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Fit to Profit!

16 Plays27 days ago

Are you a mompreneur? The fabulous DeDee Cai joins me today and she shares with us  her story of overcoming extreme trauma and adversity as well as the latest psychology, cognitive science, holistic wellness and business strategy to help entrepreneurs get mentally fit to obtain peak level of performance in their businesses. 

We chat all about our passion to help women - moms especially  - to have it all! We can work and mom and do all the things and thrive Momtabulously!

Find Dedee here - 

IG - @dedeecai

FB - @DeDeecai


Introduction to Didi Kai and Fit to Profit

Sharla Mandere
Hello and welcome back to Mom Tabulous. I'm Charla Mander. I'm so excited with me today is Didi Kai. Didi is the founder and performance coach of Fit to Profit, a company that utilizes psychology, cognitive science,
Sharla Mandere
holistic wellness, and business to help entrepreneurs get mentally fit to obtain peak level of performance in their businesses. With over 17 years of experience in running her own businesses in the brick and mortar and health and wellness industry, Dee Dee married her love for living and optimal lifestyle and business to create fit to profit. She believes that women deserve to have it all, and she's on a mission to empower women entrepreneurs to create financial freedom and build wealth from the inside out.
Sharla Mandere
I'm so excited you're here. Welcome, Dee Dee.
DeDee Cai
Yes, thank you so much first and foremost to have this platform so we can have this type of meaningful conversation. And thank you so much for having me as well. I'm really excited.
Sharla Mandere
Me too. Yeah, we've ah we've tried to make this happen a couple times. So mom life, we're just rerouting all all the things, right? So I'm glad i'm glad that

Didi's Entrepreneurial Journey Begins

Sharla Mandere
we're here. um So tell me about, tell us about yourself and and and how you came to marry these two worlds and to fit to profit.
DeDee Cai
and Yeah, so it has, this whole thing has been a personal journey. I could never imagine this is what I will be doing today. And so honestly, I am my first generation immigrant and I have a blueprint that I follow to the T. I did really well in school. I um knew that I need to eventually but move out of the house and have my first job. And I did all of that and graduated without um any challenges. I have even put myself through college and how I was working full time and I landed my very first corporate job, which was great at the time. I really loved it. and The title was great, but then I found myself sitting in a cubicle.
DeDee Cai
So that was my first experience in really following someone else's blueprint and path for me and realize that, wow, this is not what I envision my life to be. So the minute I entered the working, I guess, the corporate industry or corporate world, I exited. It only was six months. It was super short lived.
DeDee Cai
And right around at that time, my mom had an opportunity for me to start a home, well, not home base, but i online.
DeDee Cai
I wouldn't say online at the time either. It's a brick and mortar, um which really eventually taught me everything I need to know to go online. You'll hear more of the details soon. So ultimately I went from having my very first a corporate job to owning my very first business without any experience. um And so I built the restaurant from scratch, you name it, from getting the very first permit to putting the roof over it.
DeDee Cai
to getting the kitchen hood in there, hiring the staff, building the community, you name it. And it was great to, I have to say it was one of the very um necessary experience that I needed to have to really learn what hard work really means because I know I was raised in condition to work hard, but wow, like being able to you already know imagine what it's like to be in a service industry and to be in a restaurant industry so you're always there right you open seven days a week you're there like from sunup to sundown long story short after almost five years of that um
DeDee Cai
which I really thought I was landing a or getting into or living an American dream. It was more like an American nightmare. So I brush up the courage to have the conversation with my mom to really tell her, look, I i really appreciate your getting me the ah giving me the opportunity um and I don't think we should re-sign the lease. I don't think this is my, I'm not made for this. and It's a great kind of living at the same time, I told her. and I always envisioned myself having a lot more freedom than having to be in the same spot day in and day out.

Personal Tragedies and Life Reassessment

DeDee Cai
And so yeah, we we didn't renew the lease and we sold the restaurant and right around the same time I Husband now my boyfriend proposed so we were getting married and so up until that point I was honestly still lost I also knew that I was completely burnt out, you know physically from the restaurants and so I wasn't I knew that I just needed a break and It turned out to be a really big break because what happened was I not only was getting married um the week of my wedding I also lost my best friend to suicide and
DeDee Cai
I know I buried her July 4th and our wedding was July 7th and she was supposed to be a part of the wedding party. I share that specifically just because I didn't know that I actually was suffering from silence in silence with depression and anxiety as well. I thought I was just high functioning. I thought I was just you know doing whatever it takes to like to to stay strong etc and things like that I was busy but honestly the reason why I did everything up to that point for everyone else and instead of myself is because I was just trying to heal myself from a childhood trauma that happened when I was 15 and so
DeDee Cai
Yeah, ah that's when I realized, you know, I, this is what I'm really meant to do because what was um happening or when I was going to school, I actually wanted to be a therapist and I had an option either going to medical school or staying back to start a business with my mom, you know, after, you know, my corporate time and things like that.
DeDee Cai
And so um I decided to stay with my mom because she was also going through a divorce at the time. And so I thought it was ah the best case scenario because I'm the only child remember I'm like the golden child. So I wanted to help my mom emotionally to over come what she was going through. and um So yeah, it it was ah first first and foremost, I vowed to myself that no one should ever go through what I went through that week. And then secondly, I have the responsibility to heal myself. If I was going to help anyone, I need to be able to help myself first.

Creation of Fit to Profit

DeDee Cai
And so that's how my journey really
DeDee Cai
Completely, um you know started with me taking care of myself physically Mentally and then emotionally the spirituality peace came about five years a little bit over five years ago um but how that's how fit to profit was born was that because I realized I I can't be a thriving and helping anyone if I'm not physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually fit. And I found that more, even clearly, as I started working with clients, everyone came with wanting a strategy. And when I handled for the strategy,
DeDee Cai
um They, they are intelligent, they are smart, they they could do all of the things, but they always have the ups and downs and they always got burned out. Well, because they were not taking care of themselves on the other areas of their lives.
DeDee Cai
and so That's why I combine my experience, you know, with healing myself through the process. And then I, of course, my experience with business, having my brick and mortar. And then also I worked for a yoga brand for eight years um through all of those time.
DeDee Cai
um opening yoga studio. So that's why I also married my love for business and and health and wellness to create Fit to Profit. And um another reason why I'm so um committed and I'm also looking forward to helping women find themselves from the inside out and building success or wealth from the inside out is the reason why I suffered so for so many years with depression and anxiety is because I didn't feel worthy because I was date raped at the age of 15. And so
DeDee Cai
You know, it's it's like all of that through the years got me to realize that I needed to really build myself from the ground up. And that's how it has been. So this has been a personal journey in terms of, you know, how to heal, how to reground, and then now really truly to step into my own power of really knowing what I'm capable of and that I can truly have whatever it is that I want, you know, in my life, a song as long as I feel worthy enough of all of it.
Sharla Mandere
Wow. Okay. Let me just take a minute. What a story. and it' ah It's a lot to unpack and you've had a life, right? You've been through so much from i'm obviously at 15 that I have a 15 year old daughter. So I cannot imagine like that must have been insanely difficult. And, um, and then losing your best friend right before your wedding. That is obviously traumatic. And you know, my mother-in-law, her father,
Sharla Mandere
passed away and I want to say it was like a week or two right before my in-laws got married. And so she had the this kind of journey of like grieving her father and then still going forward with the wedding and you know it was so close. And and you know we've talked a little bit about about that you know journey with her, and um but to be able to still you know go and do what's important for you, right? Like not only have you paid for the wedding, but also like you know there's This is your heart. You're moving forward, you know, to do too. So, you know, that's a, that's a lot. And I'm big kudos to you to keep going, right? Like, I think that realization of, yeah, I, a lot of us are dealing with the high functioning anxiety, high functioning depression, high functioning fill in the blank.

Balancing Family and Business

Sharla Mandere
and just moving through the days because that's what moms do, right?
DeDee Cai
yeah yeah
Sharla Mandere
you know And so what you're speaking to is a moms run, even if you're a stay-at-home mom listening to this, you're running a business. The household is the, bit you are a CEO of this business that is your house and and your household and the family.
Sharla Mandere
And so we have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. And so it's important for us to keep taking care of ourselves.
DeDee Cai
Yeah. Yeah.
Sharla Mandere
What, I'm curious what, but my husband is a restaurant manager.
DeDee Cai
Sharla Mandere
So you're speaking my language with the restaurant, at the restaurant hours, but he works, we don't own it. He works for a corporate restaurant. So it's inconsistent. It's long hours. He's exhausted.
Sharla Mandere
We're trying to get to the point that he can retire soon. But what, what was the restaurant that you guys owned? What?
DeDee Cai
Um, it was a Vietnamese restaurant. So my mom is a phenomenal cook. So she was a head chef. Um, yes.
Sharla Mandere
Yeah, and that's a lot of work.
DeDee Cai
Oh my goodness. Yes, absolutely. And and we didn't we didn't know what we didn't know, right? Like we could have, again, if I stayed in it, things would have been different. And just like, you know, like the Chipotle now, like you can have the thing and people can serve themselves and you would never have to worry about hiring waitress or waiters or none of that, you know what I mean? But it's okay. It's one of those experiences that are meant.
DeDee Cai
to live for that to become my lesson and I learned so everything I needed to learn of what not to do you know for my business and hence why that whole online virtual thing keep like jumping out at me is because I knew that after that I knew that I wanted freedom and anything that I was going to choose to do it was going to have to be that and that's exactly what fits a profit is is functioning on is I can literally work from anywhere in the world. And I can yeah i can serve anybody as long as we have intranet. So you know that's why we were able to move you know during the pandemic within six months to Sarasota, Florida, you know without any thought of you know worrying. like Granted, my husband is still commuting for work, et cetera, but at least you know I can stay put here. I can still take care of the kids. I still have two little ones. I have an eight-year-old and a four-year-old.
DeDee Cai
so I know what it's like to run a family and a business and you know, 100% with you. It's, it's really being able to at some point. you know in your life realize like what's really you know what's what's important and i know for me i know i want it to be a present mom as much as possible so i can't i can't work a nine to five job i always try to like imagine what it would be like you know what if my job was flexible i'm like they're not going to be okay with me every every every other week or every friday coming in late is because i have
DeDee Cai
you know a parent-teacher conference and or you know my I have too so like that would be me working half time you know so um yeah to to really sum up to what you're saying yes
Sharla Mandere
DeDee Cai
It was hard, yes. What your husband's going through, I can definitely, you know, 100% resonate. um At the same time, I'm sure it's a driver, right? For you with your business and what you're doing is like, yeah. And same thing with me too. I'm working so that way the the vision is that to move my husband here and you can have whatever, like do whatever he wants and or start his own business or whatever it is. um So yeah, no I'm with you, 100%.
Sharla Mandere
And you know, the online digital business model, I think is not going anywhere, right? It's only getting bigger. It's getting like more opportunities for us to do that. And I think that's because moms are driven to find a way to work and be present for their family. Like what you're saying, you want the flexibility, you want the freedom. I have one daughter, we're homeschooling. One is in a ah very traditional college preparatory, you know, very busy high school. And, and it's a constant like,
Sharla Mandere
You know, can you bring me this can you pick me up from pick me up from the sport drive me over here and I'm spending myself into this sport at this place and that sport at that place and my husband is at work, you know, so if I was at work, they wouldn't have the opportunities to be able to do the things that, you know, I did as a kid like play sports and do all of that, you know, So it it it it means, I remember my mom, she was a hairdresser and she stopped working at the hair salon and kind of just started doing hair in our kitchen.
DeDee Cai
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Sharla Mandere
Around the time I was in middle school and she was like, because my kids need me. And I remember being like 13 thinking, what do you mean we need you? I'm not a baby anymore. Like I can walk to school and I can take, you I don't need you.
Sharla Mandere
And now I'm like, oh no, who drove me all the places? Like she did. but you know I was like, oh, I get it. We got busier and just not, we needed to earn a different way. And that's kind of how I feel you know with my kids and and and this digital online business and platform right that I'm creating is because then I can have the freedom to be there for them.

Introduction to the 5-Step Wellness System

Sharla Mandere
It's important. I want to be at the games they're cheering at and the competitions that are doing and the performances and all the things. so Walk me through, you have a fives you have a you have a ah sound a system to simplify the chaos.
DeDee Cai
Sharla Mandere
I think we're just talking about a lot of chaos. do
DeDee Cai
Yes. And I can tell you that this is definitely the system has been put together from trial and error. I've made all the mistakes, so you don't have to.
Sharla Mandere
thank you
DeDee Cai
yeah Yes. So first first and foremost, the biggest thing is to create
Sharla Mandere
DeDee Cai
a self-care system.
Sharla Mandere
DeDee Cai
Anyone ever have talked to me about self-worth, they're like, how do you build self-worth? How do I become, like feel more deserving? All of the things. Guess what? It's self-care.
DeDee Cai
It is self-care. And trust me when I say that, because remember, I have healed myself from depression, anxiety, and also from childhood trauma, right? Like without, you know, what is it, therapy and medication, all of the things. Not to say that there's not a place for that. It just happens to be my case. I chose to do it alternatively. And so self-care. So self-care,
DeDee Cai
has to that's step one you have to want to build in a self-care process of what whatever that looks like and then secondly it's going and i'm going to just go through the general steps and then we'll dive deeper on each of the steps so it's self-care and then the second is we're going to go through all all the basically the five Values and principles that really fits a profit stands on okay, so it's physical mental emotional and spiritual It's for and the last one is finances So that's like that's like the five areas when it comes to when we're talking about being holistically fit That's that's the order of things right and so the first is physical meaning What is your self-care related to physical doing or moving your body or exercising or anything like that?
DeDee Cai
like what does that look like right so then emotional like what is your system you can you see the whole thing is a system right and so that's the self-care system goes with physical and then the mental right emotional and mental what do you have there and then how do you take care of yourself spiritually and then how you take care of yourself financially and so Physical is exercise, right? It's exercise, it's diet, it's sleep, it's habits, it it's all of the things that the self-development worlds talk about, but we we don't do it, right? And the only reason why I'm so ah to this point in my life is part of my daily rhythm or the daily schedule is because I had to live it, especially within this past, since we moved to Sarasota, Florida this January, next month, we'll be here three years, and I've been basically
DeDee Cai
ah Taking care of the kids and running the business myself. My husband travels 80% of the time So if I didn't have all these five elements in there, it wouldn't it wouldn't be working. Like we wouldn't we wouldn't have a family, not to even mention what do, but do we have a business to begin with?
DeDee Cai
So physical has to be all of that, right? And then the emotional.
Sharla Mandere
DeDee Cai
The emotional is definitely, it's not really interesting. A lot of people think like, okay, what what does that look like? Do you have to have a therapist or do you have to have a lab coach with you? No, it's actually, do you have a support system?
DeDee Cai
like who do you who do you go to when it comes to you taking care of yourself when talking through something like do you have and like that person if you don't have a therapist like i usually have a best friend who i who i talked to or my husband about certain things and how i feel but ultimately what will walk ah handle the the last piece when it comes to creating that schedule that ideal schedule last but essentially I have that piece in my schedule to on a daily basis of how I take care of myself emotionally okay and then mentally same thing that goes into my schedule to it's basically
DeDee Cai
part of my non-negotiables that I do and it's it's exactly very similar. um too It's like kind of like a translation. so For example, when you say, when I have my non-negotiables, it's the five as well. like It's like it's like and you can't get away from the five. so my I have my faith, I have my fitness, I have my family, I have my fulfillment, and then I have finances right like or relationships.
DeDee Cai
And so that's that's the piece, the mental piece of it. And then the spirituality gets to be in that too as part of your self-care system. And then last but not least, I mean finances in a way because, listen, I was raised, I was born in a third world country. I was raised as a first generation immigrant.
DeDee Cai
We had zero. We had nothing. We used to have an outhouse as a toilet when I grew up. And so I know what it's like to grow up in Scared City. So the mindset around money is huge. When I say finances, it's more like what is your relationship with money?
DeDee Cai
I'm also a personal a certified money coach as well. Again, I had to put myself through the wringers, through the work, because i at the beginning of my business, there was the ups and downs, and I just didn't really understand like what was I investing in and and think all of the things. And I realized, wait, I have these limiting stories around money.
DeDee Cai
And that, you know, of course I wasn't creating opportunities for myself to make money because I have the belief that money is evil or that money brings conflicts and things like that. That just happens to be my experience growing up. I had to overcome all of that to realize that, oh my goodness, money is meant to support me.
DeDee Cai
money is not meant to destroy relationships, money is not meant to, it's not, you know, ah for the view, like it's really for whoever is willing to really see um the own values, the own self worth. And so that's, that's really my my five steps or my my five systems and really seeing that you can truly build something that works for you.
DeDee Cai
And where you are in in your life which season you are in your life and like what you want to create and to really fulfill your own definition of success like you said. Success similarly to you sounds like mine right like being able to go to the games being able to take the kids to different activities and things like that.
DeDee Cai
That's successful. Like, I mean, for some, it could be, you know, making a million dollars a year. That is great as well. Because when you have making a million dollars a year, you can delegate, you can get a driver, you know, to drive your kids and you just show up to the most important, you know, events, you know, that could be a

Daily Routine and Self-Care Practices

DeDee Cai
thing. And so that's my, that's my five things. It's like, literally, it's my my five steps. It's my five values. It's like, my life and business revolves around these five elements.
Sharla Mandere
I love it. I love it so much that creating that system around these, these five, these, the values that are important to you, right? And, you know, in the coaching world, we learned those five values are pretty synonymous, kind of across the board of like, you can do a wheel of life, you can do, you know, different ways to, to decide, and they, you know, different ones take more importance, kind of they fluctuate around, like, if you're watching the video, my hands are moving around, like, I don't know, like a
DeDee Cai
Sharla Mandere
weird dance, but like, you know, dialing in what is important to you right now. And and I want to say the self care doesn't necessarily look if you want to take a bubble bath and read a book, be my guest, but it doesn't have to be that that like, I combine my self care with exercise all the time, you know, all the time, and I'm in the walking more now. um So I walk with friends and they have their dogs and I don't have a dog, but my friends dogs love me.
Sharla Mandere
if i just show up to my friend's houses now so they walk with and we're not like going on a walk like we're gonna go out to dinner or whatever and i'm picking them up and their dog sees me the dog now is like hi we're going on a walk and i'm like nope sorry not here for you today we're just but it's like we walk so much that now their dogs are like charlotte's here we're going on a walk you know but but that combines the self-care with the exercise that you can kind of double dip, right? Then you're talking to a friend, you're getting in your time, you're moving your body, you're getting the blood flowing, like, right? You're multitasking, if you will, but but taking care of yourself, you know, in that moment, too, that the self-care could be going and getting a pedicure or a massage, or it could be saying, hey, mom needs 10 minutes,
Sharla Mandere
to just be or it could be locking yourself in the bathroom for 10 minutes. That works too.
DeDee Cai
Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. And my new thing now is taking naps, like power naps.
Sharla Mandere
DeDee Cai
Oh, the best thing ever.

Commitment and Discipline Strategies

DeDee Cai
Trust me, I'm high functioning. Okay, so and I'm type A, and everything needs to be perfect.
Sharla Mandere
DeDee Cai
That was never in my world before. But now I just know that I can be functioning or performing at the highest level when I'm well rested. And especially with the work that we do as coaches and especially as moms, we need every part of the brain to be firing at the highest cylinders, right? So power naps. I used to feel so guilty. I used to beat myself up. All of the things, now I'm like, you know what? I need a 30 minute nap. I'm gonna be okay with that.
Sharla Mandere
Yeah. Yeah, that sounds glorious. Napping sounds glorious.
DeDee Cai
Sharla Mandere
DeDee Cai
It's so simple, is but it's the glorious. I agree with you, right? Trust like me, it took me years.
Sharla Mandere
Sharla Mandere
So how would how would you suggest someone kind of find, like, maybe they're like ideas of what this looks like for them, right? If they're, you know, like, okay, I want to be, you know, better with my spirituality, and I want to be better with my exercise, like, how, how how could they maybe dial that in and figure it out for them of what what's because different for everyone, right?
DeDee Cai
DeDee Cai
Yeah. Absolutely. And yeah, so first and foremost, I would say definitely if any of our ideas resonate with you, please, you know, run, run with it. Cause honestly, while humans, we at the end of the day, we all want the same thing. We thrive on the same things. So I'm not here to be any different. I'm just, I'm just here to really share like really truths that like you already know. And so it's really prioritizing based on your values. What do you care about?
DeDee Cai
i Like, it it never fails. I have to connect with my family. You know, like if family is a non-negotiable, that's why it's on there. So it's literally creating a schedule. I love that you're already diving into it with me right now. It's like having a rhythm, a schedule that suit that matches up with your values.
DeDee Cai
Literally, so I have little ones, so I get up earlier before they get up to do my morning routine. And my morning bout routine takes care of all the pieces I talk i talked to you about. So I do my faith, which is devotionals. I do my meditation, which is that helps me anchor in grounded emotionally.
DeDee Cai
See, that's just two things already. I exercise, which is that's my physical. That's my fitness. That's already the thing. And then I connect with the kids, getting them ready for school with breakfast routine. And then after that, I'll work, which is fulfillment. And then last but not least, everything I am doing is towards me building a business, which is taking care of myself and family financially. So.
DeDee Cai
It's is that simple, is figuring that out. And then never fails. Look at your schedule. like there Yes, mind shifts really depends because I want to be as efficient as possible. So for example, you may sound like, oh my gosh, she is crazy. So I have podcasts today and I have podcasts tomorrow morning or like all throughout. So I only want to dry my hair once.
DeDee Cai
I work out every day, so I kind of have to be strategic when I work out, because I have to dry my English shower, right? So literally, OK, OK, I'm going to work out today in the morning. So that way, my hair is nice for the rest of that day today, the rest of the interview tomorrow morning, and then I can work out tomorrow afternoon. So I'm saying that to shift what serves you depends on your schedule. So there's a structure within this flexibility within the structure. But my non-negotiables,
DeDee Cai
are non-negotiables like i these are the things I do every single day and you just have to work it in you just have to really start deciding what what you want your day to look like we call it the millionaire you know schedule a millionaire calendar or agenda for that reason is because as you can study the most successful entrepreneurs they just don't get up and the women and be like I'm just gonna get up when I feel like it No, you know, it becomes the five success principles.
DeDee Cai
Here's a five again, responsibility, commitment, discipline, service, action. Those are the five.
Sharla Mandere
DeDee Cai
And we can talk all day and every day about your schedule and what you're doing in your life or your business around those things, who gets to be responsible for what your schedule looks like you do. And the foundation of success comes from responsibility because you are 100% responsible for everything that you have in your life right now and things that you don't already have, right? And so within responsibility, then you can talk about, you know, commitment. Like, what can you commit to? Can I commit to five minutes of walking the dog or, you know, playing with my pet?
DeDee Cai
for twice a week and then ah maybe perhaps that's my self care and own that like yeah i'm gonna go pay play with my pet today that's what i'm going to do so that's how the commitment you can stand behind your commitment and then the discipline happens automatically.
DeDee Cai
When you take full responsibility and you staying committed and commitment also looks like recommitment to guess what because there will be something that happens and then you skip a day but you get back into it you give yourself permission to recommit. Commitment looks like commitment initially and then recommitment throughout the journey throughout your plan.
DeDee Cai
um umm I'm also a marathon runner too. Trust me, when you get sick and things like that, you know, I still stick with my schedule no matter what, but at least, you know, I'm okay with me taking longer to run the 10 miles and be okay with that. it's not It's not about the quality. It's a quantity. It's like, how consistent can I be because I'm committed? And then the discipline happens automatically. And then from that, and if you're staying in action, then you can truly serve.

Final Thoughts and Contact Information

DeDee Cai
Right? The last two is action and in service, staying in action always. It's it's action before thoughts, action before thoughts. Like if you are like thinking more about it, just do the damn thing, right? And then last but not least in that place, then you can serve yourself first, then you cannot serve other people. It's so simple.
Sharla Mandere
The law of inertia, right? You just, you you just start going and and that forward movement and you take that action and it keeps, you keep going forward. Yeah.
Sharla Mandere
Once you stop, right? Just like your workout, the hardest part is getting started a lot of the time. That's what I hear. The hardest part is getting out the door or pressing play on the workout or just picking up the weights or, you know, putting on the clothes to get out the door.
DeDee Cai
Sharla Mandere
You know, it's the hardest part. 80% of the battle is showing up, right?
DeDee Cai
Sharla Mandere
So this has been great. This has been so golden, so many golden nuggets. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for sharing all of this wisdom with us. How can, real quick, how can people find you, find more if they want to, ah you know, learn more.
DeDee Cai
Well, we definitely have our website at I'll spell it out. I'm also on social. And also I trust that if you really want to find me, you can find me. You always have to always type my name, Didi Kai.
DeDee Cai
In Google, you should be able to find me. But I am on Instagram, LinkedIn, ah Facebook. And yeah yeah, you'll find me if you want to find me.
DeDee Cai
That's all I have to say guys.
Sharla Mandere
tener bider I love it.
DeDee Cai
Sharla Mandere
Thank you so much, DeeDee. This has been awesome and great getting to know you and I appreciate you spending your time and sharing your wisdom and your story. And um thank you so much for being here.
DeDee Cai
Yes, absolutely. Thank you so much, again, for having the podcast, for having me here. and Hopefully, you enjoy the conversation as much as I did and that your audience is you know taking on whatever we have shared so far.
DeDee Cai
But ultimately, you have heard from my story. There's no getting it wrong. It's all about getting started. So start with anything that we talked about today.
Sharla Mandere
DeDee Cai
And i if i if you are like, when in doubt, you're like, what? There's so many things. Just move your body. Just start with the physical first. Start with that first, and then everything will unfold for you.
Sharla Mandere
Beautiful, beautifully said. I love it. Thank you so much. And we will see you in the next episode.
DeDee Cai
Yes, thank you.