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How to Break the Burnout Cycle: From Overwhelmed to Aligned image

How to Break the Burnout Cycle: From Overwhelmed to Aligned

S2 E6 · Finding My Best Self
35 Plays22 days ago

Join MBS founders Pam Rivet and Mandi St. Germaine for an intimate discussion about burnout - what it really looks like, why it happens, and how to overcome it. Through personal experiences and faith-driven insights, they explore why January often triggers burnout and share powerful strategies for recognizing early warning signs. Learn why true recovery starts with holding up the mirror and taking responsibility for your self-care journey. This conversation isn't just about managing burnout - it's about realigning with your purpose and reclaiming your energy through intentional choices.

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Introduction to Hosts and Podcast

Pamela Rivet
Hello and welcome back to another episode of Finding My Best Self podcast. I am your, one of your hosts, Pam Rivett and I'm Mandi St.

Podcast Focus: Life, Motherhood, Growth

Pamela Rivet
Germain. We are, the owners of MBS, the Woman Beyond the Cape and Finding My Best Self podcast is just a branch of that. It's a way for us to be able to chat about just life and being a mom and things like that. So thanks for joining us today. If you're new here, or even if you've been around for awhile, we'd like to ask if you would please leave us a review or follow our podcast. Um, it's the way that helps us to grow and to get our, our podcasts out there. So.
Pamela Rivet
If you have a moment, just do that in the app. you can also watch it. If you're just listening, you can watch it on Spotify, Apple, and then also YouTube. So if you're not on our YouTube channel, we try and share different shorts or videos. And so it's another great place to find us. Yeah. So it's both audio and video for those who like to watch with us, yeah to put a face, your face with a voice.

Podcast Format and Listener Engagement

Pamela Rivet
So Mandy and I were talking this week and I was like,
Pamela Rivet
You know, cause we go back and forth on these podcast episodes. We'll do some that are solo. Sometimes we have guests that come in and then sometimes we do joint episodes together. And whenever we do joint episodes, it's always, I think our favorite because it's, it's like we talk about it's therapy for us. We get to actually have, you know, these deep conversations with each other that we get to share with you and just, you know, get really personal about things that whether we're personally going through them now in life or it's just things that we've been through.
Pamela Rivet
or like you said this week that you've been hearing a lot of.

Exploring Burnout: A Common Concern

Pamela Rivet
Right. Always. I feel like those are our best topics too, that we'll have conversations and we're like, okay, we have to talk about this. Cause I feel like we're both kind of on the same page and I know we're not alone. So yeah.
Pamela Rivet
And so I asked Mandy, I was like, you know, what are you feeling like this? Like, are we talking about? Cause it's always, you know, we don't have some sort of script that we go by or, you know, real life, real life. I was like, what are you feeling? Like what's kind of, what's been going on? What's in there? And she said, I've been hearing a lot about burnout from almost everyone I've talked to, you know, it's just, it's a topic.

Holiday Season Burnout Cycle

Pamela Rivet
And I know we've talked about on previous episodes just with the start of the year and things like that, but it's definitely something that a lot of people are just, you know, just venting about, I guess is the word. But it was the perfect topic for us to talk about today. Yeah. And so what I think happens And that is just my personal thoughts and personal feelings because this is something that happens to me. I feel like every year so much so that I said this year I am writing this down in my journal to remind myself to do what I need to do so that I don't feel this way again next year because it happens every single year. You get there and you're like, ah ah it's again. It happens again. Yeah. So I think what happens is that
Pamela Rivet
We go through the holidays. I was going to say November, Thanksgiving, but even it starts kind of with Halloween, too. So there's Halloween, and then there's Thanksgiving, and then there's Christmas, and so it's just nonstop, go, go, go, go, go. And then the New Year rolls around, and we're like, I'm going to make all of these goals, and all of these, if you do New Year's resolutions, or you get so pumped.
Pamela Rivet
but we never took time to rest and come off of and come down from the holidays. We go straight from a nonstop parties and get togethers and the kids are out of school and we're just like, go, go, go, go, go. And then we're like new year, new goals, go work

Preventing and Recognizing Burnout

Pamela Rivet
out, eat, right? Do the, all the right things. And we're literally on teams at that point. And so January comes around and then you have these feelings of,
Pamela Rivet
I suck at life. I'm like, why can't I do this? I made all these goals yeah and I just totally failed in the first month of the year. So you already start out like on the wrong foot. Yay. I give up. Totally screwed up all my goals for 2020-2026. Right. And so that's when burnout tends to happen. It's just like, you're like, I am just so burnt out because I just screwed everything up. I just screwed everything up. And so that's what we want to talk about today because you are not alone in that. So know that you are not alone. If you just came off of January feeling like, what the heck was that? Because I said it, I was like, what the heck was that? Now, there were so many great things that happened in January. And although it was a good month, I also felt like
Pamela Rivet
You know, you didn't do all the things that you said you were going to change or do or start implementing for January. I feel like so many people posted on February 1st. Happy new year. Cause they were literally like, we're just starting over. We're just not doing it. And so I love that. It's almost like you don't start your new year till February because January has to be that reset time.
Pamela Rivet
time to reset yeah reset and refocus. So it's almost like start doing your goal setting in December and slowly work your way into it into January.

Unproductive Activities and Burnout

Pamela Rivet
And so that's what I journaled about. And that's why I took note of more myself personally, because I 1000% felt like that in January, like,
Pamela Rivet
Like can we start let's start over and so and I do I feel like this the month itself Every year kind of brings its own challenges anyway, like without us even planning for it So it's almost like not to have that expectation that January 1st is you know, that's gonna start it because for whatever reason I don't know what it is, but January always has a more ups and downs and I don't know if it's because we put these goals on ourself or this stress that like I gotta be this way now that it just when it doesn't you beat yourself up even more because you're like well there that goes you know like I tried but this happened or that happened and so I think it's the mindset for sure yeah a thousand percent
Pamela Rivet
So we're going to focus really in on burnout because I really sat with this today. And so we're recording on a Sunday, which for Mandy and I, we go to church every Sunday. And I was really sitting with what exactly I felt about burnout and how I deal with it when it happens to me and, you know, what I think causes it, what it feels like, what it looks like, what causes it and how I fix it.
Pamela Rivet
And so I really, really sat with that today. And then of course I went to church and you know, there were just things that were said during church. church. um I also listened to a service, Mandy knows I'm a huge fan of social Dallas and Robert would do. And so I listened to theirs before I went to church.
Pamela Rivet
their service and his also was just a message that I really needed to hear so I told Manny I was like I think this is how we should go about it and she agreed so church for me too we go to two different churches and we were literally like that's what we were hearing today so it was kind of like that moment that like okay obviously this is what God's trying to tell us and so we need to kind of discuss it so let's let's talk about it so burnout when those feelings because it doesn't just happen. It's not like you just wake up one day and you're like home burnout, which I mean, I'm sure maybe some days you do wake up and you're like, yeah yeah, I can't do it today. But morning, morning

Impact of Burnout on Life Quality

Pamela Rivet
time. And you're like, yeah, I'm just going to go back to bed and start over tomorrow. but burnout doesn't happen overnight. It's something, it's a gradual thing. And you can even, if you're really good at it and it's something
Pamela Rivet
that I know that I've been working on, right? Is trying to see that before it gets to the point where it's really, really bad, right? Is trying to know what those little things that I start seeing or noticing or feeling that is me telling myself,
Pamela Rivet
This is you're going to get burnout. You're, you're on the path to burnout. You need to back away. right I think we can identify that. And if you start to look for it, because I feel like a lot of times we get in the cycle where we're, we just feel it and we're not trying to like connect it to something or something we do or like those triggers, I guess.
Pamela Rivet
And so when you do start to put like an emphasis on, hey, why is this happening? That's whenever you start to see the little trends and then you can kind of stop it before it gets in full blown.
Pamela Rivet
I shut down and I don't want to do anything. So yeah, it's always in the line. Yeah. So what does that look like? So and I say look and look and feel like because it's kind of two kind of different innings. What, what that actually looks like on the outside and then how you feel on the inside is two completely different things. So for me personally, I'm going to start with feel because I think that's where it I will start to feel that I have no desire to do things that I used to have desire to or that I typically really enjoy doing. So like eating right or working out or journaling every day or reading in my bible app every day or
Pamela Rivet
spending time with my family or making phone calls to my friends. little The little things is, that's how it starts to feel is that I don't i have the desire to do those things anymore. and And then obviously it just will slowly continue to get worse and worse and worse. And then it looks like that I start doing things that I didn't, I don't normally do. And I guess some of them go hand in hand, right? Is that I was not work out. I'm not working out as much or as often. I'm eating a lot of junk food. I'm doing things like watching TV.
Pamela Rivet
which for me, I don't watch TV at all. So if I watch any TV, it's a lot of TV. That's a trigger.

Choosing Change Over Stagnation

Pamela Rivet
That's a sign. And so that will continue to get worse, right? It'll be it. It'll turn into like, I'm watching a little bit of TV to the point where I'm sitting on the couch at night watching hours of TV and just completely zoning out because for me, that is me trying to turn off and just step away from and completely remove myself from all the things that I don't want to think about, right? All of the things that I think are issues that are stressing me out or causing all of these problems. Um, so, or even talking earlier and we said, you know, you start hanging out with people that you wouldn't normally hang out with or doing things that you wouldn't normally do.
Pamela Rivet
Yeah. So I don't know with that. And it's a little different for me. I mean, I do find that I still have those attributes too, because I'll get like that. I'll shut down. I'll start just sitting on the couch.
Pamela Rivet
And you have to know that about us too, like we're doers. And so when we stop and we don't want to do that, that's whenever, I mean, there's so much time in your day. And so for, for us, I feel like we want to utilize every minute we have. And so when you start to pull back and kind of shut down, like you said, I'll choose not to go do things because I'd much rather just kind of sit and sulk in whatever I'm feeling. But for me, it's I'll push myself into things that I shouldn't, you know, if people are asking me to do this, that or whatever, or, you know, I'll kind of just throw myself into things that aren't as productive or aren't as aligned as we talked about before. It's just one of those things where I'll start to notice the shutdown. And it's not necessarily anything's like major happening. It's just, I have put so much on myself or the pressure to do this, that or whatever. And so when I'm not,
Pamela Rivet
doing the things that align with me and what make me feel good. That's whenever I just can, you know, I'd block it out, just shut down. Yeah. So it's a lot of, if you are feeling like you're burnt out or struggling, that's probably what you're seeing or what's happening is that you're having all of these feelings of, I just don't want to, I have no energy. And if you allow all of those things to continue on,
Pamela Rivet
that's when it can get really bad and then that's when it turns into full-blown depression. You start having little bouts of anxiety here and there and thinking all of these horrible thoughts and not having any faith in anything anymore and everything just completely shuts down. And that's what'll happen if you don't recognize it and try to fix it. So this boils down to I guess at what point and when are you going to recognize it And when you're going to make the decision of enough is enough. It's the pattern. You have to identify the pattern. Like when I, when I'm doing these things, this is what it leads to. And I feel like that's so hard for a lot of us to identify because you just feel like, Oh, well that's just life. Or that's when these things happen. But really if you pull back and you really look at it, it's because you are allowing certain things to happen in your life without looking back and saying, okay, whenever,
Pamela Rivet
certain things that I'm doing, whether it's shutting down, not wanting to talk to anybody, kind of closing myself off. That's whenever you're burnt out. And it's, it's the identification that's so hard because a lot of the time blame it on other things. We don't take that responsibility.
Pamela Rivet
She just hit the nail on the head because she knows that's where I'm going because that's exactly what it is. yeah It is when and at what point you were going to decide and I'm, let me start over. A lot of times I've heard people venting about burnout and things like that.

Self-Care: The Key to Balance

Pamela Rivet
It comes from.
Pamela Rivet
all of these things that are going on, all of these things that have come up. I just have so much on my plate. You know, there's too many events, too many parties, too many people that are like, Oh, come do this. Come do this. I said yes to a lot of things that I probably shouldn't have said yes to because those things didn't align with me at the end of the day in order to fix burnout, in order to recover from burnout, to make it go away.
Pamela Rivet
is to hold that mirror up. And that's that conversation that I have with myself. And I get so real, I got so passionate earlier telling me, I was like, I think I'm going to get really real in this podcast get up, you know, always tell me, I love when I go to church and the pastor preaches at me and doesn't preach to me. I like to like tell me like it is. And I'm like, okay, I heard you. So hopefully it's in this,
Pamela Rivet
that if this is that moment for you and me being able to do a little bit of preaching and just know that I'm doing this with love and care and compassion and know that it is something that I do to myself is that I have to get really real with myself and holding up that mirror and saying, what are you doing? Right. You know, what are you doing or what even better? What are you not doing? Right. Right. That is causing this because at the end of the day, the cause of your burnout is you.
Pamela Rivet
It's not anybody else. It's not anything that's going on in your life. Anybody else who's trying to interfere, all of the things on your plate, your kids, wife, husband, life, anything else, your burnout is because of you.
Pamela Rivet
It is because exactly what you said that you have stopped tending to you and the self care things that you need to do to take care of you. You heard me say that when I'm entering burnout, I stopped doing the things that I know that I need to do for me. I stopped being right. I stopped working out. I'm watching TV. I'm doing, I'm not hanging out with, you know, having conversations with my friends that I care about, like all of the things that are what I consider my self care practices. I've stopped.
Pamela Rivet
Yeah, they're gone. We shut down. I shut them off. Yeah. And the more I shut them off, the more burnout I feel. And so that's, that's the hard part, right? Is holding up that mirror and saying, stop pointing the finger at other people. Stop blaming other situations. It's what you are allowing to be done to you or what you're doing to yourself. Right. Yeah.
Pamela Rivet
You have control over that situation. So you have to choose and make the choice. I am going to stop this. I am going to put it into it. Is it going to be easy? No, because at that point you've destroyed your energy levels. You've destroyed everything. You know, I've been in that situation where I'm like, I literally have no energy. But I know.
Pamela Rivet
It's because I've been feeding my body junk. I've been watching too much TV. I haven't been journaling and I know and I haven't been working out. And so I know when I start telling myself, no, you have to do those things. You have to do this that I'm going to feel like I'm starving because I'm out all of the sugar and stuff like that that my body's craving I'm probably gonna have headaches because of that as well because I'm cutting out sugar I'm gonna be super sore because I'm making myself work out and you know I'm gonna like I know that it's not easy but at the end of the day you have to choose do you want to continue to feel like crap do you want it to continue to get worse
Pamela Rivet
You know, or do you want to start to feel better and start putting in that time for you again and those

Aligning Opportunities with Goals

Pamela Rivet
self care things? Cause I know 1000% that when I'm taking care of me, everything shifts. Oh yeah. Well, and what, what came up while you were saying that was the word discomfort. Like how are you, which discomfort are you going to kind of deal with? Are you going to be just, you know, uncomfortable in the little moments where you are eating like junk, not working out, not taking care of yourself.
Pamela Rivet
or the discomfort of actually doing those things for yourself and getting yourself back. Because I find when all that happens and you are uncomfortable and you feel like, oh, I haven't been doing this that whatever, that depression sets in, the the anxiety of, well, I need to be doing this. And then you start stressing yourself out even more because you know how far you've gone and you know how deep you you at that moment. and The discomfort of getting out of that though is going to be so much more beneficial and powerful to you because you noticed it. You're going, you know, you're making changes in order to make it better. And then you're once again, holding the mirror up and saying, I'm doing this to me. So it's, you're the only one that can get yourself out of it. Yeah.
Pamela Rivet
And you know, for me, it is having that conversation with myself of your schedule has not changed. You are still doing just as much now as you were doing before. You don't have more on your plate. If anything, if anything, when I am in that feeling of of burnout, I'm actually doing less because I don't have the desire to. So I'm actually, in a sense, I'm taking things off of my plate that I would normally be doing.
Pamela Rivet
And so that's the mindset where it's art again, holding up the mirror. That's when I have to have that hard talk with myself of you would be doing so much more and not feel over it and have so much more energy if you were taking care of you.

Saying 'No' for Self-Care

Pamela Rivet
And it just just so goes back to the fact that we talk about self care and why self care is so important is because it is the, it is the foundation.
Pamela Rivet
of everything in your life, everything that you do, how you feel, how you look, how you act, your mindset, your productivity levels. It is the foundation of everything. You taking care of you because again, it, you know, just repetitive that I feel like we are in the sayings that you hear all the time is that you cannot pour from an empty cup. yeah It trickles. Everything trickles down. And then it trickles outside of us because I mean, we can make ourselves feel a certain way, but I know for sure.
Pamela Rivet
My family feels it whenever I'm in those burnout stages. I'm overstimulated. I'm angry. I'm, you know, lashing out at the kids for silly things. And they're looking at me like, what's going on? It's just we internalize so much, but we don't realize how much that pours into everything around us, whether it's things that we're doing at work or at home and things.
Pamela Rivet
And it's just, you've got to pull it back and just look at yourself and say, okay, they don't deserve that. You know, like I don't deserve that to be doing that to myself. And so it's that realization that self-care has to happen first. And I know it's hard for moms because we want to take care of everyone else first, but.
Pamela Rivet
If you're like running on fumes, no one is benefiting from that at all. Not even you. Like you cannot even be your most optimal self running on low and just not in the right right mindset. Yeah. So I mean, that's what it boils down to is that when you start having those feelings is to hold that mirror up because you are not in alignment.
Pamela Rivet
And if it's burnout, then you're not in alignment with a lot of things. It's not just one thing. There's, you were completely and totally out of line. Like the train done ran off the tracks and flipped over.

Boundaries and Support Systems

Pamela Rivet
Like you are not on the track at all anymore. You have, you know, completely derailed. And I know these terms because my husband's an engineer, so I have to hear all the time. Otherwise I would have no, I would not be compared but to a train. Yeah.
Pamela Rivet
But that word alignment, and I know that you probably hear us say that often, but what we mean by that is the alignment with like where where you see yourself, what goals you have for yourself, where God is gearing you to go. Whenever you are in alignment with the things that you're supposed to be doing, it just feels right. It feels good. Like you said, you just move through it smoothly to where that's a little notice that you can look for because the second something doesn't feel right, it's just not in alignment with you're supposed to be. Yeah. And everything works so much better. You can do so much more when you're not, you know, when you are taking care of you and all of those
Pamela Rivet
million things that are being put on your plate and all of little extra things that start happening you know all of a sudden the kids have field trips and extracurriculars and then get the birthday party invitation and all the other things on top of right your normal everyday job all of those things are just like okay okay yep we got that and it's just and you can continue to go and do yeah because you've taken care of you and you have all this energy and you feel good about yourself Yeah, you feel like I can conquer the world. And they

Taking Responsibility and Making Changes

Pamela Rivet
do say that, too, that whenever things come up, you know, because obviously women as moms in general, we always have things like you said, the birthday parties, you know, just everything on under the sun comes up. But it's taking the time before you say yes to something to think about that and just kind of like quickly, you know, does this align or can I give that, you know, we talk about the whole like, you know, given a percent of yourself, like,
Pamela Rivet
Should I be saying yes to this right now? Or is it not in alignment and it's going to cause me to be even more burnt out or to throw you yourself into that burnout? Yeah. So it's a two question asked, right? It's does this align with who I am and my goals in life and you know, who I am serving, like all of those things that is this, you know, in alignment with me and who I am. And then that next question after that should be,
Pamela Rivet
Do I have the space for this right now? Because you may not. There may be something that comes up that, you know, if you were to invite me to go do something, and of course I always would give anything to spend time with you and to go do things, but you may be asking me at a point where my plate already is super full.
Pamela Rivet
Yeah. And so it's one of those situations of, you know, just having that conversation with that person and saying, look, I love you. And you know that I would get anything, but right now, you know, there's just a, my plate is full, you know, can either we reschedule for another time, or if it's not something that can be rescheduled, like definitely keep me in mind the next time you don't want to push yourself into a stage of feeling overwhelmed feeling like you're scrambling because you are.
Pamela Rivet
You know overflowing your

Resources and Final Encouragement

Pamela Rivet
plate. too There was something I heard I listened to Joyce Meyer in the morning when I get ready and she made a ah ah statement that Talk about friends and just you know having a space to do certain things because we do feel more Obligated whenever like our friends ask us to do something because we're like, oh we need to be there but there's certain times that have come up to where you have to ask yourself is this something that I You know, God would want me to be in that certain space or that certain position. And so she made a comment that said that your, your friends that know that you are working towards, you know, living out God's will for your life or doing the things that align with you, they're going to understand if you come back and you say, I just don't think that aligns with me right now.
Pamela Rivet
or I don't think that that's where I need to be right now. Most people would be kind of back like, Oh, she doesn't want to do this or that, but your friends that get it or the ones that are going to understand that you're trying to live your life.
Pamela Rivet
a certain way and if it doesn't align, then they're going to understand that. And so I feel like it's that, that question too, and respecting other people that when they say no, cause you know, a lot of people leave me, I have trouble saying no, but getting to that space to where when you say no, the people around you are going to respect that and know that it's just not in alignment with where you need to be or do at the time. Yeah. And not just respect it and understand it, but they're going to commend you for it too. Right.
Pamela Rivet
And they're going to say, I'm really proud of you for holding, you know, recognizing it and saying, you know, I love you and I'd love to be there for you during this, but I just can't right now. And they're, you know, to have that, you know, just, I don't know, awareness, I self-awareness to know that that's where you need to be. It's creating boundaries and sticking to them and not giving in. We're still learning, not giving in. It's, you know, it's having those boundaries and knowing when to say no,
Pamela Rivet
even if it is to the people who you do love and want to meet with and be around. Family included. Family included. That's the tough one. Family included. So that's pretty much, this is a short episode, but I'd love to say pretty much covered it. I mean, at the end of the day, that's truly where my head is and how I feel about burnout. I feel that if you are struggling with burnout and you are feeling like I just can't go anymore. I have no desire to do anything. I don't know why I'm feeling this way. I'm just in a funk right now. I hear that when I'm just in a funk right now. I'm um just in a weird mood.
Pamela Rivet
you know, all of those, all of those little terms and phrases that you start to say, that is when you need to hold the mirror up better yet. Don't hold it up. Go in the bathroom or in the room where you can find the biggest fricking mirror that you can find and go stand in front of it and take a look at yourself and say, what are you doing? What are you not doing that you should be doing? So that way you don't feel this way.
Pamela Rivet
and I wanna to be be like, check yo yo yourself Like, put yourself in check. Take inventory of all of the things that you're doing that you shouldn't be doing, the things that you should be doing that you're not doing.
Pamela Rivet
And the things that you need to do in order to stop yourself from feeling that way. And it, and it's not going to happen overnight. Burnout doesn't happen overnight and correcting burnout doesn't happen overnight. It's going to take time. It's going to take you telling yourself, no, it's going to take you when you go to bed at night saying, put your phone down and pick up the book and read it. It is going to take.
Pamela Rivet
You saying, I don't want to work out right now, but I'm going to go do it anyway. And I might complain the entire time that I'm doing it, but I'm still going to do it are capable and able of working out. That's literally how I get through it. Yes. I can do it, you know, cause it's not, not every day you're going to feel like doing the things that make you feel good, but look what happens when you don't. Yeah.
Pamela Rivet
Yes. It takes discipline. It takes discipline to keep yourself out of burnout. It takes discipline to continue to do and to be all of the things that you want to do and be every day of your life. I just listened to a podcast. I think I sent it to you. Um, it was a podcast. and I don't know his last name, uh, Sahil and I just ordered his book too, but he talks about you having a conversation with yourself.
Pamela Rivet
and writing down and I loved it so much. And it really sat with me. I actually journaled about it this morning. And as I was writing them out, like that's when it really, really hit me. Cause I heard it when he said it, but it wasn't until I went to do, he said to do that it really struck me that I was like, these are all I am affirmations. He said, think about the type of person that you want to be.
Pamela Rivet
And so he goes into saying like you write these down and he was talking about it in an entrepreneurial aspect because you know, when you are a true entrepreneur, like you live and breathe everything, your business. And so what ends up happening for some people is that they, you know, will put their family on the back burner or they put self care on the back burner or they, their friends or something gets put on the back burner. or relationships just get destroyed because you were,
Pamela Rivet
a gazillion percent. It is your baby. It's your passion. It's everything. And you live and breathe all of your business. And so he said for him, he was like, I want to be the type of person that has lunch with their dinner with their wife every Tuesday. And he's like, so right now he said, I have a standing reservation at one restaurant every Tuesday at five o'clock. And he's like, and every single Tuesday I go to dinner with my wife. He's like, I want to be the kind of person that picks up the phone when my friends call.
Pamela Rivet
You know, and so when I sat down and so that's how we talked about it on the podcast. And so when I sat down to write out this morning in my journal, it was, I am the kind of person that does this. I am the kind of person. And so and I'm writing them out and I was like, those are all I am affirmations. And that is what, that is so cool. What what and what we do. And, you know, part of,
Pamela Rivet
The pieces of athleisure that are named after affirmations and just. telling yourself those things that you are the person that gets up and works out every morning. Or for me, it was, you know, I kind of went in order. It was, you know, I am the person that wakes up and reads my journal. I mean, writes in my journal and reads in my Bible every morning. I am the kind of person that works out every morning. I am the kind of person that, you know, completes my work every day. I am the kind of person that takes time to spend with my every day. I am. So I went through that whole list and just,
Pamela Rivet
like really writing down like I am the kind of person that does these things every single day. I feel like you need to have that next to your mirror like you were saying just talk to yourself in the mirror and just have your list and like literally speak those things to yourself every day. I thought about getting a big I don't know, poster board or, this is a little foam board, you know, talking about this, whatever. And right now, like in my handwriting and framing it and putting it in here in my office. So it's just right in front of me every day. That's what I'm saying. Someplace that you know, you're going to see it every day. That's what you're going to do.
Pamela Rivet
That's what I'm gonna do. So y'all do that too. Go make you a list. I'm gonna do it too. I'm gonna go do that. And I am this kind of person list. I like that. And so I just ordered the book. I'm going to link it in the podcast. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of the book either. Right this second. I just know that I was listening to the podcast and I sent it to Mandy and I was like, listen. I said, I've already bought the book. I think I sent it to two of my other friends too. And I was like, I already added the book to my car on Amazon, hit checkout.
Pamela Rivet
And I was only even halfway done with the podcast because he was, he just, yeah, he really grabbed my attention. So I'll link it in. Um, do know his first name is Sahil because I remember that because it was a different name. Um, he was on Jen, the Jen Gottlieb podcast. And if you have talked to me recently, I am on a total Jen Gottlieb obsession right now. So, you'll hear me talk about her quite often. I'm sure, but so yeah.
Pamela Rivet
that's it for today y'all just burnout is it's all about real but you got to take it and look at yourself and know that you're the only one that can change it and it's fixable and you can fix it not anybody else that can fix it you don't necessarily need to go see a counselor unless you're really on the deep end of burnout and you've let it go way far too long you know then maybe seek some counseling and go talk to someone or even just reaching out to those close friends or your church community or whoever that is, you know, to help you pull yourself out of that. So you can do it. If we can do it, you can do it. We are all, you're human. You're human. And what happens? And we know we're not alone. We know everybody's dealing with that right now too.
Pamela Rivet
All right, well, I hope that you guys are having a great week. I know you're listening on Wednesday. I hope you have a great rest of your week and a great weekend. And as always, remember, you are strong, you are worthy, and you are loved. And I totally screwed that up, but that's okay. That's what we're going with today. You are strong, you are worthy, you are capable, you are loved, you are all of the things. And say those to yourself every single day. I am Pam Rivette, Mandy St. Germain,
Pamela Rivet
And this was another episode of Finding My Best Self podcast. We'll see you all next time.
