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Men Caring for Men 27 Jan 2-25 image

Men Caring for Men 27 Jan 2-25

Nonsensical Network
20 Plays20 days ago

Tonight Connor invites Blaze up for a talk about dealing with set backs


Introduction to 'Men Caring for Men'

Jim thinks good in purple. What's up, lazy Jedi? Oh, hello. It is it is Monday night. Welcome to Men Caring for Men. My name is Khan. This is Blaze. We're both. I don't have a feeling that it's going to be a really good show tonight. I don't know why I have that inclination, but anyway. Welcome to the nonsensical network.
mentoring men show in particular uh blaze why don't you tell them where they can find all this stuff there's fun stuff about us oh they can find us on uh youtube and they can find us sometimes on rumble facebook sometimes on twitter x whatever it's called but you can find us like almost every night of the week mondays we have um Speedway Stories and Cold Blood Conversations, which should have aired prior to this. I don't know if there was a show tonight. um And then then now is us, will you? And then, yes, on, or bio.links, backslash, non-sensical network.
Yes. Final find you everything, our spread shop, Beauty and the Beard, Creative Corner, Facebook.

Weekly Schedule Overview

Yeah. Yeah. Email is on there. But it's not anymore. Yeah. And then and then you can catch you can catch shows on on Tuesday, Glick's House of Music, which I have an idea of who he was. I forgot, I don't have my notes up. I had my notes up for Friday night. I'm not staring this bitch tonight, but he does have a he does have a a group tomorrow. I want to say they're out of Texas. If I remember right, they are a
rock and roll band. I can't remember if it's metal or not. But anyway, that's tomorrow night on Glick's House of Music. Then Wednesday, you have Jeff and Glick Green. What's the fuck news? WPF, man. And then on Thursday, Thursday is an error at the moment. You're not going to find anything on Thursdays at the moment, except maybe a random whose argument is it anyway, or et cetera.
So for a random Jeff's garage, we're still trying to figure that out. And then Friday night, you got nonsense and chill with me and Jeff ah this week. Oh, I should have uploaded, but this week is trivia night. So anybody, anybody, almost anybody is, is welcome to pop up and engage in trivia night.

Trivia Night and Year-End Prize

And I was trying to figure out how I was going to do this because we're going to do, I'm going to do a swag bag for the winter at the end of the year, which will actually be like January of 2026. But I was, I'm going to keep Italian. Everybody who plays, whoever has the most points at the by the end of the year gets a swag bag. What's in the swag bag? Yeah. I got to hype this shit up. What's in the swag bag? It's going to be a t-shirt.
There's going to be a tumbler. There's going to be a receptacle, a receptacle to eat your own fucking popcorn out of. And and there's going to be a bonus little thing for those people who who partake in the green leaf. So this is a little just a just a little bonus piece, a bonus piece, you know, join us.
but Quit writing your promos on it. Just get your restless legs to drink. It's both in the tail of the lead. You're right. It does. It does. Anyway, um and then, of course, what day am I on? Saturday.

Flagship Show 'School Nonsense'

ah Saturday, of course, you have Cash's Corner in the early in the early of the day where Glick and Cash talk wrestling and WWE and Smackdown and and belts and and circles and squares. And then, that night, we have lots of school nonsense. The flagship show where
a It's an open door panel. If you can survive our zeniness or if we can survive your zeniness, we'll figure it out. And then Sundays we wrap it up with unnecessary roughness. I guess this has been a bad football season for some of the guys. Cry cry me some

Khan's Week and Van Life Preparations

football tears. I don't care. Anyway, they're bringing other sports later on too. after and I think that is it. Is that what you wanted me to do? I mean, that works for me. I just thought okay. Cool. Cuz I always struggle with that part. So, like let's do it. Fair enough.
oh You just got done talking. I'll make you to talk some more, man. How's your week been? I haven't seen you in a little bit. We had Glick up here last week and James Luther by the way, big shout out to him.
i saw that ah so i watch I'm good prior be so it's all good. I'm getting over this season change, just cold and warm and it's got me all congested and stuff. Other than that, I'm good. I'm just, you know, been rolling, been rolling with it. Been doing what I need to do. Oh yeah. So yeah, making a list, checking it twice, see check it seeing what all I need for van life. You know, that's kind of where the stages I'm at at the moment.
Yeah. How's that going? It's going pretty good. I got some perspectives on what I want to use to to convert into a livable camper space. So, yeah. I'm going with like a short bus or like a like a small box. Yeah. Yeah. The hobo from Hoboken. Oh, I hobo. Oh, the hobo from Humboldt. Oh.
Blaze is gone. Well, that sounds like a pretty interesting-ish slash super boring week.

Basic Training Anecdotes

Britney, this is still your place as well. We're just not going to, you know, let you up here. I was like, I don't get it. Why is this not her place? Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm messing with you. What's up, Beastmooth?
Don't forget, but don't forget about looking, looking windows. ah You know what? That's actually not a bad idea when I do. If I do it, I'm getting a short bus, which I'm kind of leaning that way. I'm definitely going to put some big tongue stickers up on a couple of the windows. That would be fucking great. I would be that would make me so happy. The window liquors my dad used to tell me, don't be an SPWL. I always call. I always.
I always refer to those. Not not the people who actually, you know, use right. But those people that we jokingly say should have. I've always referred to them with blessed or not blessed, but they got OMS, open mouth syndrome. They always make that fly to kind of land in and in part. I had a dude catch me on that like a dozen times while we were in basic training, it was another prior service guy.
While I was going through army basic training on his rack was right across from mine. So when we're in the bays getting smoked or something, or if I drill is saying something stupid. He would stand across from me and if I was like kind of zoned out in my own little world, I would see him do this with his head and he'd look at me and go.
He'd close his mouth because I was standing there with my trap open.
It's like it, I've never been so self-conscious of it until basic training and homeboys like, Hey ding dong, you look like an idiot. Dude, basic training made, made, I think all of us subconscious on some sort of level. Like I didn't, I didn't know how much I bounced to when I walked until, you know what, you know what I'm talking about. Yeah. yep I had that bouncy kind of stride, you know, where I went in the military. I was happy to go lucky. You're like that one guy in formation. It's like the little Jack in the box. I don't know who the fuck.
Whose head is bopping up and down like a fucking orange. It's doing jumping jacks. Yeah. Well, we fucking march.
Exactly. What you got me?
You know, we called them TIs in the Air Force technical instructor. Yeah. Yeah. I went through the Air Force. It was an MTI. Military instructor. Yeah. So that's okay another fun fact. I've been through two basic trainings. o One of them significantly longer. The army. Yeah.
ah Stupid OSIT. Yeah, got that got me good. I was there for six months. and fucking suck sorry yeah I I think it was because I was prior service that like it just seemed so much easier. Physically, it was obviously more demanding. It's the fucking army versus the Air Force.
but like it It went so much smoother than my little nine weeks in Air Force basic training. You know, what's funny is when I went through Air Force basic training, it was right before they started the bat training and all that shit. Air air combat training or, you know, be able to backfill for, for army basically for those little issues for convoy security, basically. But I, my basic was eight weeks old. Yeah.
So it was, I had i have nothing I have to complain about when it compared to the other branches. So I i understand and I respect that. However, however, so it's a basic, so.
but Anyway. How was your week? I have had an interesting week. nothing like super crazy. It's just felt like I've been doing a fuck ton.

College Challenges and Decision Making

I can't fucking breathe. So I've decided that after my college courses are over for this term, that I'm gonna ah walk away from that college because as much as I would love to take two classes at once alongside the trying to do shit with the show and then trying to hold a job and trying to be a parent,
Uh, it's fucking, it's a lot. So, uh, if I go back to college again, I think it'll probably just be one class at a time because this is fucking nuts. Um, God bless anybody who actually does that because Jesus Christ. Yeah. Um, like you have to have college. I dropped out completely and that because if for other reasons other than just the course load, but, uh, yeah.
Yeah, it's it's ah it's you yeah you can't you can't look at it as, oh, I'm just going to school. It's a fucking job. It's a job that demands a lot, a lot, a lot of time. I saw a meme today that kind of what that sums up by my my point with going through college at the moment in modern times compared to when I first went. most expensive subscription and the most The most expensive expensive streaming subscription today is college.
It's all online. Anyway, it is. Which I enjoy. I actually enjoy the online classes. I actually like really, I'm kind of upset about it because I really like ah the classes that I'm taking. It's just, I can't keep up.
Yeah, well, yeah like the nights that I do catch up like I completely lose the entire night with my family and Then it's like the next week comes along. and You're like fuck. I gotta do it all do it all over again You'll find that happy balance. That's but I think that's what's important but Yeah, I would like to finish my degree at some point. It's just not gonna fucking happen right now But It's not a race, my friend. I still plan on, I still plan on doing mine. It's just, it's not a race anymore. Is what it is.
Well, there's nothing on you or the conversation. It's just, I'm tired all of a sudden. Oh, it's that weed, buddy. Yeah, man. yeah You're sunk back into the chair. as i go We can go ahead and if we can take a little, little break, if you want, and we can come back and get into the meat of it. Oh, we come, we come back. I'll be.
Yeah, we can, we can go a little break here. Uh, I gotta find a fun good song for this. So, so I uploaded that thing that you share on WhatsApp. If you, if you wanted to play for people, I was going to let you decide. Oh, which one was it? It says Connor singing.
Oh, fuck. Who did that? Why would you do that? you
Why did you upload that? It's gone. I got to go back through what's happened, delete that message as soon as possible. This is why I don't trust my friends. Never trust us. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
but i But but if you notice I didn't press play I said if you wanted to it was there I Didn't even think about the fact that someone could have uploaded that So anyway, we're gonna go with a little James Luke are counting my days just because he was up here last Monday night ah I got to meet him and Glick and him continued to bond and be weird together and Because that's the kind of thing that click beat brings out of people but right Yeah, I know anyway Yeah, James look here count my days
I say no, don't reach and say no
you so can You still with us? Yeah, I'm still with us. I'm still with you. Welcome back to Men Caring for Men. It is Monday night. It is me and my buddy Blaze. Fuck yeah. ah We're going to talk today about setbacks.
like all the setbacks not like just a little bit but like the setbacks you have all throughout your life that can feel super duper shitty but like in the end ends up being totally fine yeah those kind of things I wanted to start by asking you boys what you think like of a moment where you had a setback that really really really fucking sucked or like really fucking hit you you're like god damn it What the fuck do I do now?

Life After Divorce

Like a setback in life? um Yeah. I guess it was after my divorce and the folk foreclosure and a bunch of other shit. I guess around that time. and Yeah. It was an oh my fuck moment for a little bit. Yeah. Oh yeah. That was a big setback. So I thought it and at at that time. Yeah. Yeah.
So I would say then, yeah. How does that like affect you when around that time?
um It affect me. Oh, wow. Very, very strong emotional. brought Brought me down, brought me down pretty pretty low in my life. But it wasn't good. It wasn't it wasn't the best time.
Yeah. Yeah. Was there anything at what point did you stop thinking man, that's that's going to **** around me or that that really super sucks. Um like when did it transition from that to uh oh that was just a part of my life. It was years so I can't like pinpoint an exact you know point in time, but it was definitely over a few years. I finally came to the, you know, the realization. It's like, man, that was just, you know, that's one of life experiences. It doesn't define the rest of my life. You know, it might have felt like a setback at that time. But I look back now, it's just like, no, it's not really a setback. I don't think we actually ever get set back on our life. right just
It's just something else that's going on that we didn't plan for. It feels like we're being. We're being trusted back, kind of like pushed in the wrong direction and then keep going. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know the life life punches you in the gut and you feel like you're down for the count. You're not really so. Just takes just take some time. What about you?

Post-Military Transition

I mean, yeah, obviously I've had my, I would say my biggest quote setback. And again, I would say that because the question I asked you is at what point did it stop being a setback and more just a part of your life? Um, but like that moment probably, uh, getting out of the military and the way that it happened.
just not yeah going from being XYZ type of dude who's the the alpha, you know, all the all the dumb shit and hard and all the things always hard to like not being able to walk and not being not being able to do shit with like my kids and my family and things like that and then on top of that deal with some some other mental things and it was all just came collapsing down on me on my way out and It took me a solid year before I could like sit there and go, okay, we're getting better. We're moving in the right direction. But like, I'm still, I'm still fucked. This is going to take forever for me to get back to what I was. I feel like now I'm kind of just okay with letting it happen. So that's, you know, after my
my, my stint was some mental health issues, but, um, I realized that, uh, getting back to who I was, it's kind of like irrational on, on, on its face. It's like who I was is already passed. You know what I mean? Cause all, all those experiences that we experience makes you who you are today. You're never go back to who you was.
you would have to erase those experiences out of your life to bring you back to that point. It's it's too late. So, I've I focus ah so I don't focus on on trying to be who I was. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's a that's a a that's an uphill battle that that you're just destined to lose at that point. Right. So, I think I've kind of just got to the point where i'm like
i'm okay with everything that happened. Yes, it sucked but like it's not gonna fucking ruin or run my life. Yeah. Um I don't necessarily need to try and get back to who I was. I think that coming out the other side of that is enough to give me a little bit more experience and some positivity in my life and some just gratefulness for being alive and maybe not
things that I had too much of my eyes set on while I was in. So I think I'm a bigger person. I just might never be that guy again. and I'm okay with that. and No, we're, we're, um I mean, even, even the most successful person in life can never look back and be like, I want to be the person I was. I mean, not just because they'll have to go back and lose money, but I mean, you can never, but you can just never be who you was. I mean,
Yeah. That time has already passed. That's why it's past tense. I know that sounds reductive. I don't know. I think it's, I think it's. is this is What's that? Your cheeks are rosy as hell right now. Oh, I don't even know where I was going with it. Oh, I think I was going to just reiterate the fact that it's just sounds, if you really think about it, trying to be who you were once, it's just that. Yeah.
you just just clogging up your own your own path with bullshit.
And but like, even right now, i'm I'm kind of pissed at myself for I guess dropping from college. I don't want to I don't want to say that because I don't want to think that I'm done. But like, I'm kind of pissed at myself for dropping from college because you know, I should be able to I should be able to run up there like why am I, why am I having a lack of focus? Why am I so caught up in everything all at once and all these things? And then I also know that if I feel better about what happened a year ago now, then we're going to be moving to that point with this as well. You know, like there's, it, it kind of feels like it sucks right now, but
I know I'm going to be a little better for it. and I know that sounds cliche as fuck, but it's it's kind of ringing true. Yeah. it It's just been a it's been interesting to try and let myself let go of the fact that I feel like I failed that, you know. I ah when when I dropped out, I kind of had a similar feeling, but I was like, you know, I'm going to reengage this again. I mean, it's just I understand who, like, you will um I'll bring it back to who I was because back who I was when I was in my twenties and as I was getting out of the Air Force, I was very like, I wanted to get college, a lot of college done before I got out. I did. It was hustle, hustle, hustle. Um, and, and I enjoyed it. My mind was like focused on that and it was easy to focus on.
to do that, you know, to do, you know, uh, three, three, uh, three subjects a semester. Yeah. i I had, I don't know what was going on in my life, but everything fit in the place where I was able to do that and take on that. Fast forward, like over two decades later and just like my, my brain isn't there anymore. It's not my, it's not that my brain isn't, isn't geared to learning more. It's just my brain isn't geared to learn a way that was being presented to me. That makes sense. Some ways I've changed on how I take in information, what I'm curious about taking in, um and a lot of like repetitive information that I've already learned. It's like, I don't want to go through this again. It was mundane. It was monotonous. I was like, you can't do this. yeah When I was younger, I probably would have had more patience
as i i've As I've gotten older, there's some things in life that I just don't have the patience for. So redundancy is one of those. I definitely get that, especially with fucking online schools.

Online Class Engagement Issues

those like I understand the and the need for the discussion posts. And like yeah, they they help with kind of solidifying understanding. But when we have the same fucking discussion post week after week after week, it gets kind of fucking hard to write.
And it gets really hard to read other people. Yeah. And you just kind of sit there and you go, this is, that we did this for the last six weeks. What the fuck? It's it's forced socialization and it's uncomfortable. And I'm not, I'm not completely against forced socialization. We go through that in our adolescence when we first start public school. it's considered for so No, it is. I mean, and there's other, and when we go to basic training, you know, we're,
for socialization. You know, it it is a part of of of society and and I'm not digging at it but I think as we get as we get older and different experiences like it's like the type of social ah socialization one compared to the choice of having to go through. It's a yeah.
Not 100% sure where we were going with any of this but uh I don't know either. I know we were talking about of setbacks. and Yeah. Yeah. I remember that part too. Honestly, I don't, I don't think, I don't think any human can go through life without any sort of setbacks. I agree. But anyway,
man, I'm just, I don't have a whole lot of words tonight, man. I feel, I feel kind of crappy. Stone men caring for stone men.
ah but Yeah, definitely two stone dudes cared for each other, man. It's okay, buddy. I think Connor needs more practice at stony streaming stone.
um still almost said stoning stream. but Yeah. And I'm going to sit there and throw rocks in the stream. Go for it.
That's an old cough that's been sitting there waiting. I feel that. But yes, Blaze is right. I do need more practice at this.
I'm not doing well. This is a, if this is where we end the show, this is where we end the show, but this is a short, short night for a Monday night, especially for alive.

Monday Night Show Reflections

I feel like there wasn't a whole lot of engagement there at all. Oh, yeah, there was. We had a few viewers. I don't like after lazy felt like after Lazy did, I posted that last one. She just stopped caring. She fell asleep. That's okay. It's only but lazy, lazy, lazy. She's, she's lazy.
Lazy Zaki. I didn't even see... Oh, that's what I said. I didn't even see Beast Mode.
Is that a... I just assumed anyway. Look at me, over here, assuming people's genders. I'm the worst. um
i think they thought that was way funnier than it was yeah i've been giggly all day dude i don't know what strain i i like that it's made me fucking gi it suits you dude it suits you i tell you what the before i came up like hour before i was time i got home like man i am so cause i was tired too i just the the the the i'm a little on the Pecusice, but dude, I was like, man, I'm taking a shower. I took a long, hot fucking shower, dude. He got me going. It was good. Turn on the music. You ever just like listen to music in the shower? no My wife hates when I do that because instead of taking like a five minute shower like I normally do, I've been there for like 20 minutes. No more than two songs. No more than two songs.
Oh, see, i hit I hit the third song and I start grooving. I'm one of the dudes you see on the movies in the bathroom when I take a shower, man. I'm in there like the dude from Home Alone, the uncle is, yeah. Dancing and singing? Hell yeah. But yeah, yeah. He's in there go-go gadget dancing.
But anyway. Uh, this has been men caring for men with your hosts Cheech and John. Come check us out next week where I promise I won't be high.
maybe a What'd you say? Nothing. I said, I, I said, I will be.
But uh, this has been a very interesting show. Uh, not a very long show, but I always throw this out there. Uh, suicide hotline lifeline. I wish that I knew the number off the top of my head. Well, you have the banner in the way, so nobody can read it. So the one hundred two seven three, I was trying to fix that one 800 two seven three talk or one 800 two seven three eight two five five. Um, it's the suicide prevention hotline or.
for any military veterans out there the veterans crisis line one eight hundred two seven three eight two five five or just dial nine eight eight yeah option one so i know those are that was a lot of numbers but they're out there we throw them out there every show um yeah blaze any uh any final thoughts um just be you man like OK, send

Resilience and Perseverance

it. I like it. Well, Glick's not here and I'm stoned, but I'm still going to make an attempt at this. A strong man builds his foundation with with the bricks that others throw at them.
I think that i think i I nailed that. But anyway, I don't have any super great final thoughts for tonight. If you're going through something, it's just going through something. You'll be better on the other side. Keep pushing through it, even though it sucks. It won't look nearly as bad. But anyway, peace out. Love you. Ew.
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