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The Bad Batch: S3:E8 - 'Bad Territory' Review image

The Bad Batch: S3:E8 - 'Bad Territory' Review

This is the Wayseekers: A Star Wars Podcast
24 Plays9 months ago

 This week on This is the Wayseekers, we're continuing our weekly Bad Batch Discussions with Episode 8 "Bad Territory".  This is the Wayseekers is a Star Wars podcast, with new episodes every other Friday @ 8:00am CT. Join your hosts Austin SWE and Scotty Holiday SW as they navigate their ways through the Star Wars galaxy.  Follow the Podcast:  Listen to the Podcast:  Follow Austin SWE:  Follow Scotty Holiday Star Wars:


Introduction and Podcast Overview

Fennec in the Mandalorian. It's not the Fennec that we have going on right now with a bad batch. Where's your honor? She's a bad bounty hunter doing bad things. You know, it's always great seeing Fennec Shand. I love him and not win.
Welcome back to This Is The Way Seekers, a podcast for Star Wars fans by Star Wars fans. My name is Austin SWE.

Asajj Ventress' Potential Return

I'm here with my co-host, who is a very happy Star Wars fan this week because their favorite character may be returning in next week's episodes of The Bad Batch teased in this week's episodes of The Bad Batch. Scotty Holiday, how you doing? How you feeling?
I'm just feeling like really excited because I mean, not only was this Bad Batch episode fun, but also we may or may not be getting my favorite character, Asajj Ventress, next week after, you know, they teased someone at the end of this episode. So it's really exciting. Yes. I'm in a good mood.
Yeah, I know. I immediately thought of you and all our interactions from these last few episodes where you've been like, Ventress, Ventress, Ventress, where's Ventress? And I'm like, oh, finally, here it comes so we could get over it and move on with our lives. No, I'm just kidding. Yeah, for me to be disappointed because she's in the episode for like 10 minutes. And then she's like, I've got to go on my own mission.
And no, no, listen, I know I've been joking, but I'm excited for Ventress to come back to. I've been excited. You guys saw our reaction to the trailer, how we were both screaming our heads off, banging the table and things, shaking our cameras. But Scotty, which bad batch episode are we discussing today on This is the Way Seekers?

Episode 8 'Bad Territory' with Fennec Shand

Today, we're going to discuss episode eight, bad territory.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, we're in bad territory here with what happened at the end there with Fennec and Wrecker and Hunter, you know, I was, I was really thinking there at the end, not to just immediately jump to the end, but I was really loving the trust that
I felt like record and Hunter, when they trusted Fennec, I was like, yeah, they can do that. She's real. She's not going to, she's not going to betray them. And then literally two seconds later, she did exactly what I thought she wouldn't do.
Yeah, it definitely caught me off guard at first, too. And I had to kind of rewatch it because I wasn't sure if she did kind of sell them out or what at the end. So like, did she really just do that? Because when she left Omega after season one, like she seemed like hopeful after they were like, you know, when who was it? Nala say was like, she's just better off with the bad batch. No worries. Like Fennec was she seemed
I don't know, not sisterly, not motherly, just like a trustworthy, respectable as, as a bounty hunter, because the bounty hunters do seem to have kind of a respect code, give respect, get respect type thing. They're not just all assholes. Cause if you think about it, they're all really just trying to make money. Yep, exactly. Exactly.
But I don't know, but I thought the same thing because when she made the call at first, I was like, oh, I wonder who she's reaching out to. I thought that she was just reaching out to Ventress or whoever she, you know, Cad Bane, whoever whoever the contact is that's going to be able to help Reckon Hunter. I thought she was just contacting that person and being like, OK, so what information can I relay to them?

Is Ventress Helping or Hindering the Bad Batch?

Can you give me a location to give them? But then at the end there, when she's like, oh, I could give you the location and you can easily find them.
My what the fuck? And literally she was like, oh, I don't have the information now. I have to go figure it out first. I didn't say I'm giving it to you right now. And then she goes in the ship and she calls the contact that she's talking about. Right. Right. Fennec, you're better than this. Exactly. Fennec in the Mandalorian. It's not the Fennec that we have going on right now with a bad batch. Where is your honor?
Well, if you think about it, she's like in her Boba Fett era that we saw before where it's like, she's a bad bitch, bounty hunter, doing bad things, you know? Well, she, she's a lot younger too, I guess is something to keep in mind. So she's probably, she's like serving cunt and being kind of a cunt, but.
Yeah, you would never be able to tell that she was younger, considering she looks the exact same and is wearing the exact same outfit that she wears 20 years later. She's got good jeans. She's got good jeans. I can't fault her for that. Good jeans and a dirty, smelly outfit that she constantly wears. Yeah, well, she's not white, so I'm sure she aged well. Period. But just so we're on the same page.
The the contact you think was Ventress, right? That's where your mind immediately went to. I mean, that's why I assume because we didn't get to talk about it. So my my anxiety mind was like they're trying to set it up like it's going to be her, but it's actually not. And you're going to be disappointed. So don't get your hopes up because that's just like too easy. But also, I mean, I think we talked about this either last episode of the one before I was like,
Who else is going to teach them about what midichlorians are? Because for whatever reason, like even fee is like, oh, I don't know what M count is. I'm like, nobody knows what M count is. But it's supposedly everybody has midichlorians within them. This I don't want to get into Star Wars lore too much because, you know, it gets a little murky when it comes to the midichlorians. But it's just I'm like, I guess who else could teach them? It's not like there's much a Jedi running around. I mean, maybe.
Maybe the contact is actually Quinlan Voss. We have no idea. And so many people are saying that, oh, Quinlan, I hope he's in it, too. And I'm like, just because Ventress is in it doesn't mean that Quinlan is going to be in it. And I feel like if they were going to tease one of them, they would choose Quinlan over Ventress to like actually show in the trailer. You know what I mean?
Yeah, 100 percent because it's like Ventress coming back as a whole resurrection. You know, it would have came out of left field, but we know Quinlan's alive. They already made that clear in the Kenobi. So.
Yeah, so it wouldn't have been a real surprise. It would have made sense with the path and everything. I agree. I think it's Ventress. The only other person I could think of is Cad Bane, but it's not like he's going to have much information. Well, I guess he was very much about combating the Jedi and what they do. So I mean, don't forget, he broke into the Jedi Temple at one point. And I think he stole a holocron.
Yeah, yeah, he did. Yeah, Holocron Heist. I think that's the episode title. Yeah, look at you. Knowing that episode titles, every week we're showing that we're real Star Wars fans more and more. We're not fake fans anymore like we were at the start of this podcast. But don't ask us about The Higher Republic. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, I don't know. I don't think it's Cadbain. I think you're onto something there where it makes more sense for it to be Ventress because she's the most likely to know about what a Midichlorian is. But do you think it's possible that Ventress, you could recontextualize that call if it is Ventress, Fennec calling Ventress, or Fennec calling Ventress being like, there's some clones asking about the M count.
that these

Ventress' Motives and Redemption Arc

M count bounties that the Empire is putting out. And Ventress actually wants their location to find them to help them out because she's helping Quinlan Voss with the path. Did you I mean, did you read my notes? Did I put them? No, I put them in the way seekers Google Drive instead of my own. No, is that what you think? So my hope, because that's the thing, Fennec points out that her contact
is someone who's already done one of these M count missions or one of these M count bounties. And so I was like, I don't love the idea if Ventress is literally getting these people on this bounty list with a high M count and just giving them up to the empire for money, because I like to think that even if she does go back into some of her old, bitter ways that like post-dark disciple, I'd like to think that she also still held on to some of the good. You know what I mean? Um,
So I was like, I'm kind of hoping that maybe she is going after these high M count bounties to save them from being captured by the other bounty hunters and whether that leads into the hidden path or if she's just kind of doing her own thing.
You know, that's kind of what I want it to be. Like it's like it's a red herring. She's not actually capturing these people because I'm like I talk about the bounty episode of the Clone Wars where she saves that girl instead of going and getting the money because she feels for her someone being taken from their family, taken from everything that they love. And I'm like, I mean, if we also think about it, this is kind of what the Inquisitors are doing later within Star Wars Rebels.
And I'm like, if Ventress is doing this, she's no better than an Inquisitor. And I just I just don't see her being so heartless at this point in the story. Yeah, no, I totally agree with you. I mean, I'm biased, but yeah. Well, I mean, you know, we're reading Dark Disciple right now, both at the same time for your book club.

Possible Character Involvements: Ahsoka and Quinlan Voss

And it's just like I think we've talked about before, like how, yeah, Ventress isn't just going to like up in
join the rebellion at this point in the timeline. Maybe that's in her future, but not right now. But at the same time, I don't think that she would be helping out the empire, wanting to work with them, especially on a mission like this, where it's like, like you said, Omega being taken from a family who is a child, you know, it all.
And like she knows Boba Fett. Yeah. And all she wants is the money out of it. I'm like, no, this is like chapter four of Dark Disciple Ventress. Yeah. We were way past that at this time within the book and within, you know, Star Wars canon. Like we're past that. So we want to see a little growth. And Brad Rau said, Brad Rau, I'm holding you to your word that they're honoring the events and they will align with Dark Disciple. Yes. Yes.
So I really wonder how that's going to work out if they're going to reference her death, if they're going to like find Ventress on Dathomir or something where she's like hidden out. You know, I don't know that I'm really interested to see, but this whole conversation is going to be really awkward if it turns out to be like.
a new character next week that she was in contact with. Oh, my God. Like it like it turns out to be. Who could it be? Because I even thought when we were kind of talking before this, I was like, are people thinking it's a soca? But technically, if the talk about it not really being like taking it at face value.
Ahsoka could fit exactly what we're talking about, like they're actually going for these bounties to save these people, not to actually send them to the Empire. But I'm like. But why would why would Fennec be in contact with Ahsoka? You know what I mean? Like I feel like it makes more sense with Ventress's ties to bounty hunters. I was going to say we're forgetting the fact that literally Fennec is like it's a bounty hunter.
Yeah, as far as we know, you know, well, Star Wars canon hates the Ahsoka novel. So they make Ahsoka a bounty hunter at this point if Dave Filoni wanted to. But I don't I don't see that in her cards. She's too busy fulcrumming right now. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah, I don't

Easter Eggs: Haxian Brood from Jedi Fallen Order

know. I think that I think it's ventures because it's like who's a bounty hunter who would also know about midichlorians?
Okay. But I can't lie. I am kind of sad. Like if she just went back to bounty hunting. True. True. But like, but, but we already, we already talked about that. It could, it could be bounty hunting for good. Maybe she's taken them to the path last week. She's bounty hunting for change.
That's the new, that's the new charity for Star Wars after Force for Change. Oh my God. That'll be the title of this episode. Bounty hunting for change. Now we'll save that for next week. Yeah. I wanted to point out, speaking of bounty hunters, we got a fun little Easter egg to Jedi fallen order in this episode. Did you, did you catch that?
yes i did but now it's of course slipping my mind um but i immediately thought like these writers love jedi fallen order and survivor i mean it who doesn't they they have good taste but yeah phoenixy and the haxian brood yeah haxian brood i kept wanting to say something that started with the h like h of brood
But I don't know where that came from. But can you explain to to the audience who that is or what that is? And to me, I guess, too. So the Haxian Brood is a crime syndicate that was introduced in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. They capture Cal at one point. You have to fight a bunch of creatures kind of like in their fighting pit. It's a pain in the ass. It's it's probably my and probably everybody else's least favorite part of the game. But nonetheless,
Oh, I hated it. But then again, I didn't play on story mode like you did. Yeah. No, exactly. Exactly. I kind of cheated and got through all those those that big match. But I liked the the setting of it to that. Yeah. And that's where it's like a it's like a wrestling match or something. Yeah. And then I mean, it's literally like a fighting pit. And then the fact that Grease and Cyr just like crashed through the side of the mantis to pick up Cal. Yes.
Yeah, it's really funny because basically the pilot of Cal's crews got a debt with the Haxian brood. So that's why they capture Cal, because they like, well, this will get Greece to come here. So and it works. But they literally say, fuck you, Haxian brood. We're getting our Jedi and getting the fuck out. Yeah, I feel like somebody on that team

Fennec Shand's Role and Dynamics with Bad Batch

is a huge fan of Jedi Fallen Order. Jedi Survivor probably played it during the pandemic when the show was being created. So it kind of lines up.
But yeah, I feel like there's a lot of references to Jedi Fallen Order Jedi Survivor, like talk about Bracca's in season one, the Zepho episode. Do you think that was the Zepho in season two? No. No, of course not. No. OK, it's just like the architecture, the technology on the inside. Why the fuck would they not power the mech with wind?
I don't know. That was the whole thing about this F.O. But I don't know. You guys, Jennifer Corbeau. Sorry, Jen. But OK, so what else happened in this episode? Well, something I wanted to talk about is we finally got fee. Yeah, low glimpse low. And she mentioned tech.
Yeah, I wrote down. I wrote down the line that she said she was like, text brain was the data bank, not mine. But I was like, really? That's all. That's all you're going to give us fee. And like part of it was like, well, she's being less bubbly than usual. So I was like, maybe she is kind of like morning tech. But I'm like, or am I just making it seem this way in my head because I want her to be sad about it? You know what I mean? Yeah, I mean.
What probably happened is they just don't have enough time to show. I feel like if this was going to be more seasons of the show, they probably would have slowed it down and made like the first few episodes, like the aftermath of what happened. OK, but we've already talked about this. They've had 16 episodes before season three. The final season is 15 episodes. So, you know,
They could they could have gave us our morning tech episode, but that's something I feel like they've barely touched on the entire season. It's like everybody's moved past it at this point, which is just weird. But I guess they made it a point like that. It's been a long time and Omega was on Mount Tantus for a while. So yeah, it's been a while into I just feel like it's like so traumatic for that group, but.
I don't know. I don't know. I would have liked to see it, but at the same time, I feel like they're like just trying to go, go, go, go, go.
Yeah, maybe that's the point, too, is like at least with Hunter and record, they've been so focused on getting Omega back that it has just been go, go, go, go, go. So they haven't had time to slow down and really taken everything that's happened. And even Fennec in this episode pulls on some of those heartstrings and they're like, yeah, I heard that you lost the kid as well. And record just is like, hmm. Yeah, that was so sad. I know.
Because record was just being all like very like, oh, yeah, we're not going to tell you anything. And then then she hits him where it hurts and he just turns into a big teddy bear again.
Yeah. Yeah. Fennec was definitely pulling on those heartstrings. And I'm just like, like, where is this information available? Like who, who's the contacts that just knows all this stuff? It's on the HoloNet. She's talking with Sid. Her and Sid are besties now. And she's been giving them all the tea. I totally forgot about Sid because you already know that they're going to have her come back up at some
Oh, yeah, she's going to do some bullshit or they're going to be stuck on a mission having to like break her out of an imperial prison or some shit. They're going to be like said. And she's going to be like, hi, boys. Yeah, I didn't think about that. That would be a cool moment where it's like.
Sid is helping out like Sid does something to help them out. Oh, I didn't think about it like that. I just meant like she was trying to put her hands in too many places. And then I was like, uh, girl, we know you're giving out fake chain codes. And so then then they work with another bounty hunter that needs Sid to be broken out or some bullshit. I'd be perfectly fine if we don't see Sid again. That's just me. Yeah, I don't know. I feel like there there might be something left there with
what's going on, because it did just kind of end abruptly. Like, I don't know, part of me is like, I want to see Sid suffer for her actions. Maybe, maybe when they go break all the clones out of Mount Tantus, she'll be there. Sid will be on Mount Tantus in a cell and they'll take in her DNA and mix it with the Zillow Beast. Right, right. But let's talk about the main plot of this episode and kind of why Fennec was in it and the bounty mission that went on.
So obviously they're looking to find out more information about these M count bounties to figure out what's going on with Omega. Why she's so important to the Empire, which is exactly what Captain Rex told Hunter last week, giving us that cliffhanger. Continuing on here, they're trying to figure out more information about these bounties. So they contact a bounty hunter and the one they chose was Fennec Shand.
Yeah, which I can't lie. I wasn't that excited for Fennec when the trailer came out, but I did really enjoy her in this episode. Yeah. I don't know what it was, and maybe it's just because we haven't seen her since what book of Boba Fett at this point. So she was kind of like a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. I don't know. Yeah. I'm thinking about her presence, just her kind of.
calm, cool and collected demeanor. But it's also like she's cooler than you. Yeah. She's she's way cooler than anybody else. And she knows it. Yeah. And that's kind of what I like about her, at least in the bad batch. Yeah. Yeah. She's very she she knows exactly what she wants, what she needs. And she makes it very clear if she does not want you sitting next to her, she'll tell you to go. If she does want you to stay sitting there, she'll tell you to stay, you know, being able to order around being like,
Oh, you can trust me. I'll bring back the information that I owe you. And it's like you can either fight me or find out if you can trust me. So I kind of like that, that that personality. She's like untouchable. Kind of. Yeah, very true. And I really dug whatever planet they found her on that bar with all of the planet. It was like a.
it looks like sorry pieces from the game sorry you know what it reminded me of what the colossus colossus oh from resistance yeah not me i'm surprised you've mentioned me bringing up resistance
It was like a floating space station. It was giving me it was giving me resistance vibes. It was giving me vibes of the Colossus. They even had one of the little droids and I looked it up because I didn't remember this off the top of my head because I'm not a resistance girly, but like they had a little L.E. droid that's kind of like bobbling along down the hallway before they go into the bar. So it was just giving me resistance vibes. I don't know if it was on purpose, but resistance girly. You know what I'm talking about?

Setting Analysis: Parallels with The Maxine Space Station

Yeah, I don't know for me the the reference I thought of from that planet it reminded me of
the higher public book into the dark, one of the few higher public books I actually got to read. But they go to like this, a Maxine space station. It's also seen in the Kylo Ren comics. It's where like Snoke, I don't know if you know anything about those comics, but it's where Kylo finds Snoke. Oh, and he's got that really ugly outfit on. He's got a hat. Yeah, so there's like a planet with the rings. It's called like the Maxine space station or something like that. So, yeah.
I feel like it fits into Star Wars, but I don't think it's a planet. I think it's a little station. Yeah, so well, the station is on a planet. That's what I was getting at. But yeah, I want to talk about the station itself. So on top of reminding me of the Colossus or the Maxine station or whatever you were talking about or two sorry pieces put together, I really dug the vibe of the bar on the station like when they actually go and find Fennec.
I love the like neon and grungy vibe to it. The music they were playing was also really good. It reminded me of something like that you'd hear in pilot and saloon on Jedi survivor. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. I feel like we've been getting so much in universe music lately. Like, yes, from and or Jedi fallen order survivor.
You know, Jennifer, didn't they have like a whole ass band that's like a real world band making music for the who? Yeah. So yeah, it's it's really cool to see that type of thing. Like I've said before in the last episodes, no matter what, we know that we're going to get amazing world building from the bad batch. I mean, we got a fucking praying mantis bounty hunter that
Literally in the picture, I was laughing so hard because it's literally just, it looks like a praying mantis in a disguise and he's holding a gun. I'm like, this is like meme material. Fucking praying mantis holding a gun. And he's got like fucking crab claws. He's got like crustacean limbs on a praying mantis body. But the thing that I loved about it
It's as kooky as it sounds. It makes sense that it's the same species as the praying mantis seen in the cantina in A New Hope. Like, you know how in A New Hope, it's been joked about how they just kind of threw whatever they could in the cantina. Yeah, it's like a werewolf and you have a praying mantis. And I didn't even know they have a name. It's the I don't know how you say, but it's the yamri species.
So, uh, but yeah, they're, according to Wikipedia, they are the same species. So, um, what was his name? Cylar Saris is the same species as the praying mantis in a new hope. So the bad batch, like you said, world building. I mean, I feel like Star Wars animation in general kills world

Omega and Crosshair's Interactions and Traumas

building. Something that live action is really not doing great. So suffering, suffering hard.
And unfortunately, if they tried to have Cylar Saris in live action, it'd probably not look great. But yeah, you know, that's why we love animation. Yeah, 100 percent. And speaking of things I love, you know, if you've been watching all the episodes of The Bad Batch, Crosshair and Omega, those are my people seeing them together. And we got another episode of them together, minimal stuff, but still impactful moments. You know what I mean? I think there was like altogether like
three times that they went back and showed them, but it was still impactful. We saw crosshair struggling with his hand in the hand tremors that he's having. It's crazy because hunters, even the one that's like who turns to a mega and is like, can you try to get him to get his hand looked at like we're gone after he's like, you can't come with us. But while you're here, let me give you a mission. Make crosshair get his hand looked at.
And then they didn't show at all how she convinced him. It was just next time we saw them. They were looking at his hand. I know. I was really surprised. I was like, damn, that didn't take much convincing. Yeah. But yeah, AZ comes in and is like, well, there's nothing physically wrong with your hand. And Crosshair takes that as well. It's not in my mind. How did you take it? Because I didn't take it as AZ saying, oh, it's like a mental thing. I think that it's like something to do with what happened with
the clone experiments that he did and Omega and AZ mentioned that. And then we also see like Hemlock has something weird with his hand. So I feel like it's all connected. Something's going on there with hands and such, but well, I didn't take it as like, uh, it was, it was a mental thing that it can be solved by meditation, but I don't know.
Well, it's funny to think about because initially I was like, oh, I bet it's his I bet it's his inhibitor chip. I bet he didn't actually get it taken out like he lied and said he did, because I think I didn't think he was being like, I think he was lying when he said that initially. Maybe he did get it taken out by this point. But I thought, you know, either it was his inhibitor chip, maybe his body was starting to reject it or something. Maybe they put a new chip inside of him when they tried to reprogram him to be one of those clone assassins.
But that didn't work. But it's funny because now that we know it's something they're trying to portray to something as a mental block, not actually something that was done to him, but something that maybe his mind is doing on its own. That makes me think it could just be due to trauma.
which trauma can show itself in many different ways, whether it be a tremor or whether it be, you know, just triggers in general. And it's crazy that at the end of the episode, Omega is like, and we're going to heal this issue with meditation, which makes a lot of sense if it's just like a mental thing, like mental health professionals will talk about using meditation every job. It's like we offer sessions of better help, like.
Like it's a whole thing. Yeah. No, I I I don't know. I I think it's really cool what they're doing and how it could be just a mental thing. Trauma, like you said. And that's way different for Star Wars. It's it's we're not just talking like battle PTSD. Yeah. Oh, my. Let's not get too fast on this because if we start talking about Star Wars in universe mental health and people would be like, whoa.
The world agenda says when the fuck do we care about that? But I think I think it's it's a cool it's a cool development and in a different way to kind of show how trauma affects people.
Yeah, like we say every week, The Bad Batch is just absolutely breaking ground with Star Wars. I think it's one of the most underrated Star Wars shows of all time because it just doesn't have the same hype as the other shows. But I get it. It took a while to get to this point of it being like absolutely great banger after banger after banger nonstop great episodes.
I mean, they literally started, you know, marketing for the acolyte and barely anybody, at least that I've seen has talked at all about this bad batch episode on Twitter. Like, yeah. And I feel kind of bad about it, to be honest. Poor Jennifer and the team, poor D Bradley Baker and Michelle Ang like. Yeah, it was a good

Fennec Shand as a Standout Character

episode, too. I don't know. I've seen people kind of share around the sentiment like, oh, it's been the most boring episode. It's just not anyone's favorite.
I don't know, I just, I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but I enjoyed it probably just as much as the other episodes.
Well, and like I said, it was kind of a breath of fresh air, having Fennec Shand, having Ming Nguyen back in Star Wars. Like I said earlier, she hasn't been around in a long time, it feels like so. And, you know, who knows if what they're even going to do with her in the future with like the mando verse stuff. So I thought it was really nice to have her back. And I really enjoyed her in this episode. So I'm glad that we got more of her. And that was a highlight, you know, not to
get too early into like standouts or anything. But she was definitely a highlight of this episode for me. Yeah, it's always great seeing Fennec Shand. I love Meghna Wen and her love for Star Wars. Like if you just go on her Instagram and look at all her
posts about Ming Na Wen. She bought like a Ming Na Wen statue that sits on her front porch. So. Honestly, her and Diana Lee and Asanto, like, yeah, I love them. And I feel like they don't get their flowers. The two of them. And they're both like stunt actresses, too. And Star Wars just like doesn't utilize them to their full potential. So any way we can get them in more stories. Yeah. I'm here for it.
Oh, my gosh, imagine if we got to see Morgan Ellsbeth in animation at some point. Hopefully she'll at least have a different outfit on. Yeah, she'll be she'll be hanging out with Marin and Ventress on Dathomir next episode. Yeah, no, 100 percent, 100 percent. But you kind of mentioned already standout characters. Who was your standout character in this episode here?

Humor and Standout Characters: Omega and Pit Droid Bartender

Kind of like I said already, it was Fennec Shan. It was she was just she was just so I don't know. I really loved her vibe, this episode, and it gave us something different, especially after last week was so clone heavy. And yes, this is the bad batch. But like, I feel like it's time to kind of open the galaxy back up. And Fennec Shan was like a great introduction to, you know, having new characters come into the dynamic again.
Yeah. Yeah. And it was a, it was a great start to the second half of the season. I feel like it was really good setup for everything that's to come. So I totally agree with you with Fennec Shand, which means that I can't pick Fennec Shand as my standout character. No, you cannot. So who do you pick instead?
I gotta go crosshair. I feel like it's not cheating to say crosshair this week. I've only said crosshair at the start and so I feel like I could say crosshair this episode because he didn't have anything substantial like we talked about but I liked his moments and just like seeing this progression you know the little jokes here and there where it's like Omega's like well you don't like anything and he's like true.
Like he's not even trying to argue it at this point. I feel like, you know, I don't know. I'm just loving, I'm just loving crosshair, having a family again and seeing how much better he's doing. Yeah. Yeah. Still not a hundred percent, but I feel like by the end of this series, the more episodes that come out and we see this progression, the more and more I have hope that we're going to see a happy crosshair at the end of this series.
yeah i hope so too and because you are also going to pick fennec and i feel like she was kind of the standout for everybody i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna give a silly one okay for a third option i loved the pit droid bartender on the not colossus
He was just he was so goofy because like pit droids to me, they just feel like, you know, they're so they're so goofy. So just seeing like a little pit droid in a hat being a bartender, it was just really funny. I loved it. I must have missed it. I remember the pit droids because like when they were buying the boat and such. And like you said, they're like so like they're like cutesy droids. So I always feel bad because they always get like bullied as fuck in Star Wars like early episode one. And it's like, hey,
Hit the nose. Right. Or there's like in Mando or like, you know, um, didn't Doran yelling at him like, get away. No droids on my ship. And yeah. And then Pelly throwing them under the bus like, yeah, where are these droids? You know, and then in this episode, Fennec's like being so rude. She's got to be the Karen to the droids. Oh my God. Yeah. Can I get a ship that's not going to capsize this time? Thanks.

Conclusion and Social Media Farewell

Well, I think next week is going to be super exciting. If it's the episode that you've been waiting for. Well, I'm going to, I'm going to record a reaction either way. So hopefully it's exciting. Hopefully it's the one. I can't wait to see that, but until then, why don't you send us out of here? Yeah. Make sure you follow us at way seekers pod on social media for all of our bad batch coverage. Thank you all so much for watching or listening and may the force be with you always.