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Episode 686 - Jurgies Into Mystery #8: Thor Girl Arrives image

Episode 686 - Jurgies Into Mystery #8: Thor Girl Arrives

War Rocket Ajax
1.3k Plays4 months ago

Time for more of the Dan Jurgens run on Thor! We cover issues with a varied collection of artists this time, introducing the new Thor Girl -- someone we have seen before in a very different context!

Covering Thor (1998) #32-36.

Clitus, I'm bored. What plaything can you offer me today?
He's got War Rocket Ajax! To bring back his body! Take me across! You're made of ecstasy!
Hello, everybody, and welcome to War Rocket Ajax. This is the internet's most explosive comic book and pop culture podcast, and we are your hosts. My name, Chris Sims, with me as always, Matt Wilson. Matt, how are you? Chris, I'm doing well. How are you? Doing okay, Matt. I'm excited ah to talk about the be forgotten Jurgys tonight. The Jurgys time forgot. Yeah, the the ones that that i like I feel like we were both really excited to get to that fight with Thanos in number 25. And now we're kind of, we're in uncharted Jurgis territory a in a book where no one is ever who they say they are. That is true. Everybody has a secret identity. Everybody is someone else in the Jurgis and we're going to get into it. This set of Jurgis, we're going to do
Mighty Thor, 1998, numbers 32 through 36 on this episode of the Jurgys. If you want to read along, those are the issues to read. And two issues are oversized, though the 100 page monster has a regular sized regular story in it. and then had a bunch of reprints in it. And then ah there is a double-sized issue at number 35, which is very weird. But nonetheless, that's what we're going to talk about. We're going to talk about those issues of Thor. ah The 1998 Thor series, although these issues are from 2001, coming out just as WCW was collapsing. WCW ends, but Thor Girl is only beginning. Yeah. Who killed WCW? These comics were coming out
Coincidence? Welcome back to 83 weeks with Dan Juergens. But Chris, before we get to that, ah we do have some businesses to take care of here at the top of the show, starting with thanking our new supporters on Patreon. That's right, Matt. Now, these are all the people, correct me if I'm wrong, who have gone all the way down to 686 Gimmick Street. huh they sure And buddy, you know, you know what's there.
There were a lot of things from my life on the street before that. hu I think that part of the street is over. I think, I think we're done with that part of the street and now we're on a totally different part of gimmick street with unrelated things. so And this is just the way gimmick street is laid out. This is not you wanting to continue, not wanting to continue with this bit. You would be more than happy if we kept on touring the the great locations of your personal life yeah on Gimmick Street. But unfortunately, that's just Matt Wilson Street intersects Gimmick Street at this point. Yeah. the but the Back at the 682, 683, 684, that's where Matt Wilson Street intersected. But now we're at a different part of Gimmick Street with new, different things.
New and different things indeed. Matt, what's there then? Do you remember? I don't have Google Maps up right now, and it's been a while since I've been down to this section of gimmick street. Dick's Sporting Goods. Oh, okay. Not a sponsor. No. It's D-I-X. They're also not a sponsor. Yeah. So so we're just not gonna talk about it. But folks, where you can go, Whether you're on Gimmick Street, whether you're on Matt Wilson Street, whether you're on Bad Street USA, whether you're on Dream Street, whether you're on Danny the Street, whether you're on Broadway, any other famous streets, Matt? Skid Row. Skid Row? What did they call Skid Row in Archie Comics that they then called it on Riverdale?
I don't remember. I played it extremely straight. It was a great name and I can't remember it, gosh darn. You can always get out your web-enabled device and go to patreon slash war rocket Ajax where you can kick in as little as a dollar a month to make sure we keep doing this bit. 89% of your funding goes to the gimmick street bit. I feel like I'm setting up a precipitous drop in our income, Matt.
patreon slash war rocket Ajax. It also helps us pay those gimmicks that keeps it in the mail called bills. That's right, Chris. And here that that Atlas 35th anniversary edition of metaphor refentazio is $80. So I am going to need ah some significant contributions. Here's our newest Patreon supporter, Ted. Oh, but is is this a Ted that we know? Actually, you know what? I just saw that's not a new supporter. That's someone who who edited their membership. I don't think we have any new names to read out. Oh, I know. I know why Ted edited that membership, though. Okay. Ted wants that t shirt. I could that's that's what happened. Yeah. He he told me ah personally himself.
Uh, there are a few people who edited their memberships, uh, but no new names to read out. So if you want to be a name that we read out on the show, you want to help us boost to the numbers over there on our Patreon. Uh, you can do what Chris said and head to patreon slash for rocket Ajax to kick in as little as $1 per month to make sure that we do the this show every week that we do. Every story ever specials monthly that we do comics catch up monthly. Comics catch up is coming soon for June. We have read those Dick Tracy comics. ah Movie fighters and snack situation are made possible. ah We watched Madam Web and did a two plus hour episode about it. You're welcome.
shockingly a lot to talk about with Madam Web. All of those things are made possible by your support. And as a more than, more than Madam Web talks about Madam Web is you and me talking about it. As a patron, as a supporter, you get every single episode of all of those shows completely ad free. That's right. ah You get a special feed on Patreon where you get all that audio with no ads. um At the $5 level, you can get bonus content, which includes bonus audio that we specially record. ah We still have to to do some animal well bonus content pretty soon, Chris. Yeah, we'll probably ah we'll probably knock that out pretty soon. I will take outtakes from the show, things that I cut out of the show and put those
on Patreon, ah there is writing that both of us have done over on the Patreon, a lot more of Chris's than mine. And right now, if you're a patron at the bonus content level, you have access to Chris's spreadsheet survivors document, which is a living document where Chris is ranking every survivors-like game. He has played it is a it is a chronicle. It is an ongoing series I haven't had much time to work on it over the past little bit, but uh Gonna be knocking out some new entries for that pretty soon Been caught up in playing crafty survivors again. That's a good-ass game. There you go You can also get line stepping privileges for our current segments which are right now every story ever in Thursday Night Raw and as
Ted did. You can hit that t-shirt level of the Patreon and and get our annual t-shirt. I am still waiting on multiple t-shirt sizes. Send me your size, people. So there's still time. There's still time for you to get in on a t-shirt that, ah first of all, is not black or white. I will say that. I'll give people that little bit of bonus information. Yeah. it is not a black or white t-shirt. So you don't have to worry about like, Oh, I've got, I've got many of these already. ah They often are, they often are black or white. This one, ah we're doing some a little different. The last time we did a non black or white t-shirt, it was the dangerous illegal t-shirt that we can't sell anywhere else. So
Keep that in mind. And you would have wanted that one. You would have wanted that one. My wife does not allow me to wear it. Because it's it's too sexy? ah Sure, we'll we'll say that. If you can't support us monetarily. Because your wife doesn't want to find herself transported to ah the the magical world that only the mentally ill can see. ah Your kitchen. Yeah. Yeah. the magical world but only the federal case If you can't support us monetarily, you can help us out in other ways. You can leave us a five-star review or rating on the podcasting app that you use, whatever that might be. Or you can let folks know about the show, spread the word about the show, tell folks on social media or when you see them that there's a podcast you really like and that they should listen to and support on Patreon. ah Maybe you can get them to
Contribute to us on patreon that would also ah be a big help All right, Chris, but that Now that we have thanked those good folks It's time For some checks and recs. What do you say? Let's do it Chris what would you like to check in with this week this upcoming week? I have some big news. ah The new 10th anniversary edition of oh Sketch Alley was one Riverdale called Skid Row, which is like very funny. Like a special section at a convention. Yeah, and it was a literal alley.
the The big 10th anniversary edition of Downset Fight is coming out this week ah at finer comp bookstores. So tell yours if you haven't already that you want to order it. ah It is, Oni sent over some comps of it. It's a beautiful book. They did a great job with the printing and Scott also remarked on that. and how nice it was to have the book in full comic size. It's a hardcover, ah which i had I had forgotten about. Somebody actually asked me on Blue Sky the other day, and I was like, I think so. So yes, it is a hardcover. Very excited about it. But that, for me, here in the past, has not happened yet. What has happened
is ah that this past Sunday, I went to Wrestlepalooza right here in beautiful Minneapolis, Minnesota. ah First Wrestling, which is spelled with the number one, ah but not where you think, it's F number one RST Wrestling. ah They put on a show called Wrestlepalooza that happens at First Ave, the famous club that you might remember from Prince.
Yeah? Yeah, I thought so. yeah ah And it was ah it was a ah great time. I got to see Danhausen, a wrestler that I feel like Danhausen probably,
even if you are not a War Rocket Ajax listener who likes pro wrestling, you would probably like Danhausen. I think that's a pretty safe bet. Very fun gimmick that Dan Halzen has. ah He is going to be back at the the next a Saturday Nitro show, which of course is the name of the show that they have at the Mall of America. Of course. In the same location as the very first Monday Nitro. I got to ah speak to and meet ah Darren Corbin.
um Not to be confused with Baron Corbin, different guy. oh Darren Corbin is one of the best professional wrestlers working today. He is an incredible heel. And I i will tell you, Matt, because I don't know if you know this about Darren Corbin. um When they did the first Saturday Nitro show at the Mall of America, he's the one who didn't wrestle but did show up wearing black pleated khakis and a big puffy white shirt. And just kind of stand there and watch? Yes. He is brilliant. um who was yeah Who was banning Hulk Hogan's Postomania?
ah Matt, I have some bad news about the existence of Holgurgus Pasta Mania. You might remember that we didn't go there. I do. but you were When we went to the Mall of America, and that's because it has been shut down for 30 years. Too bad. Too bad. Corden's entrance music, by the way, is Hello by Adele, which is perfect heel music. Sure. I love him. He was almost disappointingly nice. I don't want anybody to be a dick to me, but he's such a good heel that I was kind of expecting it. But no, he was extremely nice. Interesting thing about Dan House, and this is why ah the position of official pro wrestler of War Rocket Ajax is open. Christopher Daniels is going to retire soon. He's an authority figure now.
He's an authority figure. Yeah, I think i think he might've actually retired from in-ring competition. The position's open, I'll say. Dan Howson, if you're out there and you would like to be the official pro wrestler of the War Rocket Ajax podcast, this is this is the offer. It's out there. And here's why he would be good. Because at his gimmick table, where I of course made some purchases, he had copies of Batman 251, That's right, The Joker's Five-Way Revenge, but with a new cover, a variant cover by Simpsons Comics artist Bill Morrison that featured Dan Housen instead of The Joker. Yes. And said, watch out Gotham, Dan Housen's back in town. The interior contents remained the same. Just a reprint of The Joker's Five-Way Revenge,
That's an incredible piece of merch. It really is. And I had to buy it, Matt. I had to. Of course. I mean, you are the person that is for. Yeah, like it is. I am the exact overlap. And I got his last copy of his foil cover. So I got an extra special one. Wrestlepalooza was great. ah First Wrestling always puts on a really, really good show. the Wrestlepalooza champion, Black Sexcellence, Devon Monroe, ah retained the title and did get a smooch from ah Gringo Loco, Happy Pride, after the match. That's beautiful. Yeah. Also an incredible women's match featuring ah Badger Briggs and one of my, another truly amazing gimmick, ah Free Range Cara, who is a wrestling farmer.
ah who who has a new tagline and t-shirt that says, came for the hoedown, stayed for the throwdown. I love her, she's great. Matt, what is your check this week? ah Chris, my check is that my sporadic, but I think enjoyable YouTube video game streaming series, never been scared, made a brief return this past week. ah when I played all three episodes of the Alan Wake ah Night Springs downloadable content pack. Alan Wake 2 is what that DLC is for. ah So all three episodes of me playing that DLC are on my YouTube channel now. um They're all about an hour long.
um And they're very fun. the They're all presented as an episode of the fictional Twilight Zone-like television show, Night Springs, but they all have very different tones. um And they're all like nods to various other remedy video games, which is kind of what Alan Wake 2 was to begin with, which is very interesting. But the first one is Kind of just a more Alan Wake tube, like funnier. It's like, it's definitely the comedy episode of the three, um where the um the waitress from the game who is in love with Alan goes on an adventure to try to save him. But she never says Alan Wake's name. She always just calls him the writer.
um And it's because of Alan Wake's ongoing dispute with Marvel Comics. ah Yeah, ah it's it's very funny, but a little slight. I mean, they're all three episodes are a little slight because they're only about an hour long. The second one is like a prequel to control ah the video game control. You play as Jesse Faden looking for a brother in the town of Night Springs, but you're at the Coffee World theme park from Alan Wake to.
Did they get, uh, did they get the actress back? Oh yeah. Yeah. She's just great. and She's back. She's back. I've never finished control, but I really, uh, I really, uh, not for the fault of the game itself. I think ah I may be wrong about this, but I think control two is in production or there are definitely plans for a control two. And surely um Jesse would be coming back for that. They should call it lose control. I have a very specific thing that I i want there to be three control games and I want them to be called control alternate delete. That's great, Matt. That's really good.
and I just wanted them to use that Missy LAO song. Yeah, that would be good too. maybe that could like They could call it alternate and like, they could still use that song. That's like the closing credits song. Yeah, that would be good. so That's the second episode. And the third episode is a take on the one Remedy game I've never played, Quantum Break, um because it has the actor from Quantum Break in it, um who is also in Alan Wake 2. It made me want to play Quantum Break. ah Just to just to see I think it was a like an Xbox exclusive or something and for some reason I was never able to play it um but Sean Ashmore who is the You know Iceman Yeah, Matt, I know Iceman ah He was he was the dude in quantum break and he's in the third episode of Night Springs and it's very like trippy and existential
um i had I had a good time playing all three episodes. I kind of hope that the next DLC will be a little more meaty and continue continue the story of Alan Wake 2, but I enjoyed these three episodes a lot. And if you want to watch me playing them, ah you can go watch those playthroughs on YouTube. I'm hoping to stream more soon. um I want to finally stream ah The Dead Space remake, which I've just never gotten around to playing But I don't know what our download numbers are like in Finland, Matt I will say if if if anybody from Remedy is listening you heard it here Matt Wilson wants big meaty men slap meat in the next Alan Wake DLC Yes, please please provide to me in Sam Lake if you are listening
Put big, meaty men's slap and meat in in the next Alan Wake 2 DLC. That's my chat, Chris. Time for some recommendations. What do you have to recommend? I don't usually do this. Okay. And I feel like, you know, I have a whole other podcast where this would probably be more appropriate. But ah this is important. And it is something that I want to share. um Can I witness to you? but Sure, sure, please. can i Can I give you my testimony? ah Let's hear it. Matt, last night I had a dream ah hu that I was walking through the sand. Okay. And above me in the sky, we're playing all the moments of my life. And I noticed something, and that was the in the hardest moments of my life. I looked down at the footprints in the sand.
And do you know what I saw? Please tell me. Well, there were two sets of footprints, Matt. And one of them was mine. Uh-huh. But another one was made by someone who wears his boots slip fashion and the style of the Fremen. And walked in the sandwalk without rhythm so as to not attract the worm. Because Lisan Al-Gaib is with me, Matt. I'm so happy. Muad'Dib, the one who points the way. I'm so happy. We sold the pillar of strength.
Baby, I finally saw Dune 2. Yeah, it's on Max now, right? It's on maximum. maxwellwell um It is on Maxwell Jacob Freeman. it I'll tell you something about Dune 2, Matt. Dune 2 kicks ass. Dune 2 is fucking great. I like Dune I a lot. I am not a full Dune head, a real beachcomber. Like some people we know. Yeah, there are some people we know who who they only want to talk about Arrakis, Desert Planet.
but But I mean, like, I mean, I say that, but like, you know, I know about the Beast Robin. You know, I know about Fader Alta. You know, I know about the Sardaukar. Sure. And, and the Phidican death commandos. And you know, I know about the little mouse of the desert, Muad'Dib, Paul Atreides.
So I was very excited to watch this movie. And here's the thing. I feel like I get Timote now in a way that I didn't before. Like, I wasn't like a hater, but like, I was like, yeah, okay, I get it. Like, you know, good casting for for Paul. You know, you you want him to be like the little mouse of the desert, you know, a little little bit unassuming, a little bit, you know, a little bit slight. There's a scene in fucking Dune 2, my dude.
where Paul Atreides basically gets up and cuts an Ernest Miller promo and goes, I can walk everybody in here.
It's great. I was like, that sold me on it. And Matt, Matt, I'll tell you something else. Please. I'll tell you something else, Matt. There's a part of this movie Were they talking about how Arrakis had another name? And that name is Dune. Yeah. Fucking lost it. ah Fucking went ape shit about that. Timote is great. Zendaya is great. The Lady Jessica is great. ah Fucking Dave Batista is great. Big Dave. Big Dave is great. the Elvis is great. Christopher Walken.
Christopher Walken is the Emperor. Florence Pugh is great. Florence Pugh, who when I watched ah the Black Widow movie, I said that ah that she was really giving Stone Cold Steve Austin energy. She somehow has more Stone Cold Steve Austin energy as ah the Princess Ira-Lan. I am all in for the voice of the outer world, Matt. ah I am here for Lisan Al-Gaib, the queen sauce ha-ra. Fucking loved Dune 2. Have I've not watched either one of those Dune movies. I've had some catching up to do. Look, the first one's good. The first one's very, very good. You know, it's it's got ah fucking Oscar Isaac in it. It's it's very fun. You know, Jason Momoa, Josh Brolin, talking about Gurney Halleck and Duncan Idaho. It's great.
Dune 2 fucking owns. I might watch Dune 2 tomorrow.
Folks, if you haven't, set aside a day, open up Maxwell, and get your Dune on. Desert power, baby. Behold the creeks outside a rock. Matt, what is what what would you like to testify about? Well, Chris, I also have a movie um that I would like to recommend. It is a movie that I have not. Is it Dune? It's not Dune. I had no intention of going to see this movie, but I had one of those things happen where
A group of friends is just like, hey, let's go see a movie. And then everybody had to agree on one. That is not something that has happened to me in a hot minute. that And by that, I mean roughly 20 years. That happened here. And despite my intention to to go see, I saw the TV glow. um Instead, it was suggested that we go see Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. And it was too long. but much better than I had any expectation of it being. We actually watched ah the first couple of those Planet of the Ace movies. Yeah. Like, AC put the first one on, and we wound up watching the first couple. I mean, they're pretty good. They're pretty well-made movies. Those are the Andy Serkis ones, right? Yeah, yeah. So this is taking place, like, considerably after the Andy Serkis cycle.
of Planet of the Apes movies and kind of setting up a whole new group of people grew our group of apes and also Some human beings That is a movie where I mean, this is a bit of a spoiler alert ah But I think I have to say it It's all it's all a huge fucking movie about apes for like an hour and a half, right? Mm-hmm and There's a there's a a human woman who shows up, and you don't really know what to make of her, and she's she's clearly like on guard all the time. And then about an hour and a half of the movie, William H. Macy just shows up as a dude in his regular clothes. ah I'm something of an ape myself. Yeah. It's just it's just William H. Macy. Wear his regular clothes. Hold the book.
about an hour and a half into the same movie. It's, it was, uh, I probably shouldn't have laughed, but I did. Yeah. I don't know why I did an impression of, uh, fucking Willem Dafoe and not, uh, Matt cut that out. Cut it out. I was just thinking about Willem Dafoe. I mean, you're always thinking about Willem Dafoe. It's okay. Every minute. Every minute of every day. Ever since I found out that he played Jesus. ah Last Sentation of Christ. Yeah, I didn't know that until very recently and I had to be like What was the casting process like? Where Willem Dafoe walked in and you're like, yeah, that's Jesus It was pretty early in his career I think yeah, but I just want to know how much cocaine was involved I mean it was Scorsese so
Yeah. Hard to say. Hard to say. All right, those are our recs, Chris. It's time for us now to talk about some comics. Let's do it. The Textures Choice winner for this week is Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime, which is a one shot. I would call it number one, but it's, you know, it's, it's, there won't be a continuing series. It's a one shot. by Jason Aaron and so many Italian artists, a spate of Italian artists. A real fumetti. It's a real fumetti. Of Italian artists. It's Paolo Motura Francesco di Ippolito Alessandro Pastrovicchio.
our I'm not sure. thank You vi youlessandro ahvi went there? I did. And Giada Pericinotto. And Vitali Mangiatordi. Yeah, and Lucia De Giuseppe. And lettering by Joe Caramagna, who is um just from America. Yeah, not Italian. So many Marvel artists are Italian. I'm not saying that's a problem. It's just interesting.
That is such a thing. mean These are are people who have drawn duck comics and most of the Disney comics are produced by Italian creators. That is fair. It's a big, as I'm sure well listeners might know, ah the duck comics in particular, like Disney comics in general, but the ducks in particular, very big in Europe, especially Italy. Yeah. And this is the first Marvel Scrooge comic, right? ah Not the first ever, but yeah, like like the first in ah and a hot minute, for sure. This is Jason Aaron. were There's one specific thing about this I know you want to talk about, Chris, and we'll come back to it. I mean, like, I enjoyed the comic ah a great deal. Like, I enjoyed the story. I mean, like it's very clear that Jason Aaron is... I i mean, look, you already know Jason Aaron's good.
If you don't know Jason Aaron's good, then you should listen to more episodes of this show. But it's also clear that Jason Aaron, like much like us, is like, yeah, you know who kicks ass though? Scrooge McDuck. Well, it's clearly, yes, it's clearly Jason Aaron showing his love for Scrooge McDuck, no doubt. Yeah, i mean like all of the Scrooges that wind up showing up are specifically from life and times of Scrooge McDuck. Yes. That's not an accident. But also, is Jason Aaron doing his entire Avengers run as a Scrooge McDuck comic?
Uh-huh. Because there's the the villain is the Scrooge above all? Uh-huh. Like the Doom above all? Uh-huh. That had me wilding out. Yeah. That it was i just was specifically that story with Scrooge. Yeah. It's great. It's a hoot. I love that it's his Avengers run, but instead of involving a villain, it's like, well, the only person who can effectively challenge Scrooge McDuck is Scrooge McDuck. So it just has to be another Scrooge. Right. Although there is a part in this where various Donalds also show up.
The arrival of all the Donalds and the line, ah spoiler warning for this because this is actually a great joke, um in addition to getting a bunch of different Scrooge McDuck's from various ah multiversal times and places, their secret weapon to fight all the Beagle boys is a bunch of Donalds. Yes. And to get them all riled up, they make them all work on their cars for a couple hours. So they're dropping wrenches on themselves. And this is just said casually in dialogue. And so when they come out, they are fucking losing it. Yes. And I'm like, yes, that is Donald Duck. That is what he does. I love him. That's Donald Duck. Jason Aaron, I mean,
yeah There's a little text piece by Jason Aaron at the beginning, and he makes it clear how much he loves Scrooge McDuck. I do wonder what Don Rosa would think of this comic. There's a Don Rosa trap in this comic. I think it's Jairo Ghirluis refers to Scrooge's lucky dime. And Scrooge is like, no, shut the fuck up. It's not lucky.
it's it's just i It's just the first time I ever got. It's not magical. it's I just keep it as a reminder. like it's it is a It's a Don Rosa trap. For sure. And it makes it extra funny that this book is called Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime, when it is made apparent very quickly that the dime actually doesn't matter. Yes, but I do i do love the visual of the evil Scrooge. having not just like the knuckle dusters made of number one dimes, but also his fucking scale male that he has. Yeah. Yeah. That's a good, that's a great, that's a great visual. It's good. It's good. Excellent visual. yet Now, i but I know you wanted to talk about one of the many variant covers on the issue. Yeah. There's a bunch of variant covers this book. Simonson does one. ah Like the main cover is like Alex Ross. It's actually like really one of Alex Ross has been doing really, really great covers.
Yeah. Lately, like better than he's ever done before, I think. Ross is on a chair. All those Fantastic Four covers look great. Yeah, ah there's a there's a ah J. Scott Campbell cover that you would not believe is by him. There's a Steve McNiven cover. There's a John Romita Jr. cover. Yeah, looks great. Yeah. I know that people talked about this already, but then there's that Frank Miller cover. Is Frank okay?
I have not, like, worried about that or wondered about that in a long time. hu But looking at this cover, is Frank okay? I don't know. It is among the... I mean, fuck it. it ah Look. We've talked enough shit about Frank Miller, and enough praise about Frank Miller, that I should not feel bad. But this is among the worst pieces of art that I have ever seen, to a point that is legitimately concerning. Yeah. Yeah. it's It's like... Like, I don't know if Frank has ever seen Scrooge McDuck before, or a duck before.
or a duck. His beaks going in three different directions. His beak exists on the X, Y, and Z axis. He's got a fractal annihilation bundle of feathers, like where his, where his, where his ass should be, which is not how Scrooge McDuck's body works.
It's, it's wild, man. Like,
i I cannot imagine getting this cover. They could not have felt good putting this out. um ah It's concerning. Mark Panichio got this cover and had to be like, yeah, all right.
I don't know. I don't know what to sell you. i don't know don't look at it I just like I this is the first time it is so fascinating to me I have been using that one screenshot of Destro that I took in 2005 as my like avatar on everything for, since 2005, for almost 20 years. I took a screenshot of this, of Scrooge's face, and I'm like, what if I just change it to this and never, never look back? I might log back into Twitter and put it there. Right, yeah. But man, it's, it's upsetting. It's worrisome. It is worrisome.
It's concerned, it's troubling. yeah It's troubling. All right, ah next up we're gonna talk about GI Joe number 307. Let me tell you who's doing great. but me see Let me tell you who never lost a step. Larry Humble. Larry, not worried about him at all. Yeah. Larry, doing fine. Just once a month I check in on Larry, and Larry's doing great. Larry's doing great. Larry's doing great. He's he's got Cobra Commander talking, like, yelling at people about how a traffic stop went bad. Yeah, Cobra Commander said ACAB. He sure did. ACAB, blah, blah, blah.
That's right. That's what Cobra Commander said. I will say this is I actually caught up because I hadn't read the previous issue yet. ah So I read 306 and 307 today. And there's this amazing sequence in 306 where ah Snake Eyes is doing the training simulator. Yeah. and Scarlett shows up and just starts rattling off brand names. So tell me, ah Snake Eyes, about time you replaced that old Uzi, are you happy with the HKUMP45SMG and the sawed-off M79? And now, in addition to your Dotonuki Katana and 1911-45 ACP, you're packing a J.D. Smith Persian fighting dagger. Quite an array of weaponry. So I did look up J.D. Smith daggers, because I was like,
Shit, I mean, I i don't wanna buy up like a sawed-off grenade launcher, but I do like knives. I couldn't find the Persian fighting knife. um Right now, there is a fighting knife available ah from JD Smith, a a longstanding member of the Knife Makers Guild, a master smith at Arizona Custom Knives. It is a fighting knife with a um stag a brass pin handle um that is $595. So patreon slash war rocket Ajax, W-A-R-R-O-C-K-E-T-A-J-A-X. get it get us to the Get us to the devil number and I'll buy that knife. That's the kind of equipment Snake Eyes is touting. That's what Snake Eyes is using. Yeah. Paul Palatier did both of those issues, by the way, and they look great.
It definitely feels like things are coming to a head by the point, by this point in the story. like Like Zartan, real Zartan has revealed himself to Destro and been like, hey, that other Zartan is fake. That's so funny. The Joes know about the death of Don Marino's parents. Sir Pintor Khan is amassing his robot soldiers ah to attack Springfield. And Cobra Commander's mad at everybody. So it really does feel like pretty soon we're getting to, you know, something big happening. And, I mean, the issue ends with Joe's getting incapacitated by robot soldiers, so.
i think I think something big is about to happen in the next couple of issues. I am very excited to see. ah Matt, can I just real quick run down Master Smith, JD Smith's four principles of superior art? Yeah, go go ahead. Number one, a personal Persian style. Number two, an object of art or music should give you a sense of life, an idea of what it's like to be in the artist's shoes. Number three, technical control. Number four, an endless flow of ideas. That is the man's approach to bladesmithing. All right, we might have to do some boko about this guy and his knives, because we are already over time. ah And we have one more book to talk about, which is Ultimate Spider-Man number six, by Jonathan Hickman, written by Jonathan Hickman, with art by the returning ah mario Marco Chicano. Finally,
Spider-Man and the Green Goblin engage in a fight at this issue with the Kingpin. Yes, and it's fantastic to see an adult Peter Parker who has not been fighting supervillains for, you know, 10 years. of his time slash 60 years of our time because when the kingpin throws a table at ah the green goblin, somebody's like, hey man, what the fuck? That could have really hurt him. It's so funny.
like i As you know, I love it when people react normally to these situations. and if you were if you were a but there and the kingpin threw a table at your friend, you'd be like, hey man, what the fuck? It's really interesting how both versions of Ultimate Spider-Man took six issues to get to certain places. like In the original Ultimate Spider-Man, he wasn't Spider-Man until issue six, right? In this, he's Spider-Man
for a while before issue six, so but this issue has his first actual fight with a villain, with the kingpin, and he finally gets named Spider-Man by Mary Jane. Because his whole family now knows that he's Spider-Man in this issue. That's the other big thing that happens. ah I really, really like that exchange with Mary Jane too, because he's like, okay, so how mad are you? And Mary Jane's like, I'm not mad. ah It's more that just things make more sense now. Yeah. and then Very fun. And then the the conversation immediately changes to, you want me to put on the costume, don't you? And she's like, you know, I do. Yeah. Let's see. Let's see that costume. Yeah. So he bearded Peter Parker. It's it's they are definitely married people in their thirties.
Alright, that's gonna do it for our comic segment. Chris, it's time for the Jergies. Let's do it!
Thor number 32 is a 100-page monster. But only 22 of the pages are ah original ah original news stories by Dan Jergens and Andy Kubert. There's a bunch of reprints as well. We're not going to talk about those. We're only going to talk about ah the the new part of it. You'll remember 100 page monsters, right? Yeah. they have I believe.
that they cost the same as regular issues. I think that was the gimmick. Yeah, I mean, they were like a loss leader kind of thing, right? Yeah. ah Yeah. I might be wrong on that. But like, I think i like, obviously, the deal is that they were you know, much like the ah like DC Comics annuals of the Silver Age, it would be like the one new story and then it's like, oh, well, here's some classic Thor stories that have a little bit of rele relevance to this. like ah Like, here's what Curse's deal is. yeah But i I want to say like, I think the 100 page monsters were like, whatever comics were, whatever the cover price was in 2001.
This is the culmination of the Malekith story. So we start right from the get-go with a big page of Malekith holding the Cask of Ancient Winters. Oh, and on the cover, it's just like Thor bringing down his hammer onto curse with like a regular like teal blood background. like It's not the most involved cover you've ever seen by any stretch. So Malekith's on the big opening splash page with Sif encased in ice and then all your faves ah fighting behind them. The Warriors 3 and Beta Ray Bill and ah all of my faves. All of your faves. And Malekith's talking about how he's got this in the bag. He has won. And then the next
page or two pages or two page spread of curse just smashing the worst face into the ground with his boot. Yeah, just just fully curb stomping them. Yeah. Like into the ice. ah It is it's a pretty great ah page from Andy Hubert. Yeah. Now, we broke this up, I think, in a weird way. Because, as you said, this is going to be the climax of the Malachith story. Did it feel to you like Malachith kind of just like showed up and then immediately went out kind of a like kind of did the JOB? Well, it's it's kind of the thing that happens in this run, it feels like, which is
a villain arrives, they're a huge threat. And then Thor gets a new thing and takes care of them. You know, like, because that's what happens in this issue. Like Malika has talked about how he's going to make Sith or sif his queen, and she's going to serve him and but We're going to kill Odin because he's in the Odin sleep right now. And winter is everywhere. It's on Earth. It's... It's in hell. It's in hell. Yeah, we get a pull scene of Hela and Vala being like, why is it cold here in hell? Vala is very upset about this. And then someone who I'm guessing is Scourge. ah We don't see him.
Yeah. But ah someone just like shows up and literally just goes, shut up, Volo.
And I was like, yeah, I mean, you should shut up, because like Thor's probably going to win this fight. ah So then we come back to Thor, who is like starting his hope spot. he's yeah You know what? It is a lot of these stories, a lot of these arcs. in the danger is run on Thor are booked like wrestling matches. Yeah, but they're like specifically booked like, like Hulk Hogan matches. Yes, stores at up at a push, John Cena matches. So Thor, Thor starts up his hope spot. He's, he's, he's making his comeback. He picks up Mjolnir. He, he gets up and, and
Like blasts curse. Well, he blasts down through the ice and knocks curse through it. So he puts him in a hole. Yeah, he puts him in a hole. The ultimate technique in comics. ah He goes after Malekith for a second. But. oh Matt, when we're done with ah Thursday Night Raw, we should do a Holy Hole Batman. Just where we rank every instance of somebody being put in a hole. i I like that. I don't know how long it will last, but... Well, I mean, we've got Magneto and the Red Skull. Yeah. Craven and Spider-Man. Yeah. Thor and Curse. So a grave counts as a hole. Yeah, a grave counts as a hole. Okay. It's just hole. Just checking. Just checking. A grave is just a hole with a job.
Well, then Batman being put in his own grave is also in that category. Yes. But see, the good thing about that is when he comes out of the hole. Yeah, that's true. That's a separate segment that's going to be called North by Northwest.
ah So Thor first goes after Malick. It took you a minute, didn't it, listener? It took you a minute to get it. Sif is trying to like get help from Beta Ray Bill. But then Beta Ray Bill turns out to be Malekith for a second. And so ah she gets punched in the face. And we learned that there's this plan to keep Malekith busy while Thor goes into Odin's odin sleep chamber, into his bed chamber, and look around through the chest, like his like his literally his footlocker.
at the foot of his bed, where he keeps all his like best treasures. Yeah, his favorites. It's like how I have the action figures that are out on the desk, but then I've also got I've also got like others that are just like you know in the box that the Gokai Rangers do not amuse me as much as Stone Cold Steve Austin and Goku. So Thor digs out the gem of infinite suns from this Foot Locker and ah starts using it and it it's literally what it sounds like. it's like
uh, this trinket with a bunch of sun power. And so when he starts using it, the, the cask of ancient winters starts closing. So Sif starts getting a little bit of the upper, the upper hand on Malekith in the fight and Thor shows up while, uh, Ben Ray bill is, is fighting, um, an ice monster that they're fighting. Yeah. He's that, he's that ice Viking that, uh, Malekith made a couple issues ago. Yeah. Oh, the one who was attacking Earth, yeah. Another member of the Dungeon of Doom? Yes. Thor thor just burns that guy away to nothing. Then he smashes curse in the face with the the trinket and just like burns his face. And that's pretty that's actually pretty great. Yes. I do like that they have this ah this gem of infinite suns. oh
And I like that ah the clearly, they were like, man, when Malika showed up in the fucking Simons of Run and opened up the Cascavation Winters, it was a real hassle, so we should have a plan for if that happens again. It's like, cool, we got this gym of Infinite Sons, that'll work. I gotta say, though, somebody needs to tell them about that now, because I feel like a gym of Infinite Sons could could end the blood hunt pretty quick. That's a good thought. That is a good thought. I guess they that if that happens ah and Jim McKay is going back to the jerkies, then I will be very impressed. We should email him. I mean, i he's definitely he's definitely finished writing Blood Hunt now. He's sitting there right now being like, I don't know how to end this thing. Uh oh.
Uh, so Thor takes the gem of infinite suns and flies up and uses it to melt all the ice everywhere. And he's like, Malakith, you, you beat, you done. And I'm gonna, I'm gonna take you down. And Sif's like, no, no, no. He tried to like kiss me and do more and I get him. And then whatever she does to him happens off panel. It's so Looney Tunes. but It's so Looney Tunes. and All the ah all all of the like boy gods are hanging around and they're like, oh, brother. like solyy too It's in a way that is both like fun and also bad. Yeah. Even Curse is there watching. Yeah.
Which is also, like, a very, like, uh-oh, now now now Sarah's gonna fight Diamond Dallas Page. Once that all was done, and Malekith is dealt with, Thor and Beta Ray Bill go back to New York, to Jake Olsen's apartment, and Thor changes back into Jake Olsen. And who is there? Jake Olsen's mom! Jake Olsen's mom, or I'm guessing the man-gog?
Cuz everybody's somebody somebody else in this cuz everybody's somebody else there's no way this is Jake Olsen's real mom cuz Jacob like this run goes on for another long bit. Yeah, but Jake Olsen's mom has got to be like I don't have two sons. That's true. dude She's going to blow up his spot. It is it is what very risky to have Jake Olson's mom here. It was like, what do you mean your twin brother? Uh, anyway, she sees beta-ray bill and passes out. And that's what she gets. you know, it's mean, but fair. Thor number 33 says on the cover, who is Thor a girl?
and it has Art of Thor Girl on the cover by Andy Kubert. I gotta say, this is not Andy Kubert's best work. No, it's rough. Andy Kubert drew a skinny Thor and then drew two big circles. That's pretty much accurate. Also, the costume is slack the costume is not the costume that is in the issue. No, I do like ah Thor Girl's costume. I mean, it's just Thor's costume with the four circles moved to her place. Yeah, but it's like Allegiant of Superheroes reboot costume. It's like Guppa White down the middle. You mean the costume she has? Yeah, her actual costume. Inside the comic? In the book, yeah. Yeah. The one on this cover is not the one that's inside. It seems like it was done in a rush and maybe the costume wasn't finalized yet when people had to do it.
just kind of like glanced at the cover when I was reading this and, and thought it was Thor.
She's kind of like in shadow, like she's going to be revealed. Um, but yeah, that is best work. The interiors in this issue are not by Andy Hubert, they're by Stuart Imonen, who will be, uh, here for a while, uh, off and on. The issue begins with, um, an unhoused gentleman, in an alleyway being approached by Thor girl who is like, Hey, where's Thor? Tell me where Thor is. And she's wearing her real costume here. And yeah, it looks good. I like the the white stripe down the middle and the white and blue gloves and all of that. It looks like an imminent design. Yeah. And I wonder if it is. Could be. I really think it looks good. She's like grabbing this guy by the collar and she's like, tell me where Thor is. You got to tell me where Thor is. And he's like, I don't know.
Yeah, I don't know. Lady? As that's happening, ah Thor, or someone who appears to be Thor, is fighting this giant robot named Nullator in a big arena. ah this This issue is, by the way, called the Million Dollar Debut of Thor Girl. That's pretty good. They had a lot of ah lot riding on Thor Girl here. Well that's, ah Matt, do do you know the reference? No, what is what is the reference? That is a reference to the million dollar debut of Batgirl. Oh, okay. Yeah. I didn't know that. Okay, yeah that's fun. ah Yeah, I thought it was a fun little reference. There's a lot of like, this this run has been a lot of like Thor versus DC stuff already, which is yeah honestly like probably the best thing about it.
is that it Dan Jurgens is kind of like bringing over a lot of that DC sensibility to this book you know in a way that I think really, if not fun in execution always, is fun in idea. ah And Thor Girl, I think, is absolutely part of that. ah But yeah, yeah that's that's a fun bit. That is. um So this robot nullator Null Thor ain't never getting over. Seems to be fighting Thor, but it is a ah automaton of Thor ah being fought in a practice arena in the hopes that he can do this to the real Thor. Like, he he beats the fake Thor by making Mjolnir disappear, and then he knocks his head off. Cut to Manhattan, where the real Thor in the guise of Jake Olsen
is standing with Beta Bray Bill ah watching Mrs. Olsen come to. And Jake, who is Thor, explains who Beta Ray Bill is. And he's like, no, don't be scared of him. Remember when Aliens invaded New York? Well, I met him while I was doing EMT stuff, and he's a good guy, so be nice to him. I mean, that is honestly a plausible explanation that does that is true. yeah Beta Ray Bill is a good guy and you should be nice to him. Yes. Mrs. Olsen is like, well, you used to have a shitty friend in elementary school, so... The most authentic mom thing.
to just bring up some weird embarrassing thing from your past for no reason. That's true. If she had then turned to Jake and been like, by the way, do you remember ah remember your uncle's neighbor, Tom? Tom, yeah, you you remember to Tom watched you that one time in 1988 for like two hours? Do you remember him? You used to love Tom. Yeah, he died. yeah that That is... So accurate. Very accurate to my experience, yeah. And mine as well. ah Anyway, ah Jake is like, I got to go get to my shift. And he keeps calling Jake's mom, Mother. And she's like, when did you, ah since when have you addressed me so formally? So he has to start calling her mom. And then she calls him Jakecy. And Bedray Bill leaves, and he's laughing about how she calls him Jakecy. Yeah. but Sorry, sorry. ah but
that Jake tried to show you some respect, Mrs. Olsen. Yeah. There's a quick scene with Sif sitting by Odin's bed. What Odin is wearing in bed keeps changing because the artists keep changing. Yeah, he's not. well I did take note of that, that he isn't wearing his ah Is Kirby pajamas no in those? No. It keeps changing because the art keeps the artists keep changing. But he um he's in bed, Sif's like, I don't know what to do. You've got you gotta to wake up. Odin, you've never slept this long, which has been what, six issues? um But then we cut to that unhoused gentleman, that poor fella again. Nolitor shows up and just vaporizes that guy. He skeletonizes this man.
Yeah, man. That dude becomes a skeleton. To Zach. It's like when the Green Goblin threw that bomb at those people. It's exactly like that. And they just became skeletons? Which is a part of that movie. I don't feel like people remember it. It always shocks me every time I see it. I remember it. it I'll never forget it. It's so Sam Raimi that those people just become skeletons. It's extremely Sam Raimi. Yes. ah So, Nolator is in New York. He's looking for Thor.
Jake Olson and Christine, who you will remember is Demetrius' sister, are at a fancy restaurant. Or is she? They're at a fancy restaurant administering CPR to a man who was choking. And then they have a conversation where it just becomes clear that Christine um desperately wants to fuck Jake. Yes. I i texted you but not about this scene, but about a ah scene coming up. And your response was, weirdly horny run of Jurgys. Yeah, this set of Jurgys is unusually horny. Yeah. It's kind of starting here with Christine, who... like But but even even in the issue before, all of the stuff Malekith was doing to Sif, which we didn't really talk about.
Yeah. Cause it's, I mean, it's, it's gross villain stuff where he's like, you'll be my, what's he called? You be my slave queen. Yeah, it's, it's pretty cool. Uh, Christine is out here though, just being like, Hey, why don't you fuck me in the street? She tells him hush and it is aggressive. It's aggressive. A cop runs by and he says Thor, but then he starts saying other Avengers names because Nolitor is picking up cars during the month. Captain America, Iron Man, anybody? Yeah. Nolitor is picking up cars and people are like, I just bought this car last week. There are so many wise cracking comedy relief bystanders in this run. it guess like I know that's been a thing throughout, but it is ramped up for this stretch.
Uh, so Jake tells Christine like, Hey, make sure that everybody evacuates that restaurant and is okay. And he runs off into an alley and he's like, just do it. And she goes, you're the boss, baby. Uh, then he turns into Thor. He comes out and starts fighting Nolitor. Nolitor tries to do the thing that he did in the simulation where he makes, uh, you only disappear. I mean, he does, it works. Um, a little bubble. yeah And then it's going to like, shoot its energy back at Thor. Yeah. but Like it's working and Thor's like, what the fuck? And then Thor girl smashes, shows up and smashes the bubble. And what's wild about this is that there are, they sent Nullator back in time to a point where there were
Even if Thorgirl had not been there, there is another person with a hammer made by Atri the Dwarf and enchanted by Odin who also could have done this. Yes. it's This is a bad time. it It was ra like thor not the ideal time to send Nolitor to. No. So Thor girl is like, you're not going to, you're not going to mess with Thor. I'm not going to let you mess with Thor because I'm Thor girl. And, um, she just smashes Nolitor to pieces.
And, uh, and Thor is like, I know who you are. You're terrain, the designate, and you should, you shouldn't be doing this. I love this yeah because this establishes quickly that Thor Girl just looks like Toreen, but in a costume. ah Well, so something that continually happens throughout these issues is she's not called Thor Girl. She's called Toreen all the time in public.
And then when she switches over to civilian clothes, she's like, what's up? I'm Terrain. Like, what's the point of having a secret identity of having a codename of being a superhero if you're just going to say your name all the time? Now, did I miss the issue where they explained what Terrain's deal is, like what it is to be the designate? essentially, there's a prophecy that she's gonna save a bunch of people. Yeah, it's kind of like, and she's also the Supreme. So she's got like, an incredible level of power. but Like Thor's talking to her and Thor's like, hey, you probably shouldn't be out here doing superhero shit. You're Jesus.
Yes. you You have a more important job than this is what you have a destiny and a like that is maybe should be your focus. And she's like, fuck that. She really is just like a teenager. Um, and then on the last page, we find out who sent Nolitor, which is Arthur Zarko, the tomorrow man from the future and gladiator Nolitor. Zarko the Tomorrow Man, and Gladiator. A true triumvirate of never getting over. I mean, Gladiator the closest. Gladiator the closest, but I mean, like, Gladiator, like... I mean, this this is a real Dungeon of Doom situation. matt this is This is, like, not even bob Bobby Heenan wouldn't bring these guys in. So many of the villains of this run
Outside of Thanos and the Dark Gods kind of have a dungeon to do vibe to them, don't they? Yeah. Yeah. Cause like, as soon as gladiator shows up, it's like, okay, I know what's going to happen next is a gladiator is going to try and fight Thor and get his ass kicked. Thor number 34, the cover, um, is Thor like kind of crouched down, holding Mjolnir. in a defensive position and Gladiator is in shadow, ah like standing ah slightly above him with his hands on his hips. It's an Andy Cooper cover much better than the last cover. Yes. And Andy Cooper does the art on this issue interiors as well. The issue starts with Gladiator as Daily Bugle reporter Cal Kramer showing up at Avengers Mansion.
pretty good bit like a bit to have Gladiator, who is the the Superman or Superboy of the Legion of Superheroes that is the Imperial Guard, yeah pretending to be a reporter who wears glasses. As Evil Clark Kent with a mustache. Yeah, as Evil Clark Kent with a mustache is very, like again, very good meta-joke from Dan Juergens. If one thing comes through in this run, Dan Juergens likes comics. he He boy does he, yeah. um he He shows up at Avengers Mansion, he asks Jarvis where Thor is, and Jarvis is like, sorry, I don't know, and I can't let you in here. so ah But we know that that Cal Kramer is looking for Thor.
Uh, then we get, um, Thor and Thor girl training. Like Thor girl has insisted that Thor do a training session with her, which is just like shooting energy at each other on a rooftop. Yeah, it's, I mean, it's a little bit Dragon Ball. It's a little bit Dragon Ball. Um, it's also, this is one of many, uh, times when Thor exclaims you look stench.
Jurgen's used that with a bunch in these issues. He uses it in the last issue, the robot Thor says it. Yeah. And then Thor says it when he is in the same situation, uh, when the little bubble goes around Mjolnir. So I thought that was a good, like that's a good little, nice little setup and callback, but it is not anything that he should have said in any other issue. Cause like Oolik's going to show up and like declare war on Asgard and like no fucking wonder dude. Yeah. Do you think he smells bad? um so what Every time I got scared, I was like, Matt Wilson sucks. You would be a little upset. Hold on now. Matt, it's just an expression. Just an expression. Oh, ugly Matt.
It's bad. This training session creates such a scene with all the energy popping um that Cal Kramer sees this from across the city. And he's like, hey, that's where Thor is. So Thor Girl and Thor practice a little longer. Thor Girl knocks Thor through a brick wall. And Thor is like, oh, okay, you're not holding back. And this is where you the the balloon speech balloon that you sent me happens.
Yeah, which is Thor saying, if thou were not the key to life beyond calculation, I would be tempted to spank thee. Come on. Too horny. Too horny. Too horny. Too horny. Dan. Dan, time and a place. Time and a place, Dan. Was it you that was putting characters from Cherry in this? I think it was Eric Larson, but yeah. Time and place. They have another conversation about where Thor is like, should you be doing this, you have a more important job. And she's like, I need to experience things and not just learn from books. But and Thor is like, well, okay, but like, you gotta to somebody's got to take care of you for a little while because I got other stuff to do. So I'm gonna and and you can't come to my place because Jake Olson's mother is there.
And that would be too much to explain. Yeah, and it also brings home a 16-year-old. There's gonna be questions. Right, so. um Which, by the way, that's another thing. I did not get the feeling, and maybe this is down to John Romita Jr., we know that ah he is a phenomenal artist with one real weak spot in the- Children. He can't draw kids. Yeah. So, was Tareen always a teenager? Because I feel like that is new information. I think she was always intended to, essentially, like, to be a cosmic teenager, yes. Ah, a A cos-teen, yeah. That's gonna turn out to be, like, a porn site or something. Don't let it. Don't let it, folks. Don't tell me if it is. Anyway, ah Thor turns back into Jake Olsen, and Thor Girl turns into an Earthteen, as it says on page.
ah Yeah, who's wearing like a halter top and a jacket and high-waisted jeans. And she starts immediately talking like, as they say, an Earth teen. And Dan Jurgens' dialogue idea of how an Earth team talks in 2001 is Q-L. Q-L? Q-L. K-E-W hyphen E-L-L. Not just K-E-W-L. K-E-W hyphen E-L-L. Who has their finger more on the pulse of the youth of to- today than dashing Danny Jurgens? That's true. Jake asks her like, how did you
switch up how you talk like that, and she goes, I am Tereen, the designate, the supreme. Even though he- Dent Jurgens, 41 years young at the time of this comic, our age. My age right now, yes, yes. I was 18 when this comic came out. Wait, 17, I was 17. I was Tereen's age. From Ortonville, Minnesota.
Cut to Yulik, who is mad about the way Thor talks about him. And also that the trolls don't have any food. So he's gonna go attack Asgard. Yeah, because it was winter for a minute and all the trolls are like, yeah, um, crops are fucked. Yeah. And it looks like, damn, that sucks. Odin wouldn't let that happen. But he's asleep. And one of the trolls is like, Yeah, but you also hate Odin. He's like, well, I hate Sif more. Oolik says, Odin's asleep, attack Asgard. Real mid-2000s forums energy. Yeah, yeah. Modular sleep, attack Asgard. That's right. Cut to the hospital, Jake and Tereen show up and ah they approach Hannah. You remember Hannah, Jake's ex now. And he's like, hey, this is my cousin Tereen.
And she doesn't have anywhere to stay, so can she crash with you? And Hannah's like, shh! I have an ex-girlfriend who I broke up with after my drug-dealing twin brother? Yes. Pretended to be me and had a relationship with you? Yes. And Amanda, her daughter, is there. Like, we talked about how John Romita Jr. can't draw kids. I'm not saying Andy Kubert can't draw kids, but Amanda looks like she's 25. Yeah, she's also wearing like, but she's wearing like a green jacket that is made of spawn cape material. Yes. Because it flares dramatically when she moves. Also she has like a padawan braid. She has a pad- I was about to say it!
She has a padawan grid. Yes. this this true one man It's man. It's hot style. That's true. Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones was coming out the next year. Phantom Menace own it now on VHS or digital video disc. That's right. ah Did you know that it's not video? It was originally video, but now it is versatile. Versatile disc, that's right. Yeah. Jake asks Hannah if Tereen can stay with them and Hannah is okay with it. Cause Hannah's like, well, we're still friends, but Amanda is furious about it. Yeah. As, and as she should be. Yes. Because Hannah's attitude towards this is whack. Yes. And then Christine shows up and just plants one on Jake right there in the middle of everybody.
And this makes Amanda, makes her jacket turn into a spawn cape. And she says, you creep. And creep is in creepy font, which is amazing. Yes. If I'm Hannah in this situation, this is the point where I'm asking Jake for a family tree.
Because this is now the second time that a mysterious and heretofore never mentioned relative has shown up. And when his mom shows up, that's three. Yeah. Although presumably like you can assume that he has a mother. You can assume he has a mother. There's a great bit on that page where Amanda is storming out. Where Tereen, Hannah, and Amanda are in like three circles at the top of the page. And it's just showing like their emotions. That's a great little bit of artwork from Andy Hubert. That's so good. I love that. I'll tell you who else is luing loving this. Christine. Sif. Oh yes, Sif. Sif, who's watching this on TV? yeah like guardian tv She's got her big like Asgardian
view portal that she's watching this through and she's like I Can't tell if she's putting on or taking off her armor. I think she's putting it on ah Like I think she's getting ready like this is she's sitting down at the vanity getting ready to put on all her ah Armor looking very glam by Christine Christine is also loving it though because Hannah asks her or says to her, I didn't know you and Jake were an item. And Christine's like, there's a lot you don't know. Which again is a very rude thing to say. Yeah.
I had already figured Christine's deal out oh at this point. Oh, it's very obvious. It's extremely obvious, yeah. If you didn't know from her green headband. Yeah. Yeah. It's Gwen Stacy. Anyway, yes, Sif is enjoying it, but she can't enjoy it. This is well, Thor's in even more trouble than usual. It's like she's watching her soaps. Yeah. um But Baldur... Which is hilarious. Baldur ruins it by coming in and saying like, hey, the trolls are going to attack. Mandy is storming down the street. She bumps into Cal Kramer as Jake is chasing after her, and Cal's like, is that man threatening you? But then he gets all weird and handsy, and he's like, the trouble's about to start now. And Jake's like, put her down, and Cal just blasts at Jake with his eye lasers with his heat vision. I guess he has heat vision.
Yeah. And he actually actually says like, I call this heat vision. Is that what he says? Yeah. Oh, he does.
he He quickly transforms into his gladiator form. Uh, he's wearing, he has on a masking field, uh, and he turns into gladiator and that's when Thor reveals himself that page of Thor, like becoming Thor of Jake becoming Thor. That's some wild ass Andy Kuber art. It's like Andy Kuber went into a fugue state and turned into Sam Keith for a minute. Or Kyle Hotz or somebody, yeah. Yeah, it's it's very like, what were those WCW figures that could sweat? ah Yeah. It's like that. He is so out of proportion. I mean, on purpose, clearly, but like it's wild looking. i
Like a maximum sweat is what they were called. Yeah. Makes sense. Cause that's that, you know what? That's the correct name. Yeah. Um, it looks like Kyle Hotzart is what it looks like to me. He's got like totally white eyes and teeth mashed. And then he, uh, fights gladiator, gladiator blasts him with, with cold breath. Uh, Thor is trying to protect Amanda. Uh, also Amanda thinks Jake is dead because of the heat vision. I have to gladiator tries to smash a building down onto to Thor. Like he's really disregarding, um, Amanda and all of this. Yeah. Well, he's, you know, you're not there for Amanda, but he's like gonna kill her. Oh yeah. Like, you know, incidental. Uh, but he, he whacks Thor way up into the air and
kick, he punts Mjolnir all the way to fucking LaGuardia. Yeah, all the way to Queens. And, uh, knocks Thor way up into the air. Thor like falls through the top of a truck. And for at least one minute. Yes. Amanda sees someone fall through the top of the truck and she opens the back and sees Jake on fire in the back of this truck. And um I love the next issue blurb at the end of this one, which is combat, intrigue, action, death, mayhem, destruction.
and a revelation so incredible, we guarantee that if you miss it, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. And you know what? That's true. That is true. That's not overselling it at all. No, it is not an overstatement for the double sized Thor number 35. Matt, I liked, I liked the last ah like three pages of this issue a lot. Yeah. I liked them so much. that I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if we, if they happened again, Andy Hubert drew them again, ah but slightly differently. Well, you're in luck. Two pages instead of three. You're in luck. Uh, mighty Thor number 35 has Thor and gladiator fighting on the cover. Thor again looks buck wild in this a piece of art. Um,
and they're fighting in front of an airplane that's taking off. um I like this cover fine, but Thor looks insane. they They're in an odd position. Body to body. To be fighting. Yeah. They're scissoring. Well, they're not quite doing that, but they are. Well, they're not quite scissoring. They're not quite docking. they they It's hard to know what they're about to do. There's there's a lot of arched backs and thrust pelvises. That is true. This issue is called a Across All Worlds. Annie Cooper does the interior art on this one too. um we so We open not with the recreation of the last three pages of the past issue, but with the Tomorrow Man, Arthur Zarko, Archer Zarko. Archer Zarko.
tomorrow Watching this happening. Well first he's telling some henchmen that they're idiots um And then he's watching this happening like in a room people The henchmen are like walking through the halls. and They're like man this job sucks ah Pretty much yeah Or he's like they're like man tomorrow man is way too into this stuff But he's like watching this all happening in like in 3d in a room Because it's the future because he's really invested and gladiator to feeding Thor Then we get two pages that are the last three pages of the previous issue and we see Amanda ah Seeing Jake Olson on fire in the back of this truck and she just gets a bunch of fabric and like puts him out And she's like ouch this looks a lot easier when they do it on TV Then she remembers that she has a cell phone
So she gets out her cell phone. And she says out loud, oh, I've got a cell phone. You bozo. You bozo. She calls herself a bozo. Again, who has their fingers on the poles more than dashing, dead, and eating dragons? That's right. ah So she calls an ambulance to come get Jake. But then Gladiator shows up and attacks. And finally, Gladiator's like, I don't have any desire to hurt you, girl. So run. Even though he tried to kill her multiple times in the last issue. Yeah, well. But then Thorgirl shows up, grabs Gladiator by his cape, pulls him out of the truck, ah fights him for a minute, but she gets knocked back um with Heat Vision too. But she does a big spin move to put out the fire and ah fights Gladiator some more, throws his hammer at, throws her hammer at him.
um Meanwhile, Christine, fine comes, shows up in an ambulance, sees Jake, she tells Amanda to leave, and then she starts speaking Asgardian style. She says to Jake, thou art suffering. There is but one way to end the pain. Let thy fingers bend. Let thy summony summoning call forth the power. But Jake doesn't have Mjolnir, so he can't turn into Thor. Yep, I know there's a there's a fisting joke here somewhere. there's something There's something somewhere. I don't want to look too closely, but it's there. ah Christine, with some coercion, got Jake to try fisting.
Then we cut to Asgard. The trolls are attacking. The trolls are just full on. Then we cut to Ajax. The trolls are attacking.
They're really making fun of Dan Jurgens for what they perceive to be a needlessly horny Thor comic. That's true. Sif is in like her full regalia with her helmet with like big ram horns on it and I love it. She looks great. that armor rules. Yeah, I really like that armor. I like the way that Hubert draws the Gellerhorn behind all house. Like yeah that's really cool. Yeah. But Sif is basically like, Hey, um I got to go get Thor because we need him for this. So she kind of need like all our boys. And one of our boys is
so powerful that he has a comic. So yeah. Well, first she tells Baldr to do it and he's like, no, I don't have time. And she's like, well, then I'm going to go do it. So she does. well he He says that ah she can get there and get Thor back faster than he can. And they that's more like, they need him there faster. and that he'll be, like, should if she can get in there faster, he'll be more useful holding off the the trolls. yeah Which is a reasonable thing, but is also ah pretty demonstrably untrue. Thorgel is keeping Gladiator occupied. He dumps a water tower on her and then
blasts his cold breath to freeze her. So she's frozen. And then he remembers that thought like Jake is going to need the hammer to transform. So he's headed toward wherever the hammer is. Christine is driving her ambulance to the airport, like through like the chain link gate at LaGuardia. If there's one thing I know, it's that it doesn't take a whole lot of time to get from Manhattan to LaGuardia Airport yeah by car. And also, this is this is pre-9-11, so it's not like she can do this, but I guess she gets in less trouble for doing this than she would otherwise.
so um She's an emergency vehicle. That's true. Like like Madam Webb? Just like Madam Webb. um So they find the hammer on like the runway at la gra LaGuardia. She gets Jake out of the ambulance. She like pulls him toward the, uh, toward the hammer. And there's a panel, uh, where she's pulling Jake toward the hammer and there's just a ah thing that says stop. I guess that's gladiator saying stop. And, uh, Christine is saying he comes and out of context, that's a pretty horny panel too.
yeah Also, just separate from that, ah Jake is currently badly burned and has fallen through the roof of a truck. yes she has like She's dragging him by like the back of his shirt. just in time jake's she yes just in time she gets jake's hand around the hammer and smacks it on the ground and turns him into thor and yep and uh thor and gladiator continue fighting now they're fighting in front of a plane that's taking off it's a little unclear what is going on here but they make the airplane
go wildly off course, to the point where it's at like a 90 degree angle. Yeah. So they have to be like, oh shit, okay, we gotta save this plane. Yeah, Thor was like, hey, gladiator, look, let's keep fighting in a second, can we deal with this plane, gladiator's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry, my bad. So they turned the plane like a full rotation. Like they do a barrel roll with this plane yeah and set it down and stop it just before it collides with like the terminal at LaGuardia. I'm surprised we don't have like wisecracking bystanders in this scene where there's let's just like a voice from the ah plane that's like, last time I fly Spirit. Yeah. Also I'm thinking the whole time about the people inside the plane who were like, they were upside down for a second.
So they definitely fell out of their seat. They were, they were on the runway. Yeah. They started accelerating for takeoff. The plane did a fucking kickflip. Barrel roll. Yeah. yeah ah But like it's, it's, it like goes over like from the front end. Yes. Like it's going to flip over like that truck in the dark night. Yeah. Yeah. It it it does that first and then they turn it, laterally as well so much puke on that plane yeah but they they managed to get it landed um while all that was happening um hannah and dr jane foster met jake's mom when amanda shows up and is like jake's been horribly burned and his mom's like oh dear yeah
We see Hela and Vala again, and they're once again talking to this shadowy figure. And they're like, a vessel is prepared for thee. Are thou ready to depart? Go, fulfill thy task. So, we'll get more of that in a bit. Also... I honestly did not realize that was the same person. Yes, it's the same person. Then, magically, as if by magic, Dr. Keith Kincaid, Jane Foster's husband, wakes up and he's like, I'm fine. I'm fine now.
Jane, I know this seems weird and I know that you should be uniquely ah sensitive to when weird things are going to happen, but ah this is fine and I'm fine. Yes. I know I got bonked in the head by the absorbing man. But now I'm fine. But now, just fine.
Then there's also a bit where Baldur is fighting Yulek and Sif shows up and bursts Thorgirl out of that ice that she was in. Baldur gets fully jobbed out. Yeah, he does. He really does. The greatest of Asgard's warriors ah just gets his enhancement talent. So while the whole thing with the plane is happening, Gladiator explains why he's here to Thor, which is that he has to kill Thor because he wants to prevent a future where Thor is responsible for the death of, like, millions of people. Yeah. And Thor should have been like, oh, you cabling? Yeah, he's like, hey, you cabling? You trunksing right now?
This is a real trunks, this is a real TS, trunk situation. Cable trunk scenario. Real CTS. Anyway, Thor Girl shows up and fucking wrecks gladiator shit. And it's good. It's very good. Look, you knew it was going to happen. It's gladiator? Yeah. Somebody's going to beat the shit out of him. She says that his actions are unjust and reprehensible. It's true. Yeah. Meanwhile, Yulik is about to ah chop Odin's head off. Odin, who is wearing, once again, different clothes to sleep in. Do you think it's someone's job? To change his clothes. To come in and change Odin's jammies? Could be. Could be. As Odin jammies? Because he's actually dressed like cable.
That's true. And he's wearing a little cap. yes but yeah But then he wakes up in the midst of it and is immediately in a new set of badass Odin armor, where he shows up and he's like, Hey, off panel. I got rid of you look. Like I made a deal with him and told him he was going to have food and I took care of all of that. But Thor, you abandoned Asgard and it's time of greatest need. So I'm going to make you permanently mortal. I'm just going to turn you into Jake Olsen fully permanently now. Yes.
I think Odin did this, not knowing when he turned him into Jake Olsen again, that Jake Olsen was horribly burned and injured. Yes. and so But then like by the time he's done, he's like, yeah yep, that's what I meant to do. That's exactly what I meant to do. And aren't you sorry now, Thor, my favorite son? He also knows that in the future Thor is going to cause horrible death, and he is even has a name for it, The Raining. Yes, and that is Raining with a G. Yes. ah But I like that it is called The Raining, and he's the God of Storms. I did think that was... Dan Jurgens is using so many common-ass words, like they're important. Yes. Like the designate. Yes. Well, even in the... there's a one-page ah splash page of what The Raining is going to look like.
where it is raining. Yeah. Uh, there's like a big statue of Thor and then people just like on the ground suffering. Yeah. Cause, uh, Zarko the tomorrow man, when g gladiator gives us back to the future is like, then I guess we're not going to prevent of this. What's happening right now in the future. And I want to be like Zarko buddy. How many times do I have to go through this? That's not how time travel works in the Marvel universe. And then at the end of the issue, Christine, surprising no one, reveals herself to be the Enchantress. Yeah. By walking through a mirror. The mirror of my Solj. It sure is. So yes, ah Thor has been made
permanently, quote-unquote, ah mortal, and now has horrible, horrible burdens. Yeah. So ah for those of you keeping track, Demetrius wasn't who he said he was. Jake Olsen's not who he says he was. The fake Jake Olsen isn't who he says he is. The fake Jake Olsen twice. oh What's his name? The weird oh but guy who shows up is actually Heskimar. What was his weird god name? Mentat? Marnot. Marnot. Marnot was not who he said he was. ah Jane Foster's husband isn't who he says he is. It's true. And Christine is not who she who she says she is, nor is Thor girl.
You know what it is? I was thinking about this just now. The Dan Jurgens run on Thor is such a soap opera. Yes. Like, comics are a soap opera already, kind of. Particularly Marvel books, yeah. But this Thor run is such a soap opera. Well, that's, I think, the a thing that nobody really remembers about Jurgens when he was on Superman. is that those years, like six or seven years of Superman were very much like trying to do a Marvel style, you know, almost Spider-Man style thing with his supporting cast. And so it was very soap opera, like very week to week. You got to know what's up with wrong troop. You got to know what's up with Kat Grant, all that stuff. So,
like seeing that come back and play out on Thor is wild yeah because it feels like it's too much. It's like Dan Jurgens at DC was trying to do a Marvel thing at DC with Superman and then comes to Marvel and does even more of it, which feels like it's too much. It's it's like it's like a copy of a copy of a copy, like on you know when you make multiple copies of a VHS tape or whatever. yeah um No one is who they say they are, and no one is no one is a relative of anyone, but they all say they're relatives. Demetrius was the most confusing of those by a lot. Thor number 36 has Thor fighting ah the destroyer armor on the cover. Again, the destroyer armor is back. um This is
a ah Ian Churchill cover. Yeah, I don't love it. um I don't love the art in this issue period. Yeah, art of this issue is is a little bit weird. It's a Walter Taborda. Yeah. ah And it has like a very, like a very Eurocomicsy feel to it. Yes, it's yeah very like a Mobius influenced. Yeah, a lot of cross hatching in this. Yeah. So it opens with a ship off the coast of Norway. Excuse me, Mebius. Mebius, Jean Giraud. Jean Giraud. These fishermen find a medallion and it's hot. It's not hot. It is hot. It's very done to the doom. Yes. Then we cut to Lauren Olson at the Woodrow Wilson Correctional Facility in Syracuse.
who just wants to be left alone in prison. And he's like, the prisons the prisoners of this prison aren't wearing uniforms. Yeah, they they're just wearing like normal clothes. Yeah. And this is Lauren Olson, who is Loki, who is the fake Jake Olson. Yes. Who was not the fake Jake Olson.
And like so he's in prison for dealing drugs. yes So this is like a prison prison. yes And just like rocking some green jeans. And a jacket, yeah. um He's about to get beaten up by some other inmates, but they all freeze, just as they're about to like stab him. And Carnilla, queen of the Nord shows up. She's like, yeah. And she's like, Hey, Loki, I know you're Loki. I'm getting you out of here. And, uh, and look, it's like, okay, let's go. Hell yeah. Get the fuck out of here. Uh, so, so they, she, she busts Loki out of, uh, of, uh, of prison.
And she makes a big hole in the wall, and Loki says, Jan gaping hole. How did's thou cool it, Dan?
but I think that one's on us. You know, what good I'm gonna say that one's on us. Cardinal's like, no, no, no, I didn't make that hole. I stole another weapon dlton ah from Asgard. So, cut to the hospital. Sif, who has a whole new look, this issue, with like, I can't tell if that's her hair or a helmet. That is a helmet that looks like her hair. Yes. And- Very big barda. Very big barda, actually, yeah. And a red cape. She shows up with Jake who-
who is looking rough. Jake is looking rough. Yeah. Jake at this point has not only been heat visioned, he has been set on fire and then dragged around into and out of an ambulance by someone who I don't think is actually a medical professional. Like a lot of like blisters and boils on Jake's skin. ah they They got to rush Jake to the burn unit. Sif is punching the wall out of frustration. Um, Keith Kincaid is like wandering around the hospital in a row being like, anybody seen my wife?
Relatable. Yeah. Then, then we cut to Asgard where Odin is once again wearing wildly different clothes than we've seen him in. He's in like, like a hooded Jerkin this is like his casual clothes. Like I've seen him wear this in other comics Yeah, this is like his I'm going down to Midgard and I don't want the Vikings to know that I'm Odin Close. Yeah, that's what it looks like. Yeah um And he's like hey everybody party we beat trolls. We defeated the trolls. Yeah fucking he's there Yeah
Yeah, Hercules is there for no reason. Hercules is there, does not have a speaking role. Does not. Um, but then Thor girl shows up and she's like, Hey, Hey, Odin, fuck you. You, you turned Jake Olson mortal or you turned Thor mortal and he's got burns all over him. He's going to die. And Odin's like, he's gotta learn his lesson. Yeah. that Oh man. Sucks to be him, I guess. Yeah, and Thor Girl's like, well, if you're not gonna do something about it, I will. ah So just as Thor Girl leaves, Volstagg rolls up and he's like, I was in the vault of whispers looking for food and our prisoner isn't there. The prisoner has departed. And Odin's like, motherfucker, I can't have a minute.
Don't you see I'm in my casual hoodie?
ah Loki, who's floating around as a spirit, is gloating about Thor, a.k.a. Jake Olsen being in the burn ward. And he's like, ha who am i going to who am I going to possess so I can kill Thor, who I can deal with Thor? Oh, uh, maybe Thor girl herself. So first he takes over the body of some just dude on the street and he's like, excuse me, Thor girl, can you help me? And then he touches her hand and takes over her body. I don't know why he had to do that. Like A to B to C. Yeah. Why didn't he he just like drop into, into Taurian's body? I don't know either. Well,
Actually, he didn't take over Toreen's body. He put Toreen in the destroyer. all alright That's right. He he puts Toreen in the destroyer and the destroyer starts destroying the hospital. And here you get your bystanders who are like, my mother-in-law is in that hospital.
I forget what issue it is, ah but there's one, I don't think it's this one, but there's one where someone's smashing up cars on the street and two people jump out of a car and there's a woman who's like, Oh, Charlie's gonna be so mad that I wrecked his car. And the guy goes, yeah, and he's gonna be even madder at me that I was sleeping with his wife. Well, the one here is the destroyers like smashing up the hospital. And the guy's like, my mother-in-law's in that hospital. If if if she was your mother-in-law, you'd want to smash up the hospital too.
i I hope my mother-in-law dies in a tragedy. Yeah. Then, in a truly wild moment, Marnot comes back. Yeah, because Escamar has been like hanging out with Odin this whole time. Yeah. And he's like, man, I'm not gonna lie. Odin fucked this one up pretty bad. Odin fucked this one up pretty bad. So I'm back as Marnot to make Jake Olsen into Thor again. Uh, yeah, Marnot was like, yeah, I kind of have a vested interest in this whole Jake Olson thing. Marnot is very much the Dan Juergens of this run. He's, he's the Dan Juergens stand in. Yeah. Like, Hey, I'm kind of trying to get this Jake Olson thing over. Yeah. So, uh, Jake Olson turns into Thor. The panel of him turning back into Thor is why y'all duh. Thor has truly gigantic arms.
yeah in that panel. um Then Thor like bursts out and starts fighting the Destroyer, but comes to realize pretty quickly, because Mardot tells him that it's Tereen inside the Destroyer armor. ah Then at the end of the issue, we cut back to those fishermen from the start. And they've got that metal that they found, and it's turned them into like possessed, powered people that we learn more about. It's hot. It's hot. And that's it for this set of Jurgys. What a wild bunch of horny issues. Yeah, wild. Absolutely wild. we We'll come back to The Destroyer and all this other stuff in the next set. I will say this.
Yeah. Wild and of variable quality at this point. True. Infinitely readable. Enjoyable. I mean, like a soap opera. He's in a breeze to get through. Like a soap opera, you kind of just let it roll off and go for the ride, right? The art is so all over the place by this point. Yeah. It'll, it'll, it'll settle down a little bit when Tom Rainey comes on and is the regular artist for a large chunk of the back half of the run. But man, it is just all over the map, the art on these issues, all of, all of Odin's different sets of jammies. Like going from Andy Kubert to Stuart Eminen to Andy Kubert to Andy Kubert to now like this,
Euro, this humanoids looking Walter Mordor book, which I don't think is bad, but is odd. And then the next issue is ah fucking Jim Starlin. Wild. Yeah, so we'll get to that. It's a little hard. Jim Starlin from Breed? From Breed. It's a little hard to know like where the distinct arcs are in this you kind of know but they're not like they're not laid out like they are in comics now you know what i mean yeah um so we're just kind of going as we go and and not trying to go arc by arc here um all right uh we'll do more jurgys soon uh we'll be back next week with another episode if you want to email us
You can do that at our email address, which is You can also ah get in touch with us on Tumblr at warrocketpodcast dot.tumblr We're on blue sky at warrocketajax.bsky um You can also join our Discord. You have to be invited to be a member of our Discord, but if you ask us for an invitation, we will send you one ah happily if you're nice about it. So ask us for an invitation in one of those places I just mentioned and we'll get you a Discord invite. Our website is It has every but every episode of the show we've ever done. warrocketwiki is the fan run repository of all the information you could ever want about War Rocket Ajax. If you want to find me and my stuff, go to to find links to my comics, my books, my other podcasts, and my social medias. Chris, where can people find you?
Everybody can find me by going to THE-ISB That is my website and it has links to all the stuff that I do ah around the web. ah I guess I should update it to let people know that the ah brand new printing of of a Downset Fight is out this week. I will be doing a signing at some point here in Minneapolis at the source. ah That's the plan anyway. ah So yeah, get it. It's a good book. It's good. It is good. And you you should get it. Everybody listening to this, get that book. See you next week, everybody. Thanks for listening. Yep. Until next time, everybody. We'll be back next week. We're gonna have a good time.
But until then, do not forget Black Lives Matter. Trans rights are human rights. As are abortion rights. Drag is not a crime. And cops are not your friends. But we love you. We love you.