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Wait........Goldberg is Universal Champ?!?! image

Wait........Goldberg is Universal Champ?!?!

The Chick Foley Show
6 Plays5 years ago
Sheena, Phil, and Marco recap Super Showdown and AEW Revolution. Plus they discuss the possible impact the corona virus can have on Wrestlemania and fig collectors in general. Finally the preview Elimination Chamber and reveal the details for their biggest fig giveaway ever!

Introduction & Hosts' Personal Stories

Who's next? We're next. It's the Chick Foley show, baby. I've got like 500 paper views to talk about tonight. I hope you're ready. We've got a bunch of fig news. We are live from the Jimmy's Famous Seafood Studios. I'm your boy Phil Gentile, aka The Hot Take Kid. And across from me down the east coast is Sheena Phelps. What's up Sheena?
Not a whole lot, man. Just kicking it, kicking it down here with both my kids asleep. Can you believe it? Oh my God. You just grabbed a backup beer. I haven't heard you say the word backup beer in a long time. That's a good, that's a good sign. Dude, it really feels like forever. I mean, I can't remember how long it's been since I've been able to crack open a, uh, a nice beer on the pod.

Wrestling Events Overview

You know, it feels like five years ago. Marco, speaking of, uh, cracking a beer, what are you up to, man?
Uh, nothing much. Only only bears that are cracking over here and only thing only Corona accepted over here is the bear. So we're keeping it that way. We're not, uh, we're not bringing any Corona's over here. You guys are allowed into my Corona virus bunker whenever you want. Okay. Bring the families down here. I got four jugs of water. It's going to last us a good while.
Oh my God. All right. So we have a, we have a huge show to cover here. We need to recap AEW revolution super showdown. And there's already another WWE pay-per-view this weekend, which I just realized this morning, uh, elimination chambers on Sunday, March 8th.

Show Format & Merchandise Updates

So we'll preview that.
I guess maybe get back to our predictions, which we haven't been doing for a while, because Sheena has been off the pod for, you know, random times. Forever, yeah, I've been holding the title. I'm on that part-time schedule. I like to keep the title safe over here at the Sharpshooter Studio, you know what I mean?
We've got a bunch of fake news, a bunch of pickups from the week, and we have our newest inductee into the Pegwarmer Hall of Fame. Maybe the biggest news of the week to me, our new t-shirt designs are up now at Pro Wrestling T's
You can go there and search Chick Foley Show and they will pop up there. We have four new ones. I'm going to go to it right now because I'm pretty proud of these. Our buddy, Extra Cooler at Extra Cooler. If you need any artwork, he is the man. He designed all these shirts. We just kind of gave him an idea of what we were looking for. And what's your favorite one, guys? Let's go around the table here.
I don't know. I really I'm really partial to the in your house design just because first of all, I love like, you know, the in your house shows. There's so many iconic matches from those shows. And I just love I just love that design. We we uploaded it in the like the sky blue, almost like the Lucha House Party one. So yeah. Yeah. Pretty pretty stoked on on that shirt. But you, Marco, I do love the Saturday night main event inspired.
Chick Foley shirt, but I think I'm a fan of the In Your House logo. That one's just, it looks great. If you haven't gone to the website yet and seen it, look at it. You'll

Engagement & Community Building

love it. You'll definitely order it when you see it. Pretty awesome. It's pretty damn good. We also have a third shirt. It's a playoff of the old Dare to Keep Your Kids Off Drugs shirts. It's the Chick logo and drug free and live in MOC. That's the way I live my life.
I know. I feel like I don't know if I can even wear that shirt, even though it's like for our own podcast. I don't think I could rock it because I can't let people out there think that I suffocate my figures like that. You know what I mean? I mean, I may just get one for just keepsake. But yeah, we got to get a loose collector shirt. We need to consult with Nick at Extra Cooler and see what he can whip up.
for us. Very nice. Yeah. So check those out at They just did a sale, but I'm sure they will be doing another sale soon. On social media, you can find us. It's probably the best way to interact with us on a daily basis. It's at Chick Foley show on Twitter and at Chick Foley on Instagram to get in touch with Sheena. We are doing an awesome contest right now for all of our listeners.
giving away a Cassius Ono elite figure and a Page elite figure. And we'll have some trivia. Yeah, a lot of fire there, a lot of trivia, a couple of trivia questions coming up somewhere in the episode. You listen, you send us a message. We'll give you all the details later on, but you can win those questions, those fakes free of charge from us here. If you have any questions, hit us up. Ask at is the best way to us. Any questions to us?
And the Patreon page is going strong. The easiest way to get there is We'll take you to all of our links and it starts at $1 per month. We have over 100 people now finding figs for each other. Our good buddy Chad in the Facebook group just moments ago found me the Masters of the Universe, Macho Man.
And he's going to send that to me. He knew that I wanted that. And it's a great place. A lot of people complaining on social media about their Walmarts and their targets are empty and bare. And we have a good group of people helping each other out. Sheena, it's pretty fun. I jump in there. God, I think I use that group more than I use anything else

Wrestling Event Critiques

on Facebook. That's for sure.
Yeah, it's really cool. We have like a master list of what people are looking for so we can always consult the list and see and grab figures while we're out. And it's pretty amazing. One of our guys, he literally was in the group for like two weeks and his list, he had a list at the bottom, like everything I've got in this group since I've joined. And it was just really cool to see like his like six or seven figures in like the two weeks.
that he was able to acquire just being in there. So I thought that was, I thought that was pretty cool. And yeah, it's, it's funny to me too, that like so many people, like people in certain regions are finding all of the figures, obviously, which is really nice if you're not in that region, because they can send them out, you know, to all the people in our Facebook group. But like, there's like nothing here. It's like a barren wasteland. And then we have people in certain regions just like freaking knocking it out and coming out with like four Billy K's and anvils and the whole, the whole bunch, you know?
Yeah, it's pretty insane. It's just the difference in some of the stores around here. So definitely a good way. And we just had a bunch of new Patreon subscribers sign up. All right, so we have six new, oh, five new Patreon subscribers this week. Ross Keller. Not Ross Geller. Ross Keller. We're not on a break.
Darrell Jones, Drew O'Dell, Benny Hopper, and Billy Swanson. Darrell Jones is a member of our Hall of Fame Patreon tier. He gets to come on the podcast and co-host a segment with us. He gets a free Chick-Fully t-shirt from Pro Wrestling Tees. So, Darrell, thank you and thank all five of you for joining. All of them are in the Facebook group now, hanging out and buying and selling figs from each other.
If you want to sign up, it's Check it out there. So let's get into this thing, folks. We have a lot to talk about. What do you want to start with here?
Dude, I don't even know. I feel like so much has happened since you guys recorded last week. Like it's been such a loaded week this week. So, uh, let's start with, let's start with super, super showdown. Um, let's, let's start with the least and work our way up. You know what I mean? Like, let's start with the biggest botches and then kind of work our way up to something positive. So we get some good snowball, some good snowball momentum throughout the show.
Yeah, we had some pretty big moments here. I mean, we can start right off the top with the Undertaker making a surprise appearance in the Gauntland match and spending much more time walking to the ring than he did in the actual. It didn't even take his jacket off.
Where's hat? Oh, yeah Yeah hat on jacket on literally just choke-slammed AJ Styles and like Squash at the cinch. Well, I don't know because there was a couple of squashes in this in this super showdown pay review But yeah pretty pretty crazy You know, I mean obviously we all know that these these, you know, super super shows are just giant house shows that really have no
no storyline, like consistency with what's really going

WrestleMania Speculations

on. You know what I mean? Like anything can happen at these shows. And obviously the Saudi audience, they pop for the legends, which is kind of unfortunate because it just kind of really doesn't do a dis it doesn't do a service to the current talent because I feel like they always just get freaking buried at these shows.
Yeah, it is pretty annoying This was definitely frustrating because obviously this is not just like some job. We're getting beaten here It's AJ Styles who is you know the face of the company for a long long time and probably will be again at some point with another title run
And taker just comes in and squashes him and I guess there's rumors. This is setting up a WrestleMania match. Is that 100% confirmed yet or not? I don't even Know if that's no, I don't think I don't think it's I don't think it's confirmed, but it's definitely You know, that's that's the word on the street and in the dirt sheets is that it's gonna be AJ Styles versus Undertaker and honestly like that's not anything that I'm interested in seeing. I mean no offense to taker I mean he's you know, I
He is what he is. He's a freaking legend, but I just can't. I'm just overseeing him,

AEW Revolution Highlights

you know, and I'm probably take some shit for saying that, but I'm just like, I just want him to just, I think people are tired. I think people are tired. I mean, it's not the same undertakers when we were kids. I mean, he's been, God damn, he started what WrestleMania eight. What are we on now? WrestleMania 36, 37. I mean, it's time to hang them up, bro.
Yeah, and I mean, he's he's already like broken broken kayfabe on the Steve Austin. What's his show called Steve Austin Confessions or something? I can't remember. Broken Skull Sessions. Yeah. Tasty Cab. Stone Cold's Tasty Cab Confessions. That is great. Yeah.
Oh, so cold. Driving in there. God damn it. You know, the best thing about Uber is. Oh, my gosh. You guys, that's that would be the best show on any network that there ever was. Stone cold driving people around in an Uber. You better give me that goddamn five star rate and hover over a can of whoop ass on you. Marco, you're walking dry. That was pretty good, Marco. Have you been practicing?
A little bit, yeah, I've been trying to get it going. Nice. I got to think the undertaker must pick. He must pick who he wants to fight, right? I mean, this is kind of a random pairing. He probably was like, I want to fight Adrian Stiles, who's probably, you know, obviously one of the most talented guys in the world, never wrestled him and probably one of the safest dudes that he could fight.
I was hoping for Undertaker Fiend. I think that would have been perfect. But more on that later. So yeah, we will miss him once he's gone, but you gotta go away for us to miss you, bro. Yeah, exactly. We thought at WrestleMania 33 was the end of it when he fought Roman Reigns and did the whole, like I said, disrobing in the middle. That would have been such a good send off.
Yeah, it wasn't there was no point and you know, I mean I get it They they freaking they freaking bring out the freaking money bags and roll up the Brinks trucks these guys houses to do these Saudi shows and I mean I'm not gonna say I would turn down the money regardless of what your reputation is or whatever at some point It's just it's just about the money. You know what I mean? Yeah
But at the same time, like us as fans, I'm just like, you're really kind of just overcooking our grits here with just keep giving us Undertaker and even Goldberg at this point. I feel like I was so hyped when Goldberg came to WWE and I was like, oh my God, this is something that you would fantasy book as a child. And then it happened and it was cool.
and you know he beat brock and all that and then all of a sudden it's just like like wwe does man they just like drug it through the freaking mud and i'm like okay over it over it over it done especially after this freaking super showdown botch of the cinch like it was seriously so bad i cannot believe
Same thing with the fiend. His entrance was longer than he was in the ring, I believe. Him walking down that ramp, all slow. He was just walking to his demise and got freaking squashed by some shitty... It wasn't even a real jackhammer. You know what I mean? It was more like a suplex. And it was just... Oh, God.
It was bad. Feen loses the universal title to Goldberg in mere moments, who I guess were setting up for a Goldberg versus Roman Reigns fight at WrestleMania. They got to have to just want someone that they can put Roman over that will get booze, I guess. I mean, I guess you're going to turn Goldberg heel. I mean, people still like to see him. I don't know if he's going to get booed at WrestleMania, but that crowd
is not going to be happy with that. And that's going to probably be the final match. I mean, that crowd is going to turn on that match in Tampa, I would assume.
Yeah, I think it's just going to get booed out of the building both ways, honestly. I mean, it was a mixed crowd on Raw, you know, like Goldberg was getting boos.

AEW vs. WWE Comparisons

Was it SmackDown or Raw that he came out? SmackDown, right? Yeah, SmackDown. I'm like, wait a minute. I don't even know what show. Okay. Yeah. When he came out on SmackDown, it was like a mixed bag of him getting booed. So, I mean, yeah, that's the reaction they wanted. They want to put Roman over
But to me it just doesn't make sense like where's the storyline like it's just oh because both these guys use Spears Why don't we just throw edge in there too? You know what I mean? Like why don't like what's what's the first? Yes Yeah, I think I don't know what the reason is for Goldberg most versus Roman Reigns like to me I'm just like I feel like this is a thrown-together match for WrestleMania and
Yep, we saw Miz and Morrison win the SmackDown tag team titles. Cool to see them doing something. I'm sure they'll get some sort of pretty big matchup at WrestleMania, the two of them. I'm sure they're not gonna lose the tag team titles before that. But I think there's a tag team elimination chamber match. We'll get to that later this weekend. So their titles are on the line already.
Um, overall pretty awful show. Um, but it's a Thursday afternoon of, you know, just some extra wrestling that you get to watch. Um, people were really upset about this Goldberg thing and I kind of get it. I understand, you know, you're going to have to take the title off the fiend at some point.
I don't know if you want to do it at WrestleMania, to Reigns, I think maybe building him back up and having him beat John Cena at WrestleMania makes sense. What I don't like is having the Fiend point to the WrestleMania sign. Like he's a normal person. Yes. Oh my God, what are you doing? Dude, no. So here's the thing. I went, talked about this on my social media, on Instagram stories, but this like,
Whatever. I mean, do Fiend and Goldberg at Super Showdown. Cool. Like have the match, but they should not have taken the title off of the Fiend at Super Showdown because if they were ultimately building to John Cena and the Fiend anyway, it would have been such a better storyline for him for John Cena to one be fighting for his record breaking title run. You know what I mean? Like it would be he would break Rick Flair's record and have 17 title runs.
And then secondly like this is like a matchup that we've seen before like that back when Bray was at his peak at like two in like 2014 When he faced John Cena and they had their few like it was epic, you know, like that's one of my favorite Like promo packages of all time the break the Bray Wyatt John Cena like hype hype video I love love love that if you haven't ever seen it or go to YouTube and just type it in it's it's freaking epic I

WrestleMania Concerns & Coronavirus Impact

And they could have played off of that you know and there was just there's just so much history there versus like now I mean what's it even for? Right and John Cena didn't even look like he was scared of the fiend if the fiend was standing behind you and All the lights were out like would you not act a little bit afraid like he just like looked at him like he was You know freaking bozo the clown give him a head nod
Yeah. Yeah. They were boys or something like, come on, dude. Totally, totally ridiculous. And why? I mean, the Fiend literally attacks every person, every legend, every everything. And then he just like leaves John Cena, like doesn't try to attack John Cena. Why? I don't understand. Could he not see him or what? You know, insert obvious joke here. But it's just like, it's just bad. I think they just miss so much.
awesome opportunity because, again, how many more times are we going to get John Cena? Well, I mean, I guess if you use Undertaker as a, you know, as an example, probably like 45 more times. But realistically, we're probably not going to see a ton more of John Cena in the wrestling

Preview of 'Dark Side of the Ring' Season

ring. You know what I mean? No, think of his last. I mean, he wasn't there at all last year. The year before, I think he squashed or maybe last year he was there for Elias and just came down and interrupted him. Did the Thuganomics.
Yeah, the year before the same thing, the year before that, he was in the tag team match. Oh no, he got squashed by the Undertaker in like a minute, remember? Yeah, that's right. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. What was that? Oh my God. And then he had the Nikki Bella tag team match.
Yeah with the Miz and Maurice yeah, I was there for that good build at least I mean it was a terrible match, but I mean they true The Miz yeah, the Miz definitely built that that feud you know he he did all the all the legwork on that and
But yeah, so like I said, I was just very disappointed because in my mind I was like fantasy booking the Fiend versus John Cena. And yeah, for the title. And then they took that away from me, damn it. And I'm pissed off about it because I

Figure Collecting & Community Support

don't really care. I don't give two craps about Roman versus Goldberg. And I love Roman, but I feel like, nah.
All right, let's move on from Super Showdown to AEW Revolution over the weekend that was on the first of... Oh, no, it's actually on the 29th. It's on Leap Day. On Leap Day. Happy Leap Day. People were freaking out about this young box Kenny Omega hangman page match and called it... Dave Meltzer called this the greatest tag team match ever.
I mean, it was a very good match. I mean, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot. I wouldn't even say I was at the full gear pay-per-view. That match the Bucks had against Proud and Powerful was I would say equally as good. I like that match a lot.
Well, I think I think the difference here is the history with these four guys, the storytelling that they did in the ring. I feel like it just it just meant a lot more because of the way that they built it. And I thought it was excellent. I you know, I really enjoyed it. Like I couldn't stop watching it.
No, it was really good. I mean, it was a damn good match. It was probably the best match on the card, the best match I've seen from the Bucks, you know, probably, you know, up there. I think the storytelling was really good. I liked the little T's at the end where they were kind of hinting at Paige beating, you know, turning on Omega. I don't know why he would have done it in that instance. And the announcers kind of made it a bigger deal than it should have been. They should have kind of made it a more subtle thing. But other than that, it was perfect.
Yeah, you know, I mean, it's gonna happen eventually. Inevitably, Paige is gonna turn on Kenny Omega. But I just- I think it's too obvious. I think it's gonna be the other way around. Well, I could see that. I don't know. I mean, I really honestly don't know what they're doing with Kenny Omega at this point. I mean, there's no way to like retroactively like repair the damage that they've done to his character and reputation when they really could have just brought him in to be like this.
Forced to be reckoned with but that's that's a story for a different a different day But I would I wouldn't mind seeing it be like, you know, a reverse heel turn You know what I mean? Like not not what we're expecting. Yeah But yeah, like like most Bucks matches there was a ton of near falls and things like that that you know You kind of get like burnt out on but overall I thought the wrestling was excellent. I love the storytelling in the ring. I love seeing those four guys together and and
Yeah, I thought it was one of the best, probably the best actual match on the card. Yeah, there was a moment where Omega hit the V trigger and Paige hit the buckshot and it still did not get the three count and I was like, come on, man.
The false finishes, like both guys hit a finisher on you and it doesn't get a three count. And then like the end was just kind of like, I don't know, just when some of these AEW matches, when they do all these false finishes, it just, the final three count just is like, the reaction is just like very muted in the arena because they've been up so much. They're like, oh, this probably is not it. You know, this can't be it. Cause it hasn't been it the last 10 times.
Exactly. Yeah. And it kind of comes out of nowhere sometimes. Like it doesn't feel like that grandiose finish, you know, that you're used to where you're just like, Oh my God, like this is it. You know, it'll just like all of a sudden a three count happens and you're like, wait, what did I miss that? Like, let me rewind that really quickly. So yeah, I totally get that aspect of it. But yeah, that, that match was freaking fire. What did you guys think of MJF versus Cody Marco? I thought it was really good. Um, it was more like, obviously it was like a,
They should have had like a street fight. I think it would have been more entertaining instead of just like our one-on-one like contest. But it was a really, I thought it was a really good match. That's another match. I had great storytelling. Obviously I put that all on Cody because he comes from that school of obviously his last name is Rode. So he knows how to like.
carry the carry the promos and all that stuff and obviously MJF was a great promo guy as well. Love the finish. I actually predicted an MJF win on the last show. He needed it. Yeah, he definitely needed it. Yeah, I didn't think Cody was going to go over again. Or actually, yeah, because he went over, he got over on Wardlow at that cage match that they had. So that was like his win, his redemption for the Jericho loss right there. Then they have to put MJF over as like the
one of the biggest hails, if not, because they kind of, I'm not sure if they're teasing Jericho taking off at some point, but it seems like they are. Like you might take a little break. Yeah, so yeah, so he's, yeah, definitely. Oh yeah, that's true, because they're gonna go on tour again. So yeah, so you need like a really like huge heel that people hate. And if you see that promo that he cut tonight, that video, he brings up that neck tan, which is really funny.
and while we're on the subject because it was.
very much on display during that match. Yeah, it was really distracting at some point. Yeah, it was crazy. Like I literally was just like caught so off guard by it. I'm about to have to jump upstairs to take care of the future women's champion real quick. But real quick, I'll give my thoughts on that tattoo. I just you know, it's it's everybody was like, you know, it was kind of like polarizing like some people were like, oh, you know, he can do whatever he wants. I'm like, yeah, of course he can. Doesn't mean it doesn't look stupid.
But it's just like to me like Cody. He had this like very pure like look about him You know what I mean? Just kind of like this pure baby face and he only had the one tattoo I think it says like dream on his on his chest and then he's got now he's got this like gargantuan like neck tat. It's like a patch super crazy like so
like ridiculous looking and i mean if it would have been anywhere else on his body i don't feel like it would have been as bad but the fact that it was you know right there on his neck and his wife even came out and said like she didn't like it um but hey i'll be right back hopefully so yeah so yeah keep calm and carry on yeah
Um, yeah, I liked, I didn't mind the tattoo. I didn't think it was terrible. I just thought the placement of it was just, uh, an awful spot. I think like on his shoulder blade will look pretty cool. Um, but, uh, you know, who am I to judge someone else's, uh, some artwork, uh, back to the MJF thing. Um, there was a video that came out. It's been all over TMZ and everything today. So we should probably talk about it. Um, of MJF at a,
autograph signing and giving like a young kid like a middle finger in his face and of course all the news outlets picked it up and I wanted to get you and Sheena's thoughts Sheena when she gets back possibly I know I don't have a problem with it I just think if he did it to my kid I'd probably punch him in his face
But you got to know what you're going into, obviously, with him. I mean, he lives that character. But Stack Guy Greg on Twitter had a great tweet a little while ago. I mean, if you really live the character, you're not doing $10 autograph signings for people at the local shopping mall. You know what I mean?
Yeah, exactly. Maybe a little bit better. But I brought up the fact that what's the best thing, the worst case scenario of this is a mom who doesn't watch wrestling, sees this on TMZ, sees it on New York Times or something, and sees this wrestler from AEW giving little kids the middle finger,
Uh, then your kid wants to get a toy of it six months from now and she remembers this. Uh, the best case scenario is you make a couple of dudes in their mom's basement laugh, um, on Twitter, you know, like there's not really any, I mean, this, this, this whole MJF gimmick is great, but it's not this, they would never do this in the WWE. This is not.
This is a total bush league indie type of gimmick, you know what I mean? It's not something you could do in WWE. If he ever went to WWE, he would never be able to do any of this. So whether that's right or wrong, whether you like that or don't like that, I mean, that's why people like AEW, I can totally understand. But I just don't see the need for giving a kid a middle finger, but hey, live the gimmick, man, whatever.
You can get my kid a middle finger any time you want. Oh, you're back. Wow. Man, she wasn't that thirsty, I guess. No, you just go, you just pop that pacifier in, like, give her the freaking one-two chop with the passie and, you know. Do the Scott Hall walk out the door, like, with your hands sideways? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
like Fred like Fred Flintstone twinkle toes like you know nice I was just we were talking about the tattoo that we moved on to the MJF thing you you don't seem to have problems with it like I do Marco what are your thoughts on this yeah I bet you early had I mean it's MJF so I give
I obviously the father knew what they were getting into. He loved it. Yeah. I mean, the kid probably didn't mind it either. Yeah, it's not anything. Yeah, I just don't think it's for the brand. It's a good look, you know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You want to be a you obviously you want to live your gimmick. You want to you want to like obviously because obviously they're upstart so people don't know who MJF is. We all said this before, like they're so starting that he's not a household name yet anyway. So like what?
that a way to get a name for yourself is to do something like that. Get your name out there a little bit and get some notoriety to like, to the brand and to yourself. So that's going to help a little bit in that sense. Um, but I, it's, I mean, I said, I, I really didn't have a problem with it only because they knew like the father knew, like they knew what they were getting into. Obviously he treats every fan differently. He doesn't always do that. Like I've seen videos where he'll like, um, he'll have a, he'll take the picture, but he'll like,
push the person out of this, out of the frame. So you only see like half the person. That type of stuff is funny or, or like he'll like, there'd be videos of him, like someone will touch his shoulder and he's like, don't touch me ever again or something like that. And like, he's just really beat to it. But even when he signs autographs, did you see him sign how he signed? He literally just like holds it like the mark with two fingers and just like scribbles and just looks like miserable. Like that, that's, that's what you're getting into. So, I mean,
I don't have a problem with it, but I mean the father Yeah, I'm on the fence like I can totally see why it's like You know not appropriate and why that maybe the mom or whoever was upset like you know I mean I think they were just upset because it upset the little boy, but at the at the same time like I
Like you said, he's living the gimmick. He did cross the line. I feel like that is a little bit overkill. You don't have to flip off kids. You're great on the mic. You're a heel. Your snobby aristocratic persona is enough. You don't have to be so overt. But it's just like you said, there's no such thing as bad publicity. Any attention is good attention. It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. People are going to be talking about it. TMZ picked it up.
Right. Like when is that when's the last time TMZ picked up any wrestling related news? It was even relevant. I mean, other than like the Ric Flair trademark thing, you know. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that is a good point. It gets the brand out there a little bit more. So props to them for doing that, I guess. But it makes sense. So, yeah, we saw Moxley winning the title from Jericho. And I think it's
It makes sense to put the title on some of these well-established guys that have been around for a while, former WWE guys. I don't know where they go from here, especially with Jericho maybe taking some time off. Do you skyrocket MJF to be the number one contender? Cuz you need a major heel to go against Moxley. Maybe have him run through some of the inner circle guys a little bit here. Maybe Hager gets a shot or I don't know how you do it. But who would be the next contender to Moxley's title here?
I would say I'll be back I would say MJF would be that I mean he already like made his proclamation in that video I mean basically he said he'd run through everybody at AWW because you have to say that not you just can't single out the main guy but basically said like Moxley he called him Jonathan Moxley which is kind of funny and he said basically like I'll run through like Darby Allen the inner circle like literally everybody
just to get to that title. And he basically said he's gonna be the greatest AEW champion of all time, that type of thing. So I usually, I'm not sure if this is an actual thing. I'd probably have to like research this with someone kid. They kind of play like hot potato with titles when it comes to like heel faces. It's usually like, it never goes to another face after, I mean, yeah, after a face has it. So it's gonna go to a heel, that title, the next stop. And it's my bet is gonna be MJF. He's gonna be the next guy. I'm not sure how soon.
I'm thinking maybe like double or nothing, which is what they're like usually made June. Yeah, that's a Or their next big or all out or all in or whatever one that they do like their other big pay-per-view It might be one of those before they put it on him But he'll definitely have it after moxley moxley will hold it for a long for that amount of time anyway, I think
Since we started this podcast, I've complained, and I think you and Sheena probably have too, that we have another WWE pay-per-view in a couple days. We just had one. There's just too many of them. I feel like maybe we're just so accustomed to that, but now it's just like,
The model that AEW has, I mean, it's like four a year. It's just not enough. It's tough to get excited for it or to build for it. Or maybe it's, in their minds, maybe it's the other way around. They have more time to build for it. So we'll see.
It does make it feel like a more of a big fight feel, I guess. They did announce that they were going to do a similar event to the War Games pay-per-view with AEW Blood and Guts, which will have two rings set up and will be replacing a normal episode of AEW Dynamite. I would assume this is going to be the Elite versus the Inner Circle or something. That would be pretty cool. Yeah, they said they were going to give more details
next Wednesday on the show. That's what I've seen anyway. Let's say stuff starts leaking out for the next week or so. But Jim Ross basically said they'll have more details that night. You'll find out what they're doing. Because they probably don't want to give stuff away and have the WWEs of the world taking their ideas. Because it might be something different. It might be something revolutionary or something game changing. Because the way they said it was like, you think you know what it is, but you really
That type of thing. So maybe something new and refreshing in the wrestling world. So I think they basically said they got to wait that day and give the, uh, the full details of what it pertains to. So I liked that. I kind of like keeping an air of mystery going into the show. So you just kind of wonder like what the, what the heck are they going to do type of thing.
Yeah, yeah, it'll be interesting to see. I think MJF is a, it's a pretty easy answer and then maybe, maybe he gets close knowing the title. Maybe you have Cody fuck it up and then you can continue that going forward because, you know, even in the promos the night with MJF, he's still kind of, you know, doing a throwback and had a shirt that said, I pin Cody. And, you know, I don't think that storyline is done. Um, did, what did you watch mostly tonight? Uh, AW or?
I do the double. I open up. I go streaming. I open up two tabs. Quad box? Do the quad box? Yeah, two. So I do a side by side. I snap the browsers on two different screens. And I just try to watch them both. I'll put it like if one goes commercial, I'll put the volume up on the other one. Or maybe promos. I don't really listen to the commentary. If there's a promo on, I'll watch that promo over whatever's on the other show. And it seemed like it was pretty good bounce where there'd be a match on at the same time as a promo so I could follow it.
The Jake the snake thing was really awesome. I'm not sure if you see that. I did not. I saw the tweet with the video. I didn't see it live, but it sounds like he, uh, he made an appearance and he has someone do a face, uh, Cody Rhodes. He has a client. Yeah. I didn't know, uh, Jake was naked clients now. That's good. Yeah. He's been doing better in life to have clients. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, he actually said that on the, and his problem, he was like, you know, 20 years, it took me to,
get my life together and get straight. The other thing was the crowd was into it. It wasn't dead silence at all. That crowd was going nuts when he was talking. Basically, it sounded like it was in the 80s, 80 slash 90s, we'll say. But still great on the mic. Still blows pretty much a lot of people away today on the microphone. But yeah, he did say he has a client that's going to take Cody down. But he threw a remark at Arne Anderson. He called him a one-trick pony.
which is kind of funny because obviously the Four Horsemen, that's pretty much what he's known for, nothing else. I don't know other feuds or anything like that, but yeah, that was really good. Britt Baker came out and did her same references and stuff like that.
You were asking about that on Twitter, yes. I was being facetious because I saw it happen, but I mean, that's, they had a good thing go with her and then they've just like had her do the same thing like four or five weeks in a row. I was watching AEW tonight, I was thinking,
Who off of AEW would the WWE want to sign? Like, realistically, if their contracts were up. There's no female wrestlers. I mean, Britt Baker is awful. She's not good in the ring. She's very indie wrestler. There's nothing about her that would be good.
Could you see her in the ring with Charlotte or Bianca Belair or any of those people? No. Oh my God. No, that would be bad. He's terrible. We talked about MGM. I just don't think the gimmick would work there. I mean, he would probably find a way to be more of a Miz type character. To me, Hangman Page would be the guy for me. He's young. He's a good look. I think he's come a long way in just a short time since AEW has been around.
Obviously, the easiest answer is Kenny Omega. I don't think he'll ever go there, but that's the name they would probably want. Besides that, I don't really know who they would want. They'd probably take the bucks. I think the bucks, you got to get the dream matches out there, especially with Kenny Omega with Kenny Omega and AJ, Kenny Omega and Seth Rollins. Amazing. My other weird dream matches, so the weird thing about Kenny Omega is I think you put him in
Pretty much anyone and I think you'll get like a really awesome match out of them out of both people I would love to see him and Brock Lesnar for some reason Wow, really? That's not that's not a name that would come to my head, but I can I could see that being pretty interesting Yeah, like just the way like how Kenny Omega if you if you watch Kenny Omega in the ring the way he's like Dramatic and he's like really precise and all stuff. He's he's a little guy but Brock Lesnar works great with with anyone smaller than him like
Those are usually his best matches. I think Kenny Omega would just like bring something out of Brock Lesnar that no one's ever seen before, I think, as far as like a smaller guy in the ring. It's a different moveset. He does a lot more MMA style type knees and stuff like that, like the V-trigger and all that stuff. I think it'd be really, the promos would be awesome too. Having Paul Heyman and Kenny Omega going back and forth. Yeah, that's just one of my weird dreams. My thing is, if you don't know, I just want Kenny Omega to just jump ship.
I mean, if they handled him half as well as they've done with AJ Styles, I mean, bringing him in a big spot in Royal Rumble and just having him as the top guy. I mean, Omega has been, I mean, Sheena touched on it earlier. He's part of the company, so I mean, it's kind of his fault or whoever's kind of booking this stuff's fault, but he's made it look like a
a part time, you know, a B plus guy where he really could be the face of this whole company. And Jericho has done such a great job with it. They didn't really need anybody else to take that role. But I think, you know, if he went to WWE, he would be put on a pedestal immediately. Oh, yeah, definitely. There was a time where John Cena was like on his Instagram was like kind of kind of campaigning for Omega. He would like post like Omega signs, like different type of things with Omega symbol in it.
So there was one time he wanted to like face, cause he faced AJ Styles, like one of the best guys out there that it was under the WWE and like, that'd be another dream match that people would love to see is John Cena and Kenny Omega. Cause you know, that's going to be an awesome match. It's going to be a five or six or a seven or eight star, whatever you want to call it. It's going to be one of those. Even though it was John Cena, he just, those kinds of type of guys pull that stuff out of him. Like you just get a different type of match when you have a wrestler of the caliber of Kenny Omega.
or a Seth Rollins, are any one of those guys? Yeah, I mean, it's just a different caliber of restaurant, man. It really is. So we will see what happens there. Obviously, there's been some names of people jumping over. Looks like the contract of one Matt Hardy has been expired, and he put out a video today, the Free the Delete video, where a car pulls up to the Hardy compound, and it is the Bucks of Young.
coming out and I don't know if that means he's signed with AEW I'm assuming it does but I guess he's not the exalted one because that would just be a huge huge kind of spoiler.
I don't know what they're doing with that. They had a match tonight, a six-man tag match against SCU and Coco Bana for some reason. I didn't know Coco Bana was in AEW, but he got the win. Yeah, he signed. He did, yeah. I didn't know he was still wrestling.
I thought he was just doing it. Yeah, but yeah, I've never seen him really wrestle too much. So yeah, they, they're kind of still bearing the dark order. I guess they're just waiting for the exalted one to make an appearance. But, uh, at this point it's been hyped up so much. You kind of have to, your expectations are going to be dashed no matter who it is. Right? Like if it's somebody like Luke Harper, or if it's, um, Matt Hardy, it's going to be like, okay, we already knew who this was. And if it's somebody else, it's going to be like a wet fart. So we'll see.
Yeah. Um, AW, we, uh, covered, uh, raw, we saw new tag team champions, the street profits win the tag team belts, uh, in a really good match. It's actually a really good episode of raw. Um, I liked it a lot. I mean, there's a lot of good stuff here. Uh, what do you think about the street profits winning the tag team titles too, too early or do you think they deserve it? No, I think they deserve it. They've, they've had their just dues and I think they're over enough where people,
expected expected of the wind right when they lost that super showdown and then they announced a rematch I was like that I was like they're they have to win and then they put that stipulation it was like if they never if they didn't win they would never get a shot again or something like that that type of thing where they could have totally swerved in it with Cody and it had them lose but I think they would do I think they had well deserved they they've done their uh they've done their like how many months were they in like
on Raw before they even actually had a match where they were just doing backstage segments. Like six points. And stuff like that. Yeah. So I think they paid their dues in that sense. And I think they proved that they could get over with the crowd. And I think they deserved it every bit of it. That last part of that match was awesome. The dramatic climb into the ropes and the frog splash and everything was really, really awesome. But we'll see what happens in this rematch later on in the elimination chamber.
People were pretty upset on Twitter, if you can believe that, about Ricochet losing to Brock Lesnar, one of the greatest wrestlers of the last 20 years, and then losing a 24-7 match to Riddick Moss, which I can understand. People had video of Ricochet going to the back and taking off his tape and throwing it. They thought maybe he was pissed off and he's being buried.
I just want everyone to remember a year ago when Drew McIntyre was the jobber for Shane McMahon in an awful gimmick and she looks like she's back with us here. Sheena Phelps back on the show here. I just think it's a joke that Drew McIntyre
Has come back as one the Royal Rumble and he's now positioned as one of the top guys in the company and If you think they can't do the same thing with Ricochet in like two months and make him a viable guy, you're crazy I mean, it's just it's that's the way the WWE does it. It's it's ebbs and flows You can't you can't be up all the time Ricochet was hot coming out off of NXT and you know He's kind of cooled off a little bit, but I'm not worried about this at all I think it's just just the way the way things go. What do you think Sheena?
Well, I think there's a difference though. I mean, drew, you know, he was kind of in that like Shane vortex for a little while. You know what I mean? So he was still relevant, but it was like, um, this, this was, whatever's happening with ricochet right now is bad news. I don't know who he pissed off, what he said or what he did, but yeah, getting squashed at super showdown by Brock, which you know, nobody in their right mind thought that he was going to beat Brock Lesnar, but at the same time,
I thought he would have gotten in a little bit of offense, right? But then to get, then to come on raw and get freaking squashed by, I don't even know who that guy is. You know, like Riddick Moss, like, you know, I mean, Riddick freaking Moss beat Ricochet, like clean, clean as a sheet for the 24 seven title.
I think it's bad. You know, I mean, people aren't going to remember it and like, I mean, we'll remember it because we're like nerdy marks, but I mean that the general audience won't remember. Like they'll be with, like you said, they'll be able to build ricochet back up, like quick fast and in a hurry. He's just got that, you know, kind of it factor about him. And he's like, you know, does a lot of flips and does a lot of things that are really impressive. So, I mean, I don't think they'll have any problem getting him back where they want him to be, but
I don't know what he did to deserve what he's getting right now. Is there four of us in the podcast right now? Four people? Yeah. This is the future women's champion's debut on the- I've never heard her on here before. That's interesting. Nice. Could you hear her? Just a little size and grunts.
I can hear, you know, from having a baby, I can hear the sounds, you know, tuned in. Yeah. She's she's down here. She just.
You know, stage, a little stage five tonight, that's all. Stage five cleaner. Yeah. Okay. All right. We talked about raw, uh, well, mostly we, we didn't get to the best part was the, the only real match they've had any kind of build for, for WrestleMania is this Randy Orton and edge match. Oh yeah. I think it's been done really well. He beat the hell out of, uh, Beth Phoenix. I think they'd be really missing the boat here if they don't have him wrestle, uh, Ryder and Hawkins in the next couple of weeks and just, you know, just to
destroy the two of them, maybe have them go one week, one of them, one week, the other one, then the next week, both of them in a handicap match and then just beat the hell out of them. Just basically taking away everybody that Edge has ever interacted with. So I think it's been a great build, man. I'm excited for that match a lot. The problem is it's going to be probably number three on the card. It's not even going to be where it should be. That should probably be a... That's a main event caliber match, those two.
Yeah, for sure. I think, um, you know, it'll be like a good middle ground. I think it'll be, you know, right there in the middle of the card to like bring everybody back up. Obviously we don't know what exactly that the cards going to look like, you know, for sure right now, but, um, yeah, I'm excited for that match. I'm excited to see, you know, if edge can still, if he's still like, got it, you know, it's easy to come into a rumble match and, you know, kind of look good and all that, but I'm, I'm ready to see what he's got.
you know, one-on-one, especially with somebody like the freaking Viper, you know? I wonder if we'll see him in the ring before somebody, I doubt it, right? I doubt it. Yeah. Not, not, not in any like real capacity. I don't think he's just going to have like, you know, a, you know, tag team ladder match or anything on, on Monday Night Raw. I think, I think he might come in and you know, there'll be some shenanigans, but other than that, I don't feel like they're going to, they're going to risk him.
Getting injured or anything like that before the big the big show. All right, let's get into our Well, we didn't talk about this McIntyre kicking a clay mooring Brock Lesnar On the top of the ramp. I think three times it was yeah
I don't know if you saw the clip that's been floating around of Brock Lesnar telling McIntyre to grab the belt and just to hold it over top of him. Lesnar is the consummate, he's been there for, the first elimination chamber we talked about was over 20 years, almost 20 years ago now, and he was there and he's been there for so long. You forget how long.
Lesnar has been tied to the WWE. He knows everything and how to make an angle right and how to film things and all that kind of stuff. He's probably picked up so much, so many goodies behind the scenes. So McIntyre looks like a stud, man. I'm really excited for that match. And I think we'll probably see two new world champions. I know it's a little too early for predictions now, but- Yeah, I totally didn't. I mean, I knew Drew McIntyre had the look and kind of like,
He had the it factor about him, but I can honestly say up until recently, I did not believe in Drew McIntyre. I did not believe that he was going to get this opportunity to be world champ. I didn't think that they were going to give it to him. It's not that I didn't think he was capable. I just didn't think it would ever happen. I thought it would just be like,
one of those situations where he just kind of floated around the mid card into oblivion right until it was just like too late for him and he missed his opportunity but yeah it's it's been really surprising to watch kind of his rise to this moment right here because i mean he's he's great he's awesome like i said he's got the look he's got the freaking moves he's just a freaking behemoth he's got a cool accent um
And I, yeah, I'm excited to see, I'm excited to see like when he, when he wins. Cause I think, I think inevitably, I mean, I'm, I'm definitely going to like, spoiler alert. Um, I'm going to pick Drew McIntyre to win over, over Brock Lesnar, um, at, at mania. So I'm excited to see what it's going to look like once he's actually champ, you know? Yeah.
Yeah, I'm torn though. I think they could swear of us, but I think McIntyre would be the way to go. I think he would make an awesome champion. Let's get into our elimination chamber predictions, but this is going to be our first trivia question of the night. So this is what we're going to do.
We're going to give you guys a trivia question. You're going to DM message Sheena on Instagram at Chick Foley with the answer. Everyone in the next 24 hours that sends us the correct answer will be put into a list. We will pick one name randomly, and if your name is picked, you will win that page elite figure from us here.
So let's go ahead. Who won the first ever women's elimination chamber? The first ever women's elimination chamber. If you're listening now, all you have to do is send the correct answer to Sheena via direct message on Instagram and you'll be entered to win. That's it. We will also have one later on for the men's elimination chamber for a Cassius Ono elite.
But let's get into Elimination Chamber here, guys. Are you ready for another pay-per-view? I mean, I guess so. I feel like this week was a big week. Honestly, Super Showdown wasn't a must-watch or anything, but it did feel like a big event. If you did tune in, it felt like all the lights, all the pyro. It was definitely as far as visually. Obviously, they pull out all the stops, and it's WrestleMania caliber.
um visuals obviously house show level booking but I feel like I honestly I was like thinking it was like next week or the week after and then I was like holy crap elimination chamber is on Sunday so it kind of just like snuck up on me out of nowhere.
Really good matches on this car. Let's run it down here. We can give our quick predictions. She knows had the prediction title for Many months probably about a year. I would say now you've been ducking me up longest reigning chick Foley show predictions champion
youngest y'all you also were the youngest still and i'm also the youngest and the prettiest too because uh oh well my gosh thank you so much um i'm drade the uh universe uh united states champion i don't know if you guys remember that he's the united states champion because he's been suspended he is going to be defending his title against humberto carillo
at this pay-per-view, which should be a good match, even though we've seen this match a couple times on Raw before. Sheena, what do you think here? I think we're going to be pretty similar on a lot of these matches, but let's go anyway. We only have six announced so far, six matches. I think Andrade is going to retain in this match.
I think so, too. I'm hoping we see both of these guys paired up with Angel Garza and Rey Mysterio as some sort of four way for this title at WrestleMania. I think that would be pretty awesome. But yeah, I don't think they're going to take it off on driving. Maybe one more suspension. They will. But yeah, true. So what are they what are they saying, KF that what's the reason why he's not on TV?
Obviously, they didn't say he had a wellness policy suspension, but I can't remember what the- They said he's just been having too much sex with Charlotte and- Is that what they said? Yeah, he got injured during the process, so he had to take 30 days off. Maybe he should have manscaped. Yeah, he should have used manscaped. Maybe. Yeah, that would have made things a lot smoother down there. Alistair Black, who's getting a nice push here against AJ Styles in a no disqualification match.
We saw him on Raw take on both of the good brothers and then in a third match take on AJ Styles. So I like what they're doing here with Aleister Black. Hopefully it continues and we'll see. What do you guys think about this match?
I don't know, it's really hard. I mean, my gut's telling me, you know, AJ Styles simply because they squashed him at Super Showdown and I don't think they're going to have him lose back to back on, you know, major, major pay-per-views like that. However, like you said, I mean, what's the point in building Aleister Black if they're just gonna
make him lose, you know? Yeah. So I'll let I'll let you pick first who you who you pick. I'm going to Alistair Black. I'm thinking of some sort of schmaz where, you know, AJ Styles is about to win and then we hear the lights go out. We hear the Undertaker gong or something. And, you know, he's freaked out. Alistair Black's able to get the win. I don't know. But I think something's got something has to build in this match to get you to WrestleMania. Right. True. Yeah. And the fact that it's a no DQ match, definitely.
you know definitely yeah makes it feel like the undertaker can make an appearance and and cause some sort of shenanigans so you know what i'm gonna go against the grain just i'm gonna pick aj styles on this one yes all right okay here we go street profits street profits in their first uh title defense against seth rounds and and murphy
I don't know what Seth Rollins is playing. What are they gonna do with Seth Rollins at WrestleMania? I don't know. I mean, is it? Yeah, KO is like the obvious choice, right? I feel like but I mean, yeah it to me it feels like
for everything that Seth Rollins is right now, he should be having a much bigger, um, mania presence. But at the same time, I feel like they're going to slow play it because they, they have such a good thing with Seth Rollins right now. I think he's probably, I think he could, he has the potential to have a career year in, in 2020. So I think they'll slow play it. Um, I don't see the street profits dropping the title so soon. So I'm going to go with street profits retain.
Yeah, I'm gonna say the same thing. I'll say Street Profits keep the belts here. So let's move on to the SmackDown Tag Team Elimination Chamber. We got Miz and Morrison, the champions, taking on the New Day, the Usos, Heavy Machinery, Lucha House Party, and Ziggler and Rude. It sounds like the Revival were gonna be in this match, but since they have not agreed to resign with WWE, we've got Lucha House Party instead.
So that would have been pretty awesome to have New Day, Usos, Revival, and Miz and Morrison in this match together, but I don't know what to think here. I don't know where they're going to go here. I'd be surprised if they take the title off of them already, but we'll see. Yeah, how long have they been the champions? Like what, three weeks, two weeks?
Not even. Not even. There was last week. We're recapping super showdown right now. See a punk has a 50, 50 odds. You get the rumble. When you're a solo mom, you like, you double your week. You know, like 10, like 10 fold, right? Like the days are twice as long. Oh my gosh. Okay. So, um, I would say,
Yeah, I don't see them. I don't see them taking it off. Ms. And Morrison right now. So I'm going to, I'm going to go with them retaining, but I don't even know. I don't know. I just feel like what's the point, right? If they're not going to take title change, why are they doing this big elimination chamber match?
Yeah, yeah, it doesn't make too much sense. Maybe, do you give it to New Day and Usos again, or do you try it with somebody new? I mean, I'd love to see. No, I'd love to see Head of Machinery. I'd love to see Ziegler and Rude get out, you know, get out on the card at WrestleMania with a title match, but I got a feeling. They're not even real tag team. Yeah, they don't even go here. I feel like we're just going to get a four way match at WrestleMania for the tag team titles anyway. They're just going to redo this match without Lucha House money, probably.
Braun Strowman in a three on one handicap match against Nakamura Cesaro and Sammy Zane. And this is a, is there any way that Strowman doesn't lose, doesn't win this match? I mean, no, it's awful. I mean, it gets three guys. Yeah. Yeah. They're really, I don't know. I mean, they're really trying to get Braun over again. Uh, so yeah, he's not losing this match.
I just feel like he's just, doesn't feel like an intercontinental champion. I feel like I would love to see the other three guys in like a triple threat match, you know, without Strowman. I just, they just messed up Strowman so bad, man.
Yeah, he's not, he's definitely the odd man out here in this, like Nakamura, Cesaro, Sami Zayn would be, I think that would be an incredible matchup. But with, with big Braun in there, it's going to be a little bit more difficult for them to really show what they're capable of. Cause Braun's just going to be like, go get these hands.
You know and like it's just like it's like all those other guys like they're very Very agile and all that kind of stuff and Braun is just kind of like a big brooding Meathead, so yeah, I mean it is what it is I think he I think he's gonna retain and take the intercontinental championship into mania, but who's gonna like who do you think is going to? Go up against him at mania. Well. Here's the question who if they if the other team wins who gets the intercontinental title It's three guys
Well, yeah, that's true, too. Yeah, I hadn't even really considered that because I never even thought that I've never done. Everyone thought in my mind that that's what you should do. Then you have a triple threat match at WrestleMania because they're all like they're all buddies, but they're all fighting over the title. You know, that would make sense. Yeah, I could see that. OK, I see. I see where your head's at. All right. So I'm going for I know. OK, I'm going to go with the three Stooges.
Okay. All right. The moment we've all been waiting for low, sir. If you've ever wanted Sarah Logan to main event of pay-per-view, this is your one and only chance here. Okay. Sarah Logan versus Ruby riot versus Oscar versus Shayna baser versus live Morgan versus natty night heart for a chance at the women's raw title at WrestleMania 36. Um, is there any chance Shayna baser doesn't win this match?
No. What is the point of this match? I mean, they haven't even made any other woman look like a viable competitor at all. It's like ridiculous. You know, I mean, it's one thing like when you go into a match like this, you know, like, you know what, like I could see, you know, Natty winning or freaking Ruby riot or Shayna, but like they've literally done nothing to build any of those other women.
it's like this is like and this is the what this is probably going to be the main event right wouldn't you say i would think so yeah yeah so like this is the main event of the card and it's literally like the most obvious i mean unless they just pull some sort of like rabbit out of their hat and make something crazy happen um
I can't see in any universe where Shayna Baszler does not win this. I mean, Becky hasn't even shown interest in any of the other women. She hasn't had a confrontation with any of them, anything like that. She's only addressed Shayna, period. You could have at least had her have some sort of
altercation backstage for five seconds with Ruby Riot or something. They bump into each other or something. Would you give me the other five ladies if I give you Shayna Baszler? Would you give me the field if I let you have Shayna Baszler? Oh, yeah, for sure. I'll take Shayna. I'll take Shayna. You can take the field.
Marco do you think do you think there's any chance something? I mean that they're just throwing some sort of swerve here I mean I think they could still add Shayna Baszler in at some point into a triple threat type match But yeah, just it just seems like it's almost too obvious. You know yeah I mean the only other person she really interacted with a Jenna issue with Oscar. Yeah They could do like it. They could do like a triple threat with like Shayna Oscar Becky if they want to go that rope, but there's there's a people that are the Twitter verse and
They're going to swerve it and go live Morgan for some reason. That was the other one I seen. Um, that's, that would be like the real swerve there. If there is no universe where Morgan is going to be in a WrestleMania match, like it's just not going to happen. And not this year, at least there's just no way, no how.
No, no, no But okay, I get the field there and I also have the three men I've got a lot of multiple multiple things going on here. I got the three guys against Roman I got the the ladies against baser and I have I have Alistair black. So yeah, we'll see we'll see if we're crowning a new champion come next week I
I'm a little worried about, we can get into it more in our figure news, but as we head into WrestleMania season, I'd like to hear from some of the people that listen to our show that are going to WrestleMania. This coronavirus thing, as much as we joke about it,
It's got people pretty spooked. I think our buddy Zach Egloff talked about one of the bodybuilding competitions was canceled. The Arnold. Yeah. And there's talk about the Olympics maybe being canceled. And Stephanie McMahon came out last week and said something about the safety comes first.
So, uh, we will, we will see. But, uh, I mean, would you be concerned if you're going to WrestleMania? I mean, there's the hygiene of wrestling fans to begin with, isn't the best. Yeah. And it's worldly too. It's global for sure. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. That's a tough one, man. And you know, Tampa is going to be kind of swampy down there. Like, you know, it's a perfect breeding ground for virus and like bacteria. Yeah. Yeah.
Um, I mean, like you said, I, I, we always joke about, you know, Marco and I joke about behind the scenes, like it being a conspiracy theory and all of that, but I really would be a little concerned, not even just for the Corona virus, but like the, the, the good old working class flu. You know what I mean? Like being down there at mania with all everybody like coughing and.
Sneezing and touching everything and no, I mean I love mania weekend But I would be a little bit a little bit concerned and I'm not in the least concerned about catching coronavirus here at my house, but Man, we didn't talk about this segment is sponsored by our good friends at chalk line You can use code chick CH I CK for 15% off of your order there our good buddy on the on the Facebook group Corey handy just modeled a
Uh, Hulkamania, pretty damn fire. They get a ton of wrestling gear. Check them out on their website. I think it's chocolate on Uh, go there for all your, uh, wrestling needs. Uh, we talked about Colcabana becoming a member of all elite. Uh, we talked about the Corona virus. Talked about Matt Hardy, Cody, Rose's tattoo. We talked about, um,
The new season of The Dark Side of the Ring is coming up, I think, at the end of the month on Vice. March 24th, yeah. March 24th is the release date for that. Yeah, if you don't have Vice, it's an awesome channel. About 80% of the shows are about smoking weed.
But they do some really good documentary stuff. This is the rundown, and I wanted to get both of your takes on which episode you're most looking forward to here. It's going to start off with a two-hour episode about Chris Benoit. Brawl for All will have an episode. Dino Bravo, New Jack, Herb Abrams, Owen Hart, Road Warriors, Dave Schultz, and Jimmy Superfly Snooka.
Oh, yeah, you know, obviously I'm excited for Owen Hart. You know, I'm just I'm a huge huge heart mark. I'm curious to see what the what the spin is on the Crispin. What like which which angle that they go with. Right. Like, are they, you know, what they're going to present to us and who they're going to have talk about him and all that kind of stuff. So I'm really curious to see how that episode plays out. Obviously, the Road Warriors
are going to be awesome. Jimmy Snooka, like, I mean, this is just going to be an epic, an epic season. If you haven't watched season one, I think you can find it. I think one of the guys in our Facebook group said that he found all the episodes on Daily Motion. So if you don't have Vice and you're looking to watch the first season, you can definitely find all the episodes online for free somewhere. But yeah, you should definitely think about considering getting getting Vice because this next season is going to be fire.
Yeah, I'm trying to pull up this David Schultz. I thought it was Dave Schultz, who was, if you ever saw the movie Foxcatcher, he was one of the guys that was there. But that is not the guy. David Schultz is the guy that the reporter asked him. There's just a famous video going around about, you know, asking about if wrestling is fake. And he's like,
Oh, you think wrestling is fake? You think it's fake? And he just slaps the shit out of him. Um, yeah, I forget which reporter was, but I don't, I don't know the backstory of him besides that guy. Maybe it's behind the entire, I mean, that was obviously a huge lawsuit and everything. That was John Stossel from 2020 that it happened to. So maybe that's what, uh, is, is the story behind this. Well, I think he was, um, uh,
He was murdered, so maybe that's what they're gonna go by. Oh geez, and he was also part of the McMahon. He was accused of, he accused McMahon, Vince McMahon, of illegally distributing steroids, so he's part of the steroid case. I didn't know he was murdered, so yeah. Yeah, that's one of the things. No, no, no, no, no, that's the guy. That's not the guy. This David Schultz guy is still alive.
Oh, David. Yeah, that's yeah. Yeah, I was thinking of David. Yeah, that's the name. I'm getting them confused, too. But yeah, the Owen Hart one is going to be really good. Obviously, the Benoit one, we don't know too many details about that whole situation. So that'll be really nice to hear about. But yeah, it's really good. Definitely go back and listen to the first or watch the first season. It was really good. And Vice also has a series called The Wrestlers, too, on there.
You get more than just Dark Side of the Ring. They have another series, too. Yeah. And fuck, that's delicious. That's another one of the shows. That's an actual show. Oh, really? Yeah. Fuck, that's with the big fat white rapper guy. Yeah. Action grunts. Yeah. Yeah. He just he just gets high with his friends and like goes to places and eats food. It's like the greatest. Why don't we have that segment on our show? I don't know. We should. Yeah.
Yeah, we gotta cut we gotta come up with some sort of spin on let's do fuck that's depressing. That'll be the new No, I watch Moana for the hundredth time this week Yeah, I breastfed for a collective like 74 hours yeah All right, well that's that's the all the news from outside of the squared circle let's get into our go figure segment
All right. It's called Fig Hunting. It's what we do each and every single day. Myself, Sheena, and Marco. Everybody's favorite

Toy Industry Challenges & Solutions

part of the show. It's where we let you know about all of the deals that we've received and figures that we've picked up over the last week or so. So let's get into it here, Sheena. Did you pick up anything this week in your target travels?
Um, I didn't pick up anything on hand. Like I didn't find anything in stores as I was out and about, but I did pick up some things. I just don't have them here on hand yet. I have a, an anvil on the way from the one and only president of the finer things club, MVP Marco Denton. And then, yeah, I know. Right. And then I also have a Billy Kay coming from one of our, uh,
awesome fully fam Kyle Haas he's sending me sending me Billie Kay and I picked up Mean Jean Funkle Pop off of and I should be getting a notification any day to go pick that up so super stoked I got you know three figs I'm still looking for the the Chase Naomi Pop and the Chase Nash Pop
and oh Peyton Royce freaking Peyton freaking Royce yeah we have some news on her a little bit later in the segment here but um uh that's a that's a good a good little haul there man that's uh our Foley family helping us out man that's awesome yeah i don't get to get out as much anymore so yeah it's really nice to be able to be like hey just just just send me things in the mail it's nice
You don't have to go anywhere. I made a little trade ski last week, I don't know if I talked about it on the show, but I just received it a couple days after the show. I got a Mandy Rose Elite and a Billy Kay Elite in return for Velveteen Dream, Elite 64, whatever that is, or the most recent one, and an Anvil. So I thought the trade was pretty good.
And then the day that I got them in the mail, I saw Mandy Rose and Billy Kay at my local Target. So I picked up both of those. One was for the MVP, Marco Denton. Another one I gave away or sold today on our Facebook group. I totally forget who it was that I sold it to. And I picked up the hurricane elite for our buddy Tom Selney. So that was good. Oh, Aaron, Aaron Kokomo, Aaron Kokomo.
Aaron Kokomo. Yes. Come down to Kokomo. He hates that. Sorry, Aaron, for bringing it back. Sorry. Yeah, that's a great song, Aaron. Yeah, the Kokomo reference back up again. But you got to get it right, Phil. Yep. Sorry. Sorry, Aaron. Yeah, so I'm going to send that out. I actually sent that out to him today. Marco, I sent yours out. I sent Tom his hurricane. So I had a good week of figure finding. I found the Keith Lee Basic. I picked up for my son for his upcoming birthday in the next couple of weeks.
And our good buddy Chad Roberts on the Facebook group found me just moments ago, the Masters of the Universe Macho Man. I think I just talked about that. He's shipping that to me here. I'm sure that'll probably arrive in my local Walmarts as soon as I get that in the mail. But it's nice to not have to worry about going around and driving places to get anything.
That is pretty cool. I'm also looking for that Peyton Royce. It looks like we are going to get, according to corporate Steve from Mattel, the Peyton Royce is going to be shipping to Walmart and Target in the not-too-distant fee very, very soon. So I would assume that's going to be pretty readily available. So definitely don't jump on eBay and buy it for $200. Just be patient.
And it should be here soon. But yeah, that's the only thing I really need going forward here. I do have some news and I don't know if I can confirm it or not. It's just a hunch on my end. But one of our Twitter followers let me know that Elite 76 has been pushed back till mid-May. That was supposed to come out mid-March, but now it's pushed back to mid-May. It looks like these figures, and maybe it's going to be going forward for a while, are really affected by
What's going on over in China with the coronavirus? I know that our buddies over at the major wrestling figure podcast have a bunch of pins and figures that are being held up from it as well. Obviously, the health of everyone over there is much more important than our wrestling toys.
I can see this being a long-term problem for not only ringside collectibles, but for Walmart and Target and a lot of toy companies. Maybe things are going to be backlogged for months and months here. I mean, this doesn't show any signs of really stopping or slowing down, guys. So we might not have anything on the pegs even worse than what we're looking at now.
Yeah, I mean, I think it's gonna be there's gonna be repercussions like not just in toys but just like all across like when we depend on China for so much manufacturing I think we're gonna see a lot of which you know, I mean like honestly like Hawaii was completely out of like toilet paper I guess there's like a lot of toilet paper that's made in China and they were so worried that they were gonna stop the production of it that everybody was like loading up and Costco was having to put limits on it and stuff so
Yeah, pretty pretty crazy out in these streets. So I can only imagine that it's going to push back, you know, toys and action figures and stuff like that. Yeah, it is kind of scary to think about it. And I think it's going to be more media driven with people. But you know, got to be careful, got to be careful. I think they had a confirmed death already today in California. So not to bring the podcast down, but it's going to be something that could be affecting us both.
You know, figure collecting and just, you know, normal day-to-day lives. So everybody stay safe. You know, wash your hands. Make sure you're not kissing any old people that are coughing up blood, you know. Yeah. And if you are a Wrestling Figure podcast and you do go down to Tampa, which they've already confirmed that there is a case down there, if you don't make it back, we will take over your podcast for you. So not naming any names, but, you know. Yeah.
No, seriously, anybody who's going down there, if you're traveling anywhere, definitely be safe. Hopefully this is something that's going to blow over, but I think it's going to have long-term repercussions for everybody in the figure community. Nobody's really talking about it.
Yeah, just freakin' boost your immunity. Still, you know, don't let the fear mongering get you though. I feel like so much of this media sensationalism is just like, you know, it gets people all stressed out and worried and I'm like, well dude, first of all, stress isn't gonna do anything for your immune health, you know?
Um, so just make sure you take some elderberry and getting some, some good food in your system, washing your hands. And I'm positive that everybody's going to be all right. We going to be all right, fam. It's going to be good. Yeah. Um, I did, I did get word, uh, from that, uh,
If you're not on the Major Brothers, I know we talk about our Patreon a lot, but the Major Brothers have a really good Patreon group. They have a Facebook group for their Patreon subscribers and corporate Steve from Mattel is in there did kind of like an impromptu Q&A with some people and just said, you know, ask me whatever you want. A lot of people just cried about the distribution stuff, which was always fun to read more questions about that.
But I asked about the Legends line. He let me know that there's going to be two this year in 2020. So the one that we saw already, and then one more. And then there's going to be four Legends series lines in 2021. So that's pretty exciting. Yeah, that is really exciting.
And it sounds like all of the Anvil, Jimmy Anvil, Nightheart elites have shipped, whether they're already at the stores yet or not, remains to be seen, but they've all been shipped from the distributors and all that kind of stuff. So if you haven't seen it yet, if you're holding out hope for it, I would try to find one. And the secondary market prices might be going up.
So just keep that in the back of your mind. So other than that, I don't think I picked up anything too much else. I was hoping for another WWE Elite line to be pre-ordered on ringside. I feel like they've been cranking out series every two, three weeks. They have another one coming up there, but this Elite 76, it's been up for a while. So we will see.
Uh, we did see the, um, the elite, the first ever AEW ringside exclusive. Yeah. Which looks pretty cool. It is cool. Yeah. People are relieved that they're going to be able to get that belt, um, with the, uh, with the ringside exclusive. So that's cool.
I know. I want to know what our audience thinks because we have a little show chat that we go back and forth in a lot and some of us were really pissed off that when we saw the original line that the chase
Chris Jericho was the only one that was going to come with the title and the regular release Chris Jericho didn't have one. And I was like, what the hell? Like literally you're only releasing, you know, a handful of figures and you're not going to have a title on any, any one of them except for a chase. And there's only going to be a thousand of those chases. Like that's BS.
And you guys were saying that you didn't think it was that big a deal, but I was pissed off about it. Obviously, the Ringside exclusive comes with the AEW Championship, which is really nice. You can pre-order it and get it and not have to freaking chase it down. But I want to know what our audience thinks. If the Ringside exclusive had not come with the AEW title,
Do you think it's cool for them to release their first ever figure line, brand new, you know, hot on these streets and have their only title be released with a chase figure? And we already know like how hard it is to get our hands on regular chase figures from Mattel, much less if they were so exclusive that there was only a thousand of them, you know?
Yeah, it's a good point. I can definitely see what you're saying with that. I got a feeling they're going to be cranking out those title belts in the future going forward after the first series.
Yeah, totally but at the same time like if you're brand new and you're gonna buy that whole set of figures for you know over a hundred bucks like 150 or whatever much the series is and You know you're gonna have a fake Federation and you can't have a title like come on. Yeah
All the all the only good 12 hours of sleep last night. Give me a break Masters of the masters of the WWE universe series two Figures are now up on the Walmart app and a lot of people are seeing those in stores like we mentioned So if you go to our Twitter at chick Foley show actually tweeted out the links
for those if you want to get to that. All of them are sold out of stock right now, but when they come back in stock, you can just have them do a quick pickup to your local Walmart, and there's no shipping charge for that, so that's pretty nice to do. Other than that, let me look over my notes. Marco, what did you end up picking up? Not much. I've merely just been sending things out. I can't wait to send things out. I get the Billie Kay
coming from, uh, from the man himself from Phil. Um, oh yeah. The other thing I grabbed was, uh, our, my target, my local target, uh, they started, um, putting out like the, I know they're late to the game, the, uh, WrestleMania elites with like Booker T and Kofi. Yeah. My target too. Yeah. Never. I had seen them. Yeah. Never got them. So pick those up. Um, and then.
Other than that, some of the Walmarts in my ears started getting some of the 74. So I'm going to peruse around tomorrow, see what's going on there. But other than that, not much. It's been pretty dry this past week. A lot of watching wrestling, not enough picking up wrestling figures. So it could be for the best. This hiatus, there's no telling what we could do with the savings. That is true. I mean.
That's in Lysol wipes and sanitizer. Exactly. Yeah. Our bank accounts are going to be sitting fat and we're going to be like, what the heck? What happened? Did I get a raise? I've heard a lot of people talking about it. And this happens to me too. When you go on to and you do a search for the WW elites, all your stores will say that they're in stock and there's a ton of them.
And when you go there, obviously there's none there. So our buddy, Mike Lanham, found if you just go on the Walmart app and just do a search for WWE Elite Figure Collection, and it comes up, it'll just be the normal $18, sorry, $15.88 price, you can just add it to cart. And it doesn't even let you pick which wrestler you're gonna get. But if you do that and just select pick up at one of your stores that you know doesn't have elites,
It won't charge you, then you'll get an email saying this order's been canceled because we don't obviously have this, but it resets the number on BrickSeek back to zero, and hopefully then that would mean you're gonna get some figures delivered to your store, which, number one, is an awesome little trick. Number two, it's completely pathetic that we have to go through these lengths just to get stuff to our stores to then buy them.
Can you believe this? To give you my money, I have to trick a computer system into sending it to the store. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Unbelievable. Yeah. Thank you, Mike, for that little trick there, at michaelinum on Twitter. We appreciate you, dude.
So yeah, let me see any other news I wanted to talk about here. We talked about the legends line. I did get a couple cool packages. So I put a post onto the Facebook group. My son saw my buddy Murphy figure and wanted the purple cruiserweight belt. Thought it was cool. And I'm like, no, I'm not going to let you open this to go away. But I put it out there on the Facebook group. Like, hey, does anybody have this belt and doesn't want it? I'll buy it from you. No problem.
So our good buddy Brian Baker said, you know, hey, just send me like five bucks, you know, for shipping and stuff, I'll send it out. So he sent that out plus a bunch of, you know, cards and another couple titles and a bunch of little stuff that my son loved. And I put the video of him opening it on to the Facebook group and he was

Community Generosity & Support

very appreciative. And then
Tom Silny was like, oh, did you ever, I saw that you wanted that. I was going to put a package together for you. I was like, Oh, Brian's already sending me one. He's like, Oh, I already put it together. So he sent me something similar with a bunch of little stuff. So, uh, my son was very appreciative for both of those. Thank you guys. Um, you know, kids just love getting like little, he's literally brought that purple Cruiserweight belt up to bed with him like the last week straight, just like clenching in his hands.
I remember being a kid that small and just loving little random things you get from the grocery store or something. Pretty cool stuff on all those people. I don't want to toot the horn of the Facebook group anymore. We've done that enough.
Really cool people in there. And I just recorded, before we recorded this show, finally got Mike Falcone on, who we've talked about on the show here. Guys, he had like 30 years of figures. I think he had every Mattel. I talked to him a little bit earlier. He had every Mattel he's been collecting for 30 years had, you know, he said thousands of wrestling figures that all were destroyed in a house fire. His apartment building caught on fire, lost everything.
I put some posts on our Facebook group about it. We raised over $200 for him. I found out through the great find of what he was really most prized figure was the elite Mattel Legends Rockers two-pack. So we bought that for him and I broke the news to him on the podcast. We've been playing phone tag for literally two weeks and I couldn't just come out and say like, dude, I want to get you on here so we can give you something. I was under the guise of like, hey, I want to get you on to talk about the history of
wrestling in Philadelphia, that's the only thing I could think of. So he was all prepared to talk about that. I was like, yeah, we're not even talking about that, man. I just wanted to give you these figures. So it's a pretty cool 10-minute listen, and he's a pretty knowledgeable figure guy. So go follow him on Twitter, at MikeVSFilly. They have set up a GoFundMe page for him. So that's pretty cool. So I can't, it's my biggest fear, just losing all of my stuff, all of my belongings in a fire.
He was safe and sound, his animals were safe and sound, so that's all that matters. Uh-oh, I think they both, are they both gone? No, I'm here. Oh, okay, okay. Guys were just silent. We were, I was so enthralled with your story. Okay, I feel like I just was talking for too long at the time. It's time for somebody else to talk now. All right, so that was all of our Go Figure stuff, and our Go Figure segment is sponsored in part by who, Sheena?
Bring side collectibles. You can go to and use code CHICKFOLY and get 10% off your order. And thank you guys to all you guys who always hit me up and share in your stories and send me the DMs that you ordered using our code. Like it really makes me feel good. Like we don't we don't make anything off the code. It's not like you know.
They don't send us a kickback or money for whatever you spend or anything like that. But it is cool to see you guys supporting the show, using our code, and letting Ringside know that you listen to Chick Foley.
I did want to talk about one more thing, that I got a package in the mail, like an envelope in the mail from someone that could not make out the return address. It was like Vinnie something, so I don't know if it was a listener to the podcast. Isn't anybody in our Facebook group?
and they sent me like a four or five card angle cards and a Ray Mysterio card and it must be someone like I'm really dumbfounded I usually can pinpoint like I didn't lose track of it I don't know what if someone just sent me something out of the goodness that are hard but if you're listening and you sent me some cards thank you and definitely let me know so I can thank you by name and I appreciate it so
Oh, one more thing. Dustin Sadek, our good buddy, Qstown collector on social media. This is a bad week for social media, by the way. A lot of people jumping off of social media that I really enjoyed interacting with. But our buddy Dustin sent me a, I think it's a KB Toys, Kern Angle, jack specific figure still in the package. He said it was, you know, a couple bucks. It's not like a rare figure or anything, but one that I don't have, and he knows I'm a Kern Angle collector. So he sent me that for no charge. So thank you, Dustin.
Very awesome for you to do and we thank you for listening into our show and being a cool part of the community.
All right, somebody else talk about something because my face is tired of talking. Bill is tired of talking like what the heck? I need to drink a little dog. Let's talk, let's have Marco talk about our random merch of the week. Pretty cool. It's not, it's, you know, typically we pick something vintage or something, you know, off of eBay, but something popped up in our feeds this week that was, that was pretty cool. So I'm gonna let Marco tell you about it.
Yeah, it's a it's it's it's really actually went and hunted for this. After I see it, I was like, I gotta find it. So it is a it's a tin lunchbox. It's a showcasing WrestleMania three. It's at Walmart. We believe it's tied in with the pops with with the Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant.
Pops that just released that are exclusive to Walmart. Because on the cover of the lunchbox, it's a children's lunchbox, if you don't know what that is, young folks out there. Back in the day, we used to carry out lunches of these tin lunchboxes with a thermos inside. It's pretty cool. But on the cover, it's Hulk Hogan picking up the giant, and I'm getting ready to slam him down on the mat from WrestleMania 3. And on the side, it has the stars of that era.
Junkyard Dog, Rick and Dragon Steamboat, Harley Race, and Macho Man Randy Savage along the sides. It looks pretty cool. Couldn't find a price on it. I'm assuming because it's a lunchbox, it's not super expensive. But it seems like it's really hard to find because I could not find it. It was there. They said they've seen it before. It's gone. So maybe they're just getting like one or two.
There now that people are we sure it's are we sure it's new and it hasn't just been hiding out in the little Electron, I mean, I always check the NECA section. So I'm always over in that like electronics like collectible section and I know for a fact I would have noticed that if I had seen it in any of my Walmart's but yeah, I wonder how long it's actually been out or if it's just now hitting stores and
Yeah, they have like they have like a like a lunch set like a lunchbox section like like a kids area the one that Walmart I went to And they they said they did say there was a that they seen it before I'm not sure if it was new or they said it coincides with the pop release and stuff like that Yeah, but they they said it wasn't I showed the picture from the phone and they the person at the house said yeah I've seen that before and but they just didn't have any on hand. I was like god damn it
I want to take my lunch.
to work in that thing. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I love those old metal lunch boxes. They just give me all the feels. But yeah, super, super cool. And our retro wrestling recommendation of the week is sponsored by Pro Wrestling Tees.

Wrestling Memories & Recommendations

And as we talked about on the top of the show, we have some new designs there. So definitely go check them out. We'll let you guys know for sure when Pro Wrestling Tees runs promotions and things like that. Obviously, you're more than welcome to pay full price.
We always like to let you guys know when they are having promotions and stuff So go check out our new designs and Marco's gonna tell you about WrestleMania 21 Kurt Angle versus the heartbreak kid Shawn Michaels their first their first ever Meeting. Yeah first time ever Definitely go back and watch us actually watch us last night Because I think I was watching I started watching WrestleMania 21 for some reason. I don't know why maybe I was listening Something a wrestle or one of those podcasts. I brought it up
So I went back and watched pretty much the whole thing up to this match, and I was like, oh, I forgot that this match existed. And the promo package is amazing. Definitely go, if you're not going to watch any one match from WrestleMania 21, definitely watch this one. It's two greats. The promo package, like I said, is really awesome. They had a real hatred for each other. I'm not sure if it was real or kayfay, but it seemed pretty real. Even at the beginning of the match, when it starts,
They, uh, Kurt Angle was just like doing his, uh, Olympic wrestling moves on and just like slammed them all over the place. And I just shown his like, just alpha and get the crap out of, out of the HBK. It's actually really impressive. He's just tossing them around everywhere. And you can hear my voice. I'm getting super excited. Cause I was like, Oh my God, I forgot this match. This is great. Um, starts off slow. There's a lot of like headlocks and stuff like that. Just like, just like test the strength type of stuff. But then they really get into the, the, the Mr. WrestleMania.
side of the match and it's it's really inspiring and I did pick this match as well because our very own Phil is a huge fan of Kurt Angle and I know he's probably watched this match like numerous times I'm assuming anyway. It's been a long time I need to go back and watch it because that was an awesome WrestleMania but that was a great match I feel like that match and the match against Eddie Guerrero at WrestleMania were two of my favorite Kurt Angle WrestleMania matches yeah for sure.
You get to really see the intense current angle, not the funny current angle. You get the bald head just straps down when he's walking down to the ring, and then put the straps up when he's ready to go with the mouthpiece and everything, that type of current angle. That's my favorite current angle, by the way. I do like the comedic one, but serious determined, I'm going to kick your ass current angle is probably the best one, I think.
Yeah, I feel like Marco just took his straps down. He was like getting all hyped up. I'm ready to fight whether you like it or not. No, I'm joking. But we did just to bring back to the outside of the square circle. I added this on mine. I didn't add it on yours. But Hall of Fame inductee was announced last night. Oh, that's right. Yeah. Was it the British Bulldog? Because he deserves it being, right?
No. Bull is in it. There were bull horns this guy used on his limousine when he wrote it out to the ring. It was JBL, John Bradshaw Layfield, inducted. And I'm assuming he's the last person to be inducted this year. I don't think there's another one after that. Maybe the celebrity wing.
Yeah, it's got to be celebrity who so what's the class? We got the Bellas. We got JBL. We got the NWO and oh, Batista. Yeah, totally forgot about Batista.
That's only that's only for that's oh, I guess cuz there's a couple like, you know, there's in the NWO for an hour. Yeah I Cannot imagine like that. That's one thing I don't think I would ever do WrestleMania weekend like is go to the Hall of Fame to me like that just seems like the most boring and
Event of the whole I mean if I mean if it was like if I could have been it like Brett Hart's induction Yeah, I would go to the Hall of Fame or if I could have went to you know, the Hart Foundation Yeah, I would go to that but just to see like JBL and the Bellas and the tea still like hell No, I'm not going to that. I Went to one I want to know it was not fun Yeah, I went to one too. It was the uh, it was the first Russell meter in New York So it was like Nick Foley got inducted
Um, and he finally pinned Chris Jericho, um, on stage. And then I think trust stratus got inducted. She was pregnant at the time. And, um,
She announced she was pregnant. I'm not sure if you guys remember this and the whole crowd just booed the crap out of her husband, her boyfriend at the time. They're just like, you suck. Is this the MetLife one? I was there too. Um, it was at Madison Square Garden. That's where they hit those. Yeah. It was there too, man. Wow. He was out that one. All right. Yeah. That's, wow. He changed into anger and she was pregnant. I was like half asleep, but Bob Backlund had just the worst speech of all time.
God. Oh, yeah, it's bad. Oh, geez. Oh, wow. It's so weird. We got the same. I know. It's like six degrees of separation here. You might've been in the seat right next to me, man. You wouldn't even know. Oh, Jesus. Okay. Yeah. So good, good stuff there. Uh, I guess we'll have to wait till next year for bulldog. Uh, start the petition. Yeah. Well, the petitions have been going on for like a decade, I think so.
You know, I'll tell you this. Seth is not happy wherever he is right now. Yeah. It's a swing of anger right now. He's he's going to be mad if Seamus goes in before the bulldog. I think Seth may give up wrestling. Really? Oh, yeah. I told Phil last week when he when he brought up, say, the Bellas deserved to be ahead of the bulldog from what they did. I was like, yeah, people didn't like that. They're bringing so much stuff as I would say, just like, you know what?
Yeah, something's like something's happening back on the homestay. What's that? What's happening? He's like, you must be Bulldog. So Bulldog senses ringing. I know. I really cannot. I cannot wait for the heel husband to get back and to get back into all all things wrestling. It is. It is definitely not the same watching pay reviews here by myself. It's not nearly as fun.
I bet it's not. Let's get into our, we almost forgot it here, our second inductee into the Pegwarmer Hall of Fame, the Chick-Fully First Annual Pegwarmer Hall of Fame. Hit it! Alright, so we have one entry already. A couple weeks ago we sent in maybe the ultimate Pegwarmer.
The Bathtub Rusev and XT Elite. And we polled our Facebook friends, we polled our Patreon subscribers. They were the ultimate ballot collectors. And our number two entrant, guys, is one that you probably still see on the pegs at some of your local targets. It is the Seamus Mattel Retro. It's our second inductee.
Yeah, that is an awful pale figure as much as I love me some Seamus and he's the best wrestler ever Yeah, that's a I like to do one from every different era. So maybe that's what we'll do. We've already got a Mattel leaped we'll do a retro maybe do a Hasbro and some other stuff in the next coming weeks. So
Yeah, so that's it. That's a pretty boring figure. There's not really too much to say about it. But yeah, if you see it, take a picture of it, you know, post it to our social media and tell us, you know, just congratulate Seamus for being there. Yeah. Hashtag chick bully peg warmer.
There you go. I like that. So we're too deep. Maybe we'll get a little bulldog. Maybe we'll get into our Hall of Fame first before he gets into the real one. We'll never. Oh my god. There are no bulldog figures that are warming the pegs. I'll tell you that. No, that's true. They've all been pretty good stuff. You gotta say that. The Hasbro is great. Love is Mattel Legends. Yeah, they never really messed up. I don't really like the long-haired Mattel Elite because it has that plastic cape.

Wrestling Figures Discussion & Closing Remarks

that you like but I mean but that's just I mean that's just that's just an epic moment you know what I mean yeah it gives you all the feels regardless yeah a cloth I mean obviously a cloth goods cape would have been ideal for that figure but I ain't mad at that figure at all
All right, if you have any suggestions or want to weigh in on our Peg Warmer Hall of Fame, definitely hit us up. Let's get into our closing segment here, guys. What else do we want to talk about here before we get going? We talked about our giveaways. The first giveaway was the page from at redbeardpirate1, our buddy Alan Day. Our second giveaway, the cashless Ono figure, is from our own Marco Denton.
the MVP. We're going to give away a cashless ono elite. To win the cashless ono elite you have to answer this trivia question and DM our Twitter account at Chick Foley Show with the correct answer. When was the first ever ever
elimination chamber not the elimination chamber event first ever elimination chamber match and who won it again when was the first ever elimination chamber match and who won it if you know the answer and you're listening uh in the next 24 48 hours send us a message uh dm on our twitter account and you'll be entered automatically to win so yeah
Right. Shout out to some of our other podcast friends, of course, the major wrestling figure podcast. They gave us a shout on this latest episode that tried to give Zack Ryder my anvil sunglasses, but he did not want them because they were already out of the package. So it's fine. But always good to help somebody out in need, you know, especially a young. So I'm confused. Wait. So like they like because they were already out, he wanted to see you box. He wanted loose.
sunglasses, but he didn't want them because you had already taken them out without his supervision? Yes, he wanted the whole figure mint just to get, he wanted just an extra anvil figure in the package to take it out just to get the sunglasses.
Because he doesn't he wants to make sure that the correct sunglasses So I guess somebody from their patreon took a video of them Taking it out of the package and then mailing it to him which was fine for him I guess because but I think Mattel has confirmed that all those sunglasses are all like the same the ones they put on like everybody whether it's the boss man and all that kind of stuff, but I guess he just
for his collection he just wanted to make sure that was the actual one that came with anvil and i didn't uh have a he didn't ask me for a video i don't know if i would have had the time to do that but uh yeah hey but you know i mean hey you know
Yeah, and if you have freaking people out there that are willing to bend over backwards like that for you, then I mean, I guess, assert your power, you know what I mean? Go for it. Speaking of bending over backwards, shout out to our buddies over at We have a promo code from them.
I got to pull up the promo code. I was not prepared for that lead in there, Sheena, but I think you get a nice discount from their website. If you haven't been hearing our reads already, it is a pretty nice promo of
20% off and free shipping with the code CHICK at They sent it to me. My wife is very happy with my Shorn nether regions, so definitely check them out at If you donate $500 to the Patreon, I'll do a live video of myself using the Manscaped grooming tools.
Yeah, and we will buy you a Lawn Mower 3.0. There you go. Yeah, then you can get one yourself. We can do a FaceTime. We'll both be giving each other tips. Not the tip itself, but tips. I was about to say, yeah. Just the tip.
Again, askchickfoli at is where you can hit us up, and thank you guys for listening. We had a huge number of listeners on last week's podcast, so we really appreciate all the downloads, and I'm sure this week will be more of the same with some of the giveaways and stuff.
Yep, thank you for supporting. Thank you for listening. We appreciate it. Go check out our Patreon. Check out the new t-shirts. They're pretty awesome. We'll be back here next week with a recap of Elimination Chamber as we get closer and closer to WrestleMania and, you know, closer and closer to nice spring weather, which I'm really excited about, too. Me, too. Me, too. I'm ready for grilling. I'm ready for drinking on the porch, porch-pounding season coming up. Yes, yes. Some high noons. Did you try any high noons yet, Sheena?
No, my God. I literally went to every store around here and they carry every other shelter except for high noon. I know. I don't know what's going on in the Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Hampton Roads area. I think I'm going to have to go to an ABC store. I don't know if there's a reason. Yeah, those are vodka based, so maybe they can't sell them at a grocery store. Maybe they
So what are the other, so what are the other spritzers? Like what's the, like the Bud Light spritzer and like the, the, the white claw, like what's in them? What's make, what makes them alcoholic? I was pregnant during the whole spritzer phase. They're like a malt beverage. They're like basically a Mike's heart lemonade or like a malt beer, like, you know, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Yeah, that makes sense. It's the same alcohol content. Mine use vodka. Today, we just came out with barefoot seltzers, which use wine. So those are only 70 calories, too. So yeah, we got a couple. Seltzers are the new hot thing on the streets.
Yeah, I will have to check it out. But I definitely will have to go to ABC store since it's got vodka. I wasn't even thinking. I was just thinking. So there you go. And if you are listening to this, drinking a nice high noon, make sure to snap a picture. I will send you some swag, something, a trickfully sticker or something from the collection here. But thank you guys for listening. We will be back here next week for Marco and Sheena. Stay classy, Mark. We'll talk to you soon.