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Fastlane Preview; The Shield Is In The HOV Lane image

Fastlane Preview; The Shield Is In The HOV Lane

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays6 years ago
Sheena and Phil forecast "Fastlane" and discuss The Shield reunion and how WWE managed to mess up the Ronda/Becky storyline. Also, the gang talks about their weekly wrestling figure purchases and.......wait for it.......WE'RE GIVING AWAY A PETE DUNNE ELITE FIGURE!!!! Sign up to enter:

Introduction and Episode Highlights

What's up, everybody? Phil Gentile here, aka The Hot Take Kid. We have a jam-packed episode for you tonight. We're going to preview Fastlane, get into some wrestling figure news, and announce a big, big giveaway I'm sure you're going to be excited about. But before we do, I want to give a shout-out to our main event-level Patreon subscribers. That's the folks that contribute $10 or more every single month.
That is AJ Sawyer, Trey White, Bob Zegler, Dennis Montesaro, Dustin Sadik, and Tyler Boilinger. We appreciate you guys. You guys get extra exclusive episodes every single week, articles, and Sheena and my unboxing videos.

Patreon Shoutout and Benefits

We appreciate everyone who submits and subscribes to the Patreon. You can do that by going to slash Chick Foley Show. Now on with the show.
Blast connects. Samoa Joe has sent on. And now Samoa Joe driving Andrade into the canvas. Samoa Joe has won the United States title. Here is your winner and the new United States champion, Samoa Joe.
has been painful, long and arduous, but Samoa Joe has finally captured his first title in WWE. Welcome to the Samoa Joe fan club. This is the Chick Foley show. I'm Phil Gentile, AKA the hot take kid. You are listening live from my in-laws basement, still on location.
But hopefully soon, another couple weeks of putting the cabinets in if you want a kitchen update. But- All the fixer-upper fans out there. Yeah, exactly. All the Chip and Joanna fans. What's going on, Sheena? How are you? I'm pretty good, man. Taking it easy. It's been an interesting couple days in the wrestling world and an interesting couple days over here at the Chick Foley house. But yeah, we're doing good.
Nice. We have a lot to get to. We have a Fastlane preview, which I can't believe we're already at Fastlane. It feels like we just had a pay-per-view, but I'm not complaining. We have some injury updates and some figure news, and we have a big giveaway to announce. But before we get into that, we want to give a shout out.
We've shouted out our $10 Patreons at the beginning of the show. We want to give a shout out to eight new Patreon subscribers, Greg Collins, Dennis Montesano, Tyler Boilinger, Michael Sugarman, Sean Sasse, Alex Glaude, Christopher Dean, and Brian

Unboxing and Merchandise Updates

Chairs. I'm sorry if I butchered any of your names, but we...
Welcome to the Foley family guys a lot of these folks I've been able to grab some Figures for that haven't received the NXT elites on their side of the the country But we'll get into that a little bit later But welcome you guys can sign up at slash chick Foley show and if you want to email us you can shoot us an email ask chick Foley at any questions concerns and comments and Tell us how great we are you can do that there
Yeah, for sure. And for all you other guys, we typically do Unbox-a-Mania over on Patreon, but I recorded. LJN sent us the new Youngbooks figure set. They're LJN figure set, and it's pretty cool, guys. So I did a review over on Chick-fil-A. I did an unboxing, so you can go check out the Chick-fil-A YouTube. The link is in the bio on our Instagram page. So definitely check that out.
And thank you guys so much. I know there was a lot of supporters of Chick Foley that went over and supported for the title and their mission to create the ultimate wrestling comic for you guys and bring their webcomic to life. And all of you guys who pledged and ordered a book, you will not be disappointed. It's going to be so awesome. So they got fully funded. So I'm super stoked for them.

Podcast Growth and Ambitions

And as always, guys, we have some awesome t-shirts over on, so make sure you check those out. We have some new designs if you haven't seen the Queen of the Ring Chick Foley logo t-shirt. That is super, super awesome. And yeah, as always, make sure you listen, rate, subscribe, review. If you love the show, make sure you show us some love.
Yeah. And shout out to our buddy Jason Wolf for making that design. It's at Jason WLF on Twitter. I want to give a shout out to all our listeners. Last week's episode was one of our, I think it was our most listened to episode ever. We're climbing every single week. So thanks to you guys for, we've been doing this just since October. I think we're, we're just hitting our groove now. We've went from awful to now we're, we're just mediocre. So hopefully we'll, we'll get up to the, you know, the fully posable guys have been doing like, you know, 200 episodes or something. They got it down to a science, you know, so.
We are glorious the fully postable guys are glorious too, but we are we are glorious don't don't low sell us man We are you know legit? Yeah, we're better looking than those guys too. That's all that matters
I really love those guys. I don't even know what they look like. I've never seen a picture of them. Oh, my gosh. We love you guys. Jeff Scott, Celeste, the whole team over there. No, they're awesome. Yeah. Yeah. T-shirts are there. And if you are a listener, a new listener, thank you. Make sure to go to iTunes and give us a nice five-star review. Before we get into our Fastlane preview, we do have a huge giveaway, a huge announcement of something we want to do for you guys.
And that's going to be in our Go Figure segment a little bit later in the show, so make sure to listen to that. But before we do that, let's get inside the squared circle, Sheena. What do you want to start with here first? Because a lot of things have happened, like you said, in the last week or so.
Oh man, well speaking of last week's episode and it being one of our most popular episodes to date, I think that had a lot to do with me finally unveiling, you know, why I've held this, you know, years long grudge against Samoa Joe and why he's been, you know, a thorn in my side and I've publicly shamed and humiliated him on my Instagram for years.

Wrestling Discussions and Predictions

Guys, I lifted the curse. I, you know, I gave him my blessing. I revealed why I, why I hated him for so long and I gave him my stamp of approval. And what do you know that the next freaking Tuesday following our episode, Samoa Joe gets his first title in the WWE. He is now officially the United States champion. Pretty cool. Yeah. Long overdue. I feel like.
Definitely long overdue. Definitely long overdue. But yeah, so just for all of you guys that are out there, just know that the Chick Foley rub of approval, it means a lot in WWE. So you can thank me. Samoa Joe, you're welcome. And congrats on your US title.
I hope you do a lot more with it than the last few champs have done. No shade to them, but I hope it does have a more meaningful run a la like the Cena era with it because I think that's a good title and I you know, I hope it gets some shine.
Yeah, it's interesting. It kind of, it definitely gives it more legitimacy right off the bat. You know, no, like you said, no shade to our truth, but he's more of a comedic relief type of performer at this point in his career. What do you see for that belt going into WrestleMania? There's obviously not going to be defended at Fastlane. So I don't know what they're going to build for that. Who would you say is a good candidate off of the SmackDown brand to challenge for that?
Well, off the Smackdown brand, I don't know. I have to think about that for a second, but I was thinking for mania, since it's mania season, any other time I would probably go a different direction, but for mania season, I think, I think it's going to be Samoa Joe and John Cena. They built, they've been, they've been dropping the little Easter eggs about John Cena and you know, his open challenge and the United States championship and all that stuff with our truth. Our truth been doing John Cena's moveset, like the five knuckle shuffle and all that stuff. Um, so I think.
Samoa Joe faces John Cena for the US title at WrestleMania, to which I think he will go over. Yeah, that would be pretty cool. I'm going to say Mustafa Ali for some reason. I feel like they're going to pick that feud back up after Ali coming back from an injury. But there's some other guys there. We saw Andrade and Rey Mysterio there. It'd be nice to get them involved some way. Yeah, I can see them doing a multi-man match with that, too.
For sure. The other big news and really disappointing news was Tommaso Ciampa going down with a pretty serious injury. I spoke to the wife and I think this is the same surgery that Edge had that held him out of action. He hasn't been able to come back and say,
anterior cervical fusion. So it's basically a spinal fusion. My wife said it's about a six to eight week. My wife's a physical therapist. If anyone listening, I've never said that before. But whenever I was doing my Ravens podcast, I would go to her with any kind of, you know, MCL, ACL type of injuries. But this is completely different. She said this is like a six to eight week recovery time for like a month. Oh, no, I think it would be six to eight months.
Well, just just like a normal person like me and you to get back, like, you know, back to work, you know, just functioning. Yeah. Yeah. Six to eight months. And she said she would be surprised if an injury like this would, you know, as a wrestler, someone taking bumps and landing on their back, you know, 300 days a year. If this is a doctor would clear him to come back to wrestling. Obviously, it's not, you know, she doesn't know the severity of it. Just just hearing the surgery. But it's definitely not a not a minor thing.
No, it is a sad, sad day for NXT fans and for Champa fans because everything I'm reading it says, I mean, he's going to be out for like a long, long time, like for the foreseeable future. And it's, it just like breaks my heart because apparently this has been going on. Like I didn't know this was going on, but it's been going on for like four or five weeks, like this kind of like, you know, nagging, irritating injury. And then it just kind of came to a head after he got, you know, a medical evaluation and stuff. And yeah, they, they decided they were going to go ahead and do the surgery and
It just sucks, man, because, you know, they had the championship match between him and Gargano at like takeover plan like two nights before mania. So that's going to have to be changed. You know, I mean, he's been the champion since July. Yeah. Like, I mean, that's that's a long freaking time. I mean, he's the fourth longest reigning champion since like a like Finn Balor, I think. So, yeah, it sucks.
And is it bad that my gut instinct is telling me that Samoa Joe had something to do with this? Oh my god. Don't even. Come on. We put that behind us now. Jesus. Sorry. I can't help myself. I can't help myself. It's habit. Yeah. The bad thing is it's not like an ACL injury where it's your leg and you can sit out for a year and come back and you'll be able to function and cut and all that stuff on it. This is a spinal injury where you could sit out of the ring for two years. It's not going to.
reduce the risk. Time is not going to help this type of injury. It's pretty substantial. What do you see them doing with the NXT title now? Because Gargano, obviously, he's been on Raw and SmackDown for the last couple months or so. He's going to probably be called up to the main roster, I would assume.
And Velveteen Dream now at the North American title, do they put it on one of the guys in Undisputed Era? Do they have a tournament? We're already having a tournament for the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team tournament right now, so be kind of convoluted to do that.
True, I think I think they could do since it's the the fourth WrestleMania takeover I think they could like, you know pay homage to WrestleMania 4 and just do like a one-night tournament at takeover Yeah, so I think I mean other than that, I mean there's lots of worthy like champs I think down in NXT but I think it has to be something epic because I
I mean, Ciampa was an epic champion and just to like put it on someone else, like it's not going to feel the same. So I think it has to be something kind of like over the top and like magnificent like that. So I think that would be a cool way to do it. Just like have a, you know, a tournament bracket and you know, like this next couple of weeks have some preliminary matches and stuff to decide who's going to get to be in the tournament. Um, you know, and then just have it all freaking culminate at the takeover before WrestleMania.
Yeah, I'd love to see them use this as an opportunity to elevate some guys that maybe aren't on NXT television that much. I'm trying to think of someone off of NXT. I mean, you have the undisputed era guys, you have Matt Riddle, who's probably on the come up there. But besides them, there's a lot of guys, the bigger names of all probably either coming up or Velveteen Dream has the North American title. I'm trying to think of-
Well, yeah, they've kind of shot themselves in the foot, if you ask me, because now they've, now they've lumped, um, Aleister Black with Ricochet as this like, you know, rag tag tag team. And, um, so now like Aleister Black, in my opinion, or dream would be the next person in line for that, you know? Um, so I'm thinking like, well, you know, tonight we saw Matt Riddle kind of challenged Velveteen Dream for the, um, the North American title. So.
Maybe he beats like the North American title goes to riddle and then velveteen dream is next in line. I don't know. Um, it does suck because it's like now you have all this top talent. That's kind of like going back and forth between NXT and the main roster. So who's going to be your champ? You know,
Yeah, it would be cool. The tournament thing is probably the best idea. For some reason, the first thing I thought of was we'll use this as an opportunity to do like a fatal four way ladder match type of thing at the first match of the night on the WrestleMania card of some of these younger NXT guys just to give them some exposure and give the brand some exposure. But I'm gonna scratch that. I like the tournament idea a little bit better and just a one night tournament at TakeOver and just have all the matches.
for that, so we'll see what happens there. This has happened before, and the WWE seems to recover pretty well. When Roman went out, they had to do something with the title. But best of luck to Ciampa and all that, so hopefully he's able to get back into the ring. That's the biggest thing. It's his health and that going forward.
Yeah, for sure. Um, best wishes dude, like Champa has been an amazing champ. So there is no, like he has nothing to look back on and regret. So I hope if it is the end of the road for Champa, um, you know, that, I mean, he went out on a high note and that's the best thing. That's the best you can ask. Um, you know,
as a wrestler, you know, not to just like have a slow, slow death, like a lot of a lot of guys and get pushed down to the bottom of the mid card. So, you know, go out on top like freaking Walter White, you know. Exactly. Yeah. With a blaze of glory. All right. Let's get into our fast lane preview. So we'll go match by match here and touch on some of the, you know, how the angle built over the last couple of weeks on Raw and SmackDown. The first match is going to be a barn burner. And we've seen it probably six or seven times, but I could watch it every single week. Ray Mysterio versus Andrade.
on the pre-show, and I was hoping this would be a WrestleMania match. These guys were involved in that US title four-way on SmackDown, but what do you think of this being on the pre-show? Well, I think because there is no title contention for it, you know what I'm saying? There's no title at stake here that, yeah, it was going to be a pre-show match because there are so many titles being defended at Mania this year. I think it's definitely worth
you know not um or being on the main card however the cool thing about being on the pre-show is like the pre-show gets a lot more exposure so you know i know it kind of sounds bad like not being on the main card and all those things but the pre-show does get exposure and i think that's really cool for both these guys oh for sure and i think i think they'll probably end up doing something with each other at wrestlemania this is probably just a you know prelude to that so we'll see who do you got winning this one
Um, I have Andrade. I think he definitely has the most to gain from the win at Fastlane. And he's been, he's been one of the more underutilized guys in my opinion on the main roster, but this feud with Ray has actually really kind of like allowed him to shine. Um, which is surprising, you know, cause Ray's an old dog, you know, but I mean, he can still go. Um, but I hope this sets him up for something good at, at mania, whether it is that like multi-man, you know, us title.
match that we kind of discussed earlier, maybe it could be like potentially like a retirement match for Ray. I could see, um, yeah, I could see that. So, but I mean the, the fatal four way match that they had, like the open challenge match was really a lot of fun to like watch. I thought it was, I thought it was a really good match, but yeah. Um, I think it is going to be on the pre-show just because there's no, there's no title. There's no stakes.
Makes sense. I'm going to go Mysterio. I feel like if they do wrestle again at the WrestleMania card, I feel like Andrade will go over on the bigger stage here. But these two have a great chemistry together, man. They put on some awesome matches. For sure. And the age difference is pretty noticeable. But they can still go, man, especially Mysterio. It's pretty fun. He's pretty fun to watch. The Shield back together on Raw.
I think
obviously I'm gonna pop anytime the shield like that fist bump gets me every time like it doesn't matter I'm a huge shield mark like it doesn't matter what they're doing when they come when they you know no matter how long they've been apart when they come back together I'm gonna pop for it um and I don't think it had quite the same impact as it did the first two times and I feel like
I feel like WWE, they just really missed the window for the best of the best Shield reunion. Cuz it was always something happening. Roman was out and it was just one thing after another that kept the Shield reunion from actually being what we wanted out of a true Shield reunion. But yeah, this match, I'll watch it because it's the Shield, but it's Drew and the channel changers, you know what I mean? I like that name, yeah.
Yeah. Um, he'll husband, I have to give him credit for that. He said that and I was like, what did you say? I mean, I don't know if he read it somewhere, but I mean, he, he's like, he was like, yeah, drew and the freaking channel changers. And I was like, Oh my God, like that is spot on. Like, cause Drew's really the only one that deserves any shine out of that, out of that crew right now. I mean, I'm so tired of seeing the other guys, but, um, I think Seth Roman and drew are probably the only ones that come out of this match with anything going on at mania. I like the league of nobodies.
The League of Nobodies. I've heard the Midcard of Evil 2, which I thought was so awesome. But if Drew wasn't in there, it would definitely be Midcard sent. I mean, they're all Midcarders right now. But Drew, like you said, Drew has the most potential here. I'm interested to see who of these three guys is going to be Roman's opponent at WrestleMania, because I think the original plan must have been Roman versus Ambrose.
I was thinking Dean. I was thinking it could be like, you know, and I think, I think Roman, you know, he gave Seth his blessing to fight Brock. I think, you know, I think it's a good spot for him to be kind of like on the mid card at mania against either Dean or drew or someone like that. I think it's an appropriate spot. It's not going to feel too forced, you know, and I think it'll keep the, keep the, the smarks happy, you know, that he's not just being thrust into the main event picture. Um, and I think it can really do a lot for his momentum.
Yeah. We talked about it last week. I mean, we've put Roman Reigns in the middle of a WrestleMania card. Like, damn, it just makes the entire card. Like, holy shit, Roman Reigns is in the middle of this card. It's awesome. He's been main event. How many WrestleMania is his main event? I mean, four or five. Yeah. Um, yeah, it does. And I think it elevates the whole card. You know what I'm saying? It does bring everything up a notch. Um, and again, that's why you guys should have been loving Roman all along because he elevates people, you know, so.
Yeah, is Elias going to get involved here? He's one of the fringe channel changers. He's like the... Oh my gosh. I swear, when Dean got hit with that guitar, did he not look like he'd been taken down with a shotgun? I mean, he sold that guitar hit. Like I said, he got shot and it was just so funny to me.
I, poor Elias, like, you know, I love Elias, but I just, I don't know what it is. Can Elias not wrestle? Like, I don't know. Like, I feel like is, is he must have something that's keeping them from actually allowing him to have a meaningful storyline and feuds and matches that mean something because like there's, there's gotta be something, right? Cause he's so good, but they just keep putting him in these little like,
one-off segment that don't mean anything or these like little like feuds where he interacts for a moment or causes some sort of disturbance, but it doesn't have any sort of like real impact on the outcome of the storyline, you know? Yeah. I mean, he's young. He's still, he's 30 years old. So I mean, he's, he's, he's, and he's only been up for a couple of years. And I think Elias is only 30 years old. Yeah. 30 or 31. Yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty sure.
I might be wrong. I feel like I looked it up. I looked it up like last week or the week before and I was watching Raleigh. How old was this guy? Yeah, November 22nd, 1987. I would have thought he was a good like 37, 38 years old. Yeah, maybe Google it too, because he has that Macho Man vibe, where he kind of looks the same age all the time. But yeah, I don't know if he'll get involved here. I'm feeling that the shield wins this thing. I'm sure you're feeling the same way. There's no way.
I mean, we said the same thing about Braun versus Corbin at the last event, and that did not go our way.
Yeah, I think the shield definitely has to dominate here because there's really no, there's no reason for, um, I mean, unless you're trying to elevate drew, um, there's really no reason for the shield to lose here. I mean, cause Seth could afford to lose cause he already has his main event spot at WrestleMania. Um, but I mean, why would you have Roman lose on his comeback? You know what I'm saying? And Dean is leaving. Um, so I just feel like, I feel like the shield's definitely going over at this.
The amount that the talking about Dean leaving leads me to believe that he is not leaving because they've like, I think Renee even said something about leaving for greener pastures on Monday. I forget what point she said that. But Phil, let's just take a little kayfabe break here for a minute and just talk about something.
You're right. Like they blurred, they haven't even blurred the lines. They have like cut the, they have like sliced the line between freaking reality and like kayfabe. And part of me is like, I get it. Like they have to be like that because there is so much information out there, but like part of me is still like, it's still real to me. Damn it. Like, let me believe in this like fantasy storyline. And I feel like now they've, they've really undermined what all the things that I love about wrestling, you know, like with, with triple H is, um,
promo or his little segment to Batista. You're not talking to the character, Triple H. You're talking to the man. And I'm like, why do you have to be like that? Why? Well, yes. Once you go there, you can't close that box. You don't see Game of Thrones when the White Walkers come out like, ah, these guys are fake. This isn't real. No, we know it's not real. We want to enjoy fucking being entertained. Jesus Christ.
Oh my gosh exactly you know and like the whole thing with like Becky and Ronda like you know them just like totally like talking about like oh well I don't care what the script says or you know I don't care I'm gonna whoop your ass and like calling them by their real names I'm like I feel like Roman started this whole thing when he came out with his leukemia announcement and he was like my real name is Joe and he kind of like tore the wall down then you know the fourth wall um
i feel like everybody like took that as their opportunity like well hell it got roman over like let's let's just completely like you know throw out everything that we've known about wrestling up into this point you know what i'm saying and like saying that it's fake like you know with um ronda saying you know um like yeah then she was like keep the f word out of your mouth and i was like oh my god like this is getting too like too far like i i don't like it like i i appreciate i i want my reality tv to be reality tv and i want my sports entertainment to be like
Sports entertainment, you know, you didn't you didn't even touch on the the guy from senate live on Monday saying Is this still feeling real? What the fuck was that? And then brawn brawn choked him through a commercial break Yeah, and then so he does that and it just like
It to me, I'm like, these guys don't even like wrestling. Like why do you have them here? You know, like it's one thing when you bring on like people who are like legitimate, like they're celebrities, but they're fans of wrestling. Like what's his name? Green Lantern guy. Um, you know, no, no, it's a green land.
Oh my god, what are you talking about right now? Sorry comic book people and people are freaking out right now Yeah, no, but that Michael Che guy is it he's a huge wrestling fan. He is he's friends with Ron Funches and they you know I forget what podcast I was listening to then why come on if you're a real fan like why come on and like disrespect I'm sure it was right that shit Yeah, I mean that was all written by the fucking writers Bruce Prichard or whoever's writing it. Yeah, it was so
So Repug, so. Yeah, it was definitely Repug. Yeah, like I said, I hope that they can just like.
squash this because I don't want it to go any further like them just talking about the scripts and the writing like we all know that we've known that for decades that they're like the outcomes are predetermined and all of that you know what I'm saying but like let me lose myself and watch the product and not be reminded that there is a predetermined outcome and that there is a script and that there is all these things in play and that these people are characters and these aren't their real names you know like let me be entertained um because otherwise like you're just pissing me off
For sure. Yeah, it's getting to the point where they just can't turn back, but we'll see what happens. Becky versus Charlotte, if Becky wins, she gets added to the WrestleMania match. Is there any way that Charlotte's not in this match though? That's not even a stipulation, so okay. She's 100% in, yeah. I mean, this match, obviously Becky's gonna win, but what'd you think about Rhonda turning heel? I feel like it was the right thing to do.
Yeah, I agree. I agree. It was the right thing to do. I thought she did a good job, um, you know, cutting her promo and like, you know, do doing her heel turn. I thought her heel turn was good. Um, you know, it was kind of like that, you know, die rocky die where she's like, you know, I came out and gave this my all and I've done nothing but, you know, try to respect this brand or this sport. And you know, you guys just crapped on me and booed me out of my own hometown. Um, I thought it was good. And, but everything leading up to that was like,
Crap, you know, like she didn't vacate the title. Like she laid it down in the in the ring, but then it was vacated. Well, then Stephanie just handed it back to her. And then now she now they add this stipulation with Becky and Charlotte. And I'm just like, this has been the most overbooked, convoluted storyline that I have that I can remember. Yeah. Recent history, because there was just
You know, they just suffered from, like I told, uh, he'll has been, uh, like they just pre peaked, you know, like there was just too much time between Royal Rumble and mania. Like they couldn't drag it out that long and they, they showed, you know, like we talked about on the show, remember when we were doing our Royal Rumble preview and, um, I talked about, you know, there's a million different ways we can get to this triple threat. Cause that's when we were just speculating that it was even going to be a triple threat, right? Like we still were like, Oh my God, it's going to be Becky and Rhonda, like head to head blood feud.
And I was like there's a million ways that we can get to this triple threat match Well, it's obvious because it feels like WWE just tried to like take all those million ways and like cram them in one You know storyline and you know, like let's see if this works. Let's see if this works really she's suspended. She's unsuspended She's injured. Well, she's cleared but she's clear but she's got a she's got to sign a document though She says she won't sue. Well, she's gonna be facing Rhonda now Rhonda's vacated the title like I
So all that all that stuff has happened in the last three weeks everything you just said yeah, it's ridiculous They should have kept them. Let's just remind ourselves that these are two Smackdown women who are fighting for the raw championship too. So true. Yeah, you know and
All you had to do was just keep Becky and Rhonda apart for three months and build this thing up. And so when we were foaming at the mouth to see them in the ring together, but now they're fighting on Raw and SmackDown, beating her with crutches on pay-per-view. And the reaction for Becky is less and less every single week. She's on the show every week, both shows. Yes, both shows.
Yes, she's in a backstage like asking people what she should do or talking like I'm smack. I was just watching Smackdown again Just talking to some random guy in a suit like what with her crutch like what are you doing? Like this isn't badass like no, she should be like the ultimate rebel like she should not be I Don't know it just wasn't done, right? It's gonna be a good match either way with Charlotte or without Charlotte and Charlotte Charlotte is the best part of this I want Charlotte to win this thing so bad now
It just kills me. Yeah, it just kills me because they've done all of this and they've overbooked Charlotte and Becky and Rhonda to the point where we're just like, I mean, I'm still, let me be clear. I'm still very excited to see this match. Like these three amazing athletes and women in this ring are going to Terry, like tear down the house. I have no doubt about the quality of the match that we're going to see, but I'm so tired of just waiting for it and then not just waiting for it. Like I'm okay to wait, but just stop.
just stop all the madness, you know? So you're overbooking this women's feud, yet you've completely neglected your other women's champion, Asuka, who has barely made a blip of a freaking appearance on television since the Royal Rumble.
you know and so like what was the point of that like why couldn't you have both the fuse then you don't have to have Becky and Rhonda and Charlotte on every show both two times a week you know yeah yep and it's it's it's definitely a head scratcher and hopefully
Hopefully they correct it going forward and just make this I don't know they're just gonna do more There's gonna be a contract signing segment on you know after this you know and all you know They're just gonna like force it. It just like let it happen naturally let people want it. You know what?
Yeah. If I don't see either of, if I don't see any of the three of these women until WrestleMania, I would not be sad about that. You know what I'm saying? Like let me miss them and let me, like when their entrance music hat like comes on, let me be like, Oh my God, like I'm so ready for this. But we all know that's not going to happen, but it is, it's, you know, wishful thinking, I suppose.
So I have obviously Becky. I'm sure you have Becky as well Yeah, the glorious ones versus Aleister and ricochet versus the revival for the prestigious raw tag team championship belts man I've been looking forward to this match for a long time and Man, you think about some of the biggest triple threat tag team matches of all time this one comes I guess the glorious ones turned heel
Well, it's yeah. Was that a heel turn? Well, also can we address the fact that Alistair and Ricochet aren't even like a real tag team too. So I mean, what?
What is this? This should be a pre-show match, 100%. Yes, 100% agree. Yeah, if they would put Andrade and Ray in this spot and then put this match in the pre-show, I mean, it's going to be great. We know all six of these men are incredible athletes, incredible workers. It's probably going to be a lot of fun to watch, but I don't care about who wins the titles. I think, in my opinion,
I don't think
If they do, it's just going to be to simply get them over. Like that's going to be the only reason to give them the titles. But I think that I think the revival can retain because they've been, Alistair Mercashev beat them back to back. So hopefully they get their comeuppance at Fastlane. I'm going to go off the rails. I'm going to say AOP comes out and beats the shit out of all six of them. And we have a four way tag team match at WrestleMania.
Anything is possible. That's the only thing that would make less sense than actually having a normal match. But yeah, it will be fun. Like you said, these are six talented guys. These guys can all go. You have so much talent. Four of these guys are possible singles champions down the road, and they're in the tag team match here that nobody cares about. It's pretty crazy.
Yeah, it is pretty crazy. And I think, you know, we will look back on, you know, this match from like, Oh my God, do you remember when like Bobby Roode and, you know, Chad Gable were a tag team, you know, or like when Alistair and Ricochet were a tag team that time? I think that's, that's the way that we're gonna, we're gonna look at these guys. The Besties versus the Usos for the SmackDown Tag Team Championships in the Mrs. Hometown of Cleveland. Yeah. What happens here?
Um, well, I think, um, I think the usos are going to go over. So I'm going to go ahead and give my prediction. Um, I think this is the perfect opportunity for Ms to turn heel on, uh, Shane. I mean, cause Ms is going to be that Ms is going to be the hill in this situation. He's always the heel. Um, he'll miss is the only way to be. I don't, I don't even want to imagine a world where there's like a baby face.
Um, but he's in Cleveland in his hometown. I think this would be the perfect place for him to just like heal off and, uh, you know, turn on Shane to set them up for some sort of mania bout that we know. I mean, Shane's not going to miss his opportunity to, um, you know, show up at mania.
Yeah, I agree. This is a ideal situation to split them up. I don't know what they do with the Usos at WrestleMania. I'm sure they'll put them with the bar or with a new day or something. But I think it would be cool to see the Usos face the Hardy Boys. Oh, man. Yeah, that would be cool.
Yeah, we it's not something that we've seen before and it I think it would just breathe like fresh fresh new life Into them because I mean the usos they're like the best tag team ever in my opinion But I think it would be super cool for them to to face the hardy boys at mania Was the last time there was a this good good Trivio the last time there was a brothers versus brothers tag team championship match like two actual brothers versus two actual brothers and
Oh man, that's a good trivia question. I don't know. The first thing that comes to mind is Brett and Ellen for some reason. This is what I need, this is what I need a heel husband for. Heel husband has like the most encyclopedic memory. Like he would, he would be able to like spout. If there is an answer to this, like brother versus brother versus brother versus brother. Like I feel like he would be like the one to be like, Oh, it's, it was this, this in 1992 on an episode of like main event. And I'm like, what? Like he's, he's like crazy like that. I'll have to ask him. Nice.
uh yeah that's it's i can't think of it can you think of another off the top of your head like a tag team of brothers besides uh these guys i don't know how to pull up the google machine you got anything no i'm just i'm i'm googling a video what about what about kane and undertaker yeah
I just pulled up a video of Hogan saying brother for 10 hours straight. It's literally a 10 hour YouTube video of Hogan saying brother. Rick and Scott Steiner? Oh there you go. Were the head shrinkers brothers? No.
Let's see, so we got the Steiner Brothers, the Wild Samoans. We're actual brothers. We got, oh, how do we forget Cody Rhodes and Goldust? We have Stardust and Goldust. Okay. They probably fought the Usos at one point. Mm-hmm. The Hardy Boys. Yeah, those, and obviously like Brett and Owen. But yeah, so there's been a lot. What about the Bludger Brothers? Can we count them?
How many matches do they wrestle? They got some pretty sweet elite figures out of the deal. Oh, and I'm totally, I'm going to get my butt kicked for not mentioning the young bucks, but I was thinking like straight, like, you know, big, big promotion. But yeah, the, the young bucks. Are they actual brothers?
Yep. Not storyline brothers. They are. Yeah, they are real, real brothers. Nice. Nice. Uh, okay. So, uh, speaking of the wild Samoans, we got the mild Samoans. Oh, good transition. That was good. Facing off against the boss and the hug connection in a, uh, a match. We'll be telling our grandkids about for the women's tag team titles.
Yeah. Um, so I watched, they didn't make the Hulu cut, but I got caught up on it. And it appears that on Monday, uh, Tamina pins Sasha, which is really the only, um, the only real Tamina pins. Wait, wait, how did I miss this? Was this not in the Hulu version? No. Yeah. I didn't make the Hulu cut. Thank you. Thank you. Hulu so much. I'm going to tweet them tomorrow. So I didn't, I didn't have to see that.
Yeah so Tamina got the Tamina Penn Sasha and it's really the only time they've proven that they may possibly be a threat to you know get the get the titles at Fastlane but yeah I'm glad they're doing it now. Let me put a positive spin on this. I'm glad they're doing the mild Samoans versus Boston hug connection at Fastlane versus
Dragging this out to mania because I think that Sasha and Bailey definitely deserve better better opponents at mania Maybe someone like Trish and Lita and if you're not gonna go like legend status, I think even someone like Fire and desire, you know, like Mandy and Sonia I think would be would be cool
Speaking of Mandy, wow, listen to me with the transitions, man. It should be in AM radio. Mandy Rose, Mandy Rose taking on Asuka, who she somehow beat a couple weeks ago, and Asuka beat Becky Lynch, so that just, it's a facto, it means Mandy Rose is better than Becky Lynch. I mean, Wrestle Maths. Yeah. You had a good question on the script here. Will Mandy last over three minutes? No. It's going to be straight up squash.
uh i have no i mean no no offense to mandy rose but this is like their opportunity like they have to do something to
since they have dropped the ball so hard on Asuka, they have to do something that's going to allow her to look like a freaking badass that she is. And Mandy Rose has built herself up to be a worthy competitor, but I think Asuka's gonna squash her just to make a point, you know? Yeah, I can see that. I just don't know who Asuka faces at WrestleMania. Do you want me to tell you what the rumors are? Of course, yeah.
Oh my God. The rumors, the rumors are that Oscar is going to be facing. Hold on to your Deville. Don't say Sonya Deville. No, hold on to your underwear. Freaking Lacey Evans at wrestle freaking.
Mania. Yeah. They said, Oh, I was reading that the heel heat that Lacey's gotten like coming out and doing her little walking stick, um, as it has really, you know, grown and they, they see potential in her. And I'm like, but we haven't even seen her rest. Like the, the live audience or the people who just watch Ron Smackdown have not seen Lacey even wrestle. You know what I'm saying? Like she's had a couple of botched promo and then she had a like botched, uh, rumble appearance.
I'm like... Do you think the person that hates Elias loves Lacey Evans? It's got to be the same person. It has to. It definitely has to. Maybe they'll have Elias play Lacey Evans' entrance music or something.
It's crazy. You have to be pissed off if you're somebody on SmackDown. Someone that hasn't even wrestled a match that's done nothing to deserve a payday on the biggest card of the year gets a title shot against one of the biggest badasses on the planet. Yeah, I totally agree. And again, maybe they're just...
I don't know. I mean, obviously we don't know what they see in her. I watched her wrestle before and she's not my cup of tea. Like, I don't know. Maybe one of these days down the road, I've said that about a lot of people and then, you know, I've come around to loving them. I said that about the new day. When the new day first came out, I despise the new day. I was like, Oh my God, this power of positivity stuff is like on my nerves. And now I love them, you know, and I've loved them for years.
I don't, I don't feel like it's going to be that way with Lacey Evans, but I hate to like discount anybody straight from the trade off the jump when they haven't even had the chance to wrestle, which is probably not her fault. I don't want to put this on a personal level. It's probably not her fault, but you cannot give this lady a freaking match against the champ at wrestle freaking mania. People pay thousands of dollars for seats at WrestleMania. You know what I'm saying? Like you cannot give them this Bobo garbage.
Well, I mean, people have to go to the bathroom at some point. But against Asuka, you want them to go to the bathroom against the women's champ? No, hell no. That's what those multi-man tags are for. The Battle Royal, that's what that's for. But yeah, Asuka deserves better. I mean, that's just rumors. That could totally not end up being what happens. But if it does, I'm going to be extremely disappointed.
In our main event, Kevin Owens gets a shot at Daniel Bryan, because why not? He hasn't wrestled in a year. But New Day getting involved seems to be a given, and I feel like we're setting up for a Kofi title match. We talked about it last week. How do you see this whole thing playing out? It was pretty obvious this week after SmackDown that Kevin Owens is working as the face, had a great promo against Daniel Bryan to start SmackDown. What do you see happening here?
I'm excited. I honestly like, yes, I would, I would, I want Kofi to keep getting built, which I think is obviously why they're putting Kevin Owens here instead of there. They learned, hopefully they learned from their mistake with Rhonda and Becky, right? Like they're, they're letting Kofi cool off for a minute, letting us, you know, foam at the mouth waiting for him to get his, you know, match against Daniel Bryan. I think this is the perfect way to reintroduce.
Kevin Owens. It's a big, it's a big match. It's got big stakes. I think Daniel Bryan and Kevin Owens are going to put on a hell of a hell of a show. Both these guys are amazing. So I think it's going to be awesome. I love their segment too. Their segment on Tuesday where they were going back and forth and they were just like playing off of each other. I don't know how much of it was scripted or how much of it was off the cuff, but I feel like they did a really good job just playing off of each other and
I think here's my thoughts. Okay. I'm going for Daniel Bryan. I think Daniel Bryan is going to win because it doesn't make sense for him to drop the title so soon before WrestleMania. But I don't think he's going to pin Kevin Owens cause that doesn't make sense either because why would you have Kevin Owens lose on his first like big
Big match back, right? So I think KO is gonna win by disqualification Rowan getting involved as we know he's going to they've already had a little spat out on SmackDown on Tuesday So KO and Rowan have already went back and forth So I think I think it'll be damaging for KO if he loses clean to Daniel Bryan and I think they're gonna protect him So I think it I think Rowan's gonna factor in for sure and then we're gonna get Kofi and Daniel Bryan at mania. I Think Roman factors into this match. I was thinking Sami Zayn
You think Sami Zayn factors in to help KO? Or do the opposite and set up an Owen-Sami Zayn match at WrestleMania. That's what I would love to see. Those guys. Oh, yeah. Give him something to do and gets him out of the title picture.
Yeah, I could see that too. That's a good call. That's a good call. Yeah. We got a lot of guys that need to come back, but I don't know if any of them will before WrestleMania. We keep talking about that every single week, but Bray and Luke Harper. What'd you think about, what's his name? Rowan's new finishing move with the grabbing the skull, the skull, like skull slam or whatever. Yeah. I can't remember what they called it. It wasn't the skull slam.
I can't remember, but I was impressed. I mean, I wouldn't want to take that. We need a good recycling term for that. Yeah, we need an eco-friendly term. Yeah, he could be the recyclops or something. Recyclops. Oh, man. But yeah, I think this is going to shape up. I think it's just going to be
one of those classic times when I'm hoping that WWE, um, you know, they, they over deliver on a pay-per-view that's not, not looking like it's going to be that great. You know what I'm saying? Like, I feel like they've done that a lot the past couple months and, um, I'm excited to see where all this goes. And hopefully, I mean, it definitely feels like we're on the road to WrestleMania now. You know, it hasn't felt like that. Like they've been saying it for like months, like ever, ever since the rumble, but it legitimately feels like we're on the road to WrestleMania now.
I don't know, I don't think this card has, I guess you're more optimistic than me, I don't know. This match is gonna set up, this card is gonna set up some matches for WrestleMania, but I'm not too excited about any, I mean, besides the Becky Charlotte match should be good. I mean, there should be some good matches, but I don't know. Sure, yeah, I think not necessarily this, the pay-per-view setting us up to be on the road to WrestleMania, obviously there's gonna be,
things that are going to come out of this that are going to lead to WrestleMania matches. But I'm just saying like Ron Smackdown, like the whole like Batista, Triple H, like all these things, you know, Joe winning the title. Like there's a lot of things that are coming together right now that make it feel more important, right?
Yeah, for sure. Sunday, this is going to be, like you said, interesting to see how some of these matches shape up, who comes back and if any titles change hands here. I think we, like you said, I think we see the besties splitting up. Yeah. Hit us up with your Fastlane predictions as well. You can tweet us. You can hit us up on email, askchickfoli at, but that's our Fastlane preview. Let's get into our go figure segment.
Go Figure is our weekly segment where Sheena and I talk about our purchases, both wrestling figures and miscellaneous. And one of my favorite segments of the show because I get to hang out here in the basement and talk about all the stuff I spent money on. Sheena, you go first because I have an announcement with my wrestling figure purchases about our big giveaway.
Go Money Talk!
week we've gotten some heavy hitters but it's just been like light on quantity but this past couple weeks have been pretty pretty heavy over here I think I like I don't know if it was like me unlocking again the chick fully powers at work here I was talking about how I haven't found anything on the pegs and like I
I mean, months and months and months and months. And then all of a sudden we're like scooping figs like left and right locally. And I just like, holy crap. Like I need to put more things out into the universe apparently because this, this thing is working. Um, but we did manage to grab the NECA turtle, like the classic Ninja turtle two packs. I don't know if you guys have seen those are not wrestling figures, but they are freaking awesome. Um,
So we got those, we posted pictures on the, on the Instagram account. So make sure you check those out. Our guy shout out to our man, shampoo model. He's at shampoo model on Instagram. He hid them for us at target. Um, and I went to pick them up and somebody had already found, so he, he stashed all four and somebody had already found the two that they wanted and like took them. Like he hid them behind some other toys. Um, and it like, so I, I got two packs and then he went back again.
and found the one that we were missing so shout out to him and we gifted him the Elite 63 Dusty Rhodes figure just as a thank you for like pounding the streets for us and like always being like always being on the lookout because he's always hitting us up whenever he you know sees stuff out and like guys that's that's one of the biggest tips that I have is just like
connect with local connectors and get out together and like you know you gotta form your own street team if you're trying to score these figures you know because we can't all be in all the places at once um but if we divide and conquer you know we'll we'll find all the things that we need so anyway so we got those necka turtle two packs um we got um
a custom. Oh my gosh. Our customs from the mad Reaper. I did the Instagram story on those. Um, I'll try to post it in the highlight so you guys can see if you didn't. Um, but we got mad is at mad underscore Reaper underscore studio. So check him out. Uh, freaking amazing. But we got a custom Muda figure, a gang grill and a Raven. Um, that gang grill is sick looking dude.
Oh my gosh. And it, I mean, it looks even better than I had anticipated when it was like becoming like in my mind and then watching him, like he does like a progress photos like as he's creating the figures, you know, and then when he was making like the ruffled shirt and like the sleeves, like, Oh my gosh. Who is this guy? I'm sorry to interrupt you. Is he on Instagram? I need to follow him immediately. Oh yeah, for sure. So we call him the mad reaper, but it's at
mad M-A-D underscore Reaper R-E-A-P-E-R underscore studios so yeah custom I mean just like he just does this as like you know like a side hobby like he is just an incredible artist the detail on his figures is Unfreakin believable so he's also the one who made our our elite Mattels so the one you know our
Cody Kenny, the Bucks, Marty, Hangman, like he made all of those for us. So again, he's, if you're looking for customs, you know, we don't do a ton of customs, but you know, there's some figures that like, you just know, like you're never going to define them. You know, like they're never going to be made. You're never going to find them. And if you're looking for quality work, like he, he's amazing. So we got those. And then we got guys, this just came in the mail today. It's elite one.
Undertaker elite series one one Yeah, so this guy has been in his plastic prison for 10 years So it's gonna be I'm sorry you guys like I'm gonna do an unbox of mania on it It's gonna be like a snuff film like
I feel like the, the MOC collectors are going to be like clutching their pearls and like passing out, you know? Um, but yeah, elite series one undertaker and it's just like your classic like undertaker. Oh my God. So amazing. We'll post pictures of it, um, on the feed. So be on the lookout for that. And then I'll do, I'll be doing an unbox of mania, but other than that, Oh, we also scored a loose elite 20, uh, Chris Jericho.
So we got that from eBay and then Elite 65, we were out on the streets and we were hitting all the GameStops and we got Naya, Roman, Rhonda, and Eric Young. Eric Young and Roman we got from Ringside and I was really pissed because I didn't think there was any way that we were gonna see Elite 65 here on Island and all of a sudden we go to GameStop and they're just like overflowing with action figures on Elite 65. Wow, that's awesome. Yeah, the only one we didn't see was Eric Young.
and they didn't have rusev or uh aid in english so they didn't have either one of those figures but they did have like there were several naya um romans and rondas at at uh game stop so definitely start checking there you guys if you're on the hunt for those figures also just as speaking of game stop i was able to grab um
uh, one of our friends over in Australia, one of our cheekfully followers, he, they don't have retro Fest over there. So we were able to score the retro Fest and they were having their tax refund sale and all the clearance figures, which all like most, all of the, um,
Retro Fest were on clearance, were 60% off. So they were like eight bucks. Like insane. So yeah, we got all four of those for him and shipped them out. So he'll be getting those soon. So yeah, if you're looking for those figures, hit up your freaking game stops guys. And don't just look in one place. You know, game stops are like, they're freaking all over the place. Like you'll find wrestling figures in like four different places stashed in game stops. So make sure you check the whole store because they don't have like just one little section for wrestling figures.
I could do a whole episode of how awful Gamestop employees are. They think they are the shit. They're up there with Best Buy employees. I don't know which one is worse or more self-entitled, but I go in there and like, you know, the guys like just spend like 40 minutes talking to somebody about video games.
And I'm like, hey man, you got this wrestling figure? And it's just like, the assholeness is just dripping from his voice. Like, dude, come on, man. You can't just make fun of me because I like wrestling. And you're talking about video games. Like, we're on the same level here, man.
Are you kidding me? I've never had a bad experience with GameStop employees ever. It's not just a chick thing. It's not just because I'm a girl. Heel husband is the same way. All of the GameStop employees that I've ever come across have been above and beyond. Maybe you just have an asshole GameStop.
Ours all the ones that I've been to like they are like they're those nerd culture people so they look they love that kind of stuff like I mean I was when I was getting the original the neck of the first NECA turtles that we got They like went to the back and like opened up a case. He's like here. Let me see Oh, we have one that hasn't been scanned in yet Let me go back here and like open it up for you. I was like oh
uh thank you you know and um they're yeah they're always awesome to i went there went there today and i was like hey you get the new rick flare retro fest he's like nah we don't have it i was like oh can you like like he did and we just stood there and stared at each other for a second i was like can you check and like see if anyone else has it maybe he's like i don't even know what i would like even look up man
What the fuck does that even mean? Just type it in, man. It's just like Google, right? I mean, they have the Macho Man still. They still have Shawn Michaels. And every GameStop I go to, the Shawn Michaels one is it's $12 here, then it's $6 there, and then like...
It's all over the place. They definitely don't know anything about what they're doing. So yeah, the wrestling figures are all over the place. But I did receive word, one of my buddies from the Baltimore Elite Squad, shout out to my buddy Brandon Bentley, he found in Virginia the Ric Flair Retro Fest. So that's out there in the wild. And he's saying that the GameStop employee he talked to
says that they're only shipping them one at a time now, starting with Ric Flair, because of so much clearance and so much overstock on those figures that are just warming the peg. So take that for what it's worth. I know people have been finding multiple hacksaw Jim Dugins, but Ric Flair might be a little more limited. I know you can't pre-order it from what I've heard from people on Twitter.
Rick Flair is starting to hit. It's not here in Maryland yet, but I know it's in a couple places in Virginia, so happy hunting for that. That's a cool looking figure. I'm really excited about the Mr. Perfect when that ever comes out, but with these retro-fests, I've always waited. They just seem to be hanging around for so long. Hopefully Rick Flair does the same thing.
Yeah. That's a, I mean, I could see that happening because there has been like, I feel like, I mean, though, because the retro fest figures are all amazing. So I don't know why they're, you know, why they're not flying off the shelves. Like some of the other figures that we've seen recently, but, um, hopefully that's not true about Rick flair, but, um, if it is,
Well, like I said form together pound the streets and get it cuz that figure is gonna be dope with him in the red robe It's gonna be so awesome I'm not to take like a figure in me like, you know, they do like the mommy and me matching outfits. Like I have that red You do? Yeah, that's right. Yeah that red robe So I'm gonna have to take a take a figure or a figure photo with that But um, the last thing we got was elite 66 KO we got the chase So it's got like the KO mania shirt and then he's got like the yep. Yep. Yep movement shirt that comes along with him. So we got that and
NXT series 4 we'll be doing an unbox of mania on that this week too. So stay so stay tuned for that on the patreon page nice elite 66 that's Man, that was it. That's a tough series. I still haven't seen that around anywhere. There's that the sensational Sherry's with the 65 or 66 Well, I think she's 65. I think yeah, I think Sherry's 65 age, but she's an exclusive though Yeah, so
Yeah, I have not seen any of these figures. I mean, we got the Bludgeon Brothers. I haven't seen any of these figures on shelves anywhere here. So that was a pretty big haul for you. That was nice. Yeah. Like I said, it's been a good week over here. And you mentioned the young buck LGNs at the beginning of the show. Shout out to LGN. Is that what you're going to say?
Yeah, I was, I totally like, cause I've talked about it at the top of the show, but yeah, definitely. I cannot forget about copying those young bucks. LJN, like I said, LJN, they're, they're starting a new, they're starting the new lines. They put these figures out and they sent them out and they're making them, they just wanted to see what the interest was. They didn't even know like if there was going to be a demand
for something like this right so they they put they put it together they freaking nailed the packaging um they're they've said that they're going to continue working on the product and you know continue making tweaks and improvements and stuff but they're just getting started like they're literally just scratching the surface um but they like guys if you see these anywhere like you know demand them get them because like i said that's how they decide whether they're going to make more and they they can make all the elite figures uh like you know AEW elite not like Mattel elite i know it's confusing but
They can make all the Bucks and Kenny and all those guys. And they have Legends licenses so that we can get Legends LJN. So there has to be a demand. So if you see these, if you've been thinking about getting them, go cop them. Show them that there is a demand for these figures. And I think you will really love them. They just definitely hit you in the nostalgia fields. You didn't even know they were coming, right? Then they message you and slip in your DMs and say, hey, you got a package coming or something like that?
Yeah. Slid right into the DMS and was like, Hey, check your tracking. And I was like, what? Um, so yeah, big shout out to those guys for, um, you know, feeling us worthy over at the, at the chick Foley fam of getting an early release of those figures because, um, you know, super grateful, always appreciative. Anytime anyone, you know, hooks us up like that. So thanks again, guys.
For sure, we also saw, before I get into my purchases and the giveaway, we'll talk about it. I know people are wanting to hear about that. They did at the, I think it was a Las Vegas toy expo, we saw a Liv Morgan Elite, which looks almost too real. It looks like too, it's so, the face is so good, it's almost like scary.
It is and it's really, I mean, which is good for women figures, right? Like traditionally WWE has screwed up women's face scans and they- Sasha. Sasha.
for Sasha, her first Elite figures, man. I mean, they've gotten better, but her first Elite was just like, I'm like, I'm glad I'm leaving the glasses on this figure because she has like wonky eyes and like the scan, the paint, everything was screwed up. But yeah, they nailed that Liv Morgan figure and I'm super pumped for it. Now we just need Sarah Logan. We have a nice little female faction happening, you know? Oh man, if Sarah Logan gets a figure anytime soon,
She should. I mean, I don't know why she wouldn't if they've already made. She will. And she's made to be a figure, too. Like she's just got that look like the braids and the, you know, the the war paint. Yeah, I do like that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm excited for her to get a figure. But yeah, that that elite live, like her paint job and her pants and the, you know, the what do you call those things? The the overall straps. What are those things called? I have no idea.
Oh my gosh, you're a man. You should wear the, like, overall straps. You know, like they clip on. They're not actual overall straps. Jesus Christ. I have no idea what you're talking about. I was going to Google Sarah Logan.
No, not Sarah Logan, Liv Morgan. Oh, suspenders. I'm sorry. Suspenders, yes. It's later here. Come on, give me a break, man. Dude, I could not. That word was nowhere in. I'm trying to think of something like Sarah Logan wears. I don't wear anything that Sarah Logan wears. This is weird. No, that word was totally escaping me. Suspenders, suspenders. Oh my gosh, yeah. So yeah, they nailed all the details on her. So I'm excited.
Nice. All right, so my purchases, I'm gonna start with, I'm gonna say this without sounding like an asshole. I have lost track of how many NXT elites I've purchased. I've bought so many of them in the last week. We have it down to a science and I've hooked up multiple of our
Patreon members. I know Dennis Montesano. I'm sending him, I think, a Liv Morgan. Tyler Bollinger. He has a- A Liv Morgan? A Ruby Riot? Man, see, it is late. Ruby Riot. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Tyler is getting a Curt Hawkins Elite and a couple other, I think,
Christopher Dean I just sent a another Ruby riot he's gonna get that pretty soon too so I'm hooking up people for sure I have a bunch that I've purchased and mainly for buddies kind of in the area but I've been I've been really lucky there I also got a berserker
Hasbro Berserker in the mail from my buddy Andy Brown. And he is on Instagram. I'll pull that up in a second. I forget his Instagram handle. But also received a couple of the retros loose. You've always yelled at me about these Mattel retros. And I got to let them breathe. So now I'm going back and buying them all loose and spending a lot of money. So I got the Ultimate Warrior and Brock Lesnar.
loose so that that collection is still hurting my pocketbook so but the biggest pickup of the week was a Pete Dunne elite so I already have one this is a second one and here's what we're gonna do Sheena we are going to give this figure away to our patreon listeners on April 1st okay is what we're gonna announce the winner
Is this an April Fool's joke? We have to establish that. Oh, shit. No, this is not an April Fool's joke. Yeah, let's do it. Maybe let's do it April 3rd, because that's when we'll record the podcast. So April 3rd. Since we started recording the show, we've had a person sign up for Patreon, Chase Burnout Inc. I'm sure that's not your real name, but you are a new Patreon member.
So he is the last one. Everyone who is currently a Patreon member, you are entered into this contest. For example, Bob Zegler is a $10 Patreon member. He will get not only 10 spots into this. So picture a giant ball with ping pong balls inside of it, or kind of a raffle type of thing. So we're going to have everyone is going to be entered into this drawing for this Pete Dunn figure. You don't have to spend any extra money.
your membership as a Patreon gets you automatically entered. Anyone who is currently a Patreon member gets however, whatever your level is on Patreon, you get that many balls into the entry. Is this making sense? Are we letting Vince McMahon
pull the ball out of the tumbler. Oh, no. No, he can't even read. So I want to reward our current Patreon members. So they're going to get double points. So if you're a $10 Patreon member, you're going to get 20 entries into this drawing.
Yes, if you're a $5 Patreon, you'll get $10. If you're a $1 Patreon, you will get $2. You are welcome to up your Patreon subscription for the month and then go back down. I do not care. If you're a $5 person, if you want to get double the entries to get this Pete Dunn figure, hop up to $10 and then go back down if you want. I think you'll probably stay because you'll enjoy the unboxing videos and all the other stuff we have to offer.
But anybody who signs up for patreon from now until April 3rd is also entered into this drawing Okay, they don't get the double points that all the current patreon folks get But we'll do this drawing on April 3rd. We'll pay for shipping. You'll get the figure
And hopefully the people that listen to this for the first time will stick around and listen to our bonus episodes and read some of our articles on Patreon. We're posting in more and more stuff there, so that'll be cool. Like I mentioned before, a lot of the Patreon subscribers that we do have, we've been helping find figures that some of these folks haven't seen Pete Don or any of these NXT elites at their stores, so we want to help them out.
And we're doing that for no extra cost. I'm just charging you shipping and whatever the figure costs. Most people, it's like 30 bucks. I'm charging them the shipping, a dollar maybe for gas, and the figures. That's all I'm charging these people. So I've had some asshole. I've had 90% positive reinforcement on Twitter, except for a couple people that are basically saying, this is an exact tweet from somebody named at mozzarella sticks.
saying, I understand your war on scalpers, they suck. Am I correct in thinking that you think it's better to take the figures off the shelf away from a local kid or a collector as long as it doesn't land in the hands of a scalper? This guy is really, really worried about the people in my area and I told him, I don't care about those people. It's like if you grab the last Diet Coke off the shelf, do you care that somebody else is not gonna get a Diet Coke? I don't give a shit.
I care about the people that listen to this show and I care about the people in the Fig community and that's it. I'm not trying to make a profit off of this and I'll get off of my soapbox for now because I feel like I've been talking for a while. But this is a cool giveaway. We're going to give away this Pete Dunn figure. A lot of people can't find it. I found an extra one and I want to give it away to people that, you know, might not be able to get a chance to buy it. And I've seen the prices on eBay. It's like upwards of $150 at this point. That's insane. That's like, I mean,
to whoever is out there paying those prices like I Hate that for you. I wish you I mean if you got that if you got the freakin duckets, I mean go for it Yeah, I mean if you can avoid it shit. Yeah by all means but yeah that Pete Dunne figure I actually unboxed it recently too So if you're already over there And you're one of our chick Foley fam make sure you check that out because I did unbox it for you guys and gave you guys a close-up Look, it is a super dope dope thing. I
cool so spread the word if you're listening to this that we were giving away that Pete done figure and like I said we're gonna reward everyone that's a current patreon subscriber so you guys get double entries into the drawing so besides that I found a couple NXT elites here and there it's been a pretty good setup I have a good couple stores that
I don't know what it is. I have stores that almost every single week are getting a new delivery of these things and you listen to the guys at Fully Opposable, those guys are out hunting nonstop and their stores haven't gotten NXT Elite since like October, November. Yeah, I don't know what the deal is with the West Coast, man. I feel like they're pounding the pavement over there and they're not getting anything. It's pretty insane.
Yeah, the system is flawed, and the major brothers brought up, I don't know if you listen to their podcast religiously. I'm in my car all day, so I enjoy their podcast as much as it's mostly about just all the stuff that they've bought and traded for 8x10 science pictures. Yeah, they have a really good podcast. They do.
But they were talking about how people are complaining about these store exclusives and they need to stop crying about stuff. If you don't want to deal with the hustle, go collect Coke cans or something. And I understand that. Part of the enjoyment right now is
finding these things in the wild. For me, it's easy to say because, Sheena, they're around. I can see them. There's other people in the stores trying to get them at the same time, but I know I've seen them come back in stock. For these guys on the West Coast and other places around the country, it sucks because they haven't gotten anything. So it's like you can't really enjoy the hunt if there's nothing out there to eat.
Yeah. I mean, like I said before this past like couple of weeks, like it's been like that for us for, I mean, years quite honestly. Um, but yeah, it does kind of take, but I mean, like I said, I've been a collector of all sorts for majority of my life and that's not exclusive to the wrestling figure collector community. That is, that is anything that comes out that is collectible, that is highly valued, that people

Figure Collecting Challenges and Community Support

want. I mean, it's going to be like that. There's going to be chaos. There's going to be, you know, a markup. There's going to be scalpers, um, things like that. So, I mean,
If you're into collecting, like it's just one of those things you just got to know, you know, and it sucks and it's not, you know, I'm doing my little quote fingers here. It's not fair, but you know, it's, it's part of it, you know, and it's hopefully Mattel gets their shit together and it gets better. But, um, at the same time, like don't let it keep you from enjoying.
Figure collecting or the figures that you have, you know what I'm saying? Like go on eBay and find some older stuff that's on your list. You know, stuff that you need to round out your collection and these newer things, they're going to be like the flavor of the week. And guess what? They're going to be out and about and around on eBay like in six months, eight months, 10 months, right? They're still going to be there. They're not going anywhere. I mean, like I said, I just copped a freaking series one.
Undertaker, right? So these figures aren't going anywhere. They will be available. People will fall on hard times. And that's what happened with this, with this Undertaker baby. Yeah. This guy fell on hard times, was liquidating his collection. And then I got an elite series one for 30 bucks. So just save it. Oh shit. Okay. Damn. Yeah. Yeah. So stay vigilant, stay out there. Like, you know, find some stuff like that you, that's not the most popular right now, but don't let it kill your, kill your excitement for, for figure collecting.
I'm telling people on Twitter, they have to be mad at me as many figures that I'm finding. And it's not just me. I have this group of guys that I'm friends with on Facebook now. And we've become pretty good friends. We've been hanging out. We're all going to get together for WrestleMania and watch it together. But we've had a system set up where six of us are checking stores and checking Pop Finder and Brick Seek and kind of working together. And one of our Patreon subscribers, Bob Zegler, you can follow him on Instagram, codec underscore tech underscore.
He gave me a shout out in my DMs and said, dude, I found a couple guys in the Chicago area. We're kind of doing the same thing that you're doing in Baltimore. It's been helping out a lot. So thanks for the heads up on the podcast last week. And that's what we have to do. And we have to kind of work together. You got to find people in your local area. If you see somebody in the store kind of hanging out around the wrestling figures, say, hey, man, what are you looking for? What do you need? And Twitter and Instagram are perfect for that. If I find extra stuff, I'm going to end up buying it.
And, you know, somebody can PayPal in 30 seconds, you can get the money to them and ship it out and everyone's happy, man. I'd rather it be in the hands of somebody that I quote unquote, no, you know, I don't know half of these people. I don't even know you. I've never met you before, Sheena. So you could be a serial killer. I don't know. But, um,
I'd rather help people out that I interact with every day on Twitter and Instagram that are looking for these things. I don't care about the people in my local area. They should have been at the store at nine in the morning like I am, waiting at the electronics counter for these things to get off the truck. It's simple as that. Yeah, for sure. It is what it is. Anytime you're looking for something that's valuable, you're going to have to hunt and fight people for it. That's just the way of the world.
On that note, is that all you got, Phil? You had a pretty good haul, even though most of it wasn't for you. Yeah, yeah. I will continue to shop for the Patreon subscribers, the people that listen to our show. I can't guarantee that I'm always going to have this abundance of figures come into my area, but if I do, I posted a Ruby Riot on Twitter right before the show and somebody's going to buy it.
I'm going to send it to them this weekend, and that's how it's going to be. If I can help people out, that's what I want to do. I can't guarantee it's going to be this way forever, but hopefully you guys stick around and enjoy some of the extra content and stuff like that. So that's my haul for this week. It was pretty fun. And let's get into our random merch of the week. We've had a couple weeks, Sheena, where you've had some pretty expensive merch. Hopefully this is a little more friendly for the wallet

Nostalgia: TV Guides and Classic Matches

This is super friendly for the wallet. This is actually, um, a Goldberg official officially signed autographed TV guide.
I know we have a lot of millennials that are listening to this that may not know what the hell a TV guide is. They're like, what is a TV guide? This is, this was like your, your TV Bible. Like you got this and it told you, it was like, you know, there's a guide channel on your, on your cable where you can see like what's on or, you know, your Netflix home screen where you can see what's available for streaming.
this was that but it was in like a little catalog like a little small book that was probably like what like eight by six inches something like that and they always did feature different like you know celebrities and stuff on the cover well they did a wrestling series and they had you know
I think Stone Cold Steve Austin Goldberg like you know a bunch of different wrestlers on on the TV guide and so this one is available on eBay for 99 cents so if you're a Goldberg mark like it's pretty freaking cool it's like I got a couple days left I think but 99 cents if you just Google Goldberg signed TV guide so it's pretty cool hit me in the nostalgia fields because
I just remember at my grandpa's house like there was always a TV guide on the coffee table and you didn't move it or you would like I mean if you lost a TV guy like that was a quick way to get your ass busted because then how the hell would you know what time Wheel of Fortune was coming on on Wednesday if you didn't have a TV guide?
Yeah, you had to watch the one channel that scrolled through all the channels super slowly and had to wait and see what time something came on TV. It was pretty, it was hard times back in the day, man. Oh, true. Well, and that was, I mean, that was even an upgrade. The TV Guide has been around even before like the Guide channel. Like the Guide channel was when the TV Guide went
electronic you know but the TV Guide has been around even before that but yeah that that slow scrolling TV Guide channel and if you missed it god forbid if you blinked or had to go pee and you missed the the section of the channel you were going to go into like that was the worst oh man i remember like back in the day when i tried to like catch the score of like an audio game at the on the bottom bottom line of like ESPN went before the internet and oh man i missed it damn it
If you haven't figured it out yet, um, things have changed a lot. I don't want to say Phil and I are ancient because we're really not that old, but like technology, like in our lifetime, technology has come.
like an insane way more so than our parents I feel like because oh yeah in the last 20 years I feel like technology has just like skyrocketed and like there's no there's no limit in sight like to what the possibilities are so yeah guys and like freaking just like 15 years ago people were using tv guides so just know that it's not really that long ago
I remember being a kid and when the Orioles played like the Angels on the West Coast there was a phone number in the newspaper that I'd have to call and find out the score of the Oriole game because it was you know it was too late for them to post you know post the results in the newspaper because it printed you know probably like midnight or something and you know TV TV was no of no help so uh this you know it's people people people have a pretty lucky now my kid can watch a movie on a computer in his lap in the car
of the
But yeah, that is the random merch of the week. So I'll post a picture of it, obviously, after we wrap recording. But yeah, it's pretty cool, guys. So if you're into Goldberg and you want a piece of ancient history, go grab that guy for $0.99. All right, let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. This is where Sheena and I both pick a match. You need to check out on the WWE Network. And I'll let Sheena go first here. This is pretty timely. Yeah.
Due to the, you know, untimely passing of King Kong Bundy, um, we, I picked WrestleMania two against Hulk Hogan, the main events, uh, still cage match. So definitely, if you have not watched that match before, go check it out. Thoughts and prayers to, you know, King Kong Bundy's family and everyone that cared about him. Um, and, uh, yeah, he's now in the big wrestling ring in the sky.
Yeah, pretty sad stuff. Wasn't super old. I think 62 years old or something. Yeah, not that old at all. Awesome prayers to his family. Pretty crazy.
I had a match from ECW One Night Stand 2005. I don't know what made me go back and watch. I think there was a commercial, there was a tweet from the WWE Twitter account about there's a new kind of special about ECW with Paul Heyman and about how they brought ECW back and what he thought of it. I haven't got a chance to watch it yet. I think it's only like a half an hour long.
But maybe think about these ECW 1.8 stand events they had when they were thinking about bringing back ECW. And there was a match, Landstorm against Chris Jericho, 2005. And it was a pretty, I mean, if you want to show somebody a really good technical wrestling match, no stupid gimmicks or frills, just really good wrestling. This is kind of Jericho throwing back to the Lionheart gimmick.
back to his ECW days. This is a damn good match, and you need to check it out. It's really good. Awesome. All right. So check this out on the WWE Network. They need to start sponsoring our show because we tell people to go check out matches every single week. Do we have a listen?
We do have a listener mail, but like, um, real quick, I don't know if you guys heard about this, but, um, speaking of King Kong Bundy, did you hear about in those, um, on Twitter about where he said he'll never forget the guy who had the green tongue and ate the term buckles. And I mean, he just got.
roasted dude. Um, I could not believe like, he'll has been told me that. And I thought he was joking. Um, so if you have not seen that yet, he said Enzo said he was going to leave it up. I mean, he kind of took it in stride and like admitted that he was a jackass, but he got King Kong Bundy and George, the animal steel mixed up. Um, and then he said, you know, RIP, like I'll never forget the guy who had the green tongue and a term buckles.
And course obviously like the internet went wild But yeah, if you haven't seen that tweet yet go check it out because it was like, you know botch of the cinch man You got it. You got a fact check. Have you got a million followers? You got a fact check on shit like that cuz that was just awful. I Posted it like I tweeted him back like yeah, man I saw an article about this in the New York Times and I included a gig a gif of like highlights magazine and
Oh my God. But yeah, we have, um, I just had to throw that in there because I just, like I said, I thought it was like fake news when Seth was telling me about it. I was like, no way that that actually happened. Um, but we do have our weekly question from my damn toys from our, our homie Trey. He says, what is good, Sheena and Phil weekly question coming at you guys.

Fastlane Event Analysis

I hope you both are having a blessed week.
My question is this week about Fastlane coming up. I feel like that outside of KO's match, I'm not that excited about the show. It just seems very predictable and I honestly feel like we don't need this show at all. What are y'all's feelings about Fastlane? Like where in the hell is Valor in the IC title on this show? Outside of KO and Roman's in-ring return, this pay-per-view is meh. We all know Becky's gonna beat Charlotte, so what are your thoughts? Phil, I'll let you
I'll let you lead off on that. Cool. Yeah, we kind of touched on it. I feel the same way, but I also agree with you that we've thought about this about a couple of paper views here over the last three or four months that have really kind of made us look stupid. So we'll see. I do think the Becky Charlotte situation is pretty predictable, but they could throw a swerve in there for us. We still have how long... Nothing is off the table with these guys. Yeah, this is insane.
Yeah, we talked about some of these tag team matches being kind of missed. Some of the women's match, the Mandy Rose Oscar match is gonna be a squash. I don't think Evan Owens has a chance against Daniel Bryan. They'll probably keep the belt on him. So the men's tag team, yeah, it just doesn't seem, nothing is really jumping out at me here. Obviously, we talked about the possible split of the besties, Miz and Shane setting up for a WrestleMania match. So it's just more of a set up card. It's just, I'm not super excited about any of it, but I'll definitely watch.
Yeah, I'm definitely gonna watch as I do all pay-per-views. But yeah, I mean, it's one of those things like he's asking about Finn Balor and the icy title. You can't fit everybody on a fast lane card. I mean, they're gonna have a hell of a time fitting everybody on the WrestleMania card. And we all know that's gonna be like freaking 12 hours. But yeah, there's just not enough room for everybody to defend their titles on every pay-per-view, especially now that like,
you know, the pay-per-views are no longer split branded. So it's just like, you know, it's just the luck of the draw. Like who's gonna be on the card this time? But yeah, Fastlane, again, it is just one of those things that's just setting up, you know, just setting up WrestleMania. So yeah, you have to take it for what it's worth. I do think they need it. I don't think you could completely, because there's just way too much time between, you know, the previous pay-per-view and Mania for it to just drag on. I do think there needs to be some things wrapped up, some new things kicked off.
Um, to kind of give you that last minute push to WrestleMania. So I do think fast lane is an appropriate paper view, but it is definitely, it's not one of like, you know, I mean, it's not survivor series or the rumble or anything, you know?
for sure. Yeah, it's more of a set up a preview and it's, you know, the beauty of the WWE network is we don't have to pay 40 or 30 or 40 bucks to see this. It's included with your $10 a month purchase. So it kind of makes it more palatable, you know, something, something. Yeah. And, um, my damn toys, since he did send in a listener mail, I do want to congratulate him. He got a hundred, a hundred thousand subscribers on his YouTube

Community Engagement and Gratitude

channel. We kind of touched on him last week and like how he makes these like,
Insane like, you know, he has a pick fed where he does like, you know stop motion and like, I mean, it's like beyond anything I've I would be capable of doing but does pay-per-view matches and matches every week and yeah 100,000 subscribers that is amazing. So congratulations, dude, you totally deserve it. And if you're not following my damn toys on Instagram and YouTube definitely check him out. So it's backslash my damn toys.
Next week we will do a recap of the Fastlane pay-per-view. I want you to follow us on Twitter at Chick Foley Show. Obviously follow Sheena on Instagram at Chick Foley. We did our first Patreon exclusive episode that's available now for the Best Gimmick Bracket.
And we had all of our Patreons vote for our next bracket. It's going to be unanimous, the best entrance theme. So we will pick the 32 best entrance themes in WWE history and have them go head to head in a tournament bracket. We'll record that probably in the next couple of weeks and that'll be live on Patreon. So that'll be fun.
I had a lot of fun with that gimmick battle royal and this should be pretty cool, man. When I think of best theme song, there's a lot of songs that come to my head, man. Old school, 80s, 90s and attitude era and all kinds of stuff. Yeah, for sure. I mean, there's some iconic ones. I think it's going to be, I mean, it's really going to be just head to head on a lot of these.
Assman is up there, you know, that's one of the best songs ever. Oh God, for sure. What do you think about, I mean, Aleister Black hasn't been around long, but man, that fucking entrance song is fire, dude. I listen to it in the car all the time.
Yeah. It's an earworm. Like if you need, I mean, it'll like, you'll be singing that. If you hear it, you'll be singing it for like the next like five hours. And, um, it's, it's definitely gets stuck in your head, but it also gets you freaking fired up. If you're about to do a workout or if you're about to go like, you know, quit your job and like tell off your boss, like you need to make sure you, you listen to that, you know, so that you can go like full Jerry McGuire style.
You guys can shoot us your listener questions or your concerns or tell us how much you love us at askchickfoli at Check out Pro Wrestling Tees to pick up a Chick Foley shirt. And we will be back here next week with a brand new episode. I'm sure we'll have some new listeners with that Pete Dunn giveaway.
But seriously, thank you guys for listening, following us on social media, interacting with us. We definitely would not be where we are without you guys that have been with us from the beginning. So thanks so much. Any last words, Sheena, before we get out of here? Take it easy. Everyone enjoy Fast Lane and eat you some delicious food. Yeah, what's on the buffet? I know you always have a good meal for all the pay-per-views. What are you going to do for Fast Lane?
We haven't laid out the menu yet, but it's probably going to be something indulgent. I will definitely share in the, in the stories and on the feed whenever we, whenever we set the menu up. Fastly. And you could do like some, do you have any good food trucks down there in, uh, in Hawaii? Oh, the best food comes from food trucks in Hawaii. Nice. Okay. Yeah. Do some of that. Yeah. All right. Stay classy marks and happy hunting in the next week. We will talk to you soon.
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