Introduction to 'Mom Tabulous' and Guest Rebecca Pash
Hello and welcome back. We are in season two of Mom Tabulous. I'm Sharla Mandair and with me today is Rebecca Pash, a health and nutrition coach and solo mama by choice to a one-year-old daughter. I remember those days, so cute. I help busy women or she helps busy women to lose weight and change their relationship with food.
by breaking all their past eating patterns and creating new healthy habits that they can practice daily. This is so important. I love this so much. Welcome, Rebecca.
Thank you for having me!
So happy we're across the globe. This is so
Transition from Law to Health Coaching
exciting. So tell me more about like you and and what led you into like working all of this, working with the women in the and you call it food freedom, which I love.
Yeah, food freedom. So about 10, 11 years ago, I was working as like a secretary in a law firm. I was working a bit in high tech and I loved the gym. So at one point I decided to study to be a fitness trainer. So that was about 11, 12 years ago, I think. And I was doing that. So I studied, I became a fitness trainer, I worked in a gym, and then I worked on my own like, um like freelancing, not freelance, just like I worked in a private studio and had one-on-one clients, did a few groups here and there, but then i um Corona hit, COVID hit, and our gym, like our studio was open and closing for all the lockdowns.
And so COVID hit in March and then the May, There was the, um, I really decided I wanted to be a health coach. I'd heard about it from a few people and I was like, this is the time I'm sitting at home doing nothing. I might as well study something that's really interesting to me. And also I had a very messed up relationship with both food and the gym. I was obsessed for years. I would count the amount of hours I was going, I would do studio classes hour after hour after hour hour. And being a gym instructor and understanding how to lift weights and really working out properly, stopped that. Like it really helped me with my relationship with fitness, but I still had a really
con like disordered eating. I didn't have an eating disorder but I definitely had disordered eating habits, patterns.
Exploring Emotional Eating and Women's Food Relationships
And um so doing the course was really interesting to me and understanding how to eat and taking that pressure off weight loss and more focusing on health and having a healthy lifestyle. Then I carried on and studied emotional eating, psychology and hormonal health. So I feel like I have like a whole um a whole lot of education but my main interest was really I loved their emotional eating psychology. Sorry. I really loved emotional eating psychology and I really wanted to focus on
helping women with their habits and their relationship with food. And like that's progressed to more and more focus on relationship with food.
Pandemic's Impact on Health and Lifestyle Changes
it. Yeah. So many people, I think during, during that shutdown, right? So many people were like, you know what? I should study this or change this or make these changes.
And, and, and I think there was a big focus on health and right. And, and, and changing things for the better in our life. So that's so awesome that you totally took that, that shift, you know?
Um, and it was no.
Yeah. Sorry. i I think that like everyone had time in the kitchen as well. Like no one was going to work as much and people were doing more at home workouts and they had a bit more time to focus on themselves, even though it was stressful.
And obviously all the kids were home from school and you know, you couldn't work and you know, all of that stuff. But then the other hand, you still had a bit more time to focus on your lifestyle and being a bit healthier.
Yeah. So the amount of house projects and people making sourdough bread was like, I remember that was upon all my friends were making sourdough and I was like, I'm gluten free.
Yeah, sourdough bread.
I'm banana bread, always banana bread.
Banana bread. I love it.
Understanding Disordered Eating vs. Eating Disorders
So tell me about like, because I'm moving from disordered eating, which, you know, and and I think I've talked about this before, maybe on the podcast of like when I was in grad school, I had an awful eating disorder.
I had a, I had what's called, um, orthorexia, where you over exercise and not eat.
And, and it, I, I had to leave the program and move back to San Diego, which my my parents were in the Bay Area and moved back to San Diego, which is what I consider home. And um or I knew I was going to die. Like it was very like that moment of like, I live alone and I am so malnourished. And so I knew that I needed to, you know, get out and just make changes. um And I was 28. It wasn't like I was, you know, like a 19 year old, you know, some college students or, or you know, we eating disorders can happen at any point. I've worked with moms after they've had their baby that just have such a disordered way of trying to lose the baby weight that it becomes an eating disorder. And um so i'm I'm happy to be able to like work, you know, with women and their health and their fitness and all of that. And I think that
that this difference between eating disorder and disordered eating is super interesting to me because I think the vast majority of women at least at the very least that I've worked with have a very disordered way of looking at food is just how we're raised.
mindset yeah for sure yeah i mean for me everything i wanted like all i did was to be skinny like that's all i really cared about i was never overweight i didn't have a weight problem i'd put on weight ah fluctuated over time but all i cared about was being skinny so i'd work out in the gym for hours and hours and then i wouldn't eat that much or what i choose to eat was a whole bunch of junk So like, I would eat, I don't even remember, like that's how weird, like I know why I eat, sorry.
I know what I eat for breakfast now. And I know why I ate like five years ago, because I probably ate the same thing. But like, if you ask me why I ate in that period, I have a zero idea.
I probably never ate breakfast. I have maybe a pastry. I couldn't tell you. But lunch, maybe a salad, I don't know. Dinner, I barely ate it.
Or I ate like weird things like almonds and cottage cheese. like I'd come out of the gym after three hours and I'd eat so little. And it was all about being skinny. and that is And until I really started lifting weights, like strength training, that's when I think I understood protein more and eating a bit more.
um And I did the whole 30 about six, seven years ago before I was like understood like how diets aren't really that great. But I did the whole 30 and it also really changed how I ate and what I thought. And um I remember eating properly for like every single meal. And that was really like and cooking so much. And that was something I'd never done before. So that kind of like jump started me into eating being a bit more aware of what I was eating and trying to eat proper meals.
Balancing Family Meals and Busy Schedules
So how can someone who is looking to make these changes, right? They're maybe they order out because they're working and they come home and there's homework and craziness with kids and they're like, I don't have the energy to cook. So let's just order out. And and it may not be the healthiest choice. And what the kids are eating is, you know, the like chicken nuggets and the hot dogs and the the stuff. Right. And mom is just like, well, I don't want to, it's not what I want to eat, but I don't want to make order from three places or make three different meal, right?
Right. So obviously if it's one off and you don't have time and you've come home late from work. Sorry, I have a like frog in my throat. him then yes, I would say don't get to the point of hangry, don't get to the point where you're ordering out. If your kids are eating a proper meal and you can add some veggies to yours, you can add some whole grains to yours. So like if they're eating chicken nuggets and sausages or whatever, whatever is on the table, that's your protein. Yeah, maybe it's not like the greatest protein in the world, but it's still food. And if you're going to sit and wait two hours until they're in bed and then order a takeout that you don't really want or you got to the point of hungry and you're opening up the cupboard's doors and fridge and all of that.
I think that it's better to just sit down and eat and be full and you can make the best of whatever. Like I truly think for me, like balanced meals, it just makes everything so much easier. So making sure you have a protein, making sure you have a fiber source and making sure you have fats like healthy fats and also like a whole bunch of veggies so if your kids don't want to eat veg and whatever doesn't stop you from eating veg so like add that to your plate
with the chicken nuggets it doesn't have to be that serious like weight loss and ah getting healthy doesn't have to be so confusing and so complicated it's really that simple that you always have a protein you always have a fiber and you always have a fat and just a bunch of vegetables or fruit on the plate. So if you are rushed for time and you don't have time to like meal plan or cook every night, make it really simple. I love meal planning, meal prepping. um And I understand that it doesn't work for everybody. And I think that there's like this whole thought of I have to eat the same meal five days in a row. No.
you make elements of meals so like you make two or three sources of protein so like shove a chicken in the oven and or um make some bolognese make some shrimp whatever like protein you like chicken is like really great but fish also like cook up a whole bunch of salmon or a whole bunch of white fish, whatever, um have like three sources of protein that you can put in the fridge and put in the freezer and take out.
um What ah like breaded chicken. Also, it's really great. And then make a whole grain. So like some rice or some pasta.
Quinoa, quinoa. Yeah, I say it really, bulgur.
yeah I pronunciations. I love it.
yeah bulgur and whatever whole grain so that will keep you full the whole aim is to keep you full and satiated so if it's dinner you don't need to like be full to the next meal but you do want you don't want to go to bed hungry So every meal, including breakfast, should get you to the next meal. So you're not picking and, um you know, and snacking as much. It's just easier that you make sure all your meals are just as filling. But again, it doesn't have to be that complicated.
There's tons of like protein your yogurt. There's tons of um you know or you can make eggs in the morning and add some egg whites. I eat the same. I eat like a 20 gram of protein yogurt.
with some granola, add a bit of peanut butter, some hemp seeds. I get about 20, 25 grams of protein in the morning. I have my fiber from the granola, which I make so it's not got sugar in. It's got maple syrup in and nuts and stuff like that. And I get the fat from the peanut butter and the nuts. And that's like, for me, that will keep me going until I eat lunch.
So just making it not complicated and if, yeah, that's what's important, eating three meals a day.
Yeah, I love that too. And in that you can eat what the kids are eating.
And like by example, you're showing them the vegetables belong on the plate, right? I've talked about this with moms too of like, if my kid doesn't eat it, I'm not gonna put it on the plate. And I go, no, no, no, put it on the plate because they know it belongs there. Whether they take one bite of a carrot and or they leave it alone, they see it's on the plate and they know it belongs there. And that's how, and then and then they see it on your plate and you're eating it. And eventually, you know,
Eventually they will. I have a 15 year old that loves salad. But she's grown up with that. And as a kid, we'd go out to eat and she'd be like, you know I want the chicken nuggets. And they go, what do you want on the side? The fries or the carrots or a salad. And she was like five and she goes, a salad. And I was like, because I didn't order for her, right? And go, she wants chicken nuggets and fries.
It was like, what do you want?
She wanted a salad on the side. It was like, great. And then, of course, she took half a dad's fries, which was fine, right? that She was fine.
But like I thought, wow, OK, some things. And I wasn't even a health coach at that point. But it was just like, oh, this is cool. She's totally ordering you know a salad.
Yeah, it's all about setting an example. Like my baby is a year and a half and I have fed her a balanced meal every single meal.
And she loves vegetables. She really loves them. I know it can change. And I know that like everyone's like, just you wait, she'll start eating beige food, blah, blah, blah.
And okay, that will happen. Hopefully not. Cause she's an amazing eater. But I see that she like, if I give her something with chocolate or something, she tends to really eat more fruit or veggies over the sweet stuff. I feel like she does have more of a savory um like taste buds. She really enjoys that. But again, it will it could change and it will change. But there will always be vegetables on offer and there will always be fruit on offer. And it's just
your kids learn from you so if you're not eating you're not sitting with them eating or you're not eating proper meals and they're not gonna why would they sit down for dinner and eat a proper meal if you're not doing it so I would say always eat with them even if it isn't a hundred percent what you want but you know that you're hungry at the time I think that everyone's so confused about weight loss and it is yes calorie deficit
Intermittent Fasting Myths and Intuitive Eating
But it also is eating. Like a lot of people skip and they don't eat properly and then they stuff themselves later. And so you might as well have just had a filling meal first.
Yeah. And and and what what you're talking about is keeping your body satiated so that you don't, like you said, come home, open up the cabinets and just binge, right?
That you you you don't wait all day to eat.
I've worked with women who are teachers and they're like, well, I'm intermittent fasting, so I don't eat until I get home from school. And I'm like, you're standing in front of classes of over 30 kids all day long and you have nothing in your body.
and and you wonder why you're tired, and you wonder why your stomach hurts, and you wonder why you don't have a headache, and you wonder why you're cranky, and you wonder why you're not eating all day. And then they come home and they're like, and then I'm so hungry, I just, you know, intermittent fasting.
And I'm like, that's not what that is. And we have just, now someone talking about that disordered eating of thinking, well, I'm fasting.
No, you're starving yourself. And then you're binge eating.
Right. So there is a difference. And if funnily enough, I actually just wrote a newsletter about this because one of my friends was like, Oh, I'm doing this for hormones. And I said to her, um, because I lift, I do strength training in the morning. So it's not even possible for me to not eat something, even like a banana, or some date, something.
And I was like, how do you have energy when you wake up and you fasted since six o'clock or seven o'clock at night? And then you wake up and you don't eat again until like after a workout. Like, but I, I understand the benefits of intermittent fasting. If let's say you have no control at night and you binge or you are an emotional eater. And if you need that rule in place, okay.
But on the other hand, i I don't, it's still a rule, like you're still living by diet culture rules. So I feel like unless you're like believing, you know, this is really working, I'm losing weight. It's not um something you can do for the rest of time. Like what if your friends want to go out for breakfast? What if you you know youre you can't consistently do these diets for the rest of time because it doesn't fit into everyone's lifestyle. So I find that like,
the intermittent fasting, keto, paleo, all of them. You can do it for a really short amount of time, but you're just giving yourself more rules to live by. On top of the rules that you already did with another diet, point, sins, all of those things. It's it's like it needs to be broken. You need to break all those rules. So um yeah, that's the thing with intermittent fasting is most people either eat tons of calories in that window and think it's going to work or really under eat as well because they have such a small window to eat.
Yeah, or they're not even really intermittent. I feel like with this not going' going to work and not eating all day and coming home and binging is not intermittent fasting.
but It is starving yourself and and and intermittent fasting has very specific ways to do it that if you follow, and I don't do the like, I would do no more for me and for my clients, even then at 12 and 12.
right? Because I like to give your body those 12 hours to rest and digest, detox, all of that. And then you have 12 hours to eat small meals throughout the day.
But there is, you're talking about working out and especially with women in the perimenopause and menopause state, which is where women that I'm working with now, we have to have fed workouts.
We have to have our protein. We have to have some healthy, we have to have some fiber. We have to, at the very least, have protein. And there is a big difference in your energy level and your ability to get the full benefit of your workout
by feeding your body, by feeding your muscles, right?
Because if you're exercising with nothing in your stomach, and I know there are people that go, well, I do fasted workouts, and I go, okay, but I'm talking about menopausal women. And I'm talking about women that come to me going, I've tried all this stuff, and it's not working.
that if you are not fueling your muscles, they will not build. You will start to break the muscle down because your body's in starvation mode and it will think you're not gonna eat.
Nutrition and Exercise: Pre-Workout Essentials
And then you're putting it through this maybe rigorous exercise.
I had a ah girl come to one of my spin classes once and about 20 minutes in, she didn't look so good. And then I realized she vomited on the bike and she hadn't eaten.
oh Wow. Yeah.
And I, you know, it was like, okay, I got to clean it up in the middle of my class. And she was super embarrassed. And I was like, it's okay, just, you know, the bathroom's over there. And, you know, and I have never seen her again. um But I also had a mom when I was teaching pre and postnatal fitness and many moms.
come to the class and their kids had snacks and they had fed their kids and they're going down in the middle of this workout. And it was like, I got grapes.
Here's some, I'm throwing sugary grapes in their body because it's like, get the blood sugar up, get some fiber in you and let's just, you know, let's just get something in you. Did you eat breakfast today?
No, but I had some, no, but I had some coffee, right?
No. Yeah, I know. I need coffee. I know, I know.
You know, and it's like, and then you think you're going to come and work out and your body is on the adrenaline from the coffee. and maybe you've breastfed your baby and you're you're so malnourished.
you know And that happened ah a decent amount to where I was always on radar of like, if there's a mom that does not look okay, here's some I opened my go-to, I was like, here's some grapes. They just knew Charlotte had bubbles for the kids and grapes for the moms.
That's so fun.
That was just my my go-to because it was quick, easy, it kept, you know and we'd get your blood sugar out really fast. but I needed like, and and I've had, I've had him had that happen in my, my bootcamp class too, where I don't usually bring grapes with me, but this one day I did. And this girl who had never been there kind of sat down and able to work as a UK. And she was like, I didn't eat. It's just the not eating and then pushing your body in this way. You can't, you can't.
You can't and I always said I had people who used to come to me training at seven o'clock in the morning and we did strength training and they I had a few who nearly fainted never pute I mean maybe they puked outside but more just like
I said to one of my trainees, look at what happens when you eat and look at what happens when you don't. Look how strong you are when you come to me and you've eaten half a banana or a date or whatever, and look at it when you don't. like There's such a vast difference. I don't understand why you wouldn't consistently eat. And she did, by the end of training with her, like she understood and she learned,
but yeah there was a lot of people who would come to me in their first class and it was early in the morning and they would have to sit down and they're shaking and we'd be and we always had dates and we'd always be like oh give them a day or like take them outside or it's hard because they don't think of it it's not logical to them maybe I don't know but like to eat so Yeah, I can't ever go to the gym and not eat at all.
And when I was pregnant, I was like eating those like dry cookies because I was nauseous all the time. So I'd like walk around my workout with like cookies all the time. Cause otherwise I'd just be sick.
Yeah. I mean, I did learn, you know, when I was in grad school and I had that eating disorder and I wouldn't eat and I would exercise and I was going from one cardio machine to the next. And I was in, I was in the Midwest in the middle of a small town and there just weren't a lot of people in the apartment complex I was living in that went to the gym. I was usually the only one there and I did pass out and, and I, I woke up on the floor.
And I was like, God, I'm lucky I didn't hit my head on that weight that was three inches from my face. And I'm lucky that, you know, I wasn't on the treadmill or whatever, but like, there was nobody to find me.
There was nobody, I was, I don't know how long I was laying there, you know?
and And that ultimately was one of the reasons that I was like, I think I gotta go. I gotta get out of here.
I can't stay. um But, you know, it's scary.
It's really scary.
And so I'm very hyper aware of like, if you don't eat and you're trying to work out, you know, and you think you can do cardio or you think you can lift heavy weights and then also get the benefit, right?
You can't push as hard, you can't lift as heavy, you can't run as fast. You're not having as good of a workout if you're not fueling your body.
Motivation for Exercise Beyond Weight Loss
No, not at all.
So there's that too, right? But then you're also breaking down the muscle and you're defeating the whole purpose.
That's true, for sure, that's really true.
So I love this, like reframing the diet culture.
And and and if nothing else, if women learn just have some some some deli meat turkey and a half a banana before your exercise, right?
That's that for sure, yeah.
Have some yogurt. you know
Have some yogurt, have anything that's high in, they always say to, yeah, like bread with some peanut butter and jelly, because you're getting like some fat, some sugar, and the white bread is fast releasing energy and you'll burn it within the second, like 30 minutes of a workout, you'll burn off that bread, which whatever.
It's not like that anyway, but don't need to worry about it. Cause it's really just giving you fuel for a workout. People are so scared of. women in general are so like calculating calories and worried about working off their food.
That should never be the case. Also that's one thing that like if if I leave this podcast with something is that do not go to the gym for weight loss.
It isn't like that cannot be your only goal and your only push to get there like you have to go to the gym for your health, for strength, for energy, for mental health, for any other reason other than weight loss, because you are gonna get very slow results if you're only going for weight loss, you're gonna pack it in, like you're not gonna carry on if you're only going for weight loss, and it's gonna deter you, you are not gonna wanna continue. If you have bigger goals, and I say this to all my clients,
bigger goals to make you work out, to help you it to work out, then than weight loss, you will go way more often and you will be much more excited to be there and you'll have a much more positive experience.
Whereas punishing yourself, you know, working off the food that you ate, hating your body, pushing your body through rigorous exercise, which you don't like,
you are never gonna carry on and you're gonna burn out and you're not gonna wanna do that. Whereas if you do it for so many other reasons, that's like really important.
And I would say too, take a class in the community.
Community aspect, people go, I'm not, it's not motivated. I go to the gym. I don't know what to do. I get on a machine. I do some of these, but go in a class because the instructor is going to motivate you.
You're going to find a community of people that are in the classes. You find classes you like, try different ones, you know, and I, in my spin class Friday, I just, you know, in my head popped this thing and I was like, what if I told you every pedal stroke added a day to your life?
How fast, how fast would you go?
That's a nice one.
I said, I don't know that that's the truth.
That's a good one. That's a really good motivator.
But what if, what if for this whatever 90 seconds sprint, 60 seconds sprint, I forget what that we were doing. Every pedal stroke added a day to your life. More with your kids, more with your spouse, more with your family, more with your friends, more life to live.
How fast would you go? And and they were like, whoa, kicking it in. you know And I was like, I don't think that's the truth, so don't quote me on that. But just what if I told you that that's what it did?
right for sure yeah
And so, yeah, an instructor is going to motivate you. If you're fighting motivation,
find a trainer if you don't know what you're doing in the gym find a trainer find a trainer that also that understands you that knows what you want that knows what your goals are and knows what your level is if you really are going to the gym and wasting time I would say find either a class that you enjoy, join a community or find a personal trainer and, you know, get a program and track your progress and see how strong you're getting and build some muscle.
Simplifying Meal Prep for Healthy Living
And meal plan, right? If we're talking about, I know it's like weight loss shouldn't be the goal. Strength should be the goal. Health should be the goal. But if weight loss is a piece of that goal.
If weight loss is your goal, you have to be organized with food.
And again, Don't overcomplicated it ah overcomplicate it. If you are busy and most of my clients are really busy and they work and they have kids and they come home and they're exhausted, but wouldn't it be amazing if you took two hours of the weekend or one evening every single week and you meal prepped elements of the meal, as I said at the beginning. Few sources of protein, a few whole grains and veggies Do everything all at once. I have like a um PDF of how to make it really quick. Just do everything together. make every like use every uten you know Use your air fryer at the same time as you're using your stove and then you're using your oven. Have everything on the go. you Then you can just put it all in containers, put it in your fridge or your freezer, and you have food for the week. And it's not boring because you have the elements that you can mix up.
You can make some chicken breast into a salad, or one day you can have it with rice and some broccoli. And again, like I don't want to make it boring. you Whatever satisfies you, a cool salad dressing. Don't worry about counting the oil or whatever. And don't stress about these things. Just eat food that you enjoy. Also, don't make it diet at food. Don't make it negative. Eat food that you enjoy, that you love, that is tasty that is filling that is satiating you always need carbs you always need fat and try not to avoid any of that and protein is king and yeah like it's really really important and also don't restrict anything if you're like if you're like me i love something sweet at the end of the day have a few little squares of chocolate or whatever your go-to sweet thing is
if you include it in your diet you will less likely overeat it or binge it later if it's restricted and you are um and you have that negative i can't not allowed it's bad and all of that then you'll want it way more so if you
um include it in your diet even daily or not whatever don't have a cheat day don't say on saturday i'm gonna binge just include it in your diet whenever you want it you will less likely want it and need it and crave it and overeat it and binge it and emotionally eat it yeah
Yeah. Bingo, yeah, for sure. And you know, here in America, we have Thanksgiving, right?
And so, you know, I always tell my clients, like, think of how much you repurpose the turkey after Thanksgiving. We get like a 20 pound turkey and there's like eight people and you've got leftovers for a week.
You're freezing it. You're making it a stew. You're making sandwiches. You're sending it with your kids to lunch. You're having leftovers for dinner. You're making turkey, turkey, takrazini.
You're making all these turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey for weeks after. So that essentially is a meal prep when you make
20 pound turkey for Thanksgiving, your meal prepping for the next few weeks. So if we can think of it like, Oh, it's just Thanksgiving kind of, you know, just, ah it it kind of, it reframes it a little bit for them of like, Oh, Oh, I do kind of do that. You know?
Right and also you can just buy like a whole chicken um and cut it up and do whatever with with it or you can get your chicken chopped up and like buy a rotisserie chicken like there's so many ways to make it easy um and make it simpler and not overthink it and not stress you out because if you're busy and you're working and you have kids and you're looking after a house
You don't need to be thinking and obsessing about food all the time. Just make it a simple. And if you only can put chicken nuggets and sausages on the table for your kids and you don't have time to eat yourself, sit down and eat it because you do not want to get to the state of hungry and then choose something that really isn't as filling.
Yeah, and let go of the guilt around that because mama can.
And let go of.
Podcast Conclusion and Social Media Engagement
This has been so great. I feel like we could go on and on.
Yeah, I know.
but yeah But this has been so amazing, Rebecca, I appreciate so much having you on. Thank you so much.
Me too. Thank you for having me.
Where can people find you Instagram all of that if they want to
I am on Instagram, Rebecca Pash Health, R-E-B-E-C-C-A-P-A-S-H Health. I am on Facebook. Also, I have a page.
You can find me Rebecca Pash and I think it's holistic health on there. I've tried to change it. They don't let me. um Yeah, so there i'm I'm mostly I hang out on Instagram a lot.
Facebook has changed. Yeah.
Yeah, that's mostly where I am.
So come and join.
All right. Yeah. Well, come and join. Yeah. Thank you so much.
A pleasure. Thank you.
Well, oh, we'll see you in the next episode.