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Arc 2 - Episode 8 - Back to Flameback image

Arc 2 - Episode 8 - Back to Flameback

S2 E12 · Mystery Dungeon: a Path Through Time
73 Plays8 months ago

The crew finally arrives at the Flameback residence in Gale Beach. What will Ms Flameback think of Salena and her crew?

Discord -

Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter the Riolu

This episode contains swearing. listener discretion is advised.


Early Morning Challenges

There we go. All right, we're going. So you got we're going. OK, so you guys wanted to know about my Pop-Tart crisis. Yes. So yes first, I have to tell you about my new job and but the schedule I'm running on right now. So I have to wake up at fucking three thirty in the morning every day. OK, so keep that in mind. I have to be at work at five. So I leave at about four thirty, which means I have to wake up around three thirty to four o'clock. That's like 11 o'clock our time.
ah what you want say away again You said you wake up at three in the morning like Yes, that's six o'clock you got that off by five hours. No, you said you woke up at three You said you wake up at 3. Not PM AM. Yes, but and that's three hours from where we are. It stands Jake. Okay. Okay. Okay. So it's three plus three 11. Is that what you're telling me? No, I'm going backwards. it's not ahead of ah Right? or No, you guys are three hours ahead of me. Yeah. So you're. So I'm just I'm three hours behind you guys. Yes. But from where we were, the time you'd be waking up is like three ah is like 11 o'clock our time or no. No, wait. No. No, no it's six thirty. Six thirty hour time. He has to be at work at eight o'clock hour time. All right. I was just listening to this.

Humorous Holiday Banter

Anywho, I woke up at 4 o'clock and I had to scramble to get ready, and I didn't have time to make breakfast or any of my meals for the day. So I grabbed one of those big boxes of pop tarts. There were s'mores pop tarts. I literally just grabbed like one of the 12 pastry boxes, and I stuffed it in my backpack and ran out the door. So I had nothing but pop tarts all day. So what do you say you had to animate, you had to animate, girl, toast, basically? and Yeah. He's running to work eating a piece of toast in his mouth. That's basically what I did because I didn't have a pack of pop-tarts in the car Well, I got out of work and bought a box of Polish donuts There you go. Wait post keys or what are they called packs keys? Yeah X keys Yeah, haven't had the yeah minute but they they're cream cheese filled
And I got out of work, dropped the box in my car, took a donut out, took took my longboard out of my trunk, and rode around the parking lot eating a donut. Wait, what? There you go. That's better. You just got out and started running around a park while eating. yeah he stopped in the middle of the freeway he's like all right this is donut territory pulls out he like unveils his longboard from underneath the big black tarp in the back and he's like blowing off the dust and he picks up a donut and he's like down the freeway I go I mean that's almost accurate except for the freeway part following yellow pick
Don't tell me you actually keep your longboard in a black tarp a mysterious black tarp. Oh, no, I just keep it in the truck next okay just yeah it's like hey how i This is good, this is good skating Street, I'm gonna go I'm gonna get the board out. It's nice and smooth here It's good skating territory here. There's a skate If you guys can't tell I am a fucking delusionally tired right now but yeah i know
Hello, everyone, and welcome to a Pastor Time. I just yelled the way too loud there. I am Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and I work for the government! That's right, Tyler. I know what you did on October 3rd, 2021, and there's nothing you can do about it. So, ah yes, Evelyn. I mean, not Evelyn. ah what are you There's a person sitting to my left who thinks that rocks are the worst things on earth. Why do I always paint Evelyn as like the worst person on earth? be Evelyn hates everything apparently. It's me, Evelyn, and I don't work for the government. In fact, I don't work for anybody right now because I am my own boss.
Wait, are you actually working alone? Or are you actually self-employed? No, I'm- I'm fun-employed. You're fun-im- What is that supposed to mean? She's she's like but not currently working. yeah that doesn't You misheard her, Dakota. Well, it can be. I could have sworn you said i couldve swon you said you're fun employed. That's what she said. No. OK. She's unemployed, but she's having fun. Being unemployed is not usually fun. Last time, I was like, wait, I was almost homeless. Yes, we know. but no um Thanks the sympathy, Jake. I don't know. I'm just trying to have fun with it. But anyway, rocks.
rock Yeah, Yeah, rocks, guys. And sitting to my left is someone who wants a lump of coal for Christmas. Yeah, you know, times are getting kind of rough. Heating's kind of hard. Lumps of coal are actually kind of valuable these days. So, you know, I'm Eli. And yeah. coal coal be good and any idea how much how much heat you can create with a lump with a like ah a bag full of coal like that would heat your house forever yeah exactly yeah and sitting across from me is someone who thinks that coal can also boost fire for some strange reason
I feel like it should though. Like that could be a held item. Are you guys forgetting about charcoal? it is a healthy I mean

Managing Content and Time Travel Mishaps

that's different. Oh yeah. It's like. Cold younger cousin. Yeah, like it's similar like I could see them making that i item um like a hard stone exists Hi, I'm Sean and sitting perpendicular to me is somebody who? Puts his coal in the chimney waiting for Santa Claus and then throws an ear of corn hoping you would give him give Santa a popcorn as a treat So you're making popcorn in the chimney which is the regular ear of corn
Hold on, you say I'm putting coal in my chimney, then throwing popcorn out my chimney, hoping for popcorn to come back as a present. What? I don't... I'm just as confused. so is the to like the part above the fireplace yes that's where the smoke goes out obviously to be fair i think i was just put stuff in the chimney wouldn't just fall in the bottom you can take you can just do it like go to the roof but my on the side yeah you go to the roof when the flu is closed yeah but with the flu fill it up
That's cold. You're smoking out your entire house. You fill it up with coal. You throw down your corn and you throw down a match and hope to make you fill the good chimney with popcorn. So you want me to light sand on fire? It'll go up by the time he gets there. yeah He's going to fall down and just crush a giant bowl of popcorn. Yeah, and he'll just have he'll just have like super cold sooty popcorn to eat. yeah You know how people make like popcorn balls for Halloween? That's the same thing. Except one. I don't know about that one. It's me, Jake. Take that, Santa Claus. That's for all the cold. Do have anyone else to introduce? I lost track of who's doing what. To my left is this all-botting Craig. Craig is recording our backup audio.
<unk> Craig is always here, folks. He's always listening. He's always watching us, just like the government and me. He's making the list, checking it twice. buy another nice Santa Claus, kindly old elf for CIA spook. What happened? What is with the Christmas theming all of a sudden? It is at the time of recording. It is the end of April. Everyone in front of Cole. You worked for the government. You wouldn't understand. Yeah. I brought up Christmas. You don't know our entertainment. This is Evelyn's spot. She brought up Christmas.
yeah well okay yeah just a real quick side note uh to uh i only reason i say i work for the government is because i just got a new job recently and technically i do in fact work

Selena's Time Travel Quest

for the government i manufacture parts for the uh the f-35 fighter jet and the apache helicopter and air force one airplanes can't wait for those protesters to come in and say wow can't believe you do all this yeah and know all those darn protesters out You know that you know that GM PM DM of mystery dungeon a path through time yeah, he worked for the government he didn't he cool You guys better watch yourselves out in the discord No, I just like saying that cuz literally all I do is manufacture parts I'm a manufacturer and on the it'd be cooler if you didn't do something exciting you're like yeah, I just kind of sit at a computer and just like drag files into the trashcan and
I mean we do use the computer for lot that's me the digital custodian yeah how do you say i work for good my you just a janitor on all your data i'm not the chance i'm I'm a janitor in the Pentagon I work for the government mean I Mean honestly that that wouldn't be too bad of a position because you probably would make bank like ja classified information possible I don't even know what I'm saying. i Maybe everybody rolled before the recap I don't know my dice ready to it. I Have to go grab my dice. They're sitting on my bed because my cat was knocking them off my desk last I prepare gm
I got a four. Fun. I'm dead. I got a four. I also got a four. And in Chinese culture, four means death. So I'm dead now. All right, I'm back. What? Did I just hear something about death? I was gone for five seconds. I got two. I thought I had four. And in Chinese culture, four means death. But four is the magic number in so many ways. Hold on, Charles. I dropped my D4 on the ground somewhere. Dakota get your hand the game all right all right there it is found it okay all right what all right so what did you guys roll I got two four and we all got four yeah three hours row
Crap, I got a three, and I don't remember what happened last time. Actually, I do remember what happened. Almost nothing, because if things go the way I think are going to happen, the previous episode is going to be really short. 30 minutes episode. No, we got the whole explanation of Selena, and Selena got our explanation. Yeah, but that was like 45 minutes of raw audio, which is probably going to be cut down to like 30 minutes. We got ah we got the explanation six times because we kept restarting. Yes. Well, I mean, let's listen to the Patreon version, which by the way, coming soon. ah Not yet. We are getting that underway. um So keep your eyes peeled for that. But there's some cool things on the Patreon, probably.
You know, I need to plug this actually by the time of this episodes release the picture will probably be out already. So, uh, I think it's on my internet. Yeah, so Jake's been helping me out with the Patreon. So kudos to him. I'm trying to do some math. When is this going to release? This is technically episode eight. This is going to be about two months time. yeah this will be like a july or august or what june june or july i think i think end of june beginning of july uh and but yeah by the time this episode comes out our patreon should be out for probably like a month by now if things go the way they think they do uh but i'm not gonna give us a proper
I'm not gonna say what's on the patreon because I don't know 100% know what's going on there yet All I know is what we've already put on there. so oh You guys probably are doing what's on there and you have recap. Um, so last episode was the explanation No, javi no, cuz we oh wait, no we got We basically spent the whole session trying to Brian. I can't help it's been like it's yeah, it's been like a month since he record phil has of well what What I really remember is we basically try to barter
we try to bars longer than ten but try to barter like buzz stuff for the fire or but Yeah, I remember something about you guys were ah she wanted collateral so she could give you the orb she took Walter's guitar I She gave you guys the explanation of basically what's going on with her and the time travel shenanigans and i told i don't Dakota I don't remember. Could you go go over that explanation again? Yeah, one more time. Oh, um no. No, no. If you need the explanation again, listen to the previous episode. It is funny because I literally just opened my Google Docs to make sure I'm getting some things right. ah Because

Orb Strategy and Trust Issues

I don't remember what I said about how long Selena's been in this time period. I don't remember. Seven or what? Eight years. it was Yeah. Eight years. Okay. Okay. I was i you though i many years she had i thought that was how many years she had left.
no see funny chi Yeah, well yes she has until modern night of scratch times because i believe is's gonna die Probably in like 14 13 14 years time so we say no we yeah we don't really out there good So, well, no, because PTT takes place 20 years before the events of Not A Scratch. And Selena is from Not A Scratch, who was sent back eight years? No, 20 years, obviously. Selena was sent back in time 20 years, two more guys this time. She spent, because the the riffs started appearing, what? Oh, that's right, yes.
Okay, and we might be clarifying something that I may have made a mistake about, but yes, it's 28 years. I might have said 20 or eight years, but yes, it would technically be 28 years ago because Selena's already been in this time period for eight years at this point. Meaning that at the point of which 20 years before and on scratches Selena's already been there for eight years. So obviously 20 plus eight And so yes Selena's been here for eight years She's been hunting down a way to find Apparently, I'm just giving the full recap. So whatever uh She's trying to hunt down the magical
At the time, she didn't know there were orbs that'll help her either save her mother or just bring her back to the time that she is supposed to be in. so Because she two instances of herself cannot exist at the same time, so she must use the power of the orbs to transport herself back to the exact time in which she came. So that way, matter is neither created nor deleted by her being in the same time as herself. Yes, I think that's it she acts like tampering with the power of god's bone dude is no big deal Oh, yeah, that's no big deal. We have to go back to like a time before she was born ah I Mean currently she isn't a time before she was born. Yeah. Oh, wait. Hang on. help How old is she currently now in our time? I don't think we don't know I just said a number well, yeah you guys will never given
I think I put down a number at some point. I think she was like, hold on a second. Well, she was a kid when she got sent back. So she should be a teenager nowadays. Yeah. Hey Selena, help us. That's why I'm asking. Yeah, right. I think she's like I think she's about your guys's age I don't I think that was just a straight of coincidence because I think she's supposed to be like 10 years old when she got transported back in it's been eight years So I think she's like the exact same hit you guys are that's up and that's just a complete coincidence. That's so weird So she just kidnapped some random guy who's her own age and
well I mean, I don't think kidnappers are What's the word age ist? I don't know what that is. they Don't care by age Is that a thing ageism? Probably yeah what you don't like so i might just be offending a million people right now teenagers don't like old anymore old people don't like teenagers yeah that that's forgive my ignorance so walter got adult napped by adult yep and was dan beach fra this kidnaers
Yeah, I mean we and i we literally named that episode Stockholm syndrome. I don't think that episodes come up yet at the time of this recording No, came up with it that title not something familiar little no okay. Yeah, that's because I had to come up with a bunch of names for Jake to name the raw recordings in patreon Because those are being put on the patreon before the episodes are actually being released So I actually had to come up with a bunch of names for them that episode should be coming out next week if you want to but I actually want to sick an want i want to you You realize we are sharing the same Patreon account, Jake. I know! If I see it's different, I will change it. home i mean It was getting on me because I only put 100 Boca Burgers on the wall. He wanted me to put the whole freaking song.
okay so this is so by the time this episode comes out obviously the previous episodes will already have come out so this is not a spoiler but the episodes are episode 4.5 secrets revealed episode 5 the worst episodes ever please don't listen to it it's so awful episode 6 stockholm syndrome episode 7 making plans they probably won't happen anyway in parenthesis what so apparently that's sweet us huh wait what i
why is episode five an episode making plans but they probably remember what happened seventy five yeah ah people people on the page will understand that more but um we We had so many issues with the timeline in episode five that we ended up just like using as a filler So so ah that was fun superlo quit mess with my dice she was pretty fun ah it was wasnt fun for it was not fun for me barheimer's cousin or whatever oh so oh yeah we film say that'seline beyond it took me a while to remember what episode five was my bag yeah it was it was very much a filler episode
Yeah, it was a filler episode because I got the timeline wrong with Jake, um, being in a different day um'm than the others were with the solo episodes. So I ended up getting backwards and I had to stall the others for a few days for things to make sense again. And I had to do that on the fly. Uh, so the entire episode was improv and we it just did not turn out well. We called him out. We're like, why would we do that? And we chose not to do the thing he wanted us to do. yeah oh yeah and you i can oh yeah I had a plan to sell you guys. That was the thing. I had a plan to sell you guys. You guys out logic to me and threw the entire episode out the window. I was like, what am I supposed to do now? Was it the plan? I gave you a help with like, say like there was.
four glacion a one umbryon gang and like the wild it was It was based on that. oh i know like was like a yellow tie but the Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was supposed to be a glaceon with a yellow bandana, but I accidentally said a glaceon with a red bandana, which made no sense. of They logicked it out that it was not Selena. Oh, it did not turn out well. Anywho, I just gave a recap for the entirety of arc two. So you're welcome. You should just set a completion with a bandana. All right, guys, it has been 30 minutes. um I think we should possibly get into this episode. Good episode, guys. See you next time. but All right. Yeah. Let us splash on in. Wow. John, we'll move over using. and Wow, Evelyn. Wait, I cut your way in.
Let us let us trick or cut on in. No, it's trick or treat. Listen, Evelyn, we've had enough of you. That's interesting. That was a let's trick or treat on it. Wrong. Wrong. No, no, no. OK, no. We're in January. January is the Halloween season. Evelyn, we've had an issue. OK, you got to stop. You got a problem. OK, I got one. So in January, just a new move. The moment's been ruined. Got it.
Oh, I didn't know I was putting us in. Okay. I flash don't edit that. silental don't edit that so amazon fine That was good. oh All right. So Sean, what are we going in with? Body press. Yeah. Okay. let Protein. Alright, if no one's else gonna say it, let's- Buddy! Let us buddy press on- Did the whole coca turn it into an old man? Brody! Let us buddy press on in. Sure. Okay, this whole episode is just chaos.
okay so you guys are stepping off the train at the gale beach but train station and it is about midday and you guys can also track 50 poke from all of your guys's pockets for the train tickets so you guys are in gale beach it is about midday i think i already said that you guys can see the sun filtering in through the underwater dome above you the underwater glass dome above you and
and from the exit you can see sunlight streaming and there are no people on the station and as you guys step off the train Selena's like uh all right guys uh well i haven't really been here except to like go to the bar place over there she like gestures towards the end of the tunnel uh i guess we could just uh bruce will i i mean this is your place i think you should lead the way Okay, let's let's go on over to my house then. We can get everything sorted out there. Anyone find it weird that, like, nobody's ever in the train station? Like, I feel like this place should be more packed than ever is. Like, where is everybody? I don't know. There's always the cool teens over there. there's There's probably people getting on and off the trains along with us. They're just not worth mentioning, according to the DM.
i mean I mean half the people probably can swim there or fly there, so I don't think we got worried. There's also the pierogi stand. Yes, there are... yep, the two pewers running with two pierogi stands are still there. You can see pierogi is... I forgot the first example the first one. And then there's pierogi's two electric boogaloo sitting on the other side of the track, which you can't currently see because there is a train in front of you that is walking... Pierogi is one and done. that's when it done that was in fact it yeah yeah so yeah you guys can see Proge's one and done but you can hear the banter of Proge's two electric boogaloo over the sound of a humming train you just hear two I'll take two two nails two teeth I think that's actually what I said last time yeah Selena is like gesturing for you guys to head out uh because it is getting out from under the water with the fire type
that'd be funny if the dome broke and just like absolutely killed Bruce that'd be like fire types of worst nightmare beats surrounded by water that this is why Bruce tries to spend as little time in this train station as possible the world's biggest splash and yet you live right beside the ocean that was like the calmest train I've ever been on because like usually I feel all weird when I'm on the train but this time it's pretty all right okay so you guys are now out on the beach you guys take some time you travel up where does bruce live again i forget where bruce lives in relation to the town do you live on the edge around the middle i don't think uh it's close-ish to the edge bill it's like halfway between the middle of town and the edge of town i think okay because he i know bruce is the closest to the school
That's what I was going to say, yeah so yeah yeah. Okay, so you guys spend like a good 15 minutes walking to Bruce's house. And as you guys are up, you see Alfred the Drampa doing some yard work outside. He is sniffing the hedges as you guys walk down the path. And he says, uh, good evening to, or not evening. Good morning to you, Bruce. Uh, it seems like you have brought some friends. May I ask who these are? Yes, these are, um, Zekrom, the Lucario, and Selena, the Glaceon, and Abyss and Brie are these Umbreons here. that the The business with Zekrom will probably be faster to deal with. I really just need to get him a job and kind of a new identity. I'm sure mom can help out with that.
And then the other three have some more private matters to deal with, with the mother. Oh snap, I just realized. How are our parents gonna react and walter zo is here when when you When you say private, do you mean, and he like gives you like a look like you mean- Yes. Ah, I see, I see. Okay, I will go fetch Mr. Flameback shortly. As for Zekrom, you say you're looking for a job, right? And he like gestures at the Lucario, and Zekrom's like...
Uh, yeah, I mean, uh, just getting out of a bad situation. I just need to, I mean, it's a little bit more complicated than just getting a job, but at the moment, yeah, just the job. And maybe we can discuss it here in a bit. And Alfred's just like, uh, yeah, certainly. So certainly. Uh, right. So let me go fetch Mr. Flameback, Mrs. Flameback. If I could fetch, if I could fetch Mr. Flameback, I would have done so long ago. I'm going to go fetch Mrs. Flameback and I will be back shortly. Walter whispers to people. I wonder how my mom's gonna react if she figures out that these guys kidnapped me. Walter the Drampa, wow. Alfred the Drampa. Alfred the Drampa heads inside the house and after a good minute or so, you see Ms. Blaine back to type flourish and head now she's like, oh, hey Bruce. We found some people.
Yeah, yeah, she's like hesitating as she sees like a large group of people. Yeah We left before came back with double, you know that's Very unusual for Bruce to do i yeah Yeah, Bruce ah can you come inside with me for just a minute Yes, I was hoping you would Get me out of there but So, yeah, she like just goes inside and I take it you're following her. She takes you to the kitchen and sits down at the table and she's like, well, ah so what's all this about? Real quick, Zekrom kind of got him out of a mob situation, kind of need to get him a job, probably a new identity as soon as possible. Zekrom the Lucario, that's the Lucario that's out there. OK.
And yeah, I figured you'd be able to help out with that. I'm sure we could do whatever. Do you mean she or like helping Alfred or do you mean like at the enterprise? Yeah, at the enterprises. I'm sure we could find a job for him somewhere there. I'm sure I could find some for him there. Uh, yeah, we've got a whole bunch of like manufacturing facilities all throughout the outcast region I'm sure like we could find something in welcome bird for him to do That's our largest facility as you know, but anyhow, okay, so yeah is that's the easy part out of the way Yeah, what about the others?
Selena is the Glaceon out there, and we she has a somewhat compelling story for being a Rift Traveler. Hold on, you say a Rift Traveler? What do you mean? Like, like, like, she... Like, hold on, you're telling me she came from this... Hold on a second. She claims that she came from about 20 years in the future. I don't know actually I don't know if she said a year but she claims she's from the future and like like like from the future like like ah okay and does this have anything to do with like ah my husband your dad obviously when I said that my dad disappeared eight years ago she said that's exactly when she got zapped here
Wait, wait, hold on, you're telling me that she's like involved? Wait, hold on, she's telling me to be found like the next step. ah you You were only gone for like, what, a couple days? and Well, she kind of stole the orb and Walter, so we had to chase after her. Oh, so she has the orb? Well, Walter has the orb. Oh, Walter has the orb. Oh, I take it things went well then? You got the orb back? ah She stole the orb then. Kinda. We had to trade Walter's guitar for the orb, and now she won't let anyone but Walter hold onto the orb. I'm hoping we can fix that with some more... As soon as you start saying this, you can see Walter's mom walking in. And she's like, uh, what are you guys talking about? You guys sound crazy. How long have you been there? I just woke up. What do you mean? I literally just came out here to get some breakfast.
yeah Oh, and probably nothing you have to worry about. You can see Miss Playback just, like, has all of her first standing on end, like, ooh, yikes. And they have Veronica, like, ooh. Yeah, Veronica's like, well, anyway, what have we got for breakfast? And then she glances outside. She's like, what the? Who are they?
Walter can probably explain everything. Should I go bring them in? I don't trust them to be outside by themselves with just Alfred. Go bring Walter in. Okay. We can handle anyone. Just Walter. That's true. Alfred could totally handle them easily. Just Walter, one less person out there with the people. I haven't created a stat block for Alfred yet, so who knows. How many kids else did he bring down? ah elephant should be at most level fifty
did she know realize i going said they stole walter yeah right where they all the and did not care about shes he said stole He said that she stole the orb and Walter and she was like the orb
care about walter i didn't I didn't hear you say Walter. yeah they said like they still I said she's the one who stole the orb and Walter so we had to go and chase after her. And then Walter, I think I said. I didn't hear you say that. I love Walter. That's funny. I mean, Bruce was actively trying to gloss over that part so that we wouldn't have a big reaction from the adults getting... Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is above table, so... It does make sense that she glossed over that because Bruce was actively trying to gloss over it.
yeah in character she didn't realize but uh that's funny okay so yeah she's just like uh if you want to bring Walter in real quick yeah you can do that okay i will be right back and yeah go to door All right, so Walter's syndication now. You sit down at the table, you're sitting there. Walter teleports. What? No. Walter Yeah, I was going to say, I go to the door and I open the door and be like, hey, Walter, can you come inside for a minute? And then Walter teleports. I'm already at the table behind you, you're like, sure.
ah Why does that remind me of Johnny Test? That's something I haven't thought of in a while. it's Yeah, that yeah sounds accurate. So as you guys are sitting down at the table, ah miss Miss Veronica, why am I in a bag with names? Miss Flameback. ah Speaking of Veronica, though, Veronica is currently buttering up a bagel ah right next right behind her and right behind you guys. and uh miss flameback's like uh maybe we should do they know about and she like points towards the ground no they they don't know about that i just said that yeah i could i i i told them that i could bring them to you because you had some experience with the rifts and told them about how dad went missing
and the circumstances of that okay well uh hey Veronica uh yeah uh we need to not me and you but me and the uh group outside need to talk and hear from it can you like go outside or something uh it's just like i mean it's a pretty big house she could just go to another part of the house you said it was one floor Yeah, but it's a big, it's like a mansion sized one floor house. Ah, whatever. Veronica's like, oh yeah, I'll go help Alfred for a bit. I'd like to point out in this moment, Sammy is clawing at the kitchen window because he smells the breakfast being made and nobody let him in. Okay. You have Boca burgers. Okay, okay, okay. I need, I need Bruce and Walter to roll perception. It's like a little bandage. Roll perception. Roll perception.
Well, he's clawing out the windows, he's making noise.
What's that? Well, I needed the advantage. I rolled a five and a nine, so that with my modifiers, I got an 11. What's the modifier for his perception? Is it smart? Beauty. Beauty, all right, 16. Okay, so ah ah everyone except for Bruce looks at the window and they just see Sammy just slobbering over the window. I got an 11. Bruce doesn't need to know because he already knows. that's chance But what you guys also see is you see Alfred um um hobbling up towards the window and I need Sammy to know perception.
who no I don't get advantage. Nope, no advantage. He's about to get bonked. Nat 20. Holy crap. Okay, you so you sense Alfred coming. And he raises up a pair of garden shears to bonk you on the head. What are you doing before he does that? I feel like this has happened before. this is This is probably a somewhat common occurrence with Sammy. When you see get to smell, nothing can stop him. Cuz I could I could picture that cuz I feel like sometimes Sammy would just come over while they're still kind of waking up one and like Yeah Or like when Sam and Bruce were like playing outside the house when they were younger Sammy smells food being made Mrs. Flamebacker offered to be cooking and he'd be like hang on hang on bru Bruce I gotta go get I gotta to go check out the the kitchen and then he just goes to the window I feel like they installed curtains just to close on you
There he is again at the window So, what is Sammy doing before Alfred does whatever? Uh, you said I hear him coming? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You hear him coming, you basically just sense him. You sense him. Alfred, I hear you back there. I'll get down. Just let me in the house. I want some of them bagels. Did you turn around to say that, or are you still slobbering the window? I'm still staring in the house. I am not i have not turned around. You're slobbering up on the window. You're like, Alfred, Alfred, I can't thank you.
how i know you're there either either let me look at this bagel some more or let me in so I can get a bagel offers like you I just cleaned those windows earlier you have got to be kidding me and I'm cleaning them now in my tongue do you think my tongue is dirty look from what I can tell Miss Flameback does not want you in the house at the moment. She is having a private discussion. And you peering into the windows is not helping matters whatsoever. Get down off this weather, or I will bunk you with these. Even though they are slightly sharp. I will jump on his back. Thank goodness. OK, fine. How will she ever react to any of this? Alfred, sorry. Sammy, Sammy, um do you have any do you have any boca burgers in your bag?
You should. oh yeah i do with them all yeah I ate one of them. I have still have 98. Cause one fills you up for the whole day. sure Yeah. You sure you don't want to eat one now? You know what, he carla that's a really good idea. I'll probably do that. ah Okay, why all of that's going on come on to just close the curtains of the window Sure. So Walter gets up to close the curtains and the conversation can resume I often forget I have these like I don't know my backpack has all these pockets and I just kind of forgot which one I stick them in I don't know I thought it was just you first Hello and welcome to the midsection I'm Dakota European redeem your GM and thank you for listening to this episode. I
If you want to hear more from us, go check out our Discord linked below. Let's thank the music producers for this episode. We have Azalea Town and Blackthorn City theme from Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Petalburg from Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door, Acre A City from Pokemon Black and White, Veilstone City Day theme from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and Pokemon Center theme LoFi Remix by GlitchX City. Also want to give a shout out to Anerud for making this system, it's been a while since we've given him a thanks, so thank you Anerud. And back to this chaos.
so veronica uh holding her bagel it's just like yeah i'll head outside it looks like alfred needs some help anyway dealing with them uh yeah i'll just go outside and shoot the heads outside real quick which goes out to see walton sammy just on the sammy just on um the butler's back yeah piggyback We'll get back to that in a minute. So Walter, Bruce, and Ms. Flameback are sitting there. And I forget why Walter was even called in for the first place. Because I have the orb. Oh, yeah. So OK, so what are you doing? My gosh. What does Walter do? Walter. So what is Walter doing once Veronica leaves? He's just sitting there like, well, here we are. OK, I thought you would pull out the orb or something. So Veronica is. He's a little tight.
Are you holding it out? He's like, he just has it like in his... I'm not sure. No, you're fine. Okay, so Miss Veronica... I keep saying Miss Veronica. Her name's not Veronica. More like in his bag and he's hugging his bag. So Miss Flameback's like, so Walter, you have the orb? Yeah. May I see it? I'm not really allowed to let see or take it it is technically so because if i If I was told if I said I was gonna give it to someone they're gonna smash my guitar what What are you talking about? I had to trade my guitar for this You had a guitar. Oh, yeah, you did have a guitar. I was like on I told her that I
Sorry, I have a very bad memory. She just dissed the camera, Walter, apparently. She's like, yeah, whatever. Whatever, Walter. Yeah, I know your house brand dad. Who cares? Can I hold on late? I don't know if Bruce's mom does know that. The whole reason my mom doesn't know that. Walter's mom's there. Oh, right. Yeah, she does know that because of, yeah, I kissed Veronica. We had the whole episode where Walter was like, you snuck his mom in one night. Yeah, that would've been really funny if she didn't know that's how they found out. But and anyway, so yeah, Ms. Flameback's just like, uh, yeah, can I see the orb? He just holds in his hand, close to them. Okay, so you're holding the orb out? Not out, like holding it, I wish I could see it, but not towards her. Okay. Man, Walter has no trust. Okay, so- No, he doesn't want his guitar to get smashed!
Oh, yeah, that's right. Technically, if you look if you give the orb away, Selena will destroy your anyone else. of But Walter holds it. She said Selena would smash it. OK, but like Selena's not in the house. I don't care. She's got She's got dark They're dark types. They know psychic. tell okay yeah okay how many how many of you guys listened to the first solo episode of Walter? yeah actually i know what was We know that they can use psychic, but they're not psychic types. It's not like they can actually be minds or anything.
yeah i know also that was just a that was a complete whiff on my part they weren't supposed to be psychics or they weren't supposed to use psychic i just genuinely forgot they weren't supposed to be able to use psychic um i think can still learn humrey i can and ive i've seen him use it yeah okay it's a move that they can use Interesting. I'm just trying to remember my Coliseum playthrough. Malta's just being cautious because he doesn't know if they can find like find a way just to see or anything. He's just been really scared because he really doesn't want to get smashed. Okay, so Miss Flamebacks is like, okay, so you guys got the orb back. Oh my goodness. Okay, ah that's one of our objectives completed. ah Find the thief. So this Selena is
uh the thief so are you like bringing her here to like what do you want me to do with her do you want me to hand her over to the police what do you want what do you why are you guys here uh well she kind of wanted our help because i'm sorry how we met her yeah okay so do you want to start from the beginning i'm not going to make you guys actually tell the whole story if you want to yeah it started with the door that was why i kind of gave the recap of her story earlier uh yeah you gave like the general story but if you just want to like quote unquote transfer all knowledge over to misflame back you can wilton starts with all right it started with the door
and Okay, so for the so for the next hour so bruce let's Walter talk for about like five ten minutes before he cuts it and Tells the rest of the story much faster okay okay so what this is going on We cut to outside where Sammy is now writing the back of out for the grandpa Alfred is just like what the get off of me. I Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm sorry. yeah pretty close Sorry. hu Oh, oh, oh samy please get off of me.
um no
let's ru I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Hang on. We gotta back that up. We gotta back that up. I made that so much worse. That was so much worse.
I was trying to force a British accent and it did not come out well. did not oh we don't like ri snap shop free yeah so suddenly certainly i oh ah for elra We don't know each other like that. I'm sorry I'll get off you. like we just made it even worse so yes yes off here
Alfred turns a completely different type of British. He's like, oh get off of me. What do you think you're doing? And he like bucks Sammy off of him and ah What is Sammy saying in retaliation or whatever I Yeah, sorry about that, Alfred. I just got really hungry and I just, I don't know, I jumped, I was shining off the window and I ended up and on your back and I don't know, it's comfy up here. You're all soft. Thank you, I guess. You know what, okay. And he like pulls out of his pocket or whatever like a rag and he's like, look, you could clean this mess. I just spent a good hour cleaning that entire glass pane and the windows aren't small. So he hands you a rag and he points to a ladder at the side of the building and he's like, you go in there and clean all this stuff off. I thought it was like a kitchen window.
uh i don't know this house it morphs between like a uh a mediumly sized single-story house to a full blown mansion like the pentagon sometimes yeah i don't even know anymore it's a mansion sized one-story house because we've got a horse in the house speaking of which um coming down the lane you see Arabella that's her name right now Gabrielle that's her name Arabella Arabella okay I had some doubts for a second so you see Arabella coming down the lane and she stops and she sees the group of people specifically Selena and her crew and she's like hey what the what's going on here and she sees uh Sammy and recognizes him he's like
Aye, send me. What's going on here? Arabella, long time no see. How's it going? Fine, I guess. I was just out for a little bit of a walk earlier. I mean, who are these guys? And Selena's like, I'm Selena. These are my friends. Do I? Who are you? I'm Arabella. And I've got a really I don't remember if Arabella had a southern ex or not. I have a recollection. You're going from southern to Irish. Yeah, it's like a mix. as I don't know. I'm not trying to go Irish, but okay, but the beginning you were I mean she is a Galarian ponytail. It's like kind of makes sense toyve sco british isles gaeria just ireland well webinar is based on Great Britain.
Yeah, so So she she's just from now the the Irish side. Oh so uh yeah uh veronica steps and she's just like uh air abilities um bruce uh welter having a little bit of a conversation with um displaying back right now uh if you could just like uh hang out for a minute and we'll see where things go from here and she's like all right uh i guess i'll help alfred and she gestures over towards alfred and starts like scooching past salina and the elders
Uh, so if that happens and we cut back over to Bruce and Walter and Miss Flameback. This Flameback's just like, okay, so it seems like you guys had a pretty rough time and Walter even got kidnapped. You guys have had a crazy adventure since you guys left. It's only been a couple of days, so what do you think we should do now? Did we let them in on our shtick here or like? well i mean they know everything but the underground stuff that we just found about found out about uh i wasn't sure that that's up to you if you want to bring them in on that but
I think it would be a big help if you at least just tell Selena what you know about the rifts. be advice don't tell Don't tell them no. I have advice you do not lie to them or at least don't tell them straight up no. Sure, yeah, okay, so I'll go out there since I think it'll be a little bit easier than bringing them in. There's so many of them. ah Well, there's plenty of space in here. it There'll probably be more more private conversation inside than outside. We've got a big dining room. Bruce, I want to tell Ms. Flameback the whole reason why she wants to use the stunt power, the arms. Did we tell her that?
what uh yeah uh oh did yeah did you guys exclude anything from your explanations i think we said that we only excluded the whole underground lab like place that was the only thing that we didn't say okay so you did tell miss flame back why selena one of the orbs yes we did Okay, okay, let's see. Did we also tell them that it may interfere with you finding your dad using these orbs for Selena's purpose? I thought we inferred on that. Did we? We weren't sure on that. We weren't sure, but I have a feeling they're a one-time use. They're powers. Like Dragon Balls. Once a yearly. Oh hey, if they're a one-time use, we just gotta go out and find them again. In random locations again.
Path through time, part two. Get the orbs back again. Pathway part two. elect that would be That would be so lame. That would be so terrible. Yeah, I mean, I don't know what Dakota's got planned for that. like Oh, I'd start a plan if we make it that far. Because we've got two separate objectives that both need these orbs. So unless he's got to have us find the orbs twice, he's got to have something to play. No, I have no plans. By the time we get all the orbs, one party is going to betray one party. I'm calling it. Hey, the slain is going to betray us, and we're going to betray Misalina. I don't know. I guess that's something you guys will have to figure out as the story it progresses. So at this point, Ms. Flameback, he gets up from her chair, and she's like, all right, I guess I'll ah let the others in, and we can have a full discussion on this.
I don't exactly know how I'm gonna exclude and Veronica, though. She's the only one that doesn't know. her aunt gay And Arabella. there I can distract her. Send them for groceries. Yeah. i We could try to get some... ah If we could get Walter's guitar back, he could do some sort of musical thing with them. ah I need to see if she wants to go to their house that got burned down see if we can pick through the wreckage there you go wreck it Because we never did that so who knows what positions might be not burned That's a good point. Yeah, I guess so uh Sure, and she like heads out into the yard and you can see are you guys going with her or are you guys like? What are you guys doing? Walter's gonna go with her since he's gonna try to el lead his mom away and
Yeah. Okay. And I guess Bruce is at least going to go to the doorway. Okay. Yeah. So you can basically just see her like talk to Arabella and Veronica real quick and just have a quick chat and they start walking out out towards the direction of Veronica's house. It is at this point that Veronica gestures towards all the other, the entire group and like gestures inside. so everyone starts heading inside and they all gather around the dining table which i'm pretty sure is magic because it just expands to whatever size group it is like a biking table yeah yeah sure so you guys are all sitting down at the table and miss flameback is on one end and bruce is on the other end i'm imagining this is like a rectangular table did walta get his mom to go with them to the wreckage yet or
Uh, uh, Veronica and Arabella are both heading towards the wreckage right now. yes Yeah. Walter was going to go with them, I think. Oh, oh, was Walter going to go with them? Yeah. To distract her, to make sure they can have the conversation. without All right. Should Walter go with them though? He has the orb. What are they going to do? it's It's Bruce's sister and his mom. Are they going to betray him? No, no. I don't know if you need the orb at the table for the conversation. oh no I can't give it to anyone. You can give it to Selena. Yeah, you could trade it back. Trade it back, get your guitar back. We can find some way of getting it back from Selena again with this conversation. ah you Do you all want me to do this?
It's up to you. It's literally up to you at this point. Well, a buff game. I'm not a party to this conversation somehow, but Hikari wasn't anyway. But I feel like Walter could just stay here, and Veronica and Arabella could just go for a walk. I was just going to say, they go right through the wreckage of the old hose. Sure. That'd keep them more busy than I thought. That might not be very fun for Arabella, though. True. She doesn't have to go. OK, but you get both of them out of the house. Well, it could have been sent somewhere else. Yeah, an Arabella like needs somebody to watch her. Well, does she? I mean, she's 10. That's that means something in the Pokemon world. That's all the enough to what? That's a hot ass god Pokemon. Yeah, in the main games, I don't know what the ages of the actual Pokemon are. Walter's going to go with them.
You guys can just relay what happens. Well, hang on. What are Hikaru and Sammy doing? What are we doing? Are we just outside still? No, everyone's gathered around the table. Everyone's at the table right now. Oh, okay. I wasn't sure where we were. Yeah. Yeah, we should probably, because how would Selena react to Walter walking off? With the order. How about Walter just says to Selena, I'm leading away my mother so she doesn't learn what you did to me? So are you actively leaving? after i tell selena that's the reason i'm taking like walking away okay so you're currently walking away yes as you're as you're attempting to walk away oh selena is like hey where do you think you're going you are an active part of this conversation and i we need you here i'm going to distract my mom so she doesn't learn what you did to me unless you want her to go full mom rage and kill you cool
no yeah no no get back here i see like gets up from the table and tries blocking your way look you were a part of this conversation there's no outside at this point i think yeah we're outside i never went in yeah what no you guys are around the table no this was before we're all around the table this was oh i thought you guys would gather when everyone else was walking in walter was walking out to go with his mom Okay, I was painting a different picture, but that's okay. Yeah, when you said Ms. Flameback went out to get people, I said I went with her to leave with Walter's mom. Okay. Well, in either case, Selena does not want you to go with them. ah So in whatever circumstance is going on, I don't... Okay, so you guys are outside, so Selena's going to step in front of the gate then and stop you. Either there way, the situation is the same. Selena is trying to stop you from leaving. Is Sammy nearby? Does he see this?
Yeah, since you guys are now outside, I guess, you guys are still all together. Walter's like, here, take the orb. I'll take my guitar back. OK, well, if he sees if we see if you see c Selena trying to step to Walter, he's going to get go go to Walter's side and try to pack him up. OK, so it is now Selena against um Sammy and Walter, yeah with Selena standing in front of the gate. I'll take the guitar back, and we can switch again once they come back. I'm just distracting my mom and finishing people from your guys' is bullshit. the orb is only one thing I'm worried about you are part of this conversation what am I and you need to be here do you want to deal and not out digging through rubble okay this is coming out here the and how how is he specifically part of this conversation any more or less like aside from you kidnapping him what what ah what were holy was attack a door that's how I got in
yeah I don't know what what what you guys are going to be discussing here, but either way, Walter is a very big part of this and he needs to be here just like all the rest of you guys. Not to mention you guys before. I wholeheartedly agree Selena. If you want to switch, we can definitely switch, but it's not going to change the fact that I want you, yourself, here. What if a bitch just goes with it? Veronica and Arabella can go by themselves.
Yeah, honestly, as long as they don't know anything, I don't see why they can't go by themselves. I don't see this conversation taking more than a little bit. They could just go to the beach or something. Well, from what Ms. Flambach said, they're going to Walter's house's wreckage or whatever. But I don't see them being there for any less than maybe an hour. That'll give us plenty of time. They don't need distractions. We need Walter here. We're going to have this discussion. yeah I kinda feel like Selena's developing a crush on Walter or something. I know! Wait, what? The more she talks to Walter, the more it sounds like she's just developing more and more of a crush. I feel like she's just developing a controlling ah personality.
like she has that she's like she like bit she's got controlling girlfriend energy right now yes she does oh no if walta wants to go he can go i mean there's no reason he needs to stay here like just if i needed to go i could go because there's no reason i can always fill in look for walta's not going to do anything going out there he's only lessening our side of stuff why don't i have always been the leader of and i've always beennd the leader to at us
um told you you could yeah see what to do i never slowed no legion We need to get this sorted out and I can't have parts of our group here Meandering around in some wreckage while you could be discussing some important stuff. I don't want to have to explain all this stuff to you again Yes, and they could tell you what happened when they get back. You need to be here for this discussion. I Tell me what happens they can't my friends can Just we may need is more time waste and playing the telephone game Look, you're gonna hear it firsthand. Okay, just just stay for You're frustrating me. You know that Walter Whatever toots. He's walks in that what i He's done Walter's really good at that. Okay, he even finally got his wish He's been trying so hard to frustrate Selena and he's finally succeeded
Salina is very frustrated. and Yo, can Walter, can Walter roll a Riz check for when he said toots? No. Alright, alright. No, no, no. Okay, alright. can't let him do it. You can't let an anti-Riz check on that. Okay, hard. Roll, what's that, what did that roll be? Charisma? Charisma? Probably? Uh, yeah, Charisma. Roll Charisma at disadvantage, since it technically was beauty. Well, that's not- Er, no. Charisma is cute, I think.
Okay, let me check. I roll a 16 and a 17. Ayo, what? ah you got a you got a video so i know So I got as my lowest. Okay, so I now want you to roll a perception, which is beauty.
Matt 20. Well, I was going to hint at it, but I don't even think it needs hinted at that anymore. Selena is not as frustrated at you, Walter, specifically as you as the others seem to be. Walter, you can specifically tell that Selena is not frustrated at you, but rather at the group as a whole and for a completely different reason. That does not clear anything up. Wait, how was that into my charm check? Okay, let me rephrase that because I did jumble my words up. I thought it was like my perception to see if she blushed or something. ah Sure, we'll go with that. Yeah, you can tell us Selena is... I'll just say, she's kind of into you. she can You can tell that just straight up. We will be in resistance!
The rest of the group cannot see this though. did They just see frustration. oh Girlfriend frustration, only the boyfriend can ever see it.
So as Walter starts heading inside, are you guys following him? Yeah. Okay, now you guys are sitting at the table. We're all going in now. We've just spent 20 minutes getting actually all at the table. Okay, now I'm glad we got that out of the way. Now you guys are actually at the table, and we might have enough time to actually get this discussion underway. So, this flame back, no Veronica, this flame back is at the head of the table, and she's like, okay, so, first things first, from what I understand,
You know a thing or two about these rifts right and This is me saying great. I just realized I have to do banter between two NPCs for like five minutes Yeah We get to listen to Lord Lord oh, I don't even know what's gonna be a Lord um, this is all gonna be improv So whatever happens happens more recap for than anything I say how much do you have to recap's length time really? Yeah, I know. So Selena's like, yeah, uh, and how much has like Walter and them told you? Uh, well, see, they kind of told me, uh, like about how you were time traveling and like, you had to deal with, uh, Yveltal and a Celebi? Like, I don't know who that is, but they sound like they're pretty powerful.
She's a god! We're gonna touch on that here in a minute, but from what I can tell you've got powers that we don't understand. said Selena's like uh not really they're not really powers this just something that happened to me so yes you were talking about gods these there's these pokemon called legendaries that contain like magic magic i don't know magic start word uh they contain powers beyond any of that pokemon have ever seen and they used these powers to send me back 20 years since in the past and
As you heard he felt I wasn't happy about that. He decided to Somewhat merciful asleep. I don't even know if he'll immerse whether like punish me by sending me back to this time instead of when I could have saved my mom so now I'm stuck here in the past and The way he did the time traveling stuff was with the rift but I can't exactly explain how the riffs work it was just like a bunch of space stuff like and i i don't know how exactly how to explain it but i mean it's well beyond my comprehension but it from what i've heard your husband versus dad was sent through the same thing so it very well could be time travel as well
And this flameback's like, I didn't even really think about time travel, that's bizarre. So what is the exactly the power of this Evelto person? This legendary as you call them. Selena goes, uh... Apparently they're supposed to be from from what I understand he has the ability to Create rifts. I don't know his power to its extent but what I do know he can do is he can create some kind of rift and Send you to I guess a different time. I Don't really
no other than that. Celebi just seems to deal specifically with time travel. So I'm pretty sure Celebi, the little green one I was talking about, is like, she just sends people through time. So maybe they can all deal with time. I'm not entirely sure. But these contain powers I've never seen before. And if I had to guess these orbs, and she points out Walter, oh contain the powers of the legendaries. And if I can harness the power of these legendaries, I can save my mom, or at least save myself. And that's what I hope to do anyway. So I'm just playing, but it's like, I see, I see, okay. Is there anything else you know that we should know? So Selena goes, ah i there's the Wiscash, that's where I got this information from. Mr. Flameback's like, oh, a Wiscash? What do you mean? What does a Wiscash have to do with it?
Well, the Wisconsin is the one that gave me the knowledge for the ah about the orbs that told me that they had like magic mystical powers or whatever. I remember what he said. I don't get too excited that he died a few years ago. He's gone. But we need to I want to find the rest of the orbs like and it seems like you guys also want to see the rest of the orbs. Hence why we're meeting up. But uh, I don't really know where to start. And Ms. Blaineblack's like, well, we might be able to know where to start. Bruce, Walter, Caro, and Sammy, almost brought Sammy. Do you guys think we should trust them with, you know what? She points towards the ground. oh theox I don't think we need to tell her that right now.
ask Are you guys like sleeping in the back? no no He curved just like drifted off. Okay. anyway ah Yeah. So still in my thunder here a little, do you think we can trust them with the, and she laid aggressively cords towards the ground? Yes. The thing. little tea Okay. Would you be all right mmm this way Vex like seriously said Walter just slaps his forehead You can see Selena abyss and Brie are all like turning their heads like what facility ah facility. What do you mean a facility?
<unk> just i She's just talking about the the shed out back with it, you know, there's a God enough action. That's where we keep up all the gardening tools, you know Don't worry about it Okay, I need you to roll deception and she's gonna roll her insight. There it goes, I'm gonna strap my dice. And that is cute? Um, not entirely sure. Yes, okay, so that is 17 plus two is 19. Okay, she got a six for insight, so she's like, oh, uh, that's a weird way to call it, if gardening said that. But all the new, it's well, apparently it's where all the new kids are calling nowadays.
Miss Playback is trying to stay hip. Yeah, the gardening shed. Yeah, Miss Playback shakes her head. She's like, well, what do you guys think? I... I don't know. I still don't know if we can trust them, but I also think they may i think we need to let them in on the stuff that we know. Here, you know, I have an idea. Selena a best breed can you guys leave for just a minute like just stand outside for a second and she's like uh yeah sure uh come on guys yeah uh just take all this out the window when when you guys are ready and they head outside for a second and you guys are alone with misplaying back okay so i have an idea
um Miss Flameback reaches underneath the table and she pulls up a blue orb. I have an idea. What the? Don't how don't get too excited. just ah Wow, this is quick. If Walter were to check his bag, you would see that you do in fact still have the orb. I thought that it was a red orb, not blue. No, blue orb. It's always going to do it. I've always been thinking it was a red orb. Now you guys can bump orbs together. No, so. I am not going to take that in context. So Ms. Flameback's like, don't get yourself too excited. This is a fake. I'm going to give this to her. And well, no, I need, Waltie, you have the orb, right? I don't think we need to trick them. They slowly become more trustworthy to me. Look, this is what I need to do.
I want you to give this to Selena. Not right now, otherwise it'll be extremely obvious if we give the orb over as soon as the meeting is over. But at some point in the near future, I want you to hand her the orb. Walter goes, hold on. Okay, can you check to see if anyone's listening? Like if Bisabri or Selena's trying to listen in? I'm not gonna make you roll for that, it's fine. I was just making sure because if you're listening, this would be really awkward. No. and Sometime in the future, I need you to give this to her. And I need you to make sure you give her of the fake orb and not the real orb. So I want to swap the fake orb for the real orb while they're outside right now. And this one here is made of glass. There's one problem with that.
If they have a way to... this orb comes off this orb and I can feel it because that's what we garrlers do. If they have a way to sense it, they could tell if it's a fake. Yeah, they have some way... one of those Umbrians out there has some sort of aura powers and can sense the aura of the orb. That's how they were able to steal it. But here's the thing, from what I can tell from what you guys described, the orb coming off of the orb can't be pinpointed like a a GPS location. I don't even know what that is. I think it's like one of our prototypes you've been working on. It's more like it gives it a two miles radius. But ah like as long as they're like within like, yeah, two miles or something like that, they'll detect it and they'll think it's their orb.
but we can keep this one here, we just have to keep Selena and her crew near the real orb so that way the orb is still intact but we give them this glass one and think that the orb is coming from their orb what I'm trying to get at here is I want to test to them to see if we can trust them I want them to hold onto to this fake orb for a couple of days and see if they run off with it if they do, it's no harm done well, except for Walter's guitar if she doesn't give that back but Well, but hey, wick word we're giving back the orb so she'll give back the guitar. She already said that you could do the trade back at whenever you want. She said that when you offered to give her back the orb when you wanted to leave. yeah I went slightly started with a little teary when you said they might smash her butt and like she did not care if it was going to get smashed.
But the thing is, we don't want to let them know we're testing them. So I just want them to hold on to the fake orb until we know for sure that we can trust them. And at that point, i we need to swap it back. So we give them the real orb. That way the test is complete and they're not actually holding on to a fake orb and we don't have to keep them close anymore. So we just need to give them a fake orb for as long as the test is going on. But we must keep them in near their original orb so that way the aura doesn't throw them off. How are we going to do that? One of us would have to carry it and we'd have to be with them the whole time.
I don't want to reveal this the facility downstairs, but you need to keep them around for a little longer or at least near whoever has the orb, which in this case, if you guys agree, would be me for now. So if you can keep them around at my place for the next couple of days and see if they try to run off with it. I could just hold both the orbs and just give her a one out of my bag, give her the fake one. because You guys are going to be out and about doing stuff more. And if you we could definitely do that, but there's a chance they might notice that you have another orb. And if they do, then the whole thing's thrown out. Yeah. What if we like swap the orbs and then start just like do some missions in the area? Oh, well, they notice that we need some we need some time to figure out exactly where we should start looking for the next door.
Sure, well they noticed the strength of the orbs or a field Changing as they move around town it it feel weaker the farther they get away from it probably yeah yeah cause like Like right next to the orb, and then you know it'll still be five miles away, right? As long as you guys stay within the bounds of Gale Beach, you guys should be fine. Gale Beach isn't that big. That should be okay. It's like a hot and cold with the Umbreon. It goes hot, hot, hot, cold, cold, cold. Yeah, so as long as you guys don't leave the boundaries of Gale Beach, you guys should be okay. I have a feeling this is not gonna go well. is it Is this you telling us this as DM or you telling us flawed logic as Ms. Flameback?
Uh, a little bit of both. Because we just said, not a radius, but we said and po they're probably going to feel different as far as they get away. yeah Not like a second amount away, but farther they get away, more or the less they're going to feel. So they're still going to feel different even if they're in Gale Beach. Yeah. What what is it's i home what if I onto to the real orb and we still keep traveling together for now? Yeah, i I could definitely do that I just make sure just make it hidden in my bag all the time Sammy can swallow it Hey, hold on ri up that's actually genius Wait Sammy could just like hide it in his fur.
I mean, you both arrived. Yes! Oh, that's even better! Okay, yeah. Yeah. That way we don't have to worry about him accidentally digesting it or anything. I'm just imagining it's the Mr. Krabs. No! Okay, so... We have to worry about it coming out the other end. It's gonna become the brown orb! ah
be one just remember this is supposed to be a orb of legendary proportion semi could that bathroom Okay, so I need you guys to decide what you guys are doing now because Yeah, I think and I mean, stuff doesn't really fall out of your fur much, right, Sammy? Your fur is pretty good at hiding snacks and stuff. yeah Yeah, oh yeah. Yeah, it'll be fine. Yeah, yeah, that'll be fine. If he sticks in his fur, that's not gonna be an issue. It'll just be the same as putting in his bag.
yeah perfect so yeah we can just hide it in sammy's fur and then as long as sammy sticks with them the same way the rest of us do and then if they run away with the orb sure they'll find out they've got a fake orb probably but i mean we also know we don't really want to be doing business with them anyways i don't know they seem pretty good so miss flameback goes over to welter and a hands welter the uh glass orb he takes it now i need you to roll dexterity real quick oh no oh no well i don't care what my fire i have i have a seven unless i have a plus three ain't gonna help so as you reach out to grab the secretary uh doesn't matter with a seven it doesn't really matter because as
ah dexter is na justs it aren cool am i then dexterity is cool Okay, I was gonna say it was gonna be ten or lower so or ten or above so Okay. Yeah as you reach out to grab the the orb you trip and drop both orbs on the ground no him which one which And now completely mixed up or essence Yeah, you use or sense and you can tell that the orb is somewhere in Gilbeach and Well, I thought I could actually- I thought I had- I did a check- It should be a roll. I had a feeling out of it. Yeah, I should- I did a check last time to know, like, get a sense of it. The orbs are right next to each other. He doesn't get, like, aura vision? It's the same as- I rolled one to the other side of the room. Yeah. I rolled- I rolled one of them to the other side of the room, rolled one to the other side. Which one is which? Okay, here's the- Okay, here's how we can solve this. You use your oresense and want you to roll per- investigation.
please be behind that's a smart thanks smart oh thirteen Okay with a 13 you are 75% sure it is the one on the right. Now I'm going to roll a dice and based on that I will know if it is the correct orb or not. So I just rolled a dice and I do in fact to know if it is the correct one and you guys have a true 75% chance that it is the correct one.
that guy So I just rolled a d20 I have to roll a five or higher I'm 75% sure sir. It's the right one. Yeah, okay I have a feeling the reason he tripped because he was daydreaming. No, he was daydreaming because he's like what if I do this? So Okay, so as you pick up are you taking the right one or the left one? Oh? He takes a loved one, the and one he thinks is fake, and puts it in his bag like, take that one. Gotcha. Okay, so Walter has the fake one. Okay. Hey, thanks!

The Orb Debate and Mysterious Disappearances

He told us!
cool I didn't tell you I told you which one you think it is. That's how I'm going to reference them for the rest of them until you guys actually find out. I'm going to call them the fake orb and the real orb until you guys know. How do I even drop it? We were just, I was just sitting on a table. Yeah. We were just at a table. Well, you've reached out because you you were sitting at a table and then you said he tripped. Did we all make a whole lot of sense? I was imagining Walter stood up to go get it for misplayback because he was at the table. When they fell, did we all just look away why they rolled? yeah watch it It's all a pretty screwy situation to begin with, but... so what you got okay So you have the fake orb and you give the real orb to Sammy?
yes okay so sammy you is now holding the real order problem i don't have anything i don't have any space hang on let me drop let me drop my jennifer oh no not jennifer oh right yeah it was your held item yeah right i think yep yeah yes yeah just switch your held items jennifer is it's a rock person Jennifer, I gotta... Alright, Jennifer, this is what we gotta do. I gotta put you down on the table. You'll be good. You'll be good. Alright, we're gonna leave you here with Mrs. Flameback and Arabella. You can stay here while we do whatever we're gonna do. We need you to stay here, behave, alright? I'm gonna miss ya. It's been a while, we've been... I know I just got you back. I don't have any other room and you're the most expendable item I have on me, I'm sorry. The googly eyes on the rock jiggle around as he set it on the table.
you turn away turn back to rock is gone no no so as you know as you pick up the real orb miss flame back goes up to the door and she's like all right you guys can come in um we have and so guys are all sitting Yeah, no, yeah, you guys fine. So as you guys, uh, I'll sit back down at the table or whatever, uh, we have, uh, miss blend by goes, we have discussed that we will be giving you the orbit exchange for Walter's guitar and to determine whether or not you guys are trustworthy, we are going to have you that you help us around the house for a little bit just to like, get to know you guys and see how you guys do things. So for the next few days, we i'd like you she she didn't want them to know that it was a test.
Yeah, that's the whole thing. She said she didn't want them to know. well no She doesn't want them to know about the bunker. She doesn't want them to know about the real test, but she but she is ah but she's them a fake test to take. oh out this yeah misslan bys like we're going we're good We're just going to work with you guys for a little bit, maybe do some missions here and there. and We're just going to monitor you and and just like see how well you guys are. so No stress. We'll provide you guys bedding and food. so All is good. We just want to make sure that you know we can work with you on such a delicate matter.
Uh, and Selena's like, yeah, yeah, actually, yeah, this- I mean, honestly, this is part of the best place we've- we've had to stay in here. Honestly, yeah, I- I- I love that. What are you talking about? What about your secret evil base? As well to sitting right beside Selena. Yeah, of course you are. He says putting his arm over her shoulder. Hey, what's up? Hey, what's up? Yeah, Selena's like, oh, hi, Walter. ah Yeah. Oh, hey, whatever. Well, you're sitting a lot closer here than you were before. And she's like, well, I mean, yeah, that's great and all. But I mean, honestly, this place is just really nice. So yeah, we'll accept this. I mean, honestly, it's fine. We'll just do some missions, whatever. Get some money. and
Uh, see how things go from here, so... Uh, I take it that's okay with you, Abyss, and Brie, and they're like, uh-huh, yeah, uh, yeah, that's fine with me, and... All right, cool. um

Settling at Miss Flameback's Magical House

Has anybody seen Zekrom? I haven't seen him in quite like ah so long. so I forgot about Zekrom. Oh, no. Oh, we know he's running away with all he's he's doing combat training. Well, no. um Yeah, we did talk to him. we We brought him in, talked to him about the job. It wasn't he talking with Alfred about the job. That's what it was. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah. Okay. So you guys can see Alfred strolling around on the lawn talking to Zacharom. There we go. We'll say that. We're doing combat training. Yeah, so miss flame back gets up from the table says like all right, so let me show you your room and she Walks the other side of the room shows her her room near bedrooms and whatnot I think I had a lot of guest bedrooms here, you know Yeah, I I think last time you guys were saying we had to get sure Bruce's room But I I've kind of just taken the fact that this is a magic house that just expands to whatever needs to be Because we've got already got the magic table so not a magic school bus
Now, see, here's the thing. We had the guest rooms, but we didn't want to, we wanted to have the bonding time between the two groups. Oh, that's true. So we had them all sleep in Bruce's room. Sure. So whether or not they were magically appeared or not, there are some guest bedrooms that are there. And as Ms. Flambach is showing them the rooms and stuff, that is where we will enter this episode. I'm Dakota, your PMU

Character Introductions and Roles

GM Museum.
Evelyn, you're next.
Oh I was muted. I'm Evelyn playing the card. And I'm Eli playing Bruce. And I'm Sean playing Sammy, who now has an orb of, ah ah he has an orb. And I'm playing Jake, playing the Riz master, Walter. All right, we'll see you guys next time. Thanks for listening.