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Extreme Owen Hart Appreciation Week!

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays3 years ago
We preview Extreme Rules and go deep on the Owen Hart love with the AEW news this week, talking upcoming figures and a whole Retro Recommendation of the Week based on the King of Harts! In the Royal Rumble segment, Sheena discusses "tree sperm." No further description necessary. Hear a rare Heel Husband outburst when we talk about the latest Super 7 Debacle in the Figure 4. Plus LISTENER MAIL!!!! Become a premium Foley Fam Member Video Version of The Chick Foley Show Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% on all your wrestling figures at Ringside Collectibles. Check out the Pod Foundation Chick Foley Show Pint Glasses Try Verb energy bars!

Introduction and Episode Preview

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show. What is up Foley fam? We are back with episode 100.
and 46 of the Chick Foley show. We're getting extreme this week with our extreme rules preview and much, much more. But before we get into it, let me introduce the stars of the

Sheena's Birthday Reflections

show. Sheena, how are you doing? I'm doing good. As we're recording this, we are on the eve of my 30-something birthday.
I forget. I had to have Seth remind me how, um, how old I am sometimes. Cause he was like, he's like, you know, you're going to be, um, 36 this year. I was like, no, I'm not. I was like, I think I'm 34. He was like, no, Sheena, you're 35. I'm like, Oh my God. So yeah, that was a little bit of a, uh, a shock to the system, but I'm ready for it. Let's go. Oh yeah. Got a big day plan for Sheena's birthday tomorrow. So this is the last time you're going to hear her.
as a 35-year-old on the podcast. It's 9.59 p.m. Tonight's sort of depending on how long we go. We may actually cross over into her birthday on this episode. That'd be a nice little treat. Marco, how's life up in Massachusetts?
Good, good. And happy, happy pre-birthday or birthday Eve, as they like to say. So, but yeah, um, yeah, not that much over here. I just can't wait to, uh, talk up some, uh, non-extreme rules because they haven't mentioned any extreme rules and matches at all. Like all the matches that are, that are, have been like added. They don't have any extreme rules on them at all. So I'm kind of curious to see what's going on with that. Yeah.
We'll definitely get into that a little bit later on if the extreme rules even needs to be a concept for a show anymore. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. Marco graciously running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show.

Halloween Havoc Retrospective Plans

And most importantly, you can join our fully fam over at chick Foley Uh, we got Royal Rumble watch along. I'm not 94 coming. We're actually putting that on pause until, uh, once again, proving why he is the real MVP actually came in with a genius idea. So smart. I don't know how the rest of now we didn't come up with it. Yeah.
Yeah, especially Sheena, the Halloween queen. But starting next, all in October, we're going to try to drop an episode a week on Patreon and we're going to do a Halloween Havoc retrospective. So we'll be looking at the main events from all the various years and then just various, you know, me and Marco were tossing around before we came up live the word to discuss it. I think we just came up with Halloween Havoc fuckery, you know, because there was always a lot of fuckery with Halloween Havoc, especially in the early years.
You guys might see a, uh, you guys might get to listen to a watch along of a chamber of horse match or a, uh, a coal miners glove on a pole match, you know? So if those words sound like they make absolutely zero sense, just.
Tune in on Patreon next month and we'll explain, we'll have some fun and we'll dig deep with some juicy research on all those matches as well. That's what makes it great. Also, speaking of Halloween Havoc, all of you guys watching on YouTube, drinking once again, having my ice cold beverage out of my Halloween Havoc Chick-Fully Show Halloween Havoc logo, pint glass, you can get it. We'll put the link in the show notes and the link is in my bio on Instagram as well. So grab this. It's only limited time. We're only going to have it up through the fall season, probably through just next month.
Yeah, I love my, uh, I love my metal pint glass from Hydroflast perfect pint. You can see the shout out to our friend's turnbuckle tavern right there on the, uh, the sticker, but there's just something about having a nice, heavy, frosty glass mug that the beer just really hits different out of it, man. So, so hit it up. Don't just get one you need to. All right. Because it's, it's going to be awkward if you have a friend or a, uh, you know, a romantic partner over and you guys are fighting over the good glass, you know, so make sure you go ahead and grab a pair of them and shoot us a picture of
drinking your favorite beverage out of it once you get

Pod Foundation and AEW Discussion

it. Marco, what's new at the POD Foundation this week? So as you mentioned, we're going to be heading into the Halloween territory pretty soon. So that's what's going on with the Chick-Fully show. It's pretty much all on Turnbuckle Tavern this week. The Turnbuckle Sessions, they had one half of the two bad Chads on there. So Chad Smith
That picture is looking super hipster-y, man. He looked just primo, dude. The freaking flannel shirt. Oh, I love it.
The more I learned about Chad. Chad was killing it. Yeah, I told Chad he's like my long lost older brother. I feel like we were separated at birth because he's like got all my same like hobbies and interests. I just I love this dude. And then he showed up on his sessions photo wearing buffalo plaid, which was like my signature color for like the longest time. I love buffalo plaid. So he needs to he definitely owes a nice dinner to whoever took that photo because not that Chad's not a handsome fellow, but he was definitely looking like a million bucks in that picture.
Yeah, it's amazing. And that was a great listen to. I already listened to it. And yeah, you're in for a treat with the latest sessions episode. Yeah, you get to learn a lot about Chad. If you don't know him about it already, you're definitely going to learn about him. Now, obviously, yesterday was AEW, or last night was AEW Dynamite. So turnbuckle talent. You already know. Back with the most in-depth segment of that whole show last night.
It was definitely an epic show. They didn't disappoint. We'll probably talk about that a little bit later, but yeah, definitely listen to that if you want to get the juicy details of everything that was AEW last night. Also, tonight, they actually dropped their Fig Night, which they usually do. This is the Evolution of Wrestling Figures Part 2, so continuing from last week. They went live with that earlier tonight, but it's up on YouTube if you want to go check that out.
If you guys want to see something funny, I popped in for about five minutes of it, and you guys know how much we love Tom Montalto. They were doing a joint unboxing of the Ultimate Edition Sergeant Slaughter. There's made it in today. I think ours is going to get here either tomorrow or Saturday. But he's supposed to have a white weight belt with it, and Tom Montalto's didn't come with the belt, man. Oh, no.
Not to be laughing at your misfortune, but I literally was giggling out loud at your face because like he was kind of thinking he was like, is something missing here? You know, if I was supposed to come with a belt and then a bell casters like, yeah, I hear it. Mine comes with the belt right here. And Tom's like, oh my God, mine didn't come with a belt. What the heck? I mean, I wasn't able to procure one. So.
I'm happy that he was missing his belt. It's funny that you said that because he did a little bit of a live unboxing on Instagram today because he got two and he was hoping that one was the chase and he was like so excited. I was excited for him and then he opened it and they were both just the general release and I was like, oh, he was like, oh, no chase. Now it's even worse. So sorry, Tom, the OG big kid for those who don't know the staple.
I've been excited. I've been looking. I haven't seen any of the black cards pop up yet on eBay,

Promotions and Giveaways

but I'm very interested to see what they're going for because I'm actually more excited for that heel sergeant slaughter that's coming out instead of the ultimate edition. So if I get a black card, he may, may find its way to eBay. We'll see what's up. And then, uh, also some exciting news. The pod foundation is going to be sponsoring its first wrestling show. We're teaming up with Boyle Heights, um, wrestling out in California. They're basically like a,
Same way Pod Foundation is a network of podcasts. They're a network of really good independent wrestling promotions in California in December 9th. We are going to be sponsoring our first show. So if we got any Foley fam listeners in Cali, I know we kind of are actually across all the Pod Foundation. Any Pod Foundation fans out in Cali, let us know because we are going to get a couple of complimentary tickets so we can find a way to get those into your hands.
Yeah, this was a cool opportunity. They reached out to us and it worked out because I really think across the pod foundation are following kind of skews like East Coast and like the southeast and then I wouldn't say it Peters out, but it's a little bit more scattered once you get kind of west of the Mason Dixon so.
Um, definitely wanted to branch out there and it's going to be crazy. Like we're going to see our podcast logos, um, on the banners and flyers and everything in downtown LA for a pretty big wrestling show. So check out, um, I think old fashioned wrestling is actually the one that's putting on the, uh, the particular show that we're going to be sponsoring. And they've had some pretty cool people like Peter Avalon and some others on their show. So.
More details to follow on that. But yeah, if you're out in Cali and you want to support us, you could get tickets to their show. We'll definitely get the links up and everything once tickets are available. Sheena, you owe the listeners a little mea culpa. Explain why.
We're running back the Carmela giveaway for the second straight week. Okay, so yes, this is my fault. I dropped the ball this week on all fronts. I was also supposed to make a promotion that we posted our podcast on YouTube this week. Totally forgot to do that. There will also be a link in the show notes for that as well.
There will be a link in the show notes for that. And I forgot to take a picture and post it on the feed. Like we announced our giveaway last week. If you listened to the podcast and sent us a screenshot that we were going to, you know, give away, to close out the summer, we were going to give away, give away Carmela. And I did keep the summer going one more week. Yeah. We're not going anywhere.
Fall is here, but not at the Chick Foley show. We're going to run it one more week. You have your opportunity. If you didn't get it in this week, make sure. If you entered last week, you're still entered, so no worries. You can get double entries if you send another pic for this week's episode. Yes. You get double entries if you send another one. For those of you who were missed out, you have another opportunity to get that Carmela fig. Send us a screenshot to myself on Instagram or Marco on Twitter.
of you listening to this week's show and you'll be entered to win. And if you're in our Patreon group, you already have automatic entries just for being our Foley fam, but you guys always listen to the show anyway, so. Yep. And a reminder, use code CHICKFOLY at ringsidecollectibles to save 10% on all your orders. A lot of new pre-orders went up this week for AEW stuff. The buddies are up for pre-order now, so get in, use that code, help support us, and save some

WWE Extreme Rules Predictions

money on your figures. You guys ready to get into extreme rules? Let's go.
Are you sure you guys are ready to get extreme? This is about as extreme as it. This is as extreme as I feel going into this paper review. All right, let's get to it. It's meh. Extreme rules. So we'll jump right into the next. Can we name that the name of the episode? Can we be meh? Extreme rules. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Extreme maybe. So I don't know. All right. So we'll kind of just dive into the matches and then we kind of weave some discussion in and out of them. We'll start with.
The rare non-title women's match on a pay-per-view. This is going to be Carmella. Like we just mentioned, her figures is being given away on next week's episode. Going up against Liv Morgan. Sheena, what's kind of your thoughts and predictions on this match?
I'm going to say Liv Morgan. I think, you know, I, she's over. Um, and I just really want to see her get the push that she deserves and kind of getting there and like tangle with the top women in the company. We don't Carmela's capable too. I mean, you know, she's, she's been at the, at the top. She had a lengthy title reign. Yeah, she had a lengthy title reign. I think, uh, Liv Morgan definitely deserves it. And, um, you know, I'm hoping that she comes out on top of this match. Marco.
Yeah, I definitely agree. I think she's definitely due for some type of main event push at some point. Like you said, she definitely is over. She's been over. She kind of suffered last year, obviously, because there was no fans in attendance, so she could get that type of reaction where they could gauge her popularity.
You can definitely see now that there is a live crowd in which she does come out. The crowd is definitely behind her. So yeah, I'm definitely picking her to win this one. Yeah. People love Liv, man. There seems to be a real groundswell of support. She's definitely improved a ton over the last few years. She's the last woman standing from the riot squad. And I think that WWE 24, um, that they did on her, uh, you know, I think that really got a lot more people behind her. You know, you can hear the last couple of paper views and stuff.
like money in the bank. She was over like Rover, people were cheering for her. So I think we may be in for a slow build with her. You know what I mean? Maybe we keep seeing the momentum just slowly go up and she ends up being one of the favorites to win the rumble. I think the pops going to be huge when she does win the belt. I'm behind Liv as well. We're saying all this, man.
At the same time, I wouldn't be shocked if we wake up two weeks from now and there's another round of WWE releases and it's like, yeah, I hope I'm wrong. That's just kind of the state of the day to be nowadays. You never know. There's people who seem like they're, I mean, thinking about Bronson Reed, we all thought he was about to go up to the main roster and kick some ass and then he was gone. So.
But I'm rooting for Liv, she seems like a really cool person and it's been fun seeing her improvement over the last five years from NXT to the main roster. Let's get into the SmackDown Tag Team Championship match. So we saw this match a couple weeks back, but
The tribal chief ended up coming in and taking over and ruining things. This is the Usos defending the belts against the street prophets. I'll kick this one off to me. I feel like the Usos, they're such an integral part to what Roman's doing right now. I really don't see them losing the belts, man. I see the bloodline holding all the gold for a while. I love street prophets.
We're all on record. We're holding a lot of Montez Ford stock for the future, but I feel like Usos, they're going to find a way to retain. I think they're going to retain clean this time. Marco? I totally agree. Like you said, they're definitely integral part. Obviously, on Monday Night Raw, the bloodline was felt. On Monday Night Raw, they made their presence known.
So, you know, they made that crossover to the to the other show, to the show of the of the WWE universe. I would say the C show. The C show. I put Nickelodeon NXT above Raw at this point. But yeah, yeah, I probably would too. But yeah, no, definitely. I think they're holding on. Definitely. You know, they have something planned for Survivor Series. I definitely see the Usos walking into Survivor Series with those with those tag titles. Who has the other ones? I don't know.
I'm assuming it's going to be New Day, but that's what I'm thinking. I'm thinking that's a hell of a Survivor Series main event, man. How cool would that be? You can even make it like elimination rules, but just do three on three elimination rules and do the New Day versus the Bloodline. That'd be pretty badass. Yeah, I was listening to a podcast earlier and they made the connection that maybe, just maybe,
the hurt business will reassemble. Cause you know, we got Bobby Lashley kind of in the mix right now and maybe we'll do like a war games style, you know, with like the bloodline, the new day, and then the hurt business. Like how insane would that be? Like I hadn't even really thought about that because the hurt business isn't really a thing right now. But I was like, dude, they could all like come back together and be like, you know what, Bobby, like you kind of sucked without us. So, uh, you know, we got your back dude. And that would be one hell of a, uh, of a match.
Yeah, that'd be cool. And their breakup was so just kind of came out of nowhere that they could get back together and just like a little backstage scene. Yeah, there wasn't any like that. You know what I mean? You could literally have Shelton and Cedric show up and be like, bro, you need us. And then bam, her business is back together. I think we would all be ready to quickly forgive WWE for booking their breakup and just accept it if they came back like nothing ever happened. Let's get into the triple threat match. We got Damian Priest defending against Sheamus and Jeff
Hardy. Sheena, who do you see leading with the belt Sunday night? I think we got a Damian Priest retention. I think he's going to leave with it. As much as Seamus has been doing great recently and Jeff Hardy, you never really count Jeff Hardy out. He just won it not too long ago. I don't think it's time to take it off of him. They've invested so much in him over the last year, basically, that I think it's time to just let this play out. I think Damian Priest is going to retain.
Marco, you feeling the same way? Yeah, mainly because he definitely has that crossover appeal. I just, I think I just seen that he's at some, uh, I think he's at the, uh, the, like one of the, uh, billboard awards or like the Latin billboard awards or something like that, doing the red carpet stuff. So yeah, he, yeah, I don't, I don't see him losing that title anytime soon. You could, you could tell he's definitely getting response from the, uh, from the fans.
You know, the chair firm and stuff like that. Um, he does have the bike skills. I know we were kind of, I mean, I wasn't really that hard on him when he was in NXT. I think it was other people on the show. I called him Baron Corbin 2.0 until that Halloween havoc match with Johnny Gargano. And after that, I said, you know what? This needs pretty bad ass. I was, I was, I admitted I was missing the point on him.
Yeah, see, I always I always got like a like a Roman Reigns type of vibe from him with like, I wouldn't go that far. You guys are thinking of Roman Reigns now. Togo Roman Reigns before. But like he has that like he has the presence of like that. Like he has the you know, the voice that's like he has a very deep voice. He can like pull you in while while he's speaking stuff like that. So he just has that look that, you know, WWE goes for that tall, slender.
Yeah, I just felt like his, uh, yeah, very wet hair. I feel like his, uh, his genes were always the problem for me. His selection, his selection of denim was like the most repugly. Him and Michael Jordan probably have the two worst tastes in, uh, in denim in the game, dude, like.
So rocking that 2005 true religion look 100%. Yeah. And it was like, they were like too baggy, but like not quite like Jinko baggy. You know, like it was like, they were, yeah, they were in no man's land. You know, I'm rooting for her. I'm rooting for. Yeah. Speaking of baggy pants. I'm rooting for Jeff Hardy to, uh, to win this one, man.

WWE Match Speculations

I really believe in my heart that if they juice this guy up, dude, they, Jeff Hardy could have a hell of another main event run, just like do something. I think they could even do something similar to like Rick flares last run in 2008 where, you know, come up with an angle where he's got to retire.
if he loses and let's see Jeff Hardy go on a win streak where he keeps getting more and more desperate wins and it can end up with him facing either biggie. I mean, I think biggie would be good to, you know, put Jeff Hardy down for the last time or Roman either one, but I, I believe in my heart, this dude's been over for over 20 years. You know what I mean? Like he's always stayed over with the fans, one of the best baby faces in the history of wrestling. Um, and I just think there's some money to be made to give one last, one last little shooting star run for
for Jeff Hardy in the main event. What do you think, Marco? Am I using some of Jeff Hardy's favorite substances by thinking this man? Or are you down to see Jeff Hardy in the main event one more time? Marco just wants to bring back the deadlies. Well, here's what I'm going to say. I mean, I'm all for the Hardys. I mean, they would have been in that top three on our top 25 tag team thing. So I'm all for definitely a Jeff Hardy. One last run.
Just give like you said the proper send off For forever like every time he comes out a huge pop like it's I mean he's not probably obviously he's not as Like good as he was back then he was a lot younger
You know, there's a lot of wear and tear, but he's lost a step for sure. Yeah, he's not as fast and, you know, but I think we can all forgive that. I think, I mean, we just saw, we just saw freaking Sting wrestle on a, on a big match on, on dynamite. I mean, he's not the sting of old, but we all were just like, Oh yeah, this is awesome. You know what I mean? He's lost a step, but we all kind of like.
accept it and suspend our disbelief that like, yeah, your old man can still go with FTR and Darby, you know? Yep. As long as you do the hits, just pull the heads out. They don't want to say anything new, no new music, just come out, just play the, play the hits. There's the twist of fate, the swans on poetry in motion and just sell your ass off when you're getting beat up, you know? Wrestling, there's nothing wrestling fans love more than nostalgia. I mean, I think wrestling fans
more than any other like fans across the world, like are more attached to nostalgia. Like you don't have nostalgia for your favorite football team from like 30 years ago. You know what I mean? Like you're not like, Oh man, back when so and so was quarterback, like those were the good old days. Like, you know, I mean, maybe some people do a little bit, but like, it's not the same as wrestling, you know, because there's so much storytelling in history. Yeah. Give us the nostalgia. We will be there for it. We will cheer. We will boo whatever you need us to do. Yep. Oh yeah.
All right. I'm glad you guys are on board then. Maybe if, uh, you know, we know we got some, some mole at WWE that's listed to this show. So if you're hearing it, yeah, give us Jeff Hardy, give us one more run. He doesn't need to be in the 24 seven picture. He doesn't need to be, you know, job enough to carry on cross in 90 seconds on raw. Give us Jeff Hardy in the main event one more time. All right. So, you know, speaking of being kind of Halloween season, we got the, uh, the spooky match of the night, the raw women's championship, uh,
I'm just noticing this typo I got in the format. I got Alexa versus Bliss.
I was very tired. I ever did this format right after watching dynamite last night. So I was kind of wrestling out. So, uh, right now it's going to be Charlotte defending against Alexa. Uh, I don't really care about this match. Charlotte's health. Both of these women have well, have held the title so many times that I don't think another Charlotte title loss or Alexa bliss title win really moves the needle. I want to get to the heart of the matter, which is the better doll Lily or Charlie Sheena. I'll let you go first.
Hmm. It's got to be Lily. Lily's the OG and she's way spookier in my opinion than Charlie. So I think I got to go with Lily. Like if I saw Lily sitting on my couch, like if I walked into a dark room and she was kind of like sitting there, I would be terrified. So that's what I'm judging this off of. And as far as we know, Charlie doesn't even have any magic powers. So Lily's got all the magic. It's crazy how most of Lily's magic powers went away after they moved out of the Thunderdome though. It's kind of crazy how that worked out. Yeah. Yeah.
Marco, are you picking up some Lily or Charlie dolls for the twins? I mean, I probably have to get either one of each or two of the same because, you know, just do yourself a favor. Get to the same. Always get the same because they're going to want the other one. But the the Charlie doll does have a magic power because she automatically has a women's title. So that's true. I mean, she's a first ever doll with a
WWE championship. So that is true. Yeah. I'm gonna have to pick Charlie on that one. All right. We will get into the first of, I think two candidates for, for match of the night, uh, the smackdown women's championship. We got the man versus the EST Becky Lynch versus Bianco before you get into predictions. I want to know Marco. Do you think Becky is she's been trying her damnedest to get heel heat. She's been doing everything she can, but I, I felt like the pop is still there and people are so excited to see her every week. Is Becky going to get booed on Sunday night?
Um, I don't think so. I think it might be a little bit of, uh, it might be a little bit of mix. Um, you know, I, you know, the WWE fans, I mean, us included where fair weather, um, they might get sick of her at some point and.
you know, start booing her, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Um, and I've noticed that on the field, the smack, the past Smackdowns, she's, she's trying, she's trying to, you know, she's been a hell of a heel, but people just love her. I think it really reminds me a lot of a 2001 when Austin turned heel, you know, they were trying their best, but dude, the people just love them. People love Becky, man. She was, she was like our
our, you know, champion, you know, we really kind of, they were determined to keep her in the midcard and strictly on fan support. She got pushed all the way to the main event of a WrestleMania. And I think people like Bianca, but she's just going up against a buzzsaw, trying to get the fans to embrace her over Becky. I mean, even in her hometown of, of Knoxville, it's the fans didn't seem like they were that pissed off when Becky came out and laid her out, you know, what do you think, Shane? Is Becky going to get booed on Sunday night?
I like Margot said, I think it'll be a mixed bag. I think people still really love Bianca. I don't think she's going to get all out like Roman booze or anything like that. I think it's going to be mixed. I think there's going to be people cheering for her. I think there's going to be a big pop for Bianca too. I mean, people still love Bianca and people still want to see her on top, but I'm here for this. I know the way it happened and went down wasn't everybody's favorite, but
I think with Becky being such, um, you know, a sniveling heel and just obnoxious as she is, I think it really adds to the, you know, the storyline, like Bianca chasing her. You know what I mean? I think it's going to make it a much more interesting storyline with Bianca kind of like trying to get the title back and whatnot with, uh, with Becky being so obnoxious. So, um, I think it's, I mean, the match is going to be undeniably
Incredible. I mean clearly we haven't seen Becky really, you know in the ring since she left So we don't know what kind of shape she's in but I can't I mean she looks amazing So I can't I can't imagine that she's gonna get in there and fight without being a hundred percent So I got a theory. I think we still might not see this match. So
You know, all the rumors from all the dates saying she's not going to be ready till October. I think if they really want to get Becky booed, do something similar to SummerSlam again. Like obviously she's not going to beat Bianca in 30 seconds, but maybe she gets DQ like 20 seconds into the match. You know what I mean? Maybe the bell rings and she runs out and grabs the belt and just smacks her or just leaves and gets counted out. And we put this match off for another month. You know, I think the fans would have really pissed at Becky then.
And maybe that'll finally get her booed. And it would be a bigger pay-per-view, you know what I mean? Exactly. It would be a bigger pay-per-view at Survivor Series. But it would be a pay-per-view. And to me, obviously, this next match that we're going to talk about is unquestionably the main event for this show. But I think Becky Lynch and Bianca Belair is the main event anywhere in the world. So you can put this off.
I think if people know no shit, we're going to get a full-fledged match between these two, I think that will get people to tune in strictly on that match alone. I'll go ahead and stake my claim. I don't think we're going to get the full-fledged Becky and Bianca Belair. I think we're going to get something else where it lasts a couple minutes and they make us wait one more time until people are just foaming at the mouth to see these two.
I can see that. I can see that. The only thing that scares me about that is WWE is notorious for like either overbooking, remember the Ronda and Charlotte thing when they like, they put it off and like overbooked it all the way to mid-air. Yeah, to a point where the like emotional pitch is already like lowered by the time the match shows up. Yeah, 100%. So that's the only thing I'm worried about. I mean, if they do it next month, we know it's only like four weeks, but a lot can happen in four weeks where you're just like, you know, but
I could totally see that happening, so yeah.
All right, let's get in to the main event of the night. So I never saw this officially announced anywhere, but Wikipedia is usually pretty accurate on the wrestling cards. They're advertising this as an extreme rules match for the Universal Championship. It's going to be Roman. It almost has to be, right? None of the other ones are extreme rules. Yeah, this is the only match even with a stipulation on it. If you want to call it the triple threat stipulation, that's kind of one. But as of now, this is the only match with a stipulation on it.
It's extreme rules the Universal Championship Thunderdome Rome Roman Reigns going up against the demon then ballast first time we seen the demon in action and over two years Demon has only one loss in his history in the WWE and that was against Samoa Joe at NXT Takeover the end back in it was either May or June 2016 but yeah first half of 2016 and
They're bringing them back, man, to fight Roman. So I don't know. I could see this one going either way. This is probably the first time where I really felt like there's at least a chance we could see Roman drop the belt. I'm still skeptical, though, that we're going to get a clean finish. Roman versus Finn, Marco, I'll let you go first, man. How do you see this from playing out?
Oh man, we talked about this last week too, like what the, all the scenarios that could happen, like you have Brock out there roaming around, no pun intended on that one. But, uh, I mean, he's definitely a, you know, he's definitely a huge factor in this match.
And he can go either way. He can, I think we spoke about this last week, he can either cost or open the title, or he can cost, uh, fit bow or the opportunity, uh, in winning the title. Um, yeah, for some reason, I feel like fit bow is going to be like that third.
Man in this in this title race. I don't think after this match win or lose Well, if he does lose, he's not gonna like go right. He's not gonna go away. Yeah, he's gonna be around. He's gonna stick around He's got history Brock. I'm in Brock had a hell of a match at yeah, it was world one with 2019
Yeah, and I think, you know, I think that could set up some matches or like beasts in the East or something. Yeah. No, they didn't fight then. That was Brock fought Kofi Kingston at that show. You're right. I think, yeah, I think you might even see fit. Balor face Brock Lesnar at some point. That would be cool. This year, but yeah.
It's hard to pick a clear winner, but if I have to go with one it's it's it's the rain Brock comes out and just absolutely destroys I think he destroys both of them and then he just lays wrote like, you know lays Roman on top of Finn so Roman wins because that way you know break taking it taking kayfabe out of picture that way you're still protecting the demon gimmick, you know what I mean like I
You could say he took everything Roman had, and then he still took Brock to come out to actually get him pinned. And obviously, Brock's got a clear motivation. He's already had a date with Roman at Crown Jewel, and he wants to make sure that he's fighting for that belt.
There's also one more person that I totally forgot about that laid waste to Roman Reigns on Monday night. And his name is The Almighty Bobby Lashley. And there was some things I was saying is he might want to shot the Universal title at some point. So you have the WWE draft coming up where they could
He might show up on SmackDown. He might have to face the almighty Bobby Lashley at some point. I don't think he has anything to do that night. So he's another factor that could enter that mansion. I think it's definitely going to be some sort of fuck finish on Sunday night. I think we're going to see multiple people involved.
and it's not going to be clean whoever wins. It's definitely not going to be clean because I mean, ultimately, I think betting against Roman Reigns is a stupid move. I think if you're putting your money down on the table, like to put it against Roman at this point is just kind of silly. However, it does give you a little bit of cause for pause that this is the demon that he's faced, not just Finn Balor, it's the demon, it's the personality. Yeah, and even aside from the demon, Finn's been killing it the last ever since he went back to NXT.
Finn would be a worthy person. I don't think anybody would be upset if somehow Finn walks away with the belt on Saturday night. But just timing wise, we got Crown Jewel coming up, the draft's coming up. It just doesn't feel like the right time. And Roman's reign, again, pardon the pun, has been so epic. It feels like it's got to end at a WrestleMania. You know what I mean? I think I don't see him. Yeah, it's got to be like a WrestleMania or a SummerSlam where we see him actually losing the belt, man.
They could always, you know, another, not to get too deep in the fantasy booking because we could go all night on this. They could also, they could always have the demon beat him and then do the rematch two weeks later on SmackDown where it's regular Finn and Roman gets the belt back, you know? So it's rank, you know, you have a little pause, but it'd still be like, Roman's the man on SmackDown. Yeah.
Yeah, they also mention at Crown Jewel, when loser draws, it's Roman Reigns versus Brock Lesnar. Yeah, that match is happening no matter what. But it could be a scenario. I heard somebody talking earlier, and I hadn't really thought about this either. If Roman loses, then Brock's going to be like, well, I'm a prize fighter. Why would I fight you? Why don't I fight Finn at Crown Jewel? You're not even worthy of me fighting you. And I was like, oh, that's so smart. Yeah, because why would he just fight him in a non-title match? I know they have a history and whatnot.
But like Brock is coming back to like get some gold, you know, even in a hell in a cell. We saw that in 2018 when Brock came out and just destroyed Roman and Braun and
The rep just kind of said fuck it and rang the bell and said it was no contest. Would you confront Brock? I don't think I would. I'm saying just because it's an extreme rules match doesn't necessarily mean we have to get a finish, you know? So I don't know. I thought there's definitely going to be some sort of shenanigans.

Extreme Rules Concept Critique

I just I hope they book it in a way that we walk away from the show and be like, all right, that was cool instead of just being let down. Yeah. Obviously with the recent history, we know it's a coin flip.
Yeah, and it's extreme rules. So, I mean, even, you know, you know, Roman Reigns is going to pull out all the freaking, you know, rabbits in his hat to make sure that he wins that. So, I mean, you know, there's no DQ, so there's no telling what he's going to put Finn through that night.
Yeah, it's going to be a hell of a match. Let's talk about extreme rules as a concept. So this is a six match, a six match show. Easy for me to say. There's a triple threat match and then an extreme rules match that kind of feels like it's just, you know, a little, the token extreme rules match. Marco, what's your thoughts on extreme rules as a concept, man? Is this something that we should kind of put out the pasture or, or do you think they should keep extreme rules going as a yearly show for WWE?
Um, I mean, the, I think the correct answer is I've put it out to pasture. Um, I don't think there's any need for it right now, especially with like, you know, it's extreme rules. So, you know, in this, these past few months, um, you talk about extreme.
and you think of Xtreme, I'm thinking, I'm thinking GCW, I'm thinking Nick Cage, and if I'm watching a pay-review that says- It doesn't think I'm doing it anymore. Yeah, if I'm watching something that's titled Xtreme Rules, I'm expecting to see a pizza cutter, some light tubes, a detail of something. Some barbed wire. Yeah, just massive amounts of blood. I think it's
Since they're not really doing anything extreme anymore, they should definitely get rid of it. And not even just that, again, it kind of like the hell in a cell concept that we talked about, it really kind of pigeonholes you because now they have to have like, even if there's no feuds that are at that point where it's like, okay, we're going to go no DQs, like this is extreme rules, like, you know, best man wins, you know, or most hardcore man wins.
It just feels like you have to put a match in there that's not really worthy of that and we see that now like we're like Well, where's the extreme in this? We'll make the main event extreme rules. Yeah And so I feel like it's not a good I don't like the the concept as a whole TLC is in the same vein pretty much needed the gimmick match centered paper views yet They just they still really work cuz yeah you end up having like Sheena said you know forcing it with certain matches that maybe haven't earned there right now and
If they want to do this as a concept, I think they could always bring back the old WCW style, like spin the wheel, make the deal. Like let's make every match a gimmick match. You know what I mean? Give us a wheel or some other sort of mechanism where you get a dozen different gimmick matches. And whether you do it as a kayfabe or shoot, just kind of randomize and let that be the concept for the show. But this is just like, I don't really get it. You know what I mean? It's extreme rules, but there's only one match that's extreme rules. Like why not have every single match be extreme rules on this one night? That would even make sense.
To me, this doesn't make sense in kayfabe wars of shoot. So I don't know why I'm doing it. And I'm with you all that you could really probably extend that to again, TLC and Helena cell all the way across. Let me ask you this, Marco. So we had a WCW had a lot of cool pay per view, like set designs, logos and stuff that weren't really weren't really they were basically just a theme for the show for the look of it. They didn't have anything to do with the actual matches. What's a WCW show you bring back to replace extreme rules?
Probably World War 3. Nice. Would you bring back the triple ring?
Triple ring. Oh, yeah, just have everything in just cross across brand Yes, be the good NXT throw them in there any of the NXT guys I'm not any of them maybe just like the best guys the best of raw best of Smackdown Yes, I'm just real brand supremacy just to use it who the best the best of the best is yeah that I would definitely want to see that or it's not really a show but with a triple cage that they had I
Yeah, that uncensored the the doomsday cage match. Yeah, they should bring that back not as a pay-per-view, but just an actual match. I think we should just do since you know, it's the beginning of fall. Why not just bring back fall brawl, you know, and then it can just be all encompassing. It's not really like it doesn't have any like real gimmick to it. You could make your own gimmick.
Fall look, yeah. Yeah, and you know what? Myself, I was doing the set design. I have a bunch of girls in Uggs wearing pumpkin spice, holding pumpkin spice coffins, pumpkins, and autumn leaves all around. Yeah, like sherpa jackets. Yeah, it'd be the ultimate fall brawl.
Yeah, Fall Brawl would be nice. I've talked about it on the show before. I had a super elaborate Fig Fed back in the day. And the September pay-per-view in my Fig Fed was the back-to-school bash. I got on Microsoft Word and had some clipart of a school bus and stuff.

Personal Anecdotes and New Releases

So yeah, you get that, you know, it's, uh, it's multiple options you got, but I'm a, I'm a big fan of just give me a theme with just a logo and some unique sets and, uh, and let that be the show. You don't always got to have basically, we know, we know NXT has a Halloween havoc now, but that should have definitely been, you know, we got hell in a cell in October now, but we should, that should be WWE should be a pay-per-view. Yeah. You need a full fledged pay-per-view. It's a shame that.
I hope they bring it back. I haven't heard anything, so I don't know if NXT is going to run it back this year or not. I really hope you do though, because they did a great job with it last year. It was a lot of fun last year. Let's hear from Turnbuckle Tavern.
Drop by and visit the Turnbuckle Tavern, where every Thursday, we give you the most in-depth analysis of all things AEW, as well as dive into impact wrestling, NWA, and all things NDA. If you like heated debates, compelling interviews, and a shot of nostalgia, you'll love the Turnbuckle Tavern, available on Apple and Spotify. Drink it in. It always goes down smooth.
I'm a bum man. They, the two bad chats say they got a new ad on the way. I love that ad so much though. It just gets your head rocking every time, man. That's right. Let's get into the Royal Rumble segment. So, uh, again, for first time listeners, I'm going to tee, uh, Marco and Sheena up with a 30 with a topic and they have 30 seconds to go in on it and describe it. So Sheena is kicking it off this week. All right. Daniel Bryan did an interview earlier this week where he called.
Fruit, and I quote, tree sperm, react.
So the, the real quick, for those of you who don't know the context of the interview, they were talking about how he was vegan and you know, his vegan hair, like being an athlete and stuff and getting teased and whatnot. Um, and somehow it became, you know, there was the argument that, you know, vegans are like, you know, against meat eaters of vegans saying, Oh, you kill plants. So plants are alive. Like if you're killing plants, is that not cruel? And he said, well, I'm not really killing the plant. You know, if I'm eating the fruit, the tree, the fruit is the sperm.
my biggest thing is like whatever but as a you know
heterosexual married man, the fact that he's eating sperm, thought to eat sperm, I'm just kinda like, where did that thought come from? But yeah, sorry, I spent most of my time explaining, but you guys know there's a whole market for that, by the way. There's a cookbook that's actually eating with, it's like real sperm, cooking. It's supposed to be like a super food. I think I'm like, did a dude write that? Because that's a real thing.
Don't ask me how, don't ask me how I know about that cookbook, but there, there's definitely a cookbook out there for it. So maybe that's Daniel Bryan's thing, you know? All right. So again, that was Daniel Bryan. We were talking about on the last topic, his good friend, Brian Danielson is going to be the, uh, the, uh, subject of the next one, Brian Danielson and, uh, Katie Omega went one on one. And what I think was an instant classic on, uh, on dynamite, uh, Marco, give us your thoughts on the 30 minute time limit draw from last night.
Yeah, I definitely agree definitely a classic a five-star classic if you want to use that I seen a lot of people I get the beginning of the match doing uh, this matches man. It's like The match just started how what are you doing? What like why would you react that fast? I know they took two minutes to like soak in the fans, which is awesome But um that that that whole match was a story. I had a beginning middle and end I
Yeah, I think it was a match of the year candidate, man. It was, it flew by dude. Like the time limit all snuck up on me. Like when they said there was 45 seconds left, I was like, holy shit. Cause really from like the 10 minute mark on, they were just trading bombs. Do you like that? Can you Omega hit from the top of the ramp? Like incredible, man. And then yeah, I was really impressed. You know, I kind of healed off on Daniel Bryan last week and, uh,
I'm not going to say I'm ready to eat the crow yet, like our friends on termocal tavern say, but I'm getting there. You don't even go to all elite farms? They're serving them up. No, I'm not going to all elite farms yet, but I've been getting on Pinterest and looking up recipes for crow because I feel like if that was a taste of what we're going to get of Daniel Bryan and AEW, then I really think we're in for a treat and we're going to get some great matches.
All right. Let's move over to let's move over to NXT. So, uh, Roderick Strong defeated Koshida on Tuesday night to become the new cruiserweight champion. We've kind of been, uh, I think mixed bag at best on this faction since they debuted. Now that they got some gold, give us your thoughts on the diamond mine.
So I think it'd be cool. They're over. They have all the pieces locked in. They got a stellar manager in Malcolm Bivens. Roddy's the veteran leader. The Kree brothers, they look awesome. They're like big ass-kicker bodyguard, Intimidator type. So they have the potential. I think it'd be cool for them to be the tag champs. You got Roddy as the cruiserweight champ. And now they got Ivy Niles. So she could be the women's champ, right? She looks like a freaking million bucks when you got Hachiman. Is that how you say his name? Hachiman.
Maybe he could be like North American champ You could have the whole faction draped in gold and I think that would be the first time that a whole factions been draped in gold with a woman You know what I mean? Like wouldn't that be wouldn't that be super cool? Like having the the woman with the women's title and then you know, the whole faction having gold too So yeah, I think they're over I'm here for it, you know, I kind of was making fun of them when they first came out But I'm on board
All right. Uh, Marco, this one's specifically for you, man. You know, uh, you and Sheena, y'all are our two, uh, reality TV slash trash TV aficionados roads to the top is debuting next week. Um, I don't think we need to go into detail about how I feel about that one, but I want to hear your, what, if you could book your perfect or your most wanted wrestling reality show, what would it be?
Wow, I never put thought to this I would definitely I would definitely like to see like a
like a New Day type of reality show where you follow those guys around individually. If you listen to the podcast there, they're hilarious together, but just to see them in their own separate environments, you know, Woods and Kofi being the family men of the group, and then Big E is a bachelor. We'd love to see that.
transpires. Marco, you read my freaking mind. I was hoping you were going to say the new day, because I'm not, I was going to have to ruin the rumble segment by giving my want for new day. But yeah, that's spot on, dude. Yeah, I got one too. I want to see that so on Hawaii.
and just a whole branching show. Obviously, The Rock would be a big part of it, but you got The Rock, Nia Jax, The Usos, obviously Roman, you got freaking Rikishi, the whole clan, just everything that goes on with that family. I think that'd be really good with all the drama. And then you could have the super dramatic episodes in every one of the Usos gets another DUI. I was actually thinking about a midi one that they could do
on the Peacock, they could do like a Shinsuke Nakamura, Rick Boogs, like just like maybe like a 10 minute thing where they do it like a mockumentary. I think you could, I think those would be good for like a, like an office now show. You know what I mean? Where like, yeah, it's shot like a documentary, but it's all in kayfabe. Like that would be pretty freaking excellent.
Yeah. If you ever fall, it follows his social media. Oh, he's the man. Yeah. I love her. Yeah. He's crazy. All right. So Sheena gets the last one for this week. She's the birthday girl. It's going to be her birthday in about an hour and 17 minutes from the moment we're kicking off this topic. Shane, you're turning 36 tomorrow. I want you to fantasy book your perfect wrestling inspired birthday cake. So I want the look, the flavors, color of icing, all that. All right. And your time starts now.
Okay. So the look, the aesthetic, I would want like three tier cake, you know, like a smaller, smaller, smaller at the top. And I want it like a three faces of Foley theme cake. So the bottom layer could be like Buffalo platter on the outside with like, you know, faux barbed wire wrapped around. And then you could have like the mankind layer that's got like all the, you know, the leather straps and everything would be really cool. And then on top, you could have the dude love like the small layer with like the tie dye and whatnot.
As far as flavors go, I love this regular white vanilla wedding cake flavor. That's one of my favorites. Carrot cake with the cream cheese icing. Marco's giving me a bad carrot cake face. Carrot cake is freaking good. Shut up. It is so good. And then the bottom one had to be some sort of chocolatey, cookies and cream style cake flavor. But yeah, I think that would be super cool if I was just building my own birthday cake.
Yeah, I'm loving the aesthetics of that, man. That sounds like it would definitely look cool if nothing else. See, I'm thinking like each face of Foley has its own type of flavor or cake. I see Dude Love is like a red velvet.
type of cake for you that would have to be cactus jack for sure because it's like bloody you know what i mean yeah blood yeah that's yeah i would want the dude love to be like just vanilla flavor like rainbow inside inside it yeah yeah i made sense for rainbow birthday cake one time like you know rainbow chocolate cake so yeah i think it'd be cool if it was like all swirled in there and then yeah your mankind could just be like your basic like chocolate and vanilla just you know for the for the colorway or whatever you know the cactus jack one you need to have like
some sort of jelly mechanism in there. So when you cut into it, there's just like red oozing out onto the thing. Yeah. Agreed. That would be awesome. So great idea. That would be a pretty epic. Anybody wants to order that for me and have it shipped overnight tomorrow. You can find a cake maker that would make that for you in the next 24 hours and have it shipped to Virginia. You know, much appreciated. There you go. Marco, what's your favorite flavor of cake, man?
Man, I'm not a huge sweets person. You prefer pie? Yeah, I'm a pie guy. Let's say that for the Patreon episodes, but I'm a good chocolate cake, we'll probably say. Do you have to have ice cream? Do you like ice cream with your cake? I don't have to have it.
Uh, if I do yet, uh, vanilla vanilla ice cream chocolate. I'm eating this regular regular basic like birthday wedding cake or something like that. Like I have to have ice cream with it. If it's an ice cream cake, clearly it's, it doesn't need the, the, the side item, but yeah, I like plain cake, man. Yeah. For years, for years I've made Seth a plain chocolate cake with no icing with a glass of milk, man.
I'm not real big on the sweets, dude. It's too sweet with the icing, man. So I like this plain chocolate cake. No, not me. I want it like, you know, cream cheese icing, spring. Yeah, you gotta get a little, little like chocolatey crunchies on the inside. You know, that's, that's my jam. Some fudge and stuff on there. Yeah. Kick it up a notch. All right. It is Sheena's birthday tomorrow. So let's have a birthday drink.
Alright, she needed a birthday girl, you can kick it off. What do you dream?
So I am drinking, um, this flying embers hard kombucha. So, you know, I'm trying to get my fall body, right. You know what I mean? Like, uh, you go through ebbs and flows and, you know, you go through, like, uh, we just spoke, spoke about birthday cake and all, all the delicious things, but, uh, I'm trying to rain it, reel it in a little bit. And I told Seth to pick these up for me, not knowing what they were. Cause I was like, you know, there's zero sugar, zero carbs. Uh, they're like right up my alley. It's got like probiotics, antioxidants are at
organic and adapt to jen's you know non gmo it's like all the things that i freaking love to not pasteurized so that's what you need to worry about when you. Putting alcohol in your body.
That's right. Oh, if you're going to drink alcohol, you may as well be drinking the healthiest version of alcohol. And I actually think these are a little bit lighter on, uh, on the alcohol. Um, but this is a pineapple chili flying. That's like 7% I think. Is it? I thought it, I thought when I was reading it, I thought it was like 6.7%. They have some that are lower alcohol. Look, it should be on the can.
It doesn't say on the can or I can't find it on the can. Yeah, anyway, but this is the pineapple. They have several flavors. This is the pineapple chili flavor with a hint of ginger and dude, it is so good. I was expecting since it's like zero sugar, zero carbs or any of that kind of stuff that it was going to be, oh yeah, 6.8% alcohol. Yeah, that's stout. That's basically like some double IPAs that aren't that strong.
Okay, so 6.8% alcohol. I think the watermelon flavor they had there was like the lower, I think that one was like 4%. That was the longest one. Those are some pretty stiff drinks. Yeah, this is like, it's really sweet without being like, you know, hurt your teeth, kind of like fruity sweet. But yeah, dude, this is so good. Like I, this might be my new favorite go-to drink.
Yeah. So if you're, if you're in the market for something that's a little, you know, more locale, low carb flying embers, look it up. Uh, it's hard kombucha. So good stuff, dude. Highly recommend. Yeah. They got a bunch of cool flavors too. There was like six different flavors to pick from. So they're like pretty appealing. Uh, Marco, what are you sipping on?
Just the classic, the classic broken skull, nothing special. I've been searching for some IPAs, kind of like Halloween themed IPAs. I already picked up one. I forget the name, but it has zombies on the front of it, and it's a triple IPA. It's like 10.7% alcohol. I'm going to have to break that one out.
October hits me. Yeah, just sipping on this now then uh Get get in the mood for some Halloween bear some some IPA Halloween bears. Anyway, you guys have Do you guys have total wine up there?
Yes. Yeah. Hit up Total Line. I was at Total Line this afternoon, and they had all the fall beers out. Yes. That sent me pictures of all the stuff. They had one called Children of the Gorge instead of Children of the Corn, and it's some sort of pumpkin IPA. It can look badass. Yeah, pretty cool. And speaking of broken skull IPA, we've been in a drought for the last few weeks, but I scored today and grabbed eight more broken skull IPA. Nice. So you see those on the shelf. You just got to buy it out, man. That stuff's like solid gold.
So good, such a good beer. I started off the show by drinking surf vasa. So that's a, this is by O'Connor Brewing in Norfolk. So I don't know how far up and down the East Coast their distribution goes. It's local to us right here in the Tidewater area of Virginia, but it is excellent. The way I would describe it, it's basically like a premium Corona. It's a Mexican style lager. So it's really good.
Yeah, it is really, really good. Put a lime in it, drink it the same way you drink a Corona, but it just you can just tell the difference between like, you know, a macro brew and a microbrew with this one. And it's just it's really, really good, but still super refreshing. It's not one of those craft beers where.
you really got to kind of work yourself into it. And now I'm washing that down within Elysian Contact Haze IPA. So this is just a hazy IPA from Elysian. They're known for their super strong beers. They had the Space Dust IPA, which was one of the first triple IPAs to hit the market. It was one of the first
8 plus percent ABV beers to kind of go mass market. So this one's not quite that strong. I think it's like 6.5, but I love a hazy IPA. That's kind of become my favorite of all the crafties. Really over the last year, I used to hate hazy IPAs. I know you used to make so much fun of hazy. You're like, oh, it's just a gimmick.
This is just a gimmick to get people to buy it. It's just them being lazy. They don't want to purify the beer. Some of the really good ones, like neon rainbows and stuff, they taste straight up like orange juice when you're drinking it, man. That's dangerous. Big fan of the hazy IPAs. They are dangerous. You guys re-talk some figures? Let's go. Let's do it.
So we need all of the listeners to help out me and Marco. Again, this is like we've been doing the Ric Flair drip the chip hop version for about a month now as the intro to our new figure segment. We're trying to talk Sheena into putting together a full fledged
parody rap song based around figures to that beat. So slide in the DMS slide in the comments, put some some positive peer pressure on her to make that happen. All right. With that being said, let's get serious for a minute. I think there's only one way that we could lead off this week's figure four. And here it goes.
All right, the classic Owen Hart theme. Had to do it for the folks that are watching on YouTube. You got to see some awesome dance moves because it just inspires so much joy. And all of us here in Owens music, you see me, Mark Ochino, all three, repping Owen Hart tonight with the shirts.
We love Owen. That's no secret. If you've been listening to this podcast at all, I feel like we mentioned Owen at least, at least once every two or three weeks, we talk about Owen on here. Huge fan. Uh, me personally, my fanhood for Owen really grew. Um, kind of when I got back into wrestling in 2014, I always loved Owen before, just as a member of heart foundation, but going back the second time around as a much older wrestling fan and watching some of the stuff he was doing.
Really made me realize how great he was both as as a character and a worker in the ring. Yeah owns the man it was just tremendously joyful news that came through on Tuesday when it came out that you know Martha and Owen Hart's family through the Owen Hart Foundation has struck a deal with all elite wrestling to basically You know for all intents and purposes, I think it's safe to say Owen Hart is all elite. So There's gonna be a tournament in his name that goes down every year. It sounds like we're gonna probably get some more merch
Um, he's going to be in the AW video game and most importantly to us, jazzwares is going to be able to make own heart figures. So, uh, she kind of goes through your kind of instant reactions when you saw this news.
So I was super stoked. As soon as I saw it, I screenshotted it and sent it, Seth was at work, I screenshotted it and sent it to Seth and I was just like, at first I thought I was getting worked. I read it and then I stopped for a minute and then I read it again and I was like, where did this come from? Are we sure? And then I for sure saw that it was from Jeremy and from AEW and I was just like, my head exploded a little bit. So I was super, super, super excited. This is something that we've wanted for so long.
I will say that I posted it on social media and the immediate reaction was like so super excited. Well, then all the trolls crawled out from the woodwork and they were like, yeah, we got a UNWWE. He never wrestled in All Elite. All Elite wasn't even a thing whenever.
you know, Owen was around, you know, blah, blah, blah, what's gonna happen when Owen Hart, or when Ollie goes under, what's gonna happen with Owen's legacy? You know, Martha Hart is this, Martha Hart is that. And yo, I went in, I spent like, I spent more than enough time, more time than I should have, like, you know, talking to people in the comments and like, replying back to people in the comments, like, what the, what the freak is your problem? You know what I mean? Like, are you freaking kidding me right now? Because of course, in an ideal world,
In an ideal world, none of this would even be an issue. We wouldn't even be talking about this, right? But the way it all played out, yeah, ideally we want him to be honored in WWE because that's where he built the majority of his legacy, right? However, that's not going to happen.
So we need to give it up. You need to give it up. And you need to be happy that Martha and the Owen Hart Foundation and everybody are going to partner with AEW. And it doesn't matter where he's honored and where his legacy lives, as long as a place where he's being honored honors wrestling. You know what I mean? It doesn't matter that he didn't wrestle there. I think it's such a good move. And anybody who finds negativity in this, sure, you can be upset that, guess what? Your hopes and dreams of it ever happening in WWE.
aren't gonna happen like you can be a little bit upset by that but to be negative and to say anything negative about Martha or Owen's family like you're just you're just you're a shithead you're a horrible human you know like so just like get off of it and you know if it's bringing you that much displeasure that this is happening like you need to find a new hobby you know what I mean like wrestling is clearly not for you anymore so you need to like
Crawl back into whatever freaking cave you came out of, you little troll. Go back under your bridge and find a new hobby because I'm not here for anybody shitting on what's going on right now because it's pretty freaking cool. Yeah. I totally agree with that. Just to piggyback off of that, yeah.
The first thing you should be doing as a wrestling fan is celebrating this happening. This is like monumental. That's the only word, monumental. Yeah. It doesn't matter what company, it could have been GCW that struck a deal with Owen Hart's family and they started on it. It doesn't matter. As long as this man is being honored, because I feel like, I think a lot of us feel like his
Not that we don't know who Owen is, but he's not as celebrated as he should be. Yeah, definitely. And now we have this premier company, this young company, this exciting company that's going to take his legacy and put it in the forefront. And now all the younger generation of wrestling fans are going to be able to see who Owen Hart is. Just to paraphrase, Bryan Danielson did an interview when he made his appearance on
on IAWD basically said like in short like you know if you show somebody good professional wrestling you can bring anyone in. Yeah definitely. It's the best. I feel like when you if you if you're gonna if you're gonna show somebody professional wrestling that's never seen it before you can show an Owen Hart match and that someone will definitely fall in love you'll definitely create a fan off of a Owen Hart match.
And you know what? People's main argument was like, oh, he was never around. All Elite wasn't around when Owen was around. But guess what? All Elite Wrestling wouldn't be around if Owen hadn't. Because the guys who started All Elite Wrestling watched Owen.
They love, you know what I mean? They were fans of WWE. They were fans of Owen and everybody else that was in WWE, all the legends that we love. So you can say what you want, but those guys looked up to Owen. They want to honor his legacy, so it doesn't matter what company they work for. They were little kids like us. They're our age, so they were watching it as they were growing up, and those guys were their heroes.
The general direction of the company, I think it's safe to say AEW is pretty much they were team Brett. They weren't team Sean back in the day. You know, it's basically like appreciation. Yes. And the other thing I would say to the people that are like, oh, it should be, you know, this should be a day to be, dude, the story is not over, man. Like even two years ago, this deal that AEW struck with Owen Hart's family would have seemed unthinkable. You'd be like, no, that's never going to happen. So this may just be the first step into eventually that relationship kind of thawing out.
And maybe they can welcome Owen Hart's family back in the fold. You know, obviously, from everything we know, Brett is still on good terms with WWE. So maybe he could be that bridge to kind of, you know, help heal that wound also. And we could eventually see him go into the WWE Hall of

Owen Hart Legacy Celebration

Fame. So the story is not over. You know, again, just just watching joy. And yeah, like there's no there's absolutely nothing to be mad about this. It's it's from everything we've seen. It looks like it's going to be awesome. And we know
almost to a fault, Tony Khan books for the fans. So this is going to be something that fans are going to enjoy whenever it happens. You know, I'm really even almost as much as the figures. I'm looking forward to this Owen Hart Memorial Tournament because I'm sure if it's in Owen's spirit, it's just going to be some incredible in-ring action.
And, uh, I look, you know, I can't wait to see the trophy, all that. Like, I think that's going to be really, really cool. Exactly. And if we know anything, you know, after the loss of Brody, you know, the way that AEW handled that and like with, with the grace and just like the class that they handled something like that, I can't imagine that they're going to do anything less with somebody as, you know, incredible and talented and, you know, legendary as Owen Hart. So I can only imagine how much love and care and, you know, um, that they're putting into this, right? So.
And to what I'll say to you guys is like, you know, all you fickle fucks out there, like, you know, it wouldn't, it would not have, it would not have mattered if WWE honored him. You still would be bitching saying, Oh, they didn't do him justice. Or, Oh, they didn't do it like that. Or, Oh, it should have been, you know, 10, 20 years ago. You know what I mean? Like it wouldn't matter. So you're the kind of people that aren't going to be happy no matter what. So like, nobody's listening to you when, yeah, when you're, yeah, exactly. You're hate watching. So when you're out there, like bitching to the world, how horrible this is, like, nobody's listening to you.
We're all just out here trying to have a good time and enjoy it and find fun and awesomeness in what's going on. Just go ahead and save your thumbs some energy. Save your brain power for whatever it is. Save the data on your T-Mobile cell phone plan. Yeah, exactly. Just stay the hell out. Thanks for keeping me on the explore page as you guys were fighting one another down in my freaking comment section. Other than that, nobody gives a shit that you think it's horrible.
Well said. Let's move on to some fun stuff. Marco, what would be, so Jeremy Padour, friend of the show, he immediately confirmed that Owen figures are on the way. What is your most wanted Owen Hart jazzwares figure?
See that, that was the other, that was the other conversation. Like what are they allowed to make? Let's assume everything's on the table. I mean, you can see right there. That's that shirt you're wearing. It was released last year. It's in the classic black and pink logo with black and pink color scheme with some of the own logo. So.
I can't imagine WWE is gonna fight it too hard if they wanna, for whatever looks they wouldn't throw out. I mean, that's just, even for WWE, that'd be a bad look if you're trying to, and I kinda feel like WWE is beyond that, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, it's definitely a win for AEW that they kinda got Owen back in the fold, but is WWE really sweating an action figure release, you know what I mean? Like, I kinda feel like they're gonna have pretty much free reign on the figure. So, let's go with that with the ground rules on the discussion, and also,
They're I think we're assuming that his family is cool with, uh, you know, WWE looks being reproduced. What would be your dream on heart figure? Man, if they could, if they could do this or some version of it, definitely a blue blazer.
That would be cool. Because now with the way they do their cloth clothing and the cape and everything like that. That was his last figure, too. He had the bone cruncher and the blue blazer. So something like that. Definitely the all-pink attire, the all-pink singlet. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. Yeah, you can do that.
that maybe throw maybe throwing in like the the the robe and like the crown would be a little much but we've already got those accessories with any of you so you can all you could piecemeal together a king Owen if they just gave us the uh the base of the year yeah what about you what you most wanted on
Um, I think like, you know, like a European champion, uh, you know, blue and orange gear. I think that was cool. It's a little bit different. You know what I mean? It's not your traditional, like, you know, uh, Owen. Yeah, I was a fan of the blue and orange. Oh, and the black heart. Yeah. The black heart. Oh, and hurry up.
Yeah, I think that would be a super cool thing. Go ahead. I was going to say pyramid posted a stampede, you know, inspiration. I think that would be cool to get a stampede version of Owen. I got to imagine they're going to roll out all kinds of variants. To me, I'll go with a deep cut as well because
I already have a really awesome, I have two awesome custom Owens in, uh, the all pink attire, like Marco reference from king of the ring and summer slam 94. And then I have a custom Owen from his look from WrestleMania 10. So that's probably his two most famous looks as a solo wrestler. I kind of want a high energy Owen heart with the baggy pants and the suspenders and stuff. We need, we need to get a Coco beware come out also, but that was just such a unique look. That's what his Hasbro was in. So it could be, you know, it would correspond to his Hasbro.
That was going to be my next one. Yeah. Yeah, but you really can't go wrong. I'm just, I'm excited to get own figures and I'm really looking forward to it. So hopefully we get one here within the next year. So we don't got to wait too long. Um, but yeah, it's going to be great. All the, I think at least a portion of the proceeds you're going to the own heart foundation. So you're also supporting charity. Um,
Yeah, it's going to be awesome. Hats off to AWW for bringing Owen Hart back into the wrestling fold. Also, so we've mentioned ringside collectibles earlier in the show. Again, remember use code chick Foley for any orders there. It's now been revealed that the collaboration between Chella and Nerds clothing for this J white Hasbro style figure, it's going to be a ringside exclusive. Marco, you in on this? You picking up Switchblade?
Yeah, it looks pretty cool, actually. There's actually going to be two attires. They're both red and black, but one is with the red tights, and then the other one, I believe. Red tights are black, and then the other one is black with red. Which one are you going to get?
Man, I do. I do like the red one. The red one pops a little bit better than the red as well. I kind of know I have so many figures in black attire. So yeah, if I get a chance to get something more colorful, I go with that, especially with the Hasbro style figures. So yeah, definitely right away from me. Everything cell has done so far has been pretty great. So
Hopefully this, uh, this collaboration with nerds clothing and new Japan, um, continues speaking of new Japan super seven provided some release info this week. I'm cool that they tossed out some info, but it's hard to get too excited about it, man. They're kind of like, they basically just sort of like, you know, Hey, they're shipping, but you know, cool your fucking horses. Cause it's going to be three months.
I don't understand this dude so you know I very very rarely ever talk about this man just because it's my job and it really doesn't define who I am but I am in the Navy so I know a little something about you know ships being on the water dude you can get around the world in three months man like it takes like fucking two weeks to get from one place to another so I don't know what the hell is going with these man I don't know if they're like
meeting at some remote location in the middle of the ocean and hand lining them across from different boats. True, but you're thinking in a pre-pandemic situation, whereas now there's ships literally stacked outside of coastal areas, trying to bring... I mean, still though, three months, in what scenario?
I feel like I could get something to the fucking moon in three months, dude. I feel like even me as a regular person, I'm no Jeff Bezos. I'm no Elon Musk. Give me something and tell me it needs to get on the moon. I feel like I could find a way to get it to the moon and send them over to us. You know what I mean? I feel like I could find a way to get something to the moon in fucking three months, dude. How does it take you three months to get these figures over here? That's ridiculous.
Give us an option, dude, like set up something out. Dude, honestly, I would spend 50 bucks right now. They told me they could get these figures to me within a week. I would fucking PayPal super seven, 50 bucks. I'm half hot about this man because in 2021, it makes no sense to me that these figures are done. They're complete. They're box up ready to go.
We already been waiting a year and a half. So I really don't know what difference another three months makes, but it just frustrates me, man. Like I, I don't really want to support super seven anymore, man. If this is the best you can do for your customers, like that's just shit, you know? So apologies if anybody for super seven happens to be listening to this, but I feel like you guys can do better and you're just not. I feel like you're, you're settling for whatever the circumstances are presenting you. Marco, you're the, I feel like you're kind of the baby face of the group, man.
What do you think, dude? Am I being too hard on Super 7? What's your thoughts on this? The only thing I can think of is when these were first brought up, I don't think they were ready for the demand of these figures in the first place. Obviously, a lot of people want New Japan style figures.
but they probably weren't begging on how many orders they're going to have to get. How many collectors there actually were out there in demand anyway. So I think that was the first of the setbacks. That's what caused the delays. I think that's what caused the delays. They were probably like, here's what we're projecting.
People are gonna order for this but then you know people order it through their site which they can control right? But then they have that deal or ringside So now you get more orders, which they're probably not I mean, I don't want to say they're not tracking those ones But I'm assuming ringside goes, you know, they they take all the orders and then ringside. I
goes, hey, here's all the orders that we got for our site. It's probably far more than what Super 7 got on their site. I can understand that. I understand that. But still, they're done now, man. How has it taken three months from the figures being done?
until they get in our hands, dude. Three months, man. My only question is, there's probably not going to be a series three judging from all this. The Forbidden Door's open. Let's extend that to figures, dude. I want jazzwares. I want there to basically be Mattel has WWE and jazzwares has everybody else, man. Yeah, say what you want about jazzwares, but do they? They get their shit out quick. That's what I said about the Owen thing. That was the other plus on jazzwares, getting the figure thing instead of Mattel.
We love, love, love, all caps love everything Mattel does, but they're a big conglomerate. They're slow moving. Like if they signed on one heart today, we'd be lucky if we had an own heart figure by like Christmas 2022. Cause that's just the way things work on a company that size. I think it's within the realm of possibility. We get an own heart figure this year. You know what I mean? Jazzwares is a smaller, more agile company. We could totally see owned before the end of the year, I think. But yeah, super seven, like,
Dude, we were happy. We put you guys over, man. When we had those figures in hand, we, everybody else was shitting on those figures. We put those figures over as a quality product. Dude, you got to work on the logistics, man. Like, cause there's just three months. It's just unacceptable, man. That is totally unacceptable. Yeah. Agree.
All right, let's get into our week of purchase. Sorry, I wasn't really trying. I've been so busy at work the last couple of weeks. I like this. This is like, you know, you guys are getting to see the real heel husband. I'm excited. I've been kind of busy at work the last couple of weeks.
I haven't been like as in tune with every single bit of figure news that comes out and Marco, he does a great job of kind of rounding everything up for us. And he had, he had sent, I can't remember if he sent in a group chat or sending an email, like the screenshot for the update on the super seven stuff. And I was, I was kind of just half-assed reading. I was like, all right, sweet. So we know we're going to ship. And then I got the looking and reading the message and it's like three months. I'm just like, what the fuck? He's like, how in the hell, man? Yeah, anyways,
Yeah it was it was more of like a calendar of like their whole lineup that they had so like not just the new japan figures but anything else had any other properties so like Teenage Ninja Turtles so it was like a timeline for all those and yeah they were all pretty far
I'll say again, the product is great. Like I've, I, I own the new Japan figures, the series one. Those were awesome. I've seen pictures of the super seven. So the final product's really great, but I just like, yo, it's you customers come up with a better solution logistics wise. Um, let's move on to some fun stuff though. Marco, what were your weekly purchases this week?
So before that, we actually didn't get to talk about the GCW Homecoming two-pack that ZST is actually. The Matt Cardona figure from the GCW pay-per-view as well as Nick Gage is actually going to be a part of a two-pack, which is
It's going to be the first zombie sailor 2-pack, right? Yeah, it's going to be pretty awesome. And obviously, all the accessories that were mentioned before will be with it. So yeah, he announced that also this week, along with another signee, too. But yeah, so what I picked up was,
uh the top picks uh figures that just came out so you know you have Goldberg Goldberg Goldberg obviously we spoke about this gentleman earlier he's still he's still pumping out those things yeah i mean i figure pops man he's a he's a top pick so maybe we might be onto something with that run yeah the top picks are nothing but the best man
And then obviously this guy right here, the Golden Glove champion himself. So my thing about this is, why aren't all the packaging like this? This packaging is pretty amazing. Have you guys actually? So I think that's going to start with, I want to say Elite 89. I think Elite 89, that is the new packaging for- It's so sick.
Yeah, that's the new packaging for 2021. I think Elite 88 is the last of the current set. Don't quote me on that. It might be Elite 90. But yeah, the top picks, because those are supposed to be the top picks for the start of 2022. So I don't know when we'll actually see those on the pegs. But yeah, I am a fan. I think.
My only critique, if they got rid of that big WWE logo in the top left, it just kept the window for the figure. But I do like the new color scheme. I like the blue and red. It is cool. And it definitely pops on the shelf. Yeah, what I like about it, too, is this hair, the certified authentic. The packaging and everything actually makes you feel like this is a
like a legit like, even like a, yeah, it's like a, like a real collectible. So like, you know, you, you know, when you see it on the show, be like, holy crap, this is just, just a whole package of this. Whoever, whoever did this is, I mean, they're amazing, but the only other thing too, what I would suggest is maybe like, um, if it's like someone else, maybe do a red version of it too. Like if it's like a chase variant or something like that, do like a red packaging instead of a blue. Cause I think they were doing in, uh, like,
2017 I think is when they had it where the color scheme is actually changing between raw and smack down like it was more of a Yeah, I think yeah, I read for raw that was cool, too But well, yeah, what I'm thinking too is since these since these gentlemen were all on Smackdown Maybe that's why the packaging was blue at the time when they yeah, you know Goldberg well, he wasn't on Smackdown, but he did defeat the feed you get the the blue universal yeah, you had a you know, Jeff Hardy on his redemption run and
at the time when he was on SmackDown, when he was facing Sheamus and stuff like that. So enrollment was kind of like not really back yet. But maybe that's why it's blue packaging. But maybe you're right. Maybe if they do come up with some raw centric figures, it's going to be red packaging, which will be pretty awesome. But yeah, those are my pick-ups. So we actually have a pretty sweet one. I'm hoping it's still there at the comic book shop that I'll have for next week. So hopefully it's still there. No one took it.
Sheena, you want to start off showing off the the pops? Yeah. So again, for our YouTube, for our listeners, you can head over to YouTube to actually see Sheena showing off these figures. So we got Angelo Dawkins. You know, we got Montes Ford last week. And then we got a very special. And this is probably one of my one of my favorite pops we have now. Thunderdome Rome holding the universal belt. I love that Funko decided this year we're going to start going hard on figures with the championship belt. So we've seen a handful of this year. They all look great.
And yeah, that Roman figure is just tremendous. What else we got, Shane? There you go. Speaking of awesome packaging, the ECW Cactus Jack ringside exclusive. That came in just this afternoon. Tremendous figure. It's got the barbed wire. It comes with the ECW backdrop included. Yeah, big picture of the classic ECW Mick Foley on the back. Again, we're not autograph guys. Shout out to Scott and Jeff Tune from Fully Poseable.
but this would be tremendous to get autographed, man. I think I have to let it digest a little bit, but I think in my opinion, the immediate reaction, that's the best Mick Foley figure Mattel has done. Talking about the packaging and everything included, really, really cool figure. So yeah, jump on ringside and grab that. I think that one might be on back order right now, but they are going to get some more. It's not your opportunity to get that isn't completely gone. So, so grab that. And that's the first time we've had the ECW tag team championship released.
with a figure, so very cool. Sheena, what's kind of some of your instant thoughts seeing that figure in person? Oh yeah, I mean, I just piggyback off everything you said. I mean, I feel like we've gotten some really great Mick Foley figures from Mattel, but I just love, I love the ECW Championship. I love the shirt. Yeah, the packaging is just super awesome and unique. So yeah, definitely a must add for any Mick Foley fans out there for sure.
and it's like a two for one because you can take the t-shirt off and then he's just got the black single underneath so it's like a wcw cactus jacket awesome all right you guys ready to hear from our good friend extra cooler let's go hey everyone it's nick better known as extra cooler is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday

Retro Wrestling Recommendations

Retro Wrestling Recommendation of the Week is where myself, the heel husband, Chick Foley, and Marco the MVP give you guys a recommendation from a match or event from years gone by to get you through the weekend. This segment is brought to you by our good friends at Chalk Line. Chalk Line specializes in bringing you the absolute best in retro inspired fan wear. They can be found on Instagram at Chalk Line Official or at
All right. And it would not be a retro recommendation of the week segment without doing our chalk line check-in. So this is where I am going to ask the heel husband which of his 60 pair of chalk line shorts he is wearing for tonight's episode. So heel husband, what you got for us tonight?
So I'm going to be called a poser for rocking these. We talked about team Brett and team Sean earlier. I'm actually rocking the Sean Michael shorts from his attire at survivor series in 1997, AKA the Montreal screw jobs. So I, you know, I have.
I have kind of thought on my hatred for Shawn Michaels over the years and just been able to appreciate his in ring. You have like, you have like 10 pair of Shawn Michaels shots, especially from his nineties run. And I mean, dude, Hey, say what you want about how the guy acted back in the day. The ring gear was swag, man. Like he was crushing it on the ring attire. I never wore the same stuff on pay-per-view twice. Um, and they, they, they really translate well to, uh,
to Chalk Line shorts. So yeah, I'm rocking the Survivor Series 97 HBK shorts and also reminder to use code PF10 to save 10% on all your purchases at Chalk Line and support the Pod Foundation. So we do have a theme for this week's retro wrestling recommendation and we're going to hit the music one more time because it's just too sweet.
Again, that's kind of your tease to tune in on YouTube this week. So yeah, this ended up kind of turning into a, uh, in prompt to own heart appreciation week, just based on the AW news, but we're going to go around and each pick a, uh, own heart match that, that, uh, we think you guys should go check out. So Marco, you can go first.
Yeah, so it's not really an obscure match, but it's from Raw of 1997, April
28th to the exact He faced a some young upstart Rocky my via not sure if I never met anything. Yeah I don't think you know after this match I don't even think he won anywhere after that so I mean too bad for him But uh, yeah, it's a carnival championship match. So Rocky my V is walking in
Is he uh, is he at a carnal champion? He may not be walking out uh facing the uh, the young the other upstart Dave Owen Hart, but uh Owen just got his big boost because the the heart foundation had just recently reformed after years Years of shooting with his big brother Brett. They were finally uh back on the same page. So yeah, so
Yeah, so it's awesome. It's a really good match. You have the cameos from British Bulldog and Bret Hart. They're up on the ramp, the old school raw ramp. Bret Hart's actually sitting in the wheelchair on this one. And they're cheering them on.
And uh, you know that was the best raw set too. I I love the original titan tron set it would just pardon the pun But it looks so raw, you know, it was just awesome Yeah, it was the best man. It wasn't as like huge as as it you know Yeah, it's now but like it was a lot smaller a little bit more intimate. Um, it was like real metal So someone took a bump on that it definitely didn't say forgiving at all. But uh
Yeah, so, you know, Owen wins, runs first thing he does runs up the ramp and celebrates with his with his brothers, British Bulldog and Bret Hart. So, yeah, it's a really definitely good match. I mean, it's Owen Hart was actually that was Owen's first ever singles title win. Also, you know, yeah, prior to that, he just he'd been the tag champ with with Yoko Zuna and then with British Bulldogs. So, yeah, very cool. Huge celebration on that one. Yeah, definitely check that out.
So I'm picking another one. This is a, it's a pretty widely known match as far as hardcore wrestling fans go, but it's a, it's a little bit of a deep cut. This is from king of the ring 1994. It was the, I believe it was the second round match. It may have been the first round match, but he fought the one, two, three kid. And it's one of the best like five minute matches you're ever going to see. It was only five minutes long. Obviously Owen went over, he went on to become the king of hearts that night, but it's just nonstop. These two guys are both going balls to the wall while running full speed.
Um, Sean Waltman, Marco's a good buddy. He was a hell of a worker. Uh, he was a hell of a worker really even to this day, he could still hold up, but back then he could really go. He was ahead of his time a little bit. Um, big guys are flying around high impact moves nonstop for five minutes. It's just a kind of a car crash of a match and just a really, really fun watch. And it won't take you that long either. So yeah, if you only got a couple minutes, you know, for your, uh,
If you're sitting on the pot and you need something to watch to get you through a movement, yeah, check out Owen in 123 Kid from King during 1994. Sheena, what's your pick?
So I got to go with a five-star classic, you know, one of my favorite matches of all time. It is Bretton Owen, SummerSlam 94 from Big Blue, Still Cage, Iconic. Just everything about this match just screams, you know, five stars. I mean, the guys sold, the crowd was so hot. I mean, it was just like everything was amazing. And this was, you know, the kind of like the culmination of like this, you know, big few that Bretton Owen had been having. And I just feel like,
If you want to just watch a match that's going to just make you feel good about wrestling, that's definitely one of them. So if you haven't seen it in a while, I'm sure everybody that's listening to this has seen that match, but if you haven't seen it in a while, it's definitely one that I'm going to recommend that you go back this weekend and just watch so that that way you can be super hyped for all the things that we're going to get with Owen Hart coming back into the fold, back into wrestling, and back into our lives.
Yeah, that's the best cage match ever, in my opinion. I've mentioned it before. That's in kind of my magnificent seven. The seven matches that I put up is my all-time favorites. It was cool because one thing that was unique on that one, both guys were constantly trying to escape the cage. They didn't wait until there was a high spot and they knew the slow climb. They were constantly trying to escape. So even though it is a long match, I think it's maybe 29 minutes, there's kind of a constant sense of urgency. And Dave Meltzer actually gave that match five stars. That's one of the rare matches
Uh, one of the rare main roster of WWF matches. 32 minutes. 32 minutes. Yeah. So it's a long match, but they maintain the sense of urgency throughout. And again, uh, uncle Dave actually gave it five stars. So regardless what you think of them, that's still high

Niche Figure Lines Discussion

praise. Yeah. Just think of the moment where they're both like straddling the top of the cage and we're just, everybody's just like, Oh my freaking God. Like what's going to happen here? They're like beating each other up and it just, I don't know. Like the whole thing was just amazing. So yeah, go back and watch it. All right. Shane, do we got listener mail this week? Oh yeah.
So real quick, we already talked about it earlier, but I have to give our man Matt Carlos a shout out. He talked to, he wanted to know what our Owen Hart attires would be for, you know, new figures that we wanted. So we've already, we already covered that a little bit. He said he wants the king of the ring, all pink rocket gear. And then he agreed with me on the blue and orange black heart gear and silver.
Um, black and silver, Owen Hart. So in the classic yellow danger. So, uh, thanks for sending in a question, uh, Matt, we didn't mean to answer the domination, Owen. Yeah, we didn't mean to, uh, you know, answer your answer your question during the episode, but I still want to give you a shout out. So Sam, our buddy, Sam Rosenthal said, do you see any congrats to Sam on winning the, uh, Triple H giveaway from last week?
That's right. Do you see any other figure lines hitting the mass markets like Target, Walmart, et cetera? Or do you think, will these new lines just stay online only? So Seth, I'll pitch this one to you first. So if he's talking about Zombie, Sailor, and Chella, yeah, those are going to be online only. They just don't have the inventory to go out. One, I think both of those lines are kind of really catering towards like,
I feel like niche might be a little bit insulting, but it's a small segment of collectors. It's really for the hardcore figure collectors.
I don't think there's very many eight-year-olds, they're going to walk through the aisles at Target and be like, oh, let me get this Haystacks Calhoun Hasbro style figure. So I think they're both smaller companies. I only think that's their aim either. I think they're just trying to carve out a little online market space. So yeah, I don't see it. Marco, what do you think, man?
Yeah, I don't see it either. The only good that would come out of that is seeing the success off of these lines. Maybe they strike a deal with a major toy company so they can get that distribution.
You never know. So maybe that's the only way I see it. Do we really want Chella and Zombie and all them to have the distribution that Walmart and Target have? Because right now it's awesome. Like you order your figures, they make them, they ship them right to you. It's no issues. I like the order to production model that they've been working with.
Yeah, so I mean, it would be cool. I mean, I don't know what their goals are with their with their, you know, figure lines and stuff. But I'm totally here for the small market, you know, direct consumer type of type of model. So yeah, I'm hoping that our favorite figure makers don't go don't go mainstream.
So thank you, Sam, for that. Zach Hertzler said, I think we've gotten this question before, but it must just be the thing. I don't know if it only comes out in October. I think every year we get this question.

Horror Movie Genre Favorites

Would you guys try any of this Pocky one chip challenge? And I always say no, because to me, like there's nothing, I don't want to eat something that's just going to like light my ass on fire and like burn my taste buds off. No, definitely not. Sheena actually tried to fuck me over this evening. So
I hit her up as I'm coming home from work. It's what I do every day. Kind of one of my last things when I'm wrapping up the day, I say, hey, what's the plan for dinner? So I can start getting my mind right, fixing my mouth for what we're going to have. She said we're having breakfast tacos. So I'm like, awesome. I love tacos. I love breakfast food. So I'm looking forward to biting into a savory,
Cheesy, nice and umami flavored breakfast burrito. Come to find out that she doused this thing with Truff hot sauce, which is no joke, man. It's not the straight up colon cleanse or anything. It was the hotter Truff sauce. It wasn't even regular. It's hot, dude. It's some hot stuff.
And I took one bite and I was like, holy shit. Like it's like set my tongue on fire. And she's like, well, I just, you know, all I did was take a little chopstick and just rub it. I opened the burrito up, dude. The thing looks like freaking, you know, bloody murder, dude. Like it looks like a scene from Dexter. There's so much red hot sauce all over this breakfast burrito, man. I powered through it. But no, I don't, I do enjoy hot sauce. I enjoy spicy foods, but I don't need to like prove my manhood by
Taking the challenge. I feel like eating should be it's it's about pleasure. It's not about pain, you know So no, you will not see me doing any one chip challenge Marco, what about you? Are you down for the are you down for the one chip challenge?
No, I'm all set. I'm all set with that. Yeah. I'm with Seth on that one. It's, you know, eating is supposed to be a, you know, like a pastime. You sit there and you enjoy it. Yeah. You take every bite and you savor it. You don't want it to like take a bite and want to immediately spit something out. That's not fun to me at all. So yeah.
Yeah, same. But I, you know, I covered my, I didn't have the burrito because again, you know, hashtag fall body. I'm trying to like, you know, go low carb. So I just had like the filling and I put, I put all that hot sauce on, on mine too. And I, I, I managed to get it down with no problem. So I mean, it's fine. Truff hot sauce is delicious. Like, and I told sheen, like, if you had told me like, Hey, I'm going to throw some hot sauce on this, I probably would have my mind right. And been in the proper mindset to enjoy it. I did eat the whole burrito. So it was good. There was just that initial shock. Like, yeah. So.
No, I don't need any kind of challenge or anything on the spiciness. Yeah, like those wing challenge, whatever the guy is that does the wing challenge. Hot ones. Yeah, hot ones. Yeah, that kind of stuff is not for me. I don't enjoy that. I don't have to like... What was the name? Adam Richman that used to do the man versus food. Yeah, man versus food. Yeah, and he would do those spicy challenges and stuff like, no, that's not for me. The mass eating challenges, the 10 pound pizza or whatever, I'm here for that.
But, uh, but the, uh, the, the hot sauce, like, no, no, thanks, man. Um, Zach Hertzler has his question this week says with Halloween right around the corner, what is your favorite horror slash Halloween type movie? So I'm guessing he's talking about like, what is your favorite, like genre type style of Halloween? So I'm gonna toss this one to Marco first. Cause I know Marco has a, a love for spooky. Thank you.
Let's see. I'm a slasher flick guy when it comes to Halloween movies. For me, that's more in the vein of Halloween, not so much the paranormal stuff that's more... I don't want to equate that to Halloween. That's any time of year. Yeah, you can watch that at any time. But yeah, definitely a good slasher flick is
I think after, we'll probably do, I'm hoping we do recommendations, but I'm going to bring, there was a movie that involved a fun house where people get trapped in a fun house. Oh, we're definitely doing, yeah, wait for October. This is my jam. We're definitely going to bring some Halloween-ish themes to the show. So if you guys are down for Halloween, we're going to have some- Yeah, we'll do some spooky versions of keeping a Tranquilo. Yeah, we'll have some Tranquilo and Chill, some good recommendations. Yeah, yeah. What's your favorite type of-
I love horror comedies, man. I like to mix a little bit of funny with my horror. I like to have the jump scares, but I also like to laugh at horror movies because I really think like horror movies are kind of like by nature, like they're designed to just make you smile and make you laugh a little bit. So I'm cool with some comedy coming in. So stuff like, you know, killer clowns from outer space, um, slither, um, trick or treats even got some nice comedy in it. So stuff like that. I'm a, I'm a big fan of the horror comedy.
Yeah, Slithers are a really good one. If you guys haven't seen it, that's kind of a deep cook, kind of an older movie, but Slither is just a fun horror comedy. I'm with Marco. I love A Good Slasher. And I specifically love movies that are based around Halloween. I love the aesthetic of Halloween. I love the orange and the lights and the trick-or-treaters everywhere with costumes on, the little quaint neighborhoods with everybody that goes all out.
That's really like my genre. The best slasher flick ever is the OG Halloween. Is Halloween. Yeah, exactly. So anything that's like based around Halloween, I do get into like, I like the paranormal stuff. But to me, that stuff, to me, that stuff is way more scary. Like, I feel like if I was taking on a slasher, I would be like, okay, I can do this. Like, you know, I'm going to fight to the death. But when you're dealing with paranormal stuff, dude, like that's like a whole, that's a whole other level. Like, yeah, you can't even get the hell out of Dodge because that shit just like, like follows you wherever you go, you know, so.
Yeah, I'm here for a slasher. Sam Bro says, if you could collect only one wrestler that's not Bret Hart and is not Ultimate Warrior, which would it be? Seth, I'll start with you.
I mean, come on, Seth Rollins. Yeah, I knew you were going to say that. Seth Rollins, what about you, Marco? Do you have to ask? Of course, it's Cody. Cody Rhodes. Oh my. There's going to be plenty of stickers. Where's the button at to boot Marco? Let me find it here, dude.
to have quite the collection. If you keep going for the next few years, you're going to like your whole house. Like you won't even have to buy decorations. We're about to post on LinkedIn right now. We have an opening for the third member. Anybody that wants to apply, feel free. The only prerequisite is you're not a Cody fan. All right. Cause Marco doesn't know he's about to get fired the moment this show is over.
Oh my gosh. For me, I think we've given Mick Foley a lot of love on this show tonight, but I would have to go with Mick Foley because one, you get three gimmicks, which is pretty damn cool. You know what I mean? You get three different characters that you can collect. There's been two straight up Mick Foley figures. He had a pop and he had a...
an elite of just regular Mick Foley. Exactly. You got all of his different... He got Santa Claus Mick Foley, old Saint Mick, which I think is cool. I'm thinking if I was only collecting one thing, how much cool merch you could have. Mick Foley has so much different stuff out there. He had the custom championship belt from a few years back and stuff also, the WWE shop release.
Yeah. So you could, you could really, really like, you know, have a bang in collection, a bang bang in collection with, uh, with your, with your make fully. Yeah. I would definitely collect all things make fully if I could only choose one. So that wraps up our listener mail for this week. All right. Let's take it on home. Uh, Sheena remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media.
You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley Show and come join our Foley fam, our Patreon group. Well worth the investment. We do figure hunting. We post bonus episodes. It's just a super fun group. We're doing our Foley picks league right now. So to get in on the action.
Yeah. And reminder, any of our partners that we've mentioned, uh, tonight on the episode, you can find a link in the show notes, again, use code chick Foley to save 10% at ringside collectibles. And remember to shoot a screenshot to Marco and Sheena to enter for the giveaway for car. Uh, Marco's in the hot seat for this week. It's his first time, you know, Sheena stumped Jordan two weeks ago when he was our guest star. She stumped me last week, amazingly enough.
Marco, you're up with this week's trivia question. Oh boy. All right. At the 1991 Royal Rumble, who interrupted the Sherry interview? It's a multiple choice. I'm going to see if you know it first. And then if you need the multiple choice answers, I will give you the multiple choice answers. Interrupted the Sherry interview. 1991 Royal Rumble. I think I can get it without the multiple choice if Marco passes. I'm going to do the multiple choice.
I do have to answer it and then do the multiple choices. We're hardcore fans. We don't need multiple choices. Okay. All right, Marco, who are you going to go with if you had to pick one person who interrupted Sherry? Interrupted Sherry. I'm trying to think of who was feuding back then. You go Warrior?
No. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Yeah, it was warrior. Remember he came out with the, uh, yeah, I was surprised he struggled on that one. Cause remember that was the night he lost the belt to slaughter and macho and her ended up interfering. Remember warrior had on the, uh, the USA leather jacket with the sleeves pushed up through the elbow and stuff.
yeah but some for some reason i was thinking it was a manager that interrupted her so that's why i was like i was like no it has to be a wrestler that's why you remember that was where sherry got like super sexual and was like begging warrior to give a title shot and then macho man was her warrior was like
Getting fucked out of the belt that night man. So yeah, I was surprised he struggled with that one man But hey, he got it. And that's the first time that she has failed the stump, you know The rest of the rest of the host so good Yeah, I think we should eliminate given the multiple choices because it was the options were ultimate warrior Shawn Michaels and to talk so I feel like oh my god
Immediately giving it away. Yeah, multiple choice. Yeah, that's for chumps, too. We don't do no multiple choice in that. We're not interested in that, man. We don't need no multiple choice on here. I knew Marco had it, too. Didn't I tell you, Marco? You got the win now, dude. I told you, you didn't need no multiple choice on that, man. So last week, when you asked him that question, I think it was a question it was. I think it was like another interruption. You went to meet him last week. I thought last week was
Well, it was like an interference or something like that, right? Yeah. I can't remember if it was a survivor stream or something like that. Yeah. That's what it was. Yeah. Marco's on a roll, man. Yeah. All right. Good job, Marco. Yay. All right. That's it. Thank you guys for listening. Enjoy Extreme Rules this week for the Foley fam. We'll get the live thread up on Sunday night. It should be a lot of fun. That's always a blast. Remember to subscribe, rate, and review. And we'll talk to you guys next week.