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Skip to content speedway sories and cold blooded conversations ep 2

Nonsensical Network
19 Plays3 months ago

on this episod chris goes over the main jist of what the show will be 


Introduction to the Solo Episode

Welcome everybody to

Reflecting on Bill Hoskinson's Drag Racing Event

the show. Uh, this is my first episode going by myself. Uh, welcome to speedway stories and cobalt conversation. I posted on Facebook the other day. I was going to do a reaction to an event, drag racing event, drag and drive event that a buddy of mine put on that I look up to, uh, Mr. Bill Hoskinson, the the old man's garage. He did a show called plates and 28 to the Edgewater. It's a.
drag strip in Southern Ohio. I watched the live last weekend of it and everything else. And the reaction brought back memories of when him and his boy put on cash days out here at pacemakers in Mount Vernon. And i I mean, what he's doing for the sport is amazing things. And a lot of people hate him, but I enjoy what he's doing, trying to bring back the grassroots of the reigning So Chaka, but yeah, he's trying to bring back grassroots racing for everybody. I mean, a lot of tracks should do stuff similar to this. I mean, put on events like that, but I mean, everywhere's different. Everybody's got their own taste. Uh, he had a hell of a turnout. He only did it on like two or three weeks notice, just put this show together, had over, had over 200 cars show up. So.
I mean, the old man's got something going. He says there's gonna I've been following him. He said he's going to put him a couple more events on and stuff next year. But this is the kind of stuff that I'm in, is the drag and drive events, drag racing, motorsports, reptiles. This is what this show is going to be mostly about.

Show Focus: Drag Racing, Motorsports, and Reptiles

We're going to mix it up a little bit, give everybody something different. So I'm going to try to have some guests come on that I know personally that raise reptiles.
whenever they get chances to in between their work schedule and other things, we'll have some stuff going on on here. But yeah, I just wanted to get that started with that. But yeah, his his event, I mean, there was a lot of people showed up, old school guys, their old back half cars and everything else. They went on a cruise, two hour cruise, did different checkpoints that like sick week and all them stuff. If everybody that's familiar with the drag and drive events, plus he had other classes that were there for other racers that didn't do the cruises and stuff. I mean, it was awesome to see what he did and G2K, uh, YouTube, he did the whole live feed for him on that. And I mean, it was amazing coverage. The vent was, it was just amazing. Um, a lot of these guys, YouTubers that I follow,
When I do live events, they do it's amazing. But GTK, he has a hell of a setup for when he does his video on and everything else too. so But yeah, the videos, I'll get a link and everything posted. If you guys wanna check it out, I'll set it up and you can go watch some of the videos and everything. But yeah, that's what that is. ah
About me. I'm a family man. um Got an old lady, three kids, love motor sports, love reptiles. People ask why. Yeah. Two of the most expensive hobbies that you can get into, in my opinion. I love both of them grew up with it.

Introducing Pierce Motorsports and Reptiles Channel

So, but the, uh, I wanted to get my shot at this and this is my first time for the second, basically second show. I'm flying solo tonight and.
Anybody wants to jump in, got anything to ask or anything, let me know and we'll go from there. But yeah, we're just going to talk a little bit. I got plenty of racing friends and everything else that I deal with. And, uh, we just keep going. Just follow it. Racing, rough trucks, truck and tractor pulling, dirt track racing. Um, I have for the reptile, reptile side.
I have two bearded dragons, three ball python snakes, an iguana, a tegu and a toke gecko. I mean, I got a mini petting zoo at my house. So, I mean, it's, it's kind of cool. I've always wanted them. Family loves them. So we got that. Plus we got a few ferrets and stuff too. It's just, like I said, I got a mini zoo. Yeah.
Yeah, but yeah, they, uh, my main thing is, is I've got motor oil running through the veins, grew up around it, mostly dirt track racing, truck and tractor pulling drag racing. So it's been, uh, it's always been fun. Got kids that are involved in it. Life loves it. So we get a chance. We go to do stuff like that and everything, but I,
Couple of guys that I might, I'm going to try to bring on here. One of them, he, I met through my local track and stuff. He does a lot of heads up index racing, which is index racing is a style of, uh, certain times you can only run in. He runs the seven Oh index class, which he cannot run no faster than a 7.0 and a quarter mile. I think it's quarter mile or eighth mile. Can't remember. I'll have to look into it.
But he said he's willing to come on the show and talk. He's got his own motorsports page and stuff. And, uh, I also have a YouTube channel that I have videos that I've started that I need to catch back up on. It's Pierce Motorsports, uh, and reptiles.
It's on YouTube.

Plates and 28s Event Highlights

I'll post a link for it to check out some of the videos. I mean, it's mostly filmed from my phone, a local events, drag racing, my animals, uh, truck and tractor pulls. So, I mean, it's just little things. I'm not trying to be majorly big. It was just something I wanted to do. I'm just like doing this podcast, get, get myself out there, kind of share my, my side of things and.
Just spread it with the world. I mean, that's the main thing. So, uh, but yeah, I've been in it since I was a kid. So then, but yeah, back to the plates in 20 eighties with that kind of event. There's one of the guys named that helped out with it kind of threw his name in there too. His name's Dennis Bailey. He does sick week. He.
made stickers and helped out and did, uh, did a sick day for the cruise and everything. It was pretty neat. Like I said, I'll post a link where everybody can check it out. If you're into cars and stuff, the old muscle cars, even some imports were in there. I mean, it was a good, good time. He's done really good things. He got out of it for a while, but yeah, it was like I said, it was a good.
i Enjoyed it a lot of people enjoyed it a lot of his followers everything else. So we're gonna just try to kind of do that kind of stuff, but I Don't know what? If anybody that's in here besides chaka guys cutting more questions even chaka you got questions. Let me know I'll try to answer them But yeah, we're just gonna make it go Go with this and see how it goes
But yeah, it's just one of my things I like to do so But yeah, we can I just keep it up keep going up and see if I can Pull something up here for you guys real quick and But yeah, they Murder sports side of everything like I said, I I'm familiar with a lot of big name guys. There's different styles of the drag racing that I like. Heads up, no prep racing. Basically they don't prep the track at all or anything like that. A race on basically a dirty surf, kind of like a dirty surface. There's no spray put down anything else. And then of course your normal bracket race and everything else. I love it. And sorry, but yeah, we just go about it and do,
Go to try to go to those events when we're not working or got time, or I'll go help out a little bit here and there. So I got a lot of buddies that do that stuff that I stay in contact with, but, uh, yeah, just a little bit about the show and everything else and talking about that plates and 28s. Yeah. He, uh, there was a lot of old school muscle that, uh,

Car Modification and Nostalgia

did cruising. They did an index racing besides the crews.
A lot of people too, we're just doing the cruise just so they can enjoy themselves and have their cars out and everything else. Again, enjoying old school, basically, I think old school drag racing. So, I mean, that's kind of nice. There's no chassis cars, basically purpose built race cars. This was like me and the everybody in the world that likes their cars, they kind of put money into. So.
What's up, buddy? What's happening, Jeffro? Oh, let me turn off my audio. My headphones. There we go. No, I saw you were up here and I was actually chatting with Blaze and I saw you were up here and I was like, you know what? I don't i don't know if Chris Glick was going to make it. So I wanted to pop up so you're not here by yourself because doing a show by yourself, let's be honest, fucking sucks.
Oh, it was, it's a little nerve wracking, but I'll tell you what, man, I'm, I'm doing what I can, but yeah, I was just letting everybody know kind of wanted to actually given a rundown of what the, what the podcast is going to be about. Talking about my ah good buddy of mine's plates and 28s that he put on a couple of weekends ago. That was kind of a retro drag racing ordeal. Brought out the old school cars, back half cars and everything else and did a drive and cruise. So I was kind of explaining that and then explaining the reptiles I had.
because Chaka was is in the chat and he asked what kind of clothes, so I gave him a list of what I had. Well, I'm actually getting ready to start working on that that intro clip for you. I got a little tidbit. Do you remember the show Family Matters? Oh, yeah. Do you remember there was an episode where Steve Urkel races another kid, and Steve Urkel had that goofy BMW.
that BMW, you know, it's like a BMW, I can't remember what it's called, it's like a midget or something like that. It's a weird front door, weird thing. When he modified it, it had not only did it have two 350 V8s in it, it had a Volkswagen bug motor yeah and the jet motor. Oh yeah, it had a little bit of everything. And it is in the Guinness Book of World Records for not only the fastest BMW of its type, but the longest. Yep. I saw that today and I was like, that's interesting as fuck.
Oh yeah. But yeah, I was just, like I said, I was telling everybody, giving them a rundown, kind of doing my reaction from watching the live feed of it. It happened a couple of weekends ago. This guy did some stuff for pacemakers and everything. They put him and his boy was putting on a cash days out here, man. They would draw the crowds out here in the car count, everything. I mean, the guy did amazing things and he finally got back into promoting racing again. Cause he took a break. and focused on his kid's stuff. Right. And everyone does. Yeah. And he got a got a burr up his butt, got tired of seeing all these chassis cars come in and dominating classes. Him and his boys are racing that and stuff. So he created what what class are you racing?
they raced in small tire it's a 28 10 5 most of them now a lot of guys are taking tube chassis cars and putting some these small tires on and coming in whipping up on bolt-in cars and everything else you can buy all this stuff so that's a that's a hundred percent two different vehicles oh yeah chassis versus something you built in your garage from from a shell Oh, yeah, that's what it is. I mean, that's what and he's getting back to the old school. He brought there were some guys that I haven't seen. Honestly, they made the trip to Edgewater that I seen. I haven't seen in almost 10 years, brought their cars back out just to go do this event.
And it's a drag racing event. Yeah. What are they dragging at? They were at Edgewater park. It's down around Cincinnati is where they did this at. So, I mean, it was cool. I know that track. Yeah. It's a nice track. I haven't been there, but I've seen from that. I think I raced on that track. I want to say in very early, very i see the very early, very late of 99.
I can't remember exactly. Yeah, my two, my, honestly, my Ohio favorite tracks I've been to is still Hands Down's Norwalk. I always liked 42. Well, I haven't been to 42 since they've revamped it and everything. They've changed. they real wait they put ah They put over a hundred million dollars into that place and they hold truck and tractor pull events up there now, all kinds of stuff. good and I need to make, I want to make it up there and see it, but I've seen pictures of it. It is amazing. They got the the bleachers actually.
built into the hill now. Nice. Yeah.

Modern Tuning Technologies

As opposed to sitting on the hill. Yeah. And you can still sit on the hill and everything else too if you want, but I mean the views excellent. What they did is, I don't know if you remember it, how the finish line and finish line used to be starting finish line used to be facing the main road.
Right? Well, now that is and now they flipped it. Staging legs, everything else gave it more room and stuff is what they did. Yeah, you got more more more room for running so you can get the faster vehicles. Yup. Especially nowadays because, you know, you yeah you can go buy a factory Hellcat and run nines with your eyes closed. Yup.
So, you know, being able to stop is always a good thing. You know, when we were younger, brakes weren't that important to us. Now, brakes are kind of cool because, you know, I'd like to live past this one, right? Well, the bad part is, is back to when we were kids and driving, brakes weren't as high performance they were getting in the high performance, but we couldn't we couldn't afford the just like us couldn't afford stuff like that. So no.
But the best thing you can do is add another brake caliper. Oh, yeah. That was sketchy as fuck. Yeah. But yeah, he's a but this guy's his ah he's got a YouTube channel, too. It's it's called the old man's garage. He's actually going to set up, I guess, with Edgewater or a couple other places. He's talking about don't four or five more of these style events next year. So. Maybe if I get the Mustang done in time, I might go check one out and do the drag and drive event.
cause it's gonna be a street car so let's see what happens.
Well uh when you say you're building into the street car obviously you're building it for the track but streetable um and there's a there's a car in Australia and I saw this month like it had to be a year ago I saw this it's a what, 2,400 horsepower, streetable car. Oh yeah. And it's a, it's a, it's a Maverick, you know, right out of fucking Mad Max. Well, i don't I don't get how that can be legal. Well, here's the thing. Most of these dragon drives, Jeff, you get a chance to look drag week up. Jeff Lutz drives while you've seen Jeff Lutz with his pro mods. That's basically what they do over there too, is they took
our concept and kind of went extreme in Australia with this. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Well, Australia Australians are weird for when like I love their burnout shows. Oh, that's amazing. Like
I wish that could be more of a thing in the States. We did burnout competitions, but it was literally like, who could fucking blow the tire? Yeah. It wasn't really about style. they're They're over there. They've got it now where they've got thousands of people just there to and those custom burnout pan. These guys are going ape shit, catching tires on fire, blowing them up until they can't move no more. Anybody that's ever tried to set your tire on fire while doing a burnout, it's not easy.
Yeah, not even remotely. It's not it's not an everyday occurrence. No. um It's one of those things where like i I couldn't tell you how many tires I've gone through in my life. I used to leave high school and I'd sit there for two minutes just roasting the rear tires on the van. Well, hell, Chris, you remember Glick did that in the fucking Bronco with those 38s that he had, and he was sitting there throwing that shit. um Yeah, because he was right after me, because he couldn't leave, because I drove that 87 Astro minivan, which was basically an S10, and i little i I had gotten brand new tires the week before, and I sat there for a good three minutes, just walking them both up, just
to the point where I left, they had to wait a good 10 minutes before they could leave because there was nothing to smoke. Oh yeah. It was good times then, but yeah, things just come a long way.
I had a buddy of mine. He, he, unfortunately he passed, but he, he was telling me, he did not believe that you could spin your tires unless the ground was wet. And I, like I could, I argued with this dude for three days because We were, we were, he and I were watching a movie and in the movie, this guy's, you know, he slides around the corner and he's like, you can't do that unless ground's wet. I said, you want to fucking bet? And we went out in the car and I showed him and I was like, watch this. i yeah twenty It's one of those things. Like when it comes to any motor sport, whether it be, you know, grip, brag, indie, whatever it is, what people don't know would literally fit in the grand canyon. and Oh yeah.
and overflow it. And and the anytime somebody's got a chance to learn more is a good thing. um you know I'm 44 years old. I've been into automotive things since birth. I think I came out with a Hot Wheels tandem. You and me both. I mean that. like But we can agree that there's things now in our 40s that we still don't know.
No, like I couldn't, like I couldn't go jump in an Indy car right now and compete. umm I'm going to be at my ass pit. Oh, well, and the way the technology has come back from, like we were talking last week, kind of just rough around the technology in motorsports has gone insane ever since. I mean, just that the horsepower capabilities people are getting out of things. That's like this, this past weekend, I was watching the world cup from Maryland.
watching these guys with imports, these Honda's pushing through almost 3000 horse. Well, yeah. And let's, let's bring that up back in the nineties when we were kids and kids with cars, you know, right. And I said, I had 3000 horsepower. You would call me a fucking lot. You're bullshit. You got 3000 pounds.
ah They'd they'd actually look at you and be like so you got a nitro funny car then huh right exactly now when you seem a little I mean, uh What was it? Uh whistling diesel? Yeah, you know, I love his channel. Oh, yeah, that's a badass channel He built that he had that generally built. Yep, then he took it over to McFarland. Is it McFarland? That's his name?
And McFarland dialed it in where that fucker runs eight. Yeah. And that's in a quarter. That's in a quarter. And the thing is now, now the way things are, all you got to do is take your normal laptop with the proper programs and the shit you can do with stuff. It's it's just, yeah it's just, it's crazy.

Building vs. Buying Cars

Well, and Holly's got that EFI system.
ah You know my five-year-old can program. Well, hen and there's there's the holly system. There's fuel tech I mean a lot of the big name guys that they run most of them run the fuel tech and stuff and the holly holly stuff But yeah, just ran it a laptop. Oh, I wanted to dump this much fuel in on top for this or I'd want to and they make it they make it mildly affordable. I Call it affordable for car parts. It is like you have to have you know Top fuel drag money to buy this stuff. It's not that expensive. Yeah. It's more expensive than something you go buy at fucking auto zone. Oh yeah. But it's not so expensive that you're like, well, I guess I'm not eating for the next year. Yeah. Cause the kids now, while I'm looking at the kids now compared to the back then when Holly first introduced their sniper kit, that kit was three grand.
you can pick it up for now under two grand with everything for your kids i mean that's how far for almost any motor yeah it's got it everything now well they got that they got that one diesel kit it's ah it's like it's a you plug into the osbd port And you can reprogram I mean, stock fucking diesel plug it in your own OBS and or OBS and change it up and make it. Yeah. much Bully dog has it. Air raid has it.
Banks used to be big but banks is kind of I think they kind of died off They're doing more of their salt flat stuff But you can still get a bunch of banks used to be like the diesel performance back in the day and still is still that shit out i me okay Yeah, they because I've seen too many runaway diesels Well, there's a diesel long enough. You'll know what a runaway diesel is. The thing of it is now that diesel's gotten so big, they've got their own truck series and everything else for drag racing. I mean, they're entering just this past September, actually, there was a show called Lights Out. Don Long put it on down at Georgia. Right. They had diesels running 6.0 on the dot in an eighth mile.
All four wheels on slicks, man. And these things, that's insane. They just shit and get, they got two speeds here and gone. You know, you know ah you know it's like one of those things, I'm not smart enough to fuck with diesel, but I'm smart enough not to fuck with diesel. The thing of it is, Jeff, with diesels, believe it or not, they're more simplified than a gas motor.
Oh, they're super simple. But the whole, like my brother, he's got, my brother Jim, he's got a, I think it's like an 0-4 diesel. And it's running 1,200 horse. Yeah.
And he's like, it's slow. I was like, fuck you slow. 1200 horse. Jesus. said What is it? Move the earth. Well, he's like, well, but you got to figure 1200 horse where you're looking at 18 to 2000 foot pounds of fucking torque. I mean, you can, it's just insane the way you pull your house off. It's yeah pretty much.
But it's, it's just crazy like, like in the truck and tractor pulling war will bring since you brought up about diesels. They have a super stock diesel class 3.0 class. These super stock diesels are running three, two to three turbochargers on a Cummins motor or a power stroke motor or Duramax.
They're easily 4,500 horse. and And you wouldn't think something like that would, but they got three giant, like 102 millimeter turbos and everything else. It's just insane what they expect with this stuff. Everybody likes going out and buying the Hellcats and the and you know even the assholes out there with, I can buy a Lamborghini. We'll buy it because I can buy a fucking 95 Dodge Ram.
Diesel and throw about two grand in it and next thing you know, I'm smoking your Lamborghini down the road Well my thing over this I'm old-school I'm not I'm build it not buy it 100% I mean, don't get me wrong. I would love, I would love that anything to go out and buy a Shelby GT 500 or anything else, but I know I don't have that kind of money or a red eye hellcat or something like that. That'd be kick ass. You know what I mean? well but I'm old school. ah back to Speaking of building yourself. Okay. you Now, what do you know about imports?
a little bit i didn't really ba too much into the import side i played with it a lot i had a honda i had my dod'ge neon beat a viper in a draggger ah there's video but on youtube um so i to check out it's not my youtube channel somebody videotaped it and was like is that a neon and was me um but i had a I saw a video the other day, the I can't remember what is one of the Nissan hard body cars, the the same one from initial D, which is let me bring up a picture. I'll show you what it looks like.
It's. This is a terrible picture, but let me see. Initial D was an anime cartoon, but it's a real Nissan. um Was it like the Skyline GT or something like that? No, no, no. I'm talking like these are ah your your standard little Nissan. Oh, shit. There's too much stuff on there. Let's see.
Now I can add it. Fuck this. You know what I mean? Like this. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can buy them brand new.
They send you a shell. Now, they don't send you the suspension. Right. They don't send you. It's really the, you know, it's a, it's a, it's a, uh, unibody, but they send you everything. No kidding. And you can actually get the whole thing in carbon fiber. Oh, it's like, went light late it's like, I think it's like 900 pounds lighter than the original car.
Well, hey, there you go. you yeah There's yeah definitely an LS twin turbo setup right there. right Those cars are the king of the drift series. 86 Nissan. But like there's a couple of companies, Blaze and I, are when I was doing Jeff's garage, you know, when I have time.
i hope and a Colos, Benji and I were talking about, we found a whole bunch of companies that sells kit cars, like you were talking about the 65 GT 500. I can buy them all day long. They're like 30 grand. yeah I mean, you got to build the fucker. right there's like there's a yeah You ever seen the movie American Graffiti? Oh, yeah. The 1935 window board, there's a company, you can buy a turnkey,
for turn key ready to go you pick the motor i think it's like forty grand or you can buy all the pieces for for eighteen grand and but no motor and you put it Yeah. yeah hu yeah there's a company called year one that you can go through that year one yeah they Well, they've got the retro. You can buy your retro. And but the the funny thing is by a 68, 69 Camaro 66 fastback body. But the thing is, it's titled as like 2024, but you have, but you have the old school that's that you build yourself.

Classic Car Values Discussion

They got, their there was a show on discovery called rides.
Oh yeah, that was a good one. And year one built a the Chevy Nova 2. Yep. When they turned it into one of those kits. Yep. Fiberglass body, beautiful fucking car. And it was just it. Like they they put a put the I think been a little bit of 572 in it.
And they just couldn't, like they had to put, putting a half wide meets on it just so it would actually move because it was just burning through tires. They're the reason that year one's the reason I want the 65 Mustang fastback is that they put a.
They're the ones that actually put a 39-32 valve Cobra motor, but I want to take it one step further and do the SVT supercharged motor with the six-speed in it. But they're the ones yeah originally other runs that originally came up with the idea of shoving. They were the first retro, putting a modern-day drivetrain in an old-school car.
That's kind of the beauty of motorsport and and cars in general nowadays. You know, back in in the 90s and even the 80s, if it wasn't numbers matching, people were like, loser. But now, like numbers matching gives us shit. You know, because numbers matching, I want to beat the piss out of this thing. I'm not saying, you know, they they say, you know,
you you when you buy a classic car numbers matching car you shouldn't drive it because it ruins the value that's like not fucking your girlfriend so the next guy has a nice tight one you know it's like um it doesn't make sense to me well the thing of it is any more this day and time i mean how you get on marketplace you'll find stuff and there's been a couple i found numbers matching it looks like a power rust But people were paying 100 grand just because yeah it's the certain style car it was. Well, it's like I learned recently that, you know, one of my one of the all time favorite cars that I want to buy is is a 1958 Plymouth Fury. Oh, yeah. Fully restored. They're only 50 G's. Yep. Because
which I think they should be more because they were only like, what was it? What we figured out was like 4,000 ever made. But the thing of it is the sad part is it's because it's not a 55, 57 Chevy stuff like that. They don't want, they're going for two, 300 grand.
oh easy there's a Barrett Jackson just had a the Tri-55 Nomad two door this was just a few months ago things sold from 1.5 million dollars and it was just it was patina'd as like and it still had the original, but here's the thing, it had the six cylinder and it didn't even have a V8 and it sold for $1.5 million. dollars Yeah, the asshole that bought it's going to sit there and stare at it and that's it. Like if I spend a million dollars on a car, I'm not going to drive it because I'm like, fuck, I just spent a million dollars.

Future Content and Personal Interests

Yeah, but I mean, but still even just a shell for those things is you're looking at 20 grand and that's not, and it needs full restoration.
Well, and then there's there's a company. I can't remember the name of the company. I think it's Carbon X. They make, I think they have five different shells you can buy. One of them them being the 69 Challenger. They have a Mustang, a 65 Mustang. They're full carbon fiber bodies and frames. Wow. And um they're not cheap. I think it's called Carbon X.
I'm gonna look. ah
Nope, not carbon X. But yeah, so... But yeah, it's it's it's insane, you know, and I'm not the biggest carbon fiber guy.
I mean, I don't mind doing like, especially if I'm gonna build like a drag car, having the carbon fiber tubs and floors in it, but I'm not big. I'd rather be personally, I'd rather have a steel body and then just put the fiberg carbon fiber inside. and just I guess that's just the old school in me. ah Well, it's like, ah this is this is the it's called the all carbon,
it's a 70 Dodge Charger, sorry. Okay. And I'm going to show you what it looks like. This thing's Gordon. It's all carbon fiber.
Load. There it is. Full carbon fiber body. Holy shit. Yeah. I don't know what they cost. I'd be afraid to see what they cost. Well, I don't think they're that expensive, though. I can't remember the name of the company. But they got Daytonas. They got they got a couple of different ones.
so I mean, you go by Daytona, you're looking at a million bucks. Easy. Oh, yeah. Easy. I'm in numbers matching one. Yeah. Well, we're going to wrap it up so we can go get everybody over to the main plan for an episode. I'm going to pop over there, too. All right. Thanks for jumping in, Jeff. Next week on the episode, I want to introduce you guys to some of my pet reptiles.
nice we're gonna we're gonna throw the reptile game in and i'm gonna actually start at six o'clock next week so we can get a full hour in and everything else so but i i just wanted to throw out about a little bit about myself and everything else and talk about that plates and 28s and some cars and everything and what the plan is for the podcast so yeah we're gonna oh by the time you're ready You should have a brand up here. I thought you did. Yeah, it's here. um There it is. um By the time you're ready next week, I will have me or Blaze will have that intro ready for you. Awesome. I appreciate it, guys. So everybody, welcome to go check out all the non-surgical network. We're seven days a week. Everybody's got a show. Check them out. It's down on the bottom. um And like I said, thanks, non-surgical network.
Everybody have a good night. I'll get some of the link, have Jeff hook up some of the links, send them to him so you guys can check out what I said, the old man's garage and my YouTube channel too. And I'll see you all next week. Have a good night. Bye. Bye everybody. See you Jeff. Yep.
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