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100th Episode + Halloween Havoc & Hell In A Cell Reviews + NEW Elites!!! image

100th Episode + Halloween Havoc & Hell In A Cell Reviews + NEW Elites!!!

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays4 years ago
Sheena, Marco, and Seth review Halloween Havoc & Hell In A Cell, celebrate the 100th episode of The Chick Foley Show, and discuss all the latest and greatest in the world of wrestling memorabilia collecting. Plus, the first ever discussion of Creed on the show! Listen, Rate, Review

Celebrating 100 Episodes

Welcome back Foley fam. We are here for the historic 100th episode of the Chick Foley show. That's right. We got milestone episodes back to back. Last week we had a two year anniversary and now we're here for the 100th episode. Sheena, welcome all the listeners to the show. Welcome you guys. And we are knocking on Halloween's door. So this has been a super special couple of weeks. Marco, how are you doing up in Massachusetts?
doing fine. We've been having, uh, some, some like Seattle type of weather since Monday. So it's been just been like gray and rainy for the past four days.

Weather and Patriots' Woes

Hopefully you get some sunshine here sometime soon. Cause you don't need sunshine in the fall. It's supposed to be all gloomy, doomy. You know what I mean? We need to feel good. We need to feel good around here. Our team's not doing too good this time around. So we need some sunshine in our lives.
Yeah, Patriots are struggling. That's totally different from anything we've seen in the last 20 years. Yeah, like we mentioned, 100 episodes. We got them in the books now. This is it. We're on a one-day delay, like you guys saw on Sheena's account last night, Brett the Babyface. He did not want to see the 100th episode happen, but we could not be stopped. We were here.
He's tucked away nice and safe in bed and we're ready to rock. So thank you guys for all the support over the first two years and 100 episodes. And like we mentioned last week, we're just getting started. We're going to continue to grow this thing bigger and better every week for you guys. So let us know what y'all want to see and we'll try to give you more

Social Media and Patreon Perks

and more of that. So Sheena, tell them where they can find you guys on social media. So you can find myself chick Foley at chick Foley on Instagram and you can find the MVP Marco Denton.
at Twitter, of course, running the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. All right. And tell us a little bit about the premium Foley fam. So yeah, you can go to chick Foley You can sign up for Patreon. It starts at a dollar a month. For a dollar a month, you get access to our Facebook community, which is one of the most awesome perks. We buy, sell, trade figures.
for retail plus shipping. It's just a great community of people. We do discord chats for paper views. We just talk a lot of wrestling, share a lot of collections, do a lot of fun stuff in there. It's a lot of great people. We've talked about the community on the podcast multiple times. And then for the next year, if you become a mid-card, you get all of our bonus content, bonus episodes, unboxings. We do occasional trivia and stuff. So yeah, stay tuned for all that. We have some really fun stuff coming up over at the holidays. So that's
And then we got another contest coming up in honor of Halloween.

Halloween Contest & Merch

We're going to do a costume contest. This one's open to everybody. All you need to do is just DM a picture, Tashina, of your best Halloween costume. Keep it PG-13 and below, folks. Wrestling Halloween.
Yeah, for all you weirdos out there. So it's got to be a wrestling related costume. We're giving away two figures. We're going to be giving away an Elite 75 Pete Dunn to the best kids costume out there that we see, and a Survivor Series Elite Kane to the best grown up. So two awesome figures going to be going home for the best Halloween costume this year. So stay tuned to Sheena's Instagram and Marco's Twitter for more details on that. All right, Marco, tell me about Pro Wrestling Tees.
Oh, man, Pro Wrestling Tees. We have some great designs, but I'm more excited about the one that we have now, the NXT Halloween Havoc-inspired Chick-Fully show design that we have. Looks so good. Yeah, I actually just got mine in a couple of days ago. I rocked it yesterday. It feels great. Obviously, I got the premium quality soft design t-shirt. Can't go... Got that upgrade. Can't get that cotton. I got to feel the softness on my skin.
with that shirt, but yeah, I got the one in black. It's also in orange and gray. I believe Mike Lanham got the orange one and the orange one looks pretty red. Yeah, so definitely go pick those up and all the other designs, check them out at Prodesselentees slash Chick Foley.
Yep. And for Ringside, obviously we have to partner with our buddies over at Ringside. You can always, always use code CHICKFOLY for all your ordering, pre-ordering. So make sure when you shop at Ringside, use code CHICKFOLY, save 10% off your order.
All right. With that, it's time to head inside the squared circle with chicks top

NXT Halloween Havoc Highlights

six. This is where we break down basically our top six stories in no particular order from the world of pro wrestling each week. The segments brought to you by our friends at chalk line, hit up chalk line official on Instagram to check out all their latest releases. They dropped some sweet Halloween havoc 1997.
Ray Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero shorts this week, look really awesome. The Bret Hart were a Rumble 93 jacket. There's still a few sizes left on that. That one hasn't sold all the way out yet. So you got a chance to go get it. And then there's also the matching Razor Ramon jacket along with it. So chocolate has always dropped some crazy stuff. They got some amazing wrestling related gear.
and then a bunch of other nostalgic stuff that might tickle your fantasy. So check them out. They're just about to drop their denim line. So if you're like me and you all denim everything, they just previewed their Undertaker denim. If you guys remember the vintage denim from back in the day with Sean Michaels and Undertaker and Bret Hart, Chalk Line is bringing that back to the forefront. So definitely check them out. They just posted a preview. They're going to be so sick.
All right, so let's hit the chicks top six with story number six. The Wednesday Night Wars. So it was finally back after 20 years, something we've been very excited for. Halloween Havoc. First off, guys, did it live up to your expectations?
For me, I'll kick it off. I thought the set we had talked about, we wanted full bore. We didn't want half-assed Halloween havoc. We wanted tombstones. We wanted it to be foggy and smoky and the pumpkins and the whole nine. The set, for me, really delivered. I thought it had that nostalgic feel, but it still felt modern. It was just
Really cool. Then they had the wheel set up. I love the way that they had Shotzi kick off the show with, you know, the electric chair and all that. She was just like the perfect host. And then the matches, I was really impressed with all the matches. I thought it was super entertaining, top to bottom. I just thought everything was great. What about you, Marco?
I definitely agree with that. The whole show taught the bottom great. It reminded me of sort of like a take over light almost. It was take over quality matches. For sure. Yeah, the Rhea Ripley's match was great. I love the cinematic match with
with, uh, DeXa. That was really entertaining. That dude's, he's something else. Cameron Grimes. He's uh, it's funny and scary. It was everything. Um, the, uh, the return of Pete done to look shredded right now, which is pretty scary before he's definitely started now. Uh, I don't know what his workout routine is, but the man looks good. He is
Jack to the nines. Like he looked like a million bucks, dude. I mean, I just, whoa. Yeah. So it's like, there's a new faction form in there that, that can not compete. I think with, uh, with undisputed error, cause you get some heavy hairs, you get some brutal. Yeah. Yeah. The pat maca faction, the pat maca faction. You should, uh, if anyone's listening at the WWE, we'll know next week when they announce.
And it kind of works out perfect, you know, with Pat, Pete Dunn, Oney Lorcan, and Danny Burch. You know, it hasn't been officially announced yet, but we know War Games should be right around the corner, so... Yeah, it's not going to be Survivor Series weekend, but they have a takeover set up for December 6th, so maybe that'll be when War Games is. Okay, yeah, so we got a nice setup there for a good War Games match, if that's the direction they're going to go with these new factions. What do you guys think was the best match of the night?
Mark, I'll let you go first. I don't know. There was a few that I liked for different reasons. What was your favorite match of the night? Yeah, it's a tough call on that one.
I'm going to go with the Rhea Ripley match on this one. It was good, yeah. They beat the crap out of each other, them two. It was a pretty brutal match right from the beginning. Two top athletes, they're both definitely in shape. I'm glad they have someone there in NXT that can actually match like Rhea Ripley in size and the move set and stuff like that. They're just bad bishes. Yeah, they're scary, both of them, in a good way.
Yeah, that match was pretty awesome. The female powerhouse style like that is kind of few and far between. And then to see him go head to head, it was really awesome. You know, we've seen those kind of matches with Keith Lee and DJ Kovac and stuff. So it was cool to see the females go down that action and kind of like the agile.
powerhouse is really good match. I really like Johnny Gargano and Damian Priest. I can't believe that. You know, I've always been down on Damian Priest, but that match was that match was awesome. It was good. It crammed in all of the kind of Halloween gimmicks you want to see right away. And then we got to see Ghostface make his NXT debut.
Yeah, the ghost face. I was really surprised to see that come up. And it came up twice. It came up. So it's got to be somebody that's part of the Gargano. They're practicing the Gargano way, because they also tried to help Candace. And in that match, I actually was really surprised. I liked that match as much as I did. Candace taking that bump off of the ladder. She took the ladder and then she took the bump off the ladder. I mean, that looked bad. So yeah, she's a she's a beast for taking that. I was really surprised.
that she didn't go over. I just kind of had a gut feeling. Not that, not that Io Shirai is an easy, you know, over, but I just had a gut feeling that Candace was going to win and both Johnny and Candace were going to come away with gold. But we saw Io take, you know, retain the title. So, you know, she's totally worthy. I love the cinematic match because it just kind of tickles my fancy. I love all the creepy, scary stuff. I love the zombies. I know it's way out there.
You really have to suspend your disbelief when you got all that stuff going on. But I think for Halloween Havoc in an event like that, considering the circumstances with them working with no audience and stuff, I thought it was awesome.
I agree. And we saw the numbers came out kind of right before we went to air that NXT actually beat AEW by a pretty healthy margin on the ratings last night. So I'm hoping this inspires WWE to bring back some more of the WCW paper views for NXT special events. You know, they've had Starrcade the last few years as a
as a network special and a big super-sized house show, but maybe we could see it'd be an NXT takeover or one of these special edition NXT episodes. Marco, you got any of the WCW shows you'd like to see brought back? I'm not sure if they're able to do this because of the size of the place that they're in, but definitely World War III would be nice.
Bring back the, uh, the three ring battle war. I don't know where they get 60 people at either, but, but it would be cool. They have to bring all like smack down in raw, like some of the guys that they're not really over there. Definitely enjoy watching that.
Yeah, there's so many because WCW is always so big with the theme shows. You know, we saw AEW bring back Bash at the Beach and they brought back Great American Bachelors. I'm thinking stuff like Slamboree, Spring Stampede. But they didn't really do. I mean, I think this is the first one that they've really went all in on. You know, we saw like Bash at the Beach and all that. It was just kind of like thrown together kind of like half-assedly. I think this is the first one that's really like lived up to the hype.
Yeah, it was awesome. So hopefully we see this keep going because it is the first time NXT has been AWW in a while. So let's move to story number five. Hell in a Cell went down on Sunday night.

Hell in a Cell Matches

What did you guys think of the show overall?
Well, first thing I love, I mean, you know, I hate everything that's going on in the world that's causing us not to have any audience, but I'm totally here for these shorter pay-per-views. I think it just makes for a much easier to digest, like, situation. I love the length and not having like, you know, 12 matches on a pay-per-view.
As far as the matches, I was concerned about there being, I know I kind of talked about last week about there being three cell matches. And it was a lot, but I feel like each one was different in its own way and they all three delivered and I thought they were all three excellent. Marco, what was the best cell match for you out of the three?
Uh, that's not even a, that's not even a question for me. That's the, uh, obviously the, the, the rain strain is running through my mind right now that, uh, that opening match was, it was a movie. It was, it was a beginning, middle and an end.
It was an Oscar-worthy performance by Roman Reigns. The Usos, best supporting actors, I would say. Director, best director, probably Paul Haven. Paul Haven. Paul Haven. Yeah, that match, just like the whole story arc of that match. I'm surprised I actually put that as the opening match because that definitely could be the main event, obviously. But I see a lot of people saying, well,
It's Jay Uso. Why are they going to put him in the main event? I was like, he's in the main event, the last pay-per-view. I was like, plus the way they ended it, with the wild Samoans coming out and just crowning him like the actual tribe. That was like a statement right there saying like, yeah, you have the rock out there. You have everyone out there representing this family right now, but this is a guy that's carried us into the future.
I thought it was very telling that Jay didn't say, like he wouldn't quit for his own sake, but he quit for the sake of his brother. You know what I mean? They're really diving deep in on this family dynamic. And obviously we didn't see Rikishi out there with the wild Samoan. So it's not the whole family that's basically leaning into Roman being the head of the table. So I'm curious to see, like I said, how many more layers there are to this in months to come and everything. But I thought that match was
Awesome. Yeah. Yeah, it was it was something else you I'm not sure if we've ever seen that kind of this kind of acting chops

Drew McIntyre & Bayley's Title Reigns End

showing off in the ring You know when Roman was having his little breakdown came out, you know, he actually had tears and stuff So no, we've had tears in wrestling before, you know, the one I always go back to is that you know an old heart what old heart started crying whatever Him and bulldog and Brett finally made up and started forming the heart foundation But that would just cracks me up zone was just so goofy on it
Um, but, uh, but yeah, I, I thought Roman was awesome. You know, we never saw the rock did anything like that. We know the rocks, the biggest movie star in the world. So, you know, Debbie, that'd be better. Watch out. I think Roman could be a head in Hollywood sooner rather than later. The new body, the man is, the man is built. Yeah. So, uh, hats off to Roman for another great performance. Let's talk about Drew McIntyre. So obviously his run came to an end, Randy Orton beat him.
Yeah, for the most part, I'd say clean as a sheet, one, two, three, center of the ring. You really didn't have to do anything too underhanded to beat him. Drew's ring comes to an end. He had a significant title ring. He beat Brock at WrestleMania, held it all the way through to the end of October. And it was during, I think without a doubt, probably the strangest time in wrestling history. So what are you guys' overall thoughts now as Drew's reigns come to an end on how you think he did?
Um, we both had to pause there. It's just unfortunate. We've talked about it on the show countless times that I think it's Drew did a good with what he had. I feel like Drew is one of those guys who really would have benefited and
been carried by the audience. The audience and the crowd were so behind Drew and he just had all that momentum going into mania and then it all just came to a screeching halt and everything changed. I feel like he did the best with what he had. I don't think it's a super memorable title reign. I don't think it's anything that we're going to look back on and be like, wow, that was just excellent. He was such a fighting champion, but I think he did the best with what he had and I hope
that in the future he has another opportunity to, you know, have something that's a little more, has a little more oomph to it. But like I said, he was definitely the guy to put it on at that time. And I think he did, you know, he made chicken salad, you know, so. Marco, you think he's going to get another shot with the belt?
Yeah, I think so. I think he definitely has another shot. Probably not right away. Or actually they might be doing it right away. It seems like they're mixing him with the feed and Randy Orton. So who knows? But I definitely think he's getting another shot at the title. I think, like you said, it was a weird time for him to carry the title. I think he proved that he can't be a champion. He carried it just the same way he, I'm assuming he would if there was a live crowd in front of him. Yeah. Live people.
I think that even gives him a better boost of, or a better chance of actually getting another shot because of the way he carried himself from WrestleMania all the way up until he lost the title this past Sunday. So I'm rooting for him definitely. He proved that he can be a champion. He has the look of a champion.
Yeah, he's got the look. And he's very charming. I mean, he's just got the baby face charm. I mean, if he had the audience there, I think it would have been a totally different story. But unfortunately, he just didn't. Because his type of like promos and stuff, he needs that like, that real crowd feel.
But yeah, I mean, hats off to Drew. I think, you know, I'm sad to see it come to an end, but I feel like it was definitely, it was definitely time. And I'm excited to see what Randy Orton is going to bring to the table. Yeah. And also along with Drew is Bailey, you know, her, her Tyler and ended. She held the smack down bell for over a year. Yeah.
It seems, you know, not as long as it is, it really was because it was kind of broken in half between, you know, the pre pandemic era and the pandemic era with no audience. But she held that belt for a very, very long time. You know, it had a tag team title reign in there, went to a lot of different challengers and then finally dropped it to Sasha. So hats off to Bailey. Also, her and Drew carried two of the most important titles in pro wrestling during a very short time. And they both did great and look to see what they do next.
Yeah, we would hold on. We would be remiss really quickly not to touch on the women's match because the women's match was awesome. I mean, Sasha just took like some insane bumps that I just thought were I mean, we talked about her. Like I think Seth corrected me on the last episode saying that she never shows out because that was the match that actually won me or I retained the Chick Foley show

Critique of Survivor Series Concept

championship on. And so I said, yes, she always performs really well, but she never comes away with the title. And I just gloat a little bit because I had faith in my girl and she came through and took that title and in the process just put on a freaking five star match. Yeah, we were clowning Sheena, but she did come through and Sheena is not holding that prediction championship, went all the way back to payback. So we'll see if she can keep it through full gear. That'll be the next big event we got going on. So story number four.
Brand Warfare is back for Survivor Series 2020. This is a gimmick that they started up in 2016 after the last brand split. It's kind of had some highs and lows over the last four years since they've done it. What do you guys think about them running it back for the fifth straight year here in 2020?
I hate this version of Survivor Series. I just hate that it's literally about brand supremacy. Like why do these people that are in these matches give a crap about which brand is better? It's hard for me to just really suspend my disbelief about these types of things. It should really be like the two top people.
Like the two top guys in their feud and then they just get this random gang of guys around them to create a survivor series team. Whereas like now it's just like all the best people on Raw and all the best people on SmackDown. We're not even including NXT.
this time. I just, and they all, they usually always have to wear like the red and the blue or wear the branded shirts. And that to me is just like rip hug. I just hate those raw shirts. I hate those smack down shirts. Everything about it is just nothing was worse than cult leader, Bray Wyatt wearing the blue smack down shirt.
Oh, God. Yeah. And Seth Rollins always doing his like, you know, Harvey Dent style, two-faced half Seth Rollins shirt, half Ross, Ross Survivor Series shirt. And then the time that Shinsuke Nakamura looked like he was wearing, like going to a dentist's office, he was like wearing a shirt over his ring gear. You know, he usually has like the long sleeve, you know, the deep V-neck and he had a SmackDown shirt over top of it. Yeah, that was horrible. Uh, Marco, what'd you think of, um,
What do you think of NXT not being involved this year? I think we talked a little last week. And then Tommaso Ciampa actually brought it up this week. There's really no star power anymore in NXT. They don't have that buzz that they had last year to actually be a part of this. So it is sad that they're not in it. But I understand why they still need
to build a huge star in that company or stars plural in order to be a part of something like that. So I don't think they're in the talks right now for brand supremacy. They're going to talk for talent, definitely, but not all the talent there is better than raw SmackDown right now. Yeah, I agree. I think that one thing about it, we just had the draft. I don't know why they don't move the draft till after Survivor Series. The biggest thing I think they could do to improve this thing is just put some stakes on it.
It's always done for just bragging rights, you know, and at the end of the day, who cares? Bragging rights in wrestling last a week at most on the biggest of angles, something like this. It's always fun to watch, but then it's just gone. I don't know why we couldn't do this to see like, you know, who's going to get the first pick in the draft. You can tie some stuff like extra entries into the Royal Rumble or, you know, the last five spots in the Royal Rumble go to the brand that wins. There's just there's really no stakes. And that's one for wrestling that is best. We actually have consequences to the matches. So
Yeah, I just think they need to really rethink this. And there's still time, you know, we still have a couple weeks for survivors here. So we could do some stuff to add to this to really make it count this year. But I'm going into it lukewarm. And I'm kind of bummed about that because survivors here has traditionally been one of my absolute favorite events every single year.

Holiday Drinks & AEW Full Gear Matches

All right, it's time for our weekly beverage break. So, Sheena, tell us what you're drinking. So, I am. Of course, I went and got us some standard, you know, Chick-fil-A show Miller Lights, but I saw this on the shelf and I was like, oh man, it's another holiday beer. I know Halloween's not here, but
I feel like I've drank enough pumpkin beers to last me the season. And I got this Leinenkugel Snowdrift Vanilla Porter. 6% ABV or whatever. I'm not a beer aficionado, but man, it's this robust porter aged on real vanilla. And it is actually very good. I usually like Leinenkugel. I love their, what's it like the summer shandy? I like their stuff. So this was really good. Marco, what are you sipping on?
I had to come through with the triple IPA. Oh, yeah. From the local brewery that we have there called Lord Hobo. It's called the Hobo Five. It's the fifth year anniversary of their company. So sipping on that right now. It's actually pretty good. It's the triple IPA for the triple, first triple digit Chick Foley show. You got to do it. All right.
And I'm staying on brand, drinking the official, unofficial beer at the Chick-fil-A show, Miller White. So, Miller White, if you're out there listening, still waiting on that reply.
Yeah, and we're using our little shop of little shop of gore coozies. I posted them on the story. You guys they make the coolest handmade stuff. They these are actually sold out there. They made a cozy by it's like the nightmare before Christmas Halloween door. They look amazing. But if you go back and look, I mean, they make some of the most awesome handmade stuff. So it's at little shop of gore on Instagram. So I'll tag them and let you guys know where to find them because
This time of year, it's always important. Shop small, support your artists, all that thing for all your holiday shopping. So I love their shop. So if you have people in your life that like that kind of thing, I'm going to share them with you guys. All right. And while we're taking a little break to enjoy a cold one, we glossed over a little bit earlier tonight. Was there anything you guys wanted to discuss off of AEW from this week? I know they kind of got overshadowed by the big return of Halloween Havoc. Was there anything big that caught you guys eye on Dynamite this week?
uh the only thing that really kind of just like i just thought was kind of weird was that the bucks said that they don't win at full gear that they are never going to challenge for the um the tag team titles again which we saw that with cody was it at full gear when that happened with cody when he said that he wasn't gonna
Yep. That was at full gear against Jericho. And I'm never a fan of those. Cause for one, they kind of foreshadow the results a little bit to make you think they're going to win. And two, the thing about it is we've been watching pro wrestling for a long time. Those, those stipulations can, can be waved away, you know, at the drop of a hat. So I don't know why they really felt the need to add that the bucks versus FTR or revival has been a dream match for so long that I don't think they really needed anything else to kind of set the hook for that one.
Yeah, and then we saw, oh my gosh. Adam Page and Kenny Omega advance to the finals. That wasn't what I was thinking. Yeah, the town hall. I was thinking MJF, he's fighting for, if he beats Jericho, he gets his spot in the inner circle. So he said he will literally do anything to win.
So I'm curious to see how this turns out because it's going to be hard. Like, you know, literally if he beats Jericho, the inner circle have to accept him. But how can the inner circle accept him if he's like beating down their, their fearless leader. So I see those, uh, those sweet jackets. You got them. Yeah. It's taken less than that for guys to turn on their leader before. Nothing like a good, a good satin jacket to get money. As far as we know, you know,
I think Sammy Guevara really looks up to Jericho. It's kind of a mentor. The rest of those guys, you know, I don't see any reason there with him other than, you know, just, you know, to be aligned with the main eventer and get a little bit extra cash. So, you know, there's no loyalty amongst hungry dogs. I would not be surprised at all to see inner circle either join up with MJF without a blink or to actually turn on Jericho in this match. I could see that going down too. You know, you heard MJF.
look at Jericho and remind him that he will do anything it takes to win. So I think anything's in play for this one, at least storyline wise. It'll be really cool to see how it plays out.
Yeah and we saw Eddie Kingston choked out Matt Seidel with Moxley's finishing move and you know just kind of he had this weird moment where he was trying to be all dramatic and said you know I'm sorry Moxley like he just kind of was you know foreshadowing what was going to happen so you know excited to see that match again you know we got some heat for I said I was on
Bored with Kingston the heel husband here and not my main event true in true real fashion said it's not his main event But I you know, I hope they can redeem themselves and give us a better match than their first their first matchup I have faith. I'm the eternal optimist I'm trying to you know, bring some good vibes to this because I like Eddie Kingston, but I hope him and mocks have a great match
No, at best, that's going to be the third biggest match on the show. I'm doubling down to what I said last week, the Bucks versus FTR or, or hanging man versus Omega. Even one of those matches should be higher up on the billing than Ambrose versus, versus Eddie Kingston. Plus it's an I quit match. And that's the, that's goes even more than the Bucks and FTR on foreshadowing the
the outcome because mocks has been built up so far in kayfabe even when he was ambros like you're gonna have to murder that guy you're gonna say i quit true that guy's not tapping out that guy's not gonna say i quit like you literally have to kill him to get uh to get him to say i quit and lose that belt so again eddie kingston he's flavor of the month mocks is gonna dispose of him and we're gonna move on to something bigger and better for for the next show which i think is uh revolution evolution what's uh
It is evolution. Yeah, it is evolution. Evolution is the women's pay-per-view, but I also think that AEW is called evolution. Let me look at that. I think it was revolution. It is revolution. They would come up with something different. Oh yeah, sorry. It is revolution. There's literally a thousand different things you'd call your pay-per-view. I don't know why you want to do revolution when they're at evolution, but whatever. Marco, what about you? Anything to get you real excited other than what we've already mentioned so far in AEW this week?
No, other than the fact we got to see the return of Eric B. I asked some questions for the for the the Town Hall Easy making it make an appearance. Yeah, it's pretty cool. They They did the true they did the thing that they always do with him and Jericho how much Jericho hates his guts I never liked you Bischoff that whole thing. It's pretty funny That was pretty fun You got everything that we
that we witnessed on AAW there wasn't too much to write home about.
Yeah, it's a, it's going to be a good show. Don't please don't take my, uh, my dislike for Eddie Kingston as a main eventer and say, I'm not super psyched for this year. I actually got to work the night of the seven. So I'm gonna have to kind of scheme a way that I can watch, uh, watch that event at work. Uh, but I'll find a way. I've been to before I do it again. We like, we get some heat, um, sometimes, uh, from people who are just like hardcore, AEW fans, cause we cover a lot of WWE. We love AEW. We've literally purchased
AEW. We've purchased every AEW pay-per-view since day one-ish. We watched all the free pay-per-views. They've done everything that they've done. I watched AEW Dark every week. There were 15 matches on Dark last week. I watched AEW Dark. Never mistake our criticisms as dislike for AEW.
I actually, I criticize it because I'm so passionate about it. You know, Raw and SmackDown, I honestly, I've been getting into SmackDown more the last few months. I can't remember the last time I sat down and watched an episode of Raw from start to finish without going to do something else, playing some video games. I'm typically watching Raw with, I mean, you're catching the highlights after I'm watching it with kind of like one eye on it while doing something else.
But Wednesday night, I'm locked in. I'm watching NXT and AEW from start to finish every single night. So yeah, please don't, like I said, we criticize it because we're passionate about it. That's it. We love AEW over here, though. Yeah, love what they're doing. All right, so it turns out there was a little bit more meat on the bone than we thought for AEW this week. But we will get back in to the chicks top six. I'm really excited to discuss this next one.

Elias' EP Review

Marco, tell us what it's like to walk with Elias. Um, so yeah, I listened to the, uh, it's an EP. It's not really an album. It's about like four or five songs. Um, it's kind of like the first album you had the walk with Elias, uh, album or EP. It's a pretty good work rate for a guy who's also a full-time professional wrestler. You know what I mean?
If you watch any of those documentaries on making an album, four songs might seem like it's a little bit of a thing, but a lot of work goes into each song, obviously, especially if you have live instruments and stuff like that. It is four songs. It's mostly like a gospel album almost.
Say a little bit of a gospel 10. Yeah, so every song is like a like a like like the last song he does a rendition of Amazing Grace The first song is called Amen. Yeah, we heard that one Yeah, these are some kind of like Christian rock Like a Christian rock type of thing like a almost like like Creed if you want to if you want to go
I can now believe you pulled Creed out of your pocket. I was actually playing and I'm going and buying that album when I get done here, but now it's going straight to the trash. Let me finish. Much better than Creed. Come on. He's not saying much. I'm putting up on the wall with Scott Stapp over there. No way. Now this guy, this guy's getting better than Creed.
I want you to speak that to Elias. At Elias WWE, much better than Creed. Oh my God, can you take me high? I can honestly say, when I was going over our show notes and everything, I was not expecting Creed to come up on the Chick Foley show. I would never have thought. For all the Scott Stapp fans out there, hey, it took 100 episodes, but you got what you were asking for.
I mean, come on, take me home, which one do you want? All right. I don't want to go. That's right. That's right. Real talk Creed's first album before they kind of hit a big, they actually kind of slapped and their first album was pretty good. But then once they went mainstream, it was just cornball city. You know, they were Nickelback before Nickelback. Yeah. I had an old manager that, uh,
at back in my retail days that we used to have this playlist back in the warehouse and it was like, it's probably like a million songs on it, but like, it's free on there. That's, it's that first album that yeah, no, it did. I think it was like my own crazy or something like that. Yeah, that happened with fire. I mean, you can't, you just lie to yourself if you never rocked out to a, to a Korean song.
Because I don't think people even know because the first album it was a lot more subtle. And then I think it was Roy Taylor's second album where people were like, what the hell? These guys are Christian rockin'. With arms wide open. With arms wide open. Stop. We're losing listeners. I'll take you to this house. Oh my god. The 100th episode was hitting a new low. Maybe it's a high. We're taking a higher. We're taking a higher. We're taking a higher. Exactly.
All right, there's only one person that can save us.

The Fiend's Raw Involvement

The Fiend is taking over Monday Night Raw. He was all over the place on the season premiere. He had interactions with the Hurt Business, with Retribution, just all over the place. Him and Alexis seemed to really be taking over. Same thing with this week. They had a little thing going with Drew, with Randy. What do you guys see in one? Do you think he's going to be the next challenger for Randy Orton's belt?
I hope not. I feel like it definitely feels rushed. I feel like they did this same thing with Seth. You know, when Seth won the Universal title, I feel like it was just kind of like they put the fiend right on his on his heels. And I feel like that was a huge misstep. We all saw how that turned out. It was it was awful. And it was it was good for neither guy. Right. So I feel like this feels definitely a little bit rushed. If they would have had Drew retain, I feel like it would have been a much more interesting storyline to have
You know, Randy, like the thing, you know, get his revenge on Randy because there's a built in storyline there with like the burning down the house, you know, they're they're WrestleMania match, all the things. Right. But I just don't think that that a title should be involved because I feel like Randy should carry this title for a little while and he can't lose to the feet. You know what I mean? Like, or he can't the pain can't lose to Randy Orton. So I don't know. I think it's going to be great storytelling, but I feel like the title push was a little bit rushed.
Yeah. One good thing about the thing is he seems to be like the only guy who gets guaranteed long-term booking in WWE, you know, all of his feuds, uh, they always go back and touch on stuff. This happens sometimes years in the past. So you see, they already bring it up when Randy Orton burned down Bray Wyatt's house. And that was from all the way back in early 2017. Yeah. Um, how do you see the fiend fit in the survivor series? Do you think we're going to see him get involved in a Roman and Randy's match, Marco?
I think that might be the case. He might be the reason that Randy Orton loses against Roman Reigns. I don't obviously see Orton losing the belt before Survivor Series because they're already promoting that match with him at Roman. But I think he definitely gets involved, plays a little mind game with him, stuff like that.
I think Drew Mack, he's not going anywhere either. I think he gets another title shot maybe against Randy Orton. And I think with the Fiend, yeah, you know, I think who the Fiend does face Randy Orton is definitely not going to be for the title. It's going to be like, obviously for a retribution for what happened with it.
with the with the burning down his house and stuff like that. So a lot of people are predicting that Randy's going to carry this title all the way through mania and start something like an edge storyline, you know, kind of just have edge come back around that season, you know, maybe like with the rumble and stuff. So I don't I don't know. I mean, there's a lot of different ways that they could go with this thing. I just feel like.
I don't know how I feel about the Fiend being right back in the title picture. Did you guys notice that he had the Undertaker's debut date on his Mad Hatter Hat? It's not a conspiracy theory. Do you not remember back in the day when the Funhouse first premiered, there was a clock on the wall and the clock was at 11.19. He had his Mad Hatter Hat on for their Funhouse Tea Party and it literally said 11.19 as the little fraction on the
I mean, that's not by chance. You know what I mean? Like nothing is without meaning in the funhouse. Yeah. It was a Monday Night Raw. And Undertaker made an appearance on Monday Night Raw. And when they showed the Firefly Funhouse, because he was there in the building, the clock stopped on that time. Like it didn't move because he had such an effect on the Firefly Funhouse. The Undertaker's like his aura.
So it stopped the clock. It happened with Stone Cold as well. When Stone Cold appeared on there, he couldn't do anything, the Fiend. He really couldn't appear because it's something with Stone Cold. My theory was, I think I said this on the show, was that Stone Cold and Undertaker, they don't switch back and forth between
Um, like characters, they are who they are. They never, they never really changed. So like that kind of affects the fee. The fee can't, he can't go off to you. If you, if you know your true self, if you know who you are, he only goes out to the people that are, that are weak and they can't, they don't understand their internal conflict.
internal conflicts and stuff like that so like but can you he attacked the kid he attacked cain cuz Cain has the demon came in and then he has corporate cane and then Nick Foley has his three personalities that he Set the set is newer on these parts that he he doesn't know how hard me and me and Marco go on the conspiracy theories we I think you guys have given Debbie to be a lot of We go down the rabbit hole staying with the same with the Alice in Wonderland theme we really we really died
This is the same company that's let Lana go through the table six straight weeks after Monroe told Vince McMahon to shove his brass ring up his ass. It's possible. I'd love to see The Fiend and Undertaker have some kind of interaction at Survivor Series, because rumor has it that Undertaker is going to be there. It's got to be. I mean, it's got to be gay. No, it's got to be cinematic, though. I mean, the Undertaker just can't take the bumps that he needs to take in a match like that. So I can only imagine that.
The Fiend versus Undertaker would be some sort of cinematic experience. The other thing about Survivor Series 2 is I brought this up on Twitter. It will be 10 years to the day when the news cashed in on Randy Orton at Survivor Series. Same exact date.
I was trying to block out of my mind that the Miz... I've never been a Miz fan at all. I find it funny that he's getting money in the bank right when we're seeing the...
the commercials come up for the new season of Miz and Mrs. or whatever. I didn't even think about that. I can't really see him. He was really kind of getting built up there towards the end of 2018 when him and Daniel Bryan's feud was starting to pop off, but he's been kind of keeping a low profile the last couple of years. It's hard for me to see him beating Randy or Roman in any type of cash-in scenario.
You never know. Stranger things are happening. Seamus wants to cash in money in the bank on Roman. As crazy as that sounds. True, yeah. What was it, Seamus, like 115 or something? What was his little- Seamus, 515, I think it was. 515, yeah. Because that's how long Roman Reigns was champ the first time he won the belt. Yeah, sorry to my mother-in-law, Kelly. She likes the Miz, so worse at your trash than the Miz, so I have to apologize to my mother-in-law for sitting here crapping on the Miz.
and swig and beard for heavy machinery. I don't think it compares to, you know, like when the rockers broke up or something like that, but still sad to see those guys break up. We've been big fans of theirs. We saw them, uh, we saw them live and, uh, I can't remember if it was either the dark match or it was just a pre-show match against the Bollywood boys at a takeover Orlando before WrestleMania 33. And we just instantly became big supporters of those guys. I've seen them in person really entertaining and sad to see it coming to an end, but I gave us some awesome figures too.
They did. They did. I think Otis is going to destroy Tucky once he gets his hands on him. Because Otis is still a future superstar. I think they may have been a little bit premature, selling that money in the bank on him. But I still got a lot of faith that we're going to see Otis do big things in the future. So with that, let's move to another little mini story that popped up today.

Matt Riddle Name Change

Matt Riddle is no longer Matt Riddle. He is now just Riddle. Not the Riddler, not Matt Riddle, just Riddle.
What's our take on this, the latest WWE inexplicable name change? You guys know I hate this with a passion. I hate WWE's ability to just pretend like people don't have first names anymore. Literally just bring them in. I'm shocked that we still have Keith Lee. I can't believe he's just not Lee or Keith. Tell you, limitless Lee. Before the end of 2020, he would be limitless Lee. Yeah, I'm shocked that they still allow him to be Keith Lee.
And then so they took away Ali's name. He was Mustafa Ali, then he was Ali, then they gave it back to him. I know it's like a copyright thing with everything. They're trying to own the properties of all that, and Matt Riddle's real name is Matt Riddle, so obviously they can't copyright that.
And they have all this stuff going on with twitch and cameo and all these like third-party You know things where they can't really use their their WWE gimmicks. So yeah, so from now on we're getting riddle, which is almost as bad as shorty G Yeah, it's it's pretty weak. I think sort of G's actually going away. We're gonna Mark are you down with riddle?
I'm actually speechless on why I don't call him little. I'm stunned in silence. I'm stunned in silence right now, but yeah. I mean, I can't.
It's the property thing. They want to own the name and obviously they can't own his actual name. So, you know, Riddle it is, I guess. I mean, I'd much rather just come up with a new name for him as opposed to just calling him Riddle, just calling him like the Stallion or I don't know, something. The Stallion. Whatever his name is, like the original name. The Stallion, the Stallion battalion.
Oh, just the original bro, Riddle or something? I don't know. Just not just Riddle by itself. It just seems like non-creative. Yeah, it's Riddle-iculous. Oh, nice. Wow. You're welcome. These names are definitely more of an annoyance than anything. For the most part, I've always been able to get used to them within a couple of weeks.
I still kind of ended up just calling them whatever they did. Like I still call Andrade, Andrade seeing all this. I never dropped the Amus, but, but yeah, Riddle is the thing for now. And we'll see if he's able to overcome the name change to get to where he needs to be, which is right at the top of the card. Still a big believer in Matt Riddle. All right. It is time for the top story of the chick six.

Chickies Awards Introduction

So as we mentioned in the opening, we are celebrating the 100th episode of the Chick Foley show. This thing kicked off back in early October, 2018. And to say a lot has happened in the world of pro wrestling since then would be a complete understatement.
We thought of a few different ways to kind of commemorate this and what we ended up settling on is bringing back the chickies. So the chickies is something that Sheena had been doing just on her Instagram account, kind of just recapping the top moments, matches, wrestling figures of the year. And then at the end of 2018, she did a special podcast episode of it.
didn't get to it last year because you know our beautiful daughter Stella was born on December 23rd and then I actually had to go overseas for work on January 2nd so the you know the end of the year last year was insane to say the least and so the chickies kind of fell by the wayside just like how the slammies kind of go you know away for a few years and then come back but
But we're going to bring them back, especially 100 episode edition of the Chicky Awards. And what we're going to do, we're going to basically give these awards for everything that's happened since the start of the Chick Foley show. So basically since October 1st, 2018, until now. We'll all three go around and give our answers on these. And what we're going to start on is the best wrestler of the first 100 episodes. So Sheena, get us started.
Oh, it's definitely the British Bulldog, right? He definitely had the best showing of, um, you know, the chick Foley, the two years and the two years retro podcast. No, British, British Bulldog is definitely a favorite among among the chick Foley family. I'm just kidding. Um, I don't know. There's so many great like ways to go here.
I'm going to have to go with my man Adam Cole. I feel like Adam Cole had, you know, he had the longest reigning NXT title of all time. So, you know, it started in June, 2019. And then we just saw it. We just saw it in recently. And yeah, I mean, him in the undisputed era, literally just like, you know, ran rough shot in NXT during the whole duration of the, of the Chick Foley show. So I think,
my man Adam Cole. If I'm going to pick a wrestler of the first 100 episodes of Chic Foley, it's going to be my man Adam. Marco. Wow.
It's a great pick. You're welcome. For the first 100 episodes. I want to say Seth Rollins. Nice. You can never go wrong with Seth. You can't go wrong, but I do. Oh, he's swerving us. I'm going to swerve right now. I'm going to bring in some guy that people didn't really like at the beginning, but he showed that he was a true workhorse.
he can keep up with the vessel when he when he gets in the ring and that's uh that's brock was there i'm gonna give brock was there um he

Brock Lesnar's Wrestling Impact

he proved at that especially at the royal rumble um everyone was crapping on him throwing out everyone at the beginning that was his his thing but as soon as keith lee stepped in
He showed why he's one of the best workers in the business, putting over Keith Lee and his power and stuff like that. And then any other match he's had in the past year, he's one of the best performers that they have crap on him as much as he wants. He puts over guys you need to. His match with Daniel Bryan on a Survivor Series was awesome.
He's just AJ and Survivor Series. AJ and Survivor Series. Seth Rollins. Numerous times. Yeah. Almost killing Braun Strowman. I'm not sure if you guys remember that. When he beat him in the head and then he just hauled off on him. And then he took a right hand. Yeah, but I'm going to go to Brock. I think he's like the sleeper.
Yeah, he wasn't on our radar, but yeah, you make a good argument. Yeah, John Cena came out and said he was the best performer today. So I mean, I take John's word for that.
Yeah, I agree. I think for all the, all the flack that Brock gets, he's, I think he's actually really underrated and the dude's going to go down as one of the absolute best professional wrestlers of all time. For me, I got to go with John Moxley, man. He, uh, he had an awesome run as, uh, as Dean Ambrose there for kind of the first portion.
created all kinds of waves when he announced that he was leaving the WWE early. We'd never seen a superstar exit the way he did where WWE publicly announced it months out. Then he went on to reform the Shield. They even had an event. I think it was the last thing that Dean even did in WWE was a network special with the last ride of the Shield where they had a little documentary and then a match at a house show that got aired live.
shows up at the first AEW pay per view, just create all kinds of crazy waves, and then goes on to win the AEW Championship. And he's currently the, it's only been two of them, but he is the longest reigning champion. He's had a hell of a run. So, and I just think that he did so much to help establish that brand as a real threat to WWE and just show how important he is. So I'll give it to, to, to Dean Ambrose slash John Moxley for the, the, the wrestler of the first 100 episodes. You guys get any thoughts on that?
I mean, you can't argue that Moxley over the last, I mean, at least year and a half has had like just an amazing run, especially with this time at UW and like all the moves, everything that you said. I think honorable mention definitely has to go to Roman Reigns. So, right? We didn't mention Roman Reigns, but I mean, his total just like, you know, coming back and rebranding as the tribal chief and then his exit due to his unfortunate diagnosis with cancer,
The diagnosis is that the right word diagnosis with cancer. Um, and then coming back and just being the force that he's been ever since. Um, it's just, he, he's the, he's the freaking man. Yeah. Top for our next cheeky best match of the first 100 episodes. Sheena. So I'm going to kick it to Marco real quick. Cause, um, I have some, I have some contenders, but I want all of us. Yeah. That's pressure right there. Jeez. I know you're, you're welcome. I try to, I try to, I try to keep you on your toes, Marco. Yeah.
So many, so many memorable matches over the past 100 episodes. But let me see, well that sticks out in my mind a lot is Walter and Tyler Bate at NXT TakeOver U. That was like 40 plus minutes, right? Yeah, that match right there was like,
You show any non-wrestling fan that match, and then you may be instantly a wrestling fan after watching that. Just obviously the size difference between the two, but at the same time, they're equally skilled enough to keep each other at bay, which is pretty awesome.
That's a really hard choice, but that one always sticks out of my mind because just the brutality of it too, just the chops of Walter and like.
Uh, like Tyler being trying to give his best effort to, to topple Walter, but being the champion he is, he's obviously he put him out of his misery. Um, but yeah, definitely. I mean, that's, that's not my retro recommendation, but definitely go back and watch that match.

Standout Matches Highlighted

Um, and tell me if you think that was like match of the year or match. Yeah.
For me, I go, I don't know if it was necessarily the best match. It was definitely my favorite match of the last few years. And that was Seth and Brock at SummerSlam 2019 in the main event. Seth had, you know, he beat Brock at WrestleMania 35, but that was actually a little bit of a gimmick match. You know, the whole match lasted, I think less than five minutes and
It was really entertaining. It was cool how they did it, but it wasn't really what we were looking for for Seth and Brock. I think the match of SummerSlam 2019 was the true sequel to the triple threat between Seth, Brock, and John Cena from World Rumble 2015. The crowd had actually started to turn on Seth a little bit. We ultimately saw him turn on him later on that year. Some of that was starting to pop up right before SummerSlam, just because I think the way he was booked on Raw. But he went over that crowd in Toronto.
during that match and the place erupted when he finally hit that last curb stomp on Brock and beat him. So I just really love that match. It's one I still go back and watch, you know, on a semi-regular basis because it was just nonstop action throughout 15 minutes. And it was really the first time aside from Goldberg that we saw somebody beat Brock clean one, two, three, center of the ring. So that's my pick. Sheena, how about you?
So this may come as a surprise, but I think that John Cena versus Bray Wyatt or The Fiend or whatever you wanna say at the Firefly Funhouse match. Firefly Funhouse match at WrestleMania 36 was one of my best matches just because it was totally different than anything that we had ever seen. We didn't know what was gonna happen at WrestleMania. And WWE really just pulled out all the stops and
like started this whole cinematic match experience for us and i feel like that one you know obviously i love the undertaker the undertaker aj match that was awesome to the boneyard match but i just feel like that that firefly funhouse match really just showed us what um what is possible with these cinematic matches and with this cinematic experience so um i'm gonna have to go with with that because it was just so groundbreaking and innovative and i thought it was awesome and i loved like all the storytelling and like all the
The very subtle elements that took place in that match. And just people like me as a conspiracy theory, theorists just trying to untangle everything that happened in that match and watching it over and over and over again. We got to see N.W.O. Cena. Yeah, N.W.O. Cena. Never been seen before. Nope.
No, that was no pun intended, by the way. Yeah. All right. We'll stick with Sheena. Sheena, what was your moment of the first one episode? We know from listening to Michael Cole, it's not about the matches. It's about the moments. So what was your biggest moment of the first 100 episodes?
Okay, so this match was good. It wasn't the greatest match, but I felt like it was definitely a moment. And it was the triple threat match at WrestleMania against Ronda Rousey versus Charlotte versus Becky Lynch. I think the first time women ever main eventing WrestleMania, I got a pool for my babes, I got a pool for my women. I thought that was just such a cool moment. And it just really showed us
you know, how much WWE values their, their women's division. And it really just opened a lot of doors and broke a lot of glass ceilings. And it's, it's how much they value it now. Cause even as recently as four years ago, that would have been totally unthinkable that we'd see the women ever made event WrestleMania.
Yeah. So definitely like that to me, that's one of the biggest moments just because, you know, I am a chick. Um, and I thought that was really cool that the women got to, to, to main event mania. So that was really special to me. Just think about, you know, our first WrestleMania, we went to WrestleMania 31, the women's match was Brie Bella and Paige versus the Bella twins. Yeah. Which that you can see that on any episode of raw and it wouldn't be a big deal. That was just, it was just something that the women on the show and
within four years, their main eventing the whole thing. Marco, how about you? Biggest moment of the first 100 episodes? For me, I'm going to definitely, I'm going to pull from WrestleMania 35 as well. And definitely go with our Kofi Kingston winning the WWE championship. I knew you were going to pick that. Yeah. There's too much significance for that as well, too, like just for the times.
as well as him being the first African-born champion in that company's history, which is pretty insane for that to happen. Obviously, the performance of Daniel Bryan and Kofi, the tears at the end,
Kofi's kids in the ring. I love Byron Saxton's call, man. Byron Saxton's call after that was awesome, man. It was. So they had Byron Saxton on the New Day pod this past Monday, and Kofi talks about how much he's indebted to Byron Saxton. I guess they've been friends since the FCW days. He actually helped New Day form.
I did not know that. So like just him calling that and having that saying what he said at the end of that match. Yeah, those like that. They really help those those moments just live on forever. You know, you have like Jim Ross call during King of the Ring 98. You know, when Seth cashed in you had Michael Cole nail neck on it. The ice century. So having those calls like that is what really helps you get those things on the highlight rails that we see for years and years.
Yeah. And then it obviously, for me personally, it was my first appearance on the show doing the, uh, recap the following day. So yeah, so that's probably, yeah, the past, uh, a hundred episodes. That was definitely one of the biggest moments in chick Foley show history of the last 100 episodes. Uh, Marcos Marcos debut appearance on, on the pod. Yeah.
So for me, I'm gonna go way back. This is something that happened either right before the second or third episode. I can't remember. It was very, very early on though. And it's just, you know, Monday Night Raw starts up. We hear maybe, I think it broke about 15 or 20 minutes prior that Roman Reigns was going to have a major announcement.
And then, you know, right at raw, we see Roman come out and the street clothes with the hair pulled back in the ponytail. And he comes out and tells all the fans that he's got leukemia, you know, he had it before and now it's back. And, uh, it wasn't a freaking dry in the house. You know, the crowd is still kind of beginning to standard John Cena slash Roman range response up to that, where it's a mix of cheers and booze. Typically they're cheering for by the end of the night, but when he comes out, you get a mix of booze and
everybody hitting the thank you Roman, finally just giving him the appreciation he deserves. He leaves the belt in the center of the ring and then he walks out and his brothers, Seth and Dean came out and met him at the top of the ring.
Like water work. We never seen anything like that in wrestling. This guy was literally the top guy in the company and it wasn't

Roman Reigns' Leukemia Announcement

storyline. It wasn't KFA. It was real life. This dude's going to fight this extremely, extremely life-threatening illness and just crazy. I think that's one of the biggest moments of the last decade, definitely, where we see it.
The world can't talk and the company has to leave. Yeah, he broke kayfabe. I mean, he said, this is Joe talking to you right now. I mean, it wasn't Roman talking to us, it was Joe. And yeah, that moment, I mean, that's right up there with Daniel Bryan's retirement is the most I've ever cried in wrestling. I was like, oh my gosh, just so heart wrenching.
All right, so I know that was a little heavy. We'll get back to the lighter side of wrestling our last cheeky for the first 100 episodes. What is your best wrestling figure in the first 100 episodes? I know this is so this is so tough. Man, so many so many good ones. Okay, this is gonna
I have so many on my list. Okay. I'm going to go with the Dead Man's Revenge, the Kane Undertaker Dead Man's Revenge where Undertaker was actually dressed up as Kane. I love that figure. I love the packaging. I love the execution.
perfect execution. It looks so amazing. I love the head swaps. I love that you can actually make a definitive like double sleeved cane with that figure. You know, then you obviously have the unmasked Undertaker head sculpt with like the, you know, the blacked out eyes. It's just it's just a
a freaking home run. And again, we're loose collectors, but the packaging on that was just perfectly executed. I loved the little mask on the front. I thought everything about that figure was excellent. I mean, no shade to any of the other figures that came out in the last two years. There's so, so many good ones, but that one's just kind of like a personal favorite. I just love that. Marco?
Oh man, you put me on the spot. This is hard. This is a hard one. I'll give mine first. Mine's a figure that I've mentioned a few times how much I love this thing. It's definitely gone a little bit underappreciated because there's been a lot of some more, but I'm telling you guys, if you got a chance to get your hands on the Ultimate Edition sense game, Nakamura, go get it. Oh, insane.
and get this thing in hand. Every time, you know, I keep most of my figures on display on a tote and sometimes I'm going through them and it'll follow up. Anytime I get that figure in my hand, I'm continually amazed. It's just unlike any other figure I've seen, it really looks like they just shrunk Shinsuke down. They just captioned him perfectly, especially with the jacket on, you know, with the jacket and the hands and the head sculpt and everything. It just, they nailed it. You know, the extra, I think he really benefits from the extra articulation of the Ultimate Edition because
you can really kind of nail those distinct, just, you know, kind of slightly askew Shinsuke poses that he gets and it just looks awesome. So, even though there, you know, we've had a few different, you know, red, red jacket Shinsuke's release. Bill loves a red jacket Shinsuke. Yeah, you can tell, you can tell how much Bill loves Shinsuke Nakamura because this one was a true passion project and
And it just shines through. I think it's everything that the Ultimate Edition should be. And I just really, really love that figure. So I'm going with the slept-on Ultimate Edition Shinsuke Nakamura. That's a good figure, man. Nobody can just see that. That's pretty awesome. Yeah, I definitely agree. I'm a Shinsuke Nakamura fan. And I definitely agree with that same. And that Ultimate Edition is definitely one of the best out there.
I'm going to go over a recent, and just because I actually have it in hand, and I opened it up and actually got to see it in person, I'm going to say definitely the Ultimate Warrior farewell speech, we'll call it. Oh, yeah. Oh, man, yeah. It's very recent. It's current.
Obviously, if you listen to the show, obviously, you know, a Warrior fan over here. But just the significance of that figure is pretty odd to me as well. Just the idea behind it. You see that figure, you know what it is. It's his last ever sighting. Yeah. I call him the penultimate warrior.
I'm actually wearing I'm actually wearing I was I thought about you Marco I'm actually wearing an undertaker or I'm sorry to my favorite Ultimate Warrior shirt of all time I've had this thing for years. It's got stains on it. It's like all loose and baggy. I wore it just for you. So Thank you very much. You're welcome. I mean the other cool thing about her has a mask too that he put on
I'm not wrong, I'm not wrong.
during the speech when he went from gym to warrior, did the final speech with the warrior mask on and stuff like that. The jacket, the Safka jacket is amazing. Rob Shamburger, the artist there with the image of warrior on the back of it and stuff like that. It might be a figure of the year on a lot of people's lists. I'm going to
I'm going to call it right now. I think it's really good. I like the way it's posed in the box and everything, too. Again, we're loose collectors, but I do like the way it is posed in the box with the microphone and the whole nine. So that's a killer figure. You can't deny that. I actually wasn't all that excited for that. We'll go ahead and jump in a little bit. That was one of my weekly purchases. And I wasn't super excited for that figure when I saw it, because I have the WWE 2K19 commercial warrior, where he's just an old man warrior. He comes with a duster with his shirt off and stuff.
But having it in hand, yeah, now I'm just going to sell my 2K19 warrior because they just killed it, man. This figure was awesome. Like you said, it almost kind of gives you chills just looking at it because they so perfectly captured what we now know was really one of this guy's last moments on Earth. And it was his absolute last appearance in WWE. So awesome figure. Great job, Mattel. Like I said, I can't wait to see where the Legends line goes from here because
They're after an awesome awesome start so perfect segue into our next segment go figure. Here comes the money. Here we go.
All right, go figure is where we discuss our weekly purchases, discuss the latest releases and rusting figures, and go over all the latest news. This segment is sponsored by our good friends at Ringside Collectibles. Make sure you're using code CHICKFOLY to save 10% off of all your Ringside orders. So Marco, take it away with figure news.
All righty. Over the weekend, we've seen a lot of the MOC pictures or photos of the Elite 81, the WrestleMania series that they have coming out as well featuring China, as well as basic
series 114. Hopefully you guys have seen these pictures and I'm curious to know what your thoughts on how these figures look, especially Elite 81 with the Street Profits and being like a Bel Air and stuff like that.
Yeah. What are your thoughts on it? Great. So we did one really digging it. I like the Mae Young for the collector's edition and already have an extra stone cold pre-ordered so we can get two of those WCW tag team belts. Like I mentioned before, we've got to get to Brian Pillman to go along with Stone Cold to complete the Hollywood Blondes. Street Profits are awesome. I have the basics of those that came out. One thing about those basics, the Angelo Dawkins was absolutely huge. You know, he looked like the freaking Yeti from WCW, which
We saw how we have it also Got to see him once he's out of box, but looking at the MOC face He looks like he's huge again, which maybe I'm Rhonda. Maybe Angelo Dawkins just a lot bigger than I you know, he isn't then In real life than he is in my mind, but I don't feel like he's that huge but he looks gigantic in the box So we'll see how he comes out. Hopefully he's not too big but the figures look awesome cannot wait. I'm a big boy. Yeah Yeah, it's figures built like a brick shit house. So
Yeah, they look great though. I love the jackets. Montez Ford comes with his vest and everything. And then the crown. And the other thing I like is that sometimes Mattel, they'll space out the sets almost like they'll have a set of new day and matching gear come out over a few different series. I love that we're getting street profits and Bianca.
all in the same set and it's going to be awesome. The other cool thing is the Shinsuke, we're going to get the new intercontinental championship for the first time. He's got, they got him in his raw gear and his smackdown gear. So a cool set. The street props are definitely going to be the stand out on this one though. So especially that Montez Ford, he looks awesome with the gold hands and everything comes with the red cup. Love these guys. You know, the street props are, they're one of Sheena's dad's favorites. You know, he's, he's a big fan.
We watched TakeOver 25 at his house when we were in between moving from Hawaii to Virginia and it was so funny because he's a wrestling fan from way back in the day watching NXT now and you know as Street Profits come out it was actually the night they won the NXT tag team championship in that ladder match and we were just cracking up because she and his dad was actually drinking up a red solo cup as they came out so we were like alright I guess you got your team Jerry.
And just imagine this big old country guy from Kentucky just waving his red cello cup in the air. And the Street Profits dance. That's great. The only one looks great. Let's move on to the rest of the Manifigures. Which one of the rest of the Manifigures are you most excited for, Marco?
Oh, man. Actually, you know what? I do like the Goldberg. I'm not sure. I think maybe it's Mike Lanham in our group chat. I was kind of joking that the Edge comes with a extra Goldberg face scan.

Wrestling Action Figures Discussion

His head kind of looks like Goldberg. But the Goldberg figure doesn't look that bad. It comes with the blue universal title, too.
So you get old Goldberg, which is pretty cool. I'm assuming that's from like the, when he faced the fiend and won the title from, from him. But yeah, I mean, my favorite one out of that is definitely China. I know people are kind of like.
like kind of upset that it comes with the, with the puppet, but it's, it's whatever. It's like, Oh, it's kind of cool, but it comes with the puppet collectors and stuff. Yeah, I could see that. I was going to say, I'm actually the most excited for the bill to figure Paul Illering. The fact that he comes
with both head scopes, you could have him with the Road Warriors, or you could have him with AOP. And then with your Rocco, like, yeah, this is probably gonna be the best builder figure we've ever gotten. They've definitely never gone through this much trouble. It looks like Rocco's actually got articulation also, so.
Pretty freaking cool. I'm most excited for Shawn Michaels. You guys, even though I'm... He looks awesome. Even though I'm Bret Hart saying it all the way, I love Shawn Michaels' swag and his figures. I got all the chalk line shorts. And he's undeniably great. Yeah, any of his tights figures I love. And I've actually grown to appreciate Shawn a lot more. Not that I'll ever fully forgive the Montreal Screwjob, but going back and watching all this stuff from the 90s, I definitely appreciate Shawn as a wrestler.
You know, he's I probably put him third all time behind that Brett and Seth Rollins and I'm a kiss and Pete percent Seth is the second best ever but He is what he is Sean's an awesome performer and I loved it. We're finally getting the rest of me and I figure I'm kind of curious Why he's not come with the icy belt because that's from that's based on his look when he fought to talk up for the icy titles That was kind of a weird choice, but you know, and maybe they it could have been a costing or something It's a great set all four figures look awesome first chance getting the blue universal belt and then again build a figure Paul Erwin excellent
Can we talk about how Edge's bat is bent? It looks like the bottom of the bat is bent in the MOC. I mean, granted, it doesn't matter for us, but for MOC collectors, the bottom of the bat is like squigged over. Maybe that was just a bad one that they had for the picture. But yeah, kind of floppy bats are... That's one of the issues with Mattel's. If you go to all the stings, they always got a little bit of bend in them. So yeah, then you get a little bit of bleaching for the bats that come with these Mattel figures.
Boy, all right, so basic 114 You guys grabbing that see I believe that one has a first of mine Rhea Ripley, right? Yeah, probably Rhea Ripley is probably the only one we grab out of that set She looks pretty cool for a basic. Um, but you know, I don't know, you know The less said the better about the basics last few series. There's been some cool figures in between but we've discussed before how the basics have Fallen off a little bit
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, so we'll we'll move on. So I added this one before we'll get to the edge running change. But so we were I learned last night that ringside actually has the preorder for the Jushin Thunder Liger silver chested version. Yeah, with the green cape.
With the green cape, yeah. So that's live right now for pre-order on ringside. Obviously, use Code Chick fully for 10% off when you do that. But yeah, I actually, when I get to the weekly purchases, I'll talk about Jushin. But yeah, I'm actually pretty excited that they threw that out there. They also have the black and gold up for backorder for early December, I believe. So if you're looking to get that again. So I believe all three are up right now. So they had the first one.
the black and silver as well as the new one up for pre-order. If you want to get those jucian thunder lagers, definitely grab them now because they're probably not going to be on there for much longer. They're all crazy, man. Storm Collectibles, they definitely got their money off of... They definitely got their money's worth from that mold, but those figures are amazing.
Yeah, definitely. Especially if you're a Jushin Lager fan, definitely pick those up. I know I am. I actually seen him live back in 2014 or 13. It was this company called Pro Wrestling Syndicate. Nice. It was at the Jersey WrestleMania, the first one they did in New York, New Jersey. Was that 13? That was 49, I believe.
Yes. Yeah. Um, so we went and seen, uh, he actually faced John Morrison. So it was Jushin Liger versus John Morrison. Wow. That's interesting. Yeah. So I actually got to see Jushin light. That was the only time I actually got to see him, uh, wrestle live in person. We were, we were in the front row as well. So that was pretty awesome. Um, I also got to see, uh, new Jack's retirement match as well. He was the main event. It was him in a. Necro butcher. Was there blood?
Oh, it was both. Yeah, I mean, this is like a non-negotiable.
Yeah, so that's a sidebar. So I'll do a quick story. So he's obviously do the meet and greets before the matches and stuff like that. And New Jack, I got actually got a picture with him. So he actually looked at me, he actually looked at me like, kind of like, Oh man, he's like, Oh, you look, you look at your shape. I'm like, yeah, I kind of work on stuff. But I legit thought he's gonna be like, Hey, you want to be a part of this match? No, thank you. I've seen what you do to people.
Oh yeah, so later on he wasn't legit in the front row right at the gate. So they're fighting on the outside, they're all bleeding everywhere. He literally throws Necrobutcher right in front of me. He almost lands on my lap.
and I like the whole front row literally just clears out like empty chairs like chairs all over the place and it is obviously just kicking the crap out of each other in the middle of the crown stuff like that but there was legit blood all over the place there's leaking blood like other chairs on the floor it was it was pretty insane
I legit think he did that on purpose. I actually had the DVD of it. So you can see me in the front row running away, running for my life. Yeah. Um, yeah, that was a scary, that was a scary moment in my wrestling history. Moving on. So we have, uh, so, so the edge heads are back.
They did a running change. They actually changed the color of the hair for all three head scopes. So it's a darker color brown. Yeah, they look good. Definitely. If it had been like a dramatic difference, I think I'd probably go back and get another set. But they definitely look better. But I don't think not enough for me to replace the ones I already got in the collection.
Yeah, no, I totally agree. They definitely look a lot better with the darker color hair, but yeah, not enough for me to go back and buy another set. I'm good with that. So the main event. Oh my God. So this has been happening to a lot of people, so you're not the only one. Yeah, I've called this exclusive gate is what I call it.
Yeah, it's pretty crazy what's going on. So if you guys don't know so the rock ultimate edition is now shipping out to anyone that pre-ordered it Back in the day. It's finally made. It's finally made the light of day. Yeah, and I have mine coming tomorrow. So I'm praying of the figure gods, please
Give me my rock. So you guys, let me tell you, I was so super stoked. I finally, finally, finally got a shipping notification from Amazon for this Amazon exclusive. Let me repeat that. Amazon exclusive rock ultimate edition figure.
So stoked. I see the little picture that the Amazon person sent me sitting on my porch. I'm like, oh, hell yeah. So I go out there in my excitement. I'll rip open the box only to find ringside exclusive. Let me repeat that one more time. Ringside exclusive, Charlotte.
in the box from Amazon. And I was just, I was floored. I was like, how does this even happen? Like it'd be one thing if they had sent me a different rock figure, you know, just grabbed some like random rock elite off the shelf and like threw it in a box and was like, yeah. But I mean, there is this ringside exclusive figure that is only supposed to be
sold at ringside. If I'm understanding the definition of exclusive correctly, it's only supposed to be shipped and sold from ringside that is now being distributed from Amazon. So my heart just sank. I see all these people in our Facebook group getting their shipping notifications for rock and getting them. And I was so pumped and I was just let down. And it's funny because I was like, well, maybe it's just like a one-off, right?
Then Charlotte shows up on Amazon for sale. Matt Cardona posted today that his rock ultimate edition was a Charlotte figure. So these are. So if you still get that, if you still are waiting and it's pending for your rock to be delivered, I'm just here to give you a forewarning. Don't get too excited before you open the box because it legit may not be what you think it is.

Amazon Figure Distribution Issues

So hit rock bottom.
And I mean, the Charlotte figure, let me be clear, let me be clear. The Charlotte figure is amazing. It's an incredible, it's like the definitive Charlotte figure. I unboxed it for our patrons. It's freaking sick. But I can't, when you're expecting The Rock and you get a figure that you already have, yeah, I was a little bit disappointed.
distribution problems. Yeah, that's kind of rough. But I always, here's what I say. I say it was a lot of gloating on your part, retaining the Chick-Fully Prediction Championship. I'll never stop. It was karma. It was karma on your part. Whatever bad figure faith that brings me, I'm going to keep gloating as I win every single time with this Chick-Fully Show Prediction Championship. That means more to me than any figure karma.
there is out there so you hear that the next batch of rocks are going to be shipping out to like November 13 yeah we're going to get another uh yeah another charlotte we'll see that yeah we processed a return and we are um we are seeing if we're going to get that we would have ordered another rock but
Yeah. The cool thing was, is there was a lot of people waiting to pull the trigger on that Charlotte figure because it was a little bit more expensive from ringside. So they were stoked to be able to grab that from Amazon for a little bit less, which we were excited to help some of our people. I'm a fully fam grabbed that figure with that link. So
This is another reason why we tell you guys, get your figures from Ringside. Ringside would never do you like this. I don't know it was a Ringside exclusive. You got people who are passionate about the figures. They know what's what. They're never just going to box, say, somebody that's totally different and ship it out to you. Well, that's true. So yeah, you hear other people come up as contenders for the crown. It'd be the best fight to get wrestling figures. But at the end of the day, Ringside is definitely the best bet. Remember, use Code Chick Foley for 10% off. So Marco, tell us about your weekly purchases this week.
Yeah, so speaking of The Rock, I got a rock. Finally, Rocky Johnson, the soul man, finally made his way. So what happened was FedEx made numerous attempts to deliver it, but there's construction going on on my street. I'm kind of like on a main street.
So apparently they don't like, they block the street off so you can't go down it at all. So it would never, it was sort of like the past couple of days. So they would, I guess they would attempt to do it and I would get like notification saying delivery was
Um, some, some type of like delivery error or something like that. What the hell? Well, basically I was reading up on it. It's basically, if it's either, if no one's home, obviously, um, they have to deliver it, um, for certain reason, or if there's a construction going on, there's an obstruction on your street, they have their right to not deliver it.
So I guess that's what's happening. So I guess like they were being turned away. So like the whole streets being, they're running like electric, it's like an electrical company doing construction. So it's like literally the whole street they block off. So no cars can go up and down itself. Finally, the original rock has come home. Awesome figure. Definitely love it in my collection. I'm actually kind of making like a,
like a kind of like an African American or a black wrestler shelf that I have.

Custom Shirts for Figures

Like Rocky Johnson, Booker T, obviously Ron Simmons, the whole theme edition where he has the
the title and stuff like that. So anyone that has titles, stuff like that, I'm trying to get a shelf going. Are you going to get the WrestleMania 6 Roddy Piper by Jax, where he had half of his body painted black?
Of course, yeah. He's going to be like in the middle of it. Put him half on the shelf, half on the shelf. Yeah, it'll be like the continuing part of it. But yeah, so what else did I grab? Oh, I got my, so I ordered a couple of the top picks from Ringside. So I had the top picks Roman, top picks Drew McIntyre, and top picks Fiend.
Yeah, we got a topics because I didn't open the the summer slam one. I kept that MOC for some reason maybe because it was the first time the feed in my mind I'm trying to go back and remember why I just never opened it But yeah, so I got the topics want to open up and to use the hands for the Firefly Funhouse Bray Wyatt, so now I have the hurt heal hands that I could use on on him. So that's pretty cool. Did you pick up the basic? Funhouse prayer just the elite
Just see a lead I want it I want to get it, but I just don't like the I don't like the bodies of the basics. Yeah, I was gonna let you know that you can do a hand swap on the basic also took a little bit of work But I got the hurt heel hands to work on the basic. Also, it looks pretty good. Oh nice. Okay, so maybe It does suck losing that articulation though. Once you get used to the elite articulation
Yeah, so other than that, I'm actually pretty, it's not a super epic haul, but a pretty epic actually. So obviously I'm looking for the, I have the ultimate warrior from the legends eight ultimate warrior. I got, I announced that last week as a part of a haul. So they have the whole series, but I was also working for a couple extra ones.
Mainly because obviously I'm going to make this announcement here mainly because it's a, it's the 100th episode of the trick Foley show. So actually going to acquire two, um, legends eight alternate warriors, uh, from a good, good person of the show. Good. A good listener of the show. His name's Michael grid. That's his name on Twitter, which is pretty easy. Thank you, Michael.
He actually hit me up on the chick Foley account. He was like, hey, do you, he's like, I know you're looking for the Warriors. He's still need them. And I was like, I was like, yeah, sure. He's like, he's like, so I was it. I was in the area and I actually found three, I found one for myself. And I have two more that I'm gonna, you know, get rid of if you don't want them. So I was like, I was like, nah, son, I want those two.
Um, so yes, I actually, uh, so he, he came through, he got me the two warriors. Um, so forever dead for that. Cause I was actually talking to you guys earlier today about getting like maybe one or two warriors to, to do a. Dribble Sheena, if you can't do that.
Twitter giveaway, 100 episodes, Chick-fil-A show, Ultimate Warrior Legends Series 8 giveaway. So I'm going to announce that tomorrow. I'll get the rules out and everything like that. So yeah. So, um, Ultimate Warrior can be in your hands. Oh, that's awesome. If you do the right things. Yeah. So we're going to get back to the community. Um, and I think this is a figure that's going to make people bring, bring light to anyone's darkness. Yes. That they go through. That's awesome. Yeah.
Yeah. So that's, uh, other than that, my, uh, my NXT, uh, inspired chick Foley show shirt show up too as well. So yeah, it's, uh, it's, it's, it's such a bad ass shirt. It's a, it could be worn all year long. Does it have to be worn on? I might just even leave that up as a logo. I've been able to change the, uh, the Avi on Twitter. I might just leave it as that cause such a bad ass.
Shout out to our friend, yeah, Extra Cooler Nick Camia. The man is awesome. He just always, always comes through when we need him. And if you haven't picked up his book, S is for Suplex yet, please, please, please go to your favorite book retailer, Amazon or Barnes and Noble, or go to his site and pick up S is for Suplex because it's such an awesome book. Yeah.
It's awesome. Yeah. Oh, one more thing. So naturally, for my own personal thing, I've been talks actually with Fig T's UK. Because if you guys seen on WWE shot, the hurt business, they are for them have shirts now. That one is awesome, man. I love that Shelton Benjamin shirt.
So I actually, I actually hit him up and I asked him how much it would be for all four shirts. Um, obviously he was like, I can't make it as shiny as, as like the lettering. He's like, but I could bring it, make it pretty damn close. And I was like, do it up. So if you have all four figures, if you have like an MVP, a Shelton, a Cedric, um,
And why am I forgetting, am I forgetting someone? Bobby Lashley. Yeah, Bobby Lashley, yes. Smooth Bobby, jeez. How can I forget? If you have all four of those figures and you're looking to update them a little bit with the shirts, Fig T's is actually making them. So I was talking to him earlier a few months ago when he was actually trying to find the right type of foil, like the gold lettering for it, because he actually wanted to make them. So he's actually doing it. So if you guys are interested,
just hit him up and he'll get it done. A custom figure shirt can totally change a figure. I highly encourage you guys, if you're on the fence about getting some custom soft goods for your figures, it really does make a difference. So yeah, BigDig UK M&M figure clothing. We got lots of people who make custom figure artists. We have a good network of our creators out there that can definitely help you out.
Nice, man. You guys know I went heavy last week. It was a little bit easier on the wallet this week. So I got the Hall of Fame Warrior. We picked him up.
I got a retro sting. I went with the Crow look instead of the Wolfpack. I think I'm going to have one of those in the collection and is what I'm a huge fan of Wolfpack sting more for just the look than, you know, his actual time in the Wolfpack. But I ended up going with the Crow sting. I love the figure. It came out great. It looks awesome. Still not as good as the Galoob sting. I actually think that Galoob sting with the blue tights is
one of the best Sting figures ever. They just really captured him, but Retro Sting was really cool. And that was it for figures this week. Went heavy on Chalk Liner. We went deep on Chalk Liner this week. So they were nice enough to send Sheena a pre-release version of the pink, pink and black Attack Brat jacket. This is the jacket from World Rumble 93. Okay.
Insane. Like I feel like such a G. Not only like I've been carrying around that that pink and black attack ringside exclusive figure like that's like one of my all-time favorite action figures and now I can legitimately match my action figure and the jacket is just accidentally executed and I'll if you have a chance to get this in your hands please
do yourself a favor and snag this beauty because it is gorge. I'm going to post some pictures of it on the feed probably tomorrow, the next day. Yeah. So awesome figure. We also got the Jimmy Hart money ink jacket, which this one, I don't know how, I don't know if they're going to the WWE archives and pulling these jackets or if they got Jimmy Hart to send them the jacket. It perfectly captures the airbrush look.
And they nailed it. It looks just like Jimmy Hart's jaggedy wire. I believe it's from WrestleMania 8 when money equals fighting the natural disasters. But it looks awesome. It's still available on Chalk Line if you want to go hit it up. And then we got a few shorts. You guys know how we love the Chalk Line shorts over here. We got Sasha Banks.
the Mega Man shorts and the Hey Arnold shorts. So again, hit up Chalk Line and the Sashi shorts are sold out, but everything else is still available. Just lots of great stuff over there. If you can't find something you like, Christmas is coming up, awesome gift for anybody on your Christmas list, you're looking for a really unique item for something they're going to remember, something they're going to use all year long, not just going to have for a week and get rid of it because this desktop quality, it looks great.
you know, I'm wearing the blue Hulkamania shorts right now. And I'm telling you, I get it, you know, it makes me a little bit happy every time I go on one of these pairs of chocolate shorts, just because they're so awesome. They hit you right in the status spot and they're super comfy. Yeah, then they're getting they're getting licenses galore. I mean, like, literally, like, there's nothing that offline doesn't have their hands or they're making legends of the hidden temple.
shorts that are going to be so freaking amazing. And guys, remember, they are a small business. So if you're trying to shop small this holiday season and get your people some quality items from some people who really do our passion about what they do shop shop with chalk line, like they're the best.
For all the 80s kids like us, the blood sport collection is dropping this month also. Marco's going to be here. They got a jacket and a couple of different sets of shorts for blood sport that look freaking awesome. So they're definitely getting the shorts. I'm going to be tempted. I'm going to pull the trigger on the jacket also because blood sport is definitely an all time classic. Go ahead, Marco.
I was a huge JCVD fan back in the day. If any movie pops out, I'm definitely going to watch ASO. That's a definite purchase on my end. Yeah, they're awesome. Lastly, I got some custom bigger belts. I'm a sucker for belts. I got a few different people that I like to get belts from and we can wrap all three of them on this.
On these this weekly purchase. So we got a guy who's in Greece. He's on he's on Instagram is WWE figure artists So I'll give you guys specifics on it because it's it's not all straight like that. That's uh, so it's WWE underscore figure underscore artists that underscore
Yeah, this guy's in Greece. He's going to take about a month for the belts to get here, but the work is top notch. The strongest endorsement I can get it in our collection, the AEW belt came with a bubbly Jericho. We sold that. We gave it, we paired it up with a Dean Ambrose Elite that we sold as part of our offload somewhere connection. This guy, the AEW belt that he made was better than the
the jazz wearers wicked cool toys one um i just got the tnt belt from him it looks amazing insane yeah they nailed it they're gonna have their work cut out for it for the actual factory when to beat it so hit him up figure artist our friend gustador so i'll give you guys the spelling on that he has a lot of amazing custom belts so that's
G U S T A H D O R E. So he's got right now, I believe he still has some in stock. He, this was about three weeks ago when he put them up, but he still got, he had quite a few then. So he has a poster sold out yet. He's got the ECW tag team belts. These are all in elite scale. So these are going to pair perfectly with any of your elite figures.
They remember your Hasbro stuff to you, but they're designed to go with Elite. So the ECW belts, aside from the World Championship belt, we're kind of missing the other ones. We've never gotten the TV title or the tag belts, and then official release from Mattel. So he's got the ECW tag team belts. We picked those up.
And then these are a little bit more pricey, but they are the quality is incredible. So this is the real forbidden figurine. So it's the underscore real underscore forbidden underscore figurines. Again, all the underscore underscore is clearly having a moment in 2020. But right now she has available the Ring of Honor World Championship and the FTW belt that's gotten a resurgence here over the past six months or so in AEW. So we picked up both of those. So we have the FTW.
and the Ring of Honor World Championships in figure form. So if you're just looking for stuff to help kind of, kind of deep in and round out your figure collection, that's definitely a way to go. She does amazing work and she got the stamp of approval by Matt Reaper, which I mean, I don't feel like there's any higher. Matt Reaper's to go. Yeah, there's really no higher stamp of approval and he gets his stuff from forbidden figure artists.
If you hit up a real forbidden figurines the She's got a custom barbarian right now And this is from when barbarian was rocking the antlers and stuff on his head. There's just it's insane You know, so she does a she sells head sculpts and belts Definitely check her out, you know, just small operation, but a lot of really cool stuff there
Yeah, her actually, if you go to her new account, her previous account had gotten hacked. Unfortunately, that's just the that's the sucky thing about Instagram, her previous account gotten hacked. So I can't I don't know how many figures or how many followers she has, but she had a lot of followers on our old account, but she had to like start from scratch. So definitely give this chick a follow even for nothing more than to just like, you know, give her give her more support and like her posts and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, she is she's psychotic with her talent level.
Yeah, it's amazing. And now Sheena's got some big announcements for us. So I wanted to just real quick pop on and talk about the Chick-fil-A Show toy drive. You know, we talk about it every week. I definitely want to make this our biggest best toy drive. Yeah, it's our second annual toy drive.

Annual Toy Drive Announcement

Sal, Good Brother Sal on our Facebook group is giving away a Legends Elite Warrior. We're going to do a raffle. So if you're in the group, please check that out and look at the post.
If you're going to go ahead and donate, we're going to set up a, we have our PayPal set up. If you're going to donate to the, to the toy drive anyway, you may as well enter to win the, um,
the Legends 8 Warrior. So go check that out and then we set up our PO box. So we'll be posting the address for that for anybody who actually wants to send physical packages or toys or any of that kind of stuff. We're not limiting it to wrestling toys, books, baby toys, whatever you got guys.
Hot wheels. I mean, it doesn't have to be anything super expensive. And if you're donating to our PayPal, we're going to shop. We're going to show you guys what we're purchasing. No amount is too small. We just want to impact as many families as we can this year. Again, I know I said it last week, but so many families have experienced hardships this year. And
like they're like we we love our toys we are figure collectors at heart we're collectors we love all the things but toys are made for kids like let's let's let's get down to the to the nitty gritty here toys are made for kids and kids having a magical christmas is really really super important to me and i want to make this a magical christmas for so many kids who need it um so let's just all collectively come together um sal's giving that away we're gonna post all the details about our our holiday toy drive
on the Instagram, on our Facebook page, on our Twitter. So if you guys want to donate to that, again, no amount is too small, $1, $5, $20, whatever you got, we will take it and we'll do the shopping for you guys if you don't want to ship anything. But if you do have toys to ship, we will be posting the PO Box address for that as well. So let's make this a very, very Merry Christmas for so many kids.
So stay tuned. We'll get the word out on all of the different Chick Foley social media avenues. And yeah, let's make it happen, guys.

Entertainment Suggestions & Vince McMahon Documentary

All right. It's time for quarantine and chill.
All right, quarantine and sales where we offer you guys up some non-in-ring wrestling action entertainment options to help you get you through the weekends where we're kind of stuck in the house a little bit. So Marco, you want to get started? Yeah, definitely. So we'll start off with some kind of breaking news earlier today. So Netflix is actually doing a documentary focusing on the one and only
the godfather of sports entertainment, Vince McMahon. I mean, Vince McMahon, I should say, yeah. So yeah, I don't know. If you fall like the dark side of the ring, guys, one of their dream goals is to have a series on Vince McMahon. But it looks like Netflix has beat them to the punch, essentially. It looks like it's going to be kind of like a documentary series.
It's going to be a series, not just a one-off. Yeah. Yeah, it's going to be like a series on Vince McMahon. So I mean, the long story to tell. You can't do that like in an hour and a half or two hours. It's definitely going to take like a whole season to get the whole story of Vince and Kennedy McMahon going. But it doesn't give any dates on when it's going to happen. But it looks like it's starting up. And then obviously, the long rumored
hogan movie supposed to be hitting netflix as well so i'm hoping that hits around the same time but um yeah that's the one with uh chris hymns we're supposed to be playing hogan right yeah exactly and i believe eric bischoff is also producing yeah on that movie as well you know i don't know if you've seen it there's been rumors for a few years that there's going to be a uh vince mcman biopic with bradley cooper playing him called uh pandemonium is the title that's on the script so i haven't heard anything about that in a while so i don't know if that's kind of just stuck in developmental hell or not but
Yeah, definitely. These pro wrestling documentaries are always really entertaining. It'll be very interesting to see one based solely on events. He's just such a compelling character and probably the most important person in the history of professional wrestling.
Yeah, say, yeah, say what you want about, uh, Vince McMahon now and like, how you feel about the product today. But, uh, he's the reason why all these companies are in existence right now. So, uh, I mean, he, it's, it's, that's, that's facts. It's not, not cause we're obviously WWE or lifelong WWE fans. I think you're right. You can argue with that.
It's legit facts. He's the man. He's the one that everyone strives to be when they're starting up a wrestling company or a wrestling organization or what have you. He's a guy that everyone tries to model their business after or just take parts of what he's done and put it in their own business model. I'm definitely looking forward to this.
He's one of the guys I always, I don't want to say look up to, but he's always one of the guys I'm always interested in doing his background. And he had the hard upbringing. You've heard that before. He wasn't always rich. They lived in a trailer home, him and his brother, his parents and stuff like that. So interested to see the full story of Vincent Kennedy McMahon and knowing him and the way the attitude I was run, I think he had probably
hear about a lot of stuff. Oh yeah. He's an open book. Yeah, definitely. So excited about this, but I'll just finish it off with my pick for this week.
Also, the wife and I have been trying to watch horror movies on the weekend. So like every, obviously we're off on the weekends. So every weekend we fit the horror movie to watch. I have this app called Shutter. Have you ever heard of it? Yes. I've always wanted to check out Shutter, but it's like, I feel like these reviews, let me know what you think about it because, you know, it's one of those things that's like right in my interest wheel. And I'm always on the fence about subscribing.
Yeah, so they do. So they have like a trial, like a seven day trial thing going on. So I tried that out. So it's kind of, it's basically like they build it as a Netflix of horror movies. So there are a lot of original movies out there, shutter exclusives, and they're all like super high quality. I was kind of, you know, I was like, eh, is it really that great quality? So I actually watched one this weekend. It's called, it was called Haunt.
So it's set on Halloween night. It's about these group of friends that, you know, they're at a party. They're getting kind of bored. And one of the friends goes, hey, let's go around those, let's go to like a haunted house when it was like extreme haunted houses. Have you guys? I'm sure you guys.
into an extreme haunted house. I mean, I've been to- I don't know. I don't know why we're pretty freaking scary. Well, that's true. We went to some very scary haunted houses, but there are literally ones out there that like are meant to like, they like grab you and like- Yeah, the torture. Yeah, the torture house is pretty much- You have to sign a release to like go through them. I've never done anything like that.
Yeah, so that's what this movie is based on. So these five friends, they go to this, like, where out in the woods is this warehouse where they find that there's a haunted house that they're running. So they meet this creepy clown at the beginning and all this stuff. And he has them sign waivers. He takes their phones. That's part of the waiver. You have to put your phone in this lockbox before you go in and stuff like that. That's for everyone, Marco.
But other than that, it's way more than what I'm just saying right now. All the fun happens. All the fun house things happen in there and stuff like that. Is there any name actors in it or is this just all newbies and stuff?
It's all movies, super gory, super creepy as well. I've never been in one of those, like you said, extreme houses at all, but I'm assuming this is how it would be, minus the other things that happen that I'm not going to say. Yeah, definitely. If you have Shutter or if you're interested in it, I think they're still running that free trial. Definitely check it out. It's a real good scare. We're trying to figure out a movie to watch on Saturday night because obviously it's Halloween, so we got to pick a real good one.
Yeah, we haven't watched Trick or Treat yet this season. So I think that's going to be our Saturday night movie is Trick or Treat. So we are first viewing this Halloween season. We usually kick it off with Trick or Treat, but you know, parent life and all. Tell us about your quarantine. So My Quarantine and Chill is a Netflix anthology series. It's called Social Distance. And guys, it literally like just kind of really touches home on like the trauma and like the kind of
I don't want to say hilarity, but just like the craziness that happened at the beginning of the pandemic. Each episode, again, it's an anthology, so each episode encompasses its own little storyline, start to finish. It talks about just some different things that are going on during the quarantine and different scenarios. It encompasses a lot of
technology like you know the zoom cameras and nest cameras and like all the things and if you Seth was out to sea so it's really crazy you know his pandemic experience and like you know that our you know America pandemic experience has been totally different so as I'm watching it I'm like oh my gosh like this like it really strikes a chord with me whereas with him like he was literally just stuck out it out at sea like
floating on an ocean, not really knowing what the American experience was happening over here. So it's been really interesting to watch it with him. And it's funny, and there are some things that are a little bit lighthearted, and there are some things that are a little bit heavy. But I think they do a really good job. It's eight episodes.
So it's a really quick watch and it's got like some people that you're going to know, like, you know, some that guys, Oscar Nunez is one of the, it was one of the actors in there and one of the episodes. So there's going to be some people that you recognize, but I think it's really timely that Netflix did a quick little anthology series about, you know, the pandemic and like the whole
aspect of isolating and quarantine and social distancing. So like, yeah, imagine that this is just, you know, taking place in like April or May of this year. They give you a little timestamp for the start of each episode. Let you know exactly where we're at in the pandemic. But yeah, I highly recommend checking out the Netflix series, Social Distance. It'll kind of take you back to like the Tiger King stimulus package time of quarantine versus this little bit darker, you know, election. That $1,200 was clutch, man.
Yeah. So like I said, definitely, definitely check that out. And my other recommendation for quarantine and chill is our good buddy Ted over at Wrestling for Sale. He is producing a new YouTube series called The Wrestling Collectors. The first couple of episodes he really honed in on
people who have like vintage wrestling merch collections and like you know Rosenberg and there was another guy that I'd never heard of but like guys these guys have like just psychotic collections of insane vintage merch and it is like it is like obscene how amazing their stuff is um but I was actually asked to come on and talk with Ted and do an interview so my episode dropped this week
It's all about toys and action figures and things like that. So I'm on the same episode. Matt Cardona is also a part of this episode. So definitely check it out. Go subscribe to Ted's YouTube channel Wrestling for Sale. The series is called Wrestling Collector. So if you haven't checked that out yet, please do so. And if you love vintage merch, please check out the first couple of episodes as well. And our Buddy Extra Cooler is featured in episode two as well. All right. It is now time for our random merch of the week.
All right, random merch of the week is where we scour the deep dark corners of the internet to find you guys some of the most random wrestling merchandise ever produced. Marco's got our pick for this week. Marco, tell us about the Sable Attitude Bear. I'm looking at this listing right now on eBay. Tell us about it.
Oh my God, it's kind of weird. I only picked it because it's based on something very strange. It's a teddy bear. It's a white teddy bear. Very innocent looking, to say the least. But it's based on the time when Sable removed her shirt and she had like the handprints on her boobs, essentially. The bear has the handprints.
in the same area.
which is kind of strange to me. I'm not sure if you guys are like kind of put off by this, but I'm not sure why they sold this. That is so funny. Well, you know, like it's, it's kind of in that same air era. Like, you know, Beanie Babies came around in like 1993, I think. Um, and then, you know, I had like their heyday 95. So this is what, like 99. Um, and, uh, yeah, so this is like on the tail end of the Beanie Babies craze. So these are like basically like knockoffs of the Beanie Babies spares. And it's like a white, um,
a white beanie baby with black handprints of her, like black handprints. So yeah, I'm totally not, yeah, I'm totally not offended, but it is really funny that they have like a, I'm looking at a lot of them, they have a sable, they have a mankind with like a little white paw for his, you know, sock-o, and then a degeneration X, which is like a black bear with like a black, a green thing. So yeah, this is pretty funny that these came out like right at the end of the beanie baby's craze.
Yeah, it's like the other ones have the names on the front. Like the Valvenus one has Valvenus on it. And it says, Hello, ladies on the back. So like the Sabre one has the hand prints of the breast part. And on the back it says, hands down. What is it? I think what it says on the back of it. Yeah, hands down the winner. Yeah, the winner. There's another Sabre one that has 38 special on the back for some reason. Mannequin wants to have a nice day.
And then the DX princess two-word saga you can tell they're really trying to cash in on the on The B babies collector aspect of it because it is You know, they got the individual number tags and everything So pretty pretty freaking cool item. But yeah, definitely it's definitely dated now looking at it. I
Yes, the Valvenus one, I'm actually looking because I clicked on one when they have the similar items. It has a little tag still on it, and it's a picture of Valvenus. It's one of those tags you can open up, and it's like a little book. When you open it up, it has Valvenus. It has actually a quote from Valvenus. Would you like to hear it?
He actually says, yeah, it's the big Vaboski has thrust his way into the upper echelon of the World Wrestling Federation superstardom on this bear. It's a, it's a teddy bear. It's an innocent teddy bear. Why would they, why would they ruin the innocence of a, of a sweet little teddy bear with, with those horrible words from Val Venus. Horrible. It's the attitude error, man. It's just part of the deal, dude.
Yeah, I'm with you, man. These are kind of bizarre, you know. Of all the FQR products, like, yeah, I don't know. Beanie babies are so good. Looking back, you know, because I was around here that time, I get it. They were kind of just going to cash in on the craze and checking out his collectibles. But we know beanie babies really haven't aged that well, and I think these things have aged even worse.
Oh yeah, definitely. They're definitely collectible. I mean, they're individual numbered, you know, so many of these out there, but yeah, cool. So I'd be interested to see what else is out there, aside from the few we scrounced up on a little bit of lighthearted eBay research. So retro wrestling recommendation out of the week, or excuse me, random mercy out of the week. It's now time for the retro wrestling recommendation of the week.
All right. This is where we give you guys a pick from years gone by to go back and check out Marco. What's your pick for this week?
So my pick was, a lot of people picked the, obviously Halloween Havoc I had to go with. So my pick was the Halloween Havoc featuring Rey Mysterio versus Dean Malenko for the Cruiserweight Championship. A lot of people obviously go with Eddie Guerrero as the marquee match for Halloween Havoc. But if you haven't watched the Dean Malenko and Rey Mysterio match, you're definitely missing out.
Probably, obviously, I think it's as equally as good as the Eddie Guerrero match. I was a huge fan of Dean Malenko, being of a thousand holds, especially back in that day. And just like having that young, famous stereo with his aerial, just two different styles that worked.
Completely well together for some reason obviously deep link with his ground game stuff like that and Raven stereo There's more aerial approach. I would just it was probably just like a near perfect match. It's like over 20 minutes I believe as well. So if you have the time definitely go back and look at it and Try to consider as one of the the best matches close to the Riva stereo added Guerrero match So that's definitely my pick that wouldn't end with
I can't remember. I'm trying to read that one in with Dean Powerbomb and Ray off the top rope.
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that match. Yeah. Great. When I could, they, they had so many classes there in the, in the mid nineties that, you know, sometimes they all kind of run together, but be a great match. I remember that one. It's awesome. It was a good little precursor to the rain Eddie classic from, from Halloween habit 97. So I went, when I tried to tie it into something that happened this week. And so I picked a takeover Chicago for mid 2017 with Pete Dunn versus Tyler bait. This is when Pete Dunn,
Won the UK title and started his almost two year long reign with it. Awesome match. This was a lot of people's match of the year in 2017. And it's I think it's about 20 plus minutes. Definitely check it out. A lot of hard hitting actions. Really just kind of the perfect encapsulation of the UK pro wrestling style. Lots of awesome counters. A little mix of high flying with power moves and ground based grappling.
Awesome match from a really good show. So you can really watch that whole show. This is also historically significant because in the main event, it's when Champa turned on Johnny Gargano and started one of the best rivalries of the modern era. So take over Chicago is specifically P done versus Tyler Bay. Marco, you remember watching that one?
Oh my god, yeah, of course. Even that first match for the tournament there was freaking amazing. Huge Pete Dunfan. I'm definitely glad to see him back in action, but yeah, I know that match in particular was...
Oh yeah, if you weren't used to that out, like that UK strong style, or British strong style as they call it, then you're definitely in for a treat if you haven't actually witnessed that just yet. I'm not sure why you haven't, but if you haven't, definitely go back and watch that. That is the Tyler Bate Walter match, if you want to see some brutal beatdowns.
Yep, yep. So I think as a bonus, Jim Ross was actually on the call for that done entire bait match. So it was one of the last matches he called for WWE. So great stuff. So that's it folks. We're coming in just under two hours. That's going to put a wrap on the end of the 100th episode of the Chick Foley show. So thank all you guys for your support so far and going forward. Remember you can find Sheena on Instagram at Chick Foley, find Marco on Twitter.
at the Chick Foley Show. Remember, subscribe and review. It definitely helps out the show. And you can hit us up on Patreon at So, Sheena, anything you want to let the listeners know as we put a bow on our 100th episode?
No, just keep listening. Keep supporting. Keep showing us the love. Drop us some five stars. You guys have no idea how much those ratings and reviews really help. I know all podcasts will tell you to do it. And we wouldn't take you to do it if it wasn't important. So we love you guys. We love your support. And thank you for making this first 100 episodes just epic. All right. Marco, any closing thoughts?
uh social distance wash your hands and wear a mask if you're into it that's that's that's that's that's that's health tips it's not anything bad it's
distance, wash your hands, keep it clean. Keep living, keep laughing and keep loving. All right. We're circling the drain here, folks. We're going to put a bow on it. 100 episodes. We are out.