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Royal Rumble Extravaganza + Elite 84 Live Review image

Royal Rumble Extravaganza + Elite 84 Live Review

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays4 years ago
We discuss the possible end of the WWE Network as we know it, make our Royal Rumble predictions, and have a live review of the freshly arrived Elite 84 WWE Mattel action figures on the air! All of this is in addition to all your usual favorite segments plus we answer a fresh batch of listener questions! Subscribe and Review! Use code CHICKFOLEY for 10% off at Shop the official Chick Foley Show store at Shop Homage and support the show when you use this link Become a premium Foley Fam member at

Introduction and Royal Rumble Hype

Welcome to the Chick Foley show.
EGIF Holy Fan, we're back with another Friday edition of the Chick Holy Show. This is episode 113. We're approximately 48 hours away from the Royal Rumble. We're hype. We're ready for an awesome week of wrestling. We got SmackDown on in the background right now.
Daniel Bryan's currently got AJ Styles in the Yes Lock. So we'll keep one eye on this. If anything crazy happens, we'll give you guys some live reactions. But we're going to dive into everything that has happened this week in the world of wrestling and wrestling memorabilia collecting.

Weather and Football Chatter

So let's start off by introducing the stars of the show. Sheena, how's it going? I'm tired, but I am ready for the rumble, baby. And Marco, how's life up in Massachusetts?
It is freezing cold. It's cold here too. Yeah, we have a door Easter coming too, so that should be fun. I think it's supposed to snow again here Sunday. I think this is the first snow day we've had in like three years here in Virginia Beach. We haven't been here for three years, but according to my friends who live here, they said it's the first snow day in three years. Wow. What's the local vibe like up there, seeing Tom Brady going to the Super Bowl with a different team?
I'm all for it. I love it. I think it's a mixed reaction, Jesse and social media and stuff like that and just talking to different people. Obviously, it's bittersweet. Obviously, you want the Patriots to go to the Super Bowl with Tom Brady leading. But at the same time, you're happy that he just went to another
division just dominated. True. It really shows you which horse is leading the wagon. Bill Belichick is like, it was always that argument. Is it Belichick or is it Brady or is it the combination of the two? And it's like, well. I got a question how genuine anybody's being when they say that they're happy to see him doing well with the Bucks. You never want to see your ex shining after you guys split up, especially when she's doing better than you. Yeah.
Hey, bouncing around with a few one night stands and slumming it up while Brady's, you know, going to the Super Bowl down in sunny Tampa, playing the Super Bowl at home first time ever. So.
I think it's more like a friend or a family member, like not so much like an ex-girlfriend type of deal with Tom Brady. It's more like, you know, you want your friend to do better. If they can do better, you know, they can move on. That's how I see it anyway. It's Tom. He has a great smile. I mean, you know, you can't be- Beautiful wife, beautiful kids. Yeah, you just melt. You just put on your smiles. All the help in the world. Yeah, he's doing just fine. You think he'll be at WrestleMania?
No, I doubt it. I'm pretty sure Brady's going to find something else to do. Gronk might be there, though. It is in Gronk's backyard. So we could see Gronk back at media one more year. I know all the wrestling fans will be happy to see that. Yeah, I have a prediction. They're going to, after WrestleMania, it's not going to be the Raymond James Stadium. They're going to rename it to the Roman Reigns Stadium after WrestleMania. That's what I think. So we'll have the Roman Reigns Stadium to go along with Thunderdome Rome. Yeah, I dig it. It is a hell of a storyline we got playing out in the Super Bowl now between with Brady.
going up against Pat Mahomes, you know, it's shades of, uh, of Shawn Michaels and Rick flair at a WrestleMania 24. I'm waiting for the chiefs to, you know, be down by four at the, at the five yard line. And, and Pat Mahomes to say, you know, I'm sorry, I love you to Tom Brady, right. Before he, uh, right before he drops back and throws a dime to the, uh, the back corner to Travis Kelsey. You know, I think that would be just the perfect ending.
for Tom Brady's career. I know Tom Brady's going to end his career at the Super Bowl one way or another. Yeah, exactly. He's like Rick Flatt at WrestleMania. That's what it's going to be. Mahone's going to be calling out the signals. And you're going to see him slowly turn to Tom Brady on the sidelines. And we're going to know what's going on. The wrestling fans will get it. Everybody else is going to be puzzled. But we'll know exactly what's happening. We'll get back to what we know best, which is wrestling. But first, Sheena, tell them where they can find you guys on social media.

Social Media and Community Engagement

You can find me running on Instagram at Chick Foley, and then Marco runs a Twitter machine over on Twitter at Chick Foley show. Most importantly, you can join our fully fam at Chick Foley We just did an unboxing mania with the collector's edition figs. Awesome, awesome video. We had a lot of fun doing it. And we have, Oh my gosh, the Mark cave is
like packed to the brim. It's a problem right now. It's like a storage unit. It does look like a storage unit. You know, we're so, we're so particular, like we're like loose collectors, you know, so having things like in the box, like is, is bothers us. It's like, Oh my God. But we're, we just got to find the time to get everything unboxed. But yeah, we have a bunch of unboxing videos.
Um, planned and they're on the schedule and everything. So super excited. And I did want to welcome our newest members to the Foley fam. We had Ryan Woodruff join us this week. Uh, Mark Monnier, I'm going to say it with a French accent. I think that's how you say it, Mark. If it's not, please correct me from the touch them up podcast. And then Matt Carlos joined us this week too. So welcome to the Foley fam guys. Stoke to have you.
And remember, $1 a month is all it takes to get you into our Facebook group, which is so much fun. Not only do we do some communal fig hunting where everybody kind of helps everybody else out and we always sell for shipping plus retail, but there's always some fun discussion and we're doing fun events. Like this past Tuesday night, we did the Chick Foley Rumble 5. That's where everybody gets to pick a wrestler from, the damn near 300 that I have on my roster on WWE 2K with all the creative players. And then we just do a 30 man live stream of a simulated Royal Rumble. Drew O'Dell,
won this past week. He won a top picks. You're not going to believe who he won with. And it was the man, the myth, the legend Goldberg who came in at number 30. So it could be a bad omen for the internet smarks for this weekend. But yeah, those events are so much fun. We have people that don't even end up getting one of the spots because they're just not quite quick enough or they got someone and they still tune in and watch and, you know, listen to the commentary and stuff.
So it's a blast. Again, dollar a month, give it a shot. I think it'll be the best money you spend this month. Additionally, we had a Patreon exclusive giveaway this week. So our good friend in Greece, WWE figure artist, blessed us with an extra set of the beautiful WCW six man tag team belts. And we wanted to give them away to one of our Patreons. So without further ado, the winner of this set of six man championships is
Congrats, Cody. These belts are sick. You know, Sheena had a picture up on the feed with the shield figures wearing them. They're just really, really awesome. Some really unique belts that were only around for about nine months back in the early 90s. So yeah, Cody, be on the lookout. We'll get those belts over to you soon. Sheena, tell us about what our friends over at Fully Poseable accomplished this past weekend. Oh my gosh. So this

Podcast Milestones and Valentine's Day Opinions

past week, they
but they did their five year anniversary of podcasting, which in and of itself is super, super impressive. You know, five years doing anything nowadays, um, feels like an eternity, but much less sitting down every single week recording a podcast. And what makes it even more impressive is that Scott and Jeff, you know, and Celeste, the editor, like they have not missed a single week in five years. The, uh, the cow Ripken of podcasting, the two iron men and women of the game.
the streak. I mean, through a pandemic, through all of the things that we've been through in 2020, if 2020 couldn't hold them back from not missing a week, then I think these guys are good to go. I don't know what could, what could stop them. But we just want to congratulate our friends over at fully postable. Like I said, Jeff Scott, Celeste, we were so proud of every everything that you guys have accomplished. If you listen to their most recent episode, they actually had a lot of their
you know, fans and fellow podcasters and things like that. Celeste reached out to a bunch of them and they sent in voice memos that were super sweet. So it was kind of like a, you know, congratulations show for those guys. And we have a funny story that we wanted to share from WrestleCon week. And I'll let that tell because he's a much better storyteller than I am. Yeah. So we met him at WrestleMania 17. So the show had been out for about a year at this point. It was still, you know, it had a good following, but it was still kind of bubbling under the surface. I don't think they'd quite
blown up yet. But we were diehard fans because we've always been huge podcasting fans and huge wrestling figure fans. So it was a match made in heaven for us. And Sheena knew that they were going to be at WrestleMania and Sheena actually knew what they looked like. I didn't even really know at this time because Sheena was falling a little bit closer than I was. But we were at Access waiting in line. Anybody that's ever gone to Access, you know, the line to get in is similar to amusement parks where they got you weaving back and forth like amusement park style.
And Sheena saw him. She was like, Hey, I think that's the Jeff from Fully Poseable, you know, and Celeste. And as we got closer, I was like, Are you sure? Are you sure? She's like, Yeah, yeah, I think so. And so finally, we were just like, Hey, Jeff from Fully Poseable, and they were so stoked, you know, since they turned around. Yeah, we too sweeted it up.
And then we ended up basically having the same itinerary because we saw each other at Access once and then I think we saw each other both days of WrestleCon that we went to. So we ended up running into these guys like three or four times over WrestleMania weekend. They were so nice, so friendly, and we stayed in touch since then. You know, before Sheena started up this podcast, they were kind of like the one show that we really supported. We would do giveaways for them.
and help them just kind of build their following. And they shared a lot of some of my more infamous fake hunting stories because they used to get grimy in Hawaii. I did some things I'm not proud of to get figures in Hawaii. Maybe we'll tell those stories on here sometime. But they were always happy to share them. They were always cracking up so much at all the different hijinks we would get into.
trying to score figures and, and we just love them, you know? Tell them the autograph story about when we were at WrestleCon. And like, so like, you know, Celeste is carrying this giant, like, you know, she's like carrying bags and bags. They had a wagon. Well, a wagon. That's what it was, they had a wagon. So if you guys listen to Fully Poseable, Scott and Jeff are pretty much exclusively MOC and they're really big into the autographs. You know, that's what they're all about is getting these figures signed. You know, they were kind of the innovators of the paint pen, talking about the best paint pens to get and what colors to use.
And so that's their thing. And so we bumped into him at WrestleCon and they were like, you know, what autographs did you guys get? They were so stoked to ask us what autographs we got. And we were like, we don't really do autographs. We're kind of just here to get the meet and greet and kind of snap a photo. And Jeff just had the most, you know, he hit it because he's one of the nicest people. He's very similar to you, Marco. Like, I don't think he has a mean bone in his body. Very, very nice. But I could just feel the look of disgust that was just trying to get out and onto his face. He just was like,
Oh, okay. That's cool, too. That's cool, too. Yeah. But I could tell he was just blown away at the fact that we were figure collectors and didn't care about getting autographs. It was just like he was this mind blown. It was the funniest thing. And we still we still talk about that today. We'll still use that. We'll be like, well, that's cool, too. You know, anytime something comes up, we'll be like, that's cool, too. But congrats to you guys. You can't wait to hear five more years of podcasting from you and just best of luck on everything.
Sheena, I think you got some good ideas for folks for Valentine's Day gifts for us. Yeah, Valentine's Day is right around the corner. I think I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day. I think it's kind of just like a whack holiday. I think it's the worst holiday of the year. It is the worst holiday of the year.
Um, you know, it's just, to me, it's just kind of cheesy and I feel like, you know, it kind of just isolates a lot of people. Like if you're single or whatever, like it just kind of makes you feel like shit, you know what I mean? Like not having somebody, but regardless, if you are buying for your loved one or your family or your friend or your kid or whatever, you know, you can buy for whoever you want to on Valentine's day. Um, it's just about, it's just a day about showing the love in my opinion.
I wanted to plug some of our favorite artists because they have some amazing stuff up right now and there's no better way than to just support art, support small shops and help these guys out. And so I wanted to support obviously Extra Cooler. Love him, he's done so much work for us. We love Nick and the crew. And actually check out his podcast, The Extra Cooler Show. They just started it up and they're on episode four and they're awesome. So also Hal Haney, I'm sure you guys know about Hal Haney.
He's done some very, very, very, you know, what's the word I'm looking for? Prominent pieces that have gotten like shared with celebrities like The Rock shared his piece. A lot of wrestlers and stuff that he's done work for have like tweeted and stuff his pieces. So. Yeah, didn't Sasha commission Bailey for her birthday painting or something? Oh, did she? I don't know. Vice versa. Either Sasha commissioned Bailey or Sasha commissioned a birthday painting for Bailey or vice versa. But yeah, they've
He's he's in line with with WWE wrestlers. Yeah, he does amazing stuff So check out how Haney our man from down under from Australia Sam Evans art He is just killing it right now. He has some really amazing. He's amazing prints, but also some canvas work He's got some macho man that have like glitter and like a lot of mixed media stuff So love his stuff and then I can't I would can't go without talking about donut glow He was one of the original
chick Foley artists we commissioned a lot of stuff from donut glow early on and he I just love his artwork I love his characters so definitely check those guys out see what they got going on and Seth has something yeah we're talking about art let's give a shout out to the mad reaper he doesn't make custom action figures he makes art also
So that's true. That's true. If you really want to make a big boy purchase, hit up Mad Reaper and get a figure for the one you love. Yeah. So the one you love, your friend, family, pet, whoever, whoever you shop for, if you love yourself, treat yourself. But yeah, Valentine's Day is right around the corner. So I thought I would give those guys a shout out. All right. And then we want to remind you guys before we dig into the meat and potatoes of this week's show to use code CHICKFOLY to save 10% on all your orders at ringside collectibles. They're the number one sponsor of this show.
and they are the number one worldwide retailer of wrestling figures. We're gonna do a giveaway supporting Ringside this week. Anybody that sends in a screenshot to Sheena's Instagram or to Marco on Twitter.
showing that you've used Code Chick Foley in the year 2021 will be entered to win Elite 84 Roman Reigns, the first Wreck-It Roman, the first Thunderdome Rome. You guys will have a chance to win that. We'll announce the winner next week. So get those screenshots, DMs. And the only requirement is that you use Code Chick Foley and that it was in this calendar year.
Yeah and I've had some of you guys recently send me screenshots just send them again from you know from today until the end of the contest so that way we can keep track of it and everything so because the DMs get kind of get kind of busy so make sure if you've already sent me a screenshot you know it's shown support or shared it in your story you send it to me again.
All right, let's move inside the squared circle. This segment is brought to you by Amage. Remember to use the Amage link and Sheena's bio to help support the show and get some really awesome gear for yourself. They got a few more WWE slam shirts. They're going to be dropping pretty soon. The Undertaker and Kane one is really, really cool. And they are the most comfy shirts that you can buy. Yeah. And you can use our link for anything on their site, not just, not just wrestling

WWE Network's Transition to Peacock

shirts. So it applies to anything on there. All right. So first off is the huge news. At this point, we don't know if it's going to mean more.
for the business world or for us as fans. But WWE Network in the United States was basically purchased by NBC and they are going to fold the WWE Network into
their Peacock streaming service that recently started. I did not see that coming. Did you guys know that that was like in the works? So I knew they were shopping around their streaming rights, but I think what everybody was expecting was that for maybe the big four, you know, the Rumble, SummerSlam, Survivor Series and WrestleMania, maybe those would go to a different streaming service. I don't think anybody expected them to just full stop sell
basically the entire content of the WWE Network, but they're getting a billion dollars over the next five years. That's the reported number. We obviously, we don't know the specifics, but it's a lot of cash. So if you've had that WWE stock, that's definitely paying off this week. But yeah, it's going to NBC. Again, WWE Network debuted in
early 2014, I believe February 2014. We got it in April right when I'd gotten back from a, uh, a trip overseas right before WrestleMania 30 definitely changed my life. Cause it got me back into wrestling. I got data to be networked just for the nostalgia factor to go back and watch the stuff that I loved as a kid and a teenager. But
With getting the the monthly pay-per-views for free, you know, if I'm playing video I'd be playing video games or something and okay extreme rules 2014's on let me let me check this out Oh these shield guys that you know, they look pretty entertaining and you know before you know it I'm hooked on the current product and Think about like how much money and time and energy and everything that's come out of just us Subscribing to the ups subscribing to the network how much has come out of that? you know us getting back into the product like this wouldn't even
be a thing. Yeah. I can always say WWE Network changed my life. So Marco, let me just get your initial take. What were your thoughts as you heard the news?
I kind of knew that that was going to happen. It was going to happen because I think it was either last, maybe the year before, maybe 2019 when they had that last investors meeting and they spoke about selling different properties of WWE to different streaming services and stuff like that. ESPN was up there too as well, which is owned by Disney.
And I had a conversation with a few of my friends about this. And they didn't believe me at first. I was like, I was like, the basic man is going to sell parts of the WWE, probably not the actual name of it, but there's like brands. Yeah, I remember when that was kind of going on. And like I said, you can already kind of see with Fox and Smackdown, like Fox own Smackdown. That's their show. You don't see any raw
Commercials on Fox, right? Yeah, right same same thing with like they'll cross promote on the show Like Rob will talk about Smackdown and Smackdown will talk about raw but as far as like I never mentioned like Fox or USA They don't at all. Yeah, so so that that that was like the beginning stages right there with the with the Fox move and my perspective And then obviously this so this was kind of no surprise of me I figured like we spoke about earlier is gonna be like I
maybe just to pay per views being sold to different streaming services and you would have more access that way.
That, it surprised me that the whole network, US only, not the whole world. So like year up Australia, although they're not going to be folded into like peacock or anything. It's just US for now, probably to see how it goes. And then maybe it'll all go into peacock. So, but I like the move. Is peacock a worldwide app? It's a streaming app, yeah.
I mean, I'm assuming you get every get it out. I don't know if it's every last country in the world, but I mean, the purpose is worldwide. There's some regional, like, right. Broadcasting, right. Yeah. And my other conversation I had was like the actual WWE, like, would it actually be sold?
like the actual name to itself. And I, and I would, I always said, if it, if that is going to happen, the only only company or entity that could buy the WWE, I think, or Vince would sell to would be Disney. That's the only company I could think of if it was going to happen. Um, which right now with, with what happened with the, with the peacock thing, it doesn't seem too far fetched.
I can see NBC Universal buying it, you know what I mean? I mean, NBC owns USA. So, and we know how close, you know, Dick Ebersoft, NBC Sports, was Vince McMahon. So that NBC WWE relationship goes back damn near 40 years at this point. So, yeah, you know, it's something I can see Disney as they continue their freaking entertainment empire growing that, you know, they could bring in something like that or, uh,
Or, you know, NBC Universal. I also heard that this was kind of like, and I'm sure it's been in the works for a while, but it definitely kind of expedited things that they were not having the Olympics this year. You know, NBC really counts on having the Olympics for viewership and all that kind of stuff. And, you know, I think this was like a big money move and like to kind of replace that.
I thought it was super smart. I know a lot of people were like, what? I think it's really cool because one, you get everything on Peacock for the same price as what you're paying for WWE Network right now. It's going to be $9.99. I guess if you already have Peacock, then you just automatically get upgraded and have access to WWE Network once it rolls over.
I don't know. The only thing I'm worried about is, um, I've heard a lot of people, we don't currently have peacock. So I mean, I don't really know what the interface looks like, but I've heard a lot of people talk about how, um, not user friendly that the interface is in peacock. Like the search function is not that great. And as far as like WWE network, you know, I mean, that's how you find things. So I'm really hoping, and I honestly, it didn't really click in my mind until we were talking just now about how.
This is only for the United States. I'm hoping that Peacock, like you go on the app and it's just a gateway to get back to the same WWE network we already know and love because I can't, you know, obviously I don't know. I'm not, you know, I don't work on the tech side or run one of these streaming platforms like this, but I can't imagine they would go through the trouble to migrate all that content if they're still going to have the WWE network as we already know it.
running basically everywhere else in the world. It seems like the easiest thing to do would just be, you know, you access it through the Peacock app and then you're off in, you know, WWE network world. Yeah. Well, the full, the full like migration doesn't happen. Oh, like the launch of the WWE network on Peacock doesn't have it's like the end of March. So who knows what it's gonna look like then. I think people are talking about what's on there now is what they have for like free content for WWE. Like they put a lot of those like greatest, you know, greatest hits. That stuff is already on Peacock.
So that's already there. Yeah. Like the actual like event, like all the stuff on the network isn't on peacock. The only thing that's on there is the stuff that you see on like the free WWE network is like, you know, AJ Sal's greatest matches and like greatest Wrestle media moments. Like only those things around there. Nothing like the actual pay-per-views, the actual shows, none of the original content. And we started getting any like the super detailed info on how it's going to work. So yeah, hopefully in a perfect world. Yeah.
I'll still have the same interface and stuff. It's just I have to go through the Peacock app to access it because honestly, I still like the original WWE Network interface. I've learned to like the new interface that they debuted in 2019. We lost Collections during that, which Collections was one of my favorite features of the network and that didn't make it.
If they are just kind of piecemealing it over to Peacock full stop, I gotta imagine we're gonna lose some stuff. And then like Sheena said, there are some people already having major issues with the Peacock apps. One cool thing about WWE Network is they have an incredible search function. You could search a wrestler's name and it's gonna pull up all their matches, their interview segments, basically anything that's got a timestamp on one of their shows. I saw somebody, they had a video that they showed
Um, that, you know, the pride, the two at the last 10 years, I think the two shows that are most anonymous with NBC is the office and parks and rec. We don't know. Amy Poehler was a star of parks and rec. Somebody got on the peacock app and searched just the name Amy Poehler. And there was no results returned. Um, so zero. Yeah. That's a little bit, uh, that's a little bit alarming. So.
Like I said, same thing as Sheena, my biggest concern with this is just the interfacing of the interface changes and then losing content. Because I'm still upset that we lost collections from the original migration. But on the plus side, we'll try to accentuate the positive because this thing's happening, whether we want to get on board with it or not. Whether we like it or not. We are getting the office back. I think for folks our age, the office is kind of like the perfect background noise. It's the comfort food of television.
You can jump in at any point in the first seven seasons while Steve Carell, so they're immediately be entertained and have some laughs. And it had been on Netflix for years. I think it was really one of the cornerstones of Netflix, especially when they first started out streaming and they lost it on January 1st of this year. So we're only going to end up going a couple months without having unlimited access to the office. You're only going to go a couple months. I still got the DVDs that you tried to get me to trash forever ago. So I still have physical media, so I never lost.
the office. Right. But that physical media has been in the garage the whole time. Nobody's trying to pop a DVD in nowadays. But I want to pose a question. You guys just have a little fun with it. You know, this is bringing the office and WWE together on the same platform. Marco, if you could add one WWE wrestler to the cast of The Office, who would it be? Oh, man.
I think you have to go with Kevin Owens on this one. I think you'd be hilarious just off the cuff because it's seen as kind of like a docu-type of series. Kevin Owens would definitely work in the warehouse. I was going to say you put him in the accounting in the warehouse. No, he'd be in the warehouse for sure. What do you think, Marco? Actually, I like him in accounting. That'd be pretty funny.
He, I think it'd be pretty funny, but the warehouse is kind of like. Or maybe he's a manager at another branch. I could see him being like, uh, being like a, you know, manager that like kind of goes head to head with Michael Scott, you know, that'd be pretty funny actually. Yeah. She knows your pick.
I'm going to say Montez Ford. I would love to see it because he's just hilarious and he's just kooky enough that he would like fit right in with those guys. You know what I mean? I don't know what role he would play or where he would kind of fit in, but I know wherever he was, he would just nail it and make me laugh out loud every single time. I think I'm going similar vein. I think I'm going R Truth. I want to see R Truth. R Truth would be so good. I'm thinking R Truth is like the
one of the managers of one of the other businesses there at the office park, or maybe like maybe the janitor or something, just somebody that pops in. Security guard. Yeah, I don't think you've seen him every episode, but every, you know, once every three or four episodes, he pops in for a scene still in Cameo. And I just think him and Michael just seeing who could be the goofier would be pretty hilarious, you know. Oh my God, yes. I think our tree would be pretty good on that. So good. But yeah, so.
Like I said, we're going to hopefully, we'll continue to track this because WWE Network, again, it's so important to, uh, to all of our lives. You know, it's really the main way that we digest wrestling nowadays, at least, uh, at least WWE and NXT. And we'll continue to give you guys the most up to date, um, details as they come out. So stay, stay in touch with, uh, all the social media and, uh, and here on the podcast every week and we'll keep track of it and we'll all hope for the best.
all right it's beverage break time we're always knocking back a few cold ones as we do the show and our beverage breakers where we like to share with you guys what we're drinking every week so we'll kick it off with Sheena this week you know what you're sipping on so this snow day got me feeling real nostalgic for my island life so i wanted to kick it back a little bit um i was at
Walmart today and I grabbed me a case of Big Wave from Kona Brew and Company. It's probably my favorite Kona brew. It's just, I love it. Super smooth, beautiful, beautiful can design. And it makes me reminiscent of Hawaii because I've drank a lot of Big Wave on the island. Yeah, I think for anybody that's wanting to dip a toe in the waters for craft beer,
Big Wave is definitely the way to go. It's an easy drink, but it is a craft beer, so it packs a little bit more punch than your regular off-the-shelf stuff. We definitely pounded our fair share of Big Wave over the years. Marco, what are you drinking this week?
Oh man, no beer this week. I'm actually sipping on that 19 Krizzle red whistle. Oh, I almost grabbed me a bottle of that today. They had a whole in-cap at Wally World. Yeah. You have to send me a picture of the cork. There's four different corks for the Snoop Dogg collection. So I want to see, I have the two that I got, so I want to see what you got. Oh yeah, definitely.
Yeah, we'll have to create a collection. We'll start a court collection. There's no limit to what we can collect. Yeah, the Snoop Dogg wine is definitely not endorsed by me. We've seen some of the comments and reviews coming in. I know there's a small but die hard segment of the fan base that is all about, you know, the heel husband, the hardest of the hardcore fans, I think really roll with me.
And yeah, just want to let you guys know that I'm not on board with the Snoop Dogg Wine endorsement. Me and Marco. Me and Marco, our heart beats to the same freaking beat, do we? Yeah, definitely. So good. Yeah. You guys know what I'm drinking? It's Miller Lite. Still got me sitting on red, but I'm dedicated. But you know, Miller Lite, I'm with a little tease out there. We may have a competitor stepping in. You know, you guys have been... Working on something better. Yeah, you guys have been hesitating and leaving us on the shelf. So we may...
You guys got some competition to be the official beer of the Chick Foley show. And that's what we call a tease here in the industry. So let's move on. Hey, one more thought on the Peacock and WWE Network deal before we move into our Royal Rumble preview. If you guys been reading the news and stuff, the guy who actually negotiated that deal was Nick Khan. All right. If that name sounds familiar, it's because he's related.
to the con family that owns AEW. He's part of their family, but he was hired as, I can't remember if he was chief financial officer. One of the big executive VP roles there at WWE, he got the
He got the job last year because he's obviously a successful businessman, his own mind, but this could, this could be, you know, the first step of the, uh, you know, the, they implanted the poison from the inside out, you know? So there's a little conspiracy theory for you guys. If, uh, if this migration order peacock ends up being a disaster and it's right before WrestleMania time. Also, this is not the time you would be making a major move like this. So.
Oh, man.

Royal Rumble Predictions and Speculations

I remember that, that Nick Khan, he was the one that had the quotables in all the news stories and stuff, so just remember that he has got some loose ties to AEW, and he's the one that brokered this deal, so something to think about if this thing goes sideways. Speaking of relatives real quick, I wanted to tell you, I had some news I thought you could use. Did you know your favorite wrestler, Dolph Ziggler, you know his brother debuted in AEW this week? Yeah, he already tweeted out, and fans called him Little Dolph again, but he's deleting his Twitter account. Yeah.
I mean, he wrestles just like Dolph. So, I mean, he's gotta, he's gotta differentiate himself a little bit. You know what I mean? Not that, not that wrestling like Dolph is a bad thing. We love Dolph around here, Seth, especially, but, um, yeah, you got, you gotta do something if you're living in the shadow of Dolph Ziggler, you know?
All right, let's get into our Royal Rumble preview. Royal Rumble is coming a little bit later than usual this year, the last day of January. It's going to be a great show. It's between this and SummerSlam for the second biggest show of the year. I think this is most wrestling fan's favorite show of the year, just because it's so much fun. We only have five matches so far. Did any new matches get announced on SmackDown tonight, Marco?
I didn't see any. They usually have to do that over the weekend. Yeah, it looks like we've only got five. But if it's five matches, I'm so happy. Yeah, I know WWE, if you read the dirt sheets, they are motivated to keep the pay-per-views at three to three and a half hours from now on. So it makes sense if you can have two rumbles and then you get three other matches on there. And two of them are big matches that at least one of them should get a lot of time.
Um, so we'll run through it. We'll go through, yeah, we'll go through the three individual matches and then move into the rumble. So let's start off with our first prediction. Who's holding the belt right now? Is Marco still the, uh, did you get it back? Okay. All right, Marco. Hopefully you can snatch it back this time. I feel like it's been forever since we had a paper. I was just thinking that was, well, yeah, TLC was, I think December 20th. So it's been about six weeks since we've had a, uh, since we've had a show that's forever in wrestling.
Yeah, that is a long time, especially in the last last couple of years. I know when they moved the AEW show to March now. Yeah, it's going to March 7th now. So I think the next one after this will be elimination chamber. All right. We'll kick it off with the women's tag team championship match. We're going to see the queens of tomorrow, Asuka and Charlotte, depending on the last champs, Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler. Marco, you go first. Oh, man. This is hard. I think go either way. Both formidable teams.
both powerful in their own right. But I'm going to go, I'm going to go with Asuka and Charlotte. I think they retained. All right. Yeah. I think I'm going to go with Nia and Shayna. I think there's no way going into Rumble season that they're going to have Charlotte still carrying the tag title being tied to Asuka. Not that they've done really anything together since they became tag champs, but I think they're really going to give Charlotte like her, you know,
WrestleMania shine that she normally gets. So I think this is a perfect time for them to have her go ahead and just drop that belt to Nia and Shayna. But we shall see, like you said, when Charlotte's involved, anything is possible.
I think Nia Jax and Shane are gonna win. This is gonna start to plant the seeds for Charlotte and Oscar at WrestleMania. I think that's what we see. I think whether either Charlotte just straight up turns on Oscar or they have a little bit of miscommunication, that's what I see happening. I think we plant that seed and we're gonna get Oscar Charlotte, part two. You think Lacey or Rick get involved in this at all? No, it seems like that's been more of an individual Charlotte story. It doesn't really seem like that with stories switched over with
with Oscar too much, but we may see Alexa Bliss. You know, also has got her situation going with Alexa Bliss. She basically had to get Randy Orton to save her from losing the Raw Women's title this last week. So a lot of different stuff in play here. You know, you got potential Oscar and Charlotte conflict. You got Charlotte and Lacey and then you got Oscar and Alexa Bliss and Nia and Shaynor just on the other side licking their chops waiting to get their hands back on the belt. So they got everything in their favor. Should be a good match. I think this probably ended up being our opener on Sunday night. I think they're opening with the women's rumble.
Oh, did they say that? Yeah. OK, nice. Yeah, so that could be a good you know, maybe Charlotte wins the women's rumble and then you got a little bit of awkwardness when they go in to fight the tag match. I don't know a lot of different ways you can go with this one.
But I'm looking forward to it should be a great match because you know, we got three great workers and then nigh is usually at least interesting. All right, so we do got one additional match announced for the rumble. So she knew we picking first on this one. Sasha Banks is going to defend the SmackDown women's title match against Carmella. Carmella is going to shout out the belt.
Okay. I'm going to say it is still going to be boss time. I think Sasha, Sasha retains. I think they've learned from their past mistakes, just letting Sasha continue to just drop, um, drop the belt and all her big moments. Um, so I think, I think it's going to continue with boss time. All right, Marco. Uh, yeah, same here.
Sasha Banks, I don't see them giving Carmel any chance. Probably gonna be the... Actually, you know what? There might be another match. I believe Riddle and Bobby Lashley might be a match for the United States Championship, because he did win that gauntlet match, so he doesn't have a shot, so... Yeah, they didn't add it to the Rumble yet, though, so it sounds like that may be happening on Raw or something. They could add it over the weekend. If they do add it, we'll... Sheena and Marco will make their picks, and we'll get those posted up in Sheena's Instagram story.
But yeah, so I'm also I think I think Sasha wins. I just doesn't really feel like Carmel has built up enough momentum in this feud yet to take the strap from her. Yeah. All right. Let's move on to our two big ones. So we'll start off with the last man standing match for the Universal Championship. Roman Reigns versus Kevin Owens. She knew you're picking first.
I picked first in the Sasha, but you want me to go ahead and pick first. All right. Um, last man standing. Honestly, I don't think there's anyone that is going to be beating the head of the table, the tribal chief Roman reigns. So I think, uh, Roman is definitely going to retain here in this last man standing match. Marco. Yeah, I think so too. It's, I don't think, I don't think they're ending the, uh, he's, he's rolling into media with that title. Um, he's definitely not losing it.
Yeah, it definitely feels like, especially the Last Man Standing match. It just doesn't make any sense. That's such a definitive ending. I don't see, you know, I feel like you'd basically have to shoot Roman Reigns in kayfabe to keep him down for 10 seconds at this point. Yeah. All right. Next is the lightning rod. This is the one that's got everybody talking. I think everybody's going to be on the edge of their seats at the bell rings because this one could go either way. And I think it's just going to cause so much uproar potentially.
We got Drew McIntyre, the baby face of all baby faces. Dewey, Dewey McIntyre. Defending the World Championship against the legendary Goldberg. This is two of our son Brett's favorite wrestlers. He loves Goldberg. Goldberg was one of the first guys he really took a shiny to. And then he loves Dewey McIntyre. When we show him this match on Monday, his head's gonna explode. Finn Balor shows up in this match. I don't know if he's gonna make it through the day. All right, so Marco, you're gonna go first on this one. How do you see this playing out? You can't make, I can't go first on this one.
You're up, man. You're up, dude. This is rough. This is a rough one. Go either way. Yeah, I can see you, Drew. See, it all depends on what happens to elimination chamber and what is playing with that, but we don't know what's going to happen until after we rumble. He's not a fortune teller, dude. We're talking about what's going to happen. Oh, boy.
You know what, I'm going to go Goldberg. I guess I have a feeling people don't want it to happen and it's probably going to happen. Because he lost to Randy and got it back like the next week anyway, so not a big deal if he loses it. Yeah, I'm going to go Goldberg. They don't bring him back for nothing.
Yeah. Um, dude, this, it's so freaking hard. Like you said, um, I, I, I don't think they bring Goldberg back for anything and Goldberg definitely doesn't do the job for many people. Um, my heart and my heart and my head are telling me two totally different things. So I think I'm going to go. I'm going to go with my heart. Oh.
And I'm going to choose Drew. Your heart's with Drew McIntyre or Goldberg? Yeah. My head is telling me Goldberg because my head is telling me that Vince wouldn't have brought Goldberg back unless he planned on putting the championship on him. So my heart's Goldberg all the way. Drew McIntyre's had a good year. Don't get me wrong, but Goldberg's a freaking legend. You know what I mean? I'm never going to root against Goldberg. So the fan in me would love to see Goldberg win that belt one more time.
My prediction, I think Drew wins and I'll get specific. I think we're going to see some sort of money in the bank hijinks, you know, possibly even a cash in that leads to Drew and getting an edge over Goldberg and getting the win and then let Goldberg go and fight Miz and Morrison and handicap match at WrestleMania. You know, I think that could be fun.
That's why I think it's gonna happen. They already teased it on Monday with those guys getting involved and getting beat down So I think somehow or another miss is gonna play into this finish and lead to oh, yeah I keep forgetting miss is still like Yeah, he had a fill. We had a failed cash-in at the last year YouTube, but then he got it back on a technicality So I think this time he does cash in and somehow another gets in the way and cost Goldberg the match and then he'll have to deal with those consequences afterwards, but
But I do think the Drew McIntyre is going to be leaving with the belt on Sunday night. But again, I think, you know, they're playing the smarks on this one, regardless of what you think about it in kayfabe. Like I said, I think the moment the bell rings, every wrestling fan is going to be on the edge of their seat, want to see what happens.
say what you want about Goldberg, but he is still generating interest all these years later, whether it's, you know, whether we're worried about him trolling the fan or WWE trolling the fans with a Goldberg victory or not. It's going to be exciting. And I just, I think the electricity is going to be through the roof from the moment that match starts. All right, let's go to our main event. First off, we'll do the women's rumble. Marco, who do you pick?
Man, these next two matches are the hardest to pick for. Yeah, this is always just like a crash. Yeah, it's mathematically. I mean, you have 30 different choices, so that's basic. Yeah, awesome. So I'm gonna go... Let me think. Let me think about this one. I don't wanna pick a heart choice, which I might have to do. Your heart always leaves you in the mouth. But I feel it's gonna be...
I'm just going to go with it. I'm going to go Bianca, Bianca Belair. That's what I'm going with. Shut your freaking mouth. Are you kidding me? That is exactly what I was going to pick. Out of 30 women, you and I are still on the same page to pick Bianca Belair. What the heck? She came so close last year until I think she got thrown out by Charlotte.
And my prediction, since we're on the women's royal rumble, is Charlotte is not, obviously she's not gonna win, I don't think she's winning the rumble. I think she's in fact getting tossed over by Lacey Evans. Ric Flair is gonna come out, distract her, and it's gonna lead to a match at Mania. They're gonna face each other at Mania or something. I don't think she's going anywhere near a title at all. I think she keeps the tag titles.
And I think it's just gonna she's in a feud with Lacey because they can't just like, not do anything with what they're doing with this whole Ric Flair, Lacey Evans, Charlotte type of thing. So I think I think Charlie gets dumped over by Lacey and the rumble. I can see that. Yeah. And then there's like little hijinks. Yeah.
She knows your pick. I'm going with Bianca. I think Bianca is I think it just makes sense I think she's had such a good year and she just I mean she looks like a million bucks She's an incredible athlete. She had a good showing at last year's Rumble. I think she eliminated the most
contenders at last year's Rumble. So I think you know and obviously they didn't really get to go anywhere with it because of all the pandemic stuff and they had to really kind of change plans like you know at the last minute and who knows what would have come of Bianca Belair in 2020 had things just continue to be normal. So I think this is kind of like going to be you know the resurgence of Bianca Belair and I think we could see her win the Rumble.
Call me crazy, I think Becky Lynch is coming back. I think Becky Lynch is going to win. No. She just had a kid. It's wrestling. I had a kid a year ago and I can't even imagine being like, well, you know what? Maybe I should get back. It's wrestling. She couldn't come in at 30, eliminate a couple of people. I think Becky Lynch could come in at number 30 and win. That'd be the ultimate feel good story. You know, brand new mom coming back to win the championship that she never lost and show her daughter how it's done. Oh my God. I would riot. I would have wanted to have that. You guys heard it here first. I'm saying Becky Lynch is winning this rumble.
Wow, okay. If that happens, then you win to the Chick-fil-A prediction championship. If that happens alone, it doesn't matter what else happens in this prediction championship, we'll give it a set. Becky Lynch comes back in the Rumble. She doesn't even have to win. If Becky Lynch comes back in the Rumble, then we will get set in the Chick-fil-A prediction championship. All right, men's Rumble. Who are you picking, Shane? Oh, okay. So this is really freaking hard because there's so many different avenues based on who wins. 30 different avenues, actually.
Well, I mean, yeah, but I mean, realistically, I think I am going to go with this is not going to happen. Well, I don't know.
I gotta go with Daniel Bryan. I think I'm gonna go with Daniel Bryan to win the rumble, I think. I mean he proclaimed, you know, that's the one thing he's never done in his career is win a rumble. So I think he's gonna come out and give it his all, give it his heart and hopefully he comes out on top. Alright, so Daniel Bryan, safe pick. Marco, who you going with? Guess what? He's not gonna, he's gonna have to put those dreams on hold because he's not winning the Royal Rumble. There's only one man.
And he has- Bobby Lashley? No, no, no. Oh, actually, I was gonna pick Bobby Lashley before, but that was earlier this week. I was like, nah, he's not winning. There's only one man, and he has one name, and his name is Edge. Edge is winning the Royal Rumble. Do you think so? Yeah. And I think he's gonna face Roman Reigns at media, and it's gonna be the battle of the spares, something that they couldn't do last year with Goldberg.
It's the ultimate good guy versus the ultimate bad guy. I'm going to say post-war on both of us and Big E wins, but I'm going with Edge. I'm going with Edge on this one. All right. Edge and Daniel Bryan. What about you six? I'm picking, so I'm not going to pick an exact name. I know this is not necessarily allowed, but I think whoever loses out of Goldberg and Drew McIntyre will win the Royal Rumble.
I think whoever loses that match will come in at number 30 and will win the rumble. You have stories you could tell with either one of those guys. That's what I see happening. I don't think we're going to be done with either one of those guys for the night if they happen to lose that match. Who's some of the comebacks or surprise guys that you'd like to see or maybe some of the nostalgic returns for this rumble?
I would love to see Seth Rollins return, obviously. You were just talking about Becky Lynch, but I would not be mad at seeing Seth Rollins make his first appearance in 2021. We haven't seen him since. Survivor Series. Was it Survivor Series? Yeah. I think it was the night after Survivor Series. He sacrificed himself, and yeah, all that. There was a commercial that aired first week of January saying he was going to come back, and then WWE just kind of did the men in black memory white thing. Yeah. That never happened. There was definitely a commercial on Fox. It was. Yeah, no, everyone was seeing it.
they advertise of returning. I told you, I can't remember if I said, I think I just told you guys off air. I already have the darkest timeline for Seth Rollins. Oh, he does. Did you have announced this on the show? I told you, I haven't said on the show before. This would be the most WWE thing that they could do with Seth Rollins returns. Let me know what you think about this, Marco. He comes back.
Comes out and cuts a promo, talks about how awesome it is, being a dad, getting all the baby face love and everything. How it's changed him and stuff and then he asks Ray Mysterio to come out to the ring and he calmly and kindly explains to Ray how after being a dad it's all, he knows what it's like to love his kid now.
And he realizes how wrong he was with all the stuff that he was doing to the Mysterio family over the last year. And they hug and everything. It's super emotional. And as soon as Ray goes leave the ring, Seth clotheslines him and curb stomps him. And we just hit the reset button on the whole Rollins Mysterio storyline for 2021. God, no, please. Don't do this. Don't do this to us. It literally gave me cold chills as you were describing that. Tell me you cannot see that happening, man. Just run it all the way back.
I think that's why it's so horrible. And even make, you know, have him just have Buddy Murphy randomly show up back at his side again the very next week also that, you know, they could go back to doing the thing where somehow they break up three weeks in a row. Call me crazy though. I would like to see, um, sorry to all the smarts that are going to like bash me after this. I would love to see John Cena return in this rumble. I think John Cena, he's past getting bashed by the smarts. I think we're in the post John Cena hate world now. I think he would just be happy to see him come back. You never, you never know.
People hang on to grudges for for a long time. Yeah his u.s. Title run from 2015 definitely went over I think that's what finally when the smarts over and then they moved all the hate moved over to Roman Reigns So yeah, I think Cena would just be beloved I think everybody get a kick out of here and hearing those horns hit and seeing Cena come back He had a new haircut. So he does got a fresh haircut. So maybe not rocking the dad. He's not rockin today He's got like basically the Daniel Bryan cut now. So he's got like the cool dad cut. I
The cool dad. Yeah, I could definitely see Cena coming back. Supposedly, his schedule's free. I read on one of the dirt sheets that he's there for him if they want him at Mania, so I can't imagine him turning down having John Cena there. I know. Can you imagine? Vince, he's not going to have Undertaker, supposedly. The next best option is John Cena. Marco, who do you want to see come back?
Let me see. Hopefully we might get a Carlito return since he was advertised for the Legends Night but never showed up. That'd be pretty cool to see him pop up. I didn't even think of this too. We could see a return of the Fiend. The Fiend could return at the Rumble.
Yeah, especially for Andy Orton. If it gets down to the nitty gritty and burned, Randy Orton's there because I gotta imagine the fiend's pretty pissed off after seeing Randy Orton, RKO, his girlfriend. Yeah, that was pretty brutal. Yeah, I would assume that's happened. Or he might come back as all three. I'll make fully when he came back as his different characters. So Ray might show up.
I know people may not like that. I think that would be so mage if he came back as a cult leader, Bray, you know, swamp Bray, and then came in as Mr. Rogers, Bray, and then show back up as the fiend. I would be awesome. So hard. Another one I forgot about too, that we that I've been I follow when I on Instagram, and he's ripped and jacked out of his mind. Braun Strowman, we totally forgot
He came back at the end of Smackdown tonight. I don't know if he turned it off. Yeah, he came back and blew up that six-man tag then to Smackdown and declared for the Rumble. So yeah, so he was on the end of the go-home show for Royal Rumble. Braun Strowman was standing tall. Have we seen him since he got lost in the swamp? Nope. That's the last time we saw him? Yeah, I thought he was a survivor series.
Was he, yeah, he was a survivor series. Yeah, he was a survivor series. That's right. You know, he beat up Adam Parris, remember? Cause he said he was like the weak link or something. I can't believe somebody you guys aren't mentioning that was, as Taylor made for an awesome made event, resume storylines, Brock freaking Lesnar.
Brock Lesnar, yeah. Imagine Brock comes back, wins the Rumble, and now you got Paul Heyman trying to make peace and be caught in the middle between Roman and Brock. I heard somebody say that they wanted Paul Heyman in a shark cage. Roman and Brock fight, yeah.
Yes. I would think, I would think they would like Brock against a heel Roman. That would, that'd be an awesome way to flip that dynamic around from a match between the four. Yeah. I would think Paul, he would stay with Roman and kind of like point out all the, all the, the falsehoods of Brock Lesnar and all the, all the secrets and all the bad things about him. Like he wouldn't, I don't think he'd like, you know, side back with Brock right away. Just be like, you know, this is the new guy. He's the future. I don't know. I think you run the risk of getting Roman cheered.
if you bring back the Thunderdome so they can, he can get here. Oh, yes. We're rumbled. Nevermind. That's true. What I, what I would see happening, you know, Paul's the ultimate opportunist. You know, I think he's going to play it down the middle until WrestleMania and then he can make his call in the match, you know, who he's going to, who he's going to go with.
Obviously those guys got so much history that that would always be a good story and we know they put on a hell of a fight Yeah, so yeah Brock would be cool. Obviously Seth to be amazing if Seth comes back I really hope he brings a burn it down theme back that that thing that he was using as the Messiah I really don't think that's gonna be hitting for a return for the first time seeing him in a few months But hearing burn it down would definitely make me pop Yeah, that's really it I don't know it's gonna be interesting this year because without the live crowd there I
I don't know how much, I don't know if it's necessarily worth the effort or the dollars to bring in some of these guys, because you're not going to get that organic pop that you normally would with the audience there. But either way, it's going to be a blast. Tune in, guys. We'll keep a running tab during the... Well, wait, did you guys... I think the only thing you guys separated on was the Rumbles, right?
No, we separated on the obstacle. Yeah, he picked Charlotte and Oscar, and then I picked Shana and Naya. So we got the Rumbles, and then the Women's Day. And then he picked Goldberg, and I picked Drew. Yeah, we are going to have some intrigue. So yeah, Shana will keep a running tab on her IG story during the night, and we'll see. And hopefully, we just get to enjoy a great show. So let's move on to everybody's favorite segment, Go Figure. Here comes the money. Here we go.
Gold figure is brought to you by our good friends at ringside collectibles. Remember to use code CHICKFOLLY for 10% off all your purchases at ringside. This is the segment where we talk about the latest in wrestling figure news and share our weekly purchases. And there's a special bonus this week. We just got Elite 84 hot off the press as it hit our front porch today. Sheena hasn't even seen these figures yet. We're going to bust them out and do a live review right here on the air. So Marco, before we get to that, take us away with figure news.
Yeah, so before I forget, because I did this, obviously, earlier today before this news broke, Ringside exclusive, Cody Rhodes, TNT Champion. Did you guys get to, you guys see this, or did you pre-order? Yes, I already got it pre-ordered. I'm regretting that I don't got the cricket sound effects on our sound board here anymore. Come on.
How many Cody's do we need? This is gonna be what, like our fifth Cody figure? We need all the Cody's. So we had what, we had Cody in series one, we had the Blood Brothers, we had the UK exclusive, and now we got Cody again in series four, and the Cody, and there's a Chase Cody in series four, and there was a Chase in series one. So this is gonna be our seventh Cody, and this one is not even a year old. Why not? And it's neck tattoo Cody too, it's not even,
Regular Cody, it's when he has the neck tattoo on. He's making AJ Styles look like a, you know, one of 100 chase figure, man. And these are, I mean, all kidding aside, the face scans on each Cody as they like go along, they get like better and better. I'm not, I mean, I'm not sure if he has a blind to it, you know, I want to admit to it. The figure by itself looks great. It's a cool figure. He's in the purple and silver gear. Awesome, awesome packaging. We know Ringside always goes all out with any of their exclusives. And that's the first time we're getting the TNT belt. So by itself,
Excellent excellent figure, but you know I'm not a Cody fan to begin with and seven figures in the span of a year is a lot for anybody unless your name is Bret Hart or Seth Rollins and We already got a awesome version of that TNT belt from again our good friend in Greece WWE figure artists. So This one, you know, I wait and see once we get a little bit closer and maybe see some in-hand photos I'm not gonna totally close the book on it, but it's not and you know, my top ten most wanted list as of right now and
Yeah, I think he just got to open your eyes to the fact that Cody Rhodes is his figure maid.

Collectible Figures Discussion

I mean, that's it. The box is pretty cool too. It turns it to the set. Did you see that? Yeah, I saw that. That was pretty neat. It was pretty awesome. Double or nothing. Engine stage.
yeah it's like a 3d stage too it has like the flames and everything on the side and it looks like the uh the the double or nothing like window is kind of like see through see so you see like a little silhouette it's pretty awesome man i don't know i don't know i'm all forward i like it
I'm not going to, I'm not going to nay say a Cody Rhodes. I hope he has 20 figures by the end of the year. I hope he's like, he has the most figures of any wrestler by the end of the year. Like more than any, I hope he's a whole series. I hope Jerry Padale does a flashback and he'll just make like a stardust in there with him. I mean, his, uh, yeah, I mean, his dad is a, is an all-time legend of, of wrestling.
And I think he has a total of like 10 or 11 figures across his entire lifespan. Whereas I think Cody's about to have that many within the first two years of the AEW line. How many figures did Cody have with Mattel? He had a bunch with Mattel. I mean, there was a lot of Cody's, but that was spread out over the course of seven years. True, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, they are. Yeah. All right. Well, I know you won't talk about Cody anymore because it's going to go on a downward spiral. It's going to get evil. But so we'll move on to the fan takeover, Ultimate Edition rollout date. So I believe they moved one of the, I think they moved warrior for something. I think it was supposed to come out a little bit earlier, but it looks like Hulk Hogan and Jeff Hardy are coming out later, late this summer. Okay.
Ultimate Warrior later this year, early 2022, and Shawn Michaels, early 2022. Actually, I think Shawn Michaels is the one that was moved. He was supposed to be around the same time or before Warrior. Really excited for all these. Remember, we got the big intrigue over what this packaging is going to look like. You guys think it's going to be totally different. I think it's going to be...
Same color scheme just with a fan takeover logo slapped on there. So that's really what I'm most excited for now to see the MOC pictures of these figures when they drop so I can rub it in you guys face how wrong you were on these. I can't wait to say I told you so. Yeah, I think it's gonna be a different they have to make a different package.
Yeah, it's a totally different product, Fan Takeover. No, it's not, but it's Fan Takeover Ultimate Edition. And look at their, so their premier flagship lines, entrance grades never changed the packaging. And that was across two different timelines. They had interest grades, and then like six years later, they brought it back, same packaging, defining moments, exact same packaging. This is like their primo line for the hardest of the hardcore collectors. They want these things to look uniform. Now I think you'll see a little Fan Takeover logo in there, but I think it's still going to be the white and red packaging that we know and love so far.
You'd even think it would be like the blue and yellow, how they did the... I don't think so. I can see what you guys are picturing. And don't get me wrong, I think that would be cool. Like me personally, I want them to do that. But I just, I really think that they want to keep, you know, with how much love and care has been put into this line, I think they really want to keep that uniformity, you know. So for the people that are displaying these MOC on a shelf and stuff,
that stuff's really gonna matter to them. That's one of the big reasons why Classic Superstars is still so beloved by MOC collectors, because across whatever it ended up being, like 26 freaking series, they kept the exact same packaging. And that's one of the knocks on Mattel Elite. I like it as a loose collector, because I like seeing the different boxes before I just rip them open like a grizzly bear. But a lot of people complain, because if you go back across the Elite line, there's been so many different shapes and sizes of packaging that you don't really have that uniformity.
I hate all the different stuff. We'll see. Obviously, this is the most intriguing storyline we have going on the show right now is what this fan takeover package is doing. The suspense is killing us right now. Let's see what it looks like. We'll move on. They had the major fest this week, the major bruise. They actually had this announcement, Chelsea Green, Series 122 reveal. I think she's the Chase as well.
Do we know which ones to chase out of the black or the purple? I did not see that now. Chase. It looks like the chase is the black one. Yeah, the black is the chase version. I think I kind of prefer the purple one just to get some variety on the color. You know, I have kind of a ton of figures in black gear. Yeah, the Chelsea green purple is the standard version. Nice.
Yeah, it's like a good figure. We're always going to add those first time in the line basics in and I always glad to see people get their first figure. Yeah. Yeah. It's pretty awesome since like when she made her debut on Smackdown and then pretty much got injured. Broker wrist or whatever. Broker wrist. So was that that was late last year, right? Not early. Yeah, late last year. Yeah. Obviously these these years kind of like meld together. It's all one big kind of like a continuation season two of 2020. That's what this year is.
Oh, Lord help us all. Yeah, no, that's pretty awesome. That's first time in line for Chelsea, right? Yes. With those and she's a chase van, which is pretty awesome. So hats off, hats off to Chelsea with that. That's pretty sick.
Next up, I think we talked about this on the last episode, the Jay White, kind of like retro style figure that we're coming out with. Oh yeah, that thing looks awesome. Yeah, they actually revealed pics, which are pretty cool. Did you guys get to take a look at those? Yep, he's throwing up the Shaka and black pants, white boots. Yeah, it looks awesome. Did I add this one on here? Let me see, hold on. If I did it, I'm going to add it right after this one, because we're talking about
has no type of figures so we kind of actually know I do have it next actually after this one so we'll move on to the jump shop dog do you guys guys familiar with JSD right yeah so our bruiser Brody figure that he has I believe it's in his series two
Did you guys take a look? It looks almost like, I don't want to say it's like Hasbro style to me. This looks like the original San Francisco Toymakers when they made those Hasbro style WCW figures. You know what I'm talking about.
That's what it looks like to me closest at all, at all. It looks pretty cool. I probably won't be out of the collection. I got, I got a custom elite bruiser Brody. That's pretty nice. So I think I'm good on the bruiser. Big fan of this guy though. So I'd love to see him get the elite treatment sometime down the line. Cause he was very, very toyetic and just a true legend of the ring that had his life unfortunately cut way too short.
Yeah, definitely. I also love the fact that all these toy makers and stuff like that, they're starting to get these types of contracts where they can make these types of figures that we probably wouldn't see in an Elite wine or even in the Unrivaled series if you want to go with that too as well.
like nerds clothing and jump shop dog and The next one up to bat is our zombie zombie sailor. I'm so stoked for this line We kind of joked about this on our dirty. There was like the Royal Rumble
thing that we had. And we talked about how Sabu never had a figure. Well, leave it to Zombie Sailor. Retro style figure for the death-defying, homicidal, suicidal maniac, Sabu. Crazy. In 2021, he's coming out with a figure from the original Hasbro designer. Yeah, Ron Rudat, the legend. I think we'll see how the execution is once they actually get
Produced and painting stuff in the factory, but these got the potential to be the closest thing we've ever had to The original Hasbro line coming back cuz like I said, they got they got Ron Rudett on board with this So I can't wait to see who else they've come supposedly rock and roll Express is gonna be showing up also But these things look great, you know, shout out the zombie sailor dudes always finding some crazy stuff and now he's starting his own line I just I have really high hopes and as soon as these things are available for pre-order I'll be getting pretty much all of them on site and
Yeah, definitely. I think the first two are the major bros for that line. And if you see the detail, those are pretty insane. It's crazy. They got Zach Ryder's double knee pads and everything. They're going to be awesome, man. Yeah, yeah. I can't wait. So yeah, shout out to our zombie sailor for bringing back the retros. We want retros, and he answered the call. It's a time traveling toy hunter, man. He's made it happen once again. Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Next up, probably the main event of this thing, AEW Unrivaled Series 4. Figure Reveals. Last week we did the announcement. This week we're doing the reveals of the photos of the packaging, the figures. What do you guys think and what's your favorite? Because I already know what my favorite is. I think we're probably all in agreement.
What are your favorite is probably Ortiz man. Yes, that's what I'm gonna say. Yeah one with the bandana One with the with the braids very cool. I'm really glad to get him him in Santana
and then Sammy added to the collection. Obviously, I think, you know, people, again, people have been complaining on the forums about Cody getting another figure so soon, and I think he's got the chase in this set also. He does, he does. Yeah, so that's a lot. I'll probably be passing on the Cody's for now. There's a Chase Matt too, I think, right? Yeah, Chase Matt, Matt's a Chase as well.
Probably passed on the Kenny's because I'm not the hugest Kenny fan, but at least that's some super unique gear that Kenny comes Yeah awesome figure But yeah that Santana and Ortiz and Sammy are must-haves for for our collection. Yeah, I agree That's that's the three I'm most excited about too
Remember, use code Chick Foley if you still haven't gotten pre-orders in on those. You're going to be waiting a little bit, but still, better late than never. Yeah, I ended up doing it after, but you wait a few months for it, and it'll be there.
obviously, but you will get like the first go around but taking like 700 trips to Walmart and not finding them, you know? Yeah, exactly. At least you know, you they're on their way just like not right away. So don't get envious when everyone's posting their pictures. And if you do ever pre order them,
and you find them out in the wild, you can always cancel your pre-orders, especially with ringside. They're really great about that. I would highly suggest just as an insurance policy, if it's something that you know you want to add to your collection, I would definitely pre-order it even if it is one of the later pre-orders. Then if you happen to find it while you're out hunting, you can always cancel that pre-order at a later date.
So yeah, exactly. Do you guys remember where the, so most people call it a flip flop or a tease called, it's a chunkleta, that's what they call it. Chunkleta. Yeah, chunkleta. Did you, do you know where that's from?
And why not save the packaging? I don't remember what that's from. I just remember my really good friend Veronica used to say her mom would whoop them with a chonkla. She'd be like, my mom would take that chonkla off and beat our butts. Throw it. It's a good throwing device as well. Yeah, she would check the chonkla. Yeah, that's one of the things. I didn't even know what a chonkla was before I met my friend Veronica. And she filled me in. And we always joke about it now. So yeah, I thought that was pretty cool that it came with it.
So it's the blue one from, it was one of the episodes on Dynamite where they had that like appreciation night, the inner circle did an appreciation night for Chris Jericho. And they had that, the Santana Ortiz gave him that gift basket and they had the two pairs of- Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I remember.
And they gave that stuff. There was like some, like a jar of like stuff that he could put on his, on his junk. If it was like sore or something like that. Yeah. But yeah, that's where that's from. And I was like, Oh, I was like, that's a huge throwback. That's like, yeah, that's a deep cut for sure. Yeah. So they had, I was super excited for that, for that, for that one. Um, and, uh, I can't wait. That's.
I know a lot of people like to pop off and get really upset in the early, but I'm like, dude, this is their first freaking figure line. I mean, go back and look at some of the early Mattels and you'll be like, whoa. Just to see how far they've come with everything.
they're only gonna get better and better and the only way they can get better and better is if we keep supporting them, you know what I mean? I know not everybody's got- Buy those figures. Yeah, money just to throw around, but if you do have a little extra chingle-chingle to put towards some figures, definitely support the lines that you want to see succeed because that's the only way they're gonna keep pumping out figures is if we keep buying them, you know? Yeah, exactly.
Speaking of the Chase figures, our friend of the show, Jeremy, actually came out and said, if you want more exclusive news, they're increasing the Chase and rare numbers to 5,000 and 3,000 units.
I saw that. I didn't really see what the fallout was, like if people were excited about that or people were upset about that. But I did see him announce that, but I wasn't really following with what the figure community thought about that. To me, if it's a simple color swap on the gear, I'm cool with making those chases as exclusive as possible. But if it's something like the Darby Allen, where it's a significantly different figure and a significantly cooler figure than the regular release,
Yeah, I want to have every opportunity to try to get that thing or at least have a situation where on the secondary market, I'm not going to be paying an arm and a leg for it. So I'm a fan of this overall. But if it is just a simple chase, a simple difference, then I'm cool with it being pretty exclusive. Yeah, he did mention that if the numbers are increasing, they will be rarer like the figures. Yeah.
That just to answer your question, they definitely will have more rare figures out there if they're increasing the numbers. That's pretty awesome. Here's us flaming us with exclusives over the past couple of days. They announced the UFC Ultimate Series 1.
Yep. I already got my Conor McGregor ordered. Yep. And scale with everything else that's out there. So they're not tiny figures like the limited edition that they had. So. You didn't order the lioness? No. Amanda Nunez? What are you? You were afraid she was going to intimidate our Ronda Rousey figure? No, I just wasn't a fan of the figure. It didn't look that great to me. So Conor's it from this series. Yeah, definitely Conor. Conor's good. Your eye is not bad either with the jacket.
hear that jacket, like the walkout jacket that he has and everything too. Yeah, the Horay doesn't, it's, yeah, I mean, they're not super crazy, but.
If you used to collect in wrestling figures, they're, they're obviously going to be a little bit more, more boring, just not quite as flamboyant as some of the crazy characters seeing wrestling, but I'm glad it's out there. And again, uh, jazz words, you guys gave us an awesome AW ring. Give us the octagon. That's what I really want. That's my main purpose for supporting this line. I want a real scale octagon for, uh, for my wrestling figure collection.
What else? Yeah, so more Jeremy news, he's just taken over the- Been dropping down. He was on MWFP's Boozen with the toys. He actually stated, they talked about the unmatched series that they announced last week as well. He reiterated they are going to be the same style and same articulation, all that stuff as the Unrivaled series. But he also said,
that will allow them to explore LJN and retro style figures, too, in that unrivaled series, which is pretty interesting. Or in the unmatched series? Unmatched, yeah, sorry, unmatched series. Yeah, so, yeah, LJN and retro style figures
Will be basically release different figure forms, but still under that same line. So that way I'll be different. Yeah. Yeah. Makes sense. Makes sense. That'd be cool. And I don't know what the thirst is going to be out there for LJN figures. LJN style figures right now off the pegs. I think collectors always snap them up, but you got to figure eventually the supply and demand is going to even out to where these things are sitting on the shelf for at least a little bit. And I have a hard time seeing little kids want to get an LJN figure nowadays, but yeah.
And they make them in small scale. Yeah, I could definitely see it being a success. And obviously, retros and Hasbro's are just on fire right now. So I think those will definitely fly off the shelf. Yeah, I think some retro style AW guys are pretty cool. Definitely more Cody's in that retro style. Definitely more. Definitely LJN Cody's. Definitely want that to happen.
I can't wait. Seth is super silent right now. He's like my Cody, my Cody, my pro Cody jokes. He's so mad that he didn't have to do this outboard tonight. I've said it before. I mentioned when we were talking about WWE Network earlier, I've been back into wrestling for seven years now. Cody has never been more important or more over to me than when he was Stardust. That's still peak Cody Rhodes to me. You don't like Stardust, Marco?
Oh no, I thought he said that was his peak, was Stardust. That's what he said. That's what I said. That's when he's been the most interesting to me. Cody Rhodes is never the most interesting to me than Stardust.
I mean, I think you surpassed that Stardust character, but that's my own opinion, we'll say. But that's funny. We should do a poll, Stardust versus Cody Rhodes. Do it. I think the results would surprise you. We'll do that. We'll do that in the group and then I'll post one. Marco, you should post one on Twitter and see what the audience says.
Because that'd be funny if Stardust does win. It was a much more distinct character. What's Cody's character even right now? What is his character? Oh.
Stardust, exactly. Stardust, I can tell you right now, Stardust was at the Cosmic Wasteland. You know, he thought he was some sort of spaceman type situation. Yeah, he had awesome interest music, had a nice entrance, taught in two iconic bladder matches at WrestleMania, back to back years. Yeah, I'll take Stardust over Cody. If I can only keep one of my Cody Rhodes figures, I wouldn't have to think about it. I'm keeping Stardust. You could take all the Cody's. Yeah. Do Cody's gonna hear the show?
Call you out. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's gonna if this show ever really does blow up to like Awkward the first time I'm around him I think he's kind of sensitive I think he's sensitive enough that like it would bother him if he heard this, you know I mean, there's a lot of wrestlers that I think if they heard the yeah, I think we're pretty friendly to wrestlers for the most part on this show But I think that being said the guy at the time we do offer criticism I think most wrestlers would just let it roll off their backs though It's some stupid mark, but I feel like Cody would actually take offense to it
yeah anything is is like you know seth is mentioned before but he actually. Appreciate cody in a you know nine kayfabe i think that the wrestlers this generation he's the most influential out there you know him and him in the box are the most influential wrestlers out there nothing but respect dudes a all time.
Legend for making, even taking AEW out of the picture for just making all in happen. If that's all they would have done was that one pay-per-view, he would have been a legend for that. Dude is an all-time legend, though, for his spot in the wrestling game. So don't get me wrong, I'm strictly talking about the Cody Rhodes on-screen character right now. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Yeah, I really can't even put into words how much I respect what he's done in the wrestling game and how much I appreciate it because we love AEW here. Yeah, for sure.
Former, former NWA champion Cody Rhodes, former TNT champion Cody Rhodes. Former WWE tag team champion Stardust. Oh man, former ROH World Champion.
Cody was the IC champ. Yeah, Cody was the IC champ. He was. He has accolades, man. I'm just saying. Accolades on accolades. Yeah, just piling him up. All right, we'll move on to the last part, which I don't think we got to mention this. I think it was after we did the show. But the Owen Hart micro brawler.
that the own heart crate is out. I got a text message that said it was. Oh, it was out. Okay. Yeah, I got the text. All right. Yeah, it's probably too late. So go and get those eBay save searches in for the hardcore micro brawler collectors to get that. Yeah. Yeah, I got a text notification so that the micro brawlers. But yeah,
It's probably too late now, but if you signed up for Pro Wrestling Create.
These are cool. I think, you know, um, our, our fully fan member and buddy, Dougie Nanya was kind of pissed off because he was like, you know, he's got the, he's got the original Owen Hart micro brawler, which I still think he's like, you know, it's kind of, it kind of kills the value of the, uh, of the original micro or the original Owen Hart. And first of all, no, I think that is the definitive, you know, he's in like the heart foundation gear. You know what I mean? Like he, and there's the least of them.
Yeah, and there's the least of them exactly. And you know, I think this, this Owen is cool. Like I'm always for more, more Owen gear, you know, more Owen figures, but I just, I don't think it's going to hurt the, the original at all. Yeah, I don't think so either. And the hardest of the hardcore collectors are still going to have to have them all. So I think, you know, it may see a slight dip in value, but I think it's still going to hold for the most part.
Yeah, definitely. I think it was just a way for the people that have just settled the first Owen Hart figure to get their hands on one. I don't think it diminishes at all the original, because that is the original Owen Hart, or like you said, the definitive Owen Hart.
Yeah. And I did have that. I actually did have the Cody Ringside exclusive. So as of next time, but we already spoke about that. So we'll move on to weekly purposes. Marco, what did you pick up this week? All right. So two figures I picked up this week or got delivered to me. So we spoke about this gentleman earlier. He's a mysterious one. He is the whisperer of the LJNs.
Oh, he is our favorite Z man. Yeah, the Z man came through. So he posted the it was a Roddy Piper series one LJN with the with the killed in the post. Nice. So hit him up. I was like, man, is this still available? He's like, yep. And I was like,
okay hold please hold um and then he and then there was i was scrolling through again and i seen uh the terry funk uh from series three i believe ljn with the hat and the uh the poker and the the poster as well so pretty much all the accessories too so scoop those two up um as well as he had a poster

Non-Wrestling Entertainment Recommendations

um it was the four it was like it was like basically how to do four moves of wrestling i'm not sure if he's seeing this on his
It's an LJN poster. It's showing you how to do a suplex, showing you how to do a figure four body slam, and I think it's the other thing. Pick those up from LJN. I mean, from Zorro. Thanks a week from LJN. Yeah, basically, yeah. He's pretty much LJN right now. He's the modern day LJN. Pretty much, yeah. He's awesome. He's swift. I think I got it.
got it my day it came in today so pretty fast pretty fast turnaround on that so i wasn't expecting it that fast but it's he's like i said he works in a serious way so that's that's what i get but uh yeah pretty much it nothing else nothing nothing new in this sense nothing uh no modern day figures just uh just old school figures right now all right what'd you get Seth
All right, so we got the retro Bray still putting together that collection piece by piece at about one figure a week. So we got retro Bray. We picked up the black strap TNT championship from forbidden figurines. Is that the account? Yeah. Yeah. Forbidden underscore figurines. She make her along with WWE figure artist again. That's his third mentioned this week. They make some incredible custom belts. Those two and Gustador are kind of our main
made belt folks uh but yes the show definitely helped you fill out some of your uh your collection with the belts that Mattel's um either can't you just look inside or hasn't made yet so uh yeah hit her up she's got the black strap tnt championship it looks awesome that actually just came in today um sheena actually had the you know nowadays it's rare to actually find something on the pegs um
the Undertaker wrecking cycle, which looks awesome. You know, we got to have the motorcycle for the Undertaker, something we wanted for so long. I know a lot of people there's I think there's a Bratz motorcycle that's actually a pretty good scale with Mattel elites that people had used for Undertaker. But now we've got the actual wrecking cycle. So I'm looking forward to getting that out of the box and and doing some fig photography with that. And then also came in the middle of today, pretty much right before showtime was Elite 84. So our good friends at Ringside Collectibles
Send us a set over to review and we're gonna

Nostalgia and Listener Interaction

do that right here on Eric. So Sheena hasn't seen these figures yet So I'm just gonna pull them out of the box and get seen as quick thoughts on them So we will start off with the first figure since his heel turn Elite 84 Roman range Sheena. Tell us what you think so
looks amazing. I mean, you know, he's got the wreck everyone and leave shirt got the vest. He's got the the shock of hands. Face scan is on point. He's got the man bun, which is amazing. This to me, I already have one, you know, other than the shirt, I feel like we already have, you know, a Roman that's very, very similar to this, you know, we have, you know, the shock of hands and whatnot. But
Yeah, we're actually gonna be giving this figure away to one of you guys. So this is the figure we were talking about at the top of the show that we're gonna be giving away for anyone who uses our ringside code. Yep, just send your screenshot to Marco on Twitter or Sheena on Instagram to be automatically entered to win this. It looks awesome.
Yeah, but if you need, I mean, like there's absolutely nothing wrong with this figure. I don't have anything negative to say about this figure. It's just, we already have one that's so similar. We have a ton of Romans. We're being very judicial with what we add to our collection at this point. But yeah, I mean, if you want another Roman or if you're like, if you collect every single Roman, this is a dope, dope figure. All right. Up next, I'm pulling out Elite 84, Seamus. Seamus. It's the first figure he's had since he dissed the Mohawk. I know, yeah. This is...
I mean, he looks just like he did in like 2015 though, you know what I mean? Like nothing has changed. I think it's just kind of a reset. I think the last Seamus we had was from Elite 58. So it's been 26 series since we got a Seamus. I think we're just, to me, this looks like it's a, you know, it's just kind of like a catch up figure for people that have just gotten in the line the last year or two. Yeah. Because his last one came in 2018 and it was, it was from when he was still doing the bar with Cesaro's, those ones that came with like the tuxedos or whatever that you could remove. So it comes with his- The Celtic cross. Yeah. Yeah.
What's his trunk say? It's just like his logo. It says whatever, that Scottish word lauk or something. I don't know. Marco, you got any pronunciation for that word on Seamus's gear? I do not. I'm not going to attempt it either. Do we have any Irish followers that want to give us the rundown on Seamus's gear? Please hit us up in the Chick-fil-A show DMs.
figure it's kind of like it's kind of like one of those like mashed potatoes figures like you need it for the collection especially if you've come in the last couple years but it's nothing that's gonna be anybody's like most wanted all right let's take a look at Elite 84 Jeff Hardy this is the basic they're not the basic this is the regular version with the blue face paint
Yeah, looks amazing. Jeff Hardy is so toyetic. Anything you put out of him is just going to look incredible. You can't make a bad Jeff Hardy figure. Yeah, he's got the Escape Normal Jeff Hardy logo shirt, the face paint and the neck tats and everything, the earplugs. He's got black tights with a white belt. He looks incredible. He's doing the signature gun fingers.
I think it's uh, it's got his new back tat also. I think he's got it. I think this is the first figure that's got his full Back tat, but you MOC people will never know that. Yeah, you never know. You have to let him breathe if you want to find out. Oh Man, I told a fig heel this week I said you can't be can't be hanging out with me too much as it asked Marco how it was when he used to be completely MOC too and now Marco lets him breathe and a fig heel said he's got to tread lightly All right. Now we got our first time in the line Angel Garza
I'm always here for a first time in Lion Guy. I love Angel Garza. He's got the soft goods, track pants. Tear away pants. Yeah, tear away pants. The face scan is on point. It looks just like Angel Garza. He's got the wrist wraps. I can't wait. I'm excited to see what's in his pants. That's not what I meant to say. But yeah, he looks incredible. Wow, boy.
Yeah, so if you haven't gotten this figure, you definitely need to add it to your collection because he looks so fine. I don't think too many people have them. These things just shipped out this week. Nice.
Okay, so we got buddy Murphy the fact first of all the first the fact that we got Messiah buddy Murphy before we get a disciple Yeah, the disciple sorry before we get disciple buddy Murphy before we got Messiah Seth Rollins is just like what the heck I Popped hard for the the Seth Rollins Messiah t-shirt that it comes with it looks good some sort of new print technology It's one of the rubber shirts, but I
It does look really, really good. The Rollins logo really pops and Buddy Murphy looks awesome. I forget which series it was. We got a Buddy Murphy from his run as Cruiserweight champ, where he had the short song with the great edge, which looks pretty cool. This is definitely an upgrade. I think this is going to be the main Buddy Murphy in our collection.
Yeah. On the side of his pants, it's got the white stripe and it says, you know, disciple, disciple Murphy. He's got the white kick pads, white boots, um, and, uh, black trunks or sorry, black pants. So yeah, face scan on point got red hair, red goatee looks amazing. All right. And the last one, the hottest figure from this set, literally rear Ripley.
Whoo, my girl, my girl Rhea Ripley. They nailed it. They nailed it. It looks like a million bucks. And you know, her gear is so detailed. There's so many like rivets and chains. Oh yeah, it looks like she spent her whole $200 gift card at Hot Top to buy everything off the gas.
But everything off the rack next to the cash register hot topic and threw it on a wrestling gear. Yeah, the the fishnets Everything about it. She's got like, you know, the rocker horn hands The jacket so she's got her little like vest jacket thing and it's got the little chain tassels hanging down from it like I am in love with this figure. I'm obsessed. I think it's
I think it's almost, it's instant history into the, uh, the women's wrestling figure Hall of Fame. This thing looks great. It's got a little bit of size on her too. I think if I, if I had one small critique, um, sometimes Mattel has a habit of, of making the women figures just too small, like maybe slight is more than what I'm looking for said too small or just very thin, like very narrow on the shoulders.
Yeah, Ria's got a little bit of beef to her. She looks like she could kick somebody's ass, you know, looks like she could hang her in an intergender match. This is actually from the WrestleMania 36, so she looks awesome, you know. Great figure. I think if you're only adding one from this edit to Must Add. Yeah, you gotta have Ria. I think she's obviously the MVP from this set. She can add the other five. What's your runner-up for Ria for the MVP of this set?
So yeah, Rhea is definitely the MVP. I would say for me personally, um, Oh, I don't know. It's between buddy and buddy and angel Garza. Cause they're the ones that I like most need for the collection. Um, I'm going to go with.
I'm going to go with Buddy because he comes with that awesome Polly Pocket Seth Rollins shirt. I agree. He had a pretty significant run. You know, him and Seth won the tag belts. And then, you know, we mentioned it earlier, they had one of the most never ending storylines in the history of, uh, of WWE with that, uh, that Rollins and Buddy Murphy versus the, the Mysterio clan. So yeah, Lee 84 is a great set. Remember use, uh, it's in stock at ringside right now. Remember to use code chick Foley to save 10% when you order those.
All right it's time for quarantine and chill. We'll be guys off you a non-wrestling related entertainment recommendation. Marco, what's yours?
Oh man, so my wife started watching the show on Netflix. It was originally on True TV. Did not know that they did original shows at all, but there's a show called I'm Sorry. I'm not sure if you guys have ever heard of this show.
So basically, it's this, it's from this comedian, our name is Andrea Savage. And she is basically she's a mom, wife, and she's, she's basically playing herself in this in this show. And the only way to equate it to is kind of like she's like a female
version of Larry David, if you watch Curvy Enthusiasm, that type of thing. So she gets into these crazy situations. I will say there is course language on it. So if you have the kitties around, I would probably watch it when the kitties aren't there, because I was shocked. Always good to know. Yeah, there's f-bombs and all that stuff in it, which is weird. If you watch any cable network shows now, they swear on everything, so it's not like it.
big deal anymore but uh really really funny show it's only two seasons uh it was supposed to be picked up for a third but covid happened and the third season didn't happen but uh so you could definitely bang it out pretty fast um but she said yep exactly
I was expecting that to happen. It's a really funny show. Definitely recommend it. She started watching the second season. I didn't get to watch the first season of it, but from what I see in it, it's funny. If you like immature humor because she's a comedian and she plays herself and she's doing comedy writing and all that stuff. She's super immature, immature jokes. I love it.
super funny and you know, yeah, definitely watch it. It's called I'm sorry. It's on Netflix. I'm going with so it's probably not going to be until later this year around October or November. But I'm going with Khabib versus Conor McGregor part two.
Oh wait, that's not going to happen because Connor got freaking rocked. Me and Marco were like, what? The dream match we'd all been waiting for for going on two years is now not going to happen. Marco, I know you're actually a little bit bigger MMA fan than me. What do you think, man? Is Connor McGregor done in the octagon?
Uh, he's done for a little bit. He'll be back. He'll definitely, I think he'll come back and, you know, obviously he won't get the big, the big fight. They'll probably have him fight like an up and coming like star or something like that. But I think he'll be back at some point. Um, unless he's going to fight like Jake Paul or something like that, which I highly don't recommend, but that, that might happen before anything, but I think he'll definitely be back in the octane on it.
It happened to he he's gone. I mean he's got knocked out before but he's lost even the times when he's lost for you really lost a kabib I mean he's the only person that's ever beat could be even around I thought even when he lost a kabib He still looks pretty good But it looked like to me like he definitely lost a step and I feel like time You know history shown us in USC that like when you lose a step like it's hard to get it back
Oh, yeah, no, exactly. The other thing, too, is from what I was reading, he changed a lot of his trainers and stuff like that. It's not the same team he had before when he was on his rise. So that's a game that happens with a lot of fighters and stuff like that. What happened to Mike Tyson? Yeah. And like you said, in the UFC, it is hard to come back. Like Anderson Silva would happen to him when he snapped his leg. And after that, it was a rocky road fan. But he's considered one of the greatest fighters that ever lived.
Yeah, and when you're you know when you're you're fighting UFC I mean you're fighting the best of the best in the whole world and just The margin between you know being the best like Connor was and just being one of the really really good ones is is razor thin so all it takes is losing that you know losing a half step and and you could be you know flat on your back looking up at the lights like Connor was a Third it's a it's they wanted one. So I think he'll be back for that
that third and final. Yeah, maybe if he gets that one, maybe then he could fight Khabib. I want to see him in there with Khabib one more time. We'll see. We'll see if he performs better the next fight. Maybe Khabib will come back, but for right now, I don't think Khabib... I don't think anyone... I would love to see GSP and Khabib go at it, but... Yeah, that'd be cool too. It looks like...
Gina's motion to me that she's coming in hot with a quarantine and chill pic. Yeah, I have not watched this yet, but I've heard so many friends recommended. We're getting a blind recommendation for our listeners on quarantine and chill. You're getting a blind recommendation. Oh my goodness. It's the Netflix documentary series, Night Stalker. It's about Richard Ramirez, who was a
who was a serial killer in the 80s, convicted of like 13 crimes, like just one of the most vicious, horrific, callous people that you could ever imagine in your whole life. I'm really into true crime and I love that kind of stuff. So I've had so many people recommend it to me. I just haven't had time to sit down and actually watch it. So I will recommend that to you guys if you haven't heard of it yet or if you haven't, I've heard lots of people say really great things. So it's a blind recommendation. So if it sucks, sorry.
one thing on that there has been some warnings I've seen associated with that even for people that like don't mind like horror movies and stuff that like it's ridiculously graphic and gory some of the crime scene photos and some of just the the retons accounts because this guy actually had a lot of survivors you know this guy didn't necessarily kill every time somebody just assaulted folks so yeah
If you're really sensitive to that maybe maybe stick away because yeah He's like a wide variety of like weaponry like he didn't have any sort of like certain style You know how like a lot of criminals have like a certain, you know Yeah, I've heard good things about that documentary as well Yeah, my wife watched it. She uh, she watches all like the true crime stuff and listens to all the podcasts and stuff like that But uh, she said she was afraid to go to sleep
I haven't watched it yet because I'm, you know, recently, you know, says been working a lot of like overnights and stuff and I'm here by myself a lot. And I, I just feel like I'm going to like freak myself out if I watch something like that, you know, because there's been plenty of nights where I've been in bed. I'm like, what can I watch? And I see night stalker right there. And I'm like, no, not tonight. All right. It's time for retro or for, excuse me, where I'm jumping the gun. Now it's time for random merch of the week.
All right, random merch of the week is where we scour the dark corners of eBay and all over the internet to find you guys some particularly unique wrestling merchandise. Marco's got to pick for us this week. Remember, this segment is brought to you by Pro Wrestling Tees. Visit the Chick Foley Show store there to pick up all of your Chick Foley Show swag. Marco, tell us about our pick for this week.
Yeah. So what intrigued me to this one was the surge of the pricing of, do you guys remember the WWF? It was a 1997 trivia game. I know. I had this thing. I've seen this too. I'm like, why did I not leave this in the box? That thing might still be in my attic somewhere at home. So I'm definitely, next time I go back to Kentucky, I'm definitely scouring the attic because I don't think I would have thrown that away. But I remember buying that game at Toys R Us.
Yeah, so there was like a 98 1 2 and a 9 the 97 1 is like the one that Everyone that like jumped up in price. So Is the like the rocks rookie card was in there as well as stone colds, right? 97 and those are those are particularly the two that are like the sought-after Not this this one in particular that I have for this but this is what brought me to this one So I never heard of these cars before I already there. I've never heard of this brand and I used to be so hard game I
Yeah, so it's called, so it's like a series of cards that were called, it was made by Comic Image, Comics Image, and now they're called Duo Cards, and it was a WWF Superstars with a Z Series. So 90s. Yeah. Yeah, so they have these, so I guess they used to, like with the tops cards, they have these random inserts of autographs and stuff like that. Right. I did not know they did this back then.
Um, so this card in particular, it's the rock. Um, he's, it's not a printed signature. Like they actually signed these. There's a couple of other ones in the series. It looks like it's in a silver, maybe a, yeah, it's a paint pad. Yeah. So on eBay right now, it's a beautiful card. The card is like, no, it's the kind of cards I liked when I used to be in the collective basketball cards. There's no,
Graphics or anything on the cards is basically a straight-up photo with the classic Rawls war logo and the rocks but they hit the road dog with a Samoan drop Yeah, yeah, and it's even on the back of the card. It says like The signature on this card is authentic and no mechanical beads were used to reproduce it so I didn't know they even did this back in 98 like like someone that like obviously the person owns this card is you know the price of its $1,700 rightfully so because it's a legit rock autograph
Oh, so there's two of them on there then because there's there's another there's another one. I see. Yeah. So this one is one for twenty nine thousand. Did you see that one? No, I see. There's one autograph. I'm looking at one for thirteen hundred. So to me, somebody needs to get these things graded because neither one of these are graded. I'm pretty sure if you got one of these autographed and graded, you probably get like three or four thousand for it. Oh, no, there's a great one. Oh, OK. Yeah, I see the great one down below. Yeah. Yeah. So the great ones going for thirty thousand. Yeah. And there's another great one going for seven thousand. So those two dudes.
I should drop, you know what, man, I'm not gonna say anything. My mind is already starting to turn on something you could do with these cards here. So yeah, ignore this listing, folks. Don't go near it. Marco, we may need to talk after this. No, no, no. I'm thinking, you know, if you want to, you could buy one of these ones that are on here for 13 or 17, send them off to PSA and get them graded, and then throw them back on here for like 4,000 bucks, man. Double your money. I mean, it sounds like a lot of money.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, it sounds like a lot of money, but, you know, what other asset are you going to get that's going to give you a hundred percent return on investment within six months? But are those listings? Are those just like listing listing? See what's what's been sold? They're listing. But I mean, like, I'm pretty sure those are going to sell. You know, the card card, the card game is like crazy right now.
Yeah. Even the card back looks different on this one, on the signed one. If you look on the $30,000 one, the back of it, it's like its stats, like E66, E275, blah, blah, blah. But on that other one, it's the same exact front, but the back says, hey, you pulled this authentic card. And this one's $30,000 without the signature. I imagine if you had a graded one with the signature. A non-graded signature. So $1,800 on December 27.
Yeah. Yeah. So let's see when we would actually go for. I mean, I only hope that like a graded one with no autograph sold for five hundred fifty eight bucks, man. Yeah. There's this whole Colgan cards that aren't here that are even worth as much as this card. It's it's it's like I have I'm hoping like basketball cards pop up again, but they probably won't. So I have tons of basketball. They were just so over produced in the early night. And yeah, that's how I was like, I got in like
from 91 to 94 I was collecting basketball hard like I have like you know penny hard away rookie Shaq rookies Alonzo morning basically anybody that debuted in the early 90s I got all their rookie cards but there were just so many brands making cards you had Fleer, Fleer Ultra, Upper Deck, Tops, Tops Stadium Club.
That's why the bottom ended up falling out of the market for about 10 years and then it started coming back whenever You know, they started making the really expensive packs where you're spending like nine bucks for a pack of like seven cards Yeah, but you know you get stuff that I like game worn jersey on it and everything. So Card games crazy right now. I really blows my mind that people are spending this much on this stuff I know didn't you just like we gave away a whole binder full of cards? I don't know if anyone worth anything but like Seth had all of his old basketball cards We were like, yeah, these things are like garbage
Well, the thing is, if you had like this thing has been sitting in plastic sleeves for like 20 plus years, you got to get those things graded. Like I had like a lot of those cards been in those those plastic sleeves for so long that I think it probably would have damaged them even taken out of them. So yeah, it's card games because to me, like the cards, like the whole value of them is just that they're collectible. You know what I mean? Like.
I feel like cards kind of died out when the internet came out, because you could just look up a picture of your favorite players whenever you wanted. I don't know, but yeah, it's definitely a way to make some money. And I'm kind of intrigued, because I think there's a little bit of meat on the bone on those rock cards that are listed right there. So you may stumble onto something, Marco, buying some of these things, getting them graded, and then flipping them. Yeah, no, definitely for $30,000, if you can. That's pretty insane.
Yeah, that's a good pitch. Marco will get a link to that listing posted up in the Patreon-exclusive Facebook groups. Maybe we can do a group buy and go in on it and then I'll reap the benefits when we get this massive profit down the line.
All right, we're changing up the music. I know you guys are used to hearing that classic WrestleMania theme, but we're hitting you with the Royal Rumble since we got the Royal Rumble two days away. It's time for the retro wrestling recommendation of the week. This segment's brought to you by Chalk Line. And with that being said, it's time for our Chalk Line check-in. So this is where I ask Seth which Chalk Line shorts he's rocking, because if you know anything about the heel husband, it's that he has an insane collection of Chalk Line. 60 pairs.
60 pairs, but he's actually owned more than 60 pairs But 60 pairs is where he capped it and so anytime he gets a new pair He puts in one of the pairs on the chopping block and ends up selling it usually offers it in our Facebook group first And then if not, he'll go to to eBay but 60 pairs of shorts seems like a reasonable amount
Totally, totally reasonable. Yeah. So we want to see which ones is rocking tonight. Tonight I'm rocking the beautiful Halloween Havoc 1997 Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio shorts. Nice. These things are awesome. I think it was the best Cruiserweight match of all time and Chocoline just did a great job.
Not only that match, but also kind of the Halloween Havoc vibe. So one cool thing about Chocolate, they've been doing a good job of restocking stuff here lately. They just restocked some of their classic Bret Hart, Hart Foundation jackets today. So keep a look out. If they ever restocked these Halloween Havoc 97 shorts, they get our five star strongest recommendation. And Marco, what's your retro pick for this week?
So I did not go with a Royal Rumble pick. Normally I like to keep a theme going. But since last week's Royal Rumble pick, I think I'm going to stay away from Royal Rumble picks. I'm going to pick something that we did talk about last week. We went down a spiral of what a cinematic match was. Remember that?
Yeah, I think this was kind of like the OG from the modern era. Yeah, so this is like three minutes long. It's not a long match at all. It's a new day and they travel to the YA compound and face the YA family. It's not even on pay-per-view. Yeah, no, it was on raw. I legit thought it was on a pay-per-view.
Um, but it wasn't cause I was on wrong. Um, July 11th, 2016 to be exact. If you want to look it up on the, uh, WWE network, but, um, yeah, so it's a wife family minus Luke Harper. He wasn't there. It was, um, you know, Eric Rowan and Braun Strowman, um, and Bray Wyatt, obviously, but pretty cool match actually. If my memory serves, I think this was a couple of weekends after the Hardee's had their ultimate deletion match. Yes, it was. Yeah.
Yeah, I think this was just Debbie WF's answer to it. Like, OK, we can do this crazy stuff also. It wasn't nearly as wild as the Hardee's, but it was still. No, it was pretty cool because you get to see you got to see like the new day out of there, like out of that character. Like you had that whole storyline where Bray Wyatt kind of had a trance on on Xavier Woods. Like, you kind of like, do you guys remember that at all when that was happening when they were like feuding? Well, like.
He would kind of like, every time they would like come face to face, he would kind of like take over and Xavier Woods would kind of like be hypnotized by him. We thought Xavier Woods was going to go to the Wyatt family. We all had Daniel Bryan, but yeah. So that was pretty cool. But yeah, the match was actually pretty good. I guess it's three minutes. It's a quick watch, but it's actually pretty cool just to see like back then, like the cinematic match and what they did.
The ending of it's pretty cool as well. I won't give away the spoiler, but it's cool to see Biggie just like destroy everyone with his tank top on it. He's just like running around just trying to... He pretty much like fights every one of the Y family. Yeah, Biggie was like, that's right. Like he'll feed Xavier the destroyed. And I think this was how I remember. I think this was the first time we saw a shirtless bronze Strowman. Yes, yeah. That was pretty unique to see at the time.
Yes, pretty awesome. Yeah, definitely watch it. I did have a Royal Rumble pick since he's got a Last Man Standing match this week. I went back to his previous time at the Royal Rumble 2016 when for the Intercontinental Championship, Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose went toe to toe for the IC title. This was a hell of a match, just some killer spots. They beat the hell out of each other. This one had, I think the highlight was when
You know, they'd already been going toe to toe, just trading so many freaking bombs. And Dean was like staging up something in the center of the ring. Like he was stacking up some tables on top of a chair, just something crazy. And Kayo's just laid out in the corner of the ring and looks up at Dean Ambrose and she says, I hate you.
And again, I won't spoil it but the ending of that match is pretty dang spectacular So yeah, check that out. So I think was the opening match or one with 2016 which is a pretty good show altogether but definitely give a watch for KO and Dean Ambrose and is now time for Sheena hit us with some listener mail and
Alright, Sheena reached out in our Patreon exclusive Facebook group earlier today soliciting some questions from our awesome listeners, a premium foley cam. Sheena said this would be the best shot. Okay, so with it being Royal Rumble weekend, I wanted to start with our buddy Matt Carlos. He says, with it being Royal Rumble weekend, one of the best parts is after the buzzer when the entrance music blares off. What would be your entrance music?
I've said this plenty of times if I was a wrestler I'd go with like this, you know, Steve Austin, Avery Redneck gimmick But I would turn out I would just be hardcore heel all the way and my interest music would be dirty white boy by foreigner I Think I would I would use something to the tune of like inner Sandman I think I just feel like that's just like and I mean it doesn't have anything to do with me I'm not like people don't think the Sandman's return
True, that is very true. Yeah, I would go with that even though people think the same, man. I'll just crush a few beer cans on my head and call it a day. What about you, Marko? Oh, man. I'd never, I'd actually never thought of that, but if I, the only, the only, like, actually instrumental or theme song I could think of would probably be like, Fabulous Breathe. That would be pretty sick to walk out to. Yeah, that was a pretty high back back in the day. Yeah, like if you like that. Throwback, man. That song was from 2004. I would call it The Call Before the Storm.
Okay, so this is from Sam Rosenthal. Where do you see WWE and AEW in five years? Do you think we will ever get the AEW version we all expected when it was announced? I think we all expected more like an ROH in JPW.
To me, AEW is exactly what I thought it would be. It's like, it's like an indie version of like peak WCW. You know, I think it's the best elements of WCW, which, which is really Southern wrestling. You know what I mean? WCW was kind of Southern wrestling or South Atlantic wrestling, just on the national scale. I think it's taking some of the best elements of that and mixed them with some of the best elements of just
you know, modern day 21st century wrestling, you know, with all the stuff that they do on social media. But to me, I have got the AEW that I expected. I say it's actually exceeded my expectations. ROH, you know, I think ROH is going to do that. You know, the high work rate, super technical matches, that's what ROH is for. And I just think it's awesome that we, you know, hopefully after the pandemic's over,
ROH and NWA can kind of get their momentum back and we'll have all those different flavors of wrestling because there's plenty of room for all of them. Marco, what about you? Has AEW kind of been what you expected or is it not quite lived up to it? What do you think? No, I think they lived up to it. I think they kind of like... They had a slow start, I think.
Yeah, from what they said, it wasn't more sports-oriented and stuff like that, but obviously it's wrestling, so you can't escape the entertainment part of it. That was kind of the thing that kind of threw people off a little bit was to actually give a different kind of training. They promised one day and delivered another. Yeah.
Yeah, and I think they do actually calculate some of the Japan style or New Japan style wrestling with their pay-per-views. Their pay-per-views are pretty much carted out the same way a New Japan pay-per-view is. They put all the championship matches at the end of the pay-per-view as opposed to sprinkling them out through. That's a Japan thing. They do all the matches at the beginning, and then all the title matches are at the end of the... So it's one after another, you're not just waiting for...
So they did the time limits and stuff like that, too. They kind of took from New Japan as well. So they did kind of encapsulate all that is what wrestling is, WWE, New Japan and ROH. I think they kind of took all three and made their own type of thing already.
I agree. I think AEW is its own thing and I really like everything that they're doing. So this next question comes in from our good buddy Mike Lanham. He says, if each of you could have a solo podcast about a single subject, non-wrestling related, what would it be?
I wouldn't man this is it for me for podcasting so if something ever happened and this show broke up I think I just you know put the mic in the drawer actually now I would I'm all about making money I put the mic on eBay and I just move on to something else with with my nights
Um, if I could do, I have, I'm so multifaceted. There's so many things that I'm like super passionate about and things that I super love. Um, if I could have like a guilty pleasure podcast that I would just like really love to sit down and do and like talk with another co-host about, I would love to have like a Bravo talk show where I just like talk about all of the, you know, the dirt on all the Bravo shows, Real Housewives.
Southern Charm, Below Deck. If I could just like talk to you about all of those things all the time, I would be so here for it because I've been listening to or watching those shows for, I mean like, when's the first Real Housewives like 10, 15 years ago? Yeah, since then. So that would be me. I would be like the Bravo, the Bravo Liberty co-host. Potcat toast, yeah.
I was going to say movies are probably what I'd probably go with if I was going to do a podcast, talk about different types of movies and stuff like that, but what I want to do is if this show did break up and we all did our own thing, I'd probably just go right to Conrad and I would join his network and I would do the Chick-Fully After Dark podcast where I talk about all the dirt from
From all the conversations we had, all the stuff from the Chick Foley show. Just like character it all out. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be a limited series. It won't be like a whole lot. A short copy of the series. You know, maybe like 10 episodes, 10 shows, and then Colin quits. Gotta take the stuff, so yeah.
Awesome, so we're gonna do one more. I'm gonna take this one from Randy Smith He says when was the first time you were recognized in public? Did it make you feel like you had made it in the podcast world? Who had the figure obsession first you were set and how did you explain your figure access obsession to one another? This is like a multi-parter
Yeah, he was the answer to the question. He was the question that the stone pulled Steve off. Yeah, what was going on? What was going on with your mind? Did someone recognize you? Were you scared? Were you nervous? Were you worried about it? Said, what are you doing?
Oh, I love it so much. Okay. So Randy, first time I was recognized in public, it was actually way, way, way before the podcast, which is so weird. It was so weird to me. We were at the wrestling guy store and our, um, he's a friend of ours now. Um, norm, hipster norm on, um, on Instagram, huge NJ PW Mark, like, you know,
He goes to Wrestle Kingdom most years. Yeah, it goes to Wrestle Kingdom. He's he's the man love norm We were in the wrestling guy store in that was in LA, right? Yeah in LA and awesome store Also, if you ever in the LA area, you must visit the wrestling guy store. Yeah, it's super nice
Yeah, I love that guy. And they have, I mean, they have all kinds of signings up there. You can follow him on Instagram too at the Wrestling Guys store. But I was in there and all of a sudden, Norm just like looks over, you know, and he says, Hey, Chick Foley, heel husband. And we just started to strike a struck up a conversation. I just thought it was so funny that he recognized me. And then in years after that, you know, even before the podcast, when we would go to wrestle WrestleMania and access and stuff, we would run into people that followed us on Instagram. And
It was always so weird to me still because we recognize the target in Hawaii one time. Oh, yeah, we did Yeah, it was like, you know Yeah, it is weird because it really makes the world feel so so small when you get recognized like that And it's also funny because I feel like I'm just like such a normie. You know what I mean? Like totally the normie. Yes No
But just like I'm just like a normal everyday like mom and then you know, I have this like online presence that people just think you know, I don't know what people think but yeah, it's pretty it's pretty cool to get to get recognized. But yeah, it does always make you feel a little bit weird. Seth had the figure obsession. First, I mean, I've always been collecting figures my whole life. Yeah, he's been collecting figures his whole life. I've always been a collector. Like I've collected things before we even started collecting, getting back into collectors.
collecting action figures like I collected dishes and you know all kinds of nerdy shit that you guys don't want to hear about but um
Lots of plates. Lots of bakeware. Vintage bakeware from the 50s and 60s. So yeah. You didn't do a library. You just said I collected dishes. So people would be like, oh, just got a bunch of bowls. A bunch of bowls. It really was a bunch of bowls. But yeah. But I think once we put the two and two together, it was dangerous when we got our sights focused on action figures and our forces combined. It was like, oh, hell yeah, let's do this.
he definitely initiated the resurgence of our love for action figures. So I didn't really have to explain my action figure obsession to him. Obviously, I played with action figures as a kid. I've done multiple interviews and stuff like that talking about all that kind of stuff and growing up with wrestling and whatnot. But yeah, Seth was the hardcore collector and still drives the collection to this day now that the kids are here and everything. He still keeps everything.
It's a full-time job keeping up with all these different damn lines. It's insane nowadays. The different store exclusives. You got to put in some work. I feel like sometimes it's kind of envious to the casual collectors who just like if they see something and like it, they get it. But yeah, I can't do that. I'm too OCD. So I hate missing out on stuff. Yeah.
All right, so that's going to do it for episode 113 of the Chick Foley show. If you didn't get your question read this week, we'll finish up the mailbag from next week because you guys hit us with a ton of questions, which we super appreciate. We'll hit the rest next week before we get another batch coming in.
Sheena, remind everybody where they can find you guys on social media. You can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley. Find Marco runs Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. Most importantly, join our Foley fam, interact with us, do all the fun things. Join our Royal Rumble. Chick Foley Chick Foley show.
Remember guys, make sure you guys hit that subscribe and review button. We definitely appreciate any time you guys just going on kind of ad hoc and and listening but hit that subscribe button and drop a review because that's what really pushes us up and iTunes and Spotify and it helps new listeners just kind of stumble upon and discover the podcast. So that's it Marco. I ask you every week, man. We're heading in. We're 48 hours away from the rumble. You got any closing thoughts for us this week?
Man, if you're on the East Coast, stay warm. That's all I got to say. Just stay warm, hunker down. It's going to be a fun weekend of snow. I cannot wait for Sunday night. It's going to be a blast. We still got to figure out our menu, what we're going to grind down, what we're going to be eating. Yeah. All of my previous Royal Rumble feasts had been showing up in my Facebook memories. You always take a picture of it. I was like, man.
But yeah, it's going to be an awesome Sunday night. Stay in touch. Obviously, Sheena will keep the updates going on IG. Marco will be talking on Twitter. If anything crazy happens, maybe we'll jump on for a rapid review afterwards. I think we did that after SummerSlam. Yeah. So we'll see. But we'll definitely keep you guys in the loop with our thoughts and opinions as the show plays out because this is really going to set the table for
for a really unique WrestleMania. I would say the most unique ever, but I think it's definitely gonna be second place after what we saw last year, but it's gonna be an awesome year. It's the best time of year to be a wrestling fan, and thank you guys for supporting us. On the road to WrestleMania, baby!