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The Single Rider Line Episode 21: Winter Chill Out Recap image

The Single Rider Line Episode 21: Winter Chill Out Recap

The Single Rider Line Podcast
18 Plays1 month ago

Lance is back at it again with more roller coaster shenanigans. Today we recap Cedar Point's Winter Chill Out! We got a lot of big and little news. Come hear what is going on.

Ryan the ride mechanic video:

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Lance's Twitter: @lunarusirl

The Single Rider Line Discord:

Sunday! Sunday!

Introduction to 'The Beast'

you ready for the highest and fastest coaster in the world? Are you ready for... This are island dares you to come face to face with the beast.
The beast. 7,000 feet. You um
hear my voice. The Loch Ness Monster. It's Andy Can-Ammy.
Oh, no. Mr. Pop. Mr. Pop.

Technical Glitches and Resolutions

All riders waiting and on top of the tractor, we are currently experiencing a mechanical issue and we do not know the length of the delay. Once again, we are... And welcome back to the single rider line. After quick unintended week break, if you guys follow me on Twitter, you saw what was going on with my computer.
Got it resolved though. no No more issues. So we are ah we're all good there um had one of the... Actually, let me back up. Let me start the beginning of the story. Otherwise, this is not going to make sense.
So what happened was unplugged my PC. I have a gaming PC. I got a pretty, pretty powerful computer. I'm pretty proud of it. I spent a lot of money on it and you got to keep it up and going, keep it clean.
um So, you know, you take compressed air to it to get the dust out so that nothing's overheating. Everything's doing what it's supposed to. So unplugged everything, took it outside.
Got one of those compressed air cans that you can buy for, I don't know, seven or eight bucks from the store.
Took the thing apart as in took the cover off. Blew it all out. Went okay. Came back inside. Plugged everything back in. And nothing turned on.
And I was very, very scared. And very, very confused. Because I was like, oh god. This computer that I spent an arm and a leg on is no longer working. So it was getting power. i was like trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.
um The long story short is I bought a power supply for it. Ended up not needing the power supply. i Returned it, got my money back, and it was just some loose cables that I accidentally blew in there.
And that's all there was to it. So, bunch of hoopla for nothing. So, I apologize for no episode last week.
But regardless... Technical issues have been resolved. had my dumbass moment and life is back to normal again. So I hope you're doing well. How's everything going?
Good to have you guys back. good Good for you guys to be here. We're slowly inching our way towards the regular season and towards just...
roller coasters opening up again at least up here in the uh in in the north and i know you florida people and california people get it all the time so uh you know congrats to you but we have to suffer up here a bit in ohio so come join us for a winter don't it sucks it's awful here in the winter Our coasters are good. Our baseball is good. Our football is good. But aside from that, we've got fucking nothing going on.
I mean, you can drink. And that's that's about it. There's not a whole lot else to do here aside from coasters, sports and drinking.
um So as somebody who is not an alcoholic, that's scratching one of those off the list. But who knows? Maybe I should become an alcoholic. Just add one more thing to my my list of hobbies.

Winter Chill Out Event Highlights

So I told you guys that this would be a winter chill out recap. And that is what it's going to be. So I was able to attend a lovely event that Cedar Point holds every year called Winter Chill Out.
ah For those you who don't know, Winter Chill Out is a charity event. That Cedar Point holds for a Kid Again. A Kid Again is a charity that... Hold on. Let let me just pull up their website.
Because they have a better... description yeah here we go give kids the childhood they deserve medical visits bills and treatments can disrupt a child's joy through a kid again ah adventures families rediscover moments of happiness together your support helps it helps kids with life-threatening conditions and their families set aside their worries and create lasting care for memories together at kid desirable destinations so they hold events at cedar point in king's island every year um it's a great charity
Go look them up. Go throw em me a few bucks if you can. Or show up the Winter Chillout next year. I don't know why they wouldn't do it next year. um It has sold out every year for forever. So ah we raised over $120,000 for a kid again. So round of applause.
Good stuff. um Really glad we were able to to do that. Because as much as I enjoy roller coasters... And this stuff, I'm glad that that money is going towards going towards a good place.
And that, you know, I'm able to... It it feels good helping other people, you know? view View this event as a donation to charity with a free tour on top of it, not as a tour that is also a charity donation.
So that's my recommendation to you. But I got tickets for me and my girlfriend. We got the 8 a.m. m schedule. We were in the Top Thrill 2 group.
They push you into different groups and different time frames depending on when you get tickets. They try and spread you out so you don't have hundreds of people all trying to do the same thing all at once.
They break it down to probably 20 or 30 people tops per group. So I was in the Top Thrill 2 group. Our tour started at 8 a.m. m Prior to that, we got some Starbucks. They had some star they had the Starbucks location open in the park.
So got some overpriced coffee. It was good. Definitely needed it. It was cold as hell. It was four degrees, I believe, whenever we got there. It started to warm up as the day went on. I got to about 16 or so.
So it wasn't awful because the sun was out. But definitely definitely was cold that morning. And the the warm coffee felt good on my hands. so First thing they showed us, at least at at least at my... I say at my event, like they didn't show this to everybody.
um But they kind of rotated separately throughout the park. First thing we went to is we went directly to the ah Top Thrill 2 site. We walked right past it.
um And there is a maintenance... Bay in the old hydraulics room that they use for top thrill to trains.
And what I found really strange was that before we walked in there, we were on the outside of the dragster infield or top thrill to infield. There was a sign that said no pictures and no video.
So they said, our, our, our tour, our tour guide said, don't take any pictures and videos once while we're walking into it. Once you're actually in the Once you're actually in the ah bay, then you could take pictures and video again, which I found really strange.
So they obviously didn't want us taking any sort of pictures of the inside of Top Thrill 2 for whatever reason, whatever that may lead to. I don't know.
um Actually, I do know because Ryan the Ride Mechanic made a great video talking about that. Go check it out. I'll link it in the description. So it's it's very odd what's going on with it. So his there's a bunch of black marks on the track, and it looks like welding, but it's not welding, according to according to Ryan.
What he thinks it is, and this is not confirmed, this is just what he thinks, is that they're doing track straightening by heating up the metal and moving it ever so slightly to adjust it to get any...
wobbles or wiggles out of the track that there may third may have been. um Why they would have to ah you know do that is unsure.
Maybe there was some sort of something just throwing off the train. I heard a theory that the train sitting super high, like since it had such a high center of gravity, that maybe that messed with it a little bit.
I don't know. I wouldn't think so, but I don't know. That's just theories, that's confirmed. I do trust Ryan, though. I think he makes great content. Go check out his stuff. And that's, yeah, really, really, really in-depth and good video. He talks about all the little internet intricate details that goes into track straightening, especially with steel coasters.
So go check that out. We walked into the bay, and what do we find in

Siren's Curse and Top Thrill 2 Updates

there? We find... the sirens curse train.
It is beautiful. It's a sleek black. It's got these LEDs on there that look amazing. Um, there is music blasting out of the trains. Uh, any video you see of the sirens curse trains, if you haven't already, um,
The music that's playing is not final music. They're just using that music for demonstration purposes. There was a little sign next to it that said, I got a picture right here. It says train audio and lighting for demonstration purposes only. Final visuals and soundtrack to be revealed at Siren's Cursed debut in early summer.
So obviously they still have some companies still working on that, but just being able to see the lights and the, and hear music blasting out of the trains was awesome.
Hopefully they work consistently. I know that's not a, uh, what's the word? I know that's not something consistent with gatekeeper. Gatekeeper doesn't have audio, but it does have lights on the side. And even those lights don't stay on, ah you know, consistently. So hopefully it's, uh,
Hopefully that's not an issue with this ride. So Sirens curse trains are really cool. It does have a lap bar. It does have a, a over the shoulder restraint.
It's kind of like Vekoma's version of a comfort collar. So I haven't rode these, but apparently they're better than the BNM and the, uh, shit premier comfort collars because they don't, uh,
Just had to adjust in my chair real quick. So if you've rode on on anything with a B&M comfort collar, you know that they have bit of give to them. Like if you lean forward in your seat, it will, there's a bit of give to the to the vest.
And then same with the Premier comfort collars. These ones don't have that. They're just static. So apparently they don't hurt your collarbone like the other ones do.
If you've rode Banshee at Kings Island, you know how badly that digs into your collarbone after a bit. Not as big of an issue on some of the other, being on vest restraints, but especially Banshee.
So i have we didn't get to sit in it. Nobody did. So hopefully it that what I'm being told is true. But i am I'm excited for this thing. Seeing the train just made it so much more clear in my head, and it looks awesome.
So the seats are green have a green accent and have a black primary. um As of now, the train is just straight black. It looks sleek. It looks good.
I'm excited for it. We'll see how it looks whenever it's all said and done, if they apply anything else to any sort of decals or of that sort. so
So Siren's Curse Train, get to take a look at that for a few minutes, take some pictures. Got a few pictures that I posted on my Twitter. Go ahead and check that out. if you want to see some more pictures of that.
We went ahead and dipped on out of there. We went over to the sign shop. So sign shop is really cool. um There's plenty of pictures of it floating around social media.
The biggest takeaway from the sign shop is that A, the Rougarou sign is getting a new a new finish to it. So that's going to look a whole lot better. And personally for me, the Front sign, the the one whatever you before you even cross under the front gate, right now is just a ah it's just like a print that they've shown they've thrown up on there.
But it's going to have a new 3D sign um that they're very clearly working on. it It looked done whenever I walked in there. um I'm sure there's still some more stuff they have to do with it.
But i would be surprised if that's not up by opening day with the yeah with the new Cedar Point front sign out front. So sign shop, pretty cool. Got to see got see Dave, Dave the robot from Disaster Transport. He's still around. He's still kicking.
So if you want to see Dave, go ah go to Winter Chillout next year year. He'll probably be there as well. Got out of the sign shop. We went over to,
ah gosh, my my mind is blanking. We went over to the barnyard, got to see Churro. They brought some of the animals from the from the farm. to Back to Cedar Point just for winter chill out. So it was good to see Truro. Very cute as always.
ah My girlfriend got to feed him. Very cute. You can't not like farm animals, you know. true Truro is just a very cute alpaca. Posted a picture of him on my social media as well. Go take a look at that. at that he is He's a little fuzzball.
He's adorable. So go go say hi to him. um After we were done petting the animals, we got to go to the Siren's Curse. ah construction site we didn't get to walk in it obviously but we did get to walk around it and it's so like surreal seeing just another coaster go up at that park like that plot of land was the last place i thought a new coaster was gonna go i was thinking we're going to get a new coaster in the snake river falls plot and the frontier fling plot far before we ever get anything there
i don't even That wasn't any even on my radar as far as like places they could put a new roller coaster. And lo and behold, here we are. We have a tilt coaster that wasn't even supposed to be at Cedar Point going to Cedar Point.
So it's really, really neat. If you... can take a look at more pictures online it's a very like like the tilt mechanism is so in intricate just from looking at it it's really really amazing um this layout looks super super tight as well i mean this thing looks like it's going to throw you around i know we've all seen the povs and all that but just looking at it you can see that those elements those are pretty those are pretty low to the ground and this thing does not get it's not get very high off the ground um
Very, very excited for this. I have a feeling it's going to be very similar to Maverick as far as ride experience goes. Obviously, it's not going to have that launch, but just as like overall ride feel, um it'll be different, but it won't be different enough.
um I'm excited for it regardless. at Maverick's one of my favorites, so to have something to kind of mix that up with a more unique drop, audio and lights will not will not complain.
So... ah Then we went to the train bay. I think that's what it's called. I forget exactly, but we have to see where they work on all the trains and that sort of thing.
Trains are not my thing. Didn't really get any pictures, but if that's your thing, very cool. We left, went over to, where did we go next?
So we had to So, oh yeah. So the Siren's Curse. ah facility facility the siren's curse construction site takes up the entire midway between iron dragon and where you would in balraven so we had to walk all the way back through frontier and frontier town to get back to where we needed to be so that took an extra however long uh we then ended up god i am blanking where did we end up after the sirens let me refer back to my pictures
Oh, yeah. So we went to the ah we went to the food holding facility, the food. ah

Cedar Point's Operations and Future Plans

Yeah. Holding facility, for lack of a better term, their storage warehouse. There we go.
Food and beverage warehouse. Yeah, there where you go. That's the term I'm looking for. We got to see where they hold everything during the regular season. This place is massive. right In your head right now, I want you to guess how much Cedar Point alone spends on food every year.
All right. You got that number? You got it? Okay. I'm going to tell you what it actually is, and it's probably going way more than you think. They spend, and this is what we were told by the park representatives there, $60 million dollars a year on food.
$60 million. How do you? That is a very large new coaster every year on food alone. That is it. That is insane.
How do you spend? I mean, I get it that they have an insane attendance. Just, oh my God, 60 million. And they're not even open all year round. They're open for what? Six months. If that may through October, like the end of October, May, June, July, August, September, October.
Yeah. Six months. And then they have like hotel. They have two hotels that are open all year round. That insane. fucking nuts. yeah I'm I was floored whenever I heard that number, but there's not a whole lot visually going on in there.
I'm guessing it's also because it's the offseason. So it's, you know, just relatively empty. I mean, you really only have to worry about, again, your your restaurants and your hotels that you have or your restaurants in the hotels and the hotels themselves.
So makes sense. We have to see the pastry kitchen. That was pretty cool. It looks brand new because it is brand new. And that is where they work on everything. um As far as pastries go, they're all made in-house.
So nothing is shipped in. Obviously, the ingredients are, but everything is all cooked and baked and made right there. So very neat. We had lunch, got to try some new stuff that's going to be at the park.
I had a baked potato. we had i had a vegetable melody, which is going to be at the ah I'm blanking.
Why is my brain not wanting to work today? It's to the Grand Pavilion next year. There we go. This season. there we Upcoming season. i I am so sorry. So. Had that. Had a salad. That was pretty good.
After that, we went to landscaping. Got to see how they go about planting all the flowers and stuff for there for the park as a whole. Very pretty. Very neat.
Then we got to go to one of my favorite sections. We got to go to the ride maintenance section. I fucking love this area. We got to see Magnum trains off the track. Got to see a Millennium train basically all the way taken apart.
There's still some stuff that is on there, but you know we have to see them replacing bolts and nuts and all of that. um We got to see the ah old Millennium train.
ah panel. We to see the old dragster panel, the original dragster panel. Got to see Raptor taking off the track and some of other stuff as well. I kind of jumped ahead, and but we had some we had a backup. Okay, so after you eat lunch, you get a special presentation with Tony and other people that are there are their park representatives and they tell you a bunch of new stuff before it gets released to the public obviously it's public now but you get like a few hours notice so here is everything that was announced my favorite of them all is that route is that drumroll please top thrill 2 is getting free lockers that that's all you have to tell me top pill 2 is getting free lockers and siren's curse is going to have free lockers as well so
Life is good. I'm set. I have no complaints. i'm I'm happy. ah Life is good. we're We don't need anything else. Top Thrill 2, Free Lockers, Siren's Curse, Free Lockers.
I'm good. Obviously, they announced more than that. So there is a tower over at Cedar Point Shores that has been ah that has been not used since last year.
It's getting two new body slides. It's going to be, it was formerly cross current. It's going to have multicolored twisting layouts with translucent sections that create a lighting effect.
You'll have to be 48 inches tall and bare feet to ride the slide. Getting some food changes. Famous Dave's is no more. and it's going and getting or no more on the marina. It's getting relocated to ah Castaway Bay.
so that it'll be open all year round. So you can go to Famous Days whenever the hell you want to. ah quaker Quaker Steak and Lube did the exact same thing last year as well, actually.
um so they They announced Top Thrill 2 is still on pace to be open ah opening day. They didn't say that it's going to. They just said it's on pace to be. So I'm a little little skeptical, but we'll see.
Happy Fryer by Gemini is getting completely redone. So it is going to be a indoor location now. There won't be any seating in there to actually sit. However, and it'll be like the other quick service locations where you walk in, you get in line, you grab your stuff, and then you ah go and sit outside while you eat your fries. so So glad it's getting that. It definitely needed that. So you'll have one more place to step into and get cooled off while...
out in the brutal Ohio summers where they're, where it's just humid as shit all the time. So glad happy fryer is getting some love.
Uh, what else? The park is replacing the anniversary sign. So the 150th anniversary has been sitting out there for forever. ah since 2020 and it's been it's 2025 now so it's been five years and it is going to be gone so they're going to get a new sign it just says cedar point and it's going to be roughly the same size as that so we have to take a picture in front of it before the sign was gone not that i was super worried about it but there will be a new one whenever you show up for opening day next year
ah They're getting some more live entertainment. So you're going to be getting some new stuff at Lusty Lils in case you were interested in that.
The Jack Aldrich Theater is going to be getting some more stuff as well. um Yeah, here we go. I found I found a list of it. So.
Yeah, so the show rocked this way, and a classic rock Renvu will take up residency in the Red Garter Saloon while Country Crossroads live at the Palace Theater,
ah which is Lusty Lil's. Sorry, no, at the Palace Theater. will contain contemporary country hits in frontier town.
Other entertainment inside the park will include Leslie Lill's Western roadshow along the frontier town trail and the wild mice brass band performing along the boardwalk section. So you're going to get some, you're going to get some open, open air stuff as well.
So that's what we got to see at that little, little conference. Um, There is stuff going on with Snake River Falls and that general area. I don't know what it's going to be, but they made slight mention of it.
Oh yeah, one last thing we learned. Siren's Curse is going to have metal detectors, so expect that.
We then proceeded to go through the maintenance ah thing. i already showed you, or already talked to you about all of that. We then... Kind of just not really meander, but we got to see some other stuff that I wasn't super interested in, but it is still cool to see.
We got to see the linen. The linen is very, very neat. The amount of sheets they have to go through is ridiculous, and the machines they have to fold all this stuff and to clean all of this stuff is nuts. So go go check check that out next year if you can.
Linen is very, very cool. The amount of work they have to do and the amount of money they spend on Just keeping sheets clean is ridiculous. So very cool there. Got to see Park Services, that all the tractors and ah other things they have and bobcats they have just clean up stuff.
The amount of bags and trash cans they have. Oh, my God. It is an enormous amount. The amount of trash bags they have is ridiculous.
So very, very, very cool. But that was that was basically it. We got to see some of the costumes and stuff that they're using at the Jack Aldrich Theater. We got to walk in there, walk up on stage, ah just take a look at some of the stuff. It's very in-depth on these costumes.
Some people put a lot of work into these. So very, very cool stuff. That is basically all that happened. We also ended up just personally going to Kalahari in Sandusky.
That same day they had an after hours event that day. It was 25 bucks to get in We got some free popcorn. It was two hours of super short waits and super short ride times. Go check out Kalahari, especially in the winter. If you want something to hold you over until summer rolls back around.
i fell off the tube on one of the slides because of the way I positioned my feet. Thankfully they were able to get it fixed and I felt awful about that. So glad, glad it wasn't anything.
major so um and then we also had some toff's ice cream before heading home toff's go i fucking love toff's ice cream go check out toff's ice cream it's ah amazing so that's basically all it was it was just a quick weekend trip for me and my girlfriend it was a good time uh would would definitely suggest heading up there for winter chill out next year i will be there next year if i can get tickets i got tickets this year fingers crossed i can do it again next year It's definitely worth your time.
It all goes to a good cause. it's It's just a great time. You get discounted hotel rates. You get to see stuff that you don't traditionally get to see. You get to walk in areas you don't get to traditionally walk in.
It's perfect for taking pictures and seeing stuff up close. So hopefully they keep doing this for years to come. I don't see why they wouldn't. It just does good stuff for the community and for for people all over.
So I hope you guys, enjoyed this episode kind of a shorter one compared to what we had the week before or two weeks before at this point now but uh yeah that's it's going to be a shorter one because i am headed off to southern california here in as of time of uploading two days so expect a massive trip report then i'm also looking to have your favorite coaster sucks on here soon and expect a live
ah little update from Southern California. It'll just be a minute or two, but but I will be, I will go ahead and post it on here. So go ahead and join the discord. We got more people in there. It's still very small, but we're still working on it.
I'm trying to get a community, a community built up in there. So if you want to talk with me, talk with other people in the community, go ahead and hit us up on there. I'm glad I'll be glad to have you guys on and, uh, and just talk with people.
so That is really all I... Oh, wait, no. One last thing. Go follow me on Twitter. Go check me out there. I will go ahead and you know keep you up keep you guys updated on what's going on.
If you want, go ahead and follow me on Instagram as well. ah at lu at this underscore or sorry At single rider line podcast. on I can't think right now. What is going on with my brain?
Forget everything I just said. God, I can't think. On Twitter, at thesingleriderlinepod. Go ahead and follow me there. ah Instagram, same thing. Thesingleriderline.
Lunarist. You can type in that. L-U-N-A-R-U-S. Just go give me a follow. And I will... be glad to have you on there. So I hope you guys have a good one. We will see you live from Southern California, either LA or San Diego. One of the two depends on which part I decided to record that going to be hitting up knots, magic mountain, ah Disneyland, sea world, San Diego, Belmont park, and just in general, having a good time with the, your favorites, coaster sucks crew.
So you guys have a great rest of your week. We're getting through it. We're getting through the week. We're getting through the off season. We're almost there. We're getting we're getting into March.
We're slowly getting back to warm weather. We're just waiting for coasters to open up again. So. I will see you guys next week. Next week's episode may be touch late, and it'll probably be on Wednesday.
It may come out Tuesday. It really depends on what time I get home from my flight on Tuesday. So you guys have a good one, and we will see you next time in the Signal Rider line.