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Bad Batch S3 Ep 1-4

Animation Deliberation
592 Plays10 months ago

The final season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch is and we've batched together the first 4 episodes to talk about!


Introduction and Hiatus Return

On another exciting episode of the Animation Deliberation podcast, we are covering the first four episodes of Star Wars Bad Batch's final season. Teardrop. It's going to be the last one. Currently streaming on Disney Plus, we are covering Confined, Pat's Unknown, Shadow of Tantus, and different approach right after these ads. We have no control over.
Sing along if you know the words. Animation, deliberation, a conversation, and a celebration of our favorite action animated series. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, welcome back to another episode of Animation Deliberation, the podcast where we take action and animation in a cartoon seriously, but not too seriously. We're your hosts. I'm Zuhara Lee. And I'm Jay Scottie St. Clair.
OG Duo is back. Woo hoo. It's been way too long, but we're back. Good to see you, buddy. Likewise. Likewise. And I will apologize to all the listeners. You know, the hiatus that we just had was completely unplanned, but I'm excited to be back and, you know, cover so much of the content that's out there in full force.
Yeah, our hyper drives are recharged and we're ready to dive back in.

Synopsis of 'Confined'

Speaking of diving back in, we have four synopses to go through. I just learned how to say that word off air. You want to take turns on these and go through? Yeah, we can do a little rotating.
Rotating narrator here so yeah we're out we're covering the first four episodes of bad batch season three i'll kick things off with a synopsis for episode one which was titled confined in this episode. Omega captured by doctor him block adapts to life at the imperial research facility by spending time with her prisoner brother crosshair and receiving checkups from her mysterious clone sister doctor emory car.
While creating a tucadol and befriending an imprisoned lurka hound named Batcher, Omega is determined to escape with crosshair who doubts its feasibility. Meanwhile, Dr. Hemlock pressures Kaminoan scientist Nala Sei to advance cloning work foreshadowing additional risk for Omega.
I thought his name was Badger, like Batcher for Bad Batch makes so much more sense now. Yeah, I'm on the fence about what I think about that name, but anyway.

Infiltrating the Cloning Facility

And I guess he is an Imperial Lurka for a while.
Yeah, yeah, my incorrect reading wasn't necessarily incorrect. Episode two pads unknown. Hunter and Rucker armed with intel from the Duran crime family journey to an abandoned Imperial cloning facility supervised by Dr. Hemlock.
Encountering clone cadets, Mox, Zeke, and Stack, who escape the Empire's destruction of the facility, Zeke aids Hunter and Wrecker in infiltrating the facility while avoiding Slythervines, an imperial bio-weapon experiment. While Zeke gathers information, they are ambushed by the Slythervines, revealed to be part of a massive monster, but Mox and Stack rescue them and defeat the creature using explosives. Hunter promises to escort the cadets to Pabu.
All right.

Project Necromancer at Mount Tantus

And episode three was shadows of Tantus. Emperor Palpatine visits Mount Tantus to oversee Project Necromancer, prompting Nala Se to warn Omega of the danger. Omega, with Crosshair's help, escapes using a data pad and attempts to leave the facility.
Hendered by Palpatine's visit grounding shuttles, they navigate lurker-cunnel shoots and find a crashed shuttle. Despite Emery's interference and a pursuit, Hemlock calls off the chase upon realizing Omega's blood is crucial for Project Necromancer, requiring her to be kept alive.
Spoiler is my favorite episode so far. Interesting.

Crash Landing and Escape Plan

Episode four, a different approach. Omega and crosshair crash landed low low low due to shuttle damage and head to a space part. Crosshair plans to forcefully hijack a ship while Omega opts for gambling to get the needed money while Imperial troops snatch Batcher Omega and. OK.
While Imperial troops snatch Batcher, Omega and Crosshair rescue her, steal a freighter, and evade the pursuing forces reuniting with Hunter and Wrecker in a mix of joy and tension upon Crosshair's return." So one little thing that I really want to bring up before I forget it is my favorite thing between Omega and
Crosshair interactions when he was in the prison is the shape of the prison bars. OK. The way the shadow landed on her face during their dialogue gave her the same marking that Crosshair has on his eye without fail over multiple episodes. Like they did it a lot on like the same eye, too. I think it's the right eye. But every time they were talking, like it would just be like generally in that same

Animation Appreciation

area. And you know, they had to like design those bars with a certain intent, right?
And we've talked about how like these animations and details have gotten like
more and more detailed every season that's come out and every show with his art style that's come up. So like, you know, all of that was intentional. So the fact that we're having so much of the relationship between these two for the first time, that that little nuance between the two of them in a part where they were really fighting each other was just cool to see in every episode. Yeah, it's a great call. And I'll be completely honest, I did not pick up on that catch. So kudos to you for that eagle eye there. But the mention of
Omega and Crosshair's relationship. And you mentioned that episode three was your favorite. Episode four was my favorite. And I really do. You know, recency bias could be a factor here, but I think it's because, you know, I think the season has kind of highlighted for me. We got three episodes focusing on Omega and Crosshair largely, and then the one episode with with Wrecker and Hunter.
But i feel like even in hunter and records episode i was more compelled by the young clone cadets and their motivations in the journey that they were on more than record hunter so in that sense i almost feel like you know i it's not really a criticism but i feel like the show has done a little bit of a disservice to record and hunter where i like.
So far in this season, I'm all in on Crosshair and Omega. I would just watch a Crosshair and Omega show at

Favorite Episodes Discussion

this point. Obviously, we've lost Tech. I'm still mourning that loss. But I don't know. I guess I'm just looking for something a little bit extra in terms of some significant character development for Wrecker and Hunter that's just not there yet. Does Crosshair know that Tech is gone?
Based on what we've seen so far, I don't think so. I don't think Omega has disclosed that to him. Yeah, I'm not sure. So I will agree with one point and have another thought on your other point. So I do agree with the fact that I feel like a lot of from the last two seasons, we had a lot of the bad batch without crosshair. Yep.
Every time we had a crosshair focused episode I think we were all like just in love with it Like they're doing such a good job with crosshair episodes for sure with the episodes with crosshair and Omega. I've really enjoyed because he's He still has like the same attitude that he's had but now he's been forced in a position to have a
It's weird to say like defiance for his standards because obviously like all of them were kind of defined for what their program to do. Sure. So I that's why three was my favorite was because he's finally out and we get to see him in action a bit. And sure, he's communicating with Omega. He's learning like, OK, how much do you actually understand of team dynamics? You see how much he's retained of team dynamics despite not being with the bad batch for a while.
So that's why three was so cool for me because we got to see a lot of him back in action and what he's good at. Yeah. For episode two, when the cadets came in, I felt like we were getting back into like filler E territory. I agree with the disservice to Hunter and Wrecker. Yeah.
But then it was like, okay, give us more on Hunter and Wrecker. Why are we repeating storylines that we've had multiple times with these three cadets? It was like, how much are we even going to see them again? Sure. The beginning of the scene, however, of episode two really broke my heart because
We've seen them in groups of five, sometimes six, multiple times that to see just Hunter and Wrecker come in with their suits all beat up the way they were. I think that was the first time that it really clicked to me. Oh, damn, it's only been just two of them for a while.
Yeah, that that whole opening sequence was so heavy and it was just like, dude, we had a deal. We're freaking exhausted. Like we have our mission. We're trying to get this person back. Just give us the intel so we can move on because like we're like I could I could feel like Hunter's legs like shaking. He's probably just so exhausted at that point. Yeah.
I did love that opening sequence for, for episode two, everything from like the callback to the pikes that we've seen, you know, in this series as well as in the live action series. And then I really liked that, like kind of like laser pit. That's, um, you know, the leader of the Duran crime family. It felt so much like Java with his trap door or down there. I love stuff like that. And to your point, it definitely did stand out to me just how. Degradated hunter and wreckers armor has become.
And I love the look. It's like as, as they, as more time passes and you know, they don't have the opportunity to clean this armor, it takes on more texture and more color and like, yeah, they're still technically running around and like clone trooper armor and like anybody that knows anything would be able to identify that, but it's like taking on identity of its own and has really become like ubiquitous with the bad batch. And that armor started off as black. So the fact that like, this is almost greenish. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah.
Yeah, everything else I think is kind of just overall, I guess we

Pacing and Release Strategy Discussion

can talk about just isolating episode one a little bit. The way that episode one played out made me happy that three episodes dropped at once. We got a little foundation of both sides of the story and then had the pieces connect because episode one felt kind of slow.
but it worked for having three episodes. If you had just given me that one and then made me wait a week, I would have been like, dude, that's not how you kick it off after the way things played out. But it was important to see what her day to day was like, what the facility was like, what Hemlock was like, what Nala Sale was like. And the way that it built up to episode three all made it worthwhile. So good call on them for giving us. I didn't watch it altogether, but I'm happy I had it all together.
Sure. I did watch the first three episodes together and then ended up watching episode four separately. But I agree with a lot of what you said. I think episode one really serves to build that foundation and really create that sense of hopelessness in us in terms of omega situation and
how insurmountable the odds really are and it's kind of like serves to put us in the same like headspace as crosshair is so to your point by the time we get to episode three and they're making the daring escape it just pays off all that much more because we know how stacked against her the odds really are and you know there are a couple of hints throughout these two episodes about her relationship with Dr. Emery who we learned you know in the last season is a clone as well
and technically her sister. And I'm really hopeful that that threat is going to be revisited because while we didn't see it play out in her actions, I think we are really starting to see some seeds of doubt and hesitation and reservation from Dr. Emery's part, especially after she sold Omega out. Yeah. I feel like there is going to be a point where Emery is going to see how Omega interacts with
What I'm hoping is the three of them because the way that four kind of left off, it's like I'm very intrigued with the dialogue of how five is going to open up with because it was just a sure down with a lot of intensity. It's like.
We're on good terms, right? The man's back together, right? Please, please say happy things. Yeah, I was kind of expecting like Omega to like, you know, run a little bit more in between the two parties and kind of act as like a diplomat there. But she was a little more firmly like on the side of, you know, Wrecker and Hunter. And it kind of really felt like two factions coming to a head here.
Yeah, I love the way the episode ended in that sense. It was really palpable and the tension was really ratcheted up. But my expectation is that friction will be resolved pretty quickly because that was one of my favorite parts of episode four. Even in the title, a different approach. Omega and Crosshair are learning that they each have value to bring to this partnership and there's a time and place for each approach. It was just really nice to see and they are really such polar opposites.
Crosshair is the cynic. He doesn't want to give anybody a chance. He wants to take the easiest way out. And Omega is just so earnest and altruistic and wants to bring everybody home and everybody home safely. It was a really nice dynamic. Yeah. I got so giddy when she finally said, OK, let's try it. You're away. And I was like, yes, chaos. Bring it on. Let's see what our boys got. Yeah. Yeah. I was so excited for that.
that imperial officer that they use in that episode, he was just a great foil from like, you know, being the kind of like bag of crap that she has to go up against in the Sabak match. And then, you know, just everything. The fact that he was a little schlubby with the five o'clock shadow and like the way he got taken out by that monster with the cage opening. I was like, yeah, I'm here for all of this. It's like feels like classic Star Wars. It's like, oh, don't forget about the fine gambling is illegal over here. It's like,
The monster that he got taken by reminded me of Force Awakens. Yes. The ones that they were transporting that Han was transporting. Good call. I had a quantum mania moment as well with, you know, what's his name? It was your hail Hydra for a while. Oh, well, there was Shuma Gorath, but I was thinking of, Oh,
In Quantum Mania, why can't I think of the famous actor, comedic actor, Bill? Was it the guy who likes holes? No, it was somebody else. I can't believe I'm not remembering this right now. He's in Ghostbusters. He's in Zombieland. Bill Murray. Oh.
Yeah, his his character like the mayor of like, you know, the little quantum man. So he gets like, you know, taken by the tentacled monster and like screams and like, we just kind of like leave the scene like we don't know if he lived or died. I definitely thought of that. Yeah, giving him points was such a pain for that one. It was like, did he die? It's like press. We had to change the words to be like presumed dead because of stuff like that. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
And then in terms of comparing some of the creatures we saw to other stuff we've seen in Star Wars, and I made the comparison to Return of the Jedi with Jabba's Palace previously, but the Slithervine monster, that really felt like a sarlacc, like a sarlacc outside of the pit to me when it was wrapping around the shuttle and had to have the explosives dropped in its maw. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
I love the little detail that they did first. I was like, oh, my God, that's a lot of grenades that fell in. But the last one, how I like, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink, clink,
But when you said Badger, I got a hit of nostalgia because this is going to be a very obscure reference. But for those, if you know, you know. But around 2003, 2004, when Lord of the Rings was at the height of its popularity, there was a third-party knockoff Hobbit video game that came out on the GameCube and the Xbox and the PlayStation 2.
It was a bad game, but I was at that age where it was like I just played bad games because I had spent money on them and Bilbo Baggins character or it was actually the goblins that you had to like stealth hide around and I won't take much more time on this but one of the like repeated voice lines of dialogue that they would do over and over again is
That won't know Badger. Must've been one of them Badgers. So like when you said you thought you heard Badger, I was like, took me right back there. That's funny. Yeah. But in terms of a Badger, yeah, it's, it's one of those things. It's like this job has done, or the show has done a good job, especially within the

Mature Storytelling and Animation

season. Again, we're just four episodes in, but I really feel like the, the maturity level has been kind of ratcheted up and they know that like,
the people that started watching the show at a certain age, it's maturing with them. It is one of those parts of the show. This does feel a little bit like, oh, we had to have that kid factor in there, so we have Batcher. I'm like, you know, Batcher's tolerable to me, but... Yeah. She was the only reason that he
you know, started eating and they built their relationship and it's like, Oh, will he survive out there? It's like, Oh yeah. However, will he, I don't ever expect to see him again. I'm so worried about, Oh, right on cue. Yeah. How'd you feel about seeing Palpatine? That was great. It was great. Ian McDermott, uh, definitely, you know, bringing his all, not missing a beat.
just, you know, the, the air chills when he's in the room and like Hemlock definitely seems like an opportunist and he doesn't seem as unnerved as we've seen some other, you know, Imperial officers around him. But there is that moment where, uh, you know, Palpatine tells him all in, all in time, don't be too hasty. And you get that moment where he's like, yeah, let me check myself a little bit here. Yeah. So I like Jimmy Simpkins a lot.
As as hemlock and you know setting him up to be kind of like the big bad for the the batch as a whole I I like it. I'm on board for it Yeah, his delivery on everything that he's done since last season. It's just been really phenomenal Like I could I now that I'm thinking about it. I really want just him and thrown in a room together Just talk nothing else like just have tea and just talk. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, I kind of hope they don't take him off the board because Jimmy, Jimmy Simpkins is one of those guys, like, you know, it'd be pretty easy to age him up or age him down. So if they wanted to bring him into the, you know, the live action proceedings, I could, I could definitely see it. They might have to give him some blue, blue eye contacts. Cause I did notice how striking him locks blue eyes are even like when he's in the shadow, like they, they definitely stand out.
I got a wide array of people that came up when I typed in Jimmy is spelled J I M M I. And then simply help. I think I actually, I think it's Simpson, not Simpkins. I might've been saying Simpkins. Okay. Simpson did come up. I want to put them up before. So that might be it. Yeah. Yeah. We get, we get decent. He could, you can pull off that haircut.
Yeah, definitely. I mean, it's it's it's the Nazi cut. Sorry for anybody that has a haircut. I just watched the zone of interest not that long ago, and it's the Nazi cut. I was kind of thinking of, do you remember the clone Houser? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They kind of have like similar haircuts. Yeah, sure. Sure. It's the, you know, high and tight slicked back a little. Yeah. Yeah. The Brad Pitt Fury haircut. Exactly. That's it. Yeah. Or furry, as they call it, a new girl.
Have you seen? I've seen new robots, been a while. There was a just recently rewatch again, but there was an episode where Schmidt was like, Oh yeah, like in Furry is like in what? Yeah. The movie with the tanks, Brad Pitt's haircut. Yeah. Furry, Furry. It's a great movie. It's just like, I've never heard of it. I do love that movie Furry though. I think that's my favorite from, uh, from David Ayer. Phenomenal movie. Yeah. It was that movie that made me excited for, uh, Bernthal playing Punisher. Oh, sure. Sure.
Because at that point I'd see him there and in walking dead. So I was like, okay, he's got the range. Put him in there. For sure. I was like, Oh, Shane's going to be punished here. I'm just like, no, the guy from fury is going to be punished here. Right. Right. Right. Right. Trying to think if I had seen him in anything else before that, but nothing's really coming to mind.
There's times where it's like, I see him as like a little cameo thing or like when he was super young, like here and there, just be like, Oh, now I know who that is, but I wouldn't have thought of it then. I know he's in, he had a like one scene in Sicario, but it wasn't one of like those scenes where it'd be like, Oh, I see him as Punisher. Yeah, he's good at playing a POS.
How about, so what about like, you know, sorry. Say again. He was in Wolf of Wall Street. Oh, that's right. Yeah. He wasn't Wolf of Wall Street. He was, uh, he played a, um, if I'm not mistaken, he was like a, a copper, like a government agent and that. Yeah. So a little bit of a different, different turn for him there.
He did a great job in the bear. I was so excited to see him in that. Oh, okay. I haven't seen, I heard about him. I've heard about like the wild guest appearances on the bear, but I think Jessica Mai and I share this in common. Like we both tried to watch the first episode and ended up getting like so stressed out by it that we haven't been able to go on. I tried persuading her to continue watching just because I had started. I like benched it on my flight. Oh, I don't know which one it was.
I think I can stomach it. I just have to be in the right frame of mind because I actually just started watching beef on Netflix as well, which has been highly recommended to me and I've wanted to watch, but I can see it's one of those shows like the subject matter. Like it is about being frustrated and anxious and stuff like that. So I'm like, okay, I just need to like know that going in and be in the right state of mind or otherwise this is going to make me more stressed and anxious.
There was a couple episodes of The Bear where it ended and I was just like, I'm not okay. I need a minute. There was actually an episode of Andor, the episode where they pull off, without going into spoilers, but the episode where they pull off the big heist. I remember watching that episode and having to stop and be like, my anxiety is through the roof right now. This show is captivating.
Yeah. Had to bring it back to Star Wars a little bit. Yeah. I need to rewatch Andor, because I didn't have the best impression the first time that I watched it. Oh, interesting. I've not tried again yet. But it was my own fault, because I loved Rogue One so much, I gave it a ridiculously high bar. And it was a much different tone than what I was expecting. Yeah, I could see that. It was the same time when I first saw, well, the Jessica Jones. Sure. I had the Daredevil impression, so when it was a different,
almost genre. It just threw me off. So I need to see that. But that sacrifice scene from Andor is just like cinematic gold. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So good. So good.
I'm also thinking of like the other corners of the Star Wars saga and galaxy and whatnot. And I can't remember if it was in season one or see, I'm feeling more like season one than season two, but we had Brock, like the clones were on Brock, which is a planet that was featured in Jedi fallen order. And since we've last cast about bad batch, I have actually been able to play Jedi survivor. Have you played that one?
No, because the first one pissed me off so much. Oh, that's right. I remember having this conversation. Yeah, because I really wanted to. I thought about just going straight to it. But then if that one pissed me off too, I couldn't justify spending 60 bucks to get pissed off. So if I find it on sale, maybe. But I got it on sale for 34 bucks brand new on a whim. I stopped at a game stop just because I had some time to kill. And I found it on sale for 34 bucks. So yeah, I was very pleased.
I, it's, it's tough to say cause I remember with the first one, like my takeaway was like, this is a game for like hardcore gamers that was marketed towards casual gamers. And I don't think the sec, I don't think the second one changes that all that much. Like the gameplay is still the same, but I want to say it's a little more accessible, like
I don't think they ever leave you at a point where you're just like, what do I do? I don't know where to go. They do a good job of letting you know where your next objective is. There's no possibility for getting lost. That being said, there are some really frustrating and difficult boss fights, like two in particular. I was getting close to being like, I'm going to lower the difficulty, but I hate doing that.
But after, you know, like four or five attempts after a couple of hours, I was able to get through both of them on the, on the standard difficulty. I would rather get mad at a boss fight than get mad at a puzzle. Puzzles really pissed me off. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure.
I think we're getting into a different conversation here, but when it comes to puzzles, if I don't figure it out after a while, I do want to figure it out on my own, but I feel less shame about going online and looking up the solution to a difficult puzzle than I do about a boss fight. I don't want to have to look up how to defeat a boss or anything like that. Whatever.
So I guess the reason I bring all that up is because we had the hope and expectation that Cal might pop up in the Bad Batch, but now I'm hoping that it could go either way. Maybe the Bad Batch pop up in a future installment of the Jedi series or vice versa, or maybe some of them show up in live action. I'm down to see more interconnectivity within the Star Wars franchise. Yeah, they've set Cal up
Perfectly to succeed in live-action. Mm-hmm Like obviously because they mapped it off of the actor. Do you know his name top of your head? I just saw him run off Cameron Monaghan. I want to say okay I don't know if it's Moynihan or Monaghan, but okay Did an incredible job as Joker and Gotham. So now I understand like that's right his range as an actor so the fact that like they actually had him and
learn the movements and stuff. I did the motion capture off of him as an actor. Like he did that. It wasn't a stunt double or anything. So he learned the movements. He had the motion. So it's like, you could literally just, you know, plug and play him anywhere that you need to. If the, if the story calls for it, obviously, for sure. Um, if you just want, if that's like the next live action spinoff that they do, it's like, Hey, let's talk more about gal, like options there. No doubt. No doubt. So,

Speculation on Season Three Episode Count

Bringing it back to the Bad Batch, how many episodes do we have this season? Do we know? I thought it was either eight or 10. That sounds right. Excuse me. There was a 2016 American dystopian thriller film called The Bad Batch.
probably not what we were looking for. I don't think so, but maybe I'll check it out someday. I'll see what the reviews look like. Okay. Looks like season three should be 15 episodes. Okay. Yeah. So it looks like season two was 16 as well as, as season one.
It's so wild to think that this show came out a day before we met each other for the first time. That's right. Yeah. It came up May 4th, 2021 and I was like, I waited a day. We could have all recorded together. I wasn't there. Yeah. Yeah. Cause he has Fox and Jeff on for that like instant reaction. That sounds correct. Yes.
Oh, memories. So long ago, but. I feel sorry. Yeah, exactly. It's like all that just happened just the way like you and I like haven't talked in a while, but the fact that just picks off like that is just, it's a, it's great to have people that you can do that with. Yeah. And hopefully, you know, our, our listeners feel the same way, you know, they're just getting right back into it with us. So you better like it. Send us your feedback.
send us down more tangents and rabbit holes and what have you. Yeah. And now you know the stuff that we're watching outside of animated stuff. Oh, yeah. Well, on that note, I think I've seen from your social media posts, but you are watching Shogun, correct? Yes. I am enraptured. I want the next episode so badly. Tomorrow. Yeah.
Yeah, I'm glad it's Tuesday because that's like the only night that I don't have something recurring. Oh, OK. So, yeah, I was very excited for it, especially because I had just finished watching Monarch Legacy of Monsters. Oh, nice. And I forget her name, but the girl was in that and she did an incredible job. So when I saw that there was a show that she was in, I was like. Who who is she playing in Shogun? Is she Lady America?
Yeah, the one that was supposed to be like the Portuguese translator. Yeah, she's a Christian. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Yeah. Yeah. Or Catholic. Yeah. So there's literally there was literally like a month gap between when that ended and this started. So let's just pick up the pace of like just, you know, admiring her her content. So it was like my bar was really high. The first episode was pretty good. And the second was like, OK, I'm in this.
Hey, well, maybe as we're like doing these episodes of the bad batch, maybe we'll throw a, uh, a little, uh, Shogun review at the, at the end of some of these episodes. If anybody else is watching and wants that, you know, let us know. Do we want to put our foot in for doing a, uh, PandaVision season recap? Yeah, why not? I don't think you have the bandwidth to do like every week, but no, I think we're, we've missed the, the,
What's the word? I don't know. We, we missed the, the, the start of the race on that one, but we can definitely do like a, uh, Oh, is somebody covering it or is it just like two, I mean, I guess we could, it's, it's all, it's only two episodes and if we really wanted to, we could do like, you know, the first two episodes collectively. Yeah. I'll push ourselves in a corner. Nobody puts me in a corner. All right. Uh, anything else you want to say about the bad batch or if you want to move on to plugs and letting the people know about what else is going on, feel free.
Just overall I'm really happy with the

Praise and Hopes for Final Season

start of it. I'm excited to see where it goes I just hope that the people of Star Wars listen to our weekly coverage of the last two seasons of like just chill with the filler stuff like there's Star Wars there's content their story to be have like if this is the last time you're giving this to us like make sure that every episode matters and while Some episodes have been slightly slower than others. I don't think I've been disappointed with a single one. So it's like this
When people have asked me what I thought of the show overall, even to this point, I say it's an above average show with really incredible moments. That's a good bar for them to maintain the rest of the season. For sure. And I wholeheartedly agree. And one other area of praise I would give credit to the show is I feel like every season has up the ante.
in terms of just like how invested in the story as well as how mature the content is. And even in terms of like, you know, filler has been a problem in this show and something that has plagued the show. But I think we saw the most filler in season one, we saw a little bit less in season two. And I'm really optimistic based on what we've seen in season three and considering it's the final season that that will really be kept to a minimum and hopefully absent from the entire proceedings, but we shall see.
Do we want to cover this in batches? With 16 episodes, it might work to do it like this in batches of four, or if we find that there are particular story arcs happening and maybe batches of three or what have you, we'll figure it out as we go. Maybe if something big happens that we're not OK, it's like, we need to record tonight. Oh, yeah. You know, feedback persuade us, too. For sure. If you guys are just like, yo, y'all need to talk about this one sooner than later, then we'll let us know.
For sure, for sure. All righty, my friend. Well, what else do you have going on in interwebs?
So football season is over, but I still pop on the 323 with Reed Murphy. This weekend from the time of this recording, we're going to be at AwesomeCon in DC. We're doing the geeky family feud segment that we did last year, but we have a bigger time slot this time. So we get prime time 9 p.m. on Friday. Just look up AwesomeCon's website to get the details for tickets and stuff. We're actually going right after the cast of Smallville.
So to go past them backstage while we get set up is going to be really cool. Look at that clout. You have my best Michael Rosenbaum. Yeah, I'll be my best. I'm sure they're going to be a little more popular than us. It might be like while they're interacting with the crowd, we set up and then they sneak them back. So that's like we're not fangirling over them too much. Sure. Because you know how much money they make on their meet and greets. Yeah. Yeah.
So yeah, that's going to be really exciting. So if you guys are in the Nova, Maryland, DC area and want to see us there, Friday night at nine is when we'll be on stage.
And then I just recorded my episode with Pizzas Gapfest to talk about Chamber of Secrets. I'm a guy who's never read the books, but been a big fan of the movies. So I read the book for the first time, re-watched the movie, and boy did I have some thoughts. Disoriented was like the word of the... The word of the episode. Interesting. Lots going on in my head.
Yeah. And then started a new business, Upright Exposures, whether you guys live in the Hampton Roads area or not. Just if you want to support me posting pictures of dope houses in the area, just check out Upright Exposures on Instagram. Support the man. Do it.
Uh, yeah, as for myself, you can always catch me over on multiverse news. And then I have been a frequent, uh, contributor to benders assemble the last couple of months here between the Oscars coverage as well as Dune and Dune part two, which I am super, super excited for. So yeah, thank you everyone for listening. Thanks again for your patience as we went through that little hiatus. And as always keep tuning in, that's T double O and I N stay around.
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