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The Single Rider Line Episode 19: Pidge Gets People Ejected image

The Single Rider Line Episode 19: Pidge Gets People Ejected

The Single Rider Line Podcast
18 Plays1 month ago

Lance is back at it again with more roller coaster shenanigans. Today we are joined by Pidge, a good friend of Lance. Lets here Pidge talk about his experiences working Wicked Twister, getting guests ejected, and more roller coaster news!


The Orion Controversy:

EltoroRyan video:


Pidge's (Private) Twitter: @orionfan287

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Introduction to Thrilling Coasters

Sunday! Sunday! you ready for the highest and fastest poster in the world? Are you ready for a real... Island dare you to come face-to-face with the beast? 7,000 feet.
You can hear my voice. The loft-less monster lives. This man can't handle it.
wow Oh no.
Mr. Pop.
All riders waiting and on top of those rapture, we are currently experiencing a mechanical issue and you do not know the length of the delay. And welcome back we are to the single

Meet Pidge: Coaster Enthusiast

rider line. I am your host Lance. This is actually take number two for those of you listening. and neith there You're not going to hear that first part because my mic was turned down just, just a tad, a tad. So now, now we should be good.
We got somebody back on. Oh my goodness. It took 30 years, but, but here we are. Um, so if you'd like to go ahead and introduce yourself, feel free. Yeah. Hi. Um, I'm not going to introduce myself joking, of course. Um, my name is Pidge. I've been in the coaster community for plenty of years now, whether it's in forms back when I was in high school or in the Instagram community, uh, since about 2019. Um,
peter point ride operator for a few years and uh yeah i'm very happy to be on the show i've never done a podcast before so so make sure you guys roast him on twitter after this is over i set your expectations as low as you possibly can that's kind of a good rule for life in general i feel oh absolutely oh my god Like the amount of times I've just had zero or extremely low expectations and then been pleasantly surprised. The number of times I've had too high of expectations and then just coming crab crumbling down. So I think you're, you're living life a lot better

Taco Bell Delights and Disappointments

than I am. So yeah, I mean, that's how, that's kind of why I got into that mindset in the first place was just thinking, you know,
You know, the amount of times I've gotten burned by that philosophy, yeah and it's just like, well, like, uh, for, like, for example, um, Taco Bell, they're, uh, they have some, they had some new stuff come out. Um, and some of it was just kind of mid, uh, and what specifically are you talking about? So, okay. So I should, I should back up. So my girlfriend, cause i am a I'm a very avid Taco Bell enthusiast. So like the fries, I don't know if you've had their nacho fries, like ah it's like literally fries that are nachos and they get but they put the stuff on them. Yeah. ah Apparently those were really mid. So the size was awful. When they originally came out, they were really good, like.
I can't even lie, they were one of my favorite items on the menu, but whenever I go back to them as of recent, every single time I'm just let down, they're like, sometimes they're cold, they're too squishy, they're too mushy a lot of the time. Flavors all right, but they're just not good fries. I'm just gonna go eat mashed potatoes at that point. Exactly, exactly. I didn't eat their chicken nuggets,
physically can't for for medical reasons. um Did you get to try those at all? Apparently they were really good. but i did I did get to try the chicken nuggets. um To be quite honest with you, despite the absurd pricing, they're so incredibly overpriced. like I tried them once and I'm never gonna get them again simply because they're so expensive. That being said, they were pretty damn good chicken nuggets. i mean I mean, the breading was on the tougher side, but the chicken inside was really good. I found it really strange that they were, so I don't know if you if you know this or not, but I have celiac disease, so I can't eat that sort of thing. yeah um
So, but the tour, but the breading air quotes was made of tortillas. So I don't know why it wasn't, what was in it that caused it to not be gluten free. Why was it not corn tortillas? I don't, I don't know. I'm guessing that I really don't know, but it should have been, should have been corn tortillas. So I can actually, they kind of, they kind of fell apart there. So.
Absolutely. So so just like just out of curiosity, I don't think I've ever talked to you about this

Inside Cedar Point: Operator Stories

before. So you said you've been a write-up for how many years at Cedar Point now? It's been since 2021. My first season was at Wicked Twister. i was about Yeah, I was about to ask you about that because you' you've talked about it before. like I've heard you mention it in passing, but you've never have you ever just divulged all the information about that or no? Oh my God. the it's
It's been a blur since that season happened. That season itself is a blur because I started in June, not April, like the other three seasons that I've done. um But that ride was truly something special to work. I know you've worked a few rides before. Was was it just a you your record, your Skycoaster?
No. So I worked Banshee, Orion and Diamondback as well. Okay. Yeah. So it probably, it was most similar to Banshee, except you know how Banshee you have to check in front of everyone. Yeah. The best part about Twister.
was checking at the side. So you can just stay at the side of the train, go straight down the line. You don't have to like weave in and out of the train like you do on Banshee. It was truly awesome. the best ah And then on top of that, it was the best of both a roller coaster and a flat ride because you had a roller coaster platform on a ride with a 60 second cycle. So. You had time to to chill between each.
between each cycle so you weren't like, you could only go so fast. In between every cycle, there's at least two people on platform playing rock, paper, scissors with each other. I can't even lie to you there. That was just something we do. um Somebody brings their switch in. she Oh my god. Oh my god. Don't actually do that. No, but no it's never. operator That's the swiftest way to get fired and kicked out. and Absolutely. Somehow our our supervisor got away with letting his Apple Watch sneak into the pencil box that we had. That was pretty interesting. That was pretty interesting.
No, I'll go on no, just like a quick question So like our policy was if you brought your phone to the ride you could do that But it has to like stay in like a specific cubby once you actually get there. You can't touch it or have it on you Just yes have it if they bring it to lunch or something. Yes. How it was there as well. Yep. So a cedar point um We could just bring our phones into the park Excuse me couldn't be on them on the midway or inside of guests while in uniform But as long as you were in a break area, you're fine to use it. So we could bring our phones into the park. Yeah. Okay. That was, that was the policy we had at Kings down as well. I just wasn't sure what it was as far as like actually bringing it to the ride. Cause I know that if you do that at Orion, that's like a big no-no for some reason. yeah Um, don't ask me why, but Orion like any of the B and M is not okay, but Skype, but the sky coaster, that was perfectly fine. That's so weird to me. Cause from.
Whenever I talk to Kings Island ride operators, I dated a Kings Island ride up for a few years. um But whenever I talk to Kings Island associates, like the one thing they always ask me is, can you really bring your phone into the park? Because as far as I'm aware, that was just standard policy for a lot of the rides. like You couldn't bring your phone into the park at all.
um I mean, most people don't. It's very encouraged that you don't just so that you don't even have to worry about it. Yeah. um But yeah, I didn't bring mine in. I did once. And then again, I just left it in the little. little Yeah. We had there what's in the shed. ah Lance's phone. That's what. So so so final season of of Wicked Twister, did they give you a free piece of track? Is there is the real question. Oh.
You don't even know the full story. We'll start back around July. that we We just started getting a lot of signs that the ride would be closing. Can you give me an example? To start, there was a few pieces of tape on our danger zone fence facing the beach.
um and then later down the line we were scheduled in some of us were scheduled in for a camera shoot like a POV shooting to film a POV just so you know apparently it takes like eight separate cameras to film a POV so that's when some other people on the queue were like um this doesn't feel like a POV guys um so
ah And I mean the ride was already like heavily rumored to be removed at that point just in general amongst the coaster community as a whole so August 6th comes around and Cedar Point in the morning. They're like hey, we've got a special announcement at I forget it was like 4 p.m. Or something like that and When I looked at it, it looked like static to me at first, because I remember it was the question mark in the static, except the static was sand. And the moment I realized it was sand, I was like, oh, this is the big one. So um we weren't told about this at all. Like, even prior, even like a day prior to the announcement, we had no for sure idea
that the ride would be torn down at the end of the season. That was going to be my next question. So yeah, you're answering that for me. Yeah, of course. So here I am. I'm top golfing with my my roommate because it's my day off. So here I am in the top golf bathroom. Just watching this announcement video, try not to cry on the toilet. Yep. It was it was certainly an experience.
But, I mean, it could have been worse because there were people on the platform and guests started coming up to ride after the announcement was made and we're like, oh my gosh, did you guys hear? This ride's closing for good. And here is everyone on the platform like, what did you just say to me? Are you serious? And they're like, yeah, watch this video. So that caused a lot of tears on the Wicked Twister platform that day.
um And the ride itself, am I allowed to swear on this podcast? Dude, I don't fucking care. Okay. The ride was a, the ride was a bitch that day, like more downtime than I've ever seen for that ride. I'm not going to get into the downtime, but oh, it was, it was a day. and And to the point that they had to evacuate Wicked Twister.
Really? they had to Maintenance had to come in, drag the train back into the station, and then they battery-packed them from there. like it was it was It was a lot of downtime. so real quick drag the train into the station so like you have so say it it's stuck in that area where the station was at you had to physically push the train or pull it into the station from what i heard it it was it was in the main launch section in between the station and the front tower yeah so maintenance had to come out with a rope and
From what I read remember hearing at least, I wasn't there for this, but they had to come out with a rope and drag the train back into the station for them to battery pack it from there. so Wow. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm surprised they didn't even give you a heads up like ahead of time. So you were just obviously you weren't there, but people were just the the the crew that day was literally just watching the announcement video on somebody's phone, like it's in line or I mean, that's just an example I gave. I don't I don't know how exactly it happened. I just remember a lot of people. I remember the wicked twister group chat was blowing up and
and and When people went on their breaks, people were like, everyone's crying on platform. like This is awful. like like This is the worst day of the season. Yeah.
And I mean, that crew from the start really had been like, still to this day, the most passionate crew I've worked with. Like, there's no crew I've worked with that's like, this is wicked fucking Twister. This is our ride. We love it. And we don't care who knows it.
So, and like, we'd always like, sure, we're the underdogs, but fuck you guys for the best. and and No, not that far, but yeah we're wicked fucking twister. No, I get it. It's like, it's if I, I'm sure you heard the rumor that the KingsIsles didn't get rid of their sky coaster, which they haven't as far as I'm aware.
Um, you know, if that were, they're all chopping block at this point, let's be real. Yeah, they are. I would be so incredibly like sad and pissed, but like, yeah, that's, that's my ride. Yeah. Regardless, it's been three years. It'll come upon three years now since I've worked there last. And that's still my ride. Absolutely. Exactly.
Like you you don't work at Wicked Twister anymore, but it's Wicked Twister is still your ride. That is my ride. um But as I'll get into some other rides I've worked, but um as unfortunate as it is that it's not the ride. People come up to me and be like, hey, I've seen you at Wicked Twister. No, it's, hey, I've seen you at Millennium Force. Okay, I started on that ride.

Millennium Force: Love & Challenges

Why do you hate Millennium Force so much? Is it just the music or what is it? It's a lot of things.
I've learned to like that ride a lot more than I used to, but at the time, just the holiday weekends of 21 was not really the greatest time for me in general. um Whether it was twist or closing, or school, which wasn't working out for me, college that is, or um a relationship that I shouldn't have been in. Uh, it just, it just wasn't a good season. So I have a lot of bad memories associated from that ride. But the reason I credit the most for me hating that ride is that it stole me from wicked twister. So ah yeah, I'm sorry. I'm very um very, very, well, I was happy when I got assigned to millennium fours. It just,
working that ride with everything else going on just was not a fun experience. But i've I've learned that I do really enjoy working that ride. Yeah. it It seems like a fun ride to work in general. I mean, aside from the seat belts, which I'm sure is annoying, especially considering how restrictive they are for i how do I put this lightly? um
America That's ah that's probably the best way you can put it yeah um But yeah, that seems like a fun ride to work But yeah, I get what I'm coming from man with all that going on you don't you don't have to talk about this either But what do you what are you doing as far as school goes since you mentioned it? Yeah, I'm not I'm not in school right now. I want to go back to school at some point um probably go to BGSU, probably to the Resort and Attraction Management Program at some point, which was what I was gonna do in the first place, but it just, everything stacked on top of each other then was not, not being nice to me at the time, so.
Yeah. If you do decide to go do that, two things we're going to suggest one, um, not one to like self promote, but go listen to the episode with Dallin on here because he went through that. Oh, Dallin's great. Yeah. Dallin's wonderful. Yeah. I, I, I didn't know, I didn't know if you, uh, if you knew him or not, I was, yeah, one of my other questions. So, um,
Yeah. He went through that whole thing. So I would, I would talk to him about that or listen to that episode. One of the two, cause he, I'll have to check it out for sure. He doesn't seem too fond of it. He was, they've heard a lot of interesting things about it. I have heard a lot. Just refresh her. He had to pay out of state tuition. So I think, I mean, his parents paid for it, but it was.
It was like 40 something grand. And then he's like, all this stuff I could have, you know, I, uh, I could have learned somewhere. Um, I don't want to like detract you from going to it, but no, no, no, for sure. I am well aware of the, the warning signs that I've been given. and Okay. All right. Just, just checking. So, yeah. So Millennium Force rough times. And then, but so you've come to appreciate it for, for what reasons? Exactly. It's.
It is such a stupid ride lance it is I'm I'm so glad that it's getting the updates it needs I don't know if you follow peninsula thrills on Instagram. I do. He's a he's a good friend of mine. He um Got some pictures in that motor room looks absolutely massive It's probably double the size of the original motor room, which hopefully means double the size of the motor um, but on top of that just So many stupid, stupid things. The unload station, when you're on two trains, you'd have to dispatch them separately. um I always hate it. Does it have a multi-move? It has multi-move to an extent. It's a shell of its former self, but on two trains specifically, you don't get that multi-move at all because you have to dispatch the load station
and then dispatch the unload station. But then, fun fact, if you dispatch the unload station, as the catch car is coming back down, you risk the train pulling into the station at the same time as the catch car, and the ride does not like that. So I'm guessing it airs out and shuts down. Oh, no, it doesn't even throw an air. It just does some really stupid things. Such as?
Um, if you wouldn't mind cutting this from the podcast when we, when the time comes. Um, all right. So that was, uh, stuff that was just cut from the podcast. So, um, just for the sake of, just for the sake of pitch, we're not going to, we're not going to get him in trouble. So if you're wondering, if you're wondering why there's a why there is ala little bleep sound that I added then.
Uh, that is, that is why. So, um, we'll just say it's stuff about millennium force and we'll leave it how stupid that ride is. Sorry. Yeah. I am really glad it's getting that update though. It's been forever. much needed update Oh, can I go on about something else that yeah really pisses me off about that ride? do what it pauses it ah again as well No, no, no, no, no, no. Because I'm sure there's a picture of the panel out there. Um, I,
Can you hear me still? Yeah, I can still hear you. OK, I had a Windows notification. But um if you've ever seen the panel before, I'm pulling a picture now. You know very well that that panel has so much wasted space. It is one of the largest panels in the park. Yet there's just so much wasted space. I'm looking at it. Oh, my God. Yeah. Yeah, it is. what Why? It's just like a bunch of.
There's so much open. This could be like five times smaller. Yep. You could fit all of this. I think the original dragster panel was smaller than this. This was tiny. I think it was. And there was even more buttons on there than that one. I don't. What is what the hell is Intamin doing? The dragster the dragster panel was aided by the fact that the panel view was on the wall, similar to Intimidator 305, actually. But I'm sorry, Pantherian.
um It's forever, i305. If you can't convince me to call Twitter X, you're not going to convince me to call i305 Pantheon. The only time I didn't call it i305 was last year, because Project 305 was such a funny name. It was. Just like a hold me over sort of name. Yeah, no, but Millennium Force... that ride.
and I can't even think of everything that pisses me off about it right now. But ah in the end, operating the ride itself is very fun. it's It's a very fun ride.

Cedar Point's Ride Capacity Concerns

It can be a very fast ride if you work, if everyone works together, but.
I was going to say like it's about all I've got to say about that. OK, I was going to say operations seem pretty slow the past years. I don't know if that's just because the motor or what. I know oh I'll tell Orion made a good video about it, which I will go ahead and link in the description of this.
oh ah Can we talk that about that video real quick? Yeah, go ahead. So, I love ah i love i even interacted with Ryan himself before, and I love the content that he puts out. He's a great content creator, but when that video came out, it brought down a lot of people on that crew in 2022, just because and I knew this as well. Everyone on that crew was kicking, like busting our asses off, like just trying our best to work with a motor. And there was a lot of newer operators on that ride and I couldn't blame them for that. But you can also hear Ryan himself said this in one of his videos, but the ride, like we got better. We were beating the motor consistently. I think we,
We consistently reached over around 28, 32 cycles. I don't even know, could not have been 32. We couldn't even hit 32 because the lift motor is so slow. i If that's a sign as to how needed this upgrade is because it can theoretically with the right motor do 36 cycles. Yeah. So how many people an hour is that roughly? I don't.
I don't know. Um, we consistently got over 900, which wow I mean, still is not as much as it should have been just because of the motor. But I mean, we consistently hit over 900 and even the occasional 10 or 1000 mark. I don't remember many days of that ride, though, where we didn didn't get over 10,000. And if we didn't, it was because of the ride itself. I was going to say, like you have one arm tied behind your back as far as you know while you're operating that thing with the stuff that it's in now, which yeah hopefully, um I don't know, they haven't released a itinerary yet. I hope they talk about that.
at winter chill out this year. God, I hope so. I would be floored if they don't. I'll put it that way. Same. But yeah, I mean, you guys have your handicapped right now, and you will be unhandicapped next year. Yeah. Thank God. Yeah. I'm glad that that thing is getting what it needs, because it gets so many riders. I mean, that line is always so long. It's still a very popular ride.
Um, it's it's not quite as popular as Maverick, I don't think anymore, but it's it consistently gets an hour long line at least. Yeah. And the last thing we need at Cedar Point is more coasters that have terrible capacity. Yeah. Yeah. Sirens curse. What? Sorry.
But it's just sorry. Let's talk about that in a bit, but go on. Yeah, no, I'm just a little annoyed that they put a two train coaster into a park that does not need a two train coaster. Yeah, but I understand the concerns about a two train coaster, but I think. I mean, I have faith in Vekoma that the 1000 riders per hour that they advertise on their website for the cliffhanger model, which is what we're getting.
is accurate because, I mean, if the lift moves it fast as as fast as it does in the POV. It better. and Oh my god, it better. It's going to have to if they want a thousand riders. But on top of that, if the tilt mechanism can go from horizontal to vertical back to horizontal, I'm sure as soon as it's back to horizontal and locked in place, you can send that next train.
so Yeah. My, my question for, for Cedar Point right now is, uh, you know, what is going to, what are you guys going to do to make sure that this thing does not have ridiculously long, yeah longer lines than it has to be? Um, obviously it's going to have long lines. that I'm not expecting, I'm not not expecting that. That's, I mean, I waited.
Three hours for top thrill to opening day. Yeah, I'm more than expecting it to have long lines um But what is what are you guys doing? They always they always seem to do a good job, but yeah um um'm I'm kind of I am concerned about that Maybe I'll ask that during the ah the winter chill out presentation if they do a question questions and answer ah Q and&A and again wear some glasses. They have a secret microphone and That's gonna get you oh my god Yeah, those you For those of you who don't know what we're talking about, Winter Chillout has a Q&A section where they also show you stuff that hasn't been announced to the public yet. And you're not supposed to record or take any videos or pictures. So that's kind of what we're referring to there. So are you going at all this here? I'm a guest. I am going. It was a very, very last minute thing. One of my best friends texted me and was like, hey, my mom bought another ticket. Do you want it?
Yes, but only if I can pay you back $25 for the next four weeks. What time frame do you have? I've got a 930 time slot. Damn it. Ooh, early. Yeah, I figured you know you get everybody while there yeah they're fresh in the presentation. We probably get food first too, so yeah that'll be good. Yeah.
um And then typically, OK, so typically on these podcasts, I like to have a whole section dedicated to news. But since we were on the since we were on the topic of c Sirens Curse, I'm going to go ahead and read this, read this off over there. Sirens Curse topped off today or sort of they didn't finish off the track, but they've it topped off the the tilt track. Yeah, it was done today at approximately 950, took about six minutes to get the track into place. And it weighs 45 tons measuring 61 feet in length.
I mean, I think it's left in this place. I think that 45 tons alone tells you just like how much technology is in that ride and they're in that piece single piece of track alone. Like that is a massive piece of track if it's 45 times for. And I'm curious as to how deep those footers are for. Oh, my God. It's our because I mean, you I mean,
That's right. I don't know if you've seen the construction pictures, but that what yeah drill what they're drilling into is sand. That yeah that is sand. Every time I look back at like old construction photos or videos, it's like, that's just sand. like Maverick's entire entire construction area was just sand. um Same with Wicked i mean like a Twister, of course. i mean That was literally built right on top of the beach. so I'm curious as to like how far down you have to go in sand for that. Oh, my God. I can't imagine. All right. Google save me how far. If I can type into sand, do footers have to be. Let's see if they have an answer or not.
There's no way that's accurate. I figured it says 12 inches. ah boy No, that's not that no No, so on the topic of that tower though, like I Don't know if you I don't know how many pictures of you saw that Midway is going to be one of the coolest midways in the entire park. as if it didn't need another really cool midway. Right? But like, and not, can I be not, can I make a not safer work joke? yeah Is that allowed? yeah I don't know if you've listened to this or not, but everything. I haven't yeah somehow. Okay. Yeah. So, um, a few episodes back, I had, um, the Logan on from ah coaster. Cause he's, we, we talk about, uh, we've talked about anything and everything from okay abusive religions to we've,
We've talked about sexual abuse. We've talked about bad relationships. it's Perfect. Anything and everything goes on here. As long as you're not dropping racial slurs, I don't care. Oh, never. That that Midway though, right? You've got what? Valraven, Top Thrill 2 to an extent. That spike is very prominent on that Midway, but then also Sirens Curse, Rugeroo, Millennium Force. I mean, hell, you might as well call it a fucking roller coaster or G Midway, the way you got five rides towering over you. ah ah Four that are actually good.
um hey Dalla would not like that joke. Oh no. No, it's funny because I think You're right about that, but Dalon's also right because Valraven's the one that's... What? I think Valraven's fine. It gets so much shit for no reason. It's a very good looking ride. It's an enjoyable ride, but it ah having worked that ride is very fun to shit on it. I mean, I think Rugeru is more mid than Valraven is. I mean, Valraven is in a park of behemoths of roller coasters as far as it comes to ride experience. I don't know if you rode Ruger River this year, but and we did it was it was running pretty well. my My friend who's the supervisor over there said there was only one bad train this season. so yeah and i mean it It rode fine. It was just
such a mediocre experience as far as ride goes it's just like everything after the after the mid course is a giant pile of don't shit even before the mid course it's just like this is okay i'm a big big big dive loop supporter or not dive loop tilted vertical loop Oh yeah, the, uh, is it like a one of a kind inversion if I'm not wrong? On the floorless coaster, yes. Okay, the, uh, inclined loop? Yep. Very popular on, uh, other stand-ups. Oh, I can't even say it's not the only one on the floorless, or it's the only one on the floorless anymore. Why's that? Because Iron Menace has one.
I mean, I totally forgot about that. That's not a, uh, no, I understand. I understand. Also you you said, you said diet loop and I was thinking like, it has a dive loop. What do you mean? yeah Um, yeah, you had me, you had me for a sec. So, so you, so you finished up at millennium what I saw you at ah Maverick last year, obviously, because we we stood there and talked for a bit while it was down. what So you worked at Millennium, you worked Maverick. Did you work anything else last year or no? um Last year, it was just it was only Maverick and Vengeance. I worked Millennium Force in 21 and 22.
um I'll go in order actually. 21 was Twister and In 2022 I worked a lot of rides actually. My home ride was Valraven. Then I also worked Millennium, Magnum, Power Tower for one single shift. It was the best shift of the entire season. And then during Hollow Weekends I also worked a Matterhorn and Scrambler.
Ew. How are working flat rides like that? I've never worked a flat ride. i mean Unless you would count Skycoaster, which is yeah technically. No, I gotcha. um Yeah, so for Matterhorn Scrambler, they're very chill rides. Definitely two rides that you you cannot hate on. You can't hate on those rides until you've actually worked them because Well Matterhorn is yeah But scrambers genuinely a lot of fun with the right person You like you can go at your own speed if the person you're working with goes fast Fuck it. Go fast. Like it's it's a fun fun ride to work For at least a few hours. I was gonna say I feel like after a while it would get like a little It definitely gets old. You need the right person at that ride for sure, but Because it's like two people, right?
It can be one person, but really yeah, we'll see. I'm sure they're going to run that ride as single up as much as possible next season, but we shall see. Yeah. That would make sense considering. I mean, but I kind of off topic, but did you see Cedar point schedule for next, for next season? I haven't. Um, well, take a look. It's not too different from, from last year. However, they got rid of one of my favorite things.
They got rid of the 11 11 p.m. closes on ah on Fridays. Damn, really? ah for For the most part. um Let me let me double check. But looks like the 11 p.m. closes are. Oh, yeah. Like all the Saturdays. like Oh, my God. Yeah. Except for one. I think I think that's Fourth of July. um Yeah, that's got the Fourth of July is open until 11. Wow. Yep.
i'm I'm really sad about that because I love the 11 p.m. clothes. Yeah, no, seriously. I don't get that. I mean, I get you want to cut costs, cut hours. Yeah. But it's just annoying. And then, uh, yeah, it's just it's just frustrating. Yeah, I was I really look forward to um to that. And I don't know why they got rid of it, but at least i have 11 p.m. on Saturdays. Oh, my God. Those were great. Yeah.
It's just... Oh well. Oh well.

Skyride and Valraven Operations

Back onto the ah rides that I've worked. I got through 22. 2023 was really fun. um That year I was on the inaugural crew for Wildemouse. But then I also worked Valraven again that year and Skyride for the first time. um do you ever Do you know anything about a Von Rol Skyride?
A Von Roal Sky Ride. Yes. No, I do not. Well, I'll tell you this. They are very physical rides. And when we have as many cabins, the most cabins we can have at least that year was 36. When we ran 36, you're sending and catching cabins every 8.5 seconds. Oh my God. It's a very fast paced ride.
Jesus, for eight point five seconds. So, yep. Just out of curiosity, say you have some sort of issue on the platform. I've always wondered this and I've never asked anybody and you have and you can't send a cabin for some reason. Obviously, you're going to have cabins back up. Do you just does the wheel stop going or what do you do? It all depends on what's happening. So. I'll give a few examples on I'll start with this one, the good old 99. And 99 is a special code number for um stop that cabin. Because if you don't stop that cabin, the person who's catching that cabin is going to be crushed between two cabins. Oh, yes. So if that happens,
One, it's going to hurt. Two, that person's probably going to fall to the floor. And once that person falls to the floor, someone's running to one of the many esops that are on that platform. Yeah. um And then the ride shuts down from there.
and the And then another situation would probably be a slower guest, say someone who has trouble with mobility issues. Yeah. um
normally in that case it's so because you can't rush them of course yeah absolutely so normally we kind of just let them take their time and then for as long as they took you send as many empties as you need behind it and then you call over to the other station say hey we have a double zero code for a slow guest okay cabin number, let's say 19, 00, 19, three behind, which is how many cabins you would have behind. okay so just to give Just to give that guest more time to get off of the ride. Okay, that that makes sense. so you yeah but that sounds i mean This sounds pretty fast paced, like overall for it is for a flat ride. There's a lot going on, um thankfully.
36 is usually only used on peak days or when we have the staffing. all But most of the time you'll see the ride on 26 or 20 cabins. Okay. If they don't usually run 32, unless we don't have enough cabins, we can run because 32 and 36 require the same amount of people. So if we have eight people or four people on each side, you're running 36 or however many you can. Yeah. Hollow weekend, Saturdays, 36.
uh-huh if that is if the wind allows i i just gave you ptsd from that just the sound you made from me mentioning all the weekend yeah oh my god do you have any i mean that's a scary time of year for for multiple reasons do you have any hall of weekends horror stories or no i don't have any specific halloween's weekends horror stories um i guess one specifically valraven with a full queue and not because oh no we have a full queue but anyone who's ever worked that ride will tell you this queue line is designed horribly because no matter how you set up the queue there is always a section or a switchback that you are not using
Oh, what, what, what the hell? So the way, the way the queue is designed, you have the snail, which is that 15 minute queue that we have just next to the transfer track. We have the main switchbacks in the very back of the queue line. And then at the front of the queue line is the triangle. The triangle is the part that screws everything up. So when you have
Typically when you use the triangle you're only using it if you're gonna fill the whole thing. Okay. Gotcha. And that's because there is a what I'll call the triangle bypass that goes around the triangle and straight to the back cues.
However, when the triangle by when the triangle is in use, the triangle bypass is not in use. And that is a la that is a quite frankly very large section of cue that could be used but just isn't. yeah On top of that, the triangle itself
I will it don't know, I forget what it is, but it's either an odd number of switchbacks or an even number of switchbacks. So it would be odd, I believe, because otherwise you can't because then you would have one that you can't use if I'm not. So it's even mistake. OK, yes, so it would be so would be even because.
There is, no matter how you set up the triangle, there's always one, like, section of it. Not just like a full switchback, one section of that, so sorry. No, you're fine. One section of it that you're just not using. And you have to wrap the queue past that and down the next one.
I feel like this is a common, not not a super common issue with Cedar Point, but like there's always some sort of issue with like the queue. It's either but or like as ah as of late. So now you have so you have this going on with Val Raven. You don't have lockers for top thrill to know my God. ah So do you just have people like pouring out onto them? Oh, that's why they have the extended portion for like outside of the actual queue. Yeah, I got those bars in the ground. TT to the exterior extended queue line was set up because they were like, oh, we're gonna have we're just getting used to it. We're gonna be so busy and metals is gonna be so overwhelmed.
Let's just have more queue outside of the medals. No, no, no, no. that That's no, I understand that. I was talking more about Valerie, but like, you know, all they have on the ground yeah so that you can set up the. Yeah. Oh, my God. I'm guessing that's because like they realized after the fact. Oh, wait, we fucked up the queue. We can't just go back and and redo it now. I think that was also probably just because the ride was so popular in its first two seasons.
um But also on top of that, that queue is very much needed if the ride were ever to go back onto standard fast lane because that ride was a nightmare on standard fast s lane. it was It was a fast lane plus ride that was forced into a fast lane position.
And with it being the largest fast lane ride, everyone's like, oh, hell yeah. Let's go ride this one. And then they end up waiting an hour because it's fast lane and it's spilling out the fucking entrance. So yeah. Yeah. and And everybody in fast lane wants the front. And yeah. How many have you had any arguments with anybody that. Oh my God. I think I struck a nerve on this. one
You really like. It's hard. Okay, so look, I understand the argument of let us just choose where we wanna sit. That being said, I think with Valor even specifically, it is very much a ride that requires row assignments because of a few reasons actually, just um but mainly one, by nature that ride
is the lowest capacity B&M in the park. yeah So you are trying to fill trains as much as possible. Do not ask me about a single rider line that still pisses me off to this day that we do not have a single rider line at that ride. but But this is. It is. Oh, that was. All right. This is the single radical. Sorry. Sorry. That was that was too. That was that was too. ah All right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's OK. It's OK. Regardless, it's it's just a ride that. If you.
Because it's a ride where if you spend too much time arguing with guests, then you're not filling your trains. But if you let the guests go where they want, you're also not filling your trains. Believe it or not, it is very hard to find eight individual human beings to be placed into cue shoots.
It's not that difficult really, but Oh, it sounds frustrating. So it is. It's a lot of math, mental math. What is so say you do want the front row and what is the best way to go about that conversation with the. ah You guys don't call them separators there. What do you guys call them? We call it crowd crowd. Okay. yeah Yes. So what is the best way to talk to the crowd person? Do you just say, Hey, I'm willing to wait, like, you know, stand off to the side. Is that the best way to go about it or just comply?
Honestly, if if it's busy, one, don't ride Valraven. But also two,
that That ride specifically, there's so much going on at that position. The ride, the attendant at that position is going to be stressed. I mean, if you so desire to ask for the front row, by all means, go ahead, ask for the front row. The front row is not a guaranteed, um guaranteed position and especially what really, really just like didn't make me too happy is when they would pull the, but I have fast lane. Perfect. You have a shorter wait time. That means you can wait shorter and have another chance of getting ah the front row again. And with Valraven even, most of the time since that ride's been on fast lane plus, the ride is never more than a 10 minute wait for fast lane. So,
Yeah. That's, that's something that I had to do with people. One of her, I was working around. So like people came through, like we had, it was, it was during hot. So fast lane was like a five minute wait and the regular line was like, you know, hour 30, not longer. And somebody is like, can we get front? It was like the lot that you have no weight, just come back around. And yeah, I've had, I've just told that to people multiple times. Um, it's, it's,
with the the main goal very clearly over yes overflowing already oh my god at that right especially um we always do our best to be as accommodating as possible was that the case in 2022 no was that the case in 2023 absolutely and i mean i'm never gonna i'm never gonna sit there and argue with someone about why they can't have the front row despite ah supervisors and tensions in 2022 but like we we always first and foremost try to be as accommodating as possible um at least that is what I have learned under that is what I've been trained um if you've had an experience in the past where someone's not being accommodating I'm sorry I don't represent the park in any way I don't speak for the park in any way
but I'm sorry. I mean, you're just doing, I mean, at some point you got to just do your job regardless of yeah you got to get people through. It doesn't really matter what, what, what they want. I know they paid a lot of money, but also at the same time, you know, so did everybody else. So exactly. Nope. You're not special walking into the park. You don't have any sort of preferential treatment unless you when you step foot into the front gate.
You're a number. You're not only number, but quite frankly, you're a member of the general public. Yep. And. Being in the park with. Being in a park with your Isha Nyka shirt or your.
um Fury three to five. Sure, I see a lot of those. It's a good one. It's it's good. Yeah. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Point being, doesn't matter what shirt you have on, you're a guest at the park. And we are here to do our best to accommodate you, but sometimes there's just not times we can accommodate you, unfortunately. So my main question is, what do you have against Fury?
um Tread one shread lightly here. I'm kidding. One word, Orion. I am very soft. What? Really? I have a very, very soft spot for that ride. And the comparisons between the two just pissed me off because they're very different rides in the end. um But on top of that, Orion's drop is better. What? They're the exact same.
It's I don't know the rides in 2021 here. I'll get into a little bit of 2021 I visited the park um and I rode I rode pure I'm like yay B and&M Giga this drop better be like oh Ryan's but when I rode in the back row crape quite quite quite frankly I just didn't get the same whip over the drop as I did on Orion. And also quite frankly, I think the second half is shit. I hate what it does to just get the American steel roller coaster length record. I think i think there is the one turn before the trimmed airtime hill is the stupidest element on any of the gigas in my opinion.
I do, when I ride the ride, I do enjoy it. OK, all right. At least i there's that. I very and much enjoy hating on that ride. So are you just like a, so you're not an ejector kind of guy? you're Oh, no, I'm an ejector kind of guy. just Oh, so why do you prefer, so why do you prefer Orion over it? Because um it's ah it's it's very much a personal thing. OK.
I'll get into it a little bit. Basically, it all comes down to when I was a kid, growing up, going to Kings Island. And and whenever I stepped into X-Space, I just got like this really special feeling whenever like whenever I walked in there. And the first time I ever rode Orion, probably 10 years since I ever or probably 10, six to 10 years since I last felt that way.
I felt the same way as I did stepping into X space for the first time as I did riding Orion for this first time. So ever since then, I've just been a very, very big um Orion fan. Okay. so it's So it's more a personal thing, not necessarily the right experience. Yeah. Okay. That makes more sense.
I understand when people say that Fury is one of their favorite rides because it's a very good layout. It's very fast, very well paced for the first half of the ride. And then the Hive dive is just absolutely incredible. I just have, ah that's the best part of the ride in my opinion. I just have my personal preferences and my personal feelings towards Orion as a ride.
that set it way above any other ride that I've ridden. I think there's a term out there called a zero coaster. I have two zero coasters coasters personally, um Wicked Twister and Orion. They're just two rides that I can't rank because they just mean so much to me, whether it's what they've meant to me in life or what they've introduced me to in terms of book and twister and ride operations. Just, it's a very, it's a very personal ride for me. Yeah. I get that because it's not like it from everybody who judges coasters for the most part, it's from a relatively objective standpoint. Obviously it comes down to, it comes down to personal preference and yep what a ride does or doesn't do.

Defending Orion and Community Positivity

Absolutely. Everybody who loves fury, including me.
ah is it's more so about what Orion isn't doing because obviously Orion is it trying to stay low to the ground or anything but yep that's definitely something that Kings Island needed and that's why everybody's thinking you know Orion could have been like Fury if they wanted it to be and they chose not to do you mind if I ah spread some wisdom real quick yeah go ahead so I I think a lot of the hate that Orion gets is very, very artificial. and it Oh, absolutely. It's not. It's not. I hate this ride because of what it does. It's I hate this ride because this isn't what I wanted.
And it's been like that since the day when the ride was announced. So let me just shed some light on some things that Orion does very well, especially compared to a few other rides. um That ride has incredible pacing. It doesn't have to be low to the ground to have good pacing.
I mean, Fury has very good pacing for the first half. I have my own opinion. But when you're, and you could, I'm sure a lot of the haters could argue, boo, Orion's too short. I hate that it ends too early. But see, that's what I hate. the The opposite is what I hate about Fury. I hate that it goes on forever. I hate that the ride just tries to drag itself on.
I'm it would be nice to have like an element or two more on Orion of course but the way it ends it it doesn't leave me feeling like there's something missing especially not that I've written it so many times over these last few years um let me also said shed light on something else regarding the ride real quick I'm gonna catch you up oh go ahead go ahead So there's a really good video by cyanide on YouTube called the Orion controversy talking ah exactly about that. but This came out prior to the to the coaster coming out. Yep. With Covid and all that.
Yeah, I would heavily suggest it. I'll put it a link to it in the description of the video. So if you're listening to this, go ahead and scroll the description of the video. There is no video of this, I promise. ah Scroll go down there and give it a watch. It's all about six and a half minutes. OK. But very well put together and it's pretty funny, too. Gotcha. OK, that's. but But continue. I didn't mean to cut you off. You're going to shut some more. No, you're fine. um Something that Orion does that, as far as I'm aware, on the entire planet,
Orion is the only complete circuit roller coaster with two moments of the ride that are 200 feet tall and I understand that that turnaround element is one of the weaker elements on that ride but if you're listening next time you're next time you ride Orion I'd recommend riding on the right side of the train and just looking straight down into the supports and into the footers. It is so, so freaking cool. It is one of the coolest views on any coaster I've ridden.
ah see um go ahead no no no that like on that on that thought I personally love front row left side of the train for that exact reason on the wave turn I yes love that yep if you want to call it a wave turn what would you call it element ah I I haven't called it a wave turn since I mean, I don't think I've ever called it a wave turn. I've always been anti wave turn, even before the ride was announced and the blueprints were leaked. Like it was always very clearly an outside. It was like an inside turning moment. So I think because of that, I don't think it's. Good to call it a wave turn. I think maybe a better term for it would be a wall stall. You're kind of like hanging there sideways, basically like you're plastered to a wall.
Um, go ahead. No, go ahead. I was just like I was just agreeing with you because it's it's like wave turn. Is that the correct term for it? Yes, I don't think either. But I don't know what else to call it and because it's not and enough. It's I don't think an overbanked turn is all is a right term for it either, even though it is technically what it is. That's not what it feels like. No, not in the slightest. Whenever I think wave turn, I think of lightning rod and at. dawn Exactly. That's a wave turn. Exactly. Orion does not have a wave turn. but So we're going to call it a wall stall. Is that the term now? Yeah, I think that's a good term for it. Everybody fucks your Wikipedia pages there. So you mentioned front left. I actually have, there's a few really good seats that I very much enjoy. I think if you're at the, I think
Honestly, there's not many bad seats at the ride, but I typically strike tight try to stay either the first two rows or the last two rows. um But front left specifically provides a really weird moment of airtime when you're going up into that turnaround. It's one of the better seats where that element hits. It's no hive dive, but it's not forceless by any means.
No, yeah, I get what you're talking about because just like there's specific roller coasters and specific seats in general where you get air time on one part of the train and you don't on the other. Yep. Have you been on Air Force One yet or no? I have not yet. That is top five bucket list. Twisted timbers. I have.
Okay, so you know how there's like, whenever you're going under the the first hill or wheneverre whenever you're going under lift hill, it like kicks you out to the side. Yep. Yeah. And if you're sitting on the right side of the train, you get a ton of air time. If you're sitting on the left, you get like none. Yeah. Yeah. that It reminds me of that almost. Obviously that's far far more forceful, but you get my point. Yeah, for sure. And it's also like on that ride, twist and timbers as well.
the I prefer that ride in the front row just because you're launched into the airtime hills instead of dragged over them. You feel the airtime stronger and longer in the front than that ride in my opinion. so Yeah. And then on Airy Force 2, there's a very similar element on the right side. It's almost it's it's almost the exact same thing as Twisted Timbers, but it's a bit more forceful. Yeah. There's there's a cut out to the right or side to the left. If you're sitting on the right side, you just get launched out of your seat. Left side, you get next to nothing for some reason. and Yeah. But.
Yeah. Whenever you get out there, which I'm sure you will eventually, uh, sit right side. I personally, personally love that element. what why you separate Yeah. Right side. Um, I had to check my hands because I don't know why I get my left and rights confused. Like I know, like I get it if I think about it, but I have to think about it, which is that the sad part. Um, so there, there you go. Embarrassing ye about me. Um,
But any more thoughts on on Orion and and why it's better than every other giga coaster? I wouldn't go that far. I'm not saying people have to like, oh, you have to enjoy this, but I'm like.
don't look at the ride so negatively because so many people who write like ride that ride and they're like, this isn't fury. This isn't I 305. This isn't what I wanted. yeah So I think it's, I think it's healthier for us as a community, which to be quite honest is only growing more toxic by the day. I think it's only fair to look at some rides in a vacuum. Orion, Fury, and Leviathan, all our B&M gigas all do very different things. I agree.
So yeah, and few, few things. One, it's your opinion. It doesn't matter. Yeah, exactly. Like if you, if you enjoy it and you give your reasons for it, they don't have to agree with it, but yeah it's also it just, you know, if you like it, you like it. That's your thing. Precisely. I'm just asking you to explain why you like it because I think it's really interesting to hear your opinion on things. Totally getcha. And then the other thing too, talking about how toxic this community is sometimes,
I'm going to keep this vague. I'm not going to call anybody out, please for love of God. Don't go shoving your political opinions on Twitter. Oh oh my God. On your account that says, uh, this coaster club. Yeah. It says, Oh, I know what you're talking about. Actually, you know what? Yeah, I am. Pennsylvania coaster club. Just don't do that, please. It's, it's for roller coasters. Nobody's here to listen to political opinions. I don't care what they are. Just keep it out of roller coasters. I think a lot of other people know you're good.
me and a lot of people like this community for the lack of politics. I'm not here for politics. I'm here for rollercoasters. I know plenty of people in specifically Great Ohio Coaster Club who vary vastly on the political spectrum, but There's one thing that's rarely ever gotten in the way, and that's like politics. like except Everyone is there to have a good time. Go to parks to have a good time. We're not here as coaster enthusiasts to sit at parks and discuss politics. We are here to ride coasters and talk about the coasters that we ride.
so Yeah, the only politics I want to be hearing in roller coasters is why fury is worse than Orion. That's the only politics I want to hear. ah Or why ah Millennium Force is actually kind of a mid ride or, you know, why. ah ze Can I say something? ah Oh, OK. Which is funny because I.
let me just let me make this short so i know don't but go ahead i understand zimperla is getting a lot of flack in this community right now and i understand that top drill 2 definitely wasn't like an immediate success but I want everyone who listens to this to realize that Zamperla right now is busting their asses off fixing this ride. And i I've met some of the engineers, I've met some of the electrical engineers that have worked on Maus in Top Thrill sorry. ah you're good um And they're all some of the most wonderful people I've met like in this industry.
i know like And I don't think it's fair to say that Zamperla doesn't give a shit, because they absolutely do. And there is one quote that I remember from when I worked wild mouse. In May, we had two incredible electrical controls people from Zamperla working with us basically daily at that ride. um But
towards the end of it, we like had like our goodbyes to them and they told us all. It got to a point where we weren't fixing the ride to fix it. We were fixing the ride for you guys. wow that It's just stuck with me ever since.
They're, there's, Zamperla has some of the most passionate people working for this industry. And I understand that a lot of people don't like them right now, but I have full faith that they are going to be able to pull this, but however long it takes, they're going to be able to do top deal too. And honestly, I have confidence that this year is going to be that rides the, that that rides here.
Yeah. i'm Jokes aside from what I was saying earlier, I think Zamperla is a good company. I wasn't... ah No, I understand. You were getting political. Yeah, very political. um But yeah, I agree. I think Zamperla... I mean, yeah, they kind of dropped the ball, but I think you made a good point. I don't know if it was... I think it was you. You said that Zamperla is the...
2000, like the early 2000s Intamin of the modern year. Yes. Yeah. I 110% agree with that. And Intamin had so, so many issues, even just during the construction of the rides that they were building. I mean, I won't get into the specifics, but There are some rides, even at Cedar Point, where footers had to be completely removed and rebuilt because they weren't in the right spots. There are plenty of footer, like supports. I mean, everyone knows the big Millennium Force notch in the overbank, but did you know their support the supports under the station also have notches cut out of them because the wheels weren't making the clearance.
Oh, interesting. Yes. OK, so I'm so I think the reason for all of those issues was probably because of that picture of that guy taking a piss on the dragster photo booth. Oh, my God. That is still one of my favorite photos out there. It's so good.
But yeah, I see that Zamperla doing, doing good stuff in the future. My, my only concern is that with how this is going with top thrill too, I'm curious as to if six flags is going to give them another chance again, or if that's just going to be it for the relationship. Cause I mean, we see how they treat into intimate.
Yeah. And that's been what to two decades now since, oh no, we're coming up on two decades now since 2009. It'll it's been 15 rough, roughly 15 years now. Here's the thing with Intamin Intamin went to Cedar Point and proposed these ideas for their rides. So let's say like we're like Intaminator 305 or shoot the rapids or maverick and time after time after time, they didn't deliver. This is the Impirla's first ride that like ever with Cedar Fair or Six Flags, whatever you want to call this damn company anymore. Cedar Flags. No, oh my gosh. Shout out to Cedar Flags though. He's cool. yeah He's cool. He called it from like years away. Yeah, no, seriously. But um, no, I just,
I genuinely see them still working with, or at least taking a few more chances with Zamperla. Everything I heard about Zamperla just working on the ride, like they bust their asses off trying to get these rides to work. This went for TT2, t t two this went from Mouse. They work nonstop getting these rides like to work as best as they can.
um And I mean, Zamperla is one of those companies where a park can go to them and be like, hey, I need this part. Or hey, I need this done. And they're on it. Like, they'll like.
They get that shit out fast. They're very much a maintenance friendly company as far as far as I understand, at least. I never worked in maintenance. I was only a ride operator. But from what I have witnessed, they're a very maintenance forward company. Yeah, i I really think kind of not off topic, but on topic. Still, I think this is another reason why it was called them cedar flags. right Oh, my God.
ah why six flights are good. Intimate on our chance because like it it's been obviously drop the like was given Cedar Fair a ton of issues initially. But if you look at their stuff now, yeah it's so much more consistent. yeah And I mean, aside from the stuff you've got at Universal, which is obviously going to have issues because I mean, you're you're doing stuff for the first time and you're. Yeah. I mean, if you spend a hundred million dollars on a roller coaster, it's going to have some. Yeah, hagrens. But Yeah, they should they really need to give them another try. and I would be sad if ah Six Flags did not give Zamperl another try. I definitely think they will. Oh, same.
I mean, Wild Mouse had its issues, but it was just like kinks to work out. It was never anything major yeah or anything like that. It wasn't. It was all stupid things. It was was all like small, stupid things. But last year it went very, very well. It wasn't a year. It wasn't over a year of downtime. Exactly. Or anything like that. So I think I mean, you heard that interview with Tony Clark. Yes. Yeah, I was just about to bring that up. Yeah. The main thing that sticks out to me in that interview is where it says, Zamperla caught something that wasn't up to their standards. And say what you want about Tony Clark. That's all you need to know. Like, from a general public point of view, that's quite literally all you need to know.

Industry Changes: Closures and Layoffs

The ride manufacturer themselves were like, hey, this needs to be our thing that we need to figure out.
And it like Cedar Point and Zamperla both wanted that right open last year. Yeah, it just couldn't happen because of the modifications that were needed, which I'm not aware of for the record like I was seriously. Um, but Oh, if I only know. Yeah, I'm and you were. Yeah, I ran into you, actually. I remember walking, getting off my last night, my night ride on opening day and running into you because you were. yeah You were at Maverick, right? that Yes. Yeah. And we got out way before top. You'll tune in. Yeah. um But I remember ah ah you got to write it, correct? Top. realry Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. OK. I thought you did.
um Like you saw the Zamperla Zamperla employees just like walking around the ride and like just in the general ride area during during the opening days. I mean, they, they were there the entire time. yeah They, I don't think they even, they ever went home. i it part of me they Part of me thinks they were just staying at Hotel Breakers. Because i know I know they had a hotel somewhere, at least when they were on Wild Mouse. I just don't know where. yeah But there would be days even at Wild Mouse. We got there in the morning. They were already there. Or they would stay after we left just to work on the ride. And like they'd be there all day. We're specifically talking about the Italian Zamperla
Um, people, because quite frankly, the one we got from New York was pay the ass. Rather just, I won't go too far into it. If you could pause it though, that'd be great.
All right. Unpause took a quick bathroom break and he also told me nuclear launch codes. So we all love the nuclear nuclear launch codes. Yeah. So we're going to be hitting a few spots. We're going to be hitting all the parks that, you know, are just truly awful in my opinion. So like over Georgia.
You know, that that park's got to go. Yeah. So what we've done is we've made a protect a protective dome so that it's just going to nuke the park and nothing else. Yes, exactly. Nobody else is around it. But, you know, we're just going to flatten it. Atlanta is safe for now.
Yeah, Atlanta, Atlanta. And then, um you know, I was also thinking like SeaWorld, San Diego, ah you know, I'm going to be there in a few weeks, but I just, you know, can we how about this? OK, can we also nuke that one plot of Canada's winterland that happens to have two really shitty rollercoasters next to each other? Yeah. OK, OK. Wait, did a time warp get removed, though?
Uh, that's, that's the rumor. We don't have any. so Hold on. Do we have any, hold on. Do we have any pictures of it? I haven't, I haven't heard anything about it being removed. So, and I quite frankly don't watch the major, um, Canada's wonderland content creator. So I have no idea here talking about like amusement insiders.
Oh, OK. Yeah, I've yeah I don't watch their stuff. I know that. What's it called? Anaconda King's minions gone. Yes, that is gone. um Night Hawk. Snake River Falls and Snake River Falls and oh, Frontier Fling are both gone. um Night Hawk. Night Hawk. Is it already completely gone? ah There's no way. There was track pieces of it. Yes, yes, yes, yes. But I don't know if it's completely gone or not, though.
On the topic of, uh, the coma flying Dutchman, um, if you were a fan of a certain red, the coma flying Dutchman, I recommend keeping that, uh, that wallet filled. That wallet filled. Oh, yep. Oh, are they going to be selling pieces of it or what? Perhaps. Perhaps. I can't really, I can't really say anything. Okay. It's, it's, it's just a, it's just a small possibility.
All right. So here's here's my thing. It that I wouldn't I'm not a fan of the coma flying Dutchman's personal. Yes. I think that ah in in general, I've never in my entire life felt unsafe on a roller coaster. Oh, my God. Or like insecure on a roller coaster except for on Flying Dutchman. Have you ever been on a Zamperla Valer?
No, I have not. Oh, brother, you have no idea what unsafe feels like. Yeah, you're probably you're probably right, because like you know how on flying Dutchman, like if you wanted to, you feel like you could just like pull your foot out of the out of the leg restraints. Let me do you one better. OK, so. On the Zamperla Valleres, it is it's like a it's hard to compare it.
Let's compare it to a ratcheting restraint, the ladder that you have to like stand on, um because there's only a few set positions that your feet can be standing on. Because of that, my five foot and a half inches, five and a five. Hold on. You're pretty short, man. Five, five foot, five and a half. i'm Five foot, five and a half. Um.
So when I rode Time Warp at Canada's Wonderland back in 2023, it consisted of me riding in a defensive position, kind of like just leaning into the turns, which quite frankly made it bearable. But the thing about it was my entire body was stretched as as much as it possibly could be, because here's my feet on these pretty small like ladder steps in the flying prone position. And then, so then like, I feel like I'm trying my hardest to make sure my feet don't slip off the ladder. It was like, I think it was only the balls of my feet on that ladder. Oh God. Yeah. It was, it was scary. Uh, I'm sorry. That's,
Yeah, I'm going to be out there this summer. So I'm I'm not as short. I'm not as short as you. I'm a very tall person. ah so But still, that's ah yeah. I hate feeling like uncomfortable. I hate that feeling of not feeling safe on a roller coaster. Like I know they're safe. I know that subconsciously. And I know that I'm not going to get hurt ever. um Hey, Lance. Mm hmm.
You know what we still got to get to? but ah What? A lot of things. The news. I'm in i'm in no rush. I mean, unless you have some time, unless you're on like a time restraint, I'm in no rush, man. No, it's OK. OK, well, speaking of speaking of stuff being demolished, ah came to Ka Womp Womp.
Is is has track being removed and not this part next part is not official that some people were zooming in on there and there appears to be appears to be not official um holes in the ah supports for the main tower so that that can be ah brought down with a controlled explosion. But that is but there is very clearly pieces of track being taken off of it. So let me just talk about this whole situation. All right. lets um It sucks. Like it really, really sucks that I mean, we had to lose a ride like this with really no send off it.
quite frankly does not tell me good things to come from the company that owns these parks. um That being said, I think
I think it would be good just to take a step back and realize this ride really didn't have much longer left. i mean all the hydraulic so So many of the hydraulic launch coasters were going away, and I think the general consensus was that King Naka was the roughest out of all of them. Absolutely.
so I mean, I hate everyone hates to see it go. Everyone hates to see a major coaster go when vortex. Oh, well, that's not a good example. I think King of Cobb might genuinely be like the first one, at least for me. That's like. This really sucks. Yeah, outside of wicked twist, but that's personal, of course. Yeah, that's that's different. I hate the way this whole situation was handled.
but the ride was going sooner or later. um That being said, when that thing supposedly gets imploded, um Holy shit, that that video is going to be replayed in everyone's minds in the same way the Son of Beasts demolition was the video, the little lift till demolition specifically. Because I feel like that is, I think when people think of ride demolition, that's the first thing that pops up in everyone's head. I was just about to mention that that ride demolition is iconic. Oh my God.
Like that guy in the and then there's like one guy and the and the excavator he like almost gets hit by the so my god um But yeah, I'm not I'm not looking forward to when video comes out, but no and I don't there there better be a video but butter if There's not an official video from the park and the park and go fuck themselves I don't know if you're on reddit at all, but oh Have you heard of the ah the roller coaster, the r slash roller coaster jerk subreddit? Oh, yes. And how they've named. They have officially coined um whenever you a ride gets removed from your park, getting zim jobbed. Oh, my God. They did not. Thank you, Zimmerman. We appreciate it so much.
I think that's a pretty pretty accurate name, getting Sim John. Yeah, oh my god. i ah i
one Why? It's so good. That's my only question, why? That whole subreddit is just why. It's just... It's personally one of my favorites. There's just so many good memes on there, and it's just great.
yeah anyways that's about all i've got for your comm okay i wasn't sure you i thought i don't know if you were gonna say something let me add something else um okay ah to those of you who are still somehow saying oh it's just gonna get top dill too no It's not. no This ride is done. It is done. It is going to be imploded supposedly per the documents. But this ride is done. And I think at this point, you're doing yourself more harm than good because you're putting yourself in a fantasy world where this ride still exists.
I don't see the expect- like where the expectations of it getting top thrilled 2 does coming into play. Like I understand that top thrilled 2 exists, but yeah we have zero re- those documents are pulled directly off of New Jersey's website. It's not like it's, you know, some just, I mean, obviously it's getting spread around via social media, but you can go look at it right now if you want to.
Um, if you look at pictures of them demolishing it, they're not like carefully removing it and putting it back together. Like it was done with top thrill too. That was very like methodical. Yes. Um, this absolutely not. They're just, they're just ripping it apart. They have no reason to.
They have no reason to, so. Exactly. On the on the subject of speculation, though, real quick. So there's that rumor about the mock, ah what's it called? Something tower, spinning tower coaster, replacing it. what is your What is your thoughts on that? but Hypothetically, that is what is going in there. What is your what is your opinion on that? I mean,
that's the that's the only like specific ride model that i've heard to be rumored at least um the only other thing i've heard was that it's going to be better than ka which ah yeah ah i don't know so much about that one but i mean it's it's you can't just
I mean in the eyes of the general public you replace the 456 foot tower foot tall tower with another 456 or even taller tower and in their mind it's gonna be like oh that right looks big let's go ride it like the general public will not care the general public We'll see it and be like, that's a tall ass ride. I want to ride that. They're not going to. They don't care about names. They don't care about what it does. It's going to have a fast as fuck speed anyways. I mean, yeah. Yeah. What really cued me into that about just how the general public thinks in as a whole, for the most part is one time it probably back in 2018, 2019, I was in line for him back. I was talking to some random people.
I had a guy complaining that they didn't make wick. They didn't make mystic timbers like top thrill dragster. So like, it's really all, all, that all they particularly care about is height and what it looks like. If it looks scary, it people are going to go ride it.
I can I can promise you sirens curse is going to have a ridiculously long line because of that tilt track in there because it's where it looks ridiculous. Yeah. And it's going to get so many so much clickbait ah videos on Instagram and ah TikTok shorts and to every valor even enjoy you're out there. Enjoy this year.
Yeah, you're going to be able to ride that lut ride a lot. Finally, I think it's it's underrated, but we're getting off topic. But yeah, yeah, still it's just. Yeah, set your expectations low and for for whatever happens to this ride and whatever gets replaced. And I think regardless, I don't know what like I don't think a tower coaster, at least in the eyes of an enthusiast, is going to be like a good replacement for it. I think, you know, Top Thrill 2 is a perfect spiritual successor to Top Thrill Dragon. I think if Top Thrill 2 has proven us anything, though, it's that. And I'm not saying this ride is going to have a lot of straight track, but straight track at 120 miles per hour is still fucking awesome. It is going 100 miles per hour backwards is awesome. Yeah. No.
What? You don't want the backwards section? No, no, no, no. I love Top Thrill 2's backward launch, but I don't think it's fair to say going 100 miles per hour backwards is awesome because Superman Escape from Krypton exists. That ride is a... Cannot wait to see that one gone. Okay, so it's awesome with a lap bar.
about that okay yeah you know what it's it's not awesome when one of your arms is inside the and in prison basically we have evolved since then it's awesome going a hundred miles power backwards On top thrill to there we go. There we go. ah Improved improved statement. So correct. And hopefully it won't be as shaky as last time either. not I mean, it wasn't bad, but it was definitely yeah it was sha it was shaky. It was not a rough ride, though. No, not not in the slightest. Just you could feel it like sway. Yes. As you went down. Yes. So.
um Speaking of more news, we got two more things going on. ah More layoffs, unfortunately, happening with ah with Six Flags. Kerwin's laid off some more workers ahead of the season in March.
um We've had a lot of these since merge. I know, i I know it's been just like all across the chain. Do you know any park specifically? I know King's Dominion um as well. As far as I'm aware, the only two parks that have laid off have been King's Dominion and Carowinds. Okay. Which when you look at it, if you're Cedar, if you're Six Flags, you look at those parks and you're like,
what are all these full-time associates here for? Oh, we used to be year round? Well, we're not year round anymore, so they can go fuck off. yeah Which is not at all what I agree with. I think it is so, so awful that they have just laid off, quite frankly, like not to the mean any other ride operators at the park, but they are full-time associates. For lack of better words, they They're veterans, they're veterans. They know the parks, they know their rides, they know what they're doing. Go on. No, sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off. I thought you were done. No, it's okay. But honestly, the thing that really pisses me off, these parks open in March. So you need to find... Here's the full situation.
Associates get laid off. They're told that they cannot come back until, I think, 13 weeks later. And even 13 weeks later, they are not guaranteed a position back with the company, even as a seasonal associate. So what really pisses me off about that is you have a park opening in less than a month at this point. Kings Dominion and Carowinds both open in March.
King's Dominion even having a brand new like, I'll say it, star attraction at that park. So the fact that they went and did this before the opening of a brand new roller coaster, which needs to be commissioned and ran thoroughly and needs to be trained by people who understand the ride,
It pisses me off so bad. It pisses me off that they did that. And it pisses me off for the people who were laid off because I i know some of these people who were laid off. It's it's fucking awful. Yeah. They are thrown into a room and with like not even not even a day of warning. And they're just like, hey, good luck. Go find a job now. It pisses me off to no end. Yeah. The more appropriate way to go about this would have been, hey,
like like keep Let them keep their jobs, say, hey, we're not doing full-time employees at the end of next season. So they have until i the end of October, which will circle back to it, to find another job. And then also, if they you know want to stay at the company full-time, it's like, hey, here's the full-time positions that we are keeping, maintenance, yeahp you know all that sort of thing. you know You guys can apply to that as well. So yeah do that so that they have tons and tons and tons of time to get their affairs in order instead of just screwing them over like that. And you guys have are are already King's Dominion, King's Dominion specifically getting rid of Winterfest if that. So, you know, it's not like they have till the end of next year. um Just but give them, take the financial hit and do what is right for your people. Don't screw them over. But here we are.
for both Kings Dominion and Carowinds, people are just getting fucked over because the bottom line and investors are what is more important at the end of the day. Yes. Because of course they are. Yeah. Yeah. That's awful. I hate that. So just to kind of follow up with this news article said fully, we got some quotes.
They, they spoke to Kerwin's spokesman, Chris Fauci, I think it's how you say it on Wednesday. Um, last Wednesday. Uh, cause this came out January 30th. Uh, they may i hate this quote so much. He said, quote, we made a strategic decision to adjust our staffing levels to better align with future operational needs. That quote pisses me off so much, which is not wrong, but it's like, sorry. It's not wrong, but this screen, this quote right here, the way it's worded.
Greems cedar fair management to me is about As corporate as you can possibly get yep, and then he also continued this includes a restructure of some roles um And they were carowinds refused to say how many workers were impacted and from what type of role I know guessing I know it ops I It was every full-time role that they hired specifically to go to year-round ops. So, ride operators, food and bev. Probably security, honestly. um I can't think of too many others that would be full-time. Maybe games associates. but
I don't know. I was there in January last year, or 23, and games were pretty sparse at that. Yeah. Do you want to... Sorry. No, go ahead. Do you want to hear the number that I heard from King's Dominion? Yeah, so heads up, this is ah not... Oh, wait, you heard this officially from King's Dominion? I did not hear this officially from King's Dominion. This is what another associate... Yeah, go ahead. Technically a rumor.
The number that I heard from a King's Dominion associate who was laid off was over 200. Wow. Holy. Holy shit. That that's that pisses me off. Just just for kire just out of curiosity, let me pull up a calculator. um On average, what would you say from your experience, average like hourly rate for them was per, um my, my guess is like, if you take ride ops into account, i'm I'm guessing like what 16, 17 bucks an hour. Oh, I can't even, I can't even think about that. That would be, it it would have to be 17. I'm sure. All right. We'll say roughly $17 an hour to average out everybody who makes more or less than that. Um, and then you said 200 people.
So one one day we'll say 12. We'll say eight hour operating day. It just hurt for off season stuff. um Seventeen times two hundred times eight. So twenty seven thousand dollars a day to twenty seven two hundred a day in for two hundred people. That's that's ridiculous, man. Yeah, it it's It's unfortunate. and I mean, I understand that they had a lot of people who work there and a lot of money that was being put into those associates, but at the end of the day, there's still people. it It's really, really adding sad to me. like i Sorry, to sound like a broken record here, but- No, you're fine.
it is
It's it's scary. Yeah. And ah my again, my my issue with it to also sound like a broken record is this could have like you could. have I'm not upset with the fact that they told people that we're not going to be doing seasonal anymore. So this could have been handled so much better. Yes. You could have handled this a million times better. I understand seasonal ne workout for you. Perfectly fine. Keep people on. Give them a year round rather. The end of. Yeah. For year round. Keep people on until next year.
and or until the end of this upcoming season and let them know now so that they have time to get their shit together. that's yes You could have done this so much better and you chose not to for yes whatever reason. So ah six flags, go fuck yourself. this let's All right, rant over on yes different different news.
ah Six flags over Georgia is renaming ah Georgia surfer their Intamin. What's it called? What's the name? That's it's like a model technically going in there. The splash something turbo. It's not a turbo splash because like I doubt it could be a splash name. Intamin's version of a mock power splash. We'll put it that way um with spin it with spinning cars um is going to rename to Georgia Gold rusher. And they're going to have a bit more of a uh, Western theme too, which fits the area. I've not been to that park, but apparently that's the, uh, that's like their Western part of the park. And I like this name a lot more personally than, uh, than Georgia surfer. It's not, I mean, it's still somewhat generic, but it's not. It's a, it makes, it makes more sense. It's, it's like, uh, Cedar Point putting a.
a surfing themed roller coaster into Frontier Town. Yes, exactly. Didn't make sense from what I was told. So have you been to this park at all or no? I have not been to georgia over Georgia um specifically, but I've been to some other Six Flags parks. they do that and I'm going to repeat what I said when I was talking about the laid off workers.
This decision screams Cedar Point management to me. Oh, it does. Cedar Fair management. Yeah. and and But not in a bad way

Theme Park Events and Rebranding

this time. like No. I think this was... like i I'm actually very happy about this because now you're not kidding ah you're getting a coaster that was meant to be for 2024.
But now you're getting it with extra money put into the theming and the environment. And hopefully if it's the way that Cedar Fair is or Legacy Cedar Fair was headed in an actual story. Yeah, because I could have totally seen Legacy Six Flags.
just plopping the ride down right there. I mean, it it's not like they even had an idea as to what they wanted to name it. They had a contest, which is cool. I think it's cool when parks do naming contests, but. It also tells me that it just would have been a concrete pad with a ride on it. Yeah, I like it in general, aside from what I i said about the Cedar Fair management earlier, obviously they do some some pretty yeah stuff, but I think in general Cedar Fair runs their parks far better than Six Flags ever has um in terms of legacy. Yeah. Yeah. And like, yeah, the way they they used to do it. So if every single Six Flags park gets run like the way
ah Legacy Cedar Fair parks did. I would not be sad about that in the slightest. um This is for that. This is a good like this is good. I like this a lot. This. Yes. This fits better. It looks better. I like the color scheme a lot more. It's not as bright, but that's fine. It doesn't have to be. um It's a good good call from six flags management here. And I also want to say that like six like the current six flags we have there like
I'm, I don't know this for sure, but I'm confident when I say this, they aren't removing these rides without a, at least a vision in mind.
That being said, I don't need to see whether or not their vision comes to fruition. and Yeah, because until it does, it's just going to look like a massive fucking shit stain on their entire fucking company record. Yeah, I think what they were thinking is like, OK, we're merged. Let's go scorched earth this season and then try and fix as much as we possibly can in the next like three to five years.
Yeah, it's kind of what I was thinking where where they're going with things, but yeah um Yeah, good decision good decision overall so absolutely that that clears out the the news section Hey, we're done with the news. Yeah, we're done with the news. So um And then actually that's one last piece of news that we kind of glossed over but Kings Dominion removing their winter fest I'm curious as to why I cause Obviously what I heard from a from what I heard from someone who is like a That's their home park Their winner fest was dead as fuck. Yeah Kings Island gets busy they do Kings Dominion and Yeah, and you've and
I mean, obviously it sucks to not have it, but you still have Busch Gart. I'm sure Busch Gardens Park not even or Busch Gardens winter event Christmas event was far probably far better. Everyone's going to that instead. I'm so sure of it. Yeah. I mean, Busch Gardens in general, that park looks a lot better. Yeah. Just across the board. So, yeah, they're you're losing it at King's Dominion, but also it's not too big of a loss. I mean, drive an extra hour up the road.
You're not really losing a whole lot either. What I do think is going to be interesting going forward into the future is Kentucky Kingdom's winter event. I wonder how many guests that will take away from Kings Island.
uh i i don't think too many i i know i don't think so either but it's gonna be interesting to see how it plays out because obvious i mean there's for sure people in at least northern kentucky there where like where cincinnati meets kentucky basically um there's a lot of people there that go to king's island over kentucky kingdom but if if kentucky king advertises this event well enough, the people in northern Kentucky are going to be like, Hey, that's a, that's a cool new winter event that we haven't done before. Let's go see what that's about. And if it's better, which I mean, it's, it's, it's Herschen. So there's a chance it could be better. I doubt it, but there's a chance. If it's better though, ah people are going to start going there more than Kings islands. Yeah. I think Herschen is a great company. I think they run their parks for the most part really well, but Kentucky kingdom just had,
like Persian would have to has to do so much work to Kentucky Kingdom to make it look, you know, to be as good as some of their other parks. and Unless I think a major part of that would be can they get their coasters open? You know, can you get storm storm chaser open? Can you get storm runner open? It's under one thunder run. Yes. or lightning run to Lightning run. Yeah. All that. I got the names mixed up. But um I mean, that's, I think that's one of the major draws of Kings Island. Like, yeah, it's the lights, the food, it's all that, but also, Hey, we got all of our kids. We got our kids yeah area open. We've got our, our new, uh, boomerang open. We got mystic open. We got racers open this year. Um, we've got a bunch of shows and stuff. I think Kings Island has like.
amazing, amazing vibes along. and Yes. Oh, my God. Something for everybody. What our fest is such an incredible event. Yeah. I mean, the King's King's Dominion. um Kentucky Kingdom would have to really come up to bat for them to take for them to do a major den on King's Island, I think. So if anything, though, it spurs more competition, which I would not be yeah about in the slightest.
um It's it's too cold no higher to keep your B and&Ms open into the winter, but at the same time i Hershey does it so I don't know how they I don't know they have so Hershey is cool they when they built pandemonium and Wildcats revenge they bought their rides with the wheel warmers because they were smart And so that ought to keep like the oil fin to keep the wheels warm I think okay, well I'm like yes yeah, yeah
I mean, they heat up the wheels. That's about all I know. Perfect. Yeah, that's King's King's Island. Take I don't know if they can add it to. um It's Diamondback or not, but I would not be. Yeah, if they could. That would be really cool. Yeah. Most straight up. Run two trains on it. One train to two trains, not one. One on Diamondback with. Oh, my God. Can you imagine one on Diamondback? I can. it was It would be awful.
but um Not like they didn't even need the third anyways though, it's stacking. I'm joking, I'm joking. but righting multi It does have multi-move, which I think is part of the problem. um it oh It's programmed into the ride, it's just disabled. From what ah from what I understand.
From what I understand. That's good. I don't get that. It's stupid. It's stupid. Like with Valerie even had that bump. And then now the the programing on on the brakes is just atrocious. And I hate it. I won't be commenting on the event that you have spoken of. But yes, since 2019, that brake run has been brutal. um Specifically, you can even see it in the 2016 like

Safety Incidents and Guest Challenges

reverse POVs like That last break before it reaches the transfer track is a lot smoother. And if you ever if you ever happen to ride the ride when it's on one train or two trains and you're pulling to the brake run and there's not a train in the station, then you actually get to experience that.
If if Valor even is running on one train, I'm leaving the park. Yeah, I figured I'm not going to be there. If coasters are running one train at Cedar Point, it's either so dead to where they don't need two trains, which is never never happened or something is significantly wrong. And sometimes Cedar Point just has those days where nothing wants to work throughout the entire park. I'm sure you've experienced a few of the third options.
is a steady you rain with no lightning. Oh, yeah. So, yeah, I'm not. I hate. I hate red stuff in the rain, dude. It's just painful. I've gotten a yeah a rain right on Orion. That was. Oh, those are the best. What? You like those? Why? Well, Ryan. OK. All right. Fair enough. Like if I have to cover my face on a roller coaster, and it feels like I'm getting stung. Yeah. Every, you know, like 15 times a second. No, I'm good.
I'll pass on that, so. Do you have anything else? Do you have anything else you wanna discuss, talk about? um Yeah, I actually just, I thought of another story that I didn't share earlier. Yeah, go ahead. From my time at Cedar Point. So, i was oh, I remember, because we were talking about the Halloween weekend's nightmares, and this isn't really a Halloween weekend's nightmare, but rather a Labor Day weekend nightmare. Oh, God.
This was this event was the only time in the four years that I or the four seasons that I've worked at the park that I have had to thrown up throw up a double thumbs down and to all my right operators out there who are yeah listening to this podcast. You know exactly what that means to anyone not who is not a right operator or doesn't really know many right operators.
um Because, quite frankly, despite us ah as serious as the situation is, we joke about it a lot. yeah We throw up double thumbs down just on the ride cameras all the time. But in all honesty, it was scary. And what a double thumbs down is, it's basically signaling for controls or whoever has one to hit their E-stop.
um And we were we were experiencing downtown at Wild Mouse and there was this dad with two kids and want to on a car that was stopped in alignment, which is where it rotates the car until it locks in place. So this dad is like freaking out about his kids. He said that the kids, like they were,
too tight in the restraint which to be honest is a very common problem with wild mouse and smaller kids those restraints get very tight they're and they're just not the most comfortable ever but um
we it was me and probably like four or five other people sending out our exit gate being like no sir you can't jump the gate you can't come in here at all or down it's like you're not allowed to be in here and he keeps he keeps begging us to like ah like let us talk to my kids like get my kids over here and we kept explaining and explaining he eventually jumps the exit gate. Oh, God. And storms off to and storms off towards the catwalk. And when he jumped the exit gate, I'm like, shit. Yeah, understandably. Because I'm like umm like, I can't put my hands on this man. I can't physically stop him from walking onto the catwalk, onto the walkway next to the alignment break.
so um We're all like yelling at him like, sir, you can't get over there. The moment he stepped foot onto the metal catwalk, I turned around and threw up a knee stop signal. And just I think the funniest part about this, the series of a situation as it was, it was a bit funny in the moment. Vince looks at us, our supervisor. Hi, Vince, if you're listening somehow. um Hope you're doing well in Orlando.
but um he he He's about to move some cars in manual just to get our cars down to the level so that we can continue operation and get people off the ride.
And he's about to move this car and he looks up at us. He looks up at the platform and sees probably like five or six of us staying there with two thumbs down. And he's like, what hits the E stop? He's like, what's going on? I'm like, there's a guy in the catwalk. Um.
That guy ended up getting ejected, but on top of that, he ended up making the restraints on his kids so tight that they needed medical attention. Oh my god. Yeah. It was, it was a, that entire day was a shit show, honestly. One of my friends was being trained at the ride for the first time and just everything went wrong. Just one after another after another. We probably had three phones that we had to call security for.
It was it was bad. Wow. Yeah. Well, good thing he got ejected because that. Yes. Dumbass. First off, um you don't know what you're doing. yeah I know you want to help and you're worried about your kids, but they're they're going to be OK. Yeah. Until you push them. They just like push the restraint farther down on them trying to pull it up. Well, he was like pushing and pulling on the restraint trying to like open force the restraint open bat basically. Yeah, that's not going to happen. Good. truth Yeah. know what No, no.
and And especially with wild mouse's restraints. They're hydraulic, right? I'll actually let you on something cool. um Something interesting about those restraints. they there The primary restraint mechanism is a hydraulic piston, like um most other modern coasters. But what's cool is mouse also has two ratchets ah that are used as the redundancy instead of the second hydraulic piston.
And the best, I love those ratchets a lot because the best part is when you're pulling down the restraint, as soon as it gets that first ratchet click, as long as the ride is behaving, the seat sensor instantly lights green, lights up green no matter what. And I know you've worked banshee. I know how annoying it is with hydraulic restraints and seat sensors. yep It is so nice to have a,
have a ride that like consistently just clicks and it reads green. Yeah. Because I mean, like it could be like a millimeter of a difference between red. Yeah. And it's like, uh, especially with and then the seatbelt still to the seatbelt still buckled. And it's like, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's so annoying. Yeah.
So glad he got ejected. He kind of ruined it for his kids in the future. Yes. Oh, my God. Do you know how long it was only him or was it? It was only him, by the way. Wow. Yeah. So it was it was probably like a family of five or six total. He was the only one in the entire family that got ejected. Oh, I think but personally.
but fine Can you cut that out? right Yeah, okay, hold on hold on part. Oh my god
okay yeah, there we go. I was just getting down the the time stamp But I mean if it was just his kids then if it was him in the kids like I would have felt bad for the kids but I I mean, your dad did something, quite frankly, illegal in the state of Ohio, so... Yeah, so so how old were these kids, roughly? No older than 10.
So obviously they can't just be around the park by themselves. So how exactly so they had to leave with them? I'm guessing or um, I'll get into that in a second. So I was gonna say like they just ruined. I mean, but yeah, their dad got their day. They did have like another guardian or two with them so they can still hang out at the park. Okay, that's good. Good to hear the instance that i'm about to talk to or talk about was not the case this was the same day for the record oh my god ah so we had two people ejected after they rode wild mouse or interacted with wild mouse we had it was a grandma and her two kids or grandkids or something and
we like like She had her phone out in the station and we told her in the station to put it away. And I saw her pull it out on the lift and spiel numerous times to her to put it away. Um, fun fact about mouse in 23, we couldn't stop the lift. So we didn't stop the lift. We let her, we let them ride. Like they had to ride around called security. We're like, Hey, we told this lady numerous times in the station and on the lift that she had to put her phone away and she kept it out for the entire ride.
So security ejected her. And I heard a story from my guest services associate who was like, yeah, this lady was like pissed off that she couldn't couldn't ride or couldn't be in the park anymore with her kids because her kids weren't a lot. Her kids could still be in the park. Wait, no, that was the previous story. OK.
The dad couldn't, because the dad couldn't be in the park, and the family was pissed that he couldn't be in the park because he went into a danger zone. Yeah, you did something stupid. Like, oh no. My my my husband put his life in danger. Why can't he still be in this park? like You answered your own question there. Believe it or not, you're not allowed to walk on the area of the ride that says restricted area.
You know what's funny? A lot of things. Well, yes, a lot of funny. A lot of things. A lot of these stories are pretty good. Yes, I know there is a sign over there. There's a sign over. I know there's a sign over there that says do not enter because I think I've slapped it a few times.
Oh, do you know what pain feels like? Uh, yes. I know what pain feels like. ah Pain feels like seeing a full ramp, um, of alternate access, whether it's at wild mouse opening day or millennium forest, hollow weekends. Yeah, I've, yeah, I've, I've seen, I've heard, I haven't been in there, but I've heard horror stories. It's bad. Yeah. So, so what, just to back up to what happened with With the girl she got kicked out and then they got ejected and I I think she I think that's the end of the story I don't remember quite frankly. All right. I thought there was more to it. but No, no, sorry. No, you're fine um But yeah, alternate access was is awful. I mean like i'm I'm glad it exists. I'm glad it's there. However, like yeah, let's sort operator from all operator standpoint
that that sucks so much um it green sheet yeah it's come on I I don't I understand the purpose of the alternate access program I believe it is very flawed in many ways yes very much so I believe and I believe sorry let me rephrase this no go ahead i am very very sure that there are people who use that system just to abuse it oh absolutely because i've had have you heard of a line pass before i have okay so at maverick this season specifically this season they really cracked down on people who were like
not using it abusing it who were abusing it yeah um and they started handing a lot of them who gave like the generic reasons of like i can't walk just i can't stand up for too long or i like whatever it is yeah um they started giving them the line passes which at cedar point are our green passes which gets confusing when you talk to Kings Island ride operators. Why those aren't, quick tangent, why those aren't consistent among all the parks is beyond me. Oh my God. Don't even get me started on that. Yeah. But there's a lot of people who would come up Mavericks alternate access and say, yeah, I was handed this. Um, and I think the unfortunate part about that was,
There was a lot of people who got those who did need like the the reverse wait time pass, the standard alternate access pass. But it's,
let me find my words. I'm glad that they cracked down on it because the number of people that I had to explain a line pass to was quite frankly, a lot of people. And some of them actually did use them in the right ways, which I mean, sure, go ahead. Like you're still like, to me, that's not as harmful to the system as just saying, I need the white sheet and
going around getting reverse wait time, riding the ride that you use your pass on, and then going to another ride and not using your pass on it, and then just bouncing through the park. Because it really doesn't matter what you do at that point. The only advantage you're getting is getting to ride more rides than your friends, which at that point is why would you do that? Because you're just going to make your friends mad. Yeah. Yeah. I think I'm glad that they've kind of it's not perfect. And it is not a perfect system. But it is going to be very hard to make it perfect. Yeah. I'm glad it exists. It's good for the people that actually need it and need there. It's more so I also want to talk about the morality of it because people who don't need it and know they don't need it
What the fuck are you doing? Go fuck yourself. Yeah, go for yourselves. Yeah, I would I would not be sad if you got kicked out of the park and we're never allowed to return because that's why don't abuse a system that's design. People, people but unfortunately, are disadvantaged in life because of the factors they cannot control. Exactly. From birth. And that is and you're going to take advantage of a system designed for them so that you can So that you can have a quote better day at the park by precisely abusing that don't Fucking do that, please It's not hard very mad do what everybody else does shill out the extra money pay for pay for fast lane if you want to wait less

Coaster Debates: Steel Vengeance vs Iron Gwazi

in line and Go have a good day at the park. Don't yeah abuse it and try and be a piece of shit. All right tangent over
Let me segue into something else real quick. And this is like, this is like totally unrelated. No, it's fine. But it's just something that's funny to me because one of my best friends is like the biggest Steel Vengeance fan I know. And as you might know, like quite honestly, a lot of the toxicity in this community, especially in like the last four years, last three years,
has been from the Steel Vengeance versus Iron Gwazi debate. I can't say I have contributed to that. I'll say that. Okay, let me back up. I haven't rode Iron Gwazi, so I haven't talked about it. No, I haven't either. But I think it's funny how people trash on Steel Vengeance when... I mean... How can you trash on that ride exactly? Like all the arguments I hear are so dumb.
Exactly. And you know what? I have a dumber argument as to why Steel Vengeance is better than Iron Gwazi. Let's hear it. Just a question real quick. Have you seen a POV like from recent times of that ride? Of Iron Gwazi? Yes. i How recent? Like in the last year. No.
It is a fucking Ross bucket. It is a Ross bucket? Like genuinely, like go look, go look on YouTube like for the most recent Iron Gwazi POV in find a like Just skip to a random part of the ride and pause it. And tell me how many rust spots you can find. You know, I'm not surprised though, because. Oh, with the Florida weather. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, it is so humid down there all the time. um um I would not be surprised in the slightest if that thing is is covered in rust. I mean, that makes it makes it makes total sense. It's ugly, honestly. I work.
Oh, my God. Yeah. and look Yeah. Yeah. Like the track itself where the running wheels is. Oh, my God. Yeah. It's really bad. I work in construct and HVAC and OK. A lot of AC system like traditionally an AC system is going to last you 12 to 16 years roughly. They only last down in Florida roughly about nine or so. Oh my God. Because of how humid.
It is down there and the amount of humidity it has just burns through the equipment so much quicker. God, like the chain lift has rust on it like the it's it's a this is bad. do I mean, obviously not say it's not unsafe. for No, no, no, no, it's still safe. It's just there's so much. I remember when that ride was being built and when it first opened, all the gorgeous, beautiful pictures like that made the purple pop out.
You cannot do that no matter how much fucking editing you do to a single photo. I nearly guarantee you, you will not be able to polish that turd of a ride. no No, like the purple is so fated and bad looking. It looks, quite frankly, ugly. I'll say it. This looks worse than Banshee.
Yeah, that's bad. That's how you know it's bad. Because Banshee on its own is already bad. yeah oh ro like I don't know what it is with King's Island and their B&Ms, but they cannot paint like they cannot keep a good paint scheme on them for their lives. Because Orion's airtime hill, like on ride at least, already looks pretty bad. Yeah.
Diamondbacks new repaint looks pretty good. Oh, that looks really good. I love it. It took them forever to finish like the back half of it though. yeah you know yeah You could tell they painted the front half and then they're like, all right, we're going to take our time on the parts where nobody can see it while they're off the right. I'm just glad the McDonald's is gone. Yeah, same here. The McDonald's colors was not was not necessary. The brown looks so much better.
i Think there's like only There's I think there's like only one ride left in the legacy Cedar Fair parks that has a McDonald's color scheme Because I mean obviously dragsters gone Thunder Hawk got repainted at Michigan's adventure Diamondback got repainted. I think the only one left is spinning dragons at worlds of fun.
I have never been. What model is that? I don't know. It's a Gerstlauer spinning I coaster. Oh, OK. Gotcha. Gotcha. All right. I kind of figured it was one. It was either. Yeah. Mocker or Gerstlauer, but I wasn't I wasn't sure.
But yeah, I'm glad the McDonald's secret promotion is over. That was pretty bad. Speaking of the dragster, though, I love Top Thrill 2's color scheme. It looks so much better. I'm curious as to how that's going to age, though, with that dark gray. Yeah. I feel like that's going to look kind of bad here in about five years. Kind of weird, at least. Yeah. Let me ask you this. OK. Do you have a strict favorite color scheme of all time?
Oh, that's a good question. I've never really thought about it. Let me think. I have two. Strict favorite color scheme. So not a color scheme, but I do like when wooden coasters are not painted, which I know is a lot, but like.
especially with older with older wooden coasters ahha um like like racer. I mean, it's all right. It looks fine. But like the beast love. Love it. Yeah, I think it looks a lot better. Yeah. um Specific favorite color scheme. I like Furies a lot. I think the ah I think the track color is is very unique. As much as I say as much as I was hating on that ride earlier, that is one of my favorite color schemes out there.
I think Banshees, whenever that was brand new, looked amazing. um I think purple and and blue is just a good color yeah in general. Absolutely. um I'm looking at pictures right now. So anybody who's listening right now, look up Banshee opening year images. And I think that color scheme is the the color of the supports is beautiful. I think that the purple on the track should be like a more traditional purple. But oh, oh yeah, it looks awesome. Oh, some of my favorites. Um. a I'll do my my ah my.
I haven't mentioned this ride on the show yet. Mako Mako is a very, very gorgeous coaster. And it wasn't it wasn't when it was faded as fuck because it's Florida and those rides fade like crazy. yeah But they repainted that shit and it looks very good now. Oh, yeah, it does.
but not to sound like a broken record but Wicked Twister genuinely like such like an out there coaster color scheme But it's so 2000s and I love it because I mean, obviously you have the teal in yellow for the track, but even like going into the trains, the trains are very, very vibrant themselves. I mean, from the magenta on the seat backs and the wheel assemblies to the ah blue on the base, like skeleton of the train or the cars and the teal on the seats, the yellow on the restraints.
It's all, it's a lot of color, but they worked very well together. Yeah. I kind of get, I kind of get what you're saying with with that. It's very, it's got that early 2000s vibe. I don't know if you've watched old, um, videos of like, uh, what's it called? Coaster mania from the early 2000s or not. Yes. Yes. Just like the what everybody's wearing just compared to now it's a lot of like bright color jackets a lot of bright colors the the sun the the sunglasses are very uh they're like the the sports ones everybody's wearing those so it's yeah times have changed but i i think like early 2000s coasters just hit a nostalgia kick for me once in a while uh like i love watching old dragster content
Um, just, it was just a different era, you know, i back, whatever the coaster wars were still going on. And it's a time that I didn't fully live through, but somewhat did. I mean, I was born in 2003, so I was very, very, very young. So, oh yeah, I didn't know how old you were. So yeah, there's, yeah. So what's your social security number while you're at it? I'm kidding. It's five, six, two, five, six, two, five, six, two, eight, three, one.
It's 287.72.4093. Write that down, guys. Write that down. Let's do this identity real quick. um for For anyone wondering what those numbers actually mean, you have 287, which is the height of Orion, of course.
72 which is the speed of wicked twister and 4093 was the department number for wicked twister. So there you go you Okay, that's my social security Yeah, that's a pretty good social security number in my heart. That's my social security number. Yeah yeah what's your credit card and and all that stuff now we're gonna I need to purchase I need to purchase that track that's gonna be oh oh yeah mean um I never asked you do you have a wicked twist your piece of track I do um okay I say you better I was it's funny cuz
out of the soon to be four years that I've gone to winter oh my god no five years soon to be five years out of the soon to be five years two of those years involved me being gifted a ticket and me playing back or no I think even 22 the ticket was free lol um shoutouts to coaster college for that one by the way he's he's a real one for that uh but
I like heard some things from some friends before Winter Chillout started in 2022, like, hey, you're gonna wanna be at this event, and you're gonna wanna have money. I'm like, fuck, they're gonna have wicked twister track slices. They had wicked twister track slices. At the event? Yeah, at the events in 22. So at the event, those were the first time those were made, quote unquote, publicly available, so.
you I bought mine online. Oh yeah.

Cedar Point Merchandise & Nostalgia

So I definitely bought in full price one of those track slices. You know what? I did not buy in full price. What?
a wicked twister closing day t-shirt cuz that was my uniform on closing day oh I'm sure you hold on to that for oh yes I then time I haven't worn it in a while just because I don't want it to wear out more than it already is oh yeah same I would I do the same thing with like so um I really, really like the me and my girlfriend, both like the, uh, the Cedar Point employee crew next that they give out because they're so, they're so simple. ah Um, and you just can't buy anything like that at least last season. Um, so did he have a friend by you? The iboard walk like god I don't know if he's going to be okay with this, but I'll, I had, you know, I won't say his name.
somebody um that we both know uh i gave him some money and he bought me one nice for me and my girlfriend i mean they're very they're very simple i've bought people like hoodies before honestly i mean they're nothing more than crew hoodies i mean the only thing that cedar point doesn't like is like like management doesn't like his crew buttons being handed out like candy, because crew buttons, anyone can wear that into the park, be like, oh look, I'm but i'm on the crew, I have the button, because those have to be physically handed out to people. yeah um But no, on the topic of like Cedar Point quarter zips, the best one, oh shit, my water spilled.
The best one that's ever been released in my memory, Hello? Oh my God. Nope, you're here. Oh, I'm still here. What do you look at that? You're still here. I thought I disconnected for a second, but the best one in my memory was the Millennium Force one we had in 22. It has like the Millennium Force M, and I think it says crew 2022 beneath it. On the back, it's got a lot of binary code.
And when we submitted those crew hoodies, when they submitted like the design for those quarterzips, um
Evan went to management, um frontier designer on Instagram, yeah went to management and he said, oh yeah, it so it just says Millennium Force on the back.
Um, no, it said millennium ghoul G O W R L like millennium like ma material goal like, you know, cause that was really popular back then. Yeah. And the crew, for lack of better words, was a very diverse crew. So we were saying that all the time. so I love that. That was really fun. Neat. Oh yeah, they didn't bother checking binary code, which is the funniest part about it. I mean, regardless, I don't think anybody is fluent in binary code. Nobody cares. Yeah, nobody cares. And if you do, then you've got, I think you've got better things to be doing than be a consider point. Yeah. So I like that though. That's neat. No, yeah.
um my My other favorite one is, ah right some of my favorite park like employee merch is the Kings Island Haunt stuff. Very simple. It's just got the logo on the chest. The same logo on the on the back, a lot larger. Love that. um they They have a crew neck as well. It's all black and it's just the the logo on the chest. saying Oh my God, really? Just with it on the back. ah without it Oh, that's nice. um And then also the...
Do you remember the top thrill two shirts they put out so prior to the ride opening in 2023? Yeah. So they're coming in 2024. Yes. I love those shirts. So honestly, they weren't, they weren't like for just being like compared to the, Oh my God, those sirens cursor. Oh, those are so ugly. Those are so ugly. I did not buy one of those. Neither did I.
Yeah, they they were so much better. Why they didn't do the same thing for for that, I don't know. but Don't oh answer the call on the front of the shirt. That's so stupid. It's so dumb. I so did not like that. Sorry, let me like segue into something else here. No, you're good. um We were talking about like ride removals and like futures. um I just saw on Twitter from KSlide Studios,
Been vocally skeptical about the immediate rumors, but the Doom posters get to take this one home. My people could verify today that the hammer has come down on Time Warp at Canada's Wonderland. Last ride it was a walk-on in October. Rest in peace, you wonderful janky beast. So I think... I think that's confirm- I don't know if that's confirmation, because it's still just a rumor, and this is just some random person on Twitter, but um...
I mean, I think that's, well, enough reason combined with everything else that we've had heard regarding the ride to assume that the ride is done. So. Gotcha. Okay. Um, good riddance. No, no, you're, yeah, no, I mean, it's um more, more Zim job. Um, yes. On some other topics though, some actually way better topics.
Permits were filed. I was just about to say the exact same thing. Down in Arlington, Texas. Yep. um For Project Ruby, R-U-B-I with a proposed structure height of 309 feet.
Gigadive. Gigadive. Yep. Which is also lines up with what I've been hearing before in the past before that came out. So that's really exciting. um I'm trying to open this. I'm trying to pull up this. All right. So I'm looking at the permits right now. um Yeah. project Yeah. Project Ruby.
Um, total height, uh, site elevator. Uh, there's no other, nothing else aside from that. It's just the height, it's just the max, the maximum height work schedule 3125. We've got the longitude of the latitude. So give me a second here. Uh, you can keep talking though. Oh, okay. Yeah. So it'd be six flags over Texas. It's definitely over Texas. Cause it's Arlington. Yeah. Arlington. Yeah. So.
I'm, I'm excited for this. This is going to be, thank you, the drunk writers on, on Twitter. I need to get them on here. Uh, listen to their podcast too. Uh, also they they run a very good thing. They have a very, very good podcast.
Yeah, also not safe for work, but that's all right. It's it's good stuff over there. So go go listen to them. um I'm super, super excited for for this now. i We've been talking about a giga dive, I feel like, forever. like ah like when is It's more so of like when B and&M was going to build it. And now that we have confirmation for it, assuming this doesn't fall through the floor um for whatever reason, or get moved to another park,
for whatever reason, yeah I would say we're finally were finally getting one. So do you think it'll be beyond 90 degrees or no?
I mean, if they're going giga dive, They're, it's so hard to say because B&M hasn't built a ah wide gauge dive, at least in the and North America, since Yukon Stryker. So it's gonna be interesting to see what they do there. It's gonna be interesting to see whether it's a beyond vertical or a straight down. Honestly,
three a gigadive alone is enough to just like, here you go, gigadive, and it's a dive coaster. yeah Like that's, for lack of better words, fucking awesome, so.
Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm super, I'm super excited for this. And this is the other thing I appreciate about the new management is that this never in a million years would

Family Coasters: Trend or Necessity?

have happened under ah legacy six flags management. Never. Oh no. Whatsoever. But now that we got Cedar fair running the show, this is definitely gonna, I feel like stuff like this is going to be more common. Um, I know they're wanting to save money and the stuff, but Um, at the same time, I feel like they're going to splurge every once in a while. Like whatever replaces King to car, they're going to splurge. Uh, this is, yeah this is at least, at least 28 million, um, to get this thing built. I would say yeah rough guess 35. Um, but I'm.
I'm really excited for this. So yeah breaking news guys. ah Two hours ago when we started this damn thing. Yeah. Yeah. We started this thing. we Yeah. In this time of us, of this half of us recording this, we had news break. So yeah, it's been, it's been a good episode. shit I also see something that says more permits have been filed, including three additional 150 plus foot structures.
where like at with with and With that ride. ah So so um are those being, like like those are additional structures? are those i'm guessing I'm guessing those are probably inversions. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. 150 foot plus structures. yeah that' oo So dive into a Immelmann because that's how all the dives are. Where is where is this going to go?
From what I've heard, it's going to go in the Lava Bora plot. It's going to go. Oh, yeah, I forgot that. Yeah, it's going to go in that area and replace a few other things. I think I'm not entirely sure what entire what all is being replaced, though. I'm looking at a map right now. that The Bora.
Yeah, that's plenty of room for it right there. You you totally could. and I mean, um and then it's just I don't know what's on the other side of that lava port plot like on the outside of the park, but I'm sure they built supports there and all that. Oh, for sure. Yeah, that'd be a good spot for it. I like it. I mean, they're building it. So. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm excited. I don't know when I'm going to get down there, but it's going to be after this thing is built because I want to ride it.
Yeah. I'm thinking one more topic before we hop off for the day. Okay. All right. Did you have something in mind or? Yes. And it's going to be, it's going to be a pretty beefy topic. Okay. That's fine. Um, so just the direction of this industry. Um, a lot of P I've seen a lot of people who are noting that the industry is moving towards a very family-oriented direction. We're getting a lot, lot more family-focused additions in the park. What do you think about those? Like Big Bear Mountain and Wave Breaker, a lot of other family coasters. I think that this is a phase. Like parks have like it parks have to go through different phases to
Uh, keep everybody happy. Um, and now that everything is all under one management, I think that man, or for the most part, aside from your, your large, your large parks, I mean, all the regional parks are basically all six flags now. Uh, aside from a few exceptions. So I think that.
I don't think we're going to stay here. I think we're going to have our phase of family coasters. I think we're going to have our phase of ah more extreme coasters. And I think we're going to kind of cycle between the two because I got to keep everybody happy. Absolutely. And I like for example, Kings Island right now is in their phase of family stuff. They added adventure port and then they added Yes. Oh, Adventure Port is so good. Yeah, I agree. And then they added soapbox racers in the new ah Camp Stupi area. They're adding another family thing next year ahhu along with the the slide. um Just really getting the areas that are missing. And then I'm thinking probably 27 is when we get that
large vortex replacement god i hope so and i it better be something good it better not be a dive um oh i'm gonna be pissed if it's a dive i would be floored if it's a dive um floorless cut no okay but um i think i think that we're not going to stay in this forever And I kind of like the family stuff. I mean, not everything has to be super, super intense. I mean, I like soapbox racing. Yes. I was at Dollywood back in November. Unfortunately, Big Bear Mountain was closed. But everybody, everybody who's wrote it tells me it's a fun ride. It's a good. It is. It is very fun. um
I don't think we're going to stay here forever. But I think we're going to start circling back to more extreme stuff here shortly. I think we're just in that transition phase. And once now that all of these coasters have been taken out, you've got to put in something big to replace them. so Oh, for sure. I would expect another spending spree here shortly on within the next three years easy on new Yeah. Throw coasters and not family stuff. I'm going to throw in my two cents here. I think everyone complaining about this family coaster like wave that we're getting. Can fuck right off. Also, why? Like it's it's it's like a good time. It doesn't have to be like stop complaining. Yeah, because for years and you know what, all throughout the 2010s,
enthusiasts would like I remember like a big topic of discussion outside of um RMC of course was when is this park gonna get the family coaster it needs yeah like cedar point in term before we got wild mouse mm-hmm it went wilderness run Woodstock Express
Then 48 inches, Mine Rider, Ryan Dragon. No in between. And there's there's a lot of parks out there, like Dollywood when they built ah Big Bear Mountain. They already had Dragon Flyer, of course, but I mean, it's Dollywood, they're gonna go all out. yeah um Let me find a better example than that. Six Flags, or Sea World, oh my god. Sea World, San Antonio.
Before they built wave breaker. I'm not sure on the height requirement for that ride. I'm i'm sure it's 40 inches for some bullshit reason. But said wave breaker. Yes. Wave breaker. The rescue coaster at SeaWorld San Antonio. um Let me see. I'm curious now. But we'll keep talking before that ride was built. They had. Their their. Their. Hold on.
Oh. 48 inches, by the way. Yeah, they had their small kids coaster. um Super Grover's boxcar derby. And after that. It was steel eel, great white journey to Atlantis, which during Atlantis tour, that's that's a family coaster, but.
No, not even that's not even a family coaster, not the one at freaking San Antonio. That's like a good sized medium thrill ride. This this this might blow your mind. Journey to Atlantis has a shorter height requirement than Wave Breaker does. It has 39 inches. What the hell? Yeah. Just send the podcast here because what the fuck? Yeah, that's it, guys. See you later. But continue. Yeah.
No, I'm like, there's there's so many of these parks that just have desperately needed like a good family coast that everyone can enjoy. yeah because there's I mean, there's so there's a lot of parks that have had family coasters, but like mom and dad don't want to ride Woodstock Express for the 15th time in a row. Yeah, mom and dad would rather go ride Superman or Magnum or Millennium like this thrill coasters, right? Yeah, exactly. But now that there's rides out there like Big Bear Mountain. Like it's nice to have those rides that are thrilling enough for
like hell even me to enjoy or parents to enjoy grandparents enjoy like family coasters more than high thrill coasters like when they say big When people say Big Bear Mountain is a family coaster, it is a family coaster. Get your fucking in-laws over here and ride this shit, because everyone can enjoy Big Bear Mountain. Yeah, I'm really sad I didn't get to, because I know it's like a ridiculously long ride. Maybe not the in-laws, but... Yeah, yeah. The in-laws are awful. We hate the in-laws. I don't know. We say as we're 21. Yeah, we say as we're 21. Yeah. we're We're both just barely drinking age. And we're like, yeah, the in-laws. Am I right, guys?
but hey you drink enough wine yeah yeah you drink yeah absolutely um but yeah i agree i mean i i think we'll get out of this phase soon but we a lot of parks needed them and the fact people are complaining just just just shut up please Find something else to complain. We have more we have more than enough to complain about with ah getting Zim jobbed this past few months. um You have like 10 other thrill coasters in the park that you can enjoy. Yeah, you don't have to. Like, there's no reason to be complaining ah about a about a ride that. Sorry for my Discord notifications, oh, my God, I can't hear this, so you're fine. Perfect. Yeah, it's just your lost your audio. But.
Um, like, it's an investment to, it's an investment for everyone. Yeah, it is. likes I know so many people who enjoy Big Bear Mountain. I know, I mean, Disney is essentially just all family coasters, but you look at specifically Guardians, that ride's fucking awesome. So I've been told.
I was, it inebriated the first time I read that. That was an experience integrated. Yes. I'm going to be honest. I don't know what that word means. You're going to have to, you're going to have to tell me cause I ah i' drunk or huh. Okay. All right. We're not not that I care, but yeah, no. Yeah. Yeah. Don't know that rides good. Yeah. I just can't justify spending what $35 for a lightning lane to go ride that thing.
Oh, yeah, it's I mean, it looks cool. It looks like fun, but also, yeah, no, I understand it. Yeah, no, I'm good. I'll just just drive three hours up the road and go ride. and oh Yeah. um But yeah, I'm glad I'm glad we're getting the family stuff that we need. I honestly think that Cedar Point needs one large, good family coaster because it doesn't really have one. It has yeah mouse, which is good. It's fun.
No, i I fully agree with you. Put one in um the replacement spot of Stanker Falls and just Millennium Island. Put a nice, long family coaster there. It would be so good there. Don't put a Big Bear Mountain clone, but put something similar. That's what I want. Like something similar to Big Bear Mountain. Yeah, I'd be really happy with that.
Sorry, not to like drag this on further. No, you're fine, man. I i enjoy talking. but Yeah. Oh, absolutely. Whenever I told you I could talk for five hours, I can talk for five hours. yeah I was. Let me. Sorry. Let me say this um before before we ah before we leave for the day. Yeah. Anyone out there who looks at Cedar Point's lineup and says, you know what this could really need?
A GCI. Let me ask you a few things. oh What kind of GCI are you getting? Are you getting like a Thrill GCI, a family GCI? I mean, if it's Cedar Point, if you're going with a Thrill GCI, it has to be the largest one out there. It has to be. That's just how Cedar Point works. Then you look at the rest of the lineup.
What does buying a GCI add to Cedar Point's lineup? yeah you Because we ah we had there we have a wooden coaster. It's not the best wooden coaster, but we have one. And we have an airtime machine. And we have two other rides, which to 90% of the general public are wooden coasters with mine ride and Gemini.
Even Steel Vengeance, to some extent. I think people think it's a wooden coaster. Yeah, even Steel Vengeance, like, people see that and they're like, that's a wooden coaster! Um... Um, actually? the So, and that brings me to the next point. With Mine Ride and Gemini being two of those wooden coasters, like, quote-unquote, wooden coasters that the general public see as wooden coasters.
If you replace one of those, how do you market it? Because then you're replacing a quote-unquote wooden coaster with another wooden coaster. And the main instance I always like to bring up is when Magic Mountain replaced apocalype or Cyclone with Apocalypse.
Because a lot of the general public there saw Apocalypse as the same exact ride as Cyclone, which was a notoriously brutally rough ride. I think that if you're gonna, if you're Cedar Point and you're looking to build a wooden coaster and you do build a GCI, I don't necessarily think if you go the route of marketing it as a family coaster, I think you would be fine.
Oh, yeah, exactly. Mystic is a thrill coaster, I think, technically. However, the amount of small children I see writing that is a lot. Yes. I think if you market it correctly, you could market it. You could build a regular, quote unquote, thrill GCI and market it as a family coaster, I think. Oh, for sure.
So I just that's the route I think they would go if they were to do that. If they were to do that, if if they were to do that, I still don't think that Cedar Point wants a wooden coaster like at all right now. Yeah, absolutely. If they get a wooden coaster, it's not going to be a brand new wooden coaster. It's going to be Blue Street, but gravity comes. Gravity Group comes in with their pre cut track and repro files a few of the hills to give them more air time.
Yeah, I wish that right is heavily slept on, but I'm not getting into that. So yeah, I think it's OK. I think it needs some serious track work. There's a few. There's a few potholes. It was rough this year. It was really rough this year. But yeah, I think after Main Street, they realized we don't want to have to deal with wooden track anymore and wood wood on the lake where they're at. I'm sure is a pain in the ass to deal with. You say that with Main Street yet.
Carpentry every day is working on a steel vengeance. So oh, I'm sure yeah It's like there's there's no logical reason for a cedar point to get a GCI. That's to everyone who says They want cedar point to get a GCI. You want a GCI that bad? Just go ride mystic timbers. Yeah, that's another thing. Sorry. Oh my god No, you're good, man. Don't stop. Apologize. You're not doing anything wrong. Because I keep interrupting you. No, you're dude. I don't care. I've interrupted you a ton this episode. Go ahead. Because everyone's saying that Kings Island shouldn't get a B&M dive. Their number one argument is, well, Cedar Point already has one. Okay. Kings Island already has Mystic Timbers. Mm hmm.
So to do it should Cedar Point get a GCI or not? That's like so and it's been pissing me off a lot recently. It depends on how they do it. Yes. i like If they get one of those, they're not going to get this. But hypothetically, ah Cedar Point got one of those GCIs that can invert that we saw oh my god a few years back, like the racing ones. But then you have another hybrid. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. OK. I think the only B and&M that Kings Island should be getting right now, if they do get one,
is a flying one flying B and M would be good. I'd be happy with that. I think any flying coaster, any flying coaster. Yeah, that'd be fine. um Or get a modern early like a ah ah modern Vekoma. Yeah, not a real, but like not a until something like innovative, like what's it? I think it's I speed is the name of it. Let me see. I speed like the are you talking about F.L.Y.
Because what the hell are you talking about? that the ah Yeah, it's I speed. It's over in Italy. Yeah, it's in Italy. Oh, ah well, that's an intimate. Oops. Oops. ha Oopsies. My bad. um Yeah. You're fine. Get an intimate or a ah or of a coma. Just something that stays low to the ground. Yeah. They need that desperately. And I will be I will be happy. But yeah.
or ah what is it, blue fire? I think it's blue fire. Yeah. That's a mock. Yeah. Lack of coaster would be an example. Yeah, that'd be good. The y'all let me pull it out of the like depths of the Internet. Oh, God. The Vekoma proposal for the at the time energy land via hyper, which was then turned into Hyperion.
Oh, yeah I would love to have... That thing looked awesome and nobody can tell me otherwise. If we got like a pseudo-hyper at Kings Island that's like ejector focused, I would not be sad in the slightest. You guys need it, too. Yeah, we do. Some sort of ejector. Everything there is floater. It's annoying. The best ejector in southeas southwest Ohio is Tsunami. and
Hey, best air time in the end. So it's I mean, it is.

Final Reflections on Coaster Experiences

it It does give some good ejector, but it does. It does give some good ejector.
um get the credit and don't write it ever again. It's kind of bad. I've written in it four times, Lance. Four times? Why? Well, because I keep bringing my friends. I'm like, you guys got to ride this. So I ride it myself. All right. I didn't know if it was because you like actually liked the coaster or not. I do like the... If it's not in my... it's I don't have it ranked, but if I were to rank it, it would be top 200. How many credits do you have? 248. Okay. I mean, you're still scraped with the bottom of the barrel there. There's not many coasters I don't enjoy. so Yeah, there's there's a few that I've, there's very few that I don't enjoy either. I'm trying to think of some that I don't enjoy. Yeah. Firehawk. Green Lantern. green green yeah Green Lantern was pretty bad. I hated Green Lantern.
It's so rough. I'm so glad it's gone. i I just wish I got a good ride on it because I love standups. You like standups, really? Yeah. Riddler's is so good. I have not. Riddler's is. I love Riddler's. That's very passionate for no reason.
Well, yeah, because I'm like the only Riddler's Revenge enjoyer on the planet. Well, I will give you my thoughts on it because I'll be out there in late February. Oh, hell yeah. Well, I'll let you know. And are you an X2 fan or or no? I am very much an X2 fan. i'm As much as I'm an X2 fan, though, I think when you compare me to other people,
I am a huge Viper fan. okay Don't skip out on Viper. Don't skip on out on X2. I have two days at the park. I'm going to be. Oh, you'll be fine so for the credits. So I'm not a big arrow guy. So don't skip out on Gold Rush or either. Gold Rush is like one of the better mind trains in my opinion. So I'm getting I'm getting all the credits, man. So I'm writing everything. um But yeah, there's there's very few arrows that I like. I'm I'm a big fan of God's. speed Nessie is good. I like Nessie. And then I like to see a tornado.
Yep. That's about it. Those are usually the only two that a non, like someone who doesn't enjoy arrows, those are the only two that non-arrow enjoyers enjoy, so. Yeah, that's all right. Well, I'll keep you posted. i'll I'll shoot you a text. Oh, please do. And I will talk about it on you here as well. Oh, you better. I'm going to listen in the future. I promise you, I will listen. I'm going to personally DM you on Twitter and be like, hey, this episode was good.
And I'm gonna be like, appreciate and then I'm gonna listen to the Dallin episode and be like, this episode was shit. There's Dallin's in it. so yeah Tell that to Dallin though, don't tell it. Dallin, I love you if you're listening. Yeah, go go tell him you're his episode. don't like Don't even listen to do it, like tell him that before you listen to it. I'm gonna listen to your episode, I know it sucks. i mean I'm gonna text him right now. Are you actually? Yes.
valid your single writer line episode Sucks in all caps then in parentheses. I haven't listened to it Well, ah we'll see. We'll see. He'll probably see the same even even though it um but yeah this will be up later tonight. So, oh, perfect. Yeah. i'll I'll do the editing here after I, uh, after I eat dinner. So I'm about to eat dinner myself. So sweet.

Social Media and Community Engagement

So yeah, go ahead and shout out your socials. Do whatever you want to advertise and um we'll get out here. I do have a Twitter. Um, it's a private Twitter. If you
request to follow my account and I do not accept, do not feel bad about it because it is a page or I quite frankly just repost whatever the hell I want. Whether it's political content or roller coaster content.
um So if you're not looking for if you're not looking for those, I highly recommend you turn off my retweets if you do follow my account. um But if you want a strictly coaster-based account, I do have an Instagram. um My Instagram is Orionfan72.
um i i chose the 72 because uh wicked twister speed of course but also area 72 but on the cro contrary my twitter is gonna be at orionfan287 the height of orion um and uh yeah i mean i'm a gamer so i'm a very very social person but Yeah, those are my social medias. Sweet. All right. Well, hey, it was good talking to you. Oh, it was so much fun. This went so much better than I thought it would. I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad this went smoother than you thought it would. And, uh, also off kind of off topic, but, uh, Cedar Point put out another, uh, sirens curse chronicles update video about construction. So I'm guessing it's about the tilt piece going in. I haven't watched it yet, but and yes they just put it out. So go watch that guys.
um So thanks for having me on. Honestly, it was. Go check out his socials. um All the links I talked about will be in the description of this video. Go check out my socials as well. I have a Twitter out there as well. Hell yeah, you do. At Lunaris IRL. You can also just type in the single writer line on Twitter and that will pull it up.
um Same thing on Instagram. It's going to be the single writer line podcast ah Just look up either of those two And you can you get notifications about updates all that jazz and whenever new episodes come out ah discord We got a discord as well. It is has next to nobody on there because it just started but go check out our discord Link will be in the description of this video you'll get posts about whenever new episodes are out chat with people hang out and in the foreseeable future. I want to do a meetup at some point um at at a park where we can all chip in to stay in a cabin or something and go to you go to a park somewhere. So thank you guys for listening. Appreciate you having appreciate having you on. Thanks for coming on. Thank you for having me, honestly. It yeah was so much fun. I'm glad you had fun on here, because I know you were like a little nervous about this going into it. so Yes, I was. And hey, I mean,
If a part two comes up. Oh, it will. Trust me. Okay. Okay. You'll be back on in the future. Trust me about that. So I made all right. If I wasn't super hungry, I would, I would talk to you. for So, um, all right, man. Yeah. It was good talking to you. Good talking to you. Have a good dinner.