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The Pod Collector

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays3 years ago
We welcome special guest Brian Baker to the show and discuss all the fall out from Impact Rebellion, preview AEW Blood & Guts, and go around the horn on everything else that happened in the world of wrestling this week. We get you caught up on all the latest news & analysis on wrestling figures, offer up some Keeping It Tranquilo entertainment recommendations, and give a tip on a potentially fruitful investment in our Random Merch Of the Week segment. Plus, a s listener mailbag to wrap things up! We also announce the winner of the Daniel Bryan Giveaway! Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off at Become a premium Foley Fam member at Check out the Pod Foundation Pre-Order The Hasbook Try Verb energy bars! Use code FOLEY20 to save 20% on the softest wrestling tees in the biz at Homage Get your figure clothing at and use code CFS15 to save money! Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Use code PF10 to save 10% at Chalkline Buy the hard copy of Wrestling Figure Retrospective at Random Merch Of The Week

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up,

Episode 126 Highlights & Kenny Omega Discussion

Foley fam? We are back with episode 126 of the Chick Foley Show. Kenny Omega has finally got all the belts, but we got all the drip and we are here for what is no doubt gonna be the best episode ever. Let me start off by welcoming the stars of the show, Sheena. How you doing? I am doing good, man. Enjoying a nice cold beverage over here, talking to my favorite people about my favorite thing. So it's gonna be a good night.
And Marco has life up in Massachusetts. Oh, doing great. Just, uh, just rubbing elbows with the champions. You know, I get that, uh, that prediction championship open the shoulder right now. You know, just kicking in the champions lounge, you know, and we have a special guest with us tonight. Longtime Foley fan member, uh, joining the show tonight is Brian Baker. Brian, how's it going? It's going all right, man. How about y'all?
we're good man what's the uh you know she always gets aggravated when i ask this question but i gotta know just because we want to know what's the weather like in north carolina right now it's very i don't know how to make up its mind really it's like sometimes it's cold sometimes it's warm it's like the big show of uh weather yeah
All right, Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media.

Foley Fam Social Media & Content Update

So you can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. You can find Marco always, you know, holding down the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. And most importantly, you can join our Foley fam at Chick Foley We got a brand new, we got some brand new episodes of Unbox and Mania up this week. We got our new
Viking pack-up. It was a custom pack-up that we put together that we unboxed the other night and it was a lot of fun. So definitely if you're a member of our bully fam check that out and then I'm gonna toss it over to Seth really quickly. We have an awesome prediction league coming up just for our bully fam. So let them know about the prediction league Seth.

Foley Picks League & Giveaway Announcement

Yeah. So we are kicking off the Foley picks league, the FPL. It's going to be starting up next week. The first season is going to run from AEW blood and guts on Wednesday night, all the way through summer slam. It's a $5 to buy into this and it's going to be winner take all. And basically me and Phil done it are our main man over in the UK. We're running this league together.
And we're going to, everybody's going to predict every show and we're going to do fun little bonus predictions for extra points for every show. Like this week, it's going to be, I'm guessing the mystery opponent of Britt Baker. And we're just going to keep a running tally from now till summer slam. And the winner is going to get all the cash at the end of it. So just a fun way to add a little bit of juice to all of the pay per views and you know, the big episodes of AWW and NXT.
as they come up so you guys have until noon on wednesday to sign up that's going to be run through the patreon exclusive facebook group so so get signed up and get in there because it is going to be a lot of fun and we also have to announce the winner of our giveaway from last week we were giving away elite 78 i think it was at least 78 daniel brian it's the last daniel brian elite it's all you need to know and the winner is
Matt Finnegan out of the UK, his Instagram is at underscore walk the sky. So we're going to need him to let us Yeah, this is back to back weeks that that it's been guys from the UK winning this. So it's been, you know, that's pretty random. But we love our international listeners. The Foley fam is worldwide. So Matt
Hit us up, let us know your shipping address, and you're gonna have to explain that screen name, underscore, warp the sky, and what that's all about. Is it a Star Wars reference, or what's the deal, man? We need

Pod Foundation Collaboration & Offers

to know. Sheena, tell them about the Pot Foundation.
So as you guys know, we have linked arms with some of our pod brethren. We've created the most powerful pod faction in all of podcasting. We have our guys over at Two Bad Chads and the OG Fig Kid over at Turnbuckle Tavern. They talk all things AEW. We have our guys over at Pyramid Wrestling.
And they're bringing you all the best in action figure news and the survivor series team over at the extra cooler show that are bringing you that, that hidden nostalgia. They are talking every week about wrestling history and bringing you new, um, content on old episodes and pay-per-views. So definitely check us out at, at pod foundation to keep up with everything that's going on there. You can click the link in the bio to see where you can find everybody and keep up with them. So yeah, at pod foundation on Instagram.
And we want to remind you guys to always use code chick Foley at The number one worldwide retailer of wrestling figures. You guys ready to get into it? Let's go. All right.

Guest Brian Baker & Wrestling Fandom

So we want to start off by again, welcoming our special guest, Brian Baker down in North Carolina. You know, Kenny Omega stomping grounds. Uh, Brian, tell us a little bit about just kind of your history as a wrestling fan, man. How long have you been a fan of the squared circle?
I wouldn't say it just about since I've been born really because I've just been- Same as me. But yeah, I've been just about watching wrestling ever since I could watch wrestling and it's just been all that for since. You're definitely in WCW four horsemen in WA territory. Is that what you grew up on or you've always been more of a WWE fan or what's your flavor?
Well, when I was born, which is 2000, I think. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I knew, I knew, I knew our, I knew our guy Brian was a youngster, but when hearing people that are born in 2000, it just makes me feel like a dinosaur over here. Like, yeah. So they ended up, yeah. That's like ancient WCW was just, you know, barely around. He, Brian was around for the last little glimmer of WCW.
but that's good to get a different perspective on it. So, so yes. Okay. So you definitely WWE guy. Uh, what, uh, what's your all time favorite match? I want to go with, um, triple H versus Sean Michaels at summer slam 2002. Okay. Yep. The build for that story was really good. And I just like watching two guys just tear each other apart and having blood, sweat and tears and imagine not like
Yeah, yeah, it's a lot more watered down nowadays that was a that was a hell of a match That was Sean's first match back after four years off and that was a really a great summer slam all the way around He had a Brock and the rock in in

Impact Wrestling & Kenny Omega's Influence

the main event. So yeah hell of a show Let's get into it and talk about all the action inside the scored circle this week
Alright, so the big story is Kenny the belt collector The prophecy has come true in addition to being the triple-a champion and the AWW champion He is now the impact champion. He took out Rich swan Marco give us your thoughts on Kenny becoming the impact champion Let me start by saying the the actually the whole show was from top to bottom was actually really good we got some surprises we got the return of a big Kaz and
CASXL, um, if you guys don't know who that is. And I can't come on going by, uh, going by W Morrissey now. Right. Yeah. Going by W Morrissey. The, uh, just came in and dominated. So, uh, Colin Cassidy, you forgot about, you know, that was his original name in NXT. Yeah, that's right. Colin Cassidy. Um, the other, the other thing too, is I actually, we did like our own little prediction with, uh, me and my buddies. Um, and I only, the only one I predicted not wrong, but I had to kind of take
the prediction was Rich Swan. But everything else I pretty much predicted exactly. I just for shits and giggles basically was like, I'll take Rich Swan to see if he wins and obviously he did not. But my thoughts on Kenny winning, loved it. The match was actually really good.
Rich Swann, it seemed like he took like 16 V triggers to be defeated. So they didn't make him look weak, he didn't get swept out of the rug, he didn't look bad at all. Yeah, that's what I heard. I heard even though he got beat, he didn't look out of place like being opposite of Kenny Omega, you know what I mean? They were meant to be in the range. It wasn't like us as WWE fans, if we haven't been following Impact and seeing Rich Swann as a main event guy,
We're thinking like Rich Swan versus Kenny Omega. This is like a squash match that you would see on like just some random episode of weekly TV. But you know, apparently he's been down an impact just like, you know, kicking ass and stuff. So yeah, it didn't seem like out of place for those who have been following his his journey down there.
I was wondering if he may have suffered a concussion during the match or if he was just selling his ass off. Cause that last like two or three minutes stretch, he seemed like he was almost out on his feet. You know, he was very shaky looking. He could have just been doing it to add to the drama of the match. He got dropped on his head like 10 times. You know what I mean?
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. And like Marco said, you know, dude took over a dozen V-triggers. So he was taking some stiff, stiff shots from Kenny. But either way, yeah, it was very dramatic. And Kenny went over clean as a sheet. I thought for sure, regardless of who was going to win, there was going to be some sort of shenanigans. But no, Kenny, you know, Kenny did it. He said he was going to do it and he did it. Now he's running around with three belts. Brian, did you get to watch Rebellion? I seen like parts of it on Instagram because I didn't pay for it or pay for you. Yeah.
But I've seen bits and pieces of it. I really like the Meyers vs Cardona match. Yeah, that was really good. Their history and I think that was like their first one-on-one match on Pay for View.
Yeah, it's funny. I actually heard, yeah, I heard, uh, Matt talking about that on, he did like a live after the, after the show or whatever. And he was like, you know, I think people just assume that, you know, Brian and I have fought like countless times just because of like our history together and how long we've, you know, we've been partners and, you know, been working together and stuff. He's like, but I think, you know, that might've been their only one-on-one, but he said they fought like maybe five times. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, they've almost always been a tag team when they've been together. So yeah, that's pretty cool.
So I saw some of the numbers. I think the final tally still being counted, but some of the early reports indicate that this last pay-per-view did eight times the buy that their most previous pay-per-view did, which is pretty ridiculous. That's a huge feather in the cap for Kenny Omega, just for how big of a sell and how big of a draw he really is. Because this isn't people tuning in on Peacock where they're already paying five bucks a month.
or people stopping through as they're flipping channels. This is people shelling out 40 bucks to, you know, even if they put together a solid card, I think people were dropping their money to watch that Kenny Omega match in the main event. So awesome numbers for Impact. You know, we're big fans of the growth throughout the wrestling industry, but Sheena, I'm going to pitch the question to you. Can Impact maintain this momentum or is it strictly just Kenny Omega's show?
I mean, Kenny Omega is definitely a draw, you know, because you're going to get all the AEW viewers that are and you know, everybody that's watched him throughout his history in wrestling tuning into this. But at the same time, to me, if I was an impact viewer, I'd be like WTF, you know, like here comes this guy from AEW taking our title. So like, what am I going to tune in for next time, you know, and I'm sure there's going to be a rematch and whatnot. And it was a good match.
But I just wonder where the storyline is going to go because at this point it's really making impact seem kind of like definitely the B show. It's not on the same level as AEW. So I don't know how long they're going to be able to sustain that. I think it may have just been like a quick little flash in the pan and it'll start to fizzle out over time if they don't start to get some wins over AEW.
Various to Marco you get any counterpoint you think the rest of the impact roster can carry or is this Kenny is Kenny The one that's bringing all the eyeballs to the product Right now it's yeah, obviously it's you know, Kenny bringing the eyeballs to the product But if they do it, right, I mean and they said it up like they said it with rich one I mean if you weren't a believer of rich one before you are now after seeing that match with Kenny Omega, so
I think that definitely helps out. Depending on what they do, they announce their next few pay-per-views during that pay-per-view. He's definitely going to make appearances at those pay-per-views, whether it be in a fighting form or whatever. But at Slammiversary, it seems like they have something really planned big for that one there. I think it at least stretches until then.
whatever they get going on now. I'm not sure if this forbidden door thing is going to keep on going with impact, but I think the end result is to eventually have New Japan maybe. We'll probably get into it a little bit with AEW and what's going on with that and who Moxley's facing actually. I think it's just to move on a little bit and maybe have those guys jump back and forth at some point. Maybe the Good Brothers are on AEW every week.
Uh-huh. So I could see, I mean, so my last longer than the slim diversity, but who knows? Uh, but I definitely think they can sustain. But it's two AEWs benefit. I mean, that's to AEWs benefit to have the good brothers up there with Kenny again and you know, creating this like mega faction that they've got going on now. I mean, that only serves, that doesn't serve impact. Like I'm not thinking about wanting to watch impact because I see the good brothers on AEW television. It makes me want to tune into AEW and see what they're doing up there.
Exactly. You know what I mean? Also, they need to get some fans in the audience because... Yeah, I was going to say that's the killer thing for impact is the environment's just dead. It looks cool and they don't need to have a lot of people. Put 100 people in there. You're running shows out of Nashville. We kind of steer away from the pandemic talk on here for the most part, but Tennessee has actually really loosened up a lot on their COVID restrictions.
Give us a hundred people socially distanced in there just to bring a little bit of life to it and make some noise. I think that's all you really need. And I think they would really improve the product. To me, there are two big money matches that Impact could put on that would definitely get me to open up my wallet to watch. One is Moose. I've been a big fan of Moose for a long time. I'd love to see him and Kenny Omega go at it. I think that would be somebody, if Kenny wanted to put a young star over, that could be one of the guys to do it with. And the other one, imagine this. Let me put my fantasy Booker hat on for a minute.
Aside from AJ Styles, the guy who is most identified with kind of like the high points of, you know, TNA Impact is Samoa Joe. Imagine Samoa Joe returns to the promotion and, you know, to kind of get back the honor of, you know, TNA Impact takes on Kenny Omega to get the belts back. I think that would just be a hell of a match. Yeah. Yeah. I know those guys would tear the house down.
Um, so Brian again, you can provide some unique perspective on this again. You're, you know, you gotta, we won't go into specifics, but you know, he got a little bit of a, uh, uh, lower age number than the rest of us, man. We will, uh, so you were kind of growing up during the, the heyday of TNA and impact. Uh, were you watching that stuff as, as a kid? I'll be honest with you. I didn't know about TNA impact 2010. I was like surfing the channels and I'm like, I seen TNA wrestling. I'm like, Hey, I'll check this out.
It looked pretty good, I just didn't like that sit side of the ring, it was different. But it's like you can only perform a certain amount of moves or something and it made everything look weird and stuff. Totally different than the WWE vibe. When you get used to that super overproduction value and all of that, it's hard to watch anything else and not feel foreign.
That was the big complaint from guys with the working in the six sided ring. They said that the ring was really, really stiff because it had to be kind of, you know, reinforced at more points with having six different corners. And then the ropes were a lot stiffer also because the ropes were much shorter distance than the, than the WWE or, or WCW ropes.
Yeah, I just wanted to ask, you know, I mean, we were kind of me and Sheena were both out of wrestling really from 2004 to 2014. And TNA kind of had its rise and fall during that time period. So this is this last year. So it was the first time it's really been a factor since we've been back watching wrestling. So just want to get a little bit of different perspective.
It's time for the weekly beverage

AEW Blood and Guts Event Discussion

break. Sheena, we'll kick it off with you. What are you sipping on this week? So I got a local brew from over here in Virginia Beach. It is the Wasserhound Unleashed.
This is a boysenberry goes and it's, it's actually really good. It really puts me in the mind of like a hard kombucha. I don't know that I've ever drank it. Is, am I saying that right? Seth goes. Yeah, it goes. Yeah. It's a basically a fancy name for sour beer. Yeah. Oh, this is exactly. I was going to say it's very sour. Um, and it, but it's like tart and it's, it's really, really good, really refreshing. So, um, I'm, I'm here for this. So this is the first time I've had this. So yeah, a good job. Uh, all my seven, five, seven people for cranking out this, this nice beer we got over here.
So we like to increase you guys' knowledge, easy for me to say. So the actual definition for Go's, it's a warm fermented beer that originated in Gosler, Germany. That's where it gets the name Go's from. Interesting. The dominant flavors include lemon sourness, herbal characteristic, and a strong saltiness. Yeah. You picking up any of that sheen? What kind of tasty notes do you get in there? I'm definitely getting the sourness. I don't know. Let me see.
Mm. Mm, mm, mm. I just love this one. You know, it's funny. Now that you say that, I don't know if it's like one of those things where you say it in your brain and your brain starts to like taste it, but now I'm like, oh, it does have a little bit of a salt taste to it. So yeah, my refined palate is picking up a little bit of salt in this beer, but yeah, it's good stuff. Yeah, I like a good goes. Marco, what are you drinking?
Started off earlier in the night with the tasty beverage known as Dream Team. Cannot wait to try that. We're saving those for Double or Nothing Weekend, Marco. They're just chilling in the beer fridge right now. Yeah, I know I heard. I was like, oh.
That's like a little bit. He was a little disappointed. He wanted some instant gratification, uh, for our taste. And he was like, Oh, what did you guys think of the dream team? And I was like, Oh man, the fig God requested by request. He said, you know, it was anybody else besides Jordan. I would have told them to go fuck themselves, but
Jordan literally has like nine Motu figures for me. You know, I mean you guys are in the Foley fan, Brian and Marco, so you guys see it. I don't know how he does, what he does, but he was like, he texts me on a Saturday morning. He's like, dude, I just listened to the show. You guys are collecting Motus now? I was like, yeah. He's like, okay, I'll help you out.
I'm thinking he's going to grab me like a, you know, a Seth Rollins and a Mr. T or something. I get a text like three hours later with a list of like nine figures that he somehow snatched off the pegs, uh, there in Nebraska. So I don't know what's going on in Omaha. I don't know if Omaha is just like a dead spot for wrestling or wrestling figures, but there's, there are no collectors besides I think Tony, Tony and, um, Jordan are the only, uh, Barker and Jordan are the only.
Yeah, the other thing I can think of is Jordan's a big scary guy. Like, he seems like a gentle giant to us. What if he's just like straight up Deebo and people in Omaha, like, you know, nobody touches a wrestling figure unless they go through me. I can see that. True. That's a possibility. But Jordan's way too nice for that, for those of you who don't know. He really is a true gentle giant. But yeah, I'm finishing it off with a 19 crimes rosรฉ. Oh. OK. Say no more.
Not the red wine, the rose. He's got the rose sizzle tonight. The rose sizzle for sure. Oh my God. I'm wondering if Brian even knows that reference at all. You guys got to stop doing that because I still have faith that someday Miller White is going to check their DMs on Instagram and tune into the show. And what if the first one they happen to tune into is when you guys are going back and forth with this ridiculousness.
We're never going to get that sponsorship from them. They're going to love it because you know what? They know we're going to give them the perfect plug for Miller Lite. That's exactly what's going to happen.
I am drinking the last of our broken school IPA. You know, it hit Hampton Roads a couple of months ago and we went and snatched up basically the entire supply from our closest total wine. So this weekend me and Sheena are going to be on the mission to try to track down some more and get a resupply. But yeah, the last of my broken school IPA is about halfway done with it. I'm trying, I'm trying to savor it, but I'm also trying to catch a buzz. So I'm really having a bit of an internal conflict right now. Speaking of speaking of broken school IPA, I already promised
Brian that we would, on his 21st birthday, we would make sure that we got him a broken school IPA down to North Carolina. So, you know, we gotta, we gotta make sure we break him in, break him in right. Oh yeah. I didn't even think about this. Yeah. So we got the beverage break. Yeah. Brian, I don't want you to incriminate yourself here, man. What are you, what are you sipping on tonight? Well, I'm actually sipping on a Lipton green tea white peach.
It's like really good like especially put in like freezer for a couple hours and That sounds right So is this uh, is this out of a can plastic bottle? What's the situation? Okay What time you gotta get up for work like seven in the morning
Yeah, I hear you, man. It sucks getting up early. I'm the same way. That's why sometimes he's late night. I do it for the love of the game, man. But sometimes, yeah, by the time we wrap up producing and getting posted, it's like 1 o'clock in the morning. I got to get up in like five hours. Son of a bitch. All right, let's get back at it.
it's finally here this thing you know really put it in perspective the state of the world this thing was supposed to happen uh the week everything kind of went to shit with the whole pandemic it's finally come back full circle um still not really going to be as big as i think aew originally intended but i have high hopes it's going to be badass because they gotta redeem themselves from the last spectacle they try to put on with the uh the exploding nuclear barbed wire death match that
just turned into a debacle. Blood and Guts is going down this week. I don't know if you guys are on the AW email list or not, but on the email that went out, they had a graphic of the ring. It is going to have a roof on it. So this is going to be true to the WCW style of war games with the roof.
And if you heard during the hilarious parlay that they had last night, it sounds like it is going to be traditional war games rules with submission only. They were talking about submission or surrender. So it sounds like it is going to be submission only. It's basically a submission or straight up KO or whatever. So no pin falls. It is going to be a decisive finish in this match. Sheena, what's your thoughts on the pinnacle versus the inner circle?
I am so here for this. I loved it. I was tuned in hardcore to their promos back and forth. I thought that was just one of the best parts of AEW this week. This is, I can't even believe these words are coming out of my mouth because we have a little pod foundation chat that we go back and forth and we were
I'm not going to name any names of who, who was saying what, but we were dragging Sean Spears, uh, pretty, pretty badly a couple of weeks ago. And, uh, perfect tin. Yeah. You heard the perfect tin. Oh, oh, you guys are going to act up. I was one of them, but he's not good at all. Brian, are you a Ty Dillinger fan? That's all you need to say. Yeah, you answered correctly. Yeah. Um,
He was good to get over with crowding day to be but with him being a w it's just been like He was long for like this my time and now he's back in the group and
Yeah, it just, it just fell flat. You know what I mean? I don't know why we're, yeah, I don't know why we were supposed to take him seriously as a big deal. You know, he had the chair shot on Cody. That's the only thing he's done in almost two years in AW. Yeah, exactly. And we can, and we can, we can say that honestly, was he really even over in, in WWE or was just the 10 chant over, you know, like, I think definitely just, I think the chant was over.
Yeah, the 10 chant for sure. So anyway, now that we've dragged, now that we've publicly dragged Sean Spears, um, I want to say this is probably the best thing I've seen him do maybe ever. I thought him and Sammy's interaction was really, really good. And he, you know, told him that basically like Jericho's like, got you in over your head and I'm going to put my foot on your, he's dragged you out into deep water and I'm going to put my foot on your head while you're drowning. And I was like, okay.
OK, you know, I just that was still garbage to be those. Yeah, I got it. I got to say it. So first off, he straight up ripped off in ballot. He did. He did that exact same one. Yes. And not only did he do a shittier job than the man in ballot did a few weeks ago, he then proceeded to straight up get owned.
by saving a guy who's, you know, again, I'd have to get on Wikipedia to do some subtraction. But I think Sammy's got about, you know, 15 less years experience in the wrestling biz. And Sammy straight up owned him just not even just the words he was saying, just the energy. You know what I mean? Like it made you like you.
You had no doubt that if those two went one on one, Sammy G would whoop his ass after seeing that, you know, my hats off to Sammy G. I've been we've been loving him ever since he turned face. You know, he had his kind of soldier and away from the inner circle and then came back to the fam. And he's been awesome. You know, he was so like just hateable and punchable as a heel that it's it's really crazy how how over he is now as a face. But yeah, I thought he crushed
He did. He definitely did. Yeah. You didn't give me time to finish, but yeah, he definitely won that, won that battle, um, you know, against, uh, against Sean Spears. But yeah, I, I, are you guys laughing at it? You're making a dirty yes. Cause you said, no, well, no, we're just laughing. Cause you said Sean Spears did so good, but then you're also like, yeah, he got, he lost though.
Well, I said, this is the best thing I've seen him do. It doesn't mean that it, it doesn't mean that it's still sucked. Even though it was the best thing he did. Yeah, basically. Yeah. You know, um, just say it. He's awful. Listen, I'm trying to be, I'm trying to be optimistic because here in a little bit, we're going to have to talk about, you know, raw and like the things that are going on in WWE. So I'm trying to bring all the positivity to the show that I can, you know, before we start talking about the dumpster fire that is WWE here in just a little bit. So.
Um, yeah, Sammy won that, but I thought that the Jericho and MJF interaction was really good. The DAX to Santana and Ortiz like telling, like, I think they really just helped build the excitement for how brutal this match is supposed to be. And I think they just made everybody excited because he basically said like, daddy's not coming home. Like you're going to die in this ring. And I thought, I thought it was just brought the intensity and made me really hype for, for the match.
Yeah, I think it is going to be a throwback to the more violent and brutal style of WCW War Games matches that we had. The NXT matches have been great, but they've really been just kind of like hardcore matches with a ton of high spots inside of Steel Cage. So I think this is going to be more just straight up fight, you know, just a gang fight. Brian, we're going to let you pick, man. Who's going to be the one to tap out and lose this match for their team?
Oh, you gave me a hard one there. I want to say it's going to be in jail, like either getting tapped out or tapping somebody out, but I don't want to say for sure. Cause no, I mean, you can pick, there's no stakes on this. We're not going to judge it. I mean, good. Well, I'm not in the prediction championship either.
It's probably going to be somewhere in between MJF and then Jericho or something. Yeah, I agree. That's still as cool as both factions are. This is still an MJF and Jericho story. So best to you guys. I think it's going to be a little bit anticlimactic if the finish doesn't involve those two guys.
So again, we briefly touched on the board games revival for NXT. Regardless if they want to call this blood and guts, we all know that this is really a war games match. Sheena, do you think they're going to be able to top what NXT's been able to do the last few years with their war game series? I love NXT war games. I know it's not like true war games, but
I think AEW is going to top it. I think AEW just has a little bit more grittiness that's more true to what we know from the original War Games. I think they're going to top it. Yeah, that's my answer. Okay.

WWE Creative Challenges & Future Developments

Alright, so Sheena kind of alluded to it. We do like to be positive on this podcast, but you know, there's only so much we can do. WWE creative outside of really anything having to do with Roman Reigns has been hot garbage for going on a few months now. So we're going to try to do something a little bit different. I haven't really explained this to the rest of the cast yet. I'm just springing this on them.
We're gonna do quick thoughts on these I'm gonna give a question to each of you guys And I just want you, you know, you got about 30 seconds Okay, and then we're gonna we're gonna move on to the next thing So keep it quick and I just want your instant reaction on these questions Marco we're gonna start with you In kayfabe. All right in kayfabe. What have AJ Styles and almost been doing since WrestleMania? Oh, man
Just on vacation, just celebrate and just carry their titles around in public. Just find the fact that they're the new Rod Tag Team champions. Actually, they're flaunting it like this. So AJ South is actually sitting on Omos' shoulders the whole time. And they're just parading down the street with their titles. So you said they've been going around celebrating. What chain restaurant do you think AJ and Omos went to to celebrate? Oh, man.
Yeah, it's like David Busters, right? They're going to go, uh, gamer. Yeah. It's going to be the kill, killing it at the basketball games. You know what I mean? He literally just reach in and dunk it on those machines. Well, again, you can have AJ sit on his shoulders and just cheat. Just throw the balls into the.
So they're not the basketball game. So yeah, that's what I think they do. And you got almost who could intimidate, you know, people are taking a little bit too long on their game. He can clear the line, you know, get people for their tickets. That way they can get there, you know, like, like plastic mood rings and stuff. You can cheat at ski balls too. You can just reach over and just drop the balls right in the center. Yeah. All right. Let's move on. Sheena, give me your initial thoughts on the new and improved Aleister Black.
Oh man, I love it. So my thoughts are I hope that it's not some supernatural gimmick. He's kind of got the cult leader thing going on. It's a little bit different than like the Bray cult leader from like the Louisiana swamps and whatnot. It's more of just like a very macabre, very like Aleister Crowley type vibe.
I just, I don't know how WWE is gonna do it, but I'm hopeful. The promos are amazing. The little video packages that he's doing are amazing. And yeah, I hope that this is like the resurgence of Aleister Black.
All right. And Brian, now we're going to hit you up. So Daniel Bryan is fighting Roman Reigns on Smackdown this Friday for the universal championship. I think it's safe to say there's almost zero chance that Daniel Bryan is going to win. And if he loses, he has to go. He has to leave Smackdown. So you tell us, do you think he's heading over to raw or do you think he's going to take some time off for a little bit? I think he might like be like a free agent. So like he can go to NXT.
Like any other promotion and fight Yeah, I hadn't even thought of that that's a good idea cuz NXT look I don't know if you guys saw they lost like a bunch of viewers on their second week on Tuesday So, you know Vince McMahon might be thinking they need a little shot in the arm for ratings Yeah, I could go for a little Daniel Bryan pop up on NXT. I
Well, he did, I think his contract's up soon, too. Yeah, it is. For the WWE. He actually did an interview with Barstool. He expressed his gratitude and his love for the Young Bucks and Kenny Omega and what they're doing over at AEW.
I've had rumors that he wants to go wrestle other places. If I was coming up on a contract negotiation, I'd be making sure those rumors were getting out there also. That's right, yeah. I mean, I would love to keep- You got two kids at home. You want to get the- Yeah, he's trying to get them dollars. Extra zeros. The cons have it, so I mean- That's right. That's right, too.
All right. And then I will go last. So the question I'm going to ask myself, we saw the formation of Randy Orton and the bro Matt Riddle as a new tag team, RK bro on Raw this past Monday. And, you know, the way we got it here on the format is will they last until the end of May, which, you know, as we record tonight, it's April 29th. I'm going to say no. Any type of partnership that Randy Orton ever makes is for one reason and one reason only. And that's to stab them in the back sometime down the road. Whether it's
you know, evolution, legacy, the corporation, rated RKO, the Wyatt family. This guy just, you know, he lives to stab somebody in the back. So yeah, I think before the end of May, we're going to see the bro take a take a RKO. And honestly,
I'm hoping, I'm hopeful that this could be the thing to kind of get Matt Riddle being a little bit more serious and going back to the ass kicker that he was in NXT because I still have a ton of faith in Matt Riddle that he could be a huge, huge star down the road if they just tweak his character a little bit and get rid of some of some of the more comedic elements.
Yeah, I think so. I think he's going to, um, I mean, they're definitely going to, he's definitely going to turn on each other, but let's be, let's be clear. The raw tag team champions aren't even on raw and haven't been on raw. So what makes us think that they're going to care about the tag team of RK bro? Yeah. Very good point.
check out the Pyramid Wrestling podcast. Each week we dive deep into all things wrestling action figures. From AEW Unrivaled, WW Mattel Elite, our childhood WWF, WCW, ECW collections and more, you can also find Pyramid Wrestling on YouTube. That's Pyramid Wrestling, available everywhere you listen to podcasts.

Wrestling Figure Releases & Collectibles Update

go figures where we cover the latest and greatest in the world of wrestling figures and talk about what we've each added to our own personal collections reminder this segment is brought to you by our good friends at ringside collectibles the number one worldwide retailer in wrestling figures use code chick foley to save 10 on all your orders at ringside and here we go
Alright, before we get into it, I want to remind you guys that we got a couple of exciting developments in the world of Hasbro dropping right now. So the has book is going to be is already taken pre-orders. So definitely hit them up on Instagram and a similar book that came out the year before last wrestling figure retrospective. They are at the Hasbro book.
on IG, they're about to drop the hardcover. So for anybody that either got the softcover and wants to upgrade, because it really was an incredible book, or they just want to get both books to really just complete the collection, hit them up, because that's going to be up for order very, very soon. Marco, let's get into figure news.
All right. Let's start it off with the AEW Unrivaled Series 1B variant is on Ringside Collectibles right now. I hear we're using variant very loosely. Yeah, I mean, it's not really a variant. It's, you know, it's a color change. It's a it's an update. Yeah. Yeah. So say AEW Unrivaled Update, Series 1 Update. That's what we'll call it.
or upgrade. But yeah, it's on Ringside Collectibles right now for you to order, so you can get that Brandi Rhodes. I know. We haven't mentioned Brandi Rhodes in a while. Yeah, Lil Brand. Lil Brand was a staple on the show last year. Yeah. But yeah, now you can actually get one. And
Yeah, I mean, I already have the series. I'm not looking to get anything new. I mean, they look exactly the same, like the head scans and all that stuff. It's just color changes and stuff like that. We're not updating ours either, but it is cool for those who... Because I mean, that series was so hit or miss where they were getting it. So it is cool that people are getting a chance to go back and get those figures if they weren't able to get them on that first, that initial run, because that initial run was a hot mess.
Yeah. And I mean, it was, it was super sought after too, especially if you didn't order it on ringside. The distribution was like garbage for that. You remember how excited we were going out and, uh, and hitting like every Walmart in Virginia beach in Norfolk. Cause they had hyped up that day so much. They're like, I think it was August 13th or August. I think it was like the 30 was for that. They're like August 3rd, these figures are going to be available. And, uh, yeah, they were nowhere to be found then. Were you able to find any of those on the pigs in North Carolina, Brian?
I'm gonna be honest with you, I've only seen series one and that's it. So I ain't seen two, three, four, or five. Yeah, it's been crazy for us too, man. Maybe it's just something with the Mid-Atlantic. Because for us in Kentucky, I found a set of series two that I had to snatch off the pallet. They were just like straight out of the case. And then I saw a Rio the other day at Target. And that is the only AEW figures I've ever seen in the wild.
Yeah, same here. I only seen series one and store, and it seems like you have to really go either like Northern Massachusetts or Southern Massachusetts, where I live, like kind of central. So there's really no distributions. You have to like kind of travel pretty deep to actually see anything. So yeah. Tell us about the other big AEW pre-order to drop this week.
Oh yeah the yeah actually i forget yeah you get to i don't think i added on the notes that i yeah it was the ringside exclusive two-pack jurassic express get the jungle jack perry and luchasaurus beautiful figures too yeah i love the attires a lot more than the regular and the package that exclusive packaging is they nailed it is so good.
Yeah, so they have a variant as well where, you know, the entrances, uh, very loosely, loosely based, uh, variant, we'll say, uh, some different head sculpts or something. I, uh, so I was, we actually had to take our dog to the vet yesterday. She knows posting about it on her personal IG account. If you guys want to keep up with it. Um, but.
And I was in the parking lot, like right about to go in when I saw that. So I was about 20 minutes late on the pre-order and I saw the, basically all I looked at was if one was on backorder. So the regular release was on backorder and I saw the other one and I assumed it was an error. I didn't, I wasn't really paying attention. I was just trying to hurry up and get it ordered so that way I could make sure, you know, I got my figures as soon as possible. And it wasn't until afterwards that I realized that they were actually marketing that as a variant and charged five extra bucks.
Anything to make a dollar. There was an appearance where Jungle Boy actually carried out Luchasaurus on his shoulders, so I get it. It makes sense, but that's pretty funny that for five extra bucks, you can get a Luchasaurus on his shoulders. The crazy thing is people will pay it. We know Jeremy's all about the collectibles industry, so he knows that there are people that'll probably get both sets just because that's how crazy some people are for these figures.
Yeah, the other thing too is it does say on the page, it does say it's a packaging variant. It does highlight that. It looks pretty funny though watching it and seeing Jungle Boy carry Luchasaurus on his shoulder.
It's a pretty cool like piece of display if you're gonna go with that one, you know Get the other one to open up if you're a non-moc collector. Yeah, that was the big thing for us It didn't matter, you know whether we got the variant because we're gonna open it up anyway But I would I will say like if I was
That packaging and the way that they have that figure in the packaging makes me want to keep it MOC, because I'm just like, oh, it looks so good with, you know, Luchasaurus carrying Jungle Boy on his shoulders. The only issue I have with it is that I cannot believe they did not give us Marco in the pack. Like, I just feel like that was such a huge miss and like missed opportunity. People would have paid the extra. I think it's just like it's not Jurassic Express without Marco Stunt.
And imagine if they had them stacked up three high, man. Oh my gosh. That would be incredible, man. Yes.
Yeah, so you got to believe we're getting Marco at some point. Yeah, we definitely will. Another thing about that set, that would look incredible autographed. Because I don't know if you guys saw the way the packaging opens up. I thought you could get each of the cardboard where it folds out, get those signed by each one of the guys. I just think that would look really awesome for any sort of MOC or autographed collection. So I'm sure our friends Jeff and Scott at Fully Poseable are already dreaming up what color paint pen they're going to use on this thing. Yeah.
Yeah, that's probably what they thought about they probably considered Marco stunt for they were like should we put a Cody in with this set as well?
That'd be great if they did that. They put Marco Sun's body with a Cody head. Oh my gosh. Let's move on. This is a non-wrestling figure that was up for pre-order that sold out, I think, pretty fast as well. The NECA April O'Neil, the original April O'Neil. It's so good.
Yeah, two versions of it. There is a variant, an actual variant. It's called the signature edition, where it comes with the, if you watch the movie, we're probably dating ourselves right now. But the movie, she wore a yellow raincoat that actually comes with the signature series as well as her press pass, but she actually signed it.
Judith Hogue, her actual name is, so she signed each and every one. There's only 2000 of them. That's cool. And I was watching the, the NECA, she did like a NECA takeover on their Instagram page. She, she talks about like the whole process from the beginning. She was, she's with the whole everything from the sculpting. She had to send them pictures of stuff. She has like
Uh, the member of Bailey, she has really, she's really into it. Yeah. When they made her like a, like her, um, cartoon figure, I remember watching a thing with her and like, she was like really, really into the whole like character and all that kind of stuff. So I, I love this. And I am so jealous of her handbag. Like she's got this beautiful boho handbag. And I just think to myself, like if I was an action figure, I would carry that purse because that purse is so amazing. The first thing I thought of when I seen that bag, I was like,
That's something Cheetah would like. I need that bag for my custom Chick-Foli figure. I need to get that bag for the custom Chick-Foli elite just to complete the look. Did you see the cartoon pre-orders, the anthrax and scumbug and the a-stuck and mutagen? Yeah, I got both. I got all those pre-ordered. I don't know what other movie characters I may get. I think I'm pretty much just sticking with the cartoon line now because I just love those figures so much.
Yeah, so the so the deck so there was a I think it was I think it which
I forget which company it is NECA, but they're doing a Danny figure as well. Yeah. So that was what that was. I think it was the Loot Crate. It's a Loot Crate. Yeah, that's a special edition about that because NECA, I guess it said that they weren't going to do any like exclusive characters in the Loot Crates. They were just going to do variants. But then NECA, you know, they they tried to skirt by it. They said, well, we said we wouldn't do any major characters as Loot Crate exclusive. So
you know and people like Danny from the movie hardcore collectors that's what they want the most yes yeah okay well i mean here's what i would say to that like are you gonna buy Danny off the shelf
Like it's a very small percentage. Yeah. Nobody's just going to walk by and be like, Oh, Hey, here's Danny from the hardest of the hardcore. That's why, but that's why you make them like, you know, exclusively, not necessarily for the loot crate, but you should make them exclusive to a specific retailer or like partner with someone, you know, or NECA could just release them on their site. Like it doesn't have to be something that shows up in stores. Like you don't have to have space for it.
But I definitely think, you know, just putting, I mean, that's what the loot crates are for. I mean, that's how they sell subscriptions to loot crates, but it just kind of jacked up that they said, we're not going to put any exclusive figures in these loot crates or like, you know, only put them in there. And they ended up doing that. One thing I'll say for anybody frustrated on this that I've learned from Collected NECA for the past five years is it will get re-released in some shape or form.
Yeah loves to re-release you may not get all the accessories and stuff Yeah, but they will find a way to get these figures back out every every super hard to get exclusive all the comic-con stuff They always get released in some shape. Yeah, you remember when all that money people
People were so pissed when the turtle packs got split up and they released all the turtles individually. I'm like, did you not think that they were going to release individual turtles to people? Because they were the SDCC exclusives and then when they just parceled them out. I think they ended up being... Weren't they GameStop exclusives after that? You didn't get the big premium packaging, but you still got the figures. Yeah, exactly.
They're also talking about, I forget, the kid from the second movie. His name's Ernie Reyes Jr., the actor, but he's actually talking. They're actually, I think he's coming out with a figure as well from the Ninja Turtles 2 movie. So that might be seen a light of day. And they also
when they showed the April O'Neil figure, they actually showed a maskless Casey Jones as well. Oh, wow. I saw that. Yeah, that was pretty cool. Yeah, so there's a sculpt of that. So it looks like that's on the horizon, too. So yeah. My most wanted movie figures are still, I want the, even though the movie kind of sucked compared to the first two, I still think it was pretty decent. I think it kind of gets hated on unfairly. I'd love to get movie versions of Turtles 3, where they were all samurai and stuff. Yes. No. Yes. You don't think they would make for awesome figures? I think they'd be cool.
figures, but just the movie tainted everything. Who cares? Think about how crazy whack the mutagens were, but how amazing the figures were. You know what I mean? The mutagen tour was so corny, but they made for unbelievable action figures.
That is true. Yeah. I got a soft spot for turtles three also, because I just, I remember my mom taking me and my brother to see that. So yeah, that one, that one hits me in the, the, the field spot, man. I, that's one of the few movies are one of the first movies I remember, um, going and seeing the theater as a kid.
Yeah, I see the first two in theater and I don't think I see the third one on like VHS, another dating of the age. I think my first two, I can't remember if I saw them in a theater or not, man. I was definitely into turtles, but I feel like I was probably so little that I was probably too small to really like take to the theaters to watch a movie that time. I think the first two were VHS for me and the third one I was in theater. Brian, have you dabbled in any of the NECA figures the last few years?
No, not really but I don't like usually when I go to Walmart I'll check by the section because they're like right there by the Funko.
Yeah. We've cut down big time on our NECA collecting, but we always still look at them just cause they are such beautiful figures, man. Like they're killing it. I've always said like, I would, if, if they could get the WWE license to release, you know, a handful of figures every year, I think that would be awesome. I want to know if Brian has ever seen any of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movies is what I want to know. Cause those were, I mean, born in 2000. I mean, that's like a decade later. I'll be honest with you. I liked the 1990.
Yeah Yeah, that shit was whack man. Yeah, it was horrible. Even even though shampus wasn't the second one. It was so horrible. It's this great made it worse
I like the comedy that was in the older movies and then talking about pizza a lot. Oh yeah, yeah. Comedy has only gotten more whack with age. So yeah, go back and watch some things from our childhood and our adolescence and yeah, you'll see what comedy really used to be. Yeah.
All right, we'll move on to Mattel.

Rock and Sock Connection & Wrestling Nostalgia

So Bill, our buddy Bill, best friend of the show. Not my buddy. Oh, yeah. I mean, friend of the Twitter account. Friend of the Twitter, yeah. Yeah, so he posted a picture of the Rockin' Saw connection.
Elite two-pack, the box with the jackets on and everything and the glasses. I can't wait for this two-pack. I'm not sure about YouTube, but they're just a blue pants, Mick Foley with the jacket on. Oh yeah, I'm pumped for this. Just brings back the memories. Yeah.
I'm, I'm lukewarm. It looks awesome. Um, but I already have, so I actually made a custom, uh, Mick Foley jacket a couple of years ago. Uh, Ralph's figure clothing out in the Philippines, they hooked us up with a jacket. So I kind of already have the rock and sock jackets. Um, and you know, I'm not a huge fan of sweat pants to make my favorite version of Mick Foley. I, we got the mad Reaper to make us a custom figure of it is, um, from his look
at king of the ring 1998 where he still got the brown tights, but with the white button up shirt so that's what that's the figure we got rocking the, the rock and sock jacket but it will be good to have the actual Mattel versions because as you guys know some of those custom attires they have a tendency to wear out and stuff over the years.
And I can't wait to see the packaging they use. I hope they stick with the classic SmackDown packaging, like they used with Jeff Hardy and Triple H, because it was an episode of SmackDown. Really, those rock and sock jackets that are so iconic, they only lasted like three episodes. It was a blip in time, yeah.
Yeah, it was lasted for, I want to say maybe it was just two, but it was definitely no more than three episodes of SmackDown. Those jackets were around before. I think it was Triple H just ripped Mick Foley's like in half, man. And that was the end of it. But everybody remembers those jackets so much. Still really, really cool idea for a two pack. Looking forward to them.
Yeah. Um, that definitely, uh, I mean, obviously look at it on, uh, look for it on ringside when they, when they announced it, cause they'll probably, I think also pretty fast. Yeah. Our friends, our friends over at chalk line, they released a, uh, a version of the, the rock and sock connection jacket. So, I mean, it's out of stock now, but it was the Mick jacket, not the rock jacket, but yeah, it's at, it's out of stock, but.
You know, Chalk Line, they're like NECA. They like to get and re-release their stuff eventually. So stay on the lookout for that if you're a huge rock and sock mark, because yeah, that jacket is awesome.
If anyone's listening, I think we deserve a ringside exclusive, The Rock, This Is Your Life. Oh my gosh. Maybe three pack, so you can add the clown. Yeah. Add the clown in there, Vic Foley, The Rock, and The Clown, and maybe some accessories, kind of like they did with the Festival of- Friendship. Friendship, just like all the gifts and stuff, just the whole set.
Didn't Bailey do like a repug remix of that and try to do this with your life? Bailey and Alexa Bliss. Yes, that's right. Yeah, that's right. It's one of the worst segments in the history of Monday Night Raw. Yeah. Yeah, it was bad. Total opposite of the rock, This Is Your Life, actually, which was the highest segment, one of the highest segments in Raw's history.
But yeah, so we'll move on. We'll move on to the UFC Ultimate Series 2. Jazzwares announced their first in the line. If you guys are familiar with MMA, you know who she is. I'm not going to pronounce her last name because I will totally butcher it. But she goes by the bullet in her first name. So I call the bullet Valentina because I think that's her IG handle as well.
it actually the picture that they show actually has a she has a title with her so we might come with a with uh with the UFC um title as well but i'm actually excited that they're announcing uh ultimate series two um yeah that's good that it's happening i'm uh you know me and sheena we're both casual UFC fans the only real modern day person that i'm looking for i want to get a kabib in scale you know kabib was that original set the wig
Yeah, we need we need look up the proper term for it. It's definitely not the wig for anybody listening. That's actually like a like a religious like headdress thing. Yeah. Oh, my bad. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah. Google that real quick. Google. Google Khabib's headwear. Don't get us cancelled. OK.
Last show. Right now. Yeah. Look it up and you can let's educate everyone because it's not it's not a common thing, but but it is like a religious meaning on that that headdress you wear. So look that up, Shane. Well, I talk about my wish list. So I want to get Khabib and then I wanted to get some legends, man. I want to see, you know, Ronda Rousey and Brock in the UFC form. And then let's go deep, man. Give me Ken Shamrock. Give me hoist. Gracie guys like that. I think that would be awesome. You know, Chuck Liddell.
Um, so that'd be really cool if they start going down that path. Anderson Silva, you know what I mean? Yeah. So many, so many iconic stars in UFC that I think would, would be some big sellers. You know, you get some nostalgia buys from parents going down with their kids. You could definitely go, go deep with the roster. You have like Andre Arvoski of
Yeah. Who else did you say you said Chuck Liddell already? All right. Chuck Liddell. You got Randy Couture. You have Rampage, too, as well. You can have Rampage. We still haven't got Jon Bowen Jones, either. That'd be another cool one. Yeah. Modern guys. Vandalay, you can go. Vandalay Silva. Yeah, Fadore. You can see that. Fadore. Obviously, my twin, Daniel Cormier, we need a scale size of him. Yeah, exactly. I'm going to forget about that. So I can actually have my own figure in the market. So. Brian, have you picked up any of the UFC figures yet?
Okay, we stunned Brian into silence with that one Like I didn't know you were talking about like still UFC figures or um anything else Yeah, the jazz words UFC line have you had have you picked up any of those yet? No, I've been like waiting on them like to come out with a UFC legends line Yeah, didn't like run where I was a rock and in chocolatil It's like you said like I think
When They had the license with Jax or something, yeah, yeah They were always over towering like the materials in like sides with Mattel figures and it'll be a way for them to throw out Like the classic USC belts instead of the current UFC belts. Yeah, that'd be cool, too.

Cultural Insight: Khabib's Headgear

All right. So I've got the, I've got the details on the knot wig for, uh, for Khabib. So it's called, it's called a, um, Oh man, you know, I'm going to butcher this. So please, any, any people out there, don't, like I said, don't cancel me. It's called a Kakosas pop, papaka papaka. Um, it's before every UFC fight Khabib characteristically dons a distinctive piece of headgear, a woolen hat reminiscent of a blonde Afro wig.
As he makes his way toward the octagon, the hat known as a papaca in his native digiston, I'm going to butcher that. Dagestan. Dagestan. Digiston. Represents the history of his people. We'll get that as a sound drop and you can-
We won't get too detailed into geopolitical stuff on here, like keep it light, but the dogastanis are not the kind of people you want angry with. Please. Move on. Make sure you don't attach our address to this podcast or anything. I don't want anybody beating down the wall. This might be a lost episode. We might have to make this a...
not go to the public to say a Patreon exclusive. Listen, Seth is a world traveler. I have zero stamps on my passport. We all are listeners in Dagestan. Yes. Do we though? I don't know. I don't know if that's controversial. Should we say we love our listeners in Dagestan? Yes, we do. Okay. Yes, we love them so much.
Okay, it represents the history of his people. The wool, equal parts menacing and majestic, encapsulates the laborious heritage of the mountaineers. The height projects and the size of the Highlander's heart and the weight illustrates the depths of the northern Caucasian pride. And so that's yeah, that's your, you know, that's your history on the knot wig of Khabib.
All right. You've redeemed yourself. Marco, tell us about the big find out in Cali. Oh man. Big find that this is, I think, yes. That's, that's been a real quick. Hold on, hold on, hold on. There's one more detail that I like, you know, that my like crazy ass needs to read. It says, um, it is not to be dropped or lost. So it's like, basically like, you know, the flag, like you can't drop it, right? It says as sinister as it may seem, this special hack can traditionally only be removed if the head is removed along with it.
Wow. Are we sure we have Doggestani, please? We love everyone. You guys have seen Khabib fight. The dude is the baddest motherfucker in MMA history. They breed a hearty people up there. You've seen the videos. He was wrestling bears at five years old. Again, like I said, they're not the type of folks you want to insult or disrespect. Again, we love our Doggestani listeners if you guys are out there.
We wouldn't be bad if they were our only listeners, if everyone just stopped listening to the show. Can everyone just move to Dagestan? Exactly, yes. I hear it's nice there in the winter. I appreciate that greatly.
Alright, so yeah, so we'll move on to the the rare the rare find this this this guy has been a like super I think I think he surpassed a little brand brand in the the rarity of this of the unrivaled series. So Darby Allen, rare edition one of 500.
Hasn't spotted in California. I think I think that I think I seen another one after this So it started to pop up everywhere. If you check eBay still not on eBay I think when people find these they're not putting about up on eBay right away if anything So you definitely won't be able to find it there Hopefully that means real collectors are actually getting these in their hands and not yeah not people who are trying to like, you know gouge people and
Yeah, so yeah, I checked. I did the research on eBay. Maybe a couple of days ago, there was nothing up on there. I'm looking for Darby Allen. There's definitely no active listings. I'm seeing if... Yeah, there's not been a Darby Allen chase listed or sold on eBay. Yeah, so I think the people that are finding these are actually collectors, and that's a good thing. That's a win for the collectors out there. So yeah, it's popping up. There's hope out there. Keep hope alive.
I need this figure in my life, man. I guess the first thing I've seen, I was like, oh my God. So I was like, what the hell? It's the first, it's really the first like chase or rare that I've even wanted, man. The rest of them have just been like, I mean, the MJF one was kind of cool because it came with the dynamite ring or whatever. But this one's the first one that's really had like a different style, like deco and everything. It's just really, really cool figure, man. I just, I want it, dude.
Yeah, the box we want for the stuff coming with is this one is pretty cool with the with the eye patch and everything. Oh, yeah, got to have that. Luckily, the mox is going to be 3000. So I think he'll he'll either be a little bit easier to find or be at least a lot cheaper on the secondary market. But that figure is a must have. It's a it's a crying shame that that's not the regular series five release because it's such a cool figure.
Yeah, definitely. So move on to the front of the show zombie sailor.
Um, we had an announcement of another, another, uh, first ever, actually first in line first ever as an action figure, um, coming out. That's, uh, Barry Horowitz is, uh, greatest enhancement talent. Yeah. It's part of the heels and faces on. Yeah. Pat on the back. He actually did. Yeah. Did you guys get to watch the video? I did. That was pretty cool. Yeah. So, uh, it was good to see him. Looks, he looks great. Um, glad to see that he actually has an action figure coming out. He seemed pretty.
pretty soaked
This is the kind of thing that you're going to only get with a company like, you know, zombie sailor or chilla or, you know, all these little independent, um, toy makers versus like, you know, you're not going to get a Barry Horowitz from Mattel. Like don't hold your breath. So, um, you know, that's why it's so, so important to, uh, to support these guys. Yeah. They need to find a way to, uh, they need to find a way to incorporate a pat on the back action for Barry Horowitz.

Zombie Sailor's Heels & Faces: Barry Horowitz

Oh, yeah. No, they definitely have to. The other cool thing about the zombie sailor in his line is that you get the you get the like original blueprinted like Hasbro figures. We get to read it, man. Yeah. You get you get you get the OG of the Hasbro figure line to that. That's actually a part of this this thing. So, you know, not to pick and choose, but if they have to go the series, I'm going to go with ZSC on this one.
And he actually, you know, to, to verify like what's going to be like in what series and stuff like that, he actually kind of put out like a list. So series one is going to be five figures and it's going to be the first ever, another first ever Dino Bravo, um, as well as Sabu.
Matt Cardona, Brian Byers, and Earl Hebner, the blue shirt. So that's going to be the, that's going to round out series one of heels and faces. And did you see the, the Earl Hebner is going to have interchangeable hands. You can hold up the one finger or the two finger for the two. Yeah, he does the two. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They, they, they actually released some, uh, some scopes.
I think it was like yesterday. So like I said, even the first series right now for ZSC, I would definitely probably get every single one of these. Yeah. I'm getting the whole set. Like no questions asked. Yeah. I mean, Brian, you collect. Do you mess with Hasbro's or the retros or anything? Not really, because I've been trying to stay away from because the market for them is like so high. Oh, yeah.
The only one i've had is the pro-rangle retro and then the old school million dollar man retro In the uh, the black suit or the green suit the black suit As I found did you get the black or the green ted dibi? Aussie black suit
Nice. Yeah. You're not lying about the market, man. I'm down to pretty much just needing the green cards. And it's basically like I'm either going to have to pay for my kid's college, or I can get these green card Hasbro's in my collection. So quite the dilemma.
Yeah. Like I said, I'm trying to do my 123 kid slash Xbox slash six collection. I'm not sure if that has was going to make it. Which is why you need the has books and the retrospective. So that way you can still have it in spirit. You know what I mean? Yeah, you can still have it to look at without necessarily having to shell over $1,000 to get it in your collection.
I can look at my first legend, my first legend kill of my career. So move on to continue with AEW, unrivaled series four. It was spotted at a Walmart in New Mexico. And I think I see another on Twitter, someone else posted another picture at another Walmart as well. So they are popping up around.
just not in our area at all. So I mean, I guess I'd only seen series one. I haven't seen any of the other series. I think Target since I started to carry them. I've seen a couple of series two like the Bucks. And that was pretty much it. But it was series two or series three with the Bucks.
Series 3. Series 3, yeah. So Series 3, I seen both of the bucks and that was pretty much it. Nothing else, but nothing at Walmart, so just Series 1 on my end. But yeah, that's pretty much it for that. Also, for Chella Toys, since we're going back with the Retros, the Wrestling Megastar Series 1,
the Hayabusa figure is actually now up for pre-order. So if you go to their website, or if you go to, or, you can pre-order the Hayabusa Series 1 figure, so. Yeah, got mine pre-ordered already. Did you get it, Marco? Nice. No, I haven't gone on there yet. So I still haven't pre-ordered my... Actually, no. Actually, no, that's one of the ones I am going to pre-order, yeah. I just haven't done it yet.
All right, what do you do collection this week man? Oh man, so uh, so I actually got this book so It is I'm not sure if you guys heard of this yet. So inside the ropes you guys heard of that Have night. Yeah, you never heard inside the rope. So there it's like a website. It's a wrestling website they actually came up with a wrestling almanac and
for 2020 2021. It's complete wrestling statistics. Nice. So it's pretty cool. So it actually looks exactly like the cover is the exact cover of the almanac from from back to the future. So if you you picture that in your head,
It looks exactly like the font and everything, the color scheme. So it actually has like everything that happened last year in wrestling as well as the history of all major wrestling organizations like WWE, AEW, New Japan, ROH, MLW. It has the historical
stats of all the championships so like literally everything so the nwa all the way to the united states championship um it's pretty cool flipping actually flipping through it right now um yeah it's it's pretty awesome so it's inside the ropes uh wrestling magazine they actually put this out it's their first one ever
I hope they do one next year, which is pretty cool. But yeah, just looking back at the year 2020, it was a pretty crazy year for wrestling, just looking at the different things that happened and stuff like that. So yeah, it's pretty cool thing that hopefully I can travel back in time and use this to play some bets on some matches and stuff like that. But that's one of the things I want to do.
As far as figures, I actually did get unrivaled Series 4 from Ringside. Definitely probably my favorite line right now. Head scopes are awesome. The Cody Rhodes is pretty amazing.
They actually nailed it. Oh, no. I mean, well, the head sculpt. No, I'm just kidding. I just like to give you a heart. The Code Breaker shirt was a nice touch to you. Yeah. The Kenny Omega head sculpt is awesome. I actually like the gear as well that he's wearing, the tights that he has on too. I actually like the material of the vest.

Big Van Vader Figure & Wrestling Legacy

It's not like a hard rubber material. It's actually really flexible if you guys notice that as well. So it's easy to take on and off.
and stuff like that, but yeah. Then probably my favorite piece of the week is from none other than the OG Fig Kid was actually Tom Montalto. What did he do? Oh, the staple, as they call him as well. That's his other terrible name. Yeah. But yeah, he was able to acquire the Big Van Vader Legend Series 10. Yeah, that was a clear pick up.
Yeah, so this is in the running for probably one of my favorite figures of the year so far, just because of the different head sculpt that obviously the big Vader piece that you could throw in there as well. Yeah, the helmet, the smoking helmet. Yeah, but you could take the mask head off and put on the regular head, but then put on the actual Vader mask.
It seems like that's been definitely the most, uh, wanted figure amongst the fully fam at the moment. So it seems like the most popular for sure. It's been a while since Vader had a release. I mean, elite 31 was like late 2014, early 2015. And that was a hard to find figure, you know? Oh yeah. And I think too, like with, with Vader anyway, as, as a wrestler, I think, I mean, for me anyway, I think he holds like a, like a kind of like a soft spot.
for a lot of wrestling fans, mainly because, obviously, he was a big guy that could move around and stuff like that. He was super fast. He was intimidating. If you were a kid watching Vader, he would just literally just pummel people. Vader is the man. As a kid, you're just like- Vader is one of the best big man to ever do it. Yeah, he would just haul off on anybody. I remember watching him as a kid and being like, Oh my God, this guy's so awesome. Anyone that would just brutally beat someone, I was
Infatuated everything about his gimmick. I'm here for I love I love Vader I think I put him as number two man. I think I put him as number two behind undertaker for best big man of all time Oh, yeah, yeah, I mean, yeah, you definitely have to put him up. He's definitely the top five if he's not in
And he's kind of in his own like subcategory too, because there's big men like Undertaker and then there's big men like Vader. You know what I mean? He's like an OG big dude season. Like it's just a totally different body type. I mean, yeah, Undertaker is like ginormous and huge, but to be able to move the way that Vader did with his body type is like next level crazy.
Yeah, the only guy that was similar was Bam Bam Bigelow, but the thing about it is Bam Bam could do the high flying like Bader did. Yeah. He didn't have those strikes. You know, Bader had the strikes and the slams. They were just brutal. Bam Bam was, you know, he was still a great worker, but he was, you know, he wasn't as just a grizzly bear like Bader was when he was just going like grounded pound mode with his opponents.
Yeah, just before I hand it off to you guys, there's actually a New Day podcast. They actually did like a mailbag episode and they talked about the first time they met Vader as a trio. And Kofi and Xavier just talked about how much
Vader did not care at all about either one of them two and just was totally fixated on Big E. That's the only person he would talk to. He just gravitated towards Big E. They had common ground, man. Yeah, he was just in love with them. We just felt so shafted. We didn't know what to do. We're all together and he's just like,
like fixated on Big E just like talking to him and like, you know, you know, really gravitating towards him and stuff like

Wrestling Figure Collections & Custom Belts

that. Cause we're little guys and he didn't really care about it. But I thought that was a pretty funny story. I would say, I would say that Big E's probably the most magnetic out of those guys anyway. You know, regardless of size, I feel like even if Big E was tiny, I feel like he would still be the most just like, just charismatic of those guys. Yeah. And then that just got me thinking, I would, you know, dream match Big E versus Big Van Vader.
The Battle of the Biggs, Big V versus Big E, that'd be great, man. Is it a new day or is it Vader time? Yeah.
We had another well-rounded week. We had a little bit across the board from all the different sets that we collect. So we'll start off with the Motus. I was able to grab Rattlesnake Mountain, the Ring playset off of Walmart's website. The Ring was cool. The box art on both Ring playsets they've had have just really been incredible, but I really just wanted it for the figures. It comes with Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan, probably the number one and number two biggest stars in Pro Wrestling history outside of maybe The Rock.
So it was awesome to get those guys and I gave the ring to Brett the Babyface to play with just because I don't really need to have the space to store another ring, especially one with giant rattlesnakes on top of the ring posts, but really, really cool playset and the Hogan and Austin are both just incredible figures. I also grabbed Motu, Braun Strowman, just helping to get caught up with all the Motu sets since we're definitely behind the power curve on those. We didn't jump in until the Brett was revealed at the WrestleMania figure reveals.
Uh, working on closing up our Hasbro's. Also, we had a little WrestleMania 11 action, grabbed Owen Hart and Yoko Zuna from Hasbro's Kings on Instagram. So, uh, thanks for, for cutting us a good deal on those. Ringside Collectibles hooked us up with that exclusive WrestleMania 12 Ultimate Warrior. Sheena, just talk about how amazing that figure is.
Oh yeah. I mean, it just looks incredible. The packaging is awesome. Um, it was definitely a missing part in our collection. So yeah, I'm stoked to have, to have that figure and the baby face pop for it too. We got it out and he was just like, ulti oil. So yeah. Um, very, very happy with that figure.
Yeah, Mattel has just done an amazing job on the warrior. We're really starting to run out, you know what I mean? We kind of talked about it a little bit on Sheena's IG account. We're running out of the really iconic warrior attires. They haven't done SummerSlam 91 yet when him and Hogan took over Team Iraq with Sergeant Slaughter and his goons. Survivor Series 90 was cool, but it's really getting kind of few and far between for what warrior attires we're going to get and figure for them.
Um, cause Mattel has just knocked it out of the park and all of them. And then our friend forbidden figurines hooked us up with some more belts. We grabbed the NWA belt, the, um, uh, I'm drawing a blank now. Hold on.
We got the NWA belt, the the IWGP US belt. So those things both look incredible. They're like basically little miniature works of art. You guys haven't seen forbidden figurines work yet. She is the absolute best custom belts in the game.

Wrestling Podcasts & Entertainment Recommendations

So so hit her up if you need some belts to round out your collection. She makes WWE, AEW, NXT, New Japan, all kinds of historical stuff. Really anything you can think of, she could make it.
Drop by and visit the Turnbuckle Tavern, where every Thursday, we give you the most in-depth analysis of all things AEW, as well as dive into impact wrestling, NWA, and all things NDA. If you like heated debates, compelling interviews, and a shot of nostalgia, you'll love the Turnbuckle Tavern, available on Apple and Spotify. Drink it in. It always goes down smooth.
Ego Lo!
Keeping a Tranquilo is where we give you some entertainment recommendations for something outside of the ring and sometimes completely outside of the world of professional wrestling. This segment is brought to you by Verb Energy because sometimes keeping a Tranquilo can be exhausting. Verb is your delicious 90-calorie snack bar to help you get through your favorite binge-watching sesh. Hit the link in our show notes to save some money and get your Verb Starter Pack for only $12. Now, let's get Tranquilo.
All right, let's get into it. Our buddy Brian Baker had to bow out. He's having a little bit of technical difficulties down there in North Carolina, as Justin Roberts would say. So I guess the internet just isn't really hitting down there. But yeah, we're going to definitely have him back sometime. And thanks for your contributions to the award-winning Chick Foley show, Brian. Let's get into keeping it Tranquilo. Sheena, first up, what flavor of verb energy bar did you eat this evening before we hit record?
Oh, I'm going to peppermint Mocha kick. Um, man, any, anything that tastes like a thin mint is totally in my wheelhouse. But earlier today I did have one of the double chocolates cause you know, I gotta stay caffeinated like all day long. Probably where my anxiety comes from, but you know, Hey, what are you going to do? Um, but the double chocolate tastes like, have you guys ever had like no bake cookies? Like, you know, the drop cookies where it's just like, you know, chocolate oatmeal deliciousness. Oh yeah.
Oh, that's what it tastes like, so it's so good. That definitely doesn't seem like something Seth would like, but Marco, you and I are usually on the same wavelength, so I figured you would like it. Oh yeah, definitely. I love being made to be an outcast on my own podcast.
We also sent a care package of herb energy bars to the fig God, Jordan Wells. This is his second mention on the show for those keeping track at home. So, uh, you know, his, his fig hunts are going to be even more lit than the RDR. He's going to be hitting all the stores in Nebraska twice as fast. So you guys really don't stand a chance out there in the Midwest. I'll kick off this week on keeping it Tranquilo. Again, this is where we give you guys some
Uh, you know, outside the ring entertainment recommendations, I'll start off by plugging my own appearance on the mild mannered Canadian collectors podcast this week. I had a blast with those guys. Uh, Kevin Eugene is the host of that show along with his buddy, Eric. Uh, we got deep into the figure talk, you know, so we kinda, you know, we always keep up on what's going on with the figures on this show, but we really got hardcore into some really nerdy now. Um,
Figure talk on there and it was a blast those guys definitely lived up to all of my stereotypical thoughts of Canadians They were just ridiculously nice super mellow They couldn't have been friendlier, you know and they and they had some really kind words to say about Sheena and Marco and talked about how we've actually been an inspiration for them So that's pretty neat, you know going on two plus years with this show. So
It's always an honor. We tell everybody, you know, if you got a passion, do a podcast, you know what I mean? And maybe you do it for a couple of weeks and realize it's not for you, or maybe it's something that you end up doing for a couple of years like we're doing right now. So yeah, thanks for having me guys. And I encourage you guys to listen to that show. Again, it's the Mild Mannered Canadian Collectors podcast, and you can find it pretty much everywhere you can find podcasts.
The other thing I want to plug is a iOS game, so you can find this on iPhone or iPad, Rowdy City Wrestling. Our son is addicted to this game. It's like a generic wrestling game. It's not licensed or anything, but they do have a lot of characters that are basically... There's a lot of people you're going to recognize.
Yeah, you know, there's like, instead of Andre, the giant, they have like Andrew, the big man. They got ultimate warrior knockoffs, Rey Mysterio. And it's, you know, it's, it's tongue in cheek. So it's, it there's, you're supposed to know their knockoffs, you know, it's not like a ripoff. It's more of like a satire, but the game's really fun. It's got some tight gameplay. It hearkens back to wrestle Fest a little bit. There's really just a couple of buttons you need to know.
Simple controls. And it's a lot of fun. And there's actually a storyline to it. If you got kids, it's a great way to introduce them to wrestling gaming because it is simple and it's a lot of fun. Bright, colorful, 16-bit graphics. So yeah, that's Rowdy City Wrestling. And I give it a very, very strong recommendation.

Nostalgia: Blockbuster & Video Rentals

Sheena, over to you.
So, um, I have a couple of recommendations. I'm going to start with something that Seth and I, we started watching it, um, was it last night and nine before last? Yeah, I can't remember the days have been long. Um, but we started watching the last blockbuster. It's on Netflix and it is, um, it's kind of basically just kind of highlighting the, you know,
Inception and rise and fall of blockbuster and if you're if you're of our age, you know Not like Brian if you are an 80s baby who grew up in the in the early 90s or even before Just like the the act of renting videos and like all of the nostalgia that goes along with it It's just it really hits you right in that field spot and it's really good. It's you know, it's more entertaining than like educational There's some really cool like, you know things that you may not have known before but yeah, it's a it's super super
entertaining. Like I said, you'll like it if you're of our age group. It'll make you feel like if you are younger than us, you'll be like, what the hell? What the hell is this cassette and people used to watch videos on this? Are you kidding me? Rewinding? What is that?
Yeah, I was talking to my mom on the way home from work today, and I was telling her about it. And she even said, she said, yeah, that's what we did every Friday night. We were here to go. And the video story that we always went to, it wasn't a blockbuster. It was just a local chain. And it was in a shopping center with Subway and Whataburger, which is a South Texas fast food staple. And yeah, she said we would go every Friday night. We'd either get Whataburger or Subway and go pick out a few movies.

Dark Side of the Ring Preview

Yeah, same. I would go to my dad's house on the weekends and we would always get a few movies to watch over the weekend. I don't know what it was about that feeling of watching movies, but something about having the physical movies in your possession, I guess because you had to turn them back in. You legitimately only had a limited amount of time that you were able to view these things.
The sense of urgency and the amount of attention that you paid to things was just so much different than what it is now. Because now at any given time, you can watch a movie. If you miss something, you can go back and watch it. You know you can watch it again next week if you don't really get it or aren't able to finish it.
the amount of attention that you paid to something that you like paid for and went to the store to get like it just there was so much more care and love in those in those movie nights way back in the day you know you guys know about it is is that you know when you rented the movie that was really the best entertainment option you had you know you had what movie rented or you had basically what was coming on HBO that night
Yeah. Best choice. Whereas nowadays, you know, you basically have the entire history of anything that's been put on film at your fingertips at a moment's notice. At any time. Yeah. Yeah. That's just, I think it's, you know, too many choices is the death of choice. And I think that's kind of what we suffer from nowadays while you end up, you know, browsing for 20 minutes, just end up watching The Office for the fifth time.
Uh, guilty, guilty. Uh, but yeah, so definitely check out the last blockbuster. Um, like I said, I've enjoyed, we only got up, we only got halfway through it last night cause we started it really late and we're, you know, we're dinosaurs as we've alluded to on this, on this show. So we had to get to bed. Uh, so the next thing I'll talk about is darks, the new series of darks or the new season of dark side of the ring is coming up.

Film Review: 'Nobody' & Collectibles Discussion

I think may six is when it, um, is, uh,
I'm going to premiere, but yeah, they announced all of the episodes that are going to be premiering. So we got Brian Pillman, Nick Gage, Collision in Korea, The Ultimate Warrior, Grizzly Smith, Dynamite Kid, Johnny K9 AKA Bruiser Bedlam, The Steroid Trials, FMW,
Plane ride from hell? Yes. Okay. Lunavishan? Yes. XPW? Huh? And Chris Canyon. Okay. So how do you guys think this season stacks up against previous seasons? It's gonna be excellent, man. It's more episodes. There's Ultimate Warrior and Brian Pillman, so as long as those two are half decent, they're gonna be able to carry whatever else is on there. Which one are you most stoked for, Marco?
I'm gonna skip the ultimate warrior one because I feel it's gonna probably sway by My my young mind on ultimate warrior for some reason So you haven't been swayed by now, then you're not gonna be swayed. That is true. That's what yeah, I appreciate ultimate warriors. Kfabe only
Yeah. Yeah. But I can't believe you said to Nick Gage, that dude's freaking, have you watched any of his matches or have you? I mean, the only thing I really know of him is his run in with David Arquette from what was that about a year and a half ago. So I don't know, man. Deathmatch wrestling has never really been like it for me. And that's kind of what I see him as. Is there something I'm missing there?
Yeah, he's kind of hard. I mean, I know how Moxley's on this episode because they have a little excerpt from it when he's talking about his match with Nick Gage when he pretty much took a pizza cutter and a pizza slice cutter and put it across the edges of his mouth. Gross. Just swiped it across. Yeah, I do want to literally kill people. Yeah.
I would I probably that's probably gonna be one of the most entertaining if you like the new Jack episode I was gonna say this is probably gonna be a lot worse of the new Jack episode. Oh, I'll probably say that much Marco tell us about nobody
Yeah. I'm going to read the description because I don't want to give anything away at all because this is definitely a must-watch, especially if you're a fan of Bob Odenkirk. Love him. Obviously, Better Call Saul. He's on The Post and Nebraska as well. Even further back on HBO, he had a show called The Show with Bob and Dave.
with David Cross and that show was, it was a really weird sketch comedy type of show. But yeah, so he, so basically he's a, in this movie, he's kind of like a, you know, overlooked, like dad, you know, he's a husband as well. He's basically just, you know, just going through life as just a normal guy, just like, you know, missing trash days and, you know, just having bad luck pretty much every day out of the week.
you know, just going through life's, you know, indignities, as they like to say, pretty much like, like, they could nobody that's what's that's what's called nobody. But um, so basically, I'll just give you the premise and then I'll leave it off with that. So basically, his house gets broken into, and he refuses to
defend himself against these people or his family. And that's pretty much when I'll leave it. And then I'm going to leave it as a cliffhanger. You go watch the rest of the movie. It is really awesome. I don't want to give anything away, but yeah. So it's called Nobody. And I think it's in theaters right now. I think you can only rent it. You can pretty much rent it anywhere.
Not at Blockbuster, but yeah, you can rent it on pretty much Amazon Prime or Apple TV or whatever you rent your movies. You can have it for 30 days, but if you start watching it, you have 48 hours to watch it, just like a movie rental essentially. Really good movie, definitely highly recommended on my side. All right, that's nobody, so check it out on Marco's recommendation.
Hey everyone, it's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
Random Merch of the Week is where we scour the deep recesses of the internet to track down hard to find and never before seen wrestling merchandise and share it with you, the Foley fam. You can find links to purchase our rare finds in the show notes of every episode. This segment is brought to you by Pro Wrestling Tees. Visit the official Chick Foley show store by searching Chick Foley at or hitting the link in our show notes. All right, Marco, tell us about this random merch this week.
Yeah, so I don't know how I stumbled upon this. I think I was just looking up some type of like, you know, weird memorabilia. But they, there's actually someone selling a ticket stub from Monday Night Raw on January 1st. I mean, January 31st in 1994. It was originally $1,000.
to purchase, but now they cut off $100. So it's only $900. It's a bargain. Yeah, it was $15, the ticket, so it's well worth it. You guys know why this particular raw was significant?
Um, I was actually looking it up at no because the card was completely awful This uh, right so the card was awful but if you guys remember the 1994 royal rumble ended with lex lugar and bret hart tying For the winner and this raw was uh at this raw tapings was where the actual coin toss went down to determine Who was gonna fight yoko's in the first arrest of mania 10. So this is a very historically significant episode of raw
Um, that's funny that you found this Marco. Cause we had not, uh, we hadn't discussed this, but the cool thing about it was that, uh, on sports card madness, that's a ringer podcast. Also strongly recommend, uh, they talk about collectibles and.
they had an expert on last week. And he, um, he thought he felt that ticket stubs were going to be one of the things that really hold their value. You know, sports cars are obviously going through the roof right now. DC target has like special protocols for, for handing out sports cards and stuff. People are actually been putting GPS trackers on the trucks to deliver sports cards so they can follow them around. Yeah. I mean,
It's not even really for the love of collecting right now. Basically sports cards and baseball, basketball, and NBA had become, yeah, just another form of currency. They're basically like crypto or NFTs. That's really all they are right now. It's a straight up investment. If you happen to find a case, just get them and just sell them. Don't even worry about opening them up. Just get the packs and you could resell them for probably about 400% profits. Easy money right now. But he said he felt like the sports cards were going to crash, but tickets were one thing that will hold their value because there's just no way to make

Speculative Wrestling Scenarios & Fantasy Matches

any more of them.
You know what I mean? There's probably maybe anywhere from 8,000 to 12,000 tickets sold for this particular raw taping. And how many of those do you think are even still in circulation? So he said he thinks that's going to be real commodities. And he advised people going to events now, go to the booth and get ticket stubs. Even if you have the online printout like most people have from Ticketmaster or Eventbrite,
for at most venues, if you go to the box office, they will still print you out an actual like old school ticket stub if you give them that. So he encouraged people to get those because those are going to be highly collectible, basically impossible to recreate. And and yeah, so I thought it was a good pick. And, you know, it could be a good investment, you know, grab this, send it off to PSA to get graded. You know, hey, Bretton and Lex Luger are both still around. Maybe you get both those guys to autograph it. How cool of a collection piece would that be? You know, yeah.
It's true when you get a, I mean, they also got to see the, uh, uh, whoever this was, you have to see the debut of Quang as well. It was like Quang's, uh, raw debut. He's a new, a new gin staple. Yeah, exactly. Oh my God. Yeah. And I was just looking at the card and I was like, minus C the coin toss is, yeah, it wasn't the, uh,
wasn't the greatest of, uh, if you want to complain about raw now, just watch a raw in this year. You'll, you'll beg to differ. Oh yeah. The old school, the old school, they were a totally different type of product, man. They were really just like a series of man. They were almost like a glorified version of, uh, like the old school WWF superstars, where it just be, you know, some squash matches and then maybe get one kind of actual storyline match in the main event. But we,
We earn it for the love of the game, but if you are a collector that's into this stuff as an investment, I definitely think this would be a good buy to grab and do a couple things to increase the value of and sit on it for a few years. I think it may really be worth some money someday because the 94 Royal Rumble is still really iconic and it led into WrestleMania 10, which is one of the all-time greatest WrestleManias. All right, Sheena, it's time to hit us with some listener mail.
All right, this first question comes in from our buddy Francis Marino. He says, honestly, this question is on my mind nonstop when I watch wrestling. It's so simple and I want to know your three's opinion. Who do you think will eventually take the title from Roman even though he's not losing it anytime soon?
Also, I wanted to know, I was wondering with the new Japan figures, what do you guys consider MOC? I think Seth touched on this a few podcasts back, but it's something that has my mind boggled. So we'll start from the top. Who is going to eventually dethrone Roman and become the Blue Universal Champion? Mark Rollett, you go first. Oh man.
It's kind of hard to see, uh, 10 years into the future. Cause I'm going to lose the title, but, uh, um, honestly, I don't right now. I mean, the only only person I could think of right now, like active would probably be like, like a Seth Rollins. Um, that's actually their like physically wrestling and stuff like that traditionally had Roman's number.
Yeah, or I mean, if they move drew over to the, to the smackdown side of things after, if they do it, I think they're probably going to be doing a raw draft at some point. So I mean, the only thing I would think it would have to be a true baby face because Rollins, I mean, they would have to, they would have to do some transitioning with Rollins to get him back in the, he's got a ways to go. Yeah, he's got, he's got a ways to go, but yeah, it's not going to mean as much if it's like a, you know,
I mean, clearly I'm here for anything that Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns do, especially together. But I feel like, yeah, they would have to really transition Rollins to a babyface position to get it to mean as much as it should when somebody takes down Roman. So I could definitely see Drew in that position. You guys are going to clown me. I think Keith Lee.
No, why would we clown you ever keep? Well, I guess I, you know, we love Keith Lee on here. I guess I, you know, I misspoke, not that you guys will clown me. I think that this prediction could really end up aging very poorly. Cause I think Keith Lee's kind of on the, he's kind of on the borderline right now where I could see him just going and ended up, you know, he could either
be in the main event or he could be on main event if you guys know what I mean. I think either one of those are distinct possibilities for where he's kind of at right now once he comes back from his you know injury or illness or whatever's got him on the sideline but I do think you could build him up. Him and Roman had that awesome showdown at the end of Survivor Series 2019. We've never really gotten a follow-up on that and I think especially once live crowds are back they're going to be behind Keith Lee because he's such an incredible worker
And yeah, I think Keith Lee could be the guy to dethrone Roman.
Yeah. The only other cool thing I would love them to do, which they obviously definitely would never do, would be like Walter. Walter would be, he's not really a, I mean, he has a heel, but just like he could be like kind of like a belt collector. And I would have him just go to every brand and just take all their belts, beat Roman, take that title, go to Raw, beat Bobby Lashley, because he definitely has a size to like defeat all of those guys.
Um, it would be definitely believable. He would definitely go to NXT and be carrying across if he had to. Um, sounds like another promotion. Something they got going on right now. I mean, but the other cool thing about that is he doesn't speak really like he's not like a, he doesn't, he's not like all flashy. He wears like, you know, crazy clothes and all that stuff. He's like just some serious looking dude. He's like, he's like the Jason Voorhees of the, uh, of the WWE, you know,
And then he beats Kenny sometime down the line and takes all his titles. That's my fantasy. Yeah, it should just be a winner take all for Kenny. If you beat Kenny, you get all the titles. All right. So what do you guys think real quick? Give your five seconds. What is considered MOC for the new Japan figures, Seth?
I think it's just the last layer packaging. I think you can open up the cardboard and you can take it out of the bag. I think it's that last box. As long as you maintain the integrity of that, I think you could still call it an MOC figure. But there's a sleeve, right? Isn't there a sleeve on top of the box? So there's a cardboard sleeve on the outside. And then when you take that off, the next box is inside a plastic bag. So I think you could open the cardboard sleeve. And I think you could take the plastic bag off. And I think you could still call it MOC, even if as long as that last box isn't cut open.
No, but I'm, if I'm not mistaken, I think there, so there was like the box that it came in that had the, it was like the, the brown cardboard with the new Japan logo on there. And then inside of that, there was a plastic bag around a box, but then inside, like that box is a sleeve. Yes. If you, if you release the sleeve from the inner box, you know what I mean? Is that considered MOC?
Yeah, remember we had this argument before. We did. Yeah. You're on the stand side. You had to keep it completely altogether. Yeah, Seth was team Suffolk. And I said, you could just take it out. It's the figure still in a box. It's still all packaged. So it's everything we'll see.
My version of MOC for this is you cannot take the sleeve off, you know what I mean? Anytime there's an outer sleeve with the Slim Jim or any of those, you cannot remove the outer sleeve or it's not MOC. Even if there's an inner packaging with the figure inside of it, do you know what I mean? I like that take because then I can take that cardboard sleeve, open it up, take the figures out, pack it back up with anything I want. People will never even know. Say, hey, it's MOC, don't open it.
Yeah. True. They'll never even know. So yeah, we'll put that to bed. I would really like to hear your guys' takes on this. I don't think we ever asked the Foley fam for their,

Listener Questions & Humorous Close

for their take. So let us know what you guys consider MOC for those new Japan figures. The next question comes in from Ryan Ferguson. He says, book a Survivor Series match pitting WWE versus AEW. If needed, NXT can be used along with WWE, men, women, or both. So I will let each of you pick a Survivor Series team.
I'm going to have Marco, you're going to pick the AEW team and Seth, you're going to pick the WWE team. Oh boy. Who's going first? I'll go first. I'll stick with, uh, I'm going to keep it simple. It's going to be the bloodline and then the, uh, you know, the shield brothers going to be Roman and the usos. And we're going to have Seth rounding it out. So, uh, wait, are we going to classic survivor series for the more recent where it's five on five?
I would say, I'll say five on five. Okay. So I'm going to go, um, I'm going to go Roman and Seth and the Usos and then, uh, Daniel Bryan, because you know, when in doubt, add Daniel Bryan to the match. That's what we saw. Yeah. Roman, Seth DB and the Usos. It's a pretty strong team. You're going to have to come correct, Marco. The AW wow. This is, uh, I gotta, I gotta, I gotta pull out all the stops for this one.
Uh, so you definitely have to, I definitely have to have Jericho in there. Um, he's a staple of the, uh, of, of AEW. Don't tell Tom Montalto. What was that? I said, don't tell Tom Montalto, the OG fig kid. He's the, he's. Oh yeah. Definitely. Um, we say have four more. This is tough.
I need a big man on the team. I need someone to, you know, take down Roman. So I'm going to go with Lucha. I'm going to take Luchasaurus. Okay. I was going to go, I was going to go like murder Hawk on one of those guys, but I like Luchasaurus look and he's, he has that sick ass spin kick, kind of like that Allison black, like black mass that he does. So I'm going to, I'm going to take him. So I need a big man. I need a high fire. So I'm going to go with, uh,
To match like Seth Rowland actually no actually match. Yeah match test Rowland. So I'm gonna go with a I'm gonna go with Kenny. Let's so Kenny in there so we get that that kind of like dream magic Kenny and Seth going at it and It's three, right? So I need two more. Yeah, we'll round it off with the bucks Yeah
All right. Our last question comes in from John Swallow. He says, the way too early money in the bank winners for this year are, and Zach Hertzler says he was about to say that. So this is a combo question from John and Zach.
That's a tough one. I mean last year was such a wild card with Otis. Yeah, last year was ridiculous. Otis winning and then losing it to the Miz, which ended up actually being a successful cash-in and then Asuka, you know, when she got the briefcase, little did we know the belt was in there. I don't know how she didn't realize this heavy ass championship belt in the briefcase, but whatever. For the guys,
I don't know. Money in the bank has just been so all over the place the last few years, between Otis and then Brock and Braun Strowman. If I had to pick somebody to win it though, maybe an NXT call up. Maybe Adam Cole comes up. Maybe Adam Cole grabs it. I think Adam Cole could do good with it. That'd be a great way to immediately establish him on the main roster. I'm going to go with a wild card pick and say Adam Cole.
Adam Cole is a good shout. Marco? I wasn't going to say that, too. Adam Cole would definitely be a really good one. I'm going to try to go with someone from the main roster. Oh, that's rough. Dang. They already had a face, so Otis was a face. Actually, no, because they switched over to Miz. He was the heel with it.
I'm just going to scratch last year because I feel like we shouldn't base anything off of what happened last year with the money in the bank. True. I would like to see Seth Rollins with the briefcase again.
I don't know, baby. I mean, I think actually right away, probably pretty funny. Yeah. Matt Riddle was running through my mind too, but I feel like he really needed to tweak his character, what he's got going so far. Yeah. Because Otis was kind of like a comedy act last year when he had it too. Yeah. Yeah. And it doesn't do anything when the comedy act like cashes in because it's just, it just doesn't.
I don't know. It just doesn't resonate the same. Aleister Black could be cool. That could be a cool way to like freaking boost him right into the main event picture, you know? What if he get like a J? What if J Uso wins? Dude, Marco, you freaking read my mind. I was just about to say, what if J Uso gets it? Now, that would be awesome. I could see that happening. That would be really cool if J Uso ended up with the briefcase, you know, just seeing how the dynamic would play out.
Pretty awesome. Yeah. Any, any quick thoughts on who might win the women's money in the bank this year? That was always a wild card. Um, I mean, you know, you see Carmella, you know, ended up being a two-time winner. I think she should, she could always be in the mix. Um, Bailey would be cool. You know, Bailey's won it before. I mean, I see Bailey get it back. You can never count on Charlotte. Charlotte's always in the mix for really anything. Becky.
Yeah, oh Yeah, Becky cuz yeah last year's you know that was the whole thing she cashed or she you know quit right after money in the bank Yeah, maybe get her money in the bank you could come back and get it and then kind of float between both shows for a little bit Just getting both champs. So yeah, I don't it's it's really wide open this year, which is cool It's always nice when it's not like kind of telegraphed who's gonna be the new? Mr. Miss money in the bank
Yeah. All right. Sheena remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can always find me on Instagram at chick Foley find Marco.
Graciously running the Twitter machine for us over at Chick Foley show and then you can join our fully fan be a part of our amazing Facebook community and get all of our bonus content by going to chick Foley reminder to hit the show notes on whatever app you're listening to this podcast on. You can find links to all the various sponsors that we shouted out on this.
You'll find links to the random merchant of the week and, uh, the Hasbro book and the wrestling figure retrospective that we mentioned in the go figure segment. So check those out and Marco, because you are the prediction champion, you get the closing words. Oh man. I'm going to hit you off at another joke. You guys ready? Let's hear it. This is going to be a staple for me. Some dad jokes. Why was the, uh, why did the, why the bicycle fall over? I don't know.
It was too tired.