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How to Build an Unstoppable Mindset: Jenna Guerrero’s Journey Beyond the Cape image

How to Build an Unstoppable Mindset: Jenna Guerrero’s Journey Beyond the Cape

S2 E4 · Finding My Best Self
40 Plays1 month ago

In this empowering episode of Finding My Best Self, Pam Rivet sits down with Jenna Guerrero, the latest Beyond the Cape Icon for MBS. Together, they unveil Jenna’s inspiring collection, "I Am Unstoppable," and explore the profound meaning behind each piece. Jenna shares her transformative experience with the 12-hour walk inspired by Colin O’Brady’s book, the life-changing lessons she learned, and how her unwavering morning gratitude practice fuels her unstoppable mindset.

This heartfelt conversation dives into faith, resilience, and embracing life’s challenges to become the best version of yourself. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, motivation, or practical takeaways, this episode will leave you ready to tackle 2025 with intention and confidence.

🎧 Listen now and embrace your unstoppable journey!

For more information on the 12- Hour Walk by Colin O' Brady, click the link below.

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Introduction and Guest Reappearance

Pamela Rivet
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Finding My Best Self podcast. I am your host today, Pam Rivett, and with me I have Jenna Guerrero. This is Jenna's second time on the podcast, so I'm excited to chat with

Importance of Reviews

Pamela Rivet
her today. But before we get started, I wanted to let you know that if you have tuned in before, if this is your first time,
Pamela Rivet
and you like our podcasts, so please leave us a review. This is the way that we're going to grow and expand in our podcasts and our reach. So if you can leave us a review, we would greatly appreciate it.

Guest's Multifaceted Roles

Pamela Rivet
Jenna is not only a good friend of mine, but she is many, many, many other things. She plays a lot of roles and she's a very, very successful woman in her career and in our community

Beyond the Cape Icon Announcement

Pamela Rivet
as well. She does a lot within the community and I'll let her share a little bit about herself shortly, but we have some big news and I want to start off with that.
Pamela Rivet
we have as part of MBS is our Beyond the Cape icons. And these are women that we choose to be part of our brand with us. And these are women that embody everything, my best self, embody everything, the woman beyond the Cape. These are women who have overcome triumph and have been successful in life. And They also take all of those trials and triumphs and use it to help other women. And Jenna does that in more ways than I can count.

Being Chosen as an Icon

Pamela Rivet
So ah ah we have a brand new collection that is about to come out and Mandy and I asked Jenna to be our next Beyond the Cape icon, which is so big for me. And it was such an exciting moment to be able to ask her to be an icon. So,
Pamela Rivet
Jenna I guess well tell me how I guess how that went and how that conversation was for you whenever we made that call to you.
Jenna Guerrero
When y'all made that call to me, first of all, you could have prepared me a little bit because I for sure was just like beach bumming it. My hair was crazy. My face was wind burnt from being out in the sun all day. But I knew something was up because you sent me a Zoom invite and Mandy was on the call and I was like, okay, what's going on? I thought y'all had something big to tell me, like some big news for MBS. I was like, oh, something good happened or something great happened. I mean, and so many great things have happened for y'all.
Jenna Guerrero
But I wasn't necessarily expecting that, and it was just so fulfilling for me, especially in that moment because of, I'm sure I'm going to talk about this soon, but the 12-hour walk that I had just completed the day before that.
Pamela Rivet
Yeah. Oh, and that was part of the reason I was so, cause when you told me you were doing the walk and we are going to talk about that, uh, that was what my thing was. I was like, when are you doing the walk? And that's what I told Mandy. I was like, okay, we have to call her the next day. Cause I just, I was just like, I want to start her year off in the best way possible and hours too, because again, it was something that, you know, that I've wanted to do and wanted to have you as part of this for a really long time. So it was super exciting to.
Pamela Rivet
for us in general, the timing was perfect, right? The timing was perfect.
Jenna Guerrero
I agree,
Pamela Rivet
So tell me this, what does being chosen as a Beyond the Cape icon mean to you? And how do you feel that role personally reflects reflects journey?
Jenna Guerrero
yeah. Being a Beyond the Cape icon for me is just, like I said, so fulfilling.
Jenna Guerrero
And it so I'm so proud of you. You're my best friend and watching you grow and watching you build this company and watch you spend so much time carefully designing each and every piece so that way every woman not just.
Jenna Guerrero
fit women, right? Every woman can feel good in this brand that you're building. I love the leggings. I always wear them and like feel snatched. But for you to ask me to be an icon was just really, it was just such a special moment for me. It was so fulfilling because I'm going to be honest, I wanted to be an icon from the beginning. And I was like, is she not going to ask me to be an icon?
Pamela Rivet
That would never happen.
Jenna Guerrero
And then you did? And I was like, oh, it's about time.
Pamela Rivet
The relief set in.
Jenna Guerrero
But the happy tears, I mean, it was just... Y'all really did ask me at the perfect moment because that day we had talked about this was just probably the best energy I've had in so long because of the mindset that I was in. And for you to do that and you did it during the sunset, which is like my favorite time of day. So I get to sit on the balcony, watch the sunset with y'all and have that amazing conversation. And then y'all asked me to be the icon and I literally got off the phone and was like, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
Pamela Rivet
And that was God's timing too, because we were supposed to talk that morning and ended up talking later that afternoon.
Jenna Guerrero
Right, because I went and did the cold plunge.
Pamela Rivet
So yeah. So you can say it here.

Inspirational Collection Names

Pamela Rivet
And now let's talk about the names that you chose for each piece first, and then talk about the overall name and why you picked those names where the inspiration behind you choosing those names came from.
Jenna Guerrero
So when you told me that I got to choose the names for the pieces, I blurted out immediately what I knew I was going to name one. And then you're like, maybe you should name the collection that. And that was a perfect suggestion. However, I went and like really did a deep dive and was like, okay, well, what are words that go along with this? And so I am the I am anointed bra.
Jenna Guerrero
because you know, and you've been on this walk with me, that I have been walking with Jesus for a long time. And it's actually taken me a long time to realize that I am anointed. I am. And now that I have that identity and I wear that armor, I feel like there's nothing that can stop me. So what better name than I am anointed, right?
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
And then the leggings, I chose I am a force because I've been told that I'm a force to be reckoned with many a times because I've had some really crappy things happen to me. And I always come out on the other side 10 times stronger because I'm not going to give up. And I was like, I'm a force. Yes, yes, that is it.
Jenna Guerrero
And the name of the actual collection is I Am Unstoppable, but that is a word that has been with me for a long time. It was actually my word of the year, not this past year, but the year before that. But that is because again, I have been through so much and I shouldn't be standing any longer, but I am.
Jenna Guerrero
And so I resonate with the word, I am unstoppable. I know that I am anointed and I am a freaking force to be reckoned with. So I love all of those names and I want every woman who wears those pieces to feel all of that whenever they wear them.
Pamela Rivet
Yes, you are.
Pamela Rivet
Yeah, and that's what it's all about. And that's, it's to be able to put those pieces on and actually feel it.
Jenna Guerrero
Pamela Rivet
And so part of that also, I will say here and now, if this is a spoiler, if anyone, because at this point of people hearing this podcast, it will have already been on social media. But if you have not seen on social media, the other thing that was the big surprise for this new collection from here on out going forward, not only are our pieces named after affirmations, but those affirmations are actually going to be on those pieces on the inside.
Pamela Rivet
So when you are putting on that bra in the morning, it's going to be right in the front on the inside of that bra. So when you're slipping it over your head, you're going to actually see it. So it's not just remembering or trying to remember or know what each name of each piece is.
Pamela Rivet
So that's
Jenna Guerrero
I love that y'all are doing that.
Pamela Rivet
So exciting, something that we've been wanting to do for a while. So it will officially now all of the names will be on the pieces. So you've brought it up already. So, and you've, we've already talked about it a little bit. And I know you posted on social media about it, but I would love to take a deeper dive with you.

Motivation for a 12-hour Walk

Pamela Rivet
So you shared with me at the end of last year, a book that you read called the 12 hour walk. And you said, I'm doing this. And of course me, I'm like, okay, tell me like, Jenna, where are you going to do this? I hope you're not doing this at home. Cause you're going to get hit by a car.
Pamela Rivet
So, but explain to the listeners if they don't know what that is or if they haven't read the book, because I knew what it was. I had heard about it and read a little bit about it. I've never read the book, but I knew exactly what it was when you sent it.
Pamela Rivet
And I was like, I love that you were doing that, especially to do it at the very end of the year, going in or beginning, was it the 31st or the 1st?
Jenna Guerrero
It was the 31st.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
I wanted to end the year with a walk and then wake up the next day with the possible mindset.
Pamela Rivet
It was that day.
Pamela Rivet
Yeah. Yes. So the timing that you chose to do it. And of course, and I know you'll explain that you did it in your happy place made, I just might made my heart so happy for you to be able to do that. So tell us a little bit about the book and what exactly it's about and what made it motivated you to take on the challenge. And then obviously what you learned about yourself in the process.
Jenna Guerrero
Okay, so the book is written by Colin O'Brady and it is the 12-hour walk. It's a super easy read. I read it in two days. Someone else had mentioned it to me and I was like, wait, I love self-help stuff. I want to do this. And I'm one of those people like when I make a decision about doing something, I'm going to do it. So I immediately read the book. Like I said, it took about two days to read it. And then after I finished reading it, I was like, okay, now I have to play my walk. But in the book,
Jenna Guerrero
He talks about all of the limiting beliefs that we tell ourselves, every single one of them. I don't have enough time. I don't have enough money. I don't have enough resources. He goes through each chapter is dedicated to a limiting belief.
Jenna Guerrero
And he has all of these stories of these things that have happened to him in his life. Like he burned his legs off.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
Crazy things that again would have normal person I guess you could say or someone who doesn't have a go-getter mindset or a I can achieve anything mindset would have just given up and settled for those circumstances but he did not he even trained to be an Olympic athlete for years and never actually made it to the Olympics but that again did not stop him and the stories that he tells you can you can visualize what he's saying. you You're laughing when he's laughing. You're almost on the brink of tears at some point. And the funny part about it is, which is probably why I love this book also, is his wife's name was Jenna.
Jenna Guerrero
And she was his helping hand throughout everything. And I remember texting my friend who recommended the book to me and I was like, thank God he had a Jenna.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
but yeah, so it's

Rules and Spiritual Realizations of the Walk

Jenna Guerrero
just a really great read. Even if you don't currently have a possible mindset and you do have a whole lot of limiting beliefs, it would be a great read for someone like that too.
Jenna Guerrero
to inspire you to not be a victim of your circumstances. And that's something that I've always believed in, not being a victim of your circumstances. You always have the choice. You always have the right to change the trajectory of your life.
Jenna Guerrero
It is up to you, right?
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
So I finished reading the book and then immediately I was like, I knew we were going to the condo, which is my happy place in Orange Beach for the new year. And so I started checking the weather and I was like, I'm going to do my 12 hour walk on the 31st. Like what better way to end the year and bring in the new year. And a lot of people were like, you're crazy. I'm like, yeah, I know, right? I'm crazy. It's fine.
Jenna Guerrero
So I plan the walk. I planned part of the walk in the nature trail because they have this gigantic nature trail that is super close to our condo and then I planned the rest of the walk on the beach because I purposely wanted to walk away from the sun during the day and into the sunset whenever I was ending the walk.
Pamela Rivet
And hold on just for clarification for our listeners Jenna this 12-hour walk you had to do completely alone Talk about the the rules of it.
Jenna Guerrero
Yes. Okay. That's the part I forgot.
Pamela Rivet
Yeah, talk about the rules of the walk
Jenna Guerrero
That's the part. Okay. Yeah. I forgot about that. So in this walk, you cannot have your phone on one. So I had to put my phone on airplane mode. You cannot have earbuds.
Jenna Guerrero
You can't listen to a podcast or music or anything. It is you alone with your thoughts for 12 whole hours.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
And for some people that is terrifying. But for me, I was like super excited about it. I was like, Oh yeah, I can't wait.
Pamela Rivet
Yeah. Yes. I would be too. I'm so excited.
Jenna Guerrero
I want to talk about the spiritual attack though. So the night

Miracle and Belief in Divine Intervention

Jenna Guerrero
before my walk, I did not sleep. And it wasn't because of excitement. It was because there was a spiritual attack on me.
Jenna Guerrero
The devil was trying to tell me that during this walk, I was going to get lost or someone who who was going to abduct me or like just crazy off the wall things were going to happen to me to stop me from doing this.
Pamela Rivet
Mmhmm. Mmhmm.
Jenna Guerrero
And I recognized that it was an attack from the enemy. So I just rebuked that attack and I prayed and I was like, I rebuke fear and um negativity and all of the negative things that are coming into my mind. I rebuke those in the name of Jesus Christ.
Jenna Guerrero
And then the next morning I woke up and I think it's important to say this also, if you're going to do the walk in the wintertime, just know that you're going to start when it's dark and you're going to end when it's dark because there's a lot less daylight.
Jenna Guerrero
So I started my walk at six o'clock in the morning.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
And this is one of probably the most valuable lessons I learned during that walk. I am just naturally fast at doing everything. I'm ADHD, I score, you know, I am, I'm just, I get things done and I get them done quickly. Everything is always a race for me. I am so competitive. And whenever I started the walk, I'm walking and I'm walking so fast. And I heard the Lord tell me, just slow down. And I stopped and I was like, what? He's like, slow down.
Jenna Guerrero
Life is not a race. Today, you have 12 hours. It doesn't matter how much ground you cover. This is not a competition. You are not in competition with anyone.
Jenna Guerrero
Not today, not tomorrow, not any day. It is you versus you. And I was like, man, that's how today is gonna start.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
But it was such a valuable lesson for me because it is the truth. most of the time I if I'm not first I beat myself up over it. I have a perfect example of how I know that is cured for me though because our numbers just came out for the month of December and I didn't make the top three and normally I would really just beat myself up over something like that and be like man you should have worked harder you should have done this you should have you know sold more houses you should have made more phone calls but instead I looked at that graphic and
Jenna Guerrero
I paused for a minute and then I reached out to every single person that did make top three and I congratulated them because they deserve that because they worked hard. And so I love that for me because I typically would have gotten jealous that I wasn't in that top three.
Jenna Guerrero
So that was such a valuable lesson. I think everyone can learn that lesson in life that it's not a competition. You're not competing against your neighbor or your husband or your sister or your brother or anyone. It is you versus you. You should be striving to be one person better every single day.
Pamela Rivet
Yeah. So anything else on the walk that was just eye opening or realizations that you had.

Clarity and Insights from the Walk

Jenna Guerrero
How many things can I share?
Pamela Rivet
I mean, share as much as you want.
Jenna Guerrero
Okay, so I want to talk about the miracle that happened for sure because our God is a God of miracles and he is still performing miracles today.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
He performs a miracle for me on that beach. I was in hour six. And I checked the weather before the walk. You heard me say that already. The weather was supposed to be perfect all day long. It was supposed to be blue skies. It was supposed to be sunny, 60 to 70 degrees. And hour six, the rain clouds rolled in.
Jenna Guerrero
It got so dark. The wind started blowing. I was cold. I was covered in goosebumps. And I was like, Oh my gosh, what am I going to do? Am I going to stop walking? Am I going to walk in the rain because that's who I am as a person. I'm like, I'm going to stop walking. I'm going to walk in the rain if it rains. Am I going to text my husband and tell him me meet me with a sweater on the beach because I'm really, really cold. And then.
Jenna Guerrero
I remembered that I prayed for God to change the weather for me once and he did. So I spoke out of my mouth, Father, I do not wanna end this walk right now. I wanna complete this 12 hours. So if you could please push the clouds away from me and make the sky blue and have the sun come out and warm me up because I'm so cold right now, if you could do that for me,
Jenna Guerrero
And I still get chills every time I talk about it.
Pamela Rivet
Mm hmm.
Jenna Guerrero
Minutes later, minutes, not even it's minutes later, the clouds pushed away just as I said, just pushed away and the bluest skies came out and the sun was out and it warmed me up and I just stopped and looked up and I was like, thank you, Father.
Jenna Guerrero
You are the God of miracles. You are still doing miracles today and I'm so thankful and I'm so gracious.
Pamela Rivet
Mm hmm.
Jenna Guerrero
And so I really wanna encourage people to know that God does hear your prayers and if you can confess them with your mouth and you believe in your heart that He can do them for you, He will.
Pamela Rivet
Mm hmm.
Jenna Guerrero
He will do them for you. I mean, He changed the weather for me. Imagine what He could do for you, anyone else who's listening to this right now. A couple of other things that I want to talk about during this walk.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
The amount of clarity that I was able to gain. I confess my sins out loud. to him and even some things, I'm sure there's other people who can relate to this and this is something that I may have been ashamed of saying before and I've said this to you before because you're my best friend but sometimes I don't feel like I'm a good person because of the thoughts that go through my head.
Jenna Guerrero
because sometimes they're very unkind and they're not things that I want to think. And I'm like, wait, where is this coming from? So I confess that out of my mouth. And I was like, father, some of the thoughts that come into my head, I know they're not good thoughts. They're not godly thoughts. They are not loving the way that you love us. And so for that, I feel like I'm unworthy.
Jenna Guerrero
And how do you heal that? How do you cure that? And you know, I've ah ah been asking God for a very, very, very long time to speak to me. i I want you to speak to me. I want you to tell me what to do or tell me where to go. What should I be doing with my life? Because I don't know. And that day, he did speak to me on a lot of things that I have just been dealing with and battling with that I've just wrestled with i that I didn't know I needed clarity on one.
Pamela Rivet
Mm hmm.
Jenna Guerrero
And that's because I finally got quiet enough for him to speak to me.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
Because I'm always a million miles a minute all the time. But in that 12 hours, there was no one else to talk to.
Pamela Rivet
Mm hmm.
Jenna Guerrero
And that might sound bad because I talk to God all the time. But I think more than anything, it was me being quiet. me waiting for the answers. And, you know, he told me things that I needed to let go of in my life. And since that day, I've let go of them. And when I tell you I am operating in peak performance, I have never felt this good. I don't remember the last time I felt this good. And that's mainly because when you wake up the next day from the walk, they say you have what's called a possible mindset.
Jenna Guerrero
And that is 1000% true. You feel like there is nothing you can't accomplish, not one thing that can stand in your way. And it might sound silly because it's a 12 hour walk. Because when I said I was going on a 12 hour walk, I was like, that's a piece of cake. That's easy. I could do that. That's not gonna, I'm not gonna be in pain. I was wrong about that.
Jenna Guerrero
But that's exactly how it is when you wake

Physical Challenges and Lessons Learned

Jenna Guerrero
up. You wake up with this possible mindset and this crazy energy. I mean, I woke up the next morning and went to a polar plunge.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
Again, I'm a crazy person.
Pamela Rivet
Okay, you have to share the lesson that you learned at the end of your walk. what you did that you were like that probably wasn't the best idea.
Jenna Guerrero
Oh, okay.
Pamela Rivet
You have to share the funny moment or not funny moment, you know.
Jenna Guerrero
Jenna Guerrero
So when I planned my walk, I planned it to end at the condo. Well, I ended at the condo an hour early. And man, the mental toughness it takes to keep walking past that end point. Because in my mind, I was like, well, I made it back. He said I didn't have to walk for the full 12 hours. So I could just go sit on the patio at the pool and wait for the last hour. I was like, no, I need to continue walking. Oh wait, I know what part you're talking about.
Jenna Guerrero
I know a part, you're talking about my feet, huh?
Pamela Rivet
Mm-hmm. You can finish. I am.
Jenna Guerrero
Pamela Rivet
But you can finish.
Jenna Guerrero
So I did, I ended up making myself walk past the condo. And And ah so I saw walked 30 minutes past the condo and then 30 minutes back, but I had to ask God, I was like, God, I am done.
Jenna Guerrero
I don't have any strength left. My feet hurt so bad. My legs hurt so bad. I need you to carry me the rest of the way." And he did. And I opened the app and it was counting down the last minute, the there's the sheer relief that I felt.
Pamela Rivet
Mm hmm.
Jenna Guerrero
And I thought, when I finished the walk that I was going to have that possible mindset. I was like, okay, it's coming right at the end of the walk. I'm going to have this rush of energy. I'm going to feel so great.
Jenna Guerrero
It doesn't come at the end of the walk. It comes the next day when you wake up.
Pamela Rivet
Mm hmm. And I told you, I was able to totally relate that when you told me that about how it's not the, the, you know, the beginning that's hard.
Pamela Rivet
It's the end whenever I did 75 hard.
Jenna Guerrero
Pamela Rivet
And I had that same mindset, like I got this, you know, I already worked out every day.
Jenna Guerrero
Pamela Rivet
I already eat all the right, like all I gotta do is make sure I'm drinking enough water and make sure I read every single day. Like I got this and it was so easy.
Jenna Guerrero
Pamela Rivet
And I told everyone that I was like, it was not until the last three weeks. that it was, I was like, it took everything in me. I prayed so much.
Pamela Rivet
There were so many days where I was like, I mean, I did 60 something days already. I didn't, you know, and it was, but I was like, no, I have to finish. I have to feel like this is what I committed to.
Pamela Rivet
And so I was like, it's the end that was hard. It took everything in me to not just stop, you know, and to push through.
Jenna Guerrero
Pamela Rivet
And that the, the, last part is the hardest. It's when that mindset shift really has to kick in.
Jenna Guerrero
Mm-hmm. Yep, that's one.
Pamela Rivet
I'm to know.
Jenna Guerrero
It's definitely you versus you. Yeah.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
Pamela Rivet
All right. Tell this story about your feet.
Pamela Rivet
Because of course you told me and you were like, I mean, I thought that's what I should do. And I'm like, that was so dumb.
Jenna Guerrero
Okay, so I'll just say that the first eight hours of this walk are a breeze. It's when you get to the last four that you start contemplating ideas of how to make your legs feel better, how to make your hips feel better, how to make your feet feel better.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
And because I stupidly chose to walk the shoreline, which was at an angle, my angles were also really hurting too. And on the way back, I told myself when I get to two hours left, I'm gonna take my shoes off and walk in the water because that's gonna make my feet and ankles feel better. I won't be walking at an angle anymore, right?
Jenna Guerrero
Well, I actually didn't wait till two hours left. I waited till two and a half hours left and I took off my shoes. I had gotten to the bridge, took my shoes off under the bridge, tied them together and just held them in my hand. I didn't think about walking in the sand for two and a half hours. And by the time I got finished, my feet were so raw, they felt that they were bruised and didn't have an ounce of dead skin left on my feet.
Jenna Guerrero
So don't do that. That was a bad idea.
Pamela Rivet
Right. So if you decide to do a 12 hour walk, specifically on the beach, or I mean, even if you're on a road or concrete, don't take your shoes off.
Jenna Guerrero
Maybe just one hour. I don't know.
Pamela Rivet
Not to mention, I'm sure your feet were also frozen and raw on top of that, because I know it was cool outside at that point. Yeah, not out.
Jenna Guerrero
Yeah, I was shivering by the time I got back to the condo. I was like, that was so dumb. Why did you do that?
Pamela Rivet
That's what I told her whenever she called me and she was telling me all about it. And then she told me that part. I'm like, why did you think that was a good idea?
Jenna Guerrero
Well, my feet were on fire, so I figured the cold water would cure that, but that was not a good idea.
Pamela Rivet
Why would you think that's a good idea?
Pamela Rivet
pedicure for a while. You just have to get your toes painted. That's all.
Jenna Guerrero
I'm good on the pedicure, I don't need that.
Pamela Rivet
I'm so glad that you did that walk. because I know how much that meant to you and how I just I know how much of a deep thinker you are and how passionate you are about bettering yourself and just thinking through things and setting goals and and always striving to be the best like you are the ultimate goal getter. You know, so I know whenever you told me you were doing that, I was like, wow, like that's, that's great for you. Like you doing that 12 hour walk with like me doing like the 75 forward with me because I love to work out.

Gratitude and Positive Mindset

Pamela Rivet
So it's like it's being able to do something that that you that you love and that you know is going to be good for you mentally and challenging yourself and doing a 12 hour walk with absolutely no
Pamela Rivet
outside communication whatsoever and sticking to it. At the end of the day, it's like you said, it's you versus you. And so I know that that term meant so much to you.
Jenna Guerrero
Oh, yeah, I had to get something to remember it.
Jenna Guerrero
So while we were in Alabama before we left, which is gonna be hard for me now, wait, let me see.
Pamela Rivet
If you're watching on, on YouTube, you can see the tattoo that she got.
Jenna Guerrero
I can't.
Pamela Rivet
It says you versus you.
Jenna Guerrero
It says me versus me.
Pamela Rivet
Oh, and the date December 31st, 2024.
Jenna Guerrero
And I'm trying. I'm struggling.
Pamela Rivet
So I didn't think about that either.
Jenna Guerrero
I didn't realize the number sequence either. Chelsea pointed that out to me. She's like, it's one, two, three, one, two, four. I was like.
Pamela Rivet
Okay. So you got the 12 hour walk out of the way. I will talk about this just real quick because and want you to talk about this because when Mandy and I did the podcast last week and I also have also done my solo episode that is going to be airing, if you're listening now, it was last Wednesday. I have a solo episode, I talked about setting goals and things like that.
Pamela Rivet
And one of the things in setting goals is with gratitude is having gratitude and practicing living in abundance. And this is something that I know that personally that you do really, really well that you have a very consistent morning gratitude practice. So just kind of talk about that just a little bit exactly what that looks like for you of what you do every morning and how and what you do to stay so consistent with it because it is something that's like a non-negotiable for you, but that is what you do every single morning.
Jenna Guerrero
I'll talk about the gratitude practice first, but there's another lesson that was learned during the walk about gratitude.

Morning Routine and Gratitude Practice

Jenna Guerrero
So my morning gratitude practice, every single morning when I wake up, the first thing I do after I talk to Jesus is I have a gratitude practice. And I write down three things that I'm grateful for that has happened within the last 24 hours. And I also have all of my life coaching clients do this too.
Jenna Guerrero
It's crazy because when they start doing it, I think it's just like something that everyone should do and it's a no brainer. But when you start coaching people who don't have a positive mindset and they start doing this, I get messages from them about how this small practice has changed their life. So I'm going to encourage anyone who's listening. If you don't currently have a gratitude practice, this is a super easy one that you can implement into your morning routine. If you drink coffee in the morning,
Jenna Guerrero
get a small little notebook, little notepad, and write down three things that you're thankful for. And sometimes you can just be thankful for the cup of coffee that you're drinking. That's what I tell them. I'm like, start small. It doesn't have to be big. Actually, the smaller the thing, the better, because then you're finding gratitude in the little things in life. And that is what is so very important. So I'm gonna go back to the 12-hour walk with the gratitude practice. While I was walking,
Jenna Guerrero
My mindset completely shifted because I am a full-time real estate agent. And this past year, that's one of the things that I've been battling with because I'm also a certified life coach. And life coaching fills my cup so much that that's what I would love to be able to do as my full-time job one day. However, real estate is my bread and butter. That is what feeds my family. I'm a mom of five and we only have one income.
Jenna Guerrero
So last year, wanting to be a ah life coach so badly, but still having to do real estate, that's what I was telling myself. I have to do real estate. I don't have a choice. And so it made me really kind of resentful towards that career, I guess you could say. But during the walk, I really did find a whole new appreciation and a whole new gratitude for my real estate career because I have this real estate career and I'm so good at it. I'm so blessed. I have a condo on the beach. My kids have a good life. I was able to go on a 12 hour walk. Not everyone can find 12 hours just to go on a walk by themselves because they want to.
Jenna Guerrero
because I decided to be so grateful for that real estate career and everything that it has done for me. And it has ignited a new fire in me. And I think God was really waiting for me to realize that because last year I did not hit my real estate goal. Last year I did not have my full focus on real estate. And during that walk, I really realized that that's where I need to focus my attention. And I shared my goal with you for this year. double what I wanted to produce last year. But I have the new fire. I have the new appreciation. I'm so grateful for every single person that I get to help because selling them a house is changing their life. And along the way, I'm life coaching these people. I have a client right now who has
Jenna Guerrero
So many arms in the fire and everything is an emergency for her, but I'm constantly pouring into her and I'm reminding her, hey, everything is going to work out exactly as it's supposed to. You don't have to stress about this. You're worrying about something that's going to happen tomorrow and it hasn't even happened yet. My pastor, Pastor Larry, who I could listen to all day long, said this one thing years ago and it will stick with me for the rest of my life.
Jenna Guerrero
Worry is a down payment for something that has not happened yet. And I constantly remind myself of that too. Whenever a little bit of worry tries to stir up in there, I'm like, Oh, can we fix this problem right now? No, we're not going to worry about it right now then, because that hasn't even happened yet. We're making crap up. We're not doing that.
Jenna Guerrero
Jenna Guerrero
But I think
Jenna Guerrero
Yeah, that's my gratitude practice.
Jenna Guerrero
Jenna Guerrero
Yeah, it's writing the three things down and then I read my Bible every morning and then I also try to read some kind of self-help book right now.
Jenna Guerrero
I'm reading Rachel's new book.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
As I'm saying, I'm grateful for this cup of coffee today.
Jenna Guerrero
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Pamela Rivet
like that
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
whole mindset.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
Jenna Guerrero
Because when you write it down it's tangible.
Jenna Guerrero
So that's why it's so important.

Intention to Start a Podcast

Jenna Guerrero
So personally, the thing that I'm most excited about when I was, and I'm sorry, just 12 hour walk again, when I was walking down the beach, I was pretending like I was podcasting because that's something that has been a dream of mine for a very long time. And I was just podcasting by myself on the beach and I heard God say, start the podcast. And I,
Jenna Guerrero
took a minute and I was like, was that me? Was that my voice? Was that my thought God? And he said it again very loudly and very clearly, start the podcast. So I don't know how and I don't know when that is going to happen, but I am a firm believer in being a obedience to God and a servant. So I've been praying about it and however it's supposed to happen, I know it's going to, but maybe later this year, I may start my own podcast and then you could be a guest on my podcast.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
And then as far as being an MBS, beyond, yeah, I'm sorry, be beyond the cape. I am so excited for the women to actually see the pieces because they're all amazing, but also be able to wear them. And actually, like I said before, just feel the power that these pieces represent whenever they wear them, like feel that you are anointed because we all are, we are all anointed. You just have to choose to walk with that armor on a daily basis. And you have to also choose to be a force to reckon with.
Jenna Guerrero
on a daily basis. You can be a shy timid little woman or you can be a forced wrecking with and that's what I choose to be. I have one other thing to add that I'm super excited about. So this past weekend I was actually supposed to go see Rachel Hollis but she ended up having to cancel that event because of all the wildfires in California.
Jenna Guerrero
praying so hard for those people. She had to reschedule it for next month. So I am going to get to see her again because I've actually saw her and had conversation with her before next month. And I have made an entire presentation with every podcast episode I've ever done, every episode of American Dream TV I've ever done. I put my self-love workshop on

Meeting Rachel Hollis

Jenna Guerrero
there. I also put my most recent keynote speech on there that was about her book, Girl Wash Your Face, that was the book that changed my life. And then I also gave the keynote speech about going to her conference and calling my shot. I plan to give her that presentation when I meet her and ask if I can be a guest on her podcast. So that way I can tell the world how following her and reading her books and meeting her in person has truly changed my life.
Jenna Guerrero
So pray for that.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
I would never dream of asking her this three years ago.
Jenna Guerrero
Let's be clear on that.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero
Pamela Rivet
and just
Jenna Guerrero
Jenna Guerrero
Yes. Right.
Pamela Rivet
Jenna Guerrero

Conclusion and Daily Gratitude Reminder

Jenna Guerrero
They just happen.
Jenna Guerrero
Jenna Guerrero
