Rings of Power Ep 7 image

Rings of Power Ep 7

S2 E6 · Haute Set
21 Plays24 days ago

It's almost over! This is going quick! We chat about the latest episode, commiserate over what happened,  and speculate about what we want to see more of in the finale. Spoilers! 


Music: Cassette Deck by Basketcase

I'm Melinda. I'm Ariel. This is Hot Set, the movie podcast about costume design.
Hello and welcome. Today we are covering Lord of the Rings, the Rings of Power. We are here. We're almost at the end of the season already. Isn't that crazy? That's nuts. We've come so far. We really have, and things are just getting so bad, so bleak. Yeah, the I think the only description for today's episode was Eregion's fate is decided. Is that what it said? I can't remember. Yeah, real harsh. So yeah, things are pretty bleak. um I don't know what else to say. Yeah, it was a very depressing episode if you care about Erechion, which I do, ah personally. Yeah, it's a place of beauty and art. like I think that that's where we would have been. It's like we would be like working on making art and like, oh no, everything is effed. That's all I like feel now with this show is like everything is effed, which we knew from the beginning because we have to get to a certain place in the story.
Uh, yeah. Okay. So in terms of what actually happens in this episode, um, we, we sort of ended last time with the beginnings of an attack on Eregion by the orcs with Adar. Yes. Adar. Adar leading the charge. And this week's episode, obviously that continued intensified, got much worse. The city was, uh, pretty much.
destroyed by the end of the episode. i'd say so yeah Yeah, I mean, yeah yeah, we had, you know, some friends come and try to help. But, you know, things are not looking good for this ah anti-orc coalition. I have a feeling that this this season is not going to end on the most upbeat positive note.
I feel like we're gonna end in kind of a dark place going into season three unless something truly unexpected happens in the next episode, but we don't know. We also did not really get to check in with any of our Harfoot friends this episode. Yeah, no Harfoots, no Dark Wizard, no Stranger, no Tom Bombadil, and no Numenor. So that's a whole whole bunch of our friends that we haven't checked in with. and are probably not doing great either. I wonder if this season is going to end like Two Towers did, where it was like a little bit of hope, but then you're like, uh-oh. Like, uh-oh. It's not going to be easy, but yeah. Some folks are being led to a spider's cave, and it's it's the bad it's a bad news. Or if it's just going to be like, no, everything's horrible. You knew it. Everything's horrible.
and come back for season three. Thank you for describing the episode. There were a couple moments where I actually like yelled out in the episode. Of course, I have to get my feelings out before I actually talk about what people looked like. When the siege is like really happening, the siege of Eregion, there's this, um the elves, Gil-galad's elves come, led by Gil-galad and Elrond, and they're on horse.
So it's the cavalry has arrived and there's this one shot that almost felt out of place. Like there there were, I think like two or three times that this happened in the episode. It's just like such like a bam kind of shot of something happening. But this shot of this horse, this badass horse jumping all four hooves off the ground and just rear kicking the absolute ever loving hell out of him.
fun orc. And I was like, that is how horses fought. They would like spin on their front hooves and just kick the shit and ah like with their back hooves and they could be taught to do that. And I was like, I don't think I've seen that on TV or in a movie and I'm really excited about it.
But I was like, wow, look at him go. I also did write down that we had horse costumes in this episode. We absolutely did. and We haven't seen horse costumes since we were introduced to those gold masked huntsmen, which was also pretty cool. So I was like, horses are doing it for themselves this season. I'm really i'm about it.
How did you feel about the elves' armor when they appear to help try to save Eregion? I was looking at the the helmet. Gosh, what is that called? The crest. The kind of crest. Thank you. Vocabulary. ah The crest was kind of curious to me, and there was something about the armor that was making me feel almost veering into like an art deco place than an art nouveau place, which we've seen more of. I don't know that that's even really what it is at all, but and it could have just been because they were very silvery shiny, more like a chrome, very polished, very reflective.
ah which always makes me think a little bit more art deco. They had like a like a wing feather pattern looking situation on like the the arm pieces, the shoulder pieces, um that kind of made me think of some art deco imagery that has a lot of stepped and sort of pyramid, ah stepped pyramid shape. So I don't know if that was an influence at all, but I but i made the association in my brain. I don't know if that was ah intentional in any way on their part. What did you think about them? I liked that that feathery detail that you mentioned on like the shoulder.
Cap Aldrin ish that that tied them into Google ad to because we've talked about before that um in this season, we see that he has this like symbolic wing on I think it's his left shoulder. And um then he has the embroidery revealed like on his right.
And so it was like that tied them in as his his soldiers, like these are his people. I feel like their their armor was like silver and gold. And then Gil-galad was in all gold. And so we've seen that kind of color play throughout the whole series, like Gil-galad and his personal guard are always in gold.
And then there are so many other soldiers that we've seen, um like at the Grey Havens, were in silver. There was like a captain, I think, in or like a a general of some sort in the last episode who was like in all silver in layers and layers and layers of silver. And so it's interesting to see when the colors are being blended, because I'm so curious about what it means.
What does it mean? Like, why is this person silver over here? And then why are they this? and what does it what does it What does it mean for their station? Like, for their role? what it What does it mean? And it did look really cool. Like, I loved their armor. I loved the horse costumes, the white horses, the way that they caught the light when they were riding towards Adar's forces before Adar revealed ah we've got Galadriel. So what do you want to do about it? And they all slow down and go, shit. And the horses were all in gold. The horses were all in gold and they they were like, it was the representation of like the light. And we saw that they were riding with the light and we could see the darkness of the the forces of Mordor kind of like receding. And then when they were facing each other, there was like a wall of darkness and a wall of light right next to each other. But I did kind of,
have like a little about the helmets. I mean, that's just because of the shape and the way that that shape is going to move on a body is all. yeah It's not like, oh, this is like poorly made. I was just like, oh, like the back of the helmets swoop out quite a bit. I'm sure that there's a name specifically for this. Did I look it up? Of course, I didn't. because No, I don't know what it is. This is not a deeply researched podcast. That's not what we do. We're professionals.
Yeah, so stop it with your expectations here. um But like the shape of it, I can totally see justified as like protecting the back of your neck from like an overhead chopping action or an arrow kind of thing where you can just like lift up your shoulders and then you have this barrier.
but the shape in combination with the crest, I was like, this feels like it moves a little bit more loosely than some other helmets we've been seeing that are more tightly fit to heads. And that was just an observation. But the first moment that we see like the elves herald, like rear his horse and like blow, like toot his horn, if you will. And I was like, that is, that is an impact moment. Like, Every shape of the armor just looked so graceful, but like I'm not here to play. and I was rooting for it, rooting for it, just like that herald. That whole like visual of them coming in, I mean, not to reference Lord of the Rings too much, but it was. Yeah, could you? there was a very like he i'm I'm so, I apologize, ah but I'm going to do it anyway.
there was a There was a lot of like Helms deep comparisons in my mind in this episode and and them writing in that like that that first visual reminded me of like Gandalf at the top of yeah that mountain. Yeah, which I mean. Look to the east.
I'm sure it was just a coincidence for all of the people that are tired of too much callback or call forward, I guess, since this place first. but And I'm sure that never in human history has an army tried to approach another from where the sun rises in order to take advantage of blinding their enemy. Never once.
No, and I don't think it would ever happen again. It can only happen one time, otherwise it's just ones trite. Yeah. Yeah. um We can't attack that way, okay? It's trite. It's a little, isn't it a little bit there done that? ah ah We're original. um I also really, really liked the armor that the the elves defending Eregion like inside the city were wearing. Yeah.
Had we seen that in its like full state before? I think in the last episode we do. Okay. Because I remember in the last one thinking about all the the gold leafing and so theirs felt like very gold leafed and which goes with Sauron slash Anatar, but come on now we know who he is. We got his number. No we do. But that gold on his robes like it feels very gold leafed and so there's like a kind of like this interplay there that I noticed in the last episode. And I just, I feel like Eregion's guard, there's just like something about that color combination in their armor with the big
kind of like green of like after copper starts to turn, like the Statue of Liberty a little bit, that it's it's sort of like looking at something that is, um what's the word that I'm looking for? justcent Not disintegrating, but that is tarnished, that is yeah like it's on its way. It's oxidizing in its tarnish. Tarnished is a great word because it also represents like everybody talking about Eregion is like Eregion's already fallen. Eregion is in shadow. Like everyone there has already been influenced by Sauron and that is so true. And so I would be so curious about just like how with the silver and gold um and who gets what, I'd be interested in like what was the thought process behind Eregion's guard and their armor. Was it meant to look tarnished to like tell the story of Eregion like they are?
on the way out, womp, womp, that said better. um But like, I also noticed in this episode that, so Eregion is under siege and like a brutal siege. They have just, God, at some other, some other day, I would remember the name for all of these trebuchets. Is that what they're called? Catapults and trebuchets. That sounds like a word. That sounds like a word.
they have these siege engines where they're just like tossing massive amounts of stone against stone walls and just like throwing fire and it's a mess. There's stone dust, there's ash, there's all this stuff in the air. So like making an avalanche. Yeah. Oh, it's horrific. But like in the city, the elves are still pretty clean, except for Celebrimbor. But like everybody we see is still, yeah.
He's rough and he has been in this illusion like he hasn't been seeing or hearing what's happening in the world because Celebrimbor figures it out. Sauron basically put him in like a little time loop and so it's like he's just kind of like in a few moments of time.
for as long as he needs to get the nine rings made. It's breaking in little bits like he looks into a mirror and behind him is the night and like the sounds of screaming and he can see that his face is like messed up. It like snaps away the second Sauron realizes that Celebrimbor has like maybe got a sense that something's wrong. But then yeah when Celebrimbor is like stop it. I know what you're doing is like that little rough we talked about a few episodes ago is just like sweat. It's decaying and like his face he's like got em not embers but ash like on his forehead and he's bleeding and he looks gaunt because he's been there for weeks.
at least in his own estimation. He's been there for weeks, just working and working and working. And while he's been doing that, Sauron's been working on the other elves to make them not trust him for like a single second. Yeah, he's like giving them false like information. He's just really poisoning everyone's minds. Oh yeah, saying that Celebrimbor is the one who's saying don't.
respond to the siege. We just have to withstand it." And they're like, what? And he's like, but I'm going to defy that order. And they're like, yes, you're the new lord. I would totally do something about it, but Celebrimbor doesn't want to. Actually, he told me that he doesn't even like you, but he didn't want you to know. It's just so petty and horrible. And There's this conversation between like when Celebrimbor is like, I know what you're doing. And Sauron's like, oh, but you did it. I only did it because you told me to. And Celebrimbor's like, kber boh's like i've been a very so you're so good at lying to even yourself. And the look on the actor's face, who is Sauron, was so perfect where his eyes got crazy for a second. Like, you want to talk about it?
like In this episode, we lose Mardanya and that was so sad because it was just like a snap and she was gone and it was kind of like a her death. Yeah, Celebrimbor got set up. like he got exactly you know He got puppeted to throw her off, yeah and but everyone saw it, so everyone thought that he did it. Her death was just a it was literally like a a strike against Celebrimbor. It didn't even mean anything, she didn't get a second to like defend herself, nothing, it was horrible. And um the association that I made in my mind, like when, when Kelly Rimbour comes out and he sees what's actually happening and he's trying to explain to everyone that he was tricked, it was giving me the energy of that
viral Ja Rule tweet after the fire festival fell apart since he was one of the organizers. And he just like tweeted, like, I too was had, hoodwinked, and boozled. And that is exactly like the energetic color board was doing. Because I'm like, sir, you participated. Like you, you did allow this to happen.
in that you got tricked from the get go. But like, us yeah, we know you didn't want this to happen. But like, yeah, you allowed this to happen. And so um yeah, if he was he's the job role to I too was. Sorry.
Especially because I love that Celebrate Board doesn't own it. Like when Galadriel, towards the end of the episode, makes her way into the city and finds him. And he's like, there was a part of me that knew. Just like there was a part of you that knew. And like maybe there's nobody in Middle Earth that's strong enough. And I was like, well, I mean, I don't know.
this is kind of this is kind of This is actually very um arrogant of me to say. It's a total douche thing for me to say, but it's a thing that ok I talk about when we watch anything about cults or we hear about cults and then you see the cult leader and you're like, those are shark eyes. like Those are button doll eyes. like i don't I don't know that I would be hoodwinked or bamboozled by those eyes, because like there are people like Sauron who can smile at you, but their eyes stay dark like shark eyes. And it's like, you know, there's something not right here. And the more you pile on to my ego, the less I like it. And so it's like, I think there are some folks in Middle Earth that might be able to withstand that and be like, I don't.
remember asking you to um pat me on the back so much. Like, these are not good vibes. No, like Sauron is full cult leader vibes and and it's just like, who and so we've seen we've seen what Celebrimbor has brought to pass and it's really heartbreaking and And it also, though, really made me realize like this whole siege, um because we do get to see a lot of the orcs we see at our still the same. But um all these orcs on this battlefield, most of them, a lot of them are kilted. Like there's a lot of leggy legs. on this battlefield, which definitely makes sense like for movement and for not necessarily being an orc and wanting to check pant sizes off of your victims every time you kill somebody. um But it was, I don't know if we've really seen that through the show and if we have, I haven't
caught on to it yet. So I was like, Ooh, this is cool. This is a different style of clothing than I think I've seen of the orcs. Although like we have seen orc legs before, but usually they're like painted in like clay or covered in mud or something like that. And so it was just like, there was something different here that I really liked. And we got to see more bone armor and things like that. Yeah, what else what else did we see? Oh, okay. We saw in Khazad-dum, there was this pretty amazing moment after Prince Durin and Disa realized that they have to basically overthrow King Durin. Prince Durin is like walking out of somewhere. I was like taking my notes and so I missed like little mini things. I'm the only human. um But he was leaving
ah Maybe his own quarters and he was wearing his armor and he was flanked by two guards and the guards had these really cool helmets and like bronze beards.
And the helmets. Wow, what was that? I missed that. with I didn't know what I was doing. It's a little moment where he's leaving and then um his father's right hand man comes up and says, we cannot go to meet the elves. Like we cannot leave the mountain. You have to turn the army back because Disa, like your father turned his axe on my men and we have to prevent him from waking the beast, which is... ah bad news um but these two guards have these just like really cool I'm pretty they were kind of like in a little bit of dark but it seemed like light was being like reflected off of these like eye shapes or coming through the eye shapes and then like bronze beards and it was just like wow a really cool little detail and I
I feel like that would make sense for like royal guards, especially if royal guards were not necessarily going to be leaving like their station, which is like within a palace or the closer to the royal family. They could be more symbolic. It's a little more ceremonial, yeah. Exactly. So it felt like this ceremonial armor. And so I'm going to like look at it again, and I could be wrong. And if so, then I hope you're right. But if I'm right, that's such a cool detail. And also like, I would love to know that the thought process behind that too, because like their beards are so precious to them as well, like culturally speaking that I kind of love the idea of like, even if it's only symbolic or for ceremonial purposes, armor for your beard. is like I like to imagine them like, you know how you like dip baby shoes in yeah bronze? I like to imagine. Bronze your beard. Bronze your beard to preserve it when it's in like a really good style and really good yeah nice like groomed shape. ah It was just like this really cool little moment and I was also trying to pay attention to the story so I was like,
I don't know, what am I looking at? So yeah, we saw a lot of the Siege of Eregion. We saw Elrond, Galadrielle's still wearing the same thing that she's been wearing because she's been in captivity. for Beautiful every time I see it. And there was a yeah moment where she opened it towards the end of the episode to put the nine rings of men that Celebrimbor gives her into the jacket so it's secure. And it almost like moved away. Like it seems like it it closes, right?
because it's if it been yeah it's fitted it's been together the whole time we've seen it on her. And the way she pulled it away, it felt like it was magnetized because it's type and if it were a regular closure, it would probably have to be hooks, hooks and eyes or something like that. But she pulled it away.
And I mean, she's been in captivity, so it could have been open, whatever. But it was just like seeing the functionality on screen. Yeah, there was just like a moment there where it was like, is that magnetized? Because that would be really cool. I definitely saw in a previous episode that they had Hook and I, at least on someone that had one of those. So I wonder if they changed it. um Yeah, it feels like it would make sense to have a hook and eye and then like those are just not visible to our eye, especially with the lighting, but also to have the magnets in there for a moment like this, do not have to be like pop, pop, pop, pop. so
There's so many things, like, there's so many um little techniques and stuff that when you're doing something that has to function in the moment, like if you're doing it live, or they have to do it on film, there's so many goofy little things that we do so that stuff just looks like beautiful and effortless and not the actual like awkward having to sit there and unbutton every little button on something like nobody wants to watch you do that. So there's so much little stuff that we always end up doing to just make like beautiful fluid motion. Yeah. Yeah, and it's like we know, especially if you're ah a person who's ever worn or been around a bra, those are hooks and eyes. And you know that if you like push one side under the other, you can pop the eyes out pretty quick, but that's also not guaranteed. So even if they were hook and eye closure,
It's like you have to kind of, yeah, for the moment, you have to think of something else that might be quicker because you can't guarantee that you'll get that in the take. And there's so much happening that you don't want to keep retaking it just to open a costume. And like that's that's one of those things that costumers have to think about, is like we can't be stopping filming so that somebody like has to figure out the utility of their clothing in the moment.
And it's nice that these actors are wearing, if not the same thing, because they're probably going through like different costumes that are different processes of being broken down or different distress levels. But they're built very similarly, so they're probably pretty familiar with their costumes at this point in the show because they've been wearing them so long that they're not like, what's this?
Yeah, how do I I don't know how do I put that on? um So it was just like, you know, elves are magical. So they have to have, you know, like, I feel like it needs to be beautiful and a little bit magical to be able to just yeah close your eyes and let it happen. Yeah. um I did yell out loud. Oh, fuck you, Adar.
He hurts our friend Arandir. They have a one-on-one, and Arandir is left behind. We don't know his status, but I was very upset about it. In this economy,
when everything is going bad and wrong and it's going to go bad and wrong and this season is going to be super dark when we're left. You're going to kill people here or hurt them very badly in this economy. Excuse you? These are not bad enough.
ah just biggest reaction to it. I was like a little bit distracted during this episode because I was trying to look up who Adar is, like if anybody has any ideas. And a lot of people had on Reddit, Reddit. Redit.com? Redit.com. Some very stupid, sorry, some some things that have proven to not be true. Very valid.
They're feelings are valid. Swing in for the fences. They're feelings... Sure. Melinda's much nicer than I am. No, I'm not. I'm not really. People had a lot of ah theories about who Adar is and... ah so Sorry, I'm such a jackass. But some people were like, oh, he's obviously Thranduil because he's also from the Southlands, like Thranduil. And in the Hobbit series, in the movies, we saw that Thranduil's real face is super, like, scarred by dragon fire.
<unk> etct etc etc etc and it was like no those are two separate people and they're like but he gets called adda and it's like yeah so does elrond by arwen because in elvish in kenya quenya kenya addar or adda is just father It's just the word for father. That's it. So Adar doesn't really have a name, his entire identity that we know. And he was also, I believe, created for the show. I don't think that he was actually in the books, but he is his entire identity is the father of the orcs. And so I did look and they're... Is some suggestion that he is probably because he is an elf and like the orcs were were once yeah elves like a fallen elf. Yeah. Yeah. He's a fallen elf who was tortured horrifically way, way, way back long time ago. And so I just had this like, I just kept thinking, why does he have no, like,
relationship or so sympathy with the elves that we see. Like why is that? And it it goes way, way, way, way, way back to like Morgoth and the first elves that he he destroyed. And so Adar is one of those and has just been So horrifically tortured and like is also probably from a different place in the world So the elves that we see are not necessarily his family. Anyway, those were all probably lost so he has no connection and He only cares about the orcs and there was like an actual sad moment with one of the orcs who hasn't named but I don't know it where he's like I thought that you loved us that Because at our as a general would, it's like, send them out, you know, do this, do that, which is like, you know that they're gonna die. They're not coming back. And they're not coming back. And this orc is like, I thought that you loved us. And he's like, I do. And there's a point where he's like sending out all these orcs and that he's confronted again. And he says, I do love you with all the love that is left in my heart.
But I basically still have to do this because he's like, the end game here is to ruin and destroy Sauron. And I'll go through every one and everything to do it. And that's what we see in this episode, which is just crispy.
Do we want to wrap this up by making absolutely crazy, unhinged, irresponsible predictions about how the season's going to end that will not happen? I would love to. Let's see. Well, I think I'm going to be really sad. I think I'm going to be really, really sad. I think I hope.
Because again, I don't know the books. So it's like I'm piecemeal picking like little bits from yeah the stories to see like what happens with our Farazhan. And because I don't have the full context, it's pretty crazy and like what happens to our burial.
I would love, or this is terrible, but I would kind of love to see the destruction of Numenor in the finale because we've been working toward it, but it also feels like it's so soon. But there there has been that like looming feeling the whole time because Mirielle has that knowledge in her head and she's like, this is coming and we don't know when it is. But I don't know what would make that happen.
Yeah, like cause that right now. Yeah. Yeah. Like what would cause it, but I also kind of want to want to see it because it's like such a calamitous burying of Atlantis. I want, I want our new minority and friends to be able to, I don't know, head, head away from where they are into something new and something better. But that would, that would require a lot of death. I would, this is all very selfish, I would love to know ah who the stranger is because there was like a little bite-sized like teaser for the next episode and the stranger is talking to the dark wizard and I'm like, what are you guys talking about? Tell me. I want to know. That's my that's my hope. i want to I want some more information on him. I want him to cease to be a stranger and to start. Yes, I want i want him to have figured out some purpose and that even if it doesn't tell us like this is who he is in the books, it at least like leads us in a direction oh yeah because I love the mystery of it.
Yeah, there's been a lot of mystery this season and not a lot of answers in that storyline. so um I would like a little bit. you know We don't need to know everything, but no i like a model thing let's move a little forward. yeah yes Let's go somewhere. I would just love a little bit of that and also to know a little bit of like who is this dark wizard? like what What is the motivation here? now what Who are you?
Because I love the theory that they are both blue wizards and that like there is that theory that they are very briefly mentioned and there's no details really given about them. like I would love that if that is the theory. I don't know. I want to see Sauron hurt a little bit in the finale. like I don't want to see Sauron absolutely triumphant.
like a 60-40 or 70-30 because like Sauron is gonna, he's gonna take a lot of power. Like he's just on the ascent right now. There's no questioning in order. Yeah, there's not anything to stop him. No, there's not anything to stop him. And just knowing where the story is going, he's on the rise of power. So it's like, he's gonna get there. But i I don't want it to be like a 99 to one.
hit to be like, definitely like the sun is going to rise. I want to take a hit. Yeah, you want to take a little hit. Well, hopefully we'll be right and all of those things will happen. That would be delightful. So yeah, next week is our last episode in this little journey.
And we are working o yes we're working we're making progress on our are little people. um yeah they're They're happening. so they are Mine is staring at me right now. I have her draped and I'm working on the beating and the embroidery at the moment.
It's a very fun process, but my wrists and tendinitis are old lady hints. We have to think about those things. I'm in the cutting phase right now, and then I'm pretty soon i'm going to be in the embellishment phase too. So I'm excited. But yeah, we're going to wrap it all up in a nice little bow next week. Figure it out literally. I believe in us, Melinda.
ah but everything's going to be done and it's all going to be perfect. Yeah, it's all going to be fine. And then we're going to watch the episode and we're going to be totally emotionally fine. It's going to be fine. It's going to be great. Yeah, it's great. i look I look forward to it. Thanks for going on this ride with us. It's been fun to talk about. We'll be back again next week.