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Glick's House of Music: Lift The Curse

Nonsensical Network
24 Plays1 month ago

Texas rock duo Lift The Curse joins Glick in the House of Music they talked sports wrestling and of course lots of music

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i don' need up to do it and so I don't know what will, ladies and gentlemen. What's going on, everybody? It's Tuesday. ah Welcome to Glick's House of Music right here on the Nonsenseical Network. Why does my camera look so in my face right now? Anyways, what up, chatters box? We see a Jedi's in the building. Blaze is in the building. What's up, boys? Welcome to Glick's House of Music. I am Glick right here on the Nonsenseical Network. Guys, if you're not ready, go ahead and check us out. We are.
everywhere Monday through Sunday let me get the right ah Sunday through Monday Monday through Sunday on YouTube Facebook and Twitch And don't forget you can listen anytime anyplace wherever you listen to podcast set Anyone any of those podcasting platforms around so many of them. I don't even I don't even know how to But we're there. You guys can listen to us anytime. We do appreciate you guys listening and hanging out as always. And you can find us all at the nonsensical network or to go to slash nonsensical network. Kind of lost my train of thought. Sorry, guys. I'm still rocking out in my head. but It happens. ah slash nonsensical network. Don't forget why you're there. Not only give us a follow, but check out Beauty and the Beard Creative Corner.
uh you get all your nonsensical swag like the hoodie yes uh clicks out some music hoodie or whatever nonsensical swag you want to get you can get that nikki will get you guys taken care of she's on facebook and instagram so uh check her out give her some love and uh let her know if you need something you don't even have to get nonsensical stuff you can get anything actually uh you can get a michael myers cow on a hoodie if that's what tickles your fancy whatever we just let her know she'll take care of you in a very creative corner um Again, Facebook and Instagram. I really do feel

Introducing Lift the Curse

like my camera is just way up in my grill right now. Anywho, enough of that. Let's get down to business. We're here. We got two kick-ass guys hanging out tonight. Lift the curse from, from Texas. We got to find out where they're at in Texas. Obviously they made that kick-ass song. That is their brand new song. Save me. We got Ryan and John. What's going on, fellas? Welcome, welcome. ah great and we now quick Thanks for having us, man.
Unfortunately, Ryan is on the run to Mexico, apparently. He's skipping down. He'll be back, though. Yeah. Yeah. yeah Hey, thanks for thanks for coming up tonight, guys. I do appreciate it. I've been i've been listening to you guys' as music like crazy lately. I stumbled across you guys like I do everybody. Sorry to the listeners. I know I sound like a broken record.
Um, but, uh, it is what it is. I like to, like most of us do, we mindlessly some form of social media. Mine happens to be Instagram. Um, and, uh, you know, our algorithm is a lot of music. There's a lot of musicians on our algorithm, mainly because of this show.
And a lot of times I'll be scrolling in and I'll just catch a voice or I'll, I'll catch a guitar riff or something. And then I got to do that frantic scroll back and hope the page doesn't refresh to find out what I'm looking for. oh yeah and ah And that's how it was for you guys. And I went and checked out your Instagram page. It's like, Oh, they got a YouTube channel. Let me go see what's going on. YouTube did not disappoint. Holy smokes. You guys have got a lot of music. Um, so I started listening to it and I was like, damn.
These guys freaking kick ass. Honestly, if I can get them get them on the show to hang out with them. And I was telling the guys backstage, I was like, I knew they're going to be fun. Just based off of the chat we've been having the last couple of weeks, you know, they've got a lot of energy. You could tell them their songs and their music videos. But um Yeah. So definitely thank you guys for coming up here. You guys, uh, the last few days I've been in my ears at the gym. You guys make some killer gym music, man. I love that. Yeah. I'm like, just like completely zoned out and just, just jamming away and doing my thing. Uh, I told you guys yesterday, I picked up my son, which you guys got to see him backstage talking, talking shit for no reason other than that's what he does.
he He jumped in the car yesterday and I was listening to your music. Who's this dad? Told him. We listened to a couple more minutes. He's like, these guys are awesome. And then they're on my show tomorrow night. No, they're not. Yeah.

Musical Influences and Fan Stories

likes like So yeah that's the other cool thing about doing this show, man, is that my kids get introduced to good music because I'm sorry. The quality of music that's out there today is not very good. So shout out to artists like you guys and like but for making kick-ass and use actual music, real music, because that crap that's made on a computer in a studio with 70 people just is not good. But um which part of Texas are you guys from? um So i from I'm from Gatesville, Texas, which is a small town just west of Waco. um And John and I live about an hour and a half away from each other. He's down in Austin. How's that? has yet
How's that dynamic? Does that do you guys struggle to get together and do things or it seems like guys are always busy. thanks so It's crazy. We've, you know, even the like pre COVID, we kind of had like the internet sharing thing down. Um, you know, especially for like songwriting, you know, we toss ideas back and forth over the internet. We use the same, we use the same software. So we will drive, you know, they're big files, but we can share that kind of stuff and and do that. But.
And we're always talking on the phone. I mean, John and I, you know, we talk, I don't talk to anybody else on this planet more than I talk to that guy right there. Um, so that helps a lot too. Um, and then, yeah, I mean, hour and a half, you know, in Texas, that's not that far of a drive. So I go, I come down a lot and and we hang out and we get a lot done in a short amount of time, usually. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. How long, how long have you guys been together? How long have you guys been making music together?
Ooh, I think we just hit our tenure, honestly. So ah lift the car Lift the Curse is about to be three years old, but we were in another band together for eight plus and then even another one before that. So I think in all ah tennis years, I think 2014, 2015, something like that. But yeah, to Ryan's point, man, we just started writing and recording remotely just because we lived far away. We're like, fuck, we're not gonna let that stop us, yeah you know, writing and doing all the things. so We did that pre-COVID, so when COVID happened, we just kept writing and recording even more. And um now it's just the way we do it. Like, yeah, would we like to record in the same room? Fuck yeah, but is it realistic? Not really. So um it's it's been awesome. So when we do get together, it's to shoot music videos or you know play shows and stuff like that. So we just are hyper-productive with the time we do have together, but we've just gotten really good at being remote. Yeah, I hope you get it. The ones stuck together for 10 years, you guys. but
like Yeah. Know each other pretty well and and probably get on the same page and think a lot of like, I mean, and we got, we got the network here and we got guys, we, we usually get together and try to do shows together. But one guy in Cancun, I'm in Ohio, so oh guy got guy in Kentucky, Indiana. Um, and then we've got our, we got a little community

Songwriting and Live Shows

of guys that we hang out with that are just all over the, all over the country and stuff like that. They'll randomly pop in on, on different shows. So. kind You gotta love the internet man. You gotta love gottzi technology.
yeah embrace yeah making my ah click Where you at in Ohio? I'm in central Ohio. I'm i'm over by Columbus. oh i was like say columbus is i've I've been there a couple times for work. It seems like an awesome, awesome town. There's a lot to do. There's definitely no shortage of things to do. That's for sure. yeah and and and And I will say, you know, I know Ohio is not really like on the map for music, but you know shout out to Columbus. they've got ah and In Cincinnati, um even Cleveland, you know those are our three big cities. They've got pretty good music scene for Columbus. I work downtown Columbus and just within
I mean, a three mile radius, there's probably six music venues. Oh, hell yeah. um nice oh I mean, they, they, and then there's so many more, you know, the little bars that, that, you know, that have their music's quote unquote music venues and stuff like that. Um, so there's a lot of music in the area and I love it. and a Excuse me. And they bring so many different acts and I haven't, I haven't got to get out as much as I would like to hear music.
but But I heard the local music. You know, I think artists like that, you know, it's just something special about them and doing what they're doing. So it's kind of the idea of this show in general was to spotlight, you know, you guys and other artists like you guys, no matter if you're two followers on social media and yeah in you're playing a little podunk bar in the in the middle of South Dakota somewhere. If you're making good news, man, let me bring up. Let's let's share your music. yeah You guys are probably you guys are probably one of the bigger acts that I've had on here. I've been um yeah just based off of social media presence and stuff like that. And, and you know, I've seen you guys got a show coming up in what? Oh, we from today, actually. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah. Nice. Yeah, so we got kind of a main spot we play here in town in Austin. It's called Come and Take It Live. It's an awesome venue, even better people that work there. But are you familiar with the Browning Glick? You ever heard of the Browning?
i man heard of it i see I got a buddy of mine that but works at the TSA and he's out there in Austin and he's like, dude, you got to get out here. You would love the music. So I think he might've mentioned the Browning to me before. Nice. Yeah. They're, um, they're awesome. They're kind of all over, but, um, they're on a tour right now, but we're opening for their tour. So we're the only local band tour package next Tuesday, but they're, they're friends of ours. So it'll just be a good, good vibes, good show kind of. nice Yeah.
Yeah you guys you guys definitely um do you guys enjoy doing like the smaller like I don't want to say smaller and sound like I'm discrediting anything or or you know like that like a show like that or you guys like to do like music festivals and stuff where there's just like three days or just crazy days. Yeah Ryan I'll let you take that one. but Yeah that's a great question um well man so I feel like any shows a great show, you know, we John and I always kid like we could play for bartenders and we'd be, we'd be totally fine with that. You know, as long as, as long as we play music, wherere we' we're pretty happy in that regard. Um, I think everything has its spot though. I mean, we played, uh, we played a few weeks ago in a, in a small town up near here where I'm from.
And I mean, it was a small little bar, but there's probably like a hundred people packed in there and everybody's jamming, having a good time. And like, it's hard to, it's hard to beat that right there. You know, but, um, yeah, it was one of my favorites in a while. I don't know about you. right It was one of my favorites in a while. It was awesome, man, but no, we'll play anywhere to however many people or however little people, it doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah.
And Glick, that's funny you mentioned festivals, that's a big goal for us. We haven't yet, but that's kind of like a next step. No, you haven't got to do a festival yet? no No, not really. So we our last band, a little bit, but um yeah, that's a big ah big goal for us. so

Band Name and Music Style

That's kind of my, if I'm going to a big ah big big concert,
I love doing the festivals just because like screw it I'm gonna i'm go to buy the four-day pass I'm gonna see like 50 bands I usually wind up you know like you got the main bands that you that you want to go see I usually wind up on the quote-unquote side stage you know the yeah you know with the smaller bands and checking and those guys are really cool because the cool thing about it and and and that kind of roundabout way to ask you guys the same thing The cool thing about going to like the music festivals and going to the side stages is usually like after those guys are done or why they're waiting to go up, they're just hanging out in the crowd and they're hanging out with people. Are you guys like that? Do you like to interact with the with your fans with the with the crowd when you can? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. it's a we We joke. We're really, really, really bad about selling merch. we just usually i'll I'll speak for myself.
I give away merch. Cause we just ended up talking to people and we're like, Hey, take a shirt. And I, you know, I like to be like Santa Claus year round.
That's not always a bad thing. You know, man just for where we're at, man, we're, we're, we're just fans too. You know? Yeah. Yeah. That, that, that, that's awesome. But you know, I like that. ah That's the other thing, you know,
going to, you know, quote, unquote, local shows, five times out of 10, they're going to come up to the bar and you're going to get to hang out with them, man. And I've met some really cool guys in the area, um, years past and even way years back in the day, long, long time ago, uh, when I used to bounce in clubs and stuff like that, it was always fun when they would bring musicians in and then they were just like, they would get done and you'd have the ones that would come in through their show and go back to their bus.
but then you'd have the ones that would just kind of just linger into the crowd and become part of the crowd. And and they wanted to hear the other bands or they wanted to have whatever.
and whatever I always thought that was kind of cool. Oh, yeah. do that we had to do see you guys We had a good one. I think show before last we opened for Drowning Pool and um their guitar player, yeah who he's the only one I for sure recognize. I'm like, oh, fuck, he's been in the band since the beginning. um He was super nice to us. And he was just like watching our sound check and like, you know, gave us some kudos. But like, you know, people like that have no idea how much it actually means for them to just give a shit. You know, yeah. yeah Right. Yeah, that's that's cool. i It always that's kind of like, you know, there's been some bigger. Yeah, I listened to and I follow.
And every once in a while, they'll send a message. Hey man, caught the last episode. Good job. Oh, hey. Can I give you some advice? Can I give you? Yeah. Like, absolutely. I'm here for the advice. Like, if it's going to improve, man, I love that stuff.
You guys lift the curse. I'm always curious about band names and where they come from. and and and and the meeting behind them, kind of sort of. Where where did you guys get it? Cause it's a cool, it's a cool ass name. It's one of those names that like, we were, I was talking with another guest about this. One of those names where it's like, who are you going to see tonight? Oh, I'm going to go see da da da da and lift the curse. And then they're like, I don't know, I've heard of those guys, but they sound fucking bad ass. I give a ticket to like, yeah, man, let's go.
hello It started out so in our old band we we actually had a song called lift the curse So it I guess technically it started out as as a song Which I think is it's kind of cool It was kind of like a shoe in almost like once once John and I were kind of on our own We're like, okay, like what's what's the actual band name gonna be? it's almost kind of like a shoe in because we loved it as a We loved it as a song title from our last band, but like it speaks to like a lot of different things too though. like if you If you're going at it, just like lift the curse. like What does that mean? it's like It can be whatever whatever you want it to mean, you know really. And you can plug it in. So a lot of the songs that we we have, you know um so yeah that's the backstory of the name.
And shout out to Lizzie Jedi too, who just said this up to us. Appreciate you. Yeah, dude, I checked you guys out out um yeah real quick. Speaking of that, um let everybody know where they can they can find you guys at yeah on all the socials and and whatnot.
Yep, literally everywhere. Just search search Lift the Curse. Our Instagram handles Lift the Curse music. I think YouTube might be as well. But if you just search YouTube, even to the old Google machine, you'll find all of it. But yeah, Apple Spotify, wherever you listen, even some of the other more obscure streaming platforms where you're on there. But yeah, our primary, you'll see us posting the most on Instagram, Facebook, um YouTube, all that. So.
and super easy to find. And if you have a hard time following them and you're following us already, I've tagged them and everything. So it makes it even easier. yeah i do got I do got to say, you know, the first, you know, you guys doing you promoting the hell out of save me right now, again, kick ass song. And as being a new fan, you know, listen to the song for the in all the way through for the first time when you guys hit that breakdown and That damn monster came out. i I call it the Cookie Monster Roar. yes ah you got I just did not expect that yeah to come out. Do you guys get that a lot where where you guys come up on stage and you start to play and stuff like that, where you kind of shock people or or people told you like, holy shit, where did that come from?
good That's happened a couple of times, I think, over the years. um Yeah, I mean, you know, my my primary thing for since I've been a vocalist has pretty much always been singing, but I've got a deep love in my heart for for screaming vocals or, you know, anything like that. And so it's kind of and I tell John this all the time, you know, I work on both. I work on both singing and screaming. But ive I've always felt like my screaming like You know, it wasn't good enough to be like on an album or on on ah on a song and it's like, well, you know, at one point, you know, I probably thought that about my singing too. So keep trying to keep going. It's, you know, it's just like anything else and I keep keep going for it. So.
And I've always loved other vocalists that have the ability to go from like, especially live, go from singing to screaming and then back to singing. Like, I i love that dynamic and it, you know, and so that that's kind of like my inspiration for that. But yeah, a couple of people over the years have been like,
Well, you're a pretty small guy for that little roar you got there. It's definitely got a little roar by no means, my friend. I got to say, I had earbuds in it. I've listened to the song and it just, I was like, Oh, where the hell did that come from? It kind of took me back. I was like,
Yeah, no, it's it's it's awesome. it is It is. It is unexpected. You know, you see it and it's like, oh, cool, you know, rock it out doing their thing. make And then that just like I said, you unleash that monster and it's totally unexpected. But man, it sounds fucking badass. du It's it's killer. So don don't ever second guess your roar. Oh,

Personal Music Influences

yeah. no that's It's so funny, too, Glick. I feel like a lot of people ask, like oh, what style are you? And yeah I always like to let people decide and let us know what they think we sound like. you know It's like the ear of the beholder. like I always say we're rock with metal tendencies, but it depends what you listen to, right? like If people don't listen to anything remotely heavy, they're like, oh, they're for sure metal band. But yeah i like I kind of like the ambiguity, but me personally, I listen to a lot of Swedish metal. Like like Ryan, i I like tons of dirty screaming vocals and stuff. So to me, we're like, ah, we're more rock, but with some metal,
uh, sprinkled in, but again, we don't really care as long as people dig it. But, uh, you got, you got a nice, you nice little, nice little even, even, you know, you keep it, you do it, you know, you add, you sprinkle it in, and you throw it in, whatever you want to do. Um,
You know, I'm type the type of guy I listen to all genres of music. It seems like my my my go-to is is country and rock. And it seems to be where I gravitate most to. So, you know, it's a nice mixture for me when when I listen to you guys' his music.
I've dabbled in the world of like the Swedish metal and some of the deathcore metal and stuff like that. that And it depends on my mood. It it really does. you know you know But there are some there are some pretty there are some pretty cool heavy metal death metal bands out there from around the world.
So, it's just, you know, I think you guys are a nice mixture at the end of the day. Do you guys have any heavy, like, artists or or bands that you're heavily influenced by? Speaking of, you know, the different styles of music that you listen to? Or do you just... Yeah, we got some big ones. We are who we are. All right, you go first. But yeah, we got we got a lot. Man, yeah.
And it's like a just a super wide variety. like I'm the same way. I love country music, especially 90s country. um oh yeah Clay Walker, Garth Brooks, Rick Trevino, stuff like that. um like I love that because I grew up around that, but I also grew up... like um I remember having an Aerosmith cassette. ah My favorite song by them was Ragdoll.
freaking its yeah great so um i That was like my first like taste in the rock and then of course the black album Metallica like what a pivotal what a pivotal time for me that was my first like actual like CD rock album metal album whatever you want to call it and that was yeah that was like the you know pop the cherry moment for me for sure after that like yeah anything and everything Lincoln Park, Fuel, you know, I do like some older stuff like Boston, 80s Band, all the outfield, love those guys. Oh, yeah. Yeah, those are, those are like my big influences. I love breaking Benjamin too, Benjamin Burnley, but yeah, if I ever got to meet that guy, I'd totally fangirl out.
yeah Yeah, what about you, John Boy? Yeah, yeah, same. but We have, like the fun part is we have tons of overlap, but we also, we actually have a Spotify playlist that we share with each other where we introduce each other to new songs all the time because we do have a lot where we don't crossover which is fun but um nice yeah i was born i'm actually from northern california but moved out to austin back in 2012 but uh okay yeah my parents raised me on 90s country and they're like 80s hair metal so i love hell yeah anything in between or any yeah so same same 90s country stuff ryan mentioned um
Shit, we like you and I could talk a lot about country. I got real into like all the bro country, like Florida, Georgia line, all that stuff, a lot of it. But I like it there's more guitar solos in that shit than like most like rock at the time, you know? Yeah. yeah But ah no, I'm a huge Zach Wild fan. Actually, I've got a Zach Savage shirt. So Metallica and Ozzy were like my gateways into everything else. So just fell in love. Those are still probably my two favorite bands. but Um, got me into a lot of this. I mentioned Swedish stuff. I love some bands like arch enemy and, um, there's a band called, uh, Amaranth really vocalist as a girl. Yeah. They're my favorite bands. Um, yeah, the Swedish have a certain sense of melody that I just fricking love, but, um, yeah, huge Van Halen fan. You can see Eddie over this. Um, but, uh, yeah, anything like that, all the bands Ryan mentioned too, but, um, for me, like all starts and ends with Zach wild and Metallica for sure.
Nice. So Ryan, you mentioned the name. And I don't think a lot of people remember or know. And I'm a huge fan. I love Richard Reno. I was actually listening to him a couple of weeks ago. My kids were like, who is this guy?
ah So I was a big fan. And every once in a while, I like to go down that down that little road. But I got i gotta to ask you, John. You said you're a Van Halen guy. Yes, yes. You got Eddie back there on the wall. Are you a Van or a Van Halen? I knew that was coming. I'm always ready for this question. um i I actually am more of a Van Hagar fan. I just loved it. 5150 is like my favorite album one of my favorite albums of all time.
I love Sammy Hagar. like He is one of my favorite artists. I think it's still so cool that he's still singing his ass off at, what, 76, 77, however old he is. It just seems like the coolest guy. like I would love to just hang out and have some tequila with Sammy Hagar. That's a life goal. ah um by But I do think, I love all the David Lee Ross stuff too. Van Halen won, obviously. like it yeah It's unmatched in terms of the like importance in rock history, I feel like. so yeah i get both like They both have their place, I would say.
But if I had to pick gun in my head, I'm a Hagar guy. No, I agree. you know i i think i think I think Sammy, better vocalist, better singer, and David Lee Roth, man, the ultimate showman. yeah Don't get me wrong, he can sing.
You can sing, but man. you It's the show. you want a guy good Yeah, you want to watch the show. You got to see David because yeah it is wild to see him out there in age still trying to do it and whatnot. But yeah, I give credit on both sides of the fence. You know, I'm not one of those guys. It's like it's one or the other. At the end of the day, we all listen to Van Halen for one reason. Exactly. Exactly.
We want to hear Eddie's shit. Yeah, seriously. ah Ryan, Richard, you know, you've met him multiple times, right? Didn't you yeah like work for him one time kind of? Yeah, that's funny. So um yeah, I he did a tour. This is back in the 90s. But he did tour with Lee and And I remember being like, I was probably about five or six years old whenever I met him for the first time. And then Yeah, I got to meet him a few other times, uh, like in my early twenties and then, yeah, just, just last year, actually, I worked for a Navy company here in Waco and, uh, and, uh, one of our clients was like, Hey, we were doing this concert. We need production. And so, yeah, I got, I had to run sound for, for Richard Vino. And, uh, yeah, that was a, that was a pretty cool full circle moment. Cause I'm like, man.
I've been listening to this guy for a hot minute. And then now here I am. I get i get to actually like mix his vocals and his band and everything. And I mean, we're talking fantastic musicianship. I mean, just incredible vocals. yeah it was It was awesome. so be that yeah That would be really cool.
Especially being if you're you know if you're a fan and you like their music and and whatnot. things that I randomly, I love 90s music. You guys are like, speak in my language, 90s country, 80s hair bands, you know, the, eighty I love the 80s music every once in a while, but I fall into one of those wormholes of 90s country music. And some of the best sad songs in the world came out of like 90s country, man. And I'm not even sad or anything. They're just, they're still fun to listen to. Great songs, yeah. Dude, I am that way.
and and in ah you good right I've got to run. I apologize. no You're good, brother. You got to head into work, but you colors have fun finishing this thing up. Glick, thanks for having me on, man. Absolutely. I told you before, well more I'll more likely have you guys back up again if you're down for it. We'll definitely have you guys back up just to hang out again. So. Oh, yeah. Come on, brother. We appreciate you. Yeah, yeah. Thanks, guys. Bye.
Yep. Um, yeah, man. Like I said, I find myself in the Lord knows I can't carry a tune to save my life, but I'll get in my car, man. I'll get down to one of the eighties or nineties countries, rabbit holes. And I'll just be belting at the top of my lungs, driving down the road full, full on performance concert in my car. I'm sure anybody around me probably thinks I'm a lunatic, but I don't care, man. It's good music. Yeah. So many good ones, man. Like,
Yeah, so many good songs, so many good bands. Like, I remember my parents listening to Diamond Rio. You remember that band? Like, their harmonies were insane, you know? Yeah, there's just so many. Alan Jackson, like, all all those are so freaking good.
but Yeah, I like to joke around. I like to call it like the the country boy bands. Yeah. like like Black Hawk. Yeah. yeah like Black Hawk. They just had those Alabama was was like, oh, yeah. Kings of the harm and the Eagles. I don't know if you want to really put them in classic rock country where do you want to kind of all of them guys. But yeah. But but yeah, you want to talk about harmonizing together and singing together. Wow. Knocked the name Socksaw. Seriously, man.
Oh, so freaking good. Yeah. Now I feel like I'm going to wind up in the nineties. Uh, at some point this week, I'm going to be at work wandering. I'm going to be at work, wandering the hallways, singing nineties country, you know, a little black dog or something.

Concert Experiences and Aspirations

he happens say What are you going to do? no now i Now I will ruffle some feathers because I know you said you're a big Metallica guy. Yeah. ah i was I was up until, and I wasn't a huge Metallica fan, but I liked them, up until the Blackout. Right after the Blackout, will my you know they had they they they kind of sold out and went a little mainstream you know for guys who Rock and roll, heavy metal. But I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that I was always more of a mega death Iron Maiden fan. Ooh, hell yeah. Dude, yeah, check this out. Check out this koozie. Nice. Yeah, actually, ironically, Ryan's cousin, who's a great friend of mine, too, he and I went and saw Iron Maiden here in Austin a couple of years ago. And he bought me that koozie. I guess I put shows on my bucket list.
I don't think I'll ever get to see. You haven't seen it yet? No, not yet. Oh, man. I got lucky. We grew up in Northern California. Ozfest was a big thing, like 0405. I saw them for the first time at one of those. And then I think I've seen them two other times. But the one here a couple of years ago, dude, they switched like entire backdrop sets, like every few songs. Like it was remarkable to see like the amount production that went into it.
And like, there was like this huge fucking airplane hanging down for Aces High, like just i so showmanship to another level. It was, I hope you get to see him. it was really Yeah, you know, given it the opportunity, I think, I think, mike i think my well, I say that, I think I said, you know, I think time's running out on the opportunities for me to get to see them. I have been to Ozfest a couple of times, so. Nice. Got to see Sabbath when they reunited. Yeah, me too. Yeah. Which was awesome. I will also say I was at Ozfest. We used to have an amphitheater here in Columbus, and Ozzy didn't perform. Oh, no. He canceled like, but literally like,
a half hour before he was supposed to come on stage. And they were going to burn that damn amphitheater to the ground. she turned yeah They lost their mind. I'm like, we've been here all day and seen so many great bands, yeah you know? and And then, you know, he came back the very next year. And I and and i think the very next year was with Sabbath. And that was awesome. That was like, yeah you know, always. And I've already seen Ozzy once before.
Didn't get to see him the second year. And then when they announced that Sabbath was with me, I was like, never thought I'd see this happen. But I'm buying my ticket. The day they went on sale, um Guns N' Roses was a band like that. I love Guns N' Roses. Oh, yeah. And I thought I would never see them perform live. I moved back to Ohio from South Carolina. I'd only been home like a month or two and they released the lineup for for Louder Than Life out in Louisville, Kentucky. And they were the headliners. And I was like, oh. Let's fucking go. Let's go. I didn't even see any of the, they announced that it was, it was actually Guns N' Rich Slash and it was the lineup. And I was like, oh man. I didn't even look at the price. I didn't, I just went online and bought the four day passes. And it was after I bought my tickets that I looked and I seen the other bands that were going to be, there were so many.
ah in this moment hailtorm oh nice you know ah Geez, I can't remember all the bands that were there. Ice Cube was there. That was the old school hip-hop head. So, you know, I was like, Ice Cube, let's go, man. Like, there's so many great bands. But, man, that was a bucket list. One right there was Guns N' Roses. And I didn't have high expectations because In the actor was older. this moment, You know, he's gone Hailstorm. through all the struggles of life. He put on some weight. Oh, nice. But holy shit.
The guy can and he's running all over the stage and and he was legit singing because you could hear, you know, yeah you guys are performers and you know, when you're singing and performing, you get a little winded and he's a little bit older, but he still sounded great. It was, it was amazing. I'm like.
you know what I'm not I'm not concert buy a t-shirt like you know you know that the but the concert t-shirt I'll buy like a band shirt but not like the con I'm like no I gotta I gotta to get the concert shirt with the floor on the back and everything so yeah it was it was a kick-ass experience you know being just a fan growing up my whole life I've been a fan of Guns N Roses I've loved their music even their even their crazy shit like Chinese democracy and yeah man yeah I I liked it for what it was, you know? I don't know. How long ago was that? Do you remember? Because I saw like, it was before COVID for sure, but I'm trying to think.
that why because The headline of festival here in Austin, and I went that day and saw them too. and i was i date two I think 19 sounds right around here. Yeah, I think I would have to pull the shirt out of the closet and look.
I think it was 2009, because I had literally just got home. I'd only been home for a couple months when they released it. and Disturbed was there. They're another one of my favorite bands. And I've seen them a few times live at different venues or different events and whatnot. those Disturbed puts on a hell of a show. Yeah. Dude, there have you ever met any of those guys before? Unfortunately, I haven't. I would love to meet Dave.
Yeah, of course. I would love to. ah You want to talk about a fangirl moment. I've been i've been following Disturb since their first album drop. Oh, yeah. And seen them in concert a couple of different times. And when they were at Louder Than Life, I never in a million years thought I would go to a rock show and a lead singer would bring 30, 40,000 people to straight tears yeah because he he did their song The Reason oh yeah any and he broke down the where that song came from and what happened and everything like that yeah and then started singing it and he started singing it just just straight up vocals. No instruments in the background and you there was not a dry eye
at this at this at this venue and then he then the music kicked in and he was and he's such a phenomenal singer and the things he can do with his voice is insane to me. you know So they're one of those bands that any opportunity I get I want to go see them. You know, they're one of those yeah they're one of those dream gets for this show is like one day I want to be big enough to where I can sit down. disturb Oh, for sure, man. Yeah, they're they're a bass player. He ran a like a smaller music school here in Austin. I think he still lives here, but I've met him a couple of times. Really nice guy. Really, really nice guy. um But i yeah, man, I remember running into him when he owned that music school and then he was called in and then
Kind of have a friend of a friend now and just really, really always nice, very welcoming guy. And he'll still go to like local shows every once in a while. So it's just kind of cool to see that for someone in a band that big, you know? Yeah. It's, it's, it's funny. Cause every time you like see different interviews with the guys or where you see just backstage, they see seem like legit good guys, like nice cats, you know, like they, they would be pretty cool. What's going on, miss Krista? How are you doing girl? Um,
Have you guys, hey guys obviously, you know you you're you're opening up for Browning, you've opened up for other bands. I know you got, well, I've seen on Instagram, you guys are doing an April, you're opening for, what was it? I was gonna mention this. You'll probably like this one. Yeah, we're opening for Red and Adelita's Way. your Yeah, that and yeah yeah and I do know both. Yeah, i've I've heard both. I am a fan of Adelita's Way. I like them.
And I've heard Red before. i've listen they They pop up a lot on my playlist. ah perception about my you know i yeah my my i'll I'll pick a band. And like when I go to the gym or whatever, I'll pick a band and and then I'll just click the playlist button on YouTube music and it'll play other artists like them. So Red pops up a lot on on my playlist when I'm at the gym. So that's that's good. I mean, have you guys done a lot of that where you've opened up for a lot of the bigger bigger acts and stuff like that?
when they come through town, or have you got the chance to travel? um So um we haven't traveled much. It's mostly that you know one of the main places here, come and take it live in Austin. um or We're just friends with the folks that run the place. So if a show like that comes through, you know we see it on the calendar. I always hit them up, be like, hey, are they taking locals on that show? Sometimes they are, sometimes they're not. And then if they are, um usually we can squeak in there. um but ah But yeah, that's kind of the primary. In our last band,
There was a venue in Killeen, which is kind of closer to where Ryan lives. This one summer, they had this big ass stage they would bring out every you know couple of weeks. We got to open for fuel out there, and which was fun. And then we opened for Hinder in the same summer, um which was, ah yeah, actually the fuel one was cool. It was fuel. And then, do you remember Marcy Playground? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was, yeah, we opened for both of them that that day, which is cool.
So ah yeah, kind of random ones like that, but all here in in Texas. But yeah, man, we'd love to get out. Again, the festival thing is like definitely a big, big goal for us, small or large.
yeah I was going to tell you, currently, I have tickets. I think I'm going to have to sell them because it's something else that popped up. but I currently have tickets to Sonic Temple, which is in Columbus. I was going to say, yeah. yeah you don't want If you don't want to sell it, I'm going to get out this way. Hit me up, man. We'll grab a drink or something. For sure. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if you drink or not, but yeah. OK. okay yeah.
Yeah, you'll definitely have to hit me up if you get into town. We were we were debating it, but we're we're planning a, my fiance and I are getting married in October. So, planning a plan and, and yeah you know, the cost of that is like, maybe we'll forego music festivals this year. yeah i know Sonic Temple is is a fun one to go to. It looks great. i I was randomly saw a um live video of Avatar, that band.
last night and ironically they were at Song Temple last year and it was video from that and they looked fucking awesome. yeah The Coliseum that they do the so they we used to have this really cool amphitheater players, players amphitheater.
awesome outdoor venue. Man, it was so cool. and they in A lot of great concerts. I went to Oz Fest there, ah went to Family Values a couple of different years. Oh, really? ah The Vans Warped Tour. I learned that I was in a an Admiral Levine fan because of the Vans Warped Tour. I was like, i dont I don't, I mean, i've I think I've heard her on the radio, but I don't really know her. And she's like, she's the cutest little thing in the world. And she can sing, man. I'm sure she was so good, too. Yeah. Yeah. Paramore, stuff like that. Oh, yeah. And yeah, Avril Lavigne is great live. She's a fun concert. I wouldn't mind seeing seeing her live again.
down the road. You know, a buddy of mine convinced me, not the biggest kiss fan in the world, but I love their theatrical craziness thing. You know, I do like some kiss songs. I like, you know, I probably, I know I get shit from people when I say that. I like, Beth is one of my favorite songs. Oh, it's a great song, man. Great song. That's not even a kiss, they're not even wearing their makeup. I'm like, hey man, it's just a kiss, come on. You know, and I like, got like some of their little disco-y songs that they did, but you had a good mood.
But he had tickets and it was going to be him and his girlfriend. And then he literally broke up like a week before. He was like, bro, you want to go see Kiss? And I was like.
ah Yeah, particularly, but yeah, let's go. But I was surprised. They put on a hell of a show. if you go You don't even have to like their music. You can go for the theatrical value. Yeah, you can think of laser beams and explosions and fire and everything going off. And and ah that the guys in there get up. I mean, I think that's one of the coolest gimmicks in the world, whether I like the band or not. yeah I think it's a super cool gimmick. You know, having on their own personalities and everything like that.
the money they've made too on all their merch and stuff over the years. like I know everyone talks shit about June Simmons from and all that, but my dad and I, we went and saw him in Oakland, California, probably like 2009-ish maybe. but um i remember I don't remember how much it was, but I just remember it being like some of the most expensive parking we ever paid for. It was at the old Oakland Raiders Coliseum, which is but no no it was where the Warriors used to play, which is the same parking lot, but still. It was a dump, but the fact that it was kissed.
But i't everything i echo everything you said, like it was so fun. Everything was on point. But my favorite song is to Lick It Up. Lick It Up is from there. That's there, no makeup phase too. but I like Lick It What was it we went and seen? It was Psycho Circus or something like that? It was a Psycho Circus tour or something? The late 90s, maybe the early 2000s? Yup, yup. That was super cool.
cna Yeah, it's like I remember a DVD. yeah I can see the cover that my friend had growing up. Yeah, like a lot of cool concerts and events there.
Excuse me. Brooks and Dunn came through with their neon lights and cowboy circus and like Cletus T Judd was the emcee and stuff like that. lots Lots of cool shows. Well, then they decided to put a housing development right behind it. ah i equal then yeah So but then we we have a professional soccer team for the Columbus crew. oh So they started to move a lot of like their country cast and stuff like that to the to the stadium. While the Columbus Crew just got a several years back, they got a brand new, just big, massive, beautiful stadium. I guess that's what happens when you win multiple ms or MLS championships. you You get money to yeah build this nice new indoor stadium or whatever. um So they turn the old Crew Stadium into our new concert venue. Oh, nice. temple ah Back in the day, it used to be, what was it? Rock on the Range. Oh.
Wait, is that the same thing? Yeah, same thing. I've seen so many live videos from Rock of the Range. I did i didn't know it was the same thing. Yeah, same thing. They just changed their name, but went to what's a Rock on the Range. it's actually a really the the The soccer stadium is actually a really cool venue or for the the three-day kind of music festival they do because they puts a stage and whatnot and and one end of the field. And then they just open up. the you know Oh, that's cool. And everything down and down in the grass. And then you got all the stadium seating and everything like that. So it's cool. It's a cool venue with the country jam out there a couple couple times. It's definitely a fun event. So if you get the opportunity, if you do get to go, you won't be disappointed. I know they got a really good lineup this year to music wise. yeah It's great. I've never I've I've done the three. Maybe I've only done there's there's a festival here in Austin called ACL. It's a three day thing.
I've done that for three days, one time, but this one's a four day. I don't know if song temples, usually fours, but it's Thursday Friday, Saturday, Sunday, which is aggressive, yeah but so many bands I love. It's worth it. yeah Louder than life is four days. That's not Louisville, Kentucky. Louisville. Okay. And then we have just up the road from me in Mansfield.
that we have every year. And I always say it wrong. And my fiancee usually yells at me. It's ah inc it is incre oh incarcring incarceration. Incarceration, yeah. Incarceration. Which is funny. If we can't go to Song Temple, my girlfriend and I were eyeing that one, because that one. yeah It's a lot of similar bands, but a lot of bands we love. Yeah. Well, like I said, if you make it to Ohio, both of them are about the same distance from you. Yeah, actually, yeah. Sorry. Where is incarceration? I don't think I even got that one.
it's ah It's up in Mansfield, Ohio. It's in the old, it's at the, so have you ever seen Shawshank? Yeah. that that the The prison that they filmed that in is the Mansfield Reformatory. Oh, sick. That's where it is. Yeah. That's awesome. sure um So it's it's a historic it's a historic prison.
um they it's it's It's a really
but it's it was I think it was Ohio's first quote unquote prison. But it's a really cool prison. The the building is like kind of old school Gothic type architectural.
and And then like throughout the year they do tours, they do haunted tours, they do Halloween time, they do a haunted house there. You'll have to, you'll have to look up videos from their haunted house. There's this chick that works there. She's the warden's wife and she's incredible. She's got this fucking how screech thing that she's famous for um on on social media. Um, but she's, she's got this whole insane get up because there's a story the the way back when they're the warden's wife, either committed suicide or accidentally
she was in the wardens they the warden had like a house uh in the building she was getting something out of the copper closet his gun fell down boom shot her in the head oh no her ghost supposedly haunts the constability now so that's the character that that she plays during the haunted house season and she does this like screech how thing man it's it's intense but um
Disturbed shot one of their early videos. I can't remember nice there at mansfield So I haven't been to that one yet But that is one that I want to go to because I want to I want to go see some kick-ass bands and get some get some ink Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I've always heard of that one. But um, yeah looks like it's in July this year I think I think it is where do people fly in for that? is that still flying to Columbus or is that I Um, more than likely you would, it would probably, I don't know, Mansfield, they've got an airport up there and outside of Cleveland, but you'd probably drive into or fly into Columbus. Uh, we got it. Columbus international is massive. Oh yeah. Um, but, uh, yeah, and it's probably maybe a 40, 45 minute drive oh nicesh you know from Columbus and it's a straight shot, straight up 71. And that's like,
Sonic Temple and and and Mansfield, they're they're both like 45 minutes from where I live. but was about like nine like So yeah, as I said, if you guys get the opportunity, let me know. well well yeah yeah even if Even if we don't go to the show, maybe we can come up and ah have a couple drinks or something. one not That would be badass. I would love that. um Yeah, dude, Columbus is cool. I've only been twice, I think, but I've been to like a little German area. like yeah general village Yeah, super cool.
No, um yeah, just a cool town. And obviously, oh, congrats. I'm assuming are you big OSU fan? I am a bad guy in Ohio. i' been looking at it i put my I don't even remember. Yeah, we rearranged the room and I don't even know where my flag are you? Nice, nice. Yeah, I am a diehard Michigan fan. But I am happy for Ohio State. I did talk a little. I always talk shit. It's kind of a thing. It's what I do. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I am happy for them that they won. main I'm more happy that the Big Ten won another 90. Yeah, yeah, that's fair. And two years in a row, yeah the Big Ten's represented. I am a big i am a big sports guy. so Me too. I'm a big guy but Harbaugh fan. I grew up a Niner fan, 49er fan. so
love your harba But obviously I love what he went and did so with y'all. Everywhere the guy's been, man. He's super talented. It was wild what he did out in San Diego this first week. Finally. i mean i we we We do a sports show on Sunday and I was talking to the guys. I'm like, man,
I think it's going to be a few years before San Diego does anything. And not to not to crap on San Diego. He did that talent. Justin Herbert, a monster. Everyone knows that. But I was like, but man, the hardball effect is a real thing. yeah be he He wins wherever he goes. so But yeah, I was happy for him this year. you know Not necessarily the biggest fan of his brother, but that's because ah Baltimore can go to hell, in my opinion.
Dude, it's hard to hate because, ah again, I understand you make the playoffs this year. And then Lamar and Derek Henry helped me win a championship in my friend's fantasy league. crazy It was hard to not root for them a little bit against the Bills. But yeah, I was a heartbreaker with the Bills the other day. I don't know how you feel. I'm not a Kansas City hater by any means, but like i was really I was really hoping Josh would finally win one against them. You know, I'm not the biggest fan of Patrick Mahomes.
I think I think he's a talented kid. Yeah, I think he's severely overrated. I have said all season and I think and I think at this point it's just gotten so blatant and so obvious with the with the officiating that and I've said it all season and I stand by what I said him or the first time I said it. I said without the officials helping him, there are three win team. Yeah, at the end of the day, so many close games, so many close games. Yeah. like know the what Yeah.
Yeah, right down right down to the, I mean, just like, and it always comes down to, you and and we say all the time, if you play Kansas, you got to jump out early and fast. Stay there. And take the referees out of the equation at the end of the day. yeah But um yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of Mahomes, but there are a lot of talented cats on KC, you know. Travis Swift, he's a talented fighter. That was good, I like that.
ah yeah And I respect the shit out of Andy Reid. Obviously he's it very good at what he does. you know I'm just waiting for Andy Reid to have a heart attack on the sideline. Not a lot of street. One extra cheeseburger, man. Yeah. You're one cheeseburger away, Andy. Come on, buddy. I know you got it in you. Yeah. No, it'll be, ah yeah. it's in So who do you like NFL-wise? Are you? ah I am a diehard, lifelong,
browns fan even though I break up with them every season. Yeah, hey, dude, I was rude and hardcore. um ah I love James Winston. So I was all about that whole thing this year.
mean you That cat is hard to hate. James is hard to hate. oh i You can get mad at him for throwing interceptions. Yeah. He's a character. He's entertaining. And he's hard not to like at the end of the day. And he throws the shit out of y'all. It's like, yeah, he threw his picks. But like he does chuck that thing. ah You know? Like, receivers, if you like it, they get involved. You know? I don't know. yeah yeah he that yeah god but ah Yeah. He had that one game the first time he got to play in the snow. um thursday like yeah That was awesome. Was that against the feelers? Yeah, that was the feelers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
And then after the game, him up there with Fitz Magic and and oh yeah and the crew getting down picking snow angels and having a snowball fight. like Yeah, he's he he's he's a lovable guy, man, but you can't help but like him and en root for him. Part of me wanted to be mad at him when he's when he's throwing seven picks and three pick sixes in a game, but it did but it's like,
Dude, I can't even be mad at you. Like, I really can't be mad at you, bro. For real. No, man. Hey, I was pumped for y'all with Flaco last year, too. Getting Flaco off the couch. Yeah. Like, I've been, you know, I got a soft spot for the Cleveland Browns, too, so. Yeah, if we can just figure out a way to get rid of Sean Watson. Dude. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, that was such a that was such a heartbreaking move. i'm I'm such a big Baker Mayfield fan. I still am. He's crushing it, you know. and that' killing And Nick Chubb, I feel really bad for Nick Chubb. Didn't he got hurt again, right? Yeah, he got hurt again. he's so good Late in the season, so um I have, depending upon what happens in the quarterback situation, I have. I have somewhat high hopes for next year.
not just talent there we got I like him. coach yeah ah like him I like him a lot. And he just needs to let the offensive coordinator do his job. I agree. But I do like Stefansky. And you guys have got a couple of good receivers too, right? Oh, shit. You had um the Broncos reject who balled out this year. What's his name? i can't yeah Jerry Jerry Judy. Good for him. I feel like he got kind of shit out of Denver, unfortunately. But he's clearly good.
Yeah, he he he did. And man, that kid is, I was excited. I liked him when he was in Denver. I was excited when we got him. I was sad when we got when we let go of Amari Cooper. Yeah, Amari. I'm a big Amari fan. That dude's very good. You want to talk about somebody who's helped you win fantasy football championships. Yeah. actually I think me too, a couple of years ago, that dude was phenomenal.
ah Yeah, he had he had a season with Dallas and then I think his first season with Cleveland man. He just balled out and I'm like yeah, mo keep rocking it in boys. Yeah,
yeah you know, I got I got some hopes for next year. You know a lot of injuries. We gotta figure out the quarterback situation. We'll see what kind of help we get ah running back. while Although we we had a couple of pretty good backup running backs man. Oh yeah.
for Ford and and and Foreman, they they they they held their own when called upon. so um But see what I ate all. ah you know which It sucks football seasons at the end now. What are we going to do? I hate this part, man. I hate i hate it. I love it. But at at the same time, it's like all our teams are zero and zero again, almost. Yeah, exactly. they're all But i i'm miss important yeah i'm ah I'm a sports guy, so I'll roll into hockey. and you know I don't watch the NBA as much as I used to, but I keep an eye on it. I'm a Cavs fan. I snap into it in the playoffs for sure. But like for basketball, yeah I feel like half the league makes it anyways. I want to try and be more in it in the season because I'm a big Warriors fan. And I know Steph's days are are numbered. So you've got to enjoy it while it lasts. You've got to give the man credit. He's he's an absolute monster. He's a menace on the court.
Absolutely, yeah, stupid. But Cavs, aren't they? Are they? They're one of the best right now, right still? ah the The Cavaliers have the yeah, they have the best record in the league. You also have Donovan Mitchell, right? Yeah, Mitchell, are the Marlins there. Those guys, you know, we we won that championship. If everybody started to kind of fade away, then LeBron left again and shout out to the Cavaliers management. They got to work behind the scenes and just quietly.
build a team of solid, you know, not just one guy, they have a team across the board, whether they're on the bench or on the court. And the last couple of seasons, man, they've unleashed them, the monsters onto the court. And they're just like, go do your thing. Yep. Last year was awesome. It was a little bit heartbreaking. Go to hell, Boston. Nobody likes you. yeah's for real so this year I think Cleveland has a good shot at making just running the gambit through the East and and going into the NBA finals. And I think that'd be cool, man. I definitely, i like I said, I don't watch as many games as I'd like, but I definitely keep track. Yeah. i You know, hockey, I love hockey.
I grew up a Penguins fan, but I'm also a Blue Jackets fan because okay we got the Blue Jackets when I was 18, my senior year of high school. So it was like, I grew up a Pens fan and I still love the Penguins. But, you know, I got ah got to get on my hometown team, right? yeah Cheer on the Blue Jackets. And they're a couple of rough seasons. and But, um, you know, they're hanging in there in that wildcard position right now. They're not letting that, they got a death grip on that damn wildcard position that they are not letting go. okay You know what? I love that hockey and NBA mirror the same schedule, same amount of games. So it makes it easier to follow like, Oh, they're in playoffs too, you know, or at least relatively close. Cause Ryan's a huge Dallas stars fan. So I kind of, our proxy to keep up with them. I I'm kind of a San Jose sharks fan, but I need to watch a lot more hockey, but, um, but, uh,
Yeah, man, I've ah used to go to Sharks games as a kid. And it's super fun. But yeah, I need to get back into it. There's actually a Dallas Stars like their minor league team is like 25 minutes from where I live. So I've heard those heard those are fun games to go to and they're pretty cheap. So you check this out. yeah we We used to live down and I used to live down in Charleston down in South Carolina. And they had a minor league team and they the Coliseum was 10 minutes from my house.
Oh, nice I was like, yeah, you can get, chicken you can get tickets on the glass for like next to nothing. And it had a good minor league team. Like they, they, they were in the, uh, EHL. So they, I think when we were down there, I think they won the Kelly cup, like three or four years in the 10 years that I lived in South Carolina, which is cool because, you know, going to the game, I love going to hockey when, um, when the blue jacket, the first couple of seasons at the blue jackets were here as an expansion team.
Um, I worked for Kroger's at the time. They were a huge sponsor. Oh, cool. Cool. So employees could get tickets for like next to nothing. So we would buy tickets right behind the bench on the glass and depending on who they were playing, you know, it would depend on which side of the ice we would get tickets for, you know, some teams like Detroit, Boston, Chicago.
You know, Jersey Philly, when they would come through, we would sit on their bench side and just sit there and just heckle the hell out of the players. The whole game just talks to the players are really cool, but they would talk shit back to us. You know, other players would get all bent out of shape. Yeah, it's all about having a good time. And, you know, any time they played the pins, it was like, okay, this game, I'm going to sit on the jacket side. This game, I'm going to sit on the, on the pin side, but and we you know, being in Columbus and having,
a hockey team right there. I've got to meet a few of the players from time to time. um awesome And hockey players are cool as hell, man. They're like super chill. Probably out of any of the sports, probably the most down to earth. They're just super chill, man.
just Hey, yeah, we we play hockey. What's up? Yeah, like yeah yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, they show up at the bar and it it's like, we're just like everybody else. We're going to get hammered tonight. Yeah, exactly. We're going to have a good time. We're from countries where it's cold and gross and we don't have anything to do with it.
I just drink our asses off. so yeah um I'm a big sports guy. like Sports and music are kind of my my world where I try to china do as much as I can. and in okay yeah Me too, man. did you do you ah Do you play?
I saw a guitar in the back, but do do you play? i You know what that guitar does? It collects dust. Hey, they do that really well. They do that really well. I'm 100% honest with you. i've had this thing I've had this thing for probably close to 20 years, and the extent of my knowledge is that.
i i learn and they make ah great They make great decoration pieces. so yeah It's all good. yeah no my my i i cannot play an instrument I feel like I can play drums if I really wanted to. I feel like I can play the drums. But i can't I can't play an instrument and and I cannot carry a tune in a bucket. if Somebody put a gun to my head and was like,
Sing this song. um tea I mean,
um all way i don't guess it's i for for i mean I always say I do believe this. I always say to people, it's never never too late to learn. But it does take time and patience, which are two two of the things that are hard to come by, obviously. Yeah, you know, I got i got patience. You know, I just I'm a little short on time. I would love to one day learn, you know, like this is just a oh no man put you some chods man like I can teach you three chords and you can play 90% of the country tunes out there. you choose that you know Do you know what a capo is?
that's that little chor little guy yeah yeah All you need are those two, three chords and you move that little motherfucker up and down and then you can play almost any song because it changes the pitch of it.
We got the internet. We got all kinds of fun. Maybe I'll hit you up for some guitar lessons. Anytime, man. I just picked this up, like I said, about 20 years ago. I was like, I think I'm going to learn to play guitar. It's a cheap guitar. I think I bought it at Target. I think it might be like an Adam Levine guitar or something like that. Let's go. I started to learn, and then I just got too busy with other things.
life happened and kids and everything else and yeah and it's just kind of sometimes it holds hats sometimes it holds shirts sometimes there's many talents it's way more than i can do so i don't know what i'm right now it's just kind of limbo i don't know where it's going to go we just think that we rearrange the bedroom so i've got to find a new home for it i just don't know where to put it dude the uh i highly recommend the wall hangers i'm a big wall hanger guy yeah just in this room alone i think i've got 11 ish. Yeah. yeah they' they're all They're all over the place. yeah But the wall stuff, they save a lot of space. So just saying, yeah, well I need, I need, I need more wall space. Like I said, um ah got yeah looks like oh I got, got belts. I'm a champion. again Yeah. So i obviously you're a big wrestling guy too.
I am a huge, hey, what's going on, Mandy? I am a sass watching a banjo. You can find me in the course plucking away. Let's go. I am a lifelong diehard wrestling fan. Like I said, my son and I, we we do a show on Saturdays. Oh, man. no every other every Every other Saturday. The last couple of years, he's he's starting to really get into wrestling. Nice.
Um, I think I'm assuming you guys are as or you are as well. I grew up a huge wrestling fan. Yeah, I was, um, definitely big in the, it was still WCW and WWF yeah at the time, but I was, yeah, I think I was staying two different times for Halloween. one one with One with the white paint, one with the red. ah So, um, yeah, he, I remember my favorites, but we're definitely staying. I love DDP diamond Dallas page. Huge. hey um And then just like, you yeah, dude, sell five, five. Yeah. the huge man And then, uh, I was a big DX fan, like X-Pac randomly. So like yeah that, uh, don't they call that the attitude era now? Yeah, yeah yeah the attitude era of the nineties, mid to late nineties. Yup. I got all that. And then so called Stone Cold, Stone Cold and Undertaker probably like my two, uh, favorites, but, uh, dude, have you tried, if you're a beer guy, have you tried Stone Cold's beers?
No, but i I can't find it, but they're hard to find. not to order it yeah i was just go know Hard to find, but I've every once in a while, we had a random ass, like nice, um, comedian source up in and they have like a cool selection of stuff. And I'm like, Oh fuck, it's right there. So I've had his IPA multiple

Brewery Discussion and Wrestling Passion

times. Amazing. And then he's got like a cool logger too. It's from that El Segundo brewing or whatever, but it's, so good it's really, really good.
yeah part i hard of time I imagine being all the way out in Ohio, it might be a little bit harder to find as opposed to maybe being around Texas. but um yeah i I do want to try it. I might have to break down in order so I'm going to have it shipped. But yeah, I've been a huge wrestling fan since Shit, I'm 43 now. Yeah, my whole life. And I, you know, like you said, you were, you were staying, I was the ultimate warrior like three years ago. Let's go. Yeah. Rock and roll express. Hell yeah. Yeah. What I forget about.
Oh, you guys got it down there where you are? There you go. How high are you right now, Blaze? Because you really just butchered my name. Blaze is one of the guys here on the network. Hell yeah. Yeah, well, again, you're going to have to, next time you come up, I might have to have you bring me some. He's down in good touch. Yeah, it's good. I don't know how many different ones he has now, but at least the two or three, but it's good stuff. Oh, Bret Hart. That was a big Bret Hart fan too.
I know I was forgetting. Oh yeah, yeah, I think I think growing up my top three were always, you know, ultimate warrior sting and stone cold. I man i just. Stonehold was like the epitome of the attitude there, just like the definition of the attitude there. And he was that guy, like, now that I'm a little bit older, it's like, man, you know how great it would be just to drive a beer truck into my boss's office? study And yeah just motherfucking, not that my but you know boss, if you hear this, and not not you, other bosses, I like my boss. My boss is going to be a lot.
in his office all the time and feel that I might roll in there with the smoking skull belt and stomp his ass one night. But just that, that was just so like, man, we've all had that one boss in our life where it's like, man, I just wish I could be stone cold for like five minutes and keep stunning his ass and drink beer. Seriously, but I mean, how signature of a thing just, you know, go up on the turnbuckles and, you know? Yeah, there's so many, so many wrestlers, you know,
and The Monday night wars were great. i love oh we got it kind when When the NWO first started, I thought it was cool. um you know like And then it got then it just got played out when everybody and their brother, but when they brought in the red and black. I ah the wolf fashion yeah passion i have mashup that we play all the time. It's CM Punk and the Wolfpack.
things swish together. as called person out and so it's it's it's it's a It's a pretty dope-ass mashup. and a Yeah, DX was always great, man. you Those guys were great. Road Dog, Billy Gunn, and yeah obviously China, and Shawn Michaels was kind of in and out of there, right?
Yeah, Shawn Michaels is in and out. Triple H Road Dog, Bad Ass Billy, Bad Ass Billy Gun, New Age Outlaws, they were awesome. I remember I got in trouble in elementary school for wearing a DX shirt just because on the back of it, you could see it say ass on Billy Guns like shorts.
And I remember Yarguity was like, hey, you can't wear that. How many times you get in trouble? How many times you get in trouble for crotch chopping? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Suck it. Suck it. Worth it every time. Worth it every time. Oh, yeah. Never fail. I remember doing that in high school. One of us would get up to go to the restroom or something and turn around at the door and be like,
too easy it just so so so awesome yeah have so many wrestlers Have you been to a lot of live events? ah Yeah, so I've gone I've taken my I've taken my kids to My son's been to one but we're we're keeping an eye out for Columbus we're gonna I'm taking the one my girls to I've been to quite a few years years back. widena but you guys play ah oh and that and We were there for the day, channel right on which.
My buddy, he's like he my buddy he he's Irish. He's like, I don't know who this guy is, but he's Irish. so That's my guy. that's that was actually Just this best just just past Saturday, my ah my son and I were talking about Seamus and we were talking about being there at the debut. And I'm like, I've been a Seamus guy since i since the first time I've seen him. He's awesome. and But that was at that event, I grew up, I had the biggest crush on Lillian Garcia, the ring announcer. Oh, for sure. Yeah, yeah.
And when it was when they were coming out and when they were leaving, like she came down and was high five. So I got a hug from her when she was coming out before the show started. And then when she came back through at the end of the show, I got a hug and she gave me a kiss on my cheek. Oh, my man. Yeah, my buddy was like, you're never washing that cheek again, are you? Nope. Nope. It's funny because we got home. We got we got back to the house. I still got a lipstick on my cheek.
And my now ex-wife, she was like, show your face. I said, Lilian kissed me. And she was like, oh my god. That's incredible. She said, you're a grown ass man. I was like, I don't give a damn. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care at all. And I love that they brought her back. Simone's were. Oh, they were awesome. Yeah. Hardie Boys, for sure. Because I remember, yeah, Hardie Boys and they were like, prime, prime.
um because now isn't one of them still around ah they're they're both they're they're both still around is my mic being funky it might be here yeah where are they at now they are in yeah again but one of them or maybe both of them aren't they like heavy roots now that's the craziest thing to me except for like when back in the heyday like they were not cruiserweights, but they were high flying, you know? Yeah. Yeah. They still are too. They still fly around the ring. Really? I think they are both, I think they are both considered heavyweights here in TNA. I think currently they're the, I think they're currently the TNA world tag team champs. Oh sick. That's awesome. So which which is cool because just recently WWE and TNA partnered up so that they can have cross cross contamination, I guess you can say. I love that. Yeah.
with the Royal Rumble right around the corner, I'm curious to see who makes an appearance and pops in because they can bring anybody from the TNA roster. And there's still quite a few guys over there on the TNA roster that are floating around from back in the back in the day. Oh, yeah. So they're there.

Wrestling Memories and Pat McAfee

I think Bubba Ray. Oh, I was learning about the Duddley boys. Yeah. Bubba Ray, Yvonne, right? Yeah. deva The Duddleys and Edge and Christian in the Hardee's. I mean, yep, they had some just world class top tier tables, letters and chairs. fuck Yeah, dude. It's so funny. I saw something a couple of days ago, some random Instagram thing, but it was classic ah Edge, Christian and Gangrel. Remember that when they're all like dressed like vampires? Oh, yeah. Yeah. The breed. Yeah. And then one of them was a Gangrel. One was put out the blood, I think.
and the cup ah yeah gang grow he's still wrestling like he's still in ways and stuff still doing the vampire gi yeah sta in the best i giving I think he, I think he showed up not too long ago on AW that maybe a couple of years back that, cause that's where edge is now. Okay. There was a few or something. I think he popped up for a couple of shows or something. Like I still looks at basically the exact same and older, but he's still doing the vampire thing. Yeah.
Dude, that's wild, man. There's a, I'm a big for the sports stuff. I'm a big Pat McAfee fan. So I catch a lot of it all the time. Okay. i was' sure yeah oh so life hey pat But I think it's so cool. Someone like me, that's kind of been out of wrestling for a bit.
He brings me back in, kind of, the fact that he's plugged in. So I'm like, fuck, I want to watch wrestling again. you know he's's Yeah, he's he's yeah's he's a ring announcer on Raw. and i hear And I love it. And he's back in, right? Because I know he leaves sometimes, obviously, when they're really busy here in the football season. But in the last few months, I feel like he's back in it, right? Yeah, he's hes he's he's back. he's He's full on back in. And dude, I love Pat. And that's kind of where I got my, I remember Pat playing for the Colts and thought, this dude is clinically insane. this guy is is alu to man and I that about it. You know, for a kicker, kickers don't get a lot of, they don't get a lot of love or a lot of camera. But that guy, man, he was something else. um The energy that he brings
and then I started watching his his his his podcast before it like blew up and he was probably like back on barstool right it was like whatever barsel barstool and then and then he was like on tick tock and he had and he did have a little short little wrestling career like he was wrestling oh back then he's oh yeah he was yeah he was in that next team and he's actually a pretty talented wrestler. I'm not surprised at all. I think he's had what one or two WrestleMania matches and he took a stunner from. Oh dude, that whole scene was that two years ago or maybe a couple of years ago. Yeah. could that That whole, that whole thing was incredible. Yeah. Up the bottom. but yo good And when they added McAfee to college game day, I was like,
Oh those stuffy-ass old men have no idea what they're in store for oh and I love the new energy. I love the new energy. I love that the guys on the panel have kind of adapted and and they're having fun and they're up there joking and and and taking part of the shenanigans and Pat is that is just he's He's very infectious. you You can't help but love the guy. like I just want to be around. like I would love to be around him. just hey I want to go party with that guy. What would that be like? Me too, And I love the fact his whole thing, ah you know having a show, a very successful show with a lot of his childhood friends. Some guys they picked up along the way, but like most of that is his crew in that asia you know like in a age. like
it's ah it's just it's ah It's a really cool story. where they've gotten to. Yeah. No, that's that's the other thing. The fact that he, you know, I love that mentality and like, you know, uh, my, my co-host for Saturday nights where we just Saturday night show is just insanity here on the network. It's six hours long. It's true. We're just hanging out. We're just, we're just having fun drinking. We dropped the link in the chatters box. He's sports guy. I named the chat.
ah chatters box from the batter's box. We put the link in the chatters box and we're like anybody who wants to come up and hang out with us right there's the link just click it and come on up and we just hang out and have a good time man but my co-host and creator of ah the original show which kind of you know after a couple years we've we've molded into this network that we have here. yeah ah we've We've been friends since five our sophomore year. We've been friends for almost 30 years. Love that, man. That's so awesome. And then one of my best friends from high school, he just joined the network. He's got his own show. He's doing with motorsports and stuff like that. Oh, cool. Him and I have been friends since seventh grade. So, yeah, you know, was like, you know, everybody here we, you know, Blaze, I think is the newest, the newest guy to the group. But he jumped right in and fit right in with us. And he's part of the family now. And we
I like that mindset of if I'm, if I'm eating steak, my boys are eating steak. Yes, I agree. Totally agree. yeah You know, if if you, if you're with me, uh, we're, we're ride or die, like we're, we're doing this shit together, you know? And and I feel that way about some of the, that some of the artists that I've had on here, you know, we form friendships, which is really, great you know, and, and, and, you know,
promoting, you know, cross promoting and, and, and obviously me being a giant music nerd, like I am, I'm just like, man, let me know when the new stuff's coming out. Let me know, you know, like, um, so it's really cool to see that in such a, a big stage with pack, you know, cause it's definition of look, man, we started out here together and now we're all the way on the top of the mountain and we're still together doing our thing. It can be done, you know, at yeah very, very high levels picked up by Like, yeah, the moment they got picked up by ESPN, I was like, man, this is, I know some people are like, Oh no, they're going to lose it. But like, they haven't, like, they're still doing their exact same thing. yeah body will get hilarious
Yeah. That's, you know, any ESPN has always been known for, you know, and i being a sports guy, at least to wake up every morning before I'd go to work in that sports center, while I'm getting ready.
You know, it's always been kind of, it's been the stuffy old man, sports channel. always And the fact that they bring in Pat and they're just like, do what you want, man. There's like no reigns. They took the leash off of him. And that's what I was afraid of. I was like, man. Me too. I was like, okay. At first with the no F bombs, I'm like, okay, cool. It's yeah just for the first two hours, no F bombs. But like, yeah I don't know what changed officially, but like, I usually like, I can, I work from home most of the time, but I'll watch a little bit live.
and maybe 15 minutes, 20 minutes. I'll catch up at night sometimes, but I'm pretty sure they're dropping F-bombs throughout now. So I don't know what changed or what happened. it's like It's exactly as I probably joined on, started watching it on YouTube, but probably during COVID, some around there, one of my best yeah good friends turned me on to them. But like it the way it is now, it's no different. it's almost they just They just have better guests and they got more ammo, you know but like I feel like it's no different. No, I love it. they're just like Let him go. And it's the same thing with that college game day. When we announced that he was going to be on game day, I was like, man. For how long? Yeah. He said he was going to do the first season and then he's dancing on the table. He's shirt off. like Yeah, shirt off. He's fucking with the fans. like great I love winning. The whole kick thing, you know, making people kick for money and stuff.
Yeah, that and when when they're doing their college picks and they'll be in Georgia play and playing whoever and he starts to do the the Georgia chant. And yeah at the very end, he's like, let's go Tennessee. You're going to get killed back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hopefully it's good security, but yeah. I think it's been great. it's It's super excited to see him do his thing and and yeah you know being being a fan. and And I think that's how people are with Pat. You either love him or hate him. There's no in between. 100% no in between with the guy. He's just, here I am. you know is what it is you know what When he's on wrestling, man, hes
Last night, Cash and I were watching Raw, and God love Michael Coleman. He's been there for almost 30 years. Absolutely. That's a fucking legend. Yeah. And Pat roasted him for like 10 minutes. They were talking about WrestleMania and Michael Cole going to WrestleMania. He's like, look at this dumbass wearing his single. He's like, what the hell is this shit here? And then he was making fun of him for trying to dap up one of the rappers that was in the crowd. And Michael Cole kept missing when he would try to dab him up. She's like, dumbass. Stay in your lane, old white man. That's where you stand. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I love that that that genuine friendship because Cole's been on the McPhee show a ton, obviously. But yeah, you could tell they're like legit really good friends now, which I love. Yeah, I love that. Like you said, Michael Cole is an absolute. Oh, God. Love him or hate the guy. He's an absolute legend. How old is he? Or like how old was he when he got started? Because again, he was there most of the time, I think.
I started watching. I think. Well, I mean, during the during the attitude, they're fucking the rock used to torment the hell out of Michael Cole. Yeah. Yeah. Which is wild. Yeah. Cole's got to be getting up into his 60s. And he looks good for 60, which, you know, genuinely genuinely curious to see how old Michael Cole is. OK, Michael Cole is 56. OK. So he started out WWE young. Young.
Like, early yeah, early 20s, maybe like I'm I just turned 35. It's it's got to be. But yeah, such. You're just so good at what he does. And he said so many times he he legit loves what he does so much. He could tell. Yeah, ah so he's he's. He is a guy through and through. through Yeah. No chance about that. Yeah.
ah sir okay It's crazy. I don't I don't know. ah Whoever's in the audience, you guys want to let me know. Maybe it is, but I don't know. Maybe you hear anything on your end where it sounds like my mic is jacking up. Every every once in a while. yeah It's been a while. It's only happened a couple of times throughout. It'll be like some weird little glitchy stuff. But now it's been good for a while. It could also be my internet. My internet's been absolute dog shit lately. Yeah, it's not like more of the Internet thing. It didn't sound like your mic sounds fine.
Yeah. I might have to break out the old mic. Yeah, yeah. Who are some of your favorite bands? Oh, man. ah but we would ah We want to go genre or of all time? We'll start with all time. um i am a I am a huge Garth Brooks fan. Nice.
um I do. Man, that's kind of hard to just narrow it down. I can ask you tomorrow, it could change. Yeah, 100% change again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The genre is so much, man.
There's this band that I'm really into, probably my favorite band. I think they're called, what are they called? a Lift the Curse or something? Yeah, like I said, Megadeth. I was a huge Pac fan, but I still love listening to old Tupac music. Oh, it's so good.
Absolutely timeless. I know this is kind of cliche and probably a little corny, but, uh, Zeppelin, man. Oh yeah. i will be as soon as ze you know its no good So much variety too, you know? Um, wait, the Megadeth thing though, I am curious about that. What got you on a Megadeth? Uh, I love Megadeth too, but I feel like it is kind of an acquired taste cause you got Dave. Dave was saying it's like voice and everything. Some people don't love it.
I love eating and yeah i like i think what i it. just i It just happened, man. yeah i mean yeah like it literally just like I don't know. I think I was listening. We have The Blitz, who is a band sponsor for Sonic Temple, a rock station. I think I was younger. I was just in the car. And the me that song came on.
and is Fucking cool. you know but but you remember you remember what know i was with I was like. I was just going to talk.
I learned from Megadeth from Venus and Budhead. um but A Le Monde? Le Monde? Oh yeah, to De Le Monde, I think. I don't know how you actually say it, but... Yeah. but That's a great song. yeah If Jeff was here, if Jeff is here, he speaks French. But it wasn't until I got older that that but that I, you know, he kind of was like,
Got some kind of like people were Legitimately feared for him when that song came out, but he was like i'm not gonna kill myself It was like a goodbye to my mom type deal. Yeah. Yeah. Yep um' here to say that yeah that was a song You know I think that was the first song I heard and then I then I was like asking my my cousin uh one of her friends He was a kind of but it's Okay, I remember talking to him because I was younger I might have been shoot maybe 10, maybe my son's age. And my cousin was a few years older than me. I remember talking to one of her friends and he was a big metal head. And I'm like, who is this? Like, I love this song. You know, like, where can I find more? And then he introduced me to like Holy Wars. And yeah, that's like my favorite. I love that song. Tornado Souls, that is Tornado Souls, probably my favorite.
Yeah. And like peace cells and angry again and and and s SOD, you know, uh, somebody of destruction, like, and I'm like, I'm in, I'm in. And when I got older and and I, and the first time I'll never forget this, I was a little bit older. And the first time I seen Dave Mustaine, I'm like, there's no way that that guy sings these songs because he already acquired boy. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.
Like he does not look like a rock. And to this day, I mean, that's still mind boggling to me. Cause he doesn't look like your quote. je And Alice Cooper's and, and kiss and, you know, like guys like that. And it's like, even, even Metallica, you know, when younger day you like, the they look like, and they just does not look like a, over like a rock star, like a heavy metal guy to me. And it blows my mind, but.
Yeah, it's just, I don't, yeah, I know, making up this kind of that acquired taste. and i've I've heard a lot of people, oh, they suck, they're terrible. I'm like, really? right Fantastic.
just and just legalably I'll regularly put on a song and they're like, hell yeah, this is a kick-ass song. I'm like, it's making that stupid. Yeah. No, don't make it. I'm like, yeah. We just listened to like four songs. I did that to a friend of mine because, you know, everybody loves to hate Nickelback. Oh, there's me, if you will. I love Nickelback. I'm a huge, I have for a very long time been a out of the closet Nickelback fan. I fucking love every song, every album. Like there's I've got one of my best friends. He was a hater for a long time.
There's one song he likes. There's a lot of songs people don't know about. There's some, <unk>s some there's some heavy Nickelback songs. They're like very deep, like deep cuts. Like, yeah, there's something for everybody. Yeah. So you might have a buddy of mine down in, down in Florida. And, um, I was my, my, my ex-wife and I had just separated and I got, I got a lot of friends down in, in Tampa that, you know, whether they're musicians or comedians or pop fellow podcasters or guys that work right man and he does get away.
come down, we'll take, we'll have a blast, you know. And I was over at my buddy's house, Kevin Holly. I was like, if you're listening, this is before you went in the pool. We were like, we were, there was a few of us, we were there at the house drinking. There was two or three of us there. And he had been just hating on Nickelback. Like he was always hitting hating on Nickelback. And I told one of my other buddies, I said, I'm just going to put Nickelback. I'm not going to play any of their hits. yeah I'm just going to put Nickelback on.
I think we were six, seven songs deep and he's jamming out and he's having a good time. Of course, we're all drinking and he's just having a ball. And he's like, who the hell is this? It's like this Nickelback. Who's like who's this sick ass band? Yeah, he's like just using Nickelback. I hate Nickelback. And I'm like, not anymore, you know, we had i would have to find it. But I've got it buried somewhere on my phone. We got video of him going, I love Nickelback. Nicely done.
and That's how it goes, man. People don't know. Yeah, I do understand where the hate for Nickelback came from, but damn it, it's working for him because they don't care. They don't care. They've embraced it, which I respect the shit out of, but yeah, man. I guess just they got, Jack Grover got a bad rap on, you know, some things. I don't know. It was just easy, but hey, they capitalize. So good for them. Yeah, you know, you got to, whatever works, whatever works for you. Yeah, man, that question, like, who are your favorite artists? I know, man. Keep the wheels going. That's a tough one. I'm so all over the place. I'm a huge fan of Bob Marley. Oh, nice. Hell yeah.
um sure yeah
Two albums, I think? I got this giant console record player from the 70s out of my loon. I think I've got two albums two Bob Marley albums out there. Just randomly plug them in and he'll throw them on there and play them. It's funny because you hear Bob Marley blaring out those speakers and then my big giant Sasquatch looking ass walks out of the house. of me We didn't expect that at all. but ah Hey, that's how it should be though, man. More fun that way. ah yeah i'm I'm all over the place, man, as far as music goes. There's a lot of artists out there that but I grew up listening to, and I still enjoy to this day. ah There's some newer artists that are not not as many new artists that are coming up on mainstream that I like, but there's just a local scene that's just ridiculous, man. ah the up and Like you guys, man, there's upcoming bands, there's so many talent out there. I will say one of my one of my probably one of my favorite bands
Uh, and I, and I just stumbled across them on a playlist, uh, is blacktop mojo. Oh, that's awesome. And we're, we know

Music Collaborations

some of those guys. Yeah. Really, really awesome. nice nice that's That's cool. Yeah. They're, they're, uh, they're actually super nice guys. Uh, when we started doing the show, I was already a fan of their music and I reached out to a lot of Instagram because we like to take breaks and, and play music when we take breaks and stuff like that.
And just on a whim, I didn't even think I'd hear back from him. You know, I've already been listening to him for several years at this time. And hey, guys, I know you don't know who I am. We're starting a podcast. Would it be cool if we play your music? Didn't think I'd hear back. You know, it just was shooting my shot. I just, I always ask permission and that'll kind of lead me into my next direction where I'm going to go before I play artists songs. And it wasn't even five minutes later, Matt.
Boom, hit me back. Hell yeah. well That'd be awesome, bro. Just shout us out, give us credit. Play i play whatever you want. Hell yeah. So for the longest time, we were just playing Blacktop Mojo here on Nonsense Well Nonsense. We did that show three nights a week. That's awesome. And it wasn't until I started doing interviews where we started playing more music. um um i got to go I got to see the guys live. And they were at a little bar here in Columbus.
or in columbus um I was literally like almost, I mean, I could have made out with Matt. Let's go. I don't think he recognized me right off the bat, but Kat came out, and you can me, and you can see me a little. Yeah. We have night we we has had Matt on the show. Super nice guys. we're I'm working to get him back on the show, because we did get to do one interview. I kind of fangirled out just a little bit, just a smidge. um But yeah, they're super nice guys.
Matt did a birthday shout out for me a couple years ago and sent it to Jeff. But yeah, super nice guys. And they make killer music. They're probably one of my favorite bands and that is ah like a ah quick go-to for me to listen to music. Yeah. Oh, that's awesome.
I was going to ask if you guys, you being from Texas, if you guys had heard of them or knew who they were. Yeah. No, we actually are last man. We played a show with them. Um, nice again, we have a lot of mutual friends and again, we've met those guys a couple of different times, I think, but yeah, we played a show with them at some hole in the wall bar in Waco. I don't even know what year this was, but it was definitely before they kind of started to blow up. Yeah. they're definitely it's It's really cool to see those guys start to,
big like starting to get really big. I love it for them. and And like I said, they're just genuinely nice guys. They're guys that, you know, I can just randomly be like, Hey, what's up, man? How's everything going? You know, and and Matt will respond right. Right. You know, I think I follow both of them on Snapchat. You know, just just super nice guys. And you and you can't beat that man. You know, there's guys can up and down the road. The one time we had Matt on here, they were actually getting ready to go on tour. He was on the bus. And the internet was just so bad. But we were like, we're going to fight through this. And Matt's like, I'm sorry, guys. I'm like, yeah, we're good. Don't worry about it. We got through it. But yeah, like I said, it's just a simple ask permission to play their music, which, as I said, roundabout way brings me. Are you guys cool if we keep you in rotation on the rest of the shows here and play your guys' music?
You know, just obviously we shot you guys out, let people know where to find you and stuff like that. But I would love to keep playing you guys' music here ah throughout the show. Oh my God. Fuck yeah, dude. Like play any of our songs as much as you want. No, we're very ah of the mind of anyone listening and sharing it is, that's the

Lift the Curse's Musical Journey

goal. So no, we're all about that. And if you need me to send you any songs or anything, happy to do so. Like you said,
yeah we but um We've been busy since in the three years, almost three years of Lift the Curse. We've over 50 songs out there, I think. sometimes there's good It's a lot. You guys got a ton of music. Like I said, ah the last last two days in the gym, you guys are all I've been listening to and I haven't heard a repeat yet. I'm like, yeah. So what we've done, we again, we both of us, we love all the aspects of music, but our favorite thing is writing songs. It's just so much fun. so We do about, we release a single a month-ish, sometimes a little, we do a little more than that early on, but we do about a single a month, sometimes a little less, depending on music video schedule and stuff. But again, over three years, like it I think we're officially over 50 now. And there's only a couple of covers in there. So you you mentioned the, I just died one. We did- You guys did a killer cover from Home Alone.
oh yeah was Oh, no, that was so I actually came across that today. Oh, yeah like oh i i was at the I was at the gym today and it started playing. I'm like, ah this is from Home Alone. What the fuck is going on? Why am I listening to Christmas? And I grabbed my phone and I was like, no fucking way. did it was Dude, it was killer. Holy shit. These guys knocked it out of the fucking park, man. Dude, Ryan will be stoked. That one was in the making for um or that was just an idea that Ryan wanted to do for probably a few years, um, maybe even into our last man, but he'd want to do that one for awhile. And we always settle on something else. And, uh, we finally did this year. So yeah no i haven't I haven't listened to it yet, but I did see it. Uh, you guys have a cover of a Lincoln Park song. So I'm definitely, uh, yeah, we, we actually did too. We did a, yeah. So that one, when I, to be totally honest, when I first heard Ryan's voice 10 years ago or whatever, the first thing I thought of was like, he reminded me of.
Chester or that like range. you know um i know Chester is extremely unique. But when I heard Ryan's voice, it was in that kind of realm. um So we honestly, over the years, haven't covered that much Lincoln in Park. So we've done a little bit. um But we just did two songs. um Probably over the summer, we did In the End and, oh my gosh, what was the other one? It was a lot of fun. We did two of them. And then the other ones we have out there, I think we have ah Peace of Mind, the Boston cover.
i hope I mentioned Boston. We did that one a long time ago. That was really fun. Big Boston. Yeah, me too, man. and Then we did um ah that 90s song by Natalie and Bruglia Torn. Oh, really? We did a version of that too. The beautiful thing about Ryan's range, he yeah you know he's got a high range, so it makes doing ah covers of female front-end songs pretty easy.
so You sound like a lady, Ryan. yeah yeah He owns it, though. He owns it. He knows. He's not here that he's not here to defend himself. yeah yeah hey Maybe gotten to work today. i'm Hey, I'm jealous. i wish I wish I had that. So no, it's yeah it's all all good. um Which one's one was it? OK, so it was in the end and crawling. That's my guy. Oh, OK. Oh, nice. Those are probably my favorite songs.
but your And I love Lincoln. I have not listened to new Lincoln Park, though. Have you heard with the with the new singer, the the the the female singer? I haven't heard her yet. say Good. but g like I've actually seen them. I saw them live. Oh, nice. So yeah yeah, I know. I do like the new songs. um i kind of I kind of take it for what it is, though. I know some people are like, oh, you shouldn't do any more without Chester. But um I saw them in Dallas or Arlington. It's where the Cowboys play.
I'm sorry. Probably a few months ago. Oh, yeah. No. for i hate so Sorry. You had to go there. It's a's a nice place. We're not, you know, watching the Cowboys. You know how I understand. So fuck the Cowboys. But um man, it was a it was a really cool show. Have you heard about omens? Yeah. Yeah. So they they were direct support for Lincoln Park. So I had never seen them. So that was kind of more my draw of why I wanted to go. And I was like, oh, sweet. I want to see Lincoln Park, too. Cool.
um Dude, Bad Omens, they had like an hour set. It was almost like they were like, not a co-headliner, but they had a really awesome set, great stage. like And what was really unique about their set, um three or four songs in a row that were collaborations, they had the real artists there. like like this Like Poppy, if you've heard of her, she was there. Then the two guys from ARRA and a couple other songs that they have, ah popular songs of Bad Omens that are just collabs, they had the real artists there.
which it was six, it was a one-off show and obviously a huge show being with Lincoln Park at Cowboy Stadium, um but it was killer. And then Lincoln Park was good. Like I thought Mike Shinoda sounded great. And I thought the the new singer, of the girl, she was she was great for what it is. And the new songs, i think are I think they're good for what they are. Yeah, yeah i haven't I haven't heard anything yet. And and i'm not I'm not really of the mindset of,
Oh, you shouldn't do anything else because Chester's not there, you know, like, yeah, it that's like, that's like saying, just because, you know, Kurt Cobain unalived himself, Dave Grohl should have never made music. Right. Right. Sorry. On a fan by any chance, but I think yeah not that I ever would condone unaliving oneself, but I think it might've been the best thing that ever happened to Dave Grohl's career.
Uh, at the end of the day, I am a huge girl fan. and Even watched this, uh, silly ass little horror movie that they made. Oh, I never saw. I always wanted to though. Yeah. it and show It's, I won't lie. I probably watched it four or five times. Hey, what the don't, don't, yeah don't and don't expect a, uh, carpenter or craven. Yeah. Yeah.
it's ah It's very corny, very cheesy, but it's all not it's it's, nonetheless, it's still good. I enjoy that the the whole band's there, you know, so it'ss it's definitely cool. Which is cool of him to bring the band into it, you know? Oh yeah, like the whole concept of the movie is there they're writing an album and basically Dave has just kind of hit a wall and they they rent this like house that's possessed. It's a wild movie. It's like you said it's definitely worth the watch. i like I've watched it multiple times. it's answers like This is a terrible fucking movie. You're not wrong. i it's also great it's also It's also kind of great at the same time.
But yeah, i I don't have the mindset of, oh, you link in part, I just, I just haven't listened to it yet. You know, there's, there's, you know, with doing this show, man, there's so much music that I'm, that I'm oh yeah um listening to so many new artists. and And, you know, for you guys, anytime you guys got something new coming up, new coming out, if you want to send it to me, feel free if you want to say, hey, yeah we got this on Instagram or whatever, man, we'll throw it up in our stories. We'll we'll definitely help you guys promote it. I try to I try to be a little bit I'm trying to get better about it just like once a week, maybe maybe twice a week, jumping into our stories and just drop in artists that I've interviewed, whether it's new stuff or old stuff or whatever, if they've got like
reels or something with their music on there, gigs you got coming up, we'll gladly throw it up on our social media. i'm actually yeah Since you guys don't mind people sharing your music, I am in the process. I learned, and and and again, I am not the most tech savvy person in the world. Let's be honest, I'm a big dumb animal most days. But I did learn through an interview that or you know that you can create your own Spotify playlist. So I'm working on a playlist that is actually 100% dedicated for my guests. And then I'm going to create a second one for new releases. So when new songs and stuff come out. So that I can kind of give you guys some more of that way and show some more support in that way um by sharing your guys' music and whatnot. It's just a matter of figuring out all the mechanics because yeah yeah
I'm like four, almost four years ago, I was like, let's start a podcast. And I thought it was just going to be as easy as just turning on a camera and getting a microphone. and yep and nobody told a little bit more to it And yeah, nobody told me about everything else that goes on behind the scenes and social media crazy right yeah and everything like that. So, but hey totally worth it, man. At the end of the day, yeah to see where, where we started and where we are now, you going to bed?
but bu Uh, and where we're at, you know, just from going to be a couple of jerk offs sitting in our houses, just telling Dick and fart jokes that actually going more content driven. You know what I mean? And create something, something more than, Hey, look at us. We're, we're clowns. Watch us do our little clown dance. Yeah. Um, let me
When you guys write, and I'll say for you specifically, when you write, where do you get a lot of your inspiration and stuff? um For me, I think Ryan and I both, we are always in that constant rhythm of writing, I think. not that um I don't think this would change if we didn't, but um me personally, even when I'm not writing elliptical stuff, I like writing even some of my own instrumental stuff or um even just like not full songs. i love I love the act of writing. So I'm kind of always in that, like that muscle is always going. um So for me, it could be literally anything. So for me, usually it's true for Ryan too. Most of our stuff starts from guitar parts. um We've had some songs that start from just pure vocal ideas, but I would say the majority start from certain guitar riffs or chord progressions or something. And um and ah usually we'll both do something where we don't want to go too far without
collaborating, right? So um maybe I'll take an idea up through a first chorus and see what Ryan thinks and see if he's inspired by it, right? And then if he is, then we're off to the races and we're going, you know, we'll we'll FaceTime, we'll just get on a call, whatever, we'll figure it out, be like, okay, cool, let's do this, this and this. So answer your question, literally anything could could inspire it. i And ah Ryan handles the vast majority of the lyrics and stuff. So lyrical content wise is for the most part,
Ryan, but sometimes I'll give songs random working titles, and sometimes he'll like it and stick with it. So and like write about something. So it's just, it's just such a healthy thing, man. Like, I think the way we go about writing is just so fun. Like, I truly believe I don't think Ryan and I could ever write all the music that we truly want to just because of time but like we're we're trying to we're trying we're trying to do as much as we can you know and we're you guys are i mean 60 plus songs in three years know are you sure can't write everything it's ah it's a blast man plug if yeah plug your guys's brains into a computer and just let it go yeah yeah yeah that are you are you guys are you guys doing um
ah you Are you guys doing like albums or are you doing just just songs? you know I know it seems like a lot of the artists now, right now currently, that I talk to is like, yeah, I want to do albums, but more right now is just about the singles. yeah Really singles in the last year. You make an album. again So we we we struck a balance, actually. We love doing the singles because it's it's kind of what the modern Age does, but for us, it's like, cool, we do a single, we shoot a music video, we release that. But what we've found out or what we enjoy doing is we'll get to a certain number of singles and be like, oh fuck, we should put these into an album. So now we actually we actually experimented with our first one. We got to about 12 or 15 songs and then we're like, let's just see with our distributor how it works. Like it it literally was an experiment and see if this works, if we could package all those into an album.
Just so we know we're still a new band. We'll be a new band for a really long time. When people like yourself like find out about us, we want it to be easy to find all of our music. and we don't We don't want people to have to sift through 50 singles. like That's impossible. um So what we do is when we get to a certain amount of songs, we're like, all right, cool. We're at eight. Let's do five more for the album and then release that as the album. Still do some videos for the songs if we can, whatever. So long story short,
Yes, it's over 50 songs, but we have ah three albums out now. So and we're we're about to put the cap on the fourth because we're almost at that level again yeah where we already got the next song after Save Me pretty much done. And then we were really talking earlier today. I think we're going to do two, maybe three more. And then that'll be this next album. Nice. That's kind of the way we do it. And like for us, we just want it to be easier for new people that find us, which is the majority to be able to find and digest our music.
Yeah. And you know, that's and that's kind of the, that you know, it the reels and TikTok and, you know, those one minute, one and a half minute, whatever clips. um and know You guys did that acoustic and I'm a sucker for an acoustic. Oh, me too. Me too.
Oh, I used to love MTV Unplugged. Oh, me too. Allison Chains, man. I'm a huge Allison Chains fan. One of the best. Yeah. um But you guys did Mercy. Yeah, yeah. And we did a Mercy and Dead End. Yeah, Dead End. We could have picked anything, but those ones were like, all right, these these these would go, or these would be easy to do acoustically.
so Yeah. and And like I said, just i'm I'm just a sucker for the acoustic songs. I was just ah yeah think I see that on Instagram. I was like, oh, I got to find this full song. Yeah, yeah. in making And making it easy you know with with your YouTube channel and and everything like that to find the music is key because somebody does come across your Instagram and they're like, oh, this is a killer song. And I've had this happen with artists and I've had to actually reach out to them. And I'm like,
Where can I find the full saga? Oh, well, it's not out. I'm like, what? What? What's going to come out? Because, you know, I got you guys lined up to come on the show. It's only happened a couple of times. And then they're like, oh, hold on a second. It's actually on this YouTube channel. The topic, you know, the YouTube topics. And it's just like, OK, I can work with that. You know, but but you know, you guys mentioned How about easily accessible to find like I said Two days now in the gym, and I know I haven't even cracked your whole category because I haven't heard a replay yet So we love to hear that. It's uh, yeah, mercy is the funny brought that one up That was a song we that was on That album that we never got a chance to do a video for mercy so mercy was never gotten ever we call it the single treatment it never got like
the single slash music video treatment. And we always liked the song a lot. So for us, it's like, we knew it it could translate into acoustic pretty well. But also we we were hoping to peak people's interest, be like, oh, fuck, let me go find that real song. And it's on our second Suffer and Survive album. But um but yeah, I don't know. It's just kind of fun to do that. And truly, like our big goal is at whatever point you finally lift the curse, whether it's now or in five years, we want people to be able to like be like, OK, cool, I like this band, and then discover these bajillion yeah other songs that are out there, you know? And just and and then they get backtracked from whatever point they find us, you know? That's pretty cool. You guys are definitely nailing that right on co the That's a big one. Would would you guys when you guys film your videos?
Yeah. ah you know the video How do you, how do you go about finding your locations? You just drive down the road. That'd be a cool ass fucking spot to do it. Dude, that's a great question because we, in Lift the Curse, we have tried to do music videos for almost every song, which is a a lofty task. But like, to be fair, we have a friend that shoots some for us, but we also shoot some ourselves. So obviously shooting them ourselves,
saves money, and we enjoy it. And we've got a couple of nice cameras. We truly like that. But the last handful we've done with a buddy of ours named Clayton King, who's incredibly talented. So we will shoot anywhere, pretty much. There's a really cool thing now that we recently discovered about six months ago called Pure Space. Have you ever heard of that? OK, it's this thing. I think it's in most big cities. I would assume there's one in Columbus.
um Yeah. Peer space, you go on there and it's basically like Airbnb, but you find places for music videos or like art things. Like one of the toggle things is literally you can do like music videos, like it's places that people put up for rent for that kind of shit. So it's so was sick. Cause we got to a point where we're like, Ryan has a cool, like his family has a really cool ranch where we've shot a ton of videos, but like you can only do so many without it looking the same, whether it's night, day or whatever.
yeah So we're like, all right, we need to find somewhere else. So peer space has been a really, really good thing for us. um And then working with our buddy Clayton, he's got tons of ideas of other places that we would never know about. So ah you go yeah, yeah look it is it's really, really cool. And um yeah, and and they'll they'll give you the price on there. It's literally like Airbnb, but for places to do videos at. So that's been pretty key the last year, I'd say. and um But yeah, I mean, that that got to be a problem that we're like, fuck, like how are we gonna make this look different?
because we've shot a lot of videos at that Ryan's family ranch. We've done actually a lot of videos at my place, which is literally just a two bedroom condo, but I have a backdrop and we just like. you know, change the lights and do a bunch of stuff, lights and fog. Like you only do that so many times. ah yeah so So it sounds like I got to stop. li I got to stop just listening to the music and I got to sit down because the only video that I've actually had a chance to see, ah youre again, I'm at the gym, you know, I'm not

Music Videos and Podcast Vibes

sitting there. Yeah. I'm not, I'm not gym guy on my phone. Yeah. yeah the The same new video is is really cool. Like a little, like a little church, you know, type. Yeah. That was a fear space one for sure.
Clayton found out one of your space. It was some random piece of land. And they had that little old beat up church um yeah that we shot most of it in. so Yeah, it was really I was digging that you know with the inside the church, outside the church. you know just That was really cool. So yeah, it sounds like I need to. and and now Now, as I'm listening through, I need to. but well And that's the other cool thing, man, that you don't see a lot anymore. People making actual videos. Now, that you see a lot of.
ah lyric lyric videos, you know, so that's going to be cool for our live you know our live audience on our shows because that's generally what we do is we play videos. Yeah. ae So so that that'll be, you know, I love i love the artists that and actually still make videos and whatnots because, you know, yeah, we're taking a break, but, you know, there still might be some people that want to stick around and listen to the music and if there's a quality video to go a long way because, again,
We grew up in the era of MTV, like video yeah videos, videos, nothing to do or where every man yeah I remember. I mean, a music video could make or break a song at the end of the 100 percent. Yep. Yep. ah You know, you hear a song on the radio and then see the video and just like, really? Yeah. Really? Yeah. i not much busy Yeah. Shout out to the 80s hairbands. They seem to have the formula, like hair hot chicks, fast cars. Seriously. I love it. Glick, I actually had to jump here in a second. Yeah, I just look at the time. This is fucking awesome. I would love to extend an invite to hang out with you guys again. Yeah. Oh, dude. Anytime. We kind of talked about
everything but music, which is Like I said, you know, it's got this kind of design the show for us, just kind of hang out and shoot the shit and get to know you guys a little bit better. But I would love to not only extend the invite for this show, and and we can talk more and and and maybe lock something down. But if you guys ever see us live, yes Saturday nights, like I said, we do the open door challenge, we everybody and anybody's welcome to come up.
oh yeah Randomly, I think we're going to, I got to get with Blaze, but one of the cool things that Blaze and I just came up with for this show is maybe once a month, maybe once every other month, we're go just going to do a, we're calling the Glick and Blaze mixtape. We're going to hang out and and play some music and talk music.
and put the chat or put the link in the chat and and that invite will go out to all former guests. Anybody who wants to come through or just anybody in general who wants to come up and and talk about music or whatever the case may be. So if you guys ever see us live, you know, more than welcome to hop in, but definitely want to, you know, hopefully we can get one one night when Ryan doesn't have to go into work and have you guys back up. You guys are, guys are coolest kid you guys You guys, all you guys better.
Be checking them out. They are everywhere. They're not hard to find. um Lift the curse. Just type that in your Google box. Yup. Or like I said, if you're following us on social media, they're tagged in everything and everything. They're not hard to find. So man best of luck to you guys. Looking forward to the new stuff. I'll let you if you got a job drop down, I'll um might actually play one more song and then I'll do my clothes and spiel.
But um we talked about it and I want to i want to play, ah I just died in your arms. Yeah. Thank you, Blakey, man. ah But yeah, anything we can do to help promote you guys or whatever, if you want to send me music my way, we'll gladly get it up on the shows. and You guys are a part of the, whether you like it or not, you're a part of the nonsensical family. We're absolutely honored. Definitely appreciate you coming up, man. Is there anything else you want to leave everybody with before you jump out of here? Man, thank you for having us on. We'll find a time where Ryan is going to work after. No, we're releasing songs all the time. Our next one is going to be called Dusk and Dawn.
Um, we don't have a release date yet, but it is done as of today. Um, so probably late Feb or early March, but, um, but yeah, like Glick said, follow us, uh, lift the curse pretty much anywhere. And, um, yeah, can't wait to go. I want to play. Yeah. I want to play in Columbus soon. So we're, we're hoping to get out to all all the spots, but ah you guys, again, if you guys get out here to play, let me know my new thing for 2025 is, uh,
Artists that I interview, I don't get no love in Ohio. I think I've interviewed one artist from Ohio and they were they were fun as hell. I interviewed them last week. that's great But if you're like playing within two to three hours of me and we can make it, I think me and my fiance are going to make it out to just support you guys and come to the show and and meet up and and say hi. And like I said, if you make it up to either one of the shows in Mansfield or Columbus, let me know. We'll take a trip up and have grab a drink or two and yeah can kind of hang out a little bit.
That sounds fucking awesome, man. and I appreciate it, man. It means the world to you guys coming up here. And again, best of luck, bro. I look forward to the new stuff. Once you guys start promoting or promoting it on social, we'll be right there with you, throwing it up in our stories and stuff like that for you. Awesome, man. Thank you so much. Absolutely. I am going to play this song that we were talking about.
This song, you guys. freaking knocked it out of the damn park. I didn't know what to expect. I was like, Holy shit. Okay. Okay. ah again Again, thank you so much, man. I can't wait to do this again. I can't wait to to hang out with you guys again. Uh, get to know Ryan a little bit better next time. We'll dig into the brain of what makes Ryan tick next time. So here's a lift the curse with their cover of, I just died in your arms tonight.
stops for feeling like this on the so summer name
on my head i know i
Hell yeah, man. Kick ass fucking cover that song. Man, Ryan and John lift the curse. Those guys are awesome. Definitely want to say a huge shout out. And thank you guys for coming on tonight. Looking forward to doing it again. Hopefully we can get Ryan to stick around a little bit longer next time. That's what Glitz House music is all about, y'all. Just hanging out, having a good time, ah shooting a shit with these artists, man.
so many cool people out there that are making kick-ass music and I'm loving every fucking second of doing this show and and and getting to meet all these new artists and and and do my thing here. to you as Do yourself a favor and go hit the Google box or whatever you need to do and follow Lift the Curse. The guys are awesome.
I knew they were going to be a good time just from chatting with them. ah and and And they were super excited from Jump Street. This is probably one of the quickest and easiest interviews that I put together. ah So definitely thank you to you guys. Absolutely means a lot to me, especially as an up and coming podcaster. um so But anywho, everybody who is listening and tuning in tonight, thank you guys.
uh definitely appreciated you guys in the chatters box appreciate you please appreciate you brother thank you thank you um appreciate you guys in the chatters box chatting away uh with us hopefully you guys enjoyed there will be a pot dude um But make sure you guys share the rest of the network. Uh, here on the nonsensical network, we try to give you guys all a little something, something, whether you love us or hate us, you're not going to like all the shows, but you might find a couple that you do. Like, like Mondays, we kick off Mondays with, uh, Speedway stories and cold-blooded conversations hosted by our boy Wally, uh, all things motorsports and reptiles. Maybe he's making it happen. Don't ask me. It's like a peanut butter mayonnaise sandwich. I thought I've ever had one.
It's a weird analogy to make, but and unless it's like a peanut butter or mayonnaise sandwich. Sounds terrible. Probably don't sound like a good idea. And then you bite into it and it's good. I don't think it's going to be good. Interesting. He makes it work. ah Right after Wally on Mondays is Connor with, with men caring for men.
I was at 8 p.m. Eastern time. Wally's at 6 p.m. Eastern time. Men Care for Men is our Men's Mental Health Podcast. It's all about mental health, daily life, struggles, man, parents, fatherhood, husband, boyfriend, yeah just just the daily struggles that men go through. It's good stuff, man. Tuesdays is this show right here. It looks out some music, y'all.
And I'm hanging out with some some amazing musicians and some awesome people, amazing musicians, even better people. I've seen a whole mess of people come through here and it's it's it's every show has been good. I've enjoyed every one of them. Again, shout out to Lift the Coast. Thank you guys. Tune in next Tuesday night. I have, who do I have? You know, you would think as a host, I'd be a little bit more prepared. But what are you going to do?
I have next Tuesday, where's my calendar at?
Next Tuesday. I have perfect season coming on, The Hangout. So that should be another good show, another fun time. We'll see them in our social. I'll stop promoting them here coming up. ah Wednesday nights is what the fuck news. If it's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck, we're going to talk about it. We're going to make fun of dumb people.
but Because that's what we do. thursdays Thursdays is kind of a blank spot right now. There might be things that pop up on Thursdays. Maybe Wally will do an extra show on Thursday. Maybe Blaze might have something that he wants to do on Thursday. Maybe I might. Maybe Jeff. I don't know. Hell, maybe Blaze and I will do Click and Blaze's mixtape on a Thursday night randomly. I don't know. Who knows? As of right now. Friday's is nonsense and chill. Our boy Blaze and Jeff watching movies.
with you guys. They got them on the screen. You guys can watch them with them. You get in the challenge box, add your commentary, add your two cents. Tell them you love it. Tell them you hate it. Tell them whatever. Tell them to go fuck themselves. It don't matter. You can be in the challenge box watching the movie. Saturday night is the main event. It is the cornerstone foundation, whatever you want to call it.
It is where this all started, nonsensical nonsense. We go six fucking hours, y'all, on Saturday nights and we open the doors. We call it the open door challenge, not the open mic challenge, not not any of this other stuff. It's the open door challenge. And we drop the link in the chat box and we invite all you guys, the listeners, the watchers, to come up with us on the panel and hang out and shoot the shit. We just ask you to keep your gently tails off the screen. That'd be greatly appreciated.
But it is unhinged, unapologetic. the The inmates think over the sign. Uh-oh, edited. Hold on, breaking news, edited. I'm sorry, Blaze, I forgot all about that. ah As of right now, we have nothing planned. So I should be able to make it. Trying to save money. So so I should be there.
Uh, movie trivia this Friday. Yeah, my bad. I apologize. I forgot. Blaze is starting a trivia night. You guys can get involved in the trivia. I believe if I'm correct, right, Blaze? Uh, if you guys want to take part in the movie trivia nights, let, let one of us know, uh, we'll get it to Blaze. Um, on our social media, shoot we shoot out, shoot low, reach out to us. And I think Blaze is opening that up for, uh, I think I could be wrong, but nonetheless. Uh, so this Friday night we're going to be doing, uh, movie trivia night.
Two teams of two. And the champ is coming in defending his title. hey More than likely. I don't know what's gross.
ah We got Saturday Nightman. That's that's the's kind of just wild and crazy. a And then Sundays, we wrap the week up with unnecessary roughness. It is our sports show. That is your boy. Yes, see?
Yes. So let us know if you want to partake in the trivia. And I think we've talked about doing a tournament thing and maybe having a gift pack to give away to the winners. Maybe a little shirt, maybe a little cup, maybe a little... I I don't know. We haven't got that far yet. But Sundays is not necessary. That is our sports show. We're talking all things sports. It's been very football heavy because That's what's going on, man. It's football season and we all love football, but we're going to start transitioning into all sports. We're not experts. We're just going to be hanging out and chatting, talking sports, talking this, talking that. That's myself, big Rick and our boy, Derek Wayne Douglas, former guest of the show, now co-host on the network. Um, we do that Sundays at one o'clock. It's a new time, uh, new timeframe, one o'clock. So there's the shows, man. Speedway stories, cold blooded conversations, men cam for men.
Looks out some music. What the fuck news nonsense and chill nonsensical nonsense unnecessary roughness and every other Saturday is Cassius corner at noon. That's cash and I talking raslin will WWE baby.
a So take your pick. There's something for everybody at this point in time. ah We do appreciate y'all listening. we We really do appreciate you guys being here and hopefully enjoying what we're doing.
Follow us everywhere. Bio slash and non-sensible nonsense. While you're there, make sure you run over and give beauty in the beard, creative corner, a little follow and a little life. You can get your nonsensical swag. You see the shirt, you see the hoodie. Yeah, we can put this on a cup, put this on a hoodie, put this on a t-shirt, get your nonsensical swag. Or if you just want something else, you just don't want some random shit. Be like, Nikki, no, she'll take care of you. I don't know how much shit costs. She'll have to tell you that.
But Beauty and the Beard Creative Corner, they'll show her some love, give her a follow, give her a like, and make sure you guys follow my guests tonight. Lift the curse. With that being said, I'm roll bouncing. I got so much clips that I got a clip, man. I got works to do. It's been all fun and games around here. This is some serious type shit. We'll have time to lolly-gag around and pretend like we're something or not.
the latest phase, gleaming cars engines pouring up the worded stories we embrace, tune
nature's arrangement cars with muscle
nonsense but the vo just right tune
on repeat