Introduction & Coaster Teaser
Sunday! Sunday! you ready for the highest and fastest poster in the world? Are you ready for a real... Island dare you to come face-to-face with the beast of the beast. 7,000 feet.
You can't hear my voice. The loveless monster lives. This man, he can't hear me.
Host & Guest Introduction
All riders waiting and on top of those rapture, we are currently experiencing a mechanical issue and we do not know the length of the delay. Welcome back to the single rider line. My name is Lance. Good to have you guys back here again.
We are recording on Tuesday, not Tuesday. God, I can't even think the date is Thursday, February 6th. So this is two days after my episode with Pidge came out. So, um, just a heads up, there's going to be a severe lack of news because we just talked about everything. Um, at the time of recording, what is two days ago? So if something has happened majorly in the span of these couple of days, I'm sorry, but good to have you guys back. We got another guest on today. Go ahead and introduce yourself.
Hey everyone, my name is Jake, uh, from Jake Coasters. Good to have you on, man. It's been a lot of back and forth on, on Twitter X, whatever you want to call it. Um, just occasionally replying to each other's bullshit and.
And I figured, you know what, let's let's let's get him on here. You make some, I think in my opinion, not to be an as a kiss ass, but you make some and pretty good content. Very, yeah with you got the intriguing thumbils ah thumbnails and the intriguing intriguing titles. did Did you like, do did you do watch like any like videos or anything to, it's like, how to make, have you done any research on like how to make intriguing videos or how to,
Have I catching thumbnails or did you do anything like that or just learn from experience? Dude, you're giving me way too much credit. I am not that well planned. Honestly, whatever comes to my brain at like, you know, nine in the morning or nine at night, I'm like, I'm going to do a video on
Content Creation & Seasonal Themes
that. And then I try to make it come together. And if it, if people watch it fantastic, if not, then, you know, whatever, but, uh,
Yeah, like my brain goes from like, I wonder what they're replacing King Dukkah with to like, I wonder what the lore of Islands of Adventure is. So ah that's basically just how my brain works is what the channel looks like. So didn't learn any of that in school. So it's just all over the place based on whatever you feel like making that day. Yep. I wish there was a science to it, but there is not.
Are you one of those people where you have like 15 different projects going at once and then, you know, one gets finished and then, you know, one other random one gets finished. It depends on what you feel like you want to work on or what is your, what is that like?
Yeah, it it depends on the season. Obviously like my real job, um, I am creating like video content, uh, and social media content. Um, but, uh, so those projects have to get done. Um, but as far as like my personal YouTube channel goes, uh, you know, it, it really is like I'm working on one at a time. Um, but, uh, it, it really depends on the season. Cause I found like.
doing this for a year now is like these things work in seasons. So um there are some seasons where like you know it's appropriate for me to discuss like the validity of B and&M as like a manufacturer. And then there's other seasons where like like we're coming into a season now where it's like my channel I assume is going to shift to like epic universe and I'm gonna be so annoying about it that everyone's gonna unsubscribe so like it really I just kind of let like the vibe dictate the vibe you know yeah no I get what you're saying so so by season do you mean like whether we're in like the
elaborate more on that. Cause I kind of get what you're saying. Are you talking like just in the coaster season in general, or do you just mean in off season or just like different? Yeah. So like now, yeah, winter, um, a lot of people aren't like thinking about, um, theme parks and things like that right now. Um, as much as they will be in like a couple months when like sirens curse starts to open and top thrill too, maybe opens, um, and let all these Yeah, right. ah And like, so people will be thinking about coasters a lot more later. um During this time is like a really great time for me to work on like stuff that I like like video essays and stuff like that. So
Yeah, I kind of I can't hear what you saying I mean the offseason The only thing I think about in the offseason is just like how depressing it is so like having good having coaster content to to hold you other over whether it's you or a tour Ryan or just whatever more drama is being ah cooked up as far as stuff being torn out it's a So i um do your views reflect that so like obviously like do your views go up more during the summer months whenever You know that's going on and drop in the winter and vice versa I know you said it's only been a year But like have you noticed that at all or is that just something I'm making up in my head? um I Wish I had that answer. I don't actually I don't know ah Okay, I don't know if YouTube gave you those stats or not. I'm sure they do somewhere ah
Dude, if you I do not look at those things, man. the most In all honesty, the most important thing to me um on my ah videos is the comments section. The whole freaking reason I started the channel was to um create conversations about coasters and theme parks. And so, like, I watch my comment section like a hawk, and I respond to every comment that comes in. um So, which is something I find that a lot of
you know, other people might not be interested in, but it's something that I'm super interested in. I could really care less if like 200 people or 200,000 people watch a video. If people are commenting, that's really important to me because those are people that are taking the time to like talk with me about our favorite thing, which is, I assume, theme parks and coasters, you know the everybody that's commenting. Because I think my channel's set up in a way to where like you know I'm not sitting here explaining to you what a giga coaster is or who B&M is. like You should already know that coming on the channel. So I'm like, if somebody's commenting, they're probably a fan
of theme parks and coasters. So um being able to like engage with fellow theme park fans is kind of why I started the channel in general, um kind of why I do this anyway. so And also, I just like editing in general. But man, I watch the comments section. I don't really watch the views.
But I like that answer a lot. I thought about like as you were talking, just leaving a comment on your on your is being a great video just just to see if you get a vacation and I'll do it randomly throughout the episode. You just have to keep your YouTube ah notifications on the entire time. Right. Keep you on edge. So so you got into this. So just to get my story straight.
Channel Purpose & Community Engagement
So you got into this because you just want to have discussions about about coasters in general is so what so Obviously, there's a lot of groups on the internet where you can you could talk about roller coasters and you know ah discuss with people things that you enjoy in the coaster community. so what Obviously, you wanted to start discussions. what
caused you to create the channel over just joining some sort of some sort of group like ace or joining a discord or because there's got to be some there's got to be some reason for it and i say your main job your your editing videos and and that sort of thing and those projects have to get done so is that the reason why or maybe i'm overthinking this No, not at all. um So it's a good question. So I think for me is ah I really enjoy ah being a visual storyteller. So I really enjoy telling stories through the medium of like video or photography or ah design. um That's kind of like my bread and butter. ah So
I ah assume the channel is just an extension of that, of just something that I naturally am gifted at and something that I like to do in general. um you know Just talking ah like online, I think There is also kind of a barrier to that, you know, when people can come on and like hear my voice and hear like my tone with everything. um I think there is something to that. But honestly, you know, I just like making videos and I like, you know, expressing myself in that particular realm. um So just a natural kind of like visual storyteller. ah So I assume that's probably what gave birth to the channel.
Yeah, and that would I mean, that makes sense. I mean, you can't do that really in ah and any sort of discord or anything unless you want to make a PowerPoint slideshow and get everybody onto a call. Yeah. Yeah. So this is why B and&M is actually great. Or this is why Top Thrill 2 is the perfect sequel. That's a really good point, too, because a lot of times those like I know for for instance, like on X, you're limited to like what, 250 characters.
So a lot of times, yeah, I'll create these like massive threads um with my thoughts. And I'm like, delete, I should just make a video about this. So ah that's a good point. Yeah. A lot of the online forums and things like that, they really don't give you a chance to explain like the nuance to these things, um as to like why, you know, King Da Ka being replaced, ah you know, is a good or bad thing. Like that, for me, that takes a while to explain um and what it should be replaced by. ah You know, for me, that takes a while to explain.
Coaster Technology & Preferences
So I need to do that through some kind of visual medium and video for me.
is probably like the best medium. Yeah, kind of kind of not off topic, but sort of on topic. While you mention it just quickly, what's your opinion on on ah on copying, on copying gone for those of you who haven't mentioned who haven't watched your Strata Coasters dead video.
ah I think, um boy, that's a great question. um I would say that I appreciate the historical relevance of Kingda Ka and what it accomplished. um I you know am super grateful for a park like that taking a risk like that and a manufacturer that's willing to take that risk.
Uh, that being said, I think modern coaster technology has advanced to the point where that particular launch model is no longer relevant. Um, and also even though they have like the freaking hydraulic launches are the freaking best launches.
But the problems are not like the juice isn't worth the squeeze um with a lot of them. So I think, you know, modern launch coasters are just at like such a point now where it's like, it's hard for me to argue, like, yeah, they should keep King to cop purely for historical relevance purposes. Yeah.
you know, if you kind of remove everything away from it, for me, top thrill dragster was always kind of like the superior strata coaster same parent and they kept it, you know? yeah So like essentially they kept it, ah but they updated it. Me personally, I would have rather seen them, you know, do a top thrill to kind of situation.
Um, that would have been my like first choice. So I have very mixed feelings on it. I am concerned about the replacement, not same high. Um, like I'm kind of getting my thoughts together since we're talking about videos about like,
some my some of my general concerns with the project in general, not that I don't trust, you know, Six Flags at all. ah But like, I am a little concerned about like, what they're going to replace it with. But again, we can't really get there until we get there, right? So can't worry about it till it happens. So yeah. Yeah. So I mean, another thing too is,
I need to not not worry about it till it gets there but with the we'll take we'll just say for the sake of hypothetical that mock tower coaster that's been floating around as far as rumor goes but would you think that's an adequate but replacement for that because in my personal opinion I think yes but no like there's only so much that you can do to top a coaster like that. And just, I don't know if that would be enough, but at the same time, one doesn't exist and I haven't wrote it. So I was just curious as to, as to your thoughts on that. If, if it were to be, if it were to become reality, hypothetically, hypothetically guys. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We're not saying that that's actually going to happen. So yeah I know there's been a lot of discussion on it, but I would say that, um, I don't know.
um until obviously I ride it. um From like a general practice, um i I tend to be more of like, give me like a more, I don't really care about records to be totally honest. yeah Six Flags is like, we have the most purple coaster in the whole world. It's like color purple. I'm like, great, it's a freaking family coaster.
Um, but I would say for like, just the record, the audacity of the record, that's kind of a cool thing. Like the a mock spinner that's like, you know, that tall is just kind of ridiculous. Me personally, I'm more of like, give me a really compelling layout. That's closer to the ground. Just go to Vekoma and tell them, Hey,
go off. We want your version of Velocicoaster and let them just cook in that area. And for me, that's a more compelling coaster than like, we have, you know, a really, really freaking weird mock spinner. So, or just a traditional mock spinner, which I heard those cost a ton, yeah but You know, give me that I'm not really interested in like the record component. Um, so, uh, unless it's like a gig or a hyper coaster, like the height to me doesn't really play into it. Um, but I don't know, could get on it and be like, holy cow. That was like fantastic. But you know, I, the part of me is like, I really love the audaciousness of it. And the other half of me is like.
We could have done something a little bit better, but I'm so curious as to what they are cooking up there. I haven't been on ah time travel or ride to happiness. The ones that people won't shut up about. Have you yet or or no? Because I've I've heard they're good, but also like I don't want to get my expectations too high whenever I eventually do go to ride them. It like good. Yeah. No. Bad. No. If you have been on them. Ride to happiness. No. Because that's in Narnia or whatever.
know first time wherever it be, Antarctica, wherever, but a time traveler. Yes. Um, and I will say that I, I'm personally, I'm not a big fan of like spinning on a coaster. Um, so I think cosmic rewind is kind of like,
what I expect it were like points to things. That's different, though. Yeah. yeah ah So as you get older, you will find out that going backwards on a coaster, you start to have a little bit of trouble with it. um So then you have to take like Dramamine if you're going to ride like a spinner. um But I would say, ah you know, like Cobra's curse is really fun, like the family version. But time traveler for me, um i Was kind of like man. I just kind of want like ah Like coat like a copperhead strike type ride vehicle on this, you know, like it didn't do anything extra For me and I know somebody's just like slamming on the keyboard right now telling me how wrong I am but for me I'm just kind of like I just kind of a traditional like coaster I don't
I don't need like the spinning or like with X2, I'm kind of like, just give me a wing coaster, man. Like, uh, you know, the whole extra things. Um, not a huge fan of, but, um, I could see where time traveler would be like.
or the mock extreme spinner would be really high on a particular person's like top 10. I could totally understand that. For me, not not necessarily. And ah thinking about like Universal Hollywood's new, like what does a spinning version of Velocicoaster feel like? um Is it a net positive that it spins, or does it kind of detract from like what velocity coaster feels like. I don't know but um it will be interesting to compare those two for sure. But yeah spinning coasters I have a very controversial opinion on them, I'm kind of like, neither here nor there on them.
yeah So, but that tall up, you know, if they do like King to call and it's like that tall off the ground, that might be terrifying. You know, I don't know. Maybe it would be good for that. I feel like that'd be the close, the next closest thing you could get to. Um, well, let me check. Do they still have those rides on top of the stratosphere? I think they still have high roller.
stratosphere in the shot tower hi roll is that the ah the the tiny sea and that's xcre um No, there's a roller coaster that at least it used to, I went on it ah so long ago, but it like kind of wrapped around the building. Yeah. I think it was old Togo, maybe, maybe arrow. I don't remember, but, um, that was super cool. Just being that high up on a coaster is whack. Um, but also the shot tower.
Amazing. ah Amazing. Really? Yeah. it's kind surprise That's an S and&S, right? Yeah. It's just an S and&S like shot tower. but But it's up that, you know what how tall is that thing? 1,000 feet tall? and Something like that. or Something like that. um And just launching up at that height, you know the the bottom of the building kind of disappears, and you're just kind of out there. Yeah. It's pretty sick.
so So the, uh, so they have big shot, the SNS tower, and then they have X screen, which is that like teeter totter ride that they've made into an extreme thrill thing based just that's over the edge. That's the hell no ride for a lot of people. Absolutely not. Uh, I would try it. I think that'd be a little, a little terrifying still. Okay. Well, I will watch.
You know what? Oh, you're not going to you're not going to give that a go. I you know, I might. We'll see. I feel like once you get there, you'd be like, you know what? Screw it. Let's let's go ahead and do this. Yeah. Real quick. You said. a You said once you get older, spinning doesn't do you well. You don't have to answer this question. I can cut this out. How old are you?
Jake's Coaster Journey
I'm 30. You're what's I thought you were like early 20s.
Yeah, well, I moisturize you. I don't just based on your voice, you sound like you're in your 20s. But granted, I don't know what you look like or anything like that. So but yeah, I did i did not did not know that. OK, the more you know. um Right. I was and you can you can leave that in, too. OK. All right. I don't care who knows it.
All right. Yeah. So also while you're at it, what's your welshley social security number? What's your address, credit card number? You know, we want all the information. Just got to get to know you better, you know? I know. You got to know all the details. Yep. All the all the exact details. Got to, you know, I got to buy my season pass somehow and it's not going to be with my own money. Right. um I was going to ask you something else, but then I forgot. um Oh, yeah. So with how did you get in the coaches in the first place? Because you make all this content.
Yeah, obviously been in the community for at least quite a while. um You said your home park is because you're down in Florida is SeaWorld Islands of Adventure, that sort of thing. Universal home park is Busch Gardens, Tampa, Tampa. OK, gotcha. Got it. OK, so you're in that general area then.
Yeah. what Do you have like a set moment when you realized this is something I really enjoy? Or did you was it just like something you you slowly slowly grew into? Or is there an image? Oh, no. ah So like we as a family would always visit you know universal and islands and bush gardens, sea worlds. like Just living in Florida theme parks are like kind of a thing that you like do.
Um, so we were always at a theme park. Uh, but as a kid, I was afraid of coasters. Um, and then we went to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. And, uh, my parents said to me that we were in line for Loch Ness monster. Cause what I would do is I'd wait in line with my parents and then kind of walk over the seats and like go through the exit and wait for them to come back.
Um, but, uh, my parents were like, okay, here's what I want you to do. I want you to sit down in the seat, pull the lap bar down, um, or the over the shoulder. Um, and, uh, just try it and if you could try it once. And if you don't like it, you don't have to do it again.
And obviously, you know, I like my parents very trusting. So, uh, I was like, they're probably, you know, want me to experience something fun. And I'm really glad I did because, uh, I did Loch Ness Monster at Busch Gardens, Williamsburg.
uh, that morning and I rode every single coaster at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, like by the evening. And wow yeah, so I absolutely loved it. Um, I, you know, Loch Ness Monster obviously was my first coaster ever. Um, so, uh, from there I would say I kind of was already really interested in theme parks. Can I catch you off real a quick? Yeah.
just like curiosity, how old were you whenever you went there? Oh man. That's a, so big bad wolf was still there. Um, which doesn't really help. Does it, uh, drop and fire was still there. The first time that I went to push guards, Williamsburg, maybe that, let me see when that was, oh whatever age that is.
Uh, I'm nineties baby. So, you know, yeah, let me see from, yes, I did do drop and fire. So anywhere between 1992 and 1998. Yeah. So it had to have been, yeah.
So you did, you you said you did do dragon and fire. Yeah. Okay. So you had to have been at least tall enough and I'm sure that in I was a very tall child by the way. So we'll we'll guess in the like that's late night or 10 to 14 range.
Yeah, go with that. Sorry. Yeah, I think that sounds about right. um So ah and I think I got started pretty early for like, my age and everything. But um then from there, we came back to Florida. And then I, you know, finally rode the coasters at Busch Gardens Tampa. um Loved every single one.
Uh, but then in 2005, uh, my parents surprised me on Christmas morning with an ACE membership. Uh, yeah, for the 2000 actually, I'm sorry, the 2004 season.
um And at the same time, Busch Gardens Tampa was building ah something. They flattened a bunch of land and they had clues all over the construction walls and they were building something. And everybody kind of knew it was like a new coaster, but we really weren't sure like, what?
um And at the time we had like a fun card. So we would go every weekend ah to Busch Gardens, Tampa. And I remember bringing like an old disposable camera with me. And as supports started to rise up, like taking pictures of each support um and taking pictures of all the track laying around.
and then come to find out this coaster is announced and it's called Sheikra and um it was announced as like a 200 foot dive coaster and man I was just u obsessed with but that construction project. I watched every single track piece of that coaster fall into place and um I documented a ton of it Um, and I would like even get like newspaper like clippings and like, uh, cut those out and like frame them on the wall. Um, yeah, I was just so wow obsessed with Sheikra coming to Bush garden.
so we're part of ace at the time and when the coaster finally opens i go opening day never done that We stayed after, yeah, and rode Chikra, like pretty much all night. But the cool thing was, Mark Rose, one of the designers, he was the VP of engineering at Busch Gardens at the time, genius, brilliant guy.
um he actually was there talking to people. And as this little middle schooler, I was able to talk to him and just talk about coasters and talk about Sheikra's design and everything. And I think that was the moment I would say I was a fan of coasters at the time, but I would say that particular experience at Busch Gardens Tampa, riding Chikara opening day, and then coming back and just enjoying it more and more. I would say that's where I really started to like really appreciate them. um And from there, like you can't get me to shut up about them. The rest is history.
The rest is history. Yeah. So we can all write Busch Gardens, Tampa, a nice letter. Thank them for building Sheikra to and getting you into the coaster community. Yeah. And probably a lot of other people as well that, you know, I'm curious. I'm curious as to, you know, with you sharing your that experience, like how many people ah Not just you have had something similar with with other new coasters opening, whether it's more modern stuff like Top Thrill 2 or you know older stuff like you know Vortex or ah trying to think of, I'm i'm such ah an Ohio mindset. um um you know Or X2 or Kingda Ka. Any of those coasters that are at the time like truly earth shattering,
um um It's just, I like this thing to those experiences. It's nice. Yeah. There's a lot of people like that. Um, you know, I interact with that or younger that, uh, you know, they are fans of coasters because of Velocico. And they're fans of coasters because of Hagrid's, uh, like Hagrid's was a lot of people's first coaster, like ever. really Yeah.
There were Harry Potter fans that came to Florida to see the Harry Potter stuff, never ridden a coaster in their life. And they jumped on Hagrid's because it's Harry Potter themed and, um, it blew them away. And then they did velocity coaster. So, um, a lot of people are these modern like Intamin's and everything. Um, they're, they're churning out some young, some young coaster fans, which is pretty cool. Good.
Yeah, that's, that's, I love hearing stories like that. Like one of my favorite things ever is if I'm at a park and you're on a ride, whether you've been on a million times or it's your first time, if you, you know, if you're just kind of pay attention to people in the line and you'll probably find somebody, especially in the middle of summer with, you know, kids and it's their first time getting on a large coaster and some of them are freaking out. Some of them are, you know, the getting scared and then If they do, if they do get on and don't, you know, walk across the, uh, the train to the, to the exit, um, just seeing their face on the brake run most of the time is just like the, the smile that sweeps across their faces. So it's so nice to see. I love that so much. Like just secondhand, but what's the word?
enjoyment. Yeah, I'm vicariously enjoying that experience by watching watching that play out. So yeah, you like to see people enjoy the things that you do. um And especially if there's somebody that like Iron Gwazi is my freaking favorite ah to um go on go on it with somebody who's never been on it before, um because most of the time it's somebody that like they don't know what an RMC is or anything like that.
Um, and when that clicks off that first Hill and it just starts going, uh, it just like their, their eyes are just on the break run. Their eyes are just wide open. Like what the heck did I just do? Um, and that's just such a fun experience. Yeah, it really is. I loved doing that on like, as much as.
Like i know I know you're talking about how Stratocaster or hydraulic long coasters are a dead technology and you know you're kind of glad we moved on. that's That's the one thing I do kind of miss with yeah with the Stratos and hydraulics is.
Like watching people be terrified on the launch was awesome. I mean, yeah clearly clearly Cedar Point knew it. I mean, they had, they installed the bleachers for a reason. You can just watch people go all day long and I'm glad they still kept them because, Oh yeah. I mean, you this year me i I do. I dragster was one of those coasters that just like.
blew me away when i first rode that yeah it was uh like a dream come true to be able to go that that was another coaster i cut out stuff and put it all over my wall because i was obsessed with that one too um but yeah old dragster you can't beat those hydraulic launches no i i'm i'm a big fan of uh God max force at great event at great America, just because of that launch, like and not as tall, not as fast, but just anything punchy. Absolutely love it. Yeah. And SNS has kind of always been, well, they're extremely problematic, but, uh, you know, it's kind of like the, I don't even know what you would, it's kind of like the crazy dad that like tinkers in the garage and comes over these cool inventions. Um, like their launch.
is like Bart, like all of their launch, like Hypersonic was like the definitive launch for me. jealous um Like all of SNS's stuff when it's working is fantastic. um But you know, that's the key word there. So I've heard really good things about Maxforce. I do wish the compressed air launch would kind of like make a resurgence. I mean,
To me, it's just really cool technology. So, uh, I would love to see that. yeah I thought for a second, I was like, ah it went through my brain. I'm like, maybe dragster is getting like a compressed air launch. Maybe it's just a little bit easier to maintain. I don't know. But, uh, you know, obviously it became LSM, but Yeah, I was actually thinking the exact same thing too. I was thinking, what if they, I mean, like hydraulic launches are a pain in the ass. Put a compressed air launch on there. yeah And I mean, you could do the exact same thing. You could probably, with a compressed air launch, I don't know if this is accurate or not, but you could probably increase the ah launch velocity, not how fast it goes. just
how quickly the acceleration rate. There we go. You could probably increase that if you really wanted to. um Yeah, you definitely could. And to get it up and over. I mean, I love what Top Thrill 2 is now. I like the like the LSM. But yeah um I just wish that right not saying they have to go as tall as they did, but just some sort of modern replacement to give that punchy launches. LSM's do not provide that in the slightest. um Well, I mean,
Some, but I mean, you few and few and far, but few and far between. There we go. It's just, yeah, I miss I miss those punchy launches. And unfortunately, it's a dying breed. But yeah, time moves forever forward and we have to move with it. Right. And there will be a day where the LSM tech can do that. But at the moment, LSM are really good for like.
kicking a coaster off that has another launch later. Yeah. Um, you know, so like philosophy coaster is a great example. That first launch is fantastic. But if you notice, like it doesn't have to do a whole lot, um, after that first launch, you know, to get over that email man. Um, so, you know, a 400 foot tall tower, man, that takes a lot of launch power. So, you know,
I understand the design philosophy behind top thrill too. ah Yeah. or Like I get it. Um, I don't know if there's, if LSM technology could, could do that. Um, there will be a day, but like, yeah, um I think what they did was the best they could with modern technology as it is. Yeah. I agree. Just out of curiosity, have you gotten a, uh, do they call it a rollback on velocity coaster or no? Where you don't clear never.
never Another rare, but they are very rare and you have to, you have to time it just right. Like it has to be like the right kind of day and you have to, you know, write it when it first opens and, um, sometimes it randomly happens in the afternoon, but very rare. I've seen it happen. Um, but it's extremely rare. Uh, but you know, always wanted one.
Yeah, i've I've always wanted to roll back. I always wanted to roll back on on Dragster or Cobb. I never got either of those. But it's I'm there's a story I have in my head and whenever I was younger, I was probably I don't know, 16 or so. um Not a religious person now. But whenever I went to church, I had some friends who went to who went to Cedar Point the day prior.
And on their very first ride, they got a rollback. I was like, how do you how do you manage to do that? I've been going there for years, but riding this ride for years. Right. And you just happen to luck out and get the. Got to hit it the right time, you know. Yeah, it's. Yeah, that I was happy for, him but like, man, I was I was really jealous. Yeah. I was going to see what else was I going to ask you? Oh, yeah, you used to run a podcast yourself, didn't you?
He told me about that. Do you know what exactly what exactly happened to it? ah The fire. The fire. No, I'm just kidding. um I just i got like so confused.
Future Plans & Channel Expansions
It was fine until the incident. No, I just kind of I think for me, like I kind of wanted to take this year and really determine what like content I wanted to make specifically. Um, so I am planning on launching two new channels this year. a So, uh, I am planning on that. Um, so more is coming for sure. And I have like new series ideas and things like that.
Um, a podcast for me, um, just wasn't like the type of thing I was looking to do at the time. Cause like everybody has a podcast, you know, um, so i'm just I'm joking. I'm being silly. I mean, I mean, you're kind of right though.
but know but like for me personally it at the time I was like I want to try a certain type of video first and then introduce the podcast not in reverse if that makes sense yeah that makes sense ah some of some people like you're obviously you know You're a great host. and Thank you. Yeah, and I think a podcast was like really good for you to to start. ah For me, I think I'll work backwards to where like, I'll establish myself as like, you know, video essay type person first, and then work my way back to a podcast. At the time, it just didn't feel, you know, right.
So, yeah, that's kind of what, why I kind of discontinued it but it was fun, it was fun doing for, you know, the times that I did it. um Also, I like, I really want to do like a video one, but like, really polished.
so I think once I can get that up and running, um, that is one of the channels by the way. Um, so once I get that up and running, then, uh, for sure podcast will be back at some point. And where do the people listening find or where they were going to keep up with this information and keep up with your, I can barely keep up with it.
just follow me on x and in between the ah posts about hating rip ride rocket and loving lady gaga's new song in between there uh you know maybe i'll post something about starting two new channels, or maybe I'll just post the new channels and, you know, surprise. but no No, like I'll, I'll definitely announce something for sure. Like on, on X that's my main platform. So yeah yeah. Yeah. You post a lot on there. You're always, you're always active in the community, which I,
Please don't take that as a slight. That's not what I meant. That that came off really rude. I apologize. You're right absolutely right. I do post a lot on there. Yeah. i It's literally everything that just enters into my brain. I love that platform because It's basically like texting for me. it is youre If you're wondering, yes, I do text my friends that way too.
ah so like That's why I love that platform. I think that's why I connect with that one the most just because it's like It's like texting essentially. And then like, like people like you like respond and stuff like that. I've like, you know, we can have a direct conversation, you know, immediately. We don't have yeah to like go through like some cumbersome comment section or whatever.
Yeah. It's, you know, we, I mean, you can all, but at the same time too, you can also have conversations in the comment section. So if you want other people to read what you're talking about and they can chime in, that's also yeah also an option. And it sounds like they're doing more like it's coming down the pipeline to where they're doing more video. So for me, I'm kind of like, dang, like that, that will probably stay my main platform, especially if they do like short form stuff like reels.
Yeah. Or TikTok or whatever. It's like, yeah, I will upload you know stuff there all the time. um So maybe launch my podcast there. Who knows?
So it's going to be polished. It's going to have a video to it. It's going to be far more polished than this is. I kind of like it. I was initially thinking about making this super, super scripted and polished. Or not scripted, but doing what you're talking about. And I realized I don't have the patience for that. Yeah, no, I totally get it. And I like that this is a bit more, for lack of a better word, eh, no. I'm trying to think of the right word to use here.
No, this is refreshing because it's just like two people talking um You know, I listen to enough stuff that's like, you know ah The other way of like scripted out and things like that me I have to have a script Or Lord knows what I will talk about if I don't have one. So, you know, it would swing to like, thanks for listening to King to cost stuff. Now let's talk about Halloween Horror Nights houses. I never want to be like, what? What's a Halloween Horror Nights? Um, so I have to have a script or man, it is a nightmare.
talking about the, you're talking about the Giga dive and then all of a sudden you're talking about how, ah ah how mother is back with. ah
with Lady Gaga Yeah Stuff like that you get it. Yeah it So actually now that I mentioned it if so gigadive basically confirmed all all but confirmed. Yeah, we should say obviously yeah post it Yeah, for those of you who didn't see his tweet You said it would absolutely slap so obviously you like the idea do you mind expanding on that cuz I I talked to ah I'm gonna say last week even though it's ah it was only two days ago for the sake of the people listening to this next Tuesday last week I talked to Pidge about this on here and and he seems I don't know if this was before or after Anyways, I talked to him about it. He seemed to love the idea and I'm i'm personally on board with it opinions thoughts comments concerns insults and
Yeah. Um, I was very insulted that they would build a giga dive coaster, not in Florida. No, we we get everything. Um, so I think the giga, so my big problem with the giga coaster, uh, in general is I think I've been wanting B and M specifically to re develop the giga coaster for quite some time, because I think.
the hyper kind of gets in their way a lot. The way just they're like the, their design principles behind the giga coaster, the B and M giga specifically, um, it kind of, they focus a whole lot on speed and like low to the ground elements on the B and M giga. So, um, like theory of three to five would be like a number would be a lot higher for me if it had a layout.
like a nitro or like Mako or something like that. Um, where it's really focused on airtime, but they don't do that. They do that with their hypers. So for me, the giga dive is.
a clever way for B and&M to kind of revisit the Giga Coaster and kind of try some new things with it. Because you can do a lot of things with like a dive coaster that you can't necessarily do with some of their other models. So like the dive coaster provides some really unique sensations.
that are not a part of the other things in their library. um Plus, just think of like a 300 foot Yukon striker, you know? Amazing. Like just the the sound of that. And I don't care what anyone says. yeah You're telling me you don't smile on like a dive coaster's first drop. Like, come on.
Like you're just lying if you say that. um And just the way that they're like super elegant with like their inversions and things like that. I don't know, I think they could really do some really unique things. If it has, you know, if it if it's first half is like Yukon Striker and its second half is like Rakshasa or whatever it's called. Dang, like you're talking,
Like a like top 20 coaster for sure in my opinion, you know, like that could be very cool Yeah, and I think the amount of shit that these things get I know you've talked about this before under on your mid or misunderstood but It's so just I I don't understand the hate. Well, I get it. It's a one-trick pony It's not the greatest coaster ever built and you know, but that's fine. That's not what it's trying to be it's trying to make the general public happy and
We are not the general public. I think every coast i think every ah hot take potentially, but I think every park in America should have a dive coaster. They're just like so perfect for, ah as you said, the general public. um But also visually, they're just fun to watch. I think the two models that everything park in the United States should have is a B and&M dive coaster and a B and&M wing coaster. Those are the two. um Everything else, totally fine. you know if They make their decisions on. But I think every park in America should have a B&M dive and a B&M wing. So kind of on topic, but also, so you said every park should have a B&M diver wing. So hypothetically, you take you take out the the dive. Do you think that
The this is kind of going back to to sirens curse. Do you think that a tilt coaster would fill the same gap that a dive does? Or do you think that that's its own that should stay its own thing? Because ah there's a lot of comparison right now between Val Raven and sirens curse, which I mean, at least visually, they have the same. I mean, I i haven't read one and I don't know if there's only one out there. I don't believe you have wrote it as far as I know. Do you think that would build the same gap or?
like just Just based visually and from a, you know, a a general public guest experience. Yeah. Do you think that will add any conflict? I don't think so. I think Val Raven and sirens curse will, will coexist with each other quite well. Um, because the dive coaster focuses on.
like elegant maneuvers, whereas if you've seen the POV of sirens curse, it is going to focus on more. I mean, Oklahoma took the bait, man. Um, it's going to focus more on like that, that really popular, um, like rip your torso off ejector. Um,
Yeah, but if you noticed, if you look at that, um there is, there is some Intamin in there, there's some RMC. um So like, they're doing like kind of the more modern kind of ejector heavy layout.
Whereas the dive coaster, B and M is not changing. They've done some ejector on like, uh, Dr. Diabolicals, for instance. But, um, you know, B and M is really still focusing on that kind of like elegant, like kind of floaty feeling with the dives. So I think they are obviously two flavors of ice cream, but they're two very different flavors of ice cream. In my opinion, they have some similarities.
uh in flavor but overall I think they're totally different if anything I would be I'm really like wondering if like maverick for me takes a step down once siren's curse opens you know yeah I was thinking about that too I don't know that site, that launch in the tunnel is just so good. though That's yeah like, I'm a huge, huge, huge sucker for me too. Yeah. I'm a huge sucker for launches and yeah I don't know about the tilt track. Maybe, maybe that'll be able to override it. Um, ah to kind of expand on my question though. So obviously siren's curse, valraven different layouts, different with different design philosophies on what they're going for.
Yeah. If you took your concept of having that wing and dive in every, in every park, um, and then you swapped out every single dive with a tilt, like, do you think they would fill the same role? Even if they save a common did build a floaty version. Do you think that that would overlap or do you think that would still be different enough?
I think just on like a restraint standpoint, no. Um, cause one thing you have to remember is like B and M's are super accommodating. Yeah. A lot of people. Um, I do think about, I do think like the Vekoma, the problem is there's not enough Vekomas, but the ones that Disney at the very least um They really do try to make them accommodating but at the same time, um I'm not sure what the restraints are like on that. um So I don't, I don't know to be perfectly honest with you, as far as like a design philosophy standpoint, um and like its intention.
i do think the visual component of a tilt coaster is there, but I don't think like the ride experience, um, it might not be there for everyone because you know, the look it does look like the tilt coaster has a lot more inversions. yeah Um, and they're not as gentle as like the, the dive. So I think.
man you're talking replace chikra with a tilt coaster i don't know basically yeah so i'm very biased i've made that that is true that is that is true i don't i don't see a tilt coaster being as like fitting into the park you would also need chikra yeah Like I would miss the B and&M dive. yeah Like any park that like even Griffin, uh, if they took that out for a tilt, I would be like, man, I miss Griffin, you know? Uh, which is cool that, you know, Cedar Point has both. Um,
But man, if they took out Valraven for that, I'd be like, I kind of miss Valraven, you know? Yeah. So yeah, I don't think it would fill the gap. I really don't. OK. And I don't think it. Go ahead. Sorry. No, I didn't catch you off. Well, I don't think it would. I don't think it would fill the gap of like an intimate blitz either. Like if they.
ah god forbid they took out like maverick for the siren's curse yeah obviously they would never touch i'm talking i'm rioting if that happens you know what i mean like that the actual like layout part um i don't think it could replace an intimate blitz so yeah i again we're talking hypothetical here because none of us have ridden a tilt coaster it might be freaking better than steel vengeance we don't know but yeah um I just have a gut feeling. I think I think, yeah, I think hypotheticals are are fun, though, because ah all right, this is this is the last thing I was that I was thinking about, because I was kind of circling this kind of bringing this full circle back to the giga dive.
Coaster Speculations at Cedar Point
So your park doesn't have a dive. Your park doesn't have a a tilt. Are you taking the giga dive or are you taking a hypothetical giga tilt if that were to be made? Oh, buddy.
Just because I was I was thinking about that the other day like, you know, obviously I could get dive looks awesome I'd love love to ride it but you know What other coasters could be taken to this level and I feel like a tilt could also get there but Because I mean these are both gonna cost at least 30 million easy especially especially the dive I And then, yeah, but I was just, I was thinking about that last night and I figured I'd ask you today. That's a good question. I think, I think the tilt might have a limit to it. Um, like just in terms of like what Vekoma is willing to do. I don't know a fact. So don't know. We quote me on that, but make sure you go ahead on that guys. Yeah, go ahead. You know what?
my problem right now with like sirens curse just from like a like concept standpoint is like it feels like this just going off of visual it feels like you are kind of like already halfway down the drop before it releases and how tall is sirens curse 160 something It is 160. Yeah. How about that? Oh, hold on. Nope. That's the wrong stat. In by. Do do do do do do do. do No. number Yeah, I am. I am right. It's 160. Okay. Okay. So.
like you're talking a little bit more than that, that'd be a hyper, but it it just feels like you're kind of like already halfway down the drop before it like releases. So, whereas a B and&M dive, you are literally parked at the top of that drop.
um So I don't know if it would be advantageous for them to make a giga tilt. I don't know. I don't think it, I don't know if it would like be a better sensation than a giga dive. I think a giga dive would always be better. Maybe not from like,
the air time that you could achieve with a giga tilt, but certainly from like the the main feature, like the first drop, I always think, and also you have to think about the trains too, right? Like the trains with a dive coaster are different than anything else around in the way that they like carry themselves through the layout.
Like the sirens curse is not going to do that. So they're not just going to like float down that first drop and kind of like savor every moment of it. It's like release. Boom. You're done with that drop, you know? yeah Yeah. I'm looking at a picture of it. Yeah. Like if you go to their website, the the track is like mid tilt, but you can see roughly where the the front of the train is going to be. And I mean, yeah, you're, you're right there. You're already at the,
like You're basically at the pullout of the drop already. i mean And I don't know if that's just all thats if that's just because of the limitations of the height or yeah if that's going to be how it always... Yeah, I get what you're saying, though. and Yeah, I'd probably have to agree. I think I'd take a giga dive to until I've been able to experience this over a giga till hypothetically, if those were to ever be built. But would I have built a tilt at Cedar Point? Probably not. If you if you had your pick, what would you build here at Cedar Point? Yeah. And then
We'll throw it in. Why not? What would you have built, uh, at over Texas whether people would get, um, a, uh, mock hyper coaster in the style of, uh, Stardust racers. Uh, I'm so excited for that. Yeah. I'm already telling you it's a top 10 coaster. Like I know I'm breaking my rules, but, uh, no, I'm just kidding. But I would absolutely do a.
airtime heavy um floaty air time, heavy, dude, I'd do a B and M hyper at Cedar point easy, but people get mad at me. Um, a mock hyper with a couple of inversions, um, that are just really fun and floaty. And it kind of goes down perimeter road, um, and circles back at the parking lot. Uh, to me, that's what I would do at, at Cedar point. It'd be purple. Purple. I liked that color scheme.
yeah I've always, I've always suggest like, this is never going to happen, but hypothetically, they took out Magnum. If they put in a beat, like a really good being a hyper, I would not be sad in the slightest. That would be awesome. No, no, I think you're yeah.
Yeah, people are so funny with Magnum. It's like to call it is very funny. It's very funny to me. I like Magnum, but man, like it doesn't sound very confident. You're like, back I'm not. I think I like I like the idea of Magnum more than I like, like writing it. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like. ah i Man, B&M hypers, that's an easy answer. Of course a B&M hyper would be better than Magnum. Of course.
ah like man but you know there Again, you have to factor in like the historical value. It's kind of like with Gemini. like For me, Gemini, I'm not rushing through the turnstile to go to Gemini, but from a historical standpoint, that's really important coaster. It is all in the world at one point. ah So, you know, arrow, those two arrow coasters really did push the boundaries of.
what we know today. And I don't know if we'd have a Millennium Force or a dragster if Arrow wasn't willing to push those boundaries. At the same time, a B and&M hyper would be far superior. It would be. yeah You know it's bad whenever but me and my girlfriend have a joke about Magnum. Anytime we talk about it, we just call it triangles. That's just its name. yeah Oh, you're totally right. I should have to like cover my crotch anytime I want to go ride that to not just get absolutely destroyed. you know
Yeah. And yeah, for me, it's like the clunky part of Magnum is like the beginning where you're like just crawling over that second hill. It's gorgeous to look at, you know, that it water there and everything.
But man, you're like, what are we doing here? And then it goes into what, that pretzel and, um, you, those trims is like, you know, they're like, dang, what, what happened? Did I do something wrong or something? Uh, so yeah, it, um, yeah, Magnum, Magnum's a, an interesting one for me. I have some, I have some friends who got to write at Trimless and,
They were talking about how good it is. I can't imagine riding that trim list. That would be like it's painful as it is. Trimless. Oh, God, no. You're. Yeah. It's kind of like when Steve goes ah when you don't get a little, you know, clipped on the mid course, you're like, oh, buddy, better brace my legs, man. Yeah. For the second half. Your thighs are going to be purple. Right. it Speaking of which, have you rode Air Force us at all?
No, okay. All right. Have you heard about its finale? I have okay. All right Just brace yourself on that if you yeah, if you if you get up there cuz holy shit, dude It's I was I was out there with ah with with Dallin. He's one of my friends who used to work at used to work at Cedar Point um For those of you listening go listen to that episode by the way. He's got some good stories on there. Um We wrote it 14, 15 times. And one day after, after row ride nine, I was right. Eight. I'm like, I need a break, man. Just because the amount of pain in my thighs was like, good God. know A thousand percent. Yeah. It's that is my, okay. but That's why Steve for me is number three. It would be number one. If the restraints were better.
Like, Iron Gwazi is open but or it's done before it becomes a problem, um where Steve is like, man, I really want to enjoy the second half, but my legs are screaming.
yeah so While we're on the topic, what is your top 10? My top 10, I do. I do, actually. i I'm good to judge you as you say this out loud. Great. Fantastic. ah You want me to start from one or start from 10? Start from 10. Start from 10. Let me look it up. I posted it the other day, actually. Let me make sure I'm not you know talking out of my butt here.
Do you have like a spreadsheet of this stuff or because I know something organized like I really am like serious about this. You're gonna have to convince me on that because like I can't bring myself to make a spreadsheet of all the coasters I've written and where they rank for me like.
i love I love roller coasters. I mean, you walk into my apartment and there's just stuff everywhere. ah ah Track pieces, posters, you name it. I just can't bring myself to go on to Excel and learn everything. Well, and so I have like a little description by it when people ask me why, because my top 10 is very flavorful.
I think oh god no and not um not the rmc number one daddy pig coaster at legoland or uh wherever it is uh number 10 is um the raven okay holiday world number nine is goliath at six flags over georgia Okay. Number eight is The Voyage. All right. Understandable. Good coaster. Number seven is Montu. I haven't wrote it, but I've heard a lot of good things. Number six. You're being very positive. I like this. Number six is Maverick. Fucking awful. Hate that ride. Terrible.
ah Dreadful. What was Intamin thinking? Yeah. ah Number five is Mako. Sea World. I've heard a lot of good things about that. I love myself a hyper. Okay. Yeah. Number four is Fury 325. Okay. Yep. Good. Good. and Number three is Steel Vengeance. All right. Number two is Velocicoaster. And number one is Iron Gwazi. My only question about this is how did Raven get onto the list? When when were you on that last?
When it goes through the four I loved how it went through the it was just a huge surprise and I really like coasters that surprised me another one that got into my top 20. That was a surprise for me was. um thunder it's not thunder head.
Yeah. Thunderhead at, uh, Dollywood. Oh, that I love that ride. That's so good. That was shockingly great. Uh, the Raven for me, um, maybe I was just having a really good time, but, uh, the way it just like goes through the forest. And to me, it's like the pinnacle wooden coaster for that very reason. It's not quite as audacious as the voyage. Um,
And i'm I'm sure it may have gotten rough or something like that. We're talking a while ago, the way it just like maneuvers through the forest, just like the aesthetic of the whole package. Like to me, it felt both surprising, but also like a classic wooden coaster that I know it's kind of what I wanted like the beast to feel like, you know? Yeah.
I see where you're coming from there because yeah like like I just wrote it for the first time this past, I think, first day of November. and It had a pretty brutalte brutal pothole in it, but like taking that out of taking that out of the equation, like I get where you're coming from though with it being just But like the way it maneuvers through the woods and all of that, um you know, not taking necessari into account. Yeah. It says here next to it, journey through forest. Very cool.
so so Very cool. ah Yeah. But there were trees. Very nice. That's my review of Raven. I liked the trees. That's.
We'll be discussing no further details about that. No, I think like the Raven, I'm, you know, ah I will do a video on that one at some point. Uh, cause I just, I was, I just really liked it. I don't know what else in my number zero is Chico, of course.
Yeah, but that's you're shocked. I've just I've just now heard of the like the the new number zero for yeah for people where it's just like emotional attachment. for For me, I can't pick a number zero. It's between Orion and Dragster. I don't know. I don't know which. Oh, but it's and yeah, it's OK. It's more so like Orion is a great ride just in general, but More so say it again. I said, I think so too. and Okay. All right. and You don't have to, you don't have to whisper it. It's all right. Well, you know, you never know who's listening. Well, the people who are listening, I don't i don't care if they want it. Okay.
I kind of figured what if I told you Orion is better than Millennium Force, then what if I told you I would agree?
I think Millennium Force is a great coaster, but it's not. It's design language shows in its age like you can tell that they weren't trying to try anything too fancy with it besides the height. um And that's it. Yeah.
Uh, ironic because that's the ride I want to get a tattoo of, um, just, just the squiggle M, whatever you want to call it. No, no, no, the text or anything. thing logo For sure. Yeah. And I have a lot of respect from leading force for what it did for the industry and but what it means for roller coasters and.
just everything that it's done. But um I agree. but As far as Orion goes, it's more so like what was happening in my life at that time. That was a really, really like just shitty part of my life. 2020, right? It was 2020. And it wasn't just the pandemic. There was a lot of other personal things I had going on. Go listen to the episode. For anybody listening, go listen to the episode I had with Logan on Coaster Cuzzies and on on this channel if you want to hear more about that.
um But that was like a good. He sounds like a good ah escape for me at that time, because I was still I was still living with my parents and a whole bunch of other shit. um I feel that very deeply. But yeah, mental. Coaster. Yeah, it just got me out, you know. Yeah. Especially in a time where I didn't feel like I had one. And I feel like a lot of people have that regardless of what you have going on, you know, whether it's your job, whether it's your personal life, whether it's um
your whatever, running out of examples. No, I totally understand. It's it's a good escape. and and and Even now, when life has improved, which life life has improved a lot, um just roller coasters in general, I think are a good escape. so and That's part of the reason I keep going back to them every year. I'm getting really philosophical about steel machines that throw you around. but it's a It's such a stoner topic. That's what we're here for. Yeah. It's like, Hey man, do you want to, do you want to go ride on some of these steel machines that just, they just throw you around and then you can't control it. Just got to go with the flow, you know? Right. Cause we know there's like a thousand people that work on these things and you know, there's a lot that has to be done to get coasters off the ground. And there's a lot of.
design, engineering, and just creativity that goes into each one. So I think, you know, there is a reason to be, you know, excited about them for sure. Yeah, absolutely. An exercise and finding the best way to allow people to have fun. It's it's It's a strange concept if you if you kind of break it down. Like at some point we were like, all right, we're going to get in some mine carts and we're going to push it down a hill and we're going to see what happens. i Like, oh, this is fun. And then it's all just evolved from there. Like ah the amount of things that could have changed or could or couldn't happened. Right. Not get us to where we're at today because there's a very good chance. I don't know who you are or Cedar Point doesn't exist or Busch Gardens doesn't exist or roller coasters just didn't take off like they have. Right. And
You know, this community isn't here. And who knows who knows where we would be. And a lot of people would be without this. So I'm glad we'd have Jake crypto instead of Jake.
And nobody wants that. jake So what is your, uh, crypto recommendations for the next three months, sir? Uh, save your money and invest in mutual funds. There you go. I agree. yeah Um, I think another good, more good financial advice would be to, uh, just invest all of your money into a meme coin and, uh, pray it doesn't, not financial advice. Yeah. Not financial advice. like That's what they all say.
They're like, I, man, I love those channels so much just from like a, like as a fellow YouTuber, I suppose we're in just like so, such different universes, but like.
They'll tell you to buy like poop coin or whatever, and you'll be like, by the way, just so everyone knows, this is not financial advice. It's like, bro, we know, we knew, we done knew that when you said fart coin. There is a fart coin, by the way, and a skibbity toilet coin. Of course not.
Yeah, I'm not going to lie and tell you I didn't invest $50 into each of those just because I wanted to pay off my house with skippity toilet coin. Just as like, I think that would, you would never hear from me again because that would be like where I peaked. But,
Yeah. It's like, bro, we know. yeah We know you're not out here giving financial advice to anyone. yeah so You mentioned you mentioned him paying off your house. Do you have a you have a family? Do you have kids? or If you want to talk about that or is that too personal?
Um, how dare you ask me about my family? Well, I mean, that's like a kind of a personal question on the internet. and It's going out into the, into the void. So I don't want it. I just want to make sure that's okay with you. Uh, so I do have a house and my parents actually live next door in their house. Um, so it was really cool. Yeah. It's a really cool thing. And then I have a German shepherd named sailor. Um, and, uh, he's just the cutest little.
boy in the world, but he's also terrifying if you come up to my house at the wrong time of day. So he's a sweet, sweet. He's like a police, police dog. So he, um, he's very smart and very cuddly. So, um, but yeah, so did you go ahead. Sorry.
No, no, you're good. Okay, I was just I was just gonna ask where you got the name sailor at or was that given to him already. So my dad was in the Coast Guard. He served like guard for 20 years. um And ah my uncle. um and So we're basically like a Navy Coast Guard family. So ah He, um, it just kind of felt right. It was either sailor or chief. We weren't sure which, cause like when your chief officer, you know, that, uh, is like, you know, pretty high up there. So, um, we weren't sure what to call him, but we kind of like the S cause I guess dogs, like they respond really well to like S names. Um, so all of our dogs have had S names. So we just decided sailor, cause it would be really fun. It's also kind of.
after the Jimmy Buffett song, um Son of a Sailor. um So I used that song in like one of my like growing up videos back in like high school, because I am kind of a son of a sailor, you know? Yeah. So ah yeah, it just kind of is like a word.
Um, personally, I wanted to call him iron Guozi, but my parents were like, are you like, just like shorten it? Cause like, don't make it so obvious. You want to, you know, just call it a pet. There's plenty around in Florida. I'm going to get a pet crocodile and just call it Guozi. And no one can tell me what to do.
Nobody would bat an eye at that either from all the Florida memes I've heard. No, no, they're just kind of around and you're kind of like, Oh, there's as an alligator. Is the Florida or the Florida memes accurate or are they not accurate?
Florida Culture & Theme Park Rules
like the Florida man and everything. Yeah, the Florida man memes. Are those are those spot on or? No, I think like Florida is it's got like pockets where that are like very strange. But like, are you you live in Ohio, right? I do. So I mean, I do know. Yeah. yeah oh like ah So Tampa, Tampa in Orlando are like hopping man like they're really great play and I'm in Pinellas here. um It's right next to Tampa. So it's like one of the most densely populated counties um in the like in the world um so or in the United States. ah So like we have such
diverse like diversity in Pinellas County, like there's people of all walks of life. um And here it's just like a really beachy culture. I'd say that component of like, you know, having a party before a hurricane hits, like with going to like Publix with your shoes off, like that part of Florida is absolutely correct. We're just kind of like very laid back, chill,
people um And we're like, Ah, hurricane today. I guess I'm not going to work. ah So, you know, but like the crazy Florida memes or Florida man or whatever, that's like center of the state kind of stuff. It's Polk County. um And like the center of the state is very rural. So, um you know,
Yeah, that's where that meme comes from. But like, you know, we are playing that game in like Tampa. Yeah, it sounds like that culture sounds kind of fun, though, like just having to have a party before a hurricane going to, yeah, going to the public without your shoes. Like that sounds really laid back and fun. I would and I would love that. And we don't we don't really have that here. I'm jealous. but So like how? far So, you know, tragic.
yeah oh dude I'm not I'm not about heavens no no 40 degrees here the other day and I thought I was gonna die oh I wish it was 40 degrees here I know like I was out I had like layers on Uh, when it was 40 and so did everybody else. So I wasn't alone. Uh, but like, when it gets to like even 40 degrees here in Tampa, we're all like, we are bundled up. We're not going outside. We're thinking about like calling and sick to work. Like it is too cold. I was like, I am not cut out for the lake effect snow off of Lake Erie. You know, like, yeah, no freaking way I could live in that. So.
Mad respect. Cause I know it's gotten to like the negatives up there this year. Last, uh, so I'm in Dayton. Um, so I'm like three hours of away from, from the lake. And then I'm about an hour and a half north of Cincinnati. Uh, this was probably the worst city in Ohio as far as like stuff to do goes. Um, so I really want to get out of this, this, this stupid city. Um, but.
Yeah, last week, I think last Wednesday, it was either last week or two weeks ago, it was sitting at negative three, I believe. And I think that's bad. And then I talked to and then Logan messaged me. You know, I told you yeah logan earlier um who lives in Saskatoon.
Yeah, Saskatoon, Canada. And I looked at his temperatures up there. And if they would load, please, Apple, we're with me. hey Oh, yeah, they were insane. I believe it was like negative 15 like as like they're high. That's crazy. Wait. Saskatoon. Yeah. So it's four degrees there right now. Oh, my.
I'm looking at their weather. Holy shit. So tomorrow they have a high of zero and a low of negative 13. Yeah, there's no way I would survive that all Monday. This is going to be even better. High of negative eight low of negative 25 and even even better that Thursday, and high, a high of negative 13.
and a low of negative 30 without windshield. That's crazy. It's like 180 degrees there right now, where you're at. Yeah, it is. Beautiful. My hair is on right now. Me and my girlfriend were just talking about how desperate we are for just warm weather and summer to return. It got up to the 60s here like two days ago and everybody was outside.
messing around and wo weather for you guys right no not that not that cool but uh everybody was just saying how much they missed it yep i need to start taking trips down there during the during the winter go join you come on down you know yeah um i need a break from the cold i'm i'm tired of it so i feel that do you have anything else you want to talk about Uh, I don't know. Ask me anything. Ask you anything. Uh, I'm here. There's, I mean, there's just so, there's like so much, I mean, there's, an I know. Well, I can always come back again, you know.
That is true. Yeah. The one and only. No. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. There's a lot of people I have that are going to be on a regular rotation on like ah every six months rotation on the podcast. Cause I like talking to them and they always have, they always have good stuff to talk about. Oh yeah. You're five rules. You, you have that on your, uh, on your page. I never, I've never asked you about this. So where obviously here, I'll go ahead and read them off. You already know what they are, but just for the listeners.
Rule one, remember that parks have a budget. Sometimes we expect the world, but the world sometimes costs a lot rule to be respectful. There are a lot of people from many disciplines that work very hard on these projects. Rule three, it's up to your expectations. Many of us build an ideal ride in our head. And sometimes that ride is difficult to pull off in reality. Rule four, don't judge a ride completely until after you've written it rule five, relax and enjoy the ride. So where.
Did those come from, I'm assuming you made them up, but like what spurred you to that? Okay. So ah when they were building velocity coaster, it was during, um, the, uh, COVID lockdowns as ever. So all of us were watching velocity coaster.
In Florida anyway, we're watching them build velocity coaster amidst the parks being shut down. So the hype was all time high, like watching that thing get constructed. um So when the first testing footage came out.
um If you've ever seen Velocicoaster test, ah especially in the morning, it absolutely looks like it is crawling through the first half. um And so for me, I went, I think I deleted the post.
now just because I was like super embarrassed about it after Veloccoaster actually came out. But I was um watching the testing footage and a bunch of us, a bunch of people ah took to it and been like, man, this coaster is just not going to meet expectations. Like we are so hyped and it's just kind of going to be like mid, like what is Intamin doing? Like You know, should a universal I've chosen somebody else and all of this stuff, which, you know, it sounds crazy now. Yeah, but absolutely. What we were doing was we were basing our opinions on a on some test footage of a coaster that none of us had even seen in person yet, let alone written.
And we were basing our entire opinions of a ride on the first half of a coaster that nobody had even seen in person. And when I finally rode Velocicoaster that first launch kicked off and then it goes through the first half. And I was just the whole time, you know, obviously really enjoying myself.
And you know where lost coaster is now in my top 10. Um, just thinking, man, I judged this ride so hard and made up this like story in my head before I even wrote it. And, um, after meeting, like some of the designers that designed the ride, um, like Gregory, uh, is really great. We've DMed back and forth a couple of times. Like he's awesome. He works for universal creative, um, and a bunch of other.
people online, like after that experience, I said, okay, so from now on, I am going to be very like careful with my opinions of a ride before I write it. And also I'm going to remember in the back of my brain that there are a ton of people that are designing these things, ah like for a living. oh And, you know, for me to just come in and be like, ah, this looks stupid. It's very, very dismissive of that. But also it's important to remember, like parks do have a budget that they have to stick to, you know, just like all of our households have one.
um So the rules came back up the second half to this story. The rules came back up during Top Thrill Dragster. um When people, when the the news came out that they were redoing it, right? yeah Top Thrill Dragster as we know it is getting ah redone. And people were coming out with these planet coaster like insane layout extensions. And I was watching some of them and I was like, this coaster costs a billion dollars. And everybody in the comments, you know, it's fun. I love seeing people create stuff in planet coaster. I love that so much. Uh, but people in the comments were like, if they don't do this, then, uh, it's a waste of time. And then people online were like, they're, they got to extend the layout. Like they're taking out iron dragon. Uh,
you know, Intamin's coming back and doing it. And then as we learned more and more about Top Thrill Dragster, we learned like, and I think that I left that post on my ex account, but um I was like, the more that we learned about Top Thrill 2, the more that we were like, wait, they're just gonna add a spike.
And I was like, honestly, that's kind of the logical answer to all of this. Like they don't have the money to extend this layout to this insane degree that everybody is thinking they're going to, you know, so people let their imaginations just go nuts.
Which is fine, but in all reality, when they actually do announce the thing, um you can't let the ride that you created in your head dictate your enjoyment for the ride that exists in reality.
you know And so I kind of came up with rules for those rules are for myself. Right. So that's not me telling anybody to follow them. What it is is it's just rules for me to follow when I'm writing a video, or when I am.
Um, you know, talking about a project online or something like that, just rules for me to, for me to follow, you know, and then rule number five, of course is like my life motto in general. Um, no, like that one kind of snuck in there. Uh, you know, just relax and enjoy the ride is kind of like my rule of thumb for life in general. Um, you know, like.
Dude, life is kind of like, I know it's cliche, but life is kind of like a roller coaster. You know, you have ups, you have downs, you have mid-course break runs, or you're like slowing down a little bit. Uh, you have parts where you speed up spikes parts that turn you upside down. Um,
But we should all just chill and relax, enjoy the ride that's out in front of us because we only get to go around once, you know. ah So that last one is really, it's kind of like has a double meaning to it. And if you notice, like,
on my channel and on all my pages. um And every video I end with that because that is like bar none. That is kind of like the life mile. Like that's Jake too to a T. Relax, enjoy the ride man. So ah But the other rules were really important for like approaching rumors, and they've kept me excited about the industry. And that's really the key with those rules, is I don't want people to become like critical or cynical of something that's designed for you to have a lot of fun.
And I was like, if I could just play a small part and people like, Oh, I'm judging a ride before it's coming out. Let me, you know, kind of rethink that. Um, if I could play even a small part in that of keeping people's enthusiasm is high. Um, then, you know, that makes me happy. That is the most mature answer I have ever heard. And from a community that has some maturity issues, I feel like sometimes that's.
ah run Round of applause. Oh, my God, dude, that was a man that was that was beautiful. Like I'm serious. That was that was really good, especially especially your rule number five, like the fact that there's I didn't really read into it that much. Yeah, but I do like that. I do agree with that. um You know, regardless of. What you believe in or you know what you think happens to us, you know,
after we die. we still have You still know for a fact that at some point in the future, um we're all not going to exist at some at some point, and at least in at least in our current form. So you know whatever is beyond, enjoy what we have now. I like that, man. That was that was good.
so Um, yeah, I, I, I know you said it's for yourself, but I really think that the community as a whole could use this. Um, just because, I mean, Hey, you had to bust it out again recently for Stardust racers. This is your feed. You know why, right? Yeah. I mean, you saw, that well, that's intense.
it does but that was me Uh, cause we had a conversation, uh, with some of my friends, it's mostly me talking about the coasters and them just politely listening. Um, but I was talking at, at lunch with my friends. I was like, dude, there's some people are saying that our Stardust racers is way too intense and they have to add trims and everything. And I was like, wait a minute.
Theme Park Culture & Social Media Impact
And I was like, wait a that you made for yourself, you know, so that's what that's honestly why I whip them out because I was like, I'm not following my own rules here. So yeah, let's bring let's circle back, it's going to be okay.
You know, as much as I'm like thinking that's still going to be a top 10 coaster, you know, like there are those little things that it's like, Oh, some employee wrote it and they said it was bumpy or something. And then everybody talks about that for the next like three weeks so and turns out it's not bumpy. You know, it's like the B&M rattle thing.
Yeah. And I mean, hypothetically, that were an issue. I mean, can't you just turn the launch? It's an LSM launch. You can turn those down. You can adjust those. yeah you You can get those pretty fine tuned. So I'm not. um Yeah, it's crazy. You know, if you think about it, I can't believe Universal would use the test and adjust phase to test things and adjust things. You know, it's just wild. Yeah. I can't believe that they would actually actually do those monsters.
Yeah, I'm, I'm super looking forward to that park as a whole. I'm not going this year. It's going to be a total madhouse. dude I'm not going either. That's like next door. Yeah. Well, I say that if they do like any kind of preview, I might sneak in. But um yeah, and it might be the first time I go, I might only like ride Stardust, you know. ah So, yeah, there's plenty of time to enjoy Epic Universe. I'm not I know it's going to be like Vlogger City.
you know i hate that of ah Yeah, it's like, you know, not all the yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, there are certain people out there who.
only care about content and, uh, don't mind breaking rules or doing dumb stuff to get the said content. We'll leave it at that. Um, just seems to be a theme in Orlando specifically, but, uh, we'll leave it. Nobody could pay me enough to like pretend to enjoy one of Disney's nasty cupcakes. Like on, on camera, no less.
They both your cupcake game, man. But there's people like, that's their entire channel and more power to them. You know? Yeah. I mean, I'm sure they're making good money off of it though. So good for them. Good for them. I'm not in this for the money personally. I think it's just fun to be with, to discuss with people, have a community, have people who get you enjoy, enjoy the same things you enjoy. And, Well, and, while and, and, we're on the and. topic of that and, uh, people in the community, let's just PSA, let's keep politics out of this, please. I'm not here. I'm not here for, for political takes. I'm here for roller coasters. I why this has to be reiterated so many times. I don't know, but just shut up about it. I, I don't care. Just let's go ride. Velocicoaster or let's go complain about how rough a wooden coaster is or just.
The only politics I want to hear is why Magnum is just okay. And that's, that's the good kind of politics we have around here. Right. Yeah. I, I, I echo that, but also I, yeah, people are obviously like, they can use their pages for what they want to to use them for. Exactly. Yes. Me personally.
Um, I'll be honest. I just kind of scroll past it because like, I cannot have. I like to have conversations like in person or like we're doing now, um more like, you know, who knows how long we'll be talking for, but um like, I like to have, you can't have proper conversations in like a thread on X or Reddit or whatever, like about these really complex issues. And what I see is a lot of like,
anecdotal, emotional, and kind of irrelevant um posts about political things that just, in all reality, you just kind of reread it and you're like, you know I see why this got likes, but at the same time, I just, what? yeah you know It's kind of like the most anecdotal thing you've ever heard.
you know, like, yeah, everyone should wear shoes at the store kind of stuff. It's like, well, yeah, I agree with that. But also, you know, doesn't all have, you know, you dive into that issue a little bit more. And, you know, that was a bad example. But You know what I get what you're saying. like yeah The anecdotal kind of like stuff that sounds really great, but when you delve into it even further, you're like, well, fundamentally, there are some big issues here with what you're saying. um So me personally, I have political discussions all the time. I just do it in person.
You know, yeah like let's talk about it over coffee or let's talk about it in person. um Online, you know, I find people are a lot more tempered in person um and they're willing to like discuss things. And I also find most people in person are like super middle of the road and you can always find common ground in person.
people are a little bit more extreme online because, you know, there's no incentive to not be extreme online and to be click baity and to be, you know, into a virtue signal, um, because it gets you more, you know, fans. Um, but, and at the end of the day, it's kind of like, you know, if you base everything on that, there's going to be a day where somebody virtue signals,
above you you know and you're gonna be on the other side of it you know it's all fine and dandy and when everyone's on your side yeah one day you're not gonna do enough virtue signaling and it's gonna turn around on you and like you're gonna be looking for people that are there to help and well crap all of the people surrounding you are People that just agreed with your kind of like moral posturing this entire time ah And now you're kind of stuck because it's the the turn has tabled to quote the office So like now you're in a big problem So, you know for a lot of people honestly, I just kind of feel sorry that they're kind of stuck in that that cynical world of politics um You know and I i
pray they get out of it and, you know, have fun with us over here. yeah ah So, you know, you can talk about the world world's problems all you want. um But, you know, we are not one retweet away from fixing many of the issues that ah are ahead of the world. You know, we're not one tweet away from world peace. So, um you know, that's all I have to say about that.
Yeah, and just in general social, I mean, not only does social media not have that face to face interaction where obviously, you know, on the other end is another person, but you, you lose that ah you lose that interaction for lack of a better word whenever you're whenever you're online or on twitter instagram forever and ah like you said it's a lot easier to be just be rude go all out um and a yeah go ahead oh sorry uh i also i also think that
Everyone feels the obligation to have an opinion about everything. yeah And I don't. There's some things I don't know. And it's it's crazy to say, I know. ah But there's some things genuinely, like, there's some ah things going on right now in politics where i don't I don't know. I don't know the answer. I can't give you an answer. um I have to think about it.
Uh, but if I'm just going through retweeting, you know, whatever this person says with a blue check mark next to their name, um, that's not good on my part because I don't know what I'm retweeting. I don't know what I'm saying. Um, there's a lot more I have to look at. So if I'm just going to go off and post something emotional that gets a lot of likes, um, what, ah what net positive does that have? You know, but it doesn't.
Really at all. And considering i just in general that you have to type out everything online and obviously gives you more time to think. But especially with ah platforms like X, which seems to have more political content than ah other platforms, considering you're limited as far as characters go, unless you want to give ah Elon ah thirty two dollars a year or something like that.
um It's like the short form content makes you have to keep things short and concise, which is not conducive to a topic like that, which there's so much nuance to it. And so many different spectrums to it. And yeah, yeah I agree. Yeah, keep yeah yeah discussing politics in person.
People are ah far more calm. They don't like it. You can read everything online as people just yelling at each other, but in person and be read that way. Yes, indeed. And that's what it feels like a lot of time. People are pissed on here and you know, there's differing viewpoints and.
Yeah, it's just, I'm getting off topic, but no, this is on topic. I don't know why I'm saying I'm getting off topic. Everything's on topic. Everything is on topic, but circle this all back to your rules. ah They work for this too. So ah relax, enjoy the ride and don't discuss politics. um Stick to it in person. That was, yes, a great transition, by the way. Fantastic. That should be rule six. Don't discuss politics online. Just keep it, keep it in person. Right. Exactly. I love how the background for your picture is dragster, by the way. Oh. Is that dragster or is it? I think it is dragster. That would be appropriate. I think I was kind of like, you know, subtly being like, Hey,
who I'm talking to. ah That's funny that it is. You got to change the background to like whatever coasters has the has the most controversy right now. Yeah, I should. I totally should. You should do it with one of a picture of like ah Zimmerman in the background.
Six Flags' Evolution & Business Decisions
oh ah Well, speaking of ah speaking of politics, what's your opinion on on Six Flags and their Thanos snap of of coasters recently? I withhold my opinions until I see what's replacing. OK, so it makes sense. I like that.
Yeah, um a lot of the coasters that went, um I am like an arrow. Like, ah I will talk day and night about the wonders of aerodynamics. um In all reality, I understand that there are a lot of people who don't their modern sensibilities do not match up with, uh, the way an aerodynamics coaster rides. Um, like you step on an old arrow coaster, you are stepping back in time in, in terms of like design philosophy and stuff. It goes back to our Magnum conversation earlier, you know, you ride a B and M.
hyper, you're riding like modern hyper coaster with like lots of technology. You ride Magnum, you are talking about something that's bent literally by hand. um And so I understand why they would be ripping out the coasters that are built with that design philosophy you know like the night hawks of the world that uh there are better flying coasters and the flying coaster has come much further but um at the same time you know the the historical part of me can't help but feel like oof my only issue is like
just tell us, give us a month, you know? That was the part that I don't like. I don't like that they just think that they're old coasters, not that they can't be replaced, but that they just like don't matter anymore. I think that's what kind of ticked me off, especially with King Naka.
Um, and it, it ticked me off, not from like, uh, like I get it from like a business standpoint, but just like from a legacy standpoint, it just kind of was like, man, I would have loved to ride Nighthawk like one more time. Um, just cause, you know, I don't need to give you a reason, but like, just cause it's like Nighthawk, you know? yeah Um, but like same with King Dukkah, that one's a pretty easy reason.
But I was not a fan of the, the way that they went out, but I totally understand what they're doing. And, um, I think if sirens curse is any indication, I do think the replacements I'd go on record to say that are their replacements are going to be super aggressive.
Yeah, and that's, that's my old, that's what I am holding out hope for. Like, uh, that's my more. So that's kind of what I was getting at earlier. Whenever I was asking you, I should have specified more. Like, how do you feel they've been they've handled it so far? Because obviously we don't know what's going in there until we know. Um, obviously we're getting a gig a dive for one of them. Um,
king nika We don't know for sure, but you posted a good picture of it. Uh, picture was taken by Selby Harris. I think it's a pronounced that, um, also look at everybody look at his channel. He has some really, that honestly was a.
screen grab from one of his ah videos. He has drone footage of King Da Ka being taken down. And I didn't want to you know steal the footage, so I just screenshotted it. but I'll probably link that down in that thread, but everybody should go look at his channel because I'll put a link to it in the description of this episode, too. Yeah, it's like Lake Erie lifestyle type, you know, footage like piece rip. But it's actually really good stuff.
I'm The surveillance commented on that too, you know, it kind of like we don't know because we're not there But it looks like they are taking it apart like, you know somewhat carefully and you know Maybe maybe we're reading too much into it. But if that You know, I can hold out hope fingers cross that maybe something comes out of it I'm not getting my hopes up, but also I am For that. ah Well, what was I getting at?
Exactly. um But yeah, I'm not exactly happy with with how they've handled it. You know, just tell people no, it's they knew this like months and months and months in advance. um Yeah, I am hopeful that it is Cedar Fair running the new Six Flags and not Six Flags running the new Six Flags. Just just based on how they ran their legacy parks. I think Cedar Fair did a far better job of that of Like the additions they did put in they went for Quality over quantity most the time I would much much rather have that compared to quantity over quality. I would gladly take a wing coaster and wait six seven eight years before getting another one and instead of getting a
S&S free spin and getting ah something new in a year or two years. So I like where I hope that they're going to put in stuff that's, you know, good quality. And, you know, if they break the bank for it, I won't complain either. But Yeah, as of now, uh, poor, just tell people to reiterate what you said. It's not, it's not that difficult. I mean, yeah if universal can give us a eight month, what was it? Eight month, nine month heads up that, uh, rip ride rocket is going to be closing. You can do that. Just say, Hey.
closing day is going to be no more. Don't write anything else. Put out a statement. That's it. Shut up. You're done. That's all you have to do. We'll be expanding it in the future. That's all you get to know.
Right. Yeah, I'm totally fine with that. um And rest in peace, great adventures, ticket and pass sales for this upcoming season. but Right. I understand also they kind of tried to keep things quiet for that very reason too. um But I also think it's like a totally a reflection. I think people forget Six Flags is a freaking mess of an organization. So.
ah There is that component where I think Cedar Fair is just going in and being like laying down the law. I also think, you know, so limbs. salims He, he does understand the value of aesthetics in a park, I think, just from like his plans and his short period as what president of of Six Flags where he did, he did announce the, the, the increases and stuff like that.
But he does understand like redoing areas of the park to make them better. And I think mixed with Cedar fair, who actually has a really good handle on that as well. We might see some really cool areas return to.
the Six Flags parks. And really that's going back, that's circling back to their original intention. The original intention of Six Flags parks was to provide a cheaper um or a more affordable experience to nearby Disneyland because Disneyland was the only one at the time, you know, being like the theme park.
And Six Flags Over Texas was created um to provide kind of a local version of Disneyland at a cheaper price, a more aggressive price point. And Six Flags really, they're supposed to be neighborhood or local parks.
that are very well maintained and very well themed, but they have a really aggressive entry point. And somewhere we started adding, as you said, S&S free spins and started having like cardboard cutouts of like Batman and calling it ah Batman's spin sanity and whatnot.
um Like somewhere we lost the plot of what a Six Flags park is supposed to be. So I'm hoping Cedar Fair sees them and says, okay, we're going back to to basics, you know. Yeah, I think they are. I talked about this with Pidge, but Um, with, with like, even just like with Georgia surfer, how that's getting re themed to the most funny thing, but also like, it makes sense. I like it. I like what they did. Yeah. Hilarious. Cause they announced a coaster that never ended up opening for that year. And then they're like, by the way, we have this new thing coming like repackaging, like reheating the nachos. But at the same time, it's like.
I like the new name. Like, I like, I like the vision. I get it. I haven't been to that park, but apparently that's in like their Western section. It would just make more sense. Georgia. it's ah Yeah. Yeah. Six Flags other the over Georgia is like my top three Six Flags parks. Like no, no joke. What is your top three Six Flags?
Oh, be we're we're asking all your top your top stuff. Top everything. Yeah. um So ah my number one is Fiesta Texas. Number two is Great Adventure. Number three is over Georgia. As it stands now. OK. And then what would you say is like your bottom few that you've been to? Um.
Six Flags... ah I just say for like... I think... What's the one in St. Louis? St. Louis. Is it really called... see I thought it was like... graded It's not Great Adventure, is it? No, Great Adventure is... Six Flags America? ah so great There's Great America, which is in um Chicago, and then America is in...
What am I thinking of? Is it Maryland? OK. And that like might be my favorite.
And then Six Flags St. Louis is Six Flags St. Louis. OK. See, I can't even remember. There's too many of them. First of all, I would say like, I think Six Flags like America or St. Louis might be towards the bottom. um You know, not saying they're terrible. It's just saying like, that's kind of where I'm. Where I'm at, you know. Yeah. No, I get you. For me, worst parts, probably.
Fun Spot Atlanta. Is that Six Flags? but Or just parks in general at this point. Oh, OK. Six Flags parks. I've been to parks in general. And yeah I haven't been to a whole lot of Six Flags parks. I've been to Great Adventure. I've been to Great America. I will have been at ah Magic Mountain here in as of time of recording. One, two, three weeks.
and And what else other Six Flags Park did I go to?
Can I give you an edit point right now? Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead. Okay. What do you mean pause? I have to go to the bathroom so bad. Okay. There's a, there's a really cool, uh, feature on Zencast where I can just pause. So we're going to do that now. ah Magical transition. We'll be right back. um And we're back. Oh my goodness. What a seamless transition. We just took a piss break. Absolutely. Thank you everyone. Stay hydrated. This yeah episode is brought to you by water water. It's everywhere.
drink it, assuming it doesn't have salt in it or anything that's going to kill you. You know, amoeba. um Yeah, that's actually really bad advice to just drink water. Drink good water. Yeah, they should have told us better when they bought this ad space. It's good water a brand.
It is not okay. I was thinking like, I bet there's a brand out there. Just call it good water. Yeah. well and Good I don't know why that was funny to me. Um, what were we talking about before we did the piss break? I don't remember. Um, six flags and our top, our top, our bottom theme parks around the United States.
Yeah. Um, yeah opened it up to like further, cause I have some, some bottom tier ones for sure. Oh yeah. Okay. So I don't know.
Coaster Counting & Gaming Frustrations
Well, how many parks, just like in general, like rough estimate, how many parks have you been to? so so rough Yes. man A lot. Yeah. Okay. Let me, let me rephrase. Let me rephrase this question. last What's your credit count? ah You know what? I don't want track of that.
You keep track of your top something, but you don't keep track of your credit count. I keep track of my top 20 and that's about it. I don't, I could not tell you how many coasters I've been on. I just know the the ones that I really like. That's like such a, we're like on such different spectrums of the, of this is like you keep track of your top 20. I don't keep track of any of that, but like I keep track of.
my credit count like it's my job. But like doing a spreadsheet and all that for my favorite? No, absolutely not. So ah not sponsored, but for any of you who aren't using this website and You should be coaster count dot com. It's free. um They have a premium version, which is like ninety nine cents for a year or something ridiculous like that would suggest because it'll show you it'll show you it all. i'm I'm pulling up mine right now. Just let's take a look at my ah my active credit count. It breaks down. Once once you mark a coaster as written, it breaks it all down for you. So like
um I've been to, where'd it go? It's like, yeah, I've rode 135 different coasters, 112 or steel 23 or wood, 104 sit down, one stand up, 14 inverted, four suspended, four flying seven wing, one Bob sled. Um, it classifies them under our mountain coasters, butterfly. What's a butterfly coaster? I don't know. Powered of water. Um,
But yeah, really, really cool website that shows you how it shows you how many are defunct as well. So you have and like one hundred and twenty three of them are still operating. Twelve are defunct. Two are standing. I don't know what that means. Oh, like any but not operating. to to Oh, yeah. So like so that's SBNO and then operated. I don't know what operated means.
Hmm. Maybe it got transferred to another park. Oh, like operated in previous. Yeah. OK. Yeah. So well, no, because it's saying like I clicked on operated and then it's it brings up anaconda, fire, hot green lantern, kendaka, mean shriek, mystery mine, night hawk, top wheel dragster, vortex and wicked twister. OK. Odd. OK. Anyways. But yeah.
Yeah, that's pretty cool. Oh. Oopsies, I ah did a I did a fucky wucky and I.
uh, accidentally closed out of the, out of the Zen caster tab. So oops, and anything we were just talking about, we don't, I don't remember personally. So, um, it was fun spot, you know, it was a good, it was a good time to shut down. It was a fun spot. Makes me want to shut down personally. You know, it's just, I'm kidding.
I think that park is is fine. Like it's so having Air Force One there is such a strange. but It's like an anomaly. I think it's a non I can't say you know what word I'm trying to say. Oh yeah, it is an anomaly. Like it's. Go ahead. You turn. Yeah, you like there's Air Force One and then right across the park, it's like.
Literally a coaster that looks like it's made out of like ladders from Home Depot. It's pretty. Yeah, it's like you got this brand new beautiful looking RMC. It rides great. And the rest of the park just looks like it was something you made in.
planet coaster whenever you have like $5,000 in the game. It's like, uh, cheapest attraction possible. Sure. Go. Right. Like the forest frontiers of, uh, parks. If you're real cost or tycoon person, you know, when you'll have like $5,000.
I have not played RCT ever. Is that that bad or or no? No, I just think you're younger than me. it's true yeah That was the first one that came out and it was fantastic. Played it for hours on end.
Well, I mean, posters far surpasses it. True, but I don't know if you've listened to my episode about Planet Coaster two and how it sucks, but got that game is so like making out November, early November. Right. And it's still fucking broken. It's so frustrating because there's so many bugs and issues like I can't play it for more than an hour without the game crashing.
Um, or like the camera will like randomly just get launched to the other side of the map while you're working on something. It's just, ah ah yeah. thats a real bummer It needed like another and six to eight months in the oven of just development time. And they chose to rush to, I don't, I don't blame the devs. I don't think it's their fault. I don't know how familiar you are with what the process of making video games is like, but traditionally.
Devs are working on something. um Their higher ups want them to push it out ASAP so they can get the money out or so they can get as much money as soon as possible. Right. Games not finished. Has issues. It has bugs. Players don't receive it well. And then they're constantly trying to make up for it and all this shit. um But seems like it's happening more frequently in the gaming industry, right? It is. Yeah, it's it's all over the place. It's very, very common, unfortunately. And it's really sad. And I wish like, I'm glad the internet exists. I'm glad it's where it's at. And I'm glad, you know, it's the reason why I know all my friends that I know in the coaster community. But for the sake of video games, it's like, whatever you use to publish a game, either had to be good and done.
or it came out and it was trash and it didn't sell well. So there was no in between. um Now you can put out a game that's unfinished, unpolished, and then just slowly spoon feed updates as much as possible and then get it into a better state, which I don't like that business practice whatsoever. I think that's really shitty. I think if you're paying full price for a game, you should get what was promised and delivered and it should just work. It shouldn't have any major issues like that. But, um, yeah, that's, it's extremely, extremely frustrating. Bring back physical needs to be burned onto a CD. Yeah. Even physical games aren't physical anymore. You go, um what do you play any games at all?
Um, not really. Okay. That's fair. So with physical games now, um, basically if you go and buy a disc or a cartridge, depending on what console you're on, then, and you plug it in and you go to play it, you have to download an update or like, like some of the content is on there, but not all of it to say, cause they save money on disc space and on cartridge space. This is random.
So it's so crazy. It is. It's super frustrating. I was like a product of like the PS2 days, you know, for like the entire game had to fit on that desk. Yeah, you know, that's wild. Yeah, I'm.
on a whole other tangent about games and the way they they were the way they are right now. So ah for those of you who play games out there, support indie developers. um It's typically a team of like one to tops 30 people just doing it in their free time because they love making games. And typically they're far more polished than a lot of the AAA ones are right now. um So go support them and don't buy, don't pre-order games and don't buy garbage.
Uh, that is not, uh, isn't finished. If you buy game and it's not finished, get your money back. Don't support it. So tangent about games and their current release state in the video game market, uh, over love that. Uh, so, so we were talking about, uh, like in between the time of me accidentally closing out of my,
closing out a Zen caster and us getting back on here. You got some cereal. We took a back, we took a piss break. Um, yeah so Catalina farms house. What flavor is it? I meant to ask you that earlier. Uh, Catalina crunch and it's cinnamon. Yeah. Catalina farms is we've found out that's like a real place somewhere.
Yeah, it's this gluten free. I like to have cereal at night. So it's this gluten free, uh, totally, um, zero sugar, uh, like cereal at night. Like it's fantastic. And I had it with some skim milk, so like no fat or anything. So.
It's good. It's a nice little snack. 11 grams of protein. Highly recommend. It's also like $10 a bag. So just just study. Do you do any like road trips whenever it comes to coasters or are you more of a flying out to where you need to be sort of guy? Cause im I fly now when I was a kid, that's why I had trouble answering how many parks have we been to. Um, because we'd visit family, we had family in Indiana. We still do. Um,
And then like in Maryland and ah all over the Northeast. So we'd always, my parents were very generous and they would, uh, plan like one or two parks on the drive there. Uh, so I'm an only child. So I guess I get very spoiled. So, um, that's why I had trouble. Cause I was like, man, the amount of freaking parks that we stopped at.
Um, so, uh, I, I used to be a road tripper. Now I'm, I'm a flyer cause you just get there quicker, you know? yeah Um, so like I'm eyeballing like Virginia for this year, probably. I really want to go and wrap Tara. Um, so yeah, I I'm a flyer for sure. I'll fly any day of the week. So, so the reason I was asking that, cause I was thinking like, what's your like go to,
Like I'll say on the road just for, you know, a sense of the term, but, uh, your go-to traveling snack, like protein bar or, or
Travel Snacks & Store Comparisons
that sort of thing. Cause I mean, we all need a good one. I have my preferences, but I want to hear, I want to hear yours. My road trip snack, um, is, uh, any kind of like candied pecan is like my you like go-to, like if you're traveling through Florida.
like all the way up. Um, there's like pecans for sale, but they're like candied. Um, so they're freaking great, but also like you get them at Bucky's, uh, fantastic. Um, so me personally, like it's either that or.
Man, if I just, I'm really a sucker for like, um, this is bizarre probably, but like different of trying like different gas station coffees. Like what is the best one?
Uh, I feel like racetrack is kind of slept on, uh, cause they got those like ice machines and stuff like that. You can get very crushed ice with like, and I'm like, I love rating like different, like off the wall gas station, like coffees on the way up. What is racetrack?
Oh, it's a gas station down here in Florida. Oh, okay. Yeah, because that is definitely not a thing up here. I was really confused. Oh, my bad. I just assume you guys don't have Publix either, and I mentioned that earlier. No, I know what Publix is, though. No, I don't have... Yeah, I've just never been to a... Yeah, so we have Speedway up here, so... Oh, I know Speedway. Yeah.
We got speedway was actually a Bucky's going in like 20 minutes for me. So that'll be I almost don't want it to be built just because then like but going to Bucky's for me is like a special occasion, you know. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to lose that. I feel like if it being right there, um we have a lot of shell.
what else do we have? There's so many speedways. Quick trip. You should go around to each one. Do you drink coffee? Uh, not traditionally sometimes. Okay. Okay. Dabbled. Well, it's fun to go to different gas stations, like the gas station specific stuff and like try it and like rank it. So I'll do that. I'll do that as an episode sometime. Cause like some of the episodes.
You can tell sometimes that I'm out of content ideas because I go to ah like, hold on, let me pull my previous episode names. Go listen to these episodes. I think my gas station tier list is probably one of my favorites. ah Gas station tier list is pretty good. And then fast food tier list, that that's pretty good. i'm I'm pretty proud of those episodes. So go give those a listen whenever you're done with this one.
um assuming you have time after listening to over two hours of content, um but hey, I'm not complaining. um i like these I like long episodes like this. and it's but I like having good episodes and just good conversations. That's really all this is about being able to talk to people and what they think, what they feel. and Talk about why they love trying gas station coffee. So what is so you like I almost said speedway. So you like racetracks. Is that your absolute favorite or what's your absolute favorite of the of the coffees? um I would say I'm a wah wah person, honestly. OK. All right. Do you have sheets down there? Do what? Do you have sheets down there? Sheets. You don't have sheets.
I got, I have some of my bed. No, like you've never heard of sheets. You're just trying to get me to say a cuss word. No, I'm serious. Look it up. Sheets. S H E E T Z. i do Sheets. Sheets. Sheets. I swear to God. Of course it's called sheets. It's, it's, it's like everybody up here like fights. Me to order fast food. Okay.
Yeah, you've never heard of sheets. No, everybody. Yeah, everybody up in.
Up here will like argue or especially over in Pennsylvania, Wawa versus versus sheets. um That's like a big not debate, debate sort of thing. Oh, I see it. No, I'm looking at the interior right now.
Yep. I can see where that argument would take place. Yeah. They've got the, I'm assuming while I has the bike made to order fast food too. yeah Yeah. Okay. Gotcha. It's exactly the same. Well, this one looks, I like the brick and everything.
OK, ah might du I I mean, I mean, some of their mottos are why the sheets not.
Low hanging fruit, you had to. Yeah, there if you are on their. Membership thing, their rewards program, I think it's ah I think you're called a sheets freak.
it's ah I'm trying to think of some of the other ones. That is I wish we had. You thought I was pulling your leg, man.
We have some trust issues. We clearly got to work out here. That's so funny. I've never been to a Wawa, to be fair, so I can't I can't really speak for that. Do you guys have quick trip down there? No. What is quick trip? Same, same general idea of sheets and wah wah. It's not as good if you ask me, but okay. Gotcha. They got the, the made order stuff as well.
But with kit, I feel like with a lot of gas stations recently, a lot of them are just transitioning into fast food restaurants mixed with gas station. Yeah. And see, like, that's kind of where I think the future of, um, the fast food industry is kind of going, um, of like, you know, because everybody needs gas for their car, right? And eventually, yeah you know, we'll need to charge their cars. So like, uh, things that are kind of.
do like a hybrid service um will be really so like the wah wah, like, or sheets, like their business model is genius for that very reason. Because like, there's double utility to it, you know, so Um, yeah, I could totally see where that's like the future of the fast food industry. So I wonder if there's a McDonald's gas station out there yet. All right. Google. I feel like there will be, you know, is, uh, I'll just type in McDonald's gas station. There's like McDonald's in gas stations. That is true. I totally forgot about that.
Yeah. They do like partnerships. Yeah, that's true. They're not as much as a vibe, though. you know No, they're not. It's like.
It I like whenever the gas station and the ah fast food is like all under one brand. It's not, you know, a. aed Yeah, it's not a love travel stock with a McDonald's on it. It's a it's a sheets. Right. What I had like aesthetic to it. Yeah, I had some nachos from sheets today. They were pretty good. um But I went to sheets to get that food.
ah Yeah, that's, i I like that more. It's, yeah, like you said, the aesthetic. I don't really know how to describe it. Yeah, it's sort kind of like a a coaster that has a little bit of theming versus one that does it, you know? Yeah. It elevates the experience a little bit. It does. I haven't been on any coasters with truly fantastic theming. I mean, mystery mind, that's about the coaster, the most theming I've had. But that's that's about it. I mean, that's a good one. That one's kind of, ah well, besides the weird like jostling on that,
Um, I, I think that that ride's kind of underrated, my opinion. It's got, I mean, hated the restraints, but I love like the, the ending of it is really, really fun. it is And then just the general, like, I just love Dollywood in general, but like, just them adding a little bit of like dark ride to the beginning is kind of.
I just love like coasters that elevate a little bit like that. His mystery mind without any of that theming would be dreadful. Yeah. But all the extra stuff is fantastic. Yeah, I think they did a really good job with that with that ride. It's been around a lot longer than I thought it was. I was i was looking at old pictures earlier and it was still back there. um Let me see for a while.
Uh, yeah. Open in 2007. So I mean, that it's been quite a long time, but personally, I would have gone with like premiere probably to do it. But why premiere? Well, if you've been on like revenge of the mummy, like I have not here does premiere. Well, premiere does really good with like, uh, those or, um, the old Italian job. I have been on those. Yes. Yeah.
So they can do like dark ride or like scene based coasters. So I just think premiere is like a better manufacturer for that than like Gerstlauer. So yeah.
I think but I think Premier like I can't really speak for them one way or the other because I can't really judge like the like the old Italian jobs um now back lots. They're not. I mean, the the theming's fine. It's. Yeah. Oh, it's it works, but it's not much in the slightest, at least compared to how they used to have it whenever it first opened. But yeah, I can't. I'm going off of like revenge of the mummy.
Yeah, and I can't. like I'm sure that's great. I just can't speak for it as far as that goes. Right. I thought I mentioned the moment was intimate. No, it's a premiere. What? I believe you. I'm just what? I'll check. I'm pretty sure it's premiere ads.
I always thought it was an Intamin.
That's limb launch as well. Yeah. Premier rides. I feel like a total idiot now. Well, yeah I think you're thinking of Gringotts. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm looking at the pictures on their website, looking at the trains. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. Those lap bars are our premiere. Yeah. 100 percent. That's what I would have done for Mystery Mine personally. And I'm so curious. I just want to talk to somebody in Universal Creative and ask them, why did you not at least I know B and&M was busy, but why did you not ask Premiere to do Rip Ride Rocket?
Yeah. Like, what were we thinking? I think I'm I think not saying Rip Ride Rocket would have been. um I think I can imagine something like Alpine Fury being what I know is a long time ago, but still, I could see something similar to that being in place of a private rocket as like what was built initially. And it probably would still be there this September is my guess. Absolutely.
I'm super excited for Alpenfury. I don't know if if you have any plans of getting up to good old Canada here anytime soon or not, but I'm not going until it's a state. So I'm just kidding. Just joking. I would love to go to Canada. ah But. No, there is no but to that. I would love to go to Canada as wonderfully and quite honestly. So do you have your passport?
I do, I do. I know buy then is like, um, I've heard it's a really great Giga, uh, like the Behemoth looks really fun. Um, but Alpine theory looks fantastic.
Yeah, it does. I'm really I'm really excited for I'm going in late July, early August. I'm praying that they have all the kinks worked out by then. It doesn't pull our top thrill to and go down for for the year. But i think it will be OK, because it's just like the two. Wait, no.
It's like one major launch, right? ah Yeah, it's got one one major launch. um So I think, yeah, I think it's up and out the mountain. Yeah. Oh, yeah. One other thing. So now they're on the topic of Canada's Wonderland. ah The rumor, rumor, guys, not official that time warp is no more thoughts, opinions on time warp. untime war yeah I'm glad it's gone. not valla Yeah. ah Yeah, I think there's if there's ever a coaster that needs to like vanish from existence, it's the Valaris for sure. People have been screaming for its head for forever now. Just but sure they have. And the SLC. Yeah. Did they still have the SLC? Did they have one at Canada's Wonderland?
Uh, I think they did. I think it's still there. i They have a suspended coaster and I think it's an old arrow, but I feel like they have an SLC there too. But the Valaris, I mean, just a complete waste of time. yeah like Like, obviously that needs to go as to what they'll replace it with. Um,
I'm not sure. I thought some of Alpin's Furies like layout went through that area, but Oh, there's a suspended coaster. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I'm confusing a couple of different coasters here. Yeah. So they have their SLC, which is flight deck. ah They have there. Wow.
They have their, uh, arrows suspended coaster, which is vortex. Right. And then you've got Yukon, obviously you've got, uh, mighty Canadian mind buster, which is getting track work. I have the Canada's wonderland. I was one. I was wondering if you had or not. Yes.
How long ago was it? Because I went on Yukon Striker. I don't know why I thought that was like at Kings Island or something for two seconds. Yes, I have been to Canada. They know. Well, good to hear. I'm jealous. I haven't been there in forever. I haven't been to the park ever.
And I really want to see, like, this is going to sound so dumb, but I really want to see Yukon Striker's bins. I've been told that's a really cool system. Yeah. And I wish that they did that on more coasters. Top thrill to take notes. The paid lockers. No. Oh, I wanted to. That hurt so much this past season during the few days.
this alpin fury is going to canada's wonderland and correct king's dominion raptor is is rap Tara and that used to have volcano, the boss coaster. That's what confused me. Oh, okay. Gotcha. Even though I've been to both, um, I was, yeah, I i was like, yeah, it's been a, it's been a minute. It's been a very long time. I think we did like Yukon striker and we did their arrow suspended coaster.
I don't remember. I'd need to see. Let me look up a picture of Leviathan.
Yeah, it's been a minute for sure. I love how you type in Vekoma SLC. I typed in Vekoma SLC Canada's Wonderland in Google. You know how it has that AI overview? Yes. The first line or the first two sentences are flight deck at Canada's Wonderland in Blonde Ontario is a Vekoma suspended looping coaster. This ride is known for being rough and uncomfortable. yeah And then it provides a ah source link to coasterpedia and theme park James. That's really funny.
But yeah, it's I wrote Kong at Six Flags. God, the one in San Francisco. um
Discovery Kingdom. Yeah, there we go. um And it was just God, it was so bad. um Yeah, I would not be sad if if this one if this one goes to. I'm sure you wrote your fair share of SLCs.
Uh, there's one at wild adventure that I think I refuse to do the one at Canada's wonderland. Good call. I've only done one. Oh, okay. Uh, I believe it was the one at Canada's one. This is why I need to keep track of this stuff. I need to use that website. Not sponsored, but again, coaster count. Yeah, right. Right. But there is, there is an SLC at wild adventures.
Uh, and I remember I hated it. I like absolutely despised it. So I was like, never again. They're true. The rumors are true. It sucks. It really does. that's okay i Yeah. it That's why it confused all the ones that came as wonderland. Cause I'm like, I didn't do the Velary cause I knew better and I didn't do the SLC.
because I knew better. And ah I think I would just want to do that the arrow because it was an arrow suspended, you know, that I love Big Bad Wolf so much. Yeah. Yeah. Makes sense. I'm looking at Alpin Fury like promotional pictures. This is like the spiritual successor to the volcano, but at the wrong park. I mean, it's that's why it's so confusing. It's got the fire shooting out at the top on the on the pictures they've got. Right. It's it's not a twister layout and out and back. But I mean, still, though, it's like the exact same like twists out of the top and then back down. God, this thing looks like so much fun. It looks fantastic. Is this a multi launch? Hold on, there might be two launches on this.
I thought it launched at the beginning and then it goes into the, uh, the mountain and then it launches again. All right. I'm watching a POV real quick. Do you have a right hand turn out of the station? Oh, you have a tiny booster launch that gets you into the mountain itself. Okay.
Oh, that's cool. You dive under it and then you go down this tunnel and launch up and out. OK, so technically two launches just right. Just ah to get you up and over a baby lunch. Yeah, it's just a little a little kiss. This God, this layout looks awesome.
And no comfort callers or seat belts either from the people who I have a, which is beautiful. Yeah. Thank you. think I think it will, I think it will really make premiere right. Cause Like their lap bars are great. Like I'm again, to bring up mummy, like it's fantastic. And then you go on their skyrocket twos like Tigris and, um, you can't freaking fit in it or ice breaker. Like you can't fit it in either.
I think my only concern with this coaster, because the layout looks awesome, is that it's only two trains. like that's so yeah Considering that's the highest attended park out of all of them. Right. Even more than Cheddar Point in Sandbruski, Ohio. oh You know, it's a little concerning. Yeah. But ah cold we'll see. And they lost some capacity too, like as much as You know, we didn't like the closed rides. Like, you know, they did lose some capacity with that. Yeah, they did. and I mean, everything adds up. Yeah. At least they have two B and&Ms to make up for it.
yes yeah Hopefully the wherever they put in the spot of Time Warp and hopefully if they take off the SLC that as well. It's a people leader another B&M I Don't know what other B and&M they could put in there though. I mean you could put it I mean I lied, but like that plot of land, if you look at it on Google maps, it's, hold on. Google maps. Let me turn on earth view. Oh yeah. I should probably do Google earth instead. Google earth, which is now just a website. It's not an application like it used to be. Do you remember that when Google earth was like, yeah, the download.
Yeah, you had to launch it when you wanted to use it. and Yeah. All right. Let me find, I think honestly Canada's wonderland, they could do, I mean, I've always wanted to see a launched B and M invert, um, like two across.
Uh, I would love to see that because they were pitching that launched wing not too long ago. Um, which a wing coaster wouldn't be too bad at Canada's wonderland. Like no, not at all. Remember earlier I said every park needs one, but, um, I kind of want them to get like a prototype.
being um Yeah. I kind of wish that that if Canada took their family coaster, like, like, yeah, the two across, like you said, that would be awesome. Made it into a more extreme sit down. Right.
Coaster Experiences & Technical Aspects
Do something like what Premier is doing. That would be awesome. Right. ah With the B and&M finesse that they should definitely bring back.
Um, I know that's something they probably don't have fully in their control, but, um, I'm sure they do at the same time. I don't know. Am I giving being them too much slack or and not enough slack? I don't know. oh Well, so there is a noticeable.
vibration on like um their new stuff like with but was ah Phoenix Rising at Busch Gardens. um You can feel a little bit of vibration, um but it's weird because it doesn't translate all the way into the seats.
So it was just kind of like there, but it's not like your vibe, like your body is like shaking or anything like that. You know, it's not like it's getting across the track. You just hear it. It's heard more than felt. And like, in my opinion,
It doesn't really bother me personally. I look, it doesn't ride as smooth as like Montu, like Montu both in sound, but also in ride rides. Like it just freaking opened yesterday. Um, but the rattle on Phoenix rising wasn't to the point where I was like, this is uncomfortable. It just, as a matter of fact, I really liked Phoenix rising. Um, so it just, it was just kind of there and it's kind of like, why does that sound like that?
Uh, so I don't know what's doing it. I think it has to do with a cost thing, but also, uh, you know, like they're trying to do, like remove certain parts to make it a little bit more cost-effective. Um, but at the same time, I'm like.
I wonder would that be on like a higher speed coaster? You know, I don't know. Yeah. but My main concern for it is if it's having like, obviously it's not affecting it majorly right now, but give it two years, five years, right? Eight years. How bad is that going to be? Um,
I don't know. Maybe it just stays the same. It doesn't get any worse. And that's, that's all you have to do with for the rest of the time. However, I do think that there's a solid chance at least that that does become more of an issue. Um, but I don't know. It's just, yeah, some coasters develop rattles. And then, I mean, the first half of velocity coaster.
does have is starting to. Has had some moments where it's rattled around a little bit. You just wonder like these Intamin coasters are they going to stay smooth forever? um I heard Top Thrill 2 really has one. it It does. But it's like it's not really a rat. it's You kind of just have to write it like you can feel it shake back and it's more of a like a Like you can feel it moving from side to side. it It's when whenever I think of rattle, I think it's like a like the train is vibrating, you know? Yeah, almost. It's like a B&M one is like. Yeah, it's like it's constantly seeking for that middle portion. And it's just never achieves it. I never rode top thrill to in the.
In the very back, the rides I got were row three, um row five, and then another row three and then front row. So and like in the I've heard I almost got a back row ride and I was kind of looking forward to it. And then but I really want a front row and this guy up front, it was like the second to last train or last train, one of the two.
And ah he yeah looked at me, I looked at him, and and he pointed at me and just like kind of tilted his head like he was like, can I have that seat? And I was like, yeah, you want my seat? Can I have your seat? So we switched real quick. And i not to toot my own horn, but get out the cedar point this year and get a top thrill two night ride. Because front row, oh my god. it's I'm sure that's incredible. Oh, it is incredible. um Just do it before like,
mid-May, late May, whenever the whenever the Mayflies start coming out, because unless you want a face full of bugs. I've heard of those. Yeah. Oh, my God. I i don't go to Cedar Point between mid May and or sorry, between late May and late June for that exact reason. I mean, it is lies atrocious. They don't bite you. They don't sting. They don't do anything. um So they're completely harmless. It's just there's so many of them until you hit 100 miles an hour. you Yeah.
Yeah, I don't write anything there ah beyond the back or beyond like row three or four after eight o'clock because it's just awful. You know that or bring like goggles or something. Yeah. ah Have you seen those? You may not. You may not have seen these, but remember, were like, I don't know, it's like 10 years ago, there was those whenever Minecraft was still super, super popular. I mean, it still is, but You saw kids wearing those like creeper hoodies that had the zip up. Yeah. You got to wear one of those. Right.
But what were we talking about? We were talking about the the rattle. Yeah. But hopefully that gets resolved. i Did you see an interview with Tony that was done recently? I didn't watch it. Actually, I need to look at I need to look that up.
So so TLDR Zamperla has the trains. It was something to do with the trains and which we figured the whole time. Yeah. And he confirmed that.
Basically, they're going to there should be he's in his opinion, he he said, because he can get in trouble if he says, you know, it like directly as a park state in his opinion, ah it'll be good by opening day. Uh, they said they should get the trains back in early March. So that'll give him two months of time to, to figure it out and get it tested again and recertified. Right. And then, uh, he also, I mean, we knew this already as well, but he also confirmed that the tilt was from
Mexico or it's from another one of their parks. So Mexico, definitely Mexico. Not that it was ah not that we were really doubting that in the first place, but nice to know that it's official. And then also that they're working on something else with Snake River Falls being gone and their Sky Flyer being gone. So water coaster, but baby. I would like a I would love a water coaster. You youve know, dairy to right.
Oh, yeah, I grew up in Atlantis. OK, I've never been on it, but I've heard it's really good. Yeah, man. Yeah. Oh, wait, that's the power splash, right?
the mock power splash? No, uh, I wasn't talking about that. I was saying, I was joking cause you said you grew up in Atlantis. No, I grew up on Atlantis. Yeah. Okay. Gotcha. All right. Uh, I was like the power splash. I mean, no, but they kind of, I kind of know what they do now. I want like the next gen, uh, heavy. What, what park is that? It's not an American park.
But there's like a next generation mock water coaster that they just think they just recently opened it. It's blue. But it has like some stalls on it and it just looks really cool. I'm taking a look at the water coaster. I think it's recent. Look up Europe. Europa Park. No, not Europa.
I'm looking at Mach's website. Oh, might be on there. It's not Poseidon. That's old. There's the power splash, the super splash. What's the super splash?
The mock super splash. Oh, that's like, uh, it's just the power splash, but has a turntable option. Um, yeah, the new, and they just or unveiled one like last year or whatever, uh, water, there was more coaster than like water coaster now.
Taking a look at it. What's that new one? That's killing me.
It's the only one I'm seeing is from Europa. Is it not Europe, then? I'm thinking of. But either way, it's got like.
It looks it's got like a stall on it. It's like actually like a legit water coaster. And I'm kind of hoping like ah
Cedar Point gets one of those, you know? Yeah, I would love a water coaster, but I don't think that's like a good. I think that'd be a bad investment for the park. Personally, I feel like water rides.
on hot days, yeah, they get long lines, but ah Cedar points, temperatures aside from like peak summers, there's relatively mild. It's only, ah it'd only be open for, you know, a couple of months of the season and the season's already short. Now, if you were to put one down at any of the Florida parks, oh, 110%, that would be great. Um, I think up here is not a good investment personally, but right. Well, they used to have the old Intamin. What was it? Shoot the rapids or whatever.
Yeah. but That never got much of a line either, though. OK, I wasn't sure how pop popular it was. Oh, here we go. um Poseidon at Europa, I think. No, it's called Fjord Explorer at La Paul.
Fjord explore fjord explorer fjord explorer at lapel L-E-P-A-L yeah 4k on ride thank you theme park worldwide theme park worldwide on youtube I love his channel, by the way. You can't not like his stuff. I mean, he just has so much on there. He's he's I'm saying he's my favorite, my absolute favorite coaster, YouTuber. I'm watching this. piece They go to Orlando all the time, too. And I've yet to meet them.
I got to meet, uh, I got to run into them at, uh, by total accident at, uh, great adventure last year. Last year. Yeah. That's awesome. It was, again, totally by like total accident. Wasn't planning it whatsoever, but, um,
Yeah. Got to, got to ride El Toro with, with the most pretty neat. That's sick. I've always wanted to meet them. They're very nice. They are very nice. Yeah. Cool.
Cedar Point's Water Coaster Speculations
Yeah. This dude, this layout looks sick for a water coaster. This is like, so they're, that sounds like they're making, like they're de-emphasizing the water component.
Obviously, it has a splashdown at the end, but they're emphasizing more the fun layout elements, which I think could be cool. That's why I said Cedar Point, because I think if you build something that just has like a minor splashdown,
that could in theory be like, you could change the troughs so that it doesn't splash as much during certain times of the year. um Like you'd be left with kind of a really fun coaster at that point. Yeah, that would be, I get what you're saying.
I don't know. that That's a lot of extra work for it though. My Cedar Point fan theory. Okay. Let's hear it. I think they were planning on a water coaster and I think sirens curse was a potential name for a water coaster at Cedar Point. Oh, that would make a lot of sense. Yeah.
And I think that tilt and it, but it wouldn't have been ready this year. It would have been under construction next year. And I don't think we would have got siren if top throat two is successful. I don't think we would have gotten siren's curse. Oh, not at all. here But we would have gotten the water coaster next year.
Yeah, I I mean, nobody was expecting Sirens course whatsoever. um I mean, they gave you a week heads up and even then everybody's like, oh, yeah, it'll be like a flat ride or something. Nope. Just just a tilt coaster. I know
Cedar Point's Coaster Additions & Needs
just like randomly. Yeah. I also think that that water coaster that's coming to carowinds. I think that may have been meant for Cedar Point. I was about to ask you if you still thought that Cedar Point water coaster was coming, but but I, you already answer my question I would not be surprised if something like water based comes, but I don't know if it's like a true water coaster with like a splashdown or whatever. Um, yeah, it's gotta be like a high capacity thing, whatever it is. But I don't know for me, it's just like they've opened.
It was weird for me to say, but I think they've opened enough like coasters and it's something else. I mean, it's been wild mouse top thrill to sirens curse it three years back to back. Like that's two.
that why yeah oh yeah
siren's curse and then siren's curse too Yeah, that would make that would make a lot of sense. just I mean, preferably we'd get an old and I've just said enough with the coasters, but preferably we'd get an old like. i Not old, but like a GCI.
Twister layout. Yeah, that's I kind of think that if Cedar Point is going to add something, it's got to be. It's got to be a family coaster and i like or like a borderline, a borderline thrill coaster. Like you've been to you've been to Kings Island, right? Yeah. OK. And you've been on Thunderhead. You've been on a bunch of GCIs. I think that Thunderhead and ah Mystic Timbers are borderline family coasters, if you ask me.
Um, I could see that like they're, they're the first big like step up. If you, if you ask me, you know, it's like, it's your first, it can be your first big coaster for, for kids and that sort of thing. And that's an area I think Cedar Point still lacking. Um, cause I mean, the next biggest thing from,
Iron Dragon and Wild Mouse would be corkscrew and corkscrew I don't think is very good. It's pretty trash. I did write that as a kid though and don't hate it.
I wrote it again recently. It's it's not my personal favorite. Yeah, it's definitely an arrow. Definitely narrow. But definitely a bottom tier one. They need one solid wooden coaster there. I mean, but at the same time, like the general public probably views steel vengeance and Gemini as wooden coasters already. Plus they have blue streaks. So it's like, I don't know. Steve, for sure, gets a pass like in the wooden coaster realm.
Yeah, honestly, I wouldn't hate for them to get like a B and&M ah like the family sit down like penguin trek. Oh, yeah, a little bit more um to it. Yeah, I'd like that.
So it would be high capacity, you know, it'll be functioning. um The restraints are pretty cool on that. um I just think it would be really
Coaster Riding Challenges & Experiences
kind of fun. You know, I like the the trains for that too.
Yeah, I'd be happy with a B and&M flyer to just you know see your point thing beat the record by like one foot and the speed by one foot and then You know call it a day. Keep it low to the ground or what about a surf coaster? No No, no, I think I'm good. I've heard you Say it again Mantis to i I have a bad taste in my mouth from standups. I haven't read. I haven't read surf a surf coaster. Well, you will one day. I will. I'm a tall. I'm a tall guy. I'm six five. And apparently those are not good for tall people. I don't think you can ride pipeline.
It's you know, I probably can't. However, I'm just going to hope they don't say anything. Oh, let me check that because because I'm technically too tall for Pantheon and I rode Pantheon. The maximum height is 78 inches, which is what? 78 divided by 12 is.
The math is not nothing.
six point five feet. So the six six is your is the height limit. So I'd be near your six four. You said five six five. Yeah. Okay. I just kind of like bend my knees whenever I'm in the station, kind of slouched a little bit. I do that for most coasters because I've been checked a few times. Yeah, I'd be fine. It's just like I don't want want them to have to hijack me. Well, so the the
the surf coasters, they, you know, they bounce with you. Yeah. And they adjust with you. So like, I hate standup coasters with a passion in pipe. I love pipeline. Okay. No, like, like I can't, I could not stand mantis. Uh, no pun intended, but, uh, but I, I love pipeline and I'll go on it every time I'm at sea world. So.
Yeah, there's something to like that really unique. The only thing that I don't like about pipeline is the vests. Um, they can rest on like your collarbone, but once everything gets going and you kind of start bouncing around, um, that's not as big of a problem. Okay. So
Enjoying Theme Parks Beyond Rides
Is that just their vest restraints? Just like normal, normal vest, but you are standing up. So it like, you know, it can rest on your collarbone. Uh, if you're wearing like a real thin shirt or something like that, which I do typically like in summer, like everyone's just lucky. I am wearing a shirt, uh, like in summertime in Florida at the theme parks, I wear the lightest possible shirt ever. And I was like, that's probably what's happening.
is like the vest is rubbing against my collarbone. Um, but you know, otherwise once the ride gets going though, it's fine. Like you don't even notice it. Yeah. I don't want to think about going to a Florida park in the summer just because the amount of sweat that's probably on those restraints. So done with it. like a rose Yeah. I'm, we kind of cut it off around, I'd say like end of April is kind of when the gang is kind of like, let's do top golf instead. So like we we're not we're not doing the parks. And then we wait for like horror nights. We might do one time in July at Universal, because stuff is like inside. But there's no way in heck we do SeaWorld or Busch Gardens in dead summer. It's awful.
Yeah, I'm, I'm good. I'll pass on that. Or we'll just, yeah, we'll go. We'll, we'll just do a, um, this might be kind of bizarre for some people to to fathom, but we'll do some days where we will just go to the parks and we actually won't ride anything.
We'll just walk around and like have food and stuff. So, which I know it's crazy for some people to think about, but you know, when you live in Florida and the parks are so close, they're always open. There's some times where you just go and you just walk around.
I do that at Kings Island a lot during the summer. Like if I'm, uh, yeah, like if I'll, if I'll get off work and if I don't feel like cooking, I'll go to Kings Island and get some food. And so, you know, I get the meal plan and all that. Um,
I'll stay till close because you know by the time the sun's gone down and all of that, it's ah you know most most people are... you Park is still busy, but it's not as busy as it typically is, especially during the week. I'll grab a beast night ride and and go home.
Yeah, no, exactly. That's what. Yeah, that's exactly what we do. We'll just kind of hang out at the parks and they're like at Busch Gardens, they'll do like summer nights and they'll have like food, like food there and stuff. um So like we'll do that.
Like I think like Saturday, even I'm going to SeaWorld and we're just, we're going just for the food festival. Like I might do pipeline, maybe not. Um, maybe Mako, but honestly going to the parks and just enjoying like the atmosphere is like a lot of fun. Yeah. And not being obligated to ride everything.
Yeah. And it's a good time to slow down to like, I noticed something whenever I started doing that was that I never like took time to really like appreciate the park as much whenever I'm like so focused on riding everything. Like, yeah, you're the on the coasters, but.
like noticing like the landscaping and the effort they put into that like yeah you look at it whenever you're there but you don't take time to appreciate it um because there's just so much there's so many little details especially in parks that are well put together a lot of Cedar Fair parks especially Busch Gardens parks um Six flags parks not so much but still still there um It's just taking the time and relaxing which not everybody has the privilege to do because if they don't live near a park um I mentioned Logan again earlier. His nearest park is six hours away and that's a West Edmonton mall ah And I believe Nickelodeon universe um Let me see what's that West Edmonton
It'll be one of those random mall carousels or something. West Edmonton mall. What do you guys have? You said mall and I always think of like instantly Nickelodeon universe. They have the water slides. Um, okay. I have world water park with the, uh, the looping water slide that technically makes you invert. Um, they don't have.
Hold on. West Edmonton Mall Coasters.
ah Galaxy Land. Powered by Hasbro. OK. Um, they've got, uh, they have a Plato themed teacups ride. There is no, oh, there is. They have a dragon wagon. Oh, I bet. and a yeah Quite a bit. And they have an SPF visa. What is this? I think this is, uh, it's called Cootie coaster.
Of course it is. Yeah, I can't. Is that it? Is that the only two that they have here? um
Indoor Water Parks & Upcoming Trips
Yeah, that's it. how about that huh but yeah that's like he likes water parks a lot more so that that works for him because apparently that's a really nice water park i'd be i'd love to go dude water parks in in malls uh or like water parks like um What's the wolf, wolf lodge, the great wolf lodge or whatever? Like yeah indoor water parks just hit differently. Oh, they do. Yeah. Um, I, I had the opportunity to go to, um, the one at the mall of America. I think that's what it is. The one in in New York city or New Jersey close to New York. Um,
And I, I had the opportunity to go and I didn't take it. And I was kind of pissed because I went for shell razor and shell razor was closed and I just didn't bother going to the water park and I should have. But oh, well, you should have. I should have. But I'm going to Kalahari in Sandusky here in a few weeks after the day after winter chill out. So hopefully that'll be good. Yeah. So.
I would keep talking, however, I need to get to bed relatively early tonight because I have to be up for a meeting at 7 a.m. tomorrow and it is 45 minutes away and I want to get some decent sleep and get a shower and stuff still too. So I am going to to wrap things up here. Do you have anything else you want to you want to talk about real quick before we get it on here or no? Thank you for not asking about the thing that I asked you not to ask about. Yeah, last Tuesday at 9 p.m. OK, we are. I didn't I didn't ask you about it. I was just telling the mentioned thing that you told me not to ask you about. That's right. That's right. are um But yeah, go ahead and shout out your socials one more time. Go go subscribe. Do all that.
I am Jake Coasters. Uh, you can follow me on YouTube and X. Uh, you'll be shocked to find out that my user handle is Jake Coasters. I think it's actually Jake underscore coasters on X, but that's by the way, that's selling.
Great at the upsell. it is Yeah, it is Jake underscore underscore coasters. Well, it's good to know. ah So, yeah, yeah. Follow along and would love to chat, honestly. I love when people interact. So, um yeah. All
Conclusion & Thanks to Guest
right. Thank you. Glad to have you on. It was a good talking with you. This is the. Yeah.
having a conversation with you was really laid back. and I um i've really enjoyed it. So I will definitely have you back on again in the future. Cause I, again, I could keep talking to you, but you know, at some point I do have to, ah I do have to, I do have to put my personal life. some yeah a future I told you, man, I can keep going. So yeah, but thanks for having me on. I really appreciate it.
Yeah. Anytime you will be back on in the future, assuming, assuming you want to. So absolutely. All right. Well, you guys have a good one. Thank you again to Jake for coming on here. We will see you guys next week. By the time this is going up, it'll be the 11th. So it'll be the 18th next time we have an episode and then the 25th. Um, I will have, uh,
I will have a ah winter chill out breakdown for you guys. Everything we saw talking about all that jazz. So it was good having you guys. Thanks for listening. Thanks for for tuning into what is probably one of the longest, if not the longest podcast episode we've ever had a pat on here. And we will see you guys next time in the single writer line. See ya.