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Glick's House of Music: Jay Valor

Nonsensical Network
14 Plays3 days ago

Glick welcomed Nashville recording artist Jay Valor into the House of Music we had a great conversation about his career, crazy travel schedule humble beginnings in school theater and so much more 

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Yes, sir. What's going on, everybody? Happy, what is today? Tuesday, Tuesday. That's right. What's going on, everybody? Hopefully you guys are having a good week so far. Welcome to Glick's House of Music. If you're not already, go ahead and check out the rest of the network. Facebook, Instagram X, and TikTok. Shows live Monday through Sunday on YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and Rumble.
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and I already do a lot of work around here. So, but it's there now. So shirts and hats and hoodies and all that fun jazz. You guys asked for it and we'll get it out there for you. Anywho, enough of that. We're here for a reason. We got Mr. J. Valer in the building. That was his song, Born to Run. We started the show with fresh off a plane all the way from Vegas, man's half asleep, and he doesn't have a voice. What's going on, J?
That's one way to introduce me.
it's going on How's it going? Yeah, it's ah it's definitely been a long week. ah Yeah, we were talking backstage. I was like, holy smokes. And I thought I was a busy guy. And I couldn't imagine. Well, I said, I can't imagine doing two shows a week. But sometimes I feel like between real life and podcasting and stuff like that. It never ends, man. I imagine it's got to be similar, similar to what it's like being a musician. It just, it's just a constant ongoing thing for you. Yeah. There's always something going on. Um, ah thankfully I've been busy, good, busy. ill just say That's the most important thing. Are you, are you a full-time musician now, or do you still have a regular nine to five? Unfortunately, no, no, no full-time.
Nice. I don't, I don't have time for anything else. There you go. That's what we are. That's what I like to hear. I like to hear what you guys are able to, to finally quit the nine to five and and and do, you know, do your passion, uh, full time. Yeah. Oh, what's up. What's going on, Chris? Yeah, man. That's, that's, that's awesome. I haven't worked at nine to five since 2011, I think.
I already don't like you. See, I wanted to like you, but no, that's, that's awesome. and That's, that's, it hasn't always been easy. No, I think, I think with anything you're going to do, uh, you know, and, uh, and, and, uh, uh, in the entertainment world, if it was easy, everybody would do it and everybody would be successful. You know what I mean? Yeah. So It definitely takes um some level of insanity to do this. Not everybody is this insane.
Yeah, not everybody is going to fly out to Vegas and do what you said you did. Two shows for five days. Yeah, two shows every day for an entire week for six days. Six days.
za And then hop on a plane bright and early. he Yeah, I have, I have two days off. So I have tomorrow. Wait, today's Tuesday. So I guess today would be, um I flew in this morning. Um, I have tomorrow off to just work on music. And then I perform again, um, here in Nashville, uh, Thursday. And then Friday I fly down to Key Largo doing a private event.
um And then flying back out to Vegas the eighth through the 12 So You uh, he's Vegas is Vegas new to you or is that something that you do quite a bit? This was the first time that I've ever done like a ah residency in Vegas all nice yeah Yeah But I'm sure I'll be there often Yeah, hey, man Enjoy it. I've never been out there. It's on my bucket list. I want to get out to Vegas ah I want to do I think I want to do like three maybe four days max I figure Yeah,
yeah I figure about the second day with my luck and with my gambling luck I'll probably be throwing myself off of a hotel or something but But uh, you know, once my bank account starts crying, I'll probably just be like, yep. Goodbye cruel world. I'm out. No. Uh, yeah, I would love to get out for a visit. Uh, I have a friend of mine who goes out all the time and and he loves it, but he goes out for the food and the food. They have the best food in the entire world. That's, that's what it is. It's crazy.
Yeah. He shows me all the restaurants. He's like, click. You would love it. He's like, you'd get out here. You wouldn't even think about gambling. I'm like, yeah, well, probably. No, it really is amazing. Yeah. I just want to take like 400 bucks. And once it's gone, it's gone. You know what I mean? I don't want to ever indulge or ever do it or anything like that. I don't play. I don't even get tempted. Nope.
yeah a Don't don't give in. to the sins of a mortal world the one thing i'll say about about vegas that that thought was so weird especially the first time i ever flew out there um was you're walking through vegas and it looks beautiful like all the buildings everything that's going on like it's all catchy and crazy and it's but then but then when when you walk in to any place in my opinion it all looks exactly the same everything is the casino
Everything doesn't matter what building you walk into. It's just a casino Yeah, and it's hard to get used to that I mean, well i mean that's kind of their stick in Vegas. yeah Yeah, that's Vegas. Yeah, that's that's Vegas I mean, I would love to go out there and catch a show at the sphere man. If you get a chance, you got it Yeah, if you let me let me know how that is. I've had a couple friends go out there and they they're They're like, dude, the spear, the spear is a shrimp, man. I'm like, I want to get out there and see anybody. I mean, I would go see, sorry, Taylor, no shot at you, but I'd go see Taylor Swift at the spear. I'm not a big Taylor Swift fan. I'm just not a, I'm not a teenage girl. Her music doesn't really, so but I would go see her at the spear. Yeah, that's definitely on my bucket list as well. I would, I mean, even saying the spear, it's, it's creepy.
Yeah, it's creepy videos and stuff of it. And it's just like they put the faces and stuff like that on the on the outside of it. dude You saw you saw the the the eye. Yeah. And it just like blinks and just like looks around like you you. You see that through a hotel window. You're like, what the fuck? That's crazy. Yeah, after a long night, you know, I don't know if you're if you're a big drinker or not or anything like that, but I could only I i like to partake.
in the ice cold beverages. I can only imagine coming back to my hotel room at three o'clock in the morning just blasted out of my mind and all of a sudden look out the window and just see a giant eyeball. Yeah. Or especially after doing something you're incredibly ashamed of. And you think no one's watching. It's just a giant eyeball. But it sees you.
It knows you know what they say what stays in what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. So yeah Yeah, that that that that that spirit does trip it does trip me out but it it looks so cool to be to be able to go there and Yeah, I mean even even the artists. I mean I I can only imagine what it feels like to perform It has to be like magical Like that has to be like you're playing in a different dimension That's to be wild That's that's 100 percent, you know something Never done before, you know And I'm surprised that they don't book more More musicians up there I'm not even a big who wasn't that was there not to like when they first opened it up. Is it YouTube?
Yeah, you I was going to say REM, but I don't even think they're doing it anymore these days. Yeah, you too. I'm not a big U2 fan, but i would have I would have paid the price to go see you too. then I feel i got feel like their sound fits that venue really well. e It's kind of the perfect band to watch there.
I had a friend of mine that went there and he, I can't remember what it was. It was some wilderness thing. And, uh, he, he likes to partake in other activities, so to say. And, he was like, bro, I was tripping my balls. and It was like some like, it's like,
span the world or or something like that, where they were like going to all these, like they were the Sahara, they were in and the the mountains and stuff. He was like, well, I was tripping balls. i was just like eight you ask But then it has to feel like that sober. Yeah. well That's what I would think. Like you got to feel like you're tripping out. Yeah.
I don't know, man. it might be a It might be a little bit too intimidating for for for me to even want to try it at this point. Now now that we're talking about it, maybe ah maybe I'm not built for that sphere.
and but I definitely want to catch a show. But you're right. I would watch anybody just for the experience. Yeah, right. i You know, the UFC was just out there. That would be all.
And I guess it was I used to be. And I'm not not a fan now, I just can't keep track. I don't know how people do, you know, since they started bringing in all these new weight classes and and now there's a lot. Yeah, there's so many fighters and and all the different I can't crack them. So it's like.
I don't think it's going to work out for you there, buddy. and
maybe this time What is that that? One of my neighbors and he's got a nice truck, but he just pulled up in this old beat up Chevy and sounds like it's really giving him fit. I don't know if he just bought it for a toy or what he's doing with it, but he's struggling to get out of here.
ah Yeah, no, uh, yeah, I just, I just can't keep track. You know, I i get too, busy I'm too busy with everything else and I can't keep track of all the fighters and and all the paper views and the Friday night fights and the Saturday night fights and this, that, and the other thing. It's just, it's a lot nowadays, man, but I caught, I caught the UFC event, the first UFC event that they did in Miami at the triple A arena or whatever it's called now. Um, and that was.
magical. That was insane. Oh yeah, I would love to see a see an event. I had an opportunity. They were up here at. Nationwide, I think it was. Because we have the Arnold Classic every year and I think there was a show during the Arnold Classic and I had an opportunity through a couple friends that were at the Arnold Classic and some some other things come up and I didn't get to. This has been years ago.
ah but I've always wanted to see it live. you know Even if like you if I don't know the fighters, I would love to see and a UFC event live. Yeah, it's it's the energy that you experience. The energy in the arena. Oh yeah, i can I can only imagine. Although the amount of shit that I've talked about, Joe Rogan, he might whoop my ass.
What's your beef with Joe Rogan? ah Not a fan of his podcast. I respect the man. I really do. I respect the man. I think it's great what he's done and what he's been able to build. And and and I say all the time, you know, I want to become, you know, like I want this to, yeah I want to be able to put my nine to five and do this full time and and make money off. And I want to be so good one day that when people talk about Joe Rogan, the same sentence, they talk about me. But and john I'm not a big fan of the show. I've never been a fan of his standup comedy.
But I love him behind the booth at a UFC pay per view when he's commentating. He's one of the best at it. He's one of the best commentators and in any sports that I've ever heard before, the the energy and the excitement that he has, the knowledge. Yeah. His passion. Yeah. His, his knowledge. I mean, he, he is the guy. He's the guy for that.
But I just don't care for him podcasting or stand up comedy. I'm like, yeah, yeah stick not that you're not good at podcasting because obviously like you're the godfather of podcasting. You know, when the day comes, I may have to kiss the ring and that's fine. But but in the meantime, I'm going to sit back here on my little show that nobody knows about and talk shit. But Yeah, just ah and i I just like to talk shit in general. So sometimes. Yeah, but I think I think he even makes fun of his own a stand up comedy, sir. So. Yeah, I don't think he takes his stand up comedy too serious at the end of the day. I think so. I think he he knows what he's doing when he gets up there and and and does it. You know, hey, to each your own man, everybody, I could all I don't I don't do stage stuff. I like being right here.
behind the camera. A couple few weeks back, I had an opportunity to MC a concert and it was like, I mean, I lived out a dream by getting up on stage in front of a crowd, in front of an audience, but I was also nervous. I was the most nervous I've ever been in my life. Even because I was more nervous than They're becoming a dad. Like I was like, I got all these people staring at me, like, and I have to get up there and talk and my comfort zone is like right here, you know? Yeah. Cause it's hard to get out of your own head in that moment. That's, that's what makes it so hard. Cause like for for me, I could perform for 20,000 people and I don't even sweat at this point. It's, it's fun for me, but if I had to speak.
Like if I, if I have to make a speech to a hundred people, like I can't get out of my head. Yeah. freak outs That's, that's, that's what I told the band who asked me to MC. I said, is it, is it weird if I tell you guys, I have a fear of public speaking and they're like, we're not going to believe you because you do multiple shows a week and you're on there do it. I said, yeah, I don't, I have a huge fear of public speaking.
And then so like they're like, what do you want us to write some stuff down? And my shots are just like, are you going to write anything? Dachshund? No, because I'll get up there and I'll screw, I'll screw it up 100%. I'm just going to do what I do best and right off the top of my head, whatever happens, happens. I either make an ass out of myself or I and knock it out of the park. We're going to see what happens and, you know, hope for the best. But yeah, I mean, that kind of leads me into what was that like for you the first time you got on stage and performed like one of your, either, either a cover.
or one of your songs.
Well, the first time, so how I even started in music was musical theater. So my, my introduction to all of it is different because growing up, and I never wanted to sing or even sang at all. Like I, I didn't know that I had any talent whatsoever. Um, but yeah, it,
The story is weird. When I it was 13, so I was in eighth grade and I went to this really, really small private Christian school. And I swear we only had like 60 kids, like in the entire school. So they had, yeah, they had this ingenious plan to make a Broadway musical. And so since they were only like 60, 70 kids,
Yeah. We didn't have a choice. Like everyone had to audition or else they couldn't have a play. so i say that point you You basically give every kid in the school some kind of role, you know, you're you're doing something. Yeah. So they, they, they wanted to do a, you're a good man, Charlie Brown.
Like and i I had no knowledge of Broadway or musicals or acting or anything like that um And so when they asked me like hey, so, you know, you're gonna audition Who do you want to audition for? And I was like no Like there's no way that I'm doing this and it was it was kind of messed up because they they threatened us with a Saturday school if we didn't audition So we had to come into school Saturday in the morning and copy off of an encyclopedia for like two hours. So I was like, this can't even be legal. So I went home yeah ah and I told my mom and she was like, what? So she went down to the school and and she spoke to the to to the principal.
And to this day, we have no idea how she knew because she passed away shortly after I graduated from middle school. um Unfortunately, ah she was a lovely person, um but she told my mom, he's going to be a singer.
And mom was like, what? Like, yeah, I don't think so. Had anybody had ever heard you sing or anything like this? No, that's why it's freaky. That's wild. I had never even said to myself. So so eventually my mom was just like, like, look, just just audition for the play. Like, you're not going to get in. So who cares? Because it's not what I wanted to do. So I was like, OK, fine.
So they asked me, so what do you want to be? and I'll be like, man, I'll be the dog. I'll be Snoopy because there's no way that he can have any lines if I manage to land this play. And so they gave me a cassette tape with like three songs that Snoopy sings. And I didn't even like like try to sing along and learn them. But I like put them on like a little, a little boom box while I was doing homework for like the week that we had to learn it. Cause I really didn't care. It's like minimal effort. I didn't, and I mean, for me, I was just pissed off that I had to even stick around like after three o'clock. I think like we had to be in like aftercare to like five o'clock just audition for this place. I was just pissed. yeah And so, so that, that day came and I went up
the music director starts playing the piano and she's okay like, okay. And umm I'm not even nervous because I don't want to do this. And I know it's a waste of time. So I start singing the whatever Snoopy song it was. And, and they stopped me like a minute in and I was like, thank God. Like you see, what a waste of time to like you. So you're going to be Charlie Brown.
You went from not even wanting to do this to being the main character. Yeah and I thought like at that time I thought that was the worst day of my life and it ended up being the best thing that had ever happened to me because I did fall in love with musical theater and acting and I think that's what helped me a lot when I did transition over to performing the rock band and stuff like that because I was used to being in front of a lot of people playing different characters and singing and doing all, you know, even I think that's a lot scarier than going up and like performing in a band because you you you fuck up some lines in a play. it's It's not the same than fumbling a few words. like ah yeah
Yeah, exactly. theyre there it's it's It's hard to recover that fumble if you if you if you fuck up your lines where if you're singing a song you could just as we as as we've seen from a lot of these big name guys who've been around for years and years and years and somehow are still out on tour you know and I hate to give Vince no too much crap but You know, don't I don't know if you've heard anything lately from Vince Neil, but sometimes he just kind of mumbles his way through the songs. And it's just like, and I think even now, most of the Rolling Stones and and whatnot, they're just mumbling their way through songs. And people don't care because they're just like, eh, we're here for it. We're drunk. We're having a good time. and Music sounds good. But yeah, you you fuck up a line in ah and a musical or a play. People are going to know real quick. And it's just like,
Yeah, you're cooked. Yeah, what do I do now? Because you just ruined that play. You just ruined that scene. And everyone else probably knew the lines to it, too. Yeah. it did So 13, when you just when you discovered your you or you you could actually say that's wild that she was like, I know what you can say. Like sometimes never got the opportunity to ask her. Yeah. So like intuition or something like that, man, and see something in you.
yeah AJG says we need a Netflix documentary about that damn school.
That's wild. I seen I seen on social media, you you're you're a new a newish resident to to Nashville. Where you are you? Where are you originally from? Are you originally from down in Florida? Yeah, down in Miami to the second. am yeah
All right. Did you, did you, these are the comments, did you, uh, Anthony, did you guys have a connection before you guys did that song together or how did that come about? I don't know if I asked him that. I think we went off, off the rails and never got back into the music. Yeah. I don't even remember how that, and so I know that he reached out to me, I think way, way before he ended up we're releasing it.
um And and it was super cool because I got to watch him in the studio Lately down the tracks to that And like and and at that moment I knew I was like, oh this guy's for real This guy's for real he's really real real deal dude Yeah he's a john guy He's a good guy too, man. It's it's rare.
He had nothing but good things to say about you, but it's it's rare rare to find in the entertainment, but he's been so cool and and and been like real deal people, man, and stay in contact with them and and and everything else. um But yeah, he he seems like a real stand up guy who who comes across. Yeah, he's awesome. Even though he almost got my show canceled, but yeah, I'm putting all the blame on him. I had no, I had no, I i took no part in those shenanigans.
may So was it, was it the music that, that, that, that took you to Nashville or was it an opportunity in Nashville that got you up there and doing your thing? So for years, I've always had plans, right? Like I always wanted to, that was always like the, the end game. Um, but just like, you know, everything happens for a reason and timing is everything. And it was like, every time I would plan it, like something would happen.
Um, I also made the the mistake too of, um, like the, the people that I worked with in South Florida, I always waited for it to be the right time for us to do all that together. Yeah. And then I realized that that just was never going to happen. Um, so I took, so it was crazy. I took one trip three weeks before I ended up moving there with no intentions to move there.
to move here. Feel like I'm talking like I'm not in Nashville right now. But like speaking like from when when I was in South Florida, it's like, you know, and just go up to Nashville just for a week because I got a lot of friends up here. um And I was like, yeah, I'll just let me just check it out because it it had been like a year or something since I had come.
And everything lined up. Like it was so many things that just like happened. Like all these doors were, were opening. It just made so much sense. Like it felt stupid not to. Yeah. And it's just like, you know what, I'm not going to wait anymore. It's, it's funny how they, and I've, and I've always said that just about life in general, everything happens for a reason. And, and, and, you know, when the timing is right.
whether it be the universe or whatever, whatever you believe in, they put you where you need to be when, when it's, when it's time for you to be there. Um, you know, so man that's, that's also a guy I was, I'd always stop it through your catalog and, uh, and you got, you got some old stuff on there. I was like, who the hell is this short haired guy?
Yeah, man. It's been, it's been a struggle, even releasing stuff. Yeah, I mean, you've done some, yeah first and foremost, you you're doing a hell of a job. You're bringing back the good, sad country or love songs, country, whatever, however you want to say it or go about it. oh that's ah You know, I'm like, damn, this is, this is kind of like growing up, listening to some of the music that my, my, my grandparents and my parents would listen to it. I'm like, I like this, but it's got a little bit more of a, it's not, it's got a little bit of an edge on it. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's hard for me not to write sad songs for some reason.
Hey, I say keep doing it. Cause I love me a good sad song and I could be in the happiest mood in the world. I'm not even sitting here sad, like crying when I listened to do it or anything. I just enjoy that type of music. you know Yeah. And I got, I had got, so that first EP that I hadn't released, um, that born to run EP, there's a song on it, um, called come home again. And when I was writing songs for this EP, somebody had called me out.
And they're like, God damn, man, like you sing, like all your shit's so depressing, dude. Like you gotta write something upbeat, like saw something moving. I was like, yeah, you're right, you're right. So that song, Come Home Again, was my attempt at writing like an upbeat song, but it's a complete paradox. Cause it's an upbeat song, but the words are still sad as fuck. I'm just singing them. It's like all happy.
Yeah. ah You keep doing what you're doing, man. I like it. that well what You know, you you have a couple of covers out there and you did a cover and then like, this is old because you got short hair and whatnot. Whiskey and You. And I love that song. I love that song. And and and I'm like, holy.
shit. Hold on a second. Let me make sure I'm listening to the right guy here for a minute because that was that good. Thank you. I love that song. You know, if the opportunity ever is is given, you know, album wise or whatever, and you can release that on an album as a cover of your own, that would be cool. So to see, so you do. um Yeah, that one might might be an easy one to do. Yeah, maybe I'll do that. Maybe I'll i'll put that out.
yeah you I thought it was great, man. I'm like, that and I love that song. You know, those that those guys, Chris Stapleton, Cody Jinx. Oh, yeah. Drivers, dude, that bro. but i Yeah, I heard you. I heard your live performance. And I was like.
man, I didn't know anybody else knew about these guys, except for me, bro. Let me tell you, I have been a Chris Stapleton fan because everyone says this about everybody. Oh, before anyone knew who he was, people don't understand unless like, you know me, I've been a Chris Stapleton, uh, steel drivers fan for like no one knew Chris. And this is how I knew that he was special, not just because he captivated me, but yeah look I'll take you back 2014.
I played every Monday at this place called Swine Southern Table and Bar in Coral Gables in Miami. And hi and and it it's it's not around anymore, but it was like this high end, like, um I don't know, it was like a steakhouse barbecue type stuff. um It's like super fancy, super high end.
and No one knew who the steel drivers were. And we would just play a ton of steel driver songs. I was playing Chris Ableton's song, ah You Should Probably Leave back in 2014. Back in 2014, dude, just because I heard it on a YouTube video where he was playing it at a festival with his wife. And I just loved it. And I was like, dude, let's throw that in a set. It's like not a song you could find anywhere. And and I knew Chris was special because
It was it was only the songs he wrote that people would walk up to me with their phones out, like with Spotify open, like, hey, what's that song you did about so and so and so and be like steel drivers. They're like, oh, that's Chris Ableton. Like, oh, that's cool. And like they they download a song. Chris owes me money. Yeah. Yeah. Chris, you hear that? Chris owes me a lot of money, man.
Come on, Chris, pay the man up. Well, you know, yeah, it's wild because, you know, Chris, Chris was, you know, he was writing music for, for, for artists for, for years and and whatnot. And then, you know, when people, when he came out and I was like, why does this boy sound so damn familiar? I didn't realize that, you know, when he blew up that I was already listening to him because I got a lot, you know, I just, a lot of times I just put YouTube on and, and, and, you know, whatever genre of music I'm in the mood for.
I just let it play randomized and, and I was like, damn, I've been listening to this guy for a hot minute, but I, yeah, I'm a big fan of the steel drivers. Uh, you know, and I was scrolling through and I was like, hold on a second. Let me go back and yeah. Yeah. he He's doing it. Dude. He's he's the goat.
Now we're back. yeah There we go. yeah know i was say I'm not a singer by no means, but I will put on concerts in my car and in the shower if nobody's home.
I think I lost you again.
and There we go. Maybe we're back. Hopefully we're back. I can hear you. I think we're good.
but okay good yeah maybe we're good hell i don't know that's uh that's one of the joys i i gotta get into my laptop and get that other internet taken off of here and i'm out on my porch and i know everybody and their brothers on the wi-fi in the house so yay one day one day i'll have like an actual like podcast studio where my internet is solely mine
One day I'll have an actual studio of some sense. Yeah. Down the road, man. It's, it's one of those things. Oh, Hey, you know, you I mean, you know, what you know, it is, you got to put the work in, man. You got to work, the put the work in and and then, you know, eventually it'll pay off down the road. So and some of these shows that we're doing ah that I've, that I've started doing are all new. You know, we used to just do crazy unhinged.
show three nights a week. And then I was like, let's actually create some content here. I didn't realize it was going to be all me, but nonetheless, I think i love it, though. I love it. And we were they were they were giving me a hard time Saturday night because they were doing the math. And they were like, do you realize by Wednesday, you're going to be on your like 14th straight show in a row. And I'm like, yeah, I know. Trust me. you have half half And then I get a break on Thursday and then I'm back at it again on Friday. So it's a lot of work, man. Hey, I love it though. I mean, you know, like we were talking earlier, you know, if, if, if you didn't like it, if you didn't like doing the music and being an artist, you wouldn't put the time and the effort and the energy into it, man. Um, you know, yeah, you gotta love it. I mean, but but that goes for anything you do.
If you love it, and it could be exhausting, but it'll never feel like. like work, work, you know, it just feels like, like your purpose, like what you're like, yeah, you're supposed to do it. Yeah. That's how this is. Like it never feels like work for me. Even when I'm doing the, the, the, the shitty part of it, I say the shitty part of it, like all the behind the scenes stuff, you know, up uploading the shows, editing stuff, fixing stuff, social media, because I've never been a social media guy. Like I have social media.
But it was, if you go back and and before I started doing podcasting, it was like my Facebook was all sports related and it was just me scrolling. And it was like, Oh, Hey, my team's looks like garbage. I'll post that or you know whatever. It was never, but or there was like the random pictures of my kids or whatever. But that now it's, now it's all podcast related stuff. So, um,
I guess that kind of leads me into how, how are you with, with social media? Are you, are you, do you do you enjoy using it or are you kind of like, no, I suck. Yeah, no, I would, I would admit it. um I'm terrible at social media. Cause I, man, if, if I will, if I didn't do this, if I wasn't an artist and I didn't do like anything music related at all, I wouldn't have social media at all.
I'd be off grid because like and and I know that that's something as an artist I have to improve on because you have to use it. It's like the most important thing now But when I'm going about my day When I'm enjoying my day when I'm in the studio when I'm working with people when I'm performing when I'm doing anything I'm in that moment Yeah, like the mic That like my first thought isn't I gotta to record this You know, or, oh, I gotta take a picture of like everyone that's here or like take a picture of myself. Like, and I know that you're supposed to do that and I will get better at it, but it's just, it's not my first thought. If I'm working, I'm working, but my, my brain has to flip that switch. and Like social media is also a part of that work. Yeah, no, I get that. Like I want to, you know, I try to do clips from shows and stuff like that, but it's like, I have to scroll through.
two hours, you know, of the show. And I don't like listening yeah to the podcast back because I'm my own worst enemy. I don't know if you're like that or not, but I am my own. Oh, yeah. three I will critique the hell out of myself. And then the very next show, I'm in my own head. I'm in my own head. Like, hey, you know, you said that the last time and it was stupid or why didn't you say it? i And then the whole show, I'm focused on the voice in my head. And I'm like,
Now I know it's a cra show I will watch this back. And the second I open my mouth, I'm going to be like, shut the fuck up.
I can't stand listening to myself talk. I do that all the time. I was doing something earlier. I can't remember what it was. I was scrolling for something or I was looking at it and I scrolled past one of our clips.
Yeah. My fiance and I were sitting on the couch there and I was like, God, this guy sounds like a douche. She's like, that's you. And I'm saying, yeah, I know. Like I'm a jacket. All right. You and I are a lot alike then. Yeah. I hate hearing myself, ah you know, like it took me, it took me two and a half weeks to post the video that she took, uh, from, from the the Memorial Day show that I am seeing the concert because I did not want to listen to the playback.
I did not want to hear how I sounded. And I was like, I know I got to listen to it, you know, so I can edit it and mash and, you know, cause she took two videos and I didn't want it to make one clip out of them. And I did. I was like, man, I'm an idiot. And it's a lot of work. It's like, it's a daunting task that like, like, man, there, there are times, cause I'm also not like, like tech savvy and stuff like that. Um, but.
they'll that There'll be times where I'm like, are you know what, today I'm going to get up and I'm going to record a video for Instagram. I'm going to make a cover of something. It'll come to me when I'm sitting in front of the phone. um And I'll record like five takes. I'll pick the one I like and people that don't do this don't understand like how much time it takes to do this.
Like it's, people think it's just like, oh yeah, let me just set my phone up and like play a song and just like post like, I wish it was like that. It's not right. And so I'll like five or six takes of the song and I'll, okay. I'll like, I like this one the best. I think I sound the best in this one. And then I'm about to post it and I'll see that like one of my hairs are like kind of doing this.
And I'm like, fuck this man. Delete. Don't eat. Done, bro. I'll try again next week. I'll do that. You know, I've got a buddy of mine who is one of my co-hosts, my co-creator actually of the network and the main show.
Here on the network, he's 30 seconds, slap a video together with some pictures, but music put music behind it, you use CapCut or whatever. And I'm like, yeah, but you've already done that 40 times. Meanwhile, I'm trying to do like an actual promo video to you know like shout out the shows and what's going on on the network or whatever, you know, whatever else is going on. yeah and And I'll be back in my bedroom at my desk for an hour and a half.
and not get one that I like because I'll listen. And my beards my beard's over here and it should be, and it's not straight or I stutter or or something like that. It's like, nope, trash it, start over again. And then I'll get mad because I'll be killing one. And I know I'm killing the promo and something will happen. and The dog will bark or you know a kid will pop in and or you know or something. And I'm like,
Feel me. I'm never going to be able to re replicate that. We really are our own worst critics, man. It's so stupid because nobody cares. Nobody thinks of that stuff because you watch a video and you just see someone's face doing what they're doing. And that's it. Yeah, you you take it as it is. You know, and and I've had people tell me that stop overthinking. You're ever thinking it too much. And I'm like,
You know, I know you're right, but I'm still going to disagree with you. It's not perfect. It's not exactly the way I want it. Cause the way that I do everything that I don't know if this is like a good way to explain it. Like I have to enjoy it back. Yeah. You know, like I have to, if I'm recording anything or doing anything, I have to be a fan of what I'm doing. Like of that finished product, like That's the thing, even the way I see some people promote music these days using TikTok, I'm not trying to talk shit. I'm not trying to talk shit because I might cave and that might be me soon. But I see some of the weird ass shit that people do. And I'm like, see, if I did that, I would never be able to watch that video back.
Yeah. And if I can't watch myself, I can't expect you to watch me. Yeah. And that's just, I don't know. Maybe that works against me, but that's just how I am. I'm the same way. I'm the same. I'll go to post something and I'll watch it and I'll do what I watch this. If I was scrolling, exactly. Now i it's like scrap it. Yeah. Scrap it.
like that's my written yeah I might as well just be some lemming and do some stupid TikTok dance and be like, that by the way, check out nonsensical network, you know? But I can't, you know, I can't do that. Like, but A, I'm not being true to myself. I'm not being who I, you know, I tell people.
What you see here is the exact same person that you get in real life. If you and I were sitting here on on the patio together, drinking beer, i would be the yeah I would be the same exact person that you get right here. just you know and i can't That's the other thing, like I can't be super fake when I do a video. like And I know that's like what people want. They want the corny, cheesy, you know, watch me do this dance at 9 million other people. I'm not even convinced that that's really what people want to see. I think it's just what people expect. Yeah. You know what I mean? Cause there's nothing, there's nothing that like makes you want to consume content like that. Like there's nothing exciting about that.
and Yeah, you see the same thing like everyone's doing the exact same thing if anyone ever catches me Posting a picture in a parking lot doing a little dance and mouthing to my music. Just slap me in public Like the next time you see me just slap the shit at him Yeah, the day I start doing that I'm a clone yeah I'm dead.
Well, we'll we'll be down in Nashville, ah but not next year, but the year after. So if you start doing funny little dances and and everything like that, I'll track you down and say, hell are you doing? I'll make a special trip if I have to. Yeah, I'm telling you, I'd be a clone. Yeah, no, that's i like I just.
man I mean, and and don't get me wrong, like, you know, I used to be on tiktok and I have, you know, I have my tiktok, my personal page and, and I would do the lip syncing and stuff like that. But I never really did too many of the trendy songs. I just, I would just have been my living room. But there there are ways to do that stuff that aren't super cringe. Yeah. and that's That's all I'm saying.
Yeah, I'd be in my living room on a Friday night listening to 90s country and be like, I'm going to make some TikTok videos where I lip sync George Strait or, you know, Clay Walker or something like that. And I throw my cowboy hat on and, and, and, and do a little couple of little videos lip syncing along and there we go. Now I've done TikToks and know yeah we on monday night that stuff seems like normal for TikTok. Like that seems normal.
but what do you see people just doing them what he is shit it's like I don't know I guess I guess that works whatever I can't I can't do them I can't do the pranks either like I don't see how these these quote unquote pranksters don't get shot on a regular basis I might get a little dark Right quick. Cause I just, I just realized that, that my phone's dying as if I didn't just get off a flight. yeah like I've had no, no time to really charge my phone. You've just been on a flight. how was what what what's the How long a flight is that from Vegas to Nashville? It was like three and a half hours.
Oh, that's not too bad. The downside is, is you fly in the Nashville and you're two and a half, you're two hours into the future. So you, uh, lose two hours of your life. Yeah. and so I don't sell that. I don't know how people do that. bad Like fly from Ohio to Vegas or something. They leave here at, you know,
noon and then they get there and it's noon. Yes. What the hell man? I would fuck with me so much. I wouldn't know what to do. It does.
No, it jacks up your, uh, what is it? Internal clock or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. It's hard to perform. Cause like, like in, in Vegas, the last show that I did every night was seven at 10, but 10 o'clock to me is midnight. Yeah.
Like that hurts. And and you're you're you're in a casino, which is like a prison. Because think about it, like there's no windows. There's no sunlight. You have no like perception of time when you're in a casino. like I checked out at 4 AM this morning, and it looked the same as it was like at any other time. is
I think they use that to their advantage because people don't realize, oh shit, I've been sitting in here at the slot machine for 10 hours. They don't realize it until they get up and look at their watch or whatever and they realize it's two o'clock in the morning and they've been sitting there since two o'clock in the afternoon.
That's how they steal your soul, man. That's how they drain your life for it. You're not making Vegas sound fun anymore. yeah You will never get a job on the Vegas tourism board after that this. is See, i I'm canceling my myself.
but you You just gotta get it you just gotta be ready for it. Yeah, but but it's rough. It's rough. But it's fun. It's fun. Cause my, my favorite part about place of like Vegas, um, is that you're playing for everyone. Like you're playing for the entire world, but yeah, people coming in from Australia, from the UK, uh, um, China, and you're, you're, you're casting a really wide net. Yeah. Like you're not just laying at a bar in Vegas. You're kind of playing on a world stage. Mm-hmm.
And it's one of those things where, you know, all of us are looking for the right set of ears or the right eyeballs to land on, you know, are, you know, any I kind of cringe when I call myself an entertainer, but it is what it is. Uh, you know, when we're in this entertainment world, you know, we're we're all looking, I don't care what anybody says, we're all looking for that right set of ears or right eyes to be honest. And next thing you know, you're.
You're booking ah a world tour. You're, you're going all over the world for the next year and a half and playing shows or, you know, opening for Chris Stapleton or something. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, I would die i i go bigger. I always go big man. I don't believe in, oh, maybe one day my show will be on, uh, uh, I heart.
Oh, my show is going to be on XM one day. You know, I'm going to say that we already are on, I heard, but that's just beside the point. We're not getting paid for. it right But no, I just always shoot big, but now and I totally get that. What's the crowd? So outside of playing, you know, essentially on a on a world stage in Vegas, what's the comparison to the crowds from Vegas or if you're in Nashville playing in Nashville, you know,
It's, it's the same thing. That's, that's why places like, like huge tourist spots. Like if, if you're a musician, that's, that's what you want to do. You want to, you want to work smarter, not harder. yeah Like you just, you just got to work towards those stages. Like you play anywhere here in Nashville. Like you're, you're not playing for people that live in Nashville.
You know what I mean? Like you're playing for people that fly in from all over the country and all over the world to go down the, you know, Broadway strip or music row or, um, Midtown and they want to check out that Nashville scene and then they see you and like, you know, you're getting follows and you're getting eyes from people all over the world. Yeah.
I've never been down to Vegas or not Vegas, Nashville. Um, again, bucket list. I want to get down there so bad. Oh, you love it. But, um, I was telling my fiance, I was like, I, you know, I'm doing all these interviews and, and a lot of the artists that I interview are right there in Nashville.
And it's like, I might might fuck around and have a whole posse of people when we go down there. Man, whenever you're a natural, definitely hit me up. okay i will I will absolutely hit you up, man. I'll absolutely hit you up. Hell yeah. And I'm looking forward to it, actually. I'm looking forward to it, because there's been a few people that I've had on here that are like, yeah, when you guys come down, let us know. We'll meet up. We'll we'll we'll hook up.
We'll make sure you guys have a good time. Oh, we're going to be a posse. You point me in the direction of good music and cold beer, and I'll be the happy and some good food. And I'll be there. However, I got to ask you this because I have heard this from a couple of people. Some of the, some of the artists down there don't seem like they're the biggest fans of the food in Nashville. What's your opinion on the food down there? I mean, I got no, no beef with the food network.
It's all the matter. You have cold beer, good music, and good food, and I'm happy. I'm like a kid on Christmas morning. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know if I've ever heard anyone talk smack about the food in Nashville. Because Nashville's got, like, everything. ah Yeah, I would imagine they would have a little little bit of everything. They have everything here, man. If I can find a good barbecue and a good steak, I'll be happy. five But if those artists They go to Vegas and they eat that food. And yeah, you might think that Nashville food sucks. Yeah. i don't know A couple of them more. Yeah. A couple of them were from, uh, up north. Do you have a couple? I had one guy that was from, uh, up in the New York area and you know how New Yorkers are with their food. They think New York has the greatest food on the planet. And I'm like, yeah, I mean, outside of the Italian food, which.
yeah Your pizza's basically cardboard with grease on it.
who so i went I'm not a big, I don't want to cancel myself and I'm never going to play in New York. I'm not a big fan of New York. I'm not a big fan of New York, but I've only been to Manhattan.
That's it. So everyone tells me like outside, like the outskirts or whatever, like it's beautiful and it's completely different. Um, so I guess it's not fair for me to say that, uh, not a big fan of Manhattan, but I don't think a lot of people, are I don't think a lot of people that live there are family. Yeah. I mean, I've been up to, uh, I've been up to New York a couple of times.
It's fun to visit. I'll say that I've been to the city. Uh, you know, I've been to a couple places in New York. It's, it's fun to visit for a weekend, maybe a three day weekend.
but it's, it's for me, it's, it's too crowded. It's, it's too expensive. It's it's ridiculously exhaust stupid. Yeah. um So the first time I ever went to New York, I was a kid. This is like 2009 and I went with my parents and I remember that trip was wonderful because I was with them. I didn't have to pay for it. That helps. And we pretty much saw everything. Um,
And then other times that I've been there after that, it didn't hit the same. And then last time I was there was probably my my perception of time sucks. Maybe like three years ago, I went with um the bass player that I used to play with down in South Florida. We went up to record some stuff at a Blackstone Publishing because one of my best friends used to live in Manhattan. He lives in ah Colorado now. But that was like post COVID and it's like,
everything got really weird. Yeah. and In New York. And it was just like nothing, nothing just made sense. Like we, we rode the subway and there was a, a lady that squatted inside the train and was taking a piss. and Wow. up there now But what's crazy about it's like you, you think like, like you're on a another planet, like no one,
does anything about it. They just kind of like, Oh, shoot. Let me just move over here. and my my own business like Yeah. It's weird. It's, it's a normal Tuesday up there. Uh, you know, uh, Liberty Twitcher, you're in luck. He'll be back in Vegas here real soon. So you maybe you can catch him in. Uh, squad J what's going on with you? another Um,
ah I'm not trying to ignore you guys. Sorry guys. I'm trying to keep up with you. I see you popping there to a scooter, Bobby. How you doing brother? Uh, yeah, man. It's, it's, uh, it's, it's, it's like a whole nother world in New York these days. I've got some friends that live up there and you know, I want to get back up there, but the only, the only reason I want to go up because they're like, look, you come up, we gotcha. We got to spare bedroom. You don't have to worry about the hotel. We'll join you around. we'll We'll go to the good spots. I'm like, all right, bet. I'm in, I'm in, you know what I mean?
But I don't want to do, I'm trying to avoid New York, you know, as a quote unquote tourist, I'll be a tourist, but I'll, I'll be in a, in a native's hands or a local's hands at that, that, that moment in time. So yeah I won't feel like too much of a tour. Um, yeah, man, a lot of these big cities, uh, are kinda, kinda going to hell and and a hand basket, but that's unfortunately the, uh, The world we live in. Hey, what's going on, Arliss? How you doing, brother?
Yeah, that's that's the downside, man. So actually, I want to take a <unk>s take a real quick break because I do want to play. i want I want to get into this. I want to get into this conversation because, man, this is like one of the biggest songs in the world. you know and And I think when a song is so popular, it takes a lot of I don't know. Maybe it's just me looking on on the outside, looking in and putting myself in shoes that I don't belong to be in. But when a song is so big and it's everywhere and you decide to cover it. What was that like and and and and how hard for you to yeah I don't know if you have to get permission or whatever, if you're just like, yeah fuck it, I'm just going to record it and release it. I don't know how that works.
ah Yeah, well that was the first cover that I've ever posted like on a streaming service. um Now everything's so sophisticated. um but Like all the digital distribution platforms, they all sort of take care of that for you now. Like you don't actually have to do anything. um but But lose control was it was It was crazy the way that that came about, because it was actually ah like a family friend of mine and who, she shot me a text and she said, hey, I don't know if you've heard this song, but I think you would kill it. And I saw, oh, Teddy Swims. I'm like, oh, I know Teddy Swims. I had another like cover that I posted on IG of one of his other tunes that I can't think of now. It's a race. I don't know.
oh So I knew of Teddy, but I had never heard Loose Control. Oh, Simple Things. That's a song that I've heard in my head. um I've done a cover of Simple Things. um So I love him. But I never followed like a lot of like the stuff he was putting out. So she sent me that song. And I was like, OK, well, I had no idea that anybody knew what this song was. So I asked.
you really got a ra from the world aren't you yeah I clicked on the link and I heard it and I was like, damn. I was like, this, yo, this slaps like this song. Okay. So I was like, okay, hell yeah. So I was like, all right. So I obviously like arranged my own version of it, whatever with my guys and.
And then we performed it the first time at a brewery and a really, really cool spot in Miami, Lincoln's Beard Brewing. Shout out to them because they are awesome. They're one of the best breweries in Miami. I'd say in South Florida. And so it was something we we threw in the set. Again, this was just for one person. This was for her because she asked me to play.
And so we just played the song and everyone like lost their minds. And I was like, what? i'm like How do you guys know this tune? It's like, no, idiot, everyone. You're the only one that doesn't know this tune. You just sang it. Yeah. So I was the one completely out of the loop.
um and And then it became like one of the only songs with that in Tennessee whiskey where people like consistently pay me to do it twice. Like if if we're out, like people always want to hear it a second time because it's just such a good song. and and And then it was everyone telling me like, dude, you got to record your version, you got to record your version. And I was hesitant because I was like,
Petty already did it pretty damn perfect. like It doesn't get any better than the way he did it. And I love his his version because I think it has like this swagger to it. like And then obviously mine is a little bit more ah like direct and like a little you know like rocked out um in a way. But his version just has like this swagger that I love. I'm like, man, that's really hard to to kind of change up. and I mean, not, not that I'm competing with it. I'm contributing to it, you know? Yeah. yeah yeah yeah you're You're right. Teddy, Teddy has a certain.
as an artist, as a singer, he has this certain swag about him. But it's so funny. You're like, oh, I've never even heard of this song. It's like one of the biggest songs on the freaking planet. I mean, Teddy really blew up. he was i already He was already riding a rocket ship, you know, as far as music goes. And then he put that out and it was just.
ah You know, it was an explosion and and it was everywhere. I mean, you could not. Yeah, that song changed his life for sure, because yeah it definitely took him way too long to get the recognition that he deserves. Yeah, he he's an amazing musician. I wish I was doing this show before he blew up.
Uh, because I was like, on YouTube, I was already a fan of him before he blew it. And I was like, now it's like, man, I'll never get Teddy on this show. yeah no now But you know, he, you know, Guy is super talented. He's, he's got a, uh, you know, an amazing voice on him. And and that song, anyway like I said,
You, it didn't matter if you put it on a rock station, a country station, a pop station, a yacht rock station. That song was there. It was everywhere. and And you couldn't get away from it. So I don't, I don't know how you avoided it. That must be your superpower. I no i cant i just i live in my own world. yeah but even clearly even Even coming out here to to Nashville when I started doing like anything on Broadway. um And it was a huge transition for me because I had to play with, I played with the same band for 14 years, like the same group of guys. So now not having them and moving to Nashville and having to like, you know, like, I haven't got to meet guys and now I got to meet people and
are Are people going to play as well? aren Are people going to do the things on the songs that i always you know that I always do? Because I always change everything up. I was like just so nervous about it. um But everyone out here is just so incredible. like The musicians here are insane. And they're all so kind, so easy to work with.
um but When I came on the scene, it's like, Oh, you know, this song, you know, this song, you don't know this song. Okay. Well, can you at least play this song? I'm like, dude, I've been calling myself a country artist for like 10 years. And they're like, and I realized like, but there's so much, so much that I don't know so much that I never, um,
But but and in my defense, you can't play a Broadway Nashville set in Miami or in South Florida. So my set lists have been tailored to to where I spend most of my time. And in Miami, you're not doing Hank Williams Jr. No, no. But you're not. not go yeah So I never had any reason to learn five of his songs.
But in Nashville, it's like, dude, like how are you a country artist? You don't play any Hank Williams Jr. So I had to do a lot of homework.
and do It sounds like you had to do it quick. Yeah, oh, super quick. But but i'm not I'm not the only one that has had like this problem, because the second I moved in here, a buddy of mine just sent me a PDF.
It's like, hey, you're going to need this. And it's like seven million songs and all the music charts to everything. I was like, what the fuck is this? It's like this is all the songs. These are all the songs that that we play out here on Broadway. Like you have to know all of them because these are the ones that like people are going to ask for. So it was like the second I like moved here, I was like, like, I felt like I had to learn how to be a musician all over again.
Hey, man. Well, ah you know, from what I've what I've seen and what I've heard, and I want to play this song here real quick. I see you guys in the chatters box. I'll get to you guys when we come back. But from from what I've seen and and what I've continued to see, it seems like you're a pretty fast learner. So seems was like you're you're doing do my best. You're doing all right out there. You're doing all right for yourself, kid.
And I can call you a kid because now that you said when I was a kid in 2009, so now I feel really old because I was a dad for the second time in 2009 and I'm getting close to my 30.
So, ah but now I do want to play your cover. We were just talking about it of a lose control. and And I told you before the show started, I think he did an amazing job and you know,
I have a friend of mine, Rock Lee. And he does shout out to Rock Lee and EDM combat, but he did a cover of it. And I was like, Rocky, I think Jay's got your number here, man. And he was like, it's good. He's good. I appreciate it. Thank you. We'll take a real quick break and we'll play that song for you guys to hear and and replay viewers and and everybody that's on the listening live. and and then on the the podcasting platforms. So here is Jay with his cover of Loose Control, and we'll be right back here in just a couple minutes.
Yes, sir. Such a good song. It's a great song, man. And you did a hell of a job. But I tell you what, the first time I listened to it ah and you get that high note, I was like, holy shit, I was not expecting that.
I was not expecting that at all. But, uh, welcome back to Glick's house. And he's a gay, buddy. We're hanging out with, uh, Jay valor tonight. I know he's sleepy and he's tired, but he still graced us with his presence. So I do appreciate that. If you're not already, go ahead and, uh, check out the nonsensical network. It's scrolling down there at the bottom of your screen. We are literally everywhere.
uh, simply go to bio dot.link slash nonsensical network. All of our links are there, including the links to our merch store as well. If you're interested, Jay, let everybody know where they can find you at, man. Before we, before we jump back into, uh, the conversation. Yeah. So on all social media, um, J Valor music, so Facebook, I don't, I don't have X, but, uh,
but I don't like X at all, but we, we, it is a, it is a necessary evil at the end of the day. Should I get an X should I, should I make an account? I will say this about X. This is about the only good thing I'll say about X or Twitter or whatever you want to call it to me. Excuse me. It is one of the best platforms for promotional use that is free.
Okay. But warning ah with X, it is the Wild West. So when you scroll your your X feed, it's gonna be one of two things, politics or porn. And I mean, from- That's allowed.
Oh yeah. From, from only fans, girls, and guys, uh, all the way up to the hardest of hardcore porn. And it is 100% allowed on that. and they And they, and they show, and they show everything. And that I mean, that's, and and the crazy thing about it is you don't have to follow it. So say that you're following somebody and they follow the porn sites. It's going to come up in your feet. Um, so you,
I say use caution when you open Twitter because you never know what's going to be on there or make sure it's always on because much like Twitter they have the for you and um you're following TikTok they have for you and following always keep your settings on your following that way whoever you're following and that's who's going to be in your feed because you do get the shared feeds from people that you follow. So I had to learn that lesson in the hard way. Unfortunately, I'm a slow learner. So it got me a couple times and not great environments. So yeah, yeah, Twitter has always been like that. But at the at the end of the day, it is great for promotion. It is it is is a great platform for that. um You know, I follow a lot of podcasters, um ah sports,
musicians that are, that are on there, um, and, and whatnot, uh, you know, but, and I keep it on my following side that way. I know that when I open Twitter, I'm not going to open it, uh, uh, screaming, you know, like a screaming banshee was getting railed by 20 guys.
Man, people are gonna think I'm lying, but I, I'm just learning about this. Yeah, it's, uh, I never mess with Twitter. I don't, I don't have that. um'm i'm I'm on Reddit. I don't have a Reddit account and I've been debating getting an actual Reddit account, but when it's, when it's the same way, I mean, they allow everything on there. Yeah. I have a Reddit account, but I've met with Reddit at least.
You only see the things that, that you want to see. you look exactly Yeah, unfortunately so you're going to see what Twitter wants or thinks that you're going to see what Twitter thinks you want to see. If you don't stick to your following page. That's a very weird thing to like tie Elon Musk with. Well, it Twitter was Twitter's always been like that. Um, you know, that even, even before Elon, it was, uh, you know, back in the day they had periscope and it was, just it was a live streaming platform.
Or ex live and and I was on that platform and yeah I was just doing just random broadcasting on Saturday nights because the kids were in bed and my ex-wife worked she worked nights on the weekends and I had nothing else to do and And and people would follow me and then they would invite me to their lives and I'm like, oh, hey, they're always in my lives Let me go share the love and be like, hey, what's up guys? how you and I I've walked into a couple of I guess you could say figured walked into um some very interesting periscope feeds, to say the least, you know, of sexual nature. And I'm like, not that I have anything against that. I'm a, you know, I'm a dude and you know, it is what it is, but it's not what you're expecting on a Tuesday afternoon when you see someone been in your life, you know, 300 times and always part of the chat and you're like, Hey, let me go. Let me go show some love. And then you,
click and you're like, oh, wait wait a minute. and This is not what I signed up for at the end of the day. You can't open X around your mom. ah Yeah, exactly. um So Shannon's in the chat. Shannon's in the chatters box. and she's She's clearly as ah as a fan. She says she plays your song. Jay, I'm going to come back to you, Scooter. Let's see. My favorite country.
Holy smokes, Scooter says this is better than Teddy's version. Thanks, Scooter. awesome Awesome guitar tone from Twitcher.
yeah right Yeah, the high note was ah was unexpected. My big brother, Arliss in the building. He's a former. So he's a he's a he's a lead singer of the Southern Outlaws. And that's who I am seed for was was was the Southern Outlaws band. Arliss is a fantastic person. The whole band is and everybody around them. They're they're amazing people. Everybody. Yes, get X. It's it's only Twitter. like If someone ain't on X, I ain't following. Damn, man. You're you're ah you're an ex guy, huh?
Really? You're fortunate. Maybe I just follow, maybe I just follow a bunch of deviant heathens.
All right. and I will get X and follow very few people. Yes. yeah Well, I mean, at the end of the day, I mean, you know, you could, you could be following a former bandmate.
And they could be a ah heathen and then, you know, be like, hey, I didn't know this about you. Some things I wish I didn't know about you that I know. Oh, that's scary, man. I watch the guys smoke meth and sell it on Periscope, literally. Yeah. I've seen that very small sound. Keep it up, man. It's wild. Hey, man you got you got lots of love. Thank you, guys.
Twitter, God bless you if you stayed away from the porn on X, because ah I have ah not been able to avoid it. And I think on one of my X accounts, I kind of brought it on myself, but that's neither here nor there. but But sometimes when you use certain hashtags on X, it comes back to bite you in the air. It's at the end of the day.
I'm gonna have to take like a whole tutorial. ah but but as pretty out this as i can but I've always found like Twitter being weird is a lie. I never pass with it. Cause it's like, I never know what to say. Like, I didn't know what to say. Like, I know i don't, I, the only thing I ever put on Twitter is I put our, our links to the live shows on there.
And then, uh, I might every once in a great while, remember if I do ah a clip or a promotional thing, picture wise or whatever, I might remember to put it on there. But really the only thing I put on our Twitter is just the link to the show on YouTube. And that's, that's about it. get ah Um, but it is, I mean, it's, it's an account that, and and we don't have a big account. Uh, I think we've got about 2000 followers, but I was able to do that. And.
like a month, you know, and a you know a lot of podcasts, fellow podcasters, I didn't realize, you know, like you said, the community down there with the musicians, they're great. um You know, you hear the horror stories with, with you know, in a it's a cutthroat business. Everybody's all, eat and you know, I'm sure there's people out there. I know there's people out there like that. They'll step on their their own mama to get ahead.
let alone some random guy, but I found a really good community of fellow podcasters that support each other and and will push each other and and elevate each other. So, you know, I did find that on X, but X is a Wild West man. It it really truly is. It is a is most of the calypical land that you don't know if you're going to have zombies or other creatures or what what monsters around every corner. seen yeah be Use it, use it for good, and and and hopefully only good will come out of it for you. All right, I'll think about it.
Yeah. um You know, I'm always curious, you know, um What do you got? What do you got coming up? What do you got down the pipeline? You got an album coming out? You playing in an album? You got anything new coming out? I mean, as much as you don't have to. Yeah, I know. i I have a single that I'm working on right now that I shouldn't be releasing really soon. It's called World on Fire. um nice Yeah, I got to make a post about that soon. At least me playing a little piece of it.
Um, cause again, I, I'm terrible at social media. So I just like keep my head down. I'm just like working. I don't like to tell anybody anything. Um, but yeah, yeah, got I got a new single coming out um real soon called, uh, world on fire. Um, and I have another one that I'm going to start recording to release right after that. It's, it's hard for me to even, for me to put out an album.
I think it's going to be a while before I put out like a full length album because singles are so easy. It's kind of, it's kind of like what everyone's doing now. Cause you just, you get stuck out there being and take a listen, a lesson from our boy, Anthony, just, just kill them every day with, with clips of the new song. I love it. I, i you know,
when you guys did not get on heaven's door. And that's how I actually found both of you guys. I was just, and that's how I find all the artists. I'm just scrolling through Instagram and my algorithm is, is all, um, you know, artists like yourself up and coming in Nashville, kind of doing your thing or wrestling.
And we're not going to go down the same road that we went down before, if you're watching Mr. Sexy Legs and Otters otters and and and and the bully breed of dogs. I don't know what it is. I love Otters, but that's not i can do they're adorable. I think they're the cutest little creatures in the world. But now, thanks to the conversation Anthony and I have, I'll probably never be allowed within 500 yards.
of an otter.
Considering we're going to apparently we're planning on opening a an otter barbecue joint down in South Florida in the future. Jesus, that's that's dark. Yeah, we went off the rails. But to start but ah you know, that's what my algorithm is. And I and I came across one of his Instagram videos and I was like, damn, this kid's good. Who's and who the hell is this guy on the guitar?
And I followed both of you instantly. And then I went and I was like, let me see what else they have. And it was like, I gotta, I gotta to hit these guys up. I don't know if I gotta, if they'll reach back out to me, but I gotta hit these guys up because I'm on YouTube listening to your guys's music. And I'm like, these guys are freaking awesome. And this is cool. i have got You know, cause you guys are two different worlds of music, man. And I know those collaborations. God, God bless them, man. Cause Cause I, yeah, when, when, when he started like posting the video and we would like collab on the post and I'd share everything. Um, one of my best friends, he hit me up. He was like, dude, this sounds awesome. I'm on stuff. Like I've been getting nothing but like really good feedback. Like people love that too. And I knew it was going to.
be loved like that when he first showed it to me and we first like worked on it. I was like, dude, this is such a dope vibe that like nothing sounds like that right now.
Um, but, but a buddy of mine is like, man, you're, you're, you're promoting this shit more than you probably like your own song. yeah know like dude You don't understand like he's doing all the work. He's good at this shit. I'm not. Yeah. Like God bless him to be like, he's, he's putting in the work. I know it um um but it took me a hot video. I was scrolling through your Instagram. I was like.
just man ain't got nothing on here. Damn it. It's, it's, it's all him and AJG. Like where's, you know, where's some of his stuff? I, you know, I want to, I want to share it to the story. You know, I, you know, I want to put it up in this and in our story and stuff like that. And, uh, but yeah, he, he, he's doing his thing. And I love the, like I said,
You guys come, you guys, two different worlds as far as the music goes. And we played that song on, on the, on the different shows and, and, and everybody had the same, had to said the same thing, man. The vibe is cool. but The like you can just chill and listen to the song. And then like the lyrics are great, obviously, you know, that there, and, and, and, and he has such a, such an incredible flow as a rap artist.
And then you come in with your with with with your guitar and your country swag. And I'm like, damn, man, this is like, who would have thought peanut butter and tomatoes would go together? But they do. And it's fucking delicious. It is a tasty treat for our ear holes. And it everybody is loving it, man. just Just on our end. I mean, I can't imagine the feedback you guys are getting, but just on our end, everybody's loving the song, man. And we've actually had people request us to play it like, hey, can you play that ah song?
and like What's all we've got a bunch of them here in the catalog the one you played the other day All right. Now I have to play mind reader through the internet and try to figure out what song it is ah So but yeah, man, I both of you guys man that that's awesome And I really hope that blows up for both of you guys. I i don't know how it's doing right now. Thank you It's like I i love his voice His voice is just, it's so soothing. It's like, it's just butter, man. And like, I hate that, that nobody experienced him doing that in in the studio. Cause it's just like magic. How just natural, he just throws the words out. Just his flow is just like,
I don't know. It's weird. Like he just kind of does it like nothing. It's just like talking, just like just rap. And it's like, and he's saying, oh, I'm like, what the fuck is happening right now? i What am I doing here? Like, like, it's one of those almost like, damn out yeah, man. Like I i play, I jam to that song a lot and it's like just to hear him. And sometimes I forget that I'm on it.
Like I'll just play it because I want to hear his phone. Then I hear my voice in the background. I'm like, who the fuck is that guy? Yeah, that's like me when I hear my podcast in the background. No, maybe he's still good. He's so good. And that's the song. That song rocks, man. It's such a vibe. You guys absolutely killed it. I mean, like I said, it's it's one of my favorites currently.
You know, uh, any chance I get to play it on the shows, I'm going to play it. I've been kind of holding back on the, on the lose control. We did play, um, we've played a couple of your songs on the other shows. Uh, we have played, uh, born to run and, um,
and I like this song. I just. I don't know what I liked. I mean, I like all your songs. Like I said, I was in the gym. I was in the gym today, you know, listening. I was, I was just letting all of them play through. And I was like, I hope nobody has like one of them random, like YouTubers like comes up and like, Hey, what are you listening to? Why do you work out? Jay Valor. What's that? Here, listen. Wow. This is what you listen to to work out to.
yeah I just like it. Leave me alone, you know. But, you know, I was I was pulling through and listening to everything. and And then I've listened to most most of the songs on your YouTube channel and your YouTube music. And I was like, let me go through and listen to them all again. And I'll be in the gym. I can I can get through them. But, yeah, man, I love the Born to Run Make Up Your Mind. The first time I heard it, I was like, this is this is a good song. And that's that song has a story because Make Up Your Mind was
It was a song that kind of kick started everything for me as an artist and not because it was super successful or anything. It's just, it's what kicked everything off. Cause at that point I had written a song and I really wanted to record it. And then, uh,
the that my my my One of my best friends who lived in in New York, I was telling you about, yeah he lives in Colorado. I'm a name drop, with John Gill, because he's awesome. And he hit me up and he was like, dude, I'm at Full Sail University and i can I can record you, but you got to drive to Orlando and we have six hours. who shits I was like, is that is that even possible?
yeah And he would like, yeah, he was like, I mean, it'll be hard. But like, if you, if you have a good team, like we could do it. and And that's, that was a problem. I didn't really have like a team. I had, I had my, my, my base player and I had, um,
um My guitar player, well, so Nick Monti, I'm going to name drop him because he's someone that I, I knew so he was like 12 years old. I think when I met him, I think I was like maybe 16, something like that. We met in church a long time ago.
um and And so he was he was young, though. He was really young. He even did this. and I didn't have anyone else. I was like, dude, like can you drive up with me and and David, the guy that I have playing bass? And everyone said yes. And then it was down to the drummer.
Yeah, but he he kind of played guitar with me for a while. And he was also a drummer. I think he was more of a drummer than he was a guitar player. um So I was using him. We weren't playing any big shows at the time. um Just kind of like jamming and stuff. um And I asked him if he could do it. And he said, yes. I was like, dude, I got a team, bro. Let's go. Except that the day before we were supposed to go out, he said he couldn't get the days off of his job.
Oh, man. So I was like, dude, because then all this falls apart, like all of it falls apart. And and so then um my bass player, David, um he was like, dude, I have a really, really good friend um that I've been playing drums with forever. Like he's awesome. He can get on it. And I was like, OK, cool. If he's down, like, let's let's go. And so we're driving up those four hours to get to Orlando from Miami.
And there's no song for him to listen to because that's the entire point of the drive. yes Like he could, like, so we had to like spend four hours, like arranging the parts by mouth to get to the studio and put it, like make it all work in six hours. Wow. And so, and so the magic that happened,
that day recording that song was like, these are, these are my guys. And I played with them all the way up to, you know, I mean, until I you know moved to Nashville, but they were my guys yeah forever. but And like that started everything because if it wasn't for that song, I wouldn't have had a band that I played with for over 10 years. Yeah, I am. That's one of those things that we were talking earlier. It's funny how Everything kind of fell into place and aligned itself to where you had your guys for the next decade, you know, and and you guys grew to, you know, each other, you know, they know you as, as, as a singer, they know you, they know, you know, every, without saying anything, without, yeah my a you know, Jeff, who helped start all this with me, we've been best friends since we were 15, 14, 15, I think now we're in our forties. So I mean, there's a lot of conversations that we have when we're live on the air. We're not a word is even set. We're just certain looks or hand movements or motions. And, and we know exactly what the other one's thinking. And that makes for that really good chemistry. man
So yeah i do you, is is there is there a possibility or do you want to get the guys up to Nashville with you or or do they want to get up to Nashville with you and kind of well reunite? Well, a lot's changed that like they were there the first, um the first weekend that I played full band in Nashville was at Old Red ah on Broadway and they they all flew in for that.
nice Um, so it was, it was awesome. And that show was, was insane too, because here I am expecting like, this is my first show on Broadway. Like I'm, I'm super nervous. I mean, even though this is, it's a stage like any other stage, you know, yeah I just felt like, man, like this, it just felt different. And I was expecting, I, I I definitely wouldn't, it wasn't expecting what I got. We, we got on stage and we we're like playing for the audience. I like knew 80% of everyone that was there. Oh wow. So many fans that drove up or flew in from South Florida. That's awesome. And like even other States to just come watch me. I'm like, dude, I can be in Jupiter, Florida right now. Yeah.
It felt so weird. ah Yeah, but I mean, yeah, but it's one of those things where you made a name for yourself all those years down there. And, you know, Nashville, Nashville for music is kind of like what New York or l LA was for comedians back in the day. And I know, I know, I know now Tampa's kind of making the name for themselves as like,
the new place for comedy, yeah you know, ah but, you know, anybody anytime anybody got an opportunity to if they did stand up and they got to be in L.A. or or in New York, this is like this is this is that even if they're playing it at Uncle Bob's comedy shack, you know, on the you know, on the tail end of the city, they're like, I'm still in New York doing stand up comedy. And then you're doing your very first show.
at all reds ah right down there on Broadway. I mean, so i mean that's the fact that you had your your band there with you and then every so many people came out to to see you and support you volumes for not ah not only who you are as a musician, but i you've clearly touched a lot of people's lives as as a person as well. I mean, because there are a lot of musicians out there who are like, yeah, you play good music, but you're a jackass.
in real life, you know, I'm not going to, I'm not going to fly up to Nashville just to see you. I'll wait until you come back to Florida, you know, type deal, but that's, yeah, it was, and yeah, it was, it was crazy. It was, it was definitely a cool experience. And I appreciate everybody that that because it it made me feel like home. Yeah. Like I feel like I was playing at home.
It had to make that, that, you know, your first thought, you know, you're new to Nashville, you're playing in Nashville. Like you said, you were nervous. I could imagine what the nerves are like, but to have that, like, ah you know, a little, little home comfort right there for you had to, had to settle the nerves a little bit for you.
Yeah. Yeah, to help. But but they're they're they're doing their own project now. So it's different. I've met so many just incredible musicians here in Nashville. So it's been, I mean, it's been great. And it's also nice to build something new with new people too. yeah And kind of experiencing that all over again is nice. Nice. Get that honeymoon phase all over again. Yeah.
Nice. Yeah. Speaking of, you know, meeting the new people and everything like that. This is, I do a lot of this because my brain is always going a hundred miles an hour. So I get a lot of two sided questions or two part questions.
When you write, because as we discussed earlier, you you clearly can only write sad songs, even when you when you try to do enough, which I'm not mad at, man. Keep keep writing them. I love them. And I know there's a lot of people, a lot of other people out there that love them, too. There's just something there's just something about a sad country love song that just hits every time, no matter what your mood is. And it doesn't always put you in a sad mood or anything. It's just good to hear.
But when you write, do you write from personal experience or is it more of a like, uh, I want to try to relate with people or, you know, or something like that. Yeah, it's, it's kind of weird with my writing style. Cause I never considered myself much of a writer in the sense that I'm, and I'm not, I'm not ashamed to say it. Like I'm really bad at like sitting down and making it an appointment.
like today I'm gonna write about this and I want it to sound like this and that's like a huge part of the the writing scene here in Nashville but that's never been me that's something that I'm kind of learning to do now but I feel like every single song that that I put out it's kind of like my subconscious like kind of wrote it already like It always has something to do with me. It always has a deeper meaning, even though it's not like um obvious lyrically. you know so you know um So I feel like all these songs are about me, are about things in my personal life, masked as something else. yeah But I feel like every song, it's just like it's one of those like two in the morning, you hear a melody in your head and you grab a guitar and it just kind of
You just kind of write down something you felt like it almost seems like it was already written. Yeah, it's vomiting it out on the page. I feel like that's been like the majority of the tunes that I've that I've written. it does It comes from that place. I'm learning now to be a little bit more like, you know, like, hey, we're going to sit down and write. So we and I think that's the reason why I don't have like a ton of tunes.
because I don't sit down and write 300 songs a week. Yeah. It's more like just ah when they, when they hit you. Yeah. I'm i'm one one of those people. I definitely do have to be inspired to write. yeah Um, which I think is a little frowned upon in this scene.
Because, but you know what, I'm not, I'm not trying to work for a label, writing songs for other people. That's not, that's not what I'm trying to do. Yeah. You want to, you want to do your own thing. Well, yeah. I mean, every, every song that like, whether it's reason you left or, or Hey girl, make up your mind, um, world on fire. Like I listened to these songs and they actually mean something to me.
yeah and ah A lot of these songs, like they reveal things about myself. like They teach me about myself. That's why I say that it's almost like my subconscious wrote them. Sometimes it takes like six months of me listening to the song I wrote to realize what it's about.
ah jesus it's It's crazy. so and um'm so like I'll choose that over writing a song in 10 minutes, just because we want to sit down and write it.
Yeah. And I think, I think doing it that way, you know, like you said, it, it, it the song has more meaning. It, um, especially as, as somebody listening to it, you know, a fan or even, even somebody just kind of scrolling the, the, uh, the feed on Instagram or, or something like that, or, you know, throwing a, one of, one of my favorite, one of my favorite bands, um, I found by pure accident is black top Mojo.
Bob, I've never heard of them. They are, ah they are a blend of rock, country blues. are there They're a great group of guys out of Texas. um And some astonishing ah yeah i'll say I'll send you a link to them. They are amazing guys. And I was, and this has probably been close to probably close to 15 years ago, I was just in my garage down in Charleston. And i hanging out with my neighbor, we had the music on, I just had YouTube on letting it play whatever it played, you know, based off of my, and their cover of Dream On came on by Aerosmith. Yeah.
That's good. So I was like, who in the hell are these guys? So I had to like run into the garage and grab my phone and writers. I'm grabbing my phone. The next thing that pops up is a cover of them singing, uh, in the air tonight. And it's just not lead singer and cat. And they're in this old barn, like this, this distillery and they're in this like 20 foot tall barn. And it's just an acoustic version. And I said, Holy shit. I got to find out who these guys are.
And I've been a fan ever since. And when we started doing the podcast thing, I had reached out to him on a whim because I always knew I like, I want to be able to take breaks, but I don't want to have, you know, corny, cheesy, like old drive-in theater movie, you know, type music. I want to have actual music playing, but I also know the copyright stuff. And I reached out to him on Instagram and I said, Hey, you know,
Big fan, been a big fan for about a decade now. I'm just starting a podcast, you know, we're nobody big. Would it be cool if we played your guys' music during break? It was even five minutes later, the lead singer Matt was like, hell yeah, bro. Welcome play the hell out of it. Give us a shout out. Cool. And for like the first two years of our show, that's all we played was Blacktop Mojo. During every break, we had our intro song that we played. We had our outro song that we played.
Um, and I've actually had the opportunity to have Matt on the show. I want to redo, not this show. I want to get them on this show, but those guys are so busy. They're always on the road and they're starting to really blow up now. Um, but they've always been super supportive. They're great guys and they make amazing music. Um,
I'll send you over a link to their, to their, uh, so you can check them out. Um, but they, like I said, they're just the unexpected. Like, Oh shit. These guys are actually, you know, they're freaking human and they're not going to be like, no, you can't play our music. They know they're not going to big time us. So, um, but that that's cool. And you know, and i that's, that's what I love about this is, you know, like you do and, and, and and Anthony and and everybody that I've, I've had the, the I've been fortunate enough to sit down with, I don't like saying interview cause we're just kind of hanging out. Uh, everybody's been so cool and then we stay in contact and you know, we promote the hell out of your guys's stuff and I tell everybody anything we can do to help. I mean, I know we're not the biggest podcast in the world, but anything we could do, let us know. We appreciate it more than you know, man.
And it's all just based off of my algorithm. I stumble across you guys. And if it catches my ear, then it's like, let me go see what else they got and make sure this isn't a, isn't it like a one-time fluke? Like, you know, like, could this Jay guy actually sing or was it just like a random dude that Anthony found? It was like, let me put them on here. And you know, then I go and be a little creeper on the internet and find your stuff and listen to it. So, you know, um,
And I think that's really, that's one of the cool things about the internet is that it allows people to stumble across to you guys and become fans of, you know, obviously I ain't never been down to South Florida. Um, never been to Nashville, but here I am up here in Ohio and I'm like, you know, driving down the road, listening to, you know, somebody like you or, um, had a guy on here a couple of weeks ago, James Luecker, and I pulled into the gas station. He just released his first album and, uh,
I had it cranked up. I was just jamming out to it. Dude beside me said, who the hell are you listening to to over there? And I said, oh, James Luecker, who's that? you know Here's his Instagram. Check him out. He followed him right there on the spot. He was like, OK, let me check him out and see what he's doing. And so you know even when I'm out and about, if um if somebody asks if I'm jamming it out, I'm like, hey, go check him out, man. so I think it's cool. you We were talking about your songwriting with you being down in Nashville and you saying, you know, you're learning to write songs, so to say, have you participated or have you had the opportunity or do you want to? What are they called? The writing circles or the jam sessions or whatever? Yeah, I've been doing a lot of writing rounds. How do you like doing those? I love them. Nice. Because you you meet a lot of other songwriters, too, and you get to listen to
Like a lot of, to like you you you never know who's, you know, riding next to you, what they might become. It's like cool. like to it's ah It's a cool community. Hey, I knew that guy would win. Yeah, that always, that like, and again, not not I don't have a musical talent in my bone, in my body.
ah But I would love to sit in on one of those just to just just to watch you know and see how so many different Minds come together and still are able to create together when you when you come from different different worlds and stuff like that I would love to just sit there and just just soak it in and watch and see you guys, you know, I'm assuming again I'm outside looking in not knowing I'm assuming that there's like a little jam session that goes on with it as well. Oh
Yeah, I think a lot of the, um, so the first writers around that I ever did actually wasn't in Nashville. It was in, in Delray beach, Florida. yeah other first on Um, and there we all had like a jam session after that. But being here in Nashville, we never haven't been a part of a writers around where we've actually gotten to jam at the end. Oh, geez. I figured it'd be a huge opportunity just to have so many different people like me.
We all got our instruments. Let's uh, yeah, like let's do something cool. Um, but no, it's, it's a great, um, way to just network, man. You just meet so many people and then you get them hitting you up or you hit them up. Hey man, let's, let's write. Let's come up with something cool. It's, it's cool. It's, I don't think there's any other place like that.
yeah Yeah. It's, it's such a, Again being an outsider and hearing what it's like down there for artists, you know, you I can't go back and you and you and you hear the horror stories um You know about the industry it's just like yeah, but I've got all these people saying hey, you know I'm here and I'm doing it and everybody's super cool. It's a good community um So that's it's it's like Wait a minute. So are these other artists that are starting to blow up or are they just making things up to create more clout or whatever for them, for themselves? Because they're, they're already coming up in the music world and they, you know, they're starting to take off. Like with what's, what's really going on as an outsider?
yeah But, uh, We are. Yeah, we're coming up on that. I know yeah we're coming up on that two hour mark. And I know you're, I know you gots to be sleepy. You're ready for some. band but Look, I got, I got two brain cells left and they're both in the third place. I feel, I feel you man. I really do. I know, I know exactly how that is. That's me every day.
I'm just I'm just on autopilot at this, time you know, most most days of the week I'm just I'm just cruising along on autopilot. Don't don't disrupt my flow because if you If you bump me, I may yeah I made you rail I want to you know, I wanted to say amen first and foremost. Thank you so much for coming on here Thank you for having me. It means a lot to me, um you know um I'm out here doing the same thing. I'm trying to create a name and trying to do some, do something. And I figured I don't want to do the same boring interviews and I don't want to, I want to create something special here with up and coming artists and be able to spotlight you guys. So it means the world that you guys are willing to give, give me the opportunity to, to let you come on here and hang out with me for a little bit. And, uh, you know, I tell everybody all the time, especially if they're, if they're cool.
Doors open anytime, you know, we do multiple shows up in here throughout the week. Anytime if you're like, Hey, you know, those guys are live and they're having fun. I want to go hang out with them. You just let me know. and And we'll throw you the link. ah Anything, anything you got, anything you got coming up, man, make sure you let me know and we'll promote the hell out of it for you. We'll we'll get it on socials. You might not be very good at socials, but I'm getting a little bit better. So we'll get it. I can learn from you and Anthony.
Yeah, right. I'm signing out from him too. I'm trying to low key fly under the radar and learn from him without me like, teach me the way Master Yoda. I'm just going to sit back here in the corner and watch, you know. But yeah, man, anything you need from us, anything at all, man, let you let us know if you want to promote any upcoming shows or anything like that. um We'll gladly do what we can to help you out there.
um Speaking of shows, do you want to, anything you got coming up, man, in the next, you sound busy, I'm going to say next month or so you want to, you want to shout out and let people know where you'll be or what you're going to be doing.
So off the top of my head, um, this Thursday, the third, I'm going to be at, uh, snitch at printers alley here in Nashville. Um, doing that, uh, two to 10. Um, and then, cause I don't have my schedule in front of me right now, but I know that I'm flying back out to Vegas to do a dog house at, um, resorts world, um, from the eighth through the 12th.
nice Um, and then I got some other stuff going on, but if anyone wants to follow me on social media, again, all my socials are, uh, J Valor music and I'm always posting where I'm going to be. So that is one thing you do that you do do very well on social media. You at least let people know where you're going to be the only thing yeah ah you excel at that. So we just, we just got to get you working on the other stuff. yeah yeah Um, I'll get better. well man
ah ill but ah you know um One last thing, if you don't mind, and then I'll let you get out of here and then I'll close up shop. I'm gonna play one more song and close up shop and do all my stuff I need to do. I always ask this from people. I host a men's mental health podcast on Monday nights.
So I think it carries over throughout the entire week And we do this on every show is there like a inspirational quote or something somebody told you once once upon a time that lives in your head that you that you never forget that you would Like to share it for people and maybe maybe it'll be beneficial for them as well Well, I don't think I'm that wise and I don't remember any uh
any any cool quotes, but if I can, I will say something for anyone struggling with anything that, you know, it's especially in our business and we're like what we do, it's it's it's rough, right? So I think I could only speak to other people doing what I'm doing, right? um And this is something that I've learned from experience.
Be transparent, be who you are, be authentic. And I know that sounds like everyone says that, but Do whatever it is that you want to do, however you want to do it. Cause like the people that the people, the haters are going to hate you regardless, right? Do what you do for yourself and for the people that, that love you. Everyone else is just noise. They're ones and zeros.
That's, that's, that's all I got to say. Cause we, we tend to overthink everything that we do. because we want to get the most amount of eyes. But we really need to just focus on the ones that matter. That's something that I've i had to learn. but That goes back to us being our own worst critics, our own worst editors. Yeah. Because the thing is that if if you don't do that, then you're not doing it for yourself anymore. And that's that's that's hard. It's hard to live that way. Yeah, sometimes you've got to
You got to humble yourself from time to time. And yeah, that's nice. Everyone's, everyone's in a great while. I'll go back and listen to a random episode and go, all right. You still got a lot of work there, buddy. You know, but you come a long way, don you know, you've you've come a long way from three years ago, but you still got a lot of work, but, uh, no, man, I absolutely do appreciate you, man. Look forward to staying in touch with you and seeing you do your thing.
Um, likewise, there you go. At J Valor music across the board. Y'all go show them some love. Follow them. Hit them up. Y'all. I don't tell them to be better on social media. We'll get better together. we'll We'll get better together, right? It does help if I'm being badgered. Yeah.
I'll be like, you know, I made 10 posts this week for you. What have you done? Man, you actually, man, it's, it's funny that you have no idea how much that would help me. Shouldn't miss it. Hey, you haven't posted a video this week. Asshole. Yeah. Like down by. All right. Shit. I should post a video this week.
a man I get it. You get, you get busy. You get it. You know, you're doing other things and, uh, I'll just make sure that, you know, I'll get a few clips and I'll hold on to them and then i' oh I'll send you the collaboration invite and you can be like, there, I made a post this week. It's on my page. Leave me alone. Keep me accountable. Yeah, there you go.
Thank you. Yeah, man. Thank you. Best of luck to you. Be safe on your travels, man. I know it's crazy world out there. Be safe and, you know, best of luck. I'm going to, I'm going to, as a fan, I'm going to enjoy watching this journey in the background as you succeed and, and keep getting bigger and bigger and I'm going to be a cheerleader for you. And, you know, we cheering you on here at the, at the network. So I'll let you go. Go get you some rest. I know you got,
Couple days off here, enjoy them, relax as much as you can before you get back on the big stage again. Thank you. Yes, definitely. yep I will let you go and I'm going to close. up We were talking about it earlier, so I'm going to play it before I leave. I'm going to play Make Up Your Mind um before we leave. Hell, I might play two songs before we before I leave. I don't know. I'm the boss. I do whatever I want.
But I'll let you go ahead and get out of here, brother. Again, best of luck to you, man. Thank you, man. Yep.
um Everybody, thanks for listening. Thanks for hanging out, man. That was Jay Valor. He was. He's awesome. it's That's a good dude. I definitely ah what I expected from him.
And I greatly appreciate them being here and make sure you guys go show them some love. Uh, you know what? Let me, uh, let me go ahead and get this, uh, make up your mind. I'm going to play this. I'm going to come back and I'm going to close up shop. And then I think before we get out of here, actually I can do this as experiments actually. Where's it at? I'm going to experiment. You guys are going to be Guinea pigs tonight. We're going to.
Oh, wait, maybe we're not. a I was a little bit too fast. Come on.
Okay. ah I'll play with that while the music plays. So here's Jay Valor with Make Up Your Mind. We were talking about it quite a bit tonight. I love this song. It's a great song. I think you guys are going to enjoy it as well. And then I'll come back and close up shop.
A little bit more Jay valor for you make up your mind. That's a great song. I love that song Oh, again, shout out to Jay. Thank you for coming in here tonight. Thank you for hanging out. Appreciate y'all listening. Appreciate y'all hanging out. If you're not already, go ahead and check us out. Find us everywhere at the nonsensical network on all the social media or simply go to bio dot link slash nonsensical network. Got all of our social media is there for you. ah You can give us follow, give us a like, give us a share if you be so kind. It's easy and it's free.
Uh, and we would greatly appreciate it. Uh, check out the rest of the shows. Monday nights is men can for men. It is a men's mental health podcast. It is hosted by myself and Connor and it's an open forum as well. We invite all men, uh, to come up and hang out and either take part in the conversation and, or if you got something on your mind and you got something that's bothering you, come up there and get it off your chest. Tuesday nights is Glick's house of music.
This show right here, I'm interviewing up and coming artists and hanging out with them and shooting the shit. We're getting to know them a little bit better and maybe seeing a different side of them than we're used to seeing on stage or on their on their social medias. Wednesday nights is what the fuck news. if It's in the news and it makes us say what the fuck we're going to talk about it Thursday nights. Every other Thursday night is Cassius Corner. It is a wrestling podcast. We talk about the WWE cash and i cash is my son.
ah Friday nights is whose argument it is it anyways or nonsense and chill? I don't know. Either way, it's hosted by Blaze and Jeff. ah They're doing movie reviews and stuff like that. Saturday nights is the main event. It is nonsensical nonsense. It's unhinged, unapologetic. We're acting crazy. We're acting foolish. We do a little thing that we like to call the open door challenge.
And we drop the link in the chat and we challenge you guys. to come up with us and be a part of the show. We're going to take a walk because it's starting to rain out here. And then we wrap the week up on Sundays. With unnecessary roughness, it is your NFL kickoff to kickoff. We're making picks and predictions about the week's games and talking trash. And then you also got Jeff's garage on Sunday evenings hosted by Jeff and whoever he has up there with
And that's it. That's the lineup. We appreciate y'all listening. We appreciate y'all hanging out. Appreciate you guys being there for all the shows and tune in next Tuesday night. I will have Kalyn Cole and I hope I said her name right. The Midwest hippie is Midwestern hippie. She's going to be joining me and hanging out and we'll get to know a little bit about her and hear some of her music as well. So we're going to wrap up the show. We've been talking about it all night. This is not an on heaven store. AJG featuring our boy Jay Valor.
And our guys, man, they absolutely killed it on this song, so enjoy.
footsteps gently They don't want me dead, evidently Ask who sent you, they ask who sent me
That the lil boy knockin' at heaven's door? Did I spend my course, searchin' for metaphors Tryin' to
And that shit's fire, you know, I don't give a damn what anybody says. Go to J Valor. Some love. He's everywhere. J Valor music. Go show AJG some love a j three under or AJ or AJG. Sorry. Underscore 305. Go show the guys some love. Let them know we c sent you what that being said. I'm out. I got I got works in the morning.
Shout out to mother nature. She held off until the end of the show. So I didn't have to do any rushing her around. See you guys tomorrow night. Brand new episode of what the fuck news. Jeff and I are going to be in the house, hopefully making you guys say what in the actual fuck is going on with this world? 7 PM. We will be live. Hit that button.