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The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays5 years ago
Charlotte is the new Smackdown Women's champ! Kofi is FINALLY getting a title shot! Mustafa Ali is now just......Ali. So much to talk about as Wrestlemania approaches plus Sheena and Phil give their retro wrestling recommendation of the week and discuss what figures they purchased in the last week.

Charlotte Flair's Victory and WrestleMania Implications

The Asuka is fucked. My God. The figure eight is in. There's Asuka gonna tap out. My God. Here is your winner by submission and the new SmackDown Women's Champion, Charlotte Flair. Charlotte Flair has done the unimaginable.
She is the new SmackDown Women's Champion heading to WrestleMania.
WrestleMania just got a little bit more interesting.

Hosts' Locations and Time Zone Talk

You're listening to the Chick Foley show. We are 11 days away from WrestleMania. Thank you, Sheena. Appreciate that. I'm here for you. I'm here for you. I am live here in Baltimore. Sheena is out in Honolulu, Hawaii for the next couple months at least. Sheena, how are you?
Pretty good, man, pretty good. It has been the Monday-est Wednesday of all time, so I'm collecting myself and I'm excited to sit down and just talk a little bit of wrestling and shake off this Monday-est Wednesday. Yeah, I got to work this morning at 6.30 and it's 10 PM now, so it's been a long day. Oh, man. Yeah, a big sale in the liquor business in one of my stores, but it's over now.
Now I get to the best part of the day. Best part of the week is talking wrestling with all you

Listener Feedback and Contact Info

folks. So pretty big week as we head down. We're almost a single digits now, Sheena, on the road to WrestleMania. Things got pretty interesting. But we have a lot to cover on this week's episode. We do want to
Give a shout out to everybody listening. Thank you guys. We had another great episode last week. A lot of good feedback. You guys can hit us up at AskChickFoli at or shoot into Sheena's DMs at ChickFoli on Instagram. Use the hashtag, hashtag AskChickFoli. And a lot of good stuff going on. We have a big announcement, Sheena. Why don't you announce it? Because I've been doing all the talking here.

Partnership with Wiretap Announcement

So we actually got reached out to by a friend of Chick Foley. I'm sure if you guys are familiar with any of the internet wrestling community, you probably know this guy at the Wrestling Classic. He's been a longtime friend of Chick Foley. I've been a longtime friend of the Wrestling Classic and him and his business partner have started a new content, you know, sports and entertainment
website and Instagram. It's called wiretap. They're going to be, you know, giving you all the need to know information on all of your sports, um, and pop culture and all of those things. So definitely check them out. We're doing a, uh, you know, we're partnering with them now. So we are the official wrestling, uh, podcast of wiretap. So that's super, super exciting. Um, Phil and I were super honored to like partner with these guys and really bring you guys a lot more content and be able to expose
the Chick-Fully show to a lot wider audience, a lot broader audience, and yeah, we're super excited. It opens up a lot of doors for us and for you guys. Nothing's gonna change here on the show. We're still gonna bring you guys weekly content, so nothing's changing for you guys, you know, but we're hoping that, you know, this does allow us to expand our reach to bring in more Chick-Fully fam.
For sure, that was the biggest question I got. What's going to change with the show? And from what we're being told, absolutely nothing. We don't want to change anything with the show. And they're completely fine with that. They want to put us on their platform. You can check them out at Now it's

Wiretap Platform and Show Format

The only thing that might change, too, is you might be able to find our episodes on their website. And maybe I would love to start writing some wrestling articles for them, get back into writing a little bit.
It's just going to be bonus stuff on top of what we already do, but instead of listening to us on iTunes or Spotify and all that kind of stuff, we'll probably post our episodes in addition to those places on their website as well to get some added exposure. But yeah, it's only going to be good for us. They reached out to us. We're pretty excited about it. Hopefully it brings us some new exposure and new guests and new listeners and all that kind of stuff.
Yep. And you can find them. Yeah, you can find them on Instagram, too, at Wiretap Radio. So it's at, you know, Wire, W-Y-R-E-T-A-P-R-A-D-I-O, Wiretap Radio. So make sure you

Patreon Membership Perks

go following them. It's a startup, so we're just getting going. And, you know, like I said, awesome things in the future.
And we have, so far since our last episode, we have seven new Patreon members. So Tyson Trevino and Lane Thompson, welcome. You guys are part of the main event here. You will get Sheena's unboxing videos, our exclusive Patreon episodes.
that we post as well as all their extra content there on Patreon, but I also want to give a shout out to Cody Sethman, TJ Taylor, Kevin Dickel, Aaron Collins, and as of five minutes ago,
Tyler Shezberg, he signed up as well. So you guys are all new members of the Foley family. Welcome, as you probably know, any any Patreon subscriber, Sheena. Next week on our WrestleMania preview episode, we're going to give away a free Pete Dunne mint on card elite figure to one of our Patreon members. So everyone who is a Patreon gets entered into that giveaway.
So, yeah, pretty

Merchandise and Elite Figures Giveaway

cool. We appreciate you guys supporting the show and hope you enjoy that extra content. Yeah, for sure. And we also, you can find our t-shirts over on We have a couple of awesome designs over there. You can get them in multiple styles, so make sure you check out our store over on ProWrestlingTees. And also, you know, support the show by rating, subscribing, review. We are doing a giveaway for an Elite 63 Sammy Zane and Kane figure.
Yeah, so for new reviews. So make sure if you haven't reviewed our show yet and given us that five star scheme, make sure you go over there, rate us and give us a review and send in a screenshot to the Chick-Fully DMs. If you've already left a review, you can go update your review to be qualified for the giveaway. But we'll be announcing that at the end of next week when we record. So make sure you do that, guys. It helps to support the show. It helps push it up in the iTunes rankings and gets more eyes on us.
Oh, for sure. And that definitely helps us out a lot. We will be taking entries and new Patreon members up until the 3rd of April. So anyone who subscribes or adds on to us as a Patreon member before the end of the day on the, well, the end of the day on the 2nd, let's say. So April 2nd will be the cutoff.
And basically, it's a dollar a month is the entry level, Sheena. And you're going to get, next weekend, we're going to record an NXT TakeOver recap episode. You're going to get a shout out on the show, just like those seven individuals did. You get entry into the Pete Dunn giveaway. And every week, Sheena writes the notes for the show. I email those out to all our Patreon members. So, I mean, a buck a month. If you listen to the show and you want to support us, that's really all it takes if you want to start at that and work your way up.
It's cool, but anyone from now until then that subscribes will be entered for that Pete Dunne Elite figure. So yeah, we appreciate your support. And don't forget to check us out on You can find our shirts up there as well.
Yeah, that's all the plugging and housekeeping we got to do.

Charlotte Flair's Unexpected Win Revisited

Let's get into Raw and SmackDown, Sheena. And it was another building week and at some points dragged a little bit, but we had some good moments on both Raw and SmackDown. What do you want to start with? There's one big moment that we kind of kicked the show off with with the audio clip, but I'll see what you want to start with first.
Yeah, I say we kick it off with, um, probably the surprise of the week was Charlotte, a raw superstar, might I add, winning the Smackdown women's championship. Um, I did not see this coming. Um, but after that big announcement, after the big announcement that the women were definitely going to be main eventing WrestleMania. Um, you know, if you, if you had asked me last week, I talked about it on the show. I did not think that this, this match was going to be the last,
match of the night i thought you know it was gonna be a main event quote unquote everything others several main events in an eight-hour wrestlemania show but i didn't think it was going to close out the night will come to find out i was wrong this match is gonna close out the night we will see one of these three women standing tall and
Charlotte is going to be walking into that match carrying the Smackdown Women's Championship, which kind of in my mind, like now I'm like, okay, like this is, this is big. This is huge. Like I'm ready to see this, this match close out WrestleMania. Um, and I'm wondering, I mean, they're still saying it's just for the raw championship, which is kind of a bummer, but I have a feeling at the go home show next week that could possibly change.

Was Adding the SmackDown Title Necessary?

I'm kind of confused. Why does adding the Smackdown title make that match? I mean, they announced it on Monday, I believe, that it was going to be the main event. So why do they need to add that title? Do you think it's just to add a little more validity to it or to make it to add to subtract one more match from the card? Because now you don't have Oscar defending. So that makes them maybe the card a little bit smaller. I don't think that match needs it. I feel like there's enough.
Hype for that match right now as you announce it for the main event that I don't think it needs that I don't mind that Charlotte I'm glad that Charlotte won. I love Charlotte, but I just I feel differently. I don't think it really needs that
Yeah, see, I did like last week, you know, I mean, I was excited for the match. We've known ever since we knew these three Titans were going to freaking clash at WrestleMania that this match is going to be epic, right? The buildup has been questionable at times and it's been convoluted at times. But, um, I feel like adding this championship, like you said, it does add some stakes and it adds some weight. And it's like, this is going to be like, this is going to crown, this is undoubtedly going to crown the best woman
in wrestling, you know, so with both championships. And I mean, if they just keep it for the raw championship, I will think, I will think a little bit differently. I'll be like, Oh, well that was kind of pointless to take, you know, to take the smackdown women's title off of Oscar and give it to Charlotte. Um, but at the same time, like if they're going to do it to be a dual champ, like, you know, this is for both, or if it's some sort of unification match, which I think would be incredible, which I called, you know, several months ago, uh, you know, for it to be a unification match. Um, I think that would be Epic.
So, you know, and also like, you know, breaking kayfabe here for a minute.
you gotta think like Charlotte and Rhonda and Becky are gonna be doing all the rounds, right? They've already been on ESPN and SportsCenter and all that. So they're doing all the rounds for promos and all that stuff. And I mean, what better way to show off your, you know, title belts than have Charlotte carry it while doing all this promotion, right? So, I mean, it is, in my opinion, like, you know, breaking kayfabe, it's kind of a marketing thing too, right? Like here are these two,
Title belts that you're gonna see on every every major, you know network like worldwide for you know the next couple weeks, so
Yeah, that's true. And I would like to see them to unify it. I think it would add a little bit of prestige to it, especially with the women's tag team belts now, because you've really thinned out the ranks now with so many women being added. Sasha and Bailey being added to the tag team division. It kind of takes a couple of the contenders away from all. So I think it's good overall. I think you could.
I think you could create. I want a unification. I think there should be one world champ for the women's. One major championship. And then you could have a secondary championship. Maybe introduce something akin to the US title or the intercontinental title for the women. Have a secondary title.

Women's Match Predictions and Title Unification

And then just have the one women's title. And I think it should be like that for the men, too. I feel like- I was just going to say the same thing. I think it would add so much value to intercontinental and the US title.
It would elevate them, exactly. Yeah, so I think I would love to see that. I know there was a lot, there's a lot of speculation going on right now about, since this SmackDown women's title has been, you know, integrated into the main event now, that there's this Four Horsemen image that everybody has, or Four Horsewomen image that everyone has in their mind, with Bayley and Sasha and Becky and Charlotte holding up championship gold at the end of the night.
and people like that would be so made and i could not disagree more like i i do not wanna see that one because.
let's be real here, we've talked about this on the show before, that if they do that, you know Bailey and Sasha and Charlotte and all that, they're gonna be crying, they're gonna get flowers, and they're trying to submit this historical moment for women, but if they truly want this to be an equal setting, they're gonna crown just like they would the men, right? Treat the women exactly like you would the men,
Freaking have one reigning champ at the end of the night holding up that title belt as the show closes you know and don't make it corny and have like Stephanie come down and bring flowers and confetti and you know them holding each other's hands up like Becky and Charlotte have been Heated rivals this whole year and then at the like if they're standing tall holding each other's hands up at the end of the night you know like that to me is worse than a
Roman saying like oh, this isn't Roman speaking, you know, like I hate it I don't like the you know, it it really makes me Like you just want to spend your disbelief and think like this is this one badass and she's reigning supreme, right? Like it isn't about friendship It's not about making history It's about like being the best wrestler that you can be and being at the top of the mountain at the grandest stage of them all, you know and
For sure, I will say that that Asuka Charlotte match was one of the best women's matches I've ever seen. That was an awesome match. And you wanted to talk about the Asuka fans kind of being up in arms. And I totally agree with you that she's really, I think she's been in the WWE

Asuka's Journey and Fan Reactions

for maybe a year and a half at most. So I mean, I don't know. Yes, so I agree, the Asuka Charlotte match was awesome. It was so awesome.
Like it was just, I mean, it was incredible. You know, those two women together, like there's no way they're going to put on a bad match. Um, but you know, after that, there was so much backlash. Like the IWC just lost their freaking minds. Like, you know, I have posted a couple of clips, you know, of Oscar kissing the belt goodbye and you know, Charlotte holding the belt up and.
people in the comments were just going crazy like I can't believe you know that WWE would treat Asuka this way she should she should leave WWE like she deserves so much better than this and to me like I can't understand that I can't understand where they're coming from because
It's like these fans have selective memory. They forget that Asuka, ever since she's been in WWE, in NXT, she's had an undefeated streak longer than Goldberg. And she never had to lose the NXT Women's title, which has never happened before. She didn't have to lose it. She got to relinquish the title with honors and got flowers and went out on top of her game, never having to get beat. And within two months of coming to WWE,
She got called up and she won the first ever women's Royal Rumble. So she's always gonna have that mark in history that she won the first ever women's Royal Rumble, which led her to an epic match at WrestleMania with Charlotte. And then within a year of being in WWE, she won the SmackDown title. She beat Becky, clean as a sheet. Becky, who is the hottest act in WWE, right? She is the freaking, on top of her game,
Oscar beater like clean. Yeah. So yeah, the smarts are acting like if she's not main eventing every pay-per-view, then she's being misused or she's being buried. And I just, I, I hope that this opens their eyes a little bit. They're like, Oh yeah, you're right. You know, because it does suck when your favorite wrestler, somebody that you feel like deserves more.
loses their title or gets beat like yeah it hurts but you also can't forget like everything that has happened in the past you know and you have to understand that sometimes your favorite wrestler whether they have a title or not they're not always going to be in the main event picture you know there's just not enough time and there's not enough room on the card um and she's still so early in her WWE career like Asuka is just
scratching the surface, you know, and I was upset whenever she, you know, they, she was on Royal, she won at Royal Rumble and then they, she like, she went disappeared and was like off TV. I was like, where the hell is Oscar with this champion? Like with the smackdown women's championship, you know, but I wasn't like, Oh, Oscar's being buried or misused. You know, I was just like, what the hell are they doing? You know,
Yeah, I mean, that's the age that we live in. People just need things to happen right this second. It will suck. I mean, she's probably going to be in that women's battle royal, of course, because they have so many people that they're going to have to shove into that thing. But that's the way it is, unfortunately. And there's enough matches enough right now to go around to make it a seven-hour WrestleMania. So I would like to see her have a singles match and defend her belt, but I think this is
What do you think about adding Oscar? I don't think it will happen, but adding Oscar to that main event, I think it's an interesting idea, but I don't think it needs to happen. I don't think it needs to happen, but I've definitely heard people suggest that. It wouldn't be bad, but I feel like a fatal four-way is just too much.
for that event. But I mean, if she gets added into it, I'm not going to be upset. But it's like at that point. So what is it for? Is it just for the raw list? Now you have Oscar competing for the raw women's title. You know, like why would she compete for the raw women's title, you know? So storyline wise, I feel like it would just add more more chaos to an already convoluted storyline. But, you know, if they did it, I wouldn't be mad at it. But yeah, I think I think more than likely, Oscar is going to be a part of the
the Battle Royal unless they unless all of a sudden next week on the go home show Lacey Evans finally talks and says something and challenges Oscar and they throw that match in there which if they do if they do that I don't I don't know what I'll do.
The only thing bad about unifying the women's and possibly the men's belts is you can't really have a brand split when you only have one champion.

Brand Split and Crossover Speculations

Do we have a brand split right now? Yeah, that's a good point. We saw Samoa Joe show up on Raw. We've seen people cross over almost every single week. They're really blurring the lines right now, for sure, especially now that all the pay-per-views are co-branded. Let's not forget, we have NXT stars.
on both shows too. So we have Ricochet and Aleister Black who are still performing in NXT and now they're on Raw and SmackDown. So I think the brand split is like a thing of the past. I will be interested to see how it shakes out in the fall if they do more of a brand split once SmackDown Live changes to Friday. But yeah, I don't know.
I feel like it won't really change anything because the stars are on all shows right now, which is kind of, which can be bad too, right? The reason we love the brand split.
Is because it gave more people more opportunities, right? Like, you know, this is SmackDown was like these people's realm and then Rob was these people's realm. And so it gave more people more exposure instead of seeing the same feuds and the same matches cross over on every show every week, like twice a week, you know, so there's good and bad to both. You can be argued both ways, but, um, you know,
I don't mind people crossing brands every once in a while and stirring things up and keeping it interesting.

Post-WrestleMania Draft Predictions

I think once WrestleMania is over we're going to see another draft and that'll probably keep things branded separately for a while. I really didn't understand the beat the clock challenge between these three against the Riot squad with really no
What was to be gained? Usually when they do these beat the clock challenges, it's to see who the first person in the elimination chamber is or the last person in a Royal Rumble or something. There was no real, what was to be gained from winning this beat the clock challenge? It was kind of confusing.
Well, in my opinion, I think it was just to show like that these three women are like highly competitive against one another, you know, and it was just kind of like, let's see who comes out on top of this, you know? Um, and I feel like it was, I thought, I didn't hate it. I didn't hate the beat the clock challenge. I hated that Rhonda was kind of like crapped on it and was like, I don't even know what a beat the clock challenge is. Um, but other than that, I wasn't, I wasn't mad at the, at the beat the clock.
Yeah, that was frustrating when she said that. But it's in keeping with her character, of course. Yeah. The best part of the night for me was the Triple H promo. It really got me excited for that Batista match. And he brought it, as he always does, and any promo he does. And this is like his fourth or fifth career on the line type of WrestleMania match, I feel like. I feel like every other year he has one of these. But he always seems to win them.
Yeah, I thought it was excellent. I thought he did such a good job, which I was kind of worried at first when he was like fumbling with the envelope in his pocket and he was like, I'm doing the job for the envelope. I was like, Oh God, like what's happening here? This is like so awkward. But then like he kind of like really just did what Triple H does and he like turned it and he got really serious. And I loved how like,
You know, I've been going for Batista in this, even though Batista's kind of, you know, obviously like the heel in this, or he was making Triple H feel like the heel. Like, you know, he, he's the reason that Batista left WWE and all this stuff. Um, and that he always held Batista down, but then Triple H like came and like made all those points. Like, you know, no, no, like you, you left, like you didn't, you gained nothing from evolution. You entered here as the Deacon and left as the world heavyweight champion, you know? And then he was talking about like how he,
quit because Triple H was stifling him and he's like, no, actually you quit because you couldn't beat John Cena. And I was like, dang, Triple H is like going in. So I thought, yeah, I thought it was really, really, really well done. And I loved, loved that spot.
What did you think about Kurt Angle beating the US champion on Raw and not winning the belt,

Kurt Angle's Farewell Tour

obviously, but this is his farewell run here and he has not looked good in the ring as of late, but he's getting wins over some big name guys.
Yeah which is sad because um you know now now like at WrestleMania season when he's having his like you know retirement match um they have him beating like you know Samoa Joe and uh Gable and all these things and I'm like but he's been getting his butt kicked by the mid-card of doom for like the better part of a year you know so all of a sudden now he's beating the US champion and
I mean, I get it. Poor Kurt Angle, like I said, he just he doesn't look good and the matches don't really look that great. I'll be glad when he like finally has his retirement and you know, then he just rides off into the sunset.
There's no way in hell that we're going to get Kurt Angle winning and Roman Reigns winning and Becky winning and Kofi winning and Seth winning. I'm getting worried. Do you not believe in fairy tales? No. I mean, every time I feel like we want to have like a full face WrestleMania, it gets spoiled. I mean, everyone was high on Nakamura last year.
Everyone was high on Roman Reigns, so I'm just a little wary. I mean, obviously you can't make Roman Reigns lose, even though you're making Drew McIntyre, which you should be, positioning him as the top heel now on Raw, finally, which is long overdue, in my opinion. Yeah, long overdue. I think the big ones, so Kofi, Seth, and Becky are the three most over babyfaces heading into WrestleMania.

Top Babyface Outcomes at WrestleMania

If you'd asked me last week, we talked about it last week, I thought Seth had the most potential to lose out of these three because I was thinking with Roman's return. They were going to give Roman the opportunity to dethrone Brock and take the Universal Championship from him and Seth wouldn't win at Mania.
The more I think about it and now with Kofi going to face Daniel Bryan, I feel like Kofi has the least to lose out of these guys. Because anything short of beating Brock Lesnar for Seth is a failure. Now he's got the whole WWE universe and it's like the fans and Seth Rollins versus
The Beast, you know, and anything short of that is a failure. And he's talked about how he's going to bring the Universal Championship back to Monday Night Raw. Anything like with all of this build up for Becky, like anything short of winning and holding the championship overhead at the end of the night is a failure, right? Kofi doesn't have that same pressure because Kofi has already won. Like Kofi was not even supposed to be in this situation.
right? Like this was not the plan. And to have him there now fighting at a main event in WrestleMania, um, I mean, he's already won. So even if he loses at WrestleMania, like Daniel Bryan, I'll celebrate, they'll do all the things, you know, he'll leave and then Kofi can stand up and people are still going to be changing. Like, you know, thank you Kofi. Like, you know, he's still going to have that moment. He's still going to get a standing ovation. Like I feel like if anyone has to lose it, it,
could most likely be Kofi, which I don't want to see. I would love to see a full babyface win at Mania. I'm totally not opposed to that. I want everybody to have a happy ending, but I don't know.
Yeah, I do and I don't. In the moment it's good, but then it's always more fun to have a heel champion, I feel like. When Seth had that heel run as champion, it was great and he was just so... Oh, heel Seth is amazing. I do want to touch on this before we get to SmackDown. We have Kevin Owens, Andrade, Mustafa Ali, Dolph Ziggler, Dina Ambrose, Nakamura, Rusev. None of these guys have a match at WrestleMania. Is this going to be the most star-studded battle royal of all time?
I don't know. You have the two guys from Saturday Night Live that are in there that are really bringing down the average. I don't know. It is crazy. Let's look at our WrestleMania card right now. Who did you say we don't have? Say it again. Rusev Nakamura.
Ali, I guess, because we're not going to go by a Mustafa Ali. Oh my gosh. I can't even, yeah, I can't even believe this. Dolph's professional standard comedian, Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose, and you would think he would have a match as much as they've pushed him on Raw for the last two months and now announcing that he's going to be gone. Right. Which is a total head scratch. Maybe he wins. I could see him getting involved in Roman versus Drew.
Andrade and Kevin Owens. I mean, I thought Andrade would be fighting for that US title. He's not. Kevin Owens just wrestled in the main event for the world title and is now not even on the card. He'll be on the pre-show. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
When you say all the names together like that, it's kind of like, man, you forget how much talent, because you feel like this card is so stacked and there's so much on here that you forget how much is still just waiting in the wings. Yeah, that's pretty crazy. That list was completely stolen for our buddy MyDamnToys on Twitter. We had a good conversation after he posted that, but it was pretty cool to see that list.
And, you know, you put Gallows and Anderson on that list as well. A couple guys, John Cena, The Undertaker. I mean, a lot of guys that are big name that have been synonymous with WrestleMania. I said to him, I want to have a US title or intercontinental match. Give me a ladder match with six or seven guys every year at WrestleMania. I know you do a separate pay per view for that shit now.
for the money in the bank. But man, that's the best way to get everybody involved. It kicks off the night with a huge pop and getting everybody excited or put it right in the middle of the card or something and get people re-energized and it's always fun.

Desire for a WrestleMania Ladder Match

Yeah. Oh, I agree. When Daniel Bryan won the ladder match at 31, it's so much fun, especially if you have talented guys. If you have a stacked ladder match, that's always going to be fun to watch.
Oh, for sure. And then, oh, then you had Zack Ryder. Yeah, Zack Ryder won a ladder match at 32, right? Yeah, they did do that for a while, I guess. I mean, I guess they transitioned away from the money in the bank and they just made it a ladder match, but. But yeah, it's, um, but yeah, so I agree. I love, I love having that, that ladder match at Mania, but yeah, it's pretty crazy. Um, but that just means there's more opportunity after WrestleMania is over, like these guys getting involved in meaningful storylines. So, you know,
Can't put all your eggs in one basket. That is true. That is true. Let's get on to SmackDown. What's your biggest takeaways from there?
Well, the Shane does not like the Mrs. Dad for some reason. Yeah, he really dislikes him. I'm like, man, he's really going in on this guy. I knew Shane McMahon had daddy issues, but I did not know that it ran this deep that he hated other people's dads. I could see him totally beating up on his own dad, but damn, he hates other people's dads. Obviously, the biggest thing that happened on SmackDown was
Charlotte and and Oscar which we which we already touched on but um we had gauntlet we should just call the show gauntlet live right and that what you said earlier just should be gauntlet live um which i was cool with with the gauntlet match and i loved
I love the new day coming out and opening the show, you know, doing their normal thing, you know, dancing, throwing pancakes. BTW, the Galaxy gear that they wear, I need some figures of that like ASAP because that gear is so sick.
Um, I would love some, some new day figures in that, in those outfits. So that's a side note, but, um, I loved how they were like, you know, we don't think we're, we can stay. We're going to, you know, we've been talking about leaving and all this stuff. And Vince comes out and so weird.
It was so funny though. I literally laughed out loud and I did it today when he was leaving for work and I was like, are you going to quit? Yeah, you're going to quit. You know, and it was just so, it was so funny and so Vince, you know, um, but, uh, I thought it was, I thought it was great. I loved that little segment.

Overuse of Gauntlet Matches on SmackDown

Um, and I love that he gave, uh, you know, biggie and Elijah would the chance to get their, get their best friend into the, uh,
into the main event of WrestleMania with Daniel Bryan. I do like that. I would say I like that. I don't like that the, the, the gauntlet match idea was so cool and it was, you know, good, great way to fill half the episode every, you know, six months or so. But I think let's take a little break from the gauntlet matches now. I mean, that's, it's gotten way out of control.
Yeah, the gauntlet matches, and just for the record, if you guys didn't listen last week, I do know that it is Xavier Wood. Elijah Wood is definitely an inside joke here on the Chick-Bully show, but I didn't want anybody to be like, that dummy, she thinks it's Elijah Wood. But yeah, the gauntlet match is...
It's overdone and it really makes me tune out because i knew like when they are facing you know gals and anderson and you know shinsuke and rusev and all that i was like okay like it's not gonna be over. Until the very end you know you know when the usos came out i was like okay now it's time to pay attention you know um but before that it was just kind of like.
I was like, all right, cool, we're just gonna get a bunch of spots, a bunch of moves, a bunch of freaking submissions, and that's gonna be that. But yeah, I'm over the gauntlet match. I love a good gauntlet match, but they've just overdone it on SmackDown as of late. What do you think about Mustafa Ali just going by Ali now? I hate it, obviously, and I'm sure everybody hates it, but Mustafa Ali is such a unique, cool name. Yeah.
It's, it's mind boggling. I don't, I really can't understand why they just like, why these guys only have to have one name and actually somebody, you know, he husband and I talk about this all the time. Like if you want to make somebody just have one name, it should be Daniel Brian. Like what's more heel than him just going by Daniel.
You know, can you be like, oh, you're going to face Daniel at WrestleMania. But they take somebody who's got like sick names, like, you know, Andrade Cinalmas, and then just call him Andrade and then Mustafa Ali, which is also a badass name. And they're just like, we're just going to call him Ali, which why wouldn't you just call him Mustafa? If you're going to, like, if you're going to pick a name, like why Ali?
You know, like Mustafa's better than Ali. Mustafa feels like a heel. That's like a Disney heel name, you know. That's Mufasa. Oh, Mufasa, OK. No, Mufasa's a good guy. He's a baby face. It's Scar that is the heel in The Lion King. Oh, I have it all messed up. Oh, man.
Yeah, Mufasa is James Earl Jones. He's a sick baby face. My son watches Toy Story four times a day, so if you have any Toy Story trivia, I'm up on that. Oh, I love me some Toy Story. What was I going to say? What do you think, when they shorten Ricochet, what's it going to go down to?

Wrestler Name Shortening Discussion

He's just going to be Rick. Rico? Yeah, we're bringing Rick out with Alistair. Yeah.
Yeah, Alistair and Rick are a tag team now. I mean, I get, like, the Rusev thing fits. That works well, you know? So sometimes... Yeah. Rusev was good. Yeah. I don't mind the big E going from big E lengths and just a big E. Like, I guess you get used to it after a while, but I don't really see the point of it, you know? It's just like...
Yeah, I don't know. I don't, I, I don't know what, what the reasoning behind it is. Like I wish I knew like, like I need to have somebody explain to me, like, is there literally literally like a marketing tactic that I don't know about that? Like one, one word names work better. I mean, I guess like Oprah and like Prince and Adele, you know, like I hope these people, they just go by one name, but at the same time it's like, how does that work in wrestling? You know?
Yeah, it's confusing to me. I think he'll still continue to prosper with just the name Ali. But maybe even still call them. Even if you just use the graphic and put it on the website. But I mean, you can still refer to them as Mustafa Ali on the show. Yeah.
I don't know how, I don't know how the commentators and stuff keep up, like, you know, with whose names or what. Change is pretty awful. We talked about the Oscar Charlotte match. If you haven't seen it, definitely go back and watch that match. It's awesome. There was a Spanish fly that Charlotte executed off the top rope. That was one of the best moves you'll see this year. Yeah, it was insane. It was insane.
I would have liked to see more from the Kurt Angle AJ Styles match. That was like a minute long. Yeah, but I think it's just because Kurt Angle just can't hang with AJ. It's just one of those things. It could have went longer, but it would have actually hurt Kurt more than it would have helped him. It doesn't do him any good to
to wrestle against AJ Styles, like somebody who's so dynamic in the ring when Kurt's struggling so hard. So I don't have a problem with that one being kind of like a quick match. But can we talk about really quickly the worst trend in WWE as of the last six to eight months?
breaking kayfabe right in the middle of the ring and announcing that you're no longer speaking as your character. You are now speaking as your real person. Roman started that when he came out and he was like, you know, listen.
I'm not, I'm not talking to Roman Reigns. I'm, my name is Joe. I have leukemia and we were all like, Oh my gosh. Like the, the gravity of that, like it felt serious, right? Because he's like, listen, I'm trying to get your attention. Like I'm not out here to be booed. I'm not out here. Like we were all like, Oh my gosh. And that was a serious, real announcement. Right.
but now it's like everybody was like oh my god it worked for roman like he got over like you know the the crowd loved it now let's everybody just break kayfabe like triple h did it when he was like you know you're not talking to triple h the character you know you're talking to triple h the man and i'm like what like and then
Then Roman did it again this past week when Drew McIntyre was talking about his family. He was like, you know, this isn't Roman talking. And I'm like, well, whose shirt should I buy? Should I stop buying Roman Reigns t-shirts? Do I need like, you know, Joe shirts now? Like, I don't, I don't understand, you know, and it just.
we watch wrestling to suspend our disbelief like i don't need every week for you to remind me that you're playing a character on tv you know like i don't want my favorite characters on tv to like tell me like this isn't really my name you know like oh my name really isn't terry and lannister you know like they would never do that on game of thrones so why would why would you do that on wwe you know it's like it's cool every once in a blue moon but like
you know,

Breaking Kayfabe in Promos

with all of that. And then Rhonda did it to Becky on Twitter, you know, she called her by her like full, her full name. And then of course Rhonda just totally crapped on kayfabe when she was like, you know, all this is, all this is fake. And then she did it again on Monday when she was like, oh, this is just one of your gimmicks that you have. Like this is all, let's get this farce started. And I was like, man, we're really going in on this, you know? And it's just not my favorite thing in wrestling at the moment.
Yeah, it started a long time ago. And it's almost like once you open that door, it's like you can't shut it back anymore. And it's it's it is annoying. And now I mean, if Roman Reigns is going to come out and say his real name, it's you know, it's understandable. He had a pretty serious situation going on. But then like, to come back, we're back. Yeah, we're back to using your real your fake name now. Like now, you know, you've opened the door. Why don't we just call you Joe now?
Exactly. Exactly. You know, but I mean, I think, I think it was appropriate in the moment when he did it initially, I think it was appropriate, but now that he's back and he's made his return, he, they fought as the shield, you know, like he's the big dog. He's Roman reigns. Like that's, that's the, that's the person I'm rooting for. I'm not rooting for Joe, the, you know, freaking family man with a wife and kids at home, you know, like chills and plays X-Box. Like I want to freaking root for this superhero that I see on my TV every day, you know?
Yeah, but it's definitely something I think we're gonna see more and more of because people like Rhonda, she had something on her YouTube channel where she was gonna make a, she wanted to do an April Fool's joke next week that she was pregnant and she was gonna back out of the main event and Paul Heyman was like, no, you can't do that. They just announced you're wrestling, you're gonna be in the main event at WrestleMania. You can't do something stupid like that.
Oh my gosh. See, I hadn't heard that. I bet that didn't go over too well, because that's just not a really funny April Fool's joke to begin with, and much less when it's done in a hateful manner. And how long would it last for? It would just be, what, a three-minute thing? And then you would just tell everybody you were joking? Like, OK. Yeah, next week is the go-home show. I guess they would re-announce it the middle of the week, right before WrestleMania, via Twitter, via Facebook Live. Oh, that was just an April Fool's joke, even though now it's April 5th.
Yeah, exactly so Also something we haven't touched on is it's since we are only 11 days out from mania we have seen no sightings or rumblings of the undertaker or John Cena, which is very unlike
Mania seasons of the recent history. So I don't know. What do you think? Do you think we're going to see them? Do you think like, you know, are they showing up or not? Well, we already know that Undertaker is going to get that Saudi money again, baby, because he's already announced to be going there. Well, yeah. I mean, you know, when they're going to break you off a piece of that, like check like that, you know, yeah, you're going to show up there. But, you know, it would be weird. I think this would be the first
The first WrestleMania that Undertaker has not been in since what, 2000 I think is what it was. But yeah, so that's pretty crazy to think about.
Yeah, I'm surprised they haven't done anything. If you're going to have him, if you're going to have Cena involved at all, I think you need to make some sort of an interview segment. I think you want to hype it up. I mean, obviously, the tickets are sold. Everyone's going to be there in town. Everyone's going to watch it no matter what. So maybe don't keep it as a surprise. But WWE doesn't really like to
Keep things as surprised true, but I mean you also got to think about network subscriptions. You know what I mean? So like yeah Yeah, the tickets are sold, but you know you got to think about network subscriptions. I can totally see Undertaker interrupting Elias remember last year Elias trolled the whole audience by by like the lights going down and everybody thinking like Undertaker was showing up for Cena and then it came up and it was Elias and he was like
You expecting someone? And so I could see Undertaker coming out in like a segment like that. Obviously, we know he's not gonna wrestle. And then Cena obviously saving Kurt Angle from Baron Corbin. I think that would be the only place where it would really feel appropriate for John Cena to show up. But other than that, we may have a Cena Undertaker-less WrestleMania. Yeah, that man, I'm not excited for that Baron Corbin Kurt Angle match. That is a Raw.
That should be in the main event. Just not the actual main event. That should be on main event, the TV show. Yeah, very true. Well, we thought, when it happened, my immediate thought was like, oh, they have a bigger plan for this. But everything I read since then was like, no, that was legitimately the plan. But they weren't expecting that sort of backlash, which boggles my mind. How could you have not expected that sort of backlash when you have Kurt Angle announce that his retirement match is going to be against Baron Corbin?
You know like that that goes to show you like what kind of delusion is going on back there because they were like that was legitimately the plan from everything that I've read like you know they were like oh no we're gonna get this Kurt angle Baron Corbin thing over.
Yeah, definitely a head scratcher there. But yeah, I got to think we either see one of the two, either Cena or Undertaker. And it would be cool to just see Corbin beat the shit out of Angle and just maybe after the match, the bell's rung. He just does five end of days and he's breaking out tables and stuff. And then we see Cena come and save the day or something.
Yeah, I can see that. But yeah, we're going to do our big WrestleMania, you know, preview next week, which I'm super, super excited about. We'll have a much clearer picture of everything that's happening. All the matches will be, you know, nailed down and I'm pumped for that.
Yeah, so it's going to be a big show. We're going to do our predictions, give away that Pete Dunn figure. Man, it's going to be a double-sized episode, I'm sure. So this is my favorite time of the year because April has the Masters, has WrestleMania. We have baseball starting back up. We've got Game of Thrones coming back. I know this doesn't pertain to you, but the weather is actually suitable for human consumption.
It's a good time. Now that the doldrums of the year are over, we're back to living our best lives.

'Go Figure' Segment Introduction

So let's get into our go figure segment.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, Go Figure is our weekly segment where Sheena and I devolve, which wrestling figures and memorabilia and swag we purchased over the last week or so. So always one of my favorite segments. Sheena, you can start here if you want, no problem.
I don't know if everybody can hear you, but I certainly, I certainly can't hear you, but I will talk about, um, I think you're at your mic. We're having some technical issues over here on the Chick-Fully show, but, um, I will go ahead and start with my weekly purchases. So we got a basic 95 Bailey. So she's in like her red gear. I actually really liked this Bailey figure. She's got like a, I like her head scan on this figure. Um, and we also copped elite 66 Kurt angle.
which is a dope thing. And then at GameStop we got Elite 65, Rusev and Aiden English. We're still on the hunt for that chase Aiden English with the fully black scarf, but we got the regular Elite 65 Aiden English. So we got those.
And then Elite 66, Nikki Cross, which is like a super dope, super dope figure. And even though this isn't part of, you know, this isn't an action figure, Heal Husband and I got to try. We went to this place called Beer Lab here on Island. And, you know, there's a brewery, they brew their own stuff. And the guy, one of the guys who works there is a wrestler, like an amateur wrestler, and he wrestles here on Island. And he came up with a Jushin Thunder lager. And, oh my gosh. Brilliant, that is brilliant.
freaking brilliant. Like we went there specifically like the only reason we went there is because they had this Jushan Thunder lager and it was so so good. It tasted delicious and it was funny because you know there's three locations for this beer lab and he was talking about you know he's a wrestler so he's like all into it and he knew you know Jushan Thunder lager. So on the sign I'm sure if you guys watch my Instagram stories you saw the sign had the little you know Jushan Thunder lager mask and the other location
You know, had a wrestler that worked there too and it had the Jewish and Thunder Liger mask and then there was a there's a university Location on the college campus and he's like, yeah, I don't I guess they didn't get the memo that you know Jewish and Thunder Liger is a
is a wrestler, so they thought the Jushin Thunder Logger, like their little picture that they had was thunder and lightning. And he said, we were like, no, that's not it. You know, so they had to like to like key them in to like what this was all about. But yeah, super cool. It was awesome. We got a couple of, I don't even know what you call these beers Phil, you're in the booze industry. So maybe you know, um, you're the boozer weight. They, they're like giant cans. Like it's like, it was like basically like two pints of beer.
in this can, and they sealed them up right there at the brewery, and it was so, we took a couple of the Jushin Thunder Loggers home, but I don't even know what you call those. That is called a crowler, because instead of growlers where you have to bring a large glass container with you everywhere you go, and I always forget it and stuff, so now stores have, they have the taps in there and they can screw it on, and your beer stays fresh until, it'll stay fresh forever until you crack it open.
Ah, Crowler, that's genius. Yeah, and that thing was under some serious pressure, because when we cracked it open, I mean, it was like, phew. But yeah, it was really cool to watch them pull it and then have it sealed down and shut. I mean, I've had them pull beers and cap them before in bottles, but that's the first time I've seen those giant cans like that. I mean, it looked like something that you would see Braun Strowman holding. Yeah, it's like two full beers in one, I think. Yeah. It's pretty big. Yeah.
Nice. That's a good haul there. I picked up the Mandy Rose Series 92 Basic for my buddy Jeff and the Baltimore Elite Squad, so he wanted it. I already passed on it, but I grabbed it for him, and I purchased Hasbro Hulk Hogan Series 3 from our buddy Hastell Toy on
Instagram so now I own all four or five and forget how many there is but all of the the Hulk Hogan has bros are now in my possession nice except for the the expensive $5,000 mail away one which I'm never going to purchase
You never

House Renovation Challenges and Wrestling Figures

know. You never know. Dream big. I didn't tell you this. Now we're almost at the tail end of the house reno, but they're going to redo all of our hardwood floors in the whole house, which is great. But our entire house is hardwood floor. So now we have to get everything out of every single room in my house by Monday. So that's what I'll be doing all weekend.
and don't really have anywhere to put anything, so I went incognito over to the house today and bought a bunch of plastic containers from Tarjay and just started boxing up. I didn't want my figures getting touched by random people. We have to move everything, which sucks, but basically our entire house is going to be moved down to our basement. Oh my gosh. And then we have to move it all back up and clean it and put everything back away once the floors are done, which is super
Super inconvenient, but I guess it's the only way to do it So I grabbed a bunch of stuff and put it in containers and brought it over here to the in-laws house. So everything is safe and What else did I purchase? Oh, I didn't purchase this but I got a text from our neighbors across the street I think I've talked about this before the the the girl's dad that lives across the street from us her dad is like a professional Amazon reviewer and he gets oh, yeah. Yeah
Amazon basically sends him stuff and he reviews it and he gets to keep it and he has all kinds of stuff he has no use for. So we always get stuff for the kid and they just gave us a $300 beer fridge and all this stuff. So send me the picture like, oh, this is another gift for Nash from Santa and it's like the undisputed era box set.
I was like, holy shit, this is amazing. This is like something I would never purchase, but you know, it's, it's definitely going to look good up on display in the, uh, in the man cave once it's finished. So I picked that up. Now I have that. Now I have the new day set. Now I just got to get the shield and the Milkemania, I guess now it's, it's confirmed.
Awesome. Um, speaking of Nash really quickly, like this is like totally off topic, but did you see that Jojo and like announced her pregnancy with Bray Wyatt and they announced that their kid's name is Nash, which is cool, right? Like Nash is a cool name, but did you see how they spelled it? Yeah. Is it going to be pronounced like my son? But it has a K in the beginning, right?
Yeah, it's Nash. I mean, I'm assuming. I mean, it can't be Kanash, right? You never know, man. I mean, it has to be Nash. But it's like, what? I've never seen it spelled like that. It's kind of, I mean, sorry. If you're out there and your name is Kanash, I'm sorry. But that's kind of repug. Yeah, I don't know what the K would be for if it wasn't for that. But I do miss me some JoJo, man.
Oh my god, no, I don't I do not approve of their relationship Yeah, but he he like left his I mean, you know You never know what's going on in people's relationships as the as the smarts will say but I mean he was like, you know married and had kids and all these things and then like hooked up with Jojo, so I
You know, he's another homewrecker. Or she's a homewrecker. Sorry for saying that. I'll probably get attacked for calling her a homewrecker. Whatever. I hope they have a happy life, and his wife has a happy life, and whatever. Blessings. Peace and blessings. There you go. There you go. So I think that was all I picked up this week. Not too, too much. I'm actually waiting. We talked about it before the show. We don't really have too much figure news to talk about. There hasn't really been much going on. I've been tempted to buy some things just to buy some things. I keep looking at this WrestleMania display.
Man, do I need this Elias basic figure? This shirt looks like shit. It looks like bullet holes, but it's supposed to be roses on it. It's just an awful figure. But there's nothing new coming out right now. I'm waiting for the Mabel series so I can pre-order that on ringside. I'm assuming you know better than me. Is a lot of new stuff just crank out after WrestleMania?
Yeah, I mean, normally there's a lot of announcements out there. There's been a lot of announcements, but we're just waiting for it. You know what I'm saying? We're waiting for the release dates. You know, we know what's coming, but it's just like, you know, we're we haven't queued up to that yet. You know, we're still like waiting for the distribution of all the things that are currently out there to sell through and to, you know.
do all of that. And so, yeah, we'll see what we get. But I was thinking, you know, we could talk about, we had fantasy booked some of the ultimate editions for, you know, our
We were talking about what we would like to see the next series of Ultimate Editions like what they would be. And we know Shinsuke and Brett are going to be series two, but they haven't announced any of like their attire or anything. So we were going to kind of go through and say what we would like to what their attire would be and then kind of like book the next few series. So we're going to hit on that. All right. Well, let's let's get us started. This is exciting. They've already. What was the second series they announced that was Brett Hart and Nakamura?
Yeah, Brett and Shinsuke. I was thinking Shinsuke in his WrestleMania 34 gear, like the red on red Michael Jackson jacket when Nita Strauss was playing his entrance music. I think that look is just so iconic and very, very Shinsuke. I would love to see an Ultimate Edition with that get up.
I went back and watched that intro from last year's WrestleMania where they had all the violin players and had the guitar, the chick playing guitar. It was such a badass entrance, man. Wow. Oh, so sick. So sick.
Um, so yeah, I'll, I guess I, I'll do one and you do want to have four sets that I've figured they would come out with every couple months after that Rhonda warrior setting. I don't have Brett or Nakamura. So it's good. Well, yeah. So they've been, well, they're announced for series two. So we know that that's who series two is. Um, and I think I want Brett to be in his survivor series 96 gear with like the orange accents. You remember that, that look, it was like, um, Oh yeah. It's, it's.
totally freaking sick. Like it's like a red, um, red singlet or red pink singlet top with the, like the black trim, but it's also got like the only time he's ever worn it. Like a hint of orange around the trim. Yeah. So it's so sick. Bam, bam. Bigelow esque. Yeah. It's dope. And it's got like, you know, the black pants and like the flames and the stars. Like I love, love, love that gear. So I would love to see series two come out with that, that survivor series 96 gear.
Okay, cool. I'm gonna say my third set, which I would want to be. And I kind of tried to group these people together a little bit. I'm gonna say Becky Lynch, obviously the biggest thing in wrestling right now in Stone Cold Steve Austin. And I would want Becky in
I don't know, I think the Kill Bill outfit would be pretty cool, but I think these Ultimate Editions really need to step it up and just do multiple heads, multiple hands, and multiple outfits too. Give me Becky Lynch with the man shirt and give me Becky Lynch in that Kill Bill outfit. For Stone Cold, I want to have the camo hat, I want some beer cans with it.
, and
figure, but I think it would be super cool to like have it, um, you know, in, in an ultimate edition form with like the denim and, you know, the jacket, the camo jacket and all of that. I love, love that. Of course I love me some vested, you know, trunks and knee braces stone cold Steve Austin too. You know, I mean, you, you can't, you can't beat that. That's classic.
I got to go back to our go figure segment.

Starting a Mint on Card Collection Concerns

I know we're both loose collectors. I'm almost tempted to do a mint on card. One figure for all my favorite wrestlers, like get one stone cold, keep a mint on card, one Bret Hart, keep a mint on card. Am I crazy? Am I going to drive myself insane if I do that?
Yeah, and you're going to become a hoarder. I think it's just going to be a slippery slope where I'm just like, man, I kind of like just incredible. Let me get that. Yeah, you're going to be like Zach Ryder where his room is just like a big hoarder stash of stuff. You're like, oh, he's like, why click these two? I wanted to have one of these, and then I wanted to have these that were autographed and these that were loose to display them differently.
You know, so, um, yeah, it is tough. So, um, so for your, so for these ultimate additions, I guess we didn't even touch on this. You know, we have one like legends wrestler and like one modern wrestler. So, you know, you had Becky Lynch and stone cold Steve Austin. I would say I would love to have, um, a, uh, Hollywood Hogan from star K 97 as my, as a legend, you know, the blue, the blue gear are black and blue, like so, so sick and so iconic.
And then a Seth Rollins from WrestleMania 34 with the head swap with like the blue eyes from his entrance when he was, you know, the Night King. You know, he could have the blue eyes and we had talked to I had talked about wanting that figure before but having it in an ultimate edition with the head swap would be like so sick. That would be awesome. All right. What's your what's your next one? I'll let you go next.
So if I could pick a Series 4, I would love to have an Oscar with full entrance garb. The whole robe, the mask, all of the things. I would love to have an ultimate of her and then obviously have the mask and then the unmasked Oscar.
I think that would be super cool. And we haven't gotten like a, for a Legends figure, like a WCW space cowboy macho man. Like it doesn't have to be from any specific event, but I feel like we were really lacking that in our repertoire of macho man figures, right? Like I feel like we need that super colorful, bright, vibrant cowboy hat, like tassels, fringe.
all of those, all of those things. I would love to have an ultimate edition of that for Macho Man. I've always wondered that, but that's like the Macho Man I remember the most. It was like between WrestleMania 8, 9, 10 era where it was just, yeah, it was just like so many colors, like a different outfit every week. And I can't really think of one Macho Man elite figure that they've made to look like that.
No, yeah, I mean, it's you know, they we have like your classic macho man's with like the robe and like the glitter, you know, but like this with like the fringe on the arms, you know, like that. I think about that picture of him with like the orange sparkles and the orange cowboy hat and like the orange fringe. Like that's the that's the one that immediately comes to mind. But yeah, I would love to see, you know, a super vibrant, colorful macho man in that in that gear. And who would you who would your current wrestler be?
Oscar with her okay yeah with her full entrance gear okay I'm gonna go with my next set is gonna be Ric Flair WrestleMania 8 hmm or you could do Royal Rumble 92 that's probably more of iconic look for him but with Charlotte Flair WrestleMania 34 with that peacock look
Oh, I love, love that. I mean, Charlotte does not always look like a million freaking bucks. Like, I mean, she always, like when she comes in, and that's why everybody, when they're talking about like, why is she in this? It's because she has star power people. WrestleMania is not always about the having the best like technical, technically sound matches. It's about freaking star power and putting butts in seats and like having people tune in and Charlotte brings the freaking star power.
It's all, yeah, putting a show on, too. It's like Church on Easter. You got a lot of people that are coming that don't give a shit about wrestling 364 days out of the year. But they'll come over and watch WrestleMania with you. So they want to capture some eyeballs and make people wow to the spectacle that is WrestleMania. And you got to do that with big name people. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I would love to have a Ric Flair, Charlotte Flair, Ultimate Edition combo. That would be super sick.
So for series five, I have HBK from Royal Rumble 97. So it's like red tights and like, you know, they got like the Texas flag in the broken hearts. You know, it'd be pretty freaking cool. And like the entrance gear was like leather chaps with like red circles. Like so if they could have like the entrance gear and like the tear away entrance gear for the ultimate edition, like that would be super sick. And the cowboy hat.
And then for a modern wrestler, I have talked about wanting this figure before, but having an Ultimate Edition with a head swap would be awesome. So Andrade, he was known as Andrade C. in Almas when this happened, but now known as Andrade from TakeOver Philly, which was like match of the year 2018. And his entrance gear was like, you know, Mexican flag colors, like, you know, the white with the green and red, and having like his mask, his lucha mask head sculpt. Like I think that would be,
So awesome.
I had something similar. I had, I had Shawn Michaels as well. I'm going to WrestleMania 12 with it, which they've done that before, but it didn't really look super put together. It was kind of like a just fabricy messiness to it. So I want to tighten that up a little bit. And then I want to China ultimate edition now that she's going to be in the hall of fame. Yeah. Maybe they can get that put together. Now it doesn't have to be a specific outfit. Obviously it'd be a degeneration acts. It could be when she was on her singles run with the, uh, remember she had that big, like, uh,
bazooka gun that would shoot, I don't even know what it shot out. Did it shoot fireworks out of it? I can't remember, but the outfit that immediately comes to mind when I'm thinking about China is that two piece with the collar that has the ring, you know what I'm saying? Almost like the JYD collar. It's shorts and a black, to me that's her iconic look. I could see that for sure. Do you have another set?
That was my that was my fifth series, so I would love to see you know all those figures come out obviously We won't know for probably like three years what we're actually gonna get but that is Phil and I's Take on what we would like to see the next few series of Ultimate editions Good stuff good stuff. Let's get into our random merch of the week here You there yep, okay, what do you get first random merch of the week?
So random merch of the week, sorry about that. We have Rick Rude ring-worn tights from WrestleMania 6. So he fought Jimmy Snooka in this. And you know what's really cool? Like when you go to like Access and like all these things, like when you get to see the ring-worn gear, like you see it on TV and you think like, oh my gosh, like this stuff is like so nice. It's like so high quality. And then like you see that at Access and it looks like cotton yoga pants.
You know, like it's so crazy to like see the materials and like see how it looked on TV versus like what it looks like now I mean obviously, you know, this stuff is like, you know 20 30 years old now So it's definitely aged a little bit but it is pretty crazy to see Rick Rood's tights in person But yeah, they say simply ravishing and they have his his face drawn on the back, but it's like kind of like a jungle theme with like women and they're super sick tights, but
They're only going to set you back $6,000. And yeah, those people are still charging you shipping too or best offer. So if you want to hit them with a 58 hundo and see if they'll give them to you for 58 hundo, then maybe they'll do that with free shipping and you can take home these.
ring-worn Rick Rude tights. But yeah, and for those of you who are keeping track, the bone saw gear is still available. So I don't know if you guys are just waiting until Halloween to pick this thing up, but you know, you're going to be sad when you miss out.
The Sable Layers, I will have to get back to you on that. I think the Sable Layers, they probably went. They were a good deal. I think they were like, what, $1.99 or $9.99? Yeah, it was definitely a good deal, yeah. Yeah, so it was a total bargain. But yeah, Bonesaw is still available. Yeah, these tights look awful in the pictures. They just look like they did. But I mean, of course, when you put Rick Root in them, I'm sure he fills them out a little bit.
Oh, Rick Rude could wear a freaking paper bag and he would look like a million bucks. I mean, Rick Rude is one impressive specimen. I think to myself all the time, for that whole era where everybody was pumped up on steroids and all of that, Rick Rude had the most naturally lean, amazing, toned, muscly body of any of those guys. I think he had the best physique in all of wrestling.
And he would call the fat people out in the crowd and he'd just be like, yeah, compared to you, I do look like a piece of shit. So it's a point taken, sir. Yeah, that gimmick would not have worked for anyone else but Rick Rood. Man, it was pervy. Yeah, people are just like, yeah, you know what? Maybe you are, right? I'll put this hot dog down. All right, let's get to our retro wrestling recommendation of the week. I've only had one beer.
I'm drinking a bubbly and I almost lost track. So, um, yeah, so retro recommendation of the week is a HBK versus Owen Hart. It's from November, 1995 episode of raw.
And it was like the send home episode when he kicked Shawn Michaels in the head you remember that and Shawn Michaels you know kept fighting and then all of a sudden just like hit the deck and like three commercial breaks go through and You know like you keeps coming back and HBK is still sitting there and you're like, oh my god like this is like the first time that it was ever like
Like a work shoot you know what i'm saying like where it was like oh my god like this this is really happening like you know something's really happened to shawn michaels um and then of course you know following that we got the iconic tell me a lie uh promotional video you know tell me a lie
Oh, which is, if you haven't ever seen that, if you're a youngster and you don't remember the tell me a lie Sean Michaels promo package, you need to go. It'll hit you in the field spot and bring a tear to your eye. So, um, definitely go check out that wrestling recommendation. Uh, because we just watched it like, you know, a few days ago and I was just like, Oh my gosh, I forgot.
How you know, you just forget how how real it felt at that moment, you know Yeah, I think he went to the the hotel I think it was on episode of something to wrestle with where they were talking about and I think Sean went to the hospital that night just to keep up with the kayfabe and You know checked himself in and just kind of had to sit around all night and wait to be cleared and for nothing But isn't that funny the links that they go to for for kayfabe back back then, you know And like now like it's just it's not even a thing anymore, you know
Yeah, now Nia Jax has everybody on her Instagram having fun and stuff, you know, doesn't give a shit. Yeah. Um, I can't remember what I was listening to. Uh, but somebody, I believe they're podcasts or I was reading something I can't remember, but they were talking about, would it be a good idea for wrestlers to have a,
like a kayfabe instagram where they can't where they like so you could follow whatever you wanted to follow right like they have so different social media platforms were like this is their kayfabe platform and then this is their like life platform right and like the two never cross you know so like becky and charlotte wouldn't be posting pictures of themselves together on their you know kayfabe twitter you know it would just be like straight up
brutal back and forth you know but on their life Twitter like you know if you didn't want to follow that you wouldn't have to you know I thought I was like that's an interesting concept to think about you know like if you just had like characters like the characters having their own social media platforms and then you know obviously like their their real-life counterparts
Imagine having a job where you would need to do that. It's insane to think about. But that would make sense. But what other job would you have to have? Instagram for your fake account, for your fake name, your fake persona, and then one for your real one? Oh, there's more people out there that do it that you don't like. Not famous people. Just people in your everyday life that are portraying someone else on social media, and they have multiple accounts. So don't ever discount that. That's a good call.
yeah there's lots of creeps out there that are you know living living multiple lives but yeah it would be crazy to have to like keep everything straight but i think it would be a cool concept to like keep kayfabe alive you know because they have to promote so much on their social media you know and they do all these um you know charity events and all these things you know with other wwe superstars and i think you know it kind of does kind of
You know make you not it kind of lifts your suspension of disbelief right versus if they had like you know you could just follow their like the Seth Rollins or the Roman Reigns official. Like Twitter and Instagram.
Yeah, that would be much easier. My retro wrestling recommendation of the week is the Money in the Bank ladder match. I just changed it after the conversation we had at the top of the show. This is WrestleMania 21 from the Staples Center in Los Angeles. And this was kind of the crowning moment for Edge here as he stepped into the main event picture.
And an awesome ladder match between Chris Benoit who was just in the main event of WrestleMania the year before. Chris Jericho was the first ever undisputed champion. Christian, we had Shelton Benjamin who was there basically for awesome high spots and going off the ladder and doing crazy shit. And Kane was in it too to be the big guy just tossing everybody around.
It was a damn good ladder match. Edge won it. I think he eventually won the title off of that. And he was off to the races being one of the top heels in the company before he had to retire. So is it a really good Money in the Bank ladder match?

2005 Money in the Bank Significance

I think this is probably the match that spurned them to think like, hey, let's just do this as like our own pay-per-view. Yeah, the first ever, right? Yeah.
Definitely. I love them. I love money in the bank. I think I love the concept. I love the money in the bank, like having the, you know, stipulation where you can cash in at any time.

Money in the Bank Excitement and Challenges

I think it definitely adds a layer of excitement to wrestling. Um, and obviously one of the most famous money in the bank cash-ins of all time happened by my favorite wrestler, Seth Rollins. So I'm a little bit partial to some money in the bank for sure.
I had to think earlier today, like who the hell won Money in the Bank last year? It was Strowman, but it was so... Oh yeah, Monster in the Bank. Yeah, Monster in the Bank. I think he did the thing where he like, I'm going to challenge you next month is when I'm going to... I hate that. The whole point of the Money in the Bank is when you don't know what's going to happen.
Yeah, he was trying to do like the John Cena like, you know, the the right thing and like tell the person ahead of time like, you know, I don't need to surprise you because I'm a monster. But I think that's what makes it cool is like you're a monster and you just like show up and you're like, OK, I'm taking you down right now, you know. Yeah. But yeah, we we we could go down an entire an episode of the the rise and fall of Braun Strowman. But we won't do that this week. Maybe we'll do that for our patrons one week, the rise and fall of Braun Strowman.
That'd be fun.

Athlete Retirement Speculations

We didn't talk about this being the show, but we have a bunch of retirements to talk about. Rob Gronkowski retiring from the NFL. We had the Bellas retiring from whatever they do in the ring on Total Divas. And your boy Conor McGregor retired from MMA, which is kind of hard to believe. But I'm trying to think of which one of those is going to appear on WrestleMania first.
I don't know, I would say, I was talking to Hill Husband about Conor McGregor coming to WWE and he was like, well, why would he? And I'm like, but why wouldn't he? In my mark mind, I'm like, why wouldn't he come here? It's amazing. And I would love to see Conor McGregor shake things up here.
who knows i mean he's wiping his butt with hundred dollar bills he doesn't need the money you know and he's not like a huge like you know ronda doesn't need the money either but she's not she's was a huge wwe mark so you know this was kind of like one of those like dream situations versus connor like i don't think he really follows what's going on in the wwe
I don't think so either. And I think Gronkle probably the first one to show up at some point and probably team with Mojo Rawley and some kind of like maybe WrestleMania next year or something like that. But I don't think that Connor's going to ever get back into the Octagon. I mean, the guy

Sheena's Horror NECA Figure Collection

is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Why would you get punched in the face for real? I don't even know why. Because you like it. Because they like it. They wouldn't be fighters if they did. You know what I'm saying?
It's money, but at the same time, it's a blood sport. These guys, they are clinically insane. It has to be a little bit of that, really. Why would Brock Lesnar ever flirt with going back there when he can be a wrestler and travel less? The training alone has got to be insane for something like that. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah.
Well, let's let's get going. We have gone over our retro wrestling conditions of the week. Let's get through a couple of our Listener males We have still a bunch from last week that we asked you guys for a bunch and you gave them to us and we didn't get to all of them last week and I don't think we'll get to all of them this week, but I
Don't blame us for that. That's a good thing. I have one for Sheena from our buddy Marco Denton. He's a Patreon subscriber. He says, I recently started collecting NECA figures. I blame Sheena for this lol. Just kidding. Being a fan of horror movies. The first two that I purchased are the GameStop exclusive Friday the 13th and a nightmare on Elm Street figures based on their video games.
My question for Sheena is two parts. How did you start collecting NECA figures and where are some places that you have been the most successful in finding them?
So NECA, yes, I love NECA figures and I only exclusively like NECA makes amazing figures of all sorts. You know, I mean, we have the NECA turtles and things like that. But like personally, like my personal collection, I collect only the horror NECA figures because again, you have to limit yourself somewhere because I mean, you could really, really, really go down a rabbit hole even with NECA. You know, it's like they're like Mattel. They're like so
expansive and like what they create that like you know and I and I limited myself to only getting NECA ultimate figures too. That was another thing I was like you know you gotta just get the the NECA ultimates because if you start getting like the different you know the different types of figures like you can open yourself up to so many um but I um I find them mostly at Target um and eBay you know like those are the two places that I've been able to successfully find them. I think
Your husband got me a couple off of Amazon when he was ordering me a few. So I think Amazon and Target is where I've been the most successful and obviously they had those ones at GameStop like you saw. They're pretty sick too. Like he said they're based off the video games and when you open the Friday the 13th it like plays the theme from the video game. So that's pretty made.
But yeah, the ones that have alluded me that I would really really love they're not ultimates, but they are You know the devil's rejects and like House of a thousand corpses like Firefly family if you're familiar with those movies I really really really want those NECA figures like, you know Otis and baby and you know captain Spalding like, you know, those are the ones that I want but man, they're like going for a
mage money on the eBay. So maybe one day, but yeah, those are the ones that have eluded me. But I do love me some NECA ultimate figures. Very nice. Cool. That's a good question. Thank you, Marco. I always wondered about that stuff because I haven't gotten into those figures. And I hope to never get into them just because it's one more thing that would drain the old bank account. But when you post

WWE Figure Licensing Speculations

them on your Instagram story, they look pretty bad ass. The Halloween one you posted, I think yesterday or today, was really cool.
The cool thing about NECA is one, the detail on the NECA figures is unmatched. They are just so incredible with the details that they put in their figures and they kill it with the accessories. I think that's the biggest thing, especially for people who do fig photography and stuff like that. Having all of those accessories, even little minor stuff that you are like, oh my God, I cannot believe they included that in one of my nightmare on Elm Street.
like Dream Warriors figures like they had a little Freddy Krueger puppet that you know was just a small part of the movie is very iconic part of that movie but it was just like a small segment of the movie and they included that in the thing and I was like this is like the whole reason for me to buy this figure because it comes with this accessory that's super cool so yeah NECA like I said they always bring the heat with like the details and the accessories and their packaging is sick too.
This is not a listener question. This is a fill question for Sheena. If Mattel ever lost the license, I think the fully opposable guy said it's the, I think it's 2021 that Mattel loses the license or their contract is up with the WWE. Would NECA be the company that you'd want to see grab that or is there somebody else out there you think would do a good job with it?
Well, first of all, I'm going to go ahead and make a statement here, right here, right now, that if Mattel ever loses the license, I'm done collecting like elite style figures. Like I'm not opening up any more rabbit holes. I'll finish and complete the, you know, collection that I have. And then we're like, we're done. We're out of the game. Like we might do retros or something like that, but like I'm not going to mix mediums, you know, I'm not going to be like half
you know, NECA, WWE figures and like half Mattel Elite figures. Like I just can't, can't do that. Um, but I would, NECA would be super cool. McFarlane would be super cool. Um, yeah, I think that, I think those would be the two that I would, I would think would do the best job with, with WWE figures. Cool. All right.

Phil's Transition from Football to Wrestling

Uh, all right. And Sheena, I think you have one question for me for one of our Patreon subscribers.
Yeah, this comes in from Bob Ziegler. He says, Phil, I believe you mentioned you used to hope about, are you OK? Did you fall over? No, this is chair. This is always like, when I try to lean back, it has no like, or chairs. It's like one of those computer chairs. It usually has a thing where it stops at a certain point. It doesn't let you break your neck. But this one, I forget that it does not have that. You're like Michael Scott. You need a new chair with some lumbar support. Exactly, yeah. You need one of the cush.
chairs. I'm glad you're okay. Thank you. So this says, I believe you mentioned you used to host a Baltimore Ravens podcast. What has it been like transitioning from covering football news to commentating on wrestling and figure news? I used to follow football very closely, spending a lot of time each week prepping my fantasy teams. Over the past few years, my interest has shifted over to wrestling. Although I don't participate anymore, I loved fantasy football because you picked your guys and cheered them on.
I find figure collecting is satisfying in similar ways. My fake fed is my team. Toy hunts are like the waiver wire and finding a deal is like making a slick trade, etc. Most importantly, you need to stay informed to really enjoy the hobby, which is why I love podcasts like yours. The real life bros, Jeff and Scott, which we know they host a fully postable podcast and in the major bros.
Um, so that was, yeah, that's your question. So how has it been transitioning from talking about football, you know, and being really involved in that product to like, you know, talking about something that has no season, which is wrestling.
Yeah, I've talked about this on the show a little bit, but I'll go a little more in depth. I've really enjoyed it. The last time I recorded a podcast was, I think, the beginning of January. We haven't done anything since then. I've kind of left my co-host in the loop a little bit. He's super chill. He's like, oh, whatever, man. I know you got a lot of stuff going on. His wife, I think, is pregnant right now. I don't know if I should be saying that, but nobody knows him here, so it's OK. But he's kind of got his own stuff going on, so he's not too worried about it.
You know, it was all of last season. As we started starting the details for this podcast, I really got less and less interested in it. I don't know what it was. The wrestling community is so welcoming, whereas the football fans and just the community of people, especially here in Baltimore, where we have a new quarterback and it's really turned into kind of almost like a race issue between our
Joe Flacco was on his way out, now we have Lamar Jackson, who I absolutely love, and he was getting shit on at the time. He was a rookie, he was struggling, but that's besides the fact. Me and Sheena can do this, and we're at an hour and 22 minutes right now. We thought we had nothing to talk about here, and this is something that I look forward to talking to Sheena and doing the show every single week. Even if we think we have nothing to talk about, we always find some cool stuff to talk about.
And football, it's just, you know, it is different every single week, but it's not. I mean, I feel like I don't listen to sports talk radio anymore. I don't follow the NFL network anymore. I really have transitioned to really doing this show and focusing a lot of my energy into it. And a lot of that is because, you know, Sheena knows, I just don't have the time with a job and a kid and other stuff going on. I would love to be able to have time to focus on both of them.
I've really rekindled my love of wrestling and wrestling figures by hosting this show with you and I enjoy it more and more every single week and I think we always find some cool stuff to talk about and we have some great listeners and I have people, I post a picture on our Twitter account like, hey, I need this figure and I get five people responding and telling me they have it or they know somebody that has it and they'll send it to me.
It's just a really cool community and everyone's kind of, we're all into the same shit. We all are the same, you know, we're all into the same stuff. We all kind of know what drives the other person. We all kind of are bonded over that. So, you know, I don't know if I'll get back into doing the Ravens podcast at all. I don't really have any plans to. I haven't made a formal announcement on that, but I enjoy doing the Chick Foley show and I think we're just, we're only getting started.

Football vs. Wrestling Fandom

you know, I was the same way. I loved, you know, if you knew me, even like, you know, up until like two or three years ago, I was like such a football junkie. I ran my, you know, fantasy football league. I was the commissioner of our league every, you know, every year. And it was just something that was super exciting. But over the past couple of years, it's just,
For me, football is just kind of lost its luster. I feel like something has happened in the game that's just kind of taken the excitement out of it for me. First of all, the Falcons have broken my heart one too many times. And there's a difference. It's so crazy because when I get invested in football, the losses hurt so much more in football than they do. If Seth Rollins loses at WrestleMania, yeah, I'm going to be extremely disheartened and upset.
But it's a different like when the when the Falcons lost the Super Bowl like I like it literally made me like physically You know made my stomach hurt And I was like what how could I feel this way about a sport that literally has like nothing to do with me? You know like these people don't go home and think about Sheena's problems And here I am like so invested in this in football that it made me sick So and it's just I feel like football like it is
You're always going to be entertained with wrestling, even if you're mad at the product, even if you want to crap on it or whatever. You're still there to be entertained and you know they're working toward a specific outcome. And with football, it's just gotten so crazy over the last few years with all the things that have happened and all the politics and all the concussions and all of these things that are kind of making a football a different game than what we once knew.
that, yeah, it is way more fun to invest in wrestling and, you know, invest your time and energy into a product that's constantly evolving, constantly changing, and I love it. And I can go back and watch a wrestling, you know, I'll go back. I watched WrestleMania X over again after something to wrestle with, did a show on it, and I can't go back and watch an old football game. I have no, like, once I know who wins, I cannot get into it. I can't
There's a couple maybe. I mean, a Super Bowl win here or there maybe will get me excited. But I can't just go back and watch a week 10 Ravens game and get excited as I would for watching something from my childhood. So that's the difference. But that's a great question, Bob. Thanks so much, man. Yeah, thanks. That was a good one.

Next Week's Show Plans

read the rest of those questions, maybe not even next week, because we have a pretty big show. We will be talking about WrestleMania and previewing that. We do have to talk about our flash giveaway that you did for some chalk line shorts. Who won those bad boys?
Oh my gosh, so well, our good buddy Big Mouth AJ actually ended up with the shorts. I actually sent those out today, but we did a flash giveaway on Chick Foley where we had had a botched incident with WWE Shop where they sent us the wrong Chalk Line shorts. We ordered a new pair that were white with gold hearts.
They sent us an old pair that we already had. So that was the thing. We already had this pair of shorts. So no need to have two pair of Shawn Michaels Chalk Line shorts. And they refunded us. So we got to keep the shorts for free. So we were like, you know what? Let's do something nice for the marks on this beautiful Tuesday. And we

Community Engagement and Giveaways

told them, hey, whoever can tell us what the first ever retro recommendation that we provided on the Chick Foley Show podcast was, we'll win these shorts, right?
They hit us back up and it was actually a Royal Rumble from 1992 and our buddy Bean, at Bean, B-E-A-N-D-N-D was the winner. He guessed it first and then we hit him up and were like asking for his address and we told him you know the shorts the short size actually wasn't gonna work for him so he was like he was super cool he was like oh yeah no worries like bummer
But, you know, we don't treat our fans like that. Like, you know, he knew, he knew his Chick Foley knowledge. So we were like, no, you know what Bean D&D, we're going to hook you up. And so we gave him a, we sent him a Chick Foley show t-shirt just for, for knowing his Chick Foley show knowledge. And then we gave it to the, we gave the shorts to the second winner, which was Big Mouth AJ. So we had two winners. We had to make two people's day, which was super exciting.
We give away so much cool stuff on this show, man. We're going to continue to do that. I love doing that stuff. We're going to give away, I have a wrestling figure to give to one of these people that sent us these listener questions, which we will do very shortly. But Shoutout to our buddies at Fully Poseable. They are doing a cool tournament. I think it's with Marcho Madness. They're doing the... Yeah. The Twin Packs. Yeah, they need Twin Packs.
Yeah, so give a shout out to them. Their episodes drop on Sunday night or Monday morning. I would definitely recommend checking those guys out and any other Instagram or Twitter accounts or anybody you want to plug.
Not today, man. We have so many friends of Chick Foley. I could spend all day talking about all the people that we love, but thanks for listening, guys. We love it. Thanks for supporting the show. Make sure you listen, subscribe, rate, review. It really helps us out. And remember, if you do leave us a rating and a review by next week, you are going to be entered to win that Sammy Zane and Kane figure. So again, giving out all kinds of cool stuff to you guys. All you got to do is help us out, show us a little bit of support, and we keep
We keep doling out the prizes to you guys. So definitely check us out on Patreon. We have so much cool content over there. You can find the link in the Chick-Fully show bio. And then we have our shop and you can copy yourself a nice little tea like our buddy at Bean D&D.

Closing Remarks and Audience Appreciation

and also I want to get some folks, some interaction on next week's show. I want to know your favorite WrestleMania moment if you want to post it to the Twitter account, it's at Chick Foley Show, or you can post it to at Chick Foley on Instagram, but whatever you want to do, we'll read some of those next week on the show here, or you can even email them to us at askchickfolie at
We appreciate it, folks. We are almost here next week. We will be previewing WrestleMania. We'll talk about some great WrestleMania moments and where we're going to be spending WrestleMania, what our plans are for that. So stay tuned, folks. We'll be back here next week for Sheena. I am Phil Gentile. Stay classy. Marks, we'll talk to you soon.
S.O.S. Are you the pilot? S.O.S. Are you the pilot? S.O.S.
Little boy, I need some shame, what a shame You lose a life, you are not, not, more, more time It is the need, it is, it's mine You're the father, S.O.S. I hear the father S.O.S. I hear them shouting S.O.S. I hear them crying
Are you the father?