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Jujutsu Kaisen S2 E17-19: Playing holiday catch-up! image

Jujutsu Kaisen S2 E17-19: Playing holiday catch-up!

Animation Deliberation
596 Plays1 year ago

Playing JJK catch up after all the traveling, holidays, and life changes!


Return from Holiday: Jujutsu Kaisen Season Two

On another exciting episode of the Animation Delibration Podcast, we've finally awoken from our turkey comas and now we are continuing to wipe the tears, that is Jujutsu Kai's in season two. We're catching up and covering three episodes, Thunderclap part two, right and wrong, and right and wrong part two. Right after these ads, we have no control over.
Sing along if you know the words. One, two, three, it's time for animation deliberation. A conversation and a celebration of our favorite action animated series, yeah.

Reintroductions and Routine Reflections

Yeah, welcome back to another episode of Animation Deliberation, the podcast where we take action animation and cartoon seriously, but not too seriously. We're back. Did you miss us? No, you missed us. I'm Zuhar Ali. And I am Andrew Rogers.
Yeah, um, had a good break. There was, uh, you know, holidays and travel and life changes and et cetera, et cetera. But we're, we're back on our norm and we're back to watching the show. How are you feeling?
sad, tired, all of the above? No, I'm feeling great coming back from this holiday. I mean, I couldn't ask for more. It was a lovely, lovely time. Japan was absolutely beautiful. And I mean, yeah, I don't know what else I could say. It was absolutely a stunning

Anime vs Reality: The Japanese Experience

country. I feel like the biggest takeaway that I would have that a lot of you would understand
Japan is the most accurately romanticized place that I have ever been. I looked around and I was like, this is exactly what you see in anime, in movies. The small towns felt like the towns that you're seeing in Suzume, and the apartments that I visited at one point felt exactly like Aki's apartment building in Chainsaw Man. Yeah, there's the fantastical elements, but
anime and all this does a very good job of like romanticizing what they actually have as opposed to like blowing it out of proportion like New York City and Los Angeles being super over romanticized. It was like, Oh, this feels like a Ghibli movie. I can see where a lot of these were written, like with this perspective in mind. So it was a really cool place. But it was very, very much to what I thought it was going to be. And that was a super cool part of the experience. That's really cool. Did it smell like New York and LA?
Smelled way better because there wasn't a smell to talk about. Let me tell you that much. Oh my gosh, coming back home and seeing the dirt and just smelling Los Angeles. I was like, Oh God, no, I don't want this anymore.
Yeah, seriously, they have like drainage down the side of every single street where it's just like crystal clear drain water going everywhere like open and exposed to the elements and I'm just like you walk down a sidewalk here and it's dirty and smells like pee like how would we ever have open drainage like this? It's just Where you pile up your trash on the like a particular street corner and they just burn everything once a week Oh No
Oh yeah, that was a culture shock the first time I walked through that. Yeah, I have to imagine. It's just like, don't go outside once a week. Just walk faster. Throw a scarf over your face. Keep the windows up. I don't know.

Anime Announcements: Sousa May and More

You mentioned Sousa May. And I guess I'll just give two quick news things. Sousa May is finally on Crunchyroll after what feels like a year. So if you didn't catch it in theaters, you can finally check it out now. I can't wait to watch it again.
when that will be, I don't know. Time management is quite the factor. And also less than two weeks from the date of this publishing, we are getting a teaser trailer for the Hasura training arc of Demon Slayer. I imagine it's going to be something similar to what we've seen in the past where it gives like a quick timeline thing of everything that we've seen and then just a couple of
snippets here and there. So we'll see what happens with that. But from all the stuff that we've talked about with Attack on Titan and Jujutsu Kaisen and inconsistency with communication and timing, I'm glad that we get to see something that's so consistent and give us something to look forward to in a few weeks. And lastly, there is a OVA for My Hero Academia, which has conveniently popped up on my phone today, which I haven't seen yet.
those silly episodes, especially how heartbreaking my hero was the last season is just definitely worth looking forward to. Oh, yeah, I I don't think we had any news about this. I didn't see any like articles pop up that this was coming. It was just like, oh, it's here. It's we now have this. So definitely like a trading card game or something like they've done this before. Isn't there like a Thanksgiving episode somewhere along the way? There was one where the last one that I remember is when like
The three main guys were with Endeavor and they were on a mission to catch somebody who was basically like a tickle monster. Like he made you just laugh uncontrollably. Jesus. Yeah, just so silly and entertaining. That's why I can't wait to watch this one.
Yes, there is plenty of stuff coming out all the time plenty of trailers dropping. I think it's like now that we're away from the Writers and actor strike. It's just like everything even though I guess these weren't affected the anime stuff wasn't affected But it feels like we're just getting trailer after trailer
day after day. That's a whole other song and dance that we're not going to talk about right now. But we definitely took a break. I went to Japan, as we mentioned, but what did you do for the holidays? Did you, you know, have a good Thanksgiving? Because I didn't even get to have Turkey this year. I was still traveling during the actual American Thanksgiving. Festivities within 24 hours.

Thanksgiving Tales and Health Tips

whoa. Yeah, one of my cousins who's going to school in DC came down to stay with us for Thanksgiving. And it was just I was so happy that he was there. Because it was like just hanging out with a little brother, we played loads of football, lots of basketball or playing video games till two, three in the morning every night. It was it was just great having him there. We had a friends giving on Wednesday night. So it was a potluck. Everybody brought something that
started with the same letter that their name starts with. So I brought a zookini casserole, which actually came out really good. And that never made it before. I just looked up. I've just figured green bean casserole was a thing for Thanksgiving dinners like zookini casserole can't be that bad, right? Very simple recipe, really good. And then we went to a lunch that had the whole turkey shebang, watched football, woke up out of that food coma, went to another Thanksgiving thing, ate more over there.
And then came home and we were just like, still played board games and video games still one in the morning. But yeah, it was, it was great. It was the break that I needed. It was just, it was just nonstop fun. It was a great, great, great 72 hours. Well, that's awesome. I'm so glad that you got to spend so much time with family and friends and, you know, take a step back. I'm sorry you missed us on the airwaves, but we're happy that we get to go out and enjoy some more. So.
Yeah, it was good times to be had by all, but it is an exhausting time to go through the holidays and all of this travel. And there's just really only one great way to stop yourself from being that exhausted, maybe even get over jet lag. I trust me, I'm trying everything that I can. Jet lag is awful. But the biggest toolkit in both of our arsenal is staying hydrated. And Suher, what is the best way that is brought to us this week by our lovely sponsor to stay hydrated?
Yeah, that is definitely via liquid IV. And for me particularly, it is the immune support one because it is getting cold. There is a lot of holiday travel going on. People are coming up with the flu and COVID and strep and yada, yada, but we're forced to be in the presence of others. So very important to keep not only your hydration, but your health and your immune system up too. So one stick of liquid IV and 16 ounces of water hydrates you two times faster and more efficiently than water alone.
The results of an extensive R&D process to perfect the flavor and efficacy, Liquid IV combines science-backed zero sugar technology with the brand's commitment to delicious real flavor. No artificial sweeteners and zero sugar with the proprietary amino acid alulose blend for a sweet taste without the calories or raised blood glucose levels you get from sugar. Contains eight vitamins and nutrients for everyday wellness with three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drinks.
Yes. And you know, they say to drink all of the sports drinks when you are getting a cold, or you want to keep yourself extra hydrated. This is a great opportunity, especially if you are planning on being on a plane or in the car for a long time, because the number of people that were coughing and sneezing on the plane for 12 hours while I was locked in the tube with them was a lot. It was scary. I didn't love that. But knowing that I had the extra electrolytes and extra vitamin C
in my pocket quite literally was more than I could ever ask for liquid ivy does a great job with that as well as like it tastes delicious sitting on a plane you know you get tired of water real quick but you need to stay hydrated because like it's just not going to be a good time and having these delicious flavors at my disposal drinking the sea berry was fantastic as well as the vitamin c citrus one is so good i was very surprised at how good that one is because not
Not that many citrus things when they come in a powdered form are this good, but this one definitely is. And not only do they taste good, but they are good for you and good for the world. LiquidIV is non-GMO and free from gluten, dairy, and soy. LiquidIV believes that equitable access to clean and abundant water is the foundation of a healthier world. They partner with leading organizations to fund and foster innovative solutions that help communities protect both their water and their futures.
Today LiquidIV has donated over 39 million servings in 50 plus countries around the world. So what more can we say? Get 20% off when you grab your LiquidIV hydration multiplier, sugar free or any other variant at and use code STAYWELLNED at checkout. That's 20% off anything you order when you shop at our hydration today using promo code STAYWELLNED at
And I just also want to throw out there because I just now remembered the holidays are coming up. And this has been a stocking stuffer that I have already placed an order for. So it is definitely a great thing for family and friends. We're not just saying that because we are sponsored, but because we actually love these brands and just like how we support them. Thank you for the supporting the brands that support animation deliberation. All right, so

Emotional Journeys in Jujutsu Kaisen

We're playing catch up on three episodes. We're not going to read off the whole synopsis, but we'll just give you a quick rundown of them. Here's sadness. Lots of it. Nonstop. That's my synopsis right there. What part do you need? Just just cry. You don't even need to be caught up. You just know that you need to cry. Oh my gosh. So Thunderclap part two was the episode where Megumi just went kamikaze and summoned the
big ass Shikigami that apparently just does not stop until his mission is complete. And Sukuna, having ulterior motives for Megumi, did not want him to be killed due to casting this curse. So he just went ahead and annihilated thousands of people to be able to take this thing out. But man, what's the fight fascinating for it?
And then right and wrong part one and two is the whole thing with our character very beloved character anatomy gets wiped out and Itadori is fighting Mahito and dude the animators just love Itadori and
Because the amount of like love that his action sequences have got, not even Sukuna, like it's specifically what they give Itadori is just so much different than anybody else. And like the way that this episode was like, this is the standard that I have for Jujutsu Kaisen animation had to just kept it like that. I think Chozo was like deluxe, but this should have been like the bar.
It just, it looked, I mean, all of this just looks so good. I think we've been a little bit more consistent lately. Things are tying together. I stand by the fact, I think Jujutsu Kaisen's a better binge than it is a weekly watch, but these three episodes have been very great.
Yeah, I'm gonna counter that because you were busy during the holidays and that's why you didn't podcast but you still watched them on a weekly basis when they came out. I was busy on my travels so I did not. And when I tell you that I suffered trauma from watching these four episodes back to back to back,
I actually had to stop at the end of Thunderclap, but I watched Thunderclap part one, watch Thunderclap part two, and was like, I need like a 20 minute breather before I keep going. I looked at the clock, I was like, I have enough time before I need to get back to work and run errands. So I took a breather and then went back and watched right and wrong one and two here.
because like, yeah, you might think it's better as a binge. But like, they had me wanting to come back week to week like all the time. And now that it is a binge, it is just so much to handle. Like, I haven't felt
This like internal no character is safe feeling since like I first watched Game of Thrones like five, six years ago. Like a lot of anime is very gripping and very dark, but I haven't had like so many beloved characters that you just realize any of them could get popped off at any moment in a while. Like Attack on Titan. Why is it so dark? Popped off. Yeah, popped off. It was a correct choice. Was that your choice of words?
Because it's correct. It was the best way to say it and the worst way all at once. But yeah, Attack on Titan, we talk about the story twists. And don't get me wrong, they are some of the most amazing twists in all of media. But for the most part, you understand that a lot of your characters are pretty safe throughout. You lose a couple major characters, but not as many as you would expect. Whereas this show, no one has plot armor. It's literally only Itadori and everyone else
could and is on the chopping block at any time. And we we even questioned his fate when he seemed like he almost died after the Chozo fight. It's just like, is he to Doris safe? Is he actually the main character? What's going on here? Like, yes, sure, we know he's the main character. He's going to be fine, but there's still a part of you that's like
But yeah, it's just it's so much to handle and like. Within what was it six episodes ago, we were like, I don't know, maybe the show is a little overhyped. It hasn't done much to keep me drawn in. And now I'm walking away from this set of episodes like, no, this is top tier. We're going to be talking about this years from now, like this has skyrocketed itself in these couple of episodes. So needless to say, they are
Is that true though?
They are phenomenal. Should we talk about Thunderclap and then go into the right and wrongs together? Yeah, I think, um, I think the other two are fresher in my head so we can just, I mean, Thunderclap, mostly the, the flashback was really fascinating how it talked about kind of like the feud between the Zenin and Gojo clan.

Character Techniques and Story Speculations

Yes. And then how it evolved into Gojo explaining to Megumi this amazing fight about the last two people who had their abilities. So they talked about how much like
how much the Zendens would love Megumi because he actually has cursed abilities and the specific one and yada yada. But to know that he's able to summon something this powerful that can actually take out the Gojo Clan's ability was really fascinating to hear more about and it's a spin off I'd be very interested to see. For sure because we had that tease, I think it was in Thunderclap part one.
Um, wherein there was a conversation with toji and, um, I cannot remember the head of the xenon clan's name, but like those two had the conversation. Oh yeah. Old man. Uh, now we tell, I think it was now we tell, um,
they had a conversation of, Oh, you know, I'll pay this much if he has the generational technique. And we had never previously heard about a generational technique. And they didn't even necessarily allude to the fact that he did have it. It was just like, passing mention of this technique. And then here we are finding out like,
Oh, no, this means he could potentially go toe to toe with Gojo. Like that's a huge deal because no one, as far as we know, has ever really gone toe to toe with Gojo. So like hearing that one thing, seeing it in action. Oh, my.
It was one of the best fight scenes I've ever seen. And honestly, in all of this season so far, it's just been to the point where they didn't ever explain what the divine general, his power was. They really didn't explain too much of what Sukuna was doing. They just said, we're going to let you see these heavy hitters just throw haymakers for 20 minutes while we animate the chaos and carnage.
and I was floored by it. It was absolutely stunning, absolutely amazing. I was so shaken watching it and watching the way that buildings were falling and the way that they were flying through things. I was getting Doctor Strange vibes because of the way that they were just throwing rubble like it was nothing. It was absolutely mind-bogglingly beautiful and horrific.
Yeah, especially because, like, Sukhan is just fighting this curse ability that we don't even know too much about. I don't think we ever know much about. We're just kind of, like, learning the capability of it and how monstrous it is and how it operates. And it's like, we don't even know that much about Sukhan as power, but he's trying to break down this thing's power and ability and stuff.
Again, I can't wait to binge all of this in English, but I do agree with you that just the magnitude of how everything was expressed to us was really fascinating.
Yeah. And to know that they were teasing how bad this was going to be from the start, because in the intro of this season, there's the gap in the lights in Shibuya on the map like that is a thing that they had in the intro from the very beginning. And none of us ever took much note of it. And to find out that that is the crater left behind from this fight. Chills, absolute chills. I like.
And then the aftermath of like what?
Yuji just has to wake up to because of that, and the way that, like, Sukuna may have taken over in terms of, like, the best laughing just doesn't care at all villain from Mahito. Like, we talked about how dangerous Mahito was, and he's just like, haha, here I go. Sukuna's worse, because he was just as like, oh, someone powerful, let's have some fun here, like,
Oh, it's bad. It's bad. Two teenagers was just kind of like you said something stupid off with your heads. Yeah, off with your head. We don't know what his plan for Megamy is, but the fact that he saved him is very concerning. I'm glad to have the flashback to season one where it's like he had that conversation with him. Yes. It's like, oh, there's potential here. It's like potential for what? What do you need right now?
Yeah, we still know so little about what Sukuna is up to. Despite being the big bad. This kind of segues us into right and wrong, but I question the longevity of this show. If we got disconnected to this many characters in a season and a half,
and you offed a good chunk of them, are you really going to introduce us to this many more and have five, six seasons? Or is this a very short term story right now? If you had told me that it was going to end with this season, I wouldn't be surprised. I do believe that there's more to the manga. So obviously, there's something because we still have the kid from Judas, who has zero, like there's a whole
thread there that still has a end credit scene that we haven't pulled on yet. Yeah. Yuta and Rika? Yuta. I don't know if Rika's technically alive, but.
I don't know if we knew. Regardless, very powerful. Unrelated. I love the meme that Jill sent me of, I really want to see a spin-off where Toto asks Yuta what type of girl do you like? He just summons reasons for them. It's like, what kind of girl is your type?
Terrifying, creepy. I love that we could still laugh about this show because remember when we used to just chuckle that this whole season started off on a ping pong match between two people talking about how powerful they are like that was. Remember, there was a total.
Well, there was the basketball. Yeah, I was talking about this part of the arc. Yeah, where it was Toto. And I can't remember who playing ping pong. And we're waiting for Toto to pop up to it because he's in the opening sequence that we're like paying attention more to now as we see things. But like there's parts where he's like clapping with who I believe is Yuji. So it's like, is he coming to help out with Mahito now? Because I would love that matchup. I don't know if I want to, though, because like
We may have lost Panda. That's a whole thing that happened that we don't even have a resolution to because we didn't have enough time to care. And we still don't know the fate of Maki either. Yeah, every episode I'm like, where's Maki? Where's Maki? Where's Maki? Yeah, we don't know.
And I would have just assumed that Maki was dead had we not had the amazing stinger at the end of Thunderclap, which was why I was like, I need to take a breath here, which was not me just walking out of the shadows. Full Breaking Bad style. Full two face from Dark Knight style. Oh, how many how many half burned things can we come up with or are those the only two that I have off the top of my head? Only when that matters, dude, like you already have your cosplay.
Yeah. Oh, my gosh. It was I mean, don't get me wrong, I was cheering, but I was also like, are we doing this? Is this real? Because there was a lot of like. It's a conversation we brought up before about like how intense the stakes of everything are, because we're like, is Mecha Maru dead or not? Why should we be that big of a deal? Like they're just killing people off and there's like
There's rare instances where they show the gravity of each situation and like how big of a deal it is. And I think Nanami walking out the way that he was, was one of those indications. Like that and Yuji actually two times now, because the end of Thunderclap was so gritty, his reaction to killing people or seeing people get hurt is something that we didn't get enough from other sorcerers. They're just like,
Oh yeah, we're in Shibuya, we gotta save Gojo cause he's sealed, but you know, people are dying, it's fine. But the weight of him seeing somebody's like, I have to get to Gojo, but these people need our help, and okay, Inumaki's here, he'll take care of this, I can move on. And then seeing like the gravity of what Sukuna made him do with his body, to like grinding his fingernails and hating everything, and
They don't emphasize that too much, but these couple of episodes nailed it of how big of a deal this actually is.
Yeah, because it's it's very often we see it all the time. I mean, even in my hero, it comes up a lot where it's like you see it in the aftermath of like, OK, here's how many people were lost along the way. Here's like what actually happened. And I was feeling the huge weight of it with every moment that they showed during the Sukuna versus a divine general fight where it was just like
Has it gone outside the veil or like how big of an impact is this making? So I agree. I really liked getting that reaction out of a character and being like, hey, this is what's happening now. This is actually the gravity of the situation.
I don't know why, maybe it's because I'm also still waiting to see Invincible season two, but like I'm feeling the same way I felt at the end of Invincible season one. Like I'm not going to spoil how that finale goes, but that finale had a similar reaction on me of just like this is crazy. Yeah, no, I'm trust me, I need to get Monica to watch season one so we could watch season two together. And also so I have an excuse to rewatch season one of Invincible, but like
Yeah, it's a lot of relevant stuff. A good rewatch is worth it. Yeah, it's very much like I'm getting the same feelings. And I talked about a long time ago, not many things have made me feel the way that show has. And the fact that I'm comparing these two, which a lot of people talk about in invincible is like a pinnacle of Western animation. Now we're talking about Japanese animation in the same conversation tells you that they're both pretty good.
So I made time for Scott pilgrim to it has been it was a content overload while I was gone. Like I had to catch up on Loki. I still haven't seen the Marvels yet. We have invincible we have this. I did catch up on the hair and next week. Boy in the hair next week. Gosh, boy in the hair next week. Um, possible first live recording though.
possible first live recording stay tuned Zuhair and I are going to be not in the same time zone but the same state in the same city in the same place so maybe something will happen but but the possible scoots and Jeff appearance oh my god it just just keeps going
But without further ado, that is a long time coming. Just like the fight between Mahito and Yuji, like the tension has been building for so long. I didn't actually think we were going to get this showdown this season. So when they came face to face, I hate that Mahito is so cringe, but I just love his delivery on everything. Oh, no, it's so good.
You don't have to scream. I can hear you. You need to do it. I hate this. I love this so much, which was really funny because I was sitting here watching it and I was like, this got really loud. And I'm like turning the volume down my computer as he's like, you don't have to yell. I'm like, yeah, you don't. My neighbors don't need to hear this. But I mean, I've watched this episode two, maybe three times now and.
I can't get over, like I love the English version, so they have a high bar to hit, but the way that Itadori comes down those steps and just says Nanami's name. It hurts so bad.
It's so impactful and I have to say we sing our praises of this character and I suppose this may be one of the last times that I get to mention it but like

Reflecting on Nanami and Nobara's Impact

I was getting Logan vibes from the beginning of this episode where it was like this is a swan song right here. This is us getting to see this character
say, here's what I always wanted. Here's where I was going to be. And then absolutely tear people apart until their final moment where they then pass the torch on to someone else. Like it was. I was heartbreaking and beautiful and I loved it. I loved every moment of it, like that entire sequence of like, but I just want to retire. I've worked too hard. I have a pile of books sitting there. It was just
It was so impactful. You see the airline that's been doing Malaysia marketing based off of that. He was like, none of me is right. Malaysia is a great place. Oh, my gosh, that's so. It's hilarious. They can't get away with that. A bunch of people come off a plane just all dressed in Nanami cosplay.
I mean, I would be, yeah, it's Malaysia Airlines as I'm looking this up, but Malaysia, I guess it has to be high on the list now for all of us. Yeah. So one of the important details from season one, when Nanami and Itadori fought Patchface or Scarface or whatever they called them, Mahito, for, I love that I can remember the Japanese name and not the silly nickname. It's Patchface, but yes, Mahito.
One of the, one of the big things that they noticed was that he needs time between his transformations to like recover or shift or whatever. So that's why not even use your head to get in and just like pummel him like nonstop at the same time. So I like when it got to the point that no bar, I gave him the time to do that. And she was just wailing on him against the wall. Like, Oh my God, that scene looked so freaking good. And that's why I'm like,
hoping that Toto fight comes up for this because, like, that's Mahito's worst nightmare, is that every time he tries to run away...
And you are in front of Eugene again, especially if you could do it like in the train station in a tight hallway. Mm hmm. That's exactly it. But I do have to ask because you and I had a conversation when Anatomy first had to save Nobara, where you were like, she's so much more capable. We saw how capable she was during the sister exam. And season one. Yeah, the end of season one. I felt like this was a redeeming like
No, she can hold her own. When she first popped up to take on Mahito in that alley, I was like, yeah, this is the no bar that we should have seen earlier. I guess they were saving it for this. But all of that fight scene was her just using the environment and going toe to toe with one of the worst villains that we've seen. It's just like, yes, yes, give us more. Cool. Thanks for not making her look useless before she dies. Appreciate that, Mappa.
Yeah, they really decided to save it for such a specific time. We get like this cool flashback and everything. I thought there was going to be like some revelation of her ability or something that saves her from the situation. Nope. It was weird. I have to say that much.
the entire like take us out of that scene and plop us somewhere else the pacing was very very I was mad when they flipped and then I was fascinated and then my brain just didn't know how to feel so I was impressed with like the middle to end of it but I do agree that snapped to just her backstory was like we don't have too much time in this episode what are we doing right now
Yeah, I think it was also like it took me a little while. At first, I was a little upset because as much as I knew it was going to have an impact, I was like, what is this actually giving us? And then it was right at the end when you finally just felt the like sinking feeling and realized what it all really meant, that it really sunk in of, oh, I don't care what this was. I needed this.
Mm hmm. Like, I think had they just gotten to the end, I wouldn't have felt as intense as it did in that moment where it was like, I'm not fulfilling my promise. And how do you think you would have felt if this flashback happened at the beginning, like if the episode started with this? I don't think it would have worked. I think you had to know or like after that commercial break cut that they do. That's exactly when they did it, didn't they?
No, they did it as wasn't touched her face. Well, I thought it was face grab commercial break. And then we came back to the flashback. I don't know. Like in my head, that's exactly how it happened. And but either way, what the first half of this was. Well, the first half was still like the fight and realizing, oh,
He hasn't touched it. Sorry. We had the notion up and I'm just like, I have a resource right here. Yes. Okay. So we did start with no bar. I think it's because I watched these episodes back to like, I watched right and wrong last week, but I watched it again as I started part two. So I think like all the information is kind of like float together. Yeah. It's like there, there was a little, we saw her pop up at the end of the first one. And then we saw her actual like, but he,
in the first half, and then everything happened. So I think it did end up really coming together well. I didn't mind it at the end, but about halfway through the flashback, I was like, why is this so long? What is this slow pacing? What's happening? And now looking at it as, I guess, parts of a whole, because spoiler, right and wrong part three is next week.
there is more to this story, but it might just be the remainder of the fight. Yeah, I wonder if those characters are going to be relevant in another season. Yeah, I don't know. It was very interesting because that we only saw the reappearance of one and not the other, but neither of them were sorcerers. Neither of them. I love how they actually impacted so much. Like she didn't have a mouth most of the time and it was like the same eyes and like the little swigglies around it. I like the consistency I've been asking for. It's not much, but this is great.
Yeah. Take away the features and then I won't complain ever. I was waiting for some people out there to complain about, like, I loved it. It was so well done. It was like when a little chibi gojo was walking up in episode one. It's it's more just that people like to complain about incomplete animation. I'm like, this was an obvious choice that I think is fun. This was this was strategically done and it was well done. I appreciated it. I'll give credit where credit is due. I don't think I asked for much. No. But I will say the craziest part.
Because as I'm talking about, okay, well, what comes next? I thought I was returning from vacation and we only had a couple episodes left. And when I was like, oh, we have right, wrong, right, wrong part two, right, wrong part three, I think next week's going to be the finale. Like in my head, we were at the home stretch because so much craziness has happened. We have four episodes left still. We still have a month of this to go through. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, indeed. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. It's it's amazing. I absolutely love how quickly they turned our opinions around. Like not that we were
upset about the show earlier in the season, but we were a little down on things. We were a little like, okay, what is the Shibuya incident deal? Where is this going to go? And now I'm just like, why do I have to wait another week? What do you mean I don't get the resolution to this? I haven't seen Gojo and May May in what, four weeks now? That's the craziest thing. We still have the main quote unquote main thing that we went into this incident thinking was going to be the big deal. We haven't touched in
over a month of real time, but like five, six episodes at least. And so yeah, that entire thing still has to be resolved. We don't know what's going to happen. We don't know what Gojo's response to all of this is going to be. There's still the entirety of the pseudo ghetto that just was like, Hey, surprise, this is happening. And we've gotten no other mention of
Um, fun thing about Japan as well. There are crows everywhere. I just got like, I was so amazed at how crows are literally everywhere. So I can now see why may may is the most powerful source service. Yeah, because like, oh, I just control crows. And it's like, Oh, is that really that big of a deal? Everywhere you go. They're just there and they're huge. They're humongous. They're like brothers watching.
They're so big. Yeah, if birds are drones, then their drones are everywhere. But like, that was one thing that I had a chuckle at is how they were quite literally just everywhere you went in every capacity. Like they were just there. I was like, ah, Demon Slayer got this right. JJK got this right. Like crows are a big deal in Japan. There's a whole lot of mythos around that that I'm not going to get into. But I was amazed. Like even in the city, it wasn't pigeons everywhere. It was crows. Yeah, it's like a positive spiritual moment.
Yeah, it's very positive and I just said it's not pigeons and crows, but they're not gross, they're not eating trash, they're not being menaces, they're just everywhere. I have my Itachi Funko Pop looking at me with three crows coming off of him. Nice. Does my mousepad have crows? Yep. Yeah, my desk has crows all over too. Well, you're just in the spirit of things is what that means.
They really sound human. They don't sound like crows. They sound like a person trying to sound like a crow. The whole time I was like, David Slayer? Yeah. Well, that's the thing is some crows can learn English speech. But every now and again, I would hear one and be like, is that a child? Be like, no, that's a crow. It's just a crow. Did you see the one that was learning water displacement? Oh, I have seen that crow. That was fascinating. Crows are smart, man. They are super intelligent.
So we went through a lot of this. We talked about the swan songs of characters. I do feel like this was also Nobara's swan song. So there's a lot. And I don't know how Yuji is about to handle this because the look on his face at the end of the episode was like you could see how much trauma he had gone through. So I don't know what the next steps are.
He gonna lose his shit. Yeah, Mahito's done for. That's the one and only thing that I think I do know is- What's one death I'm looking forward to? Ah, yeah. And at least we don't have to deal with a demon slayer. Like, oh, we're about to get a sad backstory for the villain that's gonna make me feel for them. Instead, it's just gonna be like, ah, got him. Oh my god, when he turned his hand into the other kid's face and then stabbed it right away- And then just stabbed it.
that little like hallway escape room fight. Yeah, we didn't even talk about like the actual animation of the fight scene, but it was so, so good. And the way he was just like, I'm going to have blades come out at you and chains swinging and you was just like, nope. Uppercut. Yeah. Standing on the floor, kicked the face. I genuinely wait tomorrow for not running down those stairs with nails in her hand.
Yeah. She was excited that he went to the subway because it was narrow grounds. How was your idea not to cut the corners? Go, dang, knowing that he'd be out there, right?
Yeah, I think it was just like, hey, that's you. Hey, what's going on? I think it was more, yeah, the surprise of Yuji and putting the pieces together with Yuji was so heartbreaking because it was like, oh, no, they're going to heal. And I had the same thought of like, oh, he's going to combine and heal. But the moment that they freeze framed them running past each other, I was like, fuck, I figured it out. And I was like, no, no. Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking to myself. And it was good. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, it was rough. And I really thought we had a moment, like Mahito giving us hope and being like, oh, it took more than one touch to kill some of the others. Like, oh, okay, it's gonna take more than one touch to kill her. He's just such a greatly written bad character. What if she did get like some of the voodoo curse on herself as like,
a last minute thing. So when her face blew up like my toes face blew up too. It would have been amazing. Like, yeah, put a nail through like do the voodoo nail things and like take them down with you. Yeah, like the next episode he's just like screaming on the floor because his face has gone like that'd be awesome. That would be amazing. A little I can't remember what the dolls are called.
Is it just a voodoo dolls? I think they're called voodoo dolls. I'm really overthinking, like, what is the name of those dolls they use in voodoo? If they make one of me, it's a voodoo doll. Oh my God. Okay. That's voodoo doll. I missed you tremendously, but that is, uh, that is not one that I was prepared for today. On that note, anything else you want to bring up? I should probably try until next Thursday.
I think that's exactly it. So much of this episode was just beautiful fight scenes, beautiful things. If you're still listening to us, thank you so much because it's really just all of us processing this collective trauma together. So I'm glad you could be here to be a part of this. Especially because you made me start watching this show and then left me for three weeks. I did. I did make you start watching this show and I don't know if you regret it or if you're thankful or both.
I get I love it too. And we love all of you and want to know how much you love this. So if you have any feedback, as always, feel free to write into us animation deliberation podcast at We take voice memos, we take text, emails, regular emails, I don't have our number, we take talks. Yeah, I was gonna be like, we take texts, but I was like, that's not how you would describe it. But an email is text. That's besides the point, you can always reach out to us there as well as on any of our social media platforms.
You could follow and message us on Instagram, Facebook and formally Twitter. That's just how I'm going to refer to it now. It's kind of like when Prince became a symbol like the artist formerly known as Prince. It's just the app formerly known as Twitter.
and access the symbol. So yeah, Twitter animation to live one and Facebook and Instagram just animation deliberation, you can find us there. And besides the social medias, you can find us on all of your favorite podcast apps, leave us a five star rating and review it as the single best way to help us out. And Bezos, if you're out there listening, I've heard you've you know, you're launching podcasts that you want to pay a premium for hit us up. We would totally as I hit my mic, we would totally be down.
to take that bag, hit us up like I hit these listeners ears up with this microphone, boom, boom, boom. But those are the best ways to hear that we like to hear from you. If you would want to hear more from us, is there any way that they can hear more of you zoo hair?
Oh come on, I set you up perfectly for that. I fumbled the ball, but I still passed it. Speaking of fumbling the ball, we still got three more months of NFL football, so I will be on the 323 with Reed Murphy to do my weekly picks, talk about leading stories, and just absolute nonsense. I actually made up my first game for 323 too, so that'll be coming up closer to the Super Bowl time. I'm very excited for it. I'll tell you about it. I'm not going to tell the people about it just yet.
Ooh, I'm excited because I'm glad I get this behind the scenes because my co-host there don't know about it either. So I'm I'm I'm scheming. Oh, no. But yeah, that's all I got going on for me. Holiday season work. Everything is just so busy. Like I'm glad and grateful to make the time for this when I can. But I'm definitely not picking up any extra projects right now.
And that is absolutely fine because our favorite project is being here with you, the listeners. Thank you all so much. I'm so happy to be back. Just wanted to say that as we're ending Thanksgiving, that we are always thankful of you. Stay safe around the holidays as you continue to travel or if you're just staying home, have a great time. Stay cozy, stay warm. And be sure to tune in next time. That's T-O-O-N-I-N and as always, stay well. I was really just trying to set you up for a stay cozy, stay warm, stay whelmed, but you know,
We all can't get there. Gotta throw in the other part. Ooh, muscle, muscle.
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