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The Single Rider Line Episode 17: 2024 Lookback/2025 Preview image

The Single Rider Line Episode 17: 2024 Lookback/2025 Preview

The Single Rider Line Podcast
18 Plays2 months ago

Lance is back at it again with more roller coaster shenanigans. Today we discuss the mess that was the 2024 coaster season and look to the future!

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Excitement for World's Fastest Coaster

Sunday! Sunday! you ready for the highest and fastest poster in the world? Are you ready for a real... Island dare you to come face-to-face with the beast.

Theme Park Mechanical Issues

7,000 feet.
You can't hear my voice. The loveless monster lives. This man, he can't hear me.
wow no
Mr. Pop.
All riders waiting and on top build rapture, we are currently experiencing a mechanical issue and you do not know the length. And welcome back to 2025. Well, it's already been 2025, but hopefully it's going well

Podcast Delay Apology

for you. And welcome back to the single rider line. It's been a hot minute. Last episode was, Oh gosh, December 17th. So almost a month ago, I want to apologize for the, uh,
for the delay was enjoying my holidays. And then I was going to record last week and that kind of fell through ah because work had me out the morning. Okay, back up. So Monday the sixth, um, I, I'm not going to get into a ton of details as to what I do for work just for my own privacy sake, but I was on call and I was out till four in the morning and I finally got home.
And, uh, for heads up, I don't work night shifts, by the way. We don't, we don't do that. And, uh, I have every Tuesday off, which was when I record these episodes and upload them. So I was ah pretty exhausted and I had stuff I had to get done that Tuesday. And, uh, it was just not, and not a good day to, uh, to record, but, uh, the delay is over again. Welcome back to the single writer line.
Hopefully you guys are still sticking to your new year's resolutions.

Financial Resolutions for Trips

I've, uh, I've been doing, I've been doing pretty good with mine, which is, uh, it's more so financially based. Just save have more money, spending less money out. It's really easy to do. I hate, absolutely hate cooking. So going out and grabbing Chipotle or.
more Chipotle is, uh, something I would do frequently last year. And this is, this is getting my finances back on track. We got to pay for more trips and we got to go ride more coasters and eating Chipotle is not helping with that. So I kind of want to recap 2024 today. A lot happened in 2024, not only from my own personal perspective, but also just from, just from a roller coaster perspective in general.

Roller Coaster Challenges of 2024

Can we all agree that this is that 2024 was probably one of the worst years for roller coasters? I mean. Just everything went went to shit like. ah Top thrill to that was the disaster that started the year, Kota land never opened. Mark and not Mark um Zimmerman.
after the merger just decided to go full Thanos snap on what feels like half of every coaster on planet earth. I mean, we have had so much bullshit garbage happen this past year in the coaster community and it sucks. It really sucks. But 2025 is shaping up to be pretty good. And also kind of a what's the word?
Like an in-between year, you know?
I'd take a sip of my i drink there. But I mean, we've got we've got a lot coming down the pipeline and a lot that's not coming until 2026. But we also have lot that is going on. So, just just to recap, we'll kind of go over a recap of of my 2024 along with just

Cedar Point & Six Flags Adventures

stuff that happened. So, start off the year at Cedar Point and Kings Island. Obviously, just what you would expect out of those parks. Kings Island looks the same as it has for the past half decade. It's still a great park. I'm excited to get back because we're in
the, the, the depths of the off season right now. And the fatigue is getting to me as far as not having anything to ride. Uh, you know, Royal, the classics did what you could do. Got some food, real good stuff went to opening day. Cedar point was fortunate enough to ride top thrill to prior to it closing six days later. And, uh, nobody has wrote it since went to New York, got to go to Six Flags Great Adventure was fortunate enough to ride Kingda Ka as well. this was This was prior to all those rumors though about it closing and it eventually completely closing. I vividly remember on that trip walking out of ah Great, Great Adventure and looking over at Kingda Ka as I'm waiting for my Uber to take me back to Hoboken, New Jersey where my
where my Airbnb was and I was thinking that's all right I'll be back came to cause and going anyway so that that didn't that didn't age very well unfortunately but oh well that's okay we'll we'll survive that trip in general was was overall pretty good got to go to a Yankees game Got to where else did I go to and found a found a bakery that made that makes only gluten free baked goods.

New York Trip Highlights

If you listened to my ah fast food tier list episode, I think that's what it was. I can't remember the episodes I I recorded anymore. Yeah, my fast food tier list episode back in November, you'll know that I have celiac disease and can't eat ah wheat.
Barley or rye so finding a place that makes just gluten-free stuff is completely unheard of and Nice to nice to know exists, but I'm kind of glad it doesn't exist where ah where I live here in Ohio otherwise I would be significantly overweight due to the Stuff I would be eating um
just got to walk around New York. It was great. Good time being able to look at everything, see everything. I haven't been there in over a decade, so it was good to it was good to be back. um My trip to great to great adventure wasn't very good though. I mean, the whole Besides the first hour or two. It was just a constant drizzle all day long and I could have rescheduled it to the day before or the day after but it just wouldn't have worked as well and Yeah, but I got to get on I got to get

Great Adventure Trip Details

on everything. Thankfully got to ride Ka before It went down for the rest of the day because rain I
El Toro, that coaster needs some track work desperately. It is just so, so rough. It's a great ride, but man, it beats the shit out of you now. It reminds me of... Some of your some of you are gonna get this reference, but the Beast just got a retrack recently. It reminds me of pre-retrack Beast and how it just tore you up. It was awful, awful. um But that was, El Toro's still really good though.
Um, Jersey devil coaster. Everybody gives that ride a lot of shit. I don't know why. I think it's one, I think it's the better of the single rails that I've rode. I've only rode two. I've rode railblazer at great America. California is great America and I've rode Jersey devil. And I think Jersey devil is far better a ride than the smaller.
single rail RMCs are the smaller ones like you can feel the track segments as you're going over it and It's it's not rough, but it's like bumpy almost. I don't know how to How to describe it, but I'm not a fan of maybe I just got a bad ride I don't know but I wasn't a fan of it. I was also in the back row So that has that may have something to do with it on on Railblazer. Jersey Devil though, glossy smooth. could Could not feel the track segments whatsoever. I was also in the back row for that. That was a lot of fun. I liked it a lot. I like my floater airtime quite a bit. so that's I kind of prefer it over for

Jersey Devil Coaster Review

Rejector. I love RMC. I love what they do, but I think floater airtime is just
almost perfect. There's some, depends on how it's executed. So, but yeah, Jersey Devil, pretty good. Green Lantern. I'm not sad that Coaster's gone. I wrote it for the credit and never again. Whatever they put there, hopefully it is something amazing.
They mentioned that record breaking launch coaster in their press release. So this record breaking launch coaster better be something truly spectacular and amazing. Otherwise, I'm going to have some some major complaints about that park. um Flash vertical velocity was not open, so I did not get to ride it. Got to see some of it being constructed, and that was about it.
rode their Joker free spin. It was a free spin. Nothing special there. Rode Harley Quinn crazy train prior to derailment. Um, I still can't believe that ride derailed like out of all coasters to derail. It's the family coaster. i'm I'm glad it wasn't anything major and nobody got hurt, but you'd think it'd be something that has a lot more force to it. Cause I mean that, that coaster is just a bunch of banked turns. It's nothing,
You know, it's not like it's anything where. Yeah, it's not like it's anything super forceful, so I find that kind of strange, but. Oh well, there there's a very brief recap of my. ah Great adventure trip. Oh yeah, also one more thing. There are nachos there over by. ah Over by El Toro, those are really, really good. I would suggest giving them a try. Go. Go try those. Those are those are pretty good, so.
um Yeah, went to New York, went through the rest of the summer by, by hitting up Kings Island and Cedar Point, and just my two local parks. Just how I spend my summers. Got to go to Hershey Park for the first time in the beginning of August with my girlfriend. That was great. That

Hershey Park Experiences

park is, it was like what, seven hours, I think from over here in Dayton, Ohio. Let me check. Let me check Google maps. Cause I'm curious now.
Hershey park. How far are you? Directions, my location.
Oh, I have to pick a starting point on a map. No, we'll just do Dayton, Ohio. Yeah. So from, from Dayton to no, I don't want bus directions. I want driving directions.
There we go. Yeah. So from Dayton to Hershey, we had to take the long way because they wanted like almost a hundred dollars in tolls just to uh, just to take the, I think it's like the Pennsylvania Yeah, the Pennsylvania Turnpike. So Pennsylvania, fuck you. Don't charge me $100 to drive on your road one way. um So we drove an extra hour to go around that. And it took us seven hours, I believe.
Yeah, for roughly seven hours and some change after stopping for food and use the restroom and and all that jazz. um Hershey Park, a good park. I like it. It has a very nice vibe to it. I think it's very strange that their water park is just dab smack in the middle. You have to walk through it to get to the back half of the park where Wildcats revenges and
Thunder Racer? I think that's what it's called. Lightning Racer. Yeah, ignore what I just said. Lightning Racer. um Yeah, very strange setup. It reminds me of ah Kentucky Kingdom a bit, where their water park is just in the middle as well. But Skyrush, I think, is probably one of the most overrated coasters to ever be built. that but Yeah, overrated. I don't know if I said... I i think I said overrated. Overrated is what I meant.
but We wrote it. I wrote it in the back row. I wrote it on the, on the inside seat with those new trains or sorry, new seats that everybody's talking about. And it was just, eh, it was okay. It wasn't anything super, super special. I thought pandemonium was a million times better than sky rush was. And I get the appeal of it. I get you like the,
the strong G's like what Intimidator has or and the Ejector airtime. i just It just wasn't for me. like it it was trying It's like it was trying to do too many things at once. It was trying to be a low to the ground.
G4's experience and also an ejector machine and it just wasn't doing either one of those very well because it has a twister layout. and and It was a fun ride. i want to get I don't want to say it was bad. It was just incredibly, incredibly mid.

Skyrush Coaster Critique

So there's my hot take. I know you've probably heard that on I know you I know you have heard that whenever I talked to down and last on the last episode, but sky rush just just okay. Can Ammonium really, really enjoyed got to ride that front row a couple of times. I don't think it's as good as Diamondback or as Nitro, but definitely Definitely pretty good. Uh, wildcats revenge. I love that coaster, but man, after two or three rides, my thighs after slamming into the brake run just were not. We're not having it that that coaster is great until.
you hit the last hill into the breaks and that's just, it's just too much, man. I don't know how many G's that is, but it's, it's a lot. Um, and let me see. Let me see. Is that information available online? Max G force of Wildcats revenge.
I'm genuinely curious.
All right, Wikipedia.
Up to three point five G's. So is that that can't be on a on an overbank. The overbanks on it aren't very. Aren't very strong, but also three point five G's upwards is ridiculous. I would I believe that honestly. How many negative G's? Max. Negative, I bet this information is not available.
ah can't
I can't I can't find it I'm looking at
Yeah, no, I don't. I don't see it. Oh, well, somebody saying one point five negative one point five G's, which I would believe because that's. Regardless, it's painful. I'll just put it that way. The rest of the ride's great, except for that one part is painful. But um yeah, I would suggest getting out to Hershey Park. I thought to Lightning Racer was great. um Not my absolute favorite GCI, but still a good time would definitely suggest that the rate the chasing lights that they have on that ride, if they have them on, ah look beautiful.
Absolutely love them. And then we rode the shit out of storm runner hydraulic launches are some of Me and my girlfriend's favorite just just anything on a roller coaster. Really? I mean You can't you can't be a hydraulic or air compressed launch in my opinion. I think that's I'm a sucker for those really they're They're amazing. So like max force. Absolutely storm runner. Absolutely um Formally dragster and formally kindaka. Absolutely. I'm really excited to go get on an accelerator here and about
a month and a half for the first time. So hopefully, hopefully it's open. Um, it's just that gut punch launch and it's a dying breed of launch too, which sucks because there's not really anything else. LSMs can do it, but I have, we have yet to see LSMs really go from zero to a hundred that quickly or zero to 80 that quickly. Um,
I mean, you kind of of see it on the booster launches on stuff like Velocicoaster and Maverick. I can't speak for Velocicoaster, but I know Maverick. um yeah We just haven't seen anything replicate that and it sucks. So hopefully, hopefully that comes back, comes back around and we're able to get some more, something more reliable that is also as powerful. There we go. That's the words I was looking for.
Um, trying to think what else we wrote there. Super duper looper. Uh, we wrote that not in the rain, but after it had just rained and our feet got soaked because there is no holes in the bottom of the train. So that water can drain out. So, um, that was not particularly fun. The ride itself was fine, but, uh, I did not like getting my, my feet drenched or anything. Um,
to what else is there
cannemonium guy ra superduper looper great bear oh yeah i forgot about great bear great barrierry is a very strange invert it's a
Off topic, but I'm really glad that they made Mountain Dew Baja Blast permanent in stores. Um, the zero version anyways. Uh, it's good. I like it quite a bit. So thank you Taco Bell and thank you Pepsi company. No, no, just thank you Pepsi company because Pepsi company owns Taco Bell and Mountain Dew. So that makes, that makes more sense.
um Yeah, Hershey Park overall good time would suggest I'm not gonna go back out there until they get another major coaster driving eight hours for that park.

Holiday World Visit

Well, it's a great park. It's not worth the eight hour drive every single year, if you ask me. So I'm going to have to pass on. ah The new Twizzlers, the new SNS scream and swing Twizzlers themed, whatever, and wait until they get a new roller coaster, which it's been how long since Wildcats revenge hasn't been super long.
When did wild cats revenge open up? I forget. Oh, it just opened up two years ago now. Okay. Yeah. So it's been, it has not been that long. So it's going to be a while before they get, before they get something new. Oh well. Okay. All right. Uh, so after that, didn't really have any other major trips, went to hollow weekends, went to haunt, um,
went to did to did to to oh yeah that's not sure we went to dollywood together so we went to
back up actually I'm getting out of chronological order went to holiday world for the first time on a very on whim trip on their closing day in October got to ride the voyage for the first time I don't understand how people think that the voyage is or that the beast is better than the voyage the the voyage just very clearly blows it out of the water yes the beast is a longer ride technically but man the the voyage is just relentless it doesn't have any just meandering straight track and not throwing shade at the beast i think the beast is a great ride still and i will gladly ride it every time i'm there but the voyage just carries its momentum and it just keeps going and going and going there's no mid there's no mid
mid course lift till that kills your momentum. It's just relentless from start to finish and would take a ride on the voyage any day over for the beast and I want to get a night ride on it. I just have not been able to due to due to not being out there in the summer.
So ah good gravy was surprisingly good. Didn't expect it to be as good as it was. Again, it's still a Vekoma family boomerang. So don't get your expectations too high. But it's definitely it's definitely better than you would expect it to be. And then Thunderbird, I thought was great. It's a little short. I prefer it if it were longer. And that's why I prefer Gatekeeper over over Thunderbird. But I, I'm not going to knock but people who put Thunderbird over the more traditional, uh, wing coasters with the, with the wing over drop. So, but yeah, if you get out the holiday world would, would also suggest you go, it's go on a off day because it's not like they have a lot as far as rides and coasters go. If you go there on a super, super busy day, you're going to be waiting forever in line, but you can get that park done in a half day. If you go on an off day. Um,
Oh yeah, Raven. ah Raven was all right. It's okay. There's a massive pothole in it that they need to get fixed, but it was all right. And then the legend was closed. So the legend, I can't speak one way or the other about it. Another thing too, there are food options there. Again, as somebody who cannot eat wheat, the amount of gluten-free options there is amazing. So thank you, Holiday World, for providing so many gluten-free options for me. ah Got to have a gluten-free funnel cake there, which is unheard of for anybody who is unaware.
um The free soft drinks is great too. The tiny little cups they give you. ah it works you can just i mean I get why the cups are small. It makes sense. So you're not just you know drinking a gallon's worth every time or wasting it. It makes you have to portion it out more. And I'm sure that costs them a lot of money.
But I want to go back and see their water park have not been able to experience that. So hopefully I'll be able to get out there this summer and check that out because I have not been on a water coaster yet and I want to I want to give it a try.

Dollywood Ride Reviews

And then last trip of the year was to Dollywood. I forget what day specifically that we went. I know it was a long weekend that we did. Um, ah it was before Thanksgiving, but they were still starting their Christmas event. Finally got on lightning rod for, I don't know if any of you know this story, but I had been to Dollywood.
three times in the past five years. And every single time I went day or to Dollywood lightning rod was down. And I'm so frustrated. I didn't get to write it with the launch.
because apparently that made a world of a difference and it's not as good of ah not as good of a coaster now without the launch. And I believe that because I bet that launch was pretty good up to lift hill. But regardless, here we are and it was okay.
It was all right. it was It's definitely not one of my favorite um RMCs. It's not, again, not bad in the slightest, but definitely not not in my top five RMCs, if you ask me. I still think Steel Vengeance, Airy Force,
um I also think i'm I'm a sucker for Joker at Discovery Kingdom, too. I don't know why that ride gets so much crap. I think it's great. But yeah, it's all right. It's it's OK. I think Jersey Devil Coaster is better than it honestly. I mean, it's cool. It's on a mountain, but.
It's OK, so ah Big Bear Mountain was closed, which sucks because I was really looking forward to that. Apparently it's a really fun family coaster. I like the fact that it's launched in just a ridiculously long layout, but oh well.
um It was really cold that day, especially towards the end of the night. But we survived. Got on Mystery Mine again with the new layout. Not that it makes it a new credit or anything. It was as good as always. That la that ending finale is is great. Tennessee Tornado, still as short as ever.
Thunderhead, we laughed Thunderhead, I think five or six times. Got to write it during the fireworks as well. And that thing is buttery smooth now. That track work, the track work they've done on that is amazing. So thank you, Dollywood, for keeping your wooden coasters in check. I say wooden, but it's your only wooden coaster. No, that's not true.
It's your one and a half wooden coaster. There we go. um And then Dragon Flyer was pretty fun. It's only one train waited forever for it. But it was ah it was all right. So that was my twenty twenty four. Not too bad. I liked it. It was a good one. Could have been better if top thrill two was open. But, you know, shit happens. Not a whole lot that you can you can do about that. Drink break.
All right. Looking ahead to 2025, we pull up the notes I had. We got a lot of stuff opening.
in 2025.

New Coaster Openings in 2025

We got a lot of coasters. We've got one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, according to, oh, wait, no. That's just the first page.
All right, backup. So in total, we have 122 roller coasters that are supposed to be opening in 2025. Obviously we are not going to go over every single one of these. Otherwise we're going to be here all day.
And i don't have I don't have all day to to go over all of this. so Some ones of note, though, that I want to mention. ah Wrath of Rakshasa, opening at Six Flags Great America. B&M, I don't know what your issue is recently with the rattle and the roughness you're having on your brand spanking new roller coasters, but it needs to get resolved. And I'm praying that Wrath of Rakshasa doesn't have this issue.
So I don't know if you guys remember that with ah Iron Menace that opened this year but it has this jolt in the middle of the ride and B&M which you know is known for their smoothness and gracefulness and you know having a little bit of rattle after after some years but in general they're considered ridiculously smooth and now they're just I don't know what's happening, but so something is falling off somewhere. So yeah, Wrath of Rakshasa coming to sixth place, Great America, their their dive coaster. The one I'm most excited for, ah well, back it up, ah Top Thrill 2, that's going to be reopening. I know that technically opened in 2024, but that's it may as well be a 2025 coaster at this point.
But the one I'm most excited for, Alpin Fury at Canada's Wonderland. That looks really, really good. ah Check out their check out Canada, Canada's Wonderland's Canada's Wonderland's social medias because they have been posting pictures of construction.
And they're pretty, they're pretty far along in it. It's looking good. They've got some. They've got some good pictures. I believe this is the launch track. Yeah, they're installing the the launch track. It's already got the status on there.
um But yeah, this is going to be this is going to be a good time. i'm I'm really excited for this. I'm going to the park for the first time this summer. I already got the dates taken off work and and checked out. So we'll be we'll be good. Yeah, January 9th, the first support columns have been installed for Albin Fury, our record breaking launch coaster.
Uh follow along to see this epic construction project and watch this coaster come to life And then First track pieces was 22 hours ago. So they're they're moving along. They're not wasting any time whatsoever. So What else do we got coming up? We got big bad wolf wolf's revenge Coming to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg later this year. It's just another, it's a fight. Another family B and M again, B and M get your shit together. This ride better be glass move on open. If it has any sort of issues, you're going to get ripped up immediately by every single enthusiast on the face of the earth.
ah We've got a bunch of stuff coming to Epic Universe. We've got Curse of the Werewolf, ah Hiccup's Winggliders, Minecart Madness, and Stardust Racers. I am extremely excited for Stardust Racers. I'm not going to be able to get to this park this year because it's ridiculously expensive. And it's probably just not a good idea to go opening gear. I'm really excited, but it's just Probably not something you want to be You want to be doing so Um What else do we got going on just scrolling through rcdv? We have another daddy pigs roller coaster opening up with another zan perla family coaster ah coming to Peppa pig theme park in Texas. Hell, yeah
Got to go. I can get out there and and go ride that. That's going to be amazing. As mentioned earlier, flash vertical velocity, a great adventure. The first. New Age of a coma. And for ah boom boomerang coming to the United States, it looks fun. I'm concerned about it's about its capacity, but we're going to we're going to see how that goes. i don't I don't think it's going to be. I don't think that's a good addition to the park.
I think that's a way too low of capacity for that in the size park you have there. But regardless, it's already happening. So ah Georgia surfer at over Georgia was delayed from 2024 to 2025. Let's see if it actually opens or not. ah Six flags could be that's supposed to be opening next year. We'll see how that goes. We're going to have Falcons flight. Maybe I don't know if that coaster is even going to open. I'll be honest with you. I mean, it's so Incredibly massive. It's just. I don't know. This coaster is so it looks like something you would build in roller coaster, roller coaster, tycoon or planet coaster. It doesn't even look real. Because just the airtime hill on it alone is is ridiculous. It's
Look at some of the pictures of this, if you can. Go look at Intamin's social media. And I mean, they finished track work. It's cool. But man, I have an issue. I have a feeling this is going to be plagued with problems just the entire time, if it even if it even does open.
So they've got a, uh, they've got adrenaline opening up. That's a Vekoma suspended family coaster colossus. Uh, what it's a wooden, it's a, it's a wooden GCI Falcons flight. They have one called iron rattler opening, which is a Vekoma tilt coaster. They have a sawmill falls, which I believe is a mock rides water coaster.
They have Sea Stallion, which is one of the which is one of those powered coasters you see on like cruise ships and that sort of thing. But obviously this one's not going to be on a ship. Spitfire, which is a Intamin launch coaster.
It's labeled as an extreme coaster on RCDB. i have There's no pictures of it. So I'm just going to have to take their word for it. And then Twilight Express, which is another Vekoma family coaster. So yeah, massive park opening next year. We're going to see if it even opens or if it gets delayed and delayed and delayed again. But the concept art that they have out looks amazing. So hopefully, hopefully it does open. I want to see it succeed. It's just a matter of if.
So that's what's happening as far as major coasters opening next year.

Personal Plans for 2025

As far as my 2025 goes, I say next year, like it's not 2025 already. As far as my 2025 goes, got a plan to go hang out with the, your favorite coaster sex crew at the end of February, uh, February 27th through the 20 or through March 4th. I will be at Cedar Point opening day in May, whenever that comes up. Um,
ah going to Canada's Wonderland in July and late July, going into August. And I will, I'm sure I'll be at a few other parks sporadically throughout the year, aside from your traditional King zone and Cedar Point stuff that I'll be obviously hitting at some point this year. So that's what the year is looking like. It's looking pretty good. It's just a matter of making it through the pain in the ass. That is the off season, January and February.
here in, God forbid, Ohio. I love Ohio and the and the coasters that we have here, but man, getting through the winter here sucks. So I'm glad I have a trip scheduled in late February. Otherwise I might lose my mind. Cause I gotta, I gotta go ride something. I gotta go just be in warm, in warm weather. So.
um But yeah, we're going to Southern California, going to Magic Mountain, going to Knotts and Disney, and SeaWorld San Diego.

Social Media & Discord Invitation

So that'll be good warm weather break before we get into the rest of the coaster season in April, May, June, and as summer starts to roll in.
Let me know what you guys got planned for 2025. I want to hear it. Go follow me on social media. Check out my Twitter X, whatever you want to call it, uh, at Lunaris IRL, or you could just type in the single writer line pod, uh, or just Lunaris and either will pop up. Um, go follow me on Instagram. You can also just type in the single writer line. It'll pop up there as well. If you want to ah see my roller coaster i explorations and other stuff I like to post on there. So check out the Discord. We have a Discord now as well. I'll be posting the link in the description. It is brand, brand new. So there is not a whole lot of people on there, but we got to get some people on there. So join and we'll do some we'll hang out on there, talk, chat, whatever you guys want to do.
So thank you guys again for listening. Happy happy New Year. Happy 2025. I'll see you next week in the Synchro Writer line.