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Normal Rules + Elite 89 Live Review image

Normal Rules + Elite 89 Live Review

The Chick Foley Show
5 Plays3 years ago
We talk about the debacle of a finish at Extreme Rules before diving deep into a recap of the premier of Rhodes To The Top! We do a live review of the just released Elite 89 plus catch up on all the latest figure reveals. Heel Husband has an epic tale of treachery that led to us scoring one of our Holy Grails in our Random Merch of the Week Segment! Plus LISTENER MAIL!!!! Become a premium Foley Fam Member Video Version of The Chick Foley Show Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% on all your wrestling figures at Ringside Collectibles. Check out the Pod Foundation Chick Foley Show Pint Glasses Try Verb energy bars!

Welcome and Introductions

Welcome to the Chick Foley show. What is up, Foley fan? We are back with the first episode of October 2021.

Thoughts on Recent Wrestling Events

We just got done watching a
Less Than Extreme Rules pay-per-view this past Sunday. We're going to dive into that and everything else that happened this week in the world of professional wrestling. But first, let me introduce the stars of the show. Sheena, how are you doing? I'm doing good. It is October, my favorite month of the year. So I'm stoked. I just cracked open a brand new beverage with my
cheap pop bottle opener. I've had this thing for years. I think it came in the original, like the very, very first wrestling crate, pro wrestling crate. So this has been one of the most useful things that I ever got out of pro wrestling crate was this bottle opener. So I'm excited to talk about my beverage tonight too, but yeah, super excited. It's October and I'm ready to talk about normal rules. If we want to call it that.
Oh yeah. That, uh, that bottle opener is high quality, man. That thing is awesome. It's built the last. You could use this as a melee weapon in case the fight breaks out at one of your parties. That thing is. Uh, Marco, how's life up in Massachusetts, man? Going good. Um, I know Sheena loves the weather.
It's actually starting to feel like fall around here, which is pretty awesome. We can do a fall weather report. I'm okay with that because it has been really nice and crispy in the mornings. Like I'm going out and drinking my coffee and it just feels, it feels good. So, so ready for this. I went so long without mainland fall. You know, we lived on the island for, you know, over six years. So it was kind of just like, it was hot tober. So, uh, you know, I'm excited to have like, you know, a little bit of crispy mornings, uh, you know, every, every fall now.
Yeah, definitely. It has been nice. We got to watch the pay-per-view out around the fire pit on Sunday night. It was pretty sweet. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media.

Community Engagement and Announcements

You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. You can follow Marco over on the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. Most importantly, you can join our Foley fam over at Chick Foley Great group of people. We just recorded our Halloween Havoc at the first of our Halloween Havoc series watch alongs and that'll debut this weekend. So stay tuned for that.
Hell yeah. Marco really earned the nickname, the MVP, by coming up with a stroke of genius. We did the greatest tag teams and we were planning on jumping back into
The Royal Rumble watch alongs, but he's like, Hey, you know what? October's coming up. What if we just do some, uh, some Halloween havoc episodes? We talked about it last week. We've got a whole schedule set up for you guys. This Sunday, the first episode will be dropping exclusively on Patreon. And, um, the three of us here tonight and our good friend, the Fig God, Jordan Wells, we rewatched the main event from Halloween havoc 1989, the Thunderdome match between Terry Funk and great mooda against sting and Rick flair. So it was a lot of fun, a really unique match. And, um,
Just tune into that on Patreon to hear us have some laughs and kind of recap a really cool blast from the past. Marco, speaking of Jordan, what's new with the Pod Foundation this week?

Pod Foundation and Partnerships

Man, as always, you know, Turnbuckle Tavern, they're cranking it out. So, Turnbuckle Sessions, we had the one and only In-Ring Art. Yes. They had In-Ring Art. Yeah, good friend of the show, Justin Frank is his actual name. Yeah, that's pretty awesome. So, if you definitely listen to it, you get more insight to In-Ring Art.
If anything, uh, that was a bad joke, but, um, also obviously termical with their, uh, you know, they, so they have a recap after a W dynamite, right? And then the next day you get the actual in-depth recap of a W dynamite. So yeah, they pump it out there. They're the real, like we say work horses of the, uh, of the, uh, the pod foundation.
Do they they work they work daylight to dark, you know what I mean farmers are hard workers, you know They got to keep all the farms, you know up and running. Yeah, I'm actually rocking that I'm rocking that all the farm sweatshirt to work tomorrow So hopefully maybe somebody will recognize it and be like, oh, yeah, you listen to the two bad chads as well Yeah tonight they had obviously the Russell fig their fig night
They're actually talking about Play Sense, which is pretty cool. It went live tonight, but you can definitely find it on YouTube. Pretty much all their content's on YouTube, so definitely head over there. We can't leave without saying Extra Cooler. New episode is out of Extra Cooler. They kept their word. They're pumping them out, so definitely listen to Nick and the gang over there at the Extra Cooler show and see what's going on with them.

Giveaway Announcements

Hell yeah.
Follow at Pod Foundation on Instagram to stay up on all the latest from all the various Pod Foundation shows. Sheen, you ready to give away some figures? Always. All right. This is the giveaway two weeks in the making. This is the Sheenah's botched giveaway. Yeah, I think Sheenah is already working on graphics for next week's giveaway, so that will not happen again. But we are closing out the summer, heading into October with one more SummerSlam figure. This is Elite 86 Carmella. You ready for the drum, Sheen? Oh, yeah.
All right. And the winner of elite 86 Carmilla is. Congratulations at Kurt K 26. You have won the Carmilla figure. And actually this ended up being very timely because she did have a magic extreme rule. So, you know, I feel like this is a perfect extreme rules post extreme rules giveaway. True.
Hell yeah. And so yeah, slide in the DMs, give us your address, and we will get that figure headed your way. And we're rolling right into the giveaway for next week. Brand new, hot off the presses. I don't even think this is showing up as in stock on Ringside Collectibles yet. Elite89, Nia Jax, show off that figure sheet. My hole.
Anybody watching on YouTube can see Sheena showing off these figures you get Nia Jax complete with her whole also has the women's belt this time not the not the women's They got the in on there. Oh Yeah, before we head off of this I didn't think they could actually make a better Nia Jax figure that might be the best-looking figure like
This is nice. Just it's nice. Just look very nice. Look at the the scans and say the hair, everything. I wish I had the extra heads like the other one. But yeah, no, it's yeah. That's definitely one where it's it's true effects at its best. I still kind of prefer that Elite Sixty Five one just because it was a little bit more unique look for her with the long braids and stuff and the different headsculpt. But if you haven't got a Nia Jax figure out or if you're just a big Nia Jax fan, there's a few big Nia Jax fans in our Facebook group, also almost creepily big.
Nia Jax fans, they really got a thing for her. This is an awesome figure to add to your collection. And this is really the first time we've gotten a proper women's tag team belt. So again, this is a red hot figure, first elite series with the new packaging. The deer looks great too on this figure.
Oh, yeah, definitely. I'm assuming eventually, yeah, I assume eventually we're going to get a matching Shayna Baszler to go with her to represent their, you know, semi epic tag team title run. But to enter on this one, it's going to be had to be a ringside giveaway. So we want you guys to DM a screenshot, either Marco or Sheena showing proof of purchase from ringside where you use that code Chick Foley. And we'll keep it going for all summer. So if you got something from May or more recently,
Feel free to send that our way, and then we'll do a drawing at the start of next week's show to give away Nia Jax. Do some shopping this week and send us the screen spot. Yeah, if you haven't done yet, buy a figure, and then as a bonus, you have a chance to win this sweet figure. We're going to remind you guys, use code CHICKFOLY to save 10% on all your purchases at Ringside Collectible. And are you guys ready to get into the action? Let's do it.
All right, here we go. And again, in the show notes, any partners you hear us mention, there will be a link there. So, you know, you could support us by supporting them.

Extreme Rules Pay-Per-View Review

But speaking of support, you know, Finn Balor could use a little bit more support from the top rope on Sunday night. We'll get to that in a little bit, though. Let's let's save you guys thoughts on the main event until a little bit later on in the show.
Let's get into the undercard. What did you think overall of the Extreme Rules show, every match up to Roman versus the Demon?
I mean, the, the matches were okay. I didn't think, I didn't think there was anything that was just like, you know, wow, but I was entertained by it. I think there was a lot of people out there, you know, after, after the fact in the Twitter versus, I think the ending kind of spoiled everything up into that point. There was nothing extreme about it. I want to say that there was nothing extreme about the call. Um, but I mean, overall it was just like a regular wrestling show. I thought it was.
I thought it was pretty good. I thought even Carmella and Liv Morgan was like a, it was kind of like a thrown together type match. And I thought it was really good. I thought, uh, you know, Liv Morgan looked really good and the crowd was behind her. So yeah. So what'd you think Marco, did you, uh, did, did extreme roles live up to your, your expectations of this, this pay-per-view? Um, yeah, I mean, yeah, I think we were all going into it expecting.
not having any extreme rules, but I was under the assumption that like, cause it was called extreme rules, like every match, even though it was like a one-on-one match and there was no like, obviously no objects, like every match was going to be extreme rules, meaning like you could literally do anything, no count outs, no DQs, that type of stuff. But obviously it wasn't like that. But actually you said, you pretty much said it already. I think if it was presented differently, like the pay-per-view, you had like a different presentation to it. Great balls of fire.
Yeah. Like generic, generic pay-per-view event. Yeah. It was, it was just kind of like a regular like raw or Smackdown like show. It wasn't like, there was a, there wasn't any like oomph to it essentially. So I think if it was presented, you know, WWE is the best at production and producing stuff like that. I think if they packaged it in a, in a different way, I think it would have came off a little bit better.
Just go ahead. It needs more extreme, man. Like you guys said, you know what match I think really could have added a ton to it. If they just would have thrown, make an additional extreme rules match the new day versus Bobby, AJ and Omos. I think if they just would have made that one to give us another full on extreme rules match and let those six guys just go nuts with the weapons and the high spots. I think that really could have elevated the show because they had a good match.
And I think just throwing the extreme rules on it would have made it that much better. And it was the first match of the show. So you would have had time to kind of bring the energy and the ebb and flow back down a little bit before you cranked it back up with, uh, with Reigns and Ballard at the end of the night. Well, you could definitely tell that the crowd was clamoring for something extreme. By the time that Roman and Finn went on, they were like, you know, we want tables. We want tables. I mean, they were begging for, begging for something, you know, they're like, give us something. To the point where Roman was using it to get heat by saying, you know, I don't need no tables.
Yeah, exactly. Something that I found really odd. I thought the Charlotte and Alexa match was good, but the ending was so like, again, just kind of botched and awkward and weird. And I felt like they kept the camera on Alexa too long after the match. And it just kind of like ruined it for me, you know?
Yeah, I was reading. I was kind of like reading around in the dirt sheets. And apparently she's going to be like, you know, taking some time off, essentially. Alexa. Yeah. Like, I'm not sure if it was like an injury. It's not an injury or anything. Just like you.
I'm already mapping this out in my head how this is going to play out. They're going to have like these little vignettes of somebody's returning. They're going to completely repackage Alexa. You know what I mean? Sexy shots of her high heels walking around, you know? Emolution part two.
Yeah, there's gonna be like smoke, you know going along and yeah, they're gonna be like something big's coming in three weeks, you know? I think it's more likely she just comes back like this whole fiend period never happened and she just goes back to me and the meat roll or whatever. Which I would be okay with. I loved kind of like the little punk, you know, Alexa. I thought, you know, I thought she... I think everybody's ready for it.
Yeah, the same way we said that WWE if they've brought the hurt business back together Just randomly like I don't think we would question it. We would just accept it and we saw that one day night I think everybody would just accept it if old Alexa just came back with little to no explanation
speaking of which can we talk about how our mold got to WWE creative and was like alright guys the chick fully show said we got to get the hurt business back together so you know what we're gonna make it happen damn it definitely definitely is listening to the show hopefully tomorrow night on Smackdown Seth Rollins beats Roman Reigns clean and wins the Universal Championship you know so if you listen to make it happen for us just like you did the hurt business reunion boy
Oh, Marco, are you feeling the need to flop around like a fish right

WWE Creative and Storytelling Debate

now? Oh, all right. Yeah, no, I mean, I have I have some choice. Thanks for this segment. I didn't get as much as I thought. This is what I'm going to start hitting it forever and forever recording like a really long episode. And Marco's energy just starts fading a little bit. I'm just going to hit this to just kind of bring him back to life. Right before he had a big segment.
Um, so yeah, the main event Roman hits a freaking epic spear. I watched the last like four minutes of this match again, right before, um, we came on just to make sure it was fresh in my mind. Cause I knew it was really the most talked about thing from extreme roles. Um, hell of a spear fins, like again, three or four feet away and kind of jumps up. So Roman can really just send him flying through that barricade there down for a little bit. And then something that.
To my knowledge, I don't think we've ever really seen a wrestling before. The theme music hits at the end of it and it just suddenly brings him back to life. Like when, you know, Urkel used to get brought back to life and start dancing and stuff. That time he got electrocuted. But he comes back up, the lights go red, smoke's gone, he puts Roman through a table, rolls him in.
And as he's about to hit the coup de gras, somehow a 205 pound fin makes the top rope just collapse. And then even though the music was able to revive him and make him this unstoppable monster, a four and a half foot fall somehow completely incapacitated him.
And this is a guy who who literally jumps five feet in the air before he does his finishing move which is essentially the same move of him falling off of the the term buckle so yeah that was a total but that was a little buzzkill you know.
I was gonna say, I did not hate the music and all that coming back to life. I thought it was a little bit theatrical with him like, you know, doing the, you know, coming back to life or whatever. But I feel like, I mean, cause Finn's never really been like super, super natural. You know, he's just kind of like really tapped into that other part of himself to kind of make himself, you know, like he goes to that place, he's the demon, you know, but he's not like magical powers, right? And it feels like now he's got like magic powers.
I was hyped when he started getting back on them and he like climbs back up. Yeah. When he climbed up onto the top rope, I was like, Oh my God. Like I thought like this is the moment, like they're about to freaking take the belt off of Roman. And then, so I was all hyped for it, like at the edge of my seat. And then when that happened, that that's what took the wind out of my sails. It wasn't how we got there because I didn't mind the red light and all of that. It was just like the complete botch ending of the match. I think it was, uh, I think it was just, it was modern WWE in a nutshell, man. Cause even though.
It wouldn't have made the most sense, booking-wise, for Finn to win the title from Roman right now. It was just such a moment. It was cool. You got caught up in the moment. It was cool enough that I think we were all able to suspend our disbelief, right? And we started thinking like, oh shit. Like Sheena said, we were sitting there talking to you like, damn, I think Finn's about to win the belt.
And dude, if they would have let him hit that coup de gras through the smoke with the red light, I think that's a highlight you would be seeing playing on WWE for years. It would have been in the intro videos. It would have been all over the place. And we talked about it last week. You could always have him win the belt and then be regular fan and lose it back at the next pay-per-view to just kind of really put the demon over and still keep Roman going strong. It would just be a brief interruption on the reigns train. It wouldn't be a total derailment.
I think they just, they missed the boat. It would have energized the fan base. And instead we get this wonky finish where, yeah, the top, I mean, when does the top rope break? It was, you know, it's just heart donation. We have to wait a whole week. It wasn't even like, we're not even getting any resolution on raw. Typically, if that's something like that happens, you'd be like, oh, it's Sunday night. Like we get to see what the heck happened, you know? But no, we got to wait till freaking Friday to find out what even happened to the damn turnbuckle, you know?
Yeah, what do you think about it, Marco? I mean, first of all, I hear a lot of walk backs from both of you guys and see why you guys are going to trash the hell out of that, that ending. It seems like you guys are like like Homer Simpson stepping back in the bushes right there. But yeah, I didn't hate it. I didn't hate the ending. I didn't hate him breaking the turnbuckle, whatever. And I'll tell you why. It's not going to be anything like
anything weird or like trying to be funny or anything like that. But you're missing the key ingredients at the middle of the pay-per-view. Paul Heyman was on the phone with somebody. And remember Caleb Braxton came in and interrupted him. And she was like, hey, what's going on? And he kind of hung up the phone. So that was one of the things there. So that leads me to believe that he already had something in the works just in case Finn Balor was on the edge of working.
Yeah, then there's another part since you said you watched it after when the smoke when he's on the turnbuckle And after he falls you see Paul Heyman run away from that turnbuckle
He runs from the turnbuckle back to where he usually stands. Interesting. Because he knew that, obviously, when Finn Balor resurrected, he knew that it was over pretty much. Yeah. I saw a camera guy standing at the corner at the start of the comeback thing. And so I don't know if they were going to give us something like, oh, there was a camera guy who was paid off, who rigged up the ring. I don't know. That's like classic overbooking, though, dude. Just let the moment happen.
But the thing is- I get it like if that's how they wanted to play it out like you're right like now that I'm thinking back yes like the Paul Heyman moment and like you know the the camera shot of him and everything but that doesn't make the booking any better. It doesn't make the storytelling any better. It doesn't make the moment.
any better i mean this is your this is your first date review you know after like a debuts been like kicking your ass you know what i mean and like yeah i feel like you need to like come correct and make something crazy happen you know what i think you like we're always like you know kill them for like not being creative.
and all the stuff. And that was a creative finish, personally. I haven't seen that before. And everyone's always going, oh, that's not creative. Well, they always do the same thing. They always do the same finish over and over again.
What does that happen? When have you ever seen that? You didn't know if it was a botch. You didn't know if it was supposed to happen. You didn't know anything. You should never think to yourself. At that point in a match, in a high profile match like that, when you brought the demon back after so many years, you should not have to think, oh, damn, was that a botch? That should never be your first thought. Because if that's your first thought, that means it was crap. You know what I mean? It's like, oh, god, this is not what I'm supposed to be seeing right now.
I mean, they kind of killed it by bringing. I mean, they brought. So it wasn't the first time we seen him. He was on for the past two weeks on SmackDown. So that kind of like took away from the, you know, this is the first time we've ever seen the detail. So I mean, we already seen him. We've seen him take out Roman and the Usos and stuff like that on SmackDown for the past two weeks.
And now he's here at the, so it's like, it's not like we were seeing him for the first time in so many years. We already see what happened essentially. But let's just assess what actually happened though. Like, okay, the ending, whatever, like there was some sort of schmaz, you know, like some sort of scandalous thing happened, right? But what point are we supposed to believe like Finn Balor, who has just like taken Roman Reigns to the limit?
falls off the top turn buckle. I mean, he's literally taking a beating and like falls off the top turn buckle and all of a sudden, like he's just completely incapacitated. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, to me that you're really out of the moment. It's just like, oh, I will say you guys know I'm the king of kayfabe. Any type of unexpected shot
Always hurts like 10 times worse. You know what I mean? It's like the outside of the parents. Like somebody jumps on the apron and gives you a forearm shiver. The next move you're like 90% guaranteed to get the one, two, three on them. So look at the demon. He can't escape kayfabe rules in wrestling.
Well, the other thing too, is he kicked out of a spare. When's the last time somebody kicked out of a spare? Like he's the last person in a year, essentially, that like didn't get finished by a spare. So, I mean, that, yeah, he's definitely looking strong. So, I mean, I think they had to do that turnbuckle thing to keep him strong, essentially. If it makes sense and if it kind of makes sense, they had to like do something kind of trickery because he's a demon.
that, you know, that's the only way to be like, yeah, but yeah. So are we all in agreement that the Finn music comeback was cool or does anybody think it was corny?
I thought it was cool. I thought it was cool. I didn't love the, I think it could have been a little more subtle than him like doing some exercise. I would have been cool with him just popping up like as soon as like the, you know, the deep breath part hits.
Even as even as the music you know what i know they come in playing up to this because when the music hit when that match you have with roman you know and like he just kinda went limp you know i know they're kinda like playing like this is part of his power or whatever but i mean i think he even could have just like slowly started to get up like you know like like creepily you know what i mean like demon style instead of just like yeah.
You know, he's just like completely incapacitated and all of a sudden you just see him like, you know, getting up like the bad guy in a horror movie, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Actually, I was gonna say to like when I was talking about like all the matches having like an X 3 rules type of vibe, like what threw me off was when, you know, the Bianca Bel Air Charlotte match when Sasha Banks came down and it was a DQ.
That's what, that's what, that's what I was like, Oh, it's not extreme rules. Cause if it wasn't extreme rules and it wouldn't be a DQ adjust the metric continue. I think that put a damper on it. Cause really the two biggest matches of the night, um, had Smalls finishes. You know what I mean? That was the two most dissipated matches and neither one of them, we got it really a clean finish.
Let's get into it. What would you guys match to the night? I'll go first. Even though I think Finn and Roman was probably the best match, I was impressed with Becky and Bianca. But to me, the US Championship match was awesome, man. Jeff Hardy, we talked about it last week, dude. He came into the match over.
And the fans were dying to see him win that United States Championship by the end of it. You called it, Seth. I'm giving Jeff Hardy my low key MVP of the night. And I think that was, it may not have been the best match, but that was my favorite match of the night. How about you, Sheena?
Um, I'll probably say the Usos and street profits. I feel like, you know, again, yeah, just like, you know, you know what you're getting with these guys, just nonstop high flying action. Montes Ford is just a certified freaking star dude. Like I love everything he does. I love watching him wrestle. So that match for me was probably the most fun, but yeah, that us title match was, was Epic too. Marco was your match of the night.
Uh, you guys kind of picked both of the matches. But, uh, my, my backup would have been, uh, is, uh, live, live in Carmela. Yeah. Only because, you know, that's like, that's lives. I think it's kind of like lives coming out party and depending on where she goes in the draft. Um, I think we spoke about this already. She's definitely destined for some type of like some push. I think they added, you know, she kind of like, she kind of faltered because obviously the pandemic happened and there was no fan reaction to her and stuff like that. So.
Now that they're actually hearing it, you can hear the crowd's definitely behind her. There's no question about it. September 30th as we record this, let it be known, the Chick Foley show is buying up all the Liv Morgan stock. We are all in on Liv doing big things over the next six to 12 months. We've historically strapped the rocket strap to people when we give them the Chick Foley rub. I'm interested to see where this goes. You look at Powerhouse Hobbs. We were talking about him when he was just a random jobber.
in the Battle Royale at all in or no all out last year. And now he's fighting CM Punk in, you know, premier matches on Rampage. Marco, we'll stick with you, man. What was your letdown of the night?
Oh, let me think, uh, probably, probably the Charlotte, uh, the Charlotte Bianca match, just cause of the Sasha Banks interruption. Um, Becky, was it Becky? Yeah, Becky and Bianca, sorry. Becky and Bianca. And then Sasha interfering was kinda, it didn't do anything for me, essentially. Like it obviously you want to see Sasha Banks back, but I think it would have been made a bigger impact if she like,
showed up like on smackdown, essentially that was like her return. And then obviously she found out where she's going. Cause we don't know where the other thing is to have this pay-per-view. We don't know what everyone's doing after Friday and Monday. Like literally all these storylines that they've gone could be kaput essentially erased. So, but yeah, that, that was part of the letdown. Just, it was a really good matchup until that, until that point. Gina.
I'm going to go with the main event, man. I know you all kind of tried to rationalize it to me, but I felt like it was such a letdown, man. I feel like if they had just played that off and let Finn hit that coup de gras in that moment and pin Roman, dude, people would look back on this pay-per-view way more fondly. They would be way more kind to the undercard matches and be like, dude, that was a freaking excellent pay-per-view. Whereas everybody left that show with WTF, and I think it just made the whole show kind of feel
Crap. Cause like we talked about, we've had some, we've had some awesome matches on this, on this card. And, uh, we're just kind of thinking this pay-per-view was like meh. So I'm going to go with that strictly, not because of the match, but strictly on the ending. That was my.
let down at the night. And not that I want Roman to lose either. I love Roman Reigns, but in that moment I was like, Oh hell yeah, this is going to be cool. You know, so it would have been, it would have been a moment if, uh, Finn closed it out. Right there. Uh, I was going to go with Becky and Bianca just cause I was so, I think they really put on an outstanding match before the, the lame DQ finished with Sasha coming down. Um,
but I don't want to copy Marco. I'll go with another one. This is a low key let down for extreme rules, a match where you plan on seeing or a show where you expect to see some stuff with weapons and see some crazy spots. I think it was a missed opportunity to not weave that 24 seven championship into this show. You know, give us some.
Give us a handful of backstage skits to kind of break up the matches where, you know, Reginald is running around and doing goofy stuff or, uh, you know, crazy spots to, to keep everybody off his ass for that 24 seven belt. I think extreme rules would be a perfect show for that. And even though it's definitely a comedy gimmick, um, I don't think it's really a platform for anybody to go on to bigger, better things. They, they have done a decent job with the 24 seven title over the last couple of months. So I think that was a missed opportunity. Let's hear from our friends at term vocal tavern.
Brought by and visit the Turnbuckle Tavern, where every Thursday, we give you the most in-depth analysis of all things AEW, as well as dive into impact wrestling, NWA, and all things NDE. If you like heated debates, compelling interviews, and a shot of nostalgia, you'll love the Turnbuckle Tavern, available on Apple and Spotify. Drink it in. It always goes down smooth.
All right, so we are foregoing the usual World Rumble gimmick this week.

Reality Show Critiques: Roads to the Top

We're going to do an Iron Man match. One topic we're going to give Sheena and Marco about five minutes to talk. If you guys are watching on YouTube, you saw me just dash off.
to the fridge, uh, we do a little premature beverage break. I grabbed me a broken skull IPA, uh, because I plan on just sitting back and drinking some beer. Cause I have zero thoughts on this next topic. You guys know how I feel about Cody, but Sheena and Marco are both reality TV connoisseurs and they are going to discuss roads to the top. The premiere happened last night after dynamite. Uh, Sheena Marco, take us away.
So we had talked about, you know, we joked about going, uh, joining the, the term buckle family and doing our, um, our roads to the top recaps every week. And so, uh, this won't be an every week thing on our show, but I just had to discuss the, uh, the debut episode because I have some thoughts, uh, because I watch a lot of real, I don't really much anymore, but I, I over the years, I have consumed a ton of reality TV, you know, like all real housewives of every city in America, you know, all the Bravo shows, you know, like
This is like right up my, right in my wheelhouse and all the Bellas, like I love all the East stuff, you know, not the Kardashians. I don't watch them, but, uh, you know, all the total divas, total Bellas, all that kind of stuff. Miz and, uh, Maurice love that show too, or miss and miss is whatever that show's called. Yeah. Um, good show. So I was curious. I was like, how are, how are Cody and Brandy gonna, gonna do in this, in this format, you know?
And typically with reality TV, there's a format, right? Like there's a, there's this little story arc within each episode that kind of like, you know, builds up and then it leaves you with a cliffhanger wanting to watch next week's episode. Yep.
I don't know how you felt about it. Marco and I actually haven't talked about this yet cause I wanted to save any of our thoughts, uh, you know, to be organic on the air. But dude, it was for me, it was just like a cringe watch the entire time. I just felt, I felt like I was like, I felt like I was like watching it just surely like, you know, to make fun of it, which isn't a good feeling when you're watching reality TV. You know what I mean? Like you never take reality TV too seriously.
But I was like, Oh, God, this is so cringe. You know, like everything that Cody and Brandy do is like, I feel like it was just like, so try hard. And again, let me preface all this negativity that we're about to, you know, spill out here that we don't have any real, we don't know these people in real life. And we don't have any real life hard feelings about them. We don't know them, right? So everything we're about to say is strictly based on what we what we view on TV. So
Don't be coming at us with all your trolling, you know. Chick-fil-A hates Cody, you know. Chick-fil-A hates AWS. We've said multiple times that Cody is arguably the most impactful superstar of the last 15 years, so. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think we're good.
Yeah. So basically they like, they were showing, you know, Brandy's all big and pregnant and everything, right? And they're kind of like following their journey into parenthood and you know how their jobs are with AEW and all this stuff. But the episode was like all over the place. Like it never had any one clear storyline. Like it was just kind of like showing like these little clippets of like their day and their life and stuff. And it felt so manufactured. What did you think Marco? Yeah, I was actually gonna say the same thing. It seemed like it was like,
Not really a reality show, but kind of like a, almost like a gimmick, like a mockumentary, like an office, like the office almost, that type of thing. Like it was making fun of reality shows. And you missed out on the arcing storyline is Brandi giving birth, getting back into shape.
and going for the women's title. That's why I was reading a lot of different theories and people that watched it.
So that's why everyone's like, oh, this is a reality show. It's a way for Brandy to get out there. She was acting like she was going to be like, well, there's always somebody waiting. I got to get back in the ring as quick as I can. There's always somebody waiting. I'm like, your husband is like the EVP of the company. I think you're OK, sweetheart.
Yeah, I think you're okay. Let me just say I can say this because I'm a mom and I don't make I don't make a habit of like judging other moms because becoming a mom will humble you in ways that you've never experienced becoming a parent in general will humble you in ways that you never experienced and you know, you're you're always in that position where it's like never say never people say like oh never say never well it's true like there's so many things you say before you have kids
that just go out the window once you have kids, right? But I was so bothered. Like they just seemed like this kid was like an inconvenience in their life. Like they're like, Brandy's just like, I'm just gonna have a night nanny take care of my baby. And you know, I don't care. Like I'm gonna get my body back in shape. I'm gonna get in the ring and win the, you know, the women's championship. And Cody was like, I'm not taking any paternity leave. I mean, my dad, you know, Dusty came to the hospital and then head out. I was like, that was 30 years ago, Cody.
Like you really want to live life like Dusty Rose was living 30 years ago, like coming along. Yeah, Dusty Rose was never like the executive vice president of a company. He was still just going out. He had to wrestle each show to put money on the table. Yeah. Exactly, exactly. It was like Cody was trying to come from this holier than thou, like I'm old school, I'm not going to take paternity leave to have my little girl or whatever. And then he was like, well, I don't know how I'm going to do it, juggling being a dad.
Being the head of a company and i'm like you guys should have thought about this before you got it in and decided these conversations not take place because to me as a parent it can't like you know when you're like a family show like that you kinda wanna like like.
figure like target your audience, you know, and I felt like they were completely off base, like being like, Oh, we don't care. But I mean, and I'm sure they're great parents, and I'm sure they love their baby. But the way they were like, making themselves seem on TV was like very cold and callous. And you know, Brandy was just like, you know, not not very likable at all. It can't Yeah, it came off that way. I'm hoping the the other storyline within this is obviously they they they talk like that. Like it sounds like it's an inconvenience to have again.
But like as the show goes along and they do have their baby, like they start to learn that, you know, the baby's more important than anything. So that's what I'm hoping. I'm going to bring the positivity to this. But yeah, I'm hoping that that's where, like, you know, the learning comes in, like the first time parents, they've never been parents before. Yeah. You know, her being older
That was the other thing that they brought up was like, she's, you know, she's considered like a senior and having a child. So like, that's another thing that comes into play. So 30, 35, maybe. I don't know. You could look up how old is a little brand brand. She said she was 35. Oh, that is okay. And it's, I feel like, you know, all that storyline about them being parents is whatever. Then Cody baked her a cake and it was also like cheesy and manufactured, but
so they tried to weave in these like wrestling storylines too like it looked like you know they were trying to make it look like you know um he introduced her as the chief brand officer and so he was like oh she's the she's the chief brand officer and they were both sitting in this little office and he's like well what do you got going on today she's like well i gotta go talk to a lot of people and then i gotta zoom and it was just like i was like
I was like, yeah, you seem like you're really busy, Brandy. Like, you know, I'm glad you're doing so much good work, you know, trying to be the Stephanie McMahon of AEW, you know? And then she did this whole thing with like, she was trying to like come down on Jade Cargill for slapping, for slapping freaking red velvet too, too hard. And then they had a wine tasting where they just resolved it all in 10 seconds. I was like, that's reality TV 101. They're like, well, we got to bring some drama to this because you two are obviously so freaking flat that we can bring somebody into this with some life.
My first, yeah, my first song was when they brought that up like, Oh no, you, you slapped her too hard. And I'm like, there's been far worse things that have probably happened to you in the ring. And during a segment, they get in a hard slap to the face. That was all, that was all just like reality. Hardee on there from that time when he went flying off the forklift onto the concrete. Even, even, even for jade and, um, yeah. Uh, what's her name? Uh, red velvet, red velvet. Yeah. Even like.
They've probably had worse things happen to them during a segment or in ring than a hard They were just they were just trying to give brandy something to do. So it looked like she worked there. You know what I mean? Wow And then I sent this before uh, oh go ahead No, go ahead dude. No, I was gonna say uh, there was so we got to I totally forgot that cody has Has a sister we kind of spoke about this before we went on. Yeah, that was nice Yeah, so I was like if
Seth watch this with you and I know he doesn't like Cody, but if he's seen Cody sister there's Cody's the greatest guy in the world compared to her like she is Yeah Maybe her attitude is in response to Brandi's like, you know overarching like, you know, they kind of hate each other They don't have a very good relationship
She's a, she's not a likable person. If there's one room that's not likable, it's definitely Cody's sister. I think that's the problem with this show as a whole. Like there's not a lot of likability there, like with any of them and not that, I mean, I'm sure they're good people. I mean, Cody kind of comes off clean. There's nothing funny. I mean, Dustin's the best of the bunch.
Yeah, Dustin's great. There's no funny, witty, like, you know, at least with the Bellas, they're like quirky and funny. And like, you know, they kind of have like their own little like sister language and you know, in that in there's like, there's like stories in their episodes, like the one time that freaking
Uh, Brie and Brian had to like move in with John Cena and Nikki Bella. Like that was the best because it was like, you know, two worlds colliding. It was like, you know, when you switch your spouses, whether it was that show, like, you know, spouse who switch or wife swap or whatever. Yeah. Like it was like, yeah. You got to have a main story that's like, you know, dramatic or at least a little bit impactful. And then you got to be story where it's like, you know, we got to get the dog to agree to, you know, wear this costume for a photo shoot or something. You know what I mean? Yeah.
I agree. It was kind of just all over the place, which it was the pilot. And Tony Khan, it was just like, see, I liked that. Like if they would make it, maybe like, you know, 25% Cody and Brandy and the rest was like, you know, behind the scenes, like kind of kayfabe kind of shoot stuff with the wrestlers. I think I would watch that. But those were, those were the best segments for me. Yeah. They went with, they went with, uh, mocks and mocks was like, he's like, she's like, how are you doing mocks? And he's like, I'm hungover.
You know what I mean? And Brandy just kind of stood there like, Oh, okay. Like, I mean, she didn't have any, like no response at all. You know, I'm like, dude, that could have been a really funny moment, you know, but Brandy's so stiff that it just didn't, it didn't translate at all. So they didn't utilize him at all. Cause he was great on, on total divas when he was on, uh, well, I mean, he was, he was, he was, he was boxley on total divas, but like when he was on it, he was, he was the most entertaining.
It's the best he's awesome. They they underutilized him on that first episode. I would have had him saying some crazy stuff. But I know it was cool seeing Darby Allen, though, like talking like him talking like, you know, how he got into the wrestling business, stuff like that. That was that was pretty cool. But it's speaking to Darby Allen.
That segment with MJF was like freaking, did you guys watch that? That was unexpected. I'll say that much, especially about the, you know, his uncle. Yeah. And I'm on record as not being a huge MJF fan, but the one cool thing about him is he's good at building to these like blood feud style matches. And he is good at having the really violent payoffs to his matches. So I'm looking forward to a bloody violent brawl.
between uh between derby and mjf when it finally goes down because he's definitely pulling no punches on those promos and briefly while we're on the topic at aw how about uh sammy g taking that tnt title from miro what a moment that was awesome amazing yeah so hyped for that and i mean both guys i think both guys ended up still looking good after that match so yeah that was a win yeah miro's got plenty of alice and i and honestly i think
His, his reign, his look, his promos, everything he's doing right now, he's kind of above the TNT title. He's ready to be in that main event picture. You know, TNT title is an awesome mid-car championship. And I think Miro did what he needed to do with it. And it's time to move to the main event. So yeah. He even got the rub out of that MJF, MJF, uh, Darby promo. You know what I mean? So like he even got a little bit of a power boost before that even happened. So.
Yeah, that's right. Really cool. I'm glad we could end that Road to the Top segment on something positive and feel good. Well, I'll ask the key question. Marco, we'll start with you, man. Next week, are you watching Road to the Top?
I think I think I have to just to see what if it's just to see like, like we said, we're gonna like we said, this is a pilot episode. So it's kind of all over the place. Hopefully this next episode, we'll treat it as the first episode of this some type of cohesiveness to that to the people. Yeah. We'll be like those people that tell you when that when you're when they're explaining their favorite show to you, like you got to get past the first two seasons and then it gets really good. Yeah. But yeah.
I'll probably, you know, get next week. Yeah, I'm gonna watch it. I mean, I, you know, I have a very high tolerance for crap TV. So, you know, I, even though I even though I totally shit on it during this segment, I still enjoyed watching the train wreck, you know, I still enjoyed watching like the
the cringe moments because it just makes me feel better. I'm like, well, even if I'm not funny, I'm not as lame as Brandy. For all the listeners out there, let us know what you guys think. If you want, we'll add maybe a three-minute recap every week for roads to the top here to this show. We'll make it a standard
a standard feature, so let us know if that's what you guys want here. You guys can't ever claim that we don't like AEW. We're even talking about their freaking reality show, so. Oh yeah, so. We love AEW, but yeah. So yeah, let us know if that's something you guys want and we will add it to the show. Let's have a drink. Whoa, she need to turn it up.

Weekly Beverage Break

right. It's the weekly beverage break. You guys already saw what I was drinking. I started off with a Ruby Redbird by Shinerbok and then switched it up to kind of help that that road to the top recap go down a little bit smoother with a broken skull IPA. Marco, you're up next, man. What are you drinking tonight? Same hair. Got the broken skull IPA. Hell yeah. Hey, back of your can. Is yours the Virginia version or is it the Cali version?
You can see it by the barcode, yeah. At the bottom by the barcode, it'll tell you where it was canned at. Yeah, Virginia Beach. Yeah. We had a shortage for a little bit here locally, and I was worried that maybe the contract ran out or something happened, and the realm wasn't brewing anymore. But it's back in stock, so pretty cool. I still have not seen anything
um like publicly stated about the you know some agreement between the two of them so it's still kind of funny that they did it but i'm glad because honestly i didn't know the difference so i just randomly looked at the can so yeah shout out to new realm here in uh virginia beach for hooking it up and getting this broken skull up and down the east coast uh sheena's got a very unique choice this week what are you drinking
Both of you guys, you know, we're dropping on October 1st. Both of you guys failed to bring anything fall or spooky to the table. I got to like, you know, make sure that the show has some semblance of festivity. So I am drinking this apple, this hard apple cider. I picked it up. I went to pick up my raw cow's milk at the little produce and provisions
like farmer's market little stand and they posted on their instagram that they had this, you know, all their local, they sell all like local Virginia goods and uh, they had new cider and new apples and stuff. And so I was like, oh hell yeah. So this is Albemarle cider works. Um, and it's Jupiter's legacy, Virginia apple cider. So it's really good. It's not sweet. I don't know. I guess I was expecting it to be a little bit more sweet. Um, it's a 7% ABV. So
It's pretty stout and it's almost like a dry kind of white wine taste to it. You know what I mean? It's got a little bit of, I don't know.
bitterness to it, but I kind of really like it. I think it would be really, really good to drink it like a mimosa. Cause I also picked up some just regular apple cider, like, you know, all like just like real homemade apple cider from the place too. Like if you did like mimosa style, like you did, you know, a glass of this, and then you put a little bit of a dash of the regular apple cider in there to kick it up and make it a little more sweet. I think it would be choice. So, so you're saying champagne with the apple cider? No, if you did, if you did,
no if you did this apple cider you did like the dry because this isn't like sweet this is like you know it's like hard apple cider so it's like not very super sweet it's kind of like dry and citrusy and like like woodchuck yeah it's not well it's not as sweet as woodchuck it's actually like less sweet than woodchuck
And then did a little splash of the regular apple cider on top of it apple cider hard apple cider with virgin apple cider on top of it Maybe I'll do it after we go off the air is pour a small glass of that apple cider and then pour a shot of bourbon on top of it I think that's the way that can be good even though I really like bourbon, but that does sound good. I
I like a little bourbon and hard cider mix up, even though it's definitely a dangerous drink to have. It's not something you want to do. Yeah. The heel has been on hard apple cider is a, um, you know, experience with Chuck with a shot of maker's Mark poured into it. It's like one of my favorites, but yeah, that's definitely not something you want to drink before you're making any major life decisions or operating a heavy machinery, anything like that. Oh boy. Marco, you big cider fan.
Yeah, actually we this this past weekend we went to we went apple picking Yeah, my my wife ended up grabbing Somebody it was like apple wine It was like wine made with apples. It was actually really good
Yeah, it's, I mean, if we got the, obviously we get the, uh, the, the donuts too as well. You have to get the apple fritter donuts. Yeah. Oh, that's so good. Um, but yeah, I mean, it's, it's apple season. So you definitely have to get any, I do, I do have a, I do have a bear that's for Halloween. I just, I'll break it out next week. So because the can is awesome.
So you got to see what you need to come. Correct. Take your butt to total wine or whatever you guys got up there and get yourself some fall brews for the next four weeks. You know what I mean? And while you drink hard out, you drink hard alcohol on our Patreon exclusives, but still, yes, bring the festivities. You know what I mean? Cause I'm over here drinking out of my Halloween havoc, chick fully show cup. You know, I got all the, I got,
my freaking Vampira shirt on. I'm surrounded by WWE. Well, I guess there's some AEW zombies back here now. They used to be WWE zombies, but they're AEW zombies now. I got Frank over here in the corner, you know what I mean? So I'm living the Halloween life over here. Y'all are slacking. Yeah, we have.

Wrestling Figure Talk

All right, let's get into some figure talk.
all right it's time for the figure four still trying to get sheena to do a uh a freestyle rap over that uh yes let's start
Legends of Lucha Libre, so it's been a long time since we've had any updates on this line. I actually pre-ordered the fanaticos of Ultimo Dragon and Taya Valkyrie a long time ago and I was starting to worry about maybe the you know this line was just cancelled but they got some updates. It's more figures coming out and the big thing is that we saw the first shot of the premium for wave 2. You know we got
They sent us the Ray Phoenix and Pentagon figures earlier this year. Very, very cool. Up next is going to be Conan. This is pre, you know, Viva La Raza Wolfpack days. This is back when he was rocking the mask as a true luchador. And there's also the lady Maravilla. So I'm not real familiar with her. Are you a fan of hers, Marco?
Yes, I am nice. I mean I've heard of her, but yeah, I've never seen any matches. I had never heard of her till this figure came out. It looks like an awesome figure, so I'm definitely getting both. It's very cool to get a Conan. Obviously we haven't had an elite or jazzwares version of Conan, so that's cool. Hopefully this brings him back in the figure full and we can get some other versions of K dog. But yeah, I'm happy to get these and hopefully we get those fanaticos by the end of the year. Marco, you still in on this line?
Yeah, definitely. I think next week they're actually giving out some more updates or some new details on the line and stuff like that. Because they actually had a paint app of Conan as well. It actually looks pretty cool.
So I'm super excited to get that. It's just anything pre-Konan. And Konan's actually, Konan's really awesome on Twitter, by the way. I know you guys don't like traverse Twitter that much, but he's all over the place. He tweets, he like follow you back if you want to be like, hey, treat me something, I'll follow you back. So I gotta follow Konan. So he's cool in my book.
Yeah, I'll be honest. I pretty much use Twitter for fantasy football news. That's, that's like my primary purpose. So I still have Twitter to stamp on all my, uh, yeah, my fancy football. We used to be hardcore tweeters. And then, you know, we've been on Twitter since 2009, man. We were, we were early adopters. We got burned out when the new gin came on Twitter, we were like, Oh, hell no. It's a little rough out there in those waters, but, uh, I'm still, to keep my head above.
That's right. The other big figure news this week was that we had some new Mattel reveals that dropped actually just a handful of hours before we went live tonight. Yeah, exactly. Some cool stuff available. These are the standard reveals, though. The big things we saw that were new was Basic Series 125, where we're going to see Swerve Scott's first figures. He's got a regular and a chase. There's an Ember Moon figure that I think is going to be an early candidate for the
the hall of shame 2021 she looks like she's got about 35 extra lb's for whatever reason yeah um target legend series 13 we saw her look at that hurricane figure looks pretty cool it's different enough from the last hurricane that dropped back in uh at the end of
of 2019 or maybe it was early 2020. We're getting a Bob Wharton figure. First time since that Legends 2 pack with Roddy Piper. He's going to come with the cast on the arm and stuff this time. The big highlight for that to me was the Jake the Snake because we're going to get two versions of Heel Jake. We're getting Jake from when the Snake bit Macho Man's arm and the Gray Pants Snake from the Coal Miners' Glove on a pole match. One of Sheena's all-time favorites.
We're gonna be reviewing that in our Halloween havoc series. I think right. Yeah. Yeah, definitely We are coming up here soon. Marker. What'd you think of legends 13? No, it looks pretty awesome. That's what the triple-h shoe. That's the beginning of the The DX Army. Yeah, the DX invasion But yeah, no, it's pretty cool. Definitely the get out of that is the the jig the snake I've seen a lot of people going off. I didn't pull the trigger on that last shake the snake because this one's way better and
Yeah, it actually it does look pretty awesome. I'll get both these jakes for sure. What's up? Okay. So this new Ember Moon crap, I just lost the picture of it. So it looks like her upper torso, like she doesn't even have sculpted boobs. It's just like painted. Like it's the weirdest looking thing I've ever seen. Like they continue to go downhill. Like it's, it's a bad scene with the basics right now.
It looks awful. I mean, it just, I mean, it's a cool looking chick. You know what I mean? Yeah. Well, she does have a very unique body style. Like she's like, you know, kind of like short and just like, you know, brick house, like stocky. But I mean, this figure does her no justice at all. So the streets we say they, they did her dirty. Yeah. I'm looking at the, I'm looking at the side profile now. It's all a uniboot. There's no, like it's one big solid like hump.
across the chest. There's no differentiation on the chesticles. It's ridiculous. Oh my gosh. Yeah, this women's body sculpt is not good. I'm sorry, Amber.
Yeah, she had a great elite a few years back. So it's sad that this is her next figure up. But hey, what can you do? We need Amber with the wolf mask. You know what I mean? That's the Amber I want. I think that would be the next elite. And we know that a big shot bill always goes hard on the NXT figure. So I think we'll get it.
Sticking with the target exclusives. We saw our first actual look at the this year's Royal Rumble series So this is gonna come with a build a figure Jimmy Hart in the pink the pink jacket So we got to get that to go with our elite 43 heart foundation, but it's gonna be biggie
with his Xavier Woods get well soon gear, Canadian earthquake. So this is the OG John Tinta, you know, we reviewed the shark couple weeks back. This is just the baby blue gear with the red Canadian flag on it. You're going to get Dakota Kai's first elite, great looking figure. And then we're going to get the white trunks or the white tights, Yoko Zuna from the Royal Rumble 93 watch along we had
Yeah, a few weeks back on patreon and he comes with the salt bucket that that that lowlife mr. Fuji used to throw the salt in the eyes of Brett Harder Pretty cool figure. We got a white trunks Yoko Zuna back in 2015 time frame in the Hall of Fame series. It looked really good He had the beard and stuff. So I don't necessarily think I need this one But you got to get all the figures to build the Jimmy Hart Sheena what was your favorite figure from this set? I
I'm trying to pull the pictures right now, but I mean, I'm excited about that build a figure. I think, you know, we definitely need that for our for our heart foundation. So I know a build a figure is not like the most exciting thing in the world, but I'm hyped for the character, adding it to the collection.
I like to build a figures because it gives us a chance to get people that probably wouldn't sell that well if they were at least on their own. But you know, it's a collector aspect to them. And the only thing I'm nervous about is the Royal Rumble sets last year. I don't think I ever saw any of those on the pegs, man. I never saw not one Royal Rumble figure. I had to go eBay to get all those. Did you find those up in Massachusetts last year, Marco?
Which, what was the, it was a vulnerable figures. It was umaga, Titus, stone cold and. Oh yeah. No. I forget what the fourth and the warrior, the ultimate warrior. Yeah. No, I didn't see any of those on the shelves. I see the hours of media as they started popping up. That said had some weird distribution. Yeah, it was, it did drop during like peak pandemic. So maybe that had something to do with it, but yeah, that was a, a very tough to find set. Um, how did you say that this, uh, white
tight Yoko is different than the one we already have. I mean, in my mind, no, the one we have, it's a different head scan. Okay. Head scan has the beard stuff and he just, he looks a little older. You know, the other one, the other one is like a late 95 Yoko where this one's like an early 93 Yoko. Cause remember the other one came with two at the tag team title belt. So it was from Yoko's run as a Owen Hart's tag team partner. So
Yeah, I kind of like Yoko with the beard. I think it looks a little bit tougher. So I'll probably pass it on that actual figure, but I still got to get it because we need the Jimmy Hart. The other big thing, the thing I'm probably most excited for is out of all the reveals today is that we're getting Stone Cold Steve Austin's ATV, man. I'm so hyped for that.
It's going to look great with the elite stone colds. We've talked about wanting to get more vehicles like Undertaker's Hearse and the four wheeler. So I'm hyped for this. I don't really understand where Big E comes in because it comes with a Big E basic. I don't remember Big E riding a four wheeler unless I've just totally spaced out on something. But they got to put it with a figure that's going to sell, dude. Big E is over like Rover, dude. Yeah. And I put it with a basic stone cold.
We haven't gotten a basic stone cold in the jorts and the t-shirt. That's true. I think the wrecking cycles, I think those are really geared toward children. You know what I mean? They're going to want a bigger figure. They're going to go with the doer prop of stars with them when it comes to that stuff.
for sure. Didn't they pull the AJ or Drew or who was on the motorcycle? Drew was on the motorcycle. Drew with a motorcycle. Very cool though. Sheena, what's your most wanted figure vehicle right now?
Oh, I mean, it's from Jazzwares, definitely, but it's a Suze van, for sure. You know what I mean? Like, that's the vehicle I want. From Mattel, maybe like the, you know, the cement truck, you know. I think that could be cool, getting the cement truck from, you know, maybe the two pack. It could be Vince's car and the cement truck, you know, and you just have a pack. I wasn't going to say the same thing. Yeah, definitely the Corvette. Yeah, the Corvette and the Suze van.
Yeah, those would be my two vehicles that I really want. A.W.'s got to give that to us at some point. It's got to happen, man. Jeremy's all about the places. Or you could have a big show's dad. You could have a one with a coffin behind it. Oh, no. The drag's behind. Big show's daddy.
Oh, yeah. They also announced the, uh, the WrestleMania 38 elites too, as well. And we're getting old man, Brett. Oh my God. Right now use co-chick full to save 10%. But why are we getting old man, Brett? We already got the, uh, the SummerSlam 2010 figure from a long time ago. That was enough though. Who's clamoring for an old man, Brett? There's someone out there. You know what I mean? I'm a rare breed.
The bread figure I want right now is the AW ringside exclusive from the belt reveal of the AW championship. I think that would be a big seller. Yeah, he was dripping that night, dude. Had the button up, you know, looking so fly. Like a silver snakeskin shirt or some shit. Yeah. Looking like you shopped in Jericho's closet.
And that's going to be another build a figure set. It comes with Vince McMahon from WrestleMania three. So get a fun set. And again, it's available for preorder right now on ringside Um, as we're recording this, it is 10 49 on September 30th. So we got about an hour and 10 minutes left before it's officially October. Uh, let's kick it off, uh, with what is your favorite spooky wrestling figure? She and I'll let you go first.
I like, uh, Papa Shango. I think the Papa Shango figure is probably one of my favorites. I don't know if the elite, which one, I don't know the elite. Well, they're, they're both elites. Um, there's like the two pack with warrior. There's like a hall of fame, two pack. Um, I probably go with that one. It comes with the little, um, does, I don't know what accessories the only difference between the two pack one is the logo is a little bit bigger on the singlet.
The logo is bigger on the singlet and I believe the one from the two pack has the hand tattoo on it But other than that, the figures are pretty much identical. Yeah, so yeah either one I was gonna say the one from the hall of fame series, but uh, yeah, I gotta go with papa shango
Definitely. Marker, how about you? Man, I think you'd be remiss to not go with the feed, the ultimate feed figure with the head swaps, the one with the tongue that's sticking out. You get the creepy belt, the universal title with his face across it. That's a cool figure.
Yeah, it didn't come with the lantern, but you can actually just take it from his elite. You don't have the Bray Wyatt head. That's how I have it set up. But yeah, that's definitely spooky. My daughter still is scared to death of it. I can't even display it. He's kind of crazy. Yeah, she hates it.
I'm going to go old school. I'm going to go all the way back to Jack's Bone Crunching Action Series 2 with the glow in the dark Undertaker figure. This was Creature of the Night Undertaker with the black and purple. He was identical to Series 1 except that his skin was like this sickly yellow green color and it glowed in the dark.
I just love that figure so much as a kid. So, so that's mine. The glow in the dark undertaker figure from, uh, bone country series two. Let's go into a spooky figures. Um, Seth, I used to nanny for this little kid and he was like, you know, barely four years old. And, uh, Seth, you know, he, he got into really big into wrestling with me being his nanny. You know, he'd come over in our wrestling room and play wrestlers and all this kind of stuff, you know, never really watched like actual wrestling.
Um, and then, uh, Seth was like, Oh, we're going to get him a gift, you know, cause we'd given him a bunch of figures before, but Seth got him that undertaker zombie. Do you remember the undertaker zombie? It was like the most grotesque lightening on his hands and stuff. Yeah. And he had like, you know, like hanging flesh and blood. And I was like, dude, you can't give this to him. Like, this is like terrifying, you know? So I ended up giving it to him, but I like colored all of the.
the red flesh like black so that it didn't look so scary, you know, like it was just kind of looking like more like a sleeve than it was like, you know, open wound. He really liked it. But yeah, I was just like, dude, this is before we had kids clearly, because I was like, dude, you can't give this figure to a four year old. Are you kidding me? I thought it was a cool figure. It was very toyetic. Very toyetic. Let's get into our weekly purchases, Mirka. What all did you add to your collection this week?
Nothing too much. Nothing crazy. Especially for figures. Only one I got this week was the finally it arrived Cactus Jack ringside exclusive figure. That's a good one. Definitely the best Mick Foley figure so far anyway. I haven't cracked it open, but yeah, it's amazing. The head scans pretty awesome. Yeah, the head scans on point. The boots look amazing. Yeah, everything about that figure looks good.
the scar on his arm, sticking his tongue to his little like space in between his teeth is pretty awesome. And then I think you see this on our group, the Facebook group, a lot of people have ordered from
2800 studios. They do like the retro t-shirts and stuff like that. So I finally got my oddities shirt that they did. Yeah, so that's... It's the second John Tenta mention in the figure segment this week.
the back of it's pretty awesome to it as the WWF logo and flames with the, you know, the insane composite skull. He also actually added some stickers, which are pretty cool. But the other shirt, I totally forgot I pre-ordered with it. He kind of did a thing where at the time, now I remember he
put that shirt up and said, Hey, it's up for, you know, pre-order blah, blah. And then shortly after he did another shirt, and then he came back and said, Hey, if you guys pre-ordered that other shirt, I'll do a deal if you want to pre-order this one. Cause I know it was like last minute. I totally forgot that I did this one. So you guys will probably know what this is. If you see it, so you see the little, see the little Bart Simpson hand. So if I flip it around on the back,
Oh baby, I love it, I love it. That's one of my favorite magazine covers, I love that. Yeah, it's pretty awesome. Yeah, I totally forgot that that was a part of it, but yeah, he had, like I said, he had some stickers, like the sticker of the WWF logo with the Flaming Skull, which is pretty cool.
That is cool. He also added a sticker of the of the Bret Hart. Very nice. But yeah, that's those are my pick ups, but I definitely have one for next week. That's going to be awesome that I've been scouring for.
that I actually have, but I want to wait until next week to present it. So speaking of scouring for, we're going to save one of our weekly purchases for the random merch of the week segment that's coming up. Spoiler alert. But the other big get we got this week was Elite 89. And so we're going to do a quick live review.
We're going to save the chick scale for how many chicks, you know, that's kind of our sacred segment we have on the show. But we do the live reviews, we do how many Marcos. So anybody that's in the crypto game, you know, you got to be up on your conversion rates. And we know that two Marcos are equal to one chick. We're going to go from a scale of one to 10, no decimal points, straight up one to 10 for all these figures. And Shane, throw them up. We'll start off with the figure we're giving away this week, Elite 89, Nia Jax.
Oh boy, what did I do with Naya? Oh, here she is. For those watching on YouTube, she is going to be displaying these figures as they come up. So I'll kick it off. I'm going to give this figure an eight. Like we said, the face scan is incredible. This is one of those instances where we say it really looks like they just kind of shrunk the person down. And then she also is the first time we're getting the proper women's tag team belt. So I'm going to give this figure an 8.0. Marco, how about you?
Yeah, I'll go eight, eight and a half. Nice one. Definitely, definitely would love the the different head sculpts like the the previous figure that she had. At least. Yeah, but definitely. I mean, if it's elite, you could probably still just pop those heads off and put them on this. You might be. That is true. But yeah, the point five, just because they got the the tag team title. Correct. So the wool nays tag team title. Have I seen you when you give that one?
Uh, I mean I give it a nine dude. I think it's a great figure. I mean, I agree with you. Yeah. I like the other figure better, but I haven't even gotten this thing out of the package. And like I said, just the gear looks good. The paint apps look good. She doesn't have a uniboob. Um, and, uh, you know, her hair looks awesome. And I mean, her face scan is just, it just knocked it out of the park. And I think, you know, Naya's a bigger figure. So I feel like, you know, um,
I mean not no shade then i'm not like making any knocks on her weight or anything like that. I'm just saying we love that she's got a bigger head, you know, so I think it's easier for them to like capture her I feel like sometimes Mattel struggles with the female face scans because they have like such a small little like tiny head and so
Yeah, I think they don't turn away the Nia Jax fan club that we have in our Facebook group. I mean, we don't want people leaving the group because you're bashing the good name of Nia Jax. Dude, I'm not bashing her. I literally just said she's got a freaking incredible figure. I scaled her higher than in both of you jerks. That's true. All right, deal with choice, Sheen. What's next?
Let's go with Dominic Mysterio. So I'm not a fan of this figure. Wow. He's missing the entrance gear. I'm not a big fan of Dom, but I will give it a six just off the basics, off the basis of the attire being nice and colorful, and that he makes a matching set with the Rey Mysterio from Elite 88. So you got a proper Mysterio's tag team. So I give him a six and that's a soft six. Marco, how about you?
I'm gonna I'm gonna go a little bit higher I'm gonna go it's somebody was seven for for Dominic. I don't hate Dominic Mainly because like you said the gear isn't correct cuz he had that hood The hood isn't there. They couldn't do that. Yeah, they they could have did some like vinyl type of
Um, kind of like Io Shirai, like her, how her jacket was, they could have did something like that with, with a Dominic, with a Dominic figure. So, but I don't hate it. I'm, I'm, is this the first ever father or son? Uh, like kind of Ali or is that or radio? Yeah, but I mean, but if you're talking about like that, have a matching set, then it's definitely, yeah, then it's definitely the first, uh, the first.
I'm gonna say I'm gonna give it a seven. Not because I love this, not because I love Dom or I love the figure, but the face scan is a little off. It doesn't necessarily capture Dom's like, it looks a little too old. It looks like Dom in like eight or nine years, you know what I mean?
But there's like tons of color tons of like paint applications and a lot of design work and everything that I really like like there's all kinds I mean There's literally like designs from head to toe all the way down to the boots like you know, he's got a little belt painted on The knee pads have paint apps on them. So I all of his tattoos and everything I'm gonna give it a seven just for like, you know, just quality of overall like, you know toy addict ness of a figure All right. What's next gene? Let's
let's go with struggling with the box of figs the archer tamian priest so our good friend uh my damn toys mdt longtime premium fully fan member he thinks that this is a candidate for figure of the year i'm not quite there with it but it is great dude it's a great
awesome attire. I love that like bright purple. I'm going to, and he's the first time in the line for his first elite. He did have a basic, um, but it's his first elite. So it's got some historical significance. I'm going to go 9.0. The only reason, um, it's not higher is that there's a couple of Damien priesthood tires that I like a little bit better, but I think that is an incredible figure and a great, uh, entry into the elite collection. Marco, how about you?
Man, I might have to go 9.5 on that one. We thought Nia Jax, I mean, I should have gave Nia Jax a little bit higher, but that figure looks literally like Damian Priest. It does. The abs, the jeans, the denim is looking right on that.
I had to look at it, you know, because I had, I looked at it earlier when we got it out of the box, but I hadn't really like, you know, like looked at the face scan. Um, and then Seth said that MDT said that it was like, you know, figure of the year candidate. And I was like, Oh shit, let me check this thing out. And yeah, it does. And the expression and everything is like right on point. So.
Yeah, I'm gonna give it a nine too. I think a nine. This is a great, great figure. Again, super bright, super toyetic. Got extra detail and all the extra hands. Yeah, great figure. All right. What's next, Chino?
Let's go with that. Decayed Bobby trash actually another great bigger. It's our first Bobby Bobby Lashley with the, uh, the main event pants. Um, I'm going to go with a 7.5. Uh, it's a, it's a much needed figure. You pretty much have to have it in your collection at this point. The entire still kind of playing and I'm still, I like Bobby Lashley now, but I don't love Bobby Lashley. So 7.5 for me.
Marco, huh? I'm going to give it an eight because I like, I like Bobby Lashley. Um, so it looks like a, you know, so it's like a plain Bobby Lashley figure unless the, you know, the head sculpt is a little bit different. He doesn't really do anything different with his look. You know what would have Jericho, I'm glad you said it was playing. You know, it would have really set this figure over the top, a hurt business t-shirt with the, the gold shiny gold. Yeah. They could have done something like that. I think that would have really set it off, man. But either way, it's still a cool figure. Yeah. Sheena.
Yeah, I'm going to give it an eight as well. I think it, or did you give it an 8.0 Marco? Yeah, I gave it an eight. Yeah. Well then I'm going to give it an 8.2 just to like one up you guys. Um, yeah, I think it's a, I think it's a really good figure. I agree with you guys. It should have come with a hurt business accessory. Um, it gets the little, the bonus point too, just because again, um, this is probably the most significant Bobby Lashley that we've had. So, um, yeah, great looking figure.
Next we have Braveheart himself, Drew McIntyre. So this figure I'm going to give like a 3.0. I just think it's kind of corny. I'm just, I'm in love with the Elite 71 Drew with the long hair. This is a good Drew. It's a quality figure. This is my personal rankings. All right. I really just, I'm in love with that Drew that had the hair coming down all over the face.
I plan on opening this figure and throwing the kilt and the sword on my elite 71 drew and calling it a day. Maybe I'll see if I can do a head swap because I do like the black and blue gear. So maybe I'll see if I can put that head sculpt on this figure. Um, but yeah, I just, I don't know why, man. I, that, that green with the hair that was going all down his face is like one of my favorite figures in the last couple of years. He looks like a warrior with that hair in the front of the face, you know?
But the accessories are like a 9.0. The figure's like a 3.0. So this was a little tough for me. But I am super stoked to get the sword and the kilt for Drew. Marco?
Man, that's it. I was like, you killed that. Jeez. You killed Drew McIntyre right there. I think that's his best figure so far. I do like the hair on the face, but I mean, I think the head sculpt is way better than that one, right? As far as like the facial, the facial expression goes, he has that spark. Yeah. I mean, yeah. I mean, the other one, he's just kind of scowling behind the hair. You could even see the face on it. This is like straight, like white meat baby face, Drew McIntyre. This is another one that kind of, you could go with like a shrunken, shrunken down version.
Yeah, this is, we're all in this together, Drew McIntyre. Yeah. I'm going to go higher than three. I'm going to go, let's go seven and a half for Drew. Yeah.
I'm going to give it a five. Um, I'm with Seth on the fact that I really liked the ring gear and the addition of the sword. Um, as far as like the drew figure, I mean, I could take it or leave it. It's not a bad figure. You know, if you don't have a jury in your collection, this will definitely fill that void. But, um, you know, I don't feel like it's like a must have, if you have the others are like the top picks, uh, drew, but yeah, that gear is freaking mage. So yeah, if you want to grab that kilt, uh, you're going to have to get this elite 89 last, but certainly not least.

Collector Stories and Challenges

You got a two for one right here with this last guy. Pull up his other fig, Shane. I don't think I got his other fig over here. Yeah, I slid it down at your feet.
Dude, something hit my feet and I thought the dogs knocked something over, dude. Dude, I was like, what the fuck? I'm recording the kid's playroom and she was in the living room. I realized that I forgot to give this figure to her for the weekly purchases segment. And I ran over and slid this figure and got it right underneath her feet. So turn it around, Shane. No, it didn't get right under my feet. It literally smashed into my feet. And I was like, what the hell? What the hell fell over and hit my feet? But I'm on the air, so I can't really react and be like, what the fuck?
So I got the hot take of the week we got our ultimate edition sergeant slaughter in the San Diego Comic Con exclusive and elite 89. I think 89 is the better figure man I just I love he'll slaughter I know everybody else was able to forgive him. But for me that he's always gonna be that bastard Iraqi sympathizer
And that's what I remember. So I love the Elite 89 figure. He goes perfect with the Colonel Mustafa we just got. My only wish is that he had the pointy boots. Mattel's figure they dropped is historically accurate because he wasn't rocking the pointy boots at WrestleMania 7. But yeah, I think that really would put it over the top. But yeah, the two slaughters we got this week, call me crazy. I like the Elite 89 better than the 80s baby face.
So I'm going to give that figure a 7.8. Marco? The Elite 80. Which one? Did you? The Elite 89. Yeah, let's turn the Elite 89 live reviews.
Um, let's see. I'm going to give it just because I don't have the ultimate edition. I was, I was cheaped out of it. I'm going to give that a 10. How about that? United 10 is way better than the ultimate edition version of all started as well. It actually does look pretty awesome. Yeah.
Um, it does look like it's a better figure. Obviously it doesn't have the articulation that the ultimate edition has, but I feel like the ultimate edition should have been Neil slaughter, man. I feel like it, I feel like they could, the old, I feel like he'll slaughter lent himself so much more to an ultimate edition, but I understand why they want to go with the baby face. What about you? She wouldn't give a lead nine slaughter.
Um, I like I really like this figure it comes with I mean Our glasses are kind of a jace. They're kind of like knocked off But um, it doesn't matter because we're loose collectors. But yeah, i'm gonna give it an eight dude. I like the soft goods top Um, you know, I think he looks I think he looks awesome, dude The the whip or whatever the hell that thing is like stoked for it. So yeah eight. Oh, yeah
Alright, so that is lee 89 it's it should be available in stock from ringside anytime now And make sure you guys are using code chick Foley to save 10% on those orders and then yeah, we also from our friends at thread head customs we got a The classic red the rock shirt to go with with ringside exclusive rock. Let's hear from this extra cooler
Hey everyone, it's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
Random Merch of the Week is where we scour the deep recesses of the internet to track down hard to find and never before seen wrestling merchandise and share it with you, the Foley fam. You can find links to purchase our rare finds in the show notes of every episode. This segment is brought to you by Pro Wrestling Tees. Visit the official Chick Foley show store by searching Chick Foley at or hitting the link in our show notes.
All right, so we got a quite the twisted tail on a random merch of the week. It's a little bit of a combo on our weekly purchases. But Sheena, first off, tell the listeners about the collection of zombie WWE statues behind you right now.
So we've talked about this like, you know, before on the show, we've touched on this collection that we have. Um, but we're going to rehash it really quickly because we have some incredible random merch that we have to share with you guys. So back in 2015, um, WWE shop was selling these, uh, zombie.
Grab one here and grab CM Punk. CM Punk. So they had this little lawn gnome style WWE superstars and legends in like, you know, zombie gnome form, which was like right in my wheelhouse. I was like, these things are freaking awesome. And they're like, they're like made of resin. So they're like a really good weight, um, super detailed. So they're, they're really fun. Really, really nice, man.
Yeah. So anyway, I ordered all the ones that they had, right? So I like, and they were on sale. So that was the thing. It was like after Halloween, you know, WWE shops, like always like, you know, slashing their prices and offering. So I got them all on sale. Well, for some reason, um, the, there was a three pack of the Wyatt family. So it had, you know, um, Luke, Eric and, uh, Bray all together and it wasn't on sale. It was, so it was like 70, 75 bucks, I think for, for the thing. And I was like, well, I'll wait for it to go on sale.
Well, sure enough, it just kind of like sold out of stock and I never even really thought about it again. And then so we've been on the hunt ever since to find to get to complete the zombie collection. Come to find out these, these things actually came out in 2014. So there was a there was a few zombies that came out even before I realized they were a thing and started collecting.
Um, so we've been on the hunt and scavenging these things, you know, um, ever since. So, and they're hard to find. They're really freaking hard to go back from the, the 2014 releases from what we can tell, it was just CM Punk, AJ Lee and Hulk Hogan. And we were able to grab CM Punk and AJ Lee shortly after we realized that they were out there. Um,
There's AJ, but I've had a save searched for basically the last two years on eBay. So anybody, we're going to get deep into the eBay game right now. So for the last two years, we had to find the Wyatt family too.
Yeah, that was the other ones. Yeah, and I was able to find Bray and Luke pretty quickly afterwards also. But for the last two years, and for those watching on YouTube, Tina's showing off all these zombie statues right now. For the last two years, I've had a save search on eBay for Zombie Hulk Hogan. And nothing's ever come up, man. There's a Zombie Hulk Hogan t-shirt out there that's popped up every once in a while.
but not a trace of the statue. I was on Worthpoint, which is basically like a database of eBay sold listings. And there hadn't been a Hulk that had showed up since the middle of 2015 on eBay. So I was starting to kind of give up hope on it.
But Sunday afternoon, we're sitting around watching. We had the outdoor theater set up. We're watching football, chilling, knocking back some cold ones. And I just kind of had a random urge to check my eBay account. And there was a hit on Hulk Hogan zombies. And sure enough, the Hulk Hogan statue is there. So again, I've never seen this before in two years of save searches.
He's there. So I started asking, I started asking Seth a question in the middle of all this, right? So I like, I was asking him, you know, something with the kids or making dinner. I can't even remember what was going on, but I, and I could just tell he was like 1000% preoccupied. And I was like, are you okay? Like what's going on? What is on your phone? And I was like, leave me alone. I need to focus. Okay. Okay. I don't know what's happening right now. So I see that Hulk's there. So I'm like immediately get an adrenaline rush, right? This item I've been searching for for years is within my grasp.
I click the listing and sometimes there's a little bit of lag on your save search notifications. By the time I click the listing, this thing gets sold.
I saw there was a Buy It Now listing for the Hulk Hogan statue for 70 bucks and it's gone, right? It's already sold. I'm just sick at my stomach. I cannot believe I missed out on this thing I've been looking for for years. Again, the last one before this was 2015. So it had been six years before Wendy showed up on eBay and then another one showed up and I missed it.
But you guys know me. I'm the guy who jacked a couple of defining moments, macho man figures out of somebody else's hands at Toys R Us and Honolulu and found a way to score them. I didn't stop. I didn't give up. Shout out to John Cena. I find the seller. I message him. I see the sold price was $70.
I dropped this guy a line. I say, Hey man, I will send you 100 bucks on PayPal. You can avoid eBay fees. We'll do 100 bucks friends and family on PayPal. If you will give me that Hulk statue. Just a shot in the dark, dude. And sure as shit.
It was my lucky day. The guy was game. He wrote me back. He said, are you sure? I said, yeah, let's do this right now, man. You'll get an extra 40 bucks for him between eBay fees and just doing it for his family on PayPal. And luckily enough, he was cool with it. He canceled the order on eBay. We hooked up. We're friends on Facebook now. And he sold me the whole coven statue for 100

Speculations on WWE Departures

bucks. Show it off, Shane.
And there he is, Zombie Hogan. So again, I don't know what the actual numbers were on these. There have been exactly two of these that have shown up in the last six years on eBay. And we got one in our collection. So the only of these zombie statues we're missing out is Eric Rowan. So if anybody out there is listening and has any kind of lead on the Eric Rowan zombie statue, hook us up. He's wearing the sheet mask.
I am PayPal ready man I you know I'm honestly I'll put it out there I'm not sure what dollar amount I would turn down the offer to get there right now because it's the last one we need and we'll have the complete collection so the last time we showed up on eBay was two thousand seventeen. So we're kind of desperation mode but we want this error growing zombie figure.
And let me just interject here and say like Seth had nothing to do with starting this collection. Like this was all 100% me. And then he just kind of like, I would get them out every Halloween and he'd be like, those are so cool. Like I really liked those zombies. He's like, do we have all of them? And I was like, I think so. I think we have all of them. You know, I wasn't really even tracking. And then of course Seth like goes in and like starts researching. He's like, no, we don't have all of them. And I was like, well, I think there's like a CM Punk. He's like, no, there's also Hulk Hogan. And there's also- Hey Jay Lee.
I had AJ Lee. No, you didn't. We got AJ Lee last year. We got AJ and CM Punk last year. Oh, she's from 2013. So yeah. So the ones that we got after I got involved was CM Punk, AJ Lee, Bray, Luke Harper, now Hulk. Those are the five I got. And it just, it drove me crazy that we were so close to being 100%. You guys know that I've been listening for a while. I have some like mild to moderate OCD.
Um, if it it just drove me crazy that we were so close to having the perfect collection of these zombie statues and uh, I know and it's all because of it's all because of my Frugality now we're having to pay out the ass for these things because i'm like, you know I love to sell and uh, you know a promo and you know, I will wait until the absolute perfect moment to pull the trigger on something I've asked like three times in the last week like why did you not buy the whole white family when it was available?
I know and it still blows my mind and it's funny because it must have come out twice because when I saw it, it was a three pack or maybe they only sold it as a three pack and all the zombies were individually boxed. Maybe that's what it was because right now there is a Bray and a Luke listed on eBay. They've been there forever. It's like a 350 bucks. Yeah, but yeah, the roans just not out there. Like I said on worth point. It looks like 2017 was the last time one showed up. So
If you're out there, if you're listening, if you know somebody with this Eric Rowan zombie lawn gnome. If you ever see one in like a collectible store or like a thrift store or whatever, we will post a picture on the Instagram account as well. We'll put out an all call for all you guys. Seth's willing to drop $5,000 for it.
I'm willing to drop a solid tug of change to get it and complete the collection. I've already just thrown out the idea. I've already cashed in the fact that we're never going to have the OG. I was like, we know enough artists. Surely we can get a connection with a sculptor to recreate this thing. Yeah, that's the version of it. I'm down.
Yeah. If you're, if you're out there and you are like a sculptor and you like make resin figures, uh, you know, and you're, you're down for a project like this and you can recreate something, uh, we would totally be down to commission you for that as well. So, you know, whatever you guys got to make this happen. Do we get any lists or mail this week? Oh yeah. All right. Let's hit it.
All right, Tyson Neil Trevino wants to know, what are your guys thoughts on the news that Shane McMahon is leaving WWE? I'll kick this one to you first, Marco. What do you think this is a shoot? Is he leaving WWE?

Fan Contests and Interactive Activities

Yeah, I think I added what we were going to do with the Royal Rumble. I think that was one of the subjects on, I said Shane McMahon is a free agent. That's what I see. I've been reading around on it. Yeah, he pretty much does not. He's not associated with WWE anymore. His contract has expired with the WWE. If he shows up, if he ever did show up,
on aw oh my god i think the whole don't i i don't even know the cause of rift in the time continuum like that was just like the whole world with meldis i don't even know what happened scared yeah i would i'd be kind of afraid if he ever walked out on that stage it just i would you want to i shut off my phone i wouldn't even go on twitter instagram nothing i just stay away from
All from the social media if he ever stepped foot on a aw stage or an earring, but yeah, he's no it's it's not a shoot. He's uh, yeah, he's free. So Who knows like the only knows anything can happen or maybe he'll just fade off into oblivion. Um, he always crapped on him when he was there anyway So I don't know why we're even making a big deal at it's we're like god get shane mcmahon and his mid card of evil off of my uh, He's the best in the world so I mean
He has to go face another best in the world at AEW. Didn't they have a best of the world tournament and how he became the best in the world? Yeah. He has to defend that title at AEW. He has to become the definitive best in the world. All right. That low life Alex Eubank wants to know. I'm going to give this one to Seth since him and Alex have such a loving relationship. That low life Alex Eubank says,
If you could take one wrestler's existing name, image, and likeness and look and swap it out, uh, swap out their personality, mic skills, and wrestling style with another wrestler, who would your dream mashup be? So if you could mash up two wrestlers just to make like the absolute perfect, uh, wrestler, who, who would it be, Seth? That's a tricky question, man. Um, there's a lot, there's a lot of aspects there.
So it's a current wrestlers ability mixed with a previous wrestlers like promo ability and stuff. No, it doesn't have to be previous. I mean, it could be any, if you could take one, just one wrestler's existing name. So just saying you can take their existing name, image likeness, all of that and swap it out with another in ring personality, mic, all that kind of stuff. I'll let you take it Marco, because I'm kind of at a loss on this one.
Yeah, so like so so what I'm guessing is you take a wrestler and you give so you get that rest said wrestler someone else's Promo ability and all that stuff, right? Is that yeah what it is? Oh, man, I'm taking ricochet, right since he has the athletic That's a good one already. I'm liking your foundation and I'm throwing in the rock I'm giving the rocks charisma noble skills because Yeah, rock a shaker you can
He has the skills. All he needs is he just needs to be good on the bike just to back up his ability just to be that he just to be a heel. If he was a heel and he had mike work, he he'd be dangerous, I think. So, yeah, yeah, Rakesh is is who I would go with. That's an incredible one. I love that. I don't know if I could top that. So that's really good because, yeah, Ricochet is the man, dude. But, yeah, he needs he needs some sort of factor on the mic and he just he just spark.
Yeah, he tries to be too lovable and too like, you know, too friendly. And I'm like, no, he like with the abilities that you have. Yeah, you either got to be like a stone cold ass kicker or you just got to be like a horrible heel, you know, so you see, you need to be the rock that 890 9899 rock. Yeah, just give him that that personality and just say everywhere, everyone hate him. But he just just does his thing in the ring and people love. Yeah, it'd be I think it'd be good with that.
Will Lechuga says, any thoughts on doing a fan con for group members like Major Pot or Halloween contests or trivia contests, et cetera? I would, I would love to do like a big freaking full of fan meetup. Yeah. We've done trivia before and it was super fun. Like we had, we had a host of the trivia and you do it all on your iPhone and we all like did a zoom call.
and did wrestling trivia and it was super, super fun. So yeah, we'll definitely figure out some sort of thing that we can all get together and do again. And then somebody wants to know when our next Aurora Rumble was because, oh, Robert Gino says, when's the next fully fan Rumble? He's waiting to defend his crown with the hit man. So. The weekend of whatever pay-per-view is in October, it'll be that weekend. So I'm not even sure what, did they say what WWE pay-per-view is next?
Is it T.L.'s tables as chairs? I don't know, it's normally Hell in a Cell and not over, right? Well no, Hell in a Cell was back in like May this year. Yeah, they swapped it out. But yeah, what I was gonna say is if we ever did like a live thing,
Um just bringing in the royal rumble just doing a live That would be so fun Yeah, it's like on a big screen. We have the xbox going and you just have like a that'd be that'd be pretty awesome Just that would be something like that I think would be really fun That would be so hype because everybody gets so hype in the group, you know Like the the chat's going wild when things get down like the last six So I can only imagine if we were all in person like, you know, just like
cheering each other on and like booing each other. I think that was so much fun. So yeah, stay tuned. We'll try to figure out something fun for all of us to do. But yeah, that's all the time we have for listener mail tonight. But we do have some if you didn't get your question answered. I will save them for next week. All right, Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media.
You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine over at chick Foley show. And if you want to get in our, on our Foley fam rumble, uh, coming up in October, join the Foley fam at chick Foley
And remember use code chick fully to save 10% on all your orders at ringside collectibles and shoot us a proof of purchase using that discount code to enter for the giveaway for elite 89 Nia Jax. All right. Marco was the first person to actually solve one of Sheena's trivia questions. So he gets to keep it going. Let's see if he can go two straight weeks.

Trivia Challenge

Sheena hit Marco with the trivia question of the week. All right. What was the first match of the WrestleMania four tournament?
Oh my God. WrestleMania four tournament. Jeez. That was like freaking a long time ago. That was like 33 years ago. Does that multiple choice? No multiple choice on the tribute to multiple choice. What was the first match of the WrestleMania four tournament? Those people probably yell. I'm like, what the hell? Um,
Yeah. The first match of WrestleMania. I don't even know. I'm going to, I'm going to bow out on this one. This has got a chance to steal. Was it Macho Man in Butch Reed? Not even close. It is D.B. Asi versus Doug.
Wow. All right. So we'll be back in my court next week. We'll see if somebody can get a little bit of a streak going. But that was a tough class question, man. No, I know. Hi. That was a hard one, man. Holy hell. I mean, there's 14 matches in that tournament, dude. So like, yeah, that one's tricky. All right. My job is to stump you guys.
Awesome job on the trivia question for this week. Thanks for all the listeners. Remember to hit that subscribe button, rate us and review us, and we will catch you guys next week.