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Week 1 + Most Wanted Figures of 2022

The Chick Foley Show
7 Plays3 years ago
We discuss the 4 huge shows that kicked off 2022 and give our picks for Most Wanted Figures of 2022! -Plus Listener Mail!! Become a Premium Foley Fam Member at Use code CHICKFOLEY to save 10% on all your wrestling figures at Ringside Collectibles. Use code PF10 to save 10% at Check out the Pod Foundation

Introduction and Show Kickoff

Welcome to the Chick Foley Show.
What is up, Foley fam? We are here with the first episode of the Chick Foley show in the year 2022. It was an incredible first week, week and a half of pro wrestling. So we got a lot to cover, but before we get into that, let's introduce the stars of the show.

Weekly Wrestling Recap

Sheena, how you doing? I'm doing good. This was like a crazy week of wrestling when I was kind of going over our, uh, you know, what we were going to talk about tonight. It just seems like this was a jam packed, uh, loaded week. So yeah, excited to sit down with you guys and kick off the new year talking about all this wrestling.
Marco, how's life up in Massachusetts? Going good, going good. I know Sheena loves the weather. We had a nice little storm over the weekend, had about six to 10 inches of snow. I had to do some man work and shovel it out and stuff like that. I saw a lot of people shoveling snow. We'll talk about it in a minute, but we're doing our fully fit challenge, and it seems like everybody was shoveling snow this week.
Hell no. I'm glad we got a little light dusting down here. We got to see snow. That was enough for me. Yeah, we got to see the snow. Yeah, it covered the ground for about 45 minutes to an hour, and then it was gone. Yeah, you're lucky. Winter is over. Nope. Not over here. None of these parts. All right, Sheena, remind the listeners that they can find you guys on social media.
You can find me on Instagram at chickbolly. We're really glad that you're our friend. And this is a friendship that'll never ever end. What the? I think he's here.
The Fig Fiend, AKA The Fig God, Jordan, back with us for another week. What's going on, man? What up? That was quite unexpected. I was not ready for that one. Me neither. So when it started happening, I was like, holy shit, man, I miss this a lot.
First of all, let's get this out of the way in the first two minutes. I've been drinking all day because it's football Sunday. So put the children to bed. This is not going to go well. All right. This is not a Patriot episode. We need to keep it PG. I'm going to do my best.
Keep our F off at a minimum. We like to go with a hard PG-13 on the normal show. Right. But yeah, it's going to be fun. So yeah, we tried to get rid of him, but he just keeps showing up. So for the second episode in a row, thank God Jordan Wells is with us. Back to your regularly scheduled program, Sheena. Tell the

Foley Fam Fit Challenge

listeners where they can find you guys on social media.
You can find me on Instagram at chick Foley. You can find Marco running the Twitter machine over at chick Foley show. Most importantly, you can join our Foley fam over at chick Foley Like I said earlier, we kicked off our first week of our Foley fam fit challenge. Is it time to crown the winner?
Yeah. It might be time to, it might be time to crown the week one winner. So we basically like everybody logged their workouts for the week and we got points and there was opportunities for bonus points. So super fun. Um, just a way to, you know, keep everybody accountable to their health in the new year. Uh, you know, it's, it's more important now than ever to, uh, you know, really prioritize your health. And it was super cool to see everybody kind of getting their workouts in and whatnot. But, uh, we do have a week one points winner and, uh,
I will acknowledge him. It is the, uh, the tribal chief at Seth Phelps won the, uh, won the week one, uh, fully fit challenge. I call, I called my shot and the, uh, the intro post, I said the heel husband's going to win whether he wants to or not. And I did it.
Yeah, we were, everybody was given these heartfelt, you know, we were kind of like casting our wives out there, you know, our purpose for doing this, you know, to kind of keep ourselves motivated and whatnot. Everybody's got like... Yeah, everybody's got like... Yeah, everybody was like putting it all out there, you know, and everybody had a really good wife and then Seth just brings the heat, brings the competition, brings the British Bulldog girl.
uh out and says he's gonna win whether he wants to or not but he did he did rock you know if you rocked wrestling gear you got bonus points uh for for the week so he did rock wrestling gear every every time he worked out but that was the difference should jordan you know you were second place
I know. And, uh, now it makes sense why you asked me if I was working out today. Cause, uh, listen, that's a smooth move there. Listen, no, Jordan. He, I told, I was like, I'm telling Jordan why you asked him that he's like, don't you effing do it. Don't you effing do it. Don't you tell Jordan why I'm asking him. I was like, dude, I'm about to hit Jordan up and tell him he needs to get to the gym. We were kind of tallied it up last night and I, it was me, Christian, Zach Hertzler, Jordan. We're all kind of in the mix. Jordan was the only person that was ahead of me.
And I texted him last night. I'm like, man, you're really kicking ass on this fully fit challenge. Are you going to take a rest day tomorrow? He's like, yeah, take it tomorrow off. I'm like, all right, sweet. I got this. Oh my God. Well, we give an honorable mention to Sam Rubio. He gets the early bird award for the week, man. He gets up every morning. He's like the first person I usually see logging him and Jason. So congrats, guys.

Pod Foundation Highlights

We're going to kick off week two starting tomorrow. So be looking for a log post as you're listening to this. We'll have the log post already up.
Seth Phelps being the baby face that he is. We do give small weekly prizes for our fully fan fit challenge. But being the baby face that he is, he's going to go ahead and roll his prize over to week two. So whoever wins week two, we'll just get double prizes.
Yeah, that's right. Baby face turn of the century. That's right. I would like to file a formal protest for Seth telling me not to work out today. I did not. I didn't know the reasoning, but I see you on ulterior motives and I respect the grind. But listen, you're going to be so much more motivated this week. You're going to be wearing... I already know Jordan's going to be wearing chalk line shorts every day at the gym to get his bonus point. He's going to show up on the days that he doesn't want to. I feel like this is exactly what you needed to help you push you through the second week of the year.
One of the problems is two days I posted pictures of my face rather than what I was wearing and I had shorts on both days. I know. I told Seth, I was like, dude, tell Jordan he's got to do that full body shot so we can see his wrestling. Take it easy. Maybe there was a reason I didn't do a full body shot. He's in the sauna after his workout with his Bray Wyatt beach towel.
All right. Carry on. Sorry I interrupted. Marco, what are some of the highlights with the Pod Foundation this week? For the past week, we're going to go because the new week is approaching. Obviously, we had a chick-fully show invasion happen in the tavern side of things. That's right. He had Sheena.
A.K.A. Chick Foley on the turnbuckle debate on Monday. Then following Tuesday, he had myself joining the Rawdown show, which is also now a podcast. So the first episode was last Wednesday. And yeah, I mean, Extra Cooler as well popped up with the Royal Rumble special to cap things off. But, you know, I mean, it'll be a continuous thing for me. I'll be on the Rawdown.
whenever. We didn't get to have young Anthony on last week. He was feeling under the weather. He didn't pass out medical clearance to be on the show. Yeah, he's on protocol. Yeah, so we had the OG Fig kid stop in for him.
It was fun hearing his takes, obviously, because he's the AEW guy. It's a WWE-centered show, and it was great to hear his scorching hot takes on the week of WWE. Definitely listen to both of those shows if you haven't yet.
And we got a brand new coming down the aisle as well. So check it out three days ago. Again, we're kind of, we're, we're, we're recording on a Sunday, which is unusual for us. So we usually get to talk about things as they, as they come out midweek. But, uh, yeah, we're kind of backtracking a little bit. So we, we, John posted a show. Uh, so make sure you check him out at coming down the aisle podcast and you can follow all of that and keep up with everything by following at pod foundation on Instagram.
Yeah, we need to get a young Anthony and the OG fake hit on the shoot Foley show sometime. I think they're the only two term vocal tavern or excuse me, pot foundation members and affiliates that have not been on the show yet. Have you had Bill Caster on? I thought we did. I don't think so. I don't think. I thought we did. We don't have him and the thousand on here before.
I thought we did. Maybe we did. I think we did. That was in a previous life though. We need, we need, we need Bellcaster 2.0. The tavern version. The tavern version of the. He was like, yeah, he was like flailing away on the main roster. He went to AW and got made.
We'll, uh, we'll move on. We don't like to talk about the, uh, the daily departed, uh, before we get into things, we want to remind you guys to support our two presenting sponsors, ringside collectibles and chalk line use code chick Foley to save 10% on all your figure purchases at ringside collectibles and use code PF 10 courtesy of the pot foundation to save 10% on everything at chalk line. You guys ready to get into some wrestling talk? Let's go.

WWE Day One Recap

Alright, so real quick, kind of ground rules for this show before we get started. There were four huge shows here in this first week and a half of 2022. Between day one, the debut of Dynamite on TBS, NXT New Year's Evil,
and AEW Battle of the Belts. To break up some of the wrestling talk, we're going to talk about day one in New Year's Evil, then we're going to move into a little bit of figure talk, and then we'll close it out with the AEW shows just to kind of break it up a little bit, keep the eyes on your toes. So if you don't like to just dive in head first, if you sample the show buffet style and you want to scroll around at different parts, that kind of gives you some guidelines. But first off, Sheena, we'll kick it off with you. What did you think of WWE day one?
I thought it was a good show. I thought, considering everything that happened and the car getting blown up a couple hours right before the show started, I thought that they did the best with what they had. Surprisingly, I like the outcome of Brock winning the title. I think there's a lot of people disappointed with Biggie's title run coming to a
and end for now. But I think it was the right choice given everything that's going on. And I think Brock having the title really opens up a lot of possibilities for ways that we can go going forward. You know what I mean?
Yeah, Brock's always interested. He just, he moves the needle in a way that there really nobody else, even Roman Reigns doesn't in WWE. And this run he's had right now, he seems to be having a lot of fun enjoying himself. Babyface Brock is over like crazy. So yeah, I think it was definitely the way to go. Let's get into some fantasy booking. Marco, say Roman Reigns does not come down with COVID and we get the originally advertised fatal four way. Who do you think walks away with the belt in that match?
Um, definitely Seth Rollins, I think would have been the, uh, would have been the victor of that, uh, of that fatal four way. Yeah. No doubt my mind there. I mean, like, I think you spoke about this before Kevin Owens.
would have been a solid choice mainly because of the re-signing that he just had. So maybe that was like an added bonus for him to win the title or something like that. But Bobby Lashley, I think his time's in a comeback not that soon. I think he's going to build up a little bit more if this was obviously when we'd taken out, you know, when doing the original Fatal Four away. And I think at some point they were going to end Big E's reign. You know, not that it was, it was kind of getting stale, you know,
And I think the first person that actually wanted to go for the title before more people added in, which is Seth Rollins, I think he was naturally like the next person in line to win that title. Because it has to go technically, it would technically go to like a heel where to counter Biggie's baby face run. But now they kind of flipped it on us with kind of like a baby face Brock.
But if you watch SmackDown, I don't know if he's babyface now. I know. So who knows, but yeah. He's kind of a tweener. I think he rides right on the line so that he can do whatever the hell he wants. Yeah. Yeah. I agree with you. It definitely seemed like for whatever reason, they stopped kind of putting energy into Big E as the guy those last couple of weeks before day one. So it seemed like his days were numbered.
Yeah, this is none of those cases where the unexpected pops up and we end up getting something better than we would have originally because Royal Rumble is looking sick with Lesnar and Lashley and Rollins and Reigns. Those are two WrestleMania main event caliber matches. And that match was awesome. It was great. The fatal five way was incredible. It was just, you know, as Cass says, it was big meaty men bumping meat. You know, his eyes were like Seth Rollins. It was it was just awesome. I could have gone for about six or seven minutes added to the match. But yeah, for what it was, it was awesome. Yeah, really, really good. Speaking of Brock,
Jordan, let's hear your take. If Brock and Roman goes down as scheduled, who leaves with the belt?

Royal Rumble Speculations

I think Brock would have won, man. It just, it kind of seems like the way they booked this, it seemed like they wanted Brock to walk out of the title. Um, and I honestly think that if Brock would have won, they probably would have done, um, some sort of Roman winning the rumble or run it back at the rumble.
Um, it just felt like, cause I mean, dude, you don't just throw together Roman and Roman and Seth at the rumble. Like it seemed like they had a different plan for this obviously. So I kind of felt like that seemed like the right time for them to pull the Brock trigger on him, one of the title. So yeah, if that match went down, I think Brock would have won honestly.
Yeah, Brock's definitely peaking right now. The fan response is there. And it's going to be crazy. Finally going to see him and Bobby Lashley go head to head. To me, I think the match of the night, even more so than the Fatal Five way, was that New Day and Uso's tag match that opened the show. That was just incredible. I mean, we've seen these guys fight each other dozens and dozens of times over the last five years. And this one still was possibly the best one yet. It was incredible.
which makes me pain. It pains me to say what I say now that I absolutely hate the current gimmick that the new day is rocking with the, you know, they, they took the king of the ring gimmick that people get saddled with and kind of, you know, multiplied it exponentially with not only is Xavier Woods rocking the king gimmick, but now he's got Kofi is what's he like his royal hand or something like that. Hand of the king. Yeah. Hand of the king.
Yeah, I just I feel like these guys are so, so far beyond that I know the new day has always been about the the comedy stuff, but it seems like the same to they've taken it to a new level and I think the three of these guys are all so talented that they should be presented as a main event act, and they just aren't right now with the gimmick so I don't know if anybody's feeling differently if anybody's actually digging it right now but I just feel like the new day is so far above
what they're being presented as right now. Well, do you think that's creative? Because to me, this whole thing seems like something that Woods and Kofi have come up with on their own. This is totally something that is in their wheelhouse, the hand of the king and him being like, taking the king gimmick to the umpteenth degree. I feel like that's all on them. I don't feel like that's WWE creative. Maybe it is. Whether it works or not.
If it, if it, if it is, they're doing somebody needs to get in their ear and let them know, like you guys could be doing so much, so much better than this. You know, it's still, I've been frustrated with this going back to Kofi's title range. I feel like Kofi's title range should have been presented as, you know, a much bigger deal than it was, man. Like I kind of fantasy booked it that it would be really cool if like the new day ended up becoming kind of like a modern day four horsemen where like they slowly turned heel.
to keep Kofi with the belt, but they didn't. Kofi kind of held, it's similar to Big E, Kofi kind of held the belt and then he lost it. And you know, two weeks after he lost it, it was, you know, right back to the same old dude. There was no character development, you know? Like, I don't know how much these guys have really changed since 2016 when they first kind of hit it big.
Yeah, they haven't really evolved now that you say that, you know, because I've always loved the new day. So I feel like I look at them through, you know, rose colored glasses, I guess I should say. But it's just, yeah, they really haven't had any like character evolution as far as like their their gimmick. Yeah, I don't know. I just feel like maybe tone down the comedy just a little bit. Obviously, you know, they're the pros. They know what they're doing. I'm just commenting here from the peanut gallery. But I feel like the new day should be kind of a level up from where they are right now.
Just my two cents, man. Is anybody digging the Royal gimmick right now? No. I liked it in the beginning. I thought it was cool. I thought it was a perfect... I thought it was cool with him winning King of the Ring. That was awesome. I thought the gimmick was really good for Woods just because, you know, he's just that kind of character and he can, you know, really creative. But yeah, I mean, there comes a point when you need to

New Day's Booking Discussion

be a little bit more serious.
i agree it just seems like anytime anybody in the new day does anything big it's like they give him the two week feel good and then it's right back into the comedy skits it's it's frustrating because biggie's title ran just like you were talking about kofi's it just did not ever feel like like you said he was he was back to the mid card even though he was the main champion like
It's just weird the way they booked all New Day members every time they get something big. It's just I feel like yeah, I feel like it's only because I feel like it's only because the people believe in the new day. I feel like if they didn't have the fan support that they do and the people calling for them to be champions like WWE wouldn't
Book them that way cuz I mean you just like you said they get the two-week feel good then it's like the fizzle out right and it's because I don't believe WWE creative truly believes in them as champions and it's the fans that are pushing you know I'm pushing and calling for it and calling for it and that's why they're like okay We'll give the people what they want, but then they end up ultimately going in the direction where they want to go You know aka Brock Lesnar always
Yeah. I mean, the new day gimmick was never really supposed to get over. I mean, they've kind of admitted that without admitting it. I mean, at the beginning of it, obviously everybody hated it and they kind of just got it over with the way that they are. I mean, it sucks, but yeah.
And they're awesome. They're all awesome wrestlers and they're just, they're good people and they're funny and charismatic and they have the it factor. And the fact that they're all best friends in real life really translates into the work that they do together. But again, there has to be that character growth. And if you are going to present yourself as the world champion, like you gotta, you gotta level up, like Seth said.
And they can be serious stuff. Look at Kofi mania. That was one of the most awesome stories. WWE has told in the past few years. And even that was by accident though. I mean, you gotta remember that was not even supposed to happen. That was all organic with the crowd just getting behind Kofi. But that was, that was all three guys. Remember there was that awesome tag team gauntlet match. The one where the Usos ended up forfeiting and they're the ones that put Kofi in the
in that match with Daniel Bryan at Mania. So I don't know. I want better for the new day, man. I really started thinking about it after Brock took the belt from Biggie again and just kind of watching what they've done on TV this week since then.
Yeah, so that was the other thing that I took away from that is like they made it definitively. So like Biggie can't even go. I got cheated out of this. Well, I like that. Yeah, it was clean as a sheet. Yeah. So like, I mean, if I've seen everything. Yeah, it might be a little bit like more to that than anything. But yeah, I don't I don't know. I was. Yeah, it does kind of seem like they treat them kind of like, you know, they give them what they want. And then, you know, you guys have it. Let's take it away from you now. You guys are done with it. That type of thing. So.
Yeah. I mean, ultimately there's no shame in anybody getting beat by Brock Lesnar. I think that's one thing you can take away from it is that they could have had big E lose to someone way more like mid than Brock Lesnar, you know? So I feel like if you got to get beat, getting beat by the beast is not the worst thing in the world. Yeah. Dave, you better guard that crown anytime.
Oh yeah, no, he's going to rip it right off the head. Listen, I am here for King Brock. If he was wearing like the overalls and the crown, maybe he can make himself like a crown out of like sticks, you know, like a whittle, some, some wooden crown. Let's, let's take a quick look at the Royal Rumble. All right. I want to do some flash predictions here. So just give me 30 seconds on each of these. Everybody's going to get one match. Uh, Marco, you're up first. Brock Lesnar versus Bobby Lashley, who wins?
Uh, Lesnar, but I think the real match will be a no contest personally, but no contest. I think, I think Lesnar is going to win. That's my flashback, but I think the actual match is going to be a no contest because they're not.
So if they, Lashley's gonna, he's not gonna lose to Brock Lesnar by pin. It's gonna be something where they both get counted out, double count, something crazy like that. There's no way they're gonna make Lashley look not strong against Lesnar and have him lose clean as a sheet. If they do, then that's, like I said, a bigger issue. All right. Sheena, you're up next. Seth Rollins versus Roman Reigns.
Uh, I think, I think the tribal chief is coming out on top of this. I really think they, they want to do this champions versus champion, not saying that, you know, in three months reigns couldn't lose and get the title back, but I just feel like they they're going to want to have Brock and Roman at

Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins Speculation

mania. And I feel like the champion versus champion angle is the way to go. And if he just recently lost the title, I feel like that takes a little bit of the smoke off of it. Okay. All right, Jordan, you're up for the women's rumble.
I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go Bailey on this one. I just I feel like this is the right time to bring her back. They interviewed her like early December on some website and she said she was ready. So I just feel like the women's rumble will need something. I kind of am not thrilled with the amount of people that they already announced for this rumble. I mean, why did they need to announce Mickey like
I mean, everybody would have like, there would have been a gasp when she came out. Especially if you brought the belt with her. Yeah, it just seems like such a cop-out to announce her. I mean, I get they need to put butts in the seats, but dude, this show's already selling well, and now you've got the two previous matches that we just talked about. You don't need to sell that match at this point. That's right.
Maybe she'll have some hefty trash bag inspired gear for the rumble. They probably did that because of the amount of releases that happened. Obviously, to the general public, a lot of people just seeing that news flash across the screen, they're thinking the ladies of- Who's going to be in the rumble? They're going to be spreading thin with the women's division.
I can see two chances in the rumble or something. Yeah, I can see. Well, yeah, I can see why they would announce some of that, like some of the ladies entering. So we talked about this before. It's it's not for the fans anymore with the WWE. It's it's to please the the people that bought stock into the company. So I just hate that there's no like earning spots in the rumble anymore. It's literally just like a cattle call. Yeah, you just declare your guy. You just declare for the rumble. Well, I mean, Johnny Knoxville earned his spot in the Royal Rumble. So
That's right. I mean, he did dump Sami Zaino with a rope suit to get in. So at least one person did. So I've won last, speaking of which I'm doing the men's rumble and I am picking Johnny Knoxville to win it.
No, I'm just kidding. Going back a little bit, I think Sheena is dead wrong on her prediction. All right, so a little fun fact for you guys. Seth Rollins, between the Universal and the World Championship, he is a four-time World Heavyweight Champion in WWE. For those championships, he defeated Roman Reigns once.
Brock Lesnar twice and Roman and Brock in a triple threat match. So that's how he's got his four wins. So he's got these guys' number. I think Brock Lesnar is going to beat Bobby Lashley. I think he's going to cost Roman Reigns the match against Seth Rollins. And then I think Roman freaking Reigns is going to come back in at number 30.
and win the Royal Rumble to go face Brock at WrestleMania. I don't know what that leaves for Rollins, but, you know, they could figure something out on that side of the house for the universal title. But I think we're going to see Roman finally win the Rumble for the first time since 2015, when he got booed out of the country and go up against Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship. I think Vince is one to get Roman back on Raw. You know, Raw is still Vince's baby, regardless of SmackDown being on Fox. And I think he needs to see the tribal chief back on the flagship.
Well, I mean that that's that's a great storyline, but you're forgetting one thing that they kind of tease a Unification of both titles. That's the other thing that's in play. That's that's the other way they could go with it, but I don't know I still I kind of been pitching that Jordan actually talking me out of that me and Jordan were talking After Brock won the belt last I came here if it was here in the it was either in the pot foundation group chat or maybe me and Jordan one-on-one and
He said, you know, he basically convinced me that Vincent giving up the belt. Like even the last time they did the title unification with John Cena and Randy Orton, it was really only for like a year and a half before they brought out the Universal Championship. So I would be all for it if that would definitely be the most like the biggest match they could do title versus title to unify the belts. Maybe we get a new belt design because we're going on almost eight years now that we've had this this belt design. Eight years. Wow. That's crazy. So it's time for
It's time for something fresh. But we'll see. The great thing is, we have two awesome matches that, you know, any four guys could walk out with belts at the end of the rumble. And that's always when it's the best. Let's hear from Jaybone and coming down the aisle.
Do you want to feel the war of the crown? Well strap on those spandex honeys and listen to the Coming Down the Isle podcast hosted by me, Jaybone. Each week I have a guest ranging from wrestlers, podcasters, and even some family members. The guests pick the match and we talk about it along with their fandom. Also, each week I provide my analysis of the wide world of wrestling and some figure talk. So get on it up and subscribe to the Coming Down the Isle podcast.
on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get podcasts today.

NXT New Year's Evil Review

Oh yeah, dig it!
All right. Moving on to Tuesday night with NXT New Year's Evil. I thought this was by far the best show at the NXT 2.0 era, probably because it was most similar to an NXT 1.0 show. They cut out a lot of the BS skits and they didn't introduce, you know, 18 new characters on the episode. It was just solid in-ring action capped off with Braun breaker defeating Tommaso Ciampa for the NXT.
championship. Marco, I'm going to put you on the spot first, man. Yes or no. Will Braun breaker main event, a WrestleMania someday. Um, Oh man, that's, it's a tough call with all the, uh, with all the releases happening left and right. Not that he's going to get released anytime soon, but I mean,
Yeah. It used to be so much more clear. You could like see someone's path, you know, to the, to the title, but now it's just like anybody could be let go at any time. So predicting, predicting anything even like five, six months from now is like a big guess, a big leap. I mean, yeah, I could see him made a venting of WrestleMania. Cause I mean,
I mean, just look at him. He's he's like the, you know, I miss man. He's he's a perfect. I mean, he's a blue chipper. He's a perfect like WWE like bread, like athlete, like just the way he looks. I mean, he's super athletic. He has the out of the family to as well backing him. But I mean, I could definitely see him main eventing. Will he made event? I mean, I can't give a definitive answer on that. I mean, he could be released after this WrestleMania. Who knows?
And that's just what they do. I mean, after WrestleMania, the new sweep comes. So I mean, yeah. And we know Vince, you know, there's people that are booked in championship storylines and the next week they're gone. So nothing's guaranteed. But yeah, they definitely strapped the proverbial rocket to this guy's back.
It's crazy. He's really only got about a year in the business, man, which is really mind blowing that how good he already is just both with his presence, the entering on the mic. And we've only been seeing him on TV for a few months now. And he's already holding what at one time was arguably the best championship in the world. So very, very bright future for this guy. Still have a hard time getting past that name. Braum breaker with two days.
I'm going to put it on you. Are we going to see this guy's name change in 2022? There's a couple of pretty mage options out there. I think you're probably alluding to going with some sort of Steiner option, but knowing WWE as well as I know WWE now, they're going to bring him up to the main roster and he can't be brawn because there's already a brawn. There was a brawn, so they're not going to let it go to that, so he's just going to be breaker.
Yeah, he's just going to be. Yeah, he's just going to be breaker with two K's. So unfortunately, I think if we do see a name change, it's only going to get worse. Like, would I like to see Rex Steiner or Braun Steiner? Like, I feel like Rex Steiner is so like I see that on a mania poster. Yeah, Steiner versus Roman Reigns. Rex Steiner versus Seth Rollins. It's like, yeah, I think. Yeah, the thing with that, too, is with the names, man, they own that when one say like sign the dotted line, like they owe the name. I don't think the Steiner is one.
WWE don't know the standard name at all. Yeah, I can see that. Yeah. Hopefully, the other good thing, hopefully- Maybe they can just spell it different. Maybe it could be like, you know, switch the I's and the E. Yeah, STY, N-E-R. STY, N-E-R. That is the most WWE way to spell that. That's a good idea, actually.
We saw Rick in the ring celebrating on, uh, on Tuesday night with on after the cameras went off the air. WWE did acknowledge it on social media and stuff. So hopefully this means relations are thawing between the Steiners and WWE. Uh, Jordan, if we get some figures of the Steiner brothers, what do you want first? Do you want the classic Steiner brothers or do you want, uh, the big bad booty daddy, big pop?
100% classic Steiner's there. There's no other way to go with this the colorful gear and everything that that's the only way to go I would love for them to give us some Steiner's with the letter jackets too. That'd be awesome I got some I got some sweet customs, but yeah, I really need the Mattel treatment for any of the younger generation that Maybe doesn't know the Steiner's or only know Scott Steiner from his his solo run go back and check out the Steiner's in the late 80s and the early 90s and WCW and WWF if you go on
on cage side seats, their, their database. The Steiner's are still up in like the top 10 all time on win percentage. Like these guys are to be ever lost. The matches were awesome. And Scott, Rick was really good, but Scott Steiner especially was just incredible in the ring, man. Really great team. And any steps we get to seeing them back in the fold on the big stage in, in pro wrestling America, I'm all for it. The other half of that match to Maso Champa,
You know, him and Johnny Gargano are definitely been the defining faces of NXT along with the undisputed era over the last five years. There were some hints dropped on his social media posts and stuff afterwards that this may have been his last match in NXT. And what a better way to go than putting over the hottest young prospect they have there. Jordan, what do you think, man? Is Ciampa gone? Do you think he's gonna go to the main roster or will we see him wash up somewhere else?
So there was already rumors last month that his contract was about to expire. So him losing right out of the gate doesn't give me a whole lot of faith that he's staying. I really don't want to see him go to the main roster in WWE. I just feel like he'll get lost up there like most of them do. I don't know where he'll go, but I'm guessing his next match is not in WWE.
If it was a little bit more steady employment scene, I would say being a coach in NXT would be an outstanding move for him. He'd be great, because he's another one of those guys that's total package, man. He went from being just like a generic tag team wrestler, number two, to being at one point, he was the hottest heel in wrestling. When he first came back and was attacking Johnny Gargado, and then he beat Aleister Black for the championship, the dude was just white hot. So I hope nothing for the best for him. He's such a good dude.
If you watch some of the documentaries on WWE's YouTube channel on him, great family man. So hope the best for Champa. If he goes to AW, that'd be pretty cool, but I don't know. They're so crowded right there. I don't really know what other signings they could even fit on their roster, man. Impact's roster is growing too, because it seems like last night a lot of the Ring of Honor guys kind of went over there.

Impact of WWE Releases

So I don't know, man. He's running out of places to go. I wouldn't mind seeing him
Do a little run in New Japan just because I love watching their wrestling and I think he would fit well there Oh, yeah. Yeah, but I mean wherever he goes. He's gonna be a success because the guy's awesome. So For sure. We do need to offer

Farewell to Cruiserweight Championship

up a a farewell It was a part of our lives for five years but on Tuesday night we bid adieu and
to the latest incarnation of the Cruiserweight Championship. Davey Davey has tried to make this work so many times over the years between the light heavyweight championship, the Cruiserweight Championship back in the attitude era that ended with hornswoggle ball people winning it. But once again, the Cruiserweight Championship is no more.
I feel like we're going to the airport, so. This is the soundtrack anytime I drop Jordan off at the airport when he comes out for one of our visits. It was an awesome, awesome championship. Just think back to when this thing debuted in 2016. We had that awesome cruiserweight. Was it the cruiserweight classic? Is that what they called it? The CFC. Yeah, that tournament was so cool, man, because you had 32 guys, people that weren't even signed to WWE at the time. I think about it. We had guys like Kota, Bushi.
Zach Sabre Jr. competed in WWE rings in this tournament. And if you guys remember, it was right before the final match that Triple H came out and unveiled the belt. They didn't even, it was a surprise that they were even fighting for the championship. So I just remember watching that live, seeing TJP and Grand Metalik going for the belt. But those guys are now released. So yeah, we know that. I don't think there's any
cruiserweight champions that are left, right? I mean, who? So let's see. So it was Brian, Brian Kendrick still in the NXT. So Brian Kendrick still around. Um, rich swan's gone. Neville's gone. Enzo's gone. Yeah. It's not, not too many police. Leo rush is gone. Jordan Devlin UK, right? Yeah, Jordan was still around. Santos Escobar still around, but yeah, that thing is definitely cursed.
Um, but it was really, really cool. You know, it had an awesome start back when to, I mean, there was a time when 205 live, if you were a straight up, if you were just a pure wrestling fan, 205 live was like the best show WDB had going there for a while. They were just putting on bangers. They had fun little storylines. It was only an hour each week. Um, so yeah, but it is, and we had, we had Neville's awesome run with it. You know, Neville's one of the best booked wrestlers of, of 2017 on his run as the king of the cruiserweights, but it's gone. Um,
Sheena, who do you think was the best champ in this the five-year history of this incarnation of the Cruiserweight belt? I don't know. This is gonna sound strange, but I really
It didn't end well, so I'll go ahead and say it ended kind of sucky, but I loved when Enzo was champion and he was just like roasting all the talent. That was a classic hunter of worship. I was going to say the same thing. Dude, okay, well, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was like, am I the only one? Did I just like like that because I'm like this weird niche audience, but I loved when Enzo was champion. I loved this. He was just going around and...
Yeah, his run it's it's aged well, man. I feel like I feel like people are ready for Enzo comeback as well. You know, he got not to get deep in the weeds, but he kind of got screwed over a little bit. If you look into the details on his whole situation. Yeah. The thing he got released for ended up basically coming out as just false accusations and stuff. But.
I was something, you know, sometimes stuff like that, that stinks going to stick to you, whether, you know, whether you like it or not. And he was definitely a little bit of a headache behind the scenes because I think he was very he was real assertive on his creative, you know, but but yeah, his Cruiserweight run has definitely aged well. Like the Cruiserweight Championship was main eventing Raw every week. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, whatever him and Neville storyline, that would be the last segment going on.
and yeah it was definitely over and yeah it's like she said just get on youtube just look up like inzo rose cruiserweights like that was a class it was so funny i mean they're just like they're just like in a circle around the radio he's just yeah he's just going one by one by one just shooting them down dude he made the title relevant no he definitely he definitely did
I can't remember what was he saying, you know, what are you, what, what are you doing? What was his little, how are you doing? How are you doing? We'll post a link to that clip in the show notes this week. So definitely go on YouTube and just like any Enzo, uh, Ross, uh, good. I'm pretty sure there's like a compilation out there with all that stuff. But yeah, he also took that title with him like everywhere. Like he was on TMZ with it, like going to like, like, uh, like sporting events and freaking.
See, I love that, you know, and I know the wrestlers are under no obligation to take those titles into their like everyday lives and stuff like that, but I really love that. Like that's what I loved about Seth Rollins. He would be carrying the Money in the Bank briefcase through the airport, you know, and just like at different things that you would see him at. So yeah, I always love seeing that when wrestlers kind of just like, they're proud of their gold.
Big Cass is doing really great things in impact right now, but I feel like it would be such a shot in the arm for the tag team scene in WWE if just out of nowhere one episode of Raw or we hit the end zone Cass theme and they come back. I think the crowd's ready for it. And, you know, yeah, I think that would be awesome. So let's have a drink to the dearly departed Cruiserweight Championship and hit this week's beverage break.

Drink Choices and AEW Figures Discussion

All right, Jordan, get it started, man. What are you sipping on for this episode? I am sipping on Wrestle Daddy from Infusion Brewery here in Omaha, Nebraska. It's a hazy IPA, really good beer, and anything wrestling related, I'm all for. Yeah, Jordan blessed me with a couple of those on a Christmas carrot package that's in our way, very tasty beer. Sheena, what are you drinking?
So I am, I'm back on my booch. So I got my hard kombucha from Flying Ember. I got the grapefruit with a hint of thyme. This time it's got zero sugar, zero carbs. I would say that, you know, I'm working on my, you know, trying to get my winter body into my summer body, but I did make some like homemade cinnamon rolls this morning. So I'm not even going to front that I'm like, you know, trying to like watch the carbs and the sugar. So maybe this will balance it out. It's all about balance, right?
I guess so. I don't know. I still can't get from either kombucha, man. A couple of times I'll pour one for Sheena and I don't know, something about the smell. It's fermented. It's good for your gut. I get that. I'm sure it is. It tastes delicious too. Maybe good for your gut. It's going to be good for my mouth. Do either of you guys like kombucha? Absolutely not.
Marco, come on, Marco. You and I are usually on the same page about things. About kombucha? I mean, I've never actually had it, so I can't help you out on this one. If it was zambuca, I could help you out. I mean, zambuca's not bad. No, that stuff is garbage too. Marco, what are you drinking, man?
I'm actually sipping on a WrestleMania 17. Ooh, baby. I mean, everyone should know what that is by now. We don't have to run down the- It's the cocktail we crafted, man. That came out of desperation one night. I was like, what are we going to drink on the show? And I went to the liquor store in our hometown and they had Terra Mana. And that was the first time I'd ever had Terra Mana. And I was like- I think that was Christmas time, 2020, I think.
Yeah, so that's a Chick Foley show. That's a Chick Foley show staple for sure. Love us at WrestleMania 17, Margarita. I'm drinking one of our standard drinks. I'm on the Broken Skull IPA, so I'm right there. Nice. It's a poor little tequila in there, dude. We could do like a WrestleMania 15. That could be like a shot of Terra Mono with a Broken Skull IPA. There you go. All right, let's hear from the two bad chads at Turnbuckle Tavern.
Drop by and visit the Turnbuckle Tavern, where every Thursday, we give you the most in-depth analysis of all things AEW, as well as dive into impact wrestling, NWA, and all things NDA. If you like heated debates, compelling interviews, and a shot of nostalgia, you'll love the Turnbuckle Tavern, available on Apple and Spotify. Drink it in. It always goes down smooth.
Alright, it's time for the figure for your weekly dose of figure talk reminder. Use code chick Foley to save 10% on all your purchases at ringside collectibles. Let's start off with the figure reveals of
unrivaled series eight from this week. So we've got MOC picks, they're up on ringside collectibles, IG, if you want to check those out. This is really kind of like the best friend series. Yeah, they got a couple of these coming our way in the next couple of months with the best friends all together and dark order all together in one series. It's kind of nice. Mattel likes to spread them out over a couple of series, which I get that strategy as well, but it's going to be nice to have this whole stable in one shot. So Sheena, what's your favorite figure from this set of reveals?
I like Chris Statlander, dude. I think that figure is just beautiful. I love the face paint. I love her gear. It's just brightly colored. It's as toyetic as it comes, so I'm going with Chris Statlander. Yeah, for me, it's all about that Chase Mox, dude. You guys know Mox is my third favorite wrestler out there besides Seth and Roman. Mox is number three, and they're giving us his kind of New Japan look with the, I don't know what you call those. Trunks. Yeah, well, they're like short stuff. Yeah.
They're like a box of box of briefs. Yeah. Anyway, yeah. This is actually a wrestling gear, you know, which is pretty rare for my he was always he typically wrestles in jeans, which that can't be comfortable. But anyways, yeah, the leather jacket with the shorts.
I still got a love-hate relationship with the chases in AEW. I really prefer the way that Mattel does their chases, where the chases are all just basically color swaps. They're not like, whereas with jazzwares, they're really like a whole different figure sometimes, you know what I mean? Or significantly different attires.
Definitely ups the collectability, but I really you know the other mocks we're getting in the series is kind of just like a basic mocks So it's kind of a bummer that this this really really cool different ones gonna be a real pain in the ass to To find how about you Marco? What's your favorite from this set?
Man, I mean, I got to go with the paint maker, Chris Jericho. That's a cool figure too. That is an awesome figure. And speaking of chases, because that's also a chase, but it's literally the paint maker is, I think, is a better figure than the chase. Yeah, definitely. 100%, man. Yeah, I don't get what it was there, what they were going for there, but that paint maker Jericho, I mean,
I mean, I've been waiting for them to do that because obviously they're not going to say that's a new Japan version of it, but it's essentially who he became when he changes his iteration of Jericho at that time. But yeah, I know, jacket-sick. The only thing I really don't like about it is the
the painted on inner circle shirt that he's wearing. Yeah, it's still cool though. Yeah, no, it's still a cool figure. That's definitely my favorite out of that one. Yeah, I didn't really see myself being excited about a Chris Jericho figure in 2022, but here we are. Also, shout out to Prince of Figures on Instagram. He posts up the recipe. The Chase Jericho, the one of 3,000.
You can actually make that by taking the regular Jericho from Series 8 and taking that lower half and the accessories and putting it on the upper half of the Amazon exclusive Jericho. So if you're on eBay looking for that chase figure loose, beware. You may be getting a hybrid if that makes a difference to you. Jordan, how about you, man? What did you think of Unrivaled 8?
Yeah, it's a really good series. I'm excited for this one. I did get it pre-ordered, so happy about that. I'll go with the Jericho as well. That's a great figure. And that's the only one on ringside that is no longer available for pre-order unless you order it all set. Yeah, I was gonna order just that one by itself, but yeah, it's definitely not there. So you gotta do the full set if you want that Jericho.
But the best friends is awesome. I mean that orange Cassidy is great. The only problem is it's basically the same orange Cassidy we already got just with the best friends t-shirt attached to the jacket. Yeah, pretty much.
It doesn't it doesn't seem to have the pockets on it. I think it does. Yeah, that's it. That's innovation. I think the heads game might even be the same, too. I think George. I think it's literally the exact same figure just with the different. Yeah, they have to know no shame on them for for re-releasing it. And it is a really cool t-shirt. It comes with moving on to Chella. So in addition to that awesome Greg, the hammer Valentine rhythm and blues that we're finally seeing.
in Hasbro form, which is going to be incredible. Shout out to them for bringing us that. They had, they called it the rock and roll, Greg, the hammer, Valentine, instead of a rhythm and blues. I really hope we get that in the elite form. Um, I think that would be perfect for our legends release. Uh, but they also, we've got the first shots of their, their bone crunching action figures, man. These, uh, Marco, what did you think of these? I think they're, they're pretty cool. I mean, if you, you've been around long enough to have collected the, uh, first iteration of the WWF ones, I mean,
You're pretty much in for a treat, but that, uh, that Adam Bob looks pretty cool. Yeah. Brian Clark, we should say as well. Um, the thing I love about them, um, a little bit different from, so zombie sailor toys, you know, he's making the Hasbro style figures. They don't look like Hasbro's though. They look like Hasbro's with like 2022 technology, right? They look super lifelike and detailed.
These look like jacks made these guys, you know, I mean these guys these look like they're straight out of like series three bone crunching action with the kind of You know cartoony head scopes. Yeah cartoony head scopes not super like high fidelity graphics on them and everything right like kind of basic deco and
But they look great. I'm all about this line and for those that were wearing the, the blue meanie. If you saw that proto the writing on a shirt is kind of more like a violet color cell has already come out and said that that was just a factory error with the sample they're going to correct that and the writing on a shirt will be in blue.
We know we're getting Gilbert or Dwayne Gills and then Gail Kim is going to be the first ever true female BCA. There were some females back in the BCA line, but they were always like the hard plastic managers figures and stuff. Really cool stuff there. Jordan, have you been collecting any of the cello figures so far?
So I have a couple of them. I haven't collected all of them obviously, but I'm definitely gonna do these BCAs. These are really cool. But yeah, I've grabbed a couple of them, but not the whole set.
All right, let's go. It's the first week of 2022. We're going to do the first weekend now. So let's assume that we don't know any figures that are arriving yet. We haven't seen any of the figure reveals. So we're kind of going to do this with a blank slate. Let's talk about our most wanted figures for this year. Sheena, what we're going to do, we're each going to pick two. We're going to pick a first time in the line figure, whether it be Mattel or Jazzwares.
And then we're going to pick somebody that's already been made, but just in a new attire. So Sheena, I'm going to let you go first. What is your most wanted first time in the line figure this year?
Oh, there's two that I want. Sorry, Johnny J. B.'s going to call me out. I don't think either one of you guys have any of these two, so can I say my two first time at last? Well, we're going to do first time. Okay, yeah, that's fine. Gina, do your classic. Don't leave any meat on the bone for anybody else to talk. Here we go. Let's ride the fence with Gina. Gina's like, you know, she's in the second match of the night and she's busting out table spots. She's like, I really like this one. She's like, I really like baseball mats and everything. But this one's going to be good. But this one's also great. But I like this one. Or the damn cage. But this is awesome. Yeah, exactly.
Texas, Texas death match, second match of the night. Again, if I thought it was going to be something that any of you guys would choose, you know, I'm kind of always out on a limb by myself, but I really want a negative one figure. I want a Brody Jr. figure from AEW. I think that would be super awesome. She's going to try to tug on the heartstrings to get us started. Tug on the heartstrings. Yeah, I want a, I want a. Nasty in here.
That's right. What if it was in a two-pack? Like the Ghostbusters two-pack. That would be an incredible ringside exclusive, dude. If they did negative one and probably together, dude, that would be... Oh my gosh. That would be the best selling figure set of the year, hands down.
Also, and then I'm going to go with Marco freaking stunt. What the F is going on? Where's Marco? Like we have two sets of Jurassic Express and no Marco. So I'm going with the little guys. I want negative one and I want Marco. So those are my those are my first time in lines that I want Marco. How about you? What's your picks man for your first time in the line?
So first time in line, let's see, I think only because I want to see this in, in, uh, in like figure form. I want to see the, uh, the TBS championship. So let's get, let's throw a jade in there. Let's throw a jade Cargill, uh, with the TBS championship. So I kind of want to see how they would top the, the Tay Conti, uh, figures and sets technically their best one, um, that they've, I know a lot of people love the Brit Baker.
You know the the blood one but uh, no the take aunties the the top of the line right now So definitely interested to see what that what that will look like For a new attire. Well, we'll go around for the first time before we move on to Jordan the gale camp is in the retro line. Oh She's getting a bone cruncher. No, she's she's a she's actually a retro. So she'll be the second retro next to um
What do you call it? Where they figured her name.
Oh, they said they're making an uncensored. That's what it was. OK, I got mixed up. Yeah, so they announced they said the retro and she's getting uncensored. So no BCA, though. OK, good. Good catch. Good catch. Jordan, what's your pick for the first time in the line? I'm going to go Bron Breaker. I just this dude is so toy headache. Like this figure would be golden. I think it would never sit on the pegs. This is a great figure other than his name. So I'll go Bron. He could come with that big X that he broke during his entrance on Tuesday night also for the accessory.
Hopefully he's not wearing the black gear. I think the biggest kind of gap in Mattel's amazing WWE line at this point is the 80s managers. We got Bobby Heenan and we got Miss Elizabeth, but it's really been few and far between since then. And the managers were such a big part of the scene back then. I've been watching a lot of the old Coliseum videos and almost every single heel wrestler had a manager. So we need to start getting those going. And I think the figure to open the floodgates on that would be a Captain Lou Albano.
I think that would be an awesome figure. We've seen Mattel do the soft goods Hawaiian shirts with Elite 28 Bray Wyatt and with that flashback Razor Ramon figure so we know they can execute that part. Dude was super toyetic with the freaking rubber bands and earrings and his beard and stuff and the goatee and
I just, I think he's the most needed manager. He'd go great with the British Bulldogs or anybody else really want to put him with. So yeah, Captain Lou Albano is my most wanted first time in the line figure for this year. All right. So Gina, it's background to you. Pick an attire of someone that we've seen before.
So I really want a hangman, but I want him in his like cowboy drip. Like his, you know, when he's coming out to the ring, street clothes hangman, dude, where he's just got the tassels and you know, the boots and the jeans and the belt, like the whole, the whole night. So I want cowboy shit. They could do like the Amazon Jericho, like something like that, where you had just the base figure and you had a couple of different shirts and stuff. It would be awesome, dude, because he just always looks like a million bucks when he comes out in his street clothes. So I want to, I want a street clothes hangman is what I'm wanting for a great pick.
I figured that we have a new attire. I would be all over that. Marco? Man, I'm going to do the Sheena ride the fence. Oh, boy. Here we go. I grant you permission, Marco. Thank you, Sheena. But yeah, so my one new attire would definitely be the, it's going to be a three pack. You got to go with the trio of engines, which is CM Punk.
Sting and Darby out of there at the face pain. I think that that that alone needs to happen. That's definitely going to be made. I mean, that's a ringside exclusive way to happen, man. For sure. You think so? Yeah. I don't know. Maybe they could maybe do it in the line also. No one. No one are, you know, our good friend, Jeremy, that the sting with the CM Punk face paint will be like a one in 100 super chase or something, you know. Oh, God. Yeah, wonderful.
But yeah great great pick man. Yeah, that was awesome. They were super cool You know, you had Darby Allen with like the pink sting style face paint like it was yeah I mean the the face paint on I'm just curious to see how they would do the other sting the sting face paint with the with the you know the cross fists That's pretty wild how detailed that would be so but yeah, but um
But my other one would, I mean, for a new attire. I mean, I think that'd be probably, you know what, I'm not going to, I'm not going to ride the fence. I'll let, I'll let Jordan go. I'll be, I'm not going to do this. You're going to graciously bow out. Yeah, but I can't do it. All right, Jordan, what's your new attire you wanted?
They have to give us the lucha bros from all out in their entrance gear We have to get those figures like I don't care how you do it Just get it done those figures are so I can just imagine them in my head and I mean that whole match you could put in a figure like do like a ringside exclusive of that whole match and I'm buying it day one like that those figures for lucha bros would be so good and
Yeah, AWW has been killing it with the attires and stuff here over the last year, man. I think there's room. I love the simplicity that Jazzverse has had with just the unrivaled and unmatched line and a few exclusives sprinkled in. I think there's room for like some sort of defining moments or Ultimate Edition style line in the AWW figures. Hopefully that's something we could see in 2022.
to really get us some of these super detailed, intricate attires with entrance gear and everything come out. I'd be willing to pay the extra money for some of those executions, but yeah, great picks all the way around. For me, this has been my most wanted attire for a long time now, but I'm going to continue to speak it into existence until it happens. I know what it is. What is it? It's Cody as the Homelander. Oh, my God.
I knew you were going to say it. Believe it or not, Cody, one of my most wanted figures, it's not my pick, but you teed it up. I really want the natural Dustin Rose. Hopefully in the luminaries line, we can get that. That'd be great. Yeah, they're doing the AAA version of Chris Jericho from his days when he was Corazon de Leon, the Lionheart down in Mexico. Maybe we could get a natural Dustin Rose figure. That'd be sick.
But my pick is Royal Rumble in 1994.
Bret the Hitman heart with the black and white speckled gear. Yeah. Yeah. That was such a, such an awesome event for him is when he won the Royal Rumble type of Lex Luger. He got his leg kicked out of his leg. Big night for, for Brett. Yeah. Big night for Brett. So, so that's, that's my pick. Hopefully all of our figure wishes come true. It is the golden age to be a wrestling figure collector. And I can't wait to see what all the different companies bring us in 2022. You guys ready to get back to the entering action? Let's go.

AEW's Move to TBS and Bryan Danielson vs. Hangman Page

All right. So Wednesday night, it was a big night. We saw wrestling return to TBS. Uh, even though I thought it was made with dynamite being on TNT, TNT is definitely the more prestigious channel over TBS. It definitely hit me kind of right in my field spot. Cause when I was coming up, wrestling on TBS was like, that was what I had made a point to watch every single week before raw came out. The WCW Saturday night at a six 35 Eastern on the super station. It's me and my top all Clyde, man. We would sit in my granny's basement and we would watch it man. Like without fail, this is what we did. We'd go over and like.
Like my mom and my granny would be upstairs visiting and me and my padball Clive would be down in the basement watching, you know, looking back and like, I don't know how I sat through these matches, but you know, when you're a little kid, you got a better attention span or you just less, you know,
You're less distracted, too. Yeah. We're watching like R.N. Anderson versus Paul Landorf. I mean, what were your other options for entertainment at Granny's house? You know what I mean? Like, yeah, you know, yeah, it's like old school toys, like, you know, ball and a cup and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. So it was cool seeing wrestling back on TVS. They kicked it off with a straight up banger with Brian Danielson versus Hangman Page, part two. Jordan, what did you think of this match?
I honestly thought that I had high expectations for this match and I honestly thought it over-delivered. The storytelling in this match was fantastic. I loved the numerous hints at Hangman doing the buckshot lariat.
I love this match. As I said, the last show, Daniel Bryan was my wrestler, or Brian Daniels was my wrestler of the year. This match gave me no reason to still not go with that. I know he lost, but I mean,
dude that match was so awesome and the whole time I thought Brian Danielson is going to win this match and I was happy you didn't because I love hangman but that match was fantastic yeah it was incredible I was glad the judges didn't get involved even though that was a nice touch because that was an old school 80s NWA WCW thing having a match with judges
Yeah, hell of a match. I don't think it quite top number one, but you know, it's kind of hard to top a 60-minute time. Yeah Marco, who do you think should be the next challenger for hangman? For some reason all right, so I think I think Brian Danielson's gonna get another shot for some reason because The first match was a draw
and then they had a second match so they can do a third essentially because he technically didn't lose that first time that they that they won so I think he's it sometime in the near future I think uh Brian Danielson's gonna get another shot will it be against hangman I don't know but I mean hopefully because I want to see them go for a third a third time but the next challenger I think I mean it has to be MJF right like he's
I mean, after whatever happens with him and CM Punk. It seems like what they teased, seems like they kind of teased MJF going for it and then CM Punk screwing him over. Yeah, so, I mean, he already has a loss on his record. So his first year, you know, with a loss on his record, isn't looking good for that. But yeah, I think MJF is the, I mean, you know, you have the baby, the white baby face of, you know, Hangman and then like the red hot heel of MJF. I mean,
Who I think that I think he said that I mean I don't see anyone else personally that would go against hangman for the title, but let's.
you guys have any other people on your mind? I mean, AEW has got so many people kind of in the mix that there's, you know, there's a lot of people you could instantly get pushed up to that level. But MJF is definitely right at the top. He's the obvious answer. I feel like somebody like Miro, though, would be really cool. I mean, pattern since you lost the championship. That could be nice for like a short term feud if you're not going for something.
Yeah, I don't think yeah every few doesn't have to be like some epic like long-term storytelling do sometimes you just need a little You know a little appetizer, you know a little bit of time, you know get hey man's a few to know a couple months Yeah, I could totally see a man in Miro be at main event in a pay-per-view You guys are my MJF if you guys want to get on social media search for it MJF, you know, he's famous for like she knows talking about keeping kayfabe 24 7 He actually started to break character a little bit of autograph signing today. I saw the clip on
Oh, yeah. I don't see where his circle is. He was getting a picture with a little kid and he was like doing his best not to start laughing and like smiling stuff. He finally just like handed the kid back to his parents. So you guys got to get him out of here because he was about to lose this heel edge. Yeah, he gave the kid the finger and the picture and the kid gave it right back. Yeah. Well, he was like, you're not supposed to do two fingers. And he's like, get this kid out of here. And he just passed him off. I know. Pretty sweet clip.
I know nothing really about MJF in his real life, but I feel like he's probably one of the nicest guys in real life. I imagine that in my mind. He just turns on his heel. He may be an asshole in real life. I don't know. But in my mind, I'm just like, he goes home and he pets his cat and plays with babies. I'll say this. Yeah. I mean, I'll agree with you on that. I'll say this. Usually, the guys that can pull off a heel the best on TV, they're usually the nicest guys
in real life. Look at Brian Danielson. I was going to say Brian Danielson. He goes full hail boat. When he's a hail, he loves it. He just goes into it. Same thing with MJF. I think he's the same way. Brian Danielson's one of the most caring, compassionate, thoughtful human beings on the face of the planet. Nice guys are usually when they want to be assholes, they can be complete assholes.
I can just look at that. I can vouch for that. I'm a real nice guy, but like if I want to turn it on, it'd be a complete a-hole. I mean, I just can't see it. Marco, you're like one of the most genuinely sweet people I know. That's that's the thing. But that's the that's the trick. You know, like there's this guy, but they're like, if someone gets you bad enough,
And, you know, it's it's a wrap because, you know, you just let it all go. So we're going to have a dark side of the Marco at some point. Oh, we might never know. I mean, somebody. So something might happen on Twitter one day with some of my just like flip a switch and I might just go off and do something bad. But the F. So Marco, thanks for going to get Hangman, Danielson, part two. Sheena, where do you think the American Dragon is going to go from here? How much would it be if Danielson, you know, his
He's just this heel, right? Kind of like smarmy, kind of smart-assy. And then we bring back the ultimate baby face, Jon Moxley, and have them kick off a few. I love that idea. It would just be... Imagine Mox makes his return. That's how you can hype it up for a couple of weeks and just start dynamite with that. And he could give a real heartfelt promo.
and then Daniel Bryan comes down and interrupts him. I can totally see. I'm picturing it in my mind right now because Daniel Bryan has that holier-than-thou persona and he's going to take John Moxley's demons, his rehab and all that and just shit all over it. It's going to make Mox the ultimate babyface and Bryan the ultimate heel.
Hey, I want him to go, if you guys remember the Jerry Lawler and Jake Roberts feud in 1996. Jerry Lawler was always pouring alcohol down Jake's mouth. Imagine that feud with better performers, man. No shade to Jake Roberts and Jerry Lawler. They're two of the absolute all-time greats. Think about how bad that was, man. This was in the Attitude Era.
We were still in the new generation era. Jerry Lawler was running down Jake, Jake Roberts, but being such a drunk, literally beat him up and poured alcohol down his mouth. You know, you don't remember the, uh, the, the classic Jeff Hardy hit and run angle in WWE when he was coming back from rehab. And then that was nothing compared to Jake and Jerry Lawler.
You know, AW, they will they'll pull the claws out, you know, on the promos and stuff. So yeah, hopefully could be really, you know, or Brian Danson, excuse me, could just be really condescending, you know, congratulating mocks on that stuff. So if they want to make that, if they want to bring that into kayfabe, which I don't know if they do. And yeah, but if they do, they could do some really, really good stuff to turn the heat up even higher.

AEW Storylines and Sobriety Themes

And then the match would be insane. I mean, the fact that they've acknowledged it on TV and on their social media and all of the things, I feel like not that it's, I don't think anybody's demons are fodder for entertainment. Like I don't think if he's not cool with it, then we shouldn't do it. But I feel like- Mox loves wrestling. Mox is a, yeah, is he's just a hardcore and he wants wrestling to be like real and heartfelt. And I feel like that would be a really,
a really good way for him to just get into character and just be like, you know, F this guy, you know, so I, uh, I'm here for it. You know, the great thing is AWS is firing on all soldiers right now. So it's going to be great. Whatever they do. What would you say, Jordan? Do it at a double or nothing. Do a sobriety chip on a pole match in Las Vegas.
It's a bridy gym. You could run back like the mimosa mayhem gimmick. Just fill up a couple of takes full of whiskey or something. This has gone off the ring.
I was going to say, this feels like a Patreon exclusive. Hey, here you go. I'm going to go full Vince Russo. It's the Stinker Swim ladder match. It's a ladder match, but there's also two giant tubs of whiskey on the outside. The only way Daniel Bryant can win is by knocking mocks into the tank of whiskey. The only way mocks can win is by climbing the ladder and getting a sobriety chip from the top of it, man.
You can even do the three stages of hell would make it the 12 steps of hell.
We will put a link to Alcoholics Anonymous. Somebody was struggling with issues. We're laughing because we're sick human beings, but it is a serious issue. Shame on you guys for using this for a wrestling storyline. Oh, yeah. You started it. He'll turn on us.
Right there. Book it, co-main event for Double or Nothing this year, the 12 steps of death, sink or swim ladder match between Mox and Brian Danielson. Right, it's your waterfall. All right, let's go back to some more lighthearted stuff.

Jade's TBS Title Win and Jurassic Express

We saw Jade become the first TBS champion. I think she's going to do big things with that belt. She's still got a lot of ways to go in ring, but
the look, the presentation, everything is on point. I think we're all happy for her. Main event, we saw Jurassic Express finally get the AW tag team belts. That was so awesome. Great match. How about that Phoenix injury, man? Jordan, what did you think about that? We saw the dude's elbow been completely in our direction. It was fine. When they said that he didn't break his elbow, I was like,
What? Is this too like a machine? I don't know what his bones are made out of, but I need to be getting whatever supplementation that he's on. He must be on that, he must be on that buca too, Sheen. Because dude, that's like the cure for like aging, dude. Because if you can fall and like your hips are just made of rubber, then yeah, you're never going to break a hip, dude. So like we need, we need whatever Phoenix is on. We need to bottle that up and sell it because that shit is gold.
Yeah, that was a nasty. I mean, you could tell, dude, Luchasaurus put some stank on that choke slam. Like, even when it happened, without seeing the injury, like me and Sheena were both like, damn, wow, that choke slam. And then you see it in slow-mo that Phoenix kind of got his arm behind him. So luckily, it wasn't broke. So it's still a pretty major injury. A dislocated elbow is nothing to sneeze at. There may be some soft tissue damage there also. But it's not a broken bone. So he'll be back better than ever once he comes back.
Sheena, I know you got some thoughts on this. So we get the awesome moment. Tarzan boys bump in. They're celebrating with the belts. And Christian is in the ring with them. Take it away. I just feel, dude, I feel like it was, I don't want to say out of place because clearly he's been a part of their storyline for going on some time now.
but it should have ended a long time ago. Like I've been calling for this to be over for a while. And I don't know if they're just putting him with Jurassic express to keep him relevant or whatever. And I've heard some people who were a fan of it, you know, they're like, Oh, it's like, you know, he's the, um,
He's the mentor and the mentee and they finally, you know, reached the, reached the mountain top, you know, the tag team champions. But it just felt so out of place, especially considering like it wouldn't have been so bad if Marco stunt had been out there celebrating with them. But Marco stunt has been there since day one. Right. And although he's not like a main force in this tag team, he's definitely like their hype man. And he's definitely pulled some high jinks and shenanigans and stuff like that during, during matches. And I feel like.
I think he was a full fledged third member of Jurassic Express. He is a full fledged third member of the team. He is a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged third member of the team. He was a full fledged
He's got like that little caveman type vibe. So I feel like he's a much better fit than you got Christian out there, always looking like he's looking for something. He's trying to be the cool dad. Yeah, cool dad vibes. That is exactly. He's got cool dad vibes. And it just felt so out of place for me. And I just, man, I'm ready for Christian to unhitch his wagon to them.
Yeah, it would even if like you if you had to have Christian out there, you still could have brought Marco out. Exactly. Exactly. I wouldn't have been mad at that. I mean, he came out whenever the drastic express or whenever Jungle Boy won the Casino Battle Royal, like Marco came out, Lucis Morris came out and then all of a sudden like.
So I don't know if something's happening behind the scenes or not. I know Marco. He's also a musician. He's been working on, you know, that was kind of like the company line. I saw a couple people say, well, you know, Marco's, you know, off doing his music thing right now. But I feel like you needed him there for that moment. It just it hit like it was still really, really cool. But it wasn't quite on point. It took it down a peg. Yeah. I mean, Marco from one Marco to another. What's your take on the situation?
I mean, yeah, it is very tough not seeing a person that was with them since the beginning, you know, celebrating like wins and stuff like that. And also being a part of the match at some, you know, some points during the match. But I've been reading some, you know, behind the scenes stuff on it. And it seems like
TK isn't up for renewing Marco's contract anytime soon, so. Damn, so spoiled. We're not getting that figure I want. Yeah, so probably not. Yeah, so I mean, those are the rumors. I mean, you know, obviously, turnbuckle will have, if they're, you know, reading up on this, but the rumors are, I mean, there's some, you know, AEW beginning people that were there from the beginning that aren't getting, like,
Was it Kip Sabian? Was that the two hype dudes? I forget their names. The hybrids. The hybrid too, yes. Like those guys, it seems like that group.
Obviously, they haven't been getting TV time. They haven't been on AW Dark or Rampage at all. But like I said, I've been reading the rumors. TK is not up for renewing any of their contracts. Marco is going to go write an article about how TK discriminates against short people. And then TK is going to fire back and be like, look, I got Adam Cole.
Yeah. I got jungle boy. I got all these, I got hook. I said hook. Yeah. We love, we love shorties. You just can't wrestle. Yeah. I should actually tweet something out like that. And TK be like, Hey, how can you not, you're discriminating as a short people.
Just, Tony Khan hates short people. That's the tweet, man. It is upsetting that we're not going to get a hopeful three-pack. I understand. I understand you can't keep everybody, and sometimes people got to go, especially now with all the acquisitions that they've gotten from other companies. I find Marco was so cool. Yeah, I loved Marco.
I mean, I would take Marco over Christian. If you told me straight up like only one of these people can stay in AEW, like I know that's a hot take, but I would keep Marco Stone over Christian. Christian is just like, he's just like straight up average. He's like vanilla ice cream to me, man, right? Like it's never bad, but like I've never once been excited for a Christian match. Yeah, exactly.

NFL Super Bowl Predictions

Is it a hot take though? Like Christian, right? I feel like there's people out there that really, really love Christian. But for me, like he was ever since he cut his hair, dude, he's never been his mage. Like I love Christian, like the Christian and edge tag team and I loved him in the brood. Shorthair Christian has never done it for me though, man.
Yeah. And Marco's homegrown. That's the thing I love about Marco is like, you know, Christian came from, you know, from WWE and he's like, you know, WWE, like legend, like Hall of Fame territory where it's like he's in, he's an old head, you know what I mean? He's not even like a new young spry WWE talent. Yeah. And Marco just complimented Jurassic Express so much and Christian doesn't. Christian's just there. Marco was like, they're bringing the energy. Like, you know, they'd have some crazy spot. Marco would go and grab the camera and like look directly into it, you know, like,
I don't know. He complimented the vibe. It was kind of like New Day-ish. Yeah, exactly. They all just kind of work symbiotically together. Yeah. All right. Let's hear from Extra Cooler before we get into Battle of the Belts. Hey, everyone. It's Nick, better known as Extra Cooler. Is there anything better than diving back into the wrestling archives and watching classic matches from the past?
Yes, there is. It's doing that with your buddies while cracking jokes and enjoying some ice cold beverages. If that sounds like fun to you, then be sure to check out my new podcast, The Extra Cooler Show, where each episode, my Survivor Series team and I review an old school match chosen by you, the listeners. The Extra Cooler Show is available wherever you get your podcasts. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for new episodes every other Thursday morning.
All right, before we get into Battle of the Belts, we do need to make one small divergence. I've meant to do this during the beverage break, but like Jordan, I kind of been sipping all day and, you know, let something slide by me. It's time for us to make our Super Bowl picks. You know, it is the final week of the NFL season, and the only game left is the Chargers and Raiders. The Raiders are currently
winning that game at halftime 17-14 the winner will go on to the playoffs the loser will go home but the rest of the field is set Sheena you're gonna go first and I'm making Sheena go first for that you know we're not doing video this week I'm holding Sheena's phone so Sheena has basically no idea who's even in the playoff field so let's see if she can even get two teams that are in the playoffs what is your Super Bowl pick Sheena? I'm gonna say the 49ers are gonna win the Super Bowl against you
Oh my gosh. 49ers are coming on strong, but Jimmy G's got a bad thumb. I just don't know if Jimmy G is going to be healthy all through the playoffs, but the 49ers did win today in the overtime to clinch a playoff spot, so that's not a bad pick. The only reason I know that is because our friend Matt from the Extra Cooler Show is a huge Niners fan and he was posting in our chat. They had a big win today, so they're a tough team.
Who's coming? Who are they going to be facing at the AFC? The Titans. Okay. I think Sheena is saying that just because I'm sitting right next to her, we're in a Julio Jones Titans jersey. That doesn't mean that the Titans are in the playoffs though. All right. Marco, what's your pick for the Super Bowl? Damn. Oh, are we picking just one team that won the Super Bowl? Give me your prediction. Who's going to win? Who are they going to beat?
Man also good job on Sheena. She's watched almost no football this year. She used to be a hardcore fan But after Super Bowl 51, she kind of just ditched football, but she still was able to Copy get her two teams that were in the play not an accident about super bowl pick. I can see Niners over Titans. You're welcome Yeah, the Titans are what the number one. They're the number one seed home
Let's see. I think I picked this at the beginning of the NFL season. I think we did this. I'm still going with the Buccaneers and the NFC. I know the Packers are the number one there, but I think old Tommy. You can never count out Tommy, boy. Yeah, I think Tommy has Roger's number there. Who are they facing? They will face
I'm going to go with the Chiefs. I'm going to go, I'm going to go. Chiefs again. Three straight AFC championships. I think so. Yeah. You're picking bucks over Chiefs again. Yeah. Straight up. Run it back from last year. All right. Solid. Do it. Jordan, what's your pick? Okay. So before the season, I picked Buffalo and Tampa Bay and the Superbowl. Yeah. I'm still going Tampa Bay. Okay. But I'm going to go to the Titans, win the Superbowl.
Nice. That would be awesome. The only, the main reason I think this is because, all right, they can't beat Kansas City at Kansas City in the playoffs. Well, now they don't have to do that. And they got a fresh King Henry coming back. Like El Tractor CTO is coming back a hundred percent, dude. I bet, I bet this, this week before they clinched homefield, I bet the Titans doing the Superbowl just cause I think they have a good shot as anybody and the AFC is pretty much wide open.
And once you get there, anything can happen. Yeah, the Titans beat the shit out of the Chiefs when they played this year, too. The Titans wreck the Chiefs and the Bills. The Patriots are the only team in the AFC that really beat up on the Titans, man. For me, at the start of the season, I picked the Bills over the Falcons. Obviously, the Falcons did not have the shot in the arm.
that we thought they were going to get from the new head coach. Although I do think the Falcons are better than their record show. They're just kind of up and down. I still can't really put my finger on what the deal is with the Falcons because it seems like the talent's there, but it's like some weeks they got it, some weeks they don't. So obviously that one crashed and burned, but the Bills were my pick to win the Super Bowl. I'm sticking with that. I think it's going to be the Bills over the Bucks. The Bucks are banged up on injuries and stuff, but
I feel like Tom Brady has reached that Michael Jordan level where his teammates just believe they're going to win. Just him being on the team, his teammates believe it and they play harder because they feel like we're going to find a way to win this thing, man. I'll pivot to Bills over Bucks. I'm right there with you, Jordan. You bailed on the Bills, huh?
So at the beginning of the season, I did pick Bills to win the Super Bowl over the Bucks, which is pretty impressive considering they're both still in it. But I feel like the Titans, man, I think they're going to make a run. Julio's healthy, Henry's healthy. I feel like they're going to make a run. And they have to buy. The buy is bigger than ever now. With the 14-team playoffs, only two teams get the buy. So that's a huge advantage. So they just got to win two games at home. And they're right there in the Super Bowl.
All right, so for all the, yeah, hopefully we haven't, you know, I know we got, Sheena's gone to sleep. We could do a whole spin-off just previewing the playoffs. I know maybe we'll

AEW Battle of the Belts Review

do that, man. Maybe we'll put Sheena off one night. We'll do a guy's night and just me, Jordan and Marco do a full breakdown on the NFL playoffs. I know we can get it going.
Um, battle of the belt. So I'll kick this one off, man. I was definitely a little bit let down. So when, when this, this thing got announced, it was part of the, uh, the press release. When they announced that dynamite was going to be going to TBS, they said rampage was staying on TNT and they would be four specials on TNT every year. It was presented to us that this was going to be AEW's version.
of class of the champions. So you can find all the old WCW class of the champions on the network. For those that don't know, those were basically like a pay-per-view on free TV. They were akin to what NXT has done with like Great American Bash, New Year's evil, Halloween habit.
cards at that level. This was not that. This was really just kind of a one off with three championship matches, which was still kind of cool. But it wasn't what I was expecting. I was really expecting like something more, like I said, like a clash of the champions. And it wasn't that it was a fun show. We saw the interim TNT champion crown, which is that's something that's common in like UFC and boxing. But we really haven't seen too many interim champions in wrestling. Jordan, what do you think about this, man? Sammy G getting a a TNT title back just about one week after losing it.
so it just feels weird that he would get it back right away um i love sammy g obviously but man i don't know man i was just let down by this whole show like the wrestling itself was good for being an hour long it's just i don't know man when you when you hype this up the way they did and you only have an hour of wrestling and
I don't know, man, it just didn't hit for me. But Sammy G winning the title is what it is. But dude, I was really pulling for Dustin. I wanted to see Dustin and Cody Russell for the title. I know. And if they're doing, you know, we've been doing a lot of fantasy booking on this show. I felt like if they're really leading into this Cody heel turn, how cool would it have been to see Dustin finally get some gold in AEW and then Cody be the one to just freaking stomp it away from him? You know, I thought that would have really got some heat on him. But either way, I'm sure I'm sure Sammy and Cody's next match will be fire.
I'm a WrestleMania 10 purist. That's like one of my all-time favorite shows. So anytime you got two champs holding belts, it's got to end in a ladder match, man. That's just like a kayfabe rule for me, like WrestleMania 10 with Razor and Shawn. So hopefully we get a ladder match with both of those TNT belts up there, and we'll see who wins out of Cody and Sammy. Shane, what'd you think about the belts? Like you said, I...
Again, AEW, they over promise and under deliver. I got it right that time. If this had just been a regular episode of TV, I'd have been like, oh cool, great show. But again, I just had higher expectations for what was going to happen and I was a little let down. Just echoing everything that you guys said.

Dream Matches and Fitness Routines

Britt Baker finally defeated Rio that was kind of a thorn in her side. She had never beat her before Marco, I'm gonna put you on the spot man who is gonna be the the female to finally take that belt off a DMD oh Man that's gonna be that's That's that's a that's a tough one Right. I mean there's nobody there's nobody on the horizon right now man like I
No, I mean, you can go Thunder Rosa, you can bring that back again. Yeah. Maybe, um, maybe, uh, Sheeda, but other than that, no, this does not match. I mean, if they're, if they're going to build, uh, Jade,
enough. I mean, she might, I mean, physically, yeah, she's probably the only one that can probably, you know, dominate Britt Baker and take the title off of her. And maybe have like, maybe ever be dual champ have both TBS and the AWM is champion. So who knows? We'll see. But I mean, right now, I think that Jade's probably the only one I can think of physically if they can take the title off of Britt Baker.
Jordan, you're the women's wrestling expert, man. What happened to Abaddon? I always thought that she was really cool. I feel like we haven't seen her in a year, dude.
Yeah, I don't know, man. Is it just that her, like, look does not translate to AEW style? I don't get it. I think it's a little bit too... Yeah, it's a little bit too mystical, magical, dark. Like, they don't... I don't really feel like AEW has the production. I guess they do Malachi Black, but he's still... Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. He's still a little bit, he's still a little bit, like, human, I guess I should say. You know, I feel like... It's a little different for the women, too, like,
I mean, it took a lot for them to do what they did with Alexa and WWE. I mean, they had to hitch her to Bray to make that work. Yeah. So when you're doing otherworldly character, sometimes it's hard to do it. And I don't know, maybe that's what she's suffering from. But dude, she was on such a high there for a while. I just felt like they were going to do something with her. And man, I don't even remember the last time we saw her. Yeah, it's been a long time. She's been on dark and stuff. I'm looking at her IG right now. She's had some matches on dark.
Okay, that explains it. I really don't want to totally put this out there, but if you look on her IG, she always blurs her real face. I mean, she's an attractive looking lady though, so they could definitely do something. Yeah, she's hot. Like you said, a Bray Wyatt style where she could not necessarily be in the full get up every time, but I really dug that character. She used to be hiding backstage and stuff. Like I said, similar to Bray Wyatt and the Fiend, I think they could do something with her if they wanted to push that.
I don't know. It looks like Britt Breaker is going to have a long run, which, you know, more power to her. She's probably the top two or three stars in the company right now. So she's definitely earned it. Sheen, do we got some listener mail for this week? We do.
All right, our buddy Johnny JB says, with the current Impact Knockouts champion participating in the Rumble, any dream matches that you would like to see in the future between Impact and WWE? Moose versus anybody. I really was wishing that Moose was gonna come to WWE when his contract was up a few years ago. Yeah. Quinn Ojanaka, I've been a fan of this dude since he was an offensive lineman for the Falcons. I don't feel like he really got a fair shot. He did good a couple of times. He was forced into action.
on the Falcons, but dude's awesome. Again, he's got the look. He can go and ring his match with Kenny Omega last year was really good. Um, so yeah, like you could do moose versus really anybody in WWE. I'd love to see that. So if the, if the, you know, quote unquote, forbidden doors open, moose would be my first pick from a impact. I want to see walking through it. All right guys. Anybody, any other, uh, impact WWE dream matches?
I probably, I kind of want to see like Sammy Callahan and K.O. go at it. Like a last man standing. Yeah.
Yeah. Um, who was the other? There was another, maybe like, uh, definitely you want to see like Jordan Grayson, like Deanna Parrazzo, um, pop over into the, uh, women's division and, uh, you know, and get something going over there. But, but yeah, definitely the, uh, the KO Sammy Callahan match would be sick. All right. Rob slight says with the Foley fan fitness challenge in full effect, what are you listening to while working out to keep you going?
I typically listen to podcasts or I mean, or I just listen to like the workout. I work out at home. Um, so for me, I'll listen to like the instructions from whatever the workout I'm doing. Uh, but if I'm pretty familiar with the workout, I listened to podcasts. I'll just have like, I'll have the workout muted and just kind of follow along and I'll listen to podcasts as I'm working out. Yeah. For me, same thing. I do DDP yoga. So I'm listening to the workout back in my, when I was heavy running days in Hawaii, where it was sunny 365 days of the year.
It was all about podcasts and the best podcast for running is I'll give you two picks. One is this American life. That's by NPR. And that's just random topics every single week, but it's chill, it's relaxing and it's, but it's still engaging enough to like, keep your mind off, you know, pounding the payment step after step. The other one is fully posable. Go back to like 2016 when they were starting, because the first year of it was really more like nostalgia based episodes over news. So they're kind of just going back through the eighties and early nineties of wrestling figures and reliving it.
How about Jordan Mirko with some of the stuff you guys listen to? Go ahead, Mirko. Yeah. I mean, for the most part, I'm like she and I just listen to the instructions for the most part. Not so much music. I think music distracts me when I'm doing an actual workout routine. If I'm doing any lifting or push-ups, anything like that, I'll definitely listen to music.
Yeah, but if there's any like specific instructions or you know, rep schemes and stuff like that you gotta hear like yeah, definitely Yeah, especially if you do like yeah, I've like gotten 10 rounds on Beachbody if you're doing that like it's a boxing thing So you have to hear like, you know, he's like the footwork and stuff. Yeah Oh, yeah, he calls out all the punches and kicks and everything. Yeah 11516 and that's what I mean if you watch any boxing, you know videos or watch any boxer train that's how they box a box of numbers and
You know, like one to five, one to... Yeah, that program specifically is really tough. What about you, Jordan? Yeah. So when I do cardio, I just listen to podcasts mainly because I hate cardio. As a big dude, cardio is not my friend. Cardio is cardio.
Yeah. But when I'm lifting, dude, I just go, um, I'll put on like a playlist or something, but I do a lot of slipknot and stuff like that. Cause man, that that's what, uh, that's what, uh, gets the weight up. I mean, when I'm benching or something, like it's definitely, I pop weight and bleed on and I just go, man. Awesome. And in that same vein, we have Kevin Eugene says with the fully fitness chat with the fully fam fitness, have you guys changed any of your eating habits?
You've done any nutritional changes? Seth saying no, Marco saying no, George. I still eat whatever Sheena serves up for dinner. It's what I eat, dude. That's some good stuff. Oh, yeah.
Yeah, I made a concern effort to during the week. I don't drink at all during the week. That's good. That's a big thing for me is not drinking during the week. And then as far as my diet, doing better at taking lunch every day and eating at home. Yeah, that's a budget saver too, dude. Eating out is like insane. It is. So when you're in the business, I'm in the prop, because spoiler alert, if anyone doesn't know, I do insurance. Shout out to farmers.
I get invited to a lot of lunches and stuff, so it's hard for me to a lot of times do lunch in my office, but I'm making an effort to at least do four days at the office every week for lunches. That's the big thing, man.
It's hard, man. I'm not going to try to go off on some spiel here, but as a big dude, it is hard to not eat crappy food. Nutrition is the hardest part. We're going to focus on in the coming weeks for the fully fit challenge. I don't like to slap everything because I feel like sometimes people try to make too many changes all at once.

Future of Wrestling Figures and Trivia

and then you know it just becomes overwhelming so this week we can just focus on getting workouts and getting a little consistent with that and then i'm gonna add in some nutritional challenges that are like. You know slow and steady wins the race i feel like some people like to go cold turkey and just change everything on a whim but i feel like most people find success in like making those small changes.
that compound over time. So we're going to be working on that. So if you're interested in joining, you know, like I said, the fully fit challenge is going to be going, you know, indefinitely at this point. So join in, join our Facebook group. And if you're in our Facebook group and you didn't jump in this week, you know, each week is a new opportunity to just go ahead and jump in. Each day is a new opportunity. So make sure you jump in, log your workouts and all of that kind of stuff.
Now into some non-healthy talk, we've got Brian Vermeer. He says, with the new gen ring and figures being so close, do you see future projects as accessories to the ring, you know, hell in the cell, scaffold, blue steel cage, et cetera, or will there be a ring made every time it is needed?
Also, what is a set that you really want to see and what would you want as the tier? He said he wants a prime time wrestling set and his figures would be Ultimate Gorilla and Ultimate Heenan. Tears would be changeable images for the TV, classic moments, Ultimate Roddy Piper, blah, blah, blah.
So I love that question. For me personally, I think it would be cool if they just did accessories for the ring. For those who already have the ring, just do like the blue steel cage and the Hell in a Cell and all of that. Sucks for everybody who didn't get in on that initial ring because then what's the point in getting in on any future Mattel creations.
Things if they're just gonna be for the new gen ring as far as like what i wanna see i think the funeral parlor would be a set that i wanna see you know what i wanna double deep double white casket with some you know paul bear and you know old school undertaker like i that's what i wanna funeral parlor.
I don't think it's going to be an accessory for the ring to answer his first question just because that would limit Mattel's customer base to people that already got the first round of it. I think that's going to be a one-off. I don't think we're going to see anything else to build off of the new Gen release.
I think I think you may be onto something with the like the interview set thing. Piper's Pit is one that's come up a lot. I think Jax did a Piper's Pit figure set, if I'm not mistaken. I could see that. Obviously, we just got a brand new Legends. Roddy Piper, he's coming back out with the the new retro set. So Roddy Piper is clearly on the minds of the creators over at Mattel. For me personally, I'd love to see Brother Love with the Brother Love figure, you know, the Brother Love interview set.
with the brother love figure i think would be awesome um action figure attack has said that he's not a big fan of doing like first time in the line figures as part of Mattel creations but anything's possible so i would go with a brother love set with brother love for my pick for the next um Mattel creations how about you Marco dang he has took all the all the coins geez um let's see
Trying to think. I mean, you'd have to do like the, definitely the barbershop, right? Oh yeah. For sure. The barbershop set with the breakaway window. Obviously not a real window, but like one that you could like piece together if you need to, something like that. Come with the, obviously we know Marty's probably persona non grata with WWE and Mattel right now.
the Shawn for another one of my picks for like a new look, I would love to get the heel turn Shawn with the black pants and the black leather jacket with no shirt. Yeah, you do the you do the ue Shawn and the ue Brutus and Barbara beefcake. And you know, maybe just so a generic figure in there just, you know, to take place of Marty and I'll be very good to throw the other the way Jordan.
So like Seth said, I don't think they'll do anything to add to the ring just cause man, me and Seth talked about this every week while this was going on and how much of a struggle it was to get it over the hump to get this funded. Um, I just don't feel like they're going to do like another, um, $250 thing obviously. Cause I mean, it took a lot for them to get it over the hump. Um, but what about like, uh, like a nineties manager, like four pack or something like you get slick, uh,
You just get all the managers from the 90s I think that would be really cool from there to do that and that's a way for Seth to get his figure that he wants But I just think that would be a cool way to do it because I mean the managers just don't get released regularly So a four pack or something of 90s managers would be really cool. I think oh, yeah
All right. And that wraps up our listener mail for this evening. All right. Sheena, remind the listeners where they can find you on social media. All right. Before we do our trivia, you can find me on Instagram at Chick Foley, Marco running the Twitter machine at Chick Foley show. Join our Foley fam for all the fun. We don't just do fitness over there. So if you're worried, we're going to make you eat broccoli and stuff. I know we talked about that
a lot. We do a lot of figure talk and a lot of, you know, wrestling related stuff as well. So no, so no worries there if you're not into the, to the healthy lifestyle gimmick, but find us at chick Foley reminder use code chick Foley to save 10% at and use code PF 10 to save 10% on all your
chalk line purchases. All right, I'm up. I'm going to try to get another record setting streak. She has really been burning us with these trivia questions since we started back in the fall. I got the record with three straight, which is really nothing impressive at all. You know, Goldberg's not really shaking on his boots on a three straight streak. So I'm going to try to get it going to start 2022. She and I hit me with your best shot.
At WrestleMania 11, the urn was stolen from Paul Bearer by... Too easy. Comma. This cream fighting machine. I got that figure on display up in the market right now. Not only did he steal it, he melted it down and turned it into a giant gold chain. So that's one. That is one. I'm going for 10 straight, man. That's my goal. That was a good...
That was a freaking T-ball hit right there. It's the first week of the year. I'm trying to send the people home happy. You're welcome, Seth. All right. The first episode of 2022 is in the books. We're on the march to 200 episodes of the Chick Foley show. Sheena, you got any closing thoughts for the listeners?
No words of inspiration, but I just want to say how much it just brings me joy, how pissed off Jordan and Marco are that you got that question, right? She's been hitting him with burners. I think Marco's last question was like, who was the number 14 entrant in the 1993 Royal Rumble or something? Yeah, guys, just remember, everybody hates heel husband.