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95 Plays10 months ago

The crew enter the door to find Walter after he had been taken. Who else is there to help them other than Zekrom himself.

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Dakota as the PM, DM, GM

Evelyn as Hikaru Hatsumi the Pikachu

Eli as Bruce Flameback the Cyndaquil

Shawn as Sammy Pepperoni the Munchlax

Jake as Walter the Riolu


Introductions and Preferences

Hello everyone and welcome to a Pastor Time. I am Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM, and saying to my left is somebody whose favorite Pokémon is Sprigotito. It's me, Evelyn, and to my left is someone whose least favorite Pokémon is Sprigotito.
Yeah, sure. It's me, Eli.

Irish Folk Songs and Memories

And sitting across from me is someone who's trying to memorize as many Irish folk songs as they can. I am definitely doing that. Hi, it's me, Sean.
okay hold on one second that is so weird that you said that because i've actually had an irish song stuck in my head for the past couple days have you guys heard of john kanakawa it's a really good song it's like an iris it's not like a shanty exactly but it's an irish song um
There is. I suggest you go listen to the song Spotify. It's really good. But I've been like listening to a lot of Irish music lately for some reason. And the one song that's been stuck on my head is John Kanakawa. And it's a really good song.

Debate: Looney Tunes vs. SpongeBob

But I just said what's funny that you mentioned Irish folk songs has actually been listening to a lot of Irish folk music lately. Yeah, I heard a song once when I was in like summer camp.
Um, and, and somebody just started like singing it on the bus and it went, you know, I misheard it. I thought it was, it was like, row, row the rattling bug. And I thought it was rattling bug. Um, and then I, and then I thought I heard the bug died in the valley. Oh, let me tell you, it's not that way down in the valley. Oh, I know the one you're talking about at my camp. We sing it as rare bug rattling bug.
but apparently the more common version is Oh-Ho Ratlinbog. You have a singing camp? It wasn't a singing camp, it was a regular summer camp. Yeah, summer camp with campfire songs. Oh, okay. Yeah, it was like at my camp and I was like, wait, what camp? Well, I worked at a Cub Scout camp for a few years in high school.

Recap: Previous Episode Highlights

A lot of the counselors at my camp were British, so I suppose maybe this person was Irish maybe?
Yeah. The reason I wanted to bring up John Kanakawa, and the reason it's stuck in my head, is you guys know the song, I don't remember what it's called. It goes like, do your ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Yeah. So I'm pretty sure that song originated from John Kanakawa, because in the background of that music, is that exact song? There's a fiddle part in the background of the entire song that's just that.
and i don't know how old john kanaka was because i just discovered it like last week but i'm pretty sure that song originated from the irish folk song which i just stumbled upon i'm guessing they just share a common tune because i don't know it is exact no i seems to go listen it is exact i don't think the uh dear ears hang low is the original lyrics to that tune it's oh that's the one i that's the one i knew from going up i don't think so but
So this is a weird core memory for me. It's like watching baby Looney Tunes, and they would play that song during one of the between episode parts. I don't think I've ever watched Looney Tunes. I mean, obviously I know of Looney Tunes. I don't think I've ever watched that. You've never watched Looney Tunes at all? I could excuse baby Looney Tunes, because that's one thing. You've never seen Looney Tunes at all.
I grew up on the original Spongebob. You watch your mouth, Spongebob is the greatest show ever. Better than Looney Tunes. Spongebob? That is a take that we do not have time to deal with right now. We'll deal with that later. The show does not support this opinion.
Exactly. Well, Evelyn, Evelyn, Jesus, Eli has a good point. We don't have time for this anymore because we have to move on. It's going on way too long. So, what is the next part? The recap. Oh, yeah, the recap. Guys, roll me a D4. I need to put my D4. I rolled a one. I got my number. You know what? I was actually prepared to have my dice out for once.
Two. Rolled a three. Three, Evelyn? Two. Ah, sweet. All right, Evelyn, you're doing the recap because I also rolled a two. Oh, OK. We finally don't have any ties. Evelyn, do you remember the last episode? Yeah.
Yeah, so we started off in the tunnel and we were in, we were exploring the, not exploring the tunnel, following the footsteps in the tunnel to investigate the robbery, the fact that we had been mugged before. And we came across a door on the opposite side of the track. And we all wanted to, me, Hikaru,
Bruce, Sammy, and Walter all wanted to investigate the door. And actually just Walter went across first and he didn't touch the third rail. Lucky him.
And he was able to get into the, well, he, he like knocked on the room door. Um, and there was a voice from behind the room, um, demanding that he hand over what, 396 Boca burgers. Was that it? Yeah, it was very weirdly specific. A weirdly specific number of Boca McGriddles. And, um, yeah. And he, well, he.
didn't get in that way but he actually spotted a tracker a worker coming down the track um and like took that worker's id that worker also happened to be a riolu and walter took his id card and pretended that he was the worker and got in but then he like um the pokemon on the other side of the door i believe was a zangus
And he fought the Zangoose, and the Zangoose won. They both treat each other, and Riolu was knocked out immediately. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think that Riolu has a name, by the way. I mean, I don't know. We lost him, so who knows now? Wow. Sean does not care about Walter. I didn't even want to look at this door. I said, let's keep going. Let's just ignore the door. And he's like, nah.
door yeah that is Walter's logic right there so the rest of us went across tried to cross the tracks and um um sean singed himself on the third rail but didn't get knocked out and who's who sends themselves on the rail that's acceptable honestly i rolled to die it's fine
No, it was Sammy, not Shawn. I know that stuff's on the floor. Sammy, oops. Right. Yep. And we eventually all got across to where the door was. And we somehow beat down the door. It had a certain, it had like 100 HP or something. And we attacked the door. And then it just opened on its own.
because it was unlocked the whole time. Good, but you missed one thing. What did I miss? You thundershocked the door and sent us back into the train tracks when the train was coming at us. Oh, no. That's right. I did that, huh? Sammy and Bruce were tackling the door, and he thundershocked it. She was like. And zapped us. And took away half of Bruce's health.
I'm down to like 11 HP. I'm sorry. Yeah, I didn't think Sammy was that low, but oh, because he got hit by the rail twice. I got hit on the rail the first time. And then the Thunder Shock. Yeah. Makes sense. I think, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Evelyn, sorry, not Evelyn. Excuse me, I'm not down to 11 HP. I recycled my Oran Berry to the point where I rehealed.

Game Strategy and Banter

Oh god, I forgot about that. He regurgitated his own hornberry. Sean, I have purged that from my memory. Thank you for reminding me. Did you fix that recycle order? Because I can still... Yeah, recycle works once per long rest. There you go. Thank you. Why did I want that? We are not having infinite regurgitation berries ever again.
You're the one that made it gross. That's all I'm saying. How was I supposed to word that? Oh my goodness. It does magically appear again in his fur.
The the effect says your held item is restored. So I just boom I got another one All right, so that's a pretty good synopsis I think with that we can grass cut on in waves grass cut grass leaf blade leaf blade That's a move late on in we're not even talking about the fact that Jake's not here. Oh, yeah Oh
If they haven't noticed that by now in our intros, and a certain person not being here, that's all we have. Wow. I criticized Sean for not caring about Walter, but good grief, I completely forgot our entire colorist isn't here. So you guys might notice that Walter is, oh my goodness, why can't I get names straight ever? You guys may notice that Jake, yeah, that's his name. Jake who plays Walter is not here.
Yeah, so the human that is Jake, who plays the Pokémon Walter, is not in fact in this recording. The reason for that, well, if you had heard the very ending, the aftershow of the last episode, which by the way, the co-hosts have not heard, so they do not know what that is.
Not yet. You will know a couple things. One, there are actually two players submitted characters that were introduced during that segment. One, which was Abyss the Umbreon, who was submitted by Curtis Blackheart. I never got a chance to give credit, so you guys don't know anything, trust me. And the other one is Brie the Umbreon.
who was submitted by PureLipheon, which might sound familiar because my username is PureLipheon. PureLipheon just so happens to be my sister. So there you go. Do we have a PureLipheon? Not in the Discord server, but she submitted it to me through Facebook Messenger. OK. So yeah. And I made a sort of, maybe. I guess we'll see.
And yeah, Jake's not here because obviously, well, ending of last episode, I can't spell that out because co-hosts haven't heard that yet. So I think with that, we can get on with this episode and we can actually leave.
not leaf cut oh my goodness i made the same mistake again let's leaf blade on in i think i think you were uh trying to combine grass nut and leaf blade the first time or just though or just cut like that cuts a move yeah it cut is a move grass cut cut there should just there should be a move just called cut grass
Did you know back in gen 3 you could cut the grass with cut? I thought that was still a thing. Like obviously not in the 3D games but like up till gen 6 I would say. Because I knew that was a thing if you used cut it removed one and there was a specific move that removed like a three by three square. I don't remember what that was. But there were like a whole bunch of moves that have like out of battle effect like sweet scent which I think increases the chance of rare pokemon spawning. Oh you're just going right into a battle.
Oh, is that what it is? Okay. It just guarantees your next move. Okay. Gotcha. Yeah. I don't remember what the sweet scent gave you a whore battle. Oh yeah. That's what I remember from. Yeah. Cause that was a really good way to like find shinies. I think was a sweet sensing.
Remember what it's called. But uh, yeah, right so into the episode I'm gonna give you guys this opportunity now before you guys actually head in to either heal yourselves or get yourselves prepared For whatever is going to be coming up. So whatever you guys want to do whatever you guys want to discuss Walter was just taken into a vigor into the room a vigor Roth had him slung over his back it rushed into
Zankers, I'm sorry. I should remember that. Yeah, I

New Characters and Nostalgia

was like No, no, no, you're right You're gonna keep hinting towards events is a lot of guys So yes, you know, you're right It's not right about that
Oh my goodness, guys, it's a Zangus. And I should remember that because of reasons I will get into later. Right. So if you I did not hear what you said. I said that one's also a player submitted character. It is. But I was going to bring that up later when his name was actually introduced. But now that you mentioned that, I might as well say it anyway. I was going to win. Well, no, you mentioned the last episode, but you just didn't give us a name.
Yes, because the name wasn't used. So the name, which I guess I'll use now, is it's Xerox the Zangoose, who was submitted by Curtis Blackheart on our Discord. If you want to submit a character, go to our Discord. We're taking any and all suggestions. I've got a whole list here that I'm using. Guys, we've really got to save Walter. I'm really worried about him. Does anyone have an Oranberry for me? An Oranberry? Let me see.
How much of a health are you at, Bruce? I'm like halfway dead right now. Bruce, I can give you an Oranberry, but I just kind of recycled it a bunch of times, so I don't know if you really want it. Yeah, maybe not that one. Wait. All I really got is this Oranberry and a chest-o-berry. So are you sleepy? I can give it to you. Yeah, I don't think a chest-o-berry is going to help.
i was hoping i could save this citrus berry for a more desperate time but there might not be a more desperate time anytime soon so maybe you can go back to the station and take a long nap and then we'll see in a little bit
Yeah, I think I'm just gonna eat this citrus berry, and we should probably all go in there together. We don't know what we're gonna find. Yeah, that's a good idea. Arm and arm together, ready to kick some booty. Alright, the citrus berry is D20 plus 10 HP, so go ahead and roll. Oh my gosh, that's great. That is wild.
yeah i really think so just right so you heal four plus ten is 14 yeah i'm guessing we can't go over max health with a citrus fairy no so i'm just fully healed all right i'm back to my full health of a nice good 21 all right um so before we start or continue we just opened the door how long has it been since water went in and us opening the door
So let me give a recap of what exactly happened in the last couple seconds leading up to this moment. So what happened is the zangus, I keep wanting to say vigoroth, I got, the zangus knocked out Walter. They had a little cacophony, but that's not the right word. That is not it.
A scuffle? It's a scuffle. Yeah, they had a scuffle and the scuffle ended not well for Walter. So Walter ended up fainting and Zangush picked up Walter, slung him over his back and kicked the door behind him. But because the door was an old timey, like you need a giant key to lock it, lock it latched, but you can't lock it. It doesn't automatically lock. So it was unlocked the whole time.
You guys continue to attack it, it opened, and that is where we left off. It opened, you guys were about to enter, and that's where we left. So they are not in like 10 seconds. So, but they're not like- I would say it's been about a minute. I would say it's been about a minute. But we cannot see them from where we're standing. See what? We cannot see Walter or the Zangoos from where we're standing. They're gone. No, I'm going to say it's been about a minute since Walter disappeared.
Well, they can't be too far away. Is there anyone near the door? The door is open. You see it go forward about 10 feet and it turns sharply to the right. You cannot see around the bed. Okay, I just need to know what the room looked like, I guess. Nope, it looks black. You can see some faded light coming through barely, but it's just a dark hallway. Are there any other paths?
Alright, since it's kinda dark, one of you needs to illuminate a little light around us, but don't give us away, right? We need to see where we're going. I'm just gonna turn around and light up my back flames. See if I can light up the hallway. Are you walking backwards or using your back as a flashlight? Basically. Both. I don't know.
Keeping you guys away from the flames, but also like cautiously illuminating the hallway. Yeah. So as you do that, you can basically see what I already described. There's not much else to see. You see the hallway that turned sharply to the right, but you can see the wall is made of stone. The same kind of stone that surrounds you. Thanks, Bruce. Yeah, I don't. I think we don't want to shine our lights too brightly.
And I'm not eager to try using Flash again. It took a lot out of me. Wait, what? You tried using Flash? Yeah. Yeah, remember in the first episode? When we first went into the dark tunnel. Oh, two episodes ago. No, I do not remember that. Yeah. Yeah. I know what you mean by episodes though, Sammy. Making it seem like we're in some kind of show or something. Yeah, I don't know what that means either.
you know sometimes i feel like life is just one big tv show or like a serialized drama i don't know something on the radio something i don't know okay so what do you want us to do to ekara we went over this movies exist we've seen movies well you guys could try and i don't know proceed cautiously nah i'm gonna proceed unconsciously
All right, everyone is proceeding cautiously except for Sammy, who is purposefully proceeding unconsciously. Sammy just races down the hallway and gets jumped by whoever and taken away. Just one cry down the hallway for Walter! For Walter! All right, Bruce, walk up. Bruce, you're probably gonna walk a little bit ahead of us. Sammy, what are you doing?
I don't think that actually happened. I'll be in the middle. Hey Carl, you'll be in back so you can come and illuminate the back with your face.
Well, hang on. I don't want to accidentally shock you guys, so it's good if I stay in the back. Wait, now, shouldn't Bruce be in back? That way he can just walk normally.

Navigating the Game Environment

And then he can't look at me in front. Yeah, but my light isn't adding anything. I don't think even Bruce's light is giving us much more visibility. There's not much else to see in this tunnel.
Bruce's light is giving you a decent amount of light, not like a full torch. It's adequate. You guys can see the hallway. The light coming off of Hikaru's face is dim at best. Okay, so we're gonna stick with the plan we got. Okay, so yeah. I also don't want us to, like, if we shine too brightly, we might get seen by enemies. Right, fair enough.
So as you guys head down the hallway, you go down the hallway, you see a couple doors on the right, a couple doors on the left. But ahead of you, you can see the hallway empties into a brightly lit room with a fire, with a couple of Pokemon sitting around the table. Can we see who they are? Can we see what's in the room? Go ahead. If you want to look inside the doors, that will require a...
Yeah, if you want to peek inside the doors, you can. But if you want to identify the other Pokemon, that will require an in-perception check. I ain't going anywhere near these doors. The last time we checked, to look through a door, go into a door, something bad happened. We lost a friend. I'm not touching these doors. This episode will be labeled the door two. Oh, no. The door function. Oh, no. You stand up more doors. You stand closest to the door. Can you say that again? Sorry.
Who's standing closest to the door? Whoever was first in line wouldn't cover it for me. Which door? You said there's a door on both sides. Yes. It's kind of like almost, I don't know how I subscribe, but as you go down, the doors are directly across from each other, as you go down the hallway. But there are two sets of doors. Like prison cells, perhaps? Not prison cells, no, they are wooden doors with like some windows, some small windows up near the top. Yeah. So are we even taller to see in the windows?
Yeah, if you guys want to look through the windows you guys can I don't want you dying out here What's your mom?
Uh, that would be the end of the hallway, which is directly ahead. There is no door, just a hallway opening into a room. Should we roll that perception check on both sides of us? Yeah. Someone willing a perception to identify Pokemoner. I heard five from Sean. What is your, is that a five total?
Yeah, I don't have anything. Okay. With a five, you can see two Pokemon sitting at the table. That is all you can see from this distance. How many Pokemon? I can't find my stats. Oh, there it is. Okay, I got an eight. Alright, with an eight, you also see there are just two Pokemon sitting at the table. Is Evelyn gonna do a roll as well?
I thought I wasn't, I thought I was at the back of the line. Fair enough. Uh, so that is what you guys see. Okay. Do you want to come up here? We, we see two Pokemon up at that table near the fire, but we can't quite tell who they are. Do you want to see if you can figure it out?

Speakeasy Negotiations and Interactions

Yeah. Let me try. Let me try to take a look at them. As opposed to what else?
night vision that's from war he said a four nobody sees him the unluckiest number so with a four you see one pokemon sitting at a table i see one i'm at a bad angle yep there's one pokemon sitting at that table okay there's two there's no pokemon then are you maybe one last time get your eyes checked
no no no i just need to get a better view i'm i can't see both of them my bad that was very mean to me i'm sorry about that no no you're good i just got a bad roll sammy told me not to go near the doors so you don't have to listen to him he's not your mom yeah i guess
Bruce is gonna, like, start walking forwards and then go look in, like, the second to last door on the right. Okay, as you do so, I need you to roll stealth. Which is, uh, the cool? Cool, I think? Yeah. Why do I never have these pulled up? Uh, yeah, that would be cool. Um... I don't suppose you'd mind giving me any kind of advantage on this, would you? Do you have a good reason for me to?
I turn down my flames before I do so. You're not getting advantage. What did you roll? I rolled a nat 1. So as you walk forward, you trip forward and smack your face on the wooden door, taking one point of damage.
Hello everyone, I'm Dakota, here to thank you for listening to our episode. Our show comes out every other week, Sunday morning. Go follow us on Instagram, at PMDPathortime, at Twitter, at PMDPathortime, that's the roof's pedal for you, and our Discord, where you can receive updates on the show, talk to us and give us ideas, such as the question of the episode submissions.
Speaking of which, this week our submission comes in from Sean and he asks, what branch did the military defense serve in? He served in the military. He's a war veteran from some war that is not canonical to the story yet, so maybe we'll figure that out down in a while.
With that out of the way, in this episode, you might have actually heard my cat a few times, especially in the later episode, the later parts of this episode. Um, it's really hard for me to edit out because it happens like when I'm speaking, so I can't really like edit it out. So sorry about that. But my cat was being very feisty when we were working. I was really hoping it wouldn't pick up. But anyway, now I must thank the producers for this episode. Thank you for fireplace on ambience by Jaunas on YouTube and
Underground pipes themes from Paper Mario 64 and that is all so back to the chaos
The two Pokemon in the room quickly turn around holding glasses of unknown liquids and they see you and they're like, ugh. And they're like, squirtier, they're eyes eating. And one of them, which you can, the other two can now see is a pan seer, pan seer. That makes sure I got the right one. And he looks at you guys, he's like, hey, you guys seem to be a little bit young to be in here. How come, how come Zarek's let you guys in?
What do you hold on one second one one of you says you just became new recruits to something I don't know and one of you says you're following your friends in here when you guys are the first ones in here other than zerik's you just took that guy over there I'm assuming that's your friend
Well, she didn't seem too friendly about it. Well, judgmental about the fact that that guy was fainted, you know, and, uh, Zarek's gonna let you happy. I'm gonna take a good old guess and say that you guys are not supposed to be here. He says crack in his knuckles. He's not the brightest of guys. He just came, he knocked on the door, and we told him not to, but we followed him, and we were worried, because he got stolen, or something. We just wanted to know if he was okay, and, uh,
Well, to be fair, he did say we were new recruits. You just want to rule it, and how you're possible to recruit. That's probably me. Yeah, new recruits of what? What are we doing here, man? I don't know. What is this, like a gang? You guys said you guys were new recruits. You guys don't even know what your recruits of. If you can't tell me what your recruits of, then... Well, like, what are you doing here? What are you doing here? I want to know what's going on over here. What do you think I'm doing here? I don't know. You didn't tell me anything.
Yeah, why would I? You guys clearly are not supposed to be here. Me? No! I'm drinking here. Of course I don't work here. So this is like a bar or something?
As you look around, you can see people around the room, now that you guys are close enough, you see people playing cards on one side of the table, you can see a drink bar on one side of the table, and yes, you can very well tell that this is, in fact, a speakeasy. Now that Dakota knows what a speakeasy is. Yeah, because someone told me last time. A speakeasy, huh?
What's the drinking age of the Alcast region? Yeah, what's the drinking age? It's 21. Dang. It can't be the European age of 18, could it?
nope and it couldn't be germany's 16 years old either although i don't think it was very dark i haven't actually got a chance to look around i didn't really know what this place was but now that i'm seeing can i go play a game of pool over there with dogs i'd love to play dogs he like he like looks at you and like sharply cocks his head like what you guys i don't really need 21 to play dogs bro yeah you need to be 21 to you know what actually forever i think you only have to be 18 to gamble oh yeah
Hmm. Well, some kind of identification that you guys are 18 and maybe just maybe I'll let you be in here under supervision. Cool. I show him my ID. OK, that's fine. Yeah. All right. We're all eight. Yeah, sure. Yeah, sure. I'm going to say you guys have like ideas. I don't see why not. Whether that's why I was going to say school, but you guys probably are school senior badges.
Yeah. Whatever. No, I'm just gonna say you guys had IDs. I actually don't know what age you normally get an ID because when I was 10, I got a military ID. At least Takaro and Sammy have jobs, so they have to have IDs.
uh yeah sure okay i'm just going for simplicity i'm gonna say you guys have ideas so you guys hand over the ideas and he's like hmm yeah they seem legit to me i mean i don't even know why i'm doing this this isn't my job to i do you guys but you know whatever and he hands you guys back your ideas like all right but no drinks and i don't even want a drink
Unless you got like juice or something. You got like berry juice or is it only fermented? You got the stamp ready and from behind the bar you see a Lucario pouring drinks and he picks up a classic stamp and he gives it to the pan seer who walks over and he's like, alright let me see your guys' hands. Okay. We put out our hands. And he stamps all of your guys' hands with red X's.
And it says minor. With Xs. No, not minor. Not minor. Sorry. No, you're right. Because you guys are 18. It's just a red X. So you guys all have red Xs now, and you guys have admission to be in the speakeasy. And the pants here says, all right, going to be keeping an eye on you guys. They're no funny business. No one can get around, if you will.
This... you guys are not of legal drinking age. What do you... I... It doesn't matter if you work here or not. Alright, whatever. Thank you very much for helping us... for helping us get in. Yeah, sorry, I gotta upload that page. That's far too fine. You know, that's fine. You're very nice, you know. I have a lot of stools to tell. And... We'll go with that. And he, uh... Hey, one more thing before you go. What? He says turn it around. I see it already sat down again. You don't have to get up. Can I just get a fist bump?
Uh, yeah, sure. All right, roll for fist bump. Flat D20. 19. 19. Oh, he rolls a five. So you give the Crispus high five and you hit his fist and it's just the squishiest fist he's ever felt. You guys go play some cards or whatever. Nice. You've got, you've got red Sammy.
Yeah, boy, I got us in. I got, you know, I told you it would be fine. Yeah. Cool. All right. So now that you guys are in the room, what you see around you is a large fire on one end of the room. And there's some people on one end of the room playing cards. There's a bar being run by Lucario, who doesn't seem to be very talkative at the moment. There are two people sitting at the bar, a pan seer and a pan pour. And yeah, there's like numerous cables around, but most of them are empty.
Oh, and I should add on the other side of the room is a hallway leading into the back. Were the monkeys, the two Pokemon we saw from the hallway? Yes. Oh, wait. Are we in the room at the end of the hallway, or are we in the room on the side of the room at the end of the hallway? Yeah. Oh, okay. So we're by the fire. So the monkeys are the two Pokemon we saw from the hallway.
Yes. Oh, OK. So I guess Bruce is just going to go over to them then and be like, so what can you can you tell us anything about the real Luke that was being carried by? We're kind of worried about him. Who are you asking? If they're both sitting at the table, I guess both of them, they just sort of went to the table. So are you standing between them or are you like sitting at the bar? We can't sit at the bar.
Yeah, no, are you not at the bar? I was gonna say I'm pretty sure you can be at the bar. You just can't work I mean we can be at the bar. I just don't trust them Yeah They were just like sitting across from each other at a table with No, they're sitting up at the bar. Oh Well, and I guess he goes like yeah
Like between the two of them to ask both of them? Well, they're sitting right next to each other, so. Yeah, he can get in between them. He can just be really close. OK, OK, OK. OK, so yeah, OK, that's a visual. And if they're sitting at the bar. OK, I gotcha. So they both look back to you and they're like, oh, the panseer once again looks at you and the panpore also looks at you. But the panseer says, why would I know anything about him? He's just going to drag towards the back. I don't know.
Do you think we could go back there and check it out? Probably not. I don't exactly know what's back there, but I Don't think the owner would want to talk with you Trust me. You don't want to talk to the owner and the pan poor pipes up. She's like, yeah She's uh, she could be real nasty if you together her backside. So uh, don't do that
maybe we can talk to uh talk to the bartender same is same is gonna like ask the two monkeys is just you guys is it just a tool you hear isn't there usually like a third green monkey that kind of you know i think there's like you know there's usually like a red monkey a blue one and a green one that's like a thing right uh that's awfully rexist of you to say but um but now that you've mentioned it
Now that you've mentioned it, yes. Jared is at the temple right now, so he wasn't able to make it, no. I do apologize. I didn't mean that to come out like that. I just, you know. Oh, I figured as much. That's why I didn't really take offense at her, I think. You know, I'm real sorry. Let me make up. What's your name? My name is Sprogatito.
You've been such a big help of course, yeah Yeah, of course as long as you don't get my bad side. I don't really care what you do.
And he's like, well, I have a good one. I'm getting back

Lucario's Escape Plans and Dreams

to this. And he festers towards his drink. Sprigotito turns back to drink his Tito's vodka. Yes, he sure does. So I guess he currently wanted to go talk to the bartender then? Sure, we'll do that. Yeah, I want to see if I can if I can buy a couple berries off of them.
You want to buy some berries off of them? Maybe. Are you are you asking that to be a bartender? Not yet. No, I'm just doing some exposition. Yeah. Hey, um, excuse me, Mr. Mr. Where Mrs. Bartender. Yeah, the Lucario looks at you like. You can call me. What's my name again?
My name is, uh... My name is Zekrom. What? Zekrom. Zekrom the Lucario. It is. All right. Does Bard just build a Pokemon name with other Pokemon names? And Zekrom isn't even supposed to exist. Nobody knows about Zekrom. It's a made-up name, I guess.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, my name is made up. Trust me. It doesn't mean anything. Don't look into it. Please don't. It doesn't mean anything. Don't look into it. Okay. Anyway, what do you want? Yeah. I was wondering if you have any extra berries that I could buy. He like blinks at you. He's like, do you know where you are, miss?
Yeah, I know but you know sometimes like I mean I've never I've never had any drinks at a bar before but you know my understanding from talking to some older kids is that you can get you know you can get drinks with berries in them so I figured that you might have berries.
Yeah, but you'll have to buy the drink, but I can't sell you the drink. So the answer to that is new. You can buy some fries and burgers. Yeah, that's what we sell. Fries and Boca burgers. Boca fries and burgers. At the moment, at the mention of fries and burgers, Sammy's eyes just want a real wine. I'm not terribly hungry right now, but I was actually, could you, could I, could I get a non-alcoholic drink? Like, I don't know what they call it.
uh i'm not sure we got um hold on i got this uh we got coffee
Coffee! Alright. I literally couldn't think of a Pokemon Eyes version of a soda. I was just about to ask Zekrom if they were okay, or ask the party if they wanted to walk away from Zekrom.
Well, one time I was just above board. One time I was able to get, they have a lot of drinks that are like non-alcoholic versions of common alcoholic cocktails. Like one time. Oh, actually, now that they say we actually do have something, we sell Bloody Marys, but we do have non-alcoholized versions, and it's just called blood. So if you guys want, I can sell you some tomato berry juice. It's really bad, but if you really want that,
Tomato berries are very spicy. I don't have a problem with it. I drink it if you don't want it. But at the same time, why is it just named blood and not just Mary? Um, because that's the first thing that came to my mind. You see, I'm the one who names these here and, uh, uh, they are, uh, I swear I know how to speak.
You know what, Zekom? You seem like a really cool person. You got a really nice job. You get to make all these drinks and serve all these cool customers. That's really cool. Can I get a fist pump from you as well? No. I... You know what? That's where you have those big old spikes on your back of your hand. That's probably what hurt. Sorry about that.
That's not that I don't know if I have the energy to Move my arms anymore. You see this is my 25th hour on the job and Finally get my one-hour sleep break You should try to negotiate some better Hours here if I did that she'd probably kill me and
You might want to consider a better job. How old do you have to be to work here? 21, I think. I was going to offer to take your place, but I don't know. I hear Flameback Enterprises is hiring right now. Well, let's see if you can find a better job. Well, you see, the family business that I'm currently involved in is not exactly what you would call safe.
In fact, it's what you would kind of call illegal. He whispers underneath his breath. Oh, I know a thing I told about it. I eat all the pizzas at my family's pizza all the time, and they don't even know. So we'll make a pizza, and I'll eat five or six slices out of it before we send it away. Hold on a second. Wait, what? You're like, hold on a second. We're going to back that train up. Hold on.
So hold on, when Sammy makes pizzas for like- You ever see like online where people will like make a pizza and then like cut a whole slice out and then squish it back together? It's just what I was thinking of. It's just that but literally half the pizza is gone and it's like every other eighth slice of pizza is just missing.
So what we do is like, they'll order a large pizza and they'll deliver to them and they'll be like, hey, you know, here's your small pizza. And they're like, oh, I did order a small pizza. Here you go. Here's your small pizza. So do you serve it to them with no crust or do you like take a circle out of the middle?
what like a slice or two i think i said five but that's an exaggeration so yeah if you cut like us to make a large pizza into a small pizza you have to like cut all the outside out right so there's no crust
so do you just serve it to them with no crust or do you do the inverse when you take out the center he takes like he just takes like a quarter of the pizza out of the middle like how he just like cuts the middle out and then smushes the tube head you just like cut a line of pizza middle out yeah you like it hold on you scoop out you scoop out the middle and just stretch no you take the pizza cutter
Yeah, do a line, a line, and you take that piece out, and then you put the rest of the pizza together. Oh, that's right. I couldn't say that with a straight face. Oh, my God. Wow, that sounds so complicated. It's not complicated. You just take a straight pizza out and then push the rest together. Why can't I say that with a straight face? Why can't I say that with a straight face? Or half the pizza sometimes. Oh, my God. Oh, the crap. I'm hungry.
Oh, I know before you move past it, but you take a circle out of the center. No, not a circle. Not a circle. Just a strip. You make two straight lines through the pizza. Yeah. And then you take that strip out. Oh, I see. You mean. Yeah. No, not a plus sign. I like a.
Oh? Is there like another circle in the middle? Forget about circles. No circles. The pizza's not cut. When you're cutting the pizza, you do one straight line in the middle and then another straight line next to it and then you pull that strip out.
I see. Okay, so it leaves an oval. I thought you were going to do that, but in both directions, vertical and horizontal. No. No. Two vertical lines, and then you take that strip out, and then you smudge the pizzas. The question is, does Sammy serve square pizzas? Because that would be much easier to do if they were square pizzas. It depends on the occasion. It doesn't even matter. As long as your lines are equidistant from the center, it still becomes another circle when you push it together.
I love this. I love this so much. Okay, now we've got the riveting discussion of stretching and altering keeps us out of the way. Let's get back to the bar. So you guys are like having this whole discussion and like the Lucario is trying to bite and he's like, uh, uh,
Wait, we weren't discussing this amongst the party. I just told him, hey, I get it. I take a little bit of heat zap before I deliver it. And that's kind of illegal. Sorry, I was no. OK, that's fine. But I was just like imagining that, like you said, hey, I do something illegal. And like you and them have like this whole discussion. OK, that's fine. So yeah, you say that you tell. So crap. We've broken in.
You have broken me. I didn't think it was that hard to understand. I'm glad Eli was on the same page. Sorry. Sorry. I got the image of you stretching pizza. At least one of us knew what the videos that Sean was talking about were like. Hold on. Give me a second. I've got to take my hoodie off. I think I remember seeing this in the amazing world of gumball, but Richard got a job at a pizza place and did the same exact thing. What's the amazing world of gumball?
Okay, let's go out of character. I'm not answering that question unless you actually need it. Yes. All right, out of character, whatever. So, uh, is that wrong? Let's back you guys. And he's like,
So, I mean, do you have a safe way for me to get out of this? Because, well, getting in is already difficult enough, but getting out with your life is not easy to say the least. Well, you ever hear a thing called the Witness Protection Program? Or the Gale Beach Investigation Team? The Gavitt? Nope.
Well, so there's ways where you can get an entirely new identity. Your old identity is just gone. They get you a new identity. You won't even be Zekron anymore. It goes somewhere else. And then there won't be able to find you. That actually sounds amazing. I have an idea for a new

Assistance from Lucario and Strategies

name. I think they'll come up with something silly and call you like Reshiram or something. I don't know. No! Oh my goodness, that's where I was going to call myself. No way! Same brain.
Holy crap, that's a completely made-up name. Don't look into it at all, but that was a completely unrelated to my current name. Completely. Ah. Like, if you want to do something even crazy, go with, like, Zygarde. It's close to what you have, but even silly. Oh, Zygarde. Oh, I should call myself Zygarde Alpha. And it has nothing to do with any current topics at all. I don't know what he's talking about. Anyhoo.
right so uh how do i um what i got a question for you um yeah are you currently like what what what's the nature of your unemployment is it like at will are you in a union
Well, judging by the fact that, and he holds his hand behind his, his mouth behind his hand and he's like, it's kind of like the mob that I'm dealing with here. I'm gonna say there's no union here. So it doesn't really at will either. I would say, no. You don't really feel forced into the, into the...
Well I joined when I was I was about to say 18 but that's a lie. I joined when I was 21 and a day because I needed employment and I sound like I'm 50 years old but that's just because I've gotten like eight hours of sleep over the last month. I thought you were just like getting smoking or something.
no no that was my uh dad he smoked a light and he sounded something like this hey guys i'm a heavy smoker don't stand up like me uh and that's what he sounds like you know i think i think i think you sound your dad sounds like someone i knew in a non-canon event
Oh no, holy crap. Wait, hold on. That was Lucario too. Oh I oh my goodness Uh, so yeah, he's like, yeah, did you know my dad his name was Roger? You know that name does sound familiar I'm not sure why but that sounds familiar. Wow was that unintended? That was so weird. Oh my gosh
Yeah, I had a really weird dream where there was a Roger, and my- Something about a Belle, and it was a mud camp bear. Some of my friends barely made it out with their lives. I don't really remember it. I think I died after we threw out. I think I dodged. Sorry. Did we both have the same dream, Sammy? You know, maybe. It might have been a movie we all watched during a sleepover. I don't know.
Maybe we all fell asleep in the middle of the movie and then dreamt ourselves as the characters in the movie. That sounds very likely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like there was one guy that I didn't even know there. There was one guy who was like a like a mud fish or whatever. He was there. He was I didn't even know he was cool. Wow.
Yeah, it was a movie about this thing called Christmas that I've never heard of. If you guys are going to make improved title, it has to be Pokemonized. I love how derailed we've brought this. We have made no progress. We run into the bar. Hey, we're talking to somebody.
Yeah, just because they're talking to someone doesn't mean that it's progress. Well, we're talking to somebody who could possibly help us. You know, guys, hang on, I gotta quit waiting. I think we're getting off topic here, guys. We're getting out of the mob.
It's not really our problem. This guy's got his own life to live, you know. We gotta find Walter. We don't know where our friend is. Hey, Zekram, have you seen, um... I smell like Dog Guy, with like, um... He's a real, he's your pre-volved form. Oh yeah!
you're you're like you're like okay yeah so so he's like so is that Grom the Lucario looks at you he's like
I have a deal for you guys. I think I know what happened to, uh, I don't know his name, I almost said his name, uh, the real Lou, uh, and if you guys help me get out of this situation here, uh, I might be able to help you guys.
But I will warn you, going where I think they went is not exactly the best way to end your life. So I suggest you don't, but you could just leave if you really wanted to. I got an idea. It's probably not likely. What moves do you know? Do you know a substitute? Because he probably just popped in a substitute and just walked away. I know Aura Sphere. I know Flash Cannon.
uh meteor mash and uh extreme speed if there's a fight coming up you could probably help us out a good you see i'm extremely extremely tired and i don't know if fighting's really my thing right now but if it comes to it i'll uh i'll help you i guess what would some what would some boca burgers help wake you up
not in the slightest what I need is some like sleep smelling salts or some like extra coffee or like a super coffee or like a wake up slap does anyone know wake up slap here or like maybe a I have an idea for a new drink we could sell it's called monster energy monster energy pocket monster energy I like that name
That's a good name. Or or or or rock and roll a energy. No. Rock and star. Oh, I think you're thinking of a rock, a rock star me. Oh, yeah. Right. Star me energy drink or or mountain. Not no long gone. Not my life. Do you want? Not do I like not to do it?
Is that the brand you can get from that one store or the other one? That's the one you can get at Taco Elemental Bell. What about Wailmer Mart?
Well, yeah, that's where you buy Wellmers. Oh wait. No, that's not where you buy. That means something completely different in this universe. That's where you buy walls. It's a store where you buy nothing but walls. And anyway, where are we?
Why are we oh, yes monster pocket monster energy or super coffee or Like a thousand cigarettes would be great right about now. Well, yeah Yeah, well, unfortunately my dad is like in a snowy place like a billion miles away and Don't I pretty sure he bought the entire supply of cigarettes in the entire outcast rhythm. So
No. Well, Zekrom, could we possibly buy you out of your job? We don't have a lot of money. You think we can bribe them? Yeah. Do you have like 100,000 poke? 100,000? Is that what you need? No, but I know where you might be able to get 100,000 for working for a couple years.
I if you're gonna bribe her you're gonna need more than pocket change to bribe her you see this is not So what if we go back to that new identity thing? How do you feel about moving away somewhere? How does your boss feel about Volcan McRiddles because we got plenty of Volcan McRiddles?
Yeah, see, I really wanna do that. I don't know why I've never heard of that before, but I need Ada here, and I could just straight up leave, but I feel like I owe you guys a favor. So if you guys want help finding your, I'm just gonna call him your friend. I'm pretty sure that's who you guys are here for. I really should be keeping my voice down, but I'm not, and I don't really care anymore. I can help you guys with that if you want. Okay, I mean,
We could totally help you get a new identity if that's what you want and you don't mind moving to a place that's a decent bit far away. Well let me tell you, for a friend that we're gonna go find, his mom at the police commissioner. Wait, what? Out of character too, wait what? That's what he said to Zanguis when he was trying to open the door.
Well either way you're gonna have to roll a deception roll because you are lying to someone but if you want to if you want to say that I'll give you an advantage because he is extremely tired I got a nat 20
okay so he's like oh my goodness sign me up now uh yep let's go and he like just hops over he bolts over the bar he's like all right i'm on it i'm not awake but i'm willing to do what it uh takes cool zekrom added to party all right
yeah Walter has been replaced what do you think would happen if we had Hikaru use like a thunder shock or something on a cup of coffee think you would energize it anymore make it I think it would explode everywhere
Speaking as an electric type Pokemon, I think I know a little bit about how electricity

Mystery Room and Cliffhanger

works. I don't think that's how it works. I love the idea though. Yeah, you guys have a fire type here and you guys are pointing towards the electric type of your party to create heat.
Oh, I thought you were oh, I thought you were just making the coffee like extra hot She's got that Spock man, she can give you that energy if it yeah give it that extra little energy boost I mean you can try it no guarantees that will work
I'm gonna attempt to use it at disadvantage though I'm gonna say okay hold on I need to actually concrete figure out how that works because if I give you if I let you to attempt any move with disadvantage it might as well just be in your learn slot which makes your learn saw just an infinite volume of moves
So if you're going to attempt a move you haven't used before, one, you're going to need an excuse to know exactly what that move does. And two, I'm going to make you roll double disadvantage because it's, you know, even less than a move that would be in your move slot, your learn slot. Yeah, I feel like it's one of the... Nuzzle is one of the moves the Pikachu can start with. Is it? Yeah, I just didn't put it in. So she can move two to it.
Well, she doesn't have it on her sheet right now, so I'm gonna say she does not in fact have Nuzle. I feel like that's something you could use the fifth slot for, right? Like you could put in a move that you could have learned before in it.
No, it's for moves you gain from level up. They first go in your learn slot and then once you fully learn it, it can take over one of your other moves. Or you can keep in your learn slot and just keep that disadvantage until you decide to put it in your move slot. You cannot pick up previous moves and put them in your learn slot.
Dang, that was cool. So if you want to try and use a controlled Thunder Shock, the way it works is you can, if you want to fail a roll, you can just by verbally saying so. But if you do so, I will... How would I make that work? You can choose to make it not very strong, but if you want it to be stronger, then you'll have to roll for it.
It's kind of like earlier when Bruce chose to not have his ability to work. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I can choose to make it weak? Yes. You can choose to make it weak. Okay. So if I could do a really weak Thunder Shock that is more like a Nuzzle? Sure. Go for it. Roll.
accuracy with advantage because he's a still target but there's still stuff we're not trying to use it on him I just had that as an idea for like super energizing the coffee to try to make oh okay are you gonna try and use it are you gonna try and use it on the coffee that was my idea I don't know if it's totally down for trying but I can give it a shot okay real accuracy
Alright, here we go on the coffee. I got a 12. There's a visible pot of coffee on the bar. For simplicity's sake. I got a 12 and I think I needed to beat a 6.
Okay, so yeah, you definitely hit the pot of coffee. The glass just explodes everywhere, and the coffee is sitting in a puddle on the bar, but the little puddle that is sitting there is sparking. Constantly. Oh, jeez. Oh, no. Yeah, I knew this wasn't gonna work. Well, I'm a lot of ideas. I don't really know what else we can do. Hey, guys, why don't we just move on?
Yeah. We'll help you clean up the mess on the way out. I don't work here anymore, so I don't really care. Oh, yeah. Don't not work here currently yet. Yeah. Anyway, let's go. I'm assuming we're going to go find your dude, right? That's the plan. Well, he's in the back, isn't he? All right. Yeah, I believe. We're going to bring someone who works here into the back with us. What we can do is you can hold us hostage and make it look like it's like it is.
I think before we go before we go starting fights with people I think we should uh I think you should sleep um I can take over I can cover the next four hours of your shift if you want and then maybe that is a terrible idea I already offered to take his job you know
Uh, that is a terrible idea. If, uh, Mistress comes in to relieve me in less than an hour for my break, then, uh, uh, and she, she, she sees me or to sleeping. I may not ever wake up. Okay. Well, we gotta find a way for you to, you know, Yeah, it's called, let's just go through the back already. Let's go. All right, we'll do it.
Yep, I'm tired of waiting around and exploding coffee pots. So I take it you guys are all heading towards the back? Yeah. Yes. We must cause minor destruction everywhere we go. You really do. Break a door. Let house on fire. That one was a minor. So as you guys head towards the back, as you guys enter the back,
Breaking pots of coffee as you go. You guys head towards the back and in the back there is a room with an iron door. No! But you can see the door is slightly ajar. Oh good.
I'm gonna tag door also has the door also has a window with bars on it All right, roll. Do you want to roll for accuracy? It's right in front of me roll damage What did you roll I know the three plus six is nine I
So what happens is Sammy rushes forwards, trips over Bruce, and all smacks his head on the door, and the door just slightly creaks open. And whatever, or whoever is inside, jumps like, and you hear, I best breathe! Grab him! Run!
No, get the side door that way. This is like one of the one of the Pokemon on the other side. It's like, uh, right. Escape to Hawkeye. Shut up, you. Yep. All right. Here we go. And you hear another Pokemon like, yeah, OK, well, this is.
uh right um and the door slams closed once again i will remind you that the uh door does have a open window like with iron bars i wanna i'm gonna take a look and see who's inside
And as you look inside, you see Walter being hoisted onto the back of an Umbreon, and another Umbreon helping Walter onto its back, completely unconscious. But what else you see is very intriguing. The other Umbreon has glowing blue rings, although he is missing a few of his rings. Missing, 90 Umbreon missing rings. That's interesting. Did you listen to the special episode?
what might intrigue you guys more as players, or the characters, is you see a Glaceon wearing a red bandana. As they dash out to the sand rover. And the three dog-like Pokémon rush out the side, making their escape. With Walter in tow. Oh, Zangush isn't there right now. Just drop Walter off, that's all.
They made their way out through the side. Did they all go out the same way? Yes. You can see there's another hallway to the left. To the left inside the room.
Inside the room, yes. But as the four Pokemon inside the room make their escape, that is where we're going to end this episode with Walter disappearing once and for all. And apparently, according to them, they're heading to Hawkeye. So that is where we will pick up next time. Oh no, I just remembered what Hawkeye was. I thought you were talking about a person. I thought you were talking about a person like that with their name.
Nope. How can I invent this? Yes, you guys don't invent a state. Yes. Right. That makes sense, because birds. Before I forget it, we do have someone who works here who may have a key to this door before we try to go breaking down this door. Well, that is going to have to wait until next episode. I've been Dakota, your PM, your DM, your GM. And I've been Evelyn, playing Hikaru. I've been Eli, playing Bruce.
I've been Sean who played Sammy who regrettably tackled the door. You say played like he died. Sorry. And I've been Sean playing Sammy who regrettably tackled that door and probably shouldn't have. All right. We'll see you guys next time. Have a good one.