but but Yeah, man. Where's the link, homie? It's in the chat, homie. Here, hold on a second. I dropped it. I dropped that shit in me. go k ma k mac go go
you know i even feel like kind of feel like the like like the the the guy who comes to the shame bar every night of the week it is there way longer than should be
but my wife has divorced me go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, This go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, is go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, all I have. And I'm dressed like this, which really just completes the entire fucking character.
it be ability This is what we do every Saturday night. Every every Saturday night is just, that's why, you know, the original, the original mindset of the show was, Hey man, give me the, give me a, give me a finger.
Yeah, there's the thing here. What's up, you fuckers? What's up, What's up, bro? How you been, man? and Oh, fucking busy. Fucking life's been bending me over and ditty partying the fuck out of me lately. So you're still now prostitute? Yeah, that one. Yeah, that one. That one. You're all beard lazy. Yeah, what prove you're a true Jedi and girl beard.
What? Yeah. like what What happened to everybody else? Where's everybody else? Jeff. Jeff got a hurricane. His power went out. Oh, yeah. I forgot about the hurricane. The name now. What happened to Jarvishy? I've missed so much shit. Oh, you want to take the Jarvishy topic or you won't need to? What are you talking about? I don't know. I wasn't going to bring that shit up. I'm the one who asked it.
Oh, wait. Oh, you did? but Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not. I'm. as i said do you what What was the question? I said, what's what's the whole jar of vichy issue? Oh, Glenn's going to have to explain. He's more. He knows it more in detail. I was kind of just. OK, well, I'll go touch myself and then I'll explain. OK. yeah, think about me. He's going to make this bladder glass. Ooh. Yeah, he's going to he's going to rub one out while he's in.
I feel like, uh, Jarvee, she probably got butt hurt and super sensitive about things and realized he sucked at life. Maybe I don't know. with some of that won't have to go into mostly noise To me, it's just about drama by this time. and i kind of Yeah. No, I've just been super fucking busy with work and life and Been fucking chilling on games and shit, and fucking usually in bed by 9.30, because I'm old as fuck, you know? Fair enough, man. Fair enough. Yeah, it's been a while, and they'll hit you up on snap off. Yeah, I fucking, yeah. Dude, I've been, it's been wild. It's been crazy. It's been a crazy last couple months, but for damn sure. The water went down the wrong pipe. I could see that.
water went down the wrong pipe. I didn't swallow right. Why do you look like? Why the fuck do you look like you're in saved by the fucking battle? Right. That joke's already been played out. Shut up. Yeah. Because because it was a costume party here. Oh, OK. OK. OK. Yeah. All right. Screech. Settle it down. Settle it down. each smoke nu Screech. not Screech. No. Oh, fuck.
Alright. Alright. So, so now I now I open the can of worms. So, now I gotta hear the whole story. any those So, I'm gonna give you the PD, the PG version. Okay. Uh yeah. So, Blaze and I have matching costumes on. He's got the lights on. He's a Halloween party. Uh because I just shows y'all are not racist. that's okay
is my so were we're live
buckey extra um one of the east south project yeah right like yeah this is totally a beastie boy thing yeah intergalactic planetarium but um i'll give you a Yeah, I'll give you I'll give you the PG version I'll can give you the inversion down the road Uh, Mark left, uh, shit podcast. They left. Um, basically because he got a little butthurt that he couldn't just completely take care of her and run the ramping. Uh, which, as I learned, which was one of the reason why they got kicked off a big deluxe network is because Mark thinks he's bigger than what he is when all he does is book guests and bug them and bake them until they come on.
higher if to're into and getting messages from him and he tries to ride their coattails. Instead of actually doing homework and booking guests and doing good interviews, they just bring random people up because they have a bazillion followers and they know nothing about them. um But he started stepping on my toes and I told him, I was like, look man, the music I'm already doing, don't do that.
ah Send them my way, just like anybody that's in entertainment, actor, comedian, wrestler whatever I would send your guys how to respect. ah They think they they they he thinks they are bigger than what they really are at the end of the day and none of us are. We're all still just kind of growing and doing our thing. So they left. And then Jarvis and I were working on doing. We were kind of flipping the script and he was going to do a sports show because I know that's what he wants to do. I know he wants to do sports. I know he wanted to get involved with sports.
and And and have a sports show and everything like that. I was like, okay, you know, let's let's do let's give you a sports show and we were working on it and You know Very All easily on his and he wanted me to create a logo for the show title create intro music and blabberty blah blah blah I came up with a really cool name for him logo for it ah And then we were talking about days viewing the show and bringing the show up and everything like that and then all of a sudden I get a and and And mind you mind you when and when We asked these guys to be a part of the network They asked us. I said, please don't ever send us a text message. I'm kicking us off a network, you know, like At least talk to us blah blah blah. I got a text message from him Saying that they were leaving
And then like we, we promoted it. We dropped the logo. I was, I was actually working with one of my former guests on the books, awesome music. and And, and, and we were creating an intro song for him and it was all going to be free. And that was the other thing. Hey, they were up, they were all butt hurt because my boy Rocky was going to charge him for an intro music. Oh, I'm sorry. You guys played for shitty logos from some ass clown that I could literally go onto to an e-sport logo maker and make myself. Yeah.
You know what I mean? At the end of the day, yeah, and because there's an actual artist who's actually going to create something good for you and you don't want to pay him. Right? Yeah. No, I know what you're done. know i like But I was actually talking to a guy who was going to create an intro song for, for, for Jarvis for free, you know, because we were friends because him him and I were friends. He was like um for free for Jarvis for his show.
And then I got a text message from Jarvis blah blah blah blah I'm a bitch and I don't want to get a job and I don't want to change my clothes and I don't want to get off the couch and I would rather water water in my own self pity and whatever and I went to respond just to be like dude like it was like this whole drawn-out bullshit thing and I was like I want to respond I'm like dude are you good what's going on like Where you at head wise, like what's, what's, you know, and I went to send it and he had blocked me. He literally sent me a message and blocked me as soon as he said, wow. So I was, I was a little PO and then I sent him a message on Instagram. I called him a bitch and, uh, and he blocked me. He didn't respond. He seen it. he bought Well, then a few weeks later it popped up, but now the show that I create that the show title is going to be sports unplugged.
with jevie she got created this really cool fucking logo Well now he's gonna do was Unscripted sports and the local is barely vaguely similar to what I created a were they they And then they had like this whole description and I could tell it was AI Mark did it for him and mark is 100% controlling everything he's doing But that's been months ago and then he did a post like two months ago, sorry guys, I'm doing a lot of stuff, blah, blah, blah, blah. Basically I'm too afraid to actually take the next step and actually do something and create something that isn't been done by 900 other people. I'd rather do shitty movies and talk about shitty movies that are 50 years old. and there yeah and And I also think it boils down to the fact that Mark has taken- There's nothing wrong with some of those movies that are 50 years old.
I don't know there's a lot but I but I also feel like Mark is taking 100% control of Jarvis and his show and Marcus said we're not going to do your show right now because we're too busy doing our show so you have to put a pull the brakes on so I got completely bent over and screwed the hard way by boat by by by Mark and by Mark and Jarvis and it was like wow henceforth the reason why we have show seven days a week now and six of them are hosted by me. Nice. Nice. I was going to say, no, I haven't joined. No hate band train, Brad. I just been fucking busy with life. Yeah. So, yeah, like, there you know, like, and and and I did talk like, initially I didn't talk any crap about Mark and Brian. I made a joke about them getting killed. They were dolphin attack because Brian was molested a manatee. and then a bunch of dolphins can rape Ryan to death and Mark tried to help him and he got gang raped by the dolphins and that their show is now AI but you guys should totally check it out and like, you know, add enough that i and make that all they all but hered everything was like that i don't even know and I don't care because I wasn't mad at them for leaving. I was mad at Jarvis. I was and I still am mad at Jarvis because
because i be and li like but awesome like the dude like they literally asked, they literally asked, please do not send me a text message. At least be man enough to talk to talk, talk to us. And neither one of them and enough to talk to me. I got it. i got to but neither one of them were actually mad enough or **** anything to actually let you know. but i Thank you for the ah tip. The tip. oh goodness take some nature for Oh, I got a tip for you. Hey, easy tic tacs. Settle it down. ****
but I'm not. See, I haven't changed at all. I'm still me. I just **** in. Like I said, I've been stupid busy with life and dealing with **** and yeah. Yeah. That was the other thing. They all they all and followed me and blocked me on the Xbox. It's like You guys do it like like seriously. I'm the only one man enough to come up here and say like this is the issue. This is the problem you guys and then I reached out to the Deluxe Network and I realized that it wasn't so much that the Deluxe Network kick them off um without reason or anything like that that they that this is the way they act and that's why they kick them off because they were worried about it and I say they I say Mark was more worried about himself
and more worried about being the star and they won't ever be superstars because I'm sorry, they fucking are the worst interviewers on the planet.
And I'm thinking they were the number one thing on on the network and that's why they, that's why the network booed them. Gotcha. Boobies, big old titties.
it was just like hey that that makes a lot of sense at the end of the day because I actually reached out to them and I talked to them and I said okay that's exactly what I was going through and dealing with and then I tried to talk to the guys like I literally did and it was like this is a team effort we're we're all in this together at the end of the day but yeah yeah my wall is Are you Okay. I'm not. talking down des I'm not coming back. How much money do you pay? This half is thirty. and That's forty-one. I don't have that. I got tip for you though. It's not very. It's probably like. check Hey, what hey, the only thing that tip's going to do motherfucker is fresh in her breath. Settle down.
Hey, Max. The only thing my tip's goingnna do is fresh your bra but bro
She's definitely said it resembles the tic tac.
and Tic tac right now. It's like a tic tac that was on the ground. Looks like that's the that's that's that's all nice, please. Wow. Way to be that guy.
it i say a man who is I want you to say that to my future. What happened? A broke tic tac. I mean, to be fair, I feel like it could be a broke tic tac for a round on a shag carpet for a while. Yeah, it's definitely a broke tic tac.
so but It reminds me I gotta go to the bathroom and get my breath fresh and I'll be back boys. a like You know what? a At least at least my lightsaber get up and glow. I'm like, unlike this fake Jedi tonight.
so Whoa, whoa, you're using too many legs on that one baby.
Again, I told you, get you got, you got, you got time to drop your goofless comments. You got time to bring your goofy ass up here and and acknowledge the truth. If you want to be jobbers, you will nonsensical network one of these. I bet you're about to go home and I'll see. I was like, wait, what? What?
oh why but
you don't close until but
in trouble He's got to go pay the tab. He's, he's got to go down to the car. Nobody wants to walk down the line stage the fucking stairs. This place are long and narrow. but It's an old building, but it's cool. Nice. Nice. Yeah.
Hell yeah. But not fuck dude. Like I said, I've just been working and fucking dealing with life and fighting fires and fucking all that shit.
go in About three weeks ago, we had a pretty nasty wild or yeah. Wildfire that broke out about a quarter mile from my house and fuck the company I worked for. We.
We had three road graders running in front of the fire, trying to cut it off. And I was in the dozer behind it, fucking pushing up fire lines and putting out hotspots. It was a good time. It was a great time. Damn, dude. In a six hour period, it burned a little over 96,000 acres. Well, how'd it start? ah The wind was blowing about 85 mile an hour that day. and the power lines. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was a good time. Good time. Let me tell you. What's she talking down there? Shit for talking shit. Is that boom boom kitty fuck shit ass or what? I'm confused by your tactics. I don't know, man. Like, play, stick your finger in the kitty and
then the pooper and then like it wait is that atm asked aout I'm confused asked it mouth i'm so fucking confused right now in today there was a website i don't know if it's probably still there is called aol dot com all lady shaved yeah nice nice very nice yes yes it was It was interesting. It was, uh, founded because, all right. So ALS and the Air Force is Airman Leadership School. So we use acronym ALS, but he typed that into Google. Another shit pops up. This was, this this was a long ago. So it was probably Yahoo search at that time. I don't think Google was as big as it was at that time. Oh, nice. Nice.
so uh how much damage to the fire do I mean repairable damage like is there anything or just uh it burned a few houses uh caught some of the oil wells on up here or up here on fire and then uh oh Jesus yeah dude that's bad it was it was fucking bad I will Brian I always hurt I always hurt myself I usually do some I try to. It just never works. I still i still want to know your definition of the hieroglyphics that you just said. I can't do it. So um I'm going to assume the one is is fingering the kitty's booty hole vomit face. The vomit face is what's confusing me. I'm sitting here having a discussion over fucking emojis. Damn you, Brian.
Distract my brain. I Have been in five fires in the last seven years. Holy shit, MK You must be over in those good wooded areas that like to burn all the time because they don't believe in logging and fucking ticket clearing Or fucking Canada one of the two I did I am I didn't know much about logging and like how it impacted the environment and economy. And until I moved up to Oregon, I started, you know, talking with some loggers, like logging is a necessity. There is, there is such thing as over. Yeah. But it's just like hurting. It's basically you're hurting or hurting. You're, you're thinning the herd. Yeah. Way. Yeah. So, but there is deforestation is definitely something that's bad too. But yeah, it's interesting.
and no, we're not going to clean the floor. What? what
He's over. I don't think you can go be like really entertaining. what but is
just roll up to another bar dress like this. You just show up to some random chicks like dorm room on college. and'd Like, hey, do you order this dress? but
Jesus, you too. I mean, I'm down. Hey, let's get Kmega. ah can make a costume all up bar ho probably I don't either. That **** That **** I've outgrown that stuff. I'd rather walk. This is this is probably the most I've been in a bar in years. Nice. Nice. Yeah. I'm not really the bar type much anymore.
there i it only causes drama Northern California first, now Southern Oregon. That sounds about right. Yeah, that's ah that's a hotspot for fucking fires. I used to live in, actually I used to live in Northern California. I was stationed there and then I also lived in Central Oregon for a little bit. And I would go down to Ashland or Cape Falls and yeah, fucking smoke through there. And destroying fire season. It sucks that we have a season called fire season. How fucked are we? Well, I mean,
we We got a season called fucking roadwork season and it just never fucking ends. So true. la There is that. Yeah. What's Glick doing? You take care of your tab. You take care of your tab.
yeah there is
like publicivity You can give her the tip later. That's what I say. That's it. You know, the tip of a tic tacs pretty **** small.
I'm a I'm a bio freaking. Have you ever seen those **** penis? This penis shaped little **** mints. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That that that's that's giving Glick too much creditor dick dan calling dick da
I'm gonna market that. Nonsensical nonsense. Penisments. Dick Dacks. I I'm still wondering, did you guys ever make the uh the toaster bath bombs? I mean, that would have been a good one to make. well What the **** live, laugh, toaster bath. Come on.
and next I never heard that before. That must have been a Jeff thing. i just saw That was, that was back like months ago. fuck That was, that was that yeah that was way back when, back whenever I was on the show, like every Saturday, we were, I forget, I think we were making fun of Jarvis one night when it all started. Dude, we did bust his balls a lot. I kind of miss it though, is now it's like, I don't feel bad about it.
But I miss it because he was such an easy target. Yeah, I know that's That's like that's like dumb on my part though Yeah, but I mean you you shouldn't make yourself that easy of a part. What do you want me to set it to you Bill?
Go to YouTube and click on the link me Yeah, it works. Yeah, that's what I had to do
Another shot. Another shot. Another shot. I have no audio. I can hear you. Well, I can hear you. I know you can hear me. But I have no audio. Like, what do you mean? Hey, Blaze, mute your mic and then have Glick start talking real quick.
Like, start talking. Yeah, and you something like, I can hear myself from your mic. Yeah, so can I. I have no audio. Hold on a second. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I have no idea. Let me see. Oh, okay. Okay. I'm going to be short and sweet. You don't need to hear us trash talk at him anyway. It's all good. Set my deck and eat my ass. Oh, you sons of bitches.
I can't hear you. I can hear you. Yeah. My stuff's working.
Oh, my shit's good.
I'll tell you what, I got a hotel room out on myself. I got fucking cable, I got porn, I got beers, I got, I'm gonna have a good old time. I'm going to treat myself like a roller coaster. Fucking Rosie Palm and her five daughters are about to see more action than they've seen in a long time, boys. You ever you ever watched that? You ever watched jerry's Jerry Jerry Seinfeld, the show? Yeah. Remember that fucking episode where like again George's parents find out that he masturbates and they're like, well, can you treat your own body like a fucking circus or some shit like that? Oh, yeah.
Yo. That's what I wanted to do. That's what I wanted to do. What's up my dude? Yo. Yo. Yo. Yo. Yo. Yo. Yo. Yo. Jesus Christ. I figured I'd come on there and help you guys out. I didn't want you hurting yourselves. You look like you're at the open. I am. I am not. Now, I got out of it. Yeah. There you go. There you go.
dude I know you I dude you guys are like the fucking Special Olympics of podcast to us i know you not they see go hear why i'm nott i know i know he's not coming in here he even have a Championship belt No, that is the nonsensical nonsense podcast championship of the world because I'm the greatest podcast host of all time. Same thing. Same thing. This is still special. still special Olympics, bud. Still special Olympics. It's okay. Hey, come down. Nobody asked you. You filthy Canadian son of a bitch. I'm not Canadian, you fuck. Yeah, well, you're the new Jaravicis. You're close enough. Oh, that's fucked. Yeah, but I'm not as easy to pick on as Jaravicis. I actually got fucking shit to say.
And you actually, you actually but change out of your pajamas and have a job. So i'm jammy jams you know what? There are days where I wish I could just stay in bed and forget life ever existed. But unfortunately, there are millions of people on welfare that depend on me going to work every day. fuck yeah i did So were you not DJing today?
I am not deejaying tonight. I am taking this weekend and next weekend off. I needed a **** break. Well, next next Friday, we have our big show coming up. Oh, what's what's next Friday? Oh, yeah. What's next Friday? Don't say don't don't say what's going on Friday. Uh
ium check tonight
I got my shit ready this time, motherfucker. Right there. No, I think I think we're going myfo ready. What do we do on five or six o'clock Friday? Um.
Oh, shit. Um, six is probably either one works, honestly. ah you may as He do the you said, hi, darling. ni
six o'clock six o'clock we're going going six o five but Oh my god, is darling Nikki gonna make an appearance real quick? she got We're gonna see Nikki grind. Oh my god, you couldn't even wash my cup. Oh my god. yeah I knew you'd buy them. I knew it. You're making us proud. making this play That's fine. I don't care. i'll do It's been a while since I put up the dildo background dude, right? I know I think sometimes I know I sometimes stay jesus christ that's not supposed to happen saturday night Shouldn't you be DJing in the Mustang or some shit? in this week ah fuck No, take it tonight off. Look at this. What could I get to do? You know Mustang sounds like a shit joint
yeah i mean Do you know why you have this weekend off? Because you were supposed to be deejaying our wedding reception tonight. Is that tonight? I'm so confused. Is there a wedding reception? Yeah, it was a costume wedding. Originally our reception was tonight. Next year will be a costume wedding. Oh, that's right. But we got postponed.
Yes. Till 10 25, 25, 25. wedding I love you. I gotta go finish up. I love you. I didn't really come here. She loves you too. its so come in oh She's got her ear. Love you. She said, nah, nah. So so we're we're actually, we're actually doing it and I've talked about it on the shows before. I'm just going to show how much my guys actually listen yeah blaze you're gonna have to drive up from Kentucky to PA, man. Or you can drive up from Kentucky to here and then you can ride with us. What days is this? 10, 25, 25. Oh, next year. Next year, yeah. Oh, okay. Well, our original wedding date was this weekend. But we wanted it because her best friend's son was getting married today. And then we bumped it through the following weekend. Next weekend, which would have been the 26th.
But at that time we were going to go down to New Orleans and we were going to get married down there and then come back home and have a party. Oh, okay. um No, we're going to Dublin, Ireland. We're going to do it the right way. I'm down with Dublin. We're actually doing a whole lot of wedding. You see how Nicky was dressed? My penis is Dublin.
shes micy did do Oh, dan she's got an earbud. She heard that **** She said, Yum.
a there she there She's walking over here with double hat. It's **** We're be the new ghost here Get ready Sally Ferguson or whatever your name is. You're about to be joined by Blaze and I. Boys in fucking 80s and 60s fucking saved by the Bell outfits. Fucking screeching AC Slater over here. You got right. How terrible would that be Blaze if we got murdered and this is what we were stuck with eternity. costume I'm getting buried in this. shift I'm getting buried in this.
police said he's getting married and Oh my god, please tell me everybody here is seeing the porn is screeched in oh god yeah unfortunately where how do You watch that shit and un unfortunate sc screen Yes
wait is making and us still return now So just so you know, Glick, I've got everything we need for Friday right here. So there will be no missteps. Well, it'll be you and me. And then like I said, I'll start it i'll start promoting Monday and I'll share some stuff on social media and then you can do the same thing where anybody who wants to come up and share stories, they can. But it'll just be you and I Friday nights. So check this out. When I was telling you guys about like,
the um on an air like i got to meet you for a second getting wild echo this This building that we're in is like right dead ass in the center of haunted nerd. And its building is quote unquote haunted. So if you go like one or two, actually one street up or two streets up, that's where the B-50, the B-25 bomber accident was.
The jail is literally right there. We have the historical courthouse we can see from here. um So we're like right in the epicenter of of all of NERC's biggest hauntings. but So we need this. We need this. I want to get a Ouija so bad. We need this right now. Yeah. All right. See you next see if his bill is on it. Yeah, next next Friday night, Bill and I will be doing a Halloween special. We did one last night. Not this last Wednesday.
Uh, no, no, we didn't last Wednesday. Yeah. Last Wednesday. And you know, it kind of got off the rails a little bit, but we had a good time. Bill wasn't quite prepared.
Oh, boys. Let me, let me. Oh, I said, there go and that was all me. That was all me. I would apologize. No, it wasn't. It was the, it was the whole God thing that came up. And I was just like, and bill knew too, like we were both like, we were Snapchatting during that. We knew it was.
like oh here we yeah
So, no, we're going to do we're going to do we're going to try to.
Also not area. like your shit' fucked up You sound like a robot. Your mom's fucked up and she sounds like a robot. And she probably would if she had your tech in her mouth. No, there's a reason why small things.
Hey, my mama who from way back in the day. Okay. Come on. I'm like a horse fly, but. um but yeah
Come on, please. Give us a bong hit, dude. We need we need to sound. but me This guy shows up fucking four hours late. who Oh, just ask clown four hours late. How was your date with your boyfriend? I mean, I had a fun, productive day. You know, I mean, I'm in and not looking all like I'm going to a 1990s disco.
ah Night at the ah roller rink. to Fucking between night at the Roxbury's and fucking throw to the bell over here. You're mad. You're mad.
Y'all mad because we killing this shit tonight. um no your youll face miss it The only thing that's missing if y'all do a duet of say by the bell. and Right? I know. I've been bringing that up. When I wake up in the morning.
so But all right, gentlemen, it was great getting with y'all again. I will have to see y'all later, though. I'll keep you down. care bagetss get off Thanks for signing through my man. Oh yeah. Not a problem. Not a problem. I'll keep you all tabbed up. Keep keep watching. so well the chart and i I can't even stick around too long. I got people on their way over as we speak. Agree. Glick is a ******* show. Wow. That was. Who is **** feeding back like that? Jesus. Glick. Wow. both of us Well, they're standing beside each other so.
They call that docking. You can't hear a table like be across my brother and talk. Hold on a second. There we go. That might be a lot of money. This is going to have my space. It's my show. My show.
I had my good night. Hey, much love came back. Good to hear from you again. Yep. Later, guys. Hey, Rob. regus yes I'll beat the breaks off you you motherfucker and you know I will. That's why you talk shit in the chair chat. You chat tough guy. Lights are turning off man. They're about to kick us out. Good luck. Bartender's getting No, I'm gonna go sit. Hey, hey, Glick. She said Glick. She said we can keep going while while we do our thing. Glick. That's what I love about my guard. That's me. I mean, that never closes.
what Go ice ice baby. do do do do do do bro bro i'm fra I'm frosty as shit. I'm frosty as shit, bro. I got that ice on my wrist. I got that ice on my finger.
ah good stop ladies and gentlemen new vi It's vanilla frost. Vanilla frost between no and third base. Jesus Christ. the Vanilla frost and rice crispy.
it's been it's it's been it's been like lick and blaze snow in the building my website beroy lips the lazy way frosty blazeing glaze yeah my science baby and play does tony d's favorite song in fall wo or shiingum onum no one i look people moon that on it no And everybody just froze.
That's I'm iced out, son. Look, guys, so im not up for ah but did you that shit. My Internet throws at me. Well, yeah, that's because I'm iced out. I'm blinged out, man. So what ah what did police and I win for the Halloween costume contest? Yes, sir. She said you won the opportunity not to get your ass kicked.
a i don't know do Do they have a shirt and fat ass, small dick size? Does it say kiss my ass? There was like a costume contest and Blaise and I absolutely killed the costume contest. However, i will shock I will shout out to my kids. ah My middle daughter and the the the
for quick where his fucking broad size is like no infinity and yeah
but i wish i could but
now no that something ah
So, did you like get the axe and be like for for Asgard a friend bearing gifts? I have I have I have I have not but Jesus got to throw I have not got to throw mics to the heart. I tell you what but my my friends just showed up and I swear to god. out They're **** trying to get me drunk. Look at this **** Oh, who's your friends? They **** got me that.
ah um you want i think it right it's kind like lightmare to me yingng like yang yin li is like light mirrorard doric I got Steve. It's not bad. even It's not bad. I mean, it's better than Budweiser. I agree with you. I agree with you. Definitely better Miller Lite.
but like like like but another polite Garbage when it went for drinking birthday like when I turned 21 the first beer I bought was a my life. Mine was rolling to drop down. just because them and there's fucking So that's like, that's like seven bucks an hour. rolling And then over time, then it's like, I went from a Miller Highlife to M.G.D. to Cores and then, oh, me to Coreslight and then the Cores and then the Cores original, I stuck with the Cores original. And then one of my friends introduced me to Shinerbok, then the Ale, then IPAs, and I never looked back. Like I could c chug a Guinness with no problem.
no don't that ha yeah this disappear right there It's hard it's hard to look back when you're looking through a closet door I guess holy fuck i like i like man like Yeah, lot like i I'll take a say I'll take a Sam Adams no problem I'll drink ah like a like Oktober fest is here. I mean I'll drink all the Oktober fest right there. There you go First of foremost bill get off your phone and get your camera set up And you want to get off the phones because even Katrina, are there that' still like they don't get another shot podcast in here with us.
one buck Here's here's here's what I used to drink sometimes. sometimes me You guys want to get on the uh live with blick you can sit behind the bar and everything you'll be on a real podcast going to be on I that one day i've been giving him shit all night 20 minutes i've been on here screw politician go on a Real podcast you guys Listen to this motherfucker Damn
I got it. Florida just beat Kentucky. Now, you imagine if we did this at a freaking weed dispenser, I'd be getting free. Tennessee, Alabama. Yep. Crazy. Georgia being Texas right now. I mean, don't say dude, the fucking dogs are barking today. Good job.
yeah every fucking underdog has won today just about I think dude, I really got to talk to you about upsets and underdogs.
hu alabama beat Alabama beats Western Kentucky School of paraplegic. That's the opposite. Oh my god. Two minutes left in the corner. I was listening to the playback from Thursday and I was just like, that's not an upset, Bill. What are you talking about?
ah Wow, SMU over Stanford, 40 to 10. Iowa State over university of Central Florida, 38 to 35. Well, I'll tell you guys at the beginning of this season about SMU, Bill. what what Once we get the feedback fixed, I mean, it'll be so much easier to understand you. Kansas State University over West Virginia over ri virginia University, 45 to 18.
We got the, we got the little Cajun tag as a sports.
Then we got the Texas A&M Aggies over. We'll talk, we'll talk college football all tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon today. Navy. Good job Navy. Damn. Illinois, 21 Michigan seven.
I'm going back to lunch fat boy. Notre Dame Notre Dame thirty-one Georgia Tech thirteen. there's Miami whoa and Miami and Louisville that was a good game fifty-two to forty-five. Missouri over Auburn. Nebraska and then today I mean the JV one damn Nebraska just got embarrassed the jve kick that
plastic up indiana fifty six nebraska seven ouch hol i s saying i want see yeah feedback on it's gone it's pleases much you want you want that rob register you want some of this sanction i mean she was a black
that lord You're like gay yeah the American dream. Dusty Chodes. Holy ****
I am thankfully smaller than Dusty Rhodes. I'm about the same size as Dustin Rhodes.
ah No, what did I tell you guys about SMU at the beginning of the season? I said, that's that Cinderella spot. They're going to somehow make it to the playoffs. I am interested in seeing the power the power rankings tomorrow after today.
I got to look at the scores, but I just want to also know that I've been right four weeks ago.
One of my co-hosts on Sunday. I have absolutely called and nailed the rankings the last four weeks to achieve. I'm not damn good.
I'm sandbagging. I'm sandbagging it on you guys's little podcast. I gotta make you guys I can't come in there but how you allowed of time to Like fourth in one thing yeah, yeah, I'm absolutely stopping you in another can't come in there and run water i can't come fuck Yeah, cat over here just went 14 and 0 last weekend. I don't know. I still ask I asked You good boys
I just want to make sure you're good. Like turn the camera off. I was just talking football while you went and touched yourself. what ah sure I you earlier.
thirty five and twenty four That was thirty five was that his life college or was that overall like total that wouldn't that wouldn't be the total college. That's not total overall. I think that was college, wasn't it? Yeah. well ah
scale of one crypton how high are you please sheet yeah you wanna be limsson forty eight Um, yeah, that was college picks. Where are we at in NFL?
i this one let her look it out You're 32 and 28 NFL. last law Oh, you guys better. Oh, you guys better **** giving me Illinois by the way. I was I got it. We did. We originally gave you Michigan and we switched it up and gave you Illinois. Yep, we did because I circled it today. We made sure to give you illinoisise
I love Michigan. I can't. I can't even remember all my **** picks now. I probably wasn't doing so hot today. I picked all the winners. I think we have all of them. All of them plays. That's why I'm the champ.
i I was six and three. She was six and thirty so there's not much
Oh, it goes on. Brian. Brian's like, oh, shit. It's the belt. Oh, look at me with my shiny belt. Haha. Adore lovers. Do as much as you I mean, it's no wonder why it's so shiny. Acknowledge me. Pure organic a polish.
organic gel as he puts it. He's so organic. Look. yeah Something about Mary. The baby batter makes everything better. Not on how much we capes but all here is white capes.
news you give the response to the yeah champion Georgia, it's it's official. Georgia is north of Texas. Oh, there goes our first loss. There goes our right.
So Oregon's going to be number Oregon's going to be number one. Fuck the ducks. Fuck the ducks. That's going to be up there now. Every, I mean, <unk>'s ballgame now we're going to be number number one. and Penn State will be number two. Texas will be three and Ohio State will be four.
and je will be fine Well, I mean, I mean, I mean, like next week, if they, they start manning, then we'll be good. We'll be all good. I don't know what was going on with Elwers today. I was like, what, dude, bro, what are you doing?
born know the top you call that representative <unk> and steve did you have that one Texas, Ohio state and Tennessee, Colorado. but yeah
did I hate Colorado at this point. Where to God if Alabama does not drop out of the top 10 after tonight. They'd have to. at Two losses. I'm done. yes Special. She's got two issues got two or three losses. Now lost we've we've lost the two right components one of them.
texas and We're gonna fall out of the rankings. who won We won't be ranked tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, make sure you're right. What's happening?
I'm gonna touch myself. That means, that means, I don't know, maybe? Mm-hmm. No, we just, we have to go use that. We can call it a right. Like, it's gonna be like four or seven.
ah Penn State. It's going to be in there and Texas is going to drop down to like number three.
Don't fucking get quiet now. How? Who me? Oh no. Walked away. This is where we start talking shit. Oh, he, uh, he, oh, he, he has his, his earbuds in so he can still hear you talk shit. He went to the bathroom. Yeah. Yeah. He broke the seal. He broke the seal.
Did you come back along here? I don't know where she went. I'm sorry. I have no idea. I don't know. Are you both at the ax blaze you there with them? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Yeah. You didn't notice earlier that like the wall behind him was the same. I did not actually.
Yeah, so so wait, here he goes. Watch this. shit hes get do some goofy shit On Glick screen. He's on one side of the wall.
dude do Do something unsavory. What up ladies in the house, y'all? Where's your bomb grip? Come on, dude. You got to do a bomb grip while you're over there. I wish I could. I fucking wish I could.
Dude, that was right had a grinder. ah that Yeah. we're we're we're here
yeah i you guys know all are galllic was um Glick was on one side of the wall. and bla out on the other side buy a whole fucking round of beer If you guys make out right now, you're ready to go to the room. yeah
We'll make it all the romantic. to was can turnized side and somebody who's using they work Turn the down, the jersey to five yes give us some the some Some boys and men, there you go.
southern summer the can do no real but my Fucking the lord.
I wish I was as high as he was drunk. Oh, I'm just getting started. I only drink high quality you guys laughing at here? Look. Boom.
get them Two of the most over people on the planet just show up in your garage hang out but but drinkle Just and sit on Bill's garage couch Dude where do I fucking I set up the lights and everything in here I get the speaker going Oh the mood lighting, pull out the bottle of lube, some Kleenex, go to town.
no do we cant talk go walk around If we're gonna get the mood going, I mean, we're just gonna have to really and then the granddaddy of them all. Here we go. I think we're pretty solid. There you go. So gonna have a Diddy partner.
Ain't no party like a beauty party.
You after the parties were better. You after the parties were better. So you're going to hook our party. We're going to have some, like, heat lamps and smelling salts. Maybe a couple of shovels. Probably like a rock.
drink snap No, don't worry, we're gonna party here while you guys go ahead and throw your axes. I mean enjoy, go ahead. Yeah, why aren't we throwing axes?
we we're We're in time out, I'm not allowed. like Yeah, in all honesty, we probably should have like shut this show down and gone home and You know what? I was kind of, I was kind of thinking the same thing. I asked you like an hour and a half ago and you said, nah, keep it going. Well, still, that was, though that was like a half hour ago. No, maybe about an hour ago. Your show, man. I mean, you're driving this car. I'm just the passenger. In the back seat. In the back seat.
do this like i'll do this while he's driving the nexte where do you go would you do
but you but don't know what did you guys hear that he's like o i'm a ghost I don't know what he's doing over there. It's like he broke his **** We're going to call ghost in.
oh We're gonna get the Ouija board out. Everybody's gonna get naked. We're gonna get this incense, the candles, the liquor's gonna flow, the mood lighting. I'm telling you, you're missing out on a real party. Wait, we're getting naked. Wait, is that what y'all are doing there? My God has nothing on this bitch. Are you guys having a seance party there? That's kind of cool. This may be, but you're a non-believer, so you're not invited. That's fine. I'll make you a believer. and I pretend for like 10 minutes.
This reboot is on there. I'll but i'll pretend such a Yeah, I believe in God today sure That way i talkic you know that fucking red stag we're all religious Do you want you want to go ahead and shut down then I think he's 17 what happened to go dead unqu this He's having technical difficulties
that's all right guys like um I'm gonna jet anyways, man. I got some people over where they brought some drinks. yeah We're gonna go have fun this was glading months i'm off Next Saturday, so we'll do this again. Okay cool. Hey, I appreciate you guys having me on it I think Glick broke his computer
Oh, no, he's he's gone down. I know. It would probably make Nicki happy if we if we close down. She's like about time. I'm getting tired of y'all. Well, it says it says you're live on another podcast. Yeah. But did you do it over there? I don't know what I think you broke it. You broke the Internet, guys. Oh, no.
just dong don Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no. Here's here's G Moneys. G Funk Money Funk. There he is. There he is. Bill said, Bill said, I gotta go. I got people at my house that are gonna just sit on my couch in the garage and watch me drink. That's better than watching us sit here stay with her peckers in hand Yeah, I mean, good conversation happens.
but It's like a turtleneck, man. Turtle, turtle, turtle, turtle, turtle, turtle, turtle. Man, I don't know if I'm gonna break all this shit down and take it home tonight. I may have to come up here tomorrow. Oh, no, Nick, you're not working tomorrow. I do have to take all this shit home. Yep. Son of a bitch. Yep.
Is Nikki still listening? Yeah. oh I don't know what Nikki is. She might have left. Or does she if she's sleeping? Well, she was like. That's the way the cookie crumbles, y'all. She was like, fuck you guys. I'm going home.
Yeah, she's sleeping. She's like, Blaze, he's your problem tonight.
Who? Who's my problem? She took my car and she went home. She said she's walking home. She's like pull that finger out of your butt and stick it in the air. I hope you got the king size bed please. You guys gotta wrap up and clean up and everything. I'll go ahead and jet. Alright, Brian. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me.
Anytime. Remember Terrifier 2 next Friday. Yeah. Also next Friday. The ghost show. The paranormal show. I'm at the I'm at the I'm at the I'm at the the I know you're two hours behind us. I'm afraid to hop on. Well, I'm an hour like here right now. I'm an hour behind you. But yeah, when I do go to Carl's bed, I'm two hours behind. OK. Well, tomorrow. Yeah. Where's Carl's bed at? New Mexico. Oh. Back in his homeland. like Back in the desert. Dodging rattlesnakes. Flicking off Black Widow spiders. In Eden Day, Odie.
eleven I'm saying I've not found that yet. You guys don't have black widow spiders in in Texas ah No in New Mexico on the locations that I monitor there are lots of black widow spiders I send photos to Jeff and it creeps Jeff the fuck out yeah you are talking about yeah people are talking about that and kind of like threw me for a lo Because we had black widows when I lived in Charleston Yeah, so and know we have and we have brown withers. Yeah, so I have not encountered a brown widow, but mainly out out where I am. Well, and Carl's bad and Carl's bad when when I go back and some of the areas I just like I noticed that there's black widows because of the web, the web design. This is like this is what this is what you want to find. What is Hey, Odie.
But, um, but no, but I mean, but like, uh, but, um, like its some areas, some areas of the property, like, yeah, I see those webs and I know I was like, okay, which, how many am I dealing? How many am I seeing? You know, and I try to stay, I stay clear away from their area. Yeah. We had this, uh, when I was stationed in.
What was I stationed at? It was in North California. It was Black Widow. There was this one big Black Widow at one of the storage structures that the security forces kept some of their shit. well We knew it was in there and we made sure we didn't kill it when we cleaned out this building because she's a badass little Black Widow.
Well, I escorted the fucking security forces out there one time so they can get some of their shit and the fucking thing crawl across the floor in the goddamn top squash. He's like, oh shit, fucking squash that thing. I was like, why am I getting paid back? Yeah. I mean, and then also too, we're so I'm expecting the, uh, the tarantula migration soon. Is that it?
apparently so I never saw I've only heard of it never actually seen it but when I worked out in Midland Odessa the locations out there I've caught a few I caught with my hand with my hand where I caught a few tarantulas because I've never seen one like actual other than the zoo but not like actually like on my hand like I had my I had my impact gloves and everything and it crawled. I had it on a stick, a crawl for a stick and then it crawled up on my hand. I'm like, whoa. One guy recorded it on the Snapchat on my hand and then I let him go. Oh, nice. He didn't try anything. He was just kind of just like he's like, oh, human hand. And then like a scorpion, I killed a few scorpions to where they're like, I don't know, kid to teenager type scorpions, but Like I didn't want to move. I didn't want to step on them. So I just kind of like gracefully use my, my knife to I, cause I had like, I had a long, um, Bowie knife. I'm like, move along, move along. And the thing about it was I'm not even supposed to, at that time I was not even supposed to have a knife that long. I can have a pocket knife, but
I brought this baby. I'm like, move along, move along. Rambo. Yeah, I'm sitting like, move, move, move, go, go, go. So we've both decided what we're doing yet.
see Yeah, but I'll catch y'all tomorrow on the football show. Alright, man. Thanks, Brian. Have a fun. night Have fun cleaning up. Have a safe trip on Tuesday. Enjoy. Hey, Brian. I'll see you tomorrow. See you tomorrow. He's there. story of Why you sound all weird?
less bla He's touching me. He's touching me in place because I don't want to be touched. it's the iing on the home so it's the ghost ah that i guess i' got do a lose or goal yeah um see boys on close be do yeah ah sorry a i'm gonna smoke weed i'm happy um gonna smoke weed and watch scary movies in my hotel room we're going to liquid
going to liquid now I don't even know. I don't even know what liquid is it but it doesn't sound It's ah it's ah an establishment where they serve beverages. Are you guys really? No, we are. We we all are. No. but said No. Where the hell is my smoked weed every day thing? Oh, there it is. I don't know. Smoked weed every day. No, actually. i'm
I want to get somebody to eat that is not a frozen burrito. Fair. Because I've been eating frozen burritos for the last three days. years Let me close this shit out. Appreciate y'all listening. Appreciate you guys hanging out. Hopefully you enjoyed the show tonight. I know it was a lot crazy. There was a lot going on, you know, shout out to fuck I extra. Appreciate y'all having us here. Look forward to doing more shenanigans and fuckery up here. Um,
If you're not already, go ahead and give us a follow. We are everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, X, and TikTok. You can hang out with us live Monday through Sunday on YouTube and all the shows anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts at. All at the Nonsenseable Network. Simply go to bio dot.link slash Nonsenseable Network. All of them links are there, including the link to our merch store. Yes, we have merch. Goodbye our merch. Help support the, help help support the shows.
show some love our way. Spread us on Spread us on you. quick that's all but so du it It puts us on you or it gets those again. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's this on you or it gets those again? Yeah.
Um, yeah, send us a snapshot. It's a little selfie with, with, with your nonsensical gear. We'll throw it up on our social media as a way to say thank you. Uh, shout out to everybody who was involved here tonight. Reese Jordan was here playing some kick-ass music. Uh, Buckeye Axthon, you know, they're doing their thing. They're still growing support local. If you guys are in the near york area, don't forget to come out here. They are open Thursday through Sunday. You got, uh,
Nicki behind the bar. Austin is your expert and you guys can throw some actions and have fun. And if you're feeling a little little froggy and you want to call the champ out and I'm available, I'll gladly come and defend this year championship because I'm the green statue of all time at the end of the day. There's nobody better than me. I have vanquished all challengers. Especially that guy, I vanquished him so hard.
which is it's so hard but uh tune in tomorrow morning tomorrow afternoon 12 p.m for a brand new episode of unnecessary roughness your kickoff to kickoff i don't know i'm just not doing a show tomorrow
And then Monday we'll be back with a brand new episode of men caring for men Tuesday clicks house music. I got Adam Jones coming to hang out with me Wednesday. What the fuck news if it's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck we're going to talk about it. Have fun with it. Thursday, this Thursday, we'll be back with Cassius corner. A little wrestling podcast. And then Friday, the boys are right. Nonsense and chill. Blaze and Jeff will be back with Terrifier two, right?
Yeah. They're going to be watching Terrifier two and then Saturday, we'll be right back doing this and then the whole cycle repeats itself. Men camp for men on Monday, Tuesday, Glick's house of music, Wednesday, what the fuck news Thursday. Cash is corner for Friday. Nonsense and chill Saturday. Nonsense. Well, nonsense. Sunday wash and repeat. Yeah. And don't forget this Friday coming up on the 25th is going to be a double feature, starting with Bill and I doing a Halloween special talking about ghosts and haunted houses and paranormal experiences. I don't know what we're going to call that, but I'll figure that out by Friday. And then right after we're done, nonsense and chill, October 25th. And then on October 27th, we're having Jeff's, well, we're having nonsense and chill in Jeff's garage. Yeah. So yeah.
All I got to say is come get it. sun There's a reason why I'm iced up, baby. Because I'm too cold, on baby. You can't handle it. Don't let him lie to you. Nobody gave it to him for winning shit. You don't know that. That's just a story you were told. That's just the narrative that was created.
I'm the greatest goddamn champion on the planet. All challengers are welcome. Chaka, you're included. Leave your son at home though, because I ain't fighting your son for this belt. I watched with that kid to do that other part. Dude, you got to go on Chaka's Instagram and watch what his son did. Dude, his son's a monster. And as far as never made fights. I want to see click Liz's belt here. I'm going to be, I'm going to, I'm going to feel really bad if I have to hurt Chaka's 18 year old son.
I'll bite him. I'll kick him in the junk. I'll bite his face. I'll stick my thumb in his eye. I'll do whatever I gotta do. I'm from the streets. The streets. I'm from the mean streets of NERC.
But I do appreciate Jonathan. earlier I earlier, I was telling Celeste and Nikki, I was staying at the comfort suites and in, all right, comforts and sweets, but I was like the comfort itch and skates.
covered are Comfort, itch and skates. Come on, we'll leave the light. You might have some workers up there tonight. Sweet. I mean, there was a table over there earlier where the, the, the, the,
the odds were forever in your favor and you didn't and you didn't take a shot. A proposition to all of them. They all said no. No, I'm joking. I told them they said they said 50 bucks wasn't enough.
um Nice. Anyways, thank you guys for listening. Thank you guys for hanging out. We'll see you guys tomorrow at noon. Unnecessary roughness myself. Big Rick.
Derek Wayne does this. We're breaking down NFL. It will be an open panel. So anybody who wants to talk about some football is welcome to join us. Brian will be there tomorrow. Blaze, before we get the flock out of here, you got anything else you want to say?
Jumanji. Fucking Jumanji. And like I always tell you guys, be good or fucking be good at it at the end of the day. Jesus Christ. fuck ah slow let slow we'll see y'all next summer around i'm not