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Money In The Bank Preview, Phil's Holy Grail, Sheena's Moving, And Much More! image

Money In The Bank Preview, Phil's Holy Grail, Sheena's Moving, And Much More!

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays5 years ago
Sign up to be a patreon subscriber for access to bonus episodes, unboxing videos, fig giveaways, and much more! Sheena and Phil are BACK to preview MITB, plus discuss AEW's TV deal, their weekly figure purchases, moving into new houses, announce their INSANE patreon giveaway, and much more!

Return and Personal Moves

Oh, it feels so good to be back. Welcome back to the Chick Foley show. Feels like we haven't recorded in like 10 years, but it's only been a week. I moved out of the in-laws, but I actually came back tonight, a surprise return, to record the podcast. I didn't move out the computer, Sheena, but I'm back here just for an hour, then I'm going back home. Oh, man. Well, dang. I didn't realize you were making a surprise appearance at the in-law studio.
Yeah, I didn't feel like slugging the computer around. It was like my kid, my wife, and some clothes first, and then some groceries, and then we've just been moving stuff around. So we both were off site last week, me and you. You're moving, and you're in the presses of moving out of Hawaii. I'm in the presses of moving back into my house. So unfortunately, we didn't have an episode last week. We apologized to everyone. I think it's the first week we've ever missed since October when we started the show, right?
yeah this is the first the first time I've had you know to be like oh this is a episode 27 again this week you know but yeah I totally know what you mean just like having everything like only wanting to move so much stuff because man you do not realize how much stuff you have until you go to like
move everything like and I purged like you know before we moved like I did we had a huge yard sale I've been taking stuff to like the thrift stores and donations and like giving it away in my neighborhood and dude Phil I swear to god like I'm like when I saw them packing up everything and taking everything out of like cupboards and pantries and like drawers I was like I have to unpack all this shit on the other side like oh my god so yeah yeah guys
My wife is pretty pissed at me because I have like two huge bins of baseball cards, two huge bins of GI Joe figures from my childhood, and then I have a bunch of DVD, a ton, maybe 200 DVDs. I have old CDs, which I never listened to anymore, and Pauls. I mean, I have like boxes upon boxes. My wife has like one tiny box of all her childhood stuff.
I have like seven bins and I still got rid of a bunch of stuff. I got rid of clothes, but basically what summed up my whole week on the way here, I stopped and got gas. I'm pulling away, stopped and got a little coffee. I hear a clunk, clunk, clunk, clunk. And I forgot to take the gas pump out of my car. And I guess they make it because we're a country of morons like me. I guess they make it now so they detach pretty easily. So that's the first ever happened to you before?
That has never, never, ever happened to me. I've left my little cap open on my gas, where you put the gas in before, but that's it. I've never actually left with it attached to the car,

New Subscribers and Promotions

but it's funny that you talk about getting gas because we're about to ship our car across the country. You have to have less than a quarter tank of gas when you drop it off. For the last couple of days, we've been just stopping at the pump and getting
two gallons of gas I feel like I'm like oh my god I'm so I'm so embarrassed like the people that come up behind me yeah it's like you know a three dollar transaction they're like damn this chick must be struggling she could only put three dollars worth of gas in her car you know um but yeah it's just the woes the woes of moving man like it was so funny with all that you know I showed you guys on instagram packing up the mark cave and all that stuff and we were just like we had all those totes and we we had you know closed them up but they were moving when they came and did the the pre-move
survey. They told us like any tub that you pack, we just have to look at them so that if they get damaged, you know, we can market as you packed it, not us. And so they're not liable, which is totally understandable. But then they had to open these tubs of like hundreds and hundreds of wrestling figures. And they got, the guy was just like, he was like, whoa, what are these? You know? And I was like, Oh, they're just, I tried to just play it off so casual, you know, because I didn't want them to make them seem like they had any value at all. I'm like, Oh, they're just wrestling toys.
But in my mind, I'm thinking, oh my god, please. Just hundreds of wrestling toys. Yeah, please just pack these with care and do not lose this crate they're in. As they were loading them into the crate, I was like, oh my god, please let this crate make it to the other side of the world. Yeah, I think that's Rick Hogan or something. I don't know what that one is.
Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I can't remember who that is. They're all from my son. He's only 20 months old. He has quite the collection. There you go. Yeah. Always blame the kid. So yeah, we are back and we wanted to, you know, like I said, let you guys know. We appreciate it. We also have 11 new Patreon subscribers, Sheena. So we want to welcome them at this time. Seth Burchard. These are all pretty easy names too. So I'm excited. We don't have five Johns.
Jeremy Ball, Jeff Burnham, Craig Wilson. They all sound like 90s baseball players. Chad Ward, Ryan Miller, Brett Vogel, Greg Collins. Do you know Brett Vogel?
No, I don't, but I like the name Britt. Yeah, yeah, there you go. Charles Johnson, Alan Kawahane, and James Cheezer. So welcome, gentlemen. They probably know that we're doing a new Patreon giveaway on the first week of June, and it's going to be for every existing Patreon member.
Uh, before this and then anyone who signs up for the rest of this month here.

Partnership Announcements

So we are now in the possession Sheena of a Alistair Black elite figure. One of my Baltimore elite squad buddies found that for me. We're going to give that away. We're also going to give away a Alexander Wolf elite that our good friend, Marco Denton.
gave to us. He donated it to our giveaway, so we're giving away one of those. Oh, and we're giving away a Pete Dunne elite figure, and that's provided to us by one of our awesome Twitter followers. His name escapes me at the moment, but I'm going to pull it up here. Paul Grosser. Those are some straight fire figures that we are giving away, dude. Those are like- No shit, right? These are the three hardest figures of the year to get, I would say, right?
Yeah, these are not like your $5. What's that store that you always go to, Ollie's? Big Lots, Big Lots, Ollie's, Five Below. Yeah, these are not the Five Below finds. These are like clutch. Yes, these are badass figures. It's Paul Grosskut who is donating to us. He's also going to be, I didn't even tell you about this, Paul is going to be contributing to our Patreon and making some unboxing videos.
of Hasbro figures that he's collected. He's unboxing. He's made like four videos already. He's going to send them over to us. So that's going to be an added benefit to all of our Patreon subscribers. But everyone who is a Patreon subscriber on the first episode of June, we will be giving away one of those three hard to find figures. You get to pick which one you want. You win. You get to pick. And the best part, Marco has all three of these figures. So I'm pretty sure he does not want to participate. He, I mean, he donated one of them.
and I've found him one of the others, so I think he's one of our biggest Patreon subscribers. He's bowing out gracefully. Yeah, he's got some other stuff coming from me and you, but that's another story for another day, but this is going to be wide open. We have about 45, 46 Patreon subscribers right now, so your odds are pretty good and let you know the other two figures that we aren't giving away, we're going to give away another one next month.
So stay tuned, and if you are not a Patreon subscriber yet, it starts at $1 a month. $5 gets you our bonus episodes. $10 gets you the bonus episodes, plus our unboxing videos. And I'm going to start doing a lot of those now that I'm back in the house. So it's slash Chick Foley show. Check it out there and welcome to those new Patreon subscribers.
Nah, welcome guys. Welcome to the Chick Foley fam. Yeah, you guys can. Make sure you send us any listener mail. We love to hear from you guys. Send us at AskChickFoley at, or you can send it to the DMs over at Chick Foley using the hashtag AskChickFoley for all of your listener mail. And you can hit Philip on the Twitter machine, too, at the Chick Foley show. Is it Chick Foley show? You know, I'm not on Twitter. I'm the worst. Yes, at Chick Foley show. The. OK, I always want to put the in the front. And that's not right.
Yes, and I run the Twitter, not Sheena, so don't try to slide into the DMs and talk dirty to me. Do it, do it. If I have a couple beers, I'll talk dirty back, but just know it's me, not Sheena. Yeah, any pictures are subject to public display, so don't send anything you don't want publicized.
I want to give a shout out to our friends at Wiretap. We've been a part of their network for a couple months now. You can go to slash shop and use the code Chick Foley to get free shipping on anything available there. And if you go to that website, and type in our name, Chick Foley show, you can hear all of our episodes posted there live. If you're at your desk at your computer, you don't want to pull up your phone, you can just listen to our show right there.
And the biggest news of the week are we're partnering with Collar and Elbow, and we've been talking about their t-shirts for quite a while over the last couple weeks. We now have a coupon code. Is it a coupon code that makes me sound like I'm 100 years old? Yeah, you do sound 100 years old. It's a promo code. Promo code. Yeah, you get your promo code. You get your coupon code, yeah.
Yeah, so it's Code Chick, and you get 10% off at checkout on any t-shirts. These are literally the softest damn t-shirts you'll ever wear, so check them out there. And also we have our Chick Foley shirts available on Sheena, it's been a couple weeks. We've had two episodes of Raw and two episodes of SmackDown to talk

Current Wrestling Landscape

about. We have Money in the Bank this weekend. We have the last episode ever of Game of Thrones.
Uh, we have a lot to talk about. Yeah, we do. You know, but the crazy thing is that it's been two weeks and like, you know, admittedly, this has probably been the two most unplugged weeks, uh, for me personally, just because like timing and the move and everything, I wasn't able to like tune in the way that I normally do to raw and smack down, but I was keeping up, you know, via, via Instagram and via, you know, podcasts and reading things on the interwebs. But, um, it, to me, it didn't seem like.
A lot happened, but it kind of feels like a lot happened, but it was like. Like kind of a shmongle like a like a what the hell is going on here, you know?
Did it feel like that to you, too? I feel like everything changed, but nothing really happened. Does that make sense? Totally. If you had to miss two weeks of wrestling, this was the two weeks to do it. It's the lowest ratings in company history, though. That makes me really sad. I feel like they're kind of like that, like I've talked about before, the little meme where the dog is there and the flames are coming around. And they're like, I'm fine. I'm fine. And the flames just keep getting closer and closer. Yeah, I'm totally OK.
Yeah, I've never been a huge fan of AEW and the people that they have running that company, but this is the perfect time for some competition. And I guess we can talk about it now. They've announced that AEW is going to be broadcast on TNT, similar to how Nitro was back in the day. And that's huge news because we didn't know what they were going to do with AEW, if they were going to be on some sort of streaming platform or just on YouTube or
on their own website, but I mean TNT, damn. I mean, for a company that's only had one show and doesn't even have a full roster yet, it's pretty impressive.
Yeah you know it is really impressive and you know the the thing about AEW is like you know they're not underfunded like they have plenty of funds to make things happen so they're I think they're just getting started I mean they got this TV deal um they are getting some really good talent I know a lot of people are like oh who do they have but I mean dude they had like their roster is pretty stacked for just like just getting started you know what I mean um and what I love about AEW is I really feel like
they, they have younger people running the company versus WWE. Like, listen, I'm not shitting on WWE. You guys know I'm a WWE Mark through and through. Um,
But I feel like having that youthful approach is really going to hit that younger demographic. I mean, us, I mean, I consider us young, right? Like 30s. Yeah, I did just use the term coupon code. Oh, you did. Dang it. You're aging. You're young. You're young. What the hell? But yeah, I really think with them having that youthful leadership, it's really going to help tap into that younger demographic and have new creative ideas. And they really want it to be a sport-centric,
program. So, you know, they have talked about in the past, like wins and losses actually mattering in pro wrestling, which is like, you know, I don't, I'm pretty sure, I don't know if they've done stuff like that in the past in WWE, but like we all know like WWE gets bored of stuff in like two weeks. So even if they did do some sort of scoring system in the past,
It was like fly by night, kind of just like, oh, we're doing this. Kind of like the brand split, right? Yeah, of course. But I'm really interested to see how that works in AEW and see how they do it and see how they make those wins and losses matter as far as championships and opportunities and stuff like that.
Uh, so yeah, I mean, it's impressive for them. I'm actually going to be at Jimmy's seafood, me and a bunch of my buddies from the Baltimore lead squad. I hate to drop that name again, but, uh, we're all going to be at Jimmy's famous seafood. They're charging, I think it's seven bucks to head ahead to get in and bought my tickets already for all of us and go there and eat some good food. I mean, I think it's like 50 or 55 99 for to order.
double or nothing, but I'm going to be watching it. I'd like to do a Patreon episode. I know you're going to be in flux a little bit over the next couple of weeks, but if you're going to be watching it too. We'll be in Kentucky. We'll be in Kentucky at that point. We'll be watching it at the in-laws house. So yeah, I'll definitely get to watch it. We'll definitely get to talk about it and all those things.
Yeah, I'll be a little bit more settled at that point and, you know, have a little bit more, a little bit more hands to help with all the things, all the dogs and all of that. But yeah, the Double or Nothing pre-show is actually going to show on TNT. And then obviously you can get, you know, you can stream it exclusively on the WarnerMedia's BR Live or get the pay-per-view. So whatever, whatever you choose. But yeah, I'll definitely going to be tuning into Double or Nothing.
Cool. Yeah, it should be a good show. We'll get into that probably next week after Money in the Bank, during our Money in the Bank recap episode. But yeah, big news for those guys and props to them. Yeah, you didn't miss much. We did the superstar shake up, and then now Vince McMahon came out. And you want to talk about AEW being on the pulse of things.
Vince McMahon really does not look like he wants to be in the ring, does not look like he should be in the ring, and he doesn't even look like he knows what he's talking about. He invokes this wild card rule, which, you know, does it put an end to the brand split? We have people on both shows, and now the Usos were moved to Raw. They got a shot at the SmackDown tag team titles at Money in the Bank. It just doesn't seem like there's any continuity, like they even care about who's on what show. So why should the fans care?
And it's just, I mean, since WrestleMania, WrestleMania was so good, the way they built everything. It's been a pretty steady decline since then. Yeah, I totally agree. The brand split was in and of itself.
a mess, you know, like they did the brand split and then they called a bunch of people back and you know, it was like the whole thing with like Fox and then they had to move people because they're married because you know, it was like this whole thing, right? So we didn't really know who who was on what brand and then they were announcing people online and you know that they didn't announce on the show like, Oh, well, this person's on SmackDown and this person's on Raw.
And then so then once that kind of got settled and we're like okay well we kind of have an idea who's on what show at this point right and then Vince McMahon comes in with this wild card role pal where four superstars can go to any show on any given night. And it just seems to me like like you said like why have it in the big like what like what's the point of this I don't really understand and.
I think this is definitely the beginning of the end of the brand split. Um, but I think there should just be like a soft split, right? So like certain guys have storylines that are more prominently featured on one show than the other. Um, or there's like certain storylines that are more prominently featured on one show or the other, but there's no hard and fast rules as to which guys and chicks can go on which show or who can show up at what show, right? Um, you either have to have it one way or the other, right? You either have to have a hard split,
or have it where it doesn't matter. But it's like, I like things about both of those ideas. I like the idea of a hard split.
and having like being able to showcase more superstars on on specific shows right and not having the same people on every night on monday and tuesday but i also like the idea of like anything can happen right anybody can challenge for any title at any given time but you are going to have if you do that you're going to have to consolidate like you said like what's the point that the usos are on raw but they're fighting for the smackdown tag titles right like there should just be one set of tag titles if that's the case
Here's the best example. Apollo Crews is on SmackDown. This week he was on Raw and lost to Mojo Rawley. What's the point of that? He's not even on SmackDown. He's not even a regular character on the show. Why move him? Have Mojo Rawley beat somebody that's already on Raw?
You know, if you're going to have like AJ Styles chasing Kofi back and forth, you know, that makes sense. It's for a title match. It's, you know, you're building it. You want to have big names on both brands. But, you know, why have a job or switching over to job to another job or on the on the Monday night show? It's just.
It just doesn't seem like they thought it through and I don't know if it's just a reaction to the fans not tuning in but I mean I just I don't know I don't I don't want it to be just one thing because then you have the same 10 people on both shows wrestling the kind of similar matchups goes from like a triple threat to a tag team match but it's the same three people and then you need half the roster never gets on TV it just doesn't mean there's too many people on on the roster now to have
you know, consolidated brands. I think just having a, I would prefer a total split and then have like these women's tag team belts, men's tag team belts crossover. But, you know, we'll see. I'm sure they're just, they play, it sounds like they play it week to week and they just decide what they want to do at the last moment, which
You know, yeah, I'm going to be totally honest right now. I don't even know who all is on what show. I could not tell you right now who, especially because I've been kind of like in and out this last, this last couple of weeks for Ron Smackdown. Like I, if I, if you told me a few superstars, I'd be like, well, are they on raw or are they on smack? I mean, obviously I know the big ones, right? You know, Rollins, AJ, Roman, like.
all those guys like you know where they are but it's it's like all those like mid carders you're like well wait a minute they're on smackdown this week but were they were they part of smackdown for the brand splitter are they doing the wild card that actually you know when they're doing the wild card because um the announcers are like oh my god it's a wild card he's here for the wild card rule you know and they make it like such a
such a thing. But yeah, I just I hope that they get all this sorted out because right now it is just such such a mess. And I just like, it looks really bad.
Yeah, and I hate to go back two weeks ago, but when Vince came out and announced the wild card thing, I think it started with him or it started with Vince and then Roman came out. Roman basically said, I don't listen to you anymore. I listen to the fans. I listen to the WWE universe, which was a cool like, got a nice pop and he said it very well and it was well stated. And then at the end of the segment, Vince McMahon made a match for him and he's just like, okay.
I thought you weren't listening to what he said anymore. Like, what is going on? Like, come on, you know?
The thing about this is I don't mind. I don't. Like I said, I don't mind a soft split like where it's like like where we talked about the Miz is kind of like still in this storyline with Shane, but Shane's kind of also in this storyline. I like that. You know it kind of feels like attitude era ish where there's like a lot of intermingling storylines, right? Where like you know Miss and Shane have their own little thing going on, but Shane's also leading this charge against Roman with the you know the channel changers and Elias and I just think that.
I kind of dig that part of it, right? Where you're just kind of like, wow, like all these guys are kind of like, we never see all these guys on the screen together at the same time. Um, because normally they had the, the match is so segmented, right? Like, you know, this is this segment, right? This is this feud that's going on. It has nothing to do with any other feud.
going on in the WWE universe. And here's this match. It has nothing. It's totally separate from anything else that's going on. But right now, we kind of have this thing where it's like this melting pot, right? We're seeing all these different stars up in all these different places and continue feuds while they're not even really a part of the show. And I think that is kind of cool. I think that's a cool aspect of kind of having that softer brand split versus like the hard split where it's like, no, you have to be on this show. Yeah, I agree. Hopefully, they get it figured out.
We don't want to spend too much time on Raw and SmackDown because we have a pay-per-view this weekend, Money in the Bank. So let's get into it. I know the pre-show match, we don't have it listed here, but it is Tony Nese defending against Daivari in the Cruiserweight title match. I don't see that one. I don't see Tony Nese losing that belt yet, especially to someone like Daivari, who doesn't seem to be much of a player on 205 Live, but you know these guys better than I do.
Yeah, it's just your flavor of the week cruiserweight match. Again, I don't watch, you know, a ton of 205 Live. I really think that, you know, I mean, maybe Tony Neese losing the title and it get a little bit of, you know, it start to bounce around and give a few more stars a little bit of shine. Maybe that could be interesting to kind of shake up the cruiserweight because, you know, Buddy Murphy had it for so long because I totally didn't see Buddy Murphy losing it at me.
Sorry about that, folks. Sheena is actually in, as she mentioned, a hotel room. So we're skyping via hotel Wi-Fi, which is not always the best. Probably the internet guys don't want us talking about a pre-show cruiserweight match. So let's keep it moving. Roman Reigns versus Elias is probably a perfect place on the card for Roman here. What's your prediction for this one? I'm interested to see how they go with this.
Yeah, I think this could, you know, obviously the, my automatic answer is Roman's just gonna, from is going to be Elias. However, I think it could be a little more convoluted than that. I kind of talked about it in previous episodes, how, um, I feel like Shane is going to come in and cause a, you know, a scuffle in this match and kind of cause a schmazzy ending and get Elias the win and then set up Roman versus Shane.
for the Saudi Arabia match. I think that's where this is headed. I mean, I could be totally wrong, but if I had to just pick, I'm gonna say I'm going with Roman.
Yeah. I got a feeling Roman loses this match for some reason. So I'm going to go with Elias. I feel like they're building some sort of stable between him and Shane. And then they have Corbin and Bobby Lashley hanging around. Bobby Lashley. Yeah. They should, they should do something with these guys and have them as kind of a new corporation. Cause I mean, I remember Elias six months ago, we were talking about this guy really is kind of get, he was about to break out.
And I don't know, since WrestleMania time, I don't think he's done the, he hasn't been on the mic, he hasn't been playing guitar and doing like shitting on people in the ring, like what he's really the best at. So I'm kind of confused what they're doing with Elias here, so I think a win for him would do more than for Roman, for sure.
True. Yeah, he definitely has the most to prove here. Um, and I, I like it though. I like, I'm, I've been wanting Elias to get a shot to actually wrestle and have a legitimate meaningful feud. And this is what we're getting with him in Roman. And I think, um, I'm, I'm excited. I mean, either way it goes, I mean, obviously I'm, I got a cheer for my dog Roman. Um, but even if Elias wins, I think I love Elias too. So I think it could be good for him.
All right, so we're split on that one, which is good. Shane McMahon versus the Miz in a steel cage match, which is going to be fun. Yeah. Yeah. I think this is going to be a surprise killer match. I think, obviously, Shane is going to do something insane, as we already know. But I think they're just going to beat the living crap out of each other. And I'm excited to see it. I can't believe I've actually said I'm excited to watch a Miz match.
Yeah, even with Miz as a face, I'm still kind of into this. I'm really hoping we see some more Miz's dad in the cage at some point. And I'm another meme worthy photo of him trying to put his dukes up. I don't know. After he got a broken rib at Mania, I don't know if he'll get back in the ring. This has to be the blow off for this feud, though. So I'm going to say Miz is going to win this thing. Yeah, I'm going with the Miz, too.
Right. U.S. Championship match Samoa Joe versus Rey Mysterio with Dominic on a pole match, I guess.
He has to get involved here at some point, right? What's been going on here? Because Dominic is still kind of hanging around. They didn't do anything at WrestleMania for him. He wasn't even there. Yeah. Yeah. He's definitely got to get involved. I think Samoa Joe said something along the line at some point this week saying he was going to show Dominic what it means to be a real man or something like that.
Um, so they're definitely playing it up, you know, but I always want to like, it always blows my mind. I was telling his husband about this the other day. I was like, why does Samoa Joe like so into his opponent's families? Like he was like tormenting AJ styles, his family, you know, and then he was like stalking them. And now he's like,
you know, really harassing Dominic. I'm like, dude, Samoa Joe, you need a new gimmick. You're going to get typecast is like some sort of like family stalker. Yeah, leave the families out of this man. Come on. Leave the families out of this. I'm going for Joe in this one.
I am as well. I think he keeps the belt. I think maybe either Dominic turns on him or Samoa Joe involves Dominic and Rey Mysterio is distracted. It's going to be some sort of flaky finish. I can see that. I can see him doing something to Dominic and getting Rey distracted and then getting the win that way for sure.
We didn't even talk about the eco warriors winning the belts on SmackDown, which is crazy. I mean, I guess that's why they did the Kofi Daniel Bryan match on Raw, because that's really didn't make too much sense at the time, because they're both SmackDown guys fighting for the SmackDown belt on Raw. But I guess they wanted to have a blow off of that feud in order to get the belts on them. Yeah, that was a really
That was a really good match. Getting back really quickly, speaking of Daniel Bryan and Kofi, the wrestling on Raw and SmackDown has actually been really good. That's probably the best part of the show, yeah. Yeah, Cesaro and Rey. It's been really, really good, the technical wrestling, but it's the storylines that have been so convoluted that really
You know, it really made the show kind of crappy. And what's so funny about that is like, you know, we always, we always complain like, Oh, you know, they don't give, you don't give the superstars time or wrestling is boring or it's so PG, but like the wrestling has been really good, but we've been programmed as WWE marks to be invested in the storyline. So even though we're getting some incredible matches in the ring, because the storylines are so shitty and convoluted, we're, we're like crapping on the product, you know, which is so ironic.
Um, because, you know, all this time we're like, Oh, well we, you know, we just want really good wrestling, right? But we don't realize how invested we are in them actually telling us a good, meaningful story and putting together good, meaningful feuds. But sorry, that was a total aside, but I had to jump in when you were talking about Daniel Bryan and Kofi, because I was like, dude, there's been some really great matches as of late, but it's just been so crazy because we didn't, like, they didn't make any sense. You know?
Yeah, that's the only thing I'm worried about with AEW that they're going to have a bunch of badass wrestlers. Are they going to be able to sustain a weekly show with the roster they have and are they going to be able to put storylines together? Because they can talk about wins and losses mattering all they want. I don't even know what that means. But I think you can't have a two-hour weekly show, a three-hour weekly show without having some sort of good storylines that people can watch and be entertained by.
I doubt it's going to be a three-hour show. Surely, it's just going to be like an hour, two hours at max, right? Yeah, I see. Yeah, there's no way they could sustain three hours of programming with their current roster, and especially just being a new programming. So yeah, I definitely think an hour. But yeah, I think they'll be fine. I'm interested to see how they take it. But yeah, let's get back to money in

Money in the Bank Predictions

the bank. Sorry to get, I just had to touch on that, because I was like, man,
It's just, it's so funny to me that we've had some really great match ups because people are crossing over and you know, they're just giving us, they're giving us a lot of new stuff, but it's, we don't know why we're getting these matches. So eco warriors versus the Usos, I'm going to, I, they can't take these straps off of the eco warriors, which I love that name. I mean, it's not as good as the Kabuki warriors, but it's, it'll deal.
What about the Viking warriors? Oh yeah, the Kabuki experience. The Kabuki experience. Yeah, I definitely think Daniel Bryan and Rowan are retaining in this one. I don't see any way that they're losing those titles right away. Yeah, Battle Pack coming in 2022 for those guys two years after they split up. Oh man.
All right, so we're with each other on that. Eco Warriors keep the balance. The first of two women's tag team matches on the card, which I don't know how they're going to break this up. I'm sure maybe one of them is going to be the first match of the night. Let's start with Becky versus Lacey Evans. Yeah, let's start with that. I think Lacey is going to be the first one of the night. I think this is going to be a really, really good match based off what I've seen of Lacey so far. And we all know Becky can go. I think it's going to be a great match. Lacey definitely has the most to prove.
in this pay-per-view, right? Out of the three women in this situation, she has the most to prove as far as needing this win. My heart tells me that Becky is going to leave with both belts, but part of me is like, Sheena, you're not being realistic.
I think Lacey's going to lose. Um, but I think it's going to be a hard fought, like well fought match. And then Becky's going to go into the match with Charlotte, like with both belts. You know what I'm saying? Like, so it's going to be like, okay, I could, I could leave here. Becky two belts. Right. Um, and then I think Charlotte might actually take one of those, or we have some sort of money in the bank cash-in situation.
Yeah, I think Lacey Evans is destined for big things. She's been great in leading up to this. I mean, she's given some pretty good promos. She hasn't been perfect. But I mean, this is her first couple matches here. This is, I think, her first pay-per-view match. So I think she's destined for big things. I think Becky wins here. But I think, maybe not this show, but the next show, they're going to take one of these belts off of her. We'll see what you think about the Charlotte match.
I don't know but the whole Becky Lynch character and we've talked about that too. She seems to be back to before she was the man just kind of smiling and giggling and like back to loving life and you know dropping kind of the badass. Yeah you would love life too if you were a double champ you know I feel like I feel like it's kind of fitting right like she she had so much to prove
To win at mania like that's when she was like that scrappy like you know by any means necessary with her and Rhonda and Charlotte She was just like strictly business and now that she's got both the titles like she's like hey You know like I'm the man like you know you can you can come you know challenge me, but I don't think she's got that like What's the word? I'm looking for like ferocity about her. You know because she's already proven She's already proven herself
Yeah, I could see that. I think she beats Lacey here, but Lacey's destined for big things going forward. And we'll see what happens later on in the show. Kofi Kingston defending against KO for the WWE Championship. What say you on this one?
this one was really tough for me. I could really see this one going either way. Um, it's gonna be, it's gonna be close. Like, I mean, it was like literally a 50 50 split for me who was gonna win this match. But I'm thinking my heart is telling me that they're not taking the strap off of Kofi just yet. I don't think they're gonna, they're gonna, I don't think they're gonna kill the dream quite so early. No, I'm going KO. I don't know.
convince me, convince me, because I, like I said, it was legit a 50-50 split on this one for me. Yeah. I just feel like they've built it toward KO becoming kind of that next big heel for the company. I don't think Kofi was even supposed to be in the plans for winning the title here. I think they kind of rushed all of that along. So they're going to find a way to screw them out of it.
Uh, I just, I just think they gave the fans what they wanted. They're ready to kind of move on now. Uh, I could be wrong, but I just have a feeling when I watch KO and watch those promos, I think he, he's great with the title. And I have, if I had to pick, you know, if I had to pick two, you know, two, three guys to build a company around, you know, KO is my main heel would probably be up at the top of my list. He's, he's pretty awesome. And.
I think they need to spotlight him a little bit more. So I'm going KO. We don't have a true heel. I guess you could call Joe, but we don't have a true heel champion right now. All of our champions are pretty much baby faces. And I wouldn't even consider Joe like a true full on heel.
Um, so yeah, I could totally see it, you know, just putting, putting the strap on a, on a heel for just for, just for the hell of it. But, um, yeah, but I'm, Kofi stood strong on Tuesday. So yeah, maybe, maybe they were setting us up for heartbreak on Sunday.
Yeah, I feel like you just have more faces over on SmackDown now to go for the title. I mean, if Kofi beats KO, Daniel Bryan's now tied up in the tag team division. I don't know who you really, I guess you have Randy Orton waiting in the wings. It's tough, so. Yeah, I'm sticking with Kofi, you're going with KO, so we're split on this one. Do we see any of the New Day members interfere? That's a good question.
I don't think Big E is, I don't think he's cleared yet, right? I don't think he's like, um, you know, cleared to like do anything, but I could definitely see, cause I think Sami Zayn may get involved in some, in some capacity with this too. So I could totally see Xavier coming out and like, you know, cock blocking Sami Zayn's attempt at, uh, at fighting Kofi. Right.
Well, for sure. Becky Lynch again defending against Charlotte Flair. We haven't seen this match in quite a while. These two going at it. It's been a while. I'm excited. This is an old favorite for a lot of people I've heard. So yeah, I'm excited to knock the dust off of this one.
I think this is the end of the chapter here. I forget what podcast I was listening to, but they were talking about how Charlotte and Lacey would be an awesome tag team, women's tag team, and not steal the belts off of somebody at SummerSlam. And I could definitely see that, to do something different, get Charlotte out of the world championship picture, because people are kind of sick of her. I love watching her fight.
Yeah, she's amazing. But she feels like an afterthought in this whole in this whole feud between, you know, the Becky two belts, her and Lacey and Charlotte, like her her problem. All right, we're back. Sheena, you before we were rudely interrupted by our Internet problem here, you were saying that Charlotte is mainly bit seem like an afterthought during this whole feud.
Yeah, you know, I kind of, I was talking about, I don't know how much, how much you guys heard before I went dark in this hotel room, but, um, her, her promos have just been very rigid and just kind of like very scripted. And I feel like the other two women just feel more elevated than her in this particular feud. Right. And I just.
Not that you guys know, I'm a fan of Charlotte. I love her. She's an incredible athlete and just an incredible superstar. She has the it factor. I mean, she is a flare, you know, she's genetically superior, but, um, I, this station needs to cool off. You know, I think, I think I would rather see her kind of like in a midcard type situation for the women or even like match her up. Like you said, match her up with somebody for a little bit of tag action, right? Get some tag, get her, get her a tag championship, right? Like how cool would that be?
Yeah, they thought they'd do something with her for a little bit just to kind of keep her fresh. So I think Becky wins both of these matches. I'm sure you feel the same way, but I think one of those range is going to is going to end sooner than later.
True. Well, the only thing I'm worried about though, is I think, I think she could win both of them. And then we're all like, hell yeah. You know, Becky two belts reign Supreme. And then we hear someone's entrance music hit and that cash-in, you know, can Becky really like defend a third time, you know?
Oh man, that's a good call. Yeah, just make it so she's just kind of like, or just have it every Raw and SmackDown. She's defending the belts twice where she's beating people, but she's getting more and more tired. I don't know how you would kind of, you'd really have to kind of be able to show that as far as acting chops, but I think you could do it some way. The final match of the night, oh no, the final singles match is Seth versus AJ, a match we've been,
wanting to see for quite some time and I think this is going to be really fun. I don't know if they're going to give us a satisfying ending to it, Sheena, but I think it's going to be fun to watch.
I think it'll be satisfying. I, you know, that promo package that they did, um, for Seth and AJ this past week was really, really excellent. I mean, WWE, if they excel at one thing, it's making, like doing their little buildup promo packages for, for feuds. And I, I love the Seth and AJ one. Um, and I, I definitely I'm, I'm going with Seth in this one. I think Seth wins, but I think we're going to get a full.
AJ heel turn, you know, cause AJ keeps making mention that he's got friends, you know, he keeps talking about how, um, you know, Seth no longer has the shield, but he's like, you know, he has friends. So I'm like,
I think this could be a full heel turn moment. Um, you know, he could get up at the end, you know, they have just a hard fought killer match. They get up and show respect to each other at the end. And we all know AJ's learned from the best Dick puncher in the biz Shinsuke Nakamura. So, I mean, I wouldn't, I would not be surprised to see him do like a low blow on, on Seth Rollins, uh, and just do a full on heel turn.
That's kind of what happened to him with Daniel Bryan. So that would be kind of a full circle type of thing. Yeah. I mean, it is weird that he keeps saying that. I thought the good brothers were done with WWE pretty soon, but maybe, maybe not. I don't know what, I mean, you could put Finn and Nakamura with him and kind of revitalize those guys and make a new kind of bullet club.
You could always just give him the channel changers, you know? There you go. Yeah. The mid-card of evil is one of my favorite wrestling podcast calls them. The mid-card of evil is, I'm like, yep, that's them. Yep. They'll be there whenever you need them. I kind of find out what Pantene Pro-V that AJ Styles uses, man, because his hair looks better every single week. Super shiny, right? Right, yeah. The man has some serious shine. Yeah, he definitely needs to be doing shampoo commercials.
Uh, so now we go into our money in the bank matches. So I'm sure they're going to split these up at some, somehow, some, somehow, some way because, uh, they're, they're pretty jam packed, but let's start with the women's match. You get Natalia, the master of the double sharpshooter. Uh, my girl, my girl, Dana, my girl, Dana Brooke, also my favorite Naomi, Alexa bliss, Bailey, Mandy Rose, Ember moon, and last year's winner, Carmela. So.
I don't know who, who is going to win this thing. Um, I, my, my gut is telling me Bailey has a really good chance to win. You know, now that she's not really paired up with, um, with Sasha. Um, so I think Bailey, I think, I think they might give it to Bailey.
I could see that. There's some people in this match, they just haven't, I mean, what is Natalia, Naomi, and Ember Moon? They haven't talked, they don't have any kind of storyline. They have nothing to fight for. They have no kind of enemy in this match. They're just kind of there. We talked about this in our last time we recorded. Have something that each of these people is fighting for. They've kind of dealt with Dana Brooke, and I really like what they've been doing with her. I feel like she could be kind of a dark horse to win this thing.
I'm gonna go Alexa, I'm gonna go Mandy Rose, I think. I think she, you know, give it to somebody like Carmella was last year, like a heel that can cash in, and like you said, with Becky, it would make sense. But man, Bailey would be a nice pick too. Have we heard anything more about Sasha on the dirt sheets or anything? I don't...
Yeah, I have not, but I have not been, I have not been like scouring the internet for information on Sasha. But yeah, now that you mentioned it, like it's, it's funny that I, you know, I haven't, um, I haven't ever, I haven't heard anything about her in a while.
Yeah, this is a pretty, I mean, there's a lot of talented ladies in this match. Outside of, I'm not a huge fan of Natalia, as all our listeners probably know. But I think Ember Moon could do some cool stuff in this match. I think Alexa Bliss is perfect for this because she doesn't have to take a ton of bombs to see. We can rest when you have eight people in a match at the same time. Yeah, but Alexa won it last year. Carmella won it. Oh, OK. That's right. Yeah, so it's like, I don't see either one of them. I mean, maybe they could have the claim to the two-time.
like miss money in the bank. I don't know. I mean, I think Alexa would be good because I definitely think a heel is a better person with the money in the bank. I think it's definitely more of a heel gimmick. Am I wrong in assuming that? Like I feel like it just, it fits a heel better. Oh, a hundred percent. It was, it was completely wasted on Braun Strowman. You know, it was like, didn't feel right that he had the, that he had it because
It didn't, you know, it's kind of meant to be cashed in an inopportune time and kind of a wease league. Right, when somebody's down and out, yeah, exactly, exactly. So, I mean, I wouldn't put it past them to have Alexa win this. You know, it would be her first really big showing since she's been back. I love Alexa, so I wouldn't be mad at it at all, but I'm gonna go with Bailey.
OK, I'll go Mandy Rose. That's interesting. The men's Money in the Bank match is Sami Zayn, Ricochet, Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin, Ali, Finn Balor, Andrade, and Randy Orton. And before we get into our predictions, we have something pretty cool. All of my buddies in the Baltimore Elite Squad. That's a third mention of the other show for them. That's on the tally. If you're playing the Baltimore Elite Squad shot game, don't drive tonight.
But yeah, we were all in this Facebook group and we kind of all hunt for figures together. And whenever something new comes out, like the Alexander Wolf came out, we did a randomizer list for all of our names. So, you know, this guy's at the top of the list. He gets the, you know, the first one we find goes to him and then so on and so forth. So we're all kind of kind of fair. It's a random thing.
We did a free drawing where all of us were assigned a number. We picked our person, assigned it randomly. And if that person wins, we basically have a money in the bank shop. So when we make one of these lists, say when the store exclusive live Morgan comes out or something, we can cash in and be bumped to the top of the list. And that person goes to our spot.
Yeah, I thought it was a pretty cool brand and our buddy Brandon put it together so I have Andrade in the in the list and our buddy Chris did have Ron Strowman and he was bumped for someone and we have one of our buddies who didn't get into the elite the final eight and he we told him hey if someone it was it was super random it was like two days before
for raw we're like hey if someone gets bumped out you get you know you'll replace it you'll be whoever that person is which i don't know if he knew something was going to happen but now he has sammy zane our buddy chris is uh is out because brawn strummond is out of this match so um so it'd be pretty fun i hope i'm pulling for andrade and that was my pick you know before any of this happened so maybe it's um kind of fate but uh outside of him i would say drew mackentyre is probably my
I could see him winning this. He's another heel. He could do some cool things with it. What say you? I could see Sammy Zane definitely winning this. He's definitely had a lot of momentum since he's come back and he's a hardcore heel. I mean, he's got heat for days. I could see him or
the apple of WWE's eye Baron Corbin. No, I know. I cannot believe I'm even saying this, but I, it just feels like there is something like, I feel like in this next year we could potentially see a Baron Corbin like
championship run. Like that's what it feels like to me because they just will not let Baron Corbin die. Not that I want him to die. Let me, but they just will not put him to rest. And I just, I, I don't understand. I don't get it. Um, maybe I'm a lot harder on him than a lot of other people, but dude,
I could totally see him winning this and just, just to like his people off. I mean, can you imagine him with the money in the bank briefcase, all the promos and like all the, oh my gosh. The guy does have natural heat and unlike everybody, I mean, I'm sure people like Andrade, people like McIntyre, people like, you know, they're cheering for Sammy Zane's promos, but everyone hates Baron Corbin and you can't, you can't buy that kind of heat in today's day and age.
I mean, I don't want to see them jump the world titles around too much here and there, but God, you could really build a guy up by stealing a victory over Seth Rollins and stealing the belt like they did with Dolph Ziggler many years ago.
Yeah. So is that your pick or are you going to? I'm going with Sam. I'm sticking with Sami Zane, but I just had to add that like, I would not be shocked. So I want everybody, I'm putting it on the record now. I will not be shocked if Baron Corbin wins money in the bank, but I am. I'm my hardest picking Sami Zane. That's my official pick.
OK, yes, it was interesting that they inserted him into this match. But yeah, you can't deny the last month or so that he's been on fire. And God, I would love to see him cash in on him and KO have had somebody barn burner type matches. Man, that would be an awesome feud to those guys. I mean, they're both heels. Yeah, that would be an interesting turn, too. Like if KO beats Kofi and gets the title and then Sammy wins Money in the Bank and cashes in against KO,
Yep. Place would go crazy for sure. Yep. That would be nuts. Okay. Cool. That's a pretty good show. I mean, I'm, I'm mostly excited about that Rollins AJ styles match. I think they put that in there really, you know, this is the week before, this is the week before your competitors have in their biggest show. I mean, you have to come, you know,

Bray Wyatt's Dark Turn

prepare. Correct. Yeah. Yep. Um, we, we didn't talk about one of the most exciting things from this past,
week is uh the firefly fun house gets dark it gets super dark um and i was kind of obsessed with it i thought it was amazing and i'm really really really really interested to see how they play this off and how how this character like what this character is right and what he does um because if you missed it
you need to find it on youtube immediately and watch it the most recent episode of firefly funhouse. Bray comes out as his normal self and then he says he's still got a lot of evil in him he has a secret and then he transforms into his like darker self and he's wearing these like circus pants and like this ringmaster like coat kind of thing and he's got this
I don't know if you guys are familiar with American Horror Story, but it's almost like a twisty type mask, twisty the clown, like Joker mask on, and it is terrifying.
Yeah, it was pretty cool looking. I don't know where they're going to go with it, but I guess that's a good thing. Yeah, I mean, I thought they were, I mean, does that mean you think he makes an appearance of Money in the Bank? I don't know if they can do any promos now, now that they've kind of unveiled this look. And is this going to be something similar to Finn Balor, where he's the Mr. Rogers type character? And then he gets upset and becomes this clown alter ego?
I've I've heard I've heard a couple people mentioned that and you know that was something I was thinking about my mind I was like what's he is this is gimmick like is this what he's gonna wrestle as you know and does he is he gonna wrestle in the mask or is it like just gonna be an entrance
gear piece like the mask is just gonna be like you know something he wears to the ring um or like you said is it gonna be this like 50-50 split like you know Jekyll and Hyde situation where he like sometimes wrestles as you know Mr. Rogers and then wrestles as the twisted clown um either way I'm into it but they could they have to capitalize on this like right a freaking way because this has the potential to go downhill quickly if they won if they put him in a feud it needs to be
A killer feud right off the bat needs to happen at like a mage spot. I was thinking he could show up at Money in the Bank against maybe like Joe and get like a US title feud going, but I was like, you know what? I feel like it needs to be bigger than that. Like I could see him potentially getting involved in a Seth and AJ match, right? And then screwing AJ out of a title shot and then really just jumping right in head first with Seth.
Um, because the man has to win whatever feud he's in first. They cannot have him lose another freaking feud and he needs a title ASAP.
Yeah, I mean, I'm interested to see him deliver some promos without that Bray Wyatt accent, you know, with, you know, kind of being more himself because, I mean, he can talk. He can deliver some fire promos. And a lot of people pointed out that the sister Abigail in the background, you know, once he changed and put that mask on, she kind of took the look of like when he was, remember he dressed up like sister Abigail in one of those promos. It kind of looked like that. So maybe that meant something.
I think it's going to be pretty cool. I'm excited to see where they go with it. And it's not going to be a fan favorite for kids. Yeah, but I'm excited to see the merch. I'm ready to get a freaking Firefly Funhouse t-shirt. I'm pumped for that. But yeah, he's definitely not going to be very kid friendly. But do you think he's going to show up on Sunday, or do you think it's going to be a Monday post Money in the Bank appearance?
I think you have to do it at the pay-per-view. I do too. Especially since ratings have been such crap. That's how you get people to tune in. Yeah, that's how you get people to tune in to Raw, man. Especially if it's a major title angle. If he's coming for Rawlins, people are going to watch that shit. You know what I mean?
100% yeah, I mean if I think if you interview don't do that if you can have it so he just kind of even if he doesn't wrestle for a little while Have him show up and have him kind of terrorize You know some people with you know he comes up on the jumbotron he comes out of the you know out of the crowd or you know he's just messing with some of the face guys and doing some weird stuff just to keep him in our
and if you let this go by
it doesn't escalate into anything, right? Like you have to make it mean something right freaking now. And you have to show them that this is the new Bray, like he's here for business. Like he's not the old Bray that would talk all this shit and then lose every feud that he was a part of. Right. Um, because it was so hard in those later years of Bray to get behind him because it was just like, he's just going to lose. Like, I don't care how interesting he makes this feud or who he's up against. Like ultimately he's going to lose. And I don't want this new character
to do that because I mean he's got so much momentum and as obscure and as crazy as this character is and this whole Firefly Funhouse gimmick is, people are behind it. I have not heard anybody say anything negative about this. Everybody's like, I'm so into this. I'm so here for this. I love it. It's great. It's so creative. So do something with it.
Yeah, I'm just worried that they're it works well in like a tape promo type thing. But I don't know how it's going to work in the ring, but that's not necessarily I think it's going to go badly. I just I'm kind of curious how it's how it is going to work. I'm not saying it's going to work bad. I just want to see how they pull it off. So I mean, that's kind of what they want. They want. Yeah, I think he just shows up as Mr. Rogers on the on when he's doing promos backstage, you know, like he could still do his little Firefly Firefly Funhouse segments right backstage.
But then when he wrestles, he wrestles as that freaking monster, you know? Like, that's who he is when he hits the ring, right? Yeah, or just come as the Mr. Rogers character, and everyone's kind of, like, worried, like, when's he gonna turn into this monster, you know? Basically the same thing you said. Yeah, it's definitely a good dynamic, and I think it was much needed for his character to have a kind of totally revamped... Total reboot, yep. Yep, so.
All right, cool. Yeah, hopefully we see him. And it should be a pretty good show. We'll be chatting as part of our Patreon with our MVP members or Hall of Fame members, whatever you want to call them. We have a Discord chat set up on our smartphones. So while we're watching, we'll be able to interact live with those folks that are part of our Patreon subscribership. So that's another benefit to signing up now. Check it out. And let's get into our Go Figure segment. You ready, Sheena? Yep, I'm ready.
All right, Go Figure is our weekly segment where Sheena and I discuss what we've purchased this week, whether it's wrestling figures, memorabilia, collectibles and all kinds of stuff in between.

Wrestling Collectibles and Merchandise

And Sheena, I know you're in an interesting spot where you're shipping everything across the world, so you're not really in the position to be buying anything at the moment. Yeah. So, you know, I just want to say we didn't we haven't been hunting. We haven't bought, you know, purchased anything. We did get
we go.
We did get the baby face of fashion police, uh, battle pack, you know, Fandango and Tyler breeze. And he's been playing with that in the, in the hotel room because all of his, all of his action figures got packed up in the move. But, um, I definitely, definitely want to take a moment to thank, um, our homie Marco for the Alexander Wolf, uh, hookups, uh, and the figures that he's donated for our giveaways. Like Marco is the freaking man.
I want to get him back on the show because I've had a lot of people on social media talk about how great he was when he was a guest co-host on that WrestleMania recap episode. So I think Marco and some of our other Patreon members would be cool to do a kind of a mid-year kind of roundtable chat between the four of us and just kind of talk about how
you know, things look after six months of the year and going into the after summer slam type time period would be pretty cool. So thank you, Marco, for those. Thank you for sending us that Pete Dunn. We appreciate you, dude, for sure. My red rooster has arrived. It arrived on Thursday or Friday of last week. And a lot of people were upset that posting pictures on Twitter of some of the
stickers and things that they had put over top of the the boxes. Mine was actually wrapped pretty well. It was I had like a plastic wrap around it and it had some bubble wrap and then it was in a nice cardboard box. So mine arrived safe and sound. So Target, thank you for that. Awesome. Yeah. If anybody wants to be the listener of the week, Pat Patterson is doing a signing in Hartford, Connecticut this weekend at Walmart.
Yeah, so this Saturday, May 18th. So if you're there, you can purchase, you can be the first to purchase the new Mattel Elite of Pat Patterson. And if you really, like I said, want to get some street cred, you could also send us, you know, obviously we're PayPal ready. We don't expect you to send us figures for free, but if you want to hook us up with one of those Pat Patterson figures, if you're in Harper, Connecticut, you will be the listener of the week.
Yeah, you can replace me for a week. You and Sheena can host the show, and that'll be your benefit. I'll take a week. I'll just produce it. I won't even talk. But yeah, if you're up there, if you know anybody, there's a couple folks on Twitter up in that area that I've talked to, and they're going to try to get up and go to the, I'm sure when they do that, Patterson probably has a case, probably more than a case. There's probably going to be a ton of people there. So I'm sure they have a ton of those figures. Yeah, I would imagine that they're going to have plenty of figures.
What was it? Remember when Carmella dropped her figure? I mean, they had quite a few of those. Yeah, they were all over eBay after a while. Yeah, so I can only imagine that they're going to have enough for everybody that goes there.
My King Mabel was in route from Ringside Collectibles, and if you've ordered any of that, yeah, I know. It took forever, but it's just weird because now they're available for sale on the regular website, so I don't know why the pre-order was necessary. There's some sort of mix-up with the Chase figure and the regular figure and what they're sending you. People have been getting emails from Ringside, and I think
I think Mattel didn't really tell them which one was the chase because they're really not too much of a difference. I think the regular figure has an M on the chest and the chase has kind of these lightning bolts. I think they both look pretty cool. I don't know if there's any difference between them. Some people are very particular, but yeah, it's definitely nothing to get your panties in a wad.
Just be glad you got it. Exactly. I'm excited to get that. I'm going to do an unboxing video for that along with the rest of my new generation figures on the Patreon page. It's going to be a long video. I'm going to tell you at the beginning of it to grab a drink, grab a coffee or something because I have 20 or so figures that I had to unbox and we'll pull them out. I'm going to buy one of those nice tripods like you have and go to town.
Yep. I found some production value. There you go. Yeah. I gotta get on your level. Get yourself a nice ring light, you know, you can set, you can set yourself up in front of your new detox. Um, and, uh, with all of your new gen figures in the background.
I told the wife, I just want, the people are now fixing, the house is all done, they're starting in the basement, they're getting the basement all fixed. I told her for Father's Day, all I want is just to not go anywhere. I just want to stay at the house, you know, we can all hang out and watch movies in our pajamas and order Chinese food or whatever. I just want to put my figures and my DTOF and get everything all set up and then not go anywhere. So she's like, okay, that's cool with me. So, you know, easy Father's Day. Nice, he's not like Seth. Yeah, that's the Seth kind of Father's Day. Like he's like, I just want to stay in.
watch wrestling and, you know, dick around in my, uh, in my Mark cave. You know, like that's how, that's totally like sis kind of father's day. I found another set of retro series eight, which I'm going to be opening, uh, one of. So I found those, those are their local targets here now. So that's pretty cool. And, uh, the big news of the week, I purchased one of my holy grails, Sheena.
You did. What, what, what is it? This is a Defining Moments Hulk Hogan Minton card. Oh. And this, this is a special figure for me because this is one of the figures that got me back into collecting, got me back into maybe even starting this podcast with you because
I mean, number one, it's Hulk Hogan, the freaking man of my childhood, the dude that got me into wrestling in the first place. And probably one of the better figures ever made, I would say, one of my favorites. I mean, I guess it's a personal opinion, but- Yeah, it's pretty incredible.
Yeah, so I would love to get it signed. I've never been an autograph guy, but if I'm going to get any autograph signed by any guy who's still living, it'll probably be this one. But it's going to be a nice addition to the collection. I can't wait to get it in hand. And another benefit of joining some of these Facebook groups, and there's always people on there trying to sell their whole collections.
You know, trying to get money for whatever they need, you know, falling to hard times, baby. And you need some quick cash. It happens to all of us. So I picked it up. I think it was like 30 bucks. 30, 35 bucks. Wow. Yeah, with shipping. Wow. So yeah, definitely. That's a killer deal. Good deal. So I had to pick it up. So I'm excited to get that in hand.
Well, what color paint pen would you have the Hulkster autograph your figure in? I don't even think that far ahead. I've never been. I mean, listen to Fully Poseable. And those guys are balls deep on autographs and more power. Yeah, they love it. I love listening to them mark out on that. Yeah, they definitely mark out. Because I'm not an autograph yet.
I'm not an autographed person either. I'm more of a selfie photo type person. Yeah, me too. Even as a kid, even with baseball players and stuff, I never was into getting autographed balls and stuff, so it's not even just wrestling figures. I've just never been an autographed guy. I always would prefer a picture.
you know, to each their own. But I mean, with that box, it's kind of a black and gold box, probably something that would pop like a pink or a purple or, you know, I don't know if a yellow would look good. You know, it'd be more traditional for the obviously the whole group. Yeah. So I'm excited to get that. So that is my haul. I got a couple other things in the works, but I'm trying to trying to behave myself over the next couple of weeks here.
as we move. I still haven't moved back on all my figs. I mean, I have them all still. The figs are still here at the in-laws house. I'm not even attempting to bring those back into the house until I have somewhere to put them. Yeah, I don't blame you after packing up and yeah, after packing up and shipping over 800 action figures, I've never been more happy to be a loose collector than I was. Because I can't imagine like shipping all those mint on card one, because if you're mint on card, you want your your boxes to stay mint and then you've got them in the possession of
a bunch of other people that you don't know and who don't give a shit about your boxes. And two, it probably would have like tripled our crate count for our move if we had to move 800 figures. Oh my gosh. Yeah, in the boxes. So we probably would have just thrown them all in the tubs loose. But since Mattel gives us all those amazing tiny accessories, we had to use Ziploc bags for all of them, which
Like I said, it breaks my eco-friendly heart, but you gotta protect the paint job, gotta keep the accessories organized. So, you know, totally worth it. We'll make use of those. Yeah. Yeah. Those 800 bags some way. We'll keep them for our next move.
I don't know if I talked about it on the last show, I don't know if I had gotten it at the time, but I got the Tyler Bate Elite Figure Menton card from Amazon actually for 1999. It was free shipping and a bunch of people, I think it was Ralph on Twitter, I got to pull up his handle on Twitter. He's a good brother for sure. He tweeted out that the deal was going on. It's Ralph.
Ralphie Vibes, he's a good brother on the Fully Poseable show. Ralphie Vibes, V-Y-B-Z, and they actually shipped it in one of those bubble mailers, which I wasn't too happy about, and a lot of people complained about on Twitter. But if you're getting free shipping for something from the UK, I wasn't expecting it to come hand-delivered from a stork or something.
To a raven drop it off. Yeah, yeah, so I did get that as well That was probably two three weeks ago, but it's been a while since we recorded so That's that was the hall recently I've decided on an unrelated note that I'm going to build a Kurt angle mint on card collection So I'm in the hunt for the the newest I think that's elite 66 67 66
And that awesome Kurt Angle Shield Elite, which I think is like $4 on ringside collectibles because they probably made so many of them.
Yeah, Elite 66, are you going to get the Milkomania? Yeah, I think I have to. And then the entrance grades. Because there's not too many. Kurt Angle was my favorite. He's probably my favorite all-time wrestler. They're right there with Bret Hart. But I picked him because he's got some great figures. And he also doesn't have like 1,000 of them, like Seth Rollins would have. So it'd be easy to do a one-shelf display. Maybe I'll fit the basics when he's the awkward GM in the suits.
Yeah, for sure. Oh, man. But yeah, that's all I have for this week. We didn't pick up anything, but I had to give a shout out to our buddy Marco because we are in a wrestling figure hole, but we are going to do some hunting when we get to Kentucky. So stay tuned. I mean, really, I don't know, even know what we're looking for at this point, but, you know, stay tuned for our Kentucky hunting adventures because there's lots of Walmarts. Oh, my God. I can only imagine how many Walmarts are in Kentucky. Yep. That's their museums down there.
Um, but probably have a bunch of five blows and some Ollie's and some, uh, big lots. Oh man, you're going to be doing some good, some good dumpster diving hunting down there. Yeah. Cool. Uh, what's our random merch of the week? This is always a good segment. Yeah. Our random merch of the week this week is actually a VHS of China.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, we can't doing fitness. OK. Yeah, probably not her most popular VHS. But still, you know, if you're if you're a fan of the ninth wonder of the world, maybe worth a pickup. But yeah, it's a it's geared for all fitness levels. And it's called China Fitness more than meets the eye. And it is fourteen ninety nine with free shipping. So all of you guys out there that still have VHS players, you can pick this up.
Um, and you know, get your, get your button shape, do some bicep curls. It's so funny because I remember as a kid thinking that China was like so huge, right? Like just thinking she was like this monster woman, right? Because she was obviously paired next to women like Sable and Sunny who were like, you know, kind of like wavy and very, very lean and small. Um, and just thinking she was like this like abnormal human.
and now i see her like you know i go back and watch matches and i'm like she looks like like some of just like my friends who like crossfit you know what i mean like she just looks like so normal now you know like the way that the female body is now and you know how like fitness is you know such a huge thing for a lot of women and stuff like you know women aren't shying away from like lifting weights and stuff like that i'm like china looks so
Normal to me now where she looked like such a monster beast back when I was growing up. Yeah, especially on this box I mean she doesn't look to have that on this this this DVD this VHS box But yeah, I mean yeah, I totally agree. She seemed larger than life back in the day, but yeah, she she made some interesting choices in her career, but Cool. Yeah fine. What's a 599 for this bad boy?
Yeah, $14.99, but you do get free shipping. Oh, and he's got to buy it now. Yeah, I pulled it up. More than meets the eye. Mm-hmm. He'll buy it now. Three available. This guy was a real China fan. He was. He must have been really into fitness and really into Joni, for sure. Let's see if the other China videos on here.
Don't be pulling that up on your search engine. If your wife gets on there, you just gotta delete them cookies, girl. Come on, you go to history? Yeah, you know. Say my first rodeo.
Yeah. You're like, Oh, I was just down in my, my in-laws basement, the Googling child, child, you know, what was her, I can't even remember what her, uh, what her video was called. Like the walls of China or something. I think it was one night in China, but I don't know why I remember that. I don't remember my son's birthday, but I remember one night in China. You know why you remember. Don't you lie. I don't think I've ever seen it.
I don't think I've ever seen it either. It's one of those folklore things. As you were a kid, you always acted like you saw it. You were like, oh my gosh, China did porn. And I don't think I've ever seen her actual video. Because it wasn't X-Pac in it, too? Was he in the video? I mean, I know they had like- I think so. That's probably grosser to me than seeing China naked.
Yeah, for sure. Like, yeah, I don't I don't have no interest in seeing expok in the buff at all. So I'm going to have to Google that and look that up and see if he was actually in there, because I know that they had I know that they were like hooking up and stuff, but I didn't know it was like a official like porn hookup.

Hotel Perks and Nostalgia

Hey, I was I don't know why I was thinking of this, but do you get the continental breakfast at the hotel since you've been there for a week?
Oh, yeah. They give it to you. They have a free breakfast bar every morning. Oh, shit. That's one of the benefits, you know? OK. I know Seth always makes fun of me because he's like, he's like, you love a free breakfast, don't you? I'm like, hell, yes, I do. It's probably not much to it. You get cereal and, you know.
cereal, a little oatmeal. You get pastries. There's a waffle. Make your own waffles. That sort of thing. It's not bad. It's not crazy. Yeah, not bad. But shoot, better than having to go. And the best thing is they have coffee, ready to go. Oh, man. That's me. I'm like, yes, give me the coffee. So yeah, I'm down. Let's have a good 20 minutes in the morning, not having to worry about what to make. And then you jump in the pool. You got a pool there, too? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Geez, man. I could live in a freaking hotel for a week.
Yeah, somebody comes in and makes your bed and cleans up, gives you fresh towels. The hotel life is not bad at all. How do you get the baby face to nap? This is where we're totally getting off topic here. How do you get the baby face to nap if you're in the same room?
I will post a picture on Instagram. I like set up this like cage in, there's like a getting ready area. Like it's not the bathroom. Like there's like a separate little bathroom with like the toilet in the shower, but there's like a place with like a mirror and a sink and a closet. And I like sectioned off the closet and put like, like mattress pads down there for him and like blankets and his stuffies. And I made him like a little, like,
retreat there. So he like takes a nap in there and it's like nice and dark and I have his little sound machine and then he sleeps in there at night. Dude, he's got it made in the shade, dude. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. I don't blame him. That's like a good nap. Yeah. All right. So yeah, like I said, it's so dark in there. So he's, he's, he's loving it. Our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. Yours is the money in the bank match from WrestleMania 21. Walk me through this one.
Yeah. So it's the first ever money in the bank match. It was back when money in the bank, um, you know, I think it was like the first, what, five years of money in the bank. Um, it was just part of WrestleMania, you know, like it was just a match they had at WrestleMania. It wasn't in its own pay-per-view. Um, another amazing contribution from Chris Jericho to the WWE, the money in the bank concept. But, um, this was,
Like I said, is it WrestleMania 21? I won't, I won't give you any spoilers as to who, as to who won, but it was for a plain black like office depot briefcase. Uh, like, you know, like now we have like this awesome briefcase where, um, you know, it's like, it's like specifically like marketed money in the bank and it's got like WWE branding on it. This looked like you went to like, like seriously, like office depot and went to like the like file folder section and got yourself a black briefcase. And that was,
the money in the bank briefcase, but it was edge Crispin walk, Chris Jericho, Christian, um, Kane and Shelton freaking Benjamin were in this match. So definitely go check it out. It was just, you know, in Lou money in the bank being this coming weekend, I thought we could all go back and watch, uh, the first ever money in the bank. And also as a bonus retro pick, if you guys didn't watch the little network special,
that WWE did on the Tom McGee versus Bret Hart match the infamous long lost match. They did a cool little documentary on it. It was really, really good. Um, and it was actually supposed to be a part of star cast, but WWE swooped in and reclaimed their property and jumped the gun on that again too. But Conrad was a really good sport about it. He tweeted and said, what a really, what a good job that WWE did on the little documentary and stuff. And I really, really enjoyed it. So,
definitely go on your network and type in um oh my gosh i forget the name of the freaking holy grail holy grail yeah holy grail i was like i could not remember the name of it yeah go in and you know you can search holy grail and it will come up with a little little documentary they had tyson kid and
Brett Hart it was really really good. Yeah, it was really well done. That was actually gonna be my pick for the week I just watched that this morning and I was really really cool and I they must have listened to our patreon episode where we talked about some ways to fix the Network, I'd love to see more stuff like this man. It was you know, maybe 45 minutes and
The match itself was maybe eight to ten minutes, if that, and it was a lot of interviews with Bret Hart and some of these guys, like you mentioned. WWE, one thing they do really well is put together video packages and highlights and stuff like that, so that was really good. I did want to talk about your pick from that WrestleMania 21. There was a great Kurt Angle Shawn Michaels match on that card as well. So if you go back and watch that Money in the Bank ladder match,
check out that Kurt Angle Shawn Michaels match. Really good match. And that was a good WrestleMania overall. I liked that WrestleMania, so. I don't know, did you ever start listening to that Our Vantage Point podcast I told you about?
Oh no, I have not. I have not taken on any. I've been listening to binge mode and just my regular wrestling podcast, but it is on my list. Um, was they, did they do something this week? Yeah. They're just like every week they're doing like a ranking of like the best, I think it's like the top 15, the worst 15 WrestleMania is of all time. So it's been pretty cool. Every episode they add one more to each list and they, you know, just going back and really, really, you watch all those WrestleMania is when, when you go back and think about some of them and some of the matches they had, it was,
It's pretty cool. It's a really good podcast I recommend. It's called Our Vantage Point. We're not getting paid to say that or anything, but my podcast list is ever growing every single day, so it's hard to find time. I just started listening to Prime Time with Sean Mooney, which was kind of a disappointment. He had Todd Pettengill on his 100th episode.
which I was like, oh man, Todd Pettigo, what the hell happened to that guy? I mean, shit, I haven't heard his name in forever, and it was a total letdown. He had no good stories, he just kind of like basically walked through his Wikipedia page, and that was it. So, I mean, don't listen to that one, but there is some really good podcasts out there, for sure.

Fantasy Booking WWE

Well, we do have some listener mail this week that I definitely want to get to. We have a few. We have one that came in from Hall of Famer, Marco. Denton. Marco. Denton. Wow. Marco's all over the set. Him and the Baltimore Elite Squad might have to get some commission off of this thing. I know. Like I said, we're going to start playing drinking games for Baltimore Elite Squad and Marco Denton. So every time you hear their name, you have to take a shot.
Um, so he says, Marco says, hello, you two should be the planets tag team champion because you make your, you make time here more enjoyable. Anywho, I really enjoyed the show you did about fixing the network on patreon. The ideas you had would make me as a consumer really enjoy the product 10 times more. It also got me thinking if you can fix the network, why not fix the actual shows themselves? We know the ratings are not where they need to be.
That's where the best podcast duo swoops in. My question is, would you guys consider doing a show or shows where you each take a brand, either raw or SmackDown,
Choose your talent and explain how you would utilize them to make the shows more enjoyable. Thank you for taking the time to read this. You both rock. Sincerely, the Chick Foley MVP. That is a really good idea, Marco, for a future Patreon episode. I would love to do that. Kind of like GM mode. Go into GM mode and kind of create our own show and pick our own talent and how we would utilize them since we like to fantasy book so much ourselves.
Just actually like sketching it all out that would be pretty cool and just have like a basically put all the guys and a big guys and girls in a big pot and just do a draft between the two of us and You know just come over like who would be our top five and top five You know faces and heels and go through some some fancy book and that'd be a cool patreon idea like that. Thank you Marco
Yeah, we're, we're totally, we're totally down for your ideas. So any of you guys, you know, if you, even if you listen to this show and you're not a subscriber on Patreon, I would love to know like what you guys are interested in hearing. You know, we're always open to, um, you know, what you guys want to hear. And we could add stuff here on the show and also, um, you know, our exclusive stuff over on Patreon. So definitely hit us up at ask chick pulley at or in the DMS, um, with any ideas that you have. This one comes in to us from our buddy raw is Ryan.
He said, um, if you recall a few months ago, WWE, and he has quotes promised change, uh, change to the product, a new fresh feel, et cetera. Do you think they delivered or was it just a little hook to keep us interested? Personally, I feel they are half and half. They did say they were listening to the fans. They gave us a face mania by letting the fan favorites win the titles, but have also fallen back to repetitive shows again. And dear Lord, the name changes. Um,
I'll let you, I'll let you speak first on this and then I will, I will chime in. He's asking what, how we feel about the, the changes. He's asking like, he's asking like, you know how they, they came in and said, you know, we're the fans we get to choose. They're, they're committed to giving us a fresh new product on raw and smack down. They're not going to keep doing the same matches. They got rid of the rematch clause. And we remember when they did all of that. Um, and you know, he says, you know, they did a good job by giving us, giving the fans what they wanted, doing some fan service by giving us,
a face heavy mania, right? Like all the champions left, you know, the faces, it was everybody that we wanted to win. But he feels a little bit like they've kind of gone back into that repetitive shows, like giving us the same matchups over and over on Ron Smackdown versus like new interesting matchups. Um, and he says it's kind of like a half and half. So he wants to know how we feel. Like if we feel that way or if it's maybe just him kind of feeling like that.
Yeah, I think we maybe got a week or two of that and it was just back to the same thing. Now they're just kind of, that didn't work, let's try something else, let's try something else. It's just been kind of a stop and go since WrestleMania. It's been very frustrating. We kind of talked about it at the beginning of the show.
I don't know how you would change it. I think, you know, really the superstar shake-up should have been kind of a refresher and could have been a way to revitalize all this stuff. And I don't know if they just didn't do enough people or, you know, now they're just moving people around. It's just...
That's a way to keep AJ Styles and Seth Rollins separate for so long. Now that they're on the same show together, it makes it a special match. And you could do that across multiple different feuds. I mean, there's a lot of things we've never seen before. So I just don't think with now the Swann card rule and all this stuff and muddying the waters here, it just makes it not as special. I just want them to be separate so you can build different feuds and have cool matches where they feel unique and not the same thing over and over.
Right, yeah. You do get into that territory where you feel like there's going to be creative laws when you do do like, um, you know, when it's more open, right? With the wild card rule, or if you kind of take my idea and do like a soft split, um, it really, it allows creative to kind of be a little bit lazy and, um, you know, book the same people matches all the time. But then again, if they're not lazy, it opens up a lot more doors for a lot more talent to,
To crossover, like I said, kind of like what we've seen, you know, recently with kind of some of these interesting match ups that we've seen. And like I talked about earlier, like the wrestling has been really good. We've seen some really great matches. Um, but we're just kind of, they're, they're getting overshadowed because we're all like, well, what's happening here? Where is this going? Where is this leading?
We haven't been conditioned to accept just a good hard fought match on Monday Night Raw or SmackDown. We're so used to everything being so scripted and so predictable that when they do give us something that we're asking for, I feel like sometimes we're shell shocked by it and we're like, what?
What is that? You know, why did they give us that? Right. And instead of enjoying it, we're questioning it. Um, which is us as wrestling bands, you know, being fickle, fickle, fickle. Um, but I think, I think they're doing a better job. I mean, it did feel repetitive there for awhile because we had Becky and Rhonda and Charlotte for God for so long. And then it was Seth chasing the beast for so long, you know, because they did that like in that weird time right before mania.
you know we're like the the matches were already set up so it's like we can't really stray from what we're where we're going toward mania so they didn't really have the option to like give us new interesting matchups right and then they had ricochet and alister black come up and you know just be on both shows every single week so yeah it's i think it's 50 50 sometimes i feel like they're giving us you know new interesting stuff and sometimes i feel like
Oh my God, if I see this again, I'm like, if I see Baron Corbin one more freaking time, I'm gonna lose my freaking mind.
it's also when you have guys like also black a move to smack down the fees even wrestled there yet and ec3 is just kind of wallowing away i mean you could you could utilize these guys and then you don't have to have i mean what will be wrong about having a week where you don't have baron corbin on the show we don't have seth Rollins on the show and it was fans and in attendance would probably a little sad but you know that's why you have the match it you know what once the show goes off the air you do something
You know, just to have some different faces. I mean, you sit on NXT, NXT is perfect because NXT is only an hour long, so you don't see the same people every single week. So when you see a Matt Riddle versus Adam Cole match, it makes it special. So yeah, I just think differentiating and using all the talent that you have is probably the best way

NXT Live Event Excitement

to do it. I didn't touch on that I am going to see
NXT live on Saturday with my son, my dad, and my father-in-law, and a bunch of the members of the Baltimore League squad, and that's the fourth plug for them. But I'm pretty pumped about it. I think we're seeing a triple threat match between Velveteen Dream, Adam Cole, and Matt Riddle, so that'll be pretty fun. I don't know what else. So yeah, it should be pretty good. I'll recap that next week on the show and tell everybody how it was.
Nice. Well, our last listener mail for today comes into one of our, from one of our awesome Patreons, Tyson Trevino. He says, Hey, Sheena and Phil really love the show and listen to it, um, to it to and from work. My question is with news of AEW coming to TNT in your opinion, what does AEW need to do to be successful?

AEW's Unique Appeal

My opinion is don't repeat mistakes. WW, WCW made keep up, uh, keep up the awesome work and have a nice day. Bang, bang.
Thank you for writing this in Tyson. I think what they need to do to be successful is I think just kind of create their own thing. I think they're trying to be different. They're trying to be an alternative product. And I think really staying in that lane is really a way to kind of stand out. And I don't think they're trying to be competition with WWE. Do you know what I mean? I feel like they're really trying to just do their own thing.
I feel like making it more sports-centric is really interesting. We talked about making wins and losses matter, not letting the talent run the show. I know a lot of those guys are
friends and I know that can really like you know like like with WCW you know they were letting the talent like be the creative and I think that's a huge mistake I think it needs to be totally separate I think you know there needs to be a creative team that writes for the talent like that's why they're the creative team and then the talent are you know they're they're the action right like they're the ones that go out there and perform
Um, but I think letting the, the inmates run the, run the prison is where WCW really kind of like went downhill. And I think as long as they can kind of differentiate between that, and I think they're kind of getting in those muddy waters. Cause I mean, you know, Brandy Rhodes is the chief branding officer. And then you have Cody, you know, in a high ranking position. And I think it's just going to kind of, and they're, and they're also talent on the, on the roster. So I think you can kind of get into some murky waters there, um, between business and, you know, being a part of the show.
But, um, I think they just need, like I said, for me, what they need to do to be successful is just really just stay in their lane and set their, set their self apart and be, be unique and just keep doing what they do and just putting on awesome matches and, you know.
fighting. Yeah, I think I would not I would hope they do not acknowledge WWE at all or shit on WWE. I think it's you need to kind of keep everything separate and focus on the things that people don't like about the WWE. They don't like three hour long Raw. They don't like seven hour long WrestleMania.
They don't like storylines that don't go anywhere. And there's a lot of things that WWE does really well, but I think for AEW to be successful, they need to be kind of their own thing. And like you said, don't consider themselves competition yet. Just put on the best product they have or that they can. I mean, they have some really good people running the show and you get Jim Ross involved and Conrad Thompson now was, you know, he's on their website now as part of the broadcast team. So I guess he's, he's on the payroll. So.
Yeah. They, they picked up Earl Hebner. Yeah. I saw that. Yeah. Wow. I didn't know he was still, still working. So yeah, man, they, they picked him up. They picked him up out of obscurity, but, um, but yeah, freaking, I think it's going to be good. Like I said, I think that they're going to succeed. I think as long as they don't try to get
too big, too fast. You know what I mean? Like trying to like rake in too much talent because what can happen is if they, they need to utilize the talent that they have now, um, and keep scouting and keep developing new people, obviously. Um, cause you always want to have people in the pipeline in case people get injured in those types of things. But, um, you don't want to bring in a ton of people and then not utilize them same way, you know, same way that WWE kind of does sometimes, right? Like you bring these people in and people will get super hype about it. And then you don't have a spot for them on your show because you do have that limited time, right? Like you have an hour or two hours a week.
to put on shows and, um, you know, write storylines and stuff. So I think really just sticking to what they have right now and just staying, like staying, sticking with the basics, um, and doing what they're good at. I think they'll, I think they'll succeed. They announced any matches for, I guess they have announced some matches for double or nothing. He had, you have Dustin Rhodes versus Cody Rhodes. Have they said who Chris, uh, Chris Jericho is fighting?
Yeah, he is fighting Kenny Omega. And then you have, let me see, Double or Nothing card. Let me pull up the card here really quickly and just run it down for everyone. But yeah, I'm really excited for Double or Nothing. I think we're gonna see some amazing, amazing.
So you got hangman page versus pack formerly Neville for all you WWE marks. You got the Young Bucks versus the Lucha Brothers. You got Kenny Omega versus Chris Jericho. You got Cody Rhodes versus Dustin Rhodes. You got SoCal Uncensored versus SEMA, T Hawk and L Lindemann. You got the best friends versus Angelico and Jack Evans, Dr. Britt breaker. Sorry, my volume's on.
dr brick baker versus kylie ray versus nyla rose and let's see we have any oh you got the casino battle royale sammy guavara versus kip sabian which is going to be the pre-show match asia kong you okay these are all names these are like a lot of japanese names i'm not even going to try to put those um but yeah so
Yeah. So you got, you got a good, you had a good card. Like I said, I mean, obviously the big, the big draws, um, are, you know, hangman pack bucks, bucks and lucha brothers. And then obviously Kenny Omega versus Chris Jericho should be pretty freaking epic. And then, you know, Cody, Cody versus Dustin. And a glacier in the, uh, casino battle Royal glacier. Glacier. Yeah. That's, that's worth it. Yeah. That's what, and Billy guns in there too. Wow. Okay.
Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be, uh, it's going to be in Brian Pillman Jr. Joey Janela. Yeah. It's going to be, it's going to be a cool show. I'm excited to see like how, how they do it and how it, uh, how it compares to their last show. But yeah, I'm pumped.
Cool. Uh, we want to give a shout out to one of our, uh, buddies, my damn toys. Yo, my damn toys. Yeah. He created a Royal Rumble. I know we always shout out, uh, Trey from my damn toys, but he's, he's a friend of chick Foley. And I, we watched his Royal Rumble that he just did recently. He has his own pick fed. Um, and holy freaking smokes. Like it is just so.
Incredible. It's basically like the WrestleMania 17 of wrestling figure events, but he spends so much time like putting these things together, like a month putting these things together and there's such good production value. So we're on the road to my damn nation is the name of his big, you know, in doll show. Like it's his WrestleMania is my damn nation. So, you know, this is the Royal rumble.
Um, that's leading up to that. So you guys go to YouTube search my damn toys. It should be in one of his first videos. It's MDT Royal Rumble 2019. Um, you guys gotta check it out. And if you don't follow him on Instagram or subscribe to his YouTube, definitely, definitely do it. This guy, he's an artist and this is, you can tell this is like a passion project of his and he's just, he's just so dope. So check out my damn toys.
50,000 views, man. He's got some 53,000 views on this video, man. I'm going to check it out right now. Thank you, Trey, for subscribing. And thank you for putting out some cool content on YouTube. And shout out to our buddies, Fully Opposable, and doing the favor podcast. A couple of, if you have a day where you're driving and you've done listening to our podcast and you want to listen to some more wrestling figure talk,
Couple great podcasts you should definitely subscribe to yeah, you got it You gotta go check out this this most recent week of fully poseable They had their parents on the benefactors as they call them They had their parents on the show and it was just like the most like genuine like heartwarming thing I've ever heard in my life. It was just like his parents on talking about a
how they used to take Scott and Jeff figure hunting and like how his mom would like take a list with her and her and her friends would go shopping for these action figures and it just like it just like made my heart like so warm like just remembering like those times and it really makes you understand why these guys are so
sentimental about like action figures and why they're so nostalgic and why their hearts are like the way that they are about these about these action figures like it just it all kind of like came full circle and made sense when they were like reliving their childhood. So definitely go check out the most recent episode of Floyd Posable and you know go to the segment with their with them interviewing their their mom and dad because it's like wholesome AF.
Very nice. Next week, we'll be recapping Money in the Bank. One of our Patreon subscribers, Trent, will be on with us guest co-hosting our recap segment of the pay-per-view, so I'm excited about that. Be sure to check us out on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, Stitcher. If you're on iTunes, give us a nice five-star review. We appreciate it there. Check us out on
Sheena, good luck with everything. Next week you will be still in the hotel, or you'll be in Kentucky, or where are we going to be?
We will, I will be in Kentucky. So I don't know whether we will be recording on Wednesday night or Thursday night. We're going to work that out. But, um, yeah, when we fly it, we leave the Island on Tuesday. We arrive into Kentucky on Wednesday. So I should be all should be good to record on Wednesday night. But yeah, that's going to be a crazy day of traveling with, uh, two, two wiener dogs and a toddler. So pray for us. Oh my gosh. Yeah. It's almost over. It's almost, you're almost back here on the mainland.
I know that it's just road trips for life. I'm done with flying. Flying is the worst. Especially with the kid. Yeah, at least if you're in your own car. If your kid throws a fit or is acting that way, you can listen to a podcast. When you're in public space with other public people, it's the worst. I'm ready for road trips again.
I hear you. Thank you guys for listening. We appreciate it. We appreciate the support on iTunes and Stitcher and all the other platforms. Definitely check out Sheena on Instagram at Chick Foley. You can check out our show at Chick Foley Show on Twitter. We will be back here next week. Hopefully all settled into our new digs for the time being. Yeah. Sheena, thank you for joining me. And thank you, whatever hotel you're at, for the quality Wi-Fi over the last half of the show here. It's been good.
Nice. Yeah, enjoy that continental breakfast and, you know, stay classy, Marx. We'll talk to you next week.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah