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The Single Rider Line Episode 15: Top 25 Bullshit image

The Single Rider Line Episode 15: Top 25 Bullshit

The Single Rider Line Podcast
20 Plays3 months ago

Lance is back at it again with more roller coaster shenanigans. Today we let a random number generator decide my top 25 coasters for 2024. It goes about as expected

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Introduction and Ride Preview

Sunday! Sunday! you ready for the highest and fastest poster in the world? Are you ready for a real... Island dare you to come face-to-face with the beast. 7,000 feet.
You can hear my voice. The loft-less monster lives. This man can't handle it.
wow Oh no.
Mr. Pop.

Unexpected Delay Announcement

All riders waiting and on top build rapture, we are currently experiencing a mechanical issue and we do not know the length of the delay.

Festive Season Talk

Once again, we are- And welcome back to the single rider line. Good to have you guys again as I had to adjust my audio there slightly.
um Good to hear from you guys again, or good to have you guys back and listening no matter where you're at in the world or what time of day it is right now. It's one 22 on a Tuesday afternoon. So, you know, whether you're listening to this at 2 AM m on your way to your ridiculously early morning job or at, uh, 2 PM and you're driving to work or driving for work or getting off of work early, or you're just hanging out at home. I don't know. But whatever you're doing, I hope it's going well.
And, uh, it's the holiday season. Hopefully you guys have most of, if not all of your Christmas shopping done yet. Um, I'm personally somebody who doesn't like to wait until but the last week, but we've got at the time of recording this, uh, two weeks and one day till Christmas. So you guys gotta.
get your butt into gear as far as getting shopping goes, as as far as getting shopping done goes, uh, if you want

Creative Coaster Ranking Idea

to grab stuff before it goes out of stock, like it always does. So, um, good to have you guys back. Welcome back to the single rider line today. I got an idea that popped into my head probably a week ago that I was thinking.
You know, everybody this time of year, you see everybody do their top 15, top 20, top five, top 10 roller coasters of the year. And I've never personally sat down and made a list for it. So I was thinking, no, that's kind of boring. So what I've done is I have gathered every single roller coaster that I have written. Thanks to coaster I've been keeping track for quite a while.
and then I threw them all into chat GPT and told it to list it from ah one through 135, because that is how many that is how many roller coasters, how many coaster credits I have. As of now,
yeah, that's how many coaster credits I have as of now. so but we' So I had it label it, and then I put all of those into a Google Doc, so I have all my coasters listed, one through 135, And then I have a random number generator here. And this is going what is going to determine my top 25 coasters um for the year is a random number generator. And I'm going to attempt to give you guys a reason um as to why As to why this is in my top 25 whether it's a real answer or not. I figured this might be a good idea and We'll we'll see how it goes and ah pray to God this doesn't ah This doesn't fall apart So to start us off I'm gonna go through every not every coaster. I've ridden. I'm gonna go through every park. I've been to um Or just every like little thing I've ah
I've gone to. So I've been to Busch Gardens, Williamsburg, been to California's Great America. ah Well, let me let me list the year that I was there and so that you guys have a general idea of what I've wrote. Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. I was there in ah April of 2023. California's Great America. I was there in September of 2023. Carowinds, I was there April of 2023 as well. um Cedar Point, I'm there like all the time.
Um, Dollywood, I was there in, uh, I was just there not even a month ago or no, just coming up on a month ago. Um, and I was also there in 2022. Uh, I was at Fun Spot America in Atlanta, uh, in 2023, also March, um, or sorry, April. And I was at goats on the roof in the smoky mountains.
Uh, Pigeon Forge, I was at Hershey park in August of 2024. I was at holiday world again, not even, or a month to the day, actually. Uh, or no, sorry, that was October, not ah November. So I was there in October of this year.
Uh, I was at Kentucky kingdom two years ago, 2022 Kings Dominion. I was there in also April of 2023. Um, did a whole road trip. If you can't tell Kings Island, I'm there like every other weekend. Um, during the summer, I'm there at like two or three days a week.
Uh, I was at rowdy bears smoky mountain snow park in pigeon forge. I was at a Santa Cruz beach boardwalk in September, 2023, seen 75 center in Dayton. I was there. I don't know, but I was there to ride tsunami there. Uh, fuck what's, what's that coaster, uh, manufacturer? I don't remember. Um,
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, also there September 2023, Six Flags Great Adventure. I was there May of 2024 and Six Flags Great America. I was there June of 2023. So got a lot of parks, 135 credits total. So we're going to start from 25 and work our way all the way up. So.

Random Ranking Begins

number generator here is our first spin from 1 to 1 to 30 135 We're going to see what it lands on so for my number 25 coaster of all time is Rolling rolling rolling number 21. What is number 21? all right, so it puts us at cedar point and apparently My number 25 coaster but is Blue Streak at Cedar Point. Not the greatest thing I've ever rode. As far as woodies go, I'd say it's at the pretty bottom of the list. um But apparently it's in my top 25 now. So Blue Streak.
needs some uh needs some track work it's pretty it's pretty bad um last time i wrote it it's uh i mean it has the potential for a decent out and back layout it's just old okay but a lot of old wooden coasters are good i like the beast a lot it's overrated but i like the beast a lot um so i don't know Blue Street just needs some work. It needs a repaint too. like There's some areas of that wood that is just not it's not blue whatsoever. um So they got they got to get that repainted, get some track work done on it. They're too focused on their failure of a Stratocaster right now. um Well, Zamperla's failure of a Stratocaster right now.
so Number 25 is Blue Streak. my yeah This has just cracked my top 25. Congratulations, Blue Streak. um You probably won't be here next year, but oh well. At number 24, Random Number Generator 1 through 135 is...
11. So that puts us in bush gardens, or sorry, and that puts us in the California's great America section. And that, Oh my God, we're just getting the shittiest of coasters right now. That's kind of what I was going for. My, my number 24 coaster of all time is grizzly at California's great America and Santa Clara, California. I.
don't even remember writing this. I mean, I know I wrote it. I think I wrote it just to get the credit and then just kind of forgot about it. Isn't it a um like um a one to one clone of viper at great America? I'm going to look this up now because I am curious grizzly.
is grizzly a clone of viper at great americ at six flags great america um sir viper at i I don't know. It may be. I can't I can't tell. I genuinely I genuinely can't tell. Like there's not there's not any like listing or anything on it. So that's kind of that's kind of annoying. But oh well.
Let me see. OK. Grizzly. Hold on. I'm doing this research mid episode. California.
Great America Grizzly who built this thing? RC DB. I know it's like some are some like super odd manufacturer um the There is no It's a Coney Island wildcat design. There is no manufacturer listed on our CDB. I It's just operating since 1986. And no, was it made in house? Was Grizzly made in house? It may have been made in house.
It may have been the same team that built the beast actually. Now that I think about it. Okay, here we go. Um, the ride was designed by Curtis D. Summers and manufactured by Kings Island construction. Wow. So Kings Island's construction team came in and built grizzly man.
I did not know that. OK. That's really cool, actually. OK. I mean, it's still a shitty ride. But like it's neat to see that that's on there. So all right, Grizzly is my number 24 coaster. Number 23, are we going to get something good? And the random number generator says number 85. 85, let me scroll and check.
So 85 we just passed 85 So that puts us in the Kings Island section And my number 23 coaster is the bat at Kings Island obviously the the newer one that's actually a good ride personally I I personally like it. It's not the greatest thing on earth, but it's got a good night ride, a super underated underrated night ride, by the way. um Obviously still incredibly short, but if you're at Kings Island and you're there till park close, um take take a sec to go ride the bat um before you get on you know your other night ride, because the bat never has a line after like
930 go hop on it. It'll be a walk on or station wait at the very least um Go hit it up. It's a great night ride. It's a good experience. I'm not gonna tell you I'm not gonna tell you it's the greatest thing on earth, but it's still Still pretty good. So at number 23, we have the bat at Kings Island. All right at number 22 we have Number 93 I believe that leaves us in Kings down section again as well.
I At number three, we nine, or sorry, at number 20. Oh my God, I'm getting confusing. I have two sets of numbers here that I have to remember. I'm getting myself mixed up at number 22 on my list. We have Orion. Orion is in my top 25. That's pretty accurate. I'd say Orion's Orion's pretty good. I personally think it's underrated. It nobody, I mean, it gets a lot of shit because it's not a giga. It doesn't have a fury asked layout, but it's a good ride. I have fun with it.
Yeah, it's not Fury, but oh well, deal with it. It's not not the end of the world just because you know it didn't it wasn't the exact same as as Fury. I do think they should have done more with the layout. It's far too similar to Diamondback. But if the rumor is about it being initially a hyper going to CGA, and then it got moved over here after CGA was sold, um then that would make a lot of sense.
so Orion in my top 25 going in at number 22 at number 21 the random number generator says coaster number 46 what is 46 46 is Tennessee tornado at Dollywood. I actually love this thing. It is far too short Tennessee tornado is It has so much potential and it has so much speed and its inversions are silky smooth. It's. Hot take here that I know some people are not going to agree with. ah Other people are definitely going to agree with. This is the only good arrow looper that has ever existed, in my opinion. ah Vortex was ass. Corkscrew is ass. Anaconda is ass. Demon at ah Six Flags Great America is ass.
They're all bad except for Tennessee tornado, which is pretty good because they learned how to make proper transitions and it's nice, but you have so much speed going into that break run. It's just not worth the wait most of the time. um Really wish that this thing wasn't so short, but. Oh well, not a whole lot I can do about that. Alright, we are in our top 20. Top 20 coasters.
The random number, je the random number generator says that my number 20th coaster of 2024 is going to be a coaster 118, which is, as I scroll down, all right, we're past the Kings Island section, 118. Harley Quinn crazy train at Six Flags Great Adventure, the one that just derailed.
ah That's that's kind of great That's kind of great. So I think Harley Quinn crazy train is better than Orion and the bat and fancy tornado apparently um Thank You random number generator, I appreciate you so This thing. Yeah, this thing just derailed. Hold on. I haven't really looked into it. I gotta Derail here we go this didn't really make this kind of flew under the radar of most people um I don't know what exactly transpired but there was a post on the r slash roller coaster subreddit um oh yeah they have pictures and stuff and and everything of how the train partially derailed they said
are the The third car derailed partially. um They said in their post, basically in the last quarter of the second lap, I started hearing strange sounds and smelling hot metal. Started seeing sparks and caught a glimpse of the third third car's left wheel assembly flaing flailing around and with the cart bouncing violently up and down. As I spotted it, the train entered the station with the wheel assembly smashing the wooden deck.
When it hit it, the operator stopped the ride as it was coming in. And after 10 minutes, the train was slowly moved into the station to let everyone off. No one was injured. Yeah. And they have pictures of like where the wood is all smashed up. Yeah, that's pretty. Yikes. So glad he's okay. I'm glad nothing. Glad nothing happened there or nothing. Nobody got hurt or anything. And it's it's in my top 20. So.
Number 19, what is going to be my 19th coaster or my 19th best coaster of 2024 after I take a swig of my Mountain Dew Baja Blast Zero?
It is going to be number 30. What is number 30? So we're in the Cedar Point section. Number 30 is.
Number 30 is mean streak. The former wooden coaster at Cedar Point. God, this thing was so bad. Does anybody have any vivid memories of riding this thing? It was so just meanderingly slow. Okay. It wasn't slow. It just did not do anything. It makes for a great RMC layout. And that's why we have the beauty that is steel vengeance now. But man, this thing was so bad.
Like this was genuinely one of the worst coasters I ever been on. It was so rough. It was just not enjoyable in the slightest. And I am so glad this thing is is gone. It was not good whatsoever. um So I think Mean Streak is better than Orion, apparently. um If I were to actually be ranking this, Mean Streak would probably be towards the very bottom, if not

Coaster Critique: Skyrush

the absolute bottom of my of my list of coasters.
But number 19 mean streak so glad that this thing is gone and That we have the beauty that is steel vengeance now number 18 we've got for my number 18 coaster rate of number generator says number 60 and number 60 puts us in the Hershey Park section, and that is going to be Skyrush. Okay, hot takes, hot takes incoming. This ride is actually not good. um It's so, it's forceful, but it's not forceful for any other reason to be than to be forceful, which to elaborate on,
Coasters are forceful. Like it's only it's just no, let me rephrase this. It's just vertical G's um or negative. Yeah, or positive G's. It's just a bunch of positive G's turns. It doesn't do anything aside from that. I get meh air time on it. It was just okay. um I think pandemonium is way better in that park.
And if I were actually writing this sky rush would probably be like the 70 range, 50 range most likely. um I just don't think it's that good. So I don't get the hype. I don't I don't understand it. It's layout is just not anything special or to write home about.
So, hate me if you want, but Skyrush isn't that good. Alright. Number 17. What is my number 17 coaster going to be? Random number generator says, Coaster 22. Coaster 22 on my list is Cedar Creek Mine Ride at Cedar Point.
ah This is alright. I can't remember the last time I was on this thing. I may have been this past season. I think I wrote it once just because it was my first time. It was the first time my girlfriend had been there in probably 15 years. Um, so Cedar Creek mine ride. It's okay. It's.
It's good at what it's trying to do. It's not trying to be anything ridiculously intense. It's supposed to be a good ride for the family and and it's good at that. It succeeds at that. Its transitions are janky, but I think that kind of works for the mine ride coasters or the arrow mine train coasters.
I think, I mean, it's supposed to be like an out of control minecart, which I think is perfect for this sort of thing. So see your Creek mine ride good for what it does. Not anything. I'm going to be jumping at the chance to ride every single time I'm there, but it's good. Maybe once or twice a season, so but that is actually.
My number 17th best coaster. I love this coaster so much. Actually, it's the greatest thing to ever exist. Number 16, number 16 on the list. Random number generator says that my favorite coaster, my number 16th coaster, it has surpassed every other coaster behind it. It is coaster 134. We're getting down to almost the very bottom here. 134.
is Wizard at Six Flags Great America. I actually like this coaster a lot. This is a lot of fun. Again, nothing super, super intense, but it has some good ah positive G's.
And it's just kind of it doesn't really throw you around. But I like the I like the ah the cars that it's in. The fact they almost got rid of this thing is sad. I'm so glad it's still here. It's a fun. It's a fun coaster. Thank you. Great America for keeping this thing around. I would never actually put it in my top 16, but I would say it would be at at least my top I don't know, probably top 40, top 50. It's pretty good for what it is. Nothing super, super special, but also don't get rid of a classic. That's a classic. All right. We're down to the top 15 now. These are my favorite 15 coasters of all time for 2024.
Favorite 15 coasters. So my fifth, my number 15 favorite coaster barely cracking the top 15 is Coaster 81. What is coaster 81?
We're the Kings Dominion section and it is Twisted Timbers. I love this coaster. This coaster is actually really good. I would say it's one of the better, smaller RMCs in my opinion.
I would actually, this is actually pretty accurate. I would probably put twisted timbers in my top 15. That's pretty spot on. I mean, the the barrel roll drop is awesome. That there's a cut, there's an element on it. It's like a airtime hill that like pops you out to the right and then cuts back immediately. If you're sitting um Or sorry, it pops you out to the left. So if you're sitting in the right seat you get absolutely thrown on that element and it's awesome um It's a very unique style of airtime. It's hard to describe You would just have to go right it to to experience it. But yeah twisted timbers I'd put that in my top 15. That's pretty good. and I'll take it All right number number 14
My number 14 the favorite coaster according to the random number generator is Number 11. What is number 11? So we're in the No, no, we already did number it already landed on number 11. That's grizzly again. Alright, so we got a reroll Give us a different number 129 129 That puts us in the
I believe ah this puts us in the Great America section, the Six Flags Great America section. And my 129th favorite coaster is Joker as Six Flags Great America. Who doesn't love a free spin? I don't. I think free spins are just the most mediocre piece of trash ever. um Hold on. Let me Joker ah Six Flags Great America. Yeah.
Free spins are just okay. I don't know why these were so cloned. I don't think they're, I think they're very uncomfortable, especially as a guy. Um, my balls do not like it. Um, so pretty, pretty shitty coaster. If you ask me, um, I don't think that the, they should make these anymore. Um,
I ride them for the credit and then I don't willingly go and ride them again. They're not as bad as some other ones, but I just don't like don't like how they're executed. um you know if you If you get spun the wrong direction um you know while you're going through any of its airtime hills, if you even want to call it that. It's ah it's very strange and I will I will pass on it. All right. Number 13, my number 13 favorite coaster. Which is number 32, according to the random of number generator. That puts us in the Cedar Point section. Number 32 is Raptor. Wow. Not my favorites.
ah B&M invert, but it's okay. I think it's overrated. I think that ah it's better than Alpengeist and I think Alpengeist is probably the worst of them, but it's not as good as Banshee. I would probably put this realistically in my top like top 30.
It's all right. I'll write it occasionally. Still nothing. I'm going strictly out of the way to to go ride. I would not be. I know they're not going to replace Raptor anytime soon. At least I don't think, but it's, I think it needs to go personally. I think you can put a much better coaster there.
I know that classic B and&M roar is super good. and You can still have that. Just don't have B and&M filled with sand, ah whatever you build there next. And I think you could you could do much better with than Raptor, personally. so But Raptor, I actually love it. It's my top 13, one of my favorite coasters of all time, clearly.
Number 12, we are getting closer and closer to the top 10. Number 12, just outside the top 10, still considered one of my favorite coasters of all time, according to the random number generator. The random number generator says that my top, that my number 12 coaster of all time is coaster 38, 38 that leaves us in the
ah In the Cedar Point section again number 38 is wicked twister. Oh god, dude I'm I'm glad this is gone. I'll put it this way ah wicked twister is It it's just needed to be gone it had awful capacity um It looked good on the skyline. I'll give it that but I what they replaced it with with the pavilion and with wild mouse and just the whole boardwalk section redo looks so much better than the what Wicked Twister was sitting there. I've got a piece of Wicked Twister track sitting on my coffee table.
But, uh, you know, I'm not particularly sad that it's gone. I never got a final ride on it, but, uh, it was okay. I mean, it's an impulse. They're fun. They're not painful or anything. They're just, you know, you write it and then you kind of forget about it and then you move on with your life. So wicked twister going in at number 12. Overall, this list has been pretty, pretty wild.
Number 11, my number 11 favorite coaster, just barely outside the top 10. You know, it was really close, but this is such just such a hard decision to make. You know, I have to think about this all day and all night for months on end. The random number generator says Coaster 69. Nice. Coaster 69 puts us in the holiday world section, and that is the voyage. This is actually pretty accurate. I love the voyage.
um Definitely, definitely a ah top 25 worthy coaster. This is actually pretty accurate. If you ask me, Voyage is up there. It's problem one of my favorite coasters. I've never actually sat down and made a real top 25.
Putting the voyage in at number 11, I'd say if I were to make one, that's pretty plausible. I could definitely see the voyage being in my, being number 11 on here. The random number generator actually gave me something good. Good. Good job. Random number generator. You did, you did well. So voyage going in at number 11 and we are to the top 10 drum roll as we announced the final 10 coasters. These are the best of the best. My absolute favorites.
I'd take another drink there. So my number 10, just barely making it in the 10th greatest coaster I've ever ridden. According to the random number generator is coaster of 52, 52 puts us in the Hershey park section and that is pandemonium.
Canimonium is one of the weaker hypers I've been on, but it's not a weak coaster in the slightest. I wouldn't put it in my top 10, but it's all right. It's pretty good. and I liked it quite a bit, actually. I liked Canimonium more than the Skyrush. I can tell you that. um I think the best coasters at Hershey Park are both Canimonium.
God, I can't think Wildcats Revenge. And then I actually liked lightning racer a lot. Lightning racer was pretty good. Um, pretty good. Uh, pretty good GCI. So can ammonium in the top 10. I like the, uh, helix around the, around the the kisses found well put together. Good job. Hershey park. Um, there's an element on there. It's after the turnaround and after the second big airtime Hill, it's whatever you dive into that little like.
that little valley that they have there. um You get a good pop of airtime, especially in the back. It's like if you took an RMC element kind of of slow. It feels like B and&M was trying to get a little, ah a little fancy there for a bit and not just do the classic cookie cutter elements that they do. So can ammonium. Good stuff. Good stuff.
At number nine, according to the rate of number generator, one of the greatest coasters I have ever ridden is Coaster number 80. Coaster number 80. 80 is going to put us in the kings, or sorry, no, the kings and minions section, and it is Tumbili. Oh god, why? Why do I have two free spins on this list? Who, who decided this? Google's random number generator? Go fuck yourself.
Tumbili is okay. I wish I wrote it twice just to give it another try but I'm not I'm not a fan of these free spins. They're just so like just a step down from mediocre and they kind of hurt sometimes depending on how you land or like how you spin and how you go through the elements.
ah It can be so painful, but actually no that's not that's not true because it's in my it's in my top ten Tom Billy is better than pandemonium. It's better than voyage. It's better than Orion. It's better than sky rush It's better than twisted timbers Tom Billy is one of the greatest coasters. I have ever rode in my entire life So ah number eight at number eight We are getting closer and closer to my top five. The random number generator on Google's search says coaster number 70. That puts us in the Kentucky kingdom range and that puts us at Kentucky flyer. What a mediocre coaster. I mean, it's a family coaster. What are you, what are you expecting really? Um,
I'm glad it exists. It's good for the kiddos. It was okay when I wrote it. This coaster is just kind of forgettable. But apparently it's better than everything I've listed previously.
Candemonium is clearly worse than Kentucky Flyer. Same thing with Orion and Skyrush and Raptor and Wicked Twister and Twisted Timbers. Kentucky Flyer is better than every single one of those because Google says so.
So come on in at number eight, we've got Kentucky flyer at number seven, number seven, two off of my top five coasters of all time is according to random number generator, coaster number 79, 79. That puts us in the Kings Dominion section again. Man, we've got a lot of Kings Dominion stuff on here.
And we have reptilian. Oh boy. What a coaster. It's okay. It's fine. It's for, you know, it's a family coaster for the kiddos, but apparently it's one of the greatest coasters of all time. According to me and Google's random number generator, reptilian.
I don't really have a whole lot of opinions on it. I don't particularly remember my ride. um I thought it was cool. That was my first coaster that was not tracked. I mean, I guess as a track, but ah doesn it doesn't have traditional roller coaster track like ah everything else does. So being able to kind of fly around those turns was was pretty fun. And, ah you know, having to sit those. I'm not a fan of those trains, particularly where you have to like sit with somebody else between your legs as somebody who's tall. That's a little awkward.
It could allow for some definite experiences if you let it. So we're just goingnna we're just going to move on from this and not talk about it. So number six, we are just off of the top five. It came so close.
You know, I put a lot of thought into this, but at number six, I just couldn't put it in the top five. We have coaster number 24. Number 24 puts us in the Cedar Point section again, and it is gatekeeper. The B and&M wing. This is probably my favorite ah wing coaster. It is my favorite wing coaster. I know that for a fact.
um I like X flight. I like its inversion or lot I like it's set near miss elements. I think they're better than gatekeepers, but it's ah just a less less complete ride, in my opinion. And I'm also a fan of ah Thunderbird, but its layout is just set that so short. So I I'd say gatekeeper is my favorite wing. I would put it in my top 25. I'd say top 30, top 35, definitely, but Definitely definitely not at number six, but The random number generator does not lie. It never does. This is all 110 accurate and speaking of Numbers I don't know where I was going with that. I kind of fell apart there um We've got number five. We are in the top five ladies and gentlemen We are in the top five
It does not get better than this. These are the greatest coasters I have ever ridden. Hands down. This is something that you cannot argue with, and this is all 110% factual. at Coming in at number five for the greatest roller coasters I have ever ridden, we have coaster number 38.
which again puts us at the secret point section and is Wicked Twister. We have to re-spin. Once again, random number generator. Don't give us something that we've already rolled. Coaster number five. Coaster number five. That puts us in the Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. And that is Loch Ness Monster, Nessie. Nessie goes in at number five. I actually enjoyed. Okay, I should, I should, I'm going to lie.
Whenever I said Tennessee Tornado was the only good arrow looper earlier, I lied. Loch Ness Monster was pretty good. um I still think Tennessee Tornado is better, but nessy Nessie is pretty good as well. Nessie is the only other good arrow.
Arrow Looper. Nessie gets a pass. Tennessee Tornado, also good. I'd put it above Loch Ness in a real list, but this is, actually no, this is a real list. This is the most serious list you have ever listened to. So coming in at number five is Loch Ness Monster. We are down to the final four. March Madness is not even here yet, but we're at the final four.
coming in at number four, according to the random number generator. And my mind is number 33. That puts us in the Cedar Point section again. And my number four coaster is drum roll, please. Rugeroo at Cedar Point.
Probably one of the worst coasters there if you ask me but apparently it's going in my top four apparently this is so amazing and ah Google that's what Google thinks so it's okay. It's this it's got the same problems I have with Raptor it just It's just so Eh, like it does the same general elements over and over again. It's a floor-less, it's just nothing special. It just kind of weaves around. It's forceful.
But it doesn't do anything that absolutely wows me like some of the other coasters do. It doesn't have anything super, super intense. It doesn't have any amazing inversions. um It's got the only inclined loop on a floorless. So or I think it's just only inclined to loop ever. So if you care about that, go write it.
um but it looks pretty. There's that, I guess. So Rugeroo going in at number four, because apparently I love this coaster. So coming in at number three, we are in the top three, final three. We got to make this dramatic as possible.
We got to add like some sound effects or something, which I'm definitely not going to do in post coming in at number three. According to Google is coaster number 38. 38 is man. That's wicked twister. Again, we have rolled this three times now.
Come on, Google. Give me something else. Coaster 71. 71 that puts us in the Kentucky Kingdom section and that is lightning run This is a good coaster. Actually, I wouldn't put this in my top three or at my number three spot But this is a good this is a good ride. and I'm glad we're finally getting another chance GTX hyper over at Mattel world in Arizona um These things are a ton of fun. um I get why parks don't buy them. They're not super marketable and
Like they're, they're short, but they're punchy and they have great air time, but that doesn't market very well. What markets is gimmicks tilt coaster. The, the, uh, sirens curse coming to Cedar Point. That's marketable top thrill to marketable steel vengeance marketable. Um, you know, it's got, they all have gimmicks.
Uh, it's a tilt coaster. It goes 120 miles per hour and is 420 feet tall. It's a, ooh, it's wood and steel. Um, you know, it's a, you gotta to make it marketable. And if it's not marketable, then it won't draw people in. Lightning run does not draw people in as much as I like this coaster. Um, at least from a, at least from like a basic GP standpoint. So.
Coming at number three is lightning run a pretty good coaster not definitely not my actual top three No, this is my actual top three. I forgot. Yeah, this is this is real guys. This is as real as it gets We are down to the final two We only have two spots left and only two coasters can take it. So coming in at number two, the greatest second greatest roller coaster I have ever ridden is according to a random number generator. Coaster number seven, coaster number seven that puts us in the Busch Garden Williamsburg section and tempesto.
is apparently the second greatest roller coaster I have ever ridden.

Final Rankings and Audience Engagement

It sure is something. Those comfort collars just suck, dude. They are not comfortable in the slightest. They dig into your shoulders. I'm just tall in general. So um maybe that's just a me thing. But man, I am not a fan of ah
I'm not a fan of Tim pesto. It's a, it's okay. It's a skyrocket too. It's all right. But, uh, apparently it's one of my favorites of all time and I don't have a whole lot of opinions about it. So I can't, I can't particularly say much aside from ah and comfort crawlers suck, which is very popular opinions.
All right, this is it. This is what you guys have been waiting for. We are down to the final, final, final coaster, my number one coaster of all time in my top 25 list. This surpasses everything else. It does not get any better than this whatsoever. Drum roll, please. Random number generator. My number one coaster is Coaster 35 Drum roll, please it is top thrill to what? This is not what I was expecting. I was hoping for something shitty. I wanted to get something bad. Why couldn't we've gotten something like? ah Hurricane at fun spot America Atlanta or ah Jolly Rancher remix. Why did we get an actually good coaster for my number one? Why?
That was that kills the whole fun of this. I'm not rerolling it because then that makes it no fun But apparently top thrill 2 is my number one coaster of all time This thing kicks ass this this this is actually an amazing coaster um I love it. It's and if I were to actually rank these I would probably put it in my probably put it my top 10 and It's pretty good. It's not the greatest I ever read written, but it's it's definitely it's definitely up there. I may just have the rose tinted glasses on right now because I haven't read this thing since May, um but.
yeah this is such such a good ride so get out to Cedar Point next year and ride this thing this is this is great so top thrill 2 is my number one coaster of all time apparently so let's start from the bottom go through every single coaster here is my complete definitive top 25. And this this list applies for everybody. This is not only my top 25. This is your top 25. Google does not lie. And neither does the the random number generator. So um if you disagree with this list, um go ahead and report yourself now. um Because everybody who does not agree is going to be executed. um So at number 25, we have blue streak.
At Cedar Point, at number 24, we have Grizzly at California's Great America. At number 23, we have Bat at Kings Island. At number 22, we have Orion at Kings Island. At number 21, we have Tennessee Tornado at ah Dollywood. At number 20, we have Harley Quinn's Crazy Train at Six Flags Great Adventure.
At number 19 we have mean streak at number 18. We have sky rush at number 17 Cedar Creek mine ride at number 16 wizard at number 15 twisted timbers at number 14 Joker at Six Flags great America the free spin at number 13 we have Raptor and At number 12, we have Wicked Twister. At number 11, we have The Voyage. At number 10, we have Candemonium. At number 9, we have Tumbili. At number 8, we have Kentucky Flyer. 7, Reptilian. 6, Gatekeeper. Top 5 here, Loch Ness Monster.
at number five, RooGoo coming at number four, number three, Lightning Run, number two, Tempesto, and at number one, Top Thrill 2. So that is my top 25 coasters. And that is all of your top 25 coasters, because this is the most accurate list we have ever have ever had. So I thought this was a pretty good idea. I think this went over pretty well. So hopefully this is entertaining for you guys. Let me know what you guys think of this, because I want to I might just start doing this yearly.
um just to you know give myself a new top 25 every year. I think this was a pretty good idea personally, like um but let me know what you guys think. Hit me up on Twitter. um Yeah. Go ahead and follow me on Twitter. Go ahead and follow me on all the, all the social medias, uh, on Twitter. I am at lunaris IRL, L U N A R U S I R L. If you want to go ahead and follow me there, it will, I will give you notifications on when new episodes are out as well. Um, go ahead and follow me on Instagram at this underscore is underscore lunaris. If you want a more depth into my personal life and all the trips I am currently doing and or planning.
um Thank you guys again for listening um I've got a guest coming on next week. He is a good friend of mine and that will be What one week from Christmas and then I will have a Christmas episode come out on the 24th as well. So I hope you guys all have a wonderful holiday season and We will see you next time in the single writer line