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WTF News: Halloween Show

Nonsensical Network
10 Plays12 hours ago

The guys were joined by Another Shot podcast for a spooky season show they talked about local legends and folklore haunted houses and locations and they shared some personal experiences with paranormal 

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ah alice You're fine, go ahead and eat.
are are are
yeah What up everybody? Happy Wednesday. Yeah, it's Wednesday. We will, we will. What's going on? Happy Wednesday, everybody. Welcome. Oh, shit, that's great. Welcome to what the fuck news? He's not talking. least you welcome Just one more time. I think they missed it. Yeah. Hopefully you guys are having a good week. We're halfway there and say, say this is not going to be your typical what the fuck news. We are partnering up with our good friend down there. PJ deal in the building.
from another shot podcast, one half of another shot podcast. Uh, and we are going to do a little, uh, Halloween special, if you will, we're going to talk, uh, we're going to talk a little, uh, local, local haunts to our areas. Uh, Bill is a PA. I'm in Ohio, Jeff's in Cancun and Blaze is our resident skeptic who's going to tell us we're all assholes.
Oh, no, you're all wrong. Every one of you is wrong. I'm just as skeptical. However, blazes blazes in Kentucky. So maybe he knows some folklore and legends around his area or about Kentucky. His ghost played banjos. No, that's that's the rednecks that theyre they're they're closely related. Yeah. Bleddy.
Yeah I know I got this sweet background picture and we can't even see it tonight. Hold on let me drop everybody down. Look at this really cool background.
And there's too many of us on the stage you can't even see it. Right. That's all right. It's still super cool. ah But nonetheless, yes, so we're going to. Glick went to the spirit of the Internet and a spirit i went to spirit. Yeah, I was a spirit Halloween on the Halloween. You got a spirit Halloween movie now. Yeah, I saw that on Netflix. I think my kids get trapped in the spirit Halloween store.
I haven't watched it yet. A possessed, a possessed spirit Halloween. Yeah. So, yeah, like I said, we're going to share some local stories and legends and and then also, you know, talk about some of our very own personal experiences. I could do a fucking entire week's worth of shows off of my personal experiences and he's going to think a whole lot differently of me when we get done talking because because I am among i am ah fullon believeeverr I am a full believer. full on believer.
I recognize the fact that I am a small fish in a big pond of supernatural believers. It's okay. I'm used to hearing people's ghost stories. Actually, you you know, I think because this is this is something that I really and Jeff knows. I love the the paranormal. I love ghost stuff. I love everything. yeah You know, I would love to go and I don't want to do investigations like these tool bags on television do that fake everything. And oh my God, I'm Zach Baggins and I'm a demonologist and I, I can exercise dealing. That guy's a douche. You don't believe Jack Osmore actually sees ghosts. Come on, man.
but yeah you know if he if he's doing the same drugs as daddy is he's seeing something and it ain't goes but he's seeing something but um you know i would love to go you know to to do to do uh investigations or go not necessarily full-blown investigation just go to go to places um but um so that's what we're gonna do tonight was it like two years ago or less than a year ago we did an entire episode when we talked about the different haunts around Europe. yeah to yeah you know so and And you were like in your fucking element. you
constantly kept saying, I'm ready. When do we fucking leave? And I was like, I'm that guy. I am. I am. It's Scooby Doo. I am Fred. Let's investigate. You know, I'm that guy in every horror movie. We should totally go into that building. That doesn't look suspicious, creepy or anything at all. We should totally all go in there together. Did you hear that strange noise outside? Let's go investigate. Let's not say you got it nice. Yeah.
Like, I want to go to Helltown here in Ohio, but nobody will go with me. I'll go. That's that's got the that's got the best of everybody's world there. Government conspiracies, ghost, cryptids, a little bit of everything going on there in Helltown. So and it's not as easy to get to as it used to be. But nonetheless, I still want to go one day. That's that well that's not one where we talk about if we go, Tony's going to be in the truck.
they say, Oh, wait here. Yeah, exactly. yeah here And if I hear one noise, I'm leaving you fuckers behind. I remember. Yeah, yeah my sisters are beyond here. She said she'll go. Let's go. There you go. But she's got, she's got bigger balls and Tony. yeah ah Well, also, you know, Tony his people have a certain reputation of being the first to go in a pre-horror movie. i for that but but but But yeah, but you have to look on the flip side. It's always the crazy white guys that go and go in first. yeah Yeah, but the black guy always dies first. Holy and bad movies. There's the white girl that always hits it first.
Except in that that one Halloween movie that had Busta Rhymes in it, where she was karate fighting Michael Michael. fuck that was just on other guy that i can't i thought I just watched it. ask his election was horrid oh my god i just I just watched it the other night. I was like.
I ain't mad at it, but I'm mad at it. But, uh, nonetheless, uh, before we do our normal shout out, shout out to Bill and, uh, Steve in there do it. They do their things. Another shop podcast. What are you guys live Sunday with sloppy Sundays? We did. Yeah. sign ah We can hang over.
the yeah Sunday evenings with the weekend hangovers. They're normally live on Wednesday nights. I usually go in on our breaks and talk shit and say hello to the guys because they're normally live right up at the same time we are on Wednesday nights with what do you guys call Wednesday night? Just ah we haven't fully come up with a name. We've had all sorts of weird stuff. I mean, we're talking WWE w type stuff like wacky Wednesday and you know, one person said you just just call wooho Wednesday. It's like what the fuck dude?
ray shajack warning zoo radio you say woooo wednesday do you say wo
the band is jeff you got like shrinking ground just on fridays i gotta to put the two them together it's i go have the blood coming up from the bottom and the smoke coming from the top i'm working on yeah We also have Thursday Thursday our sports show Thursday nights Which we just recently started Can we not talk about sports? I'm so. No, we're not tonight. yeah's good no I'm so fucking pissed with the whole fucking fantasy football shit. I can't break 140 points to save my fucking life. No matter what I fucking do, I'm done with it. But yeah yeah, check those guys. Check Bill and Steven out there. They're doing their thing Saturday or Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at another shot. is it Is it another shot podcast on social media or just another shot?
I think it's just another shot. Um, Facebook or I'm sorry. Instagram might say another shot podcast 2024 only because it's just some, I mean, Instagram's weird when it comes to names and right. Yeah. But usually when go by look like if you look up on Facebook, it's another shot. Okay. But you guys can follow us everywhere. Facebook, Instagram X and tick tock shows live Sunday through Monday.
on YouTube, Facebook, and Rumble. And you can also listen anytime, any place, wherever you listen to podcasts at. All of them podcasts and platforms got us on there, all at the Nonsenseical Network, or you can simply go to bio dot.link, scroll down to the bottom of your screen, bio.link slash Nonsenseical Network.
Uh, all those links are there, including the links to our merch store. If you're having a hard time finding another shop podcast, just go to one of our most recent posts. I've tagged the guys and then you can go find them that way. Super easy and give them a follow. Um, I had to put in a little work for them to help them get over the hundred, and the century mark on Facebook so they could go live on Facebook. But, uh, I'm glad that I'm glad that people started following you, man.
I so i'll say this much, uh, in the clutch, my oldest, he, he was, he never been a big fan of Facebook. We got on Facebook, got all his friends on there in between you and him. Holy fuck dude. It like exploded in one night, which so i know breath watch there was the the nose waxing and the eyebrows waxing. No, I didn't see that. I thought you guys were putting wax on a double ended dildo and waxing each other's buttholes.
I know docked it. Oh, a little docking. Nice. Nice. You still owe me my docking session. Next time I come up, we'll well but we'll take care of that. October 1st is Friday. Just saying. I know. If it wasn't for the four years. I mean, dude, I might just... um I'm not finishing that statement.
I was going to say it careful because it's a good thing. Is is it is it downtown? is Is it downtown? Is it with it? So I look, I look like a block over and it's there. Nice. You'll be fine. Uh, who's got a, who's got a good boy, Sam. Uh, what's going on, Mandy? What's going on? this Mandy's in the house woo woo. So any who what the fuck? ah yes that's same though so
Ladies for you, brother. Yo. Cheers. Oh, thank you. I'll have to I'll have to find my shot glass and open a bottle of whiskey at break time. Thank you, Mandy. I appreciate that. Thank you.
You'll have to you have to wait and see the you're going to have to wait to see the post that these guys have me about me on Instagram tomorrow. the I have a really good group group of guys that make a made a really truly heartfelt, inspirational post about their fearless leader for social media tomorrow. Oh, is your birthday tomorrow? Yeah. Oh, shit. This shows you how to pay attention to birth. I don't say you don't follow him.
I don't follow birthdays. following mean i ba I barely follow my birthday. Those are very distracting, Jeff. I know. Ann is actually my sis we refer to as the traveling trucker. She comes on there quite often. She's also affectionately referred to as the Crip Keeper and, you know, the first chance you get. ah I don't have all my little truck interesting.
Yes. She drives a truck. I i mean, we've heard there's the traveling trucker every time she gets on to get her headset going. And it sounds like a video call most of the time. And then yeah I mean, you can't see her the screens pitch black. So I mean, it's just kind of works. Yeah. All right. Yes. And what did I just show? What motherfuckers? What's up, Chris?
What up, Chris? So, um, anywho, I say we, uh, jump right in. Shout out for the i ready spectacular.
it so so you run fuck up but actually thats good I should turn out the lights and turn on the candles. and get i will i will yeah I will start with a personal experience I had this weekend. I was playing Call of Duty. What was his name? and they his name's for His name's Frank. We're in love. We we we met we met on Grindr and we had our first date. Tuesday we met in person and I'm in love.
And, uh, we're going to run away together. off the enthusiasts just tagnic you so jeff I'd like, Jeff, I'd like to let you know. He's the best lover I ever had. The best male lover I ever had. He's gentle. He gives soft kisses and he likes to cuddle. You never said you wanted to cuddle. You always wanted to be the big spoon and you never understood. You can't be the big spoon. I can dream. damn it If I can dream it, I can be it. v So, Hey, thanks, Chris technician. I appreciate you. Uh, so Saturday I was sitting here and I was playing Call of Duty with Rick. You guys all know, Rick, he comes up, he was up Saturday night hanging out right and, uh, Call of Duty's doing their, their Halloween maps and all that stuff. Well, Bill, you're a big horror movie fan. Have you ever seen the movie trick or treat? I have multiple times.
Yeah, it's a favorite here in our house. Okay. I love that movie. Cash and I watch that movie every year and then sometimes periodically throughout the year. So, you know, Sam, the little, the little guy. Yeah. The pumpkin head kid or sack head kid. How do you want to look at it? Yeah. A little, the little, uh, the spirit of Halloween, if you will, make sure everybody follows the rules. He, uh, they they've got a bundle package, but they've got all these pumpkins around certain maps, the Halloween maps.
And when you shoot or blow up a pumpkin, it does damage to you. But also there's a jump scare where your entire screen is taken over by like flashing lights and Sam going, ah, you know, Rick and I were playing. This isn't really like a real experience, but Rick and I was playing. I'm locked into the game. Like we're, we're, we're doing an objective map. I'm locked in. I'm laser focused. And that fucking happens to me.
just did and I screamed like a bitch. I was like, Oh God. Rick automatically starts laughing. He was like, you blew up a pumpkin. Didn't you? I was like, yeah. And I said, dude, I was laser focused. My heart jumped out of my chair.
get a couple other guys in our group played. They're like, they start laughing at me. I think we laughed for 10 minutes about that. I'm like, dude, that seriously scared the fuck out of me. You know what? On that same subject, uh, was it right after I bought a, when I first bought my PlayStation, it came with a game called, um, Oh damn it. Now I can't remember what it's called. Uh, but it's where you're, you're, you're fighting zombies, but you're on a motorcycle.
And but i the kids and I are playing it. It's like the first day we got it. And as you're going around the map, you find things that you can like, or I open the trunk of a car and inside there, there might be bullets or there might be gas for your motorcycle, whatever. Kids and I are watching it. It's like 11 o'clock, it's dark out. And the first trunk I probably opened just happened to to have a zombie in it.
And we're laser focused on the biggest TV we had in the house. And and all of a sudden just out of fucking nowhere, there's a zombie jumps out. And yeah, we, all three of us, shit our pants. We are all of the same age or roughly around the same age. You guys remember when when Resident Evil first come out? Oh yeah. You're talking about the video game or the movie? No, the video game. The video game.
yeah Well, yeah, yeah, I remember both too. Uh, that video game had so many jump scares in it. And I remember I was like 18. I was living on my own and I would be up at like two or three o'clock in the morning playing resident evil with all my lights off. And I'll tell you what, them fucking wi zombies that cloud that, oh yeah. Yeah. I know that those goddamn liquor zombies that used to crime climb across the ceiling and shit used to get me every fucking time because you could hear them.
You could hear them before you seen them. They used to give me every fucking time. Red Dead will get you, too. Silent Hill was the same way. Yes, Silent Hill was the first video game that I played that actually gave me the jump scare. Yeah. And even the movie was creepy. The movie was dumb as all shit. It was creepy nonetheless. No, Red Dead Redemption 2, if you're walking around in certain areas, out of nowhere, a cougar will attack you.
Oh yeah. What's your name? You're really worried about everything else and all of a sudden, a cougar. Mickey. You beat me to it. Sorry, Mickey. Two seconds away. I was two seconds away like Mickey. Wow. Oh yeah. Since I'll be 23 tomorrow and that's my story and I'm sticking to it, so fuck everybody who says I'm not 23. That's my story and he's sticking to 23, my ass. You go to hell, Blaze. I'm 23.
Well, he's just like, I'm already there. It's called the national network. So the the past couple days i been introducing my youngest to Friday, the 13th, she's at the right age. It's the same age that I started. You know, I kind of introduced my oldest too. And she started with part one and it has been a fucking blast because the jump scares they are yeah have been phenomenal.
We watch a lot of horror today. And then as I was walking out, I must have done. so I must have broke something inside her because she wanted to watch the the 1990 reboot of Night of the Living Dead. I'm like, this is. No, not so much. yeah I literally grew up watching all I've watched horror movies my whole life. I mean, I was.
I think I was four, maybe five when I watched the original Halloween. My kids have been watching them, watching horror movies since they're little, cause I love horror movies. So we watch them every, every October. I think we're not the only ones, everybody does. It does the the the Halloween movie nights and stuff like that. And we look for scary movies and it's funny because the kids get jumping and they get scared or like they'll be all laser focused in on the movie and and I'll go,
yeah that they all just I am being a good parent about it. I'm making sure to turn on AMC and going on to the cleaned up versions of all these movies because, I mean, she's 10. Hey, look, you're going to learn someday. I remember the first time cash scene boobies on TV, it was a horror movie and he went, am I allowed to look? I was like, nope, keep your eyes covered. I'll tell you when you can look.
my kids As a kid, you always had to do that is as close as close as you can get those little fingers split. Just to see. Yeah. Yeah. See, that's got to be a fucked up situation right there. Being scared to use your inhaler as a kid because of a ninety was that under was that my lawyers with asthma? Yeah. will Was it four or three or four?
It was four. Three was Dream Warriors that had like the all-star cast in it. It's the best part of Nightmare on Elm Street. ah Thank you. Thank you. I say that all the time. It's the best Nightmare on Elm Street. It is the best, best Nightmare on Elm Street and it has the best theme song ever. You know, Nancy came back. I mean, everybody was in it. You had a young Patricia Arquette and it it was just phenomenal. Like it really, and it was the perfect movie for that time too.
That movie has traumatized my oldest one, and she is still terrified of it to this day. When we make when we make her watch it, she... Oh, best song ever in a horror. Yes. Walking Dream Warriors. look I was just listening to that the other day. I was playing that yesterday during um trivia at the Mustang. Nice. I was trying to find the cover of it for tonight. I couldn't find one. I watched i watched ah watched a lot of Slasher... fit Oh, sorry.
I was just going to say, speaking of songs, with Kristen's birthday coming up, I have a little something for you. DJ, you'll get a kick out of this.
She is going to kill you, dude. I'm so ready. change yeah ah No, silence sunday fire Silent Hill is loosely based off of a combination of, what is that, Centrala, their MPA, that's been on fire for like the last 50 years. Oh, the underground, um the mines that caught fire underground.
Yeah, it's it's loosely based. The video game itself is also it's loosely based off of that town and hell town here in Ohio. They like combine the two and and then added all the monsters and the supernatural aspect to it and everything like that. um Really cool. Little but and fun fact, little trivia there for you. ah There was a zombie game. There was a zombie game that came out and you were you were a biker. you you You killed zombies and you were a biker.
I forgot the name of the fucking zombie game. It came out for like PS4, but it was made right there in Bend, Oregon. And the whole map is, ah is of central Oregon. What's up.
Nice. His, uh, his, it's her web's drop. So, Oh, he's frozen. you Jeff was just Jeff was literally just talking about that that video game and I can't remember what he said the name of it was It's not like um Something for all or something like that or dead like think because the Zombie hands and you know each each one had like a missing finger like you know left or dead yeah No, that's a different game. I know what you're talking about. Yeah. is Yeah. No, we were talking about with the motorcycle. That is what he's actually a game. The game. The game is actually called Days Gone. That's it. Days Gone. Yes. Yes. Excellent. what Fucking excellent. Yeah. That was that was made in Bend, Oregon. And that whole entire map is of the Deschutes area. the Oh, no. Shoots Mount. Yeah. Yeah. The whole entire map. Yeah. That game is.
Amazing. I love that game. Yeah. So, uh, kind of, kind of what I want to do. I want to start with my first half of the show. andy Yeah. Uh, first half of the show, you're talking about, uh, like local legends to our specific area, whether it be your, your town or, or your state or your country, Jeffrey. And I figure.
We don't have to go like in the crazy, long, drawn out, full blown chapters in a book, just kind of a brief... float up slow it down well though yeah one all the simple my mind The one that always blew my mind ah was was from here, and you told me about it, which is kind of funny. The witch. But there's a the witch that lives in in the fucking hotel zone.
on a in a building that I used to drive by every single fucking day had no fucking clue and I have still I like I don't go near that building anymore and when I get close to it I speed up because this asshole is like did you know there's a witch in your town I was like no there's not because I'm moving like was your name Karen I mean my god dude calm down oh no Here's the, here's the crazy thing, yeah which is in our hotels here too. When you live in Mexico, Latina women, literally like my wife is like, she's like, I see the future. And I'm like, no, you don't. And then she'll tell me something three days later, fucking happen like it Like it's some serious fucked up shit. The Latinos are
very spiritual. They're they they yeah they the day of the day. Same thing with like people who believe in superstitions. Yeah, superstitions, same people. andoria it yeah yeah The voodoo and the hudu, indigenous people are very superstitious. Well,
yeah someone doing well the cream well the crazy thing about that house that Jeff's talking about is x the lady died like 50, 60 years ago, but the house is still empty, but people are still afraid to go into the house and it is, it's in the hotel zone. So you got, like but, no but they can't, they won't tear it down because you pass the bridge. Yeah. It's, it's, they won't tear it down because of the superstition in the story behind the house that they're, that they're afraid that they'll upset the witch and bad things will happen to Cancun but much, much, much like down in Tampa.
One of the things that they say about you know the reason why Tampa doesn't get hit doesn't get hit with a lot of hurricanes is an old Indian legend um that that Tampa is actually protected by the spirits of, I can't remember the name of the tribe down there, unless unless they are disturbed or or disrespected. And then they say that's when Tampa gets smacked with them. So whoever disrespected Yeah, it's not too similar. Yeah, it's not too similar. So whoever upset the Indians down there in Tampa, y'all better fucking blow up your britches because you're about to get, well, actually here it's engraved and it's going to be a dry run. It's not going to be a ditty party with a thousand gallons of blue. It's dry running right up your bottle. There's a thousand bottles, not a thousand gallons. Gosh, gallons bottles. You can get, you can get a bottle, whatever, whatever it takes to fill up a kiddie pool.
Tomato, tomato, whatever. No, but here's the crazy thing. So so ah about a year ago, the the city of just outside of Playa Del Carmen in Cozumel, they unveiled, well, they they the what what's but they they ordered a statute. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait, wait. They on what? like order They They on what?
Hold on, I'll get to that. Hold on. They ordered the statue of Poseidon. And they they the day they they showed it off ah when they installed it, two days later, we got a hurricane. It was the hurricane that hit us here. And a lot of people are saying it's because ah because it's a i depiction of Poseidon.
that Kukla Khan, who is the the ah Mayan god of water, got pissed off. so So that whole Tampa thing, I ain't talking with it. And the crazy thing about the hurricane, when it came through, the one of the main things it destroyed, like, it's not coming back, was the statue beside, it's gone. Like, it it got destroyed. So, like, people are like, let's not do that again.
the gods got pissed off because another gods stepped on their territory. Yeah. Mm hmm. Yeah. Wow.
you But maybe we want to elaborate a little bit in the chat. That would be awesome, because I think I think I've heard of both of those. But Skelling Key and the Reaping. Yeah. Both phenomenal movies, actually. They're very underrated, but very good. Yeah. Great movies. But I think she's talking about local legend and lore down there.
um Well, I was gonna say, hey, Bill, so you're the guest today. You want to start us off with stories and and and legends and and in your area, but jeff got to jump Jeff's a premature
premature ejaculator, too. I went forward to unveil another one. this is the This is the statue of Poseidon that that was destroyed.
Oh shit. Why'd I get pissed off with that? I wouldn't have thought it's Kukachaga. The people didn't. Kukachaga. Kukachaga. Who is the god of the area. it Damn you, god. Exactly. God. Like the whole Mayan, Mayan culture is so big in this area, it's ridiculous. Like you don't fuck with it.
Oh, the skeleton key is but is okay. Okay. Well, go watch the skeleton key, y'all. So in the movie, the reaping about like the like um um the ah what's it called when the rapture in that about the rapture? Kind of. Is that the one? with hillaryre Is that the movie? The little girl can kind of bring on
the different, um, the different plagues that happened during, uh, when Moses said free my people and then God, you know, he brought the locust, he brought, you know, the plague, the first born, you know, or to each first born, you know, the Egyptian, the Egyptian plagues. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I thought it was about the rapture anyway, moving on. moving strategy but Sorry. Is, is this the skeleton key?
That looks like the key from Goonies. It is the key from Goonies. That's what I put in my search Goonies key. i was like like ge yeah yeah yeah It's about a few different biblical plagues. That's what i thought okay I thought. I thought it had a had like a rapture bent to it. Like it was the plagues during the upcoming rapture or something like that.
Anyway, I remember listening to it on a ah movie review the review review podcast. and I think I watched it back in the day.
Oh, shit, I was about to freak out. mind guys I'm doing the same thing. I'm getting message now. What's going on? **** hitting the fan. It's about a few different. Oh, that's good. Biblia Ortega plagues. Biblia Ortega.
Well, bronze, bronze age stories. We have a lot of day wars. e um my My partner in crime just let me know that he is right now leaving Newcastle and want to know if I wanted him to stop. I should have thought of my bought beer just to have him bring even more.
who has be amazing right Yeah. Yeah. Tell him to, I mean, if he, if he wants to, I mean, we got to, we're not going to offer that story though, because I mean, I'm pretty sure you know what story I'd like to start with.
Because I refer to it as the geese flying. When you start talking about ghosts and especially experiences that me and this knucklehead of, you know, well, experienced, you know, unveiled ourselves, we. are
Who is Mary LaVue? Who is Mary LaVoe? She is the voodoo queen of New Orleans. Oh, yeah. Oh, OK. So she's like, no, wait, no, wait, no, wait, no, wait, wait, wait a minute. is that Miss Cleo, is she more powerful than Miss Cleo? Or is that the lady? Is that the lady? Oh, shit, I think I might have misspoken. Didn't let Tanya Jackson get into premonitions and shit like that, too. A little talk show thing or something like that. Yes. OK, I was right. Yes, she's the voodoo queen.
Yeah she yes you right know bro how it saw my magic bruha she was ah She was the voodoo queen down there You didn't fuck with her you did not fuck with you still don't Know you still do not disrespect to or it's like it's like I I've disrespected a lot of religions I've came in contact with, and I'm still standing. That's her, by the way. Okay. That's... I'm realable. She looks innocent enough. She looks too innocent to be a voodoo queen. Well, yeah, well, the depictions they have online of her, like, the depictions are kind of creepy. but right when When I think of, like, voodoo queens, I think of, like, Miss Cleo.
like tarot cards and shit. That's the depiction of her as well. Yeah. And then you also had Dr. John. So much evil. That's the depiction looks like an evil rend. I don't know. Like compared to her actual picture of herself, which looks like just like a normal looking lady, then like a depiction of her. She just has really bad luck.
ah She says, people still pay tribute at her grave. Well, people still pay tribute at um Jim Morrison's grave. And Elvis Presley's grave, and Edgar Allan Poe's grave, and yeah. And then you have ah bar ah Baron who is like the Haitian voodoo, kind of the grim reaper. he he is
he's like the keeper of death and fertility and whatnot. A lot of people make deals with Baron Somedy. Okay. Yeah. But a lot of the deals, a lot of, a lot of the deals you have to give up a child. It's a soul for a soul. So for, so for, it was like the same, it was a character like that in the American horror story.
I'm going to give up. just That's exactly who is who it is because no him Marie Laveau and in the, in the cult season, Marie Laveau is in it. And then there's bear to some of the, uh, is that who she was depicting was Mary Laveau. Like I didn't that like, cause I was unfamiliar with Voodoo lore. I didn't make that connection when I watched it that that, that she was depicting of a store person.
Okay, the kind that that cleared that. Okay. that access the content You also have yeah you also have the the but the the voodoo King is Dr. John, AKA the by Bayou John down there. Dude, I'm all, I'm all, I'm i'm like, this is my, this is my world. This is, this is my world right here where we're at the paranormal, the supernatural, like, wait.
You're you're you're on Glick's Express. This is this is what I love, man. This is what I. oh guys r yeah You guys know how passionate I am about football times it by 100 when it comes to the paranormal stuff. Okay. So,
Bill, you want to hold off on the couple of local legends and lures until okay i will hold on on there's one story I do want to tell because me and me and him went on a ghost hunt not long ago. And we we captured a couple of things, honestly. So I were waiting. He should be here. Give or take 45 minutes. I'll dig into that story. So my, um, well, that's more of the personal experience side. We're going to save that for the second half of the show anyways.
So the one of my favorite looking and I think every town, every state has one. I don't know the full backstory on this woman, but apparently he froze again. That's just like, he's got this joker smile. Looks amazing.
cliping that shit So serious. Oh. i can I can't wait till we come down to Louisiana and I can go see ah Maria's grave and pay tribute to her. I can't wait. I'm 100% doing it when Nikki and I go to Louisiana. But there is a, um you know, we have a lot of Amish, a lot of like ah the Colonios did come here.
and colonized. And we actually, I think one town over, not too far in between like quartersville and new castle. I'm trying to remember the name of the town. I need my fact checkers. She's not on here tonight. Um, but she's referred to as Mary black and they're supposed to be, you know, they're supposed to still be a cottage. I have yet to go over yet. And I mean, that's one of our locals, but I mean, apparently.
The worst thing you could do is sit on her grave. um The legend is, it's supposed to be bad luck. um What did what did what is she what did what is she known for? What did she do that? but She was one of the, like I said, she's one of the, you know, just a a local back in the, you know, obviously, like the 1800s or might even been a little earlier.
But, um, she came down and to be fair, like the witches back in the day. I mean, yeah, it was witchcraft to them. all the lower wiens They believed in nature. So this poor woman got shunned and pushed off. So on so forth now bear in mind, this is all just legend. You know, but.
Like most, play you know, most of the stories go, I mean, we actually have one that's close to me that where, you know, she was that that loner, she was supposed to have been a witch. um Her grave is the only one that will not grow flowers, apparently. And, you know, it's I have yet to get it. Has something like that been been been tested, though?
like the claim, like, flowers can't can't be grown. But I mean, like, has somebody, you know, try that out? I was gonna say, yeah, you'll get some wildflowers and seeds and plant them there and see what happens. if and grow but but But my other thought is like,
the the opposite side of that same point. There are also some assholes out there pouring bleach all over everything so nothing will grow. So yeah. I can see what happened. I'm going to keep the myth alive, you know, you know, but but no, i that shit, that shit creeps you. The one that stands out for me and well we'll tell you the personal story on it is, um, Greg, have you ever got the opportunity to go to McConnell's Mills? Has Nikki ever took you?
No, I don't think so, but I've heard you guys talk about it and I want to go it's badass dude. It's it's amazing It doesn't matter daytime nighttime awesome hiking um Can be a little treacherous there's not a year that goes by that somebody doesn't fall off into the slippery arc right there and end up drowning I mean, it's the the rapids are nasty and they they start right there at the mill, but the legend is that oh The last mill worker, his ghost haunts that area. You'll see that light coming down from his cabin, you know, like he's walking to work. People have heard banging. People have seen lights in the, in the mill.
um He doesn't exactly hurt you. He doesn't do anything. Like I said, it's just, you know, the local legend.
But he, um no he died believe it or not, he died in a work accident. And you know and that part is legit. i yeah He's pissed off. He's not getting his workman's comp. I get it. Workman's comp ain't no fucking thing. Hey, no. There ain't no workman's comp in the afterlife, baby. I will tell you that we'll play into the story here later on. The other one, I mean, McConnell's Mills has multiple.
Um, there's, there's supposed to be, you know, it's supposed to have its version, you know, our own version of the Jersey devil, which I don't know much about that one. And to me, the Jersey devil, has very i I never fully bought into it. Everybody knows i've heard of it, yeah but it's just like a, it's like a local, local Jersey lore, like Bigfoot.
The Pine Barrens in Jersey, the Jersey devil was the 13th child, which back in the day, you know, 13 superstitious, bad luck, bad things. Uh, the Jersey devil was the 13th child. And I can't remember the lady's name right off top of my head. Um, and quote unquote, there was a deal made with the devil, blah, blah, blah. But the, the, the, the baby came out with the body that the legs and torso of a goat and wings like a giant bat and the head of another creature and it's said to so haunt the the pine barons of jerks i've seen that movieie <unk>pted movie it's called game of rose again right up yeah again right up my alley cryptids
crip off on a You know, cryptozoology, I get into that more so than ghosts. I'm right. I'm on both of them. Cryptids are like, the spreadsheetabbras but then again, like, you know, we also have like, if there's the legend that about the girl that died on a bridge in a car accident right there at McCall's Mills. And, but I mean, the the fun part is like, I can't say there's like really anything super you know at least in this area because they are the most common um everybody's got them like the the mary black you know i don't even know i have to look into it a little bit more all i know is it's in lawrence county um she you know but if you park on the bridge turn your lights off and you honk your horn three times i don't know why you got a honky horn three times
I really don't. I guess it's, you know, hey, help me. I'm stuck on the bridge. Maybe that's your need throw up in your backseat.
Yeah. But if you look in your backseat, she disappears. I've heard stories like that in God, where was California? There was this part of the road where there was this like real like sharp bend and a lot of there's a lot of accidents that happened. It's like it's the woman in white store. There's ah there's there's a lot of in different places. Yes, exactly. Like there or or it's like the hitchhiker or some stuff. It was an accident and then, you know, you're driving down the road and then ah you see him on the side of the road and passing like, what was that? And you look in your rearview mirror, it's like, oh, shit, they're in my back seat. And then, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee,
coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee,
it's in a liquor store the slior store is it's been around since the seventy s but before it was a liquor store it was a bar So wait a minute, you're saying you have spirits in a liquor store? That has spirits. Yes, spirits are spirits, yeah think yeah. This gentleman that that went to this bar all the time, like he passed away there at the bar like heart attack or some shit. Well, anyway, he didn't really have a whole lot of friends and family and all that. So when he was cremated,
the ashes ended up at the bar. Well, anyway, years later, somebody else buys this bar and turns it to a liquor store. The dude's ashes are still there. So every time something happens in the store, like a flicker or like this is an old building. So sometimes it smells like there's going to be an electrical fire. um There's something like that or a creek or a building. shit Everybody's like, oh, it's such and such ghost. And for the life of me, I can't remember. No, we need to change the light bulb. You guys, you guys have a, uh, I don't know how far away you are from union Kentucky, or if you know where union Kentucky is. i heard I'm not sure how far. Cash, will you get my slippers for me? I think they're back by my desk. His toesies are cold. My toesies is cold. Uh, very, very popular, uh, haunted spot. It's called Bobby Mackie's.
in Kentucky. Bobby Mackies. I don't have to look that up. Go ahead. It's a, it's a, it's like a musical. It's like a country Western bar. um like music bar in union kentuck yeah like me It's supposed to be like super haunted. There was a murder there where there's a well out back where a couple of guys drugged and raped a girl and cut her head off and threw her head in the well. She supposedly haunts the place.
It says their your their tagline their tagline is come for the ghost and stay for the music. Yeah. a so My witch, ah Mary Black, an alleged witch in Lawrence County, there was a woman named Mary Johnson Black, born in 1801 in Ireland, married Andrew Black and immigrated to Western PA. a I'm surprised they didn't go to Kentucky.
mary Black died in 1888 at the age of 87.
Basically, a lot of her legend um is more, ba you know, kind of reminiscent of Bloody Mary, where if you say her name three times into the mirror, she appears. Well, if you say her name three times before you go to sleep, she will claw your face in the middle of the night. So, I don't know.
i I... Was she hot? She won't be clawing that. No, I've actually got a picture here and... It's not that scene in Ghostbusters.
do do doo Um, yeah, no, there's, there's some stories where like every state and and a lot of cities or towns have the, the crybaby bridge, the, the hitchhiker, you know, you're driving down the, uh, you know, windy curvy road at night and it's raining and you see a girl in a white dress and you stop and pick her up.
you give her her jacket, you show up at her address and either her mom or dad answer the door and they're like, that's impossible. Yeah. Then you see the picture of the girl on the mantel. It's just like, she died on prom night 50 years ago. And then he goes back to the car and she's gone and his jackets gone. And he's like, there's no way this is true. So he goes to see her grave the next day and his jackets on her grave.
I think there's some truth to that somewhere, but to tell where the story originated from. yeah i mean bridge you know Whether it be postpartum, ah abusive husband, mom throws baby off bridge and then commits suicide, then the bridge is haunted. You see you see the apparition of the the mom and you hear the crying of the baby.
ah literally the school bus that was hit by a train. And if you park your car on the train tracks at a certain time and put it in neutral and turn the car off, even though it's on an uphill slant, the car will roll over the range or the railroad tracks. And then when you get out and look, there'll be tiny handprints. Uh, again, much like urban legends, the story has an original and not a nugget of truth.
right know yeah yeah but Where it's originated from because every town in every city yeah literally has them. it's It's one of those things that's like.
I don't care. Everybody embellishes too. So it's like, you can give her a jacket. You gave her something like, you know, it's, it's one of those things. People want to make the story interesting. So they over embellish it. You didn't see her picture on the map. But enough of them, like the Mary black thing, it intrigues you enough to where you want to go visit the house and see if anything happens to you or if you experience anything, which again, we'll get into that later on down the road.
Um, but, uh, I want to keep my ass in my house. Yeah. It's like the whole, it's like the whole bloody Mary thing. who Who hasn't gone into the bathroom and turned off all the lights and looked in the mirror and said, the hands raise.
Never done done. I've done the Candyman one, too. And, you know, well, again, the Candyman is based off. I I've done the Beetlejuice one. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. I do that one. It still doesn't work. Candyman is ah is based off of an actual murder ah in the projects area in Chicago. I can't remember the name of them. What is it? Greeny? So when Glick says murder, it's more it was more of a lynching.
No, no, no, it was an actual it was an actual murder. So so there there there was a lady who a little off a rocker and she kept calling the police and saying there's somebody behind my bathroom mirror. There's somebody in the walls behind my bathroom mirror. I hear them and they would come. But eventually they finally were like, all right, these are there's nobody there. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Well, they got a phone call. I think it was about a smell or something.
And they went to our apartment comes to find out she was murdered. There was somebody behind the walls. There was somebody behind her bathroom, her her medicine cabinet, because when that building was built, there are spaces between the apartments and the walls where people. So Candy Man is based off of that murder. So the 1987 murder of Ruthie Mae McCoy, the murder of Ruthie Mae McCoy, a black woman who was killed after reporting intruders through her bathroom mirrors will inspire the candy man. Yep. Yep. Yep. There it is. You don't have to fact check me on this stuff. I know this. ah No, no, no, no. I wanted, I wanted more. I wanted more details. I can't remember the name of the apartment complex, but again, yeah she cri reality normal the the, uh, Gabriele green housing complex. Yeah. It's Chicago. There you go.
yeah You were trying to cut out a little bit. It's interesting. Oh, was I? I apologize, man. I swear to all of us. No, no, Bill was. Yeah, Bill was. I think he was saying the name of the place, but he was kind of coming out a little bit. Yeah. So that's again. So, you know, go ahead. no good What were you going to say? Honestly, my favorite one is and this gentleman.
Ah, he inspired so many different horror movies, most notably the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Silence of the Lambs. This man was the real deal, Ed Gein's, from Wisconsin. Yeah. And you know, Ed Gein only killed like three people and in all honesty,
Well, in all honesty, he technically outside of grave robbing. That was the only crime he committed because all of his because again, would make lampshades and shit out of the human flesh. He legit made a body suit, ah an upper part body suit out of skin. He was not a cannibal. Yeah. Yeah, he was while will and why wa Bill was kind of based or was based based off of him. Well,
Uh, there's always a nugget of truth behind these stories, you know, they but once again, a lot of them, I would say are, I would say they're 90% so embellished that that's why you get multiples of the same in different areas. Like you were saying, like cry baby bridge and things like that. Well, they become living legends. Yeah.
Um, yeah, they become, they become over in life. So, I mean, can't live behind my wall because it's solid concrete. Is it me or is there an eerie comparison between ed game and Jeff?
If you, if you're not weird and mustache, just a little bit more, he's going to do a look every time i see him do that. Something fun pops up.
No, yeah Just in my in in my little my little town alone, uh actually blaze Where where fuck I act sewing is There's actually a haunted tour a a haunted walking tour. Just just here in there. There's like nine spots That's Chris Gaines yeah Well, I'm just saying. Because you've heard the rumors that that Garth Brooks is the P Diddy of Country? No, I have not heard that. Gaines? Gaines? Just saying. That's you and your conspiracy theories. but question You haven't heard that theory? That he's the P Diddy of the Country? like people are Seriously, if if Garth Brooks posts something on social media, people put in the comment, where are the bodies?
To the point where he had to come out like, will you guys fucking quit? It's no joke, look it up, it's fucking hilarious. People are accusing him of cross-up serial killing. Jesus. Ooh, I just remember there is a witch story from where I live.
i other Yeah, is there's a witch festival that happens here every year Battletown so Battletown Kentucky is like real close to where it's part of me County and Battletown which there's a festival and the legend of Leah Schmock has been verbally passed down for generations since her death in 1840
So she was a famous witch that lived around here in the 1800s. Yeah. So and there's a festival in her honor every year. I think she was, it turned out she was unjustly killed from what from what I gather. So she haunts this this special area in Battletown and she was known as the the Battletown Witch. Nice.
Uh, yeah, yeah, just, just, just right here in Newark. Uh, we have nine legends, nine or 10 legends. Uh, and a lot of them all revolve, revolve around downtown Newark, right where Buckeye battle access. Um, we have the, I'm not surprised. So I'm not surprised ahead. So go ahead. Oh, go ahead. What were you going to say?
Oh, I was just gonna say towns like that. Like I've been to L Station in South Dakota and I've been to, was it, what's that city, Deadwood? Deadwood, is it Deadwood?
Yeah, I've been there. The borrower with his face got shot. Yeah. that i go So, i'll bill hickcock go so places like that, like I've been okay. Corral, like I, so me as, as the skeptic person I am, I don't believe like those places are haunted, but you stand in places like that with historical things have happened there's this haunting effect to it like this this sense of of attachment to history when when when you're in places like that I mean that feeling I think it's definitely real in places like that definitely do that for me it's like like going to an old war ground or something like that silver war or when I was
Well, when I was in England for a little bit, I saw like I visit visited this Catholic this catholic church that that was like older, that was built in like the 1400s and you go out to the cemetery and there's There's tombstones from like the 1400s and 1500s and 1600s. It just has this, this field. It has this ominous feel. So yeah, ominous and just quantum feelings. Well, it's it's funny because I was just, I was just, uh, a buddy of mine sent me a video and he's like, dude, check this out. This isn't far from my house. And it's this castle that's for sale in France. And apparently,
ah the The largest manhunt in France ended there ah in in one of the buildings and the guy that the French police were hunting, well, the French government was hunting, was killed there. And three weeks prior, Jonah Park stayed in the castle. And if you're in the castle at night, the people have reported hearing Joan of Arc speak in French, obviously, and hearing guards searching for this this criminal. And the castle were for sale for only like, so I think it's like 2.5 million. And I was like, I want it. I want it. I would buy a haunted house. I mean, if someone if someplace was supposedly legitly on it, I wouldn't have a problem with purchasing it or living in it or sleeping in it or anything.
But I actually, Blaze, I just sent you a story of your example. I saw that. There was a guy staying. So this happened a few years ago. This family they were on, they were in Cancun, husband, teen, son, and I. I'm reading the story. We're staying at his resort.
I was first to wake up and went to the restroom huge window there was a huge window covering the wall so kind of with kind of blackout curtains and I'm paraphrasing a lot of this um and and where is it she laid back in bed and all of a sudden he's shaking he He's shaking his face ah facing away from me towards the restroom. I put my hands on his arms and lightly moved him to see if he was okay. He turned over to me and says, I ah just had a night terror. He explained that he was shaking. There was a black the figure. I'm getting really mad. There was a spot here. He saw a...
He saw basically he saw a Mayan ghost in one of the hotels. I thought it said here.
he ask him to bo she
I'm listening to you guys. I'm just I'm trying to look up some like more local legends on my. a i I don't want to read this whole thing because it's like forever long but God forbid anybody does actual prep for the show. So like I haven't known about it for two weeks. I know Hey, I'm I'm i'm go to yeah i've actually had a mono black play now let's let's sorry, I was spend my
ghost stories I I apparently do nothing at all except set up my couch 24 seven so oh gee hey i this was in prior now I want to hear some gross story are you like you're like the ghost story extraordinaire I want to hear some
I'm just, I'm trying to find something like a little more extravagant than like the the stuff that everybody has. And I do work this stuff up all the time. I don't like i can't, I'm trying to find something that's a little more entertaining, you know? well and just It's almost like, fuck, you know, my area is like boring, really. Well, actually where Glick and I grew up, there's not, well, it's about an hour from Glick, about 45 minutes, Mansfield,
uh, Mancy, Mansfield prison, uh, where they filmed reformatory reformatory. Thank you. They filmed, uh, Shawshack in there. Uh, they were, they filmed parts of tango and cash there. Apparently they, there's the jail and disturbed recorded one of their, disturbed recorded one of their first videos there. Well, no, they disturbed it at the actual new person.
No, they did it at the old prison. Oh, okay. Well, anyways, but apparently there's there's the ghost of the warden. Like, if you could stay the night, they won't let you but you could you stay the night. Yeah, you can. Oh, really? I didn't know that they do. They do overnight stays. They do a Halloween attraction there. I know they do the Halloween attraction.
They also do incarnation where it's a huge tattoo and music. It's like a four day music festival and tattoo festival there. ah You can do overnight stays. They do haunted tours, regular tours. i Trust me, I want to.
it It's a full blown attraction now, man. You can do all kinds of things like ah When you, if you go on a regular day, there are four different types of tours you can take through the old reformer. You take this, the Hollywood tour, they have a ghost tour and then there's just two regular ones. But I'm taking the Hollywood tour because I'm more of a movie guy than I am the ghost guy. But I had a friend of mine, he did the ghost tour and he he was like, dude, it fucked up everything that you could potentially see there.
and Supposedly the ghost of the warden's wife is there. Um, she accidentally unalived herself. Um, she was in the closet reaching for something in the warden had a spare gun up in a shoe box or something. The gun fell shot in the head, the warden, uh, unalived himself there, not to mention the numerous spirits of, um, former, uh, inmates and stuff like that. There was a riot there.
Years back, Mansfield Reformatory originally opened as a as a boys reformatory. It was like a juvenile detention center, but it became one of the first. They became one of the first full blown prisons in the state of Ohio. ah It's the largest freestanding bar structure on the planet. ah Because the smart no bars are up against the wall.
Yeah. There's, there's numerous stories about inmates, the, uh, Ohio prison, which was in Columbus. I don't, I think they might've torn the, I don't know if they tore that building down, um, was super haunted much, much like the Allegheny state prison in PA, which is what I want to go to. Um, and then there's so one in West Virginia. There's one in West Virginia as well. I can remember that was a prison, prison or an insane asylum. Honestly, it was a.
If you guys really want to do a ghost hunt and a ghost walk, um I took my wife for our anniversary to go to Gettysburg and it's supposed to be one of the most haunted places in the U.S. And I tell you what, I mean, I got a phenomenal picture. I still, you know, most people that look at it have seen the face in the window. And then there's, you know, a few that don't.
You're saying you got photo. And then they just kind of. That's Nancy, by the way, but. um'm Yeah, ah Gettysburg in being the home of one of the bloodiest battles in the war battle. Yeah, I've been there a couple times. Super cool place, love it.
Are you guys familiar with Waverly Hills Sanatorium? Yes. So that's that's right down the road for me. Like 50,000 people dying in there. like Not last year, but the year before. yeah They also set up as a haunted house attraction yeah once a year. And I went there and it's some like you hear all the stories and all that. And there is this eerie feeling about it. You can go on other tours throughout the year and parts that they don't open up for a haunted house attraction.
But it's, it's it's ah yeah, there was a lot of people that died. There's people that died. They died of some kind of, wasn't what Some disease. I think it was support that's it ye to tuberculo tuberculosis. umm hercolosis i like to say it so i said I can't say it, Jeff, so I say tuberculosis.
like la he gave a bur mill and two log there we go This is supposedly a real photo from Mansfield Reformatory, by the way. That's not a real photo. That's an animal.
that is Yeah, that's Yeah, yeah I'm gonna call it out right now dude during during spooky season when they open it up for the haunted house They have this actress there that plays the warden's wife. Oh my god. She's got this death how That I fucking love I want to go up there and see her so bad Yeah, and yeah i I want to see and hear the the death howl in person because she'll walk up to people who are standing in line and it is no it is it is a loud scream and it is fucking
Creepy and terrifying and I don't know how she does it every night multiple times for like two months every season without destroying her voice Actually, I pictures you know i mean her i think I I'll show this now before he gets here because he gets even though he purchased it um He gets creeped out every time it comes out. Is that her? That's her though. Hey, that's my ex-wife. There's my sister that that change is awesome hit i got on it I think I follow her on Instagram on my personal Instagram. I know I've been following her for years. She is awesome. So I know I want to get one. I want to get one. nice wey board If they work and he would pop it up just as I show that on screen. Perfect timing. Yeah, it doesn't work though.
know suggestion and then there is the legend is if you sorry but on there got but okay i'm not push love yeah let see she's actually yeah i look through the eye um Before before we take a quick break I was planning on going a little long tonight because I knew we were gonna get into discussions so
i Just in place. I know you're getting ready to come up here and just about a week man. We're like we're like nine days away, bro I gotta get my, I'm gonna get my costume ordered this weekend. So I can't wait. ah Hopefully, hopefully. I'm not show up. I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna walk into Jeans of the Hoodie and be like, look at Blaze, he looks like a jacket.
Yeah, I was up there. I was up there last, I was up there last month for. Yeah. or somebody. And I promise, and I promise I won't, I won't be dying this time. I will, I will be in full Saturday mode. No, three day. Yeah. We're doing our show live again. Uh, Buckeye battle, uh, Buckeye XO. I swear to God, dude.
thank but yeah He literally said said buck I actually while standing next to a sign that say buckeye He said buckeye battle acts while I stand next to a sign. It's a buckeye expert Okay yeah okay okay but but but to be mix scene she is i'm glad you said it not me because i get struggling i'm sure i will but but to be But to be fair i was dying micy darling nikey barling niy
Oh, yeah. yeah Blaze. All these haunted areas right here in town are within walking distance. Like they have a legit walk. Didn't you tell us that one? That was a, it's a small jail cell jail. just like us oh I mean, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to give you the only problem. You know, the but you know what the problem, but you know what the problem i want um but i'm gonna work is? It's so freaking early. Yeah. So.
the cool thing, shit. When are you coming in?
Saturday afternoon. Okay, nevermind. 19th. I'm staying that night and I'm staying Sunday night and going on one Monday. Okay, we actually have to try to actually like maybe hang out on Sunday.
Um, if you're down for it. So, so Newark, give give you guys a little, uh, history on Newark. Yes. I know I stutter, but it is what it is. Newark was, uh, was founded in 1802. It is actually the 18th largest city in Ohio. So, you know, we got some history here in town. Um, but nonetheless, we're called as fuck.
Yeah. Oh, yeah. And a lot of, there's still a lot of houses that are still standing and I love them. That's what I got to do, Blaze. Sunday, we need to jump in the old Equinox and meet you and Nicky. And I got to take you to the historical part of town where all the houses and stuff are. Yeah. you but you'll just make pictures yeah there's some We got some beautiful historical house. There's one that I wanted to buy. there was zo was isn't there Isn't there one right out there?
Oh, yeah, there's quite a few because because I was driving through the square and somebody that one lady rear ended my van. I think I think it's a swisher house. I would have to look it up. The guy who did the swishers cigars and stuff. Mm hmm. So I think that's what I Yeah, I might I might be wrong on this. But this house just recently was on the market for like three or $4 million, dollars whatever. But dude, the house been standing for almost 200 years and it is fucking beautiful. All the original woodwork. That's a whole nother story for a whole nother day. Anywho, so right down there in downtown Newark, we have, we have like nine local legends. I'm not going to tell you guys about all of them, but there's a couple I want to talk to you guys about. We have the Hudson Avenue B 25 bomber crash site.
and nineteen september and and then nineteen what you this is the Swisher house. I have a picture. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It is a Swisher house. That house is **** amazing. It's got an observatory in it. Yeah. That is the Swisher house. And we can go inside and tour that. I don't think we can go inside and tour it because it is a private residence but we can i So so um your price was incorrect. It sold recently. Oh no, it was built in 1905 by David Swisher, visionary behind Swisher's Sweet Cigars, the majestic Manson stands on a private property.
and I have to actually open up the website. um It is, it sold on May 31st, 2024 for $550,000. Oh, wow. Yeah, when they first listed it, it was over a million. Yeah, here, I mean. Because Nikki and I looked at it and fell in love with it.
oh yes no Like, yeah, it's gorgeous. Is the real estate now? come that house probably That house don't have some stories, but anyways So how the rich famous ghost to live in new i gotta ask that when comes up bring his ass over here and let's take him to McConnell's Mills and let's do the ghost walk place does like after After next break we I'll explain why Okay, well that way You guys feel glick and he can become a ghost
alreadym sorry spoiler first first and foremost I have to come back to PA and then we have to get blazed to come to PA as well. So, uh, so the, uh, one of our, one of our haunted legends here in town is the Hudson Avenue B 25 bomber, uh, crash. Uh, in 1942, there was a B 25 bomber that, uh, crashed right on Hudson Avenue here in town.
Uh, Colonel Douglas Kilpatrick experienced structural failure, uh, of its left wing as it flew over Newark around, uh, around noon on a day obscured by clouds and rain. Um, it was heading from Dayton, uh, from the air force base in Dayton. Um, what the fuck? The Wright, Wright Patterson and Dayton. Um, and it was going to New York, but it started losing, it started losing pieces. Um,
And it actually, and I'm going to talk on about this, it narrowly missed, um, the old, uh, Wait, bring, bring that back up again. Oh, hold on. Yeah.
yeah Downtown New York, April 20th, 6 PM, not April 20th, 4 20. Um, ah
But yeah, it it um it almost hit the old Licken County Jail, but wreckage from the fire crash spilled on on both sides of four passengers aboard all died instantly. The pilot and co-founder failed no better, they died. And perhaps worse than their comrades, Kilpatrick fell through the roof of an office building at the corner of Clinton and Logan Street.
um Over the years, people who live on Hudson Street have reported hauntings. Uh, the owner of a building damaged in the crash claimed that her home remained haunted by the spirits. Um, I believe that a couple of Nerkians also died in that, uh, crash as well the crash sites. Yeah. So I, I, I, I, that's pretty It's they're not small. I mean, you're talking about the Memphis bill. Mm-hmm.
we have the, and we have, and so two of them kind of go together here, but we had the captain's ghost because back in the day, the Ohio and Erie canal flourished in the mid 19th century. and And it, and it came right through near, like if you go downtown near around canal street and stuff like that, there's more, there's murals and there's pictures and everything like that up on the buildings that show the canals back in the day.
We have the captain's ghost, um old Erie Canal Flares, blah, blah, blah. These men worked from town to town with little ah ah permanent residents, basically. and And the southern side of New York Square developed two industries to cater to them.
boarding houses and taverns. Legends claim that one boat captain who came to the area south of near score or square, which was called gingerbread row after a popular snack never departed. And his ghost still haunts the road to this day. After a night out of the taverns, the captain returned to his rented room only to be murdered in the night. Some claim his unsettled spirit still haunts the contemporary buildings more than 150 years later.
Nice. I haven't had dinner yet, Chris. I'll do leftovers when we get done here tonight. Rail murders and factory workers replace the canal men and the taverns and bars. ah Fights, brawls, murders, and even lynchings would occur in what had remained in the historic section of town.
Though the days of canal would end around the turn of the 20th century, the canal stories, perhaps, uh, it's ghosts live on. So just even walking down the canal, down the market street, stuff like that, the captain's ghost, people have said they have seen him. Me personally, I never have, but also my time spent down there.
was usually bumbling and stumbling around after a night. that's captain himself Much like the captain himself, I was bumbling and stumbling around after leaving a tavern or a local watering hole, if you know what I mean. yeah The people but people seeing the captain, they just saw a clinic stumbling around. like he big into this stuff What's going on, Alex? This is kind of a two-parter here. So we had the lynching of Carl Etherington.
carl etherton scrap lynching a small etherton Okay. okay
Okay. The lynching of my beer has been empty for like 30 minutes now. just keep your new but Go get you a beer. You're talking about that lynching of Carl Utterton. Yeah.
There you go. and Yeah, bring that down. Newark's Joe's of the Popular Resort. What? Let me get into it. 1908, nearly a fuel of a full decade before the national prohibition on alcohol. Licking County actually became a dry county.
so carl other
to to do ah Carl Etherington was only 17 and he was deputized to close new Newark's illegal taverns. ah Chaos and tragedy would result or would result Etherington and his fellow security agents were met with open hostility and an attempt in their attempt to accomplish nothing. Violent scuffles ensued, blah, blah, blah.
One failed attempt to close a bar. Etherington was assaulted by William Howard, a tavern owner and former police officer. While Etherington shot Howard.
um He was then taken to the liing the old county jail, which is one of the first jails in the area here. um But before he could see the judge, several thousand drunken nercians went into the jail, snatched his ass up, drugging him out into the street and lynched him for the death of of Howard.
um And it has said that power to had people having its back umm yeah um but it is it is said to still to this day that that Etherington's ghost is still roaming around down at the, down at the jail. Uh, 15 members of the mob were charged with the crimes, but only 11 received sentences and none serve more than four years in jail for the murder of a, and, and, and, ah and, and other continues actually a deputized federal agent. Yeah, I have that picture too. Back in the day, which leads me to the united federal agent.
Yeah, which leads me to the old Licking County Jail. This is world famous old Licking County Jail. Every ghost hunter and their brother has been here, including Zach Baggins.
um that's you ah That's not the Licking County Jail. No, this is the site of the lynching. Yeah, that's on 12th Street. Yeah. Yeah. ah Anything. Yeah. i can the um Western The jail was completed in 1889 and served and in service yeah until 1987. Sure. The jail is the jail itself. blaze I got to show you the building so you can see. I got a picture. I got a picture. It is a beautiful building and they do do tours now right now. oh Wow.
Right now they have the haunted house set up there. They have the the haunted jail set up right okay As I to say if you were coming in Friday, maybe we could go Friday night. It's it's a real quick You're gonna spit more time in line than you are actually walking through but it's really cool um Well looking down in jail. Yeah, it's it's an amazing building either I'm frozen or you're frozen
I think you might be frozen. Roman asks, unlike the medieval fortresses that inspired the architectural design, the jail proved to be rather ineffective in its goals of protecting the people of Newark. Obviously, the 1910 mob breaking in and killing um Carl ed Etherington ah jailbreaks were a common occurrence. And 12 people died within its wall in less than 100 years, including four Licking County sheriffs.
inmates died a variety of ways, but most took their own lives. Female ah inmate Mae Varner died in 1953 after setting herself on fire, her second and ultimately successful attempt and at the suicide. ah Many of these deaths can be attributed to poor management of the facility, is also an improper care for inmates. They had the basement, which they called the dungeon.
um Yeah, so there's a lot of quote-unquote supposed opponents revolved around the Lincoln County Jail i Actually in the private chat gentlemen, I sent a YouTube video to you three There is a the Lincoln County Jail history haunted the historical walkthrough But they do do they do do tours and that's just right here in my little town that's that's just a couple of nine stories right here now Ohio we have We have the... We have Mudville Tunnel, which again, it used to be the old railroad. And it is said that a railroad worker lost his head once upon a time. And if you go there at night, you can still see the glow of his lantern. um We have Athens, Ohio, which is probably one of the most one of the most haunted cities
in, or towns, whatever you want to call it, in Ohio, also home of OU, the Ohio University Bobcats, also throw one of the best Halloween parties ever if you go down to Athens for Halloween. um But there's an old insane asylum where one of the inmates passed away and ah they didn't find her for like a week or two And the imprint of her body from all this is what's going on right now. And the elder left an imprint on the concrete floor, which is still there to this day. and It is said that her that her spirit haunts that building. um Also, crazy side note about Athens, if you look on the map and you map their cemeteries and you draw the line, it creates a pentagram.
how Hence the reason why this is considered one of the most haunted cities in Ohio. ah We have a lot of other, oh we have a lot of other haunted locations in Ohio. Ohio is one of the top haunted, uh, haunted States in the country. I can't remember where it ranks, but it is right up there with the likes of Savannah, Georgia. Yeah, there it is. Uh, it is right up there with the likes of Savannah, Georgia, Charleston, South Carolina, where I used to live. I can tell you guys stories from Jesus, God, uh, and, uh,
ah They have a haunted jail in Charleston too, which I've been to and I've done the night tour and holy shit. Is it not creepy as fuck? And then, and we'll get into it here. We'll actually come back from break when we start talking about personal experiences. Um, but the America's first female serial killer was hung in the old Charleston jail. One of the first, uh, she was the first female serial killer and first female to be put to death in America.
uh, what happened in the old Charleston jail. So ah Charleston is old too. It's got lots of history. Um, but, uh, yeah, I mean, if you guys want to learn more about Ohio, hit me up on social media. Uh, and I'll gladly chitchat with you. Maybe I'll come on here and if it's worth it, maybe I'll come on here and do a full on show and we'll, we'll talk some, some haunted shit. Uh, maybe I'll get Bill, Bill, Bill and I can go to ah Bill co-host of me and we'll do a thing just the two of us so we can talk a little. like Alex just reminded me of a local ah local legend.
He's actually got some pictures from this particular cemetery. It's ah a cemetery in the middle of Moraine State Park, which is no more than like 30 minutes from my house. It's called Snyder Cemetery. Hell yeah. We got a haunted cemetery here in town. We got the Cedar cedar Hill Cemetery, which is super haunted.
Um, all of them were haunted. They all got dead people. Right? People are to just dying to get in there. We're going to take a real quick break. Blaze is out of beer. I am. He's got to get another drinky drink. Uh, everybody go make your bladder as partially coined once upon a time. Go make your bladder glatter. We're going to take a real quick break. and We'll be back here in just a few minutes.
And, uh, this is what I got a little excited about. I didn't know this, this young lady did a cover thought of this song. And she's a gift. She's like up there on my top ultimate gets as far as musical guests. I just don't think it'll ever happen. Uh, but it is lyric Noel with her cover of the lost boys, pry little sister, oh the love is my man.
No, it's just this young lady is amazing. It's got to kill it. So we'll be back here in just a few minutes when we come back. Hopefully Steve will be joining us and we're going to get into maybe some part. I don't know about these guys on the other side. Speak of the devil. yeah It's called that. a great run way you He'll make his grand appearance. Yeah. ah But then we'll start talking about some personal experiences. And I feel like I could go for days.
So we'll be back here just a few minutes.
the cliff pack
Cry, little sister
Let's fucking go and Lyric Noel. You can find her everywhere at Lyric Noel. That's her cover of Cry Little Sister. And she is definitely on my top list of guests I would love to have on Clicks House of Music.
um but it is we double it up over here Yeah chick is amazing. Welcome back to a halloweenish special spooky season special uh of what the fuck news we partnered up with our boys another shop podcast you can find them at another shop on them social medias go show them guys some love as well hit them with that file and check them out there live sundays There you go. Now you won't run out. You can find them live. You can find them live Sundays for sloppy Sundays, woo woo, Wednesdays in thirsty, thirsty.
woooo wednesday No, they are live Sundays, Wednesdays and Thursdays doing their shows. Check them out. Show them some love. You guys know us. We are the nonsensical network. Go ahead and give us a follow. We're everywhere. Go to bio dot.link slash nonsensical.
We're ready to get this shit going. here um honest in That's an interesting little tidbit of info. I was actually going to touch on that here in just a second, but you can find us everywhere at bio dot.link slash nonsensical network, including the link to our merch store there as well. If you guys are interested in rocking any nonsensical network or nonsensical nonsense so nonsenseen gear.
ah And you want to support us, go ahead and grab you something, snap yourself a little selfie of you wearing it and we'll throw it up on social media as a special way to thank you. We are doing a little Halloween special tonight. We're talking about legends and lore and hauntings in our local areas as well as which we're um me say about to. Yeah.
What we're about to get into is personal experiences. If you're in the chatters box or you're watching, please feel free to share along with us any personal experiences you have or have had, or if your brother's uncle's sister's husband's son has, you know, feel free to share along in the, yeah, do the math on that Bill. but ah not Now we're talking West Virginia. We've gone, we've gone. pastkin talking Roll time, baby. Roll time. let's go bandy praise you up i met you
But, uh, but, uh, yeah, so we're talking, we're talking, we're talking some ghost stories and some paranormal stuff tonight where we're in my wheelhouse. I love when I get the opportunity to do this on these shows. It doesn't happen very often because I got a bunch of nonbelievers around me, but you know, yeah, damn right. You do. Um,
speaking Speaking of the Jamie Gertz thing, yes, she has a net worth of about $8 billion, dollars but a majority of that comes from her husband. Her and her husband are also owners of the Atlanta Hawks, I believe, and minority owners in the Milwaukee Brewers. And her husband has two companies that individually, one is worth 500 million or billion, 500 billion.
The other company is worth 300 billion. So a majority of her money comes from her husband. But yes, you're not wrong. She is. It helps that she's still smoking hot even today. Oh my God. I've had a crush on her since the first time I seen a lot. I'm like Jesus Christ. I want to be a vampire. I think I never wanted to be a vampire. I never wanted to be a vampire. See, if I would have said it, it's creepy. But you guys saying it's OK. Yeah, well, that's because you're fucking creepy.
ah because you're the guy who's like, I want to be the first one to fucking alien. I want to be the first guy to fuck. I want to, I want to be the first guy that mus so nos cause you don't get to be the first one to fuck around. yes jeff I can write i bob want to go when you ask me for and meet an alien. yeah if I need you. I need you and Tony to get together and look up the definition of jealousy because neither one of you understand what that definition is. So anywho, we're going to jump back in it.
We're going to go a little long tonight. I think we're going to go about, we'll probably go about three hours. I'll try to keep it up. I'm going to try to keep it up. So I want to go ahead and jump into it. Like you said, in the first half we were talking, um, you know, local legends, local lore, um,
I hit up my hometown. My hometown's got some pretty good stories where I live currently. We've got some pretty cool stories. and and and And again, anybody who's curious, if you want to chat about about them, hit me up on the social medias. I would absolutely talk to you guys. um I love talking about this stuff. I absolutely, this is, this is paranormal, true crime, serial killers, cryptids, like that's my wheelhouse. So um um I'm there for it.
Are we going to do a serial killer one? If we're going to collab again, it needs to be about serial killers all day long. let's fucking let's I think you and I just need to collab together. I think you and I just Yeah, we just need to do a show reality network just just the two of us together and talk go serial killers creep We'll get blazed But you know, I want to I want to start I want to start with with plays and or jeff because I know And i we'll get to Steve as well because by the way, what's going on, man? How you doing, brother? Good man. Good man. I was listening you guys going to ride man. Good shit
how was the How was the game tonight, win or lose? Good, it was a win. It was a win. Nice. How much did you get? Because I know you don't gamble a lot. Pretty amazing. Are you serious? Yeah, it was good shit. Did you get it on video? No. Oh. No, but it was good. What type of father are you? No, I had that, like, crazy happy dad moment. It was great. Nice. Jordan had a good shot. That camera went flying. Oh, the geese were flying. Dude, that's fucking awesome. Yeah, they lost my shit. It was cool. He seriously? No, man, I didn't go. Yeah.
but have more But Jeff at Blaze, I want to ask you guys, because, you know, and I know, I know Bill has something that happened to the two of them specifically. That's why I want to start with you guys, because I know you guys are more on the skeptic side of the scale. Has anything ever happened? I am on the skeptic side. OK. Well, I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt without calling. Have you ever had anything that's happened? I was here to say you're wrong.
did ghoster face he does football wrong hits he sees he sees dead people bla bla is just gonna go make move yeah big newsly big news i am for for being a stoner. I don't have a whole lot of ghost stories like at all. I've heard of ghost stories like I shared one earlier. I've had experiences in places and old places where I have felt creeped out because the ambiance of my surroundings. And just in the back of my head, you know, the stories stories of ghosts because we had this like this this like animal instinct to just react without thinking.
So I definitely want, yeah, fight or flight. So I've definitely fallen in that situation where I'll hear something weird in the dark. I'm like, Oh shit, or I'll get done watching this creepy horror movie and I'll turn it off, but all the lights are off in the fucking house. I'm like, Oh shit. What the fuck? You know, I've definitely tried to race the lights to the bed. Yes. Yes. I've had experiences like, Oh, you're right. You're you running down the hallway and lights, which is trying to, trying to go with the speed of light. So you're in bed by the time the light goes off.
I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't always, I don't always, but when I do, I cock, cock. I'm just watching that movie, dude. It's going to be in my fucking brain. Oh, I love it. There was one thing I was thinking about yesterday though. Someone was telling us a story about when, when she went and she kind of had, you know, these feelings or hurt things. Like if you know the background of a place,
or someone told you a story about a place and you go in there and it's already like kind of predetermined in your mind. Do you think like your mind can play tricks on you? You know what I mean? I was like, I think sometimes I go in there, I'm like programmed. I'm like, all right, this place is haunted. And I kind of force myself to see shit.
So what do you have to say about our story coming up then? I can't wait for this. It's almost yes it's a suggestion suggestion to your mind. Power of suggestion. It doesn't just mean pieces of shit. Power of suggestion.
Oh, exactly. and But, like, I don't have any ghost stories, per se. I mean, there was the the time my brother and I had just finished working on it. I built, and my brother helped me build my S-10. And we had just put the transmission in it, and we decided to go for a run.
and And... did he freeze or did I? No? Okay. Yeah, he froze. Okay. But... Yeah, he froze. Okay. Just because that's what happens on my...
ah But as we were coming back from testing everything out, we saw three lights in the sky. you know It's like 2 o'clock in the morning and they they moved, I would say a good 800 yards in in the same formation. they just stayed in that exact three positions they were in. And one one was purple, one was green, one was, I think, blue. And it was one of those things that was like, we had no explanation, but it wasn't like we were sitting there going, I think there's aliens coming. We were just like, yeah, that's weird. We're talking ghost, not aliens. I know, but I mean, that's the only thing that's ever happened to me. They're ghost My best friend is an alien. What are you talking about, Sir Pooshwa? Pooshwa's not even here anymore because we got rid of him. Yeah. Well, he had to go back home. No, that's why. He said he'll be back.
He said, he told me when he left, it's not goodbye. He said, it's not goodbye. Let's see you later. See you later, alligator. I don't know what I mean. He's one of those things. He's like, I'm so... You ever talk about doing a text equal to that, that he comes back, Elliot's all grown up. Yes, I did hear about that. Leave it alone. I know. That's one. I mean, there's too many out there that they need to leave the fuck alone, dude. Yeah. Blaze, Blaze, before you froze out and whatnot, you were talking about, you were talking about, like,
You know, like an unexplained experience. We'll call it that since you're on it. Yeah. yeah who yeah you want to You want to finish that? collaboratborate So, OK, here's here's one. So I was stationed in Guam for a couple of years and gu there's not a whole lot of like on the bottom up. There's really what happened. they're fliping No, I'm still listening. Somebody said ghost dealers in the chat.
So guant Guam has a history during during World War II. There was some and battles that happened on that island and out in the bomb dump currently where I worked, bombed up his munitions storage area where all the munitions are kept. um There was a lot of pillboxes out there where people had died and shit. And so every once in a while, there is a night shift that has that we have to to to work. and when you're driving And when you're driving through this bomb dump, it's one it's one of the biggest bomb dumps in the world when it comes to munitions storage. And it's like it's half in the jungle. And like people have died out there. So when you're driving at night and you're just in this pitch black,
And you look around and all you see, you see these little beady eyes looking at you through through the trees, like all over the place, gives you this creepy fucking feeling. And then you remember there's deer on that island and they're only in that park. And they're looking at you, but it's the creepiest fucking feeling knowing that so many people died and it's just, It's black is just this. Oh, is it dear? I mean this ominous feeling is definitely or is it dear? It's not the dead it could be they did they did find a dead hooker went when I was stationed out there in in the back of the bomb dump in the jungle where were you on that
i'm just sitting there wasn' it they got a get hook bla Blaze the ripper over here. ball i just say I mean, in your head, you're telling yourself that they're deer or it' some animal to make yourself feel better.
but god it's at movie we r the handles where he's all fucking crazy and jit that movie's so fucking weird acknowledged is one of his best anyway anyway anyway you you to be one um scatter bullshit but You know as soon as I get nervous I gotta start talk about everything and anything else but ghosts No
Where's Warren State Hospital Katrina, where's Warren State Hospital? Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I'm gonna say that's Ohio It seems like it seems like there's a lot of crazy shit in Ohio You're not wrong. Well, you you have to you have to remember how Ohio is Yeah, I was gonna say, I think it's in PA. You have to remember how old Ohio is. I mean, Merck was founded in 1802. Well, this Florida State Hospital is a public psychiatric hospital established in 1880. I'm PAing in Pennsylvania. Okay. I can't handle it. In the Northwestern PA, like up there toward Ohio. It's up by them. It's it's right clear right across the border. Yeah.
right across the border. Yeah, ohio Ohio is right up there. Like I said, it is it is right up there um amongst the most haunted states in the in the country. um
more trina ah but I was going to take a little shot. ah Oh, look at it. Look at him. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We got your back. So my my oldest just did some of the Lord's work. And now that we're talking about personal experience, a Glick Glick.
Look at this. What is that it off? At least six pages. Of Pennsylvania lore. Oh, my. One state hospital. OK. Firstly, high up.
Oh, that's not far from Ohio at all. Yeah. yeah It's i hear right here. Youngstown. And that's the border.
Yeah. i looked good You know, uh, there's a guy. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yeah. yeah Became the 17th member of the union on March 1st of 1803 and Newark was founded and established in 1802. Popular time. I still got that lost voice song stuck in my head. Well, i put I put a bug in somebody's ear. We might hear it again on next break.
Well, we won't we won't hear it again tonight. And the only problem, the only thing that we won't hear their version of it before. And I and I ran the risk with hers as well. We might get copyrighted on the song. But there is another band out there season that or season after that did an amazing cover. I've actually been getting it with that one because they're no longer a thing. Yeah. is Yeah, like I think I knew I seen those guys in Charleston and I think they were at Louder Than Life when I was there as well. A few years back, but. um Nonetheless, so I mean, is that is that really like the that? The only thing you have, please, is just a wham. Well, well, I mean, I've got wham.
um There was, I mean, I've i've been in. I've been in lots of places. I've been in lots of places to have ghost stories. I just never really buy any jokes. I don't really remember them all. Agreed. Yeah, more towards, like, personal. And I'll say that you can't explain because you are a skeptic. Yeah. I just found a ghost.
ah we go oh That so reminded me. ah well i' go I'm going to say one thing. We do have somebody on here that is blowing up the messages right now. Like she's, she was very interested in tonight because she's got some ghost stories. she yeah Yeah. Katrina. Yeah. She brought up the Warren state hospital. Yeah. Yeah. And then Steven.
He's like, go stealers. He's cool. Who can't do any of this, man? That's ah that's ah the only thing we... Yeah. but Well, um I was in here earlier, but like you guys to you guys actually believe in ghost supernatural, life after death, yeah staying on Earth. Yes.
and um Some people get stuck here and need to pass. Do you guys like believe any of that shit? One of them does. It's not Jeff. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I die on board think this is the first time I've ever been in a situation where the skeptics outnumber the believers.
but more my problem is I'm a skeptic and I want to be a skeptic and I don't want to believe the shit but but things like ah and you know I made sure Blaze I made sure I wasn't stoned I made sure I wasn't drunk when it should happen but the ones why the things that happen where I was stoned or drunk That doesn't go on my data sheet has happened because I i was. No, no, because you're like, I was wearing a. I watched the where which project and I went back to my mom's house one night. Hi, shit. And you know what? I saw all sorts of things. That doesn't count. You it's in my head. Somebody laced your weed with PCP. did not that Well, if you think about it, if you you think about it all or.
All of our experiences, even even when we're sober, are a product of our mind. So i play so when we can so when we can't explain something, sometimes our mind comes up with things that well, it just makes more sense to us, I guess. Yeah. Well, good you know, what I go I go back and forth and I try I try like every like sensical fucking way to to disprove what I see. And I'm like, I can't I can't. So I mean, I still don't believe, but I can't completely rule it out.
Well, no, but I mean, yeah at the end of the day, until you, there's no way to have definitive proof either way. Right. Definitive proof is is what most people base their belief on, so to speak. Yeah. So until I have that definitive proof, I'm like, yeah, okay. you but what would be I maintain, I reserve the right to make the picture.
but so i want take picture There's pictures, there's videos. I mean, some of you know. I can play around on on on Canva in 20 minutes, come up and get you a picture.
All right, but how about this? You have all these ghost chasers out there. You have all these people. Yeah, a bunch of frauds. There you go. And there you go. bonds And asylums and things like that. If any one of these people over the many years, if there was ever definitive scientific proof, and would this would put this all to bed. Like, how come nobody has definitive proof? Exactly. It's all all theory. It's all myth. It's all speculation.
like Yeah. Not exactly. I saw Ghostbusters. I still don't believe it. but but you guys think it's a fucking documentary, but it's not a documentary. i to same Back to the future is a documentary time. travel match i'm joking So, so Katrina, feel free to drop anything you want in the chat or yeah Bill, I want to talk to you because I want to see if we can line something up this month where you and I come on and then we can do a thing like this, maybe on like a Friday or something like that. If you get a Friday off,
and we can actually invite people up to come up for a few minutes and. Oh, man. He's he's taking our Fridays away, Jeff. No, I'm not taking. like nine that Shut your whore mouth. And if I do, I'm. But my whore man. Yeah, but I got it. Yeah, but I also I also do a show every night of the week except for Thursday. So it sounds like a problem in there, buddy. Yeah. So.
I have every other Friday where I can where i can do a show. if it's you know be i can do We can do it before you guys. but However, i do want I do want to continue on. um so like Katrina, feel free to drop whatever you want in the chat. Same with you, Alex. But also, you know if we can make it happen, if if if Bill can make it happen on his end and I can make it happen on my end,
I would love to do this before the end of the month where we do a Friday night and we do an open panel and we can promote it and advertise it and have people come up and spend a couple minutes with us and kind of share their their stories and their personal experiences. I have a question at least for this month of walk October.
forgotten uh like Blaze I know you're single right now so the guys the guys that are like for example and and the shocker so so skeptical I'm like yeah okay it's a ghost however my wife like her and Glick will be like well let's go out of the fucking woods and find the fucking ghost where you know I'm like yeah you guys go have fun I'm gonna
your so my ex-wife my ex-wife was superstitious and she would say stuff like that and At the beginning of her marriage. I'm not gonna lie. I kind of just why But as I went on as I went on she said I just rolled my eyes. I'm like like my wife is so superstitious. She's like don't say that Your manifestation yeah Don't manifest, state it. So Paul Katrina's message there real quick, the last one she put up, there's your definitive, you know, she's she's got definitive proof for you. No, no, that's not definitive proof because I can walk down the street completely, blast it out of my mind and scar myself. And then not remember how I got it.
so when I've, I've, I've had conversations with people like this and and they have physical scars or injuries from, from an experience they had that they can't explain. It does happen. Um, I, I don't want to take away from the experience because that experience is real. i believe what that Yeah. but Yeah. But, but when, when jumping to the conclusion that it's a ghost or something, because, because it's unexplained.
I have a hard time swallowing it and in it and I hate saying it because I come off as an asshole. It's just true. I don't want to denigrate you know the experience. My wife said to the other day, she's like, I have a bruise on my leg. And I'm like, what'd you do? She's like, I have no idea.
but ghost of jess she didn't attribute to a ghost but it's one of those things like you can get but it's a dead chupacabra coming back to haunt you it was presiding pissed off and the statue's gone you can't explain it but you can't always just say hey it's because of this yeah but because I know I know because I people do get injured in weird ways that's just unexplained or we or we do it we're not paying attention or you know shit does like this shit like that does happen I'm not trying to be a pretentious prick it's just one of those things like you wait
um one class ghost storie right's on now so it's been great Hey Jeff Jeff someone is polite some someone has told has politely told me once I was an ass. What are you doing? You buy she goes? she was drink on gosh You're just a cynic and that was a place lightweight saying I was an asshole I yeah i'm gonna remember You're cynic, that. I'm just going to say that to you guys for now. I'm like, stop being a cynic. For everything that happens ever. Logical reason why. If the SARS comes out even better. Yeah. Well, but there isn it's it's like an Occam's razor kind of thing. You burned the box of Occam's razor. Occam's razor is whatever it could be, probably is.
And the first thing on my list is not ghost spirit or whatever. And that's not really trying to be pedantic. It's just- I hate when I thought I wanted to show this point. So I wanna get in, I wanna get in, cause i know I know Bill's been waiting. I wanna get into, and and I've actually, you know, because I listened to their show and stuff. I listened to a lot of replays of, you know, I listened to another shot. I listened to, uh,
uh, the good morning coffee with the fireman, rich. I listened to his replays. Um, I'll listen to Tony show belt kids, fantasy football. Um, and i don't believe so, you know, I, I actually heard about, I think at least one of the things that they're going to, that, that they're going to share. So I want to go ahead and get to, uh, I want to go ahead and get to Bill and Steven before I start ranting and raving. And I'm going to try to keep my story.
ah no no i wouldn't tell you that i joke cannot yeah no i mean well i mean do you believe you believe if you don't believe you like me transformationnic to be in a cynic place oh henry come on sex signnic
Yeah, so
um extraordinaire yeah but ah so No, I think I think if Bill and I can work it out before the end of the month, I think it'd be cool if we can come up on a Friday evening for a couple hours and do like an open forum and allow people to share and then as well as share some of our some of our own experiences as well. But I would go ahead and I'm going to give Bill and Steve the floor here for a few minutes and feel free to
Share I heard Steve what himself and know The reason I'm going to tell the story is because the poor guy um we in He gets goosebumps easy and I refer to it as the geese fly so Nice earlier in our our tenure here. He well, he does not disappeared. No, I'm still here. No, I'm still here I'm still here. Okay, so earlier in our um
podcasting career We decided the one night we were gonna go on a ghost podcast for like three weeks and just think was right ah yeah just turning just bright red dude that The box hadn't even broke yet But um, we still have the box anyways we um We thought, but how much fun would it be to go and do a ghost walk? You know, I'd i'd already refer or mentioned earlier about McConnell's Mills. So we picked a night, we went down, and unfortunately at the time, again, in the infancy, we had to do the whole thing recorded, which kind of worked out in our favor.
so We got there, it was drizzling that night, you know just lightly misting, nothing major. And we go down to McConnell's Mills. It was probably about 10-ish, 9.30, 10-ish. And we got the cameras out, and we were going to try some of the local legends. i We going to drive the car onto the bridge. We were going to honk it three times, you know see if it, you know if she appeared in the backseat.
um We took the Ouija board with us because one of the legends is, you know, the the myth with the the Ouija board is if you look through the eye of the planet, you'll be able to see ghosts. Yo, this motherfucker did everything possible to see a ghost. cuba you that there the entire time gone this but Except for the right combination of drugs.
but know yeah We're walking down the path, right? And and he put the planchet you put on top of the Ouija board. He puts it in his right pocket. We're walking down the hill. He reaches in his right pocket. He's like, oh, shit, and moved to my left. I'm like, this is a fucking terrible start. Like, all the time, there's this notion of moving shit in your pockets. And, you know, we should rethink this.
We keep going. OK, so, you know, to help Jeff out there, I might have put it in my left pocket and didn't even think about it. I thought I put it in my right. Oh, well, there. We'll we'll'll we'll call him that one for you. I forgot what my lady had to say. So we get down there. And when I was in Gettysburg and did the ghost walk, they always say, if you're going to take a picture of something, always do pictures of three. One picture can be explained. But if you've got you know, say you got three pictures and then one of those pictures, something's there or two of those pictures or something there, makes it a little more plausible, a little more questionable. So we took multiple pictures of the windows, the inside of the bridge. I put the planchette on the outside of my camera and took a picture through the eye of the planchette. We did everything. Nothing was happening. So we were down there about 30 minutes or so, maybe I have to go back and a look, but either way,
On the way back, we're talking, and I hear this weird noise, just like this this bang. And I can legit say it did not sound like a tree falling. It didn't sound like a stick falling. It thought it it sounded like it came from behind us. Inside the building. Which, the only thing behind us was the building at the time.
So I stopped and I'm like, what was that? Which immediately sent the geese flying on him. He whips the camera around. What was what? And he's looking around trying to figure out what's going on. And we see this little light and we finally said that's got to be a bug. Even though.
Fireflies are yellow. This was a light light that was like this. Appearing yeah, and then that be so we get back to the house. you know We get in the car. We stop in front of the house and he's playing the audio back because he wants to hear if he can hear the bang. He hears it finally.
On the first try, but then something both of us heard at the exact same time, there was a second noise that neither one of us had heard. um and niul sa hu ah what noise here was the nipple scratching at the shirt without ah next yeah it's forty pictures and stuff and We are seeing you know some weird anomalies in the pictures. you know Some of the stuff, you know because it was misting a little bit of rain that night could be you know like hitting the rain as it comes through and you know what happened. you know
it But as you zoom into some of these windows, there are two particular pictures where it looks like there is a face in the window. And it's the same window in two of the pics. And we sent these pictures to random people. and We sent them just a couple pictures and we're like, which one, if you had to say, did you see something in? And they all agreed on the same one.
So here's where it gets really fun. The next day, we're going over the audio. Now, we were listening in the car the first time, which you know has much better audio than a phone. And that's when we heard the second noise. It was the same sound. We go the next day, and he hooks it up to his bode speakers and everything. There's not one or two. I think there was a total of five bangs And they were equally spaced apart. They were about five seconds apart a piece, wouldn't you say? What kind of a head is it? I can't even say it was like a knock. It was the weirdest. and And it was when we were leaving. So it was like something said, dude, I hate this shit. why why Why? It was something that was like, you know, don't go. Like like we went there. Bill fucking went right up to the fucking window like a maniac.
shot shown his light in using latch and all that shit like this fucking dead it's what he did and then we start walking away from it and it's like something was don't go like I'm not done like I got something to say and and I'm thinking I'm like what better idiots if a ghost wanted to like sit there and reveal himself to then me and Bill walking down at McConnell's Mills after hours like that's the time to shine you know it's not someone going there with like ghost hunting equipment and I don't know oh yeah we had the bare boat we had phones mean that was it and we had cell phones and an $8 Ouija board you know what I mean and headlamps we had a headlamp yeah we had headlamps yeah we had hat lamps
right i think Yeah, look like two total idiots. Like if a ghost is gonna sit there and like talk to somebody, it's not gonna be something that's looking for you. Like I think of there's really ghosts and like supernatural out there. Like if they want to be seen, they're gonna be seen on their turn. You know, not ours. I like the fact that we did it without the professional equipment and still captured something. That's what was compelling to me about the whole thing.
And I need to get on, I do have a program on my, you know, as a DJ, I can do this. I've got a program on my computer. I want to get this audio. So I can amplify a little bit more and we can see right where these sounds were coming from. I can tell you. We're showing it on the wavelengths. You said it's five rhythmic sounds?
There was five, maybe the same exact noise, maybe the same knocking noise, the same banging noise. you rhythmic Same I make, I'm rubbing one out underneath the table. It wasn't my stomach, I mean it was...
You know, Jeff, and i'm I'm trying to unhear these things, you know what I mean? Like, I want to just prove this. I want to be like, hold up your arm. Yeah, I want to be like, no, it's a tree. Like, paint it's a fucking rock. It's a fucking ant farting. Like, I can't. I i can't. I don't want to go back, but I have to disprove it. I have to disprove it. I need. We went down there in the first place, so we ended up with more questions than we had answered. I know.
We never went on the bridge. What kind of a day was it? It was night. Night and misting. Rainy, dark, and I was scared of that we were going to get hit by a bear. There was, I mean, a bear. It was hours. Technically, and it's live we weren't supposed to be there, but we went. Yeah. well statute of limitations. Another thing I did, like I don't know, like like my ghost hunter instinct because I have none. I checked the tire pressure on my tires before we got out of the car.
And I got back into materials all the same. like As soon as we got on the first thing I did was check the tire pressure. we trying like that i talking why i have yet He's trying to exclude our variables. We come back and that shit's 20, dude. We're fucked. We're still driving, but we're fucked. It's fucking, there's a ghost going in. A rim story about ah ghost fucking and let air out of my tires. I don't know, man. I don't know what I was thinking. I freaked out a little bit.
But no, I mean, we like I said, we didn't have the professional stuff. We went down there to actually disprove it. you know That was the whole point. It wasn't to actually find ghosts. We went down there to disprove, because if you're on the grid, it's going to bang. Sorry we're boring you, Glick. I know. What is the difference between professional ghost equipment and not Like we didn't have park we didn't have a like the the the special cameras that pick up infrared and everything like that. We literally went down there with cell phones.
headlamps, and a fucking Ouija board planche it. That's it. Blaze had the perfect question. What's what's the difference between professional ghost equipment? You can't have professional ghost equipment. if you Like any fucking equipment, you have to have a positive and a negative, right? If you don't have a positive reading on somewhere, like you've seen a ghost, like that shit is not like qualified or substantial evidence, but you have to have a full reading on something or it could be actual proof. So if you don't have 100% accuracy on something,
There is no professional. There's nobody seeing me, right? We won't be talking here. I mean, like, because because I think if you beat me to it, you beat me to it. You beat me to it. I'm looking it up, baby.
the p k evening inner baby I mean, nobody don' a lot of that shit died out. red thing i get but like in in And the reason why I bring up the the equipment aspect is, is like, even like in the past, when, like when photography was starting to become a thing, um like there was those ghost pictures, it was just like, where the white was or the development. There's always been those those captures of ghosts, either on on photos or or even audio like you said but you also bring up that
There's professional equipment that can better evaluate that that that that that sensor that that sensory information might being up so that's I guess that's kind of what my question is. like What would be considered professional equipment? like What type of camera? What type of lighting? but time What type of sound equipment? So for me, it would be like a camera that can, you know, that has night vision and infrared, a pop box that's supposed to be able to pick up, you know, there's high frequency that we can't hear. um they They do have, you know, I'm sure he's going to bring up the Ghostbusters again, but they do have those, those EKG meters now. And most of the shit you can buy right there on yeah Amazon. What the fuck is EKG anyway?
EKG is like for your heart or something like that. Electro, it's electro cardio or something. So like reading pulse or something. Yeah. It's supposed to pick up energy. Okay. But a PKG here with Ghostbusters. Yeah. I don't know. If you watch any like ghost hunters that, you know, Jack Osborne uses it and his, you know, what I can't remember what he calls it. But I mean, there's there's all sorts of different,
um that's the Yeah, those things. hundred been a They say Hasbro. Hasbro's been busting ghosts since the 80s. That's what I said. I mean, we went down there without any of that stuff and still picked something up. too and all it took was so I used to have one of those as a kid. He's still talking to me. I would slip the string in a paper towel roll. It worked just as well. That is your real ghost equipment, man. You can go ahead and roll out a paper towel roller. How do you put on the EVP? I clean your sheets in there. Wait, what are we hiding here? I'll stand by it. You have an EMF is what you guys are thinking of.
so electromagnetic field so it'll it'll pick up changes in that basically they atmosphere, electromagnetic. A lot of that can be contributed in a lot of actual ghost hunters will debunk it in some of the old housing. If they have old electric running through it or whatever, they can debunk it that way. But if you're in a if you're in a building or a place that has no electric, then it's it's said to jump. And then one of the things that they use is is e is an EVP.
And that is, what is it, electrical voice? a on and No, EVP. You're first going to want to pick up the voices, yes. All right, so. like like good You brought up an interesting point that I want to ask a question on. yes So EMF, electric magnetic fields, and that is and is something that is that is a that is a metric in which ghost hunters will find ghosts with.
How do we know that ghosts emit electromagnet? Well,
well it is it is said that when a presence is around, much like your batteries, much like you're you know if you have a fully charged flashlight or a fully charged cell phone or some other electrical device that is that is powered by batteries,
We have no stuff going through. The apparitions will will drain we'll drain the energy in those devices to be seen, to to to make their presence known. So that's what the that's what the EMF is. And that's what I said. I did look up ghost finding equipment.
That looks like a stud finder. There are no real things. A stud finder. What we've done is though, many of you told us about electronic voice phenomena. Mattie's on this ship right now, she's... They're all ghost hunting. These are also people that truly believe because they've seen. So these are ghost hunting tools. A lot of the ghost hunters will use digital devices, not necessarily a stud finder.
So what, that's what I said, an actual ghost hunter that goes in and wants to debunk it. Yes, they believe, but they also wanted to debunk things if they're in a building and all of a sudden there's a huge EMF spike. They'll look around for outlets or light fixtures or something that's emitting the electric force. Right. When you're in a house that was built in the 1800s or you're in a building that no longer has power going to it and they go up to the outlet and they hold the meter up to it and the meter doesn't move or and then they come back to a certain spot and all of a sudden the meters is jumping like crazy then they feel like that a presence is there and it's drawing the energy in the room from whether it be
Cameras or phones or flashlights or whatever That's why that magnetic field is or that ah that that field is jumping because that yes spirit is trying to make presence known I under I know I I get that I understand the mechanics to which is being picked up by the EM or the in that but there's yeah i but My but my inquiry How do we know ghosts? I know they say ghosts put off EMF, but how do we know they put off? Yeah, how do we prove that? like like Is that just something that that like okay that they have this unexplained we have this unexplained phenomenon with this but this did this this digital tool? It's something that's setting it off. yeah
I don't know what it is. So that's why you're doing the theory behind it is that that ghosts draw power from surrounding sources to be able to show their presence when we're, you know, obviously if and I say this as a believer, but if ghosts are real or not, you're good, Matty. It's all gravy, baby.
and no you're good you're good um that that they can't manifest to show themselves to us. ah You see it a lot in movies and stuff like that. You know, ghosts are around us at all times, but they can choose ah like the movie ghost itself. Patrick Swayze had to draw from the energy around him to be able to to move things or whatever. That's documentary.
Well, that's kind of the same theory when it comes to ghost hunting. I want to challenge our weekday there to come to the states and we'll take them down to the mills the next time we do a ghost walk. You can take my place. you the wrong guy you't both me a bit like i said There's a witch over here in the one house. buy jewel You won't walk by anymore after I told you that story. For good reason.
Why? That's a witch.
It's all it's all it's the there's the health. We call him Karen. There's the and of earlier. Yeah, Zach's back. I want to fight Zach Baggins so bad. I want to I want to get in an octagon or a ring. I want to or a cage or so. I want to beat the hell out of Zach Baggins. That guy is such a fucking tool.
And you know what, you know what, we can, you can make it a three on one match as you could add the assholes from fucking gun centers to those two plumbers by day. You can add them to the little, the little, the little, they know that I got a backup. I got, I got PJ deal hiding in the back, ready to, ready to spring into action when I need them to fucking clowns, man. They're fucking clouds, but the EVPs are the electronic voice phenomenon.
you use certain devices, white noise. you micro You use devices that are sensitive enough to pick up the white noise, and you're able to hear the quote. You can do that in your own home using just the snow from your TV. If you think your house is haunted, just, you know, white and all these that was you know white noise what was actually a really good movie.
Remember when he got possessed? Which time, Alex? yeah but Guy's a fucking tool. But then there's also people out there. And and you know i've i've been ah I've been a believer pretty much my whole life. I can't explain the experiences that I've had. I know when I talk to people, I sound like a lunatic. That's why I don't i don't share a lot of my experiences. um My great-grandmother told me um that I am am a sensitive. She told me this when I was a child.
that's because You used to cry a lot calm down no it is and yeah ray i was to The spiritual realizes he has a high set yeah I
Uh, the only thing I know of for sure, the only thing I know for sure is, uh, German and indigenous people. indigenous Okay. right we got to be politically correct my dr mother told me this and yeah We have the indigenous and us.
right Okay. I'm an engine. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, shit. There we go. Yeah. So she said that. And and a lot lot of the things that you hear over here, like like places that are haunted and shit like that, they're built on indigenous barrier buried ground. Burial ground. Burial ground. Thanks. Yeah. um So I mean, no, but that that's that's funny that your grandmother said the same thing you as she did to me. Well, I'm also a descendant of Edgar Allan Poe, which
If you dive into the history of Edgar Allan Poe, he was hit by a lot of his stories and books and stuff like that. He relies very heavily on the don spirit, spirit world. um By the way,
station in the army and Fort Bultry in Charleston. I did not know that until I until i moved down there. out One of his stories, he fell in love with a plantation owner's daughter and her dad said that she couldn't be with him because he was not a rich plantation owner and he was a poor military serviceman. And he, and I can't remember the story right off top of my head, but he wrote a story about, about the relationship and about her while he was while he was serving at Fort Moultrie, before he was like super famous, popular, ah novelist, poet poet, whatever. Yeah, my great-grandmother was a poet. Now, I'm gonna go do comments here and um with what you guys are saying and the comments, I came up with a question. Do you guys think like if ghosts wanted to be seen, they'd go to someone that believed or did not believe?
I think they go, I think this is my personal opinion. on tv like ah i think I think it's easier for them to go to people who believe. Also, look at our animals and look at our children. They say children are more likely to see ghosts and not understand it or realize what it is because children still have innocence about them.
that and that So that reminds me of a story. Sorry. um You said that. So when I was like two or three, like my mom told me this story, um when I was real young, I would talk to somebody in my room, but nobody was there. Come to find out I was talking to my grandfather, but he he had already passed. So, I mean, as a kid, I mean, that's what I was told. ah Was I actually talking to my grandfather? I don't know.
yeah know and that say one one of the One of the theories behind imaginary friends are that imaginary friends, when kids have imaginary friends when they're younger, good right they're actually spirits, whether it be a dead relative or a ghost. Remember imaginary friends when you're an adult means you're crazy. My nips are hard again.
No. Everything gets hard. Not everything. so so so yeah one one is one of we yeah one one One of the theories is that when children have imaginary friends, that they're actually it's actually a spirit. It's actually a ghost. it's not in a Because if you listen to some of these kids, and and when they tell people about their imaginary friend, their quote unquote imaginary friend,
The very detail, very scripted, yeah like not scripted, but very, you know, it there's a lot of detail in what they're seeing and who they're talking to, whether it be another child or or a grown up or a grown person. And animals, they say that animals, because they don't know, it either they're just naturally in tuned, you know, like with the weather phenomenon, with the weather phenomenon. I saw the fingers open. and but Yeah, with the with the weather phenomenon and animals, and animals naturally know when something's going to happen in the weather. So you see a lot of times like, you know, your dogs or your cats might start acting weird. Yeah.
yeah like Like they're they're staring at the wall barking and there's nothing there like Well, I'm the dog that's typically dying and whatnot. Since that question, and you brought that question up there, Chief. um Yeah, we were talking about um um um ghost hunting equipment, right? But then maybe there's like ghost sensory equipment. And, you know, the human senses, the animal senses, they're all different, right? Animals, you know, they hear shit before it comes down the driveway, before it knocks at the door, of they're barking.
So my first, I'll give you guys a quick one. I've told you so many times, so it's pretty solid. And I did fact check it. With a personal experience of mine, we won't talk about that one because it's fucked. So my mom, she comes home one night, right? She's in an old house built in the late 1800s. Just her and a Rottweiler. That's it. she goes She goes upstairs to her room, lays down in bed.
My mom won't lie to me. And like the fact that she told me this, I was like, holy fuck. So she lays down in bed. um Rottweilers laying there in bed with her. And then the whole night, he just starts growling. She thinks nothing of it. So across her room, there's a music box. And if you guys know music boxes, especially older ones, she's in a bed of antiques.
You have to turn the bottom of it. There's that that brass knob you turn. You wind it up, yeah. Yeah. Right. And then in for it to actually play music, you have to open it. And there's a ballerina or something on the spring that pops up. And it spins until until that that knob runs out of wind. You know what I mean? Yeah, the spring runs out of strength.
So she lays there, she's laying in bed, dog growls, she gets up, looks, nothing, maybe it's a fucking squirrel or some shit, goes back to sleep, wakes up again, dog's growling. But this time, the music box going. So she just lays there. she does she does She doesn't move. And the dog, through the whole time that this music box is going, the dog's going.
She doesn't, but she lays still. Back to sleep. It happens again, the second time. She didn't, she didn't get out of bed. She said she didn't, um she didn't move. She just fell back to sleep. She wakes up again and there's a dog. Music box again. Going. She's so scared at this point. Like she's, she's like, she said she she was so scared. She like passed out, went to sleep. Like if something was there.
She Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about. You can show a picture of him standing up on his arm. So I believe him. He like this stories. She was scared. And then was fucked anyway, you know what I so I said, what happened? Did you get scared? mean? She was like, fuck it. Fuck it. And
and The dog was downstairs eating you know the normal routine, but she looked across the room. The music box was open, and the figure was standing straight up. Oh, wow. Dude, show your arm. Oh, you got to show that. ah If he could show his arm somehow, I'd get close enough. This little guy right here. Wow. It it was fucked. And I had a compliment. I won't go to my my store. I had a story with the same dog. Very similar feeling.
But um same house by myself. So I believe her. And yeah, it was crazy, man. I know my wife's watching, so I don't want to tell too many about my house. So I think animals are like a great indicator. Like if something's not there, my dog sleeps outside my door. And if he barks or like like anything, like I believe him. Like something's there. It could be a squirrel, a rat. It could be, I don't know, fucking the devil walking on my stairs. You know what I mean? He's going to let me know about it. You know what I mean? God bless and i bless my dog, man. He's little a motherfucker, but dude, he's he's my security blanket. dude im a paper he knew but he's gonna kill what they come to i am the same with with this and but I'm the same with my dog. If she barks, I know there's something there. you Even though it's a bird, something is there. Yeah.
That's because there's ghosts in the house. You know, that's something that, uh, what's his face said the son of Sam would have issues with. Yeah. The, the, the, the neighbor's dog talked to him and told him to kill those people on it. Yeah. Um, Jeff, what are you doing? Because it's been driving me fucking crazy for like 20 minutes. Look at your phone. Yes. I'm looking right now.
Look at your phone. patrica look get are you um it's all the way down right I added a it's called oh um um so je i had been playing fucking background background.
No, it's been driving me nuts because I've been a hearing it. I'm like, which one of you to fuck? And I went to the and I went to the background and I didn't see it because I didn't scroll all the way to the bottom. I knew one of you two fuckers were doing it. That's how I was meeting all the mics. I was like, which one of these assholes are doing it?
And then I was like, then I was like, I know I'm not here and shit I know I'm not here and shit because ah see but i these motherfuckers before Steve you know you give Steve a chance to like i got a question click what makes you a believer did you guys talk about that when I wasn't here but yet we saw oh what Alex Alex has a good point I would like to see a discord Especially for. high alum Okay. Um, we actually, we actually, we actually, we actually have a nonsensical nonsense or a nonsensical network discord page. Uh, I think it's, I think the link is on our bio link. I might have to re up the page, but, uh, we, we 100% already have one. And, and, and I would love, I would love to have the show conversations, the this conversations. So what makes me a believer?
Alex, I will hound him about it, don't worry. Yeah, ah yeah yeah i will I will make sure by this weekend. So I got a football game Friday night. My daughter's marching in the band. It's the... I hope that's that that...
Is that why you were muting me and unmuting me repeatedly? I knew it was one of you two fuckers that I was trying to pick because I scrolled down to the background but I didn't go to the bottom. like drink i had I had just farted when he did that so I was like oh shit. um you that No, no. So I had just scrolled. I like I didn't scroll to the bottom of the background, the background music. I just clicked on the background music and I didn't see anything. But I knew one of you two fuckers were doing something because it's been driving me crazy for like i don't know it four minutes. Yeah.
yeah So what I got one, it sounds like a ghost woman getting screwed. i I heard that one. what what makes i all got was excellent turns i was yours yeah what What makes me a believer? It goes back to when I was when i was young. um we moved ah We moved around a lot when I lived with my mom. We moved around a lot. And um you know we lived in a lot of different houses and places, but we had this one house um right here in town, actually, right here in Newark. It's still there. It's been around forever.
I think I've actually showed Mickey where it was um should I And I was little. and And I probably wasn't much older than my son. I might have been younger than my son. But... What the hell? It was Ecto 1.
I've seen Mexicans in my house. Nikki, calm down. Okay, it's just a conversation. No, I have a Mexican that lives in my house now. Is this it? Funny, I have two.
it' No, I have a a legit real life Mexican that lives with us. My house is slowly becoming... Yeah, Jeff. There it is. what i'm looking What is some French guy in France?
ah Oh, and I'll get yelled at for making a fun of the Mexicans. Oh, oh, don't worry about it. Don't worry, Nicky, Nicky, it's okay. I got you.
Oh, I love, I love all of my, I love all of my children, including my adopted orphans that Nikki orphans like they're strange. yeah I'll be 23 tomorrow.
That doesn't help the cougar thing at all.
I'm both out of strength. This is what makes it funnier. So for years that we've been doing this show, for the four years we've been doing this show, Glick and I have had this joke that we were married in the past to the point where people were believing it. When they found out it wasn't true, they were like, wait a minute, you guys lied? So the fact that he keeps saying it and I keep playing the cougar sound, people are going to believe it. It's going to be genius.
I'm 23 and she's in her early phase. What the fuck is Darth Vader here? That's not me. So Steve asked me the question. How the fuck did we get off the subject like that quick? Yeah, he was a believer. Dude, that is nonsense. He was definitely a first second.
that is That is the nonsensical way. And I understand they're changing the subject. They're getting scared. The geese are flying, Bill. I told you. I told you. There's a lot of deflection up in here, Clay. Yeah, there really is. So, uh. Clay's taking on the energy. You need to. So growing growing growing growing up growing up, I had always seen and heard things that I couldn't i couldn't understand.
You know, I'm a kid. I didn't, I didn't understand what was going on. And it wasn't until this particular house we lived in here in town, and like I said, I was probably around the same age as my son, maybe a little bit younger. Uh, you know, I can't remember exact age, alex but I, I always seen and heard things in the house. The first time that I ever feel like I've seen an actual ghost happened in this house, which when I got older led me to do research on said house. sure So when you walk in this house this is one of these big houses, one of these historical big houses. When you when you walked into um when you walked into the front door, it had the stairway that went up and like the it was like the the hallway was massive. And there's a big railing.
And you went up the stairs and there was the bedrooms and the bathroom and the bathroom had, which ah to this day I'm still in love with. And Nikki and I both want one, but it had the original iron claw back to that sat in the middle of the bathroom.
so and ah cool bathtub. So I get it. Yeah. and And then it had like these, like super creepy, like closet cubbies on either side. But anywho, so I was, I was little and I got up
Fucker. One night. You're getting beat, dude. I'm telling you right now. No, it sounded like it was fucking outside. What are you saying? That's enough. Hey, Peter, hey, Peter Piper, fuck the pepper. How about you come to Newark, Ohio on October 19th to the Buckeye Act store and then... It's still playing here. I got shit to do with that. Oh, buddy.
But I don't like it. I've gotten up in the middle of the night. um
oh Oh, I will talk. Oh, yes. I will talk. will talk But that's that's the most recent thing that's happened to me. He just filled the cup. i'm trying to answer the question yeah try to answer the question steve asked girls stay on track of the head we did't know with what she said that that was my far i think we all need a riddle in this map deflection yeah So actually that's the most recent thing that's happened so but anyways I was a kid I got up one night and it wasn't like yeah anything happened that i It wasn't stormy. It wasn't, it wasn't any of that. I like, I'd only been in bed for like an hour and I had to piss and I got up and my mom and my cousin at the time that my cousin, my mom basically raised my cousin. Um, and, uh, um, they were like, they were downstairs. My cousin was older than me. They were downstairs. They were watching TV, whatever. And I got up and I went to the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom, there was somebody in the hallway.
right by the banister. it was And I can, to this day, I can still tell you plain as day. and And for the longest time, I thought I was dreaming. um and and and And growing up and and and having this experience, I've gone back to it. and i've But there was somebody standing by the banister, and I thought it was my cousin at first. And I started to say something to her, thinking it was her. And about the time I did this this thing,
kind of backflipped over the banister and was gone. And then from that moment on, I would hear things constantly. I would hear voices. I would see, and and doors would close. Things would open.
um One night coming up the stairs, because at the top of the stairs, you kind of made a little turn. And when you headed towards the bedrooms, you could see the bathroom in there. I had seen somebody in the bathroom.
whatever. how hows the how It wasn't what's that holds the house house was built in the late 1800s, early 1900s. Oh, okay. Nice. Same. So wendy yeah as I got older, this was something that stuck with me for years. It still sticks with me to this day, because it's still kind of weirds me out. Um, I decided to do a little research and come to find out but
Shut up, Peter Piper. If you don't know, see me right now, Peter Piper. But um come to come to come to come to find out years later down the road. um The there was a couple that lived there and the husband had killed his wife in the bathroom and then hung himself over over on that railing after he after he killed her. So that was kind of my first ever experience and then seeing that doing research years down the road, it kind of validated me. But also, like I said, my great grandmother told me once, and I was a little bit older, ah that that I was a sensitive and that it's not nothing out of the norm for our, quote unquote, bloodline to have sensitive in in our and our bloodline, basically, being an empath, being a sensitive,
It goes back and again, I can put this in a in a reference to these will understand we have our five senses and then some people have a quote unquote six cents. Basically is what my grandmother told me is that my my door for my sixth sense is wide open. It's been open forever. Sapenial gland, dude. You think like. see my keep you out of this way like hang What's, what's that, Steve? Like since the first time like that hit you, like sitting on the bench. All right. I got two questions. What, what, what, how did that vision appear to you? Was there like an aura, like a glow or was it like an actual speaker? It was, it was like, it was like, um,
It was kind of like an aura, like a glow. It wasn't like a physical form. Like, like me looking at you guys right now, like I couldn't tell you, you know, the guy was wearing black, brown slacks, a white t-shirt, red suspenders, and you know, anything like that. It was just something that would be drawing energy. Yeah. So it was just something that caught my attention to where. He's wearing PT belts. It was PT. He's a fucking guy.
All right, so do he thinks, as you saw this as a child, it's like already embedded in your mind going forward. Everybody be quiet. um and to a certain degree but it was one of those things because yes I'm a believer but I'm also a bit of a skeptic because I want that I want I want proof you know I want to I want to debunk and I want to restart and I want to research things I'm such a nerd when it comes to history so that's what led me down because it was something that stuck with me and it still does to this day even when I drive past that house so I had I had multiple experiences there
So here, here, here, here's the crazy thing. And I know this sounds like something straight out of a movie, but who so on the doll with the i know this um back I know this, I know this sounds like something like straight out of a, straight out of a movie or whatever. But in this same house, one night when we were still living there, crack had broken, broke into the basement and you know, my my My mom was there, my cousin and her friends were there. She had that she had a couple of her guy friends there. And like the they were teenagers at the time. And like the guys were like, let him come up out the base because he broke he broke in through the basement. We had the big cellar doors outdoor outside.
And they're like, let them come up out of the basement and we're going to fucking, we're going to fuck you up. You know, teenage boys, they got the testosterone and the adrenaline, you know, and the guy never came out of the basement. So, you know, yeah like it sort of a great mayor house that was somebody, somebody breaks into your house. You call the cops and that's what they did. Well, when the cops got there and went down into the basement, this dude was Howard was like cowering in a corner and and had literally pissed himself. He was terrified by something he's seen in the basement. And again, years later it goes back and it was like, you know, kind of like a guardian angel type thing. Like this guy had ill intent, but something stopped him at the bottom of the basement stairs. And it's like, Oh, well he was a crackhead. yeah No,
But, but he was 100% 100% likes sober at the time when it happened. Cause he was, he was feeding in and whatever, but I don't know. And it's like, I mean, I still want the definitive proof. I mean, I can only go off of what I've seen, what I've heard. Um.
you know, personal experiences. Um, I also, when I go into the places that I think are haunted or give off a creepy or I know you guys talked about that before, but staying asylums, give off creepy or as old prisons, give off. That's just cause in times are freaking suggestion thing, I think, you know, i try some say and are inherently creepy. Yeah. So I try to erase that.
I tried to block that out of my mind. You know what I mean? and I tried to not go, and I go in as a skeptic. So I used to work at the old Harding hospital here in town. When I first started working for Ohio state, the old Harding hospital was in a sane asylum ish type deal. Warren G. Harding, former president, his brother started it. He's way back. Isn't that hard?
said but um And this was in the early stages of electrotherapy, lobotomies, stuff like that. ah And when OSU bought out the property and whatnot, it literally looked like they went to work one day and then the next day they left. They just never showed up the next day in some of the unoccupied buildings. We had one building that was quote unquote condemned, ah but we had to have some electrical work done in there.
We had an electrician that was down there working and when you're where he was working at, um, I got a call. Hey Glick, stop fucking around. I'm like, what are you, what are you talking about? I'm not even down there. You know, like, you know, like, what's, what do you, what do you mean? Stop fucking around.
And he was like, dude, I swear to God, there's somebody else in this building. And I'm like, whatever, you know, I kind of blew. I'm like, whatever. Stop being a pussy. You know, it's the middle of the day. Stop being a bitch. Just do what I need you to do. And, you know, finish up your job. And then one day me and one of the guys I worked with, we were down there and we kept seeing things and I didn't say shit. Like I'm not going to say shit because I don't want to come off like a crazy person.
You know what I mean? so yeah right like the moment you think you're going to say something that's crazy yeah So I'm like, I'm not going to say shit because I know that I seen, I know I seen figures moving around. I know I heard stuff. So we were back in our, we were back in our shop, me and this guy that I worked with, we were back in the shop and he was like, Hey, click.
and He didn't know like he don't he we'd only been working together a couple months So he didn't know like where I stood on that shit or anything like that and he was like aiming I talked to you without sounding like a complete lunatic and I was like fancy fancy choice of words considering where we are but You know, yeah, sure and he was like, you know, he was in that building man Did you did you feel like somebody was there with us? Did you see were you seeing any type of like figures or hearing anything and I was like Were you? He was like, yeah, but you can't make fun of me, man, because I don't believe in ghosts and shit. Like, I think that's just all all fucking dumb. And I was like, yeah, I got it. I got it. I got it. I got to be honest with you. I got to be honest with you. Yeah, man, I seen it and I heard it as well. And and that was that was just one of many things that happened.
Our fire alarms and burglar alarms would go off randomly all the time. It got to the point where... What kind of alarm? burga bluer lurle burger learn word bur bernhaler Burglar. clean Burglar.
but that's to show be not the believe better Burglar. Jesus. So, so one one other, one other thing that happened there, we were down sugs fucking dead and we were down in one of the buildings. That was the procedural room. And I don't care what anybody says about me or what anybody says. I know what I heard and still got me fucked up. We were down in the procedural room where they did lobotomies and electrical and electric therapy. And this is.
down in this basement of this building is where they had a lot of the old antique shit. And me and one of the guys, the the guy that I worked with, we were down there looking at shit and I'm like, I ain't never seen lobotomy tools or anything like that. And so, you know, we're kind of opening boxes and looking at things and pulling stuff out.
And I, the, the ice pick is basically what it looked like. You know, that they jam up in your nose and. Yeah. for the little bottomy i can little bit I picked one up and I was like, yeah, this is what they do to stab you in the brain and plain as day loud as fuck. Like we both heard it and it scared the hell out of both of us. Like I'm not ashamed to say we ran the fuck out of that building was a voice out of nowhere. They screamed down.
Like, dude, it scared the fuck out of me. Yeah, it was you. You were already in Cancun at the time. I got a question for you, big man, and you guys. So we had a couple of surprise guests come in here. They're actually sitting over here. Like, you've been in my garage. You know, I got, like, multiple couches in here. Yeah. One of them has a couple ghost stories she would like to share.
So you guys go with me switching spots and letting somebody see that. 100%. Yeah. Fuck ah yeah i Anything prettier than you. Yeah, right. Real quick, what Nicky brought up. What Nicky brought up. So I don't know. What was it? I don't know if she's still watching or not. I don't know. Maybe a couple of months ago or something. I hope you were making a mistake. I want to hear this. Let's hear it. If Nicky said that, you know we're good.
So now now again, darling, Nikki, we got a, we got a condo. It's nothing. I don't know how old this place is or anything like that, but nonetheless, we got done doing a show and Nikki was already in bed and I was out in the kitchen making something to eat. And I swear to God, there was, I seen, I seen somebody behind me.
You were making a sandwich and Nicki wasn't. I don't know what I was making. I already know you're lying. I already know you're lying. Let's be honest. I was probably making potatoes. I was probably making potatoes because it was after a show. Let's be honest.
yeah favorite food hey and i do i like i shoot you not like i'm out there and You know, I'm off in my own little world. I'm like still on that. I'm doing the show and I seen a black figure behind me and I'm like whatever. I kind of blew it off ah and then I seen it like I could see it again but this time it kind of moved across like it like it like it like moved across and and down the hall and it's like fuck is nickkki doing you know like So I went back in the bedroom and she, and she was asleep. I thought she was fucking around with me. So I, I was like, I grabbed her foot and I was like, were you just out in the kitchen? He said, no, why? I'm fucking asleep, stupid. And I was like, there was, I, and I told her, I said, I shit you not. Somebody was just out, like to the point where I went upstairs, the kids weren't here. I went upstairs and checked the girls' bedroom. I checked, I checked Cash's bedroom. I checked the second bathroom.
because I was so 100% sure that there was somebody else in the house. And there wasn't. You know, I've blocked it out at this point, right, Jeff? Yeah, but it's still funny. It just timed in out of no way. And I heard it. It was probably potatoes. It was 100%. But yeah, man, that was just the most recent thing.
um Oh, here comes Nicky. I think he's coming. No, I've seen him. I know I've seen her moving around. He's in trouble now. He's about to get haunted the rest of room. That or she just locked me out here then tonight. Please don't lock me out. It's freezing. Oh, hey, Susan. The best ghost story I ever told my wife is that one night I farted.
But however, I will say this, and this will be the last thing that I say, when my oldest daughter was first born, um where we were living at the time, her bedroom was upstairs, my our bedroom was upstairs, but for the longest time I seen this this little blonde haired girl, and this was plain as day, little blonde haired girl, white dress, um always seen her at the, and like the base of the stairs between the living room and the and the bedroom.
And I seen her for years. And then we moved into a house that we had here in town before we moved to South Carolina. And that house was kind of set up the same way. We had our living room, our family room. And from the living room, you could see the stairs and then the family room was like right where the stairs were. Always seen this little girl, never thought too much of it. One night we were sitting in the living room watching the movie.
We had a couple friends over her and I kind of glanced over her and I had seen her. My ex-wife had this fucking, and she's 100% skeptic, non-believer. um 100%, I could see, I was like, did you finally see her? And she was like a little blonde girl. And I said, yeah, she's been with us since Austin was born. She was literally moved, no matter where we live, she's always between Austin's bedroom,
and and where we are every time I see her. And she stayed with us even when we went to Charleston. And after Alexa was born and after Cash was born, again, I know I sound ridiculous. I know I sound crazy. So what you're saying is, I have a chance to meet in this person when when when I visit. we have i have not seen her I have not seen her in years.
So when we moved to Charleston, this is the crazy thing. And I only seen him one time and I only seen him one time ever. First place we had in Charleston. I seen her between the stairs and, and, and the living room, but also with her. And this was a full figure of 100%. I can tell you the details about this man. It was an older black man who was in our in my kitchen. He was, I've always seen the one time.
only like constricted to the living. Okay. so yeah quick i there was black woman named jeff and bla this is a black bla this this was a black guys and love jeff So crazy crazy thing is is after we split up and moved back home to Ohio, there was a death in the family.
And I can't remember if it was her great grandma, her great, great grandma. She sends me a picture one day um and she said, does she look familiar? Yup. She sure does. Turns out it was, I think, I thought, I can't, like I said, I can't remember if it was great grandmother or great, great grandmother, but it was her from when she was a child. And we basically summed it up that she was just there to be a guardian angel and look over the girls.
So, but i I mean, I could tell you in full detail, this little blonde hair girl with the ponytail, little white dress with with with blue, a light blue along along the trim. um ah I can tell you every detail about this little girl. I've seen her so many damn times, but she was always in between wherever we were and where the girls were. I feel just said something like a movie.
night ah out not night su suus ah yeah and um going to lay down nuche no fired
But yeah, I know I've seen her so many for so for so many years that I can Give you every detail about the end of the day and then again You can call me a liar. You can say I'm full of shit. Whatever. I don't care. I know what I've seen. and i But as soon as you would look over and and I would notice her like that, she was gone.
so and and And so all your experiences are straight fucking visual, man. Visual and I've heard it and and in in in hearing. I've heard a lot of things. Have any have any of you guys ever like woke up to some shit?
Oh, God, dude, I seriously want to give somebody a chance to tell their story. They're they're chopping at the bit. Her class. No, that is not that is the one. No, Jeff, that is not fucking brick.
I hate, I hate talking about this stuff. As soon as you said blue, I was like, I know what I'm looking up. like yeah I'm telling you, I think he believes, but he, you know, he's doing out that matt little, that 10 year old, you don't have to tell you all to watch ah a scary movie. Young Jeffrey. Oh God. They talk, they talk, they talk, they talk, they got it. They got to try and divert from the fact they're scared. It makes them a little nervous.
and there in mexico man He's going to have some fucking witchcraft devices above his fucking back. You smell that, Bill? Cupacabra. I smell. I smell. I I smell it too. I mean it was smell white. I smell the friction, for fuck's sake. All work, no play, it makes Johnny a ball, a dull boy. Nothing ever happens cool like that to me.
I mean, nothing ever happens like that to you. You won't go to a haunted forest. You won't go to... Let me ask you this. Halloween, you go to a haunted house even, even though they're all actors. 100%. Do you watch scary movies? No, because I don't... Of course not. I've never found them good. I think everybody is scared of the paranormal in some sense.
I mean, from like day one. i ain't afraid know but Yes. No, trust me. Trust me. I know. I know. Trust me. trust me I know your dad's, house your, your parents' house is haunted. I just ain't never said shit about their house, but trust me, I know. I went to, um, actually I'm going to hold onto a little, a few things because I want to see if Bill and I can put his, put his random Friday night show together because I got something that happened to me in PA. Oh, game on. yeah we'll We'll figure it out. I'm telling you, we'll we'll make it happen for the years out. The other thing that we're trying to do is we're wanting to do a night. And I've ah already sent the messages out to see, you know, I've had a couple of bites. um I'm not saying names, but we are trying to have a night where there's going to be Scream Queens and not the B movie one.
But we're going to have, you know, while we do invite her back for this particular one, but I want to have a night where it's going to be all screen Queens. how my my my thing
So, you know, if you, if you want to have a night where we just do like, you know, everybody tells just ghost stories and experiences, like, you know, we're trying to do tonight. And then there's. Yeah, then there's no. Yeah, we got we got. right to the bloom point I'm to talk to my ghost tonight, Jeff, and I'll be like, I need you guys to go down there. You can't come to a vacation. Take a vacation of why your ghost asks down there. And I want you guys to. Do it just want die and i'm paying my ghost tonight to go down there and. Do his woman's like, you know what, you keep saying you don't believe in ghosts, but what's what happens now?
Ghost won't hot won't won't haunt Jeff because he's gonna try to fuck it. I haunt the ghost. The ghost has to worry about. Is he not really one of the dudes from Impractical Jokers? I gotta throw this out there. He really looks like one of those dudes and I think his name's Jeff's too. He is the guy from Impractical Jokers. Yeah. Jeff is the guy. the guy jeff is Jeff is the guy from Scary Movie where the clown goes to pull him under a bed. He's Ray Ray.
back now hipter yeah that loves that shit and yeah There's only one reason for me to go to Cancun. Well, I mean, it might have to do with the ghost, I'm sure. I'm sure once I wow i'm sureund i will be the ghost she pour out a blaze. i keep I keep joking that I'm going to murder Nikki and I'm going to Cancun because they can't extradite me. And then I already have an alibi and her dad's going with me too. And he's gonna be like, we were here the whole time.
We don't know what she's at or what happened to her. So Nikki my Nikki my office You don't tell people what your alibi is ahead of time just let that me he lost that plot long time ago trust me trust me i talk about it I talk about it so much that, you know, God forbid anything ever happens to her, but I'm the least likely suspect because they're gonna be like, this jackass has been talking about it for two years. There's no way he's actually dumb enough to do anything to her.
you know I've got two people here that are like chomping at the bit to tell ghost stories. I know. Yeah. So I just i hold on hold on i just i just want to comment on one thing. While I was taking a beer refill time,
of deal. You had said something about everybody is scared about paranormal paranormal paranormal shit or some way shape or form. Yes, we're raised. I mean, the word ghost is scary. So it's embedded. I agree. There is this um intrinsic kind of like instinctual fear about shit like that. But I don't I think I think there are people that have grown past that. And that isn't I have absolutely no fear.
I don't, I am not scared of anything that would be dubbed paranormal. I'm not scared of any person, but there are certain things out there that do make me nervous. And even our ghost walk that night, you know, I mean, I did it, but I, you know, I'm not gonna lie. I mean, I was nervous as fuck because I mean, there's always that possibility that.
It could be. It'd be like trying to. swim qua i don't it like they're not walk mess We've heard that story from infancy and it's going to be in the back of your head. Every time you go out there, anything deeper than fucking waist deep. But see, that's the thing you said. you You said that there, there might be a possibility.
Yes. I don't think there, i I personally don't think there is a possibility that ghosts do. And so we can either prove it right or wrong, man. There's a possibility. Exactly. it's it's it's the It's the alien concept until you can't prove it right or wrong. I get that. However, I think i think i think the Fermi part paradox has more as more validation than ghosts. Agreed. Agreed.
yeah i have no like i doesn't i guess i dont mean this gentleman right here was kind of just epi until he actually experienced something and now he's got the questions. No, I'm still a fucking skeptic. but don ski You're talking about going out in the woods. You're talking about going out in the woods. My childhood, I basically lived in the woods because I grew up on 27 acres of woods.
okay yeah but hear me at all He's a feral gnome. Yeah, I'm a feral guy. I grew up in the forest i think talking about who I grew up in the woods, whatever. I grew up in the woods, bitch. I'll just hang out with the people. Much, much, much like, like I have absolutely no fear of the paranormal in any way, shape and or in form, but I would love to, i mean I mean, I would love to be able to be like, yo,
go see my ghost face. You want to like come on the show with me right now. And you show these guys that the, that the, that the afterlife is real. Like Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice motherfucker, like pop up here beside me and be like, I'm saying that in one of my fucking neighbors are going to be like, Oh yeah, we're going to get this motherfucker. They're going to pop over that don't rooting out. They're breaking out the Parker brothers, Ouija board right now. they're You know,
But, yeah, I mean, but much like, hey, you know, Sasquatch for many years was was expected to be just ah just a figment of your imagination. And then you guys get to see one six days a week right here on the Nonsense School Network. And now you know we're real. And I still can't get the taste out of my eyeballs. Yeah, well, I don't want to. You were you were the one that was like, hey, there, big belly, come here often.
yeah yeah rest and deliver yeah dinner bla bla are a chris bla a blaze i've and chris I have had beer and whiskey for dinner tonight. I think I'm going to share one real quick man.
I have not had dinner yet. I'm going to go eat leftovers. I don't know what it's going to be, but I'm going to throw kind throw a shit that we want to bring a guest on here. Yeah. absolutely and Yeah. We keep, I keep saying bring them up because I want to, I want to start wrapping this up, but you got people that came all the way over to your house.
to share a story. So, yeah, go ahead, Steven. This wasn't two months ago, dude. I don't want to fucking believe. I do not want to fucking believe. yes mills didn't happen the show ma mom didn't happen I don't want to fucking believe. right So about like six months ago, I'm laying in bed, dude. Again, totally fucking sober. And I'm laying there and i doing what I was this time.
So I'm laying there i got a call i and you ever, you ever get that feeling that someone's looking at you when you're awake? So I was awoken because I felt someone was looking at me. I woke up and I don't know. they Fucking plays. He smokes dead people.
um yeah yeah i love it i love it it Um, He's gonna take a hit off your ashes so i felt like blas dude And you know what I did I woke up i I saw like a fucking like light purple dragon. I'm not gonna bullshit you This is what I fucking saw okay um every other out bayt that is po weed has hallucinated i've been smoking to weed and i've never he he wasn't smoking du he was shoeing on thrumpin
but bla you never told about of dragon in your sleep In my sleep, yeah, but not because I'm stony because I'm on treess more yeah alright so i wake up the long drug for you have i had earlier ph d bro i woke up and i was like there's a purple dragon above me i'm swinging it was fight because you know steve versus the problem goes bro you're so we glad we yeah I at the fucking swung and did I don't know. I flew so fucking far, man. I swung. It disappeared. I didn't hit shit. There's no contact. Nothing. I was laying face down on the fucking floor. So then a week later, again, totally sober.
Um, i'm laying there i'm laying there in bed. I told you this shit because that's fucking not not the fucking purple dragon shit yet No, this is new not silver when you were seeing purple dragons Right and I'm telling you a fucking there was something held my left arm down That part you told me it was so fucking real because I was like totally conscious because like my left arm was down in the bed And I couldn't fucking move it, but I still had, I still have my right arm, right? So like I was kind of grasping and fucking reaching. And then that arm was pinned to the fucking bed. Like, dude, that's a sleep paralysis demon. It sounds like, yeah, it sounds like, ra destroy yeah, sounds like you're, uh,
I couldn't fucking move dude. I could not move an inch. Like this thing, I could have one in the fucking world on my fucking wrist. I couldn't fucking move. So right now we're talking, you know, we're talking experiences and some stories we do contribute to supernatural ah undertakings or whatnot. um I've had night terrors. I've had dreams where like this banshee looking woman is sitting on my chest holding my arms down and I can't fucking move. that's an feeling every and And I feel like every time I try to yell out for help,
like when you know my ex was lying next to me, like I couldn't get it out. But see, ah see but that's a nightmare.
that's that's That's a nightmare. that'
ah smart dead people that is that is sleep That is sleep paralysis and it's also night tears. I've had those experiences but I don't wake up the next morning like there was a ghost in my dreams. I know that the stress I've been under during that certain period of time brought those While I sleep anxiety attacks and so i love it that's all i know know you think like you're un middle road and that like brings on this like nighttro so it is agree What they what they they when you when you dream of a female presence that is holding you down that's a succubus That's a demon
but well I mean, wall street that my energy because of my current situation at that time with my ex-wife, metaphorically in my dream, yes, it was a succubus, but in my dream was my brain like telling me my ex-wife was a succubus. I mean, I will go with it. I mean, maybe she like like like do what really i mean to to to to actually sit there and say,
Alex we I love that I smoke dead people I do I fucking grind that shit up in an urn and I throw it my fucking weed plants Alex my boy that is not a dream Alex said that put that up there that is a dream i didn i just so re that there he that that was to dream but is my le dream the fuck right now man but definite i with you I've had I've had night terrors um It wasn't until the last couple years that my night terrors have gone away um Night terrors and the paralysis the sleep quote-unquote sleep prowess demons
totally different um check this check the group snap nikki found a sweet ass design she said she's 100 putting it on a shirt for blaze and it's awesome but um But yeah, no, the night terrors did. I've lived with them most of my life. The sleep paralysis demons. That shit's no joke. And, and and you know, they they say when you dream of a female entity that it's a succubus because they s seduce you. um
and and yeah And then they draw and they, and they, which all your energy, but it is linked to where you are mentally at the same time, because that's how they are able to, to catch you in their web. Quote unquote. might This fucking snapshot won't fucking load. it's we but i got No, I understand what I understand what you're saying.
When it comes to like, and I've seen a book like this before, like translating your dreams. I get to be a cynical. I'm being a cynical. That's all. I know. I missed it. I was looking away. You said I am.
No, I am because you're like, I get where you're coming from. And I was like, but do you? I do. No, I do. But I just. I understand the metaphorical explanation of it, but I don't sit there and jump to it's a succubus. You're getting great by a ghost, Blaise. I guess I am. Hey, Blaise, what are the benefits of a succubus? I don't want I don't. It's when you wake up.
They suck. They suck a bust. Call my cock a bust.
Call my dick a bust. Yeah, they're a suck a bust. As a squat, you've had many experiences with blades behind a rest stop. It's not a bust.
OK, you know what? You know, there is there's somebody that's been wanting to tell us to keep fucking. We keep fucking up. We keep fucking. Oh, that's the picture Nicki said. I added I added the actual people. I know you guys. Yeah. I'm going to tell stories. I know. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We're going to I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. do I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. it again. I'm sorry. So I'm we're going to do it again with Bill and I. We're going to leave the cynics at home. If she's still there, tell her to come on up. I would like to hear. Now everybody's wanting to come on up. Okay. Yep. It's I've been trying. I've been trying for like the last I know. And I know, but you guys, you guys cannot stay on topic. No, it's not. We're going to point. We're going to point in this direction right here. We're going to go like this.
All the way, Greg, all the way, all the way. it's it's it's the it's It's the one beside me and the two beside Bill. but
I can still do it. Now it's the one below me. I am not here. I am not here. The one below you, huh? Yeah, now it's the now it's the one above me in the one caddy corner to be kidding. She's she's good. She said she's she'll she'll wait to the next one. OK, yeah, i know I definitely I definitely want to hear that. I you know, I do want to hear them. I'm intrigued. I'll give a bill tomorrow. We'll talk tomorrow and see if we can set something up for a Friday night and it'll just it'll blaze his asshole.
Blake, this is. Jeez. Wow. Wow. The Dark Knight. No, it says the dark hole. It says the dark eyes. The dark hole. Leave my bottle out of this.
shit doesn't know what to It's just going off the rails, man. Oh my God. This was supposed, you know, and I, both me and Glick have been posting it says like, it's going to be a bone chilling. Oh, we hashtag like ghosts and all this and that. And you guys invited skeptics. We'll, we'll, we'll make it, we'll make it right. We'll make it right. And and then when Jeff and I were playing scary music, it fucked up. We're up there on a trip.
It didn't fuck me up, I was just like. No way, there is just no question whatsoever. And if anything happens.
Not necessarily to us, but if anything, like with it like with this idiot over here, you know, he he he questioned it. I can hear everything you're saying. I know you can. I'm not quiet. like he's like literally right an not' bringing in the mind here yeah she yeah um the fuck beside are you wearing yellow me don' know What's going down there? Yes, but The fact is, again, nonprofessional, all we have is cell phones and something happened. We did make something. So, I mean, if I can make a video of him, I can make it a believer out of El Jefe up there. Ain't gonna happen. No, I think Jeff, I think Jeff's gonna take this shit to his fucking grave. No, Jeff. I know
I know, Jeff, we could go full on Ghostbusters and see ghosts all over town. And Jeff would be like, nope. I'd be like, not really. You guys fucking made this shit up. Jeff could have a ghost shit on his chest and he would still not believe it. Well, Jeff would marry that ghost. I'll tell you, buddy. How did you know I was into this? We didn't even get into half the ghost stories we wanted to tell. You do realize that, right? That's why I didn't know we were guys.
That's what I said. Well, you what trust me, I got it. I got it. Some of us have to have to be grownups tomorrow. i the give up yes Luckily, ro is on war comp so I get to sleep in just a little bit. At least but it blazes self-employed. Jeff claims to have a job.
you're probably, it's been broke for the last four months. I don't know what stuff sell it that way. I mean, I understand it. but It works. Hey, gotta make that bet. I'm trying to get, I, I'm trying to get him to move to Ohio and we could, we could open our own grow farm. Ohio. He can move to grow city and do just as well. If you guys are going to pay me to grow weed, just let me know where I need to go.
ah It's it's ah it's 100% legal in Ohio. Okay, we we we've got somebody from the cheap seats Let's go five acres
Boys, I don't know. I don't know anything. I don't know anything about weed. I'll be 100% honest with you. I don't know nothing about the devil's lettuce, but Jesus Christ, I know Blaze does. Let's let's fucking get ready. This is not about weed stories. This is about ghost stories.
but he to please he packs Grandma's ashes, you know, um the bla smokes enough we but ill magic ghost stories going to rock great you imagine a bong hits his the the you know they And I know Blaze well enough. I mean, Blaze and I have had conversations outside of the show, on the show. He's gonna ask questions, you know, because he, and he's not doing it to be a dick. He's doing it because he wants to see. I'm sorry, was I being a dick tonight? I am so, I did not mean to come over. No, no, no, no. You won't be a dick. You won't be a dick. You're just being a cynic. You're just being a cynic. You're just being a cynic.
Just try to ask. Just ask your cousin Kentucky boy. I'm sorry.
My sister is in available right now. Last time you asked his cousin, he became an uncle grandpa. Rock hard.
you um and your uncle lee on her show again he's like you know what fuck my family tree out of this tree looks like a great it' taine
Oh, I heard that. No way. It's all. Well, now it's done. That's it. He's his family tree. Don't know if they should scream go Mountaineers, go wild cats or ah roll tide. Roll tide straight up in roll tide Alabama. I don't know. Oh, that sounds like some sports talk right there. It is. It is. Yeah.
Kentucky Wildcats, West Virginia Mountaineers, and Alabama. Is there any sports ghost stories? Like, there's got to be some, like, ghost story about some, like, dead football player that makes touchdowns on... This one is Jimmy Hoffa. ...when the car drives by the alleyway. There is a legend that Jimmy Hoffa is actually buried in the end zone of John Stadium. Is Jimmy Hoffa a sports guy? Who's actually dug enough to check? It was Jimmy Hoffa.
watch wow They ran one of those detectors over the end. Is he a sports dude? you crafa is You haven't heard that legend. I don't watch sports.
no stop sport some problems he's a lobster Oh, no, no. Okay. I've heard that the team. Yes. Yes. Yes. That I, okay. Okay. My, my mind was like thinking sports players. And yeah, I got there is one, hundred there is, there, there is 100% a ghost story that revolves around sports. I want to hear it. If you build it, they will. There.
that got did um had it uploading this is true too because they build they build adult theaters and they will go shoeless joe jackson man because he came in his socks whoa hey knows me for stardust
the foot Everybody was frozen i'm ready to go for me. i almost turn bite You know, the sports fans on to Thursday. Bill, welcome to the nonsensical network. Yes. We had a topic we wanted to talk about tonight, but it is inevitable that just like, go stories.
Just like Thanos said, when he snapped his fingers, it's inevitable that we go off the rails at the end of the night. Dude, honestly, I, I, you know what, truth be told, I think, you know, between everybody, dude, I think we're going to have a hell, I mean.
work ver i had like more wedding then gla brought it up Put that put on, put that on the front of an Adam and Eve store. If you build it, they will come. oh you We should be an ad agency. I'm just saying. We have lines done here in Ohio. I'm just saying.
Elizabeth tell Kentucky has a brick-and-mortar adam Adam and Eve store. You know the fun part is I thought as me and Steve like as the alcohol star really flowing Those stories and all this would really start man. Honestly. Yeah, we went completely off the ghost stories and We I've been trying to bring it back to ghost stories. It's going by Yes What the fuck was that?
dont wait time goes I have no idea what the hell he is. it gun hes He's downloading stuff that is so low.
Guys, ghost stories are fun when you're sitting around a campfire with weed. I'm just saying. Don't hide behind him. Don't hide behind him. There you are.
like see so Halloween I had maybe another see Halloween should be changed to Halloween. He's not a skeptic anymore. That's the thing. This is called it's called out right now. Spade a spade. He is not a skeptic. He wants to be a skeptic because he is actually experienced. I'm a nonbeliever, dude. I am still trying to find reasons to make this shit fucking not be real. Exactly. See, I don't look at it that way.
I look at it and i just with with all the fucking shit that that they have. All right. So the ghost hunting show that was huge about 10 years ago. Amazon on fucking Amy, all that other shit. Everybody was a ghost on her. Everybody was. And, you know, there's no excuse for me nobody came up with the fucking ghost.
I know time. Nobody said we have a ghost here. Like George Washington came and came. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do history. Not now. don't Washington came where?
nobody nobody because washington came where but at no i heard nobody said hey look at me I need to pass over like like give me gratification give me what I need give me um give me closure at no point nobody said that because we have zero fucking proof I don't care but you know and m do you know so this is this is uh this is the way I look at it if if if I can't explain something I I can't explain something and I'm not going to jump to another conclusion and I'm not going to sit there and waste too much time on me not knowing why something isn't the way it is. I mean if for some reason later on down the road I have a similar
situation, I have to re-engage it and there's new information to to like apply to that situation. My my my mind might change, but i don't i don't come up like I don't sit here and dwell on the ghost thing or the alien thing. i mean If it's real, it's real. If it's not, well, it's not. But i mean until then, it's like I'm just like in limbo and I don't waste my time on it.
If we have so much science, dude, if we can take a fucking atom, if we can take a small element and we can make it into a massive explosion, if we can put a person on the moon or if we can put a person on the moon. Allegedly. But see, that's the thing about science. Science is an ongoing exploration. We like every day we find new knowledge to incorporate what we know now. So I mean,
now But like solv solving the dead question, like if there's something on the other side or like if there's life after death, like it should be trivial with the science we have.
Yeah. But I mean, you can't, you can't really go back in history and say, well, you know, this, that, and the other thing, because you realize how. I don't mean now science is in like, science like no, actually I do like science now knows more than what science did like 50 years ago, hundred years a hundred, 300 years ago. oh I'm not saying science now is in some sort of like joke. I mean, like, well, what we know now is going to be less than what we know 50 years from now, a hundred years from now.
i you can't we like we can't sit here and say, oh, science doesn't explain this now. So science doesn't get it. No, just like I will say, will I will say this on the ghost subject. It's much like aliens. We don't know. We're not 100% sure, hi but it would almost be foolish of us to think that It's not real. I mean, you know, the, you know, as far as like aliens go, the universe is is massive. We don't know if there's other light bulbs out there and nobody can give us a definitive answer of yes or no. So I'm going to be a cynic again. I'm going to be a cynic. We can also be foolish to think that there's not like, that sure let's do this for looks great what do you mean? I you say alien life. and be mean
like, oh there fuck who's what all gray men walking around, so scott coach wo up from yeah yeah you know, like, or, you know, I mean, like, like, like, like, like Spangler there, man. Like, no, say no. this So the only reason why I ask is I agree with you. There is no evidence of some great alien man in, in the stars. We haven't discovered that you'd be the only one as in alien life, like life outside of our planet. We have discovered life. They're like single cell, my core organisms, my life, like mouse science but not in the sense of like a sentient being. So the next month we will do a whole show on aliens and conspiracy and area 51 and so as well, you know, and we like the way off of what based off the tools.
that they're given. Same thing with the Superman. He can't he can't. please hang roses and loose Be ready or not being real. okay Fucking shit. Because people will dispute the tools that are used to prove ghosts or the supernatural being real or not real and the people that don't believe in aliens or alien life forms, whether it be plants or whatever, it's just kind of the same thing. It's the same situation. and That's what I'm saying. Like,
Welcome back, Homie. It's almost foolish to think because we don't have 100% until you see it with your own eyes. You know what I mean? You're not going to believe it. If you don't want to believe it. As we went down there to disprove and came back with more questions than we did answers. So we're actually standing on an end where we can say, you know what?
There's a stronger possibility of the debunking. I don't think coming away from something with more questions means means you've gotten closer to an answer, because you've gotten more questions. i don't Exactly. yeah yeah i don't know i know You have to be fake. It's done. I love a phone what i want I know what I've seen, and I know what I've heard in my personal experiences. And I would swear on anything i add mean I'm not making it up just for click beat at the end of the day. I've actually lived this, but I don't, I don't have, I mean, I can't go, well, you know, here's photographic or here's video or.
And again, if I do show photographic or video evidence, they're going to go, well, I mean, and I'm saying, why you get that and yeah, skeptic because the general would be like, yeah, that can be faked and, you know, give me 20 minutes. I can do that on, on, I can just an app tell you from my firsthand experience and you.
Take you with a grain of salt at the end of the day. I mean, we don't know me from that. Well, you know, some people don't know me from Adam. I'm just an asshole on a podcast talking about, yeah, I've seen ghosts. Yeah. I've seen things. I've heard things. i've I've felt things I've, you know, I, and that's, that's where I stand. Um, you know, it's the same thing with people who claim to have been abducted by aliens.
They really believe that that what happened to them happened to them. I mean, they I mean, there's that there's that whole that that whole case that they made a movie out of. Well, what's it? Fire in the sky or something like that? Yeah. Oh, that's that was a good movie. I like that. It was a great it was a great movie. But it was a good one. Me being me, I've dug deeper into it. I'm sure a lot of people have. And they go back to the actual account, the actual testimonies, the actual story. And even though I may not necessarily believe in alien beings, it's like, who am I to shit on this? These guys, because they lived it. You know what I mean? I don't know. I don't want to. I don't want to pull more away from like the ghost stories and DJ, you have a good point. We have.
deflected from that. But you brought up fire in the sky. If I were in the sky, I remember watching when I was in my 20s. And that movie itself really got me questioned.
I watched it. It really kept me questioning about the validity of the story, the evidence, where it came from. And I looked into it. And it's a very interesting story. But when I looked into it, I came away from it was just a good movie with a fictional story. but i like yeah like part but But that being said, I mean, you guys, you know, you and Jeff are both brought up aliens a bunch of times. So there's always that one thing that, you know, there's always that question, you know, you said it yourself without a definitive answer, you know, it your words were, it can't be real, but there's no definitive answer. I mean, on the same note. No, there, and you're right. I'm not giving a definitive answer because there's, there's more than just, I believe where I don't believe there's, I don't believe, I don't believe where I don't know.
Jeff and Blaze. i have a confess to make You're an alien? thing Everybody. read know the joke is on The joke is on you guys. I actually died in 1864.
and And this isn't whiskey. This is just iced tea that I made to look like whiskey. Exactly. I actually died in 1864. That's a fair question. The Battle of Niesberg.
no it wasn't very and actually dejaary use dis owner created his whole network that you guys are a part of so I mean a question just came up from from from the sidelines here, you know, do you want to ask this question?
Uh, real quick. I did see Alex, uh, not only we're distracting too much. I want to hear the question. I'm sorry. I know, but I just want to, I just, this has been sitting in the con and the chatter's box for a minute. Not only do I want to shout out the lineman, but I want to shout out the first responders and everybody who is actually taking care of the people that are going through the hurricanes right now, especially that group of ex military special forces down in Tennessee, who was doing more for the people.
uh, our narrow Carolina and Asheville that our government's trying to shoot them down and tell them they can't do it. They formed a fucking group of people that are getting supplies, food, water, and doing everything they can to take care of the people in Asheville. So shout out to everybody who's taking care of our people in the South i'm shot and in in a sippa beer because they are really going through it right now with these hurricanes. So cheers. Cheers.
And shout up and shout out two in shout out to my ah bonus son, because him and his buddies have decided that they want to get out of the company that they work for. And they're going to be going down there here in a here in about a month or so, I think it is. And they're going to spend the next six, seven months down there um like you guys clean up doing cleanup and helping.
And, you know, obviously they're going to get paid for it, but they're taking all that money that they're going to make from doing it. um And they're going to start their own company when they come back home to P.A. So, you know, shout out to everybody who's doing their part to take care of everybody who's really came through um in florida Georgia, North and South Carolina. And Tim is laughing at you. I did something here a second ago.
The food I've eaten has not sat well. He's sharted.
You just shit your pants? Did you just shit your pants? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Alex. I wanted to encompass everybody. I wanted, I wanted to encompass everybody. I was taking nothing away. They're not laughing at you or the situation. It was all of me.
Yes, everybody involved timing on that one. and click i mean we right over two man my only guest to the brilliant controversial Controversial. It's not controversial. everybody deliberate will be that She's got a good point, but kind I want to say, everyone and I wouldn't encompass everybody that way. We didn't come back and go, Hey, you guys forgot about.
Everybody involved with doing their parts and take care of and help people down there. You guys are rock stars, man. You guys are rock stars. You guys remember Katrina was up here on chat, right? Yeah. We're going to bring her on mic. Yes, I'm going to hear a question. I'm very curious about her question. There you go.
been here a long time i'm to come back get and appearances She was in the chat and she came all the way over here to uh tell her story. This is Katrina, guys. Let's go. What's up? All the way over here from fort from from two blocks away. Oh my god. His um his boyfriend uh Jack over here. Jeff. And we have a little controversial.
so yeah again
Do you guys believe in God? No, I don't know. I do not. Okay. So then there's, you guys brought up earlier the logic of it. So if somebody believes in God, but they can't prove it. So why can't you believe in a ghost? Cause there's no proof of it. i don't i don't that You can't disbelieve about an alien. Cause there's, where's the proof? The logic, a lot of people.
They, when they're younger, like my first experience happened to me when I was three years old, sorry three, three. okay So my first experience happened then. So, I've been open minded to all of this, since I was. Since I to go wipe his ass.
try So. Again, I've been open minded to everything I've never blocked anything out most of the time. When you're younger and you're told, okay, this is scary. So it automatically you your brain blocks this stuff out.
yeah automatically open up yourself and don't let your brain block out that information and you're able to absorb what's around you. Yes. I put on there and I believe it was Jeff. I couldn't thank for the, I talked to dead people.
place without bla mountain of bla out of de oh some dance snow dode dead people so yes I have a problem with this. so And if I'm correct, it is Glick.
Um, Nikki, is it, is it g like that? has nick That is with Nikki. Yeah. Okay. You could ask Nikki. Nikki knows me. i heard Nikki was one of my best friends growing up. She can tell you, I talked to dead people. Oh, from fuck yeah do you, do you guys mind if I answer the question real quick? I'm fucking petrified.
Oh, I'm taking this one man. still but um way yeah i'll set way for I mean, like the right with with with with the question she asked, I already have an answer and if somebody else wants to go. No, go ahead.
why okay so So when it comes to the to the claim of God or claim or when it comes to the claim of ghosts or anything supernatural, like those ideas haven't been proven even plausible. But when we talk about the when we talk about the idea of aliens or life in the universe that we live in, well, we already know that it is probable by our own existence that the fact that we exist in the universe
is proof that aliens are probable. But when we talk about gods or ghosts, there's nothing there that we can chomp at the bit on a empirical level that says that those things exist or even in a plausible sense. So even though I don't believe that aliens, aliens exist today, I do feel or I do think that aliens are probable of existence either before we existed or after we exist. But when it comes to gods and ghosts and stuff, I just don't see any evidence of it.
I'm Jeff. What you got, brother? There's a whole **** book about Todd. I don't care. There's there's also there's like of them but there's also about 50 books but there's books about Spider-Man and Batman and all that.
Superheroes. Wow. But Batman and Superman, all those other books that you just sent we're not study they are studied they're studied as aliens aliens people i don't know people actually attribute uh superhero comics as as like an extension of the myth of the lord superman is a god i'm a god i am a god i'm god
Where did Kat go? I really wanted to hear her. um down pollut like No, she said, she, she said it and, you know, she's stepping off the side and letting us. I do. I do. I do want to, I do want to have, you know, if we're able to figure out before the end of this month, a Friday we can do is do a show like this. I do want to hear some more of her stories when we don't have cynics in the building.
Yeah. Not ne yet. Yeah. Yeah. yeah No, but but you asked the Senate the question and then give my answer. You guys get upset when are you get upset. I'm not, I'm not upset. I'm not, I'm not upset with you guys. no and place i've had this conversation thing It's like rain that's fucking weird.
what's that least's never like never been the asshole on this network it is just turned to be the well I'm trying, I'm trying to hear what what, what they're saying real quick. Like, I'm sorry. What's that? but No, bla bla I don't think Blaise is the ass. you know And I'm not calling Jeff an ass for Blaise here. he' say Why the fuck am I the asshole? Jeff's not the asshole, but I will say Blaise looked at it a little bit more, you know, open-minded it seemed like and came up with more.
Whereas you seem like, you know what, fuck it. It just, it doesn't, you know, it, it can't be proved, doesn't exist. You know? No, I never said that. No, I know you didn't say that, but that's why you kind of came off, is what I'm trying to say. No, and I understand that, but that was not my intention. My intention is the fact that it, it's, it's, uh, Blaze and I had this conversation when we came to the left and the right just because just because you believe something doesn't make me have to believe it. But that's the thing, that's that's the paradox you find yourself in. People get upset when you're like, yeah, but I don't believe you. You know what I mean? And it's like, you can't, it's like, like for instance, my mother and I have this conversation all the time. She's like, you need to thank God and blah, blah, blah. I'm like, mom, I don't believe in God.
funnyny punage yet And and it' this was not like a personal attack on Jeff, by no means. im just yeah i you know what your mother know me all that thing is that technically are somewhat in a talk tro I mean, that's how it kind of came off is like, Blaze kind of gave more reasoning behind it. Whereas you're more just this muscle of the whole thing. Jeff, your mother told us we need Jesus.
Jesus! I need Jesus as much as I need Jesus. What did I do, Chris? What did I do, Chris? I don't know what I did. I have no control over the chatter's box. The chatter's box says these guys are a couple of assholes. I don't know what's going on. I mean, okay, so if people are thinking we're arguing and I would not,
Actually, you're wrong. We are arguing. We are only more like a more civilized kind of way because we do have our different opinions and arguments for those opinions. I mean, we are arguing. I just think there's this negative connotation arguing when arguing is a good thing too. Well, yeah, it's a conversation. Hey, Jeff. Hey, Jeff.
What do we know? Your mom told us we need Jesus. Exactly. and my mom and My mom literally called Glick and I both after the second episode told us we need Jesus. Jeff can fuck off right now, but Ann's got a great point. We do talk over each other and I'm doing our part over Jeff. I've been trying.
i will say i holy this thing on the rail like an hour We need talking sticks. Yeah. I, uh, Jeff and I, we were like our third, second, third, fourth episode in Jeff's mom sent me a message. I only met this woman once a month. And she said, whi them up was memorable was as it is when i meet connner's mom she she said, she messaged me on Facebook and she said, couldn't voice the fur you and Jeff are horrible.
the the the
buttons now do you see that that's that's a haveable debate so you got to mute the other person to make sure
the whole thing i mean it's it's it's it's yeah it is no but it's it's an argument out of fun like i mean i'm i'm not gonna have absolutely i'm not gonna hate jeff after this i'm not gonna hate blaze or steve or glick or anybody if you disagree you disagree but that's not everybody i hate everybody it's pretty weird all 23 years and And I hope, and I hope to God that Peter Piper has put an accident. I got a massage after that game. no fuck it I'm just going to say, fucking everybody out there that hates Peter Piper and let's guy has been following me on YouTube for years. fuck that guy He goes wherever I go and he tries to ruin my experience. Fuck that guy.
I love Peter. He's my favorite. We need a cart Jeff and I know you can do this. We need a Cartman. Speed you guys and gain him. Exactly. I've been saying that for years. You I'm going. but I got this one. Fuck your god.
um but
No, it's it's it's it's it's just it's a little pun on tonight's show. It's a spirited debate. Yes. What? We should have had debate. So how do you say it's spirited? You are not that far in. that You cannot. I'm masturbating. I didn't say we were masturbating. Can I say?
I want to say this. I want to see this as a skeptic, as a person that doesn't believe in go schools or all that shit. I do believe in horror. I do believe in the human condition of getting scared or whatever. It's all different. And I actually love fucking Halloween for that because I love being scared.
I don't believe in ghosts. I don't believe in all that shit. What I love going out to a haunted house is put on by oh yeah actors and they jump out and fucking scare the shit out of me. And I fucking scream like a little girl. I fucking love that shit.
Is that what you identify as? Scared little girl right now. and in october i do Yes, I Yes, I did. Not sober, I'm a scared little girl. But my point being is, no matter how much I don't believe in ghost stories, I cherish ghost stories. i gered I cherish the fact that humans tell stories to pass on stories of even like the ones that are supposed to like tickler freaking beer in the middle of the night, we're fucking sleeping and shit. Like about people the scary experience is part of the human experience. And I don't want anybody to think that I'm trying to take away from that when I'm sitting here telling, saying that I don't believe in ghosts and all that. It's not that I don't, but I do believe in the human condition of, of, of enjoying
are feelings being scared. It's, it's, it's, it's amazing. It's the most human thing i've ever. heard And this is, this is when, this is what you get for four hours and we're blazing me in drunken stomach. I I rambled on.
fucking lead and and a beer welcome to an h like podcast No, we've been that and out we've been doing this for years around here at nonsensical. This is nothing new. for Saturdays is like four hours. around that we wrong we've been on and Every chance we get, we will get on your Saturday nights. Trust me on that. Dude, you guys are invited on Friday night movie nights. You guys can watch a movie. I'm not wanting but love it. You can do it.
You know I DJ on Friday and Saturday nights most of the time. I've been on your show one time, had an absolute blast. Looking forward to doing it again. So like this all day long. The fucking automotives, but I would love to get on Jeff's fucking show and maybe even get our sponsor that, you know, he's, he's a diesel guy.
You know, and just yeah love to having fun run it, dude. I mean, this this is what I like to do. we We, you know, the more people on here, the better talking yeah and and just like bickering back and forth. So to say this, dude, I've had a blast. Honestly, we went off topic. I don't know, like two hours ago, I'd say like
it gives me christian bell was a white batman had to disagree with like both don't start man greatest that man ever greatest Batman ever. bat ways Let's get him buddy. You know, we we had him last time. We had him make a motherfucker from Twilight was the worst **** Batman ever. No, the new one was the first man person fruit first love is that best I mean, come on.
Yo, the ghost of fucking Batman came to him in a fucking way. The ghost of Batman was like Robert Patterson. He never had been fat. Fucking Batman. OK, but I have what's the penguin. OK, OK. I fucking love this thing. Isn't he good? I'm going to do all that. No, it's fucking awesome. Wait, what's that? It's Captain D-Batman. Yeah, you need to watch this new show. Robert Patterson's Batman is good.
But I will say this, when it comes to Hollywood Batman's, they do leave out the supernatural ghost shit that happens in fucking Batman comics. That's fucked. That's fucked. I also just want to say that Robert Pattinson is not Batman yet. He is vengeance.
Yeah, click that made me so hard. da embrace yeah harvard i just will out you sir are You sir are welcome. My job he has done here tonight. doosees I'm out.
This episode has been brought to you by the Nonsensical Network. Fucking dickheads. I don't have that up here, Glaze. Damn it. Good job, dickheads. Dude, you killed him. that Look, he's done. i have it on our so yeah good you that's good you guys ready call it yeah
Yes, absolutely. Guys, I do want to call this. I wanted to call it over an hour ago. Bill, I will talk to you tomorrow. If you want to go to bed, Jeff will host it the rest of the two hours.
oh god withinre it two dus you we are here We can go another fucking easy, you know, we could yeah je i good i could hey you guys want to set one up i'll come on over but like i you know I show but I'm gone see you guys yeah Jeff all of a sudden it's like Hey Jeff's in control now. Just said no habla in me. Oh
no ah we be get on my race card what and We will absolutely run this again. Yeah, which it's fucking it's almost midnight here and I still got it i still gotta to eat dinner. I gotta work tomorrow. I gotta get up with the kids and take them to school.
yeah I've got dinner um i feel then din in front of me. Yeah. I don't know what I mean. I got to go ravage the leftovers, but now any and everybody who tuned in tonight, shout out to you guys. If you're not following us already, um, follow us at the nonsensical network where we're literally everywhere. Bio dot link slash nonsensical network.
Give us a follow this way. Give us your spirit. That's not what you call your wife in bed. I'm so sorry. No, it's not. call we call I call her dessert. I call her dessert. Wow. I call her dessert. Wow. i but i guarantee I'm just swallowed my DMs after that last one. Where's my mouth?
She might be asleep. Her hatred of me might roll onto you after that one. Dude, I don't know, man. Be thankful. Be thankful she's asleep. I feel I'm really vulnerable. Yeah, be thankful she's asleep and be thankful that she doesn't listen to replays. Tiny. Tiny's very important.
o Yeah, so check us out, bio dot.link ah slash nonsensical network. like Chris said, check out our merch, dude. Like, yeah said check out the merch. so I was like, good luck. We mentioned our merch. We inspire the alcohol in everybody tonight. Chris, how much merch have you bought? oh no Christopher technician. How much more people to know they can they can take a piece of me and they can put on to them.
that's a Spread us on it. See that's me. I got I got given shit when I didn spread us on you It looks like that's because I say it better Jeff when you say you come off like a pet You come off kind of creepy Jeff I wish I could turn the camera on right now There's too much discourse going on in my area too I don't know what the hell is going on on my end So he's like, I was going to go this, but I'm coming back. We will make your bladder. We're going to be like, no, fuck you. yeah No, no, absolutely.
Absolutely. If you're not already, go ahead and give us a follow here at the Nonsensical Network, bio dot link slash Nonsensical Network. Don't forget to give our guys, if you're, if you're one of our followers in your, you're watching, give our guys another shop. I cast a follow as well. Throw out all that social media at another shot. Um, these are good friends. They're doing the same thing we're doing. They're having fun. They're hanging out. They're doing, I mean, they'll never be me. I mean, ah you see it in the background. he's got all ro what so are past you at this point later what because you know but then you got out like the yeah yeah know like they man je thatam oh yeah see me network man and that's the bottom line because stone cold glick said so um but fucking It doesn't matter what the Glick says. I hear voices in my head they talk to me. ban They talk. Don't get me started.
It's not about what the Glick spreads. It's about what the Glick spreads and it's not. Yeah. It spreads your mom's legs. It makes it itch. It makes it itch a lot. Oh, dude. I love my Glick picks. Oh, I can't do a Glick pick. Glick is a, Glick is an enchilada. Like, he enchilads. Yeah, enchilada, right. What Glick spreads is your mom's leg. Horrible day, Joe. Horrible day.
butlis My mom is scared. No, this was a great idea. um' I've added up to a blast. Steve's had a blast. I guarantee. Yeah. oh that hammer du this is this this was hard control This was fun. fun. Shout out to everybody who listened. Shout out to everybody who tuned in tomorrow evening. Cassius corners back. We're doing our bad blood recap. um He's mad.
he it like we'll get to that bad Honestly, no, no, no, no, it was good. He's mad at our picks. Oh, yeah. Um, yeah. So, uh, you know, that that tomorrow, uh, six o'clock.
Five o'clock. I will probably try to do it super early because tomorrow is my birthday. All right. Actually, it's my birthday right now. Oh, no, I got to eat now. Almost eight minutes. eight minutes we ah He stretches out for eight more minutes and sing happy birthday to Glick. Okay. More minutes. I can do eight more minutes. But then, but then we we've got multiple birthdays. What was I born 2001?
What about the beard, dude? I just care about the beard. The beard was born in 2002. I came out the womb looking like this. He was born in the 80s. Growing strong, man. Growing strong. Growing strong. but I was born in passing blood.
yeah The beard came out before I came out. Look at Bryce's face.
here comes the rest
now yeah we'll we'll try to do it early you know Hey, I'm just saying I know smarter fucking bowling
it well We're lost working towards that ending. You're doing awesome, bro. I'm trying to do it. Dude, the endings are nonsensical nonsense. It's pretty long. ah No, so tune in tomorrow night. Cash this corner. Cash and I will be doing that. Actually, because it's my fault, too.
brains learn't talk Uh, we'll be doing our, our, nice me and Nikki on our wedding day. yeah That's the future. but I made that picture. Don't give Jeff credit for that. I just sent it to him. I just saved it. I made this one tomorrow night. Yeah. so Tomorrow night. That's Belize and I have behind the rest of a big belly. Come here often. Kind of fun living here. Weird stoner. smoke weed. I'm trying not to say shit, but you guys it's being driven by a ghost. yes No.
say that all we need Tomorrow, tomorrow evening, we'll probably do an early show, a short show. Cashes corner is back recap of bad blood. Friday night is a nonsense and chill.
with uh with with uh we still gotta figure out a movie because the movie we were gonna watch isn't available um Dude, I got an idea for a movie you can watch. What the fuck is he doing? I've seen that movie. We can't watch it on TV. Put my hands here. It's about a girl in Dallas. It's about a girl in his dicks. I've seen that movie. It's not that good. It's not that good. No, it's not that good. It is about a girl in his dicks. You're not even drinking. It's kind of sweet. Let's smoke some whiskey and drink some beer.
it's actually the thursday Friday night. What was Friday night? um i contact some chill Saturday is the main event. It is nonsensical nonsense. Unhinged, unapologetic, open door challenge. The lunatics take over the asylum. much like i have oh Saturday night.
sunday Sunday is Unnecessary Roughness. Here's your kickoff to kickoff. Here's our football show hosted by myself, my boy Derek Wayne Douglas and Rick and Cam when he's available. It's an open forum so anybody can join us. You just gotta click the link. Austin is Jeff's Corner. Monday is Men Care for Men. Tuesday is Glick's House of Music and I will have Ms. Katrina Brie joining me all the way from Vegas Uh, this Tuesday, sort of withard next Wednesday for what the fuck news. That's basically the lineup. Monday men came from in Tuesday, Glick's house of music, Wednesday, what the fuck news, uh, Thursday, Cassius corner, Friday, nonsense and chill and, or, uh, whose argument is it anyways, Saturday is nonsensical nonsense. Sunday is unnecessary roughness and Jeff's garage, uh, all live on the YouTube, Facebook and rumble page.
And I tried to shows up within a day or two after they're recorded. Uh, so this is a podcast and we are on all switch media at, at the non-sensical network, bio.ly slash nonsensical network. All our links are there, including our merch. And then also guys check out another shop podcast.
They are everywhere their shows are Sunday Wednesday another shot there the shots i escape does shot what's exactly you blaked Wait, don't you drink your shot yet? Hang on? No, we're doing this on what you mean. No Glick Glick buses ass Appreciate it, man. You say, you know, the shot or the shot, right? We have untitled right now, but it is open forum. We kind of do what you guys do on Saturday, but like I said, I'm titled. So Thursday night is our Thursday, Thursday sports show.
I'm going to keep my, dude um um um you can't get me. They're like every they're like every cheesy beach bar you've ever been to sloppy Sundays, wacky Wednesdays, thirsty Thursdays. woo wo there's two thousands there is a furniture show I'm going to find a reason to drink and that reason is, sunday they night is we didn't have but we you know, we, we did actually tell about when we've told you our Wednesday night, but you know,
Wednesday, Thursday we're on Facebook. YouTube yeah We are working on getting We want to get on x we know we probably get on tick-tock at some point because everybody does yeah i'm i' tikt to target so yeah and so you mostly not Quick shout out to the nonsensical network brother. You've helped us out a lot um This collab was his idea and i think yeah oh man thanks so we want to thank you for letting us uh come on here be absolute idiots excuse me that's the drink talking again theute shape device iscon connected us successfully conor honor john rock volunteer again legs did if i figure how to do it i'm putting summer's eve under jeff's name i'm telling you right now
some reserveve because yeah we appreciate guys thank each by way this was fun We will return the same favor absolutely every time each and every time and like improve a go and arch ila language up to This point Happy birthday to the Glick monster. Oh, do I got something pulled up in this? Oh, do we got a Glick pick? Oh, us something for greg for his birthday. happy Happy birthday to that fuck. Happy birthday, that fuck.
don't let him think he's lying. ain't 23, he's fucking 43. Fuck that bitch. I'm 23 and I'm the champ. these mean be lying He's man. He's lying. The soft, the soft, gentle stroke of midnight. I'm going to be that one. I'm going to be that one. If Blick is 23, I have an 18-inch dick.
Now I'm hard, Steve. Now I'm just saying. Just saying. A couple of happy 18th birthdays. We're not going to say names, but there are a couple of people out there. Happy 18th birthday. Congratulations, guys. Legally adults. I do have something on the topic. He's like, I can legally hit off already celebrating. Jeff, I already got your locations, bro.
me heed word us snap
damn now adopt in oh man
brave join us Happy birthday, Greg. Thank you, brother. Absolutely. Thank you, guys. Happy birthday, brother. Happy birthday. I know.
I got I got one more song here. We do it every show. We're not going to change it up tonight. I know it's a Wednesday night. It's a rare occasion. We went four and a half hours. It's already midnight. I should already be in bed. I got one more song. And when we come back, we're going to do what we normally do here on the network and close it out. watch We're going to close it out with our with our final thoughts. And no, we're not going to know penis stories tonight.
but but right because We're hanging out with with with Bill and Steve from another shot. but We're going to let this do their final show. It's it's it's not going to tell a piece. I'm going to you.
i can tell who was for Jeff, you're a **** **** historian. But just huge this is this is the guy that you know, little bit yeah, our quote unquote Halloween show.
It wouldn't be Halloween without a little Jeff's favorite, Jeff's favorite director. ah and and and and hey we can her in my mouth Oh, we lost click. Oh, look at that. Because he's talking about fucking Tim. Just favorite producers from from from Tim Burton's A Nightmare Before Christmas. This is a really kickass band our last night with their version of this is Halloween.
What's up, everyone? Thanks for checking out our latest cover. We really hope you liked it. We're posting videos every single month, so make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel. Keep checking in. We love you guys. Thanks for all the support. I like it. that's' Check out our last night. I love those guys, man. Dude, honestly, like the last... Every year, this is becoming tradition now. Me and my daughter, you sit down and and watch.
Nightmare before Christmas on the last day, October 31st. I can't do that movie. That's the way to go. I can't. Not a huge fan of that movie. But again, thank you guys for watching. Thank you guys for hanging out. Tune in for more. We got lots of stuff going on here on the network. Our guys over at another shop. They got a lot of stuff going on. Make sure you're following them as well. Gentlemen, before I hit up my guys, I'm going to let you do your What is it, final shot, final? Oh, wait, wait, wait, Katrina. Okay, so from the sideline, I got one from Katrina. Also, save save your closure until after we all do our little speech. Oh yeah, I got this. So from Katrina, whether you mark the holiday by carving a jack-o'-lantern, taking the kids trick-or-treating, or watching all your favorite horror movies,
Make sure to take plenty of pictures to capture every moment. five minutes ago A hundred percent. I like it. Agreed, man. Agreed, man. Absolutely love it. Now, you know, Steve, Steve has asked that I i got to take over. I mean, normally, you know, our tagline is always what we say on this show is always just our opinion
but then again it might be the alcohol talking give away my crown what's not
Dude, I'm going to say it. I know you hate this. Fuck. It drives you nuts. Yep. Do it, do it. Guys, you know, please fuck you. On a positive note, man, is you know there there's too much shit out there anymore where everybody just wants to bitch and complain. You know, there's these videos out there that, you know, they're these guys that, you know, what's what's a good word for it? You know, they're trying to get a reaction out of you.
You know, ah fuck you know procrastinating no, not even close. you know just with Too many small pleasures out there, Matt. I mean, guys, i got you steve get out there, have fun and joy. Let's live life. You saw it tonight. You know, we, we, we had a topic. We went off the sidelines, but definitely that's what foot friends do. That's a conversation. That's the, the, the fun, you know,
Find that joy out there, man. Guys, have a good time. Just, whether it be on the Nonsense Go Network or another short podcast, it doesn't matter, man. Find something positive out there, man. Let's have fun. Life's too short. i mean Let's enjoy it.
please what you got before you're a fucking
Wait. I was patiently waiting that entire time. I knew I knew as soon as you switched over, I was like, this is totally a bottom. That was it. No, no, no, no, no. Trust me. Coming up. You've got yours, homie. That that was one i please what you got before we get out of here, brother. I had something. Hmm. But yeah.
I Well done, done, I'm done. I'm pretty mature. I mean, he's heard that before. I have places closing statements. Suck my dick and eat my asshole, you sons of bitches. in. Point Dexter, point Dexter.
no it it's men or not yes i guess i guess i guess yes i can't speak for myself i'll let jeff but different well there you go If there's a winner on that monitor I swear to God's do
yeah brought it run it like oh jeff what do you got for us when we get hide but ro oh I'm going to bed.
i ah Smoke weed every day. Okay, thank you. No, man. i don' I'm not.
good ladies ladies gentlemen gentlemen Actually, ah Glick I do have something for your birthday before we go I have one thing for your birthday
fuck you don though wow but trust me if i bowl my pepee out nobody can see it chris i'm so hard right now i cold actually i was trying to find Do you remember our first year doing the podcast? I was trying to find the clip that Max said that's from black. Oh, his, his, uh, birthday. I was trying to find it. it' so the da lakes are it's ah It's on our, it's on our Tik TOK page. yeah Also on our Instagram page. take no I didn't see our Instagram page. I don't know.
and what please jeff like i was like jeff's like i like to take like he was it seems like i'm um um do it all i well ladies and gentlemen every day ni Whether you believe or you don't believe it's nonetheless it's a fun time don't believe ja top put your fingers ready Jeff gets your fingers ready because he says he's gone. Or believe. Do what Jeff does and don't believe. What's up, brother? then There he is. What's up, brother? We're actually getting the hell out of here. ah Now, whether you believe or don't believe, man, it's a fun topic. We had a good time tonight. You know, thanks to everybody who was here, the chatters box, the replay listeners, the
that but but the podcast platform listeners, you know, shout out to Steve and Bill. This was awesome. Bill and I have talked about this a lot about doing collabs together. We knew that partnering up was going to be great. You know, we knew what we would have a, we we have a great time. We have a fun time. Definitely appreciate it, man. Much love to you, brother. Be safe. and safety to ma' Thank you. Thank you.
go to bed late back go to bedley what but like can say like like i say all the time come contact be good what or be good or be good at him otherwise you gonna yeah be that weird i've hitting this fucking button I'm hitting this fucking button now shows over now shows