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How to Embrace Your Worthiness: Overcoming Self-Doubt When Success Arrives image

How to Embrace Your Worthiness: Overcoming Self-Doubt When Success Arrives

S2 E9 · Finding My Best Self
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In this raw and personal episode, Pam opens up about her unexpected reaction to being featured in two magazines – an achievement she worked hard for but struggled to celebrate. She shares her journey through self-doubt, unworthiness, and the pressure to downplay success. Whether you've felt undeserving of your victories or hesitant to share your achievements, this episode offers faith-based wisdom for embracing your worthiness and celebrating your journey. Learn practical ways to recognize negative thought patterns, rebuke limiting beliefs, and confidently share your successes without feeling boastful. It's time to stand in your light and own your accomplishments with the confidence God intended.

Salt & Light Design Co

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Introduction and Nostalgia

Pamela Rivet
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Finding My Best Self podcast. I am Pam Revent, your host for today. I'm doing a solo episode and I don't know why I feel like it's been forever since I did this. I know it hasn't, but it feels like it.
Pamela Rivet
So if you're new here, welcome. Thanks for joining me today. And if you're not, welcome back. It's good to sit down and

Unfiltered Sharing

Pamela Rivet
chat. Today's going to be a deep conversation.
Pamela Rivet
a deep conversation. um There's something that I want to share that's super personal. I've been sitting with these thoughts since Thursday. um This podcast episode was not prepared for at all.
Pamela Rivet
I was literally sitting here in my office working on what was going to be just the video that I was going to create and post on social media about this topic. And the more I sat here, the more i felt called to podcast about it because I feel that first of all, the video that I made was like six minutes long. And we know that social media, I think caps us off at like three minutes on reels.
Pamela Rivet
And I started to try and cut things out and I'm like, no, because if I cut things out, then it just defeats the whole purpose of the video that I was creating and what exactly I want to speak on it.
Pamela Rivet
And I want to share about it because i know that I'm not alone in the feelings and that I had and that I've had to process and work through over the last couple days.

Faith and Apparel

Pamela Rivet
But before I get into that, um i do want to ask, as always, is that if you are new here or you're not new here, if you enjoy this episode, um please, please, please take a moment to ah leave us a review. That is how we help to get our podcast out to more people and are able to help more women.
Pamela Rivet
Another thing that I want to share is the shirt that I'm wearing. um It says that he left the 99. If you're watching on YouTube, you can see the shirt. And then the back of it has some, all the 99 little slashes. And if you've ever listened to my keynote speech have maybe even listened to the podcast, I've probably talked about it.
Pamela Rivet
But one of the things that I wholeheartedly believe is that God left the 99 to go back for the one. And that one was me. And that he helped me to completely transform my life. And I have surrendered my life to him.
Pamela Rivet
So when I saw this shirt and I'll share the name of the company, um, from a local company here in South Louisiana, well, she's North Louisiana. Um, I absolutely fell in love with the shirt so much so that I reached out to her and was like, I have to talk to you.
Pamela Rivet
So, because I want to not only promote her company, um But just promote her in general. She is an incredible person. So her name is Jessica, and she owns a business in North Louisiana that is called Salt and Light Design Company. And she creates t-shirts with all of these beautiful scriptures and just faith-based things.
Pamela Rivet
um clothing, hats and t-shirts and things like that. And she does have ah children's clothes as well. So if you're interested, I'm going to put her a link on this video um for you to be able to go check her out because her pieces are absolutely beautiful. And I love the the movement that she is creating.

Health Scare and Wellness Journey

Pamela Rivet
Another thing that I want to share that is personal as well, just because I, again, I want to be super real and authentic with y'all and just kind of give y'all some insight on my personal life.
Pamela Rivet
um i had my first very first um ambulance ride Wednesday night. Today is Saturday that I am recording. so I'm just a few days um off of being in the hospital um for the night.
Pamela Rivet
It was um definitely unexpected, something that I've never experienced. And it was not, um I didn't want to do it. I'm going to say I was somewhat forced by my husband and my child and my ex-husband and my mom and everyone else who was here watching me suffer.
Pamela Rivet
ah So long story short, um I found out that I apparently have what is called And I'm going to say the word wrong and all of the medical professional people who are listening are going to correct me. I think it's called an alias in my small intestines, which is basically, I guess, something like an obstruction or it could lead to an obstruction in my small intestines.
Pamela Rivet
So. If any of you know me again or have listened to the podcast, you know that 1000% believe in holistic wellness and I want to know the reason why this is happening. So I am going to be searching for not just any gastro doctor to go to, but someone specifically who is holistic.
Pamela Rivet
um So that way they can help me to understand what's going on and how I can hopefully correct this on my own without having to have surgery. So Fun times, not fun times, but I've never experienced that before. um And hopefully I never have to experience that again.
Pamela Rivet

Magazine Features and Self-Critique

Pamela Rivet
let's talk about the reason why I hit record today. and So first and foremost, I'm just going to share my news right off the bat because super excited that I was featured in the month of March in not one, but two magazines, which is so super exciting.
Pamela Rivet
Um, I'm going to show them on camera, but I'm also, I will be sharing these on social media. I have not yet I've been holding onto them on Thursday, but the first one is called Vitality Digest Magazine. It's titled Empowered Wellness.
Pamela Rivet
And inside of this one, it is a full two pages that I was featured in an article that I wrote up. And the other magazine is called She Wins Magazine. And the title of this one is Educate, Inspire, and Lead.
Pamela Rivet
And this one is a one page article. These articles, um I personally wrote myself. um I was not, they were not written by a reporter.
Pamela Rivet
Let me step back because I'm going to go forward and and before I even get into it. So initially when i found out that my two articles were going to be featured in these two magazines, I was beyond excited and I could not wait to finally get these magazines in my hand. I think I found out it was sometime in, I think the end of January, maybe early February, something like that. So I've been knowing for a little while that this was happening and I was thrilled.
Pamela Rivet
I was so excited and I could not wait to get my hands on them. and so, you know, time went by. And I finally got the message from the reporter that, you know, the magazines were officially being released and that I was going getting my copies in And i knew that I was getting them in this week.
Pamela Rivet
And so on Thursday, I got the first one. And on Friday, I got the second one. They came in separate for some reason. um And when i got them in my reaction and how I felt was not expected.
Pamela Rivet
at all. And it really, it caught me off guard, my reaction. and so on Thursday, i got the first one in and I looked at it and, you know, i smiled about it and I put it aside. and And then on Friday, I got the second one in and that same thing. I just kind of looked at it, smiled and put it aside And then at some point later in the day on Friday, I was like, well, I guess I need to, you know, take a picture or post about it or, you know, make a video or something like that.
Pamela Rivet
And so I sat down and I took a couple of pictures. I took a video of me opening the magazines and then I've set it all down and I was just looking at him on my phone and I was sitting there thinking to myself, and I'm telling you, let me stop.
Pamela Rivet
I'm saying all of this because, and being so open and honest and authentic and raw, because I know that I'm not alone in my feelings and my reactions. Like I know that other women have these and not necessarily right in the same aspect. It may not be because you've got a magazine in but but the thought process and the feelings behind when you finally get something that you've been working towards or something finally happens that you've been waiting on, something that you've been praying about, or just something great happens to you in general in life.
Pamela Rivet
And then you have all of these thoughts and feelings that weren't expected. So I sat down and as I'm looking at these pictures and the video that I took that I was going to post, my first thought was, it's not the cover.
Pamela Rivet
Because if you've heard my story about MBS and the vision that I had in September of 23 or August of 23, In my vision, I saw myself on the cover of a magazine.
Pamela Rivet
It wasn't the cover. My next thought was,
Pamela Rivet
who the heck do you think you are and what is wrong with you? Like you selfish little, you know what? That was my, because I'm thinking to myself, like, really?
Pamela Rivet
Really? Like, how are you going to have you're holding two magazines that you're featured in and all you can think of is it's not the cover. Like what is wrong with you? Right?
Pamela Rivet
So then I'm beating myself up. And then the next thought that I had was ah clearly the devil was working on me in more ways than one yesterday.
Pamela Rivet
The next thought that I had was you're not even worthy of it. Yeah. Yeah. You're not even worthy of it. And that was probably because of my initial thought, right? The more I think about it is I'm thinking, you know, if that's how you're going to feel and that's how you're going to think, then you're not even worthy of it to begin with.
Pamela Rivet
So I have all of these, you know, just super negative thoughts around the whole thing. And so I sat down and I recorded this entire six minute long video explaining that and
Pamela Rivet
I'm glad I didn't post that video. I'm glad that I've sat with it and thought about it a little bit more because I've been able to get my words together and my thoughts together to really be able to speak on it.
Pamela Rivet
Not in terms of just myself, but in terms of helping other women too, because I know that I'm not the only one that thinks and feels that way.
Pamela Rivet
So here's what I will tell you is that if you have ever in your life or if you currently are facing something that is so great that has happened to you, something that you've worked really hard towards, something that you've been praying for, or praying about,
Pamela Rivet
And your initial reaction wasn't what you expected. Or if you are having those feelings of self-doubt, um feelings of ah being unworthy,
Pamela Rivet
just know that everything happens in God's timing. First of all, you are worthy. You are 100% worthy because it wouldn't have been given to you.
Pamela Rivet
You wouldn't have earned it. If it wasn't yours to earn to begin with, you are very worthy. Second of all, it's all in God's timing.
Pamela Rivet
So even if your initial thought was, well, that's not what I was hoping for, or that's not exactly what I prayed for, or that's not exactly what my vision was.
Pamela Rivet
It's all in God's timing. And just remember that it may not be right now. Now is not the time. It doesn't mean that that won't ever come.

Battling Self-Doubt

Pamela Rivet
It just means that you're not there yet, but it doesn't mean you won't be.
Pamela Rivet
And it definitely doesn't mean that you should give up or stop trying. It just means that God is giving you a little bit before he gives you more.
Pamela Rivet
He is molding you and growing you and preparing you for what is in store and what is to come. It's all per part of his provision.
Pamela Rivet
It's all in the little steps and the stepping stones to get you there. It's all in the helping you to learn and grow and appreciate and to love the things that you do have now and to be grateful for what is.
Pamela Rivet
So that way, when what is to come, you'll have even more gratitude than you ever did before. So just know that you're not alone in those feelings. You're not alone in having feelings of, like I said, my first initial thought was, it's not the cover.
Pamela Rivet
You're not alone in having feelings of, this isn't what I wanted. You're not alone in having feelings of, shame of, you know, feeling like, why did you even think that, you know, and not even just about things that happen, um you know, in your life, good things that happen just in general, having, we all were human, right? We're all going to have thoughts sometimes that come through our head that aren't what we would normally think.
Pamela Rivet
And we're, you know, are, are just negative thoughts, or we might think something, um you know, negatively about someone else or just any thought that you, after you think it, you're like, whoa, where did that come from?
Pamela Rivet
Why are you thinking that way? Why is that thought crossing your mind? Like, that's not who you are. We're human. We have those thoughts, but we have to give ourselves grace and remind ourselves that we are human and it's okay.
Pamela Rivet
And to recognize them and to move on from that. I'm pretty sure I did a whole podcast episode on that already. And then when we have those times when the devil tries to work and tries to tell you that you are not worthy of, you have to remember to shake that off and to rebuke those negative thoughts from your life. Rebuke All of that because you are worthy.
Pamela Rivet
You are so worthy. You work so hard for all of the things that you have in your life. All of the things that you are working towards that you don't have yet. You are worthy of all of that.
Pamela Rivet
You know, I've been sitting with all of these thoughts and everything and just thinking about, you know, posting the magazines and should I do it And part of the reason...
Pamela Rivet
Another part of the reason why ah had these thoughts around this was also because I feel that if I would have just posted them initially and just said that I was featured in these magazines, that I felt very icky about it It was like I felt like if I posted them, a that I was going to be boastful and B, that I wouldn't be telling the full truth because
Pamela Rivet
i was not approached by this reporter to write these articles and put them in a magazine. I wrote the articles and I pitched this reporter. And then she said, yes, I would love you know to feature your articles.
Pamela Rivet
So it wasn't that you know she came to me. And so I just, I had that feeling of, man, that just feels you know super icky and makes me feel like, again, i guess that, you know who are you to even post that and you know making it out to be something more than what it is.
Pamela Rivet
And then I sit back
Pamela Rivet
And it took me, it listen, i'm if I'm being very, very honest, it took me a minute to to have this thought and this feeling of,
Pamela Rivet
again, what's wrong with you? But in a different aspect of where is this coming from and why are you feeling like you're not even worthy of sharing something that's so incredible.
Pamela Rivet
That reporter didn't have to say yes to me. That reporter didn't have to put my my articles in a magazine. So granted, did she reach out to me? No. Did she write them? no But she didn't have to say yes.

Celebrating Achievements

Pamela Rivet
So why do I feel like I'm being so boastful about, you know, about being featured in a magazine or feeling like, you know, I'm being, or if it's not good enough, I guess, if I, you know, share that it's articles that I wrote, you know, why is, why do I feel like that's not good enough? Why do I feel like it had to have been written by the reporter in order for that to be good enough?
Pamela Rivet
So again, if I flip this around into a way that someone else may be experiencing, Whatever it is that you've done...
Pamela Rivet
You have the full right to share that. You have every right to be excited about your accomplishments and your achievements and to share those.
Pamela Rivet
Share it whether you want to share it on social media, whether you want to share it out in a mass text to all your friends and family, whether you want to put it on a sign and put it in your front yard.
Pamela Rivet
it is your news and you have every right to be excited and to share it. And if there are people who don't want to share in your excitement with you, then guess what? They're not your people to begin with.
Pamela Rivet
They're just Facebook followers, you know, social media people. If they're not your people, your people are going to support you and encourage you and lift you up and be proud of you and excited with you.
Pamela Rivet
You have every right to to be excited and proud of yourself for the work that you put into getting what you got. It took me a long time to write those 2000 word articles.
Pamela Rivet
And if you know me, you know that I'm an overthinker. So I rewrote them and retyped them a million times. It took work. It wasn't like I just made them up, ah you know, and ah and just threw it on paper and submitted it.
Pamela Rivet
I put a lot of work into that. So you have the right to be excited about it. You have the right to share it. And even if it's not exactly the way you thought or exactly what you thought, does it make it less than what it is.
Pamela Rivet
Does that make sense? So for me, just because they weren't written about me, because the reporter didn't approach me, doesn't mean that the achievement is any less.
Pamela Rivet
It just means that it was It's not what I'm working towards. What I know that one day i will have and will happen and the things that I am continuing continuing to work for and work towards.
Pamela Rivet
Just because it wasn't what I saw in my vision, it's just not now. It doesn't mean it's not going to happen because it will. So just don't give up.
Pamela Rivet
My whole... reason for sharing all of this and being so open and so personal about it is because I want you to know that you are worthy.
Pamela Rivet
of every accomplishment, every achievement that you get, even if it's not 100% what you wanted, even if it's more than what you ever thought you could ever have or that you were ever even worthy of, and now you're struggling with, i don't even know what I did to deserve this. I'm not worthy of this. Yes, you are.
Pamela Rivet
Whether it's not everything you wanted or whether it's more than you wanted, you are worthy of it all. You are worthy of it all. Just like we sing in the song to God, he is worthy of it all and so are you.
Pamela Rivet
You are worthy of everything God gives to you. I'm also telling you this because You shouldn't give up if and when you do have those accomplishments or achievements and it's not 100% what you wanted or 100% where you're working towards.
Pamela Rivet
Don't give up. Don't give up on your dreams. Don't give up on your goals. Don't give up on you.

Ignoring Negativity

Pamela Rivet
And also to say that it is okay to share. It is okay to be proud. It is okay to be excited. Don't feel that you have to hold in or hide your excitement for what you've done out of feeling like you may sound boastful or like you're bragging or anything like that.
Pamela Rivet
Nope. Girl, you worked your tail off to get what you just got and it is your right to share it with whomever you want. You can go stand on your roof and scream it from the rooftops, literally, if that's what you wanna do.
Pamela Rivet
However it is that you wanna share your goals, it is your goal, is your victory, it is your hard work, it is for you to share with whomever, however you choose. So go for it.
Pamela Rivet
And for all the naysayers and the haters, Just let it be and let them talk. Let them. I know everyone is on the the Mel Robbins let them theory. And that's exactly what she's talking about. Let them.
Pamela Rivet
Let them talk. let them Let them be, you know, jealous. At the end of the day, when people have something negative to say about someone who has something positive going on in their life, it is out of pure jealousy.
Pamela Rivet
So let them. that is my TED Talk for today. That is another episode of Finding My Best Self podcast.

Empowerment Message

Pamela Rivet
I hope that in today's episode that If you've ever experienced this or if you're currently experienc this experiencing this, that I have been able to help to lift you up and remind you again that you are strong, you are capable, and you are worthy of every goal, every achievement, everything that God has blessed you with.
Pamela Rivet
I love you and I'm endlessly rooting for you. I'll see y'all next time.
