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How to Build Your Best Routines and Reclaim Your Time

S2 E3 · Finding My Best Self
37 Plays1 month ago

In this solo episode, Mandi St. Germaine shares her candid reflections on navigating the challenges of daily life while staying rooted in faith, intention, and personal growth. Discover practical tips to refine your routines, prioritize what matters most, and find peace in the midst of chaos. Mandi dives into the power of morning routines, the importance of intentional time management, and how spiritual alignment can guide us to live with purpose. Whether you’re thriving or just finding your footing this year, this episode is packed with encouragement to help you step into the best version of yourself.

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Introduction and Engagement

Pamela Rivet
Hi guys, and welcome back to the Finding My Best Self podcast. I'm Andi St. Germain. I'm coming in solo today. Pam her solo last week, and so today we're going to be digging into a new topic that I really am excited to share with you today. Just before we get started, if you haven't left us a review, we would love to hear from you.
Pamela Rivet
We are always looking for feedback, always looking for new content or questions, topics that you would love to hear on the podcast. So make sure that you drop that in there. Just show us some love. We love to hear feedback from

Challenges of Maintaining Goals and Mental Clarity

Pamela Rivet
y'all. So jumping in, it's middle of January. I am currently filming this on uh january 20th so i feel like we can kind of look at our goals that we talked about from the first episode and see how we're doing i don't know about you but i'm resetting like already a couple of weeks in i am already ready to start over let me explain so i don't know about y'all but i have been just feeling in uh kind of like this
Pamela Rivet
energy of just a slump not really a full slump i have to say like the year's been great so far but just kind of having a hard time with setting those intentions that i had originally said that i was going to do have been very consistent with my morning routine which i do have to so you know say that that's kudos but don't know about y'all but i just feel like the weeks have just been rough don't know if it's just things that are happening or it's just been busy, but it's been a little bit harder to kind of gain that control or just that obedience. As I said, it was my word for the year. So just checking in with y'all. Leave us some comments on how y'all have been feeling so far.
Pamela Rivet
And definitely know that you're

Importance of Routines for Goal Achievement

Pamela Rivet
not alone. I feel like everyone that I've talked to over the last couple of weeks has just been struggling. We are on the struggle bus. We are trying to find that mental clarity and focus. And it's been a challenge. And so I want today's episode to kind of go into more intentionality, looking back at things that you may have started the year already and kind of readjusting, but then also kind of going into that spiritual warfare or gaining your kind of composure as we move into the next month of the year. For me personally, it's just been one of those things that has just had to be a daily reminder, right? So like we have to constantly remind ourselves of either your word of the year or your goals and just continuously to do what you can when you can because I'll be real with you.
Pamela Rivet
Not every day I am like full on, you know, let me journal for an hour and let me, you know, listen to inspiring podcasts and let me do this. Let me kind of have my me time. It's been, I'm doing what I can when I can because the mental focus has just been tough. It's been tough. And like I said, I don't know what it is, but I know I'm not alone. You're not alone.
Pamela Rivet
And it's just to have that intentionality behind

Adapting Personal Routines

Pamela Rivet
it. So I want us to kind of start off by looking at you know our routines because I really do feel like how I said like our morning routine afternoon routine no matter if you're a morning or afternoon person or evening person that routine matters so much because it's really going to start your day off or end your day on the right foot to prepare you for the next thing. And if we don't set aside time for that, then that's where we become to get into like those cycles of just day after day, kind of pushing through not really having a plan. And then next thing you know, it's six months into the new year and we're like,
Pamela Rivet
we haven't done anything we say we're going to do. So for me personally, the morning routine, I am a morning person. I wake up probably around four 35 o'clock. And I know that that sounds super early. We have to be out the house by seven. So like, it's the only option I have, but depending on the day, I may sit in journal and read.
Pamela Rivet
for 30 minutes so or an hour. it really just depends on, on what I'm feeling. I don't want to like super push myself to say, okay, you have to do an hour. You have to do 30 minutes every day because some days you feel it and some days you don't. I think for me personally, it's just one of those things that it becomes that routine to wear.
Pamela Rivet
You're just doing something, whether it's 10 minutes, whether you're listening to a podcast while you're getting ready, or and personally, I like to use the Bible chat app in order to kind of listen to.
Pamela Rivet
the verse of the day or just the devotional of the day because sometimes I don't have time to sit down and read. may be on those busier days where I need to sleep in. My body is just telling me like, hey look, you're not waking up early today. This is all you've got. And it kind of relates back to this Mel Robbins quote that I had read years ago but kind of like giving your percent for the day.

Setting Realistic Goals and Aligning Routines

Pamela Rivet
And me and my husband use it within our marriage also on, you know, where are you today? Are you like an 80 or are you feeling a 20? And that person kind of picks up, you know, the slack from the other. So it's days like that where I might be at a 20%. I don't have very much to give.
Pamela Rivet
And so just finding those little times in your day to kind of set time aside. And so whether that is morning or night for you, I know some people have a nighttime routine where they read and journal and kind of prepare their to-do list for the next day. And that that's also a great way to set the intention.
Pamela Rivet
but those routines for me are so important because like I said it sets the tone not only for the day but for the week and for the month and obviously just like working out eating right doing things that routine is going to create that habit and so the more that we kind of set that focus that's whenever it becomes the non-negotiable and so that even goes with devotionals and prayer and kind of starting your day off that way you know it's always we always seem to put everything else first but whenever we put that time set away to pray and to talk to god that those are the times that we can really hear what he has for us and really be still and be able to move forward so
Pamela Rivet
Starting my day off that way is important because I'm putting him first.

Being Present and Limiting Distractions

Pamela Rivet
Before I even do anything, before you know, I wake the kids up, before I get ready, before we go on with our day, I'm starting my day off with him. Whether it is 10 minutes or an hour, I've had days where I can sit there for an hour and journal and pray and be all in it. And there's other days where I'm just like,
Pamela Rivet
God, thank you. I appreciate you. This is all I have. So you definitely have to not set yourself up and say, oh, I have to do this an hour every single day because that's just not realistic. And when we don't, when we make unrealistic goals, that's whenever they fail, right? So kind of looking back at your list or your words of the year from the beginning and kind of refocusing, are you doing the things that you said you were going to do? And I know this is sad because it's only been a couple of weeks, but I'm there. I know I'm with you like we cannot just let it go and say okay January 1st this is my word of the year and I'm never going to look at it again. It has to be that constant reminder that you're looking at these things every single day and reminding yourself this is what I want to accomplish this year. This is what I want to see for myself. This is the direction that I want to go.
Pamela Rivet
And so for me, my words were presence, obedience and perseverance. So presence in my family, in my personal life, obedience, whenever it comes to my faith and perseverance, whenever it comes to my business. And so it's these things that I constantly have, and I'm going to show you, if you're watching on video,
Pamela Rivet
that this is what I have next to my desk right here and it has the word obedience and it has different Bible verses around and this is just a constant reminder to be obedient and what that means for me is to do the daily routines, do the things that I know to put that my faith first, but also that could be anything in your life.

Effective Time Management and Health Prioritization

Pamela Rivet
That could be your presence with your family. Am I putting my phone down in the afternoon whenever we have time together or during the day?
Pamela Rivet
you know what are you idolizing are you having the social media to consume and take your time or are you putting things away in order to put you know presence and family and all of that time that if that's one of your goals so for me personally social media with the whole tick tock thing going around like i was one of those people that was kind of taken by it because it is it's something i enjoy it's something i like to view and But I did also learn that with the band and with it going black and dark and everything like that, that I was idolizing it a little too much. I was putting a little too much time and effort into it whenever I could have been doing other things with that time.
Pamela Rivet
Do I think it's still enjoyable to do, to you scroll on social media? Absolutely. I mean, I learned so much from everything on TikTok that I haven't learned in the 38 years of my life. But at the same time, these are the things that are going to take time from the things that you want to have that importance from, right? So whether that be your family life, your personal life, you you if you have a business or a dream or a goal,
Pamela Rivet
we have to kind of watch what we're doing with our time because time is something that obviously we cannot get back and that word has just kind of come up for for me lately as far as where is my time going what am i spending time doing and so being able to kind of time block my day and that's something that i've always struggled with but i do feel that whenever we set time away for certain things that we want to make a priority it makes things go so much easier because it creates those habits you know going back to
Pamela Rivet
you know, working out and taking care of ourselves. It's one of those things also, right? Like it has to create that habit, whether you, you know, manage to wake up early. my goal is to work out for 30 minutes every morning.

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Balancing Focus

Pamela Rivet
Doesn't happen on all days. I'm going to be honest. It doesn't because like I said, for me, that's always been a hard thing. I can eat right and do all the other things, but to consistently work out.
Pamela Rivet
It's just been harder for me where other people that's a non-negotiable every day where the food might be the issue. So it's taking and it's going to take those times where you literally have to push yourself every single day to do it to create that habit to where it just becomes your normal life. And so that can easily throw flow into you know personal development worship anything that you feel like you need more of you have to keep that routine focused. With that, though, definitely comes the spiritual warfare or that pushback or those moments where you start to doubt and everything creeps in and you're just kind of have that imposter syndrome, right? Or you're like, oh, this isn't meant for me. Like, I don't know why I'm spending so much time doing this. This is definitely those times where that's going to push back.
Pamela Rivet
and you're gonna have to fight through it because a lot of the times whenever we want to focus on something that's whenever it starts to resist. And so whether it be your, your devotional in the morning or working out or even staying hydrated, because if you're anything like me, I am a caffeine person and love all my things, but I know that entered my energy level is, you know, affected by dehydration or not being hydrated. And so being able to kind of pray through your day and being able to set time away is going to help you to fight that spiritual warfare. Now.
Pamela Rivet
you're being pulled to do other things. Like say, for instance, if you feel like you need to focus on, you know, work more often or family more often, you are gonna be shifted and pulled into those directions. The whole goal is to not be 100% in one area, right? Is to have that balance. And I know everybody says like, oh, there's no such thing as work-life balance. And there really isn't, right? We cannot be 100% in 10 different areas.
Pamela Rivet
But going back to that 80-20 rule or that 70-30 rule, like you have to be able to give what you can where you can. And a lot of that is, you know, a day by day or a week by week kind of planning it out and saying, okay, I know this week I'm going to have this at work or this at home or these activities with the kids and being able to see where you're, where you can put your time in your effort.
Pamela Rivet
and then praying through it. How am I gonna get through this week? I mean, I know that I do that so much between MBS and the family and work.

Finding Contentment and Purpose in Current Roles

Pamela Rivet
It's like, how am I gonna get all these tasks done and still be present and still be able to shut things off and enjoy time with my with family?
Pamela Rivet
That's why one of my words is presence because I do struggle with that. It's hard to kind of put yourself into all these boxes and to not give it the attention that it needs. And so I think it's being very mindful of that and being able to kind of put on that that scheduling that I was talking about earlier that we all have to be a part of what we're trying to do and so Joyce Meyer said something I was I listened to her in the morning on the pot on her podcast and she said put on your shoes of peace
Pamela Rivet
So every time she sees the word put on in her Bible, she kind of puts a circle around it. And I thought that was such ah ah a simple thing, but also such a powerful thing because God gives us a lot of things and he's not going to do it for us. We have to do it. We have to be a part and.
Pamela Rivet
All the things that we put ourself and our time into, we have to be the ones that go and do our part because we can pray for, you know, guidance. We can ask him to show us what we need to do. He can open the doors. But if we're not doing our part,
Pamela Rivet
then a lot of those are gonna fall through. So once again, what are you doing with your time? Are you being intentional? Are we looking back at those things that we said we were gonna do? Are we being intentional with our morning or our afternoon to prepare our mind and our heart for the day? And are we also having ah ah that guidance that he's showing us? A lot of the times we're so busy that we miss that. It may just be sitting still in the morning,
Pamela Rivet
and just being quiet. I mean, we're constantly distracted by all the things. And so we lose focus whenever it comes to being able to provide that quiet time. And so Just that peace is so much power whenever it comes to our time and what we're doing and that we were made for a specific purpose and reason that if we're not listening, we're not gonna see what that call is. Now you may be saying like, oh, I just don't feel like I've been called to do something massive and crazy. And it's like, something came to me the other day that was, you don't even have to be called.
Pamela Rivet
to do all of these great things, you could be called to be where you are right now. And that has been such a huge piece for me because I'm, I'm very much the person that always wants to strive, do more, do better, kind of get myself into different rooms and different situations. But a big thing that has hit for me this year is I'm called to be a mom.
Pamela Rivet
I'm called to be at home with my family. I'm called to be a wife. Sometimes as moms or women, we overlook that because we're like, oh, that's great and all, but like want to do more. I want to be more. I want to have this and have that. But we lose focus on God gave you what you have because you were meant for it.

Commitment to Goals and Listener Encouragement

Pamela Rivet
He gave you what you have because you were meant for it. You have a gift that you are here to share, whether that be as a friend, as a daughter, as a mother, as a wife. You're called for that. That's why you have that in your life. You wouldn't have that in your life if it wasn't meant for you.
Pamela Rivet
And so being able to just be content with that. And I feel like that's such a hard thing for a lot of us because we do want more. We do want to accomplish more in our life. And when we always think of like a calling or a gift, we're thinking it has to be something dramatic. With this,
Pamela Rivet
Comes excuse me comes that spiritual warfare Because a lot of the times that's where that doubt comes in and that's where it creeps in and it says Oh, yeah, you know, you're not called to do anything. You're just a mom or you're you're just at home or you just work at this job and That's not true. You were fearfully and wonderfully made just the way you are God did not make a mistake He definitely wanted you to be exactly who you are in this season of life. And I don't know about you, but I feel like I have lived 20 seasons of life, just in the 38 years I've been alive. I feel like I can look at pictures and I'm a completely different person than I was back then. Or I can look at last year and be a completely different person. God is continuously building, growing and changing us to be who He created us to be. We just have to be able and willing to
Pamela Rivet
put on our shoes of peace, be able to put on all the things that he is giving us and to do something with it. And so what I want you to take from today is that no matter if you are struggling with starting the year off or if you are thriving and getting through all of the things that you said you were going to get through, it's to keep that routine, to keep that in the

Conclusion and Future Plans

Pamela Rivet
forefront. That way it's the driving force of for you every single day.
Pamela Rivet
that you know when you get up that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and that everything that you have to give to someone is worth it and that you know that everything that you are coming up against that you can fight because he is with you and that you know that you are capable of doing anything that you choose to you have the guidance to do it ask and you'll receive you definitely are made for more, whether it is at home with your family or out, you know, achieving these big goals. Nothing has been made by mistake. And so I want you to kind of take on for this next week.
Pamela Rivet
Looking at your routines, how can you improve what you're doing? What are some things and some tasks that you can kind of change? And where's some time that you can readjust? For me personally, that's going to be my social media time. I definitely have an eye opening that I need to put the phone down and be present. I need to make sure that I'm staying consistent with all the things that are going to make me feel like my best self.
Pamela Rivet
whether it's journaling, working out, eating healthy, drinking my water, and not all of my caffeine, indefinitely diving into the things that make you feel good, because let's be honest, we're pulled in 10 different places every single day. We have so many hats and so many rules that we take on as women.
Pamela Rivet
that you know what's going to happen. We're going to get burned out. You're going to lose sight. And then next thing you know, it's going to be the end of 2025 and all of that is going to be gone. Time. Time is going to be gone. So take this today. I hope that this kind of shed light for you. I know it was a quick episode, but I just kind of wanted to leave you with something that you could take with you this next week. And we have some amazing things coming in and next couple of weeks. So be sure to continue to listen and watch the podcast. As always, remember you are strong, you are capable, and you are worthy. I love you and I'm endlessly rooting for you.
