The Thrill of Roller Coasters
Sunday! you ready for the highest and fastest poster in the world? Are you ready for a real... Island dare you to come face to face with the beast. The beast. 7,000 feet.
You can't hear my voice. The loveless monster lives. This man can't hear me.
Off-Season Struggles
All riders waiting and on top of those rapture, we are currently experiencing a mechanical issue and we do not know the length of the delay. Once again, hey and welcome back to the single rider line. It is Tuesday, ah January 28th, 2025.
slowly rolling our way through the brutalness that is the roller coaster off season, at least up here in the northern half of the United States. If you live anywhere south of ah what North Carolina, South Carolina, north and north carolina South of Carowinds, we'll just say that. I mean, your your parks are open all year round, yeah? So you don't really have to deal with this. You don't get the off season blues, you can go ride roller coasters on the weekends or during the week or whenever. And I'm jealous of you. I am. I'm extremely jealous of you. But how are you all doing as I crack open a Dr. Pepper Blackberry? I don't know if you guys have tried these or yet tried these yet or not. They're they're really, really good. I've gone through probably three cases in the span of two weeks. It's ah it's pretty amazing. like
Uh, it's not sponsored, but you know, if they want to hit me up, let me know. But I hope you're all surviving the, the off season. It's it's, this is probably the shittiest time of year, just all around. Cause there's nothing going on. You have football, but the playoffs are over. We just got the super bowl next week or in two weeks.
or February 8th. So in a week and. No February 9th so. A week in. Five days from now. At time of recording this and then after that I mean. Valentine's Day like.
What else is going on this time of year? Absolutely nothing.
Creating Content Without Rides
And it's boring as hell and I'm ready for it to be over. So we got a lot of news that's dropped recently. A lot of off season stuff that's happening. A lot of updates and and that sort of thing. We haven't done a solid news episode in a while. I haven't done a stories and news episode in quite a bit. Looking to get some more people on here in the near future. So expect that. Um,
But it's really, really hard to have roller coaster content whenever your, whenever your roller coasters are not open, not open for six months of the year, at least up here, at least up here. But yeah, we've got some stuff going on. So let's, let's kind of, let's hop into it. It's probably gonna be a shorter episode.
I want to have somebody on next week. We'll see if that works out or not. If not, I got a few stories I can i can share and we'll we'll go from there.
Planet Coaster 2: A Troubled Launch
so Where do we start? There's this has been a lot going on.
so Let's start. You know what? Actually, we're going to start with Planet Coaster 2 because Planet Coaster 2 has been such a shit show of a game release and it's kind of sad. I don't know if you guys have been playing it at all, but it's pretty.
It's a lot of fun. It's a lot of fun. I love the game, but it is just plagued with so many issues that it is infuriating. I want to rip my hair out every time I play this game because it crashes so much. It has so many bugs and UI issues. This game was rushed. ah We'll just put it that way. This game should not have come out on, what, November? When did it come out?
Let me see. that the I don't see it, but it was in November. I remember that. so but But yeah, this game has been a financial, isn't a financial success either because of how rushed this thing was. PC Gamer put out a article recently. This came out January 21st, so less than a week ago.
No a week to the day at the time of time of recording this So just the headline is planet coaster 2 isn't the financial success that frontier needed according to a report Which means there's more pressure on Jurassic World 3 to bring in big bucks. Here's the problem with this Planet coaster two could have been a financial smash hit. This could have been the game that put frontier over the top and they rushed it out the door. They didn't fix, they didn't have this thing ready to go when it should have been. And here we are, uh, you know, two, three months later, basically, because it came out early November.
And this game is still a buggy mess. And it's not unplayable, but on PC, it's pretty bad. I mean, they're constantly having to patch this thing, constantly having hot fixes come out. And it's like, why was this not ready at the beginning? You know, it's really frustrating because I've waited years and years and years and years and years for this game. set I believe seven years. When did the first one come out? Twenty six, three, seventeen.
planet coaster one release date because I bought this within a month of it coming out November 17th 2016 so 2016 was I've waited eight years for this game and it's just not where it needs to be I'm going to kind of skim through this article, give you some give you some highlights on this because this is, it's frustrating from a player standpoint. And I bet it's frustrating from frontier standpoint, but frontier shot themselves in the foot on this. And I don't think it's not, not blaming any of the devs before I read this, the devs, this is not their fault. I mean, they're given unrealistic expectations by CEOs and then, you know, whenever they don't perform, they,
You know, they they lose money. So I'll kind of skim through this, but according to investor analysis from Zeus Capital, Planet Coaster 2 hasn't lived up to expectations when it comes to revenue and reception from the player base. And it doesn't look like anyone's too surprised. I'm not surprised. I was kind of thinking this game is probably it has some issues when it comes out, but I hope it's, you know, something relatively easy, but they just, it was so many.
um Cash flow is still negative despite over despite earning over 10 million pounds. um
to Planet Coaster 2 has relatively poor reviews on Steam. so It's only 60% positive. For those of you you who don't play games on PC, 60% positive on Steam is atrocious. um Like for ah for a AAA game like this, that's that's awful.
ah PlayStation only has a 3.69 out of five. That's also not good. They've been putting out patch after patch, but um analysts expect a, quote, low rev lower revenue sustain rate than some of pre ah Frontier's previous releases, driven by mixed reviews, the existence of console releases, and the fact that it was put on sale just a month after release. And the lower rate goes, quote,
the greater the importance of the success of Jurassic World Evolution 3, which is a licensed IP and therefore lower gross margins than their own IP games, which makes sense. I mean, you got to give their kick back to what universal, I guess, who owns the Jurassic World IP, but Yeah, had this game released in a actually functional state, they would have had to put it on sale and they wouldn't have to do all this garbage to get this thing fixed. Let it sit another year in the oven. Give it another six months. Do whatever you got to do. Don't release a broken game because this is how you get into this situation.
Planet Coaster 2 is not a financial success because you didn't release it in a full state. It was broken when it came out and you knew that too. You knew that before you clicked launch on Steam.
But no, here we are. And this is what you guys did to yourself. So I'm sorry to all the devs who have to deal with this bullshit at ah at Frontier. So yeah, the article goes on, despite having some impressively powerful creation tools in Planet Coaster 2, many players seem less than happy with the lack of content available at launch. Exactly. Many customizable options.
that existed in Planet Coaster are now missing along with a large number of themes. That is also true. There's only like three or four themes and they used to be like 15, I think, somewhere around that number. And you could make your own and all that, but there's just not that many pieces for you to mess with and design things with and it's just not not doing well. So
Frontier shot themselves in the foot planet coaster 2 I've been playing it. It's a lot of fun. But God is it hard to play? There is like with the amount of bug like I was playing it earlier before recording this and the reason why I quit playing was because it crashed on me for The what feels like five billionth time? they They put out a patch recently to help with the crashing issues, but it didn't fix all of them and it's just
All right. Tangent over. I'm tired of. Developers are not developed, not developers, but studios pushing out games before they're done. God, give me a drink of my blackberry pepper.
All right. That's much better.
Siren's Curse's Speed and Cedar Point
So Planet Coaster two financial flop, not really, but not doing it as well as it's supposed to. So not surprised and hopefully Frontier learns from this. So in more news, Siren's Curse, the POV just came out. Finally, it only took 30 years. I'm surprised it took them this long to, to release it. It's been, when did we get that first trailer or that first announcement? Siren's Curse.
Let's take a look at Cedar Point's website, or Cedar Point's YouTube.
When did this first pe or the first video come out? So Siren's Curse was announced on to September 19th. And they had a full animation all the way back in in September.
I'm curious as to how long they've been holding on to this for whatever reason.
Just taking a look at the POV again right now. A lot of people are saying that the um but it looks sped up. Like if you go and watch it, it looks like kind of fast. I don't know if that's
Like, yeah, everybody is saying that it's at like 1.5 times speed. I don't know if that was on accident or if that's actually just how fast it goes. Because if you look at the coasters in the background, like if you if you're watching it whenever it gets to tilt track and then you see Roo Guru in the background, that looks like normal speed Roo Guru. If you ask me, same with Top Thrill 2, it just kind of crests over the lift till.
Like it looks normal. Like everything in the background looks normal except for the ride speed itself. So I don't know if this is a, so I don't know if it's actually this fast because if it is actually this fast, this is ridiculously good air time and like and insanely intense inversions and such.
But it looks really good. I'm glad and Cedar Point's getting in this. I still kind of feel bad for Six Flags Mexico, but also, ah you know, we got to add one more to the park that doesn't need one more. um But yeah, it looks fine. My only concern about this is that a it's going to have capacity issues. I feel like this is going to be the flight of fear of ah the second flight of fear in Ohio.
because Flight of Fear has awful capacity. It'll get an hour wait for, you know, even on slower days. I feel like this is going to be. This is going to be it because it only has.
It only has two trains. So we'll see how it goes. I'm not holding my breath, but also I hope that these dispatches are are going to be going to be good enough for, for good old Cedar Point. So Sirens curse POV, go check it out. I will leave a link to it in the description. Mighty Canadian Mind Buster at Canis Wonderland is getting gravity group pre-cut track work.
I have never rode this thing. I've been told it's pretty bad though. I, uh, I'm glad it's getting it though. A lot of, a lot of people have said this coaster is super, super rough. Let me, let me check out the article on coaster one-on-one because they've been, uh, they've been keeping up with this. And so, uh, they, they're doing 950 feet of the, of the layouts.
during the tail end of 2024, they were removing ah the entirety of the track on the first half of MindBusters layout. Okay. yeah also They're also doing some structural upgrades, um which is, I mean, that's typical, I think, for for most for most wooden coasters, just to reinforce it, make sure it's still able to support itself.
ah Yeah. 960 feet, 276 meters of their pre-cut track system. Is this the first time where we're seeing gravity groups pre-cut? Because traditionally, I mean, they just re-fabricate it on site. Oh, okay. Nevermind. So they they did pre-cut track work on, on the racer actually in 2021. How did I not know this? I know they did track work. I didn't know it was pre-cut though.
Um, they have 10 pre-cut projects underway, including holiday world and Kingston minion. Okay. So they've been doing a lot with the pre-cut track. I'm glad gravity group is here to make sure that to keep RMC in check. Cause I don't want to see the racer arm seed or the beast arm seed or, you know, some of the more classic wooden coasters are obscene. We don't, I love RMC, but I don't, we got to keep the classic woodies around. So.
Thank you, Gravity Group, for doing that. I appreciate it. um
to Reading through more of this, it's it's nothing special. It's just kind of flashbacks to what they've done in the past. um Yeah, so they they so they're reprofiling it a little bit as well. Not by much, but just, a they they're not really specifying, just saying it needs some reprofiling work.
Still looking. Yeah. And then we got Alpin Fury coming up at Canada's Wonderland this year too. I'm excited for Alpin Fury. Alpin Fury looks like a lot of fun. I'll be out there later this year in end of July, early August. So hopefully it doesn't pull a top thrill too and goes down all year. And hopefully the Kingstar worked out by mid-July.
Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket's Future
So In some larger news, Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket is going to be taken down. When is its last ride day? I just checked this. Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket last day.
Here we go. All right. So, okay. So it just says early September, 2025. There's not an exact today, just early September. So hopefully they give us an exact day so people can go get their last rides. Six flags, take notes. You should have done this with King Naka and with all the other million coasters you've closed this year. We'll get back to that later. But, uh,
It's being closed and there is filings for Intamin to be replacing that ah plot of land with a new with what is presumed to be a new coaster.
um the The themes I've been seeing going around, like as far as what they're going to theme it to, Fast and Furious is is the big one because they're and like, if it's similar to Hollywood Drift that they're getting in Universal Studios Hollywood, Ghostbusters, that would be cool. And Back to the Future would also be cool. So those are the three main ones I'm seeing floating around. I'm personally hoping for Back to the Future. I feel like it'd be awesome to get into a DeLorean themed train. That would be really cool. And as far as I'm aware, there's no back to the future ride there anymore. I don't think so. Hopefully, hopefully it's back to the future. I'd be really excited for that. So highly deprived rocket. Go ride it. You've got till September, early September. Don't don't wait around. Universal has given you the privilege of telling you when our coaches are going to close. Take notes. Zimmerman, please. God.
um yeah and well you know I'll just hit that now. ah Anaconda has been completely taken out and also Nighthawk at Carowinds has also been taken out. So they will be gone whenever you show up to the park here in a few months. So ah don't be surprised. ah They were both old. They were both kind of on the chopping block for a while anyways.
Everybody had been, you know, say and take out a condom, take out anaconda, take out anaconda. And now that it's gone, people are complaining about it. It's like, come on, guys, be consistent about it.
Surprising Ride Closures
So anaconda is gone. So is Nighthawk. And of course, Kindaka has ah started. And Kindaka has actually started its a demolition process. So Kindaka is going to be no more as well, surprisingly.
And that's really all we got going on as far as, as far as coaster news goes recently, it's a lot, but it's also not, you know, we've got, uh, a lot coming down the pipeline, but also were we're waiting, just waiting and waiting and waiting until April, I think is, April is Kings Island's opening day, April 19th, I believe. And then
Anticipating Roller Coaster Season
March, we typically get carowinds opening up, I believe, in Kings Dominion, February,
and We got nothing going on. I got winter chill out coming up, so I will give you guys a review of winter chill out. That is February 22nd. I will be dropping an episode that that following Tuesday, so you guys can stay up to date on that.
Upcoming Theme Park Adventures
I've also got an LA trip coming up with your favorite coaster sucks So the single rider line in your favorite coaster sucks meetup trip sort of thing So we'll see how that goes. It'll be a good time. We're hitting up great America great America God we're hitting up ah Magic Mountain knots SeaWorld San Diego Belmont Park and then either Universal Hollywood or ah God, I can't think, Disneyland. So that is that is our itinerary for the for the trip. Hopefully we'll be able to get everything in. I'm just praying X2 stays open. X2, please be open. And Accelerator, please be open. More so Accelerator. I really want to get on that. That's the last hydraulic launch in the country I haven't rode.
Because I've rode Ka, I've rode Dragster, I've rode Stormrunner. So i really all I have to do is hit Accelerator. Am I missing one? I feel like I'm missing one. Is there one at Lost Islands? Or Lost Island Adventure? Or whatever it's called.
Lost Island Amusement Park. Do they have an Accelerator there? Oh, they do. They do technically have a hydraulic launch.
lost island ah music Lost Island theme park. Coasters. Roller coasters and thrill rides. What roller coasters do you guys have? Where is it at?
Matsugani. Yeah, here we go. Yeah, this is an accelerator. OK, so I have I have two hydraulics that I have not hit yet. So I have to go to lost islands and where is this place at again? Iowa, Waterloo, Iowa. This is in the middle of nowhere, isn't it?
Let me, let me see. Let me see it on a map. Is this in the middle of nowhere, Iowa?
This is in the middle of nowhere, Iowa. It's just, it's close to Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Uh, what else is it close to? Des Moines. I mean, that's still probably a bit of a drive. I don't know. I don't know if I'm ever going to get out there and considering the, that this park still isn't making money. I'm guessing that I don't think I will before it closes. I want to, but I also don't care enough to go there for an SLC and a not very good looking hydraulic launch. I mean, it looks fine, but doesn't look anything super, super special. So.
Join the Conversation on Discord
but yeah, I will give you guys an update on that. I don't know if we're going to be doing an episode there live or not. Probably not. But if we do, I will keep you guys posted in the discord. Speaking of which, go join the discord link in the channel description. Um, there's not a whole lot of people on there right now, but we're trying to get that built up. I'll be posting new episodes in there, linking, linking all that stuff. Um, if you guys got any questions or if you just want to chat,
Chat in there hit me up. Let me know and If you're interested in coming on Let me know and we'll we'll sit down. We'll chat see if see if you'd be a good fit well We'll go from there. So I hope you guys have a good one and we will see you next time