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Wrestlemania Is Still Happening! Yay!!!!

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays4 years ago
Wow what a week huh?'s only Wednesday? Oh shit. This week we discuss new Mattel elite reveals, Matt Hardy and Luke Harper making their AEW debuts, what to watch on Netflix during #quarantineszn, and much more!

Introduction and Quarantine Talk

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Chick Foley show. We are living in a horror movie. It's day seven of quarantine season. There's nothing left on Netflix to watch, but hey, you can listen to Chick Foley show. And, uh, we're gonna have a good old time. We got Sheena Phelps down in Virginia, here on the East coast. What's up Sheena? Yep. I'm here.
I'm still just trying not to eat all the quarantine snacks. That's what I said when I show up to work. Yep, I'm here. Here I am. That's all you're getting. And Marco Den up in Boston, Massachusetts, former home of Tom Brady.

Adjusting to Quarantine

Yeah. He got that girlfriend real fast after this relationship.
jumped on the new girl real quick and never looked back there. Yeah. That is rough when the, uh, when a significant other just find someone right after the long relationship. But you know, you just gotta pull up your bootstraps and
Keep marching forward. We're on to the next quarterback. That's what we're doing here. That's what we're doing here. We're moving on. We're on to the next episode. And we don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. But today is Wednesday. We're going to talk about some wrestling and hopefully entertain you guys. We hope everyone listening is home safe and you're adjusting to
Uh, life being quarantined. Uh, I am still working. I know Marco's now working from home. She is doing the mom thing and balancing a bunch of stuff from, uh, you know, she's been quarantined. Yeah, she, she was quarantined before quarantining was cool. Yeah. It's like, it's when you see everybody posting things about being on lockdown and being quarantined and you're like, Oh, that's my, that's my real life. Wow. I didn't know it was called quarantined.
Oh my god, yeah. I have a, luckily the fridge, the old fridge from before we remodeled the kitchen, I brought downstairs, we brought downstairs and I plugged it in and it works. I just went to the store the other day and just bought like $200 worth of meat and I'm, you know, good to go as far as supplies and toilet paper and all that kind of stuff. But it's been a crazy couple weeks. I don't think last time we recorded
Uh, things really weren't, uh, the world was a lot different last week, but, um, we are here. I, uh, there's an announcement coming tomorrow from the governor of Maryland.

Content Creation Plans

I'm assuming he's going to, uh, shut everything down tighter than a bullfrog's asshole and, uh, basically have only supermarkets and pharmacies and stuff like that open. So if that happens.
If all three of us are at home, I'm sure we're going to be able to do some, a lot more content for you guys to entertain you while you're home. And I'd like to do some sort of daily thing here. If we jump on for a half an hour in the morning or something and just drink coffee together and talk wrestling or watch something to do, do some watch along.
We are going to figure things out. We're going to hopefully entertain you guys while all of this craziness is going on. But thank you for listening and thank you for supporting our show. You can find our t-shirts at Pro Wrestling Tees dot com slash Chick Foley. That's a good way to support us there. You can follow us on social media. Sheena is at Chick Foley on Instagram and the show is at Chick Foley show on Twitter if you have any questions or concerns for us.
Uh, available 24 seven ask at chick Foley Uh, we have a huge, uh, not a huge, but a pretty huge, uh, Q and a segment toward the end of the show tonight. We asked a lot of our Facebook, uh, friends for some questions and they did not disappoint. So, uh, pretty good show. And then we got to talk about, uh, the announcements of WrestleMania and all this

Wrestling World Adaptations

stuff. So guys, we have a pretty
It didn't seem like a pretty packed show, but we have a lot of wrestling to cover. So I'm excited to get into it with you guys. How has the last week or so been for you guys and what's changed and where do you see all of this stuff going?
What as far as wrestling or just in life? Because a lot has changed. A lot has changed in life. Yeah. Yeah. I'm thinking about buying a gun tomorrow. I'm not even saying that to be dramatic. I think, you know, I don't want to bring the show down, but I don't know. I just have like a bad feeling about like that. We were literally on in like a like a horror movie. And, you know, I don't want to get too political, but I'm not a huge fan of the people that are in charge of our country and then I'll have a ton of faith in them. So.
But we'll see where things go as far as wrestling is concerned. We got a couple announcement about WrestleMania, which are interesting. Yeah, we'll get into all that in our outside of the ring segment. But with SmackDown and Raw this past week, they took them to the Performance Center, which was the safe and the right call. And there were some really good high spots in that whole thing, right? Like you would just automatically like discount it out.
You know, watching Smackdown, there was a really a couple of really good segments, especially the Cena and Wyatt segment to close the show. I mean, they both really shine. I mean, they're both really incredible on the mic. So they didn't really necessarily need the live crowd. But it was just to me, it just kind of really, really drove home that like
the world is in a crazy place right now because you know a lot of times as fans we use wrestling as an escape right from like what's going on in the real world um we're like oh this is great we're entertaining blah blah blah but then when you watch something like that it really just like it's hard to escape from it because all you can think is the whole time is like oh my god like things are so different right now um so it was it was definitely cool and it was cool to see the reactions i mean obviously like my knee jerk reaction was like i can't believe we're gonna have a audience list
but I didn't hate, I didn't hate either show. I think they did the best with what they had. And you know, WWE, if anybody can keep the freaking ball rolling, it is, it is WWE. Yeah. But you know, we'll, we'll critique some things here and there cause that's what we do on the show. But I do want to give props to WWE and AEW.
for keeping things going and doing something. They could have easily just shown the West Kennel Dog Show or they could have canceled WrestleMania. They could have done a lot of things, but all the other sports have packed it up and gone home.
continuing to chug on, even if it's with no people in the crowd. We have to give them props for giving us entertainment in a time where bowling alleys are closed movie theaters. There's really nothing you can do. If they close liquor stores here in Maryland, I think people are going to ride because there's nothing else to do. People are going to lose a lot of weight because I'm just going to want to go for walks, I guess, and do some yard work.
Because the weather isn't bad. Luckily, we're not snowed in or anything. But thank God for wrestling being here two, three times a week to entertain us. I will say this, you guys, and I want to get your thoughts. I don't think WWE is creative enough to use this opportunity to add some things. In our group chat, we were talking about some things that they could do on the network to give you, even at the Performance Center.
you could just do some off-the-wall stuff. There's no expectations right now. I always loved, back in the day when I used to watch it out live every week, they would go behind the scenes and show you, during the monologue, they would go back and show you everything and where everybody was set up and all that stuff. I would love to see just a behind the scenes, just give me a host or someone that's like, have Tom Phillips running around or just do something. Have some different shows.
on 316 day, just do Austin clips the entire time. Just give me Steve Austin clips the entire time. Like all his best shit, like in the three hour segment and then have him come out at the end. I mean, that's all you had to do. Like it's, it's not hard. Um, but I just don't think WWE can come up with some, some interesting things Marco to really keep this going.
Whereas AEW, they're more, who cares, let's let it fly and see what sticks type of attitude, where I think they'll kind of embrace this whole thing. And it's what we saw from tonight on AEW Dynamite. They pulled out all the stops. So do you agree on WWE? I think they're just kind of tried and true. They know what they're doing. They don't want to take any chances. And this is a time where you can.
I think I said in the group chat that if you're going to compare the two shows, being at AEW's first time with out an audience, but I kind of joked that I was the kind of user not having much of an audience to work with. But they had a better production out of the two shows. I'm not sure if they use them. It's TNT, and TNT has a lot of back lot studios and stuff like that. So they were able to set up the whole AEW stage and everything and have a pyro and all that stuff.
Um, and they had like, like personnel and like employees, like around the ring, like cameramen, like watching it and like reacting to all the

WrestleMania Changes

movies and stuff like that. And I think that actually like that was missing from the WWE shows from Ryan Smackdown. Um, you know, obviously the times are different and dude does like, you know, you can have certain amount of people around and you don't want to have like any, obviously anyone gets sick or any, anyone that's like challenge, like, like Roman Reigns, for instance, he's, he's, he has leukemia. So he's like a.
He's like a prime candidate for that. So he can't be around those types of crowds. And I get that. But like you said, they need to do something a little bit better with production-wise. I was saying, even a lot of the promos that they're doing, they didn't have to do them inside the ring at the performance center. They could have set up an interview in the back or something like that and take the focus away from the ring in the empty seats. And if they're going to have a match, obviously do the match in the ring. But I think they should take a few
take a few notes from AW and try to make it more of a presentation. If they're going to continue doing bras and SmackDowns without anybody or even when WrestleMania comes up, they need to do something in that sense of have talent set around, have people that are training at the performance center. If it's only 15 people, you can have 15 people
spread out throughout the area to react to the matches and stuff like that. The Performance Center is a good idea because they own it. They don't have to pay anything to be there, but it just seems really small. We'll get to AEW tonight and I thought their setup was great. It looked awesome. They didn't show the crowd too much. The entrance was straight away from the ring.
Yeah, so that made it kind of like you just didn't see like empty seats every five seconds and they had pyro They had a huge screen there. It's just a better setup So, you know, we'll get into like Sheena said we'll get into WrestleMania a little bit later But I mean, I just think they're doing themselves a disservice by doing WrestleMania there I mean, I'm sure there's an arena. I mean what are arenas doing right now, you know, like I
I guess if you do a big arena, you're going to have to at least have some staff there just to open the place. I mean, you can't just have nobody there. You have to have some kind of security to watch the doors and operate all the lights and all that kind of stuff, whereas the performance center is just completely bare bones. So we'll see what they do there. So Sheena talked about SmackDown. We did see the return of Jeff Hardy. So he's back.
Um, Raw was, uh, was very interesting. We saw the entire first hour and a half was the, uh, the Royal Rumble match, just re-showing that, which, uh, you know, was, was entertaining as hell. That was a great Royal Rumble. So I wasn't, I wasn't upset about that. Uh, we saw Edge make an appearance, um, which, which I'm kind of bummed about Edge. Like, you know, this is like,
You're not going to get too many opportunities for him to be kind of showing back up and appearing here. And it's just, you know, it's of no fault of their own. You know, this is out of everybody's control, but it just kind of sucks that this is like how it's going to be remembered. You know, it's just kind of like no fans there. Like that would be a huge pop him showing up on Raw again after all this that Orton has done over the last couple of weeks.
Yeah, I think Edge, his promo was actually really good. It was one of the high points of Raw. And he's actually one of those guys that can pull that off and just kind of show the emotion and has a quiet anger about him, which I thought was kind of cool. But yeah, it is very disappointing. It's kind of like the same thing with Drew McIntyre. He finally gets this big moment to wrestle at WrestleMania.
It's gonna be in front of an empty arena Did you guys see the meme floating around that was like, you know leaves leaves WWE to wrestle in empty arenas and then comes back to WWE climbs the ladder To wrestle in the biggest stage of them all in an empty arena
What do you do there? Do you have Lesnar win and then maybe have McIntyre win at SummerSlam? Or are you just at that point just have him win? Because if you wait long enough it's going to be like the thrill of it's over with and you're moved on to another guy kind of thing.
You always, you always run that risk. You know what I mean? That's, that's the thing is that with, with pro wrestling, yes, it could possibly be a better move to mood, summer slam, let him have his big ginormous moment. But again, like you said, it could also have that effect where you drag it on too long and the crowd turns on him and it's like, you know, everybody's pissed off, which I mean, I guess it really doesn't matter because wrestling fans are going to find a way to be pissed off about anything. So, you know,
Yeah, uh, some fans do do that. So that's, uh, that's true. Marco, anything else from raw that we should touch on? I do want to talk about, um, uh, the undertaker coming out almost like in the American badass outfit. Yeah.
Yeah, and he was walking kind of fast. I told Marco a little bit earlier I was like dude if Undertaker has been able to walk that fast the whole time Why have we spent 30 minutes on his entrances for like the past 25 years? Yeah, how many WrestleMania's could be shaved down? Yeah, totally Yeah, I do like that he he did sign the contract and then he
Crumbled it up and then shoved it in what Carl Anderson's mouth or something. Yeah I'm sure you guys have bought a house on you sign like a thousand papers that's what I've always wanted to do like literally when you buy a house you have to sign your name like 500 times and That would probably feel pretty good to just like say fucking just crumbled up But
Yeah, I guess we're getting American Badass Undertaker, which would be pretty cool. I think we're past the days of the Phenom Undertaker at this point. True, and it's obvious that they're trying to ruin the mystique of
the dead man, you know, they're really like, they're really letting AJ go all in and, you know, unveil, like pull back the curtain on undertaker. So I definitely don't feel like we're going to get our standard undertaker, you know, hat, gloves, dead man. Look, I think it is definitely going to be some, you know, it could just be Mark, you know, he kept, he kept calling him Mark, you know, so, I mean, it could be some new iteration of taker that we haven't even seen yet, you know,
Mark Callaway, that was insane. Edge, we talked about Edge a little bit. They announced that it would be in the last man standing match against Orton. I'm pretty pumped for that match. I mean, I think just seeing Edge back in the ring at all is going to be exciting, but I'm assuming that's going to be kind of the
the Shane McMahon Miz type of match where they're gonna go all over the arena and You know just just basically a hardcore type of match So I'm all I'm all for that Owens challenges rounds, which you know, that should be a five-star match those two guys can go So, you know WrestleMania is setting up pretty well. I mean, I would love to see this card at you know in a huge arena, but That's not gonna happen. It's not gonna happen and It's gonna happen over the course of two days
It was just announced today that we're going to have a two day WrestleMania, which a lot of fans have been clamoring for for years. Like, let's make it two days. So really, it took a worldwide pandemic flu to get us to have a two day WrestleMania. And I think it's good. I think it could be good and bad. You know, I definitely think
It's a precautionary measure to make sure that, you know, they limit the number of wrestlers and personnel and everything from gathering in one place. Like if they have like the whole mania card and all the people there that, you know, are going to be a part of mania, it could be a health hazard, but it could also be just like them trying to prevent it from feeling like it was just dragging on and on and on because, you know, I mean, an empty list, an empty
arena, WrestleMania could really, really feel like it is like a week long, you know? Yeah, I don't know why they have to do it live. I guess if like you can honestly just tape this thing and just make it like perfect, you know, and make it true. Yeah, that's true. What's the point of doing it live?
But I do like the two-day thing. That would be cool if it lingers because that WrestleMania weekend is so, there's so much to it. I mean, especially with now NXT getting into the fold, if you take away, I mean, I would be all for taking away the takeover. Sorry, for the pun. Well, they're not doing the takeover, right? No, no, no. Just like going forward, like in making it a two-day thing and having like NXT matches and like doing two full pay-per-views on Saturday and Sunday.
And cuz fans are there already. I mean, what are they doing? They're going to other shows or do they're doing the Hall of Fame thing or Take over so if this gets us a two-day WrestleMania going forward, I would love that. I think it's great. I don't know if you were Helping the the future woman's champion or not, but I just said I just feel like the Performance Center is a little too small for WrestleMania I don't know if you need to go back and watch NXT. I don't think you watched it tonight Sheena and
They had an awesome setup for AEW, I'm sorry, and just some bigger arena, the screen was big, they did Pyro, and just like the Performance Center is just so small, it just doesn't have the feel. And then the entranceway for AEW was right in front of the camera, right on the, you know, as you watch the match.
it just shot very well. So I know they're working with what they have, but I just don't feel like the performance center. You just can see so much dead space. I do like, going back to Raw, I do like when Stone Cold said something
Give me a hell yeah. And then just pan

Impact of No Audience on WWE and AEW

to the crowd. That was funny. Yeah. I love that. Um, dude, did we talk? I was, I know I had to jump off and help the future women's champion, but did you guys kind of talk about the three 16 segment? We did not. We talked about some of the other things. Oh yeah. To me, you know me. I love stone cold Steve Austin. He can do no wrong in my eyes, but it was so obvious to me that, um,
That segment was like awkward with no crowd. Like, you know, Edge, Edge got away with not having a crowd and it was okay. Cena, um, Cena Wyatt got over with no, with no crowd and it was okay. The Roman Reigns interview, fine. Steve Austin needs.
the pop of the crowd. He needs the interaction because it was just like, let me give, give me a hell yeah. And nobody would say anything. Then Byron was scoring his, um, his points. He was doing some sort of like Jeff Foxworthy, uh, you might be a redneck if gimmick, but it was like, you know, you might, it might be three 16 day if, um, and I just thought the whole segment kind of like fell flat, you know, even though I love stone cold Steve Austin.
Can we talk about Byron Saxon having a gray suit, a black shirt. Red socks. Red socks, a black shirt, and a pink tie. I don't know if it was doing that on purpose, or that's all he had to wear, or if he's trying to look like Jimmy Hart.
I don't know if he thought anybody was going to see his socks maybe maybe he just like when he put them on he didn't realize he was going to be going into the ring for that segment yeah because he was going to be behind like a desk or something you know so nobody was going to see his socks but yes don't and so uncle pointed it out so uncle was like oh red socks huh coral coral tie huh
He took that stunner like a complete piece of shit. Didn't spit the beer out, but it's been a while since he's been in a ring, so we'll give him a little bit of a break. I didn't think it was that bad. I've seen worse stunners. Shane McMahon takes a pretty wretched stunner.
Yeah, so that was that was an interesting week in wrestling to say to say the least an unprecedented week I don't think I can remember ever having an audience-less Raw or Smackdown. Can you guys maybe I'm missing something because there was a dark period of my fan No, I don't think they've ever had to do anything like this before we we touched a little bit I didn't watch NXT I guess Marco can touch on that but I
Tonight on AEW, we saw a couple different debuts. We finally get the exalted one for the Dark Order and it's revealed to be Brodie Lee, aka Luke Harper, who I've always been a fan of in the ring. He gets injured every 30 days, which was always his problem in the WWE.
A lot of people were saying he just wasn't used properly. He was part of the Wyatt family. They gave him a couple tag team runs. Last week on our retro wrestling recommendation of the week, he was in a four-way match at WrestleMania with New Day and Usos and somebody else. They did a lot with him. He was an intercontinental champion. They gave him multiple opportunities.
And I mean, sometimes the best ability is availability. And that was his problem. He was just hurt every two times a year. He'd be out for two, three months here and there. He's a super intelligent guy. I think it was Stone Cold's podcast a couple of years ago, maybe.
Uh, super smart guy can, can speak really well. And I think he'll do good in that role. He's awesome in the ring. I just don't know. I mean, they, they kind of milk that angle out for awhile. So, uh, everyone thought it was going to be Matt Hardy who also showed up at the end of the night. Uh, I guess he's going to replace one of the young bucks, uh, in the blood and guts match. Next time we see a W dynamite.
Marco, I don't know if you watched it. They said several times the next time we have AEW. They didn't say next week on AEW Dynamite.

Gronkowski's Role and Celebrity Impact

Multiple times they said on the next episode of AEW Dynamite or something to that effect. I'm assuming they want to just make sure that we know that there could be
That's true. We're living day to day here. I mean, there could be no AW dynamite next week. We don't know what's going to happen. So it depends on, on what happens here. But I guess Matt Hardy is going to fill in for that last role on the all elite team. And what do you think about both of these Sheena, both of these debuts on one night, it felt kind of kind of forced in kind of shoehorned in here.
Yeah. Well, like you said, we're living day to day. And so they, they already signed Matt Hardy and they've signed Luke Harper. So they're like, we got to get them on TV pal. Cause it could be, it could be a month or two months before we have TV again. So, um, you know, it could have been the circumstances or it could have just been typical AEW to where it's just like, they're just trying to throw everything out there and kind of see what sticks. You know what I mean?
Yeah, for these guys though, I mean, if they're not selling tickets, they don't have house shows that, you know, basically the t-shirt's the only thing you're going to get any revenue from. So, you know, might as well get them out there, get some Matt Hardy t-shirts rolling in, make some money off of those. They did a really cool thing. I know there's a Jericho t-shirt on
And I think a Cody t-shirt and all the proceeds go to COVID-19 for families that are dealing with that. So pretty cool there. Check that out, So yeah, I guess you could just have to kind of strike while they're on your side. Everybody knew those guys have signed, so might as well. But it's just funny on Twitter, people are

NXT and WWE's Creative Opportunities

super excited about this and I totally understand
But, you know, Matt Hardy is 45 years old. Luke Harper is 40 years old. Lance Archer is 43. I had no idea. I felt like he was like a young guy coming from New Japan. You know, these guys are on the older side of as far as wrestling talent goes. And you still have, you know, Cody Rhodes, Dean Ambrose and Goldust and Ty Dillinger and Jack Swagger and all these guys. I mean, you can list 15 former WWE guys right now off the top of your head in AEW.
And I always thought AEW was going to be the place where young talent was going to get a chance to shine. The more these guys that they add Sheena, they're brand names. They're going to get you higher ratings and more ticket sales and all that. It's the stuff you want. But you could see the opposite effect of some of these younger guys jumping over to NXT and saying, I have a better chance to be on TV there.
Yeah, it's always a fine line to cross. I don't know what their contract negotiations are, like if they have no compete clauses or you can't go to a competitor for X amount of years, months, whatever, I don't know. But yeah, you definitely could lose some of those people to NXT.
Honestly though, I feel like the younger

Wrestling Documentaries and Content

guys that are that are a part of AEW like they really fit the AEW type profile. You know what I mean? I don't feel like someone I mean not like not that Luchasaurus is
Young he's definitely not young. But is he young? I don't think he's like older, right? I'll look it up while you're talking But yeah, I was gonna say like, you know someone like that like he doesn't fit the the NXT profile You know him and jungle boy like they belong in a ew like they just they kind of just fit there so Darby Allen I could see
I mean, Darby would be cool in NXT, but he's a little bit too extreme for WWE product. His whole thing is just being so far out there. I feel like if you tried to put him in a box in NXT or WWE, you would kinda just sink to the bottom.
He's 35 Luchasaurus, which is running his prime. I was going to say, don't be saying that's old now. Listen, listen. Yeah, I know. Hey, that's younger than me. Oh man. Yeah. So I mean, I'm excited to see what happens. It's going to be interesting how they piece all of these things together. And speaking of signings,
This one I'm not too excited about, but I don't know how our, our fellow asshole will feel about it. But, uh, Gronk is apparently signed with WWE, which we knew, but he's going to be hosting WrestleMania. I love how there's crickets. Yeah. I mean, you know how hosting duties go with, with WrestleMania. It's not the, uh, he was, he's going to get involved somehow, obviously. But yeah, when you hear someone hosting WrestleMania, it's never like.
It's never good. It's never entertaining at all. So no, but I mean like the new day, I feel like the new day at 33 were really good. I felt like they had, they had like the it factor to kind of like bring the fun, like the street profits, like could they not host WrestleMania? Like they would be freaking amazing, but you get Gronk, someone who is just like Joe Schmo off the street. I mean, obviously I know he's like, you know, not Joe Schmo off the street, but like to wrestling fans, you know, like,
it's just like why it doesn't fit it's like a disconnect like why do we have Gronk here yes he got involved in a match like you know five years ago but why does he get the the honor of hosting WrestleMania
Yeah, he's a huge name. I mean, I don't know how much of a wrestling fan he is. I know his boy Mojo is a wrestler, so he's maybe around a little bit more than he used to be. But I mean, Gronk is just in there for a paycheck, I'm sure, you know. True. Yeah. I would do like prefer a current or former wrestler to be in that role.
But even like a wrestling personality like it could be somebody I mean, I can't think of any way off the top of my head But just somebody who's like been at least involved in the business or like, you know, it's like a true fan I don't know maybe I'm being too harsh on rock. He might he might do an amazing job and I'll be like, oh man I shouldn't have you know written him off so early but I just feel like they're just trying to do whatever they can to and
bring more eyeballs to the product. Like, Oh, you know, Gronk, you know, like everybody knows, you know, Gronk's name. So let's just, let's see, let's put him in there and see what happens. You know? Yeah. Maybe if someone who can make a coherent sentences would be better, but, uh, you know, I had a few less concussions. The dude's brain is like ramen noodles at this point. So we'll see what happens. Most of the WWE talent is probably the former WWE talent is like that too. So, you know, it's,
Very true. At least, at least Gronk has got like a decent looking face, you know. I know. Did you guys go ahead? No, go ahead, Marco. Did you see? Did you see Jericho? What he did? You see his closing promo at the end of the show? No, but he his crew, his his creed. He said he is now banning all fans from all AEW shows until. Oh, my gosh. That is genius. Yeah. Even if even if the world gets better tomorrow, there's still
There's still been, because he hasn't wanted anyone chanting for Cody Rhodes, or Hangman Page, or any one of the elite guys. It was hilarious. Oh, that's so good. Jericho is just solid gold. He's the greatest. He's the greatest of all. I don't know if we ever said this before, but he's the greatest of all time. I know people love Ric Flair. I know a lot of people have the Hogan's. I think Chris Jarg was the greatest of all time.
And I'll argue anyone on that fact. Oh, that's that's taken a form. That's a hot take. I mean, that's the hot take kid. That's that's a little hot. I mean, you know, you know, he's lasted the test. That guy is going to love that take. The stat guy is going to love your your hot take on on that. Who who's test? Who was who has like been relevant for the past, like. Name somebody that has won championships and like reinvented themselves over and over again to be relevant.
Well, I mean, he has, he has done that. He has like, withstood the test of time, you know, I mean, to be like a multi-generational wrestler. I mean, you obviously have legends like the undertaker and then you have like, you know, Goldberg who came back and stuff, but yeah, it's just somebody that's just been consistently, you know, with the product in and out. Like, I think, uh,
Yeah, Jericho's pretty freaking solid. I think because you're elevating him because he can talk so well. You can talk when you're 30 or talk when you're 60. If you can talk on the mic, that's a skill that you're going to have, whether you can wrestle or not. Oh, yeah, yeah, definitely. I mean, Ric Flair, I would put in that category right with him. Not that he reinvented himself, but I mean, he never really got stale in my mind.
Oh my gosh. His, the last, the last like five years in WWE, he's gotten on my nerves more than anything before that. It was like, okay, whatever. But like, I feel like they like just, just kept pushing him and I'm just, he doesn't.
I don't know. He, every time he gets out there, you just don't know what the hell he's going to say. And it never makes sense. And it's like, okay, Rick flair, like what the, what the hell are you doing? Like this is, this is getting really awkward. Um, but yeah, I know what you mean as far as like before that he's definitely one of the best Marco. Did you watch NXT at all tonight? Do they have any actual matches? Um, not that I seen every time I turned it on, it was like some like recap stuff from like, that's literally all that. I mean, I've read,
like a rumor that they were going to do like a more of like a a recap type of show for NXT from going forward. No live matches really just like try to introduce everyone or like new people to like the different wrestlers and stuff like that and like go go back and like go over DIY story and how they started out and what happened to them and all that stuff. So that's exactly what happened. Yeah.
I was, I was watching back and forth, like as I was running up and down the stairs trying to get the kids to sleep. But, uh, yeah, I saw them, they were doing like a Rhea Ripley recap, like recapping her whole career from like her first Mae Young classic to the second Mae Young. And then how she got involved with Charlotte and they, like you said, they did the DIY history and all of that. So yeah, I don't know if, I don't know if that's going to be like every week. I haven't heard that yet, but that's, that's definitely what happened this week.
Oh, yeah. I mean, I would hope they would use this time to read not not not reset everything, but like kind of fine tune and like write like for going forward where we don't have angles about like animatronic spiders and shit like that. It's a perfect time to just like fix fix some things, you know, like they could definitely fix some things. But I mean,
It's, it's one of those things like, uh, to quote the incredibles, you know, you keep saying, you know, gosh, I just saved the world. You know, why is it already messed up again? Like, you know, sometimes you just, sometimes you just want to save the world and it stays saved. You know, like that's exactly what WWE sometimes you're like, Oh my gosh, they fixed things. And then it takes one episode of raw for them to undo everything that they had had fixed in the previous months.
But I can name 10 shows, and me and Sheena did a Patreon episode about this and how things you could add to the network. But this is a perfect time. Put on a morning show. Do a morning show on Twitter with Renee Young and somebody else. Do a trivia show. Make this whole week about Stone Cold Steve Austin. I didn't see anything on the network.
celebrating him or doing like a countdown of his top 10 best matches. Like you have all that content, like just like throw it up. Do you think we are going to get to a point in this crazy world that we live in where WWE actually gets shut down?
like where everything goes on, legitimate, like government lockdown, like out of Vince McMahon's hands. And we have like no wrestling, like no live wrestling, I should say. It's really worrying me because like there's just people are going to start freaking out because there's nothing to do, nothing to see, nothing to be entertained by. I mean, for all going to be homes and a home in our houses, you know, we can make babies for a little bit and we can watch Netflix.
You guys got plenty of babies. I can barely stand the one I have. I want to get rid of that one. I don't want it anymore. But the other 23 hours and 55 minutes, I need something to do.
You know, you could like deepen the relationships with your family. You could FaceTime a friend. You could read a book. You could go for a walk. You could exercise. You know, there's tons of things that you can do besides couch surfing, waiting for more wrestling. True.
true. But I mean, there is, there is also plenty on the network. So I can say entertained, but yeah, I definitely, I think, I think the entire nation is going to lose a lot of weight during this thing because the weather is nice. People can go outside and
Yeah, and they're so worried about rationing, they're not going to want to plow through all their snacks because they're like, oh shit, what if I can't get this again? I don't want to get out in the grocery. I need Swiss cake rolls. Yeah, they're all gone. They're gone. We should do like a one of the episodes we'll do bonus if I'm fired tomorrow is like a snack, some sort of snack bracket or something like that because I love snacks.
I love snacks so much. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a snacker. I think my, the baby face got that from me, dude. He, he snacks all day long. I'm like, I don't know what's going to happen. Like I'm like, dude, we, these are like quarantine snacks. These aren't like your regular snacks. Like we got, he'll just like open it and like feed half of it to the dog and then eat half of it himself. I'm like, dude, that's precious. We got to keep these cheese sticks as long as we can. Um,
But yeah, he's definitely a snacker. I don't know what's going to happen when he hits his prepubescent stage in the teenage years. We're going to have to get extra jobs and shit. Before I forget, I want to give props to our buddy, Mike Lanham, who sent my son a couple awesome gifts off of Amazon. I sent him a pair of handcuffs because he heard us talking about it on the show that Nash, my son, found a pair of me and my wife's handcuffs that we had
And he sent him a cruiserweight belt that would actually fit around him. So thank you so much. I talked in our group chat that my son's birthday, his party was on Sunday.
like four people backed out like within like within like an hour of it happening like come on man like i understand like if you don't want to come like because of all this stuff that's going on but like literally they text us like an hour before we got there you know it's like yeah that's bad that's bad okay so no way around that because it's like you knew you weren't gonna come like yesterday probably
Um, so we still had like five or six kids there and he, he, he's only, he just turned five. So he's, he's, he's not smart enough or not like socially aware enough to know like what's going on. He had a great time. He didn't care. Our buddy Daris was there with his son and a bunch of my friends were there. So we had some, some beers and pizza and it was like our last, like,
We all were talking. This is probably our last time out with people. Before, yeah. And there was no one there. We had the entire bowling alley to ourselves. This lady was like upper ass with it. You want more drinks? Want this? Want that? Blah, blah, blah. So that was cool. And I just got on my bike for his birthday. So we've been riding that around. And I'm sure I'm going to be chasing him around with that.
Yeah. Uh, just like, Mike, thank you so much. Mike, Mike told me a story about how you went to a kid's birthday party and he was a kid and there was like one other kid there and he felt like, you know, just, it just sucked, you know, and that wasn't the case, but I can see that was my biggest fear. Like, God, I just don't want my son to like have like,
a party and nobody show up. When you have kids, that's the kind of things you think about. Oh, yeah, for sure. So Mike's done so much cool stuff for me. And all of us in our group, and he's always hunting for figures and not really collecting them himself. So Mike's an awesome dude. I appreciate him so much. So I should have saved that for our Go Figure segment, but I wanted to get that. We're all over the place here tonight.
Hey, it's all right. So is the world. So, you know, we're right. We're right in line with exactly what's happening. So, you know, for if we're a little all over the place, it's cool. We fit right in. Yeah. I forgot to mention this segment is actually sponsored by our good friends at Chalk Line Apparel that you can, you know, while you're home, while you're sitting on your couch, you can go to Chalk
Speaker and use our code and get a discount there. It's code CHICK, C-H-I-C-K for 15% off of your order. Sheena just posted some awesome stuff on Instagram. I think they have the Hulkomania shorts are coming in. They got the WrestleMania jacket. They got the
ECW gear, the Heart Foundation, all kinds of stuff. If you've never been to their website, definitely check it out. They basically have every wrestler you can think of, every wrestling promotion you can think of. They have old ECW jackets and WCW jackets. I mean, you can spend your entire paycheck on this website. It's pretty awesome.
Yeah, they have fire stuff and they have a lot of stuff obviously with everything that's going on. Everything's getting a little bit delayed, but definitely follow them on social. It's at chalk line official and man, their spring drops coming up are just straight freaking fire baby. So yeah, hit them up, support them. They feel like they have a large presence. I actually talked about this on Instagram today. Like they're so huge. You see everybody wearing chalk line jackets and shorts and the whole, the whole nine. They're always at all the big events.
but they're a little small, like just multi-dude operation. So definitely feel good if you're buying stuff from them, know that it's going to a good place and it's supporting a small little business and yeah, use the code, chick.
Very cool. Let's go outside of the squared circle here. We talked about the WrestleMania being live from the Performance Center over two days. The Hall of Fame and TakeOver are canceled. We did learn that Jushin Thunder Liger is being added to the Hall of Fame. We had talked about that months ago, that when he retired at Wrestle Kingdom, that would probably happen.
Uh, that did. I'm not a huge, uh, follower of his work. I mean, I watched him wrestle a ton in WCW, uh, when they had the cruiserweights there and a super entertaining guy, but, uh, a hundred percent deserves to be in the hall of fame. And this hall of fame class shaped him to be pretty special, man. I'm kind of bummed we're not going to have a, uh, a hall of fame induction ceremony here.
Um, it was just revealed. Uh, I just saw it tonight. It may have happened like yesterday, but Georgia Smith, um, said on social media that, um, WWE informed her that they were planning to postpone the hall of fame until summer slam. So they were going to hold it during summer slam weekend, which, um, yeah, which would be super cool. Cause I was really bummed obviously because freaking bulldog.
finally gets in the Hall of Fame and it gets like completely obliterated and you know Jushin Thunder Liger too which is like you know a lot of people are like super super hype that he gets to go into the Hall of Fame and you know all the the Bella army out there they're just clamoring for uh their their Bella twins to get in so I would hate for them to to be able to miss that but yeah so apparently it's going to be SummerSlam weekend.
And Bhutista, don't forget about him. Bhutista, I did forget about him for a split second. Yeah. Bhutista is going in too. And NWO. So it's a pretty, a pretty stacked card, man. All over the place there. I think NXT, I think NXT is going to be on SummerSlam weekend too. Like they're just going to move like that takeover to, to that weekend. So we won't get them during WrestleMania weekend, but, um, you know, hang tight because I think it's going to happen.
We've got a new Broken Skull Sessions episode with Stone Cold interviewing Brett the Hitman Hart. Yeah. I have not watched that yet. That's on the docket for this weekend to watch. You've got to kind of space out your watching stuff because there's only so much stuff to watch. And that's one of the things I'm really interested in. Marco, did you end up watching that? I know you're a huge Brett Hart fan. Of course. I watch it right after bra. I have to.
Why not? But no, it was really good. I actually got my my retro recommendation off of that because they deep dive. It's really good. They did the submission match. And it's really cool just hearing both of them talk about it and like how everything went went to went according to plan, actually. And Bret Hart actually said if he if he wants to show somebody when he wrestled when he was young, the first match he shows is that match. Yeah, he's pretty telling on like he's like this like
Obviously, he's like this guy that's perfect in every way when it comes to his wrestling ability and stuff like that. And he always looks at everything with a keen eye for him to pick that match as his go-to. Like, hey, oh, you haven't seen me wrestle? Watch this match right here.
um it's really awesome i think it was pretty cool that they talked about like neither one of them wanted to do a submission match because they're like we're not you know he's like even though i have like you know the sharpshooter he's like i'm not a submission fighter you know like that's exactly that's not my forte you know um yeah maybe a figure four and and the um and the sharpshooter but you know that's that's not for me and steve austin was like i didn't even know any submission moves yeah yeah so yeah it was pretty cool and like you know talking about how they came out and
Brett and Austin were just like talking through the match, you know, and he said, you know, if you really want this thing to work, you're going to need to be busted open. And they had like a no busted open policy at that time, you know, no, no blood policy. I can't remember what exactly it's called. But Brett busted him open the hard way, like right above the eyebrow. And he said, as soon as he saw that blood, you know, after he got hit into the barricades, he was like, oh, man, we got something here. You know, yeah, they talk about like how like the flip basically like the
That's what we wanted to do. We wanted to do a double turn. I mean, that's a pretty, I mean, that's no small feat to pull off to do a double turn. You know what I mean? Yeah, it's easy to do like a heel turn, but I mean, just to like, you know, the whole, the whole crowd is cheering Brett at the beginning of the match and like throughout the match. And then, you know, it just takes like that one moment for it to just be like, Oh, Oh, Hill, like, yeah, this is not good. You know? Yeah. And a lot of people are, uh, I seen a lot of people like upset that like they took the first, like,
portion of it talking about the the Montreal screw job and like that whole thing I didn't mind it but it was definitely nothing I hadn't heard before you know what I mean yeah I've heard I've heard Brett talk about the screw job like you know a bajillion times
I was hoping they wouldn't, like, start it off with that. But, um, you know, I guess, you know, maybe they got it out of the way and didn't want to, like, have it drag on at the end. But, um, even Austin, I thought it was, you know, Austin was talking about when he wrestled Owen, too, and I was just wondering, I was kind of, like, just watching Brett's face, because I was like, oh, God, this is awkward. You know?
Um, but I mean, it was, I mean, some Steve Austin was like, he, he said, you know, it was nothing but respectful the way he talked about it. I mean, you know, and I've, and I've heard Steve Austin talk about that match in a not respectful way before, you know, after he got his fricking neck broken. Um, but it was, it was fine. And just in my, in my gut, I was like watching it like, Oh, they were like showing the footage and everything. And I was, he was like, you're your brother who is no longer with us. And we were like,
But but they talked about like the fact that like, you know, Owen did the respectful thing. And like when he told him like, hey, I can't move, like he backed away and like play to the crowd, that type of thing. Like he respected that he did that. Oh, yeah. And he let him roll him up on that like just horrific roll up. You know what I mean? I mean, it was like like, I mean, Steve Austin said it was the worst roll up in the history of wrestling. And it really was. But yeah, Owen just went with it. So.
Yeah. Pretty, pretty crazy. It was good. I definitely go. I definitely recommend going back and watching it. And they did deep dive on a WrestleMania 13, which we'll talk about here in a little bit. What's this, uh, WWE untold Rodzilla. Is this the, uh, they're doing a documentary about, uh, Dennis Rodman on the WWE network. Yeah. They have a, I think I did not know that. Yeah. So I see it on, um, so on, if you go to Fox sports, um, they have like a WWE section out because obviously they're partners.
And they do like they show clips from like WWE backstage and like pretty much like they replay They like show whatever is on and show that as news But apparently they do they have like a little trailer for it. They're doing it untold and Dennis Rodman is actually on it Which is really awesome. I guess Hulk Hogan's on it. It looked like he spoke on it Dennis Rodman DDP, but didn't show Carmel own
Like current like current. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like like the white background, like how they do the untold. Yeah. Yeah. And he basically talks. Well, well, his his power was like after the after the diamond cutter that Carmelone gave him, he was just like, I can't. He's like, I'm so glad it was over. Like he didn't want to do. He didn't want to wrestle anymore. But yeah, they're just they show clips, a whole guitar ball, Phil Jackson, like calling up and going like, where the hell is he? Because during the playoffs and stuff like that.
NBA it's a basketball season like he was doing this stuff. It wasn't like he was doing it in an offseason. That would never happen now. Can you imagine something like that happening now? No. Do you want something like that during playoff season? No. Absolutely not. That definitely wouldn't happen. But yeah, he was kind of, and I guess it would be like they, Hogan was just like, yeah, they, uh, so we go to him like, hey, Robin, Phil, Phil wants you back there. And he's like, I'm not going back. Like anyone like go play in any games. So I can't like, it looks like it's a really good, uh, show. I can't wait to see it though.
I want to give you guys a heads up that the the new season of Dark Side of the Mat, Dark Side of the Ring, I'm sorry, premieres on March 24th, which is a week from yesterday on next Tuesday. Well that'll give us something to watch. I'm trying to work with some of the guys that put the show together to get them on the podcast here to kind of promote it and talk about some of the stories behind.
Hopefully, we can make that happen during the quarantine. Some more wrestling content coming down, so you don't have to work out. You don't have to do anything productive. Just watch. Try not to find as much stuff for you guys, so you don't have to lose weight or be healthy, all that kind of bullshit. Or be mindful.
just keep eating wings. All the restaurants near me are still doing carry out. I feel bad for there. One of my buddy's sisters owns an Irish place nearby, and he said on St. Patrick's Day they do $80,000 in business. Oh, yeah. We got the call the day before St. Patrick's Day that all the restaurants and bars were closing, and I'm like,
God, it sucks because that's a huge day. But I mean, it does make sense to close it before that because there's so many people around all congregating. But definitely support your local restaurants and if you can, order some stuff out. I mean, I know a lot of people have stockpiles and food here and there. So that's always good. But try to maybe one night a week here as we get into the doldrums of quarantine zone.
you know, order some carryout from one of your favorite restaurants because it helps them out, especially if it's a small business. Yeah, and I even heard a good idea to go just even if you don't want to order food right now, like if you don't feel comfortable or whatever, go get a gift card from
those places so that way they have your money now and then it gives you a reason to go out on a date later or you know go grab lunch with the family or something like that so that's a good way that you can support small local business too. My parents own a restaurant so yeah it's definitely something that I'm passionate about is like you know supporting your local peeps.
Yeah, you posted that picture, and it looked pretty damn amazing, the food that they have there, all the sides. I miss being in the south, because sometimes you go to a restaurant, the list of all the sides they have, be like, oh my god, I just want to eat all of these things. I just want to have five sides right now. That sounds great. Oh, there's an option on the menu for just, it's just sides. Every southern place does that. Yeah, you just get four sides and some bread.
Um, it's it's good stuff. Yeah, my mom owns like a meat and three and it's uh, man My mom can cook anything dude, and it's freaking delicious Hence why I love food and I have to like, you know Be a health and fitness junkie nowadays because I grew up just being able to eat whatever the hell I wanted biscuits and gravy country fried steak fried okra
Oh, God. We have Corey Handy and Shane Eby and the Facebook group are both chefs. So if they're shut down, if they can't cook, maybe we'll try to get them to do some Facebook Live videos of just a meal prep or something like on our Facebook group would be pretty cool. I do want to give a shout out to my buddy, John Minidakis, who owns Jimmy's Famous Seafood here in Baltimore, which I will go on record as the
restaurant in the entire country. This is what he's doing. He's providing free Jimmy's meals to all of his employees. He's providing financial aid to all of them. Every gift card that people buy, all the money goes to the employees that are out of jobs now for the foreseeable future.
They designed a new t-shirt, which they're always coming with new t-shirt designs. All the money from that is going to the staff. They're launching a new podcast and Facebook show. They're going to try to get all their employees involved with that. They have two food trucks that are up and running.
It's got to be tough to be a small business owner, but John, I want to get him on the podcast here as well soon because this dude is one of the smartest businessmen that I know of. He was probably planning this stuff out for weeks because he saw this coming, but you have to be creative. It goes from a restaurant up to the top of a huge multi-billion dollar wrestling company.
keep things interesting and keep things, you know, keep people coming back because there's a thousand different places you can go. So yeah, definitely support your local restaurant. And I can't wait for all this to be over so we can go out and enjoy life. Yeah. And take note, take note of all those businesses and how businesses treat their, their teams and their employees and stuff during times like this, because you're going to see a stark difference in, you know, some that are just like,
Crappy and like you know don't close their doors and don't you know don't take care of their people in times like this And then the ones who do like those are the ones you need to support You know like it's it's just funny. I've been getting emails from people like this is how we're handling COVID I'm like oh my god if I get another email about how you're freaking handling COVID-19 the best part of this entire thing is
Every Pandora radio sent me an email about COVID-19. Every time I get it, I tell my wife, oh honey, Spotify sent me an email about this. Have you heard about this COVID-19? Yeah, I don't know if you can comment. Warby Parker is alerting me about this fucking virus that I didn't know about. Come on, man. It's hilarious.
Um, yeah, so that was funny. Uh, we talked about, uh, everything outside of the ring. Uh, should we get into our go figure segment guys? Let's go. All right. Let's go. Hold on one second.
I mean, this is a steamy video. Man, I haven't watched this music video in a long time, but shout out to Sheena for the Fifth Harmony suggestion. Nobody's working, so we gotta listen to work, you know? All right, cool. It's work from home. Yeah. They talk about working from home with what everybody's doing right now. That's right.
So this is our go figure segment. This is where we talk about our hashtag fig hunting and We let you know what we purchased over the last week and this is sponsored in part by our good friends at ringsign collectibles who have a huge Easter sale going on right now a ton of good deals if you missed out on the survivor series and
Don Morocco, Jeff Hardy, those are available there for a really great price, less than 20 bucks. They have Jeff Hardy lead 67, 12.99, lead 71, Jeff Hardy 15.99, Finn Ballard Demon 16.99, ton of great deals on their website. It's You can use
our code, Chick Foley, for 10% off of there. And we appreciate it. I want to give a shout out to one of our listeners, Jason Cook, who has probably the best Twitter handle ever. It's jasonc078727123. It just rolls off the tongue, Jason.
I don't know if that's your pin number for your ATM or whatever, but Jason, we want to give you a props. He sent us a picture. The other night, he couldn't sleep. He bought a shirt of ours from He did an order on Ringside Collectibles and used our promo code. And he bought something from Chalk Line as well. So, Jason, we appreciate you, man. You're an awesome member of our group and our Facebook group. And thank you for supporting all the people that support us. We really, really appreciate that.
So let's get into what we bought this week. I didn't buy anything. I did receive my Peyton Royce figure. I think it was like the day after we recorded last week from our buddy JB Toys. He sent me that. So I have that up on the shelf now and I have a couple packages I need to send. I don't know if the post offices will close. I don't know if you got, is that going on up in Boston, Massachusetts, Marco? If the post office will close. No, everything's still going.
Okay, so everybody's still open up where you are. Yeah. Okay, so that's good. It's funny, obviously I'm in liquor stores all day, every single day. And the governor had, Edward is like, oh, the governor's making an announcement at 11 o'clock. This was like Monday. And this is when he announced all the restaurants and bars would be closing.
and everyone flocked. My liquor stores were busier than they are on Christmas and I drove to a supermarket and bought $200 worth of meat. I have tons of alcohol. I just need to make sure I have chicken and steak in the freezer and I'm good. So that was all taken care of.
Um, yeah, I picked that up from, uh, our good buddy and I don't really have anything else that's coming around that I need. Uh, I'm going to start circling back on some older stuff. Um, uh, yeah, Marco or Sheena either of you guys pick up anything this week.
Well I picked up obviously those chalk line shorts that we talked about earlier, the Hulkamania chalk line shorts. I got those for the heel husband and I've been buying him all kinds of stuff. He's going to be like Christmas for him when he gets home. It's going to, he's just going to have like the Mark K full of packages and figures and
like gear, all kinds of stuff. So I got those and I'm going to save something else for a future segment that I purchased. So I'll save that, but that's all that I purchased this week. Is this for the thing you're saving? Is this for the heel husband? No, it is for myself. Oh, okay. Yeah. Treat yourself, girl. Okay. You know, I got to give myself a little something. Marco, what about you?
uh nothing much just um i actually received my um live figure from um a zinger on uh twitter his actual name is andrew uh from canada so hopefully he got the uh wendy that i uh i sent him um
He didn't message me back and say he did, but hopefully he got it. Yeah, I saw he tweeted. He tweeted it. He looks like he got it. Yeah. OK, I miss. Yeah, I miss that tweet. Yeah, so awesome. He got that bad that every time I hear Wendy now, it's such a mom thing. They make like these little, you know, gas releasers that are called Wendy's and everybody's like, yeah, did you get your Wendy? And I like that's all I can think about because I'm a mom and that's like where my mind automatically goes. I don't know what's happening to me, you guys.
I just think about the fast food restaurant because I'm a big fat guy. They do got, let's be real, Wendy's does have a mean chicken sandwich. I heard they have breakfast now. I haven't actually seen it. I haven't been to Wendy's in probably 10 years or so, but I just, I just don't ever compelled. No, I mean, I enjoy their food. I just never like, they're, they're just so, Wendy's are so depressing. They're always like dimly lit, like,
Yeah, I tried through. I haven't probably eaten inside of a Wendy's and I mean, I probably couldn't tell you when, but I mean, I've driven through a few Wendy's in the last decade for sure. Okay. Yeah. I mean, I'm sure their breakfast are probably amazing cause they make good food. So, and they're awesome on Twitter. They're super funny. So yeah, that's good. Uh, so Marco, you picked that up. That's good. Um, I was trying to search something else here on my phone, but I forget what I was looking for. What else did you get Marco? Anything else? Um, I received my, uh,
My, the second wave of, uh, the WWE Universe from, uh, from the one Mike Lanham, uh, he was actually, uh, I actually, I threw out the back signal. I was like, forget this. I was like, isn't that not showing up around here? I threw it up. Um, it took a while and then he actually, um, I think he grabbed a couple of sets. He was on our Facebook group today.
Uh, see if anyone else need anything cause he grabbed, he grabbed two sets of the masses of the universe. So if anyone else out there that needed it, I mean, hopefully, um, I think he put out a message earlier and asked if anyone needed one. Um, but yeah, I know definitely got those, uh, complete set of, uh, WWE master of the universe is that if you see him in person, there's the figures are so awesome. I'm not sure. I haven't seen the second wave. Oh, so good. The scene of one's awesome to see through like.
fake scene it's called and they have like the Roman Reigns is really awesome looking Rey Mysterio. Um, it wasn't there. There's one more person I'm forgetting a macho man. Yeah, the most wanted next to, um, next to, uh, Peyton Royce, I think right now when it comes to like figures out there, but yeah, all four of those and just sitting pretty can't wait to crack those open and see what they are. But other than that, uh,
Pretty light week. Yeah, pretty light week. We've had a lot going on this week. Yeah, next week's probably going to be nothing. We're not going to have a good video segment. Yeah, there's going to be no stores open, nothing happening. I have a bunch of stuff to mail to people. I feel so bad. I have like four packages to mail out to people that I'm going to do hopefully first thing tomorrow morning. It's just been crazy with my son's birthday and all of the world ending and all that kind of stuff. It gets in the way the world ending.
I do want to give a shout out to our buddy Tom Sliny on our Facebook group, which we haven't even promoted the Patreon. We'll get to that in a second. Tom is doing our first ever card break on our Facebook group. He bought a couple cases of the WrestleMania cards, the WWE WrestleMania cards. We're all jumping into it and he's going to open packs, whatever's in the pack we get to keep.
So, if you're a Patreon member on our Facebook group, I think there's like five or six spots open. You can do that. He's going to open those tomorrow night. I like to keep those going. It's pretty fun. I know the Major Brothers do that on their Patreon group quite a bit. Everybody seems so into it.
It's so funny because it's like the one thing that I'm not like, you know, collecting or anything, but everybody else is like, give me this one. Give me this one. Yeah, it's been pretty big. I want to give a shout out to a couple of guys. Our good buddy, Andrew Bennett, I talked about this guy last week on our show. He had like, you know, huge bins of wrestling cards that he was opening with his daughter.
asked everybody on the Facebook group what their top three favorite wrestlers are and I told him, you know, I was like, I'm a card angle fan. I wanted some Rey Mysterio cards from my son, blah, blah, blah. So he's like, yeah, I just sent it out to you. You should be getting soon. He didn't take any payment from me. I was like, dude, I need to send you something. You refuse to take any kind of payment. And I was like, oh, how many cards are you sending? He's like, oh, about a hundred cards.
Oh my gosh. What? What the hell, dude? Come on, man. Jeez. Next figure I find that he's looking for is going to go right to him. Shout out to him. I've got a couple other people. I've got a good buddy, Justin Pickard and Lucas Weiser. A couple of guys in our Facebook group are sending me some cards, pro bono, just to give to my son.
He's super into Ray Mysterio. I'm building a little binder for him I didn't actually didn't give it to him for his birthday because he got so much other stuff so uh
Yeah, it's lost in the shuffle. Yeah, I guess I could mention that for my for my go figure segment I got my son a Drew McIntyre elite the new Drew McIntyre elite, which is super awesome And I've been holding on to this ringside exclusive wolf pack sting for him Mint on card and watched him open that up and I was like, oh my god, I should have kept this in the package because Just killed all the value of this thing. But he loved I mean, he's like he hasn't in bed with him right now He probably has it in his hand while he's sleeping So he loves that so
Yep. I find if you give your kid a new toy every day, they're a lot calmer and they play a lot nicer. So we'll see the effect. Parenting tip of the week. Yeah, just buy them a $20 wrestling toy every day. They'll play fine. It's easy. Yeah, everybody can do that, right? Yeah, so it's birthday's over, so back to the real world.
We did see some cool new Mattel reveals at some sort of toy con in Las Vegas where Sweaty Bill had his surgical gloves on trying to not get sick. For some reason I thought we talked about these. This must have happened, I mean the days are just turning into weeks I feel like in my brain.
No, they just got announced like four days ago. Yeah, it was over the weekend. It was over the weekend, so we missed it. It's an AJ Styles in his OC gear. Ronda Rousey ravishing Rick Roode and a Classy Freddy Blassie. I guess I could be as I tweeted about it. I don't know what you guys are hunting for. I'm a little bit younger. I'm in my mid 30s. I don't remember anything from Classy Freddy Blassie. I've never seen him, except for clips on WDA Network.
This might be one of the best wrestling figures I've ever seen. This thing is so perfect. I don't know if you saw the pictures of it. It is an amazing figure. And I'm going to grab it just because it's just so amazing looking. It looks like a tiny person.
Yeah, it does look really, really good. I gotta have that Rick Rude, dude. That Rick Rude is primo. It's just so freaking money, dude. Like I just, God, I love it so much. With like the warrior tights on, it's just awesome. I think there's, isn't there a chase? Yeah, I think there is. Yeah, man.
I think the Freddie Blassie is either a Target or a Walmart, but all the rest will be available on Ringside Collectibles. I'm so glad we're getting an AG Styles figure. God, finally. I know, finally. Let's go, man. This guy's been around so long. It's beautiful hair.
Yeah, so yeah. The Ronda Rousey's awful looking. Her head looks like Peyton Manning's peanut head. I don't think it's awful. I think the makeup. I mean, when she wore that makeup, what was that? Was that WrestleMania when she wore that makeup? The raccoon makeup? Yeah, it was like totally black swan, kind of raccoon-y.
Yeah, I just I think that's what really kind of makes it look bad because it like her eye sockets just look huge on her tiny little head. Yeah. But yeah, the Freddie Blassie and the Rick Rude figures are 100% gets for everybody. I'm sure so.
I don't know when those are going to be around. I ordered a from Heroes Hangout. It's a website. I think they're based out of Albany, New York or something, but they had the Jimmy Enville night hearts on order for like 30 bucks. So I ordered one. I called them today like, Hey, what's going on with this? It's been a while. I was like, we haven't gotten anything from Mattel in like four or five weeks.
And I don't know where we're going to get more again because of Chinese New Year and then the coronavirus. So I'm assuming stores are the same. I mean, a lot of the figures you see probably in your targets and Walmarts have been at Mattel. I've come over to the US and are just kind of being funneled out. So I'm sure you'll still see some stuff for the next weeks here leading up. But I'm sure it's going to come to the point where it's going to be hard to see anything in the stores.
because there are things going on. I actually went to Target today and they had a ton of, I mean, they had the Jeff Hardy, they had a couple of Billie K's hanging there. I mean, I didn't grab anything for anybody because I was in a hurry, just grabbing mac and cheese for my son because he likes his, what's that, Auntie Anne's or what's that, what's that, you eat that granola, you should. Annie's organic. Annie's organic. He likes the white cheddar, Annie's, yeah, he's just super foofy, finer things club taste and mac and cheese.
But I just think people aren't really out hunting and out buying toys right now, which makes sense because- Well, listen, I probably visit Target more than just about anybody you guys know. And I haven't been to Target in probably a week and a half.
Maybe, maybe a little longer. Yeah, so I haven't even been out on these streets. I go to Target every day. Every day I go to Target.

Quarantine Lifestyle Changes

You go to Target every day? Every day. I usually go, um, but do you go like, you just go strictly for figure hunting, right? Yeah. A hundred percent. Yeah.
yeah i mean i like go like peruse around target like you know kicking it it's a way out of the house yeah with the coffee in the hands yeah it's like it's like mom's disneyland like we're all there like in solidarity like you know you know we don't care for the other people's kids are crying or you know causing a fit like we're just like
We feel you sister, you know? So that's me. I can't believe I haven't had any target interaction in like weeks. Granted, my bank account is like probably happy, but still. Yeah. Yeah. That is the one thing with this quarantine. I'm sure people are going to, if you're still getting paid from work, you're going to save a little bit of money by not going out and eating food and eating out every day, you know, probably a little bit healthier at home, cooking your own meals.
That's a plus. So yeah, some cool new Mattel Elite reveals over the weekend. I don't know when those will hit. I know Peyton Royces have been hitting a lot of stores, a lot of the folks in our Facebook group. We need to talk about our Patreon. It's slash Chick Foley Show, or you can go to All of our friends there are
It's an awesome group. We have about 120 plus strong out hunting figures and helping each other out doing trades. Every time I go on there, there's new posts multiple times a day, people finding stuff out in the wild and trying to trade stuff. So if you're out and if you're on social media and you're just striking out, your stores don't have anything, I highly recommend checking us out because it's
Don't pay eBay, don't pay those eBay prices, guys. Come on. What are you doing? We had a couple ridiculous. We have so many patents are popping up now. And I'm like, oh, I missed one today. And I was like, so pissed at myself because he was like, oh, this would be perfect for a loose collector because the card was kind of messed up and the boxes messed up. And I was like, no, I saw somebody else claimed it. I mean, I'm glad somebody else in our group got it. But I was just like, oh, I can't believe I missed it.
I know, I need to put the word out that the Queen of Pod style needs to have one sooner than later because it's getting ridiculous. I know, I know. I do want to give a shout out to some of our new Patreon subscribers. I didn't give them a shout out last week, so I need to do that right here. Tommy Purr, who is a, just like our buddy, Alex Sintron, is a
independent wrestler so we have a couple independent wrestlers now in our group james kilka joshua chestnut and uh... thomas montal montaldo thomas montaldo is another patreon member as well and ryan harry people's names no no thomas that's like uh... thomas montaldo was it was an extra in the sopranos so a lot of people know that and ryan harry ryan harries that's the kind of people who have an easy name ryan harry
love you, man. Easy for me to read. I'm three beers in. He's probably got a, he's probably got a, uh, a Twitter handle that's like, got a lot of underscores or something. There's gotta be something if he's just like, you know, got an easy regular name, he's got to have a flaw, a fatal flaw somewhere. Yeah. Ryan underscore Harry underscore, uh, that dude underscore 6969.
But thank you guys for joining up. It starts at $1 per month. It goes up from there. Our highest tier gets you a Chick-Fully t-shirt, and you get to co-host a segment with us here on the show. So we appreciate anything you guys can donate, especially these trying times that we have coming up here.
I know money is tight for everybody, but we're going to crank out a ton of new content for you guys in the coming weeks and months. And hopefully we can get through all of this stuff together. So check it out,

Binge-worthy Show Recommendations

And that is our Go Figure segment. And we have a new segment here that we don't have a sponsor for. It's called Quarantine and Chill. Marco, what's this all about? You've got to get this in the script here.
yeah so i figured like we should try to get some like i know we are running out of suggestions with wrestling stuff but like if you have any suggestions for any type of binge watching um during this uh this quarantine time which is probably gonna be the next couple weeks maybe a month maybe the next year who knows two years we are slowing down man watch
Well, the rest of our lives, who knows how long this is gonna last? I don't wanna scare anybody, but this is worth it. Anyway. I got some good recommendations. I love a good binge worthy show. And you guys, there is a, since we're all in the house and we all have to be socially responsible and social distance. And if you're not social distancing, you're not taking this seriously, you really should be. I'm not gonna bring the podcast down or be too political or like, you know, try to like shun you here, but.
take it seriously um but you don't have to miss out on your netflix dates with your friends because there's a google chrome extension now called netflix party and i don't know how long this has been out but i guess just now becoming a thing yeah so there's a google chrome extension that you can put in your laptop um
to it's called Netflix party is you can all watch the same show at the same time so when you pause there's like a chat thing like everybody pauses so you're all synced up together um yeah super super cool so i guess it's becoming i don't know if it's probably been out for a while but it's just now kind of like hitting mainstream because you know we're not over at each other's houses watching netflix and stuff anymore you know because we're trying to be
socially responsible. So yeah, Netflix party, Google Chrome extension, uh, check it out. I have not gotten it yet, but I've seen a lot of people talking about it. So I'm super stoked to see what it's all about. We are going to have fun with this. I'm going to watch episodes of the office with everybody. Yeah.
Yeah, we should definitely do this. Um, some of my net or quarantine and chill suggestions are if you haven't watched the new season of glow or glow period, you definitely need to watch the, uh, gorgeous ladies of wrestling because that show is freaking awesome. The righteous gemstones, uh, with Danny McBride, John Goodman, um, Adam Devine, uh, freaking Walter or Walton Goggins, like
Dude, I love the righteous gemstones. Did you guys ever get to watch that? I did. I liked it. Yeah, I thought I think it's well, I guess maybe I appreciate it more because I grew up in like a southern like.
state where there's like you know super like big churches and you know all that religion stuff happening. So you know I thought the righteous gemstones was pretty spot on. I am so ashamed to admit this but I got peer pressured by
To the freaking hot take kid to watch love is blind. Oh, yes, we have to talk about this I could not I could not stop watching even though like I could just feel my brain melting and getting super upset of myself for watching it But it is it is entertaining and it's it is a really interesting experiment experiment because you start to think about like what you would do in that situation which is hard for me because I
I mean, I've been with says since I was 17. So I can't imagine dating in 2020. Like, oh my gosh. That would just, I can't imagine. What did you, what did you think? Did marker, did you watch the show at all?
Unfortunately, yes, I watched it with the with the with the wife. She was probably all about that shit, right? Oh, no, she yeah, she's like, she's I mean, it's I think it's an awful show. Personally, 100 percent awful. Yeah, but it's crazy. It's interesting. Yeah, it is interesting. And it's definitely something like I, you know, I love like I love some reality TV. And I, I thought
freaking Amber was crazy, but I've known a lot of Ambers in my life who were just like, like super overbearing. I haven't finished it yet. So, you know, no spoilers yet. They're, they're just, they're just now picking out their dresses and they're, come on, you need to get to the best part is a finale. That's the way that's the only thing worth watching. Just don't watch any episode. Just watch the last episodes.
OK, OK, I will. We will we will reconvene on Love is Blind next week. Everybody watch. Everybody watch Love is Blind. Who is who is who is the worst character? I think we're all awful. No, there's one person that's just the worst that I hope gets coronavirus. I'm horrible. I'm horrible with names. It's a female, right? I think Jessica is probably the worst. Yes, yes. She's terrible.
Jessica just makes me so frustrated because she's like I she's so wishy washy and it just pisses me off because she's playing that poor little dude that poor Marco or mark or whatever she's playing him like a fiddle dude like I'm just I feel so bad for him and his little buddies trying to like warn him like dude I see that I see the red signs and Marcus just got like heart eyes
You know for her so yeah, we will talk more about this next week But my life I'm gonna throw out some more suggestions that I love true detective watch it orange is the new black You haven't seen it jailbirds lots of prison shows Yeah, that's like being quarantined and watching prison shows
the season two of castle rock like the anthology show the steven king show season two was really really good and um also another kind of like meta show right now is like black mirror i feel like we're like living in an episode of black mirror right now um so i feel like that would be a good show for you to kind of watch and just you know dive into
Love it. Yeah, there's a ton of good suggestions there. Marco, you have anything to add to that before we move on? Yeah, I won't go too crazy. But if anyone's into any of the BBC shows, there's Luther with the recently infected Idris Alba. Thoughts of Purse. Thoughts of Purse. Yeah. I think that's going to be like the new celebrity thing, is like the new celebrity things are going to be like, oh my god, I have coronavirus. They're going to all be so jealous that the other celebrity has coronavirus. Damn, I didn't get coronavirus.
Yeah, because you don't you do not see everyday people like coming out like everyday people want to like remain anonymous Because they're afraid of how coronavirus is gonna like affect their life and their livelihood and their relationships and their job You know, it's like like every article you read it's like oh the couple wanted to remain anonymous You know, there's been a couple that in Norfolk that have contracted coronavirus and then like, you know Tom Hanks is like I've got coronavirus and They're gonna be like, you know
Oh my God. Leonardo DiCaprio is going to come out and be like, you know, you guys, I have coronavirus. I contracted it on a mission in China. You know, it's going to be, it's going to be a thing. But, uh, one more thing is, uh, so dark side of the ring, the first season, you're actually given away for free on, advice, So if you haven't seen the first season of dark side of the ring at their
They threw up all the episodes for free. They have ads in between, obviously. But they're all free. And if you've never seen them, they're all excellent. I actually started re-watching the episodes. They're so good, especially the, what do you call it, Fabulous Moolah. Yeah, Fabulous Moolah was good. The free birds. Oh, not the free birds. The freaking, oh my god, my brain. No.
Yeah. Oh my God. I was like, not the free bird. The other ones, you know, the, the freaking bot Eric's, uh, yeah, the bond Eric's one was really good. It was kind of depressing, but it was really, it was just like so interesting to see like that, that dynamic, you know, my favorite, my favorite one was the gorgeous Gino episode. I really liked that one. Um, the mysterious death of gorgeous Gino. Yeah. That was, that was a really interesting one.
Um, yeah, we're going to have some, we're going to have some heavy hitters this season two coming up with, uh, a Chris Benoit and big ones for season two, man. Yeah. Yeah. They, they were like, we're pulling out all the stops for this one. Yeah. Uh, a lot of good stuff coming up. So yeah, uh, Sheena stole a lot of my suggestions, but definitely go watch love is blind. If you haven't, we'll do a full recap next week. Cause I thought Sheena, uh, would want to, yeah, I will get through it before, before next week.
All right, let's get into our random merch of the week. This is an item off of eBay that we find that is pretty interesting. And Marco, you have it here, a WWF logo vintage windbreaker. Yeah, if you click on it, it's actually not on eBay. Oh, no. It's actually sold by Wrestling For Sale on Instagram. Ted. Ted. Yeah.
So yeah, there's a combo. There's actually another thing that he's selling. It's like a WWF logo hat when it was like corduroy hats, like baseball caps, which is pretty cool. But no, this is really awesome. What's the end of the price at? It's actually sold already, so sorry, people, if you were looking to buy it. Just an update. The hat is $125, so you can still. It was $175, I believe, that he had it for. But it's a pretty cool. It looks brand new.
It's a windbreaker jacket with a little pouch, kangaroo pouch pocket on the front. Um, it's like a quarter zip jacket, so it's not fully all the way down. Uh, it looks shiny as hell. So definitely if you're like wearing that night, you definitely wouldn't get ran over by a car or motorcycle, depending on where you, you run at night. Um, but other than that, yeah, no, it's, it's pretty cool. They even started doing more of these, um, especially with wrestling facilities, a lot of cool t-shirts and different types of like artifacts for the past.
I actually pulled the trigger on, on this bad boy and got it for myself because the jacket, you bought the jacket. Oh my God. This is the first first. This is a chick. So I posted it because as soon as I saw it, I was like, Oh dude, this freaking jacket is And I shared it on my Instagram stories and then Ted hit me up.
on his page.
and gave me a sweet sweet deal on it and I couldn't yeah I couldn't say no and then he sent me so he sent me the sweet sweet deal and I was like oh man okay let me think about this for a second and then he sent me this YouTube video which was like the 1985 merchandise catalog it like showed every page of the merchandise catalog it was like the
the 1985 season's greeting catalog it's got like hoke hogan coming out of the chimney wearing his you know american made shirt and i mean it just like hit me right in the nostalgia fields and i was like all right sold and i got it so i'm so super pumped and it's so funny because i had posted it in the stories and then mike lanham hit me up and it was like dude i was at work i missed it somebody bought it and i was like yeah about that
And so, yeah, I cannot wait. I will post a picture when I get it in person. But yeah, I'm super, super, super pumped because it's pretty dope. Just right after that, he posted this King of the Ring 94 Baltimore Arena shirt, which I actually bought one that shirt from him.
Not this one that he is for sale right now, but like a year ago or so. It was not for 125. It was whatever. I feel like the prices on these, uh, his old school vintage shirts are going up and up and up. So, uh, but it's a cool shirt. I've, I've worn it to a couple of wrestling shows, but yeah, we should get Ted on the show as well, but follow him on Instagram wrestling the number four sale.
And he's an awesome dude. Good support. Yeah. He just did his 30 days of favorite wrestling t-shirts and got like, those are from his like personal collection, like not for sale. And he just did like a countdown, like 30 best and dude, there is some like serious heat, like stuff that I'm like, how does he find this stuff? Or was it like an original from his, you know, like fanhood days? I mean, he's just got stuff that I'm just, I can't even believe that he has, you know, I do want to know where he gets, where he finds his stuff.
Well, I mean, I'm sure, you know, he scours, you know, he's like a, he's like a hunter, man. You know, he like scours eBay and like, all like, you know, places like that. And people, people list stuff and don't know what they have. And you know, you can scoop it up and flip it, man. That's, that's the, that's the business. Yep. All right. Let's get into our retro wrestling recommendation of the week.

Wrestling Memories and Community Engagement

This one is not a shocker. It's sponsored by, but a match we talked about earlier.
Marco, WrestleMania 13, Stone Cold Steve Austin versus Bret the Hitman Hart submission match. One of my top five favorite matches, I'm sure it is for you guys as well.
Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yep, pretty freaking rad. I know we covered most of it earlier when we were talking about the broken school session. But yeah, this is definitely in my top matches of all time. Like you said, it was just perfectly executed, or as soon as I say, excellently executed. And it's just so good. I actually have a print. I had a Mark artist. He doesn't really do much work anymore. But a Mark artist did this really awesome print for us. And it's that submission where
Brett has stone cold in the sharpshooter and it's one of my favorite pieces that we have. That's awesome.
Yeah, it was a great match, a cool double flip, which I don't think we've seen that since then, you know, 20 years ago. Yeah, if you watch the Broken Skull Session, you will want to immediately go watch WrestleMania 13. I watched Broken Skull Sessions today, and unfortunately I didn't have time because, you know, my kid was clamoring to watch Bolt, which is on Disney Plus after I got done with Broken Skull Sessions, so I didn't get to watch it. You could also be obsessed with that movie, and it's awful. It's awful.
Yeah, it's not the best, but Brett, I mean, he loves it because, uh, you know, he loves dogs, but yeah, he's really into that right now, but yeah, I'm definitely gonna watch WrestleMania 13 at some point this week because just seeing that interview really made me want to go back and watch it all.
Alright, let's get into the mailbag a little bit here with some of our Patreon subscribers. Let's start with our boy, Daryl Jones II. What is your wrestling origin stories? What event or wrestler made you a fan? And what is the crown jewel of your wrestling figure collection? So I'll start with Sheena on this one.
Well, my wrestling origin story is definitely, you know, watching wrestling with my dad when I was a kid, you know, like the very late eighties, early nineties, or like my, my very first memories of wrestling. And he had this WrestleMania four VHS
set that I remember and it was like you opened it it was like a double tape because remember back in VHS they couldn't fit everything on like one VHS you know you had to have that have two if it was like a WrestleMania um and it would open up and then Hulk Hogan was like it was like had a pop up in the middle and Hulk Hogan would like pop up and I remember playing with that
Um, when I was a kid and just thinking it was so cool, really not knowing like what wrestling was, but my dad was like a huge Hulk Hogan fan. So I definitely think Hulk Hogan was the wrestler that got me into wrestling, you know, just this larger than life, like huge personality. Um, I think, I think he was definitely my first memory of wrestling. What about you Phil?
That's a cool story, man. I went to my cousin's house, and he had some friends over, and it was like right around the time of WrestleMania 8, and I had no exposure to wrestling ever before that. And he had all the Hasbros, him and his all his friends were playing with them, and I don't know if we watched WrestleMania then, but I was instantly hooked.
I wanted the magazines, I wanted the toys. I was big into GI Joes and all that stuff. I just never had any exposure to wrestling. And then from then on, I was waking up every morning on Saturdays for superstars and collecting everything I could. And that was it. I just had never experienced it before. I was probably maybe 10 or 11 at that point. So that was the first exposure.
As far as the crowning jewel of my collection, I'll come back to that one. Let's go to Marco. What's your defining moment, Marco? Definitely, probably Hulk Hogan, but probably my gateway. So if you ever go to any, if you watch any of the old Colosseum videos or any old vintage stuff that's on the WWE network, you'll actually see a lot of
a lot of matches from the Boston Garden because they traveled there a lot because they were obviously WWF back in the day. They were Eastern territory. So they did a lot of like New York and Connecticut and all these like different areas up east. So they would always come through Boston, like at least, I mean, it seemed like it was like every other month. So, um, my uncle, uh, would take me and my cousins all, we'd go to like literally like every show at the Boston Garden. So I got to see like a lot of like, yeah, I got to see like,
The Rockers, I got to see Legion of Doom when they were there. I got to see Owen Hart and Coco B. Ware, and literally everybody from that era, I got to see at least once or twice. The main one was, I actually had someone try to find it. It was someone on, oh, it was a restaurant historian on Instagram. I was actually having, I wanted to try to find a match card of one of the events I went to, because it was Ultimate Warrior as a Champion.
And he like beat Andre the Giant in like eight seconds. It was like the shortest match ever. He literally just comes in, clotheslines, Andre the Giant splashes him. His music was still playing. His music did not stop. He like ran out, squashed Andre the Giant, and then ran around it and ran back again. So I was trying to figure out what date that was. It seemed like it was like 87 maybe, 88 around that time or something like that. But yeah, it was really awesome.
My gateway was just like going to all those different shows and seeing all those different guys wrestle back then. I have fond memories of all that stuff. That's pretty cool stuff, man. Oh, Crowning God figure, I would probably say my ultimate warrior, LJN. Oh, nice. Yeah, minty fresh. What about you, Phil? What's your crown jewelry collection?
I don't know. I guess it's all of the Hasbro green card. I mean, I have Adam Baum, the Smoking Guns, the Evil Crush, Ludwig Borgo, Yokozuna. I have everything but one, two, three kid. I can't just pick just one. I mean, those are super special to me because I've gone back and found them through friends and whatnot.
I've had to pick one probably that crushed because it's super expensive. Not that I never sell my Hasbro's, but that's the one for me. That was the hardest to get. Yeah, I would say the crown jewel of our collection. Well, I don't know. I mean, it's hard because it's like, well, would you base your crown jewel off of your favorite or like the hardest to find or what you paid the most for? But we have the Legends USA Ultimate Warrior.
um super super rare and i think somebody i think somebody else asked um somebody else asked like what you paid the most for and that was that was the figure that we we paid the most for uh to get in our collection but yeah it's it's freaking super rad i mean you know i love the original legends line and the packaging and everything i just think it's like one of the best one of the best lines that they've had that and defining moments um but yeah that's the crown jewel
Awesome. Thank you, Darrell. Great questions there. Let's go to our buddy, Mike Lanham, who's gotten several shout outs on the show. We can't say his name anymore. He's going to get a big head. Yeah, he's going to go right to his head. Next thing you know, he's going to be co-hosting the show with us. Yeah.
question number one last year drew McIntyre was basically a jobber now he's the main event of WrestleMania and likely the next champ so who is the one guy taking losses right now that you could see as mania hollywood's 2021 champion so let's start i'll start with this one um
I mean, a guy that we've talked about in the show that's been taking L's and losing, I think would be Ricochet. I don't know. Yeah. That's who I was thinking too. I was going to say that too. Yeah. I mean, maybe they're testing him with seeing how he does fighting from the bottom and coming up, but he's a marketable guy. He's got a skill set that's super fun to watch and kids enjoy.
You know, the hardcore fans like him. He's not the best on the mic, but he can improve his mic skills. I think that's going to be the one thing that holds him back from being like a main eventer is just like he's going to really have to hone in his character, you know, who he is, because he's got all the other things. He's got that. Like you said, the look, the skill set, the following, all of that's in his favor, but he really needs to like, you know, hone in his character and get a little more it factor around him and then.
get his mic skills up, but that's definitely who I would pick to. Oh, nice. What about you, Marco? Oh, man, I was going to pick Ricochet. I'm going to have to go. Well, man. Wow. That's OK. Yeah. I'm going to go. I'm going to go. I'm not sure he's going to be champion, which I probably can see him doing it because they're going to seem like they're going to go with him would be Ali. Oh, Mustafa Ali. Really? Because he kind of will. He was on that path. He was on that Kofi path until he got injured.
So he's pretty much the guy that was going to get the shot at some point. He has an awesome gimmick with the light up hands and all that stuff and the light up mask and everything. If you guys have known, we haven't talked about this at all, I don't think. Have you ever watched any of the SmackDown shows or any of the raw shows and seen my glitches happen? Like weird things happen during the show? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, so they're thinking that's one of the rumors is that's Ali, like his return.
Like he's coming back and like, there's like, I guess yesterday or today, maybe, uh, WWE's Twitter got taken over and their logo went black and it said like the truth will be revealed. And then it like went back to how it normally was. So like, I think, I think there, I mean, I would pick him. I'm not sure if he's, who knows. I'm not sure what the storylines are going to go and all this stuff, but like I could see him being like a, like a WWE champion. It seems like they're focusing on the universal championship as like the main one. And like the WWE is kind of like the second fiddle.
Well, not that Brock has it. It's the main one, but Goldberg has a universal. So I think that's more prestige, essentially, if they're looking at it that way. But I can see Ali taking it and I can see probably both of them main event. How about that? Ricochet and Ali main event, taking a WrestleMania for the WWE championship. I would love that.
Yeah, the revival wouldn't like it. They don't like the flips and stuff, but I would like it. Who's that? Don't you know who that is? I know, right? Yeah. Well, let's do a couple more. We have a ton. We'll save some of these for next week's show. Tom Sliney. Oh, Mike has one more question. We kind of answered this earlier, but let's do it real quick. You're stuck inside for the next 30 days. What's the one TV show you're going to binge watch you've never seen before and friends give you grief for never watching? I'm going to say Parks and Rec.
because that's a little show that I would like. Oh my god, I didn't know you hadn't seen that. I watched like the first. I'm giving you grief right now. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I would love to watch it. I've never seen it, so I'm going to give it a try.
Yeah um I would say I mean I don't know if I will watch this but um if time you know things get desperate uh friends is a show that I've never watched I've seen like like multiple episodes of friends but never seen like everything collectively you know starts to finish um I know I know and it seems like a show that I would really love I love all those types of shows you know like you know Will and Grace and
You know the office like all those like sitcom Seinfeld like type shows like I love those But yeah, I've never seen all of friends. I don't know Like all my friends love that show I actually don't know I don't think I've I think I want I watched too much too many shows so it's not one show that I haven't seen that I didn't like or one that I Have been told to watch me like that. So yeah, I actually have an answer for that. I
Literally, I will watch anything. I might not like it, but I'll watch it. That's who I am. There's no documentaries on the Cheesecake Factory that you haven't seen? No, but actually, that's a good idea. We actually, I might have to get that going. Yeah, big cheese is coming for you, man. Who's kid is crying in the background? I think it's the baby face is awake and he's like sitting up. He's sitting up. I could see him on the monitor just going, mama, mama, mama.
I kept thinking he, I have the, I have the future women's champion here in my lap. She's been here the whole time. What? Oh yeah. I know.
No, believe me, she's heard it all already, unfortunately. But yeah, the baby face just woke up, so I'm going to wait and see if he's going to lay back down. But if not, I'm going to have to jump off here. No, let's do one more question. You guys will have to wrap the show. Yeah, Karen Thinkins, last question of the night. We'll get to everybody else's next week. This is an interesting question. If The Rock didn't make it in Hollywood, if he didn't do movies, would he still be wrestling right now?
I don't I mean I think he would be like making appearances I don't think he would still be like a full-timer but he could be like that Jericho role you know what I mean like where he just comes and does like like amazing stuff on the mic and puts a put some people over and I don't know I don't think he would be a full-timer for sure
I don't think so either, but I think he would be in a, in a Triple H type of role behind the scenes or, or, or something in the performance center training in NXT. It's hard to imagine Marco, the rock not being, you know, Dwayne Johnson and movies and stuff, because he's, we've seen him for the last decade or so.
I don't know. I think he would probably have had a longer career. He would probably have wrestled for another, you know, he probably would have been through ruthless aggression and all that kind of stuff and maybe now been more of a part-timer, but it would have been fun to see for sure.
He definitely wouldn't have the physique that he has now. I mean, because if you look at rock, when he was in the rock now, I mean, he's like next level, like Hollywood made him like a monster. Um, so he would be a totally different person. I don't know. I mean, I don't know if he's ever come out and admit that he's had like work done on his face or anything, but I'm pretty sure he's had some, he's had some, you know, reconstructive business happening on his face too. So I feel like he would, he would look totally different. I would love to see what rock.
not Hollywood. Dwayne Johnson Rock would look like in 2020. Yeah, that would be cool. Marco, any thoughts before we get out of here? No, I mean, no, I, I, I probably see him as a part-timer as well. Um, maybe doing something like announcing he'd probably, he'd be a really good, like, not like a desk announcer if he was a say around, obviously with not thinking of the rock as a Hollywood star, he'd be great. Like, like in the, Jerry, the King of all the rules, like the antagonist type of guy and things. So.
Yeah, I mean, that's why I would see his career ending there in that sense. But yeah, he would have to have a longer career in the ring in order for us to give a good analysis on that. But that's where I'm going with it.
All right, so we have a bunch more questions of you guys to answer. We will get to those next week on the show. We'll do a full recap of Love is Blind. Hopefully we'll have some figure news. Hopefully we'll all be healthy and good to go here. A buddy of mine actually got coronavirus. Oh geez. I didn't mention this, yeah. He went on a trip to Mexico and then went on a couple days in New York. He actually worked for the Secret Service.
And he sent me this long story. I won't bore everybody with the details. But they basically wouldn't test him. And my wife, first at the hospital, she said this too. They won't test people if you don't have symptoms. Yeah, it's true. Even if it's like someone you're near, I guess it's kind of like the flu. Like your wife can have the flu. She can be sick and living in your house. And you can take care of her and help her get better. But you don't get sick. So it's very similar to that. So I guess I just don't want to waste the test for that.
type of thing so it's just it's just a weird and the my wife's hospital that the they had the first person today for coronavirus was it I was in brought to the hospital and she's like in her mid 20s and you know she's a healthy normal person so it's not just older people you know if you're if you're listening to this your your our age in your mid 20s or 30s
Uh, stay, stay home and relax. Uh, hang out. Don't, don't go out and just let's try to get over all this bullshit and get back to our normal lives. But, uh, I guess that we'll, we'll be cranking out some extra content here over the next couple of weeks. Um, we thank you for listening. Sheena went to go take care of the baby face. So Marco, thank you for everything you do, man. We appreciate you, uh, hugely on the show here, as we say every single week.
I hope you have a good one, and hopefully we'll be talking soon, man. Yeah, definitely. All right. You guys can follow us on social media, the best place to hit us up. Give us a nice five-star review on iTunes, and check out our Patreon. It's That's where you can get all of our extra bonus content. Thank you guys for listening. We'll be back here next week on The Chick Foley Show. Stay classy, Marx. We'll talk to you then.
Better come on in.
You're typical every day, one night, dang, it's a physical I'ma love you tonight, gang, love Calling your name, go Japan in the range and roll over I just really wanted to hold you Time get to know you, that's a good chick Before it's all over, I'ma meet this chick I can treat this chick more better Cause if you ain't know, thugs and ladies, you're the devil Poppin' my car, I'm poppin' the who in the spot Baby, rule in the spot And the mug in the watch, huh Half of y'all hate me, half of y'all love me