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WTF NEWS It's WTF Wednesday

Nonsensical Network
25 Plays1 month ago

It's been a week so far so sit back relax and listen to the news on WTF news 

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Introduction and Show Format

Come on, man!

Podcast Notifications and Personal Updates

What is up everybody? It is what the fuck Wednesday. And this is what the fuck news. How are you doing sir? Mr. Glick, my co-host with the most, what's up sir? Sorry. I'm listening to this really cool podcast right now. I can't be bothered. they just come crop what fuck new oh wait it's ah yes It's funny how those, uh, those notifications pop in.
I only got like 4,000 yesterday from two girls that couldn't stop gabbing. Oh, that was you and Blaze, my bad. You'll you'll be fine, Sunshine, you'll be fine. You got practically killed my battery from notifications alone. Anyways.
your asshole don't forget everybody bio slash nonsensical network everywhere we do what we do you can see uh and of course it is Wednesday so we got some really funny news stories uh the biggest news before we get into the news is I'm in a good fucking mood buddy started my new job last week, really good this week so far. Right. That is unnecessary on a Wednesday night. Um, did they lower the legal age to like 12 now? So you can finally go back over to the elementary schools? No, like I said, you know, I'm on workflow apparently.
but Uh, but we do have some funny stories. I was looking, I looked over briefly, the ones you, you sent over, because I literally did mine while I was on break. What are we doing? We're doing the news, sir. I already said that. What the fuck do we do? I know you don't listen when I speak. Where are we? Where are we doing the news at? I already said it. See, you don't pay attention.
where can they find such an youre such an if oh okay here sha that here hey Speaking which did you see somebody posted on on Truthy Social a picture of Trump dressed up as Al Capone with a sign behind him says fuck around and find out no i'm not on my not but i saw it on tiktok today during lunch and i went yeah see for grounded find out yeah yeah no shit who knew for waen was go to be here this year
amazing to week chris for walking um yeah yeah Unfortunately, i the social media that I've been on the last few days is has been a lot of doing podcast related stuff. So I'm not doing a whole lot of scrolling. you know we i know i get it We actually do stuff around here other other than turn on our cameras and talk like. I was told when I started at this this network, I just had to show up. man You were never told that. I was never told not that. So I'm just like, anywho.
And i oh I got rid of it. Damn it. I thought I put it in the banners.

Promotions and Social Media Shoutouts

Don't forget everybody. Well, you can't really see it. Beauty and the beard creative corner. Am I saying it correctly? I hope I am. beauty Beauty and the beard. Beauty and the beard creative corner on Facebook and Instagram.
Yes. Go give Nikki a follow and a like. And if you guys want some nonsensical swag, let her know. Or or any swag. Or anything. If you just want something personalized, let her know. She can get you taken care of. She can do shirts, hoodies, cups, various cups of various sizes and shapes and stuff. I'm actually thinking about maybe going to the Labe of Hobby this weekend and picking me up a little cup just because they have these really cool Um, like frosted cups. Okay. And I'm going to see if she can, uh, throw a little, uh, nonsensical nonsense on there or nonsense. I think, cause she's still got all the logos and stuff that she created, uh, or that her and I created, um, on the spreadsheet, the spreadsheet. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. Uh, by the way, I'm, I'm doling out a challenge to our listeners.
Buy $1,000 worth of stuff throughout everybody, and Nikki will wear a shirt with my face on it says, I love Jen. Just saying.
I think that's a,000, dude, she'll fucking do it. I'll see what I can do. ah on Real, real quick, you know, and we've, you know, in and not, no, no updates. Uh, nobody's, nobody's dying. i ah you I have like three people on a death watch them. Yeah, I have a couple. So, uh, but somebody who pushed one of mine off a cliff, the angel, lay not a bearton in speaking to Nikki and the angel desk, she's going to church up our list.
uh, make it social media worthy. And I am working on the belt. This is just a mock-up for something I want to do on social media when I post the list. So I'll be changing the, obviously I'll be changing the wording around, but I thought this is pretty cool. I was working on it last night. I mean, it's not brain s surgery. It's not like I hunkered down in the lab or anything. Oh, I liked it. I liked, I liked the black background because the one you sent me had no background. in now I like that. I like the orange too.
However, being that I'm the current angel of death, if we could do the outline in green, like a bright neon green, that would be dope. I'm the angel of death, I can do that. I can hear what you are. I'm creating a, this is more for a social media post. This is a portrait of me. Yeah, this is, yeah, okay. This is gonna go along with our list.
um I actually, when I, when I mock up the belt design, I'll take 20, 25 off because it'll be the permanent angel death belt. But, uh, you know, like I said, it's not like I went down to the lab and put pen to paper or anything like that. Like some people will lead you to believe that they do, um, free design that I found and i heard it shot across the bow. And then, uh, and then, uh, put the font and everything. And there's some other little.
Little ah caveats that I'll add to it when I design the belt. But I was playing a lot of them designing the belt last night, and I know you're like, a white strap, gold plate. I'm like, yeah, but wait until you see it. It really does. like Yeah, I know. I know the ah just, white leather just freaks me. I could do, I could do, I could do, I could do a blue digital camo.
light blue on i'm fucking can we get pink camo i want pink camo quick no but i think we can get uh like barbie fucking pink look at me leper I think we can get leopard print. We can get snakeskin. No, like I said, I'll mock up a couple different designs, and I'll ah put them in the group chat. but like i do You know what? You know what would be great? And this is this is something to think about. Mock up four five or six different designs, and we'll let the viewers decide. We can do that too. Boom! Yeah, we could we can do that too. Throw them up on social. Let's see.
I'm an idea guy. I'm not a poster. I'm a thinker. You're something that rhymes with thinker. Something awesome. I'm awesome is what am. I'm just saying. I just played around. Who is life? Give daddy a call.
Yeah, I was playing around with that last night. I love that Grim Reaper I found. I thought that was just a work all day, man. If we're going to do the Angel of Devade just to fly in the fucking bird. Let's be honest, if you and I ever meet the real Grim Reaper, that's the first one. But, you know, I'm not really. You don't want me. I'm going to take your job, sir. You see at these celebrities. i
Two, calm down, calm down buddy. You're only accountable. you You can only account for three. You can only for three so far. Well, I'm just saying, you have more than the two of us. Our numbers across the board are not impressive. yeah We're not very good at our jobs. At 60 we've killed 600, we've killed six. but and I'm just saying, like if anybody wants to be a mortal, become a celebrity and let us pick you.
We didn't literally kill them, by the way, before somebody gets all twisted. We didn't literally kill anyone. For legal reasons. They got it on their own accord. We just put them on the list. Yes. As Chris Jericho would say, you're on the list. You know what? We should do a secondary angel of death list, I'm just saying, and add other podcasts. Oh, did I say that out loud? Oh, man.
Does it really count that they unalive themselves, though? This is fact. By the way, ah the background you see, and can you guess what it's from? It's your stepbrothers. There you go. I'm Will Ferrell. Sorry. it's It's my show. This show is my show. I don't know what that has to do with the news, but, you know, can you share? We're sitting down watching the news. Shut up. I had 10 minutes on break, and I made it. So shut up. but It shows. I'm a man of very few talents. I have no problem with being Thomas C. Riley. I think he's a way better comedian than Will Ferrell. I agree. And the boy can sing. I saw Chicago. Yeah. What's up, Benji? I think he's a much better communicator than Will Ferrell. He's a great dramatic actor, too. Yeah, he is. He's he's done a little bit of everything. It's wild to see how far back his career goes.
He started out as a straight man. Yeah. Well, this is a Friday night. He started out very is he very gay no go very know what straight. straight as in like Leslie Nielsen. Great comedic actor, correct? Started out as a straight man, as in he didn't do jokes. He was just in the industry. See, this is why you should listen to Nonsense and Chill on Fridays. You'll learn something. A straight man in the terms of actor,
is a person, a person that is, doesn't tell jokes. He just, he's, he's the ice cube or ice, the iced tea of, of acting. and jimmy comedy Tune this Friday for the first round of a nonsense and chill trivia night. I think I'll, I think I'll be there. I think I'll be pulled up yeah to challenge. Ray's and I were talking last night. He said you're, you're kind of up in the air with all your busy schedule, but we get it.
Uh, yeah, well, there might be a surprise guest too.
Oh, my teammate is going to be as long as I'm not on your team. I'm actually this week. I might want to be on your team because I know it actually, uh, I don't matter who my team is. So I'm going to tell my teammates to sit in the corner and let daddy go to work. Why? So we can lose? and I don't think so. I don't think so. you don't know nothing okay Okay Swine I know that with that's just common fucking knowledge hi da you speaking to the News or what what are you doing? man I am I am I have something that's right up your alley, sir. I know you're a giant fan of heights Like yeah, you won't even put step ladder
um i'm I'm actually, ah you know, right before the show project, I'm actually going going to take my my personal plane out for a little fly and then I'm going to do a little skydiving out of it. Followed up by some bungee jumping and I think I might walk across that that glass bridge in China.
I'm so glad I didn't delete this. That's so big news. You won't climb a two foot step ladder. What can you talk about? I'll get up on a six-foot ladder. You're... Well, yeah, but that's my... surgery What would you say your limit is? Because... ah Probably the Second Story House. Okay. Well, these guys have definitely got to be... And I mean, like, my my buildings at work are eight stories, and I get up on the roof all the time. Yeah, but this is the roof.
but it's a flat roof with a, with a five foot wall. You know what I mean? I'm like, I'm like, you're basically on ground fucking floor. yeah It's impossible to fall off unless you're dumb. and the Well, I'm sure Connor could figure it out. but When I worked at OSU we had a, we had a 15, 14 floor story, 15 floor story tower. And we used to go out on the roof because that's where we could smoke.
when I was i was right smoking campus. And I mean, that was just straight fucking, you get too close. No, I didn't get to the, I didn't go near the edge, mind you. yeah i just i very i can I can envision it in my head. Yeah. I was that i i stayed i i stayed to the wall, but beautiful. view colbu i hate them I hate to bear be the the the one that brings you pain, sir.
I don't because I love it. But here' your these gentlemen have you beat two daredevils walk a skyline slack line suspended between two hot air balloons for a Guinness World Record. you You act like I've set the bar real. I know.

World Record Slackline Stunt

Well, I know every time I send you a video of somebody on one of those phone towers, you freak out.
So I figured this would be a good way to freak you out. So a pair of German daredevils, well that explains a lot, took a walk across a slack line suspended between two hot air balloons during a world record for their stroll, I love that stroll, at an altitude of 8,205 feet.
ah a stroll. oh no You know what that mean? You know, when you fall from a height like that, it's not the ball that kills you. It's the sudden stop at the end.
a well Oh, yeah, I dive a heart attack. No, you said these gentlemen have you be like, the bar's not set. Wait, they're higher than the fifth floor?
Definitely me. yeah yeah yeah like yeah not definite like i may be I'm ashamed this fact at all. Like it's a well-known documented fact. I am terrified of heights and I don't see any rhyme and or reason for people to do something. Nothing is worth going over. The previous record was only 6,000 feet. 6,300.
Well, that's like um I had kissing Lillith on a couple of weeks ago. And Gavin, the lead singer, he jumped out of a goddamn plane skydiving um s singing their fucking song.
Okay. and i didn't really singing And I think they had like a minute or a minute and a half freefall. And I was like, dude, you gotta check it out. I'm like, you have no idea how terrified the Heights I am, bro. hes like i want to watch I want you to do a video reaction to that so I can watch you throw up live. He was like, he was like, would that seriously bother you? I said, have you ever played Spider-Man on PlayStation? He's like, yeah, that game gave me the little quizzes. Really? Oh, yeah. When when you're Spider-Man and you're fuckp but
Yeah, I'm a girl. I'm afraid of heights. I'm not afraid of idea. I'm not afraid of a bear or snakes or spiders or or kangaroos or the entire country of Canada or Texas or the Boston accident. I'm afraid of fucking heights and that makes me a girl. Why don't you go fight a bear Jeff? I don't know if I'd fight a bear. but I've jumped out of the airplane before. It's not that bad.
I had to be bunched. I had to be bunched each time, but I still did it. Yeah, it's unnecessary, bro. It's unnecessary to do it. You know the videos that really make me go, what the fuck is wrong with people? Are those guys that do the, what is it, urban freefalling? And they climb up on the skyscrapers and they hang out the side of it and they're like, yah, yah, yah, yah. And I'm like, no.
No, no, the worst I'm sorry The worst is the guys that do the parkour on rooftops that are like 10 stories above and then jumping and then they almost miss I shit my pants Yeah, there's a guy on tick-tock that I come across to every once in a great while I don't know why this son of a bitch is in my algorithm But he wears those squirrel suits or whatever the hell it's called him I want to do that and he hangs off of these fucking 9 million feet near skyscrapers and he just drops and and it's like the selfie cam or whatever it is and he's just free falling and all of a sudden he does like this weird flip and just and the suit opens up and i'm like no bro no and i'm out turn away and it makes it it makes my stomach like like i get that uh nervous uneasy feeling in my stomach every time but i can't turn away i can't stop my here's my crazy thing about those squirrel suits okay
If you've ever held your t-shirt open when it's windy day, it pulls your hand out. Imagine your entire body weight in the wind. It's going to pull your arms close. And you're going to die. I don't know, man. It doesn't have fun. What do you got for me, sir? Now that I scared you. To hell, I just ignored it. I just tried to do it. That is my, that is my, on my bucket list to get you in an airplane.
i Mean I truly believe one day I'm gonna get into an airplane. Oh I'm not jumping out of it. I'm not jumping out of it. Check this out Jeff. This is cool. This is right up. this I think this is right up our alley Okay, and watching launches a villain for hire service that lets clients pose as superheroes so Um, Alanese controversy on social media by announcing an ingenious service where he rents himself out as a villain that harasses clients, partners, um, allowing the ladder to pose as heroes by confronting him.
Uh, earlier this month, uh, the 28 year old, dude, I'm talking best first date ever. She's Ali. Yeah. Right. She's Ali. Uh, Suleiman took social media by storm announcing the villain for hire service that would allow clients to show off their masculinity and make a big impression on their partners. Or I called it or romantic crushes after being told that his unkempt long hair and biker clothing made him look like a gang member. Uh,
Solomon or Solomon was inspired to start a service that relied on his physical appearance to make a profit I'm not mad at the guy so far. I think you know what I I think this might be more profitable than your only fans. You should totally fucking do this sure big dude Yeah, and how fun how funny would it be to watch you harass somebody and then somebody like me comes up and knocks you out with one punch defend the line crush full on full on, uh, Batman, Adam West with a big, pi when yeah yeah just can't be as fuck. Yeah. What were your dates like? Yeah, no. but yeah i'm go to buy but i you yeah For a few clients can set up a time and place where he would show up and pick on their partner, thus giving them a chance to intervene and pose as a hero or a knight in shining armor.
I think this is genius. mr ah Does it say what he charges? No, doesn unfortunately unfortunately it doesn't say how much he charges, but, um, I would, I would hope that you meet the client prior to going because God forbid you go to pick on somebody and your client's not there.

Hiring a Villain for Image Boosting

And then some just other dude just knocks you. You lay in there and was a fucking break. You're dying. do this You get stabbed. You get wound.
be And then Wyatt watches his date walk off with some other dude. Yeah. I think it's a dope-ass idea, man. It's genius. I think it's, yeah, man. Of course, you know if I'm going to hire a guy to be a villain, I want to show up and pull on like superhero garb spandex and all in a game. Oh, yeah. underwear on the outside just tiny whities on top of some jump out of a tree a yoga pants jump out of a tree and do a superhero landing yeah ah good before you go off on the night you tell Nicky Nicky can I borrow your yoga pants I'm gonna put my tiny whities on over time yeah we're not going but baby trust me it's gonna be awful
yeah yeah how about this i did i got could You could totally live out, you know, beb and me being such a diehard fan of like Footloose. right one one you know like my One of my favorite scenes is at the dance where they're jumping his buddy and he's like, oh, tough guy when it's five on one. And he like dry kicks. Does that does that jump? Yeah. like Oh, tough guy when you're picking out a little woman, huh?
ah I wonder if he sets up time to choreograph stuff like that. Then we break into song and dance, like Grease. You're the one that I want. Or or better yet, you go up full on West Side Story you and get punched in the face. Body or date? What are you doing in here? Watch that. trickling you Nope, I got this baby. I'm saving you. cor She believes. Choreographed a dance fight from Beat It.
like this is not what I had in mind when I started this business. Dude shows up on a Harley and everything and he's this big biker doing that and all of a sudden he's like you I got you scrubbed and you're like I got this. You took it out of my town you filthy greaser.
You had the letterman sweater on everything.
Then you take it off so you're dressed like John Pravolta at the end of Greeks. And your date's wearing the whole onesie. Tell me about it, stud.
I'm just saying, if we do this, it must be filled. You should start incorporating all the fucking movies like Grease 2, we bowl. What the hell? He just challenges the guy to bowl. If I get my players scored in you, I win. You know that, right? And then you just start drinking beer all night. Oh, racing for pinks down at the viaducts. Yeah, that's right. You know what? I got to say.
In all seriousness, I think this is genius. This is because you can't have fun with it like that. I mean, you could take it 100 years, but like for your anniversary, like let's say it's your 10 year anniversary, you get to play Goofy and then, you know, our, your, my wife, they know we're fucking big dumb animals. And they know we're not going to take it serious and we're going to goof off the entire time. So they'll be in on the joke. Well, it's basically probably.
Basically, it's it's recreating the scene from Back to the Future, the first one, where he and his dad concoct the plan where he's going to come and save his mom and just yeah me actually they you get your damn hands. but let curious yeah
Yes, damn it, George! Call me George! just That would be the problem, is that it would actually run into Biff and it would be a real guy to be like... Tom Wilson just keeps the shit out of you? How the fuck did Tom Wilson get here? And why didn't they keep calling me a butt-head?
Why didn't he say we used to make like a tree and split? What the hell?
Something makes sense. The screen door to battle's getting more on.
it but Oh. You rented DeLorean for the whole thing? So much for a great business. You could expand it. There's a guy, he's got a collection of movie cars. You could expand it so you can actually do the fight with Scooby Doo in the night.
We're pretty French theater fights at night. and he And they play Bon Jovi, and he's driving that Indian.
can we Can we do the scene from Shrek, where the fairy godmother says hope sings, holding out for a hero. And Shrek fights all the time.
all oh oh that is Oh my god we could go on of this for days because like seriously that if I if this was my business this is what I would do I'd be like wait this is here's the scenario I'm gonna be I'm gonna be rich charming for being an asshole and you're gonna paint yourself green and come in like fucking shrek White horse the whole fucking night. Okay.
I hope they don't watch our show and in my lawn or wherever the hell that I'm just saying franchises.
i miss Have you ever wanted to live out your movie action hero dream? Dude, I think we should take this TikTok. We'll call it the nonsensical superheroes. Yeah, man. See? Are you a nerdy little guy who's got a crush on a girl that's wickedly- It The ad starts out with a clip from fucking hot tub time machine calling it a nerd.
Don't let this happen to you. Call up nonsense about superheroes and we'll make you a superhero. will make you look like a stud in front of your lady. The fact-speaking guy at the end, not guaranteed to work. It does not work 100% of the time. It works. What does that figure mean? It works. 70% of the time, it works 90. All right.
got have the yeah that
30% of the time, we're exalted. Well, let's cleanse our pallets real quick because my stomach hurts. And we're gonna play, what is this? life was ah Like the curse? I just died? li Yeah, Jeff, this is a special little treat for you. You'll know this song. Lip the curse. I just died in your arms. Oh, fucking way. Yeah, they did a killed ass. Oh my God, follow this song.
Shout out to Lift the Curse. They were on Glick's House of Music last night. Oh my god, we had, dude, that's one interview that I think you would enjoy going back and watching the replay. Man, we had so much fun. We talked about everything but music.
And they're going to come back. they'renna ones They're be guys that come back again, man. We had so much fun hanging out. um ah got They got like 60, 50 songs on fucking YouTube, man. And they know our boys. They know our boys ever at Blacktop Mojo. They've actually played with them before. So we actually chatted about them a little bit last night. But yeah, look at the curse with their cover of, I just died in your arms tonight. I put this up here for you, Jeff, because I knew you'd like it. i knew you I knew you loved me, buddy.
we'll be right back everybody let's not
stops for feeling and like this on the surface summer a name i
hands not my head i know i
I'm tired in your arms and arms It must have been some kind of chaos I should have
I like it. I like it a lot.
i was over fucking jam and they make some killer du They got some killer tunes. but and They've actually got the yeah theme song from Home Alone. I wish you were here, whatever it's called. They actually did a cover of that. That's dope. They've done a couple Lincoln Park songs. I haven't got to hear them yet.
um They've done a couple covers, but a lot of their a lot of their music is all original. the guys The guys are awesome. Are they on Spotify? Yeah, they're everywhere. Okay, yeah. I want to go check them out. We had a lot of fun hanging out last last night. um And just shooting the shit, man. Just just having fun.
i So shout out to... I'm trying to get the promo up for Blaze. I'm going to shout out to, uh, uh, lift the curse. Sorry. I was reading the message. Uh, uh, a band just, a band just reached out to me. Oh, uh, I think I seen one of their clips. Oh yeah. Okay. Now I know who that is. Uh, avatar. They got, they're pretty dope. They just reached out to me. So avatar. Yeah. They just reached out to me. So, uh, there was a, there's, um, there was a, um, a new gaming, uh,
develop, uh, breaking that, and not really, I guess it's kind of news for, for us. Uh, they really got to us via email. Um, what is it called? Uh, for our glory studios or something like that, but they're, uh, uh, veteran owned and venture. They're there. They make video games. Uh, the two guys, the two guys that started the company, they were in the Tom Clancy verse of video games. Like, uh,
ah splitter cell yeah Yeah, and Rainbow Six or something. I think i most thanks they've worked on a lot of different areas. They've reached out and I didn't see the first email. So I'm actually probably going to wind up coming up here on a Thursday night and doing that interview with them because it sounds super cool. And the game looks super cool. And what they're doing sounds super cool. So I might wind up scheduling that for a random Thursday since we don't have anything going on. I'm working on it. I know. joe bold um I know. jerevee she
how Speaking of things coming up. This is why we're jealous. Because ily that we only talk about it. Apparently. but Speaking of things that we're talking about and we're doing this Friday.
Come check out Movie at Trivia Night hosted by Blaze on Nonsense and Chill, Friday at 7. We're going to be doing Movie Trivia. Blaze has actually, he and I went over some rules that he was telling me about. ah Pretty simple stuff, you know nothing crazy. ah He's going to type them up so it's understandable. And we're going to be doing Movie Trivia and I already know the theme. I'm not going to blurt it out because I don't know if he wants to let everybody know.
Winter gets to be awesome the next week. I guess we're going to do like from what Blaze was saying was he wants to do some kind of like tournament style thing. I think so. Yeah. We're talking about doing it every month. Every year that person gets to be the... Doing Blaze and I talked about putting together a swag pack like a shirt and a cup or something. I can't win.
that but if i do happen to win the runner-up will which i probably will let's be but if the if i do ring the runner-up we'll get this one you are going to be so salty when you get smoked by some matter i'm not i'm not even saying it's going to be salty when have you ever dude are you breathing oh it is it so john and apparentlyho I have a question for you. I'm sorry, we got so much going on out here on our on our network of shows that we can't even stay on track for the... I know. We're going to refocus and we're doing the news. We're going to refocus and I have a question for you and this applies to my next story. What are your thoughts on Krispy Treme donuts? I love them. They're the best.
Unfortunately, you can't do this because Nikki can't have the kids anymore because it's been burnt and all that fun

Krispy Kreme Baby Story

stuff. But the family had their baby born in a Krispy Kreme parking lot. And they get free donuts for life. I see that. I noticed that. Alabama family was offered. Oh, well, they get free donuts for a year in honor of their baby born in the Krispy Kreme parking lot in a rare snowstorm. Snowstorm. Yeah. I ain't mad at that.
I'm not even. I don't know how long it's been. You guys got Krispy Kreme down there? Oh, yeah. Yeah. We got it. We got it in 2018, 2019. There's nothing better when you when you are by Krispy Kreme and that neon lights on it. It's just hot and fresh. Oh, you know.
the alsogo It's like that meme you see that meme on the freeway where there's an exit sign. Yeah one and the cars like it's reding Here's my problem with Krispy Kreme don't get wrong. I love him, but I always buy too many like I'm like Yeah, I'll take two dozen and then I eat it Justin and then then I'm like, oh my god. I've eaten too much I'm gonna I don't then i'm gay i don't know a diabetic I buy donuts, like when when I would buy donuts, I would buy for the family, not myself, because no, I can only- Oh, I do too, but i have to know I have to buy two dozen, a dozen for the family and a dozen for me to eat on the way home. Yeah, exactly. I'm not eating. I am a huge fan of Krispy Kreme and I like that deal. Nice little year free donuts for having to, but they gotta give the baby a donut name, man. That's what I said. You named that kid Krispy?
Well, and he gets donuts for life. That's a deal. Like, you you know, like Krispy Kreme has like their different style, they call it. Right. His name is Kreme. Well, yeah just say there's a reason why he's here. So Shania, Shania S H A apostrophe and Y A.
is her name. Sanyea, dealer's choice, I guess. Bennett said she and the father of the child, Corinne Michael, were heading to the hospital with their five-year-old son in with them, and it started to feel she started to feel contractions amid heavy snow in Dorth. Dorth? Dorthern?
do And she said, yeah she was, they were about a mile from Flowers Hospital and she went, she wasn't going to make it. She said, so they pulled over the crispy green parking lot. And, uh, and it had been closed due to the weather. oh i of that And they basically had the the baby right then and there. Hell yeah, man. I didn't matter, man. She said she felt like superwoman to go on our superhero theme there.
Yeah, let's go. Call that biker he can deliver. I'm just saying. She can be a hero too. They can pretend to stay there maybe and then the dad can beat them up. Win opportunity. I think this is really cool. Good on Krispy Kreme.
Yeah, man. the Meanwhile, Mitchell, the the husband, boyfriend, whatever, was fighting off panic. I really didn't know how to stay calm because I was really scared. Big bold quotes.
but mind if well i mean that Well, let's be honest. No, but it's it's obviously their second child. i think They had a five-year-old, but Duke delivered his own child. Oh, yeah. That's a win in my book. I mean, I'm sorry. I know you'd like to go by the champ, but that dude's his champ.
always Well, I mean, I wouldn't go as far as calling him. I mean, he could be like the world's greatest dad for the first year. He's the new Johnny Bench, I'm just saying. He caught that sucker. Sports reference. I don't think she was shooting the baby across the fucking parking lot. 98. He was out there like Jerry Race. We'll call him Christmas. We shall call him Christie.
ah Hold him up where we're underneath the Christmas tree. All of a sudden.
We've got a scenario for everything, ladies and gentlemen. and If you're a pretentious prick, we can call it a scenario if it makes you happy. What happened on the 28th? She will be released on Friday. Sorry. I read that wrong. Sure. They have not come up with the name yet.
um I'm just saying. You can, you can share some news. sure like can now but i don't yeah Yeah, we know. That's why he's in Mexico. That's all news. So yeah, they offered him on his first birthday to have the party there as well. Nice. At that same restaurant, the same crispy cream.
The manager, Lord Frank said, my first thought was we have seen it all here at the Krispy Kreme. You never know. What up, pickled pecker? I'm just saying, maybe next time have birth at a car lot.
I have an idea. Or the Home Depot. I'm just saying. Daddy needs a new tool, baby. Let's go get you knocked up. We'll have another one. We'll just camp out parking a lot of Home Depot for nine months. ah fucking new or fuck Fuck tools, man. I can go buy tools for work. Daddy needs a new truck. Daddy needs to use this every one. Let's have the baby at the bank parking lot. Just in case.
Yeah. No **** that. Daddy needs a new twenty-five hundred. Come on, man. deal you do. Speaking of speaking of. Just don't do it in the board party. You'll have to get him come out gay. I'm just going to say. You're like Brian. What? I'm a lazy. What's up, Lazy? Uh are you sure? That kid's going to look like Lazy because he was born in a snowstorm.
that he's go have new powder born in a lightning storm. Same difference. Totally the same. It's a storm. Well, it's like my giegan a big back salad. It's healthy because it's got salad in it. Whatever you said, but speaking of ah buying a new truck, we got two dummies that got arrested. I was home all day.
I was at work. yeah We're covered. Got that legal part out of the way. I was with Lazy.
Two dummies got arrested for buying a they for buying a fire and truck at an auction. And guess what they did? One of them said, hey, I got an idea. The other one said, say no more. They bought a fire truck and they pretended to be firefighters.
Are you sure this wasn't us? Because it sounds like someone would do. It's, uh, it's all, it's all really good playing a little bit of dress up, but there has to be a limit to the fun. A pair have been arrested for buying an entire fire truck and role playing as firemen. Uh, the two, uh, fake firefighters, they tried to put on a fire. They, they, they, they managed to buy themselves a fire truck at an auction, which is not illegal to kick themselves and the truck.
out with all the gear they would need. They had the whole thing down to with full turnout gear, helmets, radios. Called it. So they so decided to what's that? Called was yeah So they decided they decided to try out their disguises at the wildfire still burning across. Look, the guys are trying to help. All right. They don't do anything wrong in my opinion. and they They tried their disguises out at the wildfire, still burning across California. As they approached the Palisades, they came across the checkpoint, competently rolling up in their very old fire truck. Rolling up, hey, boys, we're here to help. Got your backup has arrived. They claim that their truck was from the Roaring River Fire Department in Oregon. However, one keen eyed fire chief noted something fishy going on.
Sure, eight is flooding in from everywhere across America, but the name didn't sit right with him. He did a little investigating and found that there was no roaring river. And that the fire truck and fake firemen could have come from. Well, did they say they were pretending to be firemen or were they just trying to help out because they're like, hey, we got a fucking. brown ah Yeah, I mean, that's what I'm saying like.
for a split second in time, I was a hero until everyone realized I didn't know what the hell I was doing.
when the When the illegitimate truck was noticed, a call was put out to local deputies. They immediately tracked down the fake fire truck and apprehended Dustin Neal, 31, and Jennifer Neal, 44. They were both arrested and charged by impersonating a firefighter and and entering an evacuation zone.
The fire truck has been has been put back in and down and we'll be back up for auction again next month. but It doesn't say that, but I'm assuming that's what's going to happen with the two of them are land planning by entering the evacuation zone with a fire truck. What the two of them were planning by entering the evacuation zone with a fire truck is anyone's guess. However, it turns out that Dustin does have prior conviction for arson and criminal mischief. Whatever he was planning.
certainly wasn't on brain. That's like that, that meme where it's like, Hey, I just bought a, a prison bus and a bunch of orange jumpsuits from the police auction. I got an idea. you imagine one I know.
I don't, I think that if their intentions were good, I don't see a problem. The story does, does wrap up by saying there is also a chance that they were trying to help out with the fires, but there are ways to do that. That don't involve a fire truck in and impersonating fire service, emergency service, save your money. I mean, you know, it's not like they were driving around town, um but setting things on fire and then putting them out to pretend to be firefighters.
is uh we'll discuss that later jedi don't worry your evacuation zone is not off limits wouldn't be getting much of that yeah i've done that yeah sounds pretty gay bro that all sounds pretty good Don't make eye contact, Wyatt. Don't make eye contact. Make sure you say sp surprise. Yeah. Yeah, yell surprise. Then it's fine. That's what I do. That's what I do to Jedi. Like a legal loophole.
Let's just keep Jedi on his toes and motherfucker. He's like, oh, here we go again. He grabs his ankles. All right. Let's get this over with. Like light the fucking pillow. Oh, we have to make content for the lazy Glick things. One more real quick before we go to break again.
So is Delona goat? What do you mean goat? Like greatest of all time? As in the animal. No, as in the animal. Because a goat ran loose through South Philadelphia streets on the 28th, 27th, sorry. Philadelphia residents captured video of a goat running loose through the streets of South Philadelphia. If you want to climb those stairs and done this, I wouldn't have been mad at it. Justin, please share the video.
Right. Just let me show the video of the goat running through the middle of the road on the area of second and Tucker around 7 PM. I do have a video. Why? And I got to say your friend sounds a little sus. Right. I think that's what the kids are saying. that This is the cutest thing ever. Hold on. I gotta, I gotta share my screen because I have a video and I'm going to mute it so we don't get in troubles.
but one there's the goat. Walking down the street, man. Did he might need to go and she leave it in South Philly? Trust me, neither one of us will ever be caught dead in Philly. I agree. But look at them. I mean, some of these play eye of the tiger. That's much better news to come out of Philly than what came out of Philly after the Eagles won their conference championship and some jackass decided to plow his car through a crowd of people and then Philly being Philly and the disgusting people that Philadelphia people are just started shooting their guns off randomly ah and whatnot.
and i was we celebrating And they were out in out in the street celebrating after the after the game and some guy came plowing through with his car, running people over and then what's the first reaction? All bunch of people just pull their guns out and start shooting. Not even necessarily at the guy driving the car, just shooting.
They're not the smartest breed of people in and in Philly. yeah Well, apparently somebody lost their goat. This is Jeff. You never know. Why? For the streets of Tijuana. I'm just saying. I thought that was cute. I thought that that would be a cute little share because that's my first my first thought my first thought was Glick got Nikki a goat and she lost it. But what the hell are they doing in South Philly? I don't think either one of us would ever be caught dead, let alone you couldn't pay us enough money to go to Philly. That's a disgusting, vile city. It just doesn't look like fun. It's just time.
The people there. and Yeah, that's that's that. ah You know, i'll give I'll give the I'll give the people of Boston credit. I mean, they're not the worst people on the planet. They're not really. Yeah, they're not from Philadelphia. So it's like a compliment. At least you're not fucking Philly. I can't. At least you're not from Philly, Boston. They got that going for you guys. Look, see, peace offering Boston wins wins wins.
You don't have to be mortal enemies forever, Boston. I will beat your actions up, though. As soon as I figure out how to fight an action. Come here, Shay. I'm going to fight your action, Shay. Why is walking got a problem with the accent? Because he doesn't sound like this, Shay. Well, we're going to play another Lift the Curse. This is Vengeance. This is off. I can't read. It doesn't, as well.
uh well this is their their song vengeance yeah ben that could be the other three minutes and 16 seconds remove some sixteen heads
So what's better than your situation?
Well I'll take some
You know, I already have like 4,000 songs on my Spotify. Now I need like Power 56 more. You're such a kid. Well, if I can can get caught up on carrying everybody's, actually I'm not carrying anybody's slack because if I'm not hosting the show, I don't give a fuck. But at the end of the day, you know,
um But I am working on a Spotify playlist from all my guests that I interviewed. It'll strictly be just former guests. um I've got a lot of them. I don't coat hang off of one or two of them. I've actually got a lot of them and I enjoy hanging out with them. um But I'm going to create that playlist and I think it'll be dope and I'm going to do a second one and and and every artist and I always ask permission. I don't just play music without asking permission. You know, you should do season one, season two. So this year, everybody, everybody you had from this year or last year and then this year, everybody had from this year. Well, I might do that. I might do that. Maybe I'll do something like that when I reach my one year anniversary for Glitch House of Music.
yeah then start to season two I was thinking 24, 45. I am going to do a separate list for when they drop new music. So it'll be like the new. oh yeah and then just like what we were introduced to just do and what they've come up with now. I get that. Yeah, like I'll go through and handpick some of my favorites from from the artist and whatnot and put them on the on the... That new song by Southern Outlaws that comes out on the 14th, by the way, is like rapidly becoming one of my favorites. I'm so... I was literally talking to Arliss yesterday and going, dude, as soon as it's on Spotify, I have to know because it needs to be on my playlist.
Nice. No. So yeah, it's just a matter of finding time so that I can complete that because if unfortunately fortunately, I know, fortunately, that number of interviews is not getting smaller at the end of the day. Yeah. This is true. yeah This is true.
So so and um but I do want to do a second playlist because like I know My girl our girl Jules. She's got a song coming out Friday James has got a song coming out Friday. The outlaws have something coming out February 14th in a couple weeks ah I think lift the curse I think they said March, late February, early March, they got something coming out. Derek's starting to promote stuff that he's already released, but he's starting to promoted songs.
And Lord knows we're only a matter of time. We're only any given moment away from our guys over at Blacktop Mojo releasing new music as well. I'm just saying that the nonsensical music labels should be a thing.
I don't know about music labor. i mean Yeah, apparently it's a dangerous game, but whatever. I'm not afraid of Shug Night. Fuck that dude. Anyway. and Well, I know this wasn't on our on our on our list of news today, but this is a breaking, kind of sort of breaking-ish news. I'd really been talking about it for the last day or so, and I totally forgot about it, but it just popped up again.
the doomsday clock are you familiar with that yeah i i don't 100 understand it but i did you see that today so the doomsday clock was first used in 1947 and it has been used ever since to examine the likelihood of a man-made catastrophe uh the clock last measured at um 90 seconds uh midnight and and 90 seconds to midnight midnight being this is This is the end of the world, kind of, yeah. Yeah. Back in 2000, and it remained in that position in 2024. However, scientists earlier said that this the reason ah we're so close
was due to the Ukraine war and the new nuclear arms. Uh, since those seven, there had been a new risk factors considering, uh, such as AI, blah, blah, blah, blah. However, news came out. point is I will live a point. I will live. Sorry. News came out yesterday that the, uh, doomsday clock is currently sitting at 89 seconds to midnight. I thought it was 45 seconds.
No, it's 89 seconds. Is it 89? Here's my thing. We're all going to die. Well, no, but here's my thought. When I saw that, I was like, you know, that sounds politically motivated. You know what I mean? Like somebody, some scientist is like, oh, fuck this you know, kind of thing. Well, yes, it's it's well pre because everything is biased. It is. It is really motivated. It's it's based off of the likelihood of a nuclear apocalypse.
have it on so Yeah, but you know for for for for anybody out there that's worried about that kind of thing, don't worry. Get those bags ready. The Nonsense School Network will be here for your your post-apocalyptic podcasting needs. Yes, you can listen to us in your in your fallout show. Yeah, we'll be here to entertain not necessarily the masses but the and the like the Last nine people We'll be here for the last of us but I'm not gonna regret them I'm not afraid of shouldn Yeah, nobody's pretty sure isn't he locked up anyways no, I think he gets out this year
But I doubt like parole being what it is. He's not allowed to leave the country. So I can say whatever the fuck I want. Well, I'll give him Glixander's anyways. Deal with my muscle, boy. Mm, machete, rainbow nose. I'm just saying, I'm just saying. They don't allow you working out in prison no more. So I'm just saying, he's probably out of shape.
Well, um speaking of dumb people going to jail. Jeff, I know you're a fast food connoisseur, so to say. A little bit, a little bit, a little bit. Four big nights in your six foot long pizza and whatnot. Well, would you ever would you ever get this

Violence Over Cold Fries

mad? A man enraged over his cold, windy fries shoots an employee. Dude, you don't fuck with my fries, man. I'm sorry. holy Only to discover He wasn't the only one armed. Play stupid game. Win stupid prizes. Oh, agree over the temperature of his fries. The Kentucky man confronted and shot a Wendy's employee who then pulled out a gun and fired back. I'm not surprised. It's Kentucky. Let's be honest.
They're probably brothers. Yeah. my Manja D. James Wooten, 25, faces charges of assault in an incident that happened on January. This happened last last week. Louisville Metro police announced at a press release, the violence started after an argument in the drive through between the suspect and a group he was with and the employee at the Louisville. Suck it. I said Louisville.
Uh, Wendy's at about 10 41 PM that night, the suspect and two unidentified co-defendants fired multiple shots at the victim. According to the complainant, uh, that outlines the allegations. It was, it's, it all allegedly started from an argument in the drive-through of a cold fries. The suspect and his group then went into the fast food restaurant inside the suspect pulled a firearm and fired her shot. The employee then returned fire.
said, welcome to fucking America. baby Amen. and Pass the ammunition. Yeah. The defendant then fired multiple rounds. Do you want fries? One of which struck the the victim in the buttocks. Something jumped up and bit me in my buttocks.
The best thing about getting shot in the buttocks is, you know, it's all fun and games. Somebody gets shot in the ass. I'm just saying. So, amen. I, you know, there's a part of me that's like, you know, we've all gone through fast food, a joint and gotten cold fries or whatever, but I've never been, I've been like, i mean from so one day yeah, like I've never been so angry. I want to start a fight with somebody, let alone shoot somebody. I'm just like, you really let me down. Can I get a fresh fry?
That's, yeah that's all you had to say. Hey, I mean, can I just get some fresh fries? That's, now the guy mouths off to you then you just like, you go full care and I might speak to him. Yeah. Yeah. You know, uh, common decency and and courtesy goes a long way. I'm just saying like, Hey man, not just open doors for people, people. Yeah. Hey, you know what?
some people think that that is a huge accomplishment and they really did something to make the world a better place because they opened the door for someone i'm just saying but like i said a little common decency hurt my my fries are a little bit cold can can i get some fresh fries you know let's be honest i i worked at willy's my job was fries they sit under a heat lamp they're not that fucking cold calm the fuck down Yeah. Or I get home and I realize my fries are cold. So I pop them in the air fryer for a couple of minutes. 30 seconds. Yeah. Yeah. It's not that bad. Or you know what? They're Wendy's fries. Calm down. They're not that good. yeah The Donald's fries are better. So. Yeah. The Donald's fries, that's when you shoot. but reality Wendy's fries, just dip them in your frosting. We are. Yeah.
and Nobody complains when they go to White Castle and get their soggy ass fries, because their their fries are always soggy when you go to White Castle. No, but their burgers are amazing. I can eat like 40 other bitches. I'm not surprised. I can eat like eight. Really? he like You know, for a big guy, you don't eat very well. I don't only can be about myself yeah i don't eat like I eat like you look like you eat. Pretty much.
Pretty much. It's a good reason I drink a lot of energy drinks because that's what keeps me skinny. Is that what it is? Sure. Why not? Yeah. Okay. That's the excuse I tell my wife when I buy them. Anyways, speaking of food, I know you you have a stance on on a spikes.
Spikes. We'd be like spikes. Spikes. Like, holy shit, it's it's hot. Let's not eat this. Yeah. Spikes. Yeah, no, i know you're not going out soon. No, I mean, no, that's well, I'm not. I'm not. No, I mean, but i unfortunately I am. I am a fan of I do like I'm not going to the wing joint. Oh, I fucking would like a little baby monkey. I just stand over top of him and shake out my beard. He's like that little baby bird. And then after I get all the crumbs out, ja Jedi comes over and uses it for his wubby so he can go to sleep. yeah puzzlezzel just Cuddles underneath it like a baby bird.
My, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my beard serves so many purposes in life. Being Jeff, know, comfort Jedi. Hide your fat ass neck. Hide my fat ass neck. I don't have chins. I just have one. You know how a bull from a boat.
I just had one of them. No,
man ah no i'm not I'm not opposed to spicy food. I'm just not the guy who's going to go to like a wing joint and be like, give me the hottest fucking wings of hell that you got. understood it i I just, I can't eat spicy food as much as I would like because of my acid reflux.
understood well but a a possible new world record for the tallest cayenne pepper plant hits 16 and a half feet tall what do you do with that what do you mean what do you do with that you harvest the peppers and let the fucker grow
Well, I'm assuming one one peppers. No, no, no, the plant itself, it's the plant itself. It's like, it's like, on like yeah, exactly. on like a strike okay Right.
um about When I seen the headline, I thought it was like one giant 16-foot pattern. I did too. I had to read it. I had to read it a little bit. But my yeah. idea Read your news stories before you present them. I did read it. I skimmed it. It does look comfy. It's an environmental group in Mississippi. I'm glad I served her purpose. plays a lot Might have broken the Guinness World Record for cayenne pepper plant that grew nearly 16 and a half feet tall. Henry Pope, Lee Grower,
of the plant genetics for Mississippi Foundation of Renewable Energy because, the you know, peppers and things are renewable plants. They grow every year. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They cross pollinated specific pepper plant with the aim of creating a variation of plant ideal for vertical growing. So it's like normally a pepper ah normally a pepper plant grows cross ground.
Like watermelon. but you got put up broke poll There's actually a video. I haven't watched the video. So it's, it's genetically enhanced. So then should it really actually be in the world's Guinness book of records? Because you had performance enhancing drugs. Yeah. BEDs performance enhancing drugs. try to find a picture of the flat but oh know man I don't know. I don't, I don't know the rules. I don't, I don't, I don't know the rules. Uh, uh, uh, uh,
Well, real quick, this is said plant. There it is. It's growing up inside a building, man. Dude, it looks like one of those, dons remember? You remember the old CB towers? We had one on my house. Right? It's a cherry picker to get the peppers off it. There it goes. It looks like a weed, let's be honest. ah Yeah, it looks like a cut of grass.
It kind of looks just like a like a like a vine like yeah like an ivy, you know They just kind of you you you put the fence there and they just kind of grow up the groans do that great vines, right? you break line I have I put ivy on the house in the front. Yeah, I make it look pretty and it's growing like crazy But yeah, that that's that's what it looks like I don't see any peppers on it, but yeah pretty cool I mean, you wouldn't have to worry about buying peppers, I guess. No. Apparently, peppers are good for you. Like antioxidants. Yeah, they're vegetable. No, but they're antioxidants. They cleared you out. Well, you know, your sign you know and you know, you you know, why do you know why it burns when you shit after you eat something hot? It's because your asshole has taste buds.
It's true. Google that shit. When I heard it, because I was like, wait, that's bullshit. It's true. yeah Yeah. You know, I'm not. i' Put it in Google. Fuck up your algorithm. Go ahead. Dude's in there. Asshole. Have taste buds. How do I phrase it? Does your asshole? It's going to say, yeah, your husband has to. I'm not. What? yeah Your boyfriend says it tastes great. It's true.
I don't think it's the same type of taste buds. Don't try to auto correct me, Google. outif correct Does your asshole have taste buds and auto corrected it? does Does your anus have taste buds? yeah Does your rectum have state taste buds? I'm looking at it from a biology book clearly. It isn't possible. Really? Testicles have taste buds? The study found receptors in the testicles similar to what are found in taste buds.
but the it does not mean you can taste from your testicle. However, guess my skill, folks. I can taste it with my ball. right And summary, the rectum can experience a burning sensation due to the presence of sensitive membranes that are similar to those found in the mouth. So they're not taste buds, they're just membranes.
embralo ah But I mean it's the same thing like there Aren't there some are there some peppers out there that you can't touch with your bare skin because it'll oh, yeah You have gloves and shit. Yeah, so jeff um a killedkeeper I don't get heartburn that way. I don't get heartburn. I'm just saying Yeah
Well, yeah, i in my just i don't wait you guys don't do that. perfect So I eat eye dogs too. I'm just saying. You also eat snickers upside down. So I mean, I'm an in acquired taste folks. we You're an acquired something. You're not wrong there.
Well. my my My last story before we, before we get into, I mean, yeah, we got plenty of time here. All right. Um, before we get into the, uh, penis stories, penis report, we had a father of the year guy going long in the parking lot at Krispy Kreme, catching his, catching his kid on the Hail Mary pass from, uh, Johnny bench himself. Yeah. regard
yeah he's dead what Well, we go from good parents to shitty fucking parents. A mom has sparked a mass outrage over a shocking act involving her newborn in the NICU.

NICU Incident and Viral Stories

I saw this. The the mother identified as Ali Ray.
is reportedly under investigation after she cut she was caught unplugging her baby from hospital monitors while live streaming her actions on TikTok.
In the footage from an unclear location, Ali is seen tampering with the equipment, monitoring her infant daughter allegedly to get the iner and get the nurse's attention when they were not in the room. but There's a call button, literally. ah It's not an emergency. Vance said he wants more babies in the U.S. What the fuck is going on here? Randomly. Yeah, just randomly went in there. It's not an emergency, she's quoted saying. No, you're fine. It's not an emergency. She tells the nurse who rushes in responding to the alarm sounding like I was just going to see if you could bring me a turkey sandwich.
I mean, I like a jerky sandwich as much as the next guy, but you're putting your child at a risk. That's fucked up. And a follow-up video. Now, mind you, she her daughter's in the NICU. That's, you know, preemie, whatever, maybe other complications, maybe other issues. Yeah.
ah but but she's and She's unplugging. And she's live on TikTok. Ladies and gentlemen, This is this is not a banable offense on Tiktok putting your baby in danger, but like doing this right now. But this right now is a banable. Tiktok, pay attention, you stupid sons of bitches. so me call In a follow up video, this dumb bitch says she claims I was told if I needed something to unplug the monitors that are
making sure my baby's okay. No, that's what as we all know, my mom is an RN. My mom was an RN for years. And I'm pretty sure if I called my mom and asked her, they have nurse call buttons. She'd be like, what are you retarded?
yeah and like du you'd met me This is a quote from Ali Ray. I was told if I needed something to unplug that, and that's what I'm going to do. I needed my term just slapped at it many, many viewers were outraged saying her behavior was irresponsible and dangerous. Agreed and agreed. Uh,
um Abilene at bedside hospital nurse took to tick tock to condemn Ali's actions. I'm telling you with 100% confidence, there is absolutely no way in hell any nurse told her to unplug one of the baby's monitors. Now Abby Lee is a nurse.
in a hospital and there's videos of her, like there's screenshots of her on her TikTok live eating this fucking turkey sandwich. And it's not like it's a subway turkey sandwich, ladies and gentlemen. This is white as like from all these with deli sliced turkey bread from fucking, you know, progress, whatever. It's not. I guarantee it's got a lot of mayonnaise on it. Yeah. That doesn't really get right. um She says, even if the baby wasn't in intensive care,
Minus. my Factor in. The baby's in intensive care. Right. The NICU is intensive care for young children. um
So, Abby, ah even if the baby wasn't in intensive care, a nurse would never say that to anybody. You see this machine that's keeping grandpa alive? If you need something from ah one of us nurses, just unplug it. It'll be fine. Just unplug it until we get here.
i t IT, did you try turning it off and on? ah no like This is why we need to bring back public hangings because nobody would object. Public hangings, public stoning. i really hope firings well i hope this is I really hope this is one of those cases where DCS gets involved and they take this fucking baby from this girl. You know what I mean? hundred percent needs being zabb Abby also notes that Ali could have simply used the call button.
Called it. It's literally a button that says. but says's funny Yeah. do do too And you know what that does? It sends an alert to the nurse desk and the nurse says hey i need some room Here's my stupid question. What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? She can't get her fat ass. She wasn't that big, but she can't get her lazy ass up and go get her own fucking turkey. sal Yeah. baby Walk away. Yeah.
ah Then a toaster. like The controversy deepened when Allie was seen in another clip repeating the act. This time, she unplugged the baby's monitors to request a drink. ah She was a little parched after her sandwich.
like You know, you know that flexible part of the end of a fishing pole that real thin part somebody needs to go in with one of those and just beat the shell No, no, it gets better despite the fact that when she did it the second time there's a fucking nurse in the goddamn room with her I Hate to be the very bad news. She's doing it for the clips good or bad
said She's doing it for the the views and the likes and the attention. And again, that's what I said. I hope that they **** take the baby away from her. I don't know. I would put her down. That's just me. Not the baby. The mom. The baby didn't do nothing wrong. I put the mom down. Just put her down. Like 100 grand every year for the rest of his life. I'm just saying. So so Granny's got one of those life alert buttons. You push her down a flight of stairs and then go hit the button and blame it on a bear.
migo gra back beer 12 pack of beer in a number seven from Taco Bell, please certainly well granny's laying on the floor thats like orangeing here you guys on your way here anyway so Yeah want to umlock something so je nobody fucking asked you those monsters ah Yeah, so
quotes from the, you know, kind of negligent and careless as comments pointed in from her live stream viewers. She's doing this on a live stream. Again, okay but once again, no, but here's once again, to all the assholes watching, stop watching. Hey, stop watching, but TikTok. be fucking don You know, again, I'm not the only person this has happened to, but there's people out there that have done nothing and fucking wrong. And their live bands are fucking their their their lives are permanently banned and they're just doing what you and I are doing right now. like so But then you've got this dumb bitch. So as the comments flooded in from her livestream viewers, Ali appeared to mock their concerns. You guys are so annoying. I can't get my own drink when I'm holding her. Now I'm going to have to stir her up because y'all want to cry about something.
The video sparked such intense backlash. Ali finally, finally, TikTok didn't delete her account. She deleted it because she was getting so much hate. TikTok didn't do it, but she did. She's already showing her negligent and careless behavior. If she's going to act like that while the baby's in the hospital, God only knows how it's going to be at home. Abby stress. This is that nurse, Abby Lynn, TikTok user Anthony Blackwell, who is,
who has almost half a million followers, uh, shared a video to the app claiming he has reported the incident to the authorities and that there's an active case being investigated. Uh, I hope there is. And I, and I truly do hope that however many theres there should be that many cases. I don't know. I don't know if there's, I don't know if there's any criminal charges to be, to be pursued, but I think for one,
Yeah, I think they should 100% take the baby away from her. Yeah, they should 100% take the baby away from her. I wouldn't trust that chick with a cat. Like an independent feral cat. Maybe I can. Maybe I have two or three in my beard right now. You just didn't know. That's why I'm constantly comforting them and rocking them to sleep.
a schnato baby don't you crazy What was going to buy you a walk-in printer? You should move head like Stevie Wonder all the time. What the fuck is wrong with everybody? I'm rocking my babies, but you know. I'm rocking some babies. I think this chick should be just shot. No trial, nothing. Just shoot this bitch. I don't know. What happened?
somebody armed the the nurse because the nurse walks in and just shoots her. Do it again. I dare you. Do it again. You know, I'm doing it again. And the nurse. guy
Not all heroes weren't games and that nurse was one. Exactly. I'm just saying, man, people are. I get it. The world is a weird place. And I'm sorry. I blame that chick's parents because her parents basically said, yeah, sure. But whatever one go get pregnant with some Yahoo, that's not going to be around when the baby's born because you're both fucking methods. Yeah. I guarantee you, that's why that baby's in the NICU. She's a fucking it's crappy. But we gave birth to prom.
this No, maybe not because prom was. I'm just saying. i it just It's just it's just and you know, what's worse here's what's worse she's gonna be like I Don't know she's she's the anti-hoc to her like everybody loves that hot to a chick Everybody's gonna hate this bitch and she's gonna be famous Like the like the bad button that bad Barbie chick Everybody hates Yeah
god i hope I'm just saying if it happens, it's because of us, not because of her, because we brought in the story. Well, I mean, we didn't bring the story. It was hard. Yeah. We're not the type of people to take credit for somebody else's work. We just, we just shared it. We continue. Because we shared it, it goes viral. I'm just.

Music Break and Show Lineup

Because not all heroes wear capes, Clay. Not all heroes wear, you're not wrong. What'd you say? We are super new. We're going to buy a weird biker, dude. Dude.
Okay. I lost my, my, yeah, but none of the whisper pages are loading. So I'm going to see if I can, we could do a, a new one.
Well, why do you do that? We'll cleanse our palate, and I'm going to play a little Kissing Lilith, just because I like this song, with... ah Is this worth it? More than worth it? Yes. Yes. Kissing Lilith, more than worth it, and we'll be right back in about four minutes. So you got four minutes, buddy. We'll be right back, folks. but Yeah, okay.
But I'm too young, too long, too much But I'm still not gonna lie to me that you
Yeah, I was kissing Lilith. enjoy my That's like, honestly, that's my kind of tune. Yeah, you like that. You like the music. You know, I'm a bad mood or a good mood. You know, I'm a good mood. I'm rocking out. I'm a bad mood. I just sit on the sultry. And because that happens all the time. I'm a sultry bitch.
I'm a salty bitch. You're a salty, salty. Don't forget everybody. Mondays speedway stories and cold-blooded conversations with Wally and then after that is a men caring for men Tuesdays this goofy reacted talks with some musicians about on Glick's house of music and then we're back again on what the book Wednesdays with what the fuck news Check out last night's episode with lift the curse and next Tuesday we are back in business with
Perfect season. All punk rock band. Female lead singer. Another group. I'm in. Yeah, man. and Thursday's kind of up in the air right now because I need to get my shit together. Yeah. keep keep Keep you guys' ears open. I might be doing an interview. Actually, I've got to respond to this email. they Ask if we would be interested in interviewing. Oh, where's the that? Let me see. What is the name of it? I might come up to that. Oh, glory studios. ah It's a game. It's a game developing company. um So I'm going to reach out to them and I'm going to try to set something up for a Thursday night. Maybe maybe if they're available, maybe next Thursday.
um As the only active gamer on the network, I mean I game I just I'm active. Okay. Thank you. I appreciate I appreciate my acknowledgement Don't forget Fridays this Friday in particular is ah Nonsense and chill this Friday, of course the movie trivia night hosted by Blaze and and usually hosted by Blaze and myself. I will be there. I am a contestant. I do not know the answers to the questions. I don't have even know the questions yet, so I might know the answers, but I haven't found out them yet. Now I lost where I was. but And then Saturday's around noon. I believe it's still every other Saturday, correct?
Yes. Every other Saturday noon is Ash's corner where they were clicking his son. Talk some rash one. Uh, and I see him over there. Say hi. Say hi. That counts. I'm bored. Don't show your face or anything. It's not your show we're talking about. I'm bored. I'm bored. He's got a TV and Xbox, all the streaming sites, a cell phone, more toys. Yeah. Right.
a And then Saturday night at about seven o'clock is Nonsenseful nonsense the open door challenge the longest show on the network where we go six hours and we talk about God knows what and then of course and of course you can come up on Saturdays if you're brave enough and you keep your pecker in your pants And then Sundays click in the boys talk some music with Rick and James back Not music, look, sporty, sporty, sport, sport, sport. Sorry, I hate sports, so i I'm trying to slowly change you guys over to music. Maybe, I don't know. But yeah, with unnecessary roughness. That is our lineup for the week.
next to Did you find it? No, but I found a new one. The Whisper, none of that, dude, there's so many, there's so many stories on Whisper, but Whisper is not loading.
Like it won't it won't, I told you it's been acting up and like, I couldn't find it the one day I did find it. I haven't been on. I mean, I can download the actual, but I'm talking about the website itself.

Buzzfeed Discussions and Quizzes

I didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it's, they're just not, um, that's weird. They're just, um, like, yeah, it's just saying it's screen sounds the the site kit. What am I going to screenshot 45 fucking?
fucking ben it's just one place it It's one But what do you got for me? Yeah, it's not it's no bueno mi amigo i want tell However, I do from our very, well, they're not friends. They don't know who we are, but we just, we're fans of the website here at the nonsensical network. Uh, well, I'm a fan. I can't speak for the rest of the guys. I am a big fan of Buzzfeed. I like a bunch of their articles that they like their quizzes yeah they do all kinds of quizzes. They've got all kinds of, they've got all kinds of fun stuff on Buzzfeed. So I have a new one, a new list, uh, here. Um,
Well, tell everybody to gather around. Gather around, everybody. I've got stories for you.
I need to buy hot dogs. I need to buy hot dogs when you do that, so I can grasp. but I'm going to, I think with this weekend, if I have a little bit of downtime,
and but no on I'm going to play on Nicky's computer, and I'm going to do a WTF news shirt. And on the back, I'm going to put hashtag firmally firmly grasp. Firmly grasp it.
I love it, I love it, I love it. a Yes, that is time for... which actually Which is funny because it came from one of these stories, I'm just saying. Yes, it did. And Rich, our good friend Rich, Fireman Rich, morning coffee. If you got your ears on, plug them. Plug them, Rich, because this is we're going to get naughty. I got to give that warning.
rich is Rich is a little bit better human being than i and we are. I said a little bit, a little bit better. yeah check You guys can check out Rich Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Like unplug babies from the NICU. He's still winning. yeah He's over there on YouTube. What is he on? YouTube, Twitch, Facebook.
and He's dabbling in TikTok, and i and he's still on Rumble, Fireman Rich. Bright and early, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, doing his morning talk. I should chat with you guys. But I had to i had to drop that the warning. OK, we're not even warning you. That's safe for work, folks. Yes, the riffraff is in the building. I was actually in there this morning. i got to I wasn't on the show, but I popped in and said hello. I was listening to it for a little bit this morning.
We had we used that we used to have issues, but now no more no longer because you know Yeah, just like what people may think i'm actually a nice guy I'm still salty. I'm just saying anywho from buzzfeed Women are sharing the most surprising things They didn't realize about penises and it's hysterical Oh, I'm fucking in because I have some stories about some vaginas that I had questions about. So, so I think, I think we can all agree that, uh, you know, this is kind of weird. They're just, they're just there. You know what I mean? They just, there's this whole reason we do this thing. Uh, anywho. Um, so Reddit user.
posed a question to the interwebs. Women, what surprised you the most the first time you saw or played with a pecker? And here are some of the funniest, strangest, and just plain realist things and people didn't realize about dicks until they saw one in real life. We've got some do about 10 of them here before but tonight. Then we'll do the other one next.
ah i a fe down of but again yeah my data um First one here. Ballskin is constantly moving. Surreal. Surreal. It's like a moving magic eye painting. Nice. Ladies and gentlemen, I got a tattoo idea for somebody. Painless, painless, painless.
I just said Jeff is right. My credibility is ruined. Make it make it a hundred and consider it. They will do that. You're not wrong. You sound like you have first-hand experience. First-hand knowledge, yeah. ah How squishy it is flaccid. it we Like a stress relief baller. Lady, what are you doing? Firmly grasping.
He's blaming it. It won't be soft for too long. um wind blows right the texture when they said hard i didn't didn't know what to expect but it wasn't that what the fuck is cobra sticks cobra spit the snake that spits oh okay but
this This lady very underfoot. The texture! When they said hard, I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't that. I don't know if she really thought it was going to be like, like, like, like, like, um horrible like It's It's horrible. This doesn't feel like a challenge.
but recover the other she says what struck me the most was that it's just there dangling away all day every day just hanging out with its ball buddies the potential everything when we're not using it she said she continues like how do you not sit on it how is it not consistently annoying you is the satisfaction of unsticking it from your thighs worth the discomfort of it sticking in the first place Yes, and

Humor on Male Anatomy

yes. Yeah, absolutely. Until you've been there, don't don't yeaht try to understand. I'm not going to tell you that. It's one of those feelings, it's indescribable to someone that doesn't have a penis. Yeah, it's kind of like ladies when they say, when they come home, like the best feeling is to take off their bra.
Yeah, they'd take their bra off, but that that that feeling of just like, it's kind of the same thing. If your shit's been sticking to your leg for a hot minute, and if you got decency and you're out in public, you know, you can try to do the yeah but little walking stretch. Yeah, the little the walking stretch, you know, and sometimes they don't get unstuck. So you got to wait until you're like, maybe creeping around the corner of Walmart and nobody's around and you can just like reach down there. and got Give it a little side over there for a Good boy. Good boy. It is a it is a fantastic deal. You're the good boy. Easy. Scratch it behind your teeth. Don't put it too much. You might throw up. thinking You might bite.
shouldty right shutty says but She said, I thought it had ribs. I was confused as hell. It really felt like there were bones in there. and Only later did I realize that it was the condoms we used that had those structures on it. It took a while for me to get used to the fact that ducks usually don't have ribs, or dicks don't usually have ribs. Hey, ribs for her pleasure. yeah Obviously that works.
ah but LL 191 writes in, she says, hard they actually get. Yes, they do, baby. So, like a rock boy, that's Chevy. Like marble. Like grip wood.
Too, too, too, too tired for this. She says, I saw, saw a grower, not a shower and was super impressed by the size when he wrecked compared to flats surprise motherfucker you're winkle you're welcome ladies yeah yeah i'm neither or i'm just gonna say you don't know what i'm talking about but but ladies you're welcome i will bow now neither or is it is what it is it it happens uh molly hoe's right she says um i expected the penis
But I didn't expect the balls to be so there. Once again, what do you think we leave them in the drawer? We're going to need this today. I'll leave it here. but i You just think they were going to be set back farther, like around the tin area? like That would be really uncomfortable, ladies. And if our balls were attached to our tank, we would probably sit on them more often. All those Cowboys which have higher voices. i Yeah.
uh rip would sound like a uh chipmunk you good ra rip why don't you go ride your little horses boy little bor hardbacks. If this is on the hard.
Uh, um, uh, uh, Zumala would Zumala odd or whatever says, uh, she says that it, um, sort of floated in a bath. Didn't expect that. Just they floated. Wait, does that.
I don't know, I don't take baths, I take showers like a human. You never take a bath? Well, I have, I've taken, I mean, when I was like, I think my last bath I ever had, I was like- It's like a tiny little lifeboat.
the ball stackck is a ball sack is the The ball sack is like a tiny little lifeboat for your your little puppet, you know? with a little Donald Duck hat on him and he'll be a tailor. Yeah, when you you reenact the Titanic, only Jack pushes that bitch off the off the off the door and he's left there. he's I knew there was enough room for both of us, but. Right. And last but not least for tonight, not bad for on the fly, not bad for a real quick on the fly considering ah Regina,
says uh the penis wasn't all one uniform color it was uh banging and don't even get me started on when i saw the balls i remember thinking why are they just hanging like that in ah the mind of people that don't get it i mean yeah to just these are stories these are these are their first times seeing a penis and their first i know i get it first experience.

Exploring Female Anatomy Reactions

So, I mean, I mean, you know, I actually, I actually think I'm going to, I'm going to change up the penis report after we get done with this. And I'm going to see if I can find a role reversal. Oh, yes. For the first time a guy, a guy's seen a vagina. Yeah. mr do Honestly, 90, 99% of guys are just so happy. They forgot like night in my life.
Wait, what are we doing? What happened? I'm tired. I'm hungry all of a sudden. That was quick. I'm tired and hungry also. Yeah. Can you make me a sandwich and I'm going to take a nap? All I know is I woke up and I was like, wait, we did. Awesome. I think I'm going to see if I can. Actually, I'm going to do one more because this is real fast, much like Jeff, real fast.
Ruby Alamo says, but bench it all camps the the anyy so yeah, I think I'm going to do, um, I think I'm going to do a roll reversal, uh, for when we finished this one, just because, uh, you know, it's only, it's only fair. Yeah. Both sides get both sides. of the bowl Yeah. I agree.
and that is all I have for this week's edition of the Penis Remont. No, I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. Rich, you can unplug yours now, buddy. Yeah.
you check cause he can hear you because he's got dirt manyho That is the end of our show tonight. I am starving. Thank you for watching. Thank you for everybody listening. and This has been What The Vogue News with your host, myself, Jeff, and Glick.

Closing Remarks and Event Reminders

And we will be back on Friday with the movie trivia on Nonsense and Chill. I'm forgetting something. And that is the news that makes us say what the fuck. There it is. That's the news that makes us say what the fuck. It's been a long day.
Thank you, Jedi. We try. Unlike other people. you did your sir Thank you, We will see everybody on Friday. Don't forget, this Friday on Nonsense and Chill is movie trivia. Come in and don't give your answers in the chat until after we said it. Because we don't want everybody to keep it.
but be good or be good at it baby
nonsensical network good for flavor every day movie talks new flips hidden in display microphone magic musicians fill the graze from repops to motorsports ferning rubber craze football
the stories we embrace tune
nas but the vot just write tune
always on repeat
All right, I'm gonna get something to eat