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Ep 141 - LIVE From Cannock Chase - UFOs, Ghosts, Bigfoot, Aliens, Black Eyed Children, Dogman and more! image

Ep 141 - LIVE From Cannock Chase - UFOs, Ghosts, Bigfoot, Aliens, Black Eyed Children, Dogman and more!

Pursuit of the Paranormal
353 Plays6 months ago

Ep 141 - LIVE From Cannock Chase - UFOs, Ghosts, Bigfoot, Aliens, Black Eyed Children, Dogman and more!


And in this episode, Ash returns to the enchanting and haunted forests of Cannock Chase, to an area with a rich history of witches, occults and sacrifice!

What will he unearth? Will the spirits that taunted him the last time return? Will there be any encounters with black eyed kids, or any of the many other cyrptids that have been reported here, from bigfoot and dogman to aliens and a pigman!

Title music provided by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity


Return from Hiatus

We are back, baby. We are fucking back. We are back. Classic. We are back. We are back. We are getting cut.
or what it was it wasn't an airplane it was not in your play it was so awful You are listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal podcast with your host, Ash Ellis.

On Location Recording

that's right we are back after a three or four month hiatus as I've been just concentrating on some of the UFO identified stuff that's taking priority however as the guys on the hangover just announced we are back really excited to be back going back we've got episodes at least weekly ah the odd couple weeks where we have an extra episode or two. Phone in there as just a little bonus. So thanks everyone who are listening, coming back to us. I really can't wait to share what we've got with you coming up. Episode recorded, interviews recorded, some exciting interviews all lined up already and yeah, I can say I can't wait to share it all with you guys. So with this first one, our first episode back,
after the little break something a little bit different something we've not done before and we are out on location so we have been out on location before we've done a couple of facebook lives from investigations stuff like that however for this one we kind of the episode has been recorded whilst out on location and it's kind of detailing what we're doing some of the stories from that area where we are and then obviously yeah the audio of anything happens ah whilst we're out there so for this one as you will find out I went through Canik Chase recently
ah Place where if you listen to our episodes in the past, you know that we've had some weird stuff happen there last time we went So I've been looking forward to getting back And I was invited by Andy from Andy the codes to go with him to spend a few hours um Yeah, and can it chase and this is what happens so i hope you guys enjoy this might not like i say this is the first time i've done it so it might not work as well as it is in my head but we'll see if it's rubbish let me know and we won't do it again if you liked it let me know and we can always try and arrange to do more stuff like this if it's something that sounds good so yeah let's uh let's get on our way
So we've finally got to Canuk Chase, well, just on the outskirts of Canuk, really, in a place called Slitty Mill.

Canuk Chase Mysteries

Yeah. Rear place. I'm here with Andy the Cold. Hello. Who will be featuring in a full-length episode very soon. Yes. We'll get that recorded in the next couple of weeks. Yeah, but we're here on the edge of Canuk Chase. Both returning to investigate. Andy, why did you want to come back to Canuk Chase? last year was it beginning of September 2023 we'd come here to do some video and recording and we was going to set up
I was going to set up like a campfire of tales and the first time we and we ended up going back into Canuk itself and we were all over there where the stepping stones are and like that side Pai Tower, another big man who've kind of Canuk you've seen um and then my car started playing up got the other guy with me he had to leave because your back started playing up so you shut off and that left there's myself, Warren, Simon and my cousin Andy and we parked up and where we was we had a few things go on in the day and in the evening right through the night and we thought we need to go somewhere different it wasn't the right environment it didn't feel right yeah so
you The other guy with me now, who shall remain nameless, um I sent him a few locations of things that had gone on. and He did the research and checked it, and Slitty Mill came back as up there above everything else. There's just so much more going on in a compact space than the rest of Kenneth Chase put together. It's like, right, we have to go back there. What type of things? Well, there's black magic, a cult sacrifice all around this area, tribes that go back.
What, five, six hundred years? Probably even further than that. You've got this slitting little troll from back in the 1920s. You've got UFOs, odds, Dog Man, Bigfoot, just anything and everything you can think of going on around here. There's nothing, if you say it, it's probably happened there. It's one of them. So we came back and we went to the mound where we'd just shown you. Absolutely. Can I swear? Absolutely pissed it down all night. So we tried to record in, oh you could, it was a rain on the top. yeah We did get a couple of things go on then, but we couldn't exactly say in pinpoint, it was this, it was that. So it's like, it was literally a watch out. So we then arranged to come back, was it two weeks later?

Slitty Mill Phenomena

Yeah, two weeks later, um to me and the Nameless Man came, no one else could make it, and we set up in his bivvy, and it was freezing, but it was a really good outcome because we've seen lights going across the lake. You would have had to have been in the middle of that lake for that light to be where it was. And do you remember though, there was no reflection of it in the water? It was a single life. So where you would have got the reflection, especially if you saw late at night, you'd have seen two. Just one. But it was twice all on it. So there's that. We was in the bivvy. We had a ton of day, just shot back. I was actually saying, because I was doing a livestream, about if a winged creature, is something like a horse, landed in front of us, and I swear to God,
I swear to god, right, the noise that it made with, like, King Pegasus landing right in front of us, we just looked at each other like, what? So he took his head through the netting, couldn't see anything at first, then he unzipped it, looked to the left, and mean there's, what, about 20 plus? day funny 30 data one you said there's one i didn't see this one but one had antlers but it looked like your words not mine but like it had a rooster stuck to its antlers or something red like it'd be a big algebra i don't know it couldn't be it was so hard to see so then we were taking it in turns to watch well listen so i did fall asleep
I'd be awake. It just kind of worked. And I'd be like, well you know where we are. I'm not going to give you the location, right but where we are now, you know how close we are to the road and everything else and the houses and that. Where we was on the mound, you wouldn't even know. You can't hear anything. You can hear the trains where we were down before, but that's it. so When people were walking down the path at the side, or around there, they're like, you can hear human chatter, you can tell the difference. This was like... um money money yeah somebody never never na yeah It was like Jowers out of Star Wars, that's the only thing you can put it down to. But you could definitely, there was two voices going back and forth. And I'm like, wake up, wake up.
And you'd sit there and go, what, what, what? Listen. Nothing. But seven times yeah in about two, three hours. And it wasn't all like one go. Then I'd fall asleep. Maybe listen to me now. Then when I was awake, I had it, but it was only letting me hear it, nor but let him hear anything. That kind of chattering on you, you mentioned the slotty male trial before. Yeah. That kind of could be... Troll kind of boy. Well, this is the other thing. You know what I said? We could hear people going past on banks even at 11, 12 o'clock at night. And there's still a lot of people walking through. We don't know if they had dogs. A couple of people have walked down from here. You could hear them. You could judge where they was and how many people. This was something like, how far is that second door away?
15 foot yeah this is about maximum 15 foot away from where we were and you could tell it was something small chattering because it's locked down so if it had been tall it'd been up you could tell you could judge the height and the size and the distance of it without even looking out and then Oh, so I'm setting up, so I'm setting up the iPad, and it's on the tripod, and just getting it into position, ready to point the tree bases, but get a bit of the horizon in the top. We've seen, the only way I can do it, imagine that's smoked, and it's solid form, and it doesn't change shape, and it's like that colour, and it just went in front of us.
mo pis Is it dissipate? Dissipate. Dissipate, yeah? And change shape and go all transparent and solid and constantly changing shape. This wasn't. This was like someone got some smoke, froze it in time and just ran it across it from other. Anyway, did you see that? I went, yes, and I was just about to press record. But it was he was big. he was about that long, probably about that high. So what? Three foot long and about a foot and a half, two foot high. And it used to be a solid farm. wow And then when I fell asleep,
ye whilst Andy kept waking me up, I have been in none of his chatter, but when he did sleep, ah I'd like to say wood knock, but it was definitely 100% wood on wood. I don't know if it was a stick hitting a tree, but it was wood hitting wood. The first one was to the right of me, and within 10-15 seconds later, there was one to the left of me, but a lot closer. Now nothing could have walked, run, drove that distance in that time but there was definitely that a very similar noise both sides of us and that did actually make me think.
But that was the most significant thing while I was waiting for Andy. So you've done quite a bit of research into this. Do you have any favours as to why there's so much kind of activity or anything happening in this section of kind of change? I think Andy summed it up when he said just the the original witch cult and stuff that was here. like The bloodshed. The horn cult. They go back as far as a thousand years, I think, in some parts. And they were actually settled here. This wasn't somewhere they just practice this was the home it's where it was where they live so everything they did was round here similar to like the man it's temple exactly I mean you look at most of the places in the country that have got that even back in the day the old shamans and the old
so-called doctors and stuff. they They pick these places with a certain energy and it still goes on to this day. I mean the military are very well known for putting bases up and and not letting public go on these high energy spots. A lot of people are starting to find on certain wavelengths or certain magnetic anomalies now so there's ah's starting to get the information out there where people have been able to actually highlight these areas and identify these areas and it's no coincidence that wherever these areas are being highlighted it coincides 100% with a lot of the high strangeness and also unfortunately a lot of the private land and military installations it's almost as though they're put there for a reason yeah but the more that information that becomes available for us to actually track the phenomena
It's like everybody else is a step ahead of us, like they've already known about this and they've put measures in place to hamper people actually, I don't know whether it's interacting with it, witnessing it, I've no idea, but the evidence is getting more and more all the time then. bill yeah Thanks guys for in cold slotty male bossing car letting mill. lettingtting melotting slow mill yeah The sun is setting and I can't wait to get out there and investigate. let's see
So just before we actually head out into the woods, into where we're going to be setting up our investigations, I just want to go over something Andy said then. He talked about something called the Slitty Mill Trolls. Obviously trolls and something that I personally can investigate it or really came across whilst doing his podcast, so I wanted to give a bit more background information into these trolls and what the what actually happened, what this item was. so this is according to the bbr map which is a map of cryptid sightings and stuff like that and this is a sighting from 1975 in slitting mill right near to where we're sitting right now this is a case from 1975 and a young couple barry and elaine we returned from a christmas party in the early hours of the morning with their two kids asleep in the back seat they're driving home towards slitting mill
The car stalled all of a sudden and Barry, using his 20s, jumped out to check the engine. It was a quick fix, but before he got back to his car, his wife saw something that the young couple later described as trolls. According to Barry, Elaine lets out a loud scream, terrified by the sight of a small figure that ran across the road in front of them at a high rate of speed. She explains, I just about saw it at the last second and then another one followed it and then a third one. The best way I can describe them to you is like a hairy troll or something like that. Little thick bodied hairy men that moved really fast across the road. We had some moonlight so it was easy to see them and they were like little men but with hunchbacks and big hooked noses and not a stitch on them at all. Nothing covering the body just hair all over them.
I'd say they were all four feet tallish, and when the third one crossed by us you could see them at the edge of the trees, wary or something, as if not wanting to enter the woods. Things became very hazy indeed, Barry says. We both know from memory that they came forwards towards us, very slowly to us and I've thought since that day that they were interested in us or wanted to know who we were. They came very slowly and it felt a bit like we were being hunted or stalked to me. Elaine was hysterical and with the kids with us. I wasn't far off either.
It's not just trolls that have been seen there's reports of all sorts of weird creatures going back as far as 1916 and as recently as a couple of years ago and we'll come on to them a bit later but I just want to say that all these are in one little place this little hamlet of slitting mail which is a population of less than 400 having this wide range of weird things happening We're not even talking about the rest of Canik Chase, just this little

Bigfoot and UFO Sightings

hamlet. It's crazy what is actually happening here. I'm glad that we've come to investigate it. So let's see if we can see any Bigfoot, any hairy men, any trolls. Let's see what we find.
We're now stood kind of at the top of what they call the mound and we're overlooking a couple of cornfields and this is where, near to where two different big forest sightings have been reported in the past. There's lots of UFO reports from around this area and it's quite a clear sky so we'll keep our eyes peeled upwards as well as downwards seeing as any creatures in the corn or in the sky.
<unk> good friend i'm on the right one this is never saw in joke
take a follow
What did you see? There's two witness accounts on Debbie Axwell's map, UK map, when I was doing the research for this area. this is actually a national trust ah path right and there was one it was either on this against this edge here or that one where that guy's going but there was definitely one heading down here that that bit is in a path this field onwards this is where the path because it follows that um little man-made canal i was telling you yeah yeah you want to carry on down there yeah might as well close the sight enough
with big footock kind them there two of them There was two of the closest on the entire map in the country. separate apart Two separate Two separate days. separate I think it was actually separate years.
So we are now on the mound that Andy was talking about. and It's this lake, this kind of handmade lake pool place. It's a bit black, pretty much around us. It's on the We are surrounded by trees. Just sat on the forest for a bit. You can kind of hear in the lake. A little bit of background here, the old duck or something splashing against the water. and Behind us is some cornfields and that's not far from where the two Bigfoot creatures have been sighted in the past and that's just one of the many, many strange things that have been reported in this area just on the outskirts of Canik Chase.
We shall set up here for a bit. We've all got different cameras, nightmares and cameras, voice coders, just to see what, if anything, happens while we're here. This is where the chattering noise Andy heard while he was sleeping in a tent ah last year and obviously if we can capture that, that'd be amazing. But we shall see and and if anything happens, we will keep you updated.
So it's pretty quiet for the next hour or so. So I wanted to go back to something Andy mentioned about his friend Simon before that when he was with them last year he heard heavy footsteps coming towards him. So I caught up with Simon and asked him to tell me what happened to him. It was heavy footsteps, the sound you'd expect to hear from a bull or a cow or a heavy bipedal creature. There were clear steps but they didn't frighten me, they just stopped dead in front of me but there was nothing around. It was at this point that I saw a strange green light in the sky just above the tree line and here's me trying to describe to the guys what I'd just seen.
You saw that light ash? Was it actually bright like a light? Or was it just a changing colour? Because there is a lot of bats flying around. I'm sorry with my own eyes it was right where it's kind of hard to see it from here there's like a tree line and like a gap in the trees here to the tree line where the sky is and it was either just at the tree line or just below the tree line I have seen it either through the gaps in the trees or just above it so at least twice like a green light like a could be the distance and the trees in the way it could
look green you seem to go to the left and then you see it again oh yeah you actually saw it move well I saw it once and then I saw it again just slightly to the left I thought maybe it's playing lights just check the flight track and there's nothing nearby
At this point we left this area where it had been for a few hours and we walked back towards where we parked our cars. Just have a bit of a sit down break, admire the moon, pretty sure it's a full moon, it's big and bright either way, either very close to a Here we act for Canik Chase and his werewolves. Anyway so ah the guy we were with had to leave because he was in work early so it left just me and Andy and we were just chilling having a chat sat on a bench and we both heard what sounded very much like ah marian like a female mermaid or two women talking but very low they're coming from the bushes kind of close where we've just been but there's nothing like it was just bushes in there and there's nobody there there's nobody around it's now nearly hours
but it sounded like a low mermaid of women talking making some sort of noise so that's a bit weird and just a quick point of where we were has a very very ancient history of witches and sacrifice sacrifices in that very spot pretty much so whether it's something to do with that we don't know we never caught this on camera i can say we were having a bit of a break no cameras were on but we both heard it we both sort of could we both look in different directions there have been some days on the road that's how remote it was there was just like three or four day in the middle of the road
And then we just, yeah, we just sat chilling. We both heard it. We both said, all right, there's some voices or memory or something coming from them bushes, but there's nobody there at all. So bit a bit of a strange one. So after that, like I say, it was the early hours. They both had couple of hours was drive home. So we called it a night together. However, I was going to go to the German war cemetery on my own. and you had to go back. So I braved the aloneness and the darkness and drove across the chase, one of the country roads that kind of cut across to hold the forest. You have to get through the side of the coming chase where the war center was. So let's see what happens next.
so I'm back in the car Andy and the unknown guy have left it's just me I've no idea what that beeping is it's actually really annoying because I've checked all my only brought three electric things and it's none of them they're all turned off I'm not going to have to find out what is beeping in. It's not in my bag. It's not in the boot. I don't know what it is.

Unsettling Encounters

Anyway, so I'm going to head to the German War Cemetery on my own, doing it solo. I didn't get a chance to go the last time we came and I don't miss the opportunity now. So I'm going to spend a bit of time there. It's about 10 minute drive or so. I think I said a minute. About five minutes just to put these on. I'm going to go straight roll from where we are anyway. So I did a hundred point turn to get out of this little place where they parked.
Five minutes later.
so i'm just coming up to the war cemetery now i am gonna just drive past and see where the main road is just because as an escape route if i do need to get out of here quickly i kind of want to know where i'm going to where safety is so i'm just going to drive behind the main road that's a bit weird so as i was coming down this road there was a car coming out of a joining road to my right and that car turned black
That car turned left to go back where I just came from. However, he's done a U-turn in the road and he's not behind me.
He's not carrying on driving. I don't really want to stop with this car behind me. That bit of distance, not right behind me, is keeping the distance. It's just weird that he went one way and then did a U-turn and then came behind me.
Could be a copper, thinking why is this guy out this time of night on his own? I'm driving a Corsa. They have a little bit of a record of some people on Corsa. There's a little demographic that has them. But if it is a copper, why is he not sort of gaining ground on me? He's just, the car is keeping his distance from me. Because he went the wrong way, he went to turn right and went left. So then he would turn, just seems a little bit hard. I was going to try on driving. Sat and I was re-rooting it soft now. Let's see what happens. A little bit weird. At least out of places, I think humans are more scary than living out. A ghost isn't going to hurt me really.
that's some of the things but nothing they've never been physically harmed by the ghost or an alien or cryptid Where as if a human, obviously, I don't know what their intentions are. This type of place in the middle of nowhere, middle of the night, nobody really knows where I am right now. It's just weird that I now seem to be being followed. And these are thin roads, these aren't big, wide roads at all. So I just kind of keep driving to think towards the main road. And it's right about coming up, so kind of
turn at the roundabout and see what happens. So let's just get around here now. Still behind me. Still keeping my distance. It's not got any closer to me. Yeah, I stayed behind. Let's just go off this roundabout. All right, OK. So I've gone right. It's gone straight on. OK, that's fine. the black man is real big black fan on what he's kind of like okay panic over yeah try and turn around a bit um okay cool it wasn't following me maybe they just turned the wrong way out of the roundabout um the junction
It's a little bit hard to listen to no other cars at all on the road and this guy does a U-turn and starts following me. So I head back, need to find a different way to actually take me a different way now to the war cemetery.

German War Cemetery Reflections

So just pulled in alongside the war cemetery after the ordeal of a car chase.
so yeah trigger warning it's going to be talking about child murder and rape for a couple of minutes so advanced warning you want to skip forward two or three minutes just get past this bit but they really want to come to this part of the chase this part of the country without doing a lot of mention to to one of the most gruesome and heartbreaking crimes of the last century really ah So a guy called Raymond Leslie Morris and killed at least three girls between 1965 and 1967. These girls were aged between 5 and 7 years old. They were kidnapped on the A34 road which is just
to the left of where I am now then I kind of runs parallel with the west side of Carrick Chase when you're from north to south from like Manchester down to Birmingham really then just a long road these girls were kidnapped from along that road raped killed and left on Carrick Chase ah two of the girls were found in 66 and the third was found in 67 three girls were Diana Tift, Margaret Reynolds and Christine Darby obviously a very very terrible ordeal that those girls must have gone through and there are reports of black-eyed children particularly black-eyed girls seen in this region because that terror of lasted all these years and they still kind of can't escape from that horror from 60 years ago
there's just some of that kind of we have to think about just due to the amount of trauma that they must have endured it's a long long time theory that like cases of big trauma do kind of have a lasting impression places that have a high amount of tragedy and tragic deaths tend to have more haunting so here's something that could be something that we have to consider if these reports come from this area
So just before I step out, ah leaving the car, the safety of the car behind, and heading to the German War Cemetery on my own. I did see a light a minute ago.
Could be a car headlight in the distance, I'm not sure. It was a white light. It's gone now. and But yeah, it's been a gold scene around here. The paranormal group that came here even captured a bit of footage from inside one of the buildings and the cemetery. Like you can walk in. it's actually really creepy it is an interesting video it kind of shows a head in the doorway as as it can pans the camera it does look like there's like a black like a black mass but a head kind of peering around the door it stays there for a second and kind of moves and disappears behind the doorframe
yeah so it's quite interesting Staffordshire Power Normal I posted that video a couple years ago on Facebook it is interesting numbers ghosts been seen here ah both of like military figures and just some normal people a werewolf has been seen around here jumping up off its hind legs after just prowling around near the gravestones and like I said it is a full moon so it's gonna be some werewolves here tonight and we will find out so I'm just gonna go and go for work wish me luck I'm gonna stay silent I'm not gonna talk so I'm not gonna record anything unless something happens I'm gonna go try and do some video in silent videoing but just gonna obviously be spent where where I am as well and yeah see what happens 20 minutes later
It's a bit longer than 20 minutes, but I was in the cemetery for a good while. One thing that was a little bit weird, maybe not weird, but just different was when we were out with Andy and before I drove over to this part of the chase, it was quite warm. It was nearly hours, but it had been a warm night. It was a very, very mild morning. It was quite warm, Andy was in shorts, didn't feel the cold, there wasn't any cold. When I first got the car, it was the same, it was quite mild for the for the time of night. But then it just got a chill, came out like it got pretty cold. and I had my hoodie on. But it just seemed to be noticeably colder all of a sudden.
and that kind of made it feel a bit more creepy and I got this chilled on my back and that sort of stuff just from the cold but it was fine I stuck it out for yeah over half an hour and walking around sitting on the benches nothing like I said nothing happened they've been there quiet hearing some animal noises probably foxes and stuff around here because nothing much around here at all ah So yeah, nothing much happened. Didn't feel creeped out. I thought I might have got a little bit nerfed. Apart from that bit of the cold, that was it wasn't really anything. ah That felt bad. Felt like I didn't want to be there. It was fine. and a club went't I Didn't really record anything. It's too dark on my phone. I didn't have any infrared on there. And it's pretty dark for most of the symmetry.
So yeah, nothing to report really. So that was it for our trip to Kannick Chase. Or was it? Gonna leave you with this last bit of audio footage actually from my dash cam. As I was driving home, I was just kind of talking out loud. Just recapping the events and the thoughts. I'd do it for the desk, anything I could use for this episode I could use it. I don't normally just sit in the car and talk to myself for an hour drive home, you know what I mean. But it's not like I have to be left this area.

Mysterious White Figure

I was kind of just talking about stuff, I was talking about the car chase. and
these on the roads we were on basically was how narrow these roads were and i if something did appear in front of me in the car it would be hard to get out of the way it would be hard to reverse or turn around because the roads were that narrow I would drive along and then you'll hear it in the footage but basically a kind of figure a white mass figure kind of appeared in front of the car and then sort of dashed to the side like it ran to the side of the road there for me in front of me like it's It's like a human type of height and and shape but like just a mass of white, like a white mass of fog. It's very, very quick. It was very quick. It's also got a bit of mind. I've been at work all day straight to kind of chase. It's now the early hours. Ears fits black pretty much. I don't even have headlights lighting anything up.
it probably could have been a trick of the eyes but it seemed like there was something there that it dashed off I checked the dashcam footage and you can't see anything my dashcam is not a good dashcam it's got no night vision on it so you can only see a bit of the road where it's lit up and the headlights nothing else it's just grainy black grainy you can't see anything and you can't see this figure you hear me talking about me which I'll play now But that's it. So yeah, we will end with that bit of audio. Thanks for listening to this. Like I said, this was the first time we've done this kind of on location episode. Please do let me know what you think of it. All feedback is good feedback for me as we kind of move the new direction with the podcast and doing different things. So if if you thought it was rubbish, let me know. And I won't do it again. But yes, please let me know.
like with the with these podcast it's a weird one because we get thousands of listeners every week but they very very very minimal feedback so don't know what these thousands of people think actually about the podcast so any ratings reviews anything like that really really do help us and me develop the podcast and deliver a better product so yeah and i will catch you next week we are back absolutely the panel podcast is back and i'll see you all next time Turn here if somebody pays in front of me. If a black-eyed child, if a werewolf, if a bigfoot, if a dog man, if a pig man, if an alien, if a ghost. Oh, god, that was weird. That was, that, that, that, that, that, that was weird. Let me, we come as dice count for that.
that look oh my god so that's literally as I was saying not there road is getting now now collection not literally same up the sat out say as i literally as I was saying so in front of me on the right hand side so like me that windscreen in front of me On the right hand side of the windscreen looked like a figure, like a white figure. And it sort of dashed out the way. To the right hand side of the car. The driving slope like to say these roads are mad. It kind of like just stood on the right hand side in front of me. And then it went off to the right.

Listener Engagement

Thanks for listening to Pursuit of the Paranormal with Ash Ellis, title music created by Steve Yarwood and Ambienfinity. If you like the show, please follow us on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X, and Instagram. And if you really like the show, please rate and review the show wherever you are listening. It really does help. See you next time, and until then, stay weird.