Welcome and Return of the Show
Welcome to the Chick Foley show.
What is up only fan? We are back with the flagship first
Sheen Dog's Return
time in a long time. You know, last time we were going to sit down to do this, the, uh, the baby face and the future women's champ just wouldn't cooperate. But we got sheen dog in the house for the fully fledged whole cruise together. Chick
Sheena on Parenting Challenges
Foley show. Let's start by introducing the stars of the show. Sheena. How's it going?
Feels so good to be back. Yeah, we kind of disrupted the little sleep schedule, you know, and that always goes over smoothly. If you're a parent, you know, like, you know, anytime you disrupt their sleep schedule, it's just a, you know, a nightmare. So anyway, we got it worked out.
Marco's Excitement
Things are going good and I'm back.
back and better than ever. Marco, what's going on up in Massachusetts? Not that much, man. Just glad to get the band back together. It's always fun having the boys just talking our shit, but it's always good to have a lady present to keep us in check sometimes. I'm not sure what we said the last time around. Hopefully it wasn't bad, but
Um, we'll, we'll mind our P's and Q's tonight.
Sheena's Resilience
You already know you can't offend me. How long have you been with me, Marco? You already know that, uh, I'm not easily offended. So I'm sure, I'm sure you guys were just fine. Yeah. Boys night was a blast. We definitely had the, uh, the testosterone flowing, but it's always good to have Sheena back in the mix. She's the reason that the show even exists in the first place. Uh, Jordan, what's going on out in Nebraska?
There's nothing going on here except weather changes and all that fun stuff. So if I sound a little stuffed up, that's why because it was 100 degrees yesterday and 65 today. So yeah, really, really fucking stellar. We know Sheena hates the weather talk. I don't care.
part of it when we're all in different geographical areas. It was 97 here today and it's supposed to be down in like 80 tomorrow. So we're experiencing a little bit. We have what I like to call fake fall, you know, where it's like we had a few, we had like a week or so of just like, you know, crisp mornings and like cool evenings. And then all of a sudden the sun was like, no, if that, you know, I'm going out in a blaze of glory. And so we're back to 97, 98 degrees.
So speaking of the weather, Sheena, you gotta hit us with what's quickly becoming one of the most popular segments on the show.
Farm Updates
What's new on the farm?
Oh man. So well, what's new? Well, this isn't really new, but, um, it happened a while back, but it's been a while since we hadn't been on the show. We, we lost another chicken. So start off on a little bit of a somber note. Uh, Hawks are, we've, we've quickly realized that Hawks are an issue in our area. So yeah. Um, we lost one of our beloved chickens to a Hawk. So rest in peace to roost and peace to tender foot. Um, so that's, that's always a, um,
a sucky way to start the show, but you know, everybody else is thriving. Everybody else is doing good. And I've been scouring marketplace. I, I scooped a new coop for a good deal. You know, it's always good to have extra housing, you know, because chicken math is a thing. Once you get one chicken, it's like, they just multiply and multiply and multiply. Well, you got two new chickens also. Yeah, I got, oh yeah, I did get two new chickens. Man, I feel like it's the hell that happened so long ago. It hasn't been that long since we recorded. Um, but, uh, yeah, we got Panda and Marty now. So.
They're named after the villain marty scroll. It's an all black silky chicken. Yeah, it kind of looks like marty And uh, tell him about the latest way gg Oh gg are we got we got a chicken? She's broody. So she's like, you know, I guess I mean she's like ready to you know
Wow. She's feeling her brood out. Oh, so she's not like dressing up as a vampire and like she went to Hot Topic and bought out the whole store? No, she's just sitting on eggs trying to hatch them and I'm like, damn it. Because when they go broody, they stop laying eggs and they just like camp out in the nesting box and then all the other chickens get pissed off. So yeah, she's just trying to hatch some eggs, but it's what's called broody. And so we're experiencing that for the first time having a broody.
a broody hand in the bunch. And you left out the most important thing. We have a rooster.
Man, I swear, I feel like- You're botching your own segment here, man. I'm not really botching it. I just feel like all this stuff is old news to me, but I forget that we haven't recorded in a while. But yeah, so we had a batch of chickens that were all supposed to be hens. Turns out, one of my favorite chickens, I've had my suspicions for weeks. It turns out she is he, and we officially have a rooster on the property now, but he's beautiful. He's a handsome guy. His name is Stormy.
Yeah, he's definitely not a girl. I always knew eventually you'd be a cock farmer. I just, I knew it was coming eventually. You know what? It's funny. I think you, you put that juju on me because you've been calling me a cock farmer since the, since the day we moved in and I was like, no, and uh, yeah, Jordan put that juju out there.
So yeah, keep the, if anybody has any questions or anything about the farm life, feel free to let them fly. We're always happy to talk about what's going on here, here in the backyard farm. We want to remind you guys to follow the Pod Foundation.
Podcast Appearances and Collaborations
Sheena, tell us about what you did with Turnbuckle Tavern earlier this week.
So I was on their debate show. It's one of my favorite shows that they do. It's just a super fun conversational episode. I always like listening to them and even more so when I get to get on there with the guys. It was the two bed Chads and Ace Field Retro. We had a great conversation. Definitely check it out. It's on the term, Buckle Tavern's feed. And yeah, so I was on the debate.
Uh, we also want to tell you guys to check out coming down the aisle and the extra cooler show, our fellow pod foundation members, uh, extra cooler. You know, they kind of threw me for a loop to today. I saw the cover art at first and, uh, I thought that they were re-ranking the entire PWI 500. And I was like, holy shit, this is going to be like the longest podcast ever, but they just did the top 10. So, you know, the PWI 500 top 10, uh, was revealed last week and that caused a lot of controversy. The guys over on extra cooler show kind of did their own.
own version. She can remind the listeners that they can find you on social media.
Social Media and Discounts
You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. Marco running the Twitter machine over at Chick Foley show. All of our links and all of the links to all of our partners are at chick Foley.com. And we want to remind you guys use code chick Foley to save 10% at ringside collectibles and use code PF10 to save 10% at chocolate line courtesy of the pot foundation. You guys ready to get into some wrestling talk? Sure. Let's do it.
AEW Grand Slam Discussion
All right. So we're going to talk about grand slam. I thought it was an outstanding show. One of the best AW shows in a while. Jordan, give me your thoughts on that main event. We'll start there. What'd you think of Mox versus Danielson for the AW championship? I mean, it was kind of what we all expected. I think it was hard hitting. I mean, just two guys that can go in the ring. I love the match itself.
I was kind of pulling for Brian Daniels in a bit there just to see a new champion. But I mean, I completely get why they, why they strapped Mox up. I mean, MJF and Mox is going to make a shitload of money. So it makes sense. But overall, I thought the match was great.
Yeah it was a surprise for me you know mox is my favorite in AW so I was definitely pulling hard for him but I just I, it would, I could not see them making him a three time champ but they're going all in on the mox business and, and yeah I agree I can't wait to hear what these promos sound like between him and MJF.
One thing I noticed on that MJF Wheeler Yuta segment tonight, you know MJF was starting to run down the the Blackpool combat club He talked some trash on on Brian Danielson He started going on mocks and it seemed like he just caught himself at the last second because he Looked like he was about to say something and then all of a sudden he was just like, you know Don't ask him for advice man I kind of got the vibe that That maybe he had some something just nuclear teed up to say to mocks and he kind of just just flaked on it at the last second Did anybody else pick up on that?
Yeah, I thought I mean, I get what you're saying. I mean, it may have been planned like that. But yeah, I mean, maybe he's just saving it for another day. You know, I feel like he would have had something better than just being like, don't go to that guy for advice. You know, I feel like he kind of just backed off at the last second. I think I think he meant it in a way like, you know,
don't even bother asking him because obviously you know to touch on his uh his past uh vices that he's had basically saying like i don't even bother asking him he doesn't know what the heck he hasn't he's not good at life essentially that's what he's i think that's that's what i got from it anyway not him pulling back from uh from box at all but i could see that as well mark are you think it's any chance that mjf doesn't take this belt from mox at full gear no he's taking it he's definitely taking that title
Yeah, he's probably the most over guy in AW right now to the point where he's getting baby face reactions. It could have just been the New York crowd, but I feel like people really grew to appreciate him. Absence always makes the heart grow fonder, and I think he's just getting the love right now to the point where it may end up being mixed reactions between him and Mox once it finally goes down at full gear. What do you think, Jordan? What do you think the AW crowd is going to side between these two guys when it finally goes down?
I kind of feel like you could see like the cracks of it tonight about because they weren't full on cheering mocks in that main event. So I feel like MJF is still going to get the cheers for quite a while, just because everybody thought he might have been gone. But I do agree with you guys. MJF is for sure winning the belt either before full gear or full gear. I mean, it's going to happen. It's just a matter of when not if.
Yeah, Daniel Bryan told us all those years ago, one thing about wrestling fans, they are fickle. The quickest way to get over as a heel is to be a dominant babyface, man. Because at the start of this summer, shit, even up to like two or three weeks ago, there was nobody that didn't love Mox. Like Mox was getting the biggest babyface reactions in the biz everywhere he went. And you're right, it seems like just over the last few weeks, it started to kind of, I wouldn't say fizzle out, but it's definitely starting to taper off a little bit from the reactions that he was getting.
You know, they, they hitched his wagon to see him punk and see him punk around everything he touches. So, you know, yeah, I was literally going to say that. I think it's a, I blame punk for that, that whole. Yeah. The punk stank rubbed off on him. Yeah. I can probably see that, but yeah, that's really one thing that that's been a common thread since I got back into watching wrestling damn near almost 10 years ago at this point, anytime a baby face has a run.
longer than three or four months, it seems like the crowd starts to turn on him. We saw it happen with Seth Rollins in 2019. I mean, it happened with Daniel Bryan, you know, when he was a babyface back in WWE, the only person I think that's been immune to it was AJ. You know, when AJ had his year long run, it seemed like the crowd kind of stayed behind him the entire time. Yeah. Yeah, it's very tough being a babyface in the pro wrestling landscape nowadays. What do you guys think of the rest of the show? Anything stand out?
I mean, the acclaimed winning the tag titles was obviously the biggest thing in the show to me, even over the main event. I really felt like, I mean, they really caught lightning in a bottle with the acclaimed at that last pay-per-view. I still feel like they should have let them win it there, but it was still really cool tonight. And I feel like that was the moment of the show for me, but still a great show overall.
Yeah, it sounded. I mean, the claim definitely leveled up like two or three levels at that pay-per-view because I wasn't really super hyped for that match. It kind of seemed like a throwaway going into all out, but they just won the crowd over so big. I had a, you know, at this point in my wrestling fandom, it's hard for me to turn like the smart part of my brain off.
And I was really worried when they got the same strong reaction tonight that like maybe the, you know, Tony Khan and the decision makers in the back realized that seeing the acclaim when the tag team championship is something that folks will pay money to see. And they may have them get screwed over again to, uh, to, to save it for the pay-per-view, but I'm glad they got the belts, man. Uh, do you guys think AEW is the best homegrown tag team or excuse me? Do you guys think the acclaimed is the best homegrown tag team that AEW has produced in their, their three years so far?
Yeah, yeah, it's pretty hard to argue it honestly
I mean, who else is even up for discussion? I mean, did Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus tag before AEW? That's the only one I could really think of. I'm not familiar enough with their work prior to AEW to know if they were two or not. You could make an argument for Jurassic Express for sure. I'll still take the acclaim though, because I feel like the acclaim's biggest moment that just happened tonight, I don't know, man, that pop was gigantic and they're so over.
Yeah, this moment tonight was bigger than any moment that Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy had together for sure. The other reason I give it to the acclaimed, they feel much more like a tag team. Jurassic Express was great, but you always had the feeling that Jungle Boy was going to end up being a single star eventually. Whereas as much as I love Max Caster, I don't really see them splitting up for a long time. I don't see either one of those guys breaking off to be like a main event or as a solo act.
You know what? I didn't get that feeling when Marco Stunt was around. I felt like when Marco Stunt was there, they were a unit. I didn't see anyone breaking away, but as soon as he's not around, that's when you get those stuff. That's when the trail will start to burn.
It was a great show all the way around. Five really, really good matches. We got to see the surprise of Paige, now known as Sariah, debuting. Huge pop. AEW's been on a bad roll the last couple of months, man. Jordan, do you think they're back on track after this?
I thought this show was fantastic. And me and Seth texted during this show and dude, her showing up was like just so out of left field. Like I never expected that to happen, but very happy it did. That's a huge star for them for their women's division. Hopefully she can wrestle. I don't see why she would come there if she couldn't know.
Yeah. And I haven't seen it. I mean, I haven't really been following Paige super closely on a social media or anything lately. So I don't know if she's been trained. I mean, I'm sure she has, but I haven't seen anything about it. But, um, I mean, I'm sure she's still got it. She got it. She definitely got cleared to wrestle. Like she's definitely cleared. So she said that she would only wrestle if it made sense for like the future of her career. And she just didn't feel like WWE. It made sense for her to wrestle there again.
Yeah, it's pretty crazy how these, like, what used to be considered career-ending injuries, people are coming back now, you know, between Edge and Brian Danielson and now Paige. It's some pretty high-profile stars that we're seeing get back after being on the shelf for a really long time, because it's been, well, it's been about five years, right, since Paige has wrestled? Yeah. Probably, yeah. All right, so are we all in agreement it was two thumbs up for Grand Slam tonight?
WWE's White Rabbit Angle Speculation
Yep. Oh, yeah. All right, let's get to the beverage break.
All right, it's a beverage break, the weekly segment where we tell you guys what we are sipping on as we pod. We'll start with Sheen Dog. What are you drinking? So I had a nice simply spiked lemonade all cooled down in the refrigerator, but I decided to go with a Red Bull instead because I'm going to be honest, I was falling asleep during Grand Slam. Not because the show was bad, but just because, I don't know. Farm life.
I'm just tired. Yeah. I wake up too damn early in the morning. You know, like this is, this is our, this 10 o'clock is past my bedtime. She's definitely got chronic fatigue syndrome. Not true. Do I go and go all day long? What do I do? When do I, do I sit down at all during the day? You do, but still like I was telling Sheena, like if she sits down like past eight 30, like it's a wrap, like she's going to sleep.
Jordan, what are you drinking, man? I am drinking a beer called The Ripper. It's a double IPI. That sounds scary. What's the ABV on that, dude? It's an 8.0. Nice. It's from Broken Bat Brewing Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Brokeback Brewing Company. It's called the Ripper. Broken back. All right, let's keep it moving before we get canceled. Marco, what are you drinking, man? Just stomp out the joke, Jordan. Geez, just let us have fun. God.
I'm going to an old favorite night shift brewing. They have a nice little bear called the pumpkin pie scraper. Marco's already busting out the ball bruise. You didn't even coordinate with me, man. We always coordinate our fall beer schedule. Yeah, we have to. But this one, I'm not sure it's a limited. They only had a couple of cases, so I had to grab one. It has vanilla beans, spices, maple syrup,
And it's a pumpkin ale, which it's really good. It sounds good. It sounds right in my alley. Oh, yeah. I'm going with the tried and true unofficial official beer of the Chick Foley show, Miller White. I got a few crafty, so I'll keep you guys updated as we work through the show. But I'm getting it started with a Miller White. Let's get on to the rest of the podcast. Yes, I think she'll know.
When logic and proportion have fallen Sloppy dead And White Knight is talking backwards And the Red Queen's all up with her head Remember what the Domo said Feed your head
The White Rabbit has got the internet wrestling community completely buzzing. I think this is one of the best things WWE has done in years. Jordan, we'll start it with you because it's your guy that all roads are pointing to with this thing. Who do you think the White Rabbit is going to be? I'm just going to say this right now. If it's anyone other than Bray Wyatt, this is a massive fail. I don't care who it is. If it ain't Bray Wyatt, this is a massive fail.
I'm going with Bray Wyatt just because I don't want it to be a failure. But yeah, if it is anyone else, it's a failure.
Yeah, that's what I... The other day in our Pod Foundation chat, that's what I said. It's been such a build that it's gonna be a massive disappointment. I think they're really setting whoever... If it's not Bray Wyatt, they're setting whoever it is up for just the biggest just crap, like a wet fart. I'm gonna bring back the wet fart. I had to dig deep for that one. Vintage chick Foley. Yeah, it's gonna be such a wet fart.
I hope it's Brad. Yeah, it's been it's been so well done that, you know, I mean, I suppose there could be some other main event or main event level talent that we're just not even thinking about that could come out that would make it worth it. But no. Braids the one that comes to mind, man. It's it's just it's been so like epic feeling and so different and just so well executed that
The payoff has just got to hit. We can't have another corporate ministry moment or something like that. It's got to be somebody that really means something. Yeah, and it's the vibe. That is Bray's vibe 1000%. All of this- The aesthetic with the black lights going to the red light. The whole thing has Bray's name written all over it, dude.
What do you think, Marco? You got any counter theory? Or are you on just thinking this has got to be Bray Wyatt also? I'm going to be the positive person, because the first two people, that's why those were very negative. And I'm going to say this is Bray Wyatt. I don't see anybody else at all. Just the theme of the music does not fit anybody else. That comes to mind anyway, if anyone else can think of another main eventer.
Just like reading the lyrics of the song and knowing that song, it's very quiet. Just a wording and everything. Everyone's doing the due diligence and going back and reading his old tweets and pulling up old interviews and stuff like that.
Yeah, there was this whole, there was this whole, you know, no pun intended rabbit hole that was on Reddit the other day. I think there is a pun intended. You had to go down the rabbit hole to find it. Yeah, you had to go down the rabbit hole and it was literally like pointing to... He was tweeting about going to some obscure place in the Ozarks in a town called South Arkansas. And if you Google that place, the only website that comes up is this forum and the moderator on the forum is called The White Rabbit.
We'll throw the link in the show notes this week. It's actually kind of creepy and the place he was looking for is called The Devil's Hole. Oh, yeah. I don't know. It's where you go when you drink the Ripper.
Just hanging out in the devil's hole. We're doing the devil's hole and then all of a sudden. We pulled a white rabbit out of the devil's hole. We're only 22 minutes in, we're already going off the rails. What do you think of the execution so far?
I think it's cool. I will say you guys know I'm kind of like a tech granny and I refuse to use QR codes. So I had to depend on Seth. The QR code was awesome though. I was like, what is this? I'm not scanning this thing. I refuse. So yeah, I thought that was pretty cool how they snuck that in and just kind of made it like a
you know, interactive experience for the audience. This has all been snuck in. It's all been all of this is none of this has been addressed on TV. It's all been during commercial breaks. And yeah, they've known that they know that the wrestling fans are really adept at social media more so than even like the other mainstream sports. And they knew this would just catch fire. That's what makes it so cool. Like if
I love Vince, man. Despite everything that went down, I love Vince McMahon. I feel like I owe so much. Separate the man from the artist. Yeah, I feel like I owe so much of the happiness in my life as far as wrestling goes to Vince and everything he created. But dude, if Vince was here, this thing would already have an official tagline. Oh, yeah. There'd probably already be merch on WWE Shop. We would be getting bashed over the head with this.
It's the way they're leaving you wanting more that's really making this so compelling. Yeah, they had that person at work with Bray Wyatt.
that did the original feed mask. I forget the person's name, they posted that white rabbit photo. I saw that rabbit-looking mask thing. Yeah. If you think about it, even looking at all the, I haven't read any of the rabbit hole stuff because I'm not going to sit on Reddit and read stuff, but just judging by all the Alice in Wonderland type things and the rabbit on Alice in Wonderland. If you watch that QR code video, you have the checkerboard, which is very,
you know, Alice in Wonderland ish. You had the, you have that, I mean, even going with that figure, the WWE superstars figure, who's he dressed as? The Mad Hatter products. The Mad Hatter and all that stuff. But yeah, I think, I definitely think it's Bray Wyatt. I like the slow burn of it too. I'm hoping nothing happens on SmackDown because everyone's like, oh my God, 923, something's gonna happen. I hope nothing happened. I don't be, I hope something happens, but he doesn't show up. I hope it's just another clue.
Sometimes I feel like you can draw these things out too long. Well, no, no. I disagree, Marco. I don't think it's been a slow burn. It feels like this thing's already built into a crescendo. And I'm with you, though. I hope at SmackDown we just get another clue. If I had one minor critique of how this is going down, I feel like it's almost moving too fast. Because they had it last Friday on SmackDown. They had it at the house shows over the weekends.
And then on Monday we had it we had the QR code. If I'm booking this thing, I would have had I would have done that first one last Friday night and then wait maybe like five or six weeks do it again and keep building until you get to like the rumble you know and then maybe the rumble you have that happen in the middle of a match and then have break come out.
Cause it, but it feels like the buzz is really building on this thing to where, I mean, I don't know about how most fans are. I know to me, the thing I'm most excited for on a smack down this Friday night to see and what happens next with this whole, the whole thing. Um, I don't think they could string it out to the rumble. Uh, maybe we'll see Bray come back at the extreme. They're trying to get it before Saudi dude. They're like, we gotta get this to the Saudi.
He doesn't want to go to Saudi, but he's got a bad history there. You know, he had, he did win the world championship against Seth there, but that whole angle was just doomed. I think that angle set both of those guys back years. And then, you know, he lost to Goldberg and like a minute and a half in Saudi.
Um, Jordan, what do you think, man? Are we going to see Bray Friday night? No, not yet. But, um, I do think this is smart to do this now. Cause this is technically the downtime for wrestling right now. I mean, yeah, it's football season.
Monday night raw just doesn't get the same ratings they do all year right now. So it's smart to be doing this now, but I do agree. I, I hope they don't draw this out too long. Cause I feel like if, if this goes on for four months, it's just going to lose its luster. And then when he, if it does end up being bright, I just feel like people are still going to be excited. But at that point, we've already been on this for four months. So I hope they don't string it out too long. Agree.
Alright, let's hear from the two bad chads at the term vocal tavern and then we will get into some wrestling figure talk.
Drop by and visit the Turnbuckle Tavern, where every Thursday, we give you the most in-depth analysis of all things AEW, as well as dive into impact wrestling, NWA, and all things NDA. If you like heated debates, compelling interviews, and a shot of nostalgia, you'll love the Turnbuckle Tavern, available on Apple and Spotify. Drink it in. It always goes down smooth.
When you hear the Ric Flair drip, you know what time it is. It is the figure four. So let's get started by talking about this Macho Man Ultimate Edition bargain hunt controversy. So full disclosure, Monday night I lucked out.
Controversy Over Macho Man Figure
I decided to make the trip over to Cordova, which is about 40 minutes away from our house.
I've got the last two Ultimate Edition Macho Man figures they have. But I talked to the guy there. They had over 30 at the store originally. And if you've seen the pictures on social media, it's been just a gang of these figures showing up at the different bargain hunts throughout the nation. So I mean, what do we think is going on here? Shane, do you have any explanation for why this target exclusive figure that they've already had tons of pre-orders for is showing up at bargain hunt for $18?
No, dude. First of all, Target is absolute trash at pre-orders. That's no surprise. They're just horrible. I canceled all mine. During San Diego Comic Con, all the Target exclusives that went out pre-order, I had them on pre-order. After Monday night, I canceled all of my pre-orders. Yeah. I think there's something going on with the warehouse, not necessarily the distribution, but I think it could have
It's possible that they made it to the stores and just somehow never got put out and then they got like sent back. You know what I mean? Like I think it's this stupid street date thing that they're doing. Yeah. Like they're not putting stuff out. Yeah. Exactly. So they're just like having this stuff set in the back and then it's going to get like, you know, re not recalled. I forget what the, what the terminology is for it. But when basically like you just box the ship back up and send it back to the stores. Yeah.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too, man. I think this stuff's getting back there. And I think at the store level, like those store managers that they actually, they're the ones that actually have to deal with like the square footage in their warehouse or whatever. They're like, why are these sitting here? Let's just move them. And yeah, they don't give a shit about wrestling figures. Exactly. And if they scan it and they see like it's all the same skew, you know what I mean? Like if all these action figures come under the same skew, it's like, oh, well, we already have so many of these, you know, they're not saying like, oh, these are ultimate edition macho man's.
If you pre-order with Target, just don't get your hopes up. We have seen some people get theirs, so that's hopeful. Those aren't people getting them off the pre-orders. That's just some targets put these out. Oh, I saw somebody in the group. Yeah, they started showing up here and there in Targets. It was either late June or early July. You'd see them sporadically popping up at Targets and then nothing. The street date on it right now is October 2nd for Target.
It's just, it's a mess, dude.
We'll see action figure attack has said that they're, you know, he's confirmed that they're on the next planogram, which is fine. Like I'm sure that it's on stock. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I think because most stores are only getting like six to eight of these things. And the bargain hunts you see have like 30, 40 figures. That's like insane, but they're only 18 bucks, which is when for the people that do find them.
I'm saying right now, Target better fucking price match, man. That's bullshit. They don't price match. If anybody needs it, I took pictures of the price tag with the barcode and stuff off the ones that I found. Feel free to hit me up. We will hook you up to try to get Target to price match these things. Micah, if your bitch ass is listening at the west side of Wahoo, Target, you're going to price match this fucking figure, dude. I'm telling you right now, man. Micah, of all people, will not price match. It's Hawaii. They're probably like $70 in Hawaii. Damn.
Marco, what do you think, man? Is Target gonna end up getting these figures? I mean, they've gone every other one. I mean, the Batistas look like they weren't showing up, that they started, you know, sprinkling around, and then eventually they started... I started seeing Batistas like crazy.
That's the biggest thing with this is I'm like all the like not all of the stock but a huge percentage of the stock Yeah, if you just saw like one or two hit bargain hunt But every bargain hunt picture that I've seen from people that have found them has I mean, it's literally been like shelves and shelves and shelves What I'm thinking too is what happened was like a lot of people. I'm not sure how many people did that uh, I
the uh the new gen pre-orders i'm not sure like what the number that is but a lot of people that you know because that was announced like way before wasn't that macho man like that macho man was announced before the new gen stuff or maybe around the same time last year i think he was a little bit after yeah this new target inclusive ultimate edition yeah he was shortly after but
see it. I think those are probably a lot. Those are probably a lot of cancels. Those are probably those, those, those could be a lot of people that pre-ordered that cancels. Maybe I don't know. I feel like anybody this hardcore enough to back the new gen arena is probably also wanting that NWO macho man. The other thing that makes me think that there's some sort of glitch in the system on this particular figure.
is you can still pre-order it right now on Target. Yeah, you can't. Whereas like the Sammy Guevara AEW exclusive that they dropped just a couple weeks ago, he sold out, you know? So I don't know, man. I mean, I hope everybody that wants this figure gets it. There should be enough on eBay that they're not too expensive, but I got a bad feeling, man. Yeah, but I just got my Spidey Senses tingling on it. If I don't get mine, it says October 7th is when I should get mine delivered. If it doesn't come, I'm just going to cancel it.
about even like in a like I'm not in a dire need for this macho man anyway, but I'm just gonna play the waiting game and see see what I'll be that I'll be that experimental guinea pig for the after you know, see if it see if it shows up actually
What's you guys, so I know, you know, Big Lots, Ollie's and Bargain Hunt are all pretty heavy down here in the South, man. What's you guys big like bargain store, like discount store up in the Northeast, Marco? Probably big, I mean, Big Lots, same thing. You guys do got Big Lots up there? Yeah, we have Big Lots.
When I was a kid, I used to call that store big lots of crap. Sometimes my mom would make us go there. Typically, if we were getting a birthday present for a friend's party or something, which it makes sense to me now. I would totally do that. If Brett or Stella had a birthday party they had to go to, yeah, we're hitting Ollie's, we're hitting market hunt for the gift. They're just getting invited some random kid's birthday. You're like, all right, what can we go get?
What about Nebraska Jordan? What do you guys got? Yeah, it's all big lots here. There's really nothing else here. I did not realize big lots was nationwide. I thought big lots was like exclusive to the Southeast. Big lots is big, dude. Big and lots of crap, man. There's always- There's lots of crap in the nation, dude. It needs to be discounted.
So store exclusives definitely continue to be the biggest bane of Wrestling Figure Collector's existence. Jordan, man, we'll do a quick this or that. Are you going Walmart or Target? If only one place could continue to get store exclusives, who would you
Debate: Walmart vs Target for Exclusives
go with? Walmart, because I've never had a problem getting one of the Walmart exclusives. I've had many problems getting Target exclusives.
Like you said, Target doesn't give a shit about action figures. I feel like Walmart, at the very least, they put everything out when they get it. Exactly. That was going to be my point, Jordan. Literally, when they get shit, whether they have to stack it on top of the display like on the shelf, they're putting it out, dude. They're not going to keep nothing in the back of the warehouse, dude. Whatever they have is out on the shelf.
Yeah, 100%. Target's always a better shocking experience for everything, aside from collectible action figures. But yeah, Walmart is all about that fucking revenue stream, dude. They want you grabbing their product, going to the fucking self-checkout, and scanning it, and paying for it, man. And yeah, it'll be a hot mess, man. That's why at Walmart, you always go look at the top shelf, and then go over to there. There's always that grab bag aisle at Walmart where they just got random shit. I found wrestling figures over there before, too.
So, yeah, if they were only going to do one, I would go Walmart, man, all the way. What about you, Marco? Yeah, I'm going to go Walmart only because I've had even even recently, even like going on the on their website or on the app and you check like a figure to see if it's in stock. It'll actually tell you, like, obviously what store and all that stuff. I've actually had success in actually seeing it on the app and going to the store and it's sitting on the on the pegs. So that even that gives me the that gives me the edge right there for.
for Walmart. But yeah, I mean, I've gone pre-orders from Target. But I mean, like, few and far in between. Walmart's definitely the better of the two. And I feel like, obviously, there are no toys around us, but I feel like they're more, you know, they're more, they're more the toy game than Target is. We'll put it that way. Yeah.
Yeah. Walmart has this issue too, man, which I'm really starting to get nervous about this superstars line. Have you guys seen any of the series two figures, the series two or series three, aside from Ultimate Warrior and Undertaker on the pegs? Have you guys seen those? I haven't seen Hall, Nash, or HBK on the pegs at all. I haven't seen Mankind, Moon Dog Man, or Papa Shango. And I've had those figures for months now, man.
Like, but they did nervous because I love this line. But Walmart did ship series to like, if you preordered it, you've got them now. Like, I mean, at least I got mine. Yeah, I don't know if those pre-orders are enough to keep it going, though, because I mean, the superstars line, they're my favorite figures right now, even more than ultimate editions. I freaking love those. So I feel like that first line is going to end up killing this line, dude. They just sit on the pegs like the entire first line is just sitting on the pegs in Omaha.
What was that first line? It was it was Hulk. Ray was a honky tonk man. And yeah. And it's just sitting. You can get the entire line. Yeah. That one was a weird choice. Also, I don't know why they went with that mad hatter. Bray figures sort of like the fiend or just regular break.
I was going to say, yeah, that to me, that's a collector's line. And I feel like if you're trying to just get kids to buy stuff, like it's all legends. You know what I mean? So it's like, it's really hard. You're going to have to throw it like the retros. They don't have a lot of shelf appeal. Exactly. Like no kid's going to walk up and be like, oh yeah, I can't wait to get this mankind figure. You know what I mean? You know what I think would help if they did a ring and like do a throwback to the Rimco AWA ring and give us a ring for that one. Because then kids got some playability with those. Yeah.
There's no nostalgia for the kids for those. They're gonna have to add in some current superstars. So that's a perfect segue, because we're now gonna talk about Power Town. This is like the ultimate nostalgia wrestling line. I pre-ordered the whole first series. I think I'm still very skeptical about it, but I'm all in on these figures. Jordan, I think, man, you said you passed on these, right? Yeah. There's nothing wrong with them. I don't know, man.
I'm already at a point now where I'm gonna have to start deciding like what I am and I'm not keeping Collecting I mean, whatever you guys who make fun of me if you want but collecting MOC and Funko's MOC It's just too much man. I'm after body and I'm gonna have to buy another fucking house like dude
I record in the fig room and I was looking around tonight when I sat down and I'm just like, good God, dude, I got to do something. Do you have a storage unit or you keep everything there at the crib? Everything as far as collectible stays here. We do have a storage unit, but it's just for like, um, decorations and stuff like that. Like I've said, I don't know for him to store all of our holiday decorations. So those are going to storage unit, but I don't know, man, I don't have to do something because this shit's ridiculous.
Yeah, I pre ordered man, I made it the rare credit card purchase just because I have a hard time. I don't know. It's like a weird thing on my like, like, just like the way my brain works, man. If I don't think something's gonna have happened, I always just put it in a putting on a credit card because I don't want that money sitting out of my bank account and end up getting freaking gypped on it, man. I'm very skeptical of these things are going to end up actually releasing. You know what I mean? I hope they do. But
I don't know. It seems just very optimistic that that these figures are actually going to drop. You know, it seems like you're you're more on the pulse on these. Like, was the what was the review like or what was the response like when they put these on preorder? Because I didn't see anything.
So I waited like a day. And then when I ordered them, there was, I think I was order number 1100. So I can only assume that, you know, they started at order number one. And that to me, that means there was only like in 24 hours, only 1100 people. And that's not even saying that everyone ordered the full set either.
Yeah, because these things, I mean, do they look like they're going to be expensive to make, man? I mean, if they end up coming out, they're going to be some of the most beautiful wrestling figures we've ever gotten. They got really detailed belts, awesome looking face sculpts. The entrance gear looks great. They're going to be tremendous figures. But I just have a hard time making the dollars and cents work out on it, man. That's why I fully expect at some point to get an email saying that these are canceled and they're refunded.
You know, hopefully that's the case. And it's not just like, you know, a year and a half from now. I'm like, oh, shit, those figures still haven't come here. Let me let me cancel that charge. Yeah. They're going to need a hell of a lot more than 1100 orders if they're really going to make these. Yeah. What do you think, Marco? What's your what's your take on the power town line? Yeah, I wasn't completely sold on it. I mean, there's a pretty I pass on it. I'm with Jordan on that one, mainly because obviously storage as well as I just
To me, they're not appealing. There's like maybe one figure out of that, and that's the Brody, the Bruiser Brody figure. I'd probably pre-order if I wasn't in pre-order one, but even that isn't pulling me.
Skepticism on Power Town Figures
They're all renders too, which is, you know, they look great. Like the packaging looks great and all that stuff. It's just, I think I need to see something physical before, you know, anything.
you know, who knows when that's gonna actually happen. And you can still preorder all everything. Nothing's like out of stock. So it's probably either, you know, made to order, I'm assuming. But it even doesn't have like a deadline saying, hey, you know, preorder by this time, or it's gonna stop. So who knows?
Sorry, if we're making you feel bad. I'm right there with you, man. I told you guys, I'm super skeptical on these also. Like I said, if it's ever a risky purchase, that's when I do the credit card instead of just the bank card or whatever, man. So I'm skeptical on these as well. I'm rooting for them. But at this point, I'm putting it at like, I think it's a 51% chance that I actually end up getting these figures in hand someday.
Um, but I just, I'm a, I'm a big fan of the look of these figures and some, and I hope it's good enough that they can keep it going. But at this point, if we get a, if we end up getting series one, I will call it a success. Uh, so one other thing before we wrap up figure four, I want to do a quick live review of elite 97 ringside collectible ship that to Sheena last week. And we're going to get her thoughts on the figures. So let's start off Sheena. What did you think of Omos first elite?
I mean, it looks like Omos. It's all black gear. It's a good figure, but it's nothing that's to write home about. I thought he needed the entrance coat, man. I really thought that he needed the entrance jacket to really kind of give it the elite feel. I felt like it was missing a little something. It does kind of have a basic feel to it.
Jordan, you're not a fan of this one? No, dude, I don't like anything about Omos. What would make you think I would like to figure? I mean, yeah, I mean, you got to have the figure though. I mean, he's played a pretty prominent role. He did play a prominent role when Triple H wasn't in charge. Now he plays no role. That's true. Yeah, I haven't seen him on TV in forever. I've got to avoid Triple H. I knew you'd do something right. All right, let's go to King Xavier.
It's cool. I like the crown, partial to the crown because we were there whenever Roman Reigns took Xavier's crown on TV. We can recreate that moment with our figures now. It's got a chase too. I like the red pants. The chase one. Yeah.
Yeah, the white one was cool, man. It felt like it was a little bit of a, they kind of cheaped out on us cause he's got, I hate when they just paint on the belt, man. Like the, uh, he's just got the painted on belt buckle on the dots instead of molded. I'm kind of with you. That figure really, really does it for me off the nostalgia at being there when Roman took the crown. It would be kind of cool to throw that crown on a Roman figure now that I think about it.
What about momda, the mom version of Ronda Rousey? I mean, I'm always partial to a mom figure. I mean, this is my crew. I hated this gear for Ronda though. I remember when she was wearing this little... It seemed like they didn't realize she was going to come back until like two days before and they just went to Lululemon and screen printed the baddest on some top that they do. Exactly. Yeah. I don't really love this gear. It's fine. It's an okay figure, but again, all black, no special paint apps or anything.
Yeah, it's okay. All right, what about Seamus? It's a cool figure. I don't really love this version of Seamus. The figure's fine. I just hated that part of that time in his gimmick. What about you guys? Yes, exactly. Are you guys a fan of the Peaky Blinders Seamus look? No. Yeah.
I don't hate it. It does nothing for me. So we got indifference and we got dislike. It just does nothing for me, I guess. It does nothing for me, yeah. I mean, it's a cool looking figure, I mean, with the mask and everything. But again, if you actually watched him do that on TV, you're like, eh. Yeah. All right, let's go with Alexa Bliss with Lily.
Alexa's cool. I really like this. I like the blue gear. Love the Lily doll. Lily has articulated also, she's got head articulation. That's cool. And I love Alexa's makeup application. This is a really good figure. I think I might end up making that a mashup. I may try to take that head sculpt and put it on the Ultimate Edition.
and throw the lily doll in there with the dress and the accessories she has. So I ended up making that a two for one special between Elite 97 and Alexa's Ultimate Edition. Yeah, and they have a lot of detail on her gear, which I really like too.
All right, and last but not least, the main event of Elite 97, Chainsaw Charlie. Oh, boy. I love this figure, but I got some serious issues with the design on it. Seth and I were talking about, after we got it, I mean, it's cool that we finally have Chainsaw Charlie.
But I mean, how much would it have really cost? Yeah, how much would it have really cost for them to like get like a tiny little piece of like pantyhose and actually put it over the heads of the food? Because like the paint job looks so strange. Like it looks almost like I feel like the budget would be there because Seamus is, you know, we know from falling the line for so long that these things are budgeted by each series. Seamus is the only figure with soft goods in this set. Everybody else has
Yeah, but he got, he got a coat and a mask. Seamus took all the budget in this set. He has a mask. But the coat, that jacket's the only soft goods though. There's no soft goods in this set. Yeah.
I, yeah, I think that, I mean, yeah. Like if you knew chainsaw Charlie, you would tell what it was. I feel like if you showed that to somebody who did know who chainsaw Charlie was, I think they'd have a hard time putting it together that he's supposed to have a panty hose on his head. Yeah. There's that. Then like the, the sawdust effect, you know, I posted it in the Facebook group, man. It looks like that he's just got powdered sugar from the freaking mid South fair. Uh, you know, he, he just got done going ham on his funnel cake.
Dude, this was the 80s, bro. That was definitely cocaine. That's not powdered sugar, man. I don't know what you're going with that.
That's not sawdust or powdered sugar, Seth. They did it right. Yeah, still a cool figure. I feel like, you know, maybe they should have given us like the box that he sawed himself out of. You guys remember that when he made his debut? That was pretty cool. I feel like that would have made it complete. But still a cool figure, man. What about you, Jordan? What do you think is the best figure in Elite 97? I mean, the one I was looking most forward to was Chainsaw Charlie, just because I'd never in a million years thought we were ever getting that figure. So I'm still going to pick that personally. Yeah.
Marco, what's your MVP? Also Chainsaw? Yeah, probably Chainsaw. I mean, I forget who posted. It was something on Instagram. I'm not sure. One of the figure pages I followed, they did a comparison of that one in the past, Chainsaw Charlies with the actual nylon. And I was like, damn, why couldn't they have done that? They did that back in the classic Superstars days. It doesn't take much to
Do it, but oh well. Yeah, yeah, I saw that comparison on IG also it uh, it looks pretty good I feel like if we could get like a hybrid between the three chainsaw charlies that have come out so far Would be all said but you know, i'd rather have what we have now than not have him He is a cool figure. So again use code chick fully to save 10 on all of Elite 97 let's hear from the extra cooler show
Hey everyone, it's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past? Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners.
The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
Alright, it's time for the retro wrestling recommendation of the week. The segment is brought to you by Chalk Line. We want to remind you guys to use code PF10 to save 10% on all your Chalk Line purchases, courtesy of the Pod Foundation. Jordan, what do you got for us for our retro recommendation this week? Oh baby, I watched this last night, so there's no more logical choice. Halloween Havoc 1996.
incredible show top to bottom probably my favorite Halloween havoc maybe 93 but it's debatable at least yeah really great show Marco how about you I'm gonna go way back to a
Uh, 2010, um, there's going to be a, it's going to be a YouTube. It's not going to be on peacock. It's a Dean Ambrose versus, uh, Brian Danielson. Um, it's the, they're, they're wrestling at a place called the heartland wrestling association. Um, the show was called road to destiny. And it was in Ohio. Um, it's about a 20 minute, um, Broadway, as they like to say. And they literally, it's like, it's basically watching a younger version of both of them.
do the match that you just watched tonight. They don't look like they're young in the game or anything like that. It's just a brutal technical match. It's really good. So definitely search that. Dean Ambrose versus Daniel Bryan-HWA on YouTube. Is it a WWE show? No, it's a Heartland Wrestling Association. It's not even WWE. This is before they even
Step footed there That's a deep cut. We will we'll get the link to that in the show notes as well If you guys want to check that out, I wanted to go something September base So I went September 1996 in your house mind games. I was inspired by chalk line They just dropped the the Shawn Michaels shorts from the gear he wore in that in his famous match with mankind so you guys know all the bangers that
Mick Foley's put on throughout the years and he's on record as saying his match with Shawn Michaels at in your house mind games is his all time best. I agree. It's a crazy, crazy match. The whole show is pretty fun. So I recommend the whole show. But if you only got about 30 minutes, check out HBK and mankind from in your house.
Uh, the kids were stirring. So she had to go up and check on them. We don't know if she'll be back or not. She had to bow out gracefully for just a sec, but we're going to go ahead and soldier on with this show. Let's hear from John Swallow and coming down the aisle before we get into our listener mail.
Do you want to feel the war of the crown? The strap on those spandex honeys and listen to the Coming Down the Isle podcast hosted by me, J-Bone. Each week I have a guest ranging from wrestlers, podcasters, and even some family members. The guests pick the match and we talk about it along with their fandom.
Also, each week I provide my analysis in the wide world of wrestling and some figure talk. So get on it up and subscribe to the Coming Down the aisle podcast on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts today. Oh yeah, dig it.
Alright, so Sheena asked and the Foley fam delivered with the listener mail for this week. Let's get into it. So again, we expanded listener mail to not just a wrestling talk. It can also be life advice and that's kind of the flavor of the first question.
Chris Foreman says, our first kiddo will be here November 14th. And to say I'm scared as hell and excited is an understatement. But my question is, when did the parents on the show start allowing their kiddo to watch wrestling with them? I want to share it with her, but don't want to turn her into a mini Nick Gage. Marco, are you going to take this one first? A mini Nick Gage? What did I let?
start watching. The girls really don't care for it too much. I mean they'll watch it if I'm watching it, but then I'll like super into it. I want to say like around maybe he's five now, so probably like within the like not probably like around four maybe he's yeah maybe four he started watching it with me and stuff like that he's not obviously he's not doing any like you know Nick age you know cutting himself or anything like that but uh I mean
I don't see a problem with them watching at that age. He does get a little crazy with the wrestling figures that I have for him. He likes to break limbs, literally, on the figures.
I mean, I think four or five is probably a good time for me anyway. I mean, anything earlier, he just didn't really care when he was like two, three years old. He didn't give a crap, but I noticed like around four and now that he's five and six, he's starting to, he's way more into it than he was. Nice. Jordan, what about Zoe as you get into it as a youngster?
Yeah. So Zoe started watching probably about age four. I'm pretty sure we took her to her first show at age four. Um, John Cena just, she watched every time he was on. So, um, that whole Cena provides for the kids thing really is a real thing, man. She was glued to it from the moment between him and Naomi. I don't know which one was her favorite, but it was both of those.
Um, as far as being scared about having the kid, don't be scared, man. It's a, it's a learning process and when they're small, it's easy to learn as the, as you go. Um, uh, the other two of my co-hosts will tell you once they get mobile, that's when you start having problems, but don't be nervous when they're really small, man. It's yeah. It just enjoy the moments, man. Cause they're only that small for a short period of time and you just think it's going to last forever and it doesn't. Cause once they start moving, you are fucked.
Oh yeah, definitely. We could all agree on that one, definitely. Embrace the newborn stage, man. At the time, you're going to feel like it's the most difficult thing you've ever experienced, but that first seven, eight months before they're crawling, that's really your relaxation period. That's kind of your learning phase as a parent, once they're moving around yet.
you're on guard 24 seven another life advice question johnny jb says age old question does the toilet paper roll go over or under wow
I mean, let's get this could make or break the show. I'm an over guy, dude. I'm an over guy all the way. Yeah, I'm an I'm an over guy as well. I just I mean, I just I pull the toilet paper. Like it doesn't really matter to me, honestly. No, it does matter to me. It matters to me to the point where if I'm at someone's house and it's on your house, swap it around. I want to do it at a public restroom. But if I'm at someone's house and using the facilities, I will swap it around if I see
It just doesn't make sense to me, man. Over is the way to go, dude. That's the natural order of things. You're with me on this one, right, Marco? Oh, yeah. No, definitely. I'm with you on that. It definitely has to be over. You're just weird. That's just a weird way to put toilet paper on for me, anyway. You have to reach a little bit more. It's over all the way.
Sorry. All right. Zach Hertzler says, seeing the WWE announced war games at Survivor Series for this year, do you prefer a war games match or the traditional Survivor Series type match? For me, I'm Survivor Series all the way. War games always sounds way better in theory, right? Like it's just so cool, like, you know, eight man or 10 man match in the double cage.
But the match is really delivered, whereas we have had some bangers in Survivor Series style matches over the years. So for me, I'm taking... I'm going Survivor Series. Even though War Games is one of the coolest match types ever, I'd take a Survivor Series match any day of the week. Sheena's back with us. She successfully got the kids back down. Sheena jumped back in the fray here. We're going... Does that curse or said Survivor Series or War Games? Which match type do you prefer?
I like Survivor Series. I do enjoy a good War Games match, but there's just so much going on in a War Games match. I like a good old traditional Survivor Series. I don't like the brand warfare. I don't like that. Brand warfare is gone, so that's another good plus for Survivor Series this year. I like just a good heel versus faces Survivor Series matchup, but yeah, the red versus blue, the one night a year that the two meet in combat or whatever the hell the tagline was just didn't work for me.
I will say the NXT war games have been really, really good for the most part. They, they've delivered. Whereas like I said, if you go back to the WCW war games matches, a lot of those were more missed than, uh, than hits. Uh, Jordan, what say you man, war games or survivor series? Man, I seriously thought I was going to be alone on this. I thought everybody was going to say war games. I'm a hundred percent on survivor series. I, I think this is going to take away from survivor series a little bit personally.
I was completely fine, like you guys said, with them leaving this in NXT. I don't really feel like this is something that needs to be on the main show. I do have a rebuttal for Sheena saying she didn't like the brand one. I thought 2019 when they did Rev or SmackDown vs NXT was the best they ever did. Yeah, that was a good one. I like that one.
Yeah, that was that was good in 2016 the first year of the newest brand split that one was fun, too But yeah, dude, I feel like war games It's it's all it suffers from like the same battle royale effect because you end up with ten people there at the same time Yeah, and like six or seven of them are just gonna be doing forearms in the corner. Oh, yeah We're gonna be laid out on the ropes, you know, like it's just it doesn't lend itself to the action like a survivor Yeah, I don't hate it I mean, I think I think war games should just be its own thing like you should take the place of like whatever like, you know great balls of fire
We used to be at some pay-per-view. It was Fall Brawl War Games. Exactly. If they're going to bring it to the main roster, let it be like that post-Wrestlemania. It's been out in the wilderness as a main pay-per-view for the last 20 years, man. They've never been able to figure it out. Marco, what about you, man? Are you Survivor Series or War Games?
I mean, we're all old school here, so definitely Survivor Series. But like Jordan said, I think the last great Survivor Series match was
more recent with that NXT versus Raw versus SmackDown match. And it felt like it's been so long, so long ago that we haven't actually seen a Survivor Series type match. You almost want to pick War Games as you've seen that more recently. But yeah, in tradition, yes, definitely the good old Survivor Series match. I'm not even sure if we'll ever see it again.
I mean, the way it's going, who knows? You know, you mentioned that you and Jordan both mentioned that survivors was 2019. We got to pour out a little, a little alcohol for Keith Lee, man. Remember it ended up being Roman versus Keith Lee. And at that moment, like there was absolutely no doubt in any of our minds that Keith Lee was about to be a main event for the next 10 years. Like that was so mage.
when him and Roman went toe to toe in that room or in that survivor series and it just kind of kind of fizzled out. Yeah and he was doing all those press rounds and everything just getting like turning on the charm dude just really being you know Mr. WWE yeah. Well Sheena's gonna take back over in the driver's seat for Q&A.
All right, Brian Vermeer, most recent winner of our Chick Foley Show 2K Rumble.
Chick Foley Show 2K Rumble
Yes, congrats, Brian. Yeah, with King Kong Bundy won our Chick Foley Show Rumble. And shout out to Brian Vermeer. Brian Vermeer, he donated the prize for the Royal Rumble, and then he actually won the Royal Rumble. So that's some instant figure karma for you right there. Nice, guys. Yeah, what a guy.
With the new windowless boxes that Hasbro is doing, if Mattel goes the same route, will Jordan still be MOC? Ooh, I like this question. For me, it's hard to continue MOC.
I hate that they're doing this. I absolutely fucking hate it. When I saw that they were doing this, I was disgusted immediately. I was like, dude, here's the other thing. So if you do window lists,
What happens if your figure's all jacked up in there and you can't see it until you never know. But it doesn't matter if you're an LLC collector. Cause when we were displaying it, it's just going to be the box. No, here's my, no, I'm not just speaking for MLC collectors. I'm speaking for everybody. A windowless box is so stupid because the people that do open these figures, I'm sure would like to see the figure before they buy it. What happens if it's only got one leg in there? Like dude, what happens if it's figure swaps?
Yeah. Or if it's like that cross-eyed Trish Stratus figure that I bought you as a gift. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like Sheena just said, what happens if it's a figure swap? You're never going to know until you get it home. Figure swaps are licking their chops. They're the name of the guy behind the tree rubbing his hands. They cannot wait. Yeah. I don't think Mattel will do it. I really don't. Because how can you do chases, too? That's the other thing.
Yeah, just put the picture on the front of the box. Just change outside of the box. Nah, no, no. Yeah, I think it's, I mean, obviously, you know, if you want to get like environmentally, you know, that stuff, a lot of companies are starting to go like, you know, carbon base and stuff like that and getting rid of plastics and all that stuff. And obviously, a lot of those, you know, packaging, they have a lot of plastic on it. So I wouldn't be surprised if you see like pretty much a lot of figures fall suit.
I just go all open bay, dude. Just get rid of the plastic. Leave the box the same, but get rid of the bubble. Yeah, but then you have a lost prevention situation. Yeah, I mean, I get it. People are still going to steal shit. I don't know. There's no good solution on this thing. No, there's no good solution. Nobody hates single-use plastic as much as I do. I am a single-use plastic painter. But I still think this is bullshit. I've been saying, for the longest, ringside should have an option where you could spend like six bucks less for shipping, and they just ship it to you loose, dude. And get it loose. Yeah.
I mean Mattel should just, they should just roll out, they should just have like a case of loose figures where there's no packaging. Because that would offset, if you didn't make packages for like, you know, a third of the figures, you know what I mean? Like that would offset the cost for them and it would offset the cost for the environment, like for the single pack, you know what I mean? And you could pay less.
and get the loose fit, just the figure with the accessories. I appreciate the packaging. It's really nice and it's a fun experience, but I could totally do without. Like if there was an option for me to just go packaging free on my figures, I would totally take that 100%. I'm out on figure collecting. If this becomes a thing, I'm dead serious.
Let's mark this date, September 22nd, 2022. I will delete the Fig God account. I'm done with figure collecting. Just take the dive, dude. Just start cracking them open, man. Save yourself. All right. Well, we got another question for Jordan from our buddy, Sambro. He says, Jordan, have you cataloged all of your Funkos? If so, what's your estimated value?
I think the last time I looked, I'm not going to look it up right now, but I think the last time I looked it was at like $47,000.
Damn. Oh my god. And that wasn't even fully updated. I think that was at like 1600 at that point. So I think I'm at like 1853 right now. I feel like your Funko collection is underrated, bro. You really need to start giving us some more pub, man. You got to have one of the most epic Funko collections out there, dude. Yeah, dude. Start documenting that shit. I'm your best friend. I've never really seen your collection in all its glory, dude. Yeah. You've also never been to my house, so there's that.
I've never been I've never been to fig vault's house. I've never been to freakin Are you comparing me to them? Like I'm one of you guys's best friends in life and you're comparing me to people you guys have never even met in person like
No, but I'm just saying my comparison is that exactly, I barely know these people outside of the internet and I know all of their figure collection. I've seen their whole figure room. I think we need a V. I think you need to do a Facebook Live in the Chick-Fully group and show off your Funko collection, dude. I'll think about it at a later date. We're going to make it happen. Yeah. All right. Sambro hit us with a two-fer. Last question of the night.
What is your favorite caffeinated beverage of choice? Seth? Favorite caffeinated beverage of choice? You gotta be full throttle, right? Full throttle's my favorite energy drink, but my favorite caffeinated beverage is probably just Coca-Cola. Yeah, Coca-Cola's pretty much. It's classic, Coca-Cola classic. All right, Jordan? For just straight up caffeinated beverage, I'll go Mountain Dew Zero. All right.
Marco. I'm going Coca Cola all day with some ice. Oh, man.
Yeah, an ice coke Coca-Cola really hits. Yeah, it's got to be on ice, too. I agree. That's a very good point, Marco. I don't like Coke straight. You got to cut it with a little bit of ice. Oh, man. Yeah, exactly. Oh, wow. Hey, you do. You do? You got to cut your coke with some ice. Of course. It makes it perfect, dude. The coke over ice is perfect. Coke straight. I can't do it. I like a coke out of a can. He's not that hard. He's not that hard. Yeah, not out of a bottle. I like coke out of a can, poured over ice, dude. That's the way I like my Coca-Cola.
Um, I, I mean, I gotta go with coffee. I probably drink more coffee in my lifetime than any other caffeinated, caffeinated beverage. And typically I just do heavy cream, um, a little
Morning Coffee Routine
bit of maple syrup. If I'm feeling like I want something sweet and lately I've been whipping an egg yolk in there since I got so many fresh eggs and it really adds just like a creaminess and a lot of nutrition. So.
Yeah, Sheena's coffee drinks to the point where like, if we're up in the morning, like within like 15-20 minutes, the kids will start badging her like, mommy, you need to make your coffee. Yeah, they know. They already know. So yeah, it's got to be coffee.
Social Media and Community Engagement
All right, Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. Marco runs Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. Find all of our links and all of our partnerships at chick Foley.com. Most importantly, make sure you're following our
Pod brethren at pod foundation and make sure that you follow all their individual shows over on instagram Yeah, definitely hit chick foley.com and check out the the patreon link. The facebook group is a blast We just started season four the foley pix league. Um, we had the foley rumble last uh, sunday night where we simulate a uh, uh, royal rumble on wwv 2k and live stream. It's a lot of fun
and we got a big trivia night coming out of Jordan's buddy out in Nebraska. Tony Barker donated a bunch of old school WCW merch and we're going to be having a Halloween Havoc themed trivia night in October to give away some of these prizes. It's going to be a ton of fun. So hit that up. It's only $2 a month and it's just a really, really great group. Chill group, no drama, no bullshit, no assholes. It's good stuff.
Discount Reminders and Trivia
We're gonna remind you guys use code chick Foley to save 10% every inside collectibles and it's time for the trivia question of the week. I'm back in the hot seat. I'm gonna try to break my own record for the longest, longest streak. Sheena hit me with your best shot. Who was the 1995 king of the ring?
1995 King of the Ring. That was the one and only King Mabel. Yeah, you got it. That was an easy one. How does this get a layup? And I get like, who was the janitor of the 1992 house show in Providence, Rhode Island? That's so true. Who did camera one in 1987 on the episode? Exactly. WWF superstar.
As soon as I saw that question, I was like, oh well. Trivia's a washer as well. That's one. I'm going on a streak, man. I think I'm going to go for like 20 straight right here. All right, Sheena, leave us with some closing thoughts as we wrap up this episode of the Chick Foley show. Welcome back, Paige.