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Jujutsu Kaisen S2 E20: Right and Wrong, Part 3 image

Jujutsu Kaisen S2 E20: Right and Wrong, Part 3

Animation Deliberation
629 Plays1 year ago

Clap your hands and rejoice as Todo steps into the ring! 


Toto's Exciting Return in Jujutsu Kaisen

On another exciting episode of the Animation Delibration Podcast, is that an applause we hear? No, that is the claps of Toto finally stepping into action as we talk about Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2, Episode 20, Right and Wrong, Part 3. Right off these ads, we have no control over. Sing along if you know the words.

Introduction to the Podcast and Hosts

One, two, three, it's time for animation deliberation. A conversation and a celebration. Our favorite action animated series, yeah.
Yeah, welcome back to another episode of Animation Deliberation, the podcast where we take action animation and cartoon seriously, but not too seriously. We're your hosts, I'm Zuhira Lee. And I am Andrew Rogers. And I cannot make it clear enough that we don't take this really that seriously. It's more the content that's serious, not how we interact with each other. No, but I really thought you were clapping and you were gonna like take over the other half of the song, like it was gonna be a Switch Places thing. That's why that gap was there. I heard the clap. I was like, oh, he wants, he wants to tag in.
No, he just wanted to screw with me. That was definitely the

Spoiler Alert: Why Haven't You Watched Jujutsu Kaisen?

answer. Well, we're definitely giving up the goat this episode. There is no spoiler free content, but also we are 20 episodes into the season of Jujutsu Kaisen. If you really have not watched the episode, why are you listening to us? You know, it's funny you say that because my frustrations with this season, I feel like every episode I was saying, we only have this many episodes left. Like we only have like, what are we doing? What are we getting at? I haven't said that in the last five episodes.
Yeah, no, I if anything, I'm like, I don't know how much more I can take. Like, it's a situation of I'm happy with what we have. And I know that there's only a couple left. And I'm like, good, I need a break. I believe it is three after this.
But yeah, it's definitely a nice, I think honestly, if anything, our complaint is going to be as much as I'm like, I need this to be over in the next couple of weeks, it's going to be OK, how do we tie up all the loose ends? Because three episodes is getting close to not feeling like enough. If they don't do enough next week, we're probably going to be saying the same like they only have two left. How are they going to finish this off? Yeah, like do we see Gojo the rest of the season?
that that's the weird thing like what was it episode 10 maybe 12 where it was like ope may may is gonna fight ghetto yeah and have not seen anything of ghetto since that point it has been at least eight maybe 10 episodes since that has happened i could see them just cutting to her be like dead or beat up or something like we don't even get to fight
Honestly, I don't know how upset I would be just because there's so many more horses in this race. We'll get into it when we talk about the episode, but I did not think that the characters that showed up were going to be those characters because there's already other loose ends. And I was like, oh, it's going to be that character. And the fact that we have that many loose ends that is keeping me questioning is a good thing, but also, OK, we're getting to three episodes left.
For the first time in a long time, I'm not upset about it. Like, how often when we're watching, like, other anime, Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, My Hero, all great examples where we're like, they can't leave us with any loose ends. We need to know everything, whereas I'm kind of like, I'm okay if they leave some mystery in this because they've done so much with the season.

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Episode Synopsis of Jujutsu Kaisen

And as always, thank you for supporting the brands that support animation, deliberation. And without further ado, we've talked a bunch about the season, a bunch about the episode. I think we just want to get into it. So I'm going to jump in with the synopsis while I watch Zuhair probably hydrate himself with his liquid IV. I got a new hydroplast, a big. Oh, he's got the Stanley cup. He's a tick tock early. I didn't want to be that much of a.
Basically, I don't know. It's a gray Hydra flask with a big straw and the handle coming out. I don't know. It's not a Stanley, but I have been drinking pretty much more. Make a weird difference. I don't get it, but.
It doesn't. Straws do make a weird difference. I will say listeners, stainless steel straws over silicon straws. I'm not going to get into that, but please just trust me on that one when it comes down to it. But besides the point, right and wrong, part three, because that was the weirdest tangent that we could have taken along the way.
It's like, we can't wait to talk about this, so we're gonna skip everything and get to the synopsis. We're gonna go on a tangent about fucking water bottles. How about your water bottles? Mine is sitting over here perfectly okay, just out of frame, so we don't have to talk about that.
Oh my gosh, yeah, we really take things seriously, but not too seriously because that's staying in the edit. Right and wrong part three. And Yuji goes into shock, seeing Nobara's seemingly lifeless body, thinking about everybody in Shibuya he failed to save.
Mahito takes advantage of his mental state and pounds away at him, even executing a black flash while mocking his poor resolve. Toto then appears, saving Yuji before he is killed. Toto gives Yuji a pep talk to help him out of his funk, while his injuries are healed by Aratandita.
Arata also attempts to heal Nobara's body as much as he can despite her breath and pulse having already ceased, effectively preserving it in a state of stasis. Toto begins to fight Mahito, and with a newfound resolve, Yuji joins the battle. Meanwhile, the rest of the Kyoto students make their way to Shibuya to support. Miwa talks to Mechamaru's puppet, who becomes incredibly upset over Mechamaru manipulating events to protect them.
which she believes is him calling them weak. Before he disappears, Mechamaru tells Miwa how he wanted to protect the girl he loved no matter what, and hopes that she will be happy, as she breaks down in tears. Yuji, Toto, and Mahito's battle continues, with Toto's cursed technique alongside Nobara's previous intervention proving to be more troubling for Mahito.
After Toto executes his own Black Flash, Mahito unleashes a horde of transfigured humans, bursting everyone back onto the streets of Shibuya.
a lot of cool action in this episode, but I think I want to hit the smaller story first so that we don't forget it later. Last week we were talking about how we've gotten to the point in the season where we're looking at the intro a little bit more and trying to, you know, get little cues and stuff of what's going to happen and what has happened, just related to this stuff. And the fact that they just zoom in on Nobara and she has her hand over her eye. And it's just there. I was like, man, you told us that week one. That's that's something.
So seeing that, and then, you know, we see Miwa crying, so when Mecha-Maru, we were first questioning if he was actually dead or not, samely, is. We were wondering, like, what this relationship would be like, how far it would go, what Miwa's, I guess, motive would be after this, is she gonna fight, is she just gonna mourn?
And everything about that scene was just so beautifully done, especially the fact that, like, whenever Mecha Maru was talking, they just kept switching over to the empty seat. And I thought that it was just symbolic, but the fact that they actually used it in the reflection afterwards, I was like, see, this is why we love mappas when they do stuff like this and the symbolism and the beautiful just aspects that we can just admire and just the creativity. And then you do things to be mad at you. But stuff like that was just wonderful. And
The fact that like one of my favorite lines is her answering the phone going useless me like here and to have this conversation and be like, is it because I'm useless? Did you not tell me because I'm stupid or I'm useless or I'm weak and this and that. And just the amount you words, you don't realize like how much character growth that we've gotten.
just from seeing them within a season and it like breaks our hearts that we haven't even had that much time with them and we have to like say bye to them or see them in the state and this and that so everything about that sequence between Miwa and Mecha Maru was just absolute perfection.
Yeah, I think you said it well. And all of their friends in between the train cars just waiting because they knew that this moment was going to be more important to me when anyone else was like equally as heartbreaking because you know that they're upset about everything going on. And they probably think that they could be helping more. And the lines of like, oh, this whole toto isn't going to die nonsense. Does that mean he thought we were going to die? The answer is probably yes. Just going to start off with that. But like,
So much of that scene made sense from a perspective of especially of the people that aren't there they aren't seeing the chaos that we are seeing instead they just know that their friends are all in the thick of something right now that they probably feel like they could have helped with.
But yeah, you said it well. The entirety of the scene was so moving with Miwa. You talked about the scene, the usage of the seat. And I think one of the other cool things was the lights going by a couple times when they showed Mecha Muru. I thought like the robot was shedding a tear almost because the way that the light would like run over it, I don't know if it was intentional, but it was just so beautiful and so unnecessary to have so much detail outside of the moving train and continuing on like
Yeah, they did a great job. And I that's one thing I don't think we've sung the praises of this show enough about is just how short the show is. We have had under two seasons and we know a dozen characters very well. We care about all of them were upset that we lost Makamaru. So soon we feel upset that like this is the first time pretty much
all season that we've seen Miwa aside from that single scene at the beginning where she was sitting on the bench talking to Mecha Maru for a couple of moments, yet we're still so drawn into the relationship that they have despite never really seeing it on the screen. They do a great job with the character development and we talked about it in the first arc and then we lost that to the chaos

Emotional Impact: Miwa and Mecha-Maru's Scene

that was the Shibuya incident, but this is a character-driven show.
And that's one thing that we can never take away from it is these characters are all delightful and that's why we're so upset to see so many of them go. Yeah. Anything else you want to add about this train sequence before we go over to arguably my favorite character?
Arguably your favorite character. Uh, no, I don't want to talk more about the train sequence, but before we talk about the, uh, Toto in the room, I do think it's important to talk about the new Barra sequence at the beginning. Cause the synopsis like didn't even touch on it. No, it was top not gorilla. Top not gorilla.
Now, I just wanted to talk and I feel like Jill summed it up best. She texted me this afternoon and was like they reverse juju scrolled us, which is exactly what happened was like this episode started with a goofy little scene about them spilling coffee on Gojo's shirt. And I was like, oh, we're going to get a break this episode. It's going to be nice. We're going to get some backstory and say goodbye to Nobara. And within three minutes, it then switches to her
lifelessly staring down Itadori and then Itadori getting the pulp beat from him. Like I thought they were giving us a break and then they tore it away from me and I was not OK with that because that opener was just so fun. And I was like, yay, we love this. We love the way our little Naruto trio gets along with Sensei. Like it's fun. Yeah, that was really cute. I definitely enjoyed that scene quite a bit.
I'm not going to say any names, but to the person that I know personally that decided to look at one of my memes and just message me saying that no bar is not dead. Like you just suck. Thank you for spoiling that for me because the whole time I was watching, I was like.
Oh, yeah, that's that's how she's possible. Yeah, cool. Thanks. Appreciate that. And that's the thing. I had said goodbye. Goodbye to Nobara. I was so, so like aptly surprised to even get a glimmer of hope that she could still be alive. Yeah. I love the way that he put it, too. It's like it's not 100 percent. Don't have too much faith in this. Yeah, I was like that. This is like speaking directly to the fans like, hey, don't get your hopes up. We're not promising anything.
But yeah, no, that was crazy. And then I quite literally threw my pen because I was taking little notes and like. It was and this is kind of what I alluded to if they had so many loose threads hanging.
that when Itadori was saved from that killing blow, I was like, oh, so like, Sakuna? No, Sakuna wouldn't come back to save him from death. Oh, maybe it's Choso, like Choso is coming back to save his quote unquote, like brothers, since we still have that weird cliffhanger. And then when I realized that it was a clap, I threw my pen. I was taking note that I just threw my pen onto my desk like, yes, he's here. It's total. So I thought he was going to save Nobara last week.
Because from that opener, there is a sequence of them fighting Mahito. So I was like, oh, like, I'm not worried about Nobara. He's going to come in. He's going to clap out of there. They're going to fight together. We're good to go. And then I was like, oh, no, she did. No, she did. She got her eye popped. And then when he showed up today, I'm like, there it is. You're a little late, but I'm happy you are here, sir. Little late.
Yeah, you say a little late. And the speech! Oh, the speech. His style, all of it. He carries a spotlight with him, I swear. Everyone else is getting regular train station lighting, and this man is glowing and glittering as he gives that speech, just like JoJo's level muscle rippling. They gave a winky kiss at the end of the episode.
Oh my God, yeah, that being the final card. I was like, really? Really, this is what we're going to go with? You talk about his idol, but his idol being like what he was doing in that final Black Flash Sailor Moon moment. Yeah, everything about this episode was just absolutely incredible. Oh, it was great. It was absolutely stunning. All of the animation, this fight scene, like,
I don't think you could beat Sukuna versus the Divine Sword, but I will say I think even this fight scene beats anything we saw in season one. Like the first clap fight was good. I feel like this one was just like such a level above it because of how much these characters have grown and how strong they truly are now. I won't go into it just because of my animation quirks with the season.
Animation quirks were here a bit this episode for sure, but I'm just saying- I don't think I topped the first one for me, but that bar is also just so freaking high. It was still really up there. I don't know, though. I just think the emotion that this gave and the gravity of the situation is just so much more that I can't help but to be drawn in by this fight. And then, yeah.

Yuji's Renewed Resolve After Nanami's Pep Talk

How are we doing it for Nanami all the time? It's just going to be doing it for Nanami now.
Yeah, and the fact that, again, like the symbolism is so beautiful here. Every time that Yuji looked like there was a scene of Nanami from Yuji's perspective, it was him missing half of his face because of the regret and the sin and the wanting to run away and giving up and all of that.
But the fact that after the pep talk, you got to see him as he knew him, as he remembered him, full face and all, that was so beautifully done. Full suit glasses on. That's exactly where I was going. Thank you. It moved more because of that. And this whole time, I was just like, oh, no, this is his last image in his head. That's what he's going to remember forever. And no, that's not it. You get to remember the good when you need their support.
Chills. Absolute chills, tears. It was so good. It's not because it's 30 degrees here. Yeah, you look pretty chilly today. I got my tachi hoodie on. Well, not everyone can be running around fighting curses. I want to ask you, because I was ready for Mahito to be dead at the end of this episode. I really was. I was not ready for a you haven't seen my final form yet.
And then to know that they were at a small percentage of their power until now, I was like, no, no, they need to level up. What do you mean? It's funny you say that because as I was watching the fight, like when Eetadori entered the ring, my brain instantly went, what if this isn't the end of my death?
Like they're going to give us his big sequence and they're quite to kill off our guys, but like we already killed off three other special grades. I mean, he hasn't even hit his domain expansion yet. Oh, does Mahito have a domain expansion? He used it for the first time last season. Oh, yeah, you're right. And it was a lot of hands and it was really creepy.
Does he even have that power with only so much of his soul left? But there's also that. Do you remember him, like, his hands getting close to it? He's like, I'm so close. Yeah. I think he's charging for his domain expansion right now. Yeah, that was the mention of like, oh, I'm so close to my final soul, like what that power actually entails. We can guess that it's domain expansion, but it could be something even worse. It'll definitely start with one and lead to the other. Yeah, I'm not sure this season is the end of Mahito.
I don't know if Yuji can rest if it's not the end of Mahito. Because that's the thing. We could also just get three more episodes of Fighting Mahito. Like, Ghetto is next season's villain. Like, he just comes back again. Yeah. I don't know where the show goes. Like, legitimately, though. It's just like... Yeah. How long is this supposed to be? Oops. It's okay. You can spit on your mic. It's fine. You don't mean I like to. Yeah.
Honestly, this show, it's getting to the point that anytime I think about it, I just shudder a little bit at everything that has happened because it was also pointed out to me that everything in the last four or five episodes has happened to Yuji in 15 minutes. Did I send you that on Instagram? Maybe you did. I don't believe that you did, but someone sent me something similar that was not you.
Or yeah, it's just like he woke up from being Sukuna Came down started fighting Mahito watched two of his friends die somewhat before him all in like the span of 15 minutes that is the most like Yeah, I think he's winning the like I've been Traumatized by the events of my anime game This whole arc has been over the span of what two hours? Oh
A little bit more than that. We're getting close to midnight. I wouldn't be surprised if the season ends on midnight just to be like, well, it's not Halloween anymore or something like that. And it started Gojo. Gojo entered the bubble and I think it was about like 8 p.m. or something like that. That was closer than that, but it could be right. Let's see. I have.
I have the timeline here somewhere. I stopped a little while back. Yeah, Gojo entered at 8.30. The last note that I have was at 10.20. And that was when Nanami entered the Shibuya station. So a lot of things have happened since that point. But yeah, at the very least, it's still only been like a four hour stretch at most. That's a lot. That is a lot of like,
I remember when I started, when we started this arc where I was like, Oh, I want these timestamps because I love how, knowing how short these things can be. I didn't think it was going to be this short. I didn't, I thought it was cast at 7 PM curtain was cast. There you go. That's part of what it was, was the veil enters at 8 31. Yup. That's exactly what I had. I told you I was taking notes. I got them up to what I asked you first.
But yeah, I expected it to be like, oh, we're going to start at 8 p.m. and it's going to be like sunrise when this ends. I would not be surprised if it's like midnight or 1201 on November the 1st when this ends. Interesting, interesting. Yeah, I don't know what else to do about this episode. Just speculate. Yeah, I mean, the episode was great. We're talking about like how nice it was to get some fun things. But like speculation is all we have left because
Yeah, there's nothing more that can be said. It's getting to the point that it's interesting to podcast about this because
they keep changing anything that i think is going to happen it's not like when i watch many other shows where we're like okay we can see the pieces falling into place we know what they're trying to set up this is what they were kind of setting up for a while like we're just in the thick of it and they keep throwing haymaker after haymaker and character after character at this problem so
Yeah, the life of a podcaster was interesting. Even watching this episode, I was like, I only have a couple of notes. Yeah. It's not often that you can only get a couple of notes out of me. Yeah. I'm not sure I have too much more to add.

Fast-Paced Excitement and Future Anticipation

I honestly don't think I do. I looked at the clock expecting us to have gone so much longer than we did, but honestly. I've kind of fallen once or hard to talk about. That's true. Also, this episode felt like it flew by. I was like,
I don't even think we got a commercial break this time. I think it just kept going. I was wondering about that. I was like, where was the stopping point? I don't think there was. And I honestly, I thought we were like 10 minutes in and I heard the final music start playing. And I was like, what? No, like it just it kept cruising right along, which is awesome. Yeah, I can't wait to say this every week. I can't wait to binge all of it together in English.
Yeah, I'm probably gonna get that again at some point because Monica, I mentioned she fell off early in the season and then she just never caught back up. So at some point, she's gonna have to read better. Well, you don't blame her for falling off early. But now that we're here in the thick of it, I'm like, gosh, you are missing. And I'm so sorry. Sorry. Cannot continue that one.
But yeah, I can't blame her for falling off. But now that we're like in such a thick I'm like, you are missing some of the greatest week to week content that we've got gotten in a while. Yeah. But there's plenty of other week to week content coming out. We have invincible stuff that we're talking about. There's other great shows. We have Boy and the Heron is coming out this weekend. Spy family movie coming up at some point with the end of the season just happening.
Yes, my family and the Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat. What are they crossing over with? What? Didn't you send it to me? I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, so I can't remember if it was Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, but Spy Family is like doing a crossover with it. It can't be Mortal Kombat, can it? Okay, no, it was Street Fighter then.
Well, and then I just can't imagine Anya doing a fatality here. I don't I don't play fighter games like that, so I always get them mixed up. Was it Street Fighter? Street Fighter VI family. It was your Lee versus your. Yeah, your is Chun Lee. Oh, that is in the teaser. And it was such a cool fight between the two of them.
Bro, what is this? You gotta watch it. It's cool. This looks gorgeous. Like just this one scene of them like crossing legs. Oh my gosh. Oh, little sparks. Gonna have to check that out. Oh my gosh. I have not played Street Fighter in a long time, but you're about to watch me pay a bunch of money for that. Right. I did watch the My Hero OVA.
I went to watch it on Crunchyroll this weekend, and the subtitles were wildly wrong. I got through the first two, three minutes, and I could tell that they were a sentence or two behind, and I looked at Monica because she speaks Japanese, and she's like, yeah, no, this is not at all keeping up with what's happening, so I'm going to have to go back and see. They actually had it in English, and I just switched to that.
Maybe that's it. I'll have to see if Crunchyroll has fixed that in the last week, but I definitely went to do that this weekend and just completely fell off. I did recently start... Gosh, I cannot remember the name of this anime. But it is suddenly taken to the headlines. I definitely want to call it out. Gosh, now of course it's just not going to show up.
Do you know what I'm talking about, the anime that has taken over as the number one on like most of the lists here? I honestly have to force myself to watch Jujutsu Kaisen now because I've been so busy with personal stuff, so no, I do not know. Freerin? Yeah, Freerin beyond Journey's End, it is an anime about like what happens after the adventure, like episode one starts, the Demon King has been defeated kind of thing. And it's...
Yeah, I mean, episode one, I don't care. But yeah, basically, it's about an elf woman who is like, in most fantasy worlds, elves are mostly immortal. So she's living for hundreds of years after and like seeing what is happening to the world in like peacetime. And it is like,

'Freerin' vs. 'Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood' Ratings Debate

I would compare it to Violet Evergarden, if you know anything about that, where every episode is like the beauty and tragedy kind of thing. I'm like three episodes in, it's absolutely gorgeous and moving, but the last, the most recent episode that came out made it so that it was rated higher on my anime list than what has been the reigning number one show for years of Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. So I don't know how that happened.
I'm sure FMAB is probably overtaking it because all the fans have bombed the ratings on the websites. But either way, I started that and like the start of it was beautiful. And I really want to know, like, what else does the show have in store to know that it is jump to the heights? Definitely want to call that out. There's always plenty of good anime coming out. We can only share and watch so much. Like we said, we're having to force ourselves to watch things. Hopefully I'm going to see the Marvels finally this weekend, so.
It's a busy time, but it's a great time to be a fan of animation and everything we do. And if you're fans of other things, we have plenty of other shows in the Stranded Panda Network, which you can totally check out for all of your favorite fandoms. If you want to know what fandoms,
Our cohort, Jay Scottie is a host on the multiverse news, which covers things from all over the multiverse of fandoms and would definitely direct you toward what you want to find. So if you want to find, you know, things about Marvel, they.
have that if you want to think things about comic books. We got that if you want to find horror movies, we got that we have all sorts of different things. But a great place is multiverse news as well as just stranded I'm not gonna list off our social medias because who hair lovingly does that at the end of every episodes. Don't let them fool you. That's not pre recorded. He does that every single time. It's perfect. Yeah, perfect sync with the music. I'm sitting there dancing while he lists it off. Even when he's not here, he comes in to list it off. It's great. We're just good like that.
If only we were good like that. We'll spare no time. You can just listen to it now. Be sure to tune in the next time. That's T-double-O-N-I-N. And as always, stay well. He really just wanted to shut me up for my rambling. It's a good call. Muscle muscle.
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